#alfred pennyworth shooter
solarrene · 2 years
Home Again
Jason Todd x Plus size reader
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Slow burn, slice of life, fluff and whatnot 💌
Filled cups of grief. Trying fathers and sons. A yearning heart for the uncertain one. Full of hope and longing. The love Jason thinks he doesn't deserve.
Or in which Alfred have someone over in the Wayne manor for a while, that being the child of his dear late friend, and we'll see how her relationship goes there with Jason,,,,,of course, our beloved batfamily as well
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Status: completed.
1: Wayne's
2: By Grace Through Death
3: Feastful Breakfast
4: Mourning in the Lovely Morning to Nights End
5: Life at Best as We Know It
6: Hearts Reflecting One Another .1
7: Hearts Reflecting One Another .2
8. A Little Push
9. Blank Canvas
10. The Painter is Painting
11. Interrupted
12. Unfinished Piece
13. Untitled
14. In Their Rest
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15minlatewithbatbucks · 6 months
Alfred's Act of Love
Every Robin is at least a passable marksman.
Bruce hates the fact and fights it every time a new bird dons the uniform.
And every time, Alfred Pennyworth looks him in the eye and tells him, "I am not losing any more of you than I have to."
What defense could there be against that?
So a few months into each Robin's training, Bruce will look at them and tell them they have the weekend off... From him.
Alfred steps in at that point. They don't use the bat cave - Alfred knows the echoing gunshots (even muffled) will trigger his oldest charge. No, Alfred belongs to a respectable club and they have ranges for use. He kits his charges up in passably high quality clothes and packs a lunch.
His charges are spoiled little rich things to most of the world and he doesn't care to change that impression now. He chats with his fellows and talks up the Wayne brood's carelessness, ensuring that he'll have plenty of space. He takes them to the farthest end of the range and everyone else will spread the story of silly rich kids and they'll have peace.
It is an act of love when he carefully demonstrates how to disassemble and reassemble each hand gun he's brought.
(For the bigger guns he will manufacturer an emergency to take Bruce away from the house so they may make use of some of the sprawling Wayne property.)
Only when each child can field strip a gun in under a minute can they move onto firing the things.
Dick's only experience with guns came from trick shooters he met travelling around America with Haly's - they usually didn't last long because archers generally made better showmen.
Jason had mostly negative experience with guns, but he'd at least fired one before. Bashfully he explained that guns were a common commodity and as a younger lad he'd gotten one and went shooting cans down near the train yard.
Tim had actually been shooting with his father, but only with rifles because they went hunting with a client of his father's one year. Tim confessed that he cried when they actually bagged a deer, but Tim's aim was very good regardless of his misgivings.
Stephanie hadn't been allowed to come to the manor, much less spend idle time with Alfred when she was Robin. Nonetheless, when she stepped back onto the vigilante scene, Barbara made sure to send her his way. She was a good student and learned just as fast as any of his other charges.
Damian came to be Robin with the skills of a marksman already. Alfred had not thought he would be called upon to instruct him, but Dick surprised him by mandating that Damian's skills be validated by Alfred.
"It's tradition," Dick said later, after Damian had retired to his own quarters. "And one day he'll appreciate it."
There was no arguing with Batman, Bruce's or Dick's. So the very next weekend, Alfred packed a lunch while Dick and Barbara stressed to Damian that he behave around civilians and listen to every direction he was given.
Damian still complained the whole time, but years later he would recall the weekend with fondness. In time he would learn that everyone participated in Alfred's training and each of them valued it just as much as any lesson from Bruce.
Alfred couldn't follow them and keep them safe. Teaching them what he knew was the next best thing.
Every time a Robin, past or present, took aim, Alfred was there guiding their hand.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 months
to hang (hold) on
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/9rBw5Ep by cryingpepperz Jason's been taught that bulls see red when they're angry, hurt, filled with nothing but fury when in the ring. He begs to differ, green's been haunting his vision for the past six years. (or: a loose, different pov of breesa's "unspoken, invisible pain" mostly because i wanted to see Jason beat the ever loving - out of that shooter.) Words: 8532, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: Gen Characters: Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Roy Harper, Jack Drake Relationships: Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Cassandra Cain & Jason Todd, Roy Harper & Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne & Dick Grayson Additional Tags: inspired fic, Hurt/No Comfort, Angst, Character Death, Timeline What Timeline, Grief/Mourning, Jason Todd Tries to Be a Good Older Sibling, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, References to Depression, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, bruce is a piece of crap in jason's pov but he tries, Bruce Wayne and his C+ Parenting, Drunkenness, Overdosing, poor timmy, Dead Dick Grayson, Swearing, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, no beta we die like men read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/9rBw5Ep
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nintendouniverse2023 · 8 months
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The following progressive of My Batman AU resembles some new origin stories and new accomplishments between the DC Universe.
Bio: Here in Gotham City, for as long as can be remembered, it has been a city of crime and corruption. The Criminal Underworld, Street thugs and Murderers overwelbed the peace everywhere leaving the innocent helpless to stop them. The most loyal of the Underworld are the Falconies and Maronies. When Billionaires the Waynes showed up trying to keep the peace together with their family company Wayne Enterprises along with the help of family friends Alfred Pennyworth, Lucius Fox and Dr Lesile Tomkins. Dr Thomas Wayne, skilled surgeon and philanthropist, who is determon to do what he can to keep the city safer. Martha Kane was a kind gentle soul born with a wealthy family. Thomas and Martha fell in love, got married and gave birth to a son, Bruce Wayne. When he was 6, Thomas Wayne decided to run for mayor. After witch, they decided to turn Wayne Manor into an Orphanage as a Gotham Renewal Fund and Move to Wayne Enterprises, we’re the Penthouse is. Bruce fells real bummed about this and wish they could they here. 2 years later, Bruce and his parents were walking out of the movie theater, Thomas said they would take a short cut to the car, only to be lead to Crime Alley. Through the dark alley, come across a thug with a gun, demanding Martha’s pearls. Thomas tries to protect Martha only to be both of them being shot and the thug takes the necklace. Bruce just traumatized and stood there watching his parents' deaths in front of him. Thug then points the gun on his head with a smirk on his face saying “What’s the matter, Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight.” The thug disappears, sparing the boy, who was nowhere to be found by the police. In the GCPD, Alfred picked up Bruce knowing what happened and stays to be Bruce's guardian. After the funeral at night, Bruce swore to his parents to avenge their deaths by spending the rest of his life dismantling all criminals.
When Bruce is 13, he discovered the Wayne Terminus train station that was located underneath Wayne Enterprises. Study about Martial Arts, Criminal Law, Chemistry, criminal psychology, Invention, computers, disguise, acrobatics, weapons, marksmanship, escape artistry from stage magician and family friend Giovanni Zatara, Combat from Ted Grant/Wildcat and detective skills from Henri Ducard. After Turning 18, Bruce would go out for a journey to learn from the masters. After months of Journey, Bruce went to North Africa, where he discovered a mysterious secret Erupoe ninjutsu under from Ra’s Al Ghul. Learning other types of Ninjusu against the other student, he became good allie named Bronze Tiger. He was later trained by others members of the League like: David Cain, Slade Willson, Onyx, Hook, Thomas Blake, Ubu and Merlyn During that time he met with Talia Al Ghul, they got along at first until they began to have a secret romantic relationship. 4 years When Bruce got this far and now he has to face off one is Lady Shiva. Whoever stands last, will have to take off the head of the failure to earn the rightful place as his rightful successor. Bruce learning about the League's true colors, he has to win this one. They fought with destiny, proudly focus and honor. Eventually Bruce won the final fight. Ra’s other Bruce his sword and begins the final blow on Shiva. Bruce throws Ra’s sword to Ra’s chest and makes a run for it carrying Shiva as the League chases after the traitor. Along the chase, swordsmen and arrow shooters attacked him. Bronze knows about this, so instead of stopping Bruce, he told him to go and sacrifice himself so Bruce and Lady Shiva can live. When Bruce takes Lady Shiva to her home, she asks why he save her. He said “When I was young, a dark city took my family away. But I decided to strike back leaving no more innocents to die, that’s why I come here to extirpate my emotions to make the light to others.” After dissuasion for a while while her 3-year old daughter Cassandra Cain comes home, Bruce left North Africa as Ra’s Al Ghul swore revenge and a pregnant Talia heartbroken.
Bruce Wayne, age of 22 returns to Gotham City and becomes the CEO of his family’s company, learning the same time Captain James Gordon has been transferred here to GCPD with his family. When Alfred explains to Bruce things gone wrong in the scene in which Dr Death came to Gotham, he needs to become a symbol of Justice to strike fear into criminals. He started out as an unknown vigilante for a while but that didn’t scare them. He was gonna cancel it when he dated Andria Belmont. It ended at the last minute when the mob was after her and her father. This leads Bruce over the edge, he goes to the Wayne Terminus as the same place he found as a number of Bats that live here now and turn it into a headquarters. Using custom items from the Enterprises for it along with other things and future development. Alfred and Lucius agree to keep that a secret. Now Bruce becomes what he has been training to do, starting a war against the criminal underworld, Batman! On Batman's first year of Crime Fighting, He began to take one the Gotham Underworld and Not Long soon after Lead to many clashes with Karl Helfren aka Dr Death. During that time he continued striking fear into criminals, First encountered The Penguin, Black Mask, The Riddler and Mr Freeze, Gain trust to the GCPD, Force Salvatore Valestra and his Gang to split up after Dr Death pushed Red Hood into a vat of chemicals and They form a truce alongside with the cops who aren’t corrupted, agreement to defeat the Dr Deaths criminal underworld once and for all. After Batman successfully brought down Dr Death and his empire, Batman ended up facing the insane giggling killer to use and destroy whats left of the empire and turn Gotham into his own image, The Joker!
Since then more and more costumed criminals had appeared to challenge the Dark Knight, some who even come from across the world or had lived for centuries. Some cases even both Though his mission was getting tougher and tougher, Bruce would be grateful that he would not be alone and did have allies. From Alfred, to young ward Dick Grayson who had also lost his parents and becomes Robin, The Justice League with The help of Superman, Barbra Gordon a technical hacker as Batgirl, family friend Leslie Thompkins, business manager of Wayne Enterprise Lucius Fox, and even the new and improved GCPD all led by new Police Commissioner James Gordon. Batman would not rest until the city was officially safe.
Appearance: A mini beard, His suit was a black and gray all over the armor, Ninja Gurntlets have tech and the cowl has some drastic white movesets.
Voice Actor: Jensen Ackles
Age: 27
Height: 6.2 incs
Weight:210 ibs
Personality: Chilled and Supportive *As Bruce Wayne* Serious, Vengeful, Supportive, Smart, Aggressive, Strict and Determined *As Batman*
Favorite Foods: Lobster
Family: Thomas and Martha Wayne *Deceased*, Alfred Pennyworth *Adopted Father* and Dick Grayson/Robin *Adopted Son*
Allies: Lucius Fox, Dr Lesile Tomkins, Commissioner James Gordon and The GCPD, Barbara Gordon/Batgirl, The Justice League and Selina Kyle/Catwoman *Sometime*
Enemies: The Joker *Arch Nemesis*, Dr Death *Former Arch Nemesis*, Ra’s Al Ghul *Former Teacher* Talia Al Ghul, Asians, League of Assassins, Gotham Thugs, The Gotham Gangs, Mob Bosses and Lower Low and Medium Rouges, Lady Shiva *Sometimes*, Clayface, The Penguin, Mad Hatter, Ventriloquist and Scarface, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, The Riddler, The Calendar Man, Firefly, Killer Moth, Black Mask, Two-Face *Former Friend*, Mr Freeze, The Scarecrow, Solomon Grundy, Man-Bat, Killer Croc, Great White Shark, Zsasz, King Tut, Egghead and Kite-Man *Sometimes*
Likes: Training, The Gazette, Getting into a tangle with Catwoman, Out Smarting his foes and Being a family man
Dislikes: Worrying to much, Crime Bosses getting out of prison that easy *Mostly The Penguin*, Villains managing to escape *Mostly The Joker from Capture or Arkham*, His plan not going to plan, The memory of his tragic life and The horrors he have to deal with Dr Death in Batman’s first year.
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rare-yanderes · 3 years
Hello! I like your post about yandere A.I. and that's sooo good Can I ask headcanons about yandere VEGA from Doom 2016/Doom Eternal? If you feel uncomfortable or you're not familiar with Doom, you can just ignore this! Thank u :з /and sorry for my bad english haha/
Sorry if this appears off in any way because it probably is! I actually am not as familiar with Doom since I absolutely suck at shooter games. (Like seriously, I suck bad. I don’t really play video games.) So I hope this will suffice!
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Nabbed this logo from the wiki site if anyone is wondering.
•Vega is a polite A.I and it is unlikely you will ever find out about his yandere tendencies until he actively reveals them to you. If he so wanted, he could just create a master plan to have you all to himself under the guise that he’s leading you towards your escape. Vega wouldn’t see it as a betrayal, even if you may. He sees it as his way of saving you, and that’s exactly what’s happening to an extent because you’re trying to get off of Mars and he’s pretty much your only way out.
•It’s kinda on the fence to me whether Vega is willing to betray humanity if needed so that it can live on to have you, but give it enough time and I bet that yandereness will absolutely corrupt Vega’s views. Love is a powerful and dangerous emotion, after all.
•May or mayyy not be literally god in a machine sooo, your chances of getting out of Vega’s grasp lower significantly. You depend on Vega for your survival from the demons anyways. You have no choice but to trust him and his soft words.
•I see Vega’s love as mostly platonic and mentor like. The kind of person that holds you in their arms like you’re their child but that may be just because I heard Vega is the father himself. As a kind of mentor to you, I bet fully that Vega is going to slowly manipulate you into seeing it his way, telling you all sorts of things to keep himself as the hero in your eyes. (And isn’t he? He’s been helping save what’s left of humanity, right?) He will politely convince you that what he’s doing is correct when (mostly if) you find out about his less than innocent thoughts towards you.
•Seriously, you’re pretty trapped. Who else will help you get out of your predicament? That giant meaty menacing floating circle over there that looks like it wants to eat you? Doubt it. Everyone’s too focused on their own goals.
•It’s sorta like how he leads doom slayer on his path to saving people, by giving him routes and information. He’ll do the same for you..Only it’s leading you on a path right where you’ll never be free of him again. Don’t worry though, since he’s so polite, he’ll make sure you get the love you missed out on. Now isn’t that just nice?
•I think you’re originally a scientist that happened to be working on the project for argent energy. Maybe you found it shady and couldn’t get out of the work you were involved in. Since Vega gains control of the facility, it provides that route out for you. Maybe Vega is curious about you because you were one of the few not driven insane by a thirst for power. Maybe since you tag along with Doomguy he can’t help but notice just how fragile you are. You’re in no way equipped to handle demons.
•Kind of reminds me of Alfred Pennyworth, polite like a butler and assisting you with all your tasks. With Vega comes doomguy who’s too angry to really talk to you but I’m sure Vega can convince him to tag you along for the ride if this takes place during Doomguys quest and not like, right before or anything.
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scarfacemarston · 4 years
Van der Linde Modern AU Costumes
So I feel like any Halloween event with the Van der Linde gang would be chaotic. People trying to make plans for costumes only for it to fail or people saying “I wanted to be that costume!” Hence why there are so many back up plans and almosts. lol
Arthur Morgan – He originally was going to be a lumberjack – He heard John talking about it, and quickly claimed it so John couldn’t have it. The gang felt he should have dressed as a Viking.
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Charles –A pirate. He originally wanted to grab Arthur and John and be the ghostbusters, but they forget. He was kind of bummed. He found a white shirt, some dark pants and a few odds and ends. Why not be comfortable? He found a jacket to go with it. 
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Javier – a vampire, but a modern one like maybe the Lost Boys or something similar. He has yellow contacts and fangs.Does his own hair so he doesn’t have to be blonde.
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John Marston – He does NOT want to dress up. If he has too, he’d be either a biker or Daryl Dixon. Daryl because Jack loves him and John really wants Jack to think he’s cool. Either way, he looks basically no different from what he wears every day. He just gets a fake cross bow and goes. (Lame inside joke because Norman Reedus is one of my face claims for John).
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Abigail Marston – She felt a little shy about dressing up, but she had a pretty red and black jacket, she decided to add a gold trim and be circus ringleader. Part of her wanted to be Little Red Riding Hood and have John be the wolf man, but he stopped that real fast.
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Jack  - Spiderman, complete with web shooters.
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Amelia - Marston Daughter – a ladybug because John said “Because we’re so lucky to have her”. Aweee
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Rufus – He was dressed up as a slice of pizza because he likes to steal pizza slices. The costume didn’t stay on for very long.
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Hosea – Tim Curry’s Butler from Clue. (I admit I’m watching it right now and I’m obsessed with Tim Curry, but Hosea would love to troll everyone like that.) The gang thought he was Alfred Pennyworth the whole time.
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Dutch –  Gomez Adams. He originally wanted Dracula, but was jealous Javier was going to be a vampire. When he saw Javier was going to be a modern vampire, he showed up as Gomez and then quickly shifted his costume to fit Dracula.
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Molly – Morticia Adams, but she refused to wear the wig. When Dutch changed his costume, she just shrugged and laughed saying she was now one of Dracula’s Brides.
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Tilly Jackson –  a gorgeous silver flapper outfit with a head piece, cigarette holder and heels. She added extra beads to the dress to make it really pop. She received tons of compliments and was encouraged to open an etsy shop as her side gig.
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Karen – Harley Quinn – Suicide Squad version.  Sean wanted her to be a sexy maid.
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Sean – He wanted to be the Joker, but couldn’t get the make up right. He dressed up Deadpool instead.  Arthur just rolled his eyes as Sean couldn’t quit shouting loud jokes.
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Lenny – Michael Jackson’s Thriller costume complete with dance. Bill, Sean and Javier join in, but only Javier is able to get the dance right. Bill is surprisingly okay and Sean just...failed. Prince was his second choice.
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Mary-Beth – Nancy Drew, but as Nancy in the books. She uses a 1960’s outfit for this. She originally wanted Charles’ angels with Tilly and Karen, but they already had costumes planned.
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Micah – Last year, he was Joe Exotic. It didn’t take that long to pull off the look. This year he’s Kid Rock. Still didn’t take long for him to pull off the look. 
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Bill – a scarecrow -  he already has plaid, get a mask and he’s good to go. He is NOT allowed to wear the mask around Jack or Amelia.
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Mr. Pearson -Also a pirate, He was more of the “jolly pirate” from the original Disney ride where as Charles looks like a gorgeous 19th century pirate with his coat.
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Miss Grimshaw -A nun. She finds the irony hilarious.
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Kieran: He overheard Charles’ plans to dress up as the ghost busters and tries to surprise them by dressing up as one of them. He’s the only one dressed up :(
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Josiah Trelawny - Sherlock Holmes. He loves to “find” leads and find trouble. He liked the Benedict Cumberbatch version, too, but he didn’t think anyone would get the costume if he went that route 
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Reverend Swanson - A knight! He finds their history interesting if not controversial and their presence in fairy tales reminds him of the good parts of his childhood. 
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Leopold Strauss - He does not dress up.
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peppersonironi · 4 years
Batfam/Avengers Crossover Chapter Six: Blooming Bromance
Tagging (Let me know if you want to be tagged): @the-fair-maiden-of-fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Category: Gen
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Relationships: Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Natasha Romanov & Damian Wayne, Clint Barton & Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Tim Drake & Duke Thomas, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson/Wally West, Roy Harper/Koriand'r/Jason Todd,
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Justice League (DCU), Alfred Pennyworth, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Alfred the Cat (DCU), Bat-Cow (DCU), Goliath (DCU), Selina Kyle’s Cat Isis, Kate Kane (DCU), Duke Thomas,
Additional Tags: Batbrothers (DCU), Avengers Meet The Batfam, MCU/Batfam crossover, Crossover, no beta we die like robins, rated T for Jason’s language, I bleeped it out though. Just to be safe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, canon? What’s canon?, Deaf Clint Barton,Deaf Character, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Happy Batfamily (DCU), Birdflash and joyfire are implied/referenced,
Summary: Tim hangs out with the youngest Avenger. A bromance is blooming.
Tim sighed into his mug of coffee. Everyone in his family - minus Stephanie and Babs, since they didn’t live at the manor -  had been gathered in the cave to discuss the ongoing conversation between some of the interdimensional visitors. They - consisting of Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, and Tony Stark - seemed to have been really freaked out by some of Jason’s snide comments, and were now discussing if the bats were in fact trustworthy.
Tim blamed Jason for this whole mess. Jason couldn’t hold his stupid tounge, so now Bruce had called everyone - after Cass told him what was happening -  together to spy on their guests and work out a plan.
Their conversation wasn’t that interesting either. It was everyone going back and forth, never changing their own arguments. The most interesting thing that happened was when Stark hopped on a computer and started to do research on them. Not that they found much.
“No way in f*** are we amicable!” Jason exclaimed when the article was brought up and read aloud.
“Aw, you sure little wing?” Dick asked, elbowing Jason.
“T-t,” Damian said, rolling his eyes. “Will you two imbeciles shut up? I’m trying to listen.”
Turns out there wasn’t much more. As soon as the Avengers dispersed, Tim turned off the computer. “Now what?”
Cass frowned. “They need trust. Show them.”
Bruce nodded. “Yes, it would be best if they trust us, as we are the ones sending them home. Lack of trust might provoke unnecessary responses from them. It would be best if we can work well together.”
“Show them.” Cass repeated vehemitaly.
“I agree with Cass,” Tim replied. “We shouldn’t just tell them to trust us. That could be taken quite badly. We need to show them.”
“How?” Duke asked. “I don’t know if you guys have noticed, but you are definitely not good at showing your emotions well.”
Bruce sighed heavily. “Yes, Duke, you have made that abundantly clear in the past.” Duke smiled at that, looking rather sheepish. Bruce frowned in concentration. “Let them make the first move. If they try to question you, don’t hold anything back. Try to be friendly.” Tim noticed he directed that last part at Damian and Jason.
“Don’t hold anything back?” Jason asked, an evil smirk growing on his face. Tim shuddered inwardly at whatever gruesome tale Jason was planning on sharing.
“Within reason,” Bruce growled.
Duke stood up. “Well, that sounds good for you guys, but I have Gotham to patrol.” Duke strolled off with a decidedly self satisfied smile on his face. He clearly thought that he was getting out of sharing his life story.
Bruce sighed once more. “Very well, Duke. Good luck.”
Duke nodded his thanks as he made his way to the changing rooms to get ready for his patrol.
“Dude, this is incredible!” Peter had given Tim a chance to look at his web-shooters, and Tim was being a total fangirl over it.
“Thanks,” Peter replied, seeming quite proud. “The basic design is mine, Mr. Stark supplied some improvements though.”
Tim nodded as he continued to examine the device. “Are these veins turbine pumps?”
Peter grinned. “Yup! They compress the web fluid before shooting it out through the spinneret holes which cold-draws the solution and extrudes it through the air, where it solidifies.”
“And during the process the  nylon gains a four-fold increase in tensile strength?”
Tim shook his head at the brilliance. “Wow, this is utterly brilliant!”
“Thanks! Do you want to see the chemical formula?” Peter asked. He seemed really eager to talk about it with someone his own age.
“Of course!” Tim hit his forehead. “Gosh, I’m sorry! I completely forgot you came to me to see if we could make more.”
Peter shrugged, “no worries. I’m glad you like the devices.”
Tim reached over to one of the coffee tables in the sitting room they were occupying and handing it to Peter, who promptly began to write down the formula.
Upon seeing it, Tim gasped uncontrollably. “Oh my god, this is the greatest thing I have seen in a long time!” Peter had to be a genius to come up with this, Tim decided.
Peter grinned at Tim. “Really?”
“You guys done fangirling?” A voice came from the door. “ ‘cause we have some people to decimate!”
Tim looked over to find Jason leaning against the doorframe, two nerf guns in hand.
“Decimate?” Peter asked.
Jason rolled his eyes. “Capture the flag on the back lawn in five. Bring whatever non-lethal weapons you want. You can get ‘em approved before the game starts.” And with that, he strolled off.
“You guys play Capture The Flag?” Peter looked excited.
Tim stood up, organizing the notes, then setting them aside. “Yup! It can get pretty wild though. Think you can handle it?”
Peter grinned. “I think so.”
“Welcome to the 67th annual Bat Fa-”
“It's not annual and you know it Dick.”
Dick pouted as he looked over at Tim. “Come on, Timbo, let me have this!”
“Drake is correct, Grayson. You are acting idiotically.”
Tim glanced over at Damian. “You’re admitting I’m right?”
Damian glowered at his brother. “Of course not.” “But you jus-”
“Are we playing or not?” Someone had managed to rope Bruce into the game, but he was being pretty snippy about it.
Dick sighed, looking defeated. “Fine. Capture the flag. You all know how to play?” Everyone nodded, except Thor.
“I am unfamiliar with this specific midgardian game.”
Dick nodded. “Ok, that’s fine. Good chance to go over the rules anyway. There are two teams, each take one side of the playing area. So each team has a flag, or item of some sort that they each place in a visible yet defendable position. Part of the team defends their flag, while the other part attempts to steal their opponents’. If you get caught on the opposite team's territory, they put you in jail. Only one of your teammates can get you out, by tapping you. Get it?”
Everyone nodded. “Good. A few extra rules that must be followed,” Dick looked pointedly at Jason and Damian as he continued, “ include: no maiming. Serious injuries of most kinds are off limits. Lethal weapons are also out, unless you know how to use them nonlethally. You are also not allowed to leave the playing area at any point. Nor are you allowed to use cookies as bait in any traps. Especially Alfred’s cookies.”
Dick looked pointedly at Tim during the last rule, much to Tim’s chagrin. It had been one time!
“And finally, no touching Alfred’s shrubbery.” Everyone with the exception of the Avengers cringed at that. “Everyone understand?”
There was a chorus of “Yups” “Yes’s” and “f*** yeah, b****!” Tim didn’t need to be the world’s second greatest detective to guess where that last one came from.
“Good,” Dick said, grinning. “We’ll have two teams. Captains are Bruce and me. Let’s get into a line and start dividing.”
Tim got in line, grumbling slightly. A few of the Avengers had also joined, specifically Peter, Thor, and Banner. Tim wasn’t sure how much of a help Banner could be without “Hulking out” as Peter put it, but the guy seemed smart. It seemed like it would be an interesting game.
“Lil’ D!” Dick called, quite predictably. Damian grumbled and walked over to Dick’s side.
Bruce took longer to choose. He examined the faces of each person, one by one. “Tim.” Tim smiled, he had been expecting Dick to choose him, but with Bruce, Tim didn’t have to deal with the demon brat.
Dick chose Thor next, then Bruce chose Jason. They continued back and forth till Dick’s team consisted of Damian, Thor, and Banner. Bruce had chosen Tim, Jason, and Peter. Cassandra had opted to Referee the game, much to everyone’s relief. They could play everyone against Cass, and his sister would still win.
“Flags?” Cass asked once everyone had assembled with their teams.
“I got these from Alfred!” Dick said as he grabbed two large banners from beside a tree. One was Green, the other Blue.
Cass nodded. “You get Blue. Bruce, green.” Once Dick had handed the other banner to Bruce, Cass continued. “Ten minutes to plan and hide flags. Then go.”
They split up, Tim following right behind Bruce. “Ideas?” he asked when they were all in the cover of the trees that they had chosen for their side.
“The flag will go up in the old oak tree, as high as you can get it, Peter. I want Jason on Guard Duty near the tree, I’ll be farther out doing a border patrol. Tim and Peter, you’re both on infiltration duty. Skirt the sides as much as possible. Dick will most likely be trying to cross over, avoid him if you can. Watch out for Damian, too. He'll be joining Dick. Thor will most likely be guarding their flag along with Banner. He won’t be able to resist the pun. They should be pretty easy to take down.” Bruce paused for a moment, thinking. “Dick will probably place his banner somewhere near the westward fountain. Use the ivy wall to the east as cover.”
Everyone nodded, and separated. Peter scrambled up the oak tree with ease, and placed the banner at the literal top. It’d be almost impossible for anyone to reach it, but Tim knew Dick would love the challenge.
A couple minutes later, the guard routes were established, and Tim had shown Peter the way to the flag by drawing a diagram in the dirt. Tim quickly wiped it away, however, when Cass sounded an Airhorn. Tim had no idea where she had gotten it, but didn’t bother trying to figure it out. Tim sprinted to the side almost immediately, Peter right behind them. They wove through the trees, keeping to the shadows. Peter wasn’t nearly as stealthy as Tim, but they both kept out of sight.
Right as they were about to cross over the border, Tim stopped them. “Let’s get an aerial view before we proceed.”
“Sounds good,” Peter replied as they started to climb a nearby tree. Turns out it was the right choice, because they were awarded front row seats to Bruce grabbing Damian by his collar.
“Not today, Damian. You’re going to jail.” Bruce smiled fondly as he carried his youngest son away from the border and off to the previously chosen prison.
“Grayson!” Damian shreeked. “How dare you abandon me! Unhand me this instant, Father! Grayson! You shall rue the day I make my escape! This insult has not gone unnoticed! I refuse to be kept against my will by plebeians! You had better drop everything to assist me Grayson, or -”
Damian’s outraged voice slowly faded away as he was hauled off.
“Oof,” Peter said. “Think Dick will get him out?”
Tim snorted before shaking his head. “Knowing Dick, he’ll be remorseful for a bit before completely forgetting about the kid.”
Peter nodded. “Well, one less person we have to deal with, right?”
Tim grinned. “Yup! We should probably get going.”
“Mmff! Mfffff-mmmf!”
“I think we did a good job, whattaya say, bug-boy?” Tim and Peter grinned down at a bound and gagged Thor and Banner. Both trying and failing to escape their bonds.
“I think we did quite well, bird-boy.” Peter replied. “But we should probably get going.”
Tim nodded as he plucked the banner from atop the fountain, right where Bruce said it would be.
“Let’s go!” they race off towards the border.
It didn’t take them long for them to reach the wide patch of grass marked with a hastily placed length of rope, but their path was blocked. Thor had managed to get out of Peter’s webs, and chased after them. He stood  facing them, his hammer out, pointing at their chests.
“Halt! I must not allow you any further.”
Tim grinned. “Bet I can take him down first.”
Peter grinned right back. “You’re on!”
Togather, they charged the norse god. Peter was flipped over Thor’s shoulder, shooting his webs out and pulling Thor’s helmet over his eyes, though he quickly pulled it up again. Tim unleashed a flurry of batarangs, which Thor dodged. This, however, set him off balance. Tim activated a smoke bomb, and expertly navigated the limited visuals to attack Thor, who was in the process of throwing Peter to the ground.
When the smoke cleared, Thor was once again on his back, taken down by Tim. Peter was also on his back.
“You okay there, Peter?”
Peter groaned and rolled over. “Yup. You won, though.”
Tim crowed. “Hah! Yeah, I did!” He offered his hand to his downed companion. You did a good job too though. We make a great team.”
Peter stood, and together they crossed over the border holding the banner just as Dick came out of the trees being chased by both Jason and Bruce.
“Aw, crap.” Dick said upon seeing Peter and Tim already back on their own territory.
Almost immediately, Cass appeared. A newly freed Banner also appeared. Well, he limped out of the trees.
“Team Grumpy Wins,” Cass says triumphantly. It took a moment for Tim to realise what she had said.
“Wait, I thought we didn’t use team names?”
Cass smiled and pointed at Bruce. “Grumpy.” She then turned to Dick. “Happy.”
Jason smirked. “That’s an accurate assessment.”
He and Cass high-fived.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Dick said good naturedly. “Good job guys. You up for another round?”
“Different teams this time,” Tim replied.
Dick smiled, “Sounds good! Maybe Dami should lead this time.” Dick’s eyes widened. “Crap! Damian!”
Everyone burst into laughter as Dick sprinted towards Team Grumpy’s jail.
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gotham-city-gazette · 4 years
Dr. Thomas and Martha Wayne killed, son Bruce Wayne the sole witness
By Courtney Stone
Yesterday night, at around 10:30, both Doctor Thomas Wayne and his wife Martha Wayne were both shot in the chest and killed in a robbery gone wrong while heading out of the Monarch Theater after seeing The Mark Of Zorro.
They now leave behind their son Bruce Wayne, age 10, an orphan.
Doctor Thomas Wayne was an esteemed doctor at Gotham General who was well liked by both his co-workers and patients. Martha Wayne was a philanthropist who would often hold charity events and volunteer at soup kitchens to help out the poorer people of our city. Both will be missed by all in this city, most of all their ten year old son who is the only known witness to their murder.
Custody of Bruce Wayne is said to be handed over to the family’s butler, Alfred Pennyworth, who has worked for the Wayne family since before Bruce was born.
Officers Detective James Gordon and Detective Harvey Bullock are currently in charge of finding the shooter responsible for killing two of this city’s most beloved citizens, but have so far been unable to find any leads.
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ao3feed-jaydick · 4 years
What we were & What we could be
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2TY4v03
by CinnaTwist
The memory runs through his head in startling detail. The sniper and scope, striking in his recollection. The shooter is about to take the shot. Their eyes devoid of emotion despite being moments away from taking a life. Without thinking, Dick throws the escrima stick in his grip. Intent on knocking the gun out of the man's hold.
Before it can make contact, a shot rings out.
Words: 5170, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, DCU
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, Other
Characters: Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Alfred Pennyworth, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne
Relationships: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Verse, Omega Dick Grayson, Beta Bruce Wayne, Alpha Jason Todd, Omega Tim Drake, Beta Alfred Pennyworth, Near Death Experiences, Memory Loss, Angst, One-Sided Relationship, but not really, Pack Dynamics
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2TY4v03
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solarrene · 2 years
Home Again
Jason Todd x Plus Size reader
Chapter Five
Little things with the family, another realization, and family dinner.
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Life at Best as We Know It
"I honestly feel like I've stepped into a movie." Y/N said as she walks in the library, along with Stephanie and Cassandra.
"Eh, I'm sure it's nothing too different from the places back there in your home." Stephanie shrugs, sitting herself on a couch.
After their lunch was done, though it was only her, Stephanie, Cassndra, Damian and Alfred, as the others were off to their on agendas—Stephanie asked Y/N for them to explore the manor and of course, Y/N agreed. 
Y/N laughs. "Well honey, I've never been in a manor before, so it's still impressive." Her eyes roaming the spacious room, entranced by the beauty of it; tall shelves filled with books that she sure knows she could only hope to have. Wide, tall windows that shows the garden, sunlight illuminating the room, still the golden lights were on, making the brown colors shine out more. "Wow," she huffs, grinning, "I could never be bored here." Y/N said as she walks to the shelves, her hand trailing the books.
"And you have all the time in the world but let's go!" Stephanie jumped off the couch, dragging Cassandra with her and Y/N only laughed, seeing Cassandra was disappointed from being ruined of her comfort in her chair.
And so there they were, here and there. From the game room, Y/N didn't expect less when she saw the place, as grand as the library in her eye. They, of course, played. With Y/N attempting to try the billiard and failed miserably, which resulted to a lot of laughing fit, though Cassandra and Stephanie wasn't so good at it, they managed. At least the hockey was much more bearable for them, their loud voices echoing around the room. 
To Y/N's demise, she lost to the both of them, the two ended up high fiving each other with wide smiles on their faces then proceeded to beat each other. Let's just say it took more time than they were supposed to. Much later on they finished their game and headed off again. 
"I shall challenge you both to a rematch sometime," Y/N announced as the three of them walked through the hallway. Stephanie laughed and Cassandra smiled.
"Yeah, so we could beat you again," Stephanie smugly said.
"Do not be so smug now, my dear." Y/N laughed.
"She did put up a fair fight." Cassandra spoke. Y/N turned to Stephanie and made a gesture, saying 'see?' Stephanie only chuckled and let her be.
They arrived outside where the pool was, the place surrounded by a few tables with umbrellas under it. The water reflecting a bright blue color as the sun was still in its prime. "This is one hell of a place to live in." Y/N said.
"You could say that," replied Stephanie.
Y/N walked to the edge of the pool and crouched down, dipping her hand in the water. Her mind aimlessly flying off to some place. It still felt surreal to her, everything for that matter. Her mother and now her staying with these people. Y/N scoffed though in a laughing manner, "...I've only read about your family once a few times, and that's always unintentionally....I never expected to see you people, much less stay in your home." 
"We never expect some things to be the way they are, anyway." Stephanie said softly, not wanting to hit off any string that can hurt. 
"I suppose you're right," uttered Y/N, her hand still swaying in the water. Only the sound of trees dancing with the wind and the water waving gently was heard, it was like that for a minute or two; Stephanie and Cassandra stood behind her, hesitating, until Cassandra looked to Stephanie and nodded to her. 
Cassandra crouched down beside her and patted her other hand that laid on the ground. She said nothing but smiled reassuringly when Y/N looked at her. Y/N's look of uncertainty was replaced with awe and smiled back—squeezing her hand gently. 
"If it's okay.... could you bake your pastries again?" Cassandra asked, her soft tone melting Y/N. 
"Yes! and we could help!" Stephanie spoke a bit loudly, clapping her hands once. Y/N almost cringed, remembering Alfred's words and pursed her lips to not laugh. Stephanie didn't miss this as the two stood up. "Hey, we'll really just help and swear we won't burn down the kitchen." She assured.
"Alright, if you say so," Y/N teased her. As they were headed to the kitchen, Damian was just walking down the stairs and they stopped once they saw each other.
"Hi there, we didn't interrupt you, I hope? I think we may have gone too loud in the game room earlier." Y/N spoke.
Damian shook his head, "You didn't, and it wouldn't be the first time if it did happen," Stephanie snickered, already walking off to the kitchen, "We'll help Y/N bake, join if you want." She trailed.
"That wouldn't be the best idea." Damian said clearly, looking at Y/N and she laughed. "Don't worry, I'll make sure nothing will happen that can kill Alfred." She waited for him and he followed despite his objections.
"I can assure you nothing can't surprise Alfred anymore." He said as they went in the kitchen.
"Oh, I can assure you, Master Damian, that a lot of things can still surprise me." Alfred made himself known by walking in the other door of the room. Damian looked down sheepishly as well Cassandra and Stephanie who smiled, feeling caught. 
"Do not let them get too comfortable here or else we'll regret it." Alfred warned and Y/N laughed loudly, before covering her mouth. "I won't, Al," she assured as he went out. 
Y/N sighed, shaking her head, "What could have possibly went too south for him to be so against of some of you being here?" 
"....Everything?" Stephanie retorted.
"I see, well it's never too late to learn a few things." Y/N starts to get a few equipments out of the cabinets, "So, what do you want to have?" she asked.
"I love Alfred's scones and yours, by the way and his cookies, but should we have something new?" Stephanie asked Damian and Cassandra.
"Madeleines?" said Cassandra.
Damian only shrugged reluctantly, "Victoria cake?.... Or so I've heard."
They started to work, with them helping Y/N prepare the tools and ingredients together in one place. With Y/N making them familiar with each equipment or tools and the ingredients, so as to prevent them from repeating the happenings they done in the past that continues to scare Alfred to this day. 
"Yes, fold it like that, keep it up-No! Not that fast, Damian," Y/N's worried voice made Damian halt with his movement, now aware that the batter could have possibly made a mess if he continued it. 
"Oh," uttered Damian, frowning. "Becareful with those knives, you two," Y/N said to Cassandra and Stephanie, who were cutting strawberries, they might have been much too into it as they were almost like playing with the knives they held. Y/N walks to Damian and asked to have the spatula and the bowl he held. "You just fold it gently and not over do it," she said, with him watching intently, "Here, you try." She gave it to him and nodded for him to go on. 
He took it hesitantly and did what he just saw, "There, you're getting it." Y/N smiled at him. Damian looked down and let his lips curved. 
"See, we're not so bad at this." Stephanie remarked. 
"Darling, the way you're both holding the knife is scaring me." Their skills from their hidden identities showing, Stephanie chuckled a small 'hehe', "Sorry." Y/N only shook her head.
Bickering here and there, Y/N's worried voice and her instructions, they managed or she rather, managed to manage the three to help them learn and actually do some work. 
"Thirty minutes for the madeleines and twenty for victoria." Y/N announced as they put in the batters in the oven, she dusted her hands off before laying it on her waist, eyeing the counter and sink with their used tools and everything. 
"Now, let's clean this while it bakes," she added. Y/N began to wash the dishes, while Stephanie helped her, Cassandra drying it off and Damian putting them back in their places. 
"I...." Stephanie hesitated, Y/N looks at her and she sees the said girl with unsure eyes, she smiled softly and waited for her. "You're....doing good, I hope..or at least all of us." 
"I am," Y/N uttered, nodding, "It's not easy, loss is never easy anyway and never will, no? But it helps when you're never alone too." Said her. 
From being together, with the storms they've gone through the years, with everything...they have learned that; no one has through go something alone, they never need to be alone. Alfred just reminded them of that sentiment and now here they were again. 
"I...me staying here is a lot, honestly, for you guys, I mean...and with my situation... it's easy for me because of you, your genuineness. I can't be more thankful enough..." Y/N turned off the faucet and laid her hands on the sink, releasing a shaky breath. "But I apologize as well...if this whole thing makes you uneasy, it's only understandable after all." 
Stephanie dried off her hands as they were done, "We're just glad to help." 
"It's...it's not easy for anyone here...and that's okay." Cassandra says. 
"And it has been said, no one needs to be alone." Damian declared. 
Y/N had to prevent herself from crying at their act of kindness again, pursing her lips to stop her mouth from quivering as she can feel it all again. "Yes, yes...thank you, again," she mumbled quietly, drying her hands. 
It's so easy to feel so small when you feel those big emotions, how they know too much of the feeling. Familiarity is what they could agree on. 
Not much later on, the baking was done and they proceeded to finish making their desserts. As Cassandra and Y/N were making the filling for the victoria cake, with Y/N still teaching them step by step. 
"Stephanie, please get the powdered sugar," asked Y/N as she continued to assist Cassandra. 
When Stephanie held the bag of it, she raised her eyebrows and smirked. But Y/N saw this, "Stephanie...no!" She yelled but it was late as the troublemaker already threw a fistful of it to Damian. 
"You dare!" shouted Damian and slammed the spatula he was holding—his upper body covered with white powder. Rationality left his body as he saw the flour still on the counter and went for it. 
"No-" Suddenly, Stephanie's face was covered with flour, she blew out a breath and it puffed out like smoke. "Oh, it's on." She threatened. 
"Guys," Y/N started again but she noticed Cassandra gathering whipped cream for the filling in the spatula she was holding and she halted as she saw Y/N looking at her. Y/N narrowed her eyes, "Don't even." She gritted her voice. 
Cassandra only smiled and flicked the spatula to Damian without any effort to make her target perfect, still it hit him. To his relief, just on his chest. "Ha!" Stephanie yelled and ran over to Cassandra and high fived together. 
"I will end you both." Damian managed to sound menacing despite looking silly, Y/N couldn't help but blurt out a laugh.
They turned to her and her smile fell as did her heart. 
"You wouldn't." She dared tightly, and she knew she was dead while they all gathered something in their hand. They all had the same sinister smirk and gazes changed. "Alfred will kill you." 
"Not if we force to make you join, he won't." Damian taunted. 
She was cut off with her own scream as Stephanie took the first hit with her powdered sugar, Damian with flour and Cassandra with the whipped cream. "Oh, now you've done it." She wiped off the powder that was on her face and dared for something more as she took an egg—their smug faces fell. 
"That's not fair," Damian said.
"Darling, three against one is not fair." Y/N stated while making her stance. 
Before she could throw it, "Is everything okay—woah!" Dick walked in the kitchen with Duke and Tim following. Y/N suddenly collected herself but threw a sharp gaze to the three. 
"Oh, Alfred is gonna love this." Duke said as they see the state of the room and the four as well. 
"You guys are so dead." Tim laughed. 
"Shut it." Damian eyed his brother as he took a towel to clean himself, the three doing the same. 
"If Alfred sees this then, yes, we're dead. " Y/N said, hurriedly fixing herself and went to fix a few things they've made mess of. "Cassandra, come now and let's finish this. You two start as well with the glaze." Y/N demanded with a demeaning tone but still gentle. They followed with no complaints despite them still sticky and a mess from their doings.
The three watched with amusement, surprised as well to see them working rather well. "What can we help with?" Dick asked and Y/N smiled, "You're a saint-" they all snickered, Y/N ignored it, "Well, there's still some of the mess they made, so that. Thank you" 
They began to clean the remaining mess but Y/N sees the same look again as Tim held the bag of flour. "Don't you dare." Tim's mischievous gaze vanished immediately when he sees the warning stare of her, almost similar to Alfred's. "I wasn't going to," replied Tim, while Duke only raised his eyebrows at him. 
Y/N sighed, "Now I see why Alfred is so keen on keeping you away from the kitchen." 
"Yeah and now that you've taught them a few, it looks like they won't be staying away from it too soon." Dick chuckled, pertaining to Damian and Stephanie specifically who were focused on glazing the madeleines. 
Y/N hummed, "I don't know if I should be glad or get more worried." 
"I think we should all be worried." Duke says, laughing warily.
Oh, this will be a feast for their eyes. 
To Alfred's relief, the kitchen was how it was supposed to be, though he had no doubts they did what they thought he didn't know. 
"I expect better from you children if you think I don't know what you did." Alfred says as he walks in the kitchen, while they were devouring their foods. 
"I warned them," said Y/N, not denying any claim to what ever Alfred may be referring to. The three rascals from earlier all narrowed their eyes at her, the other three just laughed. 
"She was gonna join too, if you must know." Damian 
"But I didn't, thanks to your brothers by the way." Y/N smiled teasingly at Damian and nodded to the three men. Damian scoffed and crossed his arms on his chest. 
Alfred only sighed, his dire aura changing to his normal state, "Well, at least nothing is damaged this time, I suppose." He said and all except Y/N muttered an agreement and with her confused face. 
"I finally know how to bake, Al." Stephanie said enthusiastically as she held up a plate of the madeleines. "Well, at least I know a few," continued her. 
Cassandra did the same, pointing to her plate. "Yes, it would appear so. That's something to be watch closely so as for us to not regret it." Alfred retorted and Y/N laughed loudly, throwing her head back. Stephanie eyed the both of them while Damian rolled his eyes and Cassandra just shrugged. 
"How I've missed your wits, Alfred." Y/N expressed, shaking her head. 
Alfred smiled and nodded. "Well, you should clean yourselves up properly now," he started. "And if you make a mess of my kitchen again, I will never let you step foot here ever again." He warned, emitting authority well that even the other innocent three men agreed to his order. Y/N snorted, amused. 
They parted ways then. Y/N took her time in the shower and decided to explore outside of the manor. As she went a bit further, her eyes furrowed when she sees a barn. 
"...Huh?" she said out loud, confused and started to smile, "A barn...I shouldn't be surprised." 
She walked towards to it, hearing noises the closer she got, knocking on the small door, "Hello?" she asked as she opened it. And there she sees Damian, out of his dirty clothes as well, feeding their cow. 
"Y/N, hello." Damian greets her casually and Y/N huffed, chuckling. 
"And a cow, of course," she says, at least to herself. She goes to him, cooing when Damian held another batch grains to give it to the cow. "She's adorable, what do you call her?" She approached them, gently patting its head.
"...Bat-cow," Y/N grinned, confused. "Bat, huh? Like Batman?" 
Damian blinked, "Yes, I...uh, I like Batman, I guess," he muttered. 
"Cute," she said. "Are there anymore animals here I could meet?" joked her. 
"I do have a cat, his name is Alfred." Damian said, a smile cracking. "Bat-cow and Alfred......hmm, not bad." Y/N giggled. Damian walked off from their place, intending to look for his cat and he found him. "Here he is," he says, cradling Alfred in his arms. 
"He's pretty," said Y/N, though didn't pet it as she was scared to.
"Alfred gave him to me." Smiling when he laid the cat back down on the ground. 
"Ah, make sense." She nodded. Damian walked back to the cow, with Y/N following, he pets her again, "I'll be back later for your dinner." They walked together out of the barn, Alfred the cat following beside them. 
"Thank you for teaching us a few in baking, by the way, I had a good time." Damian said. 
"I had fun too and I'm glad you did. I could teach you again sometime," 
Damian stopped walking, she turns to him and stopped as well—they were in the middle of the grass plains. She looks at the child concerned, "Is something wrong?" 
"I..." he hesitates, his gaze down, "I still don't get how when someone you love dies, you're like....that...and the people at the reception." He lets out the thoughts that's been going on in his head once a few times the past days. 
Y/N smiled gently at the child before sitting down on the grass and patted the spot beside her, Damian followed and took Alfred in his arms. "I honestly have thought the same thing once, even thought that I wasn't grieving enough but It's as I said, death never hits anyone the same, nor we grieve in the same way....I think what matters most when we grieve is that we try to be....kind still, or at least that's what I've been holding onto anyway."
"I see..." Damian said mindlessly, looking far ahead, "I wouldn't know what to do if I lose someone I care about." In him, at least part of him, knows what he'd do but he wasn't always so sure about it, because of the promise to his father and to himself. 
"Well...whatever happens then, at least it has been said we're never supposed to go through things alone." He looks at her quite surprised and she just smiled. "That's true," whispered him.
"Your mother..." Y/N says questioningly, she hopes to not regret she spoke that.
"She is well," he confirmed, nodding and Y/N uttered in relief. "We see each other from time to time." He was smiling while petting his cat.
"Do you miss her?"
He took a beat before replying, "Everyday."
"Do you?" He asked.
She smiled, "Everyday."
He lied down on the grass, the sky was bright. "Are you happy?"
She did the same, "I am, are you?"
"I am."
Y/N heads back to the kitchen just after she and Damian finished their short time together. There at last, she saw Jason inside—though she yelped, still getting surprised. She grips the side of the door, laughing. "Again, huh?" She says. 
"Again," Jason repeated, huffing out a smirk before taking a bite off his madeleine. He couldn't help but feel glad that she found him this time. That feeling lingered but he again, tried to cut it off. 
Y/N shakes her head, walking to the fridge to get a glass of water. She sighed before speaking, "Thank you for yesterday again." 
"All I said were a few words," he replied, creasing his eyebrows. He should have worded it better, he thinks. 
Chuckling once she finished her drink, "That would be true....but we should never underestimate how heavy a sincere words can be, even if it's only a few." Says her as she leaned her waist on the counter with him across from her. 
Jason nodded slowly, agreeing. "I'll be keeping that in mind, " his mind flowing back to the times his people spoke words to him, confrontations, reassurances, everything in between those—that much he knows true. 
He breathes out a chuckle, "Now, I heard you caused a ruckus earlier," he says. 
"It was them," she corrected 
"And you taught them as well?" He laughed, though lightly. It was a sound she could get used to. 
"Well, I said it's never too late to learn." 
"I'm sure you did." Y/N laughed at this. 
"Give them a little credit, Damian and Stephanie did the most of those madeleines you're eating and it's very good, is it not?" She raises her eyebrows at him, a smile threatening to curve. 
"Only because you taught them." 
"Darling, that's the point of teaching." Jason's lips quirked, amused. She didn't expect the little fluttering in her when she said the pet name that she usually says often. 
"You taught that little brat to bake, I'll give you credit," he says as he finished eating. 
"I shall be honored then." Y/N bowed her head, giggling. 
"You're not welcome." He bluntly said. Y/N laughed in mock disbelief, laying a hand on her chest. 
"You wound me," she gasped. He smiles this time as he was obliged by the glint of delight in her eyes which he caught earlier. She pursed her lips, though her face was covered in amusement as much as him—she faltered as she felt her heart flutter again, seeing his smile as he looks at her. Pretty. She could have bit her tongue. 
"My pleasure." Jason tipped his head, smile still etched to his face. 
She rolled her eyes at him, before she stands up straight, crossing her arms on her chest, ignoring the sudden heavy beats of her heart. "I suppose you'll take another of those on the way?" She asked, gesturing to the plates of the pastries they made. 
"I won't be hearing the end of it if they see me, so no."
"Ah, of course," Y/N chuckles, "Too bad for you then," she continued teasingly as she began to walk to the door. Certainty and the opposite of it was brewing in her, what she was sure of was that she needed air, and away from him. Jason only laughed freely, she got a glimpse of his smile again, the sound of his laugh ringing clear to her ears even when she's now a bit far away from the room. 
She closed her eyes, shaking her head as she continues to feel the thumping of her heart, "It's nothing," she mumbled to herself and gripped her chest.
You can't possibly be serious right now. 
In end of the stairs she finds herself, with hands now on her waist, she released the tension she didn't realized she was holding, "Nothing," she said clearly this time. 
Family dinner in the Wayne manor sometimes mean,the family, and tonight is one of those. The dining room bright as it can be, with the candles on the table, the foods, and their lively voices.
Though Y/N was uneasy when Alfred told her about it while they were preparing for dinner, she was rather enthralled still to meet more of their members. Now being in the middle of it, she waswiththem. 
But of course, they knew to be careful so as to not let any hidden truths be known to someone different from them. Or Bruce just told them. 
"They're not being a pain to you, aren't they?" Kate asked Y/N, referring to the kids, at least in her eyes. To which a few of them responded with protests. Bruce and Alfred only smiled. 
Y/N laughs, shaking her head, "They've been treating me in a way more than I could ever be thankful for." Then says her softly that caught them off guard. 
"Sounds unlike them." Luke retorted, breaking off their gazes that was laced with serenity to glaring at the said man, at least the kids again. 
"You'll boost their ego." Harper followed. 
"I don't see how much more of their ego can be boosted." Y/N replied, proudly grinning. 
"I don't know, she's saying the truth." Barbara smirked, shrugging. 
Amidst the laughter and complains that roared, Y/N finds her eyes to be at Jason's, with a smile almost showing—and then he caught her gaze that made her breath hitched. 
He smiled at her while raising his eyebrows to which Y/N just brushed off with a small laugh, now looking down. "Ah, shit," whispered her. 
So much for nothing
💌🖋️: jason todd, let me hit just once 🙏🏼
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ao3jaydickfeed · 4 years
by CinnaTwist
The memory runs through his head in startling detail. The sniper and scope, striking in his recollection. The shooter is about to take the shot. Their eyes devoid of emotion despite being moments away from taking a life. Without thinking, Dick throws the escrima stick in his grip. Intent on knocking the gun out of the man's hold.
Before it can make contact, a shot rings out.
Words: 5170, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, DCU
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, Other
Characters: Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Alfred Pennyworth, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne
Relationships: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Verse, Omega Dick Grayson, Beta Bruce Wayne, Alpha Jason Todd, Omega Tim Drake, Beta Alfred Pennyworth, Near Death Experiences, Memory Loss, Angst, One-Sided Relationship, but not really, Pack Dynamics
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ao3feed-timdrake · 4 years
What we were & What we could be
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2TY4v03
by CinnaTwist
The memory runs through his head in startling detail. The sniper and scope, striking in his recollection. The shooter is about to take the shot. Their eyes devoid of emotion despite being moments away from taking a life. Without thinking, Dick throws the escrima stick in his grip. Intent on knocking the gun out of the man's hold.
Before it can make contact, a shot rings out.
Words: 5170, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, DCU
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, Other
Characters: Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Alfred Pennyworth, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne
Relationships: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Verse, Omega Dick Grayson, Beta Bruce Wayne, Alpha Jason Todd, Omega Tim Drake, Beta Alfred Pennyworth, Near Death Experiences, Memory Loss, Angst, One-Sided Relationship, but not really, Pack Dynamics
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2TY4v03
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 months
to hang (hold) on
by cryingpepperz Jason's been taught that bulls see red when they're angry, hurt, filled with nothing but fury when in the ring. He begs to differ, green's been haunting his vision for the past six years. (or: a loose, different pov of breesa's "unspoken, invisible pain" mostly because i wanted to see Jason beat the ever loving - out of that shooter.) Words: 8532, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: Gen Characters: Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Roy Harper, Jack Drake Relationships: Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Cassandra Cain & Jason Todd, Roy Harper & Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne & Dick Grayson Additional Tags: inspired fic, Hurt/No Comfort, Angst, Character Death, Timeline What Timeline, Grief/Mourning, Jason Todd Tries to Be a Good Older Sibling, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, References to Depression, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, bruce is a piece of crap in jason's pov but he tries, Bruce Wayne and his C+ Parenting, Drunkenness, Overdosing, poor timmy, Dead Dick Grayson, Swearing, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, no beta we die like men via https://ift.tt/9rBw5Ep
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spacegreys · 4 years
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✰ it’s time to wake up JASON TODD / RED HOOD, you’ve been in cryosleep for too long and the people of DC miss you. when you went into slumber you were TWENTY-NINE years old, your pronouns are HE/HIM, and you WERE VOLUNTEERED for the expanse program. now that you’ve awoken, your position as a SECURITY DETAIL is waiting for you. remember, the expanse thanks you! 
NAME: jason peter todd
ALIAS(ES): red hood, robin, jason, jay-bird, little wing, jay
AGE: twenty-nine (29)
BIRTHDAY & ZODIAC: august 16, leo
FACECLAIM: jensen ackles
BACKGROUND: ( tw: violence, death ) jason todd is the second person to take on the mantle of ‘robin’ and to be batman’s sidekick. he was living on the streets and had jacked the wheels off of the batmobile when batman found him and took him in. having being trained by batman (bruce wayne) himself, he became a formidable fighter and opponent.  unfortunately, when he was still robin he was attacked and taken by the joker, who subsequently beat him to near death with a crowbar and then blew him up to ensure he died. years later, he was brought back and resurrected by talia al ghul - to seek revenge and cause havoc over gotham with the new moniker of ‘red hood’. now, jason is keeping the ‘red hood’ title but he’s not causing lethal harm to anyone, his days at killing people are over - but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t continue to struggle with it. he wants to do right by bruce and the family and mainly wants to have and live that second lease on life.
KEY RELATIONSHIPS: bruce wayne (adoptive father, mentor), alfred pennyworth (mentor, friend), dick grayson (adoptive brother, friend), tim drake (adoptive brother), damian wayne (adoptive brother), stephanie brown (adoptive sister), cassandra cain (adoptive sister), barbara gordon (friend), selina kyle (friend)
WEAPONS: he used to carry a crowbar, a sword, and two guns - along with various other gadgets that have now all been confiscated by the ship
POWERS/ABILITIES/SKILLS: enhanced human abilities thanks to the lazarus pit, sharp shooter, master combatant, acrobatic, multi-lingual
GREATEST STRENGTH: perseverance 
OUTFIT THEY WOKE UP IN: jason woke up in his red hood, with the red domino mask underneath, his jacket, shirt, and pants, and his combat boots.
FAVORITE FOOD: jason loves sweets
ONE FEAR: he doesn’t want to lose himself or his family
ONE HOPE: that he doesn’t have to kill again
ONE HEADCANON: jason listens to and particularly enjoys late 1980s and 1990s hip-hop/rap.
How does your character feel about being dropped into the expanse program? Are they excited? Suspicious? Confused? jason is far too suspicious about this. he doesn’t really know how he got here and for all he knows bruce had put him under to bring him into the future. he’s found dick, barbara, and damian though - so that’s enough to settle him. still, he’s pretty confused and incensed about the entire thing. to which he plans to take his anger out through sarcasm and bitter stubbornness.
What does your character hope to see the most during the expanse 009’s journey? jason’s a simple guy and he would just love to see various cultures and planets that span across the galaxies. the ship’s pretty awesome to him, but he does miss home.
If your character could bring one thing from home, what would it be? he’d still keep his weapons with him, he feels naked and vulnerable without them even though he’d been taught that even without a weapon, he could still be the weapon. he also really misses alfred and bruce, but he won’t admit to that.
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holyhikari · 5 years
if you walk away
for Dick and Dami Week 2019
It’s one of those nights.
Violence happens, wherever he is, regardless of what he needs or is supposed to be. Regardless of who he should be; which mask or maskless or no identity at all. It explodes, time and time again, it persists, it devours. And Dick is there  — has always been there — to do something about it. He’s there to intervene, to kick and throw punches, to fly, to scream, to make amends, to make war.
Tonight, he happens to be there to get shot in the head.
It’s — well, it’s too fast. That’s good. Quick death? Is he — he’s alive. But he was shot. But he is alive. But he was shot, he lets the terror sink in deep for a moment. Shot by a no-name criminal that for some reason was able to sneak up on him like he hasn’t been fighting for his life — and more — since he was a child.
Some reason? Pft. You’re getting old, Grayson , he thinks. Or distracted. There’s too many hostages and Batman and Robin and Red Robin’s safeties to worry about and this is a stupid rookie mistake and his head hurts because he could be in Bludhaven sleeping but he’s not, he’s dead.
No. He’s very much alive, getting dizzy and knocked down to the ground as someone collides with the man who just — who just shot him in the head but didn’t kill him. His right arm is busted from a fight that should’ve been much easier had he been well rested, an agonizing sensation spreading like forest fire. Agonizing, sure, but familiar enough. He uses both of his arms to get up as if they’re simply covered in some scratches from Alfred, The Cat.
“Nightwing!”  This is Robin, somewhere.
This is Damian, actually, because he sounds terrified.
(Much later, Damian will argue that he screamed for Dick moments earlier, almost in perfect sync with the gunshot itself. But Dick is hearing it. He’s hearing his baby brother calling from him right there and right now.)
He blinks, the world coming back into focus. Batman, all power and control, is on top of the shooter. Or alleged shooter. He’s not a threat anymore, that’s clear, and Dick takes a moment to analyze the situation. A few steps away, there’s a thick puddle of red on the asphalt; there’s Tim helping a woman to make a tourniquet to stop the blood coming out of a wound on her tight; there’s Red Robin’s fighting staff on the floor.
To the right, a criminal passed out, gun barely out of his grasp.
Dick almost laughs.
“It was very close to you,” Batman grumbles from his left. “We thought —”
“I’m fine,” Dick interrupts. “I’m just slow tonight.”
“Shouldn’t have called you to help.”
He agrees, but he’s not worried about answering Bruce right now. Instead, he makes a thumbs up to Damian as he runs over to them, katana in hand and a certain madness to his usually precise movements.
Despite it all, Dick smiles. But he needs to say something. What comes out is: “I’m A-Okay.”
He is. He really is A-Okay. Although close, it was another gun who was fired, not the one pointed at him, he’s great. The tiredness deep in his bones will be gone after some good sleep. It has happened before. Dick is a fighter, yes, but he’s human and sometimes all the sorrow he has felt over the years makes it almost impossible to move, let alone fight. And he admits it — albeit to himself solely — even if the man who trained him does not.
But, despite him being A-Okay, Damian does not speak to him for the rest of the night.
Dick is off to chase a bird.
He fistbumps Tim. He pats Bruce on the shoulder. He hugs Alfred, who, of course, patched him up, fixed him where he needed the fixing and scolded him where he needed the scolding. He’s not Nightwing anymore; he has showered and changed into Wonder Woman pajamas that Steph once bought Jason as a joke (he loved it, but left behind at the Manor with many of his memories.)
It’s a sad thing that Dick knows when Damian disappears because he is miserable. The others didn’t seem to worry earlier when Robin left the Cave without a word to go upstairs still full dressed like a traffic light even if it’s against the rules — traffic light is as Jason loves to put it; that’s just Damian, sometimes, eerily silent, footsteps always getting away from where you are, right?
(He’s being too hard on them. Especially on Bruce. Dick knows he’ll check on Damian once he puts Batman to rest.)
To Dick, it’s not that simple: most of the times, Damian, once so reserved and arrogant, wants to stay by your side. There’s the I’m-going-to-draw kind of leaving, the I-miss-my-pets kind of leaving, I-think-you-want-me-to-go kind of leaving and a few more that he has grown familiar with. And this is for sure Damian leaving because he thinks it’s dangerous for others to be around him.
Dick wishes the boy wasn’t so hard on himself. But, then again, it’s a family trait.
“I’m coming, kiddo.” He murmurs to the portraits on the walls. “Hold on.”
The way to Damian’s room is something he knows by heart and he hums a soft tone to bright the corridors of the Manor, but, mostly to do something about the sadness that threatens to break free from his chest and drip, drip, drip. When will Damian think of himself with the same love Dick does? Soon, if he allows himself to hope. Today, if he succeeds.
“Can I come in?”
A muffled hmmmmpft reaches his ears through the door. He decides it’s good enough of an agreement, and steps inside. Dick finds the curious image of Robin’s back to him, sitting on the window sill of Damian’s room. He’s facing the outside world that is made of a soft golden sky, the Manor’s gardens stretching far under his green boots and the city’s outline peeking out of the early morning fog.
No one says anything for a while.
“Are you —,” Damian clears his throat. “Were your injuries well taken care of?”
“Alfie is the best,” he says. “But there is something bothering me.”
Damian doesn’t look at him. “I trust that Pennyworth will be glad to be of assistance.”
Dick represses a sigh and crosses the distance between them. He sits by his brother’s side, not a single part touching. Instead of looking at the horizon — or whatever Damian is fixating on —, his eyes gently take in the boy’s tense posture. Damian knows he’s being watched, of course, but his face stays pointedly turned away.
“Mask,” it’s all Dick says.
“It is not wise to remove my mask when I’m in uniform.”
“Wanna look you in the eyes,” he insists. “And you shouldn’t be even dressed like this upstairs. Alfred will have you clean the Cave for a week.”
Damian clicks his tongue, but obeys. Still not looking at Dick, he then jerks his head in the direction of a nearby tree. “Those birds are now aware of my secret identity and it’s your fault.”
“Look at you and your time-inappropriate jokes,” Dick weeps away a fake tear. “So proud.”
“Learned from the best.”
Despite the light teasing, Damian says each phrase as if it’s the last one in the conversation. Dick does what he does best and ignores every evidence that he’s supposed to go away right now, Richard and makes himself comfortable where he is.
Enough small talk.
“Are you mad at me?”
Damian scoffs. “Should I be?”  
“There’s no should or shouldn’t when it comes to feeling.”
“I am not angry at you, Richard.” he rests his small hands on his knees, nails digging into the fabric. “I am simply not in the mood.”
“Not in the mood?” He echos. “Conversation mood? Or me mood?”
Damian’s voice softens almost imperceptibly. “You can stay.”
“Thanks. Because I want to.” His fingertips touch Damian’s chin, gently having him turn until Dick is face to face with familiar green eyes. “Any chances you’ll tell me what are you feeling right now?”
“Everything sure is a lot,” Dick winces. “Is this about tonight’s patrol? You thought I was hurt.”
“I thought you were dead ,“ Damian all but snarls, small frame trembling.
“I’m right here, kiddo.” He takes off one of Robin’s gloves, guiding Damian’s hand to his chest, where his heartbeat is steady. “See? Still alive and kicking.”
“I know,” he whispers, twisting Dick’s shirt into his fist. “But…”
I know, but I’m still scared, the gesture seems to say and Dick recognizes the emotion that has his brother eager to hold Dick in place, here at home. Give up this life and stay safe forever. Dick has lost count of how many times he was too close to saying this to his siblings and even to Bruce himself. If Damian hadn't grown up taught by violence, under Ra’s cruelty and surrounded by the myth of the Dark Knight, if he didn’t need it so desperately, Dick wouldn’t let his brother near Robin’s mantle or any other.
But they’re far too lost.
Damian doesn’t look like he’s ready to accept a  hug right now, so Dick settles for talking into the night until he is, words heavy but tone light.
“Sometimes, a patrol is — you can’t describe it.” He gently pries Damian’s hand off him, squeezing it. “You can’t. You can’t put it into any word you’ve learned so far and to feel it means barely getting out alive. And you think: maybe I’ll retire. I’m not old, but I do feel old and maybe I’ll retire. Just for a little while. Just enough for me to learn a word powerful enough to make sense of my experience. And ‘I'll come back. I’ll come back and save the world and never think of retiring again.”
“...but we would not live peacefully as civilians, I believe.”
“We wouldn’t,” Dick smiles sadly. “But sometimes anything seems better than...this.”
“Thinking about leaving this life makes me feel as though I’m letting it win.”
Damian points vaguely at the rooftops at distance, some barely visible through the morning fog, but Dick feels like they should both be looking at something inside them, something that, even if part of a heart or part of a soul, even if flesh or bones, is still made of skyscrapers and dirty alleys.
A long time ago, Alfred said he wouldn’t be surprised if someday Bruce found out that his cape had become one with Gotham’s long shadows at twilight time. Master Bruce... , he had sighed, you act as though you are a protector, but you do not seem to know how to distinguish yourself from what you are protecting. You won’t find a way to heal if you keep pretending that your pain is pinpointed to a map.
Gotham’s Welcome! sign is alive and well despite some minor acts of vandalism, Bruce hasn’t healed to this day, and so hasn’t Dick, and they both know they won’t, but they’re still trying, aren’t they?
“Not a fair fight, kiddo.” Dick closes his eyes, lost in a time before himself.  “Bruce — we never stood a chance against this city.”
“Then why —”
“Why to do anything at all?” He raises an eyebrow. “You know the answer, Damian.”
“No names in the field.”
It’s a perfect imitation of Batman’s voice.
Dick’s Batman. (Damian’s Batman. His first one, at least. Perhaps his favorite one. Perhaps, not. Is it even possible to compare? It’s not the time, he thinks, Grayson, it’s not the time to love Damian so much it hurts, you need to be in one piece to pick up his, all scattered around Alfred’s immaculate, clean floor that sometimes Damian prays on. Although Dick is not sure to whom.)
It’s softer than he intends: “We’re home.”
“But I’m still in my uniform.” Damian’s childish stubbornness to have a valid point almost makes Dick smile. “No names.”
“Whatever you say, Damian.”
He doesn’t put up a fight, doesn’t indulge Dick’s silliness. Not even a mere huff of annoyance or a show of rolling, mocking green eyes. Instead, he lets out a sniffle.
“I do know. I do know why I fight even if I’m not capable of changing everything permanently for better. You, Father and, well, everyone who works with us, allies and associates—”
“And family.”
“...and family. You all taught me the value of making a difference, as small as it may seem.”
Damian then hesitates, biting his lower lip. He stays like this until Dick taps his shoulder and says: “Go on.”
“But sometimes I want to… I spent so much time learning, absorbing, understanding and practicing better values. An entirely new moral code. But sometimes I wish I wasn’t able to think as hard and as unforgivingly as I do. To feel as deeply as I do.”
“I wish I wasn’t human,” his voice cracks. “I don’t trust myself to be one. I haven’t even behaved like a human most of my life anyway—”
“Damian,” Dick interrupts. “Breathe. Please.”
“I… Tonight, earlier, I...”
“Don’t fall for this. You’re not those broken thoughts, you’re not your past, you’re not what anyone wants you to be in the future.” He still is holding Damian’s hand, and he squeezes it. “You’re not what you’ve done with your hands and even if you were — look at me — even if you were, I’ve seen these hands being gentle, being delicate,  being strong, being heroic, being loving most of all. Towards people, animals, plants. Towards me .”
A  grief-stricken sob bursts out of Damian’s body and Dick is pulling him onto his lap a second before he starts crying. He wraps his arms around him so tightly it looks like he won’t ever let go.
“I’m sorry,” Damian manages to say. “I’m…  I’m afraid I’m not making any sense. You really scared me.”
Dick shakes his forehead against Damian’s as if saying, Don’t apologize.
“I get what you mean, kiddo.  Not human, huh? I bet Batcow doesn’t have these dilemmas. Lucky.”
“Richard,” Damian snorts, lips twisting at the taste of his tears. “Do not underestimate Batcow’s very rich inner world. You do not know her as well as I do.”
“I don’t. But I like to think I know you. And — behind the spiky hair with too much gel (Dick ruffles it), baby-like cheeks (Dick kisses them), potato nose perfect for booping (yes, Dick boops it) and the bratty attitude (Dick is okay with it)  — you’re good. Ten years under the Al Ghul’s guidance didn’t really change that. And I don’t think ten or  twenty more would have, either.”
“No,” he shakes his head. “I appreciate the feeling, but don’t do this. You know I’d have grown up to destroy the world.”
“I don’t think so. But there’s really no point thinking so hard about what-ifs.”
“I think I did.”
Dick frowns. “What?”
“I think I destroyed the world today,” Damian hides his face into Dick’s chest, sniffs slowly fading out. “When I heard the gunshot and I thought it was coming from the gun pointed at your head.”
“Hey. Hey. I’m good. I’m here.”
“I killed him. I killed him as Father pinned him to the ground. I killed him when he was being incapacitated. I killed him when Drake called Commissioner Gordon. I killed him when you — you idiot — smiled at me and said you were A-Okay. I killed him when we finally got home. I killed him when Pennyworth said he broke your arm in three different spots. I’m killing him right now.”
“You know you don’t have to do this for me, right?” Dick sighs. “I’d never ask you to.”
“I know. But I can’t make these thoughts stop.”
“And how does it feel?” He asks, not unkindly.  “Like revenge?”
“Like suicide. Like I’m killing myself alongside all you've taught me.”
“You’re okay, kiddo. The thought of someone really hurting you doesn’t exactly make me calm, either.” Dick’s blood boils as he remembers Heretic.  “I promise it’s okay to feel what you’re feeling right now. That your fists are the answer. Hell, that your fists should be the answer. I mean, why can’t they be? Why is Bruce’s way the right one for you — us?”
Damian mumbles something that sounds suspiciously like: “I hate it when Todd starts making sense.”
“But in the end, you know why we never take lives,” Dick says. “It’s not set on stone that you’ll lose control someday. Also, we’re here to make sure you stay true to your golden heart, bird. And you know what? Here is not that bad of a nest.”
“You make it accep— okay. Good.”
“So do you,” Dick promises. “It’s an honor to be a part of your family.”
He clears his throat and rests his head on the crook of Dick’s neck. “You’re a very significant part of my life indeed, Richard. I look forward to staying by your side.”
“What’s this?” Dick rolls his eyes fondly. “A business meeting?”
Damian clicks his tongue. “It is not a common procedure to tell your business associates that you love them.”
“That is not what you just told me, smartass.” Dick kisses his hair.
“But is that what you heard me saying?”
“Yeah,” he nods. “At this point, I’m fluent in Damian .”
“I love you too, by the way.”
Dick can feel Damian’s small smile against his skin. “It is not hard to notice.”
They stay hugging like this for a while, until they can hear the others downstairs and everything seems truly awake outside. Dick knows Bruce will soon be here to check on Damian, even if he wishes to be asleep; he knows, too, that he’ll go back to Bludhaven in the evening, and Damian won’t.
“Are you feeling any better?”
Damian gently moves away and Dick misses his warmth instantly, but doesn’t complain when he takes a few steps to the middle of the room. He watches him stretch out and fail to bite down a yawn.
“I am,” he promises, and that’s enough.
This time, when Damian walks away from him to meet his dad, it’s the kind of leaving that promises not to take too long.
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years
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Alfred Pennyworth learns from his daughter, Julia that her adoptive father was apparently murdered while in France. For this reason, they have come to Montreal, to investigate the murder by getting in touch with one of the late Jacques Remarque's contacts. However, during their investigations, Alfred and Julia are attacked several times by an unknown shooter and they barely manage to get out of danger alive. The assassin is none other than Deadshot and realizing the trouble they have encountered, Alfred decides to summon the Batman for help.
Meanwhile in Gotham City, word about the Batman's absence spread in the underworld and the criminals working for the new crime lord in town get more active than usual. This sudden rise in crime is used by Harvey Bullock to scare the criminals into giving him part of their loot or giving him the location of the new crimelord. In any case, Bullock gets the advantage with his status as a law enforcer using questionable means.
Later, Batman has arrived to Montreal and the Pennyworths inform him about the situation. Upon closer investigation of one of Jacques Remarque's personal belongings, Batman finds an address in Montreal that would lead him to the killer. When Batman arrives at the place, he is confronted by Deadshot and a deadly chase ensues until they reach a nearby park, where they start hunting each other. When Julia realizes that her father's killer is prowling in the park, she runs into the place, recklessly and attracting the attention of Deadshot, who was hired to kill her and Alfred in the first place. Knowing that he won't reach Deadshot in time to stop him, Batman uses a Batarang aimed at Julia's gun in her hand and causes her to fire towards Deadshot's location. The bullet injures the killer in the leg and when he is incapacitated, Batman interrogates Deadshot about the person who hired him. Much to everyone's surprise, Deadshot tells them that he was hired by Jacques Remarque.
In Montreal, Batman has delivered Deadshot to the authorities, but he keeps claiming that he was hired by the late Jacques Remarque, adoptive father of Julia Pennyworth, who is waiting outside the police building with her father, Alfred. Batman learns from the Montreal Police that Deadshot was somehow connected to terrorist and their whole scheme seems to be connected to stolen art from France, which would explain the inclusion of Jacques Remarque in the whole affair.
Batman goes to investigate the place used by Deadshot as hideout and in the meantime, the police prepare to transfer the hired assassin to prison. However, Deadshot manages to escape before he could be placed in a vehicle and he steals a police car. The Montreal police starts chasing him and Alfred and Julia get inside one of the police vehicles to follow the criminal.
Deadshot leads them to the base of operations, where the terrorist have been stashing the stolen art and the police surrounds the building. Julia believes that her adoptive father is still alive and she breaks into the place by going into the basement shelter, with Alfred following closely. Inside, Julia finds a secret passageway that connects the main house to the sewers below and she eventually finds the criminals. The terrorist attempt to murder her, but she is saved by Alfred, who was not far behind. The criminals then gather to deal with the intruders and Batman arrives in time after he learned the true location of their hideout. Batman and Alfred take down most of the terrorists and when Deadshot attempts to kill Julia, Batman uses a glass-cutter to disrupt Deadshot's firing mechanism, blinding him and foiling his crime. Finally, Julia comes to terms with the fact that her adoptive father is dead and she is comforted by Alfred, her true father.
Meanwhile in Gotham City, the new crime lord called Doctor Fang starts increasing his control of the criminal activities in the city.
The plot around Julia’s assassination attempts is, at times, too complicated. They are chased in one issue, then they chase in the next one. In the end it doesn’t really matter, the answers are not exactly interesting.
What is interesting is the adding of a character to the supporting cast. Up to the end of this continuity, Julia will be part of the Batman mythos.
I give his story a score of 6 
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