#actually my friend sent me the ask!!!! oooh
queenofallimagines · 3 months
Oooh I have a Obey Me writing idea for you but you can ignore if you don’t wanna do it. So when you first come to the Devildom, almost all of the brothers are cold/petty asf to the MC (in my Pisces opinion). Imagine MC’s like “fuck that” and doesn’t try to pander to them as much as the game script wants you to. Like the story still progresses bc the MC is still nosy when it counts, but she doesn’t center them around her world and instead gets closer someone who was nicer/more helpful in the beginning (say like Solomon or Simeon). I’m sorryyy I’m not hating on the brothers but realistically you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Like yeah being a tsundere is cute to an extent but most of em were doing too much in the beginning. Maybe a reaction from the brothers (doesn’t have to be specific for each brother) as they slowly start to warm up to MC but they can’t stand that they’re not gonna be as close as they wanted to be. And either Solomon or Simeon (or both) reacting to you getting closer to them ;) Again this request may be highly specific so you can either tweak it or toss it if it doesn’t sound appealing to write. It can be SFW or NSFW. I love your writing!
A/n: YOURE SO RIGHT BESTIE!! Like the dick ain’t good enough for them to be all over MC like that CRAZY disrespectful 😒 like in my head I was being fake nice to them to secure the pacts until like you make one with Satan and then it’s like okay, maybe I can be genuine w yall. Bc like I’m making friends w any of the billions of other demons there like Diavolo is all but head over heels for you.
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- I’m so on board with this
- Like if they want to go low I can take it right to hell
- They want to throw UP
- Mammon thinks you’re joking but when you fr never come ask him for help he’s crying himself to sleep
- Asmo hates being ignored so after that time in the maze(catacombs? wtf was those) he’s antsy that you don’t really talk to him
- They feel you having fun through your pacts but when you’re around just them it’s like nothing
- Like when a lightbulb dies
- Student council meetings become increasingly more tense as they watch you get along with Solomon and Luke and Simeon and you’re cold to them
- They don’t even really realize they the problem at first
- Lucifer always itching to punish someone so when he snaps at you and you clapback and the issue never comes up again he’s a little disappointed
- Like him and Satan make fun of your grades?
- Bet. you’re being tutored by Solomon and a demon in your potions class
- Like bitch how the FUCK were we ever supposed to take demon philosophy before?? We just got here!!
- Refuse to work with them on any school activities
- You and mammon partnered up to decorate for some school event?
- You work only when he’s not around
- Beel is the one who sounds the alarm by realizing it’s hard to keep track of you
- Like he’ll go asking where you are and nobody can even say when the last time they saw you was
- Belphagor tried to pull that “I’m a human” shit and you didn’t visit the attic for like three weeks😭
- Had to actually force himself to be genuinely nice
- Remember how they said they sent a demon to like the human realm to pretty much do the same thing? who was that because I don’t think we ever hear about them😭
- But you get their number and talk about your shared experiences
- Fish out of water if you will!
- Lucifer WANTS to yell but you do the bare minimum of what they ask he can’t mandate you to join family movie night😔
- Asks a pouting mammon where tf you are and he lists off like any number of random demons you could be chilling with
- Asmo is burning with envy as he catches you at a party with a group of old acquaintinces
- Can see they are so obviously enjoying your company
- Tries to steal the attention for himself
- Levi seeing you on other mfs socials cosplaying w them and doing a TSL marathon like he’s right there??
- Dinner be so awkward but you brush it off like a G
- only texts the family group chat for confirmation, dinners ready, and when is lord diavolo asking for everyone
- Lucifer comes to Dia’s house bc paperwork and he plans to spill the tea when he sees you and him already HAVING TEA🤨
- Like excuse me??
- “Ah just who I was looking for-“
- “Sorry Lucifer I have exams to study for I was just asking Lord Diavolo some history questions I’ll be on my way.”
- He’s literally WILTING💀
- Whines to Dia and he’s like I’m sorry ?? have yall not been spending time with them??
- “Yall….LIVE together. I ain’t out just you and them in the same house for no reason??”
- He can’t eleven rly do shit bc you’re integrating into demon society very well and are pretty sociable
- Like you gain regular popularity but not through them
- Rest of RAD forgets you’re under their protection tbh
- Like you’re your own entity and not at all attached to them so when a random demon is caught talking about like chilling w you and mammon is like IM THEIR FIRST MAN YOU GOTTA AS ME
- he looses about 500 years when the demon goes
- “Oh yeah you are their hired help huh?”
- Yeah he’s picking out a coffin
- Bc he rly tries to curb his tsun behaviors but he hasn’t made it to that level with you where he can be genuine in private
- Levi too like he calls you a stupid normie on reflex and is whimpering when he sees he’s been blocked on devilgram
- What did yall expect??
- Beel is the ONLY one who you regularly talk to
- And even then he’s got his own stuff going on
- But you guys always eat together
- Jaws dropping when he offered you food
- I imagine Beel is like “oh they don’t be talking to yall?….That’s crazy”
- Precious boy so unaware of the conflict
- Nor bc he’s dumb but he’s like “tf that got to do with me?? MC likes me.”
- Very “okay what does that mean to me tho” energy
- I imagine after the Levi pact arc when mammon is wrapping your sprained wrist and he’s all
- “If I can’t come save ya next time, Die.”
- You pull away completely
- Even Satan is having to control himself be he sees your purposefully avoiding him
- He would congratulate you on how well you’re dodging his advances if it didn’t piss him off so bad
- Keeps it a little secret to himself that he can feel your pact mark burning right under his skin whenever you talk to them
- Played hot and cold to see how he can make you less mad when he interacts with you
- Lucifer is so desperate he’s fr about to make a pact early to feel any sort of proof you exist
- Idk if peacocks do it but you know how birds will rip out their own feathers under stress?
- Yeah That’s HIM😭
- Barbados just sit back and observe
- Even the season 3(?) characters come in early! Like you meet 13 as an extension of Solomon and y’all are thick as thieves
- You’re flourishing in your Magic practices bc you still have their pacts, them helping you with magic or not you’re still not one to be fucked with
- Mephistopheles is so giddy that you’re close to him and not Lucifer
- Offers to hide you in his news room to avoid them
- “It’s so quiet a perfect place to study!”
- Sees them scrambling to get ahold of you but your in his office w your phone on silent
- “Oh hmmm, idk I saw them in the forbidden section of the library maybe check there? Weird y’all supposed to be watching them and have no clue about their whereabouts.”
- Lucifer can take it NO LONGER when we’re about right before lesson 16 and he’s making a scene at dinner
- “Why do you never stay in this house? You a mere human think you’re too good to talk?”
- “That. That shit right there is why I don’t talk to any of you. Do you not notice how rude you are?”
- Before Satan can even say his “we’re demons” line you’re cutting his ass off
- “Why would I want to spend time around people who threaten my life for fun?🤨my job is to heal demon human relations and I’m doing that just not with the help of YOU.”
- Dips to purgatory hall bc it’s not Solomon’s night to cook
- They all just kinda 🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍for a few days bc wtf can they say to that??
- Like you’re absolutely right
- You were already humbling Lucifer before but now he has this irrational anger towards you
- But in a nice way??
- He’s like packing your lunch and throwing away whatever you had
- Pushing you out the way to do whatever chore or task you’re doing
- Makes your favorite foods when is his turn to cook dinner
- Like he’s completely unhinged
- To stir the pot let’s say this is lesson 16 and they show up to all that
- Can you imagine??
- Their filled with even more regret than before!! They never got a chance to establish a deep bond with you
- Not really. Not like you have with everyone else
- And now you’re gone??
- They barely even care about the Lilith reveal like😭
- They do everything they can to win your favor but it’s like the end of the program now who’s to say it was enough??
- Beel is elated while the othered are broken that you and belphie become close
- Poor belphie is exhausted w all this drama so to make amends even more he goes out of his way to heal the gaps between you and the others so it’s all good now
- Not Lucifer tho
- He’s still moping
- Can’t hurt his pride by saying how glad he is that your back
- Can’t tell you how he watched his world fall apart when he saw the light leave your eyes
- DEFINITELY can’t tell you how he prayed to Lilith that he would protect you from now on and that he’s sorry
- All of RAD throws a huge goodbye party for you
- Lots of tears
- During the movie night of like that last few days
- As a little treat for you, you still sleep w Lucifer lmao
- Like you sneak out to go to the bathroom and none of the brother see you for the rest of the night?? Yeah we knew already
- He WILL cry jsyk
- He’s pressing kisses all over you and holding you like you’ll disappear
- Mumbling praises into your skin
- The most he’s ever said “I love you” in his entire existence
- Looking at you with teary eyes
- Can’t keep up his prideful façade
- He’s okay with being vulnerable to you
- Again hit him w the “my morning star”
- And he will go crazy
- Tears up when you leave
- Like he can’t even front like he’s not about to go throw up
- They’re all anxious that they won’t ever see you again because you still hate them
- I promise you on everything in all three realms
- They almost do NOT let you leave when you go
- “Thank you for my time here, I love all of you.”
- They are inconsolable
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gay-wh0re-slut · 8 months
God Sent
rhea x fem!reader
content: literally just smut, jealous dom!rhea smut with fingering, strap, spitting probably, definitely some degradation and praise, squirting, multiple orgasms with aftercare too hehe but i need it so i’m writing it
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You and Rhea had been invited to a goth themed party at a friend’s house. It was easy for Rhea to find something to wear but your closet colors were the complete opposite of hers, so you asked to borrow something. Of course she complies because she loves when you wear her clothes, so you decide on a leather low cut top, a skort with a harness attached at one leg, some fishnets and a pair of her platforms. She wasn’t too comfortable with you wearing this knowing people would be staring all night but she wasn’t one to control how you look.
As soon as you arrive, friends began to hoot and holler at the two of you. You twirled around to show the outfit off with Rhea slapping your ass playfully to show the room that you were hers.
The party was going well, you had many conversations about many things with the friends including wrestling, backstories, and crazy imaginations with the people that were high instead of drunk. Of course you had a few drinks yourself so you were feeling a little tipsy. Rhea didn’t want to drink so that you were both safe going home.
You swayed your hips walking towards the australian on the other side of the room, “heyy baby,” you sling your arm around her waist.
She couldn’t help but notice the people staring at your ass that was barely peeking from under the skirt. She gently landed her hand on your lower back having it slide down to your ass, giving it a slight squeeze eying the people behind you; they immediately looked away. “It’s hard dating a hot girl,” she sighs.
“Mmm, why do you say that?” your words start to become a little slurred.
“Everyone looks at you all the time, you know how that makes me feel,” she grabs your almost empty cup and sniffs, “damn, what’s in that?”
You giggle, “Uhmmm I don’t know, Liv made it. It tastes like juice, so it’s dangerousss,” you boop her nose.
“Uh huh, that’s the last one for you then, love. We don’t want a repeat of last time,” she hands you back the cup.
“Aawwww okay,” you finish the last sip. You let go of her and sway your way to the kitchen for a trash can.
A guy you haven’t met sneaks towards you. He was pretty average looking, toned, and quite short but you could tell he was about to do something he shouldn’t: talk to you.
“Hey sweet cheeks, you here with someone?” he leaned on the counter.
You rolled your eyes, “Yes, her,” you point to Rhea who was already making her way towards you. She was moving slowly knowing that you could handle yourself until she needed to step in.
“Oooh big scary woman, what is she gonna do kick my ass?” he said sarcastically as he laughed.
“Yes, actually,” you couldn’t be more serious.
“Oh I’m sure,” he continued the sarcasm, “but, no seriously though, who are you here with?”
“No seriously bro, I’m with her,” you threw back at him.
“C’mon, baby,” he began to walk around the counter towards you as a strong alcohol smell followed him, “I could make you-”
“Make her what?” Rhea growled behind him.
You caught her eyes and smiled at her devilishly. You loved seeing her jealous, it turned you on more than any alcohol could.
He turned around and looked up at her, his head almost fully touching his back, “make her scream my name,” he said a little too confidently.
“I’m giving you three seconds to walk away before I beat your scrawny ass to a pulp,” she whispered.
People noticed the commotion, but immediately turned away knowing it would end one of two ways: him being knocked out, or him being thrown out.
“Or. What,” he whispered back. He was now standing on his toes and looked more ridiculous than ever.
You couldn’t help but laugh, “You better choose wisely, buddy,” you threw in.
“One,” Rhea huffed, her hands balling into fists.
He didn’t move.
“Two,” you could see her vision becoming red.
Stupidly, he still didn’t move.
“Three,” without hesitation she swiped his legs out from under him, landing on his stomach, she placed one knee on his neck and held his arms back, while twisting his whole body in a way it shouldn’t.
“Wrong choice,” you bent over him, smiling.
“Okay! Okay!” He strained to yell, “I’m sorry!”
“Now leave or I will beat your ass,” she forcefully let go of him.
He scrambled to get up, brushing off his shirt.
“Bye-bye,” you wave to him, as you give him a fake pout.
He quickly left as the crowd watched him leave laughing at him, “he should’ve known,” and “idiot” was heard from the partiers before they returned to their drinks and dancing.
“You okay?” Rhea asked.
“Perfect,” you walk towards her and move to whisper in her ear, “but if you don’t take me home right now and fuck me until I can’t walk, you will never see this ass again.”
And with that, she grabbed your wrist and dragged you to the car with you giggling behind her.
She basically sped home, luckily it was only about fifteen minutes away. The ride home was tough because you were already so uncomfortably turned on that you couldn’t help the squirming in your seat.
Finally, walking through the door, she slammed it behind you, “Bedroom. Now,” she commanded.
You were already on the way and you were basically sprinting. You cross the threshold and wait for your next command.
“Sit,” the tattooed hand pointed at the bed, closing the door as she entered.
You sit.
“Good girl,” she strides towards you then grabs your chin and tilts it up towards her, “you look so good tonight baby.”
“Thank you,” you smile.
“You always look so good in my clothes, huh?”
“Yes ma’am,” you squirm under her.
“Too bad you won’t be wearing them for much longer,” she lets go of your chin dragging her hand down to your tits then to the bottom of the shirt, “arms.”
You lift your arms and she pulls the shirt over your head and throws it to the side.
“Scoot back and lay down,” another command.
You do as you’re told keeping eye contact with her the whole time.
“How’d I get so lucky,” she climbs on the bed crawling on top of you, stopping halfway to leave a trail of kisses on your stomach, to your chest, to your neck, to your jaw.
Your hands were gliding up her muscular back and into her hair as she goes until she decided to grab your wrists and pin them down above your head. You huff at her.
“What,” she whispers in your ear, “my poor baby. All riled up for me and you can’t do anything about it. What a shame,” she coos.
“Please, baby,” you try to force your way out of her godly grip but to no avail.
“Uh uh,” she swiftly moved to grab the handcuffs from the side table and clasps them onto you wrapping the chain on one of the many metal rods coming from the headboard, “that’d be too easy.”
“Hmph,” you grump.
She chuckled at your attempt but continued her journey, leaving dark purple marks where only the two of you could see. You’re writhing under the muscular woman, begging for anything more to ease the pressure. Her hands were grazing your skin touching every inch of your torso, gently squeezing your tits as she went. When the hands found the waist band of the skirt, she carefully and painfully slowly, took it off of you, kissing down your thighs.
Once she threw the skirt to accompany the shirt, she took your boots off too. “Wait here,” and she started to walk to the bathroom.
“Like I can go anywhere,” you say under your breath.
She snapped her head around, “What?”
“Please hurry, baby,” you try to cover.
“That’s what I thought you said. Because if you said what you actually said,” she towered over you on the side of the bed and grabbed your face squeezing your mouth open, “it’s not going to be good for you.”
Your eyes were wide but you couldn’t speak.
“Are you gonna be a good girl?”
You nod your head frantically.
“Good,” she spit in your mouth and let go of your face, “now be the slut I know you are and swallow.”
You gulp it down and open your mouth displaying your tongue so she could see that you did.
“That’s my baby,” she patted you on the cheek and walked towards the bathroom.
You finally let go of the breath you didn’t know you were holding. A chill ran through your body as you lay there with nothing but fishnets and a thong.
A few minutes later the raven haired woman comes back wearing her sports bra and booty shorts with a strap.
You gasp at the sight, your heart was beating fast in two places. Your gaze flicks up and down her body, not being able to focus on one thing as she crawls back on the bed. Her hands glided up your legs to your thighs and forced them open.
Your back arched as the cool air hit your dripping center.
“You’ve already made such a mess and we haven’t even started,” her accent was thick and deep.
“It started before we left the party,” you admit.
“Oh?” the tattooed hand grazed your inner thigh, “who made you like this?”
You knew the answer she wanted to hear and you were more than happy to tell her, “You,” you gasp as her thumb barely touched your pulsing clit.
“Mmm,” she began to draw small gentle circles with her two middle fingers, “and what did I do, baby?” She already knew the answer, but she loved to hear you say it.
You could barely form words but you tried your best, “when you…were jealous and you…” your back arched as she added more pressure, “mmmmpinned him down… with your knee and… fuck,” her fingers danced on your entrance waiting to go in but was blocked by the lace. The fishnets wouldn’t be a problem though because they were the wide holed ones and she gave those to you for this very reason.
“You love when I get protective, huh baby?”
“Mhm,” your hips grinding for any possible friction.
“Good, because this,” she moved the lace to the side and easily pushed her fingers inside of you as she moved to be face to face with you, “is mine,” she growled.
You moan loudly as your back arched pushing your stomach into her. Her thighs were holding your legs apart, her hand was easily pumping in and out of you at a steady pace. Her other hand was planted near your shoulders, her baby blues staring into your soul. “That’s it…take it!”
You whined with every push gently bouncing on her hand as she quickened her pace. The sound of you against her hand sent you spiraling.
“God, you’re such a whore,” she pulled her fingers out of you causing a groan to fall out of you, “open,” she demanded.
You open your mouth and she slides her fingers in, letting you taste yourself, cleaning them off.
She pulls them out, “spit,” she ordered and she cupped her hand in front of you. You did as told, then she covered the strap. She readjusted herself, letting the tip barely graze your entrance that was now leaking onto the sheets. “D’you want Mami’s dick, beautiful?”
“Yes, god please,” you try to move yourself down onto it but was restrained by the cuffs.
“Such a desperate lil slut, pathetic,” but she slid it in anyway, guiding it and using your hips as a brace.
“Uugghh shit,” you moan as you take the full length. You felt it widen you, the pain was minuscule compared to the pleasure you felt.
She sat there a minute letting you get used to the size, watching you squirm under her, taking in every movement. Once she thought you were fine, she slowly moved her hips back and forth, pumping the dick in and out, in and out.
“Pleeease Mami, fuck me,” you whimper.
“Do you want me to fuck your brains out, princess?” she halted her movements.
You groan at the sudden stop lifting your head up to make eye contact, “do your worst,” you growl.
A devilish smirk grew on her face. In one swift motion she pushed your legs towards your chest folding you in half, and began to fuck you senseless. The bed was squeaking she was going so hard. You moaned loudly, and continuously as she wrecked you.
“FUCK,” you screamed, the pressure in your stomach was beginning to unfold, “Don’t…stop!”
“Never,” she barked.
Pretty quickly the pressure released as you screamed in pleasure with your eyes rolling back and your hands white knuckling at the rods above you. You breath left your body as it tensed. She quickly removed the silicone from you as you squirted all over the bed. “Holy fuck,” you breathe.
“Oh we’re not done yet, babygirl,” she released you from the cuffs, letting your arms go limp. She flipped you over so that now she was on her back with you on top of her.
You took the opportunity to land a sloppy kiss as you adjusted yourself to straddle her waist. Moaning into the kiss while trying to regain movement in your arms. She sits you back down onto the strap with ease, her hands smack onto your ass then guides your hips up and down to ride the dick.
“That’s it, baby,” her hair was sticking to her forehead from sweat but she couldn’t have looked any hotter, “if only that asshole could see us now, huh? You riding my dick, screaming for me, watching me make you cum over and over again.”
“Fuck…him,” you said between bounces. You sat up to fully ride her, leaning on your hands that were holding her thighs for stability. Your tits bouncing with every movement , so her hands gripped onto them holding them in place squeezing tightly.
“He’ll never know what it’s like to make a slut like you cum, right baby?” she continued.
“Never,” you forced out, “oh fuck.”
The knot quickly built up again inside you, “Mami, please let me-”
“Do it, show him who you belong to, baby.”
So you did and hard, “FUCK, RHEA,” you continued to ride out the orgasm, your legs quivering around her as you buckled over, shaking.
“Good girl,” she praised. You slumped off, lying next to her. “I know you have another one in you,” she sat up and rolled you over. She picked your hips up so you were face down in front of her, displaying everything. “You’re too much of a slut to not.”
She slapped your ass, leaving a handprint immediately causing a whimper to fall out of you. You heard her spit, not feeling it on you, so you assumed it was on the dick.
Your moans filled the room as she plunged into you, tears filled your eyes at the intense pleasure, “God YES… FUCK,” you screamed.
“C’mon baby, just one more. You’ve done so well for me,” her soft tone contrasted with how hard she was wrecking you.
It’s been probably thirty seconds and the pressure was already there. You sneaked a hand down to your clit for added pleasure, circling it lazily. Loud whines made music to the australian’s ears as she smiled wide at the sight of you unfolding beneath her. “Cum for me, baby,” she snarled.
You screamed immediately as the orgasm washed over you, squirting all over the dick once more. She kept pounding into you as long as possible until you let your hips fall sideways having the dick slip out of you.
“You did so well baby,” she crawled to your face and left soft kisses on your sweaty red face, “My lil whore.”
“Only for you,” you forced out as you tried to catch your breath.
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” she took off the strap and dropped it with a thud. She scooped you up and carried you to the bathroom and set you down gently on the cool counter sending a shiver through you. She started the shower and let it get hot as she helped you peel off the tights and now destroyed thong. “C’mon baby,” as she helped you down and into the hot water.
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You're the Only Girl for Me- Chapter 20
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
August 1st 2021
Airielle jumped and let out a gasp as someone knocked on her driver's side window. 
“Girl, are you okay?” Trinity asked her. “How long have you been down here? Yas is still upstairs waiting for you.” 
Airielle just shrugged, she didn’t know how long she actually sat in the garage. Her mind was all over the place, because she had to be imagining Christopher… right? There was no way in hell he was in Pensacola. What were the actual chances? 
“Airi?” Trinity called out again, unlocking her phone and sending a quick text to Yas who was down in the garage at record breaking speed. 
“Airielle?” Yas called out her name as she got closer to her car. She looked over at Trinity who shrugged. 
“I was going to my car and found her out here.”  Trinity sent a quick text message to her husband telling him that she was staying with Airielle, there was no way she was leaving her best friend after seeing her in this state. 
“Sweetie.. Come-on” Yas said softly as she unbuckled Airielle’s seatbelt and gently pulled her out of the car. “What happened?”
“He-He” Was all Airielle could get out, as Trin and Yas led her back up the elevator to her apartment. Yas sighed, suddenly feeling guilty that she told Airielle to go talk to Josh.  Yas and Trin helped Airielle into her apartment and sat her down on the couch. Trinity went into the kitchen to call Josh and give him a piece of her mind while Yasmine sat on the chair and watched her cousin.
Yasmine had only seen Airielle like this one other time and that was on their vacation to California last summer where they almost ran into Christopher. He didn’t see them but Airielle damn sure saw him and shut down for the rest of the vacation, refusing to leave their hotel room. But there was no way… right? 
Airielle didn’t know how long she had been sitting on the couch, all she knew was that her body no longer felt numb.  “He’s in Pensacola, Yas.” Airielle whispered and Yasmine felt her heart drop into her stomach.  “I went to the pier to clear my mind after going to Josh’s and when I opened my eyes, he was there. Just staring at me.”  Airielle whispered and all Yasmine could do was blink at her, she was trying to form words but her brain had stopped working. “He wasn’t real though, right?” Airielle asked, her eyes pleading with Yasmine to agree.  Yasmine nodded instantly
“He wasn’t real Airi, I promise.” Airielle let out a shaky breath and let herself sink into the couch. 
“He wasn’t real.” Airielle repeated. But no matter how many times she said it, she knew it wasn’t true, and him being in Pensacola was only the beginning.
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August 20th 2021
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liked by yasmine_jones, trinity_fatu and 190,000 others
AirielleJones: 🥂🖤
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user: okay but the bob eats!
user: the bob!!
trinity_fatu: oooh girl. that bob is everything ! (❤️ by author)
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850-876-5643: Airielle talk 2 me  850-876-5643: Please 850-876-5643: just answer the phone so i can explain.  850-876-5643: stop ignoring me. 
Airielle threw her phone in her bag as she entered The Footprint Center in Phoenix, Arizona. Josh had texted her every damn day trying to explain himself and he honestly didn’t need to. He was single and could do whoever he wanted to. He didn’t owe her an explanation but he was hell bent on giving her one. 
Airielle definitely needed those two weeks off, Paul had even granted her an extra week after Airielle lied and said she had a death in the family.. It was wrong but shit, the mere thought of going back outside and probably running into Christopher scared her shitless. She had somehow managed to survive off of whatever she had in her cabinets and pantry which mainly consisted of canned goods and chex mix. 
“Hey.” Airielle jumped - she’s been doing a lot of that lately- “Woah.” Josh said, holding his hands up as he walked closer to her. “ I didn't mean to scare you Rih, You good?”
“You look nice.” He said and she rolled her eyes. 
“Josh, wassup?” 
Josh was taken aback by her standoffish attitude, she had never been like this with him. “You been ignoring me. I wanted to talk about what happened.” Airielle let out a soft grunt and looked around,checking her surroundings,  she had been doing a lot of that lately, too. She let out a quiet hum as she noticed Yara and Zelina standing by the other end of the hallway, looking in her direction. 
“Rih.” Josh called out, cupping her jaw and bringing her attention back to him. “I ain’t mean for that to happen. I was hurt and upset and-” 
“Josh , stop” She cut him off, removing his hand from her face. “You don’t have to explain anything to me. You’re single, you can do whatever you want.” She tried to walk around him but he stepped in her way. 
“Bullshit, you’re upset.” Airielle sighed and closed her eyes. She was on the verge of a breakdown and she needed to get away from Josh ASAP. 
“I’m not upset.” She lied and Josh knew she was lying. But there was nothing he could do about it and it pissed him off. He wanted her to talk to him and to stop keeping shit bottled up inside.  “Can I go now?” 
Josh sucked his teeth and moved out of the way, letting her pass. For some reason he felt as if he had cheated on her and he wanted to fix things, but shit.. She kissed Raymond first. He sucked his teeth again and walked in the opposite direction to start getting ready for his match against Rey Mysterio. 
Airielle held her head up high as she strutted past Yara and Zelina, she had almost walked past them when Yara reached out and grabbed her wrist, stopping her. 
“Hey, um- i’m gonna need you to stay away from my man.” Yara stated, flipping her cheap ass wig over her shoulder. Airielle scoffed and looked around to see who she was talking to. 
“Excuse me.” 
“Don’t play dumb. You know that’s my nigga now. You’re old news, you have no need to be talking to him anymore.” 
“Girl, get the fuck off of me.” Airielle laughed, snatching her arm out of Yara’s grasp. 
 “I'm being so forreal right now. I might be new, but he’s my man and you're getting too comfortable.” Airielle had to giggle at the look of anger on Yara’s face. 
“Maybe you should be having this conversation with ya’ man. He been blowing my phone up for days.” 
“All I'm saying is stay away from my man.” Airielle sighed and rolled her eyes.  oh boy.
“Tell your man to stay away from me.” Airielle winked and shouldered her way past an angry Yara and amused Zelina. 
Airielle : 1  
Yara : 0
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Sooo... hope i didn't disappoint w/ this chapter 😭
Yara is a grade A BITCH but Airielle can handle that ass.
I like how Josh's number is no longer saved in her phone neither lol
it went from being Josh to Josh ❤️ to J.Uso and now just a number lmao.
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mrstsugikuni · 1 year
Hi! I was one of the people who had sent an ask! Basically I had asked for a Muzan x f!reader, collge au. I had thought of Y/N losing a bet to her friends and having to kiss Muzan as a punishment. However, Muzan wants more and they end up in bed together?
Ooooooo yes yes yes yess 😍😍
I'ma have a lot of fun with this one 💪🏻
Warnings: Oral sex(Reader receiving), vaginal sex, creampie, unprotected sex, and a possible breeding kink.
'What did I get myself into.. I can't believe I lost to a dumb bet and now I have to kiss Muzan.. literally the hottest guy on our campus!' I thought to myself as sweat dropped from my face class was about to be over meaning I would have to face my punishment.
There it was the bell, everyone rushed out the room except for me I was still a little nervous and don't get me wrong I've had a crush on Muzan since freshman year back in high school but he got a little distant when we got in college he's always busy so I can understand but now I have to kiss him and I was scared he would feel different and reject the kiss, but I have to do this.
I silently made my way to where he usually was over by the campus doors and before I approached him I turned around just to see my friends watching behind a tree giggling like little girls who just go their favorite doll for Christmas.
"Hey! [Name] haven't seen you in forever how have ya been?" His voice was deep yet calm and it was just so dreamy I missed his voice so much and hearing it is like music to my ears. "Oh! I've been great Muzan, and you?" I smiled at him with adoration, he was just so perfect. "Oh same old same old, always busy with something, did you need something?" That's when I remembered, The bet! The punishment! Oooh the punishment.
"Yeah actually. Um could you maybe come a little closer I have a secret for you." He nodded and leaned over to hear your "secret" and before he could get closer to your ear you kissed him. His whole face went into a state of shock before sinking into the kiss, his right hand latched behind your head and his left was on your waist keeping you in place the kiss was passionate and spicy blanded together.
After a while he pulled back a smirk plastered apon his beautiful features, his red cherry eyes staring into yours love was in his eyes but there was something else In those eyes there was something more sinister lying between his eyes. "Y'know skipping never harmed anyone especially if it was just once." His deep voice sent shivers down your spine as lust sugar coated it's way on his tongue. "I suppose just once is a innocent crime." You looked him up and down and smirked he chuckled at he wrapped his arm around you and guided you to his apartment, as the two of you walked off you flipped off your friends who were now shocked at what just happened.
Not even a second into his apartment and he was all on you leaving love bites all over your neck as he left his mark on your soft skin, the whole up the elevator was nothing but the firey passion y'all felt for each other, His lips were addictive and sweet and you couldn't get enough he was like a drug to you and you wanted more.
When the elevator stopped at his floor he picked you up, your legs wrapped around him as he ran down to his room, giggles filled the halls as he continued to run with you in his hands the giggles only stopped and we're instead replaced by a loud thud. He threw you against his room door as he struggled to get the right key out.
When the door finally opened, he took no hesitance in slamming it and running to his room and throwing you on the bed. He stopped for a while and took in the beautiful view he had of you, it was magnificent he loved every inch of your body and couldn't wait to see it with out clothes. He began to take his shirt off his toned body was a sight for sore eyes he was gorgeous, you went to repeat what he did but he stopped you. "Allow me." He grabbed the hem of your shirt and slowly pulled it off, he pulled you close to his chest as he reached over your body and unclipped your bra letting it fall to the floor your boobs pressed against his chest as the passion in your eyes grew by the moment. He slowly placed you back on the bed before kneeling in front of the bed and where your clothes vagina played, he slowly took off [Clothing wear of choice] exposing your soaked panties it looked like a pool down there and he enjoyed every inch of it, before pulling your panties down as well. He stared at it for what seemed like forever not giving it any physical contact and it made you feel embarrassed. He continued to stare at it a little longer until his lips made contact with your sensitive bud sending chills up your spine from the sudden contact, his tongue danced with your clit making you feel so good and warm inside, as sweet noises erupt from your throat your hand finding it's way into his black locks and gripping it, a little a grunt could be heard as he continued to lick and suck your clitoris at a rhythm.
You can feel tight knot in your stomach as you arrive towards your climate. Your body shook out of control as the knot came undone, catching Muzan off guard as your juices covered his face. "Perhaps give me a warning next time?" He said chuckling right after taking his hand and wiping away the slick from his face.
He stood up from the kneeling position he was in, his hands reaching for his belt and the sound of metal touching as he unbuckles his belt. His eyes never leaving yours as a staring competition was started. Without even noticing his pants were lying on the floor next to him and he was stroking his cock right in front of you, his smirk only growing as he watched your eyes widen and your face turn red. He stopped stroking it and began crawling on top of you asserting his dominance. His lips leaving kisses all over your neck as he slowly aligned his cock to your pussy, Without warning he pushed his way in, just his tip was in and you knew you were in for a ride, he slowly kept making his way in sinking his cock through your tight walls. Suddenly with a swift movement he was all the way in and you felt so full, it didn't last long as you felt him slowly pull out, Your whines filled the room from the loss of his cock that was until he slammed back in and a loud yelp echoed through the room, he repeated that action keeping a rough yet slow pace. Skin slapping against skin, moans, grunts, groans, and pants were the only things that could be heard. Suddenly he flipped you over, your stomach facing the bed but your body kept upwards and your back was arched deliciously, he loved this position. Now he has access to everything better, He wasn't being slow and rough anymore he was being fast and rough his pace never resting and only getting faster. He was getting close to his climax and so we're you, his thrust were starting to get sloppy yet he kept his pace the same your moans getting more broken, your eyes were lost in the ceiling and drool ran from the corner of your mouth you were lost in pure euphoria and so was he. Yet again the knot in your stomach came undone all over his cock and your moans got so loud you knew the neighbors could hear, just hearing that moan led him to his climax, his semen filing you up from deep inside your walls painting it a lovely white color.
He kept himself inside until he knew his semen would stay in there, slowly pulling out before going to the bathroom to clean himself and prepare you two a nice warm bath to relax in.
Ok ok oml! I hope this was good cause like I had to rush it a little at the end cause I have to do stuff but I think it was really good!
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Chapter 11!! I’m very sorry but I’m taking full advantage of the AU here. I do know this is not at all how to take care of a tattoo but I seem to have massage on the brain this week and it didn’t even occur to me until it was too late so I'm sorry but they’ll just have to live in an AU whereby tattoos heal differently
Betting It All On Love
The suite was as quiet as a mouse late into midmorning. Both couples, finally settled in their relationships, had actually managed to get a decent amount of rest; only bothering to move from their cocoons when they could no longer ignore their stomachs, and even then they didn’t go far.
The girls had been the first to get up, so when Eddie and Steve finally emerged from the bedroom, there was already a random assortment of foods strewn all over the coffee table. Steve and Chrissy sat on the plush rug, passing food up to Robin and Eddie who were sprawled out on the sofas, only getting up to join their partners when all of their bellies were full. 
The foursome laid together chatting about their evening apart, Chrissy gushing over the proposal while Robin fondly rolled her eyes, although Steve could tell she secretly was pleased for them; and Robin regaling them with their night at the Glover’s. They’d had cocktails, far too many cocktails in Chrissy’s opinion, and Beth had regaled Robin with stories about the antics they had got up to on their cheerleading trips.
Eddie was enthralled, listening intently to every word of the life he missed out on with his best friend. Steve could tell he would’ve liked to be there to hear it from the horse's mouth, but Eddie had him wrapped so tightly in his arms, pressing absentminded kisses to his temple and playing with their rings as he shifted his grasp on Steve; their legs wrapped so tightly together Steve wasn’t sure he’d even be able to get up without falling face-first into the coffee table, so he felt that maybe Eddie wasn’t entirely disappointed either.
Eventually, they lapped into a contented silence, happy to just be together watching the sun beat down on the strip through the windows. Steve thought it’d be nice for them all to go home and make it their weekend thing to just spend lazy Sunday mornings curled up together, chatting about the intricacies of their week and doing nothing for a few hours.
He hadn’t even realised he'd been so relaxed that he’d dozed off until he awoke with the worst crick in his neck. Eddie stirred underneath him when he had accidentally flinched whilst rolling his neck, trying and failing to get the pain to ease.
“Sit up, and I’ll rub that for you,” Eddie offered, and no way was Steve going to turn down the opportunity to have Eddie’s hands on him.
Except Chrissy made a quiet disgruntled noise, “Ah, hon, I wouldn’t do that if I were you” she warned.
“Whaddya mean?” Eddie asked, affronted.
“Eddie, darling, my beloved best friend, I love you but, unfortunately for you, you’re the worst at massages,” she told him empathetically, as Robin snorted a laugh from under her arm.
“Am not!” Eddie squawked.
Chrissy snorted and raised her eyebrows, “No? Remember when Ronan dropped me? The PT sent me home with those stupid exercises, and you said “If it’s hurting I can massage it for you” I swear my neck still hasn’t recovered,” she teased, looking over to Steve, “Unfortunately your husbands got talon fingers, so if you want your muscles to still work, don’t let him anywhere near you!”
Steve had to bite the inside of his mouth to keep from smiling too broadly, as Eddie huffed and threw himself dramatically back against the arm of the couch. 
“Y’know insteada bickering we could just take advantage of the fact that his hotel has one of the fanciest spas in the country?” Steve reasoned.
“Oooh, spa day!” Chrissy squealed at the same time Robin grouched, “Ugh, spa day!”
It wasn’t that Robin was really opposed to the whole spa experience, in fact, once she actually got into the spirit of it she really enjoyed getting pampered, she just needed to seem reluctant to join in. He had tried to explain that it wasn’t selfish to do something to make herself feel good every once in a while, but it was like she just couldn’t accept it, always grumbling something about her parents and never really wanting to talk about it. Not that it stopped him from affectionately bullying her into experiences he knew she loved but would never choose to do for herself.
Steve had been surprised when the receptionist had told them to come right down, but when he was promptly handed a mimosa and directed into a hot tub, he wasn’t exactly going to complain.
He sighed heavily as the bubbles and the steam worked their magic, relaxing him from the inside out. Chrissy seemed to be the only one enjoying the experience with him, giggling happily as she poked him in the thigh with the tip of her toe. Robin was still pretending to be blighted and Eddie seemed to have gone suddenly shy since they'd been asked to remove all their jewellery, his arms crossed tightly over his chest watching sullenly as Steve's leg reached across the hot tub to poke Chrissy back, making her squeal with delight.
Steve reached down to take Eddie’s hand but found it was gripping tightly onto the edge of the seat, so he changed course and put his hand on his knee instead, leaning heavily into his space and planting a quick kiss on his cheek, “Y’okay?” he asked, but Eddie only nodded solemnly and just as Steve opened his mouth to ask what was wrong their names were called, and before he knew it he was laid out on a table next to Eddie in a room full of candles and essential oils, getting every knot in his body dissolved until he felt like he was floating on a cloud.
The masseurs left the room eventually and Steve found it took real effort to even lift his head, so he could turn to look at Eddie, who was already facing Steve, but his eyes were closed and, if the soft snores and drool pouring out the side of his mouth was anything to go by, was already fast asleep. He took the opportunity to close his eyes too, he wasn’t sure what Eddie and Chris had planned for the rest of their trip, but he hoped maybe they could spend the evening doing whatever Eddie wanted to do, just so they could put a smile back on his face.
He awoke when his name was softly called as he was manoeuvred into a giant fluffy dressing gown, helped to his unsteady feet and guided down a corridor, the only thing keeping him from a total state of bliss was being unable to see Eddie, but it wasn’t long before he was reunited with his three companions.
They were all lounging by a huge pool, steam rising steadily from its surface. Chrissy looked lost in the amount of fabric she was wrapped in, especially as she poked her tongue out as far as it would reach, trying to reclaim the straw poking out of her fruity cocktail. Robin didn’t look like she had to energy to hold anything, practically moulded into the sun lounger below her, glancing at Steve out the corner of her eyes, so she wouldn’t have to move her head.
Eddie smiled sleepily at him, patting the empty sun lounger next to him, practically waiting with his name on it, but it’d been ages since he’d had a proper swim and the water looked too good to resist. Leaning over Eddie he kissed him deeply, tangling his fingers into his bun with one hand and undoing the tie on his dressing gown with the other before in one swift motion he released Eddie, threw the fluffy towelling over his feet and within three strides threw himself into the water, diving in as graceful as a dolphin, as he’d always been.
The water felt amazing against his skin, but his muscles were too relaxed to do more than a few laps and he didn’t want to get out, but he also didn’t want to be so far from Eddie, so he swam up to the side where they were laid watching him, and called out, “C’mon guys, the water's great!”
Chrissy darted up like she wanted to get in but leaned slowly back against the chair as Robin flopped a dismissive arm at him. Eddie was just staring dazedly at his chest, seemingly tracing water droplets as they dribbled down his chest. Steve took it as a win, he’d always received the most attention as a teen when his adoring fans had been watching him glide up and down.
He was just considering getting out and going to sit in Eddie's lap when Robin purposefully cleared her throat, giving him a look that said don't you dare! Which was fair enough but if he wasn't allowed to ravish his husband, the least she could do was entertain him, “Bobbie,” Steve whined, splashing water at her, successfully landing a stream of water against her legs. 
She scowled and sighed heavily, “You’re not gonna stop until I get in, are you?”
Steve put on his best puppy dog eyes, the ones he knew she couldn’t ignore, “S’lonely in here all by myself,” he pouted.
She raised her eyebrows, glared at him for a second and threw herself out of the chair, hurling the dressing gown off her shoulders and dashing at him, “You’re gonna regret that Steeby” she yelled, cannonballing into the water. Surfacing quickly to chase him around the pool, splashing him in the face whenever she caught up with him. “Not showing off now!” she cackled, and she jumped on his back and pushed him under the water, enjoying tugging each other into the depths until they’d worn themselves out, Robin calling time as she hacked water out of her lung.
Chrissy was sitting up watching them, like a puppy stuck behind patio doors watching other dogs play, “Come join us,” Steve called, he didn’t want her to feel like she couldn’t join in if she wanted to. She got up, immediately flicking her dressing gown excitedly into her vacant seat, and then glanced at Eddie and sat straight back down.
“It’s fine, you go,” Eddie muttered, playing with a loose strand on the tie of his robe, purposefully not looking at any of them.
“S’fine, I don't mind,” Chrissy mumbled back, picking her drink back up.
“What’s going on?” Steve asked, because the more he thought about it, the more he realised Eddie had been in a weird mood since he’d suggested they go to the spa. Admittedly, he hadn’t thought much of it when he’d seen Eddie’s trunks were brand new, most people bought new clothes when they were going on holiday, but maybe?
“Nothing,” they both answered far too quickly, Chrissy now not looking at them either as Robin swam over to join him by the side of the pool.
Steve glanced between them both and was about to let it go when Eddie sighed heavily, “I can’t swim,” he admitted to his hands, “I had lessons, four years worth but…” he trailed off with a shrug. 
Steve suddenly felt terrible for showing off. He pushed himself out of the water, throwing on his robe and waving Chrissy into the water, waiting for her elegant splash before sitting himself down on the end of Eddie’s lounger, pulling his feet into his lap, listening to the girls giggling as he thought how best to broach such a topic.
It was obviously something he was self-conscious about, and he didn't want to make it worse, but it was something he needed to know. Summers learning to surf wouldn’t be possible if Eddie was terrified of water.
Luckily, Eddie saved him from trying to start the conversation, “I can swim, like I won’t drown if you throw me in there, but I’m not good at it,” he muttered.
Steve nodded in understanding, not everyone was a strong swimmer and it wasn’t something to be ashamed of, “Robin’s not a strong swimmer either,” Steve told him, effectively snapping Eddie’s attention to him
“She’s not?” Eddie asked in disbelief.
“No, have you not being watching her?” Steve asked with a breathy chuckle. Eddie did look around him then, watching Robin as she squealed and kicked wildly, barely keeping her head above the water.
Eddie looked back at Steve with a furrow between his brow, “What’s she doing in there then?” he asked like it was the stupidest thing she could possibly do.
“She loves it! Plus she knows she’s perfectly safe,” Steve admitted, smiling gently at Eddie.
He watched Eddie process what he'd said, watched the minute expressions as he thought about it, dazedly watching Robin over his shoulder, “But you’re not watching her,” Eddie murmured.
Steve smiled a little cockily, shrugged nonchalantly, “I know where she is.” 
It’d just been something he had found himself scarily good at, whether through instinct or practice, he couldn’t honestly say. The first summer after Billy had moved to Hawkins, it was like he was trying desperately trying to prove something to himself, hitting on as many girls as humanly possible, nearly getting himself fired on several occasions.
All the while he had actually been stalling, hanging around and waiting for Billy to see him flirting with whatever pretty brunette had caught his eye, as he came out to take over his shift. Billy would do it too, like they were simultaneously in some weird competition with each other and at the same time trying not to spend too long in each others proximity.
Strangely, all the not paying attention to the pool had actually made him a better lifeguard, like he could use his peripheral and hearing to recognise where people were, could pinpoint an accident waiting to happen better when it didn't have his undivided attention.
“How?” Eddie asked, a little starry eyed.
“Swim team co-captain for three years, lifeguard for five,” Steve admitted, scratching the back of his neck, for all his prowess he didn’t actually want him to feel like he was rubbing it in his face.
“C’mon Teddy,” Chrissy yelled from the shallow end of the pool.
“Evie won’t let anything bad happen to you,” Robin chimed in.
“You don’t have to,” Steve cautioned, “We can just cuddle up here,” he offered.
Except Eddie had already set his shoulders like he was determined not to let something spoil his good time, and Steve wasn’t about to argue with him. 
They ended up having a lot of fun, playing Marco Polo, eventually venturing into deeper water when Robin and Eddie wanted to play chicken. Steve did have a moment of panic when Robin pushed Eddie backwards off of his shoulders, but when Eddie came up laughing and demanding vengeance, Steve was more than happy to breathe a sigh of relief.
When Chrissy was retying her hair after Robin had nearly tugged out a chunk of it trying to save herself from crash landing in the water, Chrissy had lost the tie and while the three of them debated who should have to go down to fetch it, Steve just dunked himself under the water and brought it back with a grin.
Except instead of Chrissy being able to tie her hair back up, Robin snatched it from his fingers and flung it into the water, turning it into some weird game of fetch. Even Eddie had a go whenever it got flung into shallower waters but eventually the girls ended up in the deep end of the pool and were so caught up in whatever they were chatting about they hadn’t noticed they’d left Eddie behind.
Steve didn’t want to ruin their fun or draw any unnecessary attention to the fact that they’d been separated, so he casually scooped Eddie into his arms, making him laugh
“Having a good day?” Steve asked as he secured Eddie’s arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to his bicep.
Luckily for Steve, Eddie took it as him being romantic, which he supposed it was in a way, “Mhmm,” Eddie hummed, locking his own legs around Steve’s waist, “Are you?”
Steve wrapped his arms around Eddie’s back and started casually walking into the deeper water, “I’m having a wonderful day, I’m with you,” he declared, humming happily as Eddie kissed him, using the distraction to tread water over to their friends, Eddie only realising what he’d done when his back hit the pool wall.
He narrowed his eyes playfully at Steve in a I know what you just did way but he didn’t look upset by it, just snuggled closer into Steve as he held onto the side of the pool to make sure his legs wouldn’t get too tired.
Chrissy seemed to notice as she glanced up to the top of the pool, but other than an apologetic look, she didn’t draw attention to it. She did, however, thank Steve when they finally got out of the pool, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck and giving his cheek a quick peck as Robin and Eddie got further into their discussion about working hours and the blight of capitalism.
The foursome eventually headed back to the suite, intending to order room service for a late lunch but got back to find someone had left a message. Steve tried not to listen but although the space was large it wasn’t big enough not to hear Charlie’s voice coming through the speaker after the beep, “Chrissy!” Charlie cheered, followed by a purposefully flat, “Brother mine!” making them all laugh. “Just wondering if I’d be seeing you before you head home tomorrow? I know you’re both grossly in love, but spare five minutes for your favourite sibling?” Charlie pleaded.
Steve could practically hear the puppy dog eyes and tried to focus on that because if he thought too much about spending a night without Eddie, or about going home, he thought he might just sit in a ball and bawl like a baby. 
“I’m performing tonight,” Charlie announced flirtatiously, “Come down, you can finally meet Riley,” they added, and even Steve could hear how they were trying not to make it sound like a big deal and how much it obviously was a big deal that Eddie met his sibling's partner or at least partner to be. “Bring the spouses, of course!” Charlie tacked on, and it was impressive how they sounded simultaneously like it was obvious that they should be there but needed to use a faux exasperation to make sure they knew their partners were welcome.
Steve thought it must’ve been tough while they’d both been with Carver’s, he doubted either of them had been very warm to or accepting of Charlie; he wondered absently if that was one of the reasons Charlie had upped and moved across the country, hoped maybe he’d get a chance to ask.
It sounded like they were about to hang up when the phone crackled, “Oh,” Charlie yelled like they’d forgotten something, “You better have proposed, Teddy, or I’m doing it for you! If I have to tell you again how in love with you, he is, I might hurl,” Charlie really did sound exasperated that time and Steve wondered just how many pep talks Eddie had needed. The couple smiled at each other across the space until Eddie blushed and looked away as Charlie signed off, “Okay, love you both. Kisses.” Beep.
It was a lot of emotions for a message that lasted less than a minute. For as much as it had ended on a high, Steve couldn’t help the sinking feeling in his chest. He knew they were leaving, he and Robin were heading home themselves the day after, but the thought of actually going home terrified him because what if things weren’t the same? What if they went home and fell out of love as fast as they’d fallen in? 
What if Eddie had only fallen for him because of some kind of Nevada magic? And whatever had put Eddie under its spell had only ever intended for them to be a holiday romance. 
Or worse, what if Eddie did love him but something awful happened? What if he never saw Eddie again?
Steve could feel his breaths quickening and Eddie appearing at his side seemingly out of nowhere, made him jump out of his skin as Eddie lightly grazed his arm, but as Steve glanced up into those coffee ringed depths, so full of love and concern, Steve felt awful for even allowing those thoughts in. He knew Eddie loved him and even if there ever came a time when he didn’t, well, they could cross that bridge when they came to it. 
Eddie pressed a grounding palm against his forearm, slipping his hand up to hold onto Steve’s elbow, tugging him gently but purposefully into his embrace, pressing their foreheads together, feeling all at once a comfort and a promise.
Robin declared loudly that her and Chrissy were going out to eat and that they’d be back later, offered for them to join without actually giving them the opportunity to agree, making them chuckle, and dragged a giggling Chrissy out of the suite. When he opened his eyes to thank her and tears dripped down his cheeks, she just smiled tightly and nodded, pulling the door gently closed behind her. 
They both sniffled and kissed the tears off of each others faces, pulling closer, holding tighter, and Steve felt comfort in that knowledge that Eddie didn’t want to leave him as much as he didn’t want to leave Eddie. They kissed desperately, tugging hair and grasping waists and shoulders, never being able to keep their hands still.
Somehow they gravitated toward the sofa, Eddie flopping gracelessly down into the cushions, and it was only as he tugged on Steve’s hand for him to follow that it even registered in his consciousness. 
It was only then that it hit him that this was probably going to be the last time they’d get to be together, completely sober, before they left Vegas, and the thought of it just being a quick thing on the couch made his stomach turn. He wanted the chance to worship every inch of Eddie, to map his body like a lost pirate, and have the memory of it, just in case.
Steve shook his head gently and watched Eddie spring to his feet before he even had chance to speak around the lump forming in his throat, “What’s wrong?” Eddie asked, hands hovering over Steve, wanting to touch but unsure he was allowed.
He swallowed hard, shook his head again, “Nothing’s wrong,” he whispered, taking Eddie’s hands in his and kissing along his knuckles, then up his hand and along his wrist.
Eddie pulled his arm away before Steve had chance to get any further, “Stevie,” he breathed, concern pulling his brows together.
Pulling their hands back between them, Steve looked deeply into Eddie’s eyes and whispered, “Take me to bed, baby. Please.” It came out whiny, but Steve couldn’t find it in himself to care, not when Eddie let go of one of his hands to cup his jaw and brush his thumb over his cheek.
Not when he nodded and whispered “Okay,” not when he smiled like that and started slinking backwards towards the bedroom, tugging Steve along after him.
the angels on the tag list ❤️ @estrellami-1 @auroraplume @gregre369 @adhdsummer @nerdfighteratheart @anaibis @dolphincliffs @hbyrde36 @marinarasarah @deadflowercollector @lunabookworm @a-couchpotato @wonderland-girl143-blog @ddharrington @abstractnaturaldisaster @lololol-1234 @bestwifehaver @steviejeebiez feel free to lmk if you want removing 💖
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wilcze-kudly · 3 months
What are your favorite Beifong family headcanons?
Oooh that's a great ask. I have a lot of headcanons and I'm pretty sure I've talked about them a lot at least a few times, but I've tried to condense them as best I could!
I've rambled about my headcanons surrounding seismic sense but here's some more. The twins and Huan learnt seismic sense very early on in their lives and were provably encouraged to lean into it. Huan particularly has very well developed seismic sense. To the point where it makes him uncomfortable and he tends to shy away from using it by wearing thick socks or shoes.
When Kuvira first arrived to Zaofu, she didn't really get along with Baatar Jr. I can see Baatar Jr being very protective of Opal, since they were the two nonbenders of the family. I can see him not looking too kindly at whom he saw as his mother's attempt at having a "better daughter".
Kuvira and the twins are permanent parts of Suyin's dance troupe. (Canon for Kuvira.)
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Due to not having much interaction with people outside the family, the Beifong kids are/were super close. Which leads to even more pain as they slowly untangle and mature.
They were also very close with the staff that worked at the manor and other of their family friends, due to this being their only social interactions outside family. Aiwei and the Chef (he only calls himself chef and never reveals his real name cause he used to be a pirate and is wanted in all four nations) are basically surrogate uncles to the kids.
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It having been just the six of them, i can see it being hard for them to fully interact with new people.
Huan wanted to be a doctor as a kid and pretended to do operations on his siblings. Their father, a renown architect, even built them a little play hospital. The other Beifongs... weren't fans.
Kuvira enjoys bubble baths. That's it.
Wei collects crystals and cool looking rocks, similairly to how Su collects meteors. He's a nerd about it too. He has several opals and whenever he's in an argument with Opal he will dramatically move them to the back of his collection.
One of my fave silly headcanons/theories is Baatar Sr being Suki and Sokka's kid. Like, I know it's very unlikely, but it is a lovely idea in my head and I could ramble about it all day. I don't see a lot of people talking about it. I see plenty of people using Suyin's sons looking like Sokka as proof that Su is a Tokka baby, however the Beifong boys actually resemble their father a lot. Also I have plenty headcanons around this idea and Suki would be an epic grandma. Kyoshi warrior Opal (and the twins). Living in my head rent free. Forever.
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Wing and Opal formed a little book club and like reading together/talking about books they've read. Their siblings aren't allowed to join. One time Kuvira and Wei crashed the little meeting and Wing was so offended he pretended to run away and join the circus.
When they were children, Kuvira was the ringleader for sure. She'd take the much more well behaved Beifong kids on wild adventures, after which they'd come back to the house covered in mud.
Wing is hard if hearing. Comes from that one scene where he sent Lin and Su to their deaths after misshearing Mako.
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Aiwei was the first one to encourage Huan to pursue his artistic talents and most of Huan's first works are still in Aiwei's house.
Wei is named after Aiwei, but they already had a Juniour in the family, so he was named an abbreviation of his namesake.
Aiwei ultimately regrets betraying the Beifongs, to teh point where his nightmares in the Fog of Lost souls are about the Beifongs.
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Can't believe Zaheer sent the only confirmed gay man ever shown on screen to super hell. Homophobia at its finest
Ugh you don't know how happy getting asks about the Beifong family makes me. Sorry if these were more focused on the Zaofu crew, I know they're not as popular as Lin and Toph but they are my faves.
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thesherrinfordfacility · 11 months
ok it's not actually as epic✨ as i thought it would be but here is my episode-title prediction but it's very rough and in note form and no doubt is all over the place and pls feel free to discuss in the replies and ill amend accordingly,,, PLUS i need to go through it again in more detail cross referencing my sideburn theory bc some things might actually belong in other episodes and yeah im exhausted from the sheer speed at which i pulled this together fucking enJOY
(note: now contains mention of the leak, proceed w caution)
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main storyline summary:
OKAY SO LETS START with this article on mr g's blog - scroll to the last two paragraphs - potentially see pre-fall heaven or the immediate moments before/after the fall which when you consider the opening credits begin with crowley climbing out of the pit/aziraphale descending from heaven, AND the BEAUTIFUL (this isn't being discussed enough imo) fall sequence in the hillywood parody, im tentatively suggesting that we might have a cold open of the fall
sosososo in the trailer obvs crowley and muriel are jn heaven and muriel says "you're a demon!!! // im going to get into so much trouble!!!" so WHAT IF DURING THE FALL THEY SMUGGLED CROWLEY OUT OF HEAVEN TO AVOID THE CONFLICT???? and crowley took like the back staircase down so he didn't fall so violently and got to keep his wings and *GUNSHOT* ok so im only like maybe 5% certain it's a flashback after ive rewatched that bit of the trailer oooh maybe 26 times but sTILL imaGINE yeah don't think this anymore, send me an ask if you want to know why bc i cba to write a post explaining
and then presumably a segue? into the first few events ive listed in this post about the start of the second coming idk it might actually be a flashback in another episode hmm yeah actually that seems more likely but anyway
then - present day, gabriel arrives on earth, lost memory/human, "something terrible" in the box that he was meant to deliver to aziraphale (?) that going by that second coming (SC) post i think literally contains jesus
ok update after the gumshoe az pics: so if gabriel is connected to the pub, and by the extension the jukebox, it must be the record that arrives in the box with the address attached, and aziraphale starts looking into it from there????? idk see ep 2
crowley gets evicted, then crowley and shax interaction in the park
presumably an introduction to maggie and nina, plus the "naked man friend" clip
discovery of gabriel at the bookshop, and ensuing argument leading to crowley summoning lightning, and the boys going no contact sob
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main storyline summary:
*edit because my draft didn't save properly and ive only just noticed - believe that this ep has the job minisode
SO following the newest pic release of crowley and aziraphale and the record, which ive gone off about here, i think that the skip doesn't quite happen yet BUT aziraphale obvs has the record which i think god has sent him as a clue and then goes to find crowley to talk about it ✨A cLuE✨ but crowley tells him to fuck off
also crowley is a bartender
THEN we have a present-day time skip, gabriel being a very good assistant in the shop
again after the SC theory i think that gabriel lost the box and instead god somehow sends aziraphale the record and address as a clue
aziraphale (unsure of the genesis here) starts researching the jukebox and the everyday song, presumably buys the record from maggie
aziraphale in the bookshop, looking at the jukebox articles, crowley storms in, "im back" see below!!!
THEN second time aziraphale approaches crowley, pub drink ft crowley in jeans and a nice top™ which i think is actually his work top™, then the clip ✨a cLuE✨
crowley and shax in the bentley having a heart to heart, and i worry that she essentially tempts him into luring goob out of the shop so hell can get to him and crowley can get back his precious 😭 peaceful 😭 existence with aziraphale EDIT FOLLOWING THIS!!! I think she definitely tells him to get chummy with aziraphale again
AND NOW we have the "im back" scene
possibly the beelzebub clip from them in hell? possibly an interaction between them and shax? beelzebub manifests as a fly and plays a game of tag in the bookshop with goob, trying to make up for their failure in losing track of jesus
at some point the other angels come to the bookshop to interrogate aziraphale for if he has seen gabriel, believes he's lying, and resolve to send in their ✨top agent✨
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main storyline summary:
whole "cup of tea" scene, plus crowley removing plants from the bentley "why don't you go by train? you love trains"
possibly muriel feeding back to heaven with her report about aziraphale, his grumpy friend, and his assistant 💓
aziraphale off up to edinburgh in the bentley, possibly crowley has stayed behind to babysit gabriel? (i feel like the 'are you a bookseller too? / not even at gunpoint' interaction was a bit foreshadow-y)
still confused but see above SC theory
was the resurrectionist address already taped to the record when it arrived in the box? NOBODY KNOWSSS
UPDATE 2 re: the meme template prime just gave us: so what IF AZIRAPHALE goes to the pub, asks if theyve seen goob, the pub owner (who is in the meme) says "shhhhh I have some intel meet me at the graveyard at 6", aziraphale goes and they show him a pic of gabriel in the pub like removing the everyday record from the jukebox? bc gabriel removed it and that's why the jukebox is now stuck on that song??? AGHHH now I'm wondering if the pub people got a video of the graveyard fight or a pic of the box or something and that gives aziraphale the indication that the whole thing is centred around the second coming
shax possibly knows that crowley is there, and calls the bookshop? or crowley calls heaven to narc on gabriel? OR aziraphale calls him from the phone crowley possibly lent him and idk but a conversation along the lines "hey crowley so i think a fight with demons caused goob to lose his memory and lmao but i think he also lost jesus!!!
either way crowley uses aziraphale's phone specifically and is obviously looking intently at something
and lastly again i think this has the resurrectionist minisode - fitting given that they decked out a pub in edinburgh with resurrectionist signs etc so that probably triggers a flashback for az when he goes there for the jukebox mystery
no official press photos for this one as far as i know , but possibly????
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main storyline summary:
i think however that this is where muriel is back on earth, potentially rooting around greek street trying to be as nosy as possible
and crowley now loaded in with info hot off the press (lmao aziraphale) knows that the second coming is involved and realises he needs to get into heaven to find out more info which is so james bond of him what a legend
and then WELL WHADDAYA KNOW muriel turns up and therefore im wondering if the above is from crowley's pov - muriel spots him in the shop and gets a tad excited
then - bless their soul - muriel gets coerced into helping crowley infiltrate heaven, or he follows them back to the heaven entrance they're using, and jumps in the lift with them last minute (ie the hitchhiker)
god knows why he's going to heaven in disguise but he's living his best life bless*
ALTERNATIVELY see ep1 about the muriel/crowley scene
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okay i admittedly have no idea on this wtf happens in this one
do they DANCE
rap battle
a lil SMOOCHY SMOOCH??? (NOT the leak one, a different one)
✨everything goes to shit lmao✨
i can't even be bothered write out everything that happens in this episode because i think we can guess the bare essentials - crowley is on the throne in hell, demons attack the bookshop, metatron appears and declares war, aziraphale sharts himself, DEMONS destroy said bookshop and aziraphale's FUCKING HOME
i do feel like EVERY is in here because i reckon aziraphale finds out crowley was betraying him to hell, even if for a good reason, and crowley desperately tries to make aziraphale see that it was "for us, for you aziraphale!!!!", SNOG, and aziraphale tells him to get fucked bc now he can never trust him, crowley said hed never lie to him "obviously, you're a demon" from s1, and the cliffhanger is them being on their OWN own sides @azirafuck back me up here
Update 19/07: and what if aziraphale can't forgive crowley and literally tells him he can't forgive him... and fallssssss?
like I'm SORRY but i need heartbreak like THIS
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dark--whisperings · 3 months
✨✨✨✨🫱Care to share🫲✨✨✨✨
The message was sent to you because someone loved your writing and stories. ❤️
▪️What are your writing suggestions for newcomers, or what would you have liked to know when you first started?
▪️How do you write different personalities and perspectives? Could you explain how you came up with the manner you written your favorite or any character?
▪️What do you do when you have writer's block?
▪️How do you come up with new ideas and develop them?
▪️Any messages for your readers or fellow writers?
You are welcome to answer if you have the time and desire, or you can simply respond to the questions that come to mind.
💐Thank you for your work as a writer and as a member of this fandom!💐
OMG anon, what a sweet message! Absolutely made my day! I'm so glad that you liked my fics. ✨💖🥹✨💖🥹✨💖🥹 And wow, these are some great questions!
Extremely long response under the cut because I simply... have no chill LMAO.
What are your writing suggestions for newcomers, or what would you have liked to know when you first started?
It's so daunting to post your first fic for so many reasons, but just... go for it. Write what you want and fuck what anyone else thinks. Writing should be something that you do because it gives you joy, and you shouldn't cater the things you write to align with popular tropes (unless those are things you actually feel inspired to write). Guarantee that somewhere out there, you made someone's day with your fic, even if they didn't comment. Fanfiction and writing are about creativity and giving yourself permission to meet yourself where you are, whether that's being silly, escaping the shittiness of the world for a few hours, exploring something deeper and more vulnerable, revolting against canon, or whatever else.
Also on that vein, leave kudos, comments, and asks for your favourite authors! As much as we like to say that we write for ourselves, it also is immensely helpful to receive positive feedback. It doesn't need to be a hugely detailed comment... keyboard mashing and emoji flailing are just as important. As a writer (and reader!), support your fellow writers! Don't be afraid to interact with people you recognize on your socials... we're just seven monkeys in a trench coat on a good day, and typically love flailing about fandom with others. Being able to chat and create with other creators and fans online has been an incredible experience for me. (I'M STARING AT YOU MY MUTUALS 👀👀👀)
How do you write different personalities and perspectives? Could you explain how you came up with the manner you written your favorite or any character?
Oooh this is a fun one! I actually prefer to switch POVs in my writing, because I like to play with the concept of an unreliable narrator on both sides, and then switch abruptly give the reader insight into other characters perspective. I think it's a fun experience as a reader.
As far as characterizations, I think about the differences in how they might act, how they speak, their mannerisms, and right down to the differences in their vocabulary. For example, Anakin is more likely to be blunt and say exactly what's on his mind, whereas Obi-Wan is more likely to use more interesting words and gilded speech. Adding these pieces is usually part of my editing process to! I'll typically start by getting the plot and words on the page, and then edit the characterizations in later.
... and then, you know, sprinkle in some of my own head canon for the characters. Because 😇✨creative license✨😇.
What do you do when you have writer's block?
Writing sprints in a fandom server! Honestly, sometimes I'm stuck simply on principal, and sprinting gives me the motivation (because I'm the type of person who works better under pressure). If that doesn't work, I try switching to a different WIP or chatting with a friend about it (you'd be surprised how effective a simple conversation with your beta can be). And barring that... look for a beta project. I actually started out in fandom as a beta, and I find that a brief switch between writing and editing can kickstart the creative juices!
How do you come up with new ideas and develop them?
Music. Sometimes lyrics give me ideas for new project. But a lot of the time, it's the feel of certain songs that inspire ideas for new fic. Sometimes, I write from experience, or write about things I'd like to experience. In a lot of cases, writing is a very personal experience for me. I also very much enjoy participating in the fandom prompt festivals. There's just something about being inspired by a random prompt from a stranger and potentially making their day. 💟💟💟
Any messages for your readers or fellow writers?
Just that I love you all, adore the obikin fandom, and am incredibly grateful for the experience I've had so far. This has been the best fandom experience I've ever had (and I've been kicking around online for 15 years now). I wouldn't change it for anything, and it wouldn't be possible without the dedicated creators and lovely readers to cheer us on! 💗💗💗💗💗💗
Also if you feel inclined... drop me an anon ask with links to your favourite fics if you would like! Bonus points if it's a fic you wrote and are proud of. I want to read all the things, and maybe have a party in your comments!🫂🫂🫂
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writingforstraykids · 8 months
Addicted to you - Chp.2
Pairing: Minchan (mention of Minho x Felix | ot8)
Word Count: 4262
Summary: Listening to previously recorded audio files of Minho makes Chan question his feelings for his younger friend once more. It gets even harder to ignore when Minho joins him and notices. One thing leads to another, and they both deal with Felix almost catching them differently.
Warnings/Tags: fluff, yearning, smut, dom!chan, sub!minho, kissing, jealousy (chan), minor angst (?)
Chp. 1 | Chp. 3
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Touch me, yeah I want you to touch me there Make me feel like I am breathing Feel like I am human A little Death - The Neighbourhood
The next day, Chan was working on his laptop in his room, listening to raw audio clips for a new song, filtering out the best parts. When he reached Minho's recordings, his voice sent butterflies down his stomach. Chan couldn't quite pinpoint it, but Minho's execution of the high notes and breath control turned him on. He sighed softly, feeling the heat creep up his neck and lay on his face softly. For a moment, he thought about taking matters into his own hands. But as quickly as the thought came, it left. He couldn't touch himself to Minho's voice…again. A small knock on the door interrupted his thoughts, causing him to flinch at the sound. "Come in," he called out, but did not turn around to see who it was. 
"Hey," Minho's soft voice granted an automatic reaction as Chan whipped his head around to face the young man. "What are you working on?" he asked. 
"I'm going through the audio clips from the last recording session," he told him, and Minho hummed in acknowledgement. "What are you doing?" 
"I'm bored," he confessed with a shrug. "Everyone else is at the studio again. I don't know what to do with my free day," he said, wandering closer. 
Chan's eyes widened as Minho unexpectedly planted himself in his lap. Subconsciously, he shifted a little, hoping he wouldn't be able to feel the growing bulge in his sweatpants. "I'm actually listening to your audio now." 
"Oooh, can I help?" Minho asked confidently. There was something about recording sessions that he loved. The way he learned from each recording and found ways to become a better vocalist really kept Minho motivated to perfect his craft. 
"Sure," Chan swallowed audibly before pressing play on his laptop. He tried to keep his mind occupied as they listened to each recording carefully. 
Minho gently danced along to the melody and listened closely. "My voice sounds a little weird, don't you think?" he asked Chan, brow arching in wonder.
"I think it's brilliant," he told him, shifting a bit beneath him. How was he still hard?
"You do?" he asked and squinted his eyes, poking his lip out slightly. "Sounds a little whiny to me. Almost like an annoying teenager." 
"Like I said, brilliant." Chan told him, and Minho turned to him with wide eyes. Chan bit his lip at the sudden friction to hold back the moan threatening to leave his chest.
"You think that sounds good?" he asked surprised, not yet noticing what was going on underneath him. 
"Yeah." Chan nodded, trying to think of anything that would stop him from getting hard. Minho squirming on top of him didn't help. 
Minho blinked at him softly before searching his eyes observantly. There was something in them that he couldn’t quite place. "You like that, don’t you?" 
"What?" Chan asked, his question not clear. 
"Is that why you're -," Minho swallowed nervously. He could tell Chan was hard the minute he sat on his lap. But he may have just figured out why. "Are you -?" 
"For fucks sake, Min, what are you trying to say?" Chan asked, frustrated. 
Minho squinted his eyes at him and thought for a moment. "You get turned on by my voice, don’t you?" 
"I…I guess so," Chan shrugged, trying to act natural. 
"Huh," he nodded, but a smug smirk started to pull on the corner of his lips. 
"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked nervously. There’s no way he could’ve figured it out.
Chan cleared his throat to try and ease the building tension and Minho was certain now. "Are you getting hard right now listening to my voice?" he asked.
Chan's jaw dropped in surprise, and he shifted once again. The blush resting on his face deepened and he couldn’t help but to gently nudge the younger male off his lap. "I'm really sorry, Min. This is embarrassing." 
Minho snorted softly with a chuckle. "It's fine." 
"No, it's not." he shook his head and buried his face in his hands. "I'm really sorry." 
Minho watched him observantly. "Has that happened before?" 
"Once or twice," he admitted, embarrassed. Chan suddenly felt small, something he wasn’t used to.
Minho also felt a change, a slight dominance peeking out. "Have you jerked off to my voice before?" he asked, the sudden boldness taking over. 
Chan stared up at him through his fingers. "What?" he asked quietly. 
"I won't ask again," he told him and sat down at the edge of his desk, a sharp glare aimed at the older male. 
Chan swallowed hard, and his hands slowly sunk from his face. He nervously spoke, "Wh-what do you mean?" 
"The neediness in my voice turns you on?" he asked, and Chan nodded reluctantly. "Have you touched yourself to my voice recordings before?" 
"What?" he squeaked, the thought alone making him fully hard. Yes, he had done that before, but it had been with a video. It was a fan cam edit of him dancing on stage that popped up on his feed. He didn’t mean to do it, but he just couldn’t help himself. Something about Minho looking so fierce on stage just got to him.
"Chan," Minho sighed and braced himself on the table, leaning forward and getting closer to his face. "You did, didn't you?" 
"Don't make me say it," he softly whined, shaking his head. 
He smirked at the blush burning bright on his cheeks. "Don’t be so embarrassed. We've all touched ourselves before," he said, and Chan groaned softly. 
"Not like that," he said. 
"You wish," he giggled delightedly and ignored Chan's confused look. "What? I know some things…Now that I know something about you, can I tell you something in exchange?" 
He raised an eyebrow. "Okay?" he nodded nervously. 
"I have a toy in my room that I use whenever no one's home," he said, and Chan's eyes widened. 
"You do?" Minho nodded, chewing on his lower lip. "Why only when you're alone?" 
"Because what you heard on the recording is nothing compared to when I use it," he admitted. Now, it was his turn to blush and bite his lip slightly. 
"Wow, I’m never getting that image out of my head." Chan spoke faster than his brain could stop him, and he shut his lips immediately after. 
"Pervert," Minho teased lightheartedly, smirking to himself. 
Chan watched him quietly, pupils darkening as the images flashed through his mind. Minho met his eyes, seemingly curious about his next move. Chan thought about it for a minute, conflicted internally. "I think I should take care of that before the kids get back," he spoke softly.
"Yeah," Minho nodded subconsciously and hopped off the desk. "I'll uh - I'll leave you to it, hyung," he said and quickly left the room, shutting the door with a slightly loud thud. His ears were burning up at the thought of Chan touching himself because of him. He returned to his room and shut the door, resting his back against it with a deep breath. He walked over to his dresser and pulled out the box hidden behind his sweaters. That moment between him and Chan had his whole body craving a release. He put it on his desk and took out his favorite toy and a bottle of lube. No harm in getting some relief right?
But Minho flinched, a tiny gasp leaving his lips and dropping the toy onto his desk as his door flew open. He looked over in shock, meeting Chan's eyes. "What?" he asked quietly as Chan closed the distance between them with a few steps. Chan cupped his face and searched his eyes as if he was asking for approval. "Please, just do it already," Minho whispered, his eyes lowering to look at his lips. 
Chan leaned in and connected their lips forcefully. Minho moaned into his mouth softly and gripped his shirt, his whole body melting against him. Chan wrapped his arm around his waist, pulling him close. He kissed him harshly and ran his hand through his hair, keeping him in place. Minho pushed him towards the bed until the back of Chan's knees hit it, and they fell onto the mattress. 
He straddled his lap and leaned down, kissing him passionately. Minho moaned sweetly as Chan grabbed his ass, squeezing it, and pulled him down to his chest. Chan flipped them over, pinning Minho down, and stared into his eyes. "Show me." The words fell from his lips like a gasp.
"What?" he panted softly, lips red and slightly puffy from their heated kiss. 
"Show me how needy you are when you’re using that toy," he told him, and Minho's lips parted to release a moan. "Please Min, you're killing me." 
Minho reached up, gently touching his cheek. "Get off me then, handsome." 
Chan did as he said and watched as Minho hopped off the bed, getting the toy and lube. 
Minho’s eyes held his gaze as he shoved down his pants and underwear in one quick motion. Chan's lips parted with a soft gasp at the sight of him as soon as he threw his shirt down with the rest of his clothes. "Fuck, you're beautiful." He breathed out.
Minho blushed softly and climbed back onto the bed. "Take off your clothes." Chan quickly discarded his clothes on the floor and sat back against the headboard again. Minho climbed back into his lap and experimentally ground down against him. Chan moaned softly and gripped his waist. "Ready?" he asked him. 
"Ready," Chan nodded eagerly. 
Minho flicked open the bottle of lube and spread it on his fingers, reaching behind himself. For a moment, he couldn't believe what he was about to do, but the hunger in Chan's eyes made all his doubts vanish. No turning back now. They locked eyes as he rubbed his fingers over his entrance, slowly pushing them inside and gently fingering himself. He bit his lower lip as his eyes fluttered close, a moan falling from his lips. 
Chan watched Minho closely, admiring how his lips parted, chest heaving with soft little pants as he opened himself up. He couldn't help himself and grabbed his hips, wanting to feel his skin against his own. Chan leaned forward hesitantly before planting a tiny kiss against his neck. 
Minho hummed softly and tangled his hand into his hair, giving him permission to continue. Their moans were swallowed in the harsh kisses they shared. Not long after, Minho had opened himself up enough. Chan swallowed softly, seeing his fingers covered in lube, and watched him take the toy and cover it in lube. He bit his lip and rested his hands on his waist. Minho rubbed the toy at his entrance, took a deep breath and slid the toy inside of him, a loud moan ripping from his throat. 
Chan's stomach flipped at the sound, eyes widening as Minho slowly started fucking himself with the toy. Minho braced himself on his shoulder, mouth falling open in loud moans. Chan was enchanted by the scene in front of him. His fingertips burned with the need to touch Minho. But he held back until Minho gave him directions. He reached down, wrapping his hand around his cock. He started stroking himself as he took in the sight of Minho on top of him, burning it into his memory. His eyes were closed, lips parted, and tiny sweat beads covered his forehead. 
"Chan," Minho panted, and the sound alone sent shivers down his spine and to his cock.. 
"Yeah?" he asked breathlessly, opening his eyes just enough to see him. 
"The remote," he told him and moaned sweetly, the sound delightful to Chan’s ears. 
Chan fumbled around the mattress until he found it laying beside them and picked it up. In the midst of his struggle, he accidentally turned the vibration on a high setting. Minho cried out his name and gripped his shoulders hard, trying to steady himself. Chan’s breath hitched at the sound, mentally recording it and saving it for later.
"T-turn it down - oh god," Minho begged, and Chan's brain functioned again, quickly turning it off. Minho panted above him before laughing softly. "Fuck, that was too much." 
"I'm sorry." Chan giggled before looking down at the remote. "Can I?" 
Minho searched his eyes. "What?" 
"Can I use this toy on you instead?" he asked curiously, and Minho's lips parted in surprise. 
"That…would be hot." he admitted and tilted his head at him. "On my back?" 
"Yeah." he nodded, and Minho climbed off him, wincing softly as he lay down, the toy still inside of him. Seeing it buried deep inside of him, Chan bit back a moan and climbed up the mattress, hovering over him. "Can I kiss you?" 
"Yeah." Minho nodded gently and hummed softly as Chan's full lips met his own. He buried his hand in his curls, moaning in surprise as Chan started fucking him with the toy. Minho's head fell back into the pillow. 
"Does that feel good?" Chan asked, and Minho nodded quickly, a delicious moan falling from his lips. He gave himself a moment to find the rhythm that made Minho’s toes curl before grabbing the remote and turning the vibrator on a lower setting. 
Minho whimpered and gripped the sheets tightly. The higher Chan turned the vibration, the needier he got and the whinier his moans became. He knew he probably sounded pathetic, but he could only whine Chan's name and beg him for more. 
Chan couldn't take his eyes off him, watching him fall apart beneath him. It was so fucking beautiful, and he never wanted it to end. He stroked himself with his free hand, soft moans slipping from his mouth occasionally. "Fuck, you're hot." he told him, and Minho whined in response. 
"Feels so good," Minho told him, pulling at the sheets as Chan managed to find his prostate while fucking him with the toy. "Right there!" he cried out desperately. 
Chan focused on Minho's pleasure only now, realizing he'd finish too soon if he kept trying to get off. He watched as Minho's back arched, eyes rolling back and thighs trembling. 
He painted their chests with thick ropes of cum and a cry of Chan's name, soon begging him to turn it off again. Minho took a long moment to gather himself, panting heavily before opening his eyes again. Chan stared at him with wide eyes, panting softly. "How's that for being a whiny teenager?" he asked, chuckling once Minho caught his breath. 
"You just made me cum by just looking at you," he told him, and they both blushed heavily. "I guess that answers your question." 
Chan grabbed a towel from the nightstand to clean them both, ears burning up as Minho pulled the toy out with a needy groan. "I think we -." 
The front door closed loudly downstairs, and someone raced up the stairs. Chan's eyes widened in panic, and Minho quickly picked up his clothes, throwing them at him. 
"Bathroom!" he told him quietly, and Chan rushed inside, locking the door. When the door opened, Minho covered himself with his blanket, and Felix strolled inside. 
"Hyung, can we…oh," Felix said, seeing him. 
"Do you ever learn to knock?" Minho asked him, and Felix chuckled softly. 
"Apparently not. Do you?" he asked. 
"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, adjusting the blanket. 
"Will you ever start locking the door when you pleasure yourself?" he asked with a knowing smirk. 
"No one's at home, why would I?" he retorted. 
"Chan is here," he frowned. 
"Chan is taking a nap," he lied smoothly, and Felix nodded gently. Something wasn’t right, but he left it alone for now.
"Well, I guess I'll leave you to it then." he nodded and opened the drawer to his desk, taking out the keys to their room at the company. "Forgot that one." 
"Okay," Minho nodded. 
Felix looked at him for another moment before smiling. "Sometimes I miss that fucked out look on your face." He spoke lowly only for Minho to hear, but someone else was listening in too.
"Felix," Minho warned with a raised eyebrow. 
"What? You know I love how needy you get," he grinned before waving goodbye. 
Minho fell back into the mattress with a soft grunt and rolled his eyes as the door closed behind him. 
Chan stepped out of the bathroom, fully dressed, and stared at him momentarily. The conversation he overheard playing over and over again in his mind. Felix and Minho used to sleep together? Felix was the first person to see Minho like that, touch him the way he craved to touch him. He was also the only person who knew about his crush on Minho. "I, uh, I think I’m going to shower and finish the work I was doing earlier." 
"Okay," he nodded, but frowned softly at his sudden urge to leave. "Uh, shouldn't we talk about this?" 
"What's there to talk about?" he asked, more coldly than he intended. 
Minho's face fell, but he put on a smile quickly. "Right," he nodded and felt his heart break a little. Was that it? Was Minho only meant for Chan to use to let off some steam and pretend nothing happened? He flinched softly as the door closed and he swallowed a lump forming in his throat. He never had been more, not even with Felix. Simply a quick stop at a destination towards someone else. "Fuck," he whispered to himself before going to take a shower. 
~Two days later~
While preparing dinner, Minho didn't dare to look in Chan's direction, unsure of what happened between them. Especially since Chan didn't join him while finishing everything as usual, he tried to ignore it, blaming it on Seungmin, having planted himself on his lap on the sofa. 
Felix made his way over to him. "Hey, Min," he said quietly, and Minho glanced up from the pot of noodles he was currently stirring. 
"Yeah?" he asked. 
"What's up with Chan?" he asked, frowning softly. 
"How do you mean?" 
"He's been ignoring me for two days now," he told him and almost looked a little anxious. "Did I do something wrong?" 
"Uh, no idea." Minho shook his head and glanced at Chan, who was staring at them. "He's not exactly talking to me right now either, Lix." 
Felix frowned softly. "What the fuck is up with him?" he asked frustrated, before glancing at Minho. "Do you need help with anything?" 
"No, I'll be fine." he assured him, gently grabbing his hand, squeezing it and flashing a smile. "You go and enjoy your evening. You've done enough work for today." 
"Okay," Felix nodded, smiling before strolling back to the sofa and planting himself on Changbin's lap. 
Minho didn't glance in Chan’s direction during dinner, staying quiet for most of the evening. Once they were done, he got up and collected all the plates. Chan didn't protest this time, and Minho took his plate, clearly avoiding his gaze. 
"Minho hyung, will you watch a movie with us?" Seungmin asked, setting up the sofa. 
"No, thank you. I'm doing the dishes and then going to bed." he said, putting the plates on the counter. 
"Already?" Jeongin asked, confused. “You never go to bed this ear-”
"I'm tired," Minho said firmly, cutting his sentence short and turning on hot water. He started scrubbing the plates clean, not even acknowledging the water slightly stinging his skin. 
Chan couldn’t stand it anymore, he had to say something. Getting up from the table, he walked over to Minho slowly. "Are you okay?" Chan suddenly asked, stepping next to him. 
"Of course." he said dryly, focused only on the task at hand. 
"Min," he said gently. "Talk to me." 
"There's nothing to talk about, is there?" he spit back and put the plate aside, taking the next one. Realization quickly hit Chan and he opened his mouth to explain himself, but Minho cut him off immediately. "Nothing happened two days ago, Chan. It meant absolutely nothing. You didn't see a thing, and we go on like before." 
"If that's what you want," Chan nodded slowly. 
Minho threw the sponge into the water, staring at him. "No, Chan, that's what you want." he said firmly. 
"Don't act like it meant something to you," he frowned at him. "It's not like you haven't shown anyone else that side of you before." 
"Excuse me?" Minho asked quietly, anger slowly bubbling inside him. 
"You and Felix clearly were a thing. I'm sure he has seen you naked and needy for him too." Chan spoke curtly, and Minho's face fell. "I thought this was something special you hadn't done with anyone else." 
"You have no idea what you're talking about or what Felix meant to me. So don't make me out as some whore," he told him firmly before shaking his head and pushing past him. 
"Min," Chan sighed, trying to reach out to him. 
"Fuck off," he said, loud enough for everyone to hear before walking upstairs. 
Chan rolled his eyes with a sigh, before reaching to finish the dishes. He flinched and contorted his face at the temperature of the water, adding cold water to it. Once he was done, he grabbed two drinks from the fridge and went upstairs, stopping in front of Minho's door. 
Minho got up to open the door as someone knocked. He frowned, seeing Chan leaning against the frame and holding up a bottle. 
"I never said that you were a whore," he told him. 
Minho blinked softly. "Saying I'd get naked and fuck my toy for everyone to see is pretty much the same thing." he told him and snatched the drink from his hand. "I hope you enjoyed the show." he said bitterly and tried closing the door. 
Chan stopped it with his hand, pushed it open, and stepped into the room. He closed the door behind himself very slowly, locking eyes with him. "I did." 
"Great, get the fuck out now," Minho told him and opened his bottle, taking a huge gulp.
"You're right," he told him. 
"About what?" Minho asked impatiently. 
"It didn't mean anything, and I don't want this to come between us," he told him and sat down on Minho's desk. "I don't want things to get weird." 
"Too late for that." he snorted. 
"What happened with Felix?" he asked, and Minho stared at him anxiously. "You two had sex?" 
"Not…like that. I'm - I'm still a virgin," Minho said, and Chan's eyebrows raised in surprise. 
Chan could've sworn Minho was slightly experienced after how confident he seemed. 
"What happened?" 
Minho groaned softly and turned away from him, rubbing his forehead. "He walked in on me once using that stupid thing. He was lonely, I was lonely, and we kissed only a day later. It was a lovely time for a few months, but it wasn't love," he said, looking back at him. "Yes, he saw me naked. Yes, he knows the way that I sound. And yes, he touched me in places others haven’t. But deep down, he was in love with someone else and-," his voice trailed off as he locked eyes with Chan and noticed pity resting in them, swallowing hard. “And so was I.”
“You-,” Chan blinked at him, confused, and couldn’t quite pinpoint the anxious look in his eyes. 
“Listen, I don’t blame you for what happened a couple days ago. It all happened too quickly, and I wasn’t thinking clearly.” he told him and sat down at the edge of his bed, facing Chan. “But I think we need to talk about this and not just pretend it never happened.” 
Chan inhaled deeply and nodded quickly. “I know. That’s on me,” he told him, and Minho nodded gently. “I guess I was confused about what Felix said and…maybe a little jealous.”
Minho huffed softly, looking up at him. “Never thought someone like you had a reason to get jealous.”
“Oh, you have no idea.” Chan chuckled and sipped on his drink.  “I get jealous all the time…especially when it’s you.”
“Sorry?” he asked, chuckling softly and frowned at his unwavering expression. “What do you mean by that?”
“You mean a lot to me, Min. Sometimes I get nervous that I’ll lose you one day, or you’ll find someone who needs your full attention.” he confessed, and Minho blinked at him surprised.
“Hmm,” he nodded. “So the thought of Felix having seen me naked bothered you?”
“A little.” he nodded.
“And what makes you think it wouldn’t bother him knowing you did as well?” Minho tilted his head at him and smirked at Chan’s confused look. “I’m single, and I haven’t committed myself to anyone. So why would I worry about a previous partner getting jealous?”
“Fair point,” Chan nodded gently and sighed softly. “But what if that’s the case?”
“Then you need to figure out why.” he said and met his eyes. 
“I already know why.” Chan told him, and Minho tilted his head softly. 
“Then what’s the issue?” he asked quietly.
“Maybe I’m not brave enough to say it.” Chan gave back just as quietly. 
“Maybe you need another drink.” he smirked, and Chan bit back a laugh. 
“I need a few more to have that type of conversation.” he told him. 
“I have time.” he shrugged gently and jumped up. “I’ll go grab some. Your room?”
“Okay,” he nodded and took a deep breath as Minho left the room. He closed his eyes and tried to calm his racing heart. It was time they talked.
Chp. 1 | Chp. 3
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@soullostinspaceandtime @brownieloved @rebecca-johnson-28 @euphoric-univers @hyunniebunni @mal-lunar-28 @malfoygalaxies
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mobblespsycho100 · 2 months
I think I already asked ur fav character but whos ur fav from each area? express, space station, belobog, luofu, and penacony. and then misc to include the sstellaron hunters n stuff. Well. I can assume the for for penacony lolz
4 me.... the express is probably the MC tbh. Himeko is a close second she may be tied
space station issss HERTAAAA !!! 100% herta. waittt Arlan too.....
Jarilo vi is Clara or Sampo ^.^ the sillies
Luofu.... does Blade count if hes technically a different person now. It's probably Yanqing 4 me
Penaconyyyy.... so hard.. NO WAIT MISHA I LOVE MISHA silly little guy
For misc,,,, is Boothill from Penacony? if not then its him. oooh or screwllum... hes not playable tho.... OOKH silver wolf def shes soooooooo
I LOVE ALL UR PICKS (xcept blade im sorry bladers i can see his appeal just not for me) ‼️‼️
yes okay so
🌠🚂 Astral Express: very similar to u. Himeko is my numero uno, but I love MC and pompom too <3 if i had to rank id say Himeko, PomPom, MC, and then Welt Danheng March are kinda tied ? i love themb theyyre the sillies ever ^.^
🛰️ HSS: Probably Arlan and Peppy (theyre a package do not seperate), because theyre silly to me and I think Arlan deserves better!!! But tbh IDK, If Screwllum counts as a space station character since he appears there often, id say screwllum :3 robots !! Herta and Asta are also characters that I used to be neutral on/dislike but I quite enjoy them now!!! :D Ruan Mei is interesting 🤔 but i would love it if her design actually had like a lab coat or more biology aspects to it like the dna helixes are great but i need More y'know?
❄️Jarilo-VI: SAMPOOOOO !!! not even a question. second fav either Serval or Bronya or maybe even Lynx??? but Sampo is top tier to me. yesss. Underworld Charas r kinda more fun than the Overworld ones though imho, they have a closer tight-knit dynamic which I loveee like Seele and Luka are so siblings / besties and Oleg and Luka mentor-student relationship and Natasha and Hook being like aunt and niece and Clara Svarog daughter father bond of all time is so silly to meeee <333
🪷 Luofu: Blade counts imo!! since he appears in Luofu patch and thats like his former home. My fav Luofu character is Xueyi, but I gen rlly love Jing Yuan, Fu Xuan, and Yanqing too :3 Hanya is fun also but only because I like tragic siblings ajdhsjdh also shout out to Luocha for being a merchant whos actually NOT that much of a good guy and is just a silly weirdo man
SPECIAL SHOUTOUT TO 🪙THE IPC🪙, i hate the corporation's wholedeal but i love Owlbert, Topaz & Numby, and Aventurine a lottt <333 Ratio doesnt count as IPC despite being a representative sent by them btw hes in Intelligentsia Guild which is funded by the IPC but isnt part of the IPC. ANYWAAAAY
🌟 Stellaron Hunters: Kafka... its still Kafka.... i want to move on from her so badly please.... I stil havent gotten her i want to cry.... please letme let me live..... I like Sam and Silver Wolf as well too :3!!! Blade is silly but hes my least fav. Elio is my silly cat cat to meeeee
🌃 Penacony: Our canonical Penacony characters aka the playable ones actually from there are Sunday, Robin, Misha, and Gallagher. I really like Robin !!!! shes so silly and cute and i love herrrr <3 but if we r talking characters *featured/will be featured* in Penacony's story, then I have to admit Im very down bad for Aventurine and Black Swan rn. Boothill also <3 :3 sillies forreal . Acherons lore is interesting as well!! though shes not like a fav, shes like my blorbo in law for sure (one of my moots/friend is a big fan of raiden mei and therefore a big fan of acheron :3!! we ramble/basically make essays and talk to each other abt hsr a bunch and its fun :3!!!)
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un-named-thing · 2 years
Hi its me again im back for round 3! Your work just gives me so much serotonin. So i wanted to request ANOTHER will x male reader but like angst this time. Basically its set in season 4 and reader came with mike to cali and reader gets jealous because will is ignoring him for Mike and like when they're in the van on one of their breaks reader asks if will still even loves him or if he loves mike? And after alot of back and forth will reassures reader he still loves him(will byers angst my love<3)
'Yes I still love you' will byers x male!reader
Summary: you visit cali with mike, and your boyfriend will is paying all his attention to mike which gets you quite jealous.
Cw: angst
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You where's so exited to finally go to cali to visit will. You have been waiting for the moment for months. You could say you where over the moon and so was your friend Mike.
Mike was exited to see his girlfriend el and you where exited to see your boyfriend will. Both will and el sent letters and called almost daily to the both of you. And the closer the time for you to visit cali got the more calls you received.
So it was a surprise to you when you arrived in cali and all will gave you was a simple hug before he skipped of to follow mike like a lost puppy. Tbh you where abit hurt but you didn't blame him. He probably just missed his bestfriend.
Will most likely missed mike way more than he missed you tho. Even if it didn't sound like that on the phone it felt like it now. Will basically ignored you and all he did was follow mike around.
Everytime you tried to talk to him, he wouldn't even respond to you. It hurt, it hurt alot. You've waited for this for so long and now the person you wanted to see so bad was ignoring you.
You where really damn upset but just put on a smile and brushed it off. You really wanted wills attention but his attention was somewhere else.
But everyone had a breaking point and so did you. You where in argyles van going who knows where and will was attempting to talk to Mike but he couldn't even get a word in. Mike was to busy talking to el. And still will tried to talk to mike, not even sparing you a glance.
This pissed you of so fucking much. You felt tears stream down your face as you harshly elbowed will and finally got his attention. He looked over at you rubing his arm. He looked angry but as soon as he saw your face he looked more concerned.
He instantly started to ask questions. Are you okay? What's wrong? Hey answer me please, are you alright?
And this made your blood boil. "Oooh so now you pay attention to me, will byers. You said harshly. Will looked confused. It was like he didn't understand. "What do you mean y/n?"
You could feel yourself crying even more. Tears streaming down onto your shirt. You looked over at him "do you even love me anymore... or did you fall out of love suddenly and love mike now" you turned away from him and tried to wipe your tears with your sleeve.
Will sat there, shocked. "What do you mean y/n ofcourse I still love you" you glared at him "oh ya will, I only have acoulpe weeks left here in cali and you tell me one fucking time we even spoke to each other" wills eyes winded and he suddenly had the look of guilt on his face.
He sat there for a second before turning back to you. "Y/n i-" "save it will" you cut him off turning away from him. That car ride was long and painful.
But the van soon stopped at an arcade and everyone but you and will got out. Will looked at you. "Y/n.. im so fucking sorry. I... I was a jerk I admit that. I guess... I don't know what I was trying to do but ignoring you was wrong.
You looked over at him and he had real guilt on his face. He actually looked upset. "I'm sorry y/n" he leaned in hugging you and slightly sobbing on your shoulder.
"I'm sorry y/n I promise I still love you. Love you more than anything. I was being a jerk and I shouldn't have been ignoring you. I don't know what was wrong with me.
He lifted his head and slightly smiled at you. You sighed and returned the smile. "Promise me that you won't ignore me anymore will" "I promise y/n."
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oh-three · 2 months
TBB S3E12:
Damn, okay, we don't even get to see Omega try to talk to CX-2. And here I was hoping a conversation or two with him would reveal that he's Tech.
Omega's first words back being about Nala Se >>>
"I'm glad your safe." Emerie, did you learn nothing In E10???
You know, Hunter and Wrecker aren't as upset about last episode as I thought they'd be. Though, there could've been a slightly larger time gap than we think, between the Omega scene and their first one.
We're getting Rampart back 💀
"Any friend of Brown Eyes is a friend of mine." 😭
Okay, Dave, I see you. Not someone getting called "Brown Eyes" during a juggernaut episode 👀
It would be so much funnier if it was Morak.
Phee's ship has pedals like a car 👀
Okay, this base is giving me Maze Runner vibes ngl.
Hey, you wanted action? Hah. Literally asked for that one.
Oooh, an Ugnaut.
Dude, that's Rampart??? He looks so different with a beard, oh my god. I didn't even recognize him for a sec, I had to rewind. 😭
The hair animation is amazing this season.
I think it's funny that Palpatine actually just sent him to a labor camp. You'd think he'd have had him killed or something, but nope.
I can't believe he still has it in him to be indignant.
"And how much is that information worth to you?" Shut up.
Well, at least these juggernauts have weapons on them. Though I understand why the ones on Morak didn't.
Rampart has definitely gotten more petty during his time as a prisoner. But it's funny.
Rip cannons.
Damn close there, Wrecker.
"We're in this together." Not for long, with that attitude.
It would be so funny if they brought Omega back only for her last tests to be false positives. But, alas…
Emerie's little sigh of regret.
Something about the way Hemlock talks to Omega as he would anyone else, despite seeing her as the perfect asset for Project Necromancer.
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zapreportsblog · 10 months
unicornqueen2022 is my old account
You did fantastic on the last fanfic. I like how Garrett was a werewolf.
Can u do a fanfic where Garrett x female shape-shifter but she turns into a black panther instead of a wolf. She is Paul's cousin but they do not get along at all and but Garrett does not find until the battle with Victoria and her army of newborns. Instead of the newborn hurting jacob, she ends destroying the newborn by tearing the head off. He then ask her on a date. She yes but Paul tries to start a fight with the reader but she kicks his butt.
Oooh new page? Starting fresh I see, we’ll still it’s wonderful to have you back and around :) ahh and the wears full part was actually a mistake. I went back and edited to vampire though I’m glad you liked the slip up I couldn’t live with it lol
↳ don’t mess with the guardian ↲
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✭ pairing : garrett x reader
✭ fandom : twilight x reader
✭ summary : she was the guardian of the jungle, the mightiest predator of them all. Having come to forks due to an urgent call from her younger cousin Paul she’s now here to help them with their little leech problem, too bad one of these leeches seems to be her mate. Not that she really minds it though. But when someone threatens her new found lover she’s ready to kick some ass and show them who’s boss, even if it’s her family who’s doing the threatening too. After all, never get in the way of one’s mate.
✭ authors note : there aren’t many gifs for Garrett which really sucks
✭ twilight masterlist
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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, (y/n) navigated her way through the dense forest that surrounded the town of Forks. Her form shifted effortlessly, transforming from a graceful black panther with glowing purple eyes into her human self. The journey to Forks had been spurred by a call for help from her cousin Paul—someone she didn't always see eye to eye with, but blood was blood, after all.
As she arrived at the outskirts of the town, her heightened senses picked up on the presence of a pack of wolves. Their collective energy was familiar to her, and she couldn't help but grin. Shapeshifters like herself, they were part of her world, and one of them was a close friend—Sam Uley.
Stepping out of the shadows, (y/n) allowed her form to shift back into that of a human. She moved with purpose, her violet eyes scanning the group of shapeshifters as they gathered around. Sam's gaze met hers, and a warm smile spread across his face.
"(y/n), you made it," he called out, approaching her with open arms.
"Of course I did," she replied with a grin, accepting his embrace.
Paul, who stood nearby, rolled his eyes. "Great, the circus has arrived."
(y/n) chuckled, not letting Paul's comment get to her. "Cousin dearest, aren't you just thrilled to see me?"
Before Paul could respond, Sam interjected. "We could really use your help, (y/n). There's a threat in town, and we've been called in for fighting lessons against it."
Her curiosity piqued, (y/n) raised an eyebrow. "Fighting lessons against what?"
Sam's expression darkened. "Newborn vampires."
The words hung heavily in the air, and (y/n) felt a shiver run down her spine. She had encountered her fair share of dangers, but the thought of facing an army of newborn vampires was unsettling. Victoria's name sent a chill through her, reminding her of the brief encounter they had had a few weeks prior.
"So, Paul didn't think it was important enough to mention Victoria and her plans?" she mused, a hint of irritation in her voice.
Paul shrugged nonchalantly. "I figured Sam would tell you when you got here."
(y/n) sighed, a mixture of frustration and determination welling up within her. "Well, now that I know, count me in. I'll help you guys deal with this."
Sam's smile returned, a mixture of gratitude and relief. "We're glad to have you on board."
As the group of shapeshifters began to move in the direction of the Cullens' house for their training session, (y/n) couldn't help but feel a surge of camaraderie. Despite the differences that had existed between her and Paul, the impending threat had a way of uniting them against a common enemy.
As they walked, her mind raced with thoughts of the battles that lay ahead. Her abilities as a black panther shapeshifter were unique, and she knew that her role in the upcoming conflict would be significant. With determination burning in her eyes, she prepared herself to face the challenges that awaited her—the eerie threat of newborn vampires, and the promise of unity that came from fighting alongside her fellow shapeshifters.
And as the night descended upon Forks, (y/n) took a deep breath, ready to face whatever darkness Victoria's army might bring.
As the shapeshifters gathered at the Cullens' house, (y/n) couldn't help but notice a tall figure leaning casually against a nearby tree. Her eyes honed in on him, and recognition stirred within her—Garrett, a skilled fighter with his own history of battling newborn vampires. A knowing smile played on his lips as he met her gaze, and for a brief moment, time seemed to stand still.
The Cullens explained that Garrett had been invited due to his experience, which aligned perfectly with their current predicament. As the training session commenced, (y/n) found herself observing from a unique vantage point—perched atop a tree in her panther form. She watched the interactions between the shapeshifters and vampires, the strategy discussions, and the demonstrations of combat techniques.
Yet her focus kept returning to Garrett. Their eyes met across the distance, and in that instant, something extraordinary happened. A rush of images, emotions, and sensations flooded (y/n)'s mind—a vivid flash of a life together, as if the fabric of time had been momentarily torn. She saw herself and Garrett side by side, fighting against threats, sharing laughter, and embracing moments of profound love.
In that flash, she witnessed their relationship blossoming—their adventures, their bond deepening, and even the moment they exchanged vows, promising to stand by each other's side for eternity. The vision continued, showing them with a child, a hybrid of their two worlds, a testament to their unique connection.
Garrett's presence was both familiar and intense, an anchor that grounded her amidst the whirlwind of emotions. Her heart raced as she experienced the love they shared, the highs and lows of their journey together. It was a glimpse into a future that felt simultaneously distant and remarkably close.
As the vision faded, (y/n) blinked in astonishment. The connection she felt with Garrett was unlike anything she had ever experienced. She knew, without a doubt, that he was her mate—the missing piece that she had unconsciously yearned for.
She wasn't alone in feeling the powerful pull. Garrett's expression mirrored her astonishment, though his experience was different. While (y/n) had glimpsed a tapestry of their shared future, Garrett's response was more immediate—a deep-seated instinct, a primal recognition of their connection. He felt an overwhelming urge to be near her, to protect her from any threat that might arise.
The training session continued around them, but (y/n) and Garrett remained locked in each other's gaze, a silent understanding passing between them. They had been brought together by circumstances beyond their control, bound by destiny and a love that transcended time.
As the day unfolded and the shapeshifters and vampires honed their combat skills, (y/n) found solace in the knowledge that she wasn't alone in her fight. Garrett's presence by her side, whether through visions or instincts, was a reminder that they were meant to face whatever challenges came their way together—a united force against the looming threat of Victoria's army.
And as the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the training grounds, (y/n) leapt gracefully from the tree, her panther form melding back into her human self. Her eyes met Garrett's once again, and in that shared moment, they both knew that their lives had forever changed. The past and the future converged in a dance of fate, intertwining their destinies in ways they could only begin to comprehend.
The air was charged with tension as the forces of the Cullens, the shapeshifters, and Garrett aligned themselves against the approaching army of newborn vampires. The night was alive with the sound of heartbeats, growls, and the rustle of leaves as they prepared for battle. Victoria's army, a dangerous and formidable threat, loomed on the horizon.
The battle erupted with a fury as the two sides clashed. Vampires and shapeshifters moved with incredible speed and precision, battling their common enemy. (y/n) joined the fray, her panther form a blur of sleek muscle and fierce determination. With each swipe of her powerful claws, she took down a newborn vampire, her eyes gleaming with a primal intensity.
Garrett was a force to be reckoned with as well, his movements fluid and calculated. His experience in battling newborns shone through, his blows precise and deadly. The Cullens fought with a unity born of centuries together, while the shapeshifters moved as a pack, their wolf forms a fierce and coordinated unit under Sam's leadership.
In the midst of the chaos, (y/n) spotted Jacob in his massive wolf form, locked in combat with a particularly aggressive newborn. Without hesitation, she lunged at the vampire, her powerful jaws closing around their neck and tearing it away in a spray of blood. The severed head dropped to the ground, and the vampire's body crumpled to the earth.
The battle raged on, the forces of good and evil clashing in a symphony of violence. But slowly, the tide began to turn. The newborns, strong though they were, were no match for the combined might of the Cullens, the shapeshifters, Garrett, and (y/n).
As the last of the newborns fell, the battlefield fell silent. Blood-stained and battle-worn, the victorious fighters surveyed the aftermath of their conflict. The moon hung high in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the scene.
Once the danger had passed, (y/n) allowed her panther form to recede, her body shifting back into that of a human. She took a deep breath, her chest heaving with the exertion of the battle. Garrett approached her, a mix of relief and admiration in his eyes.
"(y/n)," he began, his voice sincere, "you were incredible out there."
She offered him a weary smile. "We all were. We faced this threat together."
Garrett's gaze held hers, his expression becoming more intense. "Would you do me the honor of joining me for a date? I think we've earned a moment of respite."
Her heart skipped a beat at his words, the memory of their shared visions and their bond filling her thoughts. "I would like that," she replied, her smile growing warmer.
Their moment was interrupted by a familiar voice. "You can't date him, (y/n)."
(y/n) turned to see her cousin Paul approaching, his expression clearly displeased. "Paul, what are you doing here?" she asked, her tone tinged with annoyance.
Paul's gaze flickered to Garrett. "He's a vampire, (y/n). You can't trust him."
(y/n) shook her head, her frustration evident. "Paul, you don't get to decide who I can and can't date. This is my choice."
The tension in the air was palpable as Paul's words hung between them. "(y/n), what, you're a leech lover now?" he sneered, his voice dripping with disdain.
(y/n)'s eyes flashed with a mixture of anger and frustration. Without warning, Paul lunged at her, and she swiftly sidestepped his attack. In one fluid motion, she spun around, delivering a precise kick to his side that sent him stumbling backward. The shock on Paul's face was evident as he struggled to regain his footing.
"Paul, stop!" she snapped, her voice firm. "I won't let you control my life or my choices."
Paul's expression shifted from surprise to fury, and he charged at her again. This time, (y/n) was ready. She expertly blocked his blows, her movements calculated and precise. She deflected his attacks with ease, her frustration fueling her determination.
As Paul's assault grew more frantic, (y/n) found an opening. With a swift kick to his chest, she sent him sprawling to the ground. He lay there, panting and defeated, while (y/n) stood over him, her gaze unwavering.
"You don't get to decide who I can and cannot date," she declared, her voice unwavering. "My choices are my own, and I won't let anyone, not even family, dictate them."
Paul glared up at her, his pride wounded. "You think you're so high and mighty now?"
"No, Paul," (y/n) responded, her tone softer now. "But I do believe in making my own decisions. I'm not a child anymore."
With that, (y/n) turned away from her cousin, her steps purposeful as she walked toward Garrett. He was standing a short distance away, watching the scene unfold. She met his gaze with a determined look, her resolve unshaken.
"Garrett," she said, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips, "I'll be looking forward to that date."
Garrett returned her smile, a mixture of admiration and affection in his eyes. "As will I," he replied.
With one last glance at Paul, (y/n) walked away, leaving behind the tension and the turmoil of their encounter. Her heart was lightened by the knowledge that she was in control of her own destiny, that the choices she made were hers to embrace.
As she and Garrett walked side by side, the promise of their date hanging in the air, (y/n) couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. Their bond had been tested by battle and family drama, but their connection remained strong. With each step forward, they were ready to face the challenges of the future together, united against whatever obstacles might arise.
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
it would be really funny if everyone wore just their normal clothes but tango had like. A whole Asskicking Outfit™️. Like you can’t say he wouldnt come up with a new outfit only for fighting
(Me thinking about your persona au: “ok but it would be really funny if-” <- is also the one who sent the mascot ren and rat oli asks)
it's after crying properly about their crazy plan working and fighting monsters in another world for days and oh my god, they almost died, skizz WOULD HAVE died, unlike if skizz had died no one would have found them if they had, this is crazy, skizz is alive, he woke up, they saved him from something no one has been able to be saved from before -
anyway. it's after the four of them finish crying about that, and after skizz makes them promise that they're going to do this for other people in town, that they aren't going to stop saving people. it's after impulse realizes that he still hears voices in the negative world, asking for help. it's after the doctors baffled refusal to accept them trying to explain, it's -
well, the point is. it's been a really emotional day all-around.
this is why impulse forgives tango for saying: "i think we should wear capes."
they're all piled around skizz's hospital bed. no one's kicked them out yet because, well, they still aren't sure if skizz is about to drop dead again, and they feel sorry for them. terrifying, true, but at least useful right in that moment.
"what?" impulse says.
"well, you know," tango says. "we're just running around in t-shirts, man. we should buy capes or something."
"i don't disagree," zed starts.
"you don't disagree?" impulse says.
"shush you," zed says. "my point is, where do we buy a cape? halloween isn't for like, another several months, and none of the halloween costume places are selling them."
"we could make them," tango says. "oooh, and cool outfits. you know, i'm not that good at sewing, but my friend has this sewing machine i can borrow."
"oh, don't worry, i can sew," assures zedaph.
"you can sew? why?" impulse asks. "i thought your thing was..."
there's a long pause.
"actually it makes perfect sense you can sew. for the record, i'm submitting that we have to keep on lighting open flames, we shouldn't have as much loose fabric as a cape implies."
"boring!" announces tango. "you're boring! we're making capes."
"you'll be like superheroes," skizz says from the bed. "aw, man, that's so cool. i got rescued by real-life superheroes."
something twists in impulse's chest.
"you know what? sure. lets make capes," he says.
"ahaha! aw man, let's go!" tango says. "zed, zed, pull up those designs from when we were in sixth grade -"
"wormman deserves better than that!" zedaph says, and impulse watches, and -
it's been an emotional day. he'll give them all that.
(RANK UP! the fool rank two.)
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ur-boyfiend · 3 months
our specific prompt list no. 2 ; (link) create something based on a song that makes you feel like going on a date
People Watching by Conan Gray // jeongchan w/ a side of changlix
this has been ROTTING in my drafts hnshdsdhdsh,,, i ended up cutting out a chunk at the end which might see the light of day as a part two if it's lucky
wc; 3.2k
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jeongin yawns as he waits for customers, it's been a slow morning and he was up late last night working on an assignment for one of his classes.
he jolts slightly when he feels a tap on his shoulder and turns to see felix, who wordlessly hands him a coffee and nudges him out from behind the counter. jeongin smiles gratefully, opting to sit at the counter so he can still talk to felix.
he takes a sip of the coffee and immediately feels better, though he's not sure if that's just some kinda placebo. either way he's grateful for the boost as he takes another drink.
"so," felix starts, turning to look at jeongin, "what's kicking your ass this time?"
jeongin rolls his eyes "it's my chem professor again, i checked my assignment like three times before i submitted it and he still sent it back because it needs 'more work', but he won't tell me what the hell he wants me to do!"
felix snorts slightly, he'd been in the same class before, "that professor just hates everyone. don't take it to heart."
"i'm not taking it to heart, but i am about to take it to the dean."
"honestly? go for it. i'm sure there's plenty of students who'd be willing to back up your story, myself included."
jeongin laughs, "thanks for the support."
"that's what friends are for," felix answers, grinning at jeongin as he ruffles the younger boy's hair.
jeongin swats felix's hand away, but before he can complain about it the bell over the door sounds, alerting the pair to a customer.
felix turns and puts on his best customer service smile, which is easy for him since he's basically sunshine in human form. jeongin envies his ability to not look like he'd rather die than work another shift as he takes a longer than necessary drink of the coffee he'd been neglecting.
jeongin can't actually see the person ordering because of the way the café is set up, all he can see is a mess of curly blond hair. he finishes his coffee off and ducks behind the counter again, chucking the now empty cup into the bin and glancing at the ticket felix hands him.
he makes the iced latte quickly, before handing it back to felix, who sets it on the counter under the 'order pickup' sign.
"latte for chan!"
jeongin glances up out of habit when he hears felix's voice, but his eyes catch on the person who walks up to the counter. he smiles, revealing dimples, and jeongin swears he can feel his heart stop for a second before it starts beating twice as fast.
trying to hide the blush he can feel taking over his cheeks, he turns and pretends to tidy the setup behind the counter. it's not entirely an act, neither he nor felix is particularly neat, but because of how few customers they've had it's not nearly as messy as usual, and jeongin finishes up quickly.
he exhales slightly when he hears the bell above the door sound again and looks up, only to be met with a smirking felix.
"what?" he can feel the blush returning, but tries to ignore it. felix, however, does no such thing.
"oooh innie's got a cruuuush-" he squishes jeongin's cheeks, quickly being swatted away again.
"no i don't."
"mhm, tell that to yourself after looking in the mirror for a sec."
jeongin rolls his eyes, "how would i even have a crush on him? we didn't talk and i barely saw his face."
"and yet you look like a tomato?"
felix laughs, but returns to where he'd been idling near the register, switching the topic back to their classes.
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this time felix is the one yawning during another painfully slow shift a few days later. jeongin makes a coffee for the blond as well as one for himself, since his chemistry professor is still out for blood.
"so, what's your excuse?" he asks felix, raising his eyebrows.
felix yawns again, taking a gulp of coffee before he answers, "movie marathon with jisung."
"jeez, at least i had a good reason for almost falling asleep on shift."
"i wasn't even scheduled to be on shift today! but hyunjin called in sick and i kinda need the overtime pay right now."
jeongin frowns, "did something happen?"
felix tries to smile at him, but it's paper-thin. "one of my sisters got sick, it's nothing that bad," he adds quickly, seeing the worry on jeongin's face, "but i wanted to help since my parents are both super stressed about it, and i don't need the money nearly as urgently as they do."
jeongin nods, "that's fair," then after a moment of consideration, "wanna go for lunch after shift?"
felix laughs slightly, "is that you trying to make me feel better?"
"yes, and me trying to make sure you actually eat something, if you pass out again i will cry."
felix scratches the back of his neck sheepishly, last time he'd been particularly stressed he'd barely slept and had forgotten to eat, and the combination ended with him passing out. jeongin had a breakdown when he heard, and felix promised to not let it happen again.
felix finishes his coffee and tosses the cup in the trash, then turns back to jeongin, "where do you wanna go?"
jeongin shrugs, "i don't care, wherever works."
once again they're interrupted by the door, felix's mood shifting when he notices who it is. jeongin follows felix's actions and recognizes the person felix had teased him about before. he groans internally, knowing felix won't let this chance to annoy him go to waste.
as jeongin waits for felix to take the order, he notices the two chatting, seemingly close. jeongin walks up behind felix and gently smacks him on the back of the head.
felix jumps slightly and turns to glare at jeongin, who just glares back.
eventually felix rolls his eyes and turns away, and jeongin snorts quietly, "i win."
felix just sticks the order ticket to jeongin's forehead, "good job dumbass, now do your actual job."
jeongin pulls the ticket off his face, "i could say the same to you, mr social butterfly."
felix tries to smack jeongin but the younger quickly ducks out of the way and moves further out of range as he starts working on the ticket. it's the same as before, and jeongin finishes the drink just quickly as he had the first time.
before he can turn and give the drink to felix, he's being pushed towards the order pickup area. he rolls his eyes but knows that he won't win this one and doesn't feel like inconveniencing someone just because felix is being petty.
he sets the coffee on the counter and glances at the name, even though he still remembers.
"latte for chan?"
the person in the corner looks up when his name is called, putting his phone in his pocket as he walks to the counter.
jeongin smiles at chan as he picks up his drink, "have a nice day!"
chan smiles back, "you too."
this time felix doesn't tease jeongin immediately, but jeongin can tell that the blond is watching him closely, and that he won't just let it go.
jeongin turns to felix, pointing at him when he opens his mouth, "no, nope, not right now, you can mock me at lunch."
felix grins, and jeongin gets the gut feeling that he's made a mistake.
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chan's visits have become regular, sometimes he comes alone, sometimes he comes with friends. jeongin has noticed how felix stares at one of the people chan comes in with often, another student named changbin, and teases him for it anytime he's being teased about how he acts around chan.
because of them being on even terrain with teasing, there's an uneasy truce between the two. jisung had tried to tease both of them at least once, but as soon as minho was mentioned he quickly shut up again.
it's another slow shift, jeongin is convinced that felix invites chan to the café whenever it's slow since the two have become friends, so he's not surprised when he sees chan walk in, changbin close behind.
chan says something to changbin that jeongin doesn't catch, but the shorter turns red and punches him in the shoulder, which just makes chan laugh loudly.
jeongin is acutely aware of how his heart stutters when he hears chan's laugh.
as he's taking the pair's order, felix comes out of the breakroom, immediately blushing when he sees changbin.
he's more dressed up than usual because one of the people he dances with is planning to drag him to some art gallery after his shift. when he told jeongin the younger just snorted and gave him a pat on the shoulder, wishing him good luck.
jeongin notices that chabgbin turns the same red he had when chan was teasing him before, and makes a mental note of it.
jeongin turns to felix and sticks the order ticket to his forehead, getting flipped off before felix removes the paper.
neither one of them really needs the ticket since the pair's order is the same as always, but they enjoy annoying each other and sticking order tickets onto each other's hair or clothes is an easy way to do that.
unsurprisingly, felix starts changbin's drink, so jeongin starts on chan's, handing it to felix when it's done. felix sets the drinks on the counter, not needing to actually call out their names since they're the only two customers, but he does anyway.
"order for chan and changbin!"
out of the corner of his eye jeongin notices two things, one, that felix is holding a pastry bag with changbin's drink, and two, that chan basically shoves changbin towards the counter from their table.
changbin takes the drinks and the bag, he and felix both being almost painfully shy as they interact. jeongin rolls his eyes, but doesn't actually say anything.
when changbin gets back to the table and sets chan's drink down he smacks his friend on the back of the head, which chan ignores in favor of zeroing in on the bag changbin is holding.
jeongin can't actually tell what they're saying, but from how red changbin's face is turning, and how much chan is laughing, he has a pretty good idea of their conversation.
when he looks back at felix, he sees the blond hiding his face behind his hands. jeongin snorts, always ready to make fun of his friend.
"so, what dumb thing did you do this time."
felix mumbles something, but his face is still hidden and jeongin can't actually hear what he's saying.
"you what now-"
felix looks up, redder than jeongin's ever seen him, "iwrotemynumberonthebag-"
they're both silent for a second before jeongin starts laughing, and felix returns to hiding his face in his hands.
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rainy days are always busy in the small café, and the regular two person shift jeongin and felix work turns into a three person shift when felix desperately texts jisung to come help.
all three of them are working as fast as possible, but they're still barely keeping up. when chan and changbin come in and see the chaos, they both just sit at the counter and chat instead of adding to the trio's workload.
all three baristas are anxious, and all three have their own way of dealing with it. jisung is rapping something under his breath, jeongin is singing quietly, and felix is dancing around as he works.
when there's finally a lull in the flood of customers, they all sigh in relief.
jisung snorts, leaning against the counter, "we should start a band."
jeongin flicks him on the side of the head, "yeah that'd definitely work out, it's not like we all have a metric fuckton of other things happening or something."
jisung puffs out his cheeks, looking more like a squirrel than ever, and felix laughs. "is it possible to agree with both of you?"
jeongin shrugs, "yeah probably."
"okay then i agree with both of you."
jeongin glances behind felix to chan and changbin, "what do y'all think?"
the two had been talking about something else but break it off to look at jeongin when he addresses them.
chan tilts his head, "think about what?"
jisung grins, "we should start a band!"
chan and changbin both light up when the topic of music is mentioned, felix and jeongin glancing at each other warily. they already know how excitable jisung is about music, and hope just a little bit that neither of the other two get too invested in the topic, but those hopes are quickly shattered when they all start talking faster and faster.
jeongin turns to look at felix, "are they having a conversation or a rap battle right now?"
the aussie laughs, shrugging his shoulders in response.
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the next time chan visits he's alone, which neither felix nor jeongin were expecting. he'd been coming in with changbin almost every time he'd been at the café recently, and jeongin can see the worry on felix's face as he gets out his phone.
jeongin figures he's texting changbin and takes his place behind the register. chan's order is the same as always, and their interaction is almost scripted at this point.
so, when jeongin hands chan his drink and chan gives him a lopsided grin in return, asking for his number, the younger boy stops functioning for a second.
chan laughs, but not mockingly, jeongin thinks it sounds almost affectionate. jeongin blushes fiercely, and tries to hide his face.
"give me your phone and i'll add it."
chan nods and hands jeongin his phone, who adds his number, but leaves the contact name blank.
"you can put whatever," he explains when chan looks confused.
he doesn't expect for chan to label his contact "cute barista 🩷", and he turns the same color as the heart at the end.
felix comes up to the pair and makes a shooing motion at chan, "get lost, you're distracting the workers."
jeongin rolls his eyes, "says the one who was on his phone for like ten minutes."
felix pauses for a moment before shrugging, "yeah fair enough."
"i do have to leave though, before changbin kills me." chan gives jeongin another lopsided grin and waves, jeongin just barely remembering to wave back.
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felix raises an eyebrow when jeongin comes onto shift, seemingly walking on air.
"what's got you so bright today?"
jeongin grins widely, "chan asked me out!"
felix makes a noise somewhere between a laugh and a scoff, "took him long enough."
jeongin tilts his head at the blond, not sure what he means.
felix sighs, "don't tell chan i told you this, but according to binnie he's been talking about you almost since his first visit here."
jeongin blinks several times before turning bright red, prompting felix to laugh loudly, getting a punch in the shoulder in return.
"well, hopefully today's shift goes quickly, you should leave a few minutes early, i'll cover for you."
jeongin shakes his head slightly, "no, it's fine."
"it wasn't a question, dummy."
jeongin rolls his eyes, but doesn't object further.
the two work quickly, using their freetime to talk about this and that. after some prodding, felix admits that he and changbin have a date planned for later that week, blushing fiercely as he does.
jeongin annoys him about it for a bit, but eventually topics shift again. their shift takes just as long as usual, but since nothing out of the ordinary happens, and he's at an all-time high, it feels like it only takes minutes to jeongin.
five minutes before he's supposed to clock out, felix nudges him towards the breakroom, "get your bag n stuff, i told jisung to come in early so i can fix up your hair."
jeongin rolls his eyes slightly, but doesn't object. he steps into the breakroom just as jisung walks in, he initially looks less than happy about clocking in early, but his face lights up when ne notices jeongin.
"baby bread has a dAAaaaAAAaaAAate," he singsongs, and jeongin blushes again.
jisung and felix quickly swap places, jeongin dropping onto one of the chairs in the room to let felix do whatever he's planning for his hair.
felix works impressively quick, humming in satisfaction after only a few minutes. when jeongin reaches up to feel his hair, his fingers brush across a braid, done tightly to the side of his head.
this time it's jisung's turn to stick his head through the doorway, "chan's here is jeongin ready."
felix gives a thumbs-up, shoving jeongin towards the front of the café. jeongin feels his breath catch when he sees chan, and he gets the strong urge to run his fingers through the older's hair.
felix and jisung share a knowing look, and jisung tells jeongin to "go get your mans."
jeongin smacks the back of jisung's head in return, but steps out from behind the counter anyway, giving a middle finger when felix wolf whistles.
chan laughs at the trio, affection floating behind his eyes, and offers jeongin his hand , "ready?"
jeongin takes his hand with a smile, pausing for a moment to appreciate chan's dimples, "ready."
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jeongin looks up at the sound of the bell over the door, smiling when he sees chan and changbin walk in. felix also looks in the direction of the door, lighting up when he sees his boyfriend. jeongin rolls his eyes affectionately, but he's in the same situation, so he knows he has no room to talk.
by the time the two have gotten up to the counter jeongin already has their order in, but makes sure to confirm it with them in case they want something other than the usual.
felix hums as he works, and jeongin can practically see the hearts in changbin's eyes. he makes chan's drink as felix makes changbin's, the two taking their usual seats at the counter, the baristas leaning on the counter as they talk.
"y'know," felix starts, "it's getting close to christmas."
jeongin grimaces, which makes chan laugh.
felix just rolls his eyes, "ok mr. scrooge."
changbin laughs at his boyfriend's attitude, standing up slightly to give felix a quick kiss when the freckled boy pouts at him.
"we should do something christmas break," chan suggests, the other three nodding in agreement.
"do what though?" changbin is the one to ask, and gets no immediate response.
"i was gonna go home for christmas, i haven't seen my family in a while and my sister's been on-again off-again sick for a couple months now," felix is the first to give an answer, and chan hums in agreement.
"i haven't seen my family in a while either, i wouldn't mind going home for a bit."
changbin and jeongin glance at eachother, each appreciating how their boyfriends light up when talking about australia.
"well, i guess i'll be working some serious overtime before break starts," jeongin laughs, changbin nodding.
"me too."
the aussies turn to them, looking confused, and jeongin laughs quietly.
changbin offers a short, "plane tickets," in explanation, jeongin tilting his head in the older's direction as agreement.
"you're not getting rid of us that easily."
the aussies laugh, and chan ruffles jeongin's hair, "wouldn't dream of it."
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pansy-picnics · 2 years
Can we have more of the fankids? 👀
Like what kind of shenanigans do they pull together or individually?
OOOH well i’m glad you asked because i do actually have one thing in particular,,, it’s an idea that’s kinda been floating around in my brain for a while and it’s how emery was adopted!!!
emery was a lot like kiera and catalina in a sense that they just. showed up. and never left. obviously varian and hugo specifically fell in love with them but it took them a while to come to terms with the idea of adopting her. but the other two people she latched onto immediately were the twins. they were basically besties from the beginning!!!
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one day when the grown ups were talking about emery and what they were going to do with them, emery and the twins happened to be eavesdropping…they overheard something out of context and, being kids were worried that emery was gonna get sent away (though in reality it was quite the opposite)
so they basically did that kid thing you do when you have a friend over and its time for them to go home where you go hide in your basement and hope their parents wont come and find you. only difference is alina and ryder know like every nook and cranny of the castle (their parents are cass, rapunzel and eugene for fucks sake) so as soon as the adults realized they were missing they split up and it took like an hour to find them.
hugo and varian eventually found them, obviously overwhelmed with relief, but it was definitely surprising when they tried to ask what they were doing and emery just. burst into tears and the twins were begging them to let her stay
thankfully they were able to de-escalate the situation and assure emery they wouldn’t make her leave or send her away anywhere. when all of it was over it essentially ended up being one of the final nails in the coffin that made them both go “yeah, so shes definitely our kid now” AHAJSNSD
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they’re still just as close in their teens as they were when they were little, and despite being cousins they basically all could be considered siblings at this point
they make me so soft <3
oh, and as a group, they specifically enjoy messing with the royal staff and going into town or going riding at odd hours of the night
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i know it takes me a long time to answer these btw,,,but i appreciate the asks about them SO MUCH <3333 like it literally makes my day to see people enjoying them bc they are my beloveds
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