vldfix · 28 days
yap yap yap voltron yap yap yap klance yap yap yap garrison trio yap yap yap the alteans yap yap yap broganes yap yap yap
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justmultifandom · 11 months
Voltron headcanon
On Altea the weather is colder, even in summer; while on Daibazaal the weather is very hot in every season
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hibiscusseaart · 1 year
Altean families hcs
Heya! I'm not stopping. Twi thread
Warnings: 18+ (mostly cuz biology talk), Half-altean Lance.
I am gonna start with alteans and their structure. I believe that alteans are quite matriarchal. We don’t have enough clues about it in canon, but from what I see, mothers are quite the leading power.
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Honerva was unstoppable and she stopped only when SHE wanted (tho destroying realities, like she got what she wanted) and Allura talked to her. Plus she got Zarkon wrapped around her finger before going mad and even a lil after that. Imagine her not being evil. Jeez what a woman she’d be.
I believe that Melenor might be the Queen by blood and Alfor entering the family by marriage and becoming a consort. Why? One of the main reasons is that Alfor never ever wears any kind of crown, while Melenor and Allura always do. Also you can see in this screenshot, Melenor sitting next to Zarkon - the sole emperor of Daibazaal - closer than her husband, who is friends with said emperor, meaning Melenor has higher status than her husband.
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Though, here, she’s standing on the side. But he is not a King for nothing right?
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But it can say nothing about alteans being matriarchal. I hcs them like that, cuz it seems fitting for them to put mothers and families on a pedestal.
So, now I’ll start to explain altean process to start a family. I already explained their courting process here (вставить ссылку).
Alteans can only get pregnant when both partners want it and it can not happen by accident. Conception is actually considered a very special process and even a ritual in Altean culture and is not considered like something dirty or full of lust. It’s usually something very-very gentle. Though usual sex is kinda stigmatized and they mostly don’t talk about it. Yeah you have really slow social progress, when you live in monarchy and your population lives for more than 600 years (that’s around Coran’s age and he considered as middle aged man).
Getting back to pregnancies. At conception, a portion of quintessence from each partner is fused to form child’s. It’s a big strain for future parents cuz it’s literally part of their life force is gone to their child. Because of this, they rarely have more than 2-3 children.
This ritual is counted as the 1st day of child’s existence. So birthday counts from the conception date. Also, because of their huge life spawn, they count their age as centuries. For example, “I am 17” means that the child is 170 years old. They’re considered as a minor till their 250 birthday. Modern alteans can, basically, live forever until they’re killed (im pretty sure that they have tech to change DNA (also this shit is controversial as hell, but i will talk about it when i get to write about politics). But they can look old, like Alfor did, because of stress. Stress is their kryptonite in that case.
(also i suspect that Altea has a shorter year, being closer to it’s sun)
Oh, also, a little biology: alteans deffinetly have different sexes, looking at their bodies, they have pretty obvious sexual dimorphism. Though, knowing how advanced they are (thanks for changing DNA tech) and their abilities for shapeshifting, they probably can easily change how they like it and have a child. They might be like some kinds of fish or lizards, which can change their sex when needed. Like they’re born as hermaphrodites. but for some alteans male hormones are stronger, for some female are (and i’m pretty sure that they have their own hormones, they’re aliens after all, i’m just using this terminology for better understanding).
Anyway, mothers for alteans are the ones who bear the child and feed them later (and they def feed some kind of milk, why else would alteans have boobs? to store quintessence there?). And they are quite the heroes/heroines, cuz babies take a lot from alteans, mostly quintessence, I think. But physically too. I think that they can have longer pregnancies. The reason humans have their babies for 9 months and even then the baby is helpless and can’t even hold their head, it’s cuz the head is so big and if it’d grow more it’d be a big problem for mothers in the stretching department. But alteans don’t have that problem with shapeshifting so the babies are bigger. Maybe a lil smaller than Allura on the screenshot.
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So because pregnancy is really taxing, it’s exactly why they prefer to have multiple partners, so they can help each other (looking at you, Coran). Also I think alteans could have little traditions, like giving a pregnant lady some presents or flowers, even if you don’t know her well. Pregnant one is a really precious one. Alteans if stress (kryptonite!) can easily have a miscarriage and it’s always devastating for them. So they try to avoid any bad news during pregnancies.
sidenote: it’s weird to refer to a pregnant altean solely as she/her, cuz alteans can literally alter their biology. who knows, maybe it’s alfor who gave birth to allura. we will never know.
(but, according to my hcs, we know, cuz allura calls melenor mother and that means that she was the one who was pregnant with her.)
So the next thing is really important for alteans and their families. As you well know, alteans have a deep connection with quintessence and can kind of control it. Each family has its own little “lake” of quintessence. This lake keep them all connected to each other, mostly emotionally. They can’t read each other’s minds, but it’s easy for them to sense a mood and feelings in general. I think, it’s the same how the Lions communicate and connect.
This connection is really important, because it can help all members of this lake to feel needs of altean mother and then children’s needs. It also helps them to feel their quintessence more clearly and develop empathy.
A child is accepted into family’s lake when their quintessence grows stronger and detaches from their mother’s completely (at first it’s really intertwined and helps mother to take care of their kid). They have a traditional ritual for that and it’s held by the most magically talented member of the family. But it can also happen naturally, if the kid is close with everyone in the family, tho connection will be a bit weaker, because no one leads kid’s quintessence in the right place.
The acceptance ritual usually happens at their 5-10 year (it’s really early for alteans if you remember their lifespan). If not accepted, then the child will feel unwanted, abandoned and in general will be very restless and prone to stress and depression.
If someone is not accepted, they’re not considered a real family. The marriage is all about future spouses to get this connection with each other.
This connection can weaken though, it’s not permanent and needs refreshing. Usually it’s enough to just spend time with each other. But it’s highly emotional and if someone doesn’t want to be connected, they link will break.
Now let’s talk about my baby half-altean Lance >:)
So, Luis and the others are not full siblings. Luis was born from the human, when the others were born from an altean who happened to get on Earth somehow (i know how, but i wanna save something for my long ass fic which MAY be translated if I could find a beta). That altean and Lance’s mom have had Marco and Veronica. But the altean didn’t expect that Lance’s mom would have 2 eggs. Alteans do not have that at all. A little later after Lance and Rachel were conceived, he died of the quintessence strain. On Earth no one really knew why.
But well, these two were never accepted in the lake with his father, Marco and Veronica (these two didn’t even know about being part-alien), so they grew up with diagnosed ADHD and self worth issues.
There we step into more of the AU territory, cuz Lance is known as altean much earlier, maybe before s 2. Coran and Allura are estatic. They were so used to their big families always buzzing lake, so felling only each other was really lonely. So Allura accept Lance as her own brother (yeah, Allura was that much uninterested). She did use a little too much magic because of her inexperience, so Lance got his marks and his ears started to change (cartilage are softer and can be bend easier).
He started to become more altean in general. Like he isn’t disgusted by food goo anymore for example and gets stronger easier. He can’t shapeshift, bc human bones, but he can change his skin color. It was weird af for him to feel Allura and Coran as he feels his lion, but it did helped him a lot with his ADHD and worries. Plus he got a new sister and, kind of, a new dad? Or Uncle? He’s not sure. But it’s the closest to his family he ever had since they got into space.
Thank you for reading! Hope you like it! Please let me know what hcs do you have about altean or maybe galra families!
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ditzydisaster13 · 3 months
Okay. So I’ve had what I believe, is an epic idea. I don’t do song fics too often, but this was looking like an amazing opportunity. I hope you all know this song.
This is the childhood song of badassery. It was epic and spooky. To the right people, it would send chills down their spine. To me, a person who loves music, music has always been a lot about the story it tells. I took this song very literally for a while. Creeped out by my own imagination
But now it’s your turn to be creeped out. Maybe. This is a VLD idea. An AU. Lance gets separated from the others. A Galra ship exploding and sending him into space. The others were lead to believe he was captured by the Galra. while instead a series of not only Galra rebels, but neutral-good fighters and survivors as well. Then they were further lead to believe he was dead. ((Evidence points to them all spending at least 5 years in space. Keith had extra time cause of his blade mission. So we’re gonna kinda ignore the og timeline. This takes place a little while after the lion switch.)) so when they think Lance is dead. Pidge and Hunk have green and yellow lions like always. Shiro had black, Keith has red, and allura has blue.
But while they get used to Lance not being there, mourning him, all the while hoping he’s maybe out there. Lance is getting older. Stronger. In an area near a star where times moves just a little faster. About 3 years older than the other now, even when he’s been separated from them for only 2 years. They still miss him. And hunk can never forget him. But they’d gotten used to the pattern in their life. Then there’s a distress signal. In a pretty far galaxy. It’s really close to where Lance and his friends are. But Lance is taller, built a little more similar to Shiro, with all of his lankyness still. Just more muscle. Long hair. Cause apparently the food there makes hair grow fast, and everywhere. Lance gave up on taking care of his hair. Everywhere else is pretty well taken care of. He’s kinda skipped on his skin care routine. Shampoo works well enough. And sometimes conditioner stuff makes his hair curly. But he’s constantly dirty and scarred. Brace and rough and ruthless. Guns and sword and knives and other weapons. Better with technology and mechanics now. He’s practically everything he never was in team Voltron. And 10 times more. He is the best version of himself. He doesn’t even miss who he was. He might miss his old friends, but these new people, that aren’t so new anymore. They know him better than he should.
not sure when I’ll get to post this on Ao3: so let me know if you would like a version of the story posted here first.
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vld-prompts · 1 year
After a long day working to fortify the planet, the MFE pilots persuade the Alteans (and any potential Galra allies) to try out the right-side-up Earth pool.
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lefty-draws02 · 7 months
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Galtean Klance 🫠🫠
i couldn’t choose which one i liked better so here’s both!! ✨
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jiveyuncle · 12 days
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Lance and Allura besties makes my heart full 🥹💕 Figure the team probably had a chill day and let loose. This exchange probably happened sometime after Allura sensed Lance’s mark on Keith and before the identity reveal.
This AU is always so much fun for me. Sure and Indelible is my baby and I love it dearly okay 😭💕
[These are just stills from a Reel I made on insta. You can view it with the matching audio HERE.]
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sinigangrobot · 1 month
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I made something for @/it.is.bila 's 20k DTIYS~
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heynhay · 10 months
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I've done the math, there's no solution, we'll never last
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mothmanavenue · 5 months
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we’re like two halves of one heart
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crowleaderko · 1 year
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I really like lance (i think Keith does too…)
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katswave · 21 days
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freckled-moss · 2 months
I hate animating.
2 Commission Slots Open! 13 Stickers Left!
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nikogane · 3 months
For the drawing prompts - galra keith and altean lance pls? You've prob already done this but I love them :3
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they make me sick (endearing)
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klance-dreams · 3 months
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first time drawing in over a month?? 😭💕 oh man but here’s something quick! ◡̈ at this point, its tradition that if i haven’t drawn for a while, altean lance brings me back 🥰
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jiveyuncle · 6 months
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