#I mean I hope it gets global recognition
winepresswrath · 11 months
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beloved nemesises.
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truebluemenace · 2 months
I'm thinking about Sonic going from just a regular guy, to becoming a rumor, then a myth, then a legend, then, eventually, a deity of sorts.
Like, okay, he's still a normal dude. That is, if normal dudes can run at the speed of sound and harness ultimate power to defeat gods and titans.
But the more people he saves, the more people learn about him. And I would have to imagine that Sonic as a figure feels very mythical to the average person, especially if they've never met him.
This guy protects the planet and has saved it from monumental threats and he has never once demanded anything in return, not even recognition for his actions. And nobody, save for a very small few, knows anything about him.
When crises happen, the average person starts hoping for Sonic to show up and save them all. As time goes on, these hopes evolve into something more like prayers.
When Sonic dies, memorials are created around the planet for the fallen hero. It's strange to think that he's actually gone, even in the aftermath of Eggman's conquests. People visit these memorials and leave flowers or other small gifts, in honor of the hedgehog who saved them all time and time again, and they almost feel more like tribute.
Sonic comes back to life and these memorials become more like holy sites. Just because Sonic's alive doesn't mean there isn't still this drive to treat these places like temples, temples where Sonic is their deity.
It makes Sonic uncomfortable when he starts to come across them, while the Restoration is still fixing the planet. People making offerings and praying in his name, thanking him for protecting the planet and asking him to continue to do so. What's even worse is when these types of people meet him directly, and he has to deal with his worshippers falling at his feet.
He liked it a whole lot better when he was dodging interviews and autographs. He never wanted anything like this.
When he discusses it with his friends, they generally agree that yeah, it is pretty weird. But it also feels like many of them look at him differently these days, too.
Especially Knuckles.
They have a conversation about it once.
"Do you know what makes something a god?" Knuckles had asked.
"Well, I've fought a few of them, so I should probably know," Sonic joked, catching the way Knuckles' frown deepened in a lack of amusement. "Well, they all tend to have a lot of power."
"Sure, but where do you think that power comes from?"
"Uh, chaos energy?"
Knuckles sighed. "It's more than that. Look at Shadow. He's got loads of chaos energy, but you wouldn't consider him a god, would you?"
"I don't know, he is supposedly immortal."
"What?" Sonic put his hands up. "I don't get your point, Knux. Why are you even asking me this?"
"Gods are formed from worship."
Sonic froze. It hit him immediately what Knuckles was implying. He forces out a chuckle. "I don't think a few misguided people treating me like some otherworldly force means anything, pal."
"You know it's not just a few people, Sonic. This is a global thing that's happening."
Sonic waved a hand. "It'll die down, trust me. It's all just because I was gone for six months and magically seemed to come back. The average person doesn't know the full story."
The full story was this: Sonic didn't feel like a deity. Those six months were the worst experience of his life, and now that he was in the aftermath he still felt bad more often than not. He hid it well, but his time imprisoned and tortured had left its mark, the way he flinched at shadows and shied away from physical contact even worse than before, even as he craved it more than he ever had in his life.
He'd always felt unstoppable, a side effect of his speed, he imagined. And then he was stopped, and the illusion he had viewed himself through shattered.
He had never felt more small. He felt even further from a god than ever.
It didn't help that the world fell apart in his absence. Dealing with guilt on top of everything else wasn't helpful.
"Listen, Knux," Sonic said, letting his tone grow serious. "Don't bring this up with anyone else, okay? The last thing we need is for people to start acting more weird around me. This craziness needs to just blow over."
Knuckles looked at him intensely, studying his expression. Sonic didn't know what he saw, but he sighed. "Fine, I won't. But I still--"
"Great, thanks! I gotta go, I'll see you around!"
"Sonic, wait--!" Knuckles called out too late, the wind rushing past him as Sonic took off, speeding away before the echidna could get another word in.
He didn't get a chance to tell Sonic that his chaos energy signature had started to feel different.
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1moreff-creator · 10 months
Happy Birthday David Chiem!
Usually, for these characters’ birthdays, I do a somewhat half-hearted attempt at a character analysis. But do you think I’m gonna do this for David? Hell no, he’s way too complicated for me to do something like that in this style of post! And I am not making a post that difficult right after that Mai thing.
So, instead, I’m just going to list a few fun facts, because that’s easier. Hope you like it anyways!
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(By the way, I’ve always loved that frame of the MV so, so much)
-His birthday lands on “National Book Lovers’ Day”, which says National but is recognized globally. Considering the MV, I’d say that fits. It also coincides with the Annual Perseid Meteor Shower Peak Night, Co-working Day (hah, as if), and get ready, “Hold Hands Day”.
-His profile states he likes ready-make oatmeal. According to the recent Q&A, he can cook, he just prefers not to. This actually fits with quite a few scenes in the series where it’s implied he prefers not to get out of bed unless necessary (mood), such as his brief outburst in the introduction and the several times he’s shown not to eat with anyone else. Though maybe that’s actually caused by him hating people.
-He dislikes expensive things. Kinda based.
-He does TEDTalks, and that’s presumably where he gets his talent from.
-As he stated himself, he has pretty bad bed hair. And apparently, he can summon it at will, as seen in Ch 2 Ep 11.
-His pupils seem to turn into stars whenever he… smiles or puts on a positive attitude? It doesn’t seem to follow a strict logic other than “whenever it looks cool”.
-He has an older sister named Diana. Or, well, that’s what he claims. Footnote 11 of you-know-what may imply she never actually existed. It’s unclear what this means at the moment.
-He seemed to genuinely like Xander, and wanted to be friends with him, as he’d value that relationship more than Xander’s idolatry.
-The secret quote in his page is "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. I wish you could just die." How nice! This is either talking to himself, or presumably something he'll say to Teruko since their characters do be foiling.
-The quote on Mai's page attached to him is "She forgives everyone." It's the second to last line in the script, before MonoTV's. I have to physically restrain myself from theorizing.
-Some stuff from the Q&As:
*He usually wears semi-formal, 'professional' clothes.
*His blue hair is actually fully natural.
*This is the default sprite for his fuckboy persona:
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... But, like, why though. Why's he so sassy.
*Bisexual with a strong female lean. Diversity win! The biggest liar you know is bisexual!
*His favorite color is gamboge (the yellow of his star pupils), stating it’s inspiring; while his least favorite is gray, stating it’s depressing. This could imply he actually likes the cheerier persona he usually puts on more than his real self, or the villainous persona he plays in the trial.
*He handles his feelings badly. We been knew.
*His hair clips were his manager’s idea, to build brand recognition. Apparently David doesn’t like this manager too much, but he puts up with them for the contract. Also, when he takes off his hair clips in the trial, he places them in his PANT POCKETS.
*I’m sure you’ve realized this, but you remember that section of the Q&A where the dev gives details about the family members we had known about from the series (Elliot Cuevas, Felicity Giles, Fuyuko and Natsuko Naegishi, Ryan Moreno/Rosales)? Diana Chiem isn’t mentioned, perhaps further hinting at her non-existence.
*He has an average amount of strength.
*His favorite ice cream flavor is pistachio, because of course it’s pistachio.
*He smells like men’s cologne, but only faintly. Hope you’re happy with that answer, you weirdos (/affectionate).
*He’s American, like everyone else except maybe Teruko.
And now, for his playlist! I kinda already posted this in a reblog to another post, but here it is officially!
+Literature Girl Insane, by Karasuyasabou (I mean, obviously)
+Undead Enemy, by Suzumu and Giga-P (probably his song from the official character playlist)
+Monochrome Mentality, by Riproducer / RIP
+Grey, by QueenPB
+The Distortionist, by Ghost & Pals (CW: Abuse)
+Copycat, by CircusP
+How to Pretend, by CircusP (FNAF pog)
+Echo, by Crusher-P
+God-ish, by PinocchioP
+The Court Jester, by thquib
+Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, by Set it Off
+The Things I Deserve, by Ghost & Pals (CW: suicide)
+All Eyes on Me, by OR3O
+Not Your Angel, by NightCove_theFox (apparently I’m making him into an Alice Angel kinnie)
And, finally…
+Happy birthday! Though he would absolutely despise anyone who tries to sing it to him, I imagine.
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imthepunchlord · 2 months
What are the Virtuous, Numinous and Auspicious: Is it related to the Calamitous?
Concept wise, they are my latest take on what the Miraculous should have been, with some help of public polls. The Calamitous don't exist. I actually forgot that was a concept I thought of. So for this new take of Miraculous...
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There are exclusively only 32, they are universal/global instead of originating from only China. And I am setting it up that different people from different places came together to craft Miraculous as a means for humanity to survive, there is no power pyramid between these groups, and they all can be used to be heroes and save the day, only each group serve a different purpose.
But to go more in depth.
The Virtuous Miraculous.
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These Miraculous are tied to virtues and are meant to focus on individual growth, to have someone improve their character, expand upon themselves, and to grow as a person. The catch is that it's not recommended to get a virtue that's already apart of you, too much of a virtue can lead to it becoming a vice (too much courage leads to recklessness, too much loyalty leads to blind faith, too much too much perseverance leads to stubbornness, too much objectivity closes your mind, too much kindness can mean never considering yourself, ect.).
I will say right now that I don't have all the virtues set yet. That's going to take some time.
The Auspicious Miraculous.
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These Miraculous relate to quality of life improvements, covering what people may need or want. They are lightly based on Bagua as I do find that it relates to what people do want and hope for in life.
Bear covers ancestry, family, and long life.
Fish covers wealth, prosperity, and abundance.
Rooster covers fame, reputation, and recognition.
Crane covers love, union, and partnership.
Spider covers creativity, inspiration, and fun.
Horse covers travel, helpful people, and beneficial change.
Deer covers ambition, purpose, and truth.
Mantis covers self-cultivation, knowledge, and wisdom.
The Prodigious Miraculous
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Are THE defenders of humanity as a whole. When there is a mass threat to humanity, they step up to face it.
The Numinous Miraculous
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These Miraculous are the preservers of nature, seeking to protect the balance and order of the natural world. It does mean that these Miraculous have powers that will influence or obstruct humans.
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mimikoolover · 10 months
I hate to say it but I feel a lot of disappointment with Jk, so much so that I’ve mentally checked out of his release and want to hear nothing of it anymore. It’s just disappointing to see him sellout like this, his interviews aren’t making things better bc how can he say he just wants to be more famous/be a giant pop star, what happened to just loving to make music ? Feel like idek know him like I thought I do. I’m also stuck between if I should be mad at him or not bc at some level he did know this was going to happen, knew they were going to push him more than the other members(we literally see him planning to be big in suwitcha ep). He seems so arrogant and full of himself nowadays. Not an ounce of gratitude??? No thankyou, nothing. Straight up asking for more, as he knows scooter is preparing him an English album. Don't know how long he's gonna go well with this bitchy attitude. Idk how he can change like this or maybe the older humble JK was all a facade. Didn't he also said that ? Anyway, it's just a matter of time till Jimin gets done with his bs and drops him. Idk how long Jimin can pretend to be happy and supportive of him even while being arrogant af.
so let’s start with the obvious: fans don’t know the celebrities/idols they’re fans of on a personal level. what you and i assume about any idol can be completely wrong however i feel it’s the same with random people as well. sometimes i hear from people what they assume about me and i’m shocked because it’s so different to how i actually am. unless you’re close friends with someone or on a family type closeness level, i don’t think you can assume to know anyone and as long as you recognise that, you’re cool. your message is also completely biased and i hope you recognise that too.
that said let’s assume jungkook has changed or his humble self was a facade. this would depend on your definition of humble. i wouldn’t say jungkook was humble as in what i saw in him was he was severely lacking any type of recognition for himself. this is what i think people interpreted as humble. it was however not good for jungkook and i say this as someone who never gives themselves credit.
what has changed is that he doesn’t sweat his “mistakes” anymore. this makes him more confident. another thing that makes him more confident is how he is challenging himself right now. i feel like if you want to be fair to him you have to admit (and give him credit for) how he’s getting out of his comfort zone. recording a full song in english, working (alone) with people who only speak english, going on a morning show, an evening show, stationhead livestreams, doing a lot of that in english, not even mentioning how much frankly courage it took for him to shoot the mv he did on his own, record the explicit version of seven and release it…all that was new to him and these are the things that allow you to grow as a person. with this comes confidence which people can confuse with being cocky.
on the other hand jungkook is also honest. he is telling you how it is and trust me everyone in the industry wants to be a global superstar. even if they deny it and say they only do it for the sake of the music. the two can coexist at the same time. jungkook goes on live, he talks in interviews and he’s telling you exactly what he thinks and feels. that is so rare it’s laughable people don’t appreciate it more. you may call it arrogant but he’s very self aware and let’s be honest, would you want someone who’s underestimating themselves or would you want to be a fan of someone who understands the situation they’re in and acknowledges it? he knows how big he and bts are. why pretend otherwise? he is showing gratitude by going live at ass o’clock, always talking about how much army means to him (well the ones who genuinely support him) and being as honest as a celebrity possibly can be. he’s grateful for his true fans but i think fans also need to understand that while they are putting massive amounts of money, time and effort in, jungkook did his part as well. he worked hard for us (while being ill too during promo). fans also need to recognise that they’re not the sole cause of his success - the GP does actually like him. yes without fans he wouldn’t be where he is but he also put the work in and should be able to be proud of that without minimising his efforts.
he’s also at an age where people tend to figure themselves out more and i know cause i’m in the same boat. i can see he’s going through that. chapter 2 i think is really allowing them all to get out of the comfort bubble of the group and grow as people on their own which is great. inevitably, jungkook being human, will change over the course of his lifetime just like all of us.
i’m not going to entertain the BS about how he’s pushed more than the other members because I don’t think that’s fair to say. they’re all getting different opportunities and dare i say it is their choice. i know jimin wasn’t happy with how long his promo was but unless he talks about it in more detail i refuse to put a lot of weight on it because i don’t know how much promo he wanted to do. as far as i can see they’re all getting to do what they want to do and they’re booked and busy.
as for jimin dropping jungkook that’s just what you want to see and it realistically isn’t going to happen. i highly doubt jimin is pretending anything😂that’s just wishful thinking. i’m not even going to go into anything specific that happened recently because there’s no point, it’s a given that they will remain close and i have full trust in that based on being a fan for 6 years.
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Update on Writing
Hey guys, just wanted to make a quick announcement. I will not be posting as frequently as I have been lately. I started a new quarter of college and my primary focus is going to be that. So, you should expect less updates, but when I do update they will be very long and worth the wait. Since I won't be updating frequently, I will spend my free time writing and making large fanfics that way you guys get something! So, less updates=longer fanfics. I hope you guys understand and don't forget about me :(
I'm working on something right now as we speak, so hopefully I can finish that before classes get too hectic. That way, you guys have something to 'hold you over' until the next update! :D
And please, don't be afraid to send requests! Just because I don't upload them right away does not mean I haven't been working on them <3 all I ask is for a little patience from you guys :)
Requests=motivation for me to write!
support=motivation for me to write!
patience=motivation for me to write!
<3 hope you all are having a great spring so far!
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(P.S. I am not a fan of how Jim Carrey portrayed the Riddler. I feel like he made him too goofy and silly and less 'professional' than he really is. But, I still love him cuz it's Jim Carrey and Jim Carrey is the only person who is allowed to be Jim Carrey. And that is a globally agreed upon fact. I can really see Jim Carrey as a silly villain who doesn't get a lot of recognition. Maybe Calendar Man? I would say he could be the Joker, because he's definitely goofy enough, but idk.)
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rainbowsky · 1 year
Happy International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia
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This has been a very distressing year of increased crackdowns on queer people and queer identities globally. Threats and protests at drag shows, queer events being shut down for safety reasons, another devastating mass shooting at a gay night club, transgender people being attacked, maligned and denied human rights and basic health care all over the place... it's incredibly depressing.
I already have a post here and another one here and yet another one here that are more political in nature. I hope you'll check those out and do what you can to spread the word and/or help out. But for this year's post, in the interests of lightening things up a bit from this relentless grief, I've decided to celebrate some of my favorite queer music artists who you might not have heard of before.
This is by no means a comprehensive list of my favorite queer artists. Just a few that I think don't get the recognition they deserve, and that I was able to come up with off the top of my head within the time I had available to make this post. There are so many great queer artists, and I will probably share more of them in the coming months and years.
Truly one of the most beautiful voices on the planet. I've been a devoted fan of hers for many years, and she just keeps blowing me completely away and breaking my heart and holding it all together. I love her so damn much. She's a blessing to this world.
RVG (for Romy Vager Group, after the lead singer Romy Vager) from Australia are my current favorite new band. Romy has a spectacular voice and she knows how to use it. I can't wait for the new album to come out. Squid is my favorite new song so far, but Midnight Sun is a close second. I've shared it here because it has a video - more entertaining than staring at an album cover.
Ethel Cain
I've already talked about her a lot here on my blog. She's amazing, and her album Preacher's Daughter is one of my favorite releases from last year.
Oliver Sim
I've talked about him before on my blog. Some of you might recognize his voice from the XX, one of my favorite bands. He recently came out with a solo album that I also absolutely love. I know I've shared this video before, but it's such a favorite that I had no choice but to share it again.
Perfume Genius
Love him so much. He always manages to have a simultaneously nostalgic, moody, anthemic and totally 'of the moment' sound.
The Irrepressibles
Ugh. So good. Everything Jamie does is amazing - the aesthetic, the sound, the demeanour. Truly a massive, massive inspiration. His voice totally kills me. This particular song is so gutting and beautiful. If you look up the lyrics, you'll cry.
Chris Pureka
They are such a brilliant songwriter. Emotional, powerful songs, and such a unique, expressive voice. Their sound is deceptively simple but everything is memorable and sticks with me.
I'm aware of how painfully white this list is, but I saved a few for another list I'm working on. You'll see that one in a week or two.
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ambiguouspuzuma · 7 months
Constructive feedback
I'm a compulsive feed-backer. At least, I think that's the right word. It feels like the verb might be in the wrong place - one who backs feeds, perhaps, like a supporter of TV channels - but I'm not sure of the alternative. Back-feeder? Or does that make me sound like one of those oxpeckers - you know, the birds that ride around on kudu or wildebeest - or something else entirely? You can let me know, if you like. I certainly would.
I mean that I give feedback. Any chance I get, really - and you'd be surprised how many there are. The pop-up that you'd usually swipe away; the installation screens you scramble through. Am I willing to spare two minutes for a quick survey? You bet. Rate us in the app store? Don't mind if I do.
Sometimes they don't even ask for it. There's just a company email address on the leaflet, a pause in the spiel, and suddenly I'm giving more feedback than a microphone within an inch of its own speaker. I write letters to global corporations; I phone back their call centres; I scribble on marketing flyers and return them to sender. A compulsion, as I said. It's a problem, except that I'm not sure that it is.
I like to feel that, in my own small way, I'm improving the world. Most people don't have the patience for all of that work, and so it's down to the likes of me, the back-feeders, to spot the errors; to suggest the improvements; to do the silent work that makes everything we use a little bit better. I identify bugs, and I swat them away before they have the chance to land on your salad. You're welcome.
By and large, I find myself ignored, and that's okay. I'll occasionally feed that back in turn, for important stuff - when the council take too long to acknowledge my letters about potholes, for instance - but otherwise I'm happy to work in the shadows, offering up my free advice without the hope of recognition or reward.
They don't all have to heed my words. I know that I can be pernickety, a pedant, a perfectionist. Not all of my suggested improvements can be prioritised, and I appreciate that resources might be better spent elsewhere. I just give them the information, and leave the best course of action for them to decide.
That is, I used to. Until the start of this month, when I left a restaurant a two star review, and walked past later to find it had closed down. I felt guilty, wondering if I was responsible, although I hadn't thought my words too harsh; perhaps the proprietor had thinner skin than that which lay across the surface of his soup, I thought.
But then I called the local pet store's attention to the uneven drawing of its parking bays, and they vanished too: not even the shop, just the car park. I tried it with a park I visited, which needed more benches in the shade, and suddenly there weren't any benches, or even any shade. It felt like a petulant response, co-ordinated across the various powers that be, sick and tired of my complaining. It was like I was provoking them, or they were trying to provoke me.
I tried to cut back, of course, but you can't just quit the habit of a lifetime. I decided to redirect my energies elsewhere, starting a blog to vent my thoughts about life more generally, rather than risk upsetting any more people: I moaned about the way it always seemed to rain on the weekend, or how quickly my knees and back had gone with age, and suggested flaws in natural systems, like the strange way that animals and plants with warning colours now looked more attractive to humans, particularly young children.
One day I received a parcel in the post. I hadn't been expecting anything, and my immediate thought was that the postal service had delivered to the wrong address, despite my previous corrections, but it was my name on the label. Inside the box, I found another note addressed to me, atop a set of neatly folded golden robes.
"Go on, then," it read, in a language I shouldn't have been able to read, and therefore couldn't check for typos. "Let's see you do any better."
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madisonbeersource · 2 months
do u realize that it's Madison's year? like...she's almost at 70M streams...her song "Make You Mine" is on Beatstar (you know the game where you have to touch the keys in rhythm with the music), she's in the BILLBOARD CHARTS, she's been nominated for the grammys...like...?
I see lots of articles on Tate McRae, on how Greedy became a song that will surely be a classic in a few years...new singers like Tate, Coco Jones or even Tyla are managing to emerge in Pop, while people were unaware that they had already been in the business for quite some time.
but…I listened to Life Support, it was her first album and it was a GREAT album. I listened to SBS and, I'm not going to lie, I didn't like it as much as Life Support but it's still a GREAT album.
She’s criminally underrated. She should have already gotten a lot of attention when Life Support came out. People see her as an influencer but they don't see her as a singer, and that's the whole problem.
I say it again, it’s Madison’s year and when she’s a global star with 100M subscribers we’ll be able to say with pride that we were there from the beginning amennnn
say it louder for the people in the back!! Make You Mine is all over tik tok and now it does great on charts and is even in games I AM SOOO FUCKING HAPPY FOR MY PRINCESS !!! YES YES YES I AGREE W U 100% plus i feel like her tour is doing SO GREAT?? like number wise and growth??
and like I don't see Tyla doing much more than water ... as sad as it is bc she has an AMAZING VOICE honestly I was pretty shook cause like water is an okay song i mean if she wasn't pouring water on her ass while booty shaking during lives, i'm not sure the song would have had the same amount of success oops. Tate has an interesting sound and like she is pure pop so i feel like she could go further in time but Idk why people don't react the same w madison ..like i feel like tate is much more recognized than madison while madison has been in business since 2012!! LIKE...idk why people cannot react to madison until now...make you mine does so good i hope it keeps on going cause SHE DESERVE THE RECOGNITION also i need a duet w tate!!
life support defines me as well as a lot of us, and i think it'll always be the album of my soul if that makes sense...just bc it represents so much of what we've been through with her!! like we are a part of this album, from the many delays to the studio cession where it was the only thing that would get her out of bed in the morning ..you know life support was and stays the best body of work she coud have done at the time and i agree that as much as SBS is good, it'll never top Life Support imo, because of the songs, production but also what it means for her, for us fans and for our rls w her!!
I think the reason why they don't take her as serious as she should be is pure jealousy, she's almost too pretty to be taken seriously and this happens to ANY gorgeous young women. PEOPLE STILL CATEGORIZE HER AS AN INFLUENCER LIKE ????????????????????? just bc she has a body of a model and the face of an angel so people are like ooo she uses her image to sell, NOPE she is also good at singing and music ....sorry to disappoint
AMEN, they would b the "one day" while we are "day one"
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hi bpp,
i hope this isn't a controversial ask. i really want your opinion. do you think another kpop group can win a grammy before bts? another group or singer winning a grammy first or even getting a nomination before bts returns - do you think it is possible?
Hi Anon,
Of course it's possible. BTS isn't the only group in k-pop putting out incredibly good music, after all. So it only tracks that before BTS returns in 2026, another k-pop artist or group may get Grammys recognition. In fact I expect it because of BTS, because BTS has put the spotlight on k-pop in a way no artist or group before them has ever done. Not even BoA and she's a legit g.o.a.t. in the industry. BTS has elevated k-pop to what is still widely considered to be the highest echelon in music. There's more attention on k-pop globally than there's ever been, and BTS is a big reason for that. So it's only a matter of time before good music coming out of Korea is more widely recognized.
Personally (and some of my friends agree), there's no group in the history of k-pop that has put out a better song than Dis-ease by BTS. And I do think they are the absolute best performers in the business. So my verdict is if the universe was fair, BTS would've been walking away with a Grammy every year since 2015. Nobody ever has done a better remake than Come Back Home by BTS, Fake Love by BTS is the song that caused the decisive shift in the dominant 4th gen sound or formula. I mean, much of what we understand as k-pop today is undeniably influenced (and to some degree, even forged) by choices and achievements BTS has made so far. Including the music, and some of that music happens to be pretty good.
There's also the fact the k-pop industry will push very actively for that sort of recognition, and they certainly see an opportunity to do that while BTS enlists. Expect any of the groups people try to force into the 'next BTS' discourse, the usual suspects being Blackpink, Stray Kids, Twice, Seventeen, and any random SM group (for some reason the animus is especially high with SM). Just calling a spade a spade...
In any case, let's hope good music wins because the Grammys don't have a good track record on that note.
Some favourites in the current Grammys eligibility period (October 1, 2022 - August 31, 2023):
On The Street - J-hope ft J. Cole
Indigo - RM
Set Me Free Pt. 2 - Jimin
Ay Yo - NCT127: The song is decent but it’s the performance that elevates it to something special. Too bad the beauty of the performance is in the details which would be lost in a grand concert setting.
NewJeans' Summer 2023 Release
Hurt was the best non-BTS k-pop song to be released in 2022, but NewJeans was much too green to submit their debut EP for consideration at the Grammys. So I really do hope they take the chance to be considered for the Grammys next year by dropping another smash-hit album/EP before August/September 2023. Ditto and OMG are nice but we know they can do better, and I expect them to in their upcoming album this summer.
This isn't to say I don't think BTS will win a Grammy ever. I'm personally indifferent, but I do think if they ever win it, it won't be soon. But I’ve been told I’m a k-pop pessimist, so please take all I’ve written with a pinch of salt.
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aronarchy · 4 months
… there’s something very strange about the way the official mouthpieces of the zionist project behave towards the figure of the Jew as such. There’s a constantly repeated line, that anti-zionism is just a veiled form of antisemitism—but if you look at it closely, it becomes something highly unpleasant: if an insult to Israel is an insult to all Jews, then it follows that we’re all united, borg-like, behind the Jewish state, and that we’re all complicit in whatever it does. If this position were articulated by a Gentile, we’d rightfully accuse them of antisemitism. But this is how Israel expects us to behave. Why do they get away with it? Netanyahu describes himself as the leader of the Jewish people, empowered to speak on my behalf. The Jewish people have been around far longer than Benjamin Netanyahu, or the State of Israel for that matter. I never asked for him. Whenever Jews are attacked somewhere else in the world, some Israeli minister commands us all to flee to historic Palestine and shelter under his nuclear umbrella: the dream of state zionism is of a Europe without any Jews. Did they dream it themselves?
What does it mean to be a Jew? Over the centuries, Jews in every corner of the world have led any number of different modes of life; there’s very little to unite the Jewish experience beyond the Tanakh (some Jewish communities split before the composition of the Talmud) and the fact of being in exile. From Sinai to Babylon to Persia to Brooklyn, we’ve spent far more of our history pining after the Land of Israel than actually living in it. Throughout, this loss has been felt as a critical gap between how things are and how things ought to be, a recognition that things have gone wrong; this is why Jewish thought has always tended towards the Utopian. … For almost all of this period, the idea that the Messianic gap could be closed by simply sending thousands of armed men to the Levant to boot out the existing inhabitants and set up a Jewish state would have not just been premature, but ridiculous.
At the same time, Jewish thought—in Europe at least—has consistently veered towards universalism: the resolution of differences and the global confraternity of all humankind. (Again, see Christ, Spinoza, and Marx.) In the Tanakh, the Jews are forever backsliding; they’re perversely eager to worship any old object as long as it’s not the God of their forefathers. The idea of a separate Jewish identity in Europe has always been more of a European fixation than a Jewish one. For Europe, its Jews were a constitutive other; Christendom could define itself (and unite itself) as that which was not Saracen, not Indian, and not Jewish. (The situation was slightly different in the United States, in which the role of the internal other was largely imposed on the Black population.) European Jews served an important sacrificial function, acting as a collective pharmakos: in times of crisis, they would be exiled or massacred, a mass catharsis restoring the metaphysical separation between within and without. This is why, despite the fervent Christian hope for a grand conversion of the Jews, actual Jewish converts were treated with such suspicion: Conversos and their descendants were a primary target of the Spanish Inquisition; secular, integrated Jews were often the first to be slaughtered in the Nazi genocides. Behind the violence there’s a desperate thirst for identity: the antisemite needs to Jew to constitute himself; Europe is not Europe without its Jews.
Jews have lived on every continent, for hundreds of years, but zionism arose in 19th-century Europe. This is because zionism is not, in terms of its ideological content, a particularly Jewish project, but a European one. This was a period when national groups within the great multi-ethnic empires—Russia, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman caliphate—were increasingly agitating for self-determination along strict ethnic lines, while at the same time other European states were brutally capturing and colonising areas of land elsewhere on the globe. Early zionism, with its demand for a Jewish national homeland outside of Europe, wasn’t much more than a combination of these two tendencies. Zionism was simultaneously a hypostatisation of Jewish difference, and assimilation by other means. The Jews would finally become just like any other respectable European people: we would colonise like them, ethnically cleanse like them, and set up a perfect imitation of the despotic European ethnic state in the Middle East. This is how we got to where we are today, with Jews messing around with tank battalions, repressive state infrastructures, the systematic dispossession of a colonised population, and other such fundamentally goyische inventions.
This dangerous shift in Jewish identity would not be possible without some kind of violence. Early zionism was fixated on the idea of a “New Jew”: while Jews in the diaspora were sedentary, spiritual, intellectual, and the objects of state violence, the New Jew would be an active, tanned, muscular agricultural fascist, the subject of state violence, a creature virtually indistinguishable from the porcine Gentile peasants who had so brutally suppressed the Jews over the centuries. The birth of this figure required the erasure of all Jewish history up until its creation. The past would be prologue, a brief coda between the Kingdom and the State of Israel, expressible only as that period in which the Jews allowed themselves to suffer. Diaspora could only ever mean suffering; the Jew in exile—in other words, the Jew as such—became an object of near-pathological loathing. Every antisemitic slander was repeated: the Jews really were weak, ugly, etiolated, usurious; the goal of zionism was to put a spade in one hand, a rifle in the other, and turn them into something else. With bullets and bloodshed they would get rid of the cringing Jews of the past: it was an article of faith among those zionist pioneers that, before long, all Jews would become the New Jew.
Of course, this was impossible. The problem was that, alone among the European settler-colonial projects, the Jewish state was a colony without a metropole. Unlike any other imperialist outpost of the 19th century, it didn’t have any mother country to support its wars against the natives. And when the zionist project first emerged, the attitude of a great many Jewish populations—especially those Jews already living in Palestine—was one of total hostility. … The idea that any facet of organised Jewish life might be entirely indifferent to the State of Israel is now absurd. Israel spends millions providing young Jews from around the world with subsidised Birthright tours of the country, to emphasise the deep and organic connection between the Jewish people and the Holy Land. But if this connection really were so deep and so organic, why would this vast ideological operation even be necessary?
The Israeli state doesn’t regard diaspora Jewry as its progenitor, or as a community in which it is embedded… We are unable to speak, and so the state of Israel will speak for us: it knows what we want better than we do ourselves, and what we want is war. … When Jews refuse to submit, when we break ranks to speak out against Israeli atrocities or the mad, antiquated idea of zionism, … the fury that rises against an anti-zionist Jew is far more terrible than that which faces any ordinary Gentile antisemite. Israel barfs the history and diversity of the Jewish people in the face of the world, all sparkles and tapestries, but when we’re alone together it grabs us close by the lapels and hisses through bloodstained teeth: know your place.
If being a Jew isn’t just about kvetching and chicken soup, if it means living with the ambivalence of otherness and the hope for Utopian justice, then Israel is not a Jewish state. The idea of a Jewish state is, once stated, already contradictory and meaningless. In practice, it’s a monster. A state that tries to erase Jewish history, Jewish subjectivity, and Jewish life is not something that has anything to do with any Judaism I recognise. There’s a word for this kind of behaviour. It’s antisemitism.
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pixeljade · 4 months
Gonna be real with you Kim Petras gives me so much hope.
I mean. Its so hard being a trans woman in today's world! I've seen so many suicides of trans friends, to say nothing of the ones who are irreparably traumatized by just living as a trans person. Being a celebrity means she's surpassed ALL of that to get here! And yeah we've had other trans celebrities before but most of them either got big through their transness (like Laverne Cox), or came out once they already had some level of fame (like Elliot Page or the Wachowskis). Which, no shame to either path! Do your thing! But also Kim Petras (and now a few other trans celebs I know) climbed from nothing to global recognition wearing the weight of transphobia, AND didnt make her fame about her transness! She got recognition AS AN ARTIST, DESPITE all the transphobia against her! She's also hot as hell and extremely feminine. The only people who dont accept her as a woman are shithead republicans. She's proof that it CAN be done, and that to me is the goal: to be accepted for who you are and simply let your work stand for itself. I still put queer content in everything but I dont feel like I *have to* so much.
Anyways Unholy is such a huge bop
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skippyv20 · 2 years
A Deluge of Deceit
Hi Skippy & Friends-Pilgrim here with some info from The Ripple of Hope org site which looks like a cash register to me with this disclaimer that is very open ended, "Proceeds benefit the important work and programs of Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights." Hmmm... I wonder how much the famous film star, producer-shooter emcee, Alec Baldwin is paid? His participation with his liar of a wife sends a unsavory whiff to be topped off with the latest "smooze artistes" the Harkles.
This deal for the laureate award was cemented for them last March--before the never-ending April Invictus drunken filming event; their sneaky recording behavior at the Platinum Jubilee in June; the summer of posturing at polo; the Sept. fake speaking tour in Manchester etc., topped off with their disastrous royal funeral fighting. Let's not forget this was all peppered with her flimflam articles in The Cut and Variety magazines.
I have to wonder how excited Kerry Kennedy and group are now to be headlining the Harkles? They must be aware it means trouble as in "A Trickle of Tickets." Also, they still have to hold their noses with PinEvil's speech in Indianapolis only a few weeks before where a mere 5 grand pays for a table of 10.
Donation levels are big jumps between $2500 to $1,000,000. $2500.00 get you one ticket for the dinner. One million gets you 4 seats at head table, 2 premium tables of ten guests, all get access to the VIP reception, special recognition in the invitation and dinner program and on-screen recognition during the service and from the podium, to bask in the spotlight of "The River of Riffraff."
At their cash register they say, "With your donation, you will help expose injustice, right wrong, and shape history. It's easy and fast to fill out the form below, knowing that you are joining a global community of changemakers working together to shape our shared future. There is not a moment to lose!" Quick! Pick your rate and hit pay! Maybe that is a lot easier than having to actually end up with "A Wave of Regret" witnessing the mess called PinEvil, The Duchass of Overseas.
It is all so mind boggling…..I don’t get it….❤️
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gemsofgreece · 1 year
Sotiris Tsafoulias is really a great director and i am looking forward to his next project. His series may be a little dark but they are wonderfully crafted and executed, so honestly i hope he gets recognition even globally and his movies get in big streaming platforms.
Oh wow what a story!!! 😮
I am now impatient for this too, finally someone who makes good use of Greece’s history and I don’t mean schoolbook history but those very intriguing individual past events. Awesome, it kind of reminds me of Sweeney Todd’s tale in a realistic twist. The whole being a good yet wronged professional losing his mind and taking revenge thing. I had never heard about this man before. If Tsafoulias does a good job with this, which he will most likely do, this has a lot of chances of going abroad!
Btw we should also not abandon hope for Eteros Ego. I read that after buying Maestro, Netflix approached COSMOTE again to convince them to sell Eteros Ego, so maybe this time COSMOTE agreed but it will be announced after the upcoming season. I am wearing my tinfoil hat right now but you never know!
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Snow Leagues
Dates: November 26 - December 8, 1973
Synopsis: Charlie Brown is flabbergasted by the new phenomenon of regulated snowman building as a sport, or “Snow Leagues.”
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“Snow Leagues” begins with Charlie Brown building a snowman. Linus tells him that “from now on, all snowmen have to be made under adult supervision” and hands him… a printed press release, I guess?
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Charlie Brown reads it, and he knows the world’s gone crazy. He exclaims: “PLAYOFFS?!”
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As it turns out, the other kids are just letting this scam roll over them: Sally’s on a team called the “Silver Flakes.” It sounds brutal, but it’s the only way to be allowed to build a snowman under the adults’ wicked regime.
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Lucy’s super into it, because she’s a sucker for bells and whistles like recognition and an internal newsletter. She’s going to love having a corporate job. When told that they “have a newsletter,” CB gets in this sick dig:
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Even wise, circumspect Linus is all-in on the adult-controlled version of snowman building.
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Gamification: 1, Linus: 0.
(Also, this thing is already global:)
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Sally comes home angry because of a bad referee call: improper mittens.
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(By the way, Charlie Brown was looking straight to camera to react to another character’s nonsense decades before most of your faves.)
As if that isn't enough, Linus then tells Charlie Brown that he can’t come over to watch TV tonight because his parents are leaving for a “Snow Leaguers” party. This prompts another great Charlie Brown line:
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Charlie Brown said, “LIFE IS TOO SHORT FOR THIS SHIT” in a beautiful, topical, prescient metaphor, which I’m reading as being muttered under his breath juuuust loud enough for Linus to hear? King.
After a standard Sunday break, the "Snow Leagues" storyline returned on December 3:
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Sally has to file for $10,000 insurance coverage in case a snowman falls on her. Later, she chews out a referee for another bad call:
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(Is it the same referee as before? Who knows!)
Anyway, Charlie Brown is losing sleep over all this insanity.
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Charlie Brown taking the weight of the world onto his shoulders when no one asked him to is an essential and sometimes overlooked aspect of the character. He can be passive about some things, and he can be self-centered, but he really means well and gets worked up over the state of the world and how it affects the people he loves.
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He's a future doomscroller for sure.
As we enter the final three strips of the “Snow Leagues” storyline, Charlie Brown is still lying awake when he decides to engage in an act of protest: "sneak[ing] out into [his] backyard to build a snowman without adult supervision."
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He asks Snoopy to help him out, but he’s obviously too lazy.
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I love Charlie Brown's smile here — not only is he excited about being rebellious, he’s letting his best friend (the most rebellious dude he knows) in on the fun.
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Charlie Brown is acting in the spirit of protest, which is fierce! Children have rights, and having fun without being exploited, including by their parents, is one of them!
But it's not just about that for Good Old Charlie Brown. In the final strip of the series, we find him feeling a bit smug the next morning:
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Charlie Brown didn't just want to fight for his friends' right to have fun; he also wanted to prove himself to them. Very Charlie Brown of him.
Anyway, the other kids are over it now, anyway:
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A little bowling humor to round out the story.
The way the “Snow Leagues” storyline ends is quintessential Peanuts to me. Where A Charlie Brown Christmas ends on a hopeful note, with the other kids seeing things Charlie Brown’s way and surprising him by sprucing up his tree, this one ends with the other kids completely unmoved by Charlie Brown’s perspective or his subversive actions. Charlie Brown’s value system has lost a culture war, and that’s actually kind of devastating, but we have to laugh at it to survive.
“Snow Leagues” is one of my favorite Peanuts storylines. It’s satirical, on a level that’s accessible to younger readers and poignant to older readers, and funny to both. It could have been milked to run much longer; I can easily imagine Peppermint Patty, Marcie, Franklin, and Schroeder getting in on the fun. But it’s short and sweet, it’s super memorable (like, it’s literally the first Peanuts storyline I thought to cover) and it has a clear point of view.
One of the many, many properties that’s often pointed to as an example of Peanuts influence is, believe it or not, South Park, and I see it in this storyline, where a contemporary reality of childhood is satirized for comedic effect. Of course, South Park would certainly play the adult perspective on this situation for laughs, and while Peanuts has occasionally let adults be seen and/or heard, the audience never, ever experiences an adult character’s perspective. Unless you count Charles Schulz’ perspective permeating every aspect of the strip...
Subscribe for more Great Peanuts Storylines.
View the full strips at GoComics.
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xjoonchildx · 2 years
no but seriously do you know how reassuring it is as an artist to have a guaranteed audience giving you a full-house wherever you go to perform your craft?
i mean remember hobi’s genuine concern that no one would show up at their concert back in 2017 during the Wings tour because it was on a monday… he was like and i quote, ‘but tomorrow is monday… i wonder if they’ll come’
look at them now. sold out stadium shows everywhere. sold out shows everywhere period. as a group AND as an individual. they could go to perform in the most remote areas in the world and you best believe armys WOULD still be there to pack the place, flying in from all around the world just to see them perform their craft.
and not very many can say that… NOT MANY CAN SAY THAT.
now THATS the true definition of GLOBAL artist. people will still talk about this 20 years from now, mark my words. one for history books. remember namjoons desire to leave their mark in the world, their legacy? this is one of the many.
babe, let me just go ahead and co-sign every single word.
wouldn't you love to get a time machine and go back and tell post-debut hobi (the one that struggled with confidence because of a lack of fan interaction and some other generalized negativity that was thrown his way) that one day he'll be a superstar the world over?
not one of them could have predicted this, and yet here they are. and it's not a mistake! they have worked for every drop of recognition they've gotten.
i really hope hoseok takes a moment to soak it all up at lollapalooza when he sees a whole sea of fans who are there to appreciate his artistry. let's goooooooo 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽
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