#I cannot express how much I know literally nothing about them
kiirotoao · 2 days
Navigating Concessions: The Case Against and For Byler
Alright, so this sounds insane coming from a Byler, I know. But just to really tease out all of the reasons why I like/ship Byler, I want to try something. (I’ve also been receiving a small influx of questions arguing against Byler, so that’s where this idea came from.)
I’m going to try to examine some moments that raise questions amidst Mike and Will’s relationship and try to explain them as if there’s nothing romantic going on. Nothing. After that, I’m going to go into why I do see things as potentially romantic.
1. “It was a seven.” (s1)
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Well, obviously nothing’s going on, here. It’s the first 8 minutes of the show, and we’re just establishing the characters. The purpose of this scene was to show that Will is honest, and it’s nothing new to Mike. Showing Mike’s reaction is to emphasize just that - this is a normal occurrence, and he has no idea what’s going to happen next.
The thing about this scene that I love is that it’s simple and to-the-point. It’s true! Nothing is happening here, not yet, and that’s the point. Even in normalcy, Will trusts Mike. Even though this is a setup of what’s about to happen to Will, this ends up being the defining point of Will’s character that allows us to root for him. I can agree that nothing romantic is necessarily happening here, but it’s really sweet that the show decided to start here with the two of them over anyone else in The Party.
2. “Crazy together.” (s2)
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In this scene, they’re literally talking about the Mind Flayer and El. It’s not about themselves. To say that this is a true heart-to-heart is not genuine. They’re confiding in each other after Will went through a bad episode and Mike is simply empathizing with him. To say that entrusting in someone with your deepest secrets is romantic is untrue, because friends do it all the time. This was probably included just to show how Mike and Will dealt with their traumatic experiences.
This is already getting painful and I regret everything. So the biggest counter point I know for this scene is that indeed, Mike brings up El. Therefore, his mind is on her, right? Well, it’s actually a lot more fleeting than that. He brings her up, but he immediately drops it and focuses on Will right after. Subject matter is often used as a point of contention for Byler/Mleven because the topic is always Mleven, but this time, it’s just plainly untrue. Mike and Will are talking about this encounter with the Mind Flayer, and Mike is empathizing with Will by bringing up a situation similar to his through El. He thinks of her as a claim to his main point, being there for Will. Mike is sweetly giving his time and his comfort to Will, and they’re both being vulnerable about their fears. You simply cannot deny their vulnerability to each other that’s uniquely theirs. This exploration and presentation of intimate traumas is so sweet of them to confide in each other.
3. The shed scene (s2)
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This scene is heartbreaking. Will is possessed, here. We don’t know if he can fully hear Mike, evidently because he’s struggling to express himself. Everyone is fighting to get Will back from the Mind Flayer. This moment is sweet as it sheds (haha) light on Mike and Will’s origin story as best friends for years, which doesn’t include anything romantic of the sort. It’s just a retelling of them meeting on a swingset and choosing to be best friends. It’s cute, but it’s nothing much more than that. Plus, Mike is speaking alongside Will’s family, so he’s directly parallel to family in this sequence.
First and foremost to counter this - guess who isn’t here? Dustin and Lucas, who definitely have memories of Will in their lives, right? But no, neither of them are there. They’re needed to transcribe the Morse code that Will taps while Mike is there, in the fray, giving his all to fight for Will. And Mike is in tears. This scene tugs at the heart because it remains one of the most vulnerable moments Mike has ever shown onscreen. And yes, Will may not fully hear him, but Will is trying. Mike is the third person he’s hearing from, and it’s clear that Will is in a state of struggle. He’s not given up, not succumbed to the power of the Mind Flayer just yet. Will almost cries, too. We only see his face fully harden again when Joyce speaks to him after this scene with Mike. I love this scene because of how emotional it is. Mike is doing everything he can to keep Will present, loving him alive alongside the two people who’ve raised him. To me, this isn’t simply a display of Mike being like family, it’s a display of Mike’s intimacy with Will that’s just as strong as the other people who’ve loved him his entire life.
4. The rain scene (s3)
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This one seems obvious and plain enough, Mike and Will don’t get each other. They’re arguing, disagreeing about what teenage-hood is, and they both very clearly define it differently. Mike comes to Will trying to understand him, arguing that he’s just prioritizing his girlfriend at this point in life and that he can’t pay attention to everything that he once did. In contrast, Will says that he just wants thing to stay the same with The Party together, playing D&D, having fun like they used to. He and Mike are no longer on level ground. When Mike says, “it’s not my fault you don’t like girls,” it’s the final indication that he knows that he himself likes girls and that they cannot be on the same field since Will doesn’t appear to want the same things that he does and can’t relate to Mike because he doesn’t have a girlfriend. Mike also continues to talk about El and how he clearly prioritizes her. Will just isn’t growing up the same as Mike and Mike clearly isn’t into Will. He hasn’t been all season. He’s just spelling that out here since Will prompted him to.
On the surface, they’re separating. At the core, they’re not on the same level. But underneath, they’re just trying to learn what the other wants. Once again, if this was meant to highlight the separation of the friend group, where are Dustin and Lucas? Dustin’s far away, but Lucas could have come in. He’s right there at the Wheeler’s house. But no, he’s not there. This is a scene between Mike and Will alone as they defeatedly explain why they’re upset as a final plea to each other. Will starts it, Mike carries it. Just like the “crazy together” scene, this is an exclusive moment between them as they share what’s on their hearts, and El is on Mike’s mind as an added point to his perspective compared to Will’s. I’m always so fascinated by Mike’s wording because by saying “it’s not my fault you don’t like girls,” he emphasizes Will’s lack of attraction rather than lack of a romantic relationship which raises a question to me of why Mike would peel back that layer in the first place. It’s not answered fully here, but it raises the question nonetheless, and to ignore that and say it’s just Mike merely drawing a line of differentiation between them is shallow. All in all, yes, they don’t get each other. But that’s why we have this scene, because they’re trying to find out, and based on the way their breaks in conversation leaven them both rather stunned, maybe they know each other more than meets the eye.
5. “Not possible.” (s3)
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This scene lasts, like, ten seconds long. It’s far too insignificant to analyze, and anyone who does is looking way too deeply into the subtext. This scene highlights that Mike and Will are still friends and still can very much miss each other like anyone would when a close friend is moving away. It’s a sealant to their once broken relationship to set up their friendship continuing on and that the both of them still like D&D and that the game as well as The Party as a whole will continue to be relevant to the story. If anything, this moment sets up that Will is in love with Mike as only he makes the promise to not join another party, showing his loyalty to Mike that Mike does not explicitly reciprocate. This entire thing was included in the show to give the audience a breath of closure for them this season and show that they still are close. This one hurt to write, too. Holy shit.
The show very well could have shown us that Mike and Will’s relationship was still intact through the hug sequences during Hopper’s letter, but nope, we get another exclusive Mike and Will moment. Once again, Dustin and Lucas are pointedly not here, making this not about The Party but them in it. And this time, it’s through the thing they argued about and both still clearly wanted to commit to, further disproving the idea that Mike has grown up way faster than Will and was truly ready to ditch D&D. Mike even brings up joining another party first. Will simply replies to him. And the smiles that they give each other are so sweet. Comparing how Mike is left confused and frowning when El leaves him to this little glowing smirk when Will leaves him is insane. Will makes Mike smile; it’s a tiny flirt that can go unnoticed, but the brevity helps not to call out too much unneeded attention to it, otherwise, would them flirting for minutes on end seem appropriate after the reality that they’re parting ways and helping the Byers move out? I don’t think so. Still, it’s rather key to me that they filmed this exchange between the sadness. It’s a breath of closure alright, one that looks up on their relationship.
6. The airport scene (s4)
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This scene is so undeniably awkward. There’s literally nothing romantic about two friends reuniting like this. It’s strained, Will’s lying here about the painting being “nothing,” and Mike makes terse and disinterested remarks. He’s clearly not focused on Will. Just before this, by contrast, he was able to kiss El, hug her, and he gave her flowers. This puts a gap between Mike and Will to set up how they become “best friends” again later on, setting them apart on a journey of growth that stays platonic. It’s pretty obvious that Mike doesn’t really care about Will right then.
This scene is undeniably awkward. But y’know who Mike isn’t awkward around? Literally everyone else in his life. He can hug everyone he loves except for Will. And yes, he kissed El, but it’s been established that they kissed a lot the summer before and can do that instinctively, and yet Mike cannot write that “love, Mike.” Will then responds with doubt upon seeing Mike so closed off to him, not wanting to give away something that Mike may not accept or treat well even after so much hard work has been put into it. It’s a moment of testing the waters, and yeah, Mike doesn’t pass the vibe check, but it helps to set up how differently Mike actually thinks very exclusively regarding Will: “Hawkins, it’s not the same without you.” If Mike simply didn’t care and they started from the bottom, why is he talking about home and being a team literally two days after this with Will alone? This scene sets up not just a growth of friendship but of the bond these two have that not even awkwardness or ignoring it can deny.
7. The apology scene (s4)
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So now we get to the days after the awkwardness. Being back together, Mike is able to see how rude he was and how much he still values Will. These two are unstoppable when it comes to overcoming dangers, and Mike knows that. He simply misses his friend who’s been through so much together with him. He brings up platonic terms like “team” and “best friends,” clearly wanting Will back in his life as just that, a best friend by his side. Best friends reconcile after bad arguments all the time. This was finally making up for not seeing their forgiveness after last season’s fight. This scene highlights their maturity to understand wrongs and overcome self-doubt, establishing their working together for the rest of the season to come.
Alright, I couldn’t even pretend to deny their togetherness in the concession. Because seriously, no one can tell me that this scene wasn’t romantic. Mike, completely and admittedly unprompted (re: “oh, I didn’t say it” “you didn’t have to”), comes into Will’s room, shuts the door and establishes privacy before he lays down his heart not only at the Rink-O-Mania but for the “year” before it and how Hawkins isn’t the same without Will. Yes, he mentions platonic terms, and yes, he never says “god, I needed you” or “I love you,” but did he have to? The intimacy and visually private moment is so very clearly written between these two alone. You don’t get these types of moments often between mere platonic characters. This type of outpouring is written and framed with a closeness that’s almost uncomfortable for the audience. Just look at how they react to each other. They’re on the verge of tears, happy, relieved, and excited to be back together as a unit. It’s a sure sign of Mike’s maturity as he doesn’t just brush this off or play it down in a merely friendly way. This is focused, this is only for Will. It’s a reconciliation as well as a promise. Again, no, it’s not openly romantic, but it sure as hell serves as an example that Mike can be vulnerable and tenderhearted to Will just as Will gives grace to him.
So, I mean, I don’t know. Are there any arguments I missed? Because I remain pretty unshaken. Byler’s endgame and all the setup is there despite the concessions.
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e77y · 2 months
Recently developed such a bad platonic/friendship crush (idk the word for it... I think there's a word??) on this one person I've barely spoken to 😭 Idk what is is... I just want to be their buddy... I want to do silly activities............ Send me memes and read my fanfics............................
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actual-changeling · 7 months
we do not talk enough about the moment right before crowley puts his sunglasses back on. the "nothing lasts forever" is devastating and if you're like me your eyes were so full of tears you couldn't see the screen the first time you watched it (just like crowley, look at us all twinning in sadness!).
there is a shift that happens in his eyes and i think it is absolutely fascinating and heartbreaking at the same time.
we begin with crowley averting his gaze from aziraphale's face and staring off into the distance instead, and you can see his spirit break. that crowley just lost the one thing in the world he cannot live without and we can see it written across his face like a neon sign.
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then, as you'd expect, he gives into the need to cover up his pain, to try and make himself less vulnerable, and even before he lifts his glasses he looks down so aziraphale can no longer see his eyes.
now, the next part is what would not let me out of its grasp all day. we know it happens because of his demeanour afterwards and up until the kiss, but you can actually watch as crowley makes himself numb to the world.
i am intimately familiar with dissociation as a trauma and stress response, and while you can never fully control it, you do eventually find the switch in your mind that makes you snap back into the haze. crowley has had six thousand years to get really, really good at leaving reality behind when he needs and/or wants to.
that's exactly what he does.
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he still looks sad, and yet there's just something distinctly distant in his eyes, the shift from openly heartbroken to "i don't want to feel any of this let me leave".
glasses? on
emotions? off
hotel? trivago
i have stared at those four frames more than any person probably should and i don't know if it's the light, if i am going insane, or if there is a single tear sliding out of his right (our left) eye. i'm probably insane and the light is a bitch so if anyone has some high resolution shots or anything that could answer that question without a doubt PLEASE do add it.
by now you are probably ready to threaten me with a knife in a dark alley but before you do that or drive your car off a cliff, let me tell you the best part:
aziraphale notices.
they might be communicating on two different frequencies but aziraphale knows crowley. he knows and loves him, and, most importantly, over the last few years he has gotten used to seeing crowley without his glasses. aziraphale could probably write a book on the expressions in his eyes alone and watches that shift happen and is devastated.
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he tries to make himself hope the same second, tries to convince himself crowley is putting on his glasses so they can leave together, but he knows.
aziraphale sees the light leave crowley's eyes, sees crowley leave, knowing that he is quite literally running away from him. you and me against the world, angel, but in that moment crowley firmly pushes him back to "the world" (or tries to, anyway).
the entire season we see crowley take off his glasses whenever he enters the bookshop to the point where he's running around without them on in broad daylight with jimbriel right there.
can you imagine how hurt and confused aziraphale must be?
because what crowley is telling him, if we really, really break it down, is that aziraphale is no longer a safe person for him. and repairing that trust is going to take time and work, no matter how much crowley loves him, how badly they love and need each other.
anyway to seal this off and really rub in the pain - how it started vs. how it ended. <3
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oh one last thing: now crowley no longer has a single person he can be himself around, no one that knows him, no one he trusts. no one in whose presence he can take his glasses off.
and outside of the bentley and his own flat, he no longer has a place to do so either. the bookshop was theirs. with aziraphale gone, is it really a safe place anymore? is it somewhere he can just let himself be knowing he will be looked after and protected?
easy answer: no.
alright, off i go. see y'all on the next angst post or in the tags.
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dragon-kazansky · 1 month
Bridgerton shade of blue
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Benedict Bridgerton x Female Reader
Benedict bumps into you, quite literally, at a ball while trying to escape his mother's attempts to find him a partner. You decide to humour him with a dance, not realising just how entwined you would become with him. It seems the universe will find every excuse to push you and Benedict together, no matter how much you fight it.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Season one
Chapter Ten - Duel at dawn
Meanwhile, at the art studio, Benedict was still lingering around. Most of the artists had vacated the room by this point, but Benedict Bridgerton was still present.
"You have great potential." Henry said, coming up beside him.
"It's nothing," Benedict says sharply.
"Though, for such a staunch critic of others, you certainly lack a clear eye for your own work."
Benedict sighs. "It's the lines. Not what they're supposed to be."
"Take the compliment, Bridgerton. There is no expectation or judgement here. You left all of that back in Mayfair. You can feel free to be yourself here... if that's what you should like."
Benedict smiles.
"It's what works for me, at least. And I haven't been dissatisfied with my lines in... well, quite some time."
Benedict chuckles again. "Well, I've done worse, I suppose, really."
"Mm. Fair enough."
"I seem to have enjoyed myself too much this evening." Benedict looks around at the empty room. "I should be on my way."
"As you wish," Henry says nonchalantly. "But know you are welcome back any time for practice or even conversation."
They both chuckle.
By the time Benedict gets home, Anthony and Daphne are talking very seriously in the hall. He stops and looks at his two siblings.
"What is it?"
Anthony marches over and grabs him by the arm. "You and I need to talk. Daphne, bed."
Anthony drags his brother to his study.
"I will need you to stand as my second," he says after explaining everything to Benedict.
"What if you get yourself killed?" Benedict asks. He wasn't exactly thrilled about what had apparently transpired, but even less so about the thought of losing his brother.
"Then the title and estates will pass to you," Anthony tells him.
Benedict didn't want that.
"And if you kill Hastings?"
"I shall have to leave the country, and you'll be head of the family in every way that matters."
Again, he didn't want that.
Chuckling I the hall draws their attention to the door.
You laugh with Colin as Violet hangs off the both of you. She's clearly been drinking a lot tonight. She can't even walk straight. You've never seen her so uncomposed before.
The door opens behind you, and Anthony and Benedict are standing there.
"You're clearly sover," Colin laughs with his mother.
"And I'm sober enough to know when you're being impertinent." She chuckles. "Good night, dear."
You giggle. Violet waves at you lazily, and you chuckle again at her inability to remain composed.
You turn to see the two brothers still standing there and nudge Colin. He looks at you and then at them. They wave him over.
"Good god. Did someone die?" Colin asks.
You look at Anthony, who glances at you, his sowlnt thank you for helping bring his mother home. Then your gaze shifts to Benedict, who looks at you with a strange expression. You wonder where he's been all evening.
Colin turns to you. "Get home safe, okay?"
You nod, knowing your maid was waiting outside. You watch him walk toward his brothers and then leave.
You arrive early to the Bridgerton house the next morning. You had snuck out alone. You had hoped to be there early enough before Anthony left to duel the duke.
Unfortunately they had already left.
You had, however, arrived in time to see Daphne and Colin leaving. When Colin saw you he sighed.
"You cannot be serious."
"I am."
Daphne says your name as she looks at you. "You do not have to witness this."
"I want to. As your friend. I will not allow this stupid, and mind I remind you illegal, activity to take place."
Colin sighs and helps you up into his horse. "Hold on."
He spurs the horse on, leading Daphne to the agreed spot. You hold on tight to him as he rides.
All Daphne can think about is Simon.
"Anthont won't... kill him, right?" You ask, watching Daphne ride.
"No. Sound him, surely."
"Are you worried?" He asks.
"Yes. Are you not?"
Colin doesn't answer.
By the time you arrive within diat ne of seeing them, the two are already stood feet apart with their pistols aimed. It's Daphne who rides faster to get between them.
Anthony fires his pistol as soon as she shouts, the horse his sister's on rears back and Daphne falls to the ground.
"Daphne!" Simon shouts.
Both men run toward her.
Colin pulls his horse to a stop, and you both climb off, rushing to them. Benedict drops the pistol case and does the same. He doesn't have time to ask why you're here.
"Are you hurt? Tell me!" Simon demands.
"I am perfectly well, no thanks to you idiots," she says, standing up.
"What are you playing at?" Anthony asks.
"Says the man who just shot at me!"
"You just rode into the middle of a duel!"
"I require a moment with the duke," Daphne says softly.
Anthony tries to stop her, but she stops him in return. Benedict pulls Anthony back and says, "make it brief."
Daphne and Simon walk off to talk.
"What are you doing here?" Benedict asks once they're out of ear shot.
"I came to help stop this ridiculous display."
"You could have been hurt," he says.
"No one got hurt, luckily."
Benedict looks a little lost for words. You sigh and look at him and then at Anthony. The eldest looks at you and nods once, softly. His eyes then flick back over to his sister.
"We must resume before someone should find us," Anthony says to the pair.
Simon nods at him.
Daphne watches him walk and then says, "there will be no need to resume."
Everyone turns to look at her.
"The duke and I are to be married."
You look at her and then turn to the duke. You're not sure what they discussed. He stares at her.
The three brothers look between the duke and their sister.
Whatever they discussed, Daphne made up her mind.
When Simon does not speak against her statement, it becomes clear to everyone that the matter is settled.
Now you all just need to get home before someone sees you all.
@callmemana - @lilscast - @imgondeletedis - @benedictbridgertonss - @clownsdiehard - @wxnterwidow333
@sillynilly27 - @autumn-slaves - @ben-has-arrived - @ajdelilah - @aadu2173
@booknerdlife - @tamlinrose - @sarahskywalker-amidala - @cheryyluv - @louschan - @lou-la-lou - @cultish-corner
@hopshusushi - @katherinejess - @nannabug - @afunkyfreshblog - @f0x33 - @dd122004dd
@jupitervenusearthmars - @orchiidflwer - @bespinnn - @captainlunaxmen - @winchestersimpalababy - @acupnoodle
@ms-fandomgirl - @fablesrose - @anyaisinyourcloset - @meowzerzstuff - @orchiidflwer - @bespinnn - @crazymar15
@cosmixstar - @bree3parchen -
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laroserie · 23 days
— Various x-men characters dating a non-mutant!reader
— characters ; Scott Summers, Peter Maximoff, Kurt Wagner, Hank McCoy
— version with others characters ; not out yet
— warning ; no particular tw. talk about self estimee and doubt. (as always author has not started reading the comics and their knowledge come from the different xmen cartoon and my hazy memories of the film <3) ( also no cartoon gif for peter because i couldn't find any ... is he even in any of the xmen cartoons ), author decided that Peter has self-confidence issues, also Peter part kinda slide tracked and has more about Peter and his struggle than him dating reader whose a human ... sorry! (his part is also a bit short ...)
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— Scott Summers
Scott has no particular qualm around you being a regular human, he loves you just as you are, and nothing can change that. That said, Scott cannot help himself but be, patronising at time. In his mind, you being a human just make you be at risks, you can't defend yourself if you get attacked, by others humans or mutants. He doesn't view you as weak, but, he know how fleeting life is. He isn't the greatest at expressing his feelings, and notably his worry for you.
He will also be more protective than if he was with a mutant. And it show in him being at first very against you befriending any others x-men, he very much care for most of them and he loves you very much, but he doesn't want to have those two part of his life mix up. He doesn't want you to get in dangers because of his job, but he also doesn't want you to possibly endanger one of his mission, he wasn't capable of choosing between you and one of his mission. Not to say, you are as or more important than his mission, but he was responsibilities as a X-Men and he cannot forget about them. But that said, with enough asking and pleading, making him crack and let you meet his friends and fellow X-Men.
Talking about you interacting with mutants, Scott will not let any remarks about you - well not being one - slide. He knows and understand why his friends may feel wary of humans, he get it, but you are different. You are quite literally dating him - a mutant, it couldn't make any sense for you to be against them. Scott may let it slide the first time actually, but anymore than that, and he's making them do extra session in danger room - or they aren't allowed in it, depending on who.
In general, there isn't that much of a different between how he treat his mutant or non-mutant partner, he just will be more protective and worried for them. He doesn't feel particularly insecure in your relationship - because of his mutation or your lack of mutation.
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Again, he doesn't have any problems with you not being a mutant - he more so has problem being a mutant, not in general of course, but in your relationship yes. Peter can't really give an answer as to why, but if he had to guess it was probably due to this father, and the fact that he didn't want to do anything like his father did, to you. The worst is, he know damn well he isn't anything like him but he can't help but think that way.
He feels like he's going to mess your relationship up, because of what he is. He try to play it off as if it was nothing, but it's a feeling that lingers in the back of his mind often. He never truly wished to be a regular human before, and he still doesn't, but he just want your relationship to be more normal. Which isn't really possible. Peter knows that, he also knows that you don't care, about that kind of thing.
He can mask his doubts and awful self-confidence with his quirky attitude, he can fool most people pretty easily - expect you. At some point, it get to point, where you have to sit down with Peter and try to have a conversation about it, at first he will just act dumb and pretend he doesn't get what you are talking about, but his facade cracks relatively fast.
You listen, his fears and doubts. You comfort him, and assure him, that everything is fine, you reassure him that weither your relationship is 'normal' or not it's the last of your problem. You love him, he loves you and that all that matter in your eyes.
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Now, Kurt could be the one that has the most difficulty dating someone that is not a mutant. He could be scared to hurt you more than anything. He's stressing out about doing or saying the worst thing, that will just break everything. One of the reason why he is friend, with his friends is because they share at least one thing - they can all relate on one crucial part of their identity - them being mutant, it's one thing that link them all together and make it at least a little bit easier to connect. You lacking that, make it hard for him. He still loves you all the same of course, but he feels like not being able to share something so crucial is sad.
So he desperately try to make it up in some way, he looks everything he can about your interests to be able to share that with you, everytime you share something about your interests Kurt will make mental note of it. And he will share a lot about what interest him in return. If you speak an another language that he doesn't know, he'll try to learn it, after all what is better than learning the language of your lover! Kurt can even teach you some german if you want to!
He wants something to link the two of you together even more. It's something he heavily crave. To be linked to you, by more than just, your love for each others.
Kurt may feel insecure at time, that you may leave him for well, a regular human, that isn't blue, has five fingers on each hands - he will try to keep it to himself, but he isn't really good at that. His insecurity just overflow and he end up offhandedly asking you while you are hanging out, if you could prefer to be dating a human rather than him. Obviously, you tell him that you don't, and ask where did this idea came from. He feels reluctant to admit as to why he asked. He feels, ashamed ? After seeing your reaction, he feels a bit silly, and even more when you comfort him and tell him that you very much prefer and could always choose to date him more than anyone else just because they are human.
On a more happy note Kurt loves seeing how amazed you are by his mutation, you never really were around mutants before - there isn't actually a ton of opportunity to meet mutants and to know that they are mutants, even if antis mutant politicians like to make people believe the contrary - most humans he met, weren't exactly thrilled by his, but you are the exactly opposite. Even after being together for a while and getting used to his mutation, there is still this curiosity and shine in your eyes when he teleport for example.
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He is by far, the most chill about your relationship and you not being a mutant while he is. Well, that is if we are talking about Hank, after he accepted his entire mutation and all, which we are, Hank pre-self acceptance is different deal.
But once, Hank is settled as a scientific and has member of the X-Men, and has fully accepted his mutation, he doesn't personally really care. But sadly, a lot of people seemingly do and that's one thing that annoy him. The worst is it come from both fellow mutants, even his friends and colleagues sometime! And from regular humans. He doesn't really get why people care about him dating a non-mutant or you dating him - a mutant.
He personally try to not let it get to him, and if it does he will do everything but make you suffer because of it. It most often will result in him shutting himself in his lab for a bit of time, to calm down.
And like others, he feels like he needs to protect you because, you are so ... weak in his eyes, not in a bad way of course ! But in comparison to him you are so small and fragile. This cause Hank to usually like putting his arms around you, around you waist or on your back, to show you that he is there, and to show people around that you are his, and that they shouldn't try to hurt you in anyway.
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hexologh · 5 months
₊❏❜ ⋮CLAWS ⌒ Macaque and sunwukong having a S/O who is a ancient samurai... but also a powerful dragon, who is much more wiser and calmer then they are.
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˗ˏˋ꒰ 🎑 ╰┈➤ MACAQUE꒱
Let's be real this Mf be bragging to everyone he meets, oh what's that? Who is this attractive person right next to him? Believe it or not it's his S/O! That's right you better cower in fear, they'd destroy you with a swift cut of their katana! Who's better now, WUKONG ! ?
'Course, he'd love you unconditionally, though he doesn't understand how you have so much self control over your emotions, an enemy could be insulting you, boom! Macaque would kick them to where the beautiful light of your smile doesn't shine! No one shall even breathe the same air as you, NO ONE.
Being the smarter one he'd often ask you about stuff, literally the two of you could be at a mountain top chilling and having snacks, and he'd ask like; "Anyway, do you know why oranges name are oranges but carrot ain't?" You'd look at him with a blank expression as you calmly sip your tea, "Great question." Macaque waited for something but you said nothing else, Macaque opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off, "No." "Yes, ma'am."
Bro if you had a tail he'd be frantic, suggesting stuff you can do with your tail since it was spiky and big m, you could throw away enemies, choke them, choke him— I mean what?
You are much stronger than him, so please for the love of everything that is holy, protect this monkey with your life, he's been through enough.
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˗ˏˋ꒰ 🌄 ╰┈➤ SUN WUKONG ꒱
ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF, IN THE BATHROOM, OUTSIDE, INSIDE, ON THE PARK, ON THE BENCH, IN THE FOREST— ONE CHANCE, Bro is a simp for you ngl, he his just fawning over your outfit like; DAYUM ! ? The way you let the left sleeve of your Yukata fall down revealing your muscles, and chest that had bandages and scars, male or female he doesn't care, you cannot stop staring down, because let's be real, Where else is there to look at?
"Why are you wearing sunglasses inside?" You would ask looking down at him as Wukong let out a chuckle, "I like it because no one would know where you're looking at!" He said, you looked down at him as he was leaning towards you with a finger on his chin his face right in front of your chest, as if it were the most interesting thing in the world, "Right.."
Please allow him to hug you in any given situation, you would be falling mid air and he'd be like, "Can we hug so it feels romantic?" C'mon he's been all alone stuck in that mountain, He's touch starved, Idk what to tell ya. 🤷‍♀️
He loves when you fight for him, what's that? He can protect himself? He might be the great sage but he's still a monkey! Yeah! Beat that guy till he knows that this "great sage" is yours only.
You wipe the blood of your enemy off your face looking down at the motionless body, how dare such a lowly creature lay it's dirty fingers on you and your lover, speaking of your lover, you then turn towards Wukong, "My Darling, are you hurt?" You shifted your tone softer as you looked at him as your hand crept onto his cheek, and with a straight face he tells you, "Step on me."
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Idk I was bored.
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obeymematches · 23 days
I saw your MC is a tease/Bully not so oblivious ask. But how do the brothers react to some one like me who literally cannot tell someone likes them unless they open their mouth and say it?
Like seriously, unless you smack me in the face with the info I am completely oblivious.
hahah i like this idea! Though these turned out so long i'll do a part2
Mc IS oblivious!
● To demonstrate his eternal love, ardent obsession he expresses his feelings through gifting you not just one, but an entire boque of maroon roses. He grows them in his garden. If this doesn't impress you tell me, what will?
● "Ohh! How pretty! You're so sweet Lucifer you really didn't have to! Now where shall I put these-"
● Inside his mind: Okay MC likes them- but perhaps not me? I should've given them something more practical it seems. I must figure out what they prefer."
● His next attempt was much more simple; to your luck, he prefers not to make things more complicated than they need to be. Yes he invited you to a stroll through a nearby park. Yes you had no idea it was a date. Even though it was just you two and you walked around with you hand around his arms, his other hand gently caressing the hand you gave him. Nothing special just a regular Thursday, you thought.
"MC, I must confess, it was my pleasure to spend time with you today. I wish we could do this more often..."
"To tell you the truth I could get used to this, thanks for inviting me for a walk!"
"Was it just a walk to you, MC?"
At this point you felt like you needed to be careful about how you continue the conversation.
"Well- technically, wasn't it a walk?"
"It was. You are right. What I've neglected to tell you is that it was supposed to be a date. You are on my mind every day, in fact, I can hardly forget about you as I work. You are very dear to me despite not knowing you for a long time. I... I'm very fond of you MC. I just wanted you to know."
● As you are aware, he spends most of the day with you. You don't sleep together but besides that you are pretty much together all day.
● You are in your room, laying on your back, scrolling your phone to pass time.
● He enters your room casually, lays beside you without saying anything. With a swift motion he lifts your phone out of your hands, puts it on the bed next to you and lays his head on your chest.
"Mind givin' me attention?"
"I gave you attention all day Mams, whats going on?"
"How come ya always nice to me MC?"
"Uh- You are my first friend here, of course I'm nice-"
"Ya don't have to be so nice cuz of that though..."
"What do you mean Mammon?"
"Ugggh ya gonna make me say it? Cuz I'm not about to-"
"Say what? You're confusing me-"
"Nothin. It's nothin."
● That was it for that day. Same week you were minding your business in the kitchen when you overheard your best friend fight with Levi.
☆Don't ya dare tell MC!!
□ Or what? You'll draw me with a pencil?
☆ Ya piece of-
There you were on the doorstep, wondering what the hell is going on here.
Levi: MC! Did you know Mammon likes you??
You: Well- I sure hope he does, we are friends afterall-
Levi: nOOO he likes you more than a friend!
You: Uh... He is my best friend I guess?
Mammon: Levi ya idiot stop right here! Yes MC is my best friend now shut up!
● Life goes on as it is for a couple of days. One night Mams brings you a beer (0% if you don't drink) and sits down with you.
"MC... Imma ask you a question, be honest alright? An' don't laugh okay? So MC... am I really just ya best friend?"
"Yes you are. Why?"
"Listen MC ... I wouldn't be tellin ya this if it wasn't true alright- I like you a lot."
"And I like you a lot too!"
"MC, no. I'm... I... wanna be with ya. No, not just with ya, I just wanna be yours."
"As in....?"
"As in that stupid series you made me watch- "
"Mammon? Are you telling me you want to date me?"
"Uh-huh. I promise I'll give ya anything ya want. If ya'd let me-"
● my boy is the definition of oblivious, unlucky for you
● Okay at this point it'll take ages for this conversation to happen....if it happens at all.
● By now sending each other hearts in the video game you play is a routine, but strictly IN GAME!
● He visits you in the Human World without complaining
● He doesn't spend much time with anyone but if you want to, he will!
● Very clingy for someone as oblivious as him.
● Both of you starts to give hints at some point and still nothing happens. "Yeah he's so nice." "Ah MC always thinks of me, how sweet." "Don't overthink, don't overthink, don't-"
● Okay I am actually struggling to think of a scenario when he confesses so blutly there is no doubt he means it. I think his plan B is to play it off as a joke so whatever the circumstances it's ambigious.
● So listen MC, Levi's only gonna do it once. If you miss it, you miss him out. That's it.
● Levi: So... MC... I was thinking... how funny it would be if we actually started dating- unless...
You: Funny? Why would that be funny?
Levi: Because you and I.... like great friends!
● Okay here is your chance MC he's nevee going to bring this up again-
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shunsuiken · 1 year
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pairing. kamisato ayato x fem!reader
genre. fluff + he’s so fucking in love with you (we love to see it)
synopsis. your husband notices how you seem to look away whenever he makes eye contact with you. so tonight he finally confronts you in his own way.
wc. 0.8k
an. yall i love this man so much omg i cant i was literally blushing while writing this goodbye i'll see myself out now 🚶🏻‍♀️
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“ah if only i was reborn as the mirror on your vanity," your husband sighs from behind you.
you laugh and swipe the last bits of your moisturiser on your cheeks. “why?”
“because you get all close and personal with it...” ayato trails off and stares at your figure with steady eyes. “...but not with me."
you raise your brows in confusion, and for some reason your heart skips a beat. "what ever do you mean?" you ask without even looking at him.
ayato walks towards your sitting-figure. tonight, his lavender stare is not one he looks at you with when he wants to share an intimate night with you. rather, it's one of curiosity. he wants to know why you look away every time he has his eyes trained on you. even now you do not meet eyes with him. why is that?
do you not love him as much as you used to? was there something he didn't realise he did wrong? were you bored of life as the yashiro commissioner's wife? he can't seem to think of any other reason for you to look away from him. besides, he loves your eyes! they're such a wonderful shade so he can only wonder why you turn away and limit the time he gets to stare into them.
while those thoughts flood ayato's head, your palms are sweating at how close he's become. panicked, you turn around and stand to meet his eyes at a less strained angle, using the back of your foot to nudge your chair underneath your vanity.
ayato's pout almost makes you laugh if not for how his eyes do not leave your face. you can already feel a herd of butterflies making themselves at home in your stomach at how closely he's observing your expression.
"you're doing it again."
"w- what?" you question, eyes flickering from his gaze to his vanity on the opposite side of the room.
ayato's brows crease ever so slightly, an ungloved finger rising so he can tilt your face towards his. "sweetheart, look at me please."
your cheeks heat up as your hands scramble for something to hold onto when you realise he's closed the gap between your clothed bodies. you then feel a hand planted on your waist. oh archons. "i- it's—it's going to be really difficult if you look at me like that!" your voice does nothing to defend you, high-pitched and breathy.
ayato tilts his head, as if wondering what you mean and you're not entirely sure if he's faking it or not.
you blink, moving your gaze away by an inch but your husband is quick to gently manoeuvre your jaw back so you continue to face him. your expression creases in protest. he only chuckles at your reaction, a smile finally appearing on his handsome face.
he traces circles with his thumb on your waist as an attempt to calm you down. after seeing how you've reacted to his forwardness, the yashiro commissioner is able to put two and two together. "tell me what's on your mind, dear." sigh, does he even realise your string of sanity is about to snap?
you're so out of it. you can't even bear to focus on his words when he studies your facial features like that—ooh that's not good for your heart. your bottom lip is quivering.
you are all he sees.
"n- nothing," you say in a hushed tone.
even after sharing so many lovely nights together, it seems that you still cannot handle the way he looks at you. adorable. he thinks. but he can't just leave his wife suffering all by herself like this. after all, what kind of husband would leave his wife in a state like this? hands pawing on his chest softly, lips curved in nervousness and eyes blinking as if to help you cope with his loving gaze.
"you say 'nothing' but so much is written across your face," a short giggle leaves his lips in amusement. "why don't you join me in bed, hm? i can look at you some more there."
you whine and shove your face into his shoulder. "don't mock me."
ayato takes his chance to pull you in between his arms for a warm embrace, sighing contently. "now i'm not mocking you, i'm simply saying that you are a delight to look at and as your husband, shouldn't i be looking at you the most?"
a playful scoff leaves your lips, momentarily lifting your head to meet his eyes. "oh don't say that—or your reports will come after you."
your husband groans, "darling, don't remind me. i've personally had enough looking at those useless documents." you then hear him click his tongue. "don't try changing the subject either, so join me in bed, will you?"
you sigh an exasperated 'okay, fine' before yelping as you're unceremoniously dragged on to the bed by your giggling husband.
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voxswifihotspot · 3 months
SELF INDULGENT HEADCANONS (mostly qpr radiostatic)
Vox imagines Al comforting him when he's upset (would never tell ANYONE)
Vox probably wishes he was a girl so Alastor wouldn't hate him as much
He definitely has internalized homophobia and assumes Alastor doesn't like him because Al’s straight and that's why he acts so much nicer with girls, because he likes them.
He overcompensates by acting like he wants Al to fuck him because that would be better than admitting weakness (he just wants a really good hug from him) (and yes he also wants to fuck him for sure but let me have this)
Alastor got scared off by Valentino, especially when Vox started picking up Val’s sex joke traits (Al would probably say some shit like ' i miss the old times we had…before Valentino…” when Vox made the third ‘that's what she said’ joke of the day)
Alastor enjoys Vox’s company but they're both so prideful they'd never admit it unless it still felt like they were winning in something
Alastor gets invited to girl sleepovers, Vox has a restraining order from them
Vox is so afraid of thunderstorms he's like a cat when a vacuum rolls by (electricity=hes at risk of getting shocked because he’s hes a tv head and he didn't used to be waterproof either so it's just kind of stuck with him)
Alastor is a mama’s boy, Vox has mommy issues. Full stop.
Vox changes the wifi password CONSTANTLY whenever he gets mad at any one of the vees and it pisses everyone off so much
Alastor is absolutely sex repulsed and it disturbs him whenever Vox makes sexual comments about him (Vox has no idea how to express actual affection and he’s gotten used to Valentino’s situationship, which enables him to not have to say anything)
Vox secretly is a sucker for Alastor’s old-fashioned gentleman shit
Vox and Alastor are kind of good cop bad cop but you literally can’t tell which is which because they switch off every time you talk to them
Vox has a caffeine addiction and Alastor literally never has caffeine (claims it makes it hard to sleep despite the fact that nobody has seen him sleep anyway)
Back before the picture Vox has of Alastor was taken, Vox would constantly complain about how Alastor never was on camera and Alastor thought it was just a really stupid bit until Vox started drunk crying about it (Alastor grudgingly allowed the picture to be taken after that)
If Vox ignored Alastor at any point, Alastor would immediately start trying to subtly get his attention, but if Vox ever pointed it out he would get annoyed and say he wasn’t
Vox talks shit about someone once and Alastor immediately starts insulting everything about that person with a sort of pent up rage as Vox stares in horror
Alastor talks shit about someone and it’s really passive aggressive and then Vox just chimes in with “they should kill themselves” (Alastor tries extremely hard not to laugh but it always catches him off guard)
Vox never initiates physical touch but he loves it so whenever Alastor touches him it’s like a treat
Alastor knows like everything about Vox but he hates when he’s called out for it and pretends that he knows nothing
Vox owns a smart fridge just to piss Alastor off and it made him upset when Alastor left because it's useless and he wasted money on it
Alastor loves spicy food, Vox cannot handle it
Vox actually enjoys podcasts but will never say he enjoys radio even though it’s essentially the exact same
Vox is probably a misogynist and Alastor a misandrist (they balance each other out)
Alastor cares for Vox but thinks Vox is too immature and sexual and everything Vox pretends to be around Alastor. They’re constantly caught in a loop of Alastor being too prideful to admit any affection and Vox being too guarded.
Alastor found himself using Vox’s slang when they were closest, he completely picked up his dialect and vice versa.
Alastor compared Vox off his meds to Niffty one time, genuinely didn’t mean it as an insult but Vox didn’t speak to him for the rest of the day
Vox forgets to do anything for himself, Alastor remembers only because of his mother reminding him when he was younger
Vox tells Alastor everything that goes on on the VoxTech cameras, Alastor pretends he doesn’t care then immediately tells Rosie, it's a full gossip chain.
Alastor thought Vox was trying to buy his affection with lavish gifts etc, it was really just his love language
Vox has a spare profile for Alastor on Netflix in case he ever comes back and nobody talks about it
(Flipside, Alastor doodles sharks on everything because he used to draw them for Vox and he misses it)
Alastor and Vox only kiss in the ‘married couple kiss on the cheek’ way, same with Alastor and Rosie
Vox confided in Angel Dust about like…everything by accident one time
Alastor is very practical, Vox thinks he's very practical
Alastor only agrees to things if he thinks it was his idea first. Vox picks up on this and gaslights the hell out of him
Rosie and Vox run their mouths so hard when they’re with each other, if anyone walked in on them, they’d get top quality gossip that would probably get numerous sinners incriminated
Alastor is an asshole and realizing that he cared about Vox genuinely was a pill he never really swallowed
(Vox is also an asshole but he did realize he cares about Alastor and he hates himself for it, so it’s easier to pretend it’s some weird kink of his)
Alastor loves cooking, Vox loves standing around and narrating the cooking in an annoying announcer voice while pretending he's doing something helpful
Alastor feels comfortable around Vox because anything Alastor’s embarrassed about, Vox has already done tenfold
Whenever Vox does something corny, Alastor makes sure everyone else knows that he would never do that
this took way too long
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stuffeddeer · 5 months
Had a silly thought of like. Nendroid dazai... Being alive
Like ada nendroid Dazai who comforts u when ure asleep because he didn't want you knowing he's alive but then you know after you got him an oda nendroid to keep him company
He also tries to convince himself he's only staying to finally talk to oda again but then he's just deep in denial abt the fact he's madly Inlove
He's so silly UGH
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he’s so cute i need him dead well rested and fed :)
Dazai who sits on your nightstand each night and just watches you sleep :) his eyes are locked from you to the door to make sure no one comes in (not that he can do much in his little size… like cmon man an intruder could punt you)
He’d be protective as hell!!!! Being forced to listen to every conversation and watch all of the vulnerable moments you’ve had in the comfort of your room… like if you’re the type to save crying for your pillow he’s all :( and just wants to pat your back and tell you you’ll be fine :(
If you’re the type to bring your nendoroids around with you places (the pouches gsc sells are so cute btw I want the cake one so badly) he’ll love you infinitely more!! Just getting to watch as you go about your daily life and treat him like those cats people put in those backpacks? The ones with the window for them to look out? Yes that’s him 100%
He’s just your cat you wanna show the outside world to
People who make miniature foods and cute furniture for nendoroid-scale figures… SO CUTE!!! He’d be internally jumping up and down if you made/purchased some for him
He’d love being doted on that’s so canon to me (he may not know how to accept affection but that doesn’t mean he hates it gn) so he’d be ecstatic to receive so many gifts !!!
If you’re the type or maybe you have younger siblings/cousins to play with him like some action figure oh he’s so into it. Dude’s like Shakespeare the way he’s acting out everything he’s committed
His heart swells when you’re around (in GRATITUDE nothing else……) because ugh!!!! Out of all the little scale couches and plastic foods THIS is the gift that has him almost break character…. Like you really did this for him! And he’s gotta be aware of how expensive those stupid figures are… he’s all warm and fuzzy inside
Him and Oda take up looking after you (once again not being able to do much… it’s the thought that counts?) while catching up
He literally cannot express how much you mean to him. YOU DID ALL THIS FOR HIM!!!!!!! Sliding Oda next to him in your little pouch to carry them both outside!!! so cute
Until one day you come home with a little Chuuya to stick next to him as well.
Can he be grateful and resentful?
Ofc he’s excited to have someone else with him too he’s just annoying
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agenderduck · 2 months
Thinking about how duck loves so deeply. How he views himself as responsible for the other two. How he is absolutely devastated when anything bad happens to them. Thinking about how ducks cannot function without companionship in real life. Family is actually so devastating for this exact reason. The way you can feel his desperation through out the episode, yearning for an acknowledgment of what he’s saying, for some sort of agreement from the other two. Their friendship is literally everything to him, even though hes the worst at showing it. Duck is painfully relatable to me not only as an autistic, but as a person with, OCD, undiagnosed OCPD/cluster-b, and trauma. I mean ffs his visual inventory is literally a compulsion. He is checking to make sure that they are all still here, that nobody has left again. He views the clip board as a safety net for not only himself, but for the other two as well. He truly and deeply believes that by performing his little rituals, he’s keeping them safe and out of harms way. It’s painful to see people write him off as the “funny jerk character”, when he’s so much more than that. He is someone who has so much love to give but struggles to express it. He is jealous of others who have it better than him and wants the things that they have, like a family. Because as much as the trio love each other, they are stuck in a perpetual state of self destruction. They will never truly be able to be a functional family, try as they might. Theres always going to be something missing, always something more that they want. Duck hates that, I think deep down he knows this is true even if he can’t fully grasp it and that pains him greatly. Red and yellow are his real family, his only family. Nothing will ever stop him from believing that, no matter how many times he’s ripped apart for it or told otherwise.
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onepiece-fics · 3 months
Law x simp!reader headcanons (+ short scenario)
Summary: Law x simpy/affectionate reader.
Warnings: Fluff. Reader is gender-neutral. Reader is incredibly confident lol. Brief mention of Law's past and struggles with feelings/emotions.
Word count: 1043
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Law is the definition of tsundere.
He will NOT admit anything publicly, all of his affection is strictly for your private life. 
It’ll take him so long to accept the fact that you two have feelings for each other. He spends literally forever pretending like nothing, despite how open you are about it. 
Literally he is just in denial for SO long.
After you flirting with him openly for a few months you have a party where you end up drunkenly properly confessing your feelings for him.
Law being the only sober person that night cannot let go of what you said and confronts you about it the next day.
Although he can’t convey his feelings, your confidence and affection are enough for the two of you.
As you two start dating he starts to get more and more confident in your relationship, and eventually, he starts showing you affection back, but only in private of course. 
He’ll start playing with your hair or drawing patterns on your skin eventually. Perhaps he would even cuddle into you if you're both sitting next to each other on a couch.
It takes him damn near a year until he stops getting flustered when you compliment him. 
He knows that regardless of how embarrassing it is for him though, you won’t even judge him for anything, because if anything you’re 10,000 x more affectionate than he is. 
All your crewmates will tease him for aaaages, even when he does get used to it. More than anything though, they’re all surprised he lets you do it in front of all the others.
In reality, Law knows he can’t stop you from showing your affection, and frankly he doesn’t want you to stop either. 
Anytime you come running at him and give him a big hug or a kiss on the cheek he just gives the rest of your crewmates a glare (but that does NOT stop them from snickering).
The sun was setting into beautiful colours of pink and orange where you stood on top of the Polar Tang. Your captain had asked to get some fresh air, and for you to come with him. So there you stood, leaning against the railing next to Law. You glance to your right to see his hair lightly blowing in the wind, without the usual hat sitting on his head. He notices your glance and raises an eyebrow at you and you smile back at him.
“Was there anything in particular you wanted, Captain?” You ask him sweetly as you pick up a stray hair strand laying on his yellow shirt. His body stiffens slightly and he lets out a sigh.
“Y/N-yah… You’re gonna make me go crazy…” He mutters, barely audible. “I wanted to talk to you… about…” He lets out another sigh, this one heavier than the first one. “I wanted to talk to you about what you said yesterday.” He says and moves to corner you against the railing of the ship. You smile at him as you gently put your hands on the forearms on either side of you. You don’t notice it but his hands are gripping to the railing for dear life. 
“Oh that? I meant every word I said, you know?” You respond, unashamed. Why would you be ashamed of your feelings after all? He’s Trafalgar Law. He has a mildly shocked expression on his face, and combined with his flushed cheeks he looks adorable. He should be used to this by now, you think, with how much you’ve flirted with him since you joined the crew it’s shocking he even reacts to it anymore. 
“E-everything?” He asks and you hum and nod your head. Law looks down to his feet, his arms still surrounding you. “Y/N-yah, I’m… I’m not sure I deserve that…. I don’t think this is good for either of us… I’ll only get you hurt. Or worse.” He whispers. Your brows furry and you shake your head.
“Law. That’s nonsense and you know it. As if both of us aren’t constantly living in danger all day every day… You know damn well I don’t care about that. I love you. So much. And you deserve so much more than you get. I know that you have your… issues. But I need you to know that I’ll always be here for you regardless of that, okay? I don’t care if I’m only your friend, I’ll always be here to help you. I’ll always be by your side.” Law’s expression turns into one of awe, his eyes wide and mouth agape. His right hand moves from the railing to cup your cheek.
“Y/N… I… I don’t know what to say…” His sentence trails off and a blush creeps up on his face again. “You know my past, and you know I’ve been hurt. I struggle with my feelings, and you know this… But… If I get to be selfish I want to, uhm,” He looks away from your face, “I’d like to take you up on the offer you made last night…” He whispers and his hand falls back down to the railing. 
The smile on your face turns to a grin as you take in what he’s said. “My offer? You mean when I told you I’d really like to show you my love? When I told you that you should trust the feelings of your heart and trust me? Because I still stand by that.” He groans as his face turns even redder. You shake your head and giggle at him before standing on your toes to give him a light kiss on the cheek. He turns to look at you again with wide eyes.
“Law. I already told you I love you, right? There’s no need to be ashamed.” You smile at him before leaning in to hug him and bury your face in his neck. 
“God, you really are gonna be the death of me, aren’t you?” he whispers as he embraces you back and holds you tight against him. He presses a kiss to the top of your head before burying his nose in your hair. “Thank you Y/N-yah. Thank you for understanding the words I can’t convey…”
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venusvxen · 11 months
The 3D Cannot Create.. So Why Do You Create Fear?
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I’ve been having a recent epiphany that has helped me understand the law better and helped me get rid of fear or at least self soothe when i feel fearful cus I don’t believe in stripping ourselves of our emotions…
I would say “the 3d cannot create” everyday for a YEAR but it wasn’t until a few days ago when i had a lightbulb moment… the 3D… really … cannot create.. it’s nothing more than a mirror… so why do I FEAR my shadow and expect it to show me something different.. why do i fool myself into believing i am the shadow and not the being that casts the shadow??
We fulfill ourselves within our imagination and get so stoked about our desire.. then we leave imagination and come down to the 3d world and bombarded with all the things the senses throw at you. now you start doubting.. you start counting down the time bc it’s been xyz long and you think it’ll never happen.. I literally always do this…
But then i thought to myself… the 3d cannot create any of those scenarios im envisioning… it’s my twin.. it is a shadow.. whatever I experience in the 4d is what i MUST experience in the 3d no matter what because self MUST be expressed
I’ll literally get so confident then expect the 3d to show me otherwise and be fearful and start asking myself what if it doesn’t happen and but if there is no separation between the 3d n 4d and all is imagination…. why would you NOT get it? … seriously… because the only way all those negative scenarios would happen is through persisting in them… it’s all imagination at the end of the day..
the relationship between the 3d and 4d is a simple input and output it’s just us who overcomplicate it because of all the baggage we’ve assigned to the law and all the things we’ve internalized about what we can or cannot do. if you assume something in imagination it MUST come to pass. just like if you go up you must come down. it’s a 1+1=2 situation and yet i complicate it so much…
but at the end of the day.. the materialization is guaranteed … because self must be expressed.. self is the only thing being expressed in this world bc the 3d cannot create..
after having this epiphany i’ve been able to self soothe and talk myself out of fear by reminding myself of this.. the 3d is my dutiful shadow. it follows in my footsteps.. whatever i experience in my real reality i must experience in the physical no matter what. I don’t care if it’s the day before an event and the pieces haven’t fell into place yet.. it MUST happen.. but only if you have confidence in this.. because I’ve noticed wavering is why we have wonky results..
but why do we waver?
We waver because deep down we think there is a separation between the imaginal and the physical. we think the physical is acting on its own outside of us and can create. which is why try as we might to maintain a state of confidence.. for the “big” things or the things that seem “out of reach”,, results may be spotty because we think our imaginal experiences aren’t enough and we convince ourselves that any of the things happening on the outside are out for our control
the truth is all that’s missing is confidence… a knowing.. an unshakeable conviction that what we say will happen MUST happen and WILL happen.. but the only way to do this is to truly understand that the 3d is your reflection and it can’t possibly show you anything you haven’t experienced…
I personally am now so so so excited for the end of the year and am looking forward to school (something i DREADED).. because i know a specific event MUST take place now which will change my life. why? because the real me experienced it in imagination and self must be expressed. why would my 3d show me something different unless i continuously waver and imagine something different.. if i experienced it why wouldn’t it push out? this realization has helped me be excited about things i was previously anxious about
i feel like the thing w the law is how “simple” it is but it’ll take you years to understand a simple concept. i hope you guys get what i’m saying here
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anadiasmount · 6 months
imagine you're dating jude but no one knows and you're at an event or game or whatever and you hear some girls talking about him and how he's so hot and blah blah blah and you're just sitting there smiling to yourself because no matter how much they talk, at the end of the day he comes home to you.
let’s say you’re back home and he’s cooking dinner for you after the match, and he’s just so excited and over the moon over the performance and goal! literally he cannot stop tapping about it and mentioning just how perfect it was.
you sat on the counter there quietly listening with the biggest grin on your face bc you love when he talks about his achievements and career, you could listen to him all day. it makes you not only super grateful but yet more trusted and wanted by this bc since your relationship was yet to be known by everyone.
“you’re awfully quiet? something on your mind?” he asks dropping the spatulas and striding over to you. placing a small kiss on your lips while he pulls you towards him, chest to chest. “nothing. i’m just so proud of you jude. it makes me so happy how far you’ve comed along in just months. and to be able here to support and love you along the way it the tip of the iceberg,” you grab his face a place a small kiss to his cheek, your lipstick leaving a mark behind.
you giggled at his confused reaction when you give him a teasing look, showing him that you were hiding something from him. jude groans and insists you tell him what you’re thinking of, “tell me please, you can’t give me that look and not say anything?”
when his big hands trail over your sides you moved around to try him to stop, your feet banging and making noise on the cabinets below as you try to free yourself from him. “fine fine. just be quiet! your mom is still here,” you say, motioning to bring his voice to a whisper or quiet voice.
your mind drifts back off to the game where you had been sitting patiently for the match to start. it was cold out so you kept playing with your beanie and scarf to get it warm and close to you. while getting distracted by the new stadiums latest features, your head cocks forward to the group of four girls who brought up your boyfriends name.
no one knew the two of you we’re together, you and jude agreeing to when time was right as all you wanted was to share the most right now when no one was seeing or being judgy. plus knowing how protective his fans are, you weren’t quite ready for their comments.
a blond girl spoke up about he different things he would do to him, the red head about how he gave out big dick energy, and the two brunettes were chatting how hot and talented he was, that it should be them supporting him, and only them. you sat there with your arms crossed and feeling buddy, an expression of wanting to let the world know he was your boyfriend.
“during the game the girls infront of me, kept going on and on of how hot and sexy you were, that you legit give out big dick energy, that’s you’re super talented and such a mommas boy. how they could treat you better and give you the world and it just made me laugh,” you chuckle and reenacted their voices and hang gestures, giving him a huge grin.
jude laughs loudly and throws his head back, forgetting the promise he had just done prior to keep his voice down. “little did they know my girlfriend was behind them, looking beautiful in my jersey and supporting me through the end, even if she didn’t agree with me to continue playing,” he says frowning in the last sentence.
“i’ll say it once and i’ll say it again, risks like even how small or big they are, should never be taken. but i can’t do anything about that, let alone you bc ik how stubborn and fearless you are,” you purse your lips together and hug him, feeling him let out a sigh of relief. “i’m just so happy to be here with you after all this time. i love you so so much you know? you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me,” you say softly kissing his neck, shoulder, and jaw.
“ i know baby, i know, but i only do it bc of the team and for me, we all need each other even in the worst timings. i won’t make it a habit though. and as for me being the best thing in your life, i can say the same. i’ve never met anyone like you, who’s loves me conditionally through my goods and bads, let’s me be the jude i want to be,” he closes the gap and kisses you feverently, whispering i love yous along your lips.
but then comes to a halt and groans, quickly sprinting to the stove where he freaks out over the food, “MY CHICKEN! ITS BURNING!”
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emry-stars-art · 10 months
Question: how long does medusa neil takes to grow?
Like, taking the hands as Andrew's, is it more of a "whiplash because I was petting this baby a month ago and it's now Big" situation or "wait what you're telling this hot mer is that tiny cute thingy I'd found around as a teen?" one
Ok ok so I had just put out “Andrew finding baby jelly neil would be really cute” as like a fun little side thought but now I REALLY LIKE IT AND I WANT TO PUT IT IN THE TIMELINE
so to answer this question: physically? A Sea Nettle mer like Neil I’m going to say takes about 17-19 years to reach physical maturity/full size (which in jellies is pretty far removed from mental and emotional maturity, jelly brains take a good while to develop because they start with so little)
So this. This is what I’m deciding thank you so much @snazzy-jas-z-is-a-fan-of (which counts as your second option, dear galacticvampire)
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And it looks like this:
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@exy-is-sexy medusa admirer 🥰
So Andrew always comes back to the beach (fisherman’s son, they’re there a lot) and always gets distracted going to a specific tide pool housing this little thing he found. Aaron thinks it’s really cool too, their dad is too busy with work down the beach and is happy his kids are entertaining themselves while he gets ready for the day. Of course, yes, he tells them. Very good, finding such a mer in these waters. (He thinks it’s kids being kids. No one’s seen a jelly mer, they’re kind of believed to be extinct if not simply legends. But a little imagination is healthy.)
Then one day, Andrew checks the tide pool and finds it empty of the tiny jelly. It’s nowhere in sight, he looks all over the nearby waters and in any grass or rocks it could have gotten caught in. Nothing at all.
Maybe by the time he’s taken over his family’s fishing business, Andrew has convinced himself it really was in his imagination. His memory serves him well but if he’d convinced himself it was real back then, that would be what he remembered now.
Until he finds a monster washed up on his beach.
(A shot of the process under the cut)
IT DOESNT COME ACROSS IN THE PANEL. BUT I CANNOT PROPERLY EXPRESS TO YOU HOW TINY THAT SECOND NEIL IS. literally I think that is the single smallest thing I’ve ever drawn. Look at this
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That’s me sharpening my 0.3 mechanical pencil to get it small enough to draw the eyes. I just need everyone to know this because I think it’s so stupid and funny. And we all love tiny baby jelly Neil and it doesn’t get ANY tinier than this folks
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delululand · 4 months
hii could you please do enha love languages? ty! <33
hii! this question has been in my inbox for a couple of months so thanks so much to this anon for the question and patience, i finally finished it!!
heeseung world of affirmation & physical touch
perhaps this is just my subjective perception, but i wouldn’t say that heeseung has a very noticeable love language that would immediately catch the eye, however, the words of affirmation seem to me to be his most noticeable love language. he really looks so happy and embarrassed when members or fans compliment him on his gaming skills or ask him to sing and admire his vocals. and this seems to be not only the language in which he chooses to receive love, but also the way he gives love. he always tries to praise and support the members and i’m sure that he would really be for his partner that person who constantly reminds you of what a wonderful person you are, really appreciates any of your skills and abilities, expressing his proud of you, never criticizes your ideas and always ready to listen and support. and physical touching seems a little less obvious, but he often casually touches participants by patting them on the back/head, patting them on the shoulder, and many other manifestations
jay act of service & physical touch (actually it’s seems like he has all 5, but i choose the biggest one)
the most visible language of love that immediately catches the eye is acts of service. he's literally the guy you don't need your brain with at all. you don't have to worry about ANYTHING. if you are going to go somewhere or even go on a trip, he will collect all the information, take into account everything you like to eat, drink, what you would like to see and experience, and based on this he will create an ideal route, all you need is your presence. if you are together, he will do absolutely everything for you, such as prepare food for you, set the table himself, serve you whatever you want, serve utensils, complete all-inclusive, i swear this guy is one step away from starting to feed you himself. cooking, cleaning, fixing anything, he is a wonderful housekeeper and knowing that you are tired, he will gladly free you from any household chores by doing everything himself. in any everyday matters, he is literally the most reliable person i have ever seen. at the same time, i cannot remain silent about how gentle he is in physical touch, he always treats members with such tenderness and is very responsive (?) to the desire to touch him from others. idk It sounds a little strange, but for example, i’m talking about that video where Jongwon was nervous and started to grab jay’s finger and jay immediately took his hand and allowed him to pull his arms, fingers, poke his knees and whatever he wanted as much as he wanted. there's nothing special with it, but it makes my heart melt. and as i mentioned above, he literally has all 5 love languages. we see how much he tries to spend time with the members the way they love, going bowling with niki, shopping with sunghoon and jungwon, playing with heeseung and so on, he really values ​​quality time together. and he also often mentions the importance of spending time together, as he talked about how nice it would be to go on a trip with his family or how he imagined relaxing by the fireplace with a jungwon during the winter holidays. we see him constantly paying for the maknae, taking his mom shopping and always trying to buy her whatever she wants (+ quality time). and speaking about words of affirmations, i think it’s important to emphasize not only that he’s really very responsive and loves not only to talk but also to listen, which is very important, but also how attentively he treats his words. for example, when they were cooking something in one of the episodes of en o’clock, he wanted to joke that they weren’t doing very well and jungwon replied that he had crooked hands, jay thought it was because of his joke and was afraid that jungwon wouldn’t accept this is at his own expense, so he immediately said that his hands are crooked and jungwon does a good job. how much more confirmation do we need that he is literally husband material? (+some additional)
jake physical touch & world of affirmation
okay i think physical touch is more obvious. we see how he loves to hug members from behind, stroke their backs, smell their hair, and even inanimate things he always treats with some tenderness (like how he strokes pillows and all that). but he also has another side that is not talked about as often. he is really very good with words of affirmations!! members often mention that jake is the person they are most likely to want to talk to when they are feeling down or worried about something. they mentioned many times that he listens very well and knows how to choose the right words of support, and can not only provide moral support, but also gives good advice. and the way he supports the participants is always so touching and funny at the same time, like when jay teased sunoo that he wasn’t funny, jake immediately told sunoo “don’t listen, tell him let’s see how funny you are”. he is the person who will not only console and support you in private, but will not remain silent in public
sunghoon quality time & gift giving
i would like to say that his love language is teasing but i really feel like this guy is often underestimated behind the mask of a cold, frightening, unemotional person and he may seem like that, but only at first glance. he cares so much about his members and it often looks like his love language adapts to the other person. jake loves physical touch and sunghoon often touches him by patting him on the back, high-fiving him, or patting him on the back. jay likes to talk a lot and sunghoon listens to him (even if he teases him after...). heeseung loves to hear praise and sunghoon tries to praise him in all sorts of games and stuff. sunoo loves to giggle and sunghoon makes him laugh. engine want to speak to him in different languages ​​and he tries every time even if he’s embarrassed by his english pronunciation. he always tries to take care of the people around him even if he does it unnoticed. and if we talk about his personal love language i would rather highlight quality time and gift giving, we all see that he is not very good at expressing feelings with words, so he would try to make up for it with actions. like just being together, even if you are not talking right now and everyone is busy with their own affairs, he would feel peace from the very fact that you are doing this next to each other in the same room. and speaking of giving gifts, he just constantly sponsors you with anything, but unlike jay, it wouldn’t be something expensive or something like that, just random things that he gives you with the words “nothing special, just went home, saw it and decided to buy”. i really hope that one day more people will see how much feeling and warmth really lies behind his cool exterior
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