#Harry Handling
footballmanageraddict · 4 months
For Sparta! | Part 10 | Spartans' Warrior Spirit Shines
#FM24 #ForSparta Part 10: Spartans' Warrior Spirit Shines. @SpartansFC yet again defied all the odds to take the cinch Championship by storm, only losing 3 times en route to winning the title and reaching the Premiership for the first time! Read here:
The Spartan Army massively upset all the odds to record the best season in club history and reach the Championship playoffs for the first time in 2031. But the challenge now was to build on that improvement and ensure they didn’t suffer a repeat of the relegation in 2029. The Spartans’ summer began with the board deciding to blow £1.6m on new youth facilities – leaving them with £350k in the…
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catragemiau · 7 months
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End-of-Day Debrief
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Puberty is hard … especially if your kid’s a metamorphmagus!
Have a nice Sunday ✨🌻💚
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sleepytownzzz · 2 months
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what does she want me to remember?
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orangepajamas · 8 months
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oldie kim doodle but I love the way I did the shoes in this too much to let it sit in the drafts
Evrart is making them do laps around the plaza or somethin
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atlafan · 1 year
It’s enough to make a girl blush 😳
Fan: no one’s asked me how my head is!
Harry: no one’s asked you how your head is? [gibberish] how is your head?
Fan: Never had any complaints!
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oswinthegeek · 3 months
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‘What is she looking at?’
I haven’t had time to post anything lately, I’m hoping to be more active here in a couple weeks after the play I’m in is over, just a very busy time for me rn.
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superfallingstars · 8 months
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Snapetober Day 3: Path
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Abraxas Malfoy (being an insufferable know-it-all): Actually, it’s not called champagne because it’s not from the French town of champagne. This is just sparkling wine—
Harry: Alright and by that logic you’re not a wanker because you’re not from the French town of Wanquer, so that makes you sparkling fuckwit.
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Tom (to hissing to Harry): I can’t take you anywhere—
Harry (hissing back): It’s not a pussy because it’s not from the French town of Poosay, it’s just a sparkling cunt.
Harry (left) Tom (right):
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soup-of-the-daisies · 6 months
i’m rereading ootp (to my own horror) and like. knowing what happens in that one and the next two books makes that intense, bubbling frustration of being a teenager whose worries are disregarded so much worse.
like, surprise?? the kid whose childhood you’re trying to preserve lost that innate innocence years ago. you want him to be a normal 15 yr old boy but if you keep quiet about the dangers he might not live to see his 16th birthday. and congrats on keeping him safe, i guess—you’ve accidentally ruined the last piece able to tether him to his childhood, but i’m sure those months of torture were worth the farce of normality you craved for him. i don’t think you know that your apologies are like sticking band aids on a fracture. i don’t think you’re aware of how you’re ignoring the breaks, but i’m certain you’re expecting them to heal on their own.
oh, they didn’t? and now you’re treating him like he’s a bubble made of glass, waiting to shatter? but you’re the one to have turned him into that bubble, aren’t you? you’re the one who’s holding him, and it’s not his time yet. not for another two years. and shards of glass dulled with time cannot fell a monster, can they? so please be careful. you still need him. he never asked to be a martyr but he’ll do it because you expect him to; you just need to watch your step because your hands are slicked with guilt, and he’s heavy. he’s struggling. he’ll fall as well, if you let him go now.
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footballmanageraddict · 4 months
For Sparta! | Part 8 | Reid Smashes League 1 Goals Record
#FM24 #ForSparta! Part 8: Reid Smashes League 1 Goals Record. @SpartansFC feel much more comfortable back in tier 3 as, despite being tipped to struggle, they hit the ground running and don't look back led by a deadly strikeforce. Read here:
Relegation is always a bitter pill to swallow. But in the case of The Spartans, it was always likely to come. King Leonidas, never one to get downheartened by a little misfortune, viewed the return to League 1 as an opportunity to realign, strengthen and weed out any bad eggs in his changing room. And he was keen to ensure none of his players “got a grumpy on,” working them harder than ever in…
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cryptiduni · 11 months
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“white mourning.”
#‘‘A white mourning. A modern death. Divorce or something similar. All you can do is put more distance between you & him. make him smaller.’’#jean is a very easy character to hate if you know nothing about him. & you know what they say. easy target doesn’t make for a good practice#judit literally compares harry to intellectually disabled man yet you don’t see ppl hating her because she is outwardly nice.#she’s polite yes but she doesn’t care as much as jean cares for harry#he is not perfect. he is mean. but loyal. if he truly didn't care he wouldn't hab come back to martinaise & coulda just reported harry’s as#he put up with du bois’ bullshit for years and built a toxic (totally straight) relationship with him yet always comes back.#he says he will leave you in the village to die but please understand harry isn't exactly a great person. especially pre-bender hdb.#planned a make up joke & put on a wig for hdb even tho he wasn’t the who started the whole fiasco#you can hate him all you want for leaving harry before & during tribunal but how could he have foreseen all this bullshit would have happen#his second leaving is kinda bullshit writing but#jv is dealing with his own demons too. clinical depression. partner almost died. job is shit. case spiraling out control#i do not blame the DE staff either. sometimes shit just happens. not everything needs a grand explanation.#but it definitely coulda been handled better. but i understand. resources were sparse.#i relate to ​jv. as someone with temper issues & attention problems i have to remove myself from the scene or i'll say shit i'd regret late#my man is having the worst week of his life. leave him alone.#kim is great but have u heard of a man who thinks he's old when he is only 30 & luvs horses & his commie boyfriend that he's divorcin' soon#disco elysium#de fanart#jean vicquemare#disco elysium fanart#jean heron vicquemare#jean posting#illustration#de#artists on tumblr#my art#I WANTED TO DRAW THIS FOR MONTHSSS YOU COULDN'T IMAGINE. HE LITERALLY HAUNTED ME IN MY SLEEP!!!#i love him normal amount. very healthy. much feelings#my little maiu maiu
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therealvinelle · 3 months
if Twilight vampires had compulsion would Edward use it on Bella?
Oh, absolutely, assuming her gift wouldn't fend him off.
He would compell her to forget the truck incident and not think any more about him, only to start worrying about all the ways she might get hurt. This is the man who convinced himself that staying in her bedroom was necessary to protect her from danger: he would compell her to accept the brand new car with terrific safety features some mystery benefactor bought her, and compell Charlie not to question it either. He'd compell her to remember to eat, to stay away from Mike Newton, to keep out of the woods, to walk carefully when it's icy out, he would compell the PE teacher to let her sit out his classes, and on it would go.
Bella would turn into Coppelia, it would be awful.
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harpyface · 3 months
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d&d/wirral au... GO!
featuring wild magic sorcerer harry and artillerist artificer kim
clothing stats below (plus the d&d equivalent) (feat ooh custom kim skills with no context)
+1 Composure (Deception): Blinding with starlight
+2 Electrochemistry (Performance): Shows off your tits *and* thighs
-1 Rhetoric (Investigation): No one makes eye contact with you for some reason
+1 Shivers (Nature): Listen to the forest
-1 Savoir Faire (Performance): Ill-fitting
+1 Inland Empire (Insight): Vivid imagination
+1 Authority (Intimidation): Regal golden pauldrons
-1 Savoir Faire (Acrobatics): Tripping hazard
+1 Inland Empire (Arcana): Uncapped font of magic (your fingers)
+1 Hand/Eye Coordination (Arcana): Perfect aim for your 9mm (your fingers)
+1 Inland Empire (Arcana): A strip of fabric torn from the cosmos
+1 Electrochemistry (Performance): Tall legs
-1 Savoir Faire (Acrobatics): Even taller heels
+2 Perception (Perception): Fixes your hyperopia, somewhat
-1 Authority (Intimidation): Mega bino energy
+1 Reference (History): Evokes a sense of a wizened professor
+1 Kinetic Dressage (Performance): Correct posture
+2 Hand/Eye Coordination (Sleight of Hand): Channel the rifleman's aim
+1 Volta do Mar (Religion): And the poetic resistance to pale
+1 Interfacing (Sleight of Hand): Mechanical thinking
+1 Hand/Eye Coordination (Sleight of Hand): Ammo on hand
+1 Authority (Perception): Adds some height
+1 Forte (Stealth): Tightly strapped to the knee
-1 Mortar (Arcana): Solidly grounded
+1 Hairtrigger (Acrobatics): Know exactly where your weapon is
-1 Airwave (Insight): Warm hands shielded from the world
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radiohead-spiderman · 5 months
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Lily Evans modern au NUMBA TWO🗣️
(Ignore how different she looks from the other image, I have not figured out how to draw her😕)
She’s in James’ Jersey because why not
BONUS: Pandora and Mary’s comment
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Anger management coach: What brings you to the class?
Andromeda: Because I got into a fight with my sister’s boyfriend
Coach: Tell me about this fight, what going on?
Andromeda: He’s a douche lord so I hit him
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