wwprice1 · 2 days
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Well, there he is.
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juridical-angel-blog · 19 hours
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Special Poster ''Man of Steel'' Superman!
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headcanonthings · 4 months
Clark: *Laying face down on the floor* Lois: So Bruce said he liked you? Clark, muffled: Yeah Diana: ...and you asked him to marry you? Clark: Yeah Lois: Oh shit. How did he react? Clark: Dunno, I ran before I could scare him even more *Meanwhile* Bruce, kicking in the door to the Manor: Kids, Alfred! Holy shit I'm gonna get married!
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myersesque · 10 months
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(1x3) i love this show's portrayal of clark so, so much. i love how his sense of identity and where he comes from is such a massive theme - how he becomes superman in an attempt to better understand himself as a person, as well as satisfy his need to help people - but under all of that, the thing that matters most about clark is that he's a good person. it doesn't matter that he can fly or shoot lasers from his eyes - it matters that lois, within a day of meeting him, knows he would risk his job to help her if she just asked him to. it matters that he risked blowing his cover to save his friends. it matters that he only manages to discover new powers when somebody needs his help, never when they would be beneficial to him alone. rib him for being a boyscout all you like, but there's something so necessary imo about heroes who are wholly, unapologetically kind
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catpriciousmarjara · 2 months
DP X DC: Dani Does Things and Leaves, Explains Nothing
Heavily inspired by this dp x dc prompt and the comments and reblogs under it:
Please go check it out and @stealingyourbones entire page. They have some great dp x dc content and meta.
Local Ghost Princess Decides to Help Out Fellow Clone, Leaves Chaos Behind, Heroes Left Concerned and Very Confused, More at 10.
Now Dani knew that this world had superheroes. She knew they had an organization of sorts that had a hate-hate relationship with various government entities and a love-hate relationship with the public, depending on who you asked. However she had no intention of being involved with them. She was on vacation after all. Besides this world was just a stopover anyway. Why bother when she wasn't here on official business? But it seemed that while she didn't want anything to do with the heroes, they, however inadvertently, wanted something to do with her. How else will you explain one of the worst cloning results she had ever seen crash into a tree right in front of her while she was enjoying a nice cup of litchi boba tea in the park?
The botched clone job slid down the branches and hit the ground with a thud. She raised an eyebrow at the the rampant malevolent magical lines running through the body exacerbating the overall instability of the clone's anatomy. Clearly this individual had run into an irate mage who cast some sort of destabilizing curse and shot them right out of the sky. Dani was thankful this was an isolated section of the park and that she had put a rudimentary avoidance ward over the area. Otherwise, a superhero crashing into a tree would've caused quite the ruckus and interrupted her boba time.
She took a sip of her boba and crouched down to examine the conked out hero. This one was the one they called Superboy wasn't he? She grimaced at the state of his engineering. Whoever did his cloning did not know what they were dealing with. Her own cloning went better and she was ectoplasmic goop half the time. And Vlad was dealing with halfa DNA! Probably the most complicated genetic material in existence. Superboy over here was constructed from actual tangible genetic sources and yet...ugh.
Honestly speaking beings of this plane probably wouldn't have noticed anything wrong. A level down in power scale compared to the individual who acted as genetic donor, most likely that Superman guy, and random instances of destabilization would most likely be the extend of their knowledge regarding their faulty cloning. And when those instances of instability gradually ironed themselves out they probably patted themselves on the back and thought all was well. She should cut them some slack.
Dani hummed as she chewed on her boba pearls. Unfortunately she wasn't known to be the most merciful when it came to ensuring the well-being of clones.
Suckers probably didn't pick up the fact they unleashed a possible catastrophe upon their world. Superboy was obviously fashioned from Kryptonian DNA. A species known for becoming near godlike upon absorbing solar energy from a yellow sun. That means that their bodies have mechanisms at play beyond simple biology. Specifically energy pathways and an energy processing core. Superboy wasn't a level down in power from Superman because of some biological imperfection, he was weaker because of flawed energy absorption and storage. And that meant that his energy core was unbalanced, and once it reached a particular threshold...well its gonna be a spectacular light show this side of the galaxy that's for sure. Of course it was just a possibility. There was no guarantee he would reach that threshold in his lifetime. Unless he ran into a white mage who was vicious enough to cast a juiced up imbalance curse that is. And what do you know! Turns out you can organically be that unlucky!
She put down her cup and ran a simple diagnostics. Sure enough the magic had intensified the issue. This man needed help, the kind of help that wasn't usually available in this part of the omniverse. But she just so happened to pass by and just so happened to have expertise in this field so today was somehow simultaneously Superboy's lucky and unlucky day. He really was going through it.
As to why she would interfere that's easy. She was the Guardian of Cloned Beings after all. She can't have a fellow clone suffer could she? And plus, what were the chances that he would end up like this right in front of one of the only beings that would know how to fix the issue? Dani grinned in glee. Truly the laws of causality worked in intriguing ways.
She stood up and let her talons manifest, plucking the strings of SuperboyConnerKon-el's make and striking them one by one in the tune of an old Krytonian melody. Shame what happened to them really, but all things had their fate. It truly was great to see some of them survive and make a home elsewhere. Dani wished them the best.
As she worked, untangling knots, and straightening out blockages, the hero finally began to stir. His eyes opened and they were understandably unfocused. Disoriented and confused, he looked kinda like a bamboozled Cujo and Dani felt her lips twitch up in a toothy smile. For some reason that seemed to startle him. She mentally frowned. Did he expect her not to smile at him? That would've been rude of her. Dani might be a gremlin but she was never impolite.
"I'm just about done with the curse", she told him. "Leaching out the corrosive magic was easy but I need to repair your energy coils and that's tricky. Don't worry though. Everything's on the house. Always did have a soft spot for the House of El ever since my aunt married into it for a short while."
Dani pulled a particularly stubborn power node open. "I would like your permission before doing that through. Body autonomy, informed decisions and and all! So yes or no? You'd detonate like a bomb if I didn't though."
The young hero's eyes widened. He still didn't seem to know what was going on so she hit him with a short term clarity spell. And a small information spell to cover her bases. That got him to gather his wits enough and she watched as he processed the influx of information. His complexion was ashen when he got through the bundle and he finally managed a shaky nod. Good enough.
Dani smiled at the Kryptonian. "Great! Now this would take like twenty minutes give or take five. You can sleep now." She promptly knocked him out cold and cancelled the spells so as to not overload his brain.
And just as she predicted, twenty minutes later, she plucked the last string with a flick of her wrist and surveyed her handiwork. Exemplary if she said so herself. One of her best work! Cheerfully she shot an awakening spell at Kon-el and crouched down again, patting his head.
"You might need to be careful for a few days while your body adjusts to its new energy capacity and conductivity. Your overall system has been optimized as well so be careful", she told the groggy young man.
She paused. "And don't worry. I didn't access your mind. This was all strictly physical repair aimed at preventing you from exploding like a supernova and taking the planet with you."
And once again that part made his eyes widen. Good. He truly understood the urgency. Or that could just be him being loopy after solar energy overload. It was a bright, sunny day after all.
She stood up, creating a portal to the next world on her itinerary. She looked back at the most likely high as a kite Kryptonian. "You kinda owe me for all that extra work hero! I might just come to collect one of these days!", she joked as the portal swallowed her body and she was lost to the spaces between spaces.
She'd already told him it was all on the house so Dani didn't think that anyone would take that last part seriously. However she forgot the fact that one Conner Kent was in her own words 'high as a kite' and hence might miss some crucial details.
She also forgot to leave behind an explanation packet.
And thus she was utterly unaware of the chaos she left in her wake, happily traveling through the multiverse.
"So you're telling me that not only did someone find me when I was out cold and get rid of the spell, but they also rearranged my guts and gave me an upgrade?"
"What the fuck?"
"Conner, do you remember anything? Anything at all? Whatever they did required some serious magical power. We don't know why they did it or how. For all we know they could've done something dangerous that we can't detect yet."
"Litchi boba tea".
"Kon what the hell?"
"...Its in bits and pieces...but I'm pretty sure there was a woman?...white hair, green eyes...something something on the house...something about an aunt and the House of El?...and there was this strange white symbol on her chest and this really soft music was playing that went something like this...(confused humming noises)...and something about me owing her?"
"Kara? Why are you looking at me like that? What's wrong?"
"Let me get this straight, Superboy was healed by the Kryptonian primordial goddess of portals, messengers, travelers and other such domains, and not only did she save him but also gave him a tune up? And explicitly said that he owes her now? And this powerful divine being, who is also supposed to be the daughter of Krypton's Death God according to legends mind you, is most likely still on earth with motives unknown? Plus your entire House is descended from her family?"
"...Yeah that about sums it up."
"Oh man why did this happen just when I was going to go on vacation? Why couldn't the Death God or whatever reschedule?"
"Death gods notoriously don't reschedule, they're death gods. Also she's the daughter of a death god, not one herself. Most death gods are also famously fair. If not fair by our standards, fair by theirs".
"...That's good to know?"
"I confess I don't know about the fairness of children of death gods however".
"...great. Thanks anyway J'onn".
"You're welcome".
"You okay there man? Someone just rifled through your body and did who knows what...that's gotta be terrifying. You want to talk? We're all here for you, you know that right?"
" Thanks guys. And yeah it was freaky. But apparently I would've exploded and blown up the planet with me if she didn't do that so I guess I'm more grateful than scared."
"...Explode and blown up the what now?"
"Is there anything more we should know about Clark?"
"Legends say she has a brother and he's associated with great calamities?"
"Bruce? You alright?"
DPXDC refuses to be done with me. Leave me be accursed crossover! Leave me be!
(Btw Kon didn't make the connection because he was really out of it, and not because Clark and Kara didn't introduce him to Kryptonian culture.)
Thoughts and suggestions are welcome!
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Superman's new power: homosexual beam
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nerdpoe · 8 months
Jon Kent Sr knows what the newborn Kittens their cat had sound like, and whatever-whoever-is crying in his barn is not one of them.
He goes to check it out, as he does, and lo and behold; there's another alien child.
Or he assumes she's an alien child, what with the green blood.
The second she notices him, the crying stops, and her form goes from white hair and green eyes and a strange outfit to black hair and blue eyes and the ragged clothes of a homeless tween.
Because that's what she is. This is clearly a lanky-limbed tween, injured and hiding in his barn loft.
More importantly, regardless of what form she just switched to, she needs help.
"Well, looks like you've gotten yourself into a right mess," he says, keeping his hands where her wary eyes can see them, "You're gonna need to clean up a bit, to make sure that doesn't get infected. Why don't you come on down and we'll see about gettin' you bandaged up, maybe get a little pie in ya as well."
It takes thirty more minutes of coaxing, but he manages to get her in the house and sets Martha on her for wound treatment.
He busies himself with getting the girl a plate of leftover dinner that hadn't gone cold yet, when Martha comes back in and nods at him, before opening the kitchen window.
"Clark, sweetie, I think we've just found you a little sister," the air shifts as their son appears between one blink and the next, his eyes wide as he stares at Martha, "But she says her older brother stayed behind so she could escape. Could you get your Justice League friends and go pick up your little brother?"
Jon picks up the plate to take to their new daughter; Clark'll find his new little brother, he's absolutely certain of that. In the meantime, he needs to make sure the little miss gets some food in her.
And, well, Clark could use some more family, and he and Martha had always considered having more kids.
Or, after running from the GIW and Danny staying behind to give her time to escape, Ellie Phantom hides in a random barn in Kansas and accidentally gets herself and Danny adopted by the Kents, who think they're aliens. Clark, upon realizing his parents are very serious about this adoption thing and that his new little brother was probably being subjected to inhumane experimentation from Ellie's description of the situation, does in fact hunt down and retrieve said little brother. He also destroys the base said little brother was being held in.
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ochibrochi · 4 months
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metropolis nights 🌙 (kal-el ver. under the cut) original "template" by @/K0TTERl
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itshype · 1 year
Mansplain Yourself (DC x DP)
Danny decides that attending college and defending the entirety of Earth from ghosts is too hard to maintain alongside a job. He should just get paid to do his hero work!
He shows up on the watchtower with a PowerPoint and printed portfolio proving he's been doing hero work for years. He fought a king from another dimension. He wants some of their money.
"We don't really have a budget? We can't really pay you." Says Superman.
"I am standing in space right now. That guy has a bat-themed submarine, private jet and fleet of automobiles. If you guys aren't rolling in that sweet, sweet USA defence budget cash, how are you affording all of this?"
"Uh, okay, we'll pay you." Says Batman (It's Nightwing subbing in for Bruce tonight and he panics!)
Constantine is cranky. This is a ghost. Ghosts are dead. Why the fuck would he need human money?
Danny's first paycheck clears. He moves out of his parents house and it's all good!
And this is when the trouble begins. Real Batman has noticed the money moving, and questions about the paperwork for the Justice League's 'new employee'.
Constantine is still crank though, and when Danny comes in for a skills assessment he steamrolls the poor guy. Talking over him, correcting him etc.
Danny is tired, he has a paper due before midnight and he doesn't even know what this guy's problem is. So, Danny lets him mansplain his own powers to the Justice League.
The Justice League paperwork for Phantom the Infinite Realms Ghost reads like this:
Senses others of his kind (see appendix 5a)
Self-sustained flight
Knowledge about Infinite Realms (see general database - dimensions, subsection 52), and it's inhabitants.
Danny figures he'll get payback for all his colleges listening to this cigarette-smoking hack over him the first time any of them see him actually fight. But the first fight he's in with them is an easy one, he only really needs to fly and lift some heavy-ish stuff. Then the next one is a false alarm. Then they keep giving the hard jobs to Superman.
Then, about 6 months in - Danny's file now has Super Strength (see appendix 12f) - added. Kal-el goes down. Hard. A single, brutal hit.
…And Wonder Woman takes his place in the plan with ease.
How long is it going to take before Danny gets to (legitimately) show off for once?! He can't wait.
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dailydccomics · 2 months
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Clark speaking the truth One-Star Squadron #3 art by Steve Lieber
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artphotographyofmen · 8 months
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Batman & Superman by Kevin Wada
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wwprice1 · 2 days
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Spectacular page from the FCBD Absolute Power special. Incredible work by Mikel Janin and Trish Mulvihill!
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headcanonthings · 5 months
Dick: I just electrocuted myself. Jason: How shocking. Tim: How do you feel currently? Dick: I feel kinda amped. Steph: Watt? I can’t hear you. Dick: I said it hertz a lot. Clark: Are they okay? Bruce: This is normal, they’re fine. Clark: But he was just- Bruce: He’s fine. I’d honestly be more concerned if he wasn’t making puns.
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fukutomichi · 10 months
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Clark Kent („ಡ◡ಡ„) Edition
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allthegothihopgirls · 1 month
i live under the strong belief that every time another super/bat relationship spawns, alfred's will to serve the manor lessens ever so slightly
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fourcorpsmen · 3 months
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You can't change what you've done. The mistakes of the past can't be erased. But they can be tempered by the actions of the future. You've acknowledged your mistakes. Now burn your regrets. Use their fire to light a better path. Pick yourself up and just…Do better.
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