#webcomics day
deoidesign · 22 days
Happy webcomics day!!!
I'm not home (on a trip right now with family), but I still want to talk a little bit about my process, so I did what I could to find some wip shots 🧡
Plus, I'd also like to update my extremely patient readers with a little taste of what's to come!!!
Step one, of course, is writing.
When I'm writing I have four documents open. A "dump" document, a "yes this!" Document, an outline document, and a drawing canvas!
In the dump document, I put ANYTHING. complete stream of consciousness. The 'yes this' document is where I put anything useful from the dump document, and the outline is, of course, the outline. The drawing canvas is for me to sketch out problems and ideas and get sort of a different angle on things, since I can't really visualize.
Once I have a book completely written, I start thumbnailing!
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My thumbnails pretty much look like this. Text, sketchy poses, indications of expression and maybe environment...
I thumbnail the entire book at once. I don't let myself do any edits on it until it's done, but I take note of edits I'd like to make! Then, once the first draft is out, I edit.
I'll move entire scenes, delete whole episodes, bring in bits from the end to have proper foreshadowing... Etc! It's a long process that makes my arcs feel much more complete and something I can be really proud of.
I can only do this when I'm really ahead, though, so that's why I've been on a long hiatus!!! I was forced to work without my process for a few arcs, and the difference is so huge to me that I refuse to let myself do it again. It makes a loner hiatus, but work way more worth waiting for!
Next step is lineart!
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Yes, I skip sketches! I go right into lines.
I save every head I've ever drawn, and that lets me copy paste in a basic head angle. Then I redo the face, fix up the hair, etc. so it fits my panel, and then I draw the rest of the body!
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This seriously saves me so much time, but less so for the drawing (i still draw a ton of heads and I'm very fast) and more just for helping me skip sketching entirely!
Then I do character flats, which since all my lines are closed that goes pretty quickly (slowest part is Steve's hair, I refuse to use a brush cause every one I've made looks terrible!!!)
And then I draw the backgrounds!
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Which, I keep layered, clean, and HUGE so I can use them throughout the arc.
I used to feel bad doing this, but then I realized... It's not like backgrounds "change" irl. So why make them change in my comics...? It saves me so much time, but it ALSO lets me put in more detail per background! I draw probably 3 very large backgrounds per episode like this, and then I draw maybe 5-10 unique backgrounds for single panels per episode as well. I save these too, but they're rarely re-used.
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And then my panels are done!!!
So there's a bit of my process for you all!!!
Happy webcomics day 🧡🧡🧡
And here's my comic, if you haven't read it and want to see the end result of this process, or if you have read it and would enjoy a re-read with the extra knowledge:
Or, if you would prefer books I have those too!
Happy to elaborate on any step, as well!
I make comics extremely quickly and as my full time job, and my process allows me to easily manipulate my format as well. I'm happy to share any of my knowledge if you have questions!!!
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gastrophobia · 20 days
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Comic process pics.
Yes, my thumbnails are probably way too detailed.
Yes, I letter first before penciling. It's so I know how much space to leave for the artwork.
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cirqueduroyale · 22 days
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@screentones-webcomicresources made a template to show the step-by-step process of a comic page for Webcomic Day.
Download the editable versions at webcomicday.com
I love seeing artists' process. Mine is messy and boring, but it works for me.
⭐ linktr.ee/cirqueroyale ⭐
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endofthefoodchain · 20 days
[Shows up fashionably late to Webcomic Day]
Hello! I'm Quinn aka Jerboagoat and this is the official blog for my webcomic, END OF THE FOOD CHAIN!
EOTFC is a horror-comedy semi-interactive sort-of-anthology chaotic amalgamation of a webcomic about MONSTERS! By leaving comments, you can influence the story and even ask questions to characters directly-- but not everything will go according to plan.
There is no update schedule, sorry! I work best without hard deadlines, but I do my best. Updates are presented as individual mini-chapters, with all the pages of an update posted at once. There's only two updates so far, with more to come!
EOTFC will contain many types of horror, with especially blood, gore, body horror, insects, and the consumption of humans being commonplace. For this reason I'd say it should be at least 16+. Hosted on Comicfury, but may be added to other sites at some point!
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devilrose · 22 days
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Today is Webcomic Day: read and love webcomics! With our webcomics, we try to make art and tell stories that are fiercely earnest and come from our true unfiltered passions, even in the face of (gestures) everything that would want us to stop. But we don't stop! And you don't stop caring about webcomics either!
As for what concerns me, I wanted of course to show you my webcomic, The Gifts of Darkness. I'll once again paste in one of my plot blurbs:
The plot: At 23 years old, Adrien is quite late to become a sorcerer's apprentice - but that's where his life has led him, and he intends to try his best. He travels far from home and to an isolated tower in the wilderness to meet his new mentor, the sorcerer Valerion. The two strike an important connection: Valerion guides Adrien's chaotic personality with infinite kindness, and Adrien brings companionship and a long-forgotten joy to Valerion's lonely life. Yet, each is holding great secrets from the other, which threaten to destroy all they've built together.
...but honestly, I believe that in the case of my story, it's not as much about the plot as about the themes. The Gifts of Darkness is about changing, how much change can a person go through until they are no longer themselves, how much can a person change for another. And as the title implies, it is about the darkest parts of one's self, the ones that move you, for better and for worse. Yesterday when I was at my table at Taranto Comix, and I was at one point asked about the themes of my comic, I think I conveyed what I wanted to say for the most part, but I thought later - there is a part of the comic so far published that shows this theme in its most essential form:
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Well, I suppose for now I've said enough - if you aren't already reading it, go read The Gifts of Darkness at thegiftsofdarkness.com. Later I'll also republish some of it in here, I think.
Since all the pictures of the comic I've attached so far are very character-centric but my art is most known for insanely detailed backgrounds and whatnot, I'll send you off with that picture with Val and Adrien at the window, which anyone who follows my work has probably seen a million times already, but even there, see it again - it's one of my favorites for a good reason.
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breenheath · 22 days
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It's Webcomic Day!
Check out My Dramedy Webcomic, Brothers! "Postmasters Sprout and Oz become unlikely heroes after discovering a mysterious magic mailbox." Watch them fight monsters, deliver mail, and uncover the Ministry's chilling past.
Read it Here!
Also on Tapas!
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The story will continue at the End of May!
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starofsound · 21 days
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Happy Mermay and #Webcomics Day! This is a short comic I made over the course of last year, and it was so time consuming and difficult that I don't think I'm going to make a full color comic for a long time 😭
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b3nc0 · 21 days
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While I was away from home earlier this year (hiyas @takusen801 baby love, miss you already), my Tripping Over You: the last book Kickstarter campaign rewards package arrived!! Thank you, Suzana and Owena! I was more and more pleased with each new item I took from the box *giggles* The headsketches are always a favourite of mine in your projects and this edition's don't disappoint!! The bookmark is already in use, but Rory will stay on my night stand for now... I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you again for all those years of what remains one of my favourite webcomic, one of the first I followed too! Good luck for your next projects too!
Pendant mon absence de la maison en début d'année, mon colis de récompenses de la campagne Kickstarter du dernier livre de Tripping Over You est arrivé!! Merci Suzana et Owena! Chaque nouvel objet sorti de la boîte me réjouissait un peu plus *glousse* Les portraits restent dans mes favoris dans toutes vos campagnes et ceux-ci ne m'ont pas déçu!! J'utilise déjà le signet, mais Rory reste encore sur ma table de nuit... Je profite de l'occasion pour vous remercier à nouveau pour toutes ces années de ce qui reste une de mes web-BDs préférées, une des premières que j'ai suivies aussi! Bonne chance aussi pour vos prochains projets!!
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ohthatsean · 1 year
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That’s it, that’s the comic. Hey sounds like Hei.
It’s been awhile since I did a light-on-the-writing comic so I could play with some of the setting. In this case, it’s the main setting of their ship (which doesn’t have a name at the moment).
Specifically the corridor to the bridge, where Hei resides.
Oh look it’s Webcomic Day apparently!
#ohthatseanart #scifi #comics #webcomic #artwork #furries #human #scifiart #webcomicday
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sighcomics · 5 months
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practise disappearing
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velinxi · 2 months
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I'm so excited to announce that I will be taking a brand new turn with my webtoon! CTC will now be a fantasy romance! ⚔️💖
"I was trapped in a tower for 200 years by my wicked mother, only to be saved by the assassin sent to kill the Dark Lord- but he doesn't know it's me!?"
I know this change may be too sudden for most of my readers, especially after 4 hard years working on CTC, but I know you guys will love the new direction! 💖
Stay tuned for chapter 1- “That handsome daring sexy rogue is here to kill ME!?”
[Read CTC]
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ozuzo · 2 months
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Happy 413 to the webcomic that changed everything! 💖
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ritabuuk · 19 days
For Webcomic Day Week, I want to make several posts sharing some of my favorite webcomics! Including my wife's webcomic: The Gifts of Darkness by Rosangela Ludovico (@devilrose).
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The story begins with Adrien deciding to try something new: he will seek an apprenticeship to study magic and eventually become a certified freelance sorcerer. He has no reason to think he has any particular aptitude for magic, and he's much older than the usual for this sort of thing, but maybe this will be just the shake up he needs in order to find his next path in life. At least, that's the plan...
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After his first ten applications are rejected, Adrien gives one more last-ditch effort and applies for an apprenticeship with the Sorcerer Valerion, pushing past the concerns that his books are kinda boring, and also that he lives in an isolated tower all the way out in fuckall...
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And as it turns out, Valerion says yes. And so Adrien journeys to the tower at the edge of the wilderness to meet his new mentor. Adrien finds that Val is much younger than what he would have expected of a Master Sorcerer, and much more irreverent too. And despite Adrien's initial worries, Val is an excellent teacher, crafting special lessons just for him, with seemingly boundless patience and generosity — even when (and especially when) Adrien struggles with how magic doesn't come easily to him and when he worries that maybe it's just too late for him to be doing this and maybe this all was just one big mistake, the latest in a long series (Adrien jokes that he's "somewhat of a collector" of mistakes).
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With Val's guidance, Adrien starts getting the hang of magic, and we can watch as he gradually becomes more skillful. We also get to see the relationship between Adrien and Val grow. As they increasingly are more comfortable together and become closer and dearer friends, Adrien starts to recognize that, despite seeming to have everything together, Val has plenty of secret troubles of his own. Adrien hopes to one day be able to ease Val's burdens in return.
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And in the currently ongoing arc, Adrien has (finally!) realized that he's fallen in love with Val! He will need to decide: will he act on those feelings and potentially ruin their beautiful friendship? Or will he force those feelings down and ignore them? Will he simply go home at the rapidly-approaching end of his apprenticeship, never telling Val about the feelings in his heart? Can he just let everything be over like that? Could he bear to be so dishonest, even after Val risked everything to share all his darkest secrets with him? And knowing the truth about Val just makes Adrien's decision about what to do all the more complicated...
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So, yeah, please read my wife's beautiful webcomic! I really can't recommend it highly enough!
The Gifts of Darkness
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thelifeofsharks · 2 months
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Happy National Siblings Day.
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externalmemorycomic · 22 days
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In honour of webcomic day, here's one of my favourite longer comics I've made, called "the worst ice cream in town". As always, you can find many more comics on my patreon, which is linked in my pinned post.
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gothwineaunts · 4 months
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Be mine? 🌹
Happy Valentine's Day!! ~ Holy shit. Y'all have made so many fanarts, I'm in shock. I'll reblog a bunch later on today, bc your talent it feeds me. Have a good day! Eat lots of chocolate and all that.
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