#Part of me wants to say these are edgy by it IS literally based off of my IRL experience so I don't think I can really call it that 💀
captainsweet · 7 months
I keep forgetting about this :sob:
Anyway, random drabbles with edgy titles I didn't feel like changing.
These were also made during various stages of being half asleep so sorry if I don't make a single lick of sense lmao
|| Unknown Means to an End || AU: ITERATION LOE || MAIN CHARACTER: Dove ||
There was one thing he always knew no matter what.
He was her little Dove, she loved him, cared for him, saw him as her child for a couple of years. After all, he was a genius, a natural one at that, and he was useful.
Dove was useful, and Mama would love him as long as he'd continue to be.
That was fine though, he loved being with her, he loved the scarf she made him, loved the Dove pins even more. He loved the fact his Mama was considerate enough to get him glasses, considerate enough to let him meet people, to let him play, to let him eat, to let him be happy, to let him exist.
She was so nice to him, allowed him to breathe, to still be around, to let him help his twin brother.
Mama was always so sweet.
She was the reason Dove was alive, that Dove could get his little Mik walking again, that Dove was so happy to simply exist and breathe and be alive. She gave him that luxury, and he shouldn't take it for granted.
So, Dove made himself useful. He would be a good Turtledove for her, and she would give him what he needed to make his family happy.
No more Dad going out for days for food, sometimes coming back empty handed just because he was that worried. No more of his twin staring at them longly as they ran around or simply ate breakfast. No more tears flowing after Leo accidentally broke Raf's arm again.
No more pain, and maybe one day, no more hiding.
But that wasn't now. So all Dove had to do was be a good picture perfect son, and his family would be happy again.
|| There Comes a Time || AU: ITERATION LOE || MAIN CHARACTER: Dove ||
There comes a time where you have to stop holding onto the words of your parents and discover the truth for yourself. A time where you are finally no longer being coddled. A time where you are forced to be just like they were, but better.
And it fucking sucks. Dove can attest to that.
Except this wasn't his father, no, this was his own mother. He dreaded the thought of following in her footsteps, he dreaded it more than the day he lost his Mom, his real one, and he just knew he couldn't do it.
He has a family, people to look after, and he would've left long ago if being in this position didn't give him the chance to save his sibling. His Twin at that, and he'd rather endure this torture and life day by day than have to lose them.
Any of them.
So he stayed silent. He kept to his role of Perfect Son while grieving his Mom, and missing his family. He listened to whatever his Mother requested, gave her what she wanted tenfold and hoped to god it would be enough that she'd stay quiet when he left.
If there's one thing that always stays true, it's that no matter how much of a genius you are as a child, you're still a dumb and naĂŻve kid.
Why would she ever let go of him when she has seen his potential? When she's seen how capable he is? If Dove knew that it mattered, he would've been just as useless as his Mom warned him to be, but he knew he was special, and he was desperate.
It didn't matter. When it came time to go, she had said no. She wanted him to stay, had cried faux tears over a child that was only briefly hers, had whined about losing the only person she had left.
And if there's one thing everyone knows, it's that no matter what, you always have to listen to your Mother.
|| Making Do With What You Have || AU: Robots, Robots, and– Oh! More Robots. (RROMR) || MAIN CHARACTER: Frida ||
She didn’t know what to think when her mother walked in with a little boy. She didn’t even know how to begin to process it when she was told that same little boy was just a robot. A nice little deal someone owed her mother as always.
He was silent, and freaky, and always smiling, and Frida didn't like him. Not at first at least.
If there was one thing clear, it was that he was supposed to replicate someone, but it was not a good job whatsoever. He was supposed to be the leader, he hardly said two words to her, and he seemed to look down on her in a way.
It was only the first time they fought that she realized, that they realized, he wouldn't compare.
It hardly took five moves before he was down, and even less than that the second time. He was made to be talented, but a robot can only compare so much to true years of training and work, even if it's booted in their brain.
That day.. was also when his look completely changed towards her. He didn't talk more, but he practically had stars in his eyes whenever she was around him. It was pathetic, and it showed just how utterly weak he was, how less than, how much better Frida was of a soldier.
And she cared for him.
Not because she wanted to, oh god no, but it was because of how utterly useless he was. He wasn't better than her, he provided no new ideas, no tactics, nothing. He was designed to be a leader, just like her other was, but he couldn't even compare to the turtle before, even if he was probably dead and died as just a baby.
He was a pathetic excuse of a remake and nothing more, but.. Frida could make him better. He was a hunk of metal that didn't matter, but they wouldn't get rid of him. She even got grounded for suggesting so! If that was going to be it, she was going to make him better. Make him worthy of being around her and working for her mother.
To be claimed as her mothers son. To call this robot her other, her brother at that.
He may be an empty shell now, but she would make him oh so much more than ever thought possible.
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funhouse-mirror-barbie · 5 months
This will be more of a vent post than it is a critique or review. It’s just something I personally find so agitating and I wanted to talk about it to just get the feelings of my chest.
I hate. And I mean hate. That they named her “Vaggie”
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More below cut/includes slight spoilers from released content and leaked audition sheets.
I just. And please keep in mind that this is all my personal opinion and you’re allowed to think whatever you want. You can love her name and think it’s the most creative beautiful name in the world and that’s fine. That’s your opinion, and that’s great!!
But this is my opinion—V’s name isn’t funny. It’s not creative or clever.
It comes off as trying to be “edgy” or daring, but it just flops. And it’s incredibly frustrating to be sapphic (I’m a lesbian) and to see one of only TWO sapphic characters be literally named after “female” genitalia.
And I wondered for a while if I was just being weirdly picky about this, but if this leak turns out to be real (and I am PRAYING it’s not):
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Then the exterminators, a seemingly entire female group, are named after genitalia. Like. Why? What is the point of having a group of characters being named after genitals??
I have a hard time describing why this makes me so angry and makes me feel so disrespected. I think it’s because:
1. Whether intentional or not, it comes off as reducing women characters to their genitalia.
2. It’s reducing a sapphic (possibly lesbian, but never confirmed) character to her genitals. Again, whether or not this is intended, the writers have made it so that everyone who hears these characters names immediately thinks “oh like Vagina”. This is even a joke in the prequel comics:
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Apparently the original character that V is based on was actually named “Vagina” just straight up. Oh but they used a Y. Because. That really makes it unique a cool. (Being sarcastic)
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3. Again. I don’t care if this was the intent or not. But it feels just so so reductive to name a whole GROUP of women characters after different female genital parts. It’s just disrespectful. And again, I don’t think it was meant to be this—but it just? It’s so reductive and just stupid.
Like. I also want to make it clear that I’d be saying the SAME thing as I am now if it was a male character named “Penissy” or “Scrothomas” or some stupid shit. If Angel Dust’s name was like
 “Tainty” or “Schlong” or something I would also be frustrated and upset.
Because that would be the same thing. A gay man character reduced to his genitals. Anyway this is done, it’s disrespectful and feels gross and reductive to me.
But I don’t know what I expected because this is the same writing team that thinks a character referring to himself as “The Dickmaster” and saying “dick” 600 times in a row is peak comedy writing. Ugh.
Again, I’m sorry this is more a personal vent than any sort of review or critique. I’m genuinely hoping that the Lute audition sheet is not anything that will show up in the show, and that Clitorissa and Labianne will never see the light of day. It’s just.
It’s not funny. It’s stupid, and annoying, and I hate it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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And V deserved to be called by a real name, not a edgy unfunny punchline.
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alllgator-blood · 2 months
FLIGHT GOT DELAYED, I HAVE CHOSEN THIS ASK TO BE THE FINAL ONE FOR NOW BEFORE I SHUT MY PC OFF. I just wanted to say there's absolutely no issue with spamming me because number go up = more dopamine so I'd be insane to complain. If anything I think it's neat when I see familiar names in my notifs/inbox, it's been forever since I've had an online presence so I love going "oh look who's online!" when I see someone liked a bunch of my posts sdfkjhsdfkjs
ABOUT THE ANGST STUFF. I AM SORRY I KILLED YOU WITH MY ANGST COMICS, BUT AM GLAD TO HEAR THEY ACTUALLY LIKE AFFECT PEOPLE?? I bum myself out when I do sad comics but in like a good way. I haven't been invested in anything in sooo long, so I like feeling every possible emotion towards this stupid game. I HAVE...MORE ANGST......SO MUCH MORE. I work on it when I'm sad about irl stuff cause being sad about fictional stuff is more fun.
I'm gonna put a sketch comic under the cut, it's the one where shamura is accidentally gaslit into having a freakout and killing one of their followers. AVERT THINE EYES IF THAT'S TOO HEAVY, THERE IS ALSO SLIGHT SKETCHY GORE WHERE I COULDN'T REALLY CROP IT OUT
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I cropped out the part where they explode their follower from the inside out. I was formerly a warrior cats kid so I like drawing edgy violent shit, but I understand not everyone wants to see that SDJFHSDFKJ- it'll be in the final comic if I ever come back to this one (tagged appropriately)
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I wonder if it's obvious that I'm projecting hardcore in this comic but also, I feel like if I HAVE to have the health issues I do, I might as well make lobotomy spider comics based on my personal frustration?? I have a few more like this but one of them is...idk if I'll ever post it cause it's more soul crushing the other ones I've posted.
What a way to leave my blog for the next week. ENJOY THE ANGST, SEE Y'ALL WHEN I'M BACK FROM THE BEACH B)
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thenightling · 3 months
Willy Wonka misconceptions
As Charlie and the Chocolate Factory / Willy Wonka has become weirdly popular lately because of the successful prequel film and most recently that really botched / rip-off Wonka event in Glasgow Scotland, it felt like a good time for this post.
Here are a list of popular misconceptions about the book and films.
1. Much of the Internet thinks of Wonka as a "Serial killer of children." I pointed out that at the end of the 2006 film and novel you see the children alive, though altered. And in the 1971 film that version of Wonka says that they will all be fine, but a little wiser. Someone tried to argue with me that he was just trying to placate Charlie. Really!? Since when did that Wonka ever lie to make people feel better?
Based on his previous behavior we have no reason to believe Wonka would lie just to make Charlie feel better. It's just a dark, edgy, annoying headcanon to pretend Wonka killed those other kids when every version tells you they survived.
2. Grandpa Joe was not "Faking it" or "being lazy." It seems ironic to me that so many rant and even get genuinely angry about the character Grandpa Joe. It is especially odd to me when the rage is in regard to the depiction in the 1971 film, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory.
The reason it is odd to me is because in the 1971 film Grandpa Joe very clearly was suffering through severe depression, possibly a long bipolar depression phase.
The depression is clear in his "I've got a golden Ticket" song.
"I never thought my life could be Anything but catastrophe"
"I never had a chance to shine Never a happy song to sing"
It seems weird to me that today people shame characters like Cinderella for not being assertive and empowered when she's a live-long abuse victim. And then you have the people against Disney's The Little Mermaid who say she gave up who and what she is for a man but ignore that she had a song number from before she ever saw Eric, where she expressed body dysphoria and made clear she wanted to be human even then.
And you have a large part of the Internet shaming Grampa Joe for being "lazy" and "faking being sick' while he's literally telling us that he he's been in a severe depression.
It's almost like watching a generation that supposedly respects mental illness and understands depression in ways previous generations didn't... suddenly having a justification to shame someone for having all the symptoms of clinical depression.
Hell, even the song "I've got a Golden Ticket" kind of indicates Grandpa Joe is entering a manic phase. If Grandpa Joe's illness is psychological why do we treat it as not-real? I get so annoyed at how many people mock the character or act like he's a con artist exploiting Charlie.
3. The Oompa Loompas were not slaves.
It's true that the earliest depictions of the Oompa Loompas were little African people (before the novel was revised) but in all versions he tells the kids that he pays them in coca-beans. That might sound like he pays them in fallen acorns he found in his garden but it's made clear that to Oompa Loompas, in their society, coca-beans are worth more than gold.
Try to imagine you got a job working for aliens who offer to pay you in large bars of gold if you just help him make some gold jewelry. But because gold isn't worth THAT much to these aliens they think you're a pathetic slave, even though Lofty (the Oompa Loompa from the new Wonka movie) probably now has a palace on Loompa Land that he uses as a summer house.
Interesting bit of trivia: Charlie was originally going to be black.
4. Wonka (2023) is NOT a remake. A lot of people mistakenly think this is yet another remake. No. It's a musical prequel to the Gene Wilder Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory movie from 1971. ________________________
5. Lots of fans have "figured out" that the shoe shine boy Wonka sees early in Wonka is Charlie. One small problem with that. This is twenty-something Willy Wonka. Wonka was supposed to be pushing fifty or sixty when he went looking for an heir. The timeline wouldn't work. The director has confirmed that for this reason the shoe shine boy is NOT Charlie Bucket.
And there you go. A list of popular Wonka misconceptions debunked.
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Part 2 of Episode 3, live reaction (as someone who has never watched or read the series, so this is the only One Piece content I’ve ever gotten into):
1) “Something black”. Zoro is literally just Batman/Frank Castle/Matt Murdock/all the other dark and edgy superheroes that I didn’t list. At some point, I want Zoro to say something along the lines of, “I’m vengeance”.
2) Kaya’s butler reminds me of Jared Leto for some reason loool. Also, his “evil” reveal was pretty obvious.
3) I do like the show’s commitment to the weird anime aesthetic. Everyone looks just a little off, whether it’s their hair color or what they’re wearing. It gives the show a sort of Dr. Seuss/Looney Tunes type of feel, which is appropriate since this is based on an anime.
4) Garp feels a little too obvious to be a villain. I feel like there’s something missing here because he doesn’t strike me as the main villain of this season. I could be wrong though.
5) Usopp feels like the Sokka of the show.
6) So, Luffy is one of those anime protagonists that loves to eat, right? Along the lines of Goku? Because this man is always eating in this show lol.
7) “Not sailors, we’re pirates”. If it weren’t for Luffy being a lovable guy, I would’ve rolled my eyes the same way Zoro did.
8) If this were an MMO, Luffy barely put any points in intelligence since he clearly put most of his points into charm/charisma.
9) So
Shanks is to Luffy, the same way Garp is to Koby? Is that what I’m getting from this show?
10) Ah, this is one of those “kill the heir so that the villain can inherit the fortune” type story. Also, the butler is freakin Reverse Flash and Freddy Krueger?
Alright, continued to part 3.
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floating-above-sea-level · 6 months
General SecurityWaiter/DreamTheory headcanons cause I just love them (part 1 cause I will never shut up abt them)
+some other general fnaf movie character (Abby mostly) stuff but mainly still SW/DT related, random timeline order I’m just spewing
-Mike goes to Sparky’s before and after work. He gets coffee before work cause DUH, and then sometimes he’ll get a small breakfast/some coffee in the morning so he doesn’t immediately pass out after his shift. Thats how him and Ness met. First impressions were along the lines of Mike thinking that this waiter talks too much, especially for the hours it is, and Ness just think Mike seems interesting and mysterious (lowkey thinks he might be a cryptid)
-the SECOND Mike lets slip that he works at Fazbear’s Ness is OBSESSED with talking to him more. He already thought he seemed interesting but now he knows he works at the place that he’s being obsessing over for YEARS he is NEVER gonna stop asking him shit and infodumping (Mike finds this very annoying at first, but then eventually realizes that Ness does in fact know quite a bit abt Freddy’s which he finds interesting and helpful so he starts actually engaging in the conversation)
-Ness has asked Mike to take them to Freddy’s multiple times, he has yet to say yes (not like Ness hasn’t broken in before. They’re half the reason they needed a security guard)
-Mike is insecure abt the height difference (and his height in general) but Ness literally just wants to squeeze him and go like ubububbubububu ur so cute ubububbubububu (me)
-Mike is actually fairly strong cause he likes to work out (it’s a coping mechanism) so sometimes he picks Ness up (like bridal style and shit) and it lowkey gives him gender euphoria and Ness just fucking loves it it makes them so giddy
-I saw smth somwhere abt Ness possibly being Sparky’s owner’s son so I’m just gonna second that and say that that’s why he works there so many hours (aka he basically helps run the place) but it’s also why he can kind get off work whenever he wants
-Mike complaining abt this annoying waiter who talks to much and is obsessed with Freddy’s peaks Abby’s interest so she asks Mike to take her to Sparky’s and that’s how Abby and Ness meet (they become best friends ever and sometimes Ness takes care of her when Mike is busy)
-Abby has plushies of the fazgang and a collection of fazcoins and other collectibles that Mike got her from the prize counter (not like anyone else is using them) and she shows them to Ness who absolutely FLIPS OUT about it. She also uses the faztokens as money for when they play pretend
-MIKE has freckles NOT NESS because Josh hutcherson LITERALLY HAS FRECKLES THANK YOU AND GOODNIGHT /hj /lh
-Ness has a cat named Skip (cause he’s literally just MatPat /hj)
-Mike has passed out at Sparky’s before (usually like Saturday mornings after his shift since he doesn’t have to worry abt taking Abby to school, I mean not like he does it intentionally but he’s less worried abt it so sometimes he just zonks) and Ness will bring him soft shit to lay his head on and then gently wake him up and offer him coffee, which he eventually starts giving him on the house (totally just cause they knows he’s struggling financially and NOT because they’re flirting /j)
-I LOVE the “Mike can’t cook and Ness loves cooking” headcanon so I wanna say that’s real, but looking at the movie, Mike’s been taking care of Abby for years and cooks dinner for them multiple nights, and Ness is a waiter
based on the information given, Mike would theoretically (hehe theory) be the one who cooks â˜ïžđŸ€“ /hj
-Abby demands to paint both their nails. Ness more than happily agrees but Mike is hesitant (dysphoria and general “ugh little girl stuff” type energy) but she keeps asking so he lets her paint them black (cause that’s so edgy and cool and masculine /j) and he learns he actually likes it quite a bit
Ok done for now this is getting very long but I will have more don’t yall worry đŸ€—đŸ€—đŸ€—
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2010s-nostalgia · 2 months
frozen hate discussion??? 👀👀 take my hand
no but really. even just aside from how they took a pretty good fairy tale and did... um, nothing with it? nothing interesting at least, frozen is still just a mediocre movie with bad designs and music that's really just okay.
what really bothers me more than anything else is that frozen just comes off as cynical. it's making fun of older movies that are better than it.
every single time someone tries to make a fairy tale edgy/adult or feels the need to point out every unrealistic aspect about it an angel dies. "you can't marry a man you just met" represents a fundamental misunderstanding of both the genre and the disney movies based on it. it's this annoying tongue-in-cheek tone and utter pessimism that quite literally sucks all the magic out of the movie, and then they have the balls to make fun of better films. it's just cynical and grating and honestly coming from disney itself just annoys me. oh you think snow white and cinderella are unrealistic? you think love at first sight is stupid? should we throw a party? should we invite buzzfeed.
whereas movies like shrek, which also try to deconstruct the fairy tale/disney genre, actually work because instead of someone busting out an "erm, actually!" line every five minutes or pulling some cheap twist, they simply tell a story that reverses the tropes. and there's no moment in shrek where the movie turns to the audience and goes "you dumb dumb fuck ass idiots came here to see a fairy tale? well fuck you! twist villain attack!"
I don't much care for tangled either but at least you can tell it was made in earnest. also literally everything frozen was applauded for has been done better before. the sisters thing? lilo and nani have an actual bond. playboy villain? gaston. taking time to fall in love? beauty and the beast? tarzan? hercules? literally like most disney movies? anna and kristoff were together for like a week before saying I love you. get real.
okay thanks mod love your blog <3
I agree with everything. Honestly, making fun of past movies would be okay if it succeeded at all. Enchanted exists, it made the same points, and it worked soooo well. In Frozen, Anna is told she can't marry a man she just met, then gets with Kristoff within like two days. Love's not supposed to be a major part of the story? A whole song is sung by the love interests' family about how they should get together (they get together later). So much of the movie is focused on a romance with so little chemistry instead of being about the sister relationship the film claims to be about!
I should say I don't hate Frozen. It's fine, but I don't want fine, ya know? I want great!!! (Also didn't love Tangled either. Idk what management change happened in the animation department in the mid 2000s, but they really lost the groove around that time. Maybe Bob did a shake up)
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lamarckianenterprises · 1 year
Sucks to be Me But I'm built Different Now
My work got accepted in a Litmag (technically a Zine, CoinOperated Press to be precise) for the first time today, and outside of being thoroughly excited to announce that my humble flier will be included in their next Zine, Dungeons and Dragons Part 2. (Learn more about it on the following link)
I just want to say that looking back, I think a lot of my opinions about my own creative work is based off of like, no one really praising me for my writing. Like I didn't keep writing because people said that I was doing great or good or was talented or whatever, I kept writing because I wanted to get to that point, in spite of the lack of praise not because of it.
Hell, my mother was basically radio silent on my writing after noting that my very first work, the weird fugue state nanowrimo novel that's lost to the sands of time was, and I'm quoting here, "At least he has good grammar." Admittedly I kinda avoided showing her stuff after that, but still.
Outside of her and my even less present father there was my brother who was barely present in my teenage years, and so I basically had jack all for validation outside of an RPing community I immediately antagonized by being an attention seeking edgy teenager who fired out a self insert the GM immediately recognized somehow.
So while it gave me an easy way to keep writing and a sense of community which genuinely helped me practice and learn the craft among other things, it also meant that I didn't really get praise? Or when I did it was from someone close enough to me personally that my brain could immediately dismiss them and their opinions as being invalid as they are tainted by other people's impressions of me as a person.
I think the one bit of praise I registered as genuine was when people said they had fun in the complete mess of a Shadowrun world plot I ran in that RP which is really just a high I've been chasing ever since with every tabletop game I have ever run.
And I couldn't rely on internal validation either because I spent literal years thinking that I was somehow getting worse over time because for some fucking reason I measured that shit based off of output as in the amount of words and paragraphs written down on (virtual) paper as opposed to like, actual quality.
And how hard it was to write, which uhhh, honestly writing has never really gotten easier for me, like I am far more aware of what constitutes 'good' writing now, but it's not like the actual process has gotten much easier, and honestly as the years went on I ended up constraining my own creativity more in vague pursuit of 'better, more respectable and praiseworthy writing'.
Which meant that on top of the tyranny of time eating away at my ability to remember how difficult it was to write in the first place, I had a growing list of hangups and fears that meant that I could always refer back to some past paragraphs I think are real zingers and go, "Damn, where did I go wrong? How am I worse than I use to be?" while ignoring the veritable sea of word vomit, every little thing I did to piss other people off, and the fact that I unironically just naturally obtained more responsibilities as I grew up and obtained a job that slowly crushed my will to live that just made it harder to sit down and write LMAO.
Now I'd love to say that I've thrown of all of my chains, learned to write the proper way, and focused my life entirely towards mastering the craft without interruptions, or that this one acceptance has fulfilled my lifelong desire for validation from a complete stranger once and for all.
Really all I have to say about all this is what you read at the top, "man it sucks to be me but I'm built different," I am in more ways than one no longer the same man who started writing just to have something to do in November, nor am I the man who sat down and chose to make himself when told to make absolutely anything he could want to be.
But then again I am the woman who started whooping and whollering and going, "OLE OLE OLE" and praising God after reading this so like, maybe I'm not that different after all.
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n7punk · 1 year
What is my immortal?
Ohhhh boy. Ok. Sit down.
My Immortal (wikipedia page) is the most famous fanfiction of all time. Couple disclaimers: it's almost not well-written enough to qualify for trigger warnings, but it does touch on a lot of triggers that I won't list off here. It is also, theoretically, tangentially, supposedly, "harry potter" fanfiction. However, harry is now known as Vampire, hermione is now B'loody Mary Smith, ron is Diablo, etc. A lot of the characters are now vampires and everyone is "goth" except the characters the author doesn't like, who are preps and posers. Also in one of the author's notes I think the writer ("Tara") literally says she hasn't read the books and it's based off "the movie". So like, it's connections to harry potter are tenuous at best and I'm not recommending you read anything beyond the first paragraph anyway, just putting that out there.
It's first person, follows a self-insert OC, and is entirely a fabrication of the writer's indulgence. It's one of those things that has gone down in fandom history and most people have read the first chapter, but we hadn't read more (AN: I don't recommend you do) so we had a read in the group chat and I either lost braincells or gained code-cracking skills trying to parse through the misspellings (both accidental and purposeful). A lot of people think it's a troll fic (which like, yeah makes sense) but there's a case to be made for it being a young tween's idea of a cool and edgy story that she and her friend made up and don't understand why everyone is hating on. I also think the world is a more beautiful place if it's sincere. The writer has managed to remain anonymous and undoxxed, which I am VERY grateful for, for her sake, even if I do desperately want to know the "real" story behind it and how she feels about its meme-status. Many people have come forward claiming to be the author and having done it as satire, but every one of them was a lying poser and a prep.
Below the cut is the opening of the famous "first chapter" (which only has a few more sentences in it after this anyway) for your reading pleasure. You really don't need to read any more than that, this is the part that became a meme and it only goes downhill from here. Also, "AN" (or "A/N") is "Author's Note" and yeah people really did used to just stick them in the middle of a fic, at least bad ones.
Hi my name is Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair (that’s how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee (AN: if u don’t know who she is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Gerard Way but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I’m a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I’m also a witch, and I go to a magic school called Hogwarts in England where I’m in the seventh year (I’m seventeen). I’m a goth (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black corset with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnets and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was walking outside Hogwarts. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of preps stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
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joshisurcrush · 1 year
'The Host' by Stephanie Meyer
Dawg I'm gonna be really honest, I hated the novel for the first 200 pages. It was so edgy for no reason, the author was so mysterious and cryptic with it, but not in an appealing way; more in an edgy 13-year-old's angst fanfiction. I read this book because it was literally the only English book left in the school library that I hadn't read yet, and I didn't want to sit around bored at break. I'm gonna cover a lot of stuff in the book, that isn't mentioned on the cover or in most reviews, so here's a fat spoiler warning, since I'll be discussing things even more thoroughly than I would in other reviews.
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First off, I wanna make it very clear to fellow aromantic individuals that this book is going to be either a) very funny, b) a case study, or c) hard to read. For me it was all three of those things. See, Stephenie Meyer, author of The Host, also wrote "Twilight" which y'all may have heard of. I saw "written by Stephenie Meyer, author of the *twilight saga*" on the cover of the book and gagged. Well, she's good at what she does, I'm gonna say, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I like it. Some parts of the book just had me frowning at the words on the page, the parts where one of the two main characters makes out with her partner (Melanie and Jared), for example. That part had me sitting in my chair thinking "Are people actually like this?" and "What the fu(dge), this is so cheesy." Right? But then there were other parts, (Wanda and Ian), where I found the romantic moments cute/funny. I think it’s mainly because the Wanda-Ian bond is more of the lighthearted cutesy friends-to-lovers bond, and not the “rah hot sexy ownership mmm sex” bond the way that Melanie and Jarend’s is written.
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I digress, well, I think I should get to explaining. I'm not going to explain exactly why everything happens, but I'm going to list facts that you just have to believe me. Wanda is an alien parasite in Melanie's body, who controls Melanie's body entirely, but they're friends and can hear each other's thoughts. Jared is in love with Melanie, Jeb is Melanie's uncle and owns a secret underground base where most of the story takes place, and Jamie is Melanie's little (teenage) brother. Then there's super-sexy Ian who's in love with Wanda (the parasite) and somewhat-sexy Kyle, twin brother of Ian, who happens to be really violent and tried to kill Wanda (in Melanie's body) twice. Oh, and there's Doc, the kind surgeon. There's other characters but I don't think they'll be all that relevant to my review. 
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Well, I like Wanda, the main character. Ironically, it's in her parasite species' nature to attempt to please everyone, be nice and always keep everyone's best interest in mind, even at her own expense. Also, unrelated, but this is one of the stories with female characters that I thoroughly enjoy. As a guy I prefer stories with strong male leads, it's just my personal preference, and stories with female leads tend to feel flat and weak, or "forced-strong", or stereotypical in some way. Mosquitoland had a good female lead, along with Falling Into Place, and The Host. These are some good female leads/characters that I can thoroughly enjoy because there's inner conflict, backstory dimension and history, more than just a single objective or focus (a lot of love-stories tend to make the female character into this caricature of what a girl is, and I hate it because women have vivid internal lives and a boiled-down simplification simply doesn’t do it justice imo). Back to Wanda, though. 
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She becomes more and more human throughout the book (which is supposed to be like, a big thing. I bet Meyer was proud of that one.) It's underlined as the story goes on; Wanda compares herself and her emotions to the human ones and talks about how Earth is so unique and different from the other planets she's lived on, etc. You definitely feel an interesting but slight shift in her narration as the novel progresses, evolving with the number of connections she makes with the people around her. 
Also, I like how Stephenie Meyer managed to separate Mel and Wanda from each other so distinctly. You get a feeling for how different the two of them are from each other, and how they each have their own principles and ideas, and they're like night and day, even though their actions are the same throughout the story. Talking about characters also, I like the way that all characters a) serve a purpose/role, and b) they're fleshed out well enough for me and c) they're not all written the same way, which is a fat pet peeve of mine. I hate when a story has three sarcastic characters, four strong men, and three quirky girls. They're all characterized differently, which makes Stephanie Meyer better at writing than whoever was behind the new arrangement of Marvel movies. Do not crucify me in the notes for having said that, I’ll get very sad. 
LMAO Imagine being a Marvel superfan and trying to read a normal thriller or something, I feel like a Marvel superfan would gasp and flail on the floor like a fish on land if the murderer doesn’t go “erm.. Well that just happened đŸ€“â€ after brutally snuffing the lives out of his victim(s).
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Plus, the story had the first good love triangle (tm) consisting of one body shared by Mel and Wanda, Jared and Ian. And the thing that makes it interesting to me is the fact that it's two couples (Wanda + Ian, and Jared + Melanie) who sort of have to work around the fact that both of the girls share the same body, which leads to jealousy between the two guys and Melanie and things like that. I found it interesting, it's so much better than the usual, and wildly annoying trope of "who will they pick! woo! two choices!" type of love triangle that I couldn't give two sharts about. 
The one thing, though, that bumps this story up to its rating, from a six, is the ending. The ending is genuinely the happiest ending I've ever read. Nobody dies. Everyone wins. Everyone is happy and complete; nobody is left alone or heartbroken, and it ends on a good note (since this book doesn't and will not have a sequel.) It just wraps everything up really nicely, it actually had me grinning and screaming "Good for them!" internally. It's the best ending to a book I've gotten to read in a really, really long time.
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enniewritesathing · 7 months
What inspires your character story and design? Is there influence besides just liking how they look? Are you striving to tell a complete story or just tales (short story blurbs about their lives)? I struggle with wanting to add more when I haven't finished the stuff I have.
Also! Do you think you've advanced in your writing from say 5 years ago to now? Do you think you've improved?
I always wonder if I'm improving. I certainly wouldn't be writing what I do if not for positive (and not so positive) feedback from simblr and having a writing friend who shares my passion and vision for story writing.
Sorry if that's too many questions. Just curious to hear how others process. Thanks!
Oh, don't worry, you're not asking too much at all! :D
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I'm gonna put it under the cut bc it's gonna be long, lol
I don't think I was particularly inspired by anything other than the fact that John and Brian were from a previous, abandoned story. It was based on the game Organ Trail (think Oregon Trail but with zombies and other stuff, lol). They are very different from what they used to be; they weren't together for one thing (they were both straight!) and they were edgy. Brian especially, he was more of a doomsday prepper. John having long hair is a hold over from the story; he grew it out to cover his eye (severely damaged from a grenade blast), y'know that sort of thing. I dropped the story after a while because I lost interest in it. That and everyone involved died...
There's not really a big influence on how they look either. I kinda come up with what's good but also what's unique. I guess I'm not one of the ones who struggle making male sims. For a future story, I had to make some (like 7??) and I went to town on the random button until I found what I liked and shaped them from there.
As for stories? Over the years, I've went from being very long form to shorter stories. I guess tales is a better description. They do have some continuity like with John and The Werewolf, the dealings with Brian's aunt, John and Brian getting engaged. I know Bare Knuckle, a story where John fights a literal demon, sticks out like a sore thumb because of how bonkers it is, but I made the story because I thought it would be cool; it also pushed my pose making skills at the time. (It's clear that I made that for myself really... ^^;)
I'd get an idea and go "can I put either of these two in this situation? and how would they go about getting out of it? or make it worse? better?" etc. Would this be "canonical" or would it be an AU? It's fun for me to think like that. A lot of the time, I make it bc I wanna see it for myself, what kind of a take I have on certain tropes and plots and maybe someone else would too?
I feel like I've improved in the past 5 years. It's pretty evident in my earlier stories it was strictly dialogue and nothing else and thus, empty. It used to be so stiff, it's kind of embarrassing, but there's a reason why I left it as is and never went back to redo them. (That's key, I think). That and I can the progress of how I use to take screens versus now, how everything's laid out, the expressions, etc.
I've had my ups and downs writing -- I feel I'm kind of a tough sell with most of my stories for simblr. They're not serial (I do not have the attention span or energy to do this), not a really big cast... I could go on, but it'll come off as complaints and maybe whinging on my part more than anything else.
That and the content itself; John and The Werewolf in particular because those stories deals with things I don't really see too often. and y'know, the blood, torture, violence. it's just so messy. In fact, I don't really get too much of any feedback of any kind so I'm kind of out here doing my thing. I don't know who's actually reading what I put out or if it's even thought of at all. I just hope that they're a little entertained by it. (tho it wouldn't hurt for a recommend)
but I'm also extremely stubborn! I'll complain, but I'm gonna keep doing it. I have ideas and they're gonna exist and I love to see how things play out. Sometimes the boys surprise me and I surprise myself. :)
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orbital-obvious · 8 months
I have watched Ocean's 8 and I have THOUGHTS so letss gooooo This is going to be in a number of parts becuse ahhhh this is gonna be long probably
Let's start with my ranking of the Met Gala looks because AHHHHH i need to get this out of my braiiinnnn (and it's also proabbaly the lightest topic, so!)
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(pics taken from here btw which is another dress ranking post lol)
The important thing to remember about our O8 ladies is that a. they slay b. they are pulling a heist, so why they need to be glamerous enough to fit in, they also need to avoid standing out. My ranking will be based upon the very subjective scale of "how pretty i think it is" with notes about how this relates to the heist etc
Going from best to worst, first up ---
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I mean. Comon.
9Ball aka Rihanna wearing TF out of this simple yet elegetn dress. It's very no nonsense, luxurious but simple.
When I tell you I GASPED when she got out of the van wearing this... Bro. Unmatched. The silluate and fit are perfect and this red was MADE for her, I swear.
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous.
You can be a party pooper and say that despite its simplicity it's still to fancy and tight for a character like 9Ball who, tbh, didn't need to go to the gala anyway (being the hacker and off site by design). To that I say that we deserve to see Rihanna kill it going down the stairs like she owns the place which, if we're honest, she proabbaly does.
I love this dress so fucking much it's so simple yet such a perfect freaking fit. Love it.
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Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssss hell yes.
Lou kills it with a suit that perfectly encapsulate her 'muscline' and edgy look throughout the film, just all glammed up. The color, the sparkle, that cheeky cleavage showing the jewl, omg. I want the entire wardrobe of Kate Blanche in this movie and her look was no dissapointment.
The thing that trips me a little bit, though, is that she wasn't filmed in the gala like the rest of the squad, and we only get to see her wearing this on the street, walking to Debbie, and I stg I thoguht she litterally wore this on the street and was like ???? But that was O K. and you know why? Cause she did it for the vibs and the WLWs and that's ok by meee.
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The woman of the hour, Daphn Klueger aka Anne Hathaway.
It's lovely - I'm actually a little bit obssssed because I love a good cape and this is a GREAT cape, and whil striking it's not overbaring and works weell with th straplss dress to showcase th neckless.
This one is interesting bcausee it was designed, in univrse, to stand out and follow the gala theme (european royalty) and I actually feel that in universe she was proabably one of the 'adaquate, but not wow' persons of the night and the interenet probabaly chewed her off for not going all the way with the theme butttt
This is a movie, not real life, and the purpose of this outfit was to highlight the Necklace aka the target aka the focus point for the movie, which it did (as I say, it frames it perfectly) and it is a decent enough nod to the theme for me to belive this is a legit met gala outfit someone would wear.
My only issue is this color. I DON'T like it, not for this. A rich (royal) blue would have looked much better imo (and might have been a node to princess Diana famous ring if we go all big brain about it). I think the color was chosen to make Daphne stick out over the viewers and grab our focus (which was her role in the plot, tbh), so I get it - even if I don't like it.
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Ok, love this. Amita - aka Mindy Kaling - suntring down the stairs in a look that is, literally, pure gold.
Love. Love. LOVE the sleeves, the ornament heavy on top, and the way the fabric drapes. She looks fantastic and this is definetally her kind of gold. The golden dress also gets extra points because I think that its good for hiest reasons - if you see her in passing and don't know who she is, you will rememebr the dress more than the person becasue it's so sparkly. I also like her hair in this, It feels nicely done but reasonable, considering she had to move from her kitchen worker costum to this in very short time.
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A stong yet not overwheleming look from our woman on the inside, Tammy aka Sarah Pualson. She is the event orgnizers and therefore went with the (releteively) modest black on black look which fits in with the servers outfits and I personally really like.
I think it also works for Tammy as a person - it's not revealing, the puff sleeves make gives her broad sholders (cause she's a strong woman, lol) and It does look practicle for a woman who will probabaly be up on her feet all night, making sure things run smoothly - both in the heist and the actual gala.
My only issue? It looks CRUNCHY. It's one of those fabric that would either crumble or cut my hands if I try to squeeze it. Pretty spooky.
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Debbi Ocean aka Sandra Bullock in this look that I'd call sufficiant - mfancy enough for the gala but underwhelming overall --- which is exactly the point of a heist disguise. She doesn't stand out and most people will probabaly forget she was even there.
The reason it's so low on the list is because I just.... don't like it very much. I think it's the gold-on-black color scheme, which I'm not a huge fan of, personally.
I WILL SAY that it works well with her wig which is practically the color of the embelishments and thus kinda mix the entire look togther in a fitting yet unimpressiv blob, a perfect costume for the heist.
Also I get a kick out of her being the only one wearing a wig, an extra con for our head conwoman.
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It's not that I don't like this dress - I HATE it. I get that Rose is a once-legendary-now-flop in universe but comon, Helena Boham Carter deserved better than this.
It's doing so much, gives so little, and is just MESSY. The tacky print. THe flower embelishment. The unclear folds (?) around the chest UNDER the tacky print. WHY.
Though the biggest offendrs are the accessories. What in the mid 2010's is those stupid sunglasses - which, now that I look at them, might have been decent if not for that stupid giant hairpeice of mounted crap.
Rose Wile consisently gets the worst costumes in this movie and I just. Don't. Get it. This is the worse one though, by far.
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Ok, but why do this to my girl Constanse (aka Awkwafina).
I have a personal hatred to those hotdog looking dresses with the nude mesh and those applique looking embelishment. Why not give her a suit, as well? She was wearing shirt+pants street style the entire movie, why torture hr lik this?
I hate it, but I do love the way she's wearing it, with he heels (who gave her HEELS?) in her hands and the IM DONE look on her face.
I do wonder how they glammed up her hair so fast, though. Weren't they on a tight heist schedual? Is this some secret thief trick? If so, where I can I learn it???
And that's it for the MET GALA looks of Ocean 8. It's a fun movie and I have lots more to talk about (good and bad) but it'll have to wait. So, for now, gorgeous gorgous dresses. HAHAH.
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otakween · 1 year
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I’m Standing on a Million Lives - Volume 13
Woah, it's been almost an entire year since I read volume 12...oopsies. Luckily, volume 14 comes out at the end of this month, so at least I can get two volumes without a giant hiatus.
Also, heck yeah! Fatina's on the cover :D
Ch. 60
-This was a politics and battle strategy chapter. The explanation of how the 1% ruin everything for everyone sounded verrry familiar.
-Malita's arc is very weird. Also, she low-key high-key feels like an Attack on rip-off with her design. Kinda expecting her to either go out in a blaze of glory (self-sacrifice) or be mercy killed by the end of this arc.
-Yuusuke shows back up at the end of this chapter, because god forbid we go any longer without the main character! This series actually feels pretty different when you take the teens out of it. Less isekai nonsense and more just straight fantasy (well duh)
Ch. 61
-I've probably already complained about this at some point, but I really don't like the naming sense of this series. "Jangani," "Cathean," "Vikie." I don't know how to explain it but some fake fantasy names just work and these don't. They feel very "scrabble letters thrown at the wall."
-Yuusuke comes back to life and immediately goes on an edgy rant about how smart he is and how that's going to be his downfall. Ignoring the humble brag, I do kinda get what he was going for. He was basically saying that a lot of book smart people don't feel the need to rely on others so they isolate themselves and "die out" (like the Neanderthals apparently). The idea that Homo Sapiens survived due to their social nature and reliance on others was interesting, I've never heard it put that way before. His rant seemed to boil down to being frustrated with not having any street/social-emotional smarts, which I can definitely relate to.
-Not sure what Yuusuke's goal is at this point. It kinda seems like he's growing away from his "I want to kill humanity" aspirations, but it's not super clear...
-It was pretty brief, but I enjoyed the Fatina vs. Oku battle. It was nice that Oku got to die as his true self and Fatina got to inherit his battle to fight the dragons. That's kind of like revenge for Oku in a way.
Ch. 62
-Oop. I was wrong. Yuusuke is still very much into his "kill humanity" plan lol.
-Yuusuke pretending to be nice to Futashige was pretty brutal lol. At least it gave Futashige some tiny inkling of joy in his miserable life.
-And suddenly we're in a court case. It's kinda a fun idea to have a real battle and a legal battle going on at the same time. Really shows how the work is distributed amongst the players too.
-Fatina's owl is adorable in sleep-mode
Ch. 63
-I thought this chapter was really good. 100% politics + economics mode with some real world stuff tossed in for good measure. I was thinking "why does this feel so American??" when they were like "this is based on America btw lol" in an aside. Basically all about the wealth hoarding of the 1%. I didn't expect them to throw in the bit about the internet destroying everyone's mental health and Idiocracy-style eugenics.
-Basma literally reminds me of Elon Musk with his "lol you should just try not being poor" attitude. It almost hits too close to home, but it's also cathartic cuz I know the good guys will win. Futashige is the perfect hero for this arc since he's repping the downtrodden working class.
-Mangaka is based for anti-capitalist sentiments. Makes me curious to know more about him. I feel like you don't hear takes like this too often in anime/manga
-There were parts of the trial that I unfortunately think would have hit harder had I not read the last volume a whole year ago lol. I've definitely forgotten some things. (Like what the decree even is)
Ch. 64
-I always appreciate it when the mangaka goes into a lengthy description of the strategy used to defeat the boss. This is a very brains-over-brawns series. Although straight up action has its place, it can get pretty boring after awhile.
-I'm a bit skeptical about the "if you remove the stomach lining the acid will disintegrate everything!" logic. I mean sure, it would do damage, but I dunno if stomach acid is really that OP. (Well, it is a fantasy creature, so whatever).
-We get that Ace Attorney moment where the perpetrator finally snaps and the gang clears the mission (what was that again? lol)
This volume felt super short for some reason! I guess because it was pretty fast paced. Guess we'll wrap up this arc in the next volume, so it will be interesting to see where things go next. Hope we get more real world time in-between.
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ithisatanytime · 5 months
Alice Deejay - Better Off Alone (B4You Remix) Terminator Music Video
 this is far less serious than its gonna sound like if anything i find it a bit endearing, but women are physically incapable of recognizing and avoiding controlled ops, the most based girl you know things andrew tate is bad ass. its because they are submissive and always seeking to submit to an authority, and in the modern age that means a celebrity. as a man i can agree with some of the things andrew tate or sean strickland says while recognizing them for the “ethnic” jews that  they are and with the understanding that they are literally turn coats who want us dead.
 Tate is a fed, his dad was a fed he admitted it on tape go on youtube, not just any fed but CIA a literal glowie, im not one for defending women but the audio of andrew tate beating on some shrieking whore for no reason other than monetary gain that was enough for me, and if im ever in a room with him and there is a rock handy i will cave in his FUCK UGLY head or get my ass whupped trying, and ive said it to him as directly as i can i mean hes a massively famous guy but hes also a champion kickboxer so i figured if i called him out on all his videos and his fans were in the comments underneath mine like “source on him being in the cia” and im there providing i expected SOME kind of response even just the message getting deleted ive gotten interactions from bigger celebrities for less, anywho, even if all that wasnt true i would hate him on instinct because he has a terminal case of faggot head and he talks like an absolute queer, i dont mean that in the homosexual sence and its not redundant with faggot i dont know how to explain it but hes as much a fag as he is a queer and ive never been aware of the distinction before really looking at this dudes fucked up jafar turtle head. sean strickland i desperately want to like but the UFC is OBVIOUSLY controlled like boxing is at a certain level, just look at who works on the commisions and in basically all positions behind the scenes, its show business, so i am aware that if the people need a hero they will seek to supply us with one and what better avenue for supplying do nothing heros than televised sports. sean strickland says all the right things but hes obviously fucking jewish, i fucking promise you, i can be more specific, he is descended from spanish converso sephardic jews who moved to australia, thats the phenotype, sephardics fly under most peoples radars start looking at people with hispanic last names more carefully, a lot of the tells of an ethnic jew are just subtle tells someone isnt ethnically european when if you didnt know better thats what you would mistake them for at a glance, when it comes to sephardics especially when they have middle eastern admixture from the south of spain, or indigenious admixture in mexico they will already present as none white so even someone pretty savvy might give a pass to attached earlobes dark eyes and or curly dark hair because these traits could just be indicators of southern moore spanish admixture, or again indigineous admixture in the americas. sean is saying all the right things... sort of, he was saying shit that would have been edgy back in 2012 and so is nate, no one is being exposed to anything new, they are both easy to dismiss if you dont already agree with them, nate being a faggot and sean strickland being “just some fighter” fighters arent known for their intellect or politeness so again easy to dismiss if you arent already part of the choir. neither of these men will name the jew, and in a post Ye world even naming the jew absolutely no longer gets you a pass, so how much more suspect is someone who claims to speak their mind and be fighting the matrix and redpilled but you wont name the jew in 2024?
 long story short women have no glowdar because they arent comfortable existing in a decentralized intellectual movement they need an authoritative nucleus to adhere around (in this case its celebrity) but i think its cute and none of this applies to you babe.
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cat-psychic · 8 months
Recently I’ve been taking a poetry class where we have to critique eachothers work, and I’ve noticed that almost every poem I’ve read has been sad. They’re all about social issues or discrimination or death or trauma. The only exceptions are poems about romantic love and desire, of which there have been two or three, but they’re still extraordinarily outclassed by the sad ones. Now love and death being the two most common subjects of poetry is a pretty well understood thing, and young adults who write poetry just being an edgy bunch is certainly part of it, but I think there’s something more going on here. 
I’ve taken enough lit classes to know that the books assigned in them do not tend to be happy ones. Anything near-contemporary you read is guaranteed to be depressing, and while a books age will sometimes let a wry, often political comedy sneak through, you’ll always be made to read it through such an analytical, often again, depressing lens, that a lot of the jokes loose their meaning. And when you write, you’re encouraged to do it in much the same way- poignant, dark, realistic pieces on the state of the world. I
 especially notice it in books centering around some sort of oppressed/minority group- in all my years of lit courses, I don’t think I ever read a book with a female protagonist where being a girl was portrayed as “fun”. And yeah, don’t get me wrong, discrimination exists and impacts people and is a HUGE PROBLEM, but at the same time I wouldn’t equate my personal experience of “being a girl” to “constant suffering” –which, if you were going off of these books only, might be the conclusion you draw. And while this is a big topic that I’m simplifying greatly, I think a persons only literary experience regarding an oppressed group (their own or others) revolving around how much being a part of that group SUCKS is a reductive and plain out depressing concept. And since those are the stories that are held aloft, it forces writers belonging to those groups to write stories about the oppression they’ve faced rather than literally any other topic if they want their stories to be promoted and seen. And this extends out of professional spheres back to students. There’s been some recent discussions of how the college application essays encourage students to write about and thus revisit their trauma, turning trying to get a  college education into some sort of sadness contest. And while I don’t think whats happening in my poetry class is anything quite that sinister, I think at the end of the day it’s rooted in the same problem: The subconcious idea that stories about darkness are inherently more valuable.
And that’s something I take personal problem with. I think it’s based around the idea that “dark” somehow equals “more realistic”, which is untrue. While life can be cruel and dark and serious, life can also be joyous and thrilling and just plain out stupid. And those silly fun moments are just as important as the dark ones! Hell, maybe even more so! There is innate beauty in random chance, fun surprises, friendship and love. Life is a constant see-sawing between the happy and sad. Even during very happy times, watching a sad movie can make you cry. At your most depressed, you’ll still ocassionally find yourself laughing at somebody elses dumb joke. There is a constant cycle of gain and loss. One can’t exist without the other, and that in and of itself is poetry! 
Saying one feeling is more important than the other is about as silly as saying red is more important than blue. Hell, beyond joy and sadness, look at confusion, anger, friendship, satisfaction, embarrassment, sleepyness, deja vu, weird coincidences, dancing, your first crush, injokes, brainfreeze, an obsession with dinosaurs, whatever! Yes, write tragic, edgy, or serious stuff too when you want to. Heaven knows I do. But don’t put yourself in a box. Meaning can be found in strange places, and one of the joys of poetry is reading something that you would never have guessed hits as hard as it does. And if something hits you, no matter how weird, you can bet somehow, somewhere in the world, it’ll connect to someone else in the same way.
Don’t give a shit if people say what you feel doesn’t matter, be stupid, have fun, and write!
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infoglitch · 9 months
My complicated relationship with Rwby.
Apologies Everyone no this is not the surprise I promise that's still in the works. Right now I just want to talk about something.
As all (except one and a half) of my followers know me for, it is the fact that I write Rwby fanfiction (very bad ones) and since I have somewhat of a miniscule foot step in my part of the fandom I just want to post this.
So to even begin my history with Rwby we need to start with something that had nothing to do with it at the start.
Death battle.
Yes. THAT death battle. The very same. And I'm pretty sure you all know where I'm going with this.
I got introduced to this series via death battle when they released Yang Xiao long versus Tifa Lockhart.
That's where I was first unknowingly introduced to Rwby. And oh boy did I forget about that series in a matter of moments. After watching that fight the only thing I was focusing on was how cool yang looked as she fucking washed tifa.
Was it rigged? Yes. Fuck yes! But I still loved the fight.
And then I watched Weiss versus Mitsuru. And yeah I also forgot about rwby after that.. for a bit. Eventually I discovered the series again on YouTube and began watching from episode 1.
Immediately the introduction caught me off guard. The story book-esc intro caught my attention and I found it... Decent. I was hoping the series would stick to this story book kinda feel but also mix in some bits and pieces of 3d.
And now to address the elephant in the room. Yes, by the time I began watching rwby there was already heavy criticism. I did watch some videos but not all of them. I didn't want my view to have a bias.
And I'll be honest, I liked the first three volumes. Including volume 4. (Yes I know the volume was absolute fucking garbage but I still liked that it slowed to have our characters get a focus)
Now i want to address something. At this point in time I was not a huge shipper it just seemed bizarre. But I did, and still do like a lot of ships. But sadly none of them are team rwby ships.
What can I say at that point I wasn't very open minded. I didn't hate the ships I just didn't get it, yet I still enjoyed the volumes despite that and I'll be honest me at that point leaned towards dragonslayer.
Ah yes the rookie Knight meets the mighty blond bombshell. My (still) two favorite characters in a ship I would have liked. Also... Fuck arkos 🖕 (I'm kidding I just didn't care for pyrrha as a character, I just fuckin couldn't. She's not bad just wish she was written better)
But of course this is a complicated relationship for the series. And now we are at my least favorite part. I did not care for volume five and all in all I just stopped caring. I stopped caring about the Rwby series because well one. sadly most of the fandom was either toxic as hell or ship based. 2. A lot of the criticism from the videos I watched made me realize this show was pretty bad. (No matter how much I liked it)
And eventually I put this series to rest. I stopped watching rwby, but it always lived in the back of my head, the vibrancy of the first three volumes, the shock of Pyrrha and Penny's death. The idea of hunting monsters.
That led me to creating beast slayer. In a sense my "first born child" and oh boy was it edgy. It still is but at that point I was in a bad spot. I am still dealing with my own self-esteem and self-hatred. But at that point during the pandemic... I was done. I was done with everything. And so I began making more promotional pictures because I didn't write at that point.
Eventually that led me to meeting my ex who I will always be glad I met (they were quite literally one of the things dragging me away from the depression of the pandemic)
But this is about Rwby. And I'll say it here so you all can quote when I'm old and grey. Rwby will always be an inspiration for my work no matter how crumby, incompetent, and outright cruel, rooster teeth is. No matter how bad the story decisions are (like the non-existent build up to bumblb.). No matter how terrible the fandom is. This series will always be in the back of my mind and telling me "just go for it". As dumb as it sounds (and even out right cheesy it is) its true.
But regardless back onto the timeline of events. At this point in time I had completely forgotten about Rwby, only occasionally hearing about it and then j saw a YouTube short showing... A group of sprites modeled after... Team rwby..
That's right ladies we are talking about my favorite fighting game!
I had no idea this game existed until eventually I was searching on the Xbox game store and found it and I'll have an entire different thing on how it got me into persona but right now, point is.
I loved this game. Every minute I spent playing it was another minute I would have an idea for a combo or interaction. And well it also got me back into Ruby. Once again I started seeing rwby pop up more and more on YouTube and sadly that was also after rwby got removed from YouTube. (First off fuck you rooster teeth, second off eat my dick, drink my fresh piss, and lick my heavy as fuck balls!)
But eventually after that that was also when I got on Tumblr (and it wasn't even for rwby, not even inscryption when I used to make shit for it. I entered Tumblr, because I was a fan of bugsnax. Strange how one thing leads to another huh?)
And so here I am talking to all of you. You who follow me or you who just so happen to this because I'm tagging this as rwby.
So what do I have to say about the series and what ships do I like even tho I've said it 100 times.
To answer the first one.. I.. I love this series still. It will always live in my mind and I will always remember the potential the series had. And I'm mad about it.
I'm mad this series has basically made me it's bitch and yet I still keep coming back because a strive to enjoy the series. That's one of the reasons why I'm doing the Rwby rewrite or also called "rwby: fate".
I'm mad that no matter how much I love this series it'll never get better because one the company Is horrible and two the writers are incompetent. Yet here I am standing here typing this out for everyone to read and I still want this series to have an ending but also not wanting to fund a horrible pathetic company. I'm at a cross roads because one half is telling me "they'll fail like the last 6 volumes" while the other half is screaming praying that this series gets on ending because it wants to see the thing that inspired have a worthwhile ending.
But that's everything. That's everything when it comes to how I feel about Rwby. In this long ass, stupid ass, mustard stain on your shirt having, ugly bitch making, rant son of a bitch.
Well obviously except one.
Drum roll please.
Thank you-
.... You know what fuck you.
Regardless my favorite ship is always gonna be-
Whiteknight. Yeah Im just a sucker for it. That's all.
Now get off my back
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