#I’m not a fan of the ship but DAMN he did them so dirty
zutarawasrobbed · 2 months
I’m sorry, but the Netflix showrunner referring to Kataang as an “issue to tackle” in the future is some of the funniest shit I’ve ever read/heard.
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circusgoth-dotcom · 2 months
Ship: Charles Lee Ray x Ash Englund (Rockstar AU)
Word Count: 682
Summary: A conversation in a dirty limousine. CWs for descriptions of unsanitary settings, brief drug mention, Charles spits phlegm onto the car's floor, suggestive ending.
Tag List: @canongf @rexscanonwife @futurewife
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This was the cheapest limousine Ash had ever ridden in. Granted, Charles was only known for frivolity when it came to drugs and lavish hotels, if he really felt like splurging, but this seemed like a new low. The cab reeked of bad booze, mainly, and the seats were duct-tapped and filled with cigarette burns.
The carpet was probably a stunning paisley at one point, but too many nights of Z-list celebrity bodily fluids had turned it into the ugliest cheetah print imaginable. Ash and Charles sat side-by-side, with Ash trying to ignore the squalor he found himself in and Charles glaring at a poster in his hands, and Tiffany sat across from them, filing her nails and occasionally becoming distracted by the grime on the windows. Eddie had been shunted up front with the unquestioning, world-hardened driver.
“I would complain about the car situation, but it seems something’s already got you occupied. What’s on your mind, Chucky?” Ash asked, hovering over his boyfriend’s shoulder in an attempt to get a look at the poster for himself.
“It’s a limo, isn’t it?” Charles grumbled before fluttering the paper angrily and snapping, “It’s the damn opener they’ve got for us tonight. Fuckin’ posers, I tell ya.”
“Well, how do you know that?” Tiffany asked, glad to be distracted by something that wasn’t filth or disrepair.
“I did my research, that’s how I know.”
“Is that why you made me stand guard while you snuck into the surveillance office at the hotel the other day?? So you could use the computer??” Ash asked, bemused. “Y’know, you could’ve just gone to the library.”
Charles ignored him. “Alright, fuckin’, get this, you see this little shit here??” He showed the poster to Tiffany and pointed at the frontmost band member.
“Yeah, what about him?”
“Son of Duke De Marino, and he’s trying to claim he’s like us.” He snorted up some phlegm, making Ash wrinkle his nose.
“Chuck, don’t fuckin’ hawk a loogie in here.”
He did so anyway, spitting a white and green blob onto the disgusting carpet. “Too late, already did. Hey, maybe it’ll improve the decor.” He chuckled, though his frustration remained evident on his face.
“Anyway,” Tiffany waved one hand dismissively and used the other to dig through her purse, eventually throwing a tissue over the loogie on the floor. “Duke De Mario, the record producer?”
“Yes, exactly! This is a shit-eating rich kid if I ever saw one who took his daddy’s money and made himself an ‘alternative band.’ And they’re fuckin’ opening for us, Chucky and The Killer Dolls, the most kick-ass band from New Jersey you can think of!”
“The most kick-ass band from New Jersey you’ve never heard of is more like it, we’ve just got loyal fans who bring their friends to shows,” Ash shrugged, then squeezed his boyfriend’s arm. “I get it though, baby, I do. Ain’t exactly anything we can do about it…”
“Other than blowin’ those fuckers out of the water. In a year, nobody’s going to remember The X-Ray Effect, but we’ll still be doin’ pyrotechnics and flirtin’ with groupies, I’m damn sure of it!”
Ash smiled softly, his eyes sparkling as he admired Charles’ profile. “Glad to see you’re in a better mood, babes.”
The partition slid aside, revealing Eddie Captuo’s youthful yet tired and scruffy features. “We’re here.”
Eagerly, the four band members exited the crappy limo and quickly entered the back door of the theatre they were playing at. Charles wrapped an arm around Ash’s waist as they walked, stealing a quick kiss.
“I think I know the answer I’ll get, but what would you say to shaggin’ me in that busted-up wagon after the show?” Charles growled suggestively, jabbing his thumb over his shoulder and back toward the lot where the limo would be waiting to take them back to the hotel. Ash rolled his eyes.
“Okay, Charles, I might be a slut but you know I won’t go that low. I can suck you off in the bathroom afterwards if that’ll make it up to you.”
Charles laughed.
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generalwildcat · 2 years
Rant Time
So as I'm sitting here squealing over the little moments we got of characters we were robbed of like Miss Jen, Seb, and Big Red; melting into a puddle over Kourtney's rendition of Let It Go; enjoying the music as a whole of the new season; emotionally attached to new characters; and happy with season 3 as a whole, there is a sour feeling that has finally shown itself and is probably only a fraction compared to what other Wildcats are feeling right now. It's EJ's last summer as a kid with most of his friends in one of the places he grew up. He gets thrown into directing a musical that's gonna be filmed AND livestreamed. He has to star in the musical. He has things going on at camp. He can't spend time with his girlfriend. He can't spend time with his friends. He gets told by his dad "I don't approve of what you're doing, you're not gonna be successful like me so enjoy the summer while it lasts cause when you come back you're being shipped off to this fancy schmancy leadership school where you can actually make something of yourself." He's juggling all these different things at one, meanwhile he's watching Gina with Ricky and, ok he's insecure in his relationship. Normal. She tries to spend time with EJ and he can't cause he's got all this work and crap to do, his plate is full, he's stressed, the only person he feels comfortable going to for support (aside from Miss Jenn about directing) is his pseudo older sister Val. He gets told that there has to be drama for the show to even be "good" and "watchable". He has to play that part. He has to help stir drama. More things to add to his list. As if he doesn't have enough ACTUAL drama going on. Then, THEN he and Gina break up because they're in different places and finally on like the LAST DAY OF CAMP he's FINALLY able to put all his focus and attention onto the show as if it hasn't been already but he gets slapped across the face by CALLING HIS FATHER IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PLAY AND GETS REJECTED. But you know what, it sucks and it's sad but it's almost ok because at least after the show they're trending, they did their job, EJ directed a great show, and he's proven that he can do this and he has a future and he's happy and proud of what he and his friends did. EXCEPT at the premiere finally sees the thing he feared the entire summer which was Ricky and Gina getting together. Did he see them kiss? No. But the signs were all there. He saw everything he needed to see. So now, not only did he lose his last girlfriend Nini to Ricky, but he had a relationship with Gina who he couldn't even put his all into because of being a damn director and he was happy with her and was looking forward to spending his gap year with her and probably planning for a future where they could go to college near each other and have time together and, especially after the summer, do all the relationship stuff they couldn't do during the summer and what happens? Ricky. AGAIN. Over and over again who keeps stepping over him the most? Who does he keep losing to? Who keeps coming out from behind, practically stealing his happiness? Ricky. Fricking. Bowen. Disclaimer:I haven't been a fan of the Portwell ship, but I wasn't rooting for Rina to be cannon either. Everyone's been saying the entire season that EJ had all his character development undone. That he was getting the short end of the stick. That he was being done dirty. I was hoping that somehow, SOMEHOW, everything would come together in the end. Not necessarily that things would magically get better, but that SOMETHING would work out for EJ because it had to. Whether it meant starting over with Gina, his father accepting him and what he wants to do, getting something damn good for pulling off the musical, some recognition and appreciation...just SOMETHING. And what did he get instead? Not even thrown under the bus. He got tackled, run over, tossed into the street, kicked under the bus, smashed by the bus, chopped up into little tiny pieces, stomped on, and thrown into the garbage that then got set on fire. There are a lot of things I loved about High School Musical the Musical Season 3. But the way they treated EJ? What they did to him? Especially in this last episode? Not. Cool. Not Cool, Disney+. EJ is owed BIG TIME. He deserved better.
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zea9love · 11 months
My plans if Sharon Carter is not a Skrull in Secret Invasion:
•Sulk about it for however long lmao
•Finally drop the MCU cuz I’ve been saying for years that if they lightwash Miles or Storm or do Sharon dirty one fucking more time, I’M OUT!
•Take a much needed break from anything Marvel related.
I haven’t done that since my Euphoria S2 era last year. Maybe I’ll get back to my Saints Row universe like I was gonna do before Euphoria had me in a chokehold for 5 or 6 months straight!
•Fancast either Tracy Spiridakos or Yvonne Strahovski as the Sharon Carter of my own MCU.
Like, I LOVE Emily and she did great with what she was given, but if they don’t take this chance to erase the PB mess and confirm that Sharon has been a Skrull since CW or FATWS, then I cannot continue to sit and watch as one of my favorite Marvel HEROES of all time is turned into a VILLAIN simply because the writers can’t think of anything else to do with her like idk… Oh yeah, LETTING HER BE A FREAKING HERO!
•Plus, there’s a lot of trauma that came with Emily as Sharon:
- MCU stans attacking us Sharon stans just for liking her.
- Fans of not one, but FOUR different ships came together to hate on Emily, Sharon, and Sharon/SteveSharon stans.
- Them harassing Emily over the kiss scene as if she wrote it.
- Them coming for her looks because she’s “not as pretty as Hayl3y Atw*ll or ScarJ0”.
- Hayl3y and Chr!s Ev*ns (mostly HA) talking shit about Sharon and SteveSharon, which only added fuel to the fire those crazy haters were starting.
- Emily being way less active on social media cuz of all the harassment she was getting over a damn fictional ship. I even got harassed by CE fans just for saying that what he did wasn’t cool.
- And there’s so much more that goes into it, but I just wanna put all that behind me, ya know? Of course fancasting Sharon wouldn’t erase what happened, but it would keep me from thinking about it as much when I see Sharon and feel like a fresh start 😌
But if Sharon IS a Skrull then I’m gonna be so happy and celebrate like crazy and demand an apology from everyone who ever hated on Emily/Sharon and said “No wonder I never liked her” after the PB thing! I mean, that wasn’t even in the cards for her during her first 8 years of being in the MCU! It was just some shit the FATWS writers threw together after C*vid broke out and they didn’t want to do the “Hydra leaking a deadly virus” storyline anymore, so they had to make someone be the mystery villain, and it was unfortunately Sharon!
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
Hello... this is my first time asking in this format, so forgive me if I'm doing this wrong. I have a challenge for you. (not really a challenge, but it'd be fun to try) Can you do a mafia au? There are 10 rules:
Main ship must be BonRin (add any additional ships you want)
One of the two have to already be in the mafia (you can add side characters if you want)
Bon and Rin have to know each other before the mafia is found out
Has to be somewhat dark (not complete angst but not something to smile at)
Demons are "worker bees" to the mafia group (however you take that is up to you)
It has to be modern day
The characters have to have cannon personalities
The story has to be more than 3 chapters (insert reasonable effort)
It has to have real life events
There does have to be blood splatter
Have fun, the rest if up to you. Big fan, Raven!
I cannot express the amount to which I know nothing about the yakuza or the mafia in the rest of the world. I have watched documentaries and lets plays on numerous mafia and yakuza topics, and I still mostly feel like I know nothing. So, apologies on what will likely be a lot of inaccuracies.
I'm going to go somewhere different with this one, and might not follow your requests exactly (I got a bit confused on some of them. I'm not certain by what you meant with 'real life events' unless you meant actual events that are/have happened in Japan?)
So, without further ado, the first half of the first chapter. The first two parts will be on tumblr, and the rest will be on ao3 because this is going to be an M story.
Thanks for the challenge!
Part: One (you're here)
Summary: Rin spends most of his days working at his restaurant, trying to get his twin to eat and sleep, and secretly (or not so secretly) pining after the handsome as hell regular.
Ryuuji spends his days a bit differently.
— — — — —
It was Thursday, and Thursday’s meant Ryuuji. Rin was not technically supposed to know the hot boy’s name, but damn, the boy hit every line of Rin’s checklist so Rin had paid attention to those receipts and found out Ryuuji Suguro’s full name. 
It was Thursday which meant Ryuuji and which meant Rin spent a bit too much on the nicer eel when the supply truck came by. It was just that the eel looked extra fresh today. It wasn’t that big of a deal. It wasn’t that Ryuuji always ordered the hamo and Rin wanted to make sure his old man’s restaurant put its best foot (or food, ha!) forward.
“Rin?” The bell over the door rang at the same time as Yukio’s voice filled the air. Rin looked up with an easy smile and sort of waved. His arms were mostly full of dirty dishes he really shouldn’t be carrying, but Usamaro needed the afternoon and Rin couldn’t make him work when he used those begging eyes. Besides, Rin was skilled enough to run the tables, counter, and the kitchen. (At least until the lunch rush hit.)
He stopped midstep. Yukio had that pasty quality to his skin again. He was still in his scrubs, and—yep! There was ink on his hands. He’d been doing a lot of paperwork then.
“Hey,” Rin set the dishes in the tray and hefted that up. “You better not be skipping meals again!”
Yukio rolled his eyes and plopped down at the bar. “I’m here, aren’t I?” 
“You haven’t been here since Monday.”
“That was Tuesday.”
“Tuesday. That’s still… two days.”
“One day.”
“It was breakfast!”
“A day and a half.” Yukio propped his head on his hand and yawned. It skewed his glasses a bit and made him look more like the teary eyed boy Rin had always had to protect than the doctor he was now. 
“Did you eat?”
Rin put the dishes in the back for Ukobach to handle. “Today?” He called as he checked the ramen. Tadashi had already eaten one bowl and he’d be up for the second one any minute now.
Rin stilled over his pot. Lifting his head, he glared at his twin through the kitchen window. Yukio was doing that annoying as hell thing where he looked at Rin’s forehead so it still looked like he was staring Rin in the eyes, but he didn’t have to lie while he stared him in the eyes.
“Yuki,” he growled and stomped around the line. “You dumbass! When was the last time you actually ate, and what are you ordering?!”
Yukio shrank on his seat, half in exhaustion and half in embarrassment. “It doesn’t matter when. I’m here now. And I’d like some sukiyaki, please. Whatever the day’s special is.”
Rin glared and Yukio sighed. “Fine. And the salad and some sashimi.”
“Good—” the bell rang again, Rin’s eyes shot over to see who it was, and his heart promptly skittered in his chest.
Ryuuji was here. (Konekomaru and Renzou as well, but Rin could never quite pay as much attention to them.)
Ryuuji was burly. It was a word Rin had never really used before, but it just… it fit the rough, tall, bulky boy. The ruggedly handsome, sharp jawed boy with chestnut hair that was all thick and wild and perfect for running your hands through. The dark eyes that looked like a perfect beef broth that Rin really wanted to swim around in, and lips that—
Rin swallowed as Ryuuji’s eyes caught his. The unfairly cool and handsome boy strode across the floor, completely at home in his traditional buddhist robes, utterly unconcerned that they stood out, and went to the same table he always sat at, directly across from the kitchen window, out of view of the windows at the front of the restaurant, but very much in Rin’s appreciative eyesight. The other boys joined him — Konekomaru in robes as well while Renzou was sporting a neat blue suit that somehow didn’t clash with his pink hair — and Ryuuji held the eye contact for another long moment before breaking away on a blink to listen to something Konekomaru murmured to him.
Rin swallowed again and blinked. 
“Rin?” Yukio raised his eyebrow and started to look over his shoulder to see what had caught Rin’s attention. 
“Hamo!” Rin yelped much too loudly to try and distract Yukio before he could spot Ryuuji and see just why Rin was drooling a bit. 
Yukio paused mid turn. “What?”
“Hamo,” Rin said again at a far more normal volume while his heart jumped like a wild rabbit in his chest. He could hear Ukobach snickering in the back, and just for that, Rin was going to give Ryuuji’s crew double sauces so that the little jerk had to do more dishes. “We, uh, got some great eel this morning. You should do that.”
Yukio’s tired eyes stared at him for a long moment where Rin could feel Ryuuji’s gaze on himself as well. Finally his twin smiled, clearly amused, and nodded. “Alright.”
Rin scribbled Yukio’s order down and slapped the slip of paper on the kitchen window so he’d have it in a moment. “Feel free to take a nap. Just don’t drool on the counter.” Smiling at his twin, he straightened his apron and tucked his notebook in his pocket only to pull it right back out so his hands weren’t empty. It only took three steps to get around the counter, but it felt like it took forever and it felt like everyone in the restaurant was watching him. (Which, yeah, was seven people, but it felt like at least a million.) 
“Hey,” his voice was a little thick as he reached their table. He smiled anyway and tried not to eye the piercings decorating Ryuuji’s ears and eyebrow. Rin needed to up his own game. He just never looked as cool (hot) as Ryuuji did. 
Still, he tore his eyes off the wicked looking spirals and met Ryuuji’s dark eyes, and ugh, it was just as distracting as the piercings. Rin smiled wider and hoped he didn’t look stupid. “What would ya like?”
Ryuuji blinked slowly and smirked, and Rin’s heart gave up on pretending to be cool and just raced like crazy. His cheeks went warm and his stomach did a few flips so it didn’t feel left out. 
“You said the eel was fresh?”
Rin’s knees took the hit for Ryuuji’s low and growly voice. It was seriously entirely unfair for one person to have so much damn attractiveness. 
The part of Rin that wasn’t panicking about his failing knees wondered what would happen if he flirted with this handsome as hell man. If he just tilted his head, cocked his hip, and playfully asked if Ryuuji had been listening to him. His twin was sitting a few meters away, and Mr. Tadashi was watching him like a hawk, and Rin just couldn’t get rejected with that audience.
So Rin nodded and tapped his chewed up pencil against the notepad. He should have gotten a fresh pencil. “Always is!”
Ryuuji nodded, still holding a lot of eye contact. “Then the hamo sounds good.” 
Rin scrawled the order out. “Anything else?”
“Matcha, please.” 
“Sure thing.” He smiled and forced himself to look away from Ryuuji’s eyes. Konekomaru was already looking at him, and there was no mistaking that smile for anything but amused. Ugh. “Sir?”
“Hamo as well, please. And barley tea.” Rin scribbled that down next to Ryuuji’s order. When had he doodled the heart?
“Sukiyaki,” Renzou said before Rin could turn to him. “And maybe a number?”
“Shima,” Ryuuji immediately snarled before Rin even deciphered the words. 
“What?” Shima huffed, “Somebody had to—ow!” There was the distinct noise of a foot getting stepped on and Ryuuji’s eyes were turning back on him. The gruff man bowed a bit in his chair, dipping his head respectfully. 
“I apologize for his poor behavior.”
“Don’t worry,” Rin laughed, amused more than anything. He hadn’t thought Renzou swung his way. Not with all the boob talk. “Ain’t the first time I’ve gotten asked that.” Though it didn’t happen that often. Blue Eggorcist wasn’t the most popular place, and his regulars tended to be too friendly and normal to really hit on him.
The smile slipped from Ryuuji’s face. “Oh.” His hands slipped off the table to settle on his lap. Rin’s stomach swooped nervously. Had he done something wrong? “Still,” Ryuuji’s gaze met his again, not as open as it had been a moment again. “I apologize just the same. You shouldn’t be harassed by your customers.”
Rin smiled and hoped it wasn’t awkward. “Thanks," he mumbled, a bit breathless at how serious Ryuuji’s gaze was. “I’ll just… uh,” what had he— oh! “Get your orders started.” He took a step back, bumped into a chair, turned around with a horrified blush, and went to the kitchen as quickly as he could.
“Smooth,” Ukobach teased as soon as he was in the back. 
Rin glared. 
“Get started on that damn salad.” He grumpily pulled the eel out and noticed that everyone in the restaurant was watching him through the window. He promptly schooled his features, offered a sheepish smile, and chopped it up as quickly as he could while mentally wishing he could just disappear. 
Thankfully cooking was something he could mindlessly do. It was as much muscle memory as actual choice at this point. He could lose himself in the motions and ignore all the gazes and the embarrassment of tripping in front of Ryuuji. 
Ukobach handled the salad and teas, and Rin had the eel cooking by the time that was finished. He loaded this arms up and went back on the floor. 
“Eat all of that.” Rin set the salad and sashimi down and gave his twin a pointed look. Yukio nodded and pulled the plate closer which was just a testament to how tired and hungry he probably was. Tadashi thanked him fervently for the second bowl of ramen. 
The trio were talking quietly amongst themselves, and the words came to an immediate stop as he drew near. Ryuuji shot Renzou an irritated look that smoothed out as Rin passed him his tea. He did not blush when Ryuuji’s hand brushed against his to accept the spoons. 
“Alright! Let me know if you guys need a refill.” He set Renzou’s juice down and retreated back to the kitchen, shivering a little with the feel of Ryuuji’s eyes on him.
“You gonna give him your number with the check?” Ukobach elbowed him as he returned to the dishes. 
Rin’s eyes shot out to where Ryuuji was sipping his tea and listening to Konekomaru. Renzou was on his phone. There was something tense in all three of them that seemed kind of odd. Usually they laughed and talked a lot when they were here.
Ryuuji’s gaze turned to him, and Rin’s cheeks went a very hot red. He dropped his own gaze to the pan, swallowed, and looked back up to find Ryuuji was still watching him. He was smiling softly, and he held the intense stare for a moment longer before looking away.
Rin almost burnt the hamo. He just might give Ryuuji his number with the check.
Rin brought out Sei’s kenchinjiru and tried not to look at Ryuuji’s table. Yukio was half draped over the counter and sort of mindlessly eating, but at least he was eating. Ryuuji’s eyes followed him to the kitchen, and Rin almost didn’t preen. The hamos were ready, and he piled them all up, giving Yukio’s his and taking a moment to pat his poor tired brother on the arm before he brought Ryuuji his.
Ryuuji was staring at the table instead of him, and there was something carefully neutral in his expression. Konekomaru was frowning while Renzou was still staring at his phone. The energy at the table was entirely different than it had been a moment ago, and Rin had no idea why. 
“Uh,” he passed out each of the plates and made sure they had extra napkins, “enjoy?” He backed up a step, managed to avoid the chair, and bowed a bit before shuffling over to pick up Tadashi’s empty bowl. 
He didn’t end up leaving his number when he gave them the check.
— — — — — — — — — —
“It’s not that simple,” Yukio yawned. 
Rin scowled and pulled the door open for his sleepy twin. “Sure as hell seems that simple.” He ushered Yukio out and followed after. 
“Well it isn’t.”
Rin rolled his eyes because Yukio couldn’t see him from this angle. He’d have rolled his eyes regardless, but he wouldn’t get in trouble for it now. “We’re in Kumiyama, four-eyes. It ain’t like we’re actually Kyoto. Why the hell would gangs want something to do with our shitty town?”
Yukio gave him the most wonderfully unamused of looks. “We’re on Kyoto’s border, and what does that matter? The yakuza aren’t picky on location. I’m telling you, there’s something bad going on.”
Rin couldn’t help but laugh now as they wandered down the path towards the old monastery. “One tattooed guy getting shot isn’t a sign of the yakuza taking over. Nothing that interesting would happen here.”
As if in defiance of that, Rin felt a slight prickle at the back of his neck. Like he was being watched. A glance back didn’t show anything there.
Yukio glared, and it was endlessly annoying how he looked like a strong breeze would be enough to knock him over, but that glare could still be intimidating as hell. 
“It wouldn’t be interesting, Rin! It’d be terrible! Do you know how much violence they get into? Do you know how many people are injured by hits gone wrong? And it’s not just that! If you don’t stay in line, if you don’t give into their demands — people get hurt all the time. And it wasn’t just one tattooed man. And when was the last time you heard someone got shot out here? This isn’t Tokyo and True Cross. This… this doesn’t happen.”
Rin waved at Mrs. Sato and steered Yukio down their road. “You’re really upset about this.”
One of the benefits of sleepy Yukio was how much he didn’t mask his emotions. The exasperated expression Yukio gave him was hilarious if not rude. “Yes, Rin. I’m really upset about this. I don’t like people being shot. And it… the weird attacks are increasing.”
“That the medical diagnopic?” 
“Diagnosis. And no. But weird is what it is. People just don’t start rotting inside. There’s only so many things that can cause that, and they don’t spread like… like mold.”
Rin did not need that mental image. Fuck. He’d rather be back at his restaurant with the awkward air than think about that. At least then he could stare at Ryuuji even if there wasn’t any more flirting. 
Ugh. What had he done to make it stop? It had felt like he could actually get somewhere. All that staring, the slow blinks, the licking of lips, the hand brush… 
Rin blew out a breath and scowled. “Then figure it out.”
“I’m telling you, it’s a sign that they’re moving from Kyoto! They’re spreading out.”
“But that shit isn’t happening there!” It couldn’t be! It was way too gross and terrifying to be happening. If people were starting to rot and die like that, and it left behind spore sacks and mold, then people would sure as hell be talking about it. Yukio was hearing rumors. That’s all it was. That’s all it could be.
(Think happy thoughts. Sukiyaki. Ryuuji feeding him sukiyaki.)
“You’re not listening,” Yukio huffed. He swayed and Rin righted him. The monastery was in sight. They were nearly there and then he could get Shirou’s help in forcing Yukio to take a damned nap.
“Little bro,” Rin shivered again and glanced back. They were still alone. Yukio was obviously getting in his head. “You need a break.”
“I can’t!” Yukio practically wailed. The door to the monastery opened and Shirou peered outside. 
“Old man!” Rin shoved his twin forward and glanced back. Still nothing. “Get it through four-eyes head that he needs a damn nap.”
Shirou raised a confused eyebrow and glanced between them. “Huh?” He was in his normal priest vestments, and his glasses were immaculate as always. He still stank of cigarettes, and there was a nick on his cheek that drew Rin’s eyes. What had the old man been doing?
Yukio started to word vomit about his conspiracies and ‘data’ as Shirou wrapped an arm around his shoulders to guide him inside. He made a point of ushering Rin through the door first, and had Rin bothered to look back, he would have been confused at the glare Shirou leveled out the door at the empty walkway.
He might have still felt like he was being watched as well.
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ushiwakaout · 3 years
Things I believe Sakusa Kiyoomi (pro MSBY volleyball player) would say if you lived together (from the moment you wake up, to the moment you fall asleep).
you’re msby manager bc i said so, and you wear glasses when u read
“Hey stinky wake up, we got early practice.” (5:00 am)
“Come on, you forgot to shower yesterday, shower now before i kick you to the shower.”
“Hold on, give me a kiss.”
*taps you ass to rush you to the shower*
“Don’t use up all the hot water”
“Hurry up i feel sticky.”
“Where’d you put my antibacterial soap.”
“Did you guy the apple scented shampoo?”
“Why’d you get the rose one, that’s the one Atsumu likes, i changed it for a reason.”
“Did you buy me a new loofa? Bc this one is more than a month old. It’s packing bacteria”
“Don’t buy me a neon green one because it reminds me of you- because i said so.”
“Come on we’re gonna be late.”
“Atsumu get your hands off my s/o.��
“It’s too early to deal with them.” (6:00 am)
“Help me stretch.”
“Push harder, i’m not beefy like bokuto, i can actually reach my ankles.”
“Bokuto their helping me, butt out.”
“What do you mean you’re gonna help him?”
*will hold your wrist and like swing it a little like a baby*
“Fine, give me a kiss tho.” (6:10 am)
*everyone’s a little shocked that all of you have lasted so long*
“What are you looking at atsumu.”
“No atsumu they won’t help you stretch.”
“Go help hinata instead of atsumu, because i like him better thats why.”
*will kiss you in between breaks even if hes all sweaty*
“How do you kiss me when im all sweaty, isn’t it gross?”
“No? Good, come here.”
*not the biggest fan of pda but the occasional kiss in public is fine (he’s very comfortable with his teammates but won’t tell anyone)*
“Can you refill my bottle for me?”
*will help you clean up after practice but will immediately shower before kissing you again because he’s extra sweaty*
“You missed a spot. No right here. Right.... No you’re good. Actually give me that.” (9:30 am)
“Did you bring me an extra mask?”
“Why arent u wearing the one i gave you?”
“It’s in your pocket, baby- Look, get over here. You owe me Umeboshi”
*will make you jump to reach your mask*
“give me a kiss”
*only pulls down his mask to kiss you*
“Let go buy some umeboshi.”
*doesn’t hold your hand but he makes you wrap your arm around his bc he likes being close to you*
*if you take the train he makes to stand in a corner, and you know he hates crowds and people but he does not want you getting touched by a stranger*
“I want coffee, do you want coffee?”
“Let’s go to the café by our place, i don’t like the other ones, their coffee is watered down.l
“Do you want anything? You’re buying me my fruit so i’ll buy you something.” (11:00 am)
“Did you not like it? I told you not to order thing you haven’t tried.”
“This is good, do you want mine?”
“Just drink it and give me yours.”
“You know i don’t care, you took a tiny sip y/n, give me it now.”
“Y/n, youre not forcing me to drink anything, give me your damn drink.”
“Stop being a baby, now wrap your arm around mine, i wanna go home and take a nap.”
“It’s you’re turn to clean right? Okay, i’m gonna take a nap.” (12:30 pm)
“Hey- They guys asked me to go out for drinks and i said i wouldn’t go without you....” (2:00 pm)
“Stop looking at my bed head... so do you wanna go?”
“Why do you look good?”
“It’s just drinks.”
*if you wear a dress*
“Can you not... pull this down more?”
*if you wear a button down*
“I’m just gonna *buttons up your shirt* “there you go” *pats your chest* “that’s better”
*watches you out your glasses on to read the drink menu after he’s had a few shots.”
“You look so cute” (5:00 pm)
*pinches cheeks*
“Come here give me a kiss.”
*bokuaka is a cannon ship in any of my headcannons*
“Why can’t we be touchy like bokuto and akaashi?”
“What do you mean i don’t like it?”
“I said no such thing.”
“Give me another kiss.”
“Another one”
“Hey... you wanna marry me one day?”
“No im not kidding, why would i be kidding?”
“No i don’t wanna go home yet, i wanna let atsumu you’re mine.”
“You’re not gonna leave me for piss hair right?”
“Not even Hinata?”
“Good, come here. I want a hug.”
“Take me home i wanna sleep now.” (7:00 pm)
“Actually i’m hungry, buy me food please.”
“No, nothing spicy. something savory.”
“Let’s go to Onigiri Miya, Osamu is the better miya, have i said that already?”
*at onigiri miya* “OSAMU, my favorite miya!” (7:30 pm)
“No im not drunk, did y/n tell you.”
“Give me something good.”
“No, not in the house- i’m paying.”
“Miya, i will make Atsumu my favorite, and you know i don’t wanna do that.”
“Baby, tell Osamu i’m not drunk.”
“No, no, no, i’m tipsy.”
*will make you feed him, will also deny it the next day*
“Goodnight favorite brother!” (9:00 pm)
“You think he believes me when i tell him he’s my favorite?”
“No? Good because atsumu is actually my favorite, but told tell him that.”
“Are you recording? What for?”
“Help me upstairs, I think i’m gonna fall.”
*sloppy fuck when he’s drunk and will cum inside you because he wants you to be a mess for him since he’s usually very picky about it. Kiyoomi is so fucking dirty when he’s drunk it’s stupid. will fuck you raw, will call you dirty names, will make you go dumb and if you pass out hed pass out with you*
“Hey, give me a bath will you? I don’t wanna smell like beer tomorrow.” (9:30 pm)
“Put all that nice stuff in my bath, i wanna smell good.”
“Please buy the apple shampoo because i actually really like it.”
“Reminds me of you.”
“Baby, just get in here with me.”
*will hold you in the bath and nuzzle his head in the crook of your neck*
“I love you, so much.... You know that right?”
“Thank you for dealing with my freak cleaning obsession.”
“Are you sure it’s not a problem?”
“I know i’m picky but i try, for you and you only.”
*he will dry you off a little lazy bc he’s still really tipsy*
“Come to bed with me. i wanna hold you.”
“You’re feet are cold, put on socks.”
“Baby i don’t feel so good.” (3:00 am)
“Baby~ wake up.”
“Hey- hey, don’t be so loud.”
“Can you clean this for me?”
“No, clean it again.”
“Did you buy more umeboshi?”
“We don’t have any more umeboshi”
“Shut it bokuto you can’t even touch your toes because you’re so beefy.”
“Baby, tell bokuto he’s too beefy- no it’s not mean- it’s funny.”
*at home drunk* “You like my body better right?” *will button down his shirt and make you touch his toned stomach*
“if you wanted my body to be like his i don’t think you’d scratch my bad as much as you did last night” *still very drunk*
“Hey, go clean that.”
“Come here, you have something in your eye.”
“Let me clean under your nails.”
*this man has a weird thing for popping your pimples, blackheads, stuff like that. will not admit it*
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midnightmoonkiss · 3 years
now you got me THINKING:
reader picking the lock to her holding cell for the hell of it, wandering the deck at night and catching deku muttering to himself, compass in one hand, tugging at his lips with the other, to which she helps him using scraps of knowledge she picked up from her snob of a father, learning her father was the the reason for a few of his scars in past battles, tracing them gently and explaining how she hates her life and blah blah bLha my brain rot is REALL
Kidnapped By A Pirate (Cont.)
Pirate Deku X Fem! Reader
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This basically is a continuation of this short fic, only going further into the early-on relationship between Captain Midoriya and you, (Y/N).
Category: fluff I guess?
Word Count: 2.3k
Just To Clarify:
This is a continuation
“You know,” His mellifluous voice startled you, “It’s awfully rude to stare.”
The sentence sliced through the silence of the night like the sharp sword resting upon his jutting hip.
The sea was calm and the moon was full, not a cloud in the sky. Stars shimmered brightly above, milky way weaving through each dot of light.
And here you stood, on a pirate ship.
Gathering your bearings, you inhale sharply through your nose, the salty scent of the sea nearly making you gag,
“It’s awfully rude to kidnap someone and throw them into a dirty old cell with no food or water as well.”
His hearty chuckle made you gulp, the tickling of butterflies has no place in your stomach. Not now. Preferably not ever with him, but most pirates did have this.. salacious charm to them.
“Very true…” He sighed, “Forgive me.”
The fact that you were having this conversation with his back infuriated you.
He didn’t care enough about your escape from your cell in the dead of night, when all his crewmen were asleep, to even pay you full attention.
It was as if he viewed you as the least frightening and threatless thing on this vessel, a harmless, stowaway mouse.
Swallowing the lump of logical fear lodged in your parched throat, you strung together all the courage you had on you with a flimsy string and strode over to him, hands fisting the fabric of your dress.
The pirate was leaning against the railing of his ship, staring down at a dirty compass resting in the palm of his large hand, lip pulled between his thumb and index finger and he studied the spinning of the needle trapped behind cracked glass.
His features from behind became clearer with every cautious step you took, messy green curls pulled into a ponytail, few strings of loose hair framing his chiseled face. He was practically glowing in the light of the moon that shone in front of him. Beautifully dangerous, like a barracuda.
“It’s broken.” You pointed out to him, the captain who wasn’t wearing a hat, an air of finality in your tone.
If he was plotting a course by a broken compass..
You were royally fucked.
You’d be lost at sea.
Would you ever see land again?
The nauseating rocking of the ship had you almost on your knees, praying. As the days went by, your sea legs grew, but you still weren’t used to it. You didn’t want to be used to it.
“It's only broken to those who don’t understand it,” He teased, sparing you a glance before returning his gaze down to the old piece of junk.
He didn’t seem to want to bother with taking you back down to your own personal hell, yet.
That was good enough for you.
You came up here for air, after all.
It was suffocating below deck.. The stench of mildew having made you sick.
Who knew you took fresh air for granted? Even if it was salty.
At least you could see the open sea and how the moon reflected on the murky water. It was enchanting, something out of a romance novel, but you wished you saw it under better circumstances.
Something about being on a piece of wood out where land was nowhere in sight and the bottom of the ocean was so far out of reach you couldn't even imagine it unnerved you.
You never understood seamen, or pirates, even.
They did this stuff for fun.
At least seamen did it as a way to make income.
The click of his tongue brought your attention back to the freckled man, murmurs under his breath only just now reaching your ears.
Directions and landmarks, sea terminology, things you didn't understand slipped past his chapped lips.. Until something you did know was uttered.
“You’re sailing for the port of Baringham? The low-profile port? That only deals with textiles?”
“Many questions for an answer you already know,” he quipped, “I’m taking you there.”
“How are you going to take me to a place where you cannot even plot a course to?”
Huffing, he finally turned his head to you, amusement written on his face along with a charming smile that would’ve made anyone swoon,
“Alright, you’ve got me.”
Pushing himself up with his cloth covered forearms, he moved to lean with his back against the rail, crossing his arms as he gave you a sliver of respect with direct eye contact.
You briefly considered pushing him over.
“I’m a bit lost.”
“Ah, so you admit it.”
Humming, you mimicked his action, crossing your arms under your chest.
“Fortunately for you, I happen to know where it is.”
“That so?” He mused, leaning toward you ever so slightly, panicked interest cracking through his calm, forest green eyes that you couldn't help but notice twinkle, “Care to tell me?”
“Mmm. I would… but what’s in it for me?”
“What is it that you want? Isn't your guaranteed freedom at said port enough?”
“..” The captain was shocked into silence, clear amusement still written all over his face.
Combing his dirty fingers through his messy green locks, he gave you an inquisitive stare,
“Then what else?”
You thought for a moment. What else did you want?
You wanted many things, things of which he could not grant. No one could.
You’d have to settle for something else.
Something you would prefer.. suddenly, the sickness you felt when you were in that gross cell came to mind.
“Don’t put me back in that damned cell!” The shout bubbled up from nowhere, shocking even you, “And.. and water. I want water.” You mumbled out.
Silence settled into the night once more after your loud declaration.
Your face burned with pure embarrassment as he became the one to stare at you..
Until he started laughing.
The kind of boisterous and infectious laughter that forced you to look away from his regrettably handsome self.
“You have yourself a deal, princess!”
The title further made your cheeks burn, drawing your attention back to him just to meet his enchanting gaze.
It draws you in like a sailor to a mermaid.
“Now, mind telling me?”
Licking your lips, you pointed to the heavens, his eyes following, “Travel so the brightest star in the sky is behind you, and follow the little dipper. The port is due north from there.”
It was a route you didn’t mean to memorize years ago.
The loud snap of the compass being closed made you jump, composure temporarily lost yet again.
“Ahh..” His gaze flickered over the sky, no doubt seeing a plethora of routes with each familiar constellation as he mapped the one you spoke of.
“I see it now, silly me.”
Looking down at the deck, he rubbed the back of his sweaty neck, messing with the curly hair that fell loose. Would you be so bold as to think that he may be embarrassed?
He clapped a hand on your shoulder after pushing himself fully off the rail, the whisper of thanks fanning hotly across your ear as he climbed the creaking stairs to the helm, brown boots clicking on each step as he did so.
Spinning the wheel round, the ship croaked as it turned so that the north star fell behind.
“How did you know this course?”
His curiosity was natural. After all, how did you, daughter of a well-off navy general who had never stepped aboard a boat before, know the way to a port not many knew of?
The answer was simple, though it was an answer you didn't exactly wish to know. Cursed with knowledge as you would say, blessed would say the others.
“My father.” Bitterness stung your words, and Izuku whistled.
“Slimy piece of shit he is.” It was grumbled under your breath, and yet he still somehow heard you, offering a grunt of agreement, eyes focused ahead.
“I hate the bastard myself,” he seethed through his teeth, “I’d offer up all the rum and shillings I have to see his blood spill and stain my deck by my own hands.”
The fury that clung to each word he spoke sent shivers down your spine, his aura threatening as he fell to his thoughts.
“I have an obvious reason to hate him,”
“You do?”
Your childlike curiosity warmed his heart, bringing his attention back to you,
“You don’t get scars from nowhere, love.”
Your nose crinkled at the term of endearment, climbing the stairs yourself as you rolled your eyes.
“Your scars are hidden,”
“His scars mark my back.”
Blood drained from your face, bile creeping up your throat at the meaning.
You felt sick and disgusted with the blood that ran through your veins.
You hated being the daughter of a monster.
“Oh..” The whisper caught on the wind pulling at the sails.
Silence fell once more, the unbearable kind that made even his skin crawl with uncomfortableness.
Had the crew been awake, he probably would have laughed, grabbed a bottle of rum, and stumbled into his captains quarters to drink the memories away.. But his crew was asleep.
Oh, how he missed his first mate. He was the whole reason you were on his ship in the first place.
“Just your back?”
“Do you wish he gave me more?” Izuku chuckled, teasing you once again.
“No.” You huffed, furious he would even suggest such a thing.
“I have a few.. Mainly on my hand but I-”
His words died on his tongue, heart beating in his ears when he felt your much smaller and daintier hands grip his own, the only one covered in white scars.
He gulped as you traced the smooth cicatrix on his rough skin, a small blush on his cheeks, your touch soothing the pain behind each one.
Tears not his own fell onto his skin, rolling off and spattering onto the deck below, but he remained silent, allowing you to trace the scars over his forearm, not specifying which were and which were not created by your father.
He liked your touch.
“I hate him too.” Your words were raw with hatred, touch fading as you pulled away and yet he still felt the tingle of it under his skin.
He wanted more. He hadnt felt such gentleness in so long..
That doesn’t matter, though.
“Why?” He found himself asking.
Lips pressing into a frown, he watched the sea as you mindlessly walked around behind him, stories spilling past your fervent lips, stories that made silent anger bubble in his gut, stories that you had never told anyone before - that you were forced to keep inside yourself for so long that they spilled out without care.
His desire to burn that man's ship down, to watch as the bright flames engulf him and it, destined to forever be lost at the bottom of the sea, grew tenfold.
Deku, the infamous pirate, prided himself on not giving a shit half the time, but he couldn’t ignore the empathy he felt in the moment.
You both had a common enemy.
Two strangers.. Where’s the irony in that?
“I don't like you,” You started after finishing up your uncontrollable word vomit, stopping in your tracks, “But the fact that I find this kidnapping to be the most enjoyable days of my life because I’m away from him and all the power he possesses is concerning.”
Why you told this to an untrustworthy, murdering thief.. You had no idea.
Perhaps it was because you had a feeling he would understand after hearing you out.
Or maybe it was the fact that he was currently the only person you could say it to.
After kidnapping you, all he had said to you was ‘welcome aboard!’ before locking the cell you just escaped from days later.
You should hate him, you should wish him to hang like every other disgusting pirate out there, especially for snatching you from your home in the dead of night, transferring you from one cell to the next, but you don't.
You wouldn’t show that, though.
Many words weighed heavy in Izukus mind, words he was unsure if he could say, or if it’d be the right thing to say.
He wasn’t heartless like some assumed, he wasn’t this traitorous asshole stories floating around about him told, he was just a pirate with a kind heart and skilled hands.
He almost felt bad that he planned to give you back to your father.
He felt bad that for that first day you were aboard his ship, he had wicked ideas of marking and ruining you in so many ways your father would only ever look at you and see him. 
It was a cruel way to get revenge, revenge through someone else.
Actually, maybe he was an asshole.
Right then and there, he decided that that would no longer be his course of action, not if he could help it.
Hell, he wanted to keep you as far away from your father as he could. Would he abandon his first mate? No. He’d devise some other plan. Maybe get you somewhere safe, ask for your dress, and then cover a scarecrow in said dress and use that as a tool to get him back.
It could work!
Or maybe not.
Nonetheless, plan A through D were just thrown overboard,
“Well,” He smacked the wooden wheel to get your attention,
“You’re a pretty little thing, so I like you.”
You scoffed, he continued,
“Consider yourself prisoner to your fathers enemy for a long time to come, because darlin’,”
He drawled, sauntering over to you as you instinctively backed up, only to be trapped against the railing.
His muscular arms caged you in, taller frame towering over you as electrifying green eyes intoxicated your soul and sent heat flashes up your body,
“I’m not gonna let you go so easily.”
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redriotdynamite · 3 years
You Betrayed Me ~ Shoto x Reader
I know this is another sad one. But, it was in my drafts and I was going to post it but forgot lol. I hope you guys like it. ~ Lee
Brown guilty eyes and little white lies
Yeah, I played dumb but I always knew
That you’d talk to her, maybe did even worse
I kept quiet so I could keep you
I always felt like something was going on between them. He always seemed a little too close to her. The first time I met her, I was instantly jealous. She was a hero just like him with an amazing quirk. But that’s not what drew him towards her. Her confidence and her beautiful features are what won him over.
“We’re just friends. Nothing more.”
Just friends, my ass. It may have started out that way, but I should’ve known. They graduated from the same hero school. They fought alongside each other. They even patrolled together sometimes. I tried not to think much of it at first, but now it’s all so clear to me what was going on between them this whole time.
You betrayed me
And I know that you’ll never feel sorry
For the way I hurt
You’d talk to her
When we were together
Loved you at your worse
But that didn’t matter
It took you two weeks
To go off and date her
Guess you didn’t cheat
But you’re still a traitor
We hadn’t even been broken up for that long. They became the new It-Couple. Their faces were plastered on every magazine and billboard in Tokyo. Everywhere I went, all I saw was them. Nobody knew that Shoto and I dated because he wanted to keep his love life private, but it’s real fucking funny seeing him on the billboards with his new girlfriend. It was like a knife in the heart. Was I not good enough or pretty enough to show off? Was it because I didn’t have a similar background as him? He said that he kept our relationship private to protect me from the press and pyscho fans.
I wanted people to know about us. I wanted him to show pride in his relationship with me. When the tabloids started speculating that they were more than friends, Shoto did his best to avoid the prying questions from the journalists. But, it eventually got to the point where he accidentally made it seem like they were more than friends. He told me that they would be over it by next week. He was wrong.
The press and fans ate it up. He kept reassuring me that everything would eventually blow over, and to not worry. The more the press ate it up, the more they were asked to do interviews together and photoshoots. They both confirmed that they were just friends, but people still thought they were together. Every entertainment outlet was posting stories about them. Fan accounts were made about them. “TodoMomo” was their ship name.
I felt increasingly jealous of her by the second. Shoto did his best to calm my nerves, but I could feel him pull away. And when we called it quits, I wake up to find out that Shoto Todoroki, the fire and ice hero, and Momo Yaoyorozu, the creation hero are officially dating. My heart shattered into a million pieces. That could’ve been me. Why couldn’t that be us? Why am I made to feel like I a dirty little secret? I loved him so much. I wasn’t ready to give up on him yet. I wanted him to care more about me, about us, about our relationship. I planned on building a life with Shoto and within a second and a some angry words thrown at each other, it was over.
Now you bring her around
Just to shut me down
Show her off like she’s a new trophy
And I know if you were true
There’s no damn way that you
Could fall in love with somebody that quickly
He destroyed me. After finding out about them dating, I locked myself away. I stopped answering my friends’ worried calls. They all knew how I felt about the situation. They even made it a point to talk to him about it. But I guess it wasn’t enough. I wasn’t enough. I wasn’t worth fighting for.
When I finally got the courage to start going out again, and being with my friends, he had to be there to shove her in my face. I had seen them patrol together, holding hands being so in love. There were times he knew that I was staring at them. He would kiss Momo passionately or flirt with her just to spite me. Apparently, it was my fault that things ended so badly between Shoto and I. Something that was supposed to be an innocent friendship between two friends and colleagues turned into something more. Every time he had spent too much time out, or didn’t call me before he got off or call to say he was going to be late, I worried. I worried if he was okay. What if he got hurt? What if he was being rushed to the hospital right now? But worst of all, I started to worry that he was out with Momo.
Ain’t it funny?
Remember I brought her up
And you told me I was paranoid
Yeah, okay, he’s a Pro-Hero. I expected him to stay out late or all night. But we established that he needed to let me know somehow, so that I wouldn’t worry. When he started pulling away from me, I had asked countless times if there was something going on between him and Momo. He always denied it, and told me that I was fretting over nothing.
You betrayed me
And I know that you’ll never feel sorry
For the way I hurt
You’d talk to her
When we were together
Loved you at your worst
But that didn’t matter
I was there for him since the beginning of his hero career. I met his parents. I met his brother and sister. I was the one that got him to open up more to me, his family and friends. It was like pulling teeth in the beginning. There were some rough patches, but we made it through. I thought we would make it through this bump in the road, but instead we crashed. I loved him so much through everything. We had even talked about marriage and kids. I was prepared for a life with Shoto. But, all of that doesn’t mean shit now. He is with Momo and I am left to pick up the pieces.
God, I wish that you had thought this through
Before I went and fell in love with you
When she’s sleeping in the bed we made
Don’t you dare forget about the way
You betrayed me
‘Cause I know that you’ll never feel sorry
For the way I hurt
You’d talk to her
When we were together
You gave me your word
But that didn’t matter
As I watch Shoto get on one knee and propose to Momo, it takes everything in me to not scream and beg for him to not go through with it. That was supposed to be me. I was supposed to marry him. He promised me. It doesn’t help that I’m still in love with him. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt as bad if I didn’t care so much, but I can’t help it. The crowd cheers as they surround the couple.
Shoto and I make eye contact for a moment. He looks so happy. I can’t take that away from him. I guess it’s real and not a farce. For a second, I see a guilty glint in his eyes before it’s masked by his overwhelming happiness of his engagement. The tears are flowing freely down my face now. It hurts. It hurts so much.
God, I wish that you had thought this through
Before I went and fell in love with you…
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allyouneedisbuck · 3 years
Sole Survivor -> I
[eighteen plus blog and this fic holding eventual eighteen plus scenes mean minors should not interact with this story]
summary -> your first week on the island. alliances are made, rewards are won and tribes fall apart before they can even come together. [bucky barnes x female!reader]
word count -> 4.5k
warnings -> reality tv, some cursing, survivor references (tribe, tribal council, idols) past steve rogers x reader, non-enhanced marvel characters, jeff probst (please don’t sue me) some steve slander (steve i love you i’m sorry it was just so easy to make you the sweetest person alive and therefore a target)
notes -> there are more in-depth notes at the end! just want to say this is all for fun & not meant to be a serious fic!! just some fluff & humor as a break to any serious fics out there that you may be reading!
series masterlist here.
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
Chapter I 𓆉 OUTWIT -> NEXT
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
Bucky isn’t sure how he ended up on reality TV.
That’s all he can think about as his hand grips the side of the speedboat and he glances around at his fellow contestants.
His first application to Survivor had been a dare; One of his friends back home had made a drunken joke that Bucky wouldn’t last a day and well- Obviously, Bucky can’t really take a joke.
How was he supposed to know he would actually be selected? How was he supposed to know he would be a fan favorite...villian? Saying yes to this season was a no-brainer.
He wants the million dollars. He came so, so close last time. Runner-up wasn’t good enough. 
He had been handed a dark, red buff long before they had even stepped foot on the boat. He had wrapped it around his wrist, just like everybody else on this boat with him. His eyes move around slowly as he studies his new tribe members. 
The bright red hair catches his eye first, Natasha Romanoff, was considered the original Black Widow; It’s no shock to Bucky that she had been considered a villain. Her starting point was aligning with the men on her tribe and helping pick who she wanted out. It worked for awhile, she had them under her thumb, until she got a little too abrasive and was voted off shortly after the merge.
Clint Barton who Bucky knew was notorious for promising on his kids then stabbing his allies in the back; In the final tribal he had laughed and said they gave him permission. Somehow he had won. Him and Natasha had worked together, but he had been unable to save her after the merge.
His eyes find Tony Stark next, an original player, meaning had had never played a game with idols or tricks. Tony had won it all on the third season after betraying his number one ally in the vote that decided who he brought to final two. Bucky didn’t need to ask why he was a villain, it was obvious.
Bright red lips catch Bucky’s eyes next as he checks out Darcy Lewis. Bucky wasn’t actually sure if he considered her a villain, but he can see how it played out that way. She had kept her immunity idol secret from her alliance members and had jumped ship when it became clear her alliance wouldn’t win the numbers. She made it all the way to final three after winning puzzle after puzzle in the immunity challenges, she was more impressive than villainous, but sometimes they just needed some people to fill the cast.
Loki was the king of snake gameplay, but even Bucky could admit it got him far. His ability to tell people exactly what they wanted to hear is what handed him the million dollar prize. Bucky wonders if they called Thor too, they had been on the last season, Blood versus Water together.
There’s Stephen Strange who was probably considered a villain for his dry commentary, blunt confessionals and inability to keep his thoughts to himself. He was from the first few seasons too and he had rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, but Bucky found his blunt delivery humorous.
And then there’s you. You had originally appeared on Brains, Brawns and Beauty. Unshockingly sorted onto the Beauty tribe and gravely underestimated. Bucky thought you were definitely the prettiest he’d seen in that season and early on he could tell you would be a power player. No matter how many confessionals men did saying your charm wouldn’t work, they all fell for it, and you picked them off. Your tribe only lost one immunity challenge and you had controlled who had gone home. 
Steve Rogers had fallen in love with you that season and you had taken a page from Natasha’s book. When the merge had happened, you aligned quickly with the few girls left from the other two tribes. Then knocked the men out one by one. Steve, poor Steve, so kind hearted and trusting and it had been his downfall. When you had sobbed to him about the last three girls whispering about voting you out, he had given up his earned individual immunity. The four of you girls had laughed as you wrote his name down and Steve went onto the jury. 
That was the moment that coined you one of the most notorious, and your unanimous win later had marked you down in history as one of the best to ever play.
Call Bucky an idiot, but you’re who he wants to work with. He needs to work with people who will make it to the end with him. His original season he had come off too cocky to win. He had made the mistake of taking who he thought was a floater, but apparently had built friendships with everyone, and lost in a three to six vote. Bringing someone who knew how to play the game like him gave him a far better chance at winning. 
The heroes tribe are already on their blue mat when the villains disembark and make their way onto the beach. Bucky almost laughs when he sees Steve standing in the back, tall and broad as ever. Of course the fans loved Steve. Sweet, loyal Steve. He nudges your calf with his foot and you spin to look at him in surprise.
“Your lover is here.” He nods over to the mat, where Steve is staring straight ahead at Jeff Probst. You laugh with your head thrown back like it’s genuinely one of the funniest things you’ve heard.
“Didn’t you hear? It was a nasty divorce.” You smile before stopping in front of Bucky on the mat. Bucky snorts and drops his bag by his feet as Jeff calls for everyone’s attention.
“We’ve been doing Survivor for thirty seasons now. Fifteen years. Hundreds of people have played the game, yet the sixteen of you have made your mark as either hero or villain.” His eyes scan over the group before landing on Bucky.
“Bucky. You played this game six years ago. Season 18. How does it feel that even though it’s been that long, you’re still considered one of the most well known villains?”
“I’m a villain?” Bucky asks sarcastically as he looks around the beach. The crowd laughs and you look up at him with amused eyes. Bucky tries to ignore the flutter in his heart, damn you were good. “It’s all in the perspective, Jeff.”
Jeff laughs and nods before his attention shifts to Loki standing a few people away from you. “Loki, you’re our newest villain. Coming out of last season, how does it feel to be here with all these iconic names? Intimidating?”
Loki laughs and nods. “I guess so, yeah. I’m just so happy to actually play with people who love and respect the game the same way I do!” He looks over the group in a far more calculating manner than friendly.
“And heroes! Peter, you’re our newest hero on the tribe. Coming off a win that you got through heart and loyalty.” Jeff explains, like everybody here didn’t already know how much of a blatantly good guy Peter Parker was. Three years ago when given the decision to choose between a floater and his ally who was an equally as strong competitor, he had chosen to bring Ned to the final two. It had won him a million dollars. “You intimidated at all? Or should they be?”
Peter looks around bashfully. “Yeah! No, I’m intimidated, you know? I’m not the only winner here. These are all some strong people, I definitely will have to work hard to stay.” He answers humbly.
Bucky resists the urge to roll his eyes at the answer. “Okay. Anybody think we got it wrong? That you’re on the wrong tribe?” Jeff asks and immediately half the villains raise their hands.
The heroes and Jeff laugh. “What did we do, Jeff?” You call out in a flirtatious tone. “What’d we do that was so bad?” Bucky can’t see your face, but he would bet his life that there’s a pout there.
“Come on, Y/N.” Jeff says your name incredulously. “You are definitely one of the best, but you single handedly led one of the greatest all female alliances in the history of this game and picked off who you wanted one by one.”
You turn your head to look and the heroes tribe and Bucky can see Steve, Sharon and Shuri, all from your season, watching you. Bucky isn’t sure who made the worst move, Steve giving up his immunity and sending you to final three or Shuri for bringing you to final two with her. Loyalty could be your downfall or saving grace in this game, Bucky’s learned, it just depends on your jury. “Steve!” Jeff calls out. “Y/N. Hero or villain?”
“Villain.” Steve answers quickly with a forced laugh. You shrug and turn to look at Jeff. “I outwitted him. Is that being a villain or playing the game of outwit, outplay, outlast?”
Jeff laughs. “Okay, guys. Do you want to get to your first challenge?” The group looks around at each other extremely confused. It was rare a challenge was played the first day on the island, normally tribes were sent to begin working on shelter before it got too dark.
It’s a physical game. There are eight lanes, each lane has one weighted bag buried in it. In pairs of two, each tribe would go out to the selected lane and dig. Whoever brought the bag back to their tribe won a point and it was first to four points to win.
After an hour, it’s tied, three to three and the only pair to have not gone twice is you and Natasha. You’re against Shuri and Carol, Bucky is a little nervous, but he thinks you two can win this. Shuri was known for her agility and Carol for her strength, but Bucky had faith in your ability to play dirty. “Go!” Jeff’s arms drop down and all four women are darting through the sand.
Bucky can’t stop his eyes from trailing over your body, knelt down in the sand as you quickly dig. You had stripped off your shorts and long sleeve now only in your bikini top and bottoms, the red buff wrapped around your wrist.
He knows why it had been so easy for the men of your beauty tribe to fall at your feet. The way your legs look in the sand and sun has him wanting to kneel for you. He just hopes you want to work with him too.
Natasha pulls the bag out. Carol dives for her legs and sends her face first to the ground. Shuri follows soon after and both of them are fighting with Natasha as you stand back.
Good. Bucky thinks. Let them tire themselves out, then you have the strength to get it away and get the point.
Shuri gets the bag in her hands and makes a mad dash down the lanes, but your arm wraps around her waist and yanks her back into your chest as your other hand moves to yank at the bag.
Natasha gets up and holds Carol back with two hands around the waist. “Push, Shuri! Push!” Steve screams out. Bucky rolls his eyes at the nonsensical advice.
“Sweep her feet out!” Bucky’s voice overpowers the rest of his tribe. Your eyes meet his briefly. “She’s tired! She’s burnt out. She won’t get up quick enough!”
Your hands grip at the bag tightly and you swipe a leg underneath Shuri’s feet. Her knees give out and the bag is easily yanked away from her weak grip.
“Yes!” Your tribe screams as you reach the mat and Jeff calls out. “Villains win first immunity!” Bucky’s hand lands on your lower back and you turn to look up at him happily. He hopes you can see the praise in his eyes because that performance? That’s why he wants to work with you.
                                               You - Villain Tribe
“Looking at my tribe, we’re pretty stacked. We’re good. Heroes don’t have a chance.” You throw your head back in a laugh. “Is it awful I’m excited to take a million dollars away from Steve again?”
                                       Steve Rogers - Hero Tribe
“It uh- It sucks to lose. I hate losing. It sucks even more that we lost to the villains. I don’t want to vote any of our people out yet, we all deserve to be here. It just sucks.”
Day Two
You had underestimated how tense camp would be with men who had been used to leading their tribes in the past. Tony wanted to build shelter on flat land and Bucky thought sturdy trees for a sturdy base was more important.
Bucky was right, of course. You knew he was in construction, you had watched his season, and had seen the impressive shelter he had helped build. Tony just couldn’t get over himself, but that was no shock. You would use his pride as a chance to move forward in this game.
“They’re just being idiots.” You say softly as you and Bucky try to start a fire. Nothing is really working and the sun will set soon, defeat settles between you two. “Don’t let them get to you.”
You eye his metal arm. It had been what made him a favorite early on, way before he even got his villain marker. His story of a car crash that had resulted in the lost of his left arm and a generous doctor that had worked to give him this new age prosthetic.
“‘M not.” He mutters angrily as the smoke blows out and chance at a fire slips further and further away. “Just… fuck… Just annoyed at myself for not being able to get this.”
You look over your shoulder. “And at the fact that we’ll be sleeping in a shit hole tonight.” You shake your head. Bucky snorts and nods before falling onto his back and dropping the kindle that he had been attempting to light on fire.
Your eyes trail over his abdomen, put on display by his shirt that has ridden up in his new position. You bite down on your lip as your eyes trail over his thighs before you remember that the camera men are only a few feet away and caught every second of your staring.
You clear your throat and move to sit next to him. “I think we’d work well together.” You say just above a whisper. You glance over your shoulder again, but the rest of the tribe is too busy arguing over the shelter.
Bucky looks up at you hesitantly. “Yeah?” He asks just as softly. “Not gonna break my heart right?” He gives you a teasing smile that makes your breath catch.
You shrug and stand up, offering a hand to him. “No promises. I can’t stop you from falling in love with me.” You giggle, partly for the show of it but also because Bucky’s hand is huge in yours and makes your stomach flip.
He laughs and the two of you turn back and begin walking towards the shelter. Right before you reach it and have to go your separate ways, Bucky taps your back. “I think we would too.”
                                           You - Villain Tribe
“Getting my claws on Bucky first is the best thing for my game. He’ll be loyal to me longer than anybody else.” You smile. “And Bucky is the best guy here. Tony may be an OG but he played like thirteen years ago. Strange is kind of cold. Clint and Natasha played together, he’ll be loyal to her before me. And Loki plays a game too similar to mine.” You shrug like it’s a no brainer.
                                    Bucky Barnes - Villain Tribe
“I came to win this time, okay? No more aligning with underdogs. No more just physicality getting me to the end. I need strategy and she’s the best strategist to ever play this game.” Bucky smirks. “Just ask Steve Rogers.”
Day Three
It’s pouring rain by the time both tribes get to the challenge. Bucky had been right, of course he had. The shelter was weak and the rain was destroying it. It would need to be rebuilt when you returned to camp and he could only hope the rain stops long enough to allow him to build a real shelter.
“Heroes will be with me at tribal council.” Jeff explains. “So, today, you are playing for reward. Wanna see what you’re playing for?”
The entire tribe is huddled together in an attempt to keep warm as Jeff explains the challenge and reward. He lifts a cover to reveal a tarp, blankets, pillows and flint. Bucky almost groans at the sight. They needed this win. “I’ll give you a minute to strategize.” Jeff waves them off.
It’s almost every type of challenge in one. Physical, logical and strategical. Six members would build a boat from the pieces given then sail out to retrieve all the puzzle pieces from where they were clipped on buoys. Then bring them back to the remaining two members who would work on the puzzle. First to solve it wins.
“Darcy and I can work on the puzzle.” You say quickly with Darcy nodding along. Bucky and the rest of the tribe agree and get to their starting places.
It’s a crazy adrenaline rush when Jeff yells for everyone to go. “Heroes take an early lead!” Jeff narrates as they push their boat out onto the water. Bucky can feel his tribemates settle in defeat.
“Let’s fucking go!” He urges, forcing the last piece of the boat into place. He and Clint push the boat out before climbing in beside the rest of the villains. Bucky tries to drown out Jeff’s commentary, but it’s hard when every few seconds he’s pointing out the major lead the heroes are creating. “Nobody panic. They’ve got Steve on the puzzle.”
That gets a small, tense laugh out of the group as the heroes boat reaches shore again and the villains remain collecting puzzle pieces.
Hope fizzles in Bucky’s chest when he hears your’s and Darcy’s cheers and the arguing of Steve and Carol, both placed on puzzle and both having different tactics.
“The villains are coming from behind!” Jeff says in an impressed tone as they finally push their boat to shore. “The heroes just can’t figure out this puzzle and are losing their huge lead.”
“Yeah, thanks!” Shuri calls out annoyed from the sidelines as Bucky hands off the bag of puzzle pieces to you. You dump them out and you and Darcy immediately start to spread them out to look.
“Wow! Heroes just cannot get this puzzle figured out!” Jeff shakes his head. Steve and Carol continue to argue and yank pieces away from one another. “Villains have made a remarkable comeback!” You and Darcy seem to be communicating amazingly and pieces just fall into place. 
“Jeff! Jeff!” You scream out excitedly as Darcy stuffs the last piece into place and you two step back. Jeff looks at the puzzle for a moment before throwing his arms up. “Villains win reward!”
Everybody screams in excitement and Bucky immediately turns to you. “Fuck!” He says excitedly as you jump up, legs wrapping around his waist. He wraps an arm under your thighs and tries hard to ignore how good they feel wrapped around him. “Darcy!” He waves her over into a half hug. “Puzzle queens! Puzzle queens!” He cheers, the tribe following in suit.
They’re allowed to celebrate for a few more seconds as the heroes groan until producers force them back onto their designated mats. “Villains. Take your tarp and flint, pillows and blankets will be delivered once the rain stops.” Everybody rushes forward as you take the tarp and flint into your hands.
“Heroes I got nothing for you. Except your trip to tribal right now.” Bucky glances over his shoulder as the heroes stare at Jeff in shock. “Yep! You lost immunity on day one and have had two days to discuss, grab your stuff and follow me.”
Bucky and you laugh with each other as you make your way back to camp.
                                            Shuri - Hero Tribe
“I’m just so… I told them to put me on the puzzle. Put me! Who won three puzzle challenges her season? I’m just so angry. We had such a good lead and we lost it because nobody wanted to listen to each other and everybody wanted to be a leader. Now somebody who deserves to be here has to go home while the villains live lavishly.”
Day Five
Your tribe wins reward again.
After the shocking reveal of Carol being voted out at the first tribal council, villains are perplexed. Carol had been strong, furthest from being the weakest link who was usually voted off first.
You know that’s what being on the wrong side of the numbers will get you.
This time it’s fishing gear. It sends a morale boost throughout the tribe. You grin as you watch Bucky reluctantly walk ahead with Tony.
Tony had latched onto Bucky after Bucky had helped create a better shelter. And once they had secured the tarp and loaded in the blankets and pillows, it was like a five star resort to the already tired and hungry tribe.
You can see Natasha fall in line with you in your peripheral vision and try to hide your smirk. “You’re good.” She murmurs.
You look straight ahead and shrug. “What makes you say that?”
“You and Bucky almost never go off together. Barely talk outside of groups at camp. Really only interact during challenges.” She says quietly. The group is far ahead and most likely couldn't hear if you spoke in normal tones, but you appreciate her caution. “He’s wrapped around your finger though.”
You almost stop, but refuse to let her see you stumble. She was right, you and Bucky were exceedingly cautious when it came to associating with each other at camp. “You think so? He has a crush?” You ask softly. “He’s cute, right? Not too bad.” You feign ignorance.
Natasha smirks. “Yeah.” Her hand wraps around your arm and pulls you to a stop with her. “Listen. It’s Tony and Strange on one side. You and Bucky on the other. We’ve been winning, so nobody is going to admit their alliances, but I’d rather be prepared for our first loss.”
You nod. “What are you saying?” You knew Tony and Stephen would team up. They were both considered original survivors, coming out of the first few seasons and still working on understanding this new version of the game.
“Clint and I can be numbers.” She says steadily. You lick your lips. Clint and Natasha had done Micronesia together. He had been the only one to not write her name down when she was eliminated. She had voted for him to win. It’s not a surprise they had fallen into working together again. “We protect each other. Final Four, after that we’re on our own.”
“I’ll have to speak with Bucky.” You begin to walk again. “But that sounds like a good deal to me.” You give her a small smile.
                               Natasha Romanoff - Villain Tribe
“I’m not an idiot. I know Y/N plays this game loyal to herself only. But I’m playing a strategic game. Clint and I make it to the merge with her numbers then we can flip of we need to.”
                                           You - Villain Tribe
“Final four?” You scoff. “Please. Two person alliance versus two person alliance in the final four? I’m not trying to draw rocks. Four people is good and then we’ll make the merge and I’ll work my magic.”
“I’m gonna get some firewood.” Your foot knocks against Bucky’s ankle. When he looks up from his spot on the ground, you subtly nod your head in the direction of the jungle. 
“I can help. It’s getting dark, better two than one.” He stands up. Nobody acknowledges your exit but Nat, who smirks at you before looking back at the rice cooking over the fire.
You two walk in silence, making sure to be out of earshot before stopping to talk quickly. “Natasha and Clint want to work with us. Final four.”
Bucky looks over his shoulder in the direction of camp before looking back at you. “We can promise them the merge. Final four with a two person alliance as solid as their’s is suicide.”
You look up at Bucky and laugh. Did he think you were dumb? “I know that.” You say slowly. “We should just agree to the final four then get rid of them after the merge.”
Bucky huffs out a breath. “That’s smart, but how do you know we won’t be turned on if we vote them out? How do you know Darcy and Loki aren’t already four with Strange and Tony?” His nerves are reasonable, but they make you want to laugh.
You shake your head instead staring up at him with reassuring eyes. “They won’t be. I’ve talked with Darcy a little bit. Plus, Loki works the swing vote angle as long as he can. You watched him last season, it’s how he made it so far.” 
“Okay.” Bucky agrees slowly. “So, we work with Clint and Natasha and work on getting Loki as a swing vote? What if they turn on us? These people’s word means jack.” Bucky’s arm shifts and your eyes immediately trail over it curiously. Did it do that when he was nervous? Was it normal?
“Don’t worry.” You place a gentle hand on his arm, you wondered how the metal didn’t heat in the sun the same way a metal slide would. Questions for a later time. “There are hidden immunity idols, Buck. We just have to find them.”
You walk past him then, picking wood up as you go. The cameras stay on Bucky, who you can feel staring after you. 
Men were so easy.
                                     Bucky Barnes - Villain Tribe
“She’s… She’s got it all mapped out. To the end. She’s not playing this bullshit tribe first, individual later game. She’s here to win. It’s hot.” He blushes before his eyes widen in realization. “I could win this.”
Day Six
The immunity challenge is grueling. Large crates in the tribe’s color have to be rolled from one end of the field to the other by two people. Six crates in total and Jeff had evened the teams out so each tribe only had six people playing, meaning each pair would go out twice no matter what.
Tony and Darcy had opted to sit out, and each pair had to go out twice. Bucky knew this would kill everyone, it had looked downright brutal long before Jeff shouted Go.
Bucky can be the first to admit maybe the team didn’t strategize correctly when choosing pairs. While he and Loki were able to bring the first crate back before the heroes, Clint and Stephen slow the group down. Once the heroes build momentum, they’ve got the lead. You and Natasha struggle to catch up.
By the sixth crate, everybody is downright exhausted. Bucky can’t even comprehend how the heroes had gotten through all six crates so fast.
“Villains start your puzzle.” Jeff calls out. Bucky thinks this is worse than the running. These crates are almost as tall as he is and definitely weighed damn near close too.
Setting the first two in place would be fine, the last four? Pure hell. They had to be lifted into place and Bucky wasn’t sure his tribe could do it. Not when Steve was already lifting crates up for the heroes and sticking them in place like it was nothing.
“Heroes with a huge lead!” Jeff narrates excitedly from the sidelines. “Can the villains catch up?” 
“Fuck this.” Bucky mutters taking a step back. His back hits something soft - you. You nails trail up his spine and he shivers before turning to look down at you. “That piece then that piece?” You point out and Bucky turns to look.
Loki and Clint have the first piece in place. Natasha and Strange are pushing the second. Two pieces have to be lifted next and you seem to have cracked the code.
“You’re so smart.” He punches your shoulder affectionately before yelling out. He starts calling out directions and suddenly everything seems to have fallen into place. The villains tribe is quiet and works together easily while the heroes fall apart, again. 
“Villains win immunity!” Jeff calls out again and the heroes fall into dismay. Yelling and arguing with one another even more. “That means the heroes will once again see me at tribal council. I’ll give you the afternoon to discuss, head on out.” 
Bucky carries the immunity trophy back to camp with a bright smile. These first few days couldn’t have gone any better. A winning streak, set alliance, and final two plan?
He was winning this time. No doubt about it.
                                     Peter Parker - Hero Tribe 
“It just sucks because… because now they’re talking about sending Steve home instead of like - Sharon. She’s smart, but she’s just not the strongest person here and we obviously need a stronger tribe.” 
                                     Steve Rogers - Hero Tribe 
“A line was drawn in the sand last tribal. Scott, Wanda and I on one side. Shuri, Peter, Sharon and Thor on the other. Now it’s just who they want to go home and I hope it’s not me.” 
                                       Thor Odinson - Hero Tribe 
“There’s talk of Steve going home, but I… I don’t know if that’s what will be best for us. We need our strong players and he’s strong! I’m gonna talk to them and see what I can do. We just… We just can’t lose strong people. We’ll get our asses handed to us.”
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
notes // you can probably tell, but until the merge, you won’t get inside on the heroes tribe. the focus of this is bucky & reader on their tribe. the confessionals are really you’re only hint to anybody else’s train of thought! i’m excited to explore this, it’s really just for fun & not meant to be a super serious fic. a break from harsh angst and all that! i hope you enjoy it, even just a little! the next part will have more to it & it will get more interesting! this is meant as an introduction, a season premiere if you will. :))
& if you’ve watched the real heroes vs villains season you’ll notice a lot of this follows after that set up, like the challenges and eliminations, but i’ve written it around these characters and personalities!
my writing is free & will remain free! but if you have the resources and enjoyed it, consider donating to my ko-fi :) & if that’s not possible consider reblogging or leaving comments! spreading my work or letting me know you enjoyed it means the world to me & lets me know i’m not shouting into the void!
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morgana-ren · 3 years
Slasher/Camp Counselor anon finally off anon or whatever. First off I'm sorry I didn't just send that ask through submissions. It probably would've been easier. Secondly, I don't see Shigaraki ever being a camp counselor aside from my own horny daydreams. But what would work is a like Scream type of thing. Just Shigaraki as Skeet Ulrich's character covered in blood
Firstly, I would like you to know that I woke up to that ask and it was the most big brained thing I saw all day. No kidding. Like I read that and was catapulted instantly into a good mood because that meant I had some wonderful scenarios to daydream about all day and BOY did you deliver.
I LOVE the concept. As a fan of horror both old and new, I can totally see him being the creepy, licentious little shithead that goes on a killing spree and then uses it to get you alone and vulnerable only to take advantage of you at your weakest and hold it over your head later.
In an AU, I can ABSOLUTELY see him being a camp councilor. Like maybe his parents shipped him off to the camp for the summer when he was young and he hated it but it's where he first set eyes on you. He goes begrudgingly every single year and only makes it through because he just stalks you secretly around the camp and steals your things and hides behind a tree when you swim in the lake because he wants to watch. Then when he gets too old for them to force him to go, he volunteers of his own accord because 1) he can abuse his power and be a total prick to everyone because everyone knows what the councilor says goes even when it's not fair and 2) He just happened to stumble onto the info that you're volunteering as a councilor yourself. He's never spoken a single word to you, but now is his chance to get you alone.
He's also clearly not right in the head, so he has noooo problem at all going on a dirty little killing spree to get you nice and scared (as well as take out his rampant misanthropy) and then when it slips that he's the killer, he offers to corroborate your story that it was some big, scary mystery murderer but only if you do exactly what he says from now until forever. He's fucking obsessed over you and you never even knew his name, and now everyone is dead and he's threatening to pin it all on you if you don't become his little slave because he's equal parts smart and abhorrent and you know damn well he'll do it.
I'm a sucker for shitty incel Shigaraki, and that just seems right up his alley. Blackmail, murder, probably a forced blowie where his hands are still caked in the dried blood of your friends and flakes of it are tangling in your hair as he forces you down deeper onto his cock with the body of a fellow councilor bleeding out less than a foot away and rattling off death gurgles. Ahh... so good. So good.
As for the Skeet Ulrich (one of my first horror crushes by the way, holy fuck he was so hot), I can totally see that working. My stories are almost always more horny than murder-y but I can SEE it. Finding out your nerdy, creepy little boyfriend has been toying with you the entire time as he slaughters everyone in your friend group. <3 so hot.
This deserves a full fledged story, to be honest. I'd actually be more than happy to do it. I'll definitely do some scene snippets too, if that's okay?
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foryoumyheroes · 4 years
I love the Otaku todoroki and Bakugou hc's! Maybe part 2 where they meet the characters voice actor and they look EXACTLY like the character and the bois are like 😳😳😳 HAVE I BEGGED GOD ENOUGH FOR HIM TO TURN MY ANIME CRUSH REAL and maybe the voice actor asks them out on a date sksksk— lol love your writing! (you don't have to do this btw, just a suggestion! 💕)
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My first thought was the webtoon True Beauty 😳😳 I don't know if you guys know it, but it’s a great story (and free to read online!) and the author is kinda infamous for looking exactly like her MC!! Though Iida’s VA, Kaito Ishikawa, 👀 👀 looks exactly like his character IMO!! 
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The headcanons in question are here, and since the character is already referred to as [Name], I’ll be referring to the voice actor as [V/A] only, but it’s still the reader 😊😊.
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“Shitty Half-and-half.” 
“Bakugou,” Todoroki replied, turning fully to face his former classmate. Several years had passed since they both confronted each other over Todoroki’s [Name] acrylic charm, and even now, both Pro-Heroes deep into their careers, their love for the anime character never waned. 
The series had finished up during their last year at U.A., leaving both boys a mess while Aizawa could only wish that he was able to nurse his headache with half a bottle of ibuprofen. Todoroki mourned the fact that they were able to defeat the last arc’s antagonist at the cost of [Name]’s powers leading to their ultimate retirement and Bakugou raged from the ambiguous epilogue where [Name] was seen laying their head on the protagonist’s shoulder while looking out into the sunset.  
“Don’t play dumb with me, you damned trust fund kid,” Bakugou spat, pushing himself off the spot where he leaned against the wall and striding over to the taller male. He had filled out in the past several years, nothing but toned biceps and broad shoulders. “You’re thinking exactly what I’m thinking.” 
“What?” Todoroki asked innocently. His time with Uraraka had paid off, but the cutesy look would only let him get so far. Bakugou was eye-to-eye with his “eternal” rival. Todoroki had only gotten taller recently. Still slender and toned, he was nearly his father’s height and had already surpassed Natsuo. 
“Might Con.” Bakugou really had grown from the way he didn’t rage from Todoroki’s feigned ignorance. “You’re going to be there aren’t you?” 
Todoroki froze. 
The blond smirked at his expression. “I know for a damned fact that your manager scheduled your panel at the exact same time my panel is held —” 
“We’re hosting the panel together with Midoriya, Bakugou —” Todoroki tried to say.   
“At the exact same time as [Name]’s fucking seiyuu’s autograph session, huh?” 
At Bakugou’s words, both boys were at a standstill. 
Due to the popularity of the anime, the voice actors were going to have their schedules jam-packed the entire con with panels, interviews, and meet-and-greets, but due to scheduling conflicts, every voice actor was allowed only one autograph session at a time. Bakugou didn’t care about any of those other shitty extras. He only wanted to meet [Name]’s seiyuu. 
The voice actor was infamous for hiding their face during the anime’s run, only doing radio shows or paper interviews. They cited that since they were still a minor by the time the anime came out, they wanted to preserve their privacy, but now that they were of age, they were going to reveal their face at the con for the first time. 
But they couldn’t make it. Their entire Pro-Hero career was stabbing itself in the back. 
He held a hand out. 
“If one of us can’t see [Name]’s voice actor the other can’t.”
It was otaku solidarity.  
After a pause Todoroki reached out and shook it once. “Fine.” The two boys dropped their hands as fast as it came. 
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Todoroki Shoto: 
Tries to go incognito, but he sucks at it. 
He’s wearing shades indoors to hide his heterochromia and his scar, a bucket hat to hide his half-and-half hair, and he’s wearing regular, but not so inconspicuous clothes. 
Once he gets to the front of the line, he nearly drops his gigantic load of [Name] merch. If it weren’t for the fact that he’s a Pro, he would’ve needed a wagon to carry the entire thing. 
His face immediately flushes. 
You’re wearing glasses and a large sweater while smiling and waving happily at the last fan that walked away. His mind is seeing every equation. You look exactly like the High School spin-off your mangaka made after the protagonist wished that everyone was able to live normal lives.   
He stutters out, “C-Cosplay...?” softly the moment he gets to your table. 
This dude is blushing so hard his face is as red as his hair. 
Were you a secret love child, perhaps? 
You brighten up and laugh. “Oh, wow — you have a lot of merch,” you laugh and he nearly swoons. “And oh, no! I just look like this normally.” 
He mentally thanks his mom for giving birth to him. 
You compliment him on his casual Idol!Shoto cosplay and he’s so embarrassed that he nearly lets go of the left side of his Quirk. 
“Yeah! You make such a handsome Shoto!” You use your [Name] voice to say, “I love you, Shoto-kun!” and he nearly dies right there. 
He uncharacteristically even puts his face into his hands ;; and just screams internally. 
You hold up your pen and look at him with such wide eyes and ;;; YOU’RE SO FUCKING CUTE!! 
None of the fanfictions have ever prepared him for this. 
[“So who should I put these out to?” 
He inhales once and quickly goes, “Todoroki, please. Written with the character for ‘a roaring fire.’ I have admired [Name] since their character introduction arc and felt a bond from [Name]’s tragic history and my own. I hated my father for the longest time and wanted to forage my own path similar to [Name] and they gave me strength —”] 
You fight to keep the largest grin off your face, but then the door busts open and in walks Ground Zero. The security are all scrambling to stop him, but he barrels through them like dominoes. 
“Oh, Bakugou —” 
Bakugou takes him by the collar and his shades and hat falls and everyone’s immediately fangirl shrieking as Bakugou forcefully drags him away. 
“Wait, Bakugou — ! My dakimakura — !“ 
“Fuck that!”] 
After his panel, he’s smugly going through all of the merch you were able to autograph with Bakugou sulking in the corner because he managed to go and Bakugou didn’t and he nearly drops his figurine when he realizes what you wrote in the corner of the box. 
“You seem pretty cute, handsome stranger! ;) XXX-XXXX-XXXX” 
He discharges his Quirk and Bakugou could be heard shouting, “WHAT THE HELL, HALF-AND-HALF!” in the background. 
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Bakugou Katsuki: 
He doesn’t even bother hiding the fact that he’s there. Everyone’s so stunned by the fact that the Ground Zero is just storming through the autograph session that the autograph line splits like the Red Sea and he goes right up to you. 
When he sees your face he just stops in his place and he does the face above for like five whole seconds. 
Did he die and go to heaven? 
AND YOU LOOK SO SOFT!! Who gave you the motherfucking right to look so cute??? You look exactly like the panel in volume twenty-one, page 105 where [Name] were first seen wearing glasses. (Yes, ofc he remembers the exact page and volume. What was he, a fake fan?)
He didn’t have a thing for megane 😳😳😳 until [Name].
[“You...You fucking look exactly like [Name],” he manages to stutter out. 
You blink out of your stupor at the Ground Zero at your autograph session because your manager just elbows you at your side and you nod quickly like an idiot. 
“Y-Yeah!” You laugh nervously. “Hahaha, I guess that’s why they chose me to be the voice actor, you know because the voice matches the face — or-or is it the face matches the voice??” The two of you have matching red faces. “I-I even have a Quirk like their’s!” You hold up your hand and activate your Quirk slightly and he goes still.] 
H-His wifu/husbando... in the flesh... 
All those years of reading metas and watching analysis videos and calculating the compatibility of your Quirks are coming into fuCKING FRUITION!! 
And he just grabs your hand out of nowhere, running on pure instinct, wrapping his hand around yours in a vice grip like a claw game and the both of you freeze. 
”S-So what would you like me to sign??” you say quickly because he’s holding up the line, but everyone else is watching his go down like a soap opera. 
He asks you to sign the manga. The first volume, the volume where you’re introduced, and the last volume. 
[“They fucking did [Name] dirty in the series finale,” he says while you sign the manga for him. “They don’t belong with the pissy protagonist.” 
“Yeah?” you ask, looking up at him. You gesture for him to lean closer and he does while you whisper in his ear. “Between you and me I don’t ship them either.” You lean back in your chair. “I don’t think the mangaka developed their relationship enough for me to root for them. Personally, I think that that they should just settle down with someone who’s going to make them happy and protect them — “ 
“I can do that.” 
“What,” you blurt out. 
“What,” he replies.] 
He’s in such a daze that when Deku and Shoto barge into the autograph signing and drag him away he doesn’t even fight back. 
Even through his panel that he nearly missed btw he’s so confused. Equations are spinning around his head. 
When he finally has free time and looks at the manga you signed, it read, “Ground Zero, you’re my favorite Hero! Glad you liked the anime! Wanna talk about it some more? XXX-XXXX-XXXX” 
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
Hii, me again. 😅
Jungkook made a three syllable poem with "min yoongi" name. At the last name of "Gi" He made yoonmin. Is he try to expose that yoonmin is a thing/ or real??
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Ahjumma.... why are you being like this?
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What did I do to deserve this ghettory?😟 It's too early in the year to be this ghetto uno.
Don't be like that😒
You are asking me, Goldy- GOLDY of all shippers, if I think JEON JUNGKOOK is confirming his boyfriend of seven years and counting is in a relationship with another member within the same group...
Doing what exactly in that relationship??
Is JK cockholding? What's going on.
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You think BTS will survive two members dating the same guy in the same group???
Never mind that it's Jeon Jungkook and Park freaking Jimin- Mr I'm greedy and Mr I don't share my friends.
Like make it make sense to me please😭
After everything we've been said on my blogs for months now, you still asking me this??
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You are bold, I'll give you that.
Now tell me slowly and in coherent words why I shouldn't pull your hair and give you three quick punches to your throat- ninja style👀
Someone get her before I snap their neck💀
For the last time-
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If you are new to the shipping community I suggest you familiarize yourself with every ships dynamics or at least Jikooks- if multishipping isn't exactly your thing.
Jikook's entire dynamics is founded on JK teasing JM to death. It's their thing.
He's said he enjoys teasing Jimin because he loves Jimin's reaction to when he's being teased. In fact, the entire group have said same about Jimin.
Did you see JM's reaction to when JK called out the Yoonmin comment in the dynamite reaction VLive?
Did you see RMs reaction too?
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He is trying Jimin with these Yoonmin jokes. He's gonna get stabbed. Lmho.
Jimin reacts strongly to when JK in particular teases him with ships, Yoonmin more recently. Yet he didn't seem to mind when V did it.
V used to be the biggest Yoonminer on the planet rooting for and encouraging certain interactions between Yoonmin. Lmho.
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Jimin himself perpetuates Yoonmin as a ship.
It would be an insult on his intelligence for anyone to assume he didn't know exactly why people ship two people together or what interactions and moments is considered a moment in shipping sphere.
Statements like, why can't Suga hyung look me in the eye, why does he say I'm irreplaceable to him, insinuates something and he knows this.
Once upon a time, JK couldn't look you in the eyes too. Still can't sometimes.
Jimin has a presence and he has a hold on these men and he knows it.
He goes out of his way to create the impression he and Suga have a very close bond and dynamic- I'm sold on it. Lol.
'5 Jms? As expected. You'll fall in love with them' not sure if JM said the last bit in the BE.TS Vlive, yall check for me.
It's crazy then that he turns around to react the way he does when JK teases him with his ship with Suga.
It seems to me, Jimin knows the intent and energy behind such seemingly harmless jokes- JK can be petty and passive aggressive with these things. You'd think he is joking but deep down he would be pouting and throwing tantrums behind cams🤧
It's Jimin apologizing and looking like his spirit left his body as he sat on the edge of JK's bed in the new Jersey VLive for me.
He needs to free Jimin.
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Talk of things I'm getting too old for- Let's talk about why he posted his version of the bridge in disease online🤧
Not to say he shouldn't have posted it. I support that he did wholeheartedly. Deadass found his groove since he started unbuttoning the front of his shirts in 2020.
He's reclaiming the spotlight, putting himself at the forefront unlike before where he'd resigned himself to a supportive role watching his hyungs be at the center of things.
Now he's been talking about that he wants have sexy dance performances like Jimin, write rap melodies for RM, share his own music, try on a solo career one day- we get it. You found yourself Mr I'm independent asserting myself yall better fuxk off but chilee not at the expense of Jimin! 🤺
I mean it's a broad spotlight and they both can share it but damn is someone changing drastically. Not sure if I should be proud or terrified.
It's great and amazing and I'm really truly happy with where he's at mentally and physically since 2020- it's a great sign, don't get me wrong. Significant improvement. His becoming is long over due but he didn't have to grab the spotlight from Jimin like that.
Jk vs JM isn't something I'm a fan of.
It's a shame it didn't work out? What do you mean JK. I'm sorry but Jimin's version is amazing too!😟
What the actual hell JK😭
Back it up. This is not how to Jikook🤺
On guard sir🤺 on guard🤺
Dude did Jimin dirty🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧
I need a refund😭😭😭😭
Here I was waiting for y'all to get on your Jikook agenda and post that first Jikook selca of the year and you are there shipping Jimin with your bandmate and thiefing his shine. Who taught you that?!😥
Y'all are competitive but y'all don't compete with eachother's shine! JIKOOK 101😭😭😭
You share it😥
Show me where in the books this new development falls under. Show me
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You winging it and it's unconstitutional😟
I rebuke it in Jesus name!
Someone beam me up.
You got these 13 year olds coming in my DMs telling me you are not supportive of your man's career.
I don't have time for this shit.
If you've watched their Be behind video, and you've seen Jin talk about how RM complained to him when Tae chose Suga's version over his version you'd know where JK is coming from or where I think he is coming from having JMs version chosen over his.
Watch their Be self interview on yt too.
He said there's a melody he worked on for RM and when Jhope thought he got snubbed he recommended he release it instead- to quench his artistic drive perhaps.
That is why he released this song. He did it for himself. Like he said, he won't put out a song unless he was confident about it.
Suga have said time and again how the music and melodies they create never go to waste because they can repurpose it like he did with Telepathy I think.
Even JK explained he was reserving the melody he made for RM for a future group song.
He could have repurposed this or something.
When Jin talked about V vs JM's Christmas song and kept repeating how much he preferred Jimin's song to Tae's because Jimin"s was bright and upbeat, he made sure to clarify he wasn't implying Tae's song was bad. He was just indicating preference.
I won't lie, I was happy he preferred my bias's song but it made my VMin heart ache a little.
V and JM made very different songs, they shouldn't be compared to eachother in that way.
I don't like competitions. And I don't like when two artists are pit against eachother- which is exactly what these two versions of the bridge is doing out here.
I will literally die if in an interview JM is asked about his part and JK isn't. I can't do this😭
Those saying JM's is better make me sick, and those saying JK's is better make me nauseous. They both great. Point blank purr.
What's even more heartbreaking is hearing how excited he really was to share that bit with Army. Dude's eyes was glistening and everything. His bunny smile! 😥
Thats what makes this very hard for me.
The JJK in me is overjoyed and excited that he is doing things that make him really happy. I'm proud of him.
But the PJM in me just😕
I even feel more guilty that I prefer JM's version this time around😭😭😭😭
I feel like I'm betraying JK🤧
I was so happy seeing JM recieve all the love and attention I know he deserves.
Then here comes his boyfriend
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'Hold up what about me!' Lol.
Imagine if RM releases the version of Blue and grey he made for Tae and it turns out we prefer that to the version Tae chose💀
Imagine that.
This has been a recurring theme throughout late 2020 to date. Jk's been choosing authenticity and self interests and passions over anything else and I couldn't be more happy for him.
Like we discussed, he's been learning to compromise too lately, which is great.
But honey this is a red flag. Deadass.
To me anyways😏
I've been a strong advocate for a certain level of independence and detachment in Jikook's dynamics because they lowkey exhibited codependency tendencies in their dynamics which is great for us shippers but not so great in the long run for their relationship or them as individuals .
Maybe I'm thinking out loud and prematurely here. I mean we are only beginning to have intimate access to their raw unscripted selves.
I don't think it's not that much of a big deal. RM and JM have equally shared their own versions of fake love on the internet but it is an interesting development in their dynamic to me.
I remember how happy JM was about his version of fake love, and it remains to date one of my favorite beats even though he was just spewing nonsense on that track. Lol.
He was so excited when he shared it with JK and Jin. He said when he showed it to JK the first time, JK said he loved it very much- how loving and supportive is that!
More of this please. Thank you.
PMS is a bitch y'all🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Has me in my feels about this.
I'm pretty sure JM is the one that even encouraged him to share his part in the first place. Won't put it past him.
'Ya Jungkook, release your version too'
'Army will love it'
'Right but I don't want it to seem like- Goldy is crazy you know'
'Goldy who now?'
'What about the thirteen year old fans-'
'Aht aht aht Who cares about them.'
I mentioned a few times on here how I felt JM seemed to have been demanding 'space' and a little bit of breathing room in their dynamic which was causing a little bit of tension here and there middle 2019 through to March last year and it all sounds like drama and speculation but...
May be if I told y'all I am a witch and my analysis of their relationship is based on mediums, phantom whisperers, empathetic readings or tarot cards y'all will leave me alone?🤥
Y'all don't seem to have a problem with the witches and empaths who be doing the same shit I do out here😒
Like we are all 'reading' these mens!
There's nothing wrong with 'psychoanalytically' evaluating a ship you know? Chilee.
Imma call myself a witch if it will get y'all off my back😹😹😹😹
I mentioned JK equally embarking on his own journey to assert himself within the group and within the relationship due to this?
But damn I did not see this one coming.
This is a red flag for me. And no, it doesn't mean they are broken up or having issues in their relationship.
Jk's TMI indicates they still been spending a lot of time together.
This is just a sign there's too much independence in their dynamic now- if you know what I mean.
Relationships flourish based on how attached we are to people- too much attachment is a problem, too little attachment is equally bad.
Jikook have always had a problem with over attachment in their dynamics in my opinion, to the point it was lowkey unhealthy- the jealousy, not being able to 'act professionally' within a group and work environment, having problems with being separated however briefly, constantly wanting to be where the other is etc.
Less attachment isnt necessarily a bad thing either. It means less of all the 'toxic' aspects of their relationship that over attachment brings but too much of that too can trigger anxiousness and insecurity and resentment.
Especially if one of them hates change. Cough Jimin.
With that comes all the wild aspects of love such as possessiveness, jealousy and I know JM doesn't do too well in that department...
In my opinion, I see JM as having a problem when JK breathes down his neck emotionally speaking, and at the same time he has a problem when he is too emotionally distant.
All this is interesting to me.
Who do I need to talk to to give me more of Jikook interactions individually or jointly?
I want to see more of their interactions beyond the overly staged, dramatized fanservice and official content.
Spending a lot of time around eachother and eating each other's ramen- pun intended, does not reflect on how intimate you are.
Intimacy requires depth and depth requires attachment.
How you treat eachother's needs and goals, dreams and desires is equally indicative of the intimacy in your relationship.
That has always been one distinctive quality of Jikook's ship.
And so I wonder the thought process that went into this decision. I know JM wouldn't object to JK sharing things like these or doing things that make him happy even if it has the potential to impact his own shine in any way.
Jikook don't compete against eachother.
I keep saying this.
Remember when I said I found it sus that JK was lying there staring at JM with his hands in between his legs?
Did yall see what the run editors said when JM and JK went up against each in the pool?
'Jikook don't play by the rules'
Jimin had to push JK in the water to end whatever ancient sex ritual foreplay rooted in kamasutra they had going on. Bless him.
And in so doing, he lost to JK.
Whenever they go up against eachother, one of them intentionally lose even though they are both very competitive.
Isn't that why JK said he'd rather 5 Jms so he can watch them compete against eachother?
When JK first made that post, I felt it was out of pettiness or a move to 'humble' JM.
I thought of when he'd posted that photo of himself with a hickey after JM had 'dated' him during the JinMinKook live.
I rolled my eyes and asked, 'what yall gays up to this time?' Why you out here humbling your man?
Anywho chilee we will never know.
At ease.
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How would you compare the ACOTAR ships to TVD ships? Some people say Feysand is like Delena.
This is SUCH A FUN ASK!! Don’t mind if I do! I’m going to compare the general dynamic of the characters as well as archetype/ story parallels.
This is a crossover post so SPOILERS FOR BOTH ACOTAR AND TVD BELOW.
Stefan-Elena-Damon = Tamlin-Feyre-Rhysand
I don’t mean to do Stefan dirty like this, but the parallels are really undeniable. Stefan and Tamlin both were the kind, caring, magical first introduction to this whole new world for Feyre/Elena. They fell in love with them easily and it was a pure, beautiful love but while they were in it there were darker (Damon and Rhys) forces pulling them in another direction. Both women loved these men SO fiercely and sacrificed for that love. Feyre fought the 3 trials with Amarantha where she ended up being helped by Rhys. Elena went looking for Stefan in his ripper days even though Klaus would kill her if he found her and she was helped by Damon. Both of them fought for this love but then once they had it back... either they or the man or both had changed too much from the trauma and their relationship simply couldn’t work anymore.
I totally agree with the Feysand= Delena point because I think they are both relationships that are very “this person over everyone else no matter what” and that is romantic, but at we see, can also be overbearing/toxic at times. They both do awful things that the heroine has to later learn their motives for and forgive them for. Damon “kills” Jeremy and tries to compel Elena to kiss him early on. He feeds Elena his blood against her will when Klaus might kill her but then he ultimately makes it right through self sacrificing hero acts. Rhys does... everything he did under the mountain and he doesn’t tell Feyre she’s his mate, but then he helps her heal after Tamlin and ultimately saves Prythian. Both characters are also haunted by an abusive relationship- Rhysand a sexually abusive relationship with Amarantha that he endured for 49 years and Damon and emotionally abusive/manipulative relationship with Katherine that defined his life for 150 years.
Damon has a quote in season 4 that I think really describes both couples. He says: “if you’re going to be bad, be bad with a purpose. Otherwise you just aren’t worth forgiving.”
Klaroline = Nessian
This one is more based on character interactions and a bit of my own bias. I struggled to find a TRUE nessian parallel couple but I think Klaroline is the closest for a number of reasons. Largely because Caroline and Nesta are very similar characters. Both start off as shallow, superficial mean girls who we get an early glimpse of their heart (Caroline crying and her I’m never the one monologue and Nesta being on Feyre’s side when she returns in ACOTAR) who then get changed into something they never wanted to be and it helps them grow and OWN THEIR P O W E R. Even Caroline’s stint as emotionless mess after her mom’s death parallels Nesta’s destructive actions after losing her father.
Cassian and Klaus both have the whole “I’m a worthless bastard that no one wants and I killed my father but I am STRONGER THAN EVERYONE so you can’t hurt me even though I’m really just a soft boi who needs love” vibe going on.
And the CHASE. That’s the biggest parallel here. These are both couples where this powerful man walked in and said “that one” re the beautiful woman who hated them and then did not give up. But with both of them it’s a gentle chase. Klaus knows that Caroline is constantly trying to trick him but he doesn’t care because he just wants to spend time with her and whenever she is in danger he is there on the DOUBLE and does things he doesn’t want to do for her (ex- graduation, hiding/ protecting Stefan in season 6). Cassian knows that Nesta is going through a hard time after ACOMAF and he flies up to the House of Wind every damn day to see her even when she pushes him away and he instantly goes into fierce general I will kill mode if anyone threatens Nesta. Also both couples are prone to lashing out at each other (Caroline “terrible people” line; Klaus with his biting. Cassian “everyone hates you”; Nesta with her well... being Nesta LOL)
Bonus points for pet names and relentless teasing when they aren’t trying to kill each other.
Quote for them is when Caroline tells Klaus “anyone capable of love, is capable of being saved” I think that also has big Cassian @ Nesta in ACOSF energy.
(PS I did consider Nessian being Steroline but 1. I fucking hate that ship and 2. Stefan was never there for Caroline during the hard times which is the anti Cassian AND I think the for me it’s always you vibe just fits the intensity of Nessian better)
Kennett = Elriel
I’m not tagging this Elriel so don’t COME FOR ME. In my opinion, these are both ships that had some fun ~tension~ and are kinda sexy/enticing. Kol with his love of witches and their little graduation ghost adventure and Azriel with his attraction to Elain and saving her from Hybern. BUT ultimately I think the most interesting thing about these ships was their convenience. I think fans liked to put Bonnie with Kol in fanfics because it was an easy way to make Bonnie understand Elena and Caroline’s choice for a dark boi and it was just convenient. Likewise I think that Elriel is convenient in writing to simply throw Elain with the other bat brother and tie everything up in a neat little ribbon.
Mabekah= Elucien
In this comparison Rebekah is Lucien and Matt is Elain. This was a couple where one person started off with bad motives (Rebekah wanting to kill Matt at the ball; Lucien plotting with Hybern) but they have genuine feelings for the person once they get to know/are mated to them and you see that person is a much more complicated character than we previously saw. Rebekah and Lucien are both lost, lonely, and struggling to find where they fit in while Matt and Elain are both struggling but ultimately the much beloved “sweet” character who everyone is willing to die to protect. At first the sweet character avoids the villain character like the plague, but eventually things turn around and they see past their previous bad actions.
BonEnzo= Gwynriel
Talk about characters who have some trauma to heal together. Enzo was literally kept in a cage by the Whitmore’s for 50 years and abused much like Azriel in his dungeon. Gwyn has had to make unspeakable decisions in order to protect the greater good and suffer the horrible consequences for it- losing her twin to protect those children much like how Bonnie lost her grams to protect Stefan and Elena. Enzo started off interested in Caroline (like Azriel and Elain) and getting over an obsession with Lilly (Azriel and Mor) but was ultimately drawn to Bonnie for her strength, determination, and good heart despite everything she had been through. These are really all just characters that have been through the RINGER and need to find healing in each other’s arms but would never admit that’s what they are doing so it just happens slowly and one day they realize things don’t hurt as much anymore.
Damon and Caroline= Nesta and Tomas
You know why. Damon doesn’t get off that easy just because he “changed”. He abused Caroline and I won’t be pretending in 2021 that he didn’t.
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jedimasterbailey · 3 years
Polis Massa and Utapau! :3
HI! ☺️ Thank you so much for two more questions I was hoping to get asked!
List of original ask game questions linked down below!
Polis Massa: Favorite OTP’s
Romance wise, I only have three!
1.) Barrissoka (Ahsoka Tano x Barriss Offee): This is the BOAT for me! I could very much write a whole thesis on why I love these two together so much but I’ll keep it short. I’veshipped these two since I first saw them together in the Clone Wars years ago (well before I knew I myself was gay and could truly appreciate wlw romance) and despite all the horror Feloni put them through, I’d still die for them. These girls deserve happiness 🧡💙🤍💚
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2.) Kenduli/Obinara (Luminara Unduli x Obi-wan Kenobi): Just like the above ship, I could write pages on why I also love these two together but I’ll abbriaviate. I fell in love with their dynamic in the Legends novel “The Approaching Storm” (highly recommend) and that love grew even more when I saw their dynamic in the Clone Wars. Like the way Luminara relaxes around Obi-wan and the way Obi-wan worries for her on Geonosis is just so damn cute okay? They’re two of my all time favorite characters and I think they go nicely together shoot me 😄
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3.) Hanleia (Han Solo x Leia Organa): Need I say more? How can you not love the OG ship? They are just too damn cute and lovey dovey with each other and the sequels did them real dirty…totally not bitter about it one bit.
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As for platonic OTP’s, I am a huge sucker for the wholesome Jedi Master/Padawan relationships. The Jedi are just so damn good and loving 💙💚💜
Utapau: Personal Ranking of Episodes
This one is a difficult one since I love all the first 6 episodes so much (sorry sequel fans, I won’t be including those here, just not my cup of tea).
1.) Revenge of the Sith/Return of the Jedi: These two are tied as my favorite because I literally cannot choose.
Return of the Jedi has always been my favorite of the OG trilogy (I abused the hell out of that VHS tape and DVD). I just love a good satisfying ending and that’s what Episode 6 is, a good ending. All the characters have grown immensely. Han is no longer a relunctant hero, Leia is still a badass but she’s now a badass motherfucking Hutt slayer and a friend to the Ewoks, and Luke is a Jedi Knight with a new green saber. The reveal about the twins is finally made and we finally get to see that climatic showdown between Luke and the Emperor with Vader finally returning as Anakin and sacrificing himself for his Son. The Empire is then finally gone and the Jedi and the Republic can start to rebuild. That ending scene with Luke looking at the Force ghosts with Anakin joining in light colored robes never fails to get me misty eyed 🥲
Revenge of the Sith is the prequel movie I’ve watched the most and to me it’s a direct parallel to Episode 6. It’s tragic as fuck and the Order 66 scene will never fail to break my heart as well as the Mustafar battle, but it’s still a hauntingly beautiful film. Anakin essentially is the reverse of Luke in that he made all the wrong choices and I find it poetic knowing what would happen in the future. The soundtrack to this film is also probably my favorite 👌🏻
2.) Attack of the Clones: This movie is so entertaining to watch. Okay, so as much as I love the originals, the prequels and the Clone Wars are my jam in that all my favorite characters are alive and well and we get to see so much Jedi badassery. That scene where all the Jedi arrive on Geonosis is 👏🏻💙💚💜🤌🏻 perfection ☺️ I also really like the different journeys Anakin and Obi-wan go on and their banter in this film never fails to make me laugh. It’s essentially the final stop before all the tragedy happens and I’m here for it.
3.) A New Hope: Like many, this is the first Star Wars movie I ever watched and it’s the reason why I’m so deep into this universe. The story and pacing of this movie is top notch. This movie is just full of so many surprises and touching moments (like Luke looking off into the binary sunset, Obi-wan telling Luke about his father, the final duel between Obi-wan and Vader, and the final Death Star battle sequence where the golden trio work together to defeat the Empire). This episode is 100% a comfort episode for me and I’ll never stop loving it.
4.) The Empire Strikes Back: Most people have this one ranked higher than New Hope or Return of the Jedi but for me personally, that was never the case. Don’t get me wrong, I love this movie. It’s a great sequel to episode 4 in that it continues to build on all the elements we fell in love with in ANH (I.e The Force, Han/Leia’s romance, Vader’s connection to Luke, etc.) while adding new elements such as Vader’s inner turmoil and new characters like Lando. Luke’s Jedi training with Yoda on Dagobah with Yoda will always be my favorite sequence in that film because it delves into what it means to be a Jedi and what the Force is. I think for me it just boils down to the fact that the Empire/Sith get the upper hand on this one and I’m all for the good guys.
5.) The Phantom Menace: Now just because it’s last on my list doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy it. Unlike what most would say, the story is a solid one. I liked seeing all the political strings Palpatine had to pull to get where he needed to be and I liked seeing who Anakin was before his Jedi training. I think it was important for the audience to see where Vader came from and how he ended up at Obi-wan’s side. The Duel of the Fates sequence will never not be cool; it’s one of my all time favorite Obi-wan moments. This is just the episode I’ve probably seen the least.
Phew, I’ve ranted quite a bit but I still had fun 😄😊
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writing-frenzy · 4 years
Plz let Airplane be EVEN MORE Awesome - Fic Rec Part Duo
*Stares at all the notes my last post got* Nice to know we are all just as Thirsty for the good boi as Mobei-Jun is.
So Thus, I have decided to make another! (Smashes the post button) Since there was a lot, I just decided to make another post.
here we go kids, more of that good Airplane love... alongside that good quality Moshang because I am biased~ 
(Plz share if you find more!)
a cup of vinegar, a spoon of sugar by Shamelesscooper - “Your timing certainly is impeccable, my lord,” Wei Wuxian groans, rubbing his back. “What brings you here for the second time in as many nights…?” “I left my cloak,” Mobei-Jun says, shooting Wei-Wuxian a dirty look as the bird demon shrugs his robe back on.“You certainly did!” Shang Qinghua exclaims, crossing his arms quite crossly. “You can’t just leave your things everywhere, my king!” Mobei-Jun’s hard stare refocuses on Shang Qinghua, and he can’t help but shrink back, hurriedly rummaging around in his qiankun pouch for the offending garment. As soon as Shang Qinghua finds it, Mobei-Jun takes it from his hands and throws it over his shoulders, breathing in a deep sigh as if it relieved him to have it there again. If you miss it so much, why did you even leave it behind?! Shang Qinghua almost wants to say, but he is quite fond of his head, actually, and would rather Mobei-Jun not take it off his shoulders, thankyouverymuch. 
--Shang Qinghua is tasked with escorting the leader of the Yiling Carrion Tribe to Gusu, and it'd be fine if only Mobei-Jun would stop poking his (gorgeous, beautiful, drop-dead handsome) head in!
*Evil grin* here we have a delicious rare side of Jealous Mobei, Shang Qinghua doing something that most MDZS fans dream of doing once, and a side of shamelessness from our favorite ‘Lovebirds’ XD Not to mention how steamy it gets~
You Will Never Step Lightly In The Dark by Janusoverlord - Shang Qinghua wakes up in the aftermath of Tianlang-Jun's rampage on Cang Qiong Mountain and has to navigate the delicate political situation he now finds himself in. Luo Binghe is building a harem with Shen Qingqiu as his first, and honestly most terrifying, husband. Yet, Luo Binghe seems to be turning his eyes to Shang Qinghua as a possibility as well. Excuse you? What is this? He didn't sign up for this!
Okay, make sure you read the tags kiddies because uhhh, this has some themes to it. It is also part of a series as well, but I read it stand alone and it does good with how it explains things; as it is...
Let me just say, Luo Binghe does not know what he just got into; all mortals will bow to the might of our lord Airplane! I really did like this and I am tentatively on the fence about reading the rest of the series, because the writing is so damn good but we will see how my ship cravings twist.
With Ink and Sword by xnemone - Shang Qinghua is appropriately nervous when he passes the Imperial Exams only to be assigned not to the Emperor’s palace, but to the barren lands ruled by a lord known to be as ruthless as he is cold. Although his friend and confidant Shen Qingqiu gives him a sympathetic smile and a mountain of furs before he sets off, Shang Qinghua feels less than reassured.He expects ridicule, a harsh regime, even rejection. What he does not expect is for Mobei-Jun to take one look at him among all the scholars and servants of his palace, and proclaim him his.
Now, this is such a good story, I love it, is makes me feel happy and squishy inside with the good Moshang, and you know what? It has my new favorite thing in the world!
Shang Qinghua calls Cucumber bro out! AND IT IS GLORIOUS!!! (Seriously, why does this not happen more often?)
Good Vibrations by Feynite -  In Shang Qinghua’s defense, this whole trope was originally something he’d only ever written in for Sha Hualing, for precisely one scene.
In which I actually feel ashamed for forgetting such a treasure. Like, Feynite is a wonderful wordsmith, invoking so many thoughts and good shit with their words and characters, and by god do I end up just loving them even more then before.
This story passes the Vibe Check! (Luo Binghe also gets a Vibe Check~)
From Your Perspective by cozycitywitch - It was nothing more than a curse, probably, and surly the witch doctor could fix it? So what else was Shang Qinghua to do inside Mobei Jun's body until the end of the night? He couldn't be blamed for his curiosity! He was only a man! Or the one where Moshang switch bodies and Shang Qinghua can't help himself.
Now, this is a lovely, spicy lime where while there is no big action or technical awesomeness going on, it does have some wonderful images; Shang Qinghua’s hamster body with the aura of a king, him showing off being intimating which means Shang Qinghua can indeed be scary, it is something that could happen if he has the motivation for it.
Not to mention this is just a hot story all around~ (My kingdom’s for My King’s POV on this~)
ham hunt by jets_adjacent - There's a wolf at Shang Qinghua's heels and his only thought is: Northern mating rituals are a pain in the ass.
This is a really, really good A/B/O fic; it also shows just how tricky and sneaky our Shang Qinghua can be, as well as a mischievous side I just love seeing in our favorite Peak Lord. And let’s not forget the spicy goodness of this fic, which is really tasty~ (And can I get a shout out for consent and negotiated kinks!)
In which healthy relationship skills are forcibly brought into Proud Immortal Demon Way by two bros by Rafaela271412421 -  Look, if no one is going to give these people friends and healthy relationships then by GOD, I WILL do it myself! It's about two bros bringing healthy relationships into PIDW both intentionally and not. Gods and deities, accidental and not, will also be included. Also, it's in bullet point format, so you’ve been warned.
ahahahahaahhahahahaahaha! I love this fucking outline/bullet points presentation, it is something I always end up going back to and giggling like an idiot. The is really a healing piece, my crops have been watered, my face is clear, and Airplane and Cucumber Bros go completely feral~ I love it, I want to propose marriage~
trinkets for a king by jets_adjacent - Shang Qinghua gives many extraordinary gifts to his King. His King finally catches on. --aka: Mobei Jun has never been courted by a human before.
So, this is a wonderful subversion of the ‘Mobei-Jun courts/plans his wedding to Shang Qinghua all the while said man is unaware’. like, it is so cute and I love jelly Airplane; it gives me life. Also, one of the few we see Airplane taking full advantage of all his author knowledge and using it for the devious plans~
The Southern King and The North Star by Luuplup - A series of meetings between the Southern King and a cultivator. The happy moments, the romantic moments, the sad moments.  
Another really cute Role Reversal I find I greatly enjoy, with a very competent, beloved Lord Demon!Airplane :D it makes me happy when I read it, I end up wanting to hug something~ It seems like it will be a slow burn, what with our favorite moronsexuals, but oh is it delicious seeing the buildup~ 
under a wicked star by tagteamme - Caught unaware, Mobei Jun is kidnapped for leverage. On the eighth day, Mobei Jun is broken out of his trance by the sound of something being tossed into his pit. It’s a lot lighter than what they throw food down in. He realizes that today, he is not tied down.When he moves off the bed, he does not need the canopy post to support his weight as he stands up. The object on the floor glints in the firelight, and Mobei Jun crouches to pick it up. His face is immoving; slowly, he turns the An Ding peak lord crown in his hand, looking at the blood-soaked metal through the light.
SQH to the rescue! Alongside some good old fashioned angsty Moshang miscommunication but with Mobei-Jun’s POV this time, and some absolutely good steamy good times for all XD 
we seal our fate by ketolic (corrose) - All things considered, it really was sort of obvious. Hey! Anyone can be a genius in retrospect. Hindsight is 20/20! Besides, who can blame him! He'd never written about this facet of Mobei Jun's life before! Still...considering all the times he'd gotten his hands on Mobei Jun's sealskin, he's sort of shocked that it took him so long to figure it out.
:D This story makes me giggle uncontrollably, and still finds ways to unexpectedly stab me in the heart. I love it! Not to mention we get to see SQH be awesome! Sure, he flails around as he does it, but busts out the fighting moves and even fits a rescue in there! So good, so in character, I love every watery moment of this fic... good thing I’m so thirsty- (Is shot)
But yeah! These are some more good stories I found, some a bit more- urrrr- thirstier then others~ you can find the first thing of Fic Recs Here! And Plz, share more awesome Airplane whenever you have a chance~
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bullshittierlists · 3 years
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MAJOR SPOILERS FOR DANGANRONPA V3 (and probably the other games, too, just to be safe)
So, just as a heads up, I made this list a few months ago, I think in the middle of chapter 4. I was going to update it, but I realized that any feelings I had were just made stronger and the list was still relatively accurate. Here are my thoughts:
I see no god up here other than me
Kirumi Tojo - As you may know about me, I can typically tell who my favorite characters are going to be before I indulge myself in a series. This has especially rung true throughout Danganronpa, I was able to correctly guess Taka and Gundham as my respective favorites before actually seeing them in action. Let me tell you that Kirumi surprised me. I originally guessed K1-B0 as my favorite and while he’s still up there, he is nowhere near Kirumi. I realized she was my favorite the moment chapter 2 ended. Not only were her execution and plan wonderful and brilliantly done, her last-ditch plea to convince everyone to let her live sold her for me. Not only did this plea make sense, it almost worked and I kinda wish it would’ve. Her motive was almost completely selfless and she worked damn hard to escape. Her execution was the only time I cried during this game because I wanted so badly for her to escape, but I knew that all of her efforts were futile. I know her biggest criticism is that her plan from hiding Ryoma’s body was completely unnecessary, but I like to believe she was just nervous and overthought the whole thing. I mean, this had to go perfectly in order for her to save her country, of course she’s going to add a few too many steps.
Miu Iruma - Okay, I know this is going to sound fake, but I actually really love the dichotomy of her character. The way that she acts so self-righteous but is actually quite self-conscious really stood out to me. Of course she’s funny and hot, too, but I feel it’s important to really appreciate the way her character was written. It amazes me that she was written to be the least likable character in the entire series and still ended up being one of my favorites.
You’re the best
K1-B0 - Yes, I type out his name every time. As I already mentioned, he was my original guess for favorite character, but it obviously didn’t work out that way. He stayed in his position of first for a while, but I always knew it wasn’t meant to last, I just didn’t know which character would take his place. Even besides my doubts, I still love K1-B0, I just wish more could’ve been done with him in the earlier chapters. There are several opportunities for him to be a really funny character and have good interactions with Kokichi and Miu, but he just comes off as annoying. I feel like he only really started to be utilized after Miu died with Monotaro and I really enjoyed their dynamic, I just wish we could’ve had some of this side of K1-B0 before this point.
Kokichi Oma - This spot probably isn’t as subjective as I’d like it to be. Every time Kokichi was on screen, I would get visibly annoyed, but I knew I was in for a treat figuring out his deeper intents behind what he’s saying. The only reason I really like Kokichi at all is because he’s fun to analyze. It gets boring to analyze Nagito because his motivation is pretty much just a mix of “hope” and “he’s crazy.” Kokichi’s character trait of lying makes it so fun to individually analyze each of his lines to figure out whether he’s telling the truth and why or why not. Other than that, I guess he has some funny dialogue with Miu sometimes.
Gonta Gokuhara - I really don’t know. I know this is way too early to be unsure about characters, but I just know I couldn’t put him any lower, but I also couldn’t put him any higher. He’s just such a sweetheart, but that’s about where the substance ends. I adored every time he was on my screen, but everything that would’ve been fun to analyze about him just leads back to Kokichi. I still really enjoy his presence, though. I’d like a big Gonta hug.
Kaede Akamatsu - I’ll just say it, I think she would’ve made for a better protagonist. I’ll talk about this later, but Shuichi’s character development doesn’t really feel like it goes anywhere and the twist doesn’t feel worth it because of that. I think the twist should still have been incorporated, but with the roles reversed. Either way, we got what we got, and what we got was tears from Clair de Lune. But seriously, she really is a great pianist. I’ve been trying to learn the piece for ages and it’s still too complicated for me. I mean, it’s in 9/8 for God’s sake. Good for her, regardless.
Tenko Chabashira - Tenko’s a weird case. I didn’t actually care for her that much until quite literally a few lines before she died. Fun fact: I spoiled this entire series for myself before I ended up playing it and I’m still mad at myself. This meant that I was just waiting for all of the deaths to happen, especially Tenko’s. I was fully aware that every line could be her last during the seance, but I wasn’t aware that she would pull on my heart strings before she went. When she tells Himiko that she’ll do the seance in her place so she can talk to Angie, I literally almost started crying. Before this, Tenko was just kind of annoying, but not too bad, but this moment really solidified her spot for me. She really just wanted to help Himiko and I wish she had chosen a better target for her affections.
Hey, I think you’re pretty cool, I like you a lot
Shuichi Saihara - Time to elaborate on what I said for Kaede. I actually really enjoyed Shuichi’s character development throughout the first three chapters. Before coming to Hope’s Peak, he was afraid to hurt people with his detective skills. Kaede notices this and helps him through it, passing the reins to Kaito once she passes. Shuichi convicts Kaede and later Kirumi, much to everyone’s detriment, but they’re all okay with it (Nobody was really super sad about Korekiyo to begin with, lol). Then, starting in chapter 4, everyone just kinda flips on him. Shuichi + the rest of the gang - Kokichi all believe that Gonta is innocent and Shuichi tries to prove this. Instead of supporting him, everyone (especially Kaito) tries to... stop him??? from proving it??? They’re all just in agreement that it wasn’t Gonta, but don’t want to proceed with the investigation to figure out who it was instead. It’s really frustrating and made my overall experience much less enjoyable. This is bumped up a few notches in chapter 5 with Maki. I understand that she was part of the whole case, but that doesn’t make it any less annoying that she won’t let me prove Kaito was the victim. It just feels like the character development was all for nothing and every student feels like a human obstacle (except K1-B0, of course). Still relatable and emo, though.
Rantaro Amami - I would make the joke everyone expects, but I’m on my laptop and I don’t know how to get to the emoji keyboard.
Ryoma Hoshi - I genuinely don’t have anything to say about Ryoma. He’s my halfway point because I don’t have anything particularly for him and I don’t have anything particularly against him, either. Go off, funky little cat man.
Kaito Momota - He got on my nerves in chapter 4, but he was a genuinely sweet character that I really enjoyed talking to. Any time he would talk about the stars, I would swoon because he’s just such a natural romantic. Not really my type, though. Very average.
Monophanie - Legally you can’t ask me why the monokubs are where they are. She’s voiced by Natalie Hoover (Sonia) and I guess that’s my only reasoning.
Monotaro - I really just liked his interactions with K1-B0 in chapter 4. Other than that, I greatly disliked his and Monophanie’s presence in Gonta’s execution. 0/10 worst use for monokubs.
Monodam - A nice, non-distracting addition to Korekiyo’s execution. But he had so much potential and just threw it all away. Apparently I’m a basketball dad from a high school movie now.
I remember you
Angie Yonaga - Many times, I’ve found myself asking who I ship from the series and this love triangle comes to mind. Of Angie, Himiko, and Tenko... I only really like Tenko. I don’t hate Angie’s cult stuff as much as everyone else seems to, but she didn’t have nearly enough of a presence for me to latch onto outside of the cult stuff, which was funny, I will admit.
Maki Harukawa - I was so excited the whole game for her to get cool. I knew she was going to get cool, I just didn’t know when or how. But then, it was chapter 5 already and she hadn’t gotten cool in my eyes yet. I was really meh on her by that chapter anyway, but her being annoying really knocked her down a few pegs. She got a couple extra points for surprising me during the case, but not enough to bump her up any spots.
Himiko Yumeno - I was rooting for her to be crushed under the rock at the end. She was fine before chapter 3, but then they tried to develop her with the Akane treatment and it didn’t work for me at all. She just got on my nerves during the third trial and continued to contribute nothing throughout the rest of the game. During chapter 5 and 6, it’s like the writers just completely forgot that she was there. This would’ve been fine if they weren’t the last couple of chapters and she was one of about 6 people left alive. She had a role to play and didn’t play it in the slightest. The most she was utilized after chapter 3 was as Miu’s replacement post-chapter 5. Someone needed to fill the dirty jokes quota and I guess Himiko was chosen. #GiveTenkoABetterLoveInterest2021
Monosuke - The only thing I remember him doing throughout the entire game was distract me from Kirumi’s exectuion. Not a fan.
You are the worst. Literal scum. Leave this planet and never return
Korekiyo Shinguji - Okay, listen. He’s not that bad. His design is actually one of the best, in my opinion and I love his dedication to his craft. However, he just creeps me out whenever he’s on screen and I’d prefer not to be around him. It’s not even the sister thing, I honestly think that’s funny and a nice change of pace, but his overall demeanor is creepy. Not to mention he’s played by Todd Haberkorn and he’s been in one too many roles recently. Hopefully I’ll get over it, but as for now, that loses him points.
Tsumugi Shirogane - I know, not exactly an unpopular opinion. She’s just annoying and downright pisses me off a lot of the time with her “plain” shtick. I already knew she was going to be the mastermind, so most of the game was just me waiting for her to reveal it. I swear, I almost couldn’t take it every time she said something like, “What if there isn’t a mastermind?” “What?? There’s a mastermind????” Just stfu Tsumugi. You all are lucky I don’t have the energy to talk about 3-6 right now.
Monokid - Hate the tongue sprite, that’s literally the only reason he’s down here. He’s also kind of annoying, but made the best addition to an execution out of all of the monokubs. His death was one of the few things that surprised me in this game and it was a welcome twist. I was sick of him by this point, but was still incredibly shocked when he was pushed into the execution. Then, his severed head rolls out to all of the students looking on in shock at Kaede’s death. Masterful. Still hate the tongue sprite.
There we go. Definitely my least favorite cast out of the whole series, but it’s still fun to love on and hate on a lot of the characters, as per usual. There are just a few too many in the middle tier (metaphorically speaking) that are either uninteresting or just don’t get their time to shine. Maybe they’ll eventually grow on me more, but I doubt it.
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