#LA food bank
indigayghost · 11 months
Catholic guilty Guillermo volunteers at a food bank to make up the fact he killed one hundred homeless people in the last week (that he met at the food bank)
He's like "oh you don't have any family or friends and you feel like nobody would notice if you died that's so sad do you want to come to my house and take a hot shower?"
People start to notice some regulars disappeared and Guillermo is there like "the last time I saw him was when he left my house :( I told him to stay the night in but he said no.... Do you think there's a serial killer in the neighborhood?"
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ndostairlyrium · 1 year
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For the OC Outfits… evil laughter
Ela: ❌ OC in something they would absolutely never wear Kerry: 🎨 OC in a cartoon character’s outfit  (I was about to ask him in a maid outfit, but I thought the world wasn't ready) Ankh: 🐰 OC in a kigurumi of their favourite animal And. I'm her fan, so.
Adra: 📷 OC in a stereotypical tourist getup (either dying inside because she hates it, or the one tourist who still refuses to change her stiletto heels on cobblestones, as you wish.) ✨✨✨
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These were so much fun you have no idea :'D
❌ OC in something they would absolutely never wear
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Omg give her a pair of pants, quickly! Or a full heavy armor, that's way more practical <<
🎨 OC in a cartoon character’s outfit & 🐰 OC in a kigurumi of their favourite animal
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I merged them because they'd be totally up for a sleepover party with cute jammies and lots of activities! Lav loves goats, especially in a stew, and Hawke's everybody's favorite vending machine magician so I thought Doraemon was someone he could relate to 😂
📷 OC in a stereotypical tourist getup
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She's that kind of tourist, of course. Always on a business call, buying from every shop she finds the least kitsch, and being an overall nuisance for engineers. Lav told her to relax, but Adra managed to sketch at least 20 outfits during the plane ride and now she's turning her hotel room into a sewing lab. Someone stop her D:
The Ask Meme
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fans4wga · 11 months
Strike Support Declining - Here's how you can continue to support the writers
Since the WGA strike started on May 2, the public has shown immense support for the writers—sending food, snacks, drinks, and encouragement from across the world all the way to Los Angeles, New York, and other picketing locations.
But loud and vocal strike support—in the news and in public spaces—is notably declining the longer the strike goes on. So we're bringing you a few ways to show writers, studios, and fellow fans: we're still here, and we still stand with the WGA.
1. Post on Twitter (and other social media sites)
You might think social media noise won't be noticed by the studios, but it CAN encourage individual WGA members—and slowly but surely put pressure on the studios to make a fair deal.
If you follow WGA members such as Adam Conover (Adam Ruins Everything), John Rogers (Leverage, Librarians), Gennifer Hutchison (Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul), Javier Grillo-Marxuach (Lost, The Witcher) [and many many more you can find through their following lists], tell them you support them! Hashtag #IStandWithTheWGA #DoTheWriteThing and tell them that you and your fandom are prepared to support them as long as the strike lasts; that they deserve to have their demands met and you're with them all the way. Boost morale however and whenever you can!
Likewise, actively push back against misinformation/disinformation. See a TikTok claiming that all Hollywood writers are filthy rich and we shouldn't vocally support them? Correct it with well-sourced citations from the WGA, published news articles, and stories from those affected (like the time a writer on FX's The Bear attended the an awards show with his bank account balance in the negative, only to then win an award for Best Comedy Series—proving that good writers on award-winning shows still cannot make a living!)
Remember you can always link to Adam Conover's excellent explanation of WGA demands versus studio refusals, tweeted here.
2. Donate or boost fundraisers
You might be surprised to learn that the picketing locations are not always parties! Sometimes themed pickets are fun, and fandoms and celebrities occasionally are able to fundraise for a food truck or ice cream truck at picketing locations. However, that is the EXCEPTION and not the norm. Writers are asking for food & drinks at many locations.
There are many funds to donate to, and it can be overwhelming to pick one! But one that could use your support RIGHT NOW is the CBS Radford picket line:
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-If you're in LA, you can bring food and snacks directly to that picket line (or get food deliveries sent there, with instructions to be given to the strike captain on duty.) Strike locations are available on the WGA West website and are updated there.
-Or there's a pizza fund for the strike locations (unfortunately Venmo is a US-only donation option)
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-If you're not in LA, donate to the Entertainment Community Fund to support TV and film workers affected by the strike.
-More tips on donating to the strike in this great article!
-Lots of fandoms are organizing donations on their own, for instance the Our Flag Means Death fundraiser on Paypal (updated 30 July 2023 with new link) (available internationally). Check to see if your fandom has started a fundraiser... or start one yourself to show your support! We're happy to give tips on organizing your fandom!
As always, please boost this post and any and all well-sourced information that comes from the WGA or its members. We're happy to fact-check anything you send our way too.
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gender-euphowrya · 2 years
yt american girls stop going to paris to make tiktoks of yourself wearing giant versaillescore beauty and the god damn beast bows and flower dresses pretending your name is jeannette and you're but a baker's daughter in a quaint little town by a river that always smells of lavender you look like fucking bozos
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slyandthefamilybook · 6 months
since we now know that all those "my blog is safe for Jewish people" posts are bullshit, here are some Jewish organizations you can donate to if you actually want to prove you support Jews. put up or shut up
Masbia - Kosher soup kitchens in New York
MAZON - Practices and promotes a multifaceted approach to hunger relief, recognizing the importance of responding to hungry peoples' immediate need for nutrition and sustenance while also working to advance long-term solutions
Tomchei Shabbos - Provides food and other supplies so that poor Jews can celebrate the Sabbath and the Jewish holidays
Ahavas Yisrael - Providing aid for low-income Jews in Baltimore
Hebrew Free Loan Society - Provides interest-free loans to low-income Jews in New York and more
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee - Offers aid to Jewish populations in Central and Eastern Europe as well as in the Middle East through a network of social and community assistance programs. In addition, the JDC contributes millions of dollars in disaster relief and development assistance to non-Jewish communities
American Jewish World Service - Fighting poverty and advancing human rights around the world
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society - Providing aid to immigrants and refugees around the world
Jewish World Watch - Dedicated to fighting genocides around the world
Sharsheret - Support for cancer patients, especially breast cancer
The Aleph Institute - Provides support and supplies for Jews in prison and their families, and helps Jewish convicts reintegrate into society
Bet Tzedek - Free legal services in LA
Bikur Cholim - Providing support including kosher food for Jews who have been hospitalized in the US, Australia, Canada, Brazil, and Israel
Blue Card Fund - Critical aid for holocaust survivors
Chai Lifeline - An org that's very close to my heart. They help families with members with disabilities in Baltimore
Chana - Support network for Jews in Baltimore facing domestic violence, sexual abuse, and elder abuse
Community Alliance for Jewish-Affiliated Cemetaries - Care of abandoned and at-risk Jewish cemetaries
Crown Heights Central Jewish Community Council - Provides services to community residents including assistance to the elderly, housing, employment and job training, youth services, and a food bank
Hands On Tzedakah - Supports essential safety-net programs addressing hunger, poverty, health care and disaster relief, as well as scholarship support to students in need
Hebrew Free Burial Association
Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services - Programs include early childhood and learning, children and adolescent services, mental health outpatient clinics for teenagers, people living with developmental disabilities, adults living with mental illness, domestic violence and preventive services, housing, Jewish community services, counseling, volunteering, and professional and leadership development
Jewish Caring Network - Providing aid for families facing serious illnesses
Jewish Family Service - Food security, housing stability, mental health counseling, aging care, employment support, refugee resettlement, chaplaincy, and disability services
Jewish Relief Agency - Serving low-income families in Philadelphia
Jewish Social Services Agency - Supporting people’s mental health, helping people with disabilities find meaningful jobs, caring for older adults so they can safely age at home, and offering dignity and comfort to hospice patients
Jewish Women's Foundation Metropolitan Chicago - Aiding Jewish women in Chicago
Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty - Crisis intervention and family violence services, housing development funds, food programs, career services, and home services
Misaskim - Jewish death and burial services
Our Place - Mentoring troubled Jewish adolescents and to bring awareness of substance abuse to teens and children
Tiferes Golda - Special education for Jewish girls in Baltimore
Yachad - Support for Jews with disabilities
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xetswan · 4 months
The Switch of Daylight- Steam
(Alice x Reader x Jasper)
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Nine | Ten | Elven
I sat with Mike, Angela, Jessica and Eric like usual. Listening to them rant about the illness going around.
I then look up to see Bella carrying her tray of food to her normal table but then looks at us. I smile, encouraging her to do it. She takes a deep breath and joins us. I watch as the others take note but continue talking.
"I'll kill Tyler if he gave me his flu." Jessica threatens. "It's going around. My sister was so sick she couldn't come on our hike this weekend... so she didn't see it." Angela frowns, they were talking about a large animal. "Ang, maybe you should keep that to yourself." He whispers to her.
"We saw something Eric." Angela argues with him. "I believe you." He assures her. "No he doesn't. He's just trying to get lucky." Jessica calls him out.
"Is that an option?" Eric asks in a hopeful tone. "It was jet black and huge; on all fours it was still taller than a person. A bear maybe." She explains what it is and I stiffen up.
That's definitely one of the Quileute boys...
"Or Big Foot." Jessica interjects. "Or an alien. Lucky you didn't get probed." Mike jokes. "We saw it." Angela whispers and my face softens, I believe her but I can't be the one to speak up. "You're not the only one." Bella says, everyone then stares at her, shocked that she actually spoke up. "My dad's been getting reports at the sheriff's station. A couple hikers went missing. People are scared." She explains, everyone's now sitting a little straighter due to what she said. "I did hear some guy talking about it at the store." Mike admits. "Last time you clowns doubt my girlfriend." Eric puts his arm around Angela, now they all continue to another conversation.
Angela moths a thanks to Bella. Sharing a smile before they both join in. Bella rejoining the group again.
"You look scared." Jacob tells Bella, I stand there with my arms crossed. "I'm not." She's lying, she's now on one of their completed motorcycles, Jacob stands next to her, holding the bike up.
Now on the La Push forest clearing, a dirt road, Jacob runs through the instructions. "Brake?" She taps it. "Clutch?" She squeezes it. "Right. Gas?" She then grips it, he smiles up at her. "You ready?" She nods, he then grins, kick starting the bike. "Slowly release the clutch."
She does as told, the bike moves forward an inch. Jacob nervously steps back and she moves another inch forward. I notice her turning to find something. Her hand slipping off the clutch and the bike bucks and falls on top of her. Jacob and I quickly lift it off of her. "You okay? Bruises, breaks?" He questions her and I stare down at her. "I'm going again."  She tells us. "I'm not sure that's a good-" She's already up and hopping back on the bike. "Guess we're going again. Now what are you going to do with the clutch?" He asks her.
"Release it. Slowly." He nods, kick-starting the bike again. She releases the clutch and moves forward. Slowly at first.
Now she keeps going, a tiny bit faster. I notice as she is looking around and then the curve up ahead gets closer to her. "I don't- How do I turn!?" She yells to us. I drop my arms and I want to run to her but it would give myself away to Jacob. "Bank it! Bank- hit the brake!" He shouts. "Hit the break, Bella!" I scream. Both of us running to her. I try to match my pace with his, She reaches the turn, not banking and goes straight.
Flying right into a wall of trees. As she lies on the ground dazed, we hurry to her. "What are you training for the X-games?" He questions her. My nostril flares as I can already smell her blood. "I want to go again." She says. "Forget it. I'm revoking your motorcycle privileges. Man, look at your head." He tells her, I back away from the sight. Holding my nose. Normally blood doesn't affect me, but it's been a while since I've been hunting.
"God, I'm sorry." Bella shrinks as Jacob pulls his shirt off to wipe the blood. "You're apologizing for bleeding?" He questions her. "It uh bothers name." She points to me as I then pretend to gag at the sight.
Knowing it's really just making my mouth water like feigning animal. "[Name] you alright?" He asks me and I just put my thumb up. "I uh, I'm gonna go over there." I look away from them , hurrying away.
I go into the woods, far away from them. I can hear them talking but I know that they won't be able to hear me.
Shit, why haven't I gone hunting in so long. I feel the pain of smelling her blood. My nose stinging as my mouth waters tensely. I cover my mouth to muffle the sound of my groans.
I then see a deer walking, my body starting to shake as I try to control myself. I squeeze my eyes. Looking back to the entry of the forest. They can't see me. I'm going to have to not be messy with this. I then surprise attack the deer.
Wiping the blood off of my face, I cover the deer with leaves, cleaning myself off as well.
"[Name]!?" Jacob calls after me. I curse mentally. Checking myself one more time and I walk over to him.
"I'm right here." I laugh. "Sorry, blood really freaks me out. I had to throw up." I lie to him, walking up to him. His facial expression shows confusion. "You never had that problem when we were kids. You were the one who practically played doctor when one of us got hurt." He remembers and I bite my bottom lip thinking of what to say.
"Yeah, then in Arizona a kid broke his leg, bone out and all. I've gotten sick at the sight of blood ever since." I pick up a quick lie, he seems suspicious but shrugs it off, both of us leaving the area.
Charlie and I are watching a game, well more Charlie than I am. I'm more focused on Bella doing homework, she's on edge. Jacob hasn't respond to texts or calls after they went out to the movies together with Mike. She wanted me to go too since it was going to be awkward for her, knowing both boys like her. I refused though, not wanting to be caught up in that mess. She told me Jake wasn't feeling good at the end of the night, feeling extremely warm.
She's been trying to call him, she had the flu too so she wanted to make sure he's alright too.
As the next few days passed I heard her try to call him over and over again. Now we're in the kitchen, she left yet another message. Charlie comes into the room.
"Harry and I will be back by three." His sentence stops when he sees her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "It's mono, Bells." He softly reminds her. "He's too sick to even call?" She exclaims. "You just gotta wait it out. You know, I don't have to go fishing..." He says, even though he desperately wants to go. "No, go. I have [Name]. I'll just call Jessica or something." She forces a smile. "Good but you two stay here or at Jess's. No hikes or anything. We're issuing a warning about those bears." Charlie sternly tells us.
But of course Bella and I don't listen, After we watched Charlie and Harry leave we went to the woods. Bella tries to navigate her way to the meadow with a map and a compass. "You know I could just get the top of a tree and probably find it easily right?" I remind her, she just hums in response. I just let out a sigh, continuing to follow behind her. I know it's a wolf that everyone's seeing but I want Bella to feel a little safer so I can along.
After a while I see Bella notice the clearing ahead, hurrying towards it. Once she goes into the opening she seems hopeful. Like something... someone will be there waiting for her. She told me about the sun that would be out but instead it's cold, gloomy and cloudy. Bella sinks to her knees, I frown at the sight.
Before she can even cry, we hear a rustling noise. We turn towards it, I move my body to cover hers. Another noise coming from a different area of the woods. Then we turn to another noise and Laurent is a few yards away. My body stays in front of Bella.
"Laurent?" She questions.
"Bella. [Name]." He acknowledges my existence as well. "I must admit, I didn't expect to find you two here." He admits to us. "We live here. But you- I thought you were in Alaska with Carlisle's friend." She brings up.
"Tanya, I was. It was kind of him to arrange, given my association with James and Victoria. The enemy." He smiles to himself. "You tried to help us." Bella disagrees with the last part. Laurent begins to stroll in a slow arc around us. Bella grips onto the sleeve of my jacket. Every movement he makes I follow. "I went to visit the Cullen, but their house is empty. I'm surprised they left you two behind. As you were some sort of pet and you... you turned." He grins. "Congratulations." I roll my eyes in response. I begin to feel Bella's fear. "Um... something like that." She tells him.
"Do the Cullen visit often." He looks between the both of us. "Absolutely. All the time." Bella lies. Good call. "I'll tell them you stopped by." She's trying to soothe her body. I begin to focus on my energy while also on him. Any step closer and I'll tear his head off. "Will they be able to reach you in Alaska?" She questions.
"I don't think so. Tanya's vegetarian family was pleasant enough. But the dietary restrictions were difficult- living on nothing but animals." He then looks at me, smirking.
"Something you've been finding difficult lately, hm?" He whispers, only audible to me. I give him a look. I haven't tried human at all. What is he talking about?
"Tell me Bella. Do you ever fell compelled to cheat?" She tries to step back while also holding me but I keep my stance. "But that's not why I left. I came back here as a favor to Victoria." She
"You're still friends."
"More or less. She asked me to get the lay of the land with the Cullen. Because, well... I'm afraid Victoria is quite put out with you." He informs her. "That's too back." She responds. My eyes glare him down, he's not focused on me. He doesn't know my ability. "Yes. She feels it's only fair to kill Edward's mate, given he killed hers. Eye for an eye, mate for mate." He tells her, Bella's heart quickens each word he speaks.
"Edward will know who did it. He'll come after both of you." She knows to not bring up my ability. "I don't think he will. After all, how much could you mean to him if he left you here unprotected?" He then glances at me again, he thinks I'm not a threat. "Victoria sent me here for information. She won't be happy about my killing you." He hums. "No, Laurent..."
"No, no, no. Don't be upset. I'm doing you a kindness. Victoria plans on killing you both slowly. Painfully, whereas I'll make it very quick." I'm apart of it now too?
"And you smell so mouth watering." Laurent inhales my sisters scent which grosses me out. He then shoves me out of the way, taking Bella into his arms.
I hear her whisper something. I stand up, then look over to see a black wolf. It's Sam. He skulks out of the darkness of the woods. Letting out a disturbingly deep growl, his sharp teeth gleaming. I smile at the sight of the others coming out. I go over to Sam. Laurent goes to bolt across the meadow. I use my ability to slow him down, weaken him.
"What is-" He stares back at me, noticing it's my doing. The wolves then spring out, seemingly towards Bella but then leap above her. It's impossible for Laurent to fight back as my ability weakened him into an almost human state.
"Run, Bella." I push her towards the way we came in. "What about you?" She panics. "They're good. It's okay." I tell her. She then runs like she was told.
Once she's out of sight I run to the mess they've made of Laurent. His limbs all over the place. Sam and who I think is Jacob come up to me. I smile.
"Good timing." I pet who I think is Jacob. "I'm sorry you turned." I sadly look at him. He whines a bit, backing away from my hand. Sam makes a low grumbling noise.
"I'll make the fire and then meet you guys at the rez." I tell the five wolves. Sam huffs. Paul comes up, purposely bumping into me, whipping me with his tail. "Hey, get going now." I order them.
Sam does a quiet howl, they make their way away from the scene and I pick up Laurents limbs, putting them in a pile.
After putting out the fire I rush back to my house. Charlie is already angrily storming out the door. "I'm going to the station, you want to come?" He asks. "No thanks, I'm gonna go to the Rez." I tell him, he comes over and gives me a quick side hug and kiss on the forehead before getting in his car. Bella comes out.
"Can you come with me to get Jacob?" She asks, storming towards her truck. "Uh-" "I'm going either way." She opens the truck door. I let out a groan, she's already taking off so I look around and then jump onto the back of the truck bed. She looks in the back and I irritably wave, she tries to hide her smile as she continues to drive. I stay sat in the back.
Feeling rain droplets start to fall on me. Lifting my hands I feel the rain. Then notice my hands steam, I begin to panic. Going to yell to Bella but then it stops and I close my mouth. What is happening? I feel my chest begin to pound and the steam emits once again off my body.
Stop stop stop stop.
Bella's truck goes to a halt and I stand up from the truck bed. The steam stops again. The rain only getting harsher.
Bella and I head to the door, she knocks. No one answers. Then a second time and finally Billy is at the door. "Hi, Billy. I know Jacob's sick but-" "He's out with friends." He cuts her off. She seems taken aback. "Oh." "I'll let him know you came by." He begins to close the door but Bella stops him. "Wait- he's got mono, right? That's what you told my dad." She interrogates him. "You should go home, Bella." Then he finally closes the door.
Bella storms down the stairs, getting into her truck and slamming the door behind her, obviously pissed. She begins to start the truck but then stops, tossing the keys aside. I slowly walk down myself, instead of going towards the truck I go to where I can hear five boys rough housing in the woods.
I speed off to where I hear them, peeking out from a tree as they don't even notice me.
"You know for wolves. It was pretty easy for me to sneak up on you." I fold my arms in front of my chest, they all jolt, getting into an attack position but once they realize it's me they calm down.
"Jake you're hurting my sister." I point a finger in his face. "I don't have a-" "Ah," I cut him off. "I didn't ask for excuses. We all have choices." I then look over to Sam who doesn't look me in the eye. "He really doesn't have a choice." Paul speaks up and I laugh. "He does, everyone does. You guys just choose the dumb ones!" I throw my hands up in the air.
"Well here's a choice you have, you're a bloodsucker who has the choice to be something better." Jacob throws in my face and my eyes widen. "Excuse me?" I step closer to him, Sam places a hand on his chest, pushing him back. "Jacob that's not-" "You told him!?" I glare at Sam.
"I can't control it, wolves read each others minds. I don't get to hide anything." Sam defends himself, I close my eyes tightly, now angered. "Jacob apologize to my sister or so help me." I spit in his face, shoving him against a tree before I walk away. I hear Sam jog after me, the boys looking after Jacob.
"[Name], I swear I didn't mean for anyone to know." He tells me and I just ignore him. "[Name], I'm sorry." He's practically pleading and a part of me wanted to stop to listen to him. That child in me who had the biggest crush on Sam Uley wanted to stop. But the other part, the person I am today, refuses to even look him in the eye after the betrayal he committed for his own selfish reasons.
I then see Jacob at Bella's truck, her climbing out. "You cut your hair." She announces. "Go away." Jacob turns away and bite the inside of my mouth. She grabs onto his arm. "What happened to you?" She asks him and he turns back as the others wait for him, out of earshot.
"I can help." She lowers her voice. His face is stern, shaking his head. "Sam got to you. What did he do?" Bella questions, obviously concerned for her friend. "Sam's trying to help me, don't blame him." He retracts. "Then who?"
"How about those filthy, reeking bloodsuckers you love? The Cullens... your sister." He says, he obviously didn't realize I was there, if my heart was working it would be broken by the fact that he just said that. "I... don't know what you're-" "You know exactly what I'm talking about." His body was shaking with anger.
"The Cullens are long gone. How are they to blame? And [Name] is still her how could you say that..." Her face falls. "They started all this by existing. Goddamn leeches-" "Jacob." Sam gives him and look and Jacob takes a breath, then he finally notices I'm there, rolling his eyes before going back to talking to Bella.
"I can't be friends with you anymore." He tells her. "Jake, I know I hurt you, I should have been more up-front but I needed you, I still do. I don't know what that means yet, but if you give me time-" "Stop. Don't it's not you." His humanity is still there, Sam is making him do this.
"It's not you it's me? God." Bella shakes her head. "It's true. I'm not good." He tries to find the right words. "You're wrong-" "It's doesn't matter. This is over." He tells her.
'"I can't take losing my best friend too." Bella's voice breaks.
"You already have-" "don't say that- you promised!" She tries to remind him, it was an effortless fight though.
"Go home, Bella. Don't come back." He runs away, joining the group to leave Bella standing in the rain.
I helped Bella into her truck and it felt like that day all over again. Only this time I was filled with a rage I've never felt before.
And when we got home I knew there was something wrong with me as Bella said the only words I never wanted to hear again. "[Name], you're really hot. Like burning." She mutters to me, backing away from my body. "I think you're hallucinating." I wave it off, lying to her is my best option right now. Charlie comes out and helps her inside. I sit in the truck, nervous about the steam with the rain again, it would prove that I'm heating up instead of being cold.
I can't turn. I can't.
I curl up in the truck seat, wanting to cry.
A&J M.L.
I guess I’m posting a lot right now. lol might post another tonight🧍🤷‍♀️ What are your theories for future chapters🤪🤭
Taglist: if you want to be added lmk
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darkdemeter · 3 months
Material is subject to change in post editing.
Now posted here!
A/N: Help us, Captain Bucky! We fell overboard! While you lovelies wait for SBBTM II, enjoy this teaser.
(Dark) Pirate! Bucky Barnes x Siren! Female Reader
— Pirate (dark). Bucky. — possessive/dom Bucky — pet names ("Siren") — SMUT 18+ Minors DNI! — P in V sex — there is no pull out game here, Buck is ALL. IN — mention of marks/hickeys — jealous/possessive reader — I think that's it?
Enjoy the excerpt!
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—- not my gif, credit to original poster! -—
Your velvety walls tighten around the hardened length penetrating you, filling you, his cock encumbered by the vice of your cunt. The blinding flash covers your vision and heat spreads through every corner of your body, leaving nothing but a siren blinded in lustful bliss. He groans with each drag and push, muscles glistening in the soft glow of the rising sun. The flowing wave of his treasured seed finds purchase in your lower abdomen. 
  It’s not until he completely empties his hot load, does he finally slow his pace to a stop. Above you he pants heavily, each breath a reminder to you of the sea’s spray and sun-tainted breeze that tousles the darkened locks of his hair. 
  Your energy sapped from the unbridled temper of your beloved Captain, you find reprieve of the gentleness of his tongue tracing the numerous dark marks covering your skin - his marks. 
  “Know this…” His voice rumbles lowly, his flesh hand harbouring the necklace dangles it mere inches over your parted lips. “There is nothing for you to find in a dried pearl, Siren. I am all you need.” 
  Metal squeezes your jawline, pursuing your understanding. The pink tip of his tongue wets his lips and he arches a brow.
  You needn’t be jostled twice by the threat of his grasp, you whisper, voice barely audible, “…Captain.”
  “Atta girl.” 
Arriving at port in Nassau means safe haven for the crew of The Avenger, a chance to rekindle spirits with a few dozen barrels of liquor and a woman’s belly to keep any weathered sailor happy. In the Caribbean’s turning and heating morn, gulls scavenge for pickings of food, the white banks of sand converging with the blue tinged tide bathe the nudity of your feet with absorbed heat it brings an irate wince to cross your features. Over the vast stretch of beach and headed further inland, the jolly tune of harboured pirates emit from the wooden, creaky shacks, if not counting the ruckus of noisy patrons enjoying their paid company. 
  Never did your Captain have need for such sleaziness, such lazed women who lounge in wait for coins to fill the near-always empty drawstring bag tied to their thigh. He had you.   To hold you close to the scorching warmth of his battle hardened body, to passionately entangle your limbs in an endless thread of desire, and to bask in the radiance that is one another; the possession of a companion no other can have.
  And your own guard for your beloved Captain doesn’t go unnoticed, by either him or the hungering gazes of those women yet in wait, your arms encircling around the bulk of Bucky’s flesh arm, in your neck the muscles strain as your fangs become elongated in a threatening display, the disguise of your eyes falters into narrow strips of glaring obsidian. 
  These women are no strangers to the presence of sirens, in spite of the limited number of population, a siren’s prize is never to be taken from her. 
  “Easy, Lass,” Bucky coos, lips drawn on either side into a charming grin. “Ain’t none suiting my fancy but you.”
His assurances brighten refocused pupils and the lines around your mouth pull into a smirk. The now scornful gazes of ladies unworthy of his time burn into you, and you in turn purse the tip of your tongue between your lips in retaliation. Behind, you hear a few huff in their amusement. His assurances brighten refocused pupils and the lines around your mouth pull into a smirk. The now scornful gazes of ladies unworthy of his time burn into you, and you in turn purse the tip of your tongue between your lips in retaliation. Behind, you hear a few huff in their amusement.
Coming Soon...
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@identity2212 @sebastianstansqueen @openup-yourmind @kandis-mom @calwitch @cjand10 @ashdoctor @missmarvelophilic @mostlymarvelgirl @daddy-bucky @thegirlwholoveslivesfanfiction @armystay89
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galaxygolfergirl · 1 month
Watcher's Expenses
I didn't major in accounting: I took three classes and it grinded my brain to a fine powder. However, after graduating with a business admin degree, being a former eager fan of their videos, and from a cursory glance over their socials, there's a lot to consider in their spending behavior that really could start racking up costs. Some of these things we've already noticed, but there are other things I'd like to highlight, and I'll try to break it down into the different categories of accounting expenses (if I get something wrong, let me know. I was more concentrated in marketing 🤷‍♀️). I'm not going to hypothesize numbers either, as that would take out more time than I'm willing to afford-- you can assume how much everything costs. Anyways, here's my attempt at being a layman forensic accountant:
Note: All of this is assuming they're operating above board and not engaging in any illegal practices such as money laundering, tax evasion, not paying rent, etc.
Operating Expenses
Payroll: 25+ staff salaries and insurance
Overhead Expenses
CEO/founder salaries
Office space leasing or rent (In L.A, one of the most expensive cities in the US)
Utilities (water, electricity, heating, sanitation, etc.)
Advertising Costs
Telephone & Internet service
Cloud Storage or mainframe
Office equipment (furniture, computers, printers, etc.)
Office supplies (paper, pens, printer ink, etc.)
Marketing costs (Social media marketing on Instagram, Youtube, SEO for search engines, Twitter, etc. Designing merchandise and posters, art, etc. )
Human Resources (not sure how equipped they are)
Accounting fees
Property taxes
Legal fees
Licensing fees
Website maintenance (For Watchertv.com, Watcherstuff.com, & Watcherentertainment.com)
Expenses regarding merchandising (whoever they contract or outsource for that)
Inventory costs
Potentially maintenance of company vehicles
Subsequent gas mileage for road trips
Depreciation (pertains to tangible assets like buildings and equipment)
Amortization (intangible assets such as patents and trademarks)
Overhead Travel and Entertainment Costs (I think one of the biggest culprits, evident in their videos and posts)
The travel expenses (flights, train trips, rental cars, etc. For main team and scouts)
Hotel expenses for 7-8 people at least, or potentially more
Breakfasts, lunches and dinners with the crew (whether that's fully on their dime or not, I don't know; Ryan stated they like to cover that for the most part)
Recreational activities (vacation destinations, amusement parks, sporting activities etc.)
The location fees
Extraneous Overhead costs (not sure exactly where these fall under, but another culprit, evident in videos and posts)
Paying for guest appearances
Expensive filming & recording equipment (Cameras, sound equipment, editing software subscriptions, etc.)
The overelaborate sets for Ghost files, Mystery Files, Puppet History, Podcasts etc. (Set dressing: Vintage memorabilia, antiquated tech, vintage furniture, props, etc.)
Kitchen & Cooking supplies/equipment
Office food supply; expensive food and drink purchases for videos
Novelty items or miscellaneous purchases (ex. Ghost hunting equipment, outfits, toys, etc.)
Non-Operating Expenses
These are those expenses that cannot be linked back to operating revenue. One of the most common examples of non-operating expenses is interest expense. This is because while interest is the cost of borrowing money from a creditor or a bank, they are not generating any operating income. This makes interest payments a part of non-operating expenses.
Financial Expenses
Potential loan payments, borrowing from creditors or lenders, bank loans, etc.
Variable Expenses
Hiring a large amount of freelancers, overtime expenditure, commissions, etc.
PR consultations (Not sure if they had this before the scandal)
Extraordinary Expenses
Expenses incurred outside your company’s regular business activities and during a large one-time event or transactions. For example, selling land, disposal of a significant asset, laying off of your employees, unexpected machine repairing or replacement, etc.
Accrued Expenses
When your business has incurred an expense but not yet paid for it.
(If there's anything else I'm missing, please feel free to add or correct things)
To a novice or a young entrepreneur, this can be very intimidating if you don't have the education or the support to manage it properly. I know it intimidates the hell out of me and I'm still having to fill in the gaps (again, if I've mislabeled or gotten anything wrong here, please let me know). For the artistic or creative entrepreneur, it can be even harder to reconcile the extent of your creative passions with your ability to operate and scale your business at a sustainable rate. That can lead to irresponsible, selfish, and impulsive decisions that could irreparably harm your brand, which is a whole other beast of its own.
My guess at this point is that their overhead and operation expenses are woefully mismanaged; they've made way too many extraneous purchases, and that they had too much confidence in their audience of formerly 2.93 million to make up for the expenses they failed to cover.
It almost seems as if their internal logic was, "If we make more money, we can keep living the expensive lifestyle that we want and make whatever we want without anyone telling us we can't, and we want to do it NOW, sooner rather than later because we don't want wait and compromise our vision." But as you can see, the reality of fulfilling those ambitions is already compromised by the responsibility of running a business.
And I wrote this in another post here, but I'll state it again: Running a business means you need to be educated on how a business can successfully and efficiently operate. Accounting, marketing, social media marketing, public relations, production, etc; these resources and internet of things is available and at your disposal. If they had invested more time in educating themselves on those aspects and not made this decision based on artistic passion (and/or greed), they would have not gotten the response they got.
Being a graphic designer, I know the creative/passionate side of things but I also got a degree/got educated in business because I wanted to understand how to start a company and run it successfully. If they’re having trouble handling the responsibility of doing that, managing production costs, managing overhead expenses, and especially with compensating their 25+ employees, then they should hire professionals that are sympathetic to their creative interests, but have the education and experience to reign in bad decisions like these.
Anyways, thanks for coming to my TedTalk. What a shitshow this has been.
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sgiandubh · 2 months
But first, time to say good-bye
It was to be a late departure (bureaucracy will someday kill us all...) from Athens, an endlessly diverted way North through a very early summer and some fitful sleep near the border, where poppies were already in bloom and elusive to the camera:
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I promised to share with you my story with Mycenae the day I would leave Greece for good. Yesterday was the day, so here goes.
I first went to Mycenae on a horrendously rainy day, in November 2018. The place struck me as a haphazard settlement of sorts in the wake of some ancient apocalypse, which was absolutely correct. We stayed in my colleague from Culture and Press' car, munched on some horribly stale koulouria as all hell broke loose outside, when she finally told me: ' you know what, I am happy we made it here: in Mycenae, you can only hear and tell the truth, you know'.
I have to say I ogled in suspicion. I was wet, hungry and completely unused to the Greek way of dressing everything up in mythology. She spoke Greek as I speak French and knew perfectly well what she was doing. She was casting a spell - an unbreakable one, for which I will forever be grateful. Oh, and as all myths would have it, the Lion Gate was closed, by the time we arrived.
It took me almost two years to go back there, during the pandemic, scared summer of 2020, when everything was empty and glorious to fully take in, like a big gulp of colors and sounds and life. My digs were to be always the same: unassuming Petite Planète, the last B&B in town, a stone throw away from Agamemnon's treasury, owned by the Dassis clan of archaeologists.
Their story begins in Constantinople, around 1875, when Konstantinos, a young orphan, begged Heinrich Schliemann to take him along to wherever he was traveling. He quickly became indispensable and helped with the first digs in Mycenae. He was the one who found Agamemnon's mask:
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When the digging was over, Schliemann bought him a tiny house for two pence and a half and told him to stay there. 'Many people will come to visit and they will need food and a roof. Make sure you do your best and it will make you a rich man.'
And they came. In droves. If you ask nicely, V. will show you their reception rosters, safely tucked away in a bank vault, in Argos. I had the privilege to see Virginia Woolf's signature and I was stunned. Schliemann's two pence house is now doubled by a garish modern addition you can see from the main road as La Belle Hélène B&B ('my cousin Agamemnon is a greedy idiot', says V), but Schliemann's room is piously kept as it was when the strange German gentleman left them to their fate. As is, they did not become rich, but that does not matter. You will always find a place at their wonderful table, where Mamma Dassis cooks the same food they ate back in Constantinople and they would not have it otherwise. The new, bigger and better B&B is called Petite Planète because of V's father undying passion for Saint Exupéry's Little Prince. It permeates everything without being obtrusive, because sometimes 'the essential is invisible to the eye'.
Back in 2020, they were worried. Very worried. The Lion Gate was open again, but the 'cretins at Google' wouldn't have it and kept on listing it as closed, on their maps. People were canceling their bookings. The village stood unusually quiet and forlorn.
I made no promises. But I did phone some people at the Greek Ministry of Culture. The least person I expected to be of any help, H, a transparent, mousey freeloader, who was always the last to leave all of our events in the hope we'd take her to dinner in town, happened to be some sort of underling at the Archaeological Sites Department. She immediately understood what I wanted her to do.
Three days after I left Mycenae, on my road trip to the Mani peninsula, I received this message in my Booking inbox:
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This started it all. And from that moment, all my Greek roads will lead there. It's also been a long time since I have trouble forcefully paying them for my monthly stays (booking and paying in advance helps, though), something they adamantly refused last time I went there:
'G., the girl wants to pay.'
'This is ridiculous, of course. This girl is family.'
Someday, I just know I will be back. For good.
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After five years and a half, many more fabulous stories (Mycenean potter and poet, anyone? mad postman? Kyria Stamatoula and her goats? Kyrios Pandelis and his jams?) the only thing I know about Greece is that, for all its (many) misgivings, this land is about two things:
Friends and Heroes.
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dianadeadwing · 8 months
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Inktober Day 5- Map
TLDR - Here’s a map of the shops on Bob’s Burgers Ocean Avenue as based on the Bob’s Burgers Movie and parts of season 13. Extensive Notes to follow.
This is the map I alluded to earlier in the week of the storefronts with visible names in the movie. The dimensions of the buildings are based on the aerial shot from the end of “The Plight Before Christmas”.
There are inconsistencies between the movie and the series (as well as within the movie itself) as far as the color and location of some of these buildings. I’ve defaulted to colors used in the series but names from the movie. Several of these shops have had different names earlier in the series so I’m working from the movie onward for consistency’s sake.
1. Hotel- Unsure if this hotel has a name.
2. Reflections
3. Spoke of the Devil (Bike Shop) - Shop is named “Spoke of the Devil” the words “bike shop” can be seen as part of a neon sign in the window.
4. First Oceanside Savings Bank
5. Yours Truly, Stationary
6. Jimmy Pesto’s Pizzeria
7. The Petalphile
8. Unknown store front - This building is usually depicted as blue with a large front window indicating that it’s some sort of storefront but I’ve been unable to find a name so far.
9. From Here To Maternity (Pregnancy Clothes) - The movie depicts this building as being brown but the series almost always shows it as green so I’ve made it green on the map.
10. Fresh Off The Presses (Cleaners) - Shop is named “Fresh Off The Presses” with “cleaners” in a neon sign in the window.
11. Unknown Store Front - This shop has a visible name in several shots from the movie but I can’t make it out.
* Some shots from the movie show an additional pink building at the end and others don’t. It does not have a awning or large front window and could therefore possibly residential or a service (such as a lawyer). This building does not appear in the aerial shot so I did not include it.
12. Ocean Market
13. Needles to Say - This shop as well as the following three also appear in season thirteen and are particularly visible in “What a (April) Fool Believes”.
14. Walk All Over Me (Flooring Showcase)
15. You Were Framed (Picture Framing)
16. For Pete’s Cake
17. It’s Your Funeral (Home and Crematorium)
18. Bob’s Burgers
19. Store Next Door - The often vacant orange store front next to Bob’s.
20. Red building- This building is very visible in several shots but isn’t shown to have a name. It has three front doors at the top of some stairs. Because of its layout it seems most likely to be residential. (As we know this neighborhood has mixed zoning, such as Mr. Huggins’ apartment building)
21. Blue Building - The positions of this building and the beige building are switched in the movie. In the series it’s fairly consistently blue so that’s what I’ve included. It seems similar in structure to the red building and could also be residential, but we don’t get many good shots of this part of the street so it’s hard to tell.
22. Beige Building - This part of the street is most often seen from the alley. It appears to have a loading dock. This where Alice parks her food truck in “As I Walk Through the Alley of the Shadow of Ramps” in season 8.
23. Liquor - This building has been depicted in different colors but has a prominent sign stating “Liquor”. I’ve seen it called “Oh La Liquor” but I’d like to see this in later season materials.
This is just what I’ve gathered as of ep 14.1. Please feel free to let me know if you have any additional information. (Or an official map) I’m absurdly invested in this.
There is also an aerial shot from the movie that shows Wagstaff in relation to Ocean Avenue (it’s also mentioned to be four blocks away) and I just wish I could take screen shots so I could study it better. I’ll make a map of this whole dang town.
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emmastillsims · 7 days
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Free Palestine: Lookbook & Donation Links
I've been losing my mind watching western media and governments ignore, spread propaganda and worst of all: sponsor the genocide of Palestinians the last eight months; I can't even fathom what it must be like to live in Gaza or the West Bank. I am ashamed to admit I was ignorant to a lot of the world's atrocities until October 2023. Since then,  I've learned so much about Palestine and the apartheid settler-colony that is "Israel". The myth that Israel is essential to Jewish safety is so embedded in western culture that for 76 years the world has continued to turn a blind eye to (or finance) so many horrors inflicted by Israeli settlers on the Palestinian people. I've lost track of the amount of burnt and/or dismembered bodies I've seen from bombs my taxes pay for. I cannot understand how people are not radicalized by all this barbarity. 
I've been contributing to people in Gaza's GoFundMe campaigns when I can and I want to include some donation links here, please contribute if you are able. Even a little goes a long way towards food and hopefully, eventually, safe passage to Egypt.
Help Ahmad & His Family Evacuate Gaza | Palestine Children's Relief Fund | Operation Olive Branch
This lookbook is inspired by Palestinian people. I tried to include both traditional attire with the closest thing I could find to Palestinian thobes with tatreez embroidery, along with turbans and hijabs, as well as those who dress more modern/not hijabi. I also tried to include as many keffiyehs as I could, and obviously, some watermelons. 🍉 I would have rather used a more pleasant background, but thought an image of the destruction of Khan Yunis would be more impactful. 💔
Anyway, free Palestine until it's backwards and viva la resistance! 
You can find these sims on the gallery under Origin ID: eregister or you can download the tray files here (mediafire, no ads.) You will still need to download all the CC for your sims to look like mine.
Click here for CC links (AD-FREE)
// thank you cc creators: @plushxsims, @suzuesims, @aanhamdan93, @bokchoijo, @candysims4, @dancemachinetrait, @dallasgirl79, @daylifesims, @nords-sims, @johnnysimmer, @joliebean, @lamatisse, @marsmerizing-sims, @mmsims, @obscurus-sims, @rusty-cc, @simandy, and those not on tumblr //
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raatart · 2 months
a complete boycott list in alphabetical order
a complete list of companies / brands / franchises to boycott in support of palestine that i have been working on putting together for a while now.
remember to support your local businesses
stand with palestine against genocide
(Food & Beverages)
Acqua Panna
Absolute Vodka
Burger King
Baskin Robbins
Ben & Jerry's
Betty Crocker
Coca Cola
Costa Coffee
Dunkin' Donuts
Dr Pepper
Fruit by the Foot Roll Ups
Haagen Dazs
Heinz Ketchup
Hard Rock Cafe
Israeli Fruits & Vegetables
Kraft Mac & Cheese
Marks & Spencers
Mountain Dew
Minute Maid
Milk Bar
Magnum Ice Cream
Milka Chocolates
Nestle Cereals
Nature Valley
Nestle Milo
Nestle Carnation
Nestle Coffee Mate
Nestle Nestum
Original Shredded Wheat
Papa John's
Pizza Hut
Pretty a Manager
Pure Life
Popup Bagels
Quality Street
Sara Lee
America Eagle
Adina Eden Jewelry
Calvin Klein
Good American
River Island
Skinny Dip
St. Mark
Style Nadia
Victoria's Secret
We Wore That
Bobbi Brown
Bath & Body Works
Britney Spears Fragrance
Beauty Blender
Christina Aguilera Perfumes
Clean & Clear
Dr. Jart+
Darphin Paris
Dark & Lovely
Fenty Beauty
Fair & Lovely
Glam Glow
Honest Beauty
Haci Sakir
Herbal Essences
Head & Shoulders
Hugo Boss
Jo Malone
Johnson & Johnsom
Kylie Cosmetics
Kylie Skin
La Roche-Posey
Moroccan Oil
Max Factor
Nature's Beauty
Summer Fridays
Skin Better Science
The Body Shop
Too Faced Cosmetics
The Ordinary
Tom Ford Beauty
Urban Decay
Ulta Beauty
Yes to
Estee Lauder
Georgio Armani
Louis Vuitton
La Mer
Le Labo
Maison Margiela
Raplh Lauren
Tiffany & Co.
Tom Ford
Tommy Hilfiger
Yves Saint Laurent
(Tech & Entertainment)
National Geographic
Rolls Royce
Toys R Us
Ambi Pur
Ace Hardware
American Express
Black & Decker
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Better Help
Citi Bank
Capital One
Little Swimmers
Mr Muscle
Purina Felix
Paramount Pictures
Us Cellular
Ashley Tisdale
Amy Schumer
Andy Beshear
Ben Savage
Bella Thorne
Chris Evans
Claire Holt
Chris Rock
Chris Pine
Demi Lovato
Dwayne Johnson
DJ Khaled
Eva Longoria
Gal Gadot
Ian Somerhalder
Jamie Lee Curtis
James Maslow
Justin Bieber
Jennifer Aniston
Jaclyn Hill
Jack Harlow
Jordan Peele
Joseph Quinn
Jack Black
Kylie Jenner
Kim Kardashian
Kris Jenner
Kerry Washington
Katie Perry
Karlie Kloss
Khloe Kardashian
Kat Graham
Kendall Jenner
Kourtney Kardashian
Lebron James
Lana Condor
Lana Del Rey
Millie Bobby Brown
Mindy Kaling
Mark Hamill
Nina Dobrev
Natalie Portman
Nicole Richie
Noah Schnapp
Octovia Spencer
Perez Hilton
Paul Wesley
Phoebe Tonkin
Pia Mia
Sofia Richie
Shaquir O'neal
Selena Gomez
Tara Strong
Taika Waititi
Taylor Swift
Tyler Perry
Vanessa Hudgens
Viola Davis
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dysfunctionalnerd · 5 months
I fucking love columbo. Hes an ace detective. Everyone thinks hes dense. Hes incredibly smart. Hes the worst cop in LA. He hasnt done his gun test in 10 years. He loves his wife. He loves his dog. His dog doesnt do shit. Nobody can stand his dog. He looks homeless. Hes got the Dick Gumshoe coat. He goes into a food bank and the sisters insist he sits down for a warm meal. He orders chili at the finest restaurants. His car sucks. He takes his car to the junkyard and they tell him to turn back. A DMV driver preferred to walk than to catch a ride from him. He never has a pencil. Hes sharp as a tack. Hes a clutz. He forgot his badge once. His smile melts like sunshine.
He's the perfect man
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gatabella · 10 months
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"I was surprised how much of my high-school French came back to me. Bogie was very proud of me speaking the language. It was very halting, but they understood me - vocabulary small, accent good. I felt mysterious and exciting speaking French… Immediately I could see how artistic the French were - the simplest food looked beautiful, the furniture, even farm furniture, had its own unique flavor and tremendous style. I told the driver to warn me before we reached Paris so I could prepare myself. I was breathless with anticipation. The green of the French countryside was unlike any green I had ever seen. Suddenly he said, 'You can see the Eiffel Tower - in about ten minutes we'll be in the center of Paris.' I held Bogie's hand tightly - I couldn't believe I would finally be there. I must have been French in another life, or why did it mean so much? And then there it was - Arc de Triomphe, Place de la Concorde, the Seine, Louvre, Left Bank - the beauty of it! My eyes were not big enough to take it all in. And then the Place Vendome and the Ritz Hotel, where we were going to live. Paris seemed so open - no crowded New York streets, no skyscrapers - the Paris sky so blue - our suite at the Ritz so romantic."
-Lauren Bacall on her first trip to France in 1951
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eileenslibrary · 3 months
can I request a modern time zhongli x reader age gap trope where in the reader is 22 and zhongli is 31, it's like a CEO x secretary scenerio almost like a sugar daddy kind of relationship but a wholesome one, it could be suggestive but not smut
Rainy Day Curry
A/N: This is a long one, and you can tell where I got hungry and very invested and lonely, I also struggled with the sugar daddy part but I did add a little bit to introduce the dynamic because I don't work with it a lot but I hope this answers your ask Iand that this fills you with warmth reading it the way it did writing it.
Modern! CEO Zhongli x Modern Assistant F! Reader
(Facial features, body shape, and skin color are not mentioned and any readers who may align with her/her or she/they are welcome to this work of Fanfiction)
Warnings: Rain a lot of rain, OOC Zhongli (For like two seconds), Cats, Cheesy movies (The Princess Bride), spoilers (The Princess Bride), falling in love, Tumblr being toxic and gaslighting me about character limits, Good food that will make you hungry, Pure fluff, Sharing a bed.
Song recs: (It's been a) Long Long Time by Kitty Kallen, Come Away With Me by Norah Jones, Sunrise by Norah Jones, La Foule by Edith Piaf, Bygone Days by Joe Hisaishi, The Time Of Cherries by Tokiko Kato 
What kind of chocolate would Zhongli be? Dark chocolate with caramel filling and sea salt on top of course.
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Cold fall rain pours on the tall buildings. Cars driving down the wet streets, you type out a document on your monitor the light illuminating the barely lit room, only a few lamps that cast a warm orange glow across the room keeping the atmosphere from being uncanny, you sip hot tea from the mug its calming aroma wafting through your senses providing warmth through your bones. Your boss works on the other side of a big burnt umber door with gold embellishments. He is currently meeting with Ningguang CEO of Jade Chamber Bank or JCB for short, you put the mug down and stretch your arms above your head looking over at the time 2:57 PM, eighteen minutes until the meeting is over then you can go home.
You sigh and finish your tea, standing from your chair letting your legs stretch and wake up for a moment, then walking towards the kitchen to wash your cup placing it on the drying rack. You hear Zhongli’s voice as he opens the door for Ningguang “When should we meet again for the finalizing?” She inquires “I would discuss that with my secretary she knows when I have a free day.” He hums peeking his head out the door to see if you’re there “Very well then, It was pleasant seeing you again Mr. Zhongli” You walk back into the room as Ningguang goes to leave “It was nice meeting you Ma’am have a good afternoon” you say nodding your head towards her, she sends you a smile “Nice meeting you as well secretary” she waves her hand back at you her gold heels clicking on the marble floors towards the door and walking into the hallway. You smile at the woman her confidence radiating wherever she goes, you go to head back to your desk but Zhongli’s silky voice stops you “Can you come in here for a moment?” “Yes sir” You Respond walking towards his office he holds the door open for you, and you walk over only for you to plop down in one of the comfy seats in front of his desk. He sits in his office chair his amber eyes focusing on you as he laces his fingers together and his elbows on his desk “I have a proposal for you” he hums “Oh? And that is?” You ask genuinely curious. “I need a companion of sorts” he looks away from you ‘Is he embarrassed?’ you wonder “What kind of companion?” tilting your head to the side and slightly raising a brow he takes in a deep breath “I need you to be my girlfriend” he admits his eyes meeting yours, you feel your face heat “Mr. Zhongli t-that's widely unprofessional” you look down at your palms “Wait before you assume” he puts a hand up “I simply need you to help me out for a few weeks, I need to stop relieve some stress” his voice remains steady “It’ll come with pay” his eyes making you nervous as you look at him “Can I have time to mull it over?” you ask looking at the clock on the wall 3:15 PM “Yes, please give me your answer as soon as possible so I can have time to prepare” he sighs. You agree and quickly slip out of his office pressing against the cold wood of the door. 
You sit back down at your desk, the rain pattering the only thing making noise. You try to get as much work done as possible but your mind is swimming, but you come up with your answer. You stand up and walk to his office door knocking on the wood “Come in” his smooth voice resonates, you step in and your ears perk up at the soft jazz he plays from his small speaker “I have made my decision.” “Oh?” He looks up his eyes gaze curiously at you “I have agreed.”
He grabs your hand his wide gloved palm and slender fingers warming your cold hand, he shifts the umbrella so it covers you more “Mr- I mean dear there is no reason to do that” his shoulder getting the blunt of water “It is quite fine love” His warm eyes stare at you “I- we can just go to my apartment it’s only two blocks away” You invite as Zhongli tightens his hold “Fine if you think that is best” you were originally going to dinner for publicity but it began pouring and you refuse to get sick any less Zhongli. You bring him to your apartment building, close the red umbrella, and walk into the elevator clicking your floor. The tan walls and black rails give Zhongli nostalgia like staying in a nice hotel out in Fontaine, he watches as you dig into your purse for your keys pulling them out of some hidden pocket “I wish they would just give us some damn pockets on our pants” he hears you groan making him chuckle under his breath, you send a playful glare his way zipping your purse back up. You stand in silence as the elevator finally approaches your floor opening the doors, “Ladies first” he hums placing his hand on your lower back noticing the reddening of your cheeks.
You stride into the hallway and find your door unlocking the door, and stepping in. Zhongli closes the door behind him taking off his shoes and placing his wallet and keys in the basket where you put yours “I’ll go find you a sweater, feel free to make yourself at home” you call as you walk further into your apartment, He looks around at the pictures hung on the wall, the nice but cluttered kitchen, the small dining table pushed up against the big window next to the balcony door, the living room with a few plants in the windows. You come back holding a black and beige sweater and a pair of black pants, you also now wear a fluffy hoodie with white pet hair on it and a pair of shorts also covered in pet hair  “Here this should fit you, oh let me hang that up to dry for you” You trade off the clothes and you disappear into your bathroom hanging it up in the closet where you dried your clothes and kept your towels “Alright bathroom is yours” you hum walking into the living room “Thank you” Zhongli walks past you as you pick up the clutter from the coffee table, he closes the door and undoes his tie and his undershirt hanging it up on a hanger next to his coat as well, he unfolds the sweater and pulls it on doing the same with the pants. He takes off his gloves and his hair tie and puts it in his coat pocket combing through his hair, he hears you turn off the weather channel to see when it’ll stop. He walks out “How is the weather looking?” he asks stepping up beside you and noticing a small white cat on your lap “It won’t stop raining until later tonight, I can drive you home if you’d like” you offer looking up at him, blushing slightly as you admire his long hair now free from that tight ponytail “Do you want me to go home?” he questions “No of course not, it’s just well, I- to be honest I hate being alone on rainy nights” you pet your cat as she purrs louder, Zhongli tilts your chin to look at him “Then I’ll stay” you nod “Well I don’t have much in my fridge, and we haven’t eaten yet. How about we order something?” You offer, and pick up your phone much to your cat's dislike “Sure, since our plans have been foiled, what do you suggest?” He hums “Pfft, you make this sound like we are plotting villains or something” You chuckle “But I do know this good Sumeru curry place that does take out” You pat the seat next to you for him to come sit. He smiles and does so, your cat surprising him by stretching and finding a place in his lap “What’s her name?” he asks scratching under her chin “Lettie it’s a character from Howl’s Moving Castle” you sigh stroking her long soft fur, he feels you lean against his arm “Here are the options you can get” Zhongli feels a warmth spread through his chest at the simple act he watches as you scroll through the menu recommending your favorites “How about this one?” He points to one that looks very good “I was thinking of that one too” you hum leaning your head on his shoulder, you call the restaurant and place your order with some butter and garlic naan on the side. 
You grab the remote “What should we watch?” you inquire “You pick, dear” he looks at your expression watching as your face pinkens at the nickname “Are you all right with Princess Bride?” Zhongli surprises himself as he lets out a laugh “I never thought you’d be into that kind of movie” he exhales in contentment Lettie’s tail moving in disruption you chuckle with him “I am gonna go grab a blanket I’ll be back” you stand up and go into your bedroom coming back with a fluffy weighted blanket you turn down the lights and turn on a lamp that casts a comfy orange light setting a warm and romantic atmosphere, Zhongli lifts the cat so you can slip some of the blanket on his lap you switch on the movie.
There's a knock on the door “Let me get it” Zhongli whispers “Okay, let me pause the movie” You sit up from his chest and grab the remote pushing pause. Zhongli slips off of the couch and to the door grabbing his wallet and handing the man a ten-dollar tip “Thanks man, stay warm” the guy says “You as well” Zhongli hums closing the door, bag of food in his hands he walks into the kitchen and sees your already there with two bowls, a plate, and silverware all waiting “Would you like some water or anything?” you question grabbing two mugss from a cupboard “Do you have tea?” “Mhmm, I have Green, Jasmine, or Earl Grey” You look through your lazy susan “Green, please” You put the bag on the counter, filling up your kettle with water and putting it on its stand so it can heat. Zhongli washes his hands the aroma of lemon and mint resting on his hands, he walks over and puts the curry into the bowls and the naan and rice on the plate, he hears the kettle beep, and as you start steeping the tea. He looks back over his shoulder letting the gentleness of it all fill his heart with warmth, he walks over to you “Can I hold you?” he whispers into your ear “If you want to” he quickly wraps his arms around you and nuzzles his face into your neck your hair ticking his ears “Are you alright?” you inquire “I realized it’s been so long since I’ve held someone like this” even if it was for pretend he can pretend with you. His hot breath warms the cold spot on your neck your heart swells at the sweetness of the moment, like sitting by the heater on a snowy day reading with hot chocolate and cookies. You lean into him “I could get used to this” you mumble focusing on the tea, you hear your cat run down the hallway the little jingling bell on her collar announcing when she is nearby, and her little “Mrow?” and trills when she can’t find you or feels left out. You snort as she runs into the kitchen weaving between both of your kegs “Is it dinner time Lettie?” you tease your wide smile making your speech slur a little, Zhongli presses a kiss behind your ear unwrapping himself from you “Thanks I needed that” he clears his throat “Any time” you hum “Do you want me to feed her?” he asks picking up her food bowl “If you would that would be great, it’s in the fridge second shelf purple can.”
You both sit back down on the couch and resume your movie, shoveling the hot food in your mouths scratching that persistent itch as the curry fulfills your cravings.
In the end, Westly gets Buttercup, Inigo, and Fezzik are close friends, everyone lives happily, and the boy has a wonderful memory with his grandpa.
"Let's head to bed" you yawn "Where am I sleeping?" he yawns himself "Don't be silly, there's enough room in my bed for the both of us." "That woul-" he tries to interject "It's my job" He sighs but smiles and follows you.
And now two people and a cat cuddling under soft blankets as cold fall rain patters against the glass.
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whilomm · 3 days
i think part of the reason why ppl have a kneejerk reaction to others pointing out that marcille is kinda conservative (besides the usual desire to sand down characters edges to make them Less Problematic™) is that theyre thinking "conservative=republican" rather than similar to like, that girl who will swear up and down that she is SO progressive and 100% feminist and everything but when a girl doesnt shave her legs she says "ugh but its just so UNSANITARY" but at the same time if a guy DOES shave their legs she just "thinks its weird!!!", and if you point out the contradiction there ("didnt you say it was UNSANITARY to not shave? doesnt that mean you think ALL guys should shave?") she will BSoD a little bit and uhhhh i mean uhhh its just that–
or you know, someone who if you come out as a trans to her she'll accept it (after a bit of confusion and a few of the usual dumb cis questions) but maybe thinks that the way to ✨validate✨ you is to go all in on gender stereotypes like okay if youre a woman that means MAKEUP and DRESSES and LONG HAIR and ACTING LADYLIKE and PARTICIPATING IN GIRLY ACTIVITIES and NOT BEING TOO LOUD and NOT TAKING UP TOO MUCH SPACE. and if your a man that means dressing MANLY and HAVING SHORT HAIR and ACTING MASCULINE and TOUGH and BEING UNINVITED FROM THE (GIRLY) WEEKLY HANGOUT SESH
or people who like, will never outright say they HATE homeless people, like if you talk about volunteering at the soup kitchen or donating to the food bank shes like yeah!!! but then she also getting weirdly uncomfortable when it comes to actual homeless people who arent like, the model of 'trying but down on my luck', and just thinking the tents are unsightly and worrying about how if you give someone money on the street if they'll just use it for drugs and being anxious about the vague specter of "violence"
(im not necessarily saying "marcille herself would 100% do these things" but just "when people say marcilles a bit conservative they dont mean rightwing republican they mean like this kinda shit which self-proclaimed Progressives do when they dont recognize they still got shit that they picked up from living in a So Sigh Titty to work thru")
like, listen, a big part of marcille's character is that she is very prideful and sure of herself and her opinions. half of marcille's character building parts are "marcille has a preconceived notion! oh, someone challenges the preconceived notion! marcille is RESISTANT to this! oh my GOD this is AWFUL how could you CHALLENGE HER WORLD VIE- oh. oh wait no. okay you might have a point BUT SHE STILL HATES IT!!!".
she changes and she learns things! but shes kicking and screaming the whole way and kinda annoying about it and even after she has one thing challenged shes still got a whole backlog of other things she learned from So Sign Titty shes also gotta work thru even if she doesnt realize it yet. sometimes she gradually realizes these things on her own sometimes someone basically has to hit her over the head with the Very Special Episode about how halffoots arent children and orcs aren't evil and maybe shes treating falin a bit like a dress up doll and infantilizing her and like thats a problem maybe?
like. its an interesting part of her character! let marcille be a bit conservative. she aint perfect. actually theres a lotta little things she kinda sucks about. but its okay bc she can learn and have her tidy little worldview challenged and its interesting to see her go thru it all!
(and i also wonder if part of the resistance to people pointing out how shes a bit conservative in some ways is also like, refusal to admit "hm maybe i also hold some regressive views". like, the general thing of "wanting to believe you are already a perfect progressive and dont hold any shitty views" is extremely realistic, its defo a trap ive fallen into before! most of us probably have! but like, step one is admitting it rather than putting your foot on the ground and saying la la la i cant hear you)
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