#Sparrows soliloquy
leafatlaw · 9 months
flowerhusbands… to me… is just, “I’ll wait for you forever”. And Scott does no matter where when or anything Scott’s always there waiting patiently for Jimmy. Empires rats limited life, it’s always going to be them meeting, and it’s always going to be them not working out.
Ranchers to me is “I’ll go to hell with you. I’ll go to heaven with you, I’ll go anywhere with you.” They’d go anywhere together holding hands and laughing. I doubt they’d notice where they’re going, I think they’re lost.
desert duo to me is “I’ll follow you to hell and back but I swear the next time you go to hell I’m leaving you there”. Grian will never leave him. They are tied together.
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dirty-milk · 1 year
I shed my skin
like a sparrow
sheds a song -
the compulsion,
the completion,
the crunch of the climax.
{mother-molting my manic melody}
slough the soliloquy,
hurry off the hymnal
hollowed by the howling.
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agentravensong · 1 year
three observations / thoughts from reading the editorial notes in my new physical copy of Hamlet (the pelican edition, edited by a. r. braunmuller):
1. There's this bit from Act 2 Scene 2 where Hamlet is telling Ros and Guil about how he's depressed, how all the beautiful things in the world mean nothing to him. The thing that stuck out to me on this flip-through was the highlighted line and associated footnote below:
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If we go with what is "traditionally supposed" as canon, then, it makes this line one of the most direct fourth-wall breaks in the whole show (that isn't a narrative device i.e. the soliloquies), because it implies that Hamlet sees the literal ceiling of the theater the play is being performed in.
You could just say that the golden fire refers to the real stars and such, making the "roof" metaphorical... but that's less fun.
2. There are a lot of bird allusions and metaphors in this play. Not just the “special providence in the fall of a sparrow” line that seems to haunt me specifically, but a lot of times that people are compared to birds.
marcellus calling for hamlet like how a falconer would apparently call a hawk in act 1 scene 5 when he's left on the battlements after the ghost disappears ("Illo ho ho, my lord!")
woodcocks (foolish birds) caught in springs (traps) (see polonius in act 1 scene 3 (talking about hamlet or ophelia, i think?), and laertes once he starts dying)
knowing a hawk from a handsaw, a spy from a true friend (act 2 scene 2) (according to the book "handsaw" is also supposed to sound like "hernshaw", a type of heron)
"it cannot be but i am pigeon-livered" (also act 2 scene 2)
cladius' limed soul (act 3 scene 4), "limed" apparently referencing birdlime, a gluey material used to snare birds
osric, the "lapwing" who "runs away with the shell on his head", comparing him to a freshly hatched baby bird
and at least one or two more that are currently slipping my mind.
Now, I’m relatively new to analyzing Shakespeare's works in this depth, so maybe this is a trademark in all his stuff, or maybe it was just common at the time; maybe it isn’t meant to be a pattern.
But amongst all those lines, I read this (part of Hamlet talking to Horatio after the play-within-a-play, leading up to him bragging to Horatio that he could definitely get a whole share in an actors' company):
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And, given how meta Hamlet is as a play (see section 1/3 of this post)… perhaps this line, as unemphasized as it is, is meant to re-contextualize the rest of those bird references as pointing out / reminding us that all the characters are actors? Both in the literal meta sense and also the thematic “every character is playing a role for others and engaging in varying levels of deceit” sense?
Again, it’s possible I’m giving this more weight than it’s due because of my lack of context, but. It’s an interesting possibility, at least.
3. Okay, this last one is just funny. Remember when Laertes and Claudius are just beginning to brainstorm how they’ll eliminate Hamlet in the last scene of Act 4, and Claudius alludes to some skill of Laertes’ (fencing) that someone else has been spreading the word about? Do you remember who that someone was?
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Well, the thing about this noted excellent horse-rider is…
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Obviously, the only conclusion to draw from this is that the guy talking up Laertes’ fencing prowess is the literal Grim Reaper, setting things in motion for the fated fatal duel, and neither Claudius nor Laertes had the thought that taking such inspiration from a guy named as such might lead to an unfavorable end. Good job, you two.
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lowkeyorloki · 2 months
Wow, the first thing I want to say is how incredibely talented you are. The stories you have written, particularly Asis, is nothing short of masterpieces. I stumbled upon Asis when i started using ao3 a little over a year ago, and after reading countless of well-written fics, none have left an impression quite like Asis (in my humble opinion, of course hehe). I found myself hooked from the very first chapter and loved every word from the beginning to the end. At times I even had to pause reading in order to just feel the intense emotions stirred in me - from absolute joy, to sadness and at times even anger. Never has a fic hit something so deep in me and I still find myself thinking about Asis every now and then, just lingering in my thoughts. Whether I’m on the bus, walking my dog, or even when I’m at work, I find myself picturing Loki, Narvi and reader in various scenarios:’))
Despite being in a different continent and thousand miles away, you have impacted my life (without intending to sound overly dramatic). You have an incredible talent for capturing the essence of the characters and have such a way with words. Each emotion, dialouge, and relationship feels so authentic and genuine. You breathe life into the characters, skilfully orchestrating their interations. Your ability to portray characters, playing them with and against each other, is truly remarkable!<3
I just recently dicovered your tumblr and I have never used this platform before, so I’m just now catching up to anything asis related<3 (which I hope to see more of sometime in the future🤞🏼)
I have to finish this terribly long speech by telling you that I have become obsessed with Neko Case after hearing "This tornado.." hihi
Wishing you all the best, wherever and whatever that may be🩷
Love from Norway<33
- Frida
Hi Frida! It's nice to digitally meet you 🩷 I'm sorry it took me a bit to respond to this messages, my appearances on this blog are sporadic now at best.
It really is crazy when people send me such thought out and kind messages. It's easy to see how many hits/kudos a fic has and forget that each of those has an actual person behind the screen experiencing the fic with me. The fact you think of asis Loki and Narvi while you're doing such mundane activities makes me smile. It's always going to be a little crazy to wrap my head around.
Thank you so much for your kind words about my writing and my characterization. If you'd like, you're always welcome to reach out to me through DMs - I can give you the link to my last fanfiction blog I'm trying to post on regularly (it's for the show arcane, and it's not really an x reader fic blog) or I can tell you the handle of my poetry blog, or even just send you screenshots of the hasty and pretentious soliloquies of my notes app. I'd also like to think someday I'll come up with a five chapter or so sequel to asis, though I don't see that being anytime soon.
I am SO glad I got you into Neko Case!! That might be the most exciting part of this message, haha! My other favorite songs by her are Hold On, Hold On (that's my #1 favorite Case song), Margaret vs. Pauline, John Saw That Number, and Maybe Sparrow. Honestly the entirety of the album Fox Confessor Brings The Flood is superb. One of my favorite and most nostalgic albums of all time.
Thank you again for such a nice message. Reach out anytime - while I may not be timely, I do truly do my best to respond <3
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dreamsclock · 3 years
(it's my personal favorite)
To celebrate I offer you some brain worms like
-Wilbur breaking out Dream after Sam rejects his request to vist
-Wibur finding out the torture has been cranked up to 100000
-Wilbur, being Wilbur, takes advantage of Dream by acting like he doesn't know what Dream is trying to do
-Dream threatening Wilbur when he can barely function outside the prison,
-Wibur playing nurse, is he a good nurse ?? Maybe from taking care of Tommy and Tubbo when they were kids or is he more like "I hate that you're making me take care of you but I can take this time to get the admin on my side,"
This is incoherent but brain goes burrrrrr
YOOOO I LOVE ALL OF THESE IDEAS SO MUCH !!!! i hope you don’t mind me combining a few, as well as just adding general fun ideas, to write something out of it !!! i couldn’t resist :D
warnings: broken bones, injuries, trauma, torture implications, mental illness, mental instability, general mutually assured destruction toxic relationship awfulness, smoking.
Dream can barely see straight when he’s broken out, much less focus enough to give Wilbur any sort of coherent medical advice.
“Don’t worry!” Wilbur reassures him, cheer in his voice. “Phil’s surprisingly good at playing nurse, I’ve picked up a couple of things from him. First things first—”
He pulls out shears.
Dream’s mind blanks, and he passes out at the sight of them.
He only comes to hours later, semi-coherent and coming back to consciousness to hear Wilbur’s low steady soliloquy (oh god, is he going to do that all the time?), to the feeling of being swaddled with blankets and to the sight of a sign that helpfully says THIS IS NOT PRISON AND YOU ARE NOT (PROBABLY) DREAMING — which, very quickly, makes Dream wonder if that’s exactly what’s happened.
Fuck, he feels like shit.
“Oh, he’s awake!” Wilbur calls out in delight. “It’s about time. Here I go breaking you out only for you to collapse on me and leave me to do all the hard boring work. So much for being my partner in crime.”
Dream opens his mouth, tries to force the muddled words floating about his head to make sense. “Not your partner,” he murmurs, closing his eyes again and idly wondering if the prison would be better than whatever the hell Wilbur is (because it sure as hell doesn’t seem to be sane), “‘sides, I brought you back first. ‘S only fair you help me.”
Wilbur giggles. “It’s all about reciprocity, isn’t it?” He agrees, lighting a cigarette for himself before offering one to Dream. Despite his already scorched body from the lava and the wheeziness of his breath he’s terrified will be permanent, Dream takes it with a shaky hand and a wince. “You do a little something for me, I do a little something for you, and so on and so forth. Is that how you want to play? It’ll be a different from everyone else on the server, won’t it?”
Dream, very bitterly, conceded that point to him, because the rest of the server have always been far less focused on reciprocity than they have been getting whatever they can from him and twisting him into the remainder of what they need. An ally, an asset, a threat, a villain: he’s been transformed so many times over the months he’s almost forgotten who he really is.
“How about a time bomb?” Wilbur offers, like he can hear his thoughts (and maybe he can, because Prime knows what he’s learned in the Void), grinning like the cat who got the cream. “Might suit us better than playing the villain or the hero or anything in between.”
Dream stares at him, nonplussed between the sharp clarity of smoke in his lungs and the dull pain clogging up his mind. “Us?” He asks, shrewd, and Wilbur’s grin narrows, thins into a blade. “What do you mean, us?”
“Yes, us, I suppose,” Wilbur replied, “we’re basically two halves of a whole, aren’t we? Frankenstein and Frankenstein’s Monster—”
“Which is which?”
Wilbur laughs uproariously like he’s said something hilarious. “Well, that is the question, isn’t it? Which is the Monster: the scientist or the creature? Even that’s up for debate, because surely the man who turned the creature into, well, a Creature, is just as much as a creature as it is. It’s—”
“Wilbur.” Dream closes his eyes, already exhausted. “Please.”
“—a fascinating debate we’ll return to when you’re less grouchy,” Wilbur finishes with a charming smile that conceals none of his malice or mania, “but yeah, us! We’re going to work together, Dream. We’re going to bring this server to its knees. We can... We can rule over it together.”
Dream sneers through a drag from his cigarette, eyes hollow. “I don’t want to rule the server,” he says, “I never have. I want...”
I want my friends and family happy, he would have answered at the beginning, honest and earnest and in love with the world, I want to see them thrive.
Now? Something cruel curls in his throat, and he’s not so certain it’s the smoke as he is knowledgeable it comes from months of imprisonment and neglect and torture and hell. “I want to watch it burn,” he says, and Wilbur’s expression lights up, “I want it gone.”
“Well, even better,” Wilbur grins, eyes sparkling behind his glasses, “because what is a hero without a villain?”
Dream almost laughs. “Who’s the hero supposed to be out of the two of us?” He asks mockingly.
“Who’s the villain? Frankenstein, or the Thing he created?” Wilbur returns.
Depends on the narrative, is the right answer, the one they’re both all too aware of. They’ve both been victims and masters of the narrative at one point. Dream swallows down this answer, though, because he’s exceptionally worried it’ll lead to another spiel from Wilbur that he really wants to avoid at all costs. “You want to rule the server, I want to destroy it,” he says, “our goals conflict.”
“Well, doesn’t that make our partnership all the more interesting?” Wilbur teases. “Total control, total annihilation, don’t they both require the same methods? You can cause the chaos, I’ll pretend to smooth it over, and at the end of the day, we both get what we want. How about it?”
And Dream stares at his worst enemy, his oldest rival, the man he’d sworn once when he’d been more lucid to never ever do anything for. Wilbur stares back expectantly, hand out, smoke weaving above both of them in anticipation.
Finally, Dream sighs, moves his hand to shake Wilbur’s. “Alright,” he begins, “then it might—”
He jumps, pain lancing up his arm to his elbow and making him hiss, defensive and annoyed.
“Wilbur. You’ve set the bone wrong,” he accuses instead of agreeing, and Wilbur rolls his eyes flippantly, waving one hand in dismissal.
“Really,” his new ally says, “what’s the concept of wrong anyway? Right and wrong — they’re just words used to confine us, to limit us. Do they really mean anything, Dream?”
Dream prods his arm, suppresses a low groan of pain. “Yes,” he decides, “because whatever the fuck you’ve done to my arm, it’s wrong.”
Wilbur scowls, cheer and hyperactivity dying without preamble. “Let me try again,” he says, repositioning himself at Dream’s arm, “I’m going to break it again.”
Wilbur does.
For the second time that day, Dream passes out.
Just before he does, he thinks for the first (but certainly not the last) time that maybe this isn’t going to be as good a partnership as he’d hoped it would be.
(He can’t help but feel safe anyway.)
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cheri-translates · 3 years
Works by miaoooooo / 喵哦哦哦哦哦
🎐 limited ssr + gavin in season two
🎐 fairytales
🎐 singles’ day in the special task force
🎐 doodles of gavin (suggestive)
🎐 snowball fight
🎐 glasses
🎐 stars
🎐 memes
🎐 national treasure
🎐 well-wishes
🎐 pocky
🎐 serious expressions
🎐 when he lies
🎐 peter
🎐 a possibility
🎐 april fool’s
🎐 peace lily
🎐 snippets of daily life
🎐 soliloquy
🎐 daily quests
🎐 astronaut
🎐 the foodie couple
🎐 the “pretending you can’t see gavin” challenge
🎐 the paw pads of wolves
🎐 i'm drunk. i'm pretending.
🎐 arresting himself
🎐 a collection of bandit gavin
🎐 i like this man i can’t quite understand
🎐 the qilin deity knows nothing about physiology
🎐 happy 520
🎐 happy loving gavin day
🎐 doll
🎐 happy dragon boat festival
🎐 before the nw project
one l two l three
🎐 switched bodies
🎐 scam calls
🎐 old days date “what if” scenario
🎐 hot
🎐 water park
🎐 griffy
🎐 poke
🎐 stickman style
🎐 sanrio collaboration
🎐 sticker packs
one l two l three l four l five
🎐 son of a wealthy family
🎐 clothes? just take them off
🎐 pets
🎐 popsicle
🎐 sparky 
🎐 more than a love letter
🎐 happy mid-autumn with a bunny (highly suggestive)
🎐 after you left
🎐 a sincere secret
🎐 harry potter
🎐 “caring for a boba gavin” handbook
🎐 new mystery
🎐 archangel
🎐 teasing him
🎐 the uses of a halo
🎐 commonality among the au gavins
🎐 when faced with ghosts
🎐 flying competition
🎐 common ghosts during halloween
🎐 small nightlight
🎐 don’t ask!
🎐 train ticket
🎐 captain eli
🎐 look for mom
🎐 rings
🎐 the crown prince
🎐 beginning of winter
🎐 autumn outfit
🎐 my little sparrow
🎐  wolf nibbles
🎐 happy?
🎐 legolas?
🎐 wedding frame
🎐 pinky ring
🎐 wolves
🎐 gavin and cinnamoroll
🎐 gaze
🎐 cute kiss
🎐 little chicken?
🎐 when the bandit is caught
🎐 mother’s day
🎐 formal attire
🎐 gavin and wolves
🎐 the evolved version in my head
🎐 sigh, just give me your clothes
🎐 butler gavin
🎐 wishing him happiness
🎐 a happy child
🎐 “us” is enough
🎐 a common cycle
🎐a bedtime story about the qilin
🎐 valentine’s day
🎐 kites
🎐 happy white day
🎐 touch
🎐 chibi gavins
🎐 at 9am tomorrow
🎐 new merch = new ways to bully gavin
🎐 spy x family (stf version)
🎐 spring
🎐 the bath towel
🎐 mouthing words 
🎐 chibi showering gavin
🎐 high volume of gavin
🎐 check marks
🎐 before anyone else
🎐 father’s day
🎐 happy children’s day
🎐 sinner
 🎐 it’s almost time
🎐 fifth birthday
🎐 happy birthday
🎐 beginning of autumn
🎐 painful
🎐 gavin’s drawing
🎐 the significance of birthdays
🎐 piggy back
🎐 fishballs
🎐 rainy days
🎐 lucid dream
🎐 very cute
🎐 acting couple
🎐 empresses in the palace
🎐 little handsome
🎐 their thoughts
🎐 lessons with officer gavin
🎐 brain
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🍒 return to the desserts menu 🍒
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cassianus · 2 years
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"O my Lord and true God! Whoever does not know You does not love You. What a great truth this is! But, alas, Lord, there are those who don't want to know You! A dreadful thing is the hour of death. But, alas, my Creator, how frightful will be the day when Your justice will have to be exercised! I often consider, my Christ, how pleasing and delightful Your eyes are to one who loves You; and You, my God, want to look with love. It seems to me that only one such gentle glance toward souls that You possess as Yours is enough reward for many years of service. Oh, God help me, how hard it is to explain this unless to those who have already understood how gentle the Lord is.
Christians, Christians! Behold the communion you have with this great God; recognize it and don't despise it, for just as this glance is agreeable to His lovers, it is frightful with a terrifying wrath for His persecutors. Oh, how we fail to understand that sin is a battle pitched against God with all our soul's senses and faculties. He who can commit more sins, invents more treachery against his King. You already know, my Lord, that recalling that I might see Your divine face angered with me on this frightful day of the final judgment caused me greater fear than all the pains and furies of hell shown to me. I beg You that Your mercy may protect me from a thing that would be so sad for me, and thus I beg it of You now, Lord. What can happen to me on earth that would resemble this? I want to possess all, my God. May I not fail to enjoy peacefully so much beauty. Your Father gave You to us, may I not lose, my Lord, so precious a jewel. I confess, eternal Father, I have kept it poorly. But there is still a remedy, Lord, there is still a remedy while we live in this exile.
O brothers, O brothers and sons of this God! Let us try hard, let us trust hard, for you know that His Majesty says that if we are sorry for having offended Him our faults and evils will not be remembered. Oh, compassion so measureless! What more do we desire? Is there by chance anyone who is not ashamed to ask for so much? Now is the time to take what this compassionate Lord and God of ours gives us. Since He desires our friendship, who will deny it to one who did not refuse to shed all His blood and lose His life for us? Behold that what He asks for is nothing, since giving it is for our own benefit.
O Lord, God, help me! Oh, what hardness! Oh, what foolishness and blindness! If when something is lost (a needle or a sparrow hawk that isn't worth anything other than to give a little pleasure upon seeing it flying through the air) we feel sad, why don't we feel sad upon losing this royal eagle of God's majesty and a kingdom of endless enjoyment? What is this? I don't understand it. My God, cure such a great foolishness and blindness."
(St. Teresa of Avila, Soliloquies)
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gray-publications · 3 years
You Definitely Need to Watch Black Sails
Black Sails, the underrated pirate show from Starz, that ran from 2014 through 2017 is everything one can want in entertainment. Black Sails is posed as a prequel to Treasure Island, the book written by Robert Louis Stevenson published in installments from 1881 to 1882. Black Sails is more than that though and more than the real-life historical pirates they utilize in the show as well. It is so much more! While most pieces of media that showcases pirates rely on cheeky one liners and silly adventurers, a la Jack Sparrow, Black Sails offers a well-rounded alternative reliant on amazing character development, a diverse cast, queer representation, and philosophy unseen in pirating adventures.
Black Sails avoids being cheesy by avoiding a narrative that’s similar to history channel dramatizations of pirates, the writing is sincere and philosophical from the jump. The actors are genuine and well-portrayed, and the characters do not come across as cartoonish as Jack Sparrow so often does. While many viewers agree the first season is the weakest, it only gets stronger from there (so stay in it!) The characterization strengthens and with each episode the characters explore each other, their goals, and their values so that by the end of season four a viewer not only knows the characters but understands their viewpoint. I theorize that Black Sails’ first season was an attempt to get male action viewers engaged in the show before turning the story on its head. This, admittedly, wasn’t the best plan by the network (Starz) or the marketing team. Black Sails got a second season to the surprise of many, and the creators Robert Levine and Jonathan E. Steinberg ran with it, as Brook Wentz states in this Hypable article, “The creators of Black Sails respect their audience and they’re not remotely interested in spoon-feeding any sort of narrative.”
The long-lasting fanbase for Black Sails ended up being women and members of the LGBTQ+ community. For good reason, too, without spoiling a major plotline Black Sails tells the stories of members of the LGBTQ+ community who are marginalized from society. These members of the LGBTQ+ community are relegated to a pirating hub, Nassau, where they wage war against the nation that wronged them (England). The identities displayed in the show range from bisexual, to lesbian, to asexual, and demisexual. (One can argue it included a trans person, as well, but they are introduced more as a historical nod towards the end.) These stories are so rarely told in fiction, let alone in a context like a pirating adventure, and Black Sails does so exceptionally well. Not only does Black Sails tell queer stories but it also showcases stories of women and freed slaves. When most often adventure, and especially pirating, narratives focus straight white men this inclusivity makes Black Sails unique.
Though the show does have some intense action sequences they are not used in a way that masks a lack of narrative, plot, or storytelling. The action, arguably, is secondary to the ideology and philosophy presented by each character. From Captain Flint’s personal war against England in which he declares, “They took everything from us. And then they called me a monster. The moment I sign that pardon, the moment I ask for one, I proclaim to the world that they were right. This ends when I grant them my forgiveness. Not the other way around.(episode VII)” to Jack Rackham’s main ambition to become someone that everyone knows, “A place that, fifty years hence and when I'm long gone, would force the world to acknowledge Jack Rackham was here. (episode XIX)” almost every character on the show has an amazing passage of speech or soliloquy that showcases their viewpoint in a way that’s generally not done in television shows or movies. The main take away here is that watching Black Sails is like reading a really riveting book rather than watching a shallow, action-filled show. The writers and creators embrace intelligence and incorporate a slow-burning plot betwixt action sequences. Finally, as pointed out in this Inverse article by Lauren Sarner, “Best of all, the show is not afraid to get downright literary in between its action set pieces, whether it’s with allusions or debates about books.”
Even though Black Sails only ran for four seasons, it was a complete story from beginning to end. The writers led the story right up to the door of the beginning of Treasure Island, as promised, but also maintained their own incredible story without sacrificing inclusivity or scholarly principles. It’s absolutely worth your time and attention, and in my opinion it’s literally the best piece of media ever made.
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leafatlaw · 6 months
something something, both grian and scar take great pains to act like they left third life. Like they left that desert, where they live together and died together. Where Grain killed scar, but Scar also killed Grian, and then there was the whole creeper thing-
But that’s besides, the point because Grian and Scar both left the desert behind and moved on. They moved on to Last life where they lived apart. See how much they moved on! Sure Scar ended up alone, and Grian ended up killing his allies, but that’s just a coincidence, because they’ve moved on.
And then double life rolls around and we’ll they’re together again, tied together again. And Grian resents that, being tied down( not because he’s tied to Scar —) so he cuts their bond off and they lose. And then limited life would be normal, except Grian can’t stop killing Scar. His hands move automatically, with a sword/ with a fist. And Scar keeps moving in the way of the strike/ embrace. They’re like misguided soulmates, Grians weapon tied to Scars heart.
And so secret life comes and they’ve got everything to hide. How Scar has to shake sand out of his clothes, and Grian wakes up, yelling at scar to watch out. Scars got no one to watch his back as he wanders sl’s small desert looking for creepers, and Grians allies are all too happy to turn a blind eye to the way be hoards catus.
They left it all behind, but the world borders still too small.
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evelynspasta · 2 years
Episode Reactions Masterpost
Would You Mind Reading For Tony (3x02) by justgleekout.
A Wedding: Production Draft (6x08) by redheadgleek.
Cold Feet (5x01) and Divided By A Common Language (4x21) by nadiacreek.
This is kind of about you (5x04), Boys that grew up better men than me and you (5x15), Keep going (6x08), Almost There (6x07), and Back to Where You Once Belonged (6x01) by pene.
Don't Say You Miss Me (6x01) by backslashdelta.
Blind Man's Bluff (3x11) and Second Hand News (2x19) by skintightsocks.
Cooper Anderson, Best Man (6x08) by chasingkerouac.
Season 6 Reaction Fics by emquin.
In the Interest of Time (5x01) and Delivery Route (4x08) by airy_nothing.
Play-By-Play (6x07) and Champions (6x03) by marauder_in_warblerland.
Kintsugi (5x16) and The Gentle Sin Is This (4x10) by syntheticpoetry.
You're No Lima Loser (3x22), Make You Feel My Love (Adele) (5x03), P.S. I Love You (The Beatles) (6x01), and I Just Called to say I Love You (Stevie Wonder) (5x14), 5 Times Kurt and Blaine Were Separated at their Wedding +1 Time They Weren’t (6x08) by blaindersonkummel.
Everybody Clap Your Hands and Shout (6x08) by KillerQueen80.
While You're Busy Making Other Plans (3x04), The Many Valentines of Blaine Anderson (3x13), Five Times Kurt Tried to Reach Out to Blaine... and One Time Blaine Reached Back (3x17), Schadenfreude (3x22), Sunrise/Reaching/The First Moments of Waking/As Inexorable as the Tide (4x04), Instincts (4x05), Listening(4x08), If the Fates Allow/The Perspective of Age/Soliloquy (4x10), The Day After Sadie Hawkins (4x11), Opening Doors: Five 'Missing' Scenes from Glee 4x14/Voice of Experience (4x14), Finding Normal (5x03), A Cold Slap of Reality (5x04), Thirteen Perspectives on One Graduation Party (5x13), Wounds (5x15), Heartache to Heartache (5x16), Waiting in the Wings (5x18), Gifts (5x20), Perspective (6x01), Finding The Word For Goodbye(6x03), Six People Who Push Blaine To Get Back Together With Kurt, Plus One Who Doesn't (6x04), No Exit(6x05), Thirteen Moments We Didn't See/When They Wake (6x08), Honeymoon (6x09), and Haven (6x10) by flaming_muse.
Falling Is Like This (2x14), Everything Changes (3x22), Fragile Gifts (4x11), The Sparrow (4x15), The Contract(5x01), Season 6 Episode Reactions by wowbright.
A Supermarket in Ohio (6x03) and All Out of Love (6x05) by Corinna.
Progress: After the Slushee (3x11) by InsightfulInsomniac.
Pining (2x10) by kurtiepie.
Heaving Through Corrupted Lungs (4x01) by mockanddee.
Hero (5x15), Glee Season 2 Reaction Fics, Season 6 Reaction Fics by flowerfan.
Bash (5x15) by moongay.
Whistle, I'll Be There (5x15), Boop (5x16), and My End and My Beginning (5x20) by lovetheblazer.
Getting the (Good) News (4x11), Competition Nerves (2x16), and A Dalton Boy (6x05) by notenoughtogivebread.
the baffled king, composing (6x10) by multicorn.
Simple Pleasures, Complicated Pains (6x05) by notyourdaydream.
So The Story Goes (6x11) by alilactree.
Somewhere Only We Know (2x18) by little_escapist.
someone who loves you with the lights on (6x08) by breakbonefever. 
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jcunos · 4 years
Red Sparrow might not have been Juno’s first choice, but it was alright. Not challenging, not easy, not particularly exciting, just alright. Or, it would’ve been, if the filming schedule hadn’t meant he had far too much time inbetween scenes, and nothing to do but wait in the green room, picking at loose threads of his costume jacket.
The costume itself gave rise to a temptation: a military uniform, slightly dishevelled, makeup filling in what the dark circles under his eyes already provided -- perfect for Richard III. Besides, with no-one around to watch, why not?
“Now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious by this sun of York;” Somehow he could easily slip into the long-forgotten character, pacing around the room with caged discontent. “And all the clouds that lower’d upon our house, in the deep bosom of the ocean buried.” This was familiar territory, familiar words settling into a rhythm. “Now are our brows crowned with victorious wreaths; our bruised arms held up for monuments --.”
He was almost halfway through the soliloquy when the sound of the slamming door caught him like a deer in the headlights. Straightening up in embarrassment, Juno offered the other person an awkward smile. “You didn’t -- see that, did you?”
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souliloquyyy · 5 years
Writeblr Intro || Souliloquyyy
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(I’ve been on writeblr for several years now, but I like to update and repost my intro every once in a while so new followers can still get to know me.)
My name’s Jay, but I also go by Soul. I’m 18, I currently use she/they pronouns, and I’m biromantic/asexual.
⮞ I write novels for the most part, but I dabble in short stories and poetry from time to time. My main genres are fantasy and sci-fi, but I write just about everything.
⮞ Music is a big part of my writing process, so I do talk about music a fair bit. My favorite bands/musicians are Twenty One Pilots, STARSET, Marianas Trench, Fall Out Boy, and All Time Low. I’m always looking for new music, so feel free to DM me song recommendations anytime!
⮞ I’m not a fandom blog, but I will occasionally post about the shows I’m watching. Right now, that would be Supernatural, The 100, Criminal Minds, and Death Note.
⮞ My favorite novels are Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys, The Raven Cycle by Maggie Steifvater, The Illuminae Files by Jay Kristoff & Amie Kaufman, Turtles All the Way Down by John Green, and The Female of the Species by Mandy McGinnis.
⮞ I’m currently finishing up my senior year of high school. I don’t have college plans yet, so I’m taking a gap year to figure it out (and to focus on my writing). I’m currently considering a degree in either biology or English, or possibly criminology. However, I may end up not going to college at all.
⮞ My URL is a combination of the words soul (the principle of life, feeling, thought, and action in humans) and soliloquy (the act of speaking one’s thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers). I often feel as if my writing, as well as my blog, are soliloquies of my soul; my thoughts and feelings poured out onto the page regardless of whether anyone’s listening or not.
⮞ My blog title comes from the song Isle of Flightless Birds by Twenty One Pilots. The song is a metaphor about people wasting their potential in life, which I often feel like I’m doing.
(most of) My WIPS:
⇨ Birdsong // short story // romance
⇨ ~Collide // novel // fantasy, romance
⇨ Heartbeat // novel // cyberpunk romance
⇨ Last Song of the Sparrow // series // high fantasy
⇨ Let’s Kill Tonight // novel // cyberpunk
⇨ Lethal Love // novel // fantasy romance
⇨ Man or a Monster? // novel // cyberpunk
⇨ New Genesis // novel // fantasy, LGBTQ+ romance
⇨ Paradigm // series // sci-fi
⇨ Providence // series // sci-fi
⇨ *Rules for the End of the World // novel // post-apocalyptic, dark comedy
⇨ ~Shattered Reality // novel // sci-fi
⇨ The Gods Don’t Believe in Themselves // short story // ???
⇨ Untitled assassin WIP // novel // romance
⇨ Untitled pirate WIP // series // adventure
⇨ Untitled superhero WIP // novel // LGBTQ+  romance
* = main project(s) ~ = discontinued projects (basically, I’m not writing them anymore, but I might return to them someday)
Find me on...
NaNoWriMo: Souliloquy Pinterest: Jay (5tayalivepleas3) Goodreads: Souliloquyyy
Fandom blog: @5tayalivepleas3​ Mental health blog: @secret-for-the-madd​ Misc./spam blog: @spamliloquyyy​
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poems-shortstories · 4 years
Everybody knows Shakespeare, but at the same time Christopher (known as Kit) Marlowe was writing. He died young in a tavern brawl. Here, I try, probably unsuccessfully to reproduce his style in a soliloquy speech, as an actor would do to front of stage. Gwraig Brydferth
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How goes my nightly prowling soliloquy Where qualms fly as the sparrow hawk To kill the innocent words of our repose. Once banished like the weeping Tsarina Who widowed, sent to a lonely nunnery, Cloistered as are my words in this grief. What mind’s composition runs to seed, Exhausted in the autumn westerly gales. Poetic rhyme dries up in this foul nature, A drought sucks water from flowing river, Drained away in life and colour just as My heart felt lover’s dancing catechism Is stilted in sorrow, stillborn so that I can But mutter into an empty shell of my soul. Without you I am a mute swan of misery, A purveyor of nothing but your memory. Sentence me into silence for without you There will be no more sound of bells Ringing out this love, as I will put down My pen and close the folio of lost time.
By Cysgod.
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poncheetos · 5 years
Non-Keyblade wielding Disney Characters were more prepared for the Keyblade War than the Seven Guardians.
Sulley incapacitates Vanitas and throws him to doors like he was trash.
Jack Sparrow had enough of Luxord’s games and expelled his bad breath on Luxord, which made the latter faint.
Goofy saved Sora and Kairi form a fatal attack from Terra-nort, stunned the latter long enough for Donald to blast Terra-nort with Zettaflare, an magic spell only available to gods from the FF Universe (and even for gods is too powerful to use), while everyone else was just standing and watching Donald and Goofy fight instead of helping the two. I mean, common, this is a Keyblade War so of course you guardians have to be prepared to fight but apparently the ones with no Keyblades prepared more.
Even in the banter game, Woody was more prepared and roasts Young Xehanort by telling him no one loves him without getting played by the long and cryptic soliloquies which is a standard Organization XIII thing to do on Sora because Sora easily gets dumbfounded by it.
Non-Verbatim banter of Woody and Young Xehanort:
Young Xehanort: The toys in this world are just empty husks brought to life because of the love from their owners. That’s what you all are, Just empty husks.
Sora: What are you saying? What does the Organization want?
Woody: Yeah, at least Andy loves us. You’re just saying that because no one loves you.
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elucubrare · 5 years
Sappho’s hymn to Aphrodite as a Shakespearean sonnet?
okay, I very cannot do another sonnet, but I can probably do a soliloquy! 
Sappho. There goeth Anactoria, sweeter than any violet. 
She turns to see her pass. 
O thou who sit on iridescence glorious enthron'd --  O Zeus' daughter, O queen of nets and love,  I pray you, for Anactoria's sake and mine,  Be kind: let me hold my love as thou holdst me,  Do not strike my heart with snaky whips Of unreturnèd love --                                      Nay, come to me again!  Come, Aphrodite, with whispering of wings, Leave the summit of thy father's Olympus,  Driving the sparrows who love thee, and speak:  Tell me, O lady, O queen, tell me that thou lovest me still And that Anactoria will be mine: that though she scorn me, Yet will she love; that though she disdain me, yet will she love.  Hear me, thou who lov'st true lovers, lend me thy sword:  Let me bend Anactoria to me, by my love & by my word. 
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Dreamlit Nights
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As the day slowly turned into night, and back into day, the chirps of the early morning surrounded me in broken rhythms. The thin forest I found myself trapped within sang out in hues of green, and spoke in languages of bare bough. I’m
Finally, the trees began to dissipate. I marched onward in a silent soliloquy, the songs of the leaves and the bark fresh in my mind and emerged at last into a clearing of sparrows and birdsong.
A star of emerald shined down from its throne in the heavens, seemingly guiding me to whatever destination fate held for me. 
The sun, rising slowly far beneath the mountains, began to take dominion with its golden coronas -- pushing away the twinkling bits of light.
Yet still, the emerald star shone on.
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And so this, I followed; a faint beacon of hope in the revealing light of day, quietly flickering as its lone golden competitor ached to hide it, as it had done with their silver brethren.
I followed as best I could, until finally the sky encompassed the star. I watched as it faded, slowly, over the course of many hours until finally I had no choice but to stop.
Where may I go with no guide, in this desolate wilderness; no creature I may call friend to accompany me and no place to call my home?
I chose instead to follow a path as best I could in the direction where I last saw my emerald companion. It was a path that took me deeper into the mountains; deeper into the empty world beyond my understanding.
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My salvation was not at hand. It was a fact I was quite aware of -- and thus was not bothered by any mortal worries. The reckoning would begin, as my visions had predicted, in due time.
Until then, I was forced to trek onward.
However, a reprieve of my open world prison came by chance of a stream, rushing through the mountains I eventually found myself on. The path lay submerged by it, and so I rested in the shade and then in the water.
Pebbles beat upon my bare feet as the river urgently fled to whatever appointment it may have held. I drank from the water gratefully, the crystalline liquid gracing my lips with the cry of spirit.
As I stood up and observed the mountains behind me, and the once-trodden path that led to my destiny, I breathed and heard a voice in the trickles of the water, in the graceful wind — feminine and strong:
“Your journey is ending. Have no fear; for I await you...”
I listened further yet heard nothing.
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So I continued on my path, no longer alone — marching towards a goal unknown to me, but alive and well in my heart.
I am guided by the stars and the songs in the trees, by the breath of stardust quietly breathing out in a gentle sigh of harmony and universal truth.
This, I follow.
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