#I just realized I messed up her crop top
dipply · 1 year
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I love her
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slu7formen · 4 months
disarmed by desire. | luke castellan x f.r
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₊˚⊹♡ luke can’t seem to get out of his head a certain someone, things become even harder when that certain someone, is an aphrodite’s daughter.
warnings: seduction, sexual tension, luke is obsessed over reader, reader’s an aphrodite’s daughter, reader has long hair (not really a warning but whatever).
reminder: english’s not my first language so I apologize for any spelling mistakes
pt2 here
Luke Castellan was obsessed with you.
No, not obsessed. He worshipped you.
He didn’t even know when it started. It was not one thing or situation that started it all, but little small things he witnessed that eventually lead to his confusing and strong feelings he wanted to desperately hide.
Being an Aphrodite’s daughter was no joke, nor was it falling for one of them. All of your brothers and sisters shared an unbeatable beauty. Each one of you is so different, but yet so similar. But the more you grew since your arrival to the camp when you were fifteen, the more you stood out to Luke’s eyes. The Aphrodite cabin girls were known for their charm, but you seemed different, less concerned with vanity and more with genuine connection.
The first flicker appeared during Capture the Flag. Luke wasn't actively participating, a rare occurrence for the camp's best swordsman. Instead, he leaned against a tree, nursing a minor but piercing shoulder wound himself, when she appeared. She wasn’t running across the battlefield like a fiery warrior, but holding a kid’s hand as he was a whimpering mess walking behind her, he sat down on a rock and she instantly attended his bloody knee.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. Don’t worry” her voice had said, and the little kid almost immediately stopped sobbing. “Other kids can be mean sometimes. What’s your name?”
Luke watched, spellbound, as your nimble fingers, surprisingly calloused for a daughter of Aphrodite, expertly cleaned and bandaged the wound. Sunlight kissed your hair, turning the braids into strands of melted gold. Laughter danced in your voice, calming the kid down and blending with the clash of swords.
It wasn't just your beauty, though that was undeniable. It was the tenderness in your touch, the quiet confidence radiating from you, a stark contrast to the usual flirtatiousness Luke associated with your cabin. He quickly realized you were also one of the few Aphrodite’s daughter who had the ability of influencing others with your voice; charmspeaking.
Even when your voice didn’t resonate for him, but for the little kid you were attending, he felt undeniably attracted to your sweet melody, maybe that’s why he stared so long at you too.
Then, your eyes met his. A smile bloomed on your lips. "Need some patching up yourself, brave knight?"
His breath hitched as your eyes pierced his, a blush creeping up his neck. He stammered, "No, I'm good." But the lie tasted bitter on his tongue. He wasn't just injured physically; a new wound had opened in his chest, one caused by a flirty smile and a concern genuine enough to pierce through his thick built-up walls.
Luke's attraction to you wasn't solely physical, but he'd be lying if he didn't find himself momentarily stunned by the way you carried yourself.
He couldn't help but steal glances when you wore shorter skirts or crop tops that hinted at the toned physique earned through years of training, or when the older campers organized a secret night out at the lake in which you made sure to wear the best bikini you could find. He'd catch himself mesmerized by the way sunlight would dance on the curves of your body, sending a flicker of heat through him and his own veins. There was an undeniable beauty in your perfectly applied makeup, but it only served to highlight the mischief sparkling in your eyes and the warmth etched on your smile.
It wasn't just the jealousy your beauty ignited in other girls, or the admiration you garnered from younger campers. It was the way you moved, how confidence flowed through you like liquid gold, making even the simplest actions seem captivating. One afternoon, he saw you braiding wildflowers into your hair, your fingers moving with practiced ease, and he found himself staring with parted lips, hypnotized by the delicate beauty you created.
He started finding himself drawn to her laughter, its rich melody echoing through the camp. He'd catch glimpses of her practicing archery, her form uncannily elegant even as she sent arrow after arrow into the bullseye.
She was perfect.
His mind would try to rationalize, tell him it was the warrior in you that drew him in, the way you handled a sword with both grace and ferocity. But deep down, he knew it was more than that. It was the way your beauty existed in perfect harmony with your strength, a potent combination that left him both breathless and curious.
He wouldn't admit it out loud, not even to himself, but the truth was, Luke found himself daydreaming about brushing a stray strand of hair from your face, feeling the warmth of your skin against his fingertips as he leaned it for a kiss of your sugar lips. Something as simple as that had him zoning out of every conversation and forgetting about activities in the camp. He imagined the playful glint in your eyes when you caught him staring, the teasing lilt in your voice as you challenged him to a duel.
Until, well… a true duel emerged. Summer was just starting after all, and practice needed to be done.
Steel sang beneath the afternoon sun as their practice began. The sky was painted with orange and bright yellow colors, as your darkened figures danced around the field. Luke, known throughout camp as the prodigy at sword fighting, moved with a controlled ferocity, his blade a blur of deadly grace. But his opponent today wasn't your average camper. You wielded your sword with the effortless elegance of a former ballerina, impressive to be someone who’s main skill is not fighting, he had to admit. Each parry was a pirouette, each attack a leap defying gravity.
Sparks flew as your blades clashed, but where Luke relied on brute force, you danced around him, using your agility and unexpected angles to deflect his blows. He felt a frustrated flush creep up his neck and loudly beat inside his chest, every missed strike fueling the unspoken tension swirling between you.
Sweat already glistened on your sun-kissed skin, adding a raw allure to your perfectly applied makeup. It dripped down your collarbone and hid underneath your shirt.
Luke fought with intensity, fuelled not just by the thrill of the duel, but by the desire to impress the captivating enigma before him. You, in turn, met his ferocity with playful taunts and flirtatious dodges, your laughter tinkling in his ears.
Some campers have forgotten about their own practices, drawn to the captivating spectacle between you two. Whispers swirled about Luke's unmatched skill, your surprising prowess, and the undeniable spark crackling between you.
“Look at that” Grover shook Annabeth’s arm, eyes pierced in two shadows swiftly moving around the grass, clashing their blades with resonating grunts and heavy breaths.
“Who’s that?” Percy suddenly asked, eyes wide and parted lips hypnotized by the slender figure whose hair flew around like it had its own life.
“yn, an Aphrodite’s daughter” his friend explained. “Not bad at swords at all, though. But she’s got Luke on his nerves”
Percy nodded. “Yeah, I can tell”
But Annabeth laughed. “Not that kind of nerves. Let’s just say she’s enjoying the attention Luke gives her”
The fight went on, each passing moment stretching the boundaries of skill and endurance. Your movements were a whirlwind of elegance and precision, forcing Luke to constantly adapt, his breaths coming in ragged gasps.
“Tired, hero?" you purred, a mischievous glint in your eyes as you walked around him and twirled your sword, the sunlight reflecting off its polished surface. "Perhaps a touch of Aphrodite's charm is what you need?"
Luke gritted his teeth, channeling his growing attraction into focused strikes. But despite the heat of the battle, your image kept blurring his vision - your smile, the way your hair fell around your face, how your cheeks flushed red and your glossy lips parted as you blocked his movement against you one more time. He felt his defenses crumbling, his usual stoicism replaced by a raw need to prove himself, not just as a swordsman, but as a man worthy of your attention.
“Careful, princess. Playing with fire might just burn you” he countered as he parried a particularly fierce blow, the impact sending a tremor up his arm. His voice was low enough for only you to hear.
"Oh, Luke" you laughed. “Thanks for worrying so much about me but, I know how to handle a little heat" You lunged, your blade aimed for his shoulder. He barely deflected it, the tip grazing his bicep, sending a jolt of adrenaline through him.
In a swift, mesmerizing blur, your blade danced around his, finding an opening. The clang of steel resonated as your sword disarmed him, sending his clattering to the ground. Silence descended, broken only by the ragged rasp of his breath.
He lets his knees fall to the ground, thinking you would have enough mercy for him to give him a break. But he found himself with the tip of your blade resting gently under his chin. You tapped it twice.
“Up, Castellan” you demanded. He looked up at you.
Your eyes, sparkling with both victory and amusement, held him captive. Sweat and dust smudged your face, adding a primal beauty to your already breathtaking features.
A slow smile tugged at his lips, not of defeat, but of something deeper. He lifted up his hands. "Seems I underestimated the true power of Aphrodite's daughters" he rasped, his voice husky with exertion and something else – an undeniable desire.
“Hell yes you did!” one of your sisters replied, earning a few laughs from the rest of the campers.
The small crowd erupted in cheers once the battle was determined as won by you. Luke eventually got up, sword still under his chin. He was much taller than you, to which you had to lift your own head up to fully see his face.
The roar of the crowd faded into a distant hum as Luke only focused on the heavy pounding on his chest, sword dangerously still close. A bead of sweat trickled down his temple, tracing a path past the flush blooming on his cheeks.
"And it seems that our little hero falls not just to skill, but also to some… irresistible charm" you purred, amusement tugging at your lips.
Luke grinned, a touch cocky, a touch breathless. "Perhaps," he conceded, voice husky with exertion. "But I wouldn't call it defeat” he cooed as you slowly put your sword down, placing it next to you. His gaze dropped, tracing a slow path down the curve of your sweat-kissed neck, lingering on the way your shirt clung to your form. Your exposed legs shined underneath the weak sun. The air crackled with unspoken desire, the playful banter now infused with something hotter, more primal.
"Besides," he murmured, voice low and dangerous, "victors deserve their spoils, don't they?"
His words hung heavy, loaded with hidden meaning, a meaning only the two of you seemed to understand now. You felt a blush creep up your neck, surprised by the sudden shift in his usual way of being towards you. You knew he knew you flirted, that you did it with ease. But this was different. This was Luke Castellan, the stoic, the untouchable, and suddenly, he was playing your game.
"And what kind of spoils are you thinking of, big boy?" you countered, your voice barely a whisper.
Luke looked around, campers long gone, already going back to their own activities as soon as your tense situation ended.
He stepped in closer, the space between you shrinking to a charged silence. "Maybe,-" he rasped head down and still heavy breathing, "a dance with the warrior who disarmed me not just with her blade, but with her breathtaking distraction."
His eyes flickered down to your lips, the unspoken desire sparking a flame within you.
“Or maybe something a little more private, as you wish” he continued.
The world seemed to shrink to the heat emanating from your body, the intoxicating scent of wildflower and victory mingled with sweat. Your pulse quickened, a blush blooming on your cheeks.
You laughed in disbelief, smoothly placing your long hair on one side of your head, bright mane elegantly falling like a cascade without you even trying. "Bold proposition, handsome" you replied, voice barely a breath, still trying to catch it. The nickname twisted Luke’s guts, in a good way, might as well have woken up something else. "But maybe you should focus on winning a proper duel before demanding rewards"
He chuckled, a low rumble that vibrated through you. "Challenge accepted, my lady” he whispered, stepping back and raising an eyebrow. "But know this; our next battle won't be fought with steel, but with wit, charm, and a touch of something… different"
You tilted your head to the side as he took his sword from the grass. "And this time, I won't underestimate an Aphrodite's daughter, or the power of warrior who knows how to play just as dirty as she fights"
This wasn't the playful banter you were used to, but you sure liked it. This was Luke Castellan, awakened, and the thrill of it was both terrifying and exhilarating.
"We shall see, Luke" you countered, your voice husky with a newfound nervousness as you pronounced his name. "We shall see."
As you turned to address a new opponent on the field, the memory of his voice, hot and suggestive against your ear, lingered on your skin. This wasn’t what you started, this was a dance of unspoken desires fueled by sweat, steel, and the awakening of a forbidden hunger in the heart of Luke Castellan. And you, the daughter of Aphrodite, were ready to play.
He couldn't help but watch you go, his heart brimming with a newfound determination. He admired your skill, your wit, your beauty, and most of all, the way you made him feel – breathless, excited, and utterly captivated. Your golden figure disappeared into a new crowd of campers looking for someone else to fight.
This was about to be one of the best summers ever.
pt2 here <3
I’m so delulu over this man istg
Currently reading PJ 3rd book :) Had to retake my lecture after I watched the show
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xsublimelimex · 3 months
Playing Mermaids
CW: Diaper play (including messing) & breastfeeding kink
Disclaimer: all characters depicted in this story are consenting adults over the age of 18. If you are NOT 18 or older, click away now!
“Mommy mommy mommy!!!” shouts my sweet little girlfriend as she runs into the kitchen slamming into me. “Woah woah woah baby” I clutch her biceps so she doesn’t fall over. Unfazed her bouncing doesn’t stop her tiny tits bouncing in her thin crop top, her nipples poking out from the chill of the AC in the house.
“Mommy I was just watching mermaids on the tv and they looked like they were having so much fun swimming around and mommy please I really really wanna go swimming in the pool now please mommy please!!!” she quite literally begs with her hands clutched in front of her giving me puppy dog eyes. I raise and eyebrow, “Now sweetheart before I answer your request, I need you to think back and tell mommy what you did wrong.”
She pauses her bouncing and scrunches her eyebrows together thinking. “Uhhh I dunno mommy, because I was running…?” She questions her high pitched excited voice lowering as she realizes her mistake. She looks down and twists her fingers together nervously before looking back up at me with her lip pouted and her lashes fluttering.
“Yes exactly, does mommy allow you to run in the house like you just did?” I question in my best stern mommy voice, one I usually don’t need to use. She lowers her eyes again and shakes her head.
I lift her chin up and she looks at me with her beautiful bright eyes. “The answer is no I do not because it’s dangerous and you could have hurt yourself or even knocked mommy over. Now what do you have to say for yourself?” I ask her moving my hands to my hips. She slips her thumb in her mouth to self soothe and mumbles around it. “I sowwy mama I pwomise nu running in da house for me eva again!” Her little lisp with her thumb in her mouth is just so fucking cute it’s hard to not just grab her and cuddle.
I soothe my finger down her rosy cheek and lean down and press a light kiss on her forehead. “Good girl. That’s what I like to hear, now hurry you little butt to the bedroom so I can change you into your swim diapie.” A big smile overcomes her face and she bounces. “Yay yay yay you’re the best mommy ever thank you thank you!” She exclaims, I slap her diapered butt and usher her out the kitchen. She speed walks ahead of me up the stairs and to our bedroom.
I step into the room and find her already spread out on the floor with the changing mat underneath her. Her legs are spread Eagle and she’s sucking on her thumb quietly. “Aw Baby you look so scrumptious.” I coo as I bend down and give her sweet chubby face kisses. She giggles and her free hand clutches my arm.
“Give me one second sweetie.” I stand and pull out what I’ll need to change her and sit back down between her spread legs. Wordlessly I pull off her crop top and her small tits spring to view, I also pull down her shorts. Now she lays just in her full diaper. “Alright baby let’s get you into your swim diaper and your swim top. But first let’s clean your little booty, is there a poopy in there sweetie pie?” I question as I rub the top of her diaper eliciting a moan from her. “I dunno mommy I no thinks so.” She mumbles around her thumb. I slide my hand down and squish her diaper. “Hmmm I guess mommy will just have to be surprised.” I say teasing her even though I smelt her stinky butt before I even entered the room.
I prep the wipes before I start pulling back the tabs of her diaper as she watches me intently. I pull her diaper down and surprisingly all I find is a piss soaked diaper. Her soft little chubby cock nestled so cutely against her balls glistening from her piss. “Oh sweetheart, are you having trouble making pushies?” I question as I rub her soft thigh. I guess that smell was her farts, poor baby girl.
She blushes and nods. “That’s okay baby no need to be shy mommy will help don’t you worry.” I coo and tickle her tummy. She giggles and wiggles around, “mommy swimming!!!”
“Okay okay I hear ya!” I joke and wipe her pretty cock clean with a baby wipe and her bum. “One second sweetie mommy just has to do one little think before I put in your swim diaper.” I get up and grab the glycerin suppository and a bit of lube and bend back down between her spread thighs. I spread the lube onto the supportutory and with my other hand I spread her cheeks to get a good look at her pink hole and she squeezes it shut just as I go to push it in. “No mommy I no wan it.” She wiggles and whines. I lock eyes with her and give her my best mommy stare. “Honey you need this you haven’t went poopy in two days now sit still and relax your little hole for mommy.” I tell her in a sharp no nonsense tone. She quiets and stopes wiggling. She spreads her legs again and suckles her thumb. I spread her cheeks again and look at her now relaxed hole. “Such a good girl I love how you listen to mommy. There we go there we go.” I say as I push the suppository into her small hole. She grunts as it slips in “ah” and I rub her thighs. “See it wasn’t scary at all now was it?” I question and she shakes her head.
“Now let’s get you into your swim diapie.” I grab the swim diaper and put her feet through the holes and slide it up her legs.“Lift your butt for mommy.” She lifts her butt and I get it over her cock and butt. She shifts around and reaches and pushes down on the front of the diaper. “Is the princesses cock not in the right position?” I question and without her answering I slip my hand in and move her cock into a more comfortable position but before I can slip my hand out she begins to piss into my palm. “Oh baby you’re going potty in mommy’s hand!” I explain and press down on her little piss hole. “I sowwy mommy I couldn’t hold it.” She says in embarrassment covering her pink cheeks with her hands. “It’s okay honey I know you can’t control your bladder, you’re mommy’s little girl after all!” I attempt to calm her, I don’t love my hand from her diaper because I don’t want her to think her little accident upset me. Slowly I rub the tip of her cock as she pisses and she moans “mommy”.
“There we go sweetie, such a good girl pissing your diaper. Next mommy is gonna need you to make pushies okay?” I tell her.
“Okay mama I try make pushies!” She tells me in a serious tone or what she thinks is a serious tone. I can’t help but smile, “good girl.” I pull my hand out and it’s soaked in her urine. “Mommy will be right back sweetie I just need to wash my hands.” I tell her as I head to the bathroom attached to our bedroom. I come back and she’s still in position rubbing the front of her diaper with her eyes closed.
“Uh oh is mommy’s good girl being bad?” I question with my hands on my hips. She quickly pulls her hand away, “sorry mommy my princesses parts were tingling.” She covers her face in shame.
“Don’t be embarrassed sweetie but I better not see you touch that little cock without mommy’s permission again. You hear me?” I bend down and help her slip on her swim tank top. “Yes mommy.”
I’m laying on the day bed with my back propped up sipping a lemonade with my book watching as my sweet girl splashes around and swims like how she thinks a mermaid swims like. She’s quite possibly the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Soon I’m gonna have to reapply her sunscreen, I don’t want her soft skin getting burnt.
She swims to the stairs and clutches her tummy. “Mommy I no feel good. My tummy really hurts.” Seems the suppository finally started to do its job. “Come to mommy baby I’ll help.” I call her over and she walks to me with her back bent and her arms clutching her stomach. I grab her arm and cradle her in my arms. Her wet body soaking my bikini. I brush her hair from her face as she moans in pain. “Shh it’s okay baby mommy is here now, I want you to take a deep breathe for me.” She breathes deeply, “Good girl, now i want you to make pushies.” She nods against my chest and scrunches her forehead.
I slip my hand down to her tummy and push just as she pushes. She moans in relief as she fills her diaper with her poop. “There we go such a Good Girl messing your diaper in mommy’s lap.” She grunts out as she keeps pushing and filling her diaper. “Ah mommy it’s so warm I can’t stop making poopy it keeps coming out.” I stroke her face and kiss her lips.
“It’s okay baby let it all out mommy will clean your stinky little butt up once you’re all finished.” I coo and she nods against my heavy breast and pulls my bikini top down my big double DD tit falling out. My nipple is already hard and leaking milk. “You want mommy milk baby?” I question quietly. She nods and whines opening her mouth and drool leaks out. “Shh it’s okay here you go sweet girl.” I slip my nipple into her mouth and she matches in right away sucking hard. I hold the back of her head just as my eyes shut in ecstasy.
Oh fuck that feels so good. I slip my hand between her legs and her little cock is pushing the soaking wet diaper out and I brush over it briefly eliciting a moan before I slide my hand against wet bottom. I press down and squish her diaper smearing her mess against her and she pushes her butt back against my hand liking the feel. I pat her bum and and move my hand back up and rub her chubby cock through the diaper. She moans in pushes against my hand searching for more. “You can come whenever you want baby.” She moans and nods suckling harder.
I need to see her little tits. I push her top up with my other hand that’s around her and her tiny tits spring to view. “So perfect baby I love those tits, only for mommy’s eyes to see.” She pulls my other tit out and plays with my nipple rolling it in between her fingers. I moan and rub her cock faster. She clamps her thighs closed and rides my hand. My nipple slips from her mouth and she moans as milk dribbles out across her chin. “Oh yes mommy yes I’m making cummies in my messy diaper.” Fuck she’s so sexy.
“Good Girl cum for mommy.” I praise her and slip my nipple back into her gaping mouth. “Now keep suckling on mommy’s tits.” She moans and licks my nipple before her rhythmic suckling resumes.
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avatar-anna · 10 months
bad idea, right?
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As you slipped a gold hoop through your ear, you wondered if you were making a huge mistake.
You weren't, you knew you weren't, but the butterflies swirling around in your belly were making you anxious. This was nothing, so why was your body reacting this way?
"Well don't you look hot!"
You turned to look at your roommate, jumping a little in front of the mirror. "Thanks."
She took that as her cue to come into your room, settling on the edge of your bed as you finished getting ready. You normally wouldn't mind, you and Marissa hyped each other up before dates all the time, but you didn't think she would be in favor of this particular outing. That alone warranted you to question whether or not this was a good idea, but you were confident it was, so you pushed it aside.
Well, not good, per se, but not bad either.
"Is that new? I've never seen you wear that top before."
You looked down at your cropped sweater, the one you'd cut yourself yesterday after buying it. The amount of time it took for you to figure out what to wear tonight was too embarrassing to admit—and perhaps what was more pathetic was the hours of shopping you did—but at least you'd settled for something that was on the casual side. The last thing you needed was to come off as if you thought about tonight too much, or worse, you didn't want anyone thinking you had expectations.
Shrugging, you hoped you appeared more nonchalant than you felt. "No, this was just... something I had deep in my closet."
No. "Really."
Having snagged the last earring in the set of holes on your right ear, you moved to the left. You pretended to focus hard on your task, even though you could've done it without the mirror, but now you were trying to hide your blush from your roommate. If she sensed something was off, she'd keep questioning you, and you really couldn't have that.
"I didn't even know you were going out tonight," she said. From the reflection in the mirror, you saw her eye your outfit one more time. "Where are you going again?"
"I never said," you told her. "It was kind of a last minute thing. Someone from class invited me."
"Like a date?" Marissa asked you. "Wait. Is this who you've been going out for coffee with the last few days?"
You winced, your hand having slipped and stabbed your ear on accident. You didn't realize your roommate had been keeping such close tabs on you, which was probably a good thing seeing as you lived in a big city together. But you hoped Marissa wasn't too perceptive. She'd kill you if she knew. So you put on your best smirk and said, "Could be."
Marissa kept peppering you with questions about the "mystery man," but you wouldn't budge. You couldn't. Finally done with jewelry, you turned around and presented yourself to her. "How do I look?"
"Like whoever you're seeing tonight is gonna fall to their knees when they see you," Marissa said.
"Perfect," you said. That was exactly what you were going for.
On your way out, the anxiety in the pit of your stomach continued to build, messing with your head and making you think this whole thing was a bad idea. It probably was, but maybe it wasn't. But then again...
"Fuck it, it's fine," you muttered. Then, over your shoulder, you called out to your roommate, "Don't wait up for me!"
"Text me at 12:30 so I know you're still alive!" Marissa called back from the couch where she was watching, re-watching, Pride and Prejudice. "And don't do anything I wouldn't do!"
Too late for that.
"Thanks for coming over."
You nodded as you took a sip of your wine. "Thanks for inviting me."
Harry grinned before sipping from his own glass. "This isn't weird, is it? I know inviting you over for dinner seems a little forward, but I feel like enough time has passed that we can catch up as friends, right?"
Friends. You really were an idiot. You'd been stupid enough to think that after the first few catch-up coffee dates, this might've been more, which was completely insane. You and Harry broke up almost two years ago now. When he texted you saying he'd moved back to the city, you agreed to see him and catch up, as any two people who used to know each other would. Then it happened a few more times, and then he texted you asking to come to his place for dinner, and you'd been confused but intrigued. Now you just felt silly.
"Y—Yeah. Of course. So, um, how—how are you?"
"Good. Just, you know, getting settled in the new apartment and finding my footing as a proper adult here and not a student. Did you know the Thai restaurant on 28th closed? I went..."
You listened to Harry as he spoke about moving back to the city, your eyes focusing on different parts of his face as you tried to determine which parts of him had changed and which stayed the same. Overall, he looked a little older, but that made sense seeing as a lot of time had passed since you'd last seen him. He had stubble on his cheeks and around his mouth as if he was trying to grow a mustache, something he definitely couldn't do when you were with him. His hair wasn't long anymore, but curled around his ears and reached just past the nape of his neck. He looked tanner, more muscular, more handsome. You could only hope he was thinking you looked more beautiful too.
"—about you?"
"Huh?" You hadn't realized that you zoned out the last few minutes.
Harry grinned, like he knew you'd gotten caught up in staring at him. "I was asking how you've been? Good, I hope? I mean, since I saw you two days ago, I mean."
Nodding, you took another sip of your wine, yet another thing that had changed since you were together. In school, it was whatever you could afford from the off-campus corner store. Now you were drinking from a bottle that had to be expensive. You couldn't even pronounce the label when Harry showed it to you.
"Good, I guess," you said. "Still in school, still working."
"At the MET, right?" Harry asked.
"Yeah. I'm doing guided tours right now, but once I get my master's I can start doing more research-based stuff."
"That's exciting. I know you've always wanted to work there," Harry said, inching closer to you on the sofa. It was currently the only piece of furniture set up in his apartment besides his bed. He'd apologized when you arrived thirty minutes ago. You didn't mind, though maybe you should've. Maybe this really was just a catch-up, not a hookup. When Harry invited you to come over, you thought there might've been some subliminal messaging, but he hadn't made a move, and the less-than-put-together apartment screamed that he wasn't trying to impress you.
Promptly, you attempted to drown your shame and embarrassment with a longer sip of wine.
"Thanks. You should stop by sometime. I get to give out free tours."
"I'd be happy to."
He hadn't done anything wrong, but now you just felt like an idiot. The entire time you were getting ready, you wondered where tonight would lead, debated if you should cancel or not because of said wondering. And in the end, maybe you should've because if tonight had told you anything so far, it was that you were hung up on your ex and all he thought of you was someone who could get him into the MET for free.
Tonight really had been a bad idea. Maybe even a terrible one.
"Um, is your restroom through there?" you asked, pointing at the shut door closest to you.
Harry looked over his shoulder to where you were pointing. "Yeah. Sorry, should've mentioned that earlier."
Setting your glass down on the floor, you stood up and hurried to the bathroom. You sat down on the closed lid of the toilet and pulled your phone out of your purse and shot a frantic text to Marissa.
You: i need you to call me with a fake emergency in five minutes.
Marissa: what? why? what's wrong?
You: i was an idiot
You: i'll explain when i get back
Marissa: five minutes?
You: make it four
Putting your phone away, you turned the faucet on so it seemed like you really had used the restroom. Now that Marissa was going to bail you out, all you had to do was finish your wine—it was really good, to be fair, so that wouldn't be a problem—and wait for her call. This night was not going in the direction you expected, and it was probably for the best to cut it short instead of letting it drag on. Dinner smelled amazing, and you'd wanted to share a meal with Harry more than anything, but now you just wanted to go home and wallow in your own stupidity.
When you came out of the bathroom, Harry was standing in his small kitchenette in front of the stove, stirring something that smelled delicious in a saucepan. With his back turned, you let yourself stare unabashedly for a few seconds before picking up your wine glass and polishing off its contents. With the small clink of the glass being set on the counter, Harry turned around, dimples set deep in his cheeks as he grinned at you.
"Dinner should be ready in a few," he said. "Here, come taste."
You knew you shouldn't have, you'd already made enough slip-ups tonight as it was, but you walked the few steps to his side anyway, opening your mouth when he raised a spoon to your lips.
"Wow," you said, honest shock in your voice when you tasted what he'd given you.
"Good, right? I've picked up a couple tricks over the years," he said, pulling the towel off his shoulder and reaching down to open the stove and pull out a pan.
"Yeah, you could never cook like this when we—Is that lasagna?"
For the first time tonight, Harry seemed sheepish. "Yeah. I was kind of hoping it was still your favorite. You used to love the one from that small Italian place a couple blocks from campus."
Had you read the situation wrong? Harry wouldn't have just made what he thought was your favorite dish on a whim. It was possible he still considered this thing you were doing platonic, but you foolishly hoped you weren't the only one who had expectations.
Before you could say anything, your phone rang. Damn it, you thought, pulling your phone out of your purse. You answered it, trying to quickly come up with a way to call off the fake emergency. "Hey, listen, now's not a good—"
"I'm locked out of our apartment!" Marissa cried dramatically. If Harry hadn't been watching you, you would've rolled your eyes. You loved your roommate, but she didn't need to wail. "You need to come back immediately or I'll freeze to death!"
"It's the middle of July, M," you said, trying to put some intention in your voice to let her know you were fine.
"You know I have poor circulation and it makes me cold!"
"Have you tried calling the super?"
"I need you!" she wailed again.
"Okay, okay. I'm on my way," you finally said. "See you in a few."
When you hung up, you looked up at Harry, apology dying on your lips when you saw the disappointed look on his face.
"That bad, huh?"
You knew he wasn't talking about the phone call. "Maybe it's just me, but things feel awkward between us. I think we should stick to coffee from now on, you know? That seems a lot more friendly than—"
If you'd had any doubts about where Harry's mind had been regarding tonight, they were completely wiped away when he surged forward and kissed you.
You told yourself the gasp was because you were surprised, not because it felt so good to kiss him again after so much time had passed, though that did not go unnoticed by you. Everything about his lips on yours felt achingly familiar. Harry parted your mouth with ease, his hands sliding down your waist and gripping firmly. Your body reacted almost of its own volition, every one of his touches garnered an immediate response. When he settled his teeth on your bottom lip, your hands gripped his hair, when his hands squeezed your body appreciatively, you wrapped a leg around his waist, when he finally detached his lips from yours and began kissing and licking a stripe down your neck, you sighed and arched your back into him.
It was too good to be true. The way you felt, how pliant your body immediately became, his hair as it tickled your chin the lower his kisses went. It lit you on fire, made you want to burn brighter.
You didn't even know what you were going to say, but Harry took it as you needing him. He raised his head back to yours, taking your bottom lip between his own and sucking, his thumbs dipping below the waistline of your jeans casually. You leaned into the kiss, wanting more of the fire and intensity from the first one, but Harry wouldn't move any faster. His kiss was slower now, more drawn out, like he was attempting to taste every inch of your lips and savor it. It left you even more breathless than before.
"You thought I didn't want this? Want you?" he said, his teeth nipping at a spot where the zipper on your sweater opened.
"Thought that the smell of my favorite perfume on you wouldn't drive me absolutely mad the second you walked through the door? I've been trying to be polite. I've been trying to be a gentleman because it's been so long, but maybe we can skip the pleasantries, hm? What do you think, mon rêve?"
It all became too much as he began to grind his hips against yours. He was still taking his time, as if there was nowhere else he'd rather be at the moment, and to be honest, you didn't want to be anywhere else, either. Using the nickname he used to call you put you over the edge. My dream, he called you, because he swore no one in real life could be so perfect that he had to have been dreaming when you met.
Bad idea or not, you weren't going anywhere. Even if this was just one night, you would make it count.
But the buzz of your phone had you pulling away with a start.
"Don't," he murmured, pressing the word against your lips with his, slowly reaching for the hem of your sweater to pull it.over your head.
"She'll keep calling if I don't answer," you said, obliging Harry's hands and hoping he would understand what you were trying to say. You weren't going anywhere, but if you didn't answer now, Marissa would track you down and come here if she was under the impression you were in trouble.
"Don't go," he said this time, kissing the line of your jaw up to the shell of your ear. "Just stay."
"And what happens if I do?" you asked breathlessly.
This wasn't a rekindling of a relationship, you knew that. Perhaps it was the familiarity of your embrace in a city filled with millions of people making you both feel drawn to each other. You'd broken up a long time ago for reasons that had yet to be discussed, one night wasn't going to change the history you shared just like that. You knew that even as you got ready to come over to Harry's apartment tonight. This was just...
"Two people can reconnect, can't they?" Harry said. He hooked your other leg around his hip and sat you on the small counterspace, his eyes heavylidded as they roved your face. His gaze sent butterflies alight in your belly, making you feel things you hadn't felt in a long time.
Before you knew it, your ankles crossed over one another on the small of his back. Your hand carded through his hair, and you grinned a little when Harry shut his eyes at the feeling of your fingers against his scalp.
Phone call forgotten, you leaned in, but moved slightly so that you kissed the corner of Harry's mouth. You kissed him all over, starting with his cheek, then along his jaw to behind his ear where you knew he was sensitive, making sure to leave a mark, just because you could. You couldn't contain your smile as he groaned and pulled you closer, held you tighter.
Your phone buzzed again, this time with a text. You didn't want to, and you could tell Harry didn't want you to, either, but you pulled away to look at it.
Marissa: hello?? i thought you were fleeing?!
"Are you?"
You held your phone close to your chest, having realized Harry read your text with you. Not letting him see the screen, you typed out a response, then locked it and set it down.
"This could be messy," you said, not sure why you were trying to talk yourself out of this. Or whom you were trying to talk out of this.
"Maybe," Harry said, running his thumb over your lip so that it separated and bounced back into place.
"And you're the one who said we were two friends catching up," you said.
"Friends hook up all the time," he said, undoing his belt with one hand while the other continued to play with you bottom lip. When he fiddled with the strap of your bra, you didn't stop him from gently urging it off your shoulder.
"I think—" the words died in your throat as Harry dipped his thumb past the seam of your lips, effectively shutting you up.
"And I think," he said, lifting you up and bringing you to the edge of his sofa. "I think I'd like dessert before dinner, What do you think, mon rêve?"
This whole evening screamed bad idea. There were too many tangled strings, too many unanswered questions, too many unknown variables. But Harry was already kissing his way down from your collarbone, his teeth grazing your skin in all the spots that made you keen and your breath hitch. Maybe it was a bad idea, but you'd come over anyway. Might as well see it through.
"Fuck it, it's fine," you muttered, gripping Harry's hair between your fingers and directing his path of burning kisses with little care for the aftermath that was sure to bite you in the ass tomorrow.
Harry was gone the next morning. Disappointed? No. Surprised? Maybe. It definitely meant there wouldn't be an awkward goodbye, but it also meant this really was a one time thing.
Which was good. You got it out of your system, got him out of your system. Last night was just a trip down memory lane. An excellent trip, but it was over now.
You stretched your arms above your head, working out the aches and pains from last night's fun. It had been a while since you'd been sore from having sex, and you'd kind of missed it—knowing that the night before had been so good that it carried over into the next day. Days, sometimes.
Searching for something to cover you up, you spotted Harry's shirt from the night before. Walking around in one of his shirts wasn't what you were going for, but it would have to do until you found your own clothes. Sliding it over your head, you prepared to stand on wobbly legs when the turn of a lock sounded at the front door.
Frantically, you rubbed at your eyes and whipped the shirt back off before lying against the pillows again as if you were still asleep, which wasn't hard seeing as you were still exhausted. Your heart was racing as you heard Harry step into the room, humming as he fiddled with his keys and kicked off his shoes.
You figured he would wake you up, but he didn't. To your surprise, Harry slid back into his bed next to you, his arm snaking around your waist and lips sponging kisses onto your bare shoulder. "You awake?" he mumbled, his thumb rubbing circles on the warm skin just beneath your breast.
Pretended to wake up, you breathed in deep and said, "A little."
"I don't have a coffee maker yet, so I went down the street. There's a latte with your name on it in the kitchen."
You smiled wide without really meaning to. You'd been thinking he'd just left to avoid an awkward conversation, but it seemed like you were both eager to put it off as long as possible. Shifting in Harry's arms, you turned to face him through half-opened eyes. His hair hung in his face, grazing the sunglasses he'd yet to take off. His sweatshirt was a little cold to the touch from being outside, making you shiver a little.
"Are you cold? Here." Harry pulled the sweatshirt over his head and helped you fit it over your head, which still had your hair wrapped in a silk scarf from last night.
When it was on, you grinned at the feeling of his warmth wrapped around you, of a cologne that was foreign to you but just as head-spinning. Reaching up a hand to his face, your fingers grazed his sunglasses. "What are these for?"
"My terribly embarrassing dark circles. I get those now," Harry said, one corner of his mouth turning up into a grin.
You weren't sure if he was in the mood to chat or drink the coffee he bought, but now that you were facing the broad expanse of his chest, all the tattoos that were familiar and the ones that weren't, you didn't want to do either of those things. Leaning forward, you kissed his chest, creating a path with your lips all across his body. Harry's stomach flexed, and you could feel the quickened beat of his heart when you passed over it. It made you grin as you worked your way down and sucked a hickey on his hip.
"You can tell me to stop," you said, just before reaching the waistband of his sweatpants and underwear, prepared to do away with both of them in one go.
"I don't want you to," Harry panted. He groaned at the cold air as you rid him of his clothes. "Still—Fuck, Y/n—Still reconnecting?"
You nodded, too caught up in what you were doing to speak. After a few minutes, though, just as you felt he was close, you inched your way back up and kissed him, your leg sliding over his waist.
"Yeah. Reconnecting."
When you came home later that morning, Marissa was already awake and waiting as you walked through the door in your jeans and a hoodie that definitely didn't belong to you. She took one look at the sweatshirt and shook her head at you with a sigh.
"He's the one you've been meeting for coffee?"
You hung your head. "Yeah. He moved back about two weeks ago."
Marissa slid you a mug filled with steaming black coffee, the smell alone waking you up slightly and bringing common sense back to your brain. You took it between your hands appreciatively, blowing over the top instead of meeting her eye.
"You know this isn't going to end well, right?"
Now it was your turn to sigh. "Yeah."
But fuck if it didn't feel right.
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ronearoundblindly · 4 months
Hideout (1)
touch-starved!Nomad Steve Rogers x motel employee!Reader
Puppy, (see premise post or series)
Summary: An ultra-shy man named Grant arrives with various friends to your family-owned motel. He opens up slowly over the months...and grows a fantastic beard. 🤭
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While this part has no mature situations, this series will be 18+ only. MINORS DNI. This is mostly pure setup for the smut in every future chapter. Your media consumption is your responsibility; please choose for yourself if these matters trigger you. If so, there is plenty for you to read on my Light Masterlist, but this work is not it! WC ~2k
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He first arrives with only his friend—two fit fellas, one white, one black. They pay in cash, share a double room. The most information you get is Tom Smith, the more open of the two, joking that you’ll have to excuse Grant’s shyness.
Grant doesn’t seem to respond to his own name.
He’s a beefy blond, and your impression is the man doesn’t need to have a lot going on up top to get by in life. You do try not to judge, though. Your job is more about keen observation and recognizing the needs of your guests.
These two guests need privacy. They aren’t unfriendly, but they are not chatty. They go as quickly as they came. One night. The room is slept in, but they were clean enough.
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The next time they show up they need three rooms, but you only have two available. Tom and Grant bunk up again, and a couple are with them who do not come into the office. The woman has beautiful auburn hair that she covers with a ball cap, and her very tall beau—whose hand she holds—shields himself in far more clothing than necessary this time of year.
They all sleep (you assume) during the day and only socialize at night when the other guests aren’t around.
Not that the party is loud; they simply seem more at ease when it’s harder to see. They stay three or four days, leaving rather suddenly early one night after paying for the time already.
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Sporadically, this continues.
Once it’s only the couple. She is very reserved and he is very awkward, but again nice enough. They stay for nearly two weeks, enjoying hikes in the area, always holding hands. The woman relaxes significantly. It’s quite lovely to see.
Mister and Misses Durham, you know them as. They don’t always respond by name either.
Another visit makes five guests with the addition of a beautiful young woman. Her hair is cropped and bleach blond, and she is by far the most at ease.
It’s this visit that you realize they are just staying in their rooms during the day not sleeping, and you find the karaoke machine to take to Tom’s room.
He’s thrilled, thank goodness, because you don’t normally offer up activities to those who don’t ask about them, but Tom bangs on the doors of the other two (you think) couples so they can join him.
You’re about to leave when he asks you to do a duet with him.
Grant throws out that Tom enjoys Marvin Gaye. It’s the most you’ve heard him say, ever.
“I do,” Tom agrees, “but I don’t mess with the master.”
So you have the idea to sing Marvin Gaye—the song—with Tom as Charlie Puth and you as Meghan Trainor.
It’s quite a lot of fun, belting as best you can, finding Grant’s intense gaze on you for the lyrics:  I’m like a stray without a home… I’m like a dog without a bone…
Just as quickly, however, you have to go back to the front desk. Duty calls and all.
You make sure they know the machine is all theirs for as long as they want. Their rooms are too far down the line of the building to hear if they do enjoy it for long, but you get no complaints about noise. You hope for the best.
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Later that night, Grant comes by the office, carrying the machine with a smirk on his face and the most genuine appreciation on his lips. He has a lovely deep voice you never knew about.
He just talks to you.
It’s all superficial conversation about the area, the weather, what activities you like on your days off, but even that seems a struggle for him.
Tom was not kidding. His friend is extremely shy. He has trouble thinking up casual questions. He can’t look you in the eye until responding, and he doesn’t give more than a few words in answer to anything.
You laugh--you have to—when Grant asks if he can walk you to your door, which…is ludicrous because you live in the house a whopping fifty meters past the main motel. Your family has owned and run this place for three generations. You’ve walked that path your whole life.
“I like walking,” he shrugs, though from the sheer muscles on him, he does way more than just walk. “I was gonna do a lap or two anyway.”
“Well, I have to wait for Clark to show up, but—“ you look him up and down “—okay.”
Grant is so sweet but so stiff. He holds himself with purpose when actively thinking, but you catch him having these distant moments. He withers like a violet, a shell that’s too small for his big body. He seems lost and lonely.
You’re glad to do whatever keeps him company. Your goal for the night is to make Grant smile as much as humanly possible, but that’s difficult when he won’t let you know anything about him.
Twenty minutes later, Clark, a local stoner kid who hardly looks up from his phone, waltzes in, stepping around Grant like a wall that’s always been there and throwing a “hey, man” out with zero regard for a response. Classic Clark. That’s why he’s on night shifts.
So you grab your bag and let Grant hold the door open for you.
Maybe you’ve been watching the Durhams too much when they come around, but you feel a compulsion to hold his hand. You don’t, obviously, because you only just heard this guy speak for the first time today. It would also be incredibly awkward to hold Grant’s hand in the dead silence that follows on your way up the gravel path.
You’re so consumed by figuring out what to say next that you don’t notice till the beast is right there.
An elk walks right in front of you, taller than Grant. From this angle the animal blocks the entire view of your house it’s so big, and you jump back, slamming into your startled escort’s chest.
You both freeze as it moves slowly at a diagonal to the other side of woods, bringing it and its gigantic horns closer still.
It squawks like some sort of awful banshee and stamps huge hoofs. You throw your weight backward and spin to flee, clambering over Grant’s body.
Why you’re so scared, who knows; you should be used to the wildlife, but no creature has ever done this before.
The most shocking thing, however, is how strongly Grant tries to hold you immobile.
The harsh grip on your waist and the way he hisses through his teeth for you to stop should be your hint, but instead you cling to him harder, asking quietly if the animal is gone.
“Uh…” Grant tenses against you. “It’s…it’s just—“ he shudders when you wriggle “—yes, gone,” he bites out, pushing you away by the hips.
He takes a second to breathe, buries his hands in his pockets, and leans forward, gathering himself.
It was scary. That could have turned nasty very quickly. You were lucky Grant was there and calm…except he was sorta the reason you were distracted in the first place.
Finally composed, he sighs and motions forward. “Let’s get you home.”
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Two months later, Grant’s initial five o’clock shadow has come in nicely.
You’ve learned the routine of their check-in. There’s only one room available, unfortunately, but if they stay more than two days, there should be another open.
Tom shrugs and offers a playful, “we’ll see. We go where the wind takes us.” He smooths his palm over a fresh fade at his nape and the sharp angles of his goatee.
“And you, I see, have stopped in for a cut with Terrence in town. He loves the three slices like that.” That's how the barber marks his work. Terrence's shop is very popular.
“It’s a good signature. Wish I could'a convinced this big lug to get a trim.” Tom elbows his friend who stares at his feet.
Grant runs his fingers through his golden locks and swallows. “Yeah, well, maybe next time.”
Without realizing what you’re doing, you stand on the rungs of your stool behind the counter and reach for his lusciously full beard.
“Don’t you dare get rid of this,” you chide, fingertips grazing the skin of his cheek beneath the course yet soft hairs.
You should apologize. You should let go and sit back down. You should professionally hand them their key and be done with it, but instead, you linger, watching his blue eyes darken with a primal devastation.
He’s prey caught in a cage.
You release Grant’s face with an awkward laugh and a shake of your head.
Tom makes his own, very knowing face, and winks.
“You should do that more. Touch him. He could use it.”
Grant clears his throat harshly and blushes, mumbling something about which room number you said they had and that he’ll bring the other bags from the car. He leaves. Tom takes the keys with another wink and a sassy tap on the hardwood.
“Thank ya, ma’am. We appreciate it.”
It’s about twenty minutes later when your pen rolls off the edge of the counter, you find a small duffle left where Grant stood.
“He was joking. It was a joke,” Grant blurts when he finds you standing there to give it back.
You just smile and say Tom isn’t wrong.
“So, if you ever just want a hug…” you mutter, taking a chance to scratch at his bearded chin again. “Not like you’re gonna hurt me.”
He looks back inside, as if seeking permission or checking to make sure his friend is still in the bathroom, singing in the shower.
Grant can’t seem to meet you halfway, but he does inch forward, struggling to word a simple ‘yes.’
The tentative embrace starts with only the top of his chest touching you, bent so his butt is out, no pressure on his hands at your shoulders, so you push a little more and a little more. You get close enough he needs to wrap his arms around you instead. He has to stand straight so his chin doesn’t poke your forehead. He whimpers slightly when your own arms encircle his tiny waist.
A few breaths later, he relaxes into a lovely full-body hug, his rough fingertips on your bare skin where your shirt bunched up. You’re both being human, no more, no less, tangled in simple comfort.
Grant tucks his face into your collarbone suddenly and squeezes, not so hard that it hurts but not gently either. The move tickles you with his beard, your hands pawing up his back as you giggle, and he whines like wounded prey.
“Hey, it’s okay,” you soothe. “I can be here, if you want, to hold. It’s okay.”
That has the opposite effect you intended, knocking him out of some soft reverie and launching him back a foot, a necessary but unwelcome distance.
Grant looks guilty, needy, and resigned as he thanks you for returning the bag and sees you out the door.
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dividers by cafekitsune and firefly-graphics
A/N: This will be the shortest (probably) of all the parts, and yeah, we get into some smuttier moments pretty quickly... Stay tuned!
[Next Part: Sweet Baby]
[Main Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
@supraveng @1950schick @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @yiiiikesmish @ashesofblackroses @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @brandycranby @buckysprettybaby @ellethespaceunicorn @rogersbarber @spectre-posts @bucky-fricking-barnes-reads @fallinallinmendes
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patito-oward · 4 months
First Night
WC: 1.6k
Summary: YN and Pato spend their first night together
Previous Parts: I
me posting?? who is she. i hope you all love please repost if you do 🤍🤍
Pato had arrived at her house the next night to take her out once again. They went on a series of 6 dates in two weeks, and had become quite enamored with each other in that time. YN was hesitant at first, trying to keep her guard up while she waited for the other shoe to drop, but Pato had wormed his way in. It was hard to not let her walls down and let him in when he was so incredibly sweet.
Their second date Pato picked her up in a rented Toyota Corolla which made YN giggle when she saw it. “You actually rented a car to pick me up in?”
“I’m on my third strike and I couldn't risk it.”
Pato knew when he first saw her that she was special, but never expected to fall as hard and as fast as he had. He had come to expect that he was not seen as “boyfriend material” for most women. He knows his schedule and frequent travel doesn’t scream commitment. He had gotten used to a few dates, maybe a couple hookups, and not much more. He tried to convince himself he was okay with that. That the one night stands were fun and he needed to focus on his career anyways, and he was fulfilled by it. It worked– sometimes.
It worked until he’d watch a cheesy romance movie and think about how much he wanted someone to be by his side, or until he had a kid come up so him at a race, a gap in their front teeth and incredibly excited to meet him, and he realized how much he wanted a family of his own.
So he cut off the hookups, because after each one he would be left with this lasting feeling of emptiness, and he’d stopped going on dates for the most part, accepting that his career has prevented him from what he really wanted. If it hadn’t been for Elba’s incessant nagging, he wouldn’t have gone on the date with YN. He’s never been more thankful to have such an annoying older sister.
He invited YN over so he could cook dinner for her, and he was suddenly very nervous about how the night would go. He had tried to plan the perfect night, decorating his table with a large vase of red roses and candles, but as she got closer to arriving he started to doubt himself and wonder if it was too much. He doesn’t want a repeat of their first date where she was clearly overwhelmed.
Before he could think too much about it or change anything, his doorbell rang, and he decided to just try and make the best of the night. The second he opened the door he felt a lot better, she had that effect on him, just seeing her seemed to lower his heart rate and calm him down. She looked absolutely gorgeous in a pair of dark jeans and a cropped sweater.
“Hi!” She greeted him with the sweetest smile and he realized how utterly gone he was for her.
“Hi, you look beautiful.” He kissed the corner of her mouth, a quick gesture but even that made his stomach flip, and moved aside so she could come in.
She had seen his apartment before, but only briefly when he realized he left his phone after he picked her up, and invited her inside. He could tell she was really taking in the place now, the night time made it seem different, softer, the few lights he had on cast a soft glow through the place.
The timer on his phone went off and he headed towards the oven to take out dinner. He made pasta for the night, and it was in the oven to bake the cheese he topped it with. It was when they reached the kitchen that she took note of the dining table.
“Is it too much? I’m sorry if it is; I just wanted tonight to go perfect and I’ve messed it up already.” He started apologizing without her saying anything.
“It’s gorgeous. I can't believe you set this all up and thought I wouldn’t like it.” YN assures him, and kisses him hard trying to show him all of her gratitude.
“I’m glad you like it.”
Dinner is easy, like most things have become between them. YN has never felt so comfortable with someone, and wants to tell him everything. Pato already wants YN to know the deepest parts of him, he wants to learn her inside and out and vice versa.
The thing they’ve taken to talking to most is their families, and they’ve learned so much about each other through that. They both have one sibiling, their best friend, and they’re both extremely close to their families. In a lot of ways YN reminds him of Elba, when she talks about her younger sister he can tell how much he cares for her. She tells him about how she used to watch her sister frequently while her mom worked two jobs to support them. In a sense he feels like he’s met her sister and mother, the way she describes them he can tell there’s so much love between them.
They’ve completely gone through the getting to know you stage, conversations now filled with stories and deep conversations about fears and the future.
After dinner they settle onto the couch, and are scrolling for something to watch. Pato has a large, comfy sectional, but YN has chosen to curl up right against him. It sends a warmth through him, he can smell the mix of her strawberry shampoo and vanilla perfume, and decides it is his new favorite smell. He wraps his arm around her and she leans on his shoulder.
They scroll through netflix and find a baking show to spend the rest of the night watching. It was less about what they were watching for both of them, and more about just being together; however, they both got quite into the show, enjoying watching the competition and judging the bakers themselves.
As the night went on, YN grew pretty drowsy on the couch, and after an episode ended announced, “I should probably head home soon.”
When she sat up, Pato immediately missed the weight of her against him. “Ok, I guess it is getting pretty late.”
She kissed him then, “Thank you for dinner.”
“I’ll make dinner more often if that’s what it gets me.” She laughs at his response and leans in for another kiss.
The kiss quickly deepens, but it’s soft and slow. YN moves herself to be sitting on his lap, knees bracketing his hips. Up until this point they haven’t done anything other than kissing and heavy petting. Pato desperately wanted to know every inch of YN, but knows that if he does what he has always done the results will always be the same. Plus the teasing has been incredibly hot, and he’s willing to wait for her.
When they pull away from each other they’re both a little breathless. Pato can feel his heartbeat in his throat, and is glad the room is dark because he’s sure there’s a pink tint across his face. He speaks before he can stop himself, “Don’t go.”
YN freezes in her spot perched in his lap, “What?”
“I don’t want you to leave. Stay, I’ll sleep on the couch if you want, we don’t have to do anything, just don’t go.” He’s begging at this point, but he really can’t stand the thought of her leaving him.
“You don’t have to sleep on the couch.” She leans in for another kiss, so soft he almost doesn’t feel it.
He gently coaxes her off his lap and leads her to his room. He grabs them both some pajamas from his dresser. He gives her a pair of sweatpants and an arrow mclaren hoodie, remembering that she’d told him she freezes in the night.
He got out an extra toothbrush for her, and showed her where his face wash and medicine was. While she got ready, he got dressed himself. They switched places when she came out of the bathroom.
As she waited for him she looked around his room, not what she expected, but she didn’t really know what she expected. He had a white comforter and sheets on the bed, with black and copper throw pillows. The furniture is black metal and dark wood, giving an industrial but homey vibe to the room.
He leaves the bathroom and YN takes the opportunity to really sink him in. He’s in a pair of grey sweatpants that make her a little crazy, and a tight white long sleeve that hugs his biceps so perfectly she’s drooling.
They climb into his bed together and YN immediately notices his smell enveloping her. He smells woodsy and warm. YN notices that they both climbed into opposite sides without thinking about it, another way they fit so perfectly together.
Pato lays on his back and YN hesitates before curling into his side. He wraps his arms around her shoulder and she entangles her leg with his and rests her hand on his chest, “Is this ok?” She asks him.
He can’t believe she even has to ask because he’s never been better. “Perfect.”
She starts absentmindedly scratching at his chest, and the last thing she remembers before drifting off is Pato kissing her head and whispering, “Buenas noches.”
That was the first of many nights spent together for YN and Pato. Already fallen for each other much more than either was willing to admit. Their souls as intertwined as their legs.
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artandshid · 8 months
Eddie munson crop top... . .. I'm feral for it like foaming out the mouth, please. Maybe the reader sees Eddie at school with a cropped hellfire shirt because it shrunk in the wash. She's in hellfire club but can't focus on anything but Eddie at school. So he asks what's up and she gets all flustered or something like that .
*Hi I changed the context of the crop top a little bitch but I still hope you like it*
You saw your boyfriend before he saw you. He was at his locker putting some books away. It may have seemed silly a few months ago, Eddie Munson with textbooks, yea right, but when you guys started dating, he was motivated to take his education seriously. He wanted to graduate with his girl.
He looks beautiful as always, his hair sitting in sloppy curls that fit him just perfectly, his eyebrows slightly pinched in concentration, he probably didn’t even realize he was doing it, and his soft lips slightly parted. He is so handsome and he doesn’t even know.
But what really caught your attention today, wasn’t your boyfriend’s usual, beautiful features, no it was the shirt he was wearing.
At first you didn’t even notice it, but once you realize, you thought you were for sure drooling.
He was dressed in, what looked like, to be your Hellfire Tshirt. And since it was yours, well, it didn’t exactly fit him right. It was two sizes too small for him and it was obvious. The shirt was too tight, it was hugging his muscular chest so perfectly you can see the outline of his pecs. And it was tight around the arms, too, so you his muscular biceps were being shown off to anyone who paid attention. And whoever wasn’t paying attention was missing quite the show in your opinion. But no, what really did it for you was the length of the shirt. It was short. So short that you can see his semi-toned stomach and his happy trail. God it turned you on so much.
“He probably doesn’t even know what he’s doing” you think and shake your head.
Finally he notices you and gives you a bright wide smile and kisses you on the forehead.
“There’s my girl, how are you today lovely?” He asks sincerely. Looking right into your eyes.
That’s something you love so dearly about him, he always means his questions. He doesn’t ask for the pleasantries, he asks because he truly fucking cares.
But right now, you’re so focused on his attire that you can hardly formulate thoughts, let alone words.
“M-my morning was g-great, how was yours babe?” You ask stuttering and looking at the ground, knowing that you’re getting more turned on by the second and knowing you can’t do anything because you’re at school.
He looks at you strangely because of your response, but chooses to ignore it right now. “My morning was hectic, I woke up late and only had about 10 minutes to get ready for school, I had to choose between eating or brushing my teeth, and I think you’ll be glad to know that I chose to brush my teeth,” He teases with fake pride, “Oh! I also completely wore the wrong shirt, as I’m sure you’ve already noticed, which I appreciate you not saying anything, I’m a wee bit embarrassed by it, but I thought it was mine, but it’s obviously yours, by the time I realized it was too late for me to change.” He says, but then he takes noticed if your flushed cheeks and dilated pupils and he thinks he knows why.
“Y-yeah I noticed, I think you totally r-rock it though.” Y/n says, but Eddie heard her trail off at the end and he smirks to himself. He knew when his girl was turned on, and his girl was soaking through her panties right now, he could practically smell it.
He decided to mess around with her a little bit, knowing that he has the upper hand, which doesn’t usually happen, especially when you have a girlfriend as hot as y/n, usually he’s the one that’s a flustered mess.
“Are you okay love? You’re acting a little goofy.” He says as he trails his finger tips up her side, to her forehead, feigning ignorance as he tries to play it off as checking her temperature. He hears her breath hitch.
“E-eddie, I’m fine, we should hurry though, I-I don’t wanna be late for class.” Y/n says still not making direct eye contact with him.
“I really don’t think you should go, you’re acting strange, how about this, we skip first period and come back for the second class, since we have it together anyways.” He says.
“Where will we go Eddie?” He doesn’t miss that tone in her voice. He doesn’t even think she realizes she has that seductive tone, too horny to control it. It’s also the first time she makes eye contact with him today and he didn’t realize how dark her normally blue iris’s were. God he can’t wait to have her alone.
“Let’s go out in my van and just talk. Have an easy morning.” He says and he can practically see the gears going in her head, knowing that she will finally get some relief.
They’re out and in the van and Eddie says, “What’s got you so flustered today?” Looking deep in her eyes and tracing hearts around her arm.
Finally in their own private space, Y/n is able to gather her thoughts. “Eddie, that shirt is so fucking hot, you don’t even have a clue do you.”
He smirks at her. “Well I didn’t until you were tumbling over your words and blushing at the mention of my attire.”
She scoffs, “Oh so this whole skipping first period was just a ploy to get me out here in the van.” She bites her lip and Eddie can already feel himself getting hard.
“Don’t act like you didn’t need this baby.” He says and leans in for a kiss which she happily returns.
It gets heated quickly and his tongue is down her throat within seconds.
Y/n quickly maneuvers herself to get on Eddie’s lap, as she’s grinding on his dick, she can feel him getting hard, both of their jeans getting in the way of the friction they’re both now craving.
Eddie moans in her mouth at the movement and she pulls away slightly, “Eddie we should move to the back.”
Eddie starts kissing down her neck. “Why what do we need the extra space for?” He says cockily.
She doesn’t have it in her to play his game, she just knows how badly she needs him right now, “Eddie, please.”
He smirks and a few moments later they find themselves in the back of the van, resuming their previous position.
Y/n pulls her lips from Eddie’s mouth to kiss and suck along his collar bone.
Eddie’s a moaning and panting mess, he’s at full mass right now and his jeans have never been more uncomfortable.
“Oh fuck, y/n baby, I need you so bad.” He moans out loud, and my god his moans are so pretty.
“Oh no, you tricked me out here, at least let me have my fun.” And he’s once again a whimpering mess.
She continues to grind against his dick and finally, she starts kissing at the hem of the shirt. Right where his stomach begins to poke out. He could feel her leaving hickies that will for sure be showing by the time they get back into the school.
She looks up at him just as she pokes her tongue out to lick at the start of his happy trail.
Seeing her like this makes him crazy and he thinks he might cum right in his pants.
He moans again, “Jesus fuck y/n” He moans out as he grabs her hair into a makeshift pony tail. “You’re so fucking good to me baby, so pretty when you’re like this, fuck” He moans out again.
Y/n let’s out a slight chuckle of triumph and begins unbuttoning his jeans. She does it so agonizingly slow.
She slips his jeans off of him and goes back up to his boxer covered dick, which is now standing at full height. She sees the wet spot on his boxers from the precum and she lets out a slight moan, one that does not go missed by Eddie.
She palms his dick though his underwear, “All of this for me? Fuck Eddie, you’re too good to me too.” She says as she kisses his tip through his boxers and Eddie’s hips jolt upward.
He’s a moaning mess, and y/n is positive that she could see a tear forming in his eyes, “Y/n baby please, i’m begging you. I need you to take me.”
“You want me to take you? In my mouth? Right now?” She says mockingly.
He sobs out, “y/n please.” He says and he reaches for the hem of his shirt to take it off, he was so turned on he felt like it was suffocating him.
But y/n stopped him before he could go any further, “leave the shirt on Eddie.” She says seriously, still palming him. He simply nods his head and looks into her, now black with lust eyes.
Within the next few moments, y/n was able to successfully removes his boxers and was now taking Eddie’s thick long cock in her mouth.
He sits up to watch because he loves seeing her like this, he grabs a handful of her hair and ruts up into her mouth, “oh fuck yeah hun, just like that, God you take me so fucking good.”
y/n moans around his dick and looks up at him through her thick eyelashes. Even with her mouth full of his veiny cock, he’s sure he can see a slight smirk on her face.
He jolts up again and she gags when his dick hits the back of her mouth. The blowjob is sloppy and she has spit spilling out on both sides of her mouth.
Eddie’s not sure how much longer he can last, so he quickly pulls her head off and flips her around so that she’s laying down in the back of his van.
He looks down at her and smirks, she’s a heaving, sweaty mess. And he can’t wait to get inside of her.
He takes off her shirt and kisses the top of both her boobs that were still covered in her lacy black bra. He loves the bra and the contrast of the color against her skin so it stays on, at least for today.
He kisses down her stomach similar to how she did to him before and traces his finger tips along her sides, giving her goosebumps.
She wriths beneath him and he’s not sure how much more she can take before she starts begging for it, but if he’s being completely honest, he wants her to beg for it.
He unbuttons her jeans and slips them down and he can see the wet patch in her pink panties.
“Jesus H. Christ, this wet over a shirt?” He says condescendingly at he blows on her covered pussy.
“No, I’m this wet over my extremely sexy boyfriend in said shirt.” She says smartly.
He chuckles and placed a kiss on her stomach. No matter how horny, give her the opportunity and she’ll be a smart ass.
He pulls her underwear down to reveal her pink, wet cunt and he licks his lips.
“So fucking beautiful” He says and traces his tongue up her slit.
She lets out the most pornographic moan that only encourages Eddie further.
He sucks on her clit and laps at her wetness until she is a moaning mess.
However, he wants her to beg for his cock. He wants her to prove how horny she really is for his crop top.
He shoves two fingers into her cunt and starts nipping and licking at her inner thighs. “Tell me what you need baby” He eggs her on.
She moans beneath him and juts up into his fingers.
“You have to use your words honey.” He says with a smirk and looks up at her.
She lets out a frustrated groan, but finally gives into his game, “Eddie I need your cock so fucking bad, please”
He shifts her around on her hand and knees, both of their favorite position, and he shoves his dick deep inside of her tight cunt.
They both let out a moan at the feeling, she could feel him hitting the spots that she needed him to and he could feeling her tightness ready to milk him at any second.
He’s pounding into her from the back with both hands gripping her ass and they’re both a moaning mess.
He could feel his orgasm approaching when she says, “Let me get on top, I wanna fuck you while watching you wear my shirt.”
He thinks he can cum right now if she asked, but eventually they maneuver until she’s on top and he’s looking up at his goddess of a girlfriend.
Her strong thighs are allowing her to move roughly and quickly on his dick and he watches as her tits bounce in her bra and her head is thrown back in pleasure.
He reaches up to cup her boobs and he thrusts his hips to match her pace, making their fucking harder and rougher.
“Oh fuck baby, you ride my cock so fucking good, you’re such a fucking good girl.” She moans out at this dirty talk and he knows that she’s close, so he keeps egging her on.
“Keep going baby, just like that, fucking princess, taking my cock so good in your tight little cunt. You fucking love every second of this. You know what you do to me.” He pulls her bra down so that her nipples are released and he pinched them roughly.
Apparently this is all it took for her cum, because next thing he knows she’s a moaning mess on top of him and he can see her juices flowing out around his cock.
The erotic image of his girlfriend orgasming is enough to send him over the edge and the next thing he knows is that he’s gripping his girlfriend roughly by the hips and fucking hard into her.
He moans out as he shoots his first cum rope into her pussy, but she hops off and finishes him off with her hands.
He watches as the last three ropes shoots up onto y/n’s stomach. It gets all over her hands and some even makes it in her face.
“Oh holy fuck, baby that was the biggest orgasm you ever had.” She says to him with a giggle as she starts playing with the cum in her hand. He moans at the sight of his girlfriend doing this, but he wants to see something else.
“Show me your cunt.” He says out of breath and she sits back and spreads her legs, where he can see her pink pussy glistening with both of their cum.
“Fuck you’re so fucking sexy y/n” He says as he leans forward to kiss her and lick away whatever cum got on her face.
She giggles at the feeling and kisses him back.
“I love you much y/n.” Eddie’s says sincerely.
“I love you, too Eddie, you should wear my shirts more often.” She replies out of breath and they both laugh.
“Where’s that blanket, we need to get cleaned up and get to class.” Y/n says and Eddie rolls his eyes playfully.
“Whatever you say princess.” He says with a wink
They walk back into the school together, hand-in-hand. Just in time for their second period class with Mr. Jameson.
Unfortunately still, Eddie doesn’t have another shirt to wear, and now he has hickies scattered all around his torso, so more people were talking now than they were before, but funnily enough Eddie wasn’t so embarrassed of the shirt anymore.
As they walk into the classroom, Mr. Jameson, looks Eddie up and down in disgust while their classmates talked in whispers behind their hands.
“Mr. Munson, don’t you think your attire today is highly inappropriate?” Mr. Jameson asks.
“My girl doesn’t think so.” Eddie says with a smirk.
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hbyrde36 · 9 months
STWG Drabble 9/30/23
Prompt: Drunk talk
It was 2am, and Steve was sitting on the kitchen floor huddled around the phone, gripping the handset like it was a lifeline. It only rang twice before Robin picked up. She'd begged her parents to install an extra phone line in her room after Starcourt, and they gave in quickly once they realized it was either that, or getting woken up regularly by middle of the night panicked phone calls from the boy their daughter swore she wasn’t dating. Her parents didn’t know what had really happened to the two kids, just that whatever it was had left them with a lot of trauma and a little bit of codependency, but they loved their daughter, so they did what they could to make her happy.
“Steve?” Robin yawned his name into the phone, a hint of concern coloring her voice even though she was only half awake.
“Robbi-” Steve choked out through a sob that was punctuated with a hiccup. “I thhhink I fuccked up.”
“Are you drunk?” She asked, sounding a little more awake.
Steve snapped his fingers, pointing as if she was in the room with him. “Guessed it’n one.” He slurred a little, sniffling as he tried to speak. It was a wonder she understood him at all.
“Jesus, how much did you have? Wait, weren’t you and Eddie supposed to be hanging out tonight?”
“Oh Eddie” Steve sighed dramatically. “Eddie, he wasss here, he..oh god.. Robin I fuuucked up so bad - e’s never going to tttalk to me again.”
“What happened?” She asked.
Steve cleared his throat and took a few deep breaths. Trying hard to sober himself up.
“We were drinking.” He managed the three words with much less slurring than before, he thought Robin should be impressed.
She wasn’t.
“Don’ be mean, i’m upset!” Steve groaned.
“Sorry, go on.”
“And I knew I shouldn’t have let myself drink so much but I did and god, Robin, he looked so hot!” Steve rambled on. “He had his hair up and a crop top on and I couldn’t help myself…. I all but sat on his lap when we decided to watch a movie.”
“I’m failing to see the issue here. You were flirting with him, so what? You like him, he likes you.”
“We don’t know that!” Steve hissed.
“We do know that! And I've been telling you to ask him out for weeks!.”
Steve hesitated, a little of his old panic rising in his chest. “I…i wasn’t ready.”
Robin’s tone softend. “That’s okay, you’re allowed to not be ready.”
“I think I am now, but…” He trailed off.
“Okay, so what’s the problem?”
“Eddie kissed me.” Steve said simply, as if that explained everything. In fairness to his booze soaked mind, it did.
“I’m gonna need you to elaborate, babe.”
“I freaked out, Robin! I freaked out and he thought I was freaking out because I didn't want him to kiss me, but really I was freaking out because I like him so much, and the kiss! Oh, the kiss was amazing. I had no idea that kissing could feel like that, but then I panicked because - what if I mess it up, Robin? What if I mess up with Eddie like I did with Nancy? I don’t know if I could survive that again.”
Robin was quiet for a long moment before she said anything.
“Shit, Steve. Do you…feel the same way about him as you did about Nance?”
“I think I do, Robs, I think I'm in love with him, but it doesn’t matter because I already ruined it.”
“Is that true?”
Steve’s heart sank as a deep voice sounded behind him.
He heard Robin suck in a breath on the other end of the line. He looked up, already knowing what he would find. Sure enough, Eddie was standing in the doorway to the kitchen, jacket on and keys still in hand. How long had he been standing there? Did he come back, or had he never left?
“Is that..?” Robin started to ask, but Steve cut her off. “Yeah, it is, um. I gotta go, I'll call you tomorrow.” He hung up before she could respond, never taking his eyes off the boy in the doorway.
Steve gulped audibly. “How much of that did you hear?”
Eddie shuffled his feet, looking nervous. It wasn’t something Steve was used to seeing on the other boy, he usually exuded confidence.
“I guess that depends.” Eddie replied.
“How much of it did you mean?”
“All of it.” Steve answered quickly, eager to fix the mess he’d made of things.
Eddie pressed his lips together in a thin line, thinking. “Are you sure it’s not just because you’re drunk and sad?” He said, finally.
“If you stay, I'll say it again in the morning.”
Eddie smiled and shook his head. He walked over and sat down on the floor next to Steve, taking his hand and entwining their fingers. “What a line, Stevie.”
Steve ducked his head. “I’m sorry I freaked out.”
Eddie raised their clasped hands to his mouth and pressed his lips to the back of Steve’s fingers.
“I’m sorry too. I left and didn’t give you the chance to explain. I got into my van and even started it, but I couldn't leave. I didn’t want to run anymore. I came back inside so we could talk about it. I hoped you would forgive me for kissing you and we could still be friends.”
“I don’t want to be just friends, Eddie. Can we try the kiss again?”
Eddie squeezed his hand and stood up, pulling Steve along with him.
“Let’s get you to bed, and if you feel the same way in the morning I would be happy to have a do-over.”
Steve pouted but allowed Eddie to lead him out of the kitchen and up the stairs to his bedroom.
“Don’t pout, baby. You’re really drunk, and it would feel too much like I was taking advantage of you. Let’s just go to sleep, I promise I'll still be here in the morning.”
“Will you sleep in here with me if I swear to keep my hands to myself?” Steve asked.
Eddie usually slept on the couch or the guest room when he stayed over. Steve had always hated it, but he had never been brave enough to ask Eddie to stay with him until now.
Eddie chuckled. “Yea, Stevie. I’ll stay with you.”
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cookie-crumblr · 2 months
✨My Dastardly Villain~✨
F!Hero Reader x M!Villain Yan OC
Part 1~
His Info: 💰✨
Part 1 _ Next Part>>>
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CW: F!Reader, reader has a vagina, reader referred to as she/her, general violence, reader drinks alcohol, reader’s alia’s is Solar (powers include teleportation, and fire control), dub con (both parties are tipsy), explicit language, reader has tits, unprotected sex- I HAD SO MUCH FUN WITH THIS ONE GAIS I LOVE KAI I HOPE U DO 2 🙈✨, P IN V, oral on ML, umm like slight bdsm if you squint i think… and i think that’s it!
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Song rec: Bop it up! by the marias
Anything in This Colour happened in the past:
An explosion inside the bank sends ripples of vibrations through the streets of New York City.
“He’s just so destructive! It’s so lame! and counterproductive,” You take a long hard swig of your drink.
He nods along with your complaints, enthusiastic as he listens.
The dive bar is full of greasy food, and even greasier patrons. it’s the perfect hole in the wall place to escape.
You’re conversing with a handsome man that’s wearing a black crop top and some grey washed jeans with silver chains decorating every inch of him. Though you have to admit your eyes are dying to see underneath all that.
You snap one of the villain, Sobek’s, obvious traps as you enter the bank.
“Oh my gods!” He responds, “What an absolute asshole! My own co worker is always getting in my way and trying to mess with my process!” He groans while rolling his eyes.
A orb of water whizzes past your head, you look up and find Sobek with a person hovering above the ground, only their lower half in the bubble so they don’t drown, but gods does it look uncomfy hanging there! “SOBEK!!” You roar! “Put that person down!”
“She’s always telling me what to do, like she knows what’s best!” He takes his turn with a swig of his fruity cocktail, but it makes him grimace.
You giggle at his obvious distaste for alcohol. “These idiots we work with really suck.” You say, trying to hold in any stray laughs.
“I’ll toast to that,” He holds up his glass, swaying a little as he does.
“Woah there sailor, someone’s a little tipsy” You reach up to take his glass and fall over onto him.
Catching himself, and you, on the edge of the bar, he says, “You sure you’re not?” and laughs, it’s such a beautiful and honest laugh, all the sounds of the drink machines rumbling and patrons’ boisterous voices fade as only his laughter filters through your ears.
You’re hyper focused on just him now, noticing how soft his hand is on your arm. You admire the way his big veins bulge under his dark skin as they run over the flexed muscles of his forearm.
He looks like a swimmer with some resistance training. you had been admiring his exposed belly for a while… And now you’re touching every ridge of taught muscle, you can’t help but glide your hand down the washboard, you tug on his silver chain that lays lazily over his hips.
You feel hot, and forget to breathe while still leaning over top of him. You hear him sigh out practically in your ear! You didn’t realize just how close you two actually are!
“Ah, um… Sorry, I-I guess I must be pretty tipsy…”You push yourself up, using his thigh… every part of him is so solid, like bricks of gold beneath your weight.
You’re both well over your limits, it would be a bad idea.
His dark brown eyes enrapture you, so full of lust and life, and vigor. He wants you too.
It’s such a bad idea…
“I-I should go,” as you pull away from him, his hand remains loosely floating in the air, lingering where it held you. He doesn’t move to chase you.
You stumble home feeling like you’re floating. You keep thinking about his eyes, how deep and warm they were…
No! stop thinking about him! You missed your chance, don’t go fantasizing now! At least not when you’re outside your nice comfy bed.
Once in your apartment you hurry, stripping as you cross the living room. You slip on some night clothes and go to brush your teeth when you start thinking about him again…
*Pop* you’re teleported from your bathroom to somewhere else, randomly, again!
Shit! This keeps happening! You have the power to teleport, sure… But you can’t control it!
And now you’re even more dizzy as the world spins from the drinks earlier.
As you calm down from your instantaneous, and unexpected jump in space, and grab your head, you start to look around the room…
You’re in a stranger’s bathroom! and the guy from earlier is now right in front of you!
He’s in a loosely held towel, hung low around his hips.He’s still wearing that little waist chain and your eyes linger. That perfect V just in your peripherals but you’re frozen to the spot, staring right at the center of his hips.
“um… Welcome to my place…?” In utter confusion, he stretches up and messes with his hair.
Oh gods… When he lifts his arm over his head, his muscles all over his body just—
You’re still just standing there, staring!
“S-sorry! I don’t know how this keeps happening!” You finally thaw and cover your face while spinning to give him privacy.
“You keep teleporting into people’s bathrooms when theyre naked!?”
“N-No!! i’m not— I’m not some pervert!! I just… Can’t control when or where I teleport—s-sometimes…”
He laughs, “Huh, sure.” He’s not convinced, but he’s not upset by the development, “well… Now that you’re back, wanna… Pick up where we left off?” He tries to sound cool, but he’d be lying if he wasn’t just scared shitless when a random person teleported to his sacred space without any warning.
However, he’d also be lying if he said he was anything but excited with who it turned out to be.
“And…” You look over your shoulder at him through your lashes, “Where did we leave off?”
There is fluttering in your stomach, maybe it’s the alcohol but… Nope. It’s really not. He’s just magnetic.
“you had your hands all over me,” he says with a shit eating grin.
Your skin alights, it’s burning hot and not because of your fire powers. You feel this heat.
“You also had more clothes on…” You say coyly.
“Just get over here,” he commands, which you follow promptly.
“Can I?” You ask a little shyly, hovering your fingers just over the promise lands of his body.
“Be my guest,” He smiles down at you, bringing his arm down so he can caress your cheek. His skin smells so sweet, like almonds.
You put your hand on his chest before sliding it down, swallowing hard as it gets lower and lower… Over that waist chain, and tugging on it, when it’s at its limit it flies back up and tickles him. his belly flexes inward a little under your still roaming hand.
Your eyes follow, wide and filled with wonder at his prospects. He hesitates before letting the towel fall to the floor.
Youre still looking him over when you realize youre still somewhat covered.
You start to strip, dragging it out just a little as you do.
First slipping off the shorts under your big top, holding them up and dropping them next to the discarded towel. Keeping eye contact with your mouth slightly agape, ready and wanting.
You pick up the edges of your top and roll it up a little before you pull it up over your head.
Once undressed you step closer, and reach up around his neck, you feel his hot and hard dick rub against your belly and whine because it’s not already in you.
You jump up and wrap your legs around his waist, he catches you without a problem, and feeling that thing under you is like being on a -very hot- cloud.
You’re both smiling like dorks, and colliding lips and smashing teeth alike, you can’t get enough of eachother and you haven’t even felt eachother yet.
He pushes you up against a wall first, tongue roaming your panting and open mouth, feeling every one of your ticklish little spots. Your soft sounds come out a higher pitch as he continues to torment you.
His massive hands are on your ass, digging in and spreading your cheeks, wishing that they could explore your body further still, but loving the squish of every kneed while they stay.
He groans ravenously in your ear, as he pulls you off the wall and sits you on the counter instead. His head moves down your front and drapes a leg over his shoulder. He’s peppering little kisses and nips all the way down. You’re breathing is becoming ragged, and he’s mesmerized by the way your tits move as your lungs fill up and empty.
“You’re so hot,” He spreads your lips with his thumb and presses his molten tip to your opening.
“Oh my gods!” You whine excitedly!
When he pushes into you he does so slowly and backs out every centimeter or so to push back in further, oh the effect is maddening! “Y-you Liar,” You moan.
“pfff what!?” He bottoms out while scoffing.
“About being shy!” You say before he pulls out to pound into you once and thrashes your whole body, sending a shockwave through you. You grab onto his shoulders fast! “OoooOh!” You whimper.
“C’mon, you’re not gonna finish on me already are you?” He smiles something fierce, that has you clenching, “If i see a ring before i say, you’re getting punished.”
“N-no! i didn’t agree to that!” You complain, before he smacks your clit, making you jump and whine harder. You think you just came, you’re squeezing and fluttering inside but the build up didn’t stop! and, oh shit…
“I didn’t say you could yet,” He tsks, and picks your other leg up putting that one over his other shoulder.
You feel so stretched, and he can reach so much deeper~ “Ah~!” gasps and moans leave you lips in a melody that he wants to put on repeat.
Knocking on the door startles you, but he keeps pounding into you, “Kai Mallory! You better not be doing what it sounds like you’re doing in OUR bathroom!”
“Shit.” He pulls out after a minute of hard debating.
“Who’s that?” You whisper.
“My mom…” He groans and wipes off his face.
He helps you down off the counter. and you both get cleaned up and decent before opening the bathroom door, heads down in shame.
“Sorry mom”
“I did not raise you like this!” She pinches his ear to bring him down to her level. “You’re lucky your sister isn’t home!”
You try to hold in any giggles, but it’s kinda cute funny seeing such a big tough guy let his mom do whatever.
She relents and walks away, before turning back and holding up two fingers to her eyes, and pointing them at you both in a “i’m watching you” motion.
“Sorry about that,”
“It’s all good! I didn’t know you lived at home!” or his name! “Kai.” You sigh it out.
“Come with me, I at least have my own room” He laughs a little embarrassedly.
His palm is warm in your own, you let him lead you down the hall.
His room is nice and clean! and he has a bed frame!!! score!
He lays down and pats the bed next to him.
“I can help you with your teleportation problem,” He’s laying with his eyes closed and his arms behind his head. “If you want…”
“Really!? You’re super?” You climb onto the bed but stay near his waist.
“N-no! definitely not!” he bolts back up.
“Kai…?” Your body is still so hot, and he didn’t get to finish…
“C-can I help you finish?” You ask, your hands timidly pawing at his shorts.
“um, yes. is that even a question? hah!”
You pull his short band down and his dick flings out already hard, it looks so painful… His slit pulses as his cock twitches, and leaks some pre.
“So big…” You put your tongue to his wet tip, it still tastes like you. You groan against it, and his hips roll just barely.
His stomach sinks in as he breathes and becomes more excited.
You wanted to play with him a little more but you both just want to cum, you start to play with yourself as you take him into your throat.
You relax it as best as you can but your still gagging around his length.
“You okay?” He asks sweetly.
You hold up a thumbs up “mmhmm~” and bob your head on his dick. As you pull back your head tilts up putting more pressure underneath his cock and as you go back down your head tilts down to give it that pleasurable pause all while his head and glands get sucked and taken so deeply.
You’re massaging him with your tongue and tasting him, and you’re both so excited.
Your fingers spin on your clit and as you cum for the second time that night, so does he.
“mmf!!!” Your throat is filled with a tsunami of cum, you swallow and swallow but there’s still more! some seeps out of your lips around him, you try to lick it up, but he’s already seen. He grabs your jaw in his palm, your mouth still around his dick.
“You let some out…” he wipes your chin with his thumb.
As you stare up into his eyes, you swallow again and realize he’s still hard.
“What’s your name?” he asks, with a dorky smile on his face, and his cock still down your throat.
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watchmegetobsessed · 2 years
A/N: a little something to set off this year's halloween🎃 though i plan to post another fic too tomorrow!
SUMMARY: You change your mind about your halloween costume last minute because you fear Harry might find it too revealing, but he thinks otherwise.
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With a longing sigh you take one last look of the costume you intended to wear tonight before showing it into your closet and changing your mind for good. Your original costume was awesome and you knew you’d have gotten tons of compliments as a sexy Willy Wonka, but you might have one a little overboard with the sexy part. You found the perfect red velvet coat in a thrift store in the summer and you knew you had to buy it for Halloween and later you opted for a very tiny black dress underneath. Very. Tiny. It shows a great amount of cleavage and your butt is barely covered too, but you thought the coat would cover everything necessary. You would have paired it all with a pair of thigh high boots and you ordered a wig, the hat and the iconic pair of glasses too to top it all off.
But things have changed since the summer, you were single back then, ready to make jaws drop at the Halloween frat party, but September came with an unexpected turn.
You started dating Harry Styles. The most wanted man on campus.
You’re still unsure how you ended up scoring the guy every girl drools after in school, but he is yours, you’re happier than ever and you don’t want to mess it up with anything. Like dressing too slutty for a party and causing a scene when guys catcall you for wearing such a tiny dress. Harry hasn’t given you any reason to think he would flip, but you just don’t want to risk it. Fratboys tend to be a tad bit too territorial when it comes to girlfriends, you’ve seen it yourself last year when Thomas Welsh dragged his girlfriend out of a party when he saw her walk into the room in a tight and cropped tanktop. Everyone heard them fight outside, Thomas was seeing red, accusing poor girl with straight up wanting to cheat on him in front of his eyes.
You are definitely not trying to go through the same thing, so Willy Wonka is ditched.
When Harry texts you that he is just about five minutes away from your dorm, you’ve just finished getting ready. Since you changed your mind about the costume so last minute, you didn’t have time to put together a killer second one so you ended up with a basic Wednesday Adams costume, since you had everything for that in your wardrobe already. It looks fine, the braids look actually cute on you, but you still feel bitter about not being Willy Wonka.
There’s a knock on your door and you rush to open it. Harry is standing there, leaning against the doorframe in his sparkly Elton John LA Dodgers outfit that you helped him pick out. He looks amazing and it’s the first time you see him with the glasses on. The fit is on point for sure.
He is smirking brightly when you open the door, but when he sees you, confusion takes over his expression as he walks in.
“What happened?” he asks, taking a long look at your outfit.
“What do you mean?”
“You said you’d be Willy Wonka. What happened to that?”
You open your mouth to tell him you never told him you’d be Willy Wonka, but then you realize that you actually did. On your first date.
And he remembered.
“Um… That didn’t work out,” you shrug, playing it off as you gather your phone and purse so you can leave. Or you at least try to, because Harry takes your hands, empties them and pulls you to your bed.
“Why don’t you want to wear the Willy Wonka costume, babe? You seemed so excited about it earlier.”
“How do you even remember? I briefly mentioned it on our first date,” you huff, trying to change the subject sneakily.
“I remember everything about you,” he grins, tapping a finger on your nose. “Now tell me, what happened to the costume? Did it get ruined or something?”
“Nothing. It’s still fine in my closet,” you mumble.
“So then why aren’t you wearing it?”
“Can we just move on, please? You don’t like my Wednesday costume?”
“I like it, but you clearly don’t.”
You groan as you roll your eyes. You hate how persistent he is, but it’s also one of his best traits. He doesn’t slack, he doesn’t try to avoid anything.
“The dress is… kinda revealing. Or more like… slutty,” you admit, looking anywhere but at his handsome face. “I don’t want you to get frustrated when other guys comment on it.”
He stays silent then, for so long that you look at him at last only to see him smiling at you. That’s not the reaction you were expecting, at all.
“Wear the costume, Y/N.”
“What? Didn’t you hear me?” you ask with wide eyes.
“I did,” he nods.
“I said my dress is slutty. I mean, really! It’s short, tight and my boobs are on display,” you repeat, elaborating on the details, but he is still smirking cheekily at you.
“Now I just want to see you in it even more. Wear the costume, babe.”
“You’re not gonna… make a scene if someone says something dirty?”
“I know how to fight,” he shrugs nonchalantly. “They can look all they want, I’m fine with that, but I’ll just throw punches if they make you uncomfortable. Easy as it is.”
“You’re not gonna turn into the green eyed monster if you see someone staring at my boobs or legs?”
“As long as they are just looking, I think I’ll be fine. I will look too,” he adds with a chuckle. “I’m a pretty calm dude. I’ll only act if I feel like you’re in danger.”
You’re speechless. Completely.
Any guy you know would have flipped and turned into a cavemen while Harry is just sitting there, smiling calmly at you. It starts to sink in for real that you’ve hit the jackpot with him.
But you kinda already knew that.
Leaning in you press a big, sloppy kiss to his lips before jumping up from the bed to change. Harry makes himself comfortable on your bed, scrolling on his phone and you tell him to cover his eyes before you put on your costume and do the last touches.
“Ready?” you ask him, striking a pose in front of him as he sits with his hand over his eyes.
“Absolutely,” he grins.
“Okay, you can look.”
He moves his hand and his eyes land on you. His mouth hangs open as he runs his gaze up and down your body over and over again.
“What do you think?” you ask, fixing your hat, giving him a twirl. He is just staring at you, not saying a word and as the moments pass by silently, you get scared the dress is too much after all and he has changed his mind. “I-I can change back if—“
“No, no, no!” he jumps up from the bed, walking over to you. “Don’t change!”
“But you seem… shocked. You don’t like it?” you nervously ask as his hands find their way to your waist, pulling you against him.
“I love it, babe. I just… I have never wanted to have sex with Willy Wonka, so it’s a surprise to me,” he admits, making you laugh.
“It’s not too much? Are you sure you’re fine with me wearing it?”
“You can wear anything you want. I told you,” he smirks. “I know how to fight.”
He kisses you as his arms tighten around you and the two of you get carried away pretty fast, especially when he realizes just how easily he can get under your dress with this skirt length.
“Mm, wait, we’re already awfully late,” you remind him between kisses.
“But Mrs. Wonka, I won the golden ticket!” he whines playfully.
“I will show you around the chocolate factory later, okay?” you giggle, stealing a few more kisses before peeling him off of you.
“Will I get a taste too, if I’ll be a good boy tonight?” he cheekily asks, following you out of the room.
“Of course. I’ll give you my sweetest treats,” you grin at him.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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uunromanticized · 7 months
Hi! Could I request a Luka x female tomboy, introverted reader. Like she's quiet most of the time and does great in school, but everyone knows better than to mess with her! Even chole. But with shitty mental health and general trauma. But always acts ok and is really funny? Thx!
home | luka couffaine
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𝒅𝒐 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒆?
cw: angst, mentions of panic attacks, apologetic reader, mentions of forced positivity, hurt with comfort, luka couffaine is observant
word count: 683
author’s notes: i played a bit into the shitty mental health aspect bcs i wanted to write angst with comfort at the end erm. i hope you enjoy 😭
it’s easy to live life with your head down. a neutral face while your inner self feels waves of hurt inside of a sea of emptiness. sometimes, though, it gets overwhelming. the sea crashes down with an intent to drown.
tears already dried on soft skin, leaving only the feeling of emptiness. staring off, the feeling in your chest worsened when you realized just what time it was and that you almost had to meet up with your boyfriend. you loved him to death, but currently you were also thinking of death.
begrudgingly, you rolled out of bed to get changed. you didn’t have the energy to do much, but you tried for your boyfriend. you kept it simple and to a more laidback style; jeans with a simple top with a cropped jacket. not the most high effort, but not obviously low effort, either.
you weren’t an obviously cheery person, it didn’t show on your face much; at least not in public. so maybe that’s why you could see the furrow in your boyfriends brow when you gave a big smile while walking up to him. mentally slapping yourself to being so obvious, you quickly lowered your smile a bit.
“hey, luka!”
did you sound a bit too.. off? probably, maybe he wouldn’t notice. but luka noticed everything. he takes a mental note before smiling softly at you; a serene smile, the one that usually makes you feel so fuzzy inside.
“hey, (y/n).”
he reached his hand out towards you, and there was a slight hesitation in your movement before putting your own in his. electricity courses through your veins when you touch him.
the sounds at the restaurant were so overbearing. it was too loud, and you could hear the lights buzzing. you could barely hear your own boyfriend talking to you, coming up with half-hearted answers to what you could comprehend him saying.
“hold on- i’ll be.. right back, babe-“ you quickly stumbled through your words before rushing outside for air, needing to get out of there if only for five minutes.
ducking behind an alley, legs giving in and sinking to the dirty ground, you can’t choke back the sob that came out of your lips. the waves are finally at their worst, enough to knock even the sturdiest person down and down again.
“love?” luka’s voice came shortly after, full of never ending concern. you’re barely able to muffle another sob before looking over in his direction and putting on another smile “i’m over here.”
“is everything okay?” he’s looking you up and down for any sign of something, while you nod your head softly. “yeah- i’m okay, i just needed to step out for a second-“ the second that sentence ends, your brain short circuits as you realize that he’s here, which means nobody’s inside, which means you effectively ruined your date.
“shit- sorry, oh, i’m so sorry luka- i’m so sorry i ruined our date.” a spill of apologies leave your lips as you hear him walking closer before he puts a finger to your lips. “shh, it’s okay, i wanted to come out.”
luka never failed to tell you the words that you needed to hear whenever you’re like this. the affirmation that you need, even if he didn’t know it. luka couffaine was so good at saying things at the right time. those loving words just made everything spill over, with you bursting into tears.
quickly holding you to his chest, he hushed you gently. he hushed you kindly. he hushed you lovingly. he felt like the warm sun, while you felt like the cold moon. but maybe it was okay to revel in that warmth.
“can we go home?” you whispered. you didn’t live together. “yours or mine?” he spoke, gently as though you were a deer caught in headlights. when he lifted you into his arms bridal style, you fell in love again. “ours.” you spoke, you didn’t know what that meant. you just knew that you were at home around him. luka couffaine was your home.
“okay, let’s go home.”
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girlgerard · 2 years
audience member at ATL confirming your tags on that picture of her :) she was soooooo nervous but at some point just Let Go and it was so life changing i cried in the car on the way home in complete silence
i searched my inbox just to find this ask because i just watched the recording of the alpharetta show and oh my fucking god. they were so nervous. they kept tugging the crop top down and their belt up and shaking their hands. they messed up the first verse of foundations, literally their opening they completely sang the wrong lines in this tiny quiet voice. they looked terrified. but you’re so right as soon as they settled and realized everyone loved how they looked they started running around and raising their arms above their head and belting like their life depended on it oh fuck. the fact that they can feel held in an environment we make up.
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kekaki-cupcakes · 10 months
Yoooooo still curious and excited anon here!
Could I please request for a Jason Grace meeting and falling in love at first sight with a “bad girl/punk” demigod at camp half blood?
Bad girl in the sense of like rebellious, chaotic, the kind with motorcycles and black leather jackets and so if it explains the vibes better?
Idk it would be like fun ‘cause Jason is kinda the good boy of the group.
And idk he reminds me of a golden retriever.
Idk I tend to associate animals to ppl for no real reason.
If u were an animal which one would u be?
Sorry for the long ask!
Bye! Have a great day!
First time writing Jason so he might be a bit OOC but I went with a very oblivious lovesick golden retriever energy haha. Tiny bit of angst in there because you know, its Camp Half-Blood.
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Big Brothers big sisters Best Friend
»»————- ★ ————-««
Finding Thalia couldn’t be that hard, right? It wasn’t like she was the leader of The Hunters of Artemis, who were visiting camp, meaning she would be off beating the Ares cabin at games, or recruiting even more hunters with talk of immortality, toasting marshmallows every night, and Hawkeye merch.
Jason strolled through camp, dodging the spears being thrown as the Hermes kids ran past to the arena,  grass crunching underfoot and sun shining brightly. When the Hunters showed up, it was like an unofficial holiday for Camp Half-Blood, Jason’s orange shirt standing out in the sea of casual clothing and silver jackets. The [usually] strictly followed timetable for the day was more of a mere suggestion at this point, everyone preparing for an intense game of capture the flag, and a general prank war.
“Move along you little fuck nugget!”
There she was.
“Thalia!” Jason called, feeling the scar on his lips stretch as a grin broke across his face. His sister was yelling at a group of Iris kids, who ran off giggling a moment later. She sat back down behind the fold out table with a deep frown, which pulled on her eyebrow piercings. 
It quickly disappeared when she spotted Jason jogging over. “Little brother!”  
Thalia vaulted over the table, scattering leaflets into the wind as she picked Jason up in a hug, spinning him around until he was dizzy. “Woah, okay you can put me down now before I puke.”
She threw her arms up, cropped silver jacket catching the sun and nearly blinding him. He re adjusted his glasses and blinked a few times while she wheeled him back over to the fold out table, which was now a mess of papers, pens, and arrows. “Listen up fuckwits, this is Jason, my little brother, no maiming him in capture the flag or I slit your throats in your sleep, deal?”
Two hunters with undercuts and summer dresses didn’t bother looking up from the quiver they were adjusting on a daughter of Aphrodite. The girl at the table did though, after screwing up a sheet of paper and tossing it over her shoulder. 
Jason’s heart stopped.
Not literally, of course, but he would happily let the girl stab him with the knife strapped to her back, over the top of her leather jacket. He caught a glimpse of painted musical notes in a messy neon pink decorating the dark leather, and then realized he was staring. “Sorry, what?” 
“I was just saying imma maim you in capture the flag,” Thalia explained with a wicked grin.
Jason blinked, “weren’t you just saying-”
“Irrelevant,” Thalia cut him off, throwing an arm over his shoulder and yelling something to a boy with green hair a few meters away. Jason took the opportunity to take another peek at the girl, who was now popping a bubble of purple gum as she watched Thalia brandish a blood stained arrow at the crying kid. 
His eyes skipped from a crown tattoo around her arm to the chunky doc martens poking from underneath the table, then to her eyes, which were on him. Shit. Jason looked away with warmth in his cheeks, hoping the girl hadn’t realized he was blatantly staring at her. How could someone look that scary and still be so attractive at the same time?
Hot people should be approachable, so he didn’t have to hide behind his sister with wide blue eyes, like he was now. Thalia ran a hand through her spiky dark hair, blue streaks flicking around, and Jason finally remembered why he was actually here, apart from wanting to stare at the girl who’d slipped white headphones over her head and gone back to the clipboard. 
“Thal’s, Chiron wanted to talk to you, something about knives?”
“Shit,” Thalia grumbled, folding her arms. She glanced up at the big house and then back at the girlTM. Then a smirk spread across her face, probably clocking the pink dusting Jason’s face. She was just so…nice looking. Jason could stare at her forever.
“Her mum’s teaching her to ride a motorbike, she wants a doberman, and she graffiti's.” Thalia said, clapping Jason on the shoulder with a cocky wink. “lLso a swiftie, don’t tell her i told you though. Good luck!”
“Huh?” Jason whimpered, his shoulders falling as his sister left him in the sign up area with a bawling green haired child and a lot of scary teenage girls. “Wait, no come back-”
He stood there for a minute, glaring at Thalia’s retreating figure, who was hiding knives underneath rocks as she went. He tapped his fingers on the table, trying to look casual as his brain drooled over the lip piercing the girl had. WHY DID SOMEONE GET TO LOOK THAT ATTRACTIVE?
She pulled her headphones down around her neck and looked up at Jason with a brow raised. She had sharp eyeliner and a low voice. “So like, you gonna sign up, or…”
“But… I’m a guy?”
“I don’t assume,” she shrugged, eyes lidded, and popped another bubble of purple gum. 
Jason felt his heart drop through his stomach and land in the grass when he realized what the girl would be doing here. He hoped his voice wasn’t wobbly as he spoke. “You’re a hunter?”
“Nah,” she grinned, leaning back on the fold out chair and propping her chunky shoes on the table, dirt smearing on the sign up sheet. “My mum’s Tyche, Thalia asked me to stand here and increase the chances people will sign up.”
Jason thought for a moment, trying to remember who Tyche was. His brain still thought of everything the roman way, figuring out who deities were was a headache. She blew another bubble, and it popped on her face, which she pulled off and stuck on the bottom of the table without a second thought. “Fortuna for you, goddess of chance, dispenser of good and ill fortune.”
“You know I’m roman?” Jason may have focused on the wrong part of the conversation. All he got in return was a smirk and a shrug. SHE KNEW HIM?
She watched him for a moment, probably wondering if he was sunburnt, and then got to her feet. Jason realized he was way too far gone once he found out she was taller than him. “I’m teaching arts and crafts next, wanna help?”
»»————- ★ ————-««
Jason had been tricked. How it only occurred to him once he was standing in the middle of the arts and crafts supply closet, arms full of stolen spray paint, he didn’t know. 
One minute he’d been helping this really cool girl, and the next minute Malcom Pace was opening the door with wide gray eyes. “You’re the one stealing all the cans?”
“There is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this,” Jason started, hoping it would give him enough time to think of a perfectly reasonable explanation. Nothing came to mind, so he called on his roman roots and lifted his head high, hoping he didn’t look like a deer in headlights with a spinal problem. 
“I’m stopping the thief.”
Malcolm just stared at him, moving out of the way as Jason sidled past him into the room filled with ares kids and glitter bombs. “If whoever’s stealing all the paint doesn’t know where it is, then they can’t take it. Chiron asked me to take it all to the big house until he figures out who’s stealing it.”
“It’s totally the Stoll’s, who else would be drawing penises on my cabin?” 
Jason blinked. He had not come prepared enough for the spray cans stealing expedition, but to be fair he had no idea he was stealing until he saw the sign saying ‘ask permission from Butch or Malcom to use. “Well yes, but are you gonna dob them in?”
Totally something that would happen at Camp Jupiter, if somebody was stupid enough to steal the paint in the first place, but Camp Half-Blood was a little different. Malcolm snorted. “No, it’s hilarious. But if you see Connor, tell him to do the Ares cabin, Clarrise stepped in my waffles this morning.”
“Will do,” Jason managed to mutter, and then strolled through the arts and crafts center like he was supposed to be there. He nodded at one of the Athena kids who was sculpting a statue of an anime character, and then ducked his head as he left. 
When he made his way around the back, he saw the girl who’d tricked him, without even thinking that he could get in trouble. “Hi!”
She just blinked in shock, her jaw dropped. SHE HAD A TONGUE PIERCING. Jason grinned as he dumped the armful of multicolored spray paint canisters in her arms. “I got them!”
“You- that was a trick you tiny punk!” She laughed, and Jason felt his face heat up as he noticed the sparkle in her eyes. “How did you pull that off?”
He ducked his head and shrugged. “I dunno, I guess people just assume I’m doing stuff I’m supposed to do?” 
Jason had to look away when she bit her lip, teeth clicking with the silver metal ring looped through the right side of her bottom lip. “I like you.”
“Thanks.” His voice cracked.
“You’re mine now.” She stuffed the spray paint cans into a satchel jingling with pins of various bands and slogans, then looped her arm through his, yanking him along as they made their way to the horseshoe shape of cabins. 
Jason grinned as he followed happily, looking up at her smug expression. She stopped outside the silver cabin, and Jason faltered when he saw that one wall had been painted over with a dull shade of gray, then overlapped with a beautiful mural of the night sky. Constellations glittered as if painted with stardust themselves, and drip lines ran down the arrows the girls in the painting were holding. 
The tallest girl had a serious expression, long thick hair tied back in a plait that flowed over her shoulder. The brightest set of stars were wrapped around her shoulders. One arm was gripping the shoulder of a girl Jason recognised.                                                                    
He had never known her, but he recognised the small smile and the slope of her nose, the color of her hair, he recognised her because he was friends with her little brother. “Is that-”
“Zoe and Bianca.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
Thalia stomped her foot in the dirt and scanned the muddy clearing again. Where was he? 
A battle cry echoed through the woods, and there was the familiar screech of the monster, but then she heard Clarrise yelling, so they had it under control. Her blue flag, which was safely protected by Phoebe and a new recruit, was about to be joined by its friend, the red flag, securing the hunters win and furthering their streak.
“Jason?” She called. He was on the hunters team, only because cabins weren’t really supposed to split up, and like hell Thalia was fighting her hunters. 
Naomi stomped up, her quiver empty, and someone was screaming in the distance. “Have you seen that Tyche girl who’s supposed to be giving us a bigger chance of winning? Where is she?”
“Yo, guys! That blond jock’s getting the life snogged out of him behind Zeus’s fist!” Another new recruit fell out of a tree, binoculars in her hands as she grinned. 
Thalia smirked. “Dad will love that.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
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desswright29 · 1 year
You Make Me Wanna
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Shame Pt. 4
Chapter Summary: You ever got cheated on and the person that cheated start being extra mean. Yea.
A/N: This has been a crazy week, and it’s my birthday weekend and I’m going to Ramla Ali’s fight tomorrow in Nola, so I wanted to get this out for y’all. I hope you guys enjoy it. And fingers crossed Tish is there. But I’m fine just knowing she’s been near Ramla. Yuh. I’m down extraordinarily bad lol. Anyway! We lit!! Enjoy the story. @bbbbbbrilliantly This ones for you! Forgive any mistakes this was very rushed.
word count: 2,866
Eve stood in front of you. Dark skin glistening wearing a beige cropped bustier top, and matching cargo pants. Hair in neat Fulani braids. She added a pop of color with an orange strappy heal and orange bag strapped across her body. She was STUNNING. 
“Uh-um. EVE! r-right? Hello I’m Y/n.” You say holding out your clammy palm for a shake. Saying Eve’s name with emphasis praying the name lands on Shuri’s ears, while you bought time.
“Shhhii- ” you could hear Shuri whisper in the background, not finishing before the soft sound of clumsy shuffling came from behind you, as Shuri ran to try and fix her self. ‘God please don’t let her hear that shit.’ You cursed inside at Shuri’s clumsiness. She’s supposed to be a stealthy panther person for Christ sake!
Eve looks you up and down taking in your appearance, before landing on your outstretched hand staring at it like it contained the plague. You slowly lowered your hand realizing she was uninterested in taking it. You stood there with the most inviting face you could muster under the circumstances. 
“Hm, your shirts buttoned wrong, and I believe the strings to those pants belong in the front. I would know since they’re my girlfriends pajamas” Eve’s eyes settled on the name embroidered right above the erect nipple that Shuri had just had her mouth attached to moments earlier. Eve’s eyes finally reached yours, head cocking to the side, one eyebrow raised, as she peered at you with a domineering grimace. 
This was escalating quickly.
“Uh she-“ 
“Mka!” The sound of Shuri’s voice came from inside the room.
“SHURI!!” Eve yells stepping up to you, eyes piercing into yours, Catching you off guard as she brought her hand up to the door that you held ajar only to the width of your body. She pushed it open with force. Bumping into you as she charged past you into the apartment. 
You stood in the doorway. Neck jerking back and eyes furrowing as your hands drop to your side. Stuck. Trying to figure out if this bitch  really just touched you?
Turning around choosing to give her the benefit of the doubt, (since you did just cum on her girlfriends thigh), you saw her standing in the center of the room. Eyes trained on Shuri who stood leaning against the small island, rubbing her hip bone, but completely put together like nothing had happened. Thanking Bast for the long jacket that covered the absolute creamy mess you’d made on her black pants.
“Sthandwa! I thought I heard your voice. Got a bit excited and ran into the island.” Shuri said tapping the marble for emphasis. 
“I wasn’t notified that you would be arriving my love.” She continued, walking over with a smile to embrace her. She’s a little to good at this, you think as you stood by and watched how this would play out. 
Eve’s eyes ever so perceptive, traveled about the room as she stepped into Shuri’s embrace. “That’s because I asked that you not be…….Surprise.” She says, dripping with sarcasm, stepping out of the embrace, and locking eyes with Shuri for only a moment to show that they still held suspicion. Those beautiful dark eyes continued traveling about the room.
Soft music playing. CLOCKED
Food on the stove. CLOCKED
Candle burning on the table next to the couch. CLOCKED
Two wine glasses on the table of the balcony. One empty. One with 1 to 2 swallows left. And a guitar? CLOCKED
Bed neatly made. Fresh dent in the couch. CLOCKED
“Mighty cozy set up you two got here” 
Shuri stepped up quickly.
“My love, no need to be uptight. Eve. Y/n. Y/n. Eve.” She introduces as you give a tense smile while Eve mugs you. 
“I just came by to check on our guest. She’d made Oxtail and jollof. You know I couldn’t resist food and a bit of nerd talk. She is a friend, a fellow scientist and has helped Wakanda tremendously in your absence. As for the set up, I guess Y/n romanticizes her alone time. The alone time in which I’d rudely interrupted.” 
Shuri looked at you with a smirk playing on her lips and a slight glimmer in her eyes. ‘Oh nah! She was prolific at this shit!’. She kept a cool head. She hadn’t lied, just left out the important parts. And it looked as though she was…. Enjoying this. 
“We should leave her to continue her night. I am excited you are hear my love. We’ve got lots to talk about.” Shuri said grabbing Eve’s hand, looking directly into her eyes.
“Y/n, thank you for the delicious dinner. We should do this again sometime.” She said as she walked past you. Discreet and fast, she lifted her hand gently cupping your breast, rubbing her thumb across the sensitive bud underneath the fabric. Causing your eyes to bulge and your breathe to hitch. 
“It was fun.” She looked at you, eyes low, bottom lip becoming trapped between her teeth, and then slowly released as she looked at the after math of the work she’d just put in.
You looked at Shuri speechless. As she took her exit with her girlfriend, who was sending you a death glare over her shoulder. Something had changed. And it felt dangerous. 
The walk back to Shuri’s Quaters was silent. Both Eve and Shuri’s minds in overdrive. Shuri walked into the room first holding the door open for Eve and closing it behind her. She immediately started to make her way to the bathroom. 
“You think I’m a dummy?” Eve states. Standing in the center of the room.
Shuri Chuckles, stopping in her tracks “Here we go.. Quite the contrary my dear.” She turns looking to face Eve. “You disappear for two days and pop up at the room of my scientist obviously looking for a fight. Why? Might I ask?”
She was fully aware as to why. 
“You’re full of shit Shuri”
“I’m not doing this”
“We are doing this” 
“I just want to take a shower”
“Why the rush to shower? And alone? You’ve been asking for me to get here for weeks, I’m here love. Where’s the welcome?”
“EXACTLY!!“ Shuri yells stepping into Eves space” For weeks I’ve been asking you to be here with me, and for weeks you couldn’t make it. Two days ago you didn’t know if you’d be here and now surprise sur-fucking-prise.. here you stand. Why Eve?” 
Eve gives a slow clap, and sarcastic laugh; stepping back creating distance. “ OH! Braaaavooo Shuri! You’re doing a great damn job turning this shit around on me! You were oh so mature about me not being here last time we spoke. Now it’s a bother again! Fuck that! I got your little “Just because” flowers after that weird ass phone conversation. I knew something was up as soon as we got off of that call, but the flowers solidified it.”
Shuri scoffed “Only you would take an act of kindness and make something wrong with it.”
“ Oh no baby, hold that guilt trip. I got more for that ass!” 
Shuri rolls her eyes up to the ceiling, bringing her hand up to scratch at her undercut as Eve continued.
“So imagine my surprise and delight.. when my girls start sending me videos of you and ‘your scientist’ as you so intimately put it, damn near scissoring in the middle of the FUCKING MARKET!” Eve finished picking up a book off the chase in front of the bed and throwing it at Shuri. 
She caught it with expertise. Those panther powers coming in handy. Eve glares at Shuri fuming, disturbed to see a pissed off smirk on Shuri’s lips. As she nodded to herself.
“So that’s why you’re here now? A fucking dance?” She says calmly
“Shuri don’t piss me off! Next you’re gonna tell me that was your plan.”
Shuri took a moment to think before speaking again. Tongue slowly grazing her top row of teeth before she spoke.
“No, that was not my plan. I’d hopped you didn’t see it” She stalked towards Eve closing the distance. “ But, since you did.. It would suck to see someone take your place …wouldn’t it.” She says eyes never leaving Eve’s own. Shuri cocked her head to the side a smug look on her face. 
Taken aback Eve’s eyes widen.
“Listen closely my love, things here are different.” Shuri walks a circle around Eve as though she’s stalking her prey. 
“I’m different….She was here and you my dear out right refused to be here.”
“That’s not tr-“ 
Shuri tsk’d twice. Rounding Eve until they were once again face to face. She placed a finger to Eve’s pretty mouth. Continuing to speak in a stoic calm.
“I’m not done baby girl.” She removed her finger. 
“I asked you countless times to be here. Did I not? Don’t bother answering Sthandwa, It was retorical.“ She smiled, and Eve’s heart rate increased at the darkness taking over Shuri’s eyes. 
“You made your choice to stay away as I struggled. Left room for another woman to take care of me. And boy does she do a damn good job…”  She giggled bringing her thumb up to swipe against her bottom lip, reminiscing on the kisses she’d shared with you. 
“Was it really the dance that brought you? Or did you spend those 2 days in envy of the fact that her beauty rivals yours, my sweet beautiful Eve? Or was it the way that little waist and plump ass of hers fit so perfectly against me? Hm? I’m guessing all of the above.  Right? No one could ever compete with the beautiful Eve… That is until now.” 
Shuri stepped back and watched as Eve’s chest rose up and down heavily, as she was seething with anger. She decided this was a great time to drive her point home.
“Masenze ukuqonda(Let’s get an understanding). Had you have caught me with my head between her legs, what would you have done? Leave? Just hand over your chance to claim partnership with the Queen?” 
Shuri snickers. 
“ You wouldn’t dare. You’re here for the power. For my name….Right. With that being said, you have no room here to come barging in causing a scene and making demands. You are lucky that you can still stand in my presence. And if my presence is something that you will continue to pursue…” Shuri reached out and grabbed Eve’s jaw pulling her in closer.
“Uya kuyazi indawo yakho (You will know your place)” She drew her face in, and placed a rough kiss on her lips, before pulling away sharply, and making her dissent into the bathroom. 
“I will take my shower now. If you are here when I return. I’ll take it that you agree to my terms.”
Eve stood breathless still in the center of the room, as the bathroom door closed. What the fuck just happened?
“OOP! SHURI! Wtf!” you say, as you find yourself being hoisted into the air and over her shoulder. You had woken up the next morning, disoriented from the days prior events, but wearily headed to your position of overseeing the lab, when you were suddenly rushed by Shuri. 
She ran up the steps to her office at lightening speed with you in tow. 
Once she reaches the office she turns to lock the door. She moves over to the desk and places you gently onto it before trapping you into a dizzying kiss. Almost casting a spell of forgetfulness over you. Almost.
You break the kiss, earning a displeased grunt from Shuri.
“Shuri.. was I dreaming? Did your girlfriend not show up at my door last night?”
Shuri shrugged, with a look of irritation on her face, shaking her head as if she didn’t get where you were coming from.
“Yes she did.”
You stood pushing her back.
“Did almost getting caught once not do it for you!? What are you doing!?” You ask bewildered at Shuri’s boldness. 
You were met with a blinding smile from Shuri. She backed away from you throwing her hands in the air while begining a dramatic pace around the room.
“Yoooou! Y/n. You, you, you!” 
You looked at her like the insane person she looked like while waiting for her to continue.
“ I can do this with YOU!” She laughed locking eyes with you. “I don’t know what you did to me last night, but something clicked for me zithandwa zam (my beloved). I feel like I can rule the world with you by my side! There’s so many peices to you, so much we could accomplish with one another. You’ve .. you’ve 
wayithimba intliziyo yam (captured my heart).”
She walked up to you cupping your face with both hands. 
“You are ukuthakatha intliziyo yam, (kiss), kunqandwa(kiss), obumangalisayo (kiss), eziphambili(kiss).”
(Bewitching my heart, arresting, exquisite, elegant)
You were perplexed to say the least. You had no idea what she was saying. But by her body language, and the inflections in her voice you knew she was passionate about it. It made you’re eyes glass over and your body tremble. You wanted nothing more than to be hers.
“W-what does all this mean Shuri. I-I’m confused.” You spoke only a little above a whisper. 
“It means I want you to be mine Y/n”
“H-how? I mean, does this mean you and Eve are no longer together? Did she figure it out? This is a lot right now. Everything is moving so fast! I mean of course I’ll be yours! I want that more than anything Shuri! But, so soon after your break up what will people thi-“ You spoke fast as you began pacing.
“There was no break up.” You froze. Eyes shooting up to meet hers. 
“Then why is this conversation being had?”
“ Because it is relevant my love, I want you to be mine, but I cannot leave Eve.”
Your face dropped.
“What” You breathe making it sound more like an exhale, taking a step back. 
“ I love Eve, I don’t intend to leave her”
“I-I are you serious? Where is this going Shuri, ‘cause I’m not understanding?”
“Y/n you are not dense, you know what I am asking. You are the entire package. Beauty, brains, and talent. We would be so powerful together. I want to give you all of me but I don’t want to hurt her. We’ve known each other since we were young.”
“Wait” you began to laugh, it started off slow until it became damn near manic. Shuri stood straight her face remaining stoic.
“S-so you’re asking me to be with you as some glorified side chick? A concubine?”
An incredulous look took over your face as Shuri remains steadfast.
“No” You simply say as you head for the door.
Shuri reaches out to grab your arm and you pull back harshly. 
“NO SHURI! Hear I am falling for you, trying to keep it in, knowing you have someone else, a-and then last night happened! I couldn’t control myself, only to immediately be left hurt and confused. Then you come here, get my hopes up only to crush them again! I don’t want to share you Shuri! I want you to myself! And you’re here telling me I wouldn’t be enough for you on my own?” Tears start to fall from your eyes. 
She walks up and wraps her arm around your waist, bringing her other hand up to wipe at your tears. 
“ That is not in the least what I meant Y/n. You are everything. You’d be more than enough with it just being me and you. I-I just can’t leave her now.”
You try to wiggle out of her grasp. 
“Shuri let me go!”
She drops her arms.
“You call me when you can. I’m going home.”
“Nononono! Wait! I need you here!”
“ I could care less about what you need as of now Shuri”
You walk out of her office, tears cascading down your face. As she called after you. 
“It was not my intent to hurt you. I don’t want to loose you” She said with a glint of fear in her eyes.
“You never had me.”
She froze as you look her dead in the eyes. You two were so focused on one another, that you couldn’t feel the eyes of everyone in the lab staring at you both as you stood at the top of the stairs. 
You turned to descend down the stairs, noticing Okoye, Aneka, and Eve standing there as everyone gawked at the drama unfolding in front of them. You walked over to the group. 
“Okoye, can you please arrange transport for me. I will be leaving as soon as you can get it set up for me. Thank you.”
You turn to look at Eve.
“You don’t have to worry about me. I’m out of your hair.”
You left Wakanda that day. Shuri stood in the hanger and watched you leave, not knowing what other approach to take. All she knew is she felt her heart clenching at the thought of really loosing you.
A/N: Not Shuri sprung off some dry humping. Chile lol. I hope you guys enjoyed. The next chapter will deal with what’s going on in the present.
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writingwithciara · 5 months
Just Friends ~Jack Avery~
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summary: jack doesn't like that he & the girl he's loved for years are never going to be more than just friends
word count: 1.7k
pairings: jack avery x reader
notes: based off THIS song. & yes, I still listen to the jonas brothers because they’re incredible af. italics are song lyrics. [this has been in my drafts for so long]
there she goes again, the girl i'm in love with, it's cool we're just friends
Jack stood against the set of lockers as he watched y/n grab her belongings. He would do anything to prove how much he loved her, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Their friendship was fairly new to him & he didn't want to scare her off, since he had waited almost 8 years to finally build up the nerve to talk to her.
"Hey, Jack, what are you doing after school today?" she asked him.
"N-nothing. Why?"
"My mom wants me to babysit my sister but I already made plans with Marcus. She said I could go on my date if I found a suitable replacement." y/n looked up at him with pleading eyes. "Will you do it, please?"
"Yeah, sure. Just, uh, don't stay out too late."
"I won't. Thank you so much, Jack. I owe you one." she smiled and walked down the hall to meet up with Marcus.
Marcus Devonshire. Jack envied him, not only because he had y/n, but because he was too nice to hate. Not one person in school had a bad thing to say about Marcus, and it absolutely irritated Jack.
"Yo, earth to Jack." a hand waved in front of his face & he zoned back in, not realizing he had actually zoned out. He looked up to see his best friend standing in front of him.
"I'm sorry. What?"
"I asked if you had plans after school."
"Yeah, I actually do."
"Really? What are you even doing?"
"I'm babysitting y/n's sister so she can go on her date with Marcus."
"That girl has you wrapped around her finger. It's been, what, 8 years of pining? When will you give up that idea?"
"Because, Gavin, she's been the object of my affection for 8 years & I'm working on a plan to get her to fall in love with me."
"It's never gonna work." Gavin rolled his eyes. In reality, he really wanted Jack & y/n to get together but he felt that if he added more wood to the fire, Jack would mess something up.
Later that night, Jack walked up to y/n's house and knocked. When she answered the door, Jack suddenly forgot what he was doing there.
"Hey, Jack. You're early."
"I know. I had nothing else to do so I thought I'd come over & maybe we could hang out a little before you go on your date."
"Okay, sure. That sounds like fun." she opened the door more and let him in. They walked through her house and went into the back room.
"So, where is Marcus taking you tonight?"
"Just to dinner and a movie. Our anniversary is this weekend but he's going out of town with his parents so we're celebrating tonight."
"Anniversary, huh? How long?"
"2 years." she looked up at him and smiled.
"He's a pretty lucky guy, you know."
"You really think so?"
"Of course." he looked at her quickly before turning his attention back to the tv screen. "I guess you're pretty lucky too. He's probably the nicest person I've ever met."
"Yeah, he really is." she looked at her phone. "Will you help me pick out an outfit for tonight?"
"Y-yeah sure. Why not."
"Perfect." she stood up and walked into her room. Jack followed and took a quick look around. He had only been in her room 2 times before & this time it just felt different. "Okay, since it's a simple dinner and movie, which of these do you think fits the tone better?"
Jack looked over at her as she held the outfits up to her body. "I like the white ripped jeans with the purple crop top & black jacket. But the sundress and the jean jacket look good too. If you want to impress him, the jeans and the crop top combo should do the trick."
"Alright. Yeah. That looks perfect. Thanks, Jack."
"No problem. He smiled as she headed into her bathroom to change. Jack looked around her room again and took in all the trophies she won in the past. Most of them were for gymnastics but the last few were from cheerleading competitions. She always had multiple scholastic awards placed on her walls and shelf. It was like she was the female version of Marcus, proving they were perfect together.
"Okay. I really like this outfit." she walked out of the bathroom and spun around to show Jack.
"Looks cute, y/n."
"Thank you for all your help tonight, Jack." she looked at him and smiled. "There's one more thing I need your help for. You can say no if you want."
"What is it?"
"Do you know how to do a french braid?"
"Yeah. I actually do." he chuckled. "Kind of a benefit of having so many sisters."
"Will you do my hair into a french braid? I never get it right." she went over to her vanity and sat down. Without hesitation, Jack stood behind her and began working on her hair.
They say the most intimate thing you can do with your significant other is wash their hair and even though he wasn't washing it, and she wasn't his significant other, Jack had never felt more intimate with anyone before.
"There. All done." he placed the tie on the end of the braid and let her admire his work.
"Wow. This is incredible." she turned to him and hugged him. "The whole outfit is tied together now. Thank you. I owe you."
"That's two things you owe me now." he held up two fingers and laughed. "Pay me back whenever you want to."
"It'll be soon, I promise." she smiled. "So what are yours and April's plans for Valentine's Day?"
"April? Oh no. We're not together."
"Really? I just thought you were since you're with her more than you're with Gavin."
"Nope. I am very much single." he chuckled. "Plus, she's Gavin's sister and that would be weird."
"Hmm, I might know someone you could date."
"Really? Who?"
"My friend Lexi. She lives two towns over and hasn't had a steady boyfriend in a while. She's pretty & I think you two would make a very attractive couple."
"As much as I appreciate the offer, I have my eyes set on someone already?"
"Oh, really? Does she go to our school?"
"Yes she does." he looked up at her and smiled as she tried to think of who it could be.
"Jessica Lambert?"
"Marissa Robinson?"
"No. I can't tell you who it is because you know her & she has a boyfriend so if word got out that I liked her, her boyfriend would kill me."
"Oh, please? Your secret will be safe with me, I promise."
"No can do. Sorry. Only Gavin knows and that's the way it's going to stay."
"You're no fun." y/n faked a pout and looked at her phone. "Marcus is on his way. Let's go downstairs." Jack followed her back down to the living room. "Since Delia isn't home yet, you can just chill here. But I'll be back around 10:30, I promise." y/n took one last look at him before stepping outside & getting into Marcus' car. Delia walked in a few minutes after y/n left and she smiled when she saw Jack waiting for her. Their mom informed him that she'd be out all night, and then she left.
A few hours later, Delia was asleep & Jack was alone again. He checked his phone constantly to see what time it was.
10:45 pm & y/n still wasn't home. Jack began to worry. At 11, he decided he should try to call her. Just as he pulled up her contact, his phone started ringing & her picture flashed across his screen. He answered before it rang again.
"Hey. Where are you? Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I'm fine. I was just calling to tell you I'd be home in half an hour."
"Okay. Why so late?"
"We just, uh, lost track of time. I'll tell you more when I get home, alright?"
"Alright. Please be safe." he hung up before he could hear her response. 11:30 rolled around and y/n slowly walked into the house. She nearly screamed when she saw Jack.
"Jesus, Avery. Give a girl some warning, would ya?"
"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."
"It's alright." she smiled and walked into the living room. "How was your night?"
"Surprisingly fun. Delia and I played hide-and-seek for a while & then we drew some pictures."
"Did she get you to play dolls with her?
"Yeah. And it was fun."
"Wow. She's got you wrapped around her finger, doesn't she?"
"It sure seems that way, huh?" he chuckled and looked at her. "I guess that's just something you two have in common."
"Hmm, what do you mean?"
"You know I'd do anything for you, right? Like, there's no request too silly or stupid that I wouldn't do for you."
"Oh, right." she looked at him. "Yeah, you're in love with me."
"What? No I'm not."
"You can't lie to me, you know."
"Okay, fine." Jack sighed and looked at her. "You're my friend but sometimes, I wish you were more than that. No, I take that back. It's not just sometimes, it's all the time. Every single day for the last 8 years. It's been torture for me to see you with Marcus & it's so much harder because he's literally the best person ever. I hate it. I hate that he got you first. I hate that he's so nice. Most importantly, I hate that I can't hate him. It's just not fair."
"Jack, why didn't you tell me? Things would be so different than they are now."
"I know. And I'm sorry I had to tell you tonight. I just felt that I needed to let it out, since it's been locked inside for 8 freaking years." he stood up and walked towards the door. "It's cool that we're just friends."
taglist: @worldlxvlys​
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starlightingsss · 10 months
sparks fly / 2
wildest dreams. 3
kinda hating how i wrote the relationship between haymitch and reader ☹️
u guys i js realized but when im typing on mobile my capitalization is inconsistent n some paragraphs have capitalize first lettters and some dont 😭 sorry
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129. she had waved and blown kisses at 129 people so far, making eye contact and reaching her hand into theirs. everything had gone by so fast, she was holding onto haymitch as they got off the train, holding onto his arm.
the crowds had gone wild once they saw, haymitch himself slightly opposed to the public display but unable to shake the woman off his arm.
she loved it, loved having everyones eyes on her. loved the attention, loved the fame. it took forever to get to the stylist cars - much to haymitch and her district partner's annoyance.
haymitch had been careful to make sure not to show any favoritism to the girl, made sure he didn't get attached. he wanted her to survive, and he didn't want to break the poor girls spirit, but still - he didn't think she could live, tributes don't usually care for beauty and it wouldn't get her allies. she would have to prove she was smart, or strong, or anything that might be considered valuable in the arena.
as she and her district partner boarded separate cars, he went onto his own car - one for mentors.
in that car, she was with 4 people. one woman with gold braided into her hair, contrasting against her dark skin, with bright pink makeup and a bright blue dress - weird contrasts but still stunning on her and her skintone. this was her stylist, allium everstar. she had seen the woman on tv many times, as she was always assigned to district 12. the other 3 looked quite bizarre, a woman with fairy wings instead of ears, a man wearing a crop top and ankle length dress with dyed body hair and purple skin, and another woman whos hair was insanely long; split into 2 pigtails wrapping around her ankles, her skin was paper white and she seemed to be drawn in black and white, except for the gigantic golden necklace wrapped around her neck.
she heard them whispering among themselves, "this one is different ... unique! look at those eyes!", the man excitedly squealed to his team members.
she heard other fragments of conversation, little "she looks so different from them.. she could be a capitol girl!", "can't wait to see her all styled up..", "she would be gorgeous if she was pink!"
she looked out the window, still seeing people lined at the streets and waving at her, until they turned into a parking garage.
they all exited the car with peacekeepers joining them and leading them down the elevator.
she was getting sent even more deeper underground - into a room where there were bright white lights.
the team had led her into an odd bathroom, settling her into a bathtub. they stripped her of her clothing, leaving her bare in the cold air of the room.
the head stylist, allium took in her figure, looking at her up and down. she wrote something down onto a little notepad before leaving the room.
she was settled into the tub by the other 3, still unsure of their names.
the women scrubbed her body as the man prepared what seemed to be dye? was he gonna make her purple like him...
"oh dear god! rhuba! abernathy said not to mess with her hair!" exclaimed the woman, in all black.
"we're not cutting it, we'll just make her a little bit blonde .. i'm thinking a split dye, it'll be absolutely stunning on her!" the man named rhuba exclaimed, "don't always have to be so closeminded, volta.."
"we're gonna get in trouble!" the woman with fairy wings instead of ears snapped, "he specifically told us not to touch her hair!"
"i-its fine? i don't mind if you dye it like that .. just d-dont cut it!" y/n said, interrupting their little argument.
"oh dear .. your mentor is gonna kill us." sighed rhuba. "plus people probably wont like it like that, its not popular in the capital at all!"
"she said we could do it!" the man practically squealed, "how exciting! most tributes are so against us dying their hair!"
the two women just tsked, as they rinsed her of the soap and dried her off, they wrapped her in a towel and led her over to a metal bed.
"dear i'm just gonna wax you .. not sure i'm gonna need to though, bare as a baby.." said rhuba, "well! at least we have a tribute who actually takes care of herself this year, not sure why i'd expect less from someone who looks like her.."
"her nails seem ok too ... some color wouldn't hurt tho!" said the little elf looking woman, with the fairy wings instead of ears. she was buffing down her nails, just evening them out a little bit because otherwise she didn't need anything done.
"alright, so its just the hair!" the man said, as he moved himself to be able to access the womans hair.
"alright .. come over here.." he told her, leading her over to a chair. she had nothing but a robe on, and her body had already been examined and picked at her prep team. "it'll be done in just a second! only takes a few seconds to bleach your hair .. can't believe it used to take forever before!", he smiled as he coated half her head in the thick liquid, "...hey how about we add some tinsel extensions?"
"extensions?" she said, a little confused on why she would need the,.
"not just any extensions, hon! tinsel ones, they're like little reflective strips, it'll be totally gorgeous under the spotlight and we can have them match your makeup to it in the parade!" he laughed this, as he pulled out the extensions anyway. he rolled her chair over to the sink as he leaned her head back, washing out the bleach - leaving her with a head of half blonde and half black hair, it suited her but her hairstyle in general suited her beautifully.
he pulled out some weird hairdryer thing that fit over her whole head, and instantly dried out her hair.
once her hair was dried, he started adding the tinsel into her hair.
after about an hour, it was done. she had little holographic streaks coming out of her scalp and honestly, it was gorgeous.
"my makeup.." she asked, "who's gonna do my makeup?"
"oh dear that'll be allium! she's really good at it .. i'm sure she'll do you well!" he said, as he spun her to face him. looking her in the eyes, examining her hair and face .. "really gorgeous.."
"thank you.. and my clothes are decided by allium too right?" she said, a little bit worried.
"yep! she basically does everything except hair, waxing and nails, but she still had control over what we do with you .. now she might be a little mad about your hair.." he laughed again, as he pinched a lock of it. "but i'm sure it'll work well with however she dresses you!" , he gave her a reassuring smile.
she smiled back, as he sent her off to allium, peacekeepers greeting her as she walked out of the room and escorting her to the elevator. they went up 16 floors, up to the 2nd floor. the peacekeepers dragged her up to a door with her name on it, "y/n l/n" and then her stylist's name under it.
she walked into the room, it was like a dressing room - the vanity illuminating the clutter of makeup products on it, a rhinestone bodysuit on a mannequin. it was beautiful but it didn't cover much, the neckline of the suit high and up to the throat but it was sleeveless, and had a heart cut out over her chest area that would show cleavage and little red rhinestones around that heart making it seem like it was a bleeding heart. the sides were cut out, showing even more skin, the cut-outs were all lined with lace, and there was a little very sheer cape and "skirt" meant to cover her a little, the cape wouldve gone as far as her wrists, and the skirt didnt even reach 1/4 of her thigh, barely covering anything.
"oh you saw it .. was gonna make it a suprise for you! didn't expect you to be done so fast.." allium gushes, as she came out from a back room. "the bodysuit is one of a kind, and you're going to need to be stitched into it - it's held together by pins right now but its fine, the jewels are all little pieces of obsidian, the red stuff is rubies, theres also some absolutely gorgeous shoes to go with them! this isn't what i had planned at the beginning but then when i saw you at the reaping ... oh god you were stunning! wasn't sure how i would be ok with myself if i covered you with coal, we're still gonna go for that kind of makeup look though, smudgy eyeliner, freckles and a blood red lip! it'll be stunning on you .. your hair... jesus he butchered it! but no worries, it matches up.. we'll just use a lot of highlighter to make you look like a diamond!"
"you know .. back in the day some people actually used coal as liner i think! we could try that but im not sure how it'd look .. better not to risk it. now i need your help to pick what shoes and jewelry we'll have for you! nothing on the neck of course, its already covered by the suit but we need some bracelets, earrings and maybe an anklet?" she seemed insanely excited as she just kept talking, "we'll cover you in diamonds .. you've got to love that! come come!", she continues gushing as she gestured the girl over to a table where jewelry was displayed.
"i was just stunned by you ... these are all real, and all very expensive. i think this one and this one are the best," she pointed at 2 bracelets, but not bracelets, more like something to go on the upper area of your arm with diamonds spilling down to your wrist. more like a makeshift sleeve?
"those are really nice! could i have a ring? the heart shaped diamond one!" y/n asked, her voice a little squeaky from excitement - she loved all things beauty, makeup, skincare, clothing.
"of course! was thinking about giving you pearls but then i remember that 12 was a mining district, not sure how you'd get pearls there!" she smiled, happy that her tribute was sharing her admiration for clothing and all things beauty.
"now! shoes, you pick .. i think you'd stun in something that'll make you taller and goes up higher on the thigh..!" she pulled the girls arm, taking her to the shoe collection ..".. how about these! you better pick quick .. we only have 2 hours left and i'm not sure that'll be long enough for you to get your hair styled and your makeup done.."
"those are really nice!" she smiled, as she looked at the thigh high boots with pointed tips and red bottoms, covered in black velvet - luxurious.
"alright alright! now we'll have your makeup done, then ill style your hair a little, and then you can get dressed and meet up with your mentor and district partner for the tribute parade!" she said this, her voice getting louder as she clapped her hands and a squad of people came out. seating herself into the chair in front of the mirror, they wet her hair, and started her makeup.
it took around an hour for makeup, excessive makeup that would only look good from a distance. stage makeup, and it was gorgeous.
the smudged out eyeliner drawn out to give a "kohl" look to the girls eyes, the dark red lips lined with even darker lip liner and sharp corners - making her lips seem curled in a smile, her eyes standing out. her eyes were captivating, her entire look was sultry, dominating and seductive at the time - all things that she wasn't. and that would've worked out for her, in the interviews and everything. a woman forced to appear strong in her parade, a woman with a sharp eye and luscious lips, a sultry and seductive woman. a maneater, something that she wasn't and she knew how to work across it, "oh god my stylist just did that to me .. i swear i'm not actually like that!" and little smiles, kisses and looks that would melt anyone. the innocence that wasn't yet stained, something she would have to work to show off, she wasn't what she was dressed to be and it felt like a costume to her. but still, she wore the costume well and just for the night.
as her stylist re-entered the room, she practically squealed when she saw the girl.
"oh dear! this is exactly how i imagined everything .. you stun me!" she managed out, as she examined her face.
"thank you.. i feel really pretty right now!" y/n proclaimed, unsure what exactly she should say.
"honey! you are really pretty!" she laughed, "well now it's time to give you back to your mentor and stuff.."
"he's probably gonna have a stroke when he sees me like this." the girl jokes back, haymitch was probably going to look like hes having a stroke when he first sees her, his jaw dropping a little and eyes widening in shock as he would took in the figure - a figure she wasn't used to "rocking" like this.
as she was lost in her thoughts, allium was pulling her around and eventually into the elevator.
"im so excited!" she squealed, this was her first year after all - and she got to style one of the more gorgeous women she had ever seen..!
the girl still lost in her own thoughts just had a dreamy smile on her face, imagining what haymitch might think of her.
as she entered the room, there was exactly 26 minutes until the tribute parade.
"someone finally decided to show up.." her district partner grumbled this while scowling, haymitch was reclined back into the luxurious sofa with a drink in his hand. he had cleaned up quite a bit, he was wearing a suit. he looked amazing and the girl was definitely staring.
"jesus theyre gonna have a field day with you." he slurred a little, he was drunk. he sat up, looking at her with his full attention. he took in the bodysuit, it hugged her curves well, showing a lot of skin, his eyes lingered where they shouldn't have for a while as he looked her up and down - slightly shocked by what she was wearing.
she just laughed at his words, blushing a little because honestly, she wanted to be on the couch snuggled up into him. she wasn't sure why but she was always quite drawn to the man, he was attractive , rough and a little messy - but still, he had a nice face and a nice body (for an alcoholic at least).
she sat down next to him, still not very comfortable as her stylist followed and sat down next to her district partner, his stylist standing behind haymitch.
"alright so .. you two need to try and get along.. just for the parade." haymitch said, a little grumpy. "but if you don't want to do that because the idea of being nice to each other disgusts you that much, then make it as obvious as possible .. you" he said, pointing at basil, "you need to figure out how to market yourself, make yourself look good and make them like you. and you, ehh sweetheart, you seem to have this whole 'make everyone fall in love with me' thing under your belt."
this led to a smile from her, as she nodded. her district partner seemed less than pleased, asking "why do we even have to make them like us anyway? shes not even that likeable.."
"you have to make them like you so you can get sponsors, sponsors are the difference between life and death in the arena- if you're starving, then a sponsors gift of food might saved your life .. and knowing you, you'll probably be starving if you survive that long. and, she" he said this, gesturing to you, "she is likeable because she is pretty, people are going to look at her before hearing what she says and they're gonna decide if they wanna keep her alive or not, she is desireable in terms of looks and looks can get you everywhere when it comes to sponsors."
"they're gonna hate her after they figure out what her personalities like.." he scowled as he thought about her, the simple thought causing his troll-like features to contort in displeasure. haymitch let out a sigh, seeing how those 2 couldn't get along.
the woman seemed offended at his words, and as she was about to say something not very kind about her partner, the intercom interrupted her.
"Tributes, the parade is taking place in exactly 10 minutes! Make sure you head to your chariots now." a shrill voice said from the speakers.
The group of them got up as they headed over to the chariots, she wasn't present for when they all rewatched the reapinga so she hadn't seen any of the tributes before.
The girl and guy from one were both beautiful, with the boy reminding her a little of cupid. They were covered in gold, matching their shiny blonde hair.
The pair from two were a little more average looking, with a younger girl and older guy, the girl looked as if she had been crying - not something expected from a career district.
From 3, they were both tall and slim, nothing extraordinary.
The pair from 4, with a boy that was obviously a kid - he couldn't have been older than 14.
She kept watching the other tributes, and she noticed how the girl from one would occasionally reach for the boys hand, holding it and smiling at the comparison. How she would look up at him with loving eyes, a look of longing and regret that was only visible to the trained eye. She noticed how the boy from 2 would comfort the girl from 2, patting her head sometimes. She saw how the girl from 4 was always looking back at the girl from 5, she noticed how the boy from 4 would scan the crowds with anxiety in his eyes. How the girl from 5 was also always looking at the girl from 4, love in their eyes for each other. She noticed how horrible the pairing for the career districts were - a pair of lovers, 2 kids, a woman entangled in a queer love affair that was bigger than she was, and the only actual "career" looking tribute was the boy, but still - he would comfort the girl from two. if anything, all the careers from one and two would group together, and the boy from 4 but the boy from 4 would be the one they left out a little more, the disposable one. The girl from 4 would probably ally with the one from 5, running away from the cornucopia to live out their dying moments in the arms of their love.
The pair from 10 seemed strong, 10 was the livestock district - butchers. They knew their way with a knife, and they probably knew how to kill. They would make powerful allies, the only reason they lacked victors was because of their lack of sponsors, they were a district that was greatly overlooked in the games.
She looked at the hands of each tribute, paying particular attention to those of 4 and 8, the districts where knots were useful, 4 using fishing knots and 8 being the one of textiles and fabrics. The pair from 8 almost definitely knew their way when it came to knitting / tying / sewing, the boy was 4 had callused hands - probably from fishing. She knew that those 4 people were to be looked out for as they would know how to manage and craft traps. The girl from 4 wouldn't be a problem unless she found her lover, she would be easy to pick off during her love crazed and very desperate search for her girlfriend. And the girl from 5, would be even easier once the girl from 4 was gone..
She was quickly snapped out of her thoughts when Haymitch snapped his fingers in her face, "sweetheart, parades gonna start in a minute or so."
"sorry , was js thinking about something" she apologized, not trying to upset the man. she climbed into the chariot, as she waved a goodbye to the group.
She stood in the chariot, Haymitch's words stuck to her, or not his words but more his tone. He always seemed a little irritated with her, unless she was serving him liquor, he didn't really acknowledge her other than that. He didn't go over plans or advice with her, he just asked her to refill his drinks. She felt like the was dumbing her down, but he wasn't like this before the games. When she first met him, he was sweet. He was drunk but he saved her, and was still kind with her. She didn't understand the reason for his overall dismissal of her, always talking to basil about actual stuff instead of her.
The chariots started as Snow finished his speech, she wasn't sure she had it in her to smile and wave like she did before but she did anyway. The capital seemed to love her, screaming her name. She was showered with roses as they threw them over the stands, she caught one and smelled it, lifting it into the air and blowing a kiss in the direction it came from, even louder cheering emerged from the stands. She kept a smile on her face for most of the parade, but honestly - she was glad it was over.
She met back up with her district partner, mentor, and their escort.
"So! How did we do?" she said, as she smiled, excited.
"Crowd went absolutely insane when you did what you did with the rose! You're a natural in the spotlight!" her escort gushes, a smile on her face as she admired the girl. "Oh and your outfit! It was stunning ... I'm not sure how anyone could keep their hands off you!"
The tribute smiled at her, still a little upset with the idea of the games.
Once they got back to the building where they were going to spend the night, her prep team made quick work of her outfit - giving her her old clothes back and leaving her to remove her makeup by herself.
She went up the elevator, following the instructions of Allium, to go up to the 14th floor because that's where she was staying.
She walked in and saw Haymitch and her district partner, both by the coffee table and obviously discussing plans about the games.
They both looked up at her when she walked in.
"What are you guys doing?" She said, walking closer to them, her voice pleasant.
"Just discussing strategies for the games," Haymitch said, "..could join us if you'd like."
"She'd probably prefer to go play with her makeup or try on dresses.." sneered Basil, he knew she took an interest to those things and he mocked her for it. Haymitch honestly wasn't much better about it though, just sighing and ignoring Basil's words as he continues to discuss the plans.
She was a little hurt, but just said "maybe later, havw to go take a shower right now.", as she put on a smile and walked away to her room.
She didn't have much trouble finding her room, as they were all labeled. It was a beautiful room, decked out in pink and gold, unsure if they made special arrangements just for her, she walked into the bathroom.
As she explored, she found a cleansing balm and a whipped cleanser, which she used to remove her makeup. After that, she found a hair mask, and some scissors. So naturally, she decided to cut her hair. She was unsure if it was because of her newly dyed hair color or because she was unhappy with how the dya went, but it didn't matter because she picked up the scissors and snipped off a chunk. As she realized what she had doen, and how it was a very big and noticeable chunk, she gave up and kept cutting. Eventually she ended up with a medium length haircut, that cut off at her breasts, opposing to where he hair used to be - at her hips, that admittedly did fit her newly dyed hair pretty well, as did it frame her face. She brushed out any of the hair she cut out and applied the hair mask, putting on a shower cap and laying on her bed. She found what she thought was a tv remote and turned on the tv, she didn't find many shows or movies - the media allowed in Panem was mostly government broadcasts and talk shows. She ended up not watching tv and instead decided to paint her nails and take a quick nap.
She slept peacefully for almost 30 minutes, as her hair mask marinated. Once she realized it had been 30 minutes, she removed the shower cap and slipped into the shower. Scrubbing at her body as she relinquished all the bad thoughts and feelings of the day, erasing the dirt and sweat that stained her pretty body. She decided to take her time, she would exfoliate and shave and everything, made sure to be perfect by the end of it. As she rinsed off her soapy body, she reached for the body scrub, applying a lather of the sandy feeling liquid to her legs. She scrubbed for a little, exfoliating her legs as she picked up the razor, coating her legs in shaving foam, she glided the razor down, removing any hair that might've grown since the last time she did this. She repeated this process on her whole body, as she rinsed herself off and felt truly clean.
She exited the shower, engulfing herself into a soft robe, she felt truly at peace with herself at the moment. She looked through the contents of the skincare drawer in the room, finding sufficient products. She grabbed a piece of ice from the mini fridge in her room, rubbing it over her face, once she finished with that, she decided on a skin tightening toner and some rose water, which she applied to her face and neck. Afterwards, she layered a moisturizer over it, before finally adding some snail mucin to lock in moisture - a weird ingredient but common capitol beauty trend.
She patted her face as she applied a hydrating eyecream, before grabbing a hairdryer and drying her hair. Once she was sufficiently happy with how damp it was, she applied some hair oil, then grabbed a gua shua and ran it along her face. Once she finished with that, she picked up the hair dryer once again, this time fully drying out her hair. She grabbed a lash serum, applying some onto her eyelashes, and picking up a pair of tweezers, as she plucked her eyebrows into the perfect shape. The woman was high maintenance, she wasn't going to lie, but she loved it. Her little beauty rituals made her happy, made her beautiful.
As her hair was dried and she was happy with how she looked, she went into the closet they provided for her, and she picked out a pair of pajamas.
She had grabbed a satin babydoll top, lined with lace, and a pair of lacy underpants, that she put satin shorts of the same color over.
She ran her hands through her hair, adding a little bit of volume before exiting her own room, to join Haymitch and her district partner at the table.
They were still at the table but this time, Basil seemed to be yelling at Haymitch for something, with Haymitch being a little too drunk to care.
She made her way closer to them before hearing what Basil was so upset about, "you're literally a drunk why would i take advice from you" and other things, she didn't really plan on interfering except for maybe glaring at Basil a little more often, thst was until he grabbed Haymitch's drink and splashed it into his face.
The woman slammed a quick punch into Basil's face, letting out a "what the hell are you doing?"
"are you really gonna defend him, huh? hes a drunk! hes literally sending kids into an arena ever year judt for them to die!" basil said, delirious and mad.
"everyone has their problems and everyone has their way to cope for it. don't blame him for something out of his control." she hissed, as she bent over Haymitch, to help him wipe some of the alcohol off of him.
"he can control it but he just keeps ln fucking drinking - i don't even know how you can try to defend him ! he's gonna be the reason we die soon!" basil snapped, still upset.
"alcohol is not addictive," she said, wiping haymitch's jaw, "but alcohol is numbing, alcohol makes people forget. alcohol lets people escape the pain of their modern lives, it takes a while for it to develop into an addiction but getting addicted to alcohol is not something someone does for fun, alcoholics are people who have something to forget, something to hide from, something that is hurting them just to remember. alcohol is an easy way out that still lets them live, still lets them function. i promise you , just because he's an alcoholic doesnt mean he doesnt care, and it doesnt mean he doesnt fucking try." the tone of her voice was sharp, unpleasant and spearing at the moment, something abnormal for her, "if he didn't care and he didn't want to try, if he didn't have some hope for us, us as in the tributes, he would be fucking dead. sending kids into a death arena is something no one could enjoy, but if he didn't have a little bit of hope - that one of us could win, he wouldnt be here today. he was a kid too when he went into his arena, he survived and it scarred him, what he did scarred him and snows punishments scarred him. he's not a bad man for wanting to escape the horrors of his past, and hes not a bad man for being drunk while hes supposed to be helping us because at least hes still here and at least hes still trying. so you need to shut the fuck up and realize that everyone has their own problems and to stop bitching at every minor inconvenience." her tone indicated the end of a conversation, as basil walked over to his room, unable to argue with the woman, the sympathetic woman who always seemed to look into a situation more than she had to.
she leaned back down to haymitch who was watching her with sharp eyes now, questioning eyes, her little outburst wasn't something he expected. the little observations she made, the little assumptions, and how she had seen through his facade things that shocked him. he realized she looked at him with wide eyes and sympathy because she figured he was trying, still trying his best after the dozens of kids he watched die.
and at that moment he knew, he knew what she was. a people watcher, a sympathizer, a woman who knew how to wear everyone else's shoes, a woman who took nothing to heart because she trusted that whoever was delivering it had something going on for them, someone who could see through everything and still never tried to hurt them with the information she had gathered as she observed them.
she rested into his arms and caressed his jawline, her own attempt to comfort the man. she was sweet and beautiful, insanely likeable, and insanely marketable.
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