#and i started writing it and then the lines about life becoming thrilling when the person entered the room
Kuroshitcember 2022 Prompt Nr. 9
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Prompt: Listen to Stolas Sings by Sam Haft. What do you think this could represent?
You can find all prompts here!
All of these will be uploaded/archived to this blog's Ao3 eventually
Summary: On Grelle's Death Day, she thinks everything is fine and goes to work (to see William). Turns out, everything is not fine after all, but William is there to help her... CW: There's some implied Grelliam if you squint? I mean, would William touch another person if he didn't love them? but that could also be family, so read it however you like <3 this has mentions of suicide, death, murder - please only read if you feel you can mentally <3
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this is heavily inspired by my own HCs on reapers which you can read up on here. also, I wanted this to be a drabble....... it didn't turn into a drabble XD oh and - the usual "hey I haven't read this through yet, pls don't judge this rough first draft" warnings ahem.....
All the world’s a stage and I’m a player navigating the brutal, bloody battlefield that is love~
The world’s a stage, fake, discerning and bloody. There is no rest for those who seek to portray their souls outwardly; for those who wish to be themselves. There is no comfort. No safety.
So was it truly so strange for Grelle to pretend? For her to make sure she was herself, sand safe, by pretending the entire world was a stage for her to waltz on?
No one took her seriously, yet they also knew she was deadly and capable of chopping anyone to bits if they tried to burst her bubble. But it wasn’t a bubble. It was just… safety through acting.
All that Grelle had gone through had made her sweetness, her innocence, her “oh I’m sorry, sir” attitude disappear. No one dared misgender her now. No one dared touch her now.
But that was also solitary and painful.
Did they believe she was a woman, or did they act along with her to save their own skins? Did they act to save her sanity? Did they think her gender was the act?
Probably… Grelle was convinced that no one understood her acting was to keep herself safe, so people would back the hell off.
She was convinced…
Until one day when William T. Spears showed that their long, long centuries working together meant he knew her and saw through her act.
Until one day when William T. Spears showed that the comfortable lie which Grelle had created of their romantic relationship actually was just that for even William.
“Sutcliff? What are you doing here, you are supposed to be at home.” William’s words came out as a scolding, which considering the subject was a rather odd thing to hear. William never scolded on for working.
But, that day which changed oh so many things about what Grelle though she knew, also happened to be her Death Day.
“I feel not a thing, my dearest,” Grelle offered with a shrug of her shoulder, coincidentally also shrugging her red coat off to reveal more of her shoulder to William.
The man, who’d shut off his emotions in a response to his trauma, caging his centuries old heart off from the rest of the world, ignored her flirting.
As usual.
“And that is healthy, because…?” William sassed, quirking an eyebrow.
Scoffing, Grelle threw a glare William’s way. She stood from her desk and placed hands on her hips. “Mind your words, mister, I am the epitome of mental health – just as anyone!” She pointed at poor Ronald, trying his best to stay out of it by (literally) burying his face into his paperwork. “Knox! Am I not sane?”
Ronald glanced between the two “adults” awkwardly before saying yes with his mouth whilst shaking ‘no’ with his head.
“Grelle,” William spoke, voice a soothing calmness in what undoubtedly would become even more of a scene. He never used her name often. So, of course, it shut her up. “We do not work on our Death Days, we stay home and we let it play out. We disrupt the office otherwise-“
“Ugh,” was all Grelle had to say, rolling her eyes. It was always about work with him.
The office suddenly got a lot busier, as a batch of potential new recruits entered with wide eyes. They’d just learned of the reality there were other dimensions outside of heaven and hell. So those wide-eyed looks was the one way to identify new reapers.
“Don’t disrupt the office,” William said to Grelle before turning around to face the baby reapers.
Grelle positioned herself on the desk, watching and listening as William gave a long lecture on safety protocols to the new reapers. No one listened. People just wanted to learn about souls at that stage, and whether they would be allowed to die at some point.
So it was always amusing to watch William attempt to give these lectures.
Othello and Ronald made a quick bet on how long it would take for one of the new recruits to hurt their fingers on the printers no one was allowed to touch save for two who had not broken a printer yet in their entire life – William, and Eric.
And then Grelle joined in with a bet on who would make a comment on “why does the supervisor do all the printing for us if they’re our superiors?” because, quite frankly, it was stupid.
There were no budgets in the afterlife.
Then Grelle was forced to join in. Recruits asked her questions about being out in the field, and she answered them with flat, one word, answers which often were either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ (or ‘next’ when the question was too boring).
“Mister Sutcliff, sir? Once you reap a soul, do you get a glimpse of wherever they go? Or is it just another weird light like when we-“
“Ma’am.” William’s voice interrupted. William never interrupted new recruits.
Normally, Grelle brushed it off. It was her stage, she was the star, and anyone who misgendered her was simply not part of her play, ignored and never seen again in her world until they did better.
But that day, it was Grelle’s Death Day.
That day, maybe, her brain wasn’t as okay as she had thought it was when she woke up.
That day, the words went straight to her heart, which lit a fire into nerves that shouldn’t be active within a reaper… but which were prone to activating when on their Death Day… the nerves sent signals up to her brain, waking memories that should be in a cage…
Everything seemed to darken around her. To the outside, it just looked like she’d stopped breathing – like a robot who ran out of juice and couldn’t move another limb again. But to her, the world darkened, making her vision smaller until all she could see were her last moments, her last feelings, her reasons…
Until William appeared in front of her, like sparks in the dark, letting her focus on reality long enough to realise he had defended her without being provoked by her own acting… He believed her. He saw her.
“I told you to stay home, Sutcliff,” William scolded her, but despite the harshness in his voice, Grelle melted against him as he looped an arm around her waist and helped her off the desk to leave the office.
Reapers watched, empathetic and selfishly relieved their own Death Days were a while away still. Yet, despite the many gazes on her, all she knew was William guiding her home.
He opened her door with a key Grelle didn’t know William had, and let her inside. He stayed in the doorway himself, though, watching as she let her coat she so cherished fall off her and to the floor, shoes kicked off before she waddled inside to find a couch to disappear into.
And so, William stepped inside to clean up after her, caring for the coat he knew she’d care for again tomorrow, and putting the shoes in the shelf with the others. He closed the door behind him, and entered the living room to watch her sit on the couch, eyes empty, flashing between green and yellow as synapses re-awoke within her brain –
He’d believed her. He saw through her eyes, her act, and believed her.
She didn’t want him to go… “Will… Did I really kill those-“
“Don’t think too much on it,” William quickly interjected. “You had your reasons. You are making amends for it now.”
William never interrupted, unless it was to protect Grelle, either from others, or herself.
Clearing his throat, William sat down next to Grelle. “I have a long report to read through today. Let me read it out loud.” Let me distract you.
Shaking from the memories of her last breaths, Grelle nodded her head and curled up into a ball at the other side of the couch…
Things were easier with someone around to help keep Grelle’s mind away from the open jailcell of her past.
William made a new rule from that day on.
No one was to be alone on their Death Day.
And William and Grelle? They were always the ones helping each other.
__ taglist: @eemoo1o-animoo
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scuderiasundays · 11 months
the smoothest operation
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summary: roller coasters, third wheeling, and a diamond ring + a little insta au at the end 💍 part two to you and me together so i brought back a few characters!
words: 1,414
a/n: on a writing kick! this one's for @vamossainz55, who i adore 🫶🏼 feedback is much appreciated as always. hugs and kisses!
September was a special month for the two of you, as it marked the arrival of three events: his birthday, yours, and your anniversary. Carlos had asked you to be his girlfriend during a celebratory soirée, thrown by his closest friends. The speakers were blaring Bad Bunny’'s "Enséñame a Bailar" so loud that you could barely hear him when he nervously asked you the big question. Despite the noise, your answer was an immediate and resounding yes. The usually reserved Spaniard couldn't contain his joy and spent the rest of the evening twirling you around to DJ Lando’s handpicked tunes.
You had never been one for extravagant birthday celebrations, the type to turn bright red whenever people sang “Happy Birthday” to you. You found more joy in giving gifts, searching high and low for the most thoughtful presents. Carlos had been on the receiving end of your love for three summers now and wanted nothing more than to give it all back tenfold.
Carlos was thrilled when the race calendar for 2023 was unveiled, revealing that the two of you would be celebrating in Tokyo. He knew just how much you adored the vibrant city as you’d joined him at Suzuka last fall, where you were amazed by the politeness and dedication of the Japanese fans. Carlos’ fame had skyrocketed after “Drive to Survive” aired and walking around a city without someone recognizing him had become a rarity. You took great pleasure in getting to witness how he genuinely engaged with his fans, attentively listening to every word. Despite this, you were only human and there were times when you longed to have your boyfriend all to yourself. Tokyo, one of the few cities where Carlos wasn't as widely known, held a special allure, allowing you both to feel a sense of normalcy.
Carlos wasn't really into roller coasters, but you? You were absolutely obsessed with them. If the Ferrari crew mentioned an amusement park outing, you'd be the first to sign up, whether Carlos joined or not. Last season at Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi, you had him in stitches as you dragged him from one ride to another, giggling like a little kid. This year, Carlos had decided to take you to Tokyo DisneySea as he’d heard nothing but rave reviews.
As you hopped into the Purosangue, you were taken aback to find Lando sitting in the backseat. "You're serious? Lando's coming?" you exclaimed, a mix of surprise and amusement in your voice. Lando chuckled and replied, "Well, this could be the best day of your life, Y/N. It's all about perspective," snapping a photo of you. While you and Lando were the same age and had a sibling-like bond, the whole third wheel situation was starting to get old. Carlos, however, defended his decision, saying, "I couldn't just leave him at the hotel. He promised to take photos of us, so it's a win-win situation, no?"
Lando's promise to be a fly on the wall quickly faded away the moment the three of you stepped foot in DisneySea. He had a well-researched list of foods he wanted to try, and his determination to conquer them all was clear. Carlos, being a self-proclaimed food connoisseur himself, eagerly agreed, as you embarked on a gourmet tour.
"We're here to actually go on rides, right?" you questioned, observing the two grown men as they devoured their Little Green Men mochi. "I think I'll take advantage of the 'Single Rider' line while you two feast. Just how I feel today—single," you said with a smirk, before heading towards Raging Spirits.
As your patience began to wear thin, Carlos couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of anticipation. Everything was falling into place; thanks to the help he had sought from Lando months ago. They had even created a joint Google doc titled "El Plan," meticulously outlining each step. Carlos knew you wouldn't be able to resist the temptation of a roller coaster, and he intended to use that time to set everything in motion. Behind the scenes, the incognito cameraman (also known as @lando.jpg) and friends + family were ready and waiting. And, of course, there was the most crucial piece: the ring.
Carlos had purchased the engagement ring in secret, right after his victory in Silverstone last year. After missing Wimbledon, he had taken you to Tiffany's and let you choose an item of your liking. After much browsing, you settled on a gold pendant adorned with a delicate C. It was a symbol that served as a tactile reminder of the one you loved most, keeping him close to your heart no matter the distance.
On the way back to the hotel, you passed by Harry Winston, and there it was—the oval-shaped engagement ring of your dreams. You joked about how it could probably buy a few Ferraris, but Carlos couldn’t help but notice the undeniable sparkle in your eyes. He discreetly took note of your ring size by borrowing one of your rings from the bedside table while you were asleep. When he was away at a race, he seized the opportunity to purchase the ring, vowing to protect it until the perfect moment arrived.
After riding the exhilarating 360-degree looping roller coaster, you felt a surge of energy and pure adrenaline. As you made your way towards the Venetian gondolas, clutching your map in hand, you caught a glimpse of a couple wearing Mickey ears who looked just like Taylor and his girlfriend Morgan. The thought briefly crossed your mind, but you dismissed it, thinking it couldn’t possibly be them. DisneySea had done an incredible job recreating the charm of Venice, evoking memories of you and Carlos’ weekend getaway to the city last summer.
You waved at Carlos excitedly, his figure standing out among the rest. "Where's Lando?" you asked, scanning the crowd for the British racing driver. “I sent him on a mission to get us some pineapple smoothies," Carlos blurted out.
“You look pale and fidgety. What's going on?" you asked, noticing the unease in Carlos's demeanor. Normally, your ability to pick up on his emotions was something he cherished, but at this moment, he wished you were less perceptive. Carlos could feel his body trembling as he got down on one knee.
 “Mi vida, I love you more than anything in this world. You’re the person I want to wake up with and go to bed beside for the rest of my life.” Carlos began, his voice filled with genuine affection. "Y/N, will you marry me?" he asked, his heart pounding in his chest.
Tears welled up in your eyes, and a surge of overwhelming joy filled your entire being. Jumping up and down with excitement, you exclaimed, "Yes!" Your jubilant shrieks filled the air as Carlos carefully slid the breathtakingly beautiful ring onto your finger. 
Through your peripheral vision, you could see a crowd gathering around. It took a moment for it to sink in, but as you looked closer, you recognized the faces of Taylor, Lex, Caco, Rupert, Ana, and Lando with his trusty Leica camera. It all clicked into place – Lando had been in on the surprise from the beginning and had captured the entire proposal.
Overwhelmed with emotions, you grabbed Carlos' face and pulled him in for a passionate kiss, expressing your love and gratitude in that tender moment. Carlos beamed with pride, knowing that everything had gone according to plan. With a playful wink, he acknowledged Lando's involvement; “The smoothest operation of my life thanks to you, cabrón.” You playfully smacked Carlos, exploding in laughter.
Lando approached with his camera, a wide grin on his face. "I got it all, every precious moment," he said, showing you a glimpse of the photos on the camera's display. As you hugged him tightly, you felt a deep sense of comfort and security. You knew in that moment that you could count on Lando for life, that he would always be there for you through thick and thin.
As the day drew to a close, you and Carlos found yourselves sitting by the waterfront, hand in hand, reflecting on the whirlwind romance that had led you to this very moment. With the ring sparkling on your finger, you felt an immense sense of gratitude for the love you and Carlos shared. He brushed a strand of hair from your face and whispered, “I can't wait to spend forever with you, Mrs. Sainz.”
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liked by carlossainz55, landonorris, and 57,575 others
yourusername: came to tokyo as his girlfriend, leaving as his fiancée! still in awe of the fact that the boys managed to keep "el plan" from me for so long
carlossainz55: mi amor, mi vida. thanks for participating in the carlando food tour 🫶🏼
taylorfritz: you set the bar for proposals high, @carlossainz55 👏🏼 doubles with me and morgan soon?
alexafritz: the love you two have for each other is infectious and that ring is to die for 🤍 karaoke + shots on me tonight!
pierregasly: karaoke? @yukitsunoda0511 and i are in
fan1: i respect her for popping on here to announce their engagement but keeping the proposal private!
yourusername: you're the sweetest! as mother taylor once said, romance is not dead if you keep it just yours 💌
lando.jpg: engagement photographer available for hire (disclaimer: only available on non-race weekends)
yourusername: thanks for capturing our proposal and taking our engagement photos! 10/10 would recommend 🥹
fan2: the fact that lando was THE designated photographer! excuse me while i ugly cry
update: part three here ➡️
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g1rlr0b1n · 15 days
Any headcanons about Jon Kent and/or Damian Wayne?
I'm gonna focus some older damijon headcanons so that this post doesn't go on forever 😅
Sleeping Habits
Jon sleeps best when he focuses in on Damian's heartbeat. He still has night terrors about his time as Ultraman's prisoner but if he can listen to Damian's heartbeat until it lulls him back to sleep, he feels safe. This continues on into his adult life.
Damian inherited Jon's old Superboy jacket after Jon came back aged up and he sleep with it next to his pillow like a security blanket (but if anyone asks, he'll deny it). Damian stops doing this when Jon begins sleeping over because now his pillows smell like Jon and that's all he really wanted, that feeling of knowing he's around.
Dating History
Jon dates a lot in his youth, he dated Irma, then Jay, then several more people before finally dating Damian in his early 30s. He likes dating, he likes the thrill of a new relationship but after the cliché feelings of romance have worn off, he has a bad habit of becoming distant until the other person just ends things with him. This hasn't happened with Damian because Damian doesn't let him get bored lol...also because their love is stronger than feelings of passion. It's a genuine love and friendship.
Damian didn't start dating seriously until after college. He'd had crushes but they weren't really a sexual thing, more like something he thought he was supposed to do and wanting to feel loved. He tried to give it the ol' college try with Maps but even she knew it wasn't going to work out; they're still really good friends though (and only two years "wasted"). Honestly, she figured out his preferences before he did and convinced him to ask Jon out. Silver lining is, Damian introduced her to Colin and when they got married they fought over who got to have him as their best man...she won. (yes Maps and Colin are one of my crack ships lol)
Damian actually convinced Jon to give college another try, which he does. They end up going to Star City University together (because it's neutral) and were even roommates. It was awkward for Jon at first since he was an older freshman but he's a people person so the age gap didn't stay weird for long. It did get tiring telling the freshman, "no, I can't buy you alcohol. I'm not trying to get expelled". He ends up getting a PhD in Biochemistry.
Damian had not been excited to continue his education until he managed to convince Jon to do it with him. He decided to go the Veterinary route because "people get on his nerves" and he wanted to save on his own vet bills (practical). When their majors took them in separate directions they still stayed as roommates. Damian and Jon didn't date in college so it did get under Damian's skin to see Jon date other people, but at the time he didn't really understand why (retrospect is 20/20).
Jon had been nervous about not following his parent's footsteps but with Damian's encouragement Jon goes into applied research and gets a job at S.T.A.R labs. He writes articles of his findings frequently, so it's not like the ol' writing genes went completely to waste. His parents do like to joke "where did we go wrong with you?" about his very different career path but it's all in jest, they are very proud of him.
Damian gets his veterinary medical degree but later decides to go back to school to get a general medical degree (he has a change of heart in his mid-30s). He is still primarily a Vet but he wanted to be able to help his family out as well since Alfred was gone and...so was Leslie now too. Damian also does a lot of extra research regarding alien biology on the side, he can't get a degree in it, but he's currently one of only a handful of people on Earth that would be able to operate on Jon or any other Kryptonian should they need it.
The Multiverse
Damian and Jon are a rare phenomena within the Multiverse; that are what is regarded as, "True Soulmates". Even on Earths that do not have both a Damian and Jon their fates are still intertwined. A world without both spells loneliness for the the other and more often than not, catastrophe for that world. (I'm actually in the process of writing a whole series about this. The first preview was posted earlier this month. Earth 3: Into the Owls Nest)
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onyourhyuck · 1 year
Heart 2 Heart. | L.DH
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— Prologue: “I don’t think i can handle you being so far away this time.”
— Summary: Your boyfriend has a heart to heart moment with you again, because he’s going on a worldwide tour.
— Genre: Wholesome. Slightly angsty. Suggestive (hints). Domesticboyfriend!haechan. This will make you cry and emotional.
— Notes: p.s Cried writing this.
Your boyfriend was your best friend. You couldn’t imagine what your life would be like without Donghyuck and frankly you don’t wish to imagine it. It would most likely be a dull, very boring and difficult life for you. He made every core memory possible and special.
Even though he was occupied almost everyday he still makes time for you, his lovely girlfriend. The one he comes home to. The one he can relax and not put up a persona with like he does to thousands and thousands of people watching him entertain them.
He doesn’t need to do anything flashy or anything to impress you because he knows you understand that sometimes he wants to chill and take a relaxing break with you laying in. Who doesn’t love a good night in with your favourite movies, for Donghyuck it would be the Kissing Booth, for you it’s probably Nine Tails starring Dongwook.
You both fit each other just right. Balance each other in a way as if you guys were scales. You both need each other to become harmonious together but what happens when one day your boyfriend comes home with the intention to tell you he’s leaving.
Again, he’s leaving.
Lately your boyfriend’s group has been travelling a lot. It started with Japan performances which you were so happy for and he could come back after two or three days performing in that country. But now it’s extending to regions beyond your time zone.
You couldn’t help but ponder so many thoughts. You can’t imagine your day without him and even though phones exist, you could text and what not, it simply wasn’t enough for you.
He sat down in front of you facing you with stern eyes and you nervously trail. “What’s this?” You try to lighten the mood up.
He couldn’t bring himself to say anything until you took large guesses. “Wait don’t tell me…” you point your eyes at his hands in his pockets suspiciously you watch them. “You are proposing to me?” You gape and Donghyuck’s eyes widen.
“Yah, Y/n don’t you think marriage is a bit too soon for us?” He said to you couldn’t believe your first assumption was marriage.
You look away pouting a little. “It was worth a guess. Anyways what’s the big news?”
“I’m going on a tour again.”
The time stopped around you and suddenly he could see your throat tense up. Your mouth fell into a thin line voiding away from saying anything. Don’t get yourself wrong you are happy for Donghyuck, you’re thrilled but you couldn’t help but think this might strain your relationship with him. You don’t want to lose him but you don’t want him to lose his job so you do your best to support him from the shadows, watching every performance and cheering them all to success. But your boyfriend can see right through your heart broken eyes. He can see that you’re half disappointed and half happy for him.
You look down at your hands seeing your fingers chip on your fingertips fiddling with them to distract yourself from the grave news.
“I’m happy for you hyuck. Where are you going now?” You change the subject quickly, asking him where and what the destination was. But a deep part of you was scared to know where he is flying to now.
His voice came out soft and so distant when he was talking about the tour to you. “America. We will be touring twenty states there.” Your eyes fell out your sockets or it rather felt like it, goddam twenty states and you were trying to put it into the calendar. It would take a whole month and a half probably.
He saw your expression go from hidden to completely transparent as you were crying suddenly and he stood there frozen like a statue when tears ran down your cheeks.
You blame your separation anxiety but you also blame your stupid feelings getting in the way of you being able to support your boyfriend. You didn’t want him to see you like this, you’re afraid it might ruin the tour for him and all the excitement in his body. You could see how happy he was, but you weren’t matching the energy and it was difficult to tell.
“Hey Y/n… come here… let’s have a Heart to Heart talk. I knew you’d get like this you didn’t have to hide your feelings. Come let’s talk.” Donghyuck softly encourages you to stand up when he holds your hand pulling you on his lap where you curl enough to have your chess on his chest sobbing.
He cradled you in his arms like you were a cat snuggling closer for warm hugs but you were bawling and he coos at you, treating you like you were a soft porcelain doll that could break from the slightest things he could say.
He kisses your head multiple times, which left your heart feeling numb and beating so quickly. He was being soft with you, somehow you feel like Donghyuck was sympathising with you and how you are feeling in this potential position he was putting you in constant. Sure, he could never feel how you truly feel but he can understand why you feel this way and he doesn’t hold it against you.
“Twenty states… Donghyuck that’s the furthest you’ve been away from me…” your voice breaks speaking more and he looks at you.
Donghyuck stares at you quietly when putting his finger on your red soft wide lips staring down at them. “I know Y/n… it’s not easy for you. I can understand that but why don’t you try for me here… I know you can be able to do it. You’re the strongest person by my side.” He rubs your stained cheeks with your tears and you felt his sincere, the most sincere words from his mouth become true.
“I don’t think i can handle you being so far away this time.” You said feeling scared what could happen if he was in such a foreign place you don’t know anything about.
He smiles and you sat up on his lap straddling his legs and going to give him a warm long lasting hug where your red nose from crying hard sniffles. He rubs the back of your head, listening to your beating heart beat that’s probably thumping so much from how you were overthinking this whole situation. He doesn’t blame you, but Donghyuck doesn’t like seeing you cry, at least not like this.
“I promise that when I’m away you will always be on my mind. You always are. Without a question, and me being in America won’t change that.”
You could feel the heat coming from his mouth speaking down your neck. He kisses your cheeks pulling apart to look you in your eyes and you felt your lips fall apart as he smiles at you.
“Understand, Y/n?” He says wiping your bangs away from your face, keeping all the hair out of your beauty that could block it.
You look down biting your lip. “Yeah… I do. Im happy for you. I really am Hyuck. You have no idea how proud I am to be your girlfriend and someone to see you become something big you’ve always wanted to be when you were little.”
“But when I say I want to build a house with you, using the same fence as yours, I really mean it.” You croak out rubbing your eyes again as they start to tear you apart once more. He could finally see your true feelings that maybe, you felt slightly uncomfortable being this far away from your home.
Your home, Lee Donghyuck.
He bites his bottom lip, pressing his forehead in your shoulders covering his face as he clenched his jawline. He felt his own eyes water but somehow he was trying not to touch your emotions too much. He shouldn’t cry because he wants to comfort you. But he failed and the minute you heard him softly escape a cry out you wrapped your arms round him comforting your boyfriend’s heart.
You didn’t say anything but listen to your cries out loud as a way to cope with your emotions but somehow you both felt relieved. You cried it out together, you helped each other out together, you never backed away, or shy away from each others emotions you faced them head on.
It’s something you found to love in your relationship with Donghyuck. He was there for you and you were there for him when he needed someone the most. When he couldn’t find someone to turn to, you were there with your open arms for him to take and hold on to. You’re his foundation.
And he’s your home. You’re his land and he’s the home you build in that land that’s keeping him strong.
“I love you, Y/n.” His fingers wrap round your fingers suddenly in a warmth scape you find them becoming more comfortable in the holding gaze than they were outside of it. Your fingers were perfect, fitting right into his own hands.
Your eyes look up at him when Donghyuck lifts his face. It became flushed with tears straining his beautiful tan skin and his dark puffy upper hair that looks like the softest silk in the entire world made you feel like you totally bagged a jackpot. Lee ‘effortlessly attractive’ Donghyuck was in front of you making it hard not to stare him down like he was everything you’ve ever wanted, like he was your ideal meal you could devour on pure endurance of this planet.
You felt your skin grew warmer and warmer and your heart become lighter than before. You found yourselves in your comforting bodies more than anyone else’s and somehow this Heart 2 Heart brought you closer than before.
“I love you Donghyuck.” You reply back with your cheeks growing up smiling at him. Donghyuck returns the smile through passing a small sensual kiss on your lips with his.
He smiles through your shared loving kiss your heads moving in synch together, like two breathes joining unison together with your own heart. He didn’t dare stop kissing you, in fact he kissed you like you were the only thing he would ever want to kiss and nothing else ever again, nothing, could compare the way your lips have felt on his lips. So warm and so soft to compare to anything on earth it did not exist. Your love was better than Venus, your heart was better than anyone’s he knows.
It all took a Heart 2 Heart to realise that being apart from Donghyuck will not break you apart. It won’t change the fact that this boy in front of you inhaling your mouth and your oxygen from your body like it’s the last thing he will do to make you realise that the distance between you and him is nothing. Your love was stronger than this.
Now he’s going to make you realise it by giving you a long night of his passionate feelings in one go to make you feel and realise what he feels for you is more than this tour he could ever go on.
Your heart and his heart matters only.
Heart 2 Heart.
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating and copyrighting my work thank youu! Please reblog and follow me for more updates it helps a girl out <3
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polyklok · 9 months
Hi! What's your HC for how each band member (and Charles too, if you can) would be like on their wedding day?
Ohmygosh I am such a sap, I’m having way too much fun with this prompt and I haven’t even started writing yet!
The Wedding Day
Nathan Explosion
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Leading up to the day, Nathan becomes more and more of a nervous wreck. He’s terrified of something going wrong, the day being completely ruined and you leaving him forever because of it. No matter how much you reassure him that you plan to marry him no matter what, he is dead set on making sure that the wedding will be perfect and that you’ll have the best day of your life. While metal and brutality are what he strives for most, he also has a sense of traditionalism that seeps into the wedding plans. He talks to his parents a lot during the whole process.
The morning of, he wakes up and is suddenly calm about the whole ordeal. His chest is bubbling with giddiness and he has a small smile that he can’t wipe off of his face as he begins to get ready. He’s excited to see you, to say his vows and to hear yours and put rings on each others fingers and become officially married. The word sounds really good to him.
Dethklok are his groomsmen, with Pickles as his best man. You’ve already been in their favor for a long time, so they’re equally excited on Nathan’s behalf. The dressing room is loud and crowded, but he lets the chaos roll off his back as he thinks about spending the rest of his life with you.
Eventually, he’s suited up and the guests have poured in. Shortly before the ceremony, he’s with his dad, who is making small adjustments to Nathan’s appearance and pumping him up for finalizing the greatest decision he’ll ever make.
“Ready, son? This is it.”
“Fuck yeah.”
The ceremony is fairly large; Klokateers line the walls, he’s facing all the friends and family that could’ve possibly been invited, his bandmates are behind him. But he’s only wanting to see you. He can’t possibly take much longer, he feels like the butterflies are gonna rip out of his gut and start devouring the guests. Suddenly, music starts playing, and he laser-focuses on the aisle.
You’re gorgeous. Everything about you; perfect. You’re glowing from the inside-out. Nathan doesn’t even notice the hot tears that begin to stream down his face, he’s entranced. As soon as you reach him, he takes your hand into his and squeezes them like he’ll never let go. His lips move like he wants to say something, but he simply cannot find the words to describe how brutally in-love he is. His head is dizzy with happiness.
He doesn’t even hear what the officiant is saying. When the time for vows come he just…shakes his head, keeping eye contact with you. You giggle, the guests chuckle. Don’t worry, you’ll get to see what he had planned to say later, and it’s very sweet. But Nathan can’t bring himself to say a whole speech right now. He just wants to kiss you.
And, boy, does he kiss you! Nathan’s kiss is hot and passionate and you feel like you would fall off the edge of the world if it weren’t for his right grasp. Nathan feels a lot of intense emotions, many of which he keeps bottled up. But when he kisses you on your wedding day, you can suddenly feel all of them and it’s wonderful.
After the ceremony, Nathan is thrilled to be married to you, it’s adorable. He does his best to compress it down for pictures, purely for image’s sake (these are the photos that are gonna be shared publicly, after all). In most photos, he holding you with his signature pissed-off expression. But there’s a few with a glimpse of his eager smile.
After photos? He’s completely loose. Nathan is an absolute goofball when in the right mood, and being married to the person he loves most definitely does the trick. He stuffs his face, drinks a drink or three, laughs loudly at Pickles’ best man speech, and doesn’t even complain when his parents embarrass the hell out of him.
The dance you two share is a bit clumsy, his feet taking random steps as he presses his forehead into yours. You both incomprehensibly compliment each other and exchange various, “I love you”s. But none of it needs to be said; Staring in each other’s eyes like this already makes it the best day of your life.
Soon after the height of the party, Nathan gives a half-assed goodbye to his band and his parents in order to drag you to the limo that’s already waiting outside, getting an early start on your honeymoon.
Pickles the Drummer
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I’ll be honest; Pickles is not sure if this whole thing was ever a good idea. His proposal was last-minute and completely unplanned. He is constantly changing his mind, keeping you on edge. One minute, he’s infatuated with the idea of holy matrimony. The next, he’s saying he just wants to get hitched in Vegas. The next, he‘s calling the whole thing off. He knows that he loves you and he wants you to be happy but…it’s a big commitment. Especially for someone like Pickles. Please be patient with him.
But the date, despite the pushbacks, finally arrives. He hardly sleeps the night before. He convinces you to stay with him until the last minute, afraid he’s gonna scare himself into running off. He lays in bed for a solid hour after waking up, just letting your sleeping form cling to him. He desperately wants a drink and he hates himself for it. The only thing keeping him from spiraling is your warm weight and the pace of your breathing.
The morning is slow and heavy as the two of you get ready. You ask him a few times if he’s okay and he always says “Yeh, ‘m gud” despite the look on his face; scared and unfocused. You don’t push it. Instead, you give him a kiss on the cheek before you leave to get into your outfit.
Despite the coaxing from you and Dethklok and even Charles; Pickles had invited his family, at the very last second he possibly could have. And they show up pissed. His father is silently judgmental, his mother is nagging, and his brother is all kinds of rude. The ceremony hasn’t even started but they’re already on his ass about everything they can think of. He’s nauseous with anxiety, desperately trying to block out their voices. Nathan has to drag them away when Seth makes on a comment on you, seeing how Pickles was one second away from beating the shit out of him again.
So his wedding starts with Pickles in a miserable mood. He just wants the day to be over. He’s at the altar, avoiding eye contact with his mom and sweating bullets. When you do finally make your way down the aisle, he gives you a small smile. He feels guilty for being so overwhelmed with dread rather than happiness. At the very least, he does think you look amazing, even if it’s hard to tell beneath his unease.
You can see him shaking, trying hard to not hyperventilate. When the officiant asks if anyone objects, he squeezes your hands and his eyes dart over to his family. Luckily, they stay silent. And so, you’re married. Once Pickles kisses you, there a small moment where he’s calm again. He’s attached to you by the lips, the warm sensation of love pouring over him, the same love that made him propose in the first place.
Until it ends. He suddenly hears the cheering, realizes that the two of you are surrounded by people and he immediately looks to his parents, mortified by their unimpressed faces. You take his hand with you, back down the aisle as he stutters an apology for looking like an idiot.
But you don’t go back to the dressing room. Instead, you drag him right out of the venue and push him into a car.
“Wha’dder doin, babe?”
“Getting you outta here.”
You ditch the wedding. You’re already married, there’s no point in staying there just so he can stew in his anxiety. For a few moments of the car ride, he still afraid that you’re mad at him for not being more enthusiastic about the ceremony. But he eventually relaxes and thanks you, at ease for the first time in weeks. Later, there will be a huge freak out and Charles will berate you for leaving so suddenly. But right now, you pick up some fast food and hit up a random park. The two of you take some edibles he conveniently had in his suit pocket and spend the rest of the night eating and cuddling under the moonlight.
Skwisgaar Skwigelf
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The day Skwisgaar proposed to you was magical. It was romantic, it was beautiful, he was vulnerable and extremely sweet. After? Nothing. He was still your Skwisgaar, affectionate with you and ever-so-slightly teasing. There were no changes to him. But he had practically no involvement in the wedding planning, never even brought it up. When you asked for his input on something, he always told you do to do what you want. Even on inviting his mother;
“If you thinks she shoulds be theres.”
The only thing he actively contributed was picking his clean, white suit, which Charles had to nag him into doing last minute. The night before, you asked if he even wanted to do it at all, since he was so aloof about it. He gave you a simple,
“Ofs course I does.”
The day comes. Skwisgaar wakes up with a heavy weight on his chest. He really does want to marry you. He’s changed a lot about himself and his lifestyle in order to be committed to you, and he is happy about it. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him, better than the thousands of groupies he used to occupy himself with. But the word ‘Husband’ used to be something to mock in his eyes, a lame dildo who’s given up in life and probably isn’t even happy. But that’s about to be him, your husband. He isn’t upset, but it’s a strange thing to become someone you once despised.
So, as he gets ready and as his groomsmen tease him mercilessly for his dedication to you, he’s quiet and neutral. Even for Dethklok, it’s hard to tell what he’s feeling at he moment, but he shows no signs of backing out, so they continue on.
Once he’s in position, Skwisgaar sees what you’ve been working on for the past several months. And it’s gorgeous, you did a wonderful job. The guest list was very minimal, a detail he greatly appreciates. He briefly scans over them, but stops once he spots blonde hair the same color as his own. Then, he focuses on the aisle, waiting for you, keeping his head clear from the awful clouds of thoughts that he doesn’t want to hear right now.
You walk down, the two of you make hard, intimate eye contact. His first thought is that you are the most beautiful anyone has ever been, especially for him, and he can’t believe you’re real. His second thought is how wonderful you’d look if all the clothing were to be removed. His third thought is praying that the intense ache on his eyes don’t spill over into tears.
He says his vows quietly, speaking to you in a hushed tone. He couldn’t care less about the small crowd watching him as his life permanently changes, he prefers if they didn’t hear him anyway. This is for you and him exclusively. And when he kisses you…
Skwisgaar has a horrible tendency to always leave you wanting for more. He’s an absolutely addictive kisser and it’s completely unfair to you. Your wedding kiss is no different. He gives a light chuckle when you follow his lips as he pulls away. He decides to keep the gesture quite conservative for now. Don’t worry, you’ll get plenty more later.
From then on, he’s attached to you. He doesn’t leave your side for a second, completely ignoring the guests just to stare at you with a refreshing, loving gaze in his eyes. While drinking champagne, cutting the cake, listening to speeches; you’re the only thing occupying his world that day.
He says very little until your first dance, in which he thanks you for all the work you put in. But really, he would’ve been happy next to a dumpster. He leans his close, lips grazing your ear, and whispers exactly how he’s going to thank you later when the two of you are alone. Even as your husband, Skwisgaar is a man of seduction and absolute tease.
Toki Wartooth
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He bought a ring, like, a month into seeing you and had to be tied down by Charles just so he wouldn’t immediately propose. Toki LOVES the idea of marriage and goes to ask you as soon as his manager is sure that you won’t accidentally tear apart the band. There are no words to describe how absolutely giddy he is to be your husband, he counts down the days every single morning.
Unfortunately, he’s sort of awful at planning. He has so many ideas that are a messy collision of traditional, brutal, and decora aesthetics and he’s constantly spouting them off to you. It’s gonna take a while to find some balance so your wedding doesn’t immediately cause a seizure to anyone in the vicinity. The day before, he gives you hundreds of kisses, squealing and giggling about how happy he is and how wonderful it’s all going to be.
The two of you separate that night, wanting to get ready individually so you can do a ‘first-look’ before the ceremony. Unfortunately, it has been a very long time before Toki has had to sleep in a bed without you and he is forced to remember how cold it can be. He barely sleeps, staring at the ceiling, desperately missing you as his heart pounds with anticipation to marry you.
Turns out, not sleeping before your wedding day isn’t a great idea. The entire morning, he’s sporadically dozing off, needing to be herded around by Dethklok so he can get ready. The whole day is spent with him either smiling like a huge goofball or half-asleep as he showers, eats breakfast, gets his hair done, and suits up.
At some point, he hears that his parent/s didn’t actually show up, despite being invited. His chest buzzes with the usual strange feelings he gets whenever talking about his family, but he pushes foreword. Never was there a groom so determined.
As he waits at the alter, he’s bouncing on his heels, fidgeting with his hands, grinning so hard his face hurts. He’s dreamed about his wedding day for years and years, in love with his soon-to-be spouse before he even met you, and the best moment of his life is mere seconds away from happening. What would happen next, after his happily-ever-after? He doesn’t know, but he’s happy to spend it with you.
And here you come. The music plays, you walk down the aisle…Toki is easily prone to sobbing, but he has never ‘happy-cried’ until this moment. It’s almost concerning, how shaky he is with pure, unfiltered joy. The last thing you need is for your husband to spontaneously combust.
While Toki had put a lot of thought and effort into writing his vows, they’re practically out the window. He slips in a few preplanned lines, but he mostly rambles about how glorious being in love is and how wonderful you are, slipping between Norwegian and English and laughing at himself the whole way through. It’s a messy speech, but it’s one full of passion.
He kisses you a minimum of three times, each more lovely than the last as your guests clap and cheer. You’re lifted and twirled all the way to the car meant to take you to the reception, squeezed into the back seat as he attacks you with affection.
At this point, Toki had been running on adrenaline and very short power-naps the entire day. He’s still flooded with delight to finally, officially, be yours but he has never been one to run well on sleep deprivation. His head slowly leans into your collarbone, humming through his comfortable smile and looking up at you lovingly with half-shut eyes.
“Toki, are you alright?”
He yawns through his words, half-heartedly insisting that he can enjoy the rest of the evening just fine but not objecting when you tell the driver to just head to the hotel and tell Charles about the change of plans. It’s not long before the both of you are passed out and tangled within each other, your outfits only half-removed before the sun has even set.
William Murderface
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William had never thought he’d get married. At some points, he thought that love was simply not for him, that he was forever to be unwanted. But even has you entered his life, took over his heart and made him realize that he was worth something…it still never crossed his mind. It seemed like something that cliché assholes do just to prove a point. It took a lot of work from the both of you for him to truly believe that you cared; what did a dumb certificate have to prove after all this time?
Several years into your relationship, and the two of you have fallen into a comfy routine, both brutally thrilling and cozily domestic. He’s not only in love, but living in long-term happiness. It’s bliss. Until, at some social event that he was only attending out of requirement, some random dildo insists that it’s really about the time you two get married.
You laugh it off and Murderface promptly tells the guy to suck his dick, mostly out of instinct. But later, when you’ve practically forgotten, the concept is still on William’s mind. Was it about that time? Would two little rings really transform his relationship, one of the greatest things to ever happen to him, to something more sacred? Did you want to? You seemed to brush it away so easily earlier…would you not be willing to marry him?
You notice his behavior change over the course of a few days, clearly pondering something deeply but unwilling to tell you what. It isn’t until a very late night, when you’re already in bed with him, eyes closed and brain only half-on;
“Would you wanna get married?”
“To me. If I aschked, would you schay yesch and marry me?”
“Sure, Hun. I’ll marry you.”
Two weeks later, he is stationed in the middle of Mordhaus’ living room, wearing clothes that are only slightly nicer than his usual.
Pickles, once again, asks him if he’s only doing this to prove some dumb point. William, once again, tells Pickles to fuck off. Nathan, as his best man, pokes him in the back and says he could’ve made the ceremony a bit nicer at the very least. William insists that the both of you liked this way best.
Skwisgaar is lounged on the couch, guitar in lap as he begins to strum the first song that comes to mind. Toki enters and haphazardly throws around some rice he recently hijacked from the kitchen. You follow, also in slightly-nicer-clothing, and holding one of Murderface’s many knives rather than a bouquet. The smile on your face is the brightest he’s ever seen and everything feels right to him.
Charles reads from a document he had just printed out that morning. With you looking into his eyes at this very moment, William is baffled at how he could’ve possibly waited this long to do the bare minimum of marrying you. Because he wouldn’t want it any other way. With Charles’ short, law-required speech done, he declares the two of you a wedded couple.
The kiss is intense, wrapped fully into each other as the commitment is finalized. There’s a brief amount of clapping from Dethklok and the surrounding Klokateers, but the celebrations last less than an hour before you and Murderface are shoved onto a plane for your honeymoon.
The first few days in Las Vegas are a blur of alcohol, drugs, gambling, and intense sex. The next few days are spent with long, romantic moments, intimate conversations, sensual cuddling and…still lots of sex. William practically melts every time you acknowledge him as your new husband.
It was rushed, it was messy, it resulted in rice being vacuumed out of the living room carpet for months and the biggest blackout of your life…but your wedding day was nothing short of perfect.
Bonus: Charles
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I’m doing a rush job of this because I’m still not 100% sold on his businussy
I think you would originally get married in bare-minimal circumstances, probably for potential tax benefits or political reasons. Either way, he slips a plain band ring on your finger and gives you a brief kiss. It’s less than a romantic gesture and more like a business deal.
Later on, as the two of you grew closer than he has with anybody else, he realizes just how improper your official wedding really was. So he conducts that a proper one be planned. It’s much more extravagant and he splurges to make sure you get everything you want.
That’s all I have to say about that it is 3 Am I am so sorry offdensen simps love you
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james-a-b · 20 days
the TATINOF experience
ok so. i've wanted to make a post about this for a While now; i feel like a lot of people don't really understand or appreciate how unprecedented TATINOF really was, and for me, watching it in Seattle in 2016, it was the best day of my life.
So here we go.
(I've put the rest below a readmore bc this is an 18 paragraph post lmao)
On March 26th, 2015, Dan and Phil revealed TABINOF via a trailer set in the distant future. The book itself was not entirely unprecedented- other youtubers had written and were writing books, but for the most part (at the time) these were either fictional works or serious biographies; TABINOF was a time capsule of Dan and Phil's youtube brand, and a glimpse into parts of their lives we hadn't seen yet. (For example; Phil's hamster breeding adventures) But tucked into the pages of the book in the trailer were a pair of tickets to The Amazing Tour Is Not On Fire. This was insane. No youtuber had ever gone on tour before, save perhaps for a few musicians; no one had done a stage show. No one knew what to expect.
And, as they asked the audience of each show not to share spoilers, most of us went on not knowing what to expect until we'd seen it ourselves.
I saw the show on June 18th, 2016, near the end of the US leg of the tour. I went in knowing three things:
There were set ways in which we the audience could participate: there was Crafty Corner, Weird Kid, Phone Support Hotline, and a 7 Second Challenge submission box. (I submitted art to Crafty Corner, and I was thrilled just knowing they'd see it)
The set was a giant microwave. What this meant, I could not imagine.
Everyone who'd already seen the show said it was incredible.
I remember having had a dream that I was at the show like a week before it actually happened, and I woke up just as the show was about to start in the dream because my brain couldn't come up with anything they might do onstage lmao.
I can't even begin to put into words how incredible the atmosphere was before the show even started. Phannies were lined up for two blocks outside the theatre, and I'd never felt so welcome anywhere in my life. The doors opened. I believe Cornelia was working the merch stand pre-show, though I don't remember for sure- I got a signed copy of TABINOF and then I took my seat.
The set was incredible, and the pre-show playlist was amazing. Everyone sang along to every song, and when Troye Sivan's Wild came on, everyone screamed. Seriously, if you've never looked at the pre-show playlist for TATINOF you should. Finally, All Star by Smash Mouth played. Everyone was singing along, and laughing because of course Dan put that in there, and then, halfway through the song, the music stops and the lights go out. Everyone screamed, and the opening sequence began to play on the microwave. I understand why they opted to edit that directly into the beginning of the recording, because it would've been a little difficult to see in the recording otherwise, but at the same time it hit so much better when it played directly on the microwave.
And then they came out on stage, and they were so much more awkward than I expected. Dan kept squatting slightly, like he was trying to be shorter, and Phil moved almost like a marionette. They said their hellos, and then they addressed the microwave being there, and the plot started to become apparent- Phil had microwaved his laptop.
I'm not going to get into too much detail on every bit of the show, because I've already written about eight paragraphs and I could write about twenty more going play-by-play through every aspect of the show, but that's not the point of this essay, so I'll attempt to keep things at least a little shorter than that.
The first truly unprecedented thing was when Dan said they were "having a bit of a domestic" when Phil said he couldn't get off the lion. This was the very first time they'd come anywhere near addressing the elephant in the room (their relationship) publicly since the V-day vid. Obviously, compared to the things they've said in 2024 (we've never fucked on youtube, etcetera), "we're having a bit of a domestic" is incredibly tame, but this was huge. Everyone screamed.
And then, shortly after, Phil started singing, and everyone screamed much louder. They did little songs all the time in baking videos or while playing the sims, but this was different. This was on stage, with a spotlight and everything. It was not a surprise to me when Dan cut Phil off; I thought the song was for sure a joke, that there was no way they'd come back to it (spoiler alert, they did).
And then there was the 7 Second Challenge bit, and Reasons Why Phil Was A Weird Kid, and Uncle Dan's Phone Support Hotline, and the PINOF 75 bit. And it was all weird and crazy and amazing. But the next thing I really want to focus on is Fanfiction Live.
Fanfiction Live was... absolutely insane. My show chose cowboys on the moon, and the script they wrote for it was.... so undeniably gay? Like. "Should Phil draw Dan like a French girl"? Are you kidding? This really happened???? They wrote this in 2015. Four years before they came out. This was so far beyond unprecedented. This was unthinkable.
And then, immediately following this insanity, they began Smashing Plates and then they were like "IT'S DIL" and by this point i was hoarse from screaming but when I tell you I screamed...
And then Dil said all those things about Dan feeling like nothing he did was worth anything, but that it meant a lot to Dil and to the audience, and that Phil felt like he had to change who he was to please others but that we appreciated him for who he is... I melted. It was a moment of such genuine honesty, and they'd saved my life, and I loved them so, so much.
And then Phil started singing again, and Dan didn't stop him, and Dan started singing too, and the song was so them, ironic yet genuine, and I was out of my mind because I couldn't believe they were Singing On Stage like that, like, they were youtubers. Not professional singers. No one asked or expected them to go that far. But they did it.
it was the best day of my life.
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Crimson Lust ❙ TP Knock Out x f!human reader ❙ NSFW 18+
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Word count: 1700+
Warnings: Smut ( self touching ), possessive behaviour and car fetish ( I have no idea what else to call it lol ). NSFW 18+.
Notes: Who doesn't love the beautiful red medic? These robot x human pairings are a lot of fun. This was an interesting write to do. Thanks for requesting and hope you like it. 🥰
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To watch street racing gives you a whole new feeling that rushes through you. The speed, the roar of engines, the smell of burning rubber, it was a drug you didn't want to shake off.
At the race you will attend you will try to get a free ride in the race, seeking if any of the drivers are interested in your company. All that has to be done is for you to wear a tight fitting dress and you have them wrapped around your finger.
For the last couple of years you did this and you never want to change or shake off your obsessive thrill. Though it does change a little when you meet him. The gorgeous red Aston Martin.
Turns out he has secrets too and what was meant to be a simple free ride in a race turns into you being thrust into a world where now giant alien robots walk among earth.
Knock Out he calls himself, cute name you thought, oddly enough.
At first he seems curious about you, then it grows into fascination, and quickly jumps to obsession. He likes you, and doesn't want you riding in anyone else's car ever again. He becomes possessive even when you honestly don't mind.
Being owned gives another odd warmth in your belly. A need for attention from him has corrupted your mind. It doesn't matter which race you will attend, he always finds you.
Tonight you walk into the high beamed area where people gathered, talking loudly, cars roaring and heavy music thumping that rocks through your heart. You let out a delightful hum, loving the feeling.
As usual you wear one of your dresses, a crimson red, on purpose of course. You are expecting to find him here just like the last time. You are aiming to please him and last time you remember he asked you to wear more red just for him, and you do.
Wearing plump red cherry lip gloss, rose blush, and dark red heels, you complete the look.
There are guys who approach you offering a good time. In another life you would've been flattered, but you've found something so much better now.
The familiar sound of the Aston Martin grabs your attention and smiles warmly as the car drives up beside you, the passenger door opening for you to climb in. The windows are tinted so dark that it is near impossible for anyone to look in. Perfect.
"My my, is this all just for me?" You hear Knock Out ask through the radio and you can sense a smug grin in his tone.
"You asked for it last time honey." You answer casually as you got comfortable. "I missed you."
"Did you know? Well, how about something for me? Go ahead, I want to feel it again." He didn't beg but you can hear it in his voice, the desperation.
Letting out a flattered giggle you lean forward across the dashboard. Your hands slowly smooth their way across the surface, pressing your finger tips a little more firmly to rub him before using your lips to kiss him on top, softly dragging your tongue across the same area, teasing him and slowly moving away again.
You can feel him shudder under your touches making you smirk softly in delight. You enjoy having that effect on him.
"The race is about to start darling." You say through a silky voice.
"Excellent." You hear him purr in return.
At the starting line you are already shivering in excitement as Knockout lets out a couple of loud revs beside the others. You bite your lips feeling the excitement burn through you right down to your core.
At the go, the racers take off. Your back hits back against the leather seat as you grip against the side door and seat, a shaky aroused breath leaving you as the speed gets into your head.
Your breathing picks up as you feel your very core warming more, becoming moist so quick. Yeah, you get turned on with street racing, but the effect is so much stronger with Knock Out. He knows how to drive and put on a performance.
The seat starts warming up making you glance over the console of the car, feeling yourself smirk knowing Knock Out is watching both the rode and yourself.
"Do it." His given order is clear. You know what he wants.
Slowly your hands glide up across your breasts over the fabric, tugging the tub down ever so gently and revealing them for the show you were putting on. The fabric only sits before your breasts as you bring your hands back up, touching them softly and pinching each nipple as you bite your lips through a fruity moan.
You can hear Knock Out moaning through the rawr of his engines as he drives, picking up speed as he passes other drivers without struggle.
Your hands then slowly snake down across your belly and thighs, where your bodycon dress ends and move the fabric up higher. You wear no undergarments, never for Knock Out.
"Primus." You hear him say next, not fully understanding the meaning of it but you don't question either. You simply go with it.
Spreading your legs you show him a better view of yourself, hands smoothing over your inner thighs. You have slid down a little in her seat to bring yourself closer towards the consol, where you know he is viewing you from.
You bring your hand back up towards your lips and suck at two fingers, wetting them and giving a teasing view for Knock Out before dipping them back down towards your aching core.
Letting out a soft sigh of pleasure you start to play with yourself, spreading your core and rubbing at your clit gently as your back arches under your touches. You truly knew how to touch yourself, and only you can ever make you feel like this.
You are curious though just how Knock Out might touch you, and that is something to learn perhaps another time. For now, it is time for you to put on a show as he races.
Gently slide your heels off from your feet and pop them up onto the dashboard so you're able to spread your legs more in view. Your back is arched, body exposed, and fingers rubbing at yourself in excitement.
You can feel every vibration from Knock Out against your body, adding the sensation to your growing arousal as you also feel his speed picking up more. He's going so fast!
Your other hand comes up to your breast, massaging gently and twerking at your nipple as your other dips a finger into her depths.
"Oh god..." You moan out in delight, curling your finger against your walls as you move your thumb around your clit. "A-are you winning?" You manage to ask him.
" I always win." He answers through a satisfied hum. "I assume that pleases you?"
"Yes...yes!" You can't help but raise your voice, your fingers working fast at yourself.
Your toes curl as they rest up against the dash, tingling pleasure sparking through every inch of your body, two fingers now pumping into yourself.
"Such a delightful sight you are." You hear Knock Out say, a casual chuckle leaving him. "Do you imagine it's me inside you?"
It sounds silly, impossible, but you do. Everytime you touch yourself you imagine it's Knockout fucking you, no matter how unrealistic that might sound. You crave his robot alien dick.
"I do...Everytime!" You finally admit, working your fingers more firmly and even twisting your nipple making you cry out in bliss.
"Perhaps one day we can...experiment." You hear the grin in his voice, and it gets you so fucking horny even more.
He pushes the pedal as you add a third finger inside yourself, pumping you hand as you twerk your nipple more firmly, heavy breaths leaving your plump lips with your hips raised off the seat more. You're close, so fucking close.
Your juices leak from you, coating your hand and running down your skin and ass. With your eyes closed you could see it, his alien dick in your view. You've never seen it from him before but you can only imagine how magnificent it would look like.
"Knock Out....Knock Out...I'm fucking close!" You chant his name as you warn him, seeking his permission.
"We're almost there darling." You are not allowed to cum until he finishes, that was his rule, and you always follow.
He never loses and you know he's almost there. It won't be long before you can finally cum for him, your beautiful alien robot friend, your addiction, your wild fetish.
"Eat my dust!" Knock Out yells through a booming laugh at the other drivers as he crosses the finishing line.
Within seconds you fall apart, letting out a loud cry of bliss as you clamp around your pumping fingers and arching your hips even further as you cum hard.
After the buzz has calmed down you slowly lower yourself back on the seat as you also move your weak legs back down. Heavy breaths leave you, skin heated and sweaty, tired eyes holding such beautiful lust and calmness all at once. You feel amazing.
The race is over but Knock Out isn't going to stop driving, and he loves watching you after the thrilling experience.
"You always know how to put on an exquisite show." Knock Out says through the radio, and you can hear the faint smugness in his voice.
"You know I'm the best. You're not going to find anything better." Is your response as you fix your snug dress back down and up again.
"How about a casual drive? Think of it as a treat from me for being so good." Again, smugness.
"Treating me like a pet?" You can't help but ask through a smirk. "It is a rather beautiful night. Do you mind dimming the lights inside darling?"
He does as you ask, even moving your chair back for you, followed by soft and slow techno music making you smirk softly again.
"Such a romantic you are."
"You love me."
You don't answer him. All you do is lean into your seat and listen to the music, eyes staring out into the night sky. Knock Out wasn't human, but does that mean what you two had growing couldn't expand further?
Your thoughts slowly drift and sleep takes over shortly. You feel safe with Knock Out, always. You know when you wake up you'll be back home and in your bed.
Your red knight in shining armour will always take care of you.
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mahvericks · 2 years
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For anon
Request; please write something for mav there really isn’t enough. Maybe something where reader is a pilot and pretty reckless like mav used to be? And he’s scared of losing them? Angst and fluff 🖤🖤
Warnings; top gun spoilers, angst, a way too long fic, mention of death and funeral, me writing for a man lmao
I got way too carried with this and I have to apologize for taking too much liberty with this, I’m not even sure this could be considered good but please let me know if you enjoyed it😭
As a child, your dream was to fly one of those hig speed plane that the army owned, you had always been in love with the sky and going fast- it was a match made in heaven to become a pilot.
You didn’t come from a military background, that world was completely new to you when you enrolled yourself in the navy to become a naval aviator, your ultimate goal was to get into TopGun to become one of the best pilot out there.
From a very young age, you had taught yourself to never give up and reach your goals no matter how big they were- and that’s what you did when you ultimately graduated of TopGun as one of the best pilot they ever had.
Even before joining the program, you were already starting to have a reputation from the instructors and teammates you had in the past- you were known for your incredible skills but also for being reckless, something that wasn’t consider good when it could cost lives.
You understood that point when it was brought up while you were being scolded by a superior for putting the lives of your team in danger. Putting their lives at risk was incredibly selfish, you knew that, but most of the time, you made sure it was your life that you were putting on the line- not theirs.
Unlike most of your friends and teammates, you didn’t have a family to go back to after a mission, you didn’t have a partner or furry companion and you were barely in contact with your family as they disapproved your career’s choice.
That was the exact reason you didn’t care about not coming back from a mission, if it meant that you could make sure the said mission would be a success, sacrificing your life would be worth it.
However, you didn’t realize that sacrificing your life would soon become a possibility until you were called back to TopGun for a secret mission, all you knew was that only the best pilots that came out of this program had been called back.
When you met everyone that had been called back the evening before going back there, you were surprised that they didn’t seem as intrigued as you were- probably because they were glad to be reunited with people they knew and meet their new teammates for the ones that they didn’t met before.
To say the least, this wasn’t going to be boring as it seemed like some rivalries already existed between some of the pilots. It had happen in your class back in the days- thinking about it, you wondered what they became after graduating.
What truly baffled you that evening was when you spotted who was, in your opinion, the best pilot to ever exist, Pete Mitchell, also called by his call sign- Maverick. You didn’t need to be a genius to understand that this couldn’t be a coincidence, you were in Fallon, the city where TopGun was located, he had to somehow be involved in the secret mission.
The next morning, you were proven right when he showed up as the person who would teach you everything you’d need to know for the secret mission. While your teammates seemed to be amused and underestimated Maverick, you were amazed by the fact you were going to learn from the one you looked up to when you first joined the program.
When it came to showing how good you could do in a basic fighter maneuver by attempting to shoot down Maverick. Going last, you felt even more pressure as everyone before you had failed the challenge- you weren’t surprised to also fail, however you were the one who got the closest to succeed.
During the fly, you were thrilled to be able to challenge Maverick but you didn’t try to impress him, knowing it would be a rookie move and would most likely make you commit an error right away.
Instead, you stayed calm and did what you knew to do the best- be quick and not plan anything ahead. Not thinking before acting had saved yourself more than once, you learnt to trust your gut and that’s what you did once again when you abruptly inverted your jet and slowed down to get right behind Maverick.
What made you fail was that you underestimated Maverick’s reaction time, you weren’t even right behind him that he had copied your maneuver and shot you down. As competitive as you could be sometimes, you weren’t annoyed of your failure, what made you upset was the two hundred push-ups you had to do after.
You spent the whole time cussing at Payback for setting such a stupid bet, Hondo felt bad for you and told you to stop before reaching the two hundred push-ups but that didn’t stop you from fulfilling your part.
It’s only when you finished your last push-up that you noticed that Hondo was gone and Maverick had taken his place- it was the first time you could really talk to him without everyone else around.
Trying to catch your breath, exhausted by your exercise, you sat on the concrete as you asked, “ Hondo got tired of hearing me cussing at Payback, uh?”
“ I think so, yeah,” joked Maverick before adding, “ I haven’t seen many people pull off this maneuver like you did.”
“ Got me in trouble more than once but also saved my life more than once. I hope it was okay for me to do that today- I try not to think too much and just trust my guts when I’m flying.”
“ This challenge was meant to show me what you all could do and I’m satisfied with what you showed me today.”
“ I still lost though.”
Maverick seemed to be somewhat amused by your frowning face as he chuckled, “ so did everyone else but you did good out there.”
“ Thank you, Sir.”
“ No need for such courtesy, just call me Maverick.”
From that first night at the bar before going back to TopGun, you knew it wouldn’t go as smooth as you had once hoped- from the first day it looked like Rooster held something against Maverick and also had some animosity with Hangman.
Other than that, everyone seemed to get along quite well, you had been quick to get along with everyone, but you would be lying if you said that you didn’t get along best with Phoenix and Maverick.
It was amazing to be able to learn from the one you had looked up the most to during your time in the program- not only you enjoyed learning from him but also loved being around him, you felt understood when you’d ask why it wasn’t possible to push the limits of the jets further since the mission was deemed so important.
You had never felt more free to share your opinion than with him, he didn’t judge or reprimand you- instead he would either agree with you or explain his vision if he didn’t agree with you.
Now, it wasn’t typical for you to be around a superior that much- usually you’d try to avoid them but this time felt different, unless it was during the exercises, it felt like Maverick was a member of the group and not the one to teach.
To ease the tension within the group, Maverick planned a volleyball session on the beach nearby instead of the usual training- you liked the idea especially since it could be fun but you didn’t really get how this would ease the tensions once the session would be over.
Sunglasses on and sunscreen applied, you went to Phoenix’s team, knowing you’d have even more fun with her but in the end, it didn’t really matter as the teams only lasted for two or three rounds before you were just playing all together and simply had fun.
You guys played until the sun started setting down, being the one who scored the last point, even if the points didn’t matter anymore, everyone agreed that you had to be thrown in the water to celebrate it- which you obviously didn’t like.
Warning your friends that you wouldn’t let them thrown you, you did pull a fight, in a joking way, when Rooster grabbed you and started to run towards the water. However, he didn’t expect to be pulled down and fall along with you.
Your move seemed to amuse everyone as they were all laughing at Rooster’s shocked face- it was unforgettable.
After everyone calmed down, they all headed inside The Hard Deck to change into more fitted clothes for the evening besides Rooster and you who had to stay outside until you were both dried up.
Your friend had gotten inside a few minutes ago, leaving you all alone in the night, only lightened by the moon, the light coming from Penny’s bar and the tiny bit of light for the sun that was left- it felt so peaceful, something you weren’t quite used to and you enjoyed it.
“ Hey, is everything alright?”
You didn’t have to turn around to know who had joined you outside, “ yeah, all good- I’m just enjoying how peaceful it is right now.”
“ I get it, sometimes it feels great to be in a quiet place, to be able to enjoy the moment.”
“ Yeah, that’s exactly it,” you smiled, finally turning your head to the side to look at your captain, wondering why he joined you outside, “ why didn’t you stay with everyone else inside?”
“ Well, Penny is inviting us for dinner tonight, are you joining us?”
“ Yeah, sure. I’ll go change up in a bit and join the group. I might go for a little walk before, wanna join?”
Your question was said in a joking way as you didn’t expect him to actually go on a walk on the beach with you, but to your biggest surprise, Maverick didn’t even hesitate to say yes.
The next couple of minutes went by in an enjoyable silence but there was something that you wanted to ask him but you didn’t want to put your nose in someone else’s business and get into some kind of troubles for asking the wrong questions.
Absentmindedly kicking the sand under your feet as you walked next to Pete, you ultimately chose to question him about what you saw earlier, “ I saw the Vice Admiral Simpson and the Rear Admiral Bates talk to you when we were still playing and they didn’t look too happy- are you or are we in trouble?”
“ Did they ever look happy to you? But to answer your question, no one is in trouble, let’s just say they weren’t too thrilled about my idea.”
“ Not that it matters but I think it was really cool- your idea I mean. We had fun and it feels like we’re really a team now, even Rooster and Hangman seems to get along.”
“ It matters actually, I’m glad to hear that. I was hoping it would have this effect.”
Nodding, you smiled ear to ear, happy to know your words mattered, “ we’re a good team and the coolest pilot to ever pilot- I mean what more could the Vice Admiral wants?”
“ Well, the Vice Admiral isn’t too pleased with me being the instructor for this mission, so you might want to say that to him but I’m happy to hear that according to you I’m the coolest pilot to ever pilot.”
Hearing his laugh made you feel like you had just made an accomplishment you were proud of, “ it’s true, that mission might be a suicide mission but with you making sure we’re ready for it, it feels like we might all come back in one piece.”
“ You will all come back alive. No one is going to be left behind.”
“ That’s not how they presented the mission before you showed up.”
Even in the dim light, you could tell how serious Maverick’s face was now as the conversation had taken a serious turn, “ I’m training all of you to accomplish the mission but also to come back.”
“ It’s alright Maverick, I don’t mind the sacrifice if the mission is a success- we all knew it was a possibility when we joined the navy.”
The days were going by way faster than expected and slowly, the set date for the mission was arriving. You weren’t stressed about it, knowing that you’d be ready for the mission on time but today was different.
It was a sad day for the navy, the four stars Admiral Kazansky had passed away after loosing his battle against his cancer. The group formed for the secret mission was his last decision and for that, all of you would be attending his funeral.
You had always hated goodbyes and even if you had only met the Admiral once in the past, it made you incredibly sad to be at his funeral today. It wasn’t the first funeral you were attending of course, but it wasn’t getting easier by any means.
After one last homage to the Admiral and the coffin buried, people went to pay their respects and left to let the family mourn the loss of their loved one.
Staying afar to not bother or disrupt the family, you waited until they all left to join your captain. Holding your hat in your hands, you slowly made your way to the Amiral’s grave where Maverick was, it broke your heart to see him standing still, trying to deal with the reality of his friend being gone.
Maybe you were crossing a line by doing this but you couldn’t help it, you didn’t want Maverick to feel alone to deal with the pain- gently putting a hand on his shoulder, you said, “ I’m so sorry for your loss.”
“ Thank you. I went to visit him a few days ago and I knew it was coming but not this soon.”
“ I know it doesn’t ease the pain to tell you this but he is at peace now and doesn’t suffer anymore.”
“ I know. It’s just hard to say goodbye.”
Nodding at him, nothing you’d say would make it better, only mourning and acceptance would but you knew there was no time for that with what was coming.
At that moment, you thought that showing him your compassion, that you were here for him would be better than just saying it- that’s why you dared to hug him, unsure of what his reaction would be.
As Maverick didn’t seem to be against your move, you didn’t move, waiting for him to speak first and he did, not that long after, “ I don’t want to have to do that again.”
“ What? I’m sorry if this was too far, I thought-“
“ No, not that. I meant having to bury someone I care about, again.”
“ Oh.”
“ I don’t want to lose you, or anyone else during that mission.”
You would be lying if you said that your heart didn’t skip a beat when he said that, “ you said it yourself, you’re training us to come back home.”
“ And I know you, y/n. You’re just as reckless as I am, always pushing the limit a bit further to see what might happen- you have to promise me to not do that this time.”
It was the first time you heard him use your name instead of your call sign and it felt so much more intimate, “ I won’t do anything stupid but you know I can’t make a promise about this mission.”
After the Admiral Kazansky’s passing, things quickly got out of hands and time were running out. Firstly, you learned that Maverick wasn’t the one to train the group anymore but that was until he disobeyed the orders, borrowed one of the aircraft and showed the Vice Admiral that the mission could succeed.
That little stunt clearly wasn’t to the Vice Admiral’s liking but he had no other choice than to agree that the Captain Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell was the only one fit to lead this mission to its success.
A part of you was thrilled to know that he would be leading the group by actually taking part of the mission, especially now that you had been chosen to go with him alongside Phoenix and Bob, and Rooster. But on the other hand, you were scared that he might have to see one of you not make it.
Tomorrow was the so awaited day as the set date had been advanced from three weeks, the enemy’s base was finishing the uranium- leaving you no other choice than to rush the mission before it would be too late.
Everyone had been given permission to go see their nearby family to say goodbye if they wished. Having no one to call or see, you just ended up sitting on one of the bar stool in The Hard Deck, sipping a cold beer as you were still dressed in the white uniform that felt too fancy to your liking.
You were in your own little bubble at that moment, not thinking about anything special but also not listening to any conversation that we’re going on inside the bar, it was just a background noise- you were just there to help pass the time before the mission.
But that was until you saw someone sit on the stool next to yours in the corner of your eyes, you didn’t really pay attention, anyone could sit there- but when you heard the person asks for a drink, you turned your head on the side to see Pete sitting there, wearing the same uniform as you.
“ I’m surprised to see you here tonight.”
You shrugged, it wasn’t a secret that you had no close friends or family around but you didn’t talk about it much neither, “ where else would I go? I have no one else than the team honestly.”
“ I didn’t see you as the lonely type, you seem to go along well with everyone.”
“ Well, I do have friends, I guess everyone in the group can be considered as friends but they all went to see their families, close friends or partners.”
The captain nodded at you, while thanking Penny for the beer, “ I get it, I don’t have much friends neither, they’re either too far away or gone.”
“ At least we don’t have to say goodbye to anyone- I don’t even think my family would care if I don’t come back.”
“ Why would you say such a thing?”
Chuckling bitterly, it was one of the first time you were opening up to someone about why you weren’t speaking to your family anymore, “ we don’t talk anymore, well they don’t want to talk to me anymore- they never accepted that I chose this career’s path.”
“ I’m so sorry to hear that. For what it’s worth, I would care if you didn’t come back.”
“ Thanks, that means a lot to me.”
After these words, a comforting silence settled between the two of you, there wasn’t much to say honestly- at least, without getting too personal. You had been avoiding any kind of personal conversations lately, especially with Maverick, fearing that you might have a slip up and accidentally say that you developed feelings for him.
Finishing your drink, you slid the amount you had to pay on the counter for Penny, wishing her a goodnight, you jumped off of your stool, “ good night Mav.”
“ Already going to sleep, y/n?”
“ Who said I was going to sleep? I’m going for a walk, enjoy the night before tomorrow, you know?”
“ May I come with you?”
You nervously laughed at his question, not sure why he would want to accompany you when he probably had better things to do. Shrugging as you headed to the exit, you replied, “ i don’t own the beach, you can come if you want.”
It didn’t take long before you were joined by Pete- you had barely gotten the time to walk down the stairs to the sand. There weren’t many people on the beach since it was the night, that’s what you enjoyed the most, no one to disturb your little peaceful moment.
“ Tell me what you’re thinking about?”
At that moment, you were glad that the darkness was covering how embarrassed you looked, it was an innocent question but felt so intimate, “ honestly? i’m wondering if this is my last night on Earth. I’ll miss this.”
“ Miss what?”
“ All of this- going on a walk at night, the beach, looking at the sky and the stars, and- well, you.”
You could barely see Maverick’s face in the dim light outside, yet you could discern a smile on his face as if he had been waiting or hoping for you to say something along those lines.
Staying silent, not sure what you could add, especially without knowing what he was thinking at that moment, you were surprised when one of Maverick’s hand gently brushed back a strand of hair that was falling in front of your eyes, “ this is not your last night, we will have plenty of nights like this after the mission. ”
“ We?”
“ Yes, we- if you want this too.”
“ Of course, I want this too but isn’t it wrong? I know the rules and we’re not on the same rank.”
“ They don’t have to know, we’re only assigned for that one mission together, they won’t care after.”
Thinking about it, Pete was right- once the mission would be over and successfully, they wouldn’t care about it, actually they just wouldn’t have to find out, “ you’re right, let’s just wait until the mission’s over so they won’t have to say a thing.”
“ Let’s do that, then.”
You would be lying if you said that you weren’t surprised that Pete agreed with you this easily, you were almost disappointed and even ended up adding, “ but one kiss can’t hurt, right?”
It was just like you both thought the same thing at the same time- it didn’t take more than a blink of an eye for Pete to cup your cheeks with his hands and seal his lips with yours.
The day you all had been training for had finally arrived and you were dreading the moment you’d head back to the carrier after launching the missiles. You had learned today that you’d be teaming up with Pete while Phoenix and Bob along with Rooster would be behind.
You were all set to get into your jet, you just had to wait for the green light to do so, while waiting, helmet in your hands, you were watching the waves loudly crash against the carrier, telling yourself that everything was going to go as planned.
“ Are you ready, y/n?”
Putting your helmet on and securing it, you smiled at Pete, wanting to look confident and reassuring, “ as i’ll ever be.”
“ Be careful, alright?”
“ As much as you will be.”
Now this wasn’t the most reassuring answer you could have given but it was the most truthful you could give. It seemed like it was enough for Pete as he nodded before walking to the aircrafts by your side.
Taking a last deep breath, you climbed inside your jet and got ready to fly. As soon as you were all given the green light, the four jets left the carrier to head to the mountains where the target was located.
When you all got to the mountains, Pete and you followed quite easily the path that had been planned all those weeks ago but Rooster and Phoenix weren’t following close enough as neither of you could see the pair behind.
Through the shared comms, you could hear Phoenix trying to push Rooster to speed up to catch up on the two of you. It was no secret that Rooster had problems with overthinking when he was flying, it had already happened a couple of times during the training.
Pushing the button of the comms, you wanted to try to snap your friend out of his overthinking state, “ hey Rooster, remember what I told you when you asked me how I never hesitated while flying?”
You hated how you were met with silence, there was no one to blame for, only hope that Rooster was listening, “ I told you that I didn’t think, only trusted my guts. I know you can do the same.”
After a few more seconds of silence, you all could hear Rooster’s voice again, “ copy, y/c/s.”
All you could do now was pray that Rooster, Phoenix and Bob would be able to catch up on Maverick and you right in time before the mission would fail.
It didn’t take long for Maverick and you to launch the first missiles and get away from the zone- the second part of the ground was late, and every second passing by was stressing you out a bit more.
However, when Rooster confirmed that the missile had been successfully launched into the uranium enrichment facility, you were all relieved that the mission had been successful- all you needed to do now was head back to the carrier.
That’s when the mission went south, Rooster ran out of anti-missile countermeasures before being able to stop the last incoming SAM on him, which meant he was about to be shot down.
You couldn’t let that happen, not when you could try to prevent it- it all happened so quickly that you barely heard your team telling you not to do it when you took the hit meant for Rooster. The missile came with such an impact on your jet that you were almost knocked out, the last thing you remembered doing was ejecting yourself before the jet crashing down.
When you regained consciousness, you had no clue to where you were, grunting you took off your heavy equipment that would be of no use anymore and started to wander around hoping to find something, whatever it would be.
Your mind was foggy and your sight blurry at times, your body was aching all over the place but you couldn’t tell if there was a visible injury. You didn’t know what you expected when you sacrificed your jet, but clearly, it wasn’t this.
It’s only when your sight became a bit clearer that you noticed thick dark smoke coming from not too far- as if another aircraft that crashed, but you were pretty sure Rooster had no damage when you were shot down.
Rushing to the site of the potential other crash, as quick as your body could allow you at this moment, you could tell what remained of the jet wasn’t Rooster’s but Maverick’s jet. You didn’t understand what had happened, when you had been shot down he was ahead and couldn’t have been shot down too.
Frowning, you scanned with your eyes the scenery around you in hope to find something, some kind of clues- and luckily you did when you noticed Pete’s parachute that had been left behind. Following the same direction, you looked everywhere in hope to find him.
Which you did a few minutes later, even if it felt like it had been over an hour already, it wasn’t easy to see with the wind and the snow but you could tell it was him for afar. Jogging towards him, you called his name, “ wait, mav!”
While you were still catching up on him, you saw him stop right away and turn to your direction, “ y/n? oh my god!”
As soon as you were close enough, you jumped in his arms, relieved to see him alright- for a second, you didn’t care that you were on an enemy’s territory anymore, “ what happened?how could you get shot down? you were leading the group!”
“ I went back, I wanted to look for you but got shot down right away.”
“ That was very stupid of you.”
“ So was taking the missile for Rooster.”
Breaking the embrace, you cocked your head on the side, it wasn’t stupid to save your friend’s life, “ it wasn’t! I saved my friend’s ass and you should be happy about it, I know he is your family.”
“ You could’ve died too and I would’ve lost the love of my life- that doesn’t make it any better!”
“ Tha- wait, what?”
Before Pete could reply, you both heard and saw an helicopter come to your way- and it wasn’t send here to save you, “ run!”
You did as Pete said and started to run as quickly as your legs allowed you, when the helicopter fired at the both of you, you took cover behind a fallen tree or something like that.
Now that the helicopter was facing you, ready to fire, you knew it was the end, there was nothing you could do to escape, yet instinctively, Pete shielded you in hope it would be enough to protect you- in the end, it wasn’t necessary as the helicopter was miraculously shot down in front of your eyes.
Chucking as you saw it was your friend coming to save Pete and you, you had never been this happy to see him, “ holy shit Rooster!”
The joy you felt at that moment was shortened when, after you could just exchange a relieved smile with Pete, Rooster was shot down by a SAM. The pain you saw in Pete’s eyes was something you wouldn’t forget any time soon.
All you could do now was run into the forest, where Rooster had seemingly crashed and pray to find him in one piece and alive. No matter how much you tried, keeping up with Pete’s pace was impossible.
When you finally caught up on him, he had found Rooster and was already arguing with him about how stupid it had been to come back- funny for someone who had done the same thing not long before.
Hands on your knees, your lungs were on fire as you were trying to catch your breath, “ when I told you to trust your guts- that’s not what I meant.”
“ Yeah well too late for that but a thank you would be nice.”
“ Thanks,” looking at Pete, you asked, “ what do we do now?”
“ I might have an idea.”
When Pete said he had an idea, you didn’t think it implied heading to the enemy’s facility and steal a jet to escape, Rooster wasn’t a big fan of the idea but there was literally nothing else you could do.
So here you were, hiding and spying on the facility with some binoculars to find a good enough jet to steal- well you’d need two jets to all get back to the carrier.
“ There are two F-14A Tomcat, they’re not going to be used by them- it’s our chance to escape.”
Scrunching your nose at Pete’s idea, you doubted that those jets were still functioning, “ they’re ancient and we’re not even sure they’ll work.”
“ Got a better idea?”
“ Not really.”
“ Then we’re doing it.”
No sooner said than done, the three of you infiltrated the facility and got into the local that kept the two aircrafts. It had been decided that you’d be on the same jet as Pete while Rooster would fly on his own but would be limited to half of the jet’s capacity as it was a two pilots aircraft.
After getting the two jets ready for the escape, you all sat at your decided seat and buckled up to leave this place. While the takeoff was successful and you were trying to contact the carrier, the enemy was quick to send three Su-57s after you.
To say this was the most intense dogfight you had ever lived was the understatement of the century, and if it wasn’t for Hangman coming to save the three of you from the third Su-57s, none of you would have made it back to the carrier.
As soon as you difficultly landed back on the carrier, the three of you were celebrated for the successful mission and coming back alive. You watched from afar with a smile as Rooster and Pete finally made up and hugged- you were glad that they finally made peace, knowing how much Rooster meant for Pete.
While Rooster left to celebrate with the rest of the team and the deck crew, you were joined by Pete not long after, “ are you alright?”
“ I think so.”
“ You’re bleeding.”
To accompany his words, Pete examined your most likely busted eyebrow- besides scratches and bruises all over your body, it was the only wound you had- you had been extremely lucky considering your crash, “ it’s nothing much. It doesn’t even hurt that much.”
“ You need to get this checked.”
“ It’s okay, really-”
Pete’s right hand gently stroked your cheek as he looked at you right in the eyes, “ it’s not okay, no. I almost lost you today.”
“ Ma- Pete, I’m here and I’m alright, thanks to you, and Rooster.”
Wrapping your arms around the pilot, it felt nice to feel safe again after this horrible turn of events- after all that happened, you felt at home in his arms.
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delopsia · 2 years
About Damn Time | Max Brinly X Reader
Good evening, I've been inactive for 6 months but I'm back on my bullshit. Can someone tell me why the FUCK Max is built like that? I'm too lazy to write a full-fledged thing but I couldn't get the idea out of my head, so here's,,,whatever the fuck this is ig.
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Word Count: 3,400 Warnings: Swearing & NSFW content ahead. The end of this is literally just straight smut. I'm not sorry ✨
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Your initial application to work at Hackett's Quarry summer camp was rejected, much to your dismay. But, as luck would have it, you got a phone call exactly a week after summer camp started, asking if you were still up for the position. The person who got your job had fallen and broken her ankle, and someone could pick you up as early as the following day.
The next thing you know, you're sitting on your suitcase in a Waffle House parking lot, watching a stray feline chow down on your leftover breakfast. You can't remember the last time you saw the town this quiet, deserted. It's too early for any sane soul to be awake; the poor Waffle House employee wasn't even awake when you initially showed up.
You're beginning to wonder if this Max guy is even real. Maybe this is a mean prank being played on you by a counselor who found your resume, or perhaps Max has wrecked his car and is dead in a ditch somewhere. You've been in this parking lot for over an hour now, long enough for the Waffle House employee to resume her slumber in an unsuspecting booth and long enough to befriend the resident silver tabby, honorarily named Waffles.
The light of God himself strikes your eyes as an old-school Jeep Wagoneer rolls into the parking lot, and a man about your age steps out of the vehicle.
If your ride is already this good-looking, you can't imagine how hot the rest of your new coworkers must be.
He introduces himself to you as Max Brinly, apologizing for how late he is. "I took a wrong turn 20 miles ago and ended up in the wrong city," he explains, lifting your heavy suitcase as if it weighs nothing. You're just about as surprised by that as when he opens the passenger door for you, shutting it once you've settled inside.
You're about halfway to the quarry when a bundle of fur jumps over the seat. Max just about veers off the side of the road. "Waffles?" "Did you seriously just bring your cat to camp?"
It's a miracle, but somehow you, Max, and Waffles arrive at Hackett's Quarry summer camp by the time the sun has come up. Mr. H isn't thrilled about your stowaway, but a girl you later come to know as Abigail comes running up, and nobody has the heart to call animal control to have the cat removed.
Despite your late arrival, you settle in rather quickly. Your new coworkers are impossibly sweet, and someone is almost always in your office, either taking a break from the screaming counselors or paying you and Counselor Waffles a visit.
The first time Max shows up at your door, shirtless and covered in a thin sheen of sweat, your life just about flashes before your eyes. He has absolutely no right to be built like that. It turns out he's injured his shoulder, and it's all you can do to not stare at the muscles that ripple under his skin. You absolutely do not notice how his v-line disappears under his swim trunks, and you certainly do not see how his hand nearly encompasses yours when he takes the ibuprofen from your open palm.
You don't think much of it at first. But then Max is coming back the next day asking you to recheck it; two days later, he's cut his palm, and the day after, he has a migraine that conveniently keeps coming around right as your shift ends.
"You know you don't have to have an injury to come and talk to me, right?" "Oh, uhm...how did you...figure that out?" As if pretending to take the ibuprofen and then stuffing it in his pocket wasn't a noticeable act. And just like that, the headache stop, and your office is rapidly becoming his second home.
Every few days, a kid will show up, happily declaring that Counselor Max has sent them to bring you something, and it's always something different. A rock shaped like a boot, a treat for Counselor Waffles, hell, one day, he sends you a basket of pinecones to see what you'll say. You begin to look forward to his gifts; your heart skips in your chest every time a kid totters in with a peculiar object.
There's one particular day when your office is empty, and you take advantage of it by taking a long walk through the forest, blissfully unaware of the storm clouds overhead. Once the rain starts, it pours. Umbrella-less and alone, you're forced to walk through the freezing rain, suddenly all too understanding why Waffles refused to come outside today. Max finds you at the boathouse and welcomes you in with open arms, quite literally.
"C'mere," he cooes, wrapping you into a tight, tight hug, "you have to be freezing, sweetheart." If it isn't his words that don't kill you, it's the mind-numbing realization that he does not have a shirt on. You can't bring yourself to oppose. You're shivering so bad that you can't even speak; all you can do is wrap your arms around him and thank the heavens above that Max is a walking furnace.
Max is slow in guiding you to the rickety recliner in the boathouse office. It's dusty and reeks of mildew, but Max is clouding so many of your senses that you barely notice. You're settled in his lap, straddling his thighs as your chin rests against his shoulder.
Impossibly warm hands travel up your soaked shirt, "I know this sounds strange, but you should take this off; it'll only make you colder," pause, and then, "I'll give you one of mine."
And that's how you find yourself tugging your wet shirt off while still settling in Max's lap. He tries to help, but the extra hands make it all the more confusing.
"I've got it," you can't help but giggle as you finally wriggle out of the wet shirt, tossing it to the side. One of Max's hands land on your hip; he doesn't seem to do it intentionally, but fuck, if it doesn't make your mind wander to places it shouldn't. His fingers are so long — nope, no, you shouldn't be thinking like this.
Before long, you're cozy in Max's shirt, cuddled up to his side as the two of you wait for the rain to stop. You don't realize quite how big it is on you until you're walking back, and it hits you that his shirt ends at your mid-thigh. You're pretty warm now that the sun has come out, but Max has his arm draped around your shoulders because he thinks you're still cold, and you feel so safe and warm that you can't bring yourself to shrug him off.
Max doesn't ask for his shirt back; you're thrilled because it's quickly become your favorite thing to wear.
As if a dam had broken, Max becomes touchier overnight. At breakfast, he's got a hand drawing circles into your shoulder, sits you in his lap when there's no space left at the campfire, and insists that he give you a piggy-back ride after an exhausting day of boating. And if he isn't touching you, he's following you around like a lost puppy until Mr. H scolds him for not working.
Emma catches on much faster than you do.
"You're falling for him," she observes, lips wrapped around a straw of freshly brewed sweet tea, courtesy of Nick. Her observation catches you so off guard that you nearly choke.
"Who?" The word is so heavy on your tongue that you're surprised when you don't immediately sink into the ground, never to be seen again.
She needn't say a thing because Max comes bounding around the corner behind Jacob, giddy like they'd gotten away with murder. "Still wearing my shirt, I see," Max observes, as if Emma needs any more ammunition to use against you.
Despite how touchy-feely the two of you get, neither of you dare go any further than cuddling by the campfire, and that one time you fell asleep on the recliner, and nobody bothered to wake you.
The last thing you remember was sitting on the arm of the recliner while Ryan rehearsed one of his newly written ghost stories. You wake up early the following day, settled into the couch with a heavy weight on your chest. It's Max, head resting on your shoulder and his body somehow tucked between your legs. You're not sure how he got there, but there's an ache in your hips and a strange pressure between your legs that you can't quite identify. It takes your sleep-filled brain more than a few minutes to figure out what it is.
As soon as it hits you, your cheeks light up in flames. Your attempt to worm your way out of your situation is futile, Max is heavy, and your squirming only makes him shift closer to you. If you couldn't feel it before, you can feel it now — hard cock pressing directly into your core. Between that and the hot breath against your neck, you're torn between heaven and hell.
Max wakes not long after, doesn't realize where he's at until he sits up, cock rubbing against a particularly sensitive spot, and you whine. His breath hitches at the sight of you, legs stretched around his hips, pink-cheeked and panting. He lingers, doesn't step away but doesn't move either.
"Max," your voice is hoarse, but it's enough to break him from his trance. "Sorry," he pulls himself away, mindful not to justle your already aching hips. It takes you a minute to be able to stand, and despite his inability to meet your eye, Max carries you back to the lodges.
Emma is far too excited for her own good, cheering when she sees you waddle into your lodge. "He really did a number on you!" "I wish that was the reason." It takes you a whole day to be able to walk without pain, and in the wise words of Jacob, "he could have at least fucked you if he was gonna have you walking around camp funny." You wish you didn't agree as much as you did.
Max is distant all of a sudden. It confuses everyone just as much as it does you. Nick and Dylan quickly reveal that Max has a thing for you, making it all the more strange that he's gone cold after something so minuscule.
It stays that way for a few days until Jacob gets an idea. Emma formulates the plan. You're left in the dark, unsure if you even want to know.
Max comes around five days after the recliner incident, shirtless and sulking on the bed as you pry a splinter out from under his fingernail. "I'm sorry for avoiding you," he mutters, meeting your eye for the first time in almost a week. You want to hold a grudge, but it's impossible when he looks at you like that. Just like that, you've got your friend back, like nothing ever happened.
A few weeks later, Emma and Jacob's plan goes into action. The four of you are on the island, up in the treehouse, looking for a lost action figure one of the campers left. Emma announces that she and Jacob are rechecking the docks, and you don't think much of it until you reach for the door and learn it's locked from the outside.
There is no action figure. You and Max tear apart the treehouse, from top to bottom, and the closest thing you find is a toy racecar. Max is strangely quiet and doesn't make much noise other than humming when you say something. Acknowledging that you're speaking but not engaging.
"Why are you so quiet all of a sudden?"
No response; you're not sure why you're surprised. It feels too quiet between Max's apparent refusal to speak and the lack of screaming children. You've become so used to the constant noise over the past two months that silence has become foreign.
"They left a note," he begins dryly, "it said, and I quote, "Hi losers, have sex, and we'll let you out. Love, Emma and Jacob'."
"They planned all week for that?" You scoff, reaching for the note when he hands it to you—Jacob's handwriting.
Max's eyebrows shoot up into his hairline, "you knew about this?"
"I knew they started planning something devious when you started avoiding me," you shrug, tracing the poorly drawn heart on the sticky note, "to be completely honest with you, I forgot all about it."
"I wasn't..." Max stands up from his spot on the floor, pacing in front of the window, "I wasn't avoiding you."
"Because you just coincidentally quit talking to me right after I woke up with you between my legs," you can't be fucked to dance around it anymore.
Max falls silent again, and you find yourself burying your face in your bent knees, unable to look at him anymore. Your heart pangs in your chest. Once you get out of here, there's no way he will talk to you again. He's already gone back to the silent avoidance, probably only talking to you because there's nothing else to do.
It doesn't hit you that you've said that last part out loud. Not until Max cautiously sits next to you, muscled arm brushing against yours. "Is that what you think?" Barely a whisper; you're genuinely not sure if you heard it or not.
It's your turn not to respond, remaining frozen in your spot while he fidgets. You feel the heat of his arm before it touches you, slowly draping over your shoulders like it's meant to be there. He shifts next to you, warm breath hitting your arm, head resting against your shoulder. You don't want to look at him, but you find yourself doing it anyway, withdrawing from your cocoon to meet his eyes.
They're watery.
"I'm sorry," he chokes, a stray tear tumbling down his cheek, "I didn't...I didn't mean to upset you."
You find yourself facing him, cradling his face as the tears begin to fall. That's how you end up in his lap, arms wrapped around each other, teary-eyed and trembling. That's when you feel the unmistakable pressure of a fleeting kiss pressed into your jaw. It's all you need.
It starts with one little peck, pressed into the thin skin of his neck, then another, and another, until you've made your way past his jaw and your noses bump together, puffy eyes searching for any sign of hesitance. Max makes a move.
His lips are soft, molding so perfectly against your own; it's like he was made for kissing you. He sighs into it, pulls back, then kisses you again. You whine, absolutely melting as his hands wander up your shirt, settling on the bare skin of your waist.
"Was Jacob telling the truth when he said you wanted me to fuck you back there?" "Do you really need an answer to that?"
By the time your register that your back has hit the floor, Max is already between your legs, kissing you again, harder, firmer now. His teeth are nipping at your bottom lip oh so gently, hips experimentally canting against yours. You gasp into his mouth and can't help but whine when his hot tongue tangles with yours in the sloppiest of kisses. And then he's kissing down your neck, fingers tugging at your shorts while you tug at your shirt.
"Wait," you freeze, afraid you'd crossed a line, but Max kisses you again, "keep the shirt on." "Why?" "I've been dying to fuck you while you're wearing my shirt." He's pulling back, fingers hitching under your shorts and shimmying them off your body. His clothes come next, and suddenly you're incredibly grateful that Max is built like he's sculpted by the Gods themselves.
Your staring is short-lived because suddenly his pants are off, and "Jesus Christ, Max."
He just laughs.
You're genuinely not sure if he'll fit. He's not long, but god, he's thick, and you don't know if your body can even take that.
He's kissing you again, slow and sweet, like he isn't about to put his dick in you. Faintly, you feel a gentle pressure against your entrance; two fingers dip inside, an easy slide that has you whining against his lips. They twist inside you, searching for a spot that has your nails digging into his shoulders when he finds it. "Just fuck me already," you grumble against his lips, and that's enough for him.
His fingers disappear, replaced by a different, more significant pressure, opening you up but not quite. "Tell me if anything hurts, 'kay?" He waits until you nod, and the pressure is suddenly growing. You keen at the way his thick cock sinks into you, stretching you wide. "There you go," he murmurs, eyes trained on where he's disappearing into you, "are you okay?"
All you can do is hum, body trembling as he sinks into you, inch by inch. You're almost relieved when he bottoms out; quite frankly, you're unsure if there's more space for him to fill. You feel so full; there's no way you're not going to be limping back to the lodges. Experimental, Max rocks his hips, grins wickedly when you whimper. "That feel good, sweetheart?"
He repeats it, gradually working his way up to long, slow thrusts that have you whining against his lips; he's so thick that he hits every one of your sweet spots perfectly, rubbing against them without fail. "Is this what you wanted, hm?" He cooes, picking up his pace, adjusting himself to fuck you properly. One of his hands comes down to grip your hip, holding you in place as he draws himself back, and you frown at how your body feels empty in the places he once filled you. He pauses when the head of his cock catches at your entrance, groans at how you flutter around him.
His hips snap back, fills you halfway, and then pulling back again. "Max..!" You cry out; it's the first word you've managed to spit out; it feels like the only thing you know how to say. He sinks back in, chuckling an apology before he really begins to fuck you.
Nice and slow, he takes his time to open you up with every thrust and makes you feel every inch of him, panting into your neck as you squirm. Max moans loud when you clench around him, dropping his head into your neck as he hits you with a particularly hard thrust that has you clenching again. It's a vicious cycle that leaves your legs trembling; you can barely keep them up around his hips.
"Faster," you beg, tangling your fingers into his hair, "please—Max!"
He picks up his pace. Short, snappy thrusts that knock the breath out of you. Your back is arching, body squirming, unable to decide if you want to push back or run away from the pleasure between your legs. Max is kissing you again, sloppy and teeth clattering against your own. "Are you close, darling?" "Y-yes!"
He's losing his rhythm, pounding into you with twitchy thrusts that end up harder than he intends. Your head is spinning, fingers yanking at his hair as you cry out underneath of him, so, so close. He's sinking his teeth into your neck and slamming into him, and you're all but crying out as you cum around his cock. He fucks you through it, hips driving into you relentlessly, chasing his high.
Your body is sensitive, legs trembling, but you still find it in yourself to squeeze your legs around him. "In me-," you gasp, "cum in me."
And just like that, his hips slam to a halt as he cums with a strangled whine, long and loud as his cock pulses inside you.
It takes you a moment to catch your breath, whining when he begins to pull out. Then, with a soft 'pop,' he's out of you, and only then do you feel the hot cum leaking out of your thoroughly fucked entrance.
"I think you're gonna have to carry me back to camp," you pant, giggling at how Max rolls his eyes.
He leans down and pecks your lips with a short, all too innocent kiss. "What do you say to a proper date after we get out of here?"
"You have one hell of a way to ask someone out, Max."
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justforbooks · 8 months
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The Nobel prize in literature has been awarded to 64-year-old Norwegian author Jon Fosse “for his innovative plays and prose which give voice to the unsayable”. His works include the Septology series of novels, Aliss at the Fire, Melancholy and A Shining.
“His huge oeuvre, spanning a variety of genres, comprises about 40 plays and a wealth of novels, poetry collections, essays, children’s books and translations,” said Anders Olsson, chairman of the Nobel committee for literature. “Fosse blends a rootedness in the language and nature of his Norwegian background with artistic techniques in the wake of modernism.”
“I am overwhelmed, and somewhat frightened. I see this as an award to the literature that first and foremost aims to be literature, without other considerations,” Fosse said in a statement.
He also told the Norwegian public broadcaster NRK that he was “surprised but also not” to have won. “I’ve been part of the discussion for 10 years and have more and less tentatively prepared myself that this could happen,” he said.
Jacques Testard, Fosse’s fiction publisher, said on hearing the news: “He is an exceptional writer, who has managed to find a totally unique way of writing fiction. As his Norwegian editor Cecilie Seiness put it recently in an interview: if you open any book by Jon and read a couple of lines, it couldn’t be written by anyone else.
“His fiction is incantatory, mystical, and rooted in the landscape of the western fjords where he grew up,” Testard added. “It’s very important to remember that he writes in Nynorsk or New Norwegian, a minority language in Norway, a political act in itself. He’s also an exceptional playwright and poet. He’s an incredible mind, and it couldn’t have happened to a nicer person.”
The Norwegian writer’s English translator Damion Searls said he is thrilled Fosse’s work will now find an even wider audience. “I first brought Fosse’s fiction into English almost 20 years ago. I read Melancholy in German and immediately felt that the work was brilliant and needed to be translated. I found an American publisher and a co-translator, and started learning Norwegian”, he told the Guardian. “I have since translated around 10 books of his, depending on how you count them, including a libretto, a play and a forthcoming children’s book.”
Though the author and translator mostly communicate via email and hadn’t met in person until the 2022 International Booker prize events in London, Searls considers Fosse a friend. “He is the same kind, wise, modest, friendly, supportive person over email as you would expect from his novels, and corresponding with him has always brought me the same kind of peace and serenity his novels so magically impart.”
Born in 1959 in Haugesund on the west coast of Norway, Fosse grew up in Strandebarm. Aged seven, he nearly died in an accident, which he said was “the most important experience” of his childhood and one that “created” him as an artist. In his adolescence, he aspired to be a rock guitarist, before turning his ambitions to writing.
His debut novel, Raudt, svart (Red, Black), was published in 1983. His first play to be performed, Og aldri skal vi skiljast (And Never Shall We Part), was staged at the National Theater in Bergen in 1994. Yet, the first play he wrote, Nokon kjem til å komme (Someone Is Going to Come), would lead to his breakthrough in 1999 when French director Claude Régy staged it in Nanterre.
Fosse went on to become the most-performed Norwegian playwright after Henrik Ibsen. He has written more than 30 plays, including Namnet (The Name), Vinter (Winter) and Ein sommars dag (A Summer’s Day). His longer works include the Septology trilogy, the third volume of which was shortlisted for the international Booker prize in 2022.
Septology, which Fosse started during a pause from playwriting and after converting to Catholicism in 2013, is about an ageing painter, Asle, living alone on the south-west coast of Norway and reflecting on his life. There in Bjørgvin lives another Asle, who is also a painter but struggles with alcohol. The doppelgangers are consumed by the same existential questions about death, faith and love.
In 1989, the same year that Fosse’s novel Naustet (“Boathouse”) came out, the writer taught the fellow Norwegian author Karl Ove Knausgård, who was a student at the Academy of Writing in Hordaland. “Fosse’s voice is unmistakable in whatever he writes, and is never anything if not present,” wrote Knausgård in 2019.
Fosse’s UK publisher is Fitzcarraldo Editions, which also publishes Annie Ernaux, the winner of the 2022 Nobel prize in literature. Fosse’s win marks the London-based independent publisher’s third win in five years: Olga Tokarczuk was made laureate in 2018. The prize was postponed and awarded in 2019 instead due to a sexual assault scandal involving the husband of one of the academy’s former members which led to several members resigning.
Fosse resides between Austria and Norway. He will receive the prize at a ceremony in Stockholm on 10 December. He will receive 11m SEK (£821,209), up from 10m SEK awarded last year.
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curiouselleth · 4 months
Raistlin is Eru? Go on...
Hi @backgroundelf!
Thanks for asking, I'm thrilled to share it with someone new! A forewarning, however; this got a bit long, I had a lot of fun writing it all out lol 😂😅
So, Raistlin is Eru is a crack theory I've been rotating on and off for a little while.
I think I got the idea during a conversation about Eru and the Valar, specifically how Eru seemed to be so hands off after the Valar entered Arda, and how the only actions he seemed to take were preventing the Valar from doing things that would endanger the world, namely during the Ainulindalë, preventing too much discord in the music and going to war with Numenor.
And it just kinda popped into my head. Maybe it was the specific phrasing of discord in the music that reminded me of some of Lord of Nothing from the Last Trial:
(this is from the 2021 english dub on youtube)
"It's not too late yet, to play a new song, clear the discord and correct what went wrong!"
Then a few lines later:
"It's not too late yet, to fix the problem-- change the dissonant song that life has become, not too late! For a new world, one of harmony suppressing the old!"
And I just started thinking about it, and it kinda made sense? Still in a crack theory way but oh my gosh it made sense. It would explain Eru's lack of interference, he saw the damage that gods outside a world, not living in it could cause. I haven't finished the Dragonlance Legends trilogy yet, but from the Chronicles with Paladine living in the world not using his full powers and being part of it (a bit like Gandalf in hindsight), that seemed to work a lot better! So only those who were a part of it - the valar - had the power to more actively shape it.
But then, things that threaten the very world's existence like the discord in the music or the valar going to war with Numenor? He reacts. And in the case of Numenor - violently.
And as I was just reading a Dragonlance timeline, the similarities between Dragonlance and the Silmarillion are prominent. I won't go into detail, there's far too much and I've barely skimmed it.
He saw the catastrophic damage to Beleriand and it's peoples during the war of wrath. A continent rented and destroyed. He will not see his world hurt again. So when Numenor invades, he fears what the Valar would do when attacked, because the damage in Beleriand when they weren't attacked was so bad, what happens when they feel they need to defend themselves? So he drowns Numenor, he destroys the Numenorians in Valinor, he bends the world and removes Valinor, removes the valar, from it. They could have good intentions, the best intentions, but he will protect his world. He will not see his world destroyed again.
But it's not just that. The Numenorians wished to become immortal. Wished to challenge the valar, the gods to get it. How long until they wish for more than immortality, how long until they wish for the powers of the Valar, how long until they wish to become gods? Almost exactly. Like. Him.
So he utterly destroys them so none but the faithful escape, so none will survive to continue pursing this goal, just like him. Just like how he wished he would've been stopped. He saves his world. But it is irreversibly changed.
After a time, the Valar play less and less of a roll in the world, as the world grows away from him. He has too seen what happens when gods are worshipped for too long. More war, more death, more destruction. Maybe it wouldn't happen the same way in this new world. But he will not risk it.
Even though he planned an end of his world, he planned it to be renewed. Without hurt.
You can see him in the gift of men too. He has known long ages in the abyss. Completely alone, nothing, desolate, but the worst, knowing that it was never going to end. Never. Shackled to this eternity. So he gives them the gift to leave, that he wished for more times over than he could count.
But he puts eternity on the elves. I haven't fully thought this part out, perhaps after Arda is made anew, Arda unmarred, he has planned a end for himself. Not necessarily suicide, but an end. Stepping away, going where his spirit will. This life ending and becoming something new. And that is why he leaves eternity on the elves. So, as a race, they may step in to fill the gap he left. Not as gods, not that powerful. But all of them together sharing the power. It becoming their world. And perhaps after a somewhat similar cycle of being in that role for some time, they get to be in control of their fate. And they get to change it as Raistlin changed his fate of eternity as a god.
But how did this happen? How did Raistlin make a new world when it was too late? *insert entirety of Lord of Nothing here*
The flame imperishable. It's so mysterious in the Silmarillion. We know so little.
So how did it come to be?
Raistlin spent many ages in the abyss. Some more clear than the others, some with not a thread of sanity. It would come and go. But over time, he grows a little. As a person.
His realization of how deeply wrong his actions were tormented him endlessly. But it was what saved him. He dwelt on it, reflected and grew. He gained compassion and empathy. The grief for what he did, the pain he caused others in trying to avoid it himself gnawed at him. Consuming him. But he learned, and became better.
The multiverse is semi-canonical in Dragonlace. When the world had died, other gods saw. How sad, a few thought. How foolish, many more thought. Then they moved on.
Uncounted ages later, one looks back. And sees with a shock that Raistlin has changed so much. And decides to give him a second chance. If he hasn't changed enough he will just fail, nothing more coming from it. "One without a heart cannot create life," (paraphrasing Takhisis.)
The god gives Raistlin the barest of sparks. Raistlin doesn't notice for a long time, he had long ago retreated to one of the corners of the abyss. If such a thing exists in a endless void.
But, he finds it. He searches for the one who left it but nothing. He studies it, cautious. Is he imagining it? It wouldn't be the first time he was hallucinating. But no, it's real. There is no outside influence on it. It's just there. A chance.
For a long time, he does nothing. He is so afraid, what if he fails again, what if he actually hasn't grown? (I'd like to think he also gained at least a little self awareness over time lol)
Eventually, he decides. He goes for it. He nurtures the tiny spark, he nurtures it and cares for it and protects it and it grows, and grows, and grows. It grows into the Flame Imperishable.
And he finally is brave enough to do it, to create life. And he creates the Valar. The Maiar. They create the world. He fears that he is too flawed to do it alone.
Ainulindalë happens. The world is made, he is secretly delighted when the dwarves are made, but he will not change The Plan (TM) this early, too risky, they'll have to wait their turn. The elves and men come, the Two Trees come and go, the First age, the Second, time goes on and time. The stories we love happen and are written and forgotten as time ticks ever forward. As Raistlin's world lives.
He knows it will never be enough to make up for his mistakes. There is no atoning for killing his first world. But he does everything he can to make this one good, and life flourishes.
There's just so many parallels and Eru's actions can be explained and make sense in a way, Raistlin's choices, his history and experiences drive him to do differently, to act out to prevent others from making the same choices, and to make a different ending. He sees the parallels, the similarities too but makes sure that there will be a different ending.
I'll definitely write this eventually, but my silm cyoa fic Be He Foe or Friend is really getting away from me and getting bigger so it might be a while. I just know if I have more than one big writing project going at once I won't finish anything lol. I don't know, maybe I'll start figuring out a plot or something soon lol.
I really haven't read many of the Dragonlance books yet, I'm mostly just using knowledge from the musical, chronicles, and the first and second books of the legends trilogy, so I don't know if all of it is really accurate to the books. But it's still fun lol
Sorry this got SO long, I was curious so I stuck this whole thing in a doc (minus the tags lol) and its 1590 words 🤣
Thank you so so much for the ask, 💖💖💖 I really enjoyed talking about this and if you have questions or want to talk about it more I'd LOVE to lol.
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thegeminisage · 29 days
star trek update time. earlier tonight, my eyes were cursed with star trek generations, a very very bad movie. if you don't know the big spoiler for this movie (the character death), please stop reading here. or keep reading actually i'm not your mom. fuck this movie anyway.
with the tos movies, i tried to keep notes on notepad as i watched so as to better type up a "liveblog" later. i was a bit spotty at remembering to do that this time, but i have enough to put together a reasonable write-up. here's kind of how it went
cried multiple times during this movie. first time was when kirk showed up because i knew it was the last time we were ever gonna see him. got bonus aftershock tears when i saw scotty and chekov - i was under the impression it was JUST kirk. second time, i THINK, was when he showed up again, though i just misted up a little. big boo-hooing when he mentioned spock, naturally. MORE crying when he finally bit it, though it was mostly because i was angry!!! and finally, even though i promised myself i wouldn't cry over data, i did start sobbing when he was reunited with his cat. gave myself a crying headache.
it was difficult watching kirk be on the bridge and want to be captain and he's not captain. and then crisis strikes and oh yeah he is. and really, the captainly thing to do WAS to go down to the lower decks and do whatever the fuck. needs of the many. he saved that guy's life. that would have been a fine death.
it was a little ruined by chekov going "was there somebody in there?" like to me it struck me more as funny than anything
oh, spotting guinan in the tos era made me absolutely thrilled btw. i missed her so much in s7 it was UNREAL.
OH YEAH AND. sulu's daughter. wah. ik aos sulu is gay do we think tos sulu is gay too. either way i;m very happy for him
apparently one of the guys in this is from succession. i'm choosing to blame this whole debacle on him.
switching directly to a fucking holodeck scene KILLED me. i HATE the holodeck. at first i thought they were giving worf a retirement party to send him to ds9 but they were just doing all of that for fun. deanna's outfit was hot though. also, data shoving beverly WAS FUNNY tng writers just hate autistic people
i have mixed feelings about data and the emotions chip. i was surprised they never covered it in tng proper and i think it would have been handled better there...data having the chip WAS the reason soren got away, which makes it plot-important, but it felt like a b-plot to a normal tng episode and this is supposed to be a feature film. instead it was a tng two-parter with a budget and william shatner. it was fun watching data experience emotions (happiness, terror) and struggle to control them, but there ironically wasn't enough time to really get into it, except when picard gave him the tough love speech, which i think was uncalled for. why is he so against suicide when it's data when he was out here telling worf to kill himself over an empty barrel??
titty klingon sisters. i never remember their names or their faces but i ALWAYS recognize those boob windows. at first it was really annoying because it is pretty sexist but honestly i've become very endeared. it's absolutely devastating that this movie killed them too. they were everything to me 💔
hey, sorry, side bar, were they watching geordi bathe through his visor? freaks.
also, geordi in the bondage gear while he was kidnapped. ALSO, wasn't he growing new eyes in the tng s7 finale? whatever happened with that???
stellar cartography looks better than it did in tng but it brought back memories of picard running around on poor beverly. idk what he's so worried about continuing his family line for wesley crusher IS his affair baby
hey, also, the lighting??? the "distant sunlight" atmosphere when the lights are off vs the brightly lit interior of the show? truly, the upgraded lighting was probably my favorite part of the movie. it looked SO fucking good. i really felt like we were on a spaceship.
no, wait, ACTUALLY my favorite part was data getting to say "oh, shit!" that was really good. they got one bad word for this whole movie and used it in the perfect place
no, my favorite part was the spock mention.
did not like kirk referring to picard repeatedly as the captain of the enterprise. kirk's the real captain here, bitch. picard doesn't have what it takes to die for his ship. he doesn't love his ship the way kirk loved his.
i did like the nexus reference to the tmp wife. in the novel she was named lori but she didn't show up in tmp proper much less get a name so i'm ok with them calling her the wrong name, but i just know it's the same woman. less okay with kirk's nexus dream being all about some random woman we've never met. he's in love with the IDEA of a woman to come home to, sure, but it's just lazy writing. we don't have any reason to care about this girl. at least if it had been carol ruth marcus or something we'd have SOME basis to give a shit on. the nexus was the perfect place for spock and bones! i wish they and uhura and sulu had had cameos...
i also liked him warning picard to NEVER retire/accept promotion, bc retiring wound up being so traumatizing for him. this is not really consistent but i'm making it that way in my mind palace.
also, kirk being a horse girl is FAKE. they just made him be into horses bc picard is into horses. gross. he was really good at chopping wood though lol
the scene with the kids evacuating the spaceship...WHY WOULD YOU HAVE CHILDREN ON THIS SHIP. i also worried about the pets the entire time, which is part of why i lost it when data found spot :(
it's sad that a piece of guinan was left behind in the nexus...does that happen to everyone? is a piece of kirk in there too? i really wanted to write a fix-it for this someday but they have given me so little to work with that it's hard to imagine a fixit that isn't just 80% "yeah we're ignoring that" which isn't very satisfying.
the crash was SO long. also, why was data holding troi? she's got 2 different boyfriends who could be doing that for her
since i was going into this knowing kirk died, i expected that he was gonna die because the nexus swallowed him or something. i was expecting something grand. instead it was like, tos scene, an hour and a half of very mid tng content, and then half an hour of rushed and poorly paced kirk and picard scenes. typical tng episode that it didn't get to the point until it was almost over, but jesus. i can't believe they got shatner for their movie and then barely had him in it. like, kirk at the end was a total surprise narratively (obviously everyone watching it knows bc of the opening at LEAST that he'll be back, but imagine if this guy had been some rando - it would have been so unsatisfying and weird).
see, this is the thing. the nexus actually has the potential to be incredibly compelling. the way picard's scenes were shot were very very good, if one could ignore the clothes from 1790 and the horrific portrait of himself looking like he stepped out of les mis and also how creepy his kids were and WHY WASN'T HIS WIFE BEVERLY I HATE HIM. kirk's were rushed and messy (he likes horses? his dog? none of this connects us to the character we knew in tos...), and picard's involved, well, picard. but the CONCEPT absolutely fucks, and i did love the creep factor in spite of it all. this whole movie had huge potential and instead it's a steaming pile of shit. i could have learned to live with a good kirk death but living with a bad one is gonna kill me. at least he had good last words. "oh, my" right before he dies kinda fucks tbh.
my final note is that i think sir patrick stewart got sunburnt filming some of those scenes near the end. there were a few shots where he looked quite pink. give the man some sunscreen. oh yeah also why did some people randomly wear the ds9 uniforms...what on earth
anyway, terrible movie, 0/10 stars, i'm never gonna recover. tng never disappoints in disappointing me.
NEXT TIME: back to ds9, thank god. we're doing "meridan" and "defiant."
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bcbdrums · 2 months
"🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?"
well. one day in 2004 when visiting my cousin in the hospital after her car accident. i missed an episode of Bonanza, due to...you know, being at the hospital. this was back in ye olden days of TV guides, recording things on VCR's, and....no....wikis.... not like we have now. no sites to tell you everything, no screencaps, no youtube... and ye olde dial-up internet days. and anyway.... the TV guide descrip made that episode sound thrilling. and...and i just had to know!
and i knew... i remember, knowing in my heart. that if i went online and tried to find out what happened. i'd never get off the computer again. well, i was right. the short conclusion to this tale is i found specific Bonanza fansites loaded with fanfiction!!! and i devoured it. i wanna say within the same month? i was hand-writing fanfic in spiral notebooks for Bonanza. still have that spiral notebook and that unfinished fic, literally locked in a treasure chest. and i still remember the entire plot, what i planned to do with it... yeah.
no, i never did find out what was in that episode i missed/didn't get to record... like i said, no wikis or anything of that nature... (we had to leave from school that day so i didn't get to go home and program the VCR; i'd not known that morning we'd be going to the hospital later.) and they didn't re-run the episode again... so i've still not seen it... but, i started writing fanfic that summer. a defining moment in my life. and yes, my cousin is well!
"🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?"
ohhh, hmmm... idk if i could scale it. maybe right in the middle, a 5 or 6? this will make more sense if i describe my process perhaps.
so if i'm really in the writing zone, i just...plow ahead until i'm finished. and then i go back and edit. when i'm "in the zone" oftentimes i don't see things that could genuinely be improved by better phrasing, better language choices... they just elude me cuz i'm so hyperfixated on the story and it's so clear in my head, so, of course it's great on the page! (example: Forfeit was written this way.) usually i then just quickly fix obvious typos/grammar things and toss the fic into the void. then i'll return a few months later when it's no longer fresh, and then see soooo many things that could be better, and depending on my mood i'll go back and heavily edit, or, i won't.
the other process... if i'm not "in the zone" usually i write a few lines, get stuck, and to get myself unstuck i go back and edit what i've done. fixing things, adding things... and usually once those few lines are edited i have the next ones ready to be written in my head. it's a slower process overall.
editing for other people is a whole different ball game. i love doing that (as long as i'm in the mood/have the energy/time) because it helps me refine my writing craft too, in trying to assist someone with a totally different style than mine. it's great. and i've edited/beta-read for so many diff people now with such a variety of styles it's really making me more aware of my own, and how it's changed over the years. and i also just enjoy helping people.
the idea of something getting better just appeals to me i guess. it's a good feeling, it's productive. so in that sense, i enjoy editing. if i feel really stuck on a project, then it can become just another slow-down however. that would be the only negative i suppose.
"🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?"
haha, already answered this in a prior ask but i'll choose a different one.
i spent days learning how to waltz properly. all the techniques, and the process by which one learns... to write one character teaching another character, very, very methodically. and apparently i did it well, i received a comment about it from someone who actually waltzes professionally if i remember correctly who was very pleased with my writing of it! can i waltz? or dance at all? no, no i cannot. but i could probably talk someone else through how to learn!
thank you SO much for the ask!!! ^_^
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dymdrimluga · 10 months
I love World of Darkness and here's why
The more life experience I have, the more some things in WoD become relatable to me, and it's mesmerizing
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Vampires. The main line for me, I wouldn't continue to learn about other WoD games without vampires. In fact, my fascination with vampires came to me as a teenager (around 13...) from The Witcher (yes, I read those books with carnage and sex at 13, don't judge me).
I played a lot of vampire characters in forum text RPGs. Actually, I wasn't interested in blood drinking and the whole aesthetic as such, I was interested in two ideas:
1. Immortality. Well, almost immortality. The vampire for me was associated with the image of the phoenix, a creature that can be broken, can suffer deeply, but if it preserves its psyche and stays alive, it can regenerate its own body. I want that too. I want to not be afraid that I will lose a leg or an arm or an eye or that my body will start to fail me. Eternal life is the dream of many.
2. Loneliness and overcoming loneliness. Something that is especially strongly felt in adolescence, or after moving to another city, especially when you do not have particularly valuable social skills, and you cannot trust anyone with your secret. The fact that a creature that is considered a monster by all canons can survive, even have friends, can trust someone is what gave me hope then, and what I like even now. Through my characters, I can sometimes feel again what I hide from myself: the feeling when you are far from friends and family, and you seem to be walking over an abyss, and there are no threads that connect you to others, that can hold you above the abyss , but you have to find something, lean on something, at least on yourself, and try to make new and new connections.
As I delved deeper into VtM, I recognized a third idea:
3. Creativity
"Vampires are incapable of creativity," many sources tell us. Well, first of all, yes, when the soul begins to die, and emotions are dulled, then creativity is no longer possible. Do you know when I felt something like that? After emotional burnout at work, when there is constant fatigue and the impossibility (due to lack of energy and time) to draw something for myself, something that I like. It is very easy to get stuck in this state for a long time. You literally feel time passing by and you start to die inside.
Recognizing this feeling, I looked at the vampires. They constantly have some kind of problem. They are very limited in time during the night. They are very limited in self-expression due to the masquerade and other features of their lives. They are limited in impressions, which is why many of them are looking for thrills. Almost all of them are very traumatized by what was done to them, and what they did and will do in the future. They are frozen in dead bodies that feel less and less as your humanity diminishes. And at the same time, they are still creating new works of art, scientific works, interesting inventions, and Tremeres are constantly improving thaumaturgy and rituals.
This is not the kind of easy creativity that comes to you when you are full of energy and emotions. It's what's left with you afterwards... what's left after all.
I think I will write about changelings and mages later. For now, here's a very interesting song that reminds me a lot of a vampire at a relatively high level of humanity
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batgirlsay · 5 months
Unspeakable Love
A Playlist for Obiyuki Do-Si-Do 2023 by @snowwhite-andtheknight
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This playlist went through many edits over the year as I discovered new bands (The Beths) and remembered old ones (Mae) but the theme of hiding feelings stayed consistent. The title lyric comes from "The Maze," and I’ve been waiting all year to share these perfect Obiyuki songs! Also looking forward to reading the final companion piece by @jhalya!
Unspeakable Love
Knees Deep- The Beths My Answer- The Natural Lines The Maze- Manchester Orchestra A Scene That Will Never Die- The Natural Lines Giving It Away- Mae Do You Want Me Now- The Beths Alex Bell- The Natural Lines Telepath- Manchester Orchestra True Blue- Boygenius
Summary lyrics are posted under the cut:
Knees Deep- The Beths
Watching light through water I want to bend the way it bends You slice like a knife through the surface But what a thrill to see it mend With no scar, no memory I'm envious, why pretend I'm not
Wading in up to the ankles The cold speaks straight to my bones Whole body and soul hesitation I am a coward turned to stone I stay there for centuries So all of history knows about it
The shame, I wish that I was Bravе enough to dive in But I nevеr have been and never will be I'm coming in hot then freezing completely
The shame, I wish that I could Say what I've been thinking But I never have done and never will do Still only knees deep, I'll never be brave like you
My Answer- The Natural Lines
My answer to the night is maybe A little danger on the side of a mountain
The flame lit face reveals what’s obvious
We will be strange We will be perfectly out of place
Maybe we’ll lock eyes Maybe we’ll meet Nothing has to happen Creatures inconceivable
The Maze- Manchester Orchestra
I notice you when you're noticing me Breaking the habit, you're watching me sleep, oh Give me some time, let me learn how to speak I'm a maze to you
First of a thousand to write on the wall It's only beginning, it's swallowing us Somebody said it's unspeakable love It's amazing You lift that burden off of me
A Scene That Will Never Die- The Natural Lines
Starting at the summer’s end When the nights get loud
We were searching for the words The lines that don’t feel like they’ve ever been said before
Sometimes we lose it Sometimes we don’t end where we meet
The ghosts keep flying overhead Changes are permanent Because the chemistry connects Because you sit in the passenger side A scene that will never die
Sometimes we lose it Sometimes we don’t land where we mean
Giving It Away- Mae
By the way you brought me here It makes me believe that the best is yet to come and I don't want to leave
Forgive my hesitation but I'm learning to trust in you Help me to dream these dreams because I don't have a clue
If you'd be honest and say what you mean You know I would promise I'd do anything Because I know that without you I'm giving it away
You've introduced me to the moment But I'm looking to stay for good
Do You Want Me Now- The Beths
Just a question that keeps me fast awake In the dead of night I'm a condemned site with light on Tell me what you decide on
Do you want me now? Or do you wanna leave it out We can talk about it I wanna tell you something but I don't know how
Being patient's never been my forte And your waiting room is hard on my esteem
Alex Bell- The Natural Lines
You were here, you always seem so far away You’ve become someone out of reach
The seasons keep me running away with myself I want to get an answer from Alex Bell tonight
I loved your laughter when life seemed impossible
No one wants to hear my silent speech I’ve become someone out of reach
Telepath- Manchester Orchestra
Told her I don't have a lot, babe, but you can have my soul Baby, do you want me? No, no, no
Everyone I know is slowly falling in the ocean I don't want to be the next to row, I never learned to swim Baby, do you love me? No, no, no
In my mind, you are the road I chose to travel Might as well have been the very last thing I decide Half the time I'm lost, afraid that you're just borrowed It don't matter much to me, man, I'm not afraid to die You're the one I wanted, want now, want when I am old When I'm falling
True Blue- Boygenius
You say you're a winter bitch, but summer's in your blood You can't help but become the sun
When you don't know who you are, you fuck around and find out When you called me from the train, water freezing in your eyes You were happy and I wasn't surprised
You already hurt my feelings three times In the way only you could
But it feels good to be known so well I can't hide from you like I hide from myself I remember who I am when I'm with you Your love is tough, your love is tried and true blue
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floareadeaur · 4 months
❝ Angel, devil, ori human ❞
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• Series: Owari no Seraph/ Seraph of the End
• Pairing: Ferid Bàthory x female!reader
• Words count: around 2 k words
• Author's words:
I have been asked by a few people to repost my old writings and I thank them very much for their interest in my ideas and thoughts.
This work was written 2 years ago. Probably what I write now is a little different. Writers always change, the better they discover themselves.
I mention that I had in mind the idea of ​​the creation of the OnS world by a Christian God at the time of writing these lines.
Ever since I found out about the origin of this universe, I give Ferid the right to be sad and angry, wanting to change something.
And I started writing Ferid again, in fact, I never stopped. So if anyone is interested in exploring Ferid's suffering in a romance story with my original character, just say so and I will happily post what I have written so far with them.
Also, even if it is a very old piece of work, feedback feeds a writer's soul anyway. You do not have to write me a novel of literary criticism. A simple word means a lot. Tell me how the writing made you feel, that is the most important thing for me.
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On the man's cold body, the warmth of your being flowed like the serene caress of a quiet ray of sunshine. What a strange sensation, that in the dead of night, when everyone is asleep, Ferid Bàthory could experience such a sensation. But your feverish body nestled against his ice-cold chest, so still and asleep, did not made him to feel the warmth like too strong, disturbing sunlight. 
No, for the seventh progenitor, that lively warmth felt like an afternoon in a meadow. As when man is stretched out in the midday sun, among the green and silky blades of grass, and with every ray of light filtered through the branches of the trees gathered above him like a canopy, delicious and unrelenting sleep overtakes him.
Strange thing for a vampire like him, but this feeling seemed to slowly wash over his being, every moment your warm figure was pressed against his body.
In the darkness, red eyes stared at you deeply, fixed, like those of a predator. Yet in the gaze always almost drowned in an indistinct wave of apparent madness, sheer desperation, and strange intelligence, there was now something soft, warm, like a pleasant, lively flame thawing the dead man who possessed those cursed eyes.
They were the same features dimly lit in the darkness ― the sharp shape of the eyes, which seemed to want to cut and cleave the object they looked at with just a blink, the sharp cheekbones, the precisely cut diamond-like jaw, the pale, sickly colorless skin, and the contoured lips, delicate, of a ghostly pink shade ― the same impossibly perfect harmony between them, the same profile of the straight nose, of a royalty worthy of a painting― the same face that whispered a maddening attraction, but in which bitterness and something extremely stinging bit too hard on the confidence of the one who looked at the man's face.
They were beautiful, almost angelic features, but the angelic air was often dead, for the young man's beauty was more like a thorny rose, which ceased to spread a sweet fragrance, but ended up having all its petals bathed in deadly poison, giving off a heavy smell. 
Perhaps that is why the face of Ferid Bàthory inspires fear in most, an intense feeling of madness, anxiety, cruelty and unpredictability.  Maybe that is why everyone who knew him admired his beauty for a moment, but then they wanted to go away, never to see this face like that of a devil full of poison.
To Ferid, they all had the same face. Their reactions had been the same for so long that even his morbid game of crushing their last vestige of hope had become a great deception, something that only gave him an intense thrill that he no longer knew how to differentiate into any form of emotion, and which disappeared as quickly as the life drained from those who offered him the morbid spectacle of death. But it was a form of feeling, fear, disgust, something that gave him the illusion of life.
Stealing the lives of others had become a substitute in his own desperation. So much had this accursed man practiced the twisted and sadistic methods that his face had poisoned and was spewing poison.  It was all he could do, and yet Ferid was perfectly aware that he could not give only that. This thought had tormented him a lot, because sometimes people are like artists, if they do not have a small audience, at least a pair of eyes to look at them with encouragement, their momentum dies out, along with the inspiration that flickers slowly, slowly. 
Especially in fragile souls, talent, inspiration and good behaviors, without external support, are buried most easily, as if they never existed. Then comes a time when every memory of them is painful, as if from a dream, not a reality.
Yes, Ferid had reached the moment when his reality had warped, when the blood in the veins of small children was his only edible food, their high-pitched screams the only stimulus that could cause him an emotion ―  he did not know what it was, fear, stress, disgust, bitterness ― despair and meaninglessness ― a new standard of life, and the same unanswered, tormenting questions ― the only activity of his mind.
Endless Hell, the suffocating Hell of his existence, the awareness of this Hell killed him more, imprinted a deeper expression of madness and despair on his gaze, the gaze reflected him in the facial features, then in the eyes of those who looked at him with fear.
The reactions received were of fear, stress, disgust, bitterness, a mirror of his feelings; and death seemed his only sweet escape, the thought of suicide. But Hell is Hell because it has no escape and regardless of the injury he would have caused himself, even if he had taken his heart out of his chest, he would have touched nothing but another form, an advanced, demonic one, in  which all human consciousness was disappearing.
Yes, his attitudes did not show much humanity, but his consciousness was alive, the existing memories, those memories of his life since he was alive... 
And the simple non-acceptance, frustration at his living dead condition showed Ferid Bàthory's humanity.  And under the ugly features, under the crazy looks and the fangs stained with innocent blood, there was still a heart, a soul. 
That soul of his had emotions, feelings, that no one could see.
Even Ferid had to look deep into his face to see them, but he felt them heavy, oppressive, fragments of a whirlwind of thoughts that, beyond the grin of a maniacal clown, whispered questions that would have brought tears to his sharp eyes, real tears,
“ If I died, who would miss me? Who would I miss? I've always been all lonely...”
These whispers of conscience proved the too great sensitivity of a weak soul crushed under the weight of others and its own sins.
And yet now, when his eyes shone upon you, the ugliness and filth seemed to have vanished. His face looked neither devil nor angel, but with his warm gaze, full of new feeling, slightly parted lips, Ferid Bàthory looked human.
Never had the sharpness of his face taken such an outline, never had his loose gray locks caressed his cheek so warm and soft, never had his heart felt the warmth and thrill of happiness that your closeness to him generated. The beating of your living heart, the breaths held subtly by your velvety lips sealed in your sweet sleep, all tickled his being with pleasure, like a ray of sunshine from a summer afternoon of his human existence.
His pale hand, dresses up in the ruffled sleeve of his white shirt, reached out to touch your cheek. The man's gaze grew warmer, his features became calmer, more romantic, as his long, pale, veiny finger, with its sharp, even paler nail, brushed your warm skin, whose sublime blush Ferid admired in fascination. 
Your very face, your very being, reassured him, for he knew that the eyes that were now closed did not look at him with horror, for the lips that were now sealed like a chest hiding a treasure, did not let out screams of fear, but human words, addressed as if to another human, to him.
«“I like your eyes.”»
The memory of your voice reverberated in his mind, how you answered him when he asked you with a devilish grin and full of slyness what you liked about him. 
Ferid had offered you a series of options,  “ beauty of the face”, “money”, “danger of death”.  And your answer had crushed the malice in him and raised the vulnerable glint that always shone on his face anyway. 
For every evil human is actually too weak and insecure.
«“ I like your eyes because they're sharp. The world would say it's a sly, intimidating look, but when I look at you, Ferid, I see curiosity ― a fierce curiosity like a child's, a thirst for knowledge and more, a thirst for affection... I read impatience, a slight chaos of ideas, but also of talent, a special intelligence, but also fear, a fear that makes you close them quickly, as if you are hiding from something, or even from yourself. I like your eyes because they are a map of your complex soul, the ones that reveal you the most.”»
This paragraph had been memorized in his mind, as well as the expression Ferid had given your words, an expression he had seen in a mirror hanging on the wall then.
Eyes sharp with shock, lips parted in the same curved line as the arched brows on his forehead, the man's face looked disarmed, as if someone had stripped him of all the masks that could have hidden his true self.  And that someone had been your lips, over which his thumb now passed with attention, even reverence, for the words that had escaped from there, from your heart, had clarified in his eyes the dominant emotion in the sea of ​​emotions: loneliness and crying for affection. 
For these two were the basis of his qualities, faults, desires and frustrations. And these two were now reflected in his irises, which admired your sweet sleep, your peaceful body.
Ferid could feel the heat, the sun, the green grass under his body, his mouth seemed to have pinched a mouthful of fresh water, his heart seemed to be beating again, something echoed in his body, something that was not frustration, an empty feeling, of nothing.
The vampire felt overwhelmed as him, the cursed creature, became human. His emotions were taking shape, for the first time a pair of eyes, even if now closed, watched, approved and supported the good seed in him. That was you, a miracle to him, the answer to his tormenting questions.
“Who will I miss when I die? Who will miss me? I've always been lonely.”
Ferid's cold arm pulled you closer to his body, almost suffocating, but careful not to disturb your peace. He worked with you like with a fragile work of art, his meticulous fingers touching you gently, his pointed ears catching the breaths of your woman body. The man's eyes were closing and he was feeling you. Ferid was no longer alone, he was no longer misunderstood, someone would miss him.  Someone had seen something good in him so that person could miss him.
And him? He would be longing at the moment of his death because he was leaving behind the one soul that had made his world make sense ― you, his sweet woman.
At these realizations, the always poisonous features of the face melted into a heartbreaking sadness.  The poisoned rose was being washed away by the rain of suffering, the heavy smell was disappearing, even just there, even just in front of your closed eyes, of your sleeping being.
His eyes were also closing, the “ sun ”of his being was calling Ferid and something was taking over him. Beyond the exhaustion of suffering came the peace, a deep one, of having you close even just then, slowly replacing sleep, which he could never attain again.
And Ferid thus honored your request every night, your voice whispering to him, when you appeared to him in your long night dress, with your diaphanous figure and soul, “ Sleep with me at night.”
The seventh progenitor was no longer moving his body, his eyes were closed and his arms were wrapped around you. 
The silver light of the moon penetrated the room caught in the nets of night, they reflected the same features, whose malice and sting had faded, and there remained only the face of a human, understood and loved by another human ― Ferid accepted by you.
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