#I ain’t assuming nothing it’s just nice to see people having fun
onlyzhuyilong · 1 month
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Zhu YiLong with fellow Tiantan jury member & actor Fei Xiang x
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s4pphoiduser · 20 days
i am not beautiful (but i could be)—an unfinished seth gordon character study fic
A/N: i wrote this on the 29th of january, because i'd somehow gotten super attached to seth (and the idea of him i have in my head) eight years after i first read aftg, and i kept thinking i was going to add more but i'm stumped and stuck and still want to put it out anyway so...
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Exy was something strange. Comforting, terrifying. It was the only thing Seth had ever really fought to know, but every day he woke up, he thought maybe it was the day he’d run—leave it behind.
It never was. He kept going back. Passcode, foyer, lounge room, locker room. He diligently—though that could be argued—put on his uniform, he played. He mostly listened to Wymack’s directions, he checked in with Abby when required. There wasn’t much he had in his life, let alone a constant, but there was exy.
First time he’d ever met Wymack, the man had his arms crossed over his chest and he had stared Seth down. Seth had barely kept himself from squirming and he was about ready to just walk out of the goddamn room when Wymack said, “You really could be something, kid, you know that?”
No, he did not know that.
His high school coach, Coach Lester, said he had potential. Whatever the fuck that meant. But high school was nothing. High school was just a playground. University was when exy got real, and Seth didn’t think he’d ever make it all the way there. No, that wasn’t right. He knew he’d never make it there. Not with his grades, not with how fucking poor he was. Coke and adderall could only pay for so much.
People like him didn’t go to university, and they sure as hell didn’t go for sports, sure as hell not for exy. People like him didn’t graduate and be something. Seth Gordon was never meant for greater things.
He’d scoffed. “Sure, mister. Next you’ll say I’ll go pro.”
Wymack had raised an eyebrow. “Don’t think you’ll make it?”
“What, you think otherwise?”
“Sure I do.” A beat. “Mr. Gordon, I’ve got a contract with me and it’s got your name on it. Palmetto State, five years.”
He probably should have turned it down then. Should have said, “Real nice of you, mister, but you don’t want me there. Two weeks in, I’ll be high as balls and when I’m frothing out the mouth after my latest ride on the fun train then you’ll see. I ain’t worth the trouble. You’ll see.”
But that wasn’t what had happened. He thought it through real fast, faster than he ever thought anything else through, faster than his brain worked on the court. He had five siblings, and only two that really meant more than shit-on-the-side-of-the-road to him. Well, technically he had six siblings but he’d figured in that moment that dead ones probably didn’t count when one counted their family. Anyone else would consult their family in such a big decision. He didn’t even know where the fuck Palmetto State was.
He’d figured, Anywhere’s better than here. A beat. Gotta be. …Right?
Wymack already had his hand outstretched, a thin file lightly held between his fingers. “Take your time to read it through.”
Seth had grabbed hold on the other end. You really could be something, kid, you know that?
Seth wasn’t much for trust, he wasn’t idiot enough to buy into things older men like Wymack said. His daddy left when he finally realized the Gordons weren’t worth shit, and when Wymack got that Seth was always going to be a fuck-up before he was anything else, then he’d let him go, too. But he could have this—for now.
Then Wymack had talked some more, but Seth didn’t remember it anymore. Sometimes he thought all the coke and whatever else had finally made their way to his brain. But he remembered this: “Ask your coach to fax it back to me.” Wymack was so sure even then that Seth would sign. Seth was a contrarian at heart and the certainty of Wymack’s tone made him want to tell him to fuck off. That he didn’t know shit, and shouldn’t go around assuming shit.
He went to the shitty convenience store he worked part-time at, bought a pack of cheap cigarettes and went through the file. He didn’t understand what most of it meant but he didn’t think any of it was all that important anyway. PSU would hold the same rules and regulations as any other well-respected educational space. Some words stood out to him: Drugs… prohibited… subject to tests… full-ride… scholarship… Nothing else mattered. He signed his goddamn name on the goddamned dotted line and stuffed the file back into his backpack.
It was getting colder again as the sun set. Seth couldn’t bring himself to go home, though the papers didn’t mean anything had changed. It was only February, and he still had three more months to go. Four, if he counted the one month of summer he’d have to wait until he got to fuck off out of here. He smoked half the pack before he pulled himself together enough to get up and walk home.
His hands had a slight tremble to them as he twisted the knob on the front door, his body shaking with an emotion he couldn’t name. He did his best to swallow it before he entered.
“Where the fuck have you been at.” His mother was never affectionate, but now she was angry. Or something. She was perpetually angry at him now, and he, at her. The anger went round and round in this house, always her yelling at him, and him, yelling back at her. Violent screaming matches were all he’d ever known, and it was easy for him to slip the anger on, to wear it like a second skin. It always came naturally to him, and maybe that was why his mother was always so angry at it—it was the only part of her that she’d manage to pass onto him. Everything else was him, or his father.
“Out,” he sneered, “None of your business.”
“It is as long as you live under my fucking roof!”
It always escalated fast. He was tired today. He had practice, then he had Wymack sprung onto him and a bunch of papers shoved into his hands. He didn’t have the energy to fight her today. Tomorrow, maybe.
When he didn’t respond in words, she took his glare in stride and grinded out menacingly, “I can’t wait for the day you get the fuck outta here.”
Yeah, same. He bared his teeth in a grin. “Soon,” he promised.
He didn’t know if he’d last a year at Palmetto but he didn’t need to. So long as he got a chance to leave all this shit in the dust, it was good enough for him. He’d figure it out. He always had.
May brought with it graduation, and a hot summer. Seth had graduated near the bottom of his class, not that it surprised anyone. None of it mattered anyway, he was already signed to PSU, and he’d be there in less than a month. He had a bus ticket stuffed between his mattress and bed frame, and nobody knew about it. Yet. They’d know when he left with his bags.
Speaking of bags… He hadn’t packed his shit yet. There wasn’t much to be packed, but he was still attached to the meager belongings he owned. He’d take his nice shirts and pants and jeans. All things exy-related would be waiting for him in the locker that said GORDON on it. Exy gear made just for him. For the first time, there was a strange fire lit in him. The flames licked at his heart and he wanted this to work so badly he thought he’d choke on it.
Wymack’s words came back to haunt him again, as they had over the past few months. You really could be something, kid, you know that? No, he couldn’t be anything. He could play but according to his 6-minute Internet browsing, he’d be on PSU’s first ever exy team. And there would be hundreds of collegiate players out there better than him. Wymack was wrong. He wouldn’t ever really amount to anything, but no one ever said he couldn’t give it a shot.
On the 6th of June, he had his two bags ready—one big duffel bag and one moderately-sized suitcase—and his bus ticket burning a hole in the pocket of his cargos.
Justin blinked his big eyes up at Seth. “Where are you going?”
Seth looked at his little brother then. “Out to see the world, kid.”
“Where?” Insistent.
“I’m gonna go play exy in South Carolina,” he told the kid.
“Where’s that?” His brother was eight. Of course he didn’t know where South Carolina was.
“A couple hours away.” He knelt down to kiss the top of his brother’s head. “You be good while I’m gone.”
When Seth pulled away, Justin kept him close with a hand holding tight onto his shirt. “When will you come back?”
Seth didn’t want to lie to the kid. So he said, “I don’t know.” It was the truth. He didn’t think he’d come back for holidays, and he wouldn’t be back in Alabama unless he’d have to play a game in the state. He wouldn’t come back here at all.
Then he left. He had almost made it to the front door when a voice stopped him. “What the fuck are you doing.” His mother rarely asked; she demanded, or said. She didn’t ask. Today was no different.
He set his suitcase by the door. “I’m getting the fuck outta your hair.”
“You ungrateful little—”
“I’m leaving for real,” he said, “Never coming back.”
She scoffed in disbelief. “You won’t make it a week on the streets!” she threatened.
Seth couldn’t understand why. She hated him, and he hated her. She’d named him after his father out of some misplaced love, and when the man left, she couldn’t bear to look at him for a good two weeks and when she finally did, she had called him Seth. he was no longer Bryan. She should be relieved he was leaving.
He dug around for the anger that was always thrumming just under his skin, but he couldn’t find it. All he found was the strange calm that had settled over him, his relaxed shoulders and his steady voice. “I won’t be on the streets.”
Seth realized that if he thought anger was all he had, he was wrong. He also had spite. He was also bitter. Her crumbling face was the most satisfying thing he’d seen his entire life.
“What?” she asked. Barely a whisper.
“Going to college, Mom,” he spat. “Yeah, you heard that right. Crazy, ain’t it, son of a bitch like me in college? And that’s not the best part either. This is: I’m going on an exy scholarship. Yeah, Mom, they’re paying me to be there. Fuck you.”
She laughed. Incredulous and hysterical. “You!” she wheezed between her laughs, “You! You?! You’ll be back here in a week when they find out you’re a good-for-nothing junkie. All you want’s the high! You ain’t good for shit, Seth, and you’ll remember that soon enough. But don’t come back. I never want to see your fuckin’ face again. You get kicked out that school, you go somewhere else and die quietly.”
“I ain’t comin’ back here, Mom.”
“I don’t ever wanna see your face again,” she said again, red-faced. She still had that nasty shadow of a laugh on her face.
“Yeah, me neither.”
“Get the fuck out my face.”
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aquietwritingcorner · 2 months
The Tot, The Vigilante, and the Laundry  
Title: The Tot, The Vigilante, and the Laundry   Fandom:  TMNT 2003 Word Count: 3270  Author: aquietwritingcorner/realitybreakgirl Rating:  G/K Characters: Donatello, Casey Jones Warning: NA Summary: Casey is babysitting Little Donnie. Nothing can go wrong with this, right?    Notes: Part of the Little Don AU, an AU I’ve had forming in my head where, during a crisis with the Time Scepter, Don sacrificed himself to save everything. Instead of it killing him, though, it turned him into a baby, and his family has needed to raise him all over again.    ff.net || AO3
The Tot, the Vigilante, and the Laundry
“And you’re sure that you’re good?”
Casey rolled his eyes and huffed, holding the nine-month-old Donnie in one arm. “I told ya, Leo, it’s fine! I know ya think I ain’t got any experience with babies, but you ain’t seen all the cousins I’ve got. I can handle one mutant turtle baby for a few hours.”
Leo looked at him a bit uncertainly, but Raph leaned forward and clapped a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Come on, Leo. Case has this. We’ll be gone for a few hours and then we’ll be back again. It’s supposed to be a quick, in and out ceremony.”
Leo looked at Raph, and then back at Casey. “If we’re not back, then you have enough to take care of him, right? And April will be back to help you?”
Casey nodded. “Yeah, Leo, I got this. Ape and I keep stuff for Donnie stocked here, and we know where you guys keep it and where to get it. ‘Sides, like you said, April’ll be back later tonight. She’s out with some girl friends of hers from college. They ain’t gonna stay out too late.”
Leo still looked a little uncertain, and Casey really couldn’t blame the guy for being protective of Donnie, but it was getting kind of old. Finally, he nodded, and let Raph pull him away. They disappeared out the window, and to wherever, Casey assumed, Mikey and Master Splinter were getting the ritual to go to that Battle Nexus place ready.
Donnie watched them go, and then turned big, uncertain eyes on Casey, even as he chewed on his fingers. Casey grinned at him.
“Doncha worry, little man. You and me, we’re gonna have a lotta fun!” Casey said. “I gotta be a fun uncle, after all.”
Casey grinned. “Glad you agree. Now let’s see ‘bout getting you some toys out, a’ight?”
When they had realized that this change was permanent, April had set about finding Donnie some of the best baby toys on the market. She’d researched and compared and criticized, intent on finding Donnie the best brain stimulating toys that existed. She’d even pulled Leatherhead and that robot professor guy in on it, and they’d debated, found, and even created some toys for Donnie that were supposed to help with his brain development, motor skills, and language acquisition. They’d presented them to Donnie—to the guys, really—proudly.
And then Donnie had played with the tissue paper and boxes instead.
Maybe Casey had laughed a little too hard at that, and maybe he’d slept on the couch for a few days, but it really had been funny to him. Don had been a guy that could make things most people couldn’t dream of out of garbage when he was, like, fifteen. He took things apart just to see how they worked, and then looked at ordinary objects and saw new ways for them to work. It only made sense to Casey that Donnie would be the same way. The toys were nice and all, but he wanted the stuff that he could take apart and the things he saw others using.
So, when he went to get toys for Donnie, he didn’t pull out any of the fancy things they had. Instead, he gave him an old water bottle with a lid too big to choke on, a couple of boxes, some tissue paper, those stackable rings, some balls, and some blocks. He settled Donnie down in the middle of them, and Donnie immediately reached for the tissue paper grabbing it and shaking it around.
“Alright, little man, let’s watch some hockey and play,” he said with a grin, turning on the TV.
For the next couple of hours, Casey played with Donnie in the floor, letting the little turtle crawl all over him—something he’d started doing a lot earlier than human babies—lightly wrestling with him, yelling at the TV together, and just generally playing with the boy. It was actually a lot of fun, and Casey honestly enjoyed it.
Eventually, though Donnie got cranky because he was hungry, and Casey took the tot to the kitchen to feed him some food. That was, as usual, a messy thing, as Donnie, while able to eat solid foods quicker than a human baby, was still just as messy as one. That, of course, meant bathtime afterwards, and Casey had learned that bathtime with a baby turtle was a whole different thing.
Donnie loved being in the water, splashing and playing, and holding his head under the water for an uncomfortably long time. He squealed at bubbles, and used cups to pour water, splashing with the boats that were floating in the tub. Casey got almost as wet as Donnie did, but he didn’t regret it, even if he wished he had thought to at least take off his shirt first.
Still, when the water cooled, Casey finally bathed the small turtle, stopping the games, and pulled him out, drying him off. There were some pajamas that could be used, if it looked like Donnie was getting cold, but it was well known amongst the family that Donnie tended to just pull off the clothes as soon as he could.
Casey stripped himself down to his boxers, taking his wet clothes to the laundry room, Donnie tucked in the crook of his arm.
“You got me almost as wet as you were,” he said, teasing Donnie a little. Donnie grinned at him and giggled, and Casey, emptying his pockets and tossing his wet clothes down, tickled him. Donnie laughed, and Casey grinned. There was something about that laugh that just made everyone smile.
Casey glanced around the laundry room, looking at the piles of clothes lying in it. “Huh. Looks like there’s enough here to do a couple of loads,” he said. He checked the dryer, seeing some clothes in it, and turned them around for a few minutes. “I’m gonna let those warmup, and then I’ll take ‘em out and put what’s in the washer in there,” Casey said. “But while I’m doing that, wanna help me sort clothes?”
“Ah!” Donnie smiled, waving his hands around, and Casey grinned, getting to work.
The two of them had fun with it, Casey sitting Donnie down on the floor, and tossing clothes out. He’d toss some on Donnie, and the baby would squeal and pull them off of his head. He would, though, to Casey’s amusement, crawl over with the clothes to the piles and sit there, before trying to put the piece of clothing he had in one of the piles.
Unsurprisingly, he got it right most of the time.
It didn’t take Casey long to have the clothes sorted, and switch over the loads. The ones from the dryer went in the basket. The ones from the washer, went in the dryer. And the ones from one of the piles on the floor, went in the washer.
He turned when he closed the lid on the washer and looked back at Donnie. The little boy was clinging to the side of the basket, curiously petting the clothes in them.
“Yeah, they feel all nice when they’re warm, don’t they?” he said. He scooped Donnie up and put him in the basket, to which the baby laughed, and carried it and the child back to the living room. He laughed when he saw how Donnie had buried himself inside the basket, churring, and let the tot stay that way for a bit, while he put himself on some new, dry clothes, and picked up the living room a little, leaving Donnie’s toys out. Then he fought a surprisingly determined toddler for the cooled clothes, folding them up.
Casey reached down and rubbed Donnie’s shell when he was finished. He could tell that the boy was getting tired, but he wasn’t quite ready to go down yet. “Alright, little man. Hows about you stay here and play with your toys? I’ll go put all of this away and work on the kitchen. And then, after that, it’ll be bedtime, alright?”
“Ahabahabaha,” Donnie said.
Casey nodded. “Glad to know we got an understandin’,” he said.
He put Donnie in the middle of his toys again, and stood up, putting away the clothes and taking the laundry basket back to the laundry room. By that time, the load of towels was dry, and he piled them in the basket for later, before transferring the laundry over and starting a new load. He checked in on Donnie, who looked back at him, curiously, before heading to the kitchen. The kiddo was okay, so he could take a few minutes to clean up the mess in the kitchen.
It, of course, took longer than a few minutes, but Casey got it done relatively fast. The living room had gotten quieter, and Casey wondered if maybe Donnie had fallen asleep. It’d be fine if he did. He’d just bundle the little turtle up and put him in the pack’n’play in his and April’s room.
Drying his hands on a towel, Casey walked into the living room, expecting to see a sleeping turtle—and stopping short when that wasn’t what he found. Sure, Donnie’s toys were still out, but he couldn’t see Donnie anywhere. Keeping himself from panicking, Casey looked around the living room.
“Donnie?” he called. “Donnie, where are you?”
Not a peep.
His fear starting to grow, Casey started to look for the little turtle in earnest. He hadn’t crawled under any of the furniture in the living room, and he wasn’t behind the TV or in the curtains. The staircase still had the baby gate up, and it didn’t look like it had been messed with. Nothing looked as if anyone had broken in. But Donnie wasn’t in the living room.
His panic starting to grow, Casey quickly searched through the other rooms in the apartment. Nothing. He didn’t think that the little boy could have gotten down the stairs that led to the shop, or out of the door to the stairs in the hallway, but he ran down them, checking both of them out, too. The doors to the shop and the outside were still both locked, so no one had gotten in. And Donnie wasn’t in the basement, either.
Casey’s panic multiplied, and he raced back up the stairs to the apartment. Donnie had to be in here. He had to be in here somewhere. He was little and he was smart, and Raph was always saying that they found him in the oddest of places. He had to be somewhere in the apartment. With his panic leading him, Casey tore the apartment apart, looking in every nook, every cranny, pulling out everything from any place that the small turtle could be hiding. He called for the baby but got no answer.
He went back downstairs, to the shop, treating it similarly, not caring about how angry April was going to be with him. That wouldn’t matter if he was killed by three angry brothers. No—Casey wouldn’t even make it that far. Master Splinter would get to him first, and that would be the end of it. And Casey would deserve it for losing Donnie.
Casey searched from one end of the building to the other, turning every space in it upside down and inside out. There was no sign of the child on any floor.
He was going to have to call April.
He was a dead man. April would kill him before Splinter did, just because she’d get to him first. And Casey wouldn’t even fight her about it. He trudged back up to the apartment, trying to think of what he was going to say to her.
He reached in his pocket for his phone, only to realize it wasn’t there. Cursing to himself, he tried to remember the last place he had it. Maybe the laundry room? Yeah, he’d emptied his pockets out there, so that was probably where it was.
Casey walked into the laundry room like a man condemned to die and spotted his phone on top of the dryer. What was he going to tell April? “Hey, babe, listen, I know I said I’d be responsible, but I lost Donnie and I’m telling you first, so you can kill me before the ninja master rat can?” Yeah. That’d go over well.
The dryer was still warm, the load in it having just finished, and Casey, trying to think of what he was going to say to his wife, opened it, taking out the laundry and plopping it in the basket.
The basket that churred.
Casey froze and looked back at the basket of towels and now-warm clothes. No. It couldn’t be that simple, could it?
Casey turned and started to carefully pull the clean laundry out of the basket. There, buried halfway down and covered in towels, was a small, curled up, mutant turtle baby, yawning and whining a bit as Casey let in the cool air that the towels had been insulating him from.
Casey sat down hard.
“Oh, man, oh Donnie,” he said, reaching in to pull the baby out of the basket. Donnie made a displeased noise, and Casey reached for one of the warm t-shirts to wrap around the child. Donnie chirped again, settling in and Casey laughed, relief filling him. “You got no idea how bad you scared me, Donnie,” he said. He leaned back against the dryer. “Oh, man.”
April walked quickly, heading towards her building. She’d been out much later than she’d planned on, and she hoped that Casey was doing alright with Donnie. She’d not gotten any calls or text from him, so she hoped that was a good sign. She was just walking past her alleyway when she saw a flash coming from it. Curious, she peeked in, only to see a glowing blue portal on the wall, three turtles and one rat emerging from it. Smiling, she turned to join them.
“Hey, guys!” she said. “Just getting back?”
“Yeah,” Leo said. “The ceremony went on longer than we thought.”
“Who knew that every Battle Nexus Champion there would have to give a speech!” Mikey said, grinning.
“A speech?” April said.
“Don’t ask,” Raph said. “Numbskull didn’t completely embarrass us, a least—but it was near thing.”
“We are fortunate that Michelangelo has the gift of spontaneity, as well as speech,” Splinter said. “Unfortunately, his gift of social cues comes and goes.”
“What?” Mikey protested.
April shook her head and started to fish her keys out of her purse. “Well, sounds like it was entertaining, at least,” she said.
“How was your night?” Leo asked. “Aren’t you getting home a little late?”
“I am,” April said. “But we started talking and just having so much fun, that by the time we realized what time it was, well, it was late.” She paused, putting the keys in the door to unlock it. “And I made sure all of my friends had a safe way home. Not all of them have the advantage of being trained in ninjitsu by actual ninja, you know,” she said.
Mikey laughed as April opened the door to her shop. “And don’t forget—training by the Battle Nexus Cha—whoa!”
Mikey cut off as April flicked the light switch, and they all saw her shop. Furniture was turned over, drawers were pulled out, cabinets were open, clothing was strewn about. The place looked ransacked.
“Donatello,” Splinter breathed, and as one, they all raced to the circular staircase, running up it to the apartment above.
The apartment was in no better shape, with things overturned, taken out, strewn. It was clear it wasn’t just in the living room, either, but in all the rooms. Donnie’s toys were scattered, and the TV was still on, but there wasn’t a sign of anyone around.
“Casey!?” April called, fear clear in her voice.
“In here!” Casey called back. His voice sounded soft, weak, and no one took that as a good sign.
They all rushed towards where his voice had come from, alert for any enemies. They didn’t find any, but they did find Casey, leaning against the dryer, with a towel wrapped Donnie sleeping on his chest.
“Hey guys,” Casey said, keeping his voice soft so he wouldn’t wake Donnie. “Welcome back.”
“Casey, what the shell is going on?” Raph demanded.
Casey blinked at him. “What—oh, right, the apartment!”
“The apartment, the store,” Mikey listed.
“Ah… yeah,” Casey said, “about that…” he rubbed the back of his head. “So, it’s kinda like this. See, me and Donnie, we had a good time, right? Played, watched some hockey, stuff like that. Then we ate, and he got a bath, and I started some laundry. Little Man was getting sleepy, so I set him to play with his toys while I cleaned up the kitchen. Only when I got back, he was gone.”
“What do you mean, gone?” Leo said, an edge to his voice.
“I mean, he wasn’t where I left him,” Casey said. “And he wasn’t anywhere in the living room. I looked. I looked everywhere, and then I looked again, and then I looked again,” he said. “I was gonna call April, let her be the one to kill me for loosing Donnie before the rest of you could, when I found him in the laundry basket.”
“The laundry basket?” Mikey questioned.
Casey nodded. “Yeah. I think he liked the warm towels or something, because if he starts getting fussy, all I gotta do is pull a new warm one outta the dryer, wrap him in it, and he settles right down. We’ve uh, been sitting like this for a couple of hours now.” He looked at the baby in his arms. “After losing him, I kinda didn’t want to let him go.”
For a moment, there was silence, with the exception of the small churrs coming from Donnie, and the sound of the dryer.
“Let me get this straight,” April said. “You lost the baby, ransacked our apartment and the store looking for the baby, found the baby, and then sat here holding the baby.”
“Uhhh,” Casey winced. “Yeah? And I kinda ransacked the whole buildin’ so…”
April stared at him, and then let out a breath. “To be honest, I don’t blame you,” she said.
Casey blinked at her. “Uh… what?”
“Thank you, Casey,” Splinter said, reaching out a hand to rub on Donnie’s head. The baby churred contentedly. “Although I am not happy you lost him in the first place, the fact that you would go to such lengths to find him is appreciated.” He looked back at the other three turtles. “Come, my sons. Let us help April put her home back together.”
The other three turtles nodded, and headed out, while April leaned down and put a kiss on Casey’s forehead. “If you take this good of care of Donnie, I can’t imagine what a great father you’ll be one day.”
Casey stared at his wife as she sauntered out the door after the rest of their family, then looked down at the still sleeping Donnie. “Huh,” he said. “That… wasn’t how I was expecting that to go.” He shifted a little, making sure Donnie was still comfortable. “Well, I’m gonna guess they’ll let me babysit you again,” he said.
“You’re on probation!” Leo called back.
Casey looked up, and then grinned. “Yeah, okay. On probation. I can live with that, little man, if you can.”
Donnie simply churred and snuggled deeper into Casey’s hold.
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reddeadmort · 2 years
Arthur Morgan x f! Reader | “Silvery Threads” | Part 5
Words: 3.8k
You may have escaped the cellar, but you're not out of the woods yet. It's not looking good for Arthur.....
Notes: Probably leaving this story here for now. I hope you've enjoyed it, it's certainly been fun writing again. Even if I did completely fail in my first intention of writing a nice bit of adventure fluff!
Warnings: Canon typical violence. 
“I just don’t understand what we’re doin’ out here” Bill grumbled. “They obviously got out fine, they’re probably already back at camp.” 
“What’s wrong Bill, you restless to get back to that whole lot of nothing you’ve been doing?” Dutch snapped. “We ain’t leaving until I’m satisfied.”
The trio continued up the road, Bill shuffling uncomfortably in his saddle, Charles slightly ahead, scanning the surroundings. As they rounded the corner, Charles held up a hand; the three men stopped, Charles jumping down off his horse and moving a few paces up the path. Kneeling down, he touched his fingers to a substance on the road before rubbing them together. 
“Blood. And a bad amount of it.”  
“Well that don’t mean nothin’! Probably just a deer” Bill muttered. 
There was low soft whinny and a fully saddled horse appeared from within the trees. Charles coaxed it out before taking the reins and leading it back to the others. 
“Okay, fine” Bill spluttered as Dutch and Charles stared at him. “If they ain’t on Arthur’s horse, they might be in some trouble.” Dutch rolled his eyes before turning his attention back to Charles. 
“Which way?”
“Down and off to the left. Two horse tracks that seem to have gotten heavier from round this point.” 
“Come on men, let’s ride.”   
Stepping into the large room above the cellar, you quickly ducked behind a table, in case there was someone else waiting. Trying to slow your breathing, you listened carefully for any movement, but all you could hear was some muffled voices from downstairs. The sunlight was fading, but the room was still much brighter than the cellar was. As your eyes adjusted, you started to take in your surroundings. Carcasses of what you assumed were small animals were hanging from hooks in the ceiling; along one wall there were multiple tanning frames, all but one with a hide stretched across. A large furnace sat in one corner, cold and dark. Shelves were filled with jars, all carefully labelled, though you could not see the description or contents from this distance. 
Carefully, you pulled yourself up to stand next to the table. On it sat an array of knives and saws; at the far end, carefully laid on a crimson cloth, was a neatly curled whip. Your eyes were drawn to the tip, where the leather split into three threads; each thread wrapped around a small blade. 
A deep scream from the cellar made you start, and you lunged forwards to grab the nearest knife. You’d only taken one step back towards the cellar door when a shot rang out, the noise reverberating around the entire building. The sound of footsteps near the base of the stairs froze you to the spot, as a sudden calmness overtook your mind.  
‘Not today. Not this time.’
With that thought, you turned and ran out the door of the building, hoping that no one was outside. Ignoring the path, you kept on running into the nearby tree line, terrified that any moment another shot would go off, or a hand would grab you from behind. 
As Arthur caught his breath, he slowly sat back in the chair. 
“I ain’t the one helpin’ some psychopath kidnap innocent people.” The man laughed at this comment, grabbing Arthur by the front of his shirt, bringing his face close to his own. 
“Innocent Morgan? I know you ain’t referring to yourself, and definitely not to that little bitch”. The man waved his hand behind him, and Arthur tensed, expecting him to turn and see that you were no longer there. “I’ve got some stories to tell you about this one” he snarled, before releasing Arthur and starting to look round. “Hey sweetheart, how bout we start with….. What the hell?” 
Pushing off hard with his good leg, Arthur lunged towards the man, plunging the knife into his side. Both men fell to the ground. The man screamed as Arthur maintained the grip on the knife, dragging downwards, before pulling it out of his flesh. He tried to stab the man again only for a boot to connect with his face, knocking him onto his side. Barely able to see, Arthur rolled away just in time as a bullet ricocheted off the floor where his head had been. The accomplice started towards the stairs, only to suddenly stop. Looking straight forwards, a gurgle escaped his lips as blood trickled from his mouth. He slammed forward into the stairs, skull cracking, before lying perfectly still. The knife remained stuck in his back where Arthur had thrown it. 
You ignored the pain as the tree branches whipped across your face. Your chest was aching from the exertion, struggling to get enough oxygen in. Ducking and weaving, you forced your way through the trees, trying to put as much distance between you and the cabin as possible. A sharp tug from behind brought you crashing to your feet. 
You tried to scrabble to your feet, feeling something still pulling you backwards. Starting to panic, you turned, only to see no one. A remnant of your torn and tattered shirt, still hanging behind you, had caught on a branch. Steading yourself against the tree, you shrugged out of the garment before untangling it. Crouching at the base of the tree, you stayed silent, listening. 
Once you were satisfied there was no one nearby, you examined the clothing in your hands. It was sliced clean up the back, with a ragged bottom edge where a few pieces had been torn off. It was covered in blood; some fresh, some dried, some not yours. You wanted to just leave it, but you couldn’t stay as you were, all exposed. Taking the knife, you carefully cut a sleeve off, then cut the sleeve into a handful of strips of material. Making a few holes either side of the slice up the back, you used these strips to crudely stitch the shirt back together. Struggling to lift your arm, ignoring the pain in your shoulder, you pulled the garment back on. 
You slowly continued on through the trees, the dappled moonlight indicating that that they were starting to thin out. A fairly established track came into view, and you stepped out of the woods. Ducking behind a rock, you listened carefully as the sound of hoofbeats grew louder. Hoping it was only a single rider, you adjusted the grip on your knife. If you could get close enough, a quick stab to the leg would allow you to dismount the rider. 
Three. Two...
“This don’t feel right.”
Another voice sighed, before replying. “It’s okay my boy, you did your best.” 
Those voices… 
You pulled yourself up to look over the boulder. “Dutch?” You refrained from lifting up your hands as multiple guns were drawn and pointed at you. 
“Y/N… good god, is that you?” 
Dutch and Charles jumped down off their horses and strode over to you. Charles had barely reached you before you collapsed in his arms, burying your face in his chest. You heard Dutch mutter something as he stepped behind you. 
Charles carefully moved one arm around the back of your head and slowly stroked your hair. For a moment, nobody moved or said a word, the only sound your irregular breathing as you held back some sobs. 
“What happened, Y/N?”
You gave the men an account of the last day or so. The sheriff's office, the road, the strange building and cellar. You described the two men as best you could. 
“I managed to get out, but Arthur….. he…. stayed behind.” You swallowed as a little voice whispered in your head. You left him there to die. “Dutch….I think he’s dead.” Dutch shook his head, refusing to believe you. “Dutch, I mean it. He couldn’t walk, there was a gunshot…” 
“No!” Dutch shouted, making you jump backwards towards Charles again, who reached out to rest his hands on your shoulders. Dutch was angry, starting to stride towards you, hand moving to his belt as a coach trundled past. 
“Do something!” An urgent voice muttered as the carriage came to a stop a few metres up the road.
“Ex…excuse you me gentleman! Would you…ur……would you… kindly step away from the lady!” The well dressed man stumbled out of the carriage, his reluctance having been overcome with a strong push from a woman. The uncocked pistol was pointed at Dutch, or at least it seemed to be; the man’s arm was shaking so much it was hard to tell. 
Dutch grabbed Bill’s arm before it could get to his gun. Raising his hands level with his head, he stepped forward. 
“My good sir, I can assure you everything is fine. This lady is a friend of ours.” The man’s shaking grew worse as Dutch moved closer. “She is injured, and we are comforting her. It is mighty kind of you to stop and check however, what a gentleman you are.” 
“Injured? Oh no, how terrible!” A heavily made up face appeared in the doorway of the coach. “In that case, you must come with us!” 
The well dressed man’s weapon dropped to his side as his head snapped round to stare at the woman. “Oh don’t look at me like that Samuel!” the woman waved dismissively at him as he spluttered. 
“We happen to be going to a party hosted by a good friend who is a doctor. He will be more than happy to assist!” she spoke, once again addressing Dutch. 
“My lady, that is very kind of you.” Dutch turned to look at you, still supported in Charles’ arms. Charles looked down at you before looking back up at Dutch, a deeply concerned look on his face as he shook his head slightly. You were not in a good way, leaning far too much into him. “I think we will need to take you up on your offer.” 
“Excellent! Let’s waste no time then. Samuel, get back in the coach you silly man.” 
Dutch stepped up into the coach and helped you in as Charles lifted you up. Dutch then leaned out, whispered something to Charles, who nodded before securing Dutch and Arthur’s horses to the rear of the vehicle. He jogged off towards Bill, mounted his own horse, and the pair trotted off up the road, back the way they came. 
Arthur lay on the floor of the cellar, his strength almost fully faded. He prayed to anyone that would listen that you were safe, that he’d given you enough time. The chill of the flagstones was a contrast to the warmness that was still spreading down one leg.
Arthur strained to turn his head so that he could look up and out through the small window near the roof. The sun was almost gone, the sky filled with a soft orange glow. It reminded him of the fire at camp; sitting around, laughing, singing, forgetting the past. He thought of the time that he’d made Lenny move off one of the logs so that you would have somewhere to sit; how close he’d been to reaching his arm out and wrapping it around your waist. The smell of your hair filled his nose as he smiled, eyes starting to flutter closed. With one last flicker, they opened, and he thought he briefly saw the silhouette of a deer against the sunset filled sky. 
‘I gave you all I had.’ he whispered as his eyes closed for a final time. 
The well dressed man dutifully followed the woman as she bustled up the steps to the door of the large mansion. Dutch carefully lifted you out of the carriage and carried you towards the house. 
“Mrs Winter, darling, where is your wonderful husband? We have a poor girl that is more than in need of his attention!” 
Another heavily made up woman appeared in the door. 
“Verity! What on earth have you brought me!” You were expecting frustration, to be shooed away, but the voice was kind, a slight laugh. “I’m afraid he left the party a little while ago. Something about going to check on one of his experiments. You know how he is!” 
“Oh Constance! I’m afraid it is rather urgent, she appears to be in a frightful state” the woman blabbered, gesturing back towards you. 
“Not to worry dear, I will send a man down to fetch him right away. Bring the poor thing inside.” 
The tall man was not disturbed by the lack of noise coming from the building as he approached. He’d left strict instructions to not enter the cellar after all. However, when Patrick did not step out to see who was approaching, he grew slightly angry. His temper was inflamed when he saw the cellar door wide open; how dare the man ignore him! Rushing down the stairs, he only stopped when he felt a crunch underneath his shoes. Patrick’s fingers, now underneath his feet, were attached to his lifeless body, slumped across the bottom of the stairs. He carefully stepped over his accomplice's corpse, bending down briefly to remove the knife from the man’s back. His grip on the handle tightened, teeth gritting, as he noticed the distinct lack of a woman suspended from the ceiling, 
The faint sound of laboured breathing drew him over to Arthur’s prone body, eyes scanning the man’s unconscious form. 
“Oh no, we can’t have this” he muttered to himself, striding over to a table with a variety of scalpels, rags and other instruments on it. “That’s twice you’ve cost me my fun. I don’t like losing.” Carefully, he removed his jacket and white shirt, laying them on the table. He then picked up some scissors, gunpowder and a match before stepping back to Arthur. 
You let yourself relax in Dutch’s arms as he carried you up into the house and into a room with a bed. He sat you down on it as the woman of the house bustled around a side table. 
“Here my sweet, drink this. Whisky with a dash of laudanum. It’ll help you get some rest, then my husband will tend to you as soon as he gets back.”
Shakily, you took the glass from her hand before downing the drink swiftly, the unpleasant bitterness masked by the alcohol. The kind woman smiled and nodded as she took the empty glass, gesturing for you to lie down. Gingerly, you swung your legs up onto the bed, rolling onto your front. The pillows were soft and welcoming; you couldn’t remember the last time you slept on an actual mattress. As you shut your eyes, you heard Dutch thank the woman out in the corridor. 
“Oh, it’s nothing, Mr…?” 
“O’Malley, Aiden O’Malley”. 
“Now, Mr O’Malley, please do join us while your dear friend rests. Would you care for a mint leaf to chew? My husband started us all on them, helps us stay wonderfully fresh!” 
The voices faded as you drifted into sleep. 
“This looks like the place” Charles whispered to Bill, gesturing for him to dismount. Weapons drawn, they were about to enter the building before they heard footsteps coming towards the door. The man, dressed in black, didn’t even have time to scream before a knife slit his throat. Bill dropped his body unceremoniously on the floor. 
“Bill, focus!” Charles snapped, as Bill leaned down to pull the silver belt buckle off the dying man. “You better hope this is the right place.” 
Bill scoffed, gesturing down at the floor. “It’s a man dressed all in black in a cabin hidden in some woods. I ain’t got to be no expert tracker to discern that.” Charles glared at him before stepping inside. 
The top room was lit with a warm glow as the furnace crackled in the corner. A charcoal-like smell with a hint of sulphur hung in the air. 
“What the…” Bill murmured, a look of disgust on his face as he gazed up at the hooks in the ceiling. 
Charles gestured at Bill to be quiet, before waving towards the door in the corner of the room. The pair slowly trod down the stairs, letting their eyes adjust to the gloom. A body was slumped against a post, hands tied behind it's back. 
‘Christ, it’s Arthur!” Charles ran towards him as Bill continued to scan the room.
“Is he….” Bill murmured. Charles cut the ropes from Arthur’s wrists and gently lay him down on the floor. A faint groan emerged from Arthur’s chest and Charles stopped, hoping it wasn’t just escaping air. 
“Not yet Williamson, not yet.” The deep grumble made Charles smile. 
“Aha Morgan!” Bill exclaimed as he and Charles pulled Arthur to his feet. Arthur reached down to touch the fresh white bandage wrapped around the wound on his leg, leaning heavily on the others. 
“Wait.. how’d ya find me?” 
“Y/N Arthur, we found her on the road. She’s safe, Dutch is taking her up to a house further along the road. Some big party being hosted by a doctor.” Arthur tried to step forwards onto his bad leg; Bill and Charles caught him before it buckled underneath. “I think we best join ‘em” Charles continued. 
The two men slowly helped Arthur up the stairs and out to the waiting horses, only pausing for Bill to drag the corpse outside around the back of the building. Arthur couldn’t see the face in the dark, but the silver tips of the shoes glinted in the moonlight. 
As your eyes flickered open, you could just about make out the shape of a smartly dressed man facing away from you. His white shirt was rolled up to his elbows, and from the splash of water you presumed he was washing his hands. Fighting a wave of nausea, you caught a glimpse of tinted spectacles as the man turned and reached for the door handle. Through the open door you heard Dutch’s voice. 
“My lady, I must thank you for your wonderful hospitality. I am glad to say that I have just been informed that my men have returned, so I’m afraid we must depart.” 
“Oh Mr O’Malley, you have been a wonderful addition to tonight’s festivities! Please, do write to us when you have sorted your farm in Tahiti.”
“Of course madam, of course!” Dutch chuckled. 
“I’m afraid she really should not be moved right now.” A soft voice interrupted. 
“I thank you kindly for your time and effort sir, but I’m afraid I have to insist.” Dutch’s tone had shifted as he addressed the doctor. 
“Now boys, don’t argue! Darling, you have done wonderfully, but I’m sure they need to get home. I know you love your work, but don’t forget, we have guests to attend to!” You were expecting to hear some form of argument, but the voice that replied was still soft, albeit flat. 
“Of course dear.” 
Dutch stepped into the room, the woman following him, and helped you to your feet. 
“Do you need more horses? We have ones you are more than welcome to take. My husband has a way with animals; he keeps on bringing home horses he says he finds abandoned on the road!” 
“That is very kind of you ma’am. One extra horse would indeed make our journey easier.” Dutch smiled at the woman, all charm. 
“Of course! Just let one of the guards outside know. Though you might have a job seeing them in the dark, my husband has insisted that their new uniform be all black! Personally, I find the silver accents rather garish, but I have to let him have control over something” she chuckled as you shuffled along the corridor towards the front door with Dutch’s assistance. 
The ride back to camp was slow and quiet. Dutch and Bill had ridden off ahead, leaving Charles with Arthur and yourself. Your heart had lept when you’d seen the form of Arthur on top of the horse, slightly slumped, but aside from a quick interaction where you established that you were both, surprisingly, not dead, you two had barely spoken. Your whole body ached; while you were appreciative of the spare shirt the lady of the house had given you, the material still scratched against the scabs covering your back.  
Arthur finally broke the silence as Charles trotted up the road, giving you two some privacy. 
“I’m… I….” his voice trailed off as he shifted uncomfortably in his saddle. “I’m.. glad you're okay Y/N. I know ya probably don’t want to be near me, given what I said.”
You kept on staring straight ahead, face impassive, as he continued.
“I should’ve told ya sooner about that night. I just….couldn’t bear to have you know that I let you down.” 
You wanted to shout at him, to describe in great detail the suffering you endured when the men found you again on the road that night years ago. Your anger ebbed slightly when you looked over to see him staring straight down, fiddling nervously with the reins. 
‘You ran too’ the little voice whispered. ‘You left him to die, after he sacrificed himself to save you.’ You grimaced, turning your face away so Arthur could not see your expression. ‘You were going to hurt someone to get their horse’ the voice continued. It was right; you were more than willing to hurt, kill someone else to protect your own skin. For god’s sake, you’d only met Arthur because you had been trailing the three men that attacked him, after they’d been talking about a ‘big score’ they were on their way to collect. You desperately tried to stop your thoughts flitting to watching that poor woman scream as her young son lay dead on the ground, the scream cut short by a gunshot. If you hadn't have lured them outside, perhaps they wouldn't have gotten hurt. Perhaps the men would have just stolen the 10 dollars and let them live. 
After a few more moments of silence, you steered your horse to ride close to Arthur’s, reaching out your hand. Arthur hesitated for a moment before taking it in his. His rough, warm touch instantly sent a tingle up your spine.You gave his hand a little reassuring squeeze. 
 "Arthur… We can’t change what's done, we can only move on." 
Arthur smiled before lifting your fingers to his lips, placing a soft kiss on your hand. His slight stubble rubbed against your fingers as you stared into his deep blue eyes. He smiled slightly before dropping your hands back down to rest on your leg, not releasing you from his gentle grip. 
“I’m glad darlin’. ‘Cause there’s a whole lot of movin’ on I’d like to do with you.” You couldn’t help but smile at his cheeky wink, then moved your gaze back to the road. 
Constance was sat at her dressing table, slowly removing her numerous items of jewellery. Her husband was stood by the window, looking out across the gardens. 
“What an entertaining evening, don’t you agree my dear!” The man only huffed slightly in response. “Oh come on, don’t be like that. What’s wrong, did your latest little experiment not work?” 
The man sighed before sitting down on the window seat. “Unfortunately not. A key component has…gone missing.” 
“Oh dear, don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll be able to find it again.” She moved over to stand in front of her husband; he was tall, his face level with her chest. “Here, let’s get those silly glasses off.” She reached down, placing a gentle kiss on the man’s forehead before carefully removing the tinted spectacles.
“That’s better.” She smiled as the dark, gold flecked eyes met her gaze.
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oblxvion · 3 years
euphoric | eren jaeger (1)
-> pairing: eren jaeger x f!reader
-> wc: 5.4k
-> warnings: use of marijuana, smut, praise kink, degradation kink, spit kink, oral (f and m receiving), fluff
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you were stressed. it was almost the end of the term, and you had spent the past two weeks studying and prepping for your exams because you needed those grades. you had been slipping a lot in your classes but you managed to bring your grades up with the help of your good friend armin. he was extremely smart and honestly, without him, you didn't even want to think about what your grades would be.
“ugh, sasha, i can’t study any more.” you groaned, bringing you head down to into the vast sea of review that you had been going over as per armin’s request. “i need a break, i feel like my brain is going to fucking explode.”
sasha looked over up from her phone and laughed. “it’s gonna be worth it, i promise. once you finish these exams, you’ll be able to relax for a bit. do you wanna smoke later ‘cause we’re all getting together later at eren’s, i forgot to tell you.”
you hadn’t checked your phone in the past few hours so you didn't know that there were plans that had been made. 
you didn’t move your head as you contemplated the thought, it sounded like fun to see everyone and ignore the work you had for at least a bit. exams weren’t for another week and a half, so you should be fine.
“yeah, i'll come.”
“yay! i’ll text the group chat and let them know that we’re gonna leave at around 6.” she squeals as she grabs her phone and starts typing away a text that you soon receive as well.
“ok, i need to nap first. plus it’s like 4 so i’m gonna pass out for a bit.” you got up from the kitchen table and made your way over to your bedroom, beginning to get comfortable. “wake me up at 5.” you yelled so she could hear from her room.
“you got it.” sasha yelled back. you could tell that she said that with food in her mouth. 
“typical.” you chuckled as you felt your body drift off to sleep.
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“y/n! hey! wake up! it’s 5:30. i lost track of the time.” sasha tried to shake you awake in which you grumbled in response. 
“ugh, ur so timely.” you joked as you made your way out of your room, and into the shared bathroom. wow i look like shit you thought to yourself as you turned from side to side trying to see all of what you looked like in your oversized sweatshirt and shorts.
there was not enough time for you to get ready to look at least presentable, but you felt gross so you turned on the shower and threw your clothes into your hamper. you put on some music because who showers without music and you made sure to shave because it had been awhile since you had and you wanted to feel clean.
once you had finished, you grabbed a towel and checked the time on your phone. 5:40. perfect.
“y/n, we have like 20 minutes,” sasha called from her room. “do you think you can be ready by then?”
“yeah, i just need to dry my hair and throw on some clothes and i should be good.” you said as you walked into her room, she was pretty much ready to go, and dressed in shorts and a baggy t-shirt. no one really dressed up for these sessions because everyone was already super comfortable with each other.
“ok i’m gonna go change, i don't know if i’ll have enough time to dry my hair though.” 
“you’ll be fine. plus, we can be a bit late, they wouldn’t start without us anyways.” she says with a smile as she puts on a sweatshirt.
you made your way back to your room and threw on a pair of sweatpants, a loose fitting tank top and your favorite pullover. as you made your way back to the bathroom to dry your hair, you found yourself stressing once again about your exams to which you took a deep breathe and reminded yourself that you needed to relax and this was a well deserved break. 
after you finished drying your hair, you quickly ran a brush through it, and put on some deodorant along with your favorite perfume.
“ok sash, i’m ready.” you called from the bathroom as you fixed your appearance for the last time. 
“perfect! i ordered us an uber because i don’t really wanna drive and i know you don't like driving high.” she says as she grabs the last of her things and we make our way out the door and to the bottom of our apartment complex.
you look at her as the uber pulls over to the side of the road. “so what?”
“have u been seeing anyone recently?” sasha looks over to you as she gets into the uber after you. 
“how could i? i’ve literally been studying nonstop. i wish though.” you say with a sigh. you had been so preoccupied with studying and getting your grades up that you haven’t had the time to see anyone except friends. “why do you ask?”
“oh, it’s nothing really. i was just curious, you know, being your roommate and all.” somethings up, she’s clearly trying to pick at something and this does not go unnoticed by you.
“ok,” you laughed and shook your head. “whatever you say.”
before you knew it, you both arrived at eren’s apartment complex. for some reason, you felt anxious. you knew the boys that were going to be there but you had this gut feeling that something was going to happen.
the two of you made your way up to his floor and knocked on his door which was opened almost instantly as if he were waiting.
“sasha!” connie exclaimed, embracing the girl into a bear hug. “hey y/n.” 
“hey connie.” you smiled in response. it was really cute how the two of them were so close, it’s almost like they were twins. you made your way into the apartment and saw jean and eren, arguing over god knows what.
“hey guys!” you say as you walked over to the two of them, hugging them both. 
“y/n! it’s been a while. how’s studying with armin?” jean asks as he pulls away from the hug.
“god. don't even get me started. i am in hell. armin’s being so helpful though.” you chuckle as you walked over to eren, who was looking at something on his phone but quickly shoved it away when he saw you coming towards him.
“hey y/n.” he says with his boyish smile as he pulls you into a side hug and you notice that his hand lingers for a bit longer than normal but you smile in response.
“so, can we smoke now that they’re finally here?” connie asks as it was very clear that he was getting impatient. 
“yeah, yeah, let’s go to the deck.” eren’s apartment had a deck with was extremely nice and over time, it had become the signature smoke spot for you guys. it had an outdoor couch and a few chairs along with a small table which was perfect.
you made your way to your favorite spot which was the right corner of the couch so you could be close to the edge of the balcony and look out at the view of the city. everyone had their signature spots, it was like an unspoken rule but everyone followed it. eren next to you on the couch, sasha, jean and connie in the three chairs on the opposite side of the table.
there were some blankets already outside along with a speaker that eren played some music on to set the vibe. 
“since you guys were taking too long, i rolled us a joint so we could smoke sooner.” eren said as he sat down next to you.
“aw, how kind.” you tease him as you nudge yourself against his shoulder, earning a chuckle from him. “dibs on first hit.” 
“aw, c’mon!” jean whined, knowing that you always give the blunt to eren right after you hit. 
“i get priority since eren is my best friend.” you smirk and wait for eren to say anything but he just laughs and shakes his head. 
you and eren had always been close ever since you started school. he even introduced you to everyone, which was the reason why you were here with them now.
eren took out his lighter and lit the joint and passed it to you. you took it between your pointer finger and thumb and took a long drag. 
oh how you had missed this feeling. the feeling of being high with your friends. you passed the blunt back to eren as he took a hit himself and you exhaled the smoke.
the joint was passed around the circle until everyone had gotten a good amount of hits and it was finished. you felt your high and you leaned back into the couch as you closed your eyes.
you opened your eyes and looked over to eren who’s eyes were red, just like yours. “no, just relaxing. this is nice. i needed this.”
“yeah, i noticed. armin told me that you’d been really stressed lately so i texted asking if people wanted to smoke but you didn't respond so i assumed you were studying,” he says as he stretched his arms and placed them just behind your shoulders.
“thanks,” you laughed as you stared into his turquoise eyes only now noticing how pretty they were. you had looked him in the eyes before but this time it felt different and he felt it too. but your staring was soon broken by sasha’s wails of being hungry.
“there’s food in the fridge, i had takeout last night so there’s probably some leftovers.” eren nods his head towards the inside of his apartment. sasha stood up and made her way towards the food as connie followed her.
“hey! save some for me!” he yelled as he chased after her. all that was left was you, eren and jean. there was clearly some tension in the air but you decided to ignore it.
“ain’t no way i’m gonna be third wheeling right now.” jean huffed quietly and joined the two inside. 
third wheeling? you ignored it because jean obviously knows that you and eren are close friends, nothing more.
oh, how you were wrong.
eren looked over to make sure that there was no way for the others to see the deck and he moved his arm down towards your shoulder. you were shocked by this, but in a way, it was comforting. 
“y/n?” he asked staring off into the distance.
he didn't respond so you took it upon yourself to look up at him.
“what’s up?”
no response once again.
your lidded eyes becoming heavy as he looked down at you with a tender look on his face. he leaned his face closer to yours until your noses were touching.
his lips connected with yours, igniting a feeling inside your chest that you had pushed away when you first became close. you melted into the kiss and kissed him back in a slow and sensual kiss. eren pulled back and tucked your hair behind your ear as he went back in for another kiss. you didn’t know what to do but the feeling that this gave you, it wasn’t like any other kiss you had before.
“wanted to do this for a long time.” he whispers and rests his nose on yours. 
you didn’t know what to say in response so you pulled him back for another kiss that was interrupted by the three of them coming back out onto the deck. you pulled away quickly, hoping that no one had seen what just happened. eren kept his hand on your shoulder, but no one had asked about it so you just let it slide.
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it had been a few days since you had last seen eren. everyone was texting in the group chat about plans for the upcoming days but you had to study, or at least try to study. the kiss that you and eren shared had been replaying in your head ever since it had happened. you knew that he was high and he may not remember it, but it still bugged you and you had to know.
but most importantly, this kiss had sparked feelings inside you that you had pushed away so long ago and it was beginning to get hard to consume them. eren was constantly on your mind, and you couldn’t focus on your work. 
you needed to talk to him but you didn't know how because you didn't know that he had these feelings for you and you didn't know that you still had those feelings for him. you realized that you were ignoring these feelings that you had for him because he was your close friend and you didn’t want that to ruin your relationship.
it was driving you crazy. you needed to talk to him. 
you grabbed your phone and clicked on eren’s contact and called him. it didn’t even finish the first ring.
“hey y/n! what’s up? how’s studying?” he said and you felt your heart swell at him saying your name, which never happened before until now.
“hey, can you come over later? i need to talk to you,” you sigh. this is it, you need to know if he truly had those feelings or he was just playing with you.
“yeah, of course,” he stammered. “is everything ok?”
“yeah, everything's fine, i just wanna talk to you.”
“ok, i can get a ride now if you want me to.” is he eager?
you looked at the time and remembered that sasha was out with connie and jean so she would probably not be coming back tonight.
“actually, yeah, that sounds fine. see you soon, eren.”
“ok, i’ll text you when i’m close.”
“ok,” you ended the call and placed your phone down, taking your head in your hands. you’re overreacting right? he definitely feels for you, why else would he kiss you?
“i need to shower.” you said to yourself, trying to ignore the thoughts in your head.
as you got out of the shower, you heard your phone get a text, which you assumed to be eren. walking back to your room, you heard a knock at the door and you froze. you were still in a towel and debating whether or not you should open the door for him, which you did because you didn't want to leave him standing out there.
“hey y/n, oh,” he stops and looks you up and down. 
“sorry, i just got out of the shower.” you say as you open the door and motion for him to come inside. “can you just wait a sec while i go put some clothes on?”
“oh, uh, yeah. i’ll wait in the kitchen.” he looks around and scratches the back of his head nervously. his hair was tied back into a messy bun like usual and wearing gray sweatpants with a black shirt and his chain peeking out from under it. “you good?” he asked as he took off his shoes.
oh my god, was i staring?
“oh, yeah, i'm fine. i just spaced out a bit, sorry.” you chuckle nervously, tucking a piece of your wet hair behind your ear. “i’ll be right back.”
“take your time.”
you made your way back to your room and threw hung your town on your closet door as you looked for clothes to wear. you opted for a pair of pajama shorts and an oversized t-shirt that was sasha’s but for some reason, it was in your closet. once you had finished changing, you made your way over to the mirror that was across for your bed to make sure that you looked fine.
“ok, breathe.” you exhaled and opened your door calling for eren to come into your room.
he came into your room, still clearly feeling awkward about your interaction from before. “nice room, i like the led lights you have.” 
“thanks,” you laughed and sat on the bed, motioning for him to come sit next to you, which he did.
“so, what's on your mind y/n?” he asks, leaning up against the headboard and trying to get comfortable. 
“i don’t know, i've just been thinking about some things recently, and i can't seem to get them out of my head.” ok, good start.
“like what?” he looks over at you. oh no, don't look at me like that.
“the kiss we shared a few days ago, it’s been in my head on repeat.”
eren looks confused and looks towards your mirror, “is that a bad thing?”
“huh? i mean no, it’s not, i just don’t know what to do because these feelings have come back that i pushed away from when we became close because i didn’t want to ruin our friendship. but right now, it’s consuming me and i don’t know what to do.”
“well, i wouldn’t have kissed you without having feelings for you, y/n. i don’t know how you didn't notice it. i’ve been kinda bad at hiding it.” he said calmly as his gaze remained in front of the two of you. “but if you didn’t like it, we can just forget about it. i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.” he turns to look at you once again. 
“no, i enjoyed it actually, but...” you trail off nervously, feeling your face becoming hot. you tried to turn away but his hand grabbed your chin and turned you back to face him. 
“but what?” he says softly, looking into your eyes which caused your heart beat to pick up. he thought it was so cute how you were getting so flustered by him.
“but i don’t want to be played...” you averted his gaze.
“y/n, i would never play you.”
you look back at him, now knowing the answer that had been bothering you for the past few days. it took all your strength to not kiss him right there but he beat you to it, closing the gap between the two of you. in that moment, all your worries had washed away, feeling content and glad that you had this conversation with him. the kiss soon escalated into you and eren sliding your tongues into the others mouth. you felt yourself getting hot once again but this time, a completely different reason. eren brought his hand that was on your chin behind your head, pulling you deeper into the kiss as you melted into his mouth once again, whimpering at the feeling. eren could feel it go straight to his dick that was now straining in his pants, trying to contain himself because he didn't know whether you wanted this or not.
“let me show you how much i care for you, yeah?” he says as he pulls away for a brief second. 
“eren, please,” you whimper as his lips met yours once again but this time with more passion. eren then moved so he was on top of you, caging you in his arms as he continued to kiss you. “i want you.”
“’want you too, baby.” the pet name going straight to your core. eren moaned as he moved from your lips down to your neck, gently kissing and sucking to leave a mark. he then placed his hands at the bottom of your shirt, looking at you as if he was asking with his eyes for permission to undress you, you nodded your head vigorously and lifted your hands up so he could take it off. 
“no bra? it’s like you’re begging me to fuck you, angel.” he then brought his lips down to your left nipple, gently sucking on it while taking the other between his fingers, moving it around earning a moan from you at the feeling. he then moved over to the right and did the same action. “you’re so beautiful.”
“ohmygod please, please,” you knew you sounded desperate, but you couldn't help yourself. you had been denying the fact that you had wanted this for so long.
“use your words, tell me what you want.” he groaned and came back up to kiss you, relishing in the feeling of your lips against his.
“’wanna feel you,”
“where, pretty girl?” he sat up at looked down at you with a smirk on his face, he knew where you wanted him but he wanted, no needed to hear you say it. 
“’want you inside me eren, please,” you whined arching your back so he could get the message. he chuckled and brought himself back down towards your sternum, placing wet kisses as he made his way down to the waistband of your shorts. 
“can i?” he looked up at you and immediately saw the approval in your eyes. “you don’t know what you do to me, do you?” you whimper at his remark, lifting your hips up in the process so he could take your shorts off easier to reveal your thong and the painfully obvious wet spot. he placed a finger on your slit, dragging it down slowly, teasing you.
“stop teasing me,” you whined, trying to prop yourself on your elbows but to caught up with the euphoric feeling that you couldn't. eren slowly took off your panties to tease you even more, and threw them behind him onto the floor.
“fuck, baby. this all for me?” he looked up at you with his jade green eyes meeting your e/c ones. he could feel the precum running down his shaft, struggling to keep his composure.
“yes eren, all for you.” your breath hitched as he spit onto your needy heat, bringing his tongue down to your clit, giving it a few kitten licks before he quickened his pace and wrapped his left arm around your leg to keep you in place, not once breaking eye contact. “fuck, keep doing that, holy shit!” you could feel him smirk against your core, and if it couldn't get any better, you felt a finger at your entrance before sliding in. “eren!” he felt so embarrassed to be rutting his cock against the bed but the noises you were making were sinful and he couldn’t help himself.
you began to feel your stomach tighten as he added another finger into your hole and picked up the pace. the sensation was incredible, the feeling of his tongue on your clit and the pace of his fingers going in and out of your pussy. your slick was dripping down his fingers, it was driving him crazy. he felt you tighten around his fingers, you were close.
“’gonna, ‘m gonna cum eren, please,” your release was so close, you just needed one more push.
“c’mon baby, cum for me.” he groaned against your pussy, sending vibrations throughout your whole body and you felt the coil snap. the moan you let out was pure sin and eren thought he was going to cum on the spot. “that’s it baby, good fucking girl.” as you got down from your high, you realized that he didn’t stop, you were sensitive, eren knew that but he needed one more from you.
“eren it’s too much, fuck,” you cry out as he brings his mouth back down to your heat and you can already feel yourself getting close again, and he could tell. you came even quicker this time, your juices gushing all over eren’s tongue. he lapped all of it up, not letting a single drop go to waste, and then taking his fingers covered in your slick into his mouth.
“you taste so good, i couldn’t get enough of you.” he whispers as he comes back up to kiss you. you could taste yourself on his lips and tongue. you reach down towards his throbbing cock, but he shook his head. “this is about you, baby.”
“please?” you look up at him and he couldn’t say no. he knew that he would not last long if you did as much as place your tongue on his tip. noticing that he didn't say anything, you took this as your chance. you flipped him over so that you were on top, and you could feel how hard he was. you grabbed the bottom of his shirt and helped him take it off, revealing his perfectly toned chest with chiseled abs. he threw the shirt to another place in the room, pulling you into another kiss shortly after. you moved from his lips down to his neck and down his chest stopping at his sweatpants to pull them down along with his boxers, revealing his swollen tip leaking with precum. he was larger than average and it excited you every bit. you smirked to yourself, and placed your lips on his tip, his breath hitched at the feeling.
you began to slowly drag your tongue down his shaft, maintaining eye contact with him, just like he did with you. you then took him in your mouth seeing how his legs tensed, you began to go even further. 
eren was trying so hard not to grab your head and push you onto his dick, afraid that he was going to ruin the moment with you and be too aggressive. you then took your mouth off with saliva connecting from his tip to your lips and then went back down taking him all in your throat before bobbing your head up and down, coming up for air while jerking him off. the sounds he was making went straight to your warmth, making you wetter by the minute.
“keep doing that, fuck y/n,” he groaned as his will vanished and he took your hair in his hands beginning to help guide you on his dick. he ran his hand through his hair and looked back at you, knowing that this image will forever be imprinted in his head. his legs tensed and you felt it, he was close. “fuck, i’m gonna cum, i’m gonna fucking cum.” he groaned as he shot thick white ropes of cum down your throat, you gladly took all of it and opened your mouth to show him that you did. 
“fuck, you did so good, so good.” he pulled you up towards him as you laughed into the kiss, and suddenly you were back on the bottom. “but now i’m gonna fuck this pretty little pussy, yeah?” he aligned himself with your entrance and your mind became fuzzy with the feeling of his tip right where you needed him most. he slowly pushes himself in but you didn’t need to adjust, and he began to move at a steady pace.
“oh fuck,” eren threw his head back at the sensation of finally being inside of you, the way your walls grazed his dick, pulling him back him. it was addictive, and he couldn’t get enough of it. “you feel so fucking good y/n.”
“fuckfuckfuck, ’m gonna cum eren.” the feeling came back embarrassingly quick but you didn’t care, the feeling was amazing.
“yeah? you’re gonna fucking cum? cum on my cock. cum on my fucking cock.” eren growled as his chain was in your face. hearing him be so demanding and aggressive set something off and you felt yourself release but this time it was different, arching your back at the feeling. eren was taken aback by the fact that he made you squirt, it was the hottest thing he had ever seen.
“that’s it, squirt all over my fucking cock.” he rode you out of your orgasm and continued to plow you into the mattress, picking up his pace. he was close but not quite there yet. you had taken into account that eren was aggressive in bed but he was being gentle with you at first, and you loved every bit of it. you wanted to make it more interesting. before you could even think, your hand met his cheek, and eren looked at you with a shocked expression but his eyes grew dark with lust. 
“fuck me like you mean it, jaeger.” you growled, hoping to get a reaction out of him. and oh boy, did it get a reaction.
“yeah? fuck you like i mean it?” he slapped you across the face, and then grabbed your cheeks and spit into your mouth. “swallow it.” if you thought you couldn’t get turned on anymore, you were so wrong. you rutted your hips against his, moaning at the sensation. this side of you was so different, and eren fucking loved it. he grabbed your throat, squeezing it and making you look him in the eyes as he fucked you with force.
“look at you, never knew you could be such a slut.” the name made you clench around him like a vice, earning a groan from him. “taking my cock so fucking well.” the feeling of you tightening around his cock for the 2nd time that night was making him lose his mind, he wasn’t going to last any longer and he knew that you weren’t either. he brought his hand that was around your neck down to your neglected clit and began rubbing circles as his pace became erratic. he was so close and so were you, but he needed you to come with him, he had to feel that feeling again. 
“fuck, i’m so close baby. fucking cum with me,” he moaned as he brought his head to your neck, you brought your arms and wrapped them around him, bringing him closer to you. before you could even comprehend, you released your juices, spraying all over his pelvis as he came shortly after you, painting your insides white. he stilled, trying to catch his breath but to his shock, you flipped him so that you were on top once again.
“not done yet.” you moaned as you began to grind yourself onto his cock. eren still so sensitive from his past orgasm that he was barely holding on by a string. seeing you on top of him, the way your breasts bounce and the way you look from this angle is driving him insane. he knows that he’s not going to last like this, the way you’re riding him, he grabs onto your hips and guides you.
you’re so overstimulated, you can’t even think straight. eren is trying so hard not to cum before you, but your pussy is milking him dry and before he knew it, he came inside you once again, legs shaking from the overstimulation. you lifted yourself off him and began to frantically rub your clit as you squirted all over his chest and pelvis. eren stared at you in awe, the way you looked like when you came and knowing that it was from him was a huge boost to his ego.
you finally collapsed onto his chest, trying to calm your breathing as he wrapped his arms around you. the both of you basked in this silence, thinking about the sex you just had.
“hope i wasn’t too rough, i kinda got carried away.” eren chuckled as he ran his fingers down your back, earning a laugh from you.
“no not at all, i really liked it actually.” you looked up at him, placing your chinos his chest. 
“I'm glad, been wanting to do that for a while,” he paused, as if he was looking for the right words to say. “i really like you, y/n.”
your heartbeat quickened, and you gave him a quick peck on the lips. “i really like you too, eren.” you blushed, “stay the night.” you didn't have class the following morning, so it was fine.
“ok, will do.” he squeezed you tighter, and you utterly being exhausted, you felt yourself drift off to sleep. eren gently moved you over and walked into the bathroom, finding a small towel and cleaning you and himself up. he grabbed you a new pair of underwear from your closet and the his shirt on the floor, dressing you before he put his sweatpants back on.
you felt the bed dip and a pair of arms bring your back to his chest and press a kiss to your cheek.
“’night y/n.”
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© all content belongs to oblxvion 2021, do not repost or change.
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A Favor for a Favor
A.N: My Twst Yuu OC Mia with Scarabia!! 
Twisted Wonderland Masterlist
“No way. Absolutely not!” 
Kalim pouted, “Come on, Mia!! Why not!” 
“Look at me, do I look like I like parties?” Mia asked, gesturing dramatically to herself. 
Kalim looked her up and down once before cocking his head once, “What does a person that like parties look like?” 
Mia couldn’t help but to look at Jamil, who only shook his head once before letting out a sigh. They were lounging around Scarabia dorm, where Kalim was currently trying to convince Mia to come to their party next week. 
“Huh? What?” Kalim asked looking between the two of them. Then he grinned. “It will be fun!” 
Kalim pouted and scooted closer to Mia, who glared at him balefully, “Pleasssse!!” 
“Why do you want me to go so badly? Just hanging out with the three of us is pleasant. Why add more idiots?” 
Jamil snickered once while Kalim rolled his eyes, “Because it’s…funnn!” 
“Maybe for you! But I don’t like parties. I didn’t like them in my world, and I don’t like them now.” 
“First off, too many people running around, and they generally talk about stupid stuff.” 
Jamil had to school his face as he looked off, taking a drink out of his goblet. Inside, he couldn't help but to agree. Every party he went too was boring as jack. He was almost grateful to stay in the kitchen for the most part when Kalim threw his parties. But even then Kalim at some point will come and drag him around for awhile. Mia was lucky she didn’t have to be subjected to that. 
“But think about all the new people you could meet!!!” 
“Bold of you to assume I want to!”  Mia snapped, “Besides, spoken like a true extrovert! You are an extrovert’s extrovert. Me, my behind is an introvert. I don’t like people on a good day, I certainly don’t want to crowd around a bunch of people I probably haven’t spoken to, to exchanged niceties about….nice things. It’s pointless. Let it go! I ain’t going!” 
Kalim deflated and pouted, but said nothing else. 
“Though I hope you have fun…..” Mia said after a moment had passed. 
Kalim pouted, “Would be more fun with you there too.”
Jamil finally spoke up, “She said no. Now let it go.” 
“I am. I’m just saying. I will miss not having her around.” 
Jamil rolled his eyes, “You see her almost everyday on campus. Her not being at the party wouldn’t make a bit of difference. That being said, I will have to plan the menu for next week.” 
“Don’t forget the Shawarma!!” Kaliim grinned. 
Mia looked between the two before slowly a grin came to her face, then suddenly she was cackling.  Jamil sat up a little straighter and eyed her. He noticed that she was looking at Kalim while she laughed, almost menacing. He couldn’t help his reflexes. 
Kalim cocked his head, unbothered, “What’s so funny, Mia!?”
Mia finally stopped laughing and clapped her hands twice, “Alright, I changed my mind. I will go to your party but….” 
Kalim shot to his feet, “YES!!” 
“Ei! There is a but…did you not hear the but?” Mia growled, reaching up to drag Kalim back down by the clothes. 
Jamil’s eyes narrowed. He heard the ‘but’ clearly. Mia were up to something. He could sense it. His dark eyes lingered on her unblinkingly. 
“But….” Mia drawled once she had Kalim’s attention, “Number 1…” she held up on finger, “I owe you two hours. If I disappear after two hours, don’t look for me. There is a limit amount of time before my battery crashes and unless you want me to be on the floor twitching somewhere, you won’t force me to stay beyond two hours.” 
Kalim nodded, looking concern at her description, “Two hours is short but alright!” 
“Number 2..” here she held up two fingers, “....you will owe me a favor.” 
“Deal!” Kalim cried at the same time that Jamil asked, “What kind of favor?” 
Afterwards, Jamil snapped, “Don’t just agree to favors before you hear them!” 
Mia sighed and slapped her hand on her head, “Jamil is right. You need to hear out all conditions before agreeing to them. You are lucky it’s just me. What if I was some nefarious person that had your worst interest at heart?” 
Kalim grinned, “Ahhh! Right. I forgot.” 
Mia tsked once, “Your head is not just for pretty decoration, Kalim. Let’s try to remember this.” 
“Right!! I will remember!” 
Both you and Jamil looked at each other. 
But would he though…? 
“Anyway, my favor is relatively easy. After your party Jamil is mine for four hours. I’ll let you pick the day and time, but I require Jamil Viper for four hours.” 
Jamil blinked at the same time that Kalim almost shouted, “Deal!” 
Mia looked over at Jamil. 
She was leaving to return to Ramshackle Dorm. Kalim had hugged her in his usual style before fleeing away to plan the party, leaving Jamil who had lingered behind. 
His dark eyes gaze at her steadily. 
“Why…what?” Mia asked blinking. 
Jamil only scrunched up his nose as he eyed her, “Why do you need me for four hours?” 
Mia placed her hand on her chin and held her elbow. She gazed back at him for a long moment, “Ahhh, that….” she drawled, “Mmm, well….four hours seemed not too long and not too short. I should have asked for a whole day, but that was probably pushing it….” 
“No, Mia.” Jamil was losing his patience. Why did Mia ask for such a random thing? What did four hours of his time mean? It was getting on his nerves, “What do you need me to do? Not the amount of time.” 
Jamil looked stupid-ify. “E-Excuse me?” 
“I want you to bring whatever you want to bring and do for four hours. That will be your choice. A book, a movie. Do your homework. Bring your pillows and blanket if you want. I…I really don’t care.”
Jamil’s dark eyes glared, “That sounds vague as jack.” 
“It’s purposeful vague!” chirped Mia. 
“But you haven’t explained why?” 
“Do I need a reason?”
Mia gave a soft smile and clasped her hands behind her back, “Don’t you trust me by now? I’m not gonna hurt Kalim or you.” 
Jamil’s eyes slid away, “I didn’t say you were….”   
“It’s also why I allow you all to pick the day and time. So you comfortably plan when you want to be away.” 
Jamil just looked back at Mia, no less confused than five minutes ago. But four hours away from Kalim did require planing. Jamil had to make sure he was feed, so he figured the best day would be on a Sunday after dinner. Kalim would have eaten and there was no school, and he would be back before night. 
That Sunday night he was still confused as to want Mia wanted him to do as he walked up to Ramshackle Dorm.  Jamil knew she said he could choose, but he didn’t know what to do. Maybe she wanted him to cook for her? He ended up bringing nothing really except himself. 
When Mia answered his knock, she grinned and let him inside. “Wonderful, it’s 7pm! You have until 11pm!” 
After his coat and shoes were off, Jamil asked once again, “What is it you need me to do?” 
“I was right. This was too open-ended for you.” Mia said worriedly, “No worries! Your answer is here!” She pointed to the living room. 
Jamil eyed her once before walking into the living room. His eyes widen. “When did you even have time to do this?”  
There were sofas and pillows and blankets from Scarabia dorm. It looked inviting, but Jamil was still confused. What did this woman want him to do? 
“Nothing!! Literally nothing!!” Mia cried after he frustrated ask her again.
“Look, I literally want you to take a break. A break. A rest. So for four hours, it will be silent or whatever you would like to do or hear.” Mia dragged a bag over and pulled out a few things, “Kalim gave me one of your favorite CDs if you want music. He also packed your favorite magazines too. What I want you to do for me for four hours is relax. Chill. That's it. You are not here to cook, help me with my homework, gardening, none of that. You are to do…literally nothing.” 
Jamil gazed at Mia a long moment, “That’s….” 
Mia gestured to the living room and finally Jamil entered. He glanced around as Mia took up a seat that apparently she was already using. Her art supplies were littered around. Looking at the set-up, Jamil couldn’t believe that they actually were doing this. Gingerly he sat down and tried to get himself comfortable. It took a little while, especially to set his brain. He couldn’t help but to feel he should be doing something. Not just lounging around like this. This was Kalim’s style, but the longer it went on the longer he relaxed. He appreciated the silence and declined the music. 
Instead, he was close enough that he could see Mia drawing. “Is that a gargoyle?” He asked after a little while. 
Mia looked up with huge golden round glasses sitting on her face. Jamil’s mouth quirked, he as he held his head in his hands, at the sight. 
“Yep! I drew it during the Gargoyle Research Society. I’m about finished with this one, though.” She returned to coloring. 
After an hour had passed, Jamil noticed something as he dozed, “Where’s Grim? And uncle ghosts?” 
Mia blinked at the suddenly sound and had to process, but once she did, she grinned, “I sent Grim packing with his tuna to Heartlabyul. Let him be Riddle’s problem for four hours. As for the uncle ghosts, they are haunting the campus. No one is allowed to return until 11:15pm.” 
Jamil blinked at this. He was surprised the Mia had gone through all of this just to get him to relax. His eyes fluttered shut, “And the furniture?” 
“Well, I thought it might be more relaxing for you. So I convinced Kalim to let me borrow some pieces. He was all too happy when I told him I wanted you to be comfortable and relax. And Epel told me about this magic bag that could move big things like that, so I borrowed it off of him. I think he got it from Vil.” 
This was nice, actually. It was rare when Jamil had time to himself in a quiet environment. 
Did he fall asleep? 
He was gently roused by the sound of Mia’s voice. He opened his head to see her kneeling over him. “It’s 11.” 
Jamil blinked, “Ahh, right. It’s 11.” Pause, “I guess I should get going.” 
Jamil didn’t move. 
Mia grinned down at him, her golden round glasses still on her face, “And this is exactly why I built in 15-minute grace period.” 
Jamil slowly sat up, ignoring how everything in him wanted to lay back down again,  “You really thought of everything, didn’t you?” 
Mia stood with a shrug, “Eh, I tried.”  
Jamil slowly stood, almost instantly missing the warmth of the pillows. He forced himself not to look back as he made his way back to the door and put on his shoes. Once he slung his coat around him, he turned back to Mia, “I….It…..” 
After a moment,“Thank you.” 
Jamil gave a soft smile, and he swore he  saw her lone strand of hair wiggle once as she tittered. She waved it away, “No problem. We’ll have to do it again sometime.” 
Jamil couldn’t help his visible surprise. 
This would happen again? 
“Of course, it’s happening again! I ain't’ going through another over blot again with you. A little relaxation here and there…will go a long way!” 
Jamil couldn’t help but to laugh as he bid Mia good night. When he returned to Scarabia dorm, Kalim peered into his face once before grinning. 
“Good! Good!” was all he said before bidding goodnight and going to his room. 
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certified-sloth · 3 years
Scenario: mc hating being jealous and the feeling of envy just bcuz and I quote "it's make me feel gross...and stuff"
*the brothers trying to make mc jealous by spending less time with them and hanging out with other people*
Mc unfazed: oh I didn't notice u were gone! Did u have fun atleast? Where they nice??
I'm not sure if they would really do that... but i'll try to relate it as much as I can
Sighing in frustration, he frowns deeply at your awfully fake smile.
"MC, you do realize this is all related to my line of work. Of course I'd have to deal with it, as per Diavolo's orders." He tries to explain.
"Really? Like how it was Diavolo's orders for you to keep me 'alive' for the program? That's how we started out right?"
He groans and shakes his head in disapproval. "I didn't ask you to assess me like that. Clearly, you're accusing me of something I am not guilty of."
"We need a break. Then we'll talk about this once we both clear our heads."
He concluded, as he left you alone feeling as if you've drowned from disappointment.
Of course, the 1st born was a prideful demon. There's always a limit to his patience, and you were not an exception.
He tries to explain it to you, but you wouldn't understand.
"Was I making you jealous? No! Can't you just stop jumpin' into conclusions? It makes me feel like you never trusted me..."
He does no good, but never had he done anything to try and hurt you purposely. If he did, then he's sorry.
This man is head over heels for you, and you still think he'd do something as far off to spend less time with you? Just for someone else?
The 2nd born may be a fool but he can be sensible at times.
"Then what were you doing with them?" You asked with a frown. He sighs and ruffles his hair.
"I was tryin' to ask them help with some gift for your birthday. I don't wanna ask my brothers since they're gonna scramble up ideas of their own gifts." He explained rather honestly.
You blinked, not sure if you should believe him or not. He's used these tricks on his brothers, what's the difference if it were you?
"D-don't look at me like that! I'm not lying! I wanted to surprise ya but I didn't want you to wrap your head in things that ain't true..." he stammered as he looked away with in embarrassment.
Sighing in defeat, you went to pat his head.
"I believe you... and, i'm sorry for doubting you too." You apologized and he glanced at you before letting out a chuckle.
"I mean ya ain't wrong with feelin' like this, at least now ya know how I feel when I see you with my brothers."
You laugh and nodded at his statement.
It clearly doesn't end well... you're glaring daggers at his back while he was playing a game.
He's a shut-in, sure he's still supposed to have the outside world's communication, but making you jealous? With a real person involved? Along with having to interact with them?
Now that's just not realistic. The most way he could make you jealous is to just talk about Ruri this and Ruri that. Nothing else.
You must be out of your mind to think he has the guts to pull in another normie when he already has you.
His Henry.
"I don't get why you would suddenly think someone like me can get anyone else... I mean there's my brothers, but me? I'm just not fit for that."
He frowns and hesitantly holds your hand, trying to ignore that fast pace of his heartbeat.
If it weren't for the background music from the game still viewed on the screen, you would've been able to hear his heart close to jump out.
He's been there. He's the literal avatar of envy, feeling jealous of others and what they have is his job.
So the fact that you're like this... he would've been happy that you feel jealous of someone that wants him.
But in reality, he knows how disgusting the feeling is. Instead he tries to talk you out with experiences like that.
It's a heavy feeling on your chest, as if you'd end up suffocating. Especially if the other had done nothing to assure your assumptions.
Slowly but surely, you and him end up creating a deeper bond by talking about those little moments and just end up laughing or get all embarrassed about it.
If you wish to accuse him, quit beating around the bush and tell him in a forward manner.
He doesn't read minds, but he's observant. He just wants to be sure of his conclusion as to why you seem upset with that fake smile of yours.
Your body language was enough to tell him what you were feeling, but he hopes you tell him honestly.
"Is this about the succubus I told you about the other day?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
When you didn't answer him, he took that silence as a 'yes'.
He sighs and leads you to the couch to stare at you seriously. If he wants this to be dealt with peacefully, both you and him will have to talk this out in a mature way.
"MC, she's been asking for tutoring. She has made her advances, but I declined. She was failing her grades so I had someone else to help her." He explained.
"So you didn't tutor her personally?"
"Of course not. I don't want to interact with someone who had actively showed their interest in me when they know I already have you." He assured with a smile.
He then noticed your shoulders slump slightly in relief and he chuckles at your sudden change of expression.
Tucking your hair from behind your ear, he offers to read this new book he just got from Akuzon.
He's been staring at you almost offended of your accusation.
"Darling, I am the avatar of lust, surely you realized that whatever advances I make to others are merely fake." He assured, putting a hand on your shoulder.
"You're the only one, and every word I tell you are nothing but truth." He said sincerely as you look down, feeling lost.
He knew how it was hard to be with him. You're dating the embodiment of lust itself, surely it seems as if he's not into commitment.
But he tries, because you didn't love him for his looks. If ever you were to be insecure, whether you tell him about it or not.
"Did it seem as if I were neglecting you? I'm sorry, how would you want me to make it up to you?"
He only wishes the best for you, at this point, even the avatar of lust himself is hooked.
Why are you looking at him like that as if he's done something much more horrible than yesterday?
You only frowned with how clueless he is and ended up telling him what was the matter.
He looks at you in distaste of your words. Shaking his head, he cleared that he thought you were mad at him so he decided to give you space.
"I didn't want to push in your comfort zone especially if you looked mad the other day... and the lady was the manager of the new restaurant that opened."
He smiles and picks you up. "I was asking for arrangements to take you there to cheer you up, i'm sorry."
You slowly look away, muttering an apology for misunderstanding. It's just that you've been insecure of your own capabilities.
And Beel had always assured you that there was nothing wrong.
"It's ok to be insecure MC, it's part of your humanity... from what Satan said, and I still love you this much. Please don't belittle yourself."
...ah, to think that a demon would acknowledge your self-worth more than you ever could.
Are you sure you hadn't dreamed of it instead? He hasn't even left the bed for two days.
"I'm not trying to spend less time with you, i'm sorry." He apologized sincerely.
Although he's half-asleep, he knows how you don't like feeling like this.
As he showers you with love, you clearly were stubborn to reject his advances.
He would've been mad that you didn't trust him enough to assume he was seeing others.
Nuzzling close to your neck, your back facing him as he held you close. Kissing your neck gently with soft apologies in between.
He already learned that one of you should yield in times like this. If you see him at fault, then sure, he'll accept it.
It went really bad when the both of you had stayed stubborn, he doesn't want to repeat it.
"It feels... disgusting." You whispered how you felt, taking hold of his hand as your consciousness was beginning to fail you.
You could feel him smile as he hummed softly on your neck. "I know, i'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that."
"I'll make it up to you tomorrow, but don't expect too much from me." He finished, and you've heard him clearly.
But your consciousness had already slipped away before you could answer as you slowly fell into deep sleep.
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hellsfanatic · 2 years
prompt from the february prompt list day two
ship: purly
words: 851
idea kinda stolen from @apricot-colored-feathers but i decided i wanted something funny instead of sweet so 🦆🦆
Ponyboy had gotten the okay to stay at my place overnight, and had decided to make the most of it. Our night wasn’t spent asleep, but talking and doing whatever we wanted, without waking anyone else up. Now look, we aren’t quiet people. Pony? Yeah, sure he can be. Myself? I’d be a liar if I said I was quiet too. But together? I stayed loud and Pony gained energy. So yeah, we woke Angela and Tim up a couple times, and each of those times we went silent after. Ish. Silent-ish. Pretending to sleep and laughing isn’t silent, but it’s better. It’s way more fun.
Pony was laying on my bed, eyes closed but still talking to me, and I was on my desk-chair I kept without a desk. His head laid on his hands that kept him propped up just enough to see me if he opened his eyes.
“You gettin’ tired, Curtis?”
His replies had been getting quieter and shorter, like he was falling asleep, so I had to ask. All I got was a mumbled “mm-mm” as a no.
“My bad. You sound like you’re just about ready to run a marathon to get some energy off. Sorry for assuming.” My lips turned up to a grin, not that he could see it, but he could probably hear it in my voice. It was evident on his face he knew, he was smart like that, and he smiled at my words.
God, he knew me too well. I never understood him as much as he understood me. He could guess my next move without a hint if he really wanted to, but if I tried to tell you what he was ever thinking I’d be wrong every single time. I have to wonder where his complexity came from, because no matter how hard I try, he’ll still manage to do something to slip from my perceptions of him.
The sky lit up too soon—there was no way the night was over yet. It felt like it should be three in the morning, and we should have just snuck back to my room after going into the kitchen as a late night adventure. It was like we hadn’t spent a whole night together yet, but the sun told me we had. Damn, time went quick with this Curtis.
“The birds are gonna wake up soon, Pone. You ain’t gonna get any sleep with them around, even if you’re preparing for that marathon. They don’t care,” I told him, moving to sit on the bed with him.
His eyes opened paired with a turn of his head to look at me. “What if I ask them nicely?” Pony asked, his smile coming back. Prettier up close, really. As much as I hate to say it. I don’t want to sound like a cheesy-ass boyfriend, I’m just honest. Usually.
“Mm, I’ll ask the birds when they’re up. I’m sure they’ll do anything for you, you’re basically the bird-lord right?”
“Now where the hell did that come from, huh Curls?”
I shrugged. It was just funny. “Oh it’s nothing. Just that obviously the birds are gonna listen to you, if you ask nicely. Those things don’t listen to anyone but the bird-lord.” I faked a cough to add, “You.”
I was up again now, headed towards my closet. It’s cold now, outside at least, and that’s where we were headed. I tossed Pony a heavier jacket than he had brought, but not an annoyingly heavy one. Just to keep him warm. Putting my own on, I spoke. “C’mon, I’m gonna go talk to the birds, but you gotta come with me.”
Pony groaned, dramatically I’ll add, and pulled himself out of my bed. He tugged on the jacket and headed for the door. “If I go out there and those birds don’t listen, I’m blaming you.”
“Hey man, blame the birds.”
We ended up just outside of the door on the steps, waiting. Chirps started not long after, I’ll bet you they sensed Curtis outside and woke up. Joking. Not joking. You’ll never know.
It was still early to be too loud, but I feigned a yell by cupping a hand around my mouth and whisper yelling for effect. “C’mon birds! Your royal king is here! And he’s got a lot to do, you gotta let him sleep!”
“I said we have to ask nicely, Curly.”
“Yeah, I got you.” I cleared my throat as dramatically as I could before saying, “Please.”
The birds didn’t stop, they got louder as more woke up. “Damn Pony, I guess you aren’t the bird-lord. I can't believe it. Is this what betrayal feels like? Is this how it feels to be lied to?”
“They’ve betrayed me! I didn’t lie!” Pony took a sharp gasp in and put his hand on his chest. “I knew they’d turn on me, after I’ve been nothing but loyal!”
We went on to joke about the birds and to just screw around, laughing over how dumb the whole idea was. But hey, it was funny. That’s all that mattered.
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ladyfogg · 3 years
King of Wands
King of Wands
Fic Summary: When you first started with the show, Jimmy asked for a reading but you turned him away because it wasn’t time. Now that he’s sitting in front of you and the cards are all laid out, it’s time to tell him exactly what his future holds. 
Fic Rating: 18+
Pairing: Jimmy Darling/Female Reader
Warnings: Smut. Just, lots of smut. 
A/N: Look, thought of this and wrote it in the last two hours. Just needed to get this gem out of my brain. 
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You’re a reader. 
A tarot reader that is. 
It started when you were a child and your grandmother passed away. She gifted you the set that belonged to her mother and hers before that. Your mother never bought into tarot cards and had refused the family heirloom. The moment those cards were placed in your hand, however, everything changed. 
You were obsessed, pouring over the little instructional book day after day, memorizing each card and what they meant. It wasn’t until you performed your first reading that you realized the obsession went far deeper than you ever realized. 
You began to see the cards just by looking at someone. You couldn’t explain it. It was subtle at first, just the card name floating through your mind. But then it became visual, sort of like when photographs were overlaid over each other. You knew exactly what card you would pull before you even started shuffling. And you were always right. 
It scared people. 
At first, you were labeled a fraud; shamed for a gift you had no control over. Then you were hated. People tended to get a bit cranky when you revealed their spouse was cheating on them or that you knew about the little money laundering scheme they had going on. But they were furious when you told them the depths of their character. They didn’t like when you peered into their soul and made them face the parts of themselves they kept locked away. 
One day, they stormed your house, ready to run you out of town. You barely had time to grab your grandmother’s cards before fleeing into the darkness. 
That’s when you met Elsa. And everything changed. See, she had heard about your gifts and had come to check you out herself. She was The Moon. You saw it the second you laid your eyes on her. Fear and anxiety, but full of intuition and illusions of grandeur. You liked her and you knew that you would be safe with her and her show. Though, you warned her that if she didn’t deal with her past trauma it would come back to bite her in the ass. 
She laughed at your boldness. 
That first night you slept more peacefully than you had in years. You were given a trailer, one that would act as your home and your workspace. For the first time in your life, you had a home that was all yours and you cherished it just as much as your grandmother’s cards. The house you lived in before with your parents never felt like home. Not since you started reading cards. 
You didn’t meet everyone until the next morning at breakfast. Bette and Dot certainly were an interesting pair. Dot seemed indifferent to your appearance, Bette was nice and overly curious about your cards. Ma Petite was the sweetest person you ever met and Eve was an Amazonian vision. You met the others as well, but they were the ones who took you under their wings and showed you the ropes. 
Well, them, and Jimmy. 
Jimmy Darling. 
From the moment he walked into the food tent you couldn’t take your eyes off him. Those deep brown eyes, curly hair, strong arms...he drove you to distraction. At least, that’s what you assumed it was when you didn’t see a card for him. You saw one for everyone else. In fact, the others insisted you read for them so they could see what you could do. 
You humored them, mostly because you wanted to impress your new friends but also because you wanted the practice. 
“What do you see?” Bette asked as drew three cards and laid them out before her and Dot. 
“Don’t get your hopes up, Bette,” Dot said with her signature firm voice. “Tarot reading ain’t a skill. These people are just very perspective and use the cards as a way to swindle you.”
“You’re wrong and right,” you told her, still staring at your cards. “It’s a skill but most people do use it for personal gain. I however have nothing to gain other than getting these damn pictures out of my head.”
“What sort of pictures?” Bette asked. 
“The cards. I can look at a person and know exactly what card I’m going to pull.”
“What do you see when you look at me?”
You tap the first card. “The Sun Reversed. Means overly optimistic and feeling down. You need to let your inner child come out and play. Have some fun in your life, honey.”
Bette smiled while Dot rolled her eyes. “I try,” she said. “But she won’t let me have any fun.”
“If I let you have the fun you want, we’d get pregnant,” Dot said. 
You chuckled as you kept looking. “Next card is The Lovers Reversed. You don’t love yourself or respect yourself.”
At that, Bette's face fell and she pursed her lips together. 
“You’re facing a tough choice with significant consequences,” you continued, now looking directly at her and not the cards. "Stop punishing yourself. Whatever you did, those consequences are behind you now, and dwelling on it isn’t going to change what happened.”
You tap the last card, still maintaining eye contact as you watch the card of Death appear behind Bette's head like the backdrop on a stage. “Something will be coming to an end. There’s a transition on the horizon and if you don’t deal with what’s in here,” you tap her chest where her heart is. “Then you’ll be blind to the opportunities in front of you.”
“Horseshit,” Dot muttered. “All of that was general. Nothing specific that would apply to either of us.”
“Those cards weren’t for you,” you told her, tearing your eyes away from Bette who was chewing on her nail in thought. “Those were for Bette. I don’t draw cards for people who don’t want them.”
“Well fine then, draw one for me,” Dot said, her voice tinged with challenge. “What card do you see for me?”
“Five of Swords.” You draw the next card in the deck, laying the Five of Swords right in front of her. “The recent battle you fought cost you more than you realize. It cost you trust, respect, and dignity. Moving forward is going to be more difficult than you thought. You should probably decide whether your point of view is so important to you that you’re willing to put your closest and ONLY relationship in jeopardy.”
Dot is unimpressed while Bette covers her smile with her hand. “Obviously you stacked the deck,” Dot accused. “I bet if another card were chosen you’d say something completely different.”
“Well, obviously. But another card won’t be chosen.” You shrugged and gathered all the cards, tucking them back into the deck which you then handed to her. “Shuffle yourself.”
With Bette's help, Dot shuffled the deck, twisting cards multiple times and being a lot rougher with the ancient set than you were comfortable with. You winced at the way she treated them, making a mental note to buy a set that your clients could handle instead of using your personal one. 
Dot slammed the deck down on the table and waited. You smirked and gestured for her to draw a card. 
The Five of Swords gleamed in the light of the tent. Dot's face hardened and she abruptly stood. “We have practice to get to. We don’t have time to sit around listening to a charlatan,” she declared. 
Unfazed, you scooped up the deck and gently shuffled. “Whatever you say, grumpy.”
She stalked off, barely giving Bette a chance to wave goodbye. 
Jimmy took her place at the seat across from you. he looked incredibly amused. “Day one and you’re already making friends,” he teased. “That was some reading. I saw the others you did too. Seems like you know your stuff.”
You smiled at him but your smile faded when you suddenly realized, you couldn’t see any card. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. All you saw was him. 
Jimmy placed his hands on the table expectantly. “Alright, tarot reader. Tell me my future.”
“Sorry, I can’t.” You had never met someone who didn’t have a card and you suddenly worried that something was wrong with you. 
“Ah, hey, that’s not fair,” he said. “I deserve a reading just like everyone else. Come on, doll face. What do you see?”
You considered the situation as you shuffled the card, with such ease and skill it was like the cards were floating between your hands and fingers. “It’s not your time for a reading,” you declared. “Sorry, Jimmy. Maybe some other time.”
As you stood up, Jimmy leaned back in his seat with a smirk. “Playing hard to get, sugar? That’s alright. I’m a patient man. I can wait.”
The circus became the place where you finally belonged. Everyone became family and over the years, your talent and act grew. Soon, your grandmother’s cards were only one of the twelve sets you used. You did most of your work while people were waiting for the show to start. Your trailer was set just next to the main tent so those in line or waiting could come in for a reading. You made decent money too, which of course went right back into the circus to help everyone. 
Your powers grew as your act did. Soon you could see and learn things about someone that you couldn’t possibly know otherwise. The cards helped get things started but once you were deep in a reading, everything else came right from your own mind. 
Every time someone tried to find a way to indicate you were cheating them, you made changes. At first, they said it was because you stacked the deck, so you started having them pick which one they wanted you to use. Then they said you cheated because you could see which one they picked right away and somehow used that the cheat, so you wrapped every deck in the same identical black silk cloth. 
The table was left bare. No books or anything else during readings. You didn’t need the books anymore anyway since you knew each deck by heart. The person would sit and you saw the images just as clearly as you saw them. 
Except for Jimmy. He was the one and only person who never had a card. It annoyed you but eventually, you came to cherish it. Because when you two were together, all you saw was him. You never got distracted by the pictures. Over time, you and Jimmy became close friends. 
Often after a show, the two of you would sit outside and look at the stars, talking for hours. Your feelings for him grew, but you kept them to yourself. He was the first friend you ever had and you didn’t want to mess up the friendship by telling him how you felt. 
Of course, the universe had other plans. As it often did. 
It was nearly five years later and you were in your trailer, cleaning up for the evening when there was a sharp knock on the door. Not expecting anyone, you frowned and peeked out the curtained window before opening the door.
Jimmy stood on the steps, hands on his hips and jaw clenched. You immediately knew something was wrong and stepped aside to let him in. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” you asked, heading to the small kitchenette to pour him some tea you had just made yourself. 
“Oh, you know, the usual. Being called freaks and getting shit thrown at us,” Jimmy grumbled as he paced. “I get so fucking tired of it. We deserve to be treated with respect just like everyone else. And no matter how hard we try they never fucking see that.”
“I’m sorry, babe. I know how much this weighs on you. I wish there was something I could do to help.”
“Why do you stay with us?” 
His question made you look over at him with confusion. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, you could go anywhere you want. Do your act for yourself. Why do you stay here?”
For you.
“This is my home and my family, where else would I go?”
He collapsed into your kitchen chair. “You deserve more, you know. Someone—” He caught himself and paused. “Something else. Something better.”
You turned around to tell him that you had no intention of going anywhere when your vision was assaulted by bright lights and the image of the King of Wands. It was so sudden and unexpected that you gasped, letting the teacup slip from your fingers and shatter on the floor. The moment you staggered backward, Jimmy was out of his seat with his arms around your waist to catch you. 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy there, doll face. Don’t wanna bump that pretty head of yours,” he said. “You alright?”
Grabbing his biceps to steady yourself, you shut your eyes and nodded. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine, just give me a minute.”
This was the first time in your entire friendship that the two of you touched. Sure there was an occasional handhold or pat on the knee, but he had never put his arms around you and, in truth, it was the best feeling in the world. Unable to stop yourself, you stepped into the embrace, burying your face in his neck. Jimmy held you tight, his nose in your hair. You were so close you could hear his heart racing and when his hand made a slow trail down your spine, you shuddered. 
“Take all the time you need, darlin’. I ain’t complaining.”
You smiled and pulled back just enough to look him in the eye. “It’s time for your reading.”
He quirked his eyebrow in amusement. “That what the kids are calling it nowadays?”
Laughing, you reluctantly stepped out of his arms and patted him on the chest. “I’m serious. I can finally see your card.”
“Hot damn. Must be my lucky day.”
You stepped over the broken cup, too focused on other things to care. As you took your seat, you waved to the shelf with your cards. “Take your pick.”
No longer angry, Jimmy looked incredibly amused at the change of events. “You’ve got a strange definition of foreplay, but I’ll play along.”
You rolled your eyes in amusement as he walked up to the shelf, hands shoved in his pockets. He was as handsome as he ever was. His looks only improved with time and the white sleeveless shirt and finely tailored pants helped a great deal. Often you had to stop yourself from just staring at him. Unless he was on stage. Then, you tucked yourself in the back and watched him with shameless love and affection in your soul. 
It took him a while to pick a deck, but when he did, he gingerly plucked it off the shelf and sat down with it. 
“Unwrap the cards and shuffle,” you told him. 
“I love it when you get all bossy.”
“For Christ’s sake, Jimmy, just shuffle the damn cards.”
He chuckled, placing the cards on the table and carefully undoing the ribbon that bound them. When the cloth fell away, you found yourself staring at your grandmother’s cards. They almost never were picked nowadays. Truthfully, you were the only one to use them in the last two or so years. 
“So what card do you see for me, doll face?” Jimmy asked, shuffling the deck. His hands fumbled a few times but eventually, he got the hang of it. 
“The King of Wands.”
Jimmy smirked. “I know I’m good in bed but damn, I didn’t know I was a king.”
“Not that wand, Jimmy. Well...maybe that wand but I don’t know yet. Just shuffle and draw a card.”
“Why now?” He kept his eyes on you as he shuffled. “We’ve known each other five years and you never gave me a reading. The one time I asked, you said it wasn’t time.”
“You know it’s because I didn’t see a card for you.”
“Yeah, but why do you see one now?”
“Fuck if I know.”
Jimmy placed the deck down and drew a card. 
The High Priestess. No. No, that’s not right. You’ve never been wrong in your entire life. A chill ran down your spine and you frowned as you looked at the card. Jimmy’s card wasn’t the High Priestess. 
“Looks like you were wrong, sugar,” Jimmy said. “That’s weird. I’ve never known you to be wrong.”
“That’s because I’m not. Draw another card.”
“Darlin’, it’s okay—”
“Humor me, Jimmy. Just draw again.”
Jimmy shrugged and drew another card, placing it next to the first. The Lovers. “Still not the King of Wands,” he said. “Look, it’s been a long day. I’m sure after doing all those readings you’re bound to be a little off.”
“Draw one more.” Jimmy said your name softly but you just shook your head. “Draw again, Jimmy.”
Jimmy sighed and drew another card and your heart lept. The King of Wands.
“There you are you sneaky bastard,” you said. “Now what the hell…” You cut yourself off when you realized what the cards meant. Images and sounds came rushing to you all at once and suddenly, you started laughing. Full on, deep belly, laughing. 
Jimmy looked bewildered. “Have you lost your damn mind? What’s so funny?”
“You just gave me a reading.”
“Come again?”
You point to him. “You, Jimmy Darling, just read MY tarot cards.”
“But I ain’t no card reader.” 
“Tonight you are apparently. See, this card is yours.” You point to the King of Wands before tapping the High Priestess. “And this one is mine.”
Jimmy looked down at the three cards. The High Priestess, The Lovers, and the King of Wands. His face broke out in a wide smile. “Well, shit,” he said, leaning back in his seat. “Looks like we have a long night ahead of us.”
The both of you were out of your seats in the blink of an eye. When your lips finally met for the first time, it was like your world exploded. Every nerve in your body felt like it was on fire and that only amplified times a thousand when Jimmy got his hands on you. He pulled at your shirt, tugging it out of your skirt so he could reach underneath. You gasped into his mouth the moment his skin made contact with yours and he groaned in response, palming your braless breasts with a rough squeeze. 
“Fuck,” you swore. “Jimmy, I want you so fucking bad.”
“Oh, you’ll have me, doll face. All of me.”
He backed you against the wall of the trailer, mouth devouring yours like he was the hungriest man alive and you were the best meal he ever had. Teeth clashed together in your excitement and you were sure your lips were going to be swollen by the end of the night. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this,” he went on, yanking your skirt up to bunch around your waist. His hands grabbed your thighs, giving them an excited squeeze as he yanked you against his chest. “You drive me damn crazy, woman. Always have. Seeing you walking around with this body and this mouth. The things I’ve wanted to do to you. Lost count of how many times I’ve touched myself thinking about you.”
You whimpered at his words, wet with arousal and lust. “Show me.”
Jimmy pulled back to give you that damn irresistible smirk of his. “Kinky. I like that.”
You tugged on his belt, undoing it and pulling it from the loops. “You have no idea, baby.”
Jimmy growled deep in his throat, giving you another kiss before taking over the task of ridding himself of his pants. God, he was magnificent. Long and thick and begging for your touch or mouth. Or both. Jimmy placed a hand on the wall by your head, keeping his eyes locked on yours as he started stroking himself. You wanted to look since that was the whole point, but you couldn’t tear your eyes away from those dark brown ones. 
You’d never seen eyes like his. They pierced into your very soul and saw you for who you truly were. 
“Come on, darlin’,” he panted. “You said you wanted me to show you. The least you could do is look.”
So you looked. 
Fuck it was hot. Seeing his hand wrapped around his cock, jerking himself off for you, was more than you could handle. You dropped to your knees, pushing his hands away and taking the tip of him into your mouth. 
Jimmy’s hand fell to your head and he swore out your name followed by a loud, drawn-out, “Fuuuuck!”
It took you a moment to get a good rhythm going. Truth be told, you were severely out of practice. Ever since you saw Jimmy, you hadn’t wanted anyone else. You flirted every now and then with a client, but it never went further because you knew none of them would match up to him. 
You sucked Jimmy off eagerly, closing your eyes and losing yourself in the heady taste of him. He moaned and grunted, urging you on with words of encouragement. You always loved his voice and could listen to him sing for hours. But this was a different kind of song. This was one you knew you couldn’t live without. His hips thrust along with your mouth, burying himself as far into your throat as he could go. 
“Shit, doll face. Why the fuck haven’t we been doing this this whole time?” he groaned, tugging on your hair. “You better stop before this is over embarrassingly soon.”
Pulling off him with a pop, you dragged your tongue along the length of him before smirking. “Thought you would have more stamina than that, Jimmy-boy.”
He yanked you up onto your feet and shoved you back against the wall. “Oh trust me, darlin’. I have plenty.”
His mouth covered yours again as his hand disappeared under your skirt. Jimmy’s hands had drawn your attention but not for the reasons he would have thought. Even when he was self-conscious about them, you admired them. You had heard plenty of stories about his sexual exploits and wished that one day you would experience what he could do. 
He rubbed you through your panties, drawing a gasp out of you as he filled your mouth with his tongue before biting your bottom lip as he pulled away. Jimmy wanted eye contact when he slid his hand under that soft fabric, his finger gently making contact with your clit before he pressed down hard. You shouted in surprise, lust coursing through your veins instantly. 
“You’re already wet, baby,” Jimmy cooed, placing the gentlest of kisses on your neck as he continued to draw hard circles around your clit. “Sure know how to stoke a man’s ego.”
“It’s all you, Jimmy,” you panted, already breathless and eager. “It’s only ever been you.”
He paused, gaze softening. “Ever?”
“Well, not ever ever but definitely since the day we met.”
A second later, his finger slid inside you and with a gasp you grabbed his shoulders, arching your back in a futile attempt to draw yourself closer to him. He smashed his mouth against yours, kissing away what little breath you had and making your knees buckle. Dear lord, he was magnificent. His thick finger stretched you better than you ever thought possible, certainly better than your own had. And if you were this worked up from his hand alone, you couldn’t wait for his cock. 
Jimmy rested his forehead against yours, watching your face as he pleasured you. Your eyes stayed closed but you could still feel the stare, sense his smile as your breaths mingled together. When he leaned against you, you could feel the hardness of his cock. Teasingly, you raised your leg to press your thigh against it and he groaned as precum leaked onto your skin. 
“Fuck me, Jimmy,” you begged shamelessly. 
“Oh, I will, doll face. Once you cum first.”
It didn’t take long for him to make that happen. Just a few more deep strokes and you convulsed against him, still trapped between his body and the wall. Stars exploded behind your eyelids and as you threw your head back, Jimmy latched onto your neck, sucking greedily. He was still at it when you came back down from your high. 
“You’re gonna leave a mark,” you slurred, reaching down to grab his wrist so he’d give you a second to recover. His finger slipped out but he kept his hand on your thigh, his thumb stroking the soft flesh. 
“That’s the plan.”
Laughing softly, you dragged your eyes open when he pulled away, only to be met with the beautiful sight of a disheveled and red-cheeked Jimmy Darling. 
“You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen,” you said. 
“I take it you don’t own a mirror. Because you’re far more beautiful than I am.”
“Actually, I do. In the bedroom.” You smirked and nodded over your shoulder to the beaded curtain that separated your sleeping space from the rest of the trailer. “Wanna take a look?”
“Been waiting for you to ask that for years.”
Giggling like school children, you grabbed Jimmy’s hand and pulled him into the room. He stepped out of his shoes and pants along the way, leaving them behind. Your room could barely be called that. It didn’t have space for anything other than your bed and a few decorations on the wall. One of which was a large ornate mirror you had found at an antique shop some time ago. Its bronzed frame shone in the moonlight that filtered in through the tiny window.
Jimmy admired it briefly, staring at your reflection as you climbed onto the bed. “Clothes off, doll face,” he said, yanking his shirt off. “Let me finally see all of you.”
You stripped slowly and deliberately, taking off each layer with careful movements if for no other reason than to give Jimmy the show he deserved. When you were finally, naked, he let out a strangled moan, reaching down to touch himself again. “Fucking hell, you’re just a pretty as I always thought you were.”
“I’m even prettier up close.” You spread your legs for him as you settled against the mound of pillows behind you. 
Grinning, Jimmy climbed onto the bed, crawling towards you with catlike grace. As you leaned up for a kiss, he granted your desire, cupping your cheek to hold you there for a moment. A second later, his hand grasped your neck and he shoved you onto your back before burying his face between your legs. 
His roughness thrilled you right down to your core, which he drank from excitedly. Those lips. That mouth. You knew he had a quick tongue but fuck you never knew how quick it was. He had you soaked from his spit in no time, his tongue switching between flicking at your clit and licking slow stripes along your seam. The teasing didn’t last long. He was too worked up and ready for more. His finger slid into you again as he wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked. 
“Jesus, Jimmy!” you exclaimed, clamping your thighs around his head and burying your hands in that wonderfully curly hair. “Baby, you have no idea what you do to me.”
He drew back just enough to smirk up at you. “I’ve got some idea.” 
His fingers and hand were drenched in your arousal and you weren’t even the least bit ashamed about it. After all these years, to finally be able to touch him and have him touch you was too much to handle. You were never one to play coy and you sure as hell weren’t going to start now. 
“Fuck me already!”
“So damn impatient,” Jimmy teased, still fingering you as he kissed your inner thigh. “You really want it that bad, don’t you?”
You yanked his hair so his eyes met yours. “You do too. I know it.”
Eyes dancing with lust, Jimmy’s hand slipped out from between your legs. He crawled up the rest of your body and pulled you into a harsh kiss. You could taste yourself on him and a sense of possessiveness washed over you. It disappeared and was replaced by instant pleasure a second later when he pushed his cock into you. 
You both groaned so loud, you knew the others could hear you outside. 
Jimmy took you so hard, you could feel the trailer rocking along with his trusts. Not that you minded. Nope. Quite the opposite. You wanted more. You wanted all of him, everything he could give. Five years was too damn long to hold back. You never felt so stretched and full before. The world around you melted away and all you were left with was Jimmy finally claiming your body for himself. 
“Perfect. Such a good girl,” he praised into your ear, his hips jerking against yours with a hard steady rhythm. “Always knew you’d take it well. All mine now, darlin’. No one else gets this sweet pussy but me, we understand?”
“Only you, Jimmy,” you cooed, more than happy to give yourself to him completely. On one condition. You grabbed his chin and forced him to look at you. “And you’re mine.”
He grinned. “If you say so.”
You pushed against him until he sat back on his heels and you were able to climb onto his lap. He slid back into you with ease as you rode him, his hands gripping your ass so tight you knew he’d leave marks. Jimmy turned his head and it was your turn to attack his neck with kisses and love bites. You saw how women looked at him, you weren’t stupid. When they saw the way you marked him, they wouldn’t look anymore. Not if they knew what was good for them. 
“We look good, doll face,” he panted, watching your reflections in the mirror. “Like we were made for each other.”
You pressed your cheek against his and also watched, your bodies grinding and writhing, begging for sweet release. “We were.”
You came not too long after, too tired and worked up to hold back. Jimmy fucked you through it, biting his lip as his own orgasm overtook him. With a groan, he threw his head back and came inside you, filling you up with his release until he was spent and both slumped against each other panting. 
Sloppy kisses were exchanged as Jimmy laid the both of you down. You remained in your sweaty, tangled embrace, neither one of you wanting to pull away now that you could finally touch each other. Even when you caught your breath, you stayed there, you stroking Jimmy’s chest and him running his fingers through your hair. 
“You never told me what my card meant,” he said after some time had passed. His voice was soft from fatigue and he sounded more relaxed than he had been in days. 
“The King of Wands represents pure, fiery energy. He’s a natural-born leader, a visionary. But doesn’t go forward alone. He’s all about caring for those around him and enlisting their help to realize his vision. He’s someone who’s here to leave a legacy.”
“Hmm,” Jimmy hummed in amusement. “I like the sound of that.”
“You create your own destiny. You create the outcome you want. Now, the only question is, what is it you want?”
Jimmy smiled down at you, reaching up to cup your cheek. “Already got what I want right here, sugar.”
With a smile, you kissed him. The both of you remained that way for some time, each kiss getting softer and gentler, until you both fell asleep, wrapped in each other’s arms. 
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yemilnisu · 3 years
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nisu entries:
a part two because i said so 🥴 i really enjoy these and you guys seems to enjoy it too i assume 💀 and i may or may not have a part 3 in my drafts ksksks
warning: swearing
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「part 1」
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Kenma: i don’t think anybody wants to spend any time here (earth)
Kuroo: that! so they (aliens) just blow it up.
Kenma: oh. *shrugs* if that happens, who cares?
Kuroo: i care because i live here!
Kenma: yeah, but then everyone's dead so nothing matters and that's kinda cool. i mean, what a privilege it would be-
Kuroo: you sound like a movie villain right now!
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Suna: i'm not even thinking that. i'm tweetin' and i'm streaming. wait- do i have my significant social media followers?
Osamu: you don’t have any following at this point 'cause you're suna rintaro in the timeline where you're at nasa.
Suna: …oh. i don’t even wanna live.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Matsukawa: you know, this was supposed to be the season of respecting ghosts and every time i've tried to do that, you yell at me to disrespect them.
Oikawa: i'm telling you to be true to who you are.
Matsukawa: i mean, that is certainly valid.
Oikawa: (laughs)
Matsukawa: 'cause i am living a lie otherwise because we're talking to air!
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Akaashi: oh, i see it. there's a bird right there.
Bokuto: oh, there's a bunch up there. hey, bros.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Nishinoya: you know, i didn’t walk down west cell block.
*nishinoya humming and walking to west cell block*
Nishinoya: it's nice over here, i like it.
(high pitched whistling)
(distant thudding)
Nishinoya: *stops*
Nishinoya: if that's somebody up there, make that noise again in your cell.
(distant thud)
Nishinoya: ha-ha i fucking hate this place. i really do.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Voice: (whispers) atsumu.
Atsumu: who is that?
Atsumu: *looking around for the voice* *lowkey scared*
Osamu: do you hear the little whispers?
Atsumu: please.
Osamu: oops. (laughs)
Suna: *behind the camera snickering because he was the one who suggested it*
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Lev: oh fuck, i forgot the spirit box, shit.
Kenma: go get it!
Lev: my hands are full 🥺
Kenma: well, try your best.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Bokuto: *baby voice* it's a little cockroach. you seen any ghosts up here, fella?
Kuroo: (laughs)
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Ushijima: do you feel like you have someone else's thoughts?
Tendou: sometimes.
Ushijima: that wasn't the question. i think you misunderstood me.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Kuroo: so right now, we’re in the captain's quarters.
Kuroo: is there anybody in here that wants to speak to us?
Bokuto: spill your beans, buddy.
Kuroo: what did you do on this ship?
Bokuto: he probably commanded it.
Kuroo: you know, i was asking him.
Bokuto: what'd you do on this ship?
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Tanaka: if you'd like us to leave and shut up, which frankly almost anybody who interacts with us for more than five minutes would like us to do, move something.
Nishinoya: spank us on the bottom!
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Sakusa: i mean, this sink is absolutely disgusting. this is maybe the scariest thing i’ve seen in all six seasons of this show.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Oikawa: *waving at his reflection*
Oikawa: always nice to see a friendly face.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Sakusa: i don’t know why people think darkness is actually scary because i can’t see anything. it was scarier when the lights were on 'cause i could see you know filth, things falling apart.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Semi: (knocking) let's boogie, folks! little guy needs a win. ghost, that would be great. if you got a mummy or a vampire, also good. i think he'd also count that as sort of proof of the supernatural.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Tsukishima: please haunt me! i’m begging you to haunt me! scare the shit out of me! do something! (laughs)
Tsukishima: how many times do i have to plead with air, with nothing? i’m speaking to no one right now.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Shirabu: if you don’t pop out, then i’ve wasted several years of my life. i mean, i went to college, and my major was not ghost hunting.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Osamu: what's 'tsumu doing in there? who the hell knows? he's probably gonna take out his little spirit box.
*meanwhile at atsumu*
Atsumu: i’m gonna fire up the spirit box now. i am shaking 'cause i’m so scared 😄
*back to osamu*
Osamu: it’s probably gonna say something that doesn’t sound like any words any human's ever spoken.
*back to atsumu*
(spirit box blares)
Spirit box: "do it"
Atsumu: oh shit!
*back to osamu*
Osamu: he'll probably respond to it like he's sitting across the table from a friend, playing scrabble.
*back to atsumu*
Atsumu: did you say ‘do it’ or 'tsumu?
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Sugawara: old timey jails, very fun to visit... and that’s all i’ve got to say about that *sips coffee*
Asahi: (chuckles) nothing about the ghouls?
Sugawara: there will be no ghouls, there will be dust, there will be noises that you, you know, pee your pants over.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Matsukawa: oh?
Hanamaki: ooh, a nice little drum hit.
Matsukawa: yeah, we got a beatboxing demon in here?
Hanamaki: oh, shit, another one!
Matsukawa: *starts beatboxing*
Hanamaki: 🎶 my name is makki and i’m here to say. we’re the baddest ghost hunters in the usa. hunting demons and ghouls too 🎶
(unintelligible sound from the spirit box)
Hanamaki: what?
Matsukawa: *beatboxing*
Hanamaki: wait, hold on, we actually got a response!
Matsukawa: *still beatboxing*
Hanamaki: stop beatboxing! (laughing)
Matsukawa: huh, oh, sorry.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Koganegawa: *whispering* choo choo pickle pie.
Futakuchi: (wheeze) choo choo pickle pie, what the f--?
Koganegawa: i don’t know. i’m just thinking of a funny thing a ghost could whisper
Futakuchi: (wheeze)
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Tendou: and by the way, if you want a little more one-on-one time with the tsutomu here, he'll be here alone soon enough.
Goshiki: …
Tendou: *backing away while keeping eye contact with goshiki *
Goshiki: it’s a long way to back out. you gonna keep that speed going?
Tendou: is the door behind me?
Goshiki: it’s close.
Tendou: *still backing away but carefully trying to avoid the door without looking behind him and eye contact still on goshiki*
Goshiki: did that work out the way you wanted?
Tendou: *still backing away*
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Kageyama: you gonna sit in that chair? we’re not allowed to.
Hinata: oh, yeah.
Kageyama: but we are the internet's paranormal bad boys.
Hinata: (chuckle) that’s right, were controversial.
Kageyama: we’re planning cheek to chair, baby. you ain’t gonna stop me.
Hinata: i’m sitting in that thing bare ass.
Kageyama: i’m gonna give that thing a high-five with my butt cheeks.
*later at the location*
Kageyama: yeah, not gonna happen, i’m not sitting on that.
Hinata: that looks like a death trap.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Shirabu: the human mind, if it’s looking for something, it'll find something. and he's going to find something. and it will destroy him.
Goshiki: holy shit. it felt like something walked past me twice, one from the right side, once on the left side.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Akaashi: it’s gone quiet now and i’m afraid he’s dead.
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basicjetsetter · 3 years
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The Rise of Deus
♡ Pairing: Mob!Peter Parker x BlackFemale!Reader
♧ Setting: The Terrace Room in The Plaza Hotel, New York
♤ Warnings: Language, Adult Themes, Violence, +18 Smut (If you are under age, please do not read this).
♢ Word Count: 7.2k
☆ A/N: Okay, so I got a little carried away. This is such an indulgent mess, I love it to pieces. If you haven’t read The Fall yet, I suggest you read it before you get to this part. It takes a while to setup, but I promise it’ll be worth it.  Please hit like if you enjoy it, leave me a lil’ comment and a reblog if you love it. Happy reading! (P.S. I like these two characters so much, I might just write some more moments for them).
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The game is in your hands. Exactly as planned.
♢ ♤ ♡ ♧
You’re not a great poker player.
In fact, compared to Peter and even Rumlow, your skills are subpar at best. The idea of betting everything on chance rankled the very fibers of your being, and you never could quite remember which hands beat which. But you were excellent at reading people.
It’s how you became New York’s best attorney. That, and because you were sharper than most people assumed you were.
Exhibit A: Rumlow.
You have to give it to him, though. He was initially difficult to read.
Earlier in the game, you tried to gauge his tells as he demolished Peter. Everyone reacts when they have a good or bad hand, whether they’re aware of it or not. As an attorney, you study your clients, plaintiffs, and sometimes the theoretically impartial jury for their tells—how they react to damning information, or rather, how they choose not to react.
The truth is in their eyes. The way they hunch their shoulders. Touch their face. Purse their lips. Breathe. Everything is a tell.
Rumlow’s whole personality screams dominant knowing, and he strategizes that way. Like he’s seen your hand before you even pick up the cards.
He plays too smart. And when he’s drunk, it becomes all the more apparent.
The way he rubbed his bottom lip before bargaining the final bet, slow and methodical, sealed the game against him. It’s not much to go off of for some, but for you, it’s more than enough. It’s a nervous habit—the movement confirming that his hand isn’t crap, but it isn’t the best, either.
You glimpsed down at your hand, then back up to Rumlow with a pleasant expression.
No, you aren’t a good poker player. But Peter is.
“Save your time, sweetheart. Let’s just get this over with,” said Rumlow, leaning back in his chair. It creaked under his muscular weight. “Fold.”
You arched an eyebrow, then crossed one leg over the other, causing the hem of your dress to ride up and show a decent amount of skin. “Don’t I get to place a bet of my own? You know, just in case my hand is better.”
Rumlow’s eyes predictably feasted on your exposed skin before he dragged them back up to your face. “What makes you think your hand is gonna be better than mine?”
“Indulge me, Brock,” you nearly purred, internally gagging as Rumlow’s breathing became labored. “If you know your hand is better, then you have absolutely nothing to worry about. I just want to have a little fun.” 
Part of you is grateful that Peter is handcuffed in the back of a police car, not here to witness your attempt at seduction. You needed to do it while Rumlow is still drunk enough to fall for it.
Rumlow contemplated your words for a split second, eyes dipping down once more to relish the sight of your skin while his thumb repeatedly ran over the top of his cards. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes.
He finally said, “Alright, I’ll bite. What’d you have in mind?”
Saccharine venom oozed into your words as you held a charming smile. “When I win, you’re going to give me $20 million, all of your inventory and routes to Peter, and I want your promise that the Scorpions will no longer operate in New York. You can go be someone else’s problem.”
The smug light fizzled out of Rumlow’s eyes, and his mouth hardened into a flat line. “Not going to happen.”
“And why not?” you asked innocently. You’re having way too much fun with messing with Rumlow’s head. “What’s so different about my demand from yours?”
“You don’t think you’re asking for too much?”
You leaned forward, letting your eyes slowly roam over his face before settling on his dark eyes, loving the way it made him uneasy, then said matter-of-factly, “Not at all. If you want everything from Peter, then I want everything from you. Only seems fair. That is, of course, if you want to renegotiate your previous proposal…?”
Rumlow sat up in his chair, staring too hard into your face. Searching for a crack in your armor. He wasn’t going to find anything that wasn’t already there. You’re sincere and know next to nothing about manipulating a game of luck, and it showed all over your face, clear as day. He’s got nothing on you.
“What is this?” He looked around the room as if there were hidden cameras on the walls, looked at the clueless faces of people spectating the game.
Tony muttered, “Well, this was supposed to be a party, but I’d say we’re miles away from that—ouch!” He groaned as Pepper elbowed him in the ribs.
“What do you think this is?” you questioned him back using the same inflection.
Rumlow’s head snapped back to face you, his eyes practically pitch-black. “A fucking setup.”
“It’s just a game, Brock. That’s all it is.” You’re surprised at how serene you sound because your heart is leaping around in your chest, about ready to burst free and fly away from the excitement of it all, but you’re conscious enough to keep the surprise off your poker face. “Do we have a deal or not?”
He filled his lungs with a ragged breath, expelling it out of flared nostrils. Pinched the bridge of his nose. Strategized. “$25 million. Everything else stays the same. His routes. His connections. You.”
You nod once. “And you accept my wager?”
Rumlow begrudgingly nodded. His knuckles turned white from clenching his cards.
“On three, we show our hands,” you said and waited, giving him one last chance to object. He doesn’t; he just keeps his hawk-like stare trained on you.
You both turn your cards over at the same time.
Rumlow’s hand shows a Three, Four, Five, Six, and Seven, all clubs. Straight Flush.
Peter’s hand shows a King, Queen, Jack, Ten, and an Ace, all hearts. Royal Flush.
Rumlow shot up from his chair, threw his cards to the floor, and snatched the gun from one of his men, aiming it at you.
Gasps filled the room, and you’re certain you heard Tony shout your name in alarm. Just as they’d done with Peter, the venue's guards raised their weapons at Rumlow and his men. 
You broke out into a fit of giggles. There were uncontrollable, bubbling from your lips and almost doubling you over. Maybe it was your nerves finally getting the best of you, or perhaps it was the dumbfounded shock on Rumlow’s face as he pulled a gun on you. Either way, you didn’t have a hope of taming them.
Rage intensified the crimson flush on Rumlow’s face. He barked out, “Why the fuck are you laughing?”
You struggled to pull it together. “Di-Did you honestly think you could beat Peter at poker, of all things? Seriously? I mean, don’t get me wrong. I knew you were dense, but geez.”
“He cheated. Ain’t no way he got that hand. Ain’t no fucking way.”
“Oh, come on,” you said, trying hard to stifle the giggles. “You said it yourself. Peter's a lucky son of a bitch.”
Rumlow took a minute to process the loss, eyes spacing out while the gun remained pointed at you. Your giggles died down as you sat patiently, drumming your fingers against your thigh and staring right back at the gun, uninterested. He wouldn’t shoot you. Not if he valued his life.
If Peter were here, you knew he’d be proud. Furious, yet proud.
At last, the arrogance returned to Rumlow’s smile, and he scoffed, “Congratulations, I guess. But um, I don’t really have to give you anything, you know. All bets have been word of mouth, nothing written down.”
Your smile never faltered. “Don’t do that, Brock. That isn’t how this works, and you know it. You were fully expecting Peter to hand me over to you with a nice, shiny gift bow taped to my ass and $25 million. Right? Or are you pointing a gun at me just because you feel like it?”
Rumlow shrugged with one shoulder. A hint of his anger traced his features before it faded back into an impassive mask.
“Doesn’t matter. I’m not giving you shit.”
You sighed dramatically. “Okay, fine. Be that way. But this is how it’s going to play out, regardless. You have three choices.” You ticked them off on your fingers. “One: You give me what I won and leave New York. Two: I sue your ass until you have nothing. Three: You get to deal with Peter. That last one won’t bode out too well for you.”
“Oh yeah?” he asked, snickering. “And what you gonna sue me for, sweetheart? Gambling?”
Your eyes firmed into a severe gaze as you spoke. “I had a nice little chat with Miss Shuri Udaku earlier.”
The dark look passed over his eyes again. A thick mask of indifference tried to hide his culpability before you could spot it, but you didn’t even need to see it in his face. The guilt in his tightened shoulder blared like a blinking neon sign.
You forged on. “Now, if what Shuri told me is true, which, guessing by the look on your face, it must be, you’re in deep shit. And I’ll take an educated guess and presume she isn’t the only one you’ve…spoken with.”
You paused for him to defy your assumption. He remained silent, his jaw grinding.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” you inquired with a faux mask of concern. “Did I hit a nerve?”
Rumlow’s eye twitched as he lowered the gun. Defeat heavy in his furrowed brows. “I’m gonna make you pay for this. You and him.”
“Just be sure to run me my money, first,” you said. A sly smirk curled up the corner of your mouth. “I want the whole amount by tomorrow, and I want you out of this state by the end of the week, got it?”
A snarl rumbled in his chest. “Got it.”
“Good,” you smiled brilliantly. “Now get your ass out of here. And take the Dynamic Duo with you.”
Everyone lowered their weapons as Rumlow and his two shadows stomped out of the Terrace Room. You watched their backs until they were no longer in your eyesight. It’s over. You won. A rise of applause swelled after the threat ultimately left the room, catching you off guard as you moved to retrieve Peter’s cards from the ground. You curtsied for them and offered a humbled grin.
A rush of adrenaline is humming through your veins, and it’s unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. You’re positive you could scale the Empire State Building without so much as a harness, just running on pure pent up energy. Maybe you should do this kind of stuff more often.
Steve was the first to come up to you, confusion laced in his blue eyes. “We’re letting him go? Just like that?”
“He pointed a gun at you!”
You brusquely scanned your unscathed body. “No harm, no foul, Lieutenant Rogers.”
“Jesus, you and that kid are a match made in Heaven,” Steve mumbled, shaking his head in shock.
“Wouldn’t be marrying him if we weren’t. And thank you for reminding me…” You trailed off, heading in the direction of Tony and Pepper.
You had to tell Tony the truth about you and Peter before your nerve wore off, or else you’d never find the courage to ever say it straight to his face. Even as you trudged over to him, a leaden ball of anxiety smothered your chest.
Shuri sprang at you without warning, tightly hugging you and jumping up and down as she squealed, “That was so awesome! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“It was nothing,” you said mirthfully.
“It was everything! That man’s been breathing down my neck for months about those weapons. I couldn’t turn a corner without seeing him. I can’t thank you enough.” As you broke apart, she handed you an embossed card. “If Peter is interested, I would love to have a meeting with him. Maybe we could all catch lunch.”
“He is definitely interested. I’ll be sure he calls you,” you assured, beaming her a friendly smile.
She nodded in agreement then waved her goodbyes, walking away to find her companions.
Everything always falls right into place for Peter.
You shook your head in awe as you made your way over to Tony and Pepper again, this time scanning your surroundings to ensure no one else ambushed you. Once you were close enough, they both threw their arms around your shoulders and pulled you into a protective embrace. 
“We’re so glad you’re okay, sweetie,” said Pepper as she rubbed a comforting hand up and down your back.
“Don’t you ever pull something like that again, you hear me?” Tony chastised, his tangible relief choking up your throat. He pulled away to look into your eyes thoroughly. “I almost had a heart attack watching that. How could you just stare at the guy as he held a gun to you? You didn’t flinch or anything. I swear you’re turning into a different person right before my—”
You blurted out, “I’m marrying Peter.”
Tony blinked and opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off, the floodgates bursting open as you spilled everything.
“He proposed three months ago, and I said yes because I am in love with him, Tony. I am in love with Peter Parker, and I know you hate his guts because of what he does, but I don’t care. And…” you stopped, sucking in a deep breath to steady your trembling words. “And I don’t care if me loving him means you hating me. You’re like a father to me, and I respect you, but I won’t continue to let you badger me about being with Peter.”
Tony interjected, “Woah, woah, woah, pump the brakes. Where did you get the idea that I’d ever hate you for being with Parker?”
Both you and Pepper raised an eyebrow at Tony, a universal look that easily translated to Your words said it all.
“Alright, sure, I never really liked the kid. He’s this devious little mastermind who circumvents the law to get what he wants and somehow even got you. But I can hate him and still love you, hon.”
You coughed up a laugh partly because of your relief and partly because of how ridiculous Tony was. “I want you to tolerate him at least. That means no more bringing up the fact that I am his Personal Attorney, no more threats of arrest, and no more nicknames.”
Tony sighed and said, “Okay to the first two, but I can’t make any promises for the nicknames. Baby-faced Criminal has a nice ring to it.”
Your smile brightened. “Deal.” You stepped back into his hug, pressing your face against his shoulder and exhaling. Finally, having the truth out in the open felt like releasing a breath you held in for three long months.
You heard Tony add, “ ‘Sides, I already knew you were engaged.”
“What?” you screeched, stepping back. “What do you mean you already knew?!”
“First of all, ouch,” Tony groused as he rubbed at the ear you accidentally screamed in. “Second of all, Pepper is not really that great at hiding wedding preparations as she thinks she is. And Parker came to me about four months ago.”
You’re so shocked you forgot to breathe, involuntarily pulling in a long drag of air as it dawned on you that your tormented lungs screamed for oxygen. “What—what do you mean Peter came to you?”
“Your young man thought it proper to ask me for my blessing before popping the big question, and I may have expressly told him to go swim in the Bermuda Triangle.” At your expression, he quickly added. “Well, he didn’t!”
“It’s just—He never told me that he asked.” You omitted the part where Peter held your refusal to tell Tony about the engagement against you. Tony wouldn’t understand Peter’s motives any more than you could. But you were going to make him explain himself. 
A brief impression of chagrin flashed in Tony’s eyes. “I admit I wasn’t that forthcoming about it. He probably thought it’d be better to keep it to himself than tell you I said no.”
That’s not what it was, but you hummed in agreement anyway.
“Welp, my party mood’s long gone,” Tony stated, unbuttoning his jacket and loosening his tie. “Anybody else up for some Shawarma?”
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| Next Morning  |
Today wasn’t unlike any other day. Phillips told you your client's location, even though you both knew the area by heart. Third floor. Cell Block E. Number 7. Always Number 7. Lucky Number 7.
♢ ♤ ♡ ♧
One of the guards, a new hire with a tag reading Lang, shadowed you as you walked out of the detention center’s lobby and into the bustling dayroom, then up to Peter’s cell. An untrained eye wouldn’t notice the guard’s careful proximity, and an untrained ear wouldn’t hear his trepid footsteps. You knew better. 
Your fiancé is many things, and cautious just happens to be a large part of his make-up. None of the inmates lounging around the dayroom dared to glance your way, not because of the authoritative figure trailing behind you, but because of Peter and his imposing rap-sheet. 
While Lang’s presence was somewhat reassuring on your way around the crowded cells, you didn’t need the security detail. You weren’t afraid of anyone in this facility. The moment you propositioned to be his attorney, he should’ve known you weren’t one to be easily rattled.
When you stood in front of Peter’s cell door, Officer Lang moved up close enough to smack the door twice, then placed the key in the lock. As the heavy metal door swung open, you weren’t sure what you might see. 
He’s been away from the action, holed up in here all night. A tiny part of you expected Peter to be pacing the floor, running his hands through his hair and wringing them together in distress, beads of sweat trickling down his neck as he counted the seconds to your arrival. You wondered what it would be like to witness God panicking.
What you saw made you smile. Peter, sitting on his squalid mattress with his body propped up against the wall, his eyes closed and mouth slightly ajar, is sound asleep. Some of his brown curls are slightly lying over his forehead, giving him the perfect air of innocence.
Lang took a half step through the door, poked his head in the room, and loudly sang, “Wakey, wakey, Parker! You’re sprung.”
Peter jolted up from his position, looking around as if he forgot his bearings. The moment his eyes landed on yours, a sly smirk slid onto his lips, and the air of innocence vanished.
“Took you long enough.”
He got up from his bed with a low groan, stretching out the kinks in his neck. His dress shirt from last night is has a few more buttons open, exposing his black undershirt, and his shoes are in the corner of the room. The guards didn’t bother giving him a change of clothes because they knew he’d be out in less than 24 hours.
“I could always leave you in here, Mr. Parker,” you said, a small, teasing smile playing at your lips.
Peter grinned back at you, then retrieved his shoes. Lang stood against the wall like a statue, head forward and hands crossed in front of him. 
When he was out of the cell, and Lang locked the door behind him, Peter addressed Lang. “She can take it from here, Scott.”
And just like that, Lang’s stoic face melted into a rueful grin as he mockingly saluted Peter and walked off, leaving the two of you alone. 
Your mouth gaped for approximately two seconds before you caught on. “You hired him to play pretend-cop?”
“Oh no, Scott works here.” Peter slipped his shoes on and unbuttoned the rest of his dress shirt’s buttons. “He just also happens to work for me while working here.”
You wanted to ask how many Scotts he had in this facility but thought against it, deciding to quietly lead him out of the dayroom and into the lobby. No one acknowledged your departure. Every single one kept their heads down and tended to business as usual. 
Peter’s driver, Flash, leaned against the car, smoking a cigarette. Once he saw you both approach, he stamped it out and immediately opened the back seat door for you and Peter.
“Good morning, sir,” he said, always overly cheerful.
Peter clapped Flash on the shoulder and said, “Hey, man. How you doing?”
“Good, sir. Thank you for asking.”
“Dude, we talked about this. Stop calling me ‘sir’ so much. It’s getting weird.”
Flash automatically nodded, saying, “Right, sorry about that,” before closing the door behind Peter. He’d call Peter ‘sir’ again by tomorrow.
Peter groaned in instant satisfaction as he sank into the leather seat. It’s a low and throaty sound, and you felt its vibrations all the way to your core, leaving a flustered mess for longer than you’re proud to say. Two years you’ve been with this man, and the lust hasn’t dimmed.
Peter got right to the point. “So, how’d it go?”
You smirked contentedly, flattening your hands across the lap of your pencil skirt. “You are $20 million richer. And you have the Scorpions’ trading routes and connections, along with a guarantee eviction by the end of the week.”
“20 million… Damn, baby, I knew you were a hustler, but that’s in-fucking-sane!” Peter whooped, turning in his seat to face you fully. His face radiated with excitement. “I bet Rumlow’s pissed.”
“Oh, yeah. He was pissed, alright. He tried renegotiating, then tried to worm out of it. It was fun to watch him squirm.” You’d never mention the part where Rumlow pulled a gun on you to Peter. Not because you cared for Rumlow’s safety in any way, but because you’ve seen how Peter reacts when someone threatens his loved ones, and you never want him to go down that dark tunnel again.
Peter leaned his head against the headrest and wistfully said, “Wish I could’ve been there. Stark didn’t give you a hard time for gambling, did he?”
The topic shift smacked you with the remembrance of what happened last night, what Tony had said. It shouldn’t have kept you up all night, but you tossed and turned with the nagging fact that Peter both hid his confrontation with Tony and had the nerve to pester you about not telling Tony something that he already knew.
For a while, you stayed up wondering why Peter even brought it up at dinner. What was his purpose? Why act cold towards you if there wasn’t a reason? Or was it even an act? Did he genuinely resent you that much for being anxious about telling Tony? Would you ever see that side of Peter again? So indifferent, so cruel. So quick to discard you.
The rest of the night, you replayed over and over how he ignored you, how he minimized you. That wasn’t part of the plan. Most of what happened before the cards got into your hands played out unexpectedly, and you understood why that had to be at some degree, but the ambiguity of it all ticked you off. Did he not trust you?
When he dismissed you, you actually thought about leaving him there alone. Was that not real?
That ache in your chest was real.
“Babe?” Peter waved his hand in front of your face. “Babygirl? What’s wrong? What’d I say?”
You couldn’t bring your eyes up to meet his. They strayed to your lap, refusing to move even as Peter hesitantly took hold of your chin with his thumb and index finger. He emphatically called your name a few times, worry intensifying more and more as an unspecified amount of time passed. Peter never dropped his hand. His thumb caressed your chin while he waited for you to speak, knowing you would.
The desire to verbalize took longer than you expected. There just didn’t seem to be a right way to say what was weighing on your mind. Outright confronting him with only inference to go off of felt childish, but so did beating around the bush. You ultimately chose to address the subject of your silence.
In a tense voice, you said, “Tony told me that you asked for his permission to marry me.”
About thirty seconds ticked away. Peter sighed, “Are you upset that I didn’t tell you?”
You nibbled on your lower lip, then brought your eyes up to meet his. Mild concern drowns his warm brown eyes, somehow increasing their depth, and frown lines creased his forehead. If this were one of your typical squabbles and he stared at you with those damn eyes, you’d have been a goner.
“No.” You shook your head to clear the effect of his gaze. “I’m upset that you asked Tony and then proceeded to act like I had an obligation to tell him something you already told him. And then you got so mad about it last night…” you trailed off in a whisper, recalling his restrained animosity, something you never thought you’d experience with him.
“I wasn’t actually mad,” he rushed.
“So you were pretending?” You asked lamely, feeling the ghost of last night’s ache lash around in your chest. “All that wasn’t real? Ignoring me? Snatching your arm away from me? Dismissing me?”
He insistently shook his head, brown curls swaying across his forehead. “None of it.” 
To you, the truth is almost as bad as the lie.
“It felt real to me.” Your voice sounds so small, it’s humiliating. You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, severing the eye contact again. “The fact that you couldn’t just tell me that that’s what you were doing beforehand makes me feel like… like you don’t trust me. Like you’re willing to sacrifice my feelings for some stupid game. Like I’m a pawn.”
“Fuck,” Peter cursed, running a swift hand through tousled his hair. “No, baby, that’s not it. Come ‘ere.” 
Peter reached over the divider and pulled you into his lap despite your attempt to scoot away. You didn’t want him holding you, consoling you because even if you tried your hardest to resist him, an irrational part of your brain would immediately relent to his closeness.
You stiffened at the touch of his hand rubbing small circles on your lower back, then loudly to clear your throat. “What is it, then?” You spoke to him as if he were one of your clients. Professional. Distanced. But you couldn’t look into those eyes.
“I was giving you an alibi,” he confessed, not fazed by your tone. “In case anything went wrong. We needed to look distant so Rumlow wouldn’t catch on to how coordinated everything was.”
Okay, that’s nowhere near the answer you were expecting. Because, of course Peter would come up with a convoluted explanation that only made sense to him. Irritation rose in you like a brewing storm as you peered straight into his eyes, ignoring the visceral pull as they locked on you.
“Did it ever occur to you that I’m a grown-ass woman who can handle shit by herself? I didn’t need a fucking alibi, Peter,” you said, indignation souring your tone. “What, did you think I was going to fuck up that bad?”
“No,” said Peter firmly. When you scoff, he persists. “I mean it. I was just—I was just trying to look out for you.” He held your chin again, applying a slight amount of pressure to keep your eyes on him. “I’m sorry. You’re right, you’re more than capable of taking care of yourself, and I love that about you. Sometimes, though, I want to be there for you as much as you’re there for me, if not more.”
You stubbornly held your tongue. You’re not going to cave with a simple apology… no matter how sincere it sounded.
Peter leaned in closer, poorly hiding his smirk as he heard your breath hitch while his lips skimmed up your neck. “I’m sorry, baby,” he murmured against your skin. “I apologize for not considering your feelings.” He placed a tiny kiss on the crook of your neck, trailing the tip of his nose against your jawline. “I’m sorry for keeping you in the dark.”
An undeniable heat flickered to life within you, building as Peter’s actions grew enticingly bold. The pads of his fingers glide up and down your stocking-clad thighs, and each motion brought his hands down further and further until his whole, warm palms flattened down to massage your calves and thighs. Unknowingly, you inclined your neck to allow him to access a larger expanse of your skin.
Any resolve you cemented against Peter crumbled as a pair of lips outlined the shell of your ear. His voice comes out hoarse when he speaks, hoarse and deliberate. “I trust you with everything I have. You know that, don’t you?” His lips hover dangerously near yours.
You exhaled out a breathy, “Yes.” You do know that. He wouldn’t trust anyone else to hold those cards but you, wouldn’t trust anyone else bargaining with his assets but you.
Peter held your lowered gaze steady as he hooked his hands under your thighs and hoisted you up so you fully straddled him, your pencil skirt elastic enough to permit marginal movement. A low whine emitted from your throat as he pressed a chaste kiss to your lips, then pulled away to stare at you, using the full force of his immorally brown eyes.
“Can you forgive me?”
It’d be as simple as sin to whimper out a pathetic affirmative and let him off scot-free. Excruciatingly simple. You knew he meant every word, and you were glad he let you express your anger before apologizing. You wanted to forgive him. But your mind currently wasn’t on the same circuit as your mouth, refusing to utter a single word, wondering where that would get you.
“Hmm,” Peter hummed pensively, contemplating while a predatory grin crept onto his lips. “Guess I gotta work for it, then.”
♢ ♤ ♡ ♧
Your back arched up off the bed, and you toss your head back as you gutturally cried out Peter’s name for the fourth time.
The moment you two entered the house, Peter was on you, guiding you to the bedroom with his lips attached to yours and his hands groping your backside. His hands never left your body, and once they did, it was only to tear off his clothes. You weren’t sure what you signed up for, but something glinting in Peter’s eyes, an erotic passion you’ve encountered several times in your relationship, bespoke of an intense afternoon headed your way.
Before you could even guess what that might entail, you were lying on your back in the middle of the bed, and Peter was parting your legs open.
Currently, his grip on your bucking hips remains vice-like as he keeps his face planted between your quaking thighs, still lapping up the rest of your orgasm and staring you dead in the eyes with wicked lust.
Each time he made you cum, he’d huskily ask, “You forgive me?” The first time, you were cheeky, shaking your head with a tiny pout on your lips and eagerly wiggling your hips and tugging on the silky strands of his hair for more. The second time, your body ached wonderfully, and you lazily nodded your acceptance of his apology, but he didn’t stop, tightening his hold on the swells of your hips and delving his tongue through your silken folds. By the third time, you were religiously chanting, “I forgive you,” grasping the sheets for dear life as Peter solely sucked on your clit and salaciously groaned into your core.
On the fourth orgasm, your whole body is aflame, your fingers are desperately clutching Peter’s wrists, and you’re a blissed-out, gibbering mess with tears of ecstasy streaming out the corners of your eyes.
“You forgive me?” Peter rasped, his breath fanning against your sensitive skin. He alternately kissed your inner thighs, sometimes gently sucking the skin until he left stinging love bites.
Knowing words were well beyond your reach, your jerkily bobbed your head up and down, gulping in air to calm your heaving chest.
A whine of relief breaks free when Peter finally lets go of your hips and leads a sloppy trail of kisses up your abdomen, between the valley of your breasts, along your neck, your jawline, until he claims your lips in a sensually slow kiss, one that stole away your regained breath. You mewled into it, wrapping your arms around his neck and threading your fingers through his hair. He lowered his body on top of yours, deliciously suffocating you with his body heat and his scent—an intoxicating aroma of smoky spice you only associate with Peter.
Your brain treads on a fine line near oblivion. All your mind can comprehend is Peter. His soft little grunts in your mouth, his toned chest brushing against yours, his hardened cock against your stomach as he ruts into you.
“I want you,” you panted, wanton need thick in your voice. You’re entirely spent, but you couldn’t help but crave more of Peter, couldn’t help but want him to thoroughly build you up only to tear you down all over again. 
Peter teasingly nipped at your lips, mumbling, “Where do you want me?”
You let out an impatient, low-pitched groan. “Inside me, baby. Please, Peter.” Your hips angled up on their own accord, grinding your dripping core against his cock. “Please, fuck me.”
His eyes rolled back, mouth slightly agape, and his face pinched in pleasure—what a pretty sight. Your eyes drank him all in. You loved the way he squinches up his eyes, almost as if all the sensations are too much to process. You loved how the flush creeping up his neck turned his skin a lovely scarlet. You loved watching him try to be attentive to you while being so engrossed in his own bliss.
Unhurried, Peter took himself in his hand, then slid his length through your folds before guiding his tip to your entrance. He always liked to draw this moment so he could hear the desperate noises you’d make for him. Your whole body sang out for him, from the broken moans spilling from your lips to the constant, stuttering pitch in your hips. 
At an agonizingly slow pace, Peter slid inside of you, hissing out a drawn-out Fuck. You jumped and gasped at the slight sting as he stretched you out, gripping onto his biceps and clenching around him as the sting built up to a toe-curling burn of ecstasy. 
He stroked into you with painstaking emphasis, hitting a deep spot within you that brought stars to your vision while capturing your lips in a blistering kiss. Your hands held his face as the kiss deepened, both of you moaning into each other’s mouths in carnal abandon. Yeah, it definitely tops the sex you had on the night he proposed.
Peter broke the kiss to dip his head down and favor the skin on your neck. His voice is a low murmur when he speaks, barely louder than your gasping breaths. “You forgive me?”
You practically sob out, “Yes! Yes, baby, I forgive you.” The flames are multiplying, licking up from your lower region and engulfing you as his strokes rock steadily. 
“You know you’re my everything,” he grunted, sucking down hard on your skin and laving it with his tongue after you yelp his name.
Your heart flutters as you moan, “Yes.”
“Say it, baby,” Peter mumbled, an undercurrent of firmness in his voice. “I wanna hear you say it.”
“I’m your everything.” The things this man does to you…
“Good girl.” Peter’s hand wedged between your entwined bodies, reaching down to rub your overstimulated clit, watching the tremors shaking through your body as your mouth hung open in a silent moan. “I want you to remember that,” he ordered. “You’re my everything, and I’m sorry I”—grunt—“Fuck, I’m sorry I hurt you.”
He carefully collects you in his arms before rolling over and putting you on top, wrapping his arms around your back so your bodies remain pressed together. Some of your twists cascade on either side of Peter’s face, but he doesn’t mind, keeping his head buried in the crook of your shoulder as he pumped up his hips, deeply thrusting into you. 
“You feel so good, babygirl,” Peter said roughly, his hips picking up into a bruising speed. “So wet for me.” His hands slide down your back and squeeze your ass. “Always take me so well.”
All you could manage were needy, shameless whimpers in response as his dirty words, his scorching touch, his soft lips, his slick body against yours all sent you reeling towards a rapturous release. Every stroke brings you closer to the edge, and you know Peter isn’t far behind.
With some effort, you drag yourself up to sit on Peter’s cock and brace your hands on his chest, lolling your head back as the new angle allowed him to hit a deeper spot within you.
Peter admired you through half-lidded eyes. “So fucking beautiful.”
You mustered up a beaming smile for Peter, then set your focus on riding him with the little energy you had left, slowly bouncing up and down on his thick length and loving the quick hitch in Peter’s breath as you took control. You wanted to see him writhe underneath you as he came inside you, wanted to see his pretty lips part as he called out your name. You’re so close, it’s maddening, but you’re waiting for Peter to fall off the edge with you. 
As soon as Peter’s hips began to chase yours in a broken pattern and a repeated mixture of your name and fucks streamed out of his mouth, your climax slammed into you, slightly choking you up as you came with a high-pitched, quivering gasp and cried out, “Peter!”
Peter’s crashed down on him with the same force. His hips stalled for an instant before jerking up into you one last time, your name tumbling from his lips in a hoarse groan as he filled you with his hot, sticky cum. It feels as if you’re riding the wave of your orgasm for hours, and you blissfully drown in it. Savor it. Bask in the absolute pride of knowing that this man is yours and yours alone even though you have yet to seal it with the promise of ‘for as long as you both shall live.’
The comedown is a sluggish process, like trying to swim the length of a 10-foot pool of honey. Your heart rate is the first to slow down into a stable rhythm, then the raucous hum singing in your body simmers down to a delicious buzz whose sole purpose is to remind you of the five breathtaking orgasms Peter drew out of you. Every part of your body aches when you merely think about moving, so you cave and slump onto Peter’s torso, eliciting an amused oomph from Peter as he wraps an arm around your waist. When he pulls out of you, his cum smears a sticky trail in between your thighs.
Peter brushes away some of your twists from your face to press a gentle kiss to your perspired forehead. “I love you.”
“I love you,” you echo back, leaning up a little to peck his jawline. You snuggle up closer so your head rested on his shoulder. “And I really do forgive you. Your intentions were pure, and I know you were just trying to protect me.” You reach up and grab his chin, making him look into your eyes. “But I want your complete trust, Peter. Trust that I can handle things on my own.”
“From this point on, you have my whole trust,” Peter promised. He took hold of your hand, entwined your fingers together, and then put your hands over his heart. Its slow thud matched yours. “You have my word. No more alibis.”
You laughed tiredly. “Thank you.”
For a while, you two just stayed in each other’s embrace, your eyes falling as Peter’s finger lazily traced an infinity sign around your knuckles. You’re still buzzing, and you know you should roll out of bed to wash up, but you try to save these soft moments in your memory, to help remind you of the kind man who can be, at times, too cruel for words. That’s when he’s Deus. Right now, he’s your Peter.
Seconds away from succumbing to sleep, a thought occurs to you, and you quietly ask, “Hey, babe?”
Peter sounds wide awake. “Yeah?”
“Did Tony literally tell you to go swim in the Bermuda Triangle when you asked him for his approval?”
He snickered. “I believe his exact words were, ‘Go to hell, Parker. Better yet, why don’t you do us all a favor and take a swim in the Bermuda Triangle, and become a cold case?’”
Geez, Tony. You bit your lip. “And you still asked me to marry you anyway, even though he didn’t approve?”
“I was going to, regardless,” Peter murmured, and you could hear a smile in his words. “I just wanted to try and, you know, see if I could make you a little happier. Me and Stark bump heads a lot, and I saw how it upset you, so I thought asking him for his permission would get us on the right track to some sort of civility. Wanted it to be a surprise if he did say yes.”
Unexpected tears gathered in your eyes, and your chin wobbled. He tried for you. Had been trying for you. He even noticed how his and Tony’s bouts caused you to be anxious about your future together and tried to mend the stupid rift between them, for your sake. You aren’t going to lie and say that you’re glad Tony refused. You wished with your whole heart that he could clearly see how much you loved Peter. But, from now on, you’re no longer going to be scared of what Tony thinks of Peter. You love him, and he most certainly loves you, and that’s all that matters.
You scooch up a little more and capture his lips in a deep, passionate kiss. He’s only caught off guard for a second before kissing back, wrapping both of his arms around your waist. When Peter felt the wet tear tracks on your cheeks, he brought up his hands and wordlessly wiped them away.
As you pulled apart, you rested your forehead against his and said, “I can’t wait to marry you, Mr. Parker.”
Peter lightly rubbed the tip of your nose with his, replying, “I’m already yours, Mrs. Parker.”
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bandaged-writer · 4 years
hi!! since requests are open- can i have jealousy hcs for dazai, ranpo, tanizaki and chuuya with an s/o who’s friendly and doesnt really catch on to flirting? :0
Dazai Osamu
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➤ Dazai doesn’t get jealous easily. He trusts you all the way to his bandages and knows how long it takes you to notice that someone is flirting with you. Before the two of you became a thing, Dazai had been excessively flirting with you only and always threw compliments your way such as “Ah, those earrings really compliment the color of your eyes, belladonna!” and you’d just say “I think so, too. Thanks,” before resuming your way of life. Yosano had to tell you that Dazai was looking at you with heart eyes, trying to score a date with you for 2 weeks at that time.
➤ He watches with an amused smirk when the person flirting with you starts getting frustrated. To Dazai, it’s just funny how the person becomes more desperate and the flirting becomes blatantly obvious, yet it’s like you’re immune unless it’s Dazai that does the flirting (yes, you got better at catching his advances). Eventually, Dazai will smoothly join the scene with his hand resting on your waist and pull you close to his side.
➤ “Thank you for looking after my belladonna while I had to use the bathroom, but we’re on a date. If you’d excuse us.”
➤ However, Dazai won’t pull the playful side if the person makes you uncomfortable or uses inappropriate pick-up lines. He knows you’re just too nice to tell the person to fuck off and would rather sit through the experience than potentially anger them.
➤ You can actually see the light in his eyes fading into nothing and his voice drops an entire octave. You’d only witnessed that side of Dazai one or two times, but you will never forget the goosebumps that covered your skin. “Put those paws of yours on her and you won’t see tomorrow come.”
➤ I can see Dazai getting somewhat jealous when it’s someone you have good chemistry with and/or if there’s some kind of romantic background; like someone you’d once gone out on a date with, was partner other and such. He’d stay attached to your side all the time, but not because he doesn’t trust you; he doesn’t trust that person.
➤ While you’re happily chatting away, Dazai is extra touchy in that situation. May it be his arm around your waist, his hand on your upper thigh or gently caressing your knee underneath the table while whispering sweet nothings in your ear. Ngl, he wants to fluster you a bit, just enough for it to be visible or audible. Dazai is a little shit in that situation and wants to make the person feel uncomfortable enough to leave.
➤ “Dazai, you what-?!” You’d slap his arm and blush furiously.
➤ “I don’t like the way they looked at you, my love,” Dazai would say pouting once you’re home and proceeds to suck some purple bruises into the skin of your neck, so that they wouldn’t look at you twice, again.
➤ Can and will continue if you liked what he was doing.
Ranpo Edogawa
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➤ That man protects his candy better than his own life and you’re no exception. Sharing ain’t caring and he sure as hell isn’t having it when someone flirts with who belongs to him.
➤ Unlike Dazai, he can’t just watch and immediately sweeps in to stop whatever the person was about to do with both of his arms around you or you behind him. Depends on how badly it rubs Ranpo the wrong way.
➤ Yes, Ranpo’s aware of your overly friendly side and appreciated it. Even flirting with you is fun, because it takes you some time to get it and when you do, it’s the most adorable thing. However, it’s definitely not adorable when someone else tries to gauge that reaction out of you. It’s only for Ranpo to witness.
➤ “Who the hell are you?” Ranpo would say in a tone that would give away that he’s definitely jealous but quickly sigh and stop the person from answering by waving them off. “Have you ever heard of rhetorical questions? Of course, I don’t want to know who you are.”
➤ The type to deny he’s jealous and be all whiny about your accusations until you stop teasing him about it, hold his hand and reassure him. “I really look up to you, Ranpo. My eyes are always on you,” and Ranpo would deadass lose it, because that’s what you said when it was your first time joining him for a murder case and he had told you to watch him.
➤ Gets soft real fast and admits that he just doesn’t like anyone else hitting on you, saying that jealousy is indeed a lame feeling that he’s not fond of. “But you’re beautiful so I can understand, but it’s still so meh.”
➤ Pls give him a forehead kiss. He treasures them so much more than kisses on the lips, cheek, neck, etc. To Ranpo, it’s like a pinky promise.
➤ Will proudly wrap an arm around your shoulder, pull you flush to his side and wanders off to the next ice-cream shop while making walking a bit hard. According to Ranpo, ice-cream cools down heated feelings (pun intended) and it’s a great place for him to show off who’s his.
➤ Can and will use his deduction skills on that person if they’re making you uncomfortable or trying inappropriate things on you. “Ah, I see. You’ve already harassed several people and had to go to the police. Wouldn’t it be a shame if you had to get actually arrested this time?” 
➤ Has that proud and wicked smirk on his face when the person gets scared and makes a run for it. Ranpo will still report them though.
Tanizaki Junichiro
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➤ Jealousy-wise, he’s something between Ranpo and Dazai. It really depends on the circumstances, how the person approaches you and all.
➤ If the person treats you with respect and kindness, Tanizaki will quickly inform them that you’re taken by him. He understands that you’re naturally friendly and figures that it’s also the vibe you give off, so he can’t blame anyone for finding that attractive. Tanizaki is just relieved that the person was kind enough to understand the position they were in and even wished the two of you a nice day/date.
➤ Still holds your hand a little bit tighter, though. 
➤ “Wait, did you just get jealous?” It’d hit you out of nowhere once the scene replays in your head and Tanizaki would blush ever so slightly. Maybe he was a bit jealous, but not to a high extent. He’d rather call it protective. “Ah, [Name], it’s nothing like that, I promise.”
➤ Now, y’all have seen that man protecting his sister and he protects you just as much as Naomi. Once the person is creepy and fishy, it’s game over and it’s like a switch turned within him.
➤ When you get uncomfortable and feel bothered by whoever’s flirting with you, Tanizaki takes over faster than you could ask him for help. “I don’t care who you are or what you’re trying to achieve here, but bend even a hair of hers and you’ll severely regret it.” His eyes are dull, voice firm and serious as he gets his point across. 
➤ Feels genuinely jealous when you seemingly ignore him for someone else, though. None of Tanizaki’s tries of joining the conversation are successful, not even him touching your hand or being a bit more touchy than usually gains your attention. It’s then that his voice sounds a little bit more lifeless and gains your observance. “[Name], weren’t we on a date?” You know you messed up.
➤ You kindly say goodbye to whoever’s flirting with you and ask Tanizaki what’s wrong - it’s just not his kind and easily flustered self
➤ “You seemed to be having fun with them, don’t you?”
➤ “Tanizaki, they were just being nice-”
➤ Give him the puppy eyes and everything is forgiven, though. Tanizaki could never, in his entire life, be genuinely mad at you. Yes, he might be upset that you ignored him for good 5 minutes straight, but that’s it.
Chuuya Nakahara
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➤ Chuuya rarely gets jealous. He puts 110% of his faith and trust in you and knows that you do the same. A relationship that’s loyal to the bone.
➤ He can stand it for a little while when e.g. Tachihara is getting a little too friendly and touchy with you. Of course, you return the gesture, believing that he’s just being nice to you and not actually flirting. After all, no one but Chuuya had ever really flirted with you or so you believed.
➤ We all know that man’s temper is as short as his height, so it wouldn’t take long for him to snatch you away from Tachihara and dump a load of work on him. “Chuuya, what is all that work for?!” Tachihara would obviously complain, not quite understanding why all of a sudden he was assigned to pretty lame jobs. Chuuya just waves him off, pulling you into his side and temper tested. “You don’t flirt with taken people. If you do, you’ll simply have to carry the consequences.” 
➤ Tachihara wasn’t aware you were in a relationship with Chuuya. After all, being an executive was a lot of work, he often came home late and your paths with Chuuya didn’t cross as often as you’d like, but y’all still make it work. 
➤ At that moment, Chuuya makes an effort to see you more often during the day, have you closer by his side and let people know that you’re his and his alone. He’ll then bring you along to meetings, lets you sit on his lap when it’s just paperwork he has to finish for Mori and holds your hand at the mafia headquarters.
➤ It’s not like Chuuya has never held your hand. He just never thought of it as necessary and you never complained about it either, so he assumed it was okay.
➤ Chuuya introduces you to Kouyou, knowing that word will get around faster. Now, Kouyou isn’t a woman of gossip but she will assume that Mori is aware of the relationship Chuuya shares with you and casually goes “Chuuya’s partner is pretty cute, don’t you think so, Mori-san?” and Mori stops whatever he’s doing, “You mean like a..relationship?”
➤ Mori will spread word like wildfire. Elise scolds him.
➤ “Now everyone knows you’re mine, shrimp,” Chuuya pats your head and messes up your hair affectionately. You can’t help the huff slipping your lips and look up at him with a questioning look. “Big reaction for someone so small.”
➤ The next day everyone knows about your relationship with Chuuya and knows better than to hit on you. Not only did Mori run his mouth, but your neck was pretty colorful and Chuuya was extra cocky that day.
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aspenlk7 · 3 years
Night Explosions (KRBK)
Kiribaku Writing. There will be a part 2 here and I will post it here as soon as I'm done with it. Hope you enjoy this! TW: Self Harm
Bakugo Katsuki, his one and only, was like the sun to him. He’d do anything for the sun to continue shining throughout his life. But what happens if the sun’s light tends to lose that light? Kirishima had never seen Bakugo shed any tears around others or any emotion that wasn’t anything but anger and annoyance. He had seen him happy, even smiling when he’s alone with him. This was the first time he had ever seen him cry. Right in front of him was Bakugo with tears running down his face as he looked at the redhead with a pained expression.
Kirishima was playing a few games on his phone at 2 in the morning. He shouldn’t be up this late and he knows a certain blonde will lecture him tomorrow morning if he ever dozes off in class. He was beginning to feel a bit tired, as he stopped playing and got ready to go to bed until he heard a loud bang coming from the next door. It sounded like Bakugo’s explosions going off in his room but he wasn’t sure if it was that. He decided to head out and go in his dorm to find out what exactly set off that noise. Kirishima went outside of his dorm, wearing his unmatched pajamas and shark slippers, as he goes up to Bakugo’s dorm and knocks twice. “Bakubro, are you okay? I heard a noise. Can I come in?” he asked. He waits for a response but hears nothing but silence. Did he even hear him? A few minutes passed and he had heard nothing from Bakugo. He was getting worried so without even thinking, he went into the room to see Bakugo on his bed, with his arms covered in bruises. “What- what the fuck you doing in here? Leave me alone, shitty hair.” he heard from the male but how could he just leave him there in pain. He slowly approaches him, already seated on the bed as he gently wraps his arms onto him, trying not to place any weight onto Bakugo’s arms so as to not to hurt him. He leaned in closer to his ear and whispered, “It’s alright.. I’m here. You can let it all out and I won’t judge you for it. I promise. What stays in this room will stay here.” As he said this, the blonde hugged back letting his snot and teared covered face on his shoulder. Kirishima had never known that he could cry like the rest of us. He shouldn’t assume that in the first place. Bakugo was human too and that means he is capable of showing every emotion by the book. Even when in tears he couldn’t help but feel his chest ache. He didn’t like seeing him hurt, especially the fact those bruises were caused by him. A couple of moments of hugging, Bakugo eventually pulled away from him. His red eyes wander elsewhere as he takes a few glances at Kirishima. The redhead notices this and places his hands on the blonde’s cheek, cupping it while wiping the tears away from his eyes. “Bakugo, I’m here if you want to talk. Whatever that’s upsetting you, we can go through it slowly. You don’t need to tell me, I’ll just be here. Also, I need to tend to your bruises if it’s alright?” he said, as he reassured him. Bakugo nodded, as he then went to lay down on his bed. Kirishima stood up and headed to the kitchen to get an ice pack from the fridge. They always have an ice pack prepared due to training, and luckily there was one more left. After grabbing an ice pack, he also grabs a water bottle and goes back to Bakugo’s dorm.
He went inside into Bakugo’s room, still in the same position in which he had left him. He sits down beside him and lightly taps his leg. “I’m here now, can you sit up? I’ll just press up this ice pack on the bruises.” He says. “Oh, have a drink!” he hands him the bottle of water and lets him drink. A nice glass or bottle of cold water sure hits right when you’re upset.
Something tells him this is gonna be a long night.
Two pairs of red eyes, staring into each other as the room’s atmosphere grew thick. Both sitting on the edge of the bed, as the tension grew between them. Oh, how Katsuki wanted to cry again and be held by the redhead’s arms. Wait, him in Kirishima’s arms? No fucking way will he let himself do that. If it were someone other than Kirishima, he wouldn't hesitate to throw them out of his room. What was different about him than other people? Oh, I don’t know, maybe it’s the way he looks at him, the way he was smiling at him, or the fact that he stayed despite being so difficult. He had friends before, but none like Kirishima. Everyone was nothing but an extra to him, someone that he looks down on but when it comes to Kirishima, he had come to terms that he might not be just another extra in his life.
As much as Kirishima worshiped him, he too had been seeing him as someone who was higher, not as a hero but as a person in his life. Kirishima, someone who he was comfortable with. The way he talks to people, creating connections was really something he admired. He was never good at talking and it came off as rude but the redhead made it look so easy, that he at least tried to be closer despite not wanting to have anything to do with them. Days turned to weeks of trying and he had made a few more friends, gaining at least some respect in class while he had fun. It was nice. He really was missing out. Back in middle school, the people he once called friends were only friends with him out of fear or great admiration. It was all he knew. Everything he experienced in U.A was different. Everyone was on his level and he wasn't always going to be the top student in his class. He has to work hard for it more than he ever thought of. Not really a big deal, until a certain green-haired nerd entered, U.A. How others thought of him wasn't really affecting him until after the kidnapping incident.
“How could he ever be a hero when he got captured by those villains?” “Did he cry? I bet he did.” “He ain’t strong enough to be a hero! Just look at him! He got captured by villains because of how weak he is.” “His attitude doesn’t scream out heroic. Like, seriously why is he still here?”
These were the voices that kept echoing through his head. Even if he doesn’t seem affected by it, it hits him hard like a punch to the gut. As much as he wants to convince himself that he was fine, he wasn’t. The nightmares came by every night, with these voices and the whole kidnapping. It was painful, but as days went by the feelings grew numb. He was restless, tired and stressed. Always seemed angry which made the class grow a bit more distant with him, but Kirishima didn’t. He always was there for him even when he was tired and no matter how many times he told him to ‘fuck off’, he didn’t but sometimes if he seriously wants him to fuck off he would respect that and leave. Now, face to face with him. The redhead seeing his ruined face, really damages his pride. What does he think of him now? A weakling, he is. But then, Kirishima had to say those sweet words. Those sweet fucking words, that left him in his arms, crying. He was being this nice, sweet, goofball that he always was in class and he was still treating him like an equal rather than a weakling.
Even after pouring his eyes out, being soft and shit, it felt right. It felt so right to cry into his arms. The warmth that emits from the redhead's arms, the gentle and soft touch of his hands that were rubbing his back and caressing his hair. As much as he hates to admit this, he likes this. No. He fucking loves this. Being comforted, a friend to cry on, and the warm feeling that emitted from both their bodies. Everything. If only time could just stop, he wouldn't have to continue worrying. He wouldn't have to think about anyone's opinion. Just him and Kirishima, cuddling, showing him the affection he never received as a child.
He never admitted this to anyone, but when it comes to family, he never received that much affection. The expectations, a father who wasn't always there for him and a mom who verbally abuses him. All this pride and anger he has was all from his mother. Maybe if his mother didn't compare him to a certain nerd, he wouldn't have told him to take a swan dive off the roof.
It was all too much. He was so glad that he moved into the U.A dorms. He couldn't endure another nagging of how weak he was during the kidnapping incident or the sports festival. He is never good enough for his mom and his dad doesn't do anything but let his mom nag at him. Home wasn't what others thought it would be.
The love, comfort and acceptance wasn't present. If it was then he wouldn't have to be burdened by all the problems he has. He wouldn't have to hide what he feels and act the way he does. Right now, he's getting what he had always secretly wanted to feel. The feeling that made his heart ignite and melt into a mess. It felt foreign to feel such things but it wasn't bad. It was good. He got an ice pack and a bottle of water, brought by the redhead. Grateful, he drinks the whole bottle in a matter of seconds, which proves how parched he was. Done with said bottle, he places it on his nightstand and diverts his gaze anywhere from Kirishima. One more look into his bright red eyes was enough for him to retort back, due to how embarrassed he was of the whole 'hugging' situation. Despite that, he can feel his stare. The stare that was burning through his mind, seeing right past everything he wanted to hide. His hands were shaking, his whole body was just shivering from what Kirishima would say next. But nothing was said. They sat there for what felt like hours beyond end, which made him uncomfortable. Who wouldn't be, when you're being stared at without the other saying a thing. It was pure torture. Agitated by the sound of silence, he decides to break it with the courage he had left.
“What are you lookin’ at?"
“What are you lookin’ at?” he heard the blonde uttered, making him snap out of his own thoughts. He didn’t expect himself to zone out like that in front of him. Kirishima was a bit occupied with his own thoughts, to even notice the atmosphere around him. The silence was nonexistent due to the voices that kept echoing in his head. Those voices were clashing against each other. One side was asking him to talk to him while the other was thinking it was a bad idea and that he should wait for him to speak up. Those voices of his were weighing pros and cons in the situation he’s in but thankfully Bakugo had said something for him to snap out. Upon hearing his words, he smiles nervously, “Oh, sorry! I zoned out a little bit there.. So Bakugo, you okay? No need to tell me and all but I wanted to ask if you were.” he asked, reassuring him that he won’t force him to open up with him, if he didn’t want to. He would like him to open up, due to how concerned he was for him. He was worried, and wanted to know what has been bothering him all this time. It has been some weeks since he’s noticed his behaviour. His demeanor, and attitude have changed slightly. He was sluggish and had caught the blonde almost drifting away in class. His loud and explosive attitude was there but more so whenever he shouts at one of his classmates, he had this tired tone which was faint and barely noticeable. Some teasing where he didn’t even try to fight back and just sit there unresponsive. It was like he was in a world of his own. Kirishima had a lot of good times with Bakugo, despite their personalities clashing against each other. People question how Kirishima was able to be friends with a guy like him. Look, he wasn’t just any guy to him. He admires his quirk, his aspiration and how he strives to become the No. 1 Hero. Not only that, sometimes he can find his personality unique. His personality isn’t ideal but he makes up for his intelligence, confident, talented, and honest friend. He is really great despite how rude and harsh he is to others, unless you gain his respect. He knows that he means well and he does care despite the “Idgaf” attitude. If they ever speak trash about his bro, he would totally prove them wrong. Kirishima mostly puts others first than himself. As he said to his classmates, if he doesn't act now, forget being a hero, he’s not even a man. With his strong sense of righteousness and chivalry, he fears not being able to do anything. Being a hero is a person who does the job whether he is scared or not. All of them have their strengths and weaknesses, but that doesn’t stop them from doing what’s right. Kirishima strives to become a hero to protect. A hero that can protect the people he can reach. People like the normal citizens that roam throughout the streets, his classmates, and especially his friends. Everyone mattered, especially people who have gone astray from the path of righteousness. He’d help everyone who needs saving, for the reason he doesn’t want anyone to feel helpless in their own situation. He strives to protect. He has always cared about others and nothing will ever change that.
Kirishima now sits on his bed, as he awaits for him to speak up once again. Letting his eyes stare deeply into those bright red orbs of his, which shined just like stars. He hopes that his friend, his manly bro, will open up to him without feeling he had to by force.
Bakugo wanted to tell him but he couldn’t get the right words to come out of his mouth. Tongue tied, and a little distraught he decides that he didn’t want the redhead to think of him as weak. He was embarrassed. Why did he let him see that side of him? He should have kicked him out earlier but he didn’t. He wanted him to stay, letting his own body get wrapped up by him as he spouts out comforting words to him. His sense of pride was slowly coming together giving him the ability to do what he had to. Standing up, he heads towards the door, opening it as he looks back at the redhead once again. "Thank you for the sentiment, but I want you to leave." In a cold tone, he asked Kirishima to leave. Pride intact and a change of heart, he didn’t want to let the redhead know more than he'd let him."Also.. don't go off and tell this to anyone or I'll fucking blow your face off." he threatens.
Bakugo has always pushed away people, especially when he’s at his lowest. The expectations and standards of people and also his views and perception on himself, greatly affects on what others think whenever he is at his lowest. That aggression was all but a mask to shield himself from the hurt he was hiding. He never would let anyone see his weaknesses unless you’re lucky enough to catch him during those times. He never liked being vulnerable, especially in front of him.
Kirishima nodded, as he stood up from the bed and headed his way out. It wasn’t even his business in the first place but he deeply cared for him. He respected the blonde’s decision but as he made his way out, he looked back. His red eyes looking back at him, a small smile plastered on his face as he opens his mouth.
“If you ever need someone to talk to, give me a text and I’ll be at your room in a matter of seconds. Hope you’re okay, there.. Whatever stays in this room is just between me and you, so no need to worry. I'm not a snitch.” he says as he then heads out, uttering a small goodnight before he heads to his room.
The following day, Kirishima couldn’t help but lay down on his bed, wondering if there will be another explosion tonight. Earlier that day, he had been glancing at Bakugo, which didn’t help the blonde’s mind at all. Despite Bakugo noticing this, he lets him as he was too drained to even call him out for it. Bakugo was too drained to even bother what people say or tease at him. He did his best to continue working on his studies and assignments rather than wasting any energy on any extras that bothered him. Just a normal boring day, until at night it happened again. He woke up, with cold sweat dripping down from his forehead. 'Another one', he thought as he looked at the palms of his hands. They were covered in sweat. The smell of burning sugar filled the air as he ignited his quirk ever so slightly on one hand. A loud sharp pop went out causing the blonde to hiss in pain. “Shit...” he cursed quietly, as droplets of blood began to hit the cold, hard floor. It wasn’t that big of a deal. He was used to it despite the sharp burning pain. Other than overworking himself down to the bone, this was his way of relieving himself. Sleep, Eat, Workout and training was mostly everyday to him with a few interactions with his so called ‘friends’ (if he was even considered as a friend).
After that loud pop, little did he know Kirishima was at the other end of the door.
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Gender Fluid Incubus/Succubus Working Days 1 (Mini Series) Various X OC
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSS Now this one is a little different Mark/Marie is a gender switching gender fluid Incubus and Succubus basically he/she can shape-shift into the opposite gender. So they are both and such and she is a self employed escort and this mini series is of him/her getting yandere clients without knowing and them all fighting over dat booty and fighting for her/him please enjoy!]
(Marie's POV) (He/she is starting off as Marie but she can switch her gender and become Mark and switch back to Marie from that!)
I got dressed in my full make up and dress. I had my first ever client today. Yes I was a virgin incubus sucubus hybrid but that all changes today. My job is an escort and the woman who hired to help a friend of hers that is a deer demon as he been way to tense. If he did not want sex I will stay a virgin for now. But if he does I was fine with loosing it as well.
Because let.me tell you..that picture, let's just say... definitely excited.
I walked out into the room only to see a man, standing rigid, like he was looking for any chance to escape. Clearly uncomfortable.
"I don't need this disgusting service. I've never had sex, not once for over 100 years- I kept certainly do not need this degeneracy now.."
I looked at him and walked over. "We do not have to have sex, Sex is just a bonus, if you want we can just go for a walk or talk." I tell him.
He jumped and turned around as I stare at him and give a small smile as he looked away before sighing and sitting down in a chair as I sat across from him.
"....so..what's your name?" I asked.
"Alastor." He says simply. "I am sorry for wasting you time."
"No it is no trouble. Actually it is a bit nice I will not be loosing my virginity for money, you are my first client!" I say smiling
He looks at me again and this time stares
I realized how odd it must be I suppose.
"Ah, I'm Marie..unless I'm in my incubus form, then I'm mark." I said as I played with my hands
"Incubus?" He asks.
"Yes I am a shapeshifter of sorts where I can turn into a male form and since I am a sucubus that makes it my incubus form." I say.
"For you to not... give into your basic needs must be a challenge." He says
I could tell he was no fan of sex..
"Well it's been difficult but....I do need to start feeding. It is what it is ya know."
I nodded my head. "Would you want to feed from me?" He asks
I stopped. I mean, I wanted to shout yes but that would DEFINITELY lead to me loosing a meal.
"I mean..yeah I'd like that.." he looked at me for a moment. Almost as if he was unsure. "..my dear, don't take this personal."
'oh no..'
"but...you're probably..to soft for my tastes."
"Soft? I-I can change my physical form."
(oh he ain't talking body..he's talking about roughing him up)
"No no my dear." He says and stands up. "I want you to be rough with me as I am the prey and you are the predator~"
I looked at him shocked before I smiled. "Well..if that's what you want, then I'm sure, an outfit change is needed..but while I do that.." I use my tail to swipe his legs, causing him to stumble back into the bed.
"I want you to stay right here, I don't want you to move, not a single inch." I said in a stern voice as I walked out, grabbing a blood red set as I stopped, adding garters to the mix, and an easily removed housecoat as I walked out, seeing him still sprawled on the bed, not moving as I smirked.
I liked this power..
"Good deer." I said smirking as I walked over running a hand down his chest, before using my nails to rip the shirt.
"But you don't need clothes, not if you consent to give yourself to me." I said. I still need him to give consent as he seemed to think on it.
And then, he nodded as I smirked, ripping his jacket, and shirt off as I grabbed his face roughly as I force his neck to the side as I inhale.
"Oh yeah, you smell strongly of pent up sexual energy.." I mutter as I tighten my
Grip, digging my nails into his jaw. "I suppose it's my job..seeing as you clearly can't do it yourself." I mutter,dragging my nails down to his neck before grabbing a blindfold, placing it over his eyes, that smile still on his face as I bind his hands together.
"What am I going to do to you...you're pretty much at my mercy.." I said, dragging a sharp nail down the middle of his chest.
I leaned down and bit his lip harshly. "The safe word is butterscotch~" I say
"try not to scream...too much."
"scre--" I cut off his question by grabbing his small antlers.
"Did I fucking say you could talk yet?" I growl as he went quiet as I smirked and see an area of skin free of any scars, unlike other areas of his body.
"Oh..you don't have any marks here..well, that's just not okay, would you like a new mark? Do you want to have my mark carved into you little deer?" I tease, dragging my nail hard enough to scratch the surface, but not enough to cut.
He nodded his head and I smirked. "Beg for it~"He stopped at that as I smirked. This man clearly has never been in this position before, which is why I was making sure I wasn't being too mean, I don't want to cross the line of being a dominating person, and being a bitch.
Two very different things.
"..P-Please.." I stayed quiet as I wanted him to take his time. "please..add another mark to my body, please." It was..well it wasn't great, bit I assume he was from a time where it wasn't common.
"Good..you did good for your first time." I said, look, I'm being rough, but some positive reinforcement is needed. I notice his ears twitch at that as his smile seemed to widen as I smiled. I wonder what his eyes look like behind that blindfold?
I dog my nail in as I waited for a scream..but he didn't. No..he shook in pleasure.
Oh so he is a masochist which means I don't need to be as gentle. Obviously I wouldn't go causing serious injuries..mostly because I don't have the proper sheets for that yet.
I dug a bit deeper though before lifting it up to my mouth before stopping. He should see this. He should see all of it. So I rip the blindfold off, and grab his face.
"I want you to watch me Little deer." I said as I got some of his blood on my hand..and lifted it to my mouth, wrapping my tongue around my fingers as my eyes narrow. How-- he's got the most energy I've tasted..trait me leftovers..are not pretty, but even fresh, I doubt it could compare to this.
It tasted so right and delicious! I want more~!
I look at him as I still was gripping his face as I go to delve back in but stop myself. If I get too greedy..it's not going to be good. I had to keep myself in check.
I look at him before looking at the candles. They weren't ordinary candles, they were meant for people who enjoy some pain.
"So..you like pain, do you?" I ask as he was silent as I grab his throat. "I asked a question little deer, so answer!"
"Yes." He says and I smirked oh he was going to be a fun one.
I take the candle as I make sure he can't move as I hold it over him as he looked confused and was about to speak before he jumped at the feeling as I smirked letting this continue before e suddenly cried out.
"Butterscotch! Darling! Butterscotch!" I snap out of it and blow the candle out. dropping it to the ground and rushing over to him
"Do you want to stop? Are you hurt?!""
"No..No I just..I feel, odd..I've experienced with these services, it's not sexual you know..but..this feels different.." he said as I looked confused before I noticed..he was aroused.
(Alastor's POV)
I looked at her and she smiled. "This is arousal and do not worry there is nothing wrong with it." She tells me. "Just let Mama take care of you~"
(XD I regret nothing XD)
She pushed me back down as she slowly removed my pants as her nails grazed the skin of my stomach before she finally pulled them off I blushed as an erection pupped free. She then wraps her thin tail around the base.
"Don't want you to cum so soon~" She purrs. "You need your money's worth."
I grip the sheets as I was conflicted. I didn't know how I felt about this. Over 100 years and I never had a sexual desire, and yet, here I was.
"Now...let's get started little deer..I'm going to break you~" she purred as she let her housecoat fall to the ground.
I blushed darkly and she gets between my legs and bites my hip hard.
I let out a small whimper as her fangs dig into me as she pulled away. Once more she inhaled as she shuddered.
"So much pent up frustration~" she muttered as she looked at me as I looked away, finding something to distract myself as I look down..to her legs, seeing her in thigh high stockings as my face was probably all red as I let out a Shakey breath
She had a whole garter set and red panties. She then took my cock in her mouth and I gave a strangle scream of pleasure. It feel so odd. I've never experienced something like this. I yanked my arms against the handcuffs, even though I could get out of them, I didn't want to..
I let out another loud moan as she bit down.
Not completely to hrt my dick but to send jolts of pleasure! I never felt this good. My hips rock forward and she chuckles around my cock dragging her teeth,
I groaned as she left little marks as she looked up at me. "Normally I'd make you stay still." She said, her words muffled as I blushed. "But you're cute, besides...I like knowing that you can't control yourself~" she said as she flicked her tongue as she gripped my thighs as she suddenly sped up.
I groaned and continue to thrust my stomach knotting I needed to cum!
But I couldn't..I couldn't cum.
"Aw you look like you're about to burst.." she said, her tone mocking as I let out a whimper. "Can you not hold on? Do you want to cum? You'll have to beg me for it. You know that~"
And I did know that. So I begged.
"please- please just- just let me cum please!" I said as she look d at me and it was clear she wasn't fully happy with it, but she still smiled, releasing me as she pushed her head back down as I came as she grabbed my throat, completely cutting off my air supply as she pretty much sucked my cum out of me.
I gasp for air and she continued holding my neck until I was milked dry only then did she let me go. I fall down and catch my breath I swore I saw stars.
"No test yet my little fawn~ you did not get mama off yet~" she purred.
I looked at her wet dripping core as she took off the panties and smirked. Shit... I was already hard again.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS and we will be making this (Or already made as this is a pre written story, a full story with more plot with this idea concept) please enjoy and hope you enjoyed this too and stay sexy all of my sexy friends!]
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vanillasakura · 3 years
I first got into Red Dead around late July or so when I watched my friend and her dad speedrun the game, and one of the first things I came across for this fandom was Sapphic Week, so I’m very very happy to be able to contribute this year, especially as I’d be lying if I said the lovely ladies in this game weren’t the main reason I initially got into it and ended up buying it for myself.
Once again, a HUGE shoutout to @rdrsapphicships and Aldrig for hosting this event! I’m so excited to see what everyone creates <3 Without further ado, let’s get into it!
RDRSW21 Day 1: Music 
Title: Close Your Eyes (As it Eats at Us)
Words: 1857
Pairing: Abigail Roberts/Molly O’Shea
Warnings/Notes: Slight John bashing I’m sorry but this takes place early chapter 2 so... slightly warranted 
(Title from Close Your Eyes by The Midnight Club)
ao3 link
Don't you know, when your eyes are closed, you see the world from the clouds along with everybody else?
Indeed, Molly was on her own much of the time. Dutch could only afford her so much attention, and when he was away from camp or otherwise occupied, there wasn’t anybody who really came up to her on their own will. Not exactly like she could blame them, Molly wasn’t the easiest person to get along with. Growing up, she’d always assumed otherwise, but after seeing how Karen and Tilly had told her to stop coming up to them and “being a bitch for no good reason”, she began to wonder if everyone back home was nice to her because they had to be. Even if Molly herself wasn’t a picture-perfect example of politeness, being anything but an angel to the O’Shea daughter could have been considered blasphemy. 
It was lonely, terribly so, but Molly wasn’t quite sure what she could do to remedy the situation. She wrote poetry, she read books, she went on walks in circles around camp, she looked out over the valley (Horseshoe Overlook really hadn’t gotten its name from nowhere), but more than anything, Molly watched.
She watched how Reverend had gradually stopped bothering pretending to read the bible, instead choosing to start downing drinks earlier and earlier. She watched how Bill devoured Kieran with his eyes, all but confirming her suspicion that the man did indeed want to bed the new camp member. She watched how Karen would clench her jaw when Mary-Beth asked how things were going with Sean, but would then take his hand later and pull him out of camp, the pair slipping away to either do each other or to do nothing at all. She watched how Arthur hadn’t bothered to take down the photo of the woman who did nothing but cause him pain even after Hosea had told him to do so, instead still glancing at it longingly every now and again while he cleaned his guns in his tent. She watched Josiah practice speaking in all sorts of different accents on the outskirts of camp, correcting himself out loud whenever something wasn’t quite right. She watched how Jack would try and weave flower crowns for his mother, small hands shaking as he attempted to tie the stems of various blooms together, putting the ones he had broken too short or knocked a petal off of in a pile to his left. She watched how John admitted to Javier and Pearson that, if he could, he would kill Abigail and never think twice about it. 
The comment shouldn’t have startled Molly as much as it did. She knew that John was a good man deep down, but the way that he uttered the confession without so much as a second thought as to if what he was saying was okay made her sick. Abigail was nothing if not kind, hard-working, and strong, nothing like the type of woman you would imagine deserved those kinds of threats. What made John that angry at her, Molly didn’t know, and she wasn’t quite sure that she cared to. 
After that night, Molly didn’t just stop watching. She’d heard people say worse things, many times, but there was something about the raw earnesty in which John had spoken that made his words haunt Molly like nothing else had. She decided to start watching Abigail more, justifying it by telling herself that it was for the other woman’s safety, even though realistically, there wasn’t much protection that Molly could offer her. 
And one of the first things that Molly noticed as she began watching Abigail was that the woman could sing. 
Abigail had this habit, whenever she was sitting in her tent on her own while working on something that needed to be done, where she would hum a tune, letting her own voice pop in here and there with the words that she knew. It was an uncoordinated affair, but it was never intended to be anything but. 
It was also adorable.
So adorable, in fact, that Molly decided that maybe she didn’t just need to watch anymore, maybe she could actually go and sit with Abigail. After all, much like her, Abigail was alone, more often than not. What harm could come of it?
“You need any help?” Abigail looked up from her work, pausing her humming as Molly stood by her, close, but not so much so as to suffocate the other woman. 
“Didn’t know you offered that.” Abigail responded, expression unreadable. 
“Hasn’t been something I’ve extended before.”
“With all due respect, Miss O’Shea, I don’t need anyone’s help if they only do so because they take pity on me, especially someone who ‘isn’t anyone’s servant girl’.” Abigail’s eyes turned cold, her brow furrowed, and Molly felt anxiety beginning to set in. 
“That wasn’t my intention whatsoever, I just…” she trailed off, and Abigail cocked her head, “I just don’t want to be alone. Is it okay if I enjoy your company? Just for a short while.”
Abigail sighed, chewing on her lip. “I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t know that feelin’ all too well. Truth be told, you’re the first person who’s come up to me in weeks.”
“I have no idea why that is, though.” Molly picked a sock out of the basket by Abigail’s feet, grabbing a needle and some thread along with it. “You’re such a nice person, it truly is a shame that others don’t recognize it.”
“ ‘Nice person’? Miss O’Shea, you hardly know me.” 
Molly felt the same dreadful wave of anxiety begin to rise inside of her again. “I may not have talked to you much in the past, but I’ve watched.”
“Watched? Me?”
“I watch everybody.” Molly admitted, stabbing the cotton with her needle. “Although I must confess, I do enjoy watching you. I know that isn’t exactly polite, though.”
“You’re right in that it ain’t, but I suppose I’m a hypocrite, so what does my opinion really matter?”
“You, a hypocrite? How so?”
“Gets lonely when nobody comes up to make conversation. Sometimes, you’ve gotta get your fix by watching others.” Abigail laughed. “You never really feel like a part of the group, but it can help alleviate the pain sometimes.” 
“Have you ever seen how Karen and Sean sneak off all the time?” Molly asked. “Lord only can imagine what shenanigans they get up to.”
“If I know either of them, they’re probably finding some tree to fuck up against.” Abigail said, a smile appearing on her face. “Although, on second thought, maybe not, given what happened at his welcome party.”
“At the welcome party? I guess you must have seen something I didn’t. Mind sharing?” Molly asked, her interest thoroughly peaked. 
Abigail snorted. “Well, you saw how the two of them were all over each other that night, right?”
“Would’ve had to be blind as a bat to not have.” 
“Well,” Abigail continued, “at some point, I saw the two of them go into John’s tent, and given my proximity to them, it wasn’t hard to hear what was bein’ said and fill in the gaps.”
“So they slept together at the party? Can’t say that I’m quite surprised.” Molly tied up the thread as she reached the end of the tear, reaching for a handkerchief to work on next. 
“They sure did, but that ain’t the good part.” Molly watched as Abigail’s eyes laughed, full of a mischief that she had never seen present before in her usually quiet companion. “Sean has got to be the quickest quick shot I’ve ever seen, and given my history, that’s sayin’ somethin’.”
“No.” Molly covered up her mouth, stifling a laugh. 
“Yes! Poor Karen never even got hers, it had to have been the most pathetic thirty seconds in her entire life.” Abigail smiled, and Molly’s heart twitched. Why?
“Thirty seconds? Wow, if that’s so, then maybe they aren’t all over each other when they go out, and you’re right.” 
Abigail laughed, smiling at Molly. “Well, who’s to say, I’m not sure there even is such a thing as a constant when those two are involved.”
“You may be right there.” Molly puffed one of her cheeks out, trying her best to figure out what to bring up next. She was having a lot of fun, she should do this more often, especially as Abigail also seemed to appreciate the time they were spending together. “Okay, now is it just me, or does Bill look at Kieran a little too often for it to be considered friendly?”
“Oh, it’s not just you, no worries. I’m just a little surprised that out of everyone, he decided to be sweet on Kieran.”
“Why do you say that?”
“I mean, he’s nothing like the kind of men Bill’s been sweet on in the past.”
Molly stopped in her tracks. “Wait, you’ve known about Bill before this?” 
“Yeah, it ain’t that hard to figure it out if you know what to look for.” Unable to gauge Molly’s reaction, Abigail continued on. “I mean, I don’t have a problem with it, whatever makes you happy makes you happy, y’know? And if that means lovin’ somebody of the same sex, I sure as hell don’t see a problem with it.”
“We’re in agreement there.” Molly smiled, going back to her work, her heart beat now more palpable. “I mean, as nice as it can be to see everyone here fall in love-”
“Or lust.” Abigail interjected, a smirk on her face.
“Or lust, that’s true-- I still think that my favorite person to observe is you.”
“Hm? And why is that?” Abigail still had that smirk on her face, raising an eyebrow. “What about me is so interesting that you’d prefer to watch me than whatever the latest addition to the Sean and Karen saga is?”
“I, uh,” Molly flushed, suddenly aware of what she was saying and how weird it could be considered. “I just, I like watching you hum and sing whenever you work. Something about it is just, I dunno, very relaxing.”
Abigail clicked her tongue. “You really do notice a lot, huh?”
“Yeah.” Molly replied sheepishly.
“I guess it’s only fair that I tell you that I find watching you write poetry is quite calming.”
“You saw me doing that?” 
“How could I not? Both of us do a lot of watching and thinking, we’re both very similar in that regard.” she said, unbothered by Molly’s embarrassment. 
“I’m… glad, you can find comfort in something that I do.” Molly settled on. 
“The more we talk, the more I’m beginning to think that I just find comfort in you. Somethin’ about you just makes you easy for me to talk to.” Abigail smiled. 
“The same goes for you.” Molly sighed, nibbling on her lip. “We should do this more often. I’m having a good time.”
“So am I.” Abigail agreed. “It’s much better to be with you than to be alone.”
“It really is.” Molly shifted a bit, turning more towards Abigail. Maybe working wasn’t so bad after all.
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Please tell us about the cinema, I beg you
Oh boy...that accursed night. If you think fanfic plots are chaotic, just wait for this story.
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Story under the cut:
So, I just got this job at my small town’s local theatre. I genuinely enjoyed it, and was quite content with the way things were going—fun shifts, cool coworkers, and a nice boss. So I thought.
I was only two weeks in when the “incident” occurred.
At the theatre, we had to collect a walkie talkie radio at the start of every shift, and sign it in and out with a piece of paper in the office.
It was a little clunky and annoying when cleaning cinemas with vacuums, but nothing to cry over.
One night, I’m put to work with a new supervisor I hadn’t met before and some new coworkers (they’d all been there a while, but this was my first shift with them).
For a little context, I’m 19, and most of the other employees were like 15-17. So, I was basically being bossed around by pretentious, power-tripping kids. Fun.
King Kong vs Godzilla had just been released, so of course, the theatre was packed that night — 130 people per room.
Now, we usually have 20-30 minute intervals between sessions to clean the cinemas, but with the release of a new movie, it was cut down in half, sometimes less.
I was cleaning the most popular cinema that night, and was first told to take my time, as it needed to be spotless. Also, side note, can people please not throw popcorn everywhere? It’s a pain to clean. Then again, I don’t work there anymore nor ever will, so do what you want, I suppose.
My little coworker told me to take my radio off my belt and put it aside to get a good vacuum going through each aisle, as it apparently made it easier, as the cord would sometimes get wrapped around the radio stem.
Fair enough.
I did so, and left it on the wooden platform of the rows to begin vacuuming. He leaves and I get to work.
However, he comes rushing back a few minutes later and says, “what the hell are you still cleaning for?? We’ve got a hundred people waiting outside???”
I’m over it™️ at this point because I only took this job to see the behind the scenes of how a cinema works. I shrug and go, “okay”
I pack the vacuum up and try to leave hastily, as he’s being very antsy and pushy.
He gets frustrated and grabs the rest of my cleaning crap to leave, and tells me to hurry up behind him.
My hands are full and I can’t grab the radio, so I say, “what about the walkie talkie?”
I swear I hear him say, “leave it, there’s no time!”
I shrug and think it’s weird, but trust him to know better.
However, once I dump my crap and prepare to leave, as a hundred people are pushing in behind me, my intuition tells me to grab the walkie talkie.
I rush back in to where I left it, and find it missing
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I have a brief moment of “oh shit”
However, I think to myself, “it’s okay, you only took this job for shits and giggles. If they fire you, you have your other job anyways. What’s the worst that can happen?”
If only I knew.
An hour goes by into my shift, and I’m cleaning another cinema with the same coworker. I’ve kind of shoved the walkie talkie thing to the back of my mind, because I was doing a closing shift that night and could probably get away with not facing my manager about the sign out sheet.
However, at one point the boy goes, “where’s your radio??”
Sheepishly, I say, “uh...I left it in cinema 3, like you told me to?”
He sort of pales and I think this little skinny high schooler is about to pass out.
He starts yelling at me and tells me that I need to get my flashlight and start checking every single row in there.
I go, “fuck no, the movie is still going? You want me to flash a torch in the peoples’ faces during King Kong?? The one cinema hosting the entirety of the sweaty balls side of reddit right now???”
He gets very shitty and says, “I’ll do it myself, wait here.”
By now I know I’m in the shit, but shrug and remember I can always escape through the vents if need be.
Now, there was this really fucking annoying 15 year old boy I was working with that night, who’s the definition of the “well aCtUaLlY” guy irl
He comes sprinting into the theatre I was cleaning, and starts literally interrogating me over this walkie talkie. Like, he thinks he’s the “bad cop” or some shit. Other coworkers closer to my age had already warned me about him before I even met him.
The other boy I was working with apparently couldn’t find it, and just didn’t want to deal with the consequences that night so much, that he called his mum to come pick him up early.
Weakling child.
It was at this point that I quietly arrived at the conclusion of “they think I stole it”
I didn’t understand why, it’s a fucking walkie talkie? What’s the big deal? Go get a Dora the Explorer one to replace it from Target??
I let my inner Mickey Milkovich come out, and play cool.
Him: you fucking stole it
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This 15 year old Ben Shapiro-looking fucker starts grilling me, and literally places me under theatre arrest. I wasn’t allowed to leave the room I was cleaning, in other words.
He gets uncomfortably close—just me and this weird boy in this dark theatre—and goes, “I want you to be brutally honest with me...did you take the walkie talkie? I won’t tell the manager that you did.”
If you guys know me well enough from my blog, then you know this boy suffered a great deal of aggressive sarcasm in response.
He gets pissed (brown-noser), and tells me to continue cleaning, as he leaves the theatre.
Only ten minutes go by until he comes back, but this time with “good cop”.
I roll my eyes, and turn the vacuum off.
They stand at the bottom of the cinema blocking my entrance with their arms folded, and start interrogating me about stealing it.
I give them some more Mickey Milkovich sarcasm, as I had already explained to them a hundred times what happened.
They involve the manager (snitches) and now I’m really in trouble.
They force me to go into the cinema whilst the movie is still playing to look for it. Begrudgingly grabbing my flashlight, and preparing for rightfully angry people as I search their crotches in the middle of a highly anticipated movie, I head inside theatre 3.
Fuck doing that though, I watch the movie instead with the people and eat some popcorn.
Figuring a reasonable amount of time to search had gone by, I sadly leave the cool laser battle scene, and head back out.
Me: “I searched and couldn’t find it.”
Power-complex 15 year old with a punchable Ben Shapiro face: “Did you look everywhere in the cinema??”
Me: “Yeah, I shoved a flashlight up seat 33’s asshole and checked it myself.”
Some more pissy exchanges take place, and I’m told to go clean another cinema.
I’m having fun at this point, because I’ve worked enough jobs to know this situation was being dealt with incredibly immaturely by the other staff.
Regarding accidents like these in the workplace, and given how big the cinema chain is, they should know insurance covers a simple walkie talkie, and that assuming the new employee stole something which is misplaced is a bad way to integrate them into your company. It’s simply a bad look for your business.
I’m cleaning another cinema when all three come in, and tell me they’re going to put cinema 3 on lockdown when the movie ends, and check everyone’s bags.
I’m amused at this point, so I really just go “damn bro that’s wild”
They do exactly that, and it’s as awkward as you can imagine.
People are angry and annoyed—all 130 of them at 9:30pm huddled in a group, having their bags searched for a damn walkie talkie.
After discovering no one had actually stolen it, like I said, they start interrogating me again.
“Are you sure it was cinema 3??? Is your memory perhaps failing you???”
“If I say yes, will I go home sooner?” (my shift ended 15 minutes ago, and I wasn’t allowed to leave)
Naturally, I stayed another 40 minutes, and had to search the entire building. I’m talking arcade, toilets, offices—everywhere.
It is eventually deemed completely lost, and I basically end the night saying, “well, I ain’t about to strip nude for you all for a full body search, and although I’ve never had such a fun shift anywhere else, I’m not a fan of work environments that promote skepticism and cohort-wide distrust. I ain’t coming in next week, or the week after that, or the...well, I think you get the point.”
I leave my badge behind, and basically book it out of the cinema an hour after my shift was supposed to end. I worked illegally longer than I was supposed to, and wasn’t given the legal shift break.
I received text messages and emails from the head office shortly after, asking if I was coming back, and ignored them for a little while, as although I can handle irl confrontation, virtual ones spook me?
Anywho, the walkie talkie actually costs $1000, but as mentioned before, I, an adult, recognise insurance covers these sorts of things, especially in companies as big as these.
So, moral of the story, don’t leave 15 year olds in charge of adults, because most of the time, they’re too young to realise what insurance policies are :)
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