#Lesbian Love Story
truffle-draws-turtles · 4 months
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If Donnie is the king of confidence my Venus de Milo is the fucking queen 👑
Attention please.
The turtles you find on my site are all aged up, unless they are turtle tots (obviously)
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I have fallen deep into the rottmnt rabbithole and can feed your hungry soul with
fanfiction (@trufflemacandcheese )
comic au
nsfw content (patreon 18+)
I will upload all my stuff to patreon one by one (books and comic remain free!) to have it in one place and make it available to you as organized as possible. So it's worth a look :>
Aaaaand my Insta
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simsonico · 1 year
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This is super random, but I came across this really cute oneshot manga and I decided to remake it with sims! I tried uploading it to Tumblr but Tumblr’s formatting is horrible when it comes to posting a lot of images...so I posted it on Patreon instead. Read the full story (left to right) here~! ♥
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Source: Guide To Gracious Lesbian Living (1989)
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laikacore · 9 months
Now available for free, Laika Wallace’s second novella, LOVE LIKE THIS
Link in first reblog to website where you can read it for free as a downloadable PDF or in browser
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cover by laika wallace
She had never known a love like this...
Following Morgan, Cherry, and Laurie after the events of Whisper in the Woods, up until the Christmas after Lured to the Lake. The three girls face and overcome the many challenges of being young adults living together in their first apartment on their own. Together, they come into their own, find support and care in each other and their families, discover a new world, and finally know the depth of love.
Trigger warnings for this story include: abusive families, dysphoria, financial hardships, divorce, homophobia, alcohol, underage drinking.
Link in first reblog to website where you can read it for free as a downloadable PDF or in browser
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dirtywrestling · 8 days
I’m watching college softball right now and I’m thinking/had an idea of a high school lesbian love story of Rhea Ripley x Jock!Fem!Reader what yall think would you guys be down?
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lgbtqreads · 10 days
New Releases: May 28, 2024
Middle Grade Noah Frye Gets Crushed by Maggie Horne Noah Frye just had the Best Summer Ever. Not only did she have an epic time at science camp, but her new camp friend Jessa is going to Noah’s school in the fall. Noah can’t wait to introduce Jessa to her best friends Zoey and Luna when classes start. But when the friend group is reunited after their summer apart, something seems to have changed:…
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Can ANYONE PLEASE recommend any lesbian love stories to me that have the same vibes as Red, White & Royal Blue??🙏🏻
There‘s so many cute gay love stories but all lesbian stories I find are either „they were very good friends“ or are super sad and tragic or highschool stuff or obviously just made as porn for straight dudes😐
I just want a cute romantic super duper soft love story with a happy end between two grown up women. Idc if it’s movies or books just hit me with every recommendation you got!
(Ofc I‘d also happily accept more queer love story recs with that vibe that aren’t between two women, but I desperately need some lesbian romance)
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disaster-theysbian · 10 months
Because @morningsolitude has specifically requested it, here is the rest of the Useless Lesbian Story of how my partner and I got together.
Quick backstory, we'd been friends for a year or so before having a platonic cuddle at a party. Then we realised our feelings weren't very platonic at all, and proceeded to dance around the issue for the next two months because... well, useless lesbians.
It started with me popping round to use her printer. Then it was popping round for cups of tea. Cooking dinner together. That kind of thing. We had a movie night where we shared our Favourite Stupid Films from our childhood, and it ended with a Very Awkward Handshake (story here )
Anyway, the following night was a Christmas movie night with all of our friends, including her brother and brother-in-law. All of them were getting ready to knock our heads together. Whereas the night before we'd had a sort-of cuddle under a blanket, we were so conscious of people watching us that we were sitting bolt upright and not touching.
Then our phones start pinging. A few of our friends started posting cute animal cuddle gifs in the group chat. We were smoking at the ears by this point. I went to the loo and actually heard her voice from upstairs (she never shouts, ever) calling her brother in law a twat!
She gave me a lift home that night and it was excruciatingly awkward as ever. But we both knew something was there, and we both knew that neither of us were going to be brave enough to say it.
So I decided I didn't have to say anything at all.
That week was Christmas, so I made her a card. A silver elephant wearing a Santa hat on a dark forest green background, bordered with holly and ivy, holding a single sprig of mistletoe in its trunk.
She came round for a cup of tea before giving me a lift to our craft group's Christmas party. I gave her the envelope. And promptly hid behind a cushion as she opened it and read what was inside: "Shall we address the elephant in the room?"
The next thing I knew she gently took the cushion away from me and pulled me into the gentlest, warmest, most comforting hug I'd ever had. I let myself melt in her arms.
I had come to realise, and realised over and over during the first year of our relationship, that I'd never known love before I knew her. Attraction? Yes. Desire? Yes. Infatuation? Yes. Codepedency? Trauma bonding? An innate, unmet need for validation that was preyed upon by multiple people? Yep yep yep.
Before I confessed my feelings to her, I didn't really care if she didn't share them. I just loved being with her. I loved watching her smile and laugh, and infodump about her favourite things. I just wanted to be around her. And the way she made me feel.
She made me feel like I was worthy of care and respect, without me doing anything in particular or saying anything in particular, or liking the same things as her, or looking a certain way. This was something I'd rarely felt, not just with romantic partners but among friends and family. As friends, she never treated me like I was extra special, never said anything cheesy like "you're perfect just the way you are". But I felt special just being around her. Just sitting there having cups of tea or eating dinner, folding laundry, doing normal shit. I'm not the only person who feels this way around her. She is so well loved among our friends because she so quietly, innocuously, makes you feel like you matter, without love-bombing you or putting you on a pedestal. She doesn't even know she's doing it.
She has given me back so much of my faith in humanity, in kindness, in patience, and optimism. She has given me back my own self, that I hid under layers and layers of people-pleasing cultivated by 25 years of toxic environments.
On Valentine's day just gone, I asked her to be my wife.
And she said yes.
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add1sun · 1 year
Tanthamore playlist
Heh, little obsessed with Willow I guess. Once I read that Erin Kellyman made character playlists I got inspired to make some for my writing WIPs. Then I decided to make a Tanthamore playlist too because I just fucking love to see a lesbian romance inserted so seamlessly into a show.
The first 3 songs in the playlist are from the show itself, during the classic Tanthamore scenes. Erin has talked about how Paramore's song was THE Jade song that anchored her playlist. The rest are just songs that fit for me.
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myceliumcreature · 1 month
I'm currently reading Fluids by May Leitz and I have no idea what I expected. It starts out with a story I know well, of feeling sparks with someone you met online. Then it quickly spirals out, steadily showing you how the tone is going to change.
It's a very short book, but it's so far, living up to what was promised to me. It's also the first "extreme" horror novel I've picked up (though I've definitely read some extremely horrifying fanfiction over the years.) I'm also a May Leitz liker so I was excited to read her writing after listening in to her once in awhile for years.
Also definitely in it for a toxic gay love story. I find some of the "oh fuck I've been gay all along" realizations to be deeply familiar.
I'll check back to say what I think or I won't lmao.
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scarterofficial · 2 years
In class, wishing I was a prince and a political conversation pops off which makes the cute commuter girl say she hates the monarchy, beginning our love story.
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truffle-draws-turtles · 5 months
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I think this will go down - not one Turtle can be seen. But I'm working on the biography of my OC and once I have the pictures, you'll get them too - whether you like it or not.
Shiro's biography. Part 0.1
The "what could have been rottmnt AU"
Part 1
Patreon (18+)
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lgbtally4ever · 8 months
Really great edit from NEVERTHELESS
Depicting the lesbian relationship in such a complete storyline!
Must watch!
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Source: Words From The Same Heart - edited by Margaret Bradstock and Louise Wakeling
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shipperxchaos · 1 year
Currently thinking about writing a tragic historical lesbian novel with a happy ending that won't come until book 9 inspired by beefleaf 🤔😅
Thoughts on planning this out with me? @purpleblobfrompluto
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mythos05reviews · 2 years
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3.2/5 stars
It was a cute, wholesome story about two high school girls from different schools who meet each other and end up helping each other in their problem areas. One wants a boyfriend, and the other wants a chance to get into college. It's definitely a slower-paced story and the romance is slow-burn. I loved how their relationship progressed from helping each other to realizing their feelings. The ending is a bit rushed. I wish we could have a bit more of an explanation as to the time skip. Although I loved the main story, the side stories were rather awful. 
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