#Sorry that this answer became more about Mad Dog than Who Holds the Devil
amethystina · 4 months
Oh man!! The latest chapter!!! The angst was angsting, pain was paining, heart is wrenching, tear is falling, it was soooo mean, but do it again!!!
It was the longest chapter and ironically the most painful chapter as well. Have I said how much I love slow burn and angst and this fic hits home everytime?? Likeee woah I just LOVE how this fic is LOOONG , nowhere near close bc that means I get me read it longer lol.
And I feel like I would never be able to appreciate how much hard work you put in Who Holds the Devil.
I am guessing it is now Ga On's turn to pursue Yohan and Oh man I can already imagine how much he is gonna suffer while doing it 😭 or maybe not (bc he tends to be pretty straightforward at times and impulsive as well) but I believe it's gonna be pretty hard bc Gaon has so much shit to get together and Yohan, my man, already gave up (poor him) so gaon trying to persue him or rather seduce his sugar daddy would look very suspicious to him. Nevertheless I am exited to see Gaon try and miserably, comically and hilariously half fail bc he will succeed eventually as Yohan is too much of a loser for Gaon lol. I am excited for future chapters and definitely wouldn't complain about more angst lol.
It was necessary for this to happen, otherwise the story would go nowhere and most importantly Gaon and Yohan would go nowhere, their problems will never be solved. Sometimes hitting rock bottom is crucial to develop in life BUT I would hate it if it happens to me, hope I will be able to get my shits together before that happens ( or maybe it already happened but I am not relizing it or not acknowledging it much like gaon but he is better than me ngl at least he has the courage)
This became a rant about me naur 😭
Lastly I hope you have a great day and things work out for you 💕
Also idk if it's your cup of tea but My Happy Ending kdrama is sooo good and worth giving it a try. It's a psychological suspense drama hehe. I am soo invested in it nowadays so couldn't help recommending you as well 💫
It was a painful chapter, yeah. And I'm both relieved and heartbroken to finally have it out there. As someone who doesn't actually like angst, this chapter was a struggle in more than one way. But it's necessary if I want their relationship to move forward, so here we are.
At this point, writing Who Holds the Devil has sort of turned into a second job, not going to lie. I still enjoy it, make no mistake, but I have to plan all of my other hobbies around it since I feel an obligation to post somewhat regularly. Like, I've been postponing drawing for the past two weeks because I wanted to get this chapter out (that's how long it took to edit, yes) but drawing is the thing that helps the most with my depression symptoms (that have made an unwanted reappearance due to my burnout), so I've been struggling quite a bit. And now all I want to do is draw for a couple of days.
So yeah. I can't lie and say it's not a lot of work, both in terms of planning, writing, editing, etc., but also how it affects the rest of my life. BUT I just love it too much to give up on it ;)
And yes, Ga On will have to be the one to pursue Yo Han now ;) Or, well, eventually. He has to wallow and overthink things a bit first because, well, Ga On. If overthinking things was an Olympic sport, he'd win the gold for sure. But he WILL give Yo Han what he wants in the end, I promise.
In short, the "the only way after hitting rock bottom is up" saying is pretty apt in this case.
There's still hope, so just hang in there :)
I looked at the plot for My Happy Ending but I admit it didn't really catch my attention. But that could be because I don't really watch much right now? I'm too busy writing and drawing. I'm also trying to finish a drama I started ages ago called Mad Dog. Which, let me tell you, it's disorientingly gay for a drama about insurance fraud. But unlike The Devil Judge I'm not sure if they're actually AWARE of how gay it is? (especially since it's from 2017)
But, like, if I had a penny for every time I've watched a drama in which a traumatised, older man brings home a reckless, bratty twink after said twink got injured — under the pretence of protecting him from more harm — only for the twink to start snooping around his house before deciding to charm the dude with home-cooked food and then just doesn't leave I would have two pennies. Which isn't a lot, but it's still weird that it's happened twice.
Also, what the heck do they want me to think when they have these kinds of angles when the two dudes are arguing?
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That looks questionable both in and out of context. BUT that could also be because Woo Do Hwan could have sexual tension with a goddamn rock. Rarely have I seen a man with so much "fuck me and find out" energy as his character in this drama.
But the twink also has a romantic plotline with the woman on the team, at the same time as he's living in the older dude's apartment and giving this poor dude all kinds of conflicted feelings because he's a widower who's lived alone since his wife and kid died and suddenly there's someone in his apartment cooking him food, nagging at him when he comes late and drunk etc. etc. Like, bruh. It really sounds like the twink is his new wife? And I am SO CONFUSED because the drama plays it so straight (without the "hint, hint, nudge, nudge" winks that The Devil Judge had) that I'm about to have an existential crisis.
Fellas, is it gay if this is the face you make when you're told you're not actually living with the man who took you home to keep you safe after you almost got murdered but then you accidentally behaved like his concerned and doting wife?
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Asking for a friend.
(and don't even get me started on the whole "Bring Your Twink to Work Day" scene)
At this point, I'm half convinced I'm gaslighting myself into thinking this is gay when it's actually just a really heartwarming story about a really deep bromance that I'm too queer to understand.
ANYWAY. Thanks for the rec! But I'm not sure if it's my thing and I'm really bad at watching things right now. But I'm thrilled to hear that you're having so much fun with it! I'm happy for you! :D
And thank you so much for the lovely message 💜
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tayaminaka · 4 years
Yandere shin sokuko and sokuko(probably spelt that wrong) falling dor their rival’s sister
Note: I’m not experienced in Yandere writing so maybe I fucked up and I’m sorry if I did.
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Yandere!Akutagawa Ryūnosuke falling for Atsushi’s sister :
He would be fully confused about this new feeling. The first weeks he would just deny it . Why should he feel something for Jinko’s sister? But even if he tries the feeling doesn’t go away
It would take rather a long time until he finally makes his move, but when he makes it you won’t get away so easily
First it would be more "harmless". You would just see him a little more on the street, nothing more
But after some time you would feel something dark is following you. You didn’t say anything to Atsushi. After all, this boy has so much on his plate, you simply don’t want to add your problems to it
You brushed it of, thinking it was only your imagination or that you simply got a little paranoid. You thought that maybe this feeling would get away after some days
Big mistake...
The feeling started to get stronger. Now it was like that thing was coming closer and closer to you. Crawling in the darkness, waiting for one mistake to devour you whole...
You started to sit more at home, even your brother noticed this suddenly change. Fear was always surrounding you even when you were togheter with Atsushi. The bad feeling like something bad is gonna happen didn’t let you rest
Until one day it’s simply disappeared. Gone, simply gone like it wasn’t even there. You started to go out without fear, without this pressure, without this feeling
Everything started to become normal again. You went normally to work, went for a walk with your brother nearly every evening
Until one night you went home from work, a little bit later than usual. You felt nothing, everything was peaceful...you didn’t even notice something until it was simply too late
Congratulations. Because of your carelessness you ran directly into the fangs of the silent rabid dog, isn’t it wonderful?
Now you are fully at his mercy. Hope that your brother will find you because you’ll have a great and painful time with him.....
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Yandere!Atsushi Nakajima falling for Akutagawa’s sister:
First he won’t even know that you Akutagawa’s sister. You were kind to him, helped him a when he was a little lost in the city, maybe a little could but the whole opposite from your brother
That’s until you two meet your brother on your way. After several attempts of killing him he said in a rough and cold tone that he should stay away from his sister
But that didn’t work. Behind your brother’s back you still met each other ,maybe not very often but still. And slowly this feeling started to grow in him
Every time he talked to you his cheeks were slightly red, every time he met you the warm feeling started to get stronger and every time he saw you with an another man, who was getting to close with you more than he should a dark feeling rose in him
Everything was fine until one day you said the most painful thing „I love you. You are my best friend.”
Best Friend? Best fucking friend?! Nothing more, nothing less. How painful it was to hear that. But did he really expect more? He doesn’t even deserve you, right ?
After that he went silent. He tried to act “normal”, act like nothing happened but slowly it started become hard acting like that
Even the Armed Detective Agency notices that something was particuly wrong but even they didn’t know how dark his thoughts already were
Now it’s only a question of time until he snaps and be sure it won’t be pretty when he does
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Yandere!Dazai Osamu falling for Chuuya’s sister:
The first time he met you he offered you a beautiful and romantic double suicide, only to be drop kicked by your brother Chuuya. Ooh how angry he looked as he told him to fuck off from you
He was surprised and exactly that catched his interest in you. Interesting, would chibi be mad at him if he starts something with you?
Even after the unexpected meeting with your brother he didn’t back off rather did the complete opposite....
Your paths started to cross a little more and because of the full work schedule of your brother it was easy to hide it from him
You started to hang out a little more. Casually going to cafés or simply searching some adventures for you two
Even with his mind pitch dark with dark thoughts you didn’t noticed what hid behind his twisted self
This little cat and mouse game behind your brothers back went on for days and then days became weeks and then weeks became even months
But don’t take everything so simply. On the inside his dark self is already taking control of him, eating up his good thoughts and mind and devour him fully
Now that you even go to his place out of boredom, it’s hard for him to hold himself under control and not claim you fully
And because of that don’t be surprised if you once wake up in a dark room with your foot chained to a wall on a long chain
After all, it’s your fault
You let your guard down and didn’t listen to your brother who actually knew this man better than you. You didn’t know where to stop and let him manipulate you
Now you are fully under his control. And don’t think it is easy to run from this little devil, he won’t let you go
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Yandere!Chuuya Nakahara falling for Dazai’s sister:
Ooh he was suprised that you are Mackerels sister. You two were just sitting in a little but elegant bar, drinking some wine while talking with each other
It was very pleasant to be honest. His knowledge about wine, fashion and hats was big and it was interesting to listen
Everything was funny and pleasant until you heard your brothers voice abruptly stopping in his excuse. His eyes were a cold and a sarcastic but at the same time dark voice as he asked Chuuya what he was doing
He was only a little late, the people on the street were in his way. For years he hid your existence from everyone in the mafia but now he can’t do anything
He went to Chuuya and bow down to him, telling him that he should stay away from you only to receive a simply “tch”
He stood up, not bothering to look back at your brother he took your hand and kissed it and wishing to meet you again
Seeing Dazai’s pissed face was worth it but the fact that he managed to slide his phone number into your back was even better
Chatting behind your brothers back was funny. You knew it was bad to do so but the adrenaline rush was too good. It was like you are doing criminal stuff
And the rush was even better when you met him secretly. Sometimes you even met at his place but why not ? He didn’t hurt you or anything and you were ready to lower your guard
Everything was fine until one evening you received a message from your brother that he’s gonna come home a little earlier. You quickly rushed to the door to run to your home
But a invisible force suddenly forced you to the ground. As you looked to the door you saw Chuuya standing in front of the door
As an answer for your questions you received a simply “I’m not letting you go” and a piercing pain in your legs
Now it is fully sure that you won’t leave. How should you if you’re laying on his bed with teary eyes and broken legs?
Your phone disappeared as your freedom. The only thing that is left is the hope that somebody will find you
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Lost or Lying
The original request: “Hi if you’re still taking requests, can I request a one shot with Bo thinking reader escaped and gets  really angry with reader which leads into a screaming match between the two.”
Pairing: Bo Sinclair x Reader
Warnings: yelling/fighting(non-violent), language, angst and a little fluff
A/N: Sorry this took forever! I just re-watched House of Wax and it sparked the inspiration I needed to do this right. Hope it’s okay! Listened to Slow Down-Poolside // Devil in Paradise-Cruel Youth // A lot of Thom Yorke while finishing this up.
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You had been wanting some time to yourself lately and the universe had decided to give it to you in spades.
A simple stroll down what had looked to be a well-worn trail had turned into an all day hike was now morphing into admitting to yourself that you were lost. And dead, if you ever found your way back to town.
Bo had been the last of the Sinclair brothers to trust you being out and about on your own and even then, he would not so subtly keep an eye on you. Like you might disappear if he even so much as blinked.
So this, being gone for hours, would probably land you in hot wax. Literally.
Stopping for the millionth time to try and recognize your surroundings, a thought popped into your head. What if you didn't go back? What if you just kept walking, you'd eventually either come to some road or wind back up in Ambrose.
The thought left a sour taste in your mouth.
Sure you and the boys had gotten off to a less than great start, Lester not included. You had liked him the instant he'd offered you a ride to the nearest town for help with your car dead on the side of the road.
He was a talker with not many people to listen to him, which you understood on some level, and now looking back on that first conversation it was almost obvious how clearly unsettled he was about letting you walk unawares into Ambrose.
Too little, too late and all that you guessed.
Sighing, you looked up, glancing through the leaves to watch heavy, dark clouds slowly spreading themselves across the sky. Great. Just what you needed, a storm.
You kept going, trying to leave signs that you'd been past a certain place with broken branches. It made you feel better for a while, until you ran into them, stomping by the snapped wood like it had personally offended you.
When it started to rain, you resorted to yelling. Hair dripping wet, clothes soaked through and shivering like a chihuahua as you were pelted by rain. You simply kept yourself from running into trees and screamed out Bo, Vincent, and Lester's names like a broken record.
Eventually that became difficult with the way your teeth were chattering, your lips feeling more numb by the minute. You must have stopped at some point because all you could hear was the far off roll of thunder and barking.
Barking? Barking meant dogs which meant-
"Mite!" the voice that left your throat made you wince, hoarse and hopeful at the same time.
The barking got louder, so you shouted again, planting your feet in the slippery ground and waiting for the little barrel of black and white fur to come shooting out of the underbrush as the barking got closer.
She nearly knocked you over when she appeared, paws muddy and looking as soaked as you felt. But her tail was wagging and you'd never been so happy to smell wet dog in your entire life.
"Let's go home! Go home Mite!" you told her and she just about herded you all the way back.
The streets were slightly flooded but the whole town was lit up. Like a lighthouse on the shore, a warning and a safe haven. The gas station was empty as you jogged past it, trying to keep an excited Mite in your view. The yellow tow truck was gone too. Shit.
The house was the same, all the lights on but no one home. Once inside Mite shook off, giving the walls a good spray of dog water before she pranced off in search of someone to show what she had found. The muddy paw prints she was tracking around were the least of your worries.
You peeled off your shoes before trekking over to the kitchen, leaving a trail of puddles in your wake. Still shivering, you wrung out your hair over the sink and pulled out what few rags you could find and went in search of Mite.
When you reached the foot of the stairs you heard an engine pull in the drive. You couldn't be sure who it belonged to with the noise of the storm so you braced yourself, shivering and no doubt looking like a drowned rat caught holding stolen food.
No amount of bracing would do you any good though, not when the door practically flew open to let in Bo.
You don't think he even saw you at first with the way his eyes darted around the room, ghosting right over you as he slammed the door shut behind him, pacing around like a caged animal. You wondered if you just stayed still enough, maybe he wouldn't notice you.
You had never been that lucky.
You knew it was bad when he didn't immediately begin yelling. He just stared at you, blue eyes burning a hole straight through you. Jaw clenched so tight you worried he might crack a tooth. It was a miracle you didn't run purely out of instinct.
"Where the hell have you been."
Oh yeah. This was a new level of mad. His low, even growl of a question sending goosebumps up your already chilled skin.
"I just g-"
"Where the fuck did you think you were gonna get to?" he crossed the space between you two in less than three steps, each one raising your hackles further.
"I wasn't going anywhere" you held your ground even as he came to a stop right in front of you, giving you no space.
"Bullshit! You were gone for hours, had all of us runnin' around lookin' for your ass! And you were off doing what?! Leaving!"
Ah, there was the yelling. You dug your heels in just a little deeper.
"No, I went out for a walk and got lost and it started raining and-"
"Don't you fucking lie to me, I knew the second we let you out you'd run. The second you got a chance! Gone!" Bo had stepped even closer, pushing you back until you could feel the sharp corner of the wall dig into your spine.
"I wasn't trying to run away! I took a trail, I got lost and Mite found me. That's it!"
"So I'm jus' supposed to believe you were out there, no one to keep you from running and you didn't huh? You just walked in circles 'til you realized you couldn't find your way out!"
"I got fucking lost! Okay?! I. Got. Lost!" you had properly lost all energy to stay calm, Bo wasn't, so why should you? "I've been locked up in this house or at the station for months! No time alone, like a fucking dog! Hell, the dog has more freedom than me! Can you blame me for wanting some time to myself?!"
"Freedom! You shoulda' been dead the second you set foot in this town!" you could feel the hot puff of his breath across your face, foreheads nearly touching.
"That's not my fault! You're the one in charge around here aren't you? Just kill me now and you won't have to worry about me anymore!"
You had barely gotten the last word out before you felt the sharp tug of Bo's hands tangling themselves in your stringy, wet hair. It almost felt tender, like he was cradling the base of your skull, about to kiss you. Except the hold was too tight, stinging where blunt nails scraped your scalp and held you in place with the pressure on the back of your neck.
The rags you had clutched in your hands dropped silently to the ground when you curled your hands around his forearms, not that you could pry him off you.
A small droplet of water fell onto your face from Bo's damp hair.
You thought he might take you up on the offer right then and there. The set of his shoulders, the way he could so easily shift his hands and wrap them around your throat. But you'd spent plenty of time around Bo Sinclair, enough to be able to see what he was hiding behind all the rage and yelling.
He was worried. Maybe even scared.
Lester had told you, albeit hesitantly, how nice it was to have you around, to have someone to talk with.
Vincent had taken longer to express the same to you, and not in so many words, but it was there all the same. You had a collection of small wax figurines to show for it.
Bo treated you like a kid that needed to be watched, like you were going to stick your hand on a hot stove if left alone too long. He complained when you asked too many questions about what he was working on when you were in the station with him but he usually answered you.
He was a lot of bark, with an equal amount of bite, when it came to taking care of this town. Even his brothers, in his own messed up way.
"You really think I'd leave?" the words finally manage their way out of your mouth, rasping and quiet in the wake of the shouting match.
"That's a stupid question" Bo snaps.
"Would you miss me?"
Bo gives no warning before pulling your face up to his and kisses you. It's not soft, it's angry and suffocating and you can feel it in your gut when he bites your bottom lip, tugging none to gently until you finally part your lips enough to get a taste of him.
He tastes like rain and cigarettes.
You lean into him, standing up on tiptoes, and hum at the way he tugs you back far enough for your lips to be a hairs breath apart.
"I should get lost more often" you say a bit breathless, trying not to smirk.
Bo simply glares at you for a moment before crushing his lips back to yours.
You weren't going anywhere for a while.
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wolfpawn · 5 years
I Hate You, I Love You, Chapter 45
Chapter Summary - Danielle is getting as much work as she can done, though she is having a bit of trouble doing so with not one, but three Hiddleston's as well as slowly allowing herself become a bigger part in Tom's life, as he is accepting her terms on how to do so.
Rating - Mature (some chapters contain smut)
Triggers - references to Tom Hiddleston’s work with the #MeToo Movement. That chapter will be tagged accordingly.
authors Note - I have been working on this for the last 3 years, it is currently 180+ chapters long.  This will be updated daily, so long as I can get time to do so, obviously.
tags: @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog  @jessibelle-nerdy-mum @nonsensicalobsessions @damalseer @hiddlesbitch1 @winterisakiller @fairlightswiftly @salempoe @lys-syl @youcantcatchafallingstar
If you wish to be tagged, please let me know.
“Done,” Danielle sighed as she placed a pile of documents back in their folder and put it in the finished pile.
“Living room.” She replied, looking at the door, knowing Tom would walk in any moment.
“I was thinking,”
“Ah, that can’t be good.” She laughed as he finally came into view, his face showing his bemusement. “You asked for it,” she sniggered as he came over to her. “What were you thinking?”
He sat beside her, pulling her onto his lap. “I love you.”
Danielle eyed him suspiciously. “That’s not good.”
“It is darling, it is, I just…I want to show people the amazing woman I have.” he kissed a small trail along her neck.
“Tom…” Danielle pulled away. “I’m not sure I…”
“A small get together, here, at the house, just literally a few friends, Ben and Sophie included.” He suggested.
Danielle’s brow furrowed and she bit her lip for a moment. “That sounds nice.” She turned to face him, kissing him as she did.
“Really?” Tom eyed her worriedly. “I thought you would shoot it down.”
“I would have, if you suggested a public place, I am not ready to deal with huge numbers of people and photographers shouting at us, but we control this environment, no paps, only people you are good friends with, and I will have Sophie to hide behind.” She smiled.
“Just a few friends, five tops, I want them to actually get to know you properly and I don’t want you to be overwhelmed.” He grinned; delighted she had been so welcoming of the idea.
“Just one thing, though,” she added, tom froze and waited for what she would ask. “No overly fancy food.”
“I promise,” he grinned, “shrimp caviar and a nice flute of champagne should be enough.” Her response was a fit of giggles. “Did I hear you say you are done?”
“For today, yes.”
“It’s only six.”
“Yes, I got the files I wanted to get done sorted, and I have bleary eyes and a hankering for a nice run.” She explained, getting to her feet.
“I’ll have dinner ready for when you get back.” Tom kissed her again before getting them both to their feet. “How does lamb sound?”
“Usually they make a sort of ‘maa’ sound.” She answered, laughing again at the bemused look on his face. “I’m sorry, that was Baaaad.”
“Fucking hell, please stop.” Tom smiled, trying not to laugh, but the more she looked at him, the harder it became to hold it in before he ended up laughing too. “You are so terrible.”
“You love it.” She grinned before groaning.
“What?” Tom asked worriedly.
“I have nothing nice to wear, they are all going to think you are after going from bad to worse and are now slumming it with, what are they called here chavs?”
Tom rolled his eyes. “You do not, in any way, shape or form, have the appearance of a chav.” Danielle looked at the sweatpants and Nike air hoodie she was wearing before raising a brow. “You are wearing them because you planned to go for a jog, don’t get sassy with me.” He ordered.
“Now you are sounding a little kinky.” She smiled.
“I swear, there is a side of you I am dying to have fun with.” He grinned, taking a step forward. Immediately, Danielle took a step back. “Elle…”
“Yes, sir?” she grinned slyly.
“Go for your run before I take you on the couch.”
“That’s….I dunno, some form of fancy designer that overcharges and is easily ruined, you can’t do that.”
“Go for your run, missy.”
“Yes, sir.” She grinned before rushing out the door again.
“Minx,” Tom shouted before getting the cup she had left on the table and bringing it to the kitchen.
“So tomorrow evening then?” Tom double checked one last time before sending out the texts to his friends.
“Perfect, I will go shopping and get a few things for it in the afternoon.” She smiled, kissing his cheek as she grabbed a cup from the press to make herself a cup of tea to continue her paperwork.
“I cannot wait, thank you, Elle.”
“What for?” she scoffed.
“Doing this.” He gently placed his hands on her sides.
“It’s a few friends over.” She dismissed.
“But when Paul asked you to meet his friends…”
“I was not looking at Paul as long term, that was…I’m not sure, probably just a distraction, as cruel as it sounds, I wasn’t invested in that, and I knew deep down they would be asses, and well, I was right and then some.”
“I went to a public school and Cambridge and you’re not worried my friends will be the same?”
“I am, a little, but I will have Sophie to help me too.” She grinned, but then the grin fell off her face as she listened. “The door…”
Tom walked into the hallway only to come face to face with Mac Tíre. “What the…"
“There you are Tom, give me a hand.”
“Mum…” Mac rushed into the kitchen passed Tom. “What…?”
“Christmas shopping sweetheart, I always do this.”
Tom winced as he recalled her saying that. “I forgot, what do I need to help with?” She indicated to go outside to the car. “Mum!” He looked at what she had brought with her.
“The house is too bare, darling, you never put up a lot of decorations.” She commented.
“So you dragged Sarah into this?” Tom laughed as he watched his sister try to unload the car, rushing over to help.
“I regretting asking if she wanted me to collect her at the house.”
“Why is Mac here?”
“Got in and would not get out, you don’t understand Tom,” Sarah’s face told him her seriousness, “He literally refused to get out. The whole way here, he just sat there, looking out, waiting to get here, as soon as he saw the house, he went bonkers whining to get out, we thought it was to get to the bathroom but he just waited at the door for mum to open it. Has he ever been here?”
“No, but Elle’s inside,” Tom commented, Sarah just stared at him. “Do you think he knew?”
“He’s a dog, and we didn’t know. Wait, is she fully clothed?”
Tom chuckled, “She was when she was in the kitchen a minute ago making her tea.”
“Wait, where is her car?”
“Getting serviced, it sort of had a run-in with a pothole and is now a bit screwed up, something about the radiator and the exhaust, it’s in for the holidays.”
“Oh, lovely.” Sarah groaned, throwing a bag of decorations at him. “Hey, do you think she will want to go shopping with us?”
“I’m not sure, she has a fortune of paperwork she’s doing.”
“Yeah, ‘paperwork’,” Sarah scoffed.
“No actually, she is very strict, I was locked out of my own living room two days ago because of it.”
Sarah laughed. “I always liked her. I hope this works Tom, I really do, she is the dose of reality you need in your life.”
“I hope so too.” Tom beamed as he walked up the steps and into his home, looking at Mac, who was wagging his tail at him in the hall. “Did she see you?” he asked the dog excitedly.
“He only left me because he heard you on the steps.” Danielle smiled as she walked into the hallway. “Yikes, need a hand?” she rushed over to help him with the decorations.
“Thanks,” he smiled. “You mad?”
“About what?” she laughed, making her way to the kitchen.
“Your paperwork.”
“I will have to get over it, apparently I am to be forced to bully my way through the shopping streets after a cup of tea.”
“Are you okay with that?” Tom asked worriedly.
“I don’t think I get a choice.” She shrugged. “I suppose one extra day won’t kill me, will it?”
“Well, you got a half morning done.”
“Glass half full,” Danielle winked before walking back over to the counter, handing Tom a cup of tea she had made him before turning again to talk with Diana, who was smiling happily at them both.
Tom - Look who’s made himself at home.
Danielle laughed to herself as she looked at the accompanying photo of Mac, who was asleep, upside down, tongue hanging out of his mouth by Tom’s feet.
Danielle - He won’t want to go home later.
Tom – He doesn’t have to, we can bring him with us when we go for Christmas.
Danielle – Is that fair on him?
Tom – I’m not going to lie, darling, I am a tad insulted, why would it be. I have always wanted a dog and there is more than enough room for him here, he is happy, see picture for confirmation. We have lovely places to walk him too.
Danielle sighed, wondering what to do.
“You look like you’re in intense thought, has my idiot brother put his foot in it?” she looked up to see Sarah looking at her.
“No, just a simple issue with Mac.” Sarah cocked her head slightly. “He thinks he should stay until we head to Suffolk for Christmas.”
“What do you think?”
“That I would like that, but isn’t it a bit much.”
“How so?”
“It’s just so…..”
“Domestic?” Sarah offered. “What’s wrong with that? Tom wouldn’t offer if he didn’t want it, that’s the kind of guy he is. He wants a normal home life, same as most everyone else, and that includes the pet and partner.” She smiled. “You are so much better a match for him, I mean, she had some good points, everyone does, but he likes this life and his work life separate, there was no way to do that with her.” She gave Danielle an apologetic look. “I know you might not want to hear that.”
“Look, I don’t like her, but I acknowledge she is not the devil incarnate. Just don’t expect me to be sad if she never releases another album.”
“You and me, both,” Sarah agreed. “I am so relieved I don’t have a moody teenager at the moment, I am not sure if I could listen to ‘Shake It Off’ on loop. That’s one of the only songs of hers that I can stand.”
“Mine is Bad Blood,” Danielle admitted.
“She doesn’t even sing all of it herself.”
“Why do you think I like it?” Danielle joked.
Sarah did too as she held up a jacket, “Thoughts?”
“Retro style, I’m sure he’ll like it, not sure if it’s his colour, though.”
“Tom always wears navy.” Sarah frowned.
“Wait, Tom? Sorry thought you were looking at it for Yakov; that will suit him to the ground, he’ll love it.” Danielle smiled.
“What are you getting him?”
“Is a weekend away in an old English manor that happens to have a spa alright?” Sarah stared blankly at her. “Too naff?”
“I want it.” Sarah groaned. “Seriously, tell him if he doesn’t have it done before the Golden Globes, I will use it on him,” she swore.
“Will do.” Danielle looked at her phone, having received another text.
Tom – I know you are busy getting me wonderful presents, but could you pick up a few things from Harrods’s, I know mum will go there at some stage, just a few bits I need to get for people.
Danielle – Don’t you have some poor little goon on minimum wage stuck doing that for you? : P
Tom – I do, why do you think I am texting? Xx
“That bastard!” Danielle laughed as she looked at Tom’s reply.
Sarah just moved around and was able to read the lower half of Danielle’s message and Tom’s response. “That cheeky prick,” She laughed as she shook her head.
“I walked myself into that one.” Danielle conceded.
“You may have.” Sarah went back to seeing if she could get anything for her husband, but glanced over to Danielle for a moment, seeing the genuine smile on the other woman’s face, thinking that indeed, as far as any women Tom had shown interest in were concerned, she was by far the best match for her idiot brother.
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viva-la-fangirl · 5 years
*sorry about any grammar mistakes! hope you like it anyway*
**Not a requirement but I listened to Yesterday by the Beatles, it’s such a beautiful song**
Words: 1.3k
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Summary: You and Roger are living a great life. Since getting back it’s been nothing bliss, touching and some devils tango time. The love you two share is strong and mutual. A phone call interrupts a perfectly good morning but will it ruin a perfectly good life?
You woke up before you opened your eyes. You could tell the sun was shining through the windows but didn’t want to get up at the moment. You felt the peace of the world and felt perfectly in tune. Roger’s warm arm was wrapped around you. He was holding you tighter than usual since he got back from tour only two days ago. He wanted to touch you as often as he could. He wanted to touch your skin and make you realize how much he missed you.
Slowly you opened your eyes and saw all the clothes that had been thrown around the room from the night before. The pair of you had gone out to dinner with your parents since Roger had returned. It was a great dinner. Even a better night once you came back.
“Roger,” you mumbled his name under his lips. As soon as the door was closed he put his lips onto your like he needed it live. “You cannot be that worked up already,”
“I’ve been worked up since dinner love,” Roger gasped in between kisses. “You, in that dress, god you were basically begging me to look at you all dinner long.” Roger’s hand laid on your hips pulling you closer to him.
That might have been true. You wore the simple but elegant black dress that Roger loved on you. It was off the shoulder, tight in the places that it flattered you and honestly just looked hot.
“You’re really going to shag me after talking to my parents for hours? Aren’t you tired?” you asked actually concerned. Roger’s sleeping habits were always a bit off when he came back.
“I sleep better with you,” Roger admitted lovingly. “I sleep better after showing you how much I missed you,” he buried his head in your shoulder and hugged you tight. He peppered your neck with little kisses and ran your hands lower. It sent goosebumps up your spine.
“Roger,” you whispered.
“Mhm?” he answered not taking his attention from your neck.
“I missed you more than you’ll ever know,” you put your hands on the bottom up he wore and started to work the buttons.
“Let me make it up to you,” Roger lifted you up and carried you into the bedroom.
Usually when the pair of you had sex it was fast, rough and loud- it was how the both of you liked it. But the type you had last night, it was as much sex as it was making love to one another. It was intimate, sweaty, with each of you taking turns to please the others.
The thought of last night made your toes curl and smile guiltily. Roger was yours. He was the one you got to make love to. He was the one who had his arm protectively around you.
Slowly, making sure not to wake up Roger now that he was finally sleeping, you turned to face Roger. You didn’t care that he thought you looking at him sleeping was creepy, you like looking at him. He was handsome. His full lips were slightly parted and his hair was messed up from you pulling on it last night. He had long eyelashes that you envied. His breathes were deep. He smelled like cheap cologne and cigarettes. You missed him more than you let yourself believe.
While you loved seeing Roger love something and pursue something, it always hurt when he left for months at a time. You trusted him, despite other’s warnings of the drummer’s womanizing tendencies. Hell, the first time you met Roger, you were out in the parking with your cousin Brain meeting his band after one of their gigs. Roger came out the backdoor looking flushed with a black-haired woman trailing behind him. You rolled your eyes at him not even attempting to hide it. But once the groupie ran off Roger sat down in the back of the van next to John and made friendly conversation and some flirtatious comments. You tried to play hard to get and mainly talked to other three guys. But out of the corner of your eye you saw how he smiled and looked at you. Even the memory made your heart flutter just as much as it did that night. 
It was odd to think that took place over five years ago. Since then you had become a great friend to each of the members. John and you had quiet conversations about the latest movies and music. You and Freddie often had friendly arguments about how you thought dogs were way better than cats and him being offended. Brain how can this lunatic be related to you? Probably came from your mother’s side. You and Bri had been close cousins since you were in diapers. You were only about two years younger than him and as a kid wanted his approval for everything. He was so friendly and well like you wanted to do anything to be like him.
Even you and Roger, before dating, became close friends. You teased him about his numerous women and he teased you about the only one you had been with. You talked about other bands, movies, Bri growing up. Bri had actually actively tried to keep you from meeting Roger not wanting his friend hitting on his cousin.
That turned out well. You laughed now.
Slowly, you and Roger talked more, hung out without the company of the guys, and you started to become more hostile towards women he would bring around.
You tried to distract yourself with a boyfriend, a guy you really liked, it seemed serious- or at least you tried to convince yourself. It lasted a little over two years before you two broke up. It was an awful break up honestly. As soon as you mentioned taking some time away from each other he went crazy. Told you awful thing to keep you with him. Mentally screwed with you. It took a lot longer than you would have liked to leave him.
There was one night it all came to a head and you cried to Bri and the guys after the cops had left. Roger got the angriest over what happened. He threw plates and cups as you sat in Freddie’s house telling them what happened. Freddie didn’t even try and stop him. It was like trying to put a collar around a bull. It was that night you realized how much you mean to Roger and how much he meant to you.
Now almost three years later you had a feeling Roger was going to propose. He made a point to talk to your mother more. He seemed to want to know what your father’s interests were and what he likes to do generally. He talked about getting a house and even manetioned a dog. It’ll drive Freddie mad. He laughed. You hoped your hunch wasn’t in vain. You would love to wake up next to him forever. 
“(Y/N)?” Roger cooed in a low voice bringing you out of your thoughts.
“I’m here,” you scooched closer. He was so warm, like your own personal blanket.
“You been awake long?” he sighed, slightly opening one eye.
“Not really,” you leaned in and kissed him lightly. “you’re cute when you sleep.”
“I told you that’s weird,” Roger laughed a little bit.
“I think it’s romantic,” you said softly.
The pair of you laid there, wrapped up in each other’s warmth. Roger turned onto his back and you traced your hand along his chest.
“We should get up,” you said.
“Should. Not that we have to,” Roger pulled you in closer.
“Common Rog,” you sat up not bothered at the fact that the blanket didn’t cover your bare chest. You felt Roger stare at you.
“Take a picture it’ll last longer,” you shot.
“Trust me, I have the ones you gave me for tour and they are no substitutes for the real ones,” Roger kissed just beside your nipple causing you to shiver with delight. A reminder of what last night brought.
The ring of the phone forced you out of taking in Roger’s touch.
“I have to get that,” you groaned.
“No, ignore them.” Roger pleaded. “Stay here with me,”
“It might be important,” you started to get out of bed. You threw on a shirt. It happened to be Roger’s white shirt from the night before.
“(Y/N),” Roger whimpered. “God I forgot how hot you looked in my clothes,”
The phone kept ringing.
“Then come on and get a good view,” you snickered as you ran into the kitchen where the phone was. You giggle as Roger jumped out of bed pulling on some underwear and follow you into the kitchen.
He was wrapping his hands around your waist, causing you to giggle like a school girl when answering the phone.
“Hello?” you subdued a laugh.
“Is this (Y/N) (L/N)?” an unfamiliar voice asked.
“This is she,” you answered curiously.
“He’s out,”
There's a part 2! Here
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frostironficrecs · 7 years
Any recs for the best frostiron aus? Bonus for lots of fluff or hurt/comfort :)
sdfghjk i know for a fact that this ask has been in my inbox/drafts for over a month and!! anon!!! im really fucking sorry!!! i hope you see this
now, these are some of the more notable and favored aus that i have within the first few pages of my bookmarks on ao3, i didnt poll ppl on their fave aus, so, yeah. i did try to find fluffy or h/c ones in particular tho, so i hope these are enjoyable. also its really very late for me so im just gona give titles, author/ratings/warnings, and summaries again.
Part of Your World- sombified419, T, Chose No WarningsTony hates business meets - HATES them - but he owed Pepper and off they went to Cuba. It was totally worth it, though, when a secluded walk on the beach led him to the love of his life. He couldn't have been happier - even with the slight problem of getting said love back to New York. Loki was primarily a swimmer, after all.
Dollars to Donuts- flailingmuse, T, No WarningsTony texts Loki offering money for Loki to be his personal takeout guy. It’s weird, but so is Tony, and Loki is strapped for cash. The arrangement becomes something more when Tony changes the script and asks him for something else – a favour.
1001 Tales of Once Upon a Time- lucius_complex, T, Chose No Warnings (Slight DubCon at one point, bc of soe noncon-ish kissing.)He could almost feel Steve’s stare burning a hole through his head. ‘I don’t understand Tony, what can you possibly do out of your suit that we haven’t already tried?‘It’s Widow that puts it together first. ‘It’s not what. It's who.'
Borrowed Heat- usedupshiver, T, No WarningsNo, Tony isn’t pleased about the fact that Loki is now a part of the Avengers. He can’t really forgive, he definitely can’t trust, but team is team so he does his best to deal with it. When a magical mishap turns Loki into a dragon – of all things! – it's for some reason still Tony he seeks out for help and protection. So now Tony is stuck with a clingy and demanding dragon for company, until things can hopefully be set right.The rest of the Avengers are not amused, but getting to know Loki in this new skin is letting Tony see the team trickster in a different light. Maybe he’s really not all bad?
Lead Me Not into Temptation; I Can Find the Way Myself- Like_a_Hurricane, Not Rated, Chose No WarningsWhen something ripped a hole in time and space, flavored with a hint of death, shards of the machinations responsible for it fell into the distortion. One shard did land on earth, and Tony nicked it from a friend's lab. The event that followed led someone to him, god or devil, possibly both, who found the mad inventor half-dead in a cave tearing palladium out of missiles. The god or devil, Loki of Asgard, eventually offered him a deal. From there temptation, damnation, and lack of any care for redemption, began to weave tangled webs around both parties, complicating matters considerably.
To Be Your Equal- usedupshiver, M, No WarningsGrowing up an unwanted orphan, to become an outsider with strange powers, Loki wishes for nothing more than to find a place and a purpose in life. When he is hired to help the rather mysterious Mr. Edward Stark with his just as mysterious work, he hopes to have found both.But nothing is ever easy, and even as Loki finds himself drawn to Stark, there might simply be too many things keeping them apart. Loki must decide what he is willing to sacrifice, and what means too much to ever give up...(A word of warning, there is a short sex scene between Steve and Loki but its very easily skippable, which is very much what I did.)
Taking the Fall- usedupshiver, M, No WarningsEveryone expects Tony to end up eaten alive sooner rather than later when he is put in the same cell as the Lyesmith, a man so dangerous even the members of his former gang are afraid to come after him. But sometimes it might actually be wise to just grin in the face of danger.
Innocent Hearts- STARSdidathing,T, No WarningsPrince Loki knows he's not as revered and praised as his older brother, but he still so desperately wants to be able to impress the one Asgardian boy who holds his affections. It just somehow never seems to go to plan.
If You Had This Time Again- dlsTony Stark closed his eyes in a wrecked Siberian bunker and woke up on a demolished New York street. Four years earlier.
Precious Gifts- STARSdidathing, M, No WarningsThor and the other Aesir might enjoy Midgard and the way its people worships them, but Loki is growing tired of such a simple, boring, mortal world. He is also growing tired of the virginal 'gifts' that the mortals keep trying to bestow on him. Loki has no intention of accepting any of them... but, well, that's before Anthony is offered to him. 
A Place To Stand- KageOtogi, M, Chose No WarningsWhen Tony Stark finds himself trapped in a parallel universe, there’s only one place he can turn to for assistance: Asgard. Unfortunately, the god that answers his call isn’t the one he was trying to reach, and Tony is left relying on Loki to help him take down Amora before she makes the change permanent and leaves Tony stuck in a world where Steve Rogers never became Captain America, Bruce Banner never turned into the Hulk, Clint Barton never went straight, and Natasha Romanoff doesn’t even exist. 
Family Reunions- LokasennaHiddleston, T, Graphic ViolenceWhen a freak accident raises questions about Tony's mortality, the Avengers find out there's a reason why Tony always survives his self-destructive heroics. Tony thinks he has the worst luck with dads and wants to just crawl back to bed with Loki. As for Loki... He just wants his lover to keep his promise and stay alive for a change.And to think, it's all because of Clint's dog.
Thou Shall Not Fall- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsTony has only ever met one other vampire that likes to have as much fun as he does.
Diece Your Lonely Heart- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsInside a snowflake like the one on your sleeve, there happened a story you must see to believe.Loki, a Jotun on Mt Jotunheim, was all alone; abhorred and feared by the Midgardians and the Aesir he hadn't seen another soul since he ran away as a child. Tony Stark was a Midgardian who didn't quite fit in with all the Christmas cheer. He needed to climb the Mountain to retrieve something and to get away from all the festivities.Tony was never one to believe in rumors but Loki was never one to believe in miracles. Christmas was just a fairytale and neither of them expected anything else.
String Theory- lashworthe, M, Major ((mostly) temporary) Character DeathIt's 136 years since Tony Stark died, taking with him all the secrets of his genius. Loki Ruser is the new up and coming genius who buys up the old Malibu home of Tony Stark to discover its secrets. He gets more than he bargains for when he discovers the Iron Man design plans, and a sentient hologram of Tony Stark himself. Eventual mature content. COMPLETE.
and thats all they wrote folks!! again,,, super sorry for having this take so long,,,,, aaaaaaa
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Chapter 14
A/N: Thank you guys so much for the response to the last chapter and the story it self. Each message literally made my day and thank you from the bottom of my heart! It meant so much to me! 
This chapter is a bit on the slower side but makes times jump ahead! So without further wait here it is! Enjoy...
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“ADDY!” Ainsley called her name through the closed door of her bedroom. Placing her straightening iron down on the bathroom counter she quickly ran out of her room in haste wondering why she was yelling.
 “What’s wrong?!” Adalyn rounded the corner into the kitchen with a worried expression. She glanced at her roommate with a confused look who was clearly fine. “You cannot do that to me this early in the morning. You nearly gave me a freight!” Addy scolded her placing her hand over her pounding heart.
Ainsley angled her head up at her roommate, a smirk forming at the edges of her mouth. “Relax Addy. I was simply calling you to come and get your love letter from a certain soldier.” She tossed a letter onto the counter that was addressed to Adalyn in Harry’s handwriting.
 Her heart fluttered as she eagerly grabbed it. Hesitating to open it in front of her roommate she offered Ainsley a quick look before darting off to her room. Ainsley hot on her heels. 
“Hey! No fair Addy! Come on you never let me read them with you!! I know he is writing dirty things to you! I need a glimpse into that prince’s mind!” Ainsley continued her banging on the door as her relentless attempts to convince Addy slowly subsided leaving her alone to read his letter in private.
Sitting on the corner of her bed she ripped the envelope at the seams, gently pulling the letter out. Curling her legs up crossing them she read every word intently…
 I am sorry I have not been able to write to you in so long or call you. I have not had the time to do so. I am alright, still safe and sound and in one piece. Your letters keep me sane in a place like this. If you have time to write it would mean a lot to me. Makes me miss home less when you tell me about your days… makes me feel like I am there with you.
I do have to keep this short, as I have to go out on a patrol. This place hardly what I thought it would be for both good and bad reasons. I feel like I am one of the guys here and not Prince Harry. There is no camera crew following me around and I don’t need to hide who I am. Though they forgot to mention how much god damn sand there is when I signed up to come here. It literally gets everywhere, places you would not expect.
When I get home we are going on a vacation to Alaska or anywhere, some place away from sand!
Thank you for the picture of you and Chance. It is what I wake up to every day.
 ~ Harry
 Smiling bright she folded the paper sticking it back in the envelope. Standing she pulled open a drawer in her dresser and placed his letter on top stack of the others she had cumulated.
Looking up at the dresser she sighed staring at the calendar in front of her. Each day that passed by she had crossed out with a red ‘x’ signifying one day closer to when Harry would come home.
Taking her red pen she crossed off today.
“Only 93 more days to go.” She quietly whispered to herself.
Harry walked into his shared room after a night out on patrol. His heavy eyelids threatened to commit him to a couple hours of well deserved sleep. Hearing footsteps stomp the sand further into the ground his one eye fluttered open to see Kane with a handful of mail.
A loud thump sounded as Kane tossed them on the prince’s chest. He sat up in his bed rubbing his tired eyes. Sifting through the letter from friends and family he searched for Adalyn’s.
Holding her letter in his hand he placed the others on top of his covers. “Remember if it’s a nude pic I get to see it. Standard military bunk mate code.” Kane flashed Harry a wide grin causing an eye roll reaction from Harry. 
Laying his head back down on his pillow he shifted until he found a comfortable position. Sighing a smile formed at Addy’s nickname for him, something she came up with one their first date.
 Hey Pumpkin
I can just imaging hearing you groan at that name. I know you hate it but I love how you react to it. And tell Kane no I am not sending him a nude selfie!
So I have to tell you this. Chance is the new devil dog. I swear if he wasn’t as cute as he was I don’t think he could get away with as much as he does. The other day we were at the off leash dog park. He was running around enticing the older bigger dogs like he normally doe,s but then all of a sudden he saw a bird and started barking at it, which of course started the other dogs too. In a flash he was off heading straight for it… leading the other dogs behind him into a small pond.
All their owners were yelling at them not to go into the water and I just stood there laughing, watching this three-legged pup lead the charge. Their owners were so mad that he had got them all wet but I couldn’t be an ounce angry with him. I swear he was smiling from ear to ear afterwards, soaked in water and paws all dirty. I wish you could have seen that. He is so happy and I can’t thank you enough for coming with me that night and helping him.
Miss you
By the way feel free to send me a naked selfie ;)
 ~ Addy
 I have to admit that I may be cheating on you with the lunch lady here. She adores me and gives me extra buns, but hell did it take a lot of flirting to get her to do that. I used my charm and sexy smile of course to win her over.
She even lets me sneak into the kitchen and gives me little snacks, but I have to play cards with her in return. I think you need to send some more haribo sweets to win me back?
I am kidding of course if you could not pick up on that.
Half way there now.
Be home soon xo 
~ Harry
Groans filled the air at the expense of Adalyn’s father. Carlson believed he was the funniest man in the room, but his puns were less than sub-par. Addy shook her head at him, smiling across the table from her father. His warm bright smile spread widely at the people surrounding his table.
Carlson caught the eyes of his youngest daughter Addy. Sighing he stared back into the eyes that reminded him of his children’s mother, hoping he had done right by them. Adalyn held his gaze, the two sharing a quiet moment together amongst the talking guests.
He had seen a change in her the past few months. The colors in her eyes were more vibrant, less like a ghost; her smile came easier and appeared more often. Something had changed with her, but he could not place what it was. He wondered if she had met someone that brought this change in her.
A ringing phone cut through the laughter, breaking the stare between them. Addy dug her phone out of her jean pocket apologizing profusely for breaking their one rule. No phones during their Monday night family dinners.
Her heart missed a beat as she recognized the number that Harry had used to call her from Afghanistan. Closing her eyes she desperately wanted to take the call and hear his voice. It had been so long, but on the other hand she knew the flood of questions she would surely receive from her family if she did.
The phone continued to ring as she held it in her hand. Feeling all eyes on her she lifted her head. “I’m sorry, but I need to take this.” She stood before anyone could protest her action leaving the table quickly to find a private place to talk.
Addy answered the call in a whisper as she headed to the back entrance.
 “Hey Addy.” His deep voice called out on the other side of the line.
 “Give me a second…” she reached the door, pulling the handle closed behind her. Finding a place on her father’s patio she made herself comfy in a old wooden chair. Taking a quick look behind her through the kitchen window she saw them all resuming their dinner, knowing that it was now safe to talk.
 “Sorry I needed to find a little privacy.” Addy smiled.
 “Did I interrupt something?”
 “No Harry. Not at all... I am umm.” She tried to hide that fact from him, not wanting him to feel guilty for calling.
 “Shit… it’s a Monday isn’t it?” His voice lowered quietly. “You should get back to your family Addy. Sorry the days have been running together for me.”
 “NO!” Addy blurted out excitedly as a hand flew to her mouth covering it. “I mean no…” she trailed off. “It’s been a while and I have missed you!” She twirled her hair absent-mindedly through her fingers at her confession.
 “I miss you too… more than you know.” His voice was tired, like he had lacked essential sleep.
 Addy smiled hearing those come through the phone. Internally she was battling whether or not to tell Harry about Jake’s re-appearance. She did not want to lie to him, but did not want to him to be distracted or worried about her. Biting her lower lip she decided it was best to wait until he can home, hoping that he would understand her choice.
 “You sound tired? Everything alright Harry?” Her calming voice resonated through the phone. It had been too long since he last heard her peaceful voice.
 “It’s been hard.” A quiet confession fell off of his lips. He knew he could talk to Addy about anything, but he did not need to put anything more onto her than she already had.
 Hearing a deep sigh from him gave her the chance to think of her response wanting to make him feel better. “You know that what you are doing there, putting your life on the line, is something that not only me, but the rest of the country is very proud of you for. I cannot imagine what it is like to be there, but try to think of it this way. You fought so hard to go Harry; you never gave up so don’t now. Each day that passes brings you closer and closer to coming home to your family and friends. We all miss you, but understand why you are doing this.”
A small smile turned up the corner of his lips as he listened to her comforting and reassuring words. Some of which he needed to hear. He missed her like crazy. Even though their relationship had became official a mere week before he left for Afghanistan he could not help but feel that their relationship still progressed forward. Harry had to admit that he was a bit skeptical of what his deployment would bring to their relationship, but the way they supported each other proved him wrong.  He so desperately wanted to see her again, hold her in his arms and kiss those sweet soft lips of hers; but for now, he would count down the days until they were reunited.
 “You are amazing you know that? I don’t think I could have done this without you Add.” A small giggle escaped his lips shaking his head lightly.
 “Of course I know that!” She joined in on his laughter. Hearing that he was struggling a little gave her a sense of comfort in her decision about Jake, that now was indeed not the time to tell Harry.
 A few more minutes had passed. Adalyn was in a fit of laughter telling the story of how her and Ainsley decided to paint their flat in a drunken state only to have Chance covered in paint.
Harry roared a laugh, his belly shaking hard picturing the two of them giving Chance a bath while drunk. Laughter and hearing her voice was exactly what he needed. Harry could faintly hear another persons voice come through the phone as his laughter subsided.
 “Adalyn. Are you coming back inside?” A deep male’s voice spoke out, no doubt her father or brother.
 “Uh…” he could hear Adalyn hesitate. “Give me one minute dad.”
 Nodding Carlson smiled cheekily at his daughter knowing that he had interrupted her conversation with a certain someone. Her eyes were sparkling bright, her smile wide and happy unable to hide it from her father. Closing the door he silently congratulated himself for being right. Addy had a new person in her life, but he would give her the time and space to officially tell him.
She waited until the click of the door indicated she was once again in private.
“Sorry Harry… my dad uh-”
 “It’s alright Addy.” Harry interrupted her knowing that he should not keep her much longer from her family night. “I need to get going. Kane wants me to beat his ass at FIFA anyway.” This caused another bark of a laugh from Adalyn.
 “Ok Harry. I am glad that you called. You know you can whenever you want.”
 “I hope your dad won’t give you a hard time about it.”
 “He probably will but that’s alright. Write to me soon…”
 “I will. Bye beautiful.”
 “Bye ginger.”
I finally got around to sending you your favourite haribo sweets. I went to five different stores to find your favourite so I hope they taste really good! 
Mel and Adriana dragged me out to one of Guy’s bars to watch a football game. Everyone was cheering for Manchester, but I knew you were a fan of Arsenal so I cheered for them as hard as you would have and got a lot of flack for it. I had to represent you!
It really made me feel like I was part of your group of friends, but I know it was your doing so thank you for that. Even from so far away you are taking care of me and it is so sweet. I cannot wait until you come home.
I was at the grocery store with Ainsley and while we were unloading our cart at the cashier line I saw some magazine articles. There you were right on the front page. They are starting to wonder where you are Harry… I thought they weren’t supposed to print anything about you?
 Please be careful.
 ~ Addy
  49 more days…
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kelpie-keeper · 7 years
Title: One fateful day pt 1 of 3 Rating: PG Pairing/Characters: Yonekuni & Shirou, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black Series: Sex Pistols Part of: Alt Universe; Crossover Notes: I’ve been itching to write a Sex Pistols & Harry Potter.  This just an experiment drabble.  Remus & Sirius are out of character, I really need to practice on them.  Wish me luck!  Dance with the devil pt 3 of 3 is taking a lot longer, maybe it’ll be out by the end of this coming up week or the first week of the new year.
Though summer had taken a hold of them, the cool breeze that rushed by him seemed to belie the heat that was promised to come.  As the breeze seemed to die down and then pick up again, he caught the scent and taste of salt from the ocean close by.  If someone were to ask him point blank what he would be doing for his summer break, he would have answered something completely different than what he was doing now.  He never thought that before his and Yonekuni’s first year of college, he would find himself in England, visiting with Yonekuni’s father and his father’s husband.  The night before have been spent celebrating an anniversary, though with Yonekuni keeping his back to the wall, preventing David from surprising him from behind.  With the blond still in the rented cottage, fast asleep and though he was asleep, he knew the blond would refuse to come sight seeing iwth him.
Sighing to himself, knowing he couldn’t blame Yonekuni, he continued on his way.  The faint hint of clouds started to form in the sky, offering some shade from the sun, though brief that it was.  For being rather late in the morning, the streets were nearly empty, as were the stores.  A shopping bag held in his right hand, he headed down the street while his feet took him to a place he’d never been before.  Faintly humming to himself, his spirits picking up and his hopes high, the feeling of his skin prickling.  Hair on the back of his neck starting to stand and the feeling of being followed wasn’t his imagination.  There, behind him, stood a large, black dog.  Dark fur that looked matted while the animal looked emaciated.  Dark eyes that seemed to pierce him before he attempted to approach.
The sudden curl of lips over long fangs was the warning he received before he scolded himself.  He didn’t know the dog and knew he shouldn’t have tried to approach it.  For all he knew, the dog could be a stray.  Yonekuni always told him his heart was a little too soft and though he tried to brush away whatever Yonekuni had said, he knew the blond was right.  All he knew that there was something about the animal that seemed off, not right.  Turning around, he continued on his way, knowing that the dog was following him from a distance.  Every few minutes, he would look over his shoulder to see the animal following him.  And when he did pause, the growl of warning and he would continue.
The sound of waves breaking against the shore told him that he reached his destination, though he really didn’t remember how he got there.  Settling on a dune that overlooked the beach, setting the bag to his side while his companion stood off to the side, cocking his head when he reached into the bag.
“I bought too much,” a whisper to himself.  So used to buying for two and with Yonekuni and his appetite, he bought too much food.  The panting sound, watching the dog lick its muzzle while he opened the ready made sandwich.  Removing the wrapper, he held it out.
“Come here, boy.”
The dog gave him a curious look before he realized that he was speaking in Japanese.  Licking his lips, he called out again, this time in english.  A step closer and a sniff before another step.  The closer the dog got, the hint of a scent that called out to him.  He bit his lip to hold back any sounds while the dog moved closer.  And while the dog was just a step away, the scent became stronger and though it called out to him, it seemed to be mixed with something else.  The feel of the sandwich being snagged from his hand pulled him from the lull of his thoughts.  Watching the animal scarf down the food before handing him another.
As the animal ate, he talked quietly of his problems.  His worries of Yonekuni not touching him and he ended up spilling everything to the dog, never knowing that the animal sat there quietly, listening intently to him.  Looking off into the sea, seeing the clouds that started to build, he didn’t see a figure approaching him from the side and it was only when he heard the sound cursing did he turn.
An man, older than him by far, kneeling on the sand.  Pushing himself up, not bothering to be hesitant, he offered the man help up.  Easily seeing the wince of pain crossing the rugged face, he dropped his hand when the man pulled away only to see the man stumble a bit.  ”Come on,” he stepped ahead, guiding the man to the place he was sitting, momentarily forgetting about the dog.  About to ask if the man was alright, he could hear the sound of a stomach rumbling.  The man’s head jerked up and the embarrassed laugh.
“I’m sorry about that,” a rough chuckle that seemed to have a tinge of embarrassment in it.
Shirou didn’t say anything, only smiling and pulling out some food from the bag and handing it to the man.  A surprised look that said “for me?” and a nod in his direction.  The scent that had seemed to call him earlier returned, only thicker and while the man ate, he handed the bag to the man and the dog, knowing that the two were more hungry than he was.  ”You can have the rest, you and him.”  His head nodded towards the dog, who’s eyes seemed to be trained on the bag of food.
“By the way, my name is Fujiwara Shirou.”
The man’s scared face seemed to be in shock before he swallowed and wiped his lips.  ”Err, thank you for the food.  I’m Lupin, by the way.  Remus Lupin.”  Shirou watched as the auburn haired male, Remus, turned to the dog and muttered words that were too low to hear.
“Is he yours?”  Wide eyes watched behind glasses as Remus seemed to look a little shocked before he shook his head.
“Uh, no, he’s not.  He’s a local stray that I feed.”
He sat in silence as the two finished off the food and he found himself wanting to know more.  Wanting to know what the scent was that seemed to call to the inner animal inside.  H was still sitting when the two got up and as they were about to walk away, he spoke up.
“If you live around here, would you mind meeting up tomorrow?  The person I’m with doesn’t want to go out.”  He seemed a little nervous.  He wasn’t sure if this was the right thing to do and wondered if Yonekuni would be mad, but he couldn’t stop.  ”It would be nice to talk to some locals.  And if you’re hesitant, I don’t mind paying.”
Watching as Remus seemed hesitant before chancing a glance at the black dog.  As if the two were silently communicating with each other before turning towards him.  ”Sure, if you don’t mind.  We’ll find you.”  A flutter erupting in his chest, a feeling he wasn’t used to and he smiled, looking forward to tomorrow.  As the clouds moved closer, he watched as the two walk away, watching them until the sound of his phone ringing.  Pulling and looking at the screen, he went to answer while searching for the two.
Pushing up from the dune that he had sat down earlier, he headed back to the small cottage, stopping at the store once more before heading back.  Knowing that Yonekuni would wonder were he was, Shirou wasn’t sure if he would tell the blond about what happened.
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