pokerpairfan123 · 4 months
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part 6 or 7 idk at this point 🤗
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jezuxy · 2 years
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indecisnyan · 2 years
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The only piece i managed to complete for an old pokerpair week prompt, with the prompt being “Dionysus”.
Allen is Dionysus, an ancient god of madness and death/rebirth, who’s roots were forgotten and replaced with wine and parties among the poor and impoverished. Though most people attend for the drinks and to escape the daily grind, Allen still attends to both keep an eye on things and enjoy some company. He almost never shows his true identity, and usually when he does, it’s to drive cruel and evil men to madness.
When he shows himself to Tyki, it’s for other reasons, though will Tyki remember the night - let alone trust his own memory - when there was wine involved?
Allen probably hates that everyone started associating him with wine since he can’t stand the smell or taste, but he does enjoy how easy it is to mess with people when they’re drunk as hell. He also uses banquets thrown in his name to take money from the rich people who want to partake, which he’s always game for.
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akirayuri · 4 months
Lane Del Rey x poker pair is such a mood
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chrisemrysfics · 10 days
This blog has been updated and this post is pinned to allow quicker navigation~!
Visit the blog itself at chrisemrys.tumblr.com or visit the pages directly (About // Tags), below is the info on the "info box" present on the blog theme:
Quick Intro
32 years old
French native speaker
Caregiver for my mom
Indie Storyteller/writer
MCU // Starker
MDZS // Wangxian
DGM // Neallen Tykillen
Links meet trope (LOZ)
DAI Elf Inquisitor/Dorian
DAI Elf Inquisitor/Cullen
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raviolo-the-raviolo · 2 years
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Random 3 am Poker pair doodles
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pokerpairweek · 3 years
Poker Pair Week 2021 is here!! This year the event will he held in November, so that everyone can have the chance to work on their projects and the time to create something for this beautiful pair!
November 20-26
This year’s prompts are:
20th: whisper/alleys/autumn/vacancy
21st: cigarettes/sink/wine/violence
22nd: terror/afterlife/angel/bath
23rd: magic/pearls/blade/blood
24th: dance/boundary/motel/sunrise
25th: winter/snow/roadtrip/nostalgia
26th: kiss/velvet/wind/mirror
Reminder: you can either choose a prompt or create your own as well. You don’t have to follow these. Absolute free creativity for this amazing ship 🌈
Have fun!
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kitty-bandit · 3 years
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Fandom: D.Gray-man Rating: E Pairing: Poker Pair (Tyki x Allen) Total Words: 4.4K Prompts: dance | boundary | motel | sunrise Tags: Modern AU; Road Trip AU; Mentions of Homophobia; Angst
Description: For Poker Pair Week 2021, Day 5. Allen has $20 to his name and miles to go before he and Tyki make it to the big city.
Without a word, he crawled on top of Tyki, straddling his hips. This felt familiar—the jut of Tyki’s hip bones against the softest part of his thighs, the press of his cock between Allen’s legs. The excited way Tyki’s chest rose with each breath as his hands settled on Allen’s hips to hold him in place… Allen loved it, loved the quiet intimacy of it, and a sense of calm fell over his heart.
Tyki let out a little hum of appreciation, a smile curling over his lips. “Oh, so when you said ‘fuck you,’ you meant literally.”
Allen shrugged, his fingers drawing circles over Tyki’s hard abs. “We’re in a hotel, alone. I’m pretty sure it’s illegal not to fuck in this situation.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice.”
Read this on AO3!
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jasontoddiefor · 3 years
AU in which Cross doesn’t find Allen and he grows up in a brothel instead.
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bebellsoterel · 4 years
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bellanotte · 4 years
tyki mikk is the best antagonist in dgm and i won't be taking any constructive criticism. this fuccboi does absolutely nothing but look hot af, be confused 24/7 and awkwardly try to take renomated double-personality disaster exorcist allen walker out for dinner on several occasions.
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pokerpairfan123 · 2 years
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part 4!!!
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pesewla · 4 years
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aight since this is a loaded question i’ll try to organize my thoughts haha... 
will they interact more?
YES, ABSOLUTELY. i have reasons too. several. buckle up
1. we still don’t know why tyki looks like nea.
ofc, this is more of a joyd/nea interaction than a tyki/allen interaction, but i also think learning the answer to this will be crucial for both tyki and allen understanding their noahs, their past, and each other better…
2. tyki and allen are highly paralleled characters.
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heck, they first meet each other while both cheating at cards for basically the same reason - for their friends (allen to get krory’s clothing back, and tyki for the fun of it but also because his human friends need money to survive).
their main motive is emotion, not logic. tyki’s noah is driven by the need for pleasure, which he finds through killing and destroying, and tyki’s human side is driven by his love for eze and his human friends. and essentially all of allen’s actions are driven by his residual love and respect for mana. he restores his innocence purely to resume killing and freeing akuma, which he feels so much pity and sadness for because of his experience with mana. allen goes to the black order only because cross (who had ties to mana) ordered him to, not out of his own free will.
both of them recently experienced events that upheaved their allegiances and bonds. for allen, he was betrayed and basically left for dead by the order. for tyki, he’s just beginning to understand how little he knows about the noah’s past and goals; after meeting nea, he expressed a fervent desire to learn more about him, even if that’ll shift his whole world paradigm.
they both struggle with their light and dark sides. the only difference is that tyki finds joy in having both; allen is kind of in denial of his noah still, but he also expressed a desire to learn more about nea after the third exorcist incident.
so all of these parallels lead me to believe that, like other aspects of their character, learning the “truth” should come at the same time for them.
3. literally whenever tyki and allen interact in canon it sets off an unstoppable chain reaction of character development…
for tyki, his inability to get rid of allen led to tyki hardening his (questionable) ideals and putting more deep thought into his actions beyond just killing “for the fun of it”. tyki never thought about innocence at all before allen, which road points out in the ark. dealing with allen seriously forced tyki to consider why he was doing what he was doing, not just how it felt in the moment. even if he doesn’t change his ideals, putting more thought into his actions is kind of the first step towards autonomy & not just blindly listening to joyd.
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for allen, tyki is actually pushing him towards a balance between light and dark. this was first hinted at when allen and tyki’s fight in the ark led allen to procuring the white sword from his arm. the white sword resembles nea’s sword, which he used to massacre the noah, but the difference is that allen doesn’t want to kill tyki. crown clown balances between the desires of nea (absolute massacre) and allen (who simply wants to go back to playing cards and peacetime). later on, tyki is the one who encourages allen to figure out just “what” he is, rather than trying to decide between his noah and innocence all at once. seriously, it’s so obvious that tyki is trying to help allen…
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4. tyki has expressed in multiple ways that he’s looking forward to seeing how allen deals with his noah.
i doubt he’ll give up on that.
5. no other characters share the same experience as the two of them.
neither of them really understand their noahs, and they usually do so in tandem.
i mean tyki has been present in all stages of allen’s transition into a noah - first in the ark where he becomes the Musician, then in the alma arc where nea awakens, and then when he’s forced to leave the order…etc. so i think it’s likely he’ll continue to play a large part in how the chips fall there
the reason why there are several fics about allen being raised as a noah is because it is plausible. both allen and tyki are people that struggle against their nature and fate, and literally one of the only things separating them is how they were raised. so, they’ll continue to propel each other through their plot and character developments…
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what will eventually happen between the two of them?
okay i’m not going to be overly optimistic here.
allen, for the most part, still sees tyki as an enemy or a threat. allen wants to spare tyki and for tyki to live, but that’s only because allen has witnessed his humanity - in other words, he thinks tyki’s noah is bad and tyki’s human side is good.
i think the main part of their development from here will hinge on allen changing the way he sees noah in general, not just tyki. it’s overwhelmingly clear that allen’s perception, and by extension the audience’s perception, of noah is skewed. we don’t have the full information on them, but i imagine they have motives outside of the “destruction and chaos” one-track mindset that was pinned on them in the beginning. most likely relating to the pillar.
it’s very likely that allen and tyki will, more or less simultaneously, learn the truth about nea and the “third side” of the war. allen will be forced to do so since he’s nea’s host, but tyki will most likely seek out the information, as he declared that he would. in this, both allen and tyki will be pushed more toward a “grey” area - coming from allen’s initial white “goodness” and tyki’s initial black “badness”. i have hope that allen and tyki will learn about these facts together. that would be pretty fitting.
as allen learns more about the third side of the war, he’ll be more accepting of tyki and see him more as an equal or, at the very least, another victim of the holy war.
tyki already basically considers allen a comrade or is willing to - even though he was ordered by the earl to protect allen, i don’t think he was faking the shouts of concern as allen took on apo lol. but as TYKI learns more about the third side of the war, he’ll likely stop pressing allen to give up innocence and decide “what” he is. i imagine he’ll sympathize even more with allen, even if joyd still hates him for being nea’s host…
what are your hopes for them?
okay now here’s my chance to be optimistic.
i really really want tyki and allen to have a conversation as equals. their interactions frustrate me so much - tyki has so much respect and admiration for allen but he’s always so coy! and allen, like i said previously, was only able to cooperate with tyki when he was emotionally panicked. otherwise, his “I’M AN EXORCIST” button flicks on and he’s forced to act tsundere.
please, please hoshino let them play another game of poker, just laughing and having fun. i want to see tyki humbled. i’ve been thinking this ever since their dialogue when fighting in the ark.
i want tyki to get mad at nea for possessing allen. i KNOW he’s thinking it. i want that “give the boy back” moment so badly.
i hope that someday they can talk about tyki destroying allen’s innocence. i don’t really think allen’s hurt about it anymore, especially since it was a key factor in his growth as an exorcist, but i wish there was like… some stage of forgiveness or repentance. not that tyki is capable of that, but hey.
other people have definitely said this - idk where the post is but i love that one - but having a meal together like tyki wanted??? that would be so symbolic and AH\
anyways i know this was pretty lengthy but i just think tyki and allen are excellent characters and their similarities and differences speak volumes in terms of the overall good&bad message of dgm. always too long winded. with loves
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oftheredmoon · 4 years
has this been done yet
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faeriexqueen · 4 years
Hello!! For the otp asks; Poker Pair? If that's not your cup of tea then Link/Allen? Thank you, have a good day dear!
Yes, absolutely! (So sorry I’m just now getting this - Poker Pair it is! 1.) Who buys flowers for the other?
Tyki, the smooth bastard. He’s truly a romantic at heart, and will sometimes just buy them out of nowhere. It always flusters Allen a little, but always warms his heart.
2.) Who makes the other coffee/tea?
Allen will usually make both - he’s not so much a coffee drinker, but Tyki is (Allen prefers tea, with a lot of milk and sugar).
3.) Who eats the most candy on Halloween?
Allen. He’s a bottomless pit. XD
4.) Who tries new recipes all the time?
Allen will try anything, and doesn’t mind a little adventurous cooking. Tyki is pretty much game for whatever Allen wants - he’s more there for the ride.
5.) Who genuinely likes pineapple on pizza?
Allen - he likes the salty and sweet combo. Tyki isn’t a fan, so usually they settle on getting a pizza with half pineapple and half something else.
6.) Who wears hats on special occasions?
They both do! Tyki especially likes the ridiculous one - they always make for a good laugh, and Allen finds them pretty amusing.
7.) Who likes ‘90s R&B?
Tyki does. XD He has to be in the mood for it though.
8.) Who likes long walks on the beach?
Tyki (again, romantic!). Part of it is also he likes the calming atmosphere, and Allen certainly doesn’t mind them either. ;3
9.) Who buys wacky picture frames?
Allen! He likes having photos with friends and special occasions, and the wacky frames add some humor to it. Tyki doesn’t go out of his way to buy them, but he won’t turn them down if given to him.
10.) Who compares themselves to fictional/celebrity couples?
Tyki does - more so to occasionally tease Allen, usually by reciting cringe-worthy quotes. (His favorite is “You’re my brand of heroin” from Twilight - he’ll even try to get the voice right and everything. XD)
11.) Who can solve a rubix cube?
They both can - and they both can be very competitive about it. It’s gotten to the level where they can solve it in the same time, so each time it comes up they get ridiculously competitive and try to see if one can outdo the other. XD
12.) Who would wear Hawaiian shirts on vacation/during the summer?
Tyki does - why wouldn’t he? They’re fun and add to the atmosphere. (Plus, they make Sheril cringe - which is even more incentive for Tyki to wear them.)
13.) Who wears mismatched socks because they can’t keep up with the pairs?
Tyki. Pairs? What? He can’t keep two socks together to save his life. (Occasionally, he steal one of Allen’s - then Allen will have mismatched socks as well.)
Send Me A Ship.
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chrisemrysfics · 4 years
I’m late today because I was distracted with other things, but thankfully my mind went and thought ideas when I sat down to try finding some. I’m pleased with what I came up with, too!
May 29th: Dark Magic // Gods // Historical
Victorian era settings
AU where instead of Innocence there are Gods
And exorcists are the chosen host of each God
Heart is the dormant High God
Allen’s CC isn’t an actual God but acts as one
Or CC is a God but the primal kind
Basically primal are the foundators Gods while the current Gods are ascended beings
Primals were thoughts gone
Noahs are wielder of dark magic who are trying to awaken the primals
Possibly for that they do need the Heart to wake up first
The Noahs however do not know Allen is the host of the primal king
To be a host of a primal, there need to be light and dark magic in a human
Past!Allen and Nea agreed on Past!Allen using his body to host Nea’s soul, allowing his body to then be a host for a primal
Things didn’t know as planned and the body deaged, Nea made dormant Allen’s memories as a baby’s mind would not be able to contain them and the knowledge of everything
However Apocryphos also found baby Allen and did something to fully trap Nea, as he thought CC was just a God, and so that eventually Nea would be killed and Allen would fight on their side without knowing the truth
In short a canon au of DGM where Innocence are Gods, Exorcists are their hosts, Noahs are wielder of dark magic (and maybe summons actual demons or make actual demons out of humans), and the truth is that Gods are trying to erase the primals and dark magic, so they can reign freely over humanity and creation.
Possibly, “demons” are dark magic Gods, and instead of having a host, they just take over the human’s body, but the human’s soul is actually safe somewhere else. It’s a false belief passed by the Order that the souls are suffering.
Ship wise, I would say Nea/Allen/Tyki. Maybe, with how there’s a lot of actual sentient Innocence, like as Gods; well I could add CC in this, mostly CC/Allen, I could see CC/Nea too, and CC&Tyki.
There could also be a few Exorcist/God ships and human/human ships that cross; like for example Lenalee/Dark Boots and Lenalee/Lavi.
And yes, there will a split in the Innocence Gods, as some actually are “younger” than others and don’t know the truth, and while not all will, some will turn against the Heart and its allies, choosing to fight for freedom.
It’s also possible Innocence Gods aren’t quite awake-sentient yet, and more so, instinctive-sentient. Maybe some know the truth but were too dormant to do anything, and others didn’t know the truth.
Other possibilities: CC isn’t the only primal hiding as a God (but CC remains in all case the king of primals).
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