#and i still hold that close to my chest only now tho ben is a lot more fleshed out and his own person
smidgen-of-hotboy · 5 months
@one-joe-spoopy you asked a few days ago about Miasma in my monster hunter au. It has taken me two days, but I've reached a point where I'm content enough to share my thoughts finally (and @esquemeencanta I haven't forgotten you Jove <3)
This is the tale behind Juno losing his original eye to Miasma. Sometime after this encounter he gets a new enchanted magical eye from Ramses O'Flaherty, finds out he's a changeling actually named Jack Takano, and after that shit storm, Juno gouges the magical eye out himself (almost dies trying). The continuation picking up with Hunter Steel and Hunter Glass is in the back of my mind. I've been fried trying to think of how Juno fights a monster he knows next to nothing about, and how he's supposed to do it alone (because ya know- he's stubborn like that)
! Obligatory guts, gore, blood, and violence and angst warning !
Juno works for the Hyperion Monster Hunter Association. He's brought Rita along with him and together they've been doing pretty well. Falco reached out a handful of times but after enough missed calls caught on that Juno wasn't going to come back to HCPD. By then, Juno had made a name for himself as a hunter in Hyperion. He was seeked out for personal jobs often enough that he didn't need to rely on the job postings from the HMHA. Sometimes though he still takes a posting.
There had been a few postings for a series of disruptions in the valleys down south of Hyperion City for a few months. Other Hunters had taken up the jobs and died trying to hunt down whatever monster was out there. Reports from the Cerberus Province were coming in:
Puddles of black gunk have been forming overnight. Anything that steps in it immediately sinks to the bottom. It is unclear if there even is a bottom to these pools.
Vehicles are being broken into and stripped for parts.
Earthquakes are being recorded, rumbling every few hours like clock work. This area is not known for experiencing earthquakes.
Other monsters have been found dead, disembowled and drained of their blood.
Juno takes the latest job request and gets Rita to look over some survey maps taken of the area. She finds that where the monster carcasses are turning up, there was a puddle of gunk there previously. She says she may be able to find out more if Juno can collect a sample. He obliges and returns to her a day later with a small jar full of gunk. His hands smell like burnt tar.
Rita runs a few tests on the jar of gunk and she finds that it has a mostly liquid state, but when disturbed it solidifies. A non-newtonian liquid. Like water mixed with cornstarch. It oozes slowly but seizes up when jostled. Rita makes a comment that she can't stand the smell, "it must taste pretty bad too. Don't know why any monsters would be getting so close to it." Juno unscrews the jar and sticks his finger in it. Rita watches horrified from her computer at their office as Juno proceeds to sniff the gunk (bad idea), and lick it (super disgusting idea).
Juno finds that even though the gunk smells bad, it tastes... okay. Little bit of a burnt wood taste to it, but nothing awful. It's almost sweet. Kind of savory. He goes around asking other hunters at the HMHA to try it and many refuse. The ones that do all come to the same conclusion as him: a little burnt, kind of sweet and savory.
One Hunter boldly takes the jar from Juno and spills it out over a table. Nothing happens at first as it slowly spreads out, but soon enough it's like the gunk has a mind of its own. It begins to almost crawl. It "oozes" across the table. Juno slams the jar back over it, the other hunter tries to frantically scoop it back into one mass. They eventually get it in a cup and back into the glass jar. Rita is not impressed when she hears about their sheer stupidity.
Juno brings the jar home and shows it to Ben. This whole time Ben has been hearing about the ooze from Juno and listening to his calls with Rita, but hasn't actually seen it. He looks at it in the jar and takes a good whiff ("Juno what the hell... you licked this? Gross... will I lick it? Yeah sure- when I'm dead! Put that lid back on or so help me.") Ben asks Juno what happens when it's introduced to heat. He says he isn't sure but according to Rita,
"In theory, it should just solidify. Non-Newtonian fluids cannot withstand extreme heat. The liquidity part evaporates. Just leaving the solid-ity part."
"I'm impressed. You listened to her."
Juno frowns. "I always listen to Rita."
"That's not what I meant. I meant: you listened to her, and you even sound like her now."
"... haha, very funny Benten... do you want to help me find out what happens when you introduce this stuff to fire or not though?"
Ben and Juno are both extremely smart in their own ways. They are also both extremely dumb in the same way. Ben lights the stove, Juno holds the jar with a pair of tongs, and they watch with bated breath as the gunk tries to hop out of the jar as it gets hotter. Eventually it stops moving altogether. And sure enough, when Juno removes it from the stove and lets it cool, it's solid.
Ben asks Juno what he's going to do and Juno simply says he's going on a Hunt.
"You can't be serious? Juno- this is dangerous. You're going to literally be playing with fire."
"I can handle it."
"Juno- I'm serious. Take this seriously."
"I am."
"Then you'll listen to me when I say, it'll make me feel a whole lot better if you take someone with you."
"You know that's not how this works Benten-"
"A Kanagawa hunter would be more than willing to work with you. Hell- what's her name Big Eyes would probably kill to work with you again."
"BENZAITEN! Enough! This is my job alright? I don't tell you how your recitals should be going or what stretches you need to be doing! You don't get to boss me around about how my Hunts go. End of discussion."
"No. We're done. I'm going to bed, and tomorrow, I'm going on my hunt."
Juno goes to bed without saying goodnight. He wakes up and leaves for the office without eating or saying good morning. Ben calls but he doesn't answer. He calls Rita and Rita relays the message "just tell him I'll be waiting at home and- good luck."
Juno takes with him his pistol, shotgun, a flask of vodka, canisters of gasoline, a box of matches (Ben's brand), and an empty glass milk jar. He drives out to the valleys between HC and the CP to the largest black pool and starts pouring gasoline into and around it. He brought five of them with him. Rita said that his plan was dangerous. ("maybe we can get a hold of Ms. Cassandra and find out if-" "I'm not bringing Cass into this. This is my hunt. I'm doing it my way.") She made him agree that if she didnt hear back from Juno in an hour, she would call Juno, and if he failed to pick up she'd ask for assistance ("I ain't takin no as an answer Mista Steel." "You and Benzaiten worry too much." "Sorry Boss, but you're important to us.")
Juno stands back as he strikes a match and tosses it into the gas. He watches the pool erupt in flame. The ground trembles underneath him. Juno falls backwards. Something rises out of the pool... a monster.
Covered in black gunk, reeking of burnt tar, a monster on fire towers over him. She hisses and squeals. She would be beautiful if half her face wasn't torn off and the other half on fire. Black tentacles rise with her. She has a maw full of razor sharp teeth that go around and around in rings. In that moment, Juno knew he was fucked and would likely die. But if theres one thing being a Steel had prepared him for, its to not go down without a fight.
Juno brings around his shotgun and fires. He lands two bullets that lodge themselves in the monster. She hisses and growls, lunging at him. Her hands are sharp talons. They dig into his shoulders and drag him through the ground. Forgotten is the flask and jar. She rises again towering over him. He takes aim and fires another shot that embeds itself in her shoulder. She howls, a tentacle comes slicing through the air. He rolls out of the way in time and continues rolling as more trail after him.
He remembers the flask when it falls out of his coat. He takes hold of it and unscrews the cap, gulping a mouthful and holding it in his cheeks. With shaking hands he reaches for another match and lights it. He turns and spits the vodka into the flame, lighting a trail of flames that follows a tentacle of black tar. It spreads and the monster catches fire, screeching, leaving Juno time to unholster his pistol. He takes aim and fires off a few more rounds at her, slowly limping his way back where he dropped his shotgun and the milk jar. Finally, one of his bullets lands at her core. The monsters screeching turns to silent wailing.
Her size has shrunk as most of her body has caught fire, the rest is riddled with silver bullets. She clutches two appendages over her chest where the last bullet struck. Frantically trying to dig it out. She slowly tries to slip away as Juno grabs his jar and makes the dumbest decision he could've ever done: he runs towards her. He holsters his pistol, unscrews the jar and keeps the lid in one hand. The monster musters what remaining strength she has as both of the appendages over her chest shoot out. Two things happen at once:
One. Everything comes down to a singular point of pain. Juno feels it as his eye gets scooped out and he just about blacks out.
Two. He successfully scoops the monsters core inside the jar. The lid comes down on it, and monster screams as she shrinks to fit inside her small prison.
Juno has just enough strength left in him to screw the lid on. He blacks out shortly after.
(Ben calls Juno and then calls Rita when he can't reach him. He insist she call him right then and there because "something is wrong. I know it. Rita- listen to me. Call it' call it twin intuition, alright." Intrigued by this Rita calls Juno and when he doesn't answer her she calls in Cassandra.
Cass says she isn't in the mood to save Steel’s sorry ass. Ben takes Rita's comms from her to speak to Cass directly, "You owe me Kanagawa. I'm calling in your favor to me. And if you don't uphold our deal Cassandra, I will make your family's life hell." Rita has always liked Benten. That day she understood what Juno means by "Ben strikes the fear of Benzaiten into you".
Cass rides out to the valleys on her motorbike and finds a giant gaping hole in the ground. Beside it- Juno Steel. Cass turns him over carefully removing the milk jar. She sees his fucked up face and hauls him inside his truck. She tosses his shotgun in the backseat and straps the jar in next to her as she floors it back to Hyperion City. When Ben meets her at the hospital she apologizes and says she still owes Ben his favor, she shouldn't have brushed Rita off so quickly. All Ben does is tell her to leave. Rita promises to give her a call when Juno comes around.)
Juno wakes up in the hospital. He panics unable to see out of one eye. He tries to sit up and falls back groaning and grunting in pain. Something shifts next to him and he turns his head. It's Benzaiten. Bathed in golden light.
"Do you remember what Ma used to say, whenever she found us fighting? Fighting over the Andromeda costumes and Turbo toys?"
"Benten-" Juno wheezes and coughs. Ben turns and fills a glass with water. He carefully hands it over to Juno without a word.
"Ma used to say that we shouldn't fight. She didn't want us to fight because when it came down to it, there was only us in the world. She said- if we wanted to get flattened, we go and lie down in the road, but we aren't supposed to do that to each other." Ben smiles. At least Juno thinks he sees him smile. The sun glares behind him creating the perfect halo. An angel. Juno's angel.
"Ma said that when she was gone, we would have to rely on each other, and that meant we couldn't fight. We need someone else so that when we're not tough enough, they can be." He takes a shaking breath. Juno sips his water and parts his lips. Ben shakes his head and holds a hand up. "Save it, I'm not done.
"Ma said a lot of things before she died. She wanted nothing but the best for us Juno. She wanted us to look out for each other, wanted us to fight the big mean world together, and she wanted us to live. I know you never believed her. I know you don't believe her now- but she was ours. She was- Ma. And you're my brother. Ma is gone. Annie is gone. Oldtown is dying. Sasha left. Mick can hardly take care of himself. And you're all I have left Juno... I need you Juno. I need you to be alive for me because I can't be tough enough for this world. I want you alive... why can't you want that for yourself."
Benzaiten stands from the chair he's in and walks around Junos hospital bed. In proper light Juno can see the bags under his eyes and the tears streaking down his cheeks. He takes the glass from Juno's shaking hands and sets it aside. He pulls Juno against him and half folds his body over, half shields his twin.
The same mouth. Same hands. Juno broke his nose when they were still kids. Ben broke his ankle a year ago. Their noses are different. The way they walk has changed. But the one thing that no one could take away was their matching gaze. Their matching eyes.
(Ben leaves the hospital to visit Rita. She welcomed him inside her home without a second thought. She opens a window and sits down at her breakfast table while Ben takes a cigarette from his pocket and lights it. He takes a long draw and holds the smoke in his lungs for a long moment. He exhales slowly. His tears have long since dried. He thought he cried himself out at Ma's funeral. He was wrong.)
Juno goes back out to the site in the valleys a few weeks later with Cass. She took the jar and kept it to herself. When she saw Juno in the hospital she asked about it. He just said to turn it over to Rita and she'd take care of it from there (to this day Rita still has it in her personal office at home. The monster watches her work. She finds it easier to work when she has something to explain her thought process to and the monster is frequently subjected to that. When she's not home Rita keeps it locked up inside a safe next to emergency bac up shrimp crunchies.)
Cass and Juno explore the gaping hole together. (Cass pulled her weight as a Kanagawa and had the site quarantined off from other hunters and the public). They find a whole underground network of chambers and lab equipment. Journals and notes. Juno flips through a few pages and together this is what they piece together:
Doctor Miasma was a human doctor. She learned about fae medicine and was desperate to get her hands on it by any means possible. In order to get any though she needed to cross over. So. She did. She forcibly opened her own portals and exchanged parts of herself, constantly replacing whatever she lost. Her arms, her legs, half her face. Eventually she gave up the last thing she had to offer: her humanity.
Miasma awoke a monster in the fae wilds. She used intimidation to force them to open a portal for her to cross back home. She created her underground lab and stocked it with soup. She ran experiments on herself. With practice she honed her hunting skills and had her first taste of fae blood.
Shortly thereafter Miasma lost more than her body and humanity. She lost her memories. She lost her name. She forgot her title, forgot her research, and simply became a monster that consumed.
Some part of her must have remembered something though. She broke cars and stole parts from them trying to build a machine to harness magic and open portals. Even after giving up everything, Miasma was still trying to get back to the fae realm
Cass finds the rotting corpses of dead monsters. Their blood not yet drained.
Juno's seen enough and with Cass' help climbs out of the hole.
"Cass- you write the report."
"Huh? Why? This was your Hunt. I don't need the credit or the money."
"And I don't want the attention it's going to bring. Write it. If you have questions call Rita."
(Cass swears this will be the last nice thing she does for Juno. She writes the report and hands it over to the HMHA. The senior hunters of the association are confused why she's handing in the paperwork. She shrugs and tells them "Steel doesn't want to handle the guts." The Kanagawas come in and clean everything out. Cecil does a live stream special walking through "the lab of a monster". Juno reads the newspaper in the kitchen while Ben makes them breakfast. Life carries on.)
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anundyingfidelity · 3 months
I'M A RUIN — Soldier Boy/Ben (Part III)
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Series summary: After the events of the Seven Tower, you present Grace Mallory a new secret project you're working on already to develop a cure to Compound V. The only problem? You need Soldier Boy for that.
Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x female reader.
Word count: 2.2k.
Warnings for series: set after S3 (spoilers), some OOC!Ben, some depressed!Ben, angst, hurt/comfort, eventual smut, slow-burn, language, PTSD, reader has Compound V (she's no Vought supe tho), Soldier Boy being an usual asshole, reader is a fucking liar.
Warnings on this chapter: panic attack, killing threats, violence, Ben my poor meowmeow, hurt/comfort, mentions of rape.
☕ if you like my writing, support me with a ko-fi !
get yourself in the taglist!
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII
Notes: this is mostly a bonding chapter between Ben and the reader, also there's more about the reader's past in here plus a special guest lmao. I'm having too much fun writing this! If anyone would like to be tagged I'll be more than happy to do so! I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.
this fic tags: @k-slla @syrma-sensei @mostlymarvelgirl @cheynovak
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Part III: Afraid of the Fall
Ben felt his head being hammered and strange voices in a foreign language mumbled to him, all while they laughed and mocked his suffering, causing loud screams and groans of pain falling off his mouth. He struggled, feeling his skin burning again and again. He hoped it stopped, sitting down on the edge of the mattress, but things didn't get better.
Far away, he heard a familiar voice, shouting to get inside. But he couldn't move from his place to reach it. He groaned again, grabbing the sides of his head strongly and covering his ears, elbows on his knees, at the same time he felt a fire forming on his chest. It was happening again. He didn't want to do it. He couldn't do it. He had been trying to control himself with the reefer the past few days. Why now? Why here? He thought he might lose control over himself one more time, and it scared him to death.
There was a loud sound of metal and high heels running towards him, until someone dropped in front of him.
He barely recognized your voice, but he felt your hands running all over his cheeks, until he opened his tired eyes.
"Ben, you're fine, okay? You're safe here," he took in your gentle voice as you knelt in front of him. He saw you observing his chest and the blast forming in there. "Please, you can control yourself. Look at me, breathe."
He moaned in pain again, closing his eyes shut. He was holding back as much as his strength allowed him, but it wasn't working. Your worried eyes locked when he opened his own again, green and teary.
"Please just breathe. Inhale and exhale," you said, mimicking the directions as he tried to steady his breath following you.
"That's it, go on," you repeated, encouraging him to keep doing the same. "Take my hands, here," he felt your palms embracing his rough hands, his grip hard on your soft ones. "Keep breathing."
The explosion on his chest was still there but as you soothed him with your voice, he eventually felt as the burn dissipated little by little.
"You're safe now, nothing's gonna happen," you mumbled. "Breathe."
Ben took in your whispering voice, until the burn stopped. You remained there with him, hands together, as he opened his eyes anew. He found a comforting smile on your lips, but as soon as he scanned the room he found two men standing in the doorway. Armed and pointing at him, ready to shoot him. He looked between you and the men, and abruptly got on his feet, shoving you away with such force. You landed over your ass on the floor just a couple of steps away from him. The guards aimed their guns immediately.
"Don't!" you ordered.
"Doctor, he was about to blast," said one of them.
"Stop it!" you raised your hands, with glossy eyes and lungs out of air. "Please, leave," you pleaded. Ben remained in the same spot, figuring out if he had to fight you and the men. 
"Doc, the gas-"
"Leave now!" you shouted. They hesitated. "I can handle this, just go and don't turn on the gas, that's an order."
Your gaze might've worked because they slowly backed up and left, closing the heavy door and leaving you alone with the supe. He looked at you, breathing steady and an outraged face. You stood up, fists tight, as Ben closed the distance between both of you.
"Ben, I'm so sorry-"
You choked on your own words, his hand grabbing your neck with his tight grip. "Don't fucking tell me I'm safe. You've built a chamber that'd kill me while I sleep," he growled. Your hands took on his wrists.
Ben just held you in place, denying oxygen into your lungs. He was fucking mad at how you decided to play with him and his life. All these days, he had the chance to end you and that fucking building, and he didn't do it. He felt like a fucking idiot. He had to finish this now. Suddenly, he loosened the rough grip around your throat and slammed you harshly, until your back hit the hardwood of the coffee table.
You coughed as you tried to lift yourself to a sitting position, the mess of the broken wooden lying underneath.
"Ben," you gasped looking up at him. "It's okay if you want to kill me. I'm only asking you to think twice because I'll be dead but it'll be worse for you."
How could it be? Ben couldn't take a fucking break without knowing the damn gas could be turned on if any of those cocksuckers, you included, wanted to. He was beyond pissed. Over and over, he became surrounded by traitors, people who didn't give a single shit about him. And now, he just wanted to rip your head off, kill everyone inside, and run away. Yet somehow he couldn't. With brows furrowed and a cold expression on his face, he watched your figure on the floor, vulnerable and aching due to the impact, at his cruel mercy. But his body wouldn't move an inch to get to you.
Slowly you got on your feet again and for a moment that felt eternal, you looked at each other. Ben was just waiting for the rage to flourish and do what he had to since he met you in that fucking office. He had to kill everyone when they took him out of that box. Too sad he couldn't go back to the past and change his decisions.
You held his haze, and all of the sudden you stepped forward wrapping your arms around his muscular waist. He was shocked.
"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry," you whispered, hiding your face on his chest.
Ben felt your warmth against his flesh, but he couldn't do more than stay frozen in the middle of the room. The only physical contact he had felt for a long time was for the purpose of torture, pain, and suffering. A hug felt strangely uncomfortable to him. More so after he was the one ready to kill everyone around, starting with you. You must have noticed the stiffness on his body because you slowly backed up and separated from him.
He gave you a confused look and you started to speak softly again.
"I can leave if you want-"
His voice came barely as a whisper. "No."
You nodded, locking your eyes with his own. "Okay. You want to talk?"
"I don't know," he said softly.
Calmly, you asked him to sit on the edge of the bed and Ben soon followed as you did. His eyes were lost in the room and he felt regretful for what he did to you. Anyone in your place would just have left and ran away. He'd be alone, just like he had in the past decades. But you didn't. You were there by his side because you wanted to help him. At least that's what you said.
"I had a nightmare," he began. "It felt so real."
"I'm here, you can let it out," you reassured. Ben felt your eyes on him, but he wasn't strong enough to see your face, so he focused on the wall on the other side of the room.
"I was there... Again. I thought I was there, and thought I was going to blow up everything. Haven't felt this pain since you brought me here, until today," Ben mumbled. "I don't know what happened. I don't know what's wrong with me."
"There's nothing wrong with you," you replied once he finished. "You're not a bad person."
"I could've killed you," his words sounded like a fear confession.
But he didn't have any idea of why he would care that much for a stranger like you. He harmed you, and still here you were. It was almost as if you were not scared of him, the atrocities he had done and the ones he could do in the future.
"But you didn't, so don't torture yourself with things that are not real."
He believed you were right. At the same time, it was difficult to push those thoughts away.
"I'm a fucking mess," he said, his eyes locked on his lap as he played with his hands like he was a child. "My father was right."
"I could've done so much better with him."
This time, he found your intense gaze. You shook your head.
"You didn't know what Vought was up to. That is not your fault."
"But he is my son in the end," Ben grumbled. "And he has a fucking son of his own."
"A lab experiment," you corrected. "A lab experiment that has a child, product of a rape. You don't have to call that your blood."
He gave a sad smile that quickly disappeared. "I wish I didn't have to. I always wanted kids. Y'know, give them the figure I never had, let them know I'm proud of them, tell them they mean everything to me... Be a better father. And I feel guilty for no reason."
You nodded. "I understand all that, and you'll get over the generational trauma and the PTSD. I promise. Just remember before you run, you need to learn how to walk."
A part of his heart refused to believe your words, that you were lying, but the look in your eyes said otherwise. Probably you were not as bad as he thought you'd be. After all, you were there. You had the courage to step in front of him, to be in the same room as him, and to come every day just in hope to have some sort of advance even when he was pushing his pain away. All those efforts and insistences, they had to mean something in the end. Right?
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Last couple of days were hell. You caught something good though. Soldier Boy finally talked to you. Just a little. Anything was fine at this point. For you, work didn't stop. Rest was not an option most of the time. So on Sunday morning you drove back to your apartment after spending the whole Saturday working on more details about the Anti-V prototype.
Once in the building, you made your usual way to your door and immediately got rid of your coat and shoes in the entry hall. You were so tired and craving for a sleep, so you made your way to your bedroom, until a horribly annoying voice you knew too well stopped you on the doorframe.
"Well, don't you work your ass off," the blonde man swung into your room in his usual ridiculous outfit, admiring every detail of the place. He gave you a disturbingly disgusting smile.
You also noticed the balcony windows and curtains were open. Of fucking course he'd used the easiest way to break into your home.
"Oh, you know who I am, doctor. I can break the president's home if I want to," Homelander beamed when he stopped just inches from you.
You gulped and crossed your arms on your chest.
"And may I ask why are you here?"
"You know why, don't play dumb."
"No, I don't. Enlighten me, please," you replied, faking it. "You know, I don't really think we've met before."
"Actually, we did. It was in an audition. Around 2009, remember?" 
"Now I do," your jaw clenched. That was a fucking memory you wanted to erase and bury forever. "I'm glad I didn't pass that shit."
 "Yeah, you were such a waste now that I think of. Could've been with our team now."
Homelander chuckled, proudly and honorably, walking around and stopping in front of your vanity. He started to check your perfumes and jewelry that spread on there, like a damn kid. You followed him immediately.
"What do you want?"
"Straight to the point, fine," he began, facing you once again. Smile long gone. "I know you're up to something. Fucking stop it."
Your lips opened but he shut you up with a gesture of his hand and went on.
"Uh-uh, not now. Don't try to deny it. Don't make fucking excuses," Homelander closed the distance between both of you. His lips brushed your ear and somehow, you were frozen in place. You didn't know what would happen next, he was unpredictable.
"I know you have my dad with you, and what you're doing will not benefit me," he whispered and he pulled back to see your blank face, eyes staring with rage. "Just a small warning. I got my eyes on you," he chuckled. "But don't worry, I'm giving you a chance. Only one chance to stop whatever the fuck you're doing. Trust me, you don't wanna know what I have for you."
He started to walk to the balcony without giving you time for an answer. Not that you had much of a comeback in mind when your life and project were now in danger. At least he was going to finally leave your place. Before flying away, he turned around one last time.
"Better take care of the old man, uhm?"
Those were his last words. And you knew he didn't mean them.
You were so fucked now.
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miyaniacs · 4 years
So um I guess this is a emergency request but take time if you need tsukishima, atsumu, shirabu and oikawa reacting to their sweet s/o showing up to school with bruise on thei eye because her mom threw a glass bottle at their face thanks and sorry if you don’t write this kind of stuff
Okay i - what. I can’t describe what I’m feeling rn. I really hope you’re okay baby 🥺❤️ that’s something no mother should do. Like ever - I truly hope this happened just this one time and not anymore and if it’s not the first time / it happens regularly. Please get help. Or stay at your friends for a bit ... Also if you wanna talk - my messages are open!
And I’m sorry that it’s not that emotional- i didn’t want to add anything that didn’t happen and tried to do it more neutral- hit me up tho if you want anything more detailed for one of them like a oneshot or something else
Warnings : mentiones of physical abuse
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HC seeing his S/O with a bruise
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As soon as he sees the bruise he‘d grab your arm and pull you into the next vbc club room and talk to you in private
you try to play it off and tell him that you fall or something
But he’s not that stupid
So eventuell you have to tell him
As soon as he hears the words “my mum” he’s shaking.
He’s just seconds away to go to your house and tell your mother off.
But - you’re his priority now so he takes a few deep breaths and pulls you into his chest
His arms are so tightly wrapped around you - you struggle to breath
After a few minutes he gently pushes away and places his hands on your shoulders - eyes locked with yours
“You’ll stay with me for the next days.”
“No Tsuki I ca-“
“No. This wasn’t a suggestion. I’m coming with you after school and get your stuff. I won’t let you enter this house alone”
At yours his eyes are throwing daggers at your mother, he’s always staying in front of you, not letting your mum touch you nor look at you for too long.
This night he holds you Soo close
He feels your body slightly shaking in your dream and in the dark room the tears shine in the moonlight
He’s not sleeping much, his thoghts circle around what he can do to help you.
Gosh he’s so soft the past days. Always kissing you, holding your hand, hugging etc.
Now. He’s even more angry than Tsuki.
You don’t even have to tell him that it’s your mum
He already knows. He’s not that obvious when it comes to you
He’ll pull you on his lap in some empty class room and let’s you tell him what happened
He’s constantly stoking your hair and back, placing kisses on your head or just holding your hands
You begin to cry and omg he’s trying his best not to scream out
He’s so fuckin’ angry
It’s so hard for him to control his emotions
But you need him now. So he pulls himself together
After school you left to go home & he left for practice
He pulls osamu to the side
And omg. He’s RAGING
He’ll try to explain what happened but he’s so furious. He just punchs the wall over and over again screaming
Osamu and Kita have to drag him to the ground
After he somehow manage to tell him - they’re both on their way to yours, telling the coach it’s an emergency & calling their mum.
You open the door to find the twins out of breath.
“Where’s your mum?” Osamu aks
“Still at work - why? What are you doing here?”
“Getting you out of here - you’re staying at ours. We already talked with mum.” Atsumu says and is already on his way into your room getting the stuff you need.
Later that day, their mum helped you cleaning the wound and made you some tea
You and the twins have a movie night and you fall asleep in Atsumus arms, which are protectively wrapped around you a few “ I won’t let her hurt you again - ever” are also heard.
Okay so you only meet him before your first classes for a few seconds.
He sees the bruise - but there was no time to talk
Sooo during the whole day his mind keeps thinking on what happened
He knew about your mum’s outbursts... but she wouldn’t right?
Well... at the last class he knew. She would. You’re not that clumsy and you’d also won’t try to hide it if you’ve just fallen
He’s so angry?? And sad ?? And confused??
You have to get out of there tho.
Soooo after practice he goes to Ushijima and asks him if he can help him
Having Ushijima there’s no way your mum would try anything when he gets you out of there
So after practice ended they meet you outside the gym
“Don’t say anything- I figured it all out. You’ll stay at mine.” He says and pulls you into his arms.
“But.. she won’t let me...”
“That’s why i asked Ushijima to come with us.”
You look to your right with big eyes and are blessed with Ushijimas kind and soft smile.
“I’ll do whatever I have to do to help.” He smiles
You open your door and are greeted by your mum screaming why you took so long.
You tell her that you’d be staying at Shirabus for a few days.
She’s about to say something BUT then she’s met with a intimidating wall walled Ushijima and so she mumbles something which can be understood as a : do what you want
You’re in for some fast food and Ben and Jerry’s that night
also he’s constantly having his hands touch you - making sure that you’re still here with him - he’s still trying to comprehend what happened- yet he knew that you won’t go back to this house anymore.
Okay so he sees you and he’s like
“Nawww my clumsy babyyyyyyy”
Then he sees the way you avoid looking at him and all his carefreeness and sillieness is gone
“Y/N, Love, what happend - don’t ... pls don’t tell me.”
You can’t answer and just tear up
You’re already wrapped in his arms his head resting on yours
“Shhhh it’s okay baby. I’m here. I won’t let her lay a hand on you ever again.” He’s so serious now.
Inside he’s burning. He’s so angry. And he doesn’t understand HOW. How could someone hurt someone as precious as you?!
He’s rocking you back and forth, whispering sweet nothings trying to comfort you
After you calmed down he tells you that you’ll stay at his tonight.
his parents look at you - he already texted them what hapoend - their eyes are filled with sorrow
They tell you that you can stay for as long as you want and if you need any help you can just tell them
That night soft Oikawa is activated
Omg he treats you like his baby.
You’re wrapped in 3 blankets, hot cocoa with little marshmallows in his favorite cup, chips and chocolate right next to you.
Him sitting behind you, his arms around your waist, chin resting on your shoulder while you two watch a Disney movie
The next day, his mum drives you to your house
You get all the stuff you need and leave a note on the kitchen table telling your family that you’ll stay at Oikawas for an unknown time
Now you have him clinging on you at night for the rest of your life - happy you
Tsuki would do it under the shower so NO ONE would figure it out - they all feel that something isn’t right tho
Atsumu would just break down at some point at a random time because trying to be strong for you was just too much at some point
Shirabu would cry while he‘s explaining everything to his parents on why you need to stay
And oikawa would either cry while he’s holding you In his arms or at night during his sleep when the thoughts and the realization on what happened hits him ( he probably tries to push them aside before)
They all still try to not do it infront of you because they want to be your rock and they want you to feel that they are strong enough for the both of you
general tag list : @brokeyiam 
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Finally, I Found You. (Klaus Hargreeves x Reader)
Request: Hey! I looooved your Klaus headcanons and was wondering if you could write about when him and the reader are reunited in the 60s??? Totally fine if not, have a nice day!
A/N: Awh thank you so much, I hope this is alright dude! I am really tempted to turn this into a series tho... if you want that?? Even if this is really rough and kind of rushed. Kinda angsty? Kinda sad? Very fluffy. Enjoy!
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Being spat out of a spinning vortex into a dingy alley was enough to stress anybody out, especially after a rather terrifying and life threatening encounter with your sister initiating the apocalypse. Navigating through the twenty first century was difficult enough, but being catapulted into a completely new decade with nothing but your bag and clothes you were wearing just about topped that.
Letting out a cry as you hit the ground and groaning as you rolled over and tried to get our bearings. Glancing around to see if you could locate any of your siblings whom you were with only a few minutes previously, you stood up and brushed yourself off, you began calling out their names. Sadly with no success, there was no response, you were alone.
You continued pacing along the pavement, trying to come up with a plan of action. Deciding you couldn’t improve your situation much from the alley, you emerged into a busy street and began wandering down the road. Progressing along the street, you could not help but take notice of the architecture and clothing surrounding you. Definitely not similar to the modern aesthetics you were used to. Flagging down an approachable looking woman and kid you asked what year it was, sharing peculiar look she confirmed your suspicions. It was July 24th 1962. Brilliant.
Trying hard not to think the worst of your situation, you mind wandered to Klaus. The two of you had hardly been apart for more than one night over the course of your year long relationship, your stomach dropped at the thought of him being isolated in a random time period, unable to contact anyone, nobody to help. A small part of you wished Ben was with him, but you were completely clueless as to how this whole time travel business worked. You attempted to brush that thought aside for the time being, first you had to find somewhere to stay. Sleeping rough with nothing but the clothes on your back did not sound appealing, luckily you had some spare cash in your bag for a room for a few days, giving you sometime to formulate a plan.
The first night was definitely the hardest. Deciding to find the cheapest hotel you could, you booked a room for the night, collecting the keys and collapsing on the mattress. As soon as you got into the uncomfortable bed you knew sleep would not come tonight, the double bed was not helping either. You spent the majority of the night on your side, laying there and glancing at the opposite side of the mattress, where he should be sleeping. It felt too empty without Klaus hogging the blanket. You couldn’t help the collection of memories the two of you shared popping into your mind. Lazy weekday nights, limbs draped absentmindedly over one another, Klaus’ hand tracing soft patterns into your shoulder as you talked about absolute nonsense for hours. Both dreading when the morning came as you would have to leave his arms. Growing up in Hargreeves’ mansion you would constantly sneak into his room, even before you were together. Your ability to turn invisible was a great help, coming to comfort him if your father pushed him too hard again was almost a nightly occurrence. You loved the way he would relax as soon as he felt you lift up the blanket and settle in next to him, knowing he wouldn’t have be alone.
You smiled at the thought of him, he always had to be close to you. Even in his sleep you caught him reaching for you sleepily or rolling his leg onto you in an attempt to pull you closer. You often wondered if he even knew he was doing it or if it was entirely subconscious. After everything he went through growing up it was no surprise he had clingy tendencies. You wouldn’t change him for anything, if he needed you close, you had no problem obliging him. If it made him feel safe you would do it.
It was at this point the tears started to fall. For someone who had been through so much to then be stuck somewhere, unable to reach you, made your heart ache. Tomorrow you would figure something out, however futile it may be, you were determined to at least try and make a life for yourself here.
3 Months Later:
The three months had not been easy, by any means. It had mainly consisted of you on the road, finding work pretty much wherever would take you. Getting the car you were currently driving was a feat in itself, stealing an automobile had never been on your bucket list. You never liked using your power to steal, however, it was your only mode of transport and occasional place to sleep. You always coaxed Klaus not to just take things, he would be shocked if he could see you now, the look on his face would be priceless! On the bright side, you could have picked a worse car, with five seats, a convertible roof and playable radio, you had risen in worse rides.
More memories surfaced in your mind, ones where you took Klaus out for a drive out of the city during the beginning of his sobriety. This started as an attempt to inject a new lust for life into him, show him there was more to the world than just powder in the back alleys. Soon your little road trip became a weekly occurrence, driving with Klaus and losing track of time, just each other for company. You loved him dearly but you both decided it would be more beneficial if you were the one behind the wheel, not that he cared, he was given full control of the music this way. He insisted on having the windows down and the music loud, staring at you with his pupils slightly dilated, feeling doped up on life rather than various pills. You loved how radiant he looked, you even let him get away with wailing along to the lyrics on the radio, at least for a while…
“Klaus, I love you, but I’m gonna need my eardrums in the future,”
“Yes, I’m aware. Why do you think I’m gracing them with my dulcet tones?”
You couldn’t help but jokingly glare at him. Once again he was never to far away from you, laughing and giving your thigh a squeeze as you watch the city disappear behind you, along with his worries.
Dragging yourself back to the present (well, 1962), you gripped the steering wheel, forcing yourself to focus on the road instead of the bittersweet memories you held. They were the only things you had left of him, and you hoped that wherever he was, he was safe.
You decided to return to the town where it all began, Dallas, Texas. You were in need of some new clothes and a quick bite to eat before you got back on the road, in search for another short-term job to earn some much needed cash. A second-hand shop would probably be the most budget friendly option for clothes, ringing the bell as you opened the door, you began to flick through the various fabrics and patterns of clothing. One of the things you loved about this decade was the flamboyant clothing, he would have thrived here. Gathering quite a large armful of clothes, you decided to go try a few on, just looking through your selection one last time before you committed to the changing room.
You were ripped from your thoughts by a loud thud on the window, resulting in you dropping the bundle of clothes you had accumulated during your browsing. Huffing and turning your attention to the window, ready for some kind of confrontation, although, nothing could be further from your assumption.
Your eyes met with the same hazel ones you had been gazing into for the last year, unmistakable hands with tattoos were firmly placed on the glass. His jaw was slack and his eyes were wide as he gawked through the glass. You began to shake as you drank in the sight of him, your chest tightened and you found it increasingly difficult to breathe. You wanted to run into his arms, but you weren’t sure if your legs would carry you. You couldn’t feel anything except the racing of you heart. Time seemed to still as you just stared at one another.
He was the first to break the gaze, tripping over himself in an attempt to reach the door. He forced the door open so forcefully that the bell nearly fell off, it didn’t stop him though. Running down the shopping aisle, pushing the racks aside as he continued towards you, knocking over a few clothing racks, not slowing down as he slammed into your open arms. The impact of the force sending the two of you tumbling to the ground, both of you gripping onto the other in fear they may disappear again. He could feel you shaking in his hold, overwhelmed with the entire situation, he kept his grip firm around you, letting you know that he is here and you are safe. He doesn’t plan on leaving you.
Finally managing to pull his face from the crook of your neck, you held his face in your hands, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. You weren’t aware you were crying until you felt his calloused hands brush away a stray tear from your cheek.
“It’s really you isn’t it?” You managed to choke out, you must have looked insane to the shopkeeper, both of you smiling and sobbing, curled up on his shop floor.
“Of course it’s me, nobody could recreate this amount of beauty and personality twice,” he joked and cracked a smile. That typical Klaus smile you missed so much. Even in a time like this, supposedly sentimental, he still had to get a wisecrack in.
“You’re such an idiot Klaus, only you could compliment yourself in a time like this,” you said, you weren’t sure if you were crying or laughing at this point, but you knew you were finally happy.
“I’ve had to do it myself for a while since you were absent,” he said, you couldn’t miss the subtle sadness that passed over his features.
“Come on then Y/N”, he groaned as he stood up, offering a hand to help you, “We have a lot of catching up to do.”
You glanced up at him before you accepted his hand, his hair was longer than before and he looked healthier, but he was undeniably still your Klaus. You placed you hand in his and let him drag you up, resting his arm around your waist, slightly tighter than he used to. You allowed your head to rest on his shoulder, re-familiarising yourself with his body. The two of you definitely had a long conversation ahead, you allowed him to drag you to the nearest diner, excited to unburden yourselves after finally finding each other.
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smokahuntis · 4 years
Te Amo
te amo
Pairing: Kylo Ren x Hux!Pregnant!Reader!
Warning: blood, sad shit, cannon violence
Summery: Kylo’s Nightmares grow stronger, and so does (y/n) way with the force.
Authors note: There is some serious Cannon Storyline changes in this and the next chapter I’m so sorry if that bothers you but it is for the purpose of the Fic!
Chapter 1: Vetiti Fructus
Chapter 2: Gravidam
Chapter 3: Consilium
Chapter 4: Impetu
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Kylo stood behind (y/n) once again, but this time it was different, this time she was not in his arms, she was in the center of the thrown room. Floating in the air, screaming so loudly he could not hear. She was being tortured, and he could do nothing to stop it, nothing to end her suffering or to sacrifice himself. Snoke spoke up with a terrible growl, looking past Kylo.
“Say it, admit to what you have done!” Snoke yelled looking passed him. Kylo turned seeing himself again.
“I will not to admit to such a thing.” He said and (y/n)’s torture only continued, the scream was heart shattering as she looked back him to the Kylo that stood across the room. He couldn’t take to see her like this but the one he looked at seem to not care, and the one he looked at was him. Her skins work him from his thought and he walked over to the other version of himself.
“Say it!” He said but the other Kylo did not move. “Say whatever it is you did! Don’t let this continue!” He yelled and tried to grab the other him but his hands slipped threw. “Oh stars... please. Don’t let this continue...”
“Admit to tampering with the force, and she will be set free.” Snoke said his voice fury. Kylo looked around confused once he heard what Snoke had said, he moved away from his other self as he processed the allegation, tampering with the force. He hadn’t done that. Had he? He looked over at (y/n) she was in pain, he couldn’t bare to look at her.
Had his child with her broken the ways of the force, or will he do something that will. He was snapped out of his thoughts by the color red, it was bright against her dress. Blood.
Her blood
He shot up from the bed again, this time tears coated his eyes as he looked around. He was in his room tonight so she was not there to comfort him, but he needed to see her, needed to know if she was alright, if his child was alright. He got up dressing himself in a loose black robe before making his way across the hall and into her apartment. He found the nights off and the room was colder then normal, but she was sitting in the chair by the window, the lamp flickering on and off as she waved her hand near it.
“I thought I told you not to do that...” he said walking across the room towards her. He grabbed her hand and the lamp turned off, leaving only the stars to illuminate the room. “You’re going to hurt yourself...”
“If I don’t it feels like I’m going to explode, I have to do something with it...” she said looking up at him and playing with his fingers.
“How’s the baby?” He asked squatting down in front of her, his large hands coming up to lay gently in her 5 month pregnant stomach. The baby was strong, still feeling it was stronger then it should be.
“Okay I hope.” She said running her fingers threw his hair. “The nurses said it was healthy.”
“Nothing unusual?” He said looking up at her.
“Not that they could tell, as far as anything goes it’s me doing this, not the baby...” he furrowed his brow at the thought, did she really have the force this whole time and he didn’t know?
“But I’ve lived my whole life without feeling anything like this Kylo, I don’t think it’s me.” She said with worry in her eyes. He moved up kissing her lips gently.
“If it’s not you then we have a little Sith Lord on our hands.” He said against her lips causing her to chuckle.
“One can only hope.” She said kissing him again. “now, do you want to tell me why you’re awake so late?” She said pushing hair away from his face, then running her hand down his neck to his exposed chest under the untied robe. He sighed and placed his hand over hers, it laid on his heart perfectly.
“I had to see if you and the baby were alright.” He said rubbing her stomach feeling the life force in it.
“Don’t lie to me...” she said her small hand coming up and cupping his face, he shook his head and took in a deep breathe looking down . “Kylo...” she said and he looked back up at her, eyes watery, glazed over with tears. “Come here...” she said pulling him into her, letting him cry into her shoulder as she played with his hair.
“I never realized how much a family meant to me till I got you,” Kylo said with a sob into her shoulder, his weak voice broke her heart.
“I got you, and this child, and a future I never thought I’d have.” He said his voice breaking with every words, his left hand falling down to her stomach, pushing away the thin shirt and letting his warm hand rest of her warm skin.
“You gave me the chance to be the father, my father never was.” He took in a deep breathe to calm down, pushing away the flash backs of the nightmare. “If something happened to you, or this child, I don’t know what I’d do with myself (y/n)”
“This is about your dreams isn’t it...” she said realization running threw her, fear slowly creeping up her spine.
“You don’t need to worry about those, everything will be fine. I promise.” She said looking at him.
“I do, that’s the problem.” He pulled away and held her face in his hands.
“I love you, (y/n)....”
His words made her face heat up, her whole body in-fact. She could almost feel tears in her eyes, no, she did feel tears In her eyes, damn pregnant emotions. She was crying in front of him and he couldn’t do anything but wipe them away, and think he over stepped. His large thumps moved over her cheeks wiping away her tear as she looked at him.
“(Y/n) I didn’t mean to upset you, I... I’m sorry I just...” he shook his head and watched her, he didn’t know what to do or how to act.
“No, Kylo... you did nothing wrong.” She smiled at him. “I love you too.” She said pulling him into a kiss, it was loving passionate, different from there first. This one packed much more emotion.
“Come on lets sleep, I have a mission tomorrow.”
When she woke up he was gone, she knew he was on a mission though so it was shocking. Just like the next 3 days without him, it wasn’t a shock to find him not here. It wasn’t until the forth day that she began to worry. Because the day following was much different.
She had finally fallen asleep, Kylo not being around was taking a toll on her sleeping, it seems she can’t find any with him around unless she can’t stand to be awake any longer. Like now.
She wasn’t standing on the ship, or in her room, or anywhere familiar to her at least. It was cold, frozen, the trees were taller then any she’d ever seen. But the glow, the glow that she could see peeking threw the trees was familiar. The fed meeting the blue, the sound of light of light. Kylo...
she ran towards its avoiding trees and going as fast as she could. The long black of the dress she’s fallen asleep I’m trailing behind her. When she got to them everything felt to real, she was still far away enough that they didn’t notice her, but the cold on her skin pricked up telling her this wasn’t a dream, this was real. She watched unsure of what to do until Rey had him down about to finish him, she was there in an instant, her hands held up the lightsaber stopping mid air. She saved him, with the force, and she couldn’t explain it.
“(Y/n)” Kylo said shocked going to grab her but then she was gone and with just enough time to get the upper ground on Rey again. She saved his life and neither of them knew how.
She sat up quickly her hand meeting her stomach as floating objects around the room fell to the floor creaking noise. What had she done? Was that real or a dream? She looked around with her hands shaking as she saw the broken items on the floor. She was scared, not only for her but for the child. If the child could give her those powers, what would they be able to do full grown? What would people use them for? Who would use them?
“Snoke...” she said below her breath, and as if on cue Hux walked in with a concerned look on his face, seeing her shaking form her ran to her checking in her without a second thought. The back of his hand rested on her forehead checking for a fever, while he kept asking if anything hurt or if she felt ok. She didn’t answer him tho, she kept trying to piece together what just happened.
“(Y/n)” he said making her look at him. “Answer me”
“I’m fine... “ she said nodding at him, closing her eyes and look down trying to remember what happened.
“What happened in here?” He said looking around the room.
“I don’t know.”
2 days, When Kylo returned he rushed to find her, he needed to know she was okay. He ran into her room finding her playing with floating Pens and pillows, as soon as he caught her eye she dropped them.
“Kylo...” she said looking at him and standing up.
“You saved my life...” he said moving to her grabbing her face in his hands.
“That was real...” she said shaking her head. “No I couldn’t... I... Kylo...”
“You saved my life, Princess.” He kissed her head and hugged her tightly, they stayed like that for a moment until his hands moved to her arms and he looked at her.
“Let me train you...” he said and she nodded.
“What if you don’t come back?” She said looking at him, they were in his office and she didn’t like the idea he had. He wanted to pretend to be Ben Solo again so Rey would help kill Snoke.
“I’ll come back I promise..” he moved holding her face. “ and when this is all over, I want you to marry me...” he said moving and holding out a silver ring with a large crystal on it, it was breathe taking, truly astonishing.
“Kylo I’m still a married women I ca—“
“And when Snoke is gone you can leave Hux, and be with me without a problem.... please.” He said pleading with her.
“How long will you be gone?” She said resting her forehead against his.
“2 months at most, I promise...” he said kissing her head. She took the ring from his hand placing it on her finger, the color of it changed instantly, turning purple against her skin. He chuckled seeing her reaction.
“It’s made from a piece of clear Kyber crystal, so it will change color to suit its user.” He looked at her. “It will protect you as well.” His said rubbing circles over her hand. She smiled at him and kissed him one last time.
“I love you”
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Taglist: @hxldmxdxwn @jediminddicks1000 @sarcasticbitch @supervengerslock @petalsrdead @dark-night-sky-99 @thomasscresswell
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Chapter 37 - A Strange Girl Who Is Everything I’ve Ever Dreamed
Seattle Washington, September 21 1990
(Andi is 20, Chris is 26)
ANDI: "Ok, I can do this right? I mean... right?" I say as I stand in front of the full length mirror in our bedroom, My dark curls styled in loose ringlets that cascaded down passed my shoulders, looking at the simple white strapless dress that hugged my bust perfectly and flowed down to just above my knee. It pretty much looks just like a sun dress with a lace overlay starting from just under the bust. It's pretty '60's inspired and it was all I could afford - and it was the only dress that I found suited me the best without it being too elaborate, that also went perfectly with these solid white heels on my feet that feel too tall. I just hope I don't trip at any point.
"Yes, baby girl... you can do this,"
I turn around and see my father John, standing in the doorway leaning against the frame in a white dress shirt, black jeans and a black jacket. His hair just to his shoulders and a full beard and I suddenly felt like a little girl again.
"Daddy," I say and my bottom lip trembles as he walks over to me and embraces me in a hug.
"How's my girl?" He says and I practically cry feeling his arms around me. I hadn't seen him since December last year and I knew I missed him, I just didn't think it was this much. He smells exactly the same, reverting me back to when I was a little girl and I would hang on his every word and snuggle into him as he held me.
"Uh, well I'm getting married," I giggle through my tears as I pull away from him.
"I see that," He chuckles as he glances over me.
"Oh my god, I'm a mess," I say as I turn back to the mirror and grab a tissue wiping my eye trying carefully not to mess up my make up.
"No sweetie you are beautiful... you look just like your mother when we got married," He says and I turn back to him. "I wish she could see... " he trails off for a moment and looks down at himself.
"It's ok daddy... she's here," I say and he gives me a half smile.
"You know... I always loved your mother. No matter what. I made mistakes and I regret the day that I left more than anything -
"Daddy - "
"No you need to hear this. I miss her more than anything. I know we probably were never meant for each other but she was a really good woman, and I loved her very much and I was just too damn stubborn and hardheaded in my ways to realize just how much she wanted me to be there... How much she really meant to me," John looks at me with his dark eyes filled with so much love for me and so much regret.
"Daddy it's ok... she knows,"
He gives me a small smile, then takes me in his arms again embracing me in a hug and I knew for sure the tears were going to start again.
"I love you my baby girl," He says, his voice deep and comforting.
"I love you too daddy," I sigh and he holds me for a few more moments and then pulls away giving me a kiss on my forehead.
"Ok, I'm gonna let you finish getting ready and I'll meet you at the back sliding door... that is where we planned it right?"
"Yes," I giggle. I can tell he's a little nervous about giving me away. He gives me a wink and squeezes my hand then turns and heads out of the bedroom. I then turn back to the mirror and try to fix up the rest of my make up, making sure nothing smudged with all the emotions I'm feeling. Suddenly I somehow couldn't shake this weird dizzy feeling, thinking maybe it was just cause I haven't eaten anything. I've been way too nervous to even think about food all morning.
I take in a few deep breaths and close my eyes for a moment to try and focus but it's almost like it made it worse.
Ok, Andi, you're ok... just relax
I flick open my eyes and make my way to the bathroom that was just beside our bedroom, and lean against the sink. I haven't felt like this in a long time and usually this happens when I'm about to have a time slip. I've been taking those pills so I have no idea where this is coming from. I steady myself for a moment and glance at myself in the bathroom mirror when everything really started to get blurry. I open up the medicine cabinet and take out the bottle of Lorazepam, then just as I popped open the bottle cap, everything went completely dark.
CHRIS: Standing outside in our backyard, I feel like I have been waiting forever for this moment. I'm finally making Andi my wife and all I could think about was how incredibly nervous I am in front of all these people. I know it's just friends and family but still, I can't help but feel that way, especially when they are watching. I glance down at myself in my black button up shirt, that I left untucked and black pants and adjust my suede wrist bands, fidgeting with them because I'm so damn nervous.
Everyone had taken their place. My sister Katy standing next to Demri, My brother Peter standing next to me, My mom sitting in the middle row with my older brother Patrick, Kim matt and Ben all sitting in the back row along with Layne, Jerry, Stone, Jeff and Eddie. Eddie Vedder - now one of my closest best friends - sitting in the back with his date that he brought - I think she said her name is Beth? - Anyways, When Jeff and Stone and I started working on some music back in August, they introduced me to Ed and said that they were wanting to continue on in a band with him, and hit it off so incredibly well. He's such a great guy... he just has this soulfulness about him that reminds me of Andy. I know Andi was so shy around him at first and it was funny to see two incredibly shy people try to get to know each other. I think Andi was the one who said something first though... and we all know how hard it is for her to be the one to spark up a conversation.
Speaking of Andi, where the hell is she?
"So are we almost ready to get started? Where's the bride - Andrea, it's Andrea right?" The officiant says to me.
"Yea, um... I think we are almost... ready?" I turn and give Peter a look of confusion and he looks down at his watch.
"Um, yea... let me go and see if she's ready," Peter says and pats me on the shoulder and heads down the small isle. I see Peter walk up to Susan who had just come out of the house and say something to her, Susan nods, then disappears back into the house.
"Susan's going to check on her," Peter says as he comes back down the isle and takes his place beside me again.
"Ok," I say and start to fidget again.
"You alright brother?" Peter asks.
"Yea, yea... I'm just nervous," I say. After a few moments, Susan comes back, walking down the isle and smiling to everyone as they greet her, then finally reaches me.
"She's gone," She lifts herself up and whispers in my ear.
"What?" I say flatly.
"She's not in the bedroom," She says again. Feeling my heart begin to pound a million times a minute, I gently move her out of the way and walk hurriedly down the isle while our guests begin to stir, wondering what's going on. I make my way inside the house and run as fast as I can up the stairs to our bedroom and she is nowhere to be found.
"No.. No, no, no, baby not now,"
I check the opposite bedroom, and nope not in there either. I then quickly run into the bathroom and see her dress laying in a clump on the floor with her white shoes and white lacy garter belt.
(Andi is 28)
ANDI: "I'm sorry!" I yell back to the neighbor screaming at me as I fumble putting on one of the shoes I had taken from the back yard from one of the houses a few streets over from our house. It's my freaking wedding day, and I can't believe I had somehow forgot to tell myself that this would happen. At least I was able to make it back to the same neighborhood.
I couldn't have slipped at a worse time either. Right in the middle of Chris and I... well... god his lips felt so fucking good, hitting that perfect spot. I was so fucking goddamn close too. Fucking Christ!
I quickly make my way down a few blocks, pretty much running so that I wouldn't make the ceremony too late and finally come up to our old house. There were tons of cars parked outside, but it looks like everyone is in the backyard. Pushing my curls behind my ear, I quietly make my way up to the front door, head inside and immediately up the stairs, hearing everyone's voices out in the backyard. I step into the bedroom, walk over to the window and see everyone conversing while it looks like Chris and Peter are talking to my dad and preventing people from coming inside the house.
"Shit, ok gotta hurry," I say to myself and run into the bathroom, tearing off my stolen clothes and jumping in the shower to quickly clean myself.
Fuck, I'm so hungry
In no time I finish, dry myself off and try to style my curls as best I could. I remember my hair was so perfect in soft loose ringlets, now it's damp as I try to scrunch it with some hair product knowing I don't have time to whip out the curling iron to make it the way it was that day - I mean this day. I quickly change into my wedding dress, finding it a little tighter than I remember but still able to get it on, only now the top of my cleavage is visibly showing.
I guess my boobs did get bigger.
I then grab the white garter belt and slide it up to my thigh, then slip on my white shoes. I then head back into the bedroom to check myself in the full length mirror, try and fluff my curls a bit as they fall down around my shoulders in tight curls and see if I can quickly throw on some make-up. As I move over to my dresser I hear a few voices coming up the stairs again and I start to panic a little.
"I'm just gonna check the bedroom again, you never know she might have - "
The door opens and I quickly close up my powder compact and see Chris in his black button up dress shirt, untucked with the top 2 buttons undone, his necklaces laying against his bare chest, those black suede wrist bands and black dress pants, his curls - oh my god those gorgeous curls I miss - down passed his shoulders with his silver hoop earrings poking through, his beard perfectly trimmed, neat and subtle when he first started to grow it, and those beautiful blue eyes that light up my soul each time he lays them on me.
"Hi baby," I smile at him and he immediately rushes over to me and wraps his arms around me, holding me tightly and whispers "Hi"
"Um, could you just give us a few minutes?" Chris says after a few moments of him holding me and turns to whoever was with him and they nod and head back downstairs. Chris then closes the bedroom door and turns back to me.
"Ok, tell me that I'm not crazy here, but I could have sworn you... you looked different this morning... or..." He says as he walks over to me. His eyes wander over my body, landing at my chest lingering for a moment, and then flicking back to my eyes.
"No, I'm the same... I just, decided to change my make-up," I say and bite my bottom lip.
Holy shit he looks so fucking gorgeous.
He keeps his eyes on mine for a few moments and once again looks over my body, then catches my left hand noticing the tattoo on my ring finger had been completed. He takes my hand and then flicks his eyes back to mine.
"We're already married aren't we?" He asks.
"Yea," I say after a few moments.
"When are you coming from?" He asks glancing over my chest again.
"Uh, 1998" I breathe as his cologne fills my nostrils the closer he moves to me.
"So... are you here to marry me?"
" I am,"
"So when you come back, we aren't actually married then?" He asks and I can see the look of confusion take over him.
"Technically no, but you take me to city hall and we make it official then" I tell him.
"Do you at least come back in time for... tonight?" He raises his eyebrow at me.
"I do," I say remembering our wedding night. It was the best night of my life. "But just go easy on me ok? I'm probably not going to be exactly my happy self when I come back,"
He gives me a concerned look for a moment and moves closer to me. I didn't really want to get into specifics but I remember feeling incredibly heartbroken when I slipped. He then touches his forehead to mine and I close my eyes relishing in the scent of him. He then places his lips on mine starting gentle at first then swiping his tongue across my bottom lip and deepening the kiss. Without realizing it, my fingers make their way to his hair, lacing them through his curls, relishing in them as he draws me into him.
Dear fucking god, his lips feel so good.
He then pulls away from me and glances down at my chest again.
"See something you like?" I raise my eyebrow at him.
"Uh..." He trails off and I catch him biting his bottom lip. "You uh, you're fucking gorgeous in that dress," He adds flicking his eyes back to mine.
"We better get downstairs before people start to wonder what's going on up here," I sigh when he touches his forehead to mine wanting him to just make love to me right here, right now.
"Yea, you're right. Ok, I'll head down first," He says, places another kiss on my lips, then reluctantly pulls away from me and turns, adjusting himself and I giggle.
"You shush," He says flashing me a smirk before he disappears downstairs.
Seattle Washington, April 2 1980
(Andi is 20, Chris is 15)
ANDI: "Shit! Jeezus What the Fuck?!" Chris yelps as I suddenly appear on the bathroom floor completely naked while he is in the clawfoot bathtub taking a shower. He covers himself but looks completely terrified at me while the water continues running over him.
"Andi, oh my God, um... shit," He says and turns the shower off while I try to gather myself together. I still feel incredibly dizzy. He quickly jumps out of the bathtub and grabs a towel from the rack to cover himself with and an extra one for me. He moves back over to me and nervously helps wrap me in a towel, giving me the shyest smile.
"Hi," He says sweetly. My god he's so young and his hair is so short.
"Um, hi," I say a little disoriented.
"Are you ok?" He asks.
"Yea, I think so," I say as he helps me sit up on the toilet. Suddenly he starts to giggle and which in turn made me start because I seriously did not mean to scare him, but I have to admit, that scream he let out was hilarious.
"Here, let me get you something um, I'll be right back," He says laughing and hurries out of the bathroom while I continue to giggle and situate myself a little better. A few minutes later he comes back wearing only a pair of grey sweatpants and one of his T-Shirts for me.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you," I giggle.
"It's ok, I figured you wanted me to scream like a girl at some point," He laughs as he crouches down so that he is pretty much eye level with me. He hands me over the T-Shirt and I quickly pull it on, flipping my curls out from underneath. It was pretty much a night shirt on me as it was long enough to come down to my mid-thigh.
"It's um... it's good to see you," He says with a small smile.
"You, too," I say as I look into his incredibly young features.
"I was um, just gonna hang out at home today so... wanna hang out with me?" He asks so cutely.
"Yea sure," I smile back at him. He then holds out his hand for me and I take it, and he leads me out into the living room part of the basement of his old house he lived in with his mom.
ANDI: "So... what should I put on now?" Chris asks me as he crawls on his knees over to the stereo and stops the turntable.
"I don't know... I'm cool with whatever," I say as I lay down on the shaggy carpeted floor of his living room with my eyes closed my legs crossed at the ankle with my one arm supporting behind my head.
"Ok, um... do you wanna pick something?" He says as he looks back at me with those blue eyes.
"Mmmm... how about the Ramones?" I ask.
"Road to Ruin?" He smiles at me.
"Sure," I say and he immediately flips though his records, finds it and puts it on. He then moves back over to the coffee table, sitting in front of it and just beside me, grabs the joint that was burning in the ashtray and takes a few drags from it.
"You know, you never said when you're coming from," He says as he exhales a cloud of smoke.
"1990," I say quietly with my eyes still closed.
"Oh, so you're like what... how old?"
"20," I say quietly again.
"Huh..." He trails off and takes another drag.
"What?" I ask opening one eye at him.
"Nothing," He says and I close my eyes again. I can feel him studying me for a few moments and then he takes another drag.
"Andi, are you ok?" He asks. I guess he could tell that I really wasn't in the mood to be time travelling.
"Yea... yea I'm ok," I sigh wishing that I could tell him it's our wedding day and that all I want to do is just marry him and be with him but instead I ended up being here with him when he's only 15 and we can't do anything at all because that would be completely wrong, not to mention illegal if anything else. I always forget we're just friends in this time and as much as I love that he's my best friend, I just want to go back to my time.
But I love him so much. Fuck this fucking sucks. I hate myself so fucking much.
"Andi?" He asks again and I find myself trying to hold back my crying but I just couldn't help it. I cover my face with my hands and start to sob, feeling like an absolute idiot.
"Hey, no... no don't cry. Did I say something wrong?" He asks as he butts out the joint.
"No," I say quietly as I wipe my eyes and sit up. He moves even closer to me while I continue to wipe my tears away. He pushes my curls behind my ear, and cups my face in his palms looking at me with those blue eyes that are so young and have no idea of the life ahead of him.
"Andi, you can tell me anything you know that right?" He says and I'm suddenly reminded of his birthday in the park when he said the exact same thing, the exact same way only I really can't tell him everything right now. I then wrap my arms around him wanting him to hold me and feeling his arms slowly embrace me. Without him saying one more word, he hugs me tighter as I softly cry into his shoulder.
Seattle Washington, September 21 1990
(Andi is 28, Chris is 26)
CHRIS: "... and Chris, do you take Andrea Marie O'Riden to be your lawfully wedded wife, in good times and in bad times, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others as long as you both shall live?"
"I do," I say without any hesitation as I slip the white gold wedding band on her finger, knowing it is the only time she will ever wear it.
"Alright, with the power bestowed upon me and by the state of Washington, I now pronounce you... Husband and Wife,"
I smile looking into those beautiful dark eyes of hers and knowing that she is an older version of herself, she is still so incredibly beautiful and everything that I ever dreamed about.
"...you can kiss your bride," the officiant says to me with a chuckle and I immediately lean down to her, pressing my lips to hers as she giggles against my lips for a moment, then cups my face in her palm. At that moment, everything stood completely still as I hear all of our friends and family laugh and cheer for us, applauding as I pretty much refuse to take my lips away from hers.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I now introduce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher John Cornell," The officiant says proudly though I still remain placing a few quick kisses on her lips while she giggles so sweetly as everyone continues to applaud us.
Hours later, I sit in one of the large reading chairs in our living room as the last of our guests leave. Susan walks over to me while my hand grips my roots as I play with Andi's wedding band between my fingers.
"You need anything?" She says as she places her hand on my shoulder.
"No... just my wife back," I exhale and lay my head back on the chair, closing my eyes.
"I know... she'll come back. She always does," Susan gives me a small smile and I return it, glancing up at her. She then turns and makes her way to the front door giving me a soft wave as she says goodbye, and I am left alone to wait for my love to come back to me.
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yougottalovekyloren · 4 years
Until Death Do Us Part (Part 4)
A/N: Guys, I cannot thank you enough for all of your support! Although I know that  notes on Tumblr are not everything, reading your comments and seeing all the love makes me so happy.  I’m glad that my writing can reach so many people. :) If you have any requests for a particular imagine or series, please let me know! I have a few ideas in mind for what I will write next, but I am always open for requests. 
Have a fantastic day!
I just saw TROS the other night....and holy crap, my heart is in pieces! the ending was... well, I won’t spoil anything. But I will say that that I wasn’t expecting it to end like this. </3 (a good movie overall tho) See you all next update :)
-M <3
TAG LIST (Comment or message me if you’d like to be on it for future updates!):
The destruction that ensued the moment that Kylo Ren found the holding cell to be empty upon returning to it was beyond catastrophic. 
In all of her time serving the First Order, Captain Phasma had never seen the Supreme Leader fall into a fit of rage so destructive as this one. She found herself standing outside of the cell, standing rigid as she listened to his lightsaber slash through whatever solid object that stood before him.  
It only took seconds before his screams erupted, crackled shards of rage as they came through the voice modulator of his mask. The Supreme Leader was beyond angry.... he was devastated. 
He hadn’t been able to keep his wife and guests safe at the wedding banquet, and he hadn’t been able to sense Hux’s betrayal even within his own ship. And now... he couldn’t hold the weasel accountable for his actions. 
The lightsaber shut off. 
A few moments of silence that followed were almost deafening, compared to the chaos that had ensued previously. But they were essential, as the white hot rage that had blinded the short tempered man began to fade away, his rationality returning to him. 
Lightsaber still in hand, Kylo Ren made his way out of the cell and turning to the silver plated figure waiting near. “Do you recall the numbers of the troops who were on guard at the door?” 
Slightly startled at the sudden evenness of the Supreme Leader’s tone, the Captain fumbled with her words momentarily before speaking. “Yes, Supreme Leader. JW-786 and TA-887.” 
“Good. Kill them, but first, extract any information they may have of Hux’s escape.”  Kylo began to walk down the hall, the Captain following not far behind. “If they don’t speak, bring them to me. But first, organize search parties on board, and see if any escape pods have been fired. You know what to do from-”
“Supreme Leader!” 
The two masked figures’ heads snapped forward to find a doctor rushing towards them. Kylo’s heart immediately jumped in his chest as he saw the urgency on the man’s face. 
“What news?” 
“Lady Y/N has finally opened her eyes.”  
“I feel we must take your temperature once more, just to be sure.” 
“Only one more test, Lady Y/N. We need you to recover in full health.” 
Y/N sat quietly as she watched the numerous doctors fuss over her body, deciding whether or not a certain dosage of a particular medication would be more beneficial than that of another. 
She frankly didn’t care. Her mind had wondered free from the bed she lay in, drifting into oblivion as only one thought presided above the rest: where was her husband?
It has only been a few days to a week since she had seen Ben, but for her, it felt like an eternity. She did not know whether or not she would return after the complications only days previous. Y/N longed to be with him once more, to know that despite the possible devastation that the attempt on her life could’ve brought, their love would be strong enough to keep them together. 
A love that was far greater than any love that existed before or after theirs. 
A love that stretched far... across the stars. 
Heavy footsteps broke Y/n from her train of thought and looked up in time to see Kylo Ren entering the room at a rather rapid pace. Even with his helmet on, she could almost feel his relief radiating off of him in waves. 
“Out. All of you.” His tone was clipped and it only took a handful of moments before the staff had fully evacuated the room. 
“Ben...” She whispered softly, her eyes pooling with tears as he removed his helmet in a matter of seconds, tossing it to the side along with his lightsaber he carried in hand before leaning in to press his lips urgently against her own. Closing her eyes, the Supreme Leader’s wife happily returned the kiss, but winced moments later as a small sharp pain pricked her bandaged wound. 
“Are you okay?” his eyes reflected intense concern and worry, almost as if he feared that Y/N would slip right through his fingers. “Do you need me to call them back in? I-” 
“Sssh.” A small giggle bubbled past Y/N’s lips at his nearly comical overreaction. “My side is still a little sore.  But I haven’t bled through my bandages. There is no need to worry, my stars.” 
The anxiousness slowly disappeared from Kylo’s face at the use of the all too familiar nickname for him, and a soft smile pulled up his lips as he sat on the edge of the bed 
His hand reached to take hers and it was silent for a few minutes before he spoke once more, this time in a nearly broken whisper. 
“I really thought I was going to lose you.” 
“Ben....”  Y/N’s lips nearly trembled as she watched his eyes water with tears, one eventually escaping and streaking down his cheek. “I’m okay.” 
“You almost weren’t okay.” His normally controlled tone had cracked and her heart nearly split into pieces at sound of his pain. “I didn’t know if you would ever wake up. You have no idea how destroyed I would’ve been if you had left me.”
Y/N looked at him softly, taking in his appearance. His eyes, nearly always warm and fun of life when around her, were anxious yet full of relief and love as well. His brown orbs were red from tears that had spilled over the time her consciousness had slipped from my grasp. 
“You will always have me, my love. Beside you or in spirit, I will always be with you.” 
“No harm will come to you ever again.” He brought his wife’s hand up to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on the cool smooth skin. “You’re the only thing that matters.” 
A wave of uncertainty rolled over her, as the memory of walking on him during his conversations with the Scavenger played in her mind. Certainly that connection mattered. And what of his duties to the First Order? 
The Supreme Leader frowned, feeling her unease through the Force. “What troubles you? Do you doubt what I say?” 
“No...” Y/N hesitated before continuing. “But you have so many other things in your life that are important. The First Order... the Scavenger...” 
“The Scavenger?”  He was fairly confused, not sure where this was coming from.
 Kylo had not shared of his connection with the Scavenger through the Force with his wife, which he assumed would be better in the end. But it wasn’t as if he had anything to hide. The relationship was strictly platonic, absolutely no feelings existing between the two, at least from his end. 
Y/N’s cheeks flushed slightly and she looked away quickly. A gloved finger gently pulled her gaze back to face her husband. 
“Why would you think the Scavenger matters more than you?” 
“I walked in one day while you were... communicating with her.” Y/N shrugged slightly before continuing. “I just know that’s something we won’t ever have.  I don’t want to take you away from something as important as that.” 
Kylo had begun to shake his head before she had even finished her last sentence. 
“There is not a doubt in my mind who I would chose if it came down between the two of you.”  His voice was a gentle, warm murmur. “I love you. And you are not taking some connection away from me.  She will be no use to me  in only a number of days. There is no need to worry, my stars. No one shines brighter than you do in my eyes.” 
Y/N nodded slowly, her eyes sparkling with tears but also relief.  With a bright, rarely seen smile, the Supreme Leader leaned in and pressed his lips against her own. “We are going to be okay, my stars. I promise you-”
“I wouldn’t be so sure of those words if I were you, Supreme Leader.”   Kylo turned to find General Hux standing behind him, the Supreme Leader’s lightsaber clipped onto his own belt. 
A smug grin pulled at the corners of his lips as he pulled out a gun with his remaining hand, aiming directly at Kylo Ren’s forehead before chirping, “I think we have a few things to take care of, don’t we?” 
A/N: Another cliff hanger. You’re welcome ;)
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zwiezraczek · 4 years
Hii!:) I’m the one that requested the Clementine blurb and omgg you always surprise me with the scenarios!! sooo, I’m here with another one jsjsjs, can I ask for #3 with Ben she/her, and if it is ok with you can you add “there’s something I need to get out of my chest”, “omg you’re in love with him/her”. It’s ok if u don’t tho:) 💕 - :D
I'm So Into You [Blurb]
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3. “Excuse-me, why are you blushing?” // “There's something I need to get out of my chest”, “Omg you're in love with her!”
Your first day at work. You feel stiff, your body tense and everything blurred all around you. You breathe in, then out before a man opens the door right in front of you. You politely smiled, before holding his hand and squeezing it as he invited you to follow him.
You never thought that you would go so far in this kind of job, mostly because of your posture and your angelic look. But this was the assumption commonly made about you: a fragile and weak young woman. But you had muscles, maybe more than some of all these men claiming to be stronger than you. And you were kind, a nice person to work with, so naturally, celebrities began to hire you as their bodyguard. First, you had to protect women, feeling more comfortable with a women around them than with a pack of men around them, you tried to be discreet but always there for them. And from mouth to ear, you became one of the most wanted bodyguard in the country. Nothing big. Really.
And right here, right now, you began to work for Ben Hardy, you know, the infamous Ben Hardy. One of the most talented actors of his generation and literally a beautiful man. Yes, nothing big at all, you thought as you walked in the large corridor of his agency towards an office where he sat, probably waiting for you for a long moment. You took in a deep breath, everything would be alright.
“Ben, here's your new bodyguard, y/n,” his agent presented you, and Ben turned around to see your face. And you saw his green pearly eyes looking at you, you felt your cheeks becoming really hot, instantly. Breathe, breathe.
“Excuse me, y/n, but why are you blushing,” he asked you, looking pretty much concerned at you as you tried to cool down, “are you feeling well? Maybe you need some water?”
“No, no, no,” you babbled quickly, already embarrassed. Damn, first day at work and you already were feeling like an idiot. Focus, for god's sake! “It happens to me sometimes, it's the change of temperature and all,” you lied before going to sit next to him. He rose from his chair, and offerd you his hand. You squeezed it too, in a little disbelief.
“I'm happy to work with you, I heard you do wonders,” he commented before sitting back.
“I hope I do,” you replied before sitting on the chair next to him, facing his agent who began to talk about your contract.
This would be the death of you.
You worked for Ben Hardy for about a month now, it had been a nice routine for you: he had many appointments to which you showed up with the group of other bodyguards, but often, you were sent ahead with Ben, wearing a casual outfit, being around him just to protect him, incognito. And mostly, this was how you spent your days protecting him from groupies, being polite but firm, smiling but able to become as fierce as needed to fulfill yourduty.
After one of his movies premiere, you and your whole bodyguards squad took him home. You began to small talk about things and others, all together because Ben was the kind of person to not treat you as his employees only, he wanted to create a communions between all of you. And it worked. You quickly clicked over action movies, talking about them whenever you had the occasion to while you were in the car sitting in front of him, talking about this movie you saw. And that night, was no exception. Except Ben wanted to show you his new discovery, a new series about martial arts which he found absolutely amazing. And he wanted you to watch it with him, which was very, very, very unprofessional of you. But you accepted.
This was on that night that you kissed. You had your blazer put on the armrest of his couch, wearing only your white collar shirt and black trousers, your legs on the couch as he came back with some snacks while you watched the series, commenting the action scenes. But you felt his gaze on your face, during a longer moment that you first thought. You looked at him, and both of you leaned closer, and closer until your mouths met. Both of you made the move, crossing the line. The kiss, this magical moment that both of you wouldn't forget, ever. His hand on your cheek, slowly rubbing it with his thumb as he kissed you, endlessly. And at that moment you knew: you fell deep.
Nobody could know about it, and nobody would. And like this, everything carried more fun, more excitement and danger: you loved it both. Stolen glances, hands brushing against each other or quick kisses before leaving his house became your favorite game, a scandal bringing game if ever lost. And whenever you could, you stood next to him trying to hide your fond smile, because you knew he was yours and you were his. The best moments were during interviews, when he had to answer numerous questions, trying to stay as calm as possible during minutes without looking at you, you standing in one corner, arms crossed on your chest, your head tilted delicately as you watched him. Sometimes, a colleague elbowed you, just to remind you why you were working here “not for the pretty eyes of his” one of them said. First, you weren't, but once something had happened between the two of you? Nothing could have stopped you from drowning in his beautiful eyes.
As often as he could, he tried to ask you to work during the parties he was invited to, just you, and only you. He was having fun, mostly with the people he knew – such as Joe, Joe was always there, or Gwilym but mostly Joe – and you stood, an earbud in your ear as you watched him from afar, regretting that you weren't able to enjoy this time with him, that all you had was unprofessional and should have been forbidden. But at the same time, you wouldn't change anything for the thrill of this relationship.
“Oh my God, you're so in love with her,” Joe almost shouted into Ben's ear, who just exchanged a subtle look with you, even a little smile. He was caught off guard, maybe a bit too off guard for Joe.
“What are you talking about, mate?” Ben's voice seemed shakier than usual, trying to hide the uncomfortable situation Joe was trying to put him in.
“I see it in your Ariana Grande eyes, Benny,” Joe affirmed before showing you with his chin. “Don't tell me your bodyguard is here 'accidentally', huh, Benny?” He air quoted, before giving Ben a knowing look. This man was even more amazing than you thought he was: you could read panic on Ben's face as he tried to brush off the subject – probably you, you thought.
“I don't know what you're talking about, she's just working...”
“And you're just trying to kiss her with your eyes, just my opinion,” he teased him with a smirk as Ben rolled his eyes.
Joe knew. He definitely did.
“Okay, Ben, now you crossed the line.”
He looked up, a bit confused, as his fingers were typing on the screen and Joe looked at him with angry eyes. They were watching a movie, true, but you were texting him and... Well, he missed you, okay?
“What, mate,” he mumbled, looking at him, still his phone in hand.
“Now, you're telling me with who the hell you're texting or I'll discover it myself by stealing your phone,” he threatened, after pausing the movie they were watching together.
He was caught in the crossfire. Joe was too insistent, Joe seemed to know everything, Joe wanted and needed to know everything. And he had his ways with Ben, no wonder why they were so close during the filming of Bohemian Rhapsody. And right there, Joe had a point and Ben in a dead end. He had to speak.
“Okay so... There's something I net to get out of my chest,” he began before Joe just waved his hand.
“You're in love with your bodyguard, y/n, right?” As Joe spoke, Ben's eyes became wider, and even more when Joe added your name.
“How do you,” he tried to ask and Joe put his hand on Ben's shoulder.
“You were making out,” Ben began to breathe intensely, “with your fucking eyes, do you imagine that? Even Lucy noticed it!”
“Who else do you think noticed,” Ben asked, curious and terrified.
“Whoever had eyes,” Joe replied. “But no worries, star crossed lovers, your secret is safe with me... Or it isn't?”
“Joe, for the love of god, do not try to...”
“Just joking Benny, just joking!”
Ben sighed and smiled: he had to call you and tell you how exposed you were.
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lovehelpmewrite · 4 years
A Very Bad Day
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Title: A Bad Day
Pairing: Gwil x OFC!Ella
Word Count: 3.7k
Summary: Ella is having a... less than amazing day. It turns out Gwilym is just what she needed to turn it around though.
Warnings: underage drinking i know bad dont do it im sorry
[A/N]: Okay so I know this is technically before Macarons and Spoiled Surprises but it’s been bothering me for months that I never wrote the middle step between our first date and us doing... y’know, you’ve read it i hope. So yeah, this is that middle step. Half inspired by an actual shit day I had, half inspired by my better half having had a bad day the day I wrote this. Enjoy and feedback is always welcome!! Also thank you thank you thank you to my best fren Mic @o-holynight​ for making me another amazing header just for this fic you’re so good to me and if you haven’t yet go through her masterlist because it slaps 
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It was a crappy day. It was pouring, which normally I wouldn't mind—in fact I loved a good rainy day—but I had opened my window the night before and woken up to find my desk soaked in rain water and one of my notebooks with it.
"Ahhh shit," I muttered to myself as I woke up and climbed out of bed at the sound of the rain hitting the desk. I quickly latched the thing closed and looked down at the crinkling wet paper that was my notebook, picking it up by a corner and watching the water slide off the cover and off the pages. "Shhhhhit," I repeated, feeling my heart sink when I opened the cover and noticed the ink either bleeding into the other pages or sliding off along with the water. At least I didn't really use it, I thought. It was still sad to see something that I'd paid for just... Fall apart like this though.
I dropped it into the trash bin with a sigh and vowed to start getting ready to go out and buy a new one. Right after I have breakfast, I thought. As it turns out, there was no breakfast. No cereal, no pancake mix or frozen waffles. It was grocery day and Michaela had just left saying she was going to grab Joe so they could do the shopping for both at once. 
Okay so I'll go out for breakfast, I decided.
Except the coffee shop was closed. Again, no big deal but... It was another block in the freezing rain to the nearest cafe. It was too close to drive, especially because there was no parking down by it. Walking it is then. The sidewalk was slick with the freezing rain and the leftovers from the last snow so I tried my best to watch my steps and still maintain a quick pace. 
Needless to say I almost slipped—I didn't thankfully—but I caught myself at the last second in such a way that my umbrella swung out to the side and in an instant I felt drenched to the bone. I walked in looking like a half-drowned rat, ordered a muffin to go and tried to calm my anxious heart at the stares I was getting from the other patrons. In case you were wondering, yes, it's possible to angrily eat a muffin.
After I made it back to my car I drove to the nearest Staples and practically moaned as the warm rush of air hit my chilled face and body. I picked out a cute notebook—for sixteen fucking dollars, jesus Staples, cost more yeah?—and slapped it on the counter. The younger looking kid checking me out started at the noise but just smiled and asked if I wanted to join their rewards program. 
And then I was stood under the edge of the Staples sign trying to desperately shove the notebook in my jacket against my chest because what was once pouring rain had turned into a torrential downpour. It was like a sheet of water coming down at once while thunder boomed in the distance. I held an arm across my coat-covered-notebook and took a deep breath, readying myself for the sheer force of it to pound against the top of my umbrella.
By the time I got back to the dorm my legs up to my knees were soaked even despite my rain boots, as was the back of my coat and my umbrella. The notebook somehow survived the trip thankfully. As I was pulling it out of my jacket my phone buzzed in my coat pocket. A text from Mic.
Hey, over at the boys' and groceries are all put away
Is Gwil home? I might head over in a bit. Having a shit day :(
Aw im sorry :( he is tho I think. I'll ask
I waited a few seconds and then waited for the three dots while she typed.
He isn't but he's coming home in like half an hour from a reading
"Nice," I whispered to myself. Finally, something good today.
Im gonna shower. When he gets home tell him I'm coming?
Yeah ofc
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, glad to finally have something to look forward to. I took off my jacket and hung it on my door to dry before walking into the bathroom and peeling off my soaked jeans and socks, letting them sit on the floor while I turned the shower to scalding hot. I hissed as it hit my back but quickly adjusted to it, letting the water pooling at the bottom thaw my toes. I picked up my razor with a little indecision. He wasn't even going to see my legs or my armpits as far as I was planning, let alone anywhere near my underwear... I shaved anyway. As a way to pass time in the warm water at the least, and at the most it would make my sheets feel nice later. 
I got dressed in some loose sweats and a tank top, foregoing a bra with the assumption I was the only one home but when I came out of my room Sarah was back from her class eating at the table.
"Hey!" She said with a smile.
"Hey," I said back quietly, walking to the cupboard and pulling down a bag of chips. "How was class?"
"Ugh, don't even get me started. That dude was still trying to argue with the professor the entire class," she explained, rolling her eyes.
"Someone should keep a tally of every time he says something and then at the end of class take that many points off his latest paper or something," I offered with a small grin.
"We should, oh my god," she laughed back. "Hey, are you okay? Mic said you were having a crappy day."
I nodded, shrugging. "Yeah, I dont know it's just... A lot of little shit adding up, y'know?"
She nodded with a sad smile.
I took a deep breath and tried to stay positive though. "Good news though, I'm heading over to see the boys in a little bit. Did you wanna come with?"
"Ah, I'm going to meet Ben for lunch after his class gets out in like half an hour."
"Ah," I said in confirmation. "Okay, I'll see you later tonight? We need another girls night in, it's been too long."
She smiled, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, I'll see if I can pick up some stuff beforehand. It's your turn to pick right?" 
I nodded, "yeah." 
"Okay, cool. Nothing scary please? I like sleeping without nightmares."
I laughed, carrying the chips with me back to my room. "I'll do my best to let you keep your beauty sleep," I said over my shoulder before closing the door. 
I sat down on my bed with a sigh, dropping the chips next to me and reaching for my phone.
Gwil just got home, he's in the shower rn tho
Okay tell him im omw and I dont mind waiting or something
I made sure to pull on a sports bra and a sweatshirt before I left, as well as a pair of fuzzy socks inside my rain boots. I was nearly jogging across the street to the apartment, buzzing with excitement to see Gwil. 
We haven't been out on any dates since our second when he kissed me, but we had a lot of days where we walked each other to class or we'd get lunch together. Sadly, we hadn't kissed much since then but we made up for it with a lot of hand holding, or his palm on my back, or my hand on his knee and honestly... it was kind of nice just like that. Still, a day like today deserved some serious hugs at the very least. 
My frozen fingers shook as I pressed the buzzer and I exhaled in relief when it buzzed again and the lock clicked open, allowing me to rush into the warm elevator and ride up to the apartment. When I got up to the door though, I hesitated. 
Do I knock? Do I just walk in? Do I knock and then walk in anyways? 
I pulled out my phone and texted Mic.
Im outside the door
Come in lol?
Come open it I feel weird 
Between the previous cold and my embarrassment I'm sure my cheeks were tomato-red. She just smiled upon seeing me, waiting for me to take off my dripping boots and then motioning her head toward the couch.
"Gwil's probably getting out soon, you can wait with me and Joe on the couch," she explained, sitting back down next to Joe to watch whatever movie they had playing on the TV. I perched awkwardly on the edge of the cushion, trying—and failing—to control my bouncing knee while I waited for Gwil. 
I almost jumped at the soft greeting, springing off the couch and turning to him. My heart was thumping in my chest nervously.
He was just in sweats and a t-shirt but something about it was just so… hot. I hadn't noticed how shaggy his hair was getting until now, still dripping wet and hanging over his forehead a little. I almost missed when he jerked his thumb over his shoulder. 
"Do you wanna… my room?" He asked awkwardly.
I nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah- sure yeah."
I followed quietly behind him as he walked down the hall, stepping into the room and waiting for him to close the door. Then I was stuck just watching while he moved to sit on the edge of his bed with a bounce. I pressed my lips together to suppress an awkward smile, looking around his room. He had different playbills taped up on his wall above his bed, and his desk was covered in papers and packets and textbooks.
"So…" I started, bringing my eyes back to face him.
"So…" he mimicked back, a gentle smile growing on his face.
I breathed out a little laugh and moved to sit next to him on the edge of his mattress, copying his bounce from before and then bumping my shoulder into his.
"So how was your reading? How did it go?" I asked lightly, trying to start some sort of conversation, any conversation.
"Good! It was good," he answered back.
And then more quiet.
"Okay this is awful," I admitted before I could stop the words from coming out of my mouth.
Gwil's eyebrows shot up in surprise, like he couldn't believe I was saying it.
"Can we just like… I don't know, can we just watch something on your laptop or something? I just…" I blew out a quick breath and started to feel my eyes burn with tears I'd been holding in. "I've had a really shitty day and I was so excited to come over and see you and I don’t want it to be all... weird like it is."
He was quiet for a second, which gave me some time to calm back down a little and not actually shed tears.
"You're right," he sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "Okay, why don't we… Do you have something in mind to watch?" 
It was my turn to raise my eyebrows. "I mean I… what do you normally watch? What's your favorite show?"
It seemed to do the trick, the tension slowly released its grip on the room and we even managed to move back on his bed so he was positioned laying against his pillows and I was tucked neatly under his arm, half laying on his stomach. We'd agreed on Criminal Minds and somehow watched our way through two entire episodes before we forgot it all together and started talking… and then, well, kissing.
It started off innocent enough. I'd turned my head to joke about Spencer's hair in this season but instead found Gwil already looking at me with a soft smile.
"What?" I laughed.
He just gave a full smile and shook his head. "Nothing."
We were both quiet for a second, and then he leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips.
I smiled back and leaned back into him, pressing my lips to his again but longer this time, slower, lingering…
We pulled back slowly, eyes still half closed. And then I felt the slightest squeeze of his hand on my waist and he surged forward again, lips firmly against mine, his tongue teasing across my bottom lip before biting gently.
I hummed in appreciation, leaning further against him until my leg hooked in between his and his hand was sliding up my back into my hair and grabbing lightly. 
My heart was racing in my chest. Was this it? Was I going to fuck him not 50 feet from our friends? Why am i even thinking that? Calm the hell down. 
I practically had to force myself to pull away, my fist still twisted in his shirt, still breathing heavily and close enough to be tempted to go back but I made myself stop.
"We have to… we should just slow down a little," I said quietly.
Gwil nodded in agreement. "Yeah. Yeah you're right we should just… take it easy for a bit."
I nodded back. 
Still, we somehow gravitated towards each other again until we were kissing again, albeit softer this time. Somehow we managed to keep it slow. Calm. Instead of dipping back into... dangerous territory. It was just… nice. 
It was comforting and reassured a lot of doubts I had. It was almost like a little dance, like a conversation. He'd lean forward and catch my lip with his teeth and in return I'd slide my tongue against his lip. It was jarring when suddenly everything went quiet and we both pulled apart in question only to see Netflix asking if we were still watching.
I laughed a little which seemed to make Gwil laugh which made me laugh more and snort and then he laughed more until we were both clutching our stomachs gasping for air in between laughs. Once we'd finally calm down we were left just staring at each other, not waiting for the other to talk, just looking at each other's faces and smiles and eyes.
"Y'know I was having a pretty crappy day and you made it a hell of a lot more bearable," I said honestly.
"I'm happy I could make your day better," he answered back, his smile wide.
I paused for a minute, contemplating saying anything. "Is it… is it weird if I really like making out with you?"
He shook his head quickly, "no! No of course not. I'm glad my skills were… put to good use." His smile turned smug.
I shoved his chest jokingly, turning in his grasp like I was going to roll away. I grinned when his hand fell to my hip and pulled me back in against him so his mouth was slotted against mine.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"To find someone with better lines I guess," I laughed.
"Are you saying you don't like my pick up lines?" He fake pouted, lips puckered out and all.
I gave him a quick kiss. "That's exactly what I'm saying." I laughed again when he dramatically flopped against the bed like he couldn't believe it. I kissed his jaw sweetly, turning it into a raspberry which made him laugh.
"Careful there, I don't need any weirdly placed hickies," he warned with a grin.
"So just for clarification, you don't want a big hickey on your cheek?" I asked, pretending to get ready to mark his cheek.
"Definitely not."
"Hmm," I hummed in mock disappointment. "And I had such plans too."
"Yeah, I'm sure," he said back, turning his head to face me and tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. He slowly leaned in and gave me another peck on the lips, and then another… and then one more. "You know, I'm really glad you came over."
I smiled back at him. "Me too."
We were quiet once again, just staring at each other again, every once in a while saying some small comment or joke or compliment but otherwise quiet. After a little bit, just when I was starting to feel sleepy, there was a quiet knock on the door.
"Come in," Gwil answered.
Michaela poked her head in after a second with a small smile. "Hey, I was just going to head back, it's almost six," she said softly.
"Oh Jesus, is it really?" I asked in surprise, picking up my phone to see texts from Sarah asking when I'd be back home. "Damn," I laughed slightly.
"Yeah, Sarah said you wanted to do a night in so do you wanna go to the store before home?"
I nodded, slowly untangling myself from Gwil and sitting up, stretching out my muscles. "Yeah, I'll be out in a few minutes, I gotta get the feeling back in my legs," I chuckled.
"Okay, I'll go pull on my shoes."
I stretched out each of my arms and legs, turning awkwardly to stretch my spine before I sighed, turning back to face a very tired looking Gwilym. "Hi."
"Hi," he grinned back, briefly stretching his back before relaxing back against his pillows. "Before you go, come here."
I grinned and leaned back in, our lips connecting for a long, sweet kiss. "Was that all?" I asked after it ended.
"No, one more," he smirked, pulling me back in for another peck. "Okay one more," and then another peck, "just one more-"
"Gwil," I laughed in between kisses. "I- gotta- go- you big dork-"
He gave a big dramatic sigh after the last kiss when I stood up away from him. "Fine, if you must."
"I must," I grinned. "Sorry bub."
"No it's okay," he relented with a smile. "I'll see you on Saturday, right? You're still coming over to hang out?"
I nodded. "Of course, I can't wait." I was reluctant to leave him, looking so soft and inviting and ready for a nap… I forced myself to walk out and close the door behind me, walking out to the living room to find Mic pulling on her shoes while Joe stood by.
"Hey," I announced, making her look up at me after she had both boots on.
"Hey, ready?" 
"Yep, lets go get drunk," I affirmed.
"Woah woah woah," Joe interjected, making me turn to him.
"Sorry dad, was I not supposed to tell you that?" I laughed.
"No drinking and driving young lady, be responsible," he said, pointing a faux serious finger at each of us.
"Sure, yeah, whatever you say," I dismissed with a grin. I turned to Mic, "want anything particular? I was planning on wine and some candy."
She shrugged. "Sounds good to me. Grab me some of the uhh the sour patch watermelon things though? Oh! And Reece's pieces," she grinned at the last second as I was walking out the door.
"You already know," I grinned back, shaking my head and closing the door to let her and Joe do their own little goodbyes.
When I made it back down to the front door, ready to open my umbrella and sprint to my car, I noticed it had stopped raining. It was still wet everywhere and puddles took up half the sidewalk but the once black sky was lightened to a pale gray. Michaela beat me back to the dorm, unsurprisingly and I walked in with full arms, happy to be greeted by Sarah and Mic pulling things out of my hands and already opening things.
"Yesss you got the good shit Ella," Sarah said gratefully, pulling out a bag of m&m's.
"Always," I smiled, pulling out a plastic container of cotton candy for myself.
"Okay so what are we watching?" Sarah asked, already transporting stuff to the couches. 
It was obvious the two of them had moved everything for optimal TV viewing.
"I was thinking Umbrella Academy if that's cool?"
They both nodded, mouths already full of candy. 
I laughed. "Okay, Umbrella Academy it is then. I'll grab the wine."
Somewhere between the third and fourth episode we'd finished the first bottle of wine and went to open the second only to find it impossible.
"Just… open it," Sarah laughed, watching me trying to use the wine bottle opener to grab the cork and failing.
"I'm trying!" I laughed back, pulling out pieces of cork instead of the entire thing. "Dammit! Mic come help us!" I called.
The TV paused as she came over and looked over the destroyed cork, pushed nearly all the way into the bottle. "Dude what did you even do?!" She chuckled.
"I tried to open it, what do you think!" I laughed back.
"Okay, gimme a spoon, I'll shove it into the bottle."
"What? No take it out!" Sarah laughed.
"I can't! This one-" Mic laughed, pointing at me, "destroyed the cork and now its not gonna come out!"
I was wheezing from laughing so hard, practically laying across the counter. "I'm sorry!"
Sarah laughed at my reaction in response, squatting next to the counter trying to catch her breath as well.
"Fine I'll find a spoon myself!" Mic declared, still laughing while she tried to push down on the cork. "Ahah!" She yelled in triumph making us laugh even harder at the pop of it dropping into the wine.
We ate our way through almost all of the candy and the two bottles of wine over five episodes before we decided to call it a night (or well, early morning but same thing). 
It was nice, to go to bed feeling warm and loved and like a crap day had turned good. I fell asleep easily and without resistance, the opposite to how I'd woken up. It was a good day, I decided.
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feedback is always appreciated and thank you for reading lovelies!!
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brownhardyho · 5 years
Hey-hey! Your writing is amazing 🌸 May I have a request ‘bout a shy y/n? Like she can’t make any noises through the sex with Ben, because her ex-boyfriend always said to her that she’s too loud and now she’s ashamed of her sounds (lol, hello it’s me). Thank u VERY MUCH 💕
A/N: Dear lordt sorry this took so long, but this request has been on the back of my mind! This is my favorite I’ve gotten so far, like it just exudes those soft, fluffy, smutty vibes ya feel me?! I was listening to Body Ain’t Me by Pink Sweat$ on repeat when I wrote this, so that is the vibe haha. Anyways, I decided to make it a one shot, I really hope I did it justice. Enjoy!!
Taglist: I’m tagging my mutuals @wanderlustandsmut @rrrogah-tayluhh
Warnings: Fluffy smut ahead - dry humping
Word count: 1,557 (sis went OFF)
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You are in your happy place, in the strong warm inviting arms of your best friend, your person, Ben. It’s one of those rare Saturday mornings, where you and Ben don’t have anything to do so you both mutually decided to stay in. You’re both still dressed in your pyjamas: You with an oversized t-shirt and sleep shorts and Ben in basically the same thing except with boxers. With your head nestled against his broad chest and his arms slung over your shoulders, quiet chuckles emerge from each of you as you watch reruns of Parks and Rec. With your eyes tracking the scene playing out on the TV, you are oblivious to the fact that Ben is no longer paying attention to the show, but instead has his eyes focused on you and how carefree you are with him.
Your ability to be cool, confident, and shy all at the same time is something that Ben always found intriguing. When you are out with your friends, you the observant one that sits back on the conversation and you add in your two cents when it’s called for. This usually ends up being the spotlight of the convo, whether it be funny as hell or a burn so hot that it can’t be touched. Silently savage is Ben’s common description of you. In contrast, when you are in a room of people that you barely know, like that one time practically begged you to be his date to a charity gala, you became very shy since Ben was the only person you knew in the room. But you handled the evening with a lot of grace, your polite and friendly demeanor sailing you throughout the entire night, meeting new and interesting people along the way.
So yes, it would be an understatement to say that Ben loves you. In fact, he is currently in love with you right now, at this very moment.
He’s in love with the way your nose crinkles when you snort as you are actually dying of laughter, the way you wear your feelings on your sleeve even when you don’t say a single thing. He is in love with the way you are always down to listen to him when he needs to vent. He really admires the way you dance like no one is watching when music is playing no matter your location.
“What are you looking at you dork?” you lightly punch his shoulder, teasing him as you catch him staring at you with that lovestruck look in his eyes. What he doesn’t know yet is that you are in love with him too.
You’re a very observant person and you can feel the way he looks at you when he thinks that you’re not paying attention
“You,” he replies softly, taking your hand from his shoulder just as you’re about to pull it away and holds it in his. “You know I love you right?”
“Pfft, of course Benny,” You scoff, trying to hide the fact that butterflies are building in your stomach “We’ve only been best friends our whole lives…”
“I’m in love with you and I have been for a while now,” he says in a flustered manner, running a hand through his messy blonde locks, licking his lips “And I’m sorry if this changes things but I just tho-“ Ben’s words trail off in silence as he observes your abrupt movement of twisting your body towards him, your legs straddling his thighs, your hips settling into his lap.
It’s now or never, you think to yourself. “Ben, I’m in love with you too!” You smile softly, bringing your chest to touch his, wrapping your arms around him and tucking your face into his neck to hide the fact that you can feel the heat rising in your cheeks. Ben seems to sense your slight nervousness and wraps his arms around you, to bring you even closer to him, his hands placing comforting strokes along your back.
“Best of friends for a long time,” he laughs, his lips leaving small pecks on your neck, his warm breath making you feel things “and we’re just now confessing our love to each other?!”
“Some lovestruck idiots, we are,” you laugh into his shoulder, just basking in Ben’s embrace. His lips eventually trail along your jawline, eventually making their way on the corner of your lips as if to ask permission if this is ok.
And boy is it OK because Ben’s soft luscious lips make their way to meet yours and the act of kissing him comes so naturally. Like you’ve been doing this for years. With his hands softly tracing your sides and settling down to grasp your hips down to his, you try to hold back a moan by throwing your head back. Your mind gets hazy with all the pleasure you are feeling and it’s honestly overwhelming. If only you could just moan aloud without feeling guilty…
Ben must have a natural God given talent for reading your inner thoughts because he detaches his lips from your neck to say “Is this ok
love? You know you can moan for me right?” his emerald eyes looking into your soul.
Letting a heavy sigh escape from your swollen lips, you respond “Ben, I’m loud when it comes to sex.” You don’t miss the smirk he gives you when you confess this.
“Or at least I was until my piece of shit ex shamed me for being ‘too loud’,” you sigh, rolling your eyes in annoyance at the fact that your ex could still make you feel this way.
“Darling, to that I just have two things to say,” Ben cups your face into his hands as if to get you ready for the next bit of his explanation.
“First of all, your ex has it all wrong. He wasn’t worthy of you anyway.” You beam up at your best friend, because even when you reveal your vulnerability to him, he always makes you feel like a damn goddess.
“And secondly, don’t ever think you have to be ashamed of being vocal and expressing your feelings around me,” Ben says earnestly, playfully pecking your nose and bringing his lips to your ear and growling lowly “in fact, the louder you are around me, love, the better..”
“Oh fuck me,” You sigh, grinding your hips against his, feeling his cock hardening beneath you. The once light mood instantly changing to needy and passionate. Ben’s grasp on your hips tighten to control the movement of your hips. Your lips finding each others again, your tongues moving together in a sensual dance.
Soon after, Ben moves his hands underneath your shirt, placing soft touches on your soft bare abdomen before completely ridding you of the offensive clothing item. And there you are, your almost naked glory, a sight that Ben honestly feels blessed to be in the presence of. He takes note of the way your eyes glance down in slight embarrassment and nervousness and makes it a mission to worship you and your body like no other man has ever done before.
“You are absolutely beautiful, my gorgeous love,” Ben’s praises interlaced with his wet opened mouth kisses on your décolletage, as he basks in your sweet embrace and scent. He lips dance across your bare chest, soon finding your breast to take into his warm mouth. And when he suckles on your nipple and his other hand squeezes your other breast, rolling it’s nipple between his deft fingers, the pressure and warmness building inside you swells tremendously. The feeling is damn overwhelming and you can’t get enough of it.
“Oh Ben,” You moan aloud, the closeness of your warm bodies wrapped up in each other, your mind reeling at the fact that you can feel the wetness in your core building up. All you need is just a little more friction..
Ben is so attentive to the way your body responds to him and thrusts his hips up to met yours,  his already hard length feeling the wetness coming off of your now soaked sleep shorts. Your thrusts are getting faster and faster, just trying to reach that peak of pleasure.
“Baby, cum for me,” Ben groans deeply, his mind equally as gone as yours is. The blonde, soft man is almost about to cum himself, but he wills himself not to (just yet) because he is dying to see you lose it completely in front of him.
The image of you, straddled on top of him, with your body moving with such need and ferocity, your breast bouncing in front of his face, you soon reach your climax and you let out the most pornographic moan that Ben has ever heard in his life. This causes Ben to also reach his climax and you can feel his cum soak through his boxers.
The two of you don’t break your embrace just yet, catching both of your breathes, because who knew that dry humping could be so damn hot and exhausting all at once?!
“If this is what happens to us after dry humping, imagine what it would be like if we actually made love?” Ben suggest breathlessly, his face exuding the biggest dick energy you’ve ever seen and you aren’t mad about it because it is well deserved.
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clown-bait · 5 years
Monster Family CH8 (Monster Roommate AU)
ONLY 7 MORE DAYS GUYS!!!! IM SO EXCITED! Until then tho, pregnant tentacle sex anyone?
Skinny Dipping
"Why do you hate the librarian?" The question caught Pennywise off guard and he nearly swallowed half the lake as he flailed out of his floating position. "Like I know parts of his story but I want your side too." It took the eldritch a moment to think carefully as Leech tried to justify her curiosity. He had never told anyone about what happened then. Finally, he stood out of the water porcelain flesh backlit by the pale moon and faux fireflies. Leech wouldn't forget the ferocity in his features as he relived the memory. The creature shook himself violently like a dog does to relieve tension. His hair while still loose dried instantly and his costume covered his lean pale skin. The massive clown sat down next to his mate. "You will not like what you see." He finally said. "I was not the same then, I mocked emotions, I was cruel. Like a child plucking the wings off a butterfly." His voice warbled through the air as the dancing yellow lights dimmed and faded away. A small hand took his glove and long black nails ran over the fabric. "You're still evil now…. but that’s what I signed up for isn't it?" His mate said softly.
His glove left her and instead pulled her into his lap. "I would have gobbled you up without a second thought darling." He purred his hand sliding over their brood. Leech let out an amused huff and settled into his warm silk. "I don't believe that you're a complete hopeless romantic." She joked, earning her a playful growl and a nip to her ear. "Close your eyes and see." Pennywise whispered into her skull kissing the cold skin softly. When she obeyed it was as if her imagination had been hijacked, suddenly the warm summer night was a stormy day and she stood in the storm drain on the corner of Witcham and Jackson street. "27 years ago, I was a very different clown." A voice echoed in her head. "It started with a boy. My biggest mistake." A little boy in a raincoat ran to the entrance of the drain and squatted down. Leech knew what came next.
She had seen Penny hunt before. It was brutal but then again she was no better sometimes. This one felt painful to witness. "Like a child plucking the wings off a butterfly." her lover's words echoed in her head. She felt his starvation, his want to destroy something innocent. She could feel Pennywise's every desire in the moment and the satisfaction of when he got it. The memories thumbed forward like the turning of pages a girl named Betty torn in half through teeth and claws that weren't her own. A young Mike Hanlon trembled in the doorway of the old butcher shop. The Jewish boy Stanley and his flute woman, the new kid Ben and the ghosts of Derry's past. Eddie, Beverly, Richie, and finally the brother Bill who Leech could feel the clown’s particular malice towards. He craved them all and patiently marinated his meat before slaughter. They were to be his grand finale. His memories of that summer overwhelmed her. The shock of being discovered, the first experience of pain, his fear of his immortality being questioned. Then that final fight deep in his lair. She felt his fear and all the emotions that he had so eagerly mocked overcoming him. She saw and felt everything he felt. Feeling his terror of mortality and death brought tears to her eyes. Then the powerful creature had been bested and had decided in present-day, his mate had seen enough. Time slowed for the vampire and she was herself once more staring at the blue-eyed creature in front of her.
"Oh my god…..were the same…." she said quietly. "Our biggest fears…" cold hands touched his face and her thumbs ran over his puffy cheeks. "We’re the same Pen." She smiled pulling the eldritch to her lips. He despised the Losers for what they did to him but he would thank them for one thing, the chance to experience emotions like this.
"Now play the part of you getting your ass beat by pre-teens again" his mate giggled and the clown pulled back and snarled.
"That is not funny."
"It's a little bit funny."
Pennywise frowned for a moment then grinned wickedly. his arms shot out at his mate and trapped her in a vice-like grip which began to pull her to the water as she squealed insults and curses at him.
"PEN NO! FUCK YOU THIS IS A NEW DRESS!" She shrieked and kicked but her clown was quick and she ended up back in the lake anyway.
She rose from the water pissed and soaked to the bone her new dress hung heavy over her body revealing curves and swells in her figure. A pleased rumble left the eldritch’s throat. "Mock me again and I’ll rip that pretty little garment clear off." He snarled and pulled her forward in the water tendrils slithered up her legs from the depths. "Or maybe that’s what you want me to do." He growled as a long tentacle slipped up her thigh. "You’ll owe me a new one." The vampire hissed and squirmed half-heartedly. "I'd get you a thousand if it meant I could see this pretty sight." He purred and cupped the curve of her ass in his massive hands. "My pretty mate so wet and feisty." His hand swatted her rear with a crack Leech's claws dug into the wet silk of the clown’s costume. His hands hiked her wet dress over the swell of her backside inky black tentacles replaced his hands squeezing the soft flesh and the clown explored her other curves in the waist-deep water.
"You’re growing so fast sweet thing" he murmured his voice almost shaking with excitement as his hands and tendrils touched her belly. "I’ve made you swell so much. Will miss seeing you like this….might have to do it again next cycle."
"Absolutely not!"
"Hmm then I will carry them."
"You’re kidding! You? Pregnant? Pen you’re already needy as it is!" Leech squirmed a bit but a large python like tendril curled around her chest. She snapped her razor fangs at him before he could reach her neck letting out a low chitter as he caught her jaw and quickly drug her deeper into the water.
"Little hunter is feisty today."
"You’re supposed to be making it up to me asshole." She squirmed and hissed.
"And still so jealous! As if I'd let anyone else know me as you do. They are unworthy."
"Then give me what you owe me." Leech snarled back and he held her cool soft cheek against his razor fangs.
"Say please." The clown hissed as his teeth retraced in anticipation barely able to put them away before his mate's lips were frantically pressing against his own.
They crashed together in a frenzy of claws and tendrils pennywise dragged her under the surface stealing her breath and rubbing a particularly thick and long tentacle between her legs as he kissed her. They broke the surface and leech gasped for air one tentacle holding the back of her head as her clown bit and sucked her neck. A chorus of "pleases" spilled from her lips as her new dress was gently pulled off her till they were skin to skin his tendrils pulling open her legs and seating her around his waist.
"I will no longer wait. You have teased me enough today made my knees shake with want. Little thing makes me feel in ways others cannot."
"You could just say you love me." Leech smirked and a tendril squeezed her neck as something hard pressed into her pussy.
"I love you." He growled through fangs as his hips pressed up sinking her further down onto him.
Leech let out a whimper as he stretched her "Fuuuck th-that's big- shit!"
Pennywise groaned and trailed off into a chuckle. "Too much?" He sneered as his hips bucked slowly. She gasped at the stretch and bit under her eldritch's jaw. "No….never….more I want more." Leech panted and traced her own claws down his neck and into the water sliding. They over his lower back and she began to press her nails into him as if to spur him to push deeper. It seemed to deliver the intended message and water splashed as he thrust in harder, beginning a rhythm.
"Who's needy now." He growled and pulled her legs open wider. More tendrils joined them one protectively around her swollen belly and one slithered up between her breasts as others pushed them together so the appendage could slide between them. Leech gave her mate a look and he made a laugh like gurgle as he leaned in to suck on her neck "So soft, so squishy." He growled as his tentacles kneaded the cool soft flesh. Leech could feel his fangs at her neck as he thrusted below the surface, each pant sending warm breath over her cold wet skin. His tongue felt extra hot as it ran over her flesh and when she shuddered his tendrils squeezed tighter in excitement.  Leech threw her head back and let him pound into her listening to the water slosh back and forth in waves around them. Her clown groaned as her claws pulled his damp hair increasing his pace turning the gentle waves into violent splashes. "Ngh...mmm tongue….out.. now!" he could barely speak his command and growled in pleasure when he felt the cool wet muscle slide up and down the tendril fucking his mate's gravid breasts. "Good girl.."he shuddered and gripped her backside harshly "good goooood girl." Leech smiled as she licked him watching her primordial god come utterly undone for her as she gently sucked the tip of his tentacle. A heartbeat later, the clown smirked to himself and watched as her expression changed when a small thin tendril licked a stripe in the vampire's back door. Leech gasped and nearly went stiff in his arms still being bounced on his cock by tentacles. "Pen...mm.. what are you doing?" She gasped.
"Making it up to you." He panted out and swirled the tip around her tight hole like a tongue. "Gonna make you float Peachy. Give you want you want. Float with me, love. Float."
His small tentacle eased in and both moaned in pleasure Leech going almost limp in his grasp as little ball like bumps formed in the tendril. Her senses were completely shot, all she could hear were her mate's obscene growling and her own high pitched moans. The tendril around her stomach slithered and caressed their brood as if to hold them safe from what he was doing to their mother. Leech twitched from the impending knot forming inside her, knowing she wouldn't be able to hold this orgasm back. As if sensing it himself Pennywise's tendril between her breasts slithered around her throat and brought her close to him and she could feel his fangs on the shell of her ear. "Float….float with me." He hissed. Hearing the desperation in his voice sent her over the edge and Leech nearly screamed her orgasm.  "Yes..yesssss…." the eldritch groaned as her body squeezed and shuddered joining her with his own release in both her holes and face.
They bobbed on the surface of the lake panting wildly with exhaustion. Eventually, the tentacles receded and Leech dunked her face underwater to clean herself coming back up to hold her monster. Pennywise affectionately petted his mate's head against him as she used him as a life ring, his own release exhausted him more than he anticipated. He stopped when he spotted a very tall very upset looking figure on the bank of the river.
"Hey you alright?" Leech mumbled weakly, softly kissing his neck. "Pen?"
"Vorhees." He snarled. Leech released her mate and groaned.
"Shit! My phone's on the shore. We can't call the exterminator."
"I am more than capable of defending you dear. We do not need to get Kruger. " The clown snarled.
"You'll be fighting him all night I want to go to dinner."
"It will take me five minutes Peachy."
"Yeah, and you'll end up getting stabbed then I'm taking care of you for the rest of the night. I know how this goes Pen, this happens every time we fuck outside. Also, why isn't he yelling?"
The clown grunted and shut his eyes "The riot you started on Halloween. Throat injury."
"And lemme guess he has a grudge. Fanfuckingtastic." Leech groaned as the undead giant raised his machete pointing to the spot his vocal chords had been maimed. "Guess we have no choice but to kick his butt."
"You won't be doing anything."
"Yes I will, there's two of us and one of him."
"You are pregnant."
"Just because you knocked me up doesn't mean I can't still punch people!"
"He has a weapon Peachy!"
"And I have five on each hand!"
Jason had shuffled to a rock to sit down as he waited for the pair to stop arguing. He pulled out a white board and began to write hoping to get things moving. The giant threw a stone at Pennywise then pointed to what he wrote. Can I just kill you so I can go home?
"Why don't you just leave us alone instead!" Leech called out from the middle of the lake.
You guys were clearly breaking the rules on premarital sex in the woods sorry! Jason wrote back.
"Enough of this." Pennywise growled and sunk into the water moving through it like a crocodile as he glared at the giant.
"Can you at least hand me a towel first." Leech complained as her mate dragged her to the shore.
"You! I am fed up with being disturbed. Peachy say I do so we may be left in peace."
"The fuck does that mean?"
"Say it."
"Hand me a fucking towel first and tell me what the fuck is going on."
An annoyed and impatient rumble escaped the clown's lips as he tossed Leech's towel to her. "And what do we say?"
"I-I do? Pen what-"
"Excellent I declare us married now leave." The eldritch pointed at the giant then to the woods.
"What the fuck?!" Leech hissed pulling her towel around herself. Her clown arched an eyebrow then grunted in realization quickly leaning down to peck his mate on the lips before grinning smugly. "Leave." He sneered and lazily rested an arm over his apparently new bride. Jason looked just as confused as the nosferatu.
"I married us you may no longer disturb me or my mate."
"The fuck does that mean Pen?" Leech snarled at him holding her towel up as best she could
"I own the town" he shrugged.
"Oh my God. So this was…"
"Official yes."
The vampire's breath caught in her throat. Did she just get married? In a towel? To Pennywise? Air she needed air. No, wait she needed to sit. Her stress was too high the babies were already exhausting her.
"Can you both just excuse me for just a second." The vampire walked to the edge of the water and promptly passed out face-first onto a large stone. Her body twitched and vomited ichor before going completely still.
Pennywise stared at her for a moment then back to where Jason was standing. Then back to his still unconscious wife. This did not go as planned. Not at all.
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wackapedia · 5 years
It Was All Yellow
40!s Joe gets flustered around pretty girls. He meets his pretty neighbor who just moved in.
A/n: hello its me again. Took me a whole day to finish this (plus extra minutes in the shower) Comments are welcome and reblogs boost morale!
Warnings: blood mention. Nothing graphic tho uwu
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Joe was sitting at the lobby of his apartment building reading today's paper. It was a bright Saturday morning. He flicked through the pages of the paper, skimming through the news articles about the recent murders upstate. It was too bright a day for stories like that. He looked up from the newspaper to see a lovely lady in a bright yellow dress entering the building, dragging a large travel trunk with her. He drops the newspaper to the couch he was sitting on as he stood up, buttoned his suit jacket and walked up to the young lady to help her.
"thank you" her voice carried through like a melody, speaking after her case was placed inside.
"Its nothing really. Are you moving in here?" He asks, immediately regretting his dumb question. Of course she's moving in.
"I am. I guess the luggage gave it away huh?" She smiles at the man who gets shy around pretty girls.
Nice work, Joe.
The landlady came out and gave her the key as well as some instructions and rules of the building. Not long after, she started gathering her things.
"I'm Joe by the way. Joe Mazzello. I'm afraid the elevator is busted so we'll have to take the stairs." He explained rather quickly.
For a second, confusion shrouded her face until she caught up with what he said. "Oh you mean the lift?"
Ah, British then.
Joe made a mental note to ask Ben, his British friend, why they have different names for things.
"Its all right, my flat is just one floor up. Nothing I cant handle." She said in a cheerful tone he almost felt the sunshine through it.
Joe picked up the heavy trunk carrying it up the stairs. "Let me help you then!" He suddenly felt giddy at the fact that she will be her next door neighbor as he is the only occupant on the second floor.
As they rounded the stairs, she went on to introduce herself. "I'd shake your hand but you're rather occupied at the moment" she joked. Joe laughs. They finally reach the second floor. Joe sets her case beside her door as she takes off her gloves and faces him. She had lovely hands. And she's not wearing a ring of any sort! She extends her hands to him and he takes it in his. Her hands were soft and warm.
"Well, Joe its been a pleasure meeting you and I am looking forward to being your next door neighbor!" She smiled. She releases his hand as she unlocks her door and pulls her case inside.
"Huh.. Hey wait how did you know that we're gonna be- that i live- I never said-" Joe spoke,confused and gesturing to his door down the hall.
"Hmm the landlady must've mentioned it." She spoke as she started closing the door. "Thank you again, Joe." She said, finally closing the door.
"Okay i'm gonna let you get settled then..." His voice slowly fading in his throat. Joe went on with his day still thinking about his lovely neighbor.
The next morning Joe got up and went straight to the kitchen to make breakfast. The yellow sunlight blasting through his kitchen window made him squint at the bright light. He pulled his fridge door open to find nothing but a water container.
Okay, so we're eating at the cafe. And maybe grab some groceries for a homemade dinner. Maybe he can invite his neighbor over.
He was about to return to his room to get dressed when he noticed his indoor plant had died and had completely dried out. It's little leaves gather around the pot, crunching between his fingers. Only yesterday the plant was in full bloom and he'd never neglected watering it and giving it some air and sunshine. He would even spend time talking to it about his day. He should tell Lucy about it.
A little crestfallen about his plant, Joe got dressed and was locking up his apartment door when suddenly his pretty neighbor appeared behind him, startling him a little.
"Hi Joe!" Her voice already cheering him up. He turned to see her dressed in a similar fancy dress printed with flowers.
"I was wondering if I could invite you over tonight for dinner as a thank you for helping me yesterday. I hope you're a fan of pasta..?" She asked.
The thought of having pasta in his system made his stomach grumble.
"You know, you don't really have to thank me about yesterday. But you had me when you said 'pasta'. Did you know I'm part italian?" He joked.
"I figured. Well I hope my pasta skills live up to your authentic taste then?"
"Theres only one way to find out"
"Great! Dinner will be ready by 7. Its a date then!" She said as she headed back to her place. Joe couldn't shake the fact that this woman always seemed to be one step ahead of him.
Joe had some breakfast and went straight to the grocers. He was debating if bringing wine for dinner might give a wrong impression. He opted to bring tea instead.
Joe met Ben for lunch. He told him everything about his new neighbor excitedly as Ben kept a straight face the entire time, shoving a sandwich and some fries into his system. "You should've just bought the wine!" Ben finally commented when Joe mentioned about what he will be bringing for dinner. "Just because she's British doesn't mean she wants to have tea all the time, Joe. You americans are just stereotyping."
Joe suddenly felt guilty. "...s-so should I just get the wine..?" He said, asking his friend for advice.
"No! Unless you want to spend the night with her? Is that what you want to do, Joe?" Ben sipped his drink. Joe wonders why is he still friends with this useless fellow.
As he was getting dressed for dinner, Joe was debating which dress shirt should he wear. He doesn't want to be overdressed for the occasion. Its just dinner, Joe.
He finally settled with a pale blue button down shirt tucked into his brown slacks. He picked up the box of fruit tea that he bought for her and headed to her place.
Before his knuckles could hit the painted wood, her door opened to reveal Joe's pretty neighbor dressed in a pale blue dress. "Joe! I was just about to get you! Come in!" Joe smiled and stepped in.
His neighbor has only moved in yesterday morning but everything was neat and in order. Its like she's lived here for years. Candles flickered at the dinner table and on the kitchen. The whole place smells wonderful.
"I see you've settled in rather nicely!" He commented.
"I have! Please sit down, I'll get the food" she motioned at one of the two chairs at the dinner table as she disappeared into the kitchen. She emerged carrying a smoking pot of pasta with pale sauce and some yellow tomatoes.
"I went to the grocers this morning and bought these for you" Joe said as he presented the box to her.
"Oh you didn't have to. But thank you" she placed the box by the kitchen counter.
As they ate dinner, Joe's neighbor asks about him.
They were finishing up their food when Joe asked: "so what about you? What brings you to New York?"
With a solemn voice she answered "I have a grandmother here. She's very sick. The doctors said she has very little time left and I am her next of kin."
"I'm so sorry to hear that." Joe apologizes as the mood shifts between them.
"No its fine." She says as she gets up from the dinner table to retrieve a wine bottle and some glasses. She poured them a drink. Joe smiles to himself.
"What are you thinking about?" She asked while standing next to him, noticing his smile.
"I was about to bring over some wine but my friend decided against it" he explained as he drinks from his glass
"Why would he decide against it?" She inquired, refilling Joe's now empty wineglass.
"Well he thought I might give you the wrong impression" he speaks after drinking, already feeling a little buzzed by the strong alcohol in his system.
"What kind of impression?" She pressed, refilling Joe's glass once more, seeing the blush creeping on his cheeks down to his neck.
Joe's eyes were dazed as he feels his head becoming lighter. He looks at her as she sits on his lap, her hand over his, holding the wineglass close to his lips.
He pours the contents of the wineglass into his mouth as his other hand wraps around the pretty girl's waist pulling her closer. He drops the wineglass to the carpeted floor and loses himself in her eyes, basking in each other's closeness. He couldn't focus on anything else except for the specs of gold in her eyes. He feels the sudden warmth break from his chest. His vision blurs.
/ / /
The next day, Ben waits for Joe at the lobby of their workplace. Joe was never late so maybe he called in sick.
"Hey Rami, did Joe call?" Ben asked his workmate, sitting across his work desk.
"No he didn't. Is he alright?" Rami asked.
Ben explained to Rami about Joe's dinner date with his neighbor.
"Well maybe he's getting laid then" Rami joked as they started working.
As soon as Ben clocked out, he headed to Joe's apartment. He knocked on his door. No response.
He twisted the doorknob to find it unlocked. He stepped in the apartment to find everything in correct order. Joe's music records, eighth grade baseball trophy, and his favorite indoor plant which was given by Lucy for his birthday was healthy, yielding yellow flowers.
He entered Joe's bedroom and even opened his bathroom to find the whole place empty. He decided to head to the police to report a missing person. Just as he steps into the ground floor of the building, a girl in a beautiful Sunday dress walks in, holding the hand of an elderly woman while carrying a large suitcase. She looks up to Ben's bright eyes and smiled.
And before he could stop himself, he spoke: "here let me help you with that.." Reaching for the suitcase.
"Thank you, you are very kind." Her sweet voice blessed his ears.
She introduced herself to him. "I'd shake your hand but you're rather occupied at the moment." She said. Ben laughs and tells her his name.
He carried her suitcase up to her doorstep while helping the elderly woman she was with up the stairs.
When she arrived at the doorstep, she let the elder woman in while she stayed at the threshold, looking at Ben. "That was my grandmother. She was very sick the other day but thankfully she recovered after a hearty meal." Ben was still dumbfounded with her. She took off her gloves and extended her hand to him. He took her hand in his. She had very soft hands.
"Thank you, Ben. And good night." She let go of his hand and slowly closed the door.
Ben felt like he was flying. He headed downstairs, got on his car that was parked by the curb, and drove straight home, thinking about the girl she met at an apartment building. Maybe he can ask Rami for some tips on how to ask a girl out.
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A/n: Giallo means 'yellow' in Italian. It is also a genre referring to italian film/literature crime-thriller plots. Nowadays, Italians refer to mysterious or unsolved events as Giallo. (Plural Gialli)
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psychoticenjolras · 5 years
ok im watching Maurice, ill liveblog my stupid reactions and then maybe say something of substance at the end (but probably not)
-the teacher in the beginning is cute, love his little speech -omg is the blondie the main character? LOVE a blonde -their uniforms  -he’s practicing greeting this greasy ass dude?  -tfw u try to help a guy carry stuff but u drop it = /  -the way this dude rocks playing the piano lmfao cute -he rolled him up in ? is this? is THIS gay culture?  -love the shot of those shoes and socks *kisses fingertips* perfection -what’s up with these SCHOOLS why do they look like that!!!  -strok-STROKING! RESTING! CARESS???? SLOWLY EMBRACI NG -holy shit the feeling in my chest just then sent my head through a 6 second turmoil. that fear and distrust when they hold you? the desire to squeeze them to youu making you lightheaded? the necessity of tentativity? the doubt? the anxiety? -seriously, that hug? the emotions in blondie’s hand movements drove me to the precipice of weeping -oh my god the drama = / -laying in a field? with a lover... -oh ope he got kicked out? -oh flirt flirt flirt -these ppl are so fuckin rich it’s painful to look at -tag yourself, im the guy the rich lady doesnt remember the name of eating off someone else’s table -don't fall for it don't fall for it, the navy guy is gonna kill him oh god no no no -ohhhh my god  -im sorry I called u greasy risley I didn't realize u were one of us = / -this is awful -i’d faint too -i’d have a breakdown too -this is awful -whole thing is very sad but these outfits are phenomenal  -haha...    haha...….. ……. -oh Maurice!!! of course you didn't want to hurt him! oh clive couldn't you be more gentle about it? -this SUUUUUUUCKS why do u guys like this absolute horrorshow? Maurice's fucking face, this sucks -like I totally get it, I 100% get it, I understand, but also, fuck im so upset with clive. still I get it. it’s just so hard. but god, clive! but I know. -”for two people in love to marry”..... -I don't want maurice to cry anymore, it’s really getting to me...… -”I rang the bell and the servant brought a saucer” jesus -”we had to ring twice. twice” Christ -clive wait you. is clive not? is clive bi or something?? or like only sexually into women? is that why...…????? what the fuck is up with this guy. oh shit is he only lying? like is he so deep in denial he wont even admit it was real to the man he was with? oh clive... -this hypnosis scene sure is nightmarish as well -oh my god is the scudder kid who he ends up with?!?!??!!? -oh my god they had sex -haha theyre so cute playin their lil cricket game -oh oh my god he thinks the kid is gonna do something!! -OH ben kingsley, that’s his name -oh my god alec don't freak out man oh my god PLEASE alec ohhhhhh -awwwww teacher! I love teacher -theyre so sweet, tryna blackmail each other. they made up tho -alec’s leaving too holy shit!!!! I hate this movie!!!! -IS ALEC OK??????????????????? -OH HE’S- HE’S NOT GETTING ON THE BOAT!!!! I GET IT NOW!!! OH MY GOD HE’S AT THE BOATHOUSE -why is Maurice not at the boathouse! why is he going to clive! HE’S AT THE BOATHOUSE! -clive is a bit of a fuck -UUUUUUUUUUUUGH BOATHOUSE -n-...….. “now we shan’t ever be parted”? D’‘‘‘: oh have mercy -ahhhhh….. so Maurice opens windows, and clive closes them. I didn't mean to call u a fuck, clive, I understand = / 
OH ok it’s over! so it was very good! it’s a majestic, respectful, emotional film, and it depicts its characters with such raw honesty and frankness, it’s impossible to not be enraptured and sucked into it. the acting is off the walls, so many smart decisions and pretty subtleties and heartbreaking drama. and so handsome! the attention to detail makes it such a pleasing film to just look at. I love that Maurice really only seems to want to change in response to his heart being broken- when he finds alec, he goes right back to being intensely brave and audacious about his homosexuality. and a happy ending!!! how kind!!! how ahead of its time- how ahead of OUR time, even! I adore it. 
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benhaardy · 5 years
fresh || b.h.
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REQUEST: an imagine where the reader is friends with ben from her first year of highschool, and they stay friends through till sixth form, before they move to uni they confess their feelings for each other and it’s all fluffy and nice💖💖💖
A/N: helloooo thank you for sending me a request i hope i did this justice!! im super rusty but here goes!!!!!! i feel like a noob cause i dont really know how drama clubs function sorry but this is how the clubs i’ve been in kinda functioned during a free time period yknow? also i hope i got the school stuff right lol im aMeRiCan. yeet i would loveeeee some feedback because this is the first time ive ever written in second person so uhhh hit up my askbox! also i am basic and do not know anything about high school plays so they do romeo and juliet i apologize, yes it is basic and all quotes from it are taken OUT OF CONTEXT so uh just-just disregard romeo and juliet the play and characters and yeah whatever.
i tried my hardest to make this neutral for the reader so hair, eye colour, skin, shouldn’t be a problem though there is some playing with your hair tho lol.
Y/HT means your hometown.
had a blast writing this, thank you for sending in a request <3333. hope you like!
Wordcount: 2.1k
Warnings: fem!reader, one or two bad words?, p fluffy and also l o l rusty writer right here. this wasn’t proofread and was beta’d halfway so apologies for any inaccuracies or typos.
Isabel led you down the long hallway, fluorescent lights beaming down upon both of you as you walked. She looked behind at you, encouraging and cheerful as always. As you made your way to the drama room, you clenched your fists and breathed deeply. You had joined the drama club at the encouraging of Isabel, wanting to finally make more friends after a few days of being in this new school, this whole new place. Everything was different here, but maybe you could have one constant in this close group of people. You were nervous. It showed. She reassured, “Don’t worry, Y/N. We’re probably, like, the most relaxed people on this campus. You’ve got nothing to worry about, alright?”
You nodded at her, a tight smile on your lips. Hopefully, she was right. Though you’d always known drama kids to be loud and fun, you couldn’t help but shake that self-conscious feeling inside.
She opened the door for you both and let you enter before her into the room. The walls were painted black and had colourful drawings and paintings hung up on them which were student made. In the middle of the room were at least 15 people either sitting in chairs or scattered about on the ground. They were all doing their own thing. Some people were acting out scenes with each other, others were just talking amongst themselves or playing around. Two boys were in the corner kicking a football at each other while reciting A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
“Everyone? Welcome Y/N to the club!” You waved shyly at them and their exclamations at your presence. “Come over here with me,” said Isabel, who showed you over to an open seat in the middle of the room, next to a blonde boy. His face lit up at the sight of you coming to him.
“You must be the great Y/N Izzy’s always talking about!” He patted the seat next to him where you sat down. “I’m Ben.” He grinned at you, pearly whites shining. Ben adjusted his beanie and sat nonchalantly, hands in his hoodie pockets.
“Y/N,” you replied. You were still on edge but Ben seemed nice enough. You two sat for a little in silence, watching the chaos of the club in motion. Isabel had left to kick the football with the boys.
“So Y/N,” he piped up, ”tell me about yourself.” He sat forward, intent on listening to whatever you were gonna say.
“I moved here from Y/HT. I was never really into drama before now, I guess, but I used to act when I was younger. Isabel convinced me to join again ‘cause I’m still trying to find my way around here,” you replied, a small, nervous laugh following your words.
“Well, you’ll always be welcome here! I joined after I got injured and I fell in love with acting. I hope you stay.” Ben grinned at you, a glint in his eye.
Three years had passed. Three years of plays and lawless drama kids and Ben. You had grown extremely close with him, hanging out as much as possible, helping each other with your lines, and staying near each other during rehearsals and meetings. Both of you were attached at the hip. You were more at his house then you were at your own.
You had simply just fit. Snug and at home with each other. Snug enough that you had grown to have feelings for him. You prayed that it was just those normal feelings that people have for their best friends, where they were teetering dangerously over the line of romance but stayed safe, still platonic. Your prayers were not answered and you had fallen, hard, for your best friend.
It was hard to hide your feelings, hard to hide when he was so kind. Ben was willing to hold you up when you were low and willing enough to know pretty much everything about you without forgetting what you liked and what irked you. He hosted you at his house with no problem. Though you did the same, it was great knowing someone would give that same love back.
He was so affectionate and always greeted you with a grin and a kiss on the cheek. “Darling,” “love,” and “angel,” were synonymous with your name at this point. Ben invited you out to grab food, or watch a movie, or go shopping, and he always paid without fail. When you left his presence, when you looked down upon yourself, “I love you’s” from him were always, always there. Ben embraced you with open arms, in a figurative way and literally.
He was home. Simple as that.
Your friends summed it up when they said that you and Ben were like,”an old, married couple.” His warmth spread into your heart and now it felt like it was squeezing it. Squeezing it and then dropping it on the floor. Multiple times. Strange enough, you hadn’t changed much on the outside. You were still the same old Y/N around him but the second you got home, everything changed. You sat at your desk, head in hands. You were supposed to be doing homework but that was thrown out the window once you hung out with him that day, your mind taken over.
On those complicated nights, you contemplated telling Ben everything: how you planned out your words so you wouldn’t say anything stupid around him, how you sat alone with your thoughts at night just thinking, thinking about him, how his “I love you” made your heart pang with longing and fondness. You were worried everything would change. Even though you knew if you became a couple, nothing would become any different than before.
You could not take that chance. You couldn’t risk losing Ben.
You were laying down on Ben’s chest, him propped up on his backpack against the wall in the drama room. Both of you were reading from the script in your hands. His chin was on your head and you could feel him mouthing the words to his lines. He was playing with your hair mindlessly, this affection, again, extremely apparent. You turned your head to look at him and poked his cheek, to which he responded by puffing out his cheeks. Both of you laughed and resumed your routine, watching your ever chaotic drama mates be loud and rehearse, all in preparation for your last ever play before university: Romeo and Juliet.
Ben was cast as Romeo and you, Juliet. Before, you both had preferred taking side roles. You two were hidden gems, the quiet ones, but Isabel had pushed you to try to take the lead one time. Everyone was working as hard as ever to make the play special; a fourth of the club was off to uni after this year.
He put his arms around your waist, squeezed your body tight, and nuzzled his face into your shoulder as you read out loud, “O gentle Romeo, / If thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully.” He read his part and you both read until Juliet had to leave.
You could feel Ben’s chest go up and down as he breathed steadily. It was as if there was no one else in the room other than you two as you practiced your lines. You recited,
“And yet I wish but for the thing I have:
My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite.”
Tonight was the last performance of Romeo and Juliet. It was extremely bittersweet. You could see how everyone had improved in their methods over the years and today was the last demonstration of that, the last day everyone would truly be together like this. Everyone was going to different universities, all for different reasons and majors. Romeo and Juliet was your final curtain.
Ben’s family came to you after you dressed out of your costume. They gave you flowers and sung their praises at your performance. They gave you a ride to the diner where you were to meet with the rest of the club to celebrate your successful performances.
Both of you shuffled into a booth in the corner along with the other 4 members who had their last performances sat with you. You and Ben ordered your normal stack of pancakes and fruit. He had his arm around you the entire time, switching from your shoulder to your waist every once in a while as you both conversed with the rest of your uni-bound friends. Your friend who was sitting on yours and Ben’s side left to talk with the lower classmen. Leaning against Ben, you put your feet up on the rest of the booth.
“Hand me my makeup wipes, yeah?” You asked Ben, pointing back to your bag on his side. You heard him rummaging around in your things.
“Here, love.” He gave you the wipes and you wiped off all of the heavy stage makeup, undid your hair, and shook it all out. You sat up again and looked up at him who looked as if he was watching you closely. It was only one second, though. Only one second.
Your food had come, the meal had been had, the cheerful crying at your third-to-last goodbyes to your group had ceased and now you and Ben were walking home together through the park close to your own house. The ground was wet with rain, though thankfully, it had subsided and there were no clouds lightening the night sky. The moon was full, the grass was dewy, and there was potential in the air. A spark.
As he walked alongside you, you thought of how his kiss during the play had stuck on your lips and how his hand tightly clasped in yours while you professed your love felt. Though the words of Juliet just flew through you, it all felt real, even with the period costumes and lights and stage. His lines were simply just that. Lines. Words that were written 400 years ago, in language from 400 years ago that he acted out on stage to you and you back to him. But it just felt real, much too real. You were alone with your thoughts once again, the subject of them standing just right beside you in silence himself.
“Y/N?” Ben piped up.
“Yes?” You looked at him looking up at the sky.
“Don’t you think how crazy it is that three years ago we met, we talked about why we joined the club, and you were really only here on a whim? Now tonight, it’s our last performance in this group ever. And you weren’t even sure if you wanted to stay! We’re here now and I was Romeo and you were my Juliet and—I just feel as if everything’s that led up to us being here was so special. Like you were meant by the universe to join the club, sit next to me and talk to me and be my best friend. You were a blessing, Y/N, my blessing, and I just-”
Your smile grew and grew and grew and your pulse quickened and everything felt wild. Absolutely, motherfucking wild. Your limbs were jelly. There were alarms going off in your brain “You just what, Ben?” You said softly, tears at your eyes at his lovely, lovely words. He turned to face you as you both stopped underneath a lamppost, the light and the moonlight softly illuminating features. Your best friend stepped closer to you. “You just what, Ben?” You now whispered, seeing his own gooey smile and his eyes, filled with tears, drop down to your lips and back up again to your eyes.
“I just—I love you, Y/N,” he whispered. “I love you more than anything.”
“I love you too, Ben.” Your grin was wide enough that it squeezed the tears out of your eyes. “I’ve loved you since, like, year 11!” You laughed while wiping away the wetness from your face.
He blushed and took your hand in his. “I got a crush on you two months after we met, dude.”
“No freaking way, Ben!” Your eyes went wide. He liked you for this long? And here you were contemplating everything, overthinking everything!
“Yes, way!” He laughed. “I didn’t want to leave it until we left to uni together because I know I’d be agonizing over it. They say uni’ll be the best years of our lives so… why not start it out with a bang? In more than one way, if you know what I’m saying…” he said playfully, winking. You rolled your eyes and made an attempt at pushing his shoulder, but you both snickered at his joke.
“I love you, Ben. Seriously.”
“And I love you, Y/N. Seriously.”
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themadlostgirl · 5 years
Not Dead Yet (Part 77)
*So I was saving this till tomorrow but after crashing my car I decided to celebrate my not dead-ness with a new chapter. I’M NOT DEAD YET BITCHES! (for real tho today has sucked so much)*
Pairing: Reader x Peter Pan
Warning: language
After the storm had passed I went to see how much closer we were to Neverland. The island was much closer and the clouds had abated some so it was easier to make out. Staring out at it I had a sudden urge to jump into the water. Kinda like when you’re standing high up somewhere and there’s a little voice in your mind telling you to jump. My heart was beating fast but I was never more steady as I gazed at the island.
The others were busy anchoring the ship and lowering the long boat into the bay. Emma came over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. “Stirring up any memories?”
“Kind of.” I shrugged, “I don’t remember it but I feel something. I can’t describe it.”
When I stepped onto the beach I was able to name the feeling. Home. This...this is my home. I was comfortable staring into the jungle. I had no idea what may be on this island but something in me knew I didn’t need to fear anything. Nothing could surprise me or hurt me. It was as familiar as how to breathe.
“Are you sure you can do this?” David asked breaking me from the identity crisis I was about to fall into.
“Yeah,” I nodded, “If it’ll help Henry. I can do it.”
“You’re gonna be fine. You have the looking glass in case of emergencies. You just have to fake it long enough to get in, get Henry, and get out. We’ll take it from there.” Mary Margaret assured me.
“Get in, get Henry, get out.” I took a deep breath and stepped into the jungle.
Once I was on my own I started to breathe easier. I could barely see anything but I knew exactly where I was going. Every upturned tree root and rock in the path was mapped out for me. I walked and walked trusting my instincts to lead me to the camp.
Small memories flitted past my mind as I walked. Passes of quiet laughter and dancing to hypnotic music. A warm fire and sparkling lagoons to swim in on hot days. My pace quickened further and further till I was at a dead sprint through the jungle. I jumped over fallen trees and careened out of the way of boulders at top speed. A wild smile on my face.
Come back here! The king wants to play!
I stopped so abruptly I tripped and fell face first into the ground. I scanned the jungle for the source of the voice but there was no one. Was it in my head? It was so clear though. Too familiar for a stranger’s voice.
I dusted myself off and continued to walk once more. The memories had stopped with my fall.
It had been about an hour, probably more, and there was still no sign of the camp. Maybe I should rest. I sat down and fiddled with the looking glass in my pocket. I needed to report to the others later tonight so they know I haven’t met my death in this jungle. I considered calling them now when I heard a pair of voices nearby.
“Was it really so wise to give them a map?”
“It’s all a part of the game, Felix. They run about while we do our own work.”
“Of course.”
There were a pair of boys walking along the trail. One of them was extremely tall and had a club like the one I was carrying. The other while shorter and only armed with a dagger seemed the more dangerous. And yet...not.
Without thinking I stepped onto the path. A million thoughts warring through my mind. Memories clawing for recognition but unable to break free. I need to keep myself under control. Get Henry, get out.
“Hey!” I blurted out.
The island had gone silent. Not even a rustle in the trees. The shorter one dropped the apple he had been carelessly tossing in the air. Finally something broke through when I saw his eyes. Clear and vividly green. This was Peter Pan.
I was frozen in my spot. What do I do now?
“Y/N…” He took the first step, approaching me slowly and reaching out a hand to touch my shoulder. Gripping it as if to make sure I was real. “You’re here?”
“I’m here.” my voice came out broken.
He enveloped me in his arms and I went rigid for a moment before I remembered to hug him back. The eyes from my dreams. The smell of wind and jungle. It was him.
This was the person that stole Henry. He was a demon according to Hook. A terrible force of chaos and death and treated everyone like pawns in a game. I should be scared of him. Terrified even. It shouldn’t matter that he was warm and smelled nice and being in his arms felt more real than anything back in Storybrooke.
Pan pressed his forehead to mine, those dark green eyes staring hard at me. “You’re really here.” There was a wide, disbelieving smile on his tanned face. “Where have you been? What happened to you?”
“Curse. Got trapped.” I tried to sound casual but my voice was trembling as I spoke. “It finally broke and I was able to get back.”
“You’ve been gone for so long…” his hands were holding my face and when he leaned in I stiffened but didn’t try to stop him.
“Ahem,” he pulled away and I remembered that there was a third among us. “This is a beautiful reunion. Do I get a kiss as well?”
“Sorry.” I rocked back on my heels. I was ashamed for forgetting myself so easily. I’m here to get Henry. Not to kiss the person who kidnapped him.
“Felix, you can return to camp now. But don’t say anything to the others. I want our Lost Girl’s return to be a surprise.” Pan instructed though his eyes never left me.
The boy, Felix, nodded and kept walking down the path. Once he was gone Pan drew me into him again. He smells like home.
“Y/N,” he murmured squishing me even closer, “Whoever cast that curse you got caught in, whoever is to blame for taking you from me will pay the ultimate price. I will not rest until I have their blood, I promise.”
“No!” I pushed away and he stared at me in shock. “I mean--it doesn’t matter now. I’m just glad to be home.”
“You’re right.” His gaze softened, “Right now all I want to do is look at you.” he studied me closely as if he would never see me again.
This isn’t fair. I’m not the girl he’s been waiting for. He looks at me and sees Y/N. The badass Lost Girl that was his second in command and who he cared for deeply. How can he look at me with that soft adoration when I can’t remember him and what he meant to me?
The frustration and guilt was starting to tear at me and I hid my face in his chest so he couldn’t see me lose it. Instead of asking why I was sobbing into his chest he held me close and pressed a few small kisses to the top of my head and temples.
“It’s okay,” he whispered, “It’s okay, pet. You’re home now. You’re okay.”
I looked back into his eyes and this time when he leaned in I did too. It was a deep kiss that stole the air from my lungs and made my knees buckle. I tried to tell myself that I was only doing it because that’s what he expected me to do and I needed to keep this up so to save Henry. If I was being honest with myself though I wanted to. It felt too right.
Then I was breathless for another reason. My mind flooded with memories of different kisses. Deep lustful make-outs, slow relieved kisses, quick pecks to my forehead, cheek, and hands. Sloppy kisses that tickled my neck and made me laugh. Reassuring kisses as we sat together that made me feel safe.
“Something wrong?” He asked when I had gone still.
“No...I…” I touched his face. “Kiss me again?”
He smiled at me and I relaxed in his arms as he kissed me once more. My toes curled in my shoes. I didn’t see everything but I saw what he meant to the me I couldn’t remember. It was something untamed, perverse, powerful and all-consuming. Something too dangerous to speak.
Lacing my hand with his he pulled me towards the camp. He was asking a million questions about where I was and how I was doing. I answered as best I could without incriminating myself. Finally I spotted a bonfire in the distance. Music drifted across the air and many figures danced around the camp.
“Boys!” Pan shouted to the camp, “Our Lost Girl has returned!”
There was a loud roar of excitement and many of the Lost Boys ran to me. I was crushed in dozens of arms.
“Y/N!” I heard a voice above the others and one of the boys tackled me. Another two were on me holding me and cheering. I forced a smile and tried to recall names but none came to mind.
“Guys, don’t suffocate her.” Pan reminded them and the boys started to back off. “Devin, that means you too.”
“I don’t want to though.” The first boy was still hugging me.
“Devin, let go of my Lost Girl.”
“Fine,” Devin let go and beamed at me, “It’s just great to have you home. Pan has been the duke of dour since you went missing and it was just--”
“That’s enough from you,” Pan shoved him away.
“Where the hell were you?” One of the other boys asked.
“Way to be delicate, Nicholas.” another boy said.
“It’s Y/N. Since when do any of us have to delicate, Benjamin?” Nick scoffed.
“It’s okay,” I stepped between them before they could start arguing, “I was in a cursed town. No way out. No way to remember who I was.”
“How’d you get back?” Ben asked.
Pan and the rest were looking at me now. “How did you get back? If it was the shadow it would have brought you right to me and I know you didn’t come back with those two idiots that brought us Henry.”
“Stowed away on Hook’s ship when I heard they were coming here.”
“That’s my clever girl,” Pan smirked, “I bet he was very surprised to see you.”
“You should have seen his face.” I surprised myself with how confident I sounded. “Priceless.”
“I bet,” he captured my mouth again. It was quick this time but no less heated.
There were a few whistles and catcalls among the grossed out groans of the Lost Boys. I was starting to get used to the brazen shows of affection. Y/N may not have thought anything of it but I still felt my face grow hot at the knowledge everyone just saw him kiss me so shamelessly.
“I know you two haven’t seen each other in thirty years but can you not get your freak on in the middle of camp?” a voice from the crowd shouted.
“My camp! I can do whatever I please, Verne.”
“Or whomever he pleases.” Devin muttered and I slapped him upside the head. “Ow!”
“You had that coming.” Ben shrugged and the others laughed.
I found myself laughing as well. Was this what it was like? My life as Y/N? These boys were so close and yet bickered like siblings. It was so easy to laugh and tease with them. More tiny memories floated from the depths of dumb jokes and good natured sparring matches. These boys weren’t just Lost Boys, they were the brothers I never had. They were my family.
Pan’s arm was locked around my waist as he ushered us through the crowd. “As glad as I am to have you home and I would love nothing more than to lock us away for the next couple of years to not be disturbed I have to know more about the people that came here with you.”
“Huh?” I tried not to think about what he meant by locking the pair of us away. There was no way the two of us had ever...oh god we did didn’t we? Those other dreams. The ones that wound up my body and jolted me awake drenched in cold sweat. My stomach started to sink as the possibility that this boy hanging onto me might try to coerce me into bed. I’ll pretend to do a lot to keep up this charade but that wasn’t one of them.
“Pet? You still with us?” Pan waved a hand in front of my face.
“Sorry,” I squeaked, now alarmingly aware of how close we were. “Lost in thought.”
“What can you tell me about these heroes that came with you? I know what to expect from Hook and the Dark One but I feel like you’d know more about the Saviour and the royals.”
“Right,” I nodded, “Well um...Emma is a very determined woman and--”
“Hold that thought,” Pan went stock still, “They’re cheating.”
Pan whistled loudly and all the boys stood to attention. “The adults are cheating. Using magic to find our camp. You know what to do boys.”
Immediately the boys started to douse the fire and arm themselves. What was going on? Were they going to attack Emma and the others? “Y/N,” Pan turned to me, “As much as I know you’d want to help get back at these pests that trapped you in another realm I’m gonna need you to hide out.”
“Cause I need them alive for now and your bloodlust will wipe them out far too quickly.” he kept a firm grip on me and in an instant we were no longer in the camp but somewhere else entirely. On the ground fast asleep next to us was Henry.
“Look familiar?” Pan smirked down at Henry.
“I should say so. I’m his babysitter.”
“Then this should be easy. Keep an eye on him. I charmed him into a deep sleep that he won’t wake from for a while. I’ll be back to collect the both of you after we’ve dealt with these heroes.” he pecked my lips again. “If something goes wrong just shout for me.”
Unable to believe my luck I nodded and Pan gave me one more smile before disappearing in the blink of an eye. I knelt next to Henry and shook him. “Henry. Come on, Henry, wake up.”
He didn’t stir. “Dork, wake up! We’re here to rescue you!” I lifted his eyelids up but it was like looking into the eyes of a babydoll. That spell had him out cold. I can’t exactly carry him. I wouldn’t be able to get very far with an eleven year old kid weighing me down. Then Pan and the Lost Boys would know I was trying to help get Henry home.
I need to be able to do something.
The looking glass! I pulled it out and tried to talk to Emma. To warn her about what she was walking into. The mirror didn’t work though. Only my own reflection stared back at me. “Emma, please, answer!”
I felt a chill go up my spine and I stuffed the mirror back in my pocket. “That--that was quick.”
“I’m almost disappointed how fast it went by.” Pan sat down next to me and my heart gave a traitorous jump. “I could have let it go on longer but I wanted to get back to you. They understand the price of cheating and now they’ll play the game fairly.”
“What is the game?”
“The best there is. A finding game full of twists and turns and unexpected endings.”
“And Henry’s the prize.” I sighed. Henry wasn’t just some reward or pawn. He’s a good kid. A great kid. He’s my friend. I can’t leave him with this--this--imp! I don’t know what he plans to do with him and I don’t plan on finding out.
“Soon it will all be over,” Pan nestled me closer to him. “I’ll be cured and then nothing can tear us apart again.”
“It’ll all be over soon,” I gazed down at Henry’s peaceful unsuspecting face. Not soon enough.
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thewickedverkaiking · 5 years
DEH Recap 25 July 2018 (Stephen's Debut!)
anyway here's my recap of deh when i went to see it on broadway back in fucking july of last year
we were towards the back of the theatre but the music box is so small we honestly had a great view of both the stage and the band!!
stephen was such a cute evan, he was really anxious but a little more optimistic than ben platt
the opening monologue was so fast omg 
it might just have been me but it seemed like rachel’s mic was turned a little low especially in comparison to evan. it sounds fine in the audio but i had a *little* trouble hearing one or two of her lines in the theatre. it might have been acoustics idk
heidi is so painfully optimistic it hurts my heart
alex’s connor literally does not give a fuck. mike’s connor came across as a kid who had too many emotions he didn’t know how to deal with; alex’s connor is just flat out apathetic
jlt’s cynthia seems a little sterner/reprimanding compared to the earlier boots i’ve seen so that’s an interesting change
at the “he’s not high” part alex had a really creepy smile on his face and then he stalked so defiantly offstage
olivia’s zoe was colder than i expected; her zoe is a little more similar to laura’s 
phoenix’s alana—bless her heart, she was so earnest and adorable 
when jared said that line about zoe’s instagram, stephen was so distressed he spun in an entire circle to make sure no one was listening it was hilarious
sky is really funny but i feel like will is much funnier in terms of comedic timing? like sky’s jared is still an asshole but will’s jared is like. Major Asshole™
there was this mixed groan + laugh throughout the audience during the school shooter line
waving through a window was gorgeous i’m not ashamed to admit that was when i started crying
‘evan right?’ ‘eVAN!!’ and he was so horrified he covered his mouth with both hands
during the jazz band part my mom was like “he’s so nerdy” lmao
the staging and choreo of wtaw is so fucking powerful i love it i love it i love it so much
evan’s desperation during the letter scene was so painfully acute and real and he started crying during ‘i wish everything was different’ 
i’ve always liked the letter scene/wtaw reprise but i never expected to cry so hard during it
alex said the line ’you fell out of a tree? well, that is just the saddest fucking thing i ever heard’ like, completely monotonous 
‘because there’s zoe’; my mom next to me: ‘oh no’
the only time real!connor ever showed emotion was when he yelled at evan at the end of the lab scene he was completely apathetic anywhere else 
asa somer’s larry is a little less stoic than michael park’s 
evan’s head nod at the dinner table was so exaggerated it was like he was going to nod his head off lmao
righ after evan said “i remember a lot of good things about connor” his face was instantly like ‘oh shit’
for forever never used to be a favorite song of mine until now bc wow it was so pure and earnest and heartbreaking 
‘girls we wish would notice us’ he looked at zoe and then whipped his face away so quick
the absolute sass and shade heidi throws about evan’s stepmother lmao
honestly evan talks to heidi like he’s just…trying to placate her and wait until she’s gone; like he doesn’t really care about what she’s trying to say and it breaks my heart :((
fake connor is so much more animated than real connor alex really shows the difference between the two 
the nipples pose was the most Fucking Cursed thing i’ve ever seen in my life 
sky laughed so hard at ‘im sending pictures of the most amazing trees’
alex does the ‘not because we’re gay’ line quite differently from mike; alex’s one is like ‘no of course not we’re not gay!!’
connor and evan high-fived
jared actually never touches them when during the sincerely me dance, it’s like he’s trying to participate but can’t and idk i think that was a really genius blocking move
when evan left the murphy after giving them the emails he made a huge berth around zoe 
requiem fucked me up!! when cynthia was sitting on connor’s bed and hugging his pillow to her chest i couldn’t take it i started sobbing
olivia’s voice is so lilting and pretty, but she hit ‘monster’ really harsh and then broke down crying 
the transition from heidi not being able to do taco tuesday and evan going for dinner at the murphys is just genius that’s all
evan freaked out so bad when he said ‘you’ve never been poor then’ and olivia was so deadpan the whole time it was great
evan’s so in love with zoe during if i could tell her it was adorable and tender and sweet
i think zoe genuinely wanted to know what connor thought about her, she just didn’t want to show it 
he didn’t freak out that much after ‘really pretty—er, good’ but when zoe asked ‘he did?’ he made this really frustrated ARGH noise which was so funny
zoe really was just drinking in everything evan said, which was beautiful and heartbreaking
stephen's voice wavered a little on the last 'i love you' which was kind of funny
phoenix's comedic timing as alana is really great which kind of surprising.  i didn't expect alana to be so funny even with all her intensity and earnestness
anyway, disappear was really cool because alex and stephen are almost the same height? and from the back of the theatre they look p similar in terms of build and all that, so the way the scene was blocked made it look like good angel/bad angel which was just so neat!
the scene where cynthia gave evan connor's tie just broke my heart ouch
the part where evan screws up his speech just before ywbf is honestly so painful to watch because of how accurate it is
stephen is such a great actor his horror and fear and shame is all so palpable
he was just lying there on the ground and sobbing
you will be found was glorious the whole stage was lit up and all the projections were screaming
cynthia's "you did" was just so excited and joyful her smile was so infectious 
baby alex was really adorable i die
when zoe appeared on her bed with the blue light washing over her she looked so alone and so sad i just wanted to run up to her and give her a hug
when larry broke down and cynthia hugged him i wanted to cry
the whole scene and song was just so powerful and the lights and projections and blocking all just tie in so so well
actually that applies for the whole show lmao
evan really brushes off jared after the sincerely me reprise and sky really plays up jared's hurt and ouch
honestly evan's fights with heidi in act 2 are so painful because evan's just getting colder and drifting away and you can tell how frantic and heartbroken heidi is
ngl i don't really like the line about evan not taking his refills and how his anxiety is okay but idk 
'so, you and zoe' 'this glove's really cool wOW' lmfao
ugh, to break in a glove was so heartbreaking guys larry really cared  about connor okay?
asa's larry seems less stoic than michael's and you really see how much he likes evan and he's not afraid to show that affection
"in three hours!" evan's growl was so cute and adorable
he was like yelling and freaking out so bad over the breakup part and then he went 'thank you' in the smallest most embarrassed voice 
only us was pure and wholesome and i couldn't help but think throughout that entire song that wow zoe is amazing and i really want her as my girlfriend
also olivia puckett's voice is really smooth and gorgeous
and evan's really confident in only us which is just such a sweet thing to see 
alana was really fucking pissed at evan wow 
and jared is just flatout apathetic and unsympathetic while evan freaks out
heidi's so shy at the murphys she's adorable
"he's got his own toothbrush" my mom laughed out loud at that line lmao
larry went over to evan when he was curled up on the chair and  kinda like, nudged his shoulders and lower back to get him to sit up straight it was so funny
you can see how mortified heidi is and evan just KNOWS he's going to die once they get home
ngl heidi IS terrifying once they get home 
evan really doesn't hold back with his barbs holy shit 
good for you!! rockstar heidi!! rbj just strutted out like a fucking model!! i love her so much!!
i love this song so much the lighting was amazing and the music was like. shaking the theatre 
same thing for the ywbf reprise
it's so haunting and terrifying and you can just Sense how evan and the murphys feel everything falling apart
stephen's acting during words fail. holy shit. i thought no one could top ben platt's words fail? but i have to say stephen probably gave my favorite performance of the song ever
i've never been so emotionally shaken by a song before, i was sobbing so hard and i need to say that that scene alone was worth the entire price of the ticket. 
so big/so small was so soft and heartbreaking. evan just collapsed into heidi's arms
stephen's kinda lanky and it was really funny seeing rbj trying to half-hug/half-carry him on the couch
i didn't cry as hard during that song because i think i ran out of tears after words fail
when the scrim is pulled back and everything turns blue?? so bright? so emotional so beautiful
all those plants rising up from the ground
the ending was so satisfying oh my god i have never seen a better musical
it was my first broadway stagedoor and we got out asap after the show ended but holy shit there were so many people
it was drizzling just a little bit so some people left before the actors came out
the most annoying thing is when there are people going in and out of the theatre and the stagedoor keeps opening and closing and you're just on an emotional rollercoaster bc you think the cast is coming out >:)
april lavalle (alex's girlfriend)  stuck her head out of the door to look around at one point! alex didn't come out tho :((
asa was the first to come out!
he was so sweet, i asked him to sign a playbill for my friend sarah and he was like 'do you want me to write her name?' and i was like 'yes!' and he drew a little heart next to it was so sweet omg
sky was the next one out and i told him he was really funny and he was like !! thank you and i almost died 
stephen was the last one to come out and sky got really excited and yelled 'this is his first stagedoor' and everyone cheered for him
he was really shy at first and didn't want to take pictures
but he and asa and sky took a selfie! i couldn't get in but i got a photo of them taking it and omg i would die for this cast that's all
when stephen signed my playbill im pretty sure i told him something along the lines about him being fantastic and i was so happy to have seen him and he smiled this cute dorky grin and said thank you and i died a little inside
down the line he agreed to take some selfies 
and then the security guard told us that that was everyone 
i was really hoping to see olivia but it's okay!! it was such an amazing incredible wonderful experience
oh and apparently my parents were waiting off to the side of the stagedoor crowd and my mom said asa waved to them as he left the theatre?!?!?!
also she saw phoenix leave
and yeah that's basically what happened
i'm still pinching myself wtf
im sorry this post was so long i have a lot to say
this is also lowkey for me to look back on next time and so i wont forget what happened
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