#Shiver’s my fav. I love the silly
loz-the-noob · 9 months
I’m actually lowkey kinda glad about the Deep Cut drama bc…… It’s so much easier to pick a team now. They’re mad at Big Man for collaborating with the Squid Sisters? So that means siding with Big Man is the same as siding with the Squid Sisters. Just sayin…
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transpanda-1 · 1 year
You know honestly and genuinely I think the Splatoon devs, while still flawed in areas, are much more in tune with modern sensibilities and changing times with depictions in video games, and we deeply appreciate them for at least attempting. Splatoon 3 was the happiest we've played a video game for awhile and it was just so genuinely fun and I didn't feel burdened by anything while playing it. (Well. Maybe outside of joycon drift. Ahaha.)
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amsznn · 3 months
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warnings: none, just fluff!
⭑ you better have tylenol, and a whole bunch of patience if you’re with this boy.
⭑ so much energy and expects you to be on the same level as him.
⭑ sometimes he’ll tone it down if you’re having a bad day or if you just need some quiet time.
⭑ at the end of the day, he’s so exhausted that he doesn’t even say goodnight, just knocks out.
⭑ you and chris are cuddled up on his bed, enjoying each other’s presence when you decide to ask his opinion on something.
“chris what do you think about this hoodie?”
chris: 💀😴
you: 😐
⭑ BLANKET HOGGER. doesn’t matter how big or how small the blanket is, you’ll be left shivering while chris is bundled up with 50% of the sheets dragging on the floor.
⭑ on nights where he doesn’t immediately tap out, he’s resting his chin on your head while one hand is playing with your hair and the other caressing your arm while yapping your ear off.
“if you were a chicken, what kinda chicken would you be?”
“chris i swear to god.”
⭑ needs to be touching you in some way. And it’s not always sexually. small touches like, playing with your ears, hand on your thigh, or just playing footsies under the table, contact is his fav.
⭑ whenever he’s in disagreement with his brothers about something he makes sure to throw you into the mix and ask your opinion cus lets be real, you almost always agree with him.
⭑ randomly jabs your side to tickle you whenever there’s a moment of silence between you two.
⭑ asks your opinion on designs for his brand before launching anything. also makes sure you get at least one of every item he’s designed.
⭑ don’t think he’s the jealous or protective type. but if someone is making you uncomfortable he’ll definitely tell them to back off.
⭑ the media found out about you two on accident 💀.
⭑ chris was streaming one day and forgot to tell you but it was too late when you walked into his room unannounced in your grammy pj’s ready to knock tf out when chris let out a loud “ohhhhh shitttt..” when you realized that you were fucked.
⭑ you looked at chris and chris looked at you before you both shrugged your shoulders and went on with what you were doing, honestly not giving af atp.
⭑ comments flooding about who you were, tiktoks posted about you two with dating rumors, had to wait until the next day when chris posted on his story the both of you in skin care hello kitty masks facing the mirror with his arm around your shoulder and you leaning up to give him a peck on the face.
⭑ yeah, yall broke the internet.
⭑ you were featured in the next podcast with you and chris properly talking about your relationship.
⭑ after that chris would post you any chance he got. from cute insta stories, to goofy tiktok trends, he just wanted the world to know about his amazing gf.
⭑ PDA PDA PDA PDA. in the back of the triplets vlogs that you sometimes feature in, fans can spot you and chris in the background hugging with chris sometimes attacking you with kisses.
⭑ just a clingy guy tbh.
⭑ whenever you wake up from one you and chris’ shared afternoon naps to go find something to eat in the kitchen, chris makes his way to you like 2 minutes later and wraps his arms around your waste peeking over your shoulder so he can also have some of what you’re making.
⭑ loves going out and seeing things that remind him of you, but when he’s about to buy it and the store says “we don’t take apple pay” he’s upset for the rest of the day talking about “what fucking store doesn’t take apple pay”
“what kinda guy forgets his wallet…”
⭑ he ends up ordering it for you online 💀
⭑ overall a cute silly guy who just loves to love on you.
A/N: i want him. im posting sm cus theres soo many things in my drafts guys, imma try to even my posting days out though, bare with me <3.
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luvfy0dor · 4 months
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“And I Need You Like a Heartbeat ♡⁠˖” BSD x GN!Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
╰┈➤ Nikolai Gogol, Dazai Osamu, Fyodor Dostoevsky
Warnings: probably ooc, loosely proofread
Description: Valentine's drabbles with my fav BSD boys ♡⁠˖
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A/n; HAPPY (technically early) VALENTINES DAYYYYY!!!! When I talk about chocolate I'm talking about Elmer's chocolate because it's literally so good, dare I say it rivals terrys oranges and I'm a ride or die for those. Also the pink theme is staying for a while bc i really love it.
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⑅Nikolai Gogol⑅
→ Nikolai always made an attempt to truly 'woo' you on Valentine's day, he couldn't help himself! He had so much love to share with you, and how lucky he feels that there's an entire holiday just for going all out. He makes sure it's extra special, even though every other day of the year he showers you with his love for you.
Nikolai thought about all of your favorite things while he stood in a store picking out a card and gift for you. He wanted a silly but meaningful one, and that proved really difficult to find, so he decided to come back to it after grabbing you some chocolates. He wanted to get you the biggest box of chocolates possible, and if not that every single small box he could get his hands on. It either had to be comically large or a comically large amount. He grinned immediately when he saw the 72 piece heart shaped box of chocolates. He grabbed three of them excitedly, hoping you'd be ecstatic to receive 216 chocolates. He also wanted to get you flowers, so he made his way to the floral area of the store, picking out a beautiful bouquet of pink and red roses with some babies breath in between the flowers. He walked to self checkout and paid for his gifts for you, having decided to hand-make you a card out of card stock when he got home- that way he could make it as silly and genuine as he wanted.
Nikolai walked out of the store, his arms full until he opens his portal to set everything inside the car before he gets there. It allows him to reach into his pocket and unlock the car, quickly getting in and starting it while rubbing his arms to fend off the cold. He shivers before stretching out his arms and backing out of his parking spot, leaving the lot and heading home. He calmly hummed along to the radio until he reached your house, hopping out of the car and using his portal to gently set everything inside. Once he got inside, he immediately found the pens and papers, starting to write out his card to you. He drew intricate flowers on the white paper, coloring the organic shapes in with pink colored pencil. He wrote your name on it in scripty handwriting and used some red lip gloss to leave a kiss mark. He giggled with excitement and set up all of your gifts in a cutsey array before watching out the window for your car to pull into the driveway. When it finally did, he jumped up, nearly hitting his head on the ceiling from leaping so high. He walked to the door, unlocking it, opening it, and embracing you before you could even stick your key in the lock.
"Kolya, oh my gosh-!" You said, caught a little off guard by it, but you hugged him back. He kissed your cheek and pulled you inside, spinning you around and placing a proper kiss on your lips. "Happy Valentine's Day, darlin'!" He grinned as he spoke, his thumbs rubbing circles into your waist. "Thanks babe, you snatched me inside so quickly I couldn't even grab your gift that I put down-" you're cut off by Nikolais enthusiastic voice. "Oh, speaking of which! Sorry for cuttin' you off, but I've got a gift for you too!" He grabs your hand and leads you to the dining room where he had your array of things. He grabbed the flowers and held them out to you. You were a little stunned, but gratefully accepted them into your arms. "Kolya, those are so beautiful! Thank you, babe!" You hugged him tightly, noticing all the large heart shaped boxes of chocolate.
"And I also got you these and this card." He says, handing you the card and gesturing to the big boxes of chocolate. You immediately start to laugh. "Is something wrong?" He asks, a small amount of worry laced into his tone. You shook your head and walked to the door, opening it and grabbing the same box of chocolates off of the stairs. "I got the same ones for you!" You hand them to him. Nikolais laughter joins your own, but yours quiets down while you read the heartfelt card. Nikolai knew all the words to use to make your heart swoon. You set it down gently on the table and pulled Nikolai in for a kiss, his hands finding their way to your waist. "Mmn, thank you, Kolya. So much." You say, giving his pretty, pink lips one more peck and leaning your head in the crook of his neck. "Any time, sweetheart." He hums in satisfaction before a thought dawns on him. "Do you wanna watch movies and eat some of this chocolate for dinner instead of cooking?" You nod exasperatedly. "That sounds perfect right now." You extracted yourself from the hug and walked towards the couch, your boyfriend in tow with one of the boxes of chocolate. He put on a cheesy rom-com, the both of you laughing at the cheap jokes while snacking on the chocolates together- what a perfect Valentine's Day evening. ♡⁠˖
⑅Dazai Osamu⑅
→ Dazai gets really romantical, going as far as to cook a full meal for you. He puts his heart and soul into the dish, wanting you to come home to a relaxing and loving evening with the love of your life. He plates the food he spent oh so long on and lights the candles while waiting for you. He fixed his hair in one of the mirrors and hung up his apron that you gifted him in attempt to spark his culinary creativity more, and it surely did. He decided to really experiment tonight, after all, love was about taking chances, no?
His posture stiffened when he heard your keys in the apartment door right before you let yourself in. He walked out to greet you, noticing your tired demeanor. It all seemed to subside when you set eyes on him, though. "Hey, 'Samu. Happy Valentine's day." You said, your voice engaging rather than monotonous. You loosely draped your arms around his was and breathes in his scent. "Hey, babe." He greeted you, planting a kiss on the top of your head. "I made dinner for us. Filet mignon." He proudly says, rubbing a hand up and down your back. You raise an eyebrow but decide to give him the benefit of the doubt. You didn't think Dazai was the worst cook because he definetly did have his moments, he was just a little... unpredictable, per say. You walked into the dining room with him and can immediately smell strong amounts of cinnamon. You raised an eyebrow, but chalked it up to the candle on the table. When you sat down and observed the food, though, you realized that the smell was not in fact the candle and Dazai had coated the steak in cinnamon.
You stared at it for a moment. "Oh wow, Osamu, that's really thoughtful of you. I appreciate the dinner." He smiled at your thanks, grabbing his fork and cutting a piece of it. "I know it looks a little interesting, but you gotta take risks and try new things in life, babe." He says matter of factly, bringing the cinnamon coated meat to his mouth and eating it. Your eyebrows furrowed a bit as you cut a piece off and brought it to your mouth. "'Samu, I'm sorry, I can't eat cinnamon on this." You say, reverting your attention back to him. You can't help but feel amused when you see his scrunched up nose and grimace. "Yeah, you know, I can't either. Oh, I'm sorry I ruined our romantic Valentine's Day dinner." He apologizes. "I got you some chocolates that I could feed you instead?" He proposes with a grin. His bony fingers hold up the heart shaped box of sweets while you nod in agreement. "That sounds great, actually, but you should probably brush your teeth first, that must taste disgusting."
It wasn't long before you were sitting on Dazais lap, your hands on his shoulder while he holds up a chocolate to your mouth, giggling with you while you talk with eachother about their memories and dates in the spirit of Valentine's Day. His other hand massaged your thigh while he listened to you talk, your voice like music to his ears. "That was a fun date, wasn't it?" He laughs, patting your thigh while you swallow a piece of chocolate. "Is it good?" He asks you, a small grin on his face. "Mhm, real good. Wanna try one?" You offer. Your arm extends over to the box of chocolates and you hold one up for your boyfriend to eat. He shakes his head and gently pushes your hand away, cupping your cheek with his own. "Oh no, babe, those are for you. If I really want to, I can taste one without eating one." He says, leaning in and kissing you. His lips were chapped but pleasantly familiar, and his tongue slipped into your mouth the first chance he got.
The both of you mutually pulled away for air after a hot second, Dazais cheeks red with blush and his hands on your hips. A small grin remained on his face and with a squeeze of your side, he opened his mouth to speak. "See? They taste great. I should buy some for myself. Or maybe I could just keep doing that- save some money, y'know?" He teases. You roll your eyes and peck his lips one more time, running your hands through his hair. "Save some money for us by not dumping a shit ton of cinnamon on filet mignon and wasting it." You sigh and rest your head on his shoulder, your hand over his chest to feel his heartbeat.
⑅Fyodor Dostoevsky⑅
→ Fyodor decides that the perfect way to spend Valentine's Day with his beloved partner was by taking a bath with you. He filled the bath tub with warm water, watching the mirror fog up as the water rose. He even added some bubbles because he knew it would be to your liking, as well as some essential oils. His sleeves were rolled up from checking the waters temperature when he walked out to the kitchen to pour a glass of wine for both himself and you. He carried them to the bathroom with confidence where he found you digging through the drawers of the sink. "What are you looking for, Moya Lyubov?" He handed a cup to you and you sipped on it, letting out a satisfied hum at the familiar taste. "Mn-, nothing, just a face mask. Wanna do one with me when I find the stuff I need?" You ask, continuing your search him the next drawer down. "I don't see why not, just hurry up before out bath gets cold." He smiled and leaned down to kiss your cheek. He only removed his shirt before you stood back upright, facemask and applicator in hand. "Found it! Come here, Fedya, I wanna do you first."
You twist the cap off of the container and dip the applicator in, getting product on the silicone end. He complied with your words and stepped towards you, leaning you against the sink counter top with his hand on the small of your back. You gently applied the face mask to your lovers skin, watching his eyebrows furrow at the chill of the product with amusement. "Cold?" You lightly teased. His nose scrunched up and he hummed in response. "Mhm." He seemed like he was about to knock out standing there, very tired looking. You quickly finished the application and patted his shoulder. "Don't fall asleep yet, we haven't even got in the tub." You say. He laughs and takes the jar and applicator from your hands. "I was not sleeping." His grin was wide and he put the gel on your face, too. "Well you looked tired."
He finishes your mask and now both of your faces has a green tint to them with a tingly feeling on your skin. You both strip down and get into the tub, the warm water engulfing your bodies as you sit facing Fyodor, holding his hand under the water while the other hand held your glass. The both of you sipped on your drinks and talked about your dinner plans for the night. You decided to stay in and order cake out because brothers of you really wanted to cook. You spent thirty minutes in the tub together, switching from your position of facing each other to you sitting in between Fyodors legs with your back to his chest while you played with his hair. He enjoyed your touch, your fingertips gliding across his scalp felt better than anything else in the world at the moment. His hand went up and down your shoulder and arm lovingly, occasionally pressing kisses to the top of your head or grabbing your hand and bringing it to his lips. He would murmur soft, accented 'i love you's and praises during soft moments like these.
Soon enough, the two of you stood up from the bath and stepped out of the tub, drying off and getting dressed again. Fyodor wore pajama pants and a sweatshirt while you wore some sweatpants and a tank top. You immediately ordered your food and laid down in bed with Fyodor while you waited. You were both watching some random rom-com that sounded only remotely interesting, but your boyfriend must have found it less than enthralling because within a few minutes, you could hear him snoring right behind you with his arm still draped over your waist. You giggled and rolled over to face him, sighing quietly. "I guess I'm gonna have to get up and get the food, huh?" You murmured to yourself, brushing his bangs out of his face while he snoozed. A smile formed on your face because of how cute Fyodor looked, unable to resist yourself from kissing his head a couple times. "I love you, Fedya. Happy Valentine's Day." You whispered.
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A/n; Hiiii , I know I like, never post two days in a row, but it's Valentine's day so there's an exception.
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darkbluekies · 11 months
Silas asks #6
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Previous one
Concept: I've put multiple asks into one post to avoid too much loose posts on my account! This way, you have more to read too<3
Warnings: slight mention of nsfw,
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Giving Silas a little forehead kiss rn
good, he needs them desperately
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Disrespectfully I’d be all over Silas, giving him the fattest kisses and so clingy to him like a stray cat
Silas simps concern me D:
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Silas is bbg. Silas in cat ears.
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HELLO BLUE! i have an ask for my silly little meow meow silas 🥰 SO i was wondering 😈 how would he react to darling calling him petnames for the first time?
your what now?
He will love it. Every inch of his body will shiver visibly. For a second, he'll malfunction, but then he'll pull you closer, happier than ever.
"Call me that again."
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I’m sorry but I’m a massive massive simp for Silas what’s wrong with me
you uh .... might have to go to a certain doctor to check that out ...
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silas cuddles sound so cozy ugh. i love this silly little unhinged fella
same, his cuddles must be heaven. I'd never want to leave.
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silas would pay for darlings nails 😌 and he would especially love it if you chose his favorite color. I'm not sure if you've ever brought it up but I think his fav color would be red.. and I imagine he would love it if you let him pick the exact color and design, tho he would find anything cute on his darling regardless 🫶
yes, he would. He would love to pick out the design on your nails so that a little part of him (or a reminder) will always be with you. But if you refuse, he'll let you pick ... as long you're happy, he's happy.
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You: Silas isn’t healthy to have a relationship with. Me: *@ him* do you hear these lies?!
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Following up on the "Silas as a boyfriend" ask, what would Silas do if the reader was asexual?
He'd be a bit annoyed of course because of his needs that he wants to fill with you but he'd come up with other solutions for himself because you're comfort is more important than him getting laid
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scekrex · 25 days
I like to think that after many rounds of bottoming, adam would become more confident with it and also become more dominant while bottoming.
What I'm saying is just really want power bottom adam.
Power bottom Adam is one of my fav headcanons for that man ngl. Like he gives both, power bottom and pillow princess and I love both
Rocking your world
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, anal sex, choking, bottoming from the top
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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Your back was being pressed firmly against the headboard of your bed as the first man’s hand was wrapped around your throat. His shiny golden eyes met yours and a shiver ran through your body at the sight of lust and desire that reflected in those beautiful orbs. Adam’s body had found its place in your lap, his legs were wrapped around your waist as he kept pushing his hips up and down your erected dick.
Who would’ve suspected the first man to be so fucking amazing at taking dick? You bet God had not been prepared for Adam’s bisexual curiosity - or maybe the mighty Lord above had it all planned out before you and Adam had even met, who knew.
“Fuck,” the brunette huffed breathlessly as the tip of your dick hit his prostate and he tried his best to keep the angle as steady as possible to not lose the stimulation of his sweet spot again. You loved seeing your boyfriend so confident while technically bottoming - yet you were not allowed to call him a bottom, the first man had explained that even though he was taking your dick, as long as he did the work and he was seated on top of you, he was the top and you were the bottom and given that you really couldn't care any less about who’s what, you had simply agreed with the older male. If that was what caused him to feel more comfortable with how things went, then you’d gladly play into that.
Your sweaty palms reached for your partners waist and once you landed a good grip, you guided his thrusts and steadied not only the angle but also his pace a little, huffs, groans, soft cries and moans were falling from the brunette’s lips and you were sure that no other creature that God had created and would create in the future was able to make sounds as pure and gorgeous as Adam’s sounds of pleasure. The light his halo produced made the sweat on his skin reflect which made the first man even more divine looking. And he was all yours.
The feeling of pride filled you as you watched your boyfriend, the taller man bounced on your dick like it was second nature, like he had been created for this, created to take your dick, to let you fuck him silly, to be filled up with your seeds. Especially because in the beginning he had not been a fan of the idea and even after trying it out for the very first time in all of his existence, he had not been fully convinced. But you had slowly introduced him to it all and after a few more rounds of him taking your dick instead of the other way around, he grew more and more comfortable with not only the situation but also the feeling itself and the fact that he was giving up a lot of control - even though he was on top of you, choking you while keeping your body pinned against the headboard.
A thrust of your hip caused him to softĺy cry out your name, followed by a curse, the grip around your throat tightened and you cheekily grinned up at the taller male, squeezing his hips playfully while pulling his body down until his ass was firmly pressed against your hips. “You’re not the one in charge,” you teased your boyfriend as another firm thrust against his prostate made him cry out once more, his back arched all beautifully at that and you were not able to hold back your hands which started to move from his hips to his chest, roaming over his perfect skin. “Fuck you,” the brunette tried to bite back, yet the ‘u’ sound of the word ‘you’ turned into a needy moan as you penetrated his sweet spot again, the grin on your lips only widened at the sight of that. “On it bitch,” was your response to his insult.
Adam shifted his hips, then he leaned forwards, his chest was almost pressed flush against your face as he looked down at you, “Oh really?” His voice had dropped, it sounded deeper than it usually did and that caused another shiver to run through your body. “Maybe you need to try fucking harder, slut,” the first man basically growled down on you as he tore his hips from your grip to move his hips again. That you were not willing to simply let him go through with, so you wrapped your hand around his dick instead which earned you a loud, throaty moan of your name and a stutter of his hips as his hand tightened yet again due to lack of self control. “Fuck, don’t you fucking dare and stop,” his voice sounded needy and his words reflected that neediness in Adam’s very own, very special way. He would not beg, he had done so once in the past. But he would demand. Demand you to go harder, to use him, to let him cum. It was his own version of begging, that you had learned. And so you quickened the pace as the brunette tried to not only meet the thrusts of your hips, but also the movements of your hands, chasing his pleasure while pleasuring you in the best way possible. Whines of your name fell from his lips every now and then and when you felt your orgasm building up, you tightened the grip around his dick as your movements all grew sloppier. Your thrusts kept missing his prostate, your hand slid off his dick before grabbing it again, it was visible that you were close. And audible too, given the sweet, sweet sounds that your body kept making for Adam’s ears to listen.
The first man was quick to react on both of you about to fall apart, the firm grip around your throat was used to pull you in as he bent down, he captured your parted lips in a bruising kiss, his teeth kept pulling your bottom lip between his very own soft lips, biting down on it without actually harming you. The sudden and surprising stimulation and intimacy the first man had suddenly initiated caused you to fall apart. The taller male’s lips swallowed all the sounds your body made, kept you quiet. And in return you swallowed the sounds the first man made as he painted your stomach with the familiar white and salty fluid.
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@scarabrat asked for my fav jjk osts so i shall deliver >:33 ….. i tried to limit myself but. it didn’t go very well. i love these soundtracks so fucking much oughhhhhh
anyway!!! in order of appearance:
ryomen sukuna
FULL-BODY SHIVERS . GORGEOUS . TERRIFYING. LITERALLY PERFECT FOR HIM . godddddd literally every single part of this song is SO sukuna and it’s just so seamless??? the choral parts fading into more traditionally eastern melodies….. it’s just . such a gorgeous gorgeous ost. i love that the choir in particular returns so much in sukuna’s s2 tracks ……. i can’t help but love him he’s so fucking sick
countermeasure for domain expansion
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HYPE . SOSO HYPE. I WILL CRY . i have nothing to say for this one it’s literally just earworms for my shounen meathead brain (BUT GOD IT’S JUST . suchhh a beautifully constructed track it drives me wild)…….
stand in the darkness
my goddddddddddddddd this one….. the vocals are gorgeous... the instrumentals are stunning…. AND THE LYRICS . ”swear that you’ll still watch over me”………. :((((((( hhhhhh . it’s just such a lovely song. it makes me cry . i especially love the final ”the world keeps on spinning // as if nothing had happened” line…………….. it’s so perfect for yuji :(((( also sugu . but we can’t get into that i’ll cry and throw up
hollow purple
:3333 MY BELOVED . you know i had to. the beat drop goes so ridiculously hard it’s ????????? i’m STILL not over it this ost is such a mindtrip 😭 and the build up is soooooo tasty. wowow. the chorus goes so crazy it sounds like a geometry dash song and i love it SO much . it’s ear candy . perfect for gojo and his silly little reality breaking attack / out of this world attitude <333 i’ll love this track forever and ever it’s so FUNNNNN!!!!!
special grade vengeful cursed spirit: RIKA
SOOOOO INSANELY HYPE. I LOVE RIKA. this is such an insane track and it’s sooooo perfect for her. the way it starts so strongly only to slowly fade into a tender melody…. it’s just so good. her scenes are so good !!!! the dichotomy she has!!!!! honestly i just love every single part of this i think it’s so wonderful….. but the first part esp scratches my brain :33
this is pure love
we all knew it was coming <3333 it’s just. suchhhh a gorgeous track . the soft piano motif coming back full force…. i absolutely ADORE the geto vs yuuta fight and their final clash never ever fails to get me emotional!!!! then there’s obviously the stsg scene right after :’3 the fact that this track only plays for yuuta/rika and satosugu will never not make me feel insane . i like to think of it as the one and only moment they both opened their hearts to one another completely so . the name is fitting. stsg against the world that is all 🙏 this track paired w sakurai’s voice acting made me cry like a BABY……
if i am with you
OUGHHHHH . OUGH . another one that Has to be on this list bc it’s just …,.. soooooo fucking beautiful i love every single scene that it’s used in and i love how much it adds to the scenes in question. the aquarium!!!! satoru’s enlightenment!!!!!! his ”the world just feels so, so wonderful right now.” line is one of my favs…… this track is just so stunning i can’t even believe it :((( esp when it gets to the climax….. feels so unbelievably bittersweet. i think it conveys the whole theme of ”all good things must come to an end” soooo well …..
BANGERRRRRR . BANGER . toji vs gojo round 2 my BELOVED when this started playing i fell to my knees and wept 🙏🙏🙏 IT’S SO GOODDDDD i absolutely adore the hollow purple leitmotif at 1:20!!!!!!!!!! soso much!!!!!!! it’s the perfect theme for gojo…. it’s just so hype and fun………. top 3 anime osts to go insane to
THIS OST . GOD . GODDDDDDD . :(((((((( our sugu’s turning point …… i think what breaks my heart most is how Hopeful it sounds . how light it is. one thing i wish people talked about more when it comes to suguru’s choice is that it really did save his life!!!! i think it was always very much a ”me or them” situation…… one has to die . and just… hearing this theme . which really does sound so enlightened . to me . almost like a condescending parody of if i am with you/all of gojo’s themes…… i just love it so muchhhhhh this is one of my absolute favs…. gosh……… it adds so much to the scene it’s insane!!!! i love suguru geto . sobs.
give it up for cult leader geto our beloved <33 i HAD to mention this one bc i just . am so weak. for auditory storytelling . the uncoordinated clapping turning controlled once geto makes his choice……. once he gains control of his mind again. it’s sooo terrifying in a way . for the record the scene where this plays is one of my Absolute Favs in all of jjk i literally cried dilly . episode 5 my BELOVED.
three years of youth overflowing
i am nothing if not predictable <33 but i really do love this track soooo much. it caught me so off guard!!!!! i love how they adapted the reunion scene….. the SMILE on gojo’s face that only lasts a split second :((((( this just sounds so nostalgic and lovely and it really does encompass their most cherished moments together!!!!! the piano……. sniffle…. genuinely just The most gorgeous ost ever
that one unreleased ost that plays at the very end of the kenjaku confrontation and completely shattered my brain chemistry
KENNY THE ACTUAL LOMLLLLLLLLL HE’S SO GOOD. THIS OST IS SO GOOD. IT BLEW ME AWAY. it’s so. imposing somehow. but also so calm. it has this magical vibe…… it literally sounds like a ghibli ost at the very end and i love it SO much it’s so perfect for him. it changed who i am as a person. when kenjaku does their speech and flaunts the prison realm before leaving… LIFE CHANGING . it’s just gorgeous i’m PRAYING that it makes a comeback in s3 maybe specifically for my belovedest jjk fight yuki vs kenny vs choso…. though i could honestly see this playing somewhere during the zenin confrontation. ANYWAY i just love it the final part is soso tasty :3
OKKKK THAT’S ALL.,… i lied here r the honourable mentions :333
occult phenomenon research club / the beginning / straw doll technique resonance / it’s a promise / a mission / toji fushiguro / no hesitation / memories / jujutsu sorcerer - nobara kugisaki / highest jumping …. (nobara 🤝 having banger theme songs)
anyway . THANK YOU FOR READING THIS DILLY plspls share your favs as well …. if you want……. no pressure ……… (a little pressure)……………. (i Really want 2 know 😔) here is a cute sugu for you. he loves you <3333
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rosie! hello, hello :D
I just read your new kazuha fic, and it was so good, I love your writing sm-
If you have time, could I request platonic genshin headcanons with itto, beidou, dottore and tighnari (separately pls) as your older brother?
if not, that's totally fine! have a lovely day :)
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Genshin Impact
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Character(s): Itto, Beidou, Dottore, and Tighnari
Genre: Fluff
Type: Headcanon
Description: What would these characters be like if they were your sibling?
Warning(s): Gender-Neutral Reader(My Default), Platonic, Dottore is Mean
Hi, hi!! Ahh, I'm so glad you like it \^°^/ it's one of my favorites if I'm being honest! (And not just because Kazuha is one of my favs-)
Thank you for sending me a request, btw! I hope you have a lovely day as well and that you're doing well <33
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   ➢ Itto
Itto, as your brother, is either the absolute best to ever be had or so terrible you'd love to dig yourself into a ditch. There's rarely an inbetween. Despite that, you wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. He's always there for you
Scraped knee? Rushing to you like you're on your last breath. Haven't eaten and need a snack? All of a sudden he's dragging you to a food stall with fifteen mora in his pocket. Feeling a little blue? He's finding something ridiculous to do just to make you smile
Both of you are surely menaces, though
   ➢ Beidou
Another wild one! Although she's more than aware with how much Ningguang says so
Beidou adores light-hearted pranks whether they're on you or other people, but she makes sure to bring you along for the ride everytime. She's always terribly supportive of what you want to do and encourages you to do what you love rather than something that just pays the bills. And if you want to escape for a while, she'll offer you to join her at sea! Though she can't promise you that no problems will arise..
Often times she'll steal you away as soon as she sees you. Running errands? KIDNAPPED-
   ➢ Dottore
What a disastrous pair you two are. Shivers are to be felt within your presences! Well, except the fact that no one can really hold a candle to Dottore in terms of being terrifyingly unhinged...you surely have your moments, too, though!
He's the absolute worst - he'll tease you in the most mean way and flick your forehead so hard you'll get a headache. However, Dottore will redirect that aggressive affection if someone decides that they had the right to hurt you- be that mentally or physically. And it won't be affectionate, no no, it'll be their greatest nightmare.
Dottore, as your brother, is distant and harsh with hints of playful poking and prodding, yet more than a little protective. He definitely keeps you away from his lab and anything remotely related to the fatui. It's a bother to answer your endless questions(he's actually just preemptively keeping you safe, though there is a LOT of truth in him finding your insistence annoying :C)
   ➢ Tighnari
You're both the epitome of passive aggressive and exasperated. Truly, you can't have one without the other! And although you may butt heads every so often, you two get other each better than anyone else.
He still doesn't give you a pass for doing exactly what those silly little adventurers do, though! (follow the rules you gremlin) Conversations about your interests are common, sometimes you both just hang out for a weekend to exchange new information (Presentations? Presentations).
Being siblings with Tighnari is far more relaxed than with the hooligans above for sure, but watch out! He's got his moments!
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fluffyprettykitty · 1 year
Hello there! I just wanna say how much I love your fics, especially the very spicy ones on my fav Bruce Banner <3 I would love to see a more soft fic (because he’s a big softy) where Bruce comforts his girlfriend after having a nightmare. Take your time ofc! Thank you very much!
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Pairing: Bruce Banner x female reader (no other specifications!)
Word Count: ~500 words
Outline: Your boyfriend, Bruce helps you calm down after a nightmare.
Warnings: anxiety, nightmares.
Author's Note: Hi nonnie, your words are ever so kind to me, hoping you will enjoy this little piece and find it comforting!
PS: dividers by @firefly-graphics ​//​ banners by @maysdigitalarts
Main Masterlist ・❥・Bruce Banner Masterlist
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"Y/N." Bruce's soft voice fills the room as you are gasping awake, shivering, with cold sweat running down your back. His hand is wrapping round your back trying to soothe you.
"Just breathe baby, listen to my voice and breath slowly. In and out."
He is keeping his voice low trying to make you calm as he is caressing your back, his other hand pushing your hair back to better look at your face and expressions.
It wasn't the first time you were having a nightmare, unfortunately, it happened once in a while and it was only the second time that Bruce happened to be sleeping next to you. Maybe he was a light sleeper.
"You are here, with me, safe." He continues, his voice hanging like the softest melody. You try to push the images away from your head, to keep your heart from beating so fast but all you can do is turn around to look at him.
He softly kisses your cheek in return, soothing you with his hands on your hair on your back, moving his delicate fingers in circular motions, allowing you to only listen to his heartbeat. He holds you in his arms, safe and sound, slowly rocking you back and forth repeating your name softly like a song, like a melody.
You try to say something, for him to go back to place, you can handle this, something along those lines but his arms around you get so tangled up that you could never escape. Where you push he just holds tighter. Here to comfort you and hold your heart for you because he loved you. He was concerned for you but first, he needed to soothe you enough so eventually, you'd both fall asleep.
"I'm here for you, baby, I'm never going anywhere. Never, ever."
"Shhh, shhh. Listen to me, please, I'm here."
He pauses for a moment enough to hear your heart beating a little slower, in a different rhythm, and he beings to recite an old college story, something silly but mundane, that soon enough makes you laugh and that laugh doesn't ache your heart.
Another story follows the first one and soon enough you are even asking him follow-up questions. You are getting to know him a little better, he is getting to hold you a little tighter. It's a win-win situation.
His voice keeps you warm and when you fall asleep again you are buried deep within his hairy chest, his arms possessively and lovingly and protectively around you. Like a shield made just for you.
And he does this again, for however many nights you need him to.
And you knew if the opportunity arises you will do the same for him.
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For updates please follow my library blog @fluffyprettykittylibrary and you could even turn on post notifications! :)
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weirdfishy · 9 months
fic stats meme
Rules: Give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the least words.
tagged by @mashumaru !!! thanks lovely for the tag, i haven't had a minute of brain power to write lately, but i love being tagged in these!! (also, all my ao3 stuff is archive locked, so y'all've gotta be signed in to read them)
Most Hits
Unknown Caller ID - Danny Phantom x DC Batfam
Surprisingly, Damian steps in front of him, arms crossed. “Batman, this is my Father. He arrived soon after receiving word of my capture. Please, refrain from arresting him.” Danny reels.
one of the favs (n istg i will make more but like. life.) bc it's crack Treated Seriously n i love this concept that Damian has just gone 'you're now my father' to Danny bc Danny is Worthy Of Dating Bruce
Second Most Kudos
Tim's Drake's introduction to ✨Ghosts✨ - DP x DC Batfam
Tim, currently standing on top of the Batmobile, in distant yet full view of the computer’s camera, shouts, “Not B! How the fuck do you deal with a ghost!??” Tim hops off the car and dashes towards the computer as Constantine just gives a weary sigh, dragging a hand down his face.
lil bit of crack treated seriously, allowing myself to be silly goofy
Third Most Comments
just slip me on, i'll be your blanket - The Sandman, dreamling
It boils Hob’s blood, to see him like this—to not know how long his stranger has been here, in this hell of human greed. But you can be hurt…or captured. He’d heard the stories, the rumors of The Magus and the Devil in his basement. Hob didn’t know about devils, but he did know of those assumed to be yet never were, taking human form. Hob also knew of imprisoning others, and of being imprisoned.
legit one of my favorite prose stuff, even if i lost motivation (& my notes) for fleshing it out
Fourth Most Bookmarks
Discussion in Trust - Boku No Hero Academia
“We know that the second they know they can control you, you’ve lost,”—a pause—“but once you lose, you can learn. And I learned, Sensei, from fucking five, that “quirkless” was a societal loss I’d never stop learning from.”
my contribution to all might bashing, dadzawa, and like? analyst izuku. proud of it still, at the time i adored it but yk, my self standards raised so.
Fifth Most Words
C'est la vie - Criminal Minds, Emily Prentiss/Murder!Reader
Drip,  “Family is not blood.” You tilt your head back, closing your eyes, voice low and slow. sigh “But I would bleed and cry for family found blind- I would turn to & die. I would turn blade & kill.” You lick your lips, catching the edge of the cut, the sting causing you to shiver.  drip, “Apocalypse,” you finish, tilting your head back to face them, squeezing the trigger. die-
oh boy, this one is my second??? fic posted, and i fully intend to rewrite it, but it's been awhile, and it will continue being awhile
Least Words
To See the Sea Last - The Witcher OC
Stilled lungs bloated with a corrosive, burning salt, and yet felt no pain. The water line rose higher. Strands of gray danced in a thin crown as the ocean submerged the body of a man who had chosen to both live and die by the whims of the sea.
a flash fiction fill, it's a lil poetic death scene of one of my OCs, a pirate named Walerian. i actually adore this, even if it goes mostly unseen
no pressure tags to: @oliveofvanders @fannafiction @spacedace @shire-bard & ofc anyone who would like to ! <3
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koorminii · 2 years
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a collection of all my fics and drabbles!
❦ smut | ✿ fluff | ↯ angst | ✤ personal fav
disclaimer (!) none of this content is intended to promote unprotected sexual practices or the security of not getting pregnant/not contracting STD. please don’t take this as your comprehensive sex education. all facts and events are fictitious. the written scenes do not represent any real person nor do they plan to steal/falsify their identity. any coincidence with names and places is pure artistic creation by and for entertainment.
COLLEGESLUTS.COM | ❦✿↯ | total wc: 17.1k
A crude name for an even cruder site, and the self-proclaimed bane of your existence. Made by thirsty sophomores when you were in freshman year, it’s something that’s stuck like glue in the minds of the student body. No one can resist a quick click, seeing your peers showing off their sexual fantasies for others to enjoy, posting their sexual escapades for others to see— except for you who’s hated the site since you first knew about it. Still, a year later, you’re vying for it to get shut down. Well they can’t have that, can they? They’re just gonna have to convince you the site isn’t all that bad.
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WUS GOOD/CURIOUS | ❦✿ | 2.8k
It’s sloppy, messy as ever as spit slicks your chin and you huff into his mouth, stepping backwards and tripping over the edge of the couch. You hate fucking on leather but Chan loves it. His hand trails down past the hem of your skirt and along your bare skin, feather light touches that leave goosebumps in their wake and send a shiver up your spine.
driving with chan (drabble) | ❦ | 0.7k
GOLD RUSH | ❦✿↯ | 10.6k ✤
“I don’t like that anyone would die to feel your touch, everybody wants you, everybody wonders what it would be like to love you.” Or, a lot of people love chan but he only loves you. He just wishes you could see that.
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— nothing yet!
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— nothing yet!
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RELAX WITH ME ❦✿ | 3.4k ✤
It’s your turn to make noises now, it seems, because Hyunjin drags a moan out of you so loud that you’re worried the neighbours have heard. Your cheeks are red for a whole new reason now, and the fact that Hyunjin is yanking at the collar of your dress doesn’t help. You let him, you don’t care, you want to give Hyunjin everything, anything.
Hyunjin is wild. Unpredictable in the way he can’t help himself when it comes to you. He can’t help how ragingly desperate he is for your touch, for your presence.
IDEA 686 | CSC installment | ❦↯ | 17k
There are three things you hate more than anything: 1. Your english Lit. professor, 2. Frat parties, and last but most definitely not least, 3. CollegeSluts.com and their founders. There are three things Hyunjin hates more than anything: 1. College, 2. Back alley blowjobs, and 3. The frustrating desire to fuck you silly.
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INHALE, (EXHALE) ❦✿↯ | 8.6k
tired of hearing your whining day after day, early-morning Saturday chores become Jisung’s new norm. however, when reprieve comes in the form of one ridiculously lacy pair of panties and things get risqué, Jisung finds himself enjoying his chores more than ever, and when you find out what exactly he’s doing every Saturday morning do you accept it? or rather— what are you gonna do about it?
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— nothing yet!
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— nothing yet!
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— nothing yet!
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— est. 190722
168 notes · View notes
splatoon-edits · 10 months
I'm of the assumption that you're a Shiver fan do you wanna explain some HCs or reasons you like her?👂👂 I'm interested (I like her too 😋)
oh boy. do you even know what you've done? I am going to talk about this blue creature SO MUCH!!!!! (no but fr thank you for enabling me to talk about one of my fav characters!!!)
I'm just gonna be rambling with no general direction, so i apologize if this gets a smidge confusing..... Everything else will be under a read more since i don't want this post to make it hard to scroll through my blog if it gets too long.
so.. Splat 3 was my first game in the series. I knew about the other splatoon games obviously, and i was eagerly awaiting splatoon 3 since by the time i got a switch it would have been a waste to buy splat 2. So i went into splatoon 3 with very minimal knowledge of the characters/setting.
But when i saw Shiver in the Deep Cut announcement trailer??? It was love at first sight. Blue is my favorite color and the swag Shiver has is off the charts. Plus the hype around a potentially nonbinary character?? And imma be honest, i'm a sucker for smug characters. Especially the ones who are secretly failures. It's just one of my fav tropes.
So in short: Shiver was a character who had a lot of appeal for me in the beginning. But slowly over time as i came to learn more about her and the rest of Deep Cut, i came to appreciate them even more in new ways. Shiver is smug, sarcastic, and can come off as mean or over the top. But she is also silly, quirky, and has a lot of love in her heart for others. She cares about Frye, Bug Man, and all of Splatsville. She says silly things that don't make sense. She likes puns. She takes the time to listen to Sheldon's rambles. She is so much more than what you see on the surface. And it can be so easy to see her teasing her bandmates and assume she is mean or cold hearted. But she genuinely is such a fun character!!!!
Her grace, her gnc swag, her cringefail aura, everything about her makes her an amazing character.
And now, for some headcanons in no particular order:
I kinda see Shivers gender as "whatever is funniest/best in the moment. Commit to the bit of genders. But if i had to pick one thing to headcanon them as it would be pangender or maybe genderfluid. Uses all pronouns plus some shark themed neos like bite/biteself and fin/finself and anything else like that. Im gonna be mostly sticking to she/her and they/them for this post just cuz i think that's what people will be most used to. But really any gender hc for Shiver is correct in my head. MTF? Correct. Nonbinary? Correct. FTM? Correct. Genderfluid? Correct/ Bigender? Correct. Anything and anything goes an i love seeing everyone's takes on it!
I'm gonna go ahead and say trans woman Shiver has a special place in my heart. I just feel like i never see anyone hc this but i also feel like it works?? Idk... The same can be said for genderfluid Shiver. I myself am genderfluid so i rlly like that hc!
Mayhaps has a touch of the tism. (me too) I just feel like she doesn't read social cues well. Can mask really well but doesn't do it around Frye and Big Man for the most part. I think all of Deep Cut is autistic tbh. With Frye having ADHD as well. (ME TOO)
I'm caught between the headcanons of "secretly rlly strong cuz of archery" and "lowkey weak cuz it would be funny to contrast w Frye being strong". But i lean more on the side of both of them being strong. Just Frye having more obvious muscles. But if you look at Shiver she def if strong. And graceful. Like a predator built for ambush or stalking. She moves with purpose. Ya know what i mean? Like she seems very graceful and delicate at first but that is NOT the case.
I gotta be careful or this will turn into general Deep Cut hcs cuz i wanna talk about Big Man and Frye as well lol
Loses her temper easily. Can be petty when things don't go her way.
Master Mega is very special to them. She spent a lot of time with him when she was younger and her parents were busy.
Shiver whistles a lot as a stim/just for fun.
Big Man and Frye are the best hype men ever for Shiver. There are certain points in the game where she says absolute nonsense but those two are right there to back her up. They also don't understand what he's saying, but they are gonna act as if it's the smartest thing ever. Shiver thinks she is the coolest thing ever and those two only enable her. (dw. every once in a while they knock her down a peg by returning her teasing)
Shiver is the type of person to spend 30 minutes making her food look pretty before she serves it. It has to look good or else.
Is a decent cook. Frye likes to steal bits of food from whatever she is working on so Shiver will playfully smack her with her fan and shoo her out of the kitchen.
Is very proud of her singing. She worked very hard to get it as perfect as it is.
Probably used to have a violent streak in middle school, would bite people. Has since learned to control her anger better.
Very confident. Isn't afraid of things like public speaking.
Gets annoyed easily when overstimulated. Sometimes snaps at people when the environment is too noisy/bright or if she is tired. Tries to apologizes afterwards.
Speaking of apologies, she is the type of person to do something nice for you or get you food/a present for you rather tha admit she is wrong. Is embarrassed easily and instead prefers wordless apologies.
Is flustered easily. One of the ways to easily make her lose her cool is to do anything remotely flirty or to bring up something embarrassing she did in the past.
I could probably ramble more but it's LATE and i should head to bed. Thank you so much for the ask!!!! I had a fun time talking about my favorite blue goofball. <3
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colorfuldream · 6 months
Since we've calmed down after the last Splatfest, I can finally bitch about some Shiver fans' takes.
My God she did NOT try to "change the subject and try to make Frye comfortable".
Shiver SUCKS. She's greedy, she brags when she wins, she'll say anything she has to to get vote. That's WHY SHE'S FUN! Every member of Deep Cut Kinda Sucks. That is the point!
Big Man does get a little carried away and sometimes gets worked up (though he's still being nice) during the fests announcements. Frye barely even tries to make an argument (her job!) because she's too busy being silly.
None of them give a damn about the results. They're here to party and have fun. Sure, they like to win but they don't care if they lose. Almost every single time, the winner says something along the lines of "all three options are nice though" or "let's do all three!"
Shiver did exactly what she did for the Nessie vs Aliens vs Bigfoot festival: lie her ass off. This time, instead of lying about seeing Nessie, she pretended that her choice was better because she legit doesn't know how to do a fist bump. It's silly! It's endearing! She's a loser! Girlfailure! She doesn't care if it's embarrassing, she came clean because it's no big deal and she won! She won eight fucking times in a row, she gets to brag if she pleases.
It's fine for your fav to not be perfect. You don't need to go out of your way to mischaracterize an entire dialogue because you need to defend her from the "haters". And quite frankly, wouldn't it be worse if she was babying the other members (or singling Frye out) because they didn't win for months? Don't you think it would be condescending? Her lines were implied to be prewritten. None of them have a problem with what they have to say. They might even write them themselves for all we know!
Deep Cut are all good friends. That's why they don't give a single flying into space fuck about who wins, the things said to win, or the things said after they won.
And, finally, ofc it also goes for Frye and Big Man fans. Neither care if they lose. Frye doesn't even try (ie: she had less than 10% of the bite for Team Fame and had no reaction, especially when she could have made great arguments for it since it logically beat the other two teams (sorry for breaking Splatfest law guys, it needed to be said)), Big Man is just happy to be there (though he probably really wanted Love to win... But alas capitalism triumphs all). I'd LOVE it if Nintendo finally wrote them some spicy dialogue instead of the bland and boring "eh gg" we've been getting for over a year. I'd LOVE the acknowledgement that Frye is incredibly unpopular and has gotten brutal loses. They did it in Splat1 and 2. I want my girl to go on a rampage or for Big Man to impose himself. But it's not that big of a deal. We ain't getting angst. Deep Cut is too busy sharing their one braincell to decide what meal they're gonna have to care.
#text#ondina's text posts!#big man splatoon#shiver splatoon#frye splatoon#splatoon 3#splatoon#shiver hohojiro#frye onaga#big man#i know it's like twitter discourse but it's so annoying#they're silly singing squids just chill#let frye wear something sexy tho like i've seen someone comment that they didn't know she had hips and it took me out#she may be silly but she can be silly and slaying! let shiver wear something silly while frye is for the thristy hoes for once#so sad that shiver isn't also a silly jester for frostyfest... but she got an almost new model/outfit so good for her#free frye from her baggy pants for once her outfits are low-key similar#but we aren't talking enough about big man... so cute. so silly. he's sparkly. a litte star. the glitter is so satisfying#anyway bye I'll bitch once the theme is announced or we get more Shiver discourse#i don't even care that much; what i care about is the shitty big run stages we've been getting; the boss that wasn't adapted for it debuting#debuting there and somehow getting the worst weapons on top of ut#*it. at least the rewards system is better but i wish i could actually play. because yeah the connection was terrible. the server was#macfucking dying. it also sucks that my teammates were bad#use your specials!!! throw the eggs to the basket or in its direction! i am begging you!! i was there waiting because my weapon sucked!#i played for two days and barely got bronze#i hope we can get the rewards later because i wanted it so much
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burneeho · 7 months
oh mein gott zis place ist full of autismen
hi hi, my name's burnhilde! but you can also call me burny, mina or Literally Anything Else, idc much abt what you call me.
i'm 18, white (sorry), romanian (sorry) and autistic + ocd haver.
- DoL (whitney is my favourite little guy ever i wish he was real)
- Megaten (SPECIL INTEREST! i know pretty much everything there is to know abt the franchise. Trust Me. My fav games are nocturne, smt 5, soul hackers 2, p2 duology, p3p, kmt, digital devil saga duology and majin 1)(i am also Totally Normal™️ about megaten composers, especially ryota kozuka)(i also like other atlus titles like maken x/shao and legend of kartia)
- Splatoon (second specil interest)
- Revue Starlight
- Magicami (the online servers shut down but that won't stop me from talking about the queer undertones of the main story)
- Yakuza series but i'm kinda sorta new to it
- Jet Set Radio
- Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
- Xenoblade
- Fnaf............
- VISUAL KEI!!! i'm still kinda new to it though. still studying all the substyles. anyways i absolutely love malice mizer (i looooove the gackt and klaha eras, but the tetsu era songs have a special place in my heart :3 his style of singing is just so cool, his voice literally gives me shivers) i also really like buck tick but don't know any of the members besides atsushi yet
you fit basic dni criteria, loli/shotacon and/or you're a minor (i may post nsfw sometimes and i don't want any MINERS! seeing that stuff) That's It for the dni tbh
I would want to point out the fact that i am an OCD HAVER! and my ocd affects the way i talk to people. So PLEASE don't get mad at me if i ever randomly delete messages. I'm not trying to hide anything from you, i promise, it's just a silly little ritual i do Sometimes.
I'm also generally ok with proshippers interacting but please keep in mind that i Can't Fucking Stand anything related to incest. It makes me nauseous. So erm yeah please don't directly talk to me abt it. Otherwise we're cool brah we're chillin brah
Now that you're basically an expert in burnyology, i hope you decide to stick around :3 if you don't that's ok, but if you do just know that i Will bite you (affectionately) through the screen the moment you press the follow button.
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navysealt4t · 9 months
SORRY for rambling in your notes i have BRAINROT and i will talk forever about it if presented the opportunity
also. where would you recommend starting for jrwi. because im Curious now
okokok soo there r a few different places u can start :33 there r like 4 campaigns that r easy to access.
there’s the main one Riptide!!! which is what i post about most :3 theres pirates and gay people and idk i’m really bad at summarizing things. but very much found family and a good mix of seriousness and silliness :] this playlist has all the episodes in order (108 episodes…. it’s very daunting. i stared watching at about 80 episodes i think?) it’s currently still going (and according to the dm, grizzly, about halfway through!)
the other on going camping is prime defenders !! idk anything about pd rlly, except that it’s like teenage/young adult superheroes? and i think it starts pretty lighthearted but gets way more serious. i barely know anything about this campaign tbh. i think there’s 5 episodes on the youtube and the rest is on patreon (there may be a totally approved playlist with the patreon episodes though. idk tho) this is the first episode tho !
then one of the two completed campaigns is APOTHEOSIS!!!!! i think apotheosis is tied with riptide for my fav campaign :] i think u might like apoth, idek know how to properly summarize it it’s so so good. like. godslaying, queer people, sex jokes, religion, angst, it’s amazing . i can’t pick a fav pc either it’s so so good. the first episode is on youtube and the rest (12 or 13 i think) are on patreon (i have a link to a totally approved and public playlist tho if u want it). it’s genuinely such a good campaign. i’m not an expert on it tho uhh if u wanna know more my good friend @/scrubbythebubble knows a lot about it :3
and last but not least BLOOD IN THE BAYOU!!!!!!!! ogh. i can’t even start this campaign is amazing. like horror? friendship? middle aged men? bugs? this is the campaign for u. charlie slimecicle is such a good dm. it’s a call of cthulu campaign but if u don’t know the mechanics they’re explained very well through the campaign . it’s genuinely so so good it’s given me the shivers so many times. the first episode is on youtube and the last 3 are on patreon. the last 3 episodes r audio only so i sadly don’t think there’s a totally approved playlist out there 😔 it’s rlly good tho just uh. quite a few content warnings
YEAH!!!! sorry this is so long and took so long i just love love jrwi. uhh if u plan on watching anything i would block the tags ‘jrwi spoilers’, ‘jrwilb’, and ‘[campaign name] spoilers’ if it’s pretty hard to stay unspoiled for like apoth and bitb, but i REALLY recommend going in with no spoilers bc shit just hits soo much harder :3 and jrwilb is the liveblogging tag !!
but yeah!!! councilblr/jrwiblr is (usually) very chill and we like to have fun and leave ominous messages for new ppl to freak about over :3 if u wanna know anything else feel free to dm or send an ask i loveeee talking about jrwi hehe
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biiitchofcambridge · 1 year
charles (smith)
my beautiful blorbo. beautiful, beautiful man. love him. here's a silly lil 10 min sketch of my beautiful man!! (i do not remember my reference, I think I reblogged it tho!!)
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if you haven't read my fics (although I think u have... :D), here they are:
"He Was A Friend Of Mine"
Finished, Rated M (there is some violence, look at tags), 30k+ words, Arthur/Charles, from the perspective of Charles (he's my fav to write of the two, I find Arthur can be really trying sometimes HAHA)
When he awoke again, he was shivering. Arthur was up in his union suit and jacket, boots pulled up high, attempting to open the door to collect more wood, but the door was snowed in.
(Chapters with smut will be marked with a * in the index.)
"The Pretender"
In progress, rated M (PLEASE read the tags, there is more violence than the last one), 73k+ words (and counting!), Arthur/Charles. Currently from the perspective of Arthur, but it's not finished... So who's to say that Charles won't get his word in...
“Get outta my office and write why you think you should be here. Give me a list. Write about things that are important about you, or to you. Get out,” Hamish pointed at the door, and Arthur left, obviously content with his predicament.
a Modern AU where Arthur gets the therapy he obviously needed.
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