#The Devil's Trill
vermillionworks · 1 month
Read my webcomic The Devil's Trill.
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‘’Tartini’s Dream" (Detail) by Louis-Léopold Boilly (1761-1845)
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ritabuuk · 15 days
For Webcomic Day Week, I want to make several posts sharing some of my favorite webcomics! Today I want to share The Devil's Trill by Sarah Nelson (@vermillionworks).
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Set in Scotland in the Victorian Era, the story follows Miriam Pierce, a woman who is going through a really rough time right now. Her fiancé fell to his death off a cliff, and the next guy who showed any interest in her fell down the stairs and died. Has she been murdering these men and getting away with it? Or is she under some sort of curse? Either way, the rest of the town wants nothing more to do with her, and her father has disowned her.
Yet despite — or perhaps because of? — these rumors, Florian Doré has taken a great interest in Miriam. Florian is a mysterious bachelor who has recently moved from France to a nearby manor that is now completely covered in roses.
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Florian is handsome, and suave, and charming... yet he seems to have a barely-hidden nasty streak, and he is obvious about his disdain for religion and morals.
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What does Florian want with Miriam? Is she really cursed? Has he actually saved her in her moment of crisis, or will Miriam regret accepting the invitation to his manor?
I don't know any of these things yet, but I definitely am intrigued! I hope I've gotten you intrigued too. And if you'd like to have a soundtrack, it seems appropriate to have The Devil's Trill Sonata playing while reading along.
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feralthembo · 5 months
logging onto warframe to play titania:
logging onto warframe to play yareli:
logging onto warframe to play nekros:
logging onto warframe to play harrow:
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I really miss the music collection I had on my PSP... I wonder where it is, big sad
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lovedbythemooon · 1 year
"The Devil's Trill Sonata" Composed By Giuseppe Tartini
A/N: Sleep has become a memory as of late so I decided to analyze one of my favourite pieces in an attempt to get it out there. Hope you enjoy beauties <3.
Giuseppe Tartini's Violin Sonata in G minor is a Baroque sonata composed for violin and continuo. It is a three-movement work that was published posthumously in 1767. 
This piece is sometimes referred to as “The Devil's Trill Sonata” because of the myth associated with its composition. In Tartini’s telling of this story, it is said that in 1713, he had dreamed he had made a pact with the devil for his soul, making it his servant and master. Tartini gave the devil his violin to see if it could play, and how great it was. Tartini was astounded upon hearing the sonata, he claimed it was so wonderful and so beautiful that, that is was played with such great art and intelligence. He felt enraptured, transported, enchanted: his breath failed him and then he had awoken. He had immediately grasped his violin to retain, in some part at least, the impression of his dream, the music he composed was indeed the best he had ever written. However the difference between his piece and what moved him so great that he would have destroyed his instrument and said farewell to music forever if it had been possible for him to live without the enjoyment it affords him. Whether or not this story is true or false remains unknown.
Movement Analysis: 
Andante Cantabile: The first movement is in G minor and is marked Andante Cantabile, which means slow and in a songlike manner. It is written in the typical Baroque sonata da chiesa form, with four-bar phrases and a slow, dignified tempo. The movement opens with a melancholic melody played by the violin, which is then answered by the continuo. The two instruments play in a back-and-forth manner, with the violin showcasing its virtuosity with fast runs and trills. The middle section of the movement features a more uplifting melody in the relative major key of B-flat, before returning to the opening theme.
Allegro: The second movement is in G major and is marked Allegro, which means fast and lively. It is written in the sonata da camera form, which features dance-like rhythms and shorter phrases. The movement is in a binary form, with two contrasting sections. The first section features a fast and lively melody played by the violin, with the continuo providing a driving rhythm. The second section is slower and more melodic, with the violin playing a lyrical theme. The movement ends with a return to the fast and lively opening melody.
Grave: The third movement is in G minor and is marked Grave, which means slow and solemn. It is written in a free-form, improvisatory style and is based on a simple, mournful melody played by the violin. The continuo provides a simple harmonic accompaniment, with occasional chords to emphasize the melody. The movement gradually builds in intensity, with the violin playing fast runs and trills over the steady bass line of the continuo. The movement ends with a return to the opening theme, played with a sense of finality.
Overall, Tartini's Violin Sonata in G minor, or “The Devil’s Trill”, is a masterful work that showcases the technical and expressive capabilities of the violin. It remains a beloved and quite influential work in the classical violin repertoire, known for its expressive melodies and technical challenges.  The work features a variety of styles and forms, from the slow and dignified opening movement to the fast and lively second movement and the mournful, improvisatory final movement.
Link to the full piece: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7rxl5KsPjs
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firelord-frowny · 2 years
!!!!!!!! i think i've noticed a Trend among violinist ~content creators~.
The higher the quality of the video production,
the worse the player tends to be.
Like, there are so many people who are clearly using decent recording equipment - lights, cameras, mics, etc. and they have a cute lil dedicated area for filming, with strategically placed decorations in the background. they're often reading/reciting a script. they may even have intro music, graphics, logos, etc, and they'll start their videos with a news-anchor-like blurb like "hi, thanks for joining me again today, i'm [name] and today we're gonna learn about" blah blah.
and then they actually start playing and they SUCK LMAOOOOOOO GOOD LORD THEY ARE SO FUCKING BAD! or, okay, many of them don't outright suck, but they are DEFINITELY trying to teach stuff that they don't actually know how to do, or how to teach.
meanwhile, you'll have a literal fucking prodigy just pop up on screen with a grainy android camera and a shitty mic and the camera is at a weird angle because it's being propped up on their music stand and you may or may not (probably not) have a full view of them while they're playing because since the camera is on their stand, and their music is also on their stand, they have to be really close to it in order to read the music, so you can't see the entire violin. then they don't even really bother introducing theirself, and they CLEARLY haven't pre-prepared any kind of statement, and they're just like "hey here's how you can practice the octave shifts in Devil's Trill*" and then they demonstrate and sound like a goddamn virtuoso and then they're like "ok hope that helped, bye."
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vermillionworks · 5 months
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The Devil’s Trill - Chapter 2, Page 17: The Only Person A Victorian horror romance webcomic READ IT HERE!
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giuseppe tartini really said i had a dream where the devil himself played some tender tunes on the violin just for me and i respect that
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ronsenburg · 2 years
The sound of the door slamming with the full force of Louis’ frustration is the only farewell given as he exits the townhouse. It reverberates about, eerily jingling the keys of the parlor piano while the plaster quakes appropriately behind thick, gilded wallpaper that blankets the room.
There is a foul taste lingering within Lestat’s mouth; he presses his tongue to the back of his teeth against the sensation, lips stretched into something of a grimace. It is the third time in so many days that a Louis has left in this manner, furious and resentful for reasons Lestat is no longer capable of fully understanding. What had they been arguing about this time? Money, the past, the height of the ceiling in the newly renovated study? The only thing Lestat can be truly certain of is his rapidly accelerating disdain for Louis’ equally prevalent melancholy.
On the mantle across the room, the music box lilts it’s ever repeating tune where Louis had left the lid half ajar. The song is artificially slowed as the motor reaches the end of its winding, drawing the notes out into something overall discordant. The figure within pivots in encumbered time, bathed in the flickering light of the flames in the grate beneath.
It is the song and his mood, nothing more, that is required to bring recollections of another argument to the forefront of Lestat’s thoughts. Another flat, another beautiful boy, another barrage of accusations hurdled across the light of another roaring hearth.
Armand had said he danced in the flames that had consumed him.
“This is what becomes of those you love, Lestat,” a voice mocks sweetly, a phantom of memory within Lestat’s mind. Not the voice from the nights languished away beneath the roof of that old inn, but the one that had replaced it later. Full of madness and latent despair. “This will be your legacy, nothing but bitterness and hatred.”
In the space of time quicker than the blink of a human eye, Lestat has crossed the room, slamming the lid with enough force that the lacquered box goes skidding along the surface of the mantle and over the far edge. It falls to the floor and against the mercifully plush carpet with a dull thud.
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swagging-back-to · 2 years
not me crying over my own ocs plotline
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
“I get creative when I’m angry. Trust me, you really don't want to know.” ( Devil/Moxxie )
| Muse interaction Moxxie, unfortunately for himself was far too used to getting a lot said his way. Insults were the most common thing, was it an imp thing maybe? Guess other imps who were far more used to using violence were just simply threatened by Moxxies smarts and more cultured so they felt the need to go after him. None were as bad as his own boss Blitz. Who got a lot of joy out of mocking Moxxie given any chance to just open thier mouth and toss a remark out. Granted a lot of it was just immature nonsense.
Not the point for whatever reason it was as if the imp were simply a magnet for all of the damn mockery like there was a 'hey insult me' sig on his back simply inviting it all. Like right now as he was yet again being the victim to some lame brian demon who just outright restored to the insults.
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Moxxie wasn't going to give them any satisfaction in getting under his skin. So he liked his coffee drinks in such particular ways. That didn't make him some snob as they wanted to call him or as they were trying to say he was acting like he was better than other imps. "Why is a simple coffee order enough to rile you up?" he did at least go on to ask. Hands set to his hips since they had yet to let up with him even after he left! Of course, here came more insults. Moxxie just shook his head and rolled his eyes why was it always back to petty remarks? Likely because they didn't actually have anything better to todo or even have anything valid to bring up when complaining. Ready to speak up now once he had enough when he noted the expression on the other imp's face. Do they seem frightened?
Soon then were gone though Moxxie looked back to try and see what did it only to find, Devil behind him. "Oh, I didn't notice you my apologies."
“I get creative when I’m angry. Trust me, you really don't want to know.”
They offered as some explanation, "oh?" he didn't follow till giving himself a moment to think about it "Oh!" they must have chased the other imp away when seeing them going at Moxxie? That was kind of nice actually... smiling a little as he moved to turn and face them finally, "Well let's leave that to the imagination, for now, uh could I get you something maybe as a thank you?"
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pianosheet · 5 months
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deus-me-relinquit · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Sebastian Michaelis, Giuseppe Tartini Additional Tags: Deal with a Devil, Musicians, violin, the Devil's Trill Sonata, Sonata, Supernatural - Freeform, Classical Music
"Una noche, en el año 1713, soñé que había hecho un pacto con el Diablo por mi alma."
Después de más de un año de estar alejada del fanfiction, regreso con esta reedición de un fanfic del 2014 que había publicado en Fanfiction.net sobre Sebastián y un violinista desesperado por alcanzar la perfección.
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kelprot-old · 2 years
if anyone here listens 2 classical music btw feel free 2 send it my way via asks or anything bc i need something other than the same like 10 tracks i have 30 different versions of saved
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