#Zen fan lore
hecalledme-jagi · 1 month
The Ponderings of a Man In Love
I've had this FanLore for Zen strewing in my brain for a little over a year and finally decided to write it out into a one shot!
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What does it mean to experience first love? 
Zen wondered as he watched you doze off beside him to the sound of a movie you both had forgotten about halfway through. He smiled to himself softly, gently brushing away a strand of hair that had fallen over your face, planting a tender kiss on the top of your head. The comforting gesture caused you to snuggle further into his side, cozy and loved. Treasured and wanted.
Zen often thought about the meaning of first love when he was with you. He always felt a pang of guilt over dating other girls before you, even if you weren't bothered by it. He knew you were his yesterday, today, and tomorrow--his dusk and dawn. His moon and stars--leaving him with the fact that you weren't his first, which felt wrong in every way imaginable. So there he sat wondering, and really pondering, what it meant to experience first love. Had he experienced it before? If so, that idea devastated him, leaving his heart aching, poking, splintering, and desperately wanting your comforting. Hoping all his wondering meant nothing. 
He snuggled in close, soaking in your warmth, soothing his self-inflicted wounds, nuzzling your hair, blinking back the sting of tears.
Slowly he doze off to the sound of your steady breathing, calming his anxiety. Slowly learning to bask in the simple pleasures of a quiet evening. 
His breathing steadied, finding rhythm with your own, and in complete unison, your chests rose and fell. 
He found his peace in his small basement apartment.
But absolutely and entirely, he found his peace here with you.
And in his slumber, there came a dream. Or, more accurately, a nearly forgotten memory.
Zen was younger here, much younger than you knew him now. His hair barely reached past his shoulders, fashioned into something of a mullet. His leather jacket just a size too big, but in a year's time, it would fit him perfectly. And he stood in a place filled with familiarity. His secret mountain hideout. The view was the same as it had always been, and somehow, that comforted the young boy, here now, and the man he would come to be. 
The cold evening air nipped at his cheeks and nose, a gentle breeze passing through his hair with the faint smell of cigarette smoke. Following the scent with his eyes and nose, he found a scene this young boy very well knew but was far from the scene his adult counterpart adored. There stood a girl who simply wasn't you.
Ji-an, a younger, much more boyish Hyun, recognized with an air of giddiness coating his thoughts, and in like manner, she was viewed with rose-tinted glasses. 
He admired her long black hair as it gently swayed in the passing breeze, her sharp and unusually dark eyes staring down at the view he found so much comfort in, reflecting nothing of the setting sun or the city lights flickering on one at a time. And her lips turned in a slight frown with a lit cigarette in hand. Ji-an was a girl made entirely of mysterious beauty, and for a long time, Hyun might've considered her the most beautiful girl he'd ever met. She was in the same gang as Zen, that's how they had met. She was older than him, but only slightly, maybe sixteen or seventeen. She was a force to be reconned with, a calm before a storm. Freedom and rebellion. Anger and desperation. Loneliness and devastation. But other than that, she was a total mystery. Hyun never knew more about her than she let him see, and maybe that was part of why he clung to her so helplessly. Or maybe it was because he envied her and how free she seemed to be. Maybe he wanted to live reckless abandoned where he was allowed to be who he wanted to be, the way Ji-an seemed to. Or maybe it was because bad habits always seemed more attractive than good ones at the start.
Ji-an sucked on her cigarette, holding the smoke in her throat until it burned. 
“You know,” she began as she turned to look at Hyun, “I think if we had met before everything hit the fan, I would’ve fallen in love with you for real.”
Hyun watched and admired the rugged elegance she exuded. Marvalling, despite how her words cut him deeply. His heart secretly wondering--when will anyone ever truly love me?
“For one thing, you’re a real looker,” she leaned in and kissed Hyun's lips softly, leaving the faintest taste of cigarette smoke and strawberry lip balm on the tip of his tongue. 
Is that all I'll ever be? A pretty face barely worth loving? Another secret wonder he wouldn't discover until much later.
“You’re not so bad of a guy either,” she reached out, with her free hand and gently played with the fringe that hung over his forehead. “If I wasn’t so damaged, I’d probably be able to appreciate that heart of yours,” she poked his chest playfully and with a tone of self-mockery, sucking another puff of cigarette tar into her lungs. 
“But instead, here I am, giving you cigarettes, beer, and bad memories,” she scoffed. 
Hyun took a step closer to Ji-an, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with her. He peered into her face, hoping to read the meaning in her words by seeing her expression more clearly, but there was nothing he could see. Her eyes continued to stare dispassionately at the scenic view, and not for a moment did she meet his searching gaze, nor did she acknowledge his presence at her side. Instead, her brow furrowed, and irritation fizzled in her vacant eyes.
"We shouldn't have met," she said, tossing her cigarette onto the ground and stomping it out under her boots. 
Hyun felt his heart drop.
Ji-an turned on her heels and walked towards her motorcycle.
"W.. wait! Ji-an, where are you going?" He called.
There was no answer except the loud roar of a motorcycle engine starting.
She paused, looking towards Hyun, with more emotion in her eyes than Hyun had ever seen before, "Get out of here. Become something." 
And that was it. 
She rode off, the rumbling of her motorcycle fading the farther she got. And Hyun could only watch, confused, lost, and entirely too alone for a boy his age.
Zen jolted awake, beads of cold sweat running down his back and his heart dropping into his stomach, leaving his chest feeling hollow and unbearably lonely until he heard you.
"Hyun?" you said, coming back into the living room with a glass of water, "Are you okay?"
He looked at you, and the frenzy in his eyes became calm. A deep breath entered his lungs, and it was exhaled smoothly.
And that's when his wondering all made sense. 
Zen realized it then as his hysteria calmed at the mere sight of you. He knew then that perhaps in all possibility, before you came and before he had forgotten what life was like in your absence, he would've considered Ji-an his first love experience. And in some way, maybe she was. Maybe she was his first love, but that thought didn't seem to bother him so much anymore. Because maybe love was more about changing than firsts and lasts. 
(Although, admittedly, he was perfectly enchanted by the idea that you would be his last. You would hold all his ending chapters, and perhaps, that was far more important than keeping all his opening phrases.)
Ji-an encouraged his flaws but neglected his strengths. He knew now that they were bad for each other, beasts ravenously hungry for love and acceptance. In love with their shared self-pity. Wanting each other because of the addictive nature of cigarettes, loving the nicotine clinging to their clothes and mingling in their mouths. Loving the faint taste of strawberries after every kiss that made the bitter taste of tobacco seem pleasant and sweet. But even still, she inspired his drive for freedom.
And you? You came and captivated him.
You nurtured his strengths and loved his flaws, and for that, he loved you, but as his feelings began to grow, he wanted to be better for you. He wanted to change. So maybe, just maybe, it was for the best that you came at this moment in his life. You came at the point in his life when he still had room to grow but was mature enough to treasure you wholeheartedly. Perhaps now was the best time to love you--not to say it was the only time he could love you, nor was it the perfect time, for he knew that if he had met you ten years ago or ten years from now, he'd be ready to love you precisely and honestly--so now as Zen looks at you, finally finding his moment of lost peace, he realizes that all this wondering about "first love" was for not because all that matters is that he loves you.
Zen nods, gently grabbing at your waist and pulling you in. He rests his forehead against your torso, hugging your waist tightly.
 "Never better, honey~"
I do not own any characters, all ownership goes to Cheritz. Thanks for reading!
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ultravioart · 1 year
Hot take, but i see Zenyatta's and Ramattra's dynamic like Ahsoka's and Anakin's dynamic. Looking at their story, their interactions, the lore behind Null Sector and the lore with Zenyatta. Both are warrior monks, one takes the other under his wing, but the duo eventually finds the dogmatic approach of the temple restrictive and unhelpful for truly maintaining peace. One finds their own path to resolving conflict, individual and distinctly separate from the temple (Zenyatta, Ahsoka), the other proposes authoritarian control to maintain peace and order, rejecting the temple, and hurting those they wish to protect (Anakin, Ramattra). Ramattra is fighting due to fear and anger, scared of loosing those dear to him (Anakin vibes). Zenyatta is fighting due to a desire to help peoples find peace, and to find his purpose (Ahsoka vibes). With that said, I could be completely wrong, but Ram and Zen really do seem something like Ahsoka and Anakin's dynamic to me, like found family siblings, brother and sister, mentor and mentee, eventually breaking away from each other in a tragic loss, and that's why I cannot for the life of me ship Ram and Zen under that interpretation lol. They are brothers, both in the monastic and found family sense.
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delugedecade · 22 days
Mirrorwatch: The Overwatch What If
This is for the mutuals and anyone who hasn't touched Overwatch in AGES. Overwatch 2 has been pumping out new content in monthly seasons, and here in Season 10, we have the Non-Canon Mirrorwatch Event.
(If you want you can watch the announcement video for Season 10)
{What is Mirrorwatch?}
A fierce fight between Overwatch and Talon rages upon Watchpoint: Gibraltar. And in a single moment, an unstoppable object would collide with an immovable force. A Punch from Doomfist against Reinhardt's shield so hard it shatters reality. Among its pieces, an alternate reality.
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{Who's Who Now?}
Alignments have shifted in Mirrorwatch, Overwatch Agents are now part of Talon, and Talon Agents now Overwatch. But let's see who specifically, with some explanation as to why I think things changed
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Overwatch is led by Strike Commander Ogundimu. It's likely in this reality this Doomfist was mentored by the First Doomfist, Adhabu "The Savior" Ngumi, As opposed to the canonical universe, where Akande was mentored by the Second Doomfist, Akinjide "The Scourge of Numbani" Adeyemi, who was the person who recruited him into Talon.
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His second in command is Captain LaCroix. Whether or not her husband Gerard was assassinated, Lacroix joined Overwatch and climbed the ranks as their lead sniper, and I can tell you for sure, there's a lot of lore for her considering who she's fought with in canon.
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The last Overwatch agent in this event is Agent Colomar. Overwatch likely had more involvement in the displacement of orphans after the Omnic crisis, So instead of finding power in manipulation and information, she found power in helping others improve. Plus her Hack symbols have smiley eyes
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In Mirrorwatch, Angela Ziegler takes the moniker of Vengeance as the leader of Talon. Not much is know as to why she chose this path, all that we know is that her nefarious plans are for humanity's future. Vengeance Mercy is this Season's Mythic Skin, and so has variations to her design, and during the event, her resurrection has changed from reviving to detonating fallen souls.
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Second to Vengeance is Arch-Commandant Ana. Once again, there are some details I'd like to go further into later, And much like Doomfist of canon, Ana believes the world has grown complacent.
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The first Talon Agent I'll talk about is Reinhardt, taking the name Fallen Knight, which implies at some point he defected from Overwatch to Talon's side. Judging by his voiceline when eliminating Ana, He doesn't like being leashed around.
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Talon Zarya. I got nothing for Zarya being a Talon Agent other than Volskaya Industries being evil and loaning her out to Talon.
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Now this is menacing~ Talon Brigitte has some real lore to theorize about. Either she's been raised under Talon if Torbjorn was sided with Talon to begin with, or she enlisted with Talon after learning Reinhardt defected to it. Also look at Mitzi, looking all evil and forboding.
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And lastly Operative Oxton, where to begin~ A few fan comics have head-canoned that Lena's chrono-accelerator was faulty/damaged, leading to an explosion that killed Emily, which would be quite the dark backstory to join Talon in revenge against Overwatch. This actually plays well with how her Blink ability works in the Mirrorwatch event, where she take make more teleports at the cost of her health. And if it isn't obvious by her pose, she's sort of the Reaper equivalent.
Other Affiliation Changes
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Genji and Symmetra have both landed themselves in Australia as Junkers
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Kiriko and Hanzo have joined the Shimada's rival Clan, the Hashimoto.
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Zen is part of Null-Sector this time as Z-EN Destroyer, with Ramattra taking his place as the monk who wanted peace between Human and Omnic.
{Changes to the story}
Of course with Affiliation changes, there are lore changes. Here are the main two that are most prominent.
LaCroix VS Amari
In canon Overwatch, Ana loses her eye after hesitating to shoot a brainwashed Lacroix turned Widowmaker. But if you noticed earlier, Arch-Commandant Ana doesn't wear an eyepatch. In Mirrorwatch, because of the shift in alignments, It's Widowmaker who loses an eye in the shootout and she has a cybernetic one to replace it.
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Widowmaker VS Tracer
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Back in the Alive Cinematic, Tracer fails to stop Widowmaker from assassinating the Omnic Monk and leader of the Shambali, Tekhartha Mondatta. But in Mirrorwatch, instead of Mondatta, Ramattra becomes Tekhartha of the Shambali Omnics and is assassinated by Tracer. And if one of her elimination lines against Tracer says anything, Widowmaker was the one who failed to stop the assassination.
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So yeah, that's why I said Widowmaker is like the Tracer of Mirrorwatch, getting the most lore to pull from.
{More Mirrorwatch?}
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There's definitely possiblity there could be more Mirrorwatch skins, if we go by an interview between Twitch Streamer Skiesti and Overwatch 2's Art Director, Dion Rogers. Vishkar Lucio, DJ Symmetra, Junker Winston, Overwatch Reaper, Talon Soldier: 76 were all ideas that were cut.
And that's Overwatch 2 Season 10's Mirrorwatch.
If people would be interested in me roleplaying as some of these alternate universe characters, or want to learn about some of the other Overwatch 2 Story Events, like Starwatch or Questwatch, let me know.
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lesbiandanhowell · 4 months
everyone's favourite format is back!
Sam reacts to: THE HONEYMOON - Dan and Phil play The Sims 4: Season 2 #7
- Hint in the shirt? Japan honeymoon? (I was right)
- Them only censoring the credit card info like, are they aware that people are very good at uncensoring stuff. I am genuinely slightly concerned they are about to get their credit card info stolen, but let's hope the audience is not that messed up.
- The audio is SO FUCKED UP WHAT. I am horrible at sound in any sense but even I can hear that the audio in this one is messed up so badly.
- I love that they have started just cutting out dan ranting at Phil, PJ was a trendsetter with doing that in his video, but also over the Zen garden, really?
- Phil just giggling at Dan doing a bad rap, at first he was so what the fuck and eventually he just sat there looking pretty and giggling (very school girl of him).
- DAN SAID HUBBY I AM SEVERELY UNWELL. He can not just use this to refer to two canonically married characters when he ahs called Phil this before, I am not stable enough for this.
- I love the Japan lore about them being horrible at hiking and fighting because they got exhausted, because it fits them so well. Also I 100% know which cat anime they were referring too haha
- Guys I pose the same way as Phil does, with my hand under my face. Why am I so Phil coded?!
- "My dad painted our bamboo forest trip" what if I end it
- Why do I lose my mind when they look at each other? They do so much more wtf stuff but them looking at each other sends me off the deep end every time somehow.
- "our garden" STOP WHY DO I WANT TO SOB (Also I am with Dan, moss garden is a good idea do it!)
- Dan having grown out of being a Kanye fan is the biggest growth he has been through ngl.
- I can not even imagine them being at a bar but them having their tallness on their side, ,meanwhile it's a whole body workout for me to get a bartenders attention.
- Phil has one specific laugh he uses only for stories Dan tells.
- OH MY GOD MOVIE THEMED COCKTAILS. Ofc Dan would go for a Shrek one and the selfie? Peak
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- So Dab is Dan (piano) and Evan is Phil (bad singing) I am just noting this here.
- Can they stop looking at each other?! Tt upsets me
- I feel like I just learned too much about them by Dan saying "it's one of those nights", like truly WHAT WAS THE REASON TO SAY THIS SO ELABORATELY
- they are watching way too intently when Dab and Evan woohoo like it made me uncomfortable how they just, sat there watching LMAO
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changingplumbob · 4 months
hey, 4-6, 28, 43, 44 questions for Reece 👀
*does warm up arm stretches*
My boy Reece!
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What is your sim’s ethnicity?
Reece is your basic average white person with no culture (I feel like I can say this as I'm also a basic average white person with no culture [also being white is not a culture and if someone says that they're probably a racist to some degree]). In my lore his family is from France way back when (obviously anyone who has strong ties to a European country is not a basic white person) but I haven't had much chance to do much with this fact. It'll probably come into play more when he and his siblings get around to having kids (because let's sing ALL the french nursery rhymes)
Does your sim have any nicknames?
Yes but also no. Samir has called him Blondie since way back when they first met (yes Samir likes blondes). Now he's a YA Samir has also started to call him Gorgeous, this is a good pg choice if they are around others. When they're alone and Samir is feeling romantic he calls Reece a good boy. When they woohoo he also calls him REDACTED and REDACTED because Reece does enjoy his kinks.
Outside of his relationship though he does not have any nicknames. His family have never shortened his name when talking to him, and all his friends call him Reece. Some people's names don't get the nickname treatment, like Devin or Adam.
Do they have a job? If so what is it?
He is applying for University at the moment. He may be a happy forest hippie but he is a genius. He will be doing a biology degree (just like his older sisters Charlie and Keira) and it looks like he'll be able to get into the distinguished degree.
I think his ideal job would be a forest ranger. Using his smarts to make sure the local flora and fauna is maintained you know. But this is not an option in game... If you know of a mod that adds this career though let me know! His second choice is to be a doctor (yeah he's so stupidly brainy the medical field is his second choice)
Does your sim like books? If so what’s their favourite one?
He wasn't always a fan of books, he's been an outdoor lover since childhood, but now that he's a geek he does like to read a bit. For non fiction he'd go with a book talking about plants. Fiction... he is a fan of werewolf romance novels. I do not read them so I can't tell you his favourite but it'll be whatever one has the most steamy parts.
Bonus: There is a 100% chance that Samir will lightly restrain Reece and read him the steamy bits with sporadic kisses until Reece is begging for woohoo. Maybe I should make this a scene in their next chapter? I don't know how the screenshots would go but it would be fun!
What is a wish your sim has?
General gameplay would have me believe he wants a kid. Plot wise he wishes that they can figure out what happened to Samir's parents so that Samir can heal (as much as you can heal with your parents having being butchered). He has already achieved the Inner Peace lifetime aspiration and is working on the Zen Guru one.
What is a flaw your sim has?
He gossips all the time, probably about things he shouldn't (but he's not telling anyone Samir is a werewolf unless Samir says it's okay). He is indecisive, he often thinks of many choices and options but will be slow to take action. This is where Samir's tendency to be rash can balance out their efforts.
That was fun, I love you really Reece!
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zentreyatwitchvods · 4 months
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Hello! It's been 5 months since we reactivated the Zentreya Twitch VODs channel. I'm Rayterni reporting back with everything that we have made so far. Due to YouTube’s limitations we’re posting the update here. Feel free to skip to the parts that you want. We hope you enjoy the read! TL;DR: 400 VODs! Playlists! Timestamps! ALL Guilds & Geckos! Things you might have missed due to YouTube not notifying you! A huge word of thanks! Help us find more VODs!
400 VODS
We’re about to cross the 400 VODs mark this week (they are already being uploaded as you read this), as we rapidly catch up with the recent streams! Two days ago we completed publishing 223 VODs in 5 months (71 in 3 days alone), totaling 382 VODs published! Literally thousands of hours worth of streams that were deemed lost forever are now here for all to re-watch, so check out the VIDEOS tab!
We’re also introducing Playlists. It's still at the very early stages, but they can rapidly become the main way of browsing through the VODs according to your interests. Themes such as "SPOOKTEMBER" and "SHOCKTOBER", "New outfit debut", some of Zen’s favorite games and the highly requested "Guilds & Geckos" series have already been added. Feel free to suggest us more! We’re gonna have Playlists for months and years as well since we are not uploading in chronological order. Check out the PLAYLISTS tab to access all of them.
We believe ALL the G&G VODs have already been published at this point, despite some of them not showing up to everybody due to YouTube’s region block. But we are working on having this fixed!
Some of the fans have been voluntarily contributing by adding timestamps to the comments section of the VODs, and we very much appreciate it! In special we would like to thank @WadeTunnell for timestamping lots of recent VODs. This is very helpful to everybody. We planned on start doing this ourselves in the future but this is not one of our priorities right now. So thank you very much to those doing so, and if you feel like doing more while you are watching, you are always welcome.
This channel started out on July 11, 2021, and has been maintained by Zentreya's moderators Barefoot Ellecktric and Shadow Ben, who have been doing an absolutely amazing job through the years! Thanks to them we could keep track of Zentreya's everyday streaming adventures through nothing less than 159 VODs, comprising the whole of the dragon Zen 2.0 era. To the people who have been watching Zen during all those years it's heartwarming to know that so many precious moments have been preserved for posterity. And to the people who are new to the community this is an incredible archive of one of the pioneer vtubers who paved the way for so many others, and who still keeps pushing the scene to the limits, together with her friends, community, artists and vtubers of all sizes.
Unfortunately, due to life and work, the uploads stopped on March 27, 2022. Since then the community relied on Zen's official channel with clips and shorts, but also on fan channels that have been posting VODs here and there whenever possible, some of them regularly. Other fans and friends have preferred to keep their archives offline in backups, in hopes that it could be of help some day. This kind community effort would later be once again vital for the reactivation of this channel.
On July 4, 2023, I joined Zentreya's clippers team and asked her, Ben and Barefoot permission to reactivate this channel, already offering my personal collection of 121 VODs, mostly from the cyborg Zen era. It was an honor for me to have been trusted with this task. On August 12, 2023, the first VOD from this batch was published, which was "LAST DAY AS A DRAGON. 5 MORE DAYS. (05/15/2022)". This was Zentreya's last stream before the big debut of her cyborg model, which would start an entirely new chapter to her career, including new lore contents - Recently Zentreya has announced on her 6 years anniversary that the coexistence of the two Zens, the cyborg and the dragon, is now official within the lore!
Due to the nature how Twitch works and the precarious ways of downloading the VODs, some of them got corrupted in our backup files, including the 2D and 3D debuts of cyborg Zen. These same VODs were found in another fan channel on YouTube, but unfortunately the channel was deleted before we could contact the author. Such relevant VODs would only be recovered months later when another fan, DeadPark, left a message in the comments section of the announcement video, offering to help with a personal collection of 200+ VODs. Before that, 125 others were contributed by 2 other fans who preferred to remain anonymous. So here they are:
2D cyborg Zen debut
3D cyborg Zen debut
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Zentreya has managed to build an amazing community over the years, of fans and friends willing to help keep her legacy alive. All this effort is a labor of love for our favorite toaster, who never ceases to impress us every day with her energy and creativity, her unique comedy, a true passion for vtubing, life, her friends and community. It's the same passion that moves us to now share the joy that we have re-watching her with everybody.
Ever since we reactivated this channel we had such a positive response from the public, the community, whether it's here on YouTube, on Twitter, Twitch, Discord, and we would like to thank all of you for that. The work is far from done, there's still a lot of VODs to upload, and it needs to be a continuous effort for the time being. But it fills us with even more passion to know that you are here together with us. We would like to share some of the comments that we received and that truly keep us more and more motivated to continue with this task:
@jkubal2 - "Thank you for uploading this stream. This was my favorite Zen stream of all time."
@zetanite5538 - "it’s very rare to see a vod i haven’t seen this is a pleasant suprise :)"
@RickardLejonhjarta - "Chat was on Fire that night it was a blast. Cus you can never tell with Zen if she's just trolling or not."
@SnakeSanders97 - "This was so funny and wholesome. When it happened I couldn't tell if it was an accident or if she was just playing."
@ZensMeatSlab - "This was the stream on my birthday hehe. Thanks for this last massive batch of uploads."
@WadeTunnell - "and THANK YOU for uploading the VODs in the first place! There's probably a lot of people who appreciate the hard work and commitment, I know I do! I don't often get to see much of the streams live and having them archived here is wonderful."
@namesz - "I’m always watching the VODs."
@user0102939547874 - "Dear Zentreya this stream sent me on a emotional rollercoster it was so great to see you and your frinds stream for your birthday happy birthday but my heart was broken to hear that you are going through personal problems and i was crying right along with you I hope you can take time to rest and recharge and heal from all of it I wish you nothing but better days one day one step at a time"
@zickykane5206 - "I remember this one...such a good time. :)"
@Kakarot-xt4yz - "I was there and I couldn't stop laughing the entire time"
@jkubal2 - "I remember. But thanks for doing all the work getting these posted. Been watching them a lot lately."
@adrammelechthewroth6511 - "Zen. I know it's a bit late for this but you can kill the naked guy with a katana by pushing him off of the conveniently placed ledge near his starting location. Just some advice if you ever return to playing Dark Souls 3."
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We would like to thank everybody who have been watching the VODs here on the channel, no matter if the people who simply cannot watch the live streams due to different time zones or due to time constraints, the fans who just want to relive the memories of so many fun, chaotic and wholesome moments, or even the people who just joined the Zentreya bandwagon and want to know more about this energetic dragon mommy running around with a bunch of funny geckos.
To all the fans and fan channels out there who have been uploading VODs to YouTube and other sites, we would also like to express our sincere gratitude, and say that we would also love to contact you soon. This individual effort of all of you is just as important, and now you know why.
If you are new to the Zentreya experience you can join the best vtuber community right now on Discord and, of course, on Zentreya's Twitch channel. On Twitch you will find one of the rare channels out there where the chat not only remains active and vibrant 24/7 (the “Offliners”!), but is also always very welcoming, just like Zen's Discord. So don't be shy, come say hi! Making friends and finding people with shared interests is easy, and we would love to have you too.
We would like to invite all of you who have ever downloaded any of Zentreya's streams, no matter if it's just one single VOD or a collection of them, no matter the quality that you have recorded it in, if it's complete or incomplete, even if it's muted or pixelated in absolute potato quality: please, feel free to contact us at any time. You can just send me a DM on Discord (look for the name Rayterni on the Editors/Clippers list or the Artists list), on Twitter, or even by just leaving a comment below, here or on any video of the channel, really! We read and appreciate all of them and will reply to you as fast as we can, so feel free to ask questions and post requests for VODs, tell us which ones you miss, share your memories, your ideas of how you think this channel could improve, and we’ll do our best. If you prefer, you can also contact the moderators (I am not a moderator myself, but you can send me DMs). You can find them easily on Discord or when watching Zentreya’s streams on Twitch.
So far all the VODs from the channel are comprised of streams from the dragon 2.0 and cyborg eras. If you do have or know of someone who does, or any other site out there that has any VODs from the dragon 1.0, we would be immensely thankful if you could contact us with a link, a name, title, any information. If you have a friend or know of someone who does have any VODs, please tell them to contact us or send us a DM, and we will contact them. We just found out very recently that we possibly only have very few of those, probably half a dozen or even less from when Zen joined VShojo. So, again, don't be shy, let us know. We will thank you always on the next update and feature your name with a link to your site, page or profile if you want, and you have our most sincere gratitude.
Due to the way YouTube works we have discovered that you will only be notified about 3 VODs/day, no matter how many we upload. So we will post some updates every now and then here and on the official Twitter page for the channel with links to the ones that you might not have been notified about. For now, be sure to check out the channel's video tab to see. Feel free to request any streams that you would like to watch again, and we will do our best to find them. Here are some:
A Q&A love advice stream with the tactical maid Zen on Valentines day!
Zentreya driving a mom's car vibing and singing along with chat (WARNING: extremely hilarious!)
Zen shows the cake on stream, and her final outfit debut before the arrival of cyborg Zen (here an outfit inspired by Ruler/Altria Pendragon from the Fate/Grand Order series)
Geega teaches Zen some Fortnite dance moves during her reverse subathon! Also Zen takes a byte on a huge, spicy cheese and immediately regrets it...
Futuristic Zen outfit debut, a 12h-long stream and a collab with OVER 100 FRIENDS AND GUESTS!
Zen goes full furry fantasy on VRChat, proving once and for all what we always knew
An adventure of small proportions - gremolin Zen time on VRChat. Another fan-favorite, the gremolin Zen VODs are here to stay
Bartender Zen outfit debut
Zentreya's new 3D outfit in commemoration of her 5 years of streaming
Comfy outfit debut and song cover! She started out as a muted streamer, and with a notepad she inspired many others to also become streamers. Now watch her once again step up the game, recording her own song covers and more!
Once again, thank you all so very much for all the positive reception, for supporting Zentreya and this channel over the years. Thank you Zen, Ben and Barefoot for allowing me to help and for supervising me during this task and for being so patient with me. Thank you DeadPark, WadeTunnell, and everyone who is contributing with the channel as well in many ways! Don't forget to follow the official Twitter of the channel. We see you on the social medias, the chat during her streams and on the comments on YouTube. Let this new year be even more exciting, fun and memorable for all of us! Because this channel is all about the memories that we create and share.
And as Zen always says... KEEP ROCKING! 🤘
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1nm8translations · 11 months
edN Lyrics Translation & Song and MV Analysis
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This time, I dive deeper into the themes and symbolism in the lyrics of edN and the imagery used in the MV. The analysis is based on my own translation. Includes spoilers for the 1Nm8 lore revealed so far, also after the release of FATE.
Please find edN by 1Nm8 and its official MV here.
As this analysis is being written after the release of SHOWDOWN and S∀G∀, I will make references to it where I believe it’s relevant or that something in the MV or the song is foreshadowing. You can find my analysis of S∀G∀ here.
As always, this analysis is subjective and you’re free to agree, disagree, or agree only with parts of it and have your own interpretations! I simply like making these and sharing them in hope my musings will be interesting to other fans. 
Keep in mind my translation includes some liberties in wording where I could tweak something for rhythm and rhyme, but the meaning should not be affected. I explained my choices in the analysis. Without further ado, let’s discuss edN and it’s:
General themes:
At least some songs from FATE and RAGE are directed at the opposing group (for example, Hit em up is a clear diss at VISTY, and License to Kill has a reference to the conflict between Iori and Hancho as the extension of his history with Zen), and edN can also be interpreted as a message from 1Nm8 to TCW, at least in some parts.
I think some of the verses are directed at each other, and the chorus seems to be a message to Alter Trigger, though.
edN is mostly about 1Nm8’s goal and mission, with the strongest religious references out of their first three songs. However, there is a darker undertone to it.
Finally, I think edN shows contrast between the members the most from their songs so far.
There’s a lot of white in the MV. First, it’s a part of the religious imagery - together with pillars, windows and arches reminiscent of a church. White stands for what’s pure, correct and holy.
However, white can also be a reference to the Alter Trigger facility Itsuki and Rokuta were kept at. The facility, in turn, is a symbol for what they’re fighting against. See the irony? I believe it may be intentional, showing them as two sides of a coin, and how easily righteousness can be corrupted - like at the beginning of the MV.
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Finally, the white may be a reference to 1Nm8’s slogan of “Return to blank”, destruction to a blank slate to build again.
Then, the imagery in each of the members verses could be interpreted as their unique ways of “rebuilding”. It shows the contrasts between the members but also how they complete each other.
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Kei is surrounded by floating broken parts, which means initiates the destruction. He’s the one who has formulated their plan and recruited the others. However, also contributes the ideas and ideals, which is shown by the floating models.
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Meanwhile, the background in Itsuki’s verses features spirals, harmonious shapes and regular, flowing movement. 
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I believe that it shows how he contributes calm and structure. Notice how even the typography in his verses is the most neat and orderly (at least in the beginning), in comparison to Kei’s warying fonts and sizes and quickly moving text, or Rokuta’s floating letters. It appears as if Itsuki was typing the words on a keyboard.
The “typing” might even be a reference to Itsuki seeing himself as a “memory recording machine”. 
However, one of 1nm8translation's followers, sugarstar-rabbits interpreted this differently (sharing with permission): that Itsuki typing out his lyrics gave it a cute personal touch. I think that is a good way to look at it too; you could see it as Itsuki being able to communicate better through music.
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Finally, Rokuta is the most playful, with what looks like huge building blocks and floating round letters that remind me of a children’s show. While Kei can go to extremes and Itsuki gets cold and uncompromising, Rokuta brings in the warmth. He may use metaphors that are a bit childish, but he's the best at actually appealing to emotions and emotional needs.
Translation and Analysis
Aiight, Okay listen, Okay listen
せ 時は刻む
キミを導く It's my mission
Aiight, Okay listen, Okay listen
Open your eyes, the clock is ticking
To lead you is my mission
The quietly hidden away ambition
Just as in the voice drama, Kei declares that he sees changing people’s views of Phantometal is his mission - implied as a mission from God by the imagery. The clock Kei is sitting in front of looks like a clock from a church tower. It also means he’s high up - literally and figuratively “above” the misguided people.
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“Quietly hidden away ambition” might refer to Kei having hidden plans related to his objective or, possibly, the way he didn’t go public about Phantometal until Paradox Live gave him the opportunity.
躊躇なく壊す and reset
Do it right, huh
Throw the old system away
Don’t hesitate, break it and reset
Don’t you feel it?
Misunderstandings slipping out of control
Are an evil influence
Do it right, huh
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“溢れ出した勘違いは” literally means “The misunderstandings that overflowed”, like water from a container, but “going out of control” conveys the meaning better in my opinion. The misunderstanding would be rappers thinking that Phantom lives and Phantometal are something good for them - the way TCW refuse to give up on it because of the belief they bring each other and people together with their music.
Don’t get emotional, thinking should come first
I’m sorry, but the alarm is already ringing
If you want to play around, do it another day
We don’t have any more time left
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I think this is one of the parts of the song that is adressed to TCW, based on the confrontation between Kei, Itsuki and Naoakira and Yohei. In the drama track, Itsuki admitted he can't comprehend the emotional response to their plea and their attachment to Phantom Lives.
This verse gets a completely different ring to it after the SHOWDOWN drama track. There, we see that using Phantometal has adverse effects other than just trap reactions on Rokuta, and based on this verse, it likely affects Itsuki badly in some unusual way as well. Despite this, both Itsuki and Rokuta are determined to further Kei’s ideals.
It makes it even more ominous that Itsuki’s wording here doesn’t promise that they would be here later for the “playing around” - it’s more like he’s saying “don’t waste our limited time”.
In my translation I switched “later” for “another day” for the sake of the rhyme.
I can see clearly like a レントゲン
Yeah, no pain no gain
Back to the 原点
Like connecting the dots with a line 
I can see clearly like an X-ray
Yeah, no pain no gain
Back to the Origin
To obliterate the Phantom
The first two lines could be a reference to Itsuki’s abilities, but in the context of edN and the message of the song, I think it's more that he sees the truth behind Paradox Live and Phantometal.
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This verse can also be seen as a flash forward to SHOWDOWN. “No pain no gain” is a cliche phrase, but in Itsuki’s and Rokuta’s situation it gains a more specific meaning - without suffering from Phantometal, they can’t accomplish their goal. If they stop out of concern for themselves, or Kei tries to stop them, they will fail.
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Notice the black and white contrast. "Obliterate" is in black while "Phantom is in white. It's as if the MV was asking us "is this really the right thing to do?"
Yeah, History is
In the making
We're gonna be
The 1Nm8 King
The fight to try
Yeah, History is
In the making
We're gonna be
The 1Nm8 King
No matter many times, once again breaking
The fight to try
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I find it interesting that Rokuta is the one who sings this part first (Kei repeats it later with the same lyrics). It shows how, despite his kindness and easygoing personality, he's just as commited to 1Nm8's goals.
It’s unforgiveable,
Don’t you think?
So prepare for the worst
From hell, a pierrot beckons
I believe this part of the chorus adresses Alter Trigger - it's a declaration of war. The "unforgiveable" deeds would be of course their experimentation on the two and the damage the organization inflicted on many others - and continuing to pull strings bedind the scenes.
The phrase 覚悟を決めろ is often used in anime where a character or group challenges their opponent to a fight. It's like saying "prepare to get your ass kicked".
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The 'pierrot' is fascinating because there's a few ways to interpret who it is supposed to be. The pierrot went from a sad fool in comedia dell'arte to a symbol of unpriviledged, opressed and misunderstood people in modern culture. Some artists, like Schoenberg, also used the pierrot's painted face as a symbol of hiding one's feelings and opinions.
Who is the pierrot in edN? I think it's either Ryu - Zero, or Kei. Ryu seems like an obvious choice. His cryptic speech and antics conceal sharp observational skills and the ability to see through people. He is also one of the worst affected by Alter Trigger's experiments.
On the other hand, Kei is the one who takes an active role in fighting for the victims of Alter Trigger and Phantometal. However, his arguments are dismissed by most, and he's seen as an unreasonable "fool".
The imagery in this verse shows Kei's silhouette going down a massive flight of stairs all alone - which may reflect that he has no support. He's stepping from the outside into a building which seems to be full of darkness. The only light is shining in from the outside.
Kei once tried to move away from Phantom Lives and even quit music, after he learned what Phantometal research has done to Rokuta, but he is voluntarily walking back into "hell" of Paradox Live for the sake of his mission of ending it once and for all. He "beckons" Itsuki and Rokuta who decide to follow him.
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Everywhere we go
We’re haunted by noise
Everywhere we go
As soon as we can
Let’s escape this twisted world
The 'noise' doesn't just mean loud sounds, but it can refer to interference or static, or even gossip or irresponsible criticism [1]. The 'noise' would be people trying to get in the way of 1Nm8's plans.
美しい破壊の音色 儚い
No sacrifice
僕たちが導く paradise
The melody of destruction is beautiful yet fleeting
Don’t lend your ear to the whisper of the devil
There’s no need to fear,
There will be no sacrifice
In the paradise we lead you to
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This is another part that I feel is adressed to TCW. The lyrics acknowledge that Phantom Lives have their appeal, and may even be beautiful, but it's the devil speaking. 1Nm8's ideal world wouldn't require anyone to risk their health or life for music, hence "no sacrifice".
However, would it really be "paradise"? The sudden switch from white to black here feels ominous. While on the white background, the members have their eyes closed, as if dreaming, while when they open their eyes, the mood changes dramatically. It might be showing the contrast between their 'dream' and the reality of it or what they're doing to achieve it.
If you look closely, there is a round light behind them in both frames (in the second one, it's just very faint). It reminds me of an angel's halo, or perhaps a lamp from a lab.
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High, ほら手を取って
オレとキミが楽しけりゃdon't care
High up, come, take my hand
I’ll take you to the top on a rocket
The sky is so far, but it’s no matter
As long as we enjoy ourselves, I don’t care
I've heard the phrase "the sky is far (lit. high up)" in several Japanese songs. It's a metaphor that refers to your dreams and goals seeming very far away and difficult, or even impossible to reach, like the sky above us.
However, Rokuta isn't going to be bothered by it! It's too far? Let's make a rocket!
At first, I took this verse as an encouragement directed at 1Nm8's listeners, but now, after listening to the SHOWDOWN drama, I think it might actually be meant for Itsuki. I loved how he cheered Itsuki on and looked out for him before they met Kei. It gave more depth to their relationship, and showed it's not just Itsuki taking care of Rokuta, but a give and take.
Why are you making a sad face?
Even if this world seems like a nightmare
I will give you a ticket out of here
And see it through till the end
I added "out of here" to the "I will give you a ticket" line because I feel like it's strongly implied by context of the verse and the whole song, like in "Let's escape this twisted world" in the chorus.
Like I mentioned at the start, Rokuta is the one who notices things like sadness and hopelessness and offers comforting words, which is difficult for the other two.
I think this verse is also for Itsuki. It reminds me of how Rokuta immediately noticed Itsuki was in a bad shape after they left the facility, overwhelmed by the outside world.
However, the imagery for the line "And see it through till the end" seems strange to me. It was the basis for my theory about Rokuta's memory loss, which you can read here.
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The screen splits into 7 or 8 parts (if you count the one mostly off screen) and both Rokuta's image AND the words are repeated. It's as if the promise itself was repeated many times in the past - which could be because Rokuta kept forgetting it.
No matter if it was by chance or fate
To embody the vision pictured in our minds
The emphasis from the heavy bass serves as a foundation
For thousands of harsh decisions
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I see this verse as Itsuki describing his role in 1Nm8 and his relationship with Kei. In SHOWDOWN, Itsuki says he feels 1Nm8 meeting and Kei's power working on him and Rokuta is fate.
1Nm8 is meant to realize Kei's vision, and he is the one making the "harsh decisions". 低音, bass, can also be translated as "low voice", and Itsuki's voice is the lowest of the three. I interpret this verse as Itsuki declaring he's rapping to support Kei's cause.
I'mma show you how
They need the dope shit
Precise rhythm and melody
I’mma show you how
With one-of-a-kind technique
Steadily eaten away by the toxic
They need the dope shit
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The “toxic” is obviously the Phantometal. means "to affect adversely; to spoil; to ruin; to undermine; to gnaw at (one's heart, body, etc.); to eat into; to destroy" [2], which accurately describes the Metal's effects.
Yeah, History is
In the making
We're gonna be
The 1Nm8 King
The fight to try
Yeah, History is
In the making
We're gonna be
The 1Nm8 King
No matter many times, once again breaking
The fight to try
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Kei sings the same pre-chorus Rokuta does for the first half of the song, interestingly, with the same background imagery. I think it's meant to show their connection, and maybe hint at Rokuta's identity as Kei's missing brother (back when FATE released, we didn't know for sure).
(Chorus repeats)
手っ取り早く we show and prove
Anything we need, we can obtain
Quick and easy, We show and prove
Eliminate all unnecessary steps
Proceed according to the plan
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宙を舞ったらplay back again
With you, you, you そんなplan
My heart pounds in joy everyday
In a daze, I get closer to the atmosphere
If it flutters down in the wind, play back again
With you, you, you, that’s the plan
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While Itsuki's verse is pretty straightforward, reiterating his methods and ambition, Rokuta's is more metaphoric.
I talked about it in my memory loss theory too, but 舞う can mean "whirl in the wind, flutter about, swirl, fly, circle", for example, like cherry blossoms falling. I think here it refers to Rokuta's memories, which scatter once he overused Phantometal again.
Notice that similarly to "See it through to the end", here "You" is repeated. I interpret the lines as Rokuta saying if he ends up losing his memories once more, he wants to "play back" - start over with 1Nm8.
I'm not preparing a sad ending
I will show you what the world should be
This is a signpost
So, let's go
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The literal translation of the second line of this verse would be "I will show you a correct (righteous, lawful) world".
This typography in this verse gives it a lot of urgency, and the way the characters rapidly flicker during the lines "This is a signpost / So, let's go" is sinister. It feels like Kei is close to the edge.
What comes next is even more sinister, however.
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The chorus repeats again, but muffled, with a gray, staticky filter put over it. The moment where Kei is only partly visible through the kanji for 覚悟 (resolution, preparedness) but without his face now looks legitimately scary.
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I found this part of the song unsettling ever since I first saw it, but I still can't quite put a finger on it. The filter makes me think of a feeling of shock after hearing or experiencing something that really rattles you, or numbness from too much pain. It might also evoke the feeling of muted "unrealness" when you are having a nightmare.
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Do you have any other ideas? While I can't be sure what this means for Kei and 1Nm8 yet, I can tell it's nothing good.
Then, the second half of the chorus plays as normal, and the MV ends with the members in the same scenery we saw at the beginning. But can we still look at it the same way?
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Final thoughts
Based on the muted filter, other symbolism and imagery in the MV: the double meaning of white, the black and white contrast, as well as Kei 'walking into hell' I'd say an important theme in edN is "becoming evil to fight evil" and the dangers of it. It's presented mostly visually, but I think it compliments the atmosphere in the drama track for FATE, especially the latter half. I want to make my own translation of it; I will link it here when it's completed.
Please don't take this analysis wrong! I'm a huge 1Nm8 fan and I voted for them both times. I think the element of darkness makes them more interesting.
Not that I am not worried, however 。゚(゚^ω゚)゚。
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brighteststar707 · 11 months
Compact Mirror with Zen! 🤍
Love ya!!
Hello hello! Thank you for the request! I hope you enjoy the fic 😊
I've taken this one as another excuse to ramble about my own personal Zen lore hehe
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✧ Compact Mirror ~ Self-reflection and growth/progress
Zen's trailer is roomy, rigged up with anything he might need while on set. It's bigger than any other dressing room he has had while working on previous projects and certainly more lavish than the rooms he used to have while working on theatre productions.
It's surreal.
Unchanged from those days though, are the pictures he has tacked up on the walls around the mirror. Of his friends back home, of audiences full of fans, and of her. If he’s being honest, they’re mostly of her. His driving force, his biggest supporter, his great love. She’s in nearly every picture, smiling down at him as he gets ready between scenes.  
On days like today, it’s those pictures that bring him comfort. He is a long way away from home working on this film (his biggest role yet, as she often reminds him). A few hours earlier he had phoned her to chat before he had to get back to work. At this moment, he’d guess that she’s at home in the living room, winding down after her own day of work.
Home. Over the past few years, the two of them have worked hard to turn their first house together into a proper home. They had moved out of the basement apartment not long after she became his manager, due to worries about their safety and his career taking off after the RFA party.
Now, despite how much luxury he has been exposed to while filming, he misses home more than ever.
Feeling homesick is a new experience for him. His parent’s house never really felt like home. His space was often invaded, he was never allowed to let go and be himself for fear of disappointing them and being told off. His most prized belongings were often hidden away to prevent them from being found and confiscated. As a child, his school music room often made him feel more comfortable than his own bedroom.
Then, when he left, he spent some time crashing on peoples’ sofas and leaky inflatable mattresses. Till this day he is endlessly thankful for the generosity of the people who took him in, but those spaces weren’t his to begin with. There wasn’t much to miss when he left.
That was the time he had started landing roles and found himself spending a lot of time in the rooms backstage. Before shows, warming up and resting and spending time with his fellow castmates.
He might not miss his couch surfing days, but he definitely misses the feeling of performing in theatre productions. There was something special about the communal feeling of a group of actors preparing for a show together, especially when he was still landing smaller roles and didn't ever get his own dressing room. The chaos of the last-minute costume changes, dashing around backstage to make it to places on time. The inside jokes the actors had between each other and the familiarity of old faces in new productions. His eyes search the pictures around his mirror for them now, pictures taken on a banged-up camera he had bought at the charity shop with one of his first pay checks.
The memories of the ambiance in those pictures forms a startling contrast to the silence of his trailer now. He’s the only one here, in a room that could fit so many of his friends and colleagues. While the peace is calming, it also serves as a reminder of how lonely he can get.
Landing film jobs has been a dream come true for Zen, and he is forever grateful for all the people who helped get him there. That being said, making the jump away from a scene he has been a part of for ten years was bittersweet. He knows he wouldn’t be where he is now if it weren’t for the people he worked with back then.
He can still remember the director of the first production he worked on. The one who gave him the job that would eventually allow him to rent his first apartment. He was kind, and saw what talent Zen had before most of the industry did. The job he gave him was the one that allowed him to leave his gang days behind and establish a real home for himself.
He will always be fond of his basement apartment. The box of belongings he had managed to bring with him when he left home, the letters from fans he had put up on the wall, his little keyboard (another gem from the charity shop) and the slow accumulation of things that were his. Nobody could tell him what to do with that space except for him.
Over the years, that apartment became the monument to his personal and professional growth. A few years in, he managed to buy himself a computer. His bedframe is one he bought and put together by himself. He even managed to afford a decent TV a year after moving in.
In the living room there was a stack of CDs from some of his favourite artists, a collection that stretches back to when he was still a teenager. Beside it, there was a stack of DVDs from his performances that were recorded. The day he got the first one, he put it next to the CD stack and then sat on the sofa, just to look at them side-by-side. His own performance, recorded for ever, bought by so many people to live in their homes forever.
It was the first time that he felt like he was leaving a mark on the world.
Since then, the stack has grown to include official cast recordings, performances, and now even the movies he has starred in.
He is fond of that apartment because it was his in every way. Paid for by his own hard work, furnished the way he wanted it to be. By contrast, he loves the new house because it is something he built together with his partner. The space is not his, made to accommodate her, but theirs in every detail.
He can find her touch in the paint on the walls (a job she insisted on doing herself) and the pattern of the bedsheets. Her belongings sit next to his on the shelves and their photos are clustered together on the walls. It's a home built on their love, and it's the one he misses the most when he's in this strange space.
Sometimes, in quiet moments like this, it's easy for Zen to lose himself in how far he has come and how much around him has changed. He stares at the pictures he has hanging up and loses himself in the memories.
He can vividly remember what he was feeling through each of those moments in his life. On the upper corner, there’s a picture of him sitting on stage surrounded by castmates, taken during rehearsals. His hair is messily tied back and his face is flushed but he’s smiling widely along with the rest of them. They had just worked through a big dance number and this was the first time they had gone through it properly on stage. He remembers how badly he wanted to do a good job and impress the actors he was working with.
Next to it, with the corner slightly overlapping the first picture, is one from the first RFA parties. Everyone looked terribly young and they were all posed so stiffly. They were still strangers then, without a clue of what they had stepped into. With some difficulty he remembers Rika calling out to them from behind the camera, reminding them to smile.
Then, there’s one where he’s surrounded by a group of fans. They had waited until after the show to ask for pictures and of course he had agreed. He remembers them giving him small gifts and flowers and he returned home with his hands (and heart) full. Then, when he finally made it back into his apartment – opening doors with your hands full of trinkets is harder than it looks – he was hit with a wave of loneliness. So many people liked the work he did, and they were so kind. But he still ended up at home alone every day, without anyone to share the joy with.
Little did he know how soon after that moment he’d meet the love of his life. It’s funny how those things work out. He wishes he could reach out to the person he was at each of those moments, when he was struggling and unsure and scared, and tell them that it would all lead to this moment.
His phone screen lights up and he is momentarily distracted. It's as if she can hear his train of thought, he thinks, as he answers her call.
"Honey! I was just thinking about you!"
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pikespendragon67 · 6 months
Well, the ParaLive anime certainly…ended
Not sure if I feel like getting screencaps so I’ll post my thoughts below
-I liked seeing Haruomi being more proactive in investigating why Paradox Live came back & him reclaiming Chisei’s medal from Scientist-kun
-The idea of Phantometals being sentient metal that could only thrive on trauma makes for some great sci-fi horror
-Episode 3’s my favorite. I’m biased towards TCW as a group as a whole, but the full episode really showed their dynamics well
-1st episode’s set up & animation was great
-I actually like the hot springs episode since that gives the characters room to breathe outside of the stage battles
-Shiki getting his own gospel part of the rap to save Kanata was nice
-On that note, Fadeaway was a great original song that worked in place of Rooftop
-Holy shit AKYR got screwed over hard in terms of story. I think the member with the most development was Satsuki. Iori could’ve also investigated behind the scenes with Zen and that would be how they found out about Shura. They even had a repeat of their main dance sequence. Poor guys. I appreciate more Hokusai screen time but him just telling important moments could’ve been better presented
-Yeaaaaaaaah the 3D animation definitely downgraded after episode 1. I was willing to look past TCW’s for, again, bias, but every group aside from BAE felt stiff. I know the focus is their Phantometal illusions & raps, but I feel like they could’ve used the music video visuals as reference. Episode 12’s was just wonky
-Scientist-kun as I call him I felt had promise as a villain but he went nowhere. If he was going for the benevolent savior route a la Maruki I could understand why he’d want to “become one” and forget all traumas. Or if he was batshit insane and thought that trauma powered Phantometal could act as an energy source. That could’ve worked in the Yeon Conglomerate’s favor, and they could get trauma easily through a group like the Suiseki. Hell if he turned out to be Chisei trying to bring back the old days that would’ve been great for the endinf!
-so. nayuta was in a coma but then just. popped up at the end. He did that in the audio dramas, sure, but I was kinda hoping Shura would bust in and save him
-aside from shiki we never got TCW’s traumas did we. Or Zen’s.
-I feel like this adaptation should’ve either stayed completely faithful to the audio dramas (probably have an OC that’s like an interviewer to act as the surrogate audience) or did their own thing entirely. They tried to mix both and it felt jumbled/rushed as a result. Granted, can’t expect 24 episodes in 1 season these days, unless we’re REALLY lucky, but I would’ve had like 3 episodes dedicated to each group with some sprinklings of lore in the background myself. 1 episode to introduce the group, and 2 episodes for their stage battles (with possibly in between times to show the inner workings of AT)
-And now for the elephant in the room: boy howdy was this BAE focused way too much! Specifically Allen. Again I know we need a lead, but lessons were recycled because of this focus and it felt silly at the end to rap at blob Kanata. like sir as a distinguished fan of hip-hop how do you not know what trap music is
Overall I know for a fact if a season 2 is made that the new groups are going to be screwed over big time in spite of 1NM8 being relevant for AT, Amprule for BAE, and GokuLuck being in the finals for Road to Legend!!!!!!!!
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arttypeomochao · 2 years
Here are the Sinnoh Elite Four too!
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There's not a whole lot to Aaron, design-speaking or otherwise. I'm pretty sure he's implied to be a bug catcher, so I tried to amplify that in his design. In the original redesign, I gave him these sharp, intense eyes, but I've recently found a love for the more innocent, boyish take on his personality I've seen, so I softened up his gaze. (Btw the contraption on his back is a mini bug habitat).
I think Aaron would definitely be the youngest and most inexperienced of the four. He still has a lot to learn and is quite naive, but his passion for Bug Pokémon and battling are very real.
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Bertha's design has grown on me over time, but I still feel like she's missing something to indicate her type specialty. I decided to make her the League's groundskeeper. I completely revamped her outfit and gave her a kimono and a rake to signify her passion for gardening. She'd probably have an entire zen garden just in her room.
Bertha is definitely still the friendly old lady type, but she has a wiseness to her that makes having a conversation with her that much more enriching. She's probably been working at the League for a very long time, so she knows the place inside out. I think she'd also be Roark's grandmother, as the two have somewhat similar hairstyles and type specialties.
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My favourite Sinnoh character without question. Most of the thought process behind designing him is literally just "how can I make him even better?" I tried to accentuate the cool factor and make him all around more flashy and exciting to look at.
This Flint is very, very proud. A loud and egotistical party boy with a LOT of fans. And he's well aware of it. Also a part-time shitty boyfriend to Volkner, who eventually blows up at him for being exactly that, before they kiss and make up. HATES to lose and hates anybody that makes him lose. A massive sore loser when it comes to sportsmanship. Volkner's probably the only member of the entire League that tolerates him lmao.
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I like Lucian but his original design bores me a little. I tried my hand at making his suit and hairstyle fancier, and I think it worked. Also tried to add more colours to the design to make him better stand out.
A MASSIVE bookworm. I think it would make more sense for Lucian to be the lore nerd over Cynthia, because his whole thing is reading. The League probably has its own private library entirely at his request. Though he looks intimidating, I imagine he's really just a massive introvert with slight social anxiety.
(His Key Stone is embedded in a ring on his right index finger).
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corutown · 10 months
Vita Times: August Newsletter
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Lore | F.A.Q. | Masterlist | Pinterest »»- Server Link -««
Hello, Vitans! We've made quite a few changes to the server this month! Most notably, we've updated our masterlist to a spreadsheet to hopefully make it easier to navigate, and we've removed the 6 character slot limit. You can now have up to 10 little guys right off the bat, and you can request more slots if you need them!
Unfamiliar with our group? Realm of Vita is a casual multifandom roleplay group based in a solarpunk-themed setting. Our 16+ server its complete with its own in-depth lore, fleshed-out setting, and original species. We welcome canon characters, fan characters from your favorite series, or completely original characters! Any species, origin, or power level is allowed.
Some of our features include:
- Responsive staff available to answer questions at most times - In-depth guides on how to start new roleplay interactions - In-character events, such as city-wide holiday celebrations, plot events, and user-made events - A ticket system for feedback and member conflicts - PluralKit availability for systems - A layout that uses minimal unicode to keep things accessible to screen readers
With that, let's move onto the news!
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Realm of Vita will be one year old on August 23rd! Please wish it a happy birthday, and stay tuned to see what kind of events we'll do to celebrate!
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For August, our Muse of the Month is...
Spock, played by FuzzyFaz!
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(Gif courtesy of Garf, who takes requests!)
Every month, we'll randomly select a character to feature on the newsletter. Join now, and your muse could be next!
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Every type of character is welcome in our server, from OCs to canons to kinsonas! However, these are the characters our members are currently searching for. "Any character" also includes OCs from these media!
from Assassin's Creed... Any assassin!
from Devil May Cry... Any character, but especially Dante or Nero!
from Doctor Who... Any Doctor!
from Doki Doki Literature Club... Sayori!
from Granblue Fantasy... Any character!
from Guild Wars 2... Any character!
from Guilty Gear... Any character!
from Metal Gear Solid... Any character!
from Neon Genesis Evangelion... Any character!
from NieR: Automata... Any character, but especially 2B, 9S, and Adam!
from Octopath Traveler... Any character!
from Omori... Any character!
from Persona... Any characters, but especially Zen or Persona 3 characters!
from Star Trek... James T. Kirk!
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That concludes our newsletter for this month! Thanks for reading! We hope to see you soon!
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vampacidic · 1 year
Sage hi! So.. possibly maybe you also like mystic messenger? I was thinking about it a lot today and then I remembered you saw me going crazy about Zen, do you wanna tell me your experience with it?
omg yeah i was a big mysme kid back in the day 😭 i was a yoosung and zen girlie LMAO the start of the insanity.... (cutesy but possesisve and maybe a little insane + egotistical but ultimately just fuckin sad guys)
i used 2 go all out LOL schedule alarms for chat rooms... whole shebang. i remember getting the bad end for 707 in joann's fabrics w my mom and nearly crying in the store about it and then blowing all my hourglasses on trying to reload saves to circumvent the problem (it didn't work. lol). did in fact try honey butter chips as a result of this game. i am not a big fan but hey. i tried em
i never did jaehee/jumin/v's routes. lol. never got the full lore sorry gang.... i do think this game ultimately helped me stop being homophobic LMAO it's dumb to look back on but jaehee's route seen in fandom helped me cool down about being wlw (mind you i was playing in 6th grade which was the first year i wasn't in catholic school. so it was right place right time)
that reminds me... around this time i was using wattpad a lot (i used it like twitter lmao i hope my friends from back then are doin ok :0 i did just kinda disappear. anyway), and there was someone i knew on there who was about 4 years older than me if i remember right... i remember they were a lesbian and stoutly anti yandev. anyway i remember learning they were a lesbian and being like woah that's so cool o wish i was a lesbian. bc i didn't know i could just Be one. lol
ultimately it's a game that brings back fond memories... i still have it on my phone lol. i think i bought an amalee cover of the intro...
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doridoripawaa · 2 years
You know how I did the RFA's best girls? Yeah, well, think about the Idols favorite Routes instead. That's a challenge.
Okay, I was going to wait until the end of Superstar s2, but I'll just add the Liella girls later. I'm impatient. Wheeze.
I'll go by group, then by year, and I'll then smile->cool->pure within each year!
Rin would enjoy Saeyoung's route the most! She loves cats, so Meowy gives his route bonus points, but I think she'd also really enjoy joking back and forth with 707. When Luciel in the apartment turns colder and more secluded... Rin wouldn't give up on him. Rin's best friend since childhood is Hanayo, who is an exceptionally timid girl with a lot of dreams but a lot of doubts. I think Rin would want to stick by Luciel til the end. Also, gender. Rin is highly trans girl coded, and seeing Saeyoung be no biney would be very neat for her.
Maki would unexpectedly enjoy Zen's route. She's someone whose family pushes her towards a prestigious career path of being a doctor, but her true love and passion lie in the arts. She's a musician at heart even if she has a doctor's brain. She'd definitely scold Zen for being too reckless as a teen, but I think she'd find his route therapeutic because she can watch him work hard for his own dreams.
Hanayo would love Jaehee's route. Hanayo was too afraid to follow her dream of becoming an idol until her friends gave her a push. She'd cheer for Jaehee who works so hard but doesn't feel passionate about her work. As soon as Jaehee shows interest in the coffee project, Hanayo would be her biggest fan urging her to pursue her dreams.
Honoka is a dreamer but also a go-getter. In that sense, she'd like Zen's route. He went after his dream without reservations, and she'd admire how he works to make a name for himself. She's also kind of... lacking in the intelligence field, so maybe she'd relate to Zen there.
Umi is no nonsense, so a gut instinct may say Jumin, but she'd feel far too restricted. I think she'd enjoy V's route. Solving mysteries, escaping a cult, getting answers, and freeing an overly self-sacrificing character from the clutches of his own guilt. Umi would probably play one of the OS routes then go "THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WITH V?" She's fixing him. She's pulling his ear and talking sense into him.
Kotori, by contrast, would probably like Jumin's route. She can be strangely possessive herself. She also hates making decisions. But her tender heart would instinctively know which answers could soothe Jumin's troubles and save Elizabeth the 3rd.
Nico is a workaholic who'd also love Jaehee's route. She almost failed in her dream of being an idol, and she'd refuse to let Jaehee give up on choosing a future that made her happy. Nico is honestly super passionate and determined and caring beneath the memes.
Eli is kinning V and really I think that says all that needs to be said.
Nozomi only cares about Rika's Behind Story. Nozomi didn't even want to play until she heard about Jaehee, and then when she saw Rika? Oh, dear. Nozomi is getting the lore and smothering her in affection. Nozomi is gonna either help Rika or make her worse.
Hanamaru is going to be a Ray route kind of girl. First of all, since she grew up sheltered in a temple and has little knowledge of modern technology, she would actually hop in a van to a mysterious location because some guy called and asked her to help him. Sob. More importantly, she's a big reader, and she'd fall for the fairy-tale aspect of Ray's route. But she'd be down for the darker parts, too! She's quick to humor fallen angel Yohane, after all. She's surprisingly adaptable.
Yohane might find a weird interest in Jumin. Their autism presents in exact opposite ways: embrace vs. suppress. But I think she'd find him neat. He's intelligent and practical, but he gets caught up in whimsy too. And Yohane did kidnap a dog once.
Ruby isn't playing. She just isn't. Ruby's androphobia would stop her. I'm not even trying to be "oh she's too lesbian" she's literally afraid of men. But she likes hearing Hanamaru and Yohane talk about the game!
Chika is kind of in her coming-of-age story throughout her arc. Finding herself, finding her dream, finding her strength. She'd appreciate Yoosung, who has seen himself as inferior and boring compared to everyone else and desperately wants to be more than that. Chika became an idol because she was chasing a shine in the sky. Yoosung is a shooting star. It works.
Riko likes V route specifically for that one bad ending. You know the one. She's immediately looking for any fanart or doujins.
You is going to adore Jumin. His route may not end up being her favorite from a story perspective, but a character who's diehard loyal to his childhood friend and has been secretly yearning this entire time? She can relate. She will complain when trapped in his penthouse, but she'll also like the aquarium in the background. Pfft.
Mari is going to kin Saeran because she knows what it's like to have an oppressive mother who tries to force her into things and use her as a dress-up doll, a puppet, rather than a person. Mari is eccentric and outgoing and over-the-top at first glance, but she's actually a deeply sentimental person who's scarily dedicated to her goals. Also she'd like Unknown's goth thing. Mari is our heavy metal enthusiast, after all.
Dia is going to be the yin to Mari's yang, as she tends to be. Her favorite route would be Saeyoung's, because she's a devoted older sister and she understands why Saeyoung would go to such extremes for Saeran. I think she secretly embraces his goofy side, too. Dia acts strict and stern, but she's a huge dork beneath it all.
Kanan understands the stress of being torn between duty and passion. She needs to help with the diving shop for her family, but she wants to be an idol at school again. She's self-sacrificing to a fault. So, yeah, she's gonna like V's route. He's torn between his duty to the RFA but his passion for Rika... which, is itself born of his supposed "duty" to his mother by helping a broken young woman all alone. He's complicated. Kanan will like the hug CG.
Rina is here for the hacking battles between the twins, whether 707 or Ray route. Ultimately she goes soft for Saeyoung because he makes Meowy and she has canonically made her own Meowy.
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Shioriko is gonna like Jumin's route but won't admit it. He's a little too assertive in doing what he thinks is best for MC, and she sees herself in that from before she joined the idol club. They both need a nap and a hug. And therapy.
Shizuku is gonna adore Zen. She's a theater kid! She thinks he's amazing for being true to himself and not hiding! She's writing Zumin enemies to lovers fic though!
Kasumi is going to like Yoosung's route. She's tired of being treated like a baby, tired of being treated as not a good enough club president. But she also prides herself on her cuteness and loves to emphasize it. She's gonna relate to Yoosung a lot.
Ai will love 707 from the start, because he's goofy and she loves bad puns. She loves smiling and having fun. Ai also has a soft heart, and she'll be good about Luciel during the tough days of his route. She'll sympathize with his sorrow, because she felt awful when she thought her sister figure resented her for pursuing a dream and leaving her behind.
Lanzhu is... someone who has always struggled to make friends. And she kind of became a spoiled, isolated tyrant because of it before saved by the power of friendship. I can't believe her favorite "route" is Rika's Behind Story (actually I can).
Setsuna's favorite route is Saeyoung's because she's got masks on masks, too. They both have had to sacrifice their own selves to protect what they love. Also she's super into his cosplay.
Ayumu is DEFINITELY gonna love Ray's route. She'll enjoy the whole route, but she's going to adore Ray in particular because she sees a lot of herself in him. Preparing a fluffy pink room... for the object of his obsession affection... with flowers and floriography sprinkled throughout. Yeah, she's into it.
Kanata is another doting big sister, so Saeyoung for her! She works herself into the ground for Haruka's sake, and she'll empathize with Saeyoung for all he's done for Saeran. Also they both need a nap. Please.
Karin is someone who comes off as cool and mature, but she's actually kind of insecure and has immature moments. I feel like Jumin would be her favorite. Plus she'd understand why he's keeping her there, considering she has an awful sense of direction and needed to be chipped by her friends.
Emma, the sweetest girl, is going to like Jaehee's route. Emma is big on family, and her heart would break for Jaehee who's all alone. Emma traveled all the way from Switzerland to Japan to pursue her dreams, and I know that conviction and huge heart will be cheering for Jaehee all the way.
Mia can't play Another Story because she's only 14. Tragic. Guess her favorite has to be Yoosung. She knows how gifted burnout feels. Yoosung was a spectacular student in high school but now he's lost and stuck. Mia felt stuck and hopeless with her music for a while, too, even while being hailed as a prodigy.
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daylightcommand3 · 1 year
PvWeek (3/4/23)
Welcome one and all to PvWeek! The forefront for the lorefront.
In its world, there are only secrets.
In the world of Overwatch, there is no greater mystery than the Global Conspiracy (or GC, for short). The only person we know that is aware of the GC is Sombra. The rest of the world seems to be completely unaware of the GC’s influence. As are we. We haven’t seen much (explicit) actions or moves by the GC. Which is fair, conspiracies tend to be secretive and hidden. But still, there is a lack of development on what would be a major factor in the world of Overwatch. Hopefully, the story mode will shine some more light on the GC.
I say hopefully, because the only way we can learn about the GC is through Sombra. The hero who never gives out information easily. So, I don't think we're gonna learn much if Sombra is our only source. However, we can compile what little we know.
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The Global Conspiracy has connections to Overwatch, Talon, Numbani, Volskaya, and Lumerico. There are also plenty of other entities it may have its hands in, but we don't have a full view of the picture. What I find most interesting is that there is no presence of the Shambali, nor Null Sector. Perhaps the Global Conspiracy has a more human focal point and means. Or perhaps the omnic centric groups are one of the connections cut off. Regardless, this is all we know of the Global Conspiracy. Which doesn’t leave too much to be interested in.
Furthermore, I'm not the biggest fan of the Global Conspiracy in general. The main reason for my displeasure with it, is the fact that it kinda steals Talon's thunder. Talon is supposed to be the shadowy organization pulling strings and fulfilling a secret, evil agenda. But nope, there is actually a conspiracy even higher which is currently manipulating Talon. It kinda takes the oompf out, you know?
There is, however, a way to rectify and redeem the GC. The Global Conspiracy should be a single person, not a collective. There are two candidates I have in mind.
Gaze into the Iris
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The first sentient omnic was Aurora. Eventually, she reached tranquility and spread her gift across omnic-kind. This unfortunately costed her her life. (Zen ult causes you to die in Overwatch lore).
But what if death is not the end. What if through spreading sentience (or causing the Awakening as known in Overwatch lore) Aurora was able to find a new way of existence. Zenyatta even described her transcendence as beyond “this existence, this way of being,”. (Short story: Stone by Stone). Who’s to say there isn’t another way to live on?
What if Aurora is able to live on digitally through the power of the Iris? And if she’s one with the Iris, then a form like this makes sense.
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However, there is one little hole in this theory. Why? Why is Aurora secretly manipulating some of the most powerful factions on earth? She very clearly believed in peace and understanding and selflessness. Granted, we haven’t seen any malicious actions from the Global Conspiracy. But still, why the secrecy, why the underhandedness? Aurora has no motive. She doesn’t even have connections to most (if not all) of these organizations. It doesn’t make to much sense for the GC to be her.
However, there is another candidate for the Global Conspiracy’s true identity. But this PvWeek has already gone on for too long. And I want a full PvWeek for the second candidate, as I have a lot to say about them. So, make sure you tune in next week for the final* PvWeek on a character that I've been dying to talk about.
But, before we go, I just have one last question:
Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?
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RGC: Tales from the Valley (Fighting)
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Tales from the Valley by Arch_Mage is an adventure PvP (Player vs Player) game where the gist is self-explanatory (through its tutorial) by the time you hop in the game's world of Khei.
Some of the stuff can be directed towards a fan-wikia for the game although it would be best to talk about it on this post.
Some of the combat in this game partly takes on a mechanic called spells which can be casted by pressing Z and performing a spell pattern from your mouse. Though some of it cost mana. Arcana is a different form of magic by its theme, they can be used in a general sense, but some are learned from a specific fraction like Blackflame or Zen.
There are also homelands, which can be chosen after the tutorial where each have their benefits on how to play the game, but these homelands are not implemented within the game's world except for The Valley to which the Natives are from:
Vhiun - Eastern land covered in dense jungle Menulis - Snowy barren land Ilyria - Sun-soaked land Askaria - Rugged land of mountains Raulla - Rich land of vineyards Iqar - Vast desert land Native - Dangerous Western land
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There is also some lore within the game with in-game books being found in chests. There are also other races implanted into Khei's world from humans and gods to leviathans/guardians and special races (demigods, homunculi, and dristini).
The game has remained still since two other games made by the same creator (Deepwoken and Rouge Linage) are gaining more popularity.
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Book Review: The Memory Librarian
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Author: Janelle Monáe, Yohanca Delgado, Alaya Dawn Johnson, Sheree Thomas, Danny Lore, and Eve Ewing
Published: 2022
⭐⭐⭐.5 (3.5/5)
American singer-songwriter Janelle Monáe released her third studio album Dirty Computer in 2018, accompanied by a short film of the same name. The film follows a trio of lovers—Jane (Monáe), Zen (Tessa Thompson), and Ché (Jayson Aaron)—living in a future where the government deems anyone that isn't white, monogamous, or heterosexual as "dirty computers." These individuals are constantly at risk of being abducted by law enforcement and taken to the House of New Dawn to have their memories deleted. In The Memory Librarian, Monáe collaborates with a team of established authors—Yohanca Delgado, Alaya Dawn Johnson, Sheree Thomas, Danny Lore, and Eve Ewing—to further explore the world of Dirty Computer outside the context of the film. Now, as a fan of Monáe's music, I must admit that I was both excited and apprehensive about reading this collection. Monáe has already proved herself to be a skilled lyricist and storyteller with her first two albums, which detail the exploits of android fugitive Cindi Mayweather. However, there is a huge difference between writing songs and writing prose, and while I don't want to imply that collaborative writing projects are inferior to solo ones, I couldn't help but worry that this was a sign that Monáe was out of her depth.
Read the full review on My Cluttered Bookshelf.
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