#The vampire diaries spin off
legaciescrybaby · 11 months
Kol in every flashback ever:
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lady-blodreina · 4 months
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Caroline knowing Klaus the best
Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes
The Originals 5x01: Where You Left Your Heart
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j-a-n-e--d-o-e · 1 year
Legacies rewrite prompt:
Legacies rewrite where all of the students parents (including the Mikaelsons and Caroline) have no clue what Alaric has been up to. Alaric's efforts to cover up how off the rails he went make it easy to hide his own death when his shitty gaslighting manipulative attitude and behaviour pushes the gang over the edge and they end up killing him.
6 yrs later tribrid Hope and Heretic Lizzie run into Marcel and Rebekah who are investigating a string in the vampires.
Dark magic, Violence, Sex and the kind of poor decisions that only happen when children are desperate and the adults around them are only out to use them
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novadreii · 2 years
Honestly the only remake I'd gladly pay money to see right now would be Twilight. The whole thing. Twist: ALL of it directed by Catherine Hardwicke. Soundtrack is 95% Muse with Iron & Wine thrown in for sappy moments. Casting? Honestly? Kristen Stewart has to come back as Bella, nobody else works for her lmao. Everyone else? Shuffle. There's a permanent blue filter and cloud cover. The camera angles are tight and disorienting the entire time. Jacob is played by someone who can maybe actually act and animate his expressions without scrunching up his face like he's shitting?
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spacesquidlings · 9 months
definitely watch buffy.. it's the only good show out of that list
Au contraire dearest anon because where else but vampire diaries would I get to see multiple episodes where the use of a magic ring is employed where the ring can bring the wearer back from the dead but oNLY if they're killed by a supernatural being. So if they get hit by a car being driven by a vampire they get brought back to life. But if they get hit by a regular car they're just dead forever. Also the ring will eventually make you evil. If that's not good television I don't know what is
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Actual convo with my dad today as he was making his (probably 5th) cup of tea...
Me: hopefully i dont have any dickhead lecturers this sem... well actually their all women...
Dad *contemplating*: Vagheads just doesnt have the same ring to it...
Me: yeahh cause it should be clitheads
Dad: hmm youre right
Dad: * happily walks of with his cup of tea to keep watching vampire diaries in his nerd cave*
***Bonus points: he just turned 69!
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ladylightning · 1 year
you don't understand supernatural is 6 different shows that have nothing to do with the showrunner eras. s1-3 is a cult classic tv show nobody watched when it was on air that is now revered as an american gothic-western family drama that ended too soon. s4-5 is a critically acclaimed american gods inspired limited series that won two emmys. s6-8 is a weird spin-off of the vampire diaries that's considered a camp masterpiece by a niche group of weirdos online for its simultaneously gay AND homophobic subtext. s9 is a terrible cw show that's ripping off so many things at once and no one watched it. s10-11 is the passion project of a famous screenwriter and it's later revealed that the concept started as s4-5 fanfiction, but it's still pretty good so everybody lets it slide. s12-14 is the reboot of the s6-8 vampire diaries spin-off because the weirdos campaigned for a reunion but it didn't live up to hype, but the gay subtext stuff was pretty good anyways. s15? there wasn't a s15 sorry you must be thinking of a different show.
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captainsophiestark · 23 days
I Made You Breakfast
Kai Parker x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Summary: Kai's on his apology tour, and Y/N is his next stop after things didn't go too well with Damon or Bonnie
Word Count: 2,000
Category: Fluff, Humor, a little bit of Angst
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I sighed to myself as I headed downstairs in my favorite pair of sweats, mentally making a list of everything I had to do today. It was an unfortunately long list, compounded by the latest supernatural drama, which my friends insisted on dragging me into. Bonnie had finally made it home from the prison world, thankfully, but that didn't mean any of the drama in our lives had gone away. In fact, it had almost doubled, with news of Damon's mother floating around in another prison world somewhere. I got halfway through an eyeroll at the memory of everything going on lately when I stopped dead in my tracks.
I could smell bacon, eggs, and toast wafting up towards me from the kitchen. Someone was here, in my house, cooking breakfast. And with everything going on lately, I knew for a fact it wasn't one of my friends.
I glanced around, grabbing a stake off the nearest end table. No vampire should have been able to get into my house unless they were a friend I'd already let in, but I'd had enough near-death experiences despite that fact that I was constantly prepared.
I crept towards the kitchen, trying to listen for any signs of trap or trouble. All I could hear was a faint clinking of plates. If someone had seriously broken into my house, why the hell were they just hanging out in my kitchen making breakfast?
I got my answer a second later when I burst through the door, going for the element of surprise, and found none other than Kai Parker standing before me.
"Oh, hey!" he said, jumping and spinning to face me with wide eyes. "You're up!"
"...Yup. And... you're here. In my kitchen. Making breakfast."
"Yeah! I hope you like it. Here, let me get your plate. I thought I'd have a few more minutes."
With that, he turned to the stove and starting scooping scrambled eggs and toast onto a plate. I just watched him, not moving an inch.
"What the hell are you doing in my house?"
He turned back around to look at me again, his eyes wide and the plate half-finished in his hand. After a moment, his expression morphed into a sheepish grin. I just blinked at him, my expression unchanging.
"Well, after I merged with Luke, I started getting all these... feelings." He said the word like somebody else might say 'zits' or 'rash'. "And one of those has been guilt, for some of the stuff I put you through. Or I guess, your friends, mostly. I tried apologizing to Bonnie earlier, and... it didn't go well."
His expression darkened, and I frowned. But a moment later, the clouds apparently cleared, and Kai fixed me with a beaming smile again.
"So I thought I'd try again with you. In the Prison World, I saw Damon making Bonnie breakfast all the time, and she seemed to really like that. So I figured you might, too."
I just stared at him for a few long moments without saying anything. I turned my options over and over in my mind, trying to get my still half-asleep brain to make a rational choice. I probably should've been incredibly freaked out that Kai was here at all, but I'd actually had a few positive interactions with him even before the whole merge thing, and had kind of started to like him. Or, at least, started to think he had some ally potential, despite other things he did. We'd even bonded over music taste and his new fascination with social media, and he'd tried to help Sheriff Forbes, although it hadn't necessarily been out of the goodness of his heart. For some reason, I just couldn't muster the fear or anger I probably should've been feeling when I looked at him in my house. Finally, I sighed, my mind made up. No reason to try to force bad feelings when they wouldn't come on their own, right?
"Thanks, Kai," I said, actually meaning it as I moved over to the dining table. "Aside from the fact that you broke into my house to do it... that's actually pretty sweet."
He beamed at me, and I found myself returning his smile. He turned back around to finish making my plate, and I shook my head. This was absolutely ridiculous, but I couldn't say I minded very much.
"Here you go!" he said, setting the plate down in front of me with a big smile. He didn't move away, just standing off to the side and watching me expectantly. I picked up my fork, but didn't take my eyes off Kai.
"...Aren't you gonna join me?"
"Oh! Right. You know, I've been practicing how I was going to do this in my head all morning, and now that I'm actually doing it it's like I completely forgot everything I was planning to do. That's weird, right?"
I shrugged. "I mean, sounds like a normal part of being nervous to me."
He nodded emphatically as he returned to the table and sat across from me with a breakfast plate of his own.
"All these new... emotions from Luke have been, like, super weird. I don't know how you all deal with these all the time."
"Eh, yeah, they can be annoying sometimes. It gets easier with practice though, and I'd say on the whole they're a positive experience."
Kai nodded thoughtfully, taking a bite of his eggs as his gaze wandered around my kitchen. I took a few bites of my own food, and I had to admit, he was a surprisingly good cook.
"So..." I started. "Was this it for the apology? It's a great breakfast, but usually an apology has a little more attached..."
"Oh!" Kai's attention snapped back to me. "No no, this isn't it. I was planning to do the other part of the apology while we ate breakfast."
"Makes sense. Go for it."
He cleared his throat and shifted around in his seat, then met my eyes before hesitating again. I tried to look encouraging as I ate my eggs, and after a moment, he nodded to himself and continued.
"I'm sorry for trying to kill your friend, and testing out my power on her. And that I couldn't save your other friend's mom, even though I really couldn't do anything about that. I still... I still feel bad. And honestly, I'm mostly sorry for everything I've done that hurt you, even if it was indirectly. I... I actually really like you, and so, uh... I don't want you to hate me. I keep getting this stabbing pain in my chest when I think about it... or when I think about that time I saw you crying over Bonnie..."
He trailed off, staring at the table instead of me, apparently lost in thought. After a moment though, he shook his head and cleared his throat, looking back up to meet my stare again. His blue eyes were wider than usual, his eyebrows pulling together, and he looked to be in actual distress for maybe the first time I'd ever seen, at least when his life wasn't being threatened.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I promise not to do anything to hurt you again. Will you give me a second chance?"
The corner of my mouth quirked up in a smile, especially at the rare senserity in his tone. I knew my friends would have quite a few things to say about this decision, but I didn't let myself think about that. At least not right now.
I sighed. "Kai, despite the fact that you broke into my house, I'm going to believe you about this whole 'turning over new leaf' thing. I... I'd be lying if I said I didn't like you too. So, if you really mean what you're saying about not hurting me or the people I care about anymore?"
He nodded so fast I was actually a little worried about him.
"Completely serious. Cross my heart and hope to die. I'm ready to join the Mystic Falls Scooby Doo team for good."
I smiled, laughing a little and shaking my head.
"Well, okay then. I can't promise anybody else on the team will be quite as easy to convince as me, but... I forgive you, Kai. I'm happy to see you like this. And, by the way, you make some very good eggs and toast."
"Thanks. I had to get good at cooking, you know, alone in the Prison World." A shadow passed over his face again, until I reached across the table and lightly rested my hand on top of his. Then, his face lit up like the sun. "And thanks for giving me a second chance. I promise, you won't regret it."
I wasn't totally sure I believed that, but I decided not to say so. Instead, I smiled and gave his hand a little squeeze before pulling back.
After a moment of silence where I could see Kai vibrating with the desire to say whatever he was holding back, he finally blurted out the other thing he'd apparently been planning to ask me this morning.
"So... I might be a little rusty about how all this works, or if it's changed since the eighties, but... would you want to go out with me sometime? Like on a date?"
I smiled, then buried my face in my hands. My friends would kill me if I said yes to this, but despite myself, I really, really wanted to.
"What's wrong?" Kai asked. I shook my head and looked up at him again.
"Nothing, Kai, I just... ugh, my friends are really not going to like this."
He smiled. "Does that mean you're saying yes?"
I took a deep breath and let it out, then shrugged and matched his smile with one of my own.
"Yeah. Yeah, I think it does. What the hell, right?"
"That's great! I was thinking we could go do karaoke? I've always loved karaoke. I got good at it when I was passing time in the Prison World."
"I have to warn you, I am very much not good at karaoke. But I'll still sing my heart out with you anyway, if you want to go!"
"Perfect! We can go tonight." I laughed, and Kai's expression immediately dropped. "Is that okay? Do you not want to go tonight?"
"No, Kai, I do. It's a little fast, honestly, but I don't mind. Why wait?"
"That's exactly what I was thinking. So... should I pick you up? Around seven? We could get dinner first, and then go."
"I think that sounds like a great plan, Kai," I smiled at him, which he immediately returned. A moment later, though, his hand shot up to clutch at his chest.
"Ugh, what is... what is happening to me? Why does my heart feel like it's about to explode?"
"That's probably excitement, Kai, or butterflies, which are like positive nerves. I'm feeling them too. It's because we're looking forward to going out together tonight."
Kai made a face. "This is what people were talking about when they said they got butterflies? This is terrible." I hid a laugh behind my hand, and Kai's eyes snapped up to mine. "Wait. You said you were feeling it too?"
I nodded, and Kai's expression immediately changed to a wide grin.
"So you're excited, too?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I am."
He nodded, the smile staying on his face as he dug in to his eggs again, glancing at me between almost every bite. I just shook my head, a smile on my own face all the same. This was going to be an adventure, going on a date with Kai Parker, and I knew my friends were going to want to murder me for it. But I couldn't totally bring myself to care.
Despite some pretty rocky history, I had a weirdly good feeling about Kai, from the moment he'd started his apology speech this morning. And so far, I'd never been wrong when I trusted my gut for stuff like this, even when it led me into karaoke. I had a good feeling it was going to be right about Kai Parker, too.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
TVD/TO Taglist: @elenavampire21
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 month
Hi! I don't know if this has been asked before (it feels like it will have been) and my apologies if it has but:
If Louis recovering his memories from Armand's mind control thing... Why is Armand allowing this second interview to go ahead? Especially when Daniel is obviously able to get to Louis?
Hey! :)
well... for one I think it needs to be differentiated what "control" is... Like, canonically Armand spellbinds Louis on several occasions in Paris. For example. That... is for more selfish reasons, I would say, we will see how they will spin it in the show.
Later on though, when he seems to have "tinkered" (as Assad called it) in the show... that was likely done in an effort to "help", imho - because he does love Louis. And Louis suffers. The things Louis will remember now... will not be pretty. On the contrary, it will be beyond painful what will be uncovered.
And then, of course, there is the aspect of "the Devil's Minion" having happened in the past (as I am quite sure we will get to see at least parts of in the upcoming seasons)... Armand loves Daniel, Daniel who book canonically becomes his only fledgling.
So, with that in mind...
We know Daniel was kept track off, the package with the tapes arrives in his post box without an address on it (for example), his medical status is known, and there is medicine for him there, which was prepared, and which is not what they claim it to be (the side effects don't match, as noted by others).
I think Louis might have... come to the conclusion at some point that a few things do not match, and I think... that he leveraged the idea of redoing the interview, in an effort to get Daniel to Dubai, and in an effort to slay multiple dragons at once:
Redo the interview. Find out what his subconscious is telling him, what Armand might be hiding (possibly hidden with Louis knowing !- that is also a possibility, that he asked for the memories to be taken away, but has doubts now?! We'll see^^)
Reunite Armand and Daniel, because he does not want Armand to be alone after... because Louis is tired. And if Claudia's diaries are used as I think they will be (as the catalyst they were in the books), then this season will end rather... cataclysmic.
Find a way to at least prolong Daniel's life. As noted above the medicine Daniel gets had to be prepared, and Fareed's presence is no coincidence, it hints at... certain things. (Fareed is the physician/scientist of the vampires in the later books).
Armand... Armand "allows" this because he needs to prolong Daniel's life, wants to see him again, and... loves Louis. And there is also the aspect that what he is keeping from Louis and Daniel - if deliberately or by promise - must weigh quite heavily on him.
I think there is at least a tiny part of him which looks forward to it all being revealed, because being the only one to know the truth... must be a heavy burden.
... ultimately I think it's not clear cut. "Decisions are made of kneaded feelings" (to quote Hannibal here) and all that.
There are a lot of aspects playing into it all. And a lot of them have to do with potential (and very real) emotional hurt.
Which is also (I think) why he decided on a role play at first - to protect his heart, more than anything else.
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akitasimblr · 14 days
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dreadfulnat is over and our favourite twisted harper has found her other half. so i guess it's time for a new spin-off! be very welcome to the dreadful harper legacy!
i will be following the rules of the not so scary challenge by @itsmaggira, as determined by popular vote ;)
however, generation one will follow the rules of generation vampire of @ashubii's supernatural legacy challenge.
i really want to explore the occult gameplay and this is the perfect opportunity to do so.
the spin-off follows a free gameplay style, but each generation can be read independently
five generations
founder is nathalia harper, spare of the tenth generation of the harper legacy diaries and a true representative of the vamfires generation!
nathalia harper - generation vampire family - generation spooky love story - i'm in love with a vampire woof woof - twitches get stitches - who runs the world
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legaciescrybaby · 11 months
Anyway, Elijah and Tristan definitely fucked. That's it, that's the post.
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im-657-mv · 10 months
fading beat
yandere vampire choi beomgyu
[inspired by bite me - enyphen] & the vampire diaries
word count:808
"I'm telling you Bonnie, I'm being haunted."
"You know there's no such thing as ghosts. You've said it yourself just a week ago. Why the sudden change?" She laughed knowing you sounded crazy and a little bit hypocritical.
"Don't tell me you've actually been seeing something."
You closed your mouth embarrassed to actually say it out loud for once. How could you? You were being haunted... or maybe just paranoid. But it still didn't change the fact that every time you slept the same man appeared out of nowhere. You've never seen him before so why now? Why does he now just show up causing your heart to race?
"Look I'm going to be late to class. I'll see you later." Bonnie left with no other words leaving you to contemplate even telling her in the first place.
You know you sounded crazy but it's the truth. Every dream he was there. Soundless, distant, threatening. And every time it was the same thing. You'd wake up looking around your room in confusion and there he was. He was always standing by your opened window staring at you with no expression.
It scared you. He scared you. And now you saw him all the time. In the car, in the reflection behind you etched with a smile. You've had enough and you were about ready to explode.
Exasperated you turned around heading to your next until you saw him... In the distance hidden by the crowd of people there he stood beckoning you to follow him. Your eyes widened as you witnessed this thing motioning for you to follow him. Of course, you rushed past pushing and shoving without care.
You continued in his path as you saw him push open the back exit.
Your moms going to kill you.
You left the school and saw a glimpse of him looking back at you smiling before walking past trees and heading deeper into the forest. Dropping your stupid bags you ran after him trying to catch him before he decided to disappear but it was too late. You ran deeper into the forest looking left and right without him in sight anymore. Panicked you continued searching not caring about school anymore.
But he wasn't here. He just vanished without a trace. Discouraged and a little lost you leaned against a tree wondering what the hell was happening. First your dreams and now this. What was going on?
"You seem a little lost."
Immediately you looked to see him just standing there calm and collected with a grin.
"Who are you?"
"I think you know who I am, Y/n."
He took a step closer but you rushed past the tree putting as much distance as you could between you and him.
"Who are you and why do you know who I am?"
"Well, I'm not a ghost if that's what you're thinking." He smiled his eyes showing hidden knowledge you didn't know.
"Your dreams must be so interesting for you to willingly come with me."
"Answer my goddamn question."
The man just laughed before moving behind a tree vanishing instantly. You looked around before feeling his breath across your neck.
"You know I can hear your heart beating. Do I make you that nervous?" He laughed as you scrambled away from him as he took pride in your fear.
"What are you?"
"I"ll show you." He whispered as he vanished again appearing not even a second later behind you holding your arms by your side.
"Don't scream too loud," The mystery man smugly stated before piercing the side of your delicate neck with his spiked fangs. You tried to scream but you could only gasp in horror as you felt every ounce of blood being sucked out of you. You could only let out pitiful sounds as your hands sadly tried to pry his jaw off your neck.
Eventually, he let off allowing your weak drained body to fall to the ground. You tried to hold onto your consciousness but the world was spinning so fast that your head couldn't keep up. Everything was moving too fast for you to comprehend.
The man watched as you struggled to stay awake proud of his work. He made his way slowly into your view crouching so you had the pleasure to see his satisfied smile.
"You tasted delicious," He whispered as he listened to your labored breathing.
"We'll have to do this again sometime Y/n." And as he vanished away from your sight you thought you could still feel his presence like a parasite living off your misery. But you knew deep down through your slowly fading consciousness that he was telling the truth for that very moment you'll see him again. Whether in your dreams or a trap made for you, the predator always catches its prey.
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cwseriesshowdown · 6 months
Round 2B: Walker Independence vs Legacies
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Walker Independence: Set in the late 1800s, an origin story of the series "Walker," "Walker Independence" follows Abby Walker, an affluent and tough-minded Bostonian whose husband is murdered before her eyes while on their journey out West. Abby arrives in the town of Independence, Texas, where she encounters diverse and eclectic residents running from their pasts, chasing their dreams, and keeping their own secrets. Abby runs into Hoyt Rawlins, a slippery rogue, thief, and con artist with a dented heart of gold who quickly eyes Abby as a mark, until she turns the tables on him. In seeking justice for her husband, Abby and Hoyt soon find themselves precariously aligned, both seeking to uncover the truth about the identity of Abby's husband's killer, and vow to save Independence -- a frontier boomtown where nothing is what it seems.
Legacies: The town of Mystic Falls has a new generation of protectors in this spin-off of "The Vampire Diaries" and "The Originals." The Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted is home to Klaus Mikaelson's daughter Hope, Alaric Saltzman's twins Lizzie and Josie, and other young adults who are coming of age as witches, vampires and werewolves, nurtured to be their best selves and overcome their villainous impulses. Together, they rely on ancient folklore and tales to learn how to battle their far-reaching enemies and attempt to keep balance in the world.
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saintsir4n · 8 months
I think my issue with vampire diaries after many rewatches, fics and online opinion is there are so many useless characters or characters that end up with repetitive arcs or just end up with nothing to do.
I’ll give examples…
1) Bonnie isn’t a character, not a proper one. It was clear she was the magical negro, only there to save and sacrifice her life for her white counterparts. However the reason why I believe most of us love her, other than Kat Graham’s amazing portrayal is because she is essential to every plot.
2) the originals being in season 4. They had nothing to do and were clearly there until their spin off. Kol gave us some exposition on Silas. Klaus was there to involve himself with high school drama, and they wasted Rebekah’s character. They had no clue what to do with them and as stand alone characters they had so much more to give in my opinion.
3) Caroline was a self under and you can’t tell me otherwise. I feel for the girl especially in season 1&2 but after that I clocked out of her character. She’s in scenes where she doesn’t need to be, placed with characters that she doesn’t need to be with… she in my opinion if she wasn’t played by Candace would’ve had a smaller role and pushed to the back like Tyler, Matt and Jeremy.
4) most of the plots were centred around shops instead of any substance. It worked for the first three seasons but after that it just got boring. Most people say season 4 was where the show peaked by it’s clearly season 3 and even then there were many plot holes and inconsistencies, especially with my girl Bonnie.
5) the confederacy
6) the show should’ve been finished in season 4 and had a big final showdown between the mystic falls gang vs Katherine (the original big bad) and maybe an non humanity Elena.
7) Bonnie should’ve had a coven or a witch friend or her grams.
8) “bigger is not always better” this is in reference to villains like Silas. He was pointless and everyone needs to bffr. He was ultimately just so boring. Sure everyone loved Paul acting like himself but omg, he was just playing an exaggerated non humanity Stefan/ ripper Stefan and that’s it. Also his existence diminishes stelena.
9) they should’ve killed off Caroline, Tyler or Damon in season two instead of Jenna. I know Damon is a main character but I like when a show shows off how high the stakes are.
10) the show runners, producers and writers needed more BIPOCS around because majority of the storylines especially regarding race (lemme not start on marcel’s origins because wtf) were poorly written
They should’ve expanded more on Katherine’s origins, she was one of most compelling characters and although I do not like her actions, she was a perpetrator of sexual assault (Stefan/ Damon were her victims), I would say she was a victim of Klaus and his terror. She both makes me feel some sort of sympathy for Katerina but for Katherine, I don’t like her, I just found her presence entertaining. She not an anti hero more of an Antagonist. I like that she didn’t get redemption, we just saw why she is the way she is yk?
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wireheadbird · 2 months
Find Me
(The Vampire Diaries) Elijah x reader
Warnings : Mentions of torture, stabbing, mentions of blood, angst, fluff, kidnapping, mentions of death, written while i was half asleep. Summary : Y/N and Elijah are in a secret relationship, afraid that if anyone finds out it would cause harm to either of them. But eventually Klaus figures it out causing him to kidnap Y/N in jealousy, attempting to convince her to get with him. He ends up having to torture her so she would forget his brother and choose to be with him instead. Elijah finds out where she is and brings her to safety. 1,319
I waited on the living room couch for Elijah to come home. Tonight was date night, Elijah had promised we’d watch movies together and just hang out since we hadn’t been able to meet ever since Klaus returned, and he didn’t want to raise any suspicion. Not wanting anyone to find out about our relationship in a town filled with supernatural beings.
Just as the door clicked open I got a message on my phone, ‘Something came up, I'll be home late. Get some rest I’ll wake you when I'm back’. I sat up straight in confusion turning my head towards the door to find no one. I felt that something was wrong and called Elijah, but the phone was immediately snatched from my hand before everything went dark.
I blinked my eyes open, groaning in pain. It was dark and cold and I was being dragged somewhere by my arms. Somehow I ended up being tied to a chair in the middle of a dark room, my head was spinning making me feel awfully nauseous. “Hi there princess, finally awake?” a man with an English accent chuckled coming from behind me. I couldn’t tell who he was at first, just a barely visible silhouette circling around in the dark room. 
“Who are you? What do you want from me?” my voice came out hoarse echoing against the walls. The man stops dead in his tracks at my question, “Do you seriously have no idea who I am? You deeply wound me, darling” he cried in a mocking tone. “I am after all, the talk of the town these days” I felt his breath on my neck making my breath hitch. “Klaus…” my heart sank when I uttered his name in realization. “Bingo” he whispers into my ear, standing up straight. “As for what I want…I want you” his hand caressed my face and I didn’t hesitate to quickly pull away “all to myself”. 
My stomach churns in disgust, fighting the urge to say anything that could make my situation worse than it already was. The hybrid has a big reputation around here and I definitely wouldn't want to be on his bad side, however it seems like I already was. “A little birdie told me, you’re dating me brother. We can’t have that now, can we?” he walks over to a light switch flicking it on. Once the room came into view I realized how bloodied the stone walls and concrete floor are, a table with a variety of tools and…needles? Sat in the center, next to me. My heart rate instantly picked up at that and I’m sure that fear was evident in my eyes the closer he steps towards me. 
“Now now dear, no need to be so afraid. I’ll give you two options, hm?” he kneels down in front of me holding my chin in place so that I’d be looking at him. “I know that I can’t compel you to do what I want because of the vervain my brother makes you drink. But there's other ways this can go.” the demeanor in the room clearly changes when he says that. “You can either forget my brother’s existence and we live a happy life to–” before he’s able to finish his sentence I couldn’t hold myself back anymore and spit on him making him stand up to wipe his face with a rag that laid on the table. 
“I see that we’ll be doing this the hard way. Fine.” His tone darkened as he kept direct eye contact with me while he took off his jacket and took a blade into his hand, the dim light reflecting off of it. “I’ll bleed you, till you comply. And if you don’t…well lets just hope it doesn't come to that my love” the blade glided over my cheek at just the right angle so that it didn’t cut into my skin. He stared at my face lovingly as he lowered the blade away from my face, then quickly changed into amusement as he watched my expression change into shock. Shakily looking at where his hand is, I spot the sharp tool he plunged into my thigh making me let out a blood curdling scream as the pain increasing by the minute. He took it out only to thrust the object into the same spot over and over. I could do nothing but scream and cry refusing to give in. 
Days have passed, or at least that's what it felt like. The only way I could keep track was by how many times Klaus came in with a plate of food urging me to eat, which I profusely refused. I have been bled out so much to the point of passing out for hours on end. Klaus had attempted feeding me his blood but I tried to make a run for it every time I was fully healed. Hence why he sought it useless and chose to feed me portions of food, which I didn’t take in fear of it being drugged. I still hoped that Elijah would find me…if he hadn’t forgotten me. The longer I stayed there the more my hope deteriorates, but I trust Eli, I knew he was looking for me.
I was now laid back against a far corner in the room with the lights off and no longer restrained as Klaus doesn’t see me, a mere weak human, as a threat to him. But he took the tools with him and locked the door so that I wouldn’t escape. Not that I had any remaining energy to move let alone make a run for it. My face sat in my hands as my head spun and the ringing in my ears got louder. I could tell the malnourishment had gotten to me, a person could only take so much. I felt something thud next to me, when I looked at it I realized it was a person but with my blurry vision and the darkness in the room I couldn’t tell who. Placing a finger on what I assumed was his head I quickly retracted it when I felt how ice cold the skin was.
I didn’t hear nor see it when someone knelt next to me on the floor, but when I felt a hand resting on my cheek I peeled my eyes away from the seemingly dead on the floor and pushed away the one in front of me. “Hey hey calm down its me Elijah” I could hear the concern in his voice “Eli..? You found me” a sigh of relief left my lips and I didn’t hesitate to reach forward and wrap my arms around his neck sobbing into his shoulder. 
He picked me up speeding all the way back to my house, the sun shining through the curtains which he quickly drew after carefully placing me on my bed. He helped me into a new set of comfortable clothes but not before checking and inspecting every wound with the look of concern not leaving his face. He bit into his wrist feeding me his blood and I could tell he felt somewhat better when the color returned to my skin but his brows still knit in concern. “It’s not your fault you know, you had matters to attend to you couldn’t have possibly known all this would happen.” I looked at him reassuringly. “I know but if I figured out he was using a witch to cloak your location sooner then you wouldn’t have been as hurt” he explained looking down into my eyes. “I’m well Elijah, I’m healed completely. All thanks to you” I lightly peck his lips and smile at him lovingly. We both laid under the covers enjoying each other’s warmth for a while with his hand playing with my hair, till I eventually drifted off to a much needed sleep.
I really had fun writing this thank you for the request i hope you like it :))
now if you'll excuse me, i have some sleep to catch up on.
(im so lucky my school gave us a vacation rn)
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hotxcheeto · 10 months
Ok requests are open (at least I think I could be wrong) but could you do vampire reader and Chloe as a mythical creature couple of can be fic or headcannon of your choosing
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Chloe Price x G/N!Reader
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing?, mentions of blood/consuming it (obvi), compliments towards you, very light angst, lots of fluff
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - ilyyyyy
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i believe that as a vampire, there is a certain level of confidence you just unintentionally gain
you become a badass essentially
and so the years pass after your initial turning and you end up wandering through a tiny town called Arcadia Bay that just screams 'i'm a mystery' in a very coming of age book esc way
you sit down at a nice diner only to end up into a very obnoxious yet amusing nineteen year old nightmare that somehow reminds you of an old friend
so you get to talking
and it doesn't take chloe long to realize there's just something a bit off about you
maybe it's the way you pick up on the smallest of sounds
or how often you won't answer her messages until well into the night because sometimes you just 'don't wanna fight the sun'
and then there's the rings you claim as magic for a 'nice tan' ?
oh and your strange longing stare at blood
okay that one was only once when accidentally cut herself opening her amazon package and she just thought you were really weird with blood cause that's natural for people but... then chloe pulled a bella swan
yep she whipped out google and boom, the vampire diaries answered everything for her
and also why she avoided that series like the plague
jokes about it to see your reaction and you just give her the most obvious side eye while doing that fake laugh moms do when they're toddler does a spin as a trick
but of course that's crazy chloe and it becomes like an inside joke between you two until she caught you sucking on a bag that was suspiciously hospital like
yeah, you had to fess up then
she's got a lot of questions so you better prepare yourself to answer them all
do you actually sleep in a coffin? do you drink blood strictly cause she seen you eating fries at her moms diner, is that for show?
why do you not burn in the sun? do you live forever? are you secretly edward cullen???????????
you of course answer them to the best of your abilities while trying not to laugh at her because you understand the curiosity
and it makes chloe want to jump your bones even more than she already had before because you were sexy
and now she finds out your a sexy vampire?!?!?!?!
time goes on and she really tries catering to you and your needs with your diet and the sometimes just wanting to avoid the sun even with your ability to protect yourself from it
and chloe LOVES hearing your traveling stories and your stories of others like you and even more supernatural types out there
not only are you hot - you're also fascinating
her mind starts to wander though, and she has a lot going on with her life y'know and she starts wondering if life would better as what you were
you notice Chloe's sudden shift in her feelings and her demeanor and you feel like it's your fault but it's not, truly
then she confesses it to you, she wants to be turned
at first you deny it, you don't want her subjected to the a lot of the hell you'd gone through with your transformation and newly born lifestyle until you realize how much you'll actually hurt when you leave her
you'd never loved someone so deeply before and seeing her so in pain with her life and so in love with you as well
she didn't hate you for saying no, she understood but totally had a teenage emo phase once more and got pouty for a while, even begged you a bit
you caved, you def caved i mean who wouldn't
but you reminded her and gave her weeks to contemplate everything she could gain but also lose
she loved her mom still and she'd adore her forever, because now she was forever as were you
and she's fun, oh yeah, she can party all night and sleep and cuddle all day with you
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