#Redacted Kelsey
capitalisticveins · 1 year
Shaw Pack Headcanons (Ft Sam)
I have like 3 more of these ready to go but I’m gonna release the Solaire Clan headcanons next
- Angel always wears a bow somewhere on their body, a way of saying they’re “A gift waiting to be unwrapped by David”.
- David doesn’t play Uno by house rules, he plays it by the rules on the box and whatever new rules the official Uno account tweets out.
- Sweetheart always dresses as a ghost for Halloween.
- Baaabe does the Hispanic Mom cliche of waking up early in the morning on Sundays and blasting Spanish music to polish and clean the house.
- Tank wears crop tops to show off their abs.
- David does not crack his back or neck often, so when he wants to seem intimidating to an enemy, he cracks his joints and they sound SHARP. This usually wards off opponents.
- Baaabe doesn’t believe in vacuuming. To clean dust off the floor, they take a paper towel, wet it, and scrub the floor manually.
- Asher also hates vacuums so this helps.
- When Milo called Baaabe and Angel to the stadium during Inversion, they carpooled to the stadium with Angel’s car. They didn’t make it at the same time because Angel had to find a parking spot and Baaabe was impatient.
- Milo and Tank are those friends that insult each other as a love language, but 10x.
- Asher told Arden about the “Davey” situation, and she called him that once. She was banned from pack meetings for 3 months. When she called him “Davey” during the Moonbound Solstice, he threatened her as a reminder.
- Christian and Amanda were high school sweethearts, they were just good at hiding it until they began the intimacy.
- Baaabe suspected Asher was a werewolf, and tricked him into transforming as one.
- They told him they were going to the store, and hid behind the door to the kitchen. They then put a fully cooked steak on the top shelf that neither of them can reach.
- He transformed into a wolf and jumped to get it, Baaabe genuinely didn’t believe that worked.
- Angel did the same thing, it didn’t work with David.
- Milo and Sweetheart were in the same elementary class, neither spoke to each other, but they have gotten into altercations.
- David can do that thing where he individually flexes his pecs.
- Bailey and Sam mock each other, neither believe the other’s accent is real.
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star-sheeps · 1 year
The entire Shaw pack is gay
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mrsmiagreer · 1 year
I wanna know more about Christian, Arden, Kelsey, Amanda, Booker, Miguel, Etc…
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angelcactus · 2 years
Yes I may be a lesbian and I may be very attracted to David shaw of the shaw pack in Dahlia, California.
That's kinda it.. but the moment we get more on Kelsey and Arden it's over, I'm kissing them both
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asmrtist-brainrot · 1 year
Party Stalling
David and Asher don't really seem like the bachelor party types?
More like wedding party.
So here's a drabble I thought would be funny, though it's not too good.
Also just made a couple of OCs... Their names are also kind of funny - I'm sure you can guess what their names are inspired by.
Reader is Angel + Gender Neutral
~ Dari
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"Come on Jack." Mirin scolded from their spot next to him behind the bar, scowling in annoyance.
It wasn't the first time he hit on a customer, wasn't the first time he'd gotten pissed at a rejection. Usually he wasn't such a shithead and good against assholes, but when it came to flirting - it was weird and gross how the switch flipped.
"Shut up, it's gonna be good."
Jack was also a petty fuck and it made Mirin wish everyday that Marguerite was behind the counter to control her brother instead of currently bouncing the door. From the other side of the bar, their third mixologist, Gin just shook his head and continued to serve a handsome man with fake horns and his cuddly partner.
They glance at the person he'd flirted with.
Eyes lidded and dreamy, sobering somewhat at the look on their coworker's face. Soft cheeks and body wrapped in nice clothes, slightly mussed and flushed from the dancing.
You were cute.
Mirin felt quite irritated as you were tipping them and he swooped in to be pain in the ass.
Not to mention you brought up being engaged.
"Sorry," The asshole's smile was nearly shit-eating as he spoke "but you're being too rowdy and I'm going to have to ask you to leave, you're disturbing the other patrons."
You blinked, once then twice, then frowning - though for just a second before a thought rolled over you.
The picture of mischief.
A glimmer in your eyes and smile on your lips that made them a little wary.
"Okay," You shrugged and slid the 20 towards Mirin regardless as you almost mourningly said "just lemme grab my fiancee and friends."
Mirin eyed the ring on your left hand in amusement, but the itch of irritation came instead. They slapped Jack's hand from grabbing their tip - tucking it into the breast pocket of their work polo.
You got down from the bar seat.
"Martin's gonna be pissed you lost their business." They warned him, starting to make a long island.
Their cheeks warmed at the pretty woman that ordered, she awkwardly tucked a stand of hair behind her ear. Shyly leaning towards them when she was served.
"I'll deal with him." Jack watched you leave with a satisfied smirk, only to pale.
Mirin's curiosity was enough for them to look at what he was balking at and gaped at wall of a man. He was sitting down with a group of men dressed somewhat similarly to him - leather jackets and jeans. But as he rose, he towered over the other party goers. You approached him without fear though, arms sliding around his neck.
His expression is fond but hardened briefly as Mirin assumed that you explained what just happened.
They could almost hear Jack's teeth chattering in his head, it's enough to make them snort as the man glared in the direction of the bar. They swore the guy was going to shit bricks.
But the expression fell away instead to mirth when he looked back down at you. He nodded before glancing over to the DJ stand and waving his hand.
This DJ, some guy named Hudson, was hired on behalf of a wedding party that someone was throwing.
Mirin choked on a cackle at the realization.
Hudson nodded at David and the music screeched to a stop and he got on the mic, "Sorry party people but it looks like the party of David and Angel Shaw are moving out. I was hired by them so I gotta go too."
Other patrons booed and Gin snorted a laugh from next to Jack, as he mockingly cracked, "You'll handle it, yeah?"
"Oh, sounds like that's our cue Freelancer," The horned man sighed before hopping to his feet and purred "I'm sure the Solaires have some other place we can be a... Public disturbance in."
"Shame," His partner mumbled, handing Gin what seemed to be a crisp 10 "I liked this place."
Jack sputtered, looking around in slight panic.
The group the man was sitting with stood as well, gathering their coats and seemingly joined by their own companions. But then another small troupe of well dressed individuals, and a set of two other couples.
"David, where are we going from here?" One of his compatriots asked, voice heavy in a Bronx-type accent. Frowning a bit as he draped his arm around the hips of presumably his partner.
"Vincent, Sam, any ideas?" The tall man, David, looked over at the second group, who were pressed and dressed in their Sunday best.
One nodded towards the door and hummed in a southern drawl, "Fred brought up a good place further up on Teakettle, they got good food too. Maybe we give Hudson a break before he restarts the party."
"I know that place!" Another rather big man piped with a grin "Dames and I found it while on a date."
"Well, what're we waiting for?" Another piped energetically, who Mirin recognized as Asher - as he ordered everyone a round of shots at the beginning of the night. "Let's get going!"
There was collective noises of agreement as the party of Shaw started to collect their belongings, the music began again only on a playlist as another employee scrambled to fill the air. Mirin's sides split from their giggling at Jack's horrified expression, Gin leaning over the bar and snickering at the turn of events with glee.
"I can't wait to tell Martin about this."
Jack sputtered, completely and utterly dumbfounded as to what just occurred.
Mirin was disappointed to see the pretty girl leave too, joining up with another young woman and a man
They pouted, shuffling to clean the last of her drink.
It took them a second to realize that there was scrawl on the napkin, glittery blue ink smeared by the moisture of the cold drink - tucked under the tip.
They smiled.
"Text me? XXX-XXX-XXXX
- Kelsey"
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daisyachain · 9 months
‘He wants to make up with the guys he used to fight with. I know that feeling’
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themonotonysyndrome · 2 years
I'm gonna go to bed now. But here's the second chapter to 'Their Worse Halves' as a thank you to @autisticempathydaemon for tagging me on their awesome Christian/Alexis oneshot.
I'm tagging @veneli too since they request it a long time ago. I'm sorry that it took so long!
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fazcinatingblog · 11 months
the 8th netball team is apparently going to be based in south east melbourne, awesome!!!! i know a great place they can play home games ((((dales park))))
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stories-me · 11 days
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Potential Character for Mrs. Kelsey and Tumblr 5/22/2024:
Rambley Raccoon, Chief Mascot of Indigo Park:
What he’s from: Indigo Park.
What he might be in: Gamma World.
All about him (according to the “Indigo Park Guide”): “The star of the show is here! Everyone’s favorite trash panda, Rambley is here to make sure you have the most fun as possible! While his friends may think he gets a bit too excited, Rambley is always there for his friends! No matter what happens, Rambley will be there to brighten your mood! Meet Rambley today, only at Indigo Park, located in scenic REDACTED!”
He can be rather childish, likes trains, and likes to hear himself talk. He takes his job very seriously, places a large amount of importance on those he considers friends, has a good conscience, and wants to do what’s right.
Rambley is one of the inhabitants of Indigo Park, and, like the others, was based on one of the beloved characters of animator Isaac Indigo. His life and his job were simple: Make the guests happy, alongside his friends: Francis Fox, Mixie Mouse, Finley the Sea Serpent, Lloydford “Lloyd” Lion, Salem the Skunk, and Mollie Macaw. Even his “enemy”, Salem Skunk, and his rival, Lloydford “Lloyd” Lion, were a part of this.
Then, one day, something happened. Something bad. Something none of them expected. It started when some of the guests and “cast members” came in. They looked uneasy and nervous, but, at first, didn’t want to talk about why. Eventually, one of the cast members mentioned that there were “tensions” between America and certain other nations, but assured Rambley that “life would go on”.
Suddenly, a strange sound was heard. A siren. The guests and cast members began panicking. Rambley and his friends tried to calm everyone down. Then there was a big flash and it felt like something hit them.
In spite of all this, Rambley managed to convince his fellow mascots to keep everything ready, for when the guests returned. Francis kept the gardens in order, Mixie made treats and dishes, Finley kept his shell collection in order, Lloyd rehearsed for his performances, Salem used their inventiveness to create gadgets around the park, Mollie kept her planes in working order, and Rambley himself organized things and kept the park clean.
They continue to wait for the guests to return. Maybe those folks on the horizon might be guests!
How he is like me:
We both put a lot of emphasis on friends (like Trey, Mr. Kuartez, Dr. Mosier, and others) and we like to talk about things that interest us (like Rambley likes trains and I like fan fictions).
Kelsey Notes:
Sometimes individuals with autism never outgrow their “childlike” interests and preferences. 
          This relates more to feelings of nostalgia and remembering a simpler time in their life
It can also relate to having an appreciation of something from the past that they feel guilty forgetting about (i.e. holding on to stuffed animals or VHS tapes)
Rather than fixate on what might have happened to the guests, Rambly was able to encourage everyone to hold on to hope and keep everything up and running until their guests made it back
Keeping the park up and running gave them jobs to do and kept them busy in their spare time even though they didn’t know if the guests would return or not
Rambly was able to help keep them distracted to not find out about the events happening outside of the park
Sometimes keeping busy can be a good thing because it helps to build tolerance for non-preferred activities
Having enough activities to fill the day can also be helpful when we get bored of our interests- it’s hard to believe that we can get grumpy spending TOO much time with our interests and free time
          It does happen and this is usually when a support system steps in to help with activities outside of the house, etc.
There is such a thing as having too much time to think which can often lead to restlessness, anxiety or hyperactivity
Jobs like keeping the park up and running, even if it seem pointless, helps Rambly and friends balance their time and it keeps them distracted from overthinking too much about what could be happening outside the park
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capitalisticveins · 1 year
Shaw Pack Hcs Part 4 (i think?) (Ft. Sam)
These are 3 pages long on Google Docs wow um
- Tank has smoked once, but didn’t exactly get into it.
- Asher and Christian put things they KNOW Milo will need on the top shelf of whatever house they’re in.
- Baaabe has freckles. Whether they're faint, or there’s tons of them, it doesn’t matter. They HAVE freckles.
- Angel may not be able to cook, but for some reason they can really fucking good. Cake, cookies, macaroons, brownies, lava cake, hell, Creme Brulee. They just find baking and cleaning everything up tedious, so they don’t do it often.
- As kids, whenever Kelsey came over with her mom to visit Arden and Christian, Arden and Kelsey would do anything and everything to scare the shit out of Christian.
- The only game Sam and Tank can play on equal grounds with no advantages towards each other is Just Dance 2018.
- Ansel and Bailey work on their upper arm strength more
- David doesn’t shave often, but his face somehow remains slightly shaven? Which is weird because he grows facial hair like crazy.
- David sleeps like a fucking corpse, that man does NOT move.
- Angel likes to shave David’s face when he’s asleep and keeps the hair in a jar under the bed in a box.
- Asher eats Kraft Mac ‘n Cheese.
- Tank LOVES frosting on cake and cupcakes. They lick the frosting off of those mini-cupcakes and eat the frosting first off normal cake.
- Angel used to believe in Herobrine, but instead of being scared or not playing the game until he was “removed”, they’d actively seek him out.
- Sweetheart’s impulsive thoughts have once led them to go tangible while in between a wall. It was excruciatingly painful and they don’t know how they didn’t get split in half.
- Milo would sharpen his teeth if he could.
- Ansel eats Crumbl Cookies, much to Christian’s dismay (he believes they’re undercooked).
- Asher and Baaabe don’t get out of each other’s arms until both of them are awake. If one wakes up first, they just lay there until the other wakes up.
- Baaabe didn’t go into elevators for a week after they met Asher. Not because they didn’t want to see him again, but because they were deathly afraid of being stuck again.
- When he was a kid, Marie would aggressively pinch Milo’s cheek whenever he did something bad.
- Baaabe took it surprisingly well when Asher first admitted  to being a werewolf. Not because they were shocked or in fear, but because it explained a LOT of weird shit he would do.
- Once, when they were a kid, Tank got into a frosting container their mom used to ice cakes she’d make, and ate all the frosting out of it. They would’ve been punished if they didn’t vomit an hour afterward, since it was “punishment enough” in their father’s words
- Madelyn and all of the older pack kids (only girls) would have sleepovers almost all the time. Kelsey, Bailey, and Arden were invited, but not so often since they were younger.
- Sweetheart likes to buy square pillows so it can support their neck better.
- Asher, David, Milo, and Christian would try to sneak in or see what the girls were talking about, much to Madelyn’s dismay.
- David has a vase full of honeysuckles in his bedroom.
- Sweetheart can NOT hopscotch. They’ve tried and they keep tripping by the time they reach 6.
- Angel has once laughed so hard they passed out.
- Bailey likes to blow bubblegum, but it’s hard to pop them. Meaning if they grow too big she has to use her fingers to pop them, but then sometimes it gets stuck to her hands.
- Brooke has seen Bailey get tangled up in gum during a pack meeting, and had to go over and help her, but then he started getting stuck in the gum, until Amanda saw him.
- Long story short half the pack got stuck in 5 pieces of gum until David had to use scissors to cut them out. That night he prayed for a normal pack.
- Sweetheart was once compared to Sherlock Holmes. That’s the best compliment they believe they’ve ever been given.
- Baaabe always has a stupid and goofy smile whenever Asher walks into the room. 
- As a kid, Milo was often left out of fun activities with the other kids. Bailey was the only one that stuck around him when they forgot to invite him.
- I.E: Brooke forgot to invite him to his 10th birthday party, and when Bailey found out, she and her parents took him to Six Flags.
- Other than the literal stealth in the pack, Brooke is the most stealthy member of the Shaw Pack. He can stop breathing for up to 5 minutes and cloak his aura enough for any normal empowered person to not sense or notice him.
- Tank has put mentos in coke and shoved the bottle in their mouth, Milo had to snatch the bottle from their hands after soda started spraying from their nose. Asher gave them 20 bucks to do it.
- David would stay up until 2am studying for ANY test they were given back in high school.
- Asher tried getting a tattoo in high school and told David, but David said if he ever finds a tattoo on him, he’d tell Asher’s parents immediately.
- Arden is the reason unempowered people in Dahlia believe wolves howl during a full moon. She makes sure that during ALL full moons, she’s at the highest peak possible in the town, shifted and howling as loud as she can. Only Christian knows she’s the one doing it.
- Tank has forgotten to put water in a cup of noodles once before microwaving it.
- Sweetheart has scared Baaabe before and this led to Baaabe cursing them out in a different language.
- Angel had braces from elementary school to high school, and keep unknowingly licking their teeth.
- David is NOT flexible, that man is as stiff as a floorboard.
- When Tank and their family first joined the pack, Tank was pissy and distant because they missed their old pack with their old friends.
-Milo has said “I’m walking ‘ere!” once, that’s the only reason Asher and Christian say it whenever he’s around.
- Bailey eats waffles with her hands.
- Kelsey and David fold their pizzas.
- Arden used a fork and knife to eat hers once to piss everyone off.
- Asher, David, Christian, Arden, Amanda, Brooke, Miguel, and Bailey have done the cliche “break a window with a baseball” in Amanda’s backyard once. Bailey broke it and was going to come clean, but Christian panicked and blamed it on Kelsey, who wasn’t there. He then tried to backtrack and blame it on Milo, who was in the corner playing with dandelions because they forgot to ask him to play. Bailey got away with it because Amanda’s mom believed it was him due to his lying, and no one backed him up.
- Asher tries to laugh more “cutely” or “manly” but whenever Baaabe says a joke he can’t help but laugh genuinely.
- When David was scolding Tank in “Confronted but your Pack Alpha”, Tank had a scowl on and kept looking at the ground. They didn’t make eye contact until the end.
- Sweetheart can throw it back
- David can be DEATHLY silent when he wants to be. This is why Sam didn’t hear David from behind him during the pack Solstice, despite his advanced hearing.
- Whenever the Sunbound Solstice comes around, and none of the wolves feel good or energized enough to do anything, the mates do everything in their power to pamper and take care of them until they feel better. The only exceptions are Tank, Sam, Milo, and Sweetheart since they’re all Moonbound. In this case, Baaabe and Angel wait until David and Asher fall asleep to help them out.
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Personality through quotes
Thanks @mysticstarlightduck here!
Rules: a quote from your OCs given a prompt!
A quote about their favorite memory.
Lexi: "My favorite memory? How could I choose? I guess any where I'm spending time with my friends. The sixth-grade social dance was a lot of fun! Ooh, and the fifth-grade DC trip! That was so much fun. My birthday party last year at the rollerskating rink was awesome, though I did bruise my knee. But I was with my friends, so who cares, right? Ooh the first time I beat Maddie at Mario Kart. Oh my gosh, there was--"
Maddie: "Hm. I dunno what my favorite memory is. Weird to pick one. Maybe in third grade when Kelsey and I presented our research poster. We had the best one there. I ended up doing most of the talking though. It was about tigers, anyway. Kelsey didn't mind. Everyone was listening though. Felt cool to be the center of attention for a bit, I guess."
Ash: "Don't really have a favorite. But I did like it when Lexi, Maddie, Hannah, Mikey, and I were playing Minecraft together in my living room once. It was, like, fourth grade? Pretty awesome. We built a house inside a mountain."
Gwen: "There was this time my family and I were walking one of the trails near my house. Before Christian was born. Cory was really young, so he was with my parents. My sister Mallory and I were alone for a bit, so we got talking. I really like our talks when we get to do them. We ended up noticing strange pawprints and broken branches off to the side, so we started talking about a horror story where some kids like us were in the woods, being hunted by a monster. It was a lot of fun, if a little dark."
Robbie: "Bro, there's literally no way I can pick. Binging the Barbie movies with Sam and Akash was mega fun. We had a great time, both ironically and unironically. Um, the Halloween party in Alium? Those are great. Man this is hard. Uh, there was this time where Akash and I played this game where we'd go to a bookstore and read random sentences out of random books just to see what would happen. Dang, this is hard. In eighth grade there was a theater/choir team-up for a winter concert, so Akash and I got to be on stage together for once. Ugh, can I at least get a top twenty? This will take a while."
Akash: "Not to sound weird and gushy, but I genuinely mean it when I say growing up with Robbie makes it impossible to pick a favorite memory. There are too many good ones."
Jedi: "This is quite an interesting question. I simply am unsure of what to choose. However, I would say graduating college was a wonderful time. Carmen and Atsila were both there, which meant the world to me. They created a lovely celebration for me."
Carmen: "I'm not answering this question." [Redacted for spoilers, but it has to do with Atsila]
Tagging @avrablake @space-writes @dyrewrites @sam-glade @buffythevampirelover
Your sentence is: "A quote about a topic they could write a book about."
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy
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bethanyactually · 5 months
tagged by the wonderful @hondagirll -- thanks, Steph! 💛
last song: Stay by Lisa Loeb
currently reading: re-reading The Mark of Athena, the third Heroes of Olympus book, so I can actually finish the series after that which I somehow never did, and then read the new Percy Jackson book, The Chalice of the Gods. Also currently reading Frankenstein with Elliora for school, and I just put a hold on The Founding Myth, thanks to @katiedora mentioning it in the tags of this post.
last film: I am cracking up because I just realized what AMAZING film @pressdbtwnpages and I watched on YouTube this past weekend: Parent Trap IV: Hawaiian Honeymoon.
A while back, we realized we were both weirdos who loved that movie as kids and wore out VHS tapes watching it, and somehow we got to talking about it the other day and wondered if anyone had put it on YouTube and some wonderful soul HAD. And even better, it was still hilarious 35 years later.
currently watching:
the US version of Ghosts, which is thus far charming and entertaining
Percy Jackson and the Olympians, A+++
Dimension20's Fantasy High Junior Year on Dropout
Troy just watched S2 of Reacher, which is very action-filled and quippy and not entirely my thing, but I watched it with him and did enjoy getting to see Shannon Kook (aka Grant [Redacted]) in it
perpetually rewatching Elementary and Nancy Drew
currently craving: nothing in particular
currently consuming: coffee
three ships: Nancy/Ace, Percy/Annabeth, Josh/Donna
first ship: probably Maddie/David on Moonlighting, though I did think Bob and Linda on Sesame Street should get married, and I was REALLY into Kit/Nat in The Witch of Blackbird Pond. (hi, @ladytharen!)
favourite colour: sunflower yellow
currently working on: a couple of blankets I'm crocheting, thinking about my next text post edit for Nancy Drew 409, beta-reading some stuff.
tagging: low-key, no-pressure tagging Katie, Kelsey, and Doc whom I already mentioned above, plus some folks from my recent activity @bitchwhoyoukiddin, @floating-in-the-blue, @galathea-snb, @al-the-grammar-geek, @artemistiques, @duskylight, @ryeshept, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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angelcactus · 2 years
If Kelsey and Arden had mates what do you think they would call them?
I'm in love with them alot.
I think Arden would call us pumpkin and Kelsey would call us moonpie
In this Ted talk ill-
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hammerhead-jpg · 7 months
Honestly I can't judge Erik's abilities to do different voices because when Monarch Baz showed up on screen I legitimately thought it was Alexis and they're voiced by different people
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Hi Ange! If I’m not too late (or if you haven’t done this one yet)…hand 👀
hey kelsey! 🥰 there's a lot more of jily [redacted] in this chapter than i thought there would be tbh. i'm sure all of you will/won't enjoy that, depending on your persuasion 😂
Lily laughs, the sound slightly strained and pulls away. Her eyes are slightly red and her hands linger on his shoulders. “Right,” she says. “My mistake.”
Send me a word from TFTDC 8! 🥳 
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daisyachain · 6 months
There’s a bit of a paradox where desire is seen as a masculine trait in anglo-american western ideas of things and so then a woman showing active or carnivorous desire reads as gender non-conforming which means that one way of queercoding (as bisexual or trans) a female character is to give her a loud and unabashed appetite for males
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