#and he never even makes mention of the other two outside that one single line!
adammilligan · 2 years
wait sooooo how many years WERE there in between the creation of michael and the creation of lucifer. how many years did michael spend being the only one of his kind. maybe that's why he's so distant about it when it comes to any love he has for the other archangels. none of them or the angels for that matter have ever known what it is to be alone like that. michael might not have been actually alone because god and the darkness were there and maybe he wouldn't even recognize the loneliness for what it was back then because it was all he ever knew and he had nothing else to go off of and he WAS created to be a good soldier and loyal son so maybe it never even occured to him. but maybe after everything when it's just him and adam down in the cage and all the other archangels are dead he's like ah. so that's what that was
#thinking about the diner scene and how he says. my brothers are dead. my father never returned. in so many ways i'm alone.#and how the line about his brothers is such a contrast from the way he actually acts?#the only one he seems to have strong feelings about or loves at all is lucifer#and even then. he berates him every chance he gets he locked him in the cage he calls him a monster he refused to walk off the chessboard#with him. etc etc. he seems to hate him much more than he ever loved him#and he never even makes mention of the other two outside that one single line!#and i'm kind of wondering if it's because he has the unique position he does. because he knows what existence was like without them#to them michael has always been a fixed position in their lives. the perfect soldier. the good son. even when he was playing the role of#big brother those two characteristics would've taken precedence. but michael watched them be created! he knew what life was like#without them. god (and the darkness) was the only fixed position in his life.#so maybe that distance comes as a result of that. because none of them have ever carried a fixed position in his life like god has#and it makes swan song so interesting. because lucifer WAS ready to throw everything away for him! he DID want to walk off the chessboard#with him! but michael barely even considers it. he fully rejects the idea. he's lived an existence without lucifer before#and if doing so again brings god back? brings paradise about? hell yeah he'll kill him! raising him be damned!#imo it also kind of sheds some light on his line 'you are no longer a part of this story!'#because it's like oh you ADMIT this is a story? one that ends with you killing the brother you raised? for your father?#for the one person you've never known life without?#ahem. anyway. sorry it's 9 am#kate rambles#michael
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slytherinshua · 5 months
genre. fluff. a lil f2l. warnings. none. pairing. anton x fem!reader. wc. 1.2k. request. no. a/n. anton delusions to start the new year off on the right foot <3
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boyfriend anton who is the most attentive person you’ve ever met
maybe it’s because he always waits and listens before speaking and that has taught him to pick up on everything, but he never misses anything
if you shiver from the cold, he notices
if you tense up in uncomfort, he notices
if you’re eyeing that one ring on the jewellery stand in the store, he notices 
he loves to take walks with you, but since it’s gotten colder outside, you often get a lot colder than him
he gets into the habit of giving you his scarf or his coat or his gloves
sometimes he offers to hold your hands to warm them up, gently rubbing them to warm them up when they’re freezing from the outside cold
he’ll give you his beanies to keep your ears warm
and when he notices that your cheeks are dusted pink from the cold, he’ll kiss all over your face to try to warm it up
when he’s listening to you talk, he’ll subconsciously mirror your gestures
he’s quirking his eyebrow when you are, fiddling with his thumbs to match your pace, leaning away from you at the same speed that you’re leaning forward
there’s always a balance, and anton always makes sure to keep the perfect harmony between you two
when he’s away on schedules, he’ll always take pictures of his food to let you know he’s eaten
and he makes sure he’s in the frame of the photo too after you said you wanted to see his face as well
even if he doesn’t look the best or takes it from a weird angle, you were his best friend before you were his girlfriend, so he never feels awkward about it
the comfortableness that you have with your best friend was still a very prominent feeling in your relationship
you were always making fun of each other and giggling and sending the ugliest selfies— it made you feel at home
the only difference was that during those fits of giggles, instead of hiding how much he loves your laughter and your smile, he could tell you openly and shower your face with kisses just to remind you how much he loves you
instead of looking back at the selfies he sent you when you miss him, you could just ask for more
you always felt completely yourself around anton, but once you started dating him, you felt even more comfortable
you don’t really have “date nights” with anton
there’s nothing fancy or overly romantic with you two
you’re more comfortable with just hanging out with him like usual
sometimes you do dress up because you want to look pretty for him, of course, but there is never any pressure to
dates with anton are always low stress
your original fancy dinner date got cancelled last minute, you weren’t feeling up for it or anton was tired from work? it’s no problem— you’ll just get mcdonald’s instead and spend the night cuddling while watching old movies
anton always sends you snippets of songs he’s working on, even if he’s not really supposed to
what harm could happen if you heard a single melody line?
plus, he values your feedback more than anything, and your suggestions work their way into the songs even when you don’t realize it
he always takes your advice on everything, because, well, you’re the person he trusts the most in the world
there’s never a reason you need to lie or hide something from him, and because of that, he trusted you every time
he knows everything about you, and he remembers everything as well
it was easy for him to choose gifts for you once you became his girlfriend
he starts buying something for you whenever he buys something for himself just because you’re always on his mind
or when he passes something cute in the store, his brain just goes
“oh, y/n would like that”
and suddenly he’s at the register already paying for it
he remembers every time you mentioned something in the past to him as just your best friend, so he knows your taste better than anyone else
with how attentive he is, he even knows what your new interest is before you tell him
you’re suddenly hyper focused on capsule wardrobes, specifically ones for couples so that you can match with every piece of clothing you own? 
sure, that’s some interesting information that he definitely didn’t already pick up 2 weeks ago
he’s already pulling out the matching clothes before you can get a second sentence in, and you happily spend the next few months matching with anton without even trying
the same thing happens when you decide to try to make your own sourdough bread as a new hobby
anton saw you reading blogs about bread a little too often to just be mindlessly scrolling through your phone
so he picks up a bread book at the store the next day, naturally
he’s always one to indulge in whatever you’re interested in
even if it doesn’t end up being something he also enjoys, he can still buy you things for it because he loves to see you happy
anton is shy
sometimes a little too shy, especially in front of other people
when it’s just you, he can say he loves you pretty easily, and even kiss you without feeling too embarrassed
but he absolutely cannot handle pda
even holding your hand around the other boys or people he knows will make him blush uncontrollably 
the teasing makes it worse, especially it’ll be the only thing eunseok and sungchan talk about for the next week
when he can, he’ll show you affection in more subtle ways
one of his favourites is making little playlists for you
sometimes they’re long, sometimes they’re just 5 songs
but each of them comes with a little note from him in the description, saying how much he loves you or how the songs remind him of you
there are times when you won’t see each other for a while, but listening to the playlists he sends you makes the time away from him more bearable
when you sent him your first response playlist, he almost cried
you had filled it with the most loverboy coded songs— and some of the lyrics had him questioning how you could pick such detailed songs?
because they all hit him so hard, as if the songs were written about you and him
your favourites from those playlists soon found their way into a joint playlist— one you made on anton’s birthday
the boys always tease him about listening to it too much, but it’s not like he can just stop 
he’s addicted to it
not only were the songs good, but they’re the songs that he shared with you
and he likes knowing that he could share something like that with just you made him feel so warm and fuzzy inside
there’s something so special about the love that you have for anton
the more you think back, the more you realize that there was never any other boy in your brain other than him
he had always been your best friend and your secret crush
and now that you could call him your boyfriend, you want to keep it like that for as long as possible
luckily, anton feels the exact same way
his life feels unimaginable without you right beside him
↳ riize taglist: @eternalgyu,, @kangtaehyunzzz,, @weird-bookworm,, @haecien,, @seolboba,, @cyberpunksunwoo,, @cosmicwintr, @chiiyuuvv,, @evalevaeva
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chilling-seavey · 3 months
Don't Worry Darling (gr63)
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↳ A/N The best part about watching movies as a writer, is being inspired to write my own spin-off of the plot. I was absolutely gagged when I watched DWD and this came of it.
↳ Inspired By Don't Worry Darling (2022)
↳ Summary: Married and thriving in an idealised community based on routine, gender roles, and arguable paradise, you and George seem to be just as perfect together as the utopia you live within - but not everything is as it seems on the surface.
↳ Pairings: George Russell x Wife!Fem!Reader (NO use of y/n)
↳ Word Count: 21.7k
↳ Warnings: 18+, gender roles, smut, oral (f reciving), breeding kink to the maaaax (and the applicable dirty talk to go along with it), one or two instances of 'mommy' and 'daddy' but not in the spicy sense, unprotected sex (we're trying to make a baby here, people), some descriptions of sickness, brief mention of suicide, some mention of medical content, dark undertones.
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The summer sun danced across the freshly cleaned carpeted floors, lining perfectly with the horizontal streaks from the vacuum that had been taken to it only a few moments before. The single storey house smelt of fresh linen and citrus cleaning products and the full glass windows sparkled brilliantly in the early afternoon sun. Outside in the backyard, the two rows of clotheslines were hung over pristine green grass and the crisp white sheets were hung perfectly over each line and pinned precisely on each end. The wind rippled through them in the calm breeze, wafting clean scents across the trimmed backyard and tended garden of flourishing flowers. 
In your pastel blue dress, the empty laundry basket rested on your hip as you returned inside from tending to the laundry, a gentle whistle on your lips to a tune you couldn’t quite place but had been stuck in your head for a few days. Your white kitten heels walked silently across the perfectly vacuumed carpet back towards the mudroom that was tucked beside the garage and took the last load of laundry out of the washing machine to place in the basket. 
The crisp white dress shirts were hung on the clothesline in the backyard beside the clean sheets, pinned delicately by their shoulders so the wind could take their freshness and dry them in the summer air. 
Rain was never a concern as the neighbourhood in which you lived never had a day of spotty weather. In fact, since the day you and your husband moved into the desert oasis town, there had been nothing but comfortable temperatures and clear skies. It was just another confirmation that your decision to move out of your every-day society and into this private section of the world was the correct one. 
Running your hands down the front of the final clean dress shirt, you leaned in towards it to inhale the fresh scent of fabric softener that encapsulated the fibres and filled your senses with the familiarity that was your husband. With him away at work during the days, one might think that you would get lonely. On the contrary, there were always things for you to take up your time with. If you weren’t cleaning the house for his return, preparing dinner, or tending to the garden, you had lots of opportunities to visit the shops in town, lounge by the pool with the other ladies in the neighbourhood, or attend ballet classes where you could. Life had no stress. Life was perfect. 
With the laundry drying in the yard, you returned inside to begin preparing dinner. Your white apron was tied around your waist and you flipped open your recipe book to select your evening meal. Missing your husband a little extra that afternoon, you decided to make his favourite for his homecoming. 
On freshly scrubbed countertops and over the sparkling clean stove, you prepared the meal for him delicately and with nothing but your utmost attention to detail. He deserved nothing more than perfection. The meat was seasoned by your careful manicured hands and laid in a bed of onions and potatoes and spices in the oven to roast, the timer set for an exact hour. With the vegetables cooking on the stovetop and the counters washed down from dinner prep, you began to set the dining table for two. 
The china dishes that had been a wedding gift were set between carefully placed sterling silver cutlery and two slim candles were lit in the centre of the table. You crouched in front of the fireplace that divided the dining room from the living room and lit the flame, making sure it caught on the kindling before you shut the glass to protect the pristine home you kept from the smoke or flame. On your way back to the kitchen, you dimmed the dining room lighting down to a romantic glow and stopped by the record player to set one of your shared favourite records to play softly in the background. 
When the clock struck 5:00, you had just placed the roast on the table alongside the dishes of vegetables and salad and you hurried across the carpet floor towards the bar. Your apron was pulled off and tossed under the counter and out of sight and you quickly poured a perfect amount of golden liquor into a crystal glass and took it with you to the front door. The moment you reached the foyer, you had just a second to make sure you looked your best in the mirror by the door as the headlights flashed through the frosted glass window down the left hand side of the front door. 
The sound of footsteps on the front porch guided you to open the door with an eager smile, revealing your husband on the other side. In his work shoes and black jacket, his hand was tucked casually in the front pocket of his slacks with his briefcase in his other hand. He wore no tie but the buttoned up white shirt that you had ironed for him that morning was already slightly creased from his long day and would require laundering. But your attention was all focused on his perfectly gelled brown hair and his loving eyes that sparkled in the warm light that surrounded you. 
George was already smiling as if anticipating your usual greeting after a long day away and he stepped over the threshold of your shared home and set his briefcase by the door without tearing his eyes away from you for a second. 
“Welcome home, sunshine.” you said sweetly, offering out his drink. 
“Hi, sweetheart.” he whispered adoringly, stepping closer to you and he slid his hands around your waist to rest against the small of your back and he pulled you right up against him for a swift kiss. 
Your free hand easily wrapped around his shoulders as he walked you backwards farther into your house, the two of you sharing love-sick kisses after a long day apart. 
“How was your day?” you asked softly, when he pulled away from you for a half second to lick his lips.
“Absolute shit until now.” George whispered back, moving right in once more and he let one of his hands raise to cradle your jaw and guide your lips back on his. He lingered on your mouth for a second before his hand finally dropped to take his glass from you. 
“Then it’s a good thing I made your favourite.” you said, starting to unbutton his jacket for him as he sipped his drink all while staring at you and leading you both farther into the house and towards the dining room. 
“Mhm?” George blindly set his still half-full glass on the kitchen counter with a dull clink as you both passed by briefly so he could pull you back in for more kisses. 
You smiled against his mouth and your hands rested daintily against his chest as he leaned into you, expertly keeping up with the way his lips locked with yours in feverish kisses as if he had been too deprived of you. His large hands cascaded down your body and over your hips, steering you towards your perfectly set dinner table under the ambiance of the romantic music crackling from the record player and the fireplace flickering nearby.
“Cleaned the whole house for you too.” you continued between kisses even as your hands pushed his jacket from his shoulders and let it fall to the crisply vacuumed carpet. 
“Yeah, it looks so good, darling.” George breathed into your mouth as his hands grabbed your thighs and he hiked you right up onto the end of the dining room table. 
In all reality, he hadn’t taken his eyes off of you from the second you opened the door for him. The entire house could have been trashed and graffitied and he wouldn’t have even batted an eyelash because all his focus was on you. It had been that way for as long as you could remember - ever since he first laid eyes on you - and your honeymoon phase only followed you well into your first year of marriage. The whole neighbourhood knew that well. No one was as perfect for each other or as perfect together as you and George were.
Eyes locked, you were breathing heavily into each other’s open mouths as his hands helped themselves up your skirt and you shifted to help him tug your panties down your legs. They were easily tossed to the floor and George’s lips went for your neck, trailing impatient wet kisses down your skin until he was dropping to his knees at the head of the table. 
“Oh, I missed you.” you breathed to the ceiling as he bunched up your dress around your waist and then dragged his tongue right between your legs. Your sharp inhale had him doing it again before he was wrapping his arms around your thighs and pulling your legs over his shoulders. 
You fell onto your back against the table with a gasp, your hands knocking the salad bowl to the floor without concern as you messily caught yourself against the wood top. The simple touch of his mouth against your cunt had your breathing falling shallow and you gasped to the peaked ceiling of your mid-century home as you laid out on the dining table like you were dinner itself. 
George hummed gladly against your pussy as he warmed you up with filthy wet kisses. He acted like he had been deprived of you for weeks but in reality it had barely been twenty-four hours since you found yourself in a similar position. Your relationship really had nothing but strength in all aspects behind it. 
The feeling of his warm wet tongue gliding up flatly between your lips had your back arching off the table with a strangled gasp and your hands flew above your head to try and grab onto something, only knocking off the two place settings you had so meticulously set. The carpeted floor caught them delicately and without much of a sound but you were all too focused on the way George’s mouth felt to care about anything else. He lapped filthily at your clit as your breaths turned into moans and he nuzzled his face deeper into you, having craved you all day. 
“George-” you gasped to the ceiling, eyes screwing shut as he flicked his tongue over your clit in quick patterns. “Oh my God.” 
He moaned up against you and let his fingers press into the flesh of your thighs as he held your legs over his shoulders hungrily, playing with your swollen clit until your toes were curling and your back was arching. The filthy slurps and smacks of his mouth and tongue against your pussy were arousing and they easily drowned out the sound of the gentle record player across the room, harmonizing perfectly with your breathless whimpers and moans that were all for him. 
He was ruthless with it, eating you out like he wholeheartedly craved you until you were writhing against the wood dining table. Your hands flew down to his head between your legs and your fingers raked through his styled brown hair to tug pleadingly on the roots to feel him closer, to feel more of him. Mouth agape and eyebrows furrowed with pleasure, you peered down your body towards him but the voluminous skirt of your dress hindered your view slightly. Instead, you let your head fall back against the table, your back arching, and you let him urge the moans from your chest. 
“Fuck, baby.” you choked out, pulling at his hair harder. 
His tongue on your pussy had you quivering and he knew you like the back of his hand; always knowing right where you needed him and how to make you see stars. He tugged you a little closer to the edge of the table so he could get more of his mouth on you and his hands pried your thighs open wider, giving him full access to every inch of you. 
Your moans grew louder, pitchier, your hips trying to grind against his face as his tongue ravaged your clit mercilessly until you were flushing warm all over and aching for release. One of your hands reached above your head to grab the edge of the table, swatting the bowl of peas and carrots to the carpet blindly as you did so but you didn’t care. You were all too hung up on him and his perfect mouth. 
“Oh, darling-” you cried to the ceiling, “I’m gonna cum-”
George kept his tongue on your clit, lapping quickly at it at that same consistent pace that made you dizzy. Gasping and moaning through the romantic air, you let him take the pleasure from your veins until you were falling perfectly silent and your eyes rolled shut as your back arched helplessly off the table. 
George’s deep moan against you sent shockwaves up your spine as he licked and suckled at your cunt as you came for him, soaking his mouth in your creamy liquids that satisfied his cravings just so. You completely sobbed out his name once the height of your orgasm washed over you, your fingers clutching his hair to hold him against you just a little bit longer. He pulled away with a sharp inhale and a lick to his lips, standing up smoothly to let your legs fall gently back to the edge of the table. 
You brushed your hands over your once-tidy hair and peered down your body to where he stood at the head of the table unbuckling his belt with nothing but the strongest lust in his eyes. You hiked up the skirt of your dress some more and smeared your fingers through your messy cunt that was shimmering wet for him and from him. 
“Come here.” George ordered lowly as he kicked off his shoes across the carpeted floor and let his pants follow before he was sitting himself down on the stray dining chair, his hard cock standing stiff and swollen with need for you. 
You were still shuttering from your orgasm but you pushed yourself up from the tabletop and slid off the edge to land on your feet, your heels catching you silently against the carpet. He patted his thigh and then held out his hand to you, encouraging you over and helped you to toss a leg over his lap to straddle him. George shuffled up the large skirt of your dress and you helped him pull it over your head and drop it to the floor behind you, leaving you in only your bra and him in only his shirt as your lips found each other’s again. 
His hands groped your ass, pulling you closer to him hungrily as your lips smacked wetly together amid tongue-led kisses. Your arms around his shoulders allowed your fingers to tangle in his hair and you pulled his head closer until he was leaning into you to keep kissing you, sharing moans and breaths of nothing but pure erotica together. 
“Oh, baby.” you breathed out of your heated kisses, tilting your head back as his lips magnetized to your neck and your hands cradled his head adoringly. 
“I want you on my cock.” George spoke lowly against your neck, “I want you bouncing on my fucking cock.” 
“Yes, please.” you shifted on his lap to rise up slightly with your feet planted on either side of him and he reached down to angle his dick for you. 
With your hands on his shoulders, you slowly sunk down on his dick to feel every inch of it stretching you out snugly. Mouth falling open, your thighs met his lap and you moaned shakily at the warm stretch he gave you, swirling your hips lazily to feel him everywhere. 
“Good girl, darling.” George praised, resting back against the chair with his hands securely on your hips. 
Right away, you began to bounce on him, using the anchor of your feet on the carpeted ground on either side of the dining chair to keep you supported. You leaned your head back with a gentle shake to get your hair out of your face but kept your hands on his shoulders with your fingers gripping onto the once ironed white fabric. 
“Fuck, that’s my good fucking girl.” George praised through his teeth. 
“Oh my God.” you groaned out shakily. 
You were addicted to the clap of your skin together; the filthy lewd sound that was proof of your undying love and devotion to each other. How you were the pair that everyone else envied. 
When your eyes met, you could feel your insides fluttering from only his stare and the stormy mixture of love and lust that settled behind his gaze. Fingers tangled in the back of his hair, you held him close as you greedily fucked yourself on his lap, completely salivating at the feeling of his generous cock sheathed so perfectly inside you. It was hard to keep your eyes open with the pleasure that surged within you but your husband’s stare was completely addictive. He stared at you like you were the world and with his hands on your hips, he helped you guide you through your bounces until you were choking out the sweetest moans. 
George pulled you close by your waist so you could rest right down against his chest and your arms went right around his shoulders, allowing you to share another sloppy kiss as your bounces moulded into purposeful grinds. You moaned into each other’s mouths as your pussy gripped around his cock with each roll of your hips, your feet still tucked in your heels looping around the back legs of the dining chair to five yourself some added leverage to help yourself to his body. Grinding on him back and forth, a little faster, you broke your kiss with a soft gasp, letting your head fall backwards and his lips found your neck. 
George’s hands groped your ass and he pulled you into your motions steadily, making sure you were able to feel all of each other as much as possible. His teeth sunk gently into your flesh where your neck met your shoulder and he groaned tightly against your skin as you ground down on him faster, harder, whining for more. He spanked your ass before gliding his hands up your back and he let his furrowed gaze find your face, staring at the pleasure that took over your features. Your hands gripped the back of his hair and the back of his shirt, rolling your body against his hungrily as your lips were drawn together again. 
Both of you shared hungry moans and sloppy kisses as you ground yourself down on his dick and rode him purposefully on the dining room chair. The dinner that hadn’t been swiped to the ground in your initial rush was growing cold on the serving dishes but the waste of your hard work was truly the last thing on your mind. Instead, your attention was taken up by your handsome husband and the feeling of his warm skin taking you over - body and soul. 
Breaking your wet tongue-led kiss with a whimpering gasp, your head fell back for a moment as your hips lead their course on his lap, fingers clutching his hair and his shirt as you swirled yourself back and forth on his dick and watched how his handsome face was stricken in pleasure. His hands on your waist urged you to shift again and you gladly moved back into steady bounces using the anchor of your heels on the carpeted floor. 
“Oh my God, George.” you choked out, keeping your eyes on his. “Yes.” 
His deep groans in time with every bounce of your body on his lap filled the warm romantic air between you, his hands gripping a little tighter to your hips to pull you down a little harder, a little faster. 
“Good girl.” he praised lowly. 
“Are you close?” you asked shakily. 
“Yeah, baby.” his voice was strained slightly and he stared down his body to watch how you took him all with every ungraceful stroke, his feet planted firmly on the carpet as he stayed slouched back against the dining chair. “Fuck.”
“I want you to come in me.” you breathed shakily. 
“Yeah?” George’s right hand rose from your waist to hold your jaw tenderly and his thumb slid into your mouth, “Want me to put a baby in you?” 
“Fuck- uh huh-“ you groaned through his thumb, shamelessly bouncing harder on his lap until your thighs were aching. 
“Mhm?” George’s eyes flicked between your face and his lap, watching you fuck yourself on him with his feet anchroed securely on the carpeted dining room floor. He had been waiting and dreaming for his homecoming all day, desperate for this exact moment. He knew all too well that you would never say no to him. You were equals but you were such a good wife. 
George pulled his thumb out of your mouth and slid his hand around the back of your neck to pull your forehead against his as he groaned into his orgasm. You squeezed your muscles tightly around him, making his face screw up in pleasure as his cock throbbed within the tight confines of your cunt and you finally were blessed with that first feeling of him spurting warmly inside you. You shuttered on top of him, grinding down strongly against his lap as you held each other close and met his timing almost perfectly. Your moans together were harmonious and perfect and your heart soared with adoration for him as your souls connected in the dim lighting of your shared home. 
“Fuck, darling-” George breathed out of it, holding you to his chest with his entire arms around your back, keeping you grinding against him as your orgasm tapered off. 
“Holy shit.” you whimpered quietly against his cheek, your fingers gripping tightly to the back of his shirt, your thighs trembling as you sat all your weight down on his lap to take the weight off your feet. 
His hands caressed your back and you moved to be able to meet his gaze as he asked cheekily, “So, how was your day?”
You giggled sweetly and leaned in to kiss his lips, “Amazing. Even more amazing now that you’re home.” 
“Missed you so much.” George admitted. 
“I can tell.” you smiled, scratching your fingers through the back of his hair. 
George tore his eyes away from your loving gaze so he could look towards the dining room table that was left in complete disarray from his rushed entry. He leaned forward slightly to rest his head against your shoulder and you kissed his head and ran your hand through his hair. 
“Sorry for, uh, ruining your dinner.” he whispered. 
“That’s okay. Worth it.” you assured him, “But you’re cleaning it up.”
“Okay.” he chuckled and raised his head from your shoulder to kiss your lips again. 
You took his face in your dainty hands, whispering between gentle chasté kisses, “I love you.”
George smiled peacefully, staring at your adoringly, “I love you.”
His lips peppered kisses down your jaw and your neck and his hands squeezed your ass to prompt you to get up. You moved cautiously as you stood from his lap, letting a thick drop of white slip out of you and onto his thigh and he leaned in to kiss your hip as his hands guided you off of him. 
“Any symptoms yet?” he asked gently as you bent down to grab your underwear and pull them on. 
“Don’t think so.” you answered with a shrug. 
“It’ll happen.” he almost promised. 
You stood between his legs and rested your forearms on his shoulders to lean in towards him, “Hopefully.” 
“It will.” his large hands caressed your thighs. 
You shared a soft kiss. 
George patted your bum, “Okay, go wash up. I’ll clean this mess and slice up that roast for us. Looks like it survived the chaos.” 
You kissed him once more and then slid out of his arms. Picking up your dress from the floor, you headed across the open living room and down the opposite hallway that turned towards the back of the house and led to your bedroom. You pulled out your nightgown from your dresser drawer and helped yourself to the pastel painted ensuite to freshen up, catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. 
Once perfectly styled hair was falling out of its pins and your cheeks were flushed from more than just the light coat of foundation and blush that you had applied earlier that day. You felt giddy and warm and yet a tinge of anxiety lingered in the back of your mind as you turned to the side and ran a hand over the flat natural curve of your stomach. You had been trying for a baby for only four weeks but you were impatient for the next phase of your perfect life with your perfect husband and with every passing day, you only got more and more ansty. George promised it would happen when it happens but you were both so familiar with things coming so easily to the two of you that not having results instantaneously was almost tortuous. 
Returning to the main space of your single storey house, George was in the kitchen in only his underwear and half unbuttoned white dress shirt, tidying up the dishes and scraping the spilled food into the garbage. To anyone else, they might have been more than annoyed that their hard-work that went into making dinner had gone to unappreciated waste but it was never that serious to you. You lived to give George whatever he wanted and when all he truly wanted was you? Who were you to deny him that? 
You leaned against the counter that divided the kitchen from the rest of the space and watched George putter around for a moment before he saw you. He smiled over at you and then brought over the plate of sliced meat that he had taken from the table and cut up himself. Setting it between you, he picked up one of the pieces and fed it to you from his fingers. 
“Little cold now.” you chuckled softly. 
“Still good.” he complimented, taking a bite for himself. 
You stood on either side of the peninsula counter and shared the plate of your half-cold dinner, one of the candles from the table resting between you and still lit. Moments like that only rehashed the idea of your perfect imperfection that was you and him. 
“You look beautiful right now.”
You raised your eyes from the plate, slipping one more piece of meat into your mouth as you met his loving stare. 
With a bashful smile, you shrugged, and spoke through your small mouthful, “I’m just in my nightgown.” 
“I know.” George leaned over the counter and captured your lips with his in a swift kiss. 
You smiled against his mouth and raised a hand up to dust your fingertips over his jaw before you were gently pushing him away from your lips. He reached over to gently tug at your pouted bottom lip with the pad of his thumb before standing up straight again and kept your eye contact from across the counter. 
“I love you so much.” you whispered. 
“I love you more.” 
The faint crackling of the record player in the living room drew your attention across the open space of your modest house and George drifted around the counter and danced his hand over your waist on his way past you. You took another bite of your makeshift dinner and watched as he lifted the needle from the turntable to remove the record and slide it back into its case. Whistling happily in his half-dressed state, George skimmed your collection of records and pulled out a new one to place carefully on the turntable. 
The tune he kept was the same tune you had stuck in your head for a few days and you inquired, “My love, what song is that you’re whistling?” 
George glanced up at you from across the living room, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth seeing you in the light of the kitchen behind your figure, and he looked back down to the record that he spun between his hands and then set it into its place on the turntable, “I dunno, darling. I think it’s just some random song.” 
“I’ve had it stuck in my head for a while now.” you explained, leaning back against the counter. 
“Mhm?” George seemed to shrug you off as he set the needle back on the record and the speaker crackled as it found its way into the groove. 
The house was filled with gentle romantic music and he turned up the volume as the voice of the vocalist flooded the space around you. George’s whistling moulded into the tune of the song playing and he did a little spin as he slunk his way saucily across the floor towards you. He climbed the three carpeted steps of the sunken living room and serenaded you with his rhythmic sways and motions as he approached you. You laughed softly at his goofiness and he held out his hands to you as he whistled along to the music. 
When you didn’t make a move to join him for a few seconds - just staring at him while leaning back against the counter with an adoring smile on your face - he requested of you simply, “Dance with me.” 
You pushed yourself away from the counter and set your hands in his, letting him pull you close to his body as he slid an arm around your waist and let his other hand stay holding yours beside you. He was the most angelic man you had ever seen and you set your hand around his shoulder as he guided you into gentle sways along with the music. 
You closed your eyes and melted into his chest, cheek to cheek, falling heavenly into the comfort of his embrace and the way his body moved with yours. His pitch perfect voice spoke right to your heart as he hummed quietly as you danced slowly in place within your cozy home, swaying to the rhythm of the record. With you in your nightgown and George in his underwear and dress shirt, you were perfectly domestic in that moment, the warmth in your heart swirling around the two of you wrapped as one. 
“Someday soon we won’t be able to do this.” George whispered to you.
The ominous nature of his statement had you shifting your head to look him in the eye, “What? Why?”
George just smiled sweetly and rubbed his thumb over the small of your back, “Because there’s going to be a baby growing between us soon. We’ll have to be a good arm's length apart.” 
You grinned back at him bashfully and leaned into him again so his lips pressed against your cheek for a quick kiss and then his head rested against yours. He led your gentle swaying on the plush carpet in the warm glow of the fireplace and your cozy home, only growing the adoring flutter in your heart. 
“I can’t wait.” you breathed. 
“Me neither.” George gave your joint hands a little squeeze. 
“I love you.” you whispered. 
“I love you.” George found your lips with his, kissing away any of your anxieties surrounding the unknown future with his love that comforted you always. 
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The ringing of George’s alarm clock woke you at dawn, just like any other weekday. He was cuddled up behind you in your spacious bed, wrapping you up in the warmth of the sheets and his embrace. You sighed deeply as you were forced into consciousness and as you shifted to stretch in George’s arms, he pressed a kiss to your cheek. 
“Morning, darling.” he mumbled sleepily, his alarm still ringing from his side of the bed. 
“Morning, sunshine.” you yawned, earning another cheek kiss from your husband before he was shifting away from you to reach over and swat off the alarm. 
You rolled after him under the blankets and as he turned back around from shutting off his clock, you draped yourself across his bare chest to admire him happily in the faint morning light that peeked through the sides of your curtains. He stroked your hair and you tapped your index finger against his lips before you leaned in to kiss them softly. He smiled at you and met you halfway for another. 
“Did you sleep okay?” you asked quietly. 
“Yeah.” he lazily draped his arm around your back, “Did you?”
You nodded, still tired from your deep sleep you had just awoken from, and your gaze stayed focused on his familiar face. Reaching your hand up from his chest you caressed his cheek with your thumb and across his jaw that housed a faint dusting of hair that was in need of his daily morning shave. He moved his head slightly to press his lips against the pad of your thumb and you giggled adoringly and stretched your body out on top of his as if not wanting to let him get up. 
“Do you wanna stay in bed?” George asked. 
“With you?” you replied hopefully. 
“No.” he smiled sadly at you and stroked your hair again, “I gotta go to work and make some money for us and our future babies.” 
You bit back your smile but didn’t make a move to get off him, still staring lovingly at  his face.
“Okay?” he patted your bum over the blankets. 
You reached a hand up to gently scoop some sleep from the corner of his eye for him with your index finger and a soft melancholy hum and he scrunched his eyes closed and tried to turn away. You sighed dramatically and rested your chin on your hand against his chest to stare at him just a little longer before you would both have to get up. 
George’s finger traced the bridge of your nose and then plopped against your lips, tugging gently at the bottom one, whispering to you once more, “Okay?”
You nodded, breathing out a forced agreement, “Okay.”
You moved off of him and let him get out of bed and you watched from your cozy spot against the headboard as he trudged across the room and pushed open the curtains to let the tidal wave of early morning sun flood your four walls. Standing in the light in only his underwear, George was almost just a silhouette to you and as he stretched his arms above his head with a waking yawn and skimmed over your perfectly manicured backyard, you nearly swooned. As the man of your house, he made you weak by simply existing. How you adored him. 
Your eyes followed him as he walked across the bedroom towards the ensuite and, like every weekday morning, you let him get ready for his day without hassle. He naturally left the door open and you could see in the reflection of the mirror how he stripped out of his underwear into nothingness and then stepped into the shower, pulling the curtain shut behind him. The water turned on and then his whistle followed, waking himself up in warm water a good tune. 
Now alone in your shared bed, you stretched your arms over your head and forced your limbs to wake up, the slight comfortable tension on your muscles forcing the reminisce of your evening reunion to leak out of you and into your underwear. The sheets had fallen down to your waist from George climbing out of bed and you dropped your hands to rest on your stomach with an impatient sigh, staring down at your soft skin exposed to the morning sunlight. Sleeping bare beside him to allow your skin to touch completely was your favourite way to sleep as you so easily learned after you wed and moved into your perfect home together. He always felt so close that way. 
When your bare feet hit the carpeted floor and you rose from the mattress, you reached for his white button up dress shirt that he had worn the previous day and had discarded to the chair in the corner of the room. Keeping yourself modest within your empty house, you buttoned up the bottom three buttons, and then straightened out the creased fabric in the full length mirror. 
You stopped by the bathroom door, leaning against the frame as you called out to your showering husband, “Darling love; I’m going to start breakfast.”
“Okay, sweetheart, thank you.” George called back through the water and patterned shower curtain. 
Your bare feet patted softly down the picture frame lined hallway that was bathed in sunlight from the floor to ceiling windows opposite, and you turned into the main space of your house that had been silent from nightfall. You opened the curtains and turned on the radio to bring your house to life as you began the routine of your mornings. 
As usual, the weather was bright and clear and the sun had just barely made it above the horizon, meeting you outside in the backyard with refreshing crisp air and a wash of golden light, filtered only by the neighbouring houses and your clotheslines. The laundry that you had hung up the previous day was now perfectly dry and you unpinned one of the fresh white shirts that matched the one you were wearing and brought it back inside with you as the iron was heating up. The radio announcer spoke to the news of your uneventful town where the most interesting happenings consisted of shopping centre sales or the community pool being closed for cleaning. 
The ironing board was set up in the living room and you draped the clean shirt across it to be met with the steaming iron. The creases were steamed and ironed out of the fabric with ease and you found yourself humming that same mysterious tune as you worked, constantly stuck in your head. When the shirt was left neatly on the ironing board for retrieval by your husband, you continued on to the kitchen to put his lunch together and get breakfast started, letting the radio’s news mould into morning hits that livened your home with music. 
George joined you in the kitchen a few minutes later, lured from the bedroom by the smell of bacon and coffee in only his dress slacks and socks with his tie draped around his bare neck, his face shaved, and his brown hair already combed and gelled to perfection. At the sight of you in the kitchen in only his shirt and your little panties, George was grinning slyly and walking over to you at the stove. He wrapped his arms around your waist and dipped his face in your neck to kiss your skin. 
“Mm, good morning, beautiful woman.” he said lowly against the shell of your ear, the smoothness of his voice enough to butter your toast that morning. 
“Good morning, handsome.” you replied sweetly, setting your free hand that wasn’t holding a spatula against his around your middle as you leaned back into him to welcome his lips on yours in a few lingering kisses. When he broke your kisses, your eyes shamelessly skimmed his face and chest and you reached your hand up to touch his smooth jaw, “Mm, you look so yummy.”
“Says you in this little outfit, baby, goddamn.” George tisked, giving your ass a little two handed squeeze that made you squeak in surprise and he kissed your neck again. 
“You’re an easy man to please, my dearest.” you said as he drifted away from you across the space to retrieve his shirt from the ironing board. 
“You make it easy.” he praised right back as he shrugged on his shirt and buttoned it up on his way back towards you.
He paused as he tucked the shirt into his pants and then stopped to open the front door and grab the newspaper from the porch. 
“Coffee’s in your mug already.” you told him as he shut the door again.
Returning to the kitchen with the promise of coffee, already skimming the headlines, he answered you haphazardly, “You’re a perfect woman, baby.”
“Perfect for you, George Russell, and don’t you forget it.” you waved the spatula at him from across the kitchen and he smiled over at you as he lifted his steaming mug of coffee up to his lips for a sip. 
He stood at the island with the newspaper laid out before him and he skimmed the stories and articles as he tied his tie around his neck and set his collar down neatly and flipped through the pages as he sipped his morning coffee. You cracked farm fresh eggs into the skillet beside the bacon, watching how the grease sizzled and crackled as breakfast cooked, filling the kitchen with aromas that made your stomach growl. As the pan was left cooking, you tended to the toast in the toaster that had just popped and you placed the perfectly browned slices on a plate. 
“What is your plan today, darling?” George asked you, his eyes following you as he sipped his coffee and left the newspaper open in front of him. 
“The girls and I are going to go shopping.” you answered casually as you buttered each slice of toast. “I’m thinking my wardrobe needs a bit of a refresher but I already have a dress in mind for tonight that I haven’t had a chance to wear yet so I won’t need to buy anything new for that today. I had my eye on this set that was in the window of the department store this week - these gorgeous blue shorts and a matching blouse.”
“Blue is your colour, baby.” 
“Is that why your eyes never leave me?” you flirted smoothly.
Said blue eyes - the very ones you fell in love with - winked at you over the brim of the coffee mug. You smiled widely and cut the slices of toast in halves diagonally before delivering them to where George stood at the island. 
“Make sure anything you buy is put on my card.” he reminded you. 
“I know, I know. That’s all they allow us to do anyway.” you tisked and returned to the stove. “I must say, every time one of the employees greets me with a ‘good morning, Mrs. Russell’ or a ‘is that all for today, Mrs. Russell’ I swear my heart skips a beat.” 
George chuckled lightly at your swooning over your shared name as he took a bite of toast and then spoke through it, “It’s been a good few months now, sweetheart. Still not used to it?”
“I’m used to it.” you assured him. “I just love it.” 
He just smiled down to the newspaper. 
“I might attend a ballet class this afternoon too.” 
“Oh?” George looked over at you again, “Does that mean I get to see you in a leotard and a little tutu?”
You rolled your eyes at him teasingly as you plated the bacon and eggs from the pan, “Don’t push your luck, mister.” 
He leaned in towards you as you joined him at the island with your two plates, promising with a quiet, “I’ll be good.”
“You’re always good.” you whispered right back, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before setting the plates in front of you both. 
You ate breakfast together over the newspaper and distant noise of the radio, feeding each other bites of bacon and toast and trying not to spill egg on his perfectly crisp clothes. Soon it was time for him to leave for the day and he grabbed his lunch tin that you had set earlier on the counter peninsula and you hurried over to get between him and the door. 
“Wait,” you set your hands on his chest as he nearly walked right into you, “I forgot to tell you-”
“Mhm?” George encouraged you on with a little amused smile, already knowing what was coming after this almost daily routine…only made more insistent on the mornings that came after an evening with perfect heavenly love making. 
“You can’t go to work.” you told him, even as he started walking slowly towards the door, forcing you to take slow steps back in time with him. 
“Why not?” he pressed, his lips grazing yours with how close you stood. 
“You don’t feel well, remember?” you slid your hands over his shoulders. 
“Oh, I don’t?” 
“No.” you licked away your smile as he had you in the foyer now, “And you need to stay home so I can cuddle you and kiss you and tend to you and nurse you back to health.”
“Oh, I see.” George blindly lifted his jacket from the hook by the door, all without tearing his eyes away from yours, “And your shopping plans?”
“Canceled for you, my love.” you answered easily, sliding your arms around his waist as he pulled his jacket on and you leaned in to kiss his smiling lips. “So we should get you into bed.”
“We should?” George had you against the front door and you stood guard in front of it to prevent him from leaving. 
“Yes.” you smiled sweetly at him with your lightly frazzled hair and wrinkled shirt of his you wore. 
It would have been so easy for him to fall into your little trap and stay home with you all day - it was near impossible for him to say no to you and especially so when you looked like a golden angel in the sunlight that bathed the house. Instead, he reached a hand up and caressed your cheek and then leaned in to kiss your lips once, twice, and then lingered there for a third before pulling away. 
“I got to go, darling.”
Pouted in lighthearted defeat, you slunk out of his way so he could open the front door and you followed after him onto the porch, stopping him by the arm for one more kiss. 
“I love you.” you said. 
“I love you.” he smiled back, his eyes glancing up and down your figure and once more across your face as if memorizing you completely, “See you tonight.”
“See you.” you let your hand fall from his arm and you watched him walk down the front porch steps and around to the drivers side of his shiny car. 
The other men on your little street were also saying their goodbyes to their wives and getting into their cars like clockwork but your attention was only on your husband and the way he checked his hair in the rearview mirror before sliding his sunglasses on. He caught your gaze once more and blew you a kiss before turning the key in the ignition. 
With the rumble of the engine, you took one more step down the front porch in only his white buttoned shirt and blew him a kiss back, letting your hand stay outstretched in a gentle wave as he backed out of the driveway alongside the other men. Then, like a little parade, they made their way down the street in a single file row and out of sight. 
Sitting around in the comfy chairs of the classy department store, you and your friends sipped champagne and discussed your mornings and the ballet class you had just returned from. 
“It was more of a workout than I had thought!” one of the ladies expressed. 
“Such beautiful dancing though. Do you think they’ll have us perform a show by the end of the season? I would love to be able to show my husband all that we do!” 
“Oh, that would be so nice!”
“We should put in a request.” 
“My husband does not so much as care about what I do, I must admit.”
“Being one of the most important men in business, it’s fair to say he’s tired when he gets home every night.”
“Yes, but I wouldn’t mind some attention from him.”
As your friends gossiped about their husbands and their home lives, you set your drink flute on the glass coffee table and stood from your chair to browse a few of the near-by racks. In a blue floral dress that swayed around your knees with every step, you held that soft tune on your lips as you gently swiped through each clothing option with the tags labeled without prices. The women never had to bother with money, it was just one way that life was made less stressful in your little picturesque neighbourhood. 
One of the ladies spoke a little louder so you could hear, “All of us seem to have things we wish to improve in our marriages and then there are the Russells who could not be any more perfect if they tried.” 
With a skirt in hand that you were admiring, you glanced over to your friends who all had knowing looks directed your way. You smiled and shook your head, “I wouldn’t call us perfect. No one is perfect.” 
“Oh, but you’re pretty close.” one of the ladies said before turning to the rest of the group, “You won’t believe the things I hear from even the next house over. It’s like their honeymoon phase lasts for months.” 
“Okay.” you laughed to try and brush her off as you set the skirt back on the rack beside you.
Another one of your friends added smoothly, “You won’t be fitting in these dresses much longer by the sounds of it then.”
The first friend only continued, “I know! If you two aren’t pregnant soon I think there must be something wrong with the universe.”
The rest of your small group agreed easily. 
“Yeah.” you added, “We’ve only been actively trying for a few weeks but-”
“More like six months by what we hear next door.”
“Okay.” you hushed her with a bashful blushing smile and you turned back to the rack to skim through some more clothes. You tried not to let their innocent excitement for you get under your skin but you were anxious and impatient and wanting a baby more than anything. It hadn’t been very long but when it was the thing you prayed for most in the world, each passing hour felt like a lifetime. 
You tried on the outfit you had been eyeing in the change room - that blue full skirt and matching blouse - and although it fit you like it was tailored for you, you silently wished it didn’t fit. You craved the growth of life inside you and it never seemed to leave the forefront of your mind. 
Regardless, you let your anxieties out with some retail therapy as you set your blue outfit on the cash desk along with a few more casual dresses and shoes. The man behind the counter rung up your items and folded them into tissue paper and set them in a box with a neat little bow. 
“Will that be everything today, Mrs. Russell?” he asked routinely. 
You glanced across the counter to him, “Yes, thank you.” 
“Wonderful. I will charge it to your husband’s account.” he held out the box to you, “We hope to see you again soon. I couldn’t help but overhear that it may be in our maternity department?”
You offered a polite smile and thanked him quietly as you took your box and returned to your friends who were getting ready to leave with their own purchases. Upon joining up with your little group again, you all emerged out into the sunny afternoon to make your way towards the trolley, discussing your evening in terms of your planned outfits for the neighbourhood dinner that was to be hosted at the lavish event hall in town. Your friends spoke excitedly about the dressed they had picked out and their hopes that their husbands would match their excitement at least partially. It was always nice to have a night off when you didn’t need to have dinner ready for the men’s homecoming - or so your friends touched upon. To you, everyday meant simply looking forward to George being home, regardless of what you had prepared or not. You liked to tend to him and you did so gladly. 
That day, however, you felt drained. Your physical body seemed to be taking after your emotional state in that sense and by the time the trolley stopped at the end of your street and let you off and you shared quick ‘see you tonight’s with your friends as you parted ways onto your own properties, you were ready to sit down. 
The house felt so quiet and empty when you were there alone and although it never usually bothered you, this afternoon only raised that looming loneliness that had been festering inside you. Trying to calm yourself down, you hummed that same gentle tune that had been stuck in your head and walked slowly down your hallway and into your master bedroom. After your morning tidy, the bed had been already made and any laundry was put away in the hamper, leaving a spotless room for you to set your shopping box down on the pulled tight sheets. With a hum on your lips, you helped yourself to the ensuite and ran a bath in the teal porcelain alcove tub, your gaze drifting over the alarm clock on the bedside table as the water filled and you stripped out of your dress and heels. George was expected home in just over an hour and you would have to be ready for him then so all he had to do was put on his formal jacket and dress shoes and you could be out the door and on your way to the party right away. 
The steaming bath water forced a sigh from your chest as you lowered into it and relaxed back against the edge. Your eyes closed peacefully and you rested your head back against the wall to give yourself a moment to ease your tensions that seemed to riddle your body that week, your hair still tied half-up with a ribbon that matched your day dress. In a few moments you would have to get up but you breathed yourself into relaxation to make the most of your quiet day. 
You were woken to a gentle touch to your shoulder and your eyes flew open with a surprised gasp, the barely-warm water sloshing around your body as you startled. George was sitting on the edge of the tub still in his work clothes, his expression a mix between surprise and love, and he caressed your cheek with his thumb. 
“I was worried where you were when you didn’t meet me at the door.” he chuckled softly. 
“Shit, what time is it?” you asked worriedly, your features expressing your unrest easily. 
“Just after 5:00.” George answered. 
“Oh my- I’m sorry- I was supposed to be ready to go-“ you started to get up but he set a gentle hand on your shoulder to keep you in the water a little longer. 
“It’s okay, darling. There’s no rush. We still have a whole hour.” 
George dipped down to kiss your lips and your stress lines melted into a tender smile at his touch and you leaned up from the tub to kiss him again gladly. When you sat back again, he just stared at you for a few long seconds, a calm smile on his face. The intensity of his blue eyed stare always had you needing to look away and you smiled shyly down to the bath water. 
George broke your silence with a soft, “You look gorgeous.” 
You leaned your head back against the wall again so you could look at him, admitting quietly, “I missed you today.” 
“I missed you too.” George stroked your hair before he was getting up from the wide of the tub, “I bought you something on my way home.” 
Your attention was peaked, watching him walk hurriedly out of the ensuite and out into your bedroom, “You did?”
He came back in with a garment bag and a beaming grin and he unzipped it to reveal a royal blue evening dress with a straight neckline, short dainty sleeves, and a matching bow around the waist. You bit back your smitten grin at the excitement of your selfless husband and you leaned your arms on the edge of the tub to admire the stunning new dress, careful to not touch it with your wet hands. 
“Sweetheart,” you breathed adoringly, “It’s beautiful.”
“Couldn’t stop thinking of you in it…I just had to stop and pick it up for you. You’re gonna look beautiful tonight.” George gushed as he hung the hanger up on the shower curtain rod. He started to untie his tie from around his neck as he talked on, “And I even grabbed myself a matching tie from the store while I was there just so we can match tonight. I know you always like that even if you might not always admit it.” 
You rested your cheek down against your folded arms on the tub edge and admired him shamelessly as he stepped back into the bedroom again only to return to the bathroom mirror with a royal blue tie that matched the colour of your new dress perfectly. He draped it around his neck and popped his collar so he could tie it as he spoke to you. 
“Come on, darling, come get ready.” 
You always loved going out with him and especially having any excuse to dress up but the whirling of your mind was distracting and you caught yourself suddenly swallowing back tears. You dropped your face into the crook of your arm and let out a shaky exhale to try and regain your composure. 
“Hey,” George’s gentle voice got closer and soon he was crouching beside the tub, reaching out a loving hand to caress your damp shoulder, “what’s wrong, my love?”
You sniffled and raised your head up again to meet his concerned gaze and you shrugged, mouthing a silent and passive, “I dunno.”
“Mm mm.” George shook his head gently, “Don’t do that. Don’t push me away. Tell me what’s wrong.”
“I want a baby.” you whispered. 
“I know.” George let out a faint chuckle at your obvious confession but his expression stayed serious as he took in your obviously distressed state. His hand stroked over your head and into the damp ends of your hair that had grazed the water in your bath.
“I want one now.” you continued quietly. 
“I know. That’s why we’re working so hard.” he nudged your cheek teasingly with his knuckle.
You barely offered him a smile, “I’m scared it won’t happen.”
His eyebrows furrowed, “Why’s that?” 
You shrugged, “Because if it hasn’t happened yet then what if it never will?”
“Oh, sweetheart.” George tisked and gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze, “It’s still early…it’s been barely a month-”
“But we weren’t even really being safe before that. How did it not already accidentally happen?”
“I dunno.” he chuckled, “But that’s okay. I am in no rush. We have our whole lives together and it’s only been a little while of trying and I’m not giving up yet. I’m not giving up on us or our babies, okay?”
You sniffled and nodded. 
“So don’t worry, darling. Don’t stress yourself out over this because you’re just going to make yourself crazy with worry.”
“I want to give you a family.” you mumbled sadly. 
“You are my family.” George promised and leaned in to kiss your temple. “You’re all I need to be happy.”
“I love you.” you whispered, turning your head slightly to urge his lips on yours in a sweet kiss. 
“I love you.” he kissed you once more before he was standing up and offering out his hands to you, “Now let’s get you out of this bathtub and into that dress so you can be the most breathtaking woman at the party.” 
The event hall was located near the centre of town and was decorated lavishly for the evening party that was to be hosted there. George parked on the street and even at the slight distance you were from the venue, the lights and music still made their way down the sidewalk and lured you in eagerly. With your hair curled and pinned to perfection and in your brand new gown purchased by the hands of your husband, you already felt like a million bucks, only eased more by the reassurance that he offered you only an hour earlier. He was truly all you needed and anything more was just a perfect treat. 
Your hand rested daintily in the crook of his elbow as he led you both into the loud and boisterous hall and right away, other partygoers were greeting you over the music and noise. Butlers passed by with platters of horderves and George snagged you both a small serving each on the way to your table. Right up near the front, your reserved table was awaiting you, and a few of your friends were already there and in their seats, mingling and drinking. 
At the sight of you, your friends had plenty to say about your matching dress and tie and the way you just looked so perfect together. Friendly cheek kisses were shared by the ladies and the men exchanged handshakes and everyone was arranging themselves in their seats that were labeled with golden calligraphy name tags. George pulled out your chair for you and helped you take your seat in your spot before he was leaning down with his hands on your shoulders to let you know he was going to the bar to order some drinks. You reached up one hand to pat over his in acknowledgement and he leaned down to kiss your cheek before disappearing through the crowd with a few of the husbands. 
“Oh he is enamoured by you.” one of your friends gushed from across the table. 
“And this dress is stunning!” another reached over to touch your sleeve. 
“He picked it out.” you admitted - only slightly bragging, “Came home with it today and said he needed to buy it for me because he kept picturing me in it.” 
The girls swooned over that, lighthearted jealousy filling the air. 
“You two are too cute.” another one of the women said, “It’s a known fact that the Russells are all too perfect.”
“Yep. Makes me sick!” another joked. 
The one on your right nudged your arm gently, leaning in to say quietly while still being heard over the band playing, “Did you hear that your husband might be getting a promotion tonight?” 
Your eyes widened, “No. I didn’t hear that. Is it true?”
She nodded, “My husband heard at work. Apparently George has been doing an excellent job…he’s so dedicated, y’know? The mayor is so impressed.” 
“It’s a surprise?” you questioned. 
“Think so. But I don’t even know if it’s 100% true so don’t go saying anything anyway. I know you two have no secrets between you and all.”
You pretended to lock your lips with your fingers and throw away the imaginative key and you shared quiet giggles. 
The men returned shortly after and George set your drink down on the table in front of you before he was unbuttoning his tuxedo jacket and then sitting down beside you with his own drink. His hand rested on the back of your chair while his eyes took in the party around you from the crowded tables of neighbours to the impressive height of the floral centerpieces on each, sipping his drink calmly. You set your hand on his thigh as you took to your own drink, naturally keeping him within arms reach at all times even if the attention was on the conversation at your table. 
It wasn’t long before the performers were introduced to the crowd and the stage was filled with female dancers, their costumes not leaving much to the imagination other than streaks of glitter and sparkle covering them scandalously. The music guided them and the men cheered loudly as the women watched politely, you among them. But George wasn’t looking at the stage. Instead, his head was turned away from the show just so he could stare at you instead. 
Cluelessly, you sipped your drink and watched the show, unknowing to the way his attention was focused all on you. A calm smile rested on his lips and his eyes took in every inch of your face as you sat at his side so effortlessly. When his hand dropped to your lap and he gave your knee a squeeze, you finally looked at him, eyes wide in surprise at seeing him already staring at you. 
George leaned in towards you and you met him halfway so he could whisper against your ear behind the loud show music playing through the spacious room, “Wanna come get some air with me?”
You smiled innocently at him and set your drink back on the table as your silent agreement. 
He got up first from his chair and took your hand to guide you after him, moving smoothly away from your table without wanting to interrupt the show. Your friends only shared knowing glances among themselves at the sight of the two of you sneaking off. You didn’t necessarily know you were that predictable to outsiders. 
The music from the ballroom muffled as you emerged into the hallway and let the double doors close behind you, having a moment alone in peace of just the two of you. George spun you under his arm and then pulled you right up against his body, sliding his arm around your waist lovingly as his lips found yours with ease. You raised your hands up to the side of his neck to hold him there, gladly letting him kiss you deeply within the rush of escaping the crowded party. 
George pulled away from your lips only to whisper honestly to you, “You really are the most beautiful woman here tonight.”
You caressed his smooth jaw with your thumbs, “All thanks to this dress you picked out.”
“Your beauty requires no thanks to me.” he corrected smoothly, taking your hands from his face to hold in his own and he started to walk backwards to pull you after him towards the washrooms. 
You walked after him giddily, only pulling your hands from his grasp and falling against his chest with your arms around his shoulders as he backed into the empty women’s washroom. In the formal setting of the ballroom, the washroom was designed just as lavishly and the mirror framed lounge with a central circular sofa welcomed you warmly. Your lips found his again and he blindly locked the door behind you before spinning you both around and leading you farther into the elegant room. 
You could never get enough of his lips and even as he licked his way into your mouth, you were still pulling at the back of his neck to feel him closer, moaning softly into his kiss. George’s hands slid down your body and over your hips and ass and his dress shoes scuffed over the marble floor as he guided you towards the small make-up counter across the room. Often used for ladies to excuse themselves from the party to freshen up their lipstick or blush at the built-in vanity, it was now taken as a place for George to press you up against in the most erotic way, sending your heart in your throat and between your legs in eager anticipation. Only the simplest of touches from your husband sent you spiralling. 
“Oh my God.” you breathed into his mouth as your kiss broke for him to focus on shuffling up your voluminous skirt. 
Both already breathing heavily, your mouths were open in lust as lips brushed tauntingly and you shared air together. Your hands held onto his biceps over the expensive material of his tuxedo jacket and his warm hands snapped the waistband of your lacey panties against your waist. You giggled and he lowered to a crouch in front of you, holding up your skirt in one hand as his other started to pull down your underwear and his lips trailed after them in slow open-mouthed kisses across your skin. His gelled hair wasn’t easy to get your hand in without ruining it completely so you settled for resting your hands on the cold vanity countertop that you were resting back against the edge of. 
George stood back up and in one smooth motion, his lips were capturing yours in a filthy kiss. You let one arm toss around his shoulders as you kissed him back hungrily, pulling hearty moans from his throat at the way you melted into each other and he shoved your underwear in his pants pocket. His hand took its place under your skirt and pressed right down against your clit, making your next breath shutter. 
George swallowed up your words with his mouth, tasting the way you swore at his touch, locking his pillowy lips with yours perfectly. He stroked your clit lazily with his fingertips and soon had you trying to grind against his hand as he stood between your legs and was nearly leaning into you over the vanity. 
You tilted your head back to break your kiss with a exhale, “George-”
Breathing in time with each other into each other’s mouths, you held him close around his shoulders as he made you wet with ease; like he knew your body like the back of his hand. His lustful eyes were on yours, unwavering, glimmering in the warm light of the circular mirrored room you found yourselves in, companion only to the muffled music from the party across the hall. 
His fingers moved a little faster against your clit and his attention was focused all on your face as he watched the way your expression changed for him, your nose scrunching up in pleasure and your eyebrows furrowing slightly with the moan that reverberated in your chest. He stopped suddenly, forcing a gasp from you, and his fingers slowed right down to rub over your pussy instead, smearing around the sweet wetness that pooled out of you by his very own touch. 
“Fuck, you get wet for me so easy, my good girl.” he praised into your mouth, his body pressed right up against yours. 
“I’m yours.” you promised him. 
“Uh huh?” he swirled his fingers around your clit again, taunting you, “Do you want me to put a baby in you, darling?”
“Fuck, yes please.” you rushed out. 
“Want me to make you a mommy? Say it.” 
“Please put a baby in me, George.” you pleaded, tugging at his tie to try and pull his lips on yours again, your legs spreading wider to urge his touch where you craved him. “Let me make you a daddy.”
“God damn, you’re so perfect.” George groaned, rubbing messily at your clit again. 
A pleasurable shriek fell from your throat and your head tossed back blissfully, welcoming his lips to your neck in feverish kisses that he moved right up under your ear to make you shiver. His fingers created the perfect friction against your aching clit and you ground against his touch, desperate for more. You always wanted more. 
“Baby, please.” you breathed to the ceiling, “Please fuck me. Please cum inside me. I need you so fucking bad.” 
George pulled his hand out from under your skirt so he could shove off his black jacket and he tossed it behind him to hopefully land on the couch in the middle of the room. Neither of you cared enough to watch where it went because then he was unbuckling his belt and you were shuffling up your skirt some more and draping your hair over one shoulder as the heat was already rushing over your body. You didn’t separate for long and even still he stood so close to you at the counter that you could breathe into each other’s mouths, eyes locked, hearts beating as one. 
He grabbed your thighs and hoisted you up onto the edge of the counter as your hands pulled his lips back on yours for more kisses. George’s grip on your hips pulled you closer to him and the feeling of his fingers pressing into your hips had your body arching into him hungrily. You reached down to wrap your gentle hand around his dick and gave it a few impatient strokes, feeling how it only stiffened up more at your touch. It felt like you were in a rush, driven by lust and desire, and George nudged your legs open wider so he could step right up to the vanity, at the perfect height to let the head of his cock nudge against your sensitive clit. 
“Don’t tease me, you asshole.” you giggled breathily, earning a soft laugh from your husband as he kissed the corner of your mouth. You held onto his biceps as he carefully fed his thick cock into your leaking cunt, sheathing so snugly inside you that both of your mouths fell open in unison, eyes locking. 
“Fuck, you feel so good.” George whispered against your lips, sliding a hand around the small of your back to urge you a little closer to the edge so he could get as deep as possible. 
“Oh my God.” you exhaled shakily, wrapping your legs around his waist to keep him close and your arms slung around his shoulders to pull his lips on yours. “Oh my God.”
You shared deep sloppy kisses as he started to thrust into you slowly and your moan against his lips had his eyebrows furrowing in filthy bliss. He broke your kiss for a moment to look at your face before dropping his gaze down between you, lifting up the hem of his dress shirt out of the way even if your skirt was still covering most of it. You tilted his head back up to look at you desperately, wanting to find the love in his eyes, and he thrusted into you a little faster as your gaze sent him spinning. 
You breathed in time together, wrapped up together on the vanity counter, and as George’s feet stayed planted securely shoulder width apart in his dress shoes against the polished marble floor, he had the ability to take you as he wanted you right then and there. His lips pressed to your jaw in fleeting kisses as he held your body close and fucked you faster, desperate to feel more of you. 
Your head fell back with a moan and he helped himself to your neck, holding you in place on the edge of the counter. As the seconds passed, he only got more desperate, thrusting into you faster, harder, holding your body against his in that gorgeous blue dress he bought for you. 
“George-“ you cried out softly, clinging onto him, spreading your legs wider for him so he could get deeper. Your manicured fingernails grasped the back of his dress shirt around his waist, crumpling the once perfectly ironed material in your fist as your heels dropped from your feet one and then the other, landing on the marble floor with a sharp thud. 
“Good girl.” George praised against your cheek, his large hands caressing your thighs and your back as he held you close to his body. 
Your eyes were focused over his shoulder to the wall opposite you, hung up on the reflections that the mirror-framed room offered you of all angles. It was possessive to watch like that, how your arms and legs were wrapped around him completely, fingers of one hand drifting into the back of his brown hair as his warm breath was panted against your neck in time with his quick thrusts. It made you salivate with desire for the man you loved more than life itself. 
“Oh my God-“ you moaned out for him, dizzy on the sound of his skin clapping filthily with yours as the luxurious bathroom muted the distant sounds of the loud party music through the ballroom. Your hand tightened in his hair as he fucked the whimpers out of you, igniting warmth over your skin. “Just like that, baby, please-“
“Wanna cum for me?” George asked lowly against your cheek. 
“Yes, please.” you huffed out shakily. “Please make me cum.” 
“Yeah?” George grabbed your thighs to spread you a little wider, making you hold your legs open by linking them over his forearms as his hands took your hips to hold you in place. 
Your pleading hands pulled his lips on yours by the back of his head, sharing filthy tongue led kisses between your pants and moans together as he drew you both closer. Both of you were completely ignorant to the muffled speech going on back in the ballroom, too hung up on each other. Tossing your head back with an overwhelmed moan to the ceiling, your hands dropped behind you to the countertop and your teeth sunk into your bottom lip. 
The skirt of your dress bunched around your middle and his hands were buried underneath it to hold you by the waist at the edge of the vanity, fucking you deliciously until that warmth was tightening in the pit of your stomach. Eyebrows furrowed as you stared at him lustfully, you basked in the pleasure he brought to you so easily, giving him the sweetest moans that helped him closer to the conclusion you needed from him. 
“Cum inside me.” you whispered to him longingly. 
George stared back at you strongly, thrusting into you steadily as he taunted you with words that sent you whirling, “Want me to put a baby in you, darling? Cum so fucking deep inside you until you’re completely knocked up?”
“Fuck me.” you groaned through your teeth, your voice wavering, “Please, George. Please knock me up. Please give me your babies. Please, please, please-“
“Uh huh-“ he spoke over your soft begging, holding you by your waist as close as he could so he could hit as deep as possible, making your toes curl in midair. 
You tugged the skirt of your dress up and got your fingers on your swollen clit to rub quickly at that spot, desperate for those incredible waves of pleasure that came to you only alongside your darling husband. Your head fell back with a gasping groan, your pussy squeezing down around him snugly as your orgasm approached quickly and you mouthed his name to the mirrored room in a whisper. 
So many reflections to watch your sneaky rendezvous but George was only staring at the real you right in front of him, watching how you succumbed to the pleasure he brought you, “Let go for me, darling. Take the fucking cum out of me. Take it.”
Your fingers rubbed quickly at your clit, pulling the air from your lungs as your body gave itself to him completely, pushed over the edge by the way he thrusted into you so perfectly. You tensed up around him and he groaned lowly between you as the pulsing flutters of your pussy radiated bursts of pleasurable sensations up his spine. You came for him with a cry of his name, your eyes staring back at his handsome face as your expression wavered with overwhelm. 
George only fucked you faster, desperately chasing that sweet conclusion that would bring you both closer together. You slung your arms around his shoulders as you shuttered against his body with the intense pleasure that radiated over every inch of you. He shifted to get your legs back around your waist and he held you as close as possible as he thrusted into you sloppily. 
“Hold onto me.” he whispered strongly, urging your hands to cling onto the back of his shirt to keep you together as close as possible. Your ankles linked together behind his waist and your heels pressed into the flesh of his bum to keep him nice and deep as his breathing grew shallower. 
He was coming seconds later, nearly slumping into you as your arms held each other close and he forced himself as deep as he could get inside you. His moans were beautiful and you breathed him into your senses greedily as he was all yours. You took every drop he gave you, grinding against his body to pull more out of him with how badly you wanted it, whispering little breathy yeses against his cheek in time with his final few precise thrusts. 
“Oh my God.” you breathed. 
“Mm.” George dusted a fleeting kiss to your neck as he stood up straight again. 
You held onto his biceps as he pushed up the hem of your dress to allow you both to watch him pull out slowly. His dick was slick in the mixture of both of your love and he was softening slowly in the warm air of the ballroom bathroom. He grabbed your thighs to spread your legs nice and wide and you leaned back on your hands with a sultry little smile as he stared down at your pussy and licked his lips at the sight of the thick white cream dripping back out. 
“Keep it in there.” he ordered quietly. “Keep your legs up for a bit.” 
“Mhm.” you rested back against the vanity mirror and kept your legs up, clenching your muscles tightly to keep everything in for as long as he wanted you to. 
George leaned in to kiss your lips a few times, bringing a loving smile to your face at his obvious adoration that was even more apparent in the way he looked at you when you separated. 
“I love you.” he whispered. 
“I love you so much.” you replied quietly. 
He drifted away from you to tuck himself back into his slacks and he buckled his pants up again and you watched him redress peacefully, always one to linger on the domesticity of it all. George retrieved his jacket from where he had tossed it onto the centre sofa and he shrugged it back on and buttoned the two buttons once more. 
Staring at him from your spot atop the vanity, you felt your heart swell with undeniable love for him, tears brimming in your eyes with the overwhelming concept that he was yours for life and that you were aiming to make a family together. He was all you wanted, even if you wanted more of him. 
Dedicated to the growth of your family, you let your legs ache as you kept them raised and spread, willing to do anything for the cause. George stopped by one of the mirrored walls of the circular room and let that same tune play on his lips as he tended to his hair and made sure it was gelled back down and away from his face, no remnants of your fingers in it. He then returned to you and situated himself between your legs, sliding his hands up your skirt that hid you modestly and he caressed your warm skin. 
“How are you feeling?” he asked quietly. 
“Little dizzy.” you admitted, your head resting back against the mirror, “But I’m so good.” 
“Mhm. You made me cum really hard.” you giggled. 
George smiled, his momentary concern melting into a cheeky grin, and he leaned in to kiss your lips. You shared whispered ‘I love you’s before he was helping you to lower your legs and guide you off the counter. On wobbly legs, you held onto his forearms and took a second to steady yourself until you were able to stand straight on your own. George pressed a kiss to your temple and then pulled your underwear from his pocket for you to put back on. You held onto him as you carefully pulled them up your legs under your dress and then slid on each of your heels one at a time.  
“Okay?” he asked. 
You smiled at him and nodded, blinking away the slight dizziness that lingered. You had a party to return to after all. 
When you returned to the ballroom hand in hand, the mayor was on the stage with the microphone in hand, addressing the crowd. It was otherwise quiet as if they were missing something but almost the exact moment you walked through the doors, the spotlight was on you. You raised a hand up to shield your eyes from the bright white light and George guided you slowly back towards your table as the mayor called you out by name. 
“There they are! The Russells have made their return!”
Blushing furiously with the entire town’s attention on you, you clung tighter onto George’s hand and followed close beside him to your table. 
On the stage, the mayor wasn’t done, “I have to admit that I am quite proud of these two’s dedication to helping our community to grow into the next generation. I’m sure it won’t be long until we can welcome another child into our perfect little paradise, isn’t that right?”
The crowd cheered loudly with applause and you nearly felt faint, the spotlight following you through the crowd. George’s hand rested on the small of your back as he helped you onto your chair again. 
The mayor continued, speaking into the microphone as his other hand gestured out towards the two of you, “In your absence, George, you missed my most important announcement of the night.” 
George offered him a tight smile as he sat back down beside you with a polite, “Awfully sorry about that, Frank.”
“No, no.” the mayor assured him, “I understand that you take your job as man of the house just as seriously as you take your job with us here.” 
Your dizziness was only growing into a sweat at your brow and you dabbed your napkin from your place setting gently at your temples to try and tame your rising temperature. Maybe it was the warm spotlight, you assumed, or the attention of the entire neighbourhood being focused on you that made you nervous but you really weren’t feeling too well. 
George was looking up to the nearby stage as the mayor addressed him directly, meaning his back was almost completely towards you. You set a clammy hand on his shoulder. 
The mayor continued, “Which is exactly why I wanted to bring up your dedication to your service to us and your ability to live with the morals and values of our dear community at the forefront of your mind.” 
You leaned towards George’s shoulder, whispering shakily to him, “Baby, I don’t feel too well.” 
He glanced at you briefly before the mayor drew his attention with a call of his name. 
“George Russell,”
Your forehead slumped against his shoulder blade, “I wanna go home.”
George shifted to let you lean on his shoulder and your arm naturally wrapped pleadingly around his, warmed by the blinding light of the spotlight. 
The mayor was unphased by your obvious distress as he continued addressing your husband directly, “it is with great pride that I would like to offer you a position with some of us in headquarters. It will come with more responsibility but I’m sure the pay increase will be beneficial when it comes to any little additions to your family.”
George’s attention was torn between this surprise news of an offered promotion and the way that you were nearly limp against his shoulder. His arm wrapped around you protectively but his gaze was still politely focused on the stage. 
“I really want to go home.” you repeated shakily to him. 
Your friends were oblivious, too excited about the proper announcement that was now given to the man it was directed towards under the blinding lights of the decorated ballroom. You felt faint. 
“What do you say, George?” the mayor asked loudly, his voice booming across the spacious ballroom. “Will you live up to the kind of man we know you can be?”
“George.” you whispered pleadingly, too out of it to even really know what was going on. “Please, can we go?” 
George glanced at you briefly before looking back up to the stage and the expectant faces of his co-workers and mayor. He nodded to him quickly, “Yes, thank you. I would love to accept the offer.” 
The crowd broke into applause and with the chaos that it brought, George turned to you quickly and grabbed your purse from the table before standing up. 
“Come on, let’s get you home.” 
He helped you out of your chair as the spotlight drifted elsewhere across the bustling party and your friends gave you odd stares at your sudden change and out-of-character distress. George, riddled with worry, wrapped his arm around your waist protectively and led you towards the exit doors of the ballroom, the cheers of the crowd echoing in your ears and you clamped your hands over them to block out the noise. 
Once out in the crisp evening air, you were stumbling across the pavement and George was pulling you to a stop to look at him. Hands trembling, you pushed your hair out of your face and kept your gaze downcast in near shame. 
“What’s wrong, darling?” George asked, rubbing your bare arms with his warm hands. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ruin your night.” you said shakily. 
“You didn’t ruin anything.” George brushed your apology off easily, “What’s wrong?” 
“I dunno…it just…was stuffy in there and overwhelming…I don’t feel too good.” you sniffled and he pulled you in for a gentle hug. With your arms tucked around your middle shyly, he held you close and pressed a kiss to your temple. You didn’t want to complain but you were still not feeling much better and you stood back from him again, holding a trembling hand to your mouth, “I feel so gross, George, can we please go home?” 
“Yes, my love, of course.” George took your arm and gently guided you towards the car. 
He opened the door for you and helped you in and even buckled your seatbelt for you before he shut the door and rushed around to the other side to get behind the wheel. You shut your eyes and leaned back in your seat, the world still slightly spinning around you. 
George turned the key and pulled away from the curb, “Did it come on this fast?”
You nodded, working up the courage to speak your response, “Felt really tired today and then dizzy while we were in the bathroom but…”
When your body made you lurch and you pressed your hand to your mouth, George’s wide eyes looked over at you. 
“Tell me to pull over if you need me to.” he instructed gently. 
You nodded in acknowledgement. 
“I’m sorry.” you mumbled. 
He reached over to set a comforting hand on your thigh, “Please don’t be sorry.” 
The street lamps of your perfect little community whizzed past your window as George hurried towards home, his gaze constantly flicking over to you from the street ahead just to make sure you were good. It was odd the way you so quickly felt sick and it honestly made him quite nervous, wondering what had happened to trigger such obvious illness within you in such a short period of time. 
It didn’t take long to get home since your neighbourhood wasn’t very large and George had barely put the car in park before you were tossing off your seatbelt and climbing out of your seat in a rush. George didn’t even turn off the car before he was hurrying after you towards the porch where you caught yourself on the white painted pillar and threw up in the garden. He was right behind you as you sputtered distastefully, pulling your hair away from your face for you as the nausea came over you again and you threw up for a second time right into your rosebush. 
“Oh my-“ you whimpered, eyes brimming with tears as you wiped your mouth with the back of your trembling hand. 
George hushed you comfortingly as you let out a little sob and he turned you to face him so he could easily pull you into a warm hug. You ducked your face in his neck, embarrassed, and your shaking hands grasped onto the back of his suit jacket to hold onto him comfortingly. 
“Let’s get you inside and into bed, okay?” he whispered to you, stroking your hair with a gentle hand that rubbed down your back. 
You nodded and sniffled and stepped away from him so he could hurry and turn the car off, gather your purse, and then return to your side to help you inside. Your spotless house greeted you warmly when George flicked on the lights but once glimpse at the kitchen had you panicked again. 
“We didn’t even get to eat. You must be starving-“
“I’m okay.” George assured you quickly, steering you towards the hallway so he could take you to bed, “I can find something for us. Are you hungry at all?”
“Maybe a little.” you answered softly. 
“Okay,” George pulled back the perfectly tucked bedsheets on your side of the bed and sat you down carefully, “I’ll get you into bed and maybe warm up some soup.” 
“Okay.” you breathed. 
He reached around you to unzip your dress and you lifted your arms up so he could pull it over your head. 
“I wanted us to have a nice night.” you mumbled sadly. 
“Hey,” George took your chin in his hand gently to get you to look at him, “I kinda enjoyed myself when we were there, did you not?” 
A little smile pricked at the corner of your mouth at his implication and you nodded slightly in agreement, “Yeah. I did.”
He smiled proudly back at you, your dress draped over his arm, and he reached behind you again to unclip your bra. He undressed you carefully and then helped you to shuffle into one of his sweatshirts. 
“I ruined your promotion.” you sighed sadly. 
“You didn’t ruin anything.” George assured you, gently untying the ribbon from your hair, as his voice lowered to a whisper, “It’s just a job…it’s barely a job. You know that.” 
“Yeah.” you said, “Although it’s nice that you’re being recognized. Makes this all a little easier.” 
George didn’t answer you for a second, his gentle hands stroking through your hair to smooth it down over your shoulders. When you looked up at him at his lack of response, he appeared deep in thought. 
“What is it?” you frowned. 
“Do you think you should take a pregnancy test, darling?” he asked softly. 
You almost scoffed, “What for?”
“Because you’ve been really tired and dizzy and you just threw up in our garden?” 
You bit lightly at your bottom lip and dropped your gaze to your lap. George’s fingers still danced through your hair as he stood in front of you, letting you decide on your answer for yourself. 
“I don’t think I could deal with it being negative.” you whispered to the carpet. “I can’t deal with that anymore and especially not here. I’ll fucking lose it.” 
George’s thumbs caressed your cheeks and he crouched down in front of you so you could look at him, taking your hands in his, “I know you want this more than anything but that’s the reason why we came here, remember? To have what we always wanted? You keep psyching yourself up about this like we’re still at home that you’re not even letting yourself enjoy it and think of the positives of what could be. We have this whole opportunity for us and I don’t want anything to hold us back from living this life that has been built for us.”
You nodded. 
George brought your joined hands to his mouth and he kissed your knuckles without taking his eyes off your downcast gaze and he whispered against your soft skin, “Please take a test?” 
You sniffled and lifted your head back to stare at the ceiling. 
“Please?” George said softly, pausing to kiss your hand again, “I’ll be right here.” 
Your bottom lip trembled and you shyly met his gaze, feeling warm butterflies in your stomach by the way the man you loved stared at you. It was obvious that he loved you more than life itself and you felt the exact same right back. With a moment's thought, you nodded and breathed out a barely audible, “Okay.” 
George honestly smiled and he stood up again, pausing just long enough to kiss your head before he was hurrying into the ensuite and pulled open the bottom cabinet, “Okay!”
You pressed the heels of your palms against your eyes as you tried to calm yourself down since your anxiety started to bubble up more in your chest. Still in a full face of makeup, smudging was the least of your concerns at that moment and you focused on deep breathing and keeping your tears at bay. 
George returned to his spot in front of you and he held out the pregnancy test to you. You could see how excited and impatient he was - even if he tried to tone it down for your sake - and the thought of having to tell him it was yet another negative made your throat feel like razor blades. Every time it completely broke your heart. He was so strong. This was your last resort. You had given up everything for this one last chance. 
You took the unopened test from him and felt the weight of it in your hands for a moment, staring down at the blank screen. 
“Where do you want me?” he asked thoughtfully. 
“Can you come in with me?” your voice was shaking. 
“Sure, sweetheart.” George stepped to the side and let you get up from the side of the bed.
You were less dizzy and nauseous but still terribly tired and he followed you closely into the bathroom just to make sure you were steady…and for your emotional support. He sat up on the bathroom counter as you shuffled your panties down and helped yourself to the toilet, holding the test between your legs while your singular evening party drink went right through you. 
You couldn’t remember what number test this was that you had taken and although it was the first since moving into this perfect little paradise of a community, the memory of your past experiences never faded. Your mind whirled with thoughts of the worst…if the alcohol in your recent drink would mess up the results, if you just had a sickness and that’s why you felt so strange all day, if you were too far lost for even a utopian community to save you and your dream.
The test was re-capped and George took it from you to rinse off while you cleaned yourself up and flushed. You wanted to be as far away from it as possible and you returned to the bedroom to sit on the side of the bed while George checked the time on his watch, test resting on the counter patiently. 
“Three minutes.” George said, following after you back into the bedroom. “Do you need anything? Some water maybe?” 
“No thank you.” you mumbled. 
He hesitated in front of you. 
“I’m going to get you some water.”
He was already half out the bedroom door, “Be right back!”
He couldn’t sit still. You couldn’t move.
From the distant kitchen, you could hear him whistling that same tune that had been stuck in your head for ages but you didn’t have the energy to think much of it. Your leg bounced restlessly off the side of the bed, unknowing of the time, and you awaited your husband's return. He was so selfless. He was so good. 
Soon, he was returning quickly and he passed you a glass of water; always one to stay busy. You sipped a bit of it to humour him and despite the fact that your mouth was terribly dry, you did not want to drink. You almost felt sick again. Not wanting to go through the discomfort of throwing up again, you clenched your lips shut and stared at the carpet, trying to keep yourself calm. 
George checked his watch. 
You held out your glass to him as if by instinct and started to get up. 
“You should drink more, love-”
“I’m gonna be sick again.” you hurried out as you pushed past him into the ensuite. 
Dropping to your knees at the toilet, you threw up loudly, struggling to hold back your tears. George set your glass on the counter and crouched behind you to comfort you by pulling your hair from your face as your body had you lurching to throw up again. He rubbed your back and your shoulders and hummed that silly little tune quietly to try and help calm you down. 
“I’m sorry.” you mumbled weakly. 
“Stop apologizing.” he tisked, following you onto the ground as you slumped from your knees onto your bum. You leaned back against his chest and he flushed the toilet for you before wrapping you up in his arms lovingly, pressing tender kisses to your head. “Through sickness and health, remember?”
You let a small smile come to your lips at the faint memory of the quaint English church in the countryside, the gentle organ playing, and George standing before you at the altar with his hands holding yours. It felt like so long ago as if the essence of time was skewed in your mind. In a way, it really was. Life was so different now but you both were sure this would be better…be worth the end of what once was to find your new beginning together. 
“I love you.” you whispered. 
“I love you.” he promised into your hair. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay.” you sighed. 
He gave your hands a squeeze, “Think you can stand and we can take a look at this test of ours?”
You bit nervously at your bottom lip, “You look at it.” 
“You don’t want to look at it with me?”
You shook your head.
“You sure?”
You nodded.
“Can I help you off the floor first at least?”
You permitted him to stand up and he slowly helped you up onto wobbly legs and you returned to the bedroom to sit on the side of the bed. Picking anxiously at your fingernails, you watched as he returned to the bathroom counter directly in your line of vision. He took one last glance at you before he was picking up the pregnancy test from the counter and flipping it over to read it, not giving himself a moment to second guess himself. 
You struggled to read his expression as he read the result; his eyebrows furrowed and lips in a soft pout. You were waiting for the news you had grown all too used to. He wasn’t saying anything and you certainly didn’t want to be the first one to speak. 
George little sniffle had your heart racing with anxiety, making you near positive that it was yet another negative. He looked over at you from the ensuite, bathed in the surrounding artificial light in his tuxedo with his gelled hair falling out of place, and his soft pout was unmissable. A single tear slipped down his cheek. 
You sat frozen in place, aching for him to just rip off the bandaid, “What?”
“You’re pregnant.” he breathed, his voice breaking. 
It felt as though the air was knocked from your lungs. You blinked at him, “What?”
George broke into a grin and he nodded, reaching up to wipe his eyes with the heel of his palms before taking another look at the test. He let out a wet chuckle at the result that stared back at him, “Holy shit.”
“Bring it here.” you ordered, almost panicking in disbelief. 
George joined you on the side of the bed and you grabbed the test from him, almost glaring down at it in your hand. The screen revealed two pink lines, one just a little more faded than the other but still clearly visible to the naked eye. 
“See it?” George pointed to it as if you couldn’t see it yourself. “It’s so clear.” 
Your mouth opened as if to say something but no words came out. No words felt adequate at that moment. Opening and closing your mouth like a clueless fish, you felt dizzy with emotional overwhelm. 
“You’re pregnant, baby.” George rehashed it to you sweetly with a smile as he rubbed his hand over your back, “You have a little us growing inside you right now.” 
You couldn’t tear your wide eyes away from the positive test in your hand, stumbling over your next breath as you struggled to hold back the sudden wave of tears that threatened to overtake you. The air felt lighter and you gasped for relief, letting it out with a sob to your bedroom walls. 
“Oh God.” you cried tears of joy, your trembling hands clutching the positive test in your two handed grip and you pulled it to your chest. 
George embraced you right away, pulling you close with happy tears of his own. You turned towards him lovingly and rested your head on his shoulder with your face tucked in his neck, letting him hold you just like that, basking in the relief that was felt by the both of you. Your tears dripped onto the fabric of his tuxedo jacket even as you held open your palms again to get another look at those two pink lines. George kissed your temple proudly. 
“I love you.” he whispered shakily. 
“I love you.” you sniffled and finally turned to look him in the eye. 
Through your tears, you shared quivering grins and he reached a hand up to caress your cheek and then pulled you in for a wet chasté kiss. Both of you were smiling into your kisses but you couldn’t get enough and the love that swelled in your heart was almost overpowering, forcing you to grab onto his tie and really hold his lips on yours. Your tear streaked cheeks pressed together moistly and your kisses tasted faintly of those salty tears you shared but the warm happiness that burned within the two of you was enough to overtake even the darkest of days. 
You broke your kiss only to stare down at the confirmation you held in your hands, your palms delicately supporting the proof of your destiny. Sniffling as your tears slowed, you leaned against your husband who never once left your side, letting his fingers brush your hair over your shoulder so he could lean in beside you cheek to cheek.
“It was all worth it.” he said softly, rubbing his hand over your back, “I knew this would be good for us.” 
You nodded. 
“How are you feeling?” he asked gently, noting your silence. 
You looked back at him with a calm smile and lifted a hand up to slide around the back of his neck and rest his forehead against yours, “So happy. And finally so at peace.”
“Good.” George whispered. “You deserve nothing less.”
“We’re finally gonna have our family, George.” you smiled sweetly, “You and me. What we’ve been waiting so long for.” 
He swallowed you up in his arms, hugging you so tightly and so lovingly that you swore you never felt the heat of his love pass onto you as strongly before as it did in that moment. You felt as light as air and you melted into him happily, a peaceful smile on your face as you held onto him and let a content tune hum pleasantly from your lips. 
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The egg sizzled as it hit the bottom of the hot skillet, the kitchen filled with warm morning sunlight and the smell of cooking breakfast and brewing coffee that lured George from down the hall to join you. In only his work slacks and socks with his tie draped around his bare neck, he made you his priority over getting dressed, enveloping you in the scent of his cologne as he wrapped his arms around you from behind and dipped his shaved face into your neck. 
His hands glided softly under the hem of his sweatshirt you wore to feel the smooth skin of your still generally flat stomach, “Good morning, mommy.” 
You grinned to the stovetop at the reminder of the long-awaited news you had found out the night before and you leaned your head back against his shoulder to guide his lips to yours for a soft kiss. With his thumbs rubbing lovingly over your warm skin, you melted happily into him, “Good morning, daddy.”
Purely innocent and bursting with love for your family of two that would soon be made three, you shared a few more lingering kisses that made your heart swell. 
“You sure you feel up to making breakfast?” George asked softly with one more caress to your stomach and a kiss to your neck. 
“Yeah.” you assured him easily. “I like making you breakfast.”
“Well, I’m glad you’re feeling better.”
“I’m feeling so much better.” 
George kissed your temple and then slid away from you to retrieve his shirt from the ironing board where it was left in the living room as it was every morning. 
“Newspaper is already on the table.” you told him as he buttoned up his shirt on his way back over to you. “Your promotion made the front page.”
Living in such a small tight-knit community, there wasn’t much to report upon which only made George’s promotion big news. Front page worthy. He stopped at his usual spot at the kitchen island and glanced down at the newspaper as he tied his tie around his neck under the collar of his freshly ironed white shirt. Pausing to take a bite of toast from the plate that you had set beside the newspaper, he chewed as he straightened out his tie, still skimming the article. 
“I don’t know what’s the big deal.” he spoke through his mouthful, “Not like it’s a real promotion.” 
“Well, not everyone knows that.” you answered calmly, still tending to the bacon and eggs on the stove. 
“I guess.” George flipped to the next page before reaching for his mug for a sip of the steaming coffee that you had poured him. 
“We’re lucky to even be here under these circumstances. The other wives don’t know a thing.” 
George glanced up at you, knowing your conversation was treading towards dangerous territory surrounding the topic that was to be completely silenced under your discretion. You weren’t wrong, however, and thus it allowed you to be the one couple in the community that could freely speak to it - so long as you were completely alone and out of earshot of anyone else. 
“Does it scare you?” George asked. 
You plated the bacon and eggs and merely shrugged, “Sometimes. I don’t know their stories or why they’re here…what exactly led them to be a part of this without their knowledge. I can only hope that the husbands did it for the right reasons.” 
Your two plates clinked gently against the island countertop as you set them between you. 
“Besides,” you continued, “all I need to worry about is you and me. And our baby.” 
George broke into a grin and he leaned in to kiss you sweetly. 
“I know that we’re here for the right reasons.” you rubbed your hand up his chest and around the back of his neck, staring adoringly into his soft blue eyes.
“And that’s all that matters,” he agreed. “You and me.”
“You and me.” you nodded, pulling his lips on yours for another quick kiss. “And baby.”
“And baby.” he whispered happily. “Still so crazy…going to have to get used to that.” 
“I know.” you fed him a piece of bacon, “It’s only been months and months of trying and waiting.” 
“Are you going to start telling people today?”
“Should I?”
“If you want to.”
You took a bite of bacon for yourself, staring back at him with a sweet smile you couldn’t hold back, “Okay. Maybe I will.” 
Breakfast was eaten in close proximity, taking second rank of importance behind lovable kisses and whispers of excitement and adoration for each other and your growing family. George took one more piece of bacon for the road before he was grabbing his lunch tin and you were following him to the front door to say your goodbyes. 
“I really don’t want you to go.” you whispered, standing in the warm morning light of the foyer with your arms around his waist as he shrugged on his jacket. 
“I know, darling.” George smiled sadly. “But now more than ever it’s imperative that I go every day.”
“I know.” you sighed. “I love you for that.”
George held your face in his hands and pulled your lips to his for a brief kiss before telling you honestly, “I hate leaving.”
“I know.”
You shared another kiss as he insisted, “It’s the worst.”
“It’s scary sometimes.” 
“I know.” you leaned into him to capture his lips with yours in a lingering chasté kiss. 
He sighed into it through his nose, gently sliding his hands from your face down your shoulders and arms, and as he broke your kiss, he guided your hands out from around his waist. You laced your fingers together lazily between you and kissed him once more. 
“We’ll be waiting.” you promised. 
George’s melancholy expression pricked into a smile and he took one hand from yours to dust over the front of the sweatshirt you wore and then dip under the hem, caressing your warm skin lovingly. 
“Can’t wait until you start showing.” 
“Me neither.” you gushed, holding up your sweater for him as you both stared down at what was to become your baby, fingers of your other hands still linked together. 
George sunk down onto his knees and he gently slid his hands around your waist to press warmly against your back to pull you close. He dusted a sweet kiss to your stomach, right under your belly button, caressing your skin with his gentle loving hands, and you would have absolutely swooned. 
“Bye bye, my little one. Be good to mummy today.”
As he stood up, he gave you a smooth kiss next that you were both smiling into. 
“I love you.” you grinned adoringly. 
“I love you.” he promised, his eyes skimming across your make-up free face as if you were the most beautiful thing he had seen in his life, “See you tonight.”
“See you.” you breathed, letting him slip away from you and out the front door. 
You stood on the porch and waved him goodbye as he pulled the car out of the driveway and made his daily drive down your street among the line of fellow men as they journeyed to work together in a single file line.
George whistled happily in his car as the morning breeze took him to the outskirts of the neighbourhood and towards the vast desert landscape that framed your little oasis. With one arm resting on the open window beside him, he coasted in the steady lineup of cars that navigated towards the highly confidential headquarters where all the local men were to report for work at precisely 9am every morning. He hated leaving you but only more so now that you had both found out that you were finally expecting. On the other hand, it only proved to himself that his responsibility to attend his daily expectations was of the utmost importance. 
As the glass structure atop the desert mountains grew closer on his approach, his car radio crackled to life with the expected daily recording. 
“All male citizens on route to headquarters. Schedule is one time.” 
George absolutely dreaded the idea of leaving you but he had a duty to withhold that allowed you to live your life together in your ideal oasis that was already starting to give you everything you ever wanted. So he took the drive without complaint as the road turned into the steep mountainous climb towards the building overseeing the guarded little castaway town. 
The radio spoke again with the voice of the mayor, “Security risk is low. All units expected to pass without fault. Arriving at the gate in 3…2…1-”
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George’s chest gasped for air as his vision burst from light into the darkness that surrounded him, staring up into the dizzying patterns of light that were projected onto the ceiling above. He reached towards his face and carefully removed the metal clamps from his eye sockets and blinked feverishly a few times as the moisture re-settled over his irises. The wavering sound of white noise that filled the darkened room was almost invisible to him now and as he sat himself up in the bed and stretched his arms over his head and twisted his spine until it cracked in relief, he was unbothered by it. 
On his left, laying flat beside him, you laid peacefully, staring at the ceiling. The same clamps that he had been wearing also kept your eyes open, staring blankly up to the dark ceiling and the projection of light patterns that kept you stagnant. George shifted to face you on the bed and leaned down to kiss your pale cheek and caress your arm with the back of his finger. 
“I’m here, love.” he whispered, his voice slightly hoarse, “I’m still right here with you.”
Leaving you in place, he slowly got up from the bed and let his bare feet touch the cold wood floor beneath him as he opened the blackout curtains that framed the bed. The room was still pitch black outside of the canopy bed thanks to the extra safety barrier of curtains that covered each drafty window. You couldn’t be too safe. 
The floorboards creaked under George’s every step as he navigated the bedroom like he would every weekday and he pulled open the curtains from over one of the corner windows, allowing the room to be illuminated sufficiently by the morning sun. His eyes burned as the stream of bright light came flooding in and he rubbed his eyes with his fists as he once again became adjusted to the reality that surrounded him. 
The sunlight guided him to the nearby dust filled table in the corner of the room where he nudged a few of the dated newspapers and magazines to the side, ignoring the way the oldest copy of the Daily Mirror peeked out from the bottom of the pile with a headline that he always avoided looking at and yet couldn’t stomach throwing away. 
Your wedding picture was printed in black and white just below. 
George flipped open his notebook and sat down on the rickey wooden chair to write the date at the top of the fresh page and then recorded his physical status. He took his height, weight, heart-rate, and blood pressure and then did the same for you - all but weight - as you laid limpy on the bed. He scribbled the numbers down carefully and made sure to check you twice just to make sure everything was as it should be - especially since you were now in such delicate condition back in your perfect oasis. He couldn’t afford a single thing to go wrong. You were counting on him after all. 
“Perfect numbers today, darling.” George whispered to you as he closed his notebook and capped his pen, returning them both to the messy table across the room. 
Having been in only his boxers, George grabbed a folded sweatshirt from the bin under the table and pulled it on to brave against the chilly Scottish air that helped itself through the beams of the worn log cabin otherwise protecting you from the elements. He stepped out of the bedroom and made his way down the narrow hallway to the quaint and virtually untouched kitchen and living room area. The well water collection from Monday still sat on the counter and he scooped himself a glass of water to rehydrate for a moment as he took in the scenic views through the large tinted windows. 
Miles of lush forest sprawled in all directions for as far as he could see and after so long, he had started to forget which way was north or even which way civilization was. The Scottish highlands and forests were your only protection. Sometimes he wished you were able to watch the sunrise with him over the mountain peaks ever again but he had to force himself to stop missing what could be and focus on what now is. Your life was perfect together. Just you and him. 
Never permitted to set foot outside the cabin, George took the stairs down to the cellar and patted barefoot across the stone floor in the dark until he reached the sliver of light that peeked through the cellar door from outside. Hidden beneath the shallow stairs that led to the fresh air, a grey bin sat in the pitch black.
George knew the routine well so his eyes didn’t need time to focus as he crouched under the stairs and shuffled through the bin in the dark. The rustle of grocery bags drew his hands in and he lifted them up and out of the hiding spot to take back upstairs. He only reached back in for the final item - a small bouquet of flowers still wrapped in cellophane from the store. 
With a soft smile on his face, George took his time returning to the kitchen and he set his delivery on the stone countertop. The first bag contained a few food items for him such as non-perishable canned beans, peas, and cooked pastas in tomato sauce as well as a new bar of soap, a razor, and a few more similar necessities. The second bag contained a sealed medical kit in which George found needles, gause, tape, and rubbing alcohol. The medical bag of clear liquid was carefully wrapped in a clean towel alongside it. 
George organized the supplies into piles and then lifted up the bouquet of flowers again, pulling down the cellophane slightly to get a good look at the mix of brightly-colored tulips, peonies, roses, and hydrangeas nestled in a halo of baby's breath and greenery. He raised it to his nose to take a deep inhale, savouring the heavenly scent of fresh flowers. 
The card that was nestled within the flowers called his attention and he opened the little blank envelope to pull out the message inside. 
Happy anniversary 🤍
He always requested weekly flowers from his sister in order to keep some sense of romantic normalcy in your changing lives together but her little sneaky addition of the card brought a tearful smile to his face. He had almost forgotten your anniversary among the strange twists of life and time. Life in your new home was different than in the physical world…both in reality and the linear flow of time. He would have to make a point to buy you something in the shops on his drive back to your shared home that evening. 
But the generosity of his older sister never went unnoticed and he thanked the stars that he turned to her to keep your biggest secret. You had allowed George to choose the one person who would be your supplier for virtually the rest of your lives in hiding since he would be the one between the two of you who would return to the real world almost daily. It wasn’t a small ask to have her be the only person in the world to know your whereabouts and your story - to hide that from your families and friends as they grieved what they thought was your tragic and sudden death - but she was your most trustworthy and safest bet. Her devotion to her brother and you - her sister-in-law - was monumental and she managed to deliver the necessities to your secret hideaway twice a week like clockwork. George never knew how he would ever repay her. 
George took his time freshening up with the water from the well, sparingly rinsing himself off with soap and a washcloth before shaving over the bone dry bathroom sink to get the best look he could of himself in the grimy and cracked mirror. Even if you would never see him in person again, he always wanted to look his best for you. 
Then it was your turn and he took the bags back to your bedroom and set up the chair at your bedside to tend to you. You were laying perfectly still in your nightgown on the sturdy mattress with your ankles bound to the footboard and your arms resting at your sides. The IV needle was taped gently into your forearm and the bag hung on the metal pole just beside the bed, allowing a slow but steady drip of calorie-rich medicated liquid to keep your body fed and nourished while you laid in your stagnant state. 
George first replaced the flowers in the vase beside your bed, removing the week-old ones for the fresh ones that had been delivered by his sister. He refilled their water and arranged them nicely and spoke to you quietly about how nice they looked and how pretty they smelled. 
With washed hands and wearing medical gloves just to be extra cautious, George gently pulled the tape away from your skin and twisted off the IV drip from the needle that stayed nestled in your forearm. He wiped the area with rubbing alcohol to disinfect it and then retaped the needle in place. As he worked, he thought back to your conversation that morning and tried to imagine where the other husbands were at that moment and how they could tend to their wives like this without their consent. It nearly made George sick to think about that - about the possibility of having the one you loved most trapped there under his control for who knows how long simply for his own gain. That’s what made you and George different. You were in it together. You were in it for each other. 
With another clean cloth and the bar of soap, George gently washed down your body and rinsed you off the best he could, tending to you lovingly. He brushed your hair and your teeth and made sure you were lying comfortably even if you couldn’t feel anything. Leaning over you cautiously, he dropped a few eye drops into your still eyes to keep them moist as they were being held open by the metallic clamps. 
He then pulled out the new medical bag from the delivery from his sister and replaced it on the IV pole. He screwed in a fresh tube into the bottom of the bag and then attached the other end to the needle in your arm, double checking to make sure the drip was steady and as it should be. You only deserved the most precise treatment. 
To pass the day and keep an eye on you, he helped himself to a can of beans that he opened with a dull knife and hid the rest of the food stock away under the table in the bedroom. He sat at your bedside and ate quietly, keeping an eye on you and the IV as the minutes passed in the silence. 
When the food was done, George collected all of his garbage and any sign of life from the kitchen to hide away in an empty grocery bag in the bedroom until he would have to place it in the cellar bin for his sister to retrieve at her next stop-over. He locked the bedroom door behind him and returned to your bedside, straightening up the vase on your nightstand and he gently picked up the white music box beside it. The lid was topped with a baby blue decal of a sleeping puppy and framed in little stars and George smiled softly down at it as he turned it around in his hands to crank the tiny handle at the bottom. 
He had purchased it years ago when you were first trying for a baby, back when life was simple but the weight of its burdens rested heavy on your shoulders. Back then, it all seemed hopeful and exciting as newlyweds wanting to expand your family and George couldn’t help but buy something to surprise you on the eventual day you would find out you were pregnant. He never ended up being able to gift it to you but it stayed with him the whole time and found its rightful place in this cabin with you while you gave up your lives for your ultimate dream. 
When the music box was fully primed, he delicately turned it back around in his hands and opened the lid, letting the familiar gentle tune fill your otherwise silent cabin. He had shamefully played it a few times before when he would find himself alone during the days and waiting beside your still body just like that, maybe to hope for some sort of promise that things would work out. He never knew you could subconsciously hear him during the days when he left to tend to you like that but he found comfort in it too. Neither of you were ever truly alone. 
The soft tune played softly from the nursery music box and George helped himself to his side of the bed alongside you, resting back against the pillows to stare at you just a little longer in the patterned lights that were projected to the ceiling of your canopy bed. Soon, he would be called back by the passing of time to return to your true presence in your perfect little paradise with your growing dream tucked safely inside you. 
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mydear-corinthian · 1 month
Dirty Diana || Thomas Shelby x reader
Synopsis: After the war, you and Tommy were separated leaving you in London alone with no money at all. Pairing: Thomas Shelby x reader , Tommy Shelby x reader Warnings: SMUT +18, mentions of prostitution & misogynist, p in v, unprotected sex, dirty talk Notes: I saw this Dirty Diana edit of Tommy Shelby & Diana Mitford so why not do a fic about MJ's song?? I'm so happy that Dirty Diana is getting popular and getting the hype that it deserves !! This fic is terribly written and rushed :c Click here to see the MAIN MASTERLIST Click here to see the PEAKY BLINDERS MASTERLIST Click here to see the CILLIAN MURPHY MASTERLIST
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Tommy and you were together before the war. His family happily accepted you and eventually treat you as one.
Unfortunately, you two parted ways following the battle. While you were stuck in London trying to become a banker, he was back in his hometown.
As a woman, landing a career like that hasn't been normalized yet. Often, men claim that it was a "man's job" exclusively. You met all the standards perfectly, but in the end, you were not hired. You were left with nothing as a result. No family, no home, and no money.
That's when you started working as a prostitute, something you never thought you would do. It was your last option since you could no longer survive without money. Given that you were making far more money at the job, you cannot complain about it. Constantly receiving enormous sums of shillings in a single night.
You decided to change your name, Diana.
Every night you wait on the busy streets of London for customers. Bending over their vehicle, seducing them.
It wasn't easy and it will never be easy to be working in this line of work. You've been sleeping with young, old, single, married, or even widowed men for money.
It was the usual night. Waiting for new customers as you stood on the busy streets outside of a hotel. Your black dress perfectly traced your curves, a white shoulder fur covered your elbows.
You finally saw a car stopping in front of you. A man wearing a neat navy suit, a newsboy hat decorated his hair, a cigarette burning between his lips.
Due to his hat, you cannot fully see who he was, only his mouth. You walked seductively towards the man's car, bending over the window. "Sir, I have to go home 'cause I'm so tired you see..?" you ask, pretending to be exhausted. "I hate sleeping alone, why don't you take me?" He took a bill out of his pockets and showed it to you. "My place. The hotel." he plainly said.
Seeing the large amount of bill made your eyes widened. Never in your job had you encountered a man giving you this big amount of money for one night.
"Well, I'll see what I can do with that, sir," he exited the vehicle, walking towards the hotel as you followed him. The anonymous man was walking in front of you so you cannot see his face.
You couldn't shake the thought of Tommy, no matter how many men you slept with. You still have feelings for him. You was hoping he could find you and look for you. Your first love was and is him. He was everything to you. It's not that you two split up; rather, it was more that you stopped seeing one another, no goodbye's or hello's after the war. You believed that his 'breakup' was final. that he had already had enough of your relationship. While a part of you believes he is better off without you, the other half of you longs to visit him in Birmingham. That he's already forgotten you.
The both of you were already inside his luxurious hotel room. It wasn't really that tidy but it was manageable.
The anonymous man finally removed his hat, showing his full face at you. As soon as you saw him, your eyes widened and your heart sank.
"Tommy?" you shockingly asked.
"(Y/n)." he greeted plainly.
"How did you- How did you found me?"
He actually haven't moved on from you too. Tommy tried to marry someone for you to leave his mind but that didn't worked for him as well. He just doesn't feel the same feeling that he was with his current wife than you. He wants to relive that feeling and he is hoping that he will be with you again.
"I searched for you. I searched every spot in Birmingham and you weren't there. And so I found you here. In London," he said. "And I know about your job, Diana."
His deep and sultry voice always gets you. Having the sudden desire to take him, make you his, and just be with him.
"How about you stay with me, tonight?" he asked. 
"Oh Tommy, I'm all yours," you answered. Your lips meeting his, passionately tasting him. Tommy's hands roamed all around your small back, allowing the kiss to get deeper and deeper.
He suddenly stopped, pulling his face away. "My wife is at home tonight, she's probably worried tonight. I haven't told her I'm alright." he sighed, walking up to the telephone on the desk just beside the door. He rolled the numbers before speaking. 
Before he said something again, you heard a woman's voice on the telephone, screaming at him. Tommy's wife was mad.
Suddenly, you grabbed the telephone, hearing the voice of his wife. The speaker was on your ear, "He's not coming back, he's sleeping with me,"
You dropped the telephone harshly, smiling at him. "Are you not worried she'll leave you?" you asked, your fingers tapping his chest seductively. Tommy's lips found yours again. The kiss is turning harshly and messier. "It's alright, she was using me for money anyways," he said in between kisses. "And Polly didn't approved my relationship with her but we got married anyway,"
"God, I've been waiting for you," your hands found its way to his hair, crumpling it as you felt his tongue explore your mouth. You moaned in between kisses, eager for more. 
You pushed him into the king-sized bed's soft mattress. You unbutton your wrinkled shirt while leaving your bra on as you crawl from his legs to his hips. He showed how hard he was by the way his pants were rising. Tommy's breath hitched, his skin heats up.
"Where have you been, my darling?" he breathly asked, cupping your cheeks once again to examine your face, processing what is happening right now. You're back. You're here. 
Slowly, your hips rocked on his boner, the friction making your eyes roll. Tommy swallowed hard, feeling the sensation that's happening. "I've missed you, Tom," 
You continued to stroke the hard swell beneath his pants with a look of enticing eagerness, every stroke a whispered promise of something more. You carefully and slowly removed his belt buckle, the metal clasp giving way to your touch with a gentle click. With careful care, your fingertips traced the fabric of his pants, revealing the shapes of his buried need as you undid each button. Gentle yet focused.
A rush of electricity shot through Tommy as her hands discovered his shaft, igniting every nerve ending with a burning passion. You moved his cock up and down with such delicate strokes; it was a rhythmic dance that left him panting, his chest rising and falling in time with your motions.
"Oh god, you're so good at this," he praised. 
Your touch was like a kiss from heaven; it sent electric sparks of need shooting through him, burning an inferno of desire. His breath caught in his throat with every stroke, the melody of pleasure surrounding him so intensely that he was unable to resist, his moans echoing at the limits of his arousal.
He finally came, his white seed spurted all over the mattress and your hands, staining them You chuckled. 
Suddenly, Tommy switched positions, he's now on top of you. "You think we're done?" he asked, his fingers touched your clit, sending shivers all around your body due to the sudden touch. 
"Oh god!" you moaned. 
His fingertips tracing passionate patterns over the fabric that covered your aching core, your back arched in ecstasy as he increased his speed driven by an early desire. Your body trembled with anticipation with every round move, a burning desire that cried out to be let out. Time appeared to stop still as his touch danced over you in the heat of passion, each movement an ode to the unbearable depths of his desire.
You moaned out loud, feeling your orgasm coming. "Tom - I'm gonna .. oh god!"
His movements stopped unexpectedly, leaving you on the verge of euphoria and desperate for release. A line appeared on your forehead as a wave of opposing emotions passed over you, your need pounding against the limits his seductive pause forced.
"Ah, not yet," his husky voiced rang to your ears.
Tommy removed your underwear, showing how wet you were from him fingering you. He aligned his shaft in front of your cunt before you fully took him, making you moan. 
You felt full just from his cock. His warm cock filled you, making him push in even further. Your eyes closed, your head rolling back. 
"So fucking tight," he exhaled deeply. His rough hands gripped your hips making him pound in to you harshly, hitting your sensitive spots all over and over. 
"No one ever pleasured you this good huh?" 
Sweat was streaming down his strained brow, reflecting the fever that was pumping through his body. The air in his hotel room pumped with the sound of your lewd moans and his sultry groans, echoes swirling passionately together and filling the room with a euphoric atmosphere.
His trusts became faster and harsher. His and your skin slapped together, earning a loud sound. 
You felt your orgasm coming up again making you moan louder, seeing nothing but starts and feel like you've been drugged by the most pleasurable medicine there is out there. You clenched on his cock, indicating that you were close. 
"Tommy, I'm gonna cum," 
"Yeah? Cum then, love," he demanded.
You both reached the your high of ecstasy with a few last, powerful thrusts, your bodies combining in a melody of pleasure. During that moment of explosive release, when your senses were overwhelmed by a rush of sensations, you felt him spill out his essence into you, filling you to the overflowing limit with his ecstatic warmth. Every muscle clenched with fine pleasure as your climax came over you in waves of joy, your combined passion setting off an inferno of desire that swallowed you both completely.
Tommy pulled out before dropping his body beside you, panting hard. 
"Come back to me," he whispered. 
"Oh Tommy. I never left you."
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hwaslayer · 2 months
love you in slow motion (psh) | one.
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♡ spotify playlist | series masterlist ♡
—summary: seonghwa will go through hell and back for you, as long as he can continue to see that smile on your face. because to him, that smile feels like a rainbow after the rain, the warmth of the sun on a winter day. because to him, you’re more than just his bestfriend—you’re love. even though everyone seems to see that except you.
—pairing: park seonghwa x f!reader
—genre: (18+ - minors dni) bestfriends to lovers | fluff, angst, eventual smut
—word count: 5.7k
—chapter warning: cussing/mature language, hints of a toxic relationship & ex-bf, mentions of a broken family and death, just a good ol' intro to hwa and oc + their dynamic + their family dynamics, buried feelings and overthinking!!
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"Seonghwa?" Your cousin, Soyeon, calls for him on the other line. Soyeon rarely ever calls Seonghwa, but when she does, it's usually for good reason.
"Soyeon, what's up?" Seonghwa says, hand on his hip as he tries to regulate his breathing after a late night boxing session with Wooyoung and Hongjoong.
"Y/N said she would be home earlier, but she hasn't been. Yaya's worried, I'm worried. It's pouring outside." She says frantically. He sighs, stomach slightly dropping at the statement.
"Okay, where did she go last? I haven't heard from her since earlier this morning." Soyeon lets out a hefty sigh.
"Of course she wouldn't tell you. She was with Mingi." She says sarcastically, knowing Seonghwa would be upset with you for giving in, yet once again. Seonghwa had no issues giving you the 'I told you so' every single time you've been with your shitty ex-boyfriend. He always makes you cry, and it never fails. He doesn't understand why the fuck you keep running back to him. So to Seonghwa, it's not surprising that you kept this from him. Doesn't stop him from pinching the bridge of his nose before nodding, though.
"Alright, I'll find her. Don't worry."
"Thank you. Seriously. When you see her, you better tell her to stop seeing that fucking asshole. All he does is treat her like shit."
"Yeah, I know. Are you and Junseo home now?"
"Yeah, we are. We were gonna go to Yaya's but she told me to call you first before anything."
"Good, stay put. I'll take care of it and text you. She won't be far."
"God, such a headache. Thank you, Seonghwa."
"Course." He sighs as he ends the call, tossing his phone onto his duffle bag before un-doing the wrap around his hands. 
"Done already?" Wooyoung asks, making Hongjoong shift his attention to the platinum blonde while they stand near the bag.
"I gotta go find Y/N."
"What? What happened?"
"Who knows, she was with Mingi."
"Dude is always bad news." Hongjoong chimes in, watching as Seonghwa throws his hoodie on and slings the duffle bag strap over his shoulder.
"Tell me about it." Seonghwa rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "I'll see you guys tomorrow."
"Text us when you're all good. Hope she's okay."
"She's fine. Just needa get her out of this rain." He says, giving them one last wave as he walks out of the studio and down the steps. Soyeon is right; the rain has picked up over the last few hours, creating huge puddles near the sidewalks and curbs due to the intensity. The stream of water makes a loud noise as it falls into the drain nearby, the loud pour of the rainfall echoing throughout the empty street. Seonghwa drags the hood over his head, doing a slight jog to his parked car on the side of the studio. Luckily for him, he knows where Song Mingi lives. Luckily for him, this town isn't that big and you couldn't have gotten far.
Luckily for him, he's right.
He finds you walking about two blocks away from Mingi's place, just getting ready to turn the corner to lord knows where. He slowly drives alongside of you, rolling down his passenger window to peak over at you. He's glad he found you when he did because you have a flimsy hoodie and leggings on, the hood completely drenched and barely doing anything to protect you from this rain.
"What are you doing, Seonghwa?" You ask, eyes glued forward as you continue to walk.
"What does it look like? Get in, you're gonna get sick." You squint your eyes at him as you continue to walk. "Y/N."
"How did you even know where to find me?"
"It's not hard to figure out when you're with Mingi." He quickly glances at the street ahead, making sure there are no oncoming cars or passengers in the way. "Plus, Soyeon called. Her and Yaya are worried because you told them you'd be home earlier."
"Of course." You mumble.
"Y/N, get inside and stop being stubborn."
"Seonghwa—" He starts to obnoxiously honk his horn on the quiet street, making your eyes widen at him. You continuously tell him to stop and to quit being so loud, however, his efforts don't stop. "Park Seonghwa, what the fuck! Fine!" You groan loudly, quickly opening the door when he stops the car. You plop yourself onto the seat, glaring at him. "Happy?!"
"Not really, but at least you're in the car." He locks the doors and turns up the heat, driving off to his 1 bedroom apartment. "You can stay at mine for tonight so you don't stress out Yaya." He keeps his eyes on the road, thoughts shifting to your grandma and how worried she might be right now.
"She won't even be that—"
"She sure as hell will, Y/N. Besides, who the hell wants to argue with you this late at night? It's almost 1am. Knowing your ass and how you never listen, even though you should." He sighs. "I'll take you home tomorrow morning before I head to work."
"Whatever." You cross your arms, still feeling cold and uncomfortable after being in the rain.
"Why were you walking in the rain?" He asks, most definitely knowing the answer already. Your nights with Mingi always end on some toxic shit, all this yelling and back and forth— arguing over empty promises and issues from the past.
And for what? The dude is never gonna change. Seonghwa isn't sure what the hell you're holding out hope for. 
"I'll tell you if you spare me the 'I told you so.'" He shakes his head.
"Can't promise."
"Then you don't get shit from me." 
"Why do you let him do this to you?"
"Wow, that's actually worse than an 'I told you so.'"
"I'm being serious." He glances at you with a very mixed expression, mainly serious and worrisome tones.
"I don't know, okay. I wish I could tell you." It's silent for a minute, the only sounds filling the car are the rain pounding against the windshield and the heat on high. 
The thing about Seonghwa being your bestfriend of 16 years is the fact that you can always rely on him to be there no matter what. He's always so, so good to you; always so caring, so supportive and so protective. You've never had to ask Seonghwa for anything because he always gives, and is always ready to give. Just like tonight, when he shouldn't be here but he is. 
He had been yours, just as you had been his since the beginning.
Sometimes, it's easy to believe you don't deserve someone like Seonghwa by your side.
You met this adorably shy, sweet kid when he was introduced to your class as a new transfer in the 3rd grade, most kids in your class politely saying hello but going about their own business afterwards. You, though, had stuck around to show Seonghwa his new school and to eat with him. Since then, your relationship had flourished. His dad had become bestfriends with your own dad, the two of you always going on family trips together, hanging out at each other's homes, going to the same schools onward— Seonghwa was always there, you were always there. He had seen you through your very best, seen you through your very worst. Was there during your highs, was there during your lows. Knows exactly how to push you right to the very edge, but also knows how to make up for his dumb mistakes. Knows exactly how to handle you, attitude, temper and all, knows exactly what makes you happy, what makes you sad.
He knows you like the back of his hand.
Probably better than you know yourself.
Seonghwa became the golden child though, you know? He had loving parents who supported him through everything. He was a superb student [a teacher's pet, if you may], an athlete, a prodigy; always winning numerous awards and medals throughout his academic and athletic career. He had countless talents and a positive energy that people admired him for, though shy and timid in the beginning. He got along well with people and was the ultimate charmer. Attractive, had his way with the ladies— albeit, he can be an idiot when he thinks with his dick from time to time and not his brain. But nonetheless, Seonghwa is Seonghwa. He would never intentionally hurt a soul, would never intentionally give people what they didn't deserve. To be clear though, Seonghwa has his fair share of mistakes and fuck-ups, but in the end, he would always apologize when in the wrong and make up for his actions. While you, on the other hand, were his polar opposite and struggled to find your place in this crazy, crazy world.
You had never met your biological mother, and your dad had spent majority of your earlier years working graveyard to keep food on the table, to keep sending you to a good school. You spent most of your childhood growing up at Yaya's house, where your dad's sister and her family lived for awhile. That's how your older cousin Soyeon became the sister you've never had, somebody else you could rely on, fight with and experience the ups and downs with. Things were good, and they were good for awhile until you lost your dad to a rare and sudden illness.
Then, things went downhill for you.
You continued to stay at Yaya's, only having her, Soyeon and her family, Seonghwa and his family by your side. You began to push people away, you got into trouble and made dumb mistakes that hurt your loved ones more times than you'd like to admit. You had your moments where you acted solely on feelings instead of being rational. You had no filter, not being afraid of telling people if they were wrong even if it meant hurting their feelings to no end. You no longer got along well with most people, finding it hard to vibe well with majority of the crowd. No longer caring about what was in the know, what was trending; was incredibly selective about who you gave your time and effort to in fear of losing more loved ones dear to your heart.
Without Seonghwa at your side, you're not sure where you'd be. Because truly, if it wasn't for him, you don't think you would have continued to try. He was the only thing that remained constant in your life, one of the only people who continued to show you genuine care and love despite your flaws and all.
"Have you eaten?" He suddenly speaks and changes the topic, not wanting to upset you any more than you already are.
"I'm not hungry."
"You need to eat something." You don't respond. "Mom made some kimbap today, I can set some aside for you."
"Thanks." You say softly, watching as the car finally drives into the familiar apartment complex. Seonghwa turns the wheel with one hand, pulling into his assigned parking spot before shutting off the car. He lets out a sigh before looking over at you, noticing you're still in your sad, sulky position in the passenger seat.
"Ready? Or should we just sleep in here tonight?" You slowly turn and glare at him, mocking him before answering dramatically— knowing it's the most childish thing you can do right now, especially after Seonghwa took the time to find you and pick you up in this rain.
"Why don't you just leave me here?"
"Good with me. At least I don't have to lend you any more of my clothes and have you sleeping on my couch. Matter of fact, more kimbap for me." He says, stepping out of the car, keys rattling in his pocket as he turns to shut his car door. He continues to walk without worry because he knows the shit you pull.
You'll end up following him.
He doesn't even have to turn over his shoulder to make sure you do. He hears the car door slam after a few minutes, and he smirks a bit to himself before locking the car using the key fob in his pocket.
"You really have to slam my car door like that?" He asks, slightly looking over his shoulder before climbing up the steps.
"Sorry." You mumble, pathetically following your bestfriend with your arms crossed tightly against your chest. He unlocks his door and waits for you to make it up the steps, letting you step in and out of your shoes first before following you inside. He tosses his keys onto the entryway table before walking into the kitchen and pulling out his phone to text Soyeon that you were safe with him for the night.
"You can go shower first. Just take whatever you want from my closet." He says, eyes focused on the bag of kimbap his mom had dropped off earlier in the day. You simply nod and head straight to his closet, grabbing some pajama pants and a longsleeve. You toss your clothes into the bathroom sink, mentally making a note to ask Seonghwa if you can throw in a load of his laundry with your clothes. The last thing you wanna do is make a mess in Seonghwa's super clean apartment, let alone drag home some wet clothes from the night prior.
The shower you take is short, but relaxing. You let the hot water beat down on you, thoroughly scrubbing and scratching every inch of your body, your scalp. When you finish, you lather some lotion and pad back out to his living room. Seonghwa glances up, watching as you come towards him with his long pajama pants and a long sleeve with sleeves that falls past your hands. He thinks you're the cutest thing he has ever seen [especially in his clothes], but he subtly bites onto his bottom lip to suppress the smile forming at his lips.
"Can I do some of your laundry so I can wash my clothes? They're just sitting in your bathroom sink." He shrugs.
"Don't worry about it, I'll toss it in there before I hop into the shower." He slides a small plate on the counter of his kitchen island bar area, before handing you a hot cup of green tea. "Eat at least one." You nod, watching as he washes his hands and begins to make his way to the bathroom. You're hungrier than you thought, popping in all the pieces of kimbap Seonghwa prepared for you before downing the green tea. In the end, you feel full, satisfied.
After a good thirty minutes, Seonghwa is out of the shower and tossing the load into the dryer. He's ruffling his semi-dry hair as he brings out a thick blanket for you, glancing at the random Cars movie playing on the tv.
"Here." He says. "You finished eating?"
"Okay. I'm gonna go to bed then." He turns to head into his room.
"Hwa, can't you just sleep out here with me?" You point at the free part of his L-shaped sectional couch.
"Why, when I have a perfectly comfortable bed to sleep on in here?" He points to his room, but you pout.
"But, you also have an amazing couch that you can share with your bestfriend."
"You snore and you move around too much."
"I do not, and you'd be on that side of the couch anyway!" You furrow your brows. "You snore, too!"
"Not as loud as you, sounding like you belong in that Cars movie." He glances at the tv screen while making the dumb joke, and you groan.
"Okay, fine. Whatever." You succumb to defeat and wave the white flag. "I just don't necessarily wanna be alone."
"You're not, I'm right here."
"Pichu." Ah, there it is. That stupid nickname he's painfully grown to adore after you've told him time and time again that he looks just like the pokemon. He sighs, realizing you probably won't let this up. On top of that, he knows he can't say no to you regarding most things. So, he drags himself into his room and rips off his duvet comforter from the bed to bring with him into the living room. He sets himself up on one section of the couch, while you take up the other— heads meeting at the corner.
"The moment you rip out a big snore, I'm leaving you out here." He warns and you snort.
"You're a dick. I don't even snore like that."
"And how would you know, sleeping beauty?" He looks at you, heart content with the way you happily look at him from your side of the couch. You have no rebuttal though, so he shuts off the tv and rests his hand on the back of his head while closing his eyes. "Thought so. Get some sleep, it's getting late." He hears you rustling underneath your own blankets, head gently knocking onto the side of his that makes him suck his teeth. "Y/N." He groans with a whiney tone. "This is what I mean."
"Sorry, sorry." You pout, rubbing the side of his head. "I'm good now." You mumble underneath the blankets as you settle, satisfied with your warm and bundled position. You can hear Seonghwa's soft breathing behind you, signaling that he'll probably fall asleep soon [and quick, too]. "Hwa?" You softly call for him one last time.
"Hm?" He hums.
"Thank you." You pause. "For everything."
"You know I care about you more than anything, right?" He says, close to a whisper. "You deserve way better."
"Yeah." Is all you respond with before closing your eyes, hoping to finally be at peace for the remainder of the night. "Love you, pichu." You say sleepily.
"Love you, too." He feels the statement tug at his heart strings because Seonghwa does love you, he has loved you for years. Been in love with you for years. But you were always the most important, this dynamic and relationship was the most important, that he's learned to suppress and live with it— even though at times, he feels like he gives it away pretty easily, or lets his emotions get to the best of him. 
Everyone can tell. 
Everyone knows. 
Everyone but you. 
Surprisingly, you do fall asleep before Seonghwa. He can't help but peek from his peripherals, noticing your steady breathing under the covers. Your head is barely poking out from the covers, making Seonghwa smile to himself. He settles a little closer to you, top of your head tucked near the crook of his neck as he slightly turns towards your side and finally shuts his eyes to get some sleep.
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When you wake up the following morning, it's because Seonghwa's cussing to himself as he runs to grab his ringing phone on the island counter. His eyes quickly dart to you as he snatches the phone and answers the call, noticing you're starting to wake up.
"Sorry, Y/N." He apologizes and you let out a small squeak as you stretch and shake your head.
"It's okay, Hwa. Should probably get up anyway." You rub at your eyes, watching as he paces back into his room to finish getting ready for work. He's apparently talking to Wooyoung, agreeing to pick the guy up after bringing you home since they work at the same place— two athletic trainers for the men's sports teams at one of the universities in town, Wooyoung and Seonghwa mainly taking care of the football and basketball teams, popping into other sports if the help is urgently needed. They've both worked really hard to earn their current positions, being two of the leads who focus on training, treatment and rehabilitating their athletes at homebase, and only participating in a few quick trips for away games if asked.
As you stand and start to fold the blanket, you catch sight of how tired Seonghwa looks and you feel terrible. You know Seonghwa loves to test his limits, working out late after his shifts and barely getting 8 hours of sleep right before a busy day of tending to athletes. Despite your nagging and lecturing him on getting more rest, Hwa has gotten used to doing things this way.
However, part of you still feels guilty that he doesn't look as bright and alert this morning because of you. Because you needed more saving, because you chose to be stubborn and listen to Mingi even though he hasn't given you a reason to trust him since you've broken up.
"I didn't mean to wake you so early."
"I mean, you do have to leave soon, don't you?" You check the clock, peeping the current time as 8:27am. "Isn't this really late for you, actually?" Especially during the season, Seonghwa is always at work by 6AM, leaving super late in the afternoon. Off-season is a little easier for him, being that practice schedules are spread out due to sharing space with other sports/teams.
"Not for today. The team is lifting right now, I need to work on some rehab reports first before training and practice later today." You nod. "Are you good to leave soon then?"
"Of course."
"Okay, let me just grab a few things so we can head out. I need to pick up Wooyoung's lazy ass."
"He's not in to help with lifting?"
"Not anymore. Dude overslept." You snort.
"Why am I not surprised?"
"Director Shin loves him. She would never get him in trouble or scold him."
"She loves you, too." You say.
"Not as much as Wooyoung. She'll bite my head off first before she ever thinks about coming for him." He throws in some food into his duffle bag solely for work. The duffle bag is huge, having the university's name plastered on the side in big, bold letters— followed by his name etched onto the corner with his athletic training certification. "By the way." He points at your neatly folded, washed clothes on the coffee table. "Don't forget your clothes."
"Are you just gonna go home like that?" He eyes his clothes on your figure.
"Yeah, why not?" He shrugs.
"Alright then. Let's go." He pats himself down to double check that he has everything on him before heading out of the door. You lazily follow behind after slipping into your sneakers, having to roll up Seonghwa's pajama pants so that they don't reach the floor and get dirty. You plop into the passenger's seat with your clothes on your lap, rubbing at your eyes once situated. "You didn't have to get up so early. I technically don't need to be there until 10."
"It's fine, Hwa."
"Did you tell Yaya we were on the way?"
"No, I'll just surprise her when I get there." You smile and he shakes his head.
"You need to stop worrying your grandma and your cousin."
"I'm not even doing anything!"
"You're not? Then, what was last night?" He glances at you then lets out a small scoff. "Exactly. And please stop running back to Mingi. That dude isn't gonna change, and you know that. All he does is make you upset and I can't stand it. You two aren't good for each other."
"I hear you." You say lowly, head leaning against the passenger window.
"I'm sorry." He lets out a breath, genuinely just worried about you and your wellbeing. "I don't mean to do this so early, but I just get worried about you." He ruffles your hair a bit, causing a small smile to creep up on the corners of your lips.
"It's okay. I need to hear it." He chuckles.
"Yeah, you do. You're such a fucking headache." He jokes. "But you're important to me, and all I want is for you to be happy." He pinches your cheeks, making you scrunch your nose.
"Thanks Hwa." He looks at you while posted at a stop light, admiring the way you scrunch your nose and let out a little giggle. That's how he likes to see you. Not upset, sad, or crying. Especially over Song Mingi.
The drive to your house isn't too far, or at least, it never feels too far since you and Seonghwa always engage in conversations about various things while in the car. He pulls into Yaya's driveway, parking right next to Soyeon's car. You occupy the tiny detached in-law suite in the corner of the backyard, so Seonghwa isn't surprised when you try to scurry to the backyard to avoid Yaya and Soyeon.
"She's here!" He yells and points at you.
"You're a pain in the fucking ass, Park." You glare at him while you simultaneously hear Yaya telling you to come into the house and to not even think about running into the backyard.
"Oh, Yaya! Miss damsel in distress just walked in."
"Y/N. You should've called or texted. We were worried when we didn't hear from you." Yaya looks at you disappointingly while whipping up some breakfast.
"Sorry." You mumble as Seonghwa brushes past you to kiss ass to Yaya.
"Always needing her bestfriend to come and save the day." Soyeon says sarcastically before crossing his arms. "Seriously, what the hell would you do without Hwa? And why the hell didn't you make it home in time or text to let us know you'd be late?"
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Hi to you too." You squint at her. "He was supposed to bring me home but we got into another stupid fight, that's all." You roll your eyes before glancing at the empty luggages she has next to her.
"So, he just let you walk in the rain? What a fucking dick."
"Language." Yaya warns, glaring at the two of you from the kitchen next to Seonghwa, who is quickly peeling a banana he took from the fruit basket.
"Where are you going?" You nod at the luggages.
"Me and Junseo are heading to Japan in a few days." She smiles. "We're way overdue for our anniversary vacation. Meaning, you're gonna have to man the restaurant." You groan. "And watch Charli? Pretty please." She pleads in a sweet tone, knowing you'll always do anything for their 3 year old daughter.
"Charli loves staying with you and Yaya! And all you have to do for the restaurant is make sure everything runs smoothly and be the cute waitress that you already are! It's nothing you haven't done! Plus, Yoongi and Jini will be there, and Charli will be in preschool for the most part." At this point, you whine [moreso about maintaining the restaurant] while Soyeon continues to check the list on her phone.
"Speaking of the restaurant, are you free tonight?" Seonghwa chimes in, looking at his phone.
"I don't know, depends on my boss here." You glare at Soyeon before looking back at Seonghwa. "Why?"
"San is back home so we're going out to the bar."
"Excuse me?!" You yell. "What the fuck!"
"Hey!" Yaya glares at you again. "Say that word one more time in my house."
"Okay, I'm sorry!" You point at Seonghwa. "But, you! Why didn't you tell me about Sannie coming back?!"
"How could I? You were too busy sulking over Mingi." He says, furrowing his brows with a cheek full of banana. Soyeon snorts and shakes her head, making you glare at the both of them.
"Ha-ha very funny. You didn't think you could tell me any other day?"
"Well, he wasn't even supposed to be coming back until next week. But he just texted us saying he decided to come back early and that he's already settled at the condo his uncle owns."
"Why aren't I getting these texts?" Seonghwa smirks and flicks your chin with his finger.
"Because boys need to talk about boy things."
"Oh whatever, it's not like any of you are getting any—"
"Seonghwa, please. Tell that girl to stop talking like that." Yaya pleads for him to tell you to keep it quiet. He chuckles a bit before looking at you pointedly, tapping the tip of your nose.
"Stop that." He smiles down at you. "And who said we weren't?"
"Please, all you guys do is yell while playing FIFA and Mario Party." You sigh. "Anyway, I'm going back to sleep for a bit. I'll come in for an earlier shift at the restaurant so that I can see Sannie." You direct the statement at Soyeon and all she does is nod.
"Pick you up afterwards then?"
"Ah, it's okay. Usual bar, right?" He nods. "I'll just bus over." You tap his chest. "Thanks pichu, see you later. Have fun at work!" At this point, Yaya is walking towards Soyeon and Seonghwa, hands placed on her hips as she observes you skipping to your in-law suite.
"Hwa." Yaya tugs on his arm before he can help Soyeon pack the large luggages in her trunk and head out to pick up Wooyoung.
"It should just be you two." She pouts, making Seonghwa laugh. Time and time again, Yaya has always pushed the 'you and Seonghwa' agenda, stating that you two were meant to be together. And Seonghwa doesn't mind, he always laughs about it. He kinda likes that Yaya [everyone, really] thinks so, and if things were easy, he'd make it happen without question. But things aren't— because there's always that voice in the back of his head that tells him he needs to leave things as they are or else everything will be ruined.
He doesn't want that.
He would rather bury his feelings than lose you.
There's no way you'd go that route with him. You've made it clear to everyone that Seonghwa was your bestfriend and your bestfriend only. That people need to quit shoving the idea down your throat because you could never; he'd be lying if he said it didn't hurt to hear it.
"Yaya, you already know the answer to that." He says anyway and she pouts even more, leaning her head against his firm bicep.
"But you're the only one who knows how to handle her. She's such a handful but you've always stayed by her side."
"Mm, I don't think I necessarily had a choice." Yaya chuckles and gently swats his arm playfully.
"You two should just kiss and get married."
"Kiss and get married? Wow. What a plan." Soyeon says sarcastically, making Seonghwa laugh.
"No can do with that one." He places a small kiss on the top of her head before helping Soyeon with the last large luggage. "I gotta pick up Wooyoung and head to work. Text or call me if you need me." Seonghwa says.
"Make sure my baby cousin doesn't do anything reckless tonight when she's out with you guys? Like, I don't know, run to Mingi while drunk?" Seonghwa shakes his head at Soyeon's response.
"Won't let her out of my sight." He waves one last goodbye before settling into his car and driving off.
It's 20 minutes to Wooyoung's apartment, and another 15 to the university from there. When he arrives, Wooyoung tosses his own duffle bag in the back and plops into the passenger's seat before slouching into it.
"Did you find babygirl?" Wooyoung asks, making Seonghwa furrow his brows at him.
"Yes I did, and stop calling her that."
"Why, are you jealous? You can't gatekeep Y/N to yourself. I'm close to her, too." Wooyoung smirks.
"Shut up before I make you walk to work." Seonghwa glares at him. "It's not even that, it's just weird."
"Why is it weird?"
"Because it is."
"Because you love her?"
"Get the hell out—"
"I'm sorry! I'm kidding!" Wooyoung says in a high-pitched tone before laughing. "But, really, it's not weird."
"Yes, it is."
"She loves it and she's used to it. Therefore, I'll keep using it. Resting my case, your honor." Wooyoung snorts. "What happened last night anyway?"
"I don't know, she got into a fight with Mingi and walked out."
"He didn't come after her? It was pouring."
"Nope. She was gonna walk to.. I don't know, actually. She was just walking in the rain."
"That's not okay." Wooyoung sucks his teeth and does a slight head tilt. "They're toxic as hell to each other." Seonghwa shrugs.
"I know. I tried to tell her but at a certain point, that's all I can do. It gets really hard to control someone's behavior and police their actions."
"Can I ask you something?" Wooyoung looks at him with a small smile. "I'm genuinely curious."
"Why haven't you made your move on Y/N? Your feelings for her have always been obvious."
"Have they? Seems like she's the only one who hasn't seen it." Wooyoung shrugs.
"Yeah. I mean, you drop everything— and I mean everything— for her without question. And you get all affectionate with her!" His tone raises a bit. "You hate initiating affection! If that ain't love.." Wooyoung tilts his head again and squints at Seonghwa.
"She's my bestfriend. All of that happens naturally."
"It's not just that, and you know it. I know people really do put their bestfriends on a pedestal, but you put babygirl before anyone and anything. Even yourself." Seonghwa slightly winces at the Wooyoung's nickname before shaking his head.
"Not true."
"Very true. Look, dude. It's not bad, but I do hope you leave some space for yourself. I know she would never intentionally hurt you, but it still doesn't eliminate the possibility of getting hurt at some point. I don't want that to happen, especially if you've poured everything in her over these years." Seonghwa lets out a breath and pauses for a moment because for once, Wooyoung makes sense. And he's right. He has poured everything in you, continues to pour everything in you very willingly— sometimes, he doesn't even realize he's doing it. Sometimes, he doesn't even realize he's putting you before everything, that he's dropping everything for you.
Hell, it's even to the point where he can't even date properly and sleeps around from time to time to let out steam. It's because he just feels this attachment to you; an attachment past being your bestfriend— like some thread of hope he holds onto, thinking that some day, you'll see him in that light.
Someone who could genuinely, deeply and strongly love you, care for you, support you, with no boundaries.
"I know."
"Why don't you just tell her? You know, be honest." Wooyoung shrugs. 
"I don't wanna lose her, and I'm afraid I will if I do. I'm afraid I'll fuck everything up between us and change the dynamic just because I wanted to be selfish."
"I don't think you'd lose her. I'm sure she wouldn't let that change anything between the two of you, either. And why don't you think she'd go for it?"
"I just don't think she would."
"Maybe she's thinking the same way as you." Wooyoung sees the university in sight and starts to loosen himself up, getting ready to head out of the door as soon as Seonghwa pulls into a spot. "I think you should go for it, Hwa. You can't live like this forever. You love her, she should know. And if things don't work out, I doubt she'll let that change things between you two. You two understand each other well, and you both make sense together."
"Mm, yeah. Thanks." Seonghwa gives him a pursed smile before Wooyoung slips off his seatbelt and smiles.
"Guess that means I can tag along again tomorrow?" Seonghwa rolls his eyes and steps out of the car before slamming his door.
"I'll think about it, lazy ass."
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♡ taglist: @hwasbabygirl @fairyofhueningkai @chngbnwf @tinyteezer @everyonewooeverywhere @pearbunny @mxnsxngie @starhwahwa @woosmaid @cheolliehugs @asjkdk @bintificreads @interweab
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fiveht · 3 months
Proof of life (Adore pt 3)
Hello my sweet angel babies ♥️
I'm not going to be able to adequately express my gratitude for the steady stream of love (and concern, sorry) I've been receiving over the past couple of months. I'm so sorry I've been AWOL, it will definitely happen again. Because see, for me, I usually have to make a choice between social and creative fandom participation. My battery is small, and takes a long time to charge.
Thank you to everyone who's left comments and asks and DMs since I've been gone. I don't think I can respond to all of it, but rest assured those messages ping my cold, dead heart every time I see them.
So I'm gonna go out on a limb here. I did this same thing months and months ago, when I was working on Head Over Feet, and let me be clear: posting even a single word of a WIP goes against my every instinct and principle as an author. I am someone who likes to finish an entire story before I post any of it, and on top of that, I am NOT a fast writer, so the expectations that I'm setting up here might not be advisable. But I did it before and managed to finish the thing, and I want to give you guys something in exchange for being so unbelievably awesome, so here I am again.
This will probably be the only time I mention this story in public until it's finished and posted, and inquiries about my progress are unlikely to help with the writing process, I'm just saying. I reserve the right to change every last word of this before the final draft, and I also reserve the right to fall off the face of the planet and simply never finish it, as much as I will strive to prevent that from happening. Please be patient with me.
Anyway, here is my paltry offering to say thanks for the love: the (VERY rough) first ~1300 words of the third instalment of The Adventures of Soft Daddy and Danger Twink.
Sirius secures his handheld shower head to its holder at the edge of his clawfoot tub, and steps out carefully onto the bathmat. He shivers in the cool air outside the shower curtain; it's about twenty degrees below zero outside, so even if he could afford to run his ancient radiator at full blast, it probably wouldn't help much.
He dries himself off and checks his reflection in the mirror, turning his face this way and that as he tugs his hair out of the bun he'd piled it into to keep it dry during his shower. There's no need for makeup tonight, not when he's not even planning to put on clothes.
It's incrementally warmer when he steps out into the main room of his apartment. He gathers an array of splayed text books and notes from his bed and dumps them carelessly onto the couch, then closes his new laptop and places it delicately on the coffee table. It's the most expensive thing he owns, save for the Gucci backpack currently sitting in his wardrobe with a three-inch berth around it like his shoes and other bags might somehow contaminate it. It's weird owning rich-people stuff when you are still, objectively, broke as fuck.
He perches on the edge of his bed and sets his phone to charge, because his battery doesn't even last a day anymore, and he's going to need it this evening. He tucks it in next to his pillow and picks up his new toy.
The plug isn't much larger than the one he already has. A little longer, which is appealing, but no wider, so it shouldn't be a challenge to get it in comfortably. He disconnects it from its charger and hefts it in his hand, feeling the added weight from the electronics inside.
He picks up his phone, and hesitates when he sees the notification waiting for him.
Rieka: let's go out tomorrow
Rieka: the fact that we haven't been drunk since the term started is criminal
Rieka: we've had two chem labs and zero drinks
Sirius purses his lips, thumbs hovering over the keyboard. There's a fine line here, and he hasn't quite found it yet.
Me: got plans
Me: raincheck?
So complete avoidance is the best strategy, right?
Rieka: booooo 👎
He sighs, but at least she's not asking for an explanation. He opens a different conversation then, pushing all thoughts of Rieka Lupin into a tidy, sealed compartment, not to be opened during certain activities with a certain relative of hers.
Me: i'm ready
Me: are you in your office?
Daddy: Yup, I've got a few minutes
Daddy: Want me to call?
Instead of answering, Sirius hits the call button himself.
"Hey baby," Remus answers. His voice is already smooth and honey-sweet, and just from that, Sirius knows he's planning to lay it on thick tonight.
"Hi daddy," Sirius says with a smile. "Should I put it in now?"
There's a low chuckle over the line. "Are we feeling eager?"
"Always," Sirius says, laying back on his bed.
"Use the good lube I got you, it's gonna be in there a while."
He switches the call to speaker, and snags the bottle from his nightstand. "I threw out the old stuff, you've got me ruined for cheap lube."
"Only the best for that ass," Remus says, and Sirius can hear his smirk.
He gives the plug a liberal coating, running his fingers along its shape, his dick twitching just at the feel of the silky-smooth silicone, at the anticipation of what's about to happen. He spreads his legs wide, drawing one knee up to give himself easier access.
"Take it slow," Remus says, succinctly heading off Sirius' impulse to just shove the thing inside himself in one go. "Rub the tip against yourself, so you're nice and wet."
Sirius shuts his eyes as he obeys, sliding the slick end of the toy over his entrance. "Okay."
"Are you going to be a good boy for daddy tonight?"
"Uh-huh," Sirius says, teasing the very tip of the plug in and out of his hole.
"Tell me how."
"I'm not gonna touch."
"You're not gonna touch, and you're not gonna come."
"Yeah," Sirius says. His cock is starting to harden as his body tries to draw the plug inside. "Can I put it in, daddy?"
"Slow," Remus reminds him, "Slide it in nice and slow for me, baby."
Sirius catches his lip between his teeth and tries to push the plug in slowly, the way he knows Remus would do if he was here. 
The shower has left him relaxed and more than ready, and it's hard not to take advantage, just press the toy in to its limit because he can. But he's working on his patience -- under Remus' careful tutelage -- so he shuts his eyes and tries to savour it, the tease of the plug's rubber tip at his entrance, the slow stretch as he eases it past the slight resistance before he sighs, and his body eagerly accepts the intrusion.
"Mmmm," Sirius sighs as he settles the base of the plug flush against his entrance, shifting his hips and feeling the constant, dull pressure against his prostate.
"How's it feel?" 
"Good," Sirius says, splaying his legs out and just enjoying the pleasant fullness. It's been almost a week since Remus last fucked him, and that's just way too long. Christmas really spoiled him. He tugs the blankets up around him, because it's going to take some time before his body temperature is high enough to fight against the chill in his apartment.
"Have you tried out the settings at all?" Remus asks him, and Sirius picks up the phone, switching off speaker and holding it to his ear.
"No," he says, grinding his ass down against the bed to test the plug's reach inside him. "I thought you'd rather do the honours."
Remus hums, and Sirius hears the phone shifting in his grip. "I'm gonna turn it on, okay? Lowest setting."
"O--" Sirius stutters as the plug buzzes to life inside him, nestled snug against his prostate and sending little zings of pleasure down his legs. "Fuck that feels good. That's the lowest setting?"
"It is," Remus confirms. "Want to run through them all, see how high it goes? Or would you rather be surprised?"
"Mmmm, surprise me."
"Surprise it is," Remus says, and Sirius hears shuffling papers in the background as he prepares for his night class. Psychology 1001, Thursdays, 7-9:30PM. Two and a half hours of a lecture that Remus swears he's given so many times he could recite it in his sleep, so why not give himself something fun to focus on while he goes through the motions? 
Being privy to all of this brilliant, upstanding man's secret perversions is a privilege Sirius does not take lightly.
"You can turn it off from the app if you need to," Remus is saying, "Or you can call me and I'll switch it off. My phone's on vibrate, so I'll see it right away."
Sirius smiles to himself. "Got it," he says, though this is a rehashing of the rules that Remus had laid out when he'd brought the plug over last weekend. He'd called it a "late Christmas gift", as if he hadn't already given Sirius several thousand dollars worth of presents on Christmas morning.
There's more rustling over the line, the squeak of a chair. 
"Tell me again how you're going to be good tonight."
"I'm not gonna touch myself, and I'm not gonna come." The toy is still buzzing away inside him, making everything a little fuzzy at the edges. 
"Tell me why."
"'Cause daddy's in charge, even when he's not here."
"Good boy."
Sirius squirms with pleasure, his cock smearing a little drop of fluid on his belly as the toy hums insistently at his prostate.
"I have to head out," Remus says. "How do you feel?"
"Good," Sirius says, his abs tensing as he shifts his legs and the angle of the toy changes. "Excited."
"Me too," Remus says softly. "I'll talk to you soon, beautiful. Send me some pictures." With a low beep, the call disconnects.
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
toxic armin as your little mischievous work boyfriend that’s always flirting with you on the clock and trying to fuck on you after hours.
cw: nsfw, black fem reader, friends with benefits, both reader and Armin are toxic, fingering, car/public sex, mentions of weed; both consuming and selling, and vaping, perv armin, (he uses a bit of vulgar language), infidelity, backshots, squirting, oral sex, bulging, spit play, daddy’s used like once
📝: just a little random drabble I thought of at like midnight last night as one does and couldn’t get it out of my head. Toxic Armin is my new obsession as of late. This is also inspired by my boo @lemmetreatya ‘s lovely, amazing series!
working with Armin was always an adventure in and of itself. Someone who looked so innocent and sweet, always being as helpful as possible, would have never made you guess that he was the exact opposite, later on down the line! Having both been employees of the local convenience store for a few months, specifically the night time, where you’d catch a few stragglers coming in and out to buy cigarettes and lottery tickets. Third shifters heading out for the long twelve hour intervals ahead and stocking up on energy drinks, chips and candy to keep themselves awake. All in all though, it was fairly peaceful so it left much room for the two of you to get acquainted. You would go an hour or two at a time without so much as a single customer walking through your doors. Oftentimes, leaving you to your own devices. That’s when you first came to know Armin for who he truly was.
both of you college students, working part time for a little extra money but it didn’t take long for you to learn of his real occupation..watching him go outside for frequent ‘smoke breaks’; sucking on a vape pen while passersby would slide their hand across his for some sort of exchange. And he knew every single blind spot around the perimeter to avoid getting caught. The first sign that you knew this man was slicker than oil. That boyish charm was fooling nobody! But you were no snitch and you’d keep your mouth closed, as long as he promised to supply you with your own free of charge. “I got you as soon as we clock out, don’t worry..” It was a small compromise he was willing to make..especially for a pretty girl like you. Having a friend and his own personal eye candy in one made this shitty little side gig all the more worth it. So the two of you would sit in the chairs, watching surveillance and whatever show you were into at the moment from your phones to pass the time. Not to mention, talk shit about your clientele and any other topic that came to mind.
including the most taboo one..however, it did arise one night while you were in the backroom, getting ready to do a restock and you were confiding in one another about ex partners and how bad the relationships were. Now, he did have a notorious reputation for being a fuck boy as well so you took his words with a grain of salt. Even so, it was entertaining to listen to his tales of him having sex with girls who would sneak behind their boyfriends backs to come see him. Supplying them with the dick they so desperately craved before blocking their numbers and never talking to them again. “Damn, Armin. So you doing bitches like that? I’m scared of you..” always joking and teasing him as he tried to downplay his own efforts. You couldn’t judge him too much though because there was a slew of niggas on your own line that you had ghosted after getting ate out and then dipping before giving anything in return. Maybe that’s why you two got along so well..you were equally toxic! Still, he’d just give that same nonchalant shrug and pretend otherwise.
“You’re so crazy, (y/n). I have no idea what you’re talking about. All I do is work and go to school.” And indeed, that’s exactly what it would seem to anyone who spotted the baby-faced boy..with his pouty expression and pretty blue eyes. His blonde shag, always a little scruffy but styled just right. A single tattoo going down his forearm and a tongue piercing between his lips. It was easy to see why anyone would leave what they had at home for his ass. But you weren’t the only one with wandering eyes. Armin would catch himself stealing glances at you as you stowed away boxes. It was a horrible thing to do but sometimes, he’d watch you struggle for a bit to place one on a high shelf just so he could see your tits as your tight fitting shirt lifted or that thick ass jiggle in your pants. “Sorry, let me come help you.” His favorite phrase to utter after getting his eyeful.
he couldn’t lie, he had his fair share of girls but not one was seeing you in any aspect. From that pretty dark brown complexion, deep set matching eyes, tall frame and stacked, curvy figure. Your makeup and nails stayed laced..he had never once caught you without long acrylics, a new install or fluttery lashes, whether extensions or minks. Two gold nose cuffs sitting on your nostrils and a freshly started tattoo sleeve going down your forearm. Courtesy of your tricks that would be lucky to get anything more than your conversation. He respected it, honestly. One look and it was easy to see why you were always having your way. You could probably talk him up out of his clothes and a little cash too. This job was nothing more than a means to an end for you both. Something to pass time and make a little pocket change.
also, the perfect place to hook up after hours! You had developed a pretty promiscuous habit of flirting throughout the night; making little slick, dirty comments to each other out of earshot of anyone and even sneaking feels away from the view of the camera. When you’d bend down, he’d press himself against you..slowly rutting those hips to your backside. Rubbing up on your breasts. You didn’t make it any easier when you subtly bounced it on his pelvis to make him hard. Garnering a tiny damp spot on the fronts of his joggers. He couldn’t help it when you were so fine..and thick as hell. “(Y/N), if I didn’t know any better, I’d swear you were trying to get me in trouble.” “You are smart. How’d you know?” It didn’t take long before you could no longer hold back on those desires and things came to a head one night when he offered to take you home after getting off a little earlier than expected due to a pipe burst in the store. You were perfectly capable of driving yourself but he had other plans. Once back in the parking lot of your apartment complex, he’d hand off the complimentary he promised you after making sales and you vowing your silence.
normally, he’d pre roll your blunts but he had to see you in action for himself. Sitting in his passenger seat; windows tinted, doors locked and the subtle thud on music playing through the speakers of his Infiniti G35, Armin so casually reclined his seat as you placed the ground up seedlings into the papers..flicking that long tongue across the line to seal it up. The way he glared up at you, subtly chewing on his lip with his eyes half shut.. “..what’s wrong?” “Oh, nothing..you just look pretty tonight, that’s all.”
a compliment that shouldn’t have meant anything coming from his mouth but the way he so suavely uttered it, you couldn’t help but to feel something. You’d pass the blunt back and forth, getting high in his front seat until you began to feel a buzz..one that worked its way to your private areas! “Y’know (y/n)..you can lick a blunt real good. Thought I should tell you that..” Randomly declaring in his intoxicated state as he leaned over and brushed your cheek. At first, only making you laugh. “Nah, I think your ass is just nasty.” And he wouldn’t attest, not one bit. Instead, he’d offer to prove just how right you were!
his hand slowly creeping up your shirt and working to unfasten your pants. Those little lips brushing against your own in a weed induced haze and eventually blossoming into full blown deep kisses. Those once dormant fingers found home inside of your panties as your work clothes began to disappear from your bodies. His shirt off and tossed on the back floorboard as he crawled closer to you. Those lanky digits working their way around those wet folds and plump lips. Hearing you moan against his mouth in reaction to having your clit massaged. Watching your reaction as he buried it to the knuckle. Eventually, he’d work it inside; watching you nearly claw the leather off of his door handle as he spread your legs wider and fucked you with those fingers. “You’re so fucking tight, I can barely fit another one in..” but he had plans to stretch that little pussy out before he left. Soon, you’d find his head resting between your thighs and the sounds of slurping arose from that seat. “Oh, fuck..Arminnnn. That shit feels so good..” whimpering with that blunt in one hand and his golden locks in the other. So greedily and proudly devouring your cunt as he had never done any other woman before. For further lube, he’d glance up into your eyes; his cheeks sandwiched between your palms and ask a favor:
“Spit in my mouth, right now.” Further proving what you said earlier to be very true. Even so, you did as he asked; leaning forward to let saliva drip between his teeth and he ate to his heart's content. “Nasty ass..I love it.” Soon, you’d find yourself making a massive mess of his chin and center console. By the time he was finished, you left him with a mouthful of sweet nectar..the best he had ever tasted. And him being your best eater by far!
“I’ve never had anybody make me squirt off of head, you something else.” Laughing as you tried to fein embarrassment. But he wanted to see that pretty smile and you taste the remnants of yourself. Running his finger underneath your chin and feeding you sloppy pecks. “That’s nothing, baby. I can keep you coming all night.” Besides, you were his first experience with one so he couldn’t wait to feel that first hand..watching you flow all over him. But first, you wanted to return the favor and let him get a taste of what you had to offer. It wasn’t long before you found yourselves on the backseat; ass up in the air and his khaki sweats shuffled around his ankles. Seconds later, you were swallowing him whole. Sucking on his tip and looking into his eyes as you did so. You’d slather him up in spit, jerk him off until he couldn’t take another moment of teasing and start fucking your face. Forcing your head down on his cock until you cover him in all that saliva. And just because he was so good to you earlier, you don’t let up until he’s filling your throat full of nut and shaking violently from his orgasm. “Goddamn, (y/n)..!” Kissing you immediately after you make him come.
from there, you found yourselves fucking wildly; letting him give you rough backshots as you fogged up the windows in a weed induced haze. Only taking him halfway with a thumb in your ass until you opened up for him to fit more; Intoxicated on it and each other. “This dick feel so fucking good..” “..yeah? So who does it belong to now? Tell me.” And the answer was blatantly obvious. Letting him pound you like crazy until he was satisfied with what you said. Even choking you until he elicited the correct response.. “You daddy..it’s yours.” Losing count of the amount of times you make one another climax until you’re both too exhausted to move. You wetting him up and him emptying himself inside of you, begging with the promise of getting you a Plan B if you allowed it.. “I don’t want to pull out, baby..let me nut in it, please..” and the way he talked you through your orgasms, you were more than glad to do so!
by the time it came to an end, it was nearly four am and you were both so exhausted that you allowed him to spend the night at your place. Needless to say, there wasn’t much sleep once he got you behind closed doors…beating you sore in the shower and then fucking you slowly from the side until he fell asleep with his cock nestled between your folds.
from that day forward, your part time job became all that more exciting. And your partner in crime turned friend with benefits made the night shifts much more tolerable.
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reiderwriter · 9 months
hi 💖 I’m literally ✨obsessed✨ with your writing atm and I’ve never done a request before so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity!!
I would love to read an established couple fic where reader drops by !professor spencer’s office and spicy times ensue 🌶️👀 the trope where reader is inexplicably jealous of the girls auditing his class gets me every 🤌 single 🤌 time 🤌 (but don’t feel like you have to include that trope!! I’m a sucker for any !professor spencer smut lmao)
- 🐺 anon
A/N: Thank you sm for your request!! I am also slightly unhinged about Professor Spencer (I think this is my second one this month lmao) so I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: use of sir, degradation, fingering, no contraception, PinV sex, semi-public sex, jealous reader (she's like 27 beefing with undergrads), age-gap (15 years), Spencer keeps a souvenir of her visit 😊. Also I don't even know if American lecturers have office hours, so like... For context I am a European living in SK lmao. 18+ MINORS DNI
W/C: ~2k
Check out my masterlist!!
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You’d lost count of how many times you’d visited Spencer in his office now that he’d started lecturing semi-regularly. The break from his regular activities as a member of the BAU suited him well, and you had no complaints either, loving having an excuse to drop by the college campus he was based on to visit the cute student-run coffee shops and explore the space. And since you’d started working from home while you wrote your novel, you definitely had the time to visit.
Usually, you’d find him in some lecture theatre or the other, but having walked around all his regularly scheduled rooms, he was nowhere in sight. You shrugged a little, figuring that he must be in his office if he was nowhere else. You were right, of course, but he wasn’t exactly alone.
A line of undergrads had formed at his door as you noticed the sign pinned to his door mentioned his updated office hours for the semester in the run-up to finals week. Typical. You were never the best-timed person, and you could see that you weren’t going to get his attention for a while from the look of all the students. You waited outside for him to open the door and summon the next student into his office, settling onto a couch opposite his door.
You weren’t trying to listen in to the multiple conversations going on, but you couldn’t help it when they were being so loud and open.
“God, he’s so fucking hot, I just want him to bend me over that desk and-”
“-wonder if he’s single. If he is, I’m totally going to make a move-”
“-I just know it’s big-”
“- in that lecture about the serial rapist, all I could think about was his hands-”
You blushed a little deeper with each of their confessions. They didn’t know who you were, of course they didn’t, and you sure as hell weren’t going to tell them. But now you knew why it was that they were here, and honestly, you couldn’t blame them for lusting after the man, you’d done the same thing. Your relationship had started in a similar way. You’d knocked on the doors of the FBI with a case back when you were a journalist, and been met with those big brown eyes and it had taken your entire strength to not jump him then and there.
So you understood. But you didn’t have to like it, and you certainly did not. The longer you sat there, the older you felt, constantly resisting the urge to yell at these kids in an old maid's way. Gods he was old enough to be some of these girls’ fathers. You weren’t exactly close in age with him yourself, a gap of about 15 years separating the two of you, but come on.
The door to his office finally cracked open, and you followed the sound of his voice, still rambling out facts as he let the student out.
“Now that you have the difference between stressor and trigger down, you’ll find it easier to interpret some of the readings, just keep in mind that sometimes they can be one and the same.” The student nodded and thanked him before leaving, a slightly disappointed look shadowing her face.
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” His smile lit up the second he saw you, and you held out the coffee you’d bought him earlier to him.
“Thought I’d drop in and see you. I missed you.” Maybe it was petty of you in front of literal teenagers and people who couldn’t even legally drink yet, but you wrapped a hand around his waist, underneath his suit jacket, and looked up at him with a big grin, fluttering your eyelashes. He looked at you with knotted eyebrows, trying to decode your words as if they were the key to cracking a case he was working on.
You felt the eyes of the students burning into you, heard them whispering to each other and your grin deepened. You’d marked your territory successfully.
“I’m sorry, I’ve got office hours for the next 25 minutes, do you mind waiting?” He looked apologetically down at you, speaking with a bit of an awkward tone, not used to the notable PDA.
“That’s fine. I can wait out here, right?” You asked, trying to give him your most innocent look. He nodded his assent, and you returned to your seat, grabbing a book from your bag and settling in as he welcomed the next student to his office.
An hour later, all the students had finally dispersed. A fair few of them had given up after you made your identity known, embarrassingly slinking away from the queue, but a fair few had stuck it out, still just wanting a glimpse of him. The conversation had dimmed though, now back on the topic of college parties and TikTok stars or something.
When the final student slipped out of the office, you jumped up enthusiastically and joined Reid inside, letting yourself in with a small knock and a sing-song “professor.”
He was sat at his desk, glasses perched on his nose looking down at some papers, and looking as attractive as he had the day you’d met him. You slunk over to him, swirling his chair around so you could sit on his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing a deep kiss to his lips.
“What’s gotten into you today?” He asked, grabbing your hips and pulling you closer to him, obviously not objecting to the sudden physicality of your affection. “It’s not an anniversary, we’re only on our 1,813th day of dating which doesn’t mark any milestones or other special cultural holidays, so what gives.”
“You know I love it when you talk numbers to me.”
“You know I love it even more when you spill and tell me what’s going on? Come on, Y/N, something’s different.” You pouted at this goddamn superhuman perception. It was going to be embarrassing to admit that you saw the gaggle of girls that had been crowding around his office as competition.
“There were a lot of students today.” You said, simply changing the topic a bit, hoping you wouldn’t have to explicitly name the green-eyed monster that had taken over you.
“Not really, that’s about the amount I get every time I open office hours.”
“Every time?” He’d told you often that you were an absolutely open book, your facial expressions baring your every thought and feeling. So you cursed yourself at the pout you felt forming on your lips.
“Woah, what was that? Y/N, are you… are you jealous?”He laughed a little bit as your frown deepened, a flush coming up to cover your face.
“So what if I am?”
“Have I not been paying enough attention to you, baby?” He trailed his hand up between your thighs and your breath hitched as you felt the tone of the conversation immediately shift.
“They were talking about you, y’know?” your breath hitched at the last word, as his hand found its way to your clit, beginning to press the tiniest of circles around that nerve.
“Oh? What were they saying that made my princess so upset?” The hand gripping your hip was nearly painful now, as he clasped you tightly, letting your legs spread for him as he slowly picked up the pace, your back now flush against his chest as he looked down to between your legs from over your shoulder. Your head was thrown back against him, your chest rising and falling with every small movement.
“They were talking a-about your hands,” you moaned out. His eyes stayed fixed on your center, but his free hand trailed up to your blouse, popping a few buttons expertly so he could see the rise and form of your chest, see your nipples sticking out through the thin bra you’d chosen that morning.
“Hmm, is that it baby? They just talked about these hands?” He continued at his agonizing pace on your clit as his hand lifted to your nipples, pulling one breast free of your bra and beginning to roll it between his fingers. You writhed at the touch, trying desperately to keep quiet, knowing from your time outside just how thin these walls were.
“Baby, I think you didn’t hear me. Was that all they said?” His tone was darker now, and you knew you had to answer before he made you.
“No!” You moaned out, trying to gain back some composure when all you wanted to do was relax into his hands and let him pull your release from you. “They… they said they knew you were big… Down there.” He laughed a little at that and shifted his hips underneath you.
“And are they correct baby?” You feel him pressing against your leg now and it takes everything in you not to let your eyes roll back in pleasure and let him use you as he wants.
“Yes, sir. They were… they were right, you always fill me up so good.” Your hips start grinding down into his, his hand stilling as you use him to get yourself off.
“There’s something else they said, right, baby? You’re holding something back?” He smiled, dropping hot open-mouthed kisses to your neck as you frantically rubbed yourself up against him. Your moans were ripping out from your mouth now in frustrated moans, as you felt needy in a way you’d never quite experienced before.
“Stop teasing, Spencer.”
“No. This is my office, and you come in draping yourself all over me like a whore in front of all of my students. You don’t get to call me Spencer right now, you’re going to have to show a little bit more respect.” With those words he pushed you up to your feet, pulling his hands off of you before quickly clearing a space on the desk and bending you over it.
“I heard this bit. They said they wanted me to bend them over and take them like this, right?” You heard him unzip his pants, bringing the tip of his cock to your entrance as he started teasing you, pulling your panties to the side. You moaned out a yes, but that wasn’t enough for him anymore.
“Use your words, baby. What did they want me to do to them?”
“They wanted you to bend them over the desk and fuck them like a little whore, sir.” With that confession out in the open, he finally pushed into you, stretching you out with a sinful groan slipping from his mouth.
“Fuck baby, so tight and wet for me…” His thrusts were hard and slow, and you could feel the wetness seeping down your legs, the wet sounds of your activity filling the space infinitely. His pace picked up and so did your constant mewls from the contact, the sounds completely unmistakable for anything but base lust.
“You’re so fucking wet for me, sweetheart. Going to come, right here on my cock in my office, huh?”
“Yes, sir, I’m going to…. Shit, I’m going to cum.” He grabbed your hair and pulled your face up to his, swallowing each of your moans with his mouth as he let his tongue explore, your body twitching still under his ministrations. He kept his rough pace up for another minute or two before hitting his peak as well, pulling out to empty himself out on your thighs.
“Shit, Y/N,” he mumbled, falling back into his chair and running a hand through his tousled hair as you fell forward back into the desk, chest heaving. He was at eye level with the results of his labour and you heard the sound of his phone camera clicking before you could pull yourself together.
“Spencer!” You giggled awkwardly, looking back at him with an incredulous look as he pulled some tissues out of the desk drawer and started cleaning you up.
“What? I always take notes during my office hours.” He grinned up at you, as you turned around and planted another kiss to his lips, pulling him back up to you.
“How many students do you think will actually turn up to your class tomorrow?”
“I’ll be lucky if the module actually has any sign-ups next term.”
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panbotter · 18 days
Hey so in reference to my previous ask, can you do one were the reader is having trouble controlling their powers (you can decide those) and either Kurt or Erik comfort them after a bad day and end up confessing to the reader. You can ad smut if you want but if not that's totally fine too☺️.
Your Existence is Grand
Erik Lehnsherr x gn!reader
Erik notices you having a rough day with your powers and decides to shower you with praise.
(This is my first fanfic literally ever so feedback appreciated, but also... Sorry for any mistakes!!!!)
Trigger warnings: cursing, suggestive themes (I don't know what else to write here, pls let me know if there's anything else I should add!)
The air around me begins buzzing and crackling, becoming charged with electricity and I sigh, deeply frustrated before I reach for the metal doorknob in front of me and receive a shock so strong that all the muscles in my arm cramp up painfully. I curse under my breath, forcing my arm to bend and stretch the tense muscles as I walk into the lounge, getting a glimpse of the others outside. Some might say I’d been gifted with a particularly powerful mutation, that it made me strong and intimidating. That I am admired for it, as if it’s a blessing to be grateful for.
But in this god-forsaken world, all I could see was a curse that plagued my body. I never bothered to understand the science behind it, as much as others might have tried to explain it to me. Something about the electricity in my body behaving abnormally, affecting the air around me and in turn, other electronics or conductors of electricity, turning me into a walking hazard around power lines, or thunderstorms. Let's not even mention the sheer amount of electrical fires I’ve caused. Sure, it sounds cool. But the reality is basically hell.
One of the ‘best’ parts about my mutation is that it is terribly unstable, especially when you’re constantly surrounded by electricity no matter where you go. Everyone else who charges up some static then touches a piece of metal receives a little sting from a silly little shock. It might be a little funny or perhaps surprising! Maybe it happens when you touch fingers with someone else and you shock each other, what a cute moment!
Try getting fucking electrocuted every single time.
Nowhere near as cute, nor as fun.
Some days are worse than others and the more restless I become, the worse it is for me in the end. But unfortunately, I can’t lay in bed immobile for an entire day to lower the voltage my body is producing, resulting in my current conundrum. Avoiding the rest of the X-Men in order to avoid any potential accidents, especially with Jubilee. Fireworks and a highly-charged mutant body surrounded by a bunch of high-tech only spells out bad news. Luckily, it seems like most of them were outside on the basketball court. That’s what I thought, at least.
“I take it you’re having a bad voltage day?” the voice of none other than Magneto startles me out of my thinking. It’s been more than a few months of him living here with us, but his presence is still unexpected. I had a hard time training the knee-jerk defensive reaction out of my body for the first few days, my body becoming charged up so quickly that I wouldn’t even have the chance to blink before I shot a bolt of electricity at him.
He was quick to show that a little spark didn’t do much to him, given that he was essentially a walking magnetic field.
I turn to him, his large form standing at the entrance to the lounge, “What makes you say that?” I turn back to watch as Scott and Logan start another argument, their voices muffled by the glass.
“The air keeps crackling and I have a hard time believing there’s a storm inside the building” he approaches until he pauses at my side. I chuckle a little, giving a wince once I feel my sore muscles constrict. He turns to watch me.
“Hm, I don’t know, maybe Storm has had enough of those two at each other’s throats” I try to joke but my voice falters, as my heart begins to race again and the sound of the air buzzing around me becomes overwhelming. Tremors begin rippling across my muscles, a mixture of them cramping and relaxing too fast for me to keep up with. Losing the strength in my legs, I stretch a hand out toward the glass in front of me to hold myself up but I miss the glass by a couple inches. Erik’s hands are quick to grab onto my arms before pulling me into his chest, supporting my weight as the crackling noise fills my ears and I let out a pained shout. My body releases a strong burst of electricity, most of it absorbed by Erik’s magnetic field, whilst the rest causes the power in the building to go out. I pant loudly, trying to catch my breath, feeling like my heart might’ve stopped in the middle of that.
The lights flicker around us before the power in the school hums back to life. Erik’s hands are still around me, I realize before beginning to step away, but his hold on me tightens. He pulls me back against his chest and I try to fight back the heat that’s slowly creeping up to my face. This is a bit embarrassing. I’ll admit it, I had grown to like Erik in the time he’d been with us, not to mention I had quite a few run-ins with him before I ever joined the X-Men. He always seemed so… Powerful, he always felt safe to be around. As radical as the Professor may claim he is, he always seemed… Right. You could hear the passion in his voice when he spoke of mutantkind and it made you want to side with him, to be loyal and to follow him to the ends of the Earth.
He had a powerful presence, and as I am now discovering, a powerful touch. One of the very few people who could come near me without fear of being electrocuted. My muscles had begun to twitch in the aftermath of the shock. These are the unfortunate moments where I wish I could be rid of my mutation. I could barely hold myself up and here I was in Erik’s arms.
“You should be resting” his voice was stern, but there was a hint of concern in there. I raise my gaze to meet his, feeling a bit of shame.
“I can’t just lay in bed all day, the world is still turning, there’s things to do…” I muttered.
“Precisely, the world is still turning and it will still continue to turn if you are at rest. You, on the other hand, are not a planet and you need to care for yourself”
I stare into his eyes, feeling them pierce through my soul. He always seemed to be right about everything… I chuckle under my breath as I regain some strength in my legs, straightening back up.
“I’m sure you must be tired of having to run after all of us like a babysitter” I joke as his arms come to rest on my shoulders once I’m stable on my feet.
A glint crosses his eyes, “I do wonder how Charles managed, and then I remember he’s a telepath, so it must’ve been quite easy for him” he replies with a smirk gracing his face that makes me laugh a little.
“He still struggled, you shouldn’t compare yourself to the Professor”
He begins to lead me toward the couch behind us, helping me take a seat before joining me. I still feel a hot streak of shame across my stomach, having him help me. Burdening him.
“Sorry, by the way… You’re right, I should be a little more considerate of others” I mutter.
Erik turns to look at me as I avoid making eye contact, “I don’t believe those were my words…” his hand reaches out toward my chin, gently turning my head to face him, “I only ask of you to rest and care for yourself, forget what the others may think”
I blinked up at him, “The Professor always wanted me to push past my limits, so that I can perhaps get stronger… Control my powers better”
“In a perfect world, you wouldn’t have to restrict your abilities, you could rule this planet with a wave of your hand, what you have is something to be proud of, not ashamed” he places his hand against my cheek and I find myself leaning against his warm touch, “Your mutation is a blessing, not a curse”
I scoff, “Sure doesn’t feel that way, I can’t even live among humans without shutting down an entire city’s power”
“Your powers shouldn’t be hidden, controlled, or restricted for the sake of humanity” he says the word with disdain, “but those are my beliefs, your existence is grand mein liebling”
My heart thumps against my chest loudly at his words. It feels… Intimate. How could he speak such high praise toward me?
“I see you hurt and I watch as you restrain yourself around others, as your mutation basically eats your body alive and it pains me…” his eyes gaze across my face, pausing at my lips before trailing back up to my eyes, “It pains me that you live in a world where you feel you cannot rest, where you feel you must hide the power within you”
“Erik…” I whisper, almost afraid to shatter the moment between us, “What are you… What are you saying…?” I peer into his eyes, seeing something brewing behind his gaze. Could it be possible that he’s… No, there’s no way.
“What do you believe I’m saying?” he whispers softly, leaning in toward me. I jump as a few sparks fly out from where he has his hand on my cheek. I can’t help my eyes dropping to his lips before rising back up to his eyes.
I feel the tension rise and in a desperate attempt to avoid it, I joke, “If I was delusional, I might think you’re trying to confess to me right now” I laugh a little to dispel the tension. His gaze was still just as intense so I failed, but I tried my best.
A smile graced his features, “Yes… Perhaps if you were delusional, you might see that I am actually confessing my feelings for you right now” he says it so casually I almost think he’s playing along with my joke, but as my eyes widen, so does his smile.
“Are you…?” my voice wavers a little. I feel my heart drop, realizing he’s probably joking with me. I turn away from his hand, lightly pushing his chest to put distance between us.
“Is this some sort of joke? Come on, Erik… You know that’s… It’s unrealistic” I mutter, a man like him would never love someone like me, that’s not how it works… Maybe in the movies, or in a fairytale perhaps.
“Mein liebling, perhaps I haven’t been clear enough with you” he wraps his arms around my shoulders and pulls me in close, closer than before, “do you prefer a visual demonstration instead? I can give you that, you only need to ask” he smiles before slowly leaning in, giving me enough time to back out if I wished, but I find myself leaning in, eager to feel his lips against mine.
As soon as our lips locked together, sealed at last, a burst of electric sparks flew out from our lips and I giggled into the kiss. I mean, how ironic is that? I felt real, literal sparks and fireworks from the kiss and it made my lips tingly. Erik smiles into the kiss before deepening it, his hand rising up toward my hair while the other trailed down my back and I found myself desperate to be closer to him, wrapping my arms around his neck, clumsily climbing over to sit on his lap. We part right as I begin losing my breath and he trails a burning, tingly trail of kisses down my jaw before he stops by my ear.
With a whisper that blew across the nape of my neck, “I see more than just greatness in you, so much more…” The words are charged with intention, passion, and sincerity. I shudder as the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and I bite back a moan as he continues kissing down my neck. I take a sharp breath in as he begins sucking on a tender spot before I suddenly realize what we’re doing…
Where we’re doing it.
I turn slightly to peek at the windows, making sure the others are still thoroughly distracted with playing before I feel Erik bite my skin and a moan breaks out, “Wait! Erik… We’re… In the lounge…”
He lifts his head, and the dark look in his blue eyes makes me clench my legs in anticipation, “We’ll just have to be fast… And quiet… Can you do that?” He taunts me with a question I don’t even get the chance to answer before he lays me down on the couch, climbing over me, “I’m just helping you relax, that’s not a sin, is it?” He looks down at me with a hungry gaze and I feel my cheeks burn.
“I guess not”
“Show me what else you can do with these sparks of yours”
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notsoattractivearenti · 8 months
Start of A New Life (Christian Pulisic x Fem!Reader)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
WC: 4.3K
Warnings: pregnancy, childbirth descriptions, slight mentions of difficulty concieving
A/N: dad!christian for you all!!! this is so not proofread lol. hope you guys enjoy and i’d love to hear your thoughts thru ask/reply/reblog 💗 apologies for any errors! feedbacks are highly appreciated 🤍
Two red lines. “Pregnant - 2-3 weeks”. Another two red lines.
My heart suddenly skips a beat. My hands start shaking and I feel a gasp just leave my mouth. I can’t believe what I’m seeing right now. Is this real? I thought to myself. I have to take another look at all three pregnancy tests that I’m holding on both of my hands just to make sure I didn’t see them wrong and of course, nothing changed. Tears start to fall from my eyes, I am on cloud nine knowing a mini me – or my husband – is growing inside me. It’s happening… It’s really happening! 
Christian and I have always wanted children of our own, and we have been trying for a baby for more than a year. We are well aware that not everyone will get pregnant as soon as they start trying, but honestly, at some point it can be exhausting and painful during the period. We had gone to the doctor, got ourselves checked up and luckily no issues were found, so the doctor just suggested we keep trying and be patient. There were times when we were so close to giving up – I was sick of seeing negative results over and over again – but we reminded ourselves that if it’s meant to be, it will happen when it happens and there are couples who have been trying to conceive way longer than us and still haven't succeeded.
I used to constantly apologize to Christian whenever I got a negative result on the pregnancy test because I felt like the problem was me and I was afraid I could never give him a child – I truly wanted to fulfill one of his lifelong dreams: becoming a father. And every single time Christian would tell me to stop apologizing to him and quit being hard on myself because it was never my fault. I knew he felt disappointed to see a single red line instead of two, but like always, he cared a lot more about my feelings. He never failed to comfort me during those times and would go out of his way just to make me feel better – and I am forever grateful to have such a loving and supportive partner for the rest of my life.
Christian has been in training since this morning – shortly before I found out I’m pregnant – so I decided to plan a special, little way to reveal the grand, long-awaited news before he goes home. I really cannot wait to see his reaction and I’m “positive” it’s going to be the sweetest thing ever. Since he transferred to his new club, he usually comes home from training feeling all happy and pumped up – imagine how he will be when he finds out he’s going to be a dad! My man may not be the most expressive person in the world, but I know no matter how little he would show his emotion on the surface, he is going to feel immense happiness deep inside his heart.
I searched through Pinterest for some references and after a while, I finally made up my mind. I don’t necessarily have good eyes on aesthetics and stuff so I just go for a simple way. I go look for some adorable little pregnancy announcement onesies, a gift box, and a few small decorative pieces so it would at least look cute and pleasing. I arrange the “present” as soon as I get home, put the box on the kitchen counter, and write a note on the outside – it says: “For my special man ♥ ps: no question asked! ;)”.
A few hours later, he finally comes home.
“Y/N, sweetheart, I’m home!”
Usually, I would come to him at the front door, greet him back and we would start sharing about each other’s days. But this time, I’m pretending not to hear him and make myself look busy in the kitchen – even though Christian and I actually cleaned the entire kitchen last night. To be honest, the reason I’m doing this is to cover my nervousness. I know he’s going to be excited but a little part of me worries he would change his mind about having a child after so many failed “attempts”.
“Y/N?” He sounds confused.
He then goes around the house looking for me before eventually finding me in the kitchen. I can hear his footsteps but I keep pretending like I am completely unaware of him. He comes over to me and hugs me from behind, and greets me with kisses – and of course, I act surprised when he does that.
“Hey baby, did you not hear me?”
His raspy, gentle voice gives me chills. It never fails to make me feel weak on my knees. But for now, I have to keep my act together.
“Oh sorry, I got so caught up here washing dishes!”
I’m trying to make an impromptu excuse but I’m pretty sure it sounds really weird to him now. I mean, right now there are no dirty dishes to wash except one mug I currently have in my hands… I just know he is a bit confused.
“Umm, Y/N, didn’t we just wash th-”
“So how was training?” I cut him off before he questions me any further.
“Well, great as always. Tired, sure, but you know…” He pauses to kiss my neck, “whenever I see you after training, I am so recharged right away.”
I bite my bottom lip and feel my cheeks are turning red. Ugh, focus Y/N… Remember the big news you have yet to tell him! I remind myself quietly.
“Recharge? What am I, a phone charger?”
I instantly regret that lame, super unfunny joke I just said. He chuckles, I believe he is just being the supportive partner he always is.
“Okay, yeah, that’s a good one, Mrs. Pulisic.”
“Oh by the way, I think I see something that looks like a gift right over there,” he points to the gift box over the counter, “is that for me?”
“I don’t know… Maybe?”
“What is it?” He straightforwardly asks about it.
“Christian…” I sigh.
“What did I do to deserve it?” He quickly asks again.
I turn around, rolling my eyes at him to show him in a jokey way that his questions annoy me.
“My goodness, Christian, just open the goddamn gift!”
He quickly walks across the room while saying the phrase “What’s in the box? What’s in the box???” repeatedly. I carefully watch every little move he makes – I really want to cherish this moment.
“Awww, baby, am I really your special man?” He cutely pouts and puts his hands over his chest when he reads the notes.
I can’t help but laugh at his adorable face.
When he starts opening the gift box, I can feel my heart jump a little. I subconsciously start fidgeting my fingers and shake my legs – I really am that nervous. I almost certainly know that he’s going to react positively but, what if I could be wrong?
Before I know it, I see him gasping, then has his hands covering his mouth, with both of his eyes widened. He then turns to my direction with the look of disbelief written all over his face.
“Y/N???” His jaw drops and his breath hitches.
“Are we… Are w-” He is really caught off guard by this big news he is losing words for a moment.
“Uhm, sorry, I uh, I wh-” he pauses for a good second before continuing, “Are we having a baby???”
“Yeah…” I excitedly nod in response. “I just found out this morning.”
He then runs back to me, hugs me tight and buries his face in between my neck and shoulder – I can slightly feel his tears over my shoulder.
“You’re going to be a dad, Christian.” I whisper to him.
And just like that, I just made him cry even harder.
“My love…” He sobs. “Thank you… Thank you. I love you!”
He looks down and puts his hand on my tummy, then his eyes go straight into mine.
“It’s a bit surreal thinking about how our child is now growing inside you… You’re unbelievably amazing, Y/N.”
He then kneels in front of my tummy while holding my waists with both his hands, and talks to our growing child.
“Hi little angel, I can’t wait to meet you… I love you so much already.” He kisses my tummy after.
We started telling our family and close friends a few days after the first sonogram. Everyone was so happy for us and has been very lovely and wonderful to us – especially me, of course. Both mine and his family would go all the way to make sure I got everything I need, and the moms have been offering generous help and willingly guiding me through my first pregnancy whenever I need them to.
During the ultrasound, Christian didn’t let go of my hand even for a second and asked the doctor so many questions that I didn’t even think about – apparently the night before he had done his research and I was not aware of that. When we got to see our growing fetus on the screen and listen to their heartbeat, Christian – who usually doesn’t really show his emotions on his face –  became very emotional and it kind of freaked me out. Being a dad is truly one of the biggest dreams he has ever had. Now that it’s really coming true, his emotions are all over the place and because he is not used to experiencing such overflowing emotions, he is still trying his best to manage them. Though I think that is adorable, I just love to make fun of him for it.
“You know, Chris, I’m wondering who the hell is actually with a baby?” I poke fun at his “hormonal” reaction. “Because it’s like your hormones are going crazy while I’m here able to control my emotions.”
“Oh shut up,” he moans, “what’s happening is that my heart is warmer now while yours is still ice cold.” 
My jaw drops at his immediate, clever clap back. Oh how I love sassy Christian!
“Stop it!” I laugh really hard. “That’s a good burn on me, Pulisic!”
Since Christian found out we are expecting, he has been extra attentive, present and caring to me. Though I appreciate it greatly, it can be too much sometimes. Therefore I would ask him to back down a bit and thankfully he never fails to understand that I still need my space.
No matter how busy he might be, he never wants to miss going to every doctor appointment. He also always pays very good attention to our baby’s development – he even has a binder made specifically for it. He gets excited all the time when the baby kicks, and when the baby is kicking so hard he would talk to my tummy.
“Sweetheart, please be good in there. Don’t hurt Mommy, okay?”
“My little angel, don’t kick Mommy’s tummy that hard, please. Let’s not make Mommy feel hurt.”
He always communicates with the baby and every time, they would respond to Christian. It’s like they have bonded really well even before they meet, and the thought of him being so close with our child really melts my heart.
He loves taking pictures of my growing bump. Every single time he would tell me I look really beautiful while carrying our child, and my reaction would either be thanking him shyly or telling him to shut the crap – depending on my mood that day, really. Pregnancy has given me mood swings lately I can’t even predict how I would be feeling that day whenever a new day starts. But Christian has always had a lot of patience and I admire how he would perfectly handle me no matter how good or bad my mood might be. Yeah, he is without a doubt going to be the best parent and I can’t wait to witness it.
We decided to not find out about our baby’s sex because we want to surprise ourselves. Besides, we really don’t care if we’re having a boy or a girl. We don’t want to set certain expectations especially when it comes to their sex or gender because all we care about is that they’re healthy and come to this world all safe and sound. Although, we have prepared some names – but we don’t feel like making the final decision before the baby is actually born.
Today I woke up at 4 in the morning to a cramp on my stomach – a bit similar to the menstrual cramps I used to have at the beginning of my period. It comes and goes irregularly, and at first I got scared thinking something bad might be happening. But then I remember what my doctor had explained before: the cramp might be a sign of early labor. I then wake Christian up, letting him know I am possibly entering the early labor stage. When I tell him about it, his eyes widen all of the sudden and he slightly jumps off the bed.
“Wha- Y/N should we just get you to the hospital right now???” He sounds so worried.
“No, I don’t think so. Let’s just time each contraction and when the contraction interval is around 5 to 7 minutes, then we can go.”
I have to explain it calmly because he is visibly alarmed. Even after I do so he is still looking so tense.
“Chris, I’m alright. You can relax for now.” I assure him.
“Okay,” he takes a deep breath before continuing, ”if you say so.”
Almost 15 hours later, the contractions start to come closer apart and when I check my phone, the interval of last contraction to current contraction is 5 minutes, so I tell Christian that it is finally time to go to the hospital. Already dressed, he immediately grabs the car keys and sets up some blankets on the passenger’s seat in case my water breaks. After that, he goes back into the house to grab hospital bags then puts them in the trunk of our car. Not long after, he sees me struggling to get into the car, so he gently helps me and once I get in, he makes sure I am sitting comfortably before locking all the doors at our house.
“Okay, everything is set, now it’s time to go.” He says as he starts the car.
He looks at me for a second and gives me a kiss on my forehead before he takes the wheel.
“Let’s go have a baby, shall we?”
The midwife informs me that I’m now 10 centimeters dilated, meaning it is finally time to push. I am still in incredible pain and genuinely terrified to do so because I don’t know if I can still bear the pain while pushing a full-sized human baby out of my vagina. Also, I have heard about this thing called “ring of fire” – it’s the strong burning sensation that you will experience when your baby is crowning – and now that it’s about to happen, I can’t stop thinking about it. While getting into the birthing position, I turn to Christian who is standing next to me.
“Christian, I’m scared…” I whimper. “I don’t know if I can do this…”
Hearing what I say truly breaks his heart. He hates knowing I’m scared yet he can’t do anything about it except giving me the encouragement he knows I need. He then looks deep into my eyes, smiling at me while caressing my hair, with his other hand holding mine tight.
“Yes you can, my love.” He softly says.
“You are the strongest person I have ever known so I know you know you absolutely can! It’s okay to be scared but baby, I’m here.” He kisses my forehead. “Let’s go meet our little angel, yeah?��
I nod and take some deep breaths to prepare myself. Then I let the doctor know I’m ready and they immediately tell me to start pushing.
One push, two pushes, those were not so bad. Starting from third push, it starts to feel very, very painful.
“You’re doing great my love!”
He is basically being my ultimate cheerleader the whole time. He doesn’t let go of my hand no matter how hard I might grip his hand. He says he doesn’t feel a thing though I know he is lying his butt off for my benefit.
“Chris this hurts so bad…” I bawl, squeezing his hand hard. “This really hurt…”
His eyes suddenly become all teary. He can no longer hide his ache seeing the woman he loves greatly has to endure unthinkable pain to bring his child into the world.
“My love I’m sorry…” He weeps. “I’m sorry you have to go through this… But sweetheart you know you can keep going, a few more pushes and our baby is here…”
I keep pushing even though at some point I didn’t feel like I could do it anymore. But having Christian there gives me the strength I need during the birthing process.
“Y/N, let’s give one big final push!” Says the doctor.
“Uh, yeah, okay…” I say to them as my breath hitches.
I’m already very exhausted but unfortunately there’s no way I can stop. I can feel my baby is crowning and this “ring of fire” sensation is no joke – so when the doctor told me to do one final push all I can think of is that this pain will be over soon.
“C’mon sweetheart! You can do this!”
I hear a loud crying from my baby.
“Congratulations, it’s a girl!” The doctor excitedly announces.
“Oh my God, honey, we have a daughter!” I turn to Christian and see him already flooded with tears.
“Our little princess…” He sobs. “One more beautiful girl for me to love for the rest of my life.”
Christian and I can’t stop looking at our newborn daughter. 
“Chris, look at her… She’s so tiny.”
“These little fingers are the cutest.”
She wraps Christian’s forefinger with her entire hand.
“She has your lips, Y/N.” He points out. 
“Yeah… But she mostly has your features so I was basically just an oven!” I jokily grunt.
“Well you know it isn’t my fault that my genes are more prominent, is it?” he playfully replies, “I’m just that good.”
I roll my eyes, pretending to be irritated.
“Smug butthead.”
“Hey, watch your words, Mommy!” 
Christian got me laughing and blushing. He just reminds me that I’m a mom now! It feels like we just had the talk about growing our family yesterday and the next thing I know I am now in a hospital, just giving birth to our sweet little angel who is sleeping peacefully in my arms at this moment. This still doesn’t feel real… Our lives are now officially changed forever and I couldn’t imagine mine before her.
“Hey,” Christian wraps his arms around me and rests his head on my shoulder, then whispers, “I love you.”
I have not stopped smiling and I can feel my smile getting wider.
“I love you.” I reply.
“You’re my everything, Y/N.” He adds.
“Oh no, you’re about to say some sappy monologue aren't you?”
“Yeah, here it comes…”.
Before he says his little speech he kisses me on the cheeks.
“Y/N… I can never thank you enough. You have made my dreams come true and I still don’t know why I deserve you in the first place! Thank you for making my life a lot more perfect than I ever imagined.”
I’m starting to sob.
“I hated seeing you in so much pain just to bring her into the world.” He continues. “I wish it was me instead… But you continue to amaze me with your strength. And now, I love you so much more – more than I ever love anyone, even myself. Ever since you came into my life you have changed my world for the better. I never wanted to live my life with anyone else but you, and I’m beyond grateful we have a beautiful child together.”
“I will take good care of my girls for as long as I live…” His voice starts to shake. “I love you. I love you so much. You are the best thing that ever happened to me, Y/N.”
Tears immediately streaming down my face. I just gave birth so my hormones are all over the place, and his beautiful speech doesn’t help. He got me speechless and extremely emotional.
“Ugh,” I jokingly grunt as I wipe my tears with my hand, “how dare you make me cry, Pulisic.”
And suddenly we see our baby giving us her first big smile – it’s like she is reacting to all the love and emotions her parents are experiencing right now!
“Awwwww!” Christian and I make the same sound in unison.
And of course, it makes me cry even harder. Christian is emotional too, by the way, but not as messed up as I am currently. He grabs some tissues and gently wipes my face – which is all wet thanks to the river of tears – with them right away as I am still holding our daughter.
“Y/N, my love, I don’t think you will ever stop crying from now on, no?” He laughs.
“Obviously not!”
“So, have you two decided on baby girl’s name?”
Christian and I instantly look at each other when the nurse asks that question. As I said, we have prepared some names for our baby but we have yet to choose the perfect name for her. Christian then grabs a piece of paper with the list of names from his pocket and as soon as the nurse leaves the room, we start discussing right away.
“Okay, uh… Which one do you love the most, Y/N?”
“I don’t know, Chris,” I reply, “there are too many options.”
“Well you can’t say you don’t know,” Christian sighs, “we have to pick two.”
An idea suddenly passes through my head.
“Why don’t we try this out: we say any name we each feel perfectly fitting for her at the same time. What do you think?” I suggest.
“Yeah okay, it’s worth a try.” He agrees.
“Alright, let’s say it in the count of three.” I instruct him.
“One, two, three…”
He didn't sound sure at first, but then changed his mind immediately. “Oh, I like both names!”
“Dylan Emery Pulisic… It has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”
I agree with him. I look at our little bundle of joy in my arms and I just know those names were made for her.
“Yeah, that’s definitely her name.”
Even though we are now taking care of our newborn together, Christian did have to  fight just to get enough paternity leave. It was not easy for him because Dylan was born in the middle of the season and he is one of the most crucial players for the team, but he really wanted to take care of his daughter especially during the first few weeks of her life. Not only that, he feels like I have done so much already and he wants to also take care of you while you recover from the whole pregnancy and childbirth periods. He wouldn’t even mind getting less playing time when he comes back, because in his own words: “Now my priorities are my girls, football is much less important than both of you.”
Before Dylan was born, Christian had been practicing basically everything to prepare him for fatherhood. He can change the diapers, clean and bathe the baby, perfectly wrap her, he knows how to help soothe the baby, burp her after feeding – anything, really. He truly is excited to embrace this new life as a parent.
Dylan’s first week at home was hard, I had to adjust my sleeping schedule because until she’s a bit older I have to feed her every 2-3 hours and it messes up my sleeping. Not only that, she would loudly scream and cry all of the sudden and it mostly happens in the middle of the night. But Christian is always there, ready to help no matter how tired he might be – it’s a bare minimum but not all dads would be very hands-on like him – and I’m beyond grateful I don’t have to do everything alone. We always stay up late together, like when I have to feed Dylan at 12 AM and 3 AM. Most of the time, when we heard Dylan crying in the other room, he would tell me to go back to sleep and offer to take care of her. I would see them from the baby monitor and I’m telling you, he truly is the best dad. Seeing him being so loving to our daughter makes me already think about having another baby… But obviously both of us want to focus on raising Dylan so we decided to put the conversation on hold until Dylan is old enough to be a big sister.
Two weeks after Dylan came into the world, Christian decides it is time to introduce her to everyone at Milanello. So he brings both of us to the training grounds and shows her off to the staff and players. The club even got Dylan a mini home jersey kit as a way to welcome her to the Milan family.
One of his teammates greets us the second we get into the dressing room and ask about his current state. And to be honest, Christian’s heartfelt answer to it reminds me how lucky I am that I get to do this parenthood journey with him.
“Christian, hey! How are you feeling now, bro?
“Well I am a husband and a brand new father, so from now on I will always be feeling a lot happier than I have ever been. I am now on the start of a new life, thanks to my amazing, beautiful girls.”
taglist: @pulisicsgirl @neverinadream @swimmingismywholelife @chilwellspulisic @bracedes @lovelynikol16 @thoseboysinblue @lizzypotter14 @masonsrem @landoslover
226 notes · View notes
puppy love (iii)
Chuuya Nakahara x Reader
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fandom: bungo stray dogs
I didn't mean for this to be so long. I'm so sorry. I just really like writing about Chuuya interacting with dogs. Again I apologize (but I hope you enjoy)! (And the panel comes from the manga Kimi ni Todoke!)
warnings: fem reader, pet names (doll, lady, etc.), mentions of pet abandonment in the past, mentions of stray dogs, slight angst towards the end, a bit of mutual pining (but they don't know it yet bc they're kinda dumb) || words: 5.5k
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV
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Chuuya has never known himself to be nervous.
Wary? Sure. Itching to get something over with? Absolutely. Pissed off beyond all belief? Of fucking course—he’s put up with Dazai for all these years, hasn’t he?
But he’s never felt quite like this. Standing in front of the shabby little shop you call home, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, fingers twitching in his pockets—not to mention the swarm of butterflies that’s taken refuge in the depths of his stomach. His throat is unnaturally dry, beads of sweat gathering at his forehead.
Why the fuck is he so damn nervous?
He has no reason to be. He knows no danger lies beyond that door, none whatsoever. And even if there was a fight waiting for him, he’d come out on top in two seconds flat.
Nothing to worry about. It’s just you and those dogs you keep yammering on about.
(Maybe that’s why he’s so worried.)
He shakes his head and knocks on the door. You’ve already turned the lights down, placed the closed sign right there in the window, and yet he can hear you scurrying on the other side of the door. A few seconds later it swings open, and the sight of your smile immediately puts him at ease.
“I’m so glad you could make it!”
He steps inside as you shut the door behind him. One of the lights flicker on, bathing the room in a warm golden glow.
This is the first time he’s actually seen your shop, and he’s pleased to find it looks much more comfy than the outside. A bit small in size, but the selection of pet supplies is plenty enough to brag about. Different brands of dog and cat food, assortments of leashes and collars in all kinds of colors, rows of dog toys and treats lining the counters. The floors are clean, the blinds are shut, and everything seems to be in order.
But not a single pup in sight.
“You want anything to drink?” You’re already motioning him to follow you behind the counter, towards the back of the store. “It’s alright, I’m the only one here. I won’t tell anyone,” you add with a wink.
Fuck, more annoying butterflies.
“That’s fine, I’m alright.” He sheds his overcoat and hangs it on one of the hooks by the door, but leaves the hat perched on his head. Luckily you don’t question it.
“They’re in the back, follow me.”
There’s a spring in your step as you lead him through the back hall, through a set of double doors and into what looks like a lounge of some kind. A slightly-worn couch rests by the corner, as well as a table with only a couple chairs to keep it company. But he doesn’t have time to survey the whole room before you disappear through another door, and he picks up the pace just to keep up with you.
Finally you come to a stop, resting a hand on the doorknob and throwing him a smile over your shoulder.
“They’re inside. You ready?”
He swallows the collection of cobwebs in his mouth. “Yeah, I’m ready.”
But you don’t open the door. Don’t even move an inch. You just stare at him with those big eyes, those pretty eyes, as your lips shift into a frown.
“…What?” Did he do something wrong? Did he fuck this up already?
“You don’t have to be nervous, you know.”
“I’m not nervous,” he says a little too quickly, and he bites back a groan when you give him a knowing smile.
“It’s alright, they can be a lot to handle sometimes. But they’ll love you, I promise! Besides, you’ve met three of them already. The other five are gonna be all over you when they see you!”
Two, he corrects you internally. He’s met two of them so far, the third one keeps his distance and fucking glares at him. Hardly a win in his book. Are any of the others like that? Or is it just that one who’s got a stick up his ass?
No, don’t be like that. It’s not the dog’s fault it doesn’t like people; hell, Chuuya himself doesn’t even like people all that much. The nerves are just making him feel on edge.
Fuck it, he’s not nervous!
“They won’t bite,” you add with a laugh, but he still remains locked in his spot behind you. So you hold out a hand and tilt your head, reminding him of the night he first met you. So much like that one dog you have, the shiba pup. “They love meeting new people. And if Kotaro already loves you”—oh yeah, that’s the shiba’s name—“then the others are sure to follow his lead.”
The way you’re looking at him, a gentle look in your eyes, hand outstretched hopefully in his direction…
It’s no big deal. It’s just a bunch of dogs. He loves dogs, right? Never met a dog he didn’t like! They just happen to belong to you, and you’ve…just got a lot of them. Nothing too major, he’s dealt with much worse in his life.
But that’s just it. They’re your dogs, not just stray animals he crosses paths with on the street. They mean the absolute world to you, he knows it in the way you talk about them. You show it in the way you clutch Kotaro to your chest, pressing kiss after kiss to his furry head. The way your eyes light up at even the slightest mention of one of your dogs, how you’re so eager to brag about the new trick they learned or what they did at the park earlier that day.
You love them with everything your heart has to offer…and Chuuya just hopes he’s good enough to give them the attention and adoration they deserve.
A heavy sigh passes through his lips; slowly but surely, he places his gloved hand in yours. “No biting?” he asks with a smile.
“No biting, I promise! Told them to be on their best behavior today, too.”
It’s only when he nods that you turn the knob and push the door open. You all but pull him in after you, all smiles and laughter and—
Holy shit, that’s a lot of fucking dogs!
All different breeds rush him at once, Kotaro taking the lead and nearly barreling right into Chuuya’s knee. The beagle follows soon after, accompanied by a corgi. (At least he thinks it’s a corgi.) Two little Chihuahuas are yipping and running circles around his ankles. A dachshund paws at the tip of his shoe before latching her teeth around it.
“Hey, hey, come on! Be nice!”
You clap your hands and wave your arms to shoo them away. Just like clockwork the dogs turn their attention on you, a blur of wagging tails and drool and perked-up ears. You scoop up the pair of Chihuahuas, holding one in each arm, and gently nudge the dachshund away from Chuuya with your leg.
Over your shoulder he can see the last two dogs: the grumpy bulldog he met a few days ago (the one who looks like he hates his guts), and a schnauzer whose tail hasn’t stopped wagging since he walked in the room. There’s a slight limp in the schnauzer’s step; it’s favoring its front left paw, but he can’t see any visible wound on the skin. Placing the twin Chihuahuas down, you give the schnauzer a scratch under its bearded chin before pressing a kiss to its head.
About half the dogs listen, Kotaro not being one of them. He’s still busy sniffing the area around Chuuya, rubbing against his leg like a cat. You snap your fingers over and over, huffing when the dog blatantly ignores you. Finally you stand up and scoop him up in your arms, placing him down in between the dachshund and the beagle.
“You alright?” Your smile is a bit wobbly. Are you just as nervous as he is?
For some reason the thought quells the storm of butterflies fluttering in his stomach.
“I’m fine, doll. Nothin’ I can’t handle,” he adds with a smirk, and you quickly avert your eyes back down to the dogs.
You sink down to sit on the floor, patting the space beside you. Unfortunately Kotaro takes that as his cue to move—even before Chuuya can settle himself down, he’s wrestling a rowdy shiba pup off his lap.
But when one dog goes, the rest of the pack is sure to follow. And suddenly the two of you are swamped in furry bodies and swishing tails and scrabbling paws. One puppy on your lap, another in your arms, and one nosing at your pocket in hopes of finding a snack or two.
“This one’s Sora,” you say, holding the corgi up to him. Chuuya can’t even speak, too captivated by the pup’s sweet brown eyes. “He’s a cutie, isn’t he? And he’s—oh, hey! I would never forget about you, Ocha, don’t worry!” You reach over to pat the dachshund right between her ears. “This little girl is Ocha. She can get a bit jealous but she’s an absolute sweetheart! Oh! And these two are Yuki and Yui! They’re…the troublemakers of the pack!”
Are those the Chihuahuas? One of them is chomping on your shoelaces, while the other one is pawing at his pant leg. The corgi in his arms lets out a soft whine; immediately he brings it closer, letting it sniff his hand and lick his face.
“This is Haru,” you continue, motioning to the schnauzer. “She’s the newest one here. She’s not scared of humans though, so you can pet her all you like! Just let her approach you first. Oh, and be mindful of her paw, she’s recovering from a broken leg. Poor thing could barely walk when we found her! But she’s healing up so nicely…aren’t you, pretty girl?”
The dog lets out a whine, but it almost sounds happy. Her ears are pressed against her head and her stubby tail’s wagging a mile a minute.
Reaching around the corgi’s head—is it Sora? Sounds about right—he holds out a hand to the schnauzer. The dog, Haru, gives a cautious sniff, balances herself on her good paw, and takes another step closer. You’re practically bouncing in your seat as Haru wags her tail and lets Chuuya pet her.
“Aww, she likes you!”
And thank fuck for that; there’s nothing more depressing than a dog that doesn’t like you.
Like that one—he gives the bulldog a sideways glance, and the dog huffs and turns his head.
The beagle nearly trips over his own paws trying to reach Chuuya’s face. The tiny Chihuahua chewing on your shoelaces manages to untie them, and you scramble to grab the string from its mouth with a shriek.
Kotaro, Pochi, Sora… Haru, right?
Something nudges his elbow. It’s the little dachshund, staring up at him with big brown eyes, clutching a small stuffed toy in her mouth. She nudges him again, giving a whine and shaking her whole backside in the air.
“What is it, huh?” Fuck, what’s that one’s name again? “You wanna play, is that it?”
The dog yips and bats him with her paw. But when he grabs at the toy, she gives a hard tug and nearly rips the damn thing right out of his grasp.
“I can’t throw it if you don’t give it to me!”
She doesn’t give up, and neither does he. You laugh at the awkward tug of war between the two, all the while Sora is curled up in Chuuya’s other arm. One of the Chihuahuas crawls into his lap, throwing off his balance just enough for the dachshund to wrench the toy out of his hand.
“Hey, wait—”
It’s a three-way assault: Kotaro plants his paws right on his shoulders, Sora leans up to lick his face, and the dachshund—Ocha, that’s it!—practically throws herself right into his lap, all but knocking the poor Chihuahua out of the way. The poor pup tumbles to the floor, but you’re quick to scoop him up before he can whine.
“Sorry, Yuki,” you manage through your laughter, “Ocha didn’t mean it, I promise. …And sorry, Chuuya! Usually they’re not this rowdy!”
But he finds himself laughing along with you—of course, you apologize to the dog first—even when Kotaro’s weight knocks him over onto the floor. He’s on his back know, knees bent with the beagle ducking beneath them, and the tiny corgi curled up on his chest. Kotaro’s wet nose is pressed against his cheek, Ocha’s paw nudging his shoulder, and oh shit, now the schnauzer’s in on the fun—
“Come on, guys, let him breathe for a bit!” Your voice reaches him through the mess of fur and paws; he sees your hand snake around the dachshund’s body to pull her away. “No doggy pile today!”
Not that he has a problem with that. If this is what you have to deal with every day, living with all these dogs doesn’t seem like such a bad thing.
“Get over here, you little—”
He rolls over, propping himself on his hands and knees, still supporting the corgi against his chest. Kotaro barks and shakes his bottom in the air; the silly look on his face just screams “play with me, damn it!”
Pochi plants his paws onto his shoulders, while Ocha ambushes him from the front. Despite favoring her paw, Haru is quick to chime in with a yip and plants a sweet kiss right on Chuuya’s cheek.
The smug look on Kotaro’s face says it all: You’re surrounded. Give up already, feeble human!
“Alright, alright, that’s enough!”
You’re on your feet now, shooing the dogs away, cringing at the rumpled fabric of Chuuya’s pristine jacket and vest. The flecks of dog hair sprinkled along his dress pants. Not to mention the trails of drool and doggy slobber on his face—
“Come on, be nice.” You slide Pochi out of the way and gently pick up Haru in your arms. Chuuya catches the bulldog glaring at him from across the room; the little shit hasn’t even moved in the last ten minutes or so. “Give him some space, Kotaro!”
Chuuya manages to lift himself to his knees. The little corgi in his arms lifts his head and kisses his chin, his stubby little tail thumping against his hand. A laugh bubbles up in his throat.
“Lovable little shit, ain’t he?”
“Yeah, Sora’s a cuddle bug when he wants to be!” Once the dogs give you some space, you hold out a hand to help him up. “He’s also a sleepy little guy. Gets random bursts of energy but he’s always the first to fall asleep.”
His gloved hand slides against your own, and you pull him to his feet with a grunt. Immediately Haru and Ocha start whining and pawing at his pant leg. Batting their eyes at Sora, all snuggled up against the man’s chest.
“Are they usually just clingy, or is it just me?” he asks with a smile, and you giggle behind your hands.
“Must be you! They’re friendly, but never that friendly to people they’ve just met… They must really like you a lot.”
(Maybe it’s his roguish charm and handsome features. If so, you can’t really blame them.)
“Anyway, looks like they’ve settled down a bit.” He glances at the two pups nestled in your arms; the twin Chihuahuas are already fast asleep, snoring softly with their heads against your chest. “Come on, I’ll show you the rest of the shop.”
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The “rest of the shop” isn’t really part of the shop at all; Chuuya learns quickly that it’s just the half-finished room where the dogs live, with the stairs leading up to your apartment just off to the side. He stops himself before he can wonder what’s up there, though.
Not the kind of thoughts he should be having about someone he’s only just yet. And about a lady, no less.
And now the dogs are safe and sound, sprawled out in their individual beds and tucked away for the night. The Chihuahuas sleep in a tiny bed between a mess of blankets, with a dozing Pochi and Ocha on either side of them. Sora is curled up into Haru’s side; when his paw twitches gently, Chuuya thinks he can feel his chest get all warm and fuzzy.
So fucking adorable, aren’t they?
The only ones still awake are Kotaro (who’s made his home at his feet, for some unknown reason), and Shiro, who’s planted his ass firmly on your shoes. Still glaring at him with his bottom teeth jutting out, only wagging his tail when you reach down to pet him.
The two of you are leaning against the counter, side by side, holding a pair of mugs in your hands. Might be too late in the night for it, but holy shit do you make a great cup of coffee.
“I’m glad you think so,” you chuckle, careful to keep your voice low. Don’t wanna wake the babies, right? “I don’t really like it, I kinda have to drink it for these little guys, though. Keeps me going the entire day!”
He looks at you then, really looks at you as you take another sip of your drink. Your frazzled hair, the bags under your eyes, the slight heave in your chest—and the familiar warm glow in your eyes as they sweep over the eight resting dogs.
Running a shop, catering to customers, taking care of eight individual dogs, all with different personalities and needs of their own… No wonder you look so drained. You look like you could sleep for a week straight, and then some with that look in your eye.
He clears his throat and averts his gaze before you can catch him. “You said she’s the newest one, right?” He motions to Haru with a hand, snickering as she snuggles deeper into her little makeshift bed. “How long have you had her?”
“Only a couple weeks.” You place your mug down and sweep a hand through your hair. “We found her wandering around the streets one night—well, Kotaro found her, really. Poor girl was digging through the trash and limping so badly! We took her to the vet right away, fixed up her leg so she could walk again. She had a collar but when we tried calling the owners there was no answer.”
Your hands suddenly curl around the edge of the counter. Nails biting into the surface, teeth clenched and eyes wild with fire. Chuuya stops himself from reaching out to you, instead tightening his grip on his mug and taking another sip.
“They wouldn’t answer our calls, and when the vet stopped by their place he realized they’d moved… Didn’t even have the sense to bring her to a shelter first. Just up and left her, like she didn’t even matter.”
Such a sweet dog, so kind and gentle, with her favored paw resting so nicely on the blankets… Little puffs of air escaping through her nose, brushing against the corgi’s fluffy head.
And suddenly he wants to shatter the mug in his hand. The thought of leaving a mess on your floor is enough to keep him at bay, but the white-hot fury is still blazing through his veins.
How could someone treat such an innocent animal like that?
He wouldn’t have guessed it, with how friendly she had been with him earlier. Eager to play and get to know him, licking at his face and wagging her cute little tail. And extremely loyal from what he’s seen so far, with the way she looks at you and responds to your voice. What kind of dumbass would let go of such a perfect companion?
“…Are they all street dogs?” His voice is strained, but his eyes are gentle when they meet your own. “Abandoned, I mean?”
“No, not all of them. This one,” you lean down to rub Shiro’s chest, “I knew his old owner. He was moving away and he couldn’t take Shiro with him. He used to work at the shop, that’s why he asked me. Sometimes I think he still misses him.”
That explains why the dog’s such a hard-ass. But he can’t find it in himself to blame him. Chuuya knows a thing or two about losing people he cares about.
“Pochi and Sora were hanging around the shop before I took them in. At first I thought they were cats, but then I heard barking one night and knew I had to bring them in.” That familiar smile is back on your face as you gush about your puppies. “Ocha? I found her while coming home from a friend’s house, in a thunderstorm of all things! Now she doesn’t like storms, but show me a dog that does!”
You slide your mug further away before lifting yourself onto the edge. Only when you pat the space beside you does Chuuya do the same, careful not to spill what little coffee he has left in his own mug.
“The twins, Yuki and Yui,” you point to the tiny Chihuahuas in the center, “…I don’t know where they came from, honestly. I just opened the door one day and they were there. Right on the doorstep, practically newborn, no note or anything. I don’t even know what happened to their mother.”
Shiro yawns and settles down at the base of the counter, his legs sprawled out in front of him. Meanwhile Kotaro turns his attention to Chuuya, whining until the man caves in and scratches behind his ear.
“What about this one?”
“Oh, Kotaro? Former shelter dog, the last one to be adopted before they closed down! No one else wanted to deal with his little troublesome ass, so I volunteered.”
And the smug little shit looks so proud of himself, too. Tongue lolling out the side of his mouth, tail swishing from side to side, stirring up the mess of dog hair already on the floor.
A comfortable silence settles over the two of you. The dogs are sleeping, Kotaro’s relishing in all the extra attention, and for once, the bulldog Shiro isn’t even growling at him. Eventually he finishes off his coffee, and you’re quick to take it to rinse it in the sink with your own.
“Hey, Chuuya? Can I ask you something real quick?”
He glances up from Kotaro for a split second. It’s easier to pet him from the ground rather than the counter, so he hops off and kneels down to the dog’s level. His gloves are gonna be covered in dog fur once he’s done.
“What is it?”
Another bout of silence. Your back is turned to him, still hunched over the sink, despite the mugs already drying in the rack next to it. Kotaro paws at his knee, silently begging for another round of pats.
“…You’re part of the Port Mafia, aren’t you?”
Every nerve in his body screams at him to run. No, to fight. Fight and fucking win, just as he’s always had to do. Eliminate the threat. Prove your strength.
It’s like a switch goes off in his brain. But he’s not the only one; Shiro’s head lifts off the ground at lightning speed, his lip curled to show more than just that row of bottom teeth. Kotaro stiffens as soon as Chuuya’s hand retreats, his huge eyes boring right through him.
You’re still glued to your spot at the sink, not even daring to move an inch.
The message is clear from the dogs. Touch her and you die.
He swallows the mess of cobwebs in his throat as he slowly rises to his feet. Kotaro and Shiro keep their eyes trained on him; out of the corner of his eye, he can see Pochi and Ocha stirring awake, too.
Insanely loyal dogs, aren’t they?
“…It’s alright if you are,” you spit out, still staring at the sink in front of you. “I promise I won’t tell anyone! It’s just… I’ve, ah, been wondering about it…for a few days now, and I just thought…”
The sigh he lets out sends a shiver down your spine. He’s careful as he makes his way towards you, and for some reason, Shiro lets him without taking a chunk out of his leg.
“…How’d you find out?”
He’s trying not to sound intimidating. He’s not angry, far from it actually. He knows you and your little pack of pups is no real threat to the mafia. (Although, the image of you storming HQ with a band of street dogs is strangely entertaining to him.) Sooner or later, you would have questions of your own about him. He just didn’t think it would be this soon.
But that horrible feeling from earlier is fluttering around in his chest. The same one that makes his palms slick with sweat inside his gloves, the one that sends his heart smashing against his ribcage.
Is he ashamed? Absolutely not; the mafia has always been a part of him, and it always will be until the day he dies.
Maybe the thought of you running away, too scared of what he is—and taking your little pack with you—is sending him in such a frenzy.
“I’ve…had my suspicions,” you start quietly. Slowly you turn around, keeping your back against the sink. Chuuya stands a few feet away from you, forcing his hands back into his pockets. “For a couple days, now. Maybe even more… I just wanted to be sure before I started suspecting anything…”
Dangerous? He fills in the blank with a swallow.
“…’M not gonna hurt you, ya know.”
“I know! I know… Believe it or not, I’ve had my fair share of run-ins with the mafia. This isn’t exactly a nice area of Yokohama to begin with.”
That raises the hair on the back of his neck. Who did you come across? Surely someone like Akutagawa or Tachihara couldn’t be bothered with a simple pet shop owner. A simple grunt then, perhaps? He can’t imagine why they would make themselves known to an innocent civilian like you.
Did they threaten you? Were you caught in the crossfire? Thrown in the middle of a turf war? Every possibility sends another wave of heat throughout his body.
“Honestly, it wasn’t that hard to figure out.” There’s an awkward chuckle on your end. “I only ever see you at night. You’re rich as hell, I can tell by the way you carry yourself. Only one kind of job around here could get you that kind of outfit, and all those fancy wines you like to talk about. Oh, and you kinda dress like a stereotypical mafioso, too… Not that it’s a bad thing!” you add quickly, holding up your hands. “I like it! Makes you look…good, I guess? No, not just good… Maybe handsome? Ah, I-I mean—”
You stumble over your words, burying your face in your hands when none of them come out right. That’s when Kotaro trots over to you, circling your feet before taking a seat right in front of you. Shiro stays right in his spot, eyes glued on Chuuya…but at least he’s not growling at him anymore.
Chuuya blinks. And then blinks again.
…You think he’s handsome?
He clears his throat—no time to get all distracted over a few simple words from a pretty girl. “You’ve got nothing to worry about, doll. I promise, the Port Mafia wants nothing to do with your little…pack of dogs.”
But he does.
As horrible as it sounds, he wants everything to do with you and your little family of puppies.
“It’s okay.” You wrap your arms around your midsection, finally meeting his eyes with a shaky smile. “It’s just…kind of a lot to take in… Sorry…”
No, he gets it. He could barely believe it himself, after joining the mafia years ago.
“…You ain’t scared?” he asks, despite his gut telling him to shut the fuck up already.
But you shake your head, and suddenly he finds himself frowning.
“A bit too trusting, don’t ya think?”
“Maybe.” Your smile becomes a bit stronger now. “But the dogs seem to like you, so that’s enough for me.”
His jaw nearly drops to the floor; he can feel the coffee from earlier swirling around in his stomach.
Are you fucking serious?
“I know it sounds silly, but it’s true!” You must’ve seen the look on his face; you’re starting to look a bit sheepish yourself, but you continue nonetheless. “Dogs have a great sense for this kind of thing. They can tell when a person has good or bad intentions. Pick the rotten apples from the rest of the bunch, you know? And they’re all pretty easy-going around you. So if they’re not scared of you, then I’m not either.”
Well sure, it would make sense if you were a fucking child. But placing all your trust in a bunch of dogs, no matter how loyal and protective it may be… It doesn’t sit right with him.
“You can’t be serious.”
“But I am.”
“What if I hurt you?” Even saying the words out loud make him feel sick. “You really think they would’ve warned you?”
“Yeah, they started growling at you right away, didn’t they?”
“What if it was someone else? Someone other than me?”
“I trust them. I protect them, they protect me.”
“You can’t always be sure of that, doll.”
He’s stepping closer to you, and for whatever reason Kotaro and Shiro allow him to. Until he’s face to face with you, so close you can count the row of freckles splashed across his nose.
But you’re still smiling. In fact, you look more comfortable right now in front of him than you have all night. Almost like you’ve totally forgotten about the whole Port Mafia thing.
“It all comes down to intentions. Believe it or not, they’ve saved my ass a few times before. Especially Shiro; more than once he’s kept a shady person away from me, or pulled me away from a dangerous situation. It sounds weird, but I trust them with my life. Just as they trust me with theirs.”
Words fail him in that moment; he opens his mouth, and they die right there on his tongue. On one hand, what you’re saying does make sense, but it also doesn’t, and he’s not sure which one to believe.
He knew you were close to your dogs. Treated them just as you would your own children. He just didn’t realize you put such a great amount of trust in their hands—well, paws.
Despite their smaller size and friendly natures, they did jump to your defense when they suspected you might be in danger. Shiro and Kotaro standing between you two, a protective barrier of claws and teeth, with Ocha and Pochi standing on guard.
A dog’s love for his human knows no bounds.
“Trust me, if they sensed you had any bad intentions, or wanted to hurt me in any way, they wouldn’t have let you come into the shop like you did. Kotaro wouldn’t have warmed up to you right away. Believe me when I say this, Chuuya, the pups love you.”
He grits his teeth, his gaze falling to the floor between you. “…Not the bulldog.”
Your laugh is a song to his ears, and when you reach for his gloved hand, he thinks his heart might burst right there in his chest.
“Don’t worry about Shiro. He’s stingy with everyone at first! To be honest, if he really didn’t like you, he would’ve tried to bite you the first time he saw you! But as for the rest of them? I’ve never seen them warm up to a stranger like that before. Especially Kotaro—the way he acted around you that first night… It kinda made me jealous!”
You shake your head and take his other hand in yours. His face grows warm beneath your gaze, his heartbeat echoing in his ears as you inch your face closer to his.
“If my dogs trust you, then that tells me you must be a good man.”
And suddenly, Chuuya wants nothing more than to sweep you into his arms and press a thousand kisses to your lips.
“Your secret’s safe with me. If you want to come back, you’re more than welcome to! And if you want, we can just keep it between us. No outside drama, no mentions of work—just you and me and all these dogs…if that sounds good with you.”
Chuuya doesn’t think he can smile any wider. There’s another strange feeling in his chest, so much more pleasant than the one from earlier. No more shaking hands or butterflies in his stomach; only a sweet, warm feeling that pools deep in his chest.
It reminds him of your smile, of your warmth and affection for the little family you’ve made for yourself, as he tugs you in closer with Kotaro yipping happily at your heels.
“Sounds perfect to me, doll.”
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jaeyunsz · 2 years
good boys go to heaven (m) - s. jake
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pairing: jake x fem!reader (she/her)
genre: 80′s!au, church boy!jake, experienced!reader, smut
warnings: religious innuendos, corruption, jake kinda acts like a perv, y/n is lowkey manipulative, smut [sub!jake, dom!reader, loss of virginity, protected sex, masturbation (m), humping, public sex, voyeurism, praise kink, oral sex (m & f receiving), usage of ‘puppy’ / ‘pup’ towards jake, overstimulation]
word count: 13.5k+
summary: all good boys go to heaven but jake sim has secured a place in hell, thanks to you.
a/n: this is 80% smut and 20% actual plot + i was too lazy to edit and google docs was not working properly, so this piece is unedited! ignore any mistakes pls! AND let me know what you guys think about it! 
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His whole life, Jake tried to be the perfect son his parents could ask for. The boy was kind and respectful, always listening to whatever his parents needed to say. He fulfilled his parents’ every wish, always with a bright smile on his face. He graduated high school at the top of his class, always getting the best marks in every exam. He never failed to be his teacher’s favorite. He had close friends who enjoyed his presence and he never failed to spend quality time with them. Most importantly, being the son of a Christian family, he had never skipped going to church on Sunday’s. 
From a young age, Jake was taught the good, the bad and the red line separating them. He was never the one to commit such sins. Even if he did, he would have been ashamed for the rest of his life. However, as he grew up and learned stuff about the world outside of the rules he was made to follow, he realized how thin the line between good and bad was. Foremost, he learned why sins were actually called sins and the reason why they were prohibited. 
It all started with you. 
Instead of going on a boy’s trip, Jake decided to return to his hometown for the spring break. College took its toll on the boy, he just wanted two weeks of peace. Plus, he was sick of eating nothing but instant ramen during his dorm experience since neither he nor his roommate knew how to cook a simple meal. Jake needed power to finish the rest of his semester and the only thing that could make Jake keep going was his mom’s cooking. Not to mention, he also missed his friends from high school and after hearing that all three of them would be back home for the spring break, Jake didn’t need to think twice before buying his bus tickets.
Of course, his parents had to take Jake to the church on the first Sunday of his arrival. It had been a while since he stepped into the old church. The scent of wood and the smell of damp filled his senses. His shoes clicked with every step he took on the stone floor. His eyes watched the sunlight come through from the colored rose windows. The wooden bench creaked when he took a seat next to his parents, wishing that his older brother was with them too but sadly, he had to work in the city. 
It was usual for most of the residents of the town to attend church on Sunday mornings. Since it was a small town, everybody recognized each other. Even if Jake didn’t know every single person’s name, he was familiar with the faces that appeared, except for one of them. 
To say that the spotlight was on you when you walked into the crowd of people trying to find a seat wouldn’t be a lie. Jake was sure his eyes weren’t the only ones staring at your figure. With the white dress you were wearing, Jake could swear that you were an angel. He kept his eyes on you as you chatted with a boy younger than him, Jake remembering his name being Jungwon, as you took a seat a few rows in front of where he was sitting. He could barely hear your voice from all the people talking. He wondered what your business was with the Jungwon kid as he caught a glimpse of you smiling at whatever the younger boy said. Jake didn’t even realize that he was staring until you turned around, making eye contact with him. Jake jumped slightly on his seat, looking down at his feet immediately. Knowing that he was caught in the act, his ears turned red from embarrassment. If he was just a little bit more daring, he would have caught you smiling at him. After getting caught, Jake thought it would be better if he gave his attention to the service rather than you but he couldn’t help but steal a few glances here and there as the day continued. 
Jake went outside for his parents to come instead of waiting in the church when the service ended. They did take a long time chatting with every single person who attended that day. He could have walked home but it was a bit too hot to walk for his liking. Plus, the car had AC. Even though Jake's eyes were mostly on you, he didn’t catch you leaving in the middle of the service. Maybe that was the reason why he didn’t want to walk to his house as soon as he got out. He wanted to see you one more time and maybe get your name. 
‘’Hey Jake! Have you seen my sister by any chance?’’ He heard Jungwon ask from behind, making him turn around to face the boy. 
‘’Sister? Isn’t she standing next to your dad?’’ Jake questioned, pointing where Jungwon’s father and sister were standing, conversing with random people. 
‘’Ugh- Not that one. My step-sister actually. My dad recently got married with her mother and they moved in a few days ago. Soon enough, I found out that she likes to vanish into thin air.’’ Jungwon rambled, looking around for his so-called-new-sister. ‘’She was sitting next to me, the one who wore a white dress… The one who caught you staring at her?’’ Jungwon added, teasing the older boy with a smile on his face. 
‘’First of all, I haven’t seen her. Secondly, I wasn’t staring. I was just curious because I’ve never seen her around here before.’’ Jake shrugged, looking away from Jungwon’s gaze as if he was running away. 
‘’Her name is Y/N by the way, if you were wondering. Anyways, she left saying that she had to use the bathroom but never came back afterwards. I went to look for her, in case something bad happened since nobody takes that long to use the bathroom but she wasn’t there.’’ Jungwon let out a sigh, wondering where you ran off.
‘’Maybe she was feeling dizzy and went to the infirmary. It’s pretty hot today, you know…’’ 
‘’Anyway, if you see her around can you tell her to text me? Also I saw Heeseung earlier, he was looking for you.’’ Jungwon mentioned before his father called him over. He waved a quick goodbye before leaving Jake’s side. 
Hearing Heeseung’s name, Jake decided to go back inside and look for his friend since he hadn’t seen him get out either. His parents were still in a deep conversation with their neighbors and looking at it, they didn’t plan on ending the talk anytime soon. 
See, since Jake’s parents took him to the church whenever they got the chance, he knew the place like the back of his hand. When they were children, Jake and his friends loved playing hide and seek at the back of the church where they had private rooms or downstairs where the storage was. Without any doubt, Jake made his way downstairs to the storage room since it was the place Heeseung loved to hide the most. The storage room was also a place where Heeseung liked to go when he had stuff to think about. 
Jake smiled to himself as he walked to the storage room. He could already hear Heeseung’s quiet voice. As he got closer, he could hear somebody else’s voice. Was Heeseung with somebody? Knitting his eyebrows in confusion, Jake saw that the door of the room wasn’t fully closed. In order not to disturb, Jake took a quiet step and held the doorknob, opening the door enough to see who was in the room with his friend. He was being extremely careful for the door not to creak or make any noise. He lowered his head and squinted his eyes enough to see what was going on in the other side of the room from the opening. 
To say that Jake was shocked at the sight in front of him was not enough. With widened eyes, Jake decided it would be for the best if he just closed the door and left and forgot what he had just seen. But somehow his feet weren’t moving nor his eyes couldn’t help but stare at how his best friend was fucking you. 
Jake got a clear sight of you while Heeseung had his back to the door. The taller boy got you seated on a desk as he stood between your legs. With the skirt of your dress lifted over to your stomach, your white lace panties were dangling on your ankle as one of Heeseung’s hands was squeezing the flesh of your hip while the other one was one your mouth, trying to keep you as quiet as possible. Heeseung’s face was hidden in the crook of your neck, kissing the skin as his hips continued to ram into you. Your hands were on Heeseung’s broad shoulders, holding onto him for support. With Heeseung’s every move, Jake could hear your muffled cries of pleasure. 
Jake licked his lips as he felt his pants getting tighter. Not only he was feeling guilty watching you and Heeseung have sex inside the fucking church but now, he also got a hard-on by secretly watching you. 
When Heeseung let go of your mouth to wrap your legs around his torso, you wrapped your arms around his back and decided to rest your forehead on his shoulder. When you finally decided to look up again, Jake’s eyes met yours, making him raise his eyebrows in shock. Not only Jake was caught staring at you earlier in the morning but now he was caught watching you fuck his best friend. If Jake could die from embarrassment, this would be the right moment for it. Jake was ready to close the door and leave but the look in your eyes made him stay at his original spot. Jake would have thought that you would panic but your eyes said otherwise. It was something he had never seen nor felt before. 
He was taught that lust was one of the seven deadly sins. Lust was said to be selfish, a sexual craving that you failed to control. A desire that gives birth to a sin. 
Somehow you made lust look like a blessing rather than a sin as you kept staring into Jake’s dark eyes when you hit your orgasm. The look on your face when you came was imprinted on Jake’s mind already. He had never seen a person look that blissful. Jake thought, if lust was one of the seven deadly sins prohibited, and premarital sex was considered as a sin, why did it look so tempting? 
The following day, Jake found himself back in the church. Sitting by himself in the back corner, he asked for God’s forgiveness. Not only for watching you and Heeseung get intimate but also for what happened in the bathroom and when he got back home. 
Telling his parents that he wasn’t feeling good, Jake ran back to his room and locked the door behind him just like he did an hour ago when he found himself in the bathroom, still inside the church. There was no way Jake could step outside with a visible hard on in his pants and definitely not after you caught him. He asked for God’s forgiveness before unzipping his pants and lowering them along with his boxers as he sat down on the toilet, focusing on getting himself off. He had sinned once already, it wouldn’t really matter if he sinned more, right? 
Jake would be lying if he told that he hadn’t touched himself before. Of course he did. His morning woods didn’t go away magically. It was just that he didn’t do it often. 
He thought his boner would have gone away after his little getaway at the bathroom but he was still as hard as a rock when he arrived back at the house. He just couldn’t stop thinking of you; how angelic you looked even if you were committing such sin. Was Heeseung that good, you couldn’t keep your hands off him? Would Jake be able to make you feel as good as Heeseung did? Maybe even better? 
Jake wanted to be in Heeseung’s place so badly. He wanted to be the one to hear your needy moans up close and your touch against his skin. Would you also let Jake fuck you the way Heeseung did? With all these sinful thoughts clouding his mind, Jake couldn’t take it anymore. Once again that day, he found himself lowering his pants and boxers as he lay down on his cozy bed. He let out a quiet whimper when he touched his cock, his thumb grazing against his sensitive tip. With his other hand, he covered his mouth. God forbid what would happen if his parents came up to his room and caught him pleasuring himself. He couldn’t dare to make any noise. 
He spat on his other hand before bringing it back to touch his dick. He moved his hand slowly at first. He was still sensitive from his previous orgasm. Squeezing his cock slightly, he started to move his hand faster. He spread the precum on his dick, getting it wetter so he could move his hand easier. The silence was replaced with the wet sounds of his hand pumping his dick. He wanted to keep it low-key but it felt so fucking good, he couldn’t get himself to slow down. Jake thought he had everything under control but suddenly everything turned messy. He was now biting on his hand not to make a noise. He closed his eyes to focus on his pleasure, the sight of you getting fucked by Heeseung appearing in front of him but this time, it wasn’t Heeseung but himself getting a taste of you. 
His hips bucked into his palm as he arched his back whenever his thumb brushed past his tip. His toes curled with every thrust of his hand, tears formed in the corner of his eyes. He wanted to moan your name so bad. Jake thought, if you enjoyed being watched, you would also enjoy watching him pleasure himself. He got even more turned on imagining you sitting by the edge of your bed as you ordered him around like a puppy. He would do literally anything to please you. 
Jake changed his position since his hand was getting tired. He lay on his stomach, hiding his face into his separate pillow. He folded the other pillow, putting it just under his abdomen. Jake didn’t have a single idea what he was doing but he really needed some kind of release and it seemed like humping his pillow would be one of the better choices he had in mind. With his nails digging into the white sheet covering his bed, he started moving his hips. He moaned into the pillow when he felt the friction against his cock. It was a satisfying feeling, the material of the pillow cover was soft, it didn’t burn like he had expected. 
As he continued to hump his pillow, he imagined rubbing his dick on your pussy. He had no doubt that you would feel a hundred times better than the pillow. He thought about kissing every inch of your body as you lay beneath him, begging him to fuck you. He just knew that you would sound so pretty moaning his name. Jake was ready to sell his soul to the devil to hear such intimate noises come out of you. Bonus point, if he was the reason for your pretty moans. 
Jake would never be able to erase the memory of you hitting your high and especially the state you were in when you came. He just couldn’t get the image out of his head. Your hair was all tangled up and messy, your lips were swollen, probably from kissing. Your legs were trembling as you tried to hold back your moan. Your face was glistening with sweat as Heeseung continued moving his hips to hit his own orgasm. 
Soon enough, Jake felt the familiar feeling of his orgasm building up. He started moving his hips faster. He slipped one hand between his body and the bed to massage his balls. He knew for sure that he was failing miserably when it came to keeping his mouth shut. He felt his dick twitch when he gave his balls a squeeze. It was getting hard holding himself up. Drops of sweat rolled down from the side of his face as he panted. 
Rolling on his back once again, he leaned against his elbow, holding himself up. His other hand wrapped around his dick again, jerking himself off as fast as he could. His eyes were locked on how his hand moved on his pulsating cock. Once again, he imagined it was your hand wrapped around his dick instead of his. The thought was enough for him to cum right there and then. 
‘’Fuck, Y/N-’’ He mewled right before he came into his hand. He continued to move his hand as he rode out his orgasm. Jake threw his head back with a not-so-quiet moan as he continued to release his seed. Jake didn’t know he was capable of cumming this much. 
After he finished, he couldn’t find the energy to get up and clean himself. He dragged himself out of the bed to take a quick shower in his bathroom. For the first time, Jake didn’t feel guilty about touching himself. Why would he when it felt like drinking lemonade after a hot day out? 
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Jake was only back in town for the spring break, for only two weeks. He could go two weeks without bumping into you or simply ignoring you. It didn’t seem to be so hard and for two days, he was going better than he expected until Wednesday. 
Of course, his parents had to drag him to the bake sale taking place at the church’s back garden. He could have easily said that he was sick, again, but his parents acted quicker by handing him a try filled with chocolate chip cookies. 
He just knew that you would be present and not because he knew how much Jungwon enjoyed eating his mother’s chocolate chip cookies but because of the uneasy feeling he had inside. Jake's so-called sixth sense never lied to him and yet, once again his gut was right when he saw you standing right in front of him. 
‘’Are you going to ignore my presence or do you want me to sit on your lap that much to get your attention?’’ You said, making Jake look up from his phone. He was doing so well at ignoring you since he arrived at the bake sale. Jake was wrong to assume that you would also forget about what happened a few days ago but it seemed like you had other plans; plans that included him. 
‘’You want to buy some cookies for Jungwon?’’ Jake asked, trying to keep his cool. He looked unamused from the outside, but he was burning up inside. 
‘’You and I both know I’m not here for cookies.’’ You replied, taking a step closer to the boy. ‘’So you’re just going to ignore me and what you saw a couple of days ago, huh?’’ 
‘’It was none of my business so it would be for the best if we don’t bring it up ever again.’’ Jake shrugged, trying to ignore the tension between you and him.
‘’If it wasn’t your business, why didn’t you leave?’’ You leaned in, whispering in his ear. ‘’Not even after I caught you red handed. You’re into that kind of stuff, aren’t you Jake?’’ 
Jake’s breath hitched in his through when his name left your lips. His name sounded even sweeter when you were the one calling him. He turned his hand into a fist, knuckles turning white as he tried to hold himself back. It was funny how this was the first time you were having a conversation yet you had such a big effect on him. It seemed like you had caught up on it since your innocent smile was replaced with a sly smirk.
‘’You like it when I say your name? That’s cute.’’ You teased him, making his face turn red. 
‘’What you did was inappropriate. I don’t care what you do with your personal life but at a church really? And you left in the middle of service just to have sex with a guy? I know somebody who has a reserved place in hell.’’ Jake scoffed, taking a step back to put some distance between the two of you. 
‘’That makes two of us. Did you also think about me when you were getting off in the bathroom?’’ You chuckled, making Jake stop dead in his tracks. ‘’Yeah, you weren’t being quiet but don’t worry nobody else heard you. You want everyone to think that you are the perfect Christian son but guess what? That ship has already sailed and left you behind. You’ve already got a taste of what can lust offer and on top of that, you enjoyed it. You want more. You crave for more. You are already in too deep, not even God will forgive you for your actions from now on. So tell me, do you want to see more or are you still going to beg for forgiveness?’’ 
In another universe, Jake would have ignored everything you said and maybe continued helping his family out by selling the infamous chocolate chip cookies. Maybe he would have acted the way his parents wanted. He would have made a decision according to his morals and ‘chose’ the right path. 
Maybe in another universe, he wouldn’t have ended up with his cock in your mouth in the same storage room where you and his best friend hooked up just a few days ago. 
Jake knew that he wasn’t going to last long from the moment you dropped on your knees in front of him. His knuckles turned white from how strong he was holding the edge of the desk he was leaning against when you pulled down his jeans along with his underwear, leaving his cock free. 
‘’God, Jake you’re so big.’’ You said, wrapping your fingers around his dick and moving it slightly. Jake gulped at the sudden contact and inhaled a deep breath. You just didn’t bring up God’s name while you were touching his cock.
‘’Please keep God’s name out of this. Don’t say it.’’ He requested with a quiet voice, earning a chuckle from you. 
‘’Oh, sweet boy.’’ You cooed, looking up to his red face as you continued to move your hand at a slow pace on his cock. ‘’You won’t remember the existence of God by the time I finish playing with you.’’
Your words made Jake’s eyes widen and before he could reply, you wrapped your lips around the tip of his cock. He whimpered at the new feeling and bit down on his lip. He closed his eyes, not because of pleasure but from embarrassment. Here you were, with your pretty mouth on his cock and he didn’t know where to look, let alone what to do. 
You pulled back just seconds later and stopped your movements on his cock. ‘’Watch me, puppy.’’ To Jake, that sounded like an order, making him immediately open his eyes and look down at you, meeting your eyes. 
There it was, the change in your eyes. The exact same look you had when he watched you from the small opening of the door. The lustful gaze, the premier reason why he was here. 
‘’Good boy.’’ You mumbled, putting your hands on his bare thighs. ‘’Keep your eyes on me.’’ 
Once again, you put your mouth to good use and this time Jake’s eyes were on you. His breath hitched in his throat when he saw you take his cock into your mouth. The warm and wet feeling of your mouth was way better than his own hand, of course. He just wasn’t used to it. One thing he was sure about was that he wanted more. 
You started off with the tip again, swirling your tongue around it teasingly. Gradually, you took more of him. You held your tongue down, lapping at his cock as you tried to fill him in your mouth. With Jake staring at his cock disappearing between your lips, he tried so hard to hold back and not buck his hips. He let out a needy cry when he felt his tip brush the back of your throat. You looked up to him through your eyelashes, wanting to see his reaction. 
‘’Please.’’ He mouthed, craving for some kind of friction. He needed you to move, not that he wouldn’t come with you staying still with his dick in your mouth. He just wanted to experience the whole thing since there was no way he was going to get his dick sucked a second time. 
When you started to bob your head, he let out a shaky moan. It didn’t take you long enough to figure out that Jake was very vocal and he wasn’t trying to be subtle about it. You liked a man who didn’t hold back his moans. Since Jake let you know that you were, indeed , making him feel good, you moved at a faster pace. He whimpered every single time when his tip touched your throat, making you gag in progress. 
Jake was so lost in the pleasure he was receiving from you that there was nothing in his mind other than you and especially the urge to cum. The feeling was just too good, he couldn’t focus on anything else. With his dick twitching in your mouth, he figured out he was about to cum. It was kinda surprising that he lasted this long. He just needed a little bit more, he was just on the edge. Jake didn’t need to tell you that he was close, it was easy to read him. 
You focused on his sensitive tip again, sucking on it as you jerked off the rest of his cock. He was already letting tears of pleasure roll down his cheeks as he begged for more and more. His palms were sweating, his hands couldn’t hold the edge of the desk anymore since they were slipping. 
‘’God, please-’’ He whimpered, throwing his head back. 
He wanted to pull away, not sure if you were okay with him coming inside your mouth but when he tried to, you grabbed on his thighs tighter and didn’t let him. Good that he didn’t try again since the moment you dug your nails into his thighs, he was already painting your throat with his cum. Closing his eyes, he let out moan after moan. He opened them right back on time to watch you swallow his seed, your eyes staring into his as you licked your lips. 
‘’I thought we were not going to bring God’s name into this puppy.’’ You teased him as you got up, brushing dust away from your dress as Jake pulled up his jeans. 
‘’You are the devil herself.’’ Jake mentioned, still not coming to a conclusion, that he got his dick sucked, in a church, while his parents were selling cookies outside. 
‘’You’re not far from it either now, are you? Better take that purity ring off your fingers. God knows what you did.’’ You snickered, eyeing his finger. Jake hid his hand as his cheeks turned red. Suddenly guilt washed over him again. 
‘’This was a mistake.’’ Jake spoke, not glancing at your way before making his way over to the door and getting out, leaving you alone in the dusty room with a knowing smirk on your face. 
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Jake didn’t expect to sit right across from you at the local diner when the original plan was to meet up with his friends, not you. When he saw you enter the diner with Heeseung, he felt like his head was going to explode. He didn’t like how you laughed at everything Heeseung said, how touchy you got with him and most importantly how you didn’t even look at Jake’s way ever since you arrived. 
Jake knew he was in the wrong for feeling this type of way. He was the one to say what happened between you two was a mistake and leaving. He hated how he craved more of you. He was jealous of how Heeseung could joke around and make you laugh, how he could touch you easily and how he got to fuck you first. 
Jake despised how you were able to ruin his life in less than a week and pushed him to commit not only one, but now two deadly sins; lust and envy. 
‘’I hope you guys didn’t mind me bringing Y/N along.’’ Heeseung started when you left to use the bathroom. ‘’She was hanging around by herself in front of the church so I asked her to come. She’s pretty, isn’t she?’’ 
‘’Hmm, heard that she was Jungwon’s step-sister. Jay is a lucky one since he can just show up in front of Jungwon’s door whenever he wants to.’’ Sunghoon sighed, playing with the napkins in front of him. 
‘’Why would you think that?’’ Jay shook his head, taking a sip from his drink.
‘’Aren’t you his tutor or something? You can use the tutor card to see his new sister every day. I mean I’d do that.’’ Sunghoon explained, nudging his friend’s arm.
‘’First of all, you were disgusting. Second, why didn’t I think of that?’’ Jay says in awe, patting Sunghoon’s back before turning to Jake. ‘’You met her at the church, right Jake?’’ 
Jake nodded in response, not in the mood to talk nor listen to the conversation his friends were having about you. 
‘’Fuck- Is she a church girl? She’s going to be hard to pull off then.’’ Sunghoon muttered, sad that his plans failed even before he got a chance to try it out. 
‘’She’s not, don’t worry.’’ Heeseung snickered, a smirk on his face. ‘’Talking from experience.’’
There was nothing more Jake wanted to do than punch Heeseung in the face. To think about it, he wanted to punch Sunghoon and Jay too. Them talking about girls wasn’t something new. Whenever the four of them returned to their hometown for a small break from the university life, girls and sex were two things they talked about. Sometimes Jake felt like an outcast since he basically had zero experience until two days ago and not to mention that he was still a virgin, by choice of course. He basically learned everything he knew about sex from listening his friends’ experiences. 
All eyes were back on you when you returned but your eyes were on Jake for the first time that evening. Jake was fast to break eye contact and turn his head. He expected you to take a seat but instead you stood in front of the table. 
‘’It’s getting late. I have to go, promised mom to unpack since I still have a few boxed lying around my room.’’ You explained, thanking Heeseung for inviting you. 
‘’I’ll take you-’’ Heeseung started his sentence but soon, he was cut off with Jake getting out of the booth to stand next to you.
‘’I’ll walk you home. It’s closer to mine anyway.’’ Jake interrupted his friend, earning an unamused look from him. Jake was sure his friend was planning to bring you back to his house, too bad for him. 
After saying your goodbyes, you left the diner and started walking back home. Street lights were the only source of light since it was a cloudy night, moon nowhere to be seen. With the chilly breeze kissing your skin, you hugged your thin sweater tighter. You cursed yourself for not wearing a longer skirt but in your defense, you didn’t think the night would be colder than usual. At least, your house was not so far away from the diner.
No words were exchanged between the two of you at first but you didn’t fail to catch Jake glancing at you from time to time. Jake thought he made a wrong decision by offering to walk you home. He just did it so Heeseung wouldn’t. He couldn’t foresee how silence could be painful. He wanted to speak to you but whenever he opened his mouth, he just shut it right back. 
‘’Such a gentleman, aren’t you?’’ Of course, you would be the first one to break the silence. Jake was lowkey hoping for you to be the first one to talk since he didn’t have any balls for it. ‘’You seemed pretty upset back there.’’ You continued with a teasing tone. Maybe it was time for Jake to speak about what was going on in his mind. 
‘’Why didn’t you look at me back there?’’ Jake asked with a quiet voice, still not having enough courage to meet your eyes. The question made you giggle.
‘’So you wanted my attention? Cute.’’ You chuckled, smiling at Jake. You stopped walking to stare at him which made him stop too. ‘’Weren’t you the one telling that what happened back in church was a mistake?’’
Jake let out a stressed sigh, looking at his feet. ‘’I did but it doesn’t mean that I want you to ignore me.’’ 
‘’It seems like you are the one ignoring me.’’ You clapped back, stomping your feet on the ground like an angry child. 
‘’Ugh- I just- I can’t-’’ He stumbled over his words, bringing a hand to scratch his neck. ‘’I thought you’d want to talk to Heeseung rather than me.’’ 
‘’And why would you think that?’’ You folded your arms over your chest, tapping your feet as you waited for an answer. 
‘’He’s just- He’s older and more mature than me. Not to mention, he’s taller and more handsome. He always knows what to say to a girl and make them fall on their knees-’’
‘’You made me fall on my knees Jake, let me remind you that.’’ You cut him off, clicking your tongue. ‘’I don’t suck every dick that is offered to me. I only suck the ones I want and before you ask, no I didn’t suck Heeseung’s dick.’’ 
Jake was confused, nothing you said made sense to him. Why wouldn’t you want to suck Heeseung’s dick but his? Heeseung was more experienced than him and the older boy sure knew what to do way better than he did. Jake was just a nineteen year old virgin college student. Nobody would prefer him over the Lee Heeseung. 
‘’I like good boys… like you.’’ You confessed, making Jake finally look up, only to meet your pretty eyes staring at him. ‘’Looks like you’re not such a good boy anymore though. Where did your ring go, pretty boy?’’ You mentioned, eyeing his empty finger on his left hand. Jake hid his hand in the pocket of his pants, his ears turning red. 
‘’How did you notice?’’ Jake questioned, feeling your gaze on him once again.
‘’I always look at your fingers.’’ You revealed, making Jake tilt his head in confusion. ‘’And think about how good they would feel inside me.’’ 
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When you mentioned that Jake was going to help you unpack the boxes crowding your room, your step-father was more than happier to let Jake inside. Since it was still considered early for a Friday evening, none of your siblings were home and your mother was visiting the neighbors. To think that your step-dad was a workaholic, you assumed he was going to lock himself in his study room next to the kitchen until your mom came back. 
‘’We’re not going to unbox anything, are we?’’ Jake asked, stepping inside your room to see everything was already in place. 
‘’We’re not.’’ 
He didn’t really expect to lay down on your bed, half naked, with your body tangled in his. Jake had already had his first kiss but he had never made out with somebody. When he told you this, you were more than happy to help him out.
Lying down sideways as you faced each other, you guided Jake’s hands on your body, giving him consent to touch you wherever he wanted. Jake was already breathing heavily and it felt like his heart was going to jump out from his chest when you leaned in closer to his face, noses brushing against each other. You kissed him delicately at first, you didn’t want to start off harsh and scare the boy away. Putting one hand behind his neck and the other one on his cheek, you pulled him closer to you so you could depend the kiss even more. When he felt comfortable, he started kissing you back, trying to copy your movements. Using his left hand, he brushed your hair back so it wouldn’t bother you. His right hand was shaking slightly when it finally came into contact with your waist. 
You mewled into the kiss when his cold fingertips grazed your skin, making Jake pull away, thinking that he did something wrong. When you assured him everything was alright, you put your lips on his again. You decided it was time for taking things a little bit further after coming to a conclusion that Jake was enjoying it. You sucked on his bottom lip gently as you moved your hands to his broad shoulders. Jake whimpered when you slipped your tongue into his mouth, making you giggle into the kiss. It was the sweetest sound Jake had ever heard in his life. You sucked on his tongue with him repeating your actions. He was surprisingly good for his first time, as expected he was a fast learner. As the kiss got more heated, Jake became uneasy. He could feel his dick getting hard under his boxers and you had taken a note of it since his crotch was brushing against your leg.  
‘’Touch me more, puppy.’’ You mumbled into the kiss, saliva dripping down your chin. ‘’I want your hands everywhere.’’ 
You lowered your hands on his chest, grazing his skin with your fingers before pulling him closer to you by his waist. You tangled your leg with his, bringing his thigh just under your crotch. Jake groaned when he felt how wet your panties were. You were soaking through the material. His grip on your waist tightened, making you smirk into the kiss. 
‘’You feel how wet I’m for you pup?’’ You said sweetly like it was the most innocent thing ever. You started rocking your hips on his thigh, spreading your wetness. He gulped nervously as his eyes were glued on you. He wanted to look down below but he was too flustered for it. 
‘’F-For me?’’ He stammered, his heart loudly in his chest. ‘’I made you wet?’’ He sounded surprised, making you put on another smile on your face. You brought your thumb to caress his swollen lips as you looked at him with dark eyes. His plump lips were redder than before from all the kissing and you were sure that they hurt a little. 
‘’Of course, puppy. You’re so handsome and sexy. Every girl out there would have gotten wet if they were in my situation.’’ You hummed, pushing your thumb into his mouth. You pressed it on his tongue, making him suck on it. You continued moving your hips on his thigh as the friction felt too good on your pulsating clit. Jake whined every time when he felt your damp panties stick on his skin. ‘’You’d like that wouldn’t you…’’ 
‘’You’re the only one that matters.’’ Jake mumbled when you pulled your thumb back. He wanted to kiss you again but he didn’t want to be the one who initiated it. He looked at you with his chocolate brown eyes, lust hiding behind his irises. 
‘’Tell me what you want, baby.’’ You murmured as your lips moved to his jawline, kissing and sucking his skin. ‘’I wouldn’t know if you don’t tell me.’’ 
Jake hesitated before saying what was in his mind, what he wanted to do to you. He just wanted to feel all of your body, touch you, kiss you like you were doing to him right now. It felt different when you kissed his neck, much different than what he felt when you were kissing his lips. You got his toes curling when your lips met his neck, leaving him whimpering needily. 
‘’Can I kiss your body?’’ He requested, making you stop and raise your head. You raised your eyebrows in surprise before nodding. 
He tried to reenact how your lips were moving on his body. Hesitantly, his lips met your neck. He inhaled your scent, your perfume making him dizzy. He started off with peppering kisses on your skin. Then he decided to put more pressure into his kisses. He knew he was doing an okay job when he heard you let out a short moan. He moved his hand to your back as he lowered his head to kiss your shoulder then collarbones. He halted his movements when he came face to face with your bra. 
‘’You can undress me baby.’’ You encouraged him, tangling your fingers in his hair. 
Yeah, Jake wanted to take off your bra and throw it somewhere across your room but he simply didn’t know how to get it off. He knew there wasn’t a clasp or anything in front of it since he found himself staring at the pink ribbon in front of your bra. So he thought there should be something on the back. He dragged his fingers on your back until he hit the material of your bra. His fingers searched for a zip, a button, anything but he was still left with nothing. 
‘’I’m sorry, I can’t-’’ He huffed in annoyance, his palms sweating. 
‘’It’s okay, pup. I’ll teach you.’’ You brought your hands to your back where Jake’s hands were, guiding his hand over to the hook holding your bra together. You unhooked it as the straps fell down on your shoulders. ‘’You can take it off now.’’ 
Jake licked his lips before pulling the straps down on your arms gently. He took it off your body and put it elsewhere. He stared at your hardened nipples, feeling anxious again. Realizing the change in his mood, you cupped his face and pressed a kiss on his plump lips. Just when you were about to pull away, Jake followed your lips, not letting you break the kiss. 
‘’Do you want to continue kissing me, baby?’’ You mumbled, not breaking the kiss. Jake just hummed and continued to make out with you messily. You brought his hand to your breast, encouraging him to feel it. He moaned into the kiss once again when he felt how hard your nipple had gotten. You yelped when you felt him brush his thumb against it. ‘’More…’’ You pleaded, your hands roaming all over his body. 
Jake repeated what he had done before, flicking the nub with his thumb as he played with your breast. You moaned into the kiss, squeezing your thighs together to feel some friction. He had no idea how worked up you were getting over him. You wanted to teach him everything you knew, corrupt the pretty head of his with sinful thoughts. You wanted to use him for your own pleasure. 
You rubbed your crotch against his bulge, making him let out a cry. He was already painfully hard from all the kissing and touching. You slipped your hand between your bodies to palm him through his underwear. 
‘’Fuck-’’ Jake cursed when you grabbed his hard cock over the thin material. His boxers were already stained with precum. You started to move your palm up and down, putting on some pressure on his dick. Jake was already sweating, his hair sticking on his forehead. 
‘’Does my puppy want to cum?’’ You cooed, playing with the waistband of his boxers. ‘’Or do you want me to keep playing with you?’’ 
‘’Please… Touch me more.’’ He panted, his eyes giving you a pleading look. ‘’I need it, please just-’’ 
‘’Let’s try something new, hmm? Something that will benefit both of us because only God and I know how drenched my pussy is right now.’’ You whispered, pulling your hand away from his cock just to grab Jake’s hand and guide him inside your panties. ‘’Seems like there will be a third person on the list soon.’’ 
Jake sat up straight when he realized what was happening. He leaned against the headboard as you crawled closer to him, standing on your knees. With your hand on top of his, you guided his fingers on your clit first. You let out a whimper when his fingers grazed over the small nub of nerves. You felt even more sensitive than before and one touch was enough to get your clit throbbing for attention. You made Jake put some pressure on your clit, making your toes curl in return. Jake’s eyes were stuck watching how his hand moved inside your underwear. He had also noticed that whenever you made him circle your clit, your legs trembled. You were trying so hard not to close them. It was getting harder for you to support yourself on your knees as Jake took the lead, moving his fingers gently on your clit. You withdrew your hand from your panties and let Jake do whatever he wanted. 
‘’Feels so good, just like that baby… Such a good boy.’’ You praised him, locking your fingers in his hair as you focused on the sudden pleasure you were receiving. You held onto the headboard with your free hand for support. With the sudden confidence, Jake moved his fingers to your folds, his eyes widening even more when he felt how much wetter you had gotten. ‘’That’s how much you turn me on, pup. Believe me now?’’  
Jake only let out a low groan, his fingers grazing your wet folds. ‘’You’re dripping on my fingers.’’ He murmured, before slipping a finger between your folds, then a second one, catching you off guard. ‘’Y-You wanted this right? You said you thought about how my fingers would feel inside of you.’’ He reminded you, pushing his fingers all the way in but not making any attempt to move them. 
‘’God, Jake move your fingers.’’ You cried, trying to fuck yourself on his fingers. 
When you said ‘move’, Jake didn’t understand how you wanted him to move his fingers. Did you want him to move his fingers in and out or back and forth? He tried to curl his fingers upwards, remembering the time when Sunghoon was talking about how he made this one girl cum by simply doing this. 
You let out a choked sob when Jake’s fingers put pressure on your sensitive spot. Your legs shook as he kept pressing his fingers on it rather than pumping them. It felt weird but in a good way, you couldn’t explain it even if you tried. Your walls clenched around his fingers and if he didn’t stop, you’d be coming soon.
‘’Baby, not like that.’’ You managed to say, making him stop his movements. ‘’In and out, alright pup? I need you to stretch me so I can take your huge cock with ease later.’’ 
Jake whimpered at the thought of his dick filling up your cunt. He couldn’t wait for the moment to come so he did as he was told to. He started pumping his fingers diligently after you pushed your cotton panties aside, giving him more space to work easily. 
‘’Your fingers feel so good, baby.’’ You breathed out, caressing his soft locks. Every now and then, Jake looked at your reaction. He needed to know if he was making you feel good. He needed your affirmation, he wanted to hear you say that he was doing a good job, that you were enjoying it. So when these words came out of your mouth, he smiled to himself. ‘’They’re so pretty, just like you.’’ 
It was easy to make Jake blush. He looked so cute when his cheeks turned into a soft crimson color. You loved seeing him all flustered because of something you said. You adored this side of him but also you couldn’t wait to see him cry and beg for his release later, not today but soon. 
‘’Can I take your panties off?’’ He asked, his big puppy eyes staring into yours after he pulled out his fingers. With your consent, he rolled down your underwear off your knees, leaving you bare in front of him. 
Jake took a minute just to stare at you, taking the sight in front of him in. You were the most beautiful person he had ever seen in his life. Everything about you made him go crazy. He met you less than a week ago but he was so deeply attracted to you. He was in awe. How could a person looking this angelic was a sinner? 
‘’Can I kiss you… here?’’ Jake mumbled, moving his fingers to your clit once again, pressing against it. Your breath hitched in your throat once again, you didn’t expect such a bold move from him. 
‘’Baby… Don’t you want to cum?’’ You asked, cupping his face in your hands, caressing his cheeks with your thumb. ‘’We can do it some other time.’’ 
‘’I want to do it now.’’ He insisted. ‘’I want to make you feel good too. I want you to tell me that I’m doing good. I want to be your good boy, please.’’ 
‘’Cute.’’ You commented before rolling on top of him, your knees failing to hold you up. You felt more relaxed with the sudden change of your position. You leaned in to place a kiss on his lips. ‘’You’re already my good boy.’’ 
You hooked your fingers under the waistband of his underwear, pulling it down. Jake let out a relieved sigh when you finally took off his underwear. His dick was already twitching and there was no doubt that he would come before he could even more inside your pussy. Should he tell you? It would be less embarrassing than cumming the moment he pushed his dick between your folds. 
‘’I don’t think I’m going to last.’’ He confessed with a quiet voice. ‘’I mean if we have sex now because I’m just- When I touched you I got so excited so like-’’ He kept on rambling. 
You held his chin between your fingers, making him look up to you. ‘’It’s your first time, baby. Nobody lasts long on their first time.’’ You reassured, pushing his body against the headboard before leaning towards your bedside table to grab a condom. ‘’Now be the good boy you are. Got it, pup?’’
You helped him put the condom on before adjusting your position above his crotch. Jake held your bed sheets in his hands as he tried to ease his heavy breathing. He felt like choking as he felt a lump on his throat. He didn’t know where to look; your face or his dick. His eyes kept moving from left to right. His heart felt like it was going to stop. He was sure that you could hear how fast it was beating. The goosebumps on his skin were visible. He licked his lips in anticipation as he waited for your next move. 
God, please forgive the sin I’m about to commit, he thought. 
Lining up his cock at your entrance, you slowly started sinking on it. The tip of his dick slid easily in your wet cunt. You stopped your movements when you heard Jake grunt, making you look up to him. His cheeks were flushed red as always when his eyes met your nose. Your faces were at close proximity, making your nose brush against his. Jake blinked at you, letting you know that he was good to go. You placed your lips on his for the nth time that evening, trying to get him to relax. The boy couldn’t even kiss you back properly as his lips were shaking.
Putting your hands on his shoulders, you continued to lower yourself on his cock more. You continued to kiss him with tongue, giving time for him to get used to the new feeling as you tried to adjust to his size. Jake let out broken whimpers of pure bliss when you sat down on his cock, taking every inch of him inside of you. Before moving, you made sure that Jake felt more relaxed, so you just stood still with his huge cock in your slick cunt as you sucked on his neck. 
‘’Oh gosh-’’ Jake cried, his voice shaking. His toes curled at the new kind of pleasure he was feeling. 
This new pleasure was way different than anything he had experienced before. Not his hand nor the feeling of your mouth came close to it. The warmth made his eyes roll back in pleasure. Your walls were hugging his cock tightly, he had never imagined that your pussy would feel this tight, not even after he fingered you. He could stay still like this, with his cock in your tight pussy, for hours but suddenly, he felt the urge to buck his hips upwards. His cock pulsated in your cunt, aching for some kind of friction. 
‘’How do you feel, pup?’’ You mumbled, pulling away from his neck. You smirked when you realized he was breathing heavier than before as he tried to hold back from jerking his hips. 
‘’So good…’’ His voice cracked.
‘’Your cock is so big Jake. Do you know deep inside you are?’’ You brought one his hands on your belly, making him touch it. You pressed his hand harder on your belly, the pressure making your mouth form an ‘o’. ‘’I feel you right here. Mmmh, so fucking huge. I can’t wait to cum all over it.’’ 
‘’Fuck me. Please fuck me. I can’t handle it anymore.’’ He begged eagerly, moving his hands to your hips. 
You chuckled at how needy he sounded. You got him exactly where you wanted. Without saying anything else, you lifted your hips and sank back down on his cock. Jake cursed, throwing his head back. You continued your movements and bounced on his dock at a steady rythm. His beautiful body was already trembling from pleasure. 
‘’Look at you, pup.’’ You breathed out, resting your forehead against his. ‘’Feels good doesn’t it, letting me use you like a fuck toy?’’ 
He just moaned in response. He wasn’t in the state to open his mouth and speak, let alone form a proper sentence. His grip on your hips got tighter with your every move. Jake’s orgasm was already on the edge, like he had told you before. If you kept saying such nasty things, it wouldn’t be taking him long to release. 
‘’Do you like it, puppy? Do you like how pussy feels wrapped around your big cock?’’ You leaned in, whispering in his ear. ‘’Talk to me.’’
‘’So tight…’’ He whimpered when you started sucking on his earlobe. ‘’Feels like heaven.’’ 
‘’You better not forget how my pussy feels since you’re not going to heaven anymore.’’ 
If you didn’t kiss him again, Jake would have choked on thin air. His one way ticket to heaven was long forgotten from the moment he first saw you. There was no fucking way anything in heaven felt better than what you were making him feel. 
Your pussy was his heaven. 
You felt his dick twitch when your walls clenched, making him let out another moan. His rusty moans were so sexy. You were glad that he didn’t hold back such pretty sounds. 
‘’I know, pup. Me too.’’ 
You continued to bounce on his cock as your orgasm continued to build up. You changed the angle slightly so his dick would hit your g-spot repetitively. You choked out a sob as your walls clenched around Jake’s dick continuously.  
‘’Fuck- I’m cumming.’’ Jake’s eyes rolled back when your pussy sucked his cock in. With your walls squeezing, urging him to release his seed, Jake’s body shook from pleasure. He came with your name rolling off his tongue. 
As Jake continued to cum, he jerked his hips upwards involuntarily. You started rolling your hips back and forth, chasing your own high. Jake rested his head on your shoulder, his hands wrapping around your body. He was sobbing, begging you to slow down since he was extremely sensitive from his orgasm. He wasn’t used to getting overstimulated. 
‘’Stay with me, baby. You want to see how your cock makes me cum, right?’’ You grabbed his chin, squeezing his cheeks with your fingers and made him look at you. 
‘’I-I do.’’ 
‘’Good boy.’’ 
You came with a loud moan, your walls clenching around his dick. You leaned your body against Jake’s. You didn’t have the power to hold yourself up any longer. You hid your face in the crook of his neck, whimpering as you continued to ride out your orgasm. Jake could have gotten fully hard again as he listened to the soft whimpers slipping past your lips, just next to his ear, if he had enough energy. 
‘’You did so well, baby.’’ You mumbled, bringing him into a chaste kiss. Jake hummed against your lips, relaxing into your touch. ‘’You weren’t that much quiet though. You’re lucky that my step-father locks himself in that dusty room.’’
‘’You weren’t quiet either.’’ Jake noted, making you raise your eyebrows. 
‘’Ah so, I’m the one to blame. Does my puppy need a fact check?’’ You smirked, slightly moving your hips on his semi-hard cock, immediately earning a moan from him. 
You leaned in to place a kiss on his lips again. Jake closed his eyes, waiting for the kiss but it never came. You pulled away from him when you heard your mom’s voice coming from downstairs. 
‘’Fuck.’’ You cursed, getting off from his lap to put some clothes on and fix your hair. ‘’My mom came earlier than expected.’’ You let him know, throwing his clothes at him and telling him to throw the used condom into the trash bin under your desk. 
You opened the windows to some fresh air into the room. You didn’t want your room to be smelling like sex and sweat if your mom decided to come upstairs and check up on you. As Jake dressed, you fixed your bed. You made Jake sit down on your chair as you took a seat on the edge of your bed right before somebody, possibly your mom, knocked on the door. Both of you jumped at the sudden sound, getting up once again when your mom entered your room.
‘’Here you are. My husband told me that we had a guest.’’ Your mother’s curious eyes were on Jake. 
‘’Ah, yes. Jake from church. You met his parents last Sunday after the service.’’ You commented, playing with your fingers nervously. ‘’He helped me with some boxes in my room. We were… We were just talking about joining the Bible study group in church next week before you came.’’ 
‘’Bible study gr- Yes, we are planning to sign up after the service this Sunday.’’ Jake backed you up with a weird look on his face. He couldn’t lie to save his own life. 
‘’That’s so nice. I’m glad that Y/N is making friends. Have you guys had dinner? Do you want me to prepare something?’’ Your mother kept insisting on staying in your room, mostly because she wanted to get to know Jake a little bit more. 
Jake opened his mouth to speak but he closed it back when you spoke in his place. ‘’Jake was about to leave before you came, mom. It’s already late, I’m sure he’s tired from helping me. I’ll walk him out.’’ 
‘’It’s nice to meet you, Jake!’’ Your mom said from behind after you grabbed Jake and dragged him downstairs. He could barely talk to your mom since you were literally running to the door. 
‘’Bible study group, really? I haven’t signed up for a Bible study group since I was 12.’’ Jake mentioned, standing on the front porch with you. 
‘’I’m sorry Jake. Do you want me to go inside and tell my mom that I fucked you in my room and we were just about to fuck again if she didn’t come home?’’ Your comment shut Jake up so fast, making you let out a chuckle. ‘’Joining the Bible study group is a good idea if you want to fuck more. You didn’t think this would be a one time thing, did you?’’
‘’You didn’t?’’ 
‘’Do you think I’d let you go after you gave me a proper orgasm? You’re mine now, puppy. You’re not going anywhere.’’ 
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Jake didn’t really expect you to show up at his house the next day, making up some excuse to tell to his parents so you could sneak inside his room. Jake was reading a book when you opened the door to his room. The look in his eyes was undefinable when he saw you standing just a feet away from his bed. Soon later, his book was tossed aside and you were getting comfortable on his lap, your lips locked on his. 
‘’You’re so naughty, letting me feel you like this while your mom is making cookies downstairs.’’ You mumbled, pulling away from the kiss.‘’Are you going to be loud like yesterday or keep quiet so your mom doesn’t catch his innocent son in such a suggestive position? You know, your mom told me not the lock the door.’’ 
‘’I’ll keep quiet.’’ He whispered, his eyes stuck on your lips, begging for you to kiss him again. ‘’I won’t open my mouth, please.’’ 
‘’Tsk.’’ You clicked your tongue, the corner of your lips turning upwards. ‘’God wouldn’t like you lying, hm? We both know that you can’t control yourself yet.’’ 
‘’N-No, I can do it. I swear-’’ 
You put a hand over his mouth, a smirk forming on your lips. ‘’Let’s do it my way, shall we?’’ 
That afternoon, Jake managed to keep quiet thanks to your hand never leaving its position on his mouth and came two times. Plus, you were right about how he wouldn’t be able to keep his voice down because even with your hand keeping his mouth shut, he was having a hard time not making a noise. 
The following days were not so different. After the Sunday service, you dragged him to the storage room downstairs once again. Ever since you told him that you weren’t wearing any panties under your skirt, he was looking forward this exact moment.  Jumping on the desk, you pulled his body to yours, making him stand between your thighs. You guided his hands under your skirt. His breath hitched in his throat when his fingers grazed your wet lips. 
‘’Still surprised at how wet I can get?’’ You teased as he pushed a finger inside. 
‘’Not that, I just can’t still wrap my mind around how I’m the one that gets you this wet.’’ He confessed before adding a second one. 
‘’You should be proud of yourself baby.’’ You stroked his soft hair gently. ‘’Since you’re the only one who can easily get me this wet.’’ 
Jake whined, getting impatient already. He adored it when you encouraged and praised him. He liked it because somehow you managed to make him feel comfortable enough to be bare in front of you and have sex with you. 
‘’Can I taste you?’’ Jake asked with a sudden confidence. Only God knows how much he wanted to place his pretty lips on your cunt and lick your arousal. He had been dreaming of it ever since you first had sex. His brain was clouded with the idea. In the last few days, whenever he touched himself, he got off with the idea of you sitting on his face. 
‘’Will you be able to hold yourself back and not touch yourself till I cum, handsome?’’ You smirked, lifting up your skirt even more to give the boy a view. He nodded in a desperate way, licking his lips in anticipation. ‘’Go down on your knees then puppy. You know I don’t like to wait.’’ 
Jake did as told, getting on his knees in front of you, both of his hands on your thighs. His eyes were locked on your lower body. Suddenly, he realized he had no idea how to give oral and looked up at you like a lost puppy. A soft chuckle left your lips before tangling your fingers in his hair. 
‘’You wanted to kiss right here before, so why don’t you start off like that puppy?’’ 
Putting his mouth to good use, Jake’s lips made contact with your cunt, placing a gentle kiss on it. He repeated the actions a few times. You wrapped your legs around his shoulders, balancing yourself. Jake decided to move to the next stage and gave small licks, curious about how you would react. After hearing your whimpers, he got more courageous and continued licking your cunt. He lowered his tongue to meet your lips, finally getting to taste your arousal. You tasted sweeter than Jake had expected and because of that, he liked it even more. He wanted to bury his face in your pussy and lick you for hours. Plus, he’d gladly listen to all the sounds you’d make when he’s eating you out. 
‘’Gosh, just like that. Keep going pup.’’ You moaned. Your hold on his hair got tighter as you pushed his face to your core, wanting to feel more of his tongue. 
He continued to lick stripes as you rubbed your clit. Legs shaking slightly from the pleasure, you tugged on his hair harder, making him moan against your core. The vibrations sent shivers to your spine. You wanted to wrap your legs around his neck and hold him between your thighs. 
Jake’s lips moved to your clit, replacing your fingers with his mouth as he gave kitten licks to the bud, making you whimper his name. Jake looked at you through his long eyelashes as his mouth stayed attached to your cunt. You forgot how to breathe properly when you saw him in that position. How could a person look so ethereal while going down on somebody? Somehow Jake Sim managed to do that. 
‘’Feels so good, baby. You’re doing such a great job.’’ You caressed his silky hair as he continued to devour your pussy. 
Jake started off with small licks and for a solid minute he didn’t try anything different but once he did, he got messy. He got so addicted to your taste and the sounds you were making, he didn’t want to leave his place between your thighs. He wanted to tease you and edge you on purpose, just to stay in the same place longer but knowing that you were the one in control, he wouldn’t dare to try such things unless you asked him to do. 
Oh, how good it would feel to make you sit on his face once. It was his new fantasy. He could just lie down beneath you and lick you up for hours. He would get to see you cum over and over again on his tongue. 
‘’I’m close baby.’’ You whimpered as he continued to suck on your clit. He hummed against your skin, making you throw your head back. ‘’Shit, do NOT stop what you’re doing even if i act otherway- Fuck.’’
Your pulsating walls clenched around emptiness as you reached your high. Jake’s mouth stayed attached to your core, even when you tried to push him away or closed your thighs, he didn’t stop his movements. You could swore that you had lost your vision for a second from the powerful orgasm. You didn’t even realize that Jake had pulled away, his chin glistening with saliva and your arousal. It took you a few minutes to regain your composure. Once you did you saw Jake trying to clean up the wet patch on his pants, making you raise a single eyebrow. Hopping off from the desk, you walked next to Jake, tapping him on the shoulder. 
‘’Did you come in your pants, pup?’’ You asked, genuinely curious. 
‘’No! I just- Ugh-’’ He stumbled over his words, trying to hide his pants away from your gaze. 
‘’Baby…’’ You called him softly, wrapping his arms around his waist and hugging the boy from back. ‘’It’s nothing to be embarrassed of…’’
‘’It is! I just can’t control it. I should’ve learned by now but-’’
‘’Hey, don’t say that. Everybody has their own pace right? You’re not going to turn into a sex master in a day. To be honest, it’s kind of hot that you came by solemnly eating me out. Seems like you enjoyed it as much as I did.’’ You kissed his neck before placing your lips on his shoulder. ‘’You are perfect for me, Jake.’’ 
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Jake didn’t think he would have it in him to bend you over his bed and fuck you from behind but here you were, on his bed as he fucked you into oblivion. His parents decided to visit a family friend out of the town and of course, he wouldn’t pass this opportunity to fuck you on his bed without stressing about his mom walking in on him fucking his friend from the ‘Bible Study group’. 
‘’Fuck- Just like that pup.’’ You buried your face in Jake’s pillow as his grip on your ass got tightened. 
‘’Yeah, you like it?’’ Jake muttered, his thrusts getting deeper. 
With each passing day, Jake got bolder not only with his movements but his words too. You had no idea when his mouth got so dirty. You had always encouraged him to speak to you during sex but he has never been this straightforward. Maybe the new position lit up something inside of him. Jake had only fucked you in missionary or sideways on the bed so taking you from behind was something fairly new to him. He had always imagined how your ass would look when his dick was inside of you, making you cry in pleasure. 
‘’I fucking love it.’’ You moaned, lifting your hips up so he could move more easily. ‘’Talk to me more puppy. You know I like it when you do.’’
Jake’s brain froze after hearing your words. Just a second ago, he was confident in himself and he knew what to say but when you told that you liked it when he talked to you, everything he had in his mind disappeared.
‘’Does my baby like to hold my ass in his hands while he pounds in me?’’ You managed to form a proper sentence while he kept thrusting into you roughly. ‘’Tell me what you like about it.’’ 
‘’I like y-your cunt more.’’ Jake stammered, sweating dripping from his chin. ‘’So wet for me and always so warm. Only for me.’’ 
‘’Yeah pup, only for you. You own my pussy, baby.’’ You breathe heavily. Your head started to spin from the satisfaction Jake’s dick was giving you. 
‘’Only I can fuck this pussy.’’
‘’It’s yours baby. All yours.’’ 
Jake whimpered at your words. The idea of being the only one who gets to stuff his cock in your tight cunt made him go feral. He was never the possessive type but you lit something inside of him. He wanted to be the only one who fucked you for the rest of his life. 
‘’Tell me what you want to do to me, pup.’’ You encouraged him once again, moving your hips according to his thrusts so you could feel him deeper. 
‘’Want to be in your pussy till the sunrises. I want to keep my dick inside of you as long as I can.’’ He moaned as his thrusts got sloppier. 
‘’Good because I want the same thing puppy.’’ 
‘’I’m gonna cum.’’ He cried, not being able to hold it in any longer. ‘’Can I cum?’’
‘’Such a good boy, asking for permission… Of course puppy, come.’’ 
Jake came in the condom with sobs, holding your hips against his, leaving no space in between. Wrapping his arms around your waist right after, he leaned against your body until there was no space left between the two of you. When he calms down from his eye, he rolls over next to you, taking off the condom and throwing it on the floor to clean up later. He was just about to take a quick nap before he came to a realization, making him sit up straight. 
‘��You didn’t come.’’ 
‘’It’s okay-’’
‘’No, it’s not. Tell me what you want and I’ll do it.’’ He looked at you with his beautiful chocolate brown eyes, his gaze making it impossible to reject his offer.
‘’Just kiss me.’’ 
As confused as Jake was, he didn’t hesitate to cup both of your cheeks in the palm of his hands and brought you in for a gentle kiss. You quickly hold onto his waist, your hands caressing his back as you depended the kiss. Putting one of your hands on his, you guided his hand between your legs where your clit had been begging for some kind of friction. Getting the hint, Jake rubbed your sensitive nub or nerves with his thumb, making you whimper into the kiss. 
‘’Need your fingers baby, give them to me.’’ You moaned against his lips. 
Of course, Jake wouldn’t make you tell him twice. Without moving his thumb, his slipped two fingers inside you easily. Jake learned how to finger you like a pro just within just a few days. After all, he had a teacher that he could count on.  
Jake loved how intimate the position the two of you were in. He had never thought about love, specifically loving you, before this exact moment. His heart softened at your quiet mewls. His mind went crazy whenever you moaned his name. The way your eyes rolled back in pleasure when he curled his fingers made him want to take polaroid pictures of you to keep in his wallet. 
‘’You’re spoiling me, Jakey. You make me feel so fucking good.’’ You whispered, your lips brushing his plump ones. 
Out of all nicknames you called him, ‘Jakey’ was his favorite. He liked the others one too, but he wished you would call him with his real name when the two of you were alone sometimes. 
‘’Call me by my name, please.’’ 
‘’Yeah? You want that?’’ You smirked, your nose touching his. You rocked your hips to the the movement of his fingers. ‘’Jake…’’ 
‘’Say it again, please.’’
‘’Such a polite, good boy, always asking nicely. Good boys get what they want, don’t they, Jake?’’ You moaned when he went knuckles deep in your pussy. His thumb kept moving circles on your clit. ‘’You want me to call you by your name and I will.’’
‘’Do you like how I’m making you feel?’’ Jake asked, pumping his fingers in and out. ‘’Tell me you like my fingers.’’
‘’Hmm, I love your long slender fingers. I love them even more when they’re inside of me, Jake.’’ You murmured, your lips chasing his. ‘’Can you hear how wet I am?’’ 
‘’I c-can.’’ He stammered, putting more pressure on your clit.
‘’Fuck- I’m close, keep what you’re doing Jakey.’’ You moaned, holding his body close to yours. ‘’Gonna cum on your pretty finger, baby.’’ 
‘’Please do, fuck-’’ Jake felt your walls clenching around his digits, making him gulp. 
‘’Jake- Oh god-’’ You rested your forehead against his as you reached your high. You let out a chocked sob, holding onto his body. ‘’Jake, Jake, Jake…’’ You moaned as he helped riding out your orgasm, continuing to move his fingers inside at a steady rythm. 
Jake pulled his fingers out before wrapping his arms around your body once again, hiding his face in the crook of your neck as he peppered butterfly kisses on your neck and shoulder. You stood in that exact position for a good 5 minutes, not moving an inch, just enjoying each other’s presence. 
‘’So you’re really leaving tomorrow?’’ Jake broke the silence. He was never the one to like the quietness. 
‘’Hmm, I guess.’’ You murmured against his chest, getting comfortable on him. 
‘’What about us?’’ Jake asked, making you sit up straight and look at him in the eyes.
‘’Us?’’ You questioned. ‘’There is no us, Jake.’’ You got up from his bed to put on some clothes, him following you. 
‘’What do you mean ‘there’s no us’?’’ Jake’s voice got louder as he continued speaking. ‘’This really means nothing to you?’’
‘’It’s not-’’
‘’It’s not what? Don’t lie to me Y/N. You know what happened between us-’’
‘’Now don’t tell me that you caught feelings for me-’’
‘’What if I did? What if I like you? What if I want to be with you?’’ Jake followed you around like a lost puppy when you decided to get out of his room. 
When you went downstairs, you turned to face him with a frown on your face. ‘’Your heart is lying to your face, Jake. You don’t have feelings for me. You have feelings for the idea of me. I’m the first who kissed you properly, the person who you lost your virginity to, the first person to teach you the basics of sex, the first person that you became intimate with. That is the reason why you think you have feelings for me.’’
‘’That’s not true. Y/N, please-’’
‘’We did nothing but have sex behind closed doors, Jake. We never went out like people our ages do. You’ve never asked me on a proper date. You just wanted me to fuck you. If you really did have feelings for me, you’d think of me as a lover rather than somebody to fuck. So no, you don’t have feelings for me Jake Sim.’’ 
Jake froze on spot, not knowing what to say. He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. You realized he didn’t have anything to say so you continued.
‘’I will wait for you till summer because I actually have feelings for you and it’s not because I fucked you a few times. I genuinely like you Jake and I don’t want to get heartbroken when you change your mind about me a few days later. If you still have feelings for me when summer comes, you know where to find me. Until then, goodbye.’’ You said before placing a quick kiss on his lips and getting out of his house and maybe out of his life too.
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The summer sun felt different on Jake’s skin as he stood in front of the church. He originally didn’t plan on coming back to his hometown as soon as he finished the semester but something inside him kept telling him to visit. He held onto the hope of seeing you again. He didn’t have much expectation though, since he knew you had other plans for the summer; he found it out through one of many conversations you had with him after you fucked his brains out. 
He waited ten more minutes in front of the church before going inside and taking a seat right behind his parents. Shaking his head and trying to get rid of the idea of you, he looked up and scanned the people in the church. He looked through everyone and still there was no sight of you. 
Another day gone by without you showing up, he thought. 
He had been doing the exact same thing for two weeks now. He went to church every day to see if you’d make a visit. He took the same road you usually took. Sometimes he walked past your house, hoping to catch a glimpse of you. But it seemed like you were nowhere to be seen. 
Until he spotted a familiar figure entering the church. You haven’t changed a little bit, maybe your hair was just a little bit longer. You were wearing the exact same dress you wore on the first day Jake saw you. You were still an angel to him, no matter how many times he watched you sin, nobody could ever change his mind. Jake felt his heart thump faster, he felt like he was about to explode. 
When your eyes met his, he was welcomed with the infamous smile of yours, the prettiest one Jake had ever seen. Standing at the very back where nobody was giving you attention, you lifted your skirt slightly, showing Jake what he had been missing out on so far. 
Of course, no panties. 
Jake smirked at himself, knowing very well that the two of you would end up in the storage room downstairs at the end of the way, just like that one warm spring evening months ago but this time, he would be making love to you. 
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stay tuned for the follow up ‘bad boys bring heaven to you’
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ilovehugslikealotalot · 2 months
Hold onto You
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sum: Emily can’t help but love the one person that doesn’t want her
WARNING: Angst, reader x JJ for bit, jealous!emily, mentions of alcohol consumption, r and Emily live in the same complex, talks of engagement, wedding mentions, y/n injured in line of duty, hospital visits, undercover missions, Emily pretending she moved on, happy ending
(kinda fast paced, it was meant to be a series)
(Not proofread)
Based on Angelina by Lizzy McAlpine
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It had been at least 3 days since y/n had come back to her home across from Emily’s. She’s been spending so much time with JJ that even the team is a little suspicious. Emily couldn’t stop the pit in her stomach that grew with each passing hour. Y/n would always come in around this time and take over the couch while she watched some movies.
Where did you go, Angelina? Why did you take my foolish heart?
Emily had called at least 17 times in the last hour and at least a couple dozen messages. She knew JJ was quite the charmer, but she was scared of losing her, the one person she wanted bad. She’s had this crush for years now, ever since she joined the team she’s never looked at anyone else the same as she saw y/n. Sure, a few flings here and there but nothing could satify her.
She needed only one person. And that person wasn’t here.
Emily should’ve known that in the end it would be JJ. She just hoped and prayed that there would be some miracle that this event wouldn’t happen. But, of course, hope’s what kills you. She stood outside on he balcony breathing in the slightly smoky air. She hated how good you two looked so good together how it looked like they just fit together time two puzzle pieces.
She hated how JJ could make you laugh with a glance
She hated how y/n just tossed her aside
She hated how they looked at each other like they’re in love
She hated.
I should've known, Angelina I was never right for that part
Emily couldn’t stop that nauseous feeling when JJ and y/n walked in and laughed together hand in hand. Now that she was back from Interpol, she was so excited to finally talk to her, but clearly she had other plans. Heads whipped to Emily to see how she would react. But she remained stoic never even flinching. She’s endured many heartbreaks but this one was different.
With each passing day they grew farther apart, with Emily withdrawing the most, of course this upset y/n too. Because she also had quite the feelings for Emily. So, all y/n could do was fall I got the arms of JJ.
“You seem distant, Em, are you sure you’re okay?” Y/n asked, hoping and praying that she wasn’t the problem. The annoyed expression that Emily gave her said other wise though. The dark haired woman just scoffed and walked away, little did she know, she had a chance, and right now she was ruining it. She knew what she lost, she just didn’t know she hadn’t lost it just yet. So, as more time passed, Emily had made even more of a mess, exploding at a few members of the team one significant case.
“I said I got him! Y/n, come with me, I know he’s here.” Emily sternly stated, the team was spread around an enormous mansion, their unsub was somewhere in one of the secret rooms. Every single one was checked except for the one Emily and Y/n were closest too.
“Emily, he will be aggressive once we open that door, he’ll shoot as soon as he sees it move.” Y/n tried to reason with Emily, but she was too focused on revenge. The unsub had tried to target y/n of all people on the team and it pissed the older woman off. a lot.
Emily stood down and nodded her head, “you’re right, we should wait for reinforce-“
Out of instinct, Emily wrapped her arms the younger woman and fired back the unsub behind them. Turns out, he wasn’t even in one of the concealed rooms, he was right under the desk. She shot him straight in the neck, she didn’t even hesitate.
But, y/n was growing limp in her arms and she was growing worried. Looking down, y/n’s mouth was spilling out blood. Her eyes slowly closing with each passing second, Emily cursed at herself and cradled the woman she loved so desperately in her arms. “You’re gonna be okay, keep your eyes open” She screamed in the comms, with out a moment to waste she sprinted out of the office and ran down the stairs, knowing the medics were already outside.
“We have a dead Unsub in the West Wing and an agent down!” She screamed into the comms, they all replied, moving toward the office being cautious of any other partners he may have in the mansion.
Emily felt a lump in her throat as they took y/n away, JJ raced out trying to get to y/n. “Agent, only immediate family is allowed”
“I’m her girlfriend, now, let me in.” They finally agreed, knowing she wouldn’t let it go. Emily felt her stomach drop, her what? No, no, no, this wasn’t supposed to happen! But she expected it from the moment she found out that y/n had been sleeping at JJ’s more frequently. That still didn’t get rid of the dread and anger she felt.
Tara stood behind her placing a hand on her shoulder, when she needed somebody she confided in Tara. With the new promotion Emily got, she seemed to be more on edge than ever. “They’ve been dating since you left for Interpol, but y/n still liked you then, Em”
She fought back tears that threatened to fall. “I’ve never wanted someone so badly” she whispered, as the ambulance sirens grew farther away, the lights soon disappearing. The life she could’ve had leaving with it.
Emily had never felt more alone than when she saw JJ sitting on y/n’s bed, the two looked smitten as they smiled, laughing about who knows what, she stood outside watching as JJ kissed her so sweetly even Emily got a tooth ache. As y/n lifted her hand to JJ’s face, Emily saw a stone glitter under the bright light. That’s when she knew.
Oh, so I guess the wedding I'll never be getting Will live in the back of my mind
JJ had walked into the bullpen second, right after Emily, that morning looking tired, Emily walked up to her and smirked, trying to lighten the mood for her. As much as she wanted y/n she couldn’t get in the way of her happiness.
“Long night with the missus, huh?” Emily chuckled leaning against JJ’s desk, “Yeah, we broke up, on good terms but still hurt y’know”
Emily could’ve screamed, she stood with her mouth ajar, a little hope bubbling in her chest, but she couldn’t do that to JJ. She wouldn’t just sweep y/n off her feet the moment she was available.
“She said it was because of a classified mission she was offered to do” JJ bit her lip, “Plus, we already were looking at other people before so, we’re just good friends” Emily thoughts stopped at the mention of a ‘classified mission’. She wasn’t notified that any of her agents would be going on any projects.
Without saying another word, Emily immediately went up to her office going through her files trying to find some thing, anything that she missed. It was only then when a knock sounded from her door that she felt her stomach drop, it now felt like an all too familiar feeling.
Y/n didn’t need to say anything, she knew from Emily’s facial expressions. She wasn’t exactly the best at hiding it from her of all people. There was no need for verbal exchanges, it was just them, for once, it was just them.
“I’m sorry. I leave tomorrow.” She apologized, lowering her eyes, clutching her necklace to her chest. “I know how much pain I’m causing you, I thought it would be better this way. We would be better this way.”
I never loved you more than when you said goodbye 'Cause maybe I knew that love wasn't honest if you had to lie I never loved you more than when you walked away 'Cause maybe I knew, Angelina, you'd never stay
She couldn’t forget that last kiss to the cheek. The last wave goodbye and the empty feeling once she was finally gone.
The mission allowed Emily to rethink about what has happened since her return from Interpol and her new position as Unit Chief. As much as she loved y/n, she couldn’t live her life in sorrow. So, she moved on.
Much to Tara’s surprise, one night might’ve changed it all. The abrupt phone call wasn’t abnormal especially from Emily. But, it was quite late. “Em? What is so urgent that you FaceTime me at the ripe hour of 11:49?” She questioned, walking into the living and turning on a lamp, her girlfriend, Abby was fast asleep in their bedroom, so Tara had a hushed tone.
“I need to tell you. I’ve moved on, from y/n, I mean” Emily said, but there was a hint of sadness to it. “You’re kidding, right?”
“No, I found someone, she’s sweet and she’s not y/n, but it’s better than nothing” She grinned, it had been almost 7 months and y/n hadn’t returned from her mission.
It had been a grueling 7 months at that, Emily felt like her heart had been ripped out and placed back, every time. Now, it had been ripped out again, but it never came back, she felt an emptiness where it was supposed to be. She’d spend more time doing nothing in her room than actually doing anything. It seemed like she wasn’t there, she was just a fog that wandered the earth.
People would tell her that she can’t be acting like someone just died, but she couldn’t help it. She was grieving the life she wanted to have. All she needed was y/n. She would gladly sacrifice anything for her. There was nothing she wouldn’t do.
She waited for weeks, months, but not a word from y/n. She stayed up at night wondering if she was okay, alive, even.
Are you coming home, Angelina?
She waited for a long time, until she meant Margot. She looked like y/n so it was easy to pretend. She knew it was wrong, she knew that leading her on wasn’t right. Yet, she still did it.
So, they dated, they had a good enough relationship to where Emily started to stop seeing y/n in Margot. She was content, she was okay with what she had.
I think I'm done trying to hold on to you
It wasn’t long after that y/n had returned a couple bruises and scratches, and the first person she fled to was Emily. It was like all the walls she had built up again came crashing back down and Tara knew, out of everyone who was in the Bullpen, she knew.
It wasn’t until then that they realized how much Margot looked like y/n, it was an almost perfect comparison. But in the end, Emily would always pick y/n. It was like their souls were always destined to meet each other no matter where they went, in any universe they’d find each other in life and death. But, it just seemed like in this one they couldn’t work out.
I think you should know, Angelina
The team was out celebrating after a big case, one where everyone brought their beloved, and to everyone’s surprise Emily had brought Margot. They were all throughly impressed at how dedicated she was to moving on, but deep down, Emily would’ve switched in a heart beat. She felt a deep regret about how she was leading Margot on, the void in her heart was too deep to fill.
So, she grabbed what she could and stuffed it in her heart pretending that she was fine with it.
From afar, as she did for the longest time, she watched y/n. Her chest tightening at that sickly sweet laugh. Emily wanted so badly to just walk over there and talk to her, but she felt as if what they had was already too far gone.
That I'd probably fall again if you wanted me to
“You know, Emily, I…I love you..”
And she said I love you so I said it back
“I love you too, y/- uh-, Margot” Emily plastered a smile on her face, one that Margot knew was fake, even she could see it from a mile, even she realized faster than the two combined.
But I wished she was you
“I thought you’d screw up and almost say her name, Em. You love her just say so, I could see it from the moment she’s in the room.” Emily lowered her head, knowing the lecture she was about to receive was too true.
“You aren’t mine. You were never mine, and…I’m okay with that”
“Go love her.”
Emily shivered in the rain, her hair soaked as she sprinted up the stairs and banging on y/n’s front door, she desperately hoped she wasn’t too late. After all, that’s all she’s been doing anyway, desperately hoping.
She wrapped her arms around herself, she could just turn around and walk into her own apartment. But she stood her ground and waited, as she door lock clicked open, it revealed the face that Emily needed to see that whole night.
“Em? You’re soaking! Why aren’t you home? You’ll catch a cold, get in here!” Y/n exclaimed, stepping aside to let her inside and lock the door behind her. “You are home..” Emily mumbled weakly, her tears now mixing with the rain on her cheeks, “what?” “Maybe I should call Margot, are you drunk?” Y/n quipped, placing her on the couch and running to grab some fresh clothes and a towel.
“No! Don’t call her!” Emily pleaded, her eyes bloodshot as she stared up at the woman she loved so dearly.
Y/n simply nodded and gave Emily her peace as she changed. It was quiet in the apartment, it was big, so big in fact it felt lonely. Like there hadn’t been company in a long while. The couch dipped next to her, she didn’t dare look at y/n. “I know that you don’t like me anymore, but you can talk to me I’ve always wanted you”
“Then why date JJ? Why did you leave me?” Emily snapped back
“Because you took up every fiber of my being, so much so that I couldn’t even do my job right! Then, when it got too much, to the point I couldn’t be in the same room as you, unless I wanted to feel like my heart was being ripped out of my chest. That’s why I left.” Y/n voiced filled with anguish, her stomach doing flips as her tears steamed down her face.
“Y/n…I love you..” Emily mumbled, but y/n heard her all too clearly, her breath caught in her throat. “You have Margot..don’t do this to me, Emily. Not now.”
The desperation that Emily felt now was nothing compared to when y/n first got with JJ. “No, I broke up with her, I couldn’t keep pretending she was you! No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t keep myself from wanting you.”
Y/n sniffled, she wanted Emily so bad, but she’d been hurt so many times. Yet, you could never know if you didn’t try.
“Then, I suppose we could try us”
This was in my drafts for a while! Thought I might as well post!
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writersdrug · 9 months
Ghost x Reader x Konig: I Don't Need You (Ch. 2)
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Summary: You and Ghost argue every single day. Things aren't getting better. You're over it and wish Ghost would stop. But he makes a point to fight with you every time you're in his line of sight. Even when you try let it go, he doesn't. And you've had enough.
Chapter warnings: Cursing, VERY small mentions of consensual torture (like for one sentence).
Notes: Two chapters in one day? Maybe?? Don't expect it too often, but I'll finish this one I promise!!
Two months had passed, and the days dragged on mercilessly. The swelling in Ghost’s eye had disappeared after the first week. The depression had passed after the first month, now replaced with anger and hatred. Ghost and I had gone from awkward silence, to irritated glances, to going to extreme lengths to avoid each other, and finally, to having full blown arguments. At first, in a semi-private setting, then later, in whatever place we were in when the fight would start. Our teammates were growing concerned and annoyed with the constant tension. Multiple people had suggested we try to be civil and talk things out, and others said we needed to go to therapy. All of them, of course, never let on that they knew this was about something more than a work-related disagreement. They understood exactly why Ghost and I had been fighting.
Ghost and I, on the other hand, believed that we had done a good job at keeping our “situation” a secret.
Morning had come all too soon; I had managed to crawl into bed after another late night of anger and despair; my mind was busy reliving the moments of the argument Ghost and I had, right outside of my dorm. We had shouted like there wasn’t another soul on base, throwing insults and jabs like they were daggers – and they certainly felt like it. Ghost would typically use the “You should have known better” argument, and I took the “If you had a problem, why didn’t you say anything?” route. He called me insane. I called him a hypocrite. The same jumble of expletives until I would finally slam the door in his face and go to bed, a sobbing mess.
I had skimmed the surface of sleep until my alarm buzzed at 5 AM. I let it drone on for a while, staring out my window, watching the sun just barely breaking the surface. It was going to be a dark morning, and a cold day. Luckily, the day’s agenda for the 141 agents was mostly finishing paperwork from the last mission. I went through the motions of showering, getting dressed, putting my hair back… before I knew it, I was standing in front of my door, empty coffee cup in one hand, files and paperwork in the other, ready to start the day, At least, I looked ready. In reality, I felt like I was being held together with paperclips and thread, about to collapse at any second.
I made my way to the mess hall, claiming a seat with some of the female sergeants before heading to the line. My stomach didn’t like the look of the food, so I instead went to grab a cup of coffee. I wasn’t one for coffee, however, I needed it as a replacement for tea. Since Ghost and I had first fought, I refused to drink any sort of tea – I said it was to help me get over him, but I knew I was just being childish.
Haphazardly, I noticed that there were only two tea bags left by the brewing station. For a second, I thought I should just bite the bullet and make tea, since this would probably be all that was left until the following month. Then, a very petty idea came to mind. I casually glanced around the hall – no sign of Ghost. I raised my eyebrows, suspicious at the coincidence of it all. God, this timing is too perfect. I turned back and finished pouring cream in my coffee. Simultaneously, I snagged the teabags and shoved them in my thigh pocket, then walked back to the table like it had never happened.
When people commend me on my stealth, I can’t help but think of how I used it for dumb shit like this.
I sat down next to two of my closest friends, Skyline and Beth (not all of us chose to stick with a callsign, and Beth was one of those people). I sipped my coffee innocently.
“You’ve got a long day today.” Beth said, weighing my paperwork in her hands. “If you’d let the others get a chance at shanking the enemy, you wouldn’t have so much to report.” She plopped the paper back down with a thud.
“I already got started on it last night.” I muttered. My eyes kept flicking back to the entrance of the mess hall, waiting for Ghost. “Besides, keeps me busy.”
Beth looked at me and huffed. She followed my line of sight to the doors, then looked back at me, disappointed. “Really?”
I shrugged. “What?” I said, innocently taking another sip.
“I told you she’d do something.” Skyline piped in, unbothered as she slowly stirred her coffee. “What is it now, huh? D’you take off his door knob?”
I glanced between the two of them with an offended look. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Why didn’t I ever think of that before?!
“You have got to let this go.” Beth said exasperated. “This is the most unprofessional I’ve seen you since I met you.”
That one stung. I looked at Beth, narrowing my eyes. “Are you serious- “
“It’s been over two months now. Yes, I’m serious.” Beth rubbed the bridge of her nose, and Skyline hummed in agreement. Beth continued: “You’re both acting so fucking childish. I’m surprised you even managed to get him to stoop to your level here. But it’s not just a problem for the both of you now, everyone has to deal with your shit.”
“I think your bun’s just pulled too tight.” I replied dryly. I was too busy watching Ghost walk in and place his things on the table next to Soap.
“For fuck’s sake, Bonnie – “ Beth stood up and gathered her tray. “We’re just trying to look out for you. Get your shit together.” She stormed off to find a different table, far away from me.
I watched her walk away, suddenly feeling ashamed. She was right, I was being a child. I was stooping lower than I though I ever could.
Skyline clicked her tongue. “You really should get over him.” She piped up. “It’s holding you back, you’re not focused, you look tired and worn out all the time.” She stood and picked up her tray, heading away to follow Beth. “We just don’t want to see you lose everything over some petty mistake.”
Mistake. I was tired of that word. I watched her walk away, anger bubbling in my mind. I looked back at Ghost, who was now standing by the coffee station, glancing around for the last tea bags. I sighed. Let’s get this over with.
I got up and walked over to him, fishing the tea bags from my pocket. I slapped them down on the counter in front of Ghost. “Figured you need these more than I do.”
Ghost stared at the bags for a long second, then looked sharply at me. His gaze was always intense behind the mask (right now, just the balaclava), but now more than ever, they were filled with hatred.
I shrugged. “I decided on coffee.” I answered his unspoken question.
I left Ghost at the brew station, exiting the mess hall and making quick strides towards my room. I knew the look on his face meant trouble, and I didn’t want to deal with his bullshit. For the first time in a while, I wanted the arguing and face-offs to be over. Beth’s words struck a chord with me, making me realize how much time I was wasting fighting with Ghost. Deep down, I wanted it to end, so I could go back to being the best stealth expert on the team. I had become so distracted and irritable over the past several months, and it was finally crashing down on me.
If I had felt hungry before going to the mess hall, it had faded since then. I just wanted to finish my paperwork in my dorm, go back to sleep, maybe stand in the shower and think… maybe even apologize to Beth and Skyline, telling them they were right – which would be hard. It took a lot for me to admit I was wrong, even to myself. Especially to myself.
I was angry again. I was tired of being angry. I was tired of getting frustrated, getting into fights, and crying after. I was tired of being tired. It was a workout of it’s own. But there I was, fuming again as I stormed away down the halls, muttering curses to myself.
Cutting my thoughts short, I heard Ghost’s angry voice behind me. “The fuck was that all about?” he yelled.
My eyes rolled so hard they nearly got stuck.
“Are you really going to do this over a couple of teabags??” I said, calling the fight before it had even started. “I don’t want to argue with you, Ghost. I decided not to piss you off today, that’s why I gave them back.”
“No, I’ve had enough of you and you’re selfish fucking attitude.” Ghost trailed behind me, fuming. His steps were heavier than mine and his stride slower, yet he easily kept up with my pace. “Every day it’s something new with you; some stupid fucking reason for you to piss me off, and then you go acting all innocent like nothing happened. I’m fucking tired of it.”
“Then go the fuck to bed and leave me alone.” I retorted. This was what I couldn’t understand. Why does he keep following me every day just to get mad? If he think’s I’m trying to annoy him why doesn’t he just ignore me? Why does he have to yell at me every damn day?
“Oh, real mature, real fucking mature, Bonnie. You haven’t changed one bit, you’re still a bloody prick!”
“And you’re still crawling back for more, huh?!”
“Fuck you!”
“Fuck you!! This is fucking petty, Ghost!!”
“You think I’m being petty?!” he shouted, defensively, following me around a corner. “Fuckin’ take a look at yourself, acting like a child. Can’t be a fucking adult here, you’re just going t’ walk away like nothing happened, huh? You gonna fucking run every time I try and talk to you? You know, that’s real fucking weak of you!!”
Weak. My mind snapped before I knew what was happening.
I grabbed my knife from my belt and spun a full one-eighty, flinging it as hard as I could in Ghost’s direction. It missed his face by a couple of inches before it collided with the cement wall behind him and clattered to the floor. As the clang echoed throughout the hallway, I caught Ghost holding his breath, a shocked look in his eyes. He knew how good my aim was – he had seen it countless times in combat. I never miss my mark. But this time, he wasn’t sure what I had meant to hit.
“Fuck OFF.” I emphasized the words I yelled though the glare I shot him, before finally turning away. The walls on either side of me seemed to close in, and the end of the hall stretched farther and farther away with each step I took. I knew Ghost was still frozen behind me, trying to figure out if I had meant to shank him or if I had intentionally missed him – frankly, I was just as uncertain as he was.
Finally reaching my door, I barreled through it and slammed it behind me. My head was throbbing from the emotions swimming through it. I didn’t want to cry again, I was so goddamn tired of crying. Yet the stinging threat of tears lingered in my eyes all the same. I stood there, fuming, my shoulders heaving from the breaths I sucked in, trying to wash away the red behind my eyelids. It wasn’t enough.
I ripped my shirt over my head and threw it to the ground. I kicked off my shoes, yanked down my pants, and ripped off my underwear as I stumbled to my bathroom. My head was dizzy as I frantically pulled myself into the shower, cranking it on and to the highest setting. Initially, the water hit my skin like shards of ice, making my muscles tense and shake. Slowly, it turned into a cooling rain, then a comforting shower, before it finally burned.
It felt so good. Maybe not good, but it was distracting. The water felt like a million cigarettes being put out against my skin. I remembered how Simon used to do that, once or twice, placing claims on my skin that no one else would see but us. I told him I never wanted them to fade, but they did anyways. I braced my hands against the wall in front of me and hunched my back. My muscles fought against my brain, shaking with the urge to jump back from the water, as my mind forced them to stay locked under it. My scalp screamed under the heat as small, hot streams trickled down my face. It burned. All of it burned, and it felt so good. So numbing.
Eventually, the water cooled off a bit. The base’s water heater was unable to keep up with what I needed. As the searing pain eased off, the emotions came flooding back – now, as despair and confusion. The void in my chest came back, angry and empty as ever. I had nothing to fill it with. I tried folding in on myself, crumpling to the floor, hoping to fill the gap with my own self. But it didn’t work. Nothing ever worked.
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godlygreta · 5 months
god is fair | j. t. kiszka
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title | god is fair
word count | 7.7k
warnings | swearing, mentions of alcohol - nothing too terrible... yet ;)
author's note | i've had this in the chamber for some time now, i just lost the inspo to write, which is why i haven't in a long time. this isn't a promise that i'll post more fics as they come to me, seeing as i'm a senior in college who has a fuck ton of other things to do. there will be a part 2 to this fic, but i couldn't tell you when it's coming :)
also, very much so listening to god is fair, sexy nasty by mac miller while writing this & starting the next part, so take that as you will ;)
unedited as hell so pls excuse any mistakes !
You always had this rivalry since the beginning of freshman year. This guy, Jake, would never show up to any of the classes the two of you had together, but always got the highest grades on every single goddamn exam that your Intro to Bio professor gave out. It infuriated you.
You figured that in the spring semester, you would be freed from the disappearing boy, but you weren’t. While the teacher called roll, everyone shouted out here. She landed upon his name, calling out to the class and looking through the rows of students. He had been there for orientation, sitting in one of the middle rows, slouched in his seat.
You planned to confront him the next day you had class together, on Wednesday, but Jake was nowhere to be found. Your roommate and your friends had heard your exhaustive theories as to why he was never in class. “Babe, you sound insane. Just let it go.”
But you couldn’t.
Competition lived deep within your roots, having an entire competition with the second top student in your graduating class in high school. Though the rage held between each other was never taken far outside of the academic realm, the two of you never thought to be friends and encourage one another. Thankfully, the two of you resolved the competition when the two of you realized you would be going into two very separate fields of study in college. 
Camren, who knew she was going to be a chemist from the time she first learned about chemistry, had told you she loved the competition – made it fun and kept things interesting. And there you were, going to school for Pre-Med with the same feeling. The two of you kept in contact, updating each other on the strive for greatness in college as well.
You kept a close relationship with a lot of your teachers, making sure to get on their good side before classes had really begun. You emailed most of them, especially your Anatomy and Physiology professor, Dr. Sahnya Heinz.
She was incredibly skilled in her field, leaving the active medical field to teach the new and future minds of medicine. It was a cliche line she delivered on the first day, but it encouraged that familiar competitive fire that dwelled within you.
You don’t quite remember how you came to figure out that Jake was ahead of you, but you had found out somehow from your professor, although it was an accident.
It made everything in you burn with anger and frustration. Anytime someone mentioned him, or mentioned the fact that you were second, you clenched your jaw and your teeth gritted together. Your friends had an inside joke that you were only mad because you had a huge crush on him.
“I barely even know what he looks like, Mel! I fucking hate the guy. Don’t start shit.” You’d plead, beer can in your hand in the lounge of some fraternity floor.
Over the next few semesters, you kept trying your hardest, spending most of your free time in the library, reading everything that you could to prepare for every exam. You wrote papers early, having them done at least three weeks in advance. As soon as you would be told about a new one, you’d immediately start finding sources.
You sauntered around campus, thinking that you would be way ahead of him. He still never showed up to any classes, aside from orientation and exam periods. You’d stare at him for a few moments while the teacher passed out the exam, looking over his face as much as you could.
His long hair would obscure your vision on occasion, making it hard to catch any of his features at all. From what you could see though, he had nice, full lips. His nose was something you could have stared at the entire exam period.
You watched him as he licked his lips, whispering a thank you to Heinz before grabbing his pencil from his desk and getting to work. You looked away from him as soon as Heinz put your exam on your desk, offering her a small smile and a quick thank you before getting to work.
It was almost spring break, meaning some of your assignments had been slowing, some of them had been increasing. A group of your friends from different majors told you about one of the lounge parties a fraternity on campus was throwing. “Sigma Tau has the worst lounge parties, Tamia. You know this.”
“They’re joining forces with the Delta’s though, so it’ll be better than normal! You have to come, you’ve always got your nose in a book. You haven’t drank with us in so long, I forget what you’re like when you’re drunk.”
“I don’t know… I need to work on this Midterm paper I have in Kainz’s class, it’s due next week.”
“Babe, it’s been done for weeks! You just keep editing it trying to find mistakes and there are none! I’ve literally read it five times. Please, go out with us, just tonight?”
You looked between Tamia and Mel, knowing in the end you would give into them anyways. “Ugh, fine! Tonight, and tonight only, just this once. If I don’t like it, though, I’m leaving and going to bed early.”
“You’ll have so much fun, I swear!” Mel and Tamia looked between each other, sharing expressions of excitement and happiness on their faces. You rolled your eyes, standing up from your chair.
You let them raid your closet, trying to throw something together quickly. Most of the time, Tamia and Mel never obeyed the dress code for the lounge parties, hating the idea of giving into the male gaze of the fraternity brothers. Tonight, however, was a bit different. The theme was Western, meaning it was cowboy hats and very tiny shorts.
You looked over the outfit that laid out in front of you, straw cowboy hat that Tamia had bought from Amazon (one for each of you), a pair of short shorts that may or may not show your ass a bit, and a red bandana top that Mel let you borrow last semester that you forgot to return. “I don’t know about this. I don’t even have the right shoes.”
“You forget we wear the same size, bitch, you’re going. No backing out.” They joked, tossing you a pair of white boots. “Just put that shit on while we heat up the curling iron, okay?”
“Fine, fine, okay.” You peel off your shirt, throwing on the one they picked out. Next to go were your pajama pants, which were replaced by the shorts. You kept the same socks on, knowing that nobody would see them anyways with the boots going up to the middle of your calf muscle. “I look fucking ridiculous.”
“You look fucking hot, now sit down while we do your hair and makeup,” Mel spoke, pulling out your desk chair while Tamia smiled wickedly with the curling wand in hand. You were nervous, looking at the both of them, but the good kind that settled under your skin and was left hidden behind the smallest smile.
You talked about upcoming exams with them while they did your hair and makeup, much to their dismay. They attempted to fill you in on the various drama situations going on around campus while you had been heavily plugged into your textbooks. You gasped often, finding shock and awe in some of the things they had been telling you about classmates.
They spoke about Jake, letting it slip that he had been planning on attending the party, joined at the hip with one of the girls he had been rumored to have been dating. One of the many. “Ugh, he just sounds like a douche. Gives me even more reason to hate him.”
“We’re not feeding into your delusion that he’s some douchebag. Dropping it.” Tamia spoke, putting her hands up in a surrender. Mel laughed, pulling away from you with an eyeliner pen in hand. “Maybe we’ll get you drunk enough to admit you like him.”
“I don’t like him, and I thought we were dropping the topic.” You looked at Tamia in the mirror, watching her face deadpan as she looked back at you.
“I have something hot in my hands, don’t be rude to me.” The three of you laughed, getting back into the rhythm of getting ready. You let them do their thing to you, curling the last bit of your hair and putting the finishing touches of highlighter on your brow bone.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, marveling at the job they did. You thanked them for getting you all dolled up, watching them change into their outfits. It was mostly just them taking off the sweats they were wearing, throwing them over the back of your desk chair. You took a few pictures with them in your mirror before finally deciding to head out.
The party had started a half an hour ago, walking into the party late like most people did. The three of you got in easily with matching the dress code, immediately looking for the drinks table. The boys in charge handed the three of you a free shot of anything you wanted. Mel chose for you, starting the night out roughly with a shot of Svedka.
You grabbed a Sprite from one of the boys in one hand, the shot of Svedka in the other. The three of you tapped your glasses together before downing the shot. The alcohol burned as it slipped down your throat, trying to soothe it with the taste and coolness of the Sprite. You shook a bit, throwing the cup away in a nearby trash can.
“That was fucking gross, I hate you so much for choosing Svedka.”
“I could’ve chosen something even more nasty, like Jack.” Mel laughed, leading the three of you over to a section in the lounge where you could stand a decent enough distance away from one another, instead of being piled on top of one another.
“I would have rather taken a shot of Jack, Mel.” You spoke, sipping more of your Sprite. Tamia pointed out a few of the people they had talked about earlier, letting you put names to faces.
In the midst, two of the Sigma brothers decided to start a dance battle, capturing the attention of those around them. Everyone joined in, gathering around the two guys. Mel and Tamia joined too, but you had slipped out of their grasp by telling them you had to use the bathroom.
You were happy to escape the party, sneaking out with a bottle of Smirnoff the boys had left unattended. You walked outside, taking a deep breath in. You were thankful to be met with the smell of fresh air, not smelling sweat and booze everywhere. Your peace and tranquility was ruined by someone’s voice, “Well, don’t you look adorable.”
Your head snapped towards the voice, seeing Jake sitting up against the bike rack with a cigarette between his fingers. “Shut up.”
“What? I can’t compliment you?”
“No,” you started, crossing your arms with the bottle still in your hand. “No, you can’t.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because I hate you.” Jake looked at you, up and down, taking a drag of his cigarette. You screwed off the cap of the bottle, taking a pull. You tried your hardest to not make a face, looking away slightly when the familiar sting settled in your throat.
“Why do you hate me? I’ve never spoken to you before.”
“Do I have to have a reason?” You asked, walking closer to him.
“Suppose not. But if I knew why you hated me,” he tossed his cigarette butt on the ground, stomping on it with his boot. “Then maybe I could find a way to make you not hate me.”
“Unless you flunk your next exam, I guarantee that won’t happen.”
“Oh, I get it.” He chuckled, standing up from the bike rack he was leaning against. He grabbed his cigarette butt up from the ground, tossing it into the nearest garbage can. He turned towards you, staring at you with his brown eyes. “You’re just mad because I’m smarter than you.”
“You’re never in class. You shouldn’t be ahead of me.” You glared at him, lips moving into a frown.
“Just because I’m never there doesn’t mean I’m not getting the information. I work five, sometimes six days a week. We only have class three days a week. Typically, I gotta work those days. Heinz sends me the powerpoints and the assignment notes so I never miss anything.”
“Oh yeah? Where do you even work then?” You asked.
He chuckled, fingers brushing yours that were wrapped around the bottle. “Now if I told you that, it would ruin all the fun,” he looked you up and down once more, licking his lips slightly. “Well, maybe I’ll see you and your bottle inside.” 
You waited til the doors closed behind him to roll your eyes, and huff outwardly. You took the bottle of Smirnoff, turned on your heels and walked towards your dorm hall. You hated Jake. You really hated Jake.
Your midterms came and went. The stress decreased slightly, but only to be raised again as the end of the semester loomed around. Assignments started piling up, various papers and presentations due all around the same week. Since the end of Spring Break, you had been holed up in your room, left to your mountains of homework.
Your Microbio class had a presentation due that coincided with the research project you had been working on all semester long. Human Anatomy and Physiology (or affectionately known as BIO 312) had a major cumulative exam on the entire semester, which stressed you out more than any other homework assignment or exam you had.
Thankfully, your school held an all day event that attempted to boost the morale of the students on campus. Filled with a bunch of free things, you took advantage of everything offered.
Lined up on tables were various student organizations set up, with their own little games and prizes. A few of them had speakers that played the music they wanted to listen to, all speakers attempting to outman the other. However, the one that ended up winning was a tie dye station located in the lawn, handing out free t-shirts to dye.
One of the guys at the tie dye station had a wide smile on his face while his hands were dripping with dye. Setting your prizes down at a table where Tamia and Mel had put their things, you walked over to him. He welcomed you over with a smile, “Hey! Lookin’ to tie dye?”
“Yeah, I’m a medium.” You smiled at him, blocking the sun with your hand. He called over to Benny, asking him to pull a medium out for you. Benny handed you the shirt with a smile. “I’ve never dyed anything before.”
“Never?! That’s a crime against mankind, darlin’, let’s get this shirt dyed.” He spoke, talking you over the colors in each of the buckets. He explained to you some basic color theory, although you had remembered that from your high school painting class, you didn’t stop him; he was pretty when he spoke.
The curls on his head stuck out from the shaved sides, the gold of his earrings stood out underneath the blistering April sun. He licked his lips often, using the back of his hand to wipe sweat from his forehead. He helped you pick out the style you wanted, making sure the rubber bands were placed exactly where you wanted them. “I’ll dip them in the bucket for you so you don’t get your hands dirty.”
“Thank you. I could’ve managed on my own, but I definitely appreciate it.”
“Of course. What’s your name?” You offer up to him, before he lets out a chuckle. You question him with a pull of your eyebrows. “Jake talks about you.”
“You know Jake?”
“Yeah, he’s my twin.” As soon as the word left his mouth, you could see the resemblance; you almost scolded yourself for not realizing it sooner. They were similar, especially in their features and their eyes, although the two of them had very distinct color differences. Josh, as he told you after dropping the bomb on you, had warmer eyes, filled with caramel colored hues of brown in relation to Jake’s colder tones; his eyes were a darker shade of brown, with the occasional gleam of flirtation laced within the reflection.
He spoke quite differently from Jake, mostly just with the sound of his voice. It matched their eyes, their personalities. Josh’s bright, bubbly stature followed in his voice, almost theatrical as he spoke. “I guess that makes sense, you two do kind of look alike. Minus the hair, of course.”
“Well, of course. Mine’s better,” you liked that about him - how kind his tone was. You attempted to grill him about what Jake was saying about you, curiosity flowing violently through your bloodstream as if it lit your body on fire. “He just says that you’re second in the Bio class you have with him, and that it makes you mad.”
“It does, Jake’s never there. I’ve seen him three times, and two of those times were for exams.” Josh wrung out the part that had been soaking in the dye for a bit, watching the water fall back into the bucket.
“Yeah, it’s cause he’s working all the time, if I’m honest. Jake stays home during the week to work at the nursing home in our hometown. We don’t really have a large CNA population, most of the people who work there are highschool kids, so Jake’s really been their guy. Especially since high school, as soon as he graduated he moved to full time. All the old ladies love him.” He snorts, dipping your shirt into the blue dye.
“I didn’t know that.” You thought he was lying about where he was, which is why guilt started to eat away at you. You felt terrible for making assumptions, but you couldn’t take any of that back now.
“Jake doesn’t talk to a lot of people, but we love him anyway.” You chewed at your bottom lip, rethinking your opinion of Jake. “You goin’ to the concert later tonight?”
“Hadn’t decided. Mel and Tamia want to, so I’ll probably end up going. Are you?”
“Yeah, I think I’ll probably go.”
“Do you know who’s playing?”
“Some local band I think? I’ve heard a lot of the girls think the frontman’s pretty handsome.” He spoke with a smirk. You promised him you’d go, just to see if the girls had been right. He handed you your t-shirt to hold while he grabbed you a plastic bag. He also handed you a piece of paper with instructions on how to take care of your new tie dye.
“Make sure when you wash it, you wash it by itself. Otherwise, you’ll dye all of your other clothes and believe me, you don’t want that,” he chuckled, as if he was speaking from experience.
You thanked him with a warm smile, waving to him before returning to your room. As soon as you got back, you opened your window, allowing the air flow to travel inside. It kept you cool, allowing you to walk around comfortably with a t-shirt and shorts on. You put your plastic bag in the closet of your room, writing on your white board to remember to take it out and wash it tomorrow.
You texted Mel and Tamia, knowing that Mel would probably have some smart comeback about why you want to go to the concert. It wasn’t that you didn’t join them on nights out, you just had a lot riding on your academic success. Not only because you were the first one in your family to go to college, but also because of your mass of scholarships that only continued to flow if your GPA was at a suitable level. Anything below a 3.2, and you would lose almost all of them.
To: The 3 Dumb Sluts
Are we going to the concert tonight?
From: The 3 Dumb Sluts - Mel
Are you offering to come with us without us needing to beg and plead for you to join?
To: The 3 Dumb Sluts
Don’t make me take it back, Mel
From: The 3 Dumb Sluts - Tamia
We’re absolutely going. Come to mine whenever you want to get ready :)
To: The 3 Dumb Sluts
The doors open at 8 right? I’ll be over about 5:30-6ish. Gotta finish up this paper for Heinz real quick
You locked your phone before they could scold you for doing homework on a day that was designated for relaxation and recuperation. You pulled out your Anat and Physio binder, pulling out the sources you printed off in the library. You ran through the last one with a blue highlighter between your teeth. 
You set an alarm on your phone for five o’clock, saving enough time for you to shower.  You were about halfway through the last page when your timer went off. You silenced it, attempting to hurriedly finish highlighting the page. The article was placed onto your desk, highlighter returned to the cup on your desk filled with various writing utensils.
You pulled out your shower caddy, putting it on top of your dresser before pulling out your robe. You laid it over the edge of your bed, removing all of your clothes. You threw them into your hamper and put on your robe. You slipped on your slides, grabbed your caddy and traveled to the bathroom.
Underneath the uneven streams from the showerhead, you thought about Jake.
Maybe your first impressions of him were wrong. When Josh told you about the nursing home back in their hometown, you felt instantaneously bad for assuming that he just never showed up. You knew from what Jake had told you, that he had work, but you figured that was just an excuse.
You bit at the skin of your lips, hands on your shoulders as you soaked the warmth of the water in. You were pulled out of your thoughts very quickly as someone flushed the toilet, making the water fade in from super hot to super fucking cold. You hated the school’s water system.
You finished your shower quickly, drying off with the towel slightly before putting your robe on and throwing your hair up into your towel. You walked back into your room, locking it behind you. You set your caddy back where it originally was.
You threw on a pair of jean shorts that hadn’t seen the light of day since early October, pairing it with a long sleeve shirt that you had gotten back in high school for Christmas. It was plain, brown, but hugged your body well. The sweatshirt debate lasted a few seconds before you remembered how hot it was going to be outside. A record temperature for mid-April, almost 80 degrees outside.
When you checked your phone getting back from the shower, it was just barely five thirty. You texted the groupchat again, asking if it would be cool to come over a half an hour earlier than you had originally said. You knew it was a dumb question, you would always be welcome in their room. You chuckled at Mel’s response of, “Are you fucking dumb? Of course you can come over. Bring wine if you have any left! No carry-in’s allowed at the concert.”
You put your phone down for a second and slipped on a pair of shoes that were comfortable enough for you to stand in for a long time. They used to be white, but had gotten progressively dirty from the years of use. You shoved your phone in your back pocket and slid a few different bottles of wine into your backpack, separated by extra clothing so the bottles didn’t clink together.
You walked down the stairs, out the door and over to the other dorm building across the walkway. You scanned your keycard to get into the building, walking through the hallways waving to the RA on duty, McKenna. She had been in a few of your classes and was always incredibly nice.
Her room this year was actually a few down from where you were living. McKenna was a great RA, knowing exactly how to handle the rowdiness of the floor while still keeping the resident’s respect. She didn’t bother them unless she needed to, and they didn’t bother her unless needed. She kept it underwraps about the underage drinking that would inevitably happen, mostly by telling the floor they could do what they want, as long as they were quiet by quiet hours (which was around ten thirty on the weekdays, and one in the morning on the weekends).
You took the elevator to the second floor of East Sunderland, getting off as soon as the doors opened. The booths that had previously been up had begun to dissipate, bringing the plastic tables back into the buildings they belonged in. You took a last glance at the people cleaning before heading into Mel and Tamia’s dorm building.
You knocked on the door, coming as soon as you announced yourself to Mel and Tamia. The girls laughed as you walked in, looking at a picture of Mel from when they were a kid. The two of them showed it to you as you settled your bag onto Mel’s chair in the corner of their room. “Your buck teeth! Oh my God, you were adorable, Mel.”
“Oh shut up, I bet you didn’t look any better.” Mel spoke to Tamia, making the three of you laugh. “Anyways, what wine did you bring?”
“The Barefoot we didn’t finish the other weekend, and then I still had some Rose, so I brought those over too. I wasn’t sure what we were feeling.” Tamia pulled some glasses from her shelves, passing them out to the two of you. You filled their glasses with the Rose you brought.
The three of you talked specifics on the plans for tonight, hitting up another fraternity party as soon as the concert ended. There were two separate ones going on at the same time, so the two of you weighed your options over which one to go to. “The Sigs are throwing one, but I’d rather die. Delta’s throwing one, too, we’ll go to theirs instead. And maybe see if anyone’s at the Sig party that we like and stop there before heading back to the dorms.”
You walked down with them to the Athletic Department, hoping to have gotten there early enough to get a good spot. As soon as the doors opened, you were filtered through the doors, making sure that you were students with the college. The three of you half ran to the barricade, settling yourselves against it on the right side, although still somewhat in the middle.
The show wouldn’t start for quite some time yet, the three of you talked amongst yourselves about upcoming finals, what you had to do for various classes. You also found a few people around you to chat to while you waited, hearing laughter roaring through various parts of the crowd.
A few students from the Admissions Office had taken the stage, playing a random playlist of music that matched what the band was going to be playing. Rock thundered through the speakers, filling audience members with anticipation. Rochel addressed the student body, “Hello everyone!” welcomed by the sounds of cheers and screaming.
“We’ve got about fifteen minutes before the band comes on stage, so help us warm them up to the stage!” Everyone clapped, although some of the girls around you looked unenthused as they stared down at their phones. You checked yours for any text messages from any family members. You had nothing, so you put it back in your pocket.
Around four songs played before Rochel turned the microphone on again. Everyone shouted before she talked. “Well, it’s that time! Please, give a warm welcome to Greta Van Fleet!”
Rochel and the two other students walked off the stage, passing by what you had assumed to be one of the band members. He sat behind the drums, smiling and waving off into the crowd. You cheered for him along with Tamia and Mel, cheering just as loud when their bassist walked onto the stage. Both of their hair was longer, goofy smiles on their faces as they got situated with their instruments.
Your mouth hung open as you watched the last two boys walk on stage, seeing the twins. Jake’s eyes scanned the crowd as he slung his guitar over his shoulder. He found you after a moment, sending a smirk your way. You closed your mouth, glaring at him. Mel laughed at you, noticing your demeanor shift. “How we doin’ tonight everyone?”
Everyone cheered. “A lot of you might know me and Jake, seen us on campus and stuff. It’s wonderful to see all of you here, coming to support us as we celebrate the onslaught of spring! It’s been a particularly warm one today, so make sure to drink water! There’s plenty to go around.”
Jake started them off, pick between his fingers as he strummed the beginning chords to one of their songs. Some of the girls had begun to scream, shouting at Jake’s response to Josh’s little speech before he began playing. His signature smirk formed, watching the girls go crazy, eyes scanning the crowd before he found you again.
As Jake continued to play, he looked over to you any time he could. It was hard to tear your eyes away from him, enthralled by the way he looked on stage. You tried your hardest, truly, to look at any of the other boys on the stage aside from Jake but you just couldn’t. He fit the stage just right, bringing the attention away from Josh and demanding to be seen by the entirety of the crowd. He belonged up there.
Jake went to the center of the stage during his solo. Josh lingered around the drummer, keeping to himself, drinking whatever was in his cup. They kept on playing as Jake took the spotlight, everyone cheering and screaming for him. You kept silent, wanting to hear him play. His fingers worked against the frets of the guitar, not before sliding down and up it quickly. 
You tried to hide the awe you were in, but your friends knew. They saw it written all over your face. The frustration and annoyance you felt when you first spotted Jake on stage dissipated the second his guitar solo began. You swallowed thickly, watching as his attention turned from his guitar to you, pointing it in your direction. Your cheeks flushed, and your thighs pressed together.
This was going to be a long night.
The second the concert was over, Josh thanked everyone for coming. His smile was wide as he waved goodbye to everyone, walking off next to Jake who had his guitar by the neck before he passed it off to one of the stage hands. Josh put his hands on his shoulders as they walked off stage.
You stuck around mostly waiting for the crowd to die down before trying to leave the building. Mel and Tamia talked about the show, saying that it was fucking dope, commenting on how excellent Jake’s playing was. You didn’t speak about Jake’s playing, mostly praising Josh for his spectacular performance. “I never expected that voice to come out of him, how heavenly.”
“Talking about me?” Jake cuts through your conversation, walking over to you with Josh not far behind. You roll your eyes. Tamia and Mel congratulate him on such an amazing performance, gushing about how sweet his guitar looks. “Why thank you, ladies.”
“Mel! I didn’t think you were going to be able to come.” He gushed, wiping his hands on the sides of his khaki shorts he had changed into.
“Yeah, well, Miss Quiet over here wanted to see her archnemesis, didn’t you?”
“I-I–” You turned your head slightly towards Jake, who had an amused smirk written all over his face. “I did not, Mellie, stop lying.”
“By the redness of your cheeks, sweetheart, I’d say she was telling the truth.” You had barely noticed that Mel, Tamia and Josh had slipped away from the two of you, leaving you alone.
“I didn’t even know you were playing.” You admitted shyly, hiding underneath a guise of innocence.
“Even if you did, you looked pretty hot and bothered by my playing.” You held the back of your arms, trying hard to maintain eye contact with him. You looked into his eyes, they were staring straight at you.
“Yeah, sure. I actually came because Josh said he was going. He neglected to mention that he was going to be singing,” you looked at Josh who wore a smile that read ‘guilty as charged’ before patting you on the shoulder.
“Hey, you didn’t ask. You just asked if I was going.” You rolled your eyes and chuckled slightly. “Anyways, Sam and Danny are gonna spend the night in my room, so I’ll have to find somewhere else to be tonight. Are you guys going to either of the frat parties tonight?”
“We’re going to the Delta party. The Sigs’ reputation is not the best, and I don’t feel like seeing whether or not it’s right.”
“That is completely understandable. I shall see you ladies there then. You coming, Jake? We still have a lot to put away.”
“Yeah, in a second,” he turned towards Josh who had begun to walk away, waving him off before turning back to the three of you. “I hope you guys enjoyed the show, maybe I’ll catch up with you at the party.”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“Yeah, actually, I would.” He smiled at you before joining the other boys cleaning up their amps and cords.
“Jesus Christ, the two of you just need to fuck or something. I don’t think I can handle another interaction like that,” Mel joked, making a gagging face when she finishes her sentence. You pushed at her arm, turning around and walking out of the gym.
Tamia and Mel giggled profusely about your and Jake’s rivalry. The two even started making bets on when the two of you would finally ‘get it on’, as Tamia put it. You just rolled your eyes at the conversation, changing the subject to something different.
The party, though filled with lots of fun and drinking, was a bust. While Josh had shown up with his younger brother and his brother’s friend, as you learned, in tow, Jake was nowhere to be found. You thought to ask Josh why he wasn’t there, but he was too busy dancing with Micah. Through the grapevine, you learned that Micah and Josh had been together since high school.
You stayed around the party for almost two hours before you wanted to go back. A small part of you had wished Jake had actually come. You wondered if maybe the two of you would get along if you put your competitive nature aside. You tried not to dwell on thoughts of Jake’s absence for too long, wanting to enjoy the rest of the night with your girls. But when you had enough of the party, you shouted in Mel’s ear to let her know you wanted to leave.
Mel and Tamia had made sure you got back alright about two hours into the party. Your legs were tired and your feet had begun to hurt. The two of them stumbled with you back to the door of your building, making sure you were inside before leaving to go back. They almost came in with you, until you insisted otherwise.
Laying on your bed with your head pointed towards the ceiling you started thinking about Jake again. What was his reason for not being at the party? Did he just make those comments beforehand just to rile you up? It seemed like the only valid reason your impaired mind could come up with.
You grabbed your phone, almost dropping it on the floor. You sluggishly opened Instagram, and searched for Jake’s profile. You scrolled through, looking at the few photos he did have on his page. Most of the pictures he had were of his guitar, or places he’s traveled. You were sent into a panic when you realized you had accidentally liked an older picture of Jake’s, one from freshman year of college. Hurriedly, you unliked it and immediately locked your phone.
That had been a few days ago.
Now it was Wednesday and your first final exam was here. It was for the class you shared with Jake, BIO 312.  It wasn’t exactly final exam time, but Professor Heinz was going to be away at a conference for a week starting Friday. You didn’t mind, though, since it spaced out your other finals enough to have a decent amount of time to study for them.
You sat at your desk, looking over your notecards one last time before the exam began. A frequent look around the room and you noticed Jake walking in, going to a random seat a couple rows in front of you. He set his bag down next to him, before bending down to grab his laptop. He noticed you watching him and sent a wink your way.
You looked away as you tried to hide the rush of rosy skin that fanned over your cheeks and heated up your ears. You tried to ignore him again until at least when the test started, embarrassed that you got caught looking at him. Your phone pinged and you pulled it out of your bag to look at it, as well as turn it on silent.
jacobtkiszka wants to send you a message.
You swallowed and hit the notification taking you straight to the message.
“Person who turns their test in last pays for coffee?”
Your lips curved into a small smile, feeling your fingers type the first thing that comes to your head.
“Hope you brought your wallet with you, Kiszka.”
You put your phone on Do Not Disturb and shoved it back into your bag. The professor walked through the door, setting her things down on the desk in the front of the room. Her coffee mug still had steam coming from it, freshly poured. A quick look of her watch after getting settled and it was time to start the exam. “Okay, everyone. It’s time for class. Take out your laptops and begin your exam. You may leave when you have finished. Thank you for a great semester, and good luck.”
The questions on the exam were all ones that you knew and had studied for for weeks. It was strenuous, trying to remember everything on the cumulative exam. You had hoped it would go quickly and you would answer them faster than Jake could. Occasionally, you turned to look at Jake, seeing if maybe he was trying to look at you too.
With one question left of your exam, you click the answer and press submit after a minute of debate. You had a bad habit of second guessing yourself occasionally; it was actually the bane of your testing experiences. You hated when you felt confident about an answer, until you really sat with the other possible answers it could be.
You put your laptop back into your bag, zipped it up and noticed that Jake had already left. You cursed to yourself, knowing that now you had to buy Jake a coffee. You waved goodbye to your professor with a smile and walked out the doors. Jake sat outside of the classroom at one of the tables they had throughout the building. “Whatcha reading?”
“Josh recommended it to me, but I’m going to be honest, I fucking hate this book.” He laughed, shoving it into his bag. “You know any good coffee shops around here? I’m kind of tired of Starbucks.”
“I just so happen to know the best coffee shop in town, but it is a bit of a walk, if you don’t mind that?” You asked, walking through the door that Jake was holding before muttering a thank you to him. 
“I could also drive, if you’re okay with that.”
“I’m more than okay with that,” you chuckle, letting him know that your dorm building had enough stairs; any chance you could get to use an elevator, or get driven somewhere, you would take that opportunity in a heartbeat.
The drive was short in comparison to the twenty minute walk it would have taken to get to the shop. Jake tried to offer the radio to you, but you let him play what he wanted to listen to. You didn’t know exactly who was playing, but the blues music that played through the speakers was a breath of fresh air.
Your typical shuffle had a plethora of music from differing genres, whether that be rap or old country. You hadn’t known much when it came to blues music, especially the difference between good blues music and bad. Eventually, you got the courage to ask who was playing and Jake answered, letting you know that the song was by Buddy Guy. “It’s called She Suits Me To A T. I tried for weeks to learn this song when I first started playing music more seriously.”
“This is the coffee shop, at the next corner.” You watched his hand as he made a right turn, noticing him steering with just the palm of his hand. Letting the leather steering wheel glide back to its original position in his hand, elbow propped on the door with the window rolled down.
It’s all you thought about on your way into the coffee shop, completely relying on autopilot. Your responses to Jake were almost textbook, one word sentences that could continue the conversation without much effort. “What’re you thinking of getting?”
“Oh, um, I’m not sure. I usually have them surprise me,” you admit, shoving your hands into your jacket. “Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s not. That’s the gamble you take.”
“I like that a lot, actually. I think I’ll have them surprise me too, if you don’t mind.”
“No, not at all.” You smiled at Jake before he went to order for the two of you. You found a place to sit in the meantime, offering a spot towards the windows so you could watch people come and go, each on their own paths of life.
By the time Jake sat down, both of the coffees were in his hand. After a few questions, Jake set the iced drink down in front of you, and the hot drink in front of himself. “Yours is an iced chai, with brown sugar syrup and vanilla. Mine is some sort of tea, I wasn’t really paying attention to what she was saying. I just wanted to remember what she put in yours in case you liked it.”
“Oh,” you spoke, bringing the cup towards you. “Thank you, that’s really sweet. Do you like your drink?”
“You know, it’s really not bad. I wouldn’t have gotten it otherwise, but it’s really not bad.”
“You hate it.”
“I hate it. It’s not good.” The two of you chuckled before you offered him a sip of your drink. “Mhmm,” he moaned. “That’s good, oh my God.”
The two of you continued small talk, whether it was over the classes you had previously taken, memories of parties from past years – anything. You shared previous high school experiences, mostly about the ridiculous things that were considered parties in your teenage years.
Conversation with Jake was surprisingly a lot easier than you thought it would be. Especially since you’ve hated him pretty much your entire college career. You figured he’d be stuck up, aware of his academic achievements and ready to flaunt them in front of anyone who’d listen.
He was the opposite. His sentences were wrapped with kindness, and the reflection in his voice seemed nothing but positive. His voice was like silk, he could’ve talked you into damn near anything as long as his voice sounded like that. It hurt when the conversation slowed, spending a few moments to take in the scene around you two, as well as finally being able to drink more of your drink (which was very delicious, it was almost like crack).
“How long have you been playing guitar?” You asked after the silence became almost uncomfortable to sit with.
“Oh jeez. I’ve been playing since I was… like three? Yeah, three.” You stared at him with eyes slightly wide, mouth agape. “What?”
“N-Nothing, that’s just a really long time. You’re what, 21 now?” He clarified that he was only twenty, his birthday roughly a week away. You poked fun at him, mentioning how you were older, even if it was by less than a year.
“Josh is throwing us a birthday party, if you want to come. Since it’ll be our 21st, we’re having it at our parents cabin on Lake Michigan. You’re welcome to bring Mel and Tamia if you’d like. Sam and Danny are going to be there, even though they’re underage, but we’re gonna pretend like they’re older.” Jake spoke with one last sip of his drink, letting the empty cup echo on the table as he set it down.
“I will let Mel and Mia know. I can’t make any sure decisions without talking to them first, but I’m pretty damn sure that they’ll say they would love to go.”
“Yeah, I don’t think they’ll say no either. They seem pretty adamant that you have a little crush on me or something,” he said, putting your cups inside of a bus tub to be picked up and washed.
“I don’t have a crush on you,” you laughed, walking out of the coffee shop with Jake. “I actually hate you, remember?”
“You may say that you hate me, but you’re not really good at showing it.”
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sarahowritesostucky · 4 months
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📖Make it Stick: Pt. 2 The Princess
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Rating: Explicit
Chapter Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Bucky x ofc x Steve
Word Count: 4331
Tags: dark!fic, mob/mafia au, mob!Bucky, mob!Steve, dubcon/noncon, sexual coercion, half-sibling incest, m/f/m, non-con drug use, mentions of torture (non graphic), double penetration, forced tattooing, forced orgasms, enemies to lovers
Summary: When his babygirl—his sweet pea, little one, puppy ... half-sister—is recaptured after her latest attempt at running away, Bucky makes a power play in front of the entire Bratva to remind her exactly who she belongs to.
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Dark and smutty content below the break. Consume responsibly.
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Wait! I haven't read part 1 yet!
Brighton Beach has always belonged to the Mob.
Decades ago, it’d been the Odessa Ukrainians who reigned supreme, but Bucky’s father was a weak man, and once he’d died and Bucky had taken over leadership of the Rusă-Română Bratva at nineteen, things had changed.
In the ensuing eighteen years, he’s not only seen to it that his faction rises to the top, he’s also been ruthless enough to ensure that their dominance is never challenged, his position as the Dragon of Hydra firmly cemented.
The Dragon’s Den is one of many businesses under his direct control. It’s a popular club in its own right, located on a busy strip of similar nightlife lining the two hundred block of Neptune Ave., and acting as the unofficial epicenter of Hydra operations.
Extra bouncers have been placed outside tonight to weed out the undesirables, but even with the modified guest list due to the night’s more … illicit activities, it’s still as packed as ever. The downstairs is filled with bodies, booze, and music in no time.
At first glance, it really could be any other night, but look a little further, and the incongruencies are readily apparent. Bucky’s had everything set up in the back, a space no more than ten feet by ten. It’s just a corner, not some stage or grandiose point of focus. It’s not like they have the lights all trained on them or anything dramatic like that. Viewing isn’t mandatory by any means. … But what he’s doing is also right there for anyone who wants to look over and see. And he’s under no illusion that every single soul present doesn't know what’s going on—either because they’re watching it, or because they’re making sure to pointedly not watch it. Tongues have been wagging ever since they'd tied up Gleb and dragged Lena out.
He starts with Gleb, putting all his “tools” within view of the poor bastard but not using much more than his fists and his words. He gets a gut punch in, breaks a finger or two. Kid stuff. Bucky’s never been overly enthusiastic about torture, but you don’t hold control over any faction of organized crime if you can’t at least make yourself comfortable with it. Bucky can appreciate it for what it is, and for the nastier stuff he’s got his specialists. Besides, sheer terror and anticipation can be just as crucial to putting on a good show as anything else. Gleb’s been a crying, sniveling mess since three minutes in, so Bucky’s halfway disgusted and halfway satisfied. Mostly, he’s just discouraged that his little one has been letting such a weak man stick his prick in her. Ugh.
He takes his time, stepping away to have a drink or to chat with someone every once in a while. Bucky usually enjoys his Friday nights lounging and socializing amongst his friends and associates, after all, and he’s not about to sacrifice his entire evening to Gleb.
The Den is Bucky’s home away from home. He even has private quarters above—an amenity he’s taken frequent advantage of after many a night spent overindulging. In his youth, when he’d been new to power and Polina had been nothing but an irrelevant child of his father’s second wife, the luxury accommodations had hosted Bucky’s escapades with dozens of the most beautiful women that Brooklyn had to offer.
But that lifestyle changed once Lena came of age eight years later.
Bucky hasn’t touched another woman—hasn’t wanted to touch another woman—in the decade since, his obsessive love for her often resisted but always returned, despite her token protests. It’s an open secret, considered fodder for gossip amongst the wives. Bucky doesn’t see why anybody should be shocked. He’s always wanted things that he knows are off limits. His little one included.
She’s finally back, and Bucky is more thrilled at that than he is about anything else. Of course Gleb’s betrayal can’t go unaddressed, but Bucky’s working him over more out of obligation than any true recreational interest. He’s got him tied to a pipe. The man is panting and breathing open-mouthed at this point, some of his blood on the plastic sheeting from the fist he’d taken to the nose to start off their evening together. He’s sweating through his undershirt like a pig.
Bucky himself has been naked from the waist up ever since Natasha returned to deliver the requested transfer sheet and blithely remarked that he was “seeping” through his shirt. Normally, aftercare would see her slathering him in ointment and taping bandages over the raw skin, but Nat’s pissed at him and she’s not offering, and he’s pissed at her for being pissed at him, so he’s not asking. He just chucks the shirt when it becomes a lost cause to the blood, plasma and sweat. Whatever. It's hot in here, anyways. And he knows Lena is looking her fill whenever he turns back on her to go focus on Gleb, which is even more satisfying.
It’s because of her that he hasn’t done anything too gruesome. As a rule, Bucky usually leaves the worst of his torturing to those who have a better taste for it (the widows). And while he fully intends to make Gleb hurt before he’s given his very own pair of cement shoes, Bucky still doesn’t want to do anything too traumatizing in front of his main audience.
He walks back over to where Steve has her. He’s been holding her still against his chest, Bucky’s own tie looped around her neck and gripped in Steve’s fist behind her back, his other hand wrapped around her waist to keep her still as she plays her part in the demonstration.
Bucky stands mere inches in front of her and sips his drink, letting his eyes rake over her form. “You haven’t been eating enough, sweet pea. We’ll have to fatten you back up.”
Her lip curls. “You’re such a fucking pervert.”
“Takes one to know one.” He leers at her even longer for the snark, letting his free hand trail lightly along the curve of one silk-covered breast. She’s small. Barefoot like this she barely comes up to his chin. But she’s got a fat ass and a bitty waist that’ve always made Bucky want to do bad things to her, even when they were younger. Lena is blonde like her mother had been, with pale skin and other Nordic traits that set her apart from the darker hues and Slavic features that most of Bucky’s family sport.
How could he ever have been expected to keep his hands off of something so tempting?
She’s beautifully disheveled right now: hair fallen loose from however she had it up before Belova tranqued her and Pietro stuffed her on a jet, body barely kept decent in some slip of a dress that Steve’s put her in, tears already making her mascara run in grey-black tracks down her cheeks. Bucky’s always had a kink for watching pretty girls cry. “You should smile,” he tells her, mocking her by sticking his lip out in a pout. “People’ll think you aren’t having fun. This is your party, after all.”
“What are we celebrating?” she says, her effort at sass somewhat hindered by the waver in her voice. She’s not as brave as she wants him to think she is, but the front she insists on putting up makes Bucky’s heart twinge in fondness. His stubborn puppy.
“We’re celebrating your glorious and long-awaited homecoming, of course,” he coos. “All these nice folks? They showed up just to welcome you back.” He leans in to kiss her cheek, lingering there to whisper right against her skin, “And I missed you too, sweet pea. You got no idea how much.” He feels her shiver before she hisses at him, like a cat. He pulls back and gives her an assessing frown. “You’re so uptight,” he scolds. “Never did know how to let go and have a good time. I’ve always had to help you relax, haven’t I?”
Her pale skin colors beautifully. It takes her a moment to recover, but when she does she tries to hit him where it hurts, simpering a snotty little, “Oh, I don’t know. I was having a pretty good time on your yacht.”
Anger sweeps through Bucky, white hot and thrilling. Little Polina Barnes thinks she’s good at pissing him off. She is, but she’s got no idea how much her brattiness turns him on, too. If she did, she might think twice about opening her smart mouth (and Bucky can’t have that, he’d be so bored). Aside from her new penchant for leaving the flipping country, he’s always kind of enjoyed the thrill of hunting her down and dragging her naughty butt home.
But Belize is taking it too far. His yacht is taking it too far. And letting another man touch her is way beyond too fucking far. Bucky needs to reel his Little one in.
He sets the rim of his glass to her lips, tutting when she only glares up at him. “Don’t be that way, Lena. C’mon, have some. I want to see you loosen up a little.” She just presses her lips tighter together, and Bucky feels his cock thicken in his pants as he imagines using it to pry that prissy mouth wide open. He gives her a knowing smile. “No? Hm.” He finishes off the drink himself and sets it aside. He grabs her face and thumbs roughly over her lower lip, smearing the matte red of her lipstick down onto her chin. “Have it your way, Puppy. Steven?” he says, not looking at the man holding her still. “You’ve got our party favors?”
“In my left pocket,” Steve says, not reaching for them himself because he’s holding Lena’s waist and the tie wrapped around her throat. He’s not choking her, but the pressure on her neck has another effect. Bucky knows a few dirty secrets about his Little one that he’s sure she wishes he didn’t, namely that having a firm grip around her neck gets her wet. Bucky smirks and keeps his eyes on hers as he takes the liberty of reaching around her body and slipping his hand into Steve’s pocket. His fingers find the small shapes and close around them.
“Here we go,” he murmurs, pulling his hand back and holding the items up for Lena to see, chuckling when her face goes slack in shock. Her cheeks darken in a fierce blush and she starts tugging against Steve’s hold with renewed effort. It gets her nowhere of course, and Bucky and Steve share a brief amused look from over her shoulder. Bucky steps closer and pins her between them, hands stroking over her shoulders. “You didn’t think I brought you here just to watch Gleb get his, did you sweetheart? Oh, no.” He shakes his head slowly. “Mm mn. You’re gonna get yours, too.” He puts his lips to her ear and looks in Steve’s eyes while he whispers, “How long do you think before you’re cumming in front of all these people?”
Her struggles intensify, and she tries to head butt Steve behind her, but of course she’s too short for it. She huffs when his grip only tightens and she runs out of steam. “Ugh!”
“Don’t fight it,” Steve tells her, and she sneers back at him.
“Still playing the loyal dog, Steven?”
“Eh, I prefer attack dog. But sure.” He winks at Bucky and bares his teeth in a fake snarl. Bucky laughs. He really does love Steve.
“Ugh! Lemme go, you pathetic dumbass!”
“Hey. Don’t you be mean to Steve. He’s only doing his job.” Bucky puts the smallest of the three party favors in his mouth, letting it sit on his tongue and gripping Lena’s jaw hard to force her to open up for him. He shoves his tongue in, delivering the pill against her will and moaning theatrically to make her even more outraged. He holds her mouth shut after, pinching her nose until she finally capitulates and swallows. Only then does he allow her to have air, tutting in mock sympathy as she regains her breath. “What’s the matter, puppy? What’s got you so worked up, hm? I know it’s not whatshisface back there. Is it just being back home?” He cradles her face and murmurs tenderly, “Did you really think I wouldn’t find you?”
Her face crumples and she sobs a little, the sound hardly audible in the room's loudness, but Bucky couldn’t possibly miss it when he’s this tuned in to her. He kisses her again, this time very gently, letting their lips rest together for a moment afterwards; and he can feel the way she has to fight the urge to lean into it, to seek more. She absolutely despises him, but she has an enduring need for him as well, and she’s never been very good at hiding it.
“Tell me you missed me,” he breathes, his own desire winning out over the game for just a moment. “Please. What’s it gonna hurt to admit it?
“I hate you.”
“Mm. I know, Love, I know.” He brushes his lips against hers. “But you missed me all the same. Missed this.” He lets his hand trail down between her legs, working up underneath the silk of her slip. She whimpers and begs tearfully,
“No! Bucky, don’t.”
"Don't?" His fingers trail over the seam of her panties and he hums knowingly. "Your fancy panties are getting wet, Sweetheart. Did you wear these for me, or for your loverboy back there?"
“People will see!” she hisses.
“So? Let them see. You think anyone's going to step forward and stop me? Hm? Think somebody in this room is going to tell their дракон that he can’t touch what’s his? Because it’s what? Indecent?” He chuckles, thoroughly enjoying her humiliation. “Mm mn. You know that’s not happening, Princess.”
“Don’t. Please. Just … not here. Take me upstairs.”
For a second, Bucky actually pulls back to look at her face. But then he sees what it is she’s uncomfortable about, her pained expression flicking over to Gleb’s bound form behind them. Bucky feels jealous rage shoot through him. He’s always been meaner when he’s jealous. “You don’t want him to see?” he grits, then forces himself to soften his tone. “Oh, no no no. You can’t hide it anymore, puppy. Not from him or anyone else. I know what you like,” he reminds, cruel and quiet. “You know just how well I know.”
He’d bugged her devices starting when she was fifteen. He knows every dirty thing she’s ever watched, from the time she first learned how to touch herself. And his Little one knows this because he’s told her. It’d been the most satisfying moment of his life, when he’d told her that he felt the same way and watched the shock and mortification bloom on her face. That was the day he’d finally made her his—though he’d forced her to admit every single one of her filthy little fantasies out loud before he laid her down and took her virginity.
“I know how you like to feel owned,” he whispers in her ear, thrilling at the hitches it elicits in her breathing. “How you like to feel watched while powerful men touch you. What better way to satisfy those urges than by being taken by the Dragon, right in front of all his men?”
“Please don’t. You can’t.”
“What can’t I do?” he purrs, and she cries softly,
“You can’t, please. Because they know …”
“They know what?” he coaxes, wanting her to say it. He peeks up and looks at Steve from over her shoulder. “Know that you’re my sister?” he whispers. Steve’s eyes darken and Bucky's mouth curls. “Well, that shouldn’t bother you either, puppy. You and I both know your affinity for all those naughty step-sibling videos.” She whines miserably and he hushes her. “Aw, don’t be embarrassed. It’s actually a really popular genre. Number … seven, on Pornhub?” He kisses her cheek. “Right up there with M/F/M threesomes.”
Adorably, her breath catches and she stiffens against Steve’s body, now even more aware of his hulking form behind her.
Bucky hums, pleased. “There’s no need to be ashamed.” He peels her panties to the side and slips the tip of one finger along her lips. She’s not exactly soaked, but she’s not completely dry, either. “Of course, actual brother-sister incest isn’t quite as popular, but we know there’s a niche market for everything, don’t we?” Lena makes an outraged little sound that goes straight to his dick. He leans back enough to watch her expression as he holds up the second of the party favors for her to see. It’s white and thin, less than two inches long, and shaped like an itty bitty torpedo. “Something else to help you loosen up,” he tells her gleefully. “Do you want to take a guess where this one goes?”
She makes an adorable ‘meep’ of a sound and clamps her legs closed over his hand. “Don’t.”
He laughs. “Aw, good guess, little sis’, but not quite.”
“Step-sister,” she corrects shakily. “Bucky ...”
He smiles as he tries to read her, confused and tentative at first, but then growing into something devious. “Oh, I see. You’re honestly embarrassed about that? That people know we grew up together, shared the same house? Mmm." He licks his lips. "That’s not all we shared.”
"Stop it."
He watches her, thrilling in a huge surge of lust mixed with something dark and nasty. “Wow,” he astounds, goading her. “Oh boy. Just think what you’d do if they all knew the truth.”
“Bucky please.”
“Steve knows, you know. I told him forever ago.” He watches her eyes go wide and her body stiffen against Steve’s.
“You … you told …”
“Oh, don’t worry, sweet pea. He thinks it’s hot, too.” Lena looks honestly too shocked for words, and Bucky leans down to give her an absolutely filthy kiss, slipping his tongue into her mouth and holding her jaw there for it while, between her legs, he drags the suppository through her moist folds. She squeaks, and he pulls back. He lets her see him handing it to Steve. “Will you do the honors, pal?”
“What?” Lena breathes, lost. The sweet, dumb thing.
Steve keeps hold of the tie wrapped around her neck, but he has to let go of her waist to get at her. Bucky’s able to grab her just as she starts to try and fight it. “Ah ah ah, hold still,” he coos, yanking her wrists down at her sides in an iron grip. He steps even closer, squeezing her between his body and Steve's to subdue her wiggling, pressing his thigh forward between her legs. She freezes when her fighting just puts more pressure on her clit, and Bucky hums, pleased. “Good. Be a good girl now, Lena. We don’t want this to hurt.”
She goes straight back to struggling, and Steve shoots him a peeved look from over her shoulder. Bucky growls and sticks his face in her hair, warning lowly, “You know: there’s a syringe of morphine waiting in the wings for your boy back there.” Lena stills again, and he hums, “That’s right. Now, if you want him to actually get it before I let the widows have at him, then you’d better stop fighting and take what’s coming to you.” She sobs at the corner he’s got her backed into, but she doesn’t go back to fighting them. Bucky keeps her in his firm grip so that Steve can get to work behind her. “And you were wrong, puppy: It doesn’t go in your pussy.”
It’s too late for her to react. By the time her eyes widen in realization, Steve’s hand is already at her backside.
Bucky grinds his thigh forward as her pupils expand from the feeling, the bundle of aphrodisiacs summarily pushed up inside her tight little pucker. “You keep that in, now,” he warns. “You should start feeling it in the next few minutes, then I’ll give you your real consequence.”
She sobs quietly. “I hate you.”
“Old hat, baby.” He steps away from her, leaving Steve to keep her in place. The promise of lessening Gleb’s upcoming pain seems to be motivating her to behave. Bucky walks back over to the pole where he's got the sad sack tied up. Just to scare the crap out of him, he spends a moment tracing all the different tools that’ve been laid out for their use.
“Please,” Gleb begs.
“Shshsh,” Bucky coos, stepping close and cradling his face, intimate. “You fucked my baby sister,” he says. “What did you think was going to happen when I got a hold of you, hm?” Gleb trembles in his bindings and Bucky reaches for the pliers—a classic. Gleb’s eyes all but bug out of his head. “Colectăm mereu,” Bucky purrs in Romanian, reminding him who he’s dealing with. “You stole from the Bratva, son. Now you have to pay the price.”
“Please. I-I’ll do anything!”
He punches him in the gut, then grabs him by the hair and hisses in his face, “You already did everything! Took what belonged to me. Not very smart.”
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"
He punches him again. "I sure hope that pussy was worth it.” He smiles while Gleb is trying to regain his breath. “Eh, it probably was. I should know.” Gleb squints in disbelief, and Bucky feels another perverse thrill shoot through him. “What?" he laughs. "Don’t look at me like that. I thought you knew. She didn’t tell you she likes to fuck her brother?”
Gleb’s face screws up. “Stepbrother.”
“You know, I’m getting real tired of that misconception,” Bucky drawls, turning back around to get a look at his Little one’s face. Her head is tipped back against Steve’s shoulder, the drugs working into her system by now. Bucky grins. “I told you I’d get you to loosen up, didn’t I? Big brother knows how to make you relax.” He tosses the pliers aside and saunters slowly back over to her. "I just told Gleb about us,” he says. “But I think it’s about time we make a more public announcement, don’t you, sweet pea?”
Her eyes widen. “Bucky, no.”
He grins wolfishly and spins around. He calls out to get everyone’s attention, and in a few seconds everything has quieted, the room eerily devoid of chatter despite the continuing pulse of the club’s music. Bucky goes over to the bar and demands something to toast with, and a flute of champagne is produced with shocking speed. He turns back to the room. “Thank you all for coming out tonight to help me welcome our beloved Polina back home!”
Some people clap, perhaps expecting some long, heartfelt speech. But Bucky cuts to the chase and says, “I’m sure you all know about she and I.” He waits, amused and sipping the champagne. When the crowd shifts nervously, he waves his hand at them and scoffs. “I mean that’s common knowledge, right? Everybody’s tongues were wagging when my father dumped my mother to marry his whore.”
He gestures back to where Steve is holding Lena, supporting her increasingly drugged little body. “Sweet little Polina was only a few years old, back then. And my dad’s infidelity wasn’t her fault." He shrugs. "So I inherited a bratty little sister. I guess the fact that we were still both kids makes the whole thing even juicer, huh? I know you all talk about it: 'The Dragon likes to fuck his own step-sister'. How scandalous.”
He laughs and walks back over to Lena. He caresses her face, leaning in to give her a dirty kiss with plenty of tongue. The crowd murmurs louder. Bucky pulls back and looks out at the room. “The Bratva wives love a good scandal. Don’t you, ladies?” A few of the wives in the crowd look flustered at being called out. Bucky salutes them with his champagne glass. “Well you’re in for a real treat, my dears. Because little Lena back here isn’t just my step-sister. Oh no.”
(Bucky’s always liked putting on a show, so he’s unfazed when making the actual announcement makes his cock harden further in his pants.)
“You see, dear old Dad was fucking around with his pretty shlyukha for a few years before he finally married her, and you know he even knocked her up.” The room goes absolutely silent, and Bucky feels a sick thrill go through him. “That’s right,” he croons, looking back over his shoulder at the stricken expression on his Little one’s face. “This sweet pea isn’t just my step-sibling: she’s my father’s daughter.”
It takes a surprisingly short amount of time before the crowd goes back to chattering, everybody staring wide eyed—some with disgust, others with excitement over this incredible new thing they have to be outraged over. Bucky shouts at the bartender to hand out champagne to anyone who wants it. He toasts the room. “To Polina!” Only a few dozen people raise their glasses and murmur in response, too shocked to know what to do in light of this revelation. Bucky really doesn’t give a crap. This is just a display of his power, just another way to show them—and her—that he can do whatever the fuck he wants and nobody is going to do a thing to stop him. The room slowly returns to the bustle of before, and Bucky returns to stand in front of his girl. “See puppy?” he taunts, lifting the champagne flute to her mouth. “I told you nobody would care.”
It’s a lie. Everybody cares, of course. But his point has been made. He watches as she willingly drinks the champagne. “Good girl,” he praises, setting the empty glass aside. He cups Lena’s face and gives her a tender kiss. “Now, why don’t we give them a show, huh?”
“Bucky,” she whispers, a plea.
But he can see her body relaxing into Steve’s hold despite her mortification, the drugs softening her up just like Bucky’s been waiting for. He pulls the remaining party favor from his pocket and holds it up for her to see. “Don’t worry,” he coos. “Your punishment isn’t going to hurt nearly as bad as Gleb’s.”
He turns the base of the tiny pocket vibrator on and starts it buzzing. “Now, let’s get you really begging, why don’t we?”
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