#I dont' feel like I need a full on caretaker or something at this point but someitmes I do think like.. in a few years with my various
Daily Log 2
Trying out (probably just temporarily) making short daily-ish notes about things, in an attempt to see if it helps me be more reflective or productive lol.
Activities: Much less than yesterday, felt sick and sleepy so barely got anything done. It was also warmer inside today.. Very much dreading summer. I still feel like the people who ~~ love warm weather sooo much~~ must also have central heating and air and are able to escape the warmth, or at least have cool airy houses where they can get cross breezes or something.. I just fail to see how ANYONE could enjoy sweating all day because it's like 75F indoors, etc. grrbb,,, the headaches, sleepless sweaty nights, constant physical discomfort, etc. The next few days look cloudy and rainy though so.. yEs.. haha HA
Got a new charger for my old 2004 nokia phone so it actually turns on now, and recorded myself going through the ringtones and games. I might add the footage to a currently not fully edited video of me also looking through other electronics (old phones, turbo twist math, etc.). I love old ringtones actually and if I were rich, I would love to collect old phones specifically just to have a catalogue of what they're like and all of the sounds they contain.
Managed to have a tiny burst of energy and take photos of 3 outfits before my arms and shoulder started hurting and I got too warm.
Sent email to one doctor.
Translated like 3 words for the Avirrekava poem thing I mentioned yesterday. My language document is not organized very well at all so I've kind of lost my flow of working on it. I've heard about people making searchable dictionary type things for their conlangs, so I'd like to look more into that maybe. As well as making a custom font, though I don't know if that's more difficult for syllabaries (so wouldn't be directly linkable to a plain english alphabet keyboard?? eh?). Anyway, I need to finish the tapestry/painting thing/etc. soon though since I have no good place to put it. The canvas is warping a little just laying haphazardly on my closet floor lol.
Made one quick mspaint background image for the next batch of song snippet things for my jokey music youtube.
Edited like 10 minutes of the Giant Worldbuilding Slideshow Project.. couldn't focus on that either since being at the computer today irritated my shoulders and arms.
Notable sights: Saw 6 baby ducks and their parents swimming in a nearby pond!! It's interesting how their colors seem to change so much, and the young ones have the little spots on their back. Not much else, I was not very active lol..
Goals moving forward: Still working on consistent sleep schedule. Focus on social activities, finding new friends in the places I want to move, communicating with ones I have. Physical therapy exercises. Plant nasturtiums. Finish and upload videos, edit pictures, post the poll adventure thing that has been sitting in a draft for weeks (I thought I would get it done today, but alas.. I don't even have to do much, just proofread and post it, I just keep having no energy/being preoccupied with other things/hurts to be on computer.. grrr.. I want to continue the story lol >:T).
Notable foods: HAD ASPARAGUS YEaaaaaghhhHHHH!!!!!!!!! Asparagus SQUAD!!!!!!!!!! ... Also a few pieces of smoked gouda with lunch, one of my favorite cheeses.
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#just posting these publicly since it feels more like I'm doing something or easier to hold yourself accountable if you make public#declarations of goals and progress or etc. .. perhaps.. for now..#I'm just curious to see if it helps. I know some poeple do diary style stuff or etc. on social media to help with productivity so#worth trying for like a week at least lol#tired and sleepy of being tired and sleepy though. Every day that stuff like chronic health problems or weather or etc.#interfere with me getting stuff done and it's all stuff that I've also had on my todo list for like.. weeks at this point it's like.. oughh#insurmountable tasks ever looming piling upon my shoulderes...#I've been 'supposed to call a lab to shedule blood work' for like a week and a half now and everyday I get the number#out and look at it and just go 'hmm.... sooon...' and then suddenly it's 10pm and I didn't#You Know How It Is Folks. I'm going to write myself a script of exactly what to say and also tape it to my computer screen#Sometimes that helps. lol#I dont' feel like I need a full on caretaker or something at this point but someitmes I do think like.. in a few years with my various#physical and mental issues it would be nice to have a Person Who Functions Normally Socially come visit me like once#every two weeks to help me plan things and make phone calls. Same with creative stuff too though. I bet I'd be doing something creative as#a career by now if I had like. an Assigned Neurotypical Extrovert to network for me and help me navigate things like that bjhbhj#hashtag hermit problems. etc. etc. (not just like 'a little weird and asocial' but like.. 'near complete inability to function in society'#type hermit problems lol..#ANYWAY.. ..#Also fighting the urge to have another personality typing phase. I can feel it creeping up. My 'once every 3 months when I get very#interested in the enneagram and other stuff again' type of thing. distracting myself with worldbuilding paintings instead ghgj#why don't you do a phone call for your blood work first maybe then you can spend 3 hours reading about tritypes or whatever#I have so many interests and hobbies but a handful of Main Ones and they never go away I just seem to take turns with them#Except worldbuilding I think that's always there. Genuinely again.. wish I could find some way to work that into a career. that is the only#thing I could to 1000 hours straight at any time of day under any circumstance. Kidnap me and lock me in a basement and I will be passing#my time thinking about what type of cheese elves make and all the things I'm going to write once I escape captivity ghjhj#EVEYRHTING else though lol.. kind of comes and goes. but can be annoying when it's suddenly the only thing my mind#wants to focus on. BUT yeagh.. ANYWAY... rambling again#daily log
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m0use-brained · 8 months
my (super)ordinary life!
as some might know its about two college boys renting an apartment together(by chance) and dealing with the ghost of a Victorian boy who was murdered by his nanny. the story follows the protagonist Xavier who is a "realist" and skeptic and doesnt believe in ghosts at all. his roommate on the other hand dallas is a firm believer and a medium. the little Victorian kid Arch whos trying to get the attention of xavier due to him looking so much like his best friend in life falls short in doing so through little antics. The two go through college with unexplainable things happening(well dallas tries to tell xavier its the ghost with xavier not believing him) until xavier has enough of bad things happening and finally folds and lets dallas do whatever he needed. they go through alot to finally talk to arch(buying equipment is hard when your in college) and THEN try to solve the mystery of who killed arch, to let him feel at peace and not restless anymore
Government kids??? no name yet- haeaawdjhnThree kids (17 yr old girl, 14 yr old boy and 10 yr old boy) who are all siblings to this last group of people with magical powers end up loosing their parents due to the new government that was implemented recently. But the world for like more then a hundred years now have passed their reign over magic. now magic is only within their brightly colored hair and eyes(bald ppl dont exist). Along with some people having animalistic qualities and other- fanstay qualities. they are still so very human in the aspects of no one has magical powers but they have some extra points towards things like strength if they were a werewolf or something. (they dont change under a full moon they are stuck in the half furry state). anyways. the three kids end up trying to not get captured by the government running all over the place. they go to highschool for a time, then make friends and go to the friends house. a friend dies. some within family drama happens and the oldest sibling fights with the middle child. the oldest gets captured first. the two other siblings go with their owl caretaker(who barely shows up within the story). the youngest seems not to happy with this and escapes to a village somehow untouched by the government and learn about his herritage(somewhat hes like 10). oldest goes through hell to escape and find the middle child and the youngest. turns out hte owl turned the middle kid into the government and winter finding out oliver isnt with the middle she saves the middle and then says a brisk apology as she is on the hunt to find her baby brother. tension between winter and rodger rise but winter is preoccupied with saving oliver. oliver makes frineds with this young girl and her dad and those two help oliver go into the biggest city to try and find winter and rodger. winter and rodger are one step behind as they get into the village. rodger finds out about their family but winter couldnt care less as she is tiredlessly trying to find oliver. its way to much i know and i left out funny goofy government villans that are clear ripoffs of team rocket but in my own funny way...
Super hero esk story?? idk i called it Switcheroo but thats kinda silly.the protagonist is the top villan's son who goes into the top hero school. (the mom sees how influcened he is to do crime but wants the best life for him. she wants him to choose after also being influenced by what their society deems as noble and good) Zero(protag) dorms with a girl(filing mess up) who is the daughter of number 1 heroic(hero system is different here too) bull's eye. on the news they find out the 3rd heroic on the ranking chart gets kidnapped by zero's mom??? and zero goes to talk with her about it as hes grown attached to the girl he dorms with and saw how upset she'd become. the mom denies it and says this was all a publicity stunt from bull's eye to gain more money and fame. zero says to out them. the mom cant. because no one will ever trust the villains. even if they did what would it do. strike fear into people that even hero's are corrupt and evil will always win? they needed to do something. zero tried to tell the girl but she couldnt believe him. they have a fight. zero ends up trying to do everything in his power to make it up to her. humiliating himself infront of the whole school(but he doesnt care). she accepts his apology and makes sure he isnt injured. he does get in trouble but thats not the point. she hears him out and admits to things shes seen as a kid ever since her parents divorced due to money problems. the premise is they have to take down the two top heroics from inside their ogranization or making them quit by them messing up every save. (prank them so hard they quit). (i dont know the ending yet akjwdnajkw) -
Super hero esk story?? idk i called it Switcheroo but thats kinda silly.the protagonist is the top villan's son who goes into the top hero school. (the mom sees how influcened he is to do crime but wants the best life for him. she wants him to choose after also being influenced by what their society deems as noble and good) Zero(protag) dorms with a girl(filing mess up) who is the daughter of number 1 heroic(hero system is different here too) bull's eye. on the news they find out the 3rd heroic on the ranking chart gets kidnapped by zero's mom??? and zero goes to talk with her about it as hes grown attached to the girl he dorms with and saw how upset she'd become. the mom denies it and says this was all a publicity stunt from bull's eye to gain more money and fame. zero says to out them. the mom cant. because no one will ever trust the villains. even if they did what would it do. strike fear into people that even hero's are corrupt and evil will always win? they needed to do something. zero tried to tell the girl but she couldnt believe him. they have a fight. zero ends up trying to do everything in his power to make it up to her. humiliating himself infront of the whole school(but he doesnt care). she accepts his apology and makes sure he isnt injured. he does get in trouble but thats not the point. she hears him out and admits to things shes seen as a kid ever since her parents divorced due to money problems. the premise is they have to take down the two top heroics from inside their ogranization or making them quit by them messing up every save. (prank them so hard they quit). (i dont know the ending yet akjwdnajkw)
The Moon's craters
a bunch of billionares go to the moon(or a planet that looks like the moon whatever man) and colonize there. hundreds of years pass and the world is sci-fi and dystopian esk?? the poor live in slums and the rich live near the sky!. people who live on the moon have adapted to look different. and the story follows one poor boy on the moon. hes loved the moon but hated the system. classic. so one day he sneaks on a ship that travel's to earth. there he's traversing through earth to see if it was better then the moon. in fact it is not. its more- kingdom esk?? ever since a war that happened long ago.(they still have tech and use alot of it they just enjoy the structural build of kingdoms) protag finds a prince(after getting a job as a servant) and tells him about the moon and stuff. the prince is grossed out but interested in the rich people's fashion sense and taste. he agrees to go with. he litterally just runs away with like a shit ton of money and buys himself a ticket to the moon. goes to the moon they find out theres a war gonna happen cause they cauiught the protag "kidnapping" a prince??? protag is wanted. best friend sidekick doesnt give a fuck????:? so they get a trip to a different planet to escape it all. find out they are super underdeveloped and the moon have been taking that planet's orphans for testing!>?!?>! they rescue one orphan from a new shipment of orphans about to be sent out. (thats all i have so far lmao) -
this follows like a ground of people going about space. spaceboots SB(hes got big ass boots), SpaceGloves SG(shes got big ass gloves), Chat(robot guy who talks like zane from lego ninjao but has the brain compacity of a twitch chat), Hat(he wears hats idfk), Shirt(wears beeeeeeg shirt. the hyper cute person of the group). Dress(guy who loves fashion) along with shirt's cat Skrible(very poorly drawn cat who uhm... cat) i forgor most of the plot but like SB uses his mom's ship to do random things through out the galazy and goes on quest. something is wrong with the spaceship i think and they have to get new parts on planets they havent ever been through. they find out more about- the mom and other family i think while getting parts from people who seem to know their parents and shit? aughh i loved their characters so much ajshdakjhwd
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only-lonely-lovers · 4 months
tags: masturbation, dubcon(?), caretaking, possessive language
notes: I think a lot of this one was us laying around in bed texting each other and it shows... w
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
あ:Anyways I was thinking rly hard about… uhh… I liked a lot when Avvy proposed Amane having been incepted sexuality due to Yashiro so commencing jerkoffs and being distracted and this being a new thing. Tsukasa observing this like oh……. kawaii…. something new. It can't be sad that Amane is attempting to be secretive and hide stuff even though they do absolutely everything together. Thinking about them outright sharing a bedroom and 1 bed. kinda deal.
Somehow its novel and cute to Tsukasa that Amane would be shy about something with him. Since when, you know? Amane is a shy person but there's nothing he's actually embarrassed about around Tsukasa… is full autisms and can be as rude and wordless as possible, doesn't hide his interests. So any sense of Amane sequesting into the bathroom for periods of times or, when Tsukasa runs an errand and comes back he can hear Amane shuffling quickly in the bedroom. This just makes Tsukasa get good at coming home worldessly. Presses ear to door. Oh. the sounds of jerkoff. naruhodo
Does this ritualistically. It's kind of fun. New Amane sounds just dropped and all that.
つ:It would just be cute… not offensive or saddening at all.
あ:I think Tsukasa is perceptive enough to quickly deduce who and what is prompting this. And is perfectly calm and ready for Amane explaining Yashiro-san wants to visit. Hmm yes… let me meet her…
つ:amane having a new feeling that he is embarrassed offffff
あ:Ah the more i wrote… the more this was really just a perfect sunshine-amatsuka fusion… But that was kind of cozy feeling to get to imagine
つ:It seems like a nice cozy place to beeeee no challenges. Some spice as tsukasa knows magics and nene is some new Magic’s user And amane just a nerd between these
あ:This really is a tsukasa who goes to get groceries and is like 🎵🎶 about it monitors my boy with spells
つ:Give me the little list of nuts and bolts🔩 you need
あ:I think its so. sedates you puts you into bed. when you need it.
つ:An equivalent of koku joudai if amane is super stressed before a tourney it’s like❤️ sleep
あ:Yes. oh dont worry sweetie. i learnt it all for you
つ:I’ll sing that song you like so much (It is a spell)
あ:So… Yashiro does come over. And the vibes are weird. She is like all thotted up but has to have this emotion like ah… tsukasa-kun. (doesnt resent you BUT. idk how to think about the thing you did last year or w/e) but Tsukasa is just pleasant. I'm bringing you guys tea. its cool.
At some point leaves them alone for a bit and monitors via magic. Oh i look into my crystal ball yk whatever. And I think Amane is like… very shut down and overwhelmed by the, pheromones, and the way he hasn't been actually feeling better over time. He's really perplexed by wanting to spend time with Yashiro, the urge itself is enigmatic and conflicting with his skills. aversions. but here he is allowing it. But i was cumrotted so yk It's as extreme as being ROCK HARD when she is right next to you and talking to you and wordlessly staring at the space between your feet and deathgripping legs. Nene sees this and is like ',' [brain falls out head]
but this Nene having more confidence and sluttiness is funn i think her stupid braindead thirst (the way she is like. a girl can have multiple guys as a treat ❤ during the event) means she just tries to be like ah… Amane-kun
… how are you feeling… [touches his chest] is this-? Good… are you having… fun? Do you. Like this…?
つ:Poor Amane’s life was so easy before
あ:Hand lowers… she strokes over his belly.
But this makes. Amane have a panic attack and run into the bathroom and close the door harshly. fwmp. and Tsukasa is like kyaa. oh… Amane!!! the way you definitely do want this… but run away from it!! So interesting. [didnt intervene when he could] You deserve to be bothered a little i think. awwwwww….
Returns into the scene. Nene isnt like made of steel she IS. embarrassed. face hot. apologetic, sorry Amane-kun went… I think he… I…
つ:Nene is a human being!!
あ:but Tsukasa is like ahh daijoubu daijoubu its fine Nene-chan. Ohhh he gets like that. ^^ You stay here. one sec… Peeks in. heyyy my shawnster…
He is comically like. Shivering and hiding behind a toilet like a scared cat. Standing up though. boner visible. Tsukasa is like [closes eyes and inhales.]
(duhh my notes.. one sec. im gonna just look)
"Is something the matter, Amane?"
As always, it takes Amane time to deliberate and reply, but you're never frustrated with him. You relish in getting to watch his fretful eyes tilt downward, his nervous hands clasp and squirm. You couldn't fathom rushing him. You wait patiently. Amane holds his arms and and waits quietly – you rush into them, clutch him close, and close your eyes as he nuzzles your shoulder.
"… I… want… to have sex," Amane finally breathes. He clutches you tighter. "With… Yashiro-san."
"Ah, I see, I see. That's very new and interesting, Amane. I'm happy you told me." You nod in understanding, genuinely proud at Amane for finally being able to say it. "If you ask me, I think Nene-chan would be more than happy to."
"I don't want to be alone though. I want you there."
You take a deep, deep breath.
"Mhm." his hair brushes your cheek as he nods.
It's been a while since you've felt so humbled to be included with something of Amane's. You were used to doing everything for him, with him, but you would have been understanding if he pursued this girl without you. But dear sweet Amane wanted you, even here. You sway, side to side, nuzzling against him. Amane's hips jitter as you do – oh! … still excited… You stroke his back.
"Of course, Amane. You tell me anything you want me to do. Where to be, where to touch… I can even move Nene-chan for you, get her ready… anything."
Kshfhd its all like. accepts everything very immediately sure i will get you to fuck her. ohhhh i get to be there? yes.
つ:Walks out the bathroom holding hands
あ:Both of you acting like space aliens admittedly. there's not really any sense of deliberating on… emotional closeness… Amane is just crystalizing that he wants this thing and Tsukasa is like , and so, it shall be
No proper anything… I'll get your dick wet sweetie…
つ:It’s like… does amane try to explain or tsukasa. It’s cute either way. Amane like. Yashiro-san. I’m sorry, I know it’s weird. So I get it if you don’t. Want to. Do anything. But. If we d. If we do. If we do anything I. I want. Tsu… kasa…. With…. Us…. or else. I’ll. Rrun away. Again and. Again
(Tsukasa wiggling fingers at nene and looking a little apologetic) Feeling on cloud 9 though
あ:I think as Amane speaks, he sometimes gets so shut down he actually just needs to dictate to Tsukasa what comes next. soo like… step 1 is actually walking out together and telling Tsukasa the living room area is scary and it needs to be in the bedroom. comfort space. and with like nearby stuffies or something excessive like that. pls… and so Tsukasa is like ohmm Nene-chan this way, let's talk more in the bedroom ^^ and she's like o. kay.
つ:Thats so like. Fear Ok The want for the dick I hope tsukasa doesn’t turn me inside out
あ:It's fear inducing. also you walk into their room and see its 1 bed. and this is definitely the 1 bedroom in this dorm actually. ok Like whatever
つ:Yashiro quietly says naruhodo
あ:But itd be cute if then Amane could be like im. do wanna. i do wanna. Do it
つ:Amane voice: but there’s something wrong with me
あ:I need help Tsukasa, really laying it on. I'm just here for moral support. Rubs his shoulders
つ:Yashiro: ah… I could… I mean if it’s just help I know what I’m — amane: nnnnnnnn (tugs tsukasa) Tsukasa: ^^ …my help is needed. Sorry, nene-chan. I won’t do anything if you don’t agree. (… unless amane asks me too lol❤️)
つ:Think of me as… a security blanket! That’s all!
Yashiro looking at two boys on the bed. Brain begins to melt Tsukasa like mmm… well… you’re already like this…. (Guides amane to lean back to show off tent more lol)
あ:It's a lot like. To submit to. But I think she'd genuinely feel too awkward to bow out in a way. As overwhelming as it is. Oh Amane-kun is so sweet. His… beseeching gaze. His. cock is right there also. To leave him so snubbed. When you do want it.
Tsukasa is intimidating but in a sultry way. like shahgdgdfhgI did imagine it being very much like. presents Unzips his pants. Releases from boxers
つ:He is clutching tsukasas arms like hiding behind one a lil Skrunky…. Let the scent waft to nene lol
Tsukasa also gets to be like. Eyes widen a little AH ITS STRONG LOL I’m always getting the after breeze left in the bedroom Oh the source is much more potent… HAS THE RESOLVE OF A DEMON TO NOT GO CRAZY
あ:The cute thing is Tsukasa himself experiencing stuff for first time gets vertigo for a second. OH keep it together
つ:Linger hands near him for longer than he intended… it’s so warm. Smiles at nene
(… I will hurt amane a little) Nene-chan… don’t you think it looks nice…..? Ah…. And this scent in the air~
あ:Like heuugjvjfh!!!!
つ:WHAT THE FUCK!!!! Dhdududkdjdhdhdj
あ:Coughs Ah…….. s.. souuu….
つ:Amane like dndjdjd tsukasa—!!
あ:You need Tsukasa here to be like why don't you come closer… dont be shy Come see… it's nicer up close
つ:Despite all her bravado, is shy and slow up close It’d be different if she was alone…
But being watched… she’s suddenly aware amane is very delicate, isn’t he…
あ:Perhaps Tsukasa nerfs her in a way that puts her on Amane's level
つ:Always thought of him as a mundane amount of shy… but… … he’s actually very unusual…
あ:Forced to contemplate the boy
つ:Does he really need something like this….? Tsukasa-kun…. Do you. Uhm. Do you always… help .p. Ah
Like this? …. No…. This is both our first time seeing this, nene-chan
あ:A fun question for a girl to be made to ask herself.
… I was thinking about Tsukasa being as excessive though as. like pulling back foreskin to show off (edited)
つ:Mm a good time to pull it back …. And (TRYING NOT TO BREATHE HEAVILY) Amane’s first time feeling, (pulls….) this…. Nene shuddering. Jesus Lights popping in eyes
あ:Fweeeewww… its hot in here. the humidty is spiking. your pussy is on fire etc.
つ:Delicately places for fingers along shaft…. Nene does. Simply crosses over tsukasas to the head….
あ:Amane whimpers… It's genuinely a lot… I think he is not used to being touched by other people. let alone in this context. Your body is like a liiittle fearful of something unfamiliar. But girl hand… lovely to feel, atop it all. but it's so good it's alarming. (jitters.) I sorry. amane. but the Tsukasa commentary track is like oh he liked that. keep goinggg
つ:Fluster nene and amane both…. I imagine tsukasa is the icebreaker always chatting during
あ:Yeah i think its kind of an instinct keep a dialogue going to fill in space. he is used to little or no response.
つ:Girl’s hands are soft, aren’t they, amane? Hehe…. Gently leaves cock to pet his hair and rub his knuckles
あ:maybe ask Nene if its HER first time… (bc Amane would like that…!)
つ:She’d get so WHY PUT ME ON BLAST But just mentally Take a SECOND.
あ:He is GOING to put you on blast.
つ:Squinch brows… Wiggle mouth….
Think about how girls should maintain mystique… but… sees little amane all. Small and shy and. Urhgg
あ:Amane peers an eyeball at peeky
つ:Y. Yeah. It’s. My first time. With anyone. Doing anything. Like. This
あ:His.. eyes lid. shudders Tsukasa gets to be like hueheueu yayy he likie… Oh! … Amane likes that.
つ:Tsukasa kind of mentally like ah thank god nene if you had nonvirgin hands….! Knows what Amane wants and wishes for him to have it all
あ:That would be too sad. i would. maybe have to erase that from Amane's memories. 💔
つ:The real option In reality I will fix this if you fuck up I will never put my amane at risk….
あ:Nene this far into the experience does have to be thinking 💭 this doesnt quite feel like… he is JUST a security blanket
つ:She is ignoring feeling a nonzero amount about it For NOW
I think nene has the power to start jerking him off….
あ:Yus i did think she would pick up the ball. Tsukasa presents but Nene does not leave anyone hanging Genuine lust takes over. the boy is warmmmm and so boy.
つ:You get a nice rhythm going…. Tsukasa keeps his hands busy here and there
Fixes hair, flattens some wrinkles in shirt, does the usual preening to make amane feel it’s not so different Something new, and stuff familiar
Enables amane to get comfortable a bit… subconsciously can relax more… less tense ball and more… bumping into hand
あ:Make it as easy for him as possible, ease him into it. Doesn't have to be as tucked away. steals glances at Yashiro and what she is doing. Mhmhnhn…. it is… nice. It's better than. jerking off.
つ:Tugs at tsukasa and mutters at him shakily. Tsukasa stifles. Shuddering feeling the heat of his face so near and what he’s asking…. Which is just for him to please thank nene… Like tell her she’s doing good
あ:Yes your majesty hhhhh
つ:just shy like nnoooo she’s doing me a ffffavorr
Nene-Chan (WAS STARING AT COCK FORGOT TSUKASA WAS THERE FLINCHES) Amane wants to thank you…. it’s very nice, how you’re willing to help…. You really do want to do this, don’t you? It’s fun for you, isn’t it? Amane isn’t being selfish…. This is actually (can’t control voice getting heavy finally) very generous of him, right? To let you do this.
あ:Oh the room just feels like it keeps getting hotter
つ:Amane staring. Not what he asked you to say…
あ:Overwhelmed to hear Tsukasa implicate that, oh i think his little brain is like. noo. that's not what i saidjfhfhg… like gets caught up in a technicality. why would Tsukasa say something different though he is here to help me… [CANNOT. SPEAK THO.] But also why does this make my cock shudder a little
つ:Don’t you feel…. Lucky…?
Nene who has been broken a bit: h. HAI!!!! I AM— LUCKY!!! JERKS FAST
Tsukasa watching. Ooouuuu Likes what he sees in you….
あ:This is where its fun. like. the noncon potential Just a touch actually Despite everything
つ:Yosh Ah…. Nene-Chan really understands❤️ Holds Amane more firmly….
あ:Amane genuinely so like, not ready for feeling this, gasps. F-fast!! ssscary. trying to inch away. but i think it just reads the same as his bumps into hand Tries to tug Tsukasa like a lifeline
つ:Touches forehead toooooo for a second Inhales your exhale quietly mmmm
あ:Sigh. the…. kind of choking sounds… made when the sensations get scary. lots of choking vocalizations like breaking off. mgh - gh -- hhgh- nhh
つ:So interesting….
あ:Cock is evil though it works against you. it does want to push up. i think sometimes cock wants shove, while hips and body want FLEE… you get these broken little jitters
つ:Tsukasa suddenly reaches forward and grabs nene’s shirt front. Drags her body forward
That’s not all you came here for And that’s not all amane needs you to do
Her hand lets go in the shock…. A nice momentum bounce of cock in the open air
あ:Nice cinematography.
Amane who doesnt know about anything beyond what is happening in this immediate moment. no idea where we're going. his brains are already melted out his ears… just continuously tugs Tsukasa’s sweater, waiting to be understood
つ:Just before Amane can whine for the lack of contact, or move, tsukasa swaddles cock in his free hand as if he’s coddling it Like keep it warm while they work this out
つ:I don’t think Amane’s first time should be finishing in your hand, don’t you agree? Don’t you want something more special? Of course you do! DRAGS ONTO HIS CHEST
He’s been finishing into his own hand so much, nene-Chan! Thinking about this!
Amane wants to “do it”. Of course! So badly.
あ:Dizzying to hear… disorienting, for both Amane and Nene. This way that Tsukasa can suddenly feel omnipotent You know everything…
つ:Yashiro very dizzy, yes… dumbly nodding and panting loudly… plants a palm on his chest Well, she was well prepared…. No panties
あ:A girl wants what she wants…
つ:As she gets a hand between her legs… tsukasa observes. holds Amane ready… A situation of nene lowering over while tsukasas hand gradually recedes
あ:It is all for this... Tsukasa assisting in the line up and all. Watching it happen...
つ:Enjoying each second… amane is dying. But I’d like it to be that warm PUSSY GOOD SHOVES
つ:Activate sleeper cell
あ:Hehhe yes … actually part of the. cumrot was the thought that while deep into this Amane would actually become insatiable. like he has no self control!!!! cant!!!!!! its actually like oh god dont STOP ffffucks like a cylinder
つ:Yossshhh autistic grip SITS UPRIGHT Make Yashiro shriek
あ:Mmm delightfully scary. pivot
つ:Tsukasas propeller hat spins
あ:Shahshdhh. HELLO handsome the emotion Tsukasa experiences
つ:makes tsukasa very very excited childlike
あ:Amane amane amannnyyeeehh
つ:Yashiro processes that— not a tsukasa she has ever seen Giggling kicking around Really nuzzling into his hair….
あ:You're doing so good!! Amane!!!! breathless
つ:She’s being. Jostled sf hard. Bed is shaking
あ:Holding on for dear life. rghgjfh trapped in this crazy room it feels like
つ:Would love Amane to manage to pivot to pushing her backwards on the bed and hammering Brain is only composed of. AND IWANT HARDERR
あ:I wanted the sex Everyone was patient for me now im ready wanted to FUCK you i understand now
つ:Understand how fuck works It’s all too clear
It is the wacky shack as tsukasa is just like dhdudjdbdhdjdndjdj hehehehehehehehe Lehhlleheleehll I’ll make you guys dinner after thisdss
NENE-CHAN GOOD GIRL!! PETS HER TOO She’s drooling. Delirious can’t see
あ:Its like ah. the beautiful parallel in how Amane is like any other TL of Amane in that. he functionally is going to treat you the same, like, piece of meat, hes not SOCIAL he doesnt have manners.
つ:It’s just shy though. Not even polite really It’s disarming but says nothing of his selflessness
あ:nnnno. just shy. he's not. respectful I do think Tsukasa completes the energy by being so mmm yes yes yes ohhh look at him go its a faaaaaast car Love you baybbieeeee
つ:You feel the most degraded in a funny way Yashiro finally feeling like. This novelty. But she’s such a slut this AU she loves the sensation Come to this dorm to get manhandled by twins
あ:She is the pussy in the room Finally… what a girl has been seeking
つ:dragged over cock and instructed what to do. It’s her own awakening
Thought she was— a forward, sortof dominating type Idealistically imagined herself that way. But it’s not what she wants In her heart this is, perfect… shoved and pushed
あ:Even assuming her preference for Amane-kun came packaged with wanting to mess with a shy feeble boy yk
つ:Your crazy girl Schtick
あ:So endeared was she. but like. experiencing him rail her. makes her go oh. Its sfffff hot… if he is like this. about me
つ:If that’s what’s inside amane-kun….
あ:Amane-kun who can barely look up from his fiddling… his projects…
つ:Ah a nice situation of tsukasa and Yashiro calling his name in an easy back and forth Tsukasa kickstarts it being himself Yashiro follows the addictive lead
あ:Ahh kawaii kawaii… It seems like it feels good to do
つ:Amane scrambling about
あ:The incentive is feeling his cock respond inside her. fweee….
つ:Ahhhh the chorus
あ:it feels good to be a girl in a moment like this
つ:Epic feelings I think the nut moment is scary Like grabs so so hard Congeals in his virgin pea brain🧠IT CAN GO INSIDE
あ:I WANT IT i do think its a real jfc… amane… digs nails in… trying to hold you down so hard It must go in and stay in
つ:Gotta unload I think Tsukasa is beyond sane helping he’s like on his back arms wrapped around Amane somewhere flopped kicking around
あ:Its cute. he is a fairly responsible composed boy in the grand scheme of things. made excited by Amane's own liberation uuouuuuu i love you
Amane is so cool!!! Amane is sooo capable… Amane is soo special!
つ:Amane does everything amaasziiiinnggfgly
あ:[pants] Amane should get everything he wants
つ:All this and then once he finishes it’s like. WHEEZE and tsukasa has to be like— AHHH RUNS OUT OF BED TRIPS FALLS ON FACE GETS YOU GETS INHALER
あ:kdfjhfdh my boy fuck whens the last time he drank water
つ:puts it in Amane’s mouth RUNS GETS WATER!!! Yashiro is blearily watching laid out
あ:Yashiro witnissing this. in a delirium like….❔
つ:You want like a kinda fussy Amane here honestly Like mmmmmn… squints
あ:lmaoo yes… like .. ugh.. TOO HOT … rips sweater off makes pissy sounds
つ:tsukasa helping When it gets stuck
あ:Throws it on the ground
つ:Fully removes Amane’s belt Knowing he disprefers it but wanted to look nice for this date Yashiro is still watching. What am I seeing
あ:What the…
つ:Amane, I can start a bath…. You got pretty sweaty, right?
あ:Grunts Its unflattering like ugh yeah
つ:I’ll go start it. Bows to nene. Leaves room She’s like wtf am I…. Seeing…. I do not understand the dynamic here actually
あ:I want Nene to spend like 24 hrs rly having bits and pieces load in for her You thought you understood but its like. [remembers this thing and this other detail and ???]
gonna later be like. wait. tsukasa being all…. we're lucky… and… amane should have whatever he wants… what I thought Amane was just a lonely boy but. IDK anymore do lonely people get dinner made for them ? Tsukasa has put on rice immediately
So funny for Amane to be so into routine and being taken care of he doesnt. offer yashiro much. at the end of this. like i need my bath… shuffles off
You know is like. Thank you I liked it
つ:Ah it’s funny. Yeah.
あ:Rubs mouth.
つ:She’s like. I did. T-too. You— you were impressive.
あ:Really [shuff shuff…]
つ:I didn’t think it’d … be like that
つ:Tsukasa though I do think would… like to usher her out Im sorry my boy has a timer
あ:Sorry darling
つ:He needs his routines again…. very cordial
あ:Baby simply needs his juice
つ:Nene-Chan❤️ Thank you for being so understanding. You’re a brave girl! That was so fun. Amane really surprised us, didn’t he…? He’s…. Incredible.
(Amane in the bg tugging his socks off) Like nyeh….
あ:stupid socks…
つ:Can’t get these jeans off fast enough
あ:That water better be ready for me
つ:The shitty afterglow Fsr true for amane
あ:Smells self. ugh Too much smells
つ:Kind of an annoyed voice… tsukasaaa…. It’s like whip cracks in brain WELL! ILL CALL YOU SOON NENE-CHAN, OKAY? I’ll get your number from Amane!
あ:Until then. Bye bye
つ:We’ll talk soon, ok? Byeeeeeeee
あ:nene like. will we i guess we will.
つ:Amane has literally never answered his phone for her
あ:He doesnt do that.
つ:It’s an emergencies thing really Nene walking home feeling many things. Much to think about. Feeling good though.
あ:Well. it was weird. but it wasnt bad.
つ:So strange.
あ:Ummm its complicated. Aha.
つ:…. What on earth will tsukasa and amane do now H-he said he never did that to him before….
あ:Is their relationship going to… change…? …. did it… change… did i see it change?
Somehow its truly more challenging than if Tsukasa has always been jerking off Amane. why now
つ:I do like to think it’ll be normal up until Amane gets a boner again in the night and his brain is like. Wait Bodies
あ:I can get
つ:Can be used for goods and services
あ:I can make Yes… i did. imagine a follow up. which is later like tugs. wordlessly. drags your face down
tsukasa part 2. oh…… are you sure….. … this is funnily enough perhaps the 1 amane that would be like. theres no reason to not ask Tsukasa. as the guy who already takes care of every single one of my needs
Cannot resist the simplicity of Tsukasa taking care of a chubby in the middle of the night sorta deal dont. wanna jerkoff anymore. is the thing. it doesnt feel as good. and rly didnt like having to evade Tsukasa for a sense of privacy. … but now there's no reason to…
As always I think there's just a different vibe. To Amane wordlessly grabbing Tsukasa’s face and rubbing cock over cheeks, pushing against lips. mnnn… dont have to overthink it… shoves… and Tsukasa is just like despite everything humbled , bc again, not assuming it actually has anything to do w him and already geared to think it was just a matter of being useful as an assistant
つ:Pleasaaaant… a silent graciousness
I also like humping tsukasa in the day… and tsukasa like aaaaa dials nene while this is happening Nene-chaaaaaaaan how about another date? Amane misses you….
あ:kawaii. yeah humping could become such a thing… very easy to do the feeling is like. ouhhmmm… im his binkie rn. he is becoming, incessant ❤ fun. but like. HELP! lol.
つ:Tsukasa for this is like mmm I wonder how long this will go on…. Will he get burnt out on it? Satiated? Okay and accepting if after a week he calms down with him…
But I think it just gets. Worse The more often it can just be like ughhhgh Puts hand on
あ:Not even needing to say anything
つ:COMES back from ROBOT SHOW throws BACKPACK on the ground grumbling STOMPs autistically to bedroom Drops pants
あ:counting the seconds. until you Its like mmghfh… suddenly too autistic for my autisms. like the tourneys ar elike. fucking annoyinggg gbdhfhf
つ:Being so like emotional tho at the show like. I miss tsukasa so much…. I wish he was here and not busy at his schooling… it’s so much easier with him
It’s so hard… (comes home and behaves uhgratefully despite this) The weight of the backpack and the journey home eroded him
あ:Get less grateful by the second. as you approach the door i WANT MY SLAW.
つ:I have to calm DOWN!!!
あ:opens the front door. moans. Tsukasaaaaa (edited) drops my shit kicks off my shoes
つ:Skitters. Another result of this situation is this tsukasa losing grace and returning to some regression
あ:Youre really shaking his pea around in there really bring out the. amane amane!!!! mode
つ:Slides into room
あ:The seamlessness of fullbody hugs and wraps legs around. and then gets leaned onto a surface
あ:Indeed it does just get. worse. for a while i think its a real. like. legs and spine getting fucked up. situation losing hours
つ:Ah novel to see. Tsukasa truly losing his grace in this AU
つ:Nene is like. It’s a little like. …. Living with amane seems like. …. I’m not ready Yet For that
あ:It seems. a bit dangerous chotto abunai yo…
つ:But I will be… some day
あ:Its like a prospective future
つ:Dating is what it is, for now
あ:but. intimidating. I. if he would really fuck me. all day . ah You know its like. becomes collected at the thought. BUT…. FOR NOW. WAITS.
つ:One loves to have a future to dream about Tsukasa walks into a door
あ:I think he has 0 graces fingering like it is. a lobotomizes you situation
つ:These fine motor skills
あ:Like jesus its actually more brutal if he fingers Lances you
つ:It will be much worse. Give nene my multiple day long stabbing pain that nothing can make you forget or ignore
あ:Serious business
つ:I think she’s a bit more of a pansy than me though No offense nene
あ:She's cute like that It's a lot to ask of a normal girl
つ:It’s good to make a girl suffer, too
あ:Yes Truly suffering for this boy
つ:The extreme masochism is for Tsukasa
あ:Souls are divided in this way
つ:But Nene can appreciate it like a loyal gf of an abusive boyfriend The Pride
あ:It's like a medal she gets to display on the wall of her mind later I really will. Let Amane. Do things to me. heep. but i love the thought of like. willfully deciding you must let tsukasa bear the burdens im normal i am trying to study
つ:Some of that energy. Must be burnt off
あ:The girl talk is as stimulating as ever under these conditions Its fun though i like to think Nene has to be a little bit like. drools. hearing about Amane needing an hour long blowjob
つ:I think this situation cumrots nene I think it’s going to get heinous
There will come a day Nene is laying in bed and she finally congeals TWINCEST IS HOT!!!! OKAY!!! FINE I CANT IGNORE IT FOREVER DO THEY WANT ME TO FIND ITHOT?
but I think the final form is tsukasa noticing and it’s surprise part 2 like awe What first amane likes me here…. Now nene thinks I am a sexy element?
あ:What the h*ck… Even a frog in a well like me…
Wants to watch ME blow amane…. But it’s inviting the devil into your house he’s going to send you videos out of nowhere or something
あ:you think to yourself that you're nothing special woof That is a problem
つ:Catch on to nene’s fetishistic interest and be like titling them deranged things like ❤️do you think I’m a good little brother?
If nene understands she kickstarted Amane's sexuality then this would feel like such a corruption like her sick desires lead them all heor What did I bring out in these BOYS…
つ:Did I ruin a pair of siblings
あ:They were just normal…. er… well… sort of normal siblings before. They werent fucking all week at least. jesus
i kind of both like the thought of Tsukasa covertly filming but also clearly prompting Amane to hold camera suddenly in the middle of something
つ:He’s got Hims spells fuckin invisible floating camera dgaf But it s also funny to just do it some time despite this capability to utterly hide it
あ:Yes doing both. www. just cuz its fun to see Amane's reaction I think hes like umgh…. ……… but i do want it Frustrated and feeling owned
つ:Adjusts the camera like a nerd
あ:Oh fiddling. fussing about angles.
つ:Really enjoys watching through camera
あ:but its moe. like something Amane does that Tsukasa wouldn't think to or account for is reach down and even direct Tsukasa's face this way and that… entranced.. Slows pace…
つ:Get weirder about touching cock on
あ:I think you can rly get a sense for how used to handling Tsukasa he is, like… the sheer ease of reaching and pulling, directing with harsh or more delicate touch. Tugs hair. pulls at skin around corner of eyes to make you look
The element where Amane definitely. isnt thinking abt this being sent to anyone I think it makes him look like an absolute madman
つ:Moving like alien The free spirited in his natural habitat I think eventually tsukasa can do weird shit alone with Amane like subject him to some spell but only after he’s so. Spoiled and cumbrained that he gives in to some temptation
あ:Liberated at last..
Tsukasa is willing to fux with Amane a BIT as it is. but i think something earnest for his own enjoyment with Just Amane takes a higher power level Thats so directed and not wanton for the lulz yk
つ:A lot of being cum slave for a month
あ:Has been comed on and in for so long its like.
つ:It would have to be studying some stuff time and reading a spell and lingering for a long time
あ:Hair messier, clothes all fucked up. twiddles my wand in my hand. a treat for me. maybe
つ:But ah with failsafes in place… I just like the idea of manually stripping away the inhibitions with a spell to parse the raw most urge
But it should just be getting insanely violent And rambling like a maniac
あ:Functionally makes like that botion that Hakubo gives to Aoi
つ:The autism ruins Amane for talking much at all but override the stoppers…. Nyaaa. A temporary version of that But you just get a very ah. YOU BELONG TO ME!!!!
あ:your body my property. ohhh it pours out… The entitled heart…
How unfathomably special, at the center of this all. Quiet little Amane, doted on and tended to. Feeling, not just, gratitude, but a sense of divine entitlement. Reference your history… YOU'VE BEEN MINE FROM THE START
つ:Expoooose the entitlement!!! That he is obligated….
あ:I'm going to make sure you never leave me
Oh sigh… i think for Amane there's almost so many feelings and thoughts unsaid it leaps out of him messily, daisy-chained thoughts
I'm, I'm tired of going places alone I can't do it. I WONT anymore Why should I?? Why do you let me Tsukasa!!
つ:LOOKING DEVASTATED I— I won’t! Then! I’ll — can go everywhere with you…. Feeling out of breath to hear and seeeeee
あ:In a straddled sort of pose… Amane could bear weight heavily, hands on sternum
Eugghh but it could b so insane… grabbing something to use as makeshift rope… tying Tsukasa's arms. or forming a noose around neck
つ:ah at some point it has to be like FREEZES TIME SHUDDERS AND WAILS ON THE FLOOR FOR A MINUTE
Ok. Time to reverse the effects I’ve learned What I wanted to
あ:I. asked for it
つ:I just wanted to know if Amane… really wanted me… here With everything changing…. if he’d run out the door or… Whatever he wanted… I just wished to know Whatever came out…! Whether it was simple or complex or about me or not
あ:A sense of obligation almost you know…? Enough time passed and you wanted to know what Amane was thinking… about any of this
admittedly Tsukasa would be like. Nevermind. if nene doesnt think she is ready for something. i need to know if Amane is coping with… not having something
Could I be doing more for you… But then its like. a. i. suppose. the answer was yes
つ:Was failing my boy Tsukasa simply wants to please him… To the utmost
あ:I arrange your tater tots in a little galaxy just to make you happy
つ:As his pleasures have been escalating… but have somewhat platuead… needed to know if force was needed It’s so like so help me I would subject nene to any spell
あ:if roachie could really ask you what you wanted there's no Tsukasa ready to be so specifically wanted… its like… how… why… It came out so… unlike anything ever before
つ:Demanding more… wanting no separation I will make it so…. kisses head of frozen in place amane
あ:This has to be such a. sleeps you. cleans up. puts you to bed is somber pets my guy
つ:Contemplates steps patiently
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banesberry-anomoly · 2 years
[long post. tw violence, war, blood, injury. will be tagged appropriately, with the tw in front.]
hello. i formed yesterday while we were on the computer, and i started typing to try to make sense of things. i never got to post what i wrote at the time, but here it is now.
d'ya ever just- feel not real? like, you feel like you're floating but at the same time not, like you're grounded somehow? why do i feel like i am just a blank slate? am i a new headmate? was i a dormant headmate or hidden headmate that just woke up or was revealed? am i the body's consciousness? why do i exist? is there a reason for this? was i a fragment, or was i walk in? am i Evan? am i Pigeon? my typing habits seem to be a mix of the two. but i don't feel either of them is 'me'. did i split off of the two? did i split off of neither and just adapted their typing habits because they're both co-con? they are there, i feel them both. they know what is going on with the body, but aren't processing the words i am typing. wait. now they're 'gone.' gone as in not fully aware of the body anymore. they're in the headspace now. they're confused. they- they don't know what's going on, not really. they can hear the fan blowing in the background of our room in the bodyspace, they know small bits and pieces like that, but not much else. what is my role? i know there's another headmate that woke up from dormancy earlier, and that may have something to do with how i came to be. the one that woke up is a worrier and emotion/symptom holder. specifically of our anxiety. we all have anxiety, but they have it the worst. it's hard waking up, especially when the host didn't explore his plurality earlier. it makes it difficult to know what makes up 'you'. are you real? are you not? you don't know because you were hidden from view. on a different layer that the host could not see before.
as you can see, it was quite... philosophical. we were quite blurry at the time i wrote this. since the time i wrote it, i have discovered my name: it is Blankslate. i dont feel quite whole yet, something of me is missing. a different headmate woke up yesterday, a worrier that goes by the name of 'Ann'. Ann doesn't know very much about themself yet, but they do really like soft pretzels with salt. ...a war broke out in the headspace yesterday, which came along with a 'population boom' of headmates. most are fragments. we haven't the time to put them all in Simply Plural, as we sealed off some spaces for our mental health. i feel like i had something to do with why the war started. was i supposed to warn them?
this is getting long, so the rest will be under the cut.
people got hurt. not in the outerworld, i mean in our innerspace. i got yanked away from the front at some point and thrown against a wall in the innerspace. i started bleeding from the head. Lyx grabbed me and dragged me back to the front. Lyx is our russian headmate, rus discovered their name a little bit ago. Lyx is short for Alyxander, and alternate spelling of Alexander, which means 'to guard' or 'to protect' which is appropriate for them. sno's our resident caretaker. rus also managed to somehow seal off some rooms from the rest of the headspace. fuck, i wish i were making all this up. i wish so much for us to be faking all this, rather than have to deal with this raging war inside our head. but i'm not, and it hurts. it hurts really bad, this raging headache that we have tells us that there's still fighting going on, beyond what we can see. we don't even know the full extent of our headspace. we need a mapper. Evan and Lyx are somewhat co-con. Evan is too overwhelmed to deal with much, only really giving me information when we need to interact with others. Lyx is helping to explain things to me, because as a new headmate, a lot is new to me. i could read the music we needed to play for a rehearsal, but i didn't know we had a rehearsal this morning until Evan echoed the memory to me. there may be more knowledge gaps between me and the others than that. four headmates, Frisk, Moss, Ann, and Pigeon, are in a different room that they sealed off. none of us know where Vader or Demo are. Demo was able to front for a few minutes earlier, but was yanked away from the front by something. they're both able to handle themselves, so we're not too worried, but still.
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ohheyitsokay · 3 years
I don’t have a specific something to think about but just like
✨ Paz ✨
That’s it. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk 😌
Also I hope you’re having a good week with your relatives. And if it isn’t, then at least that it’ll be over quickly 🥺
Hellooo May! obviously I've been thinking about Paz because... you're right, ✨ Paz ✨
so first I got hit full in the heart with a fic about teaching post mando-displacement how to live in the galaxy as more than a Mandalorian, and showing him how to navigate... things, but
that sparked a whole other string of thoughts, of the reader living in the covert so those are under the cut :)
also thank you! honestly, me too. I hope you're doing well!
warnings: sexual content, afab reader
I cant get over the idea that there are Mandalorian customs and traditions and superstitions and lore that are completely unwritten. Not 'the Way', but engrained little things that every culture develops.
Little Paz, child-sized helmet still gleaming, his eyes just as bright beneath it. Tugging on the beskar and gloves of the elders, respectful but curious. Watching over the shoulders of the craftsman and caretakers, absorbing all of it with awe, taking it greedily, adorably, making it his own. Asking questions like it's his job, learning the tribe, the mannerisms and history, soaking it all in like a sponge.
Taking Din, quiet and nervous, under his wing, pretending he knows it all. A student, and then teacher, a big brother, a budding Mandalorian.
And Paz, your giant, sweet, well-meaning love, teaching you as best as he can.
Tugging you close by the fire, face of his helmet mashing your ear as he eagerly whispers context to the stories, almost wiggling with that same child-like excitement.
Have you heard this story? Did you know?
Staying up late, wishing this covert location could see the stars so he could share their legends while pointing to their equivalent heavenly bodies. Holding your hand, aching in his chest because his two favorite things in the world - you and his people, are colliding. It makes him feel full of warmth and strength and raw energy like he could protect those two things against a galaxy of armies.
He whispers that he loves you in Mandalorian into the darkness.
Paz, sharing the little traditional things, embossing them onto your heart, making you bit by bit more a part of his home, part of his people.
"Cyar'ika, you have to use this seasoning for dinner," He seems nervous that you havent, already, a little annoyed that he forgot to tell you.
"Okay, but... why?"
"It - well, Leanna, the woman I told you about, she," he's not actually sure, but he saw it, remembered it on this dish, every single time.
You smile, and he presses his chest to your back, reaching around and taking a pinch in his big fingers.
"See? Like this," he rumbles proudly in your ear.
And you do.
Paz, sometimes forgetting you're not one of them, expecting you to know something, or thinking something is normal, and his earnest, confused shuffling as he realizes.
You kiss at his chest, his neck, telling him silently but loudly that you need him. Your love, tilting his head, desperately pushing you away, hurt that you would try to seduce him at a time like this.
"Love, why are you being cruel?" His tone is gentle, but genuinely a touch upset. "Must you tempt me during the Clean day?"
"What?" You're dumbfounded, arousal forgotten as you stare at him. There's something in his words the way he says it, something in the stiffness in his shoulders and the way he glances ove this shoulder like someone is watching.
And he sees the confusion on your face, and realizes you dont know. How could you?
Scolding himself, he tells you on wash days before they go on a big mission, he's supposed to fast, to hold himself above distractions, clothes cleaning and mind clear so he can be prepared. And old ritual, used for warriors to be intentional about their last few days, and make boundaries if they were were in grey situations. Not particularly necessary, but... he likes to do things right.
He holds you close, promises when the sun sets you can have him all to yourself. He'll make it up to you, of course he will.
Paz, falling more in love with you every moment that he sees you remember, trying to learn, because you know how important it is too him.
He came home later than he meant, but earlier than he told you. Poor execution for a surprize, but he can hardly wait to see you, knows you wont mind waking up for a few hours if it means having him in your bed again. But when he walks in he sees a candle lit, blue, he notices, a letter half burned with words for his safety. He didnt teach you that one, a sharp ache in his heart realizing you mustve asked someone else.
You wished for his safety, did all the little things the other partners promised would help. You cared about him, enough to learn, and enough to do it. He knew you loved him, heard you say it, saw it even but... this was for when he wasnt hear. This was a private love, something you didnt know if he would ever see.
He wondered, as he woke you with wanton kisses and hands taking every inch of your body for his own, if it was too soon to ask you to marry him.
Paz, creating traditions for just the two of you.
"Did you know that you always bring me gifts in threes?"
Your Mandalorian hummed, pausing his mouth against your core, two fingers buried inside of you. Propping yourself into your elbows, you enjoyed the pause, the sharpness of overstimulation smoothing over.
"Everything in threes. Flowers, kisses, ration packs," you explained, and he chuckled, removing his hands and sliding them up your body, moving his mouth against yours.
He had never thought about it but it felt.. right somehow, like an unintentional cornerstone to your relationship.
"I guess we need another round, then," he said, eyes glinting.
As you moan in disbelieving affirmation, he tucks the knowledge away. A new custom, for him and you.
@fangirl-316 @scribbledghost @writeforfandoms @beautyagegoodnesssize @princess76179 @mrsbentallmadge @pbeatriz
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rank classic fandom ships!
Classic Fandom Ships huh? Okiiii if I miss any let me know
1-5: negative possible incest out of 5 (quote my friend Lemon)
Do I ship it?: I’d rather get a booster shoot, thanks.
General Feelings: I can’t ship ships when one character raised the other, even if it’s an au where it didn’t happen, knowing that England is a caretaker to him in that way just kills it for me. There’s no way to make having a crush on someone you raised, distant or not, not be weird. No matter what that’s going to come off creepy. Doesn’t even matter if they’re blood related or anything. It’s still the idea of one nation being an adult while the other raised them since they were a little kid. It gives me the same vibe as dating your childhood babysitter. If you want this dynamic, why not try PruEng, DenEng or PortEng, same sunshine x raincloud aesthetic with 0% creepy under tones.
TLDR: You’re just in it for the Cute Jock x Angry Nerd dynamic and it shows.
2. GerIta (Ive already talked about.)
TLDR: If fandom ships were ice cream, GerIta would be vanilla. It’s a base line, it’s fine as it is and some people hate it for that exact reason. I like vanilla, it’s alright.
3. FRUK (Ive already talked about)
TLDR: 11/10 would pirate fight again.
4. Rochu (Ive already talked about)
TLDR: It vibes. It just vibes.
5. Spamano
1-5: -5
Do I ship it?: I’d rather not, thanks.
General Feelings: I just never liked spamano, again the Angry x Sunshine (which isnt what Romano is, but it’s how it’s often written) isn’t really fun to me? I used to hate it cause I don’t like tsundere’s in writing style cause I personally cannot understand them. Like my brain does not register well with aggressive insults being seen as compliments because it’s from X person. But that’s just me, I don’t do that shit I think “tsundere” needs to die. But that’s beside the point.
I don’t like it now for two reasons. One because of the same thing I said with USUK, I’m not comfortable with shipping pairs where one raised the other, no matter what it’s gonna be weird dynamic wise. Two is in my mind the merits of Spain as an older brother or father figure to Romano mean more than him as a love interest. It can create a lot of dynamics that are more fun both between Romano and Spain and Romano and his brother. It creates a situation where one is often in the position the other wanted. 
Vene having more money and general social support, but often having to play along in cherry high class situations which makes a lot of his relations, especially with Austria, feel kind of hallow. While Romano was more poor and seen as low class and crass, but he has much more honest and deep relationships with the small group of people he cares for. it creates situations where the brothers can envy one another and I dont know. I just like it better than leaving Romano with only something like Rome and letting Vene have Hungary and Austria.
TLDR: Let Romano have a father figure please he’s earned it.
6. PruAus
1-5: -2
Do I ship it?: No
General Feelings: If you like Prussia with someone slightly uptight and orderly, why not just use England instead? Their personalities work better together cause at least then he gets a partner that understands him being a feral punk gremlin. I’m biased in this regard I don’t like Austria as a character so take with a grain of salt. But I never cared for the dynamic. The only PruAus thing I ever liked with bubblyernie’s ask art school prussia blog, and that’s it. It feels like the rivalry dynamic but it doesn’t get to the fun part for me, but again I also get that I have a bias.
TLDR: Meh.
7. PruHun
1-5: 5
Do I ship it?: Y e s
General Feelings: I just like the idea of them being strong feral gremlins on horseback together. Powerful generals, good friends, just the idea of excited forest heathens on adventures. I don’t know, it’s just fun. If not romantic they would be ride or die friends and I cannot be convinced otherwise.
TLDR: 10/10 would feral gremlin in the woods again.
8. AusHun
1-5: -2
Do I ship it?: No
General Feelings:I never liked cause I always saw Hungary change around Austria versus other people, especially Prussia. Plus they’re canonly divorced. I’m not an expert on Hungary, but I just don’t care for it. There’s better ships. Though again, I am biased.
TLDR: Let them stay divorced, Hungary deserves better,
9. PruCan
1-5: 0
Do I ship it?: Nah
General Feelings: Nothing really to say on PruCan, I just see them as friends and ship them with other people. They’d be good gaming friends tho absolutely 110% catch those two raiding together. They’re gaming nerd buddies and I can respect that.
10. SuFin
1-5: -3
Do I ship it?: Fuck No.
General Feelings: I really don’t. I just don’t like it. I know mainline ship but I just- Every time I want to talk about the Nordics it comes up. I’m not well versed in Nordics. But every single time I try to talk about Finland, or any of the nordics. BUT ESPECIALLY FINLAND, it devolves into how Sweden plays into it, or how SuFin plays into it. Like I cannot talk about Finland without him being treated as Sweden’s accessory and it infuriates me. Let Finland be his own god damn character and then maybe I’ll like SuFin cause he’s never given his time to shine without having it feed into someone else.
TLDR: Finland is no one’s wife, fuck off.
11. DenNor
1-5: 0
Do I ship it?: Nah
General Feelings: Again, I never knew much about the Nordics, but the basic of the ship when I first saw it was ‘haha Norway chokes Denmark with his tie what a tsun-tsun hur hur’, which makes me really uncomfortable... as someone who doesn’t vibe with abuse=romantic feelings. I like NorFin myself, and Denmark is a ball of sunshine. I don’t hate it but it’s not really good.
TLDR: Why was the tie choking thing seen as funny/romantic? Am I missing something??
12. RusAme
1-5: 4
Do I ship it?: Sure
General Feelings: While it’s not my immediate first pick romance wise, I thoroughly enjoy all the RusAme there is out there. If not lovers, I still see them as ride or die friends. Because they’re both freakishly strong I feel like they’re the only ones who can really cut loose and use their full strength on one another even in the most small ways and it means the world to them that they can do that. No holding back just full open honesty with each other. Also the fact that it’s canon that people think they hate each other and they’re just like ‘nah man we pals’ is fucking great.
TLDR: Rock on you funky space lads.
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thedorfmirrin · 3 years
♥ - family headcanon [ like specifically say, family like if he were to adopt a child or something lol especially since people are considering he adopted putunia at some point : > ]
Oh my goooossshhh QQAQQ
The idea of Boris adopting Putunia is SO SO precious and adorabblee 💕💕💕 What a LOVELY headcannon to have!!!
Heres a dooodley of them bc its preciousness;
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Family headcanon:
Hrmm... Sorey i sat on this one a tiny bit, cause i dont really know how to answer and I really rlly dont wanna be dissapointing ;^;
Now the thing is, I personally headcanon that Habit LOVES the concept of kids; he ADORES entertaining and interacting with them! Bbuuuut... i kinda think, he unfortunatly has trouble with extended time or being responsible for them? Like the man tries so so hard but he simply cant have the patience for them.
(Lol on the note, me and my sweetie have joked about what if he somehow got into temporarily subbing for an online class.. he got rather annoyed at one kid who just /wouldnt/ listen and another for eating alot and never turning off their mic... suffice to say it didnt end too well )
Theres kinda a reason for all the kids of the habitat to not really like him, he is just kinda rather easy for them to pick on and to get on his nerves...
Simply put, i do not think children are something he should have to deal with quite yet.
BUT!! I think that it IS possible for this to change! If one day say he /were/ to adopt a certain Putunia sweetie, he would gradually learn to be a great caretaker and gain much better patience for her and kids in general!
It would be slow, and at first hed be Overwhelmed by the sheer responsibility! Especially by how rowdy she is. He would definitly need help and plenty of off time to simply cool his poor head.
At first Boris would be overprotective(tm), not really letting the poor child do anything at fear for her safety. Hed also have some trouble with simply dealing with himself.. he craves control and stability so much, it drives him insane! He needs to learn to let go and allow her to be a kid, and to go easy on himself and the world while at it.. one cant control everything.
Eventually when the good doctor does learn his hard lessons, hed be wonderful with the child! He is fun loving, entertaining and would never let her be bored! He would still need plenty of breaks and would have occasional fustration days, but he genuinely loves and cares about her so much. And isn't that what is needed most of all?
Soooo hhmm yea, im not sure?
I still personally feel that adopting somebody is responsibility too much for the man, and not entirely something he needs for a better wellbeing just yet? But I do still think if he does he would grow into it gradually but surely. He /is/ full of love to give!
I hope this is not a dissapointing answer.. its really hard to word things just right.. but i still aprwciate the ask nonetheless; food for thought is never wasted! Thank you!!
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mamusings · 4 years
Supernatural Season 1 Thoughts
So I'm rewatching mainly to distract myself from the dogs breakfast the show has descended into. But also because my feelings about the show as a whole are decidedly mixed. I come to it as a buffy fan. I've always been curious about spn as a successor show to buffy, but only watched thr first 13 seasons in 2020. Blame lockdown.
Anyway s1. Blinding start, blinding finish. But the middle is just too many MOTW episodes without enough season arc development. I keep wondering who the show is for. It feels aesthetically very male. Lots of blood, guns and violence. Well-realised horror feel - although I think it's hard to really feel fear when you dont particularly care about who might die. It's only when you threaten a major character death that things hit harder. Also the genuflecting to realism by drawing on urban myths feels like something for stereotypically 'male' rather than 'female'. Probably reflects my preferences that I was never to into the MOTW format some buffy fans loved and that I was always more interested in the story telling than realism or even consistency. Monsters as metaphors works better for me. But Spn is a much more cloistered universe. Two guys and their absent father is what s1 is about. But it dits weirdly between being comfort viewing and needing attention. There's much that starts to feel formulaic with MOTW episodes: Impala on the road scene, some rock music, an opener that gives you a new mystery and people to go with it blah blah. You can practically set your watch by the final denouement happening in the final 8 mins. It feels like the show is diligently checking off every myth and monster going which gets tedious. I found the need for setting up yet another family in danger was something that gets hard to care about. "Oh look a couple, someone's gonna die, shall I fast forward until sam and dean show up." And yet there are some interesting undercutting of the white working class vibe the show has. Two that stand out to me are: the 'female gazing' of the camera work off Sam and Dean. There's a lot of panning - are we getting in the boys with the guns and hardware and then offering up the handsome male bodies for women? I felt a little cheap, but they they are v cute. The other is having a black/bi racial woman play Dean's only serious love interest. The ghost truck thing is terrible but putting attitudes to race at the centre of this particular storyline was intriguing. Perhaps a counter balance to the overall wwc feel of things. (Full disclosure I am a black woman and I enjoyed seeing this - even tho I did have several moments of wondering was the predominant female look so uniform back then. All the girls have the same build (and did we all wear such low rise jeans?) plus long, wavy/curly hair...except Meg who basically has Sam's hairstyle ha ha)
What's impressive? The first few episodes give us a cluster of core lines: bitch/jerk, no chick flick moments, and the sibling dynamic This show hits its stride right in the pilot and wendigo is still one of the scarier episodes. Thats a really good opening shot imo.
It's no surprise that what's really riveting is Sam and Dean. But on rewatching I saw a lot more on why this is so interesting. Basically when the characters are introduced you first get Sam. He's your archetypal nice guy whis hot everything though for him. Stanford, girlfriend, friends, great test score but also and crucially hes likeable. Then you get Dean and hes introduced as a dick. Breaks in, wrestles Sam, comes on to/is sleazy with Sams gf. So cocky bad boy: check.
In the pilot dean is the annoying big brother to a t. So they set up two contrasting personalities. Dean is disrespectful to cops, Sam is embarrassed by it. Dean is into hunting, Sam is unwillingly persuaded. Dean is insensitive, Sam kinder and sweet. Dean plays dumb, Sam's the academic achiever. But what we witness over the course of the season essentially reverses this. Sam's the real rebel defying his father, Dean the obedient son. Dean gets a lot of scenes showing him make swift emotional connections esp with children or people in caretaker roles. Dean's very adult 'I'm 26 of course I go on hunts alone' is unmasked by the fact he gets Sam to help him because hes lonely. And Dean (often clumsily) tries to help Sam move on about Jess and open up about his nightmares. While the explicit dialogue casts Sam as the geeky loser brother what we see in this season is that the loser is actually Dean. Sam has friends, Sam has a relationship, Sam has a life he wants to get back to. Dean has no one and some of the hardest emotional hits this season are when his mask is lifted to show us just that. For instance shape shifter Dean voices his jealousy in Skin. Also Azazel taunts Dean about how he needs Sam and John in a way that they dont need him.
The closing episodes really bring some of these contrasts home. Dead Mans Blood gives us a great bonding scene between Sam and John, for me that's a moment where it falls into place that they so much in common that it leaves Dean on the outside. They both loved women they lost to a demon. For both of them (at this stage) the mission, as in killing this demon, matters more than family. Its Dean who constantly prioritises family, even while his family deprioritise him. Both Sam in Salvation and John in Devils Trap put sacrificing themselves to kill the demon as their first priority. Whereas Dean consistently argues for family, first persuading John that they are stronger together, then telling Sam that the three of us 'is all I have' in Salvation. The point gets hammered home in Devils Trap where Dean says (in case the stupid viewer missed it "you and Dad are a lot more alike..cant wait to sacrifice yourselves, but I'm going to be the one to bury you").
Much of the rest of the relationship development is about showing us the partnership Sam and Dean are developing. You see increasing ease in working together - maybe most cliched in how they toss weapons back and forth in Hell House. Plus that interesting sibling dynamic when you love someone and find them intensely annoying that feels enjoyable even if your own sibling relationship is nothing like it.
But what's interesting is that while Dean's character is revealed throughout the season. You see through the episodes the difference between his Dean presents himself and hiw he is, but dean doesn't change. Hes immature and emotionally driven I'd also savvy and brave. Its Sam who changes. Not in how he is, but in his priorities. Sam realises the good bit about Dean among the stuff that irritates him. But most importantly the final episode shows us Sam moving from thinking the mission is what matters just like John. To thinking his family matters more. He doesnt shoot Azazel inside John and when John berates him for it his look at the bloodied-up Dean in the rearview mirror speaks volumes.
It's all the more striking because thus argument has been the core dilemma for the last 3 episodes. It's also the crux of how Dean, for all his obedience, sees himself as falling short of who his father wants him to be. He cant turn his heart off. Its Dean who calls his dad sounding like a tearful little boy in Home. It's when John approves of him making the heart choice and using the colt to save Sam, that Dean realises it's not his father but Azazel speaking. I find that painful to watch it's been so well set up. You get lots of preview of Dean really wanting approval and when it finally comes and you're all ahh fsmily bonding, Dean puts it together and goes you're not my father. Ouch.
Absent fathers and eventually I guess an absent God is a big spn theme. So there is something to say for looking at it in this season. John's absence is the driver of the whole season. But it's also the foundation stone of both Sam and Dean's character. What we get most of in s1 is a sense of the impact of his fathers absence on Dean. The childhood neglect, but also the absence of approval. My European background always makes it jarring when children address their father as sir so I hope I'm not over reading this. When John gets back the way it emasculates Dean is jarring. The jumping to attention with the yessirs and the following orders is such a distance from the cocky law breaker. Its interesting that the first scenes in which I recall the boys speaking in unison are these yessirs. But the scene I remember most is a trivial one, Dean offers John a machete out of Babys messy looking trunk - hes already been pulled up by dad for inadequate car maintenance. But John pulls a bigger, better, cleaner machete out of his high spec truck - Dead Mans Blood. Sums it up for me. Dean is so eager for approval, his father withholds it so casually. Sam is less like this, because he had Dean to parent him however ineptly. Sam did not have a hoid parent in Dean, but Dean showed up. Sam starts to make that realisation in season 1 and there are a few thank you moments. Contrast Dean's only outburst against his father when hes admonished to call when in trouble. He takes a leaf out of Sam's book and notes that they did call in Lawrence and they called when Dean was dying in Faith, hes angry and rightly so. John didn't show. But its interesting that Dean's fight with John sounds like a child fighting with a parent. It even ends with 'I dont care for your tone' from John even as he accepts Dean's point. Constrast Sam and John who have a much deeper ongoing disagreement. But Sam fights his father from an adult position. He's not looking for approval or acceptance, Sam claims his ground, argues his point. Dean still just needs to be loved.
But as well as the impact of the absent parent there is also having grown beyond the parent. I feel like the final few episodes show us that 'the boys' have surpassed their father. John's fake colt idea is lame and Dean calls it. By contrast the devils trap at Bobby's to catch Meg feels like a moment of brilliance particularly as the trap is sprung on the viewer so we feel surprised too.. Sure they call in help from Bobby, but what they do is well planned and they pull it off. And calling in helo when you need it us grown up.
Theres an element of fate vs character exploration when it comes to Sam and Dean. What happens to Sam is fate. It's not related to how he is or how he behaves. We find that out more fully soon. Whereas what happend to Dean relates to his character. IMO Dean actually has the option of walking away from hunting that Sam tried to exercise. Unlike Sam, hunting wouldn't have pursued Dean by killing his girlfriend. But Dean's character means he doesnt chose to walk away because family is important to him, in a way that it isn't for Sam until the end of this season. Its interesting that Sam perceives of himself as having choices he doesn't have. Whereas Dean sees himself as having no choice, when in fact he does. But I guess we don't know that yet so maybe the argument doesn't work?
#supernatural #sam #dean #winchester
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vauging post is vague*
So like i dont know why people post stuff they dont want ppl to comment on or reblog. Literally the entire point of putting stuff on the internet is for other people to interact with it. if you just want to write your thoughts a word document will work just fine.  The only thing i can think of is wanting to make sure everyone else sees YOUR opinion while you dont have to see others.
Regardless. Saying that characters dont deserve redemption (at the moment in their story) is not saying that you need someone elses permission to change.
Maybe you are thinking of forgiveness. But REDEMPTION is a cosmic idea.
“ to make up for; make amends for; offset (some fault, shortcoming, etc.): “
“ to deliver from sin and its consequences by means of a sacrifice offered for the sinner. “
redemption is the PROCESS of understanding what you did wrong, why it was wrong , feeling guilt for it and enacting the process of trying to fix it with the understanding that it might never be enough. thats why all those crycry edgy animes has the protagonist trying to save every life they can and suffering any punishment they are met out because they murdered so many people in the samurai war or whatever and even if they saved hundreds of lives it ‘wont be enough”
Its not something people can give you. If you, say, go to the family of every person related to the person you killed and ask them to judge you and they all forgive you, you are not redeemed. the very nature of redemption, regardless of ones belief is the idea of there being some sense of justice and force of good in the world and the hope that if you do enough good it wont FIX what you broke but it will MAKE UP FOR IT, because the whole point is the thing you did CANNOT BE FIXED.
and that is my point. No Jasper didnt get ‘her moment’ nor a redemption arc because 1) its “steven universe” not “Space Gem Alien Opera” and the focus isnt on her, and 2) for her to get a redemption and start the arc would require her recognizing that what she did was wrong and then make the CHOICE to make up for it. I would say periodot and Lapis are STILL trying to redeem themselves. based on the narrative, when Greg first told steven about the war, the gems (rightfully) still feel guilty about their peoples near destruction of the billions of life forms on earth (which is compounded by the fact that it wasnt untill steven forced them to socialize, that they even saw the humans as equals and worth saving, and by their own admission only did it because its what rose wanted).
Thats my point Jasper LOVED the totalitarian government, she ENJOYS hurting people. SHe KNOWS they suffer and that gives her PLEASURE. She Likes the way gem society is because it means she gets to kill things and torture other gems who are beneath her. she fully believes in imperialism. She-does not-deserve-redemption. At least not until about a full seasons character development. it took peridot multiple episodes to decide to help the good guys and that was to save herself and several more episodes before she considered herself a steward of the life on Earth.  ANd she never ENJOYED being evil.
And same goes for shadowweaver. There COULD be character development that changed her personality. but as her personality is at the moment she doesnt have a good bone in her body. she does not care about life nor people, except those that she deems belonging to her. And that was my point. she didnt have a tragic backstory. She was a Haughty bully who saw everyone else as beneath her. When the rulers of her kingdom decided the risks were to much she said she knew more than any of them and risked herself, her charge, and the whole kingdom. and when they didnt accept her monsterous mistake for the brilliance she saw it as, she went to the most evil organization she knew to trade power for the lives of those under her protection.
She does not care for anyone, she is evil and selfish. she has never even questioned if she was doing the right thing, she values no one’s opinion but her own, and she fundamentally sees manipulation as the main form of interacting with people. She-Does not-Deserve-Redemption.
At least not until she has a fundamental change in personality, an epiphany a realization that Every horrible thing that has happened to her has been her fault because she CHOSE magic and power over people.
And keep in mind that recongizing that a FICTIONAL character that is in a STORY is not at a point in their CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT to deserve to be redeemed, something the most penitent people might not achieve....Does not make one a hater or an anti or whatever. I love jaspers character and SHadowweaver is one of my favorite characters in She Ra and i Hope both finally reach that epiphany in a well crafted reasonable way (which i believe the writers are capable of doing). But they arent there yet and might never be there because of the Core aspects of their character.
Catra is a CHILD who’s bad habits and personality traits were created out of FEAR and her narrative arch has been amazing. Because its been done well, forcing her to hit rock bottom so she can see her fuck ups. but She did not choose to live in the fright zone, she didnt choose her caretaker,  But she DID choose to not abandon the horde, she did choose to value her pride over friendship. And thats what her path has led her to.
hitting rock bottom, realizing that while she had legitmate reasons to be a skamp that her losing everything was HER FAULT. She’s hit rock bottom, she’s realized her unhappyness is caused by her own hand, and now the healing can begin.
So if it took catra 5 seasons to even see the dawn of her redemption arch, i highly doubt Mrs “i’m going to sell out my children for power” will get one any time before the series is cancelled.
*and i’m VAGUE POSTING not @ ing because 1)I dont want to harrass the person who inspired this post 2) i want to put this post out there for other people to see because i think many people need to see it 3) This gives them the option to read or not read it nor does it call attention to them 4)lots of people here are really stupid and do that “I’m going to post something where millions of people can see it but dont anyone dare respond to it!” thing where you make your post private after someone gives a fairly respectful rebuttle,  and i AM calling ALL you bitches out cus its fucking dumb. stop doing that.
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lokibug · 6 years
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Pairing: Loki x Blind!Reader
Summary: Beauty and the Beast AU in which Loki is forced to stay in his Jotun form until another human loves him. He becomes a caretaker for You due to be recently permanently blind.
Warnings: Slight cursing
Song: Haunt by Echoes
A/N: Wow Guys, I never expected this story to get this much appreciation. It’s really incredible, feel free to send me any suggestions or ask to be tagged. I did my best to get you all. Be reminded I’m writing this on mobile haha I also dont own the gifs
Part 1| Part 2| Part 3| Part 4| Part 5| Part 6| Part 7| Part 8| Part 9| Part 10
This was unbelievable. From the moment they began searching, his daughter was incredibly picky with those she’s interviewed...or they were picky with her. Quickly Y/F/N stood to his feet.
“Excuse us...Mr. Laufeyson. My daughter and I must talk alone.” He interrupted quickly and ushered y/n up by her elbow.
Y/N grabbed the walking stick next to her and began putting it to use. Sliding it across the tiled floor they finally made it to the kitchen. Her father released his hand from her arm and whisper shouted, “Y/N, are you crazy?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Honey, I know you don’t have your sight so I’m telling you that this man looks insane. He’s wearing gloves. He has those doctor’s mask—“
“Surgical mask.”
“You know what I mean. And he has these things...like scars on his forehead...his skin doesn’t look...” he trailed off hoping that Loki wouldn’t hear anything as he resided in the living room.
“I get it now. Wow dad I can’t believe you’re being racist.” Y/N scoffed.
“Racist?! Y/N do you hear what I’m saying?”
“Yeah and it sounds pretty racist.” She places her hands on her hips. He shook his head and grabbed her arms.
“Listen to me, you don’t have to choose him right away. There could be more applicants.”
“Dad, no. I’m an adult now. If it wasn’t for my condition I would’ve already been gone. I’m not going to sit around and wait for someone to come around. I’m taking this in my own hands while I can.” His face softened a bit. His daughter was right, she was an adult and he could no longer shelter her. “Trust me...” she softly added a small smile appearing afterwards.
Loki shifted upon his heels as he glanced at the picture frames that littered on top of the fireplace. Photos of Y/N’s life captured into small papers. He never understood why humans did this.
I suppose anyone with the lifespan of an insect would take part in this, he thought to himself. He wondered what was so dangerous that a human could be doing to end up blind. Believing asking for help is a sign of weakness, he would soon learn the truth behind his own faulty thoughts.
Interrupting Loki’s gazing, y/n reentered the living room along side her father, “You’re hired, that is if you want the job.” Loki was slightly shocked, but not enough knowing that his words of persuasion were far superior to those around him.
“Infatuating. I accept.”
With the god accepting the job from y/n, they began the life adjustment right away. The movers had brought the few pieces of furniture from Y/N’s father’s home back into the condo that she had resided in before the incident and they brought the few things Loki had with him in the apartment that he was close to being evicted from. He allowed them to do the heavy work, gathering his belongings...all except the timer. A gold detailed hourglass that would lose tiny grains of black sand as days passed by. It now resided in the condo that he shared with y/n for a week now.
Y/N slowly walked out of her room. Upon waking up this morning, she decided she would begin familiarizing herself with the items that were in her home. Of course this was a few hours ago and she finally pulled herself out of her room. Testing herself she gently walked near the living room. Her breathing was a tad shaky due to her nerves acting up. Her lips parted she moved her hands onto the counter. Being unaware of Loki’s presence in the corner of the living room, she felt comfortable leaving herself on display. Her fingers grazed over a ceramic angel to an unlit candle. She chuckled happily as she remembered leaving these items here. Soon her fingertips touched something unfamiliar...it was cold...freezing even.
“What?...” she whispered making Loki look back up from the book he was reading. Due to being inside the home and the drapes closed, he too was on full display. His dark blue skin not covered by drug store makeup he felt more comfortable.
“Don’t touch that!” He growled, darting his red eyes towards y/n.
She yelped and quickly with drew her hand. “Loki!” She shouted angrily.
“You mortals are completely naive to the fact that you’re not the only ones who matter. Or have respect for other people’s belongings.” He grumbled now at her side. She furrowed her eyebrows, being extremely insulted.
“You mortals? And who are you to be talking to me like that? Do you even know how impolite it is to not announce yourself to a blind person?” She took her walking stick and guided herself towards the black wooden table. She leaned against it.
“Its an artifact....it...” he began trying to find ways to explain it, “it was a gift...from my mother.”
“All you had to say was to not touch it.” She said as if it were obvious.
“Yes...well then. Don’t touch it.” Loki shot back.
“Okay.” “Good.”
“Fine.” She spoke before sitting at the table. The chair was pretty tall and allowed her legs to rest gently as they hung. The two were both very stubborn and strong willed. Loki was beginning to understand this about her from their week together. He often found himself becoming irritated with the ways of mortals even now...the only different thing with her was that she too realized the faults in humanity. She knew that morals have fallen so far and knew that it was just the way of the world.
“Where to today?” He asked as he slowly slid the chair out next to her.
“Nowhere important. I was thinking some coffee.” She commented.
“Coffee?...I’ll never understand why you indulge yourself in such mundane tasks.” He added as he tapped his cold fingers on the table.
“Oh I’m sorry Mr. extravagant, let me go drive my car on the race track or I know I’ll go back to my art studio. Oh wait...” She leaned back and took her sunglasses off, placing them on the table as she pointed towards her eyes.
Loki’s eyes scanned the scar that ran down her eye and over the top of her cheek. “Yeah, I’ve noticed.”
“I’ve also noticed how you haven’t freaked out at my monstrous appearance.” He thought.
“Loki, can I ask you something?” Y/N announced.
“My dad said that...you wore a surgical mask? Glasses too. I mean I know I don’t have the luxury anymore but...can you tell me what you look like?..” she nervously questioned. The curiosity was killing her, she desperately wanted to know what the man living in her condo looked like.
Loki was taken back a bit. He was used to her being so straight forward and snapped back at all his snarking comments. Yet, here she was looking almost child like...simply just to know what he looked like. There was only one problem, he was going to have to lie. Of course this was only slightly, he felt his true form was not this but what he used to be charmed as.
“I...well yes. I wear the mask and the glasses because I have a um...skin condition?” He said more like a question, “and if I get too much sun or light, it could damage it. As for my appearance, I’d say I’m pretty light skinned...due to the lack of sun. My hair is black, it does not pass my shoulders.”
Y/N nodded as she began using her incredible imagination to conjure him up in her mind. Sometimes she would find herself forgetting what things looked like, her doctors warned her of this. “What color are your eyes?” She asked simply.
“Green...sometimes they appear as blue. It depends.” He cleared his throat becoming too invested within his own thoughts. He completely dreaded his appearance. Looking in the mirror would disgust him and he would avoid it as much as he possibly could. He didn’t realize how much he cherished the illusion...till it was gone.
She laughed lightly, “Wow, you must be a charmer with the ladies.” She teased.
“I’m not interested.” He stayed calmly.
“Charmer with the men?” She questioned with her eyebrows raised.
“Gender isn’t the problem y/n. People are.” Loki stated, “I’ll be in my room if you need me.” He made note of his disappearance before he did so.
Y/N caught on to his disengagement within society. Taking much more notice to the tones he would use and the things in general, she knew there was a reason. Someone had corrupted his thinking, allowing it to affect the way he treated people. Y/N knew this because she felt the same.
The sun set and the streets roared. Tourists and workers walked amongst the two. Y/N had her hand gripped tightly among Loki’s elbow, keeping herself as close to him as possible. She would become uneasy while in the streets as this was all new to her. The God had as well, worried that anyone could discover his identity.
“Are we there yet?” Y/N asked. The wind blew through her hair and she mentally thanked herself for remembering to wear a coat on such a cold night. Her jeans were gray and her shirt black. Loki has picked out the boots she wore for her. They too were black.
“I think so, this voice in the box is saying that we have two streets to go.” He said as he held Y/N’s phone in his left gloves hand. He wore a gray wool trench coat with large black buttons along with casual black jeans fitted to his liking and a dark gray t shirt that he had fetched from a thrift store. As for his “disguise” he had Y/N to thank for that.
“Loki! Come here.” She had called out as she stood in front of her closet. Loki has just gotten dressed properly, he never gotten cold due to his jotun blood but wearing a coat would allow him to blend in easier. Making his way towards her room she stood there with a scarf in her hand. Y/N traced her fingers along the fabric.
“Loki?” She questioned making sure he was there. “Yes, I’m here.”
“The cafe is kind of bright, so I thought instead of a mask you might like a scarf? I mean I’m not sure what color this is...I’m almost positive it’s a scarf. I went through a phase where I used to wear them all the time.” She held her hand out as the scarf dangled. He grabbed it gently and didn’t exactly hate the idea. It was better than having to use that grimy makeup he bought.
“...Thanks.” He said softly a little confused as to why she would still help him despite his attitude. He was quite cold, but it never changed her attitude as much.
“Also, I have this hat. I used to wear it a lot too. I’m not sure why I stopped. If memory serves right, it’s right up there. I can’t reach it so maybe you could.” She moved aside from the closet’s entrance.
Loki stepped forward and looked up. There were a few hats in there. One stood out. It was black and looked it would cover his forehead. Immediately he grabbed it effortlessly.
“Black?” He asked.
“It’s already sun down, but it still helps the...condition. I um...”
“You’re welcome.” She finished for him.
“One more thing, choose my shoes?”
“It’s a phone.” Y/N replied and chuckled lightly. Loki tolled his eyes. In response.
“Just for your information, I’m rolling my eyes.”
“Don’t do it so much, they might fall out.” She commented and held her hand over her mouth gently as she chuckled again.
Loki allowed himself a smirk.
Looking as if they might rob the place, Loki held the door to the cafe open for Y/N. The familiar scent filled up y/n’s nostrils and she smiled widely. Suddenly she felt Loki’s strong gloved hand wrap around her arm, specifically her elbow. “There’s a few tables by a window...and some closer to the stage...which would you prefer?” He asked leaning down a tad to speak quietly into her ear. His voice still was very easy sounding and made her feel a bit calmer.
“Umm...the stage? It’s a little more dim there.” She suggested and Loki nodded in response.
“Okay.” He walked her slowly over towards the maroon colored couch in the stage area. There were a few comfortable looking chairs and stools around. He had no idea what this was supposed to be. He was even more confused than before. Loki allowed Y/N to sit first then sat next to her. Seeing as though some people stared at him, and others completely seemed as if he hadn’t existed at all...he felt a tad more comfortable than his past times being out of his room.
“Y/N, What is this?” He questioned in a serious tone.
Y/N chuckled lightly, “You’ll see.”
A waitress had come by and asked what they wanted to drink. Loki simply ordered tea and Y/N ordered a coffee.
Not too long after, people began sitting closer. Loki’s eyes immediately scanned across the cafe wondering what was to begin. Nothing. That was when a woman in about her 20s littered in tattoos and piercings sat next to Loki.
“I totally dig your vampire aesthetic dude.” She stared before flipping through her notes on her phone.
“I beg your pardon?” He asked while the girl hadn’t responded. Y/N’s hearing being far better than it used to be, she chuckled hearing the comment.
“Did you wear all black again?” Y/N whispered towards Loki. He glanced down at his appearance and said nothing. “I’ll take your silence as a yes.” As the spot light shone down on the stage, the waitress came back with their drinks. Y/N quietly thanked her and held the warm cup in her hands. Loki did the same. Suddenly a man in about his late 20s approached the stage with a piece of paper in his hands.
“Thank you all for coming.” He said kindly. With that everyone including Y/N either shouted a small “wooo” or snapped their fingers. “My depression is a demon underneath my bed...disguised as a friend...” he trailed on. Slam poetry.
After hearing more, Loki started recognizing these speeches as a form of poetry. He was familiar with Earth’s ancient poets but was never introduced to such a raw form of poetry before, and directly from the poet’s mouth. Much to his surprise, after putting his pride aside...he found himself looking forward to the next performance and the next. These midgardians look so different...Loki thought to himself, yet despite that everyone casts their attention towards the speaker. This was definitely new to the God.
Upon hearing the last performance, Y/N felt the feeling in the woman’s voice. The power. The radiance. Not realizing it, as she clapped along with others a single tear ran down her cheek. Loki looked to his side and seen the tear leak from behind Y/N’s sunglasses. She really did take this seriously. Passionate even. He studied her face for a few seconds before looking in the opposite direction.
Walking home was relaxing. The wind blew gently and the two only exchanged a few words as they both enjoyed the sound of silence. It was comfortable. Soon they arrived home.
“Yeah?” She asked placing her hand on the counter to steady herself.
“What was that?” Loki asked curiously.
“Slam poetry.” “Oh.” He said silently as he took off the scarf and hat.
“I thought you’d might like it...I could hear you sometimes.” She commented.
Loki arched an eyebrow and asked, “Hear me?”
“Yeah, you sometimes read out loud...poems. I thought you’d might enjoy this.”
Loki felt his heart thud feeling slightly embarrassed. Vulnerable even. Had she really done this for him? He blinked a few times. He said nothing.
“It’s not very polite to eavesdrop y/n. Goodnight.” He stated before walking off towards his room leaving y/n to believe that the God was no more than cold man.
Loki taglist: @drakesfiance @sunflqweroses @bambamwolf87 @pandaqua @bonelessbarnes @dorkybryan @hunter-demigod-timelord @thatmemequeen @powerstrangerdacre @barnes-infinity-bucky Story Taglist: @mrssangsterstylesxavier @slender—spirit @awkward-silence-turtle @vxidnik @fandoms-allovertheplace @limedane21 @yourpotatotwiceremooved @crazyweirdgeekthatneedstochill @ajduurikscjsja @kiwigrease @fireismysaftey @nhievyenne @bambi-loki @bilesxbilinskixlahey @jessiejunebug @imarockstar45 @fuckthatfeeling @the-deity-ofthe-cosmos @ficnalunaus @chibiyanai @zarizha @mell-bell @blueskiesbleakeyes @moonfaery @always-kneel-to-loki @graveyardchild @some-person-somewhere @nutmeg3-7 @aljadams369 @marvelc00kie35 @harleykittykat @lokis-little-kitten @sergeantmistress @sparkling-liability @vicksaturn @youveseen--thebutcher @wickedscorpio22 @zeddlocket @sheeraverage @trenchcoatdevilsworld @wishrains @lokilover5813 @deadmanwalked Permanent Taglist: @marvelismylifffe @libbymouse
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So I've recently had an obsession with Gyro and need some love for him. I thought maybe you could do Gyro with a s/o with prosthetic legs if its okay with you.
Sure thing! I actually work with a guy who has prosthetic legs. I hope this was okay for you! (It was really the only thing I could come up with)
The soft music played overhead as you made your way down the aisle of the grocery store. Running out of a few things at home, you decided to venture out on this cool night and pick them up.
The store was quiet this time of night. Most people were at home having dinner or spending time with their families. But you found this time perfect to stroll peacefully through the store. Well, to your best ability.
The fact you had prosthetic legs didn't kill your vibe. You had learned to embrace it; you could walk, you could drive, hell, you could do anything you wanted. Nothing could stand in your way!
Reaching the aisle that sold bathroom tissue, you heard a loud noise coming from in front of you at the other end of the aisle. "What the hell?"
Two men were obviously making the noise, laughing like idiots as one sat in the cart while the other pushed with alarming speed. They were coming right towards you, obviously not looking where they were going when- SMACK!
Both carts slammed into each other. There was no way you could keep your balance after the force you felt, so you landed on the hard floor with a thump. "Owww! What the hell is wrong with you?! Watch where you are going, you morons!"
"I-I'm so sorry!" Said the man who was pushing the cart. He extended his hand, offering to help you off the ground.
You blushed a little when you got a good look of his features. Green eyes, sharp jawline, long, blonde hair, tall... Shaking your clouded head, you scowled at him. "I can get up myself, thanks." Grabbing your cart, you pulled yourself up.
The man came a little closer, hands held up as if ready to catch you if you fell. "Are you sure you're alright? Let me help you with the rest of your shopping, it's the least I can do. I feel really bad about knocking you over."
Your eyes narrowed at him. There was no way he could know about your situation since you were wearing pants that went down to your shoes, so this random stranger was actually apologizing in the form of helping you shop for groceries. Guess he really did feel bad. "Y-You dont need to do that." You said, cheeks brushed with a light shade of pink.
"It would bother me for a while if I dont help you." He extended his hand. "Names Gyro. This here is Johnny." He pointed to the other man in the cart; blonde hair peeking out of the hat her wore. He looked a few years younger than Gyro.
You were silent for a moment; contemplating if these two were dangerous or not. They didn't seem it, but you could always ask the staff for a walk out if you felt threatened. "S-Sure."
During the rest of your shopping, Gyro pushed his cart (Johnny still inside) beside yours. Kind of odd for a grown man sitting in a cart, so you asked why he was in there.
"I had an accident and my legs don't work." Johnny answered then pointed to Gyro behind him. "Gyro helps me out to get to where I need to go most of the time."
"Shut up, Johnny! You're making me sound like I'm your caretaker." Gyro turned to you. "I'm not, but we're roommates so I tend to help out when he needs it."
That pulled at your heart a little. Gyro seemed kind, especially to help out someone whose legs didnt work either.
Finally, you finished your shopping. After paying for your items, Gyro even helped you load everything in your car. "Hey, um, sorry again for crashing into you earlier."
Actually having a pleasant time with him during the rest of your shopping, you smiled and waved it off like it didn't happen. "Dont worry about it." Opening your car door, you sat behind the wheel and looked up at him. "Thanks for helping me out. I'll see you around some time."
Gyro stood in place as he watched you pull out of the stall and drive out of sight.
The cool night air kissed your skin as you walked next to your friends, laughing and joking around as you strolled through the fair that had rolled into town. Rides, food stalls and games were set up in a field just outside of town. Finding the washroom, you excused yourself for a moment. "I'll be right back."
On your way there, you passed by a group of drunks who saw you hobbling towards your destination. They could see your prosthetics as you were wearing shorts, it had been hot earlier when you arrived. They started mocking you. You were used to people acting this way so you rolled your eyes with annoyance and continued to the washroom.
Before you could enter, a couple of them broke off from the group and came over and kicked at your legs, causing you to stagger backwards. "What the hell!" You yelled at them, pushing back as you tried to keep your balance. Why do people have to be so cruel to others? They laughed at your struggle with them, calling you hurtful names.
But that was soon outlived when you were scooped up into a pair of arms, then gently placed back on the ground, away from the drunks picking on you.
Gyro grabbed one of them by the shirt and pulled him close to his face. "What do you think you're doing? Who the hell raised you to think something like this was funny?" He was furious. Letting go, he pushed the man back into his group of friends. "Get out of here. You're not worth my time." The group shuffled away defeated.
Turning to you, Gyro asked if you were alright. "They didn't hurt you, did they?"
You shook your head. Confusion and admiration playing on your face. "I didn't think I'd run into you here."
"I'm full of surprises." Gyro smiled. He looked down at your legs. "And so are you, it seems."
Looking down as well, you could tell he seen your prosthetics. "Oh. Yeah." You said flatly. "Long story."
"I'd like to hear it." Gyro got a little closer. "I've got time. Do you? We could walk around, maybe grab something to eat?"
That actually sounded like a good idea. Gyro just defended you from a bunch of inconsiderate drunks, the least you could do was give him some of your time. "Sure. Just let me text my friends and tell them I'll be a little while."
While you were texting, Gyro brought out his out his own phone and texted as well.
"Okay, let's go."
The evening was really fun with just the two of you. He listened intently while you told him the story about your legs as you shared a bag of cotton candy together.
Sitting down on a bench away from the main crowd, you wrapped your arms around the giant teddy bear Gyro had won for you, even though you told him not to waste his money on you. But he was determined to win you that bear.
"Thank you." You said, hiding a little of your face with the bear. "For this whole night. When you saw my legs, I was scared you would be off-put by them."
A smile formed on Gyro's face as he brought up his hand and rested it on your cheek, turning your head to look at him. "I could never be off put by something like that. I am having a great time with you. But," He let his hand drop to his lap. "I have a confession to make."
You blinked and cocked your head to the side. "Huh?"
"You know the other day when we met? Well, I had actually seen you a few weeks before that. You were breathtaking and I wanted to talk to you. So finally, the other day, I had the idea of bumping into you at the grocery store."
Your eyes widened. A few weeks? Then he definitely knew about your legs before tonight. Your heart skipped a beat, he had already liked you dispite your situation. "So, your pal, Johnny? He can walk? And tonight, did you know I would be here?"
"Johnny really can't walk; that's true. And, before you get weirded out, I really didn't know you would be here. I just happen to be walking by when I saw what was happening."
Shuffling closer to Gyro, you grabbed his hand and laced your fingers with his, your head leaning on his shoulder. He was right. He really was full of surprises.
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incrediblysincere · 5 years
happy autism acceptance month! here are some random things in no particular order, mostly for allistic people to take note of:
respect autistic people who arent ‘savants’. this should be basic knowledge but i still see people expecting every single autistic person to have some special talent or something. it makes us feel as if we’re only worth as much as our labor.
erase the word retard from your vocabulary. this includes insults with -tard as a suffix. just because you didnt say the full word, doesnt mean its not offensive. i cant believe i have to say this in 2019. stop saying retard as an insult. this is not only offensive to autistic people, but to anyone with a developmental disorder (and even people with physical disabilities such as genetic disorders get it). stop trying to be edgy and ironic. its not funny.
stop sharing ableist memes. i doubt you understand how it felt to be an autistic person during the long, LONG era of people sharing that “moon moon” meme, when the original post it came from literally called the dog a retard and the rest of the jokes were all based around the hilarious idea of someone with a mental disability or developmental disorder trying to navigate everyday life. and when people tried to point this out, we were made out to be crazy hysterical sjws.
stop infantilising us. we arent children. a 21 year old is a 21 year old no matter where we are on the autism spectrum. yes, even autistic people who flap in public or are non verbal or need a caretaker. autistic adults are still adults and we dont need to be talked down to.
also, stop erasing us from our own conversations. stop talking over us. if you are an autism mommy or friend or caretaker or whatever - you are NOT autistic. your voice is not an autistic voice. stop acting like we cant speak or think for ourselves.
stop infantilisng, desexualising, and marginalising autistic characters. canon autistic characters are few and far between, so often autistic people will latch onto autistic-coded characters. those are more common, as creators will wittingly or unwittingly use a bunch of autistic stereotypes and traits, usually in order to denote a character as stupid, slow, oblivious, socially inadept, etc. whether or not autistic people choose to reclaim these characters, i see allistic people in fandoms ALL THE GODDAMN TIME taking autistic characters and stripping them (even if theyre adults) of any sexuality (”my sweet innocent baby”, acting like they dont know what sex is, excluding them from fanfic etc), infantilising them (saying theyre the baby of the cast or that other characters of a similar age are their parents, acting like they cant do things unsupervised, etc etc) and marginalising them (excluding them from fanart/fics, acting like they arent as important as other characters) yes, this is all stuff that mostly happens on the internet, but we know that fiction affects reality and the experiences i (and my autistic friends) have had in fandoms that do these things is not pleasant.
these are just a handful of things you can adjust as an ally to make an autistic persons life a little easier. of course if you want to do more, you can donate to foundations founded and run by autistic people (ASAN is a good one) attend protests, events, and the like, and educate yourself! none of us are the same, but all of us have needs that arent being met in this world 
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delusionalseeker · 5 years
About muse
Note ; This is my own AU for Starscream! :>
“————— I can’t
hear you!”
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Designation; Starscream
Other callings ;
“Lord” Starscream
Commander Starscream
King of Vos
Soon to be king
“Megatron’s pet”
Faction ;
Rank ;
Second in Command
Pre war: King of the city Vos. The city of seekers.
On Cybertron: Military commander, energon seeker
On Earth: Ex commander, traitor
Cybertronian, seeker
Primary color
Personality; Starscream was a seemingly loyal follower of Megatron. During the latter's return to Earth, he promptly allowed Soundwave to transport their leader back to Earth. He was surprised when he issued back his leadership of the Decepticons, but continued to serve him willingly. His mistreatment at the hands of his master shortly before the destruction of the Space Bridge caused him to revolt his return. However, against his own wishes, he was forced to bring Megatron back to Earth after being spotted by Laserbeak.
As a leader, Starscream more or less carried a similar campaign to Megatron's, only instead being more merciful for failures. Though, he managed to find other ways of punishing his warriors like scratching Knock-Out's finish when he disobeyed orders. Upon Megatron's regaining of health, Starscream completely lost any type of loyalty to his former master after he viciously beat him for his attempt to kill him. His backstabbing tendencies were carried on by other rogue Decepticons, such as Airachnid, whom tried to convince her Insecticon to kill him after Starscream proposed they team up to overthrow Megatron. Despite getting what he deserved, Starscream never understood why he had difficulties with others. What he failed to realize that his treatment was a direct result of how he treated others and how they felt after dealing with him. In other words, they reacted badly to him because he treated them so badly.
He also shows no concern in mistreating or respect for others, like Predaking, Skylynx, Darksteel, Shockwave, and the Autobots. He appeared remorseless for desecrating Skyquake's burial place by reviving the deceased Decepticon as a dark energon terrorcon that was trapped in the Shadowzone and when Megatron killed Dreadwing, who wanted to seek vengeance on Starscream for desecrating his brother Skyquake by raising him from the dead.
Starscream was ruthless, cruel, conniving, selfish, cunning, and above all arrogant. As mentioned before he is traitorous on occasion. When he does something, it is usually for his own personal benefit. His greatest weapon is his cunning and resourceful nature. He also has some sense of honor as he will repay his debts.
After being abandoned by his former master, Megatron. Starscream bears tremendous grudge on him for facing depths of suffering from Megatron's wrath. He become power-hungry as he desired to use the seven weaponized Mini-cons to power himself up and using Megatron's creation, the Dark Star Saber (although Starscream wasn't fully power-up) to exact revenge on Megatron. [ Information from TFPrime Wiki ]
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“—— All hail
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History (My AU) ;
Before war
The seeker emerged out of the Well of Allsparks with all innocents. Optics blue and all. No battle scars or anything. All he wanted to do was complete Primus’s goal that was given to him. To become the leader of the city Vos. A city of seekers. All his life so far consisted with lot’s of education and learning how to become king. He needed lot’s of guidance. But...little did Starscream know he was Maximo’s descendant. Everytime there was class he didn’t like to pay attention or just made fun of it the entire time. He would desperately want others to do his work for him. He had the attention span of a squirrel basically. He couldn’t help it.
Teen years?? (Don’t know if Transformers have teen years but oh well something like that)
As he grew older he grew more...devious? Snappy? Playful? But also respectful, responsible. Sometimes even serious since he wanted his coronation so badly. Everyone so far trusted him. He was one of the most likable known mechs in Vos. He also started watching the gladiator fights. Most importantly Megatronus’s(Megatron) fights. He was a HUGE fan. He has posters in his room even. He would try to hide his obsession but when he could he did his best to try and sneak out and watch the event himself. One day at one of those events Megatronus was now Megatron and the mech was having a meet and greet for his fans to see him or join his resistance against the Council. Starscream was excited to see him in person. As the seeker was waiting in line with the rest he was holding his data pad closely. He wanted to know what it was like to be normal as well so the seeker didn’t just cut his way through.
Some bots thought the seeker was weird as they waited in line. Then some taller mecha’s laughed at the soon to be the king and pushed him, causing his whole work data pad to drop and smash. It made the seeker angry and since he was too busy yelling at the folks behind him Megatron noticed this in the line and walked over. He picked up the broken data pad and stood behind Starscream. Once Starscream was done yelling he noticed the mecha’s become quiet and the seeker looked up to see Megatron standing over him. He grew extremely nervous all of the sudden but Megatron only smiled and gave him his data pad back. Megatron then asked for the seeker to come with him. The other mechs in line grew jealous, only causing Starscream to smirk and make faces at them while following the gladiator. Megatron questioned Starscream for a bit, perhaps testing him at the same time. 
The seeker was confused by the many questions. Megatron began to half grin at the answers he received,  pleased by them. He decided to tell the King about the next fight coming up and said he could be the guest of honor of his. Backstage viewing. Still, confused Starscream was surprised at this sudden offer but of course, humbly accepted it. Later that day Starscream came back home to the Castle. Everyone wondered where he had been since he was gone the whole day. His seeker friends, Skywarp and Thundercracker even looked for him. He straight up smoothly lied to his superior/teacher/ caretaker saying he was at Maccadam’s. Then his teacher proceeded to give him a slap and rant about drinking. The seeker hated it with his life.
Couple days later it was soon the day of the fight Megatron invited the King of Vos to. Unfortunately, Starscream’s caretaker had the seeker practicing speeches and studying all day. He tried to get out of it by trying to make up excuses. Soon he managed to escape and made his way to the fight without anyone knowing. Megatron was glad he could make it and met the seeker in the barracks. Starscream had the view of the whole arena. Very good view. The seeker watched the fight and Megatron of course won, making another one of those speeches about his resistance once again. Starscream blinked at that and soon asked him what the resistance was. Megatron explained everything thoroughly to him. Starscream seemed rather interested and decided to help. Megatron said that most spots were taken already but had a spot of Second in command open. He told him that the spot was only meant for the one who was truly loyal and said to Starscream that he showed potential in being just that. But in order to make it official, he had to prove himself further so Starscream said he will help the cause no matter what happens. He hated the Council as well. Telling him to do things and he didn’t like it. 
From then on Starscream secretly helped Megatron do his dirty work this whole time while practicing to be King. He did bad things and his optics turned to red. Eventually, with the High Council meeting Megatron had with this mech Orion Pax now Optimus Prime, Megatron’s optics turned red. They soon had a full blown war on their way. 
During war 
As war went on in the beginning Megatron was becoming more and more demanding of the seeker and asked for a lot. The seeker of course agreed to do what was asked. Starscream reached his goal as second in command. But he did have a grudge against Megatron. Starscream never got his coronation due to war. He hated the mech with his life but he had no other choice but to work with him. The seeker wanted out but he was the voice of reason to Megatron throughout war. Megatron just stole Starscream’s ideas and made it worse for the Autobots. The seeker grew more and more impatient and resilient. He also was secretly planning to backstab Megatron at one point. He was planning his greatest plot so Megatron would feel that he was a threat so he had to come up with something good. (And thus the war for cybertron and TFP happened. Oof. )
Note: I am planning to make this a fan fic one day. This is an idea I have so far. I will keep editing this!
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blackgirlbollywood · 6 years
Barfi movie review and how I officially fell in love wtih Ranbir Kapoor
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I gotta confess I heard about this movie A LOT but I only recently sat down to watch it because I was thirsting after Ranbir ( although  tbh like a good 80% of the movies I’ve watched were because I was thirsting for some actor. I’m basic, I know moving on.)
This is obviously going to have spoilers so don’t read if you haven’t seen the movie
So basically the movie is about the love triangle between Barfi a deaf/mute man played by Ranbir Kapoor, Shruti a girl who is engaged played by Ileana D’Cruz and Jhilmil (which is suuuuuch a pretty name to me idk why I just think it’s really cute) an autistic girl and heriess to her grandfater’s fortune played by Priyanka Chopra. The movie is told largely through  flashbacks and present day interviews with people who knew Barfi.
So in like the early 70s Shruti and her family moving to Darjeeling while she waits to get married in 3 months to this dude named Ranjit and she meets Barfi, the local troublemaker who instantly falls for her but at first Shruti is like fam you need to chill. Eventually he wins her over with his big personality and they end up making out by her lake which was v v sexy. Anyway homegirl’s hatin ass mom finds out about it and she basically tells her to dead the whole thing b/c she doesnt think Barfi will be able to provide a good life for her or her future children because of his disabilities (which was honestly soo rude). 
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And then she takes Shruti to see some logger guy that she used to mess around with back in the day  who she didnt marry for the same reason (like we really need to talk about older female characters in movies who dont marry the love of their lives and then up being bitter and hateful towards young people in love). 
Anyway, Barfi comes over to Shruti’s house wanting to propose to her and ask for her parents’ blessing and honestly this scene had a young bitch in tears because he came in so confident and sure that everything was gonna go his way but Hatin Ass Mama gives him a cold dose of reality and completely shits on him. And then to make it worse he sees Shruti with her Flop Ass Fiancé and that breaks him even more. She tries making some weak ass excuse but anyway she marries Count Flopula and she and Barfi go separate ways.
Meanwhile shit just keeps getting worse for my homeboy Barfi. His dad’s kidneys are failing so he has to quickly hustle some dough to get him a surgery. Naturally he decides to rob a bank but when that doesn't go well he decides to kidnap Jhilmil for ransom which was funny b/c some-one else was already kidnapping her and he just comes along like well shit lucky break
So he actually gets the money for his dad’s operation but because this movie has no fucking chill his dad dies before Barfi can get to the hospital. Feelin all sad and shit Barfi decides to leave Jhilmil with one of her old caretakers and dip but Jhilmil just ends up following him so that doesnt work out. So then he ends up taking care of her and then they live together for 6 years which was so so sooo cute. Like honestly the scenes where he and Jhilmil were living together were honestly my favourite parts of the movie.
Anyway so one day he runs into Shruti who at this point is predictably depressed because her marriage to Count Flopula is dull as shit and the whole time she never stopped loving Barfi. Then she starts hanging out with Barfi and Jhilmil and basically visiting them everyday which was low-key awkward for me to watch because like Shruti sis, you had your chance with him girl now please stay in your lane.
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 So anyway one day they’re out at this festival and Barfi is paying way more attention to Shruti so Jhilmil just gets completely over it and dips (which, me too girl, you not going to pay more attention to your old thing in my face and just have me stand there like a lame). Finally realizing Jhilmil is missing, Barfi runs around trying to find her but can’t so Shruti reports her missing which ends up starting a whole bunch of bullshit b/c this cop that’s been looking for Jhilmil for 6 years shows up and arrests Barfi for kidnapping and they proceed to beat the shit outta my mans in jail trying to force him to confess (thanks a bunch Shruti). 
So then they get another ransom letter while they’re interviewing Barfi, and while the cops and her dad were trying to hand off the money Jhilmil is somehow killed. Which I was in complete disbelief off like no tf they didnt. I was fr fr ready to swing on the director(Anurag Basu square tf up bitch!).
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 So then the head inspector wants to pin Jhilmil’s death on Barfi even though he clearly didnt do it but the cop that arrested Barfi tells Shruti to take him away so he can escape because he grew really found of Barfi over the years of chasing after him for other shit.
So Shruti does just that and at first she’s hella geeked b/c with Jhilmil “dead”, she now has Barfi all to herself (which Shruti girl get help b/c that is really messed up). But her time with Barfi ends up being not what she thought it would be at all because he’s (naturally) super depressed about what happened to Jhilmil. Like he doesn’t believe that she’s really dead so he keeps looking for her. Eventually they end up at the group home that Jhilmil spent most of  her life at and they discover that she’s actually alive! (Yay Jhilmil!) And I really screamed at that part because he was so so happy when he saw her and the scene where they’re just standing with their foreheads touching like, I was so emotional. 
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Anyway we find out that the whole thing (the first attempted kidnapping and the ransom letter)  was a scam between Jhilmil’s dad and the owner of the group home. Her dad wanted to get her inheritance b/c Jhilmil’s grandpa left him and her mom dust and they faked her death so they could get Jhilmil away from her alcoholic mother and make sure she was properly cared for which was sweet but still a little fucked if you ask me.
Anyway Barfi and Jhilmil end up getting married in one of the cutest (i know i’m using cute a lot I promise I have a more advanced vocabularly) weddings ever and Shruti basically spends the rest of her life alone, regretting that she didn’t end up with Barfi (which is hella sad but, you made your choice sis) . So cut to the present where Barfi is old and really sick in the hospital and everyone is worried that he’s going to die. Jhilmil shows up and honestly she didnt even look that old, they literally just gave Priyanka a dusty salt and pepper wig and glasses and was like you’re old now. So she’s climbs into bed with him and then, Notebook-style with Shruti narrating, they..die? (Like really Anurag Basu?) I mean the credit roll with all the happy memories between Jhilmil and Barfi was everything so I guess it makes up for the ending (but next time do better hoe)
So finally thoughts; I fucking LOVED this movie. It was such a full adventure and it looked beautiful! It just made me feel so happy watching it despite some of the really sad parts. If you liked the movie Amelie (which is probably one of my favourite movies) you’ll definitely enjoy watching Barfi because they’re really  similar in cinematography, soundtrack and tone. Like they both left me feeling very warm and hopeful. Also s/o to Ranbir for his acting in this like, my man really put his foot in that and also to Priyanka because bitch! What a change. Like when I started watching I had to google if that was really PC b/c I’ve literally never seen her look like that. Also it was really confusing too beause at first I wasn’t sure how old Jhilmil was supposed to be  because she looks a smooth 13 years old and the thought of a love story line between her and between her and Barfi was like girl no, but then I understood she’s supposed to be like 18 or older. But anyway I’m glad I watched it and this just proves that sometimes thirst watching really can help you uncover something great!
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abtoddler · 6 years
A little melancholia for the day
It’s interesting how far we come and sometimes
Its no where near far enough. When i was younger, I couldn’t tolerate my mother. When shes oh hey, im goin to be a bitch for days, then expect me to talk to her. Its already bad enough shes super dismissive or hateful, and then super concerned so she can ear another tick in her caretaker personality.
Which explains why i need a daddy so much. I al thankful to mine, and my big bro champ, the two of them create a world where i dont have to worry about what occurs outside the front door. - a bit of backstory, and the strings of complaints, spoonie comments, support groups and things like that: i have a chronic pain condition with compression and the slow approach to parapalegia while on the medication, the norco and muscle relaxers to help the sensation of walking on nails, and endless buzz, this is a gift from 14 years ago, that keeps taking the feeling and control of my legs & feet. I also have an inflamatory bowel disease, so its like shitting hot lava. This has been occuring more regular then a ladies period, and has been occuring since longer then I can remember.
Growing up, i would throw up while shitting at the same time for hours ans hours. Get up in the middle of the night and just let it go. Ive turned memory of this shit to another thought. Right now its about how much time i have left, 20 years? That wouls make me 54, if i go out then, or even in the next 35 years wouls make me younger then my adoptive parents.
Now heres a funny thing, since my dad doesnt really keep up with me, mostly my fault because i hate talkin on the phone, and cant exactly travel at the moment. The point is, “oh you still have to go through that, i hadnt heard so i assumed it went away”, its not that” oh i assumed you just stopped having a horrible mutiple times a month for my entire life stomach pain, just stops, because nothing is said about it. Or the trying to convey that i just do not have the means to emotionally handle it, and so cant make effort to do stuff that hurts my heart. The same is whether or not my mother means it. But shes always been cunty when shes not put first, or in control. It’s interesting she abused drugs and alcohol when i moved into my own house the first time. Then the abuse from her starts, getting mad, being dismissive, just down right fucking horrible for no good goddamn reason.
This then causes me to have an emotional shut down, this abuseive crap, this shit makes me not want to be around her. She cant “do” being alone, and it makes her really mean. The more mean she gets, the more i have no desire to fuck with that. The endless complaints, rudeness, snide comments, endless streams of just foulness. Thank you to everyone whose not like this, is what i want to say. Thank you to daddy and champ. Those who “choose” us, and so help up the folk like me who have all sorts of shit to deal with. Its nice having an insulation.
I do not want contact with people who are sneaky and will put someone else under a bus, i do not want folks who do not give more then lip service to”bdsm full exchange” and “demands” that put them ahead of what they want to do with my daddy. Theres so much in this life that i wont be able to do. I have less then most folk i wager. Going by the wayside, posting to the empty vaccum where the internet remembers.
I can do this. I can do one day at a time forever, one moment, that is an endless cycle of sleep. And meds, and pains. The reason i can do this. Family. Good people raised me, but im home for the first time with these last 6 months, 50 or 60 years ahead of me is not enough time for my daddy, for my big bro. There is a ton of the world to see.
These are the thoughts, and feelings ive had since loosing my hope on handling something just a bit better. Its been super dark, with looking at end of life affairs, looking into kinds of burials, and assisted suicide. Everything that would mean i miss everything i want with my family. I do not mind a death I choose. I do not mind my final wishes. What i mind; the knowledge of folks with my kinds of stomach shit dont really see much longer to the older age brackets. It scares the piss out of me, that it could just be done, i wont be able to wake up and work on my grimoires, i wont be able to tell my daddy I love him. Anytime i feel it, i have to say it. That way in all the tiny moments of time, and if folks can remember me. He will know i would always love him, thank him, appreciate him. He is the scope of my world. Anything less then forever is an unacceptable amount of time. The thought of leaving him early scares me. Its my greatest worry, that i will never know enough, or see enough of his life to only see it really start.
Its hard, it sucks. So thats why my grimoire projects will not, end. My desire to be little, and safe and cared for, must be followed right back into daddies arms, and the worlds hes helped build. I ve been trying to process this, its taken a few months, in suspected truth, probably it will be always there. But, i try and focus on projects, on the little things that can be done in a day. I cant care about my mother demanding i go and see her. Or her being a bitch when i do, and leaving her with a “see you whenever” i said “what ever” and just walked out of her apartment the other night.
So, while she feels i should be doing what ever she asks depite my lack or to too much sleep according to her. Not the exhaustion i get subjected to after the fire of hell erupts from my asshole, and causes me to throw up anything left in my stomach. Yea, between that 1-4 hour production of “this is your life” in food I attempted to eat earlier. Shes got stupid questions that have no bearing on day to day shit, and now that shes done fucking making threats at me, she can shut up, while I sort out how to handle her ass, while being with wonderful people, for what will be the rest of my life. However long i can make it. Daddy, makes it worth it, i want to see him and champ be their best selves. I can instead only do everything that i am able to set their roads up, even if i wont get the chance to see how it ends.
I cry, at night, most nights pooh bear has earned his keep as the cuddle surrogate to daddy. My barking dragon doesnt bark, it would randomly do it; making it hard to sleep with. I know that this internet void, is a public place where people will know, coo!. But I need to post this, i need to put it into the world while I think about how i am going to master the coming years, and not let shit get between daddy and champ and all our dreams.
So, while i get word vomity, and sad. The horizon has this light of the future, the single moment of now, stretching on to the morning. The linear path of all actions, thoughts, life and the experiences, its easy when in thinking of daddy, that i can just aim to make the most of the moments with him. That they know he is the best man i have ever known, the range of his character. His way of dominance, his love and zest for life. The way he steps one foot a time to get the big picture. I will walk with him til my story ends. But, daddy i love you, and thank you. I loves that we have forever and ever. Its not long enough.
But anyway this isnt something i can stop thinking, so my hope is putting just this stuff here, will get it out, and lets me sleep tonight. I am trying to post more, to have a place to unload my thoughts. Thank you for anyone who reads this, its just hard to identify the situation at hand, so many moving pieces. I will try not to post to much of this philosophic ramble, and depression.
I will figure on how to deal with it but tonight, it did it’s job and has cleared my head, and given me a look at what i feel is going on. Night tumblr. Thank you for this medium.
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fredheads · 6 years
More fred sickcanons would be good. Great actually.
:’) i always hope you guys will give me these but ok i’ll do my best! 
you know that post about the girl who had so many bananas and op put 2 more on her desk and she said “oh my god i have so many” thats me with my fred sickcanons i have so many 
he HATES losing his voice because he needs it for work/dad reasons so he’ll absolutely carry a little notebook around and angrily scribble at people and sometimes they tease him pretending like they dont understand and he gets so exasperated and throws his hands up :’) he and archie can read each other really well in general but once when one of them was sick for a long time they developed their own basic sign language that no one else understands but them 
sometimes he gets nosebleeds when he’s sick from blowing/wiping his nose too much and it makes a mess on his pillowcase but fred has to clean everything right away so he’ll get out of bed and do a whole load of laundry and that involves walking around the whole house picking up socks and whatnot 
hes gonna push push push push to keep going until the point where someone gets fed up with him pretending he’s ok or he flat out collapses to the ground. 
sometimes he sleeps in the basement when he’s sick because it’s cooler down there and he won’t disturb archie with his constant coughing and sneezing but the pull-out couch is so uncomfy and he’s all achy in the morning
the sun always makes him feel better if he can sit somewhere and feel the sun on his sick achy face it helps so much :’) 
if he has to sleep in clothes its gonna be a loose tshirt thats gonna be soaked with sweat by the time he gets up
he doesn’t own a humidifier so sometimes he boils water just to hold the cup and feel the steam on his face
the more pillows in his bed the better, but he’s going to throw them all off by the end of the night
in winter he likes to be snoodled under ridiculous amounts of blankets, like 5 or 6. 
he loves having his face and neck touched especially if you’re cold and his skin is hot 
when the fatigue gets really bad he can’t hold his own head up and he gets all limp and noodly 
he will refuse to take a bath no matter how much you insist it will help. shower or bust. if he can’t handle a shower he’ll sponge bathe himself.
because he doesn’t usually collapse until he really needs it, he can sleep for a good 12 hours uninterrupted when he’s sick. like the dead. you have to hold a mirror to his face to see if he’s breathing. 
speaking of breathing it gets really hard when he’s all congested and he’s gasping for breath sometimes.  especially after a coughing fit he’ll be doubled over struggling to breathe... nice
coughing so hard his lungs hurt.. nice
forehead kisses. its all he wants. and back rubs. 
sometimes he’ll want to get up but the whole room will be spinning and he’ll ask whoever’s near to make it stop so he can stand. 
he lowkey falls in love with anyone who takes care of him for any amount of time. 
he’s always cracking jokes about how sick he is even if he’s literally near death. in fact the sicker he is the more flippant he is about it. 
he very rarely gets sick in the first place so when he does it hits like a freight train. he will never see it coming because he ignores all the signs. 
if his cold develops into something worse (flu, pneumonia, bronchitis) he’ll blatantly ignore all the warning signs and continue insisting “its just a cold” 
he’s always cleaning up after himself. emptying his trash full of tissues. disinfecting the stuff he touches in the kitchen. washing out his puke bucket. washing his bedsheets and pyjamas. he wont listen to you if you tell him to stay put and not worry about it. 
sometimes he sleeps lightly and then he’ll make little whimpers and fits in his sleep and you have to touch him or comb his hair to calm him down
sometimes he gets so cold he cant stop shivering 
sometimes when he gets sick its because hes so exhausted from work/stress/murders that his immune system is just totally depleted
he likes to brag about how he never gets sick until it hits him
he misses his dad the most when he’s sick
hes so so so so touch starved he wants to be taken care of so bad but he’ll never ask 
he has nightmares more often when he sleeps sick and the worst ones are always about archie getting hurt. he talks in his sleep. 
he shows up to work with bruises he got from uncoordinatedly walking into walls and smacking his cheekbone on the medicine cabinet and whatnot
sometimes he’s inclined to go without medicine cause he’s had an addictive personality since he was a kid and he doesn’t want to risk getting hooked
its the only time he lets himself look disheveled and sometimes he’ll try hard to clean himself up and comb his hair but the disheveled-ness is still there just less obvious and you can tell he’s trying to look presentable bless his heart
if he’s really out of it he’ll definitely call his caretaker by the wrong name he’ll call hermione mary or mary fp or fp archie 
ooh sometimes he puts an electric fan on pointed at his bed if he’s sick during the summer and its on the low setting so it just barely ruffles his hair and his loose shirt... :’)
sometimes when he gets up hes so dizzy but he’s so determined to do it and then he’ll stand up and be so close to collapsing he has to sit down again
he’s definitely vomited in a desk drawer at work before. then just shut it and waited until he can clean it up in privacy. 
if he’s really out of it or losing control he’ll make the saddest little whimper noises
he’s really good at being sick overall, he takes it in stride and he’s a champ at hiding it but those rare occasions it breaks him down... nice
he will take every excuse to press his sweaty feverish skin against something cold (it helps w the nausea too) be it a table or a fridge or a wall or a cold glass of water or someone’s shoulder... but then he’ll deny what he’s doing it for 
i have to stop bc ive been staring at this screen forever but tell me if you want anything specific cause i could go on...
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