#a new addiction is forming rn
doctor-aceus-art · 9 months
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I'm very normal about his dramatic vampire ass, i swear
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I don't think non-New Yorkers know how funny Miles and Wiles having Jordans is.
Like it's REALLY funny and really Brooklyn - New York of him.
Miles, Wiles, and Jordan Sneakers - Clever Cultural Characterisation
[A MEDIUM length post were I talk about Brooklyn Sneaker Culture and it's use in ATSV]
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Have you ever wondered -
Why is Miles the only one wearing branded clothing?
When all other brands are either spoofed or replaced, why is Miles - the main character wearing such VERY BLATANTLY branded sneakers?
And why is Nike, a random shoe brand, the choice to go with?
There's a reason the creators show Miles' creativity and personality through his shoes.
And it's because
JORDANS HAVE A CHOKEHOLD - on Black Guys in High School from NYC
And this might be bizarre to some and idk if it translates to other black communities- (please tell me if it does)
But here in Brooklyn, almost every masc guy in my high school was OBSESSED with Jordans. Most guys I knew can name certain releases by looking at them, and had multiple pairs in different colors
JORDANS WERE LIKE SOCIAL CURRENCY - from middle school all the way to college. And it's a very cultural thing here in Brooklyn.
What colors you had and how many are something you bragged about. Many guys own multiple different colorways of Jordan's and will WAIT in line hours for a new release.
There's a store call Flight Club here in the city, and sometimes you'll see the line going out the door, of well dressed black guys waiting for the new release of Nikes to start going on sale.
Of course Adidas is popular, but no where near the culture hold as Nike to us.
I remember begging my parents for like a week until they brought me Black Air Force 1s
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And I STILL have them over ten years later. They're too small, but they're holding up well. And even until this day, my home town is lined with sneaker stores. There's one around the corner from me rn.
Here it really is natural for guys LOVE JORDANS and to use them as a form of self expression. It's not odd for Fashion is on the minds of black guys in Brooklyn.
Even in high school, guys were matching their outfits and always trying to get the latest brand name. Mind you, this is an inner-city school full of 98% low income black kids. For us that was a social language.
Some shoes even have their own 'personalities' tied to them:
For example:
Black Air Force 1s (the one above) are often called 'hit a lick' shoes. Hitting a lick means to rob someone. So there's this idea that if you have those on you about that action lol it's an chill inside joke though it isn't serious.
White Air Forces are seen for guys who DON'T do that because they're too worried about getting their white ass shoes so clean.
Keep the above in mind for the next part
Hair cuts - like shape-ups and fades, Backpacks, and Shoes are three big things that were a fashion influence in my high school HARD.
Trends also are a big thing here, and they come on really quickly. I remember for maybe four years a brand called Sprayground got big, and after all SO many high school kids started collecting these $80 bags in all different colors. I wanted one so bad.
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A lot of them had illustrations of things like money or weed.
If you see a mfer with the shark mouth bookbag RUN he's the biggest fuckboy you've ever met.
Which is to say - !42 WOULD HAVE ONE OF THESE BAGS
How many of the iconic orange boxes that you lined up in your room (yes they keep them) was something you boasted about.
MFers would deadass have this in the corner of their room and bring you over talking about sum 'it's decor' SIR IT'S A HOARDING ADDICTION
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They'll walk different, and NEVER squat, because doing that might crease the leather along the toe box. And creased Jordans are not fresh so what's the point - they're ruined. A guy in my class use to being plastic bags and tie them around his ankles when it rained then he walked home.
Like look at this Reddit post I found -
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'is he stupid' 😭😭that's so mean but like here EVERY guy just assumes you know not to do that to Jordans ever
And that's why the creators do it - AND THEY DO IT WELL
And it's so impressive their deep understanding of this very specific thing that happens in mostly black high schools in NYC.
Cause that's not something you can just search up and research really.
Because of our culture - Miles & Miles!42's shoes are a silent language in their own right.
Like Miles!42's shoes are one of the first things we see about him.
They're the first thing we're suppose to notice - because it let's is compare him to Miles.
Miles' Jordans are iconic - the white and red shoes.
They're clean and white, with pops of color and personality. Like Miles, he's about being the good of Spider-man, while also getting himself and adding his own colors to it.
And because it's natural to the character and the culture, they let his shoes be the signal that Wiles is not like Miles. He has a different style, in fighting, in speaking, in personality, from his hair literally down to his shoes.
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Wiles' shoes are VERY similar to Black Air Force 1s. It's basically that with utility bags and purple detailing.
That's a signal - like I said: WILES IS ABOUT THAT ACTION. He's here to get his lick back.
From his standpoint, as a black guy from Brooklyn with his personality, he would know about this culture. He'd know the message black Nikes send where he's from.
It'd be natural for him - Hell yeah he'd go for the black Jordans.
He's speaking his social language.
Wiles' doesn't have to say 'fuck around and find out' he got on Air Forces with bags on them - HE'S ABOUT IT.
The writers didn't wake up one day and say 'Oh Nike wants a brand deal?! Okay cool'.
They don't show Wiles' shoes to be like 'LOOKY BUY THE NICE SHOES' - We are shown this shot
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For them to be like : This is who Miles!42 is.
Because of sneakers.
But it's really funny to me to see Wiles shoes and be like 'damn he bout to fuck Miles up'.
Do guys where you are do this?? Like is this a thing y'all know any Sneakerheads.
Anyway I would put a pic of Hobie but I'm on mobile so they won't let me and I'm lazy
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sordidmusings · 8 months
Switching Up Roles - Part 1/2 (Buggy x Reader)
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A/N: So the request got insaaaaanely out of hand cuz I can't shut the fuck up about this stupid clown 🙃 In the future I gotta have requests ask for headcanons, full fic, or headcanons with drabbles in the future so I can put a cap on my brain lol I had also been wanting to write Switch!Buggy learning to embrace the sub part of himself. I wanted to get part of it out and the set up cuts off pretty cleanly here. There is a taste of smut in it, but it stays with the style of the exposition for the most part instead of really delving into it.
Word count: ~1760 (The draft is at 8100 rn 🧍🏻‍♀️)
Warnings: afab!reader (no pronouns), switch!reader, switch!Buggy, NSFW, p in v, creampie, they're like probably too into each other, Buggy leans towards opla Buggy, I have a propensity to just keep sentences going man
I hope you enjoy a taste and thank you for your patience 🙏🏻
Part 2
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You’d always had a hunch about Buggy. It started with little things like how his grunts and moans would sometimes slip in and out of something more whiny and breathy. How the look in his eyes would turn from something rabid and devouring into something desperate and uncertain. Maybe he was just more comfortable using the whole range of his voice than most men. Maybe that look just came from the insecurity in him that you were constantly trying to wring out with every lingering hug and reassuring whisper.
Speaking of those, he drank them up like an addict. Now, it’s not like you think it’s abnormal to enjoy soft touches and sweet words; everyone wants those from their partner in one form or another. The thing is, Buggy seemed to hang on those words with extra ardor. He’d focus on you like nothing else existed. He’d twist and turn both himself and his comfort zone in order to receive them. Whenever he accomplished something, whether it was as big as defeating a new enemy or as small as making a new joke, he would turn his face to seek you out like a plant’s leaves reaching to feel the sun. He’d go to you whenever he was uncertain. Difficult announcements were made with you within arm’s reach, vital decisions were made with you sitting thigh to thigh, and battles were fought with the two of you back to back.
Despite his status as captain, Buggy was always following you. Of course, he was the one in charge, the one who gave orders, but you were the one for whom he would change those orders or redirect his path. When you entered a room, he was the one to go to you. It was only on rare occasions that he’d order you to him like an owner would a dog. His calls for you were greetings, that is if he wasn’t getting up to lead you in himself. Buggy did know how to demand but he preferred to handle you with invitations. 
Even so, you were well versed in Buggy leading you to touch or lay where and how he wanted. The extending months of your relationship have been filled with the two of you pushing and pulling at each other, empty of any thoughts and aims other than the need you had for each other. He has growled out commands and desires, expecting you to do just as he asked and he fit the role of manhandling you into a compliant sub very well. There were times when it seemed to be just that though - a role. Not every time; the more starved for your body he seemed, the more he’d take you just how he wanted. Now that you were months in and the pent up “what if”s were easing into the new joy of deep connection, his need for your body settled to hunger while his appetite for connecting to You became insatiable. Being able to allocate more time to exploring each other let latent behaviors break through the frantic way that you two tried to consume one another. Buggy had always aimed for your pleasure, hitting steady bullseyes, but now he was consciously seeking it and looking for new avenues to sate you and file them away for the future. He gained the clarity to observe while he was flooding himself with you.
You also noticed that with this change of pace came his need to chase your movements. You don’t think Buggy was even aware of the way he would lean his body towards you no matter the time or place, the way he would follow your lips whenever you pulled away, or the way his body would seek out your hands and happily mold to their movements like you were an artist working with clay. There was the way he seemed almost relieved when you would guide him. It appeared that he savored the time to unload the responsibility of decisions onto someone else but he had never known anyone he could trust to give him that peace before.
You understood that need. The rush you got when you only had to think of pleasing him and then hearing him tell you how good you were at doing just that? It was euphoria all on its own. It had you feeling like you knew in your core that you were doing something right and that you were making your love feel good - feel proud and happy. While you enjoyed partaking in it yourself, you had no problem taking control to give that to Buggy. Honestly it was a dynamic that was sounding tastier by the day. Seeing him act out of need for your direction and approval made you crave it more each time. You were eager to see him when he loses himself in the role of being what you want. You’re positive he’d take to it well; all you want is him after all, but now that he’s given pieces of himself to you, you want all of him. You want him to expose his needs to you, right down to the core of his desires, so that you could feel the thrill of holding that trust and vulnerability. You want to prove to him that he is always safe with you and that you can fulfill all that he wants and more.
One night a few weeks back, you got the final evidence you needed to feel confident labeling him as a switch like yourself. It was one of the few times Buggy was letting you ride him when he was close (he seemed to be embarrassed of the way it would pull out higher pitched moans from him, no matter how you complimented them), and he had let himself fall further into acting without thought than he usually would beneath you. His typical grapple with composure was replaced by him melting into bliss, leaving you a Buggy who was slack-jawed, glassy eyed, and trembling. You could still feel some hesitancy in the way he kept making his eyes focus on you even when they wanted to roll back or the way he would reign in his volume after a particularly (and deliciously) loud moan. His hands still went through the motions of guiding your hips, but this time your hips were pushing into that heavy grip instead of his hold directing the bounce and grind of your body on his.
Even though the feeling of his cock splitting you open and rubbing deliciously from your clenching entrance to the deepest stretch of your cunt left you struggling for thought, you were determined to keep an eye out for his tells that he would try to flip you back over. Whenever Buggy blinked some focus back into his eyes, you leaned down and captured his panting mouth in sloppy kisses. His eagerness to feel your swollen lips and teasing tongue made it easy to kiss his mind back into a blur. When he planted a hand down and sat himself up, you tightened your core to clench down on him and changed to the heavy grinds that made him weak with the way he could feel every hot, plush inch of you gripping him. He fell down to his elbow, but when you followed him to nibble at his ear and fill it with moans, he lost all his strength and collapsed back on the bed.
You kept at it because you needed to cum on top of him. The promise of a body shaking orgasm always came to you in the squeeze of your thighs around his waist, the grind of his pelvis on your clit, the way you could change your angle to have the head of his cock massaging whichever spot felt the most electric in the moment. It took hold of your mind with the way you got to look down on him spread out beneath you while he looked up at you with that desperate face. You could see how steeped he was in pleasure and need from his furrowed brow and shining eyes. Buggy always fell into the most beautiful, incoherent mess when you were the one leading him. His long blue hair spread out wildly, the few strands sticking to his face bringing out his pink flush. His gorgeous eyes, highlighted by stripes of blue makeup and long fluttering lashes, glistened up at you. His painted red mouth looked all the more tempting with how his kiss-wet lips parted for him to gasp in air and breathe out moans.
With little warning, Buggy sobbed out an overwhelmed, “Fuuu-hah-huuuuck,” and the next thing you knew strong hands yanked you down and he trapped you close in an iron grip. His forehead dug into your neck and his humid breath tingled down your chest. All you could feel, hear, smell was Buggy - so much burning skin, jumbled curses, lingering sea salt. His hands scrambled on your back, pulling you closer like he needed it to live, and amidst all the sensation you felt his cock pressed tight into you, twitching heavily with each wave of hot cum it pumped into you. It shoved you immediately far over the edge and you curled into him, squeezing and shaking and grabbing and gasping. You got what you were promised and your body shook, letting you get extra jolts of friction against his still pulsing cock.
The come down was slow and lethargic with the two of you molded to each other and unwilling to leave the moment behind. Your breaths eventually slowed while you both enjoy giving and receiving little trailing touches. Your brain was high from the intense orgasm and the building joy that you can finally open the door on this aspect of your relationship where Buggy lets himself submit.
That is, until he ruins it. 
Both of you were too tired to say much of anything through the swift cleanup and release to slumber. You didn’t think anything of it, because it wasn’t the first time it happened. You did start to catch on to Buggy’s avoidance when he would find convenient ways to dance around the topic or disappear when you were leading up to it. It became unquestionable when he started to run out of clever escape routes. The final straw was when you approached him with an “I wanna talk about the other night” and he did a 180 with a panicked “forgot some captain stuff for the thing” yelled back to you. So you let it drop. For a time.
You spotted your opportunity just over three weeks after you’d dropped the subject. Buggy continued to slip around you for almost two of those weeks, approaching you with the same caution a child would when entering a haunted house on a dare. He held the same nervous excitement and insatiable curiosity too. The whole time, you pretended that you hadn’t noticed. You were well practiced in the art of playing blind; Buggy wore his emotions on his sleeve whether he wanted to or not, and he loved that you would let him pretend some of it didn’t happen. Even though he knew you sometimes played it to your advantage and still let most of your comments and cackles out during his outbursts and foibles. He just paid you back for those with his own tricks and teasing and all’s fair in love and war.
You knew not to strike right away. You needed to reaaaaally let him settle back into normalcy between you two so that The Incident wasn’t on his mind. Not that you’d been able to get it out of yours; you were endlessly replaying the memory of him being seized by instinct and impulse so violently that he clung to you like he could never be close enough while you made him cum so hard that his dick felt like someone was jolting a toy inside you. Whether the imagery came to you on purpose or involuntarily, it always had you squirming and looking for some way to get off.
Today had been especially filled with that memory, but luck was on your side, finally ready to reward you for your patience. Buggy had been getting a bit exhausted recently, prepping the crew, the ship, and everything on it for a risky raid happening next week. It would be the culmination of a few months planning, and he had been running himself ragged making sure that everything would go smoothly. And, when it didn’t, there was a backup plan and at least two more backup plans for that one. 
He had been seeking rest from you more than interaction the past few days - falling asleep almost immediately after getting back to his room late, giving you long hugs where he’d close his eyes if only for a minute and let you hold up some of his weight, scarfing down his food so he could power nap with his head on your thigh while you finished your own meal. If he was doing something that only needed one hand, he’d send the other to you so he could have the comfort of your touch and the pick me up from feeling your occasional squeeze on it. He had to find and stop you the time you decided to massage his overworked hand, because the relaxing feeling had him zoning out through full conversations.
All that to say, the man clearly needed someone to force a break on him and take care of him. Just as clearly, Buggy was needing that care from you so much that he was allowing himself to seek you out in ways that he (wrongfully) feared would annoy or drain you. His exhaustion outweighing that sea-sized insecurity of his was the cue you’d been looking out for. If he really didn’t want to be submissive to you then that’s fine, but you’d be damned if it was just his own negative self-talk keeping the two of you from feeling that way again or from bonding even closer with another dynamic to exchange trust and affection. After all, that act of trust being met with affection is one of the best ways to chip away at his self-doubt and self-loathing.
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More to come - hope you enjoyed 🤍
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tired-teacher-blog · 6 months
Hello my beloved! It's been a while since I've dropped by!
NSFW question for ya:
Do you think the Crusty King prefers giving or receiving oral? 👀 this is hot on my brain rn
I hope you are doing well<3
- 🐺
Hi babe!!!! It's so good to hear from you and receive your amazing thirsts and questions 😍
Okay let's see.
The thing is, I believe our Shiggy probably wouldn't even know how to give oral to begin with. I mean the poor guy has lived his entire life touch starved and alienated— due to his family first (namely his father) and his quirk later on, so he would definitely need some guidance and introduction to any form of intimacy.
Now, let's say he meets a partner who would be patient with him throughout the experience, obviously they would be the one giving him oral first and watching as he falls apart beneath them (I love picturing this by the way), and maybe after a while when he's finally confident enough to reciprocate the action, he would eagerly do it just to make his partner feel as good as they have been making him feel, and although he most likely would be bad and clumsy for the first few times, he is still persistent and a quick learner, and he would soon be able to drag an orgasm after the other -from his partner- just using his mouth.
Witnessing this new found power in himself would be addicting, and knowing that he's able to render his partner a moaning and withering mess underneath him, would make him prefer giving oral instead of receiving it, just to relish the sight of them crumbling under his watchful eye.
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jikjinz · 11 months
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requested? yes, for anon! 5, 18, 22 with Dobby pls 😽💕
❝stop staring.❞ ❝i can't, you're so pretty like this❞ ❝i can't help it, darling. i just want you so bad❞ ❝i will make you feel so good angel, trust me❞
from this list !
TAGS/WARNINGS: k.doyoung x fem!reader; kinda dom!reader and kinda sub!doyoung; tying up (doyoung), praise, attempts at dirty talk ig, edging??? grinding, mention of lingerie, unprotected sex (dont be silly wrap yo willy or get ready to be stomped on), lmk if something should be added
891 words yall better be ready
a/n: the fact i wrote this in like an hour with few smol breaks only shows how down bad i am for this fool, especially after t5 and move mv. also if there are mistakes yall just pretend that they don't exist. it's liek 1:30am, instead of exist i almost typed axist and i really couldn't have cared less about anything rn. peace out
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the view before you was breathtaking. you could stare at it for hours. unfortunately, the main character of the beautiful view was extremely impatient, wiggling and squirming under your stare, too flustered to say anything.
“stop staring!”
“i can’t! you’re so pretty like this.”
doyoung only whimpered at your words, his breath stuck in his throat when you got closer to the bed. dear heavens, he wanted to touch so much.
yes, it was his idea. it was his own mind that came up with such torture for him. wanting to try something new, doyoung suggested tying his hands to the headboard of the bed. it wasn’t the first time you took control over the situation, though it was the first time you could take your time with him, tease him, and enjoy the prettiest view you ever seen.
doyoung liked to be in control, or more like, liked to feel your body, your reactions, in general feeling you. sometimes it was hard for him to believe someone so precious loved him back. the thought of you, being in love with him, always made him go a bit dumb. and the fact that you were real, that you were under him, naked, in his bed just seemed like a fever dream. yet it was all real.
until now, where he could only look at your beautiful body, wrapped up in a cute lingerie, without the ability to touch your skin, to feel the weight of your body in his hands. but the mere sight of your heart eyes stuck on him, your mouth practically salivating at the sight of his naked body, and the way you pressed your thighs together at the slightest whimper he made… it all made him even more dumb.
“you look so- scrumptious right now.”
to say you were in awe would be a major understatement. you could stare at him like that for hours, he was just so- ugh! beautiful, gorgeous, stunning! and all of it only for you! and if you weren’t so needy for him, you probably would just stare at him for a whole day if not more.
sitting on the edge of the bed, you ran your hand through his messy hair, then cupping his face as you placed a loving kiss on his lips. his doe eyes, stuck on you and on you only, looked at you with that dreamy stare, the one you loved to see and the one playing with your heart, pride, and feelings.
“i love you, so- so much,” you started, caressing his biceps lightly as you finally straddled him, your ass so close his length it made him gasp for a sec. “and i want you so, so, so- much as well.”
doyoung was about to lose his mind. he wanted to scream, to break out, to finally fuck you properly, but shit, this stuff you did was addicting. he loved that, but if he had to wait even more, he would go crazy.
“doyoung, you are so impatient!” with a chuckle, you tapped his chest with your fingers as some kind of warning. though in reality, you were about to go insane any minute as well.
“i- i can’t help it, darling. i just- i just want you so bad- ah!”
you were a menace. a big one. doyoung was about to get off only by grinding your plushy ass, and yet you destroyed that!!! as you got up from him, doyoung whined, tears slowly forming in his eyes but when he noticed how hastily you’re taking off the lingerie (thankfully it didn’t have fancy clips), he smiled so brightly, like a sun after rain, reflecting in the puddles and wet leaves.
“i’ll make you feel so good, angel, trust me, but please, please, pleasepleaseplease just-”
the groan he let out at the end of the sentence was so hot your brain malfunctioned. and the fact that you were the cause of this heavenly sound got your mind run laps. so big laps that your pussy clenched around his length on its own, while your mind spiraled down and replayed that beautiful sound.
“fuck- angel you’re so- fuck, fuck! ah, shit-” that was all doyoung could say. his mind fogged with overwhelming pleasure, sudden yet so comforting tightness of your gummy walls had him choke on his words, moans, groans and the most beautiful sounds you ever heard.
you babbled nonsense, as your focus went only to the way his dick felt inside you. bucking your hips, bouncing up and down, it all was so… much.
“doyoung-! doyoung, i’m close, ah- fuck!” you were on fire but something was missing. somehow, the flame missed its match, which in this case was doyoung’s touch and his hand all over your body. as you hips met his half-way, your wobbly and slowly weakening hands clumsily managed to untie his.
the moment he touched you, the moment he touched your heated body, it was over you. as you screamed, moaned, and gushed over his length, doyoung only held you closer. as you chased after the last bits of that blissful moment, his lips managed to clasp with yours, ready to swallow every moan and whimper you made while he made sure to paint and mark your insides with his seed.
“we have to do this more often, darling.”
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ankiebitez · 1 month
that new leviathan card is definitely... something
it is a slightly funny concept if i apply it to my whb mc bc in high-school he was... not doing well at all mentally.
judith:*going through the actual worst manic/depressive episode of his life, still coping from his parents death, using drugs and alcohol to cope and forming various addictions, literal seconds away from skipping school because he's at his breaking point* who the fuck are you
leviathan:*in a school girl uniform at a public school sitting on judiths desk with a lolipop* dont worry about that rn
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streaminn · 1 year
tell more about this new streamer au u've mentioned bc im very interested
So it starts with an game
You can vc and shit this game too and it was very very popular. You could choose whether to be a normie or an outcast, there were several jobs that one can take and quests with challenges.
Overall a really fun game bc you can either play with friends and build a land with them or play solo and try to complete everything
Think of uh, genshin! But you can customize and level up your character + it being constantly multi-player unless you go to your own private land that you can buy or get from quests
you can also unlock elusive powers as an outcast if you complete certain quests as well.
It was called, Jericho Online bc I can't think of a better name rn 😅
So it starts with Pugsley who starts badgering to thirteen year old Wednesday to join him in playing the game
Wednesday joins begrudingly, tired of all his incessant whining and also because the words of player killing caught her attention
Enid, whos been playing with pugsley is interested immedietely when the two log in. Going !? And circling the newcomer
Wednesday immedietely plays chase and that's the start of a new friendship, with Enid going !?!!!! And Wednesday pulling out her starter knife bc she's supposed to kill this monster
Enid's character is obviously a werewolf, one of the most famous race type in Jericho but there's a catch
Due to high demand, the devs has given a roll of chance to anyone who plays this race. Bc of this you could be an alpha, beta or cursed
Alpha's usually have a better chance to land a critical hit (aka better crit rate in their base form)
Beta is normal, your stats don't change.
Cursed are left unable to shift, which is an ability that all werewolves have where their crit dmg and crit rate is multiplied by two during full moons (which actually follows the irl moon cycle and there are usually combat events/bosses around then who drop really good loot)
This ability is really really good when you have the right artifacts and is part of the reason why so much people choose werewolves
Enid unfortunately, is a cursed and so she sulks with her amazing artifacts with the knowledge that it could be better if she just shifts
Continuing! Wednesday chose to be a psychic and ends up with the sub ability to summon ink creatures at her will. Aka be a beast tamer of some sort
The catch is, she has to kill the creature and subdue it first before she can acquire them into her slots. She is only allowed five creatures in battle so she has to choose carefully aswell
Being a beast tamer is pretty fun but it's lowkey like playing Pokémon so not alot of people liked to use it
Anyways abilities over
Wenclair plus pugsley go have fun, they start raiding dungeons, doing quests together until pugsley drops out from uninterest like a few months in
Enid understands, Wednesday doesn't care and so Wenclair continue their journey of beating absolute ass in this game because wednesday is competitive and Enid is happy to be there
They grind for the absolute best of artifacts and spend so much time on better weapons, it's almost like they're addicted
And honestly? Wednesday was having fun. There was a joy in being able to calculate how well you can do if you wear this goblet that raises your elemental dmg or if you lvl up this skill to a certain lvl you can beat absolutely everyone
(and maybe, planting lil carrots infront of Enid's house isnt so bad)
Enid while competitive, was having fun decorating her lil land far from Jericho. It was like a lil hobbit hole, with greens and vines and dim lighting because wednesday can never stand the bright lights that were originally hung up and vehemently refused to visit if they were there
"you're like a vampire!" Enid says in the in game comm
Wednesday tsks "a vampire who isn't afraid to pk you, Sinclair."
"you're so mean Willa," sinclair, Enid's username, whines.
Willa, Wednesday's own in game username, just hurls her dagger at the sulking blond.
"Wha- HEY!"
So they play and play and omy?
They get married?
Interesting, so it seems that in the second year anniversary of Jericho (when Wenclair are fourteen) the devs decided to have a lil romance for the lonely people and give the ability to marry
Why are Wenclair married? Well, obviously for the benefits. You get 3x the xp when doing quests, challenges and missions together, not to mention that the probability of getting better artifacts and quality quests skyrocket by 5 percent
Like sure you have to share land and divorcing means losing half your gold but it's fine!!
It's with the status of married does Wenclair stumble across a secret quest
The tale of Crackstone
By the third year (Wenclair are now 15) of playing and finishing of the tale, Enid's status as cursed shifts to bludhound.
They celebrate, theyre having fun and theyre practically a married couple. Wednesday insists to go to a dungeon and Enid wants to do a world quest instead
The two settle these disputes with any challenges. They're kids, theyre having fun and if Wednesday looks forward to spending time with Sinclair so much that she bought a pc for herself then that's for her to know.
It's been three years and theyre practically inseparable! The two playing everyday just to spend as much as time together
Until Enid mentions that she won't be so active in a few days.
Why? Willa asks in chat. Are you getting kidnapped?
Course not!! Sinclair replies. Why do you always think I'm being kidnaped??
^n E ways imma be movin so I'll be bz :( can't play much bc we Goin out a state
Wednesday pauses then she squints, there's a feeling in her gut.
Ok, is willa's simple answer. Get online when you come back, we still need to investigate Crackstone's crypt.
Kk! Sinclair cheerily replies. Bye bye Willa, cya in a few dayyysssss
Sinclair has logged out the world.
Wednesday tilts her head a tad and there's a crease on her brow as she sits in her chair. She continues playing, making sure to check over the crops one more time before turning in for the night.
Crackstone's crypt is left uninvestigated for years
Sinclair inbox: 99+ unread messages!
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screwnames-ihatenames · 7 months
Fic where the first 5-10 chapters are Donnie getting tortured in the Technodrome losing feeling in his body forgetting what it’s like to have one how to move ect and like the only reason that he moved around during the next scenes was because the Technodrome was puppeting him but Donnie chose what to do in a way ya know (if asked I will expand on this) but when the ship was broken in half he just kinda stopped and could barely help Mikey cause raph grabs and pulls him up and like autopilot ninpo cause autopilot ninpo lol and afterwards he doesn’t even move a muscle but Leo has some time dilation going on too cause that’s fun so Leo’s acting a little more fucked up than someone should act (let’s saaayyy 5-10 months ) after being in a prison dimension for a “few minutes” and once they get home everyone is put in the medbay but Leo passed out on the way there and Donnie isn’t moving unless he is flinching from something (he doesn’t even really process these movements they’re just reflexes) so they call Barry and like during the time between Barry being called and his arrival Donnie moves PURPOSELY and says some depressing shit with the hoarsest voice ever like “we won” or some ominous shit like “where is she” and than some shock at his movement so he says something connecting to hem having a normal body or something or he just moves really stiffly and like has a meltdown cause he can’t hear the technodrome than Barry arrives to Raph stressing out by an unconscious Leo Mikey trying to calm Donnie during a meltdown and some random kid who is apparently from the future and he has to heal everyone with this rando kid but Donnie legit refuses to let anyone touch Leo or him (lets say that he feels guilt at not being able to lead the technodrome throgj fast enough before being ripped out and instead “bonding” with her) and so like Donnie who looks like he’s about to have a stroke seizure with a mix of rabies and yellow ass eyes and every time Donnie makes a “new” movement he just stops for a second and does it again cause he feels like he hasn’t moved in forever (raph helps donnie move cause Mikey’s hands are fucked up and Barry’s the medic rn) and than instead of sleeping after all this with the others he just fucking falls like just flops on the floor and starts sleeping and everyone’s worried
Add ons I didn’t mention
Raph heard Donnie in the hive mind and feels really guilty about it
Mikey once he figures out a bit of why Donnie’s acting like this feels really guilty about it
Leo gets a little scared when he first sees Donnie cause he looks like a crack, meth, and cocaine addict all at once who is shocked at any form of movement
Btw Donnie just moves his jaw up a down just going :D :) :D :) again and again looking really happy over the fact that he HAS a mouth and Leo is just jumpscared when he wakes up to Donnie’s face right next to his (they put donnie on a cot when he flopped)
Raph heard Donnie in the hive mind but decides to wait before mentioning it
Donnie looks like really happy rn but also like really fucked up (same thing for Leo cause deflection) and if you ask him he just says some weird shit like “I have a body” or “I’m a turtle”
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rekas-writes · 2 years
Kinktober Day 2: Semi-Public
Pair: Sova/GN! Agent! Reader Source: Valorant
Type: One-Shot - 1812 words Genre: Smut/NSFT(W)/18+ Perspective: Second-Person (You/Your)
Summary: You have the pleasure of training with your boyfriend in a one-on-one environment. You take this rare alone time as a chance to push his buttons with little, immediate consequence, but Sova has other plans.
TW: Penetrative Sex but it’s unspecified where!
Terms Used For Reader: Hole, Sex
A/N: I’ve been playing a whole lot of Valorant, DBD and Resident Evil 2 and the urge to make this for Leon S Kennedy was strong. Maybe next prompt- My 2016 Overwatch addiction has come back full force too :,) Also uh, dang Scarlet and Violet came out and I am just so caught up in that rn- I also got incredibly carried away with this one bc it’s been in my drafts forever!
Sova was always so calm and collected. A reserved archer with absolute focus that could not be deterred so easily. And yet.. The agent knew he had a weak spot for you, and you knew that too. A simple, short cry of pain from you on the battlefield was enough to send him running to your side, though it was fair to say that the same could be said for you too. 
You'd never tried anything like this on the battlefield, you weren't an idiot willing to dance with Death and Sage's revive, but in training sessions it was all too tempting (and perhaps a tad ego-boosting) knowing just how much your mere presence and voice alone affected the usually level-headed Initiator. It would always start small, gauging his reaction and response before carrying on with whatever devious plan you had for that particular day. 
Maybe you’d act a bit pouty and reluctant whenever he said your break was up, dramatically laying down and insisting you were still tired. Maybe you’d brush and press your ass against his front whenever you just had to go past him; for another mag of course! Maybe you’d lean a little too close, purposeful hot breaths blowing against his ear, as you purr about what a good teacher he was but you just really needed a certain kind of help. Some form of close contact guidance.
In turn, he would always shoot you a somewhat confused look at first for a few moments, almost like a lost puppy as he figures out what you’re trying. Then, there’s the raise of his eyebrow, followed by a certain narrowed eye look; a slight tug at his lips. It’s a simple look of acknowledgement. Challenge accepted.
Perhaps the breaking point was when you’d sat on his lap victoriously, having pinned him to the ground during a sparring session before you purposefully ground your hips down. The only material between you was (besides your underwear, of course) his casual, light jogging pants and your rather thin yet durable spats shorts. His bright, adoring eyes had darkened ever so slightly as he stared at you; they were almost predatory in nature. 
And, oh, lucky you. You were the prey. 
The Initiator had always admired your strength, finding a certain kind of delight in losing to you that he couldn't find anywhere else. Your quickening pulse thumped in anticipation as you swallowed your breath and hastily got off of him. That look was new. But not here, this room had far too much common traffic from other agents. You’d practically sped over to the showers, calling behind you about how you really needed a shower to clean off. Half of that was true, the other half just really wanted to know if Sova would follow like in all those filthy fantasies of yours. Or maybe you just really needed a cold shower to empty that crude head of yours.
With your beloved archer so riled up, you really had it coming when the door to your shower stall was tugged rather impatiently aside. You had barely gotten into said shower before Sova claimed your mouth with his, feverish with lust and wild with abandon. His lips are slightly chapped as he presses them adamantly against yours, before nipping against your lower lip. You answer with a soft moan and parted lips. An invitation.
Your eyes had already shut from the fierce kiss, thirst-induced warmth already simmering hot beneath your skin. The way he grabs at you so needily, desperate to touch you yet still oh so gentle; it betrays the stoic, untamed façade and reminds you of the softer nature of your boyfriend at heart. You try to ignore the sticky feeling of arousal building in your gut. Familiar, bare arms had encircled you with such avidity, pulling you back into a certain warm, toned chest. Now here you were, a whining, little mess as he pressed you against the tiled back wall of the shower stall. 
There was something about the lack of control, the way he toyed with your sex roughly as he growled lowly in your ear about all the things you’d done to mess with him. Promising silently through his hold on you that he’d pay you back in kind. All of it had you singing in his arms, only spurring Sova on like a Siren’s call. His calloused fingers drag roughly upon your skin, greedy and yearnful in nature, before settling before your hole. His digits are slick with the makeshift lube he’d snatched from your bag; a pure Aloe Vera gel Phoenix had recommended in passing to use for your face (You were very curious on how his face stayed so clear). Who were you to question the king of skincare? Especially when it made for a great DIY lube in desperate situations.
You gasped and squirmed a tad as he spread you out with his fingers, the sounds swallowed by each dizzying kiss Sova gave you. You feel your fingers start to flex and claw into the wall, unable to keep them flat against the tiles. Each stretch of your hole was accompanied by more stimulation directly to your sex from his other hand or his lips stealing the breath from your lungs, which had you crying out in desperation for your release as the sensations only climbed higher. Your stomach tensed and curled as you arched into him, legs flexing, tensing, and hands gripping desperately to his wrists.
It’s not long before he’s rutting his thick cock against you from behind, his teeth nipping at the flesh you so eagerly show him. A small bottle of gel falls and rolls by your feet, courtesy of Sova being too impatient to set it down properly, but you’re both too enthralled with each other to care.
It’s deliberate as he nudges himself against you, low groans falling unanimously from you both. You’re halfway to begging him as he mercilessly teases you, rubbing against you with the hot, blunt tip of his weeping dick in a way that almost drives you mad. When he finally decides to give in to both of your festering desires, his voice is akin to the sweetest birdsong, arguably better, as he sinks deeper into your insides inch by inch. His thick cock spreads your snug hole out so deliciously full and wide, you can’t help the loud keen that tumbles from your kiss-bruised lips. You feel so full and hot, it's incredible. You’re so pent up from the foreplay, you don’t think it would take much to just cum right then and there.
Then, there were voices.
They’re just outside, lingering just beyond the doors of the training hall showers. You could feel the electrifying thrills running down your back, of doing something so filthy in a place anyone could wander into, of possibly getting caught. It turns you on more than you thought it would. Perhaps due to the comfortable middle you’re sitting in while trying something new, with just enough privacy and risk provided by the shower stalls.
Muffled laughter and animated talking are barely stifled by the door in place, warning you of your own volume seeping through to the outside world. Despite your sealed mouth, small whimpers still stir up from your throat; you barely catch the soft laughter from beneath Sova’s breath. Your heart races at the thought of them going inside, and you unknowingly clench around Sova’s length at the pesky thought. If he couldn’t tell before, he definitely knows what this does to you now. The sounds of people only grow ever closer, making you tilt your hazy, foggy head back over your shoulder to face Sova with semi-wide eyes. He simply put a finger to his mouth with a small, impish grin,
“Quiet now, unless you want them to hear you,” the archer whispers into your ear; the outside chatter almost drowns out his words with how much your mind dwells on it. You naively believe he’s leaving you be until they pass by but there’s this sudden jut of a thrust, pushing and pulling at your slick, tight insides as you quickly clamp a hand at your mouth- your hissing and soft cries barely hushed behind your palm,
"B-But," your sentence falls apart after just one blubbery word, too distracted by the thickness ramming you full with each thrust,
"This, моя любовь (*my love)..." He sucks in a breath at how wonderful you feel wrapped around him, "Is, hah, your punishment... You, ah, will take everything I give you, да? (*yes?)" His tone is low and hoarse; it sounds so good to your desire-addled brain. You only nod eagerly against the wall, distrustful of your voice. Anything to just keep him there, filling you up so perfectly. And when he presses you for a vocal response, you can only wail a broken "yes!" against the hand you have somehow kept in place.
The archer’s chest presses more firmly against your back, letting your already heated body better feel his own warmth and underlying strength from all those years with the Protocol. His arms hold you close, whilst his chin tucks itself in the crook of your neck- mouth in the perfect place for you to hear every low groan and whine he spills as he buries himself inside of you again and again. You can barely keep it together as the haze in your mind clouds your judgement evermore with each thrust that splits you apart, shaky hands barely shielding your sounds. His thrusts are borderline frantic as you both climb higher, spurred on by both his thirst and lust for you and the newfound excitement of danger. The low amount of sound only makes the lewd noises of his thrusts more apparent, making your sex throb and ache.
You cry out louder, drool positively now staining your hand, as you grind back against him, desperate to feel that euphoric crescendo. It’s so close, so so close to feeling that blissful wave wash over you- but- but- It’s gone all too soon as Sova purposely slows his movements and stills your writhing hips within his punishing grasp. You practically wail as the tension building in your stomach falls apart, leaving you all the more horny and desperate for relief.
With a slight smirk pulling on his lips at your pouting and mock-glaring over your shoulder, he simply leans in closer to your ear to whisper knowingly in that all so husky, accented tone that makes you involuntarily clench around his length again and shudder,
“I don’t think you’ve learnt your lesson yet,” the hunter growls your name at the end, deep and unmerciful, and you can only pant in anticipation as you feel your stomach flipping at the suspense- your heart trilling loudly in your ears.
Gods above, you were in for a long night.
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
I absolutely ADORE your analysis about LOZ and it’s really made me think more about the franchise (and BOTW in particular, which I… may have a slight addiction to playing?)
You’re the Zelda Person to me, so I was wondering if you had any ideas on what would happen if Link or Zelda died before their cycle was complete. Would the world just… immediately reincarnate them? Would it be some sort of irreversible failure and Ganondorf would win?
(also, I’ve heard theories that there was supposed to be someone who isn’t Ganondorf who would get the Triforce of Power, but because of his interference they were just never found/never found the Triforce of Power and I was wondering what you thought about that)
Canonically this has happened! i don't even need to theorize because we have a genuine canon instance of a link dying before he defeats ganon lol. I don't know how familiar you are with the loz game timeline, but due to a time-travel mechanic in ocarina of time, the timeline splits into multiple potential outcomes after oot. there are three separate ways the confrontation with ganondorf in oot can go for the hero of time--he can win and go back in time, win and stay an adult, OR he can lose and fall at the hands of ganondorf. in the timeline where the hero of time dies, the next reincarnation cycle takes place during a link to the past. this game is a few hundred years or so after the death of the hero of time and oot's zelda, so we actually do know for certain that the reincarnation doesn't happen immediately. to keep hyrule safe after the hero of time's death, oot's zelda and the sages seal ganon into the corrupted sacred realm, but the damage to hyrule has already been done and it enters an era of decline. by the time alttp link is born, hyrule is a much smaller and less powerful kingdom than it was during oot. however, alttp ends with the new link and zelda successfully defeating ganon, so one link's failure doesn't necessarily mean the end for hyrule either!
as for your second question, there are a couple instances I can think of of someone who isn't ganon trying to get their hands on the triforce and/or generally fuck with hyrule, but usually these characters are secondary antagonists serving ganon somehow. the only instance i can think of of an antagonist who ISN'T directly a minion of ganon is vaati, who appears in minish cap & the four swords games. vaati explicitly wants power and goes after the triforce for this reason, but it's unclear if he's a demise incarnation or just some idiot who wants to be king. (i think he probably isn't a demise incarnation solely because he was originally minish, not human, but that deals with a bunch of lore stuff we don't need to get into rn.) so yeah, there are other people who occasionally try to get at the triforce, but if ganon exists in their version of hyrule they're usually serving him.
If you mean someone other than ganon inheriting the physical power of the triforce of power post-oot-triforce-split, most games that follow oot are still dealing with oot's ganondorf because for whatever reason he really doesn't like to stay dead. in a hypothetical instance where he DID reincarnate, i don't think there's any reason the triforce of power wouldn't end up with the "new ganon" (meaning the new incarnation of demise, whatever form it might take.) if wisdom and power have reliably followed around the same hero and princess's bloodine/spirits for hundreds of years, i see no reason why power wouldn't also follow ganon/demise's spirit around after being initially bonded to it. It's possible that a new ganon might not LIKE inheriting the power or choose to use it in a different way than his predecessors, but i think on some level it's always going to be a version of ganon who ends up with it.
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sailor-aviator · 7 months
MY BABYYYYY. Congratulations lovey!
I always feel so cool when I get to say I was an OG fan 🥲
I’ll start with some positivity cause I’m feeling all squishy rn. I’m gonna preface this by saying each person listed below is a RIDICULOUSLY TALENTED writer and I’m obsessed with their stories 😍
@hangmansgbaby is my day one babe. Forever a loving and supportive friend and I’m so thankful for her! Twin flame for life 💕
@sarahsmi13s has always been the best hype girl! Any idea I have is met with excitement and follow up and it’s so good for my soul 🥹
@horseshoegirl is another one of my top cheerleaders! She’s always happy to help me flesh out a storyline and made me happy cry when she told me my writing got even better 🥲
@desert-fern has been my precious nuggie from the beginning and will always be the Mini Me to my Dr. Evil!😘
@teacupsandtopgun is another one who always leaves the most incredible reblogs and I LIVE for seeing her commentary pop up!
@roosterforme has got me moving to the dark side and slowly drifting into BB™️ Territory! (I’ve also died and gone to heaven over the fact we made her a Sereslut™️) 🤩
@callsign-magnolia is another sweet friend that excited screeches over the little nuggets I float her way and always has fantastic feedback 🥰
@goldenseresinretriever is my responsible for my latest fic addiction in the form of Snitches Get Stitches (I’m still reeling over the latest update tbh) and I look forward to every new post! 💚
And finally, last but not least, YOU my dear! I’m in awe of how hooked I am on every single story of yours! I’ve yet to read one fic where I’m not immediately desperate for more and all but shoot out of my chair with joy when I get a notification you’ve posted! You have me loving things I never thought I would, so high praise for you my dear! 😍
To each wonderful human mentioned above, thank you for sharing your words and little worlds with us all! I love you all soooooo much!
Awwwww May!! You have ME feeling all soft and squishy rn!! Thank you for being here since the beginning!! And I hope I write many more stories to come!!
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donttouchmeillkillyou · 9 months
Hello!!! Am new btw and I saw the introduction but am still lost 😅🥲 could you explain what is going one right now?
Tumblr media
ALRIGHT! Uhmmm.... (I may have to upgrade the intro Idk). This au is an alternative universe and also a kind of theory thing. I try to make it the canon to the real events of the web series and tv series.
Manny (You can guess that he is the yellow guy) has schizophrenia and is also addicted to drinking oil. Roy has hair and isn't the Roy that you saw in the series, because that Roy is a Voodoo puppet made by Manny in this world. All of what happened in the series was filmed by Harry (the Red Guy, whose surname is Pelling here lol).
How did he film all of this? With Roy's creations: talking objects. Roy is still "the creator" of the machine that you see in the 6th episode. The talking objects live in Roy's house and since he thinks that everyone would freak out if they see talking objects walking on the street, he gave them "puppet forms" (human forms, but they are all puppets, sooo). After some events in the past, he decided that the puppet forms weren't enough and they aren't able to leave the house and go to Clayhill, only the kids.
Also, there are 2 ocs here. Sorry, yes. I did this before the tv series, so I didn't know that Lesley was probably Yellow Guy's mother. Ross is Manny's dad who left long times ago and just returned and Richard is an employee in Channel 4 with Harry and also used to attend to the same school as Roy.
What is happening in the blog rn:
- Ross and Roy have already talked after the crossover arc.
- Tony is back with his mental crisis and wants to hide from everyone.
- Now that Manny and Ben are back from the AMAD au, Ben's family wanted to see if Ben was ok but he is scared of them because he had planned a party for Manny before that and his parents hate Manny.
- Warren exists because Larry created him.
- Shrignold is tired of Roy being the one who stablish the rules in the house.
I hope you understand this and enjoy the blog!!!¡! I (I hope I didn't miss anything. I tend to forget a lot of things)
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1-800-cr33py · 1 year
Could I please request Julius the Dressmaker HCs? 💗💗 He's my favorite 🥰 Sfw and nsfw, please 💗💗💗
👒 anon
I’d love to! Please be aware that Julius belongs to @sanityisforlosers and none of these headcanons are works of canon! As Julius is canonically gay, the is written for a male reader.
I feel like Julius is very picky over his appearance, knowing what colors look good on himself and what colors don’t. He’s a perfectionist and will spend hours trying to make his appearance reflect what he deems perfect.
I feel it in m soul that Julius likes spicy food, idk why but he just looks like he eats hot peppers for the hell of it.
Due to his preferred killing methods, he’s become quite knowledgeable about human anatomy and how it works.
Julius finds polishing the gun (so graciously gifted by Killian) almost therapeutic, making a device used to hurt others shiny and new.
Due to being frozen in time both physically and mentally, Julius will not grow or mature, something that some of his victims don’t realize as they plead for their lives
I feel like Julius has some form of religious psychosis, causing his to have hallucinations of what he calls ‘angels’. No one knows what these ‘ angels’ look like as he only vaguely describes them.
TW: Descriptions of drug withdrawal, please skip over if triggering.
Due to his alcoholism and addiction to cocaine, Julius will stash money he has and experience violent withdrawals in which he’ll scratch at his arms, cognitive disorientation, slurred speech, and night terrors.
Julius is a smoker, and I think the rot in his chest worse but he doesn’t care.
Julius likes to dance by himself when he’s alone.
He loves being the center of attention, and will make stories and lies of glamour, trying to return everyone’s attention back onto himself.
That’s all I got TvT writer’s block has me in a headlock rn ghoulies
Also please head over to @sanityisforlosers page! I highly recommend their works if you like darker works! I’d love to make some fanart of their characters (with their permission ofc)
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lostfracturess · 1 month
nici bae i've had to put this chapter off for too long bc i was in an angst hiatus LOL but it's time. it's TIIIIIMEEE im so scared n nervous omg BUT IM SO READY AT THE SAME TIMESKSKRLSF btw hope ur vacay is going good <33
Meaningless when they couldn't be spoken to her, couldn't reach her, couldn't make her understand, couldn't heal the wound I'd carved into her heart.
STOPPPP im alr deceased omg. i love this sort of soliloquy at the beginning here it's so reflective of his state of mind
Each word a drop of poison forced down my throat. A self-inflicted wound, a desperate mutilation of the only thing that had ever felt real.
literally gonna claw my eyeballs out their sockets YOUR WRITING IS TOO GOOD AND THIS IS SO DEVASTATING
A familiar craving stirred my senses, the desperate need for the numbing escape that would mean failing her even more. My fingers clawed at my forearm, trying to replace the hollowness with physical pain. It wasn't enough.
the descriptions of his addiction are always so reeling it's like the reader can feel it too it's so scary but so immersive
Did you really think I wouldn't keep a backup?
sighh gojo being unsure of his feelings for reader, idk i think sukuna is 100% gaslighting him. but gojo second guessing his OWN intentions has me so nervous rn too like "drag her down w me, see her drown"
UGHHH THE TECH MALFUNCTION THING sukuna better sleep with both eyes open tn. he craves problems im sure he wont mind the one where my fist is going into his face
oh my god honeslty like he needs to go to rehab. nothing else is gonna work for him atp. he needs PROFESSIONAL HELP.
She were out there, her life forever marked by my choices, while I was — here. Hiding in a haze of pills and smoke.
ughhh i love this line SOBS forever marked by my choices sent a chill down my spine
There was raw, unadulterated terror etched in her eyes. But I was right. She looked as beautiful as ever. Even with those terror-stricken eyes she was breathtaking.
UGHHH IM LOSING MY MIND i love how she's still looking out for him despite everything but seriously i cannot IMAGINE how terrified she must feel rn seeing him like that
More lies for a heart that deserved nothing but the truth. So I swallowed down the love threatening to spill from my lips. 
im literally tearing up n ive got fullbody chills
ok i ve gott a eat dinnner but i'mma send this ask rn cuz i don't wanna accidentally lose it n then pt2
elliee !! yes my vocation was great !! <3
also so so happy to hear you liked the whole inner monologue thingy going on in this chapter. i spend a unholy amount of time writing and editing this over and over again and am really happy with the outcome, so i'm so glad you like it too !! 😭😭
sighh gojo being unsure of his feelings for reader, idk i think sukuna is 100% gaslighting him. but gojo second guessing his OWN intentions has me so nervous rn too like "drag her down w me, see her drown"
yes he is !! sukuna really knows how to get under his skin, it's so so frustrating. but also makes him a good villain for the story hehe.
don't worry, i'm already on the waiting list for his liver transplant, he won't die 😂😂
UGHHH IM LOSING MY MIND i love how she's still looking out for him despite everything but seriously i cannot IMAGINE how terrified she must feel rn seeing him like that
yes yes yes !! i love how they will both hurt each other again and again but never stop caring for each other. i'm sick in the head, i love this so much 💔😭
so happy to hear you had chills while reading hehe (especially coming form a fellow writer) !! <3
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flamejob · 11 months
the more I get into the original bands and reading about the movement and it's history the more committed i am to straightedge. obv the ideology has it's flaws and i don't believe in violent subcultures of it but like. it's a much more interesting and positive outlook than anything else youth have going on rn. i think a new version of it is starting to emerge that combines harm reduction and more understanding for addicts/users and other forms of activism and it makes me so happy. a lot of gen z ppl still are weird about it, like literally 90% of the people I know, and that's super discouraging but i'm hoping more ppl will commit to the lifestyle and it will come back into prominence especially w hardcore being where it is rn. i have so many thoughts i could write a thesis on it
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borderline-gays-club · 4 months
02/11/24. 6:27pm
It can be pretty jarring to go thru so much internal change so quickly. Time feels simultaneously slow but incredibly fast. I just feel like a different person every other month. Maybe not full different but very changed.
I think rn I’m at the barebones of my BPD. By that, I mean there’s no extreme internal thing obstructing or taking up most of my attention (like obsession, addiction, depression, mania, etc). So I can see the structure of my BPD more clearly. It’s much more complicated than I realized. Even now I feel that I’m entering the unexplored deep ocean.
Like I’ll still feel moments of depression or anxiety or whatever, and I still experience spirals but they don’t really last long. And I fully cut out weed rn bc I noticed myself becoming anxious if I didn’t hav it to wind down at night.
I’m able to notice more of my addiction patterns, bc addiction just moves from one thing to another. In recent times It was my obsessions, then was weed for a while, then video games. And now I’m just kinda here. Trying to maintain a sustainable form of good feelings.
I’ve gotten back into reading which has been great. Reading really feels like lube for the gears of my brain. It helps me feel less stuck. I’m just trying to b more intentional abt intaking new information. That’s what helped me get thru a lot in the past. And continuing to write.
I guess one of my biggest obstacles rn is simply money. Cus if I had money I cud take classes I’m interested in, I cud have more time, i cud exercise in the way I want, I cud wear clothes I actually like, I cud get more therapy and support that I really need, etc etc.
But I just can’t. And it doesn’t seem like I’ll have money in the foreseeable future. I just gotta make do with what I have and be creative with how to b my most grounded self.
I’m still struggling with a lot of things but slowly I’m opening up to myself. And learning more abt BPD and general emotions is always helpful.
So yeah; like I mentioned in my old post, I kinda feel like a blank piece of paper. I’ve slowly cleared out these extreme internal beings so I can finally build on a smoother foundation (still a bit rocky but oh well lol). Just gotta keep treading this water
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