keshienorthstar · 9 months
The Bouncer and The Tailor
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Vivian 'Vixie' Louis hanging with her boyfriend Admer.
I also put some lyrics from the Eurodance song "Be My Lover" in the beackground, since I imagine thats the kind of music for Vivian to listen to
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sheltiechicago · 10 months
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Tuareg Near A Rock Carving Depicting Giraffes, Tassili N'ajjer National Park, Tadrart Rouge, Algeria
Algeria, A Place That’s Soon To Be On Everyone’s Radar
Photographer: Eric Lafforgue
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Tuareg Sits In The Sahara Desert, North Africa, Erg Admer, Algeria
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Mozabite Women In White Haïk In The Streets Of Ksar El Atteuf, North Africa, Ghardaia, Algeria
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Boy Near The Torso Of Jupiter Statue, North Africa, Djemila, Algeria
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From Inside the Chrysalis: A Review of Metamorphosis by Iluvia Triste
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Like casually strolling inside the belly of a beast, there is something unsettling yet so natural about reading Iluvia Triste's (Admer Balingan) poetry in his first book, Metamorphosis published under Ukiyoto Publishing.
The collection starts with ‘The Birth’. Here, the poet is not afraid to use haunting metaphors that a normal person would turn away from in repulsion. The persona tours the reader in places in childhood where he got his wounds, as though a crime scene revisited by a survivor. The pieces are suffocating, yet empowering and enlightening – simply raw emotions in their textual form.
The readers will find themselves looking through a thick, giant, and sticky bubble, and the view resembles a subjective purgatory of an aborted child – if only distorted by the iridescence. 
‘The Shedding’ follows. It tackles erosion and loss, both of physical form and sanity. Sweet Elvie hits too close to home, in particular, but the pages move on in a trancelike state. The persona possesses purity and naivety – ironically not that of a young child but that of Frankenstein’s monster. Each poem in this section beckons the readers to mourn.
“…the stars become feces… the people; become black teeth…” ‘The Growing’ is unhinged, fearless, and bold in its use of seemingly mundane words we encounter every day. Reading this feels like watching a tragic film creep and unfold in the streets and houses in an unheard-of province. A slice of life, if you will, but visceral and cut quite literally from the chest. The persona has the power to leave you feeling like a helpless prey to his demons. These are the words sprouting out of a body too disillusioned with itself to make sense of anything timid and inanimate enough to surround it. You can only read on as the persona seems to go down a spiral of self-hatred and madness, leaving behind an estranged body, much like Poe. My personal favorites are ‘november’ and ‘sundays devoid of flowers’ – poems written in styles much like mine, but madder and darker.
‘The Transformation’ is a refreshing break: it is not made of unadulterated healing, but mere glimpses of it. A tendency, I would say, for both relapse and self-acceptance. It talks about the kind of softness one finds against both flowers and tender wounds. It is about learning to live in your body after waging year-long wars against yourself. What makes this part stand out is perhaps the intentionality and consciousness in it – to tentatively step out of an outgrown shell while carrying within you the possibilities of stepping back in. What matters, though, is the intention. It is a great, hopeful way to end, and I am sure ‘jesus wears a skirt’ will stay with me years after I finished the book.
True to its description, this poetry book is indeed unconventional, raw, and unique. I truly hope that more readers who find themselves in crossroads, transitions, or personal metamorphosis, come across this book. Let your breaths be taken away as you flip through the pages of Metamorphosis, and you will find each one changed, restored, and made more authentic to who you are.
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sir-fluffbutts · 8 months
So what's the standard in the world of Chiffon? (I forgot if you ever gave it a name)
like in the Latte AMV I saw a fox officer character not wear shoes but a lot of the rest of characters do wear shoes.
What's the standard for feet wear? is it like optional or is it like some critters paws are tougher so they can bear walking in the cold or hot while others can't?
we simply call it the fluffverse
you can see my general woruld outfit info here!!
but to sum it up, > its optional! <
so for anthros with soft feet (usually ones with no pawpads or fur, such as fish or amphibian anthros), they usually wear shoes for the same reasons as humans wear em
and anthros with more sturdy feet or if their feet is not made for shoes, they mostly don't!
HOWEVER. it also depends on
- their personal choices
- the environment they're in
- their anatomy
- social ststus
and more!
so for example
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the fire twins, as firebelly newts (aka a amphibian) have soft feet
however due to them walking barefoot since they were little, it don't really effect them weather they have shoes or not so they prefer going barefoot
plus they can shoot fire from their feet so, burning new pair of jordens every time they fire jump would kinda suck
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bugsy is a frog+chameleon mix
she does have soft feet, but her feet is physically not made to wear shoes (except maybe sandals or such)
plus, it helps her stick to walls or tree branches witch helps her with her daily lives
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heltic is a fish anthro whos a navy admeral thats still on the huge boat patrolling the sea 24/7
she don't exactly...have soft skin, but due to her social status as a navy admeral (thus gotta look more formal) and the fact she will be standing on a floating piece of metal all day, shoes are quite needed
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belleski · 7 months
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As promised (like half a year ago) some more scfh art!!
I like to imagine Quinn finds Craig using their archeological finds as a cool outfit quite annoying. Shame everyone else thinks it so cool though. [Image description] A digital illustraition of a large green humanoid plant creature that's wearing pieces of yellow, blue and black pottery as clothing, most noticeably as a hat and breastplate. The big plant creature is smiling and flexing one arm with the other hand on his hip. He's surrounded by several smaller round plant aliens and two humaniod red robots that are all looking up to him in admeration and joy. Behind them, sitting slung over a branch with their arms crossed is a creature that resembles a purple and yellow monkey with large round glasses - who is scowling at the scene taking place in front of them. [END ID]
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gailhai1storm · 2 months
may i have some peterachilles thoughts/headcanons/anything 🥺
The fact that I havent read all the books that have them as central characters makes. this a bit hard, like I have thoughts but its hard to speak on a lot of it.
So im going togive you my thoughts on both of them just in stream of consciousness cause that will probably work better.
Ok so Achilles is so fucking facinating to me, cause he is absolutely masterminding things and plotting but I get the distinct feeling that he actually does overestimate people
there is hubris there but he truly thinks people are also plotting against him and thinking the same way he is, while also understanding that he is better at it than them.
I find this fucking hillariouse to put againct Peter who first off knows that Achilles could fucking destroy him and probably is trying to and is smarter than him. But Peter also has this odd confidence in himself and what he is doing that I find so utterly fascinating. I actually know someone a lot like peter and just that deep knowledge that you are missing something pared with hubris is facinating.
Thats the main place (from what ive read) that I get the ship from. It makes the trust Peter has make more sense. He wants to give Achilles freedom, and shiney things, because he enjoys him. He trusts him, but at the same time he cant.
I always imagine both of them just so paranoid about the other, Achilles more than Peter, cause peter has confidence in a way Achilles doesn't. Achilles does not understand kindness, not really.
Its part of what makes there dinamic to intesting,
Achilles wouldnt understand the kindness a first, wouldn't understand that this is admeration not pitty or groveling
cause Peter does not view Achilles as greater than him, but his equal his match, they challenge each other.
I picture them in a spiral, thinking their thoughts, pulling and pushing but perpetually funneled together and into the same place around and around.
They are infatuated with each other, and it tastes like medium rare steak, their relationship, sweat, and full, but you can still just almost taste the blood.
They are vile and put each other through the ringer but at the end of the day they love the others mind, the others drive, and they end up needing each other.
because to loose your match is to loose yourself.
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adlettres · 7 months
i want to be like that –
largely a morning person
or nocturnal roses compelled 
to survive fogs, molten guns
and stay wide awake
with vivid eyes, eager
not to miss the bullets 
that burst into twilights.
—admer balingan, excerpt from name your fist after tenderness, "twilight bullets".
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yesterdayandkarma · 10 months
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Tuareg sit in the Sahara desert, North Africa, Erg Admer, Algeria by Eric Lafforgue
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almostharmon · 11 months
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admere, my beloved
original date: january 2021
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jojou2 · 1 year
''قافـــلـــة الايـــموهاغ '' الـــــطـــــوارق
CARAVAN OF IMOHAGH - La caravane des Imoûhagh Touareg 🐪🐪🐪🐪🐪🐪
الـــــــجزائـــــــــــــر_ Algeria
منذ اقدم العصور جاب الطوارق الايموهاغ الصحراء بقوافلهم فاحيوا الواحات و المخيمات و المجتمعات السكانية و قامو بتامين تبادل تجاري و ثقافي, حيث كان هناك قوافل تسافر لعدة اشهروكانت مكونة في بعض المرات مثل قافلة الملح " الزاي " بما يزيد عن الالف جمل .
Depuis la nuit des Temps, les TOUAREGS ont sillonné le Sahara en tous sens avec leurs caravanes, faisant vivre les oasis, les campements, les centres de vie, assurant les échanges commerciaux et culturels. Les caravanes partaient pour plusieurs mois et certaines étaient constituées, comme l’Azalaï la caravane du sel, de plus de 1000 dromadaires.
Since the dawn of Time, theTUAREG have crossed the Sahara in all directions with their caravans and live oasis, encampments, living centers, providing the commercial and cultural exchanges.
The caravan left for several months and were incorporated, as the caravan Azalaï salt, more than 1,000 camels.
La Grande Caravane de l’Ahaggar au Tassili N’Ajjer
C’est la piste des rezzou d’autrefois que vous suivez. De Tamanrasset à Djanet, 700 km à dos de dromadaire. Sur votre parcours, les oueds et campements de l’Est de l’Ahaggar, de vieilles montagnes volcaniques, les ténérés d’Amadghor et du Tafessasset, les grandes dunes de l’erg Admer, les falaises du tassili N’Ajjer
The Big Caravan
From Ahaggar to Tassili of N'Ajjer
This is the track of past raids that you follow. Tamanrasset to Djanet, 700 km camel. On your journey, wadis and settlements in eastern Ahaggar, ancient volcanic mountains, Ténéré of Amadghor Tafessasset, the large dunes of Erg Admer, cliffs of Tassili N'Ajjer
21jours & 22 nuits / 21 days & 22 nights
Caravane de l’Ahaggar
Au fil des oueds qui serpentent comme des veines entre les collines de l’Est de l’Ahaggar vous découvrez des campements de zéribas, des jardins sahariens, des gravures rupestres, des oiseaux, vieux volcans.
Ce voyage peut se faire à deux ou à plus que deux personnes
Caravan of Ahaggar
Over the wadis that wind like veins in the hills east of the Ahaggar you find camps of zéribas (huts), Saharan gardens, rupestral engravings, birds, old volcanoes.
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artlimited · 2 months
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Erg Admer by Jean-Luc Billet https://www.artlimited.net/43908/art/photographie-erg-admer-montage-retouche-nature-paysage/en/11886384
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sheltiechicago · 10 months
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Djamaa El Djedid Mosque, North Africa, Algiers, Algeria
Algeria, A Place That’s Soon To Be On Everyone’s Radar
Photographer: Eric Lafforgue
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Old Ottoman House In The Casbah, North Africa, Algiers, Algeria
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Man Passing Near Murals Of Football And Revolution In The Casbash, North Africa, Algiers, Algeria
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Asphalt Road In The Desert, North Africa, Erg Admer, Algeria
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decay-solo-mission · 1 year
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While there's been nothing incredibly groundbreaking to report about the progress of Solo Mission, I'm happy to say that progress has been steady, and going fairly smoothly! In fact, at this rate of progress, I'm hoping to have the mod ready by the end of the year, though I can't make any progress.
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In the meantime however, here's a few pics from Chapter Six: Code Green. It's one of the smaller chapters in Decay, so work hasn't been super strenuous, but I'm nevertheless happy with how it came out.
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Before I go, I also want to give a quick shoutout to the newest member of the Solo Mission team, and our new lead programmer, Bacon! For those who've been keeping up with this mod, you may remember Admer, who's been the lead programmer for Solo Mission up to this point. His work's been invaluable, but unfortunately, his own schedule's been preventing him from being able to work on the project, and as such he's decided to step down.
Bacon's got big shoes to fill, but anyone who's been keeping an eye on another project of his, Half-Life: Extended, will know that Solo Mission's in very good hands.
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Expect the next update in the next month or two. In the meantime, feel free to check in on Twitter for more regular updates about the mod, and if you wanna support the mod in any way, you can always check out the Patreon, or snag yourself an official Decay: Solo Mission poster!
-Mr. Floyd
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thingsdavidlikes · 1 year
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Sand dunes in the Sahara desert, North Africa, Erg Admer, Algeria by Eric Lafforgue https://flic.kr/p/2oeqcq5
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loverboy1717 · 3 months
Hey so head canons about appearance when there is not a lot of concrete descriptors in the source material are very much up to the listener. Y’all gotta stop acting like people who don’t agree with the hive mind of this fandom are fat phobic or racist.
My personal, original, character headcanons before becoming active in the online fandom:
Short, neatly combed hair. British south Asian who dressed in like elbow patches and bullshit hipster glasses he didn’t even need but wore cus he wanted to look like a distinguished professor. First edition books on his desk. The kinda dude who smokes a pipe for the aesthetic and refuses to drink well drinks at the bar. Basically a pretentious little twink so kinda on the money with the popular opinions tbh.
Curly light brown hair. Clean shaven. Freckles and the kinda pale skin that gets blotchy/flushed easily. Grandad glasses but not like in a trendy way. In a thrift store cus he’s poor kinda way. In my head he has medium build. Like not muscled or fit, but not plus sized either. Just tall and solid with threadbare lil sweaters and he absolutely decorated his institute lanyard with vintage broaches. Rarely wears matching socks.
Tim in my head is just Phil Wang in like California surfer fits. Dude wears board shorts and flip flops with his collared short sleeved shirts and ties. Really good at beer pong and pub quizzes.
Jessica Brown Findlay meets Angel Colby but like with hip style and ink smudges on her fingers and a cheekier attitude. Catherine Bohart personality vibes would be a close comparison but not quite on the money.
Artfully dyed grey hair to hide his actual grey hair with that 1920-30 little bang wave. Lean but not like scrawny. Slacks, perfectly ironed dress shirts, douchebag Patagonia vests. His loafers cost more than a years rent in central and he has days of the week cuff links. He has the fake corporate smile that promises shitty snacks and forced ice breaker games and incredibly polished generic conversations.
Lily Tomlin if she were British and way more serious. Yes, this makes me laugh now too.
Literally just one of my friends but butched up a bit. (Sorry that’s not helpful for y’all’s imagination) intense when it comes to studying and pushing herself. Button ups and slacks and sensible shoes.
Long box black hair always in a bun but but with an under cut. Strong af but not bulky. Mean lesbian vibes. Sleeves always rolled up to her elbows and her shirts tucked in.
My self insert character. Bi bitch. Backwards baseball cap. Jeans and converse or docs. Oversized sweatshirts. Not cute knit sweaters but like old band crew necks and hoodies and soccer kits. (If anybody would love to go scream at the opposition fans it’s Melanie okay)Nose ring, messy hair to her shoulders. Always looking for a fight and a puzzle to solve.
Rose Matafeo if she was less chaotic and more put together. A wearer of Overall dresses with colorful tights and floral printed cardigans. A lover of tote bags and planners. She has a sticker of The Admeral on her hydro.
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thelemoncoffee · 2 years
thinking about body swap au logistics.
when you're in someone else's body, you kinda have to adhear to that body's needs if you don't want to damage it, and whatever those needs may be might not be something you're use to. this is perfect for conflict
thinking about this with Saiouma and my hcs for them.
Shuichi in Kokichi's body doesn't have to deal with any alergies and even gets to enjoy the extra strength and pain resistance. but also Kokichi is a vegitarian and would kick Shuichi's ass if he put unwanted animal flesh into his system. He's also got a lower spice tolorance and his hair is a nightmare to keep untangled despite being natrually straight.
Kokichi is Shuichi's body gets to enjoy the advantages of being tall and can handle much spicer foods than he's use to. but also Shuichi has a few alergies of varrying intensity and god knows what would happen if he managed to trigger them. Also Shuichi's body is not pleased by the sudden shift in diet Kokichi's vegitarian prefrences causes so he has to try and find a way to eat enough without making himself sick.
i also hc both need glasses, but Shuichi is nearsighted while Kokichi is far sighted. They can put the contacts they both wear in just fine, but the opposite to familairity types of blurry vision they now have to put up with while not wearing them is disorienting.
another thing is Kokichi is a lefty and Shuichi isn't, so now they have to fight with their mental memory telling them to use one hand while the body's muscle memory tells them to use the other
i think it's amusing and they'd definatly get to know one another better through having to take care of one another's bodies till they can find a way to switch back.
also i think when they inevitably have to change clothes, be it to switch into pjs or to shower or something, it'd be funny to think about their reactions to one another's bodies. Kokichi looking at all the tattoos i hc Shuichi has, and Shuichi being in total shock at the sheer amount of scars Kokichi has every-fucking-where on him from being wreckless with his gang. Kokichi is mezmerized by how unscathed and soft his skin is, and Shuichi is counting freckles. they both spend a little time in front of a mirror pulling faces they've always wondered what looked like on the other too.
the admeration will always be the cutest part to me
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