#Taika Waititi X Reader
scrambledslut · 1 year
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my men
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storiesforallfandoms · 8 months
captive ~ blackbeard/edward teach; our flag means death
word count: 3808
request?: no
description: in which his crew takes a hostage without his permission, so he decides to make her a reluctant part of the crew
pairing: blackbeard (edward teach) x female!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of raids, raid typical violence, can say this is pre-canon or non-canon because stede isn't mentioned, bi!blackbeard (we are not erasing mlms in this household)
masterlist (one, two, three)
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The heavy pound of boots moved across the deck. The leather clad captain looked over his crew; some wounded from the raid but most were fine. His dark clothes hid the blood that was covering him - none of it his own. He grinned in pride to himself, proud of himself and his crew for another successful raid.
He stopped suddenly, noticing a new face tied up to their mast. The unknown woman glared up at him through the hair that had fallen into her face.
"Izzy," Blackbeard beaconed. "Who is this?"
"Captive, sir," Izzy responded. "We found her hiding below deck before abandoning the ship."
"I told you no captives," Blackbeard sneered. "Captives are just extra weight. We kill anyone on the ships we raid."
Their captive winced at his words. The fear didn't go unnoticed by the ruthless pirate captain.
"Bring her to me."
She tried to fight against the two crew members who grabbed hold of her, but there was no use. They untied her from the mast but kept her hands restrained in front of her. She stood before Blackbeard, trying to keep eye contact with him as to not seem afraid, but her trembling body gave her away. She flinched as he grabbed her bound hands. When he unsheathed his knife, nearby crewmates gasped and watched intently, both nervous and intrigued by the thought of seeing their captain slaughter someone on the deck.
When he cut the restraints, everyone let out a breath. The captive nearly collapsed and sobbed with relief.
"Come with me," he said. He started to walk towards his office, but the captive didn't follow. He glanced back at her. "That wasn't a question."
She reluctantly followed the pirate captain. All eyes followed her until she passed through the doorway and Blackbeard shut it behind her. She was so tense her body almost hurt. She didn't realize her hands were balled into fists until she felt her nails biting into her palms.
Blackbeard approached a table with an assortment of alcohol bottles on it. He took two glasses and filled them both. He gestured to a desk with chairs on either said - his desk. "Sit."
She did as he said. It was another "not question", and she figured it was best to follow those instructions at that point. She sat and Blackbeard placed the glass of alcohol in front of her. She glanced at it for a moment before looking back up at him. He rolled his eyes and took a mouthful of his own drink.
"Poured it from the same bottle, so there's nothing in it," he said.
"I don't drink," she said. It was the first time she had spoken since the raid. Her voice was scratchy and her throat felt raw. "Can I have water instead?"
She was shocked when Blackbeard stood and actually fulfilled her request. When he placed the glass in front of her, she immediately chugged down the contents of it. Blackbeard sat across from her again, studying her as he nursed his drink.
She didn't meet his eye as she placed the glass on the desk and said, "Thank you."
"What's your name?"
She hesitated, but eventually she responded, "(Y/N)."
"As a pirate rule of thumb, (Y/N), you show your captain respect. That means you answer the questions I ask, and you look at me when we're speaking."
Her head snapped up quickly. "Captain? You're not - "
"I didn't kill you, but I can't let you go, either. It risks you running off and turning our last known location in to the authorities."
"Then keep me captive."
"We don't hold captives here. Either you die or you join us. But I'm making the choice for you this time; you're joining us."
(Y/N) felt like she was going to cry. It felt like a lose-lose situation for her. She didn't want to die or be held captive by the most notorious pirate captain, but she also didn't want to become a pirate. She wanted to go home to her parents, who she was sure were going to be worried sick once they heard the news of the raid, and mourn the loss of her friends who were on the ship that was invaded. She certainly did not want to live alongside the savages who killed her friends.
But it seemed there was no choice. She wasn't about to fight Blackbeard on this when he was allowing her to live. But it truly felt like a fate worse than imprisionment.
"I'll have my first mate prepare a cabin for you," he said. "And I promise you, (Y/N), my crew will leave you alone. No one will harm you."
(Y/N) nodded, too upset to speak.
The weeks went by and (Y/N) fell into a routine with her new shipmates. She was still keeping to herself, not wanting to see any of the crew unless necessary. She was still trying to pretend like this whole thing wasn't happening.
Blackbeard kept his promise, too. The day after her unwilling induction into the crew, Blackbeard had warned his crew that if he heard of anyone intentionally harming (Y/N), that he would deal with them in the most painful manner, and his warning definitely seemed to stick. No one even dared to look (Y/N)'s way most days, and after so long they started treating her like one of them.
(Y/N) wished that made her feel better, but she was miserable.
She was stood at the bow one night after everyone else had turned in. She had been doing that a lot lately: watching the calm, night water on her own, most times crying as she mourned the life she had lost. Tonight, though, there had been no tears. Just memories of her family and the friends she lost in the raid.
She was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't hear anyone approach until a voice suddenly said, "You're up awful late."
She jumped and turned to see Blackbeard stood next to her. She looked away from him, still unable to maintain eye contact with the man who was supposed to be her "captain".
"I could say the same to you," she muttered.
"I don't tend to sleep very well."
(Y/N) dared a quick glance at Blackbeard. His face didn't give anything away, but she wondered the context behind his words. He was the most feared pirate captain in the world, what caused him to be sleepless? Was he haunted by the images of the people he had killed? Or was it something that went back even further than his pirate days?
"I'd ask if it's the snoring, but you have your own quarters so you should be safe from that," he said.
(Y/N) was shocked to feel a smile pulling at the corner of her lips. "Actually, Fang snores so loudly that I can hear it in my quarters."
She was more shocked to hear Blackbeard genuinely laugh at her comment. "Yeah, I feel like I can sometimes, too."
He was hesitant for a moment, but he decided to settle next to her, leaning against the small space of wall left next to her. His shoulder brushed against hers, but for once, she didn't feel the urge to cringe away from a touch.
"I like to watch the water when I can't sleep, too," he said. "It's very peaceful and calming."
"I think about jumping in and swimming away sometimes," (Y/N) blurted before she could stop herself.
Blackbeard looked over at her, but she refused to look back at him. "Where would you go?"
She shrugged. "To the nearest land, and then try and find a way back to my parents."
"I hope you're a strong swimmer, then, because there isn't any land for miles."
(Y/N) laughed, humorlessly. "Actually, I'm quite shit at swimming. I'd probably drown. But it's a fantasy I often have when I'm here at night."
A silence fell over them. Blackbeard was still looking at her. If she had dared to meet his gaze, she would've seen a look of pity on his face. Blackbeard was more than aware of what (Y/N) had lost when they raided her ship and his crew stupidly took her as a captive instead of killing her or leaving her on the ship they had invaded. Despite what most people thought, he wasn't heartless. Not completely, anyways. He had a soft spot that very few people were able to get to, and (Y/N) had somehow managed to get to do it with just one terrified look.
"Tell me about your parents," he said.
She finally looked at him, curious. "What do you want to know?"
She thought for a moment, wondering if this was some sort of test or something. But the look on his face was sincere, a look that she hadn't seen from him since being taken aboard the ship.
"My father is a painter," she started. "He met my mother at a gallery where his art was hung. She was betrothed to someone else at the time, but she always said she saw my father for the first time and immediately fell in love with him. She said she begged her father - my grandfather - for days and days to break off the engagement to the other man so she could marry my father instead."
"And did he?"
(Y/N) smiled as she nodded. "Eventually, yeah. It took a lot of convincing. The man my mother was supposed to marry was from a wealthy family, so my grandfather wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of her wanting to marry a painter instead. Apparently, my father ended up making some sort of beautiful painting that persuaded both of my grandparents."
Blackbeard raised an eyebrow at her. "Apparently?"
"Well, I've never seen it. Mum claims that my grandparents had it, but they passed before I was born and most of their possessions were sold."
"So you don't believe the painting exists?"
"I believe my father painted something beautiful, but he probably sold it for a lot of money to bribe my grandfather into letting him marry mum instead."
"Smart man, then."
The two of them laughed. The atmosphere around them began to feel less tense, which was probably the biggest shock to (Y/N). She didn't expect to see a softer side to the man who was known for breaking just about every law in existence, and maybe even some that hadn't even been invented yet. Although, she hadn't expected him to take mercy on her when his crew kidnapped her either.
"Are you their only child?" Blackbeard asked.
"No, I have five siblings actually. Two sisters, three brothers. Six of us in total."
He winced. "God, your poor mum."
(Y/N) laughed again. "Yeah, it's definitely not something I strive for in life. By my age she already had two kids, but I can't imagine even having one."
There was a pause, like Blackbeard was thinking, before he asked, "Did you have a husband? Or a betrothed?"
(Y/N) also paused, considering the question for a moment. "No. My parents didn't believe in the arranged marriages. They wanted us to marry for love, and I haven't quite found that love yet."
Blackbeard nodded and they fell back into a silence again. (Y/N) found herself leaning closer against him, the light brush of their shoulders becoming more than that. He leaned into her as well until she was all but pressed against his side.
"Thank you for sparing me," (Y/N) said, breaking the silence. "This may not have been my ideal outcome from being captured, but it certainly beats the alternative."
Blackbeard smiled. "You're welcome. I'm glad I spared you."
She wasn't sure how long they ended up standing there, leaning against one another and watching the water, but eventually (Y/N) felt her eyes growing heavy. Her head lulled to the side, resting against Blackbeard's shoulder. She felt him tense beside her for a moment, which was enough to jolt her back to reality.
"I guess I should get to bed," she said. She started to walk towards the cabins, but stopped to turn back to Blackbeard. "Goodnight, captain."
Her brows furrowed. "What?"
"My name, it's actually Ed. If you want to call me that, I mean. I wouldn't mind."
She smiled. "Ed. Goodnight, Ed."
"Goodnight (Y/N)."
In the days that followed, (Y/N) found herself more drawn to Ed, and it seemed he felt the same way. He would often call on her to spend time together, leave her notes in her quarters to meet him once everyone else had gone to bed so they could spend some time alone, he even once allowed her to be present during a meeting with Izzy where they were trying to figure out the next destination of the ship. Izzy was very clearly not happy with the new addition, and that quickly became the last time (Y/N) was ever involved with those types of meetings.
She started to open up more to her other crewmates, but not as much as she did with Ed. It was a great shock to her, but she found herself developing a kinship with him.
Maybe even more than that. Maybe she was developing feelings for him that she was too scared to admit to.
But all those feelings came out one day when an otherwise beautiful, calm day at sea was interrupted by the harsh jolt of something hitting the water beside them, causing the waves to nearly capsize the ship.
"What the fuck was that?" Fang said, rushing to the side to look over. The other crewmates followed just in time to see a large black object fall into the water mere inches away from the ship, causing another wave to throw all of them to the floor.
"We're being attacked!" Izzy called from the crow's nest. "Everyone, get in position!"
(Y/N) was left confused and scared as she watched the other crewmates scramble around the ship. She had never been told what to do in the event of an attack. Surprisingly, they hadn't been the ones to be attacked since she joined the crew. They had done plenty of attacking, but Ed was insistent upon her not being involved in any of that. Not that she minded, the last thing she wanted to do was to fight other blood thirsty pirates.
But it seemed now she had no choice. She couldn't run to her quarters and hideaway from the attack. That's how she was captured but Ed's men in the first place, and she wasn't about to become a captive on another ship. Her only defense was to try and figure out how to fight.
Another cannonball hurtled through the sky, this time flying over the ship and landing in the water on the other side, throwing the shipmates off their balance yet again. (Y/N) fell onto the deck, the impact knocking the wind out of her. Her head was spinning as she looked up to see someone climbing over the side of the boat and onto the deck. She let out a shriek as she realized it was not a member of their crew, but rather their attackers were coming on board.
Before the attacker could get far, Izzy appeared almost out of nowhere and dug his sword into the attacker's chest. His eyes glazed over and his body went limp within seconds. Izzy shoved the lifeless body back over the side of the ship before turning to (Y/N). She couldn't tell if he was annoyed by her lack of fighting skills, or with the fact that the ship was being attacked in general.
"Get out of here," he said. "Hide below deck where the gunpowder and weapons are. They'll want Ed, so they won't go anywhere near there."
She nodded, still a bit shocked by everything going on and by Izzy's brief moment of kindness. He turned his back on her to keep fighting the other attackers that were starting to board the ship. While he and the other crewmates kept them busy, (Y/N) quickly slipped below deck and went exactly where Izzy told her to go. Their weapons hold was full of barrels and other large boxes holding the weapons they had taken from previous raids. (Y/N) wedged herself between a few barrels, hoping she was out of sight enough if anyone did happen to come down.
All she could hear above was the sounds of feet pounding against the desk, and louder sounds of bodies hitting the floor. She flinched with every loud thud over her head, wondering if it was an attacker or one of her crewmates that had gone down. She wondered where Ed was, if he had gotten wind of the attack before any of the attackers found him. She knew anyone who dared to go after the feared pirate captain Blackbeard would be no match for him, but there was still this fear in the pit of her stomach whenever she thought about the possibility of Ed being ambushed and harmed.
She froze as she heard footsteps descending the stairs leading into the weapons area. She waited, hoping that whoever it was would just move along, but she didn't hear any movement that would tell her what they were doing. She held her breath, but her heart was pounding so hard that she was sure that whoever it was could hear her.
Footsteps began to move through the room. She shrank further behind the barrels she was using as a hiding spot. She was shaking so violently that her vision was starting to blur. What was she going to do if the person who came down found her? She hadn't brought a weapon, she had no idea how to fight, and there was no way she was getting past the person and back up onto the deck before they could grab her. She was truly and royally fucked.
She couldn't contain a gasp as one of the barrels moved and an unfamiliar man sneered down at her.
"I thought I saw someone run down here," he said. "What's wrong, pretty girl? You don't know how to fight the big bad pirates?"
Suddenly, she had flashbacks of when Izzy had found her first and taken her captive. She thought he was scary at the time, but Izzy was nothing compared to this pirate. She was sure that if he took her, that would be the end of her. She would never see Ed again, and he would never know which of the attackers had taken her last breath.
Fear was starting to overflow within her, so much so that tears were starting to form in her eyes. This just made the man laugh.
"Ain't that cute? Tears aren't going to save you, pretty girl."
(Y/N) shut her eyes tightly as the man began to reach for his weapon. She didn't hear another set of footsteps coming down the stairs, nor did she see someone coming up behind the new attacker. But she heard the sound of a blade piercing flesh, followed by the sound of the man making noises she wished she didn't know existed. She opened one eye in time to watch the man topple over, lifeless, and to see Ed stood behind him.
"Ed," she breathed, a sob escaping her lips as she did.
He sheathed his blade and quickly took (Y/N) into his arms. He held her tightly as she began to sob.
"I'm sorry," he mumbled into her hair. "I'm so fucking sorry. I didn't know you were down here until I finally managed to find Izzy. I would've had you hidden in a safe place if I knew you were here."
"Izzy told me it was safe down here," (Y/N) said, her words muffled in Ed's leather. "He said they would be after you and no one would come down here."
"They normally don't, but this fucker saw you come down here and decided to come after you. Fuck, I should've come looking for you the minute they started attacking us."
"You had a ship to protect."
"I don't give a fuck about the ship. I only give a fuck about you."
She pulled away from his embrace to look up at him. For the first time, (Y/N) saw fear in Ed's eyes. He knew she was safe, he was holding her, seeing her, after saving her from being killed herself, but still she could see how scared he had been that he might've lost her. That if he had been just a few seconds later, he would've come down to find her dead body instead.
Ed wasn't afraid of an attack or of losing his ship. He was afraid of losing her.
Before she could stop herself, she took hold of his face and pulled him in for a kiss. He didn't stop her. In fact, he reached one hand up to gently cup her face. She held on to his leather like it was her lifeline, and he held on to her like she was his.
"I've wanted to do that for so long," he said once they pulled apart from each other.
"You didn't do it, though. I did," she teased.
"Yeah, but I still kissed you back, so it counts."
"But you didn't initiate the kiss."
"I still kissed you, so it counts."
(Y/N) giggled and leaned forward to kiss him again. Ed wrapped one arm around her lower back and pulled her closer to him. The kiss became passionate quickly, with Ed's hand starting to move lower on (Y/N)'s body.
If it weren't for the sound of someone clearing their throat, it probably would've gone further than that too.
Ed and (Y/N) broke apart and turned to see Izzy stood at the bottom of the stairs. He was looking between the two of them, an amused look on his face.
"Your wounded need you captain," he said.
"Oh, yes, right," Ed said. "I'll be right up. Can you, uh, can you send someone down to deal with this man? He's already dead, but I want to make sure his body burns the same way he will be in Hell."
"Right away, sir."
(Y/N) was sure she saw a smirk on Izzy's face as he climbed up the stairs again.
"Come, someone needs to have a look at you," Ed told her.
She shook her head. "I'm fine. No one hurt me."
"I just want to be sure. Then, you're staying in my quarters tonight. I can't have you out of my sights after this."
She smiled and nodded. "Yes, captain."
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vlion · 2 years
OFMD Fanfic Coming Soon!
Hi all,
I'm currently on page 16 (ʘ_ʘ) of a poly! Gentlebeard x Fem! Reader fanfic that should (hopefully) be coming in the next few days. It could be as early as tomorrow, but I have a feeling Stranger Things may wreck me for a day or two (if Eddie dies we riot). Requests are going to be closed for a bit longer as I have many to still get to (thank you for your patience! I see you all and I'm cranking them out!), but if anyone would like to be tagged in the upcoming ofmd fanfic feel free to comment on this post (it's basically spicy smut with plot, do NOT comment if you are under 18 or considered a minor in your area).
Thank you all for bearing with me, I hope to have this thing posted ASAP! ~V
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biggetywitch · 2 years
Can someone write a taika waititi x Rita Ora or Tessa Thompson x me fic thanks
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science-really · 1 month
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raz-writes-the-thing · 7 months
On Your Knees, Love (OFMD One-Shot)
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Ed Teach/Blackbeard x GN!Reader 18+ ONLY / requests are open and encouraged
Summary: You find out Ed has a thing for having his hair played with.
CW: nsfw, sub!Ed, dom!Reader, shin grinding (lmao- what a tag)
OFMD Tag List: (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
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If someone had told you that in x amount of months, Edward Teach, the Blackbeard, would be whimpering at your feet and begging you to let him cum, you would have shot them in the face probably for being so ridiculous. 
And yet, on his hands and knees, rutting against your leg like a mutt in heat, was your Ed. You had to take a moment, actually, to really let the sight before you sink in properly. Edward Teach, humping at you and making those delicious sounds just for you. All for you. 
Ed was usually very submissive anyway, but you’d made the mistake this morning of playing with his hair in bed before the chores of the day forced the both of you to get up. Your fingers had snagged on a knot and before you could apologise, Ed had let out this noise- this little choked-off whimper that he’d tried to hide from you and that just wouldn’t do. No secrets, thank you. 
“Ed,” you’d said carefully, working the knot out slowly so as not to pull. The man hummed in response, not daring to look at you. “Is there something you want to tell me, love?”
Ed had shook his head and replied with a confident- “nah, don’t think so.” 
So you’d worked the rest of the knot out before promptly wrapping your fingers around a soft lock and yanking- hard. Ed had let out a yelp, hand flying to meet yours stuck in his hair, though that yelp had trailed off into a deeply incriminating groan, and from over his shoulder you could see his dick twitch in his briefs. 
The rest was history, really. 
It had taken no time at all to get off the bed and order him to his knees in front of you. Pretty thing that he was didn’t fight you all that hard about it (or at all), and you enjoyed the sight of the flashes of skin peeking through his gown before you softly patted at his head and asked him to confess this little secret one more time. 
“Okay, okay,” he rolled his eyes. “I like having my hair played with, alright? Now, are you gonna fuck me or what?” 
You’d hummed and lightly pulled at another lock, and when his eyes fluttered shut, you decided that was it. You had to see what else you could make him do with just a few yanks on those greying locks. 
“Not quite.” 
And so, that’s how you arrived to where you were now- with Blackbeard’s arms wrapped around the back of your legs, and his hard cock rubbing against your shin through his soft underwear. You had both your hands in his hair now, taking turns between yanking and massaging his scalp. 
Ed had drooled a wet patch into your own underwear, face pressed into your thigh. God, he was pretty like this. 
“P-please,” he whined, peering up at you with those doe eyes of his. “Needa cum, please let me cum.” 
You hummed thoughtfully, petting at his hair. 
“Have you been a good boy, huh?” 
Ed nodded desperately, brows scrunching as he fought not to cum in his pants. 
“Yeah, alright,” you answered, smiling down at him. “Cum for me, love.” 
Ed panted out a thank you and worked his hips in earnest, mumbling and whining to himself as he got closer and closer to the edge. All it took was one more hard yank and he was spurting cum over himself in his pants, ropes and dribbles of it creating wet patches in the fabric as he ground out his high off you. 
You shushed him comfortingly, massaging his abused scalp and leaning down to press a kiss on his forehead. 
“There you go. That’s better, isn’t it?” 
Ed nodded, letting himself lean back and stretch his muscles. He propped himself up with his arms behind his back and gave you a very blissed-out smile. 
“Yeah, I think we’re gonna have to do that again, my love,” he grinned. “But later,” he added hastily. 
“Mhm,” you hummed back, sitting down on the edge of the bed and rubbing at his thigh with your socked foot. “Sure thing, my dear. Whatever you want.” 
“Don’t promise that,” he giggled. “Never know what I might ask for.” 
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Pairing: Izzy Hands x gn!reader
Synopsis: Upon saving your life, Izzy Hands also unknowingly stole your heart. Will you ever be brave enough to admit your feelings or will the spark that burns between you eventually fizzle out, if not stoked into flames of passion?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 5 Poll
Anti-Hero Bonus Chapter
Announcement for Chapter 6
Chapter 6 (Maroon Edition)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Announcement for TTPD Edition
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scrambledslut · 9 months
when my phone storage is full and i start deleting memories instead of pictures of my favorite old men
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torossosebs · 2 years
even this time taika waititi did an amazing job, thor love and thunder is so good!!! one of the best mcu movies for sure.
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686 notes · View notes
slashwhores · 2 years
Brain: hey! I have a new crush tm for you!
Oh! okay thank you but ya know what I think this is enough, I don't want any more Crushes tm after this :)
Brain: oh uhhh...okay! I get it but really quick
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Brain :Ì̶̮̦̿͐͑t̸̯̽͌ ̸̪̦͂̓͜͝f̶̨̳̣͗ǐ̷̺ḻ̵̡͈̚͜ḻ̶̡̞̣̈̋̒s̷͈̹͂̓̕ ̶̜̤͎̳͝t̵̢̛̝̮́̕h̴͙̲̞͖̑̇ę̵̍͒̓̔ ̴̺̪͓̰̅ṽ̷̮̦̽͠ȍ̵͚̈́i̸̦̯͆̚̚͝d̸̼͔̠̆͜ ̷̗̅̆̅C̵̢͖̼̉̔͝͠y̴̡̦̆n̷̨͗t̴͇̙̺̹͋͗̚͝h̶̝̬̦͛͌í̵̧̤̽͘ǻ̸̢̼ ̵̢̻̩͋͜͝
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I would give anything for a NSFW Alphabet with Viago. ❤️
Hope you like it!
Aftercare - Viago would be very sweet, making sure you were okay and giving you lots of kisses. If you were human he’d get you a drink of water and maybe a snack. If you’re a vampire sometimes you’d share a feed afterwards.
Body part - Viagos favorite part or your body is your hands. He loves to kiss your knuckles and hold your hands during sex. He loves your hands on his body, anywhere really, he just loves your hands.
Cum - I think he might be a little shy at first but loves to see you covered in his cum, your face, your back, your belly. He just loves to know that you are his.
Dirty secret - If you’re human I think he secretly really likes the idea of feeding on you during sex, but being a clumsy feeder as he his, he doesn’t want to hurt you or scare you.
Experience - Viago is a vampire, he might seem a little shy but he definitely knows what he’s doing. He’s had a lot of time to practice after all.
Favourite position - Any position as long as he can see your face. He loves to kiss you and watch your face as you cum for him.
Goofy or serious - I think he’d be serious enough but definitely isn’t afraid to giggle with you during.
Hair - He’s definitely well groomed and it just makes you love his messy sex hair all the more, especially when you get to run your fingers through it when you cuddle after.
Intimacy - Very romantic! Likes to make everything perfect for you. Will light candles and play some nice music to set the mood and gives you lots of compliments.
Jack off - Before the two of you were together Viago would definitely jerk off imagining you were there with him, imagining it was your hand instead. You definitely heard him a couple times too.
Kink - I feel like he’d be into wax play and blood play speaks for itself. Loves to praise you, is a soft Dom, cumplay. Wasn’t sure at first as he didn’t want to hurt you but you convinced him to spank you and he was surprised how much he enjoyed it too, absolutely loves the noises you make.
Location - He likes to do it in his room so he can make it all nice for you and set the atmosphere.
Motivation (what turns him on) - This man is a slut and is so in love with you, I really don’t think it’d take much for you to get him all riled up.
No (turnoffs) - Bad manners, he’s very much a gentleman.
Oral - Loves both giving and receiving. He is very good with his tongue. He will take his time kissing your inner thighs and getting you all riled up before giving you what to do desperately need. When receiving he likes to pet your hair and tell you how good you feel, he’s loud and the whole house will likely know when he’s getting some. Loves to cum on your face.
Pace - Usually likes to make it slow and sensual, take his time with you. However on occasion he has slipped control and railed you into next week and you loved every second of it.
Quickie - He doesn’t usually like quickes as he likes to make everything perfect for you as you deserve. However there have been times when you’ve gotten him desperate enough and he’s pulled you into the nearest empty room to have his way with you.
Risk (will he take risks) - He is more than happy to experiment but if you are human he will not risk hurting you.
Stamina - Being a vampire, he has plenty of stamina and is happy to go as many rounds as you want.
Toys - You were surprised that in all his years he hadn’t tried any toys so you were very excited to buy some to experiment with. He takes a particular liking to anything that vibrates and loves the way it makes you squeal.
Unfair (does he like to tease) - Loves to tease you but does it ever so sweetly. Loves to make you beg but doesn’t take long to give in, he loves you too much to keep you waiting too long and loves to make you feel good.
Volume - He tries not to be too loud but rarely succeeds, often the whole house can hear.
Wild card (random headcannon) - Idk why but Viago has nipple piercings I’ve decided.
X-day (what he looks like under his clothes) - perfect skin, toned, little bit of body hair, surprisingly big dick.
Yearning (how is his sex drive) - Before he met you his sex drive was never that strong but since he met you you’re all he can think about and he can’t get enough.
Zzz (how quick do they go to sleep afterwards) - If you’re a vampire you probably won’t sleep afterwards but if you are human he will lie with you whilst you sleep, hold you close and whisper sweet nothings.
I wrote this whilst I am away so I hope it’s not too bad 🥰
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bowieandqueen11 · 2 years
Viago Dating A Plus Size!Reader Would Include...
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Request: OK so this is my first time requesting something and I'm rlly nervous but can u do viago x chubby reader and/or izzy hands x chubby reader bc I've noticed there's not much stories of that but if u don't want 2 that's fine I don't wanna burden with my sh*t. Luv -me
Hello my lovely @bloody-bunni666​ please don’t feel nervous at all, these are such sweet ideas! <3
Warning: mentions of blood, lots of kisses, and mentions of glove slapping, flying, and general vampire hissing!
Please comment if you liked this! <3
(I do not own What We Do In The Shadows or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @eaion.)
Short, tall, skinny, curvy: Viago is going to adore you for you no matter what you look like! So having a plus sized S/O is absolutely fantastic, wonderful, show stopping, spectacular; this man spends all night every night showing you how much his undead heart yearns and bleeds solely for you.
I mean, my man’s a literal vampire with super strength, so definitely be ready for him to tug you down to sit on his lap no matter what either of you might be doing. During flat meetings, he’ll sit down on his chair and then hold out his hand for you to take, all gentleman-like until his fingers have curled one by one around the back of your hand. Then he orderly nestles you down to sit on his lap, the tailcoats of his jacket tickling your legs and his chin bumping into your head. He drives Deacon mad with the way he keeps giggling while he presses kisses against your neck and pretends to bite you whenever he’s trying to talk, but Viago will just straight up hiss at him if he dares to remark on it.
Of course Viago isn’t going to make you sleep in his coffin with him as you’re still human, so he sets up a bed right next to him! You don’t even ask where he gets it from, choosing instead to run away from the grunts and yells of Vladislav as he shoves it through the front door, dripping with puddle water and trails of dirt from what you can only guess is the neighbour’s flowerbeds, before he slides it into Viago’s bedroom. He asks Deacon’s familiar to buy loads of decorative pillows: those really cheesy like ‘live laugh love’ or ‘I heart you’ ones that he bends over in a fit of giggles whenever he sees, it’s so sweet. He also makes a relenting Vladislav bid for throws and blankets for you online, so that you’ll be all comfortable and cosy in what he knows is a pretty bleak and cold house. 
Every morning, you’ll settle down to try to get some sleep, only to spot Viago’s curls floating in the edge of your vision. Turns out he’s peeking out with those planet-wide, anime shining eyes of his from the corner of his coffin. He’s wearing a bashful smile as he spots you noticing him, lifting up a small flap he sawed jaggedly into the side of his coffin as he reaches his arm through to hold your hand over the gap.
You’ve definitely caught him cuddling those same pillows whenever you have to leave the house for a couple of weeks at a time, sniffing them and holding them up to his chest as if he was squeezing the daylights out of them; at the same time, he holds them so gingerly and rocks them like a new born baby. Sometimes, you come back to find he’s even tried his best to hang your jackets back up in the same position, but you always get him to finally confess that he wore them out clubbing once or twice. Mainly to show off to everyone the cool lace design you have on them, and he says with that sweet little shoulder tilt he does that it feels like he’s always getting a warm hug from you while he wears them.
Not going to lie, he finds it adorable if you try to stand up for him when the group goes out and around town. Although his natural instinct to protect you kicks in, and he does pull you behind his back and stands between you and the danger of the werewolf pack when you accidentally bump into them, if you come round behind him and tell them off for being so rude to your boyfriend he’ll just freeze. He’s completely shocked for a moment, stock still like a bean pole, before a proud, shy, demure smile breaks out - the kind that would leave him a blushing, hand waving his face to cool down mess if he were still alive. If anyone dares to be rude to you in return though, he’ll take off his gloves and slap them in the face for their troubles, without a moment’s hesitation hindering him or any doubt on his face.
As you walk back to the bus, he has one of your hands pressed up into a fist against his heart, and his other hand wrapped tightly around his waist as he matches your step. Even though you know he’s still aghast at the lack of manners the wolf pack has, he still wants to do his best to reassure you everything is alright. He smiles down at you and then leans over to press a chaste kiss against your forehead, all the love stored up in his heart over the last four hundred years pouring out of his eyes, just for you. The adoration shines through, like sparkles of rain kissing dew off a flower - so pure, and real, and sentimental.
He tries to cook dinner for you from time to time... well, when he’s not too busy bumbling about the walls hissing and mumbling angrily to himself about all the bloody dishes that are in his way in the sink. He tries, even if he does set the kitchen curtains alight. This, in turn, brings down Deacon and Vladislav, who proceed to spend the next twenty minutes flying around the house hissing at the fire alarms that Stu installed the month before that they can’t find lmao. He’ll sit beside you in the living room, having lit a wonky looking candle to try and be all romantic, before feeding it to you with his fork. After a charred bite or two, he finally gives in when he sees you wincing as you chew and allows Nick to order in take out.
He’s 100% the type of guy to sneak attack kisses on you!!! He thinks you’re so beautiful 24/7 and drop dead stunning oh my, he can’t help but run up behind you while you’re trying to get ready in the mornings. Although his reflection doesn’t show up in the bathroom mirror, the nearing sound of giggle fits and his shoes squeaking over the balcony landing always give him away. He comes bumping up behind you, wrapping his arms around your stomach and protectively splaying his slender fingers tenderly and protectively around where your bellybutton lies. Then he launches a thousand peppering kisses over the back of your head, the nape of your neck, your cheeks, your nose, your lips, and down until his fangs draw over your pulse point. When you start to laugh too, then, and only then, is he happy.
Speaking of, if you manage to get your hands out of his vice like grip and run them through the usually so kempt curls of his hair, he’ll growl into your skin and blow a raspberry in retaliation.
You keep getting really long, perfect grammar texts from him while you’re out. They’re always like: ‘I crave you more than the drops of life’, ‘I miss you more than the tides of time miss the caress of the moon’s silvery shine’ and ‘could you please pick me up another pair of breeches, I got blood all over my new pair.’
He also loves taking the opportunity to be the small spoon from time to time!!! Like when the two of you are in his pottery studio, he finds it really lovey-dovey and relaxing to be able to take a turn to be held from behind. He’s terribly flustered to admit it, but it makes him super hot under the collar to feel your arms tighten around his waistcoat. The way your fingers dance over his and help him shape an actual pot for once, your warm breath against the shell of his ear making him hitch the breath he didn’t even need to take. It usually ends up with the two of you doing a walk of shame past a snarling Deacon later, with clay streaked all over your faces because Viago can’t help but turn his face around, cup your cheeks, and kiss you so silly all the air is drawn out of your lungs.
He just loves you so much I just -*sob*
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His Favorite Employees | Keys x Reader (x Antwan)
Prompt: Enemies to Lovers
Words: 1540
Fandom: Free Guy
A/N: I don’t know how to explain myself, but Antwan and Keys were my favorite in the movie. Antwan’s still an asshole, but dialed down a bit. He’s got a type, and it’s snarky computer nerds. Reader’s nickname is Screens because I thought it’d be cute to have them be Mouse(r), Keys, and Screens.
Summary: Reader worked with Millie and Keys on Life Itself until it got buried by Soonami. You and Keys can’t afford to join Millie in the lawsuit and begrudgingly start to work under Soonami, keeping your heads down as much as possible. It was all pointless when your boss kept bothering you two anyways.
“Screens! Why don’t you convince Loreal to join programming with you, huh?” Your boss asked, leaning against your desk.
Your eyes left your triple monitor setup, that you insisted on having for work, for a second to look up at him before going back to your coding. “Why don’t you convince him yourself once he’s back from lunch if you’re so adamant about it?” you countered. 
You stopped caring about how you spoke to him about half a year after you started working at Soonami. If anything, he enjoyed it. Even Keys unleashed his snarkiness, lasting at least a year under Antwan’s attention-seeking moments. He had no business roaming around the Customer's Complaints section when he didn’t care about it in the first place. He just wants the game to keep running and the cash to keep flowing.
“Well, he’s your boyfriend, isn’t he?”
“Why does that matter? Checking if one of us is single? Highly inappropriate, boss,” you said flatly. “How ‘bout you move our new project forward and I’ll think about talking to Keys about that promo?”
Your chair swung to the side, forcing you to fully face Antwan. There was a strange look on his face as he stared down at you. The floor was awfully quiet as they all held their breath. Antwan was known to fire people on a whim, but it brought them to wonder why he had not fired you or Keys yet. He, at least, had reasons to fire you both, but he also had reasons to keep you both. While you and Keys could turn on him and dig any kind of dirt up, both of you were also incredibly good at your jobs. It would be extremely difficult to replace even one of you.
His eyes narrowed as you stared back, silently daring him to make his move. He leaned forward, his long arms practically boxing you in in your chair as the corner of his lips turned up. Despite him constantly bothering you every workday, he never got into your space like this. You didn’t completely despise him, not like Millie, which you don’t fault her for, and you found your banters with him almost amusing on a good day. 
You hated to admit that he possessed an unfairly amount of charisma and confidence that strung investors along and hooked in gamers so they could come back for more. He knew how to play the social game. Complete idiocy can’t build a big company like Soonami Studio. 
It’s all over social media, people love Free City and fans are addicted to his interviews. People want more games and they like his personality, his humor, and you weren’t blind to the comments that mention his good looks. Another unfair trait of his that you hate to admit.
His fingers clenched on the back of your chair before spinning you. Your stomach lurched at the sudden movement, planting your feet down to stop the motion further. When the nausea subsided, you looked around and saw that Antwan had already left.
“What a prick,” you muttered. Hotness does not cancel out assholery.
“You’ve got balls of steel, Screens,” the programmer next to you mused.
You sighed tiredly. “Thanks, I guess. Gonna take a break. If Dickwad comes back, tell him I ran away.”
It’s been an hour since the office started closing up, workers leaving in small groups and cramming themselves in the elevator. You shut down your computer and packed your things before making your way over to Mouser and Keys. They were usually one of the few last ones to leave the office with Keys being the worst out of them all.
“Ready to go?” you asked Keys, hanging off his chair and resting your chin on top of his well cushioned head.
Keys grunted distractedly, finishing up his report of the recent glitch he just fixed. “Five more minutes,” he mumbled.
“How’s it going, Screens?” Mouser said, his head popping out from behind his computer monitor. “Heard what happened with you and Antwan today. Balls of steel for days, they said.”
“It wasn’t that extreme. Do you get the feeling that he’s getting worse, though?” you asked, sitting on the corner of Key’s desk.
“How so? You’d have to be more specific,” Keys said, finally pulling away from his computer and resting a hand on your thigh.
You shrugged. “Just being more of a hovering nuisance than usual. Did he bother you about the promotion yet?”
Keys nodded. “Yeah. Said I was too good to be stuck in customer complaints. Not sure why he wants me to. Technically, with both of us as programmers, we’d have an advantage to find evidence against him.”
“Why is he nicer to you?” you muttered. Keys smiled, squeezing your thigh in sympathy.
“Maybe it’s the hair?” Mouser pointed out.
You nodded sagely then turned to him. “Wanna get take-out with us?”
His face brightened. He jumped out of his chair and quickly stuffed his things in his bag. “God, I’m so hungry. Thought you’d never ask.”
You ran your fingers through Keys' hair, his shoulders relaxing immediately as he closed his eyes. “Come on, Keke. You can continue tomorrow,” you said softly.
The three of you made your way to the elevator, the mental exhaustion of the day settling in with each floor that passed. Mouser and Keys talked amongst themselves about all the bugs they’ve found in Free City and the hackers they managed to hunt down and ban. You sighed, leaning your head on Keys’ shoulder. You felt him shift to fix his glasses before tilting his head to yours and entwining your fingers together.
“Thanks for reminding me how lonely I am, guys,” Mouser said.
“You’re welcome,” you and Keys answered.
Halfway through the lobby, the dreaded voice of Antwan Hovachelik echoed across the space, calling out for you and Keys. Mouser winced, patting Keys on the shoulder as he left to wait outside.
“What does he want this time?” Keys muttered.
Antwan strutted over, his ridiculous two-toned long coat in the middle of summer swishing against his long legs. Keys sighed in exasperation, crossing his arms as your boss stood in front of you two. He licked his lips as he readied a sassy comment and you did not miss Antwan’s eyes dropping to watch.
“If you give me on one more ridiculous -”
“Okay,” Antwan interrupted.
“Okay what?” you asked.
“Your new project,” he said, “Give me a thorough report on your game idea and I’ll let you test it out.”
“Right, so you can drop it again,” Keys said, “Stop messing with us. We’re not a part of Millie’s lawsuit, you don’t have to keep torturing us to quit or whatever it is you’re doing.”
Antwan frowned, stepping back with a twisted expression as if what he said was absurd. “I don’t want either of you to quit. It’ll be too boring if you do. They say not to choose favorites, but I guess I’ve done that here by even keeping you on. I’m letting you do your little project because the plebs want some variety in our games. Which means, more opportunity for money. Add in a gacha element if you have to. You deliver, I’ll give both of you a raise and whatever it is to your heart's content.”
“Even the source code to Life Itself?” you asked.
He smirked, leaning into your space for the second time today. “Even that. And if you screw this up, no more Life Itself, no more project opportunities, no more free instant ramen and endless supply of premium coffee in the break room, and no more jobs. Got it?”
“Got it,” Keys said, nudging you to answer.
“Yeah, I got it.”
Antwan nodded, deeming this conversation over. He spun around and headed out, slamming the glass doors open with both hands. “Antwan out!”
You rolled your eyes. As his figure disappeared, you pulled your phone out and stopped the voice recording. “I got everything.”
“Still not enough to prove that he’s using it in Free City.”
“No, but we’re getting there. At least we know that he still has it,” you pointed out as you and Keys made your way out of the lobby.
“True. Or he could be lying… because it’s Antwan.”
You gasped dramatically. “I thought we were his favorite employees!”
Keys rolled his eyes fondly, placing a hand on the small of your back as he held the door open for you. “Did I hear that right or did he also just admit that he had been the one stocking the break room with ramen and coffee?”
You shrugged. “Not like he’s pressed for money.”
“Yeah, but it's the fact that he even bothered to do it. Don’t you think it’s kind of a coincidence that they didn’t appear until we were complaining about how it was always instant coffee and pop tart boxes that always had one or two left inside in the break room? And he bought specific brands and flavors, too. Our favorites.”
“I think… you’re overthinking this.”
“Am I? I’m sure you’ve thought of this, too.”
“Of what?”
Keys hesitated, his mouth opening and closing, then he shook his head. “Nothing. Nevermind.”
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nicolarobertson89 · 2 years
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Chris is back in London for the premier of Lightyear tonight.
Chris Evans and Taika Waititi on This Morning
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carusolikey · 20 days
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The Blue Hour
a Max Phillips & Bloodsucking Bastards FanFic
Chapter 4: Lemonade - Hold Up Part 2 of 2
This week on 'The Blue Hour' - Max reveals the "special skills" portion of his CV, as well as what's lurking just under the surface. Someone from the past causes unrest and threatens to break the pleasant bubble in which we've all grown accustomed to living. Is there a bridge over this troubled water? Or will we simply have to make lemonade out of lemons? Special warnings apply to Part 1 of this chapter - take care to peruse, dear reader!
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Pairing: Max Phillips of Bloodsucking Bastards x afab!fem!reader
Rating: Explicit / NSFW 18+ (No Minors)
Author’s Note: I wrote this piece during the month of April 2024 - Adenomyosis Awareness Month, and the idea came to me during March 2024 (Endometriosis Awareness Month). This will not have any type of pregnancy kink, but will touch on infertility of OC due to the aforementioned; canon for this story is also that Vampires are infertile - there will be no Renesmé. OC is intended to be around the same age as Max, reader’s choice up or down, but no age gap. Because older afab/fem lovers are sexy - we drink and we know things. The style of this sticks to the humor and playfulness of the original movie, while incorporating a very sexy and romantic Max, even though he is a little bit of a cocky, smartmouth asshole.
Warnings: 18+ only content. Discussion of previous relationship / SA - not explicitly graphic, but important to mention. Able bodied fem afab reader, alcohol consumption, non-gendered pet names, fem can be carried and has hair - though length is not mentioned, consensuality is implied and intended through actions and reactions. Did attempt to stay away from gendered pronouns and nicknames, although did use the word woman, possibly more than 3 times throughout the entire piece (not fully published yet) referring to OC. Discuss history endo / adeno. Future chapters will also include Vampire hunting, murdering, and blood….sucking bastards.
If you or someone you know has been affected by current or previous experiences of SA or toxic relationships, this week's Chapter includes a special Easter Egg section with access to resources and support.
Special Easter Egg Section Here.
Word Count: ~ 7,100+ (total of Part 1 + 2)
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Return to Part 1 of 2
“Wow. Planning on living a long time, huh?”
“Who knows?” I smirked. “Maybe forever.”
Max’s face lit up, as he raised an eyebrow, his lip turning up in a pleased curl. Speechless for only a few moments, he changed the subject back to me drawing.
“I’m gonna get some paper. I want you to draw me like one of your French Ryan Goslings.”
“Hmmmm.” My face pensive and concerned at the proposition.
Walking over to his desk, he grabbed a few sheets of paper, calling out, “Do you want a pen or pencil?”
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“I think I’m more experienced in liquid chalk –”
“Pen or pencil, those are your options!”
I groaned, “Fine. Pencil - but I’ll also need a good eraser.”
“Oh - you’re not gonna make any mistakes, I’m sure of it.”
He handed me the paper and pencil with its mediocre eraser. Then sat down across from me and yawned - it was inspiring.
Max’s yawn was so inspiring, I decided to make it the focal point of my drawing. 
What is it that real artists do? I took a drawing class - ONCE - and there’s something about a line, and another line, where it helps you keep everything in proportion? Yeah, that’s it. I attempted to capture his eyebrows, the little lines between his brows, the line of his nose - his beautiful lips. Wait. That’s too big. That’s not right. I had decided, per artistic license, to give him facial hair, just to see what it would look like and then, without warning, Max had a giant, gaping maw. 
Suddenly, I started crying and Max, concerned, asked, “What’s the matter??”
My crying turned into the laughter that I couldn’t hold back. “I’m so sorry, Max. I’m really, really terrible at this.” I held up the picture in progress, and he cracked up.
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“What is going on here? I see you drew lines for perspective? But that’s not even close to spatially even? Why am I yawning so wide? What are you going to put in my mouth??”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” I said, gasping, “I will fix this, I promise.”
For the next 30 minutes, I kept wiping back tears, trying not to laugh - while Max sat patiently and good naturedly, letting me gaze upon his foxy visage.
“Okay. I’m done. That’s it - this is as good as it gets.” I handed him the picture. “I did fix the eyes to match the mouth.”
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“Oh! Okay. That’s a bit better than I was expecting given what you showed me earlier, and I’m kind of disappointed that it’s not worse,” he said, chuckling, “But why am I in a fur coat? Are you pro fur?”
“Well, I’m pro using the whole animal, definitely. If you go out for steak, definitely make sure you get a pair of leather pants made from the animal. Don’t miss out on that.”
“Sure, that makes sense - little, to no waste.”
“You know the Capuchin monks in Italy?” I asked.
“Do I know them? No.”
“Oh, those guys? They’re the best.” I said, as though I knew them personally. “They’re always using the whole monk. One of their artists during the 18th century made an executive decision that bones were hot, bones were in, bones were now, I want some bones, give me bones! And from that point forward, bones were the fashion for them. They decorated an entire section of their friary with bones - bone chandeliers, skull sconces, skeleton archways. It’s pretty amazing, there are over 4,000 skeletons decorating the inside - it’s super macabre, but the whole point is to celebrate the afterlife.”
“Is this a Catholic church thing?” Max asked suspiciously.
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“Oh, of course.” I nodded, and he gave me a knowing smile. You can always tell when someone’s been raised Catholic, I thought, they spot our weird history right away.
Max looked back down at the drawing, “This is going on my fridge, you know that, right?”
Blushing, I tried to stifle my giggle, “Not in a frame? I’m sure you could sell that for a pretty penny to the Museum of Bad Art.”
“Not in a million years, Sweetness. This is the first time anyone’s drawn me, I’m keeping it. But the frame’s not a bad idea.” He thought for a moment, “I was wondering –”
Looking back at him, I waited expectantly as he let his gaze rest on me.
“Not tomorrow, or later today - rather,” I winced, remembering what I needed to do much later, that evening, “but the actual tomorrow - the branch I’m currently overseeing, some people are getting together for an after-work thing. I was wondering if you’d like to come? It’s gonna be drinks, swanky bar food, candlepin bowling.”
Giving it a moment of thought, it would definitely give me something to look forward to after how gross I’ll feel with my ex. 
“Yeah, yes. I think I’d like that.” I smiled at him, and then involuntarily yawned. “I’m sorry! I’m not bored, I swear.”
He laughed, “I didn’t think you were, but it is approaching that time of morning.”
My heart clenched a bit, I was reluctant to leave, still a bit on edge and not feeling completely at ease about going back to my apartment alone. Max seemed to sense my inner turmoil. 
“It’s a really long way back to your apartment, I think it’s a little too late to make the trek at this hour. Why don’t you sleep here while I’m at work?”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. Absolutely.” He took my hand and led me back towards his bedroom. “I’m gonna pop in the shower before going, but you can sleep in here.”
“Holy giant pink and green floral wallpaper, Batman!” I exclaimed, shocked at how colorful his bedroom was decorated.
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“Eh, it’s a little loud –” he began, a bit self-conscious.
“No, no! I love it.” I made sure to clarify my reaction. “I’m just shocked that you have such a beautifully bold style - impressed, genuinely.”
Reaching down, I let my hands run over the silky soft bedspread on the king sized bed. Max was sifting through a dresser drawer, when he pulled out a key.
“This is an extra key for my apartment - if you wake up before I get back and decide to head back to yours.” He set it on the bedside table.
His eyes traveled up and down my body, “I have a t-shirt you can sleep in, if that would be more comfortable?”
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Nodding my head, and biting my lip, thinking about how much I would love to be wearing his shirt, Max didn’t waste any time. Opening another drawer, he lifted up a t-shirt and held it up - of course, Purple Rain. I laughed, it was perfect - he kissed me on the cheek and went into the bathroom to shower, while I changed.
I got under the covers and tried to relax, picking up a book he had on his night stand, guffawing as soon as I saw the title, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. Okay, someone was doing their homework.
Max came out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel and my breath hitched just so slightly. He looked over at me, giving me a half smile as he reached into his closet for a pair of pressed pants, putting them on without any boxer briefs. 
“Ah, ah, Sweetness. You need to sleep, and I need to get to work. But I’ll be thinking about you in my shirt all day.” 
He continued putting on his crisp button-up, his vest, and then came over to the bed and sat down on the edge, next to me.
“Do you think you’ll be able to sleep?”
“I think I’ll be able to sleep easier here than at my place. But I’m still a little –” I breathed out in a sigh, “anxious, I suppose.” 
His brows furrowed, his eyes warm, Max leaned down and gave me a kiss on the forehead, then on the lips. As he pulled back slowly, his hand brushing my hair behind my ear, he looked me in the eyes and said, “Sleep.”
And I did.
To be continued...
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Check out the Easter Eggs for this Part 2 of this chapter here.
If you or someone you know has been affected by current or previous experiences of SA or toxic relationships, this week's Chapter includes a special Easter Egg section with access to resources and support.
Special Easter Egg Section Here.
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Sharing is caring - hit that big ol' sassy reblog button, please and thank ya, kindly!
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Snow at the Beach | Izzy Hands x gn!reader
Following the events of Chapter 8, Izzy has enlisted the help of Stede Fucking Bonnet, all he has left to do, is confess to (y/n) how he truly feels. Based off of the '4 times X tries to achieve Y and 1 time they do' trope, the next four chapters of Snow at the Beach, will be based on the original TTPD bonus tracks.
These will be as follows:
Chapter 9 (The Manuscript Edition)
Chapter 10 (The Bolter Edition)
Chapter 11 (The Albatross Edition)
Chapter 12 (The Black Dog Edition)
However, what about chapter 13?
Miss Taylor's lucky number 13. I think I'm going to need some help from my fellow pirates to decide the title!
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