#Hunk Garett
mushed-kid · 5 months
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voltron as textposts etc. 15
(i can’t believe this is part 15, i’ve posted like 151 of these…. wow) (also i’ve made 3 that isn’t posted yet)
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phiixomath · 1 year
04. rest
Lance is giddy when he exits the changing room. He rounds the corner as fast as he can and heads toward the stairwell up to the pool. The bright, blinding white sky comes into view when he lands the uppermost step and he grins.
His feet might feel like they're on fire for the few seconds it takes to reach the water, but it's more than worth it when he flies over the scorching cobblestones and cannonballs into the water. Pidge sits at the edge with their feet in the water and barely has time to turn around and react before they're fully splashed. They sputter and hunch their shoulders, bracing themselves with their eyes shut tight, while Hunk raises himself in his pool bed to wipe off the freezing water when it douses his face.
Lance slowly rises to the surface, loosening his muscles so he leads with the small of his back, then bounces upright when he bobs against the water. He cups his hands around his mouth and loudly whoops, shaking out his hair, and carding his hands through to untangle the curls when he’s done. He sighs contentedly as he takes an appreciative look around and snickers when he catches sight of Hunk giving him an unimpressed look. Lance pulls on a placating smile. He dives under and swims over to Hunk and plants a kiss on his now-wet cheek.
"Hey!" Pidge kicks at the water. Lance purses his lips when they barely make a splash, and their eyes harden in a glare, but he ignores them and tosses his head back. He shuts his eyes and spreads his arms, letting the sun properly warm his skin.
They've been staying on this planet for several days now, but the weather is just as invigorating as the first. After several weeks of nonstop travel in the castleship, attending missions in solely enclosed spaces, barely having time to relax, the team started to lament the lack of exposure to sunlight—the kind that was safe enough to bare their skin to. Finally, on the way to a particularly dangerous mission needing plenty of reconnaissance, they were alerted to a sort of vacation-planet. Lance and Pidge argued it wouldn’t hurt to stop by, especially as it fell on their charted path and, much to everyone’s delight, Allura and Shiro seemed to consider it. They ultimately got on board, agreeing the team needed a moment’s rest, and contacted the local leadership to make arrangements for a short stay. 
While they expected an establishment built to comfort and rejuvenate, they didn’t expect to walk into what was, essentially, a lavish resort. 
It was situated quite a ways from any nearby city and thus was huge, with sprawling walkways, a garden with a variety of wildlife, and an abundance of attractions. None of them had travelled away for a holiday in a long time, and it truly felt like one here, especially as they had free reign to explore, and made sure to. They checked out everything the resort had to offer, but each person quickly found their favourite feature, one they were drawn to in the evenings after they’d sufficiently worked and could take comfort without having to worry about falling behind on research for the upcoming mission. 
These features included—and to no one’s surprise was Lance’s favourite—a pool. Several, actually, and it took an entire afternoon of Lance dragging whoever was free and willing to each and every type available. There was the standard kind, then the lazy river, a wave pool, one that was a mini waterfall somehow, and he and his companions—often Hunk, Keith, and Allura—spent plenty of time at each. 
As it was their last day, everyone was distracted and eager to get away from work. Allura and Shiro also needed time to travel into the city and negotiate the terms of their alliance, and so everyone was dismissed after holding a brief morning check-in. Fortunately for Lance, who thought it was a shame to leave without having visited the last pool, that meant an entire day of lounging and enjoying the breathtaking view that came with the remaining rooftop infinity pool. 
They arrive sometime before noon. The heat paired with the cool water is delicious, and Lance relishes in it, alternating between doing somersaults and testing how long he can hold his breath underwater without Blue. Pidge sits on the side, happy to drench him when he passes by, and Hunk relaxes on the large pool bed with a fizzy drink in his hand, making the others laugh by cracking jokes that become even funnier from the heat-induced euphoria. Pidge watches in amusement as Lance gleefully splashes around. He asks for stunts to perform and they oblige. Hunk crosses his hands under his head and smiles as Lance’s kicks and tricks ripple out and gently rock his pool bed. They play games, time his laps, cheer when he bests his previous record of staying underwater, and soak up the sun until it’s right on top of them and even Lance decides the heat’s too harsh. 
The three of them retire to the pool chairs. Lance teases Pidge when they’re too short to reach the lever and expand the pool umbrellas. They stick their tongue out at him then quickly sprawl out over the only other pool chair, smirking at Hunk. Hunk lifts his sunglasses and his smile falls when Lance grins conspiratorially and frantically towels off, removes his shoes, and curls up beside Hunk before he can protest. He winds an arm across his chest and pulls himself closer. He ignores Hunk when he groans out of habit but truthfully finds himself extremely comfortable. Lance requests Pidge take a picture and they do, plenty of times, guaranteeing they’ve taken the most unflattering angles. Hunk snorts once he sees them but soon his eyelids grow heavy and, after checking to confirm the shades are obscuring them from direct heat, he lets them close. He falls asleep, head resting atop Lance’s. 
“Hunk.” A shake of his shoulder. “Hunk, you gotta get up.” He wakes slowly, blinking off the last vestiges of sleep to a very bemused Keith. 
“Hey,” he murmurs. “What… time is it?” He sits up and takes stock of his surroundings: the much darker sky, Lance fully glued to his side with one leg thrown over him, which is perplexing since that might have been the best, most restful nap of his life. Pidge is passed out with their glasses still on and their limbs hanging off the pool chair. “Holy shit.” 
“It’s like, 4:00.” 
Hunk raises his eyebrows, clearing his sleep-dry throat. “Where were you man? We didn’t see you the entire day.” 
 “I went to my room after breakfast. I guess I missed Lance’s text when I was taking a shower, but went downstairs a bit later thinking you guys would join me for lunch. You didn’t, but then Allura and Shiro called so Coran and I thought we should go look.” He rests his hands on his hips. “I just spent the past couple hours checking everywhere—why are there so many pools?”
“I’m sorry, dude. There’s like, twelve.” Hunk frowns. “Wait, why did Allura and Shiro call?”
“It’s gonna be an early start tomorrow so they thought we should pack and get to bed. I just finished packing and helping Coran take my stuff to the castleship, thought I should let you know in case we decide to leave.”
“I should probably get my stuff together, too.” Hunk coaxes himself out of Lance’s grip then looks down at him, still asleep. 
“And Lance?” 
Hunk takes a deep breath in consideration. “Let him sleep some more, he really tired himself out earlier.” He adds with a fond laugh, “I’ll take care of his stuff and I’ll meet you upstairs.” Keith nods. Hunk quickly tugs on his shoes and stands up. He pulls a shirt over his swim gear as he goes over to wake Pidge. They stir, but refuse to open their eyes or budge until he offers a piggyback ride. 
Hunk gives them a look but caves right away. “Get on,” he says with a sigh and they instantly crack their eyes open and jump onto his back. They bury their head in his neck and close their eyes again and Hunk smiles. “See you, Keith.” 
“See you.” 
Keith lingers by Lance’s pool chair, unsure what to do. He eventually sits down on the pool chair beside him, observing the way the pleasant breeze ruffles his curls over his sun-kissed, newly-freckled skin. He knows it’s his heart speaking, but Lance looks positively ethereal under the oncoming twilight sky. 
He leans against the back of the pool chair but freezes when Lance, lacking the Hunk he was cuddling earlier, latches onto him. Keith adjusts so Lance is less awkwardly holding him and more wrapping himself around Keith’s waist. He seems peaceful, taking steady deep breaths, but it becomes evident he’s cold when he violently shivers. Keith feels a bit guilty for not having noticed so he swifty pulls off his jacket. It's cheesy, but he drapes it over Lance anyway. He covers Lance fully so he can sleep without any problems, then makes sure not to jostle him in the process of carefully pulling his legs onto the chair so he can lie down, too. 
Keith takes a deep breath and watches the sun as it begins to set. The resort lights slowly flicker on, shifting between shades of purple that accompany the darkening blue sky. The earlier, sweltering heat gives way to a gentle breeze and Keith leans away to see out from under the pool umbrella. When he does, he stills.
He knows they’re quite far from any cities, the reason why Allura and Shiro still aren’t back yet, but had forgotten what wonders that does for the evening sky; the distance from any significant light pollution means the planet’s moon and stars are easily visible, even several hours before dusk. Keith gets lost in tracing them, in the feeling of seeing dozens in sparkling clusters rather than being among and up close, traveling for days to find one as bright as the ones he can make out now. He leans away even more to see if he can find any more, when he feels Lance move. 
He waits for Lance to get his bearings then speaks. 
“Lance. Hi.” Keith cracks a small smile and Lance’s eyes widen. 
“Keith?” The poor boy seems so disoriented, Keith can’t help finding it adorable, but he winces in sympathy when Lance almost scrambles off the narrow chair trying to get up.
“Woah, are you okay?” 
“I—” Lance braces a hand on the back of the chair. “I’m fine. What’re you doing here? Where are Hunk and Pidge?”
“They went upstairs to pack. Allura and Shiro called to say we’re most likely leaving earlier than we thought.”
“Why? Did something happen?” Lance makes to remove Keith’s jacket then reddens when he realises what it is. “Oh my God,” he whispers under his breath.
“Nothing.” Lance breathes and Keith raises an eyebrow. Lance avoids his gaze and quickly stands and starts gathering his things. “But why didn’t you guys wake me up?” Keith shrugs.
“Hunk said you were really tired.”
“Obviously, but—okay, what did Allura and Shiro say?” 
“What do you mean? About why we’re leaving early?”
“I don’t know, they didn’t say.” Lance sighs. 
He looks away forlornly and Keith follows his sight toward the rippling pool, the skyline that meets its edge like it’s the horizon. 
“We can stay a bit longer,” he says without thinking. “It didn’t sound like an emergency, they probably just wanted to get ahead of the curve.” Lance chews on his lip, considering. “Do you wanna stay a bit longer?” Keith openly asks this time. His voice lowers without him realising and Lance looks back at him. 
A smile slowly spreads across his face and he nods. Keith grins back and Lance rushes toward the pool, doing an enthusiastic flip. Keith jumps in after him and the cold shock of water is exhilarating. Lance swims to him, coming up so close their noses brush, and makes him gasp just as he’s about to regain his breath. He doesn’t draw away and instead reaches out to push away the stray hair plastered to Keith’s cheeks, stopping and searching Keith’s face with a mystified expression. 
“Wanna race?” 
“Yeah.” Keith manages. Lance smiles and they take off toward the edge of the pool. 
They end up staying late enough to catch the sun set. The sky’s left so full of stars they forget about racing entirely, craning their necks up to watch them twinkle. It’s surreal; the pool isn’t lit, and so the starry sky reflects in Lance’s eyes as well as the surface of the water, like it’s one endless depth and Keith wishes he could hit pause and fall into it. 
“I don’t want to leave.” Lance says, eyes transfixed on the sky. “You’re gonna have to be the one to break it to Shiro and Allura. Tell them I live here now, even if that means I’m all by myself.” 
“You won’t be.” Lance looks back at him and, even if Keith said it without thinking, he finds that he agrees. Though he quickly adds, “They won’t trust you to be by yourself.”
"Excuse me?" 
"They'll probably force me to stay with you."
"I would." Keith smirks. "Just as long as we get separate rooms, you have no idea how much of a blanket hog you are."
"Jacket hog," Lance says, a smile pulling at his lips. 
"Right." Keith rolls his eyes fondly. 
"We have a deal, then." Lance extends his hand and Keith shakes it. Lance suddenly pulls him under and his laugh rings out when Keith resurfaces. He thinks he doesn't mind the water up his nose so long as he hears more of it.
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ursae-minoris-world · 2 years
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Just Hunk being kind to some little alien creature.
[on twitter] [on pillowfort]
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vld-hunk-zine · 2 years
🌻Hunkalicious Preview: Thayvee
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🌻Hunkalicious, a Hunk appreciation zine,’s next preview is for a piece by @thayvee​ showing Hunk and the yellow lion bonding!
Presales for this Hunk zine close in ONE WEEK FROM NOW! This last week is the last chance to preorder a copy of this zine, so make sure to purchase before it’s too late!
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worldly-diversity · 2 years
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@blueblcd ○ 𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕒𝕤𝕜𝕖𝕕 𝕙𝕦𝕟𝕜 ○
        ⤷  『  💋  』
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A small chuckle slipped free as he watched Lance slip into his room. They'd been doing this for a little while now, and he's still amazed the rest of the team hasn't caught on. Well, bar Pidge but that's because she likes watching the hallway footage while she works for some reason and she'd spotted Lance sneaking into his bedroom before. And well, Lance does it sneakily, which means of course she noticed.
"You don't have to be so careful, you know." He hums, patting the spot next to him on the bed before laughing as Lance chooses his lap instead. It's incredible they've gotten this far honestly, he'd never expected their budding crushes to be mutual, or to lead to the comfort they've found themselves in nowadays. And besides, it's a reason to keep living and fighting too.
His arms wrap around Lance comfortably and before he knows it he's been tugged down and pulled into a kiss, smiling warmly as he lets his eyes close and relaxes into it with a contented hum, revelling in the warmth of his boyfriend's body against his own and the comfort of their lips pressed together like this.
It won't last forever, he knows that, which is why he wants to treasure it all the more while they still can.
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ocdeeznut · 4 months
Some character tidbits for my upcoming fic >:3
(Early days, so this is all subject to tweaks and change.)
Lance Mcclain: - 21, recent graduate from the mammalian biology program at Zedtech. California living since he was 10, hobbyist swimmer who loves the heat but can’t take the humidity. Excitable, easy going and readily swept along, he's a fast thinker with a keen, sharp-witted understanding of the world.
Keith Kogane: - 22, part-time mechanic and a sanctuary employee at VOL. Responsible for collection operations and animal/ habitat structure transfer. Not as good with people as he is with cars and cats. Polite and (sometimes) punctual, he comes across quiet but well mannered. Struggles sometimes with being too passionate about the cause - he never knows when to quit.
Takashi Shirogane: - 28, long term employee of VOL and local legend in the West-Texan town he lives in. The man who befriended 'Di', a melanated mountain lion that took a dive in her health when her former sponsor abandoned her. The two have been fast friends for almost 10 years. Keith's Adoptive brother who strives always to not only see the best in people, but to nurture it.
Allura Alfor: 24, successor to her father's sanctuary. Former astrophysics student turned full-time business owner, finance manager and coordinator following a tragedy in her family. She struggles to find time to bond with the animals, and respects that their residing mountain cats simply don't know her well enough to enjoy her company. She leaves the hands-on work to her trusted employees.
Tsuyoshi ‘Hunk' Garett: 20, in his last year of college and currently on a year-long transfer to Massachusetts while he chases an engineering degree. He was Diagnosed late in life with dyscalculia, and possesses the uncanny ability to measure parts and tools down to the half-inch with just his naked eye. Theoretical mathematics is his jam. Sums.. sums are not his jam.
Katie 'Pidge' Holt: 18, gifted student in her last year of high school, aiming for placement in Zedtech's interface programming unit. An aptitude for coding and sums is challenged by her tendency to lose sight of the bigger picture. Met Hunk and Lance on an 'excelling students' tour of the university during their first year, where the work they were doing inspired her to follow her heart, despite her family's reservations about her moving out of state for college.
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strawberriandromeda · 11 months
Characters my OCs would kin
Ophiucha: Rose Quartz/Anthy Himemiya
Aldebaran: Steven Universe/Hunk Garett
Rasalhague: Wirt
Ichthyes: Clancy Gilroy/Greg Universe
Pandora: Princess Bubblegum
Tigerlily: Toph/Mulan
Cetus: Harley Quinn
Avion: Sasuke
Lilith: Homura
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badsongpetey · 2 years
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Finished page 2 of Danger Zone! Woot! Seriously tho, I gotta learn not to put so much on 1 page, I have a headache now lol. The spoken dialog is taken verbatim from the bar scene in Top Gun, and it's so perfect for klance, it's like they just wrote it for them.
Btw, in the movie, Iceman has a pen clipped to his uniform, most likely bc Val Kilmer had some method acting reason for it. Anywho, I came up with a Lancey reason for it -- he just feels the need to be prepared for admirers of his awesomeness who want autographs. v sensible rly xD
Next time: Training and the rivalry begin!
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vlduwuhell · 2 years
Allura: and shiro is the head
Lance, snickering: hehe head…
Hunk: dude… really? C’mon…
Shiro: *letting out a tired sigh to hide his chuckle and running a hand down his face to hide his smile*
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britney62 · 3 years
[on the phone]
Kidnapper: We have taken Hunk.
Pidge: Can I talk to him?
Hunk: Pidge-
Pidge: Where's the fucking remote and my nutella?
Hunk: Check the cupboard, I probably left it there.
Pidge: Okay, text me when you're on your way home. [now talking to the kidnapper:] Keep him as long as you want. *hanging up*
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phiixomath · 1 year
08. sunrise
“So, then—wait.” Lance groans, trying to lift his arm from under Keith’s sleeping head. He chuckles and relents when Keith doesn’t budge and his head simply lolls onto his shoulder. “Shit, can you help me move him? My arm’s falling asleep,” he whispers, making sure not to wake him. Hunk, laying beside him, lifts his head. 
“Whoa, he’s asleep?” 
Lance nods, rubbing his bleary eyes, as Hunk reaches across. He gently lifts Keith’s side and Lance pulls his arm out from under him. He adjusts so he can comfortably curl around his back as he turns to face Hunk with a smile.
“Better?” Hunk lowers his voice.
Lance nods, stifling a yawn with his fist. “What were you saying?” 
Hunk sighs. “Dude. It’s getting late.” He glances back at Keith and then knowingly at Lance. “We should probably sleep, too.”
“No, come on! It’s been so long.”
“You just yawned! You’re gonna fall asleep any second now.”
“Just, like twenty more minutes.” 
“Ugh, fine. Don’t complain when you’re this close to passing out the entire meeting tomorrow.” Hunk grumbles. He sits up to stretch and crack his knuckles. 
“What are you doing?” Lance asks when Hunk pulls aside the covers and stands. 
“I wanna get up for a second, stretch my legs.” Lance hums. He flips onto his stomach so he can watch Hunk. A smile pulls at his lips when Hunk gets his bearings and slides his feet into slippers where he can find them in the dark. He ambles toward the other side of the room and Lance frowns, twisting around to try and see the time on the bedside table’s clock. He squints.
“Hey, can you open the curtains a bit? We need some light in here.” 
“One sec.” Hunk pulls aside the curtain and is immediately accosted by a flood of bright light. “Jesus.” 
He freezes at the same time Lance does, eyes wide as plates. 
“Oh my God.” 
“Shit,” Lance mumbles again. He dissolves into giggles and stuffs his hand in his mouth to prevent his laughter from being heard. Hunk stomps back over to the bed and grabs his shoulders. “I’m sorry!” He wheezes before Hunk has a chance to say anything. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I thought we still had time.” Lance bites back a smile when Hunk almost breaks then quickly regains his composure. 
“We have a meeting in one hour.” He weakly shakes Lance one last time then loosens his hold. He drops back onto the bed and moves Lance’s arm so he can use it as a pillow. Lance grins, stifling another yawn that turns into a laugh when Hunk says, “When Shiro asks, you’re explaining to him the reason all of us are exhausted is because we stayed awake listening to Keith’s theories about alien cryptids then your strongly-opinionated rant on our chant.” 
“Got it.” Lance smiles. He strokes Hunk’s back when he turns to rest his head on Lance’s chest, sandwiching him between himself and Keith. “Goodnight?”
“Goodnight.” Hunk grumbles after a bit. Lance chuckles, ruffling his hair a bit. “Love you.”
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forgot-the-acronym · 4 years
Am I the only one who thought that the Voltron ending was ok
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vld-hunk-zine · 2 years
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💛Hunkalicious, a Hunk appreciation zine, will be closing preorders TOMORROW! Your last chance to grab a copy ends tomorrow!
☀️Hunky-Dory: $7.50
Digital PDF
☀️A Big Hunk of Love: $15
Digital PDF
Physical zine
Full color
30+ pages
Remember that proceeds after the cost of production will be donated to the National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance (NQAPIA)!
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clickabletale · 3 years
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why must he be so pretty..
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harley-style · 4 years
Can anyone help me?
I'm trying to find this Voltron chat fic but I cant remember the title. all I remember from that fic is:
allura gives the paladins these communicators
lance feels bad about himself and self-deprecates and it takes being stuck on a planet with keith for our resident hot head to have fucking enough and tell lance he's amazing. like, word for maybe word, "stop self-deprecating yourself, you little shit" like idk if it was those words exactly but it was along those lines
oh and lotor kidnaps lance and tries to convince him to join him but lance is like nah brah im a loyal hoe
and then uhm keith discovers lance's photo file sets and theres a video of lance and hunk talking and hunk saying that having photos of keith just genuinely smiling are pretty fucking rare
pidge also nearly gets herself killed because lotor has these four badass women (yes, acxa and co) and just about dies from her lesbian bullshit. its great, good for her, she also gets mad at the others for tearing her apart from, and i quote, "her four new wives"
lotor is a literal dickhead here we dont like him
also lance runs away from feelings a lot and keith has to chase him around for a good 3 chapters
the latest chapters is them celebrating christmas though and pidge used ALL of the lights to spell out DEEZ NUTS on the wall.
MATT IS THERE TOO AND HE'S FUCKIBG BLIND AS A BAT WITHOUT HIS GLASSES PIDGE WONT GIVE THEM TO HIM IDK WHY theres also a really funny moment where someone asks him if he knows he's with the right group and matt's reaction is equal to a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
its also shallura so like. its there. allura deadlifted shiro off his feet.
also there was a point where the castle dropped to like freezing temperatures HUNK ALMOST DIED and there was a jacuzzi in the kitchen because apparently alfor was STRESSED AS FUCK and just added whatever he felt like adding to relieve stress....poor dude.
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damare-draws · 5 years
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After seeing Shiro and Adam together, Keith assumes the worst. How hard can it be to find a new partner?
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