#Reading Stats
lottiestudying · 5 months
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20.1.2024—read 26 books this month so far so think i may have to reevaluate my reading goal of 50 for this year 🫡
trying to establish my reading habits and routines. i want to start a reading journal, but i read so fast I’m not sure how I’d keep up with it 😅
add me on story graph if you would like - lottie1803
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eli-zab3th · 5 months
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My 2023 Reading Year in Review!
For more details, see my Goodreads page or The Storygraph
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graciereadshannigram · 3 months
hey so because im unemployed and bored and hate goodreads because i almost exclusively read fics, i created a pretty easy to use reading tracker/database to get all the juicy reading stats.
safe to say this year is going well?
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ninja-muse · 5 months
2023 Reading Wrap-up
I feel like this year was pretty average in terms of my reading. Some great books, some awful books, a lot of books in the middle. And while I feel as if I kept hitting slumps, I don’t think my stats really reflect that. I kept reading and even though I didn’t hit my goal of 140 books, that’s more because I read more thick and dense books, spent more time writing, and am one year further from the direness of 2020 and 2021.
This also seems to have been the year of T. Kingfisher for me (and also Ursula Vernon). I read several of her horror novels, as well as Digger and a bunch of the ebooks she makes free for patrons, which are really easy go-tos when you want something light and right now. I was kind of surprised when I realized she was my top author because usually that’s Seanan McGuire.
And I read more ebooks in general, because why should I wait for two months for the library to get a physical book in circulation when I can wait two weeks for it to come in on Libby? I’m still trying to reserve Libby use for lighter, faster, less involved books, because I tend to end up skimming a little more and there’s something about physical paper that helps me retain info better when the text is dense.
Now, stats! Yearly total: 128, excluding rereads and picture books Queer books: 44 (34%) Authors of colour: 15 (11.7%) Books by women: 74.5 (58%) Authors outside the binary: 7.5 (5.8%) Canadian authors: 14 (10.9%) Off the TBR shelves: 39 (30.4%) Books hauled: 41 ARCs acquired: 57 ARCs unhauled: 60 DNFs: 9 Rereads: 3 Picture Books: 6
If you look at last year’s stats and the year before’s, I’m pretty much holding steady in terms of my diverse reading—a little more than a third queer, about 60% female and 10% Canadian, around 6% gender-diverse authors. I’m way down on authors of colour though, and I didn’t hit my stretch goal of 20 Canadians, so those are things I’ll have to pay attention to in the year to come. It would be nice if I could manage more queer books too, but that’s not something I’m going to try for quite as much.
Two of my reading goals for the year were to read more books from my TBR than I acquired, and to keep my ARC levels about even. Seems like I pretty much hit them! I expect that 2024 will see fewer book acquisitions because a lot of my 2023 haul was bookstore visits with my dad and we’ve now hit pretty much every store in the city. I was honestly kind of surprised that my ARC problem stands where it does. I was so sure that I was going to have at least 10 more incoming books than outgoing. Go me! My spring ARC purge really, really helped.
I did all right on the rest of my reading goals. All but one book read (The Great Cat Massacre), which was the real point of the list! I only managed to finish one StoryGraph challenge, if you don’t count my pages goal, and as always I failed to read as many classics as I wanted. I’m starting to suspect I’m not a classics person, despite my interest in history and historical fiction. If anyone has classics recs for me, let me know?
To be completely honest, though, I'm not sure I'm going to continue posting to Tumblr. I pretty much stopped updating my feed in the summer and I've felt more relaxed, both in terms of Things To Do Each Day but also in terms of my reading. When I was more active on here, I felt pressured to read diversely at all times and though I try to have a healthy spread of perspectives, I know that I generally don't and am therefore a bad person by Tumblr standards. I am curious what my mutuals have been getting up to this year so please, sound off! And let me know if you do want to see reviews and wrap-ups continue here.
(Friendly reminder that I'm ninjamuse on Storygraph and LibraryThing, if you'd like to follow me there.)
And if anyone’s interested, here are the rest of my year’s highlights:
Top Five Fiction (not ranked)
The Hollow Places - T. Kingfisher
Menewood - Nicola Griffith
Bookshops and Bonedust - Travis Baldree
A Half-Built Garden - Ruthanna Emrys
The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi - Shannon Chakraborty
Top Five Non-Fiction (not ranked)
Magisteria - Nicholas Spencer
Diary of a Misfit - Casey Parks
Evidence of Things Seen - Sarah Weinman, editor
Lay Them to Rest - Laurah Norton
Like Every Form of Love - Padma Viswanathan
Most Impressed By:
Shubeik Lubeik - Deena Mohamed
Diary of a Misfit - Casey Parks
The Hands of the Emperor by Victoria Goddard
A Half-Built Garden - Ruthanna Emrys
Most Disappointing:
Tortilla Flat - John Steinbeck
British Columbiana - Josie Teed
A Killing in Costumes - Zac Bissonette
Tauhou - Kōtuku Titihuia Nuttall
Longest Book: The Hands of the Emperor - Victoria Goddard
Best queer book: Diary of a Misfit - Casey Parks
Did I beat 2022? No. Did I beat my Best Year Ever? No. That would be 2021. Did I read more classics? Not even close. Did I read more Canadians? No. I held about steady. Did I whittle my TBR shelves down any? No. Was it a good reading year? Probably about average?
Breakdowns by month:
January February March April May June July August September October November December
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fablesbookstuff · 5 months
Here are my storygraph reading stats from 2023! Overall I feel like this was a good year for me with reading, also if you're looking for an app to track your reading that's not goodreads I highly recommend storygraph
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Updated my ao3 stats spreadsheet!! I have read 6.3 million words in the 911 fandom this year, so it's now my most common fandom by word count AND fic number, just edging Star Wars out of its reigning position 😎
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letsstudieren · 5 months
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I just finished my last book of the year, so I’ve come to share
Great year for reading in this household! I’m delighted :3
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Last year I had 7 books in French, and this time I got 10, and several were long! I’m very pleased, a couple of years ago I struggled so much just reading one
While I couldn’t even read one chapter of a specific German book, I did notice improvement, and I surpassed last year by several. Gotta keep going! (Oh! And there was also the audio Adventskalender! I’m ecstatic)
The Japanese ones were mostly manga, but they still count
And I did keep my promise of reading more in Spanish!
The big surprise of the year, tho, was the fact that I can still read in Italian! It was such a wonderful feeling
(Ignore the Romanian one, the app saw “Roman” and stuck it there even though the book was in French. I laughed so much XD
I hope y’all had a good reading year as well if that was your goal. And hopefully it will keep next year :3
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ghoulishbuck · 2 months
Well it’s not even a full week into April and I’ve read 124 books so far this year. I honestly don’t know what happened. Last year I read 119 books in total. I do believe that it’s a mixture of shitty mental health and reaching a point where I preferred to read instead of watching things or playing video games though.
Anyways, here’s some stats and the progress on my book goals I have for this year.
P.s. I’m not trying to say you need to read a lot or that I’m better because I’ve read so much I’m just sharing what I’ve read. I highly doubt I’ll ever read as much as I will this year in the future.
Books hauled so far this year and percentage read of hauled books: 33 (9.091%)
Number of books read this year that I own vs borrowed: 31 vs 93
Number of pages read so far: 36,762
Number of books read for each month: 41, 42, 32
Percentage of my physical books read: 18%
Number of physical books owned: 516
Number of books donated to a little free library and the number that is ready to leave: 6 and 5
My favourite books for each month:
January- Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross, Eragon by Christopher Paolini, Dead of Winter by Darcy Coates, The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
February- A Little Bit Country by Brian D. Kennedy, The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston, Better Than The Movies by Lynn Painter
March- Once Upon A K-Prom by Kat Cho, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
My less favourite/ most disappointing reads for each month:
January- The Ruins by Scott Smith, Heartstopper volume 5 by Alice Oseman
February- Waverider by Kazu Kibuishi, Ruthless Vows by Rebecca Ross, The House is on Fire by Rachel Beanland
March- The Wager by David Grann, All of us Villains by Amanda Foody and C.L. Herman, The Death Cure by James Dashner, King of Immortal Tithe by Ben Alderson
Reading goals:
4/5 classics read
6/5 nonfiction read
9/12 romances read
0/12 paperbacks from hell read
0/12 point horror books read
9.091%/50% of books hauled in 2024 read
13/5 YouTuber favourites read
3/12 dragon books read
22/24 sci-fi books read
92/100 owned books read (this is going to drop by 4 soon)
Bonus goals:
0/2 memoirs read
3/3 true crime books reads
4/3 soft DNF’s read
0/5 literary fiction read
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midnightwinterhawk · 1 year
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I don't know why I did this but here we are.
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libertyreads · 5 months
End of the Year Book Stats--
I read 172 books total which equaled 51,673 pages. The average number of pages per book was 300 pages. I averaged 14 books per month; I averaged 4,306 pages per month. Of these books, 41 were new releases, 130 were backlist titles, and 1 was a 2024 ARC. The longest book I read was The Curse of Broken Shadows by Laura Winter. The shortest was Home: Habitat, Range, Niche, Territory by Martha Wells. The total number of rereads was 26 books. I read 146 books that were completely new to me. My average rating per book was 3.32 stars.
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forestlyprince · 5 months
Alright so the page count is different between the two, but here's my general stats for reading this year! 335 books in 2023!
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peppermint--cat · 1 year
I just noticed that my Hashimada fic 'A cruel world' has reached 100 (public) bookmarks. I'm so happy and honored! 😭 😭 😭
Thank you to everyone who is reading my fic!!!
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elliizzzabeth · 5 months
Once again here with my reading stats for the year, courtesy of Story Graph!
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Managed to read 17 books this year, passing my goal of 15! That's about half as many as last year but I was absolutely churning through them at uni so I never expected to hit that peak again. Really proud of my 17 as I didn't fall off the wagon and go back to my previous habit of only 2 or 3!
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As you will know if you've seen my blog for the past 6 months, this year I read the Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir and it turned my brain to soup! (Bone soup!) I read all 3 books and short stories and then did something I never do and immediately read them all again! I even bought the physical copies and annotated them for maximum insanity! (These graphs aren't even completely correct as I read the Harrow and Nona audiobooks alongside the physical copies and re-read Dr Sex and As Yet Unsent too but didn't incude them in my story graph as I didn't feel they were 'significant' enough to add again and I didn't want to inflate my reading goal. But in actuality the Tamsyn Muir total should be 13 💀). If you can't tell I VERY much enjoyed this series and if you take one thing from this post it's please please please read these books they're so fucking good!!!! Please step in to the world of my bestie Gideon Nav, you will not regret it!!
Some other highlights include the Last Binding series by Freya Marske which I am just about to finish and also finally got around to reading 'I'm Glad my Mom Died' by Jeanette McCurdy (the only non-fiction on the list) which was just as amazing and heartwrenching as everyone says.
Going to set my goal 2024 goal to 15 books again to keep up the momentum! But this time I will be aiming to make that 15 new (to me) books as I guarantee you I will be reading the locked tomb series again at some point! Let's hope I can keep it up :)
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lizziestudieshistory · 11 months
I was determined not to do any proper stats for my reading this year because I've been letting the numbers get to me. All I've kept to track my reading is my journal. However, I was chatting with a bookish friend about her stats and it got me slightly curious about what have been my main genres this year so far. Astoundingly my three main genres are approximately:
Classics (49%)
Fantasy (26%)
Nonfiction (19%)
Now having classics and fantasy being my main genres is hardly surprising, however, I would expect them to be the other way around. It should also be noted that most of the fantasy I've read this year is not modern, the majority is old school classic fantasy (some even predates Tolkien!)
Yet the biggest surprise is the nonfiction! I rarely reach for nonfiction? But for some baffling reason I've read A LOT of it? To put it into perspective throughout ALL of last year I read 3 nonfiction books for fun. This year I've read 7 books and 54 articles/essays? I DIDN'T EVEN INCLUDE THE ARTICLES IN MY STATS! It's bizarre - fun though!
So, now I'm trying to work out why my reading has been so different - I have a few ideas but either way I'm not complaining. This year (so far) has been the best reading year in a while, I've felt so much happier with my reading and it's been much more fulfilling. Guess I'll keep going in this direction for the foreseeable future!
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aspiringpolymath · 11 months
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So, I still track on Goodreads, bc I was an early adopter and it's social in a way that StoryGraph hasn't managed to be for me (yet), but I'm a bit behind on tracking there, so I thought I'd screencap my progress. This is from mid-late June 2023, so sort of Mid Year Ish.
I would say that more like 98% of my books are LGBTQIA+, but the genres are getting more accurate as time goes by (and it is definitely leading the pack). SG is also getting better at having the obscure queer romance books I read, but there are a few still missing.
Today, I have 277 books listed on GR, so I'm going to try and catch up a bit on SG this weekend.
I might post my answers to the Mid Year Check In, too, bc I love to share my fave books and see what other people are into.
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Book Roundup 2022
ok ive never done this before but i read a lot in 2022 so im just gonna make a post abt it! yeehaw 🐎
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i read so much good stuff this year but i think my two favorites were Project Hail Mary and Borne.
Project Hail Mary is a great sci fi book. Andy Weir writes very good stuff, and this is even better than The Martian imo. please please if you can go into this book knowing NOTHING about what happens. don't even read the blurb. if you like hard sci fi that has some techno talk but not overwhelmingly much you'll like this just trust me. it's so engaging and if you like reading about an extremely capable person dealing with Circumstances and Situations it's such a satisfying book.
Borne is about two people and a creature (will not be explaining him further) surviving in a post apocalyptic city that is ruled over by a gigantic flying bear. there's mutated things and other humans trying to survive and an evil corporation, etc. Vandermeer is super creative and writes very well imagined settings. i always want to climb inside his books even when they get horrifying, which they do. there's unexpectedly a lot of love in this book amidst the horror and it's quite beautiful.
I'll put the Southern Reach trilogy next, even though it's pictured last, because it's also by Jeff Vandermeer. this trilogy has a ton of captivating speculative ecology, and a biologist main character who is so much like so many biologists I've met. the first book is excellent but i think it really shines as a trilogy because the way the characters and setting unfolds and affects each other is so well done. also whitby for best character i love that little freak so much.
i reread Perdido Street Station followed by the next two in that world (not strictly a trilogy but they all take place in bas-lag and are vaguely chronological), The Scar and Iron Council. PSS is about a fucked up city and biological engineering gone wrong, the Scar is about a fucked up city but what if it was on boats and there's a leviathan, and Iron Council is what if we left the fucked up city to live on a train. they have magic disguised as science, and science disguised as magic, multiple human and non human intelligent races living together (occasionally having sex), anti-fascism, vampires, anti-capitalism, old-timey diving bells, and dirigibles. please read them i wish they had a fandom im dying inside
Reading Stats:
books read: 40
top 3 genres: fantasy, sci-fi, horror
using this to plug storygraph because goodreads is owned by amazon. i find storygraph just as useful and intuitive and they'll transfer all your stuff from goodreads for you 👍 also they made me this cool graph look
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ok im gonna tag a couple people but i rly don't know how many of you read so if u wanna share your favorites please do and tag me!! @speculativefictions @crunchity-munchity @egoborderline @astronargles
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