#Swedish Fika
idisaestheticblog · 5 months
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moyloi · 7 months
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Day four: Cinnamon bun (or Swedish “fika”)
Had to give some love to the half-orcs because my new durge is a half-orc and imma romance Halsin hehehehe
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idadragonheart · 8 days
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In Sweden, fika (a coffe or tea break with cake or pastries) is a fundamental right of the people. Not fully related, here's a Fikachu.
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mrmirr · 2 months
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Swedish fika ☕️
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f-rg-tmigej · 2 months
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eclecticartisanfest · 2 years
“From Humble Bean to Cup of Coffee!”  This was created for a “Fika (Swedish coffee break)” design contest. All hand drawn by me with pencil, pens and colored pencils, now it has become a fabric design, as well as wallpaper and home decor products.
“From Humble Bean to Cup of Coffee!” This was created for a “Fika (Swedish coffee break)” design contest. All hand drawn by me with pencil, pens and colored pencils, now it has become a fabric design, as well as wallpaper and home decor products. by Amy Gale Via Flickr: www.spoonflower.com/designs/13683808-from-humble-bean-cup... www.spoonflower.com/designs/13692205-from-humble-bean-cup... www.spoonflower.com/designs/13692303-from-humble-bean-cup...
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swordduels · 8 months
Swedish fika
By: Go royal
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vintage-sweden · 4 months
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Fika, 1931, Sweden.
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pankiepoo · 6 months
tumblr tags are soooo awesome btw. you can tag anything and theres a 50% someone will read it
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jikimo-world · 4 months
The huge disappointment of the Itabros when Sweden proposed to get a fika and then he just took them to a coffee-shop
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Round one: Haikea vs Fika
(poll at the end)
Haikea (Finnish)
Translation: A feeling of quiet, melancholic, sometimes even mournful longing. "Wistful" comes fairly close as a translation, though it's not exactly the same.
Finnish is an Uralic language belonging to the Finnic branch spoken by 5 300 000 people in Finland, where it is one of two national languages (the other is Swedish though it is less used, Finnish is the main language).
Motivation: It's one of the most beautiful words to say in Finnish, IMO; it has a beautiful flow to the vowels, and it almost sounds like a sigh. It's also an emotion often associated with a lot of Finnish art, literature, music and culture in general, and thus it's a strong part of Finnish identity.
Fika (Swedish)
Translation: A light meal in between real meals, usually in the afternoon (before lunch it’s förmiddagsfika (late morning fika) and after dinner it’s kvällsfika (evening fika), you can say eftermiddagsfika (afternoon fika) but it’s implied without specification), usually consisting of something to drink and a baked sweet (cinnamon bun is the classic idea of fika). A prototypical fika is a social occasion and/or a break, some translate it as coffee break but that’s not it. Coffee is not needed. It doesn’t even have to be hot like tea, you can drink syrup or water! Anyway, it’s common to eat some kind of baked sweet for the more social occasions, but for the everyday fika (as in, it’s afternoon and you’re hungry) you can eat a fruit or sandwich alone and call it fika (or mellanmål). You don’t have to eat either, as long as you drink something with others. Taking a fika in a café is a common way to socialize.
Swedish is an Indo-European language belonging to the North Germanic/Scandinavian branch. It’s the national language of Sweden and spoken by 9,4 million people there, but 13 million people in total, many of them in Finland. Since Finland was part of Sweden for a long time, there is a big community of Swedish-speaking Finns, making it an official language taught in Finnish schools.
Motivation: I just think it sounds nice and is a nice concept
Note: The translation is entirely mine, as I am Swedish and the submitter is not (it was explicitly written in the submission)
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idisaestheticblog · 3 months
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gaygryffindorgal · 5 months
Weekend with the Grays 2023; The Winter Solstice
Day 01: Back at Winbourne an event by @endlessly-cursed characters: malcolm and estelle stolberg-burke, primrose gray, elian and theo goldcrest (briefly mentioned), märta the owl
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December 4th, 1900
The house was awash with anticipation when the morning of the 4th dawned. Christmastime had historically been one of Malcolm’s favourite holidays. His fondest childhood memories were of those Christmases spent in the north of Sweden, at his father’s family’s retreat. Now he was looking at quite a different view, with the sprawling gardens of Winbourne opening up for admiration from the window.
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December 4th, 1900
The house was awash with anticipation when the morning of the 4th dawned. Christmastime had historically been one of Malcolm’s favourite holidays. His fondest childhood memories were of those Christmases spent in the north of Sweden, at his father’s family’s retreat. Now he was looking at quite a different view, with the sprawling gardens of Winbourne opening up for admiration from the window. The weather was cool but not freezing and the sun shone faintly, creating a rather picturesque morning. Malcolm dipped his quill back into the ink gently and added a few words at the end of the letter to his sister.
Estelle was in Sweden and while Malcolm missed her, he knew how highly she prized spending the holiday season in the north. It would altogether be different this year, with Henry and Elian in Scotland and the solstice falling on the 9th. Malcolm knew well the potency of old magic such as solstices, so he wasn’t as quick to dismiss the beliefs laid upon it by the people of Winbourne as some. He suspected the solstice had something to do with Theo and Elian’s conspicuous absence, too.
Malcolm wasn’t fond of big celebrations, though he had grown accustomed to them in the years since his parents’ passing. Estelle had always been the star, the born leader who enjoyed attention and fit into any situation. There had ben a time when Malcolm had sorely wished she would have been the heir, and he could have just faded into the background like a glorified house plant. The thought made him chuckle.
He was pulled from his thoughts by a gentle knock on the doorframe. Primrose stood there, regarding him with a smile. She looked perfectly serene, but Malcolm knew she was nervous about the oncoming celebrations.
“Is that to Estelle?” she inquired.
Malcolm nodded and put away the quill.
“Use my owl, she is sturdier than Märta,” said Primrose.
Malcolm smiled. “Don’t let Märta hear you say that.”
Märta was an older owl, gifted to him by Estelle, and she had an ego larger than life. In fact, Estelle had named her after their late grandmother who had shown similar characteristics in life.
“Never,” Primrose assured him. “Will you join me for tea?”
“Actually, I could do with a coffee,” said Malcolm and sealed his letter. He would drop it off at the owlery on the way. Sometimes he wondered what the muggles of the area made of the viscountess owning several owls but then again, it was certainly not the strangest hobby among the aristocracy.
“Coffee it is,” said Primrose and extended her hand. Malcolm stood up and walked over to her, grasping her hand in his. "It's going to be a long week."
"At least we'll get to see so many of our friends again," Malcolm offered.
"You're right, that will be lovely."
Malcolm pressed a kiss on the top of his wife's head and they headed towards the morning room for tea (and coffee).
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goeticarchaeologist · 8 months
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Quintessential vocab for all students: Fika. A concept in Swedish culture that essentially means to slow down, have a coffee, and take time to appreciate the good things around you.
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desdasiwrites · 1 year
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It's fettisdagen (Shrove Tuesday) and I'll tell you all about it before I go out and treat myself to a tasty semla.
So what is a semla? It's a sweet roll eaten in northern Europe. For a while it was just a plain bun served in a bowl of warm milk. Perhaps not that appetizing... People ate the semla and other food to prepare for Lent, a fasting period of 40 days before Easter.
Swedes love their semlor (plural of semla) and will eat about 6 million today alone! It's tradition to eat them on Shrove Tuesday, which is today, but the treat will be sold or baked at home for a few weeks and when it's over we will have eaten about 40 million semlor.
Today's traditional semla is a cardamom-flavoured bun filled with almond paste and whipped cream. But there are a lot of versions. Vanilla or chocolate filling, cinnamon bun-semla, semmelwrap etc.
Here's a few of the more creative ones:
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May I suggest a donut semla? Or would you prefer a licorice one?
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Princess semlor, based on the traditional swedish cake
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And who can forget the Nachosemla?
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Maybe you'd like a drink inspired by the semla and there are many options. Semla latte, semmel milkshake and even semmel shots. Hmm.. I think it's time for fika.
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f-rg-tmigej · 3 months
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The semla – a Swedish delicacy "The semla – a small, wheat flour bun, flavoured with cardamom and filled with almond paste and whipped cream – has become something of a carb-packed icon in Sweden.
The traditions of semla are rooted in fettisdag (Shrove Tuesday, or Fat Tuesday) when the buns were eaten at a last celebratory feast before the Christian fasting period of Lent. At first, a semla was simply a bun, eaten soaked in hot milk (known as hetvägg).
At some point Swedes grew tired of the strict observance of Lent, added cream and almond paste to the mix and started eating semla every Tuesday between Shrove Tuesday and Easter.
Today, no such reservations exist and semlor (the plural of semla) usually appear in bakery windows as near after Christmas as is deemed decent – and sometimes even before. This is followed by a collective, nationwide moan about how it gets earlier every year. Shortly thereafter people begin to eat the things like the world will end tomorrow. But, increasingly, not just any semla will do. Every year, at around the same time that the bakeries fill with semlor, the Swedish newspapers start to fill with semla taste tests. Panels of ‘experts’ dissect and inspect tables full of semlor to find the best in town." - Source
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