#My ask box is always open for art prompts
more hrab please 🙏? <3
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What a weird fish….
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the-writing-mobster · 2 years
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The BF! Gang is dressing up for Halloween! 🔪🩸💀
Plans for the Holiday: I plan on writing an official Baby Face Halloween special and posting it, as well as a slasher art series featuring one of each boy, PLUS a couple of drabbles I will let you guys choose! As you can see... I've listed some Halloween themed prompts to host a small ask game, I think it'd be pretty fun!
This will unfortunately mean Baby Face's update will be delayed but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make for the spooky season!
Halloween Head Canon ask game!
🧛🏻 — Who always has the best costume
🔪 — Who loves horror movies and what's their favorite?
♥️ — Who uses Halloween as an excuse to be horny?
🍷— Who uses Halloween as an excuse to get intoxicated?
🦇 — Who wrecks someone's house at a party?
⛓️ — Who is most likely to try to get the group to do a group costume?
👻 — Who is trying to scare people 24/7?
🫣 — Who "goes as themself" instead of actually dressing up?
BF! X Reader or BF! X BF! or BF! X Frisk Drabble Prompts:
Choose your BF!: Sans / Nick / Jonas / Midas / Maeve
(these can be nsfw if requested. Mixture of cute Halloween Couple prompts and Slasher prompts.)
Watching a Horror Movie Together
Trying on Sexy Costumes
Home Alone?
Visiting a Pumpkin Patch
Going to a Haunted House
Good old Fashioned Vandalism
Halloween Jam!
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kaluwa-del-conte · 2 years
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I feel like doing some art prompts 👀
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thisapplepielife · 6 months
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Written for the @steddiemas challenge.
Winter of 1975
Prompt Day 2: Winter Themed Sentence Starters | Word Count: 1200 | Rating: T | CW: Language, Mentions of Childhood Trauma, Innuendo | Tags: Future Fic, Established Relationship, Gift Giving, Softness, Steve POV
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"Did I ever tell you about the winter of '75?" Eddie asks, curling up on the couch next to Steve, tucking his feet under him.
Steve shakes his head no, at least he doesn't think so. Or if he has, Eddie didn't word it like that.
"When you were ten?" Steve asks. 
Eddie nods, "When I was ten. My mom had died, you know, earlier that year. And my dad, well, you know."
Steve nods. He knows. He stretches his arm out, and lets Eddie curl into him.
"Well, Uncle Wayne was bound and determined to make it a good Christmas. It wasn't possible, not really, but he was gonna try his best."
Steve smiles, that sounds like Wayne. If there's anything Steve knows, it's that Wayne Munson loves Eddie. 
"Well, he took me sledding. I broke my arm. He bought a real tree. I was allergic to pine. We made hot cocoa on the stove, and I dropped it, nearly scalding my feet. Just, you know, everything that could go wrong, did. It's the Munson way," Eddie says, with a laugh. 
Steve kisses him on the head, and tries to remember what the Christmas of 1975 looked like for him. He imagines he got all the toys he wanted, and his parents hosted parties in their house that he wasn't invited to attend. Sitting on the second floor, little hands gripping the slats of the railing, just hoping to get a glimpse of what was going on, down below. Hoping to see his parents, for just a few minutes. The usual.
Those nights were always the worst. As soon as he got home from school, they'd feed him an early dinner and send him straight up to bed. And then the activity started downstairs, without him. He wonders now, as an adult, why they didn't just invite some kids? They could have still been corralled upstairs, away from the party, but he wouldn't have been all alone. Even if it was just Tommy H. That would have gone a long way to making them tolerable.
Eddie continues talking, "But Uncle Wayne kept trying. He bought me a Pet Rock," Eddie says, with a laugh. "I begged for it in the store, and it cost four dollars. He bought it and handed it over, and I opened the box. And it was a rock."
Steve laughs, he had one, too. Everybody did, he's pretty sure.
"Well, the name was pretty clear about what it was," Steve says.
"I know. I just wanted it to be something else, I guess. Something a little more lively. It was just a rock. Whoever invented that was a genius. Think of all the money they made. For rocks."
Steve smiles at him.
"But, Uncle Wayne just bought me some paints, and brushes, and told me to make it whatever I wanted it to be then."
Eddie smiles, "So I did. I gave it eyes, and some hair, and it looked a little goofy. But it had some personality."
"Like you," Steve says, hugging Eddie closer. 
Eddie just rolls his eyes, "Anyway. I loved it after that. But, I still had paint, so Uncle Wayne got me a sketchbook. And I started drawing, and then painting what I'd drawn. Like my own coloring book, but filled with everything I liked, and nothing for little babies," Eddie says, laughing. "The fridge was full of weird shit that was coming out of my brain."
Steve nods. Weird shit is still coming out of Eddie's mind, and he loves it all. Every last thing. He might not understand it all, but he likes that Eddie is curious about the world around him. That he has opinions. Strong opinions, sometimes, sure. Even wrong opinions in Steve's mind. But opinions. Eddie wants to talk about the things that run through his mind, and Steve wants him to, always willing to listen.
"Anyway. I learned to draw. To paint. To love art, because of that Pet Rock. I designed all my own tattoos. I did the Hellfire logo. It gave me an outlet I didn't know I needed or wanted."
Steve kisses his bare shoulder, hoping he'll continue. He loves to hear him talk. 
"Well, all that said," Eddie says, pulling a wrapped box out from under the coffee table, and handing it to Steve. 
It's not Christmas, not yet.
"It's not Christmas yet," Steve argues.
"It's not a Christmas present," Eddie says.
"The wrapping paper says otherwise," Steve teases, and Eddie laughs, pinching his side. It is wrapped in red, with a heavy fabric bow that there's no way Eddie did.
"Who wrapped this?" Steve follows up, needing to know. Because it damn well wasn't Eddie.
"Excuse you? You don't think I could wrap this?" Eddie asks, acting very affronted by this accusation.
Steve just raises one eyebrow.
"Erica did," Eddie mutters, "just open it."
So, Steve opens it, carefully. And when he pulls back the tissue paper, it's a painting of the two of them. From a million years ago. Walking through the forest. But it's not dark, and red, like it really was that night. Here, it's lush and green, with the sun shining overhead, casting gorgeous shadows all through the trees. 
It's stunning. 
Steve meets Eddie's eyes, "It's beautiful."
"Well, it's only beautiful because you are," Eddie says, and Steve blushes. Just a little. Even after all these years.
"When did you have time to do this?" Steve asks, because he definitely hasn't seen Eddie working on a canvas lately. He'd have noticed that. The mess alone. The mugs of dirty, paint stained water. The countertop lined with drying brushes.
He's seen no evidence of any of that. 
Eddie smiles, "I did it at Wayne's. During our Sunday morning breakfasts. We talked while I painted. And yes, I cleaned up my own messes," Eddie says, dryly.
Steve just smiles at him.
"It's really good, Eddie. Really, really good. You could do this, if you wanted to. For a living."
Eddie just laughs, "We definitely don't have the luxury of me painting with the hopes that I'll sell some of them. And that's okay. Maybe someday," Eddie says.
Steve knows he's right. They aren't exactly rolling in money, but maybe someday they'll be better off, and Eddie will be able to just stay home, doing something he loves. Wouldn't that be something?
"You know, I do have other ideas of things to paint…" Eddie trails off, and the glint in his eye means he's definitely up to no good.
"Oh lord, what?" Steve asks, suspicious of that look in his eye.
"How do you feel about posing nude for me?" Eddie asks, giving him the eyes.
Steve barks out a laugh. Sure. He'll pose nude for Eddie. It's not like he's shy or anything. Eddie has definitely seen it all before.
He only has one question.
"What are you gonna do with it once you're done?" Steve asks, raising his eyebrow, imploring for the truth.
Eddie just grins, that evil grin of his, and Steve shakes his head. Oh well. He definitely knew what he was getting into once he decided to spend his life with Eddie Munson. 
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Notes: Pet Rocks were, in fact, all the rage for the Christmas of '75. A the guy who made them made, like, a million dollars. 🪨 💰
If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddiemas and follow along!
If you want to see more of my entries from this challenge, they are in my tag right here!
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cmkinkbingo2024 · 2 months
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It’s time to get kinky! Welcome to Criminal Minds Kink Bingo 2024.
The goal of a bingo challenge is to get a bingo on your card, either by crossing out one line, two lines, or a blackout (full card) by creating fanworks for the prompts randomly provided on the card.
This could be a written piece of a minimum 500 words, a piece of finished art, or another kind of fanwork of your choosing.
Please note that this challenge and blog is for people 18+ only.
Until sign ups open, we are accepting kink nominations to be included as options via our ask box. We have a list already, but we will add to it if something is missing.
Sign ups start on May 1st 2024 and will be open until May 15th.
Individual cards will be issued by May 22nd, and the event officially starts on May 26th (you can start creating as soon as you receive your bingo card).
As soon as the event starts on May 26th, you can post fanworks whenever they’re created, in whatever place you prefer. You can tag your fills, bingo updates or WIPs with #cmkinkbingo2024 on tumblr. We also have a collection on AO3 for your works here.
You have until July 31st 2024 to complete your bingos!
How Bingo Works
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Lines can be made by crossing out squares in any direction - horizontal, vertical, or diagonal. To cross out a square, use the prompt on it to create and post a fanwork.
You will choose from a large list of potential prompts, marking the ones you would be happy to have generated on a 5x5 square bingo card. This will also allow you to exclude prompts you would not be happy to have to create for. 
While that does mean you could create the perfect bingo card, we encourage you to select upwards of 25 prompts, to allow for some randomness in the challenge.
Every card will have a free space in the middle, where you have the option to choose a prompt yourself. 
You can request additional bingo cards if you complete a line, 2 lines or a full house and want to try for a second win!
No plagiarism, art theft or AI generated content will be tolerated in works for this challenge. Participants/works will be excluded at our discretion in these circumstances.
You can post your fanworks wherever you prefer.
Just like kinks are not always sexual, works do not have to be explicit to be entered. As long as it relates to the prompt, SFW content is entirely allowed. 
Some of the kinks utilized in this challenge will fall under “real world” kinks, and others under things considered a kink in the context of fanwork creation.
You are responsible for how much you stick to the spirit of the challenge - ultimately this is meant to be fun, and to spur people to be creative, and create content for a fandom we love!
Safety/Your Kink Is Not My Kink
Some of the kinks listed may indicate extreme, upsetting, triggering content, or content you personally find immoral, or that “squicks” you. You are ultimately responsible for the content you consume - if something is not for you, scroll past and/or use the necessary blocking/muting features to exclude this content from your feed.
Please make sure to tag and rate all works appropriately for their content, such as using Archive of Our Own’s warning, rating and tag system, or tumblr’s ‘read more’ function.
You can add any fills posted on Archive of Our Own to the collection here.
Please check out the Frequently Asked Questions, or send us an ask if you have another question!
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the-golden-comet · 10 days
Ask Box Game: ✨Good Vibes Edition✨
Heya! Figured I’d try my own ask box prompts. Feel free to use this around, or send me an ask. My ask box is always open, and my tea kettle will always be ready for your arrival~ 🫖✨
🩷—What’s your favorite thing about one of your characters?
🌳—List 3 things in your WIP that relate to nature.
✍️—What do you like most about your writing?
🫂—How do characters in your story support one of your OCs?
☕️—What do you put in your writing spaces to make you feel cozy/comfortable?
😊—Tell us one thing that makes you smile, without fail.
😂—Tell us one thing that makes you laugh.
📚—What is your favorite genre to read?
🥨—Describe your WIP using a food item.
❣️—What inspired you to write your story?
🎵—List three songs that match the vibe of your story.
🎨—What other art mediums do you enjoy/help you to relax? (Either by doing them yourself, or watching others do)
💻—List 5 objects in your living space that give you joy.
🫵—If your OC was standing in front of you, and you could tell them anything, what would it be?
👤—Tell us five things about yourself that you are proud of.
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erikahenningsen · 4 months
more prompts because i am eating up every single thing you write i love making it 2018 again: 10 or 31
10. “Teach me how to play?”
Regina hasn't been in Janis's garage in years.
It's almost exactly how she remembers it: the worn couch, the art supplies strewn everywhere, their organization a method known only to Janis.
And, on a stool next to an easel, Janis—strumming on her guitar.
"Hey," Regina says, stepping over a box of what looks like dolls and stuffed animals.
Janis looks up, her fingers stilling. "Hey?" she says, looking a little confused.
"You left your jacket at Gretchen's house last night," Regina says, holding up the denim jacket with the elaborately painted back, which she had found thrown across a couch while helping Gretchen clean up after yesterday's party.
Nobody needs to know that, in the privacy of her room, Regina had slipped her arms into the sleeves and admired the jacket, taking secret thrill in how it smelled like Janis's perfume.
"Oh," Janis says, looking surprised. "Thanks. I forgot about that."
"I figured," Regina says, "since, you know. I have it and you don't."
Internally, Regina cringes a little, but Janis just looks amused. She starts strumming the guitar again, and jerks her chin in the direction of a chair a few feet away. "You can leave it there. Thanks."
Regina slides the jacket over the back of the chair and lingers, a little awkwardly, not sure if she should leave now that she's accomplished her task.
"What are you playing?" Regina asks.
"Just some song Damian and I were writing for fun," Janis says, smiling a little. "Tentatively titled 'A Cautionary Tale.'"
"It's catchy," Regina offers.
Regina remembers weekends in middle school spent in this garage, Janis's fingers clumsily feeling out chords on the guitar she had just been gifted for her birthday. Regina had always wanted to learn, but she didn't want to break her nails.
Today, Regina can't believe how silly some of her priorities were when she was younger. What else had her insecurities caused her to miss out on?
"Teach me how to play?" Regina asks, the words leaving her mouth before she can think too hard about them.
Janis's fingers still. "Really?"
"Um," Regina says, "yes?"
"Well... okay," Janis says, gesturing for Regina to sit, and then handing her the guitar. "I'll teach you a couple chords."
Regina settles her arms around the instrument, letting Janis move the fingers on her left hand on the right strings. She's so close Regina can hear her breathing, smell the same perfume that had lingered on the jacket, can see where Janis's eyeliner has smudged a little in the corner of her left eye.
"And then you..." Janis lifts Regina's right wrist, dragging her fingers across the strings. The guitar sings the opening strains of the song Janis had just been playing, and Regina tries to ignore how it feels like sparks are zipping up her arm from where Janis is touching her.
"There you go," Janis says, looking pleased, and Regina reflexively smiles back, trying to ignore the butterflies in her stomach.
"Stay tuned for my EP," Regina jokes, and when Janis laughs, it's the best sound she's heard in a long time.
Regina almost doesn't notice when the nail on her right middle finger breaks.
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lilspacewolfie · 4 months
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Writing Masterlist:
This blog is 18+ as I write explicit material (unmarked fics are SFW gen/teen). Most of my work is on my Ao3.
Requests you can find both on Tumblr and Ao3. If you have a prompt for me, throw it into my ask box! But please read my writing request rules first! Requests: OPEN
Please note I write my own unconnected verses, so *Copia is not Nihil’s son in any of my AUs unless explicitly stated or requested.*
‼️(This masterlist is always being updated please DO NOT reblog!)‼️
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Main Devil!Terzo verse: Follows an AU in which Terzo is Lucifer incarnate, and his relationship development with Copia. (fic references: Basic layout of Copia's apartment.)
⛧ You Will Never Walk Alone (Devil!Terzo x Copia origin) (current WIP 10+ chapters)
Semi-verse Related Oneshots: Some self-indulgent slice of life stuff for my main AU.
⛧ The Devil's Treasure (Ao3 only, 3.9k words, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, soft dom devil!terzo, bathing/washing, praise kink, devil!terzo taking care of copia during a thunderstorm) E/18+
⛧ The Devil's Claim (Ao3 only, 5k words, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, very low-stakes jealousy, angst & fluff, they work it out in the end) E/18+
⛧ The Devil's Whore (Ao3 only, 2.3k words, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, playful flirting, desperation, a touch of voyeurism) E/18+
⛧ The Devil's Heart (Ao3 only, 2.9k words, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, follow on from the devil's whore, praise kink, love-making, tenderness) E/18+
⛧ Reassurences (also on Ao3, 498 words, Devil!Terzo x Copia, SFW from fluffy dialogue prompts, very short and sweet, seriously my teeth hurt, anxiety disorder, heavy on the tenderness, pillow talk)
⛧ Devil On Your Back (also on Ao3, 575 words, Devil!Terzo x Copia, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, sexual content, soft and sweet, love-making, soft dom devil!terzo, body worship, handjobs, praise kink, copia is #stressed, lucifer gives him a hand and his dick) E/18+
⛧The Devil's Kisses (1.1k words, Devil!Terzo x Copia, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, from send me a Ship and a Number and I will Write a Kiss, copia suffers from migraines, a lot of softness here, very soft and sweet, sexual content, playful flirting, teasing, oral, love-making, lots of forehead and temple kisses, truly those are my weakness, grief & loss of a pet at the end, minor death if that bothers you, but it's not described in detail) E/18+
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Devilish Requests: Mainly featuring Devil!Terzo x Copia or Devil!Terzo x Omega.
⛧ Blinded (Ao3 only, 1.2k words, Devil!Terzo x Copia, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, dom devil!terzo, light bondage, edging, blindfolds) E/18+
⛧ Let Me Hear You (Ao3 only, 886 words, Devil!Terzo x Copia, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, soft dom, voice kink, handjobs) E/18+
⛧ After (Ao3 only, 740 words, Devil!Terzo x Copia, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, aftercare, bodyworship, tenderness, subspace, follows on from Blinded, aftermath of smut) M
⛧ Stress Relief (Ao3 only, 997 words, Devil!Terzo x Copia, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, rough oral, breathplay) E/18+
⛧ In The Quiet (Ao3 only, 944 words, Devil!Terzo x Copia, mild NSFW, MDNI, anxiety, tenderness, light angst, pillow talk) M
⛧ Devil In A Dress (Ao3 only, 1.5k words, Devil!Terzo x Omega, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, dom/sub, rough oral, smut inspired by van's art) E/18+
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⛧ A Little Mercy (also on Ao3, 1.4k words, Terzo x Copia, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, sexual content, soft dom terzo, body worship, light-bondage, oral, teasing, blindfolds, edging) E/18+
⛧ Scars and Stretchmarks (1.5k words, Terzo x Copia, mild NSFW, MDNI, from send me a Ship and a Number and I will Write a Kiss, soft dom terzo, very soft and sweet because I can't not make everything a little sweet, mild sexual content, teasing, stretchmarks, insecurities, guilt & grief, copia needs a hug, anxiety disorder, sort of a panic attack if that triggers you) M
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⛧ Failed Date (also on Ao3, 1.6k words, Cardinal Copia x gn!reader, SFW, very little description to keep it as gender-neutral as possible, soft copia, failed date, sweet ending, just all around very soft and fluffy)
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⛧ Papas Caring For Hospitalized Reader (also on Ao3, 2k words, Papas x gn!reader, SFW, bullet-pointed format, mentions of hospitals, needles (only mentioned), mention of general anaesthetic, angst, hurt/comfort, anxiety, lots of sweetness, you're getting pampered, no beta we die like nihil!)
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⛧ Genitive Mortis (Ao3 only, 1.5k words, SFW, stand-alone, female OC fic, contains blood, gore and descriptions of corpses, inspired by the fic Copper and Iron) M
⛧ Midnight Hours (Ao3 only, 2.9k words, Cowboy!Terzo x Cardinal Copia, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, stand-alone, hurt/comfort, oral, body worship, scars & chronic pain, inspired by the fic Copper and Iron) E/18+
🜏 ⛧ 🜏
Unrelated Stuff:
My Art Tag ⛧ My Gifs Tag ⛧ Blog dividers used set 1 & set 2 ⛧ Moving graphics can be found here ⛧
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
If you are still taking requests, could I please request 9 from the fluff prompts “. . . sorry, I talked too much” “No no no not at all. Keep talking” with Eddie. Maybe he's rambling on about one of his passions and he is so used to people shutting him down but the reader is absolutely enamored?
Your writing fills me with pure delight and I keep trying to sneak reading it at work.💙
I am for sure still taking requests! And flattery works well on me so you will definitely get your request written with a sweet message like that!! I am so happy to hear you like to read my work and it fills you with delight. I will make sure to make this extra fluffly for you.
“… sorry, I talked too much” “No no no not at all. Keep talking”
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Eddie was heading to his deal after school, walking and sitting at his usual bench. He rolled his eyes as Jason sat in front of him. "Let's make this fast." Eddie huffed out, opening his lunch box. Eddie was measuring out the weed when Jason spoke up, "So what exactly is a hellfire club?" Eddie looked up, silently puzzled. Why was he asking him about hellfire? Jason never cared. All he wanted was to make his life hell. Eddie glared as he answered with a stiff tone. "We don’t need to do small talk. This is about $30." Eddie handed over the bag filled with weed. He was thrown off by Jason's expression. He almost looked genuine. Eddie always had a soft heart, thanks to Wayne. "It's a DnD club; my friends and I play. It's a fantasy game. We form an adventuring party and explore fantasy worlds together as we embark on epic quests and level up in experience. We each have our own personalities. I'm-" But he was cut off when Jason laughed; the genuine expression was gone. "Wow, those theater classes are paying off. You truly thought I gave a shit about your freak club. " He scoffed and threw the money on the table. And with that, he walked off back to the school grounds. Eddie's shoulders slumped. He knew that not many people understood DnD and thought it was dumb. But that was one of the places he felt himself. Those kids looked up to him, and it made him feel good. He's so used to people looking down on him. It was something he knew so much about he could talk about it for hours, but no one ever wanted to listen. With a slightly worse mood than he showed up with, he went to his van to head home. ~~~~~~~ The next time Eddie got passionate about talking about a topic was with Steve. Eddie was in the middle of a rant about how horror films were truly works of art. Steve believed romance was the top tier. "Listen man, chicks dig horror films. It gets them horny or some shit." Eddie's main point was that he believed nothing got a girl fired up faster than a horror film. Eddie was not one to give up during an argument, so he started stating his facts. He goes into full detail to back up his theory. He was feeling proud of how much information he was able to bring up, but once again that feeling in his gut returned when Steve spoke up, "Okay, I got it, damn you didn't have to keep talking for so long." and he went to help a customer. Eddie felt embarrassed. He knew he got too into his conversations and would go over the top. But the feeling of someone telling you they aren't interested in talking with you or listening to you always hurts. ~~~~~~~ Eddie tried not to talk too much about things. That feeling that had turned his mood sour was something he didn't want to experience again. But once again, he couldn't stop himself in class when the topic of music was brought up. He proudly stated how he played guitar and was in a band. He was working in a group, and they had to create a song with chords. Eddie decided to take the role of the group, as his sweetheart had taught him well. The group had to share their work with the class. Eddie was passionately stating how his mind came up with certain parts of the song. He felt confident and, for the first time, smart about how well he understood the material. But then that feeling was running down his throat and landing in his stomach when a voice spoke up. 
"Yo freak, I don't care about how you made the song. Quit talking, we have other stuff to do." Defeated Eddie headed to his seat in the back of the class, with his curly head down.
Eddie was forcing books into his dirty locker that really needed to be cleaned out when a soft and gentle voice came from next to him. "Excuse me?" Eddie looked over and saw the most gorgeous person he had ever seen. Their eyes were big and sparkled. Their hair was styled to perfection. And a big smile was stretched across their faces. Eddie felt his heart literally skip a few beats. He then realized he had not answered. "Oh yes, Hi." He fumbled out with a shy smile. They laughed, and the smile got even bigger.
"I'm new and was wondering if you could help me out." Eddie's ears were attentively listening to them. It was like their voice were his new favorite sounds.
Eddie nodded quickly and put out his hand. "I'm Eddie." "I'm Y/N" They shook his hand with a soft grip. His stomach did flips at the contact. Eddie spent the rest of the day showing Y/N around, helping them get to classes, showing them the nearest bathrooms, and even asking Y/N to join his lunch table, to which they happily agreed. Eddie and Y/N were getting closer as the days passed. They shared many classes, sat at lunch together, and Eddie lied and said he studied at the library on Fridays, just to have Y/N alone at least once a week. And tonight, Eddie was finally going to ask Y/N out. He had no idea if they were even interested, but he had to take the chance. "So Y/N, any plans for this evening?" Eddie asked as Y/N hopped into his van. Y/N quickly answered with a no. Eddie felt relieved at the fact that they didn't have plans. "Would you maybe want to go out tonight? To like, dinner or something? on a date? " Y/N was caught off guard by the question. There was definitely a crush growing on the metalhead they spent all their time with. They felt a blush heat their cheeks and a smile form. "I'd love to." they answered, and they had never seen Eddie smile bigger than today. Eddie decided on a diner. Granted, he couldn't afford an expensive place, but he hoped a diner would be a good choice. "Don't worry Eddie, I've loved diners ever since I was young. This is a great choice. " Eddie felt himself smile at that and was pleased that this date was going in a good direction.
As the date went on, the conversations flowed effortlessly. His cheeks hurt from how much he was smiling and laughing. He could feel the crush growing more and more. He tried to steer the direction of things he knew he'd go over the top with. He really liked Y/N and did not want to annoy them with his constant ramblings. The date ended and he brought them home. He sealed the date with a kiss and a new hope in his chest. He felt like he was on cloud nine the whole way home. Smiling to himself and fist bumping, he was proud that he didn't get carried away in conversation. Maybe he was getting better at keeping himself composed. ~~~~ Y/N loved spending time with Eddie in the last few weeks. He was sweet, caring, and hilarious. But something kept nagging in their minds. It felt like he was walking on eggshells when they spoke. Y/N wasn't sure if they were intimating or boring. But Eddie is honest. He'd say something, wouldn't he? Y/N and Eddie were cuddling on his couch, in his small and cozy trailer. Y/N's hand was delicately rubbing Eddie's chest over his hellfire shirt. "So what is hellfire?" They asked softly. Eddie went stiff. His mind went back to Jason, and that sickening feeling arose in his stomach. He tried to stay clear of hellfire and DnD conversation because he knew he couldn't stay quiet about it. "Just a club." He mumbled with a shrug. "What's the club about?" Y/N asked as they looked up at him. They could see the anxiety in Eddie's eyes. They just didn't understand why he was so distant and scared. "Its DnD." His answers were short and quick. They weren't giving up on him. "What's DnD? I'm not sure I've heard about it.” Eddie made eye contact and he could see the curiosity in their eyes. Y/N was different from Jason. Eddie shouldn't treat them so badly. He sighed and began to describe the events of DnD.
Eddie was lost in his rant when he looked at the clock. His eyes went huge when he realized he had been talking Y/N's ear off for 20 minutes straight of just DnD. He quickly shut his mouth, mid-explanation. He reasoned that since Y/N had already zoned out, they wouldn't even notice his thought was incomplete.
But to his surprise, Y/N looked up at him, confused, "Why did you stop? Did Dustin defeat Vecna? " Eddie was lost for words. Not only were they listening the whole time, but they were asking him to continue. "Oh, I'm sorry. I talked too much, so I didn't want to bore you. " His words made their heart hurt. How could he think that they didn't want to listen to him? He never talks too much. This was the most they had gotten to hear him speak in weeks. They smiled encouragingly, "No, not at all. Keep talking. I need to know how it ends. I love how passionate you sound. " Eddie swears he fell in love right there. His chest felt like it was going to explode. He felt accepted and understood. For once, someone wanted to listen to him. Someone cared. And he vowed not to mess this up.
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sarahlizziewrites · 7 months
Writeblr for newbies
So you joined Tumblr to talk about your writing. Maybe you're published and you want to promote your works, or maybe you're wanting a supportive community of fellow writers, or maybe you're just writing for the hell of it and want to show the world your blorbos.
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Being a part of the writing side of Tumblr is a little bit like being in kindergarten and all the kids are talking about their imaginary friends to each other. Except some of the kids have published stories about their imaginary friends in real books you can buy. It's so cool.
I have made some wonderful friends on Writeblr, I've ARC'd and beta'd books for people, and I've gotten a lot of warm fuzzies from sharing my snippets and my characters. It's somewhere between self-promo and group therapy, but it doesn't feel like either. It feels like a wonderful community of writers supporting each other.
The Writeblr lingo can seem a little intense at first so I thought I'd set up a guide. If I've missed anything lmk!
WIP - stands for 'work in progress' (plural: WIPs). Any piece of writing (or poetry, or any kind of art) that isn't completed yet. This might be the first draft of a story, or the nth draft of your novel, or the not-yet-posted chapter of the fanfiction you're writing. WIP is a state of mind: it might be nearly complete, or it might just be an idea with a few hundred words attached to it. Talk about it as much or as little as you want.
WIP intro - a totally optional (and honestly a lot of hard work sometimes lol) post explaining the main themes/background/plot/characters of your WIP. Something you can link people to so they good a good idea of your WIP and what it's about. Similarly, character intro, for individual characters within a WIP, often with art/picrews.
Tag game - the lifeblood of Writeblr! In its most basic form, someone tags you in a game, you play the game, then tag other people you want to play the game. Lots of people do 'open tags', which you can also pick up. These games can range from making picrews of your characters to posting a snippet or multiple snippets. A few common ones at the moment (these change often!) are: Find the Word (the tagger gives you words to find in your WIP, you post a short snippet for each word, then give the people you tag new words to find); Last Line (you post the last line(ish) you wrote, or wrote recently); 9 Lines 9 People (post 9(ish) recent lines, tag 9(ish) people). There are so many more, and new ones being created all the time.
Blorbo - your OC (original character) that lives in your mind rent-free. The one(s) you would commit war crimes for. You know the one I'm talking about. In addition, blorbo trading and sharing is encouraged in the Writeblr community.
Ask game - a post that you reblog, usually containing a list of prompts or questions, that encourages your followers to ask those questions in your ask box. It is friendly to drop an ask from the game to the person you reblogged the post from.
Weekly asks - if you've asked to take part, questions about your writing in your inbox, related to a certain day of the week. There's Worldbuilding Wednesday (WBW), which are questions about worldbuilding, Blorbo Blursday (OC questions), and Storyteller Saturday (STS), questions about writing in general. These questions can be very generic and vague, or can be about specific characters/stories.
Pinned Post - basically, an 'about' page. Talk about yourself, your WIPs, the kinds of things you like, whether you want to be involved in Writeblr games, whether your asks are open. You don't need one, but it can be a handy reference point for your followers.
Taglist - sometimes, Tumblr posts get lost on the dash. If you are interested in a particular WIP, ask the author if you can be put on their taglist, so you can get notified every time they post about it. They will love you for it, seriously!
Overall, on Writeblr, it is always encouraged:
to talk about your stories and characters as much as you like. People might not follow along at first, but they'll get on board!
to reblog others' writing/snippets/promo. We're all relying on each other for our sanity here, and a nice comment in the tags never goes amiss either!
I'm sure I've missed something - feel free to add!
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summerwarlock · 2 months
Hello 👋
Howdy, I'm SummerWarlock. I'm an artist and game developer. Very into BG3 right now in case that wasn’t immediately obvious. :)
I mainly post art here, you can find it under the tag #my art
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Got ideas for what I should draw next? I’d love to hear them. You can drop requests in my ask box or message me. I can't promise to get to every one but I'll do what I can and I always appreciate prompts.
Commissions are open!
If you'd like to me to draw (or animate) something for you, please get in touch.
As well as art I also make VIDEO GAMES. So if you ever want a self indulgent personalised dating sim just sayin 👀
Rules for commissions:
All payments through PayPal. NSFW is fine. (Doesn't have to be BG3 related, OCs and other stuff are all fine)
I'll have a new comms sheet linked here at some point buuut I keep procrastinating on it so in the meantime just message me, let me know what you're looking for and we'll work it out. General guidelines - illustration and drawing: Quick sketch - $20 B&W character - $50 Colour character $90
Animation and game dev: variable depending on what you're looking for, please get in touch to discuss :)
Extra $ for additional characters, backgrounds, other complex stuff. Discount if you're a returning customer 💕
Message me here or email me at [email protected]
If you wanna help me keep making art make HMRC stop sending me angry letters you can support me on ko-fi. It's super appreciated. :)
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Hello, I’m Cabbage! You can find me as Cabbage_Vampire on AO3. My icon is from Eleanor’s KissCrew Maker! This blog is 90% Rolan (and so is my writing!) but I do love discussing the writing process and reblogging all sorts of wonderful BG3 fan art. Please note my writing is explicit, and this blog is 18+ only. Anyway, on to the master list!
Rolan Fics!
Steel Weave Series (Rolan x f! Human Fighter Tav, E Rated, Second Person POV)
Sharp Teeth 41,316 words, Falling in love with Rolan over the course of the game’s events, and annoying the Hells out of each other. That’s amore! (Complete)
Tail and Tongue 2,475 words. Fluff and smut on the Elfsong roof before the Absolute’s defeat. Will eventually get a second chapter. (WIP, 1/2)
Sharess’s Sundries 10,804 words. Working out the kinks (gags, strap-ons and spankings…) with Rolan, as he explores his submissive fantasies and after a non-zero amount of prodding finally tells you (Tav) what he wants. (Complete)
Laced Close 4,569 words. Inspired by all the wonderful Rolan corset art on Tumblr! A trip to Figaro’s results in some kinky tight-lacing and a very flustered Rolan manning the counter at Sorcerous Sundries. (Complete)
Combat Training 7,572 words. Sometimes the only way to get Rolan to talk about his feelings is to pin him down and threaten him with a good time. After a lot of playfighting, of course. (Complete)
Along the Chionthar 2,333 words. A wedding, a honeymoon, and… watersports. Coming in the next chapter: Rolan gets a golden shower. (WIP, 1/2)
Planar Tears (Rolan x OFC (Catrin), E rated, Third Person - Rolan’s POV)
Planar Tears 39, 688 words. Isekai romance about an NHS doctor from our plane dragged into Rolan’s by his use of an overpowered Summon Planar Ally scroll. There’s no other option than to bring Catrin to Baldur’s Gate with them, hoping Lorroakan can send her back - but getting there involves almost insurmountable danger. And as Rolan’s feelings grow, could he ever ask her to stay? (WIP, 14/35)
Fast Times in Faerûn Series (Rolan x OFC (Lennie), E Rated, Third Person, 80s Camp Counsellor AU)
Short Shorts (And Cold Beer) 2,597 words. Lennie has had enough of Rolan’s shirking ways. When she finally confronts him over it, things get a little more heated than expected. (Complete)
Other Stuff!
Sharp Teeth Rolan portrait, commissioned from luinen-bluewater <3
Steel Weave Tav Backstory Bash.
Rolan, Cal and Lia backstory headcanon
Claws Out! (goofy lil Tara & Astarion fluff, there might be more in future if I’m feeling silly)
Rolan NSFW Alphabet
Talk to me!
I love getting tagged in things, and getting asks. If you want to know why I wrote something a certain way, or prompt some Rolan/Tav scenes (SFW or NSFW!), or just want to kick your feet about Rolan together (my number one activity), my ask box is open ✨ or y’know, ask what I had for breakfast. I’ll answer that too lmao.
[TEMPORARY UPDATE - prompts closed bc I have an inbox backlog and want to give them all some love! But other asks still very much open <3 ]
If you ever do fan art for my characters or fics, I’d love to see it! <3
generally #cabbage writes and #cabbage answers are where the fun stuff lies on this blog! Or #cabbage trash for some filth ;)
And, as always, there’s much more Rolan writing to come.
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14daysdalovers · 1 year
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Welcome to the Fourth Annual ‘14 Days of Dragon Age Lovers’ Prompts Event!
I am so excited to be back to host this event for the fourth year in a row. I have a fun new list of prompts to get into the spirit of Valentine’s Day with some of our favorite Thedosian characters, and I cannot wait to see what this years list sparks for all of you!
As always, please make sure that you read through the events rules page (which is outlined below the cut) before you decide if this event is for you.
Let’s start with the basics!
How does the event work?
It’s pretty simple!
Step 1: Post your content
Step 2: Make sure to tag the event page (@14daysdalovers)
Step 3: Add the tag #14DALovers (don’t forget to add the prompt and pair tags)
It’s that easy! I will reblog all contributions to the event page for everyone to enjoy in one easy to find location.
I am hosting this event solo, so please be patient with me for reblogs. If I have missed your post and it hasn’t been posted on the blog page by the following day, don’t hesitate to DM me here with a link to your post. I will do my very best to make sure any content contributed is added in a timely manner so it can be viewed + enjoyed by the other participants!
Who can participate?
Anyone over 18 years old can participate! This event will allow adult themes and NSFW content, so unfortunately minors are asked to kindly please not to participate. Please make sure your posts are tagged as NSFW (lemons, etc) if they fall into that category, and tag anything potentially triggering.
How long does the event run?
The event will run for the month of February. Even though the prompts list only has 14 prompts, I want it to be a fun and relaxed event, so I am not putting deadlines on content submissions. Don’t have a piece of fan art/fanfiction finished on the 1st for the first prompt? No big deal! Just submit your content when you finish it and I will reblog it regardless of the date. The last day to submit your pieces for the event will be the 28th so make sure you post them before the end of the day to have them added to the event page.
Which fandoms & pairings will the event cover?
The event will be open to pairings from any of the Dragon Age games, novels, etc. Any pairing from the fandom as a whole, including rare pairs, are allowed and encouraged as long they are respectful to the character. Please make sure you tag your posts with your ship pairing!
What kind of content is allowed?
The event is open for original works of fanfiction, fan art, 2D and 3D rendered pieces. No mood boards or playlists please for copyright purposes. NSFW content is allowed as long as it is between two consenting characters. This is supposed to be an uplifting feel good event, but I understand the need for conflict, angst and drama in certain pieces to build a mood. However it should go without saying that any ‘dark’ content will be frowned upon and will not be added to the event page. 
Here is a list of content that will absolutely NOT be permitted for the event;
• Content that changes a queer character to a straight character.
• Graphic violence/torture or angst for the sake of torturing a character.
• Any content that is racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, ageist, etc.
• Incest
• Underage
• Non-con/rape
• Kink-shaming
• Basically if it’s not respectful don’t submit it!
The purpose of the event is to most importantly have fun and uplift your fellow content creators! Comments and reblogs are encouraged, but please keep them respectful. Anyone leaving negative comments or tags on content posts will have their content removed from the event page and be blocked from participating in the event further.
That about sums it up! My ask box and inbox are open for any questions or concerns you might have so don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any.
I can’t wait to see all the wonderful romantic Dragon Age content!
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arthenaa · 9 months
Hey! I see your ask box is open so I thought I drop by and request something.
So.... my birthday is on September 21 th wich is (hier in Germany at least) in 4 day.... would you do me a brithday favor and make a headchannon/ story of female MC that is dating the hogwarts legacy boys (separated ofc) having a fun birthday with there boyfriend? That would mean the world to me.
Thank you in advance and If you don't want or can't do it that is fine too. Thank you for taking your time and reading this. Have a good one^^
Your Most Special Day - Hogwarts Legacy Boys x Reader
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SUMMARY: It's your most special day with your most special person.
NOTE: Hey darling! Happiest birthday to you <3 My time is six hours ahead so I scheduled this to be released exactly at 12:00 am for you. Wishing you the best and have a wonderful day! Here's a song to set the mood and to also put the boys' feelings into a hymn <3 and if you can! try reading the english lyrics of the song. It really puts their words into reality. Hope you enjoy! (also my first work back after a hiatus! im gonna be active soon i promise) also not sure if this meant ALL the boys in HL but i only did my 4 boys
Your love story with Ominis had been simple
It was direct and to the point
There was no dilly-dallying
You had already acknowledged your interest in his way before you had the chance to interact with him
When your options were only to gaze at him from afar and take little guesses on how you think his personality would be
It's safe to say that you weren't far off from your assumptions
It began with small interactions, saying hi to him in the hallways, opening the door for him, borrowing a quill from him when you "forgot" one.
Until eventually, all your hi's turned into hugs for greetings, opening the door for him to go to class hand in hand, borrowing quills to borrowing his robes when you "forgot" yours
It didn't take long for the two of you to establish your place in the romantic aspect of your relationship
Ever since you stepped foot in Hogwarts, discovered yourself, fought wizards and the dark arts, and just experienced a brand new journey, he was there to witness it all
He was a definition of consistency.
The one true constant in your life that begins at your first step as a wizard to the end of your journey as a student and into the future
And with your special day coming up, who else other than him would allow you to reminisce the fond memories of both the past, present, and the probability of it in the future
It's safe to say that Ominis had always been destined to be your definition of long-lasting.
"Happiest birthday to my muse," His voice resonates throughout the room as he takes careful steps towards you. In his hand is a small cake, candles stacked neatly on top of it—so orderly positioned and intricate that it prompts giggles out of you as he takes another step. He hears your laughter and only smiles. "My Pandora, the love of my life, my light."
You smile, clasping your hands together to your chest as you train your eyes on him. The low light of your small home contributes to the homey ambiance as the light from the flame of the candles illuminates the features of the face you've come to love over the years.
"I trust that the introduction was a bit much," You let out a giggle at his jesting to which he nods, admittedly. "I-I wasn't sure if this would be enough but then I remembered, you had always loved that little fox origamis I made for you back then so, I just went with what I have."
His hands shake as he grips the sides of the plate tighter. You lick you lips, eager to listen to the rest of his words.
"To think that borrowing quills from me would lead to finding you, that's probably something that I'd reminisce for a lifetime," Ominis smiles. "We've been with each other through every ups and downs—highs and lows. I couldn't ask for anyone better to share my journey with."
You bite your bottom lip to stop yourself from letting your emotions get ahead of you. You had always been a little weak with Ominis. A detail he often held above your head like a prized niffler. Other than the jesting and bribery, for you, it acted more as evidence. A proof of your ever-growing love for him.
You glance down at the fox-shaped cake, designed to imitate that of a fox but it just looks like a mess of colors and lines that 'tried' to imitate one. The thought of Ominis baking around and messing in the kitchen puts a smile on your face.
"I know you're looking at my cake, stop judging it," He jokingly comments causing you to break the silence.
"It's- it looks—"
"Like a giant purple toad shat on it? Yes." Ominis tilts his head with a 'duh' look on his face.
"I was going to say modernistic," You retorted, eyebrows raised to defy him.
"Impressionism had never looked better," He deadpanned. You laugh at his humor. You take a step forward, encasing his hands that grasp the plate. Your eyes finds itself studying the little details and imperfections on his face—the moles that shape the universe of his skin. He looks gorgeous.
"Happy Birthday, love. Make a wish," He whispers, the light of the candle illuminating both of your features—casting an alluring glow that further emphasizes the beauty of your love. You pursed your lips, closing your eyes before blowing.
The light casts off at the gust of wind as Ominis smiles and says well done. He places the plate down on the flat surface of the table before turning back to you.
Finally free, he intertwines your bodies with arms encasing your waist. You envelope your arms around his neck in response.
There's a comfortable silence before he utters the next words, "What'd you wish for?"
You shrug with a smile. "Nothing."
"Mhm," You hum, placing a chaste kiss on his confused lips.
"Why?" He asks. There's a pause as you laugh at his inquiries of curiosity.
"Cause I've already got everything that I've wanted." You smile, eyes dreamily staring as you push a stray hair behind his ear. "You."
Unlike Ominis, loving Sebastian had been a long journey
It was more of an inactive volcano
It had always been there—that probability. That capability of loving him but it was a matter of when those feelings would burst at a realization
It was a question of 'since when did I see him like this?"
Sebastian had been one of your many first friends.
He was naturally a people magnet, always captured new blood whenever they entered within his vicinity
He was loved and admired by everyone and you couldn't blame yourself for also falling for his silly little tricks
It also wasn't hard falling into tune with him
Somehow, with Sebastian, falling in love with him didn't seem hard
It was because of this that realization came much to a later date
You had always viewed your relationship as something closer than a friendship and one that really showed a bond of trust and loyalty
It had always been there and you had just taken a while to realize
Loving him was easy.
He showed you the world with an arm outstretched and you placed your hand willingly and followed him in
Loving him felt complete
And on your special day, who else can make you whole with just a smile but him?
You didn't know when it happened.
It was all just a blur. A series of memories all clumped up in the space reserved just for him. You remember bits and pieces but you can't seem to put a finger when you saw him like this.
Everything seemed to not be on par with time. Looking at him felt like the world had been a second later—slow-moving hands, traveling lights, and blurred faces. All you could see was him.
You watched as the party went on, laughter resounding throughout the room, joy evident on their face and the festivity of your birth hanged high into the sky. Yet despite all of these reminders of celebration, all you could feel was him.
He eyes you at the other side of the room, a cup of wine in hand. He looks at you with fondness and a desire deeper than what meets the eye. Your breath hitches at his unwavering stare.
Suddenly it feels like it's only the two of you in the room. Wanting, needing, loving.
It's him who breaks as he places down his drink before marching towards you. You pay no mind to teasing looks from your friends as he excuses you both from their presence with a charming smile and pull of your hand.
Your eyes train on his broad back, maneuvering you through the crowd, responding to curt greetings with a simple nod. They knew better than to interrupt Sebastian's quest with you.
You then find yourself in the comforts of your room, door closed as he positions you a few meters from the bed. He closes the door with a slight push, taking a moment of reprieve before turning towards you.
"Hi," he mutters as if you hadn't been staring each other down a few moments ago. You ride along.
He chuckles softly as he takes a few steps toward you. You veer your head up to accomodate to his height.
"You look pretty, doll." He mumbles, tucking a hair behind your ear. You smile at his compliment.
"Thank you, love."
"I know you know this but uh," He pauses, taking your hands in his. "I love you."
The three words cast a flutter in your heart. You purse your lips, eyes peering up at him. He smiles down with that charming grin of his. He quickly places a kiss on your forehead.
"I just wanted to say it to you," He adds. "You had been with me in the most crucial moments of my life. You bled, wept, and sacrificed with me. Seeing you across that room had only further proved that I'll always want you—need you in my life. Loving you felt right."
He pulls out a box from the pockets of his slacks, opening it delicately. A necklace sits pretty inside it. The gem gleams at you as you gaze at it with surprise. You eye the intricate design of the pendant, carefully and exquisitely encasing the gem within it's design.
"Happy birthday, baby," He cuts you off as you begin to tear up. You lick your lips as he pulls the necklace from its casing. You turn around, casting your hair aside as he puts it on swiftly. He then turns you towards the mirror.
"Dear heavens," He sighs as he gazes deeply into your eyes at the reflection. "You are an envy to one's vanity."
You giggle at his flattery. You quickly turn around to press a loving kiss to his lips. He pulls you close by your waist, encasing you close to his body.
"My everything," He whispers, a fond smile gracing his lips. "I am but a devotee to your love."
"And I, you."
Dating Amit was destined
Like the stars that encompass the sky, one was always destined to burn brighter than others
He had been that star
There were a few things that convinced your peers of your fated match
You were into Divination, he was into Astrology
He liked tea and you liked sweets
He loved the galaxy and you liked possibilities which both are endless
You liked exploring and he had a knack for curiosity
The two of you are in harmony to the point that you couldn't imagine spending time without him
Loving him was fated
You somehow knew at the back of your mind that meeting this curious and wandering mind of a Ravenclaw at the Astronomy tower was fated.
You believed in anything and he believed in everything
A perfect match to your soul
And on your special day, who else could make you feel like the universe could just be at the palm of your hands but him?
"There you go!" Amit chuckles as he finally adjusts the party hat on your head.
"Do I really have to wear this?" You cast an incredulous look at him as he peers at you with squinted eyes.
"Yes, it adds to the festive nature," He smiles as he pinches your cheek. "Muggles love to wear that. Don't you look pretty?"
Amit chuckles at your response. You both are currently seated outside of your home, spread out on a picnic blanket—looking out on the stars. A telescope is placed on the side with assortment of food laid out on the fabric.
You grab a grape from its container before popping it in your mouth. "This better be good."
"It is!" Amit retorts as he settles down beside you, shoulder bumping against yours. "Just wait."
"Mhm," You mumble, chewing as you look up at the night sky. There's a pause before you continue. "Wait for what?"
Amit rolls his eyes. "It won't be a surprise if I say it, no?"
"Right, sorry Mr. Thakkar."
"Don't call me that," He furrows his eyebrows as you laugh. "It makes me sound old."
"You are old." You chuckle. He pouts at your response. As an apology, you lean close and peck his lips. "I still love you anyway."
Silence falls between the two of you once again as you gaze out at the clear night sky. The stars twinkle with each passing minute, allowing you to marvel at the beauty of it all.
"Ursa Major," Amit points out with his hand to the sky. You easily follow his gaze, seeing the famous constellation with each dart of your eyes as you trace over the connections.
"You're prettier," He comes back with a cheesy line. You raise your eyebrow at him which prompts a blush on his cheeks.
"I thought I'd sound cool..."
You giggle at his defeated tone, placing a kiss on his cheek. Amit checks his pocket watch before grasping your shoulder as he pointed once again at the night sky.
"Look," he says. You watch with bated breath, curious at whatever Amit prepared to show you. You gasp as you finally see it. A flash of light smudging against the night sky. A meteor.
"Oh my," You revel in its beauty as it travels across the sky. Amit smiles at you before tapping your shoulder once more.
"Wish before it's gone, beloved." He nods at you before you both close your eyes to wish. There's a moment of silence before you both open your eyes once more.
"That was amazing!" You cheer as you grasp at his hand. There's a fond smile on his face. You cast a gracious look at him. "Thank you for showing me this."
"I wanted to see it with you," He responds. He delicately encases his hands over yours. "There's a saying back in my hometown that wishing upon a shooting star brings forth luck and good fortune."
You wait for him to continue as he pauses.
"There's also a saying that wishing upon a shooting star with someone is an act of ensuring longevity in the relationship," Amit adds, voice shaky as he rubs his thumb against the knuckles of your hand. "I continue to wish a life with you, Y/N. Fate allowed me to meet you and here I am now, the happiest man on Earth."
You stifle a sob, hiding it behind a laugh. He smiles at your teary face as he prevents himself from bursting into tears. He pulls your hand up to kiss the back of it before smiling.
"Happy Birthday, mera pyaar," (my love) Amit casts you a fond look, love bursting with each breath and touch against you. "You are the star that guides me in the sea of the unknown. My compass. My direction. My light. I adore thee as much as the stars litter the galaxy in an endless pursuit of existence."
A tear falls down your eye. "And you are the string tied to my fate. You are heaven's gift to me. I don't know how many times I loved you in my past lives but I know I'll choose you again in another life time and the life times thereafter."
Dating Garreth had been an adventure
a series of twists and turns that allowed you to unveil each layer with new emotions
He was an enigma
A mystery you were willing to uncover
And somehow in the midst of all that, you began to allow yourself to love him
Loving him felt like journey
It was there then it wasn't
A mix of highs and lows, each arc getting more and more deeper than the last
You expect after getting pranked and kicked out of potions by a Weasley would lead you to fall in love with one
Garreth made you feel alive
He's the thrill that thrums deeply in your veins long after he's gone
A high you can't get out of
No potion can ever cure a heart as sick as this
And on your special day, who else can you make you feel the thrill of an adventure but him?
"Tada!" He uncovers your eyes to show you the surprise. You adjust your eyes to revel in the beauty of the place. He had taken you to a quiet and neat little cottage with a majestic view of the sunset. You turn to him in surprise.
"How did you?"
"I pulled a couple of strings from Sebastian who referred this place then got some help from mum who helped out with the decor," Garreth grins as he grasps your hand in his. You smile at the beauty of the scene, the sun reflecting nicely across the meadow.
"Thank you." You tilt your head, eyes forming a look of gratitude before pulling him in a kiss. He melts into your touch, kissing back with subtle passion before he pulls away with a smile.
"I know things have been hard lately," He starts, taking your hand in his as he rubs his thumb against your knuckles. "I admire you for your hardwork and fortitude. You fight through it just as you have always been even if things are getting a bit rougher than the last and it just—" he laughs in between. "I just feel like a teenager falling in love with you all over again."
You lick your lips as you train your eyes at him, waiting for him to continue.
"You once told me I was an adventure. A thrill that makes you feel alive," He says with a love running deep in that green eyes of his. "But you, you have always reminded me of home. A personification of comfort and love. Everytime I look at you, I'm reminded of a past I reminisce with fondness, a present I cherish, and a future I can't wait to have. With you, I can just be me. I can just be Garreth. Just me."
You smile at him, tears collecting at the bottom of your eyes. He tucks a hair over your ear.
"Happy Birthday, darling." He mumbles, pulling you in a hug as he places a kiss on your temple. "Let's have this week as a moment of reprieve from any worries and just be ourselves."
You hug him tighter against you. "I'm here. With you. Just me."
He chuckles against your neck. "Just you and I, baby."
END NOTE: and that's the end of it teehee. I hope yall enjoyed this !! stay tuned for more of my works. love yall 💗 see u mwa
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aftg-omegaverse · 9 days
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Q: What is this? A: A week of daily prompts to inspire the creation of more omegaverse works in the AFTG fandom.
Q: Who can participate? A: Anyone who wants to participate.
Q: Is sign-up required? A: Nope. You just create your works and either add them to the AO3 collection or post them here on Tumblr with the tag #aftgow2024 and/or @ this blog so I can reblog it. (tag changes every year to reflect that year)
Q: When is this happening? A: Always in September. Which week specifically is announced each year. This year (2024) it will run 1-7 of September.
Q: Why announce it now, if it's happening in September? A: Prompts will be chosen by anyone interested, so I wanted to have enough time for prompt submissions, prompt votes, prompt release, and then still leave enough time for people to create their works. You can regard the event week as a posting week.
Q: What types of fanworks can I make? A: Any! All types of fanwork are welcome: -> Fic - Art - Moodboard - Headcanon - Podfic - Handcrafts - Cosplay - Whatever you wanna do!
Q: Is NSFW allowed? A: Yes. Both SFW and NSFW works are allowed. Your imagination is the limit (just tag things appropriately).
Q: Is there anything not allowed? A: AI generated works, RPF, things you didn't make yourself.
Q: When can I start creating? A: As soon as the prompts are released. You can find this year's event schedule here.
Q: When can I post? Is late-posting allowed? A: You can post starting on the corresponding day of whatever prompt you based your creation on. If your work was based on multiple prompts, it's up to your discretion which day you choose. Just don't post before the event week! Late posting is allowed, the AO3 collection will be open until next year's event.
Q: Can my work include multiple prompts at once? Do I have to do all the prompts? A: Sure, one work can have multiple prompts. And no, you don't have to do them all. Do as many or as few as you like. This is a “for fun” event :)
Q: Can my prompt fill be in a new chapter of a preexisting fic/comic/whatever? A: Yes.
Q: What if I start writing a longer fic/creating a longer comic/artwork/etc and don't finish by the time the event is over? A: Doesn't matter. Keep posting your work at your leisure, no problem.
Q: Is this just about the Foxes? Which characters can I create about? A: Not just the Foxes, no. Create about any AFTG character at all. That includes the og trilogy, TSC, and the EC.
Q: Why make this event? A: For fun. I like AFTG, I like omegaverse, I want more AFTG omegaverse works, and maybe you do too!
Q: Can I double dip? A: Sure. As long as it’s ok with the runners of whatever event/s you’re double dipping with. On this side of things, you’re good.
Have another question? The ask box is open!
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meetinginsamarra · 1 month
mayprompts2024 #5, awkward
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Read part one (using the prompt “box”) here
Read part two (using the prompt “familiar”) here
Read part three (using the prompt “fall”) here
Some of you anticipated or suggested this or possibly wished it to happen and with today’s prompt, well, it was sort of inevitable really.
Time for some (sort of) testing! Here we go…
The Perfect Place - Part Four
“Ah, I see.” John nodded wisely.
(John did not. But he supposed a successful salesman should never ever admit that he had not understood one word of what the client had said.)
Sherlock hummed appreciatingly. John is so clever, he thought, understanding me even I don’t.
“Position in, erm,” John fake-cleared his throat, “of the bed is very important.”
John scratched his neck. God, this was so awkward. All these verbal slips. Thankfully the customer wasn’t fazed by his terrible blundering. Maybe he hadn’t even heard because he was currently focusing on stroking his right hand lovingly over the silky covering of the bed. Up and down. In circles, too.
Sherlock sighed. “It’s so smooth.” (Wishing he could be able to stroke the skin on John’s neck.) “I like how it feels,” he added and wondered if John would be this soft as well.
John, jealous of the bed once more, wished he could swap places with the lucky furniture. The beautiful man caressed its fabric as if it carried a lover’s skin.
Suddenly the client stiffened the index and middle finger of his right hand and forcefully stabbed them into the mattress. Multiple times.
The boxsprings creaked a tiny little bit. The sound was deafeningly loud in the silence of the bed shop.
Both men stared transfixed at the moving fingers, deeply lost in thought. How seamlessly they glided in and out of the mattress. And in. And out again.
(Actually, they were both thinking about lube. Albeit being applied in different scenarios.)
“It’s delightfully rigid.” Sherlock panted a bit due to the physical exertion. (It was a mental one, in fact.) “But the creaking of the boxsprings could be bothersome when I turn around in the bed.” (Meaning while having sex.)
“Does your bed often creak when you turn in it?” New beads of sweat had formed on John’s fore head. (Having imagined turning in snych with the customer.)
Looking down, John realized that he had also mimicked the gesture, as in stiffening two of his fingers while stabbing at the air. (His hand had been perfectly steady while doing so.)
John quickly shoved his hand in the pocket of his trousers in an effort to hide the evidence. (What his still rigid fingers found in there was some other kind of evidence.)
“I’m versatile in my positions.” Sherlock blinked, slightly confused. Was that the correct answer to John’s question? (To be clear, Sherlock did not lie. He was versatile in bed. Verily so.)
John coughed. “Yes, well, that’s only a matter of choosing the correct set of boxsprings according to the distribution of body weight on the mattress.”
John congratulated himself on coming up with this brilliant answer. Being alert in tight situations had always been his forte. (Inside his trousers John was alert and tight, too.) It sounded absolutely logical and also offered him a most welcome opening to finally ask the question that had burned on his tongue for some time.
“Would there usually be more than one person using this bed on a daily basis?” Oh yes, very smart and artful like the good old Three-Continents-Watson, John mentally patted himself on the shoulder.
Staring at John, Sherlock said, “No, currently it’s just me.” (Hoping this would change soon.)
Feeling bold about heading into the right direction, John risked inquiring further and took a dare. “You don’t have a boyfriend, then? Which is fine by the way.”
“I know it’s fine.” Sherlock huffed, “Or it would be if I had one.” Like you, Sherlock added in his mind.
The first bead of sweat finally dripped off John’s fore head. He felt hot (and bothered) and a wave of intense longing threatened to wash him away. Let me be the one, he pleaded internally.
tagging some people @calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @lisbeth-kk @peanitbear @raina-at
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