#Hwa-jin Na
inkyblinkyarts · 2 years
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Low effort doodles. I was bored and caught up on get schooled again after like a year, weirdly enough- for as odd the beginning was, I'm intrigued. 
also hwajin na so uhhhhh yeah I mean lets be real, we all know what I default to when I dunno what to draw. 
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iris-sistibly · 1 year
Jang Bong-hwan found himself standing in front of Daejojeon Hall. The sky was a hue of orange, yellow and blue. There were people around him, the peculiar thing was they were dressed differently, like how people in his country dressed up during the Joseon dynasty.
His eyes scanned the entire place, deep inside he felt a sense of familiarity, he knew he'd been here before but his mind wanted to make sure that he wasn't imagining things...again. “Royal physician please hurry!” he heard a woman whose voice could probably be heard within the entire area. “Court Lady Choi?” Bong-hwan instantly recognized the voice, and he was right. He knew those people well enough to identify them by just hearing their voices. The middle-aged woman was running towards the hall, behind her was the royal physician who was struggling to keep up with her speed.
Bong-hwan’s brows furrowed, "I'm for real not in modern-day Korea am I?," he thought, then gasped when it finally sank in his mind, “Oh shit!” he immediately checked on himself. His voice hasn’t changed, hair was still short, his physique which he spent so much time at the gym to perfect was still the same, and most importantly, his thing was still hanging down there...safe and sound. Bong-hwan felt relieved, it was good to know that he was still himself, but how did he end up here once more? Did he die? or did he fall into a coma again and his soul traveled back in time?
“You there!” the lady-in-waiting pointed at him which stunned Bong-hwan.
“Me…y-you can see me?”
Lady-in-waiting Choi scoffed, “What are you talking about?! Of course I can see you!”
So he wasn’t just a mere soul or a ghost [thankfully], but why was she acting like she knew him? Come to think of it, not even the guards tried to interrogate him–a man in a strange (modern) clothing who clearly doesn’t live or work in the palace. The only person who was able to confirm his identity was the late Kim Byeong-in and no one else. The queen wouldn't be so reckless to spill the tea to everyone right?
"Don’t just stand there!" Court Lady Choi snapped him out of his thoughts, "The queen is about to give birth!"
Before Bong-hwan could even ask questions or process what the lady had said, the latter suddenly dragged him along with the royal physician. Inside, the agonizing screams of Kim So-yong can be heard in every corridor, perhaps it was an exaggeration but it was loud enough to make everyone fluster.
Bong-hwan recalled the time he found out that the queen was pregnant while he was still inside her body, thankfully he didn’t stay long enough to experience the labor pains and actual childbirth. But nevertheless he felt bad, all throughout his stay the queen shared everything to him, her memories, struggles, pain, happiness…and even love for the people around her, including the king.
Speaking of which, where is Cheoljong?
He knew he survived and successfully ousted the corrupt and greedy officials of his court. But if he traveled back to the time of their child’s birth, then that means it has only been months since he left, probably the same time it has been since fully recovering from coma.
“His majesty has arrived!” someone announced in the midst of the commotion. Everyone made way for the king, with him were Prince Yeongpyeong and Special Director Hong. Poor dude came rushing to Daejojeon Hall still wearing his pj’s…uh…sleeping garments. “My queen! I am here!” His mind was too focused on his wife to notice everyone else. Cheoljong stepped inside as soon as the doors to the queen’s room opened. The royal physician, and some of the queen’s maids followed. Worried about So-yong, Bong-hwan went in to check on her, the queen was drenched in her own sweat, and writhing in pain. Hong-yeon was wiping away her sweat while trying to comfort her, "Please try to take deep breaths, it might help you calm down your majesty," she said while in-tears. She has always had a soft spot for her.
"My queen!" Cheoljong sat beside his wife and held her hand while controlling his emotions.
“My king! It hurts so much!” the queen cried.
“It hurts me to see you in pain my queen, I may never know how hard and excruciating it is to bring another life into the world, but I assure you that I will remain by your side as I have promised.”
The queen smiled in gratitude, who would have thought that they would truly fall deeply in-love with each other, considering that their marriage at first wasn’t exactly a blissful one?
“I am sorry your majesty but you have to step outside while I help the queen deliver the child,” the physician said. Upon hearing that, the queen frantically shook her head, “No! He’s staying here! He’s staying with me!”
“B-But your majesty…”
So-yong glared at him, “Listen royal physician, the king and I made this baby together, and did everything together to prepare for this moment, so we’ll be pushing this child into this world together, do you understand?! Now if you insist on NOT letting him stay, I will skewer you and fry you to a crisp!”
Bong-hwan couldn’t help but smile. Admittedly, So-yong taught him to forgive, to help whenever he can, to have faith, and most of all, he learned to care for the people around him. Meanwhile, he taught her to stand up for herself, to never let anyone dictate or control her, to be confident about herself, and just be the badass/savage queen she was born to be. They have grown so much, and he was proud of them...of her mainly.
The royal physician sighed and gave in, “Very well, Court Lady Choi and Hong-yeon will assist me, the rest of you please wait outside. They did as they were told, but before Bong-hwan stepped out of the room he glanced at the queen, the latter saw him too. Upon realizing who he was, she pointed at him, “You…I’ll deal with you later,” she said as the doors shut.
Bong-hwan kept pacing back and forth, he winced at each time he heard So-yong push as if he was also feeling her pain, and in between she would blurt out random cuss words which she probably picked up from him. “M-My queen you’re gripping my hand too tight, y-you might break my bones!” he heard Cheoljong say.
“Hey! I spent nine whole months carrying your child, and now my womanhood feels like it’s being ripped apart and you dare complain?! I might as well break your fucking bones right now!”
“Your majesty, push!” said the royal physician, So-yong pushed as hard as she could. At the same time, Cheoljong's cries can also be heard.
“Goodness your majesty, I can see the head already!” Court Lady Choi sounded delightful and excited.
“Only the head?!” the king and queen uttered in unison.
“I'm gonna kill you Cheoljong!”
"My baby please make haste!"
Meanwhile, the maids, Prince Yeongpyeong and Special Director Hong also waited outside the room. The prince chuckled while he listened to his little brother suffer the wrath of his wife in the birthing bed, “That’s the queen alright.”
“Good grief, if I’m going to end up like his majesty, I might as well not marry at all,” the king’s bestfriend answered.
“Has a message been sent to the queen’s father already?”
Hong Du-il nodded, “I asked Kim Hwan to personally deliver the message to Kim Mun-geun, the old man would probably bring more gifts for the royal baby.”
“He’s going to be one spoiled child.”
“I don’t think so,” Bong-hwan chimed in. Both men looked at him, “He will be very much loved by the people around him, and he will grow into a fine, intelligent, brave and kind man who will continue his father’s legacy. His parents are good people, they will raise him well.”
Du-il nodded, "Of course they will."
In history, the son of Cheoljong and Cheorin died six months after his birth. But like his father, this child is a fighter, Bong-hwan knew this because he experienced it first hand. While still in the womb, he was faced with life-threatening situations, yet despite all that, he ended up thriving. Bong-hwan had put his faith in Cheoljong once, and he has placed his bet on the right person. The king succeeded in creating his own path, and the odds turned to his favor. If Bong-hwan is to gamble once more, he would go all-in for this child.
He didn’t know how much time had already passed, but all of their anxieties turned into elation when they finally heard the loud wailing of an infant. The maids rejoiced, Bong-hwan and the two other men were relieved. Moments later, the royal physician stepped out of the queen’s room wearing a huge smile on his face, “The queen has safely delivered a healthy little prince!” he announced.
The sun rose to its full glory. On that day, a new life took its first breath into the world, and upon his arrival came a new found hope for a brighter future. And thus, the kingdom rejoiced.
Jang Bong-hwan walked into the queen’s room, full of happiness and excitement. Inside were the young couple with their newborn son, the little boy was sleeping peacefully in his father’s arms, while So-yong leaned against her husband’s shoulder, holding their baby’s tiny hand. It was a beautiful moment, both parents were enamored by the boy’s charm, “He’s a handsome little prince,” Cheoljong said proudly, he then faced his wife, “Thank you my queen.”
“I should be the one thanking you, my king, for always being there for me.”
“In this lifetime and in the afterlife, I will always be with you my love.”
“As am I, now and hereafter...I will never stop loving you.”
The couple moved closer to each other, their lips barely an inch apart, their hearts beating as one. But their intimate moment was interrupted when they finally noticed Bong-hwan's presence. “Hey, how long have you been standing there?” asked So-yong.
“Long enough to witness a cheesy k-drama moment,” Bong-hwan answered, "Congratulations by the way." The queen smiled in response.
“Would you like to hold him?” Cheoljong asked, just like everyone else, he didn’t seem freaked out at all. Bong-hwan looked at Queen Cheorin (Kim So-yong). As if trying to communicate through the mind, he wanted to know what the heck was going on, why do others seem so chill with him being there? He didn’t get any answer, she just let her husband place their child gently in his arms. Bong-hwan took a moment to have a good look at his face, indeed he inherited all of his parents’ best features. "I can already imagine the number of women who would swoon over him," he jested, “Hey kiddo, let me tell you something…the first lesson you need to learn about life is–” he paused, memories of him as the queen suddenly flooded his mind, from the moment he woke up in Cheorin’s body, to meeting the people whom he had grown to love as family, and most importantly, the long and crazy journey that led them to this moment. They've surely come a long way, and it was such an incredible yet humbling experience.
And it made Bong-hwan feel more...alive.
His expression softened, he has always had a fiery personality, but now he seemed to be calmer, “...Is that it's never short of battles, at times you’ll feel afraid, sad or frustrated, there will even come a point when everything seems hopeless. But believe me when I say that no matter how crappy life can be, one way or another, you will always find something or someone worth living and fighting for, so don’t ever give up okay? I’m rooting for you little prince! Fighting!”
The boy’s parents expressed their gratitude as Bong-hwan handed the baby back to his mother.
“I’m really happy to see you, both of you once more,” he said afterwards.
“I never got to say this, but I’m glad you came Jang Bong-hwan, thank you so much…for everything.”
Bong-hwan shrugged, trying to act cool, "Oh no need to thank me, although I...never got the chance to say goodbye to you the last time, sorry about that," he said, “Come to think of it, I wonder if we’ll ever meet again?”
“You will always be a part of me, just as I will always be a part of you, well…all of us actually. Whichever timeline, lifetime, or part of the world we end up in, one way or another, we are bound to meet once more, I sincerely believe in that.”
The queen gestured Hong-yeon to come forward, the maid handed a box to Bong-hwan, “What is this? A parting gift?”
So-yong chuckled, “You can say that.”
Bong-hwan opened the box and inside was a pin, he remembered it very well, it was the same pin he used to carve out that message in the stone by the lake.
“Keep it,” Cheoljong said, “And when we cross paths again, let’s have a drinking game.”
Bong-hwan smiled and nodded, “I’m looking forward to beating you Cheoljong.”
“So am I Bong-hwan, so am I.”
Jang Bong-hwan found himself back in his own room in modern-day Korea the moment he opened his eyes, “What a dream,” he thought. But then, he felt something in his hand, and to his surprise it was the pin the queen gave him. A smile formed on his lips, then he started giggling, and soon enough his laughter filled the entire room, “I am so gonna beat your ass your majesty,” he said. He got out of his bed and got ready for the day, after breakfast he immediately left and drove to the place where it all began. Thankfully, there weren’t many people that day. Bong-hwan knelt in front of the stone by the lake, it had been more than a century since the reign of King Cheoljong and Queen Cheorin, yet it felt good to know that this place still exists until now. He traced his fingers along the writings on the stone, and when no one was looking, Bong-hwan took out the pin, and wrote something:
I came was here for nothing and it was epic
-Jang Bong-hwan
Epilogue (by: Iris)
A/N: This fanfiction is solely based on the show Mr. Queen, and has nothing to do with Korea's history.
I regret not watching the show sooner, it wasn't a light rom-com like I was expecting. Bitch every episode was intense and I enjoyed the roller coaster of emotions this show gave me. This fanfic is one of those that I spent more than a day writing bc I tbh it's just that I'm in that moment when I badly want to write something but I don't fucking know what to write.
I thought about giving Bong-hwan and Cheoljong some moments together, but I wanted Bong-hwan and So-yong to have their moment too. So being the lazy bitch that I am, I just decided to put all three of them together just to make it easier for my brain cells 😜.
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limitlessdaydreamer · 2 years
True education
This is such a special chapter because we finally got Ga Yoon's face reveal!!🥹 It's also confirmed that she's Hwa Jin's girlfriend/fiance/wife and NOT his sister. (Geez I mean, it's been hinted from the start) . And it's also funny that she's the only one who could lay a hand on the OP main character 🤣🤣🤣
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No wonder Hwa Jin fell in love with her. 😌
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binging-asian-dramas · 11 months
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Bo Rah! Deborah. 7
Story: 8
Acting: 10
Chemistry: 10
Comparable to: A Business Proposal (kdrama); Touch Your Heart (kdrama); Yumi’s Cells (kdrama)
So it’s your typical cliché classic romcom with a certain flair to it with a stellar cast. Unfortunately, it does suffer like most dramas do nowadays. It starts out excellent and starts to decline towards the end. I suppose the writers wanted to draw it out more creating more unnecessary angst. Granted I do love angst to my dramas, but when it is inserted towards the end, especially the last two episodes (everything seemed way too bloated in the last one) I tend to get grumpy. Nevertheless the romcom still feels classic, it just depends on how you watch it.
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dilebe06 · 2 years
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My Top Female Characters 2022
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kinhagamer · 2 years
Alquimia das Almas: Segunda temporada - Teorias, conspirações e obsessões e novo Teaser
Alquimia das Almas: Segunda temporada – Teorias, conspirações e obsessões e novo Teaser
Se você terminou a primeira temporada de Alquimia das Almas provavelmente entende meu sentimento. Depois que terminei fiquei obcecada, lendo várias teorias pela internet e vendo alguns vídeos. Algumas teorias fazem sentido outras nem tanto, mas vou colocando aqui mesmo assim e no fim a gente vê o quanto foi certo e o quanto passou muito longe. Então, vamos lá, você termina a primeira temporada,…
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softplots · 6 months
MASTERLIST — female korean names !!
hi sweeties !! there are #50 (FIFTY) female korean names under the cut, they were all taken from kdramas. hope you guys like it !! please like/reblog if you found this useful !!
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Park Se-Hee
In Byuel
Go Yu-Na
Kim San-Ha
Na Joo-Hee
Han Song-Yi
Lee Mi-Yeon
Jung Jung-Won
Shin Ki-Won
Kwon Na-Ra
Ah Mi
Yoon Hee
Heo Soon-sim
Choi Sun-ah
Shin Ki-yoon
Baek Na-hee
Ma Ho-Young
Lee So-Yeon
Lee Hyun-ji
Yoon So-rim
Eun Tae-hee
Seong Mi-do
Ahn Ja-yeong
Hong Chae-ri
Oh Ha-rin
Baek Je-na
Kim Ga-yeon
Son Ae
Eun Ok
Kang Hye-young
Lee Yoo-ri
Choi Dong-joo
Kim Yeong-chae
Jo Hae-In
Bae Doo-rae
Jo Ki-bum
Joo Wol
Yoo Young-joo
Joo Wol
Lee Yoo-jeong
Mo Jae-in
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mizldrizl · 10 months
Funny moments from the Beyond Evil BTSs 1/7
Yeo Jin Goo - Han Joo Won
Choi Dae Hoon - Park Jung Je
Shim Na Yeon - Director
Shin Ha Kyun - Lee Dong Sik
Choi Sung Eun - Yoo Jae Yi
Kim Shin Rok - Oh Ji Hwa
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Yeo Jin Goo: I've never been to a police substation before.
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Yeo Jin Goo: Because I've been a good citizen 🙂
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Yeo Jin Goo (to Choi Dae Hoon): Don't you think spending too much time here--
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Yeo Jin Goo: --has led you make those weird drawings?
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Yeo Jin Goo: Go out and take a walk time to time.
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Shim Na Yeon: What a ruined man you are.
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Choi Dae Hoon: This place feels like a sewer.
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Choi Dae Hoon: One day I'm going to escape to the outer world...
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Choi Dae Hoon: During the filming yesterday, Councilwoman Do--
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Choi Dae Hoon: --was supposed to say "a city of zero crime, Munju," but--
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Shim Na Yeon: --she accidentally said "a city of zero corpse, Munju" 😂
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Caption: Joo Won went in too late and encountered Dong Sik face to face.
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Staff: That could've ended our show with only three episodes 🤣
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Caption: Thank you for watching, apparently this is the last Beyond Evil BTS 😭
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Caption: Big heart for you, Assistant Inspector Lee ❤️
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Shin Ha Kyun: Shhh!
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Shin Ha Kyun: Are we really friends?
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Choi Dae Hoon: Dong Sik only says to Jung Je things like "Leave the room" or--
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Choi Dae Hoon: --"Shhh!"
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Shin Ha Kyun: This is something I do to my dog all the time.
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Shin Ha Kyun: Shhh! Stay!
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Choi Dae Hoon: Woof! 🐶
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Choi Sung Eun: Have you ever been egged?
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Yeo Jin Goo: Egged??
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Yeo Jin Goo: In my life?
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Yeo Jin Goo: No, never...
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Kim Shin Rok: Let me try.
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Caption: (Something's off...)
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Shin Ha Kyun: You've never cuffed someone, have you?
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Caption: Dong Sik teaches her how to cuff step by step.
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junkobato · 1 year
Upcoming Kdrama April 2023 💚
10/4: Paper Moon with Kim Seo Hyung, Lee Chun Hee, Lee Shi Woo. 10 episodes; thriller, mystery, romance. Trailer
12/4: Bora! Deborah with Yoo In Na, Yoon Hyun Min, Joo Sang Wook, Hwang Chan Sung. 14 episodes; rom-com. Trailer
12/4: Stealer: the Treasure Keeper with Joo Won, Lee Joo Woo. 12 episodes; action, mystery, comedy. Trailer
14/4: Queenmaker with Kim Hee Ae, Moon So Ri, Ok Ja Yeon. 12 episodes; political, drama. Trailer
15/4: Doctor Cha with Uhm Jung Hwa, Kim Byung Chul, Min Woo Hyuk. 16 episodes; medical, comedy. Trailer
17/4: Family with Jang Na Ra, Jang Hyuk, Chae Jung An. 12 episodes; action, comedy, thriller. Trailer
26/4: the Good Bad Mother with Lee Do Hyun, Ra Mi Ran, Yoo In Soo, Ahn Eun Jin. 14 episodes; family, life. Trailer
28/4: Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim 3 with Han Suk Kyu, Ahn Hyo Seop, Lee Sung Kyung. 16 episodes; medical, drama. Trailer
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So excited for JangJang couple reunion!!!
Which one are you going to watch? 😆
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glxymd · 18 days
Baeksang Arts Awards.
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Conhecida como uma das maiores premiações da televisão coreana - e contraparte do Globo de Ouro -, o Baeksang Arts Awards é um evento anual realizado na intenção de honrar os melhores do ano e de levar a atenção do público para eles. Além disso, também é uma excelente oportunidade para todos os convidados interagirem e conhecerem novas pessoas - visto que não apenas atores frequentam a cerimônia.
Marcada para acontecer no COEX às 17h do dia 18 de maio, a cerimônia já teve a lista de indicados liberada alguns meses antes e as principais categorias podem ser vistas a seguir:
Melhor Drama: The Good Bad Mother, Moving, Revenant, My Dearest, Daily Dose of Sunshine.
Melhor Atriz: Ra Mi Ran (The Good Bad Mother), Ahn Eun Jin (My Dearest), Uhm Jung Hwa (Doctor Cha), Lee Ha Nee (Knight Flower), Lim Ji Yeon (Lies Hidden in My Garden).
Melhor Ator: Kim Soo Hyun (Queen Of Tears), Ryu Seung Ryong (Moving), Namkoong Min (My Dearest), Yoo Yeon Seok (A Bloody Lucky Day), Im Si Wan (Boyhood).
Melhor Ator Coadjuvante: Ryu Kyung Soo (The Bequeathed), Ahn Jae Hong (Mask Girl), Lee Yi Kyung (Marry My Husband), Lee Hee Joon (A Killer Paradox), Ji Seung Hyun (Goryeo–Khitan War).
Melhor Atriz Coadjuvante: Kang Mal Geum (The Good Bad Mother), Shin Dong Mi (Welcome to Samdal-ri), Yeom Hye Ran (Mask Girl), Lee Jung Eun (A Bloody Lucky Day), Joo Min Kyung (Behind Your Touch).
Melhor Ator Revelação: Kim Yo Han (A Killer Paradox), Lee Si Woo (Boyhood), Lee Shin Ki (The Worst of Evil), Lee Jung Ha (Moving), Lee Jong Won (Knight Flower).
Melhor Nova Atriz: Go Yoon Jung (“Moving”), BIBI (The Worst of Evil), Yoo Na (The Kidnapping Day), Lee Yi Dam (Daily Dose of Sunshine), Lee Han Byul (Mask Girl).
Além das categorias listadas acima, alguns artistas e grupos foram confirmados para se apresentarem entre as revelações dos vencedores das categorias: Invader, CODA, Sweet World, A New Day e IU.
Com previsão para duração de 3h, o evento deve terminar por volta das 20h e conta com uma After Party às 21h na Octagon, uma das maiores baladas de Seoul, que foi fechada exclusivamente para after do evento.
Esse é o nosso segundo evento e alguns de vocês talvez até tenham visto ele ser anunciado na promo do rp! Nós sabemos que ele é meio limitado em participação, então criamos a After Party para que todos possam ir - mesmo que não tenham sido convidados à cerimônia.
Os grupos jogáveis citados (CODA e A New Day) são livres para escolherem a música que tocarão na cerimônia.
Para facilitar na interpretação, tomaremos algumas liberdades quanto aos horários das apresentações: A New Day será o primeiro a tocar às 17:30, seguido da IU às 18h, Invader às 18:30, Sweet World às 19h e CODA às 20h para encerrar a cerimônia. Todos eles tocarão até 10minutos de apresentação.
Aproveitamos também para deixar claro que estamos intercalando os grupos conforme o tipo de evento! Então, não se preocupem que, embora nesse tenha sido apenas a CODA e o SAERU a tocarem, já temos vários outros eventos programados para outros grupos.
Consideramos como vencedores das categorias os mesmos do evento real que aconteceu dia 07/05 desse ano.
Embora nem todos os grupos tenham sido citados entre os grupos que farão apresentação, qualquer integrante dos demais grupos que seja Ator ou Atriz poderá participar da cerimônia - e todos poderão participar da after party. 
Lembrando a todos dos dress codes do evento: para a cerimônia de premiação, o dress code é social chique, algo quase próximo de gala, e deve ser seguido por todos os convidados - salvo somente os que se apresentarão. Para a after party, o dress code é livre - afinal, é uma balada.
Um canal do discord está disponível para todos que quiserem interagir e jogar durante a after party do evento.
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coreancitizen · 1 year
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2022 Year in Review: My Korean drama recommendations
2022 went by so quickly, and I think that's partly because almost every week I had new episodes of shows to look forward to. I'm a bit of a contradiction: I don't have the patience to wait for a new show to be completed so I could binge it, but I (maybe not-so) patiently wait for episodes every week, haha. TBH, I find I'm more invested in a show and its characters when I watch a drama weekly. And there were so many characters worth the investment in 2022: Woo Young Woo, Queen Im Hwa Ryeong, the Oh sisters, Kim Yumi, Jin Do Jun and Jang Uk, to name a few.
I just want to make clear that, as in previous years, this is by no means a list of the best Korean dramas of 2022. These are merely my favorites among the ones I watched that premiered in 2022 (or ended in 2022).
You can find my previous roundups here:
2021: Year in Review 2020: Year in Review
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New season means new love for Kim Yumi (Kim Go Eun) as she begins a romance with co-worker Yoo Babi following her breakup with video game designer Goo Woong. TBH, I wasn't quite sure how I'd feel about the new pairing — I have a soft spot for Ahn Bo Hyun — but Jinyoung charmed me even before the series started. He and Go Eun have a sweet and natural chemistry that made me root for Yumi and Babi, even knowing how the relationship ended in the webtoon. Another thing I love about the series is its portrayal of Yumi's pursuit of her dream to be a writer — from the frustrations of earlier rejections to keeping it positive while faced with criticisms and the satisfaction of another job (book) well done. That shot of her jumping on the bed toward the end of the series was cathartic and the perfect cap to Yumi's growth. (Viki)
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This is NOT Louisa May Alcott's famous novel though it does share some themes and puts sisters at the forefront of the story. The Oh sisters — In Joo, In Kyung and In Hye — just want to live a life not steeped in poverty. So when 2 billion won falls on In Joo's lap, their problems are over, right? Nope. A multitude of troubles arrive as the sisters get entangled with a rich, powerful and corrupt family with a lot of unscrupulous allies. This series got me on the edge of my seat from the very first episode and the thrills and tension never let up until the end. I absolutely love how messy and chaotic the sisters and their relationships with each other are. They love but they also fight, annoy and block each other, LOL! Now please cast Kim Go Eun and Wi Ha Joon in an action comedy series or film and give them the ending on the sunny beaches of Greece that their characters deserve. (Netflix)
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This is the first drama that caught my attention last year, a fantasy with monsters, past lives, immortal love and families. It's the story of how the lives of a man (Lee Jin Wook) who was turned into an immortal monster 600 years ago and a woman (Kwon Na Ra) who has been dying and reincarnating for centuries have been intertwined. The world building is quite interesting and the central mystery keeps you guessing until the very end. Keep an eye out for familiar faces as people from the past emerge in the present. (Netflix)
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This romcom is adorable with a capital A. Shin Ha Ri (Kim Se Jeong) shows up to a blind date pretending to be her best friend and does her best to turn off a potential match by behaving outrageously. It's a schtick she and her chaebol best friend had cooked up a long time ago to discourage suitors. Unfortunately, the blind date turns out to be Kang Tae Moo (Ahn Hyo Seop), the young president of the food company where she works. And even more unfortunately, he's interested and now wants to marry her! Hilarious chaos ensues, abetted by the couple's adorable best friends (the second couple), her zany family and his kdrama-loving grandfather. You'll never look at an archaeopteryx (bird-like dinosaur) the same way again. (Netflix)
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This is a lovely, heartbreaking, oftentimes cathartic drama about people desperate enough to consider taking their own lives and the team of resolute grim reapers who work very hard to prevent their deaths. Comatose Choi Jun Woong (Rowoon) is the newbie in the Risk/Crisis Management Team led by Koo Ryeon (Kim Hee Sun). Lim Ryung Gyu rounds up the team. Head of the Soul Collection Team Park Joong Gil, despite being a fellow grim reaper, is a thorn on the team's side — he has a special animosity for Ryeon that may have something to do with the past. Fortunately, the team has a stalwart supporter in the Jade Emperor (Kim Hae Sook). (Netflix)
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Legal action drama with a touch of comedy is probably the best way to describe this series and it's the perfect leading man vehicle for Ahn Bo Hyun. Do Bae Man passes the bar with basically just a GED and so finds himself unable to find a spot in a decent law firm until he gets an "offer he can't refuse" from corrupt lawyer Yong Moon Go: Serve in the military for five years as a prosecutor and then join his prestigious firm after. The plan is going swimmingly until he crosses paths with another military prosecutor, Cha Woo In (Jo Bo Ah), who is targeting some members of the military brass for revenge after her beloved father's suspicious death. After long-buried secrets begin to emerge, Do Bae Man finds himself reevaluating what it is he really wants to do with his life. (Viki)
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Woo to the Young to the Woo! The series follows Woo Young Woo, a young lawyer on the autism spectrum. She's got a brilliant legal mind, able to see different angles of a case but struggles with day-to-day interactions. Fortunately, she has the people looking out for her, like her dad, her boss/mentor, her law school friend and, of course, the handsome support team member who might just have more than friendship in mind. Park Eun Bin is brilliant as Woo Young Woo, she truly gets you invested in her challenges and triumphs. The legal maneuverings are fairly interesting, especially when they involve a rival law firm and somebody from WYW's past. (Netflix)
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In the land of Daeho, an assassin trapped in a blind woman's weak body encounters a young lord from a powerful family who needs help to unlock his powers. Interesting lead and supporting characters, solid world-building, fantastic sword and sorcery action? I was sold from the very beginning. At the end of the second ep, I was absolutely in love with the feisty Mudeok and her rather bratty young master/pupil Jang Uk who just wants his gate of energy opened so he can do what everybody can — cast spells and use a sword. There's a twist at the end of the 20-episode first season, and I guess your enjoyment of the second season would largely depend on how much you accept the change. But in both seasons, the crown prince remains quite the scene stealer and he's possibly my most favorite character of all. (Netflix)
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A truly female-driven drama — from the queen and the queen dowager down to the concubines and, yes, even the court ladies. The series begins with Queen Hwa Ryeong's biggest problem being the four grand princes' rather relaxed approach to their education, lagging behind the other sons of the king via his numerous scheming concubines. But tragedy strikes and the queen and her sons suddenly find themselves fighting to make sure they don't lose not just their positions but their very lives. Kim Hye Soo makes it so easy to root for the embattled queen who wields her position and her eyebrows skillfully to thwart ministers, concubines and her mother-in-law, the queen dowager. I also love that her sons, the four grand princes, are unlike other royal brothers in sageuks — they are close, affectionate and loyal, leaving the dirty tricks to their half-brothers. This series probably has the most satisfying ending among the ones I watched last year. (Netflix)
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Yoon Hyun Woo is a hard-working, loyal, no-questions-asked employee of the powerful Jin Family, which controls the Soonyang Group. One day, on an overseas errand to retrieve some secret money, he is betrayed by someone in the family and murdered — but promptly finds himself "waking up" in the body of the youngest grandson of the Jins, back in 1987. How, you ask? I finished the series but that part is still unclear. What's clear is how charismatic and believable Song Joong Ki is as the twentysomething investment whiz Do Jun. And what an amazing actor Lee Sung Min, as Soonyang chairman and patriarch Jin Yang Cheol is. The push-pull in their relationship is what made the series work for 15 episodes. Not that the supporting cast members are slackers. This is one of the best ensembles I've ever seen, the actors really working to make these characters ones you'd love to hate. Some of the business stuff might put off viewers but I found the whole thing fascinating and easily understood. I cheered when Do Jun/Hyun Woo used his knowledge of the future as well as his relatives' greed to take pieces of Soonyang. I'm recommending this series but with a caveat: I found the ending a bit of a mess and rather unsatisfactory. BUT the previous 15 episodes are fantastic and definitely worth a watch. (Viki)
Bonus recommendations
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I recently started dipping my toes into Chinese dramas, even though I'm still intimidated by the episode count. "Love Between Fairy and Devil" is sweet and hilarious and has fantastic special effects. (Netflix and Viki)
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But my heart truly belongs to Li Wei and the sixth young prince of Xin State as they figure out family, politics and love as their "New Life Begins." (Viki)
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Last but certainly not the least, "Pachinko," which even though it stars some of the biggest names in Korean entertainment is not considered K-Drama by its creators. Based on Min Jin Lee's critically acclaimed novel, the series — Youn Yuh Jung, Lee Min Ho and Kim Min Ha are key parts of the ensemble — follows the trial and tribulations of a Korean family over four generations. The story begins in Korea, moves to Japan and eventually spreads to the United States. The story is rich and emotional, the direction precise and the acting superb. It has been recognized in a lot of year-end lists and recently won the Critics Choice Award for best foreign language series. (Apple TV +)
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limitlessdaydreamer · 2 years
True education
Lim Han Rim showing everyone that she's not someone who should be taken lightly. Mah girl really looks good wearing blood 👑
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Then goes back to being cute 💅
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katierosefun · 2 years
The hilarious thing about that anon is that joo won can't act for shit. He wears everything on his face and he literally starts shaking when he's overwhelmed with emotions. Has emotional breakdowns and bursts in with his heart first and feet second. He shoulders the crimes of his father and expects dong sik to punish him for it because he thinks he deserves that just for being his son. And even when dong sik asks if he's alright he's genuinely confused because wasn't he supposed to suffer? How is that a cause for concern? So he asks why would you ask me that since you're trauma is the one getting dredged up again. Like he's also not upto his neck with it. He at one point believes that 7 or 9 year old him refused to hold his mother and that's why she "disappeared".
The anon is brushing away guilt like thats a show that portrays guilt in a very soft and loud and wonderful light and how could they even think to completely miss the point.
The last ask have incredible details deconstructing that anon. Virtue signalling is the most harshest light and a false one to shine on joo won especially.
(where's that one post that says "it's my blorbo, Jan" when you need it)
and you're precisely right! joo won can't act for shit, and the only time he does act for shit is when he's completely aligned himself with dong sik, and you know that the second things start to go in motion, he absolutely breaks out of that mask (joo won shouting at han ki hwan remains rent free in my mind).
and you're right: i think guilt is honestly one of . . . the main points of the show? dong sik has some form of intense survivor's guilt (as referenced in how he badly treats himself, all from sleeping without the heat on to going out of his way to help people in a way that no one managed to help his sister), and joo won basically carries around the guilt of geum hwa's death. even in episode 16, dong sik has to sit joo won down and be like, stop using your guilt to go overboard. the whole point of the show, i think, is that your grief and your guilt and your sadness will be absolved at some point, so long as you keep walking with others, and i think it's incredibly disheartening when people somehow . . . completely miss that point. i say this not just as a fan of beyond evil, but also, just like . .. knowing how intentional the writer kim su jin, director shim na yeon, and the whole cast and crew were in creating this show--and i think from at least a writer's perspective, i think there can be something incredibly saddening about pouring your all into something, only to have someone completely ignore your point.
but also, at the end of the day, you're right: they're my blorbo, jan. leave us alone to play and etc etc
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yeoufic · 5 months
hi sasha!! could you recommend some korean names for a Seo Soojin faceclaim? thank you so much for all the help you give!
hi sweet anon!! 💕 here are fifteen names that could possibly fit seo soojin. i hope you'll find what you're looking for; if not, i would gladly look for other options. 🌱
ah-in   |   아인
da-som   |   다솜
doo-na   |   두나
ga-in   |   가인
ga-young   |   가영
ha-neul   |   하늘
ha-ya-na   |   하야나
hee-young   |   희영
jae-yeon   |   재연
jin-mi   |   진미
mi-hyun   |   미현
mi-nah   |   민아
ra-im   |   라임
seung-hwa   |   희영
yoo-rim   |   유림
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stay-tiny2021 · 2 years
Dad!AU NCT Children
These are the children I will write about for each member when writing Dad!AU prompts!
moon taeil
Moon Baek Hyun (문백현)
Moon Eun Ji (문은지)
johnny suh
Seo Young Mi/Grace Suh (서영미)
Seo Min Jae/Daniel Suh (서민재)
lee taeyong
Lee Ji Young (이지영) & Lee Hana (이하나) (identical twins)
nakamoto yuta
Nakamoto Kiyomi (���本清美)
Nakamoto Haruto (中本ハルト)
qian kun
Qian Xiaoli (錢小麗)
Qian Chunhua (錢春華)
kim doyoung
Kim Eun Joo (김은주) & Kim Jun Seo (김준서) (fraternal twins)
chittaphon leechaiyapornkul
Brandon/Boon-Mee Leechaiyapornkul (บุญมี ลี้ชัยพรกุล)
Amelia/Amara Leechaiyapornkul (อมรา ลี้ชัยพรกุล)
jung jaehyun
Jung Jin Sang/Lucas Jung (정진상)
Jung Moon Byeol/Chastity Jung (정문별)
dong sicheng
Dong Mei (董梅)
Dong Chaoxiang (董朝祥)
kim jungwoo
Kim Chan Yeol (김찬열)
Kim Nara (김나라)
mark lee
Lee Hwa Seong/Caleb Lee (이화성)
Lee Sung Hyo/Charisma Lee (이성효)
xiao dejun
Xiao Jinghua (肖景華)
Xiao Bocheng (肖伯承)
wong kunhang
Wong Bojing (黃柏晶)
Wong Zihao (黃子豪)
huang renjun
Huang Meili (黃美麗)
Huang Lihua (黄丽华)
lee jeno
Lee Mi Sun (이미선)
Lee Tae Hoon (이태훈)
lee donghyuck
Lee Yong Sun (이용선)
Lee Ji Soo (이지수)
na jaemin
Na Seul Gi (나슬기)
Na Hye Jin (나혜진)
Na Sun Mi (나선미)
liu yangyang
Carter Liu/Liu Haoxuan (劉浩軒)
Kimberly Liu/Liu Meilian (劉美蓮)
zhong chenle
Zhong Yaozu (鐘耀祖)
Zhong Xiyang (鐘希揚)
Zhong Jiayi (鍾嘉義)
park jisung
Park Young Jae (박영재)
Park Ji Hyo (박지효)
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seulelune · 1 year
prompts & requests
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this <3 means fav <3
harry potter
main characters i can write for — romance —
. severus snape <3
. remus lupin
. ron weasley
. neville longbottom
. seamus finnigan <3
. dean thomas
. fred & george weasley
. charlie weasley (golden trio age) <3
. cedric diggory
. luna lovegood <3
. hermione granger
. ginny weasley
. fluer delacour
. mary macdonald
. marlene mckinnon
side characters i write for — romance —
. justin finch-fletchley <3
. ernie macmillan <3
. anthony goldstein
. colin creevey
hogwarts mystery
. talbott winger <3
. andre egwu
. rowan khanna (mention gender) <3
. ben cooper <3
. charlie weasley (hogwarts day)
. barnaby lee
. penny haywood
empress ki
. seung-nyang
. hong-dan
. yeon-hwa
. taltal <3
. general baekan
. joon-yeong <3
. cheong-san
. wu-jin <3
. su-hyeok
. na-yeon
stranger things
. will byers <3
. steve harrington
. lucas sinclair
. mike wheeler
. johnathan byers
. robin buckley <3
. maxine mayfield <3
. nancy wheeler
. eleven
prompts — choose or comment your own —
. “can we later?”
. “i miss you”
. “i’m not jealous!”
. “you’re so adorable when you’re mad!”
. “are you jealous of me and (insert)?”
. “you could’ve gotten hurt!”
. “don’t you worry, my parents will love you!”
. “i’m don’t like them! i’m in love with you!”
. “why are you staring at me?”
(i ran out of ideas)
you can request lemons too!
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