#Pokemon lotr
troubledsiamese · 5 months
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Celeborn, lord of the plains
Shiny alpha wydeer from legends arceus
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gandalfs favorite pokemon is castform
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ach-sss-no · 1 month
i saw a post talking about how we cook our meat because we don't like getting worms
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we can't air this, by the way, that awful noise this jerk made was directly into the microphone and the audio peaked higher than mt doom
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madame-helen · 1 year
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choochooboss · 9 months
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"Not all who wander are lost" …but one can still lose directions! This particular warden seems to have arrived at an unfamiliar stop, or perhaps a forgotten one beyond recall? My second contribution for August Magma event!
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sillylotrpolls · 1 month
Note that Sam, Elrond, and Tom Bombadil were not included on grounds that they would likely "sweep."
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stachebracket · 1 year
'Stache-Off!! Round 1
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trashcompactorsewerrat · 10 months
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yeah i can't believe it either
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autistook · 7 days
Fellowship as Pokémon
I will not be elaborating these further
The Fellowship as Pokemon!
Pippin - Pichu
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Merry - Diglett
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Frodo - Eevee
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Sam - Ditto
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Aragorn - Entei
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Gimli - Houndoom
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Boromir - Umbreon
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Legolas - Leafeon
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Gandalf - Galarian Moltres
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I was gonna go with Gyarados but I figured Galarian Moltres fits Gandalf better.
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Not romantic, not platonic, but a SECRET THIRD THING - tournament poll
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It all comes down to this. Two duos, perhaps unalike in dignity. It's up for the voters to decide. Which has a bond which best transcends (or perhaps ignores entirely) romance and friendship as descriptors?
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danwhobrowses · 8 months
I still can't believe Critical Role in the span of 2 weeks went 'hey remember that ship you like? Well we have this whole episode endorsing it which is awesome' just to suck me in and then this week go 'now that we got the table invested, Taliesin will now whiplash everyone like Imodna did with the sisterzoning but also maybe denial or gauging reactions' and then leave us on that FOR THREE WEEKS
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odinsblog · 3 months
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Okay, so on the one hand, Toby made an extremely grownup, pragmatic decision here. Why risk the $250,000 that you’ve already won on a question you obviously do not know? You knowww you would feel like shit for a long ass time if you guessed wrong.
But on the other hand, you got a 50/50 shot at winning $500,000 dollars. And then $1 million dollars. I’ve never been much of a gambler, but ….?
But on the other other hand, this was in the early 2000s. Who didn’t know about Pokémon and didn’t know about Lord of the Rings back then? It was literally everywhere. I’ve never watched Pokemon nor have I ever seen Lord of the Rings before, but through sheer pop cultural osmosis, I know enough about both of them to have easily answered that question.
But maybe I’m wrong.
This IS Tumblr, so I expect everyone to knock this outta the park. Please reblog for a larger sample size, and no using lifelines or google for the answer.
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frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
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Notice: I am adopting you and your wife and I am not taking no for an answer
Not SamFroSie!
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birdyboyfly · 4 months
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The love for NaTM at my workplace is small, but persistent
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subreus · 16 days
need to follow more blogs as i was last on tumblr about 10 years ago?? so if you post
- Hades (i can’t play hades 2 as im on xbox so pref. if you tag spoilers)
- Eurovision
- Skyrim/elder scrolls
- Pokemon
- art and writing resources/tutorials
- LOTR/tolkien
- the boys & gen v
- history, ancient history and mythology
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floral-alchemist · 4 months
I imagine being an elf keeping track of humans as they live and die is a lot like keeping track of each new generation of pokemon. Some people outgrow their interest and say things like "wow these new designs are trash, the blood of Númenor runs thin," while others of us will never outgrow it and say stuff like "omg Laios is such a little freak, he narrowly beats out Gengar as my new favorite"
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