olliemnjones · 3 days
Hey there! Your actually one of my inspiration for art! I really like how realistically shaded the backgrounds are and everything! Do you have any tips for shading in digital art?
Hey, I appreciate it, thank you! There are lots of things that go in to making a good background but this is the main idea that made backgrounds click for me:
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Hopefully you'll agree that of these two shapes, the one on the right feels more 'real', despite the fact neither of these shapes are meant to represent anything. The shape on the right just has a noise filter and a faint light-to-dark gradient from top to bottom. Those two things create movement on a small scale (the noise) and on a large scale (the gradient). The presence of that sort of movement is what gets your brain to register something as real.
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Here I've taken the shape and given it a new environment, a colour and then a gradient. The shape with the movement feels a little more natural in its environment, I think.
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Then directly on top of that, I can start creating small scale movement, like the noise, through brush strokes. At first (on the left) the brushstrokes look quite out of place and unnatural. But as you work in to the surface more, creating more and more overlapping brushstrokes of various sizes and directions - all while trying to maintain the sense of that gradient - the strokes will start to more naturally integrate in to each other, creating a bed on to which other elements will lay naturally.
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Here I give this abstract shape some context by painting some cracks and decay on it. These new elements create movement by giving our eyes more shapes to latch on to and jump between. I then added a pattern to it. This pattern adds more movement and reinforces the light effect by adhering to the gradient (getting darker at the same rate the wall does).
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You can see I use this idea all through this picture. I make sure in any section there is always some kind of movement of light, whether its left-to-right, or top-to-bottom, corner-to-corner etc. Patterns like the woodgrain on the drawer or the textile of the curtain create additional movement and reinforce the dimensions of their respective forms by adhering to them. Bit rambly but I hope there's something useful in there!
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peachesofteal · 1 day
Through Me (The Flood) - secret baby fic Simon Riley / female reader - warnings: postpartum depression, 18+ brief sexual content
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"Okay, Ry ry, come on. Work with me. You're alright, baby, it's okay."
You're pacing back and forth across the living room in only a nursing bra and Simon's favorite pair of your shorts, the ones that barely cover the soft pleat where the tops of your thighs meet your cheeks. The coverage of your ass is just barely there, crescent moons creased in invitation for his tongue- willing him, tempting him to lick long lines from outside to inside until you’re spread wide over his face.
Now is not the time, however.
He watches you carefully, analyzing, cataloging, categorizing. Looking for a sign, a symptom, a warning that you might not be feeling as good as you let on. Tough little kitten. Stronger than you think.
The doctor told you to get better rest, eat more nutritionally dense foods, and hydrate. If the dizziness and fainting doesn’t improve, you’ll have to see a specialist.
He’s been breathing through his nose a lot, since you told him. Willing his heart rate to slow, urging himself to be calm.
His nightmares are no longer made up of his past, but his future. Sequences of you, unconscious on the floor, baby screaming in his crib. Simon nowhere to be found, hundreds of miles away with his finger on a trigger.
You slump in defeat. Orion screams at the top of his lungs, angry at what, you’re not sure. He's tried not to hover, opting to cook dinner instead, but when your voice cracks on your next plea for Orion to stop crying, he breaks away from the kitchen and settles behind you, firm hand rubbing circles into your hip. "Let's give you a break, mama."
You sniffle. "I don't know what's up with him tonight. He won't latch, but he has to be hungry. I don't know what to do." Simon slides a forearm under yours, supporting the baby’s weight, the other one palming your belly. Your head tips back against his chest, heat radiating from your body like a furnace, and he sways you side to side, careful and slow, rocking the two of you in a gentle rhythm. You're both overheated, and you've long stripped Ry down to a diaper, hoping it would alleviate some of his misery.
"Let me take over. You're exhausted." He kisses your neck, using the light shiver shuddering over your skin to his advantage. His touch gentles you, reins in the stubborn streak that keeps surfacing, and he carries no weight of regret when he twists you up with it a little bit. He’s been standing at the bottom of the well, waiting to catch you when you break. "Go get in the shower, and I'll try a bottle in a bit. See if I can't get him calmed down." He presses his lips to your shoulder.
"But... dinner..."
"It can wait. Go on." He lifts Orion, sitting him upright on his chest, and then gives you a gentle swat on your ass.
It doesn't take much convincing after that.
He tries to get Orion to take the plastic nipple of the bottle, tries rubbing on his cheek to trigger the rooting reflex, like you've taught him, to no avail. "Alright, little man. Let's give it a try, c'mon." He doesn't, but the vibration in Simon's chest when he speaks seems to distract him momentarily, enough that his crying stops for a split second, before returning to its high pitched wail. It’s a shocking sentiment. A startling discovery, one that burrows deep, slides under his skin, slicing him open. Could his son really be soothed by his own voice?
“I wasn’t there when you were born.” He smoothes a hand over the top of Orion’s head. “I didn’t know about you, but that’s not mama’s fault, daddy kind of… disappeared, and she didn’t deserve that. I should’ve been there. I know it was probably scary, for both of you.” The wailing and shrieking turns into a mewl. “I’m gonna make it up to you, and her, everyday, I swear. ‘m gonna keep you safe, you and mama, watch you grow, go to school, lose your first tooth. I’m gonna be there for your birthday parties and holidays, as much as I can.” Orion stares at him with wet, tearful eyes, cries turned to quiet whimpers. “Daddy doesn’t have a… normal job, but we’ll make it work, won’t we? You’ll see. I’ll always be here for you, bub.” The broken cries and whimpers almost stop all together, and Simon’s heart glows with pride. He did that. “That’s better, huh? Let’s go see if we can get you to eat something before bed, alright?” He keeps up a steady murmur, pushing open the door to your room, expecting to see- hoping, to see you just out of the shower, but instead-
he finds you in an oversized t shirt and panties, curled up on top of your blankets in bed. A wet towel sits crumpled on the floor, a pair of pajama pants lying on the bed frame by your feet. It looks like you did plan on making it out of the bedroom, but succumbed to your exhaustion instead, and he doesn’t blame you. Today was hard.
“Sweetheart.” He rubs your shoulder, mattress dipping with his weight. Your eyes open, bleary and confused, a question etched across your brow. “Hey, you fell asleep.” You nod, still not with it, lashes fluttering.
“‘m sorry. Baby?”
“He’s right here. Got him calmed down, think he’s ready to eat though.” You yawn, pawing at your shirt, trying to tug it up over your head, eyes closed again. “Alright, I’ve got it, here-“
“Did I miss dinner?”
“No honey. I put it in the oven to keep warm. When you’re ready I’ll bring a plate in f’you, alright?” You sigh, sleep drenched like your lungs are wet, ponderosity sunken in across your body. He thumbs your temple, trying to rouse you a bit more, urging you to roll onto your side, tucking Orion in next to your breast. It must be instinct, the way he finds you in the dark, and you breathe deep once he settles.
“Sorry I fell asleep.”
“You’re exhausted, mama.” Ry makes a little ‘k-ahh’ sound, like a soft puff of air, and you tug at your shirt half heartedly, trying to shuck it upward again. “Do you want this off?” He fingers the hem, and you nod, lifting an arm as he maneuvers around you and the baby.
Bloody hell. You’re a sight, only in your underwear, Orion at your chest. The hall light dips and drags over your body, painting you in yellows and shadow, broad brushstrokes of a goddess splayed out in front of him, feeding his baby.
He can’t tear his eyes away.
“What is it?” You croak, his fingers tracing the valley of your hip and stomach in an answer.
“You’re stunning.” He cradles the back of Ry’s head, leaning close, brushing his nose against yours before kissing you slow, letting it linger, losing himself in the moment.
“You’re not so bad yourself.” You hum into his mouth, still dewy from the shower, fresh spring rain falling from your lips. You’re more awake now, unhurried and sweet, and he slips to his knees at the edge of the bed, smoothing his hand over your shoulder and down your waist. The rolling meadow of goosebumps chasing his fingertips heats his blood-
Until your stomach rumbles. He chuckles. “Hungry?”
“A little.” You cup the back of Ry’s head and nod sheepishly.
“Okay.” He kisses you again because he can’t help it, can’t stop himself or hold back, the physical ache of being so close, yet so far away drives him to touch you, feel you, as much as he can. Before he’s gone. “Sit tight. I’ll get your dinner.”
Later, after he’s fed you (by hand, lifting a fork to your lips over and over as you sat like a perfect little kitten, propped up on a pile of pillows) while Ry nursed, and then put him down, cleaned up the dishes, and placed the baby monitor in its usual spot, he leans over you in bed, where you’re nestled under the blankets, sleepy and sweet. “Hey sleepy girl.”
“Hi.” You whisper, snuggling farther into the covers. “He go down okay?”
“Like a champ. Think he tired himself out with all the yelling earlier.” He presses a thumb to your bottom lip, sliding it back and forth before cupping your cheek. “Get some rest, I’ll get him when he gets up in a few hours.” He jerks his head towards the living room, where he usually takes his post before heading back, a block over, and then anxiously tosses and turns in bed until he hears from you in the morning.
He shifts closer to press his lips to your forehead, but you grab his wrist, grip tight, and there’s a hitch in your breath, a reedy, fragile thing that strikes his heart with bullets. “It’s supposed to get easier.” A tear tracks down your cheek, and he wipes it with his thumb.
“Oh sweetheart, it will. I promise it will.” He tries to soothe you, taking the hand that’s cemented to his wrist and interlacing his fingers with yours. “Postpartum is hard. You have to give yourself a break.”
“I know, it’s just… sometimes I feel like someone else should have been his mum,” your voice breaks, his stomach pitches, heart pounding in his ears. He could drown in the guilt, slip beneath the swell and fill his lungs with it, sink to the bottom with its weight. “Like he was meant for someone else, like someone else would be better. I was so sick when I was pregnant, and when he was born it was… traumatic…” you trail off, desperate, glassy look falling over your eyes before you close them, hand shaking in Simon’s grasp. He wants to wipe it all away, wipe it clean and fix it, patch the gaping wound he left. “Sometimes all he does is look at me and scream, like I’m a stranger. Like he doesn’t… love me, know me. Why aren’t I good at this?” Your chest is stuttering now, short breaths being choked off with sobs, and pulls you into his chest.
“You are good at this, mama.” He kisses your temple. “It doesn’t feel like it, because your head is a little… messed up with all the hormones and changes, but our son is healthy, and happy. He’s safe. You did that. You took care of him all on your own.” You’re still crying, tears spilling over your cheeks, and Simon cradles your face. “I’m so, so sorry I wasn’t here sweet girl. I’ll never forgive myself.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“It is. I’m the one who left you like a… like a ghost. I’m the one who didn’t care about the consequences and left you to face it on your own. You didn’t deserve that, and I don’t deserve you or that boy… but I’m going to try to do everything I can to make it up to you. I’m here, okay? You’re not doing this alone anymore. I’m here.” And you’re never getting rid of me. He doesn’t say it, not willing to disrupt the clearly fragile equilibrium of your emotions, but he feels it all the same. “Orion was meant to be yours, ours. No one else’s. You understand?” You nod, lower lip trembling. “Tell me, mama. Tell me you know our baby loves you like you hung the moon in the sky.”
“I- I know.”
“Come here.” He keeps you in his arms, settling back on your mountain of pillows, keeping a palm at the back of your head, other one rubbing up and down your spine. “That’s what you are. The moon. You and Orion, moon and stars. My moon and stars.” You manage a watery sigh, and then burrow your face into his chest, finally calm enough to take some long breaths, seconds turning to minutes as he holds you in the dark.
“Stay.” You whisper against him, nearly asleep again, and he answers with a kiss to the top of your head.
“I will. I promise.”
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slutofpsh · 1 day
f1 racer | psh
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part two
pairings: park sunghoon
synopsis: f1 racer park sunghoon is the ace of their team until he got into a terrible accident causing of his sudden hiatus. the incident injured his shoulder and affected his mental health. you are hired by his mother to help him get through this tough times as you are one of the best psychiatrist in town. he hated the idea of being vulnerable so instinctively, he hates you. he hates how you try to get into his head for him to open up and he hates his parents for meddling with his life like he’s a kid. but he couldn’t deny that you are exceptionally beautiful and he can’t help his cock from twitching just by imagining pushing you down on your office table, fucking you deep and hard until you can’t think straight anymore.
wc: 15k
warnings: mdni. smut with slight plot, lots of dirty talking, degrading, corruption kink, p into v raw (please always use protection), dom sunghoon, slight rough sex, reader experiencing sexual harassment. IF YOU DON’T LIKE ANY OF THIS PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SCROLL AWAY.
note: i have no right and enough knowledge with medical terms so disregard my claims as it came from my imagination to fit my plot. i’m new with writing smuts so please don’t give rude comments. i am still learning. also please send me asks and reblog my work. it will help a lot. thank you so much!
slutofpsh 2024 © all rights reserved.
After how Sunghoon dismissed you, you didn’t expect him to reach out first. You can still remember the bitter feeling that poisoned your whole system while you’re taking a bath that day. The pain between your legs was incomparable from how your heart was aching that time.
His cold tone and how he asked you to leave right after kept flashing back to your mind. It was such an awful experience. A part of you gets pissed at him for acting like a jerk after taking your v card, but you also know that maybe you caught him off-guard as well. Besides, it was your decision to give yourself to him that day.
It’s honestly making you feel frustrated. Were you crossing the line when you suddenly asked that question? Now you are certain that his ex-girlfriend has something to do with it. Your chest tightens just by thinking about it. He’s still very affected by her. There’s a big possibility that he still have feelings for her.
You threw your head back and stared at your ceiling. This isn’t how it suppose to be. You should be focusing on your work and not worrying about an F1 racer who probably don’t give a care about you.
The wall clock caught your eye and suddenly realized that it will soon be his session for today. Since its wednesday, he will be the one coming at your office. It makes you hopeful and you’re already rehearsing what to tell him the moment he walks in.
You wanted to apologize for suddenly dropping that question out of nowhere without even considering if he’s mentally prepared for it.
Your thoughts are interrupted when your phone chimed.
Sunghoon: I won’t be coming today.
Your mind went blank right after receiving that message. All the words you tried to compose and prepare the moment you come face to face with him became useless. You can’t help but to feel a little disappointed and upset about it. He’s obviously trying to avoid you and it hurts just by thinking about it.
The amount of efforts and time you exerted just to be close with him seems to be put into waste when he’s pushing you away like this.
Was it really about the professional reason why you’re hurting? Or was it your heart cracking because of him? Eitherway, you don’t like the feeling of it.
Since Sunghoon is the last patient scheduled for today, you informed your secretary that he’s not coming. Although a little confused, she asked if you need something else or if there’s any patients left that you’re expecting to arrive.
You told her that she can wrap up and go home early today as that’s what you’re about to do. This thing going on between you and the f1 racer sure is draining all of you. You just want to be inside a bathtub, soaked in hot water and having a bottle of wine.
Yeah, that’s right. That could totally help with your mood.
A knock from your office door snapped you back to reality. It slowly opened revealing Hana whose now flashing you a small smile. It didn’t slipped from your friend how you’ve been gloomy these days. She took notice how you’re not mentioning the famous f1 racer as well, assuming that he has something to do with your foul mood.
“Hi,” she greets and you tried so hard to flash her a smile.
“Hello. I thought your sessions are done already? What are you doing here?”
She pursed her lips and walked inside. “I was thinking if you’d want to spend time with me? Your secretary said you’re out early today.”
Your eyes almost watered because of what she said. Hana completely understands you despite your resistance of oversharing informations regarding Park Sunghoon. She understands how you're always been a little private with your personal life.
As a friend, all she can do for you is accompany you whenever you need someone to be there by your side.
The two of you planned to stay in her expensive crib that she’s very proud of. Actually, you really like her apartment since its very pretty and cozy. There’s some vibes in it that you cannot explain.
After stopping to get some snacks, you head over her place. She was continuously talking about this one hot client of her. Obviously, she likes him but gets defensive that she just really finds him hot.
“So...” your head snaps at her direction when she suddenly halt her words like as if she’s waiting for you to look.
You got lost in time and have no idea for how long have you two been sitting outside her balcony talking about random things.
“Hmm?” you hummed, asking her what she wants to say.
She bit her lower lip, contemplating whether to go for it or stop being nosy. After ending the debate with her inner self, she sighs heavily and sets down her glass of wine to fully focus on you.
“What’s up with the F1 racer? He skipped today. That’s new.” she finally dropped the bomb.
You were kind of expecting it, but to actually be asked about it still caught you dumbfounded. You don’t know the exact words to use in order to explain what happened on your last session.
Surely you cannot mention what the director did to you and you’re too embarrassed to tell her he just pop your cherry.
“Maybe he just don’t feel like seeing me today.” the pain in your eyes didn’t slip from her. Hana may not always hear you rant things towards her, but she knew whenever you’re not okay.
She pursed her lips and reaches for your free hand to hold it. “When did he ever feel that way? As far as I remember, Park Sunghoon is totally so into you.” and even winked at you to make you feel better or at least laugh.
“I think I made him mad.” tears fills your eyes to the brim that made her go slightly alarmed.
“Why? What happened?” she gently grabs the glass of wine from you to avoid spilling any of its content.
“I asked him about his ex and after that he started acting cold. Maybe...” your words halt and emotions oozes from your eyes. Hana can see how worried and scared you are by your own thoughts. She felt so bad.
“...maybe he still loves her? What about me, then? What am I to him, Hana?” and tears started to flow out from your eyes, your cries filled his balcony as she tugs you closer to her.
Hana never saw you like this. Crying over something. You always have a strong impression towards her. The type of person who handle things like a boss. Very workaholic and once you set your focus onto something, you will, in no doubt, get it.
And so to see you like this caught her off-guard. She doesn’t know what to do or how to properly comfort you, but of course she tried. She caress your arms as she embraces you, calming you down. She lets you have your moment to let it all out as she assumed you’ve been keeping it in.
“I t-think I fell in love with him, Hana. And I’m so scared because I’ve never felt this way and to think he still loves...” you couldn’t finish your own words as you started crying hard. Hana shakes her head side by side in disapproval, eyes starting to water as well.
“I’m sure he doesn’t love her anymore, y/n. Don’t think it that way, okay?” she cupped your face to make you look at her eyes.
“Just give him time to process his own emotions. He went over through hard times that makes it a little harder for him to decide about things, yeah? Maybe you just caught him off-guard as well.”
Your lips pursed into a pout and realized she had a point. Sunghoon’s going through something. Your priority should be to make him feel better and not confront him about his feelings for you.
You nodded your head and slowly rest your head at her shoulder, cuddling closer. She wraps her arms around your shoulder to pull you closer to her body. She sighs and you felt so much better letting your worries out. Like a big chunk of emotions been lifted off from your chest that made your breathing more stable, your way of thinking became much better as well.
Like what Hana said, you gave him time to settle his own thoughts. Thursday came and you didn’t bothered sending a text message for him as well. You tried hard to divert your attention towards some other things. Thankfully, you’ve managed to do that.
Friday came and you’re very much nervous to go on your day. It was suppose to be your day off from the hospital and Sunghoon’s the only client you have for the day but Hana called you early in the morning.
“Can you please take over my session this morning? It will be just quick I promise! It slipped off from my mind that I have that scheduled today and I already booked my flight to Hawaii.”
Your brows furrowed as you put your coffee to the machine, one hand resting at your hip.
“Hawaii? Suddenly? Why haven’t I heard about this plan?”
Of course you can fill her spot for today. You’ve done it for other people before, there’s no reason for you to decline her offer as well.
She giggles, “I didn’t invite you because I know you won’t come anyway since you’re saving up! This is so sudden too! My mom asked me to tag along their trip and since the director will be out of the country for almost two months, I figured I should go to a vacation as much as I can!”
This time you’re even more intrigued of what you heard. You leaned over the kitchen counter and lift your hand to nibble on your nails.
“T-The director will be gone for almost two months?” you asked, baffled.
“Yes! Haven’t you heard about it? Anyway, you should get more rest now that he’s not around! I know how much you want to earn more, but please have some fun as well. We’ll plan a trip for the two of us once I’m back!” she kept going on that slowly became muffled by your own thoughts.
The amount of relief that dawned you after hearing the news of the director being not around was being overwhelming for you. To think that you don’t have to feel anxious of bumping over that monster relieved you.
“I will buy you something from her as a thank you gift of taking over this client for me!” Hana snapped you back to reality.
You giggled and glanced over the machine when it made a sound, indicating that your coffee is now ready.
“Okay, have fun with your mom.” and then the two of you decided to end the call.
After you get ready for your day, you drove straight to the hospital and met with Hana’s client. Like she said it was just a short consultation and nothing heavy. An hour and a half passes by so fast. Your secretary ringed your intercom to let you know its over.
You guided the client out to the door and tell her she did well for today. She seemed very satisfied with your session and thanked you. A smile is what you responded her before bidding goodbyes with her.
Now, you started preparing yourself to leave and go straight to Sunghoon’s place. Your heart started thumping just by the thought of that man. He didn’t send any messages yet that tells you not to come so you’re somehow hoping he’s expecting to meet you today. I mean, he cannot avoid you forever right?
Eitherway, you already set your mind to go and check him yourself. You wanted to convince yourself that you just want to do your job properly, but you know that you’re doing that fot personal reasons. That you want to come and see him because you missed him so bad.
You heard your office door opens that slightly made you jolt. Thinking it was your secretary, you didn’t bother to look over and check. You just continued fixing your things so you can leave.
“You can leave after I finish here, (name). That’s the only client I’ll be meeting here on the office for today since I will go to the Parks to meet with Mr. Park Sunghoon.” you tried to inform her.
You heard the door closed so you assumed she’s inside. Finding it odd not receiving any responses from her, you decided to turn around to look and you almost drop your car keys at the sight of Park Sunghoon by the door.
He looked so good as usual. His slightly long hair brushed perfectly as he rocks his semi formal attire, one hand inside his pocket. He stares right at your eyes that made your knees instantly weak.
“M-Mr. Park.” you stutter.
He pursed his lips and sighs heavily. He may seem like he’s calm, but Sunghoon’s very nervous right now. He took all of his courage to come here and see you. He knew what he did last time was wrong and he can’t find the will to meet you. Not after treating you that bad. He figured you may hate him now. But damn, he misses you so much. He missed you so bad that he might go crazy if he didn’t come and see you.
He didn’t say anything and started walked towards your direction. You held on your table for support as you can feel your knees getting even weaker as he approach closer. Seeing him again after days of being away from each other just made it even more emotional.
“W-What are you doing here? I was just about to go and meet you—” your words cut as he clash his lips on your shaking lips. He placed his hands on your hips, making sure you won’t fell.
You moaned, eyes getting teary of being overwhelmed. You felt his kisses, his touch and his warmth.
After the heated kiss and when he realized you two needed air, he pulls away. He kept his eyes straight at yours, letting your foreheads touch each other.
“I’m sorry for how I acted the last time. It was such a jerk move.” he whispered sincerely that tugs your heart.
You pout and raised your arms to wrap it over his neck.
“It’s fine. I understand that maybe I went overboard. I shouldn’t have let my personal emotions take over me.”
He licked his lips, taking a short glance at your slightly swollen lips. He was tempted once again after having a taste of something he’s been craving for a while. He sighs, calming himself down. This isn’t about him.
“Let me make it up to you.” and he leans even closer, tugging your body closer to his. His lips dangerously inches away from yours.
A small smile spreads across your face.
“You don’t have to, Hoon.”
He leans and placed a peck on your lips. “I want to. Will you let me take you out on a date tonight?”
Your mouth gapped in surprise. “A date?” you repeat his words, bewildered.
He nods his head, trapping his lower lip over his teeth. Sunghoon pressed his body towards you that made you giggle.
“But we already skipped two of our sessions.” you reminded him. As expected, he seemed totally unbothered.
“Then this will be the third time.” he smirks and arched his brow. “Please?”
You stared straight to his eyes and eventually surrenders.
“Okay.” you agreed that made him smile wider.
“Thank you.” he says and leans for another kiss. You giggled returning his affection and letting yourself be drowned by his kisses. His hand playfully roams around your whole body like claiming his territory.
“I have something for you.” he mumbles after leaning away. You can see how his eyes are starting to be clouded by lust and longing.
It stirs excitement inside you. Just having him this close again and staring at you this way makes your core hot and wet. The way he affects you is crazy. Its even crazier because you know he’s the only one that can make you feel this way.
“What is it?”
A mischievous grin spread across his handsome face before he lets one of his hand go from your hips to slid inside his pocket. Your eyes looked curiously to what he’s trying to get.
He fished out something and you can see its color pink. Your brows furrowed in confusion as to what is that thing. It seems soft and like a toy. Your hand unclasped from him to try and hold the thing he was holding.
“What’s that?” you asked too innocently that made Sunghoon almost go feral. Just the genuine look of innocence in your eyes were enough to make him lose his mind. He thought that during the times he was with you and with all the things you two had done together, he might have corrupted you enough.
But it seems like he was wrong. He hasn’t corrupted you enough for you to know that what he’s holding right now is a small vibrator.
He gulped, trying to calm himself and his dick.
“A vibrator.” he announced that made you instantly blush.
“W-What...” you are unable to ask further question as he moved quickly to carry you and make you sit at your office table.
“Hoon, wait what are you gonna do?”
He smiles, “We’re going to have some fun, baby.” and he placed a kiss at your cheeks.
His hand reaches for your thighs and he spread it enough. You’re about to protest and ask more, but he quickly kisses you to distract you from what he’s about to do. His hand made its way inside your skirt and searches for your underwear.
You moaned and tried to pull away, but his lips just chases yours. He eventually managed to take off your underwear, his bare fingers touching your wet core.
“Ugh,” you moaned sensually.
“Already so wet for me?” he smirks so proudly that made you feel so flushed.
He raised his other hand that was holding the vibrator and placed it near your mouth.
“Coat it with your saliva, baby. So it will go in smoothly.” he instructed, eyes flickering with so much excitement.
You obliges and opens your mouth. Sunghoon stares as he dips the vibrator inside your mouth, your tongue twirling around to make sure every part is fully coated of your sweet saliva.
“Fuck, you look so hot.” he mumbles and pressed his lips at your cheeks before gently pulling it out from your lips, making an unintentional ‘plop’ sound.
Your heads stared down while he placed it at your entrance. It was wet and full of your juice already so it slid easier. You kind of felt the stretch but it was a good one. The kind you’ve missed for a while.
“How does that feel?” he asks carefully as he lifts his gaze to look at your half-lidded eyes.
You gulped, salivating a bit due to pleasure of having something inside you.
He nods and grabs this one small device. Your mind is pretty clouded and occupied by that small toy inside of you that you didn’t realized that in order for it to be called vibrator, it needs to vibrate. And that will only happen using that controller Sunghoon’s holding at the moment.
“Okay, let’s start it with the mildest intensity.” he says softly near your ears and pressed something.
You jolt at the sensation it was giving you, a hand grabbing him by his arm. “Oh my gosh,” you mumbled surprised.
He chuckles, “How does that feel, pretty? Much better?”
He leans his forehead to yours as you nod your head slowly. It was a foreign feeling, but it was good. Really really good.
“I think we can put it higher.” he didn’t even wait for what you’re opinion about it and raises the intensity making you open your mouth. Your eyes shut abruptly and the grip over his arms tightened.
“W-Wait, this is too much...” you mumbles feeling everything in you just vibrates and shaking along with this small device.
Your mind are slowly becoming blank and filled with nothing but lust. The vibration is so perfect and the way Sunghoon showers you with kisses makes it even better. He kisses, sucks your skin and sometimes bite you using his canine teeth, making sure he mark you pretty well.
“I’m c-coming,” your words snapped Sunghoon out from his trance as he pulls away and manipulated the controller to make it feel better for you.
As you came, your body loses it strength but thankfully Sunghoon was there to support you, wrapping his arm around your waist. He placed a kiss on your shoulder then at your temple, whispering praises.
“You did so well for me, baby.” he kisses you again at your lips then flashes you a sweet smile.
You smiled and leaned to give him a kiss too. You’re still high from your orgasm that you couldn’t say anything to him. After he pulls away, your eyes watch how he slid your underwear inside his pocket. His eyes are darted at yours when you lift your gaze up to look at him.
He smirks shamelessly, unbothered that he was caught red handed of pocketing your underwear without consent.
“Hey, I can’t go eat dinner without it.” you pout.
He chuckles, “Oh, you can do it. Besides you have that inside you to keep your cum inside.” he smirks that made your eyes grow big.
“What do you mean?”
He fixes your hair, “Am I going to have this inside me while we eat outside?”
He smirks, already giving you the answer.
“Yes. We’re going to have so much fun tonight.” and with that you are left with no choice but to go out on a date with a freaking vibrator inside of you.
You don’t know how exactly you look, but you bet it was awkward. The way you kept moving around, squirming out of discomfort is quite noticeable. You’re inside the elevator and thankfully it was just the two of you heading down at the underground parking lot of the hospital.
Sunghoon chuckles and held your hips tighter, holding your position.
“Stop moving around.”
You grunted, “It feels uncomfy. I feel like my cum will drip out from it.”
He leaned down, lips touching your ears as he whispers, “I bet not. Your pussy is so tight it left no gap for the vibrator.” his raspy voice rings through your ears that made you shiver.
When you arrived at the parking lot, Sunghoon guided you somewhere. It was a black rang rover and a man went out from it then wait patiently until you two came near the vehicle.
You gave him an awkward smile as you still feel bothered by that thing you’ve been keeping between your legs. He bows slightly.
“Let’s go to the restaurant.” Sunghoon says firmly and opened the door for you.
So this is his driver. You’ve been informed by his parents that ever since the incident, he refused to drive. Whenever he have to go see you at your office during wednesdays, he have his own driver to accompany him.
Sunghoon sat beside you and tugs you closer to him while his driver started driving. You felt conscious now that you have another person around you, but it doesn’t seem like the same way for him. Since his touches became more bold.
You gave him a warning look and held his wrist tightly to prevent his hand from entering your skirt completely. His hand was just chilling at your thigh a while ago, and now its slowly moving upwards.
“I just want to check if its still there.” he reasoned out with a grin on his face.
You rolled your eyes at him, “Like it can get out by itself, huh? Of course its still there.” you tried hard to whisper so his driver won’t hear any of this wild things you two had been doing.
He pouts mockingly, “I want to check it myself.” and tugs his arm away to unclasp your hold before he dips his hand further inside your skirt.
You pressed your lips together to prevent any moans from coming out and just lets him do what he wants. This is why you think its dangerous for you to hang around Park Sunghoon often. Because you are too weak for him and you always ends up letting him have his way.
When his fingers touch your core, he graze it gently on your slit and smirk grew wider at the feeling of your cunt being filled. He pulls right after plopping his slightly wet digits inside his mouth to lick it clean. He does all of that while staring shamelessly to your eyes.
The drive towards the restaurant was surprisingly short or he just really kept you occupied the whole ride. It was a fine dinning and thankfully, you dressed pretty appropriately for its aura.
The two of you entered while holding each others hands. Just by the entrance, you can see heads whips towards your direction probably intrigued to see the famous F1 racer out in the open once again. Not to mention that he’s being accompanied by someone unfamiliar to the public.
It made you conscious and a little bit anxious. The feeling of the vibrator inside you isn’t helping as well. Sunghoon did turn it off as you begged him to as you get off from the vehicle. He said that he will allow it only because you behaved and asked nicely.
“Reservation under my name.” Sunghoon tugs you closer to him, hand resting over your waist.
Sunghoon hates the attention he’s having the moment he step foot inside this place, but he thinks he hates the attention that you are gathering even more. More than once he caught a male looking at you like a hungry animal. He fucking hates it. How dare them look at you for more than five seconds? You are his to look at, to admire, to kiss, to claim and to fuck.
“This way, Sir.” the waiter smiles and guidee you inside.
The whole ambiance of the place was romantic and classy. The type of restaurants you see in movies where the people dressed extra nicely to fit the vibe of the place. It was just perfect, if only that thing was not making you feel uncomfy.
Sunghoon beats the waiter to pull a chair for you and you smiled at him. He kissed your hand before sitting at the chair across. He smirks while watching you trying to get comfortable on your seat.
“You good, baby?” he asks meaningfully as the waiter comes back for the menu, handing one each to the two of you.
“Y-Yeah,” and glared at him slightly before trying to look over the food they’re serving.
You’re just in the middle of trying to find something you like to eat when you jolt in surprise. Your eyes instantly darted at Sunghoon, glaring at him. He’s eyes are fixed on the menu while a big evil grin occupies his sexy lips.
He just turned the vibrator on, catching you off-guard and jolt on your seat. The waiter took notice of your sudden discomfort.
“Are you okay, Ma’am?” he asked, very worried.
You flash him a quick smile and pursed your lips tightly right after as the intensity gets higher.
“I’m fine— Ugh,” you groaned and lowered your head in embarrassment. You pressed your legs together, but it just became more intense that way.
“Are you sure? We can—”
“She said she’s fine.” Sunghoon’s strict tone interrups the waiter’s concerned remarks. You glanced at him and you can see him shooting glares at him.
You bit your lower lip and tried hard to control your body from shaking obviously. Its making your head fuzzy and the pleasure clouding your mind. Sunghoon clicks his tongue and proceeds on saying his order.
As he pressed the controlled on its max intensity, the satisfied grin spreads across his face seeing how you reacts. Just seeing how hard you try to control your expression and actions to not fully give into pleasure makes him slightly proud. He kind of wants you to make a mess tho, he’s not going to lie.
“I will order for her too. Is that all right, baby?” he even reaches for your hand that was resting by the table.
You nod your head eagerly, trying to focus on reaching yet another delicious orgasm. Right at this moment, you don’t care if the waiter notices how your legs are shaking or your face too flush from pleasure. All you can think of is to cum hard right there and then.
After the waiter gets your order, he excuses himself and informed you that your order will be ready after ten minutes. The moment he turns around to leave, your legs shakes reaching your climax.
Sunghoon smirks as he watch you slowly going back to your right mind space. With glares shooting straight at him you grit your teeth.
“Why w-would you do that?!”
He smirks, totally not regretful.
“I hate it when men flocks to impress you.”
You furrowed your brows hardly, still high from the orgasm you just had.
“He was just doing his job.”
He tilts his head, unimpressed. “Well I am just doing mine too.”
“What do you mean?”
“Marking what’s mine.” he said that seriously that it made you blush so hard.
Your heart thumped faster and harder that you almost got scared that it will come out from your ribcage. These are his actions that made you confuse if he have feelings for you or not. He’s not saying anything.
He asked something else afterwards to maybe ease the atmosphere. He’s still the Sunghoon who loves to tease you which somehow comforts you. Last time you’ve seen him, you asked him something personal and you got scared it made him cave in his shell once again.
Like what the waiter said, the food will be available after ten minutes. They served it and you two continued eating and talking. It was fun and you cannot believe you are having a date with Park Sunghoon.
You’re just worrying and overthinking about him last Wednesday night. You sure cannot predict what’s about to happen.
After your perfect meal, you’re trying to enjoy the dessert that he ordered for you when naughty Sunghoon once again tries to attack. Your head shakes side by side to stop him, but he was already grinning at you.
He pressed the controller making you jolt.
“H-Hoon,” you moaned.
“Yes, baby?” concern and teasing plays through his tone.
You pursed your lips. “Enough p-please.”
He pout his pinkish lips, “How can I stop when you look so good like that? Such a slut for me.” he says licking his lips while grinning widely.
The sensual look on your face and the way you fight it just so nobody notices turns him on. You’ve always been innocent in Sunghoon’s eyes. An angel. He’s like a very bad wolf trying to prey on you. To corrupt and make you his slut.
Sunghoon palms his dick as it slowly grow harder inside his trousers. He just couldn’t get enough of you.
“N-No...” you whimpered and lowered your head when he pressed it again to rise the intensity.
The pleasure is making you lose your mind. Sunghoon’s already lost his moments ago as he continue palming his erect friend down there.
“Just one more, baby. Cum for me one last time.” he says softly and you gulped.
The way he talks you through it is what’s dangerous. You can never say no to his sweet tone. It’s like it has its own way towards you that convinces and automatically hypnotize you to oblige to his words.
“B-But I c-can’t anymore.”
“Of course you can.” and he even reach for your hand to place a warm kiss on top of it.
He put it at max and you shut your eyes to prevent people from seeing how it rolled at the back of your head. Everything starts to be blurry and to spin.
“I-I’m close...” you mumbles, biting your lip hardly.
Sunghoon licks his lips, “That’s it...” he grabbed your hand and watch carefully while you surrendered yourself into pleasure.
“Hmph,” and another delicious orgasm unfolds.
“Let’s go,” Sunghoon stood up from his sit and approach you. He carefully helps you to stand up. Some customers looked at your direction, but you’re still too high from your previous climax to give care.
“Is she okay?” one waiter approaches after noticing that it seems like you are unwell.
“She’s fine. I just need to get her to the bathroom.” Sunghoon says and excused the both of you.
One waiter guides you two inside a bathroom. She asked if you needed anything more but Sunghoon dismissed her and told her that you just needed space to breath.
The moment she left, he went over the door and locked it. He pushed you over one of the counters, hold you by the hips and easily lifts you up. He made you sit down.
“W-What...” you licked your lips, unable to properly say anything.
He smirks, “You did so well for me, baby. So so good.” he mumbles and spreads your legs and placed a kiss at your forehead once.
His hand reaches for your core and carefully removes the vibrator inside.
“Ugh,” you moaned and groaned a bit at the feeling of that thing being removed from inside you.
Sunghoon take it to his lips and licked all of your juices out from it. It was so sweet, something he missed for days.
“Fuck, I need to have you. Right now.” he announced that made you flutter your eyes slightly open.
With the small gap, you saw him unzipping his pants that made your anticipation rise. Although totally worn out from the multiple orgasms he already gave you from that toy, the thought of having him for yourself excites you the most.
“P-Please.” you begged, gripping over his clothes.
“Please what, pretty?”
You lift your gaze and stared straight to his lustful eyes. It was dark and you can see how dangerous he is. The amount of lust he has for you was unmeasurable. Sunghoon never felt this way towards someone before.
“Please fuck me.”
Sunghoon’s eyes turned darker and dipped his head down to connect his hot lips on yours. He bit your lip to crack an entrance for his tongue to enter your delicious mouth. Your sweet taste overwhelms him and he started to get addicted.
He pressed his body towards you as he carefully pulls out his erect member. He strokes it a couple of times before placing it on your wet entrance. You whimper at the feeling of his hot dick grazing the line of your cunt.
It sent unexplainable pleasure that the two of you sure enjoys at the very moment. Something you two won’t get tired of.
“So fucking beautiful.” he mumbles on your lips and continues giving you messy kisses.
“So beautiful and only for me.” he growled as he slid his cock inside of you.
One hard thrust and he’s all in. Your eyes flutters open, mouth hanging open at the unexpected stretch. The vibrator and couple orgasms sure prepared you, but not enough to feel a slight sting. Sunghoon’s dick is so big for your small cunt.
“Fuck.” he cursed, feeling his dick suffocating inside of you.
“H-Hoon,” you whisper.
“I know baby. Hold on.” and he started to move, thrusting in and out of you. It was so good. The pleasure was too much.
He showed no mercy in using and abusing your pussy as he rutt his cock inside you so hard. He grunts and groaned at the pleasure of having your body this close. He glanced at your privates and just thought how they perfectly fit each other.
“You are mine. You hear me?” he grunts as he continued rocking harder. His thrusts became deeper and faster, fucking you into oblivion.
“Answer me!” he groaned and bit your shoulder when he received no response from you.
“Yes what?” he stared at you.
“Yes, I am yours.” you mumbled near his lips and he smiled widely before kissing you.
His hips started rutting even harder as both of your climax approaches. The two of you became a mess trying to catch that orgasm you’ve been yearning to have together. A couple of hard thrusts and dirty talking and you exploded first before him.
You throw your head back, eyes shut as you started to see stars fromtl too much pleasure. Sunghoon catches his breath and kissed your collarbones before slowly pulling out his member.
He watch how your mixed cum drips out from your hole. He smiles and use two of his fingers to push them back inside, making you jolt a little.
“Sorry, baby. I don’t want to waste it.”
The two of you tried to make yourself look much more presentable. You’ve been glaring at him through his reflection in the mirror in front of you and he’s been grinning all the time. He looked so hot and handsome, you hate it.
“You look so pretty.” he compliments.
Despite the blushing cheeks you rolled your eyes and twist to face him. You crossed your arms at him and stared. He smirks and put his hands inside his pockets.
“Don’t you think that was too much?” you fired him. He arched his brow, acting innocent about it.
“What do you mean?” he asks.
You clicked your tongue, “I bet they knew what was going on! Its so embarrassing.” you pout.
He chuckled and walks closer placing his large hands at your sides.
“I’m sure they don’t mind. Let’s go?”
“Where?” you looked at him with so much suspicion in your eyes.
“Why are you looking at me that way?”
“The last time you said that you led me here.”
He barked a laughter before kissing your cheeks once. He started guiding you out from that bathroom. Surprisingly, nobody took it as a big deal. Some of them looked genuinely worried of you, but once Sunghoon said that you’re just a little sick they let it go and wish you to feel well soon.
While he was paying for the your meals, you roamed your eyes around and by the entrance someone caught you attention. A familiar elegant girl walks inside with yet another familiar face.
They walked closer and when her eyes darted at your direction, it slightly grew.
“Sunghoon?” she calls softly.
Your head craned to look at Sunghoon and you saw how he stiffened. His hand halted from reaching over his black card he used to pay for their service.
He slowly turned to face the girl and the look on his face is not good. He jaw clenches as he looked at the two people standing a few feet away from you.
As you glance back at that girl, you realized she was the same girl you’ve seen at the elevator. The one who looked dreadful. The other one beside her is familiar as well. If you can remember it right, he’s one of Sunghoon’s team-mates.
“How have you been? I’ve been trying to call you, but they said you are refusing my calls.” she seemed agitated while Sunghoon remained his distant.
A little confused to what is happening, you took notice of his obvious discomfort by their presense. His body language is showing you that he doesn’t want to be here in front of them so you quickly stepped in.
“Hey, done paying?” you asked gently and grabbed his hand. It was cold, sweaty.
Their eyes then darted at your direction. The expression on that girl’s face drastically changed. Her eyes looked at you with so much judgement, raking it up and down.
Sunghoon finally took in a breath after feeling you beside him. He glances at you and seeing how you looked at him with so much care, calms him down. He nods and pursed his lips. You can still feel his hands shaking a little. He’s having a panic attack.
You faced them and smiled, “Hello, I’m y/n. I’m sorry, but Sunghoon and I have to go. I hope to see you guys around some other time.” and with that, you bowed politely before starting to guide him out.
Sunghoon manages to walk well, but you can still see that he’s in panic. When you arrived in front of his vehicle, his driver assisted you to get him inside. You asked him to give you two some space.
You cupped his face after giving him some water.
“Hey, calm down. Breath in,” you gently instructs and caress his arms. “breath out...”
He looked at your eyes and carefully follows them. He can feel his chest tightening for unknown reasons. His fist felt numb and her mind starts to lose focus. You, on the other hand understands that he’s having an anxiety. For what exact reason, you don’t know. But what you’re sure of is whoever those two are, they triggered something in him.
“Baby, I’m here. Just breath. I am here for you. Look at me.” you mumbles and held his hand to place it on your face.
He felt your warmth and his eyes slowly focused on you. He can now clearly see your beautiful face despite the slight darkness inside the vehicle. He felt his heart thumped faster, but this time in a different matter. You made him feel safe and calm.
“I’m s-sorry.” he whispers and your heart cracks at the sight of him.
It was almost like he’s not Sunghoon. He looked so fragile. A part of you felt relieved that he finally shown you this side of him, but your heart couldn’t take it.
You tugs him closer and he gave in. He wraps his arms around your waist and nuzzle closer, enjoying your warmth.
“She’s Natasha.” he mumbles.
Your brows furrowed and realized that he was probably referring to the girl from a while ago. You kept your mouth shut, doesn’t want to ask something that can ruin it again.
“My ex girlfriend.”
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You guided Sunghoon inside his house once you two arrived. After he revealed that it was his ex-girlfriend from that restaurant, you don’t know what to feel. Just by thinking of how he reacted, it made you feel things. It made you overthink once again.
“Y/n...” you snapped back to reality when you heard him call you softly.
You craned your head and looked at him laying on his bed. He’s looking at you with slight worry and fear.
“Please stay with me.”
He never, in the whole duration that you two had been in this set up, he had never asked you to stay. You felt your heart races, hope ignites inside your chest.
Slowly, you strut closer to his bed and he opens his blanket to then scooted away to give you enough space. When you lay down, he pulls you closer to cuddle you.
“Stay for tonight.” he begged.
You sighed and slid your arms over his waist after placing a kiss on his chest. “Okay.”
The two of you fell silent. You’re just caressing his back gently and you have no clue if he’s already asleep or what. All you can think of is how messed up it is to meet his ex girlfriend that way. You’re starting to overthink how he still feels for her or where you stand in his life at the moment.
“That night of the accident...” your hand halts from caressing his back and slowly you pulls away to look at him.
“You don’t have to if you aren’t ready yet.” you gave him an assuring smile.
He looked at you straight in your eyes and leans down to place a kiss on your forehead.
“I want to.” he says firmly.
You gave him a nod and rests your head on his chest once again. You gave him his time, doesn’t want to make him feel uncomfy and just take his precious time.
“On the night before I got into an accident, I planned to go to her place because I felt like I neglected her too much. I was having practice on consecutive days since the competition is near.” he says.
He took a long breath and tries to calm himself to go through the night he got into an accident once again.
“I went to her place and found her...” he gulps. You placed a kiss on his chest and caress his back gently. “I found her naked on top of my best friend.” he finally said it.
Your mouth gapped and slowly pulls away from hugging him. His breathing fasten and you raised your head to look at his eyes. It was brimming with tears and you felt like your heart teared off.
“I j-just can’t believe it. How can they do that to me? My girlfriend and my own best friend? That’s so fucked up.” a tear escapes his eyes as he clenched his jaw harder, trying to compose himself.
You cup his face and listened to him carefully.
“I stormed out from her apartment after cursing them out. I drove while still being so angry. The next thing I know, I was in the hospital.”
He pursed his lips together and stared at your eyes. Sunghoon didn’t hold back, he lets you see his vulnerability. He doesn’t know but if there’s someone he can show this side of him, he knew it was you.
“I refused to drive again because I feel like it was the start of how things got messy between all of us. She said I neglected her and all I can think of is that race. My best friend said I took away all the spotlight and left him out of it. He was pushed out of the picture and I am the only one people can see.” he stated, he looked so broken and betrayed.
You may not know a lot about these people, but what you heard from him was enough for you to feel a slight hatred towards them.
“Hey, listen to me.” you sniffed, tears pooling your eyes.
Your hands cupped his face and his hands slowly rested over your hips. His eyes stared at you, trying to listen like you said.
“The issue with your ex girlfriend, it was not right for her to make neglection as a reason to cheat on you. Yes, you might have your short comings as her boyfriend but I am pretty sure you two can solve that problem together by talking.” you carefully make him understand. He stays silent, hand slowly caressing your waist up and down.
“Your best friend,” you started and the picture of the two of them you saw from the internet months ago flashes back to your mind. They look so happy in that photo and yet who knew this could happen?
“You can never cure insecurity, baby. Even if you try to give him the time to shine, you can never fix his own issues for him. If he cannot be supportive of you, then he doesn’t deserve you.” you rest your forehead over his.
“Don’t blame yourself for something you don’t have control of. Even if you don’t neglect her, what assurance do you have that she will not do that to you? If its meant to happen, it will happen. Just like racing.” you smile gently at him, tears streaming down your pretty face.
Sunghoon raises one of his hand to wipe off those tears and kiss you once on the cheek.
“Racing and you are meant to be together. You shine differently behind those wheels and you love racing. Don’t let these people take away your dream.” and you sincerely told him.
Something tugs inside Sunghoon’s heart as he leans in to give you a slow heated kiss on the lips. That night, he couldn’t be more thankful that he have you beside him. You spent the whole time cuddling and enjoying each other’s warmth.
The next day, you left after giving him smooches. He refused on letting you go, but you told him you have an importang meeting for that day. He was a little sulky so you had to give him a head to boost his mood a little.
He walked you out and waves cutely, the firm disapproval of you leaving flashes across his handsome face. His bed hair and slightly crinkled white shirt just gave more vibe to you, making your stomach churns and wetting you down there.
Sunday came as well, Hana went back and you decided to spend it with her. Sunghoon kept on texting you. Thankfully he wasn’t that sulky about it.
“Doctor, that was your last patient.” your secretary announced after she knocks and opens the door to your office.
You smiled and told her she did well today. It’s monday already and you’re off to go see Sunghoon at his place for his session.
Speaking of which, your smile grew after seeing his caller i.d flashing through your phone.
“You’re at your office?” he asks.
“Uh-huh. Why? I’ll just fix my things and I’ll go straight to your place.” you informed him.
You can hear some muffled background sounds from the other line, like he’s walking or something.
“Nah, stay there. I’m almost at your floor.”
“Huh? What are you doing here?” you asked, confused.
“Picking you up. See you in a bit, baby.” and he ended the call.
You couldn’t help but to smile widely just by thinking he came here to fetch you. Not long after, a knock can be heard from your office door. With excited hops you went to open it for him. A big grin is what greets you.
“Baby!” you greeted cheerfully and threw yourself at him. It made Sunghoon giggle and press kisses on your lips right away.
One of his hand rests over your waist, the other one holding something. After being satisfied of the affections you shared with each other, you pulled away and stared at him.
“You didn’t have to come and pick me up, you know?” but the smile on your lips almost rips face.
“We’ll go out on dinner.” he says that made your brows arched. You’re about to say something when he beats you into talking.
“With my parents.” he added that made your face turn pale instantly.
You’ve seen Mrs. Park a couple of times throughout the process of your sessions with Sunghoon. She is nice, except that you still find her a little intimidating. His father tho, despite showing his trust on you that day they seek for your professional help, he intimidates everything in you.
“You okay, baby?” and he pulls you closer to him.
“I’m nervous. Why are we suddenly having dinner with them?” you asked a little warry.
He smiles and kissed your cheeks, finding you adorable like this. He placed the paperbag he’s been holding ever since he arrived. Your eyes darted at it with slight curiosity.
“You can wear this dress for tonight.”
While staring at his expressive eyes, you realized you’ve got no choice but to go with him. Thankfully, he did gave you enough time to get ready and make yourself look more presentable. You have no idea what’s the dinner for since Sunghoon didn’t quite made it clear.
After an hour or two, he guided you towards the elevator. His coat rests on your shoulder to keep you warm while you go down to where he parked.
“Where is your driver?” you asks, roaming your eyes around to search for his familiar range rover.
Instead, he guides you over into a red sports car. With hopeful eyes, you glanced silently at him. He smirks and opened the passenger seat to the two-seater vehicle.
“I’ll be driving us tonight, pretty.” he finally confirms and you couldn’t explain how happy you are at that moment.
He leans and kissed your shoulder before helping you to get inside. You took the time admiring the inside of his car. It was very beautiful. The kind of car you think that fits Sunghoon, the famous F1 racer. His range rover is not bad, but this one fits him even more.
“What?” he scoffed while starting the engine when he noticed how your stares lingers.
“Have I told you how sexy you are?”
He chuckled and smirked widely.
“Well, this sexy man will eat you later tonight.”
You blushed and quickly swat his arm quickly. “You always find a way to ruin the moment with your horniness.”
He laughed and leans to kiss you on your cheeks swiftly, “What can I say? I just couldn’t get enough of you.”
The ride was short and you can feel your whole system panicking the moment he handed his keys to the vallet. He offered his hand and you accepted it as he guided you inside. Just days ago, you were inside a fine diningr restaurant and now you are here once again. What’s even more thrilling is that his parents will join you.
The waiters greets you with full enthusiasm and helped you find your table. They informed the two of you that his parents were already there.
“Doctor (Surname).” his Mom flashes you a big smile the moment she sets eyes on you.
Compared to the last time you met them, their aura seems to be lighter. His Dad looked a little more friendlier. A small smile plays through his lips as he silently watch you two approach the table.
You bowed politely and accepted the sudden hug from his mother. She’s always nice, but never to this extent. It caught you off-guard.
Sunghoon pulls the chair for you and waits for you to have a seat before taking his.
“We already ordered our food! I hope you don’t mind, Doctor (surname).” she says with so much elegance.
You smiled, “Not at all. Apologies for being a little late.”
“Oh, no need! I mean we did arranged this dinner so suddenly.” she giggles.
You have no idea what she thinks about you and where you stand in her son’s life so you feel a little awkward. Despite the large leap between your relationship with Sunghoon, he didn’t confirmed anything yet.
You felt his arm resting at the rest of your chair. It caught his father’s eyes so you felt conscious and made sure not to lean back. His Mother was the one who carries the whole conversation. She seems excited and so you make sure you respond well to her.
“So Doctor (Surname)—”
“Y/n, Mom. Call her by her first name. You’re too formal.” Sunghoon interrupts her while the waiters starts to serve the food.
“Is it okay with you, dear?” she asks.
You eagerly nodded your head as you find it a little awkward to be called by your surname all the time.
“Please enjoy the meal, y/n.” Sunghoon’s father said that made you glance at his direction. You nodded and all of you started eating.
Sunghoon kept looking after you that even while his father and him discusses about something, he keeps on assisting you. You blush, feeling a little shy that his mother will soon take notice and ask what’s between the two of you.
“You’re probably wondering why we suddenly asked to have dinner with you.” she started after you finished the main meals and now at your desserts.
You nodded and patiently wait for what she’s about to say. She pursed her lips and you can see her eyes softening, slightly brimming with tears.
She reaches for your hand and the two male kept silent, watching the two of you. Sunghoon’s hands moves and rests at the small of your back, giving it subtle caress.
“We want to thank you for looking out for Sunghoon and for helping him. We really did the right choice of asking for your help.” she sincerely said.
You smiled, “It was my pleasure.”
She smiles, “When he told us that he wants to undergo surgery and to drive for (f1 team) once again we were so happy. We couldn’t thank you enough!”
Your mouth gapped at what you just heard. The shock on your face was too evident that his Mom looked at you with amusement.
“W-What?” you asked, totally confused.
“Wait, he didn’t told you?” his Mom asks.
You shook your head side to side and heard Sunghoon heaving a sigh from beside you. He pushed himself from resting at his chair.
“It was suppose to be a surprise for her, Mom.” he says that made you look at him with teary eyes.
“Surprise.” he smirks.
“Are you really...?”
He nods his head, staring at you with an unknown look on his face. His affection for you oozing that even his parents noticed it right away. They didn’t need to ask or for their son to confirm it. From just how he holds you and looks at you, they can tell that he’s very fond of you.
“I’m so happy for you!” and you caged him with a tight embrace.
The dinner continued with a lighter atmosphere. You shared conversation with his Mom as she starts telling you stories about his childhood which you find really entertaining.
“Thank you for tonight.” you smiled widely at his Mother when its time to bid goodbye.
She pursed her lips and approaches for yet another warm hug. “Thank you for coming into our son’s life, y/n.” she whispers only for you to hear.
Your heart thumps and was unable to say anything else after she pulls away to give her son a hug this time. They waved and Sunghoon guides you towards his sports car.
“She likes you so much.” he says after putting his seatbelt on.
“Well your Mom is a sweetheart.”
He smiled agreeing. He started the engine and drove. You noticed that he its not the direction back to the hospital so you glanced at him.
“You aren’t taking me back to the hospital?”
He glanced at you, “Why? You left something?”
“My car is there.”
He kept his eyes at the road, “You’re going home with me tonight. You don’t need your car.”
You pursed your lips into a pout, “But I have work tomorrow.”
“We can ask someone to buy you work clothes and I can drive you to the hospital tomorrow since I also need to see the surgeon my Mom was talking about.”
Your eyes grew out of excitement.
“Okay, I can accompany you before I go to work.”
So it was final. The two of you made it to his place and decided to cuddle. Legs tangled with each other, your head laying over his chest as he hugs you close to his body. Sunghoon couldn’t ask for anything else. Just by having you like this while your hearts beats in sync with each other was enough.
The two of you spent the whole night just enjoying the warmth and comfort that escalates between you. It was a wholesome moment that probably will be cherished for as long as you can remember.
“Fucking fuck!” Sunghoon’s rasp voice moaned as he continued rutting deep and hard from behind you.
It was morning the next day and nothing’s better to start your day with a morning fuck. So here you are on your second orgasm for today, face pressed down on the pillow while he take you deliciously from behind. You can feel his length reaching all the right spot perfectly.
“H-Hoon, just like that!” you screamed.
“Pussy so tight for me. So good, so fucking good.” he leaned and bite on your skin before rocking even harder.
When you’re about to reach your climax, Sunghoon flips you around so you can face him. “I want to see your beautiful face while I cum deep inside you.” he groaned and once again find his pace.
You two were a moaning mess, desperately getting drowned by too much pleasures.
“P-Please, I'm cumming.” you mumbled, tears swells over your eyes.
He groped your chest and continued fucking you hard. Sunghoon licks his lips as he make sure he is hitting it deep and right. The amount of pleasure your pussy is giving him is out of this world. For him, nothing can match this. You are the only one.
“Cum with me, baby.” he demands that you completely obliges as eyes rolls back hardly after your release.
After a couple of thrust, Sunghoon shoots his hot seeds deep inside your womb, making sure he paints and claims you enough. He leans in while still giving you lazy thrusts and kissed you on your lips.
He plops beside you and you’re both trying to catch your breaths.
“We need to get ready.” you announced and sat up. His eyes follows you silently.
“Can’t we just go tomorrow instead?”
You shook your head in disapproval. “No. We have to do your sessions tomorrow so we have no time. Besides, you have to meet with your surgeon.”
After so many attempts of making him leave the bed and get ready, you finally succeeded. He drove you to the hospital.
“We’ll go to your surgeon first.” you left him with no choice.
Sunghoon silently follows, ignoring the eyes that obviously watches him after recognizing who he is. His tall figure, handsome face and the way he carries himself just catches attention easily.
“Excuse me, is doctor Kang available at the moment?” you ask the attendant nurse.
Her eyes lits up at the sight of you and smiles. “Yes, doctor.” she response.
“Great! May I ask what time is his appointment with Park Sunghoon?”
The nurses eyes brightens, “Mr. Park Sunghoon? Oh, Doctor Kang has been waiting for him for twenty minutes. His Mom already made the appointment last night.”
You smiled excitedly, “Thank you! I’m sorry for being late, we were caught on traffic. Can we go inside now?”
She nods and just informs Doctor Kang that his patient just arrived. You walked towards Sunghoon who have a placid expression on his face.
“Let’s go. I will walk you inside and I’ll go.”
“You’ll leave me there?” he asked with a tone of betrayal.
“I have work to do.”
“But I need you there.”
You sighed, “I’ll just meet with my client and then I will come back here. Okay?”
He still looked unsatisfied, but you pulled him towards the office of his surgeon. When you entered, his head lifts and eyes widen in surprise to see you. It didn’t slip from Sunghoon. The delightful look on his face the moment he saw you walking inside stirs something inside him.
He walks near you, back pressing on your back.
“Doctor (surname), what a surprise.” he greets and stood up from his table.
“Oh, I just accompanied Sunghoon here.” and now his eyes darted at his direction.
The doctor seem to be surprised again and quickly offered a hand. Didn’t want to be rude, Sunghoon tries to keep his cool and accepted it.
“Its such an honor to finally meet you, Mr. Park.” he says.
He gave him a short nod, looking a little snobby. Your lips lifts a bit, remembering how he’s just the same the first time you two had met.
“How’d you know him?” he curiously asked you.
You smiled, “I’m his psychiatrist,”
“And my girlfriend.” Sunghoon added that caught you off-guard, resting his hand over your waist.
The smile on his surgeon’s face fell, but he tries hard to pull it back.
“Oh, I s-see.” he awkwardly stated.
You blinked and with blushing cheeks, you realized it was your cue to leave them two alone.
“I’ll see you l-later?” you stuttered.
Sunghoon seemed unbothered and even pleaced a peck on your lips before finally letting you go. The whole time you’re walking towards your building, your mind was occupied. You cannot think of anything else but what Sunghoon just said.
Girlfriend? Did he really just said you are his girlfriend? Your stomach churns and heart hammered hardly inside your chest.
It took everything in you to shove that thought off of your mind in order to focus on your work. Your sessions went surprisingly well regardless of being a little distracted because of the F1 racer.
After your last session, you heard a knock from your door and Sunghoon went inside. You smiled while still writing something at your folder.
“So...” you started and tilts your head at him.
“Since when did I became your girlfriend?” your tone sounds teasing. He smirks and leans in to drop a peck on your lips.
“Since I asked you out on a date.”
You furrowed your brows, “The day we met after not seeing each other for days?” you tried confirming it to him.
He nodded his head innocently.
“I thought you already knew that we’re already dating since I asked you out.”
You blushed, “Do you even like me?”
He narrowed down his brows and stared right at your face. “No.” his quick answer shoots you straight to the chest. It was painful.
He grabs your hand and gently guides you to stand up only to tug you closer to him. He wraps his arms around your body.
“I love you.” the three words came out from him naturally that you’re completely dumbfounded.
You blinked, “A-Are you serious?”
Sunghoon chuckled, finding you adorable.
“I am crazy for you, y/n. In case you failed to notice.”
You smiled and tip-toed for a kiss on his lips. “I love you too.”
His cheeks perks up in so much satisfaction after hearing you utter those three words. You never knew that you two will end up in this situation. You were just overthinking about this and now it was settled. There’s nothing more you can ask and just enjoys being warmly wrapped between your boyfriend’s warmth.
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Almost two months had passed and you cannot be happier. It was well spent with Sunghoon as you two grew in love with each other. He was badly smitten over you as much as you are to him.
His surgery went well too and he’s now on his therapies for him to get back in the right shape. The doctor said once he's over with all of this, he’s good as new like before. He can go back on track and win races again.
“Come in!” your cheerful voice echoes inside your office after you heard a knock from your office door.
You’re done with your session today and just getting ready to leave. Sunghoon’s not responding from your text an hour ago so you assumed you won’t be meeting him again today. He’s been really busy with his therapies lately and you completely understand.
Right now, your top priority is for him to get better and nothing else.
“Miss me?”
Your hand halts from putting your things inside your bag. Shivers ran through your spine and cold sweats all over you. The familiar horrifying voice you almost forgot about rings inside your head, instantly triggering that traumatic experience you had.
Slowly, you turned around to face the person standing right by the door. The smile on his face terrified you.
“M-Mr. Cha.” you stuttered while looking at him with nothing but fear on your eyes.
“Nice to see you too, y/n.” he trailed his gaze from your face down to your body. And when you saw how he licked his lips as he does that disgusts the hell out of you.
“I see you’ve been prettier while I was gone.” he walks closer and you couldn’t even move a muscle. You are pierced right at your position, unable to even say anything.
You wanted to run as fast as you can, but your stupid feet just could not move. Like it was glued or something.
“How have you been?” his hand raised to touch your face and you moved away. He doesn’t seem to like what you did so he grabbed your hair.
“Being feisty, eh?” the sarcasm looms over his tone as he pulled your head backwards, he took his time admiring your beautiful face up close.
The director can’t remember the very first time he ever started to feel the attraction towards you. Maybe it was when his father introduced you to him as the newly hired psychologist for the hospital. He still remember how bragged that you’re one of the top students in your university and the hospital managed to pull you.
He couldn’t help but to agree. It was indeed a lucky thing they managed to have you.
“P-Please don’t do this...” your tears rolled down your cheeks and lips shakes in so much fear.
Just by thinking of going through the same process like before terrified you. But who you are kidding? You didn’t even know why you bother to plead when you knew very well he wouldn’t listen.
Mr. Cha smirks and started peppering you with kisses. You grunts and cried in resistance, but he’s just more powerul than you.
As tears silently rolled down your face while this man was assaulting you, Sunghoon flashes through you mind. How you wished he can be here to protect you and prevent this thing to happen. You should’ve had said to him what happened before.
That’s the thing. No matter how many times you try, you can’t. Fear and embarrassment takes over whenever you try to tell him about that day. You know he would understand, its just your own fear is hunting you.
On the other hand, Sunghoon’s all smiley while he parks his car at the underground parking lot of the hospital. He’s just in time to pick you up from your shift.
He felt bad that therapies had been taking all of his time and he couldn’t spend more time with his lovely girlfriend. Tomorrow, he’s off to leave the country for a week of seminar and therapy. It would be the last one before the doctors allowed him to go on full training.
He figures he can go see and spend the night with you before he leaves for a few days. He will miss you the most.
As the elevator tings at your floor, he steps outside and saw that the table of your secretary was vacant. Seems like she left already. He’s pretty sure you are still here since he didn’t receive any messages that you left your office.
When he stepped closer, he can hear muffled sound coming from inside. Things being moved and some grunts. He slowly pushed the door open and the flower he was holding fell to the cold floor.
His whole body felt numb and his ears ringed at the sight in front of him. He can feel his whole body feeling cold, mind going blank.
“What the fuck...” he said that made the man holding you moved away.
Your teary eyes grew and you quickly fixed yourself as Mr. Cha managed to push your skirt up until your waist. You still have your underwear on, but the scene itself was sensual enough for Sunghoon to react this way.
“H-Hoon...” you called softly and tried to stand up properly.
When he looked at you with the hint of betrayal flickering through his eyes, your heart drops. He misunderstood everything. He clenched his jaw and took a step backwards, shaking his head from side to side.
“N-No! It isn’t what you t-think—”
You squealed when he step forward and took a hold of Mr. Cha’s collar. With dark and dangerous eyes he glares right at him. He threw a punch with no hesitation.
“Fuck you!” he shouted.
You quickly went to stop him before he unwillingly damage his shoulder again. Thankfully, he did let you but your heart broke when he shoved your hold off from him. He glanced at you with cold eyes and left the room.
You got stoned in your position for a while before finally composing yourself. Without much thought inside your head, you grabbed your jacket and phone to come after Sunghoon. He was no longer in the elevator and so you headed down the parking lot hoping you can catch up on him.
“Sunghoon!” you called out and scurry over to his sports car. Surprisingly, nobody was there.
A part of you felt relieved that he didn’t go and drove away using his car while he’s feeling that way. You’re still very worried. You fished your phone from your pocket and dialled one of his friend’s number.
“Y/n?” his surprised tone greets you after answering your call.
“Jake! Is Sunghoon with you?”
“Huh? He just left to go see you. Is he not there yet?”
You bit your lower lip and another set of tears attempts to stream down your face. Just being reminded of how horrible and hurt he looked moments ago hunts you.
“W-We had a fight. Can you please call him? Please? I’m scared that he’ll get into another accident.”
You heard background noises from the other line and follows, “All right. Jay and I will look around for him. Don’t worry too much and be safe.” he says that send instant relief.
“Thank you.” and you crash down the pavement near his parked car.
It’s unbelievable how these things are happening to you right now. As far as you remember, you’ve never did anyone wrongly to the point for you to suffer this way. Nobody deserves to be assaulted and silenced that way. But you are scared. To think that you shouldn’t be the one to feel ashamed but still do is depressing.
As expected, he refused to see you. His friends did confirmed that they had found him somewhere and safely took him to his house. It was enough for you. The last thing you’d want is for him to get into trouble because of you.
You headed home as well, praying so bad that everything will be fine soon. You’ve been so happy with Sunghoon lately that you lost track of time. The director is back after being out of the country for a while. You’re a bit dumb to think that he will stop once he sees you’re already dating somebody.
The next day, you’re about to head over to Sunghoon’s house but to your dismay he’s off to do his last therapy. It slipped off your mind as well. Now, it made you feel bad even more. He might have went there to come see you since he will leave for a few days.
You planned to come after him, but it may be not the best choice. His mind is probably occupied and he needs time to collect his own thoughts. The best thing you can do right now is resign from your job and wait for him to come back. You can afford losing that big opportunity, but not Sunghoon. Not him.
On the other hand, Sunghoon’s on his second day out of the country. He still out of it. He’s body is here, but his mind is clearly left back at you. His heart too. He can still feel his chest tightening whenever he recalls how he sees another man touching and kissing you that way.
“That seminar is so boring!” his head craned over to one of his friend as he settles down beside him. He placed his food on the table and glanced at Sunghoon once.
“You’re too quiet these days, hyung. You missed Y/n noona that much?” he teased and even nudge him over the shoulder.
He ignored what he said and remained silent. He was right. Even after what he saw, he can’t deny that he’s been missing you so much.
“But you know Cha Jin? The director of that hospital she's working on?” he stated that made Sunghoon stops from fidgeting over his fingers.
Just by merely hearing that guy’s name sets fire inside him. It boils his blood that he wants to go straight to where he is and punch him nonstop until he passed out.
His friend seemed to not notice how his expression changed and just continued talking about this director.
“He used to be my cousin’s batchmate and he said that guy harassed a lot of girls before! He even mentioned if it wasn’t for his family’s money and power, he would have been already in jail.”
Sunghoon stunned at what he just heard. He suddenly got reminded of how he caught you and that guy that day. Him pressing himself over you while your eyes brim with tears.
Your eyes....
He cursed inwardly for not noticing it right away and for letting his emotions take over him completely.
He abruptly stood up from his seat that surprised even his friend. He looked at Sunghoon with confused eyes.
“I’ll go first.” he says and started pressing something over his phone.
“G-Go where? Hyung!” he slightly panic at the sight of the older one gathering some important things.
“Home. Tell Mr. Lim I left because of an emergency.”
Sunghoon didn't even let his friend to say anything else and just proceed on leaving that place. He put his phone over his ears and wait for the other person to answer the call.
“Yes, Mr. Park?”
“I want to file a case.” he says seriously, fist hardly clenched while talking to his lawyer.
He wants so bad to ruin Mr. Cha for doing that and he wants to punch himself for being too dumb to notice. Sunghoon asked for an immediate flight back home and tried to organize everything that will be needed.
The next day, you went over your office to gather some things. Honestly, you have no enough courage to go there. You knew you couldn't stand being in that room for long right after what he just did to you.
You hate it because you’ve put so much work and effort just for that place to feel cozy and safe. He just ruined all of it. He’s disgusting and a monster.
Just as you’re hurrying to put all the stuff you can fit inside the small box you brought, your door bursts open.
“Leaving without saying good bye?”
You whipped your head to face him with piercing eyes. Seeing him flashing a smile and having the face to be here after doing all of that to you is unbelievable. He has no shame at all.
“I’m quitting my job.”
He scoffed, “Really?” he laughed with no humor. He still scares you, but you need to be brave. You have to.
“Do you think another hospital will accept you if I spread rumor about you?” he slid his hand inside his pocket and tilts his head with a cocky smile.
You clenched your jaw and stared at him with so much hatred. He is powerful and wealthy. You knew he can ruin your life in a snap, mainly why you’re also too afraid to leave this place.
“You can’t do anything about it, y/n.” he smirks wickedly.
A tear fell from your eyes then it moves over to look at the unfamiliar person who suddenly walks inside. Your brows furrowed in confusion and so does Mr. Cha.
“But I can.” Sunghoon’s familiar voice made you roam your eyes around and you almost lost your balance when you saw him walking inside.
“What...” Mr. Cha is as confused as you are.
“Mr. Cha Jin we are asking you to come with us for interrogation about a case of harassment and rape.” a guy held him by his shoulder firmly and the other put his wrists together.
Sunghoon walks towards you and cupped your face, making you burst into tears even more.
“I’m sorry for being late, baby.” he mumbles and you just shook your head side to side.
“You’re just in time.”
He smiles and leaned down to give you a sweet kiss on your lips. He pulled away and both of you looked over Mr. Cha as he kept on resisting from the people whose guiding him outside.
“You can’t do this! You have no enough proof!” he said enraged and his eyes darted at your direction.
“Tell them, y/n! Tell them I am innocent! Do something! Defend your director!”
You can’t believe how he can say all those words towards you when he knew very well how guilty he is. Sunghoon tugs you closer, trapping your body using one of his arm.
He throw an envelope near Mr. Cha and his eyes dropped down to look at it.
“That’s her resignation letter.” Sunghoon said seriously.
Mr. Cha doesn’t look so happy about it and with gritted teeth he looked at the two of you.
“You can’t do this! You know what I can do to you, y/n!” he kept threatening you.
Sunghoon scoffed and tilts his head before placing a kiss on your forehead while still eyeing Mr. Cha. No fear can be seen over your boyfriend’s eyes.
“You messed with the wrong girl.”
He signalled the authorities to take him away already and you nuzzle over his chest as the commotion unfold. You have nothing in mind, but the thought of things being over.
“Wait.” you said when it finally hits you.
“Are you done with your therapy?” you looked at him with worried eyes.
Sunghoon smiled a little, “Not yet.”
“Then why are you here? You should be—” your words got cut off when he leans in and drop a kiss at your lips.
“I am here because my girlfriend needs me. I am a fool to leave you here alone that day.” guilt flashes through his eyes and you’re quick to comfort him.
“Don’t say that. The important thing is that you are here now.” and you wrapped your arms around his waist for a tight hug.
You two stayed that way before you decided to go home.
“Wait.” Sunghoon says and tugs your arm to pull you back.
Your body crashes on his and he looked at you with those hot eyes. With a little suspicion you stared at him.
He smirked as one of his hand slowly moves down your thighs. You blushed and roamed your eyes around to check if somebody is there.
“Let me fuck you here in your office one last time.” he whispered sexily as he swiftly switch your positions and pushed you over your office table.
“But what if someone sees us?”
He pushed your skirt up to reveal your underwear. Sunghoon curses at how hot you looked beneath him before he licked his lip.
“Then they will enjoy the show.” and with a big grin, he pushed your undies to the side then pulled out his erect cock.
He gave his palm a lick before aligning his hardened head on your wet core. You let out a small moan at the sensation of his dick touching your entrance.
“Nobody,” he grunts as he pushed it inside with no mercy making you yelped a little. “can every taste you this way. This is all mine. Mine.” he said firmly like a law nobody can disobey.
He started thrusting from behind you and you two are both a moaning mess. He made his hand roam your sexy back before reaching your hand to intertwin your fingers.
“I love you so much, baby.”
Your mouth hanged open, saliva dripping slightly out from it from too much pleasure as your boyfriend kept hitting the right spots.
“I l-love you, Hoon.”
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“You look lovely.” he doesn’t even need to utter those words towards you as his eyes are enough for you to know it.
The way Sunghoon stares at you with so much love and affection will always be your favorite thing. His thick brows making a straight line whenever he looks at you indicates how his worries disappears. His sexy eyes never leaving you and his lips lifting for a smile shows how badly smitten he is for you.
You smiled and leaned closer for one kiss as you don’t want your gloss to be smeared all over him if it was a long kiss. He tried to chaste after, not satisfied with the short affection. You’re quick to dismiss his attempt for another kiss.
You giggled, “Yes, later.”
He nods and placed a kiss at your shoulder before the two of you walks inside the venue. Tonight, his team gathered everyone for a small dinner party to welcome him back. His other team-mates and his coach are pretty much excited to have him back.
Of course, he asked you to be there. He wants you to be there for him.
“There he is! My man!” their coach cheers and eagerly approached Sunghoon as you two made an entrance.
His teammates didn’t waste time to come and greet him as well, delighted to see him around. You didn’t fail to catch their attention too as they kept eyeing you after greeting Hoon.
Your eyes catch a glimpse of his ex-girlfriend with Sunghoon’s ex best friend. They both stood from a distance unlike everybody else. She looked a little sad and whole regretful as she stare at your direction.
She couldn’t help but reminisce the times that it was her who he was holding.
“This is Doctor y/n (surname), my girlfriend.” he announced sounding so proud.
They all looked amused and even bickered around who can shake your hand first. You giggled finding it adorable and funny.
“You two look good together.” your heads whipped over to the side when two people approaches.
The taunting lingers over his tone as he smirks over Sunghoon, eyes flickering slight anger and disapproval to your boyfriend’s presence. Natasha stood close to him, her body language shows how uncomfy she is and how she refused to be in that situation.
A part of you felt bad for her, but you also know she kind of deserves it after what she did to Sunghoon.
Sunghoon didn’t show any sign of annoyance through his face, but instead pulled you closer to his side.
“Thanks. I can say the same thing to the two of you.” Sunghoon said with a playful smirk on his face as he stated those words with a meaningful tone.
Natasha looked so bothered about it and so does his best friend. He tries to hide it with a humorless laugh and clicked the side of his cheeks.
“Don’t you feel sorry for suddenly showing up like nothing happened?” he fired that made Sunghoon's smile fell.
His smirk grew wider at the reaction Sunghoon showed. He seems to be enjoying it and you hate it. So even before he can utter another word, you stepped in.
“Yes, my boyfriend does feel sorry.” you interrupted with a sweet voice and a playful expression on your face.
Everyone eyed you as you looked straight at his ex best friend’s face.
“The only thing he felt sorry about is that he left the team on your care.” you said that earned reactions from their teammates.
You pursed your lips into a pout, like you feel sorry. Like you feel so much pity.
“You didn’t even made it to the top five, right? What a shame.” you teased that clearly hit the spot as his smirk fell completely.
Sunghoon grinned and licked his lip before tilting his head over to the side, very impressed.
“But don’t worry guys. Sunghoon’s back to win you another trophy this season. I know he won’t disappoint us.” and you flash them all a very sweet smile.
And he really didn’t disappoint.
“For first place, champion for this season.” the announcer voice echoes to the whole place while you looked above during the podium ceremony.
Your eyes goes teary just watching Sunghoon smiling so widely while looking straight at you. His mother held your arm beside and got her widest smiles as well.
“Park Sunghoon!” everyone cheered so loudly after his name was called.
You screamed and clapped, admiring how he really shines. This is where he truly belongs, his natural habitat. He is meant for this. You pursed your lips, trying to hold back your tears.
He kissed the trophy while still looking straight to you. He mouthed ‘I love you’ and you responded, ‘I love you.’
Your heart races as the crowd cheers loudly for Park Sunghoon, the famouse ace racer of the team (f1 team) and also your boyfriend.
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@candewlsy @nyfwyeonjun @sunghoonizz @jaehyuniewifeu @imjakes-wifeofc1 @deobitifull @enhypens-hoe @yzzyhee @nyxtwixx @crimnalseung @vixensss @jjklvr9 @gonorrheaisme @lhspeachie @myboyfriendjungkook @capri-cuntz @brooklyninawhitemustang @woniebae @ma-riiii @tinie03 @seokseokjinkim @iheartjayke @hybeboyenthusisast @minniejenseo @shelovsme @sjakewrld @shawnyle @skzenhalove @crimnalseung @cloud-lyy @vixialuvs @mitmit01 @mintdsunoo @metkayinassss @dojaejunging @ahnneyong @denleave1088 @velvetkisscs @saanvilovessunghoon @ilymarkchan @realrintaro @acolytees @tanisha2060 @stuckonclouds @outroherrr @yunhoswrldddd @smpfrpshlhs @missychief1404 @riyuukii @jungwonieee
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malwaredykes · 3 days
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well. here she is. miss Leigh Stasik.
trans woman. stubborn, incorrigible, eccentric. communist; she has leftist in-fighting with herself on the regular. a cannibal; she has no moral qualms about this, and its both a bit of a spiritual thing and a bit of a pragmatic thing. medic (not a doctor. no medical license). she knows for sure she had some kind of significant personality change from being shot in the head, but she doesn't remember what she was like exactly before it happened, it all became this kind of distant memory soup. shes originally from west new cali, but she grew very attached to the mojave. and has a lot of contempt for the ncr. She Will Serve Crack Before She Serves This Country. thank god the army discriminates against transsexuals etc. zero tolerance for the legion, obviously.
she firmly believes she is not nice, or kind, or compassionate, but instead her actions and her general sense of justice stem from her simply doing whats the most logical and objectively beneficial. it may be true to some extent, but she might also have a wee bit of ocd of the "i am a horrible person whos at all times like 2 seconds away from committing atrocities" variety.
shes a SCIENTIST. unofficially. she doesnt have a degree nor a chosen field of study. she makes her own hrt and other mysterious concoctions, including designer chems. which she claims she ingests injects etc not for recreational purposes, but to Enhance Her Powers And Possibilities. she reads old world books about psychology so she can manipulate people better. and makes weird contraptions and doohickeys while high. shes a HACKER of course and hacks terminals and systems for fun and just to see if she can.
her stats are out there due to implants and intense training, originally they were rather average. in-game she wears combat armor mk 2, but i see her having spruced it up like this. her main weapon is the ycs/186, the unique gauss rifle, but before that she used a modded plasma pistol. which she very much enjoyed the silly appearance of. because it was so small and with so much shit tacked on and she could just hold it in one hand like a mutated revolver like Hands up motherfucker bang bang bang lol. her melee weapon of choice is the machete gladius, but she's been training to be able to wield a thermic lance.
in my head the trajectory of her actions and the fate of the mojave that follows is different from what you can do with the game, because leigh could only go for The Secret Leftist Route Which Was Supposed To Be In The Game But We Were Robbed Of It.
boone was the first friend she made after leaving goodsprings and their relationship is particularly notable. they are Comrades, Siblings-In-Arms, Worsties (like besties but fucked up). theyve seen each other at their worst. they annoy each other on purpose. theyve had serious ideological clashes with each other and some ways in which boone perceives the world drive leigh absolutely nuts. they're ride or die for each other. theyre the kind of comfortable around each other where she'll be on the toilet and smoking a cig with the door open and talking to him, while he's naked sitting on the floor removing stitches from his leg. she's done surgery without anesthesia on him. he's projectile vomited blood on her from being poisoned by cazadores. she strongly encourages him to become a traitor to the ncr and to take part in the revolution and the formation of the new independent mojave alliance. somehow, it works on him in the end. shamefully they kinda like snuggling... boone bro come to bed man its nighty night man its beddy bye time.
shes in love with lily bowen. i havent decided yet whether she actually makes a move. but she thinks lily is sooooo dreamy. and shes right. if you dont think the enormous 203 year old blue mutant woman is dreamy thats your problem. outta her way
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gg-pedro · 3 days
Joel Miller's Midwestern Road Trip Fantasy - joel miller x reader oneshot
summary: an AU of the journey out to wyoming, wherein you and joel's car troubles take a little more elbow grease to solve than strictly necessary.
warnings: 18+ MDNI, post outbreak!joel, joel x reader, AFAB!reader, tlou hbo, protective!joel, non-established relationship, AU without ellie, unprotected piv, fingering, oral (m and f receiving), riding, end of the world sex, rough!joel, heavy on the petnames, porn with some plot, porn with some feelings
words: 2.4k
a/n: im a woman of the people! also: the alternate title became the actual title
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With Joel kept busy under the hood of Bill’s blue chevy pickup, you spent a few hours sprawled out in the bed of the truck, the wind coming on heavier as the afternoon bore on. It made your hair splay out and then skim across your bare shoulders, ridding you of any protection from the sun as it beat down onto the hopeless open field. 
Your gaze turned hazy and unfocused in the mugginess of the early September day. The clouds in the sky looked thin and delicate, like silk threads or a broken string of pearls. You had already broken a sweat laying out here, but it was far less suffocating than sitting in the truck. Your position at this point felt unmoveable– your body was laden, even your eyelids, struggling to keep them open under the stifling sunlight.
You heard Joel slam the hood of the truck shut, which preceded a long sigh and the sound of him wiping dry hands against his jeans. He slapped the body of the vehicle on his way over to you, staring down at you with an exasperated look. 
“Think it's the heat,” he started, leaning against the blazing metal with his arms crossed over his chest. “Gonna give it some time to cool down.”
Your borrowed truck had started jolting and sputtering a few miles back, right after you had crossed the state line into Missouri. You didn’t exactly feel it was fair for Joel to be so upset by it– you were fortunate to have even made it this far without being on foot. Beggars can’t be choosers, trying to make it all the way to Wyoming on borrowed luck.
“Hope you’re right,” you said, casting your eyes over to him with a hand shielding your brow. “I’m not walking anywhere in this heat.”
He cracked a grin. “Oh, yeah? Is the sun gettin' to you, cowgirl?” He nudged your foot over to the side before hauling himself up to lay next to you in the truck bed, grabbing a hold of your waist to press your bodies together.
The warm daylight was making his eyes look like melted mahogany and the baby blue color of his t-shirt brought out the warmth in his skin. Devastatingly handsome, even with that lingering exhaustion plaguing his expression. He almost never took to your compliments, but in the moment, there were hardly words to describe the feeling pooling low inside of you.
“I’m more worried about you, Eastwood,” you teased, licking your thumb to smudge away the swipe of car grease that had found its way onto his cheek. “I think you’d keel over first.”
You were grinning up at him as he pulled you in by the hips, finally receptive to your efforts to get him out of whatever funk that a broken-down car had put him in. 
“Oh, so now you’re happy, ain’t ya? Think you’re funny? You weren’t so chatty in the car, sleepin’ all the way through Indiana. Hm? Hey, c’mere!”
You tried squirming away, but being in the sun had exhausted you and his grip was just too strong and too enticing. His hand found the space just below your sex, running deft fingers across the thick denim of your light blue jeans. He had a firm grip on your face and jaw with the other, kissing you dizzy and breathless. You moaned around the thumb that had made its way into your mouth, tangling your hand into those wind-swept curls. 
“I’m starting to think the car troubles were just a ploy,” you said, giggling as Joel shifted to hover overtop of you. “I didn’t know this had turned into Joel Miller’s midwestern roadtrip fantasy.” He hooked his thumbs into your belt loops, decidedly pinning you there.
He silenced your teasing with another saccharine kiss, and you could smell the diluted gasoline and warm grass on him. His mouth was so familiar that you feared the two of you would melt into one, breathing through the same dry, shared lungs.
“You are a fantasy, sweet thing, don’t get that twisted,” he breathed out. You did have time to kill, that was true enough– and you could already tell that Joel was going to make it an obscenely slow death.
He couldn’t have shoved down your tight jeans fast enough. Desperate hands nearly ripped your shirt as he pulled it up and off of you, carelessly pushing your bra out of the way to access the soft skin of your breasts, swollen and sensitive with arousal. His lips and the tip of his teeth grazed the tissue, kissing and nipping and biting wherever he saw fit. Soon, wet mouth and tongue trailed straight down your center, kisses placed haphazardly along your flesh. The mere sight of his bulging bicep as he propped himself up above you with both arms was enough to raise chills all over your exposed skin.
You paused him where he was to desperately fumble with the button of his own jeans and rip down the fly, sliding your hand into his pants to palm his growing erection through his boxers. He intercepted the touch, gripping your wrist tight before pinning it back down above your head.
“Don’t remember sayin’ you could touch me, pretty girl. Needy for me, ain’t ya? ‘M not done with all of you just yet.”
In an instant his head was between your thighs, licking along the depths of your puffy, glossy folds. A calloused hand gripped your thigh, forcing your legs obscenely far apart– exposed. There was nobody else out here, in the back countries of a state that barely existed anymore. You didn’t even care that the warm breeze would have carried your pleading and moaning a mile out, not while his tongue swirled and kissed against the expanse of your cunt. His mouth and tongue devoured you, devoured you like he was starving for it. A shrill beg fell from your lips as he started fucking your slicked hole with three hot, pulsing fingers, desperate for him to either end this here or fuck you faster. 
“That’s it, right there, isn’t it?” He said, hunger and aching seeping unabashedly into his voice.
When your walls started closing in around his middle three fingers, suctioning him in even deeper, he finally pulled out of you, leaving you with tears in your eyes and a deep pulse beat inside of you.
“No, no, please don’t stop–”
He licked his fingers clean before pressing his thumb to your lips as he grabbed your face, stopping all of your ramblings for the moment. “Hush, honey. You’re gonna ride me now, and you can fuck yourself as much as you want. Y’want that, doll face? C’mon, I need you,” he said, a stern fondness about his tone.
You complied in strict obedience, letting him rest on his back while you finally peeled yourself up from the hot molded plastic. You finally resumed your work of getting his length free from his boxers, pulling his jeans down to his mid thigh. 
You couldn’t wait to slip the thick head of his cock into your wanting mouth, hardly able to handle the sight of his pleasured expression, that pinch in his brow smoothing away. He always made you feel like your own mouth could be medicine. Your head bobbed down his length, running your tongue along thick, pulsing veins. Saliva filled your mouth and you let it come, using your free hand to slide up and down his base while you focused your attention on the more sensitive cockhead. You looked at him through heavy-lidded eyes, grazing his tip against the ribbed roof of your mouth.
“Oh honey, oh honey– not too far, wanna come inside of you. Listen to me now, I know you like feeling all filled up, too,” he said quickly, barely able to get the words out as an involuntary groan clawed its way out of his throat. 
You did listen to him, because you were Joel’s– not because he ever told you that, but because you knew you were his last good thing in this life, his last sweet thing, and you would’ve done anything for those praises to fill your ears and blind all else. 
You lined yourself up with the reddened tip of his cock and sank down on it, your own head lolling back as your walls contracted and spasmed around him. You moved yourself up and down his length slowly, dizzyingly, for your own selfish reasons– you liked having the control to ensure that you could use his cock to satisfy every hopelessly sensitive spot inside of you.
“More, babygirl, more– fuck, fuck, yeah, keep doin’ that– just like that, jesus christ–”
Your pace quickened as you became increasingly desperate to finish on top of him. His cock filled you to the brim, stretching you out and gagging your channel enough to keep continuously shoving your own wetness back up inside of you– stuffing you, suffocating you. The sheer size of him ensured that you hardly even had to move for it to blind you with pleasure, but for his sake, you followed his instructions. 
“My sweet, perfect little thing– oh, holy hell, baby, I can’t– can’t–”
You kept pleading out his name: Joel, Joel, Joel. You said it until you couldn’t even remember how to say it, spell it, form the words with your tongue and mouth. Your orgasm built up frustratingly fast, hitting you in a long moment of nearly unbearable bliss and sweetness. The feeling started so low, nearly where Joel’s cock was hitting inside of you, and climbed its way up until you were lightheaded. Your walls clenched rapidly around his stiff cock, with him blessing your name enough that it would surely memorialize you in sainthood. You were so achy and sensitive by the time you had rode it out fully that you whined and squirmed as he implored you to go on– help him to get there, too. 
He came just as hard and fast as you, gripping at your hips hard enough to leave marks as he guided your movements through it for himself. You could feel the hotness of his cum unloading inside of you, straight to your center, like this was exactly what you were made for. It left him breathless, and you pressed yourself close to his chest to kiss him more as he calmed down. You didn’t want to pull out of him– you wanted to savor that warmth, the sticky clickiness of his liquid filling you up to the point that it was spilling out of you. In the end, it really did feel like the two of you had fused into one. 
He finally helped you to drag yourself up off of him, and you immediately sank back against his truck bed, your head like dead weight against his shoulder. The outside heat left the both of you covered in a sheer layer of sweat, but neither one made any moves to get up and clean yourselves off.
You just let him tuck you in close, close enough to hear his heartbeat go from rapid to steady and sure. It was almost a rarity to hear it so calm, to know that he felt safe for once, content and warm. After a long few moments of basking in the quiet nature and fleeting sun, you propped yourself up on an elbow to stare down at his face.
His lips had the ghost of a smile on them, and he brought his expansive hand to tuck your hair behind your ears and cup your face. 
“Ain’t complaining about the heat now, are you, sweet thing?”
You swatted him on the arm, giving a playful roll of your eyes as you leaned down to kiss him once, twice more.
“I just think we should make a few more of these pit stops before we hit Wyoming,” you drawled, leaning into the touch. “If you can squeeze it into our oh-so-tight schedule, of course.”
“Keep runnin’ your mouth so much and I just might have to.” He struggled to cast a glare at you.
“Mmh, and I bet you’d just hate that, wouldn’t you?”
That got you a rare, genuine laugh from him. “Oh, you know I would.”
You stayed a few hours more before Joel tried his luck at starting up the truck again. Much to his delight, the ‘old hunk of metal’ (his words, not yours) sputtered and coughed back to life. He called you his good luck charm, and soon enough the two of you had to get back on the road.
He kept a firm hand on your thigh as he drove, and he didn’t protest when you finally dozed off closer to sunset. He waited until you were asleep to let himself think about the difficulty of the tasks that were ahead of you two. He often felt like protecting you was all that kept him going after all this time, and it hurt like a deep, aching wound to think of the times that he had missed that mark. 
You, though. He could still picture your face in the sun without feeling the barrel of a gun pressed to his temple. You were the last thing in this world that he really felt a responsibility for, his last good thing. The last thing for him to lose, too, but he wasn’t willing to let that mistake happen twice. He had this resolve that he wasn’t allowing anything to happen to you while he was still around. Maybe the way he felt about you was selfish, but the last 20 years would do that to a person.
For now, though, he could try and make it worth it. Drive until the exhaustion forced him to pull over, go on for as many days as it took to finally get you somewhere you could be safe. Be happy, get that life that shouldn’t have ever had to be just a fantasy to you. 
You stirred after a particularly bothersome bump in the road, tired eyes searching for reassurance in Joel’s face. 
“We’re okay, darlin’. Go back to sleep,” he whispered. He ran his thumb across the familiar denim that covered your leg. This is what he could live for. He’d do almost all of it again to get to you. 
But for now, the least he could do was let you rest.
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poppy-metal · 2 days
Telling best friend Patrick you’ve never been eaten out because you feel self conscious and nobody has ever expressed interest in doing it.
You try to change the subject, but Patrick won’t stop bringing it up until you’re red in the face and stumbling over your words.
Twenty minutes later your legs are slung over his shoulders in the back of his car as he spits on your cunt and watches his saliva pool in your hole. He’s messy and loud and his fingers are pressing bruises into your thighs to keep them apart—but this is the first time you’ve ever cum and he would never let you forget it.
knee deep in the passenger seat and hes eating you out, nothing casual about that.
god, i just know he makes your already wet pussy a fucking slip n slide. lets the spit drool off his tongue as he rubs it into your cunt, spills slowly between your crack and over your asshole which you know hes stuffing a finger in. just to feel you squeeze around his thumb when he tongues your clit, fucks in and out of your wet hole until its sloppy and the sound coming from his lips are like slurps and squelches. spreads your cunt apart with his fingers so he can lay his tongue flat along your slit and just hum - vibrations making you squeal. he makes you feel so open and exposed and dirty but adored and worshipped all at the same time.
his tongue will sneak between your cheeks to brush over your rim - like there's no stopping that - you'll probably be too out of your mind to think it gross, rather just spreading your legs further and whining his name breathlessly.
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sweetbans29 · 10 hours
Teach Me: The Art of Touching (v) - PB
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Pairing: Paige Bueckers x Reader
Previous Part
Summary: You and Paige have been best friends for the last 6 years. You trust her completely. And it is because of that trust that you ask her a rather forward question. AKA - You ask Paige to teach you.
Warnings: mature, tiny pains, did I mention mature?
Word Count: 3.6k
Sweetbans Masterlist & Teach Me Masterlist
AN: Another one.
Paige enters your shared apartment to the kitchen light on. You always left it on when Paige was out later than you so she wouldn't have to walk into a dark apartment. The light wasn't the first thing she noticed - it was the fact that your bedroom door was closed. You would never close your bedroom door all the way.
Paige walks up to your door and gives it a light knock then places her ear up to it waiting for a response. When she doesn't hear anything she cracks open the door to find you already asleep.
She walks up to you and crouches down next to you. The sight of you causes her heart to break.
Yes, you are asleep but your eyes are puffy and your eyebrows are scrunched. You are wearing one of your own sweatshirts when you would typically wear one of hers. Paige moves her leg and notices a pile of tissues on the ground.
She doesn't know the whole reason for you ending up in this state but she had an idea that she was the cause. Her hand comes up to graze your face and your expression immediately releases its tension.
Paige moves to lay with you in bed, her arm comes around you which causes you to stir. You turn around to face her and her arm retreats from around you. Paige brings her hand up to touch your face but you flinch away.
"Please don't," you say almost inaudible. You look down at her shirt and feel the knot in your stomach tighten. She is still in the clothes she wore to the club.
Paige has felt low before but never as low as now when you ask her not to touch you. She doesn't know what to do to make the situation any better.
"It might be better if you slept in your room tonight." You say not making eye contact with her.
Her heart breaks when you say you don't want to sleep next to you but she doesn't move.
"No," Paige says.
You now make eye contact with her for the first time and she can see how puffy your eyes are. They are bloodshot and drained of life. They close.
"B, please," you say not wanting to fight with her but also not wanting to spend the night next to her after she just got off with someone else.
Paige wants to scream and fight your ask but already seeing the pain in your eyes fights against it. She wants you to explain everything that is going on inside your head. She wants to get to the bottom of the frustration and then fall asleep with you in her arms.
Paige looks at you once more and slowly makes her way out of your bed. She makes her way out of your room. As she is closing the door, she barely hears your final words - part of her believes she made it up in her head.
"Love you," you whispered as the door closed.
Paige wakes up the next morning to the wonderful smell of breakfast. She lazily walks out of her room to find you dancing around the kitchen. She yawns and makes her way to see what you are making. Sleep was not her friend last night.
"Morning B!" You say when you see her. "I made you breakfast."
Paige is trying to hide her confusion as you are a completely different person than you were last night.
Paige comes and stands at the counter as you pass her a plate.
"I thought we could run some errands this morning then have the girls come over later to hang. I'm thinking about trying a new recipe that I found on Pinterest." You say as you pick up your phone to try and find it.
Paige nods, trying not to be skeptical about how normal things feel. She replays the events from the night after she came home and still feels a pain in her heart when she remembers you didn't want her to touch you.
"I'm going to get ready - you should do the same when you are done eating and we can go." You say and head into your room.
The two of you have a very normal morning - you dragged Paige to Target and then the grocery store. You stopped at your favorite coffee shop and then headed home. By the time you got home, you had to start cooking. While you did Paige went to get room to game for a little while until the girls showed up.
"It smells amazing in here!" Nika yells as she runs to see what you are making in the kitchen. Paige makes her way out and immediately locks eyes with Azzi.
Paige just shrugs and makes her way to the group.
"Okay, it should be ready - I can't promise anything so if you don't like it, it's not my fault." You say and start passing out paper plates.
"I am sure it is amazing, thanks for having us," Azzi says and serves herself.
Everyone eats and then finds themselves in your living room. You and Paige are on the couch while some of the girls are on a live. You can tell Paige is struggling to stay up but doesn't like to miss out when the girls are over. She is scrolling through her phone but her eyes are having a hard time staying open.
The girls are doing random things on the live and having a good time. You are seen in the back but are mostly covered by the girls.
You poke at Paige's arm and she looks over at you. You pat your lap and Paige immediately shifts to put her head in your lap. You hear her phone lock as you begin playing with her hair. Her hand comes up to hold your thigh and you smile. Nothing else in the world matters - it is just you and her.
Paige's breathing begins to slow down and you know she is out. Your hands continue to run through her hair.
You are watching the live from your phone when you see a crap ton of comments coming through on how cute Paige and you are in the back.
"Ya, ya, ya - we get it, they are adorable," Nika says as she reads through the comments.
The girls eventually wrap up the live and begin to head out. You don't bother waking up Paige. Once the girls are gone you debate waking her up or letting her sleep - after a few minutes of thinking you decide to wake her up.
"B," you say and begin to shake her shoulder. You hear her groan.
"Let me put you to bed, ya?" You ask, knowing it is not really a question.
She groans again.
Your hand comes down to her waist and gives it a little squeeze.
"Come on B, you will be much more comfortable in bed," you say and begin to move your legs.
Her sleepy eyes begin to open and she sits up. Her shoulder leans into yours as her head finds your neck.
"Will you please sleep with me? Don't sleep well without you," she says.
"Of course I will," you say as you help her up. You don't think she is fully awake when you hear what she says next.
"You're the only one I want in my bed ever," she says as you help her into her room. You laugh and mutter a response along the lines of 'sure, whatever you say'.
"Serious. No other girl is like you. Hurt when you sent me away," she mutters. You know she is referring to last night. But in your defense, she hurt you when she took that girl to the bathroom at the bar.
"Okay sleepy girl, let's just get you to bed," you lay her down and tuck her in. You walk out to the kitchen to turn the lights off and grab a glass of water. When you walk back into Paige's room you see her sitting up.
"B, why are you sitting up, lay down love," you say knowing she is using every ounce of her energy to fight off sleep.
"Wanted to make sure you came back to me," she says and begins to lay back down. You make your way to your side of her bed and find your way under her covers. She scoots her way over to you and nestles into your side. She doesn't need to be held but just likes to be close to you.
"Go to sleep, B."
She sighs and hums.
Both of you sleep 10x better than you did the night before.
The next few days are back to normal between you and Paige. Neither of you brought up the night in the bar. That may or may not bite you in the butt later but since things are going smoothly you didn't want to backtrack.
The team's practices have been going extremely well - they were preparing for March Madness. The bracket had just been announced and UConn had a pretty easy route to the final.
At the end of practice, you and Paige make your way back to your apartment. The two of you shower (individually) and then find yourselves working on a Lego set in the living room.
"Hey B?" You ask the girl sitting across from you.
She lets out a low 'hmmm' signaling she is listening but doesn't look up from the instruction manual.
"I kind of want to do another lesson," you say shyly as a light pink tint graces your cheeks.
Paige's head whips up and she looks at you. Her eyes darkened as she put down the Legos she was holding.
"You kind of want, ma? Or you know you want?" Paige says in a teasing tone. "Because we aren't going to kind of move on."
"I want," you say - your voice coming out as a whisper. If you were being honest - you had been ready for a lesson the past few days but didn't want the normalcy that had just been restored to waiver.
"Okay baby, we can do a lesson," Paige says, not moving an inch.
You feel your body react - you find it extremely hard to sit still under her stare. You squeeze your legs together under the table in hopes of relieving any of the fast-building pressure you feel.
"You know how to kiss," she says. "Very well, I might add."
This causes you to blush even more now.
"All thanks to you," you reply.
"Me...and those videos you watched,' Paige says with a smile. You groan and roll your eyes.
"I am never going to live that down, am I?" You say as your hand comes up to cover your face.
"Nope!' Paige says. She continues.
"You know how to get a girl going so I think now is the time to show you how to make a girl feel good."
You look at her with a confused look. "I thought both of the first lessons were already making you feel good."
"Oh they are babe, but I am talking about the best feeling," Paige says as her hand finds your leg under the table, moving it painfully slowly toward your center.
You gulp and let out a moan. You then nod.
"Show me what you have learned so far ma," Paige says as she removes her hand from you and leans back from the table. She waits for you to make a move.
It takes you a second to compose yourself but slowly get up from your side of the table and make your way to her. She is leaning back against the couch and pushes the table away from her to give the two of you more space.
You stand above her as you bring one foot to each side of her. She is looking up at you, watching your every move - anticipating your touch.
You lower yourself to sit on her lap, making sure you both are comfortable. Her hands come up to your waist, lifting your shirt just enough for her fingers to brush your skin. Your hands come up and wrap themselves around her neck.
"Are you ready?" You ask, brushing a little of her hair out of her face.
"Oh babe, I am always ready for you," she says and that fuels the fire in you.
You lean in to kiss her but don't meet her lips. Instead, you kiss the corner of her lips and a trail down to her neck. You give her neck the proper attention it deserves as little breathy moans escape her lips. Once you begin to feel her fingers grip and knead at your waist you finally let your lips meet hers. One of your hands comes down to meet her breast and you begin massaging it causing her to moan - this allows access to establish your dominance in the kiss.
Her hands come and begin rubbing up and down your thighs causing you to moan this time. Paige can't help herself and begins to kiss down your neck. Your head falls back as you let her take control.
"Always so good for me," she says between kisses.
"Making me want you," she breathes out.
In one swift movement she lifts you up and is walking to her room. You let out a squeal, forgetting how strong she is. Your legs wrap around her torso. When she gets in her room, she lays you on the bed and looks down at you.
There she goes again - making you squirm under her gaze.
She removes her shirt slowly and you do the same - leaving both of you in shorts and sports bras. You slowly hook your fingers around the waistband of your shorts and move them down your hips.
Paige licks her lips as she watches you undress.
The two of you practically have seen each other naked so the removal of your shorts was nothing she hasn't seen. But how you took off your shorts - your eyes locked with hers, moving almost too slow has her wanting to do the most ungodly things to you.
"Have you touched yourself before?" Paige asks. Her voice has developed a low raspiness that you know you will grow to crave.
"Yes," you say softly as you nod your head.
"Show me," she says. Not a question, but a demand. "Show me how you make yourself feel good."
Before you can contest, Paige continues.
"How you please yourself is the start of how you are able to please others. Let's see how you do," she says.
You nod again, muttering an 'ok'.
Your hands come up to your breasts, squeezing them together and massaging them. It wasn't that you needed more stimulation, but it was where you would start when you were alone.
"Take off your bra," she says. Another demand.
You lift and take off your sports bra to reveal your breasts to your best friend. Her eyes scan them and notice how perfect your nipples are, all perked up and ready to be devoured.
Your hands find them and begin to play with them. You release a little moan as one of your hands makes its way down your stomach to your center. You keep your hand outside your undies as your fingers begin to circle the most delicate part of your body.
You let out a full-on moan and squeeze your eyes shut. You are the most turned-on you have ever been and all in front of your best friend.
You continue to work on yourself as you feel the bed dip beside you. Paige comes and attaches her lips to one of your nipples.
"Oh - fuck," you yell as your free hand comes up to hold Paige's head. Her tongue swirls around and has you close to your climax. Right as your breathe begins to pick up, Paige reaches down and slows the hand working on yourself.
"Alright baby, good job," Paige says and you whine. You were so close to your finish and she just stopped you in your tracks.
"Why'd you stop me?" You ask, head spinning from the loss of contact.
"Because I want to finish the job," she says as she lowers herself to your core.
She spreads your legs apart and rests herself in between them. She doesn't make a move to lower your undies but trails her fingers up your thighs and places them where she removed yours from.
Her fingers begin to work on you. Your moans fill her room.
She begins to kiss your thighs, sucking on them.
"Paige, I am close," you say as you bite your hand.
"Let go for me baby," she says as she drives you through your high.
You say her name more than she has ever heard you say it before, tangled in with a string of cusses. She slows down and gives one last kiss on your thigh before coming up to kiss you.
"You were amazing," Paige says as she lays next to you.
Your head is still spinning and you squeeze your legs together.
"I think that was the best orgasm I have ever had," you say with a laugh.
Paige lays back and puts her hands behind her head.
"Your turn ma," she says as she looks at you with hooded eyes. You squeeze your legs together trying to dissipate the pressure building in you yet again.
You turn over and kiss her neck, your hands coming to tug at her sports bra.
"Off please," you say in between kisses. She complies and removes it, throwing it somewhere across the room.
You kiss down her chest and take one of her nipples into your mouth, swirling your tongue around it as you knead the other with your hand. She lets out tiny strings of moans as you do work on her skin. You continue to kiss down her stomach and across her hip, stopping once you kiss the inside of her thigh.
Your fingers come to hook the waistband of her shorts.
"Can I take these off?" You ask looking up at her.
"Of course babe," Paige says.
She lifts her hips as you bring the shorts down her legs and discard them on the floor.
You attach your lips to her inner thigh again.
"And you thought I was wet," you say in a teasing tone. "You are soaked, B." You don't know where the newfound confidence came from but use it to your advantage.
"Ya ya ya," she says then lets out a moan as your fingers come up to circle her center.
You do everything that she did to you, changing up the speed and applying different pressures. You continue kissing her inner thighs but take the opportunity to really suck on them. While she peppered light kisses to your thighs, you plan on sucking the life out of them so that any girl she has in this position in the next few days knows you've been there.
"You are doing great ma, keep going," She says as her hands come to grip the sheets.
"Say my name," you say as you ease your pressure. "I want to hear you say my name."
She cusses and then moans your name. You are proud of the confidence that has presented itself in this situation.
"I'm close ma, don't stop," Paige moans as her back arches off the bed. One of her hands comes to intertwine her fingers with yours - something she usually has other girls doing when she is in your position. It is intimate but Paige doesn't care, she feels too good to care.
You pick up your speed and give one last good suck to her thigh as she rides out her high.
Her moans fill the air as she pants and comes down from one of the best orgasms she has ever had.
You kiss back up her hip to her stomach. You are lying on top of her as her breathing comes back to a normal pace.
"How did I do?" You ask bringing your arms up to your chest for you to rest your head on. One of her arms comes around to hold you in place - never wanting to let you go.
"Fucking amazing," she says as she looks down at you. Paige could get used to this. Kissing you and claiming you as her own. She wants to tell you how much she loves you and how she wants this to be the norm. How she wants to hold your hand in public and kiss you freely. To be the only person to hold you but the fear inside her overpowers all of those thoughts.
You smile up at her and as you do her arms release you. You begin to get up and grab your shirt, putting it on.
"Wanna go finish the Lego set?" You ask as you toss her shirt to her and put your shorts on. She nods and sits up, putting the shirt on and watching you head out to the living room.
You are unbelievable to her. Not five minutes ago did you have her back arching and orgasm and now you want to go on with life as it was before.
As Paige makes her way out to you, her heart and her head are in conflict. Her heart is screaming at her to tell you that she's completely in love with you while her head is sitting back telling her a soft 'I told you so'. Her head was and is right. The fear that grew in her when this all first started with The Ask was more present than it had ever been.
The fear that you would be her best but never hers...
At least that is what she told herself.
AN: I feel this did what it was meant to do but if you have thoughts let me know them! And as always, thank you for your love and support 💙
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luv-sims · 2 days
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I’m in love with you!
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ ౨ৎ⋆ ˚。⋆
you and jay had always despised each other- at least that’s what you thought until jay got a girlfriend, your true hidden feelings making its way to the surface- uh oh.. listen to this while reading <3
⊹ ࣪ ˖ park jongseong x fem reader ⊹ ࣪ ˖
warnings ; angst, heartbreak, skinship, kissing, proofread but if there’s any mistakes… oops!! (⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)
(everyone!! pls lmk if u wanna be added to my perm taglist<33)
2.5k 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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you had known park jay for as long as you could remember, and you had hated him for nearly just as long. from the very first moment you laid eyes on him in kindergarten, he had been nothing but a thorn in your side. it all started when you had asked the young boy to be friends- instead of a yes, you got water spat on your face as he cackled at you- yes, cackled. you despised him. his teasing, his smirks, his constant attempts to one-up you in every single aspect of life—it all grated on your nerves, day after day.
the relationship between you and jay was well-known. your friends and family had long since accepted it as a fact of life. you couldn't bare to stand him, and he couldn't stand you. it’s as simple as that.
until it wasn't.
the first crack in your carefully constructed wall of hatred came when jay got a girlfriend. her name was minji, and she was everything you were not—soft-spoken, gentle, and sweet. she was always by his side, laughing at his jokes, holding his hand. it shouldn't have mattered to you at all. in fact, you should have been relieved. if he was busy with his girlfriend, maybe he would leave you alone for once in your years of living.
but it didn't feel like relief. it felt like something else entirely, something you knew was wrong, something sharp and painful that you couldn't quite place. you found yourself watching them more than you would care to admit, your eyes drawn to the way he looked at her, his eyes sparkling, the way he touched her. and with each passing day, the ache in your chest grew stronger, more insistent. more unbearable.
you really did try to ignore it, to push it away deep inside of you and pretend it didn't exist, but it was no use. the feelings you had harboured for so long, hidden beneath layers of anger, resentment, and pride were bubbling up to the surface. you were falling for him, and you were falling deep. it was the most terrifying thing you had ever experienced as a teenage girl.
so, you did the only reasonable thing you could think of, you avoided him. you stopped going to places where you knew he would be, you stopped engaging in the petty arguments that had once been a staple of your interactions and everyday life. you had distanced yourself as much as you possibly could, hoping that the feelings would fade away with time.
but jay noticed. of course he did. and he didn't like it one bit.
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one evening after school, after yet another successful day of avoiding jay, you found yourself cornered in the hallway of your apartment building, which he knew the address of from a day where you were sick, and delivered you your missed homework and soup, which he claimed he was forced to deliver to you.
he had been waiting for you, his expression a mixture of confusion, a bit of sadness? and anger.
"what's your problem, y/n?" he demanded, his voice low and tense. "why have you been avoiding me, huh?"
you crossed your arms, shaking off the butterflies from talking to him for the first time in weeks, trying to keep your composure. "i haven't been avoiding you," you lied, your voice shaken and unsteady
"bullshit," he snapped. "you've been avoiding me for weeks. did i do something to piss you off more than usual? because if i did, ill fix it.”
you swallowed hard, your heart pounding in your chest. "it's nothing, don’t worry. just leave me alone, jay."
"no," he said, stepping closer. "i won't leave you alone until you tell me what's going on, y/n." he whispered.
his proximity made it hard to breathe, let alone think. the scent of his cologne, the intensity of his gaze—it was all way too much for you to bare. you could feel the walls you had so carefully built around your heart beginning to crumble.
"why do you care?" you shot back, your voice trembling anxiously. "you have minji now. go bother her for all i care!”
jay's eyes narrowed, his expression darkening with a frown. "this isn't about minji. this is about you and me. why are you avoiding me?"
"because i can't stand you! being around you!" you shouted angrily, the words bursting from you before you could stop them.
"why?" he demanded, his voice rising. "what did i do that's so bad you can't even be in the same room as me?"
you took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself. but the emotions that have been building inside you the past few weeks were too strong, too overwhelming. you couldn't keep them bottled up any longer.
"because i’m in love with you, okay?" you yelled, tears streaming down your face. "i love you, and it hurts to see you with somebody that’s not me..”
for a moment, there was silence. jay stared at you, his eyes wide with shock. the world seemed to stand still, the only sound the pounding of your heart in your ears, as you cursed under your breathe shutting your eyes anxiously in panic.
"you… love me?" he said finally, his voice barely above a whisper.
you nodded, unable to speak. the confession had left you feeling raw and vulnerable, and you didn't know what to do next.
jay's expression hardened, and without another word, he turned and walked away, leaving you standing there, your heart shattered into a million pieces as you fell onto your knees and sobbed, you sobbed for your broken heart and for the loss of the relationship you had with jay- gone forever.
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the next two weeks were a blur of constant pain and complete and utter embarrassment. jay ignored you completely, avoiding you at every turn. you threw yourself into your studies, trying to distract yourself from the aching heartbreak and void inside you. your friends noticed the change, but you couldn't bring yourself to explain. how could you tell them that the person you had hated for so long had become the one you loved? and even worse, broke your heart.
you saw jay and minji together more often than you would have liked. each time, it felt like a knife twisting in your heart. but you forced yourself to smile, to act like everything was fine. it was the only way you knew how to cope.
one day, while you were sitting in the campus courtyard, lost in your thoughts, someone sat down next to you. you looked up to see taehyun, one of your friends from class. his presence was a welcome distraction from the feelings inside you.
"hey," he said, patting your shoulder giving you a warm smile. "you look like you could use some company."
you smiled back, grateful for his kindness. "yeah, i guess i could."
taehyun was easy to talk to, he was kind and understanding, and before long, you found yourself laughing and joking with him. it was a relief to feel something other than pain for the first time in the last few weeks, even if it was only for a little while. he pulled you into a hug, after you had finally opened up about your situation and you let yourself relax in his embrace, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, sniffling away your tears.
unbeknownst to you, jay was watching from a distance. he had come to the courtyard to clear his head from everything, from the confusion and the dull feeling in his heart, but the sight of you with taehyun stopped him in his tracks. the way you laughed, the way you hugged him—it should have made him happy to see you smiling again after breaking your heart. but instead, it filled him with a burning jealousy and sadness.
seeing you with taehyun brought everything into sharp focus. and it suddenly hit him- he realized that he had been a fool, pushing you away when he should have been holding you close. he couldn't deny it anymore longer—he was deeply in love with you. and he couldn't stand the thought of losing you to somebody else.
jay knew what he had to do- that evening, jay broke up with minji. it was one of the hardest things he had ever done, she was a kind and sweet girl, but he knew it was the right thing. minji deserved someone who could love her- and that wasn’t him. his heart had always belonged to you.
the next day, jay found you sitting alone in the library, studying and deep in focus. he approached anxiously and cautiously, his heart feeling like it was about to explode in his chest.
"can we talk please?" he asked, his voice quiet.
you looked up, surprise and shock flickering in your eyes before looking down again. "kinda busy- what do you want, jay?"
he took a deep breath, steeling himself. "i'm sorry. for everything, y/n. i never should have ignored you. i was in denial, i was scared and confused, but that's no excuse."
you stayed silent anxiously playing with your fingers, waiting for him to continue.
"i broke up with minji," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "because i realized something that took a while for me to realize but i’m here now- i realized that i'm in love with you."
your breath caught in your throat, your heart pounding in your chest. "you… you what?”
"i'm in love with you, y/n. i’m so in love with you" he repeated, his voice breaking as his eyes shined with sincerity. "i've been in love with you for a long time, but i was too stupid to see it. and when you told me how you felt, it scared the hell out of me. i didn't know how to handle it, so i pushed you away. but i can't do that anymore."
tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at him, your heart aching with a mixture of hope and fear. "do you really mean it?" you whispered.
jay nodded, his gaze unwavering. "i mean it. i love you. and if you'll give me a chance, i promise i'll do everything i can to make it up to you, please y/n.”
you searched his eyes, looking for any sign of deception. but all you saw was honesty, a raw vulnerability that took your breath away.
"i don't know if i can trust you," you said quietly, your voice trembling. "you hurt me, jay. a lot."
"i know," he said, his voice breaking as he cups your cheek, leaning his forehead against yours. "and i'm so, so sorry. but i'll spend the rest of my life proving to you that you can trust me. i promise."
for a long moment, you stayed silent, the weight of his words sinking in. and then, slowly, you nodded. "okay," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. "one chance, jay. but if you hurt me again, that's it. i'm done."
jay's face lit up with a mixture of relief and joy. he reached out, taking your hand in his, looking into your eyes for permission as you nodded with a soft grin.
jays lips feel soft against yours, you spent many nights wondering what it would be like to be like to kiss jay, and it’s even better than you could’ve imagined.
and for the first time, you allowed yourself to believe that maybe, just maybe, things could be different.
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the weeks that followed were a whirlwind of emotions. jay was true to his word, doing everything in his power to prove himself to you. he showed up at your door with your favourite coffee order every morning, walked you to your classes with your hand in his, and spent every spare moment with you. he was attentive, kind, thoughtful, and for the first time, truly present.
your friends noticed the change in him too. they saw the way he looked at you, hearts in his eyes and the way he treated you with a newfound gentleness and adoration. it was clear to everyone that park jay was a changed man, and it was all because of you.
but there were still moments of where you were in denial, times when the past hurt you felt would come back, casting a shadow over your happiness. the moment came to you on a rainy afternoon, the weather complimenting your mood as you sat together in a quiet café. the rain pattered against the windows, creating a soothing backdrop to your conversation.
jay gave you a knowing look as he reached across the table, taking your hand in his.
"i love you," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "i know i've said it before, but i need you to know how much you mean to me. you're my everything, so get those thoughts out of your head, mmh?”
he said pulling you into a soft kiss across the table.
tears welled up in your eyes at his words. it was everything you had ever wanted to hear, but the fear still lingered, a dark cloud over your heart.
"i love you too," you whispered, your voice trembling. "but i'm scared, jay. i'm scared of getting hurt again- it was so bad.” you said as you closed your eyes with a trembling voice.
jay's grip on your hand tightened, his eyes shining with determination and love. "i know," he said. "and i will spend the rest of my life proving to you that you have nothing to fear. i will never hurt you again, i promise baby.”
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time passed, and true to his word, jay continued to be the man you deserved. he was patient, understanding, and never once pressured you. he was there for you in ways he had never been before, and slowly but surely, the trust and reassurance began to appear.
one warm night, as you sat together on the same playground jay had rejected you on as kids, he pulled you into his arms, his lips brushing against your forehead.
"i can’t bare losing you," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. "you're my everything."
you looked up at him, your heart overflowing with love. "you won't," you said, your voice steady and sure. "we're in this together, you can’t get rid of me that easily."
you both threw your heads back, laughing together as the moonlight shined down on you.
and as he held you close, you knew that no matter what pain he had caused you before- you knew that your love for each other was stronger than anything else.
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redcherrykook · 2 days
𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙣 𝙥𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙯𝙚𝙣 𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙚𝙨 3!
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✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。
College Photography Teacher!Jungkook x Student!Reader
27 year old, stupidly handsome asshole teacher Mr. Jeon has absolutely no human decency, he believes your victim complex is what keeps you from ever achieving anything, letting people use you as a bridge. When something unexpected happens, the ice starts to melt as a foreign word called "empathy" enters his egocentric lense. Maybe he will finally manage to teach you a lesson now, since you keep failing his class.
(Mini series)- Episode three!
song recommendation: The heart wants what it wants- selena gomez
Content: Cold, mean, distant, unprofessional Jungkook, hurt, stubborn reader, enemies to lovers, lowkey dramatic, accident happens, mutually beneficial relationship (emotionally), Jk learns a lot from her, Jk is mean but has a soft spot for reader (eventually), 6 year age gap, Reader is from a struggling background, Jk kind of rescues her, happy ending, angst at first, fluff, smut, comedy/crack, bickering, college setting
Warnings: swearing, name-calling,mentions of an accident involving a biker, mentions of hospital, mentions of injuries, really mean Jungkook, i promise he gets sweet, mentions of trauma and abuse (non detailed), mental health struggles (semi detailed), arguments, alcohol consumption
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。
You're running around in a beautiful field, kissed by sun, however, when you listen closely...
"God what the hell" you grumble, rubbing your eyes instinctively. Finally understanding you were infact not in a pretty field but instead awoken by that damn alarm, you turn to your phone, shushing the unbearable ringing.
6:45 am.
Confused and hazed by the morning, your brain still foggy and not quite caught up, you sit there, blankly staring at the wall.
Jungkooks wall.
Right, you are in your teachers house.
In his bed even, well, his guest bed.
Without knowing what to do next, you try follow your usual morning routine, a miserable attempt at normality. Like making the bed and opening the window.
Toothpaste, toothbrush, hairbrush, deodorant, moisturizer and fresh clothes in hand. On your way to the bathroom, starting an easy and clean morning
Opening the door you didn't think twice about seeing Jungkook, purposefully you had set the alarm early. Class doesn't start until 8:45, although it wasn't Jungkooks class today, he should be in school around the same time.
That would mean leaving at around 8.
So a little more than an hour earlier should do the trick just right.
"Look whos finally done sleeping"
His raspy voice makes its way to your ears,
Assumed wrong i suppose.
He's stood at the table in the living room, setting down a kettle and plates. Given the impression that he has already made breakfast, you wonder just when he wakes up in the mornings.
Most importantly, he's in the very same clothes as yesterday, loose grey sweats that sit lowly on his hips, a oversized black tshirt covering his torso. His brown- darkish hair is still a little rough from sleeping. Additionally to not wearing any glasses, he looks,
You had always known that Jungkook was very physically attractive. You're stubborn sure, maybe a little slow.
Certainly not blind.
On this day, he seems particularly pretty. At this point you're practically oggling at his tattoos that are on full display, a casual outfit displaying his well built body, it made him look so,
Enough, enough of fanatasizing about the looks of Jungkook.
"Uh, yeah, good morning" you clear your throat after awkwardly noticing how obvious your staring must have been.
He chuckles quietly, "Had a rough sleep i see" his usually glaring eyes wander up and down your face, pointing to your hair with his finger as he holds back a cocky laugh.
It is only know you noticed how ridiculous you must look, haven just woken up, hair in a mess and the same clothes from yesterday all twisted and turned.
While he stood there, looking..
"Shut up" you roll your eyes at him, walking to the bathroom.
But his voice stops you,
"Did you get changed already?" The question made no sense to you, was it because you worse the same clothes you went to bed with?
"What do you mean?"
He shakes his head "Because you are wearing the same things as yesterday. Don't tell me you slept in that?"
Your eyes wander to the ground, sighing in embarrassment while also asking yourself how slow he really is.
"Unfortunately Jungkook, I have to. I can't tell if you're making fun of me or if you're seriously behind, why do you think i only got one bag? I got like, 10 shirts, 6 pants none of them bad enough to sleep in" Furrowing your eyebrows, you meet his annoyed expression
Scoffing he waks into his room, leaving your question on heard.
What a great start.
After that lovely conversation, you make your way into the bathroom, trying to wash away the weird feeling of sleeping in Jungkooks guest bed.
By washing your face, freshening up, changing (finally) and putting your medium greasy hair neatly into a ponytail.
In all honesty you're in desperate need for a shower. Restricted by the thought of getting naked in your teacher's shower, it made you so repulsed you preferred spraying yourself in deodorant from top to bottom to cover up.
It's not like he meant what he said yesterday, not like you would have to use his shower eventually,
You wouldn't actually be staying here.
If it was not for your stomach grumbling loudly, you could be spending the rest of the day locked in the bathroom, thinking about that sentence
Just fucking stay here
As soon as you walk out of the spacious, brightly lit bathroom, you are hit with something else.
No really, you're hit in the face with a black shirt. The scent of cotton and wood immediately clouding your sense, this shirt did not belong to you. The much larger size being another give away that yes, Jungkook just threw his shirt on your face. Catching it in your hands, you look at him confused, fully stopped in your tracks.
"Just wear this when you sleep, dumbass. I have too many anyways. Get to eating now we need to leave soon"
He mumbles while sitting down at the table and eating the eggs he had cooked earlier, his eyes not looking into yours once.
There is no way he could look into your eyes after imaging you wearing his shirt to sleep, disgusted at himself for that image. He simply wanted to help you out, thats all.
For some reason.
Registering what just happened, you giggle in disbelief, thanking him for the food and sitting down yourself. He just groans in response.
He doesn't think he will ever get used to that clingy gratittude.
"You know, you're doing great at becoming nicer. Im starting to actually like you" you say while chewing on a toast.
It would be a lie to say you did not like him. After being a complete menace, he has only shown you kindness. In his own, very strange way. Someone showing you care trying to understand the situation you are in, that was rare. Naturally, it meant even more when the person has previously contributed to you feeling horrible.
Living a life of prejudice and judgement meant appreciation and insight on the smallest signs of help and kindness.
His eyes dart up to meet yours, surpised at first before regulating into a blank look. He nods, smirking just a little bit.
"You're becoming more annoying by the day. Guess we really are learning"
You give him a expressionless "ha ha" in return for that snarky comment.
He's still an asshole, that's for certain.
He hums, remembering something.
"So about yesterday"
Immediately you knew where this was heading, he was gonna tell you to get out today and find somewhere to go. Obviously, you weren't upset at that, he has done enough for you. It would just be painfully awkward to make the walk of shame out, still having no idea where to spend the next night.
"yeah dont worry, I'm gonna find something"
Confidently you set your finished plate on top of his, ready to clean up.
His eyes roll,
"You never listen huh? I told you, you can stay here. Im sure a shelter will call back within the week. Im not risking having to pick you up again anyways or you doing some stupid illegal shit" he reaches to take the plates into the kitchen while finishing his sentence, organized as always.
"You would actually let me stay?" Your voice sounding a little irritated, not because he suggested you to stay, it´s the way he presented it to you. Irritated that he assumes for you to cause trouble and having to act like a caretaker for you.
"Want me to say it a third time? Look, if you don't want to i obviously don't care"
Jungkook can't help but feel offened at the thought of you rejecting his help. He's trying way too hard for some student of his, the more he thinks about it, coupled by your silence, the angrier he gets,
that also reflects audibly in his voice.
"I know there isn't much in that head of yours but god can you say at least something? Im not wasting my time trying to help you if you're gonna be a lost cause"
You frown, looking at him nervously and taken aback at his harsh words. It had been some time since you had last seen him angry. The rapid change from the downlow mean guy you had adjusted to, to an angry man in front of you had made you begin to tremble, recalling past encounters.
"I-I'm sorry i, I just was surprised you would be willing to take that burden on you. I didn't mean to, anger you or something" the words come out in a low stutter, feeling like one potential conversation into the direction of genuine friendship was now endangered.
Upon hearing the way you responded he sighs, two fingers pinching the bridge of his nose as he closes his eyes.
It made him feel heavy.
Jungkook was slowly begining to let you get through all the walls he had so firmly build up, all to hold up that unattainable and cold exterior of his. He knew it aswell, he could feel himself wanting to be nicer to you, getting to know you beyond you being the worst student in his class.
Beyond what he had thought to be an awfully annoying brat.
He just could not explain why, why you bothered him so much, why you got through to him so much quicker than anyone who has ever attempted and notably, failed.
"Damn I, I didn't mean to get so loud. Let's just forget it yeah? You're welcome to stay here, if not i'm gonna drop you off at least"
Once his eyes open they nervously make their way over to you own, soft ones.
Relief enters his system seeing you less intimidated. However, looking down to your visibly trembling hand, a pang enters his chest.
"Are you-"
"Oh look, its almost time to leave. Im gonna get my bag" you rush past him, entering the guest bedroom and closing the door.
For the second time today, in the span of what had only been an hour, you find yourself staring blankly at his wall.
The question of actually staying with Jungkook for a couple more days floating around in your head. Was it really okay for you to sleep, eat, shower, exist in his house for so long? Wouldn't he be too bothered by it?
He did suggest it and hes not one for kindness out of respect.
Where else were you going to go?
It would only be for this week anyways, since it's tuesday already, that's five days at maximum.
Fuck, I'm really gonna have to stay here.
The car ride to University has gone by for what felt like eternity. Jungkook refused to turn on the radio once again, claiming that it would give him a headache this early in the morning. Just like it would have at night or you guessed he would use the same , lame excuse for every hour of the day.
He hasn't spoken a word about your stay nor have you, feeling too afraid to trigger another argument.
In order to protect his job and your reputation, if there is any left, he lets you off at a cornerstore 10 minutes from campus.
"I"ll go collect you later at F41 yeah?"
You nod, closing the car door and walking on to campus.
The University is decently sized, not as big as a state college but far from a small town school. A library, a buisness, medical, performing arts building and a cafeteria all inter connected.
On any other day you would be walking to the performing arts building, tuesday morning classes are always practical lessons like guitar, piano, trumbone, violine and many more depending on your skills and chosen instrument, of course.
However having recently seen an advertisement around campus for a crash course and orientation in art majors, directed to the next freshmen, you decided to take up the chance to meet some new people. Although a massive introvert, you need friends, at least a couple. As a music major, you had every right to attend as well.
In reality you just needed an excuse to not show up to miss Yun's dreaded piano lessons.
F41 is a giant hall reserved for events and rehearsals, having been in that room countless of times over the past two years, seeing it filled with all sorts of people, sounds, activities. A warm feeling spreading inside your chest when remembering so many people come together to create.
Jungkook would be attending the event around 10:25, right when his first lesson of the day ended. As a representative of an arts major, he should be there to finesse new freshmen into his classes. Whether that be by his charming looks or his passion for photography.
When entering the room, it was already filled to the brim with people from your university. Familiar faces you had seen in classes, girls everyone knew and wanted to be like, guys everyone wanted to get with, all the while mentally groaning at the idea of it getting even more crowded with time passing.
And so the time did pass, glancing up at a clock hung up high, it read 10:05 am. You must have talked to over two dozen people at this point.
Lost in your own little world, ready to look for more potential freshmen interested in music, and making even more uncomfortable small talk with classmates you were able to tolerate, something fell to the ground.
A loud thump echoing across the hall, everyone in the vicinity turning around to look what could have fallen to create a sound like that.
Who could have made a sound like that..
"Oh god do you need help?" You ask, crouching down and reaching a hand forward to the handsome guy that just fell face first on the floor.
His jawline is so sharp it could cut, his eyes are monolided and a dark shade of hazel, with a head full of curly black hair and full lips, a high nosebridge and lots of moles on his face.
He definitely looks like an artist.
"Oh uhm, yeah, thanks" he mumbles shyly, accepting your hand with his slim fingers, pulling his slim form up with your help.
When he stood in front of you, his figure was a lot taller than yours, looking down to you appreciatively.
"I'm Kim Taehyung" he says while smiling, the palm of his hand rubbing his nape.
The way in which he speaks has you smiling, dark and raspy,
It reminded you of Jungkook this morning.
"Y/n. Are you a freshmen?" You ask him curiously, he looks to be around the same age as you.
He nods before replying "Pretty name for a pretty girl. Yeah, looking into photography" he explains.
You´re kind of blushing at the way he so shamelessly flirts after having fallen on his face just two minutes ago.
Your eyes widen as you begin to shake your hands furiously in an X motion
"Oh my god don't even THINK about photography. I have it and its horrible, plus the teacher is an asshole, to get on his good side you have to be-"
"That would be me. Nice to meet you, I'm Mr Jeon., head of photography and you're currently speaking to my worst student"
Jungkooks stern voice cuts you off rudely, he shoots you a glare while wrapping a hand around your shoulder firmly when referring to you.
You look back at him with a nervous smile, squirming at the sudden touch
Taehyung bows to Jungkook, "I'm looking forward to meeting you mr Jeon."
He turns back to you, giving a flirty wink,
"See you around then, pretty"
Jungkook scoffs and makes a gagging sound once Taehyung has left, looking after him as if his eyes were lasers and Taehyung was the target.
You look up at him with a scrunched nose "Seriously? The one time i get hit on you remind me I'm gross?" you say to him clearly pissed off, his eyes roll as lets his grip on your shoulder go.
"Yeah you idiot, what else would i be doing. Lets get out of here I'm bored already, had a horrible meeting just now" his jaw clenches at the memory.
For Jungkook, there is nothing worse than people misjudging him. He so carefully, so delicately created his distance so no one could over interpret meaning into his words. His rough attitude is that way so everything is as clear as day, everyone is aware of the one and only way Mr. Jeon acts.
Surprisingly, some people still did not catch on. A substitute teacher started a huge fuss over Jungkook calling someone's artwork tasteless, she accused him of a billion different things except for honesty. The one thing he always tried to be.
Emphasis on tried.
"Responsible , mr. Jeon" you nod to mock him, he just groans and speed walks off to his car with you jogging behind.
When sat in his car, the conversation of where to let you be had to have come up eventually. You couldn't tip toe around any longer, see where things would go, it would just lead to Jungkook being frustrated at your carelessness, even if you did not mean to be careless at all.
"I'm staying at yours" you say suddenly, turning your head around to find him already looking at you, he smiles briefly,
"Not the bench huh? Liar" his joke about the night in the library makes you snicker but cross your arms in defense.
"Under one condition" you add afterwards, having a genius plan in mind.
As anticipated he does not look happy to even hear you out.
"We get drunk tonight. Just, lets just buy some cheap soju and get tipsy, i need to reset all of this mess" a sigh escapes your lips when you think about the past week and the events that have let you here.
Too much happening in too little time.
Jungkook shrugs,
"Sounds better than what i imagined that weird head of yours could come up with. What do you wanna eat? Soju pairs great with chicken" he suggests, small bundles of excitement forming in Jungkook's brain as he imagines you being drunk and funny around him, comfortable around him.
He wondered if it would be a chance for him to loosen up too.
"Sounds fantastic! Havent eaten that in a while. I'll pay for soju yeah?" you grin, hands clasped together as you turn towards him when he begins driving.
He shakes his head, "Am not letting you pay. You cried to me about being poor and think i'll let you buy me anything?"
You open your mouth in a dramatic gasp,
"Wowww okay rich teacher, I never cried though you absolute drama queen"
Jungkook rolls his eyes and chuckles, he mutters a "whatever" while continuing to drive back to his apartment.
"No, thank you though. I feel bad for being on your ass so much" you punch his shoulder lightly, a small gesture of friendship that tells him you're starting to become more free and easy going around him.
"Yeah whatever stop saying it like that. You're making it weird"
You knew he didn't mean it, his eyes remained soften for the rest of the drive.
Settling down has never been your thing, being used to moving around all the time and never really finding ground to sprout on has made you easily adaptable though.
Like spending nights at a library studying or sleeping in your teachers apartment.
It has not prepared you, however, to be comfortable in every situation.
Oddly enough, the past 7 hours you've been comfortably sitting at Jungkook's living room table, studying your heart out while he prepares his lessons and corrects exams.
A peaceful work space for the both of you as you have barely said anything to one another. Only one dim light illuminating the room, his laptop counting as a small light as well. You asked him to light a candle, since it would create a cozier space.
As expected he reluctantly agreed
The silence never once being awkward during this time.
Here and there you had exchanged glances and maybe you have stared at him and he caught you.
Multiple times.
So what? You simply appreciate a good looking guy when you see him.
Somehow the whole day it has been especially evident, from breakfast to the car to now.
How could you not look at him when he sits there, his face full of concentration and his tongue licking his lip piercing, probably unaware he is even doing it?
Moreover, how could he not clear his throat in an attempt to not call you out, asking you why you look at him like you want to kiss him?
Mutually impossible.
"Its getting late already. Lets go soon" he says while stretching his arms above his his head and tilting his head back, his neck exposed delicately to you, you wonder if he´s trying to tease you.
looking away trying to shake off that stupid thought, you answer him.
"Yeah, i'll take a shower first i think"
His nose scrunches up as he hold it, as if signaling to not wanting to smell you
"PLEASE you stink"
A quiet laughter fills the room when you look at him again, his face just looking so unserious and non- Jungkook, not super blank and not super stern either.
Perhaps this was actually the most Jungkook you had ever seen him.
"Nevermind I won't, so i get on your nerves even more" you stick your tongue out when you say that, he replies with his middle finger and you burst out in laughter at his childishly stupid behavior.
27 whole years old and holding up a middle finger.
"Im kindly asking you please take a shower for fucks sake. Didn´t you say you DON´T want to get on my nerves?" he says again, giggling slightly, his smile not matching his eyes that are focused on yours.
"Is it really that bad?" wondering self consciously, you smell your shirt, shrugging afterwards "Its alright to me"
"Yes, yes it is bad, awful literlly disgusting" he goes back and forth with you on this for a while, even while you to grab your sweatpants and a spare tank top you have from the guestroom, he keeps arguing with you, follwing closely behind and using every insult for smelling bad he could think of.
"You're so childish Jungkook it's insane"
Managing to manuver your way into the bathroom frame and he's still chanting for you to shower, you decide enough is enough
"Shut up you just wanna have me naked in your house you creep" and then, just like that, the door shuts, locking yourself in.
Your giggles can be heard from outside of the bathroom, clearly satisfied at managing to stun him in place.
Jungkook just stands there, stunned at the fact you really just said something so vulgar to him, something so out of left field.
It began with you guys arguing like crazy and ended with him following you around his own apartment before getting drunk together.
Cruel world?
"HEY! NO- THATS-" he tries to argue, banging against the locked bathroom door.
"LALALAL CAN'T HEAR YOUUU" you scream back, turning on the water and finally blessing yourself with a much needed shower.
So much to feeling repulsed at the idea of showering here.
One of many things you had said you would not do,
Oh well.
Jungkook laughs a genuine laugh when turning to lean his head and back to the door, listening to the water running as his thoughts start to cloud up his mind.
His eyes close when he understands that, you really were naked inside his bathroom, just on the other side of the door.
He can't stop himself from biting his lip when his thoughts shift to picture how you must look, small hands gently roaming to wash your wet frame, massaging and reaching for every inch of your skin covered in water.
How you must have looked stripping away each item of yours so carefully, slipping your panties down your hips and legs, your shirt stretched over your head
After what has been only a couple seconds to him, the water stops and he's ripped out of his daydreams.
Shaking his head and covering his mouth with his eyes growing more wide by the second, he realizes he had spend minimum the last 10 minutes fantasizing about your naked body, touching yourself, washing yourself under the warm soapy water of his very own bathroom.
Looking down to glance at the tent in his pants, he quickly scurries away from the door,
"What the actual fuck is wrong with me?" he mumbles to himself, practically running into his room to change.
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dancingtotuyo · 2 days
13. with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair
Woman | Joel Miller X Female Reader
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Rating: Mature/Explicit
Chapter Summary: you adjust to life with a newborn. Joel finally gets to tell you something
Tags: Joel Miller X Female Reader. Age Gap (13/14 years). HBO Characters. Mostly cannon compliant for show & game. Timeline is changed. Spoilerish for TLOU 2
Chapter Warnings: tooth rotting fluff, smidges of angst
Notes: And thus we enter the third and final part of this beloved story. This chapter starts to play with some of the canon of TLOU II as will the rest of Part III
As always, a huge shout out to@janaispunk for beta reading.
If you have checked out Before, I would encourage you to do so for more backstory on our dear reader!
Words: 3642
Series Masterlist | Author Masterlist | Playlist
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Three Years Later
Willa sits at the kitchen table, chin resting in her palms as she stares out the window. It’s cracked open, allowing the chilly fall breeze in as it plays with the dark curls on her head. She’s been there since breakfast, kicking her legs in thoughtful silence with a stack of untouched art supplies at her side. 
You’ve never seen her so still or quiet, keeping an eye on her as you bustle around the house, cleaning and preparing for Joel’s birthday dinner. This is the first year he’s really allowed you to celebrate it. You’ve done small things in the past. A cake after dinner. A small wrapped gift. It’s a hard day for everyone. It’s the day that life as everyone knew it ended, but you have reason to celebrate. He’s growing older, an accomplishment in its own right, the gray in his hair beginning to take over the brown. You like it. It means he’s still here. 
Willa is still kicking her feet at the table when your stomach growls. The clock on the wall reads just after twelve. Carter is at school. Joel has assignments until dinner time. You fix two sandwiches and slice some veggies. You set a plate in front of Willa and then slide into the chair across from her. 
She lets out a deep sigh that seems too big for her small frame to hold. A smile edges at your lips. “What’s wrong, Sweetpea?”
“I don’t know what to make daddy.”
“For his birthday?”
She nods. 
“That’s what you’ve been thinking about all day?” 
You smile assuringly at her. “You should eat. It always helps me when I can’t think.”
She lets out another sigh, but picks up the jelly sandwich you made her. Her lips smack as the jelly oozes out of the sides, sticking to her fingers and leaving pink smudges along her cheeks. Willa appears unbothered by it, head nodding back and forth as she eats. 
You manage through most of the meal without intervening until she goes to push back her hair with a jelly soaked hand. “Whoah Whoah Whoah!” You’re out of your seat, grabbing her wrist in the nick of time. She looks almost startled. “Your hand is covered in jelly. I don’t want it to get into your hair.” 
“Oops,” she smiles. “Sorry, Mommy.”
“It’s okay,” You sigh, reaching for the dish cloth in the kitchen sink. The last thing you need to do is work jelly out of a three year old’s hair. “What kind of cake should I bake for Daddy’s birthday?” 
“Chocolate,” Willa grins as you wipe down her hands and mouth.
“That’s your favorite,” you chuckle. 
“Daddy likes it too.”
“Chocolate it is then.” You kiss her cheek. 
She beams up at you and then a light bulb goes off in her eyes and she quickly digs into the meager art supplies you’ve collected over the last several years. You watch her for a few short moments as she bustles forth with clear determination. Then, you bake a birthday cake. 
Midway through, you exit to the living room, only to set the needle on the record player. When you return, Willa’s head bounces back and forth in time as she hums the words she’s already memorized. 
As she finishes her project, Willa jumps down, scurrying out of the room in a flash. You smile to yourself. 
Carter bustles in, throwing his backpack onto the floor with a thud. “Are you denting the walls again?”
His face appears around the corner with a lopsided grin you’d seen on Gabe a thousand times. The ache is dull in comparison to the joy it brings you. “That only happened once.”
You wink at him, tossing him an apple. He catches it with ease, the product of countless hours he and Joel spent outside with a baseball and tattered gloves. 
“How was school?” You smile. 
“Good.” He bites into the apple with a satisfying crunch, before standing on his tiptoes to kiss your cheek. You lean over to close the gap, but it’s admittedly not as large of a gap as it used to be. He’s growing faster than you like.
“Just good?”
He nods, mouth full of apple, but chooses to speak anyway. “I saw Ellie. I invited her tonight.”
You keep your face neutral, far experienced now in keeping the war between Ellie and Joel from your younger children. “What did she say?”
Your eyebrow raises. You can’t keep the hints of surprise from your face, but you’re saved from having to make a response. 
“Carter!” Willa rushes in, out of breath and in a flutter like the world might stop at any second. She pushes her hair out of her face. You really wish she’d keep the hair ties in, but she says it pulls her head. Your daughter meets her brother’s eyes with a serious weight in her eyes. “I need your help.”
“With what?”
She glances at you, like she's not sure you can keep the secret swirling in her little mind. “Daddy’s birthday present.”
“Okay,” Carter shrugs. Willa rushes out in the same flurry with Carter following. 
“Don’t leave the apple core in your sister’s room!” You call after them with only the slam of Willa’s door in response. 
As far as baking cakes, well, it wasn’t your strong suit before the world ended, but you manage. You’ve never received a complaint from the kids, but you know they prefer Maria’s cake to yours. You should have asked her. You slide the iced cake into the fridge just as Joel arrives home. 
“There’s the birthday boy.”
There’s a deep chuckle in response. “The house is suspiciously quiet.”
“Your children are up to no good. I’m sure.”
“My children, you say?” His sturdy arms wrap around your middle and you lean back. “What they do?” His lips play behind your ear. 
“Not sure. They’ve been shut up in Willa’s room for over an hour.”
Joel chuckles. “Perhaps they’re forming a mutiny.”
“I hope not. We’re getting too old for that.” 
“Might just let them take over. Then we could live out our days in peace. Prop our feet up while they get to work.”
You hum softly. “Doesn’t sound half bad.”
“That’s what happens when you get old,” he kisses your cheek. 
“Are you calling me old, Joel Miller?”
“You’re almost 50, Sweetheart. You’re about to join the ranks. I’m just preparing you.”
“I’ve already got the achy back and creaking knees.”
Joel chuckles. “Guess I got to throw you a birthday party too.”
“I think we can just skip that.”
Joel clicks his tongue. “No, we’re gonna celebrate. We’re gonna start doing alot more celebratin.”
“We haven’t even had your birthday party and you want more?” you can’t contain the laughter rising in your chest. 
There’s a deep sense of rightness in this moment. The fears you harbored for so long, melting away with each year that is passed. It’s not completely gone by any means, but it doesn’t keep you from living anymore, embracing what you have. 
He nuzzles into your neck, his scruff scratching softly against your skin. You’ve both aged these past couple of years, be it biology or the two young kids you’re raising, but you see it in yourself now too when you look in the mirror, the way the wrinkles cut deeper into your forehead and around your eyes. And maybe, you’d had a harder time accepting the gray hairs that seemed to multiply each day than you wanted to admit, but you embrace it now. You embrace all signs of aging. Aging is a good thing. 
“I think we should start celebrating everything.”
“Are you having a midlife crisis?”
“Think it’s a little late for midlife… What’s after that?”
You shift a bit in his arms, trying not to dwell on the first thought that that pops into your mind. “I think midlife works.” 
“Doesn’t matter anyway,” Joel grins. “It’s not a midlife crisis.”
You hum, a look on your face that says, yeah, sure, okay. 
He laughs in response. “I’m gonna go shower. Doesn’t sound like the kids will let me in to say hi.”
“The door is probably barricaded.”
“Shower it is,” Joel smiles, giving you one last kiss before the stairs creak with his weight. 
Dinner is all but ready, and the kids are still locked in Willa’s room when Joel comes down the stairs. His hair hangs in damp ringlets, longer than he’s let it get before. You have to admit that you’re liking the extra length. 
“Can you go tell the kids they need to come set the table?”
“Time to bring down the barricades, got it.” Joel winks at you. 
You can hear the commotion down the hall, Willa yelling that Joel is not to come in. The back and forth of getting the kids to agree on coming out. Joel’s grunt as Willa inevitably jumps into his arms with zero warning. It’s all familiar and warming. It fills your home with love. 
The kids scurry out. Joel aids Willa in fishing out the silverware while Carter grabs out the plates. Another well rehearsed dance. A slice of normalcy Joel never imagined he’d get again in this lifetime. 
He’s pulling glasses out of the cabinet Carter can’t reach yet when there’s a knock on the door. Joel looks at you questioningly. Tommy and Maria never knock. You shrug. 
Ellie’s nervous face and Dina’s smile greet him when he opens the first door. Joel’s heart leaps in his chest as his jaw drops slightly. “Ellie… hi.”
“Happy Birthday, Joel,” Dina smiles. 
“Thanks, Dina.” Joel nods but quickly returns his eyes to Ellie. “Thanks for coming.”
She forces her lips into a tight line. “Carter invited me.”
“Still glad you came.” Joel still seems a little bit stunned. “Why don’t the two of you come on in?” He steps aside. Ellie refuses to meet his eyes. Dina pulls her inside. 
He stays by the door, overhearing the surprise in your voice when you spot Ellie. Carter and Willa’s joy at having her here. His heart aches. It always does when he thinks about the distance between them, but she came. That has to be a good sign. 
“I see we got the welcoming committee tonight,” Tommy says as he walks into view, hand in hand with Maria. Elias darts forward, narrowly brushing past Joel. 
“Happy birthday, Uncle Joel!” He says without stopping, more focused on finding his cousins than bothering with his uncle. 
Joel chuckles, accepting Tommy’s hug as he approaches. “I see where I fall on his list of priorities.”
“You’d think he didn’t just see Carter at school.” Maria laughs, offering her own greeting to Joel. 
“Thank you for coming.”
“When do we not show up?” Tommy grins as the three of them make their way inside.
Carter and Willa have already added the extra place settings for Ellie and Dina. Carter slides right next to Ellie, making conversation about the moon and constellations. Joel slides into his chair at the end of the table. You catch the way he looks at Ellie. The way she expertly avoids him. You’re not sure how she does it, seemingly present but expertly able to avoid any and all conversation with Joel. Tommy and Maria’s presence seems to make it easier.
You knew what he did hurt, you just never expected the two of them to go this long in limbo, orbiting each other round in round, never coming to a resolution. As much as Joel looks like someone totaled his pickup and shot his dog when he glances her way, he still manages to enjoy the night. Ellie being here, whether she talks to him or not, is the greatest gift he could have asked for.  
You take his hand, squeezing it gently. He presses it to his lips, winking at you playfully. The balancing act can be tiring, but he’s simply happy tonight. 
You’re not offended when the cake on the plate of the adults remains mostly uneaten. The cake is dense and dried out. The kids don’t seem to mind.
“Can we do presents now?” Willa asks, frosting sticking to her face in multiple places. You can only imagine how sticky her fingers are. 
“Wash your hands first,” you say.
Willa nods, sliding out of her seat and rushing out of the room. 
“Can I get anyone anything to drink? Water? Tea?”
“Coffee?” Joel grins. You have been able to rangle up beans each year for his birthday, except for this year. 
You shake your head. “Unfortunately, not this year.”
“No coffee? That’s it, party’s over folks.” He playfully hits the table with his palms, winking at you. 
He receives a smack to the back of the head, and a deep chuckle greets your ears. You smile, setting the kettle on the stove. He’s happy and relaxed, bubbling over with a calm joy, pure and untarnished. You like this side of him. It’s like a piece of the first version of Joel you knew. The same laughter and smile Sarah pulled from him long before the world dug its ugly claws into either of you. It’s only become more common in your home over the years. 
Maria joins you as you start to wash up a few dishes while you wait for the kettle to boil. Both of you watch the table with keen eyes as your family sits around it, complete for once. Joel and Tommy chat about their patrols. There’s been an uptick in infected. They’re worried about a colony coming in. Dina and Ellie engage with the boys at the other end of the table, some debate about what happened at kickball last week. 
“You better not be washing dishes, Sweetheart. That’s my job,” Joel says. 
“It’s your birthday.” 
Joel raises an eyebrow at you. “You cooked, and baked a cake.”
“More like attempted,” Tommy teases. You stick your tongue out at him like the mature 49 year old woman you are. 
Once the team is ready, you set a mug in front of Joel. He thanks you before his brow furrows. “That’s not my mug.”
You know he’s talking about the owl mug, the one you push to the back of the cabinet because you think it looks at you funny. “No, it’s your new mug,” You smile. “Happy birthday.”
Joel picks it up, inspecting it closer. It’s slightly faded but otherwise in pristine condition. Two fawns frolic against the picturesque forest that’s delicately painted along the outside. His eyes narrow slightly at you, a playful volley of looks and unspoken words passing between you. 
Joel chuckles, stealing a chaste kiss from your lips. “Thank you.”
“You can use the owl one when I’m not around.”
“So never then?” 
“I mean, ideally, yes.” 
“As sweet as this is,” Tommy says, interrupting the two of you. “I’m afraid we came empty handed.”
Joel rolls his eyes. “Wouldn’t expect anything less. Besides, I’ve got everything I need right here.” He looks around the table that includes everyone in the world he loves, aside from Willa who is still busy cleaning herself up. 
“You’re going soft in your old age,” Tommy smacks his brother on the back. 
Joel shrugs. “Happens to the best of us I guess.”
“Daddy! I’m ready!” Willa calls, bursting into the room, small package clutched in her hands as she rushes to his side.
Joel picks her up with a slight groan, setting her on his lap. “I’m ready, Wildflower.”
She laughs, handing him the box as she pushes her curls from her face. “Carter helped too.”
“I’m excited to see what it is,” Joel smiles, attention solely split between his children as he carefully opens the box. 
He’s confused at first, pulling the delicate construction from its box, some combination of paper and old cardboard carefully put together. It takes a second, but then he registers the small arrows fastened into a minute and hour hand against the background. Carter’s oversized numbers unevenly circled around in one to twelve. 
“It’s a new watch,” Willa grins brightly. “Cause yours is broken.” She lifts his wrist as if to show him the broken watch for the first time. 
You catch the shine in Joel’s eyes and the bobble of his throat. “Thank you. It’s a very nice watch.”
“It latches too,” Carter chimes. “So you can actually wear it.”
Joel inspects it further, seeing where the kids had carefully cut holes in the band and managed to create a fasten. 
“Mommy can help you,” Willa says. 
You smile, leaning forward to fasten it to Joel’s wrist, right above his first watch, the one Sarah fixed for him. You’re careful not to break it. It’s not the most secure thing in the world, but Joel beams with pride as he shows it to Tommy and Maria. 
“Do you like it?” Willa asks. 
“I love it.” Joel smiles, squeezing his daughter tight. 
Joel falls beside you on the couch with a content sigh, letting his head fall back and his arm across your shoulders as he does. You smile, leaning into him. “You enjoy your birthday?”
“I’m getting too old. Reading that book about put me to sleep.” 
You laugh, pulling a blanket around your shoulders to stave off the cool air that drifts in through the cracked window behind you. “It’s a good thing I like you old.”
Joel hums, kissing your forehead softly. “Thank you for doing so much today.”
“It’s not like I don’t cook dinner most nights.”
“You baked a cake.”
You snort. “Attempted to make a cake.” 
“Wouldn’t be the first birthday where you messed up the cake.”
You groan, images of the cake you and Sarah attempted to bake for Joel’s 30th birthday flashing in your memory. It had looked nice enough, but tasted like baking soda. Joel chuckles. 
“Well,” You let out a soft sigh, holding back the smile that bites at your lips. “Guess it’s a good thing I have a back up plan.”
Joel’s brow creases. “Back up plan?”
“You are getting old,” you tease, your own mouth watering at the subtle cinnamon tinged air. “I thought you would have smelled it by now.”
Joel stops a second, paying extra attention to his senses. His lips tip up almost immediately as he clocks it. “Is that…”
“My mom’s peach pie.” You grin. Her peach pie filling had been legendary on the block and she’d passed along the recipe early on in your life. You made it each year as the peaches ripened, but you had taken care to freeze extra filling for Joel’s birthday this year. “You really expect me to bake a cake without a back up plan?”
Joel laughs again. “I love you.”
“Only for the peach pie.”
“Well duh.” He pulls you closer, leaving a sweet kiss on your lips. 
You laugh, returning the kiss. “It’ll be ready in about 20 minutes.”
“Perfect… enough time for me to give you something.” Joel reaches down, grabbing a flat package, wrapping in a cloth from under the couch.
“But it’s your birthday.”
“And I like seeing you happy.”
You roll your eyes as he places the thin, square gift in your hands. Your brow knits together as you pull the wrap from it. White corners catch your eye and with two men standing in a doorway. Fleetwood Mac reads centered above them.  A small gasp leaves your mouth. You haven’t heard this album in years. Your grandma’s copy had been badly scratched and warped before the outbreak and no one in Jackson seemed to own a copy. 
“Finally found that the other day. I haven’t played it yet, so I’m not sure about the condition- but it looked like it hadn’t warped too badly.”
“Turn it on.” You grin brightly, eagerly putting it back into Joel’s hands. Your body thrums with excitement. The songs you haven't heard in so long play in the back of your mind as Joel pulls the vinyl record from the sleeve and places it on the old record player in the corner of your living room. 
Static fills the speakers at the needle drops. You both wait with baited breath for the music to start. Monday Morning plays starts without warning, causing you to both jump slightly. A laugh tumbles from your mouth, eyes sparkling with joy as they meet Joel’s. He’s got a similiar joyful expression. 
“It’s much more lively than your version,” you say. You haven’t heard the recorded version in over two decades though Joel’s rendition is still a constant in your home. Willa calls it her song. 
Joel laughs, walking back over to you. “I doubt Willa will even recognize it.” He holds out his hand. “Come on.”
Your brow knits together as you take his hand. He tugs you to your feet. You secure the blanket around your shoulders as Joel leads you toward the front door and onto the porch. The cool September air greets you. The music filters through the open windows as the opening track fades into the smooth opening of Warm Ways.
“What are you doing?”
”Dancin.” He grins wrapping his arms around you as he begins to sway. 
You lean into his embrace, warm between the blanket on your shoulders and his torso against yours, head resting on his shoulder. You sway to the music, eyes closed. Joel’s head rests against yours, his chest rumbles gently as he hums along to the melody, lulling you as close to bliss as you think you’ve ever been. 
You nuzzle further into his neck. “I love you, Joel.”
He smiles, kissing your cheek. Both your eyes stay shut, relishing in the touch of the other. “Don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing you say that, Sweetheart.”
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Taglist: @pedrotonin @amyispxnk @joeldjarin @ilovepedro @justagalwhowrites
@missladym1981 @jessthebaker @annieispunk @ashleyfilm @moel-jiller
@eloquentdreamer @lizzie-cakes @hiroikegawa @tobethlehem
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hcsiqs · 7 hours
paige request!!! paige x reader inspired by slut! by taylor swift, maybe r is rlly famous on social media and similar to how tara yummy always gets called a bop for nothing, similar to that but in reality she’s a lover girl for paige 😽😽😽
| slut!
• pairing: paige bueckers x fem!reader
• summary: after getting hate comments on your posts, paige finds you upset in your room she comforts you.
• warnings: angst (???)
• i used tara as the fc but picture how every you want to!!
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liked by paigebueckers and 762,357 others
♡  ◯ ➤
ynln i love life !
user1 Why does she always post her body…
user2 biggest bop of our generation
user3 paige needs to break up with her bc…
user4 Yeah no
user5 The second picture @paigebueckerss i wouldn’t let that slide personally
Comments have been limited
You were sitting in your bed with your eyes glued to your phone as you scrolled through the comment section of your latest Instagram post. Everything inside of you wanted to peel your eyes away from the illuminated screen in front of you, but you couldn’t. You were reading hate comment after hate comment and it didn’t seem like you would be able to look anyway anytime soon.
Your mind didn’t skip over the fact that Paige had probably seen the comments and been getting tagged in videos of you acting like a bop, according to the internet. You couldn’t even begin to imagine what could possibly be going through Paige’s mind as she sees the comments and the videos, you just hoped that you would be able to inform her that none of it was true or all the videos are before the two of you got together, most of them being before you even knew one another.
You set your phone down and laid your head against the backboard of the bed as hot tears started to stream from your eyes, the sensation of the tears made your eyes seem like they were burning from the sudden water taking over them. Your fingers brushed against your cheeks as you tried to clean your face of any dried tears until you heard a notification ding from your phone.
[ynln] @paigebueckersfan1234 commented on your post!
Why is Paige with such a slut!
This just caused even more tears to spill from your eyes. You had no idea where people were even getting this information from. You had been on a cruise with Paige in the past week and were with her every second. Sure, maybe you had drank with some of your friends on the ship, with Paige there, but no photos were taken due to her wanting to keep her social media clean for her younger audience. Everything people were saying, just wasn’t true, and you hoped that Paige wouldn’t believe them.
You found yourself in the same cycle as earlier as you went finding more comments, almost like it was addicting, until the door to your guys shared room opened and a blonde basketball player walked in, “Baby, what’s wrong?” was the first thing she asked as she dropped her bags to the floor and quickly made her way to the bed to hold you in her arms.
You found yourself pulling away from Paige’s grasp, just disgusted with yourself and not finding yourself worthy to be in her arms due to all the rumors being spread, even though no part of them were true. “It’s not true, ya know?” your voice cracked, as your eyes were looking down at your hands in your lap. But, when you looked up you were met with Paige’s eyebrows bent up, showing a clear sign of confusion. “The comments and all the videos you’re being tagged in. The videos are before I even met you,” was all you could get out as you looked at your girlfriend sitting so beautifully in front of you.
“I know Y/N. I was literally with you on the cruise. Some jealous ass people aren’t gonna gaslight me into thinking that you did something you didn’t,” her hand found its way to your exposed arm as her fingers gently glided up and down it, trying to ease your worries.
“Thank you,” you rubbed the tears from your face as your lips pulled into a small smile and your eyes met her blue ones. Her hand reached up to cup your cheek as she pulled you into a soft kiss. Her lips were soft against yours, showing her pure and utter adoration for you. Paige’s hand moved to the back of your neck, causing all the small hairs there to stand up, as your body became filled with goosebumps.
When she pulled away, her forehead rested against your own, your proximity so close you could smell the shampoo she used from her recently washed hair. You were happy to have her here and be wrapped up in everything about her.
“Plus, I know you’re only a slut for me,” the blonde said, breaking the comfortable silence between you two.
“Paige!” you giggled, shoving her away from you jokingly.
“Too soon?”
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allie’s corner.
i’m praying this isn’t absolute trash and i’m sorry if it is😭😭
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epiphainie · 2 days
i think a very tasty flavor of bucktommy angst would be a situation where there's a big emergency, maybe their apartment building is on fire or the hotel they're staying in is about to explode and it needs to be evacuated immediately. the two of them - immediately in lifesaver mode - quickly get everyone off the premises and barely make it out alive themselves.
then they realize someone is missing (an elderly neighbor who got stuck? a child they met during vacation whom buck bonded with?) and buck being buck wants to run back in and save them but the chances of him making it in and back again is extremely extremely slim and tommy sees this. so he doesn't let him.
like he physically holds buck back as buck tries to move in and buck immediately starts trying to fight him off and tommy does not let him go and they both begin screaming and shouting in each other's faces. it only lasts mere seconds, though, because during their struggle, the building actually goes boom. a loud bang, then the silence of the aftermath sets in.
this, of course, puts a strain on their relationship.
no, worse. this ruins their relationship.
because for months after this - months - they live in this perpetual feeling of grief and malaise and it turns their world upside its own head.
they're talking but not really. nothing more than mumbles of "how was your shift?" and "can you pass me the salt?"
they're touching but not really, a handjob here and there then lights off and their backs to each other.
they're tiptoeing around each other; they never ever tiptoe around each other.
it all is so foreign to them, so alien.
buck, of course, is wracked with guilt. how could he not be? he was right there when someone in danger needed his help, and he couldn't. he was right. there. he feels upset, no, he feels tormented. he's so angry with himself because it's his fault, isn't it, for missing the child the first time? children get stuck in the most unexpected places, after all, so why did he not check the room again? why did he not do a head count?
anger with himself, however, is familiar. guilt? he's experienced plenty of that too. no, the worst is the bitterness he feels. he feels oh so bitter, with resentment set deep in his chest, because how could tommy not let him do his job? how could tommy - who's always been respectful of buck's wishes and who knows just how desperately that child needed saving - dare hold him back and take this choice from him?
tommy, of course, does not regret it. he tells himself that every day because how could he regret keeping buck safe? it wasn't even a choice of buck's life over a kid's, tommy knows this, because there was no choice, not really. there was no way for buck to get the kid and get back to tommy safe and sound. he'd die, within seconds, in his reckless impossible attempt, and tommy knows this, and he. does. not. regret. it.
but it starts to fall on his own deaf ears as days pass and he sees his evan become even more withdrawn, torturing himself over someone who couldn't be saved. and the distance between them becomes wider, the cold snap even more sharper, and they're walking on eggshells around each other as it feels like one wrong move could bring everything down.
turns out, they need to break the eggshells to finally crack the ice. they realize this on a random, particularly cold night. neither can stand it anymore and at one point that icy pressure turns into screams of "why did you have to stop me?!" "you couldn't have helped him!" "you should have still let me do my job!" "it wasn't your job! and i wasn't gonna let you get yourself killed on our damn honeymoon!"
again, a loud bang. then the silence sets in.
then, for the first time in months, they find themselves actually in each other's space, reaching for the other. their chests rise and fall against each other as their arms find a hold on the other's back, shoulders, neck in desperation and they actually cry and talk and apologize and cry some more. it gets better.
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chiqelatasblog · 2 days
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In the Middle of the Night 🌙
-> Ao3 link is here.
-> Part Five is here.
Pairings : Bi-Han/Sub-Zere x Reader, Kuai Liang/Scorpion x Reader, Tomas Vrbada/Smoke x Reader
Author’s Note : Hi guys! Sorry for the wait (again). I didn’t like how this chapter was going, so I changed and restarted writing halfway through. That’s why it took so long to finish. (It’s also my first time writing intimate scenes with four people at once.) I’m proud of this chapter. Thank you for your support and kind words! Hope you enjoy this chapter. 💕
Life after death never seemed so… chilly, a little bit cold but not enough to be uncomfortable.
And hard.
As you slowly and softly emerged from the darkness, the first sensation you noticed was the coolness touching your skin. You could tell you were in contact with something hard, but your body was so heavy and full of pain that opening your eyes seemed impossible. As you tried to make sense of your surroundings, a vaguely familiar smell reached your nostrils, out of place with the darkness you had just left.
It was the scent of fresh snow on a cold winter day.
As you struggled for clarity of your thoughts, everything became more confused. Why was Bi-Han here? Your heart fluttered nervously, barely mustering the strength to open your eyes against the throbbing ache that gripped your body. Gradually, as consciousness began to seep back in, a soft, yellow light danced at the edges of your vision. With furrowed brows, a feeble moan escaped your dry, cracked lips, the pain a stark reminder of your ordeal.
"Shh, you're not fully recovered yet, àirén," Bi-Han’s deep voice came from right where your head was resting. It took you a few long seconds to realize you were lying on his chest. You could feel the weight of the covers laid over you to keep you warm. You couldn’t understand what was going on; your vision was still blurry, and everything seemed like a big blur of colors and lights. If you were fully conscious, you would probably start to panic, thinking you had done something wrong and hadn’t lifted the curse at all. But all you could do now was try to keep your eyes open, which caused you pain even with the slightest effort.
“Keep sleeping, your body needs it.” Feeling Bi-Han’s cool hand on the top of your head, stroking your hair, made you feel safe and calmed the ball of panic and anxiety that was waiting for an opportunity to rise. “I am here, àirén. I will never let any harm come to you. Go to sleep now.” Bi-Han kissed the top of your head, his voice sounding softer and more protective than you’ve ever heard before, was all you needed to close your eyes.
Although you wanted to ask him where Kuai Liang and Tomas were, if they were safe, and what was going on, the questions left your mind one by one as you drifted back into the darkness. Your breathing became heavy, and you fell asleep again, your body relaxing under the steady beat of Bi-Han’s heart.
When you managed to open your eyes for the second time, it was evening. Colors and shapes became clearer, and as you looked up at the familiar ceiling, you realized you were in your bedroom. Darkness enveloped the room, with the soft yellow light from the bedside lamp providing the only illumination.
Your body still felt heavy, and you were in pain, although not as intense as before. Nonetheless, fatigue weighed heavily on you, and the ache seemed to penetrate your bones, making you feel ancient beyond your years. As you shifted slightly, you felt the weight resting on your waist and the warmth it emanated. This body felt so warm, without any covering, enveloping you in its comforting embrace. You knew immediately who he was.
Kuai Liang.
As you murmured his name with numb lips, unaware, his powerful body behind you shifted. His arm around your waist reacted instinctively to your voice, pulling you closer to him, and you felt his warm breath on your neck.
“You should get some more sleep, tiánxīn. There’s a little more for you to heal,” he said.
Heal? When you attempted to turn towards Kuai Liang to see his face, he anticipated your movement and assisted you. Despite the slightest motion, your body rebelled, eliciting a moan as Kuai Liang planted a kiss on your forehead.
“I know, tiánxīn, I know. You’ll be fine, everything will be fine,” he reassured you, his voice warm and protective.
As you managed to tilt your head back slightly to gaze at Kuai Liang’s face, even in the dim light from the lamp, you could discern the expression on his face. His handsome features were marked by strong lines, and his eyes held tender, soft emotions, melting your heart as he silently watched over you. It was as if he couldn’t bear to look away. Yet, beneath the tenderness, you noticed dark circles under his eyes and other details that had escaped your initial notice. Besides the fatigue evident in Kuai Liang’s appearance, stress lines marred his features, accentuated by the deep scar between his eyebrows and the tension visible from clenching his jaw.
Your lips parted to speak, but exhaustion weighed heavily upon you. Your tongue felt heavy, your mouth dry, and even moving your lips left you incredibly tired. Kuai Liang noticed your silent struggles and placed a loving, soothing kiss on your lips.
"We'll talk when you're better, I promise," he whispered, drawing you closer until there was barely any space between you, his chin resting on the top of your head, enveloping you in his protective embrace.
As warmth and the scent of summer evenings filled your senses, a profound feeling of peace washed over you, and within seconds, you surrendered yourself to the arms of sleep.
When you woke up for the third time, soft fur tickled your nose, accompanied by the sweet sound of purring filling your ears. Blinking against the weight on your chest, you realized it was none other than Ninja, positioning herself snugly under your chin, her tiny paws massaging your chest as she rubbed against you.
"Ninja, what did we talk about? You're not supposed to bother her until she's better," came Tomas' familiar voice, his large form filling your field of vision. In an instant, a myriad of emotions flickered across the silver-haired assassin's face, too quick for you to decipher. Tomas stood there, his pallor nearly ashen, resembling illness. His eyes, red as if filled with blood, were sunken, encircled by dark circles contrasting with his pale complexion. You couldn't help but notice the way his clothes hung loosely on him, indicating weight loss. It pained you to see him like this, prompting questions about how long you'd been confined to bed and how long Tomas had been in this state. If he looked like this, what about Kuai Liang and Bi-Han?
"Tomas, what's going on?" Your voice emerged dry and hoarse, scratching at your ears. With a controlled expression, Tomas gently lifted Ninja and placed her on her paws. Then, he helped you sit up, propping you up with your elbows, and handed you a glass of water from the nearby jug. Though you managed to grasp the glass, a dull ache lingered throughout your body, a throbbing sensation that made its presence known. Consequently, your grip was shaky and weak, easily noticed by Tomas. He sat beside you, placing his hand over yours, assisting you as you drank. The water soothed your dry throat like balm, prompting Tomas to break his silence.
"I'm so angry with you for what you've done."
The tone of Tomas' voice was starkly different from what you were accustomed to. It was stiff, cold, and tinged with a hint of snarl. Yet, when you met his gaze, his expression betrayed his true feelings. Despite the furrowed brows and the anger simmering beneath the surface, his light gray eyes reflected a profound sense of resentment.
"I... I can't understand what's going on," Your gaze shifted from Tomas to your hands resting on your lap. There, you noticed the scar on your left hand, a reminder of the methods you tried to lift the curse weeks ago. As your fingers traced the wound, questions poured from your lips, each one tinged with uncertainty. “Hasn’t the curse lifted? Did I fail? Is that why I’m alive?”
A sound akin to a wounded animal escaped Tomas' throat as he enveloped you in his embrace with a speed you couldn't comprehend, planting a kiss on the top of your head and burying his nose in your hair. You weren't sure how long you had been confined to this bed, but judging by Tomas' condition, it had been quite some time, and you were certain you didn't smell pleasant. Yet, Tomas seemed unfazed by it all.
"Don't you ever, ever try anything like that again."
"Let me finish," Tomas interjected, cupping your face in his palms. His thumbs stroked your cheeks tenderly and carefully, as if he feared you would shatter at the slightest pressure. His gray eyes, bright as the full moon, bore into yours with such profound love that it made you tremble inside. Tears welled in your eyes at the intensity of emotion reflected in his gaze.
"The curse has been lifted. Lord Liu Kang will provide the necessary explanation, but I can tell you that if it weren't for him... right now... you..." Tomas' voice faltered, his jaw clenched so tightly you feared he might break his teeth. "Your heart had stopped. There was so much blood, and you weren't moving, you weren't breathing..."
"Tomas, my love, look at me, shh," you interrupted gently. You kissed Tomas first on the lips and then on both cheeks, desperate to reassure him that you were here, safe in his arms. The details of your return to life were irrelevant at this moment; what mattered most was calming Tomas. You knew the depths of his despair, having lost his family, and the mere thought of him experiencing such despair and fear again drained the color from your face. “I’m here, I’m with you.”
A small, wet laugh escaped Tomas' lips, but it carried no joy, only pain and grief. "Look at me, when I should be the one calming you down, you're doing this," Tomas said, taking hold of your wrists with both hands. He kissed your palms in turn before pressing your hands to his face, inhaling your scent deeply. His actions betrayed a desperation to reassure himself of your existence, as if he needed constant confirmation that you were truly alive.
"Don't ever do that again. We can't bear to lose you. Neither I nor my brothers are strong enough to survive such a loss. You mean more to us than anything," he pleaded.
"I'm sorry, but if I ever have to make that choice again, just know that I'll do it without hesitation," you responded. Tomas' brows furrowed deeply, his mouth poised to object, but you gently silenced him by placing your fingers on his lips. "You mean the world to me as well, my love. I would gladly give my life for you. I only wish you hadn't witnessed that moment. I didn't want you to see it. For that, I'm sorry."
Tomas swallowed hard, bowing his head and closing his eyes as he pressed his forehead to yours.
"You're a selfless, sweet woman... I don't know what we've done to deserve you, but I thank fate," he murmured.
Exactly half an hour after regaining consciousness, you expressed a desire to take a shower first, despite feeling incredibly hungry. According to Tomas, you had been asleep for a week. It had become more of a necessity than a mere desire to rid yourself of the fatigue and grime, to reorient yourself a little. Your body still felt uncoordinated, as if your limbs didn't quite belong to you, and moving them as you wished proved challenging for more than a few minutes. Nonetheless, somehow, you managed to take a shower, albeit a brief one.
Once dressed, you leaned against the bathroom door, trying to catch your breath, drained from expending all your energy. As the towel you had loosely tied around your hair fell onto your shoulders, you squeezed your eyes shut, waiting for the dizziness to pass. You prayed silently that your legs would carry you to the living room, despite their violent trembling and the growing weakness that made it difficult for them to support your weight.
When you heard your name being called, you opened your eyes to see Bi-Han at the end of the corridor. With a few swift steps, he reached you and effortlessly lifted you into his arms, preventing you from falling.
"Why didn't you call us?" he asked, his voice laced with concern, as you rested your head on his shoulder.
"I was trying to manage on my own," you murmured softly.
A sarcastic grunt escaped Bi-Han, indicating his disagreement. "You look like you could faint at any moment."
You had no rebuttal to offer. You were exhausted, hungry, and, most importantly, you had returned from the brink of death. So you remained silent, relishing the comfort of being held in Bi-Han's arms. It felt miraculous to once again discern his scent, feel the coolness of his touch, and hear his deep voice, which never failed to make your heart flutter. In a way, that was all that mattered. Even though you were aware of everything happening around you, your brain still struggled to comprehend the fact that you had defied death and returned, unable to fit it into a logical framework.
Despite Liu Kang's best efforts, the sensation of the knife piercing your flesh, the warmth of the blood, and the searing pain that coursed through your body lingered in your memory. After experiencing it all, the mere act of breathing and moving felt like a surreal dream.
"I wanted to stay angry with you," Bi-Han said, pulling you from your reverie. Though his usual biting, harsh tone, it now held a hoarse quality, revealing a truth he seemed reluctant to admit. Even as you attempted to gauge his expression by turning your head, Bi-Han’s steely gaze remained fixed ahead. “If it weren’t for Liu Kang-”
"Tomas mentioned it," you interjected gently, not allowing him to finish his sentence.
"How could you risk your life like that? Did you think we would simply resume our lives as if nothing had happened?"
"I couldn't bear to see you return to that cursed life. You can ask me for anything, Bi-Han, but not that. I couldn't let you go back to that existence. If it had happened, do you think I could have lived happily?" The mere thought choked your throat and brought tears to your eyes. "I couldn't. Please don't be angry with me."
"I'm not, anyway," Bi-Han replied, taking a sharp breath. "When it comes to you... fuck." His gaze shifted from the living room to you. Despite his tightly clenched jaw, furrowed brows, and attempt to maintain a poker face, you could discern the faint pinkness that tinted his otherwise pale cheeks. "Do you even realize what you've done to me, àirén?"
Instead of answering, Bi-Han settled into one of the seats without releasing you from his lap. Moments later, Kuai Liang emerged from the kitchen with a tray in hand and joined you. When you glanced curiously at the contents, the pyromancer smiled and took a seat beside you.
"I've made some soup and bread. It'll be good for your stomach."
Your eyes widened in surprise. "You can make bread?"
"He's quite the bread maker," Tomas chimed in, joining the conversation as he entered the room with Ninja nestled on his left shoulder. "When Madame Bo first taught him how to bake bread, he became completely absorbed in it for several months. Despite his fast metabolism, he consumed so much bread that I recall our trainers, especially our father, complaining that he was starting to gain weight and slow down." Tomas chuckled, eliciting a small smirk from Kuai Liang.
"You can't blame me when Madame Bo's recipes are just too delicious. Even Bi-Han couldn't resist the ones with sun-dried tomatoes."
Bi-Han responded with a small grunt, prompting you to inquire curiously, "Who is Madame Bo? I don't think I've heard you mention her before."
"She was one of our former clan members. For a brief period when we were children, she served as our instructor," Bi-Han explained from behind you. His deep voice, coupled with the fact that you were leaning against him, sent shivers down your spine. "She excelled not only in fine dining but also in combat. As she grew older, she chose to leave the clan. Now, she runs her own restaurant in Fengjian, keeping herself busy."
"We definitely need to take you there! I'm sure you'll love her food," Tomas exclaimed enthusiastically.
"Madame Bo will adore you as well," Kuai Liang added, echoing Tomas' sentiment. "Now, come on, start drinking before the soup gets cold."
As Kuai Liang dipped a spoon into the steaming soup and brought it to your lips, your cheeks flushed, and your voice came out feeble.
"Kuai, I can drink it myself."
"You've just returned from the brink of death," Kuai Liang replied softly, yet his tone carried a firmness that brooked no argument. "You're still in the midst of the healing process. Let me help you. You've already exerted yourself enough while showering."
"I'm not too weak to drink soup," you protested again. However, no one took your objections seriously, and you had to drink from the spoon that Kuai Liang offered you, feeling your cheeks grow hotter and hotter. After a few moments, you came to the realization that the situation wasn’t as embarrassing as you initially thought; in fact, it was rather pleasant. The fact that these three men, each possessing frighteningly powerful and deadly abilities, were caring for you in this way made you feel extremely valued, special, and protected. It was impossible not to be swept up in this feeling.
The rich taste of the vegetable soup calmed your stomach, easing away any lingering nausea, while the sourdough bread infused with soft olives and thyme proved to be the most delicious bread you had ever tasted.
"This is the best bread I've ever had, Kuai Liang! You must teach me how to make it," you exclaimed, eliciting a chuckle from Kuai Liang. Grasping one of the hands resting on your lap, he placed a kiss on your fingers. "I'm glad you enjoy it," he replied, returning your smile as you tenderly stroked his cheek with your hand.
After finishing the soup in no time, the front door opened, and Sektor and Lord Liu Kang entered. As you cleared your throat and made a move to get up from Bi-Han's lap, he tightened his grip, preventing you from moving.
"Bi-Han, let me get up. Lord Liu Kang is here," you insisted, turning to him with a huff.
"Yes, I can see that,"
"How am I supposed to make eye contact and talk to him and Sektor while sitting on your lap? Bi-Han, please—"
"There's no need for that," Liu Kang's calm voice gently interrupted, filling the room. You turned your attention to him and Sektor, who stood beside him, both wearing understanding expressions. "It's quite understandable that they want to be as close to you as possible after what happened."
Your lips parted to respond, but before you could, Ninja wriggled free from Tomas's grip, darted towards you with a stressed meow, and leaped onto your lap, curling into a ball and burying her head. Sensing the kitten's trembling, your brow furrowed with concern, and you immediately began stroking her small, black fur in an attempt to soothe her. Your eyes scanned her carefully, searching for any signs of distress.
"Sweet girl, what's the matter? What happened all of a sudden?" you murmured softly.
"She's afraid of Lord Liu Kang," Tomas explained, addressing your question. "I think recent events have left her a bit traumatized."
"Oh, innocent baby," you cooed, continuing to stroke the trembling kitten in your lap. Liu Kang chose to remain in the middle of the room, as if to avoid further distressing the poor animal. An somewhat embarrassed expression flickered in his unusually bright eyes. As Ninja realized that the Fire God wasn't approaching, she relaxed slightly, though she remained pressed against you, clearly unwilling to move anytime soon.
As the kitten's tremors subsided, you turned your attention to the duo standing at a distance. After exchanging a brief nod with Sektor, your gaze settled on Liu Kang.
"Lord Liu Kang, why did you bring me back to life? I thought you couldn't interfere in such matters."
"That's correct. But occasionally, there are rare opportunities in life where I can grant people a second chance for compelling reasons. Your sacrifice due to dark magic was one such instance," Liu Kang explained carefully, his gaze unwavering on you. A warm, kind expression softened his strong features. "Your selfless sacrifice had a profound impact on the fabric of existence. Without the curse, none of this would have occurred. This provided me with a unique opportunity to intervene."
As Liu Kang continued speaking, you slowly stood up, carefully depositing Ninja into Bi-Han's lap, while attempting to muffle her protesting meows behind your back. Bi-Han let you leave his arms this time, making no move to hold you back.
"In return for your courage and compassion, I have bestowed upon you the flame of life. Thus, you are now under my protection and supervision, as well as that of the Lin Kuei," Liu Kang declared.
"I-I, uh-I don't know what to say, Lord Liu Kang," you faltered. The news of being under the special protection of a god was certainly unexpected. Hoping that what you did would not be perceived as disrespectful, you closed the distance between you and God in a snap and responded decently with a hug that showed your gratitude. "I don’t know how to express my gratitude, but thank you very much."
You could sense Liu Kang's surprise through the slight stiffening of his body. Though he was the God of Fire, his body felt strangely cool, though not as cool as Bi-Han's, and a distinct scent emanated from him. It was a scent that sent shivers down your spine, an otherworldly fragrance that seemed to hint at the presence of magic. It was a blend of raw, harsh wilderness and the smell of freshly extinguished ashes.
After returning the hug with equal kindness, the two of you stepped back. The Fire God placed his hands on your shoulders in a friendly gesture, a small smile gracing his face. "There's no need to thank me. I simply did what was necessary. Your sacrifice could not go unrewarded in the face of Quan Chi's curse. If anything, I should be thanking you," he replied.
"I would also like to express my gratitude," Sektor spoke up, taking a step forward and approaching you softly. As Liu Kang withdrew his hands, you turned your head towards Sektor. He made a fist with one hand and placed it over his heart in a gesture you had not seen before, then bowed deeply, bending his body almost halfway down.
"You have brought our clan back to us. As Lord Liu Kang said, even though you are under Lin Kuei's protection, I would like to offer my services to you as a token of our gratitude on behalf of myself and Lin Kuei," Sektor expressed.
Once again, you were silent for a few seconds, unsure of what to say. Then, to avoid stuttering, you cleared your throat slightly and touched Sektor's shoulder with one hand. "Please raise your head, Sektor. I appreciate your sincere words, but you don't need to offer me your service or anything as a token of your gratitude. There's no need for any of this," you said, turning your gaze from him to the trio, who had been quietly observing everything transpire behind you. Bi-Han wore a small, ghostly smile, while Kuai Liang and Tomas were clearly beaming with pride.
Though Sektor complied and lifted his head, his expression betrayed a hint of displeasure at your words. "There must be something I can do for you," he insisted.
"Well... we can be friends? I guess... I don't know if that's allowed in a clan that trains assassins, but—"
"You are a part of us now," Kuai Liang interjected, putting an end to any further debate. Rising from his seat, he quickly approached you with wide steps and planted a kiss on your temple, instantly filling you with peace. Despite standing near someone as powerful as the Fire God and possessing abilities that defied logic, being beside Kuai Liang, Bi-Han, or Tomas made you feel safer and more at ease. "Our home is your home too."
"I would be honored by that," Sektor agreed, right afer Kuai Liang. With a smile that stretched wide enough to make your cheeks ache, you felt a profound sense of happiness fill your heart.
It took you about three days to fully recover. Now, you could comfortably move around without needing to hold onto anything or anyone. Your body was completely free of pain, leaving behind three cut scars that stretched from your stomach to your heart. They stood out as old scars, paler than your skin color, as if years had passed since they were inflicted. Though the scars didn't bother you, each time one of the three men saw them, their expressions darkened, evident of the pain it caused them. To spare them this discomfort, you usually opted to wear clothes that concealed the scars.
Liu Kang had already left three days ago after bidding farewell to everyone. Sektor, on the other hand, had returned to China the day after that to make the necessary preparations in the clan. You didn’t know when Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, and Tomas would return, but you were sure that the time was near. Although you really wanted to go with them, they had been away from their clan and hometown for ten years, and although Sektor expressed that he had managed the clan as best he could during their absence, you were sure that they would have a lot of work to do and take care of when they returned. For now, you didn't want to be in their way while they sorted everything out.
Moreover, you had received a positive response from a job interview and were awaiting the second session and the review of your demo, marking the first step towards your dream. You refused to let the thought of being apart from them dampen your spirits. You had faith that everything would work out somehow. The worst was behind you, and the future no longer seemed as daunting. You could face it with hope.
"You have to knead it well, like this," Kuai Liang instructed, guiding your hands as he demonstrated bread kneading. His warm breath tickled your ear as his broad hands enveloped yours. Pinned between him and the counter, you struggled to maintain focus amidst the sensory overload of his presence—his powerful body, warmth, sound, scent—making it a miracle you managed to concentrate on this moment at all.
With the lifting of the curse, it had now transformed from a relentless, tormenting fire into a gentle whip that ignited your desire. As much as it felt great to revel in the details without the pain and intense pressure that once invaded your mind, you found yourself craving more. Yet, you were also afraid to cross that bridge because of their past. You didn’t want to do anything that might trigger them or that they wouldn’t like.
‘’I doubt she’s paying attention to what you’re saying, brother,’’ Tomas teased from the other side of the counter, his voice laced with amusement.
‘’She seem to have something else on her mind besides bread,’’ Bi-Han said, leaning against the counter with his arms crossed. Caught in your momentary embarrassment, you shifted in place, aware of Kuai Liang’s knowing chuckle.
‘’I’m aware.’’ The pyromancer gently guiding you as you placed the bread in the container and covered it to let it rest for a couple of hours.
‘’So, you were teasing me, were you?’’ You quipped, turning to face Kuai Liang.
‘’Not entirely,’’ Kuai Liang chuckled, turning you to meet his gaze. ‘’Okay, maybe a little.’’
‘’The expression on your face says otherwise, Kuai,’’
‘’I enjoy the effect I have on you,’’ Kuai Liang confessed with his usual honesty. ‘’You can’t blame me for enjoying that—‘’
Before he could finish his sentence, you acted on impulse, rising on tiptoe to plant a kiss on his lips. In an instant, his lips parted, his tongue delving into your mouth, deepening the kiss into something passionate and fervent. Excitement coursed through you, as if your body had awakened anew, blooming like a flower receiving water.
The bronze-skinned assassin effortlessly lifted you, placing you on the counter with a firm yet gentle touch, urging you to spread your legs. Welcoming his strength eagerly, you couldn’t help but feel a rush of heat each time you witnessed his power. It was undeniably arousing, the way his muscles flexed beneath his skin as he maneuvered you into position.
As Kuai Liang leaned in close, his body pressed against yours, radiating warmth and hardness that sent shivers down your spine. You arched into him, craving the contact. A soft moan escaped your lips as you felt the delicious friction between your bodies. Your heartbeat quickened, and your body responded instinctively, hips moving in small circles to intensify the sensation building within you.
A low, guttural growl emanated from Kuai Liang as a respond. Gripping your legs, he drew you closer, the weight of his body pinning you completely. You could feel his length, firm and hard and burning hot, the heat seeping through the fabric of his trousers. Despite being confined, his thickness was unmistakable, pressing against you with a delicious weight.
‘’Fuck.’’ Bi-Han’s deep voice snapped you out of your trance. Turning to him and Tomas, panting with flushed cheeks, you noticed their arousal, evident as day with the bulges straining against their trousers. Bi-Han’s dark eyes seemed almost black with desire, fixed on you like a predator eyeing its prey. Tomas’s cheeks held a faint pink hue, his desire mirroring Bi-Han’s intensity. ‘’To the bedroom. Now.’’
When Kuai Liang, obeying Bi-Han instantly, lifted you up by continuing to grab you by the legs, you automatically wrapped your legs around his waist and tried to calm your rapidly beating heart. Although it took quite a short time to reach the bedroom, it was as if time had suddenly slowed down, a kind of excitement that you had never experienced before had taken over your body. Your heart was beating so fast inside, it was like it was going to jump out and leave your rib cage.
The moment Kuai Liang released you onto the bed, Tomas materialized behind you, his lips trailing kisses along your neck and shoulder, his teeth grazing your skin, leaving behind faint scratches. As Kuai Liang captured your lips once more, the kiss ignited with a fervor and urgency that consumed both of you. There were more teeth than lips as he nipped at your lower lip, his tongue sweeping through to soothe it before plunging deep into your mouth, as if he was trying to claim you with just that kiss.
All you tasted was him. You whimpered out loud, your head swimming with raw want.
‘’It’s alright, kotê. We’ve got you. You’re safe with us,’’ Tomas murmured against your skin, his lips traveling your shoulder to your neck, pausing at your earlobe. With a gentle nip, he whispered, ‘’Do you allow us to touch you completely, lásko?’’
Gasping, you pulled your head back to answer his question. “In exchange for me touching you too, yes,” you replied. A smile graced Kuai Liang’s lips.
‘’Everything that defines us already belongs to you. You don’t need permission for this, tiánxīn,’’
In one fluid motion, Tomas’s hand journeyed down from your rib cage to your stomach, deftly unbuttoning your trousers and pausing at the edge of your panties. With a gentle touch, he lowered it a little until they reached your wet heat.
‘’Shit, you’re already so wet,’’ Tomas exclaimed, his long fingers teasing just below your panties, eliciting a string of curses in Czech. ‘’I need to taste you. Now.’’
A ragged moan escaped your throat. Tomas’s voice was so thick with want that it made you clench your legs reflexively and imagining his words made you even wetter. Though being sandwiched between two bodies was exhilarating, the heat was becoming overwhelming. Sweat dampened your skin, and breathing felt labored in the rising temperature. Your chest rose and fell rapidly, almost painfully, as you struggled to maintain composure. Then, Bi-Han’s voice cut through the haze.
‘’You’re going to overwhelm her. Give her space to breathe, you idiots.’’
‘’Clothes—‘’ Bi-Han’s warning prompted the two brothers to withdraw, allowing you to gulp down sweet oxygen several times in quick succession. ‘’There are too many clothes.’’
‘’We can take care of that.’’ While Kuai Liang helped you take off your clothes, Tomas assisted you in removing your pants. You watched with bated breath as all three of them started to undress, moving in perfect sync. Their bodies were a sight to behold—beautiful and strong, like sculptures carved from marble. You could easily see the years of training etched into their forms, along with the pale scars left behind by their duties. When your gaze involuntarily shifted downward, you felt your cheeks grow warmer.
It wasn’t the first time you had seen them naked. The first time they emerged from the book, you were too afraid to focus on anything but their faces, and your feelings for them weren’t as intense. Although you could now look at them comfortably, it wouldn’t be a lie to say that their size intimidated you a little. The three of them were similar in stature, their impressively large members standing upright and stiff, all for you.
‘’Are you alright, kotê?’’ Tomas’s nose rubbed against your cheek gently. ‘’Don’t hesitate to share your feelings with us.’’
‘’Yes, tonight, the only thing we ask is for you to communicate your limits openly. If there’s anything you don’t like, you will tell us immediately.’’ Bi-Han said. With Kuai Liand and Tomas flanking you, he reached forward, planting a kiss on your forehead before tilting your chin up with his index finger, locking eyes with you. ‘’Are we agreed?’’
Swallowing hard, feeling your mouth dry up, you responded with a thick voice, ‘’Yes.’’
‘’Perfect. Now tell me, which one of do you want first?’’ Bi-Han whispered toward your lips before withdrawing back, leaving you to blink in turn at each of them. Choose? The decision weighed heavily; each brother held a unique allure—Kuai Liang’s passion, Tomas’s sweetness, and Bi-Han’s watchful dominance. They were all so different, yet equally special— ‘’I can’t choose.’’
‘’If it’s agreeable to both of you, I can go first,’’ Tomas offered, prompting silent agreement from Kuai Liang and Bi-Han as they withdrawed back, giving space to the silver-haired assassin. You couldn’t comprehend how all of you managed to fit in the bed, since it’s just for two people. But somehow, you made it work, moving in quite harmony.
‘’You are so beautiful,’’ Tomas murmured, his kiss tender and deliberate, suffued with compassion. ‘’Thank you for sharing this moment with us.’’
‘’I’m yours. Every part of me belongs to you, I accept everything that will come from all three of you.’’
Somewhere nearby, Kuai Liang uttered something in Chinese, and Bi-Han’s breath caught sharply. Meanwhile, Tomas, kissing you once more, guided you to lie down on the bed, his weight comforting rather than oppresive. Propping himself up on his elbows, he hovered over you, his short, soft silver hair a tousled mess, cheeks flushed against his pale skin, lips glistening, and silvery gray eyes shining like stars.
“You are very beautiful,” Tomas’s words a gentle caress against your skin. “I can’t get enough of looking at you; it tugs at my heartstrings every time.”
As his hand trailed over your throat, then down to the first scar, you observed his furrowed brow and darkening expression. When he leaned down to kiss the scar just below your left breast, a shaky breath escaped your lips. His kiss held not only tenderness but also an unspoken apology.
“I hate to see you hurt. I’m grateful that you’re with us; I just wish there was a way to solve what happened in a different way,” he quitely spoke against your skin, his voice laden with regret.
“It’s all right now, Tomas, and that’s what matters. Let’s enjoy the moment; we all deserve it. Don’t you think so?”
“You are right.” He showered your stomach with kisses, paying equal attention to each scar, while you glanced at the other two brothers watching you. Kuai Liang sat regally on a chair pulled close to the bed, like a king waiting for the perfect opportunity to conquer, his powerful legs spread wide as one hand leisurely stroked his erection. When your eyes met, his amber gaze sparkled with pleasure, a small smile gracing his lips.
“We will all take care of you in turn, tiánxīn. Do not worry,”
You gulped at this words, your gaze then shifted to Bi-Han, who sat at the end of the bed. His intense desire burned in his eyes, evident in the veins that stood out on his neck and the icy vapor that escaped his nostrils. It was the first time you noticed the freckles scattered across his broad, muscular chest, rising and falling with each controlled breath.
It was exhilarating to feel and witness their raw emotions so palpably. To be wanted. To be desired. There was a hungry part of you that craved more, yet you weren’t quite brave enough to voice it yet. Bi-Han caught your gaze, rising from his place with a growl, and captured your lips in a kiss that stole your breath away. Unlike Tomas’s sweet kisses or Kuai Liang’s burning passion, Bi-Han’s kiss was dominant, demanding, and deep enough to make your toes curl. As his tongue explored the depths of your mouth, you clung to his shoulders, trying to anchor yourself to reality amidst the flood of sensations.
“I want to mark you,” Bi-Han declared, his teeth grazing your lower lip with a hint of pain that only added to the pleasure. “I want to see my marks on your skin, to claim you as mine. Do you allow me, àirén?”
“Yes. Yes, please,” you gasped breathlessly, surprised at how incredibly hot and sexy his want sounded. Bi-Han’s gaze darkened even further, if that were possible, a predatory smile dancing on his lips as his minty cool breath washed over your face.
“Don’t beg. You never have to beg for us, àirén. As much as you are ours, we are also yours. Simply expressing your desires is enough for us to fulfill them.”
“O-Okay. You have not yet told me what the words you say in your own language mean—Ah!” Your head fell back as Tomas bit into the soft, delicate flesh of your thigh. The ache between your legs intensified, your body trembling with electric anticipation from head to toe. Another whimper escaped your lips as you desperately tried to shift your legs to alleviate the ache, only for Tomas to restrain you with a firm touch.
“I know, darling. I’ll relieve you in a moment. Don’t worry.”
Tomas kissed the sensitive skin of your inner thighs, each touch sending shivers down your spine. Sometimes his teeth grazed your skin, eliciting involuntary squirms from you. His once gentle touch was now more firm and strong, leaving you sure there would be fingerprints tomorrow. Meanwhile, Bi-Han redirected his attention from your lips to your neck, catching you off guard with a sudden bite that drew an embarrassing squeal from your lips.
While it stung, it wasn’t unbearable; instead, it ignited a tingling flame in your belly, spreading warmth throughout your body like a wildfire. Being claimed in such a primal manner felt undeniably hot and intoxicating, reaffirming your belongingness to them.
“Are you all right?” Bi-Han murmured as he gently licked the bitten spot, to which you simply nodded in response. “If it becomes too much, you’ll let me know. I trust you to do that, right?” Another nod from you earned a smile from Bi-Han. He pressed a kiss to your shoulder, “Perfect. Our perfect woman.
“The sounds she’s making…” Kuai Liang’s groan cut through the air, his voice deep and thick with desire that it was almost impossible to understand the words. “I want to hear more.”
“So do I,” Tomas added, his voice joining his brother’s. As if punctuating his words, his mouth closed over your aching core, surprising and rendering you breathless and causing your entire body to stiffen.
“Breathe, àirén,” Bi-Han urged, placing kisses on your neck and grasping the side of your neck with one hand, offering an anchor for you to hold onto, his thumb grazing your pulse. As you took a deep breath, the cryomancer nibbled on your earlobe. “That’s it. As for the answer to the previous question, àirén means ‘my love’ in my language.”
“Tiánxīn means sweetheart,” Kuai Liang said, his voice taking on a growl towards the end.
“And kotě means kitten,” Tomas’ voice was almost unintelligible, muffled by his actions. You moaned as his tongue curled over that little bundle of nerves, while Tomas let out an almost feral, uncontrolled growl that made your body tremble. “Fuck— your taste is amazing, I could get drunk on it.” Adjusting himself between your legs, he lifted them over his broad shoulders to get better access, ensuring your stability with his hands, pinning you down easily. “And lásko means love.”
You wanted to say something in return, but the words seemed to leave you. You were caught between Bi-Han’s bites of a mixture of pleasure and pain and Tomas’s deceptively moving tongue. When one of your hands went straight to Tomas’s hair and the other found Bi-Han’s, a groan went up from both of them, which made it clear that they liked it, and set your skin on fire. The sounds you made were completely primitive and loud enough to make you blush, when you closed your eyes tightly, you heard Bi-Han growling.
“Open your eyes, I want to see and watch the pleasure we’re giving you.’’
‘’There is nothing to be ashamed of here, tiánxīn.’’ When Kuai Liang appeared on your other side, you wanted to reach out to him, but it was difficult to move your hands. Fortunately, Kuai Liang had no difficulty reading you, so he leaned right over you and made you relax, leaving little kisses starting at the corner of your chin until they reached your lips. ‘’You are too beautiful for words, don’t hide yourself from us. Even looking at you is a pleasure in itself for us.’’
You felt a small laugh climbing up your throat. Everything felt so comfortable, easy and most importantly, safe. You had complete trust in them, and it was such a trust that it made it easier for you to put yourself in their control. You knew that they would never hurt you, the comfort and peace you felt from their presence came first.
Although your lips were parted to thank Kuai Liang, the words remained stuck when Tomas rolled the small nub with his tongue and closed his lips on it, sucking on. Stars, literally golden stars appeared behind the eyelids that you closed without realizing it, a long moan left your lips. Tomas was kind, but also cruel. He knew so well how to use his tongue and lips, where he should touch and at what speed he should move, that in seconds he managed to turn you into a tight ball just begging for more.
You heard Tomas chuckle; you didn’t need to look to see the proud expression that settled on his face, you could imagine it clearly. Bi-Han took a break from his assault, and you trembled with another wave of pleasure as he stepped away, just like Kuai Liang. Tomas’s tongue was hot and strong, and when that clever muscle opened your lower lips and dipped into your warmth, you both groaned at the same time.
Tomas pleasured you with his tongue in a way that left you unable to keep track of time. He used his mouth so skillfully that it should be considered a crime. It was as if he was a man lost in a desert who had just found water. His tongue licked your lips, sometimes teasing that small bud to make your breath hitch, and then easily slid his devilish tongue into your wet channel. He was literally devouring you, guttural sounds leaving his throat matching the sounds you were making.
While Bi-Han was cursing, Kuai Liang asked in a hoarse voice, “Can you bring her to peak like that?”
“Yes. She’s so wet and hot and sweet—My Gods, may they have mercy on us.’’
‘’W-Wait, ah- a minute.’’ As soon as you managed to somehow get the words out, Tomas obeyed you in a breath and stopped. The only thing you felt was his warm breath that touched your wet heat. Kuai Liang asked, stroking the top of your head, in a gentle and careful voice that you could call worried, ‘’Are you all right, tiánxīn?’’
‘’Yes, I just… I don’t want to come this way.’’ Even though your face was cut red, you continued. ‘’It felt so good. Just—Some other time, but not today.” Because if Tomas had continued for a few more minutes, you would have come easily without even needing to feel his fingers or his length inside, and you didn’t want this to happen the first time without feeling them inside.
“Of course,” Kuai Liang leaned down and placed a small, loving kiss on the top of your head. ‘’Thanks for sharing with us.’’
‘’But you’re letting me stretch you on my fingers, right? I don’t want to hurt you.’’ Tomas said, in a voice so deep that it made you shiver inside. When you turned your gaze from Kuai Liang to him, your heart misfired. Tomas’ lips and chin were completely covered with your juices, shining. His hair was even more messy than before, some of the short tufts had risen into the air, his gray eyes were dark, and the raw hunger lying there had accelerated your pulse, you almost couldn’t hear them because of the buzzing in your ears.
Remembering at the last moment what you were asked, you mumbled a ‘’Yes.’’ Chuckles poured out from all three men.
“Perfect. You’re so perfect and good for us.” As one of Tomas’ long fingers easily slipped into your wet warmth, a wave of relief washed over you, soothing the ache that had been constantly building up. “Next time, I want to see the moment when you come apart just on my tongue. Your taste is addictively sweet.” While Tomas peppered kisses on the inside of your thights, his clever finger moved back and forth with an ever-accelerating rhythm. It felt good, but it wasn’t exactly what you craved. You wanted to feel more—fuller.
“Use your words, darling,” Tomas said, sensing your desire through your squirming. Swallowing the urge to express yourself by closing your eyes, you met Bi-Han’s gaze and forced your lips to move. “More. I want more.”
Tomas smiled, and when he pulled his hand back, your eyebrows furrowed, and you let out a little desperate whine as if in objection. This was not what you wanted, what you wanted—just as Tomas returned to your entrance with two fingers, Kuai Liang’s fingers also began to stroke over the small bundle of nerves, causing you to see stars. As Bi-Han’s mouth closed over one of your hardened nipples, your body stretched like a bow. Every sensation felt overwhelmingly good, especially the tension building up beneath your belly, dragging you closer to the edge.
Bi-Han bit the delicate bud before sucking on it to soothe the pain, while Kuai Liang’s other hand kneaded your other breast. Callused fingertips left a trail of fever wherever they touched, and as Tomas’s fingers moved in and out, coupled with the pressure on your core, you were on the brink of climax.
Realizing how stretched your body was, all three of them ceased their sweet torture. As Tomas donned the condom handed by Bi-Han, you took a deep breath, desperate for the oxygen you badly needed.
“Are you ready, lásko?”
“Yes,” you answered in a flash. ‘‘I’m ready, Tomas…Please—I—“
“Shh, what did my brother tell you, darling? Don’t ever beg to us.”
As his length, bigger and harder than fingers, pressed at your entrance, your legs instinctively opened to welcome him in. Slowly, Tomas entered your molten hot depths, and you whimpered, clinging to his shoulders, trying to adjust to the incredible fullness.
“That’s it, you’re doing great, beautiful. Just a little bit more.” When Tomas’s groin met yours, the silver-haired assassin leaned in, gently stroking your cheek as he gazed into your eyes. A small, sincere, and happy smile adorned his face, sending a tremble through your heart. “Are you with me?“
“Feeling all right?“
You nodded your approval, and Tomas chuckled, his thumb stroking your lower lip.
“I want to hear it in words, lásko.”
“Yes, very much.” Then, as you reflexively squeezed your inner walls, the overwhelming fullness made your head spin, and you both groaned in unison. Tomas surged inside you like a pulse, strong, hot, and hard, filling you completely, beautifully. His length reached every part of you, leaving no inch untouched. “How do you feel?“
“More wonderful than I’ve ever felt.” As Tomas leaned down further, kissing you deeply, you tasted your own essence on his tongue, unable to stop yourself from moaning into his mouth. It felt as though flames coursed through your veins, while your heart raced and the tension under your belly mounted. “Our woman,” Tomas purred, kissing you once more. “Ours.”
“Yours,” you gasped.
Tomas smiled, but his grin was feral and hungry, just like a hunter. As he began to move his hips, a gasp then a thin moan escaped your lips involuntarily. The pleasure coursing through you was indescribable, urging you to squirm for more. Wrapping your legs around Tomas, you tried to draw him closer. Tomas and Kuai Liang chuckled simultaneously, their laughter devoid of mockery, sweet as honey, warm and loving. Bi-Han planted a tender kiss on your temple.
‘‘Shh, he will give you what you want, àirén.’’
‘’Certainly,’’ Tomas replied, smiling. The rhythm gradually picked up pace, smooth yet intense, making it challenging to restrain the sounds of pleasure escaping you. The warmth emanating from Tomas, the flushed pleasure on his face, the sexual harmony… Everything felt magical and uniquely special, filling your heart with love.
In this moment, it was as if you existed only with these three brave and strong warriors, ready to fight and spill blood for you without hesitation. You were enveloped in a sheltered bubble where time seemed to stand still.
As Kuai Liang took your nipple into his mouth this time, Bi-Han’s hand trailed down your quivering stomach. When his fingers found that sensitive spot and applied just right amount of pressure, sharp waves of ecstasy mingled with the pleasure, eliciting helpless whimpers from you. The impending orgasm approached faster than you anticipated. All three of them made encouraging noises, pleased with the sounds you produced.
‘’Gods, your voice… Fuck,’’ Tomas breathed heavily.
‘’You moan so sweetly,’’ Kuai Liang remarked, joining in.
‘‘I want to see you peak, I bet you’ll look divine.’’ As Bi-Han increased the pressure on your mound, you moaned helplessly. Tomas swallowed the sound with a low growl, his lips never leaving yours. ‘’Let us see, àirén.’’
You were just barely breathing, unable to focus on anything except the white-hot pleasure coursing through you. Tomas’ hand found your hair, effortlessly tilting your head back to dominate your mouth as he pleased, while Kuai Liang’s fingers toyed with your sweetly abused nipple, sending sharp but addictive pain coursing through you. And when Bi-Han’s touch once again grazed your core, the world slipped away for a moment. The tension under your belly reached its peak, finally snapping. Shaken with pleasure, you couldn’t breathe—maybe you screamed, you couldn’t tell. Time, space, even your surroundings faded into oblivion for a fleeting moment.
It took a while for you to regain awareness, noticing Tomas’s hardness twitching inside you as he breathed heavily, trying to recover. ‘’Perfect, sweet lásko.’’ he gasped, kissing the tip of your nose. ‘‘You were wonderful. How do you feel?’’
Taking a moment to assess yourself, you realized you felt more than good—you felt great, alive, and fully satisfied. ‘‘I’ve never felt better,’’ you replied honestly. A bright, proud, and somewhat smug smile spread across his face as he planted a chaste kiss on your lips.
‘‘Can you go on?’’
‘’Yes, I trust you.’’
A growl of satisfaction emanated from all three at your response. As Tomas carefully withdrew, you took a deep breath, feeling a sense of emptiness after being full. While Tomas removed his condom, Bi-Han approached with a glass of water, and Kuai Liang helped you sit up. As you drank the cold water, surprised at your thirst, Kuai Liang peppered your shoulder with little kisses, while Bi-Han gently stroked the back of your head. If it weren’t for the lingering energy pulsating through your body, you could easily fall asleep like this. Their touches were gentle and caring, a stark contrast to the intensity before.
When you finished all the water in the glass, Kuai Liang asked, ‘’Would you like some more?’’
‘’No, this is enough, thank you.’’
Upon your answer, as Bi-Han rose to put down the glass, Kuai Liang arranged both pillows back to back, leaning them against the headboard. Then, he settled his powerful body against the prepared pillows and turned his amber eyes on you, bright as the sun. His sun-kissed body, rippling with muscles and adorned with a few scars, along with the flex of his scorpion tattoo on his arm, he was a sight to behold.
‘’Come here, tiánxīn.’’
Approaching him as instructed, you let Kuai Liang pull you towards him. His hair, usually gathered into a bun but now left in a ponytail, was scattered, its dark strands cascading over his broad chest, surprisingly soft to the touch. Kuai Liang effortlessly turned you over, making you lean against his chest, and you let out a shaky sigh as you felt his hard length, warmer than Tomas’, at your entrance. Though not as long as Tomas, Kuai Liang was certainly more well-endowed, the tip of his arousal flushed with red.
‘’Remember, if you don’t like anything, you’ll tell us. You are the most important thing to us, and we don’t want you to force yourself in any way.’’
‘’All right.’’ Turning your head to the side, you dropped a small kiss on the edge of his strong-lined chin. ‘‘Everything that comes from you, I already accept. There can be nothing that I will not like.’’
‘’You’re too sweet.’’ Kuai Liang returned the kiss on your lips. His hands slid from your waist to the back of your legs, parting them gently. ‘’Open up for me, tiánxīn.’’ As he pressed you down, his length entered you easily and effortlessly. Moaning softly, you rested your head on his shoulder, one hand curling up at the back of his neck while the other gripped the hand holding onto your leg.
‘’You’re perfect. You were made for us, tiánxīn. Wrapped wonderfully around me.’’
Kuai Liang, when he placed his teeth on the other shoulder that Bi-Han hadn’t marked, you shivered with another helpless moan. You’d never thought that pain could feel so sweet and good, or the happiness you’d feel when you woke up in the morning to see their claims on your body. While the pyromancer filled you inside with a strong and steady rhythm unlike anything you’d known before, Bi-Han came into view.
His hair was also disheveled like Kuai Liang’s, his black locks spilling over his chest, a stark contrast to his snow-white skin. From his perfectly lined muscles, your eyes trailed down to his painfully erect arousal, adorned with fine black hairs, and it didn’t surprise you that his size matched Kuai Liang’s.
‘‘You can always stop us,’’ Bi-Han said as he closed the distance between you. Without averting his gaze from you, one hand carefully descended, teasing your entrance with his fingers before slowly, very slowly, inserting one finger, eliciting a scream-like sound from you at the incredible fullness and stretching you felt. Kuai Liang licked the spot where he had bitten and reached towards your neck, while Bi-Han placed a kiss on the edge of your lip.
‘‘Are you all right? Is it too much?’’
“No. I’m good,’’ you said, gasping. Kuai Liang’s size was extremely endowed, and Bi-Han’s finger was definitely not considered small. Despite facing the kind of stretching you hadn’t experienced before, it didn’t hurt. Instead, all you felt was an indescribable pleasure that made you tremble uncontrollably.
‘’Can you take both of us?’’
‘‘Both of you… at once…?’’ As you responded to Bi-Han’s question with surprise, Kuai Liang planted a small kiss on your neck.
“He will prepare you carefully, tiánxīn. There will be no pain, only pleasure. Always pleasure. Don’t doubt it at all, but if you don’t want to, there is no problem in that. Whatever you want, we will fulfill it happily,”
All three of them carefully observed your every reaction, constantly checking your condition, trying to discern what you liked. ‘’I want to try,’’ you said in a voice that suddenly became shy. ‘‘I trust you. I know you won’t hurt me.’’
‘‘Never,’’ said Bi-Han in a harsh and sharp voice.
‘’We just want to give you nothing but pleasure, tiánxīn,’’ added Kuai Liang, joining his brother. Bi-Han leaned down and began showering your neck, collarbones, and breasts with kisses, occasionally sucking on your skin, while Kuai Liang continued his sweet torture on your neck and shoulder.
After a while, a second finger joined the first one. You didn’t know what you sounded like—a scream, a moan? It didn’t hurt, but it definitely burned now, the pleasure was overwhelming. You were sure you were scratching Bi-Han as you clung to his shoulders, drawing blood where you pressed your nails into his flesh. But you needed to steady yourself and do something with your hands. You moved as if you had lost control of your body, but under Kuai Liang’s grip as hard as steel, and with him impaling you, there was nowhere for you to go.
‘’That’s it. You’re opening so beautifully for me,’’ Bi-Han inhaled deeply while sucking on the spot where your throat met your shoulder. ‘‘Fuck, do you see how you’re sucking me in? So perfect.’’
You tried to babble something, his words making you blush hotly, but all that came out of your lips was a broken moan. You didn’t know if they could understand you, you weren’t even sure how you could still contain this much pleasure. As if you were about to fly away, your head fell to the side as the hot tension gathered under your belly spread in waves throughout your entire body once more, and you bit Kuai Liang’s neck, the only thing you could think of to suppress your uncontrollable moans.
Since Kuai Liang didn’t expect you to do this, his rhythm jerked for a moment, and an incomprehensible curses poured from his lips. As if it were possible, when his hardness, which was pulsating inside and burning like an ember, grew larger, you couldn’t stop yourself from moaning against his skin.
‘’I didn’t know you liked being bitten,” said Tomas, although his voice sounded close, you were not yourself enough to understand where it was coming from. You heard Kuai Liang take a sharp gasp.
‘’So do I.’’
At that moment, Bi-Han was completely focused on stretching you. His touch was gentle and extremely careful as he slowly pushed his fingers a little deeper each time, causing your whole body to tremble with it. After a while, when his third finger teased at your entrance, you tried to relax. Two fingers and Kuai Liang’s length were quite a lot, but you wanted this.
While trembling under Kuai Liang’s strong grip, you pulled your mouth back and gently licked the place you had bitten as a kind of apology, then looked at Bi-Han through your eyelashes. When his eyes, as dark as the starless sky, met yours, Bi-Han said, ‘’Breathe,’’ and then added his third finger to the others.
As you accepted him, all the air you could draw into your lungs flew away. You couldn’t scream, couldn’t even make a sound. When you opened your eyes again, which you hadn’t realized you had closed, you saw Tomas standing over you.
‘’Are you okay? Do you want him to stop?’’
‘‘No. I’m—I’m all right.’’ When you could breathe again, you continued in a weak voice. ‘’Just… Too full— oh, my god-too much.’’
‘’You’re doing great.’’ Tomas reached down and planted a kiss on the top of your head. “But if this hurts you-‘’
“No.’’ As Bi-Han pushed his fingers a little deeper, your eyes closed once again. ‘‘I’m all right.’’
The cryomancer growled, his fingers began to move back and forth a little faster and smoother as his grunts echoed through the room. After a while, you found yourself getting used to this feeling; to this fullness and the perfect harmony of hot and cold. When Bi-Han rooted his fingers and pulled them back without any warning, a confused, unhappy whimper poured from your lips. You wanted them back, just when you were used to it-
‘‘I know, àirén. I know, I’ll give you what you want.’’
When Bi-Han put on the condom that Tomas handed him and aligned his length, which was much, much bigger than his fingers, to your entrance, your heart started beating so hard inside that for a moment you thought you were going to faint. Kuai Liang leaned back a little more, pulling you along with him, while Bi-Han slowly began to insert his length through your entrance. Although you thought that Kuai Liang filled you too much and that Bi-Han would never be able to enter, Bi-Han carefully slipped into you within seconds, slow but sure, and—
You wailed, it was an absolutely overwhelming feeling, it was beyond fullness. But somehow, you stood up to it. It didn’t hurt, but it all seemed too much and too intense at once.
‘‘It’s all right, àirén. Shh, we got you. Breathe, yes just like that.’’
Bi-Han stopped when he settled down to the hilt, and while giving you time to get used to the feeling, he reached out to you and planted a kiss on your slack lips. Even though you tried to respond to him back, all you could do was moan and gasp brokenly into his mouth. Kuai Liang kissed you wherever he could reach, while whispering words of love and praise in your ear and caressing you with a broad hand that he slid over your belly.
When you finally managed to open your eyes, you came eye to eye with Bi-Han’s dark and hungry gaze.
‘’Are you ready, àirén?’’
“Yes.’’ You whispered.
When he bent down to kiss you with a feral smile that mostly bared his teeth, his long hair tickled your cheeks. Then when he started moving, you screamed and couldn’t stop yourself from putting your nails on his shoulders again.
Bi-Han snarled into your mouth, catching your lower lip with his teeth, as Kuai Liang also started to move, you completely gave yourself up to their control and mercy. Their movements were very harmonious, as if they were reading each other’s minds, one was on the way out, the other was inside, and they never left you empty. While Kuai Liang was warming your body from behind, Bi-Han was soothing you with his coolness with every part he came into contact with in front of you.
‘’Will you let us see you peak once more, beautiful?’’ Kuai Liang said as his hand on your stomach slid down. You moaned from where you were leaning your head on his shoulder, even the slightest movement was enough to make your eyes roll back. You didn’t think it was possible to survive such a pleasure if Kuai Liang touched you there—
‘’Kuai-’’ You said, gasping. Although it was foolish to hope that he would understand what you meant by voicing his name, you didn’t know at that moment how you could communicate otherwise. The hot tension in your stomach was so tense that you could have exploded at any moment. All you need is—
When Bi-Han, uttering a curse, grabbed your legs and placed them on his shoulders, burying himself deeper than ever, he touched a place in you that make sparks and stars appearing before your eyes, liquid hot electricity running through your whole body, making you tremble. As you contracted so hard that the two men took a sharp breath and snarled like predators. As Bi-Han pressed the same spot several times, his rhythm was smooth and relentless. All you could do was hold on to him. At that moment, Kuai Liang’s hand was resting on your mound, and you clawed his arm desperately, he stroked it once, twice, thrice, and then you came screaming. Your body stiffens, breath leaving your lungs, and your vision blurs into blinding white.
Although you don’t know how it happened, after a while, as your vision gradually clears, you find yourself curled up in Kuai Liang’s lap, gasping for breath. Your body still trembles with lingering aftershocks.
‘’Hey, there.” Kuai Liang gently stroked your cheek and kissed you. ‘‘Are you all right?’’
“Yes.’’ You said in a cracked voice. When Tomas appeared on the other side of you and brought the glass closer to your lips for you to drink water, you opened your lips with great satisfaction, grateful that you didn’t have to hold the glass because you were sure that there was nothing left in your body for strength.
You had some soreness, and after getting used to being full, you were feeling very empty now, it was a strange feeling. But other than that, you felt refreshed and great. A sweet tiredness that went down to your bones had settled on you, you heard Kuai Liang laugh when you yawned without being able to help yourself.
‘’Go to sleep, tiánxīn. You’ve earned that, we’ll take care of you.’’
With a sigh, you curled up on his chest, while sleep overtook you, you fell asleep in seconds because you had no doubt that you knew your men, that you were in the safest place on earth.
When you opened your eyes, the morning light filtered in through the window. With the fitness of having slept the best sleep of your life, you turned around where you were lying with the touch of a body behind you while yawning in the bed and met Tomas’s gaze, which was watching you with a pleasant smile. Under the morning sun, Tomas stood quite soft and relaxed, his eyes almost like shining stars.
He didn’t have a shirt on, so you could clearly see the marks you left on his skin—bruises and thin scratches scattered here and there. A faint heat flared in your belly at the sight of him, but you brushed it aside. It was early in the morning, and despite Tomas looking very handsome and enticing at the moment, you were incredibly hungry.
‘‘Good morning. Did you sleep well?’’
‘’More than enough.’’ You said it in a happy voice. Then, after taking a look around the room, you asked curiously. ‘‘Where are the others?’’
‘’They are in the kitchen, preparing breakfast.’’
‘’Both of them?’’
‘’Although he doesn’t show it, Bi-Han too, is a good cook. He just doesn’t like cooking very much.’’
‘‘I wonder why I’m not surprised to hear that.’’ You said with a chuckle. At that time, a meowing was heard inside the room, and then within seconds, when Ninja’s tiny body came into view, you pulled her to yourself with a hug.
‘’Good morning, little menace.’’ While placing a few kisses on the top of her head and scratching under her chin, Ninja let out happy purrs, then lying on her back, she exposed her round belly, which was obviously filled with food. You both laughed at the sweetness of the kitten, and when Tomas bent his head and tried to kiss Ninja’s soft belly, the kitten meowed and grabbed Tomas’s face with four paws, trying to gnaw and kick.
“Ninja, shh, we don’t show our love that way.’’ As you gently stopped the kitten and pulled her to you, you couldn’t help but laugh at the betrayal that appeared on Tomas’s face. “To touch the open belly of cats is a death sign, Tomas. Didn’t you know that?’’
‘’I thought she was getting used to us.’’ Tomas said with sad puppy eyes and a voice full of betrayal.
Some things are instinctive; don’t take it to heart.” After giving Ninja a bit more affection, as you straightened up to start the day, the cover slipped and landed on your lap. It was then that you noticed the array of purple bruises, bites, and fingerprints covering your body. To an outsider, you probably appeared as if you had been attacked. Tomas, with a quiet voice, voiced his concern.
“How are you feeling? Do you feel any pain anywhere?”
Finding his worries sweet, you kissed his shoulder instead of his lips, considering how awful your morning breath must have been. Despite sleeping deeply, your body, especially your lower half, was aching. However, it was a pleasant sensation rather than painful; you knew you would walk funny for a bit, but that was perfectly fine with you.
“I’m fine, Tomas, don’t worry.”
Tomas helped you out of bed and helped you get dressed after giving you one last worried glance. You made your way to the kitchen with Ninja trailing behind you, where you found Kuai Liang and Bi-Han arranging dishes on the counter in sync. The delightful smells instantly made your stomach growl, causing your cheeks to flush slightly. Tomas chuckled beside you.
“Good morning, my loves,” you greeted them softly. Their faces lit up as they turned towards you, and they each gave you a hug halfway and planted a kiss on both sides of your head.
Like Tomas, they also didn’t wear anything other than sweatpants to cover up below. Their skin bore your marks, and from the looks on their faces, they were proud of them, just as you were proud to display and carry their claim on you. It was primal, indeed, but it somehow satisfied something deep within you.
“It smells amazing in here. What have you cooked?” you asked as you approached the kitchen. Bi-Han handed you a mug of green tea, and Kuai Liang explained how they prepared a Chinese breakfast while you listened and sipped your tea with happiness.
The table was adorned with an array of dishes, from steamed buns filled with pork and vegetables to dumplings swimming in fragrant broth. Crispy fried rice cakes glistened with a sweet soy glaze, while golden brown pancakes dripped with honey. Fresh fruits adorned the table, adding a refreshing touch to the feast.
Soon, you started enjoying the breakfast laid out in front of you, accompanied by a lively conversation that had you laughing. The food was as delicious as it looked, and you couldn’t help but shower them with compliments. Bi-Han even stuffed a dumpling into your mouth at one point to quiet you, which almost made you choke with laughter.
As you took another sip of your green tea, a sound from your laptop caught your attention. Curious about the early morning email, you rose to investigate, careful not to trip over Ninja who was lounging nearby.
“Is there a problem?” Kuai Liang asked as he approached, reaching to take the kitten on his lap. Ninja immediately melted at his touch, her purrs filling the living room.
Opening the mailbox directly, when you saw where the message was coming from, your heart immediately began to beat with excitement. You held your breath, opened the message box with trembling fingers, and tried to read the message in a snap.
“Is everything all right? You turned pale in an instant,” Tomas said with a worried voice as he sat on the other side of you. A growl rose from Bi-Han. “Who do we have to kill? Give us the names.”
“Guys,” you blinked back tears of happiness, trying to steady your racing heart, “remember when I told you that the first round of the job interview went well?”
“Yeah,” they replied in unison, prompting a wet laugh from you, on the verge of tears.
“I passed the second round too! They liked the demo I sent them. They want to work with me! I got the job!”
When tears of happiness that you couldn’t hold back any longer started flowing down your cheeks, Tomas was the first to hug you. His huge body enveloped you, and he whispered how proud he was of you. Kuai Liang, who had dropped Ninja to the ground, hugged you in the same manner. He gently wiped away your tears and planted a loving kiss on the top of your head. Finally, Bi-Han didn’t hug you like the others, but he gave you a chaste, sweet kiss that lingered longer than expected. Then, with pure confusion evident on his face, he asked, “What the hell is a demo?”
“It’s a preview of the game that hasn’t been fully developed yet. I had been working on it for a long time, unsure about the storyline or characters, until I met you guys,” you explained, pulling up the files on your laptop to show them. Their curiosity piqued, all three leaned in to see the screen. As you navigated to the character screen, three names appeared: Smoke, Scorpion, and Sub-Zero, in that order, accompanied by their gray, yellow and blue appearances.
“Hey, these are our code names, and they look like us. Wait a damn second—” Tomas paused incredulously, and you planted a loving kiss on his cheek amidst his confusion.
“Yes, I know the graphics aren’t great, but everything will be improved. You guys have been my inspiration. Did you like it?” you asked, hopeful.
“This is incredible,” Kuai Liang said, eyes widening in amazement. “How did you manage to do this?”
“Well, I wanted to create a fighting game since highschool. My software was ready, but I was missing characters and a plot,” you explained.
“Are they fighting to the death?” Bi-Han asked, curiosity piqued. After your confirmation, he inquired further, “What’s it about?”
“Based on what you’ve told me, I might have drawn some inspiration from certain events. The main theme revolves around the power struggle between our world and other realms, with fighting tournaments organized to maintain balance,” you elaborated.
“This isn’t just inspiration; it’s reality,” Kuai Liang chuckled, trying to stifle his laughter.
“Why don’t you also call it Mortal Combat, to tie it all together?” Tomas suggested as a joke.
“Well, that’s not a bad idea actually,” you said at the idea Tomas had thrown out. ‘’I couldn’t think of a better name. But maybe with a K instead of a C, it’ll be more catchy,” you added with a smile, trying to read their emotions. However, as the silence stretched and they continued to stare at the screen, you began to feel apprehensive. “Are you… mad at me that I used the information? I can change it completely—”
Bi-Han was the first to drop his mask, a teasing smirk playing on his lips as his normally cold eyes held an amused glint. “Of course we are not mad. Military superiors, monks, and various criminal organizations around the world are already aware of the existence of Outworld and its tournaments. Making some changes in your game to avoid direct parallels won’t be a problem.”
“So you liked my surprise then?” you asked, glancing at them, and they responded with genuine happiness and pride. Tomas chuckled beside you.
“But you’ll pay us commission fees, won’t you? After all, we played an important part in this—” Before he could finish, you threw a cushion at his face, causing him to topple over. But just as he fell, he pulled you into his arms, laughing heartily before kissing you on the lips. “It was a wonderful surprise. Thank you for deeming us worthy of this,” he said, his voice warm and affectionate. “It’s a nice feeling to know that we are your inspiration.”
“Certainly,” Kuai Liang chimed in, joining his brother to kiss you on the shoulder. Bi-Han knelt down to get on eye level with you, lifting your chin slightly to plant a kiss on your forehead.
“We are so lucky to have you,” Bi-Han said sincerely, his voice calm and genuine. You closed your eyes with happiness, feeling content and loved. Everything felt perfect, and your heart was full of love and hope. Starting with Bi-Han, you answered back in a voice overflowing with pure happiness before kissing them each in turn.
“So do I.”
Author’s Note: You stuck with my silly idea and finished the story?! Thank you so much for reading it; I hope you enjoyed it!🥰 I know neither of them said "I love you" to the reader—I wanted to save that for an upcoming one-shot where each of them expresses their love to the reader separately. After that, I have a couple of interesting ideas where Quan Chi and perhaps Leilani will appear and have a plot in the next story. Hope you stick around! If you have any ideas, feel free to share them with me. Take care! 😘
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the-heros-sidekick · 3 days
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❝ I dream of cracking locks , throwing my life to the wolves or the ocean rocks. ❞
He feels it first at the back of his neck. A buzzing, like the crackling of electricity underneath his skin, reverberating against the hollow of his skull. Something is knocking, making its presence known: A particular kind of evil that had snuck into Stiles’ mind once already, stealing away control over his body. Condemning him to sit back, trapped in his own mind, rendering him powerless. Doomed to watch in horror as his  blood-stained hands wielded sharpened blades against those he loved. They’d gotten him out, though nearly at the cost of his own life—a sacrifice Stiles had been more than willing to make, so long as no one else would get hurt because of him. And yet something must have stayed behind, lodged into the membrane of his skull like a shard of glass. For the longest time he’d managed to keep the horrors contained to only haunt him in the dead of night, leaving him sleep deprived and wrung out, every nerve ending scraped thin. But now, even the light of day no longer offers refuge for Stiles to feel safe. Long gone is the once obnoxiously loud, carefree kid—left in its stead is a man carrying himself with caution, treading quietly across the space between other people’s reality and what lies beyond. He knows there are demons out there listening, waiting for an opportunity to exploit any sign of weakness—a door left slightly ajar, perhaps, much like the door to Stiles’ mind they’d never managed to close. The feeling of impending doom crescendos and Stiles, feeling sick to his stomach with fear, clings desperately to the words he repeats to himself like a mantra. "Nothing gets in unless you let it.” But the words turn to ash in his mouth, memories of past experiences proving him a liar. 
an exploration of Teen Wolf's STILES STILINSKI who, after leaving Beacon Hills behind, settled down in New York where he's now considered the FBIs golden boy . ― crafted for @fakevz . following canon events of the show with additional headcanons . medium activity & very crossover friendly . minors dni . this blog operates in english only . est. 2014 . ♗ ©
A STUDY IN: loss of innocence , comedic sidekick , aftermath of demonic possession , a morally gray world , undying loyalty , survivor's guilt , agent of chaos , deflecting with humor
I think I've loved you since I met you. I just mistook it for curiosity.
Ever since I first laid eyes on you, I felt this unquenchable need to know you.I blamed it on ulterior motives, justified it because I needed something from you, because you held the answers I was looking for, because no one else was able to help but you. Looking back on it now though, I'm starting to think that maybe some part of me knew right from the start, that first night I stumbled upon you in the woods, what took me years to see: Maybe my heart recognized that it was going to love you right away, and I spent the years to come catching up with what it knew right from the start. That it was always going to be you. How could it ever have been anyone else? Through mayhem and bloodshed, through fear and loss, through grief and sleepless nights, you were the one constant that remained. When I lost sight of everything--first myself, then reality, then hope--you were the one guiding my way like a beacon, or a north star. If I've ever known peace, it's in all the moments that your hand has touched mine and that your arms have held me tirelessly, putting your body like a shield between me and every inkling of danger. Of all the late-night wonderings of trying to make sense of the last decade (and failing), what remains is this singular thought: At least it was you. At least it was me. At least it was us, together. I'd bear it all a million times over if it meant I got to hold your hand at the end of it all. You are the moment of quiet at the end of a long day, you are breathless laughter, you're the patch of sunlight filtering in through the window that I stand in to warm myself. You are everything good in this world and living proof that there is hope despite it all, and I love you beyond measure.
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ladygatuna · 3 days
Chapter 1: The good Son returns home
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"Everything will be different, there's no need to be afraid."
This phrase reverberated incessantly in Veronica's mind. Your hands are shaking, your breathing is ragged, each step is a challenge. He felt on the verge of collapse, staggering and bumping into people. Passersby in Gotham cast disdainful glances, murmuring about yet another addict on the run. She didn't blame them.
Gotham. The city remained unchanged, still exuding its putrid odor, and criminals continued to sneak through the dark alleys. The same Gotham she had left, perhaps a little less degraded than she expected. After all, she had abandoned her duty, running away at the first chance. When he looked up, he saw a large bat symbol lighting up the sky. Something new. Something that seemed to frighten criminals. But why? Bats weren't that terrifying.
Or were they?
A few hours earlier, she had left the portal that brought her back to a dark and dirty alley, her last memory of the city. "Damn, it's the bat!" someone had exclaimed, and his heightened senses went on alert. A glass bottle whizzed past his head, with almost no time to dodge. When he turned around, he saw three men crouched, huddled and shaking. As they approached, they jumped to their feet with mischievous smiles.
"I didn't say it was just an invention, guys! It's just a lost kitten!" shouted the loudest one. His stomach dropped at the last sentence. The look in those men's eyes said everything that was going on in their minds. She forgot that alleys in Gotham were the last thing to go into at night.
But something else was running through his head.
"Who the hell is the bat?" Her voice was weak, but she knew they heard her, as they flinched a little.
"Let's go, boss, this looks like a trap!" shouted the smallest of them, the most agitated, who was looking everywhere, especially upwards.
"Hold still, man," said the older one, pushing the younger one who fell to the ground. "You're going to scare the girl with your inventions!"
"It's not an invention, I saw him, damn it!"
Veronica stood still, observing the scene. Clearly, there were criminals hiding from this bat, perhaps a boss. But she wouldn't stay there to find out. His body was in survival mode, he just needed a warm bed. Taking advantage of their fight, she slowly left, so tired that she didn't hear the footsteps behind her. It all happened very quickly, with no chance of defense.
He felt his body being thrown against the wall, screaming in pain. Unfortunately, she still hadn't recovered from her old injuries or gotten rid of the toxin Miguel had injected into her. I wouldn't die, but the feeling was horrible. Miguel was now his number one enemy.
Before she could get up, the older man kicked her in the stomach, knocking the air out of her. Everything spun around again.
"Where do you think you're going, whore?" He screamed in her ears as he pulled her hair, dragging her back to the other two. "The night was difficult, we need fun!" His body was thrown to the ground violently, a crack was heard followed by crying.
Bones were the hardest to heal and the most painful. They ruined the entire process that Hobie had taken so long to complete. She heard the tallest one celebrating, clapping and praising his friend for getting a prostitute. They were so happy that they didn't notice when she stood up, her eyes lifeless and her pupils dilated. However, he didn't remember exactly what happened in the alley, just screams and the taste of blood in his mouth. The next thing he remembered was being on the streets, returning to his safe home.
Still looking at the bat symbol, Veronica hoped he wasn't a mafia boss who had taken over the streets, explaining the fear of criminals. But, she didn't have time now. I needed to rest. I wouldn't beat a man in that state.
She breathed a sigh of relief when she arrived in front of an apartment. It remained the same. I hoped nothing had changed. He climbed the wall to the fourth floor. Everything was silent. The balcony door had a curtain, which made her heart sink.
"What if she has moved?"
Building up courage, he knocked on the glass door, whistling a familiar lullaby. Silence took over the place, only the distant sounds of police cars and ambulances.
"Maybe she was sleeping."
It wasn't impossible, it was dawn. I needed to do it louder. Just as he was about to knock again, he heard heavy footsteps running up to the window.
Two beats, and the rest of the melody. Her heart jumped when she heard her friend's voice ask, "Are the owls free, sir?"
With joy, Veronica replied: "They have never been in prison, my child!"
The curtain was thrown aside, and the door opened. A tearful, red-haired figure appeared, eyes wide with disbelief.
"Hi, little orange," said Veronica, breaking the uncomfortable silence.
The night would be long.
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laura1633 · 1 day
Can I ask for either 2 or 4 please? Thank you.
Of course anon, thanks for the ask <3
I've had another ask about the Arthur one so I will go with number 4 here. This started life as a one shot where Alpha Charles has to ask Alpha Oscar to help Max through a heat until he can get back. It's kind of growing into a multi chaptered poly fic with lots of Max being cared for by two alphas plus some Alpha Charles x Alpha Oscar stuff.
Here is a little snippet of Charles asking for Oscar's help (its a rough first draft so will likely change a bit when I edit it.)
Oscar is nodding silently and trying to gather himself together as Charles reels off the practical stuff from the other end of the phone.
“He is pretty upset” Charles continues, “I know he didn’t want to bother me. Or you. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but he normally likes to just get on with things”  Charles laughs faintly, “I’ll be back as soon as possible. I am trying to sort a flight. Fuck! Normally I would be in Monaco. Stupid ..” The alpha mumbles something incomprehensible down the phone as his words start to trail off. 
“I’ll go straight there” Oscar jumps up from where he’s perched and almost feels his legs buckle beneath him. If anyone recognises him now he is going to be mortified, he can only begin to imagine what a state he looks like. He feels so hot it’s almost like his skin is melting. If he’s not careful he thinks there is every possibility of going into an early rut, then it won’t just be Max who is mindless and desperate.
“Just…” Charles pauses, tension back and laced in his breath, “… please be gentle with him” 
“Of course I will” Oscar’s not entirely sure what Charles is expecting him to do, he’s not going to smell heat and turn feral. Or at least he doesn’t think he will. He’s certainly not going to hurt Max. He would never.
“No I know, I know” Charles’ voice cracks, “It’s just … compliments and kisses and hugs and … People get the wrong impression, he is really sensitive and …” 
“Charles” Oscar tries to keep his tone calm because he can sense the stress even from the other side of the phone, “I know Max. I’m not going to hurt him. I promise. If you want I can just keep him warm and comfortable - ” 
“No” Charles sounds firm in his conviction once more, “No he is going to be in pain. If you don’t want to though I can call someone. Get someone else to come and help him. You don’t have to” 
“I want to” Oscar blurts out without fully thinking through the ramifications of admitting that. It’s one thing to offer to help, quite another to actively want this, to actively want Max, “I mean I want to help.” 
“Nice and slow with him” Charles continues, “It helps if you kiss his neck lots but also just tell him how well he is doing. Please. Just tell him. Lots.” 
“I can do that” Oscar looks around to see if anyone is watching him. His heart thumps hard against his ribcage as he desperately tries to keep a mental note of all the instructions Charles is giving to him but his mind is all cloudy. 
“Remind him how beautiful he is and  …yes tell him I will be there as soon as possible and I love him. I just don’t want him to get stressed.” 
“I promise he is going to be fine” Oscar reassures, the younger alpha trying his best to settle Charles’ nerves despite his own heart racing at a hundred miles an hour. 
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