#Like fucking christ im sorry lady things happen what can you do
blissfali · 1 year
killing my mother
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teagballs · 5 months
hello angel! I was wondering if you could write a Dennis Reynolds x fem!reader one shot where basically, reader is apart of the gang and has been for a while. Surprisingly, one time when Dennis was really angry, she calmed him down. Everyone was shocked the first, but slowly overtime got used to it. Dennis always ignored the warm feeling in his chest when she calmed him, but when he went on a date and got really mad and the girl tried to calm him down, he got even more angry than realised he liked reader??
sorry if it’s confusing 😭🫶
calmed | dennis reynolds x reader
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read part 2 here!!
authors note: HEYOOO still alive. thank u sm for this prompt anon! tbh it was a bit of a challenge and i struggled 😭 i always struggle to write for dennis. i hope i did this idea justice cuz i love it. also this is my first iasip fic im publishing yayayay please send more requests for it im sooo deep into it rn. ive got a dee fic in the works rn.
cw: average dennis insanity ofc, swearing, mentions of D.E.N.N.I.S ing girls so yk, mentions of sex.
fic under the cut!
You can recall the first time you ever saw Dennis freak out.
"Idiots! Fucking idiots all of them!" Dennis ranted in his usual methodic tone. The gang wasn't phased, this sort of Dennis rant was something they'd become accustomed to. For you - the latest addition the gang - you had never witnessed one of Dennis' outbursts. It was probably that empathic nature or yours that made you want to act, to console him. And you did. Despite the gang's protests, once they noticed you about to leap into action. They knew it was better to just let Dennis ride out the anger and come down again. But you reached out and touched his arm. The gang collectively held their breath, expecting Dennis to bark out some obscenities in response, but it never came. The feeling of your hand on him made him turn to face you, to look at you.
"Dennis, it's okay, we'll fix this, I promise."
And he calmed. And took a deep breath.
"You know what? You're right. I can fix this." Dennis exhaled. Everyone was shocked,
"What the fuck just happened." Mac said blankly. In the whole time they had known him, Dennis had never been able to be pacified from one of these insane outbursts.
But then it became frequent, because Dennis's raging was frequent. Every time he would begin ranting and raving, you were able to calm him down. It was a voice of serene amidst the chaos. It went on for years like this, as you became part of the gang.
You were usually there hanging out with the gang when things would go wrong, and you'd be able to solve it and calm him down. But today, that wasn't the case. Today, Dennis was on a date.
Dennis was in the process of getting this woman to sleep with him, his stock procedure. But the date had been falling apart. It first started with his suit getting ruined. After dressing himself up in a nice blazer and shirt outfit, it was massacred by spaghetti after Mac spilt it on top of Dennis. Mac was haphazardly carrying it through their shared kitchen and failed to notice him.
"Christ Mac, what the hell are you doing!"
But that was okay. He could manage. He would just have to change. And although this did delay him, he could still D.E.N.N.I.S this girl. He could just say he was late because he was helping some old lady cross the street or looking after a stray kitten.
After successfully making it out of the door, he began to drive to the date. A cute restaurant not too far from his apartment, a picturesque rendezvous. But this was stalled even further by the lack of parking spaces available. Dennis groaned at threw his head back against the car headrest. After circling the block for what felt like the 100th time, Dennis decided to just park further away and book it to the restaurant. He settled for a tucked away corner of the city. Sure, it was far, but hey, at least it was a space.
Finally, after running to the entrance of the restaurant, he saw his date waiting, arms folded.
"Dennis! There you are! What took you so long?Are you.. okay? You look at a little out of sorts." Cadence spoke.
"Sorry. Sorry. Some old hags cat was- was trying to cross the road. I had to run from the other side of town." Dennis panted. He didn't expect the journey to have made him so debilitated. 'Not a perfect excuse, either. I might have messed up the wording..' he thought.
Dennis and his date, Cadence finally entered the restaurant. Dennis regained most of his breath and approached the host.
"Reynolds, table for two." He told the host.
The host scanned their notebook with a pen and searching eyes.
"Sorry, sir, I don't see anything for Reynolds here. Are you sure you booked for this restaurant?" The host replied. They lacked any kind of care for the situation, replying in a detached tone. Most likely years of working customer service had drained them.
"Am I sure I booked for- do you think I'm some kind of bumbling buffoon? Of course I fucking did!" Dennis snarled. Seemingly the frustrations from the evening were overflowing and spilling out.
"What do you take me for some kind of idiot!?" Dennis continued to bawl.
At this point, his date was getting embarrassed of his uncontrolled emotions. Cadence leaned in and touched his forearm. And maybe if it wasn't Dennis Reynolds she had performed this action on, it could have worked and soothed him.
"Dennis its okay, we can go eat somewhere else if you want?"
Immediately Dennis shook her grip off him.
"If I want? Why would I want to eat somewhere else when I made a fucking reservation here. What I want is to eat here!" He snapped, tapping his finger on the hosts notebook.
"Dennis, it's okay. We will do whatever you want." Cadence tried again.
"What I want? What I want is... well, what would you know about fixing shit! You're just..! Well, you're not.. not." Oh. And that's when it hit him.
What Dennis wanted now was not a reservation at this pseudo-rich restaurant. And he knew he certainly didn't want Cadence to try and comfort him. Her words didn't seem to hold any mindfulness or meaning... but yours did. She wasn't you. What he wanted was you. That's all he ever wanted. Everything else he had been doing for was a pathetic search to fill the void. The women he was trying to do, D.E.N.N.I.S, the dates he'd go on, the sex he would have, it all meant nothing.
All he wanted was you. A pure undivided love and something he had never felt before. Dennis had an unprofound realisation that he liked someone. Something most come to grips with in adolescents. But for him, that realisation was something he had never had. It made his heart ache and burn. He needed to act. He needed to call you and spill his heart out. Because no one was like you, and that's all he could think about as he turned on his heel and left the restaurant.
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whoretan · 2 years
ARK 45 | 02
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Summary: After what turned out to be an unsuccessful night, Jimin invites you over to his apartment where things certainly go in another direction.
WC: 3.5k
Play me while you read.
Pairing: Club Owner/Mafia!Jungkook, Hitman!Reader (ft. Jimin)
tags: um, so reader n jimin, yeah, fuckin against a window, slapping, dirty talk, murder and torture, possessive jimin???, jimin is a sadist, im sorry for what ive done, theres like 10% plot, 90% porn, reader will smash jk soon i swear
Chapters: 1 | 2 (ur here)
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The screams of ache bouncing across the wooden walls are only driving your frustration further. 
You enjoy hurting people, but tonight, you have no patience for the whiny asshole Jimin left you to deal with. 
And typically, you have the patience of a fucking saint. 
About fifteen minutes after you left ARK, Jimin texted you the geo-coordinates to a random location that won’t show up on any Google searches. 
Jimin doesn’t trust anyone but you to do his dirty work. So while he gets to pounce around the city like an angel in a suit, you’re stuck dealing with the tedious and messy portion of the job. Then again, it pays well, so, there’s no room for complaining.
“I’m about three seconds away from slicing your tongue off,” you warn. “And I don’t plan on being nice about it either, John.” 
“Jesus fuckin’ christ lady,” he cries like a little bitch. “Jungkook don’t tell us which warehouse he keeps the shipments in, that’s for the upper guys.” 
 John has about five seconds left before he goes knocking on God’s door. 
“So what you’re telling me is that you’re useless?” You deduce, grabbing his chin roughly to part his saliva-covered lips. 
“No, no, no,” he pleads. “There’s someone at ARK that can get you the information you want.” 
Sweat drips down his nose, mixing with the blood riddling his face. John’s bald, somewhere in his late thirties, and a whiner. He has a wedding band on his left hand, probably some kids too, not that any of it’s your concern. 
You’d already cut off two of his fingers, stabbed his Achilles heel, and are coming close to slicing his tongue off. Normally, you like to play this thing slowly. The slower the better, the more likely the chance of getting whatever unfortunate fucker landed in your hands to spill the information you need.
John cringes away from the knife, tears bubbling out from beneath his lashes. 
“Dude name is Tony. H-he’s one of the security guards. B-big n’ tall, huge snake tattoo on his face.”
You roll your neck, groaning as the muscles pop. It’s been a long fucking day, and you’re still wearing the damned hooker dress that Jimin had dropped off for you.
“Great, thanks,” you say casually as if you haven’t spent the past hour torturing him. 
His breathing calms, and he looks up at you through his dull, ugly eyes and hope radiates from them. You almost laugh.
“So, y-you’ll let me go, right?” he asks, staring up at you like a little kid begging for a toy. 
“Sure,” you say. 
“Are you serious?” he pleads. 
“No, John,” you grin. “I’m not.”
You swing your arm back and plunge the entirety of your knife through his temple. 
He dies instantly, slumping forward against the rope that bonded him to the chair. 
You slide your knife from his skull, the noise threatening to ruin your dinner plans. This is unfortunate because you’re really fucking hungry. 
The knife squelches against the skin, taunting and unwilling to leave the flesh. And sure, while you enjoy a good torture session, you don’t get off on the sounds that accompany it.
Typically on a night like this, you’d dismember poor little John and then dump his remains into the cremator you and Jimin keep at a warehouse off the grid. 
But, not tonight. 
You weren’t even supposed to be on the clock, besides the obvious shit show that happened at ARK. 
You sigh, pulling out your phone from your bra, and cringe at the sight of blood smudging onto the screen. It’ll be a bitch to clean later, so you wipe it down on your matching red dress. 
going home. going to light a cig first.
Light a cig being code for burning down whatever building you’re in. 
Shoving the phone back into your bra, you bend down to John’s level, searching through his pockets. Dude’s like him almost always have a smoking problem, and besides, the fucker smells like it too. Mixed with his own piss that is of course. 
Your hand lands on the familiar plastic and you sigh thankfully, one less headache for you.
There’s a vibration against the shell of your tit and you straighten your back, pulling out the device again. Jimin’s name is written in bold letters atop your notification center.
good. come by my apartment.  
Something inexplicably dark arises in your chest.
 Jimin never asks you to come over. 
You suck in your bottom lip, biting back a groan. Goodbye dinner it is.
Sure, why the hell not?
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A ping sounds, and the doors to Jimin’s penthouse apartment open. 
He lives fifteen or so minutes away from your own apartment, but on top of the already fifty-minute drive home from the barn— you’re not exactly thrilled by any account to be here.
He stands by the door, gaze entirely locked on yours and you can’t help but scowl. So what? It’s four in the damn morning and no human being should look this well put together at this hour. 
Jimin wears black lounge trousers, a low-cut robe with embroidered flowering, and that damned rosary he can’t seem to ever take off. 
“Come in,” he motions his head toward the inside of his apartment. 
You nod, locking in your bottom lip as you slip past your boss. A sliver of something that shouldn’t be so pleasant curls in your stomach— the smell of the deep and citrus oceanic cologne he always has on invades your senses. 
The feeling is so strong and sudden that you exhale a breath to try and push it away. 
He steps into the apartment after you, and with a click, locks the door. This feels all too intimate. 
You blink.
He sighs. “Jungkook.” 
The chance of you admitting you performed a lap dance for Jeon Jungkook is zero. You’d cut your own tongue off before you ever admit that you might’ve slightly enjoyed it. 
You sigh. “He wasn’t in. I’m going to call the front desk tomorrow.” 
Jimin quirks a brow, and the playful tug to the corner of his lips tells you all you need to know. He doesn’t believe a single word you just said. 
You groan and turn around, making a beeline to the cloud couch he had you order last year. You sink into the white cushion and moan at the softness that envelopes your frame, it feels like heaven on Earth. Soft as hell and a hundred times better than the one in your own home.
“Where’s the dress?” Jimin appears from behind you, the hint of that smirk still remaining on his face— just the slightest curl in his lips. His eyes travel over your body, and you feel the intrusion. 
You roll your eyes. You’ve changed into a skirt and long sleeve shirt. Not your best look, but it’s better than what Jimin deemed to be a dress. “I gave it to the hooker outside.” 
He chuckles and the sofa beside you dips.
A beat passes and then Jimin says, “I’m going to have to fuck the information out of Miranda.” 
You release a heavy breath at the sudden change of atmosphere. What the fuck is going on with him tonight? 
Turning your head to face your boss, you watch his tongue travel over his bottom lip. His gaze drops to your exposed legs, and you subconsciously clench your thighs in response. 
It’s too hot in here. Way too fucking hot. You have to divert the conversation somewhere else, somewhere where he isn’t devouring your skin like it’ll be his last meal.
“Jimin, is everything okay?” 
He doesn’t break eye contact but the darkness envelops his eyes. 
“No ___, it’s not.” He looks away momentarily to sigh, then meets your gaze again. “Jungkook wants me dead, and once he finds out about you he’ll kill you too. I just found out that he’s already on Hobi’s trail and now I’m gonna have to spend almost all my time playing prince charming for his annoying fucking sister when I just really want to spend my time fucking you.” 
Your breath hitches and you have to look away from the fiery gaze. Diverge. Don’t think.
Not once in your career has Jimin made any moves on you. Hell, before tonight you hadn’t even stepped foot into his apartment. The thought of having sex with your boss had been only a mere daydream on your first night on the job, never again.
“Jimin, I don’t think that’s a good idea.“
Without hesitation, he shifts closer to you, hand touching the bare skin of your lower thigh. “Why not? I’ve had people breathing down my fucking neck every day all week. I can’t even fuck anymore because I’m too paranoid they’re a spy Jungkook’s sent on me.” 
The confession has you blinking, shell-shocked. Since when has Jimin become this paranoid about Jungkook?
His body presses against yours, sandwiching you between him and the cushion. You stifle a gasp when he leans in and the warmness of his breath courses your lobe. “He knew who you were tonight.”
Everything stills, one second Jimin’s hovering over you, warm breath tickling your skin as your stomach does laps. The next, you’re pushing him off of you, sending him hurling off of the couch and backward. He regains his composure and inches forward again, like a predator about to devour its prey. He grabs both of your wrists to prevent you from clawing his eyes out of their sockets.
Your heart pounds in your chest. Jimin sent you into ARK when Jungkook knew what you looked like?
Holy shit.
Jungkook knows what you look like. 
He knew tonight and still had you grinding on his hard cock. 
You take a deep breath, trying to calm the hurricane brewing in your chest. 
Fuck, fuck. You’re going to lose your shit and possibly strangle your boss.
“I need you to calm down,” he grits against your hold, pushing his body completely onto yours, leaving you limp in his hold. “I didn’t tell you because I wanted to see what his reaction would be.” 
You lock your gaze with his, anger dancing in all the curvatures of your face. You feel tiny and helpless encased in his hold. Even more, you’re surprised he has the strength to hold you like this, unmoving, unfaltering like it’s the easiest thing in the world. 
What if Jungkook decided to kill you?  
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” 
He leans in, warm breath caressing your lobe. “Doesn’t it excite you? That he played along with your little game, Joanna?” 
“Jimin, I’m fucking serious, I—“ 
He’s so heavy on top of you, his chest moves rapidly as he presses further into you. You feel the apples of his cheeks rise against your neck, “Did you fuck him?” 
This is too much. Too much all at once. You’re suffocating in Jimin’s scent, his breath, his voice. 
You shake your head and close your eyes. 
“You wanted to though, right?” He whispers amusingly. 
He’s enjoying this. He’s bathing in your discomfort, the way your twitching against him, withering away from his hold, pushing your neck away, he basks in it. This should be wrong, it should terrify you. 
Yet, it doesn’t. His weight feels good, it feels exhilarating to lose control for once. To be the given instead of the giver, to have your freedom stripped bare. 
So, instead of screaming you confess, “Y-yes.” 
Jimin hums, sending a wave of vibration through your neck. He licks a strip from the bottom to the shell of your lobe, “And do you want me to fuck you, too?” 
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Your mind draws a blank and the only thing that pounds through it is, yes, yes, yes. 
“What’d he tell you?” Jimin asks as he releases your wrists from his grip. You let them drop to the cushion without a fight. 
He doesn’t stand from the couch, instead, he digs his knee further into the space between your opened legs and straightens his back. When your eyes meet, his eyes are dark, low, and filled with an intimacy you’ve never seen before from him. 
“He said he doesn’t hire whores,” you sigh at the recollecting memory. The sounds of Jungkook’s laughter as he walked out of his office to call the guards fills your mind. 
It’s Jimin’s very own laughter that drags you back to the present. 
“How ironic,” He muses.
He’s terrifying like this, dominating you in every way possible as he looms above you. He undoes the piece of fabric keeping his robe pieced together and lets the sides fall. You flinch subconsciously when he raises his hand to grab your chin.
“Do you want me to fuck you like a whore, ___?” 
You catch your breath at the monster before you. It’s not the words that leave you breathless, it’s the sweet smile accompanying them. The same one he gives you when he walks into the building in the afternoon, or when he hands you a check after a mission saying you’ve done a great. It’s welcoming, friendly, and utterly fucking terrifying. 
This is a horrible idea. Slowly, you nod. 
The sound comes first, then the realization. You blink repeatedly as your vision blurs, the impact so brutal it’s left you looking in the other direction. Then, the pain. Sizzling, stinging, and painfully hot. Your cheek will bruise, without a doubt. You moan. 
When you turn your head around to face Jimin his smile only grows, wider and wider. He pushes his knee further into your cunt, the friction bringing it alive.  “Again.”
This time, he hits the other cheek. 
Adrenaline courses through your veins, it pulses in every one of your nerves, and it sends your body ablaze along with it. The pain feels so fucking good. 
You want him to cut you open and eat you alive. 
Without another word, Jimin pushes his knee off of the couch, cracks his neck, and points toward the exposed windows, “Strip.” 
You oblige, following the command like a lost puppy. He backs away, giving you space as you push off of the couch and toss your clothes. Avoiding the intruding stare, you turn around and walk to where you know he wants you.  The air in his apartment is freezing, leaving you with hard nipples and goosebumps.
The windows are completely open to the world. 
Anyone in the other high rises will be able to see you. They can see you.  
The city’s beautiful, shimmering lights keep it alive in the darkness. In the reflection of the glass, you see Jimin stalking toward you as if he has all the time in the world. 
He stares at your legs, ass, and back, then he meets your gaze in the reflection. When he reaches your heel, his hands graze your stomach, and his lips meet the back of your neck in soft slow kisses. It’s when his hand pushes past your stomach and below your underwear that the ecstasy hits you.
He’s slow, painfully so, his middle finger slides through your folds and you feel teeth etch themselves into your shoulder. The cold metal of the ring grazing your clit finger sends a shiver down your spine, you release a groan and he bites harder on the flesh. 
He rubs your clit with two fingers, allowing you to savor in the warming pulses rippling through your cunt. Through the pleasure, you feel him pushing his hard cock into your ass, grinding onto the exposed flesh. 
You’re moaning like hell, unable to contain how good it feels to have someone dominating you, relishing in your body. He releases your clit and moves his fingers downward, instantly sticking two digits in your hole. The pain from how hard he’s biting into your shoulder, undoubtedly drawing blood, with how fast his fingers pulse in and out of you sends you into another dimension.
In the back of your mind, you hear the slow rhythm of The Weeknd’s song filling the air, transcending you back in time. Jungkook’s low growl and how hard his dick felt on your ass as you danced for him. 
The fact that you made him hard even though he knew who you are.
The fact that he wanted to fuck you regardless of the idea that you possibly murdered his father.  
He let you grind on him, feel all of him. 
He wanted you. 
You want him right now. Want to feel the swell of his cock again, hear him say those nasty arrogant words, and steal them from his lips. 
“Just like that,” Jungkook growls against your ear.
You open your eyes, panting hard, it’s Jimin who stares back into the reflection, smirking at your battered form. You’re spasming all over his fingers, pussy pulsing in a rhythmic beat as you orgasm. You’re moaning, hands pressed flat against the glass. 
Jimin doesn’t wait for you to finish riding the waves of your orgasm. He takes his fingers out of you, leaving your cunt clenching against nothing. You’re too occupied with calming your breaths to hear the fabric of his trousers tossing, to hear him his as he hisses when he uses the same fingers he used in you to wet his cock. 
You do, however, feel him push your thong to the side and the swell of his cock at your entrance. You’re so ready, you’ve never been more ready for anything else. It’s been two fucking years. God, you can’t fucking think straight.
“Fuck me al—“
The words are stolen from you when Jimin pushes himself into you completely, he doesn’t let you catch your breath, doesn’t give you time to formulate any words, he just goes. 
With one hand, he grabs the back of your neck and slams your face into the glass. The coldness of it feels good on your cheek, the mixture of the hard surface and the pounding has you grinding through your teeth, it’s too much. It encompasses you, filling you like nothing else in the world can.
Jimin fucks you relentlessly, pounding in you at light speed. He’s breathing hard, but he doesn’t stutter. The sound of flesh colliding with flesh fills the quietness of his apartment, you can’t help but moan. 
“The world’s watching you.” He releases your neck, quickly switching over to grab a bundle of your hair and yank your head toward the flashing city.  
It’s blurry, all over the place, and you moan like a whore for it. 
“Watch them,” Jimin growls. 
He’s fucking you faster than before, your stomach bubbles with the formation of a second orgasm. You can’t think, can’t breathe, you’re just taking. Taking Jimin’s cock as he gives it to you, as he takes everythingfrom you.
You close your eyes, and your head falls limp. Everything feels so slick, so wet. Jimin’s cock is easing in and out of you, his free hand grips your exposed boob, massaging it. 
“Open your fucking eyes,” He releases your tit, slapping it before grabbing your chin to face the world before you. “Watch them as I fuck you.” 
A muffled sound escapes you, he’s let go of your hair, exposed chest flat against your back as he continues thrusting. 
“You’ll kill anyone for me,” He says, voice wavering in pleasure, “I just need to say the name.” 
Your heart and head pound because he’s right. The second he says a name, the life has already been taken from them. They’ve been handed over to the Grim Reaper, and fuck, does Park Jimin own you. 
Every command is his, and every action of yours is done by his accord.  
Jimin’s hips are stuttering now, he’s mumbling something but you can’t get the thought out of your head, can’t hear the words.
You’ll do anything to fulfill his command. Anything. 
Your stomach coils, and your pussy pulses faster than before. You feel Jimin’s falls hitting your cunt with each thrust and it feels too good. It’s too good, too overwhelming. 
“Mine,” he moans, and then he’s stuttering, sloppily thrusting until he stops. He allows the milky liquid to spill into your cunt.
He continues to slowly thrust in you, pushing his cum further and further back into you. He’s claiming you. He’s fucking claiming you. 
Your head falls limp, forehead against the glass and you breathe hard. 
Jimin pulls out of you, hissing as the cold air envelops his dick. He slaps your ass and tugs his cock back into his trousers. 
You can’t move, can’t breathe, can’t think.
Mine, mine, mine. 
Jimin’s words replay in your mind on an endless loop. His.
If you’re supposed to be his, then why can’t you seem to get a certain arrogant son-of-a-bitch’s face out of your head?
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Reply 2 be added. Ty for reading.
@callmejimmeo @jasminperez18 @yoon2jk @jungkookminthairwhen @emogyus @nochuntae @hopesflwr @jmnrl @dracujin @bbyjmmns @virgojimi @jikukker @dollbabyg @ieonkrive @iholdkoo @namaslaylife @mini-mouser22 @greetieweetie @ohyeakjk @sugatalus @kooikk @vanteskku @duskvk @ggukssluvrr @sweetempathprunetree @monilyv @jkoomimi @jessieeq1986 @koozip @jjkuteu @naaktj @kooliv @yourslut16 @luvrkoo @jamlesstars @purrbangtann @scientisterror @darkuni63 @prudyhoo @nochubabystarcandy @wonieeee @st3ft0n3s @manjir0 @mdibby
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girl-kendallroy · 2 years
hi! do you recommend reading demons/have any tips? i recently read crime and punishment and im trying to get into more ruslit
hi! this is going to be so fucking long im sorry in advance lmao
overall i really liked it, crime and punishment is still number one for me but this is a close second (until i finish tbk and notes from underground.) i know some people (cough, redditors) hate it because it's pretty long for like. three things to happen at the very end but!! i would argue that a big part of the point of the book is how the village and the different classes within interact. it's not plot driven, but it's also not meant to be plot driven; its a satire of real people who dostoevsky knew of and hated lmfao. (side note i love how so many of his works are thinly veiled criticisms of shit he hated. he is So Interesting to me) demons is also pretty swag because you could make the argument that multiple characters can be easily read as gay which adds SO MUCH. (the big one is pyotr verkhovensky, but they’re all kinda 💅 ) no spoilers though if you’ve been on my blog since i finished you’ve probably seen them but there is one chapter that is very very emotional and touching and i was crying... iykyk. anyway the rest is under a cut
some things that would be helpful when reading this is for starters, reading it on a regular schedule; there are a lot of details early on that i forgot because i was just picking it up when i felt like it/when i had time. also, the pevear/volokhonsky translation hits (there are a lot of scenes with word choices that made me go umm... gay.... so if that’s your thing...) and the appendices are very in depth and very explanantory (demons is verryyy 1860s russia and there are a ton of references to that and i, as a 21st century north american, did not understand at all.) It took me 3.5 months to finish demons, but i wasn't reading it very consistently. Finally, i think most editions/translations have the chapter 'at tikhons' as an appendix, and apparently it was one that dostoevsky wanted to include, but wasn't allowed to. definitely read it, either right after the chapter that replaced it, or the end of the book. (i read it after i finished the book)
Here are some themes/devices to keep an eye out that i looked for that are pretty significant imo
what is stavrogins deal? is he the mastermind/god people seem to think he is? is he a villain or is he just caught in a shitty situation?
DEFINITELY read into christian imagery and allusions. note allusions to the holy family (i picked up on two, there probably are more) and who is being called a christ figure, and who is calling them that? are they right?
what is the deal between stepan trofimovich and varvara petrovna? what events can they be blamed for? are they just as bad as pyotr/the revolutionary circle?
likewise, take note of things that are called demonic, insane, possessed, etc. note when they happen as well, and the frequency.
try to pinpoint when things start to go wrong for everyone/when fate is sealed.
look at the main guys in the revolutionary circle, and which ideologies they seem to represent, as well as their main conflicts. what are their main personality traits?
the ladies, both Stavorgins Sluts (sorry marya timofeevna:( ) and the rich old ladies. how are they hypocritical/ironic? are they victims or enablers of their men (specifically stavrogin and the verkhovenskys) which of them are ignorant (or are they just stupid? note: definitely not a feminist novel.)
a lot of people (not just tumblrinas) read pyotr verkhovensky as kind of gay when it comes to stavrogin. is he actually, or is he acting to further his schemes as some sort of fucked up flattery? how is this expressed through the eyes of other characters around him?
what is the deal with kirillov and shatov? what do their philosophies say about one another and their relationship (pertaining to like. literary analysis but also are they gay?)
obviously this is a critique of nihilism/atheism/socialism in russia in the 1860s but i found that a lot of the sentiments and the r/epublican party/ m*ga movement. do you agree? what do you recognize from today’s politics? 
if you read this mess of a book (cue white mom sign that says bless this mess, because there is so much drama ) i hope you enjoy it and please like. talk to me about it i need to scream about this criminally underrated book.
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aropride · 2 years
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after quite a while of tossing the idea around, i've finished making a physical version of tommy and ranboo's letters during exile!!
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reblogs > likes yall know the drill
Transcript under the cut, because it’s very long. For the sake of accessibility i fixed all the typos, but the typos are there in the physical book.
my mcyt content is now on @genderqueeradrien!
(The cover is made of thick brown paper and has the word “Untitled” in the top left, in Ranboo’s handwriting. Otherwise, the cover is blank. Ranboo’s handwriting is messy cursive. Tommy’s handwriting is unpredictably capitalised, and slanted to the left.)
Page 1.
How are you doing? Hope you are well. You probably aren't well huh.... Welp 
hope you find a way back in here 
Here is a joke:
 What do you call a bad idea?
 Letting a green man have total control
 That was pretty funny huh 
Anyway, just write in the book to reply and leave it here
talk to you soon 
Page 2.
Hi Rabboo! 
It's me. Big T. Aka Tommy. Aka Tommy Gun The finest
 Just being okay you know.
 Looking for Blaze Power at the min ahaha
 Just wondering, do you want to keep up a snapchat stream with me I lost all mine I lost them years ago I need snapchat I love snap score and streaks and the dog filter
Anyways speak to you soon sorry you have to be so quiet when messaging me im really all over the place ahahahah the ghost smells awfully fucking weird
 Bye bYe from Tommy!
 Smiles all around all around the park
Page 3.
Hey Tommy!
 I dont really know what happened to the last book, but we can just use this one. 
Hope you are doing a little better, Tubbo is doing well, he does seem like he regrets what he did, so maybe there could be hope in the future for you to return! i left the "house" you made exactly how it was.
 Here's another joke:
 If we make muffin a swear then badboyhalo can't speak at all, and that is pretty funny I think.
 Hope you don't die in lava. 
Page 4.
Hi Ranboob!
 It's me. Big T. 
Im afraid of Lava not im Lava Phobic. Im doing good! Im feeling better. Hands are a little shakier then ahaha 
Thinking about reinstalling Snapchat. I miss ladies Very lonely. Very scared. Please visit soon
 Tommy (aka Big T)
Page 5.
You should reinstall snapchat that is a good idea. 
I didn't know you guys were here, I feel like someone is trying to take the mail as the last book was gone. I will figure out a better way of communication.
 Jesus Christ Dream is scary. Heres a joke:
that was funny. Stay sane
I guess i hid the other mailbox a bit too well as you had no idea where it was. So i hope that you found this one at least. 
Hope you are doing well! I do plan to visit soon so maybe you could think of something that we could do that could be fun. Things are going well here, I made a pit where people fight. I have not fought anyone in this pit but I hope to soon because it would be fun.
 Here is another joke:
 George is still not found. He is lost. And that is funny.
 Anyway, i hope you aren't going too insane. See you later,
 -Ranboo (WITH NO B)
Page 6.
 HI ranboo.
 Not feeling talkative today. 
 You missed up our streak we were on Snapchat Timers and now its gone :///////
 No <3 
Anways ahah im feeling down so fuckin down im alone and no one no fucking one comes to visit me a lot and i want to go
Page 7.
Yeah sorry about the snap streak being lost, I hid the chest in the christmas tree but i guess that was just too good of a spot.
 I dont understand why no one is visiting, but I hope that yesterday was fun.
 Here is a joke:
 Villagers are ugly as hell huh 
That was a good joke.
 Anyway, hope to have you back soon 
Page 8.
Hi ranboo 
Feeling distant 
Everyone is pitying me. Not sure how much longer I can go.
 I can't sleep Ranboo. Every night. Loneliness haunts me. I can't cuddle my likes when I'm asleep. Even though the primes got me, I'm still so so alone i'm so alone help me ranboo please for the lover of god i think and i type like god but im not god im just a big im just a pussy
 Your Faithfully,
 Big T
Page 9.
 I really hope that you are doing better from what you wrote yesterday. I'll try to visit you as much as I can and just know that it isn't out of pity. It's because you're the only one that hasn't left yet.
 Hope to see you again soon. 
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cmyknoise · 3 years
i’m on a thinking-about-the-exile-arc mood tonight so, here’s one. 
ranboo and tommy wrote letters throughout exile. i think the content of these letters are super important but so is another detail. 
the letters pre-date the memory book. the memory book was first written the day that phil was put under house arrest as ranboo’s first entry spoke about how he thought it was going to be peaceful. 
the letters between ranboo and tommy appear as two books and i feel the need to remind everyone what they say. the first book was 6 pages, the second book was 18 pages. there was a point when the letters stopped all together. and ranboo visited tommy in person about twice. these were primarily sent during the middle days in exile, up until the last few
Book 1:
"EYYYYY TOMMY How are you doing? Hope you are well. You probably arent well huh.... Welp hope you find a way back in here Here is a joke: What do you call a bad idea? Letting a green man have total control That was pretty funny huh Anyway, just write in the book to reply and leave it here. talk to you soon. -Ranboo (WITH NO B AT THE END I SWEAR)"
"Hi Rabboo! Its me. Big T. Aka Tommy. AKa Tommy Gun The finest Just being okay you know. Looking for Blaze Power at the min ahaha Just wondering, do you want to kepe up a snapchat stream with me I lost all mine I lost them years ago I need snapchat I love snap score and streaks and the dog filter Lmk Anyways speak to you soon sorry you have to be so quiet when messaaging me im really all over the place ahahahhah the ghost smells awfully fucking weird Bye bYe from Tommy! Smiles all around all around the park"
Book 2:
“Hey Tommy! I dont really know what happened to the last book, but we can just use this one. Hope you are doing a little better, Tubbo is doing well, he does seem like he regrets what he did, so maybe there could be hope in the future for you to return! i left the "house" you made exactly how it was. Here's another joke: If we make muffin a swear then badboyhalo can't speak at all, and that is pretty funny I think. Hope you don't die in lava. -Ranboo (STILL WITH NO B AT THE END)"
"Hi Ranboob! Its me. Big T. Im afraid of Lava not im Lava Phobic. Im doing good! Im feleong begtger. Hands are a little shakeir rhen ahhaha Thinking about reininstallling Snapchat. I miss ladies Very loenly. Very scared. Please visit soon Tommy (aka Big T)"
"You should reinstall snapchat that is a good idea. I didnt know you guys were here, I feel like someone is trying to take the mail as the last book was gone. I will figure out a better way of communication. Jesus Christ Dream is scary. Heres a joke: Bazinga that was funny. Stay sane -Ranboo"
"I guess i hid the other mailbox a bit too well as you had no idea where it was. So i hope that you found this one at least. Hope you are doing well! I do plan to visit soon so maybe you could think of something that we could do that could be fun. Things are going well here, I made a pit where people fight. I have not fought anyone in this pit but I hope to soon because it would be fun. Here is another joke: George is still not found. He is lost. And that is funny. Anyway, i hope you arent going too insane. See you later, -Ranboo (WITH NO B)"
"Tommy HI ranboo. Not feeling talkative today. K. You missed up our streak we were on Snapchat Timers and now its gone ://///// Man No <3 Anwyas ahah im feeling down so fuckin down im alone and no one no fucking one comes to visit me a lot and i want to go Tommy"
"Yeah sorry about the snap streak being lost, I hid the chest in the christmas tree but i guess that was just too good of a spot. I dont understand why no one is visiting, but I hope that yesterday was fun. Here is a joke: Villagers are ugly as hell huh That was a good joke. Anyway, hope to have you back soon -Ranboo (I SWEAR THERE IS NO B AT THE END PLEASE)"
"Hi ranboo Feeling distant Everyone is pitying me. Not sure how much longer I can go. I can't sleep Ranboo. Every night. Loneliness hanunts me. I can't cuddle my likes when I'm asleep. Even thouhg the primes got me, I'm still so so alone i'm so alone help me ranboo pelkase for hte lover of god i thin kand i type like god but im not fgod im just a big im just a pussy Your Faithfully, Big T"
"HEY BUDDY! I really hope that you are doing better from what you wrote yesterday. Ill try to visit you as much as I can and just know that it isnt out of pity. Its because you're the only one that hasnt left yet. Hope to see you again soon. -Ranboo"
After this? Nothing. The pillar attempt from Tommy would happen then the execution attempt on Technoblade would happen. Tommy wouldn’t see Ranboo again until Ranboo would give Techno’s armor back (written about on page 2/4 of the memory book) and Clarencio incident (written about on page 3/4 of Ranboo’s first memory book). 
I think this is super important because, to this day, nearly 7 months later, Tommy has never opened up about exile to anyone the amount that he did to Ranboo during exile. 
It’s...sad, it’s really sad because, as someone who watched Tommy read and write the letters, but in the letters themselves you can see his spiral throughout exile. He’d write a response about once a day. Ranboo, other than Dream and Ghostbur, was the only contact he had. 
It gets to the point where he pleads and begs- not for rescue or for tools or weapons or anything, just for help, for Ranboo to visit and just talk to him because of how bad it’d gotten. 
It was a day or so later when Tommy leapt from the pillar, and then Techno’s execution. Ranboo didn’t have a memory book until the execution. There were only four pages in the first memory book, and then it goes missing, and that kicks up the beginning of Ranboo’s heavy lore and the creation of things like the panic room. 
Ranboo, to this date other than Dream and partially Ghostbur, is the only one to have witnessed Tommy’s mental state during exile, as well as been the only one Tommy has opened up to his feelings in such a way to, and...well. It’s lost. This was pre-memory book. We know things if not written down are often forgotten. 
Sure, he remembers stuff like when they’d stolen from George’s house, and he remembers big events, but would these letters have been big enough to remember, especially when he’s forgotten bigger? Or how, in only days after they were written, bigger events (execution, memory book fiasco, etc) occurred? I’m not too sure. 
It’s just another tragic thing about exile. How Tommy quite literally begged and pleaded for the simple action of someone talking to him, and the only one to have experienced that side of Tommy would have been Ranboo.
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6x13: The Gauntlet
Two enjoyable episodes back-to-back? I'm shook! Obviously 6x13 lacks the serious messaging and emotional weight of last week's episode but the silliness of it was actually entertaining. My thoughts:
- opening scene is a supercorp hug. christ y'all need to warn people! i was not ready. the way kara's face lit up when she saw lena, the way lena smiled back at her. the way they hugged fully pressed. my heart is full.
- kara n lena immediately whisking away to the fortress right after that for some alone time. i love where your head is at kara 😏
- look at dansen being all cute and shit! who gave them the right honestly?
- glad they continued with kelly still processing the stuff from last episode. and alex is really trying to do better. dansen is the example to follow when it comes to healthy adult relationships. i really didn't think this show was capable.
- it's getting harder and harder to like andrea
- i actually forgot willy was shot last season. and they worked through his trauma off screen. what was the point of showing him getting a blast of courage if we weren't going to see him face his fears and shit. y'all really don't like deep topics huh.
- andrea: where's the journalist i hired?
apparently crisis changed him from a stalkery dickhead to the nice baking guy he is now. sorry girl. valid question tho
- can i just say that everyone was looking exceptionally hot in this episode? like lena, kelly and nxyly in particular jesus help me.
- i haven't enjoyed j'onn this much in so long. he was hilarious. letting that mad scientist lady plummel him in the chest, saying "hold that thought", not moving away from the dragon fire.
- brainy possessed by veeta you could tell jesse was told to just have fun with it
- also did this kryptonian witch just say 'ya mon'?
- lena looking all smol and shit with her little white sneakers and soft clothes and her waterfall hair. kara! kiss this woman already!
- kara in the suit talking privately with lena. honestly never thought i'd see the day
- kara: you really don't believe in magic?
lena: i believe in you
- this seriously tho this is such a true statement. they both have believed in each other from minute one, when they had no reason to. and yea lena tried to hate kara for a little while but even then, she never stopped believing in kara's compassion and optimism and kara never stopped believing in lena's goodness and brilliance. just say the words 'i love you' explicitly please.
- interesting that kara's test of courage takes place during her rescuing alex's plane and not idk...all the times she was too scared to tell lena. she thinks it's that one random dude she didn't save and not the times with lena (something she admits terrified her). the only thing i can think of for this moment they chose is because yes kara embraced her powers that night but she didn't step out into the public eye as herself, as the last daughter of krypton. she wasn't vulnerable in that respect. because she was scared to be discovered. because she grew up with that fear and need to fit in (she talks about that in later S1). but i will only accept this IF the show ends with kara stepping out into the world fully and no longer having to hide or deny parts of herself. but i also don't see how you make the courage test about telling lena and not have that end with kara admitting she's in love with her so. that might be why.
- nxyly's courage test was actually very sad. i feel for her truly it's not fair what happened. but her being vulnerable about her feelings is interesting because kara still hasn't learned how to do that
- lena having some convenient device to contain the totem just cuz kara needs it. we love handy and resourceful girlfriends
- what was the point of having lena at the museum if she wasn't gonna be affected? y'all copped out!
- that device that was harnessing lightning also somehow made lightning? is that how it works?
- i ASCENDED when i saw alex and lena being the only ones at kara's bedside. like straight out of fanfiction wtf. how many more times are they going to establish that the two most important people in kara's life is alex (her sister and ride or die) and lena (her best friend and perfect partner). how many times before you make this shit canon?!?!
- 'a reluctant earth witch' it's a very interesting way to pronounce lena luthor
- but also, y'all are telling me that a human witch can tap into imp magic? reality warping magic? all-powerful magic? fuck, lena is really on her way to becoming the most powerful being on the planet
- kelly showing up because lena called. im gonna go ahead and assume this indicates that lena and kelly have also spoken about lena ignoring her message. and that they had a meaningful discussion about it and what happened at the ormfell. because as much as i love lena, she deserved to be dragged just as much (if not more) as the superfriends.
- kelly shielding alex was a good visual. kinda stupid but nice.
- dansen couch scene i stopped breathing cuz i swore kelly was about to propose. i love them so much
- supercorp couch scene is where i died because it came at me without warning. kara sans glasses in her civilian clothes. not performing as kara danvers or supergirl. here she's just kara, an alien refugee chilling with her best friend. which is all she ever wanted and she deserves it!
- kara handing lena her plate. stop it!
- but also lena is in the same clothes all episode. which means they left the tower together. and headed straight to kara's apartment. lena definitely slept over in kara's pjs. I'M NOT OKAY!
- this is the first couch scene we got since alex n kara in 6x08. where Kara admits she doesn't want to be alone anymore. and now she isn't because lena is back. god i actually can't.
- kara's face when lena tells her about being a witch. she's so smitten! they're in love your honour
- lena saying that kara is the epitome of courageous with such seriousness and intensity. even though kara tries to brush it off cuz she can't really agree right now, lena means it 100%
- lena's sad face when kara wanted to stay connected to nxyly even though she could get hurt. worried wife energy we love to see it
- poor nxyly must be confused asf
- but also it's canon that kara feels hopeful and happy around lena and no one can take that from me. and it's not just words. kara's behavior is different, she's smiling more, she's opening up. acting choices melissa explain yourself!
not bad at all. we were fed lots of supercorp after months of nothing. they better keep up this momentum. it was lighter episode in terms of emotions and what have you compare to pervious ones. seems like the season is officially kicking off now that lena is back. probably going to have a totem of the week kinda deal but hopefully they include kelly's storyline with the heights cuz i wanna see the conclusion of that.
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chxrrysangel · 3 years
I Need a Favor
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Part One | Masterlist | Part Three
Summary || A talk with Wanda and Vision at the ice cream parlor gives you a grand idea. Now only to convince your partner to go along with it.
pairing || fakeboyfriend!bucky x black!ofc
word count || 1,730 words
Notes || Diana uses she/they pronouns
Warnings || brief mention of disordered eating, language
"I ruined everything Wanda. She's never gonna talk to me again, " I say while salty tear drops from my cheek into the soft serve below me.
I don't think I've cried this much since Nat and I got into the same university. At least that was a happy memory. Wanda wraps her arms around my body, trying her best to console me.
"Vision! Another cup of Cotton Candy over here!"
Vision, Wanda's boyfriend, pops up from behind the counter, blond hair sticking up in all directions. That's what happens when he's in distress, that man never stops touching his hair.
"But Wanda--". He attempts to argue with her. But when he sees the glare her features are sporting, the words quickly die in his throat.
Not a minute later, Vision wanders over to our table carrying a medium sized bowl on Cotton Candy ice cream, my favorite. The shop is closed now, the last customers leaving about 10 minutes ago. I probably shouldn't be eating my feelings considering I haven't always had the best relationship with food, but I'll cry about that later. Right now, I just need to wallow in the guilt of the mess I've made.
"So, what's the problem exactly Diana? Why are you so distraught right now?" I sigh and will the tears to subside enough for me to give the breakdown. Seeing me struggle to keep my composure, Wanda steps in and I thank the universe for her.
"They kissed Steve at a party a few weeks ago and now he thinks she has a crush on him. Whether she does or doesn't isn't important because he cornered her in the library earlier and now she has to figure out what to do ASAP. They don't want Nat to find out about Steve's "revelation". "
"Shit, Di. So there's nothing you can do? You have no dirt on 'im? Threaten him to keep the secret? Maybe call in a favor or something?"
Favor. Call in a favor.
"Oh my god, Vision you're a genius! I could literally kiss you right now! I mean, obviously I wouldn't. But, you get what I mean." I scramble to gather my things and throw a ten dollar bill on the tabletop.
"I'll see you guys later! I have to go do something!" I don't wait for their response before I'm hurdling out the door and running towards Jones Apartments.
I kind of forgot the distance between Jones Apartments and Wanda's Creamery. That is why by the time I reach them, I feel like someone could peel me off the sidewalk. I don't think I've ever been this out of breath in my entire life. Jesus Christ, how is Nat on the track team? I remind myself to ask her about her running routine while I sit on the curb, trying my best not to burst a lung.
"Diana?" My head perks up at the sound of my name, surprised to see the exact person I was looking for.
"Diana, I told you not to call me that." I get up from the curb so we're more or less eye level. I don't exactly like being talked down to.
"Anyways James, I need to talk to you."
"No." James sidesteps around me, heading towards the swivel door entrance."
"And why not?" I chase after him, hoping that by following him, he'll get annoyed and let me speak so I can go home. It is a Friday after all, I'm sure he has something to do. Probably partying at the frat house. Let's be real here.
"Because, I don't want to." He doesn't wait for my response before he's walking down the corridor to the elevator. I don't know why he thinks he'll be able to escape me, it's not like I don't know his apartment number or anything.
"James--", he looks at me with an irritated expression,"Okay, okay. Bucky. I have a proposition for you.”
"And what about that exactly?"
"That's for a space with privacy. You never know who's listening." He sighs and rolls his eyes before motioning for me to follow. Gotcha. Hook, line, and sinker.
"Absolutely fucking not."
"What do you mean?! I've barely said a thing!"
"It's Steve Rogers, that's enough for me to say no."
"C'mon Buck! Please! I will literally get on my hands and knees, and beg for you to say yes." He smirks at my words and I proceed to punch him in the arm.
"Ow! What was that for?"
"You know exactly what that was for. Anyways, I really, really need your help."
"I already said no. Now get out." I'm starting to get annoyed with him. He's so stubborn.
"James, will you cool it with the bad boy, angry man act! I know you, you fucking moron. You can't fool me with that one. " He stares at me from his seat on the kitchen counter.
"It's not an act."
"Right, because it's not like just 6 months ago you were laying in bed with me at my apartment crying to A Walk to Remember. You're a total baby."
His jaw ticks at my reminder. Ha, gotcha. During the spring of Sophomore year, I tutored James for a semester because he was in trouble of losing his spot on the baseball team. And as they're most valuable and skilled player, coach couldn't let that happen. He'd also lose his scholarship. At first he hated me, but over time we developed a pretty decent friendship. He's actually a really cool guy, and a total softie at that.
"Shut up."
"Ah, so you do remember us being friends at one point. Well, at least before you stopped returning my calls and unfollowed me on Instagram and Twitter."
"Sorry 'bout that." He smiles sheepishly, seemingly apologetic.
"You should be. Anyways, weren't you and Steve friends freshman year? I'd only know him for like a year and a half, but I distinctly remember that you two used to hang out."
"Yeah, we did. But that's in the past." He hops off the counter, opening the fridge to grab a beer. I watch him as he pops the top with his metal arm, the depth of its capabilities continuing to amaze me.
"Why, what happened? Did you guys fall out over a girl or something?," I ask with a laugh. He stays silent.
"Oh my god. You guys did break up over a girl. So, who's the lucky lady?" Again, he doesn't respond.
"Do I know her?" Ok, now I'm intrigued. Maybe a little bit nosy as well, but more intrigued. Inquisitive, if you will.
Again, my words are met with silence.
"Oo, so I do know her. Is it Nat?" He pause for just a millisecond, the same way I did at the party.
"Di, will you just drop it?"
"Oh my god!--" I jump out of my chair, squealing with excitement. "--So, it is Nat!" Wait, shit. It's Nat. Oh, this is bad.
"You think?" Did I say that out loud?
"Yes, you did. Now will you get out of my apartment please?"
"Nope, we have much to discuss"
"So, what exactly do I get out of this besides a headache?"
"Ouch, James. I'm not that bad. So basically, I keep your secret that you ever liked Nat. You get to rub it in Steve's that your crush is a thing of the past. I get him off my back, and finally I figure out how to get you a date with Daisy when we fake break up."
"Ok, I can deal with this. We're gonna need a contract though."
"Oo, look at you using your brain. I guess my tutoring paid off." He pushes me, nearly sending me off the chair to my death.
"Hey, watch it cyborg! What good is a fake girlfriend if you kill them?" Bucky simply rolls his eyes, before pulling out a pen and paper from a side drawer.
"Okay, rule number one : don't tell a single soul. Not one. Got it?"
"Yes, dad," I respond whilst rolling my eyes. He stares at me for a second longer than necessary and I look at him questioningly.
"Nothing. Rule two?"
"Um...we have to act decently couple-y. So that means kissing, you walk me to my classes, I go to your games, stuff like that."
"Okay, good point. Rule three, you have to indulge in some of the things I like. Especially my motorcycle."
"Uh uh. No fucking way am I willingly getting on that death trap."
He laughs at me. He fucking laughs at me. "y/n, it's not that bad I promise. I won't let you die."
"You don't know that."
"I promise, I won't let you die. " He smiles wide at me, enough for his dimples to poke out. He knows how much I love dimples. Well played, Barnes. Well played.
"Okay, put it as a conditional clause. While we're on that note, you have to indulge in my interests too. You have to let me braid your hair once in a while." His face drops in horror.
"Uh uh. Don't even try it Barnes. If I'm willing to put my life in your hands, I'm sure you'll survive some french braids and cornrows." He looks at me for a second before sighing in defeat, realizing I'm not gonna budge any time soon.
"Okay fine, anything else?"
"When are we gonna break up? Or, like what's our condition if it keeps going? We've gotta be believable here." The two of us sit in silence for a few moments, thinking of a time that would suit the earth-shattering demise of our passionate love story.
"Got it! You know that holiday banquet/fundraiser thing the dean throws just after New Years'? You know the one where everyone dresses up like it's the goddamn Met Gala? Well, that banquet has the most hookups of any public event this school has all year. You'd be an absolute moron to let your partner go without you. If we're still doing this by then, you have to go with me."
The banquet is four months from now, so there's absolutely no way in hell we'll still be doing this by that time. With that thought in mind, we shake hands and sign our names at the bottom.
"You've got yourself a deal Barnes."
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sometipsygnostalgic · 3 years
adventure time wizard city liveblog
 well here we go
my last adventure time liveblog, i havent actually done one of these in MANY years... probably not since 2014
this takes place at the same time as obsidian?
yeah i know that’s bufo, they only made it enormously obvious, tsk tsk
@spaceacepearl​ joked about us seeing choose goose get sent to hell but i diDNT EXPECT IT TO HAPPEN
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This music is i assume by one of the many musical artists Adam Muto listed on twitter, it rocks. It’s not as hardcore as Obsidian’s intro, but it’s suitably chill for the scene. 
“get offa my bus kid”
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Those wizards in the left and far right groups appear to be new! 
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i bet hanna and co had fun making these signs
my favourite is the cat with “FAMILIARS HAVE RIGHTS”
cadorka..... wow
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We’re not even four minutes into the ep and peppermint butler has already killed someone in front of a large group of witnesses
“this smells of DARK MAGIC” “yall kids know thats illegal right” peps watches the other kids nod before later joining in, LOL
i cant believe pep started the great gum wars and got killed by golb
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SOMEONE has been playing Overwatch... 
i-- i still cant believe choose goose is fucking dead
how long was he stuck in hell for, or was that recent to together again after new death showed up 
i have to admit im not a big fan of spader, too perfect, and not in that funny way either. i hope they give him some characteristics that make him stand out. 
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im getting flashbacks to OK KO and Owl House here...
Cadebra using music is a reference to Abracadaniel’s love of interpretetive dance in Play Date. 
“they only laugh because youre different” “i know” “SO STOP BEING DIFFERENT” oh my god it’s like talking to my own parents cadebra is actually... a LOT like me, less in her hyperactivity but more in her nonchalant enthusiasm and almost acceptance of the inevitable bullying because it means more time in people’s consciousness
ahhh - it’s quietly revealed here that she is responsible and a skilled magician, she is just bored of magic! i like that she parents abracadaniel instead of being downtrodden by his ramblings. 
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PEP NO--- oh i see the problem, he hasn’t got his Bug Milk... sorry Martin Olsen fans, no Hunson today. At least we get one more Phil Face for the road! 
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candy people in their natural habitat
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Ahhh that’s Doctor Calidoneus! The voice actor was at the recent Distant Lands panel alongside Pep and Blaine’s actors. 
“pretty sure hes just trashcandy” - i like you, sassy antler lady
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the mystery of how he gets clothes
and once again spader is proving to be the most irritating distant lands character of the lot, there is no subversion here. where is the subversion?  
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what is going on here? are pep and peppermint the same person or not? im sure they must be, but there is something going on here with peppermint butler’s soul being trapped in the body of his child self who hasn’t got the same memories. 
OH, HYNDEN WALCH DID A NEW LINE yes this is what im here for, special over 
peppermint butler cursed himself... of course he did - Shado was correct!!!
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love the reference to astral plane, of course pep cant astrally project because cursed pep is still inside of him 
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wow, blaine, wow
they have a crush
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i love the dynamic between cadebra and abracadaniel, imo so far it’s the heart of the special. im not really gripped by peppermint butler’s school troubles. i imagine someone else probably will be but i want to run past that shit as far as possible. 
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ILL SHOW YOU WHEN NICK POSTS THE VIDEO and then ill tell you who made the prediction because i... think it was nick himself, insanity 
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who plagiarized finn’s signature???
turns out pep really DID take over wizard city!!!!
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i love this band
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i understand your pain peps
you probably have a bit too much in common with your mother, and i imagine it isn’t easy being turned into a kid and not being able to do stuff that came so easy. you’re disappointing yourself! (he’s literally disappointing himself)
I’m less than halfway through the special, what the fuck. I wasn’t wrong when I said Wizard City had a lot on its plate. It’s noit that I’ve been particularly gripped up to this point, though to be fair I didn’t pause at all during the other specials barring Obsidian. 
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that... that poor kid is still a rock
and then the preview happened and bufo casually revealed to the audience that, yes, he killed choose goose
i dont know whats happening with pep but it seems he needs to be exorcised of... pep. which is a shame. i hope they learn to coexist. 
i have to say the background work in this special is really good! like, really damn good. 
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oh thats right - abracadaniel is cadebra’s uncle! this must be abracadniels sister. sorry, folks, he doesn’t fuck. 
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Where are they? Is this anywhere near Wizard City? It’s an unpopulated prewar wasteland. 
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my child
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is this an art style choice or did they get the people from that one studio to make this
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the red jacket he wears and his head pill shape is a big kaneda reference actually, which i suppose makes sense considering he’s a rival to our protagonist, but it’s a bit on the nose
bufo killed one of his own students? but why????
“no one likes a rat”
i actually really like blaine, though im confused. did their VA change halfway through the special?
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did doctor caledonius steal the trophy,,,? 
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MONMSTER HUNJTER DISCOVERY NOISE, this time it’s a tetsucabra
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god i wish this is what this special was about, i miss adventure time
these remind me of the comics with their art style :) i wonder who designed them? the one on the right with pb and pep, in particular, very comics-y. 
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fdgfhgf because he’s like 500
“pep can be kind of a jerk but he wouldn’t kill anyone”
sorry, cadebra, i have news for you
is doctor calednoius the true villain? if bufo’s out of the picture, she MUST be, 
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oh no, he might gbe stuck in wizard city :( 
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the writing on the wall...
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okay im not surprised all the teachers at wizard city are cultists in worship of peps, maybe they killed spader and bufo because they bullied peps T_T
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wait no, they thought spader had the potential, but sadly not
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sorry, i was distracted by the pretty dope fight sequence and now the special is over????
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fucking jesse, hes probably at least partly responsible for the cult nonsense
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This credits art is by Maya Petersen!!!! Holy shit it’s adorable!
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okay, it’s over :) 
first thoughts out of the way: not a big fan of this special. it’s like watching a completely different show. it’s not got the PZSHAHH of the normal wizard city stuff and there weren’t a lot of funny jokes or even hearty moments in the thing. 
it suffers from a lack of invested character interactions, much like BMO did. there was not a single main cast member in the whole thing! and like i said before, much of peppermint butler’s character in the show is based on his very sweet relationship to his mother, princess bubblegum, so when they showed a single (hilarious) photo of them together it made me sad we didn’t get any scenes with them together. it would have STOLEN this episode. and they teased the hunson golf photo, and death!!! and jake appeared in a photo T_T last jake appearance. 
it also suffers because Peppermint Butler is clearly not himself, imo he was way more entertaining in the Together Again special, where we seem him back to his “normal” self. 
i dont think peps being a dark wizard was something to “kill off” exactly. i wonder what was going on there? was that actually peps, or was that a spirit he cursed himself with based on himself? we at least know in the future he does become a dark wizard again, and even princess :) this special didn’t answer those questions but lol. 
THE GOOD STUFF, because yes, there was a lot of good stuff! 
God, I’m with Aracle and Maya on this - I LOVE Cadebra and her relationship to Pep. I wish she was even in more of this - I would love to watch the adventures of Cadebra and Pepbut in their first year of school, like in the end credits.
That, imo, is where the heart of the special lay - Peppermint Butler’s attempts to impress himself, versus Cadebra’s self acceptance and desire to follow her dreams of being a goofy goober, no matter what other people thought of her. 
It turned out that Cadebra is a responsible student and family member. I really liked that. Her scenes with Abracadaniel were, somehow, my favourite in the entire special! 
I like that theres a lot of cool magic towards the end of this special, and a lot of HORRIFYING DEATH. It wouldn’t be adventure time if you didn’t randomly kill off child characters. Poor Spader, I hated you but damn, what a grim fate. 
I like that Bufo and Caledonius had this crush/hatred thing going on, but they were part of the same cult in the end. 
I didn’t like the giant peps scene at the end, the monster was extremely milquetoast compared to the madness we usually get in AT. Obsidian, for example, had the awesome Larvo design. Nemesis had some INSANE dark magic!!!!  I wish they drew more from that episode. 
Considering how much Steve Little appears in this special, I do feel bad for Mace (little Peps). He said he would have really benefitted from coaching, but recieved none. He had to re-record his lines 3 times! Judging from his description of events, Wizard City was a hard time for him. 
The wizard school did remind me, heavily, of both The Owl House and OK KO. Personally I was hoping AT would offer me something more insane, but I do love both of those shows, and I know Wizard City was on a really tight schedule. 
I think they should have spent less time on the school bullying plot, and skipped straight to MURDER. 
We did have a cold opening, not on par with Together Again’s at all, but damn!
I am wondering where I would put this in the watch list? I do think it should sit after Obsidian as the third special. The intro scene makes it clear this takes place at the same time as Obsidian!!!
Well, that was it, the last ep of AT for the next few years at least T_T
i think together again was the better finale, definitely. but wizard city feels pretty detached from AT for me, despite the familiar characters it tonally isn’t like the show other than the awesome brutal death scenes. I thought the last 11 minutes was easily the best in the special! Which, honestly, is how it should be, though I do wish it gripped me more. Maybe I’m just not the target audience for Wizard City? It feels like something I would find very compelling if I was a bit younger! 
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faunusrights · 3 years
Rules: Share the titles of each of your current WIPs, and, if your followers ask, share a preview of the one that sounds the most interesting. Send this on to mutuals who you are curious what they’re working on.
tagged by @texanredrose who probably dislikes me personally for this HGDFSGHJSDF. tbh i often don't title like ANYYYYY of my WIPs until i have to input them onto AO3, so uh. i am going to have to bullshit some names. also i'm gonna do tex's thing and add a little synopsis if i TRULY cannot think of a title lmao.
note: i am NOT counting WIPs that have at least one chapter posted because otherwise we will be here FOREVER AND EVER so uh yeah. this is just stuff trapped in my gdocs. also it's just RWBY for the sake of keeping it simple, stupid,
anyway uh am tagging @edarzhar (bitch) and @flawedvictori too!!! perish,
(this got long so here's a cut)
Bunfeed Bunsolved: The Valley Walk -- YES this is still happening just very slowly. this is the first cinder/velvet fic of the series and i am SO excited because it gets Weird out there. also it's mostly all about how much cinder likes hiking until she's actually doing it. inspired by the horror movie The Ritual (2017) if you MUST have context,
Ode to Stray Dogs -- it's that guard dog!Weiss/Cinder AU i posted the entire plot for a week or so ago! i love love love this AU and it WILL happen and it IS happening i'm just very slow about it sdhjfghjsgdfk anyway weiss becomes cinder's guard dog. that's the fic. also it's very kinky.
Untitled Velvet/Cinder Fic I -- it's untitled and it's a fic! this one is about, erm... a high-class restaurant/bar/whatever that also doubles as a kinky hook-up joint because you can pay for the servers to let you get freaky with them??? im SO sorry this au legit was so spur-of-the-moment but anyway velvet is there being very hot and cinder, emerald and neo are there like 👀s about it sfdhjsgdfgk
Untitled Velvet/Cinder Fic II -- HAH THERE'S ANOTHER ONE!!! this one is also just a stupid dumb kinky idea but anyway it's about... um... well... it's... [makes vague gestures] i feel like if i try and explain this one people are going to be like 'really' at me BUT IT'S REALLY HOT OKAY I'M JUST!!!!!!!!!!! look if i say it has excessive cum and involves like all the girls of rwby can we just agree to leave it there,
Pâte à Choux -- velvet/every girl. they have sex. every girl. and velvet. i TRULY need to say no more,
Untitled Cinder/Neo Fic -- okay this one is good. cinder and neo gatecrash a mistrali wedding in which cinder talks to everyone to gather just enough knowledge to pretend to be a very distant relative whilst neo demolishes the buffet. they are both dressed terribly and get really drunk and whilst the groom is very suspicious of these two two nonbinary lesbians cinder gives the wife a really expensive gift and so she's like 'do not fucking kick them out MICHAEL' and it's very stupid and dumb. anyway they do this once a week,
Untitled Cinder, Mercury, Emerald, Neo, Roman Fic -- chatlog! been poking at this one for a bit... it's just the CRME + Neo groupchat and it's a disaster also it's cinder/velvet again I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW SHUT UP I KNOW
Untitled GWS!Weiss/canon!Weiss fic -- you know the one. very horny. also very sad???
The Grimmification of Ruby Rose -- here's the bitch!!! this is happening albeit very slowly. in this AU, grimm are actually infected people (THIS WAS BEFORE CANON MADE IT COOL) who turn into grimm over a period of weeks/months! ruby gets infected when she's 15 and decides to kill salem before salem can kill her. currently tinkering with the idea of making it ruby/velvet but don't quote me,
Untitled Faunus AU (aka The Academy of Menagerie) -- a modified version of my Everyone Is A Faunus AU, in which all the cast are faunus and attend the academy of menagerie, which has been invited to participate in the vytal Festival for the first time in its 25 year history. naturally, teams RWBYJNPRCFVY etc show up and wreck shop.
The Misadventures of Blake Belladonna's Silicone Dick -- THIS IS HAPPENING I SWEAR TO CHRIST it's SO funny i have to finish this eventually!!! anyway this is about a non-binary transmasc blake (aka my regular blake) who uses a packer!!! people find out and things get ridiculous. namely it somehow ends up on the roof at some point,
Untitled Snowboarding AU -- this one is one of those horny ones that isn't horny on the surface but is getting there. anyway ruby wins tickets for an all-expenses-paid trip to one of the schnee resorts up in solitas and gives them to blake and velvet who end up there in her stead. they meet weiss schnee, professional snowboarder, and it turns out that when weiss is amped on adrenaline sahe is absolutely 100% down 2 clown... so yeah it's weiss/blake/velvet fhgjsfdj
Untitled Dishonored AU Spinoff -- for Tex!!! the person who inflicted this upon me. it's a little story set in the dishonored au in which we focus on velvet--in charge of the vale rebellion--and cinder, who is a Crime Lady looking to help the rebellion out if only so she can get back to doing crimes all the damn time. its also about velvet strategically avoiding all of rubys text messages as she runs around like a clown. people die!
My Summer Car/RWBY Crossover -- this is another one i'm gonna get to EVENTUALLY. in which taiyang and summer leave for vacation in mistral and yang goes and hangs out in vale for the summer, leaving ruby in the house alone with nothing but a shitty old car for company. probably ruby/velvet. shenanigans ensue.
Sims Medieval/RWBY Crossover -- i've been working on this one FOREVERRRRRRRRRR and it Will happen. it will. ruby is the bardic hero of the kingdom of vale in service to her majesty glynda goodwitch! along with nine other heroes, ruby has to help save vale from an untimely end... but the old queen salem still lingers in the shadows, and threatens to consume all the kingdoms in her great maw. can ruby, armed with little more than a lute and her wits, help save vale? probably not but she CAN play a banging ballad,
Untitled Taffeta/Sienna/Sherveen Fic -- dicks out for milfs that is all
Untitled Ash/Ghira/Taffeta/Kali Fic -- dicks out for dilfs that is all
not as many as tex but then again if we counted all the motherfuckers still in progress................. yikes. anyway here's that. i've probably forgotten a few/ignored ones that are similar concepts to these just in their own little branches (the aufeis fic has like a BILLION snippets in my files i just count em all as the same thing sdhjgf) but whatever. anyway. pass the curse along.
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fckwritersblock · 3 years
Act 1: While We’re Young
Chapter 5
Erik ‘Killmonger’ Stevens x Black OC
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January 10th 2005
Last night was the only night I'm allowing myself to cry over him and his 'return'. What good would it do me? No, I was gonna take Erik and whatever he had to throw at me by storm.
Waking up the next day, I feel refreshed. Like a brand new person with a more positive mindset. Today I had 3 classes and I'm determined to have a good Erik free day.
That whole Erik free thing went out the window as soon as I got to my first class.
Double O Computer Programming 1 was a junior class, however I'd taken it during the summer during my first year at UC Berkeley. DOCP 2 wouldn't be available until next semester but I needed to have a class since this was my first year on the actual campus. Thankfully Miss Hill really needed a T.A and the fact that I could help with an algorithm that tied into thermal nuclear astrophysics had her sold.
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Right after I finished taking attendance, she barely got a word out before the door swung open revealing Erik as our late comer. I quickly glanced at the sheet in front of me, scanning for his name. I was so use to calling him N’dajaka when we were kids, I completely skipped over ‘Erik Stevens’. I huffed rolling my eyes, arms crossed over my chest. His timbs were the only thing heard shuffling across the room making hid way toward the front of the class. Wordlessly he handed Miss Hill before his eyes were on me. They scanned me from top to bottom, before locking with me a smug grin on his lips.
"Hey Lona," my jaw dropped.
Before I could get out a word, Miss Hill opened her mouth, looking up from the paper he handed her.
"Welcome Erik, sorry for the confusion."
"It's all good," he shrugged.
"Im Miss Hill, and I see you already know my aid. As I explained to the class prior to taking attendance, If I'm unavailable feel free to email or call her during the hours listed on the sheet." She is then took a sheet from me and handed him to me. "Other than that, find a seat."
He nodded pretending look over the sheet before averting his gaze back on me.
"I'm definitely gon do that."
Fuck my life right?
Well, Erik just so happened to be in the Calculus class I skipped two days ago. I thank God my record was squeaky clean and Mr. Kennedy accepted my poor excuse before I was quickly reminded the man upstairs has a sense of humor as the only available seat was next to Erik.
"The person next to you will be your partner for the remainder of the semester so let's take the next 15 minutes getting know one another hmm?." Mr. Kennedy instructed.
I couldn't suppress the groan that slipped as Erik casually leaned back in his chair, examining me.
"You heard the man, get to know me."
"I know all I need this know about you Erik."
"Oh so I'm Erik now? Like that?" He spoke cool, calm, and collected like our exchanged was normal.
I gripped my pencils tight, my knee bouncing up and down my body tense.
"Let me set things straight now. We don't need to talk to one another. If it doesn't have anything to do with any of the classes we take together, don't want to hear it. When you see me act like you don't know me. We clear?"
The expression on his face was unreadable before his lip twitched slight him responding.
January 24th, 2005
It had been two weeks since Erik showed up here.
Ok that's a lie.
Apparently this man has been here. And to top it off, this mans name was in every bitch mouth like the second coming of Jesus Christ. From what I've observed though, he doesn't say much, or gives any of these broads much attention. He don't say much in general actually, he's really good at blending in. He got that laid back, mysterious, bad boy vibe going for him and these females out here hella into that.
But when he opens his mouth, that cocky bastard sure knows how to disrupt my entire soul at least while we're in class.
Outside of class though, he acts like I'm invisible.
It was like he never knew me. And honestly, I don't know how to feel about it. I know that's what I said I wanted but it bothers me just the same.
Today in particular though, he argued me down during our Calculus class. We had one problem to figure out before we could leave class today. You and your partner were supposed agree on the answer, and heaven forbid he just agree with me so we can get out of here. Math was always my subject when we were kids, nothing has changed. I was damn near about to say fuck it when he started laughing.
What in the entire fuck it so funny?" I was fuming.
"You," he shook his head. "You really hella mad."
"Um, YES!" I damn near shouted fed up. "You literally been tryna convince me it's 5 when it's-"
"Chill. I know the answer is 3 girl. C'mon, let's go." So smoothly he closed the book, grabbed his bag and headed to the front.
I was so upset, I had to let him do all the talking when it came to explain to the teacher I'll answer and how we got there. I know I open my mouth I wasn't going to say anything nice.
"Girl what crawled up your ass and died?" Donise questioned with a stank look as we sat at one of the benches outside of the library.
"Yeah What did Erik do now," I could hear teasing in Tatiana's tone so I flipped her off.
Only giving a brief explanation, I went on a mini rant about what happened in class 20 minutes ago. Donise's thought it was funny, while Tati just shook her head.
"I still can't believe it him," Tatianna glanced as a group of guys from across the quad headed our way, Erik included.
"Yes, and I wish it wasn't."
Tatianna was the first real friend I made in a while. I was actually tutoring her online for a while before she found out I was 4 years younger than her. Our friendship started off as a trade. I was her tutor and she both convinced and enrolled in a mentor program to help me with my social skills. I didn't speak to anyone much when Erik left, but I got into a lot of fights. According to the school counselor I was taking out my anger and abandonment issues on.I have meds to tame the anger, and while I haven't had to take them in a while Eric definitely bring that anger out of me.
"Girl that's just sexual tension. You got to fuck all that out." Ashley put in her unwanted two cents.
"Trust me when I tell you on God it isn't."
"Well if you out to holla, then trust and believe I will." She tossed her hair over her shoulder
I didn't really mess with Ashley like that, but she was Tati's frat sister which made them 'friends'. That little thot pocket will screw anything with legs, D, and a pulse and I'm not bout that life. Plus she messy as fuck and I don't trust her as far as I can throw her.
"I don't doubt it," I smirked as Donise said exactly what I was thinking.
Donise was coo' though, I meet her when I first got here 2 months ago. Believe It or not she was apart of the welcome comity for MIT and turned out her and Tatiana were already friends. Once she figured out  who I was, I was shot to the front line during registration and everything.
"Anyways, y'all going Ant and them party tomorrow?" Ashley questioned probably tryna bum a ride.
"What party?"
"The Que's," Donise answered. "The dudes with Erik are frat."
Now this was news to me. I met most of them before but I had no idea there were in a sorority. Examining them, I guess it all made sense. Most in the clique sported some sort of purple and yellow lanyard either around their neck or on their keychain that hung from their jean pocket as if  they wanted everybody to know who they were. Which I wouldn't doubt.
"Ladies! What we chattin about?" Moses questions every bit of his thick English accent tapering off every word.
"Our plans for mañana," Tati answered l
"Word. Y'all coming to the party tomorrow?" Jay spoke playing with a few strands of Donise's curls.
"Tomorrow? It's Thursday." I said confused. "Ain't there class the next day?"
"What's the matter, you can't hang?" I glared at Jay, knowing he was only chastising me because him and Erik were close, according to Tati.
I swear to God men gossip more than women do. Rolling my eyes I spared Erik a glance and he looked like he was waiting on me to respond.
"Oh, I can definitely hang."
I couldn't hang.
Around midnight I was  in the bathroom throwing up everything, damn near hug in the toilet as my surrounding looks so blurry and I can barely function. Im not sure when I'd finally finished, but I could feel someone picks me up and out the bathroom and soon everything goes blurry and then black.
Tag list: @kitesatforestp @xsweetdellzx @justgetitoverwith0 @letsshamelessqueen-m @cmkcolove @readingaddict1290
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Prompt request
Obispo “Bishop” Losa x Reader
Anon asked: 43 and 44 with bishop, angst and fluffy : you lost the bet / stop calling me Im busy
Word Count: 1.2k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. The gif isn’t mine.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 @chibsytelford @dazzledamazon @mara-mpou @sammskellington @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines @briana-mishell24 💥 (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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“Stop calling me, I'm busy, Obispo”. You mutter with anger and the phone on your left ear.
“Then forgive me”.
“Fuc' off! You don't fuckin' deserve anything from me”.
“It was a bet!”
“Yeah', you lost a bet, and also me”. Without giving him the opportunity to reply, you hung up with a bitter snort.
You had been working for almost twelve hours at the hospital, from dusk till dawn. Two long surgeries, three car accidents and some fake emergencies of people who visit it because some coughs. You didn't even have time to eat, other than a few bites of a cold sandwich. So, when you finished your turn, the only thing you wanted to do was go to the clubhouse and have a beer between your man's arms. But when you arrived and saw one of Vicki's girl on his lap serving tequila directly in his mouth, the hell burned like never before. It has been three infernal days since then, with a lot of Bishop's calls and texts begging you to forgive him.
Keeping your phone in the pocket of your doctor's gown, you walk towards the locker room to change your clothes. Resting your forehead against your box-office, with an angry tear running down your cheek. It's not like he's cheating on you, but disrespecting whatever it supposed you two have together. Maybe you don't have the right to reproach him for anything, 'cause you're not his Old Lady, but you have the right to cut everything with him after feeling so humiliated.
Your phone dings with a notification, when you're trying to figure out where are your car keys, supporting your waist against one of the doors. Unknown number. You roll your eyes opening the text.
📨: hi, im shara, im sorry about what happened with bishop. we were just having fun, i dont want anything with him and i also know he loves you. i never wanted to bother you and im so sorry. hes always talking about you and its amazing the way he does. please talk with him, vicki told us hes fucking bad
Rubbing the bridge of your nose, you lock the phone to put it inside your bag. After finding the keys, you drive your way back home. You don't want to talk with him, not even if you have read the message. What happened hurt you, hurt your ego and feed your insecurities. And it's not going to be easy to recover.
The headlights of your car illuminate the facade of your house, spotting Bishop sitting by your door and smoking a cigar almost consumed. He looks tired, with dark circles under her eyes and a sloppy beard covering his jaw. He throws the cigarette away, getting up and placing both hands by his back, with the head down. He doesn't know what more can say to you.
You keep silent, passing him away to open the door, closing it without letting him come in. Through the peephole you can see how he sits again, rubbing his nape with a hand. A sigh escapes from your lips, turning around to walk towards your room. Leaving your stuff on the unmade bed and getting undressed, you go to the shower taking your time in under the water, until your fingertips are wrinkled.
Wrapping your body with a long towel and your hair in another, you come back to the main room, to wear some comfy clothes and find something to eat in the kitchen. Your fridge is empty, 'cause you forgot shopping for food, so you need to order something. But before doing it, you walk next to the front door having another look by the peephole to see that Bishop still there. Sitting in silence with his locked phone in his hands, like if you were gonna text him or something. Opening the door, he turns a little towards you.
“I'm gonna order some food, you wan'?” He shakes his head and, by the way you opened the door, he knows he can't come in.
You nod with pursed lips, closing it again and pressing the button to make the order. If he's trying to make you feel sorry, he's doing it pretty well, but then you remember what happened and you forget how he feels.
The night passes and when you're about to sleep, you walk outside one last time, opening the door and supporting your body against the frame.
“Are you gonna sleep there...?”
“It's cold, Bishop. Go home”.
“If I've to die tonight, I'll do it waiting for you to forgive me”.
“Sounds like a bad movie on Netflix...” You sigh rolling your eyes a little desperate.
“I'm sorry, (Y/N). I didn't mean to hurt you. You're my girl, my one and only, my Old Lady, and I wa—”.
“No, I'm not”. You interrupt him, getting up of the door frame, with a confused gesture on your face. “You didn't propose me, nor ask me, nor introduce me to the club, even if they also know me”.
“I was about to do it”.
“When? Before or after drinking the tequila with that bitch on top of you, uh? I don't know too much about the MCs, but I'm sure it's not the way to introduce your girlfriend to them”.
Bishop, snortling and placing both hands on his head, sinks his face between his knees.
“Go home, Obispo. It's late and you look like shit... We will talk... tomorrow”.
Then, he turns at you getting up and holding his helmet from the floor.
“You promise?”
“Jesus Christ, Bishop... Go home”.
“No, no, no. Promise me. Promise me we're gonna talk tomorrow”. He says walking next to you.
“Yea', Bishop, sure... I promise”.
A soft smile is drawing in his lips, putting a hand on your left cheek, to leave a kiss on the right. You hold his hands, closing your eyes and enjoying the nearest. You miss him. Every touch, every word, every kiss. And you fall again, wrapping his back with your arms. He hugs you back, tightly, leaving some kisses on your head.
“You can... sleep on my sofa”. You whispers, pulling him away some inches. “It's late and... you look tired. You shouldn' drive”.
“You sure, querida...?”
You nod one time. With an arm on your shoulders, he guides you through the door, closing it after coming in. He leaves his vest and the helmet on the table in the living room, while you go to your room to find a blanket. When you come back he's already lying there, with the boots on a side of the floor and an arm covering his eyes. You sigh for a second, offering him.
“Thank you”. He says grabbing your wrist to pull you closer.
He knows he doesn't deserve to sleep in your bed tonight, but he really wants to sleep with you and the sofa is pretty huge for both. You let him lay you down next to him, tangling your legs with his and sinking your face on his neck, taking a deep breath of his scent. Bishop wraps your body with his arms, getting comfortable by your side.
“You have to shave tomorrow, please”.
“I will, but let me sleep all day. I need it”.
“I need it too”.
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
First Week (Javier x Reader) {MTMF}
Title: First Week Rating: PG-13 Length: 1500 Warnings: Post-Pregnancy discussions about body changes. Notes: You can find everything about Maybe Today, Maybe Forever here. Set in May 1993.  Summary: Reader gets used to her first week as a mother.
@grapemama @seawhisperer @huliabitch @pedropascalito @rogrsnbarnes @thewallpapergoesorido @twomoonstwosuns @gooddaykate @livasaurasrex @ham4arrow @plexflexico @readsalot73 @hdlynn @lokiaddicted @randomness501 @fioccodineveautunnale  @roxypeanut @snivellusim @lukesrighthand @historynerd04 @mrsparknuts @synystersilenceinblacknwhite @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @exrebelshocktrooper @awesomefandomsunited @ah-callie @swhiskeys @lady-tano @beskar-droids @space-floozy @cable-kenobi @cool-ultra-nerd @himbopoes @findhimfives @pedrosdoll @frietiemeloen @arrowswithwifi @random066 @uncomicalhumour @heather-lynn @domino-oh-damn @cyarikaaa @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @im-still-a-pieceofgarbage @ksgeekgirl  @yabby-girl @xqueenofthecraziesx @punkass-potato @coredrive​ @pascalesque @theduchessofkirkcaldy @queenquazar @sabinemorans @buckstaposition @holkaskrosnou @yespolkadotkitty @fleetwoodmactshirt @seeking-a-great–perhaps
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“She’s so little,” Javier said quietly, keeping one hand on Josie’s back as she snoozed on his chest. “I can’t believe we made her.”
You smiled at him, drawing your knees to your chest, as you leaned back against the arm of the sofa and watched him. It really was hard to believe that the two of you had made something so perfect. 
Josie had been home for all of a week and somehow it felt like your entire life had been changed for the better. Sure, you still felt like shit after delivering an entire little human being and you hadn’t gotten more then three hours of sleep each night… but life was good. 
“Are you staying tonight?” You questioned, resting your chin on your folded arms against your knees.
“Yeah,” He nodded with a grin. “Gotta be up fucking early, but you’ve got me for the night.”
“Maternity leave is the strangest thing,” You told him with a shake of your head. “I miss being in the office.”
“It’s fucking weird without you, baby.” Javier told you, stretching his leg out to nudge your foot with his. “I miss pulling faces when Chris makes an ass out of himself.”
“So all the time?” You laughed, shaking your head. There was still a lingering fear that the DEA would make maternity leave become a permanent thing. That you would never return to work. 
“I should be home early tomorrow,” He told you. 
“Home here or your apartment?”
“Here.” Javier smiled at you, “I don’t want to miss a moment of this.”
“I don’t want you to either,” You smiled at him, before you moved to get up off the sofa. “I should probably put her down for the night.”
“You gonna feed her?”
You nodded, “If I want a couple of hours of sleep, yeah.” 
“Can I—“
You leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead as you took Josie from him, “Yes, you can watch.” She rolled her eyes. 
Javier followed you down the hallway, into your bedroom, shutting off the lights in the living room and hall. 
Josie fussed in your arms, whimpering as you cradled her against your chest with one arm, fixing the pillows on the bed with your other hand. 
“Where do they have you going tomorrow?”
“Villavicencio.” Javier answered as he stretched out on the bed, raking his fingers through his hair. “We’re taking the chopper so it should be quick in-quick out.”
“Can you time with my mid-afternoon nap?” You teased lightly.
“Maybe.” He grinned at you, “When are you usually napping?”
“Between three and four.” You answered, shifting Josie into the crook of your arm as you peeled up your tank top. “I hate how they look,” You told him honestly.
Javier’s brows furrowed, “Baby, you gave birth to a baby.” He reached out and rested his hand on your stomach, fanning his fingers out against your skin. “You’re perfect to me.”
Your cheeks burned and you grabbed the small pillow beside you, using it to prop up your arm as you situated Josie’s mouth against your breast. She latched on with ease, sucking at your nipple as she fed.
“You don’t fool me, Javier.” You narrowed your eyes at him. “You’ve always been a breast man.”
“I won’t lie,” Javier chuckled. “They do look really nice.”
“They don’t look nice when I leak through my bra whenever she cries.” You reached over and played your fingers through his hair. “But I appreciate the compliment.”
Javier rubbed his hand over your stomach. “She’s going to town.”
You brushed your thumb over Josie’s cheek as she drank, “I’m hoping to get her into more of a pattern. It’s gonna suck when my leave is over. I ordered a pump yesterday.”
“Hopefully I can pump when I get back into the office.” You sighed, rubbing your lips together slowly. “I really want to keep breastfeeding.”
“If you need me to say anything…”
“I can handle it.” You assured him.
Javier leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your shoulder. “I know you can.” He said before falling quiet for a few minutes. He laid beside you, contentedly watching you feed Josie. “How is.. everything healing?”
“I birthed a watermelon a week ago.” You answered bluntly, “A small one, but still a watermelon. With limbs.”
He gave you a sympathetic look, “Are you still bleeding?”
“A little,” You shrugged. “Welcome to being a woman.” You looked down at Josie, smiling warmly. “She’s worth all the weird sensations.”
You made a face, “I called the hospital today because I felt like I was having a contraction.” He seemed to pale somewhat at that statement. “I wasn’t.” You assured him, “But apparently that’s part of this—“ You gestured to your lower stomach. “Going back to normal.”
“I do not blame you if you never want to go near there again.”
He huffed, “I’m looking forward to things recovering.”
“It might be different.”
“Good thing I’m here for you then.”
You smiled, “You know, Javi… you’ve really surprised me.” You admitted, swallowing thickly around a surge of emotions. “Shit. Sorry. My emotions are still—“
Javier cut you off with a kiss, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” 
Josie released her hold on your nipple, fussing in your hold. “I need to burp her.”
“Can I?”
Your brows furrowed as you looked towards Javier then. He really was trying to do as much as he could when he was home with you. He’d already missed so much and you hated to think of how much more he’d miss. 
The situation wasn’t ideal, but you were making the most of it. You carefully pass Josie to him, keeping a hand securely on the back of her head until Javier had his hand there. “Let me grab the towel.” You moved gingerly off the bed, not even caring that your tank was still pulled up above your breasts. 
You returned with the burping cloth, situating it over his shoulder so he could burp her. “Gentle pants and circle movements. Like you’ve seen me do.”
He nodded slowly as he followed your directions, gently stroking Josie’s back, before parting lightly. It was only a matter of moments before she burped, spitting up a little milk before sighing happily.
“I’ll be right back,” You told him as you took Josie out of his arms to put down in the nursery. You’d probably get a good two hours before she woke up again — you wanted to seize on the opportunity.
On the way back to the bedroom, you stopped in the kitchen to grab the damp cloth you kept in the freezer. “You know, Javi…” You started as you pushed open the bedroom door, smiling at his sleepy expression. “I don’t think I could have ever pictured you being so… amenable to all of this.”
You shrugged, laying down beside him and applying to compress over your nipple. The cool cloth helped relieve the tenderness in your breast. It really was a strange sensation to grapple with in the wake of feeding Josie. 
“I don’t know,” You admitted. “I expected you to be very against all of this. Preconceived notions and all of that.”
Javier frowned, reaching over to rest his hand against your stomach again. “I’m all in, baby. I meant it when I told you that. I’m here for the good, the bad, and the—“ He stumbled over his words, “Are you supposed to be leaking like that?”
“Shit.” You sat up quickly, reaching for the burping cloth he’d used to burp her. “No. I mean, it’s normal, but no.” You shook your head. “This is an all day issue.”
He chewed on his bottom lip, “Why does it happen?”
“Hormones, mostly.” You explained. “I didn’t use both to feed her so… this shit happens.” You sighed heavily. “It’s a nightmare.”
“As long as you’re alright, baby.”
You smiled softly at him, “I’m just happy you’re here.” 
“Me too.” He rubbed a hand over his face, “I tried to get here last night but…” Javier’s lips spread into a thin line. “Had to work late.”
You knew what that meant. Only, it didn’t mean what it used to mean. “I don’t care how late you are. You’ve got a key.”
“I’m really hoping to be wrapped up early tomorrow. I can pick us up something on the way over. We can have dinner together.”
“You’re speaking my language.” You rolled onto your side to face him, tilting your chin to press a kiss to his lips as he turned to meet you. “I’m glad you’re willing to put up with all of this.”
You gestured vaguely over your body and your heart clenched when Javier frowned. His entire expression seemed to sour and you worried that you’d said something wrong. 
“Baby, I mean it when I say you’re perfect. Leaky tits and all.”
“Even though I still look pregnant?” You questioned, scrunching up your nose as you met his gaze. 
“You’re perfect.” He repeated, cupping your cheek. “You carried our daughter for nine months and then gave birth to her.”
It was unspoken, but there nonetheless. Just like it always was. 
“And if anyone says anything to the contrary,” Javier threatened with a wry smirk. “I love every inch of you.”
You kissed him again, letting your lips linger against his as you sighed and pressed your forehead to his. “You’re a good man, Javi.”
“I’m alright.” He chuckled. “We should sleep.”
“What time do you need to be up?”
“Fuck.” You swatted his chest lightly, “You’re going to need my nap tomorrow.”
“We can nap together.”
“I like the sound of that,” You smiled at him, before rolling over to face away from him. “Wake me up when you leave, please.”
“I will.” He curled his arm around you, keeping you pressed against him. “Sleep tight, baby.”
126 notes · View notes
Season 3 notes popping off
due to my desire to not completely fail all my classes this year i made myself slow down significantly while listening to this season, and the fact that the other person i'm listening along with had to catch up. We've managed to convert several other people to start listening and its pretty great.
ep 81: what does it even mean to be chosen by one of them? And if he was chosen by the eye. we know Gertrude wasnt? Because she cut the eyes out of the magazines?
ep 82: elias lmao. I understand why people like him so much bahshdhdk i thought he was gonna snitch on Jon but he didnt so he's fine. Ok but how do we think he knew all that stuff. Idk probably just institute connections. I love the fact that the recorder just wants to record stuff randomly bjahsjdhd. Elias feels a lot like Michael in the sense that he knows more than he should and talks in a way that implies he just wants to wait and see how things play out for his own benefit. I understand him knowing the things that happened but his description of her emotions implies something paranormal. Maybe he's connected to one of the entities. Which one I cannot guess.
ep 83: did a file get delivered randomly to the place he's staying at? Probably elias lmao. He thinks the mannequin is related to the stranger. Idk I would believe it.
ep 84: worms? I know he says earth worms but idk. Again? Is she making gordon golems out of trash? Martin popping off. You can tell the statements get to him more that they get to Jon. How come martin is so mad about it? I want to assume he just doesnt want her to get stuck there but idk. Jude Perry. The calliope organ. Jon heard a circus in one of the last episodes
ep 89: he's talking to perry? Like jude Perry? He says ... God? Is that what it is? Lmao. The Desolation. Jon is tired of ppl being vague and not telling him stuff lmao. Oh God Jon is so confused. Compel her? Is she assuming he has some kind of power? Does he have powers? Hmm. im agreeing with jon here please jesus christ why does everyone have to be so cryptic. Just say what you mean. "maybe you get an itchy eye" bahasjkdfklsjdf girl what. Agnes saved her? Oh this is the girl from the cafe story? So theres the Cult of the Lightless Flame? They worship whatever entity this is? The Desolation? Why do they all seem like they sorta worship her then? Is Gretchen gonna die oh god. fuckin michael. a different michael aaah. i see. dont do it shes gonna burn you. sir. please. sir dont you dare do- WHAT DID I SAY what did you think was gonna happen hhh.
ep 90: try to make it less obvious you're trying to get fired big T. Elias that doesnt sound like the most healthy thing to do. oh dear is this gonna be triggering for me. uuuuuh. uuuuuuuuuh. doesnt seem like it ok gonna keep listening. Jared. hmmmmm. Ok we've seen Keay and hotner or whatever his name was.
ep 91: Michael Crew. Oh is this the lightning scar guy. Mister jon sir did you just die. No? God everyone is so fuckin cryptic. Say normal things please. They all just like to go on about pain and agony and j e s u s c h r i s t we get it you got hurted by whatever thing. So theyre avatars? question mark? Jude Perry is an avatar of The Desolation? hhhh fractals. thats a spiral thing innit. Yup. messing with your perceptions. God they all talk about feeding their god and feeding that which feeds them and. hh what does that meann. Leave big J. please. uh oh. is it daisy? how come he has the web lighter still? the tape recorder just turns on sometimes you know how it is. So he can compel people? not that he knows it obviously but. a bit wack. powers go brr i guess? If the eye just wants knowledge i guess he feeds it by getting the statements? b/c i doubt it wants him to murder ppl or whatever.
ep 92: elias you all knowing fuck what do you know. (i guess all given what i just said) Lukas. Heard of them before. Mordecai Lukas. Loneliness. The lonely even. Jonah Magnus. Elias ur sounding like a bit of a dickhead rn. lmao jon's just like "i dont care" elias what is ur deal. Why does he want to tie her in. ohh i see. lmao theyre all just like "elias why" The Unknowing lol seems very much like something the eye wouldnt like. lol elias is gettin all philosophical. what does it really mean to be human. this still doesnt answer why gertrude wanted to destroy the archives tho.
ep 93: bahsjdfh he seems so dead inside rip. awww admiral. i love him already. ghh breacon and hope. purple mold. doesnt sound like anything we've seen so far. I think the funniest explanation for breacon and hope is that they dont actually serve the stranger they just kinda happen to be a random neutral party that cart around random spooky entity related stuff. ooooh. when we hear the slight static of the tape recorder it's cuz he's compelling ppl.
ep 94: the end! listen man they were all just grayed up for 4/13.
ep 95: the end also? death but also savagery/ animalistic shit. aww martin. lmao becerra. she's just been chillin in the corner.
ep 96: return to sender. haha minecraft go brr. prediction: breacon and hope? yup there we go. jon why is there an echo. are you in a stairwell? is he gonna eat it- yup. how did i call it. unsure abt what theyre talking about but ok. they kidnapped someone? Sarah Baldwin. ooooh that guy.
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ok im just putting this here so i have notes for when nicholas gets to this part. It seems like (from jon's conversation with jude perry) that the desolation and the eye are kinda at odds with eachother? like i guess not directly but it seems like they dont really vibe? so how could be with both. Cuz if he has the heat powers and shit then we know he's an avatar of the desolation. but then why does he have so much eye imagery. also he got burned intentionally? like jude did when she went on her monologue about the feeling of burning? but then why did he wear the eye pendant. it stops him from being burned all the way which seems like he's not fully accepting the fire or whatever.
Nooooo I lost like a bunch of my notes rip. I keep forgetting to save.
Ep 104: tim gives a coherent statement without jon even being there. Ugh. Fucking robert smirk. Dont like him. Joey. Dont recognize the name. The show must go on. Clown. The spooky circus?
ep 105: total war... shogun 2? jon is just understanding languages again. "if i understood mandarin or cantonese" are you sure you dont big man?
ep 106: havent we heard this one already? mans in space? oh no this is just another episode in space. fairchild... uuuh. cant remember. oh! this is related to that! this is one of the ppl from the other side. sounds like a Vast thing. oh he's the one that the dude saw? but that guy didnt have a face... she's sorta like jon. wanting to dismiss the statements. lmao i love the workplace gossip. ace jon for the win! oh cmon elias dont be a dick. sunny meadows or whatever. thats the place we heard about.
ep 107: oh great is it jude perry again. Third Degree. bahahsdkfj she was arrested. sorry but imagining this old british lady getting arrested is funny. she was trying to resurrect him. using the skin book. he's not feeling well. jon take a nap. i wonder if this is what happens when he uses his powers too much. He gets into The Zone when he reads statements lol. didn't we have a burning train car in anothre statement? is it julia fairchild? bahahahs "kidnapped. Again." poor jon honestly. julia... about her dad. daughter of the murder shed guy? hunting like your dad liked to hunt or normal people hunting. oh hunting vampires!
ep 108: melanie has been suffering. poor martin peter lukas why do you have to be like this. can he not just use the front door? does he have to bother the ppl doing statements?
ep 109: how come he cut her off? kinda rude tbh. its either jon's influence or there was smth he didnt want her saying. is it gerard on the table? this sounds kinda like smth from one of the university episodes. is it the closed eye on the hand? yup. he's like one of the students! if the thing listening in is elias then... he can do that without the tape recorder yknow. plus who's to say it wont just turn itself on again
110: who wants to bet its a leitner?
111: Lukas related to The Lonely. I used to not like Gerard that much but i like him more now. but i thought there were 15? ohhh thats right isnt flesh newer? gerry for the win honestly. finally telling jon things.
112: lol "again" no one ever tells any of these ppl anything. tim and basira are just out of the loop constantly. music, like the war episodes. The hunt or the slaughter? probably the hunt. so Daisy is related to the hunt right? basira likes the reading, she's doing fine at the institute. daisy's getting worried...
113: it just turned on randomly. what is it lol. explossives! oh boy. why do they always assume he turned it on intentionally. melanie youre not making me like you that much. which entity is this about i cant tell. lol he was disappointed it was just the end. The title Breathing Room made me think it was gonna be about the buried but i guess not. So many of these entities deal with death but the end is one that deals in just death. it has no need for fancy deaths, just death is enough
114: more hilltop road statements? the tree. oh boy. ok the tree has 8 arms obviously theres the spider parallels. was she taken into an alternate universe? oh no. jon tries to phrase things so he's not asking questions. thats honestly good. "sometimes i was kidnapped" oh dear. they got gertrude. daisy ur so odd lmao. who wants to bet they dont know the tape recorder's running?
115: silaca? or whatever? antique man? meat grinder... related to the meat is meat episode? oh wow. they buy antiques from him. maybe dont antagonize this creature which can kill you?
116: lol theyre all just so done with elias. music? is it like the one band that if you hear them you die or wtvr. oh its chess? i am very much confused. mmm stranger go brr. gorilla skin? oh shit the dance. woah. this is so good. this is so gender. the words are wonderful. "you can just say tim" lmao trying to fool elias never feels like a good idea.
117: except elias lmaoo. oh shit. leitner getting some use for once idk. bruuh poor melanie she has been thru so much shit. martin you can just say youre worried about jon. lol he's so accurate in his jon impression. lol who was that. was that daisy? lmaoo. oop hi tim. oh god i hope tim doesnt die. i feel like i wouldve heard about that? but im not sure. destroying the source of knowledge is gonna be hard for jon. yay jon! you did a good thing. let him rest.
118: go off martin lmao. awww poor martin. oh god the tape gets that squealy quality and its awful.
119: woah. lots of things happening. uhh. POP OFF TIM!!
120: lmao elias giving a statement about jon's dreams lol. damn jon doesnt even get his own dreams? has to stay Watching even when he's asleep? f in the chat this man goes thru so much shit. oh boy its peter. lol martin my beloved. idk i dont trust peter.
10 notes · View notes
jiilys · 4 years
good crimes
also on ao3
Lily Evans to Sirius Black: do u think i should get a fringe
Sirius Black: depends if u want james to fuck you again
Lily Evans: harsh
Lily Evans: a fringe wont effect my GREAT boobs
Lily Evans: ive rung mar im doing it anyway get fucked
Sirius Black: have fun becoming a born again virgin just to spite me
“Do you think Jane Austen could’ve written more convincingly about love if she’d been married?”
Sirius, lying on his bed scrolling through Twitter and ignoring Remus’ emails, didn’t look up.
“Jane Assrim?”
“Jane Austen,” Lily flopped onto the bed and made Sirius drop his phone down the side of it. “I’ve just read the most infuriating article”
Sirius, phoneless, not quite ready to let the joke go: “Jane Offramp, did you say?”
“- think you have to married to write about love? Is it a fucking prerequisite? And what does ‘write convincingly about love’ even mean? Like Sense and Sensibility isn’t fucking incredible-”
“That was a good movie.”
Lily turned to him, “I know you read the book.” He had, but only because it was cheaper than getting Lily a birthday present last year.
“He said Sense and Sensibility would’ve been more convincing if Jane was married?”
“Yes. I mean, I’m paraphrasing, but yes.”
“She wasn’t?”
“No. Do you listen when I talk?”
“Not if I can help it.”
“Pity. Maybe then you’d be better at pub quizzes.”
“One time!” Sirius shoved his hand down the side of the bed, grasping for the phone, “One fucking quiz! I’d had eleven gins!”
“It was seven gins”
“Thirteen gins!”
“Seven, at best.” Lily sat up, “I don’t know what to do about this, I’m thinking about scrapping my entire thesis to exclusively write about why this guy sucks one.”
Sirius finally grasped the phone, “That sounds unwise.”
“We won’t know till I’ve tried it.”
“I think we know now.”
“Buzzkill. Go have another gin.”
Sirius Black to Lily Evans: you home for dinner tonight
Lily Evans: ill be in
Sirius Black: im going to combine spaghetti and baked beans in a pot and make spaghetti beans  
Lily Evans: im out
Sirius Black: ive bought wine
Lily Evans: back in
“You’re not naked in there are you!”
“Why would I be naked?”
Sirius poked his head around the door holding a cup of tea. Lily was sat on the bed, laptop open, fully clothed. He ventured inside. “’Heard Potter and didn’t want to interrupt kinky shit.”
“We’re trying to decide how to email my landlord about mowing the lawn,” James’ voice, crackly, through the laptop, “But if that does it for you Black I’m not judging.” He’s wearing a top that is definitely Remus’ and hasn’t bothered to button it.
“Have you brought me a tea?” Lily asked, sweetly.
“No. I came to ask if you knew where the sieve was and Potter’s out here with his shirt undone like this is a porno.”
“Sorry for turning you on this early.” James said, gleeful.
Lily leant back against her pillows. “Give me the tea and I’ll tell you where the sieve is”
James, the traitor, laughed. Sirius squinted. “Are you kidding.”
Lily held out a hand and after taking a second to weigh his options (leave, sieveless, back at square one or hand over the tea, make a new one, gain sieve). Sirius gave her the mug.
Lily blew on it. “We don’t have a sieve” She said, solemnly, and James howled. Sirius lunged for the tea.
“Kidding!” Lily swooped it out of his reach as James continued to make inhuman noises that were surely annoying at least half of the California population, “Top drawer above the oven!”
Unknown to Lily Evans: lill
Unknown: its siriius
Unknown: am out lost phone pls call uber
Lily Evans: where are you
Unknown: nandos on main
Lily Evans: the one where i broke my heel or the one you and james are banned from
Unknown: banned
Lily Evans: number plate is JKY879 u have three minutes  
Unknown: thank u lpve u
James Potter to Sirius Black: call me
Sirius Black: you call me
Sirius Black: im not paying three pounds a minute for you to tell me to check my email
James Potter: its not abt emails
James Potter: we’ll bill it to the company
Sirius Black: we are the company
Sirius let the phone ring four times before he picked up. “’Bill it to the company’ are you mad?”
“I’ve literally left a meeting to ring you and you can’t even pick up quickly. What was the name of that guy from that 2014, that investor, hated us-”
“All of them.”
“But he liked Remus-”
“Again, all of them.”
“-had that terrible tie, remember? It had birds on it and his last name was, like, ‘brain’ or something and he got really shitty when we wouldn’t stop going on-“
“Harvey Brain. Pronounced Bry-an” Sirius said, instantly, “We nicked those mints they had in reception.”
“Brilliant. ‘Ring you when I’m out of this.”  
“You look terrible” Sirius said to Lily, who did.
“The fringe does not react well to heat.” She opened the fridge and stuck her head inside it.  
Sirius, in a show of great maturity, did not say ‘I told you so’. Lily, who knew he was thinking it, said “Shut up” anyway, so what was the point.
Lily Evans to Sirius Black: so help me god. if the dishwasher isnt empty when i get home. i will murder you. actual and full death will come your way
Lily Evans: this is not a joke i will actually kill you sirius
Sirius Black: mark zuckerdick if ur reading these she rlly is threating me
Sirius Black: call mi6
Lily Evans: ill happily go to jail if people empty the dishwasher there  
“I need you to come get me-“
Lily sat up, “Who is this?”
“Fuck off” Sirius’ voice, annoyed, vaguely drunk but mostly not, “I know you know”
“I was asleep.”
“You don’t sleep.”
She avoided that. “What happened?”
“Bar. Fight. He started it.”
“Oh really.”
“Believe me, would you?”
“I try but it’s hard seeing as I know you.”
“Don’t tell the boys. I’m in Croydon.”
“Don’t start. I’ll pay your cab fare.”
“You won’t”
“I will. Be quick.”
Lily, already with shoes on, “I’m not even out of bed”
“Do I need bail money?”
“I’m at the hospital”
“What?” Lily’s heart, suddenly in her knees.
“Bruised ribs. It’s nothing. They won’t let me walk out alone.”
“Some snitches. Black eye. It’s nothing. You should-“
“Don’t say ‘see the other guy’-“
“I was going to say ‘see me’ by which I mean hurry up-“
“Ungrateful!” Lily pulled on a fresh shirt, hands reaching for her house keys, “Watch yourself or I won’t come.”
“You bloody will.”
“Yeah.” Reaching for the door handle, “hey-“
“No murders?” their dumb code meaning, you good? Meaning: do I have to kill for you? Meaning: I would, just say.
“No murders.”
“See you in forty, don’t say-“
“Asshole. I hope I get every light.”
Lily Evans to we’re not calling the company massivesoft: remus tell potter anytime he wants to talk to me and not my boss i am available
Remus Lupin: isn’t he talking to you??
Lily Evans: he always rings me on the work phone hes been talking to narelle for fifteen minutes  
James Potter: dont be jealous that narelle and i have a special relationship
Lily Evans: didnt think my greatest threat would be my 57 year old boss and yet
Remus Lupin: yeah i had bets on sirius
Sirius Black: honestly me too fuck up narelle
“Would it fucking kill you to remember anything-“
“Moony, hold on-“
“I’m serious-“
“Actually I’m-“
“Fucking don’t I swear to Christ-“
Sirius grinned, rubbing sleep out of his eyes, “I forgot, shit- I forgot about the call, I’m sorry.”
Remus sighed, bone-deep and familiar, “I need you on those things. Otherwise I just get-“
“- Walked over.”
“Out-negotiated-“ He sighed again.
Sirius bit his lip, “Did it go well?”
“I rescheduled. I can’t do that shit without you.”
He smiled. “World’s worst lawyer.”
“This is business. It requires a blind confidence and ability to bullshit which-“
“- I contain in multitudes.”
“Look at you, quoting me.”
“If you were any good at business you’d bill me for that.”
Remus snorted. Sirius could picture it, Remus, exhausted, rubbing his face over his computer, almost laughing. “I am sorry about missing the call.”
“I know.” Remus, leaning back against his office chair, head to the ceiling, phone to his ear. Sirius could feel it like a toothache. “It’s bullshit that you’re not here. If you were here I could force you onto the phone.”
“Oh Moony, it’s almost like you miss me.”
“It’s this heat, it’s making me fucking crazy. How are you, anyway? Lil said she’s growing out the fringe due to your bullying.”
Sirius Black to Lily Evans: what the fuck is in the fridge
Lily Evans: is this about the bird
Lily Evans: the neighbours cat was eating it!! i had to bring it inside
Lily Evans: the bin was full and we’re out of bags i didn’t know where else to put it
Lily Evans: i thought if i left it out it would start to smell
Lily Evans: I wrapped it up!! i couldn’t just leave it!!
Lily Evans: can’t believe im getting roasted for caring about nature
Sirius Black: was actually talking about the skim milk but glad we got the bird thing out of the way
“Mar’s coming round,” Lily said, “She’s bringing wine.”
“I thought you had that test thing.” Sirius was eating sour cream with a spoon right out of the pot.  
“That was today, it went fine. But Nathan sent Mar a follow request on Instagram, then messaged her on Facebook to ask if she’d gotten it.”
“Hence the wine.”
“Yeah, he’s not blessed with your moves.” Two years ago, drunk on New Year’s Eve, Marlene and Sirius had fucked in Remus’ bed. This was a source of constant amusement for everyone, except briefly for Remus while it was occurring.
“What I have can’t be taught.”
“But it can be caught,” Lily took the sour cream out of his hands, “You’re foul. We’re making popcorn.”
Lily Evans to Sirius Black: remus just told me what him and james call us
Sirius Black: is it not our names
Lily Evans: the lady and the tramp
Sirius Black: HA
Sirius Black: found my next tattoo
“Your party sucks.” Lily said, shutting the sliding door. Inside, she hears a glass break.
“Most of them are your friends.” Sirius, chain-smoking over the balcony, didn’t look over. Lily walked over to stand next to him.
“It’s the music that’s the problem.” Mary’s voice, mixed in with thumping drum and base, seeped under the door, apologising about the glass. The balcony was littered with cigarette butts. “Twenty-three, Black. You’re proper old now.”
“Tell me about it.”
“We need some Springsteen.” She said, which actually meant we need James. “Whose playlist is this? Where’s Born to Run?” Sirius doesn’t say anything.
The horrible thing was, when James had first told her about the Visa issue she’d thought it was funny. It was funny, to everyone, at the time. Sirius, on some USA Visa watchlist because of some prank he’d pulled on this mother at fourteen that grounded two planes and killed four seagulls. Now, in the dark, in this year, it seemed entirely less funny. James and Remus in Silicon Valley, setting up the company for real and Sirius, left behind. Eleven again, still.
He flicked his cigarette to the floor and crushed it with his foot, still hunched over the railing. Lily put her head on his shoulder and hummed the chorus of ‘Hungry Heart’ quietly, and Sirius is pulled back to this year, twenty-three, with broken glass inside the flat, grounded again.
James Potter to exclusively business: god this accountant smells like cheese
Sirius Black to exclusively business: that’s not very businessesy
James Potter: ur right
James Potter created the group cheesy accountant
James Potter added Sirius Black, Remus Lupin
Sirius Black: are you seeing the accountant for the business though??
James Potter: god right again
James Potter created the group exclusively cheesy accountant business
James Potter added Sirius Black, Remus Lupin
Remus Lupin: is this why ur in the goddamn bathroom james get back here
Sirius Black: does he smell like cheese moons
Remus Lupin: it is pungent yes
“The service here is terrible.” Sirius said, slumping on the counter and looking awful.
“He means can we please have some fries.” Marlene said, looking marginally better, wearing Sirius’ jacket.
“Funny,” Lily skated over, “Didn’t sound like it.”  
Marlene grinned, “Rollerblades day?” Sirius’ head jerked up.
“Jay’s here so Narelle is making us.” Lily said, flatly, and pretended to charge them, “Swipe your card, or something.”
“Every day should be rollerblades day.” Sirius was recovering quickly, “No one rocks The Blades like you do-“
Lily ignored him. “At least pretend to swipe a debt card Mar, what is that?”
Marlene held it up, “My library card.”
“I’m going to start calling you ‘Blades’, recognise your talent-“  
“Go away.” Marlene and Lily said, nearly in unison. Sirius held his hands up and slunk off.
“He was basically in a coma this morning,” Marlene swiped her library card, pretended to type a pin, “I had to drag him here, this is giving me an error notice by the way.”
“Stop pressing buttons, was it a good night?”
“It was alright. I lost him” she jerked her thumb to Sirius, collapsed against a table, “But ended up seeing him later. Wish you were there- I think I’ve broken this machine. It won’t give me my card back-“
“Christ, how have you done this-“
“Me? It’s your machine-“
“When are you even at the library-“
“Are you saying I can’t read-“
“What? When did I say that-“
“I’ll pull this side, you pull the other-“
“That is a terrible idea-“
Sirius, appearing from nowhere, yanked the card out in one swift motion and presented it to Marlene. “McKinnon, I didn’t know you couldn’t read.”
Lily Evans to James Potter: you awake
James Potter: its two over there go to bed
Lily Evans: yeah yeah
Lily Evans: wanna hear my voice
James Potter: god yeah
James Potter: give me two minutes im about to go through a tunnel ill ring you
Lily Evans: see you on the other side
Lily Evans: ‘god yeah’
Lily Evans: you wont get this till ur out of the tunnel but shit im mad for you
Lily hit Sirius in the face with her bag strap, “Wake up.”
He didn’t flinch or open his eyes, “What?”
“Jesus, you’re not even asleep.”
“Yes I am.”
“Liar. Get up, you said you’d come with me to this thing.”
“The Masters mixer?”
Lily rolled her eyes, “It’s a mixer-“
“- a Masters mixer-“
“- for Masters students. There is no need to give it a name.”
“But ’Master’s mixer’ rolls right off the tongue.”
“Get up-“ Lily hit him with her bag this time, “You said you’d come-“
“Ow-“ eyes open now, “Those things suck, everyone always thinks we’re dating.”
“I’ll tell them you’re my brother.”
“That’ll never work, I’m way better looking than you.”
Lily turned away, “Right, you’re uninvited-“
“Hey!” Sirius’ arm shot out, grabbed her wrist.
“I’m Masters Mixing without you-“
“You said I could go!”
“Invitation rescinded.”
“Come on! I’ll wear a tie!”
Lily looked smug, “You are so predictable.”
“Please,” Sirius sat up, “You’d be so bored without me there.”
Lily, who would be, said: “I’ll say you’re my step-brother”
“You can still date your step-brother.”
“Not with a clear conscience, you can’t. Get up, I’ve rung a cab.”
Sirius Black to Lily Evans: sleep nutty professor
Lily Evans: just had major breakthrough with The Thesis i cant
Lily Evans: also tell the girl/guy/person ur with to not drink all the milk tmrw theres barely any  
Sirius, stationed outside the Lily’s room, banged on the door again. “C’mon Evans!”
James, distantly, from the phone hung by Sirius’s leg. “Maybe she’s not in”
Sirius put the phone back to his ear, “I know she’s in,” He continued to bang but returned to James, “Does this mean you guys are going to be meeting Bill Gates?”
“Dunno. I guess it’s his money so, like, maybe? Oh God-“
“If you met Bill Gates without me I’m going to be so fucking pissed-“
“How could we met him with you you’re in London-“
“EVANS! OPEN UP! WE HAVE MONEY NEWS!” Sirius returned to the phone, “You’ll probably get a picture with the ghost of Steve Jobs or something, God, I’m already annoyed about it.”
“If we met Steve Jobs’ ghost I promise to put him in a jar and send him home.”
“You had better-“ Sirius, who had paused in his banging to finish the Steve-Jobs-ghost threat, could hear something coming from the other side of the door. Music, played just low enough for someone who didn’t want people outside to be able to hear. “She’s playing the Sense and Sensibility Soundtrack.”
“What?” James’ whole tone changed, “Is she alright?”
Sirius banged again, “Evans!” Nothing. She turned the volume down.
“Are you sure its Sense and Sensibility?” James, insistent.
“Of-course it is.” Sirius banged on the door again, “Evans, What’s wrong?” No answer.
“Do you think there’s any chance it’s because I look a little bit like Hugh Grant and she hasn’t seen me in eight months?” He sounded a little desperate.
Sirius snorted. “You do not look like Hugh Grant.”
“Honest to God, do you actually think you look like Hugh Grant?”
“Would you-“
“Total opposites, honestly, never looked less like a person-”
“Sirius,” James cut him off, “Something might be really wrong, you have to let me talk to her.”
“Oi, Lil!” Sirius called, “Do you think James looks like Hugh Grant?”
A voice, thick, from behind the door: “Fuck no.”
Sirius knocked again, politely, letting the phone drop to his side (James, distantly: “I said a little, put Lil on, Christ-“). Lily opened the door, face red, puffy eyes, hand gripping the door edge.
Sirius stared, James forgotten. “What happened.”
“Petunia is engaged.” Lily’s voice, raw and wrong, “To Vernon. Eliza Hunt told me at the supermarket.”
Sudden flashes of Petunia, the only time he’d ever met her, sat in the back of Lily’s twenty-first, pinched and whispering. “Whose Eliza Hunt?” This seems as good a thing to say as any.
“Our old neighbour. She got an invite to their engagement party last week.” She sniffed, rubbed a hand over her face. Sirius couldn’t think of anything to say, except that he wanted to throw Petunia into a very deep ocean.
“What’s the news?” Lily asked. She looked so tired. He cannot remember the last time she’d slept.
“Bill Gates’ foundation is giving us a ton of money and James is going to post me Steve Jobs’ ghost.”
Faintly, Lily smiled. “Is the money to buy the ghost?”
“Nah he’s going to steal that, moneys for the business.” She smiled again, stronger. Jackpot. Sirius handed the phone to her, James’ voice barely audible. She reached for it, and he gripped it tightly, only for a minute. “Hey.” She looked at him, red eyes, hand out-stretched. He can read her backwards.
“I’m good.” she said. He kept looking.
“No murders?”
“Yeah,” half-smile, “No murders.”
Remus Lupin to Lily Evans: tell him to check his fucking emails im going fucking feral
Lily Evans: will do
Lily Evans: he says so be it  
“Keira Knightley’s in it.”
“Is it Pirates of the Caribbean?”
“Why isn’t it? Let’s watch Pirates of the Caribbean” Sirius, lying across the couch, kept throwing remote in the air.
“Just because you think you look like Orlando Bloom-“
“I do look like him-“
“Only if you shut your eyes and drop acid-“
“We are not watching Pirates of the Caribbean again. You’ll like Atonement, I promise, it’s like an epic war love story-“
“So like Pirates of the Caribbean but without-“
“- He’s not your twin-“
“My twin-“
Lily rolled her eyes, considered pushing his legs off her lap, didn’t: “You can’t only watch films because you look a little like one of the actors.”
“So you do think I look like him!”
“No I said think you look like-“
“You said ‘look a little like’! Ha!”
Lily pushed his legs off her lap. “If you look like Orlando Bloom then I look like Molly Ringwald.”
“Nah, you know who you look like,” Sirius tilted his head, “The kid from Finding Nemo with the braces. The one who holds the fish in a bag.”
“Oh my God-“
“Only a little-“
“You suck. You fully suck.” Lily was laughing.
“Let’s watch Finding Nemo! See your twin for a change-“
“You’re pushing it now.”
“Fine, maybe twin is a little strong. Cousin.”
“Second cousin. And you and Orlando could be, like, half-brothers if I have two beers and squint.”
“I’ll take it.”
Sirius Black to Lily Evans: what the fuck
Sirius Black: evans its three
Lily Evans: sorry i dropped a tray promise ill b quieter
Lily Evans: dont worry im not making brownies again
Sirius Black: thank god those were shit
Lily Evans: fuck you
Sirius Black: you were the one that put them in the bin
Lily Evans: go to bed judas
“We’re trying to stay positive.”
“I’m not trying that hard.” Sirius confessed, and Lily punched him on the arm before going back to the phone.
“We’re just waiting for the locksmith. If we still had a spare this wouldn’t be happening, but-“
“If you took your keys!-“
Lily punched him again, and Sirius groaned and fell back against the grass.
Over the phone, Marlene finally composed herself. “You two are tragic. Come ‘round and sleep here.”
“Can’t, we said we’d wait around. You could come here though.”
“And lie on the lawn in the middle of the night with you and Mr Positive? I’ll pass.”
“Hey, Sirius,” Lily held the phone away from her ear, “I think that’s an ant’s nest.”
Sirius leapt up so quickly he almost hovered in the air. He stared at the empty ground, wide eyed, before turning back to Lily, who was laughing so hard she’d dropped the phone.
“Oh, very funny, you’re hilarious. McKinnon,” he picked up the phone, “You’ve got to get over here, I’m going to kill Evans and I need you to call the cab to move the body.”
Sirius Black to Lily Evans: ive bought eggs and cheese
Lily Evans: ur cooking tonight so looking forward to the meal of cheesy eggs
Lily Evans: sirius im kidding please dont make that
Lily Evans: sirius
Lily took the phone and didn’t even say hello, “You’ve got to stop ringing,” she said, meaning none of it, “Narelle really thinks you’re on the verge of investing. It’s not on.”
“Hey, I always say I’m ‘thinking about’ investing,” James pointed out, “I could be thinking about anything. I’m thinking about finishing my engineering degree, I’m thinking about ringing my mother, I’m thinking about investing in your diner-”
“it’s not my diner-“
“it will be when I invest in it. One of my stipulations.”
“Wouldn’t that be buying the diner?”
“Don’t get all technical on me, Evans.”
“Apologises. You were saying you were going to give me the diner.”
“Yes, what a great boyfriend I am.”
“You’d be even better if you just gave me the money.” Lily spun the phone cord around her finger, grinning as James laughed.
“C’mon, I’d let you rename it and everything. ‘Lily’s’ has a ring to it.”
“What would you call it?”
“I dunno. ‘Star Wars’ or something. Get some publicity off the lawsuit.”
“Moony would defend you.”
“Ah yes, with his degree in financial law.”
“I didn’t say he’d be any good at it.”
Lily smiled. “How’s California?”
“Boring without you guys.”
“Don’t let Remus hear you say that.”
“Eh, he’d say the same.” James paused, “Sirius alright?”
Flashes of Sirius, flushed, spread on the carpet, What if everyone was right? Head lolling, party over, I don’t know where I’m going. I thought I’d know.
“Yeah. Last night he tried to make you guys a Wikipedia page.”
James snorted, “He’s been trying to do that since high school.”
“Don’t say ‘he’ like you weren’t also trying.”
James, again, grinning. She can tell from an ocean away. “You sleeping?”
“With other people? No.”
“Thank god for that, but really. My sources say you’re even more awake than usual.”
“Sirius doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
“My sources are actually highly knowledgeable.”
“But still can’t make a Wikipedia page.” He doesn’t say anything, and Sirius is such a traitor. He has him worried. “I’m fine, really. Just a bit of a weird one. I’m going to sort it out.” She meant it.
“Okay. Don’t be pissed off at my sources, Marlene also ratted you out.”
“Terrible mates.” Lily lied.
“Yeah, worse luck, having people give a shit about you. Just wait till you own the diner, then they’ll only want you for your money.”
“Tell me about it, why do you think I’m with you?” And again, miles away, he laughed.
Lily Evans to crab on the cob: sirius just started doing karaoke
Remus Lupin: I didn’t know byo’s did karaoke
Lily Evans: neither did the owner
Lily Evans: the whole byo is now singing take on me
Lily Evans: we’re doing mamma mia next
Lily tapped on the window and Sirius, smoking outside, swung around. She pointed to other side of the bar, past the people, where Marlene and Nathan were grossly making out against the pinball machine. Sirius made a face, stamped out his cigarette, and went inside.
“Christ, you can see the tongue from here.” He took the beer out of Lily’s hand and drank some, “No respect for the festivities.”
“At least someone is getting some.”
“Aw, Lil,” he nudged her arm, “I’ll hook up with you if you want.”
“I’d rather eat glass, but thanks though.”
She took her beer back from him. Mary, a few feet in front of them, was drinking a ghastly pink thing that James used to call flamingo piss, and talking to Diner Natalie (as Sirius called her) about Love Island. Narelle, who had gotten wind of the party, was standing by the counter arguing with the bartender about the peanuts on offer.
“Twenty-three Evans,” Sirius said, echoing her, “You’re proper old now.”
“Still younger than you though.”
“Funny how that works.” He took her beer again. She couldn’t remember when they had started drinking the same brand. It had been such a long year, but next month the boys would be home for three weeks and this morning James had sent flowers and Remus a vase, and Sirius said he’d pay the water bill so technically it was a three-way gift. You could practically hear Remus’ eyeroll through the phone. They were too good to be believed.
“’Glad I live with you.” Sirius said, suddenly, holding her now finished beer. “You’re- I’m just glad. I’m glad it’s you.”
Lily looked at him, “Me too.” She said, and squeezed his wrist. He knocked a hand against her thigh. This was the real gift.
“Offer to hook up still stands.”
Lily laughed, “You know, if you think about it you’re one hook up removed from Nathan.”
“You fucked Mar, Mar is now getting felt up by Nathan. That’s, like, one degree of separation. I’m not getting with anyone whose gotten with Nathan-“
“Okay, wow, I have not gotten with- wow, this is low, I’m being nice and you’re out here saying I’ve fucked Nathan-“
“Hey, no judgement and no murders and all that, but I have ground rules-“
Sirius, laughing, “I hate you. That’s my ground rule.”
Lily, singing: “And happy birthday to meee-“
“God, get away from me. I can’t believe I’ve accidentally hooked up with Nathan.”
“Maybe getting me another beer would make you feel better.”
“Wow, you’re always looking out for me huh?”
“You know it. Make sure it’s chilled, would you?”  
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listen folks, season 4 has come. my crops are flourishing, my skin is clear, i’ve been revived. i cried and watched the opening 4 times, i’ve watched the episodes 3x now. Kuroo has always owned me and bITCH he still does. 
as usual, i have no shame, so have this professor Kuroo x  grad student reader that turned surprisingly angsty (my heart is so full with s4 that idk how it ended that way). i dont even care how cliche this is, im so weak for stuff like this. also i have no idea if this field is even a thing but i dont care 
warnings: suggestive nsfw, angst 
will there be a part 2? who knows 😉 (spoiler, there is...and three and four)
as usual, 💖 J
You weren’t exactly sure what you were expecting what your faculty member that you’d be working with for your graduate career to be like, but it had been more along the lines of: crotchety old man, white hair, still sporting tweed suit jackets from the seventies. It definitely never crossed your mind that a young man, probably around your age, you’d guess a bit older since he was already a faculty member, would greet you on your first day.
You also weren’t expecting him to be fucking drop dead gorgeous—and you mean ovary melting, cliché totally swooning material. Never in your life have you felt so nervous around a person before. It really wasn’t fair in the slightest. And on top of it all, he was amiable. The two of you got along swimmingly, half in part to how close you are in age and the other half since you’re both mad about biotechnology.
You tried. You really did. Tried not to develop a crush on him. But the more you got to know him, the more days spent together, you felt yourself falling deeper and deeper because it wasn’t just about looks anymore. You liked him. A lot too. You can’t even explain why. You learned rather quickly he’s no lady killer like he’s looks suggested—oh no. He’s the biggest dork you’ve ever met.  And now you’re head over heels with no hope of going back. It was a rather futile attempt to resist it.
Sitting at your desk, you rub your hands over your face trying to get those thoughts out of your head. Or at least shove them to the far depths of your brain so you can continue to act like everything is fine and not like your heart is going to overwork itself anytime he’s anywhere near you. And god—was that getting increasingly difficult. With your first year ending and presenting your research at the National Biotech Conference coming up, the two of you have been spending more and more late nights in the lab together. Alone.
You might as well dig your grave now.
Just a few nights ago the night ended early because he set off the fire alarm making a hot pocket. The two of you too enamored with the project to notice the microwave on the verge of combusting. Why the hell he put it in there for five minutes was beyond you, but he tried to explain that he was planning on taking it out before the timer ran out. The memory of it makes the corner of your mouth quirk upward.
“You bored out of your mind already?” A voice teases from behind you, making you to jolt in your seat.
Speak of the devil.
You turn in your chair to find none other than the root of your problems: Dr. Kuroo. Jesus fuck you can barely look straight at him without feeling some sort of nerves ball up in your stomach.
Giving him a weak smile, you say, “Those all-nighters are really getting the best of me.”
His eyes soften and christ—you need medical help to deal with the way your heart is stuttering in your chest. By the end of this conversation you’re going to need a defibrillator with the way he smiles at you sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. “Riiiight. About those….” He avoids your gaze and you already know what’s coming.
“Another one tonight?”
He sighs. “Yeah. Sorry about that. We’re just really down to the wire now. I want to make sure everything is set.”
You wave him off, there’s nothing to apologize for. You knew what you were getting into here. And you know it’s only his second conference as a distinguished member of the community, so he has a standard to uphold.
A startled gasp escapes you when his voice appears right next to your goddamn ear, his warm breath against your skin practically sending you into a frenzy. “You working on the statistics?” The nod you give him is almost imperceptible, afraid any movements from you are going to give away how his proximity is making you feel. His eyes scan your screen before patting you on the shoulder. “Looks good so far, send it to me when you’re done.”
You let out a breath of relief you didn’t know you were holding when he moves away.
How the fuck are you going to survive the next year?
Hell—how are you going to survive a week-long convention with him?
As he heads back to his own desk, Kuroo glances warily around the office to make note of any suspicious onlookers. It’s been harder and harder to keep that professional line with you, and every public conversation you shared he was highly aware to not slip into his easy mannerisms he found himself indulging in during all those late nights. Because fuck him—he liked you. Why did he of all the options get assigned the one graduate student who is his age and is fucking gorgeous on top of your academic prowess?
He never stood a chance.
He is barreling straight towards an academic violation at full speed and his brakes are broken. That’s how bad it is.
But goddamn he can keep it in his pants for the sake of his job and your career.
That sentiment went to shit that night.
You’re late, which almost never happens. He can count on one hand the times you’ve been late. And you always texted him with your ETA and an explanation but tonight…silence. He knows you haven’t left, he saw you a little over an hour ago speaking to Dr. Yu, and a quick trip to your desk confirms it; all your stuff is still here.
He’s lucky to catch Dr. Yu on his way out, asking if he knows of your whereabouts. “You haven’t seen her?” His brows lift. “Must’ve gotten caught up in the library. Said she was going to stop by there before your meeting.”
Kuroo does an excellent job of hiding his confusion. Meeting? Is that what you’ve been disguising your all-nighters with him as to your colleagues?
That means you feel there’s a reason to keep it a secret.
Or is he reading too far into it?
Nonetheless, he strides towards the library, irked to find most of the lights off and it utterly silent inside. He checks the table area first, then peruses the shelf, peeking down each to see if you’re actually in here. It’s likely you already left and are now waiting for him in the lab in the time since he’s begun looking for you.
He finds you in one of the farthest corners of the library and it isn’t until he approaches you does he realize the situation he’s just put the two of you in.
In the dark library.
You’re sat deep into an armchair, legs curled up underneath you, head resting on your hand while you flip through the pages of a book sitting in your lap. You look so picturesque he can’t help but stare for a few seconds before clearing his throat to alert you to his presence.
He scares the absolute shit out of you.
Leaping out of the chair, the book clattering to the floor, you shout, ��Holy fu—Dr. Kuroo! You can’t just do that!” Then you blink, like your brain is catching up to you, then you frantically check your watch and outwardly groan. “I knew I should have set an alarm. Sorry, just lost track of time back here.” Smirking softly, he takes a step forward, bending to pick up the book sprawled on the floor. He hands it to you, your fingertips brushing his, a jolt of lightning spearing through you at the contact.
Every sense of yours is filled with his presence, your head clouded with thoughts of what if you just…closed that gap. What would happen if you took just one step forward? Would he let you run your hands over his chest, snaking around his neck to tangle into his dark hair? What would it feel like to press your body against his?
Holy hell—you need to get out of here.
It’s then that you realize you’ve been staring at him.
And that he’s holding your gaze, his golden eyes locked onto yours. The air is so charged you feel like your entire body is buzzing, urging you to indulge in the thoughts swirling in your head. You open your mouth to break the silence, grasping at any sense of logic you have left to end this dangerously tempting situation.
Kuroo’s last strand of self-control splintered the moment he caught you staring at him so intently. The same thoughts weaving through his head as yours, the fantasy he’s had for months now of holding you against him, his lips pressed to yours, is so tantalizingly close he can barely stand it.
So, he comes to decision. Before this opportunity eludes him, he has to act now. He watches as your mouth opens, your better judgement clearly still intact, and before you can get a word out, he leans down to kiss you. His hands finding their way to your waist, tugging you to him, he’s pleasantly delighted to find you sink into him. Your own hands reaching up to curl into his shirt, soft mouth moving against his own, he almost groans at how you’re reacting to him.
He’s intoxicating, the way his fingers are digging into the skin of your waist, how his tongue slips into your mouth, you can barely keep your feet underneath you. What’s even more exhilarating to you is that he initiated this.
He wanted you too.
The thought makes you a bit dizzy.
When he feels your hands travel from his collar to slip your fingers through his hair, this time he can’t help it, a deep pleased sound escaping him, rumbling through your entire body and sending heat straight to your core. Jesus Christ this man his going to be the absolute death of you.
“Fuck,” he mutters, his hands roam from your waist to cup your ass, using the leverage to press you even closer to him, letting you feel just what exactly you’re doing to him. All he can think is that he wants more, he wants you underneath him, chest heaving, moaning his name and no one else’s. With that on his mind, he splays his fingers out underneath your thighs, intending on lifting your legs around him.
The action turns your brain back on, the gears working hard through the haze clouding your mind, realizing where exactly this is going. Your sense of reason finally coming through, screaming: Stop! What the fuck are you doing?! Instinctively, you shove him away from you.
He blinks in surprise as he stumbles back into the bookshelf, thrown off by your sudden rejection.
Your heart crumbles seeing his hurt expression. It’s no use denying it anymore. You want him. So bad that you were this close to throwing all caution to the wind just now. But you can’t, not under the circumstances. He is your colleague. Your superior. What the hell were you thinking?!
Steeling your resolve, you say quietly, “Kuroo…I—That…that shouldn’t have happened.”
You can’t even look at him, too afraid of what will happen if you do.
He knows you’re lying.
He stares at you for a moment, considering all his options. Truly, he’d like to just gather you up in his arms, assuring you everything will be fine, and kissing your worries away until you melt beneath him again. But he knows that’s crossing the line. Instead, he settles on making his feelings clear. He wants you to know where he stands. He doesn’t want you to think what just happened meant nothing to him. But he’s willing to give you space to put your thoughts together.
“I need you to look at me,” he says.
You bite your lip. “I can’t.” Now your throat feels tight with the effort of keeping tears at bay. Why is it like this? Why did you have to meet him in this way? He says your name like a command, so you ball your fists in determination and raise your watery eyes to meet his.
With such surety and resolve it just about makes you burst into tears, he tells you clearly, “I’m so head over heels for you it’s not even funny.”
He’s right, this isn’t funny. It’s anything but. And he’s making it worse by being so goddamn perfect you want to scream. The universe must really be a bitch for putting you through this, making you fall in love with someone who is so off limits. You can feel your heart wilting within your chest as you plead, “I need to leave.”
He lets you go, despite every instinct telling him not to. He spends the night in the lab alone, barely getting anything done through his ever-present thoughts of you. He tries to remain hopeful, that somehow this will all work out. That on Monday you’ll come to work, and everything will be alright.
Monday morning, he finds out you’ve put in a request to join a separate project.
He doesn’t know what to do with the growing hole forming in his chest.
And neither do you.
part two part three part four 
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