#and just many. many videos of people getting into accidents. while i was like. 8
flufftober · 2 years
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Hello and welcome to our second annual Flufftober 🥳
We’re so excited to be back and to once again have you here!
Let’s fill the month of October with as much fluff as possible 🥰
You’ll find the entire prompt list - as well as a list of prompt substitutes! - at the end of this post so you can easily copy/paste it all. But first:
Rules & FAQ
No inc*st or p*dophilia - we can’t keep you from writing it or creating art for it but it won’t be reblogged.
No hate or ship bashing - we’re all different and we all love different things. As long as it doesn’t go against rule #1, it’s allowed.
Tag correctly! Trigger warnings (including cheating!), ships, ratings, (pure) smut, etc - it’s all fine as long as you tag it.
There’s absolutely no word count restriction, write as little or as much as you like.
In regards to art, anything goes: drawings, paintings, collages, mood boards, gifsets, videos, playlists… the sky’s the limit (though not really…)
While we can’t force you to write fluff or create fluffy art, please try to keep in mind that this is a fluff event 😉
You can start writing and/or arting as soon as you see this - but please refrain from posting before the respective day.
You can participate on as many days as you like, even if it’s just one; you can also create multiple entries for the same day.
NEW this year are our prompt substitutes! These are the five most loved prompts from the previous year, and you can use as many of them as you like instead of five prompts from the original list - or even in addition, that's completely up to you.
It’s okay to write one story/a series for all the prompts as long as it’s separated into chapters and the respective chapter/work is posted on the given day.
You do not have to stick to one ship or even one fandom - switch as often as you like to or even write for multiple ships for one day.
The ship does not have to be a romantic one! Friendship and family feels are more than welcome (but this is not a way to get around rule #1!)
This event can be combined with other events as long as the other event allows it.
Late entries are always welcome, even if it is months later.
All fandoms and ships are welcome - fanon and canon - as long as they’re of age (in case you want to add smut) and not related.
Posting to tumblr
Please use the tag #flufftober2022
Since tags are sometimes wonky, make sure to also add @flufftober in your post
We will try to catch them all, but please don't be mad if we miss a post or if it gets reblogged a bit late
If you're absolutely certain a post has slipped past us, feel free to send an ask with the link to your post
To make reblogging easier for us, make sure to add the following tags: #flufftober2022 #day [xy] #[fandom] #[ship and/or main character(s)]
If you're using a prompt substitute, instead of #day [xy] tag it as #alt 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
Posting to ao3
You can add your creation to the collection flufftober2022 or flufftober_2022 (yes, we've claimed both because so many people added to the wrong collection last year 😅)
Late entries are always welcome, on tumblr as well as the ao3 collection! Neither will close - but like last year, reblogs will become less and less and further apart the more months pass...
1. Wearing Each Other’s Clothes
2. “You’ve told your parents?”
3. Thick as Thieves
4. Supporting Silly Quirks/Hobbies
5. “Oh no, you’re a Morning Person!”
6. Candles, Lanterns, Fairy Lights
7. Movie Marathon
8. Shooting Stars
9. Game Day (Sports)
10. Love Language
11. Poetry, Art, Music, Craft
12. “You kept this?”
13. Secret Family Recipe
14. Truth or Dare/20 Questions
15. Accidents don't just happen accidentally
16. “I hate you” – “I love you too”
17. Animal Shelter
18. Soulmate AU
19. Hot Chocolate
20. Bedtime Stories
21. Kiss for Good Luck
22. “Have you heard?”
23. POV Outsider
24. All the Hugs
25. First Dance
26. Blankets
27. Reunion
28. Picnic
29. Leaves
30. Dear Diary
31. A Sweet Treat
Prompt Substitutes
Last year, many of you asked for it, this year we're delivering 😊 introducing: Prompts Substitutes!
As explained in the rules, these can be used if there are prompts in the original list that you don't like for whatever reason. No need to explain or apologize for it, simply switch them with one of the five most loved prompts from last year. Or... you know... just add these five to your list of 31 prompts that want to be written 😉
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Alt 1: Slow Dancing
Alt 2: Caught in the Rain
Alt 3: Falling Asleep Together
Alt 4: Up Against the Wall Kiss
Alt 5: Winning a Teddy for the Other
We hope you like these lists, and now
Happy Creating 🥳
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grimalkinmessor · 26 days
6, 8, 15 for lawlight pleaseee!
6. How do they make up/apologize after an argument?
Well, I'm certain that neither of them apologize, at least not verbally; they're both too prideful for it. I think that L makes up by giving gifts (read: bribes) when Light is angry with him, but that rarely works so he has to resort to making Light feel powerful in some way. Whether that's through revealing a secret/weakness or simply letting him top, that's up to you :3
Light is....more complicated, because while getting L to admit he's wrong is like pulling teeth, Light won't admit he's wrong at all. He's kind of incapable of it when it's something he gives a shit about. But, then, he kinda gives a lot of shits about L himself, so therein lies the problem. On smaller matters, Light can begrudgingly take 'defeat' and admit that L was right but not that he was wrong, but for everything else.... Yeah, the most you're getting out of him is a roundabout concession over something else that is far less important but still somehow ties back to the thing they were arguing about.
But L loves his prideful little monster, so he knows what to expect in the end really lmao
8. What do they love most about the other? Why?
For ME personally, L loves that Light is fucking insane. He's seen people like that before, of course, but they've never been on his level, never truly come to KNOW him like Light has, never mirrored him so exactly in intelligence and ruthlessness. Never gave him so much fun. Granted, Light's flavor of haughty insanity isn't what made L fall in love with him, but it is the biggest reason he loves him 🥰
For Light, he loves how much of a challenge L is. He never gives Light an inch, and if he does it's only to further his own goals and agenda. He's able to see through Light's lies and politeness down to the monster beneath—L is the only one who ever truly sees him. And Light can't help but love and hate him for it. But mostly love ;3
15. What songs remind you of their relationship?
I actually don't have that many for them, surprisingly! And what I do have is fairly generic, but I'll try and find some of my gems for you! :D
↑ Obligatory Junie & The Hut Friends song because I have to have at least one in every playlist and this one just fits the lawlight vibe ✨
↑ A bit of a classic one for me, again. If they beat the fuck out of each other regularly then this is my go-to song :3
↑ This one is Light to me 😌 Light descending into madness because he's realized his feelings for L and is disgusted with himself and listing all the things he hates about L, berating himself for falling in the first place all while the derangement takes over as he realizes he still has to kill him 💅✨
↑ I'm so sorry, I'm not usually a k-pop groupie but my little sisters were watching the music video for this one and it just SCREAMS lawlight I don't know how else to explain it 😭
↑ Me when L singing to Light. When L singing to Light before and after his death. wHEN NOW I'M IN YOUR HEAD AND THE RENT IS DUE—
↑ Same as above but reversed POV 🙏 Light can't get him out L is in him forever now 😌
↑ 🫣🫣🫣😳😳😳🫣 This one's pretty self-explanatory once you listen to it....
↑ Again, self-explanatory, but also Light. Light-coded. For obvious reasons. But yes ✨
....Okay maybe I lied a little on accident I had more than I thought 😅
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fractualized · 3 months
Don't really consume original batman comics, can't have acess to this things but I started to read and watch batjokes stuff. I'll say that I consume from the dark and reflecting to the wholesome peak, and one of that keeps heartwarming me is Telltale batjokes. Love how John can go from scary smiling creature to a precious sweetheart. Also like to see different versions of Joker interactions with the batfam in the various fancomics and fanfics. What makes think how I don't see many fics about John Doe with the batfam. Of course I see that is because the Telltale universe doesn't have the Bruce's kids, what is really sad because I think that "collision" could give us some truly great things.
What scenarios do you think it could be treated on these stories that you haven't saw being made yet?
Also, I saw once a post a person made talking how they'd like about John exploring more his sexuality. Like, that would focus more in the John's experiences out of Arkham BEFORE meeting Bruce again. Trying new clothes, talking with new people, discovering makeup (that I think he wouldn't get acess in Arkham). Do you have any thoughts about that too?
Recently I watched some videos that talk about John's possible disorders. How looks like he keeps switching from 'John' to 'Joker' and how he was way more "Joker" in Arkham, maybe having a kind of personality disorder. Sure, must be in that way because they wanted a different John from the one that we have in season one, but we can dream about this a little bit, can we?
That was long. Sorry for the errors, english it's not my language. Like your fics btw. The more I read some things, more I like the whole fan creation stuff and understand better too.
Thank you for the message, and for enjoying my fic! No worries about the length. I'll take your questions one by one:
John Doe and the Batfam
I think one of the reasons not a lot of people (including me) have incorporated the batfam into Telltale fic is that a big selling point for writing it is that the Telltale-verse is its own thing. There's much, much less history to complicate matters if you want to write a canon-compliant story, which includes there being no children to distract Bruce from his relationship with John, which a lot of fic focuses on. The batjokes is certainly what I enjoy! I don't have anything against the batfam (and I'm actually trying to read a little more about at least some of them), but since that interest has never been super high, my fic ideas never went in that direction.
If I do think about bringing in batfam, well, I get a little stuck.
While John is a lighter flavor of Joker, he's still a Joker, and Joker is not a parental person. In the comics he has had some interesting nonviolent interactions with kids, indulging or even protecting them, but that's not the same as being responsible for them. And one of the stronger Joker characteristics John has is his obsession with Bruce and wanting his attention. I don't think John would go all "Death of the Family" on a kid brought into the manor, but he would be wildly jealous. Like, my first plot bunny is John getting a visit from Bruce, who tells him about witnessing this tragic accident at the circus that left a poor child acrobat orphaned, and wanting to help him. Then over more visits, we get a story of little Dick Grayson insisting on investigating his parents murder, so intently that he becomes Bruce's vigilante partner. And John, who's been gnawing on his jealousy over Bruce spending all this time with some kid, loses his shit that an 8-year-old is a better vigilante than he ever was. Just spiraling about how Bruce is forgetting about him. He breaks out, insisting he can help, but just gets thrown back in again. A tragedy!
Okay, let's try one with John out of Arkham, and let's go non-chronological this time and say Bruce meets Jason Todd first. Jason's trying to steal the batmobile's tires, of course, but he's also a witness to a murder or something, so Bruce brings him home. This time John directly witnesses Bruce bonding with a troubled kid, and the jealousy is worse because John recognizes all the ways Bruce calms him down. John and Jason don't get along at all because John is constantly trying to get Bruce to shuttle this kid off to a nice foster home, but similar to the scenario above, Jason's moxy earns him a Robin spot. Then a twist! Jason has leaned into Bruce's mentoring because he wants to find his mother, who he's sure is alive! And John is like, well dang, I'll help you find her if it gets you out of my house. And in some eerie parallels to Jason's comic death, they end up overseas and find Sheila Haywood, who it turns out is defrauding the aid organization she works for. On being discovered, the men she's working with attack Jason, and John has this terrible opportunity to take his jealousy past the brink and let whatever happens to Jason happen-- but he doesn't. He saves Jason instead, not just because he knows Bruce would be wrecked but because he sees parts of himself reflected in Jason. There, that's sort of nicer! I still don't think John would be parental after that, but it would be nicer??
John's Self-Exploration
See, the thing with John having new experiences after getting out of Arkham is that they have to be limited, because that's key to what happens with his character in the game. He's really struggling with finding who he is, because he keeps trying to emulate other people rather than figure out what he personally wants to do with this life. (Which would be understandable even if he was the average person. It's easier to model yourself after somebody else than to put yourself out there again and again to figure out what works for you.) Before Bruce reappears, John is focused on being who he thinks Harley wants him to be and having a place with the gang. It ties into his hatred for Riddler, who just outright disdained of him instead of simply tolerating him like, say, Freeze.
He still naturally does some exploration, of course. He has to dress himself outside of Arkham, and he's a talkative guy so he managed to find, uh, acquaintances outside of the Pact at the Stacked Deck. It probably would have helped him a lot if he'd done more of that, but as much as he seems to act independently in the game, all too often it's in service of impressing Harley or then Bruce. If I were to write about John's exploration, it would probably be about restraint. He would be full of curiosity about the ways other people express themselves, and he'd stifle it because he's not sure if that's what Harley would want. Makeup would be a big curiosity for sure, but I can see John not indulging either because he doesn't see a lot of other guys wear it or because he asked Harley if he could try her kit and she decided to psych him out about it because she could.
Is it too drastic to say that a John who had even trepidatious confidence for self-exploration might have found more balance and avoided his fate in the game? Maybe, but I have to wonder.
John In Arkham Versus Outside Arkham
Personally I tread lightly when it comes to assigning specific disorders to John. It's one thing if someone recognizes their own diagnosis in him and uses that to inform a fic. When it comes to the writing in the game, as far as I can tell, it was just working off characteristics common to the Joker: impulsive, manipulative, self-important, and infatuated with violence, with a poor sense of boundaries and an inappropriate sense of humor. Those traits may be consistent with certain disorders, but there aren't that many fic scenarios where I would feel the need to specify what applies to John, and in those cases I would be extremely careful. When it comes to pure speculation? I'm just not qualified. Heck, I have a fic where I gave John a heart diagnosis and I'm still hoping I wasn't super off-base.
As for the shift from "Joker" to "John," I ascribe to the fish-out-of-water explanation (which, yeah, papers over how Telltale simply needed to change his character for the story). John learned a more aggressive way to navigate life when he was incarcerated in a corrupt asylum, and when the rules he lived by there did not apply outside of it, he had to re-map. Not only did he have to learn different ways to behave, but he had to do it while feeling more off-kilter than usual, exposed and vulnerable. Make a mistake when living in Arkham, you just get put in a deeper hole in Arkham. Make a mistake outside of Arkham, you lose all your newfound freedom and get thrown back behind bars. I don't see a "switch" in John, just him reverting to more aggressive behavior at times, especially when he's under stress.
Well, I hope my thoughts were… interesting? I feel like I pushed back on most of your starting points and that's probably annoying. Sorry!
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firefly124 · 1 year
Witchcraft SMP
I love this SMP to bits for just so many reasons.
Cleo, the time witch with the second start and mysterious past they rarely make reference to. Seriously, they mentioned wanting to bring someone back once and that’s it. Also, their hexcraft is just such a perfect fit for someone so detail-oriented.
Prismarina, the water witch with the confusing swings that we’re finally getting an inkling of info about.
Tiff, the nature witch who has me hooked on learning Botannia. Also, I could listen to her voice all day. She could read me the phone book, but the Botannia spellbooks work nicely as well.
Scott, the incredibly messed up necromancer trying to bring back his beloved Milo.
Lauren, the sardonic sand witch, who can’t seem to get out of her own way.
Shelby, the storm witch who seems at times to be winning by accident.
Eloise, the illusion witch who is at least as mysterious as the time witch, though that’s probably because she does streams rather than videos so I’m just getting other people’s POV on her.
Joey, the firefrost witch who is just unhinged. Sure, let’s summon a demon without knowing what we’re doing. What could go wrong?
Bertha, the NPC(?) who seems to be scamming them all while being in charge of everything.
But do you know what I love most about this SMP? The thing I don’t often see mentioned anywhere?
Witchcraft SMP was launched right after that wizard game with all the antisemitism put out by the transphobic author who shall not be named. And this SMP is full of queer folks. As far as those I know: Scott and Joey are gay, Shelby is ace, Cleo and Eloise are bi. (I’m not sure if Cleo explicitly identifies as trans, but does use she/they pronouns, so I’m guessing somewhere in the nb spectrum?) Prismarina’s character was courting Eloise at one point, but I don’t know whether cc!Pris has said anything about her own orientation. I don’t know Lauren or Tiff much at all, but presumably they’re at least allies, especially since they basically came out of Minecraft retirement for this SMP.
None that I’m aware of have come right out and said it, but from my POV, it looks like 8 queer and allied MCYTers decided to collectively flip the bird to that other game, and I think that’s just beautiful.
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panopticum · 5 months
2: Who got you into the band you adore now?
6: Favourite Album?
8: Songs that you could listen to forever and never get tired of?
13: Favourite lyric?
27: What song/album do you listen to when you need a pick-me-up?
40: When did music become an important factor in your life?
46: It’s 3 in the morning and you wanna DANCE. What song do you blast to the heavens?
48: All time favourite photo of the band you currently adore?
I know you probably have fun answers :3
finally getting around to this and I’m sure I will think of other answers right after posting - so it goes!
2. fave band - the Peter Gabriel thing was a total divine accident. I was out dancing at an 80s-90s music video mashup night and Sledgehammer came on. I remember hearing the opening flute riff and seeing some guy near me contort his body in sudden recognition. the first beat hit and I can only imagine this is what people feel after doing their first hit of some deadly euphoric drug. the rest is history; I felt something in my brain go *clunk* and it was game over.
6. ahhh so many over the years but right now it’s Us by Peter Gabriel. I’m a total basic bitch for a good melody and that album is full of them, not to mention extremely relatable themes around longing, connection, “am I the problem,” and more. honorable mentions go to Age of Adz and Carrie and Lowell by Sufjan Stevens, Not Even Happiness by Julie Byrne, the original Hadestown album pre-Broadway, and O True Believers by James Blackshaw.
8. soooo many PG songs. but also: O.N.E. by Yeasayer, Music for 18 Musicians by Steve Reich, Fake Empire by the National, and many more.
13. “we took the town to town last night/we kissed like we invented it”
(not sure if this counts but the “shh…listen” at the very end of Secret World, too)
27. I tend to listen to sad music when I’m sad lol. but: the Graceland album by Paul Simon is a good one. also the song Number One Fan by MUNA.
40. mmmm to keep it brief: I’ve always been a deep feeler and music felt like the one thing that could mirror that. I grew up listening to a lot of hyper-melodic music like Yanni and inventing dances to go with it. I was in band and choir all throughout high school and college and kept singing in different groups after college. now I get such a charge out of dance, karaoke, live shows, and jamming on my uke. music has also helped me remember moments in my life, i.e. the first time I heard a Julien Baker song while driving through southern Colorado in a rainstorm. like life snapshots.
46. to pick only one: Let’s Go Crazy by Prince (a previous artist hyperfixation lol)
48. this was VERY DIFFICULT ahaha but:
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I just adore this photo. it captures so much I love about this goofy man. I really relate to his perfectionism and tendency to get sucked into details. I love that he’s not a do-it-in-one-take guy like Prince. he’s obsessive and kind of lost in his world. but still tries to look up and out at the rest of the world around him. plus I love that Parachute label he wore so much of in the 80s (like this jacket here). p.s. I of course wanted to post some egregious 90s photo of him but there were too many to choose from.
thanks for the asks; this was fun <3
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jaspbec · 21 days
this blog is solely dedicated to JaspBec, a slash ship between Jaspers Lalonde and Becquerel Harley from Guidestuck!
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status of relationship: Friendship On Hold (formerly Best Friends) also known as: BecJasp, JasBec, BecJas, JaspersBec, BecJaspers, CatDog, Cats and Dogs, Kats and Dogs, DogBite tropes: Cat/Dog; Like an Old Married Couple; Love Before First Sight; Opposites Attract; Platonic Writing, Romantic Reading -Becquerel: Desperately Craves Affection, Insecure Love Interest -Jaspers: Good Feels Good, Jerkass Realization
I. Pre-Guidestuck Around eleven years old, Bec began to play a MMORPG video game called 'Konsole Krusher'. Due to how badly he was at it, he became a " laughingstock of the Konsole Krusher forums". Jaspers, at the time, was a competitive player who'd look down on anyone that was even slightly below his level, especially Bec as "nobody pissed [Jaspers] off more than [Bec]". Although Jaspers would continuously tear him apart daily, Bec still kept playing; though it'd be revealed that he didn't understand anything that Jaspers has said to him. Jaspers kept making fun of him for a while, until he started to realize that Bec was genuinely upset with him for what he'd done. Bec then posted on the forums, presumably, about the way Jaspers had been treating him, from a small sum of people turned to pretty much everyone, they were all upset because of him. Jaspers would realized he was being selfish and came to Bec to apologize for what he did; though it'd come to no avail as Bec thought he was just making fun of him. He had to leave the forums completely. After being logged off and getting over coffee for a few weeks, he decided to clean up the mess he made as he wanted to feel like he mattered, "just in a different way, in a way that actually DID matter". During that time, he'd change his online handle, persona and most importantly, himself. Jaspers then came back to Bec, thinking he would still recognize him. To his surprise, Bec didn't remember him, not even in the slightest as he still couldn't read all that well. When Bec realized Jaspers wanted to be his friend, he was really excited about it. Jaspers offered to help him on how to read and spell better. His typing would improve everytime they spoke.
II. Guidestuck 1. Pre-accident a) Becquerel Harley Upon booting up his computer, the first person he wanted to tell about him being able to receive the package was Jaspers.[1] Bec often refers to Jaspers by many nicknames such as various cat-themed epithets (kitty, kitten, meow mix, catmandu), hypocorisms (Jas, Jaspy, Jasp, JJ)[2] and others like 'boss', 'sleeping beauty'[3], 'bill nye the science guy'[4], ' asspers'[5], 'junior', 'clouseau'[6], 'Mr. Perfect'[7]. Jaspers has the most nicknames by Bec. He helped Jaspers rekindle his relationship with his father. b) Jaspers Lalonde Initially befriended Bec to assuage his own guilt over bullying him, but later came to genuinely value his friendship with him "more than anything else in the world". He didn't tell Bec the truth as he was terrified of hurting him again. When he waited for Omega server to install, he became thrilled and giddy upon realizing he was about to see his BEST FRIEND for the FIRST TIME. While imagining what his friend would look like for real, he considers Bec THE COOLEST PERSON EVER and himself lucky to even be friends with Bec.
Wow. Your best friend is LITERALLY THE COOLEST PERSON EVER. He's probably like RAMBO. And he's YOUR FRIEND. GOSH. You sure are LUCKY.[8]
Once the server was ready to connect, despite having no idea how "this computer stuff works", Jaspers was "just glad that it's WORKING AT ALL". Upon seeing his friend doze off on his bed, Jaspers felt silly for thinking "he'd be some RUGGED, SECRETIVE PERSON". It'd be revealed that they've been known each other for exactly 2 YEARS and that "[Bec]'s easily the most GENUINE PERSON [HE] KNOWS"
What a great guy.[9]
After scanning Bec's walls of posters, he found them "kind of childish" but wouldn't dare to tell Bec about it as he didn't want to hurt his friend's feelings; and instead would tell him how great they were once he woke up from his slumber.
You could say a few choice words about these posters, but you won't. It probably took him years to collect all of these. So when he wakes up, you'll tell him how great you think they are. Because you care about him, and just because you think his posters are kind of childish, that doesn't make him any less cool.[10]
Jaspers also scanned through his wall of drawings he made, finding them "pretty decent" and Bec "imaginative".
He's such a child in a lot of ways, still, but everything about him just seems so perfect right now.[11]
He'd take note of Bec's interests in his notepad file and considers buying him a new computer as well. 2. During-accident a) Becquerel Harley With his long-time companion's body restless beneath him, Bec was heart-broken as he tries to convince himself to wake up from this horrible nightmare. In spite of his anger, and his sadness, and his utter devastation at having lost his only physical companion, Bec moved to open the Cruxtruder that Jaspers had dropped for him. Despite being upset with Jaspers, his narration still refers to him as his "best friend"[12] unlike Jasper's. Bec's tone was cold and irritated, to say at least.
CC: lift the bed. CC: it wants jade. ... CC: you killed her because you werent listening to me. CC: you listen to me now or i swear to god CC: youll regret ever meeting me. CC: i dont know what this thing does CC: but if you think its gonna fix ANYTHING CC: youd better fucking lift the bed, jaspers CC: and youd better do it NOW.[13]
b) Jaspers Lalonde Jaspers was petrified at what he had done. He had ruined Bec's life, yet again. He immediately began to think of a way to make it up to Bec, though it'd be proved fruitless as he's completely shaken.
What you need right now is a MIRACLE.[17]
He desperately clung onto anything that would help him mend his friendship with Bec.
AA: I know you probably hate me AA: But I can fix this AA: Please believe me[18]
They told you what to do, and how to fix things. You have to listen to them. They expect you to fuck this up. You won't. You won't fuck up.[19]
3. Post-accident a) Becquerel Harley When talking to Quinn, Bec's still mad at but he knew Jaspers was sorry, as he didn't really see why he wouldn't be. From what Bec could tell, all Jasper's interested in then was "covering his ass". Even though he's still pissed, he asked Quinn to get Jaspers back to the game as Bec'd rather not have him watch him "fuck around" and mope because Bec didn't want talk to him, showing that he still, at least, cared about Jaspers despite what happened. According to Jaspers, Bec had never been THIS angry at him before, "maybe just irritated, but not angry". When Jaspers managed to talk to Bec, he was still angry but he'd reassure Jaspers that he didn't hate him or anything, saying that it'd just take a few days for things to cool down.
CC: i dont NEED anything from you, but i dont hate you or some stupid horse shit, ok?[14] ... CC: look, CC: its fine. CC: ok not FINE fine, but you dont have to worry CC: you dont need to wear safety gloves around me just because youre a spectacular fuck up.[15] ... CC: im gonna save you some time right now CC: im not gonna just stop being angry. you killed my dog, i cant NOT be angry. CC: its just gonna take a few days, ok? dont worry about it, kitty.[16]
b) Jaspers Lalonde When he finally talked to Quinn, he expressed how much he misses Bec and how sorry he was
AA: Yes, and I know it’s illogical that I want to reach out to him right now. But I miss my friend. AA: That sounds a bit immature, but it is the truth. I want to say I’m sorry.
Jaspers would then pointed out how "off" Bec was and worries that he didn't wanna be friends anymore.
AA: He said said some things that seem more than angry though. AA: ... AA: ...I don’t think he wants to be friends anymore. ... AA: I don’t know, Quinn. He wasn’t acting like Bec. Not like how he usually is, you know. With the yelling and all. AA: He got quiet and really sharp. AA: Verbally, of course. Not physically sharp. That’s ridiculous. AA: I was trying not to mess up, but I think I just. AA: Did.[20]
When Quinn tried to help him feel less stressed out, he'd go on a little tangent on how all of it was just foolish of him and beating himself up over it.
AA: Is gone. AA: I suppose he went exploring then. He must feel better already. BF: maybe, or he might just be getting the space he needs to untangle. BF: you might want to wait before talking to him... AA: But how long. AA: He’s my best friend, Q. AA: I know that sounds stupid, but I hate this. AA: This is just so stupid! It was a stupid mistake and I shouldn’t have been playing around. AA: I was being immature and dumb, and if I hadn’t been then none of this would be happening! AA: And I don’t even know what to do with myself anymore!
Jaspers then said his goodbyes to Quinn as he went to talk to Bec.
AA: I can’t just abandon him to the game after the Jade-accident. AA: He’d think I was being a coward. AA: I should talk to him...[21]
~~~ It's not perfect. It's the best I could do to sum up and point out some things about their relationship :P It'll most likely undergo many edits to "perfect" it. -🩰
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seven-thewanderer · 10 months
Okay after a lot of stress of doing this, I made this drawing!!!
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and here's a version w/out the darkness:
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And there was supposed to be a version that was just the bg, but...
that leads into why I got stressed
I'll explain, but I'll put it below a cut so people aren't forced to see me ranting
So rant below:
The combination of Kleki + my often-glitches chromebook is a free helltrip.
So, as I've explained probably in June, my tablet is not working, forcing me to use my Chromebook to interact, and Kleki, this random drawing site, to draw
And Kleki is already not preferred by me, since:
It has a limit of 16 layers (sure, it used to only have 8, which was worse, but I'd still prefer more layers)
It doesn't really have a blur tool (sure, it has a blurring edit labelled Tilt Shift, but it doesn't work really like a blur tool would)
You can't select a specific part of a layer (example: Say for the drawing above, I put two heads: One is SunBun's, one is Moonpie's. However, Moonpie's isnt where I want it to be! It would be simple to just... select Moonpie's head, right? Nope!! You can't select one of them, you select the whole layer!! I've at least found a cheat of duplicating the layer, removing Sun's head on one & Moon's on the other, and then moving the layer that only has Moon's head. However, ya cant do that when you already have 16 layers, can ya??)
You can't select & recolor a part of a layer. (this is something I honestly use a lot if I'm drawing Sun and/or Moon lineless. I select the head, and then draw the cresent, with no worry of having to erase the outer lines. However, this one doesn't do that, and that upsets me slightly, but it's not too big of an issue.
No folders for layers (I don't usually use folders w/ layers so this doesn't bother me, but I found out from someone who I won't name that folders can be helpful when drawing, and this site didn't have that, so yeah for any folder users or anyone who needs a lot of layers then good luck using Kleki)
Trying to undo something and hitting the Share button by accident (this annoys me so much. I make a mistake, try to undo it, and have to deal with seeing "Kleki.Com says sharing not supported" over and over again like I KNOW!!! SHUT UPP!!!!)
And probably many more issues that I just can't think of rn
Of course this is just how I feel about it, and most of my issues towards it are based off of how I used IbisPaintX (what I would draw with on my tablet), but Kleki just makes me wish my tablet gets fixed quicker...
Cus honestly drawing would be easier for me on IbisPaintX than on Kleki...
But that's not it...
Since at the start I said the combination of Kleki & my often-glitches chromebook, right?
I've explained Kleki, what about my Chromebook?
the screen will randomly go black.
when you least expect it.
Like some examples:
Writing something? A story, or an assignment, or something like that? Boom, black screen.
Watching a video? Boom, black screen.
Looking/scrolling through something? Boom, black screen. (or sometimes it just freezes, but that's only happened if I'm scrolling mainly...)
Drawing? Boom, black screen!!
But for that last one, that's not just it!!
so to finish that little equation?
Kleki plus my often-glitches Chromebook equals....
Your drawing is now lost to the void!!! Yippee!!! (<- /s)
But yeah I was drawing (and I've learned almost every step you gotta save it), and while I was working on the oven & wall of the bg, it glitched & I lost it
And I had it stepped out like this:
Sunbun & Moonpie
Sugar jar BG
Table BG
Oven BG
Wall BG
I reached the oven, but started working on the wall at the same time, and it did the thing!!! And since I saved after the Table, that meant 1-5 were all now 1 layer, and I couldn't have a separate bg image anymore, since the sugar jar & the table was meant to be a part of the BG!! Yippee!!!
So yeah, though I'm glad it didn't glitch while I was drawing Sunbun & Moonpie (since I would've just given up then), I'm still pissed.
But that's enough ranting, cus I don't like ranting. ...at least, I don't like me ranting.
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lutawolf · 2 years
BL Round-Up#5
So @bengiyo tagged me in a current watchlist and I've been way too busy to do one of these in a while. Now we shall!
Recently Finished
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About Youth (Gaga or Viki) 8 - I don’t think this show had enough time to explore all of its ideas, but this show is a valuable addition to the Summer ‘22 High School BL Extravaganza. The cast is just so beautiful, and the boys from Taiwan continue to give earnest performances that I find incredibly endearing. Fuck Ye Guang’s parents, though. <review stolen from @bengiyo cause this is perfect> Also want to add that I felt the ending fell flat. I still would give it a solid 8 score buttttt. Too many unresolved or didn't make sense moments.
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Senpai, This Can’t Be Love! (Gaga or Viki) 6 - Very disappointing finish. I felt the lack of communication to be overly juvenile, so I can’t walk away from this show envisioning them as a functional couple at all. <once again stolen> Add to it that this just didn't portray a realistic adult relationship. Who doesn't even video chat?!? Characters are cute and there are really cute moments so don't fully avoid it but it is a 6.
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Love Mechanics (WeTV) 9 - I love this relationship so much. I know a lot of people don't but I feel it's a pretty realistic portrayal of a young couple. Who haven't been in many relationships. I mean Vee had one girlfriend when he found Mark. The drama added up for me which made the sweet moments that much sweeter. I also group watched this with @ellaspore and @annie0183 which I totally recommend. Get some besties that are as unhinged as you so that you can cackle and throw popcorn at the same time. Also rewind shower scene 7 times. Don't judge!
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Mr. Unlucky has no Choice but to Kiss or Fukou-kun wa Kiss Suru Shikanai! (Gaga or Viki) 8 - This had me at the word go. There are details that make you wonder and then you get to the end and go, ahhhh. There is love at first sight and a grumpy character that's loveable. Those are my jam and this brought it with more.
Currently Watching
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Takara-kun & Amagi-kun (Gaga or Viki) 10 - I love this craziness of Amagi-kun and the devotion but in ability to communicate of Takara-Kun. They are adorable and I always get excited when I'm about to watch their episode. It has a very Accident Love feel and I adore that one as well.
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Love in the Air (iQIYI) or Youtube You know when you read a smut book and it has just enough plot that you understand why the characters are having sex? Well welcome to that in a show but with amazing characters, great chemistry, and kink. I'm personally in heaven. If you too would like to join me in heaven then you can read my reviews here.
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Once Again (Gaga or Viki) - OMG, this show has taken my breath from me. I didn't think it would be something I would like but I was having a sad day and went, something new. I didn't want the comfort of something I've watched before and so I clicked on this, knowing it would hurt. Not expecting to be sucked in. I'm emotionally invested now. I'm truly going to be traumatized. I am going to cry and rage as much as I did with A Walk To Remember.
Not BL
What, like reading? Cause I'm not watching anything that isn't BL.
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axiolaprim · 6 months
I finished making my Creepypasta OC…this is her…no, we are not going to talk about how I made her look like Toby on accident.
Trigger warning (all uncensored under the cut : mentions of mvrd£r, mentions of @rs°n, mentions of st@lk!ng, mentions of kn!v£s, mentions of gvns, uncensored profanities
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Name: Marie Larkk
Alias: Whist
Catchphrase: hush, all will be silent soon.
Age: 16
Height: 5'3
murder (she literally kills people)
arson (she'll occasionally start fires in order to either dispose of bodies or just blow off some steam because she's stressed)
stalking (she stalks her victims to see if she deems them worthy of having their life taken (aka, if you're an absolute asshole))
Preferred victims: rapists, abusers, alcoholics (especially ones who have no desire to change), other miscellaneous criminals
Weapons of choice: pocket knife, pistol
Miscellaneous facts:
she chose the name Whist due to the word meaning "to hush or silence" or "to become silent" since she is making people silent by killing them
she wouldn't have chosen the red and yellow striped stalks on intuition, she chose them due to her childhood obsession with the television series Ruby Gloom and wanted to show a person more like Ruby to abuse victims and trauma survivors (yes, I only did that to promote one of the best children's TV shows I've ever watched :))
she does stutter a bit at times when talking and generally has trouble expressing her thoughts but once she gets started on ranting or telling someone off she can go for a while nonstop and get her point across surprisingly clearly despite how many times she might loose track of what she's saying or going over something more than once on accident
she occasionally has anxiety induced hallucinations, doesn't happen often but she does see creepy forms and faces
She lived in a house haunted with demons until her parents were able to move her out with her younger sister at ages 10 and 8
She's a bit clumsy and so she always keeps medical supplies on her
She has a bit of issues trusting people due to loosing her grandmother after months of being told that her grandmother would be able to come home, not being able to keep friends for more than a few months other than two which she had for longer but has trouble keeping contact even before she started killing people, not being able to tell her parents that she's not straight after being told that "they don't dislike gays, they just think that their views are skewed", and not being taken seriously as a child
She has a small undercut that's only noticable when she puts her hair into a ponytail (yes, like Jaiden Animations, she went through a time where Jaiden Animations was her favorite YouTuber but was no longer able to watch her after the video where she mentioned that she wasn't straight, go check her videos out please, she's cool :)) which she does frequently with her hood down (aka, when she's not on missions)
She died her hair so that it's an almost blackish red-brown (think the color of dried blood) with small streaks of dark red and black (ribbon highlights and ribbon low-lights)
She has almost random times when she switches from being practically emotionless to almost overly emotional, these are normally triggered by things that would shift your emotions very quickly
She doesn't tan easily, she gets a shit tun of freckles though
She doesn't like car rides, they make her nauseous and dizzy and especially if the cars are warm, so she tries her best to avoid using cars unless traveling a long distance
She can look flustered surprisingly easily, she gets to nervous, angry, or embarrassed and then her ears, nose, neck, and cheeks can turn vivid pink if her emotions run too high…she doesn't like how easily readable this makes her though since she prefers to keep to herself
She likes to stay silent, especially as Whist where she almost never talks about a whisper, outside missions she just keeps quiet and speaks normally when needed to speak though
She's incredibly awkward and decides that's another reason for her to stay silent
She's loyal to a fault and will do literally everything to make sure that you stay safe of you get in her good books and don't betray her
She has an interest in fashion and styles in general, quite liking messing with different makeup styles whenever alone in her room
She actually really likes giving and receiving physical affection whenever she considers herself close to someone and is know to accept "smothering" and smother people slightly with attention if she likes you…if she doesn't consider herself close to you she is very strongly against being touched though
Doesn't mind her height and is fairly resilient to all teasing, unless you're teasing someone she cares about, then she'll want to harm you, a lot…would probably just smack you upside the head and glare if you're someone she cares about though
Actually quite girly, especially with style, and mostly chose this because it looked good, suited her style a surprising amount, and it's more practical to kill and stalk people in shorts than in skirts…otherwise it looks surprisingly similar to her normal style
Is actually a bit of a romantic at heart…not that she normally shows it
none (unless she becomes a proxy, I'm on the fence about that)
slightly clumsy
slightly claustrophobic (not a lot but she definitely starts to panic when in an adequately small space for too long)
bad eyesight (can effect aim at times)
mood jumps (makes it so that she's completely ready to pull the trigger on you at one point and then takes pity on you the next, doesn't happen often but it does happen)
reckless (like, she has no fear of death at this point reckless)
speed: 7.5/10 (adequately fast)
strength: 6.5/10 (not the strongest but above average…slightly)
smarts: 7.5/10 (adequate with street smarts and intelligence)
cruelty: 5/10 (not very cruel but she can torture people if she wants)
predictability: 7/10 (adequately predictable but can be unpredictable at times)
overall danger level: 7/10 (could survive an encounter but less gentle than normal people)
If someone wants I'd be more than willing to write out her backstory and I'd also be very grateful if someone gave me constructive criticism on how to make her better ^u^
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marlasomething · 2 years
(my) Mag a Week:  Sharp Therapy
Hello there!
I am participating in the "mag a day" idea by @a-mag-a-day which is BRILLIANT and I decided to do "statement a week", rolling dice with the characters and fears that were ftw that week in the episodes I have listened and...this is the first one! (Eps. 1-8)
As usual, please do forgive my quick tipper and non-native speaker mistakes, Marla
CW: mentions and discussions of mental health issues, family issues and death. The Slaughter usual content with a bit of more physical violence
Also on AO3!
Statement of Martin Blackwood, regarding his encounter with Sasha James in her never-ending search for revenge for the allegedly provoked death of Tim Stoker.
Recorded by Gertrude Robinson, Head Archivist of The Magnus Institute, London.
Statement begins.
  I don’t understand why you make me write this down, since I can clearly see doing absolutely nothing through the blurry window of this ancient office. However, I guess I have no other option…and I need to get this out of my system.
For my own good, but also for the good of all those I care about.
  It all began a few weeks ago, when I went to pick up my boyfriend from one of his therapy sessions. I won’t say his name, nor his predicament, but let’s just say…he finally embracing the fact that he needed the kind of help a loved one is unable to provide was a great relief.
This is all secondary, though, and I am only mentioning it so you understand why I was rather jolly and willing to speak to anyone non-suspicious enough while I waited for him with a couple of overpriced coffees burning up my hands through my thin globes.
The woman came to me with grieve covering her rather pretty features; she was around my age, which is to say, late twenties/well-kept early thirties; had auburn curly hair, was towering tall and wore too many layers of colourful clothes, though somehow she made them look formal.
In spite of the clear pain she was experimenting, she was quite charming and introduced herself as Sasha, saying she had just recently lose her… should-have-been-boyfriend due to a work accident and was there for the “Lost Family Members” Association, to which she asked whether I was in for the same reason or not.
I froze, because, you see, I actually lost someone. When I was quite young, my mother died. I was only four and, according to my father, it was a good thing she was gone but, though I don’t have a bad relationship with my dad, he can be…well, I’d rather believe my dead mother was a good person, thank you very much.
The point is; it wasn’t an accident. It was actually even spoken about on TV without giving her name: remember the woman who felt from a boat in that creepypasta-worthy video? That was her.
Nobody ever proved who had done it, but someone had and, which was worse, likely for no good reason at all.
Stammering, I asked what had she meant by that and she just replied that she was quite good at reading people and that, even if I wasn’t there for the reunion, I would always be welcomed…and then she started talking with me about this and the other until my boyfriend arrived.
By this point, I had already decided I really liked Sasha James.
  I actually felt convinced enough to the meeting the next week and it was…bizarre just barely covers it.
Everybody in there felt extremely friendly on a first glance, quite put together. Especially taking into account the reason we were all here present for.
However, as time passed and we started positioning for the round circle…I started to perceive the pain in everybody’s eyes.
Well, the pain and something else, something made out of pure fire, something that danced within the part of the soul that only the eyes can properly reflect.
Then, we started talking and…nobody talked about their lost ones, or how they lost them; nor how that made them feel. Instead, I found myself hearing about the people that caused their deaths in extreme detail, one way or another, about their personal lives and even the minor infraction they accidentally committed as almost toddlers…
…but they didn’t stay in their past. They also where they were today and what were their weak points. All speaking in an organized, almost militia-like style; taking turns and not letting at any moment the heat of their very arguments make the worst of them.
I tried to stay behind since, after all, I had no clue of what had happened to my mother but, in the end…
…there is something almost magical about sharing a common enemy, even if said enemy is more of a concept incarnated by a myriad of individuals with no relation among themselves whatsoever.
I…I am not proud but…I made something up, something so believable that only Sasha raised a suspicious eyebrow but, thank God, waited until the session had ended to come and speak with me personally.
  “I know you lied” she said. “But I understand, it’s a bit…too much…Still, trust me, you will go looking for answers, eventually.”
I doubted I was even coming back to the Association, but I’d rather not argue with the only person who had noticed how full of it I was.
“Is that what happened to you?” she shook her head, dismissing my question with one hand.
“Not at all, I had already all the answers the first time I came in, right after I resign from my former job…the one that got Tim killed” she hadn’t spoken today, but I deduced quite easily she was referring to the same person she had mentioned (but not by name) the previous day. “I was full of grieve, and anger, and I just wanted to take them down but, then, I realised, just hunting them…it made no sense. Would Tim’s death mean anything more if I become the hunter of the people responsible for his demise?
Of course not. However, this planet had a cancer, a cancer I had not even noticed before: we are a selfish species, ready to provoke the death of others sometimes not even being conscious of it.
That is what this program taught me: to be part of Something Bigger, to canalise my anger into a proper purpose, to join an army that, as a difference from the ones assembled by countries (or most fictional groups, to be honest), had a worthy reason for existing: fighting back the people that cause death and destruction without even noticing so.
It’s almost a melody in my head. The Song of the Good Fight. Not only that; we know we are doing it right because…you see? We already have a proper rival association. I like to call them The Ultimate Apologists, though the rest of the group think it’s a bit too quirky for such a serious matter. I don’t blame them, but I had to honour Tim’s memory somehow and he…he would have loved that title.
Sorry, I digress. This other group, they honestly believe everybody can make a mistake at any point without it being anything of relevance, and the offended people of nowadays are just too easily triggered. So they had decided to keep us in their line in a very similar manner as we do with them…but without being right.
That is one of the reasons I told you about us, apart from your obvious pain. You seem kind and sweet, but you are also objectively huge; and we need both things combined. So they won’t see the attack coming, it’s all part of our…” her eyes turned a shade of… red for an instance and I felt I shiver coming up my spine “… my cause.”
At that very instant is when I realised why I was actually there, what had made me take the decision to come in. It had been Sasha’s tone; she was commanding, yet charming. She was angry, but she knew how to dissolute said rage in her speech, so you got soaked in with it without even noticing so. Drawn to her and her cause as if it was a universal undisputable truth.
I wanted to run away, but I couldn’t. Partly out of the fear itself and part because…she was convincing me. After all, she was proposing me to give purpose to one of those painfully nonsensical realities we are doomed to live through.
So I stayed, just promising myself I was not going to get involved.
  I kept going to those reunions, in which it kept becoming more and more abundantly clear Sasha was the leader, giving tasks and dehumanising our rivals.
That rhetorical speech, the two antagonistic bands, just becoming more and more usual. With the Them in the Us versus Them constantly getting wider…
…and it spoke to me. Without even properly realising it, I was being lured into… murdering. Now, look, I was lucky enough to still have my Tim (sorry Sasha, I know you are hurting).
  See, my boyfriend can be quite observant and he…look, these reunions had made me lose track of his appointments, and, since his job demanded a lot from him, he had decided to leave therapy aside, for later on.
And I haven’t even opened my mouth about it. Not only that, but I started to be more reactive to anything and anyone who bothered me.
Hell! I yelled at the mailperson for giving us the neighbours’ newspaper!
He…he put some reason into me and, alas, I stopped going to the meetings.
With apparently no negative result on my life.
  It was already a few weeks later when I heard a voice in my head, still half asleep. A sweet melody that made me feel home, part of something bigger…just as I felt in the Association.
Then it came another voice: Sasha’s.
“You don’t have to resist, you know? I used to think this was a bit too much too, but then…if you let your anger and pain, your fear act properly….I promise, you won’t regret it. It is much calmer in the frenzy of the rightful fight, come back to us, Martin. This place was a mess when I came in, with you, I can make it ever more orderly. We can take it the next level” even if she hadn’t said it properly, I knew what her next level was. It was always the same once your brain got stuck in that very frame: global fight, forcing your ideas, your cleansing, upon everyone and everything.
And all started because she was hurting too much and, I am almost certain of this, was far too scared of how it would affect who she still was back then if she acted upon the anger consuming her.
Now, she had left all that behind; and she wanted me to join…and I was tempted.
Good thing I had a strong safety net and I could convince myself with their very voices, fighting back all the instincts that tried to kick in.
I completely woke up, hug my boyfriend until I almost broke his ribs and pretended nothing had happened.
  However, once again the voice in dreams came back a few days ago and, with it, Sasha just popped into my little apartment, having forced the door with a strength she shouldn’t have had…
…just as she shouldn’t have been able to put me to the wall, knife out, eyes fixed on me.
“You know, sometimes wars have civilians loses” she pointed to a picture of me, my boyfriend and some of our friends.
I panicked, but she had already left and, I noticed, the humming voice was back, echoing inside my skull.
  It hadn’t left since then, and I am genuinely worried, of what Sasha might do, of what I might do… I think I shall join her, I went in too deep and then…it’s what I must do.
Not for me, but for the safety of my people. However, if you happened to know how to stop her…
…do it. Prove War was never the option.
 Statement ends.
Well, it is good to hear from my former assistant. Though I must admit I am quite disappointed; such a promising young woman, completely lost for the sacrifice of a man that felt really short for her.
I don’t regret counting with Mister Stoker’s help for destroying The Stranger ritual; though Sasha was misfortunate enough to encounter a group that loosely rendered cult to The Slaughter so early in her grieve. Otherwise, she might have found out that, tragically enough, Tim is not dead, but turned into an ally of my dear Jude Perry…
…never mind any of that. After all, these are not the first assistants lost while fighting (and winning) against a Fear…even if she is the first who turned herself into a Leader to fear such as The Fairchilds or the Lukas. I won’t be surprise if I started hearing about the James in a few years…
The important thing, though, is to make sure that my plan against Elias works out tomorrow…
…Miss Cane, I know you are listening. Please, do not interfere.
You and Your Mother will regret it otherwise.
Recording ends.
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gaykarstaagforever · 1 year
My YouTube Rewind Top 10 for 2022, based generally on time "viewed" (Starting 7 months ago, I drive for a living now, so "Can I just listen to it?" is weighted very heavily here).
(Also I am 40 so this is a very Dad Content list. Which is weird because I am not a dad and do not follow the sportsball. But Dadness still infiltrated things a bit. There are no golf or sportstalk channels, don't worry. Not yet, anyway.)
1. The Weekly Planet -- Generalist nerd media podcast out of Melbourne, Australia. Hands down the only good podcast on the entire Internet. Their Best Of compilations from years past are required listening and relistening. Also they do a short weekly show about movies and TV shows called Caravan of Garbage that is the bar by which all others are judged, and always come up short.
2. DankPods -- Sydney, Australian, retro mp3 player channel that has now expanded into general audio hardware reviews. But oh, so much more is going on here. This guy is one of the funniest, most energetic creators on the platform. Even if you don't care about anything he is interested in, you will love watching him talk (and scream) about it. Co-starring Frank the Snake. He also has two side channels about fixing up trashed Australian cars and drumming (he is a drummer by trade) that are just as good.
3. That Chapter -- True crime with a sense of humor, that is only occasionally mean-spirited. But even in those cases it is usually in the service of bad Dad Jokes so that's okay. He always tries to include actual 911 calls and trial footage, 20+ minutes, here is what happened, in a straightforward way that respects your intelligence. None of that "creating a narrative" horseshit that make true crime podcasts by actual journalists un-fucking-bearable 10 hour slogs that pretend they are saying something profound about the universe by the end. They're not. Stop paying 8 people to produce these; maybe then you wouldn't have to shill for whatever criminally-overpriced nonsense Peloton just invented. True crime podcasts suck, That Chapter is why.
4. Morbid Midnight -- He covers what I can only call "disasters," some true crime, others extreme sports accidents, also plenty of generally horrendous historical events. Lots of stories about people being blown off of mountain sides or getting trapped in caves. His subdued delivery of dark content is like what Chills pulled off, back before it became a meme and a parody of itself. I don't know why I like hearing about adventurous people dying horribly. Probably because I can then feel smug about how I wasn't so stupid as to dive into a cave like a big stupid idiot, you idiots. You shouldn't have been doing that. You should just get drunk and watch YouTube like me. See? They're the losers, not me.
5. Professor of Rock -- Oh god, the Dad. This is a daily upload channel in which Adam Reader, the Professor of Rock, talks about Dad Rock, and how great Dad Rock is, and how modern not-Dad Rock sucks. Tons of classic rock trivia, and also snippets of long-form interviews with the artists who made this stuff. This is the channel you are forced to admit is good and you like while simultaneously being embarrassed about how old that makes you look. But that's not Adam's fault. Seriously, a good channel for music nerds.
6. Cathode Ray Dude [CRD] -- He started doing short-form videos about the old camcorders he collected. He now does long videos about fascinating and obscure cul de sacs in tech history, routinely with live demonstrations of said tech. And yes, he almost always ends up explaining how this wonky failed media format can actually be a metaphor for our sad, short little lives. Which would be forced journo bullshit. Except it always ends up forcing me to respect the legions of unsung engineers and desperate marketing executives who had a hand in creating our modern technocratic world, even if only by failing spectacularly. These goofy creations really are artifacts of entire little worlds, many of them long-dead and forgotten. It is as sad and funny as it is fascinating.
7. Snipe and Wib -- A Warhammer 40,000 channel, but HOLD ON, this is one of the good ones! They do a show called Codex Compliant that goes through the published history of Warhammer lore from Rogue Trader in the mid-1980s to now. They love 'grimdark' and Space Marines as much as they understand that all of it was created as a cheeky English parody of melodramatic, misogynistic total-war fantasy worlds. I always thought Warhammer 40K was a boring expensive thing for the grossest WASP nerd boys before I watched Snipe and Wib. Now I know that Warhammer 40K is a boring expensive thing for EVERYONE. I'm not buying and painting miniatures or arguing over protractors yet, but I kind of want to because of Snipe and Wib. I at least get it now. It is a lot to manage, but a lot of it is pretty cool.
8. Imbrandonfarris -- Like I have to explain who Brandon Farris is. He is a charismatic guy who hurts himself and destroys his own apartment to entertain the world's children. And he doesn't say swears so they're allowed to watch it. And BOY, do they watch it! This is content for 8 year olds. But goddamn it if it isn't really, really GOOD content for 8 year olds, the kind the rest of the family can enjoy, too. Brandon is charming as hell, his story is heartwarming, his family is adorable, and you don't even resent him for recently buying a palatial estate in which he can spray foam on everything. This is a guy who exists to do the stupid shit the rest of us wish we could do, and he kills himself doing it, and the world has rightly responded by rewarding him for it. Good on you, Brandon. Also it is just really funny to watch a man destroy a bedroom with an exploding pumpkin filled with glitter and then fall down.
9. Warlockracy -- Russian-based gaming channel that mostly posts long-form analyses of PC RPGs, especially those in the isometric family of the original Fallout games. These games maintain a huge cultural influence on gamers in Russia and Eastern Europe, and being one of those, Warlockracy uses his platform to give the rest of us an insider's perspective of that world. Seriously, if you want to understand modern Russia, and even the war in Ukraine, Warlockracy casually explains complex aspects of both of these, via the easily-grasped context of games like STALKER and Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. I believe he is still in Russia, so I don't know how he pulls off this kind of commentary at this point and hasn't gotten in trouble yet. But he keeps doing it, and with an easy sense of humor that I cannot comprehend, having to live under those circumstances. I wish him the best, and hope to enjoy his content as long as it lasts.
10. Thew Adams -- Thew reviews Transformers. But that...that doesn't begin to cover it. Threw Adams is a ray of sunshine on YouTube, and everyone needs to watch his videos. Don't care about Transformers? Doesn't matter. Seriously. It DOESN'T MATTER. You will like Threw. You will never see a more delightful person. And no matter your gender or sexuality, if you don't want to kinda kiss him on the mouth, you're not human. Thew makes everything fun, especially when he doesn't like something. Thew Adams is the bit of chocolate you let yourself have every day because no, you don't NEED IT, but it makes you happy, goddammit. Watch Thew. Thew is good.
Honorable Mentions (in that, these are consistently good channels I have liked for years, even if their specific content every year might not be perpetually notable):
Jenny Nicholson
PeanutButterGamer / Peebs
Scott the Woz
Your Dinosaurs are Wrong
Secret Galaxy (formerly Toy Galaxy)
Drew Gooden
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99tian · 2 years
43 天
Wow, it’s been a while! Going to research how many days I had left was is crazy, I don’t know how to feel about it. 
I can grasp now that I think as soon as I’m set to leave, I’ll feel that I will have just become adjusted enough, just have my feet on the ground enough, and then I’ll have to go. This is unfortunate. But I have to remind myself that this knowledge isn’t futile, even though it feels useless to get to know a city and its functions well that I won’t live in. If I ever came back, my knowledge of the city’s layout would all come back. What was before a big city map that meant nothing to me, now means so much more. And, beyond that, getting to know such a different type of city is possible is very positive. 
Since I don’t have a kitchen, I have to go out of my building to scavenge for meals. As this is just how I am, I don’t like repeating, eating at the same place if I can, I’ll always try to find a new place to eat. The more time I have, the farther the place will be. This was one of those days where I had more time to venture out. I hadn’t charged my phone overnight, so it was near dead, but I found a place and how to navigate to it on my laptop. Keeping the map on my laptop, I left, because I was starving and just wanted to get out. In a not-so-smart move though, I tried to look up another route, but didn’t have good enough wifi, so I lost the route. That meant that I was able to get on the right first bus, but wasn’t sure about the second bus. I vaguely knew where I was supposed to be going, though - I remembered that it was by the Sun Yat Sen Memorial. I decided to pick up a bike and bike there, it was just straight down the street I was on. I got off at what I thought was a park and started searching for the cafe. After a while of being hungry later, I realized it was just a very green roundabout. Finding the bus I could have taken, I hopped on, eventually reaching the Sun Yat Sen Memorial. All I had was the address of the cafe I wanted to go to. Not many are open before 12 actually. Walking down the streets, I could see a lot of places I could have dined at were closed. 
I still don’t really understand Taiwanese addresses. I guess now was my chance to try to understand them. I walked around several different big blocks. The lane numbers were confusing to follow, they didn’t really go in order. Off of the big streets, there are big blocks that contain a ton of small, not perfectly straight lanes - they aren’t in a grid. Fortunately, I found a map on the street, which was showing how to get to another parking lot or something, and I was able to find lane 408. It was almost 10 now, and I’d left at 8:20, so it had been quite a journey (with a coffee and then a croissant stop on the way). I felt very successful for finding it on my own. Though it was an accident this time to have to follow the address, I think it is a good challenge, a good game to play with myself to get to know the city better. I always feel safe here, so it is a safe challenge. Plus, being off of my phone is very good, for absorbing the city and generally not aimlessly scrolling. 
What I really came to this laptop to write about, though, is my experience at the park yesterday. This last week and weekend has been the first break from the constant rain and cloudy weather in weeks. I’ve never seen more different things happening at once. 
I was on the phone with my friend, approaching the park. I will try to faithfully relate everything I saw going on at once. It was a gorgeous day, and I could tell everyone had the same idea as me, wanting to go soak up as much sun as possible. 
I first saw some kind of cup flipping challenge happening. I heard shouting and then came across some kind of debate or speech political event. I walked past a beautiful pond glittering in the strong sunlight reflected on it. I finally found a place to sit down, thinking I was away from most people and commotion. Concentrating on the video call with my friend, I was distracted again by a parrot flying by, and looking up again I noticed I was entirely surrounded by people standing outside my small island of grass. There were parrots sitting on a bench, attracted to a man with a cup of something they liked, and the crowd around them were taking pictures of the many parrots. Going back to the call, it wasn’t long before there was another interruption - more shouting started coming closer to where I was seated, and I saw a parade of people walking by - Chiang Wan-an, a KMT candidate was walking by like a celebrity, which he is, willing to take photos with random citizens, people followed him hoping to get a photo. 
I left the park for the time being and ended the call to get dinner. But returning a little later before sunset, I saw even more. Walking down the street on the way to the park, a group of well dressed young women all sat on the sidewalk eating fruit, throwing the peels in a bag in the middle of their circle. The roller blading rink was not filled with people skating in circles as I would have thought, but had several different classes for children happening at once. Kids of different ages skated in lines, taking steps as instructed to build their stability; a little child fell backwards but quickly got back up to keep his spot in the line. All of them had stiff arms from the protective gear on their elbows and knees. 
Basketball games with teenage looking guys were going on next to the skating, and a little farther from that, kids soccer lessons. Families and groups of friends sat in circles scattered on every possible field of grass. A group of three friends laying down together were all relaxing on their phones. Elderly people sat in groups in silence just enjoying the moment, some on benches sat alone taking in the sights like me. I saw a mother disciplining her child as they threw a tantrum. Big groups of university aged students seemed to be putting on bonding events for their school activities. I was moved by the conscientiousness of Taiwanese society when I saw trails of rails for physical therapy - people standing out of wheelchairs and some not using these. Ending my stay at the park, I walked by the pond again to see people gathered, taking pictures of the trees, which had tons of white egret-looking birds sitting in them. Biking away from the park, I saw a political campaigner standing up into a fast-moving open jeep, shouting to gain attention as the car sped by. Campaigning is serious business here - I’ve seen hundreds of different faces throughout the country, and campaign posters cover every square inch. 
Though there is always a lot going on in the busy parts of the city I most frequent, it is mostly orderly along the streets - people are doing normal things. This was the biggest collection of different activities I have seen at once, and it was a beautiful moment to witness it - though I haven’t been to the park on the weekend before, it felt more vibrant and active than what it would be normally - a burst of energy after people had been locked inside for so long due to the rainy weather. 
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aerimomo-mellon · 3 years
Skz as Boyfriends!
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Paring~ SKZ x Reader
Genre~ informative lol
A/N~ yep it was requested! Enjoy 친구 <3
warnings? none. (idk mention of bed related things haha)
SKZ M☁List II Main M☁List
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✿ Bangchan
We all know this guy and you all have read enough of him I think, to know what imma say. (But for special purposes why not..)
This guy is really really serious about relationships and you are probably the one because he just can’t help loving everything about you.
The fact that he is yours even with all the responsibilities and work he has as a leader and idol is a miracle itself. Therefore consider yourself LUCKY to have the most caring and loving man anyone could have.
Dates- He likes movies hence movie nights and date to the theater are often. If not then he likes taking you to a sports event or the beach cause yeah. ( that vibesssssss you know? )
PDA = 3/10 why?, because as mentioned earlier he is responsible for many important things and he doesn’t want to have any misunderstandings about you and dislikes hate in general. That 30% I gave him was because he would only do PDA if really needed.
In Bed things? Umm not often actually but once in a while yes WHILE he would like it I’m sorry I mean LOVE it..
Con? Yep time! Sorry girl but that time you need, it’s hard for him to fulfill every time.
Cute extra info- Doesn’t mention it but secretly likes when you poke his dimple and say he’s cute.
✿ Minho
There are these majority conceptions, as I said majority but not all cause there are stays who know that he is a sweet guy deep deep down.😉
If you’re his s/o he will give every bit of him to you and expects the same for you. I would categorize him as a boyfriend wo acts like a mom lol. It maybe hard to digest that information but trust me this feeling I have from my gut I can say that he is also very caring. Although he might not say things like I will be there whenever you need me or even I miss you, care for you, but he doesn't need to say this anyway. As action speak more than words our Minho is the same.
Dates- He likes to balance it between what you like and what he likes as well. If you are a new couple he straight up asks what you prefer. Plus point he likes to take you to cat café if you like cats too.
PDA = 0.5/10 why? honestly speaking this guy literally hates to express his feelings. That .5 is literally him agreeing that he is yours and that's it. (when someone asks that is)
In Bed things? I personally think it depends on his mood and not yours. Yup. Somedays he wants you a lot and somedays he likes his space. I'm not saying he hates cuddling but more than that on days he is either tired or stressed he likes to keep that little limit to what happens next.
Con? Attention... you would literally take his cats away from him to get his attention.
Cute extra info- likes it when you call him and yourself Appa and Eomma to his cats.
✿ Changbin
Changbin being the puff/ strong guy(sorry that sounded disturbed lol) We all know how babied he likes to be.
Him as a boyfriend is just very natural, I mean from the way he takes you on a fancy date to even putting nail polish on your left hands. Everything is very genuine and he loves it. The Boyfriend to always apologize first.
I find him as someone to take attraction and the next step which is relationship very seriously. ( the person to be very calculative, it can beat Chan honestly..)Knowing that he is afraid to hurt people in any kind of way, to hurt you even as an accident breaks his heart.
Dates- Our Dwaekki loves taking you on dates with loads of food or snacks. A typical Korean restaurant or even food stalls, he loves seeing you eat than to be broken when you might have some kind of sickness due to eating problems.
PDA = 5/10 why? Because he likes your opinion. He is okay with either if you insist on a particular one but slightly leans on less public knowing. Holding hands and probably hugging you wouldn't be a huge problem for him.
In Bed things? he loves it anytime honestly... if he is horney he is getting what he wants and when you are same goes to you.. you'll get what you want..
Cons? Too much aegyo which makes you do things you don’t necessarily want to. (Stay blessed)
Cute extra info- Praise him! (x100) loves it when you say things like " my boyfriend is so strong.." or even " those arms mmm..."
✿ Hyunjin
I mean do I need to say how into he is with this??? Damn this man is the most prepared man a girl could have. The type to know everything about relationships... from trending couple fashion to even special not important but cute couple events..( that he probably found randomly scrolling through google)
He knows your anniversary, birthday, your moms birthday, dads and basically your whole family knows him too. He also keeps track of your monthly cycle too cause he likes being responsible for you..
He is the type to get jealous very easily BUT wont admit it when you ask. Likes to braid your hair while learning from YouTube.. Likes to buy you so many colorful cute hair accessories. (loves your hair..)
Dates- we all know this guy is fancy so he likes fancy dates but he can also be the complete opposite.. Fancy~ maybe to a art restaurant or even on a fancy boat cause why not.. Normally though~ likes to take you to an art museum or at night to take you on the roof for star gazing..
PDA = 2/10 why? I've probably given hints on my fictions with Hyunjin about this in particular. He prefers keeping this in private and that 20% is with his members (barely)
In Bed things? This guy couldn’t be more romantic lol. Loves being prepared for this buys every thing you both need… and yeah loves it.
Cons? He buys Kammi more hair clips than you sorry….
Cute extra info- likes when you get mad when he cut his hair lol. I apologize to all the stays I know he is cute every time but that long hair just hits different….
✿ Jisung
The craziest boyfriend you could have and will only have. You would low key love your relationship with this man I’m telling ya…
You two would have so much fun like toddlers. He is honestly the cutest, funniest, talented etc.. man you get all in one.. ahaha..
Likes to buy you the most stupid things that actually works for a daily living..( that thing he bought to watch on his phone while laying down 😵)
likes to joke around and talk to you a lot.. gurll listen to him he loves it. He likes to value your problems as well so listens to you too.
Dates- likes to watch anime so you two usually have this anime night cuddle sessions but if he were to plan something outside he would prefer to take you to the amusement part lol.
PDA = 8/10 why? honestly he likes showing you off cause he is fond of you. Basically doesn't care what others think... his parents know you, members, friends outside the group, and stays know you exist lol.. 20% i kept for a reason because he doesn't like it when things get out of handle so he wont do anything to the extent..
In bed things? yes he likes it but that turns up into a tickle fight or even a complete cringe but cute moment..
Cons? He might be very sensitive leading to him being upset and you having to apologize...
Cute extra info- loves it when you kiss his cheeks or just play with them in general..
✿ Felix
I had to bring this up at some point lol.. stays probably know the video where he says his clothes are boyfriend material lol...and yes i agree hands down!
A boyfriend material in his own way ahaha.. i mean we all know he loves to be cared for and loved. That Bangchan! spoiled little youngbok.. i personally feel or think two ways. Either he likes being cared for by you or he takes care for you since now he gets to be the older one..
Felix likes speaking in English so if you know English he would speak both languages as well. Likes to give you blowjobs cause he fell in love with you lol..
Dates- Shopping malls, window shopping, UNO on a picnic lol all these are his favs and so are yours .. Personally speaking he likes to take you to places where he can take lots of pictures of you..
PDA = 4/10 why? I don't know haha yup its just a feeling where I'm in between of two opposite thoughts.. I fell like he shows you to his members and family but not more than that.. (Olivia is most likely to love you)
In bed things? Likes being pampered and loves it when you lead.. happens pretty often actually..
Cons? yes! he like being touchy and so do you but he does it too much which beats ya.. and jealous really easily! and he lets you know that..
cute extra info- compliment him on his freckles and he will blush literally a tomato 🍅..
✿ Seungmin
Sweet really sweet.. he is the typical Korean boyfriend you'll get haha even better than that.
He just likes to talk to you or even look at you all day and keep that puppy smile on him.. The type to sing you a song to sleep or whenever you ask him to. likes to hear you sing too.. attempts to make you laugh but ends up, giving up.
He likes kissing your eyes when they are closed.. or when you just fell asleep after the song likes to give your eyes quick pecks..
Dates- He likes walks and that's why you go on evening walks and return when it's dark.. likes holding your hands. He likes grocery shopping with you, takes you to the rooftop to talk about life and its shitty problems.. Basically effortless things that make your relationship happy for what it is.
PDA = 1/10 why? I mean do I need to tell you this? he is like Minho but just a little bit more obvious.. Prefers to express his love when you two are alone..(that's it)
In bed things? umm yes but no.. i mean he gives in to your begs but I feel like Seungmin is just too into cute cuddling and these things are only when he is very desperate ..
Cons? not much but maybe ignoring you when you ask if he can buy you ice Cream for the fifty-sixth time..(but gives in anyway)
Cute extra info- He likes when he sees you in his clothes.. but doesn't say it and acts like he doesn't..
✿ Jeongin
Baby, baby, Baby..... he is our baby boyyyy but his savage ass towards his Hyungs just breaks it all hahaha…
Jk he is actually really cute, caring, sweet and likes to be protective. It may not suit him but yes he likes scolding people if done wrong to you..
You might be older or younger honestly he doesn’t care.. he is very respectful to you either way. He loves you and is very shy too which you find cute.
Dates- Asks you for your opinion or his Hyungs. He still is very inexperienced so he doesn’t know but sometimes likes it when you two spend time on the swings of some random park with fruit juice 🧃..
PDA = 0/10 why? Cause no no no no not even to his members haha he is just too shy and likes to keep his relationship in its own boundaries.
In bed things? Nope please! I’m sorry stays but I just can’t with Jeongin… (no further details he is just so precious to me)
Cons? He understands very late.. like you trying to say you want to cuddle, kiss etc.. without words he won’t get it. Just fucking be straight forward with our baby.
Cute extra info- honestly everything is cute about him so I can’t fit it here sorry… stays use your imagination here…
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Airport Mayhem ~ KSJ [Request]
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PAIRING: Seokjin x Fem!Reader
GENRE: angst, family au, fluffy, fluffy ending, angry jin
A/N: I’m sorry that this is short but I hope its okay! Thank you so much for requesting and waiting for me to get to it 💞🥰 @virginialiketheamericanstate
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The crowds of screaming people were something you had grown accustomed to over the years of being with Jin. Something you had accepted was going to happen since the two of you were in a public relationship, it was something that scared you in the beginning but you were used to it now. Spending a lot of your time travelling with a guard to make sure that you were safe and your kids were well protected. It wasn't as though you thought any ARMY or reporters weren't going to hurt your kids it was all a precaution, in case an accident was to happen or something. It was also something you hadn't spoken to Jin about in a long time, he had no idea that you were followed around a lot by a group of fans. Something you decided to keep from him so he wouldn't be too upset with people. 
From the moment your car had pulled into the airport people had begun to flood into your personal space. Screaming questions at you and Jin, snapping photos of you both with flashes. Someone must have leaked where you were going to be that morning but it was hard to know who when so many people were in on the secret.
"Can you give us some room please?" Jin asked kindly as he stood in the airport, both you and him waiting for your tickets to be checked while you bounced your 3-year-old on your hip. She was scared of the mass amounts of people all yelling and crying around her as you did your best to calm her down. Small sniffles coming from her as she cuddled up to your shirt and the pink rabbit that Jin had gotten for her.
All three of you were heading home to Korea after going on a short break away from work, you'd taken your daughter to Disney World and she'd loved every moment of it. So had Jin, spending most of his time on the rides while you took your daughter around to meet the characters. It had been one of the most amazing holidays, no one had noticed that Jin was there and if they did they'd not walked up to him and asked for images until now.
Now it was swarms of people demanding photos and videos from him, screaming that they'd been waiting all night long to see him. Jin was clearly getting more and more annoyed with it as time passed, all he wanted to do was get onto the plane with you and head home.
"Jin, it's okay." You whispered sensing how angry he was with the crowds of people. His face beginning to turn a bright red colour as your daughter began to tear up, clutching onto your shirt. 
"Hey," You whimpered when someone barged into your shoulder, knocking you into your guard who instantly grabbed onto you tightly so you didn't fall. The pink rabbit slipped onto the floor and was snatched up by someone who then blended in with the rest of the crowd.
"Jin...They have her bunny." You whispered as you shh'd your daughter, rocking her a little as she screamed out for her favourite comfort doll. The bunny that hadn't left her side since the moment you'd brought her home from the hospital.
"Hey! Who did that?" Jin's voice felt as though it had travelled through the entire airport. The crowds of people were all silent as they stared at him, worried expressions on each of their faces as Jin turned to look at you and then around at them all. It was clear some of them were there for Jin calmly while others were the ones causing the huge mob and screams. 
Anger was beginning to bubble up inside of Jin at the thought of someone being that close to you, close enough to harm you and his child. Now that they had stolen a stuffed toy away from a child. From his child.
"Jin...It's fine, we're okay." You whispered once again but he shook his head. Clearly, he had had enough of this. There was nothing you would be able to say or do to make him feel better but you tried anyway. Not wanting ARMY to be upset with Jin or yourself, 
"Jin...I'm used to it-"
"You shouldn't be! You shouldn't have to be used to all of this!" You knew he wasn't meaning to yell at you, he was upset with everything. That you had to have a guard around you all of the time, that his kid couldn't go to a regular school because people would flood the gates. 
"One of you just nearly put my child in danger! Not to mention stole something from a three-year old." He called out, his voice calmer now but still yelling so that those around him could hear what he was about to say to them all. 
"I've asked so many times for space...Not just for Y/n's sake but for our daughters...What would have happened if she had fallen? Injured herself?" There wasn't even a murmur back to Jin as everyone avoided eye contact with him, choosing to stare down at the floor while Jin shook his head.
"Jin...Come on," You ushered trying to tug at his shirt toward the terminal but he wasn't done. They needed to understand that what they were doing was wrong, that they wouldn't be able to keep doing this every time he came out. 
"I will gladly met and take photos with people if you are calm, don't crowd around my family..." Jin looked at you, reaching for your hand and pulling you close to him so everyone could see you together. 
"Please give me and my family some space, Y/n needs space and so does our daughter, she's 3, she doesn't understand why any of you are yelling like this." A chorus of "Sorry's" flew out from the mobs of people and you smiled warmly at whoever would make eye contact with you first. Jin's body seemed to relax a little as he realised how sorry they truly were. 
"I'll take some photos now but only if you stay like this, stay calm..." They all nodded and you kissed Jin's cheek. As you turned to leave him there a small girl came out from the crowd holding up the pink bunny. She couldn't have been any older than 8-years-old, her parents standing behind her anxiously as she looked up at you.
"The guy who stole it dropped it...He ran away," You bent down to the girl and smiled, thanking her and giving the stuffed animal back to your daughter. 
"Thank you," You whispered to the little girl who smiled up at your daughter, waving her hand at her and giggling. 
"Thank you." Your daughter mimicked you making you laugh softly, getting back up from the floor to take her somewhere more peaceful so she could get a small nap before the plane.
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Tagline: @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @rjsmochii @taestannie​ @sw33tnight​ @sweeneyblue1​ @jin-from-the-block​ @acciocriativity​ @mwitsmejk​ @taeechwitaa​ @justbangtanthingz​ @stillwithlix​ @misa0000​
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akirameta84 · 3 years
Saiki K. - A list of Never-Adapted Chapters
As stated, a list and brief kinda long summery of the chapters never adapted into the anime. Only a few have good reasons aside from time though. (Also a list of reasons for anime only viewers to give the manga a read *cough*)
Warning: I spoil every single one of these chapters. So if you’re lazy and only want to read the non adapted chapters, go ahead and just read the chapter number/name, and avoid the summery. You will be missing a HUGE amount of unadapted scenes if you don’t read the whole manga though, which are present in nearly every chapter, adapted or not. They were likely cut for time like a lot of the chapters, but many add depth and important character development, and actually explain certain dynamics between characters present that were glossed over in the anime.
Reblogs appreciated...this took me so long qwq
Under the cut for sheer length
Chapter 0.1 “Telepathy”: A chapter mainly detailing info about Saiki’s telepathic abilities, and the plot revolves around him stopping his class from believing Nendo stole everybody's wallets.
Chapter 0.2 “Telekinesis”:  A chapter mainly detailing info about Saiki’s telekinetic abilities, and the plot revolves around Nendo “saving” him from being bullied, and him realizing that Nendo actually isn’t a delinquent, and is a good friend. Interestingly, Saiki is able to hear Nendo’s thoughts during this chapter, in which he is internally telling Saiki to run away while he takes the attack from the bullies.
Chapter 0.4 “Precognition”:  A chapter mainly detailing info about Saiki’s precognitive abilities (are you noticing a theme among the volume zero chapters?), and the plot revolves around him receiving a precognition about Nendo’s supposed funeral. Saiki follows Nendo around all day as they hang out in preparation of his date, and it’s (obviously) revealed the girl did it as a dare. Saiki uses his teleportation to apport a bowling ball Nendo had bought with the girl’s phone, and sends a message telling Nendo that she was simply busy and had to miss the date. The two go to Nendo’s house and it’s revealed the memorial was for Nendo’s already deceased dad, not him.
Chapter 0.5 “Teleportation”: A chapter mainly detailing info about Saiki’s ability to teleport/apport, and the plot revolves around Chouno attempting a magic show with a new assistant, after firing Ike-san (still homeless at the time) for making mistakes. His assistant, however, is purposely sabotaging him. Part way through, Ike-san shows up and thinks about how he should’ve been a better assistant, and his makeover is revealed. Near the end of the show a trick is attempted to where Chouno’s assistant is meant to teleport out of a box, but of course she does nothing. It is noticed that her and Ike-san have swapped places, due to Saiki apporting the two of them, and Chouno and Ike-san reunite.
Chapter 0.6 “Clairvoyance”:  A chapter mainly detailing info about Saiki’s clairvoyant abilities, and the plot revolves around Kaido accidently spotting Saiki teleporting from a distance, and trying to find out who it was. Unfortunately, the drawing he is using to ask around for the “Trickster” looks nothing like Saiki. At the end of the chapter, Saiki appears before Kaido with the face of his crude drawing, and teleports out, to appease him. (Interesting tidbit about this chapter is that the mysterious stranger from the birthday arc appears in the class while Saiki uses his clairvoyance to watch Kaido. He also appears in the background of chapter 41 (the telepathy silencer movie chapter), but not in the anime equivalent.) 
Chapter 0.7 “Astral Projection”:  A chapter mainly detailing info about Saiki’s ability to astral project, and the plot revolves around Saiki using telekinesis to deflect a stray baseball from hitting him, but it instead hits Nendo, subsequently knocking him out right before he was due to play in a baseball game. Thus, Saiki uses astral projection to take over Nendo’s body and play in the baseball game for him.
Chapter 8 “ Fighting for a RePSIval!”: Saiki and Nendo end up stopping a failing musician from jumping off a roof due to his enormous debt. Nendo gets the idea to help the man gain money by selling the CDS of his music he had ordered in bulk, which were the result of the debt, due to them not selling. He performs live in the park, and Saiki accidently uses his telepathy to project the song to everyone in the are, causing them to believe it became stuck in their heads due to how good it was. 
Chapter 00 “Special One-Shot: The DiPSIster of Psychic Saiki Kusuo”: This chapter falls in-between 8 and 9. It is a collection of oneshots set in a slightly different universe (likely a pilot or a very early storyline) in which it details information over several of Saiki’s powers, much like Volume 0.
Chapter 32 “ExPSIbition! Jump Festa”: Saiki goes out to Jump Festa to purchase merchandise due to an errand from his mom. There he meets Kaido, and the whole chapter’s gag is subtle advertisement for Jump Festa. The pair run into a crying child, who had lost his mom. He smartly refuses to go with Kaido to a help desk due to stranger danger, but Kaido comes back in his cosplay and since the kid vaguely recognizes him after he “proves” he really is that character (with Saiki’s help), the kid is returned to his mom.
Chapter 73 “PubliPSIzing the Popularity Contest Results!“: Saiki ends up in an alternate universe to where people’s popularity is shifted. (The chapter is based on the popularity poll that was held, hence that being the joke). Saiki is the most popular in this world, and he is bombarded with people until he hides away in the bathroom and transforms into Kuriko. This allows the original world’s Saiki to return, and he briefly explains why the world is this way, before sending Saiki, as Kuriko, back.
Chapter 88 “Press Play! A "Making Of" PSItory”: Saiki finishes watching a movie, and he remarks about how he loved it due to the quality of the acting and would like to visit the place it was filmed. Shortly after, he teleports to the location while returning the movie. He then decides to use his psychometry to see how the movie was filmed, and slowly it is revealed that the actors themselves were quite bad, especially the child star who Saiki believed to be a very good actor. The reason the movie was so good is revealed to be because the scenes in the movie were filmed as a supposed to be “behind the scenes”, and those were put in place instead of the actual filmed scenes.
Chapter 95 “The PSInnacle of the Golden Age of Heroes! A Fun Party Game”: Kaidou, Nendo, and Kuboyasu visit Saiki’s house the same day the game “J-Stars Victory Vs” was supposed to be arriving for him. A package arrives at the door, but instead of J-Stars, it is “C-Heroes Vale Tudo Battle”, a ripoff game by Saiki’s dad’s manga company. Kaido, Nendo, and Kuboyasu are all enamored by the game and reveal that they love Cognac, the magazine the game is for, and they all play the game. At the end of the chapter, the actual wanted game arrives, and the trio are just as excited and want to play that instead.
Chapter 102 “The Achromatic InviPSIble Boy”: (My personal favorite chapter) Saiki turns himself invisible to avoid running into his friends on the way to school, and winds up inside an empty storage room in order to wait for his invisibility to wear off. Unfortunately, a group of girls decided to use this room to change due to the peeping tom that’s been rumored around the campus. He hides by gripping onto the ceiling and waiting for them to leave, but when his invisibility is about to wear off the girls have still not left. After some time spent dodging and hiding, the door is opened by Saiki, revealing the actual peeping tom. The girls chase after him and Saiki uses the opportunity to escape.
Chapter 118 “The DiPSIster of the Rental Video Store”: Saiki, due to being bored, decides to go to a rental movie store to rent a movie to watch. Unfortunately, the current cashier is one that Saiki doesn’t favor very much, because she is high on his list for potential spoilers, but he remarks that at least the manager, a man who has seen nearly every movie, isn’t there. But (lmao), the manager switches positions with the cashier shortly after. Saiki then runs into Takahashi, who is purchasing pornography. In exchange for not telling the school about this, Saiki asks Takahashi to check out his movies for him. Takahashi gets caught like the dumbass he is and the plan is ruined.
Chapter 133 “An ExPSIlent Wife and Mother!? Mom's Class Reunion”: Saiki starts the chapter off by explaining how his mother is scatterbrained, and showing examples of it. Kurumi than remarks that she is going to her class reunion, which is being held in the city near her this year instead of way out in the country, meaning she can attend. When she arrives she starts getting reintroduced to her classmates who she hasn’t seen in 20 years, and talking about how different they are. Only one of the attendees, however, is actually from her class, and he reveals that the whole event is a plan to get closer to Kurumi, in order to use her for her eldest son’s wealth. Saiki, who had come to watch after having a bad feeling about the event, follows him into the bathroom and threatens him to stay away from his mom. Before he can finish, Kurumi accidently stumbles into the men’s bathroom, and her former classmate claims that her youngest son had attacked him unprovoked. Kurumi attacks the man, claiming her son would never do such a thing.
Chapter 134 “Kaidou and Kuboyasu's PSIpicions”: (The BEST Chapter) Kaidou and Kuboyasu are talking near their lockers about how neither of them got any chocolate for valentines day, and the conversation strays off to talking about Hairo. The two remark that they never see him talking to or dating girls, despite his popularity, and joke that he must be gay. The two are later found following Hairo, and bring up incidents that add to their growing suspicion. They soon find Hairo talking to Nendo, and begging the latter to join his club, stating that it has to be him. The conversation is normal, but Kaidou and Kuboyasu keep mistaking parts of it as being dirty. They watch Nendo and Hairo have a sumo match, and confront him after it, stating that it’s fine if he his gay, they were just curious. Hairo laughs it off and says he isn’t, but after another risque seeming scene (including an omake where Hairo and Nendo remark about keeping their relationship secret and how Hairo is willing to come out for him 🤔 ) the duo agree to stop thinking about it.
Chapter 165 “Train DiPSIster”: Saiki decides to take the train to a coffee shop 30 minutes away from his house instead of teleporting, claiming coffee jelly tastes much more satisfying if there is effort put into travelling there...though he does plan to teleport home. He explains how annoying train rides are for him, due to his telepathy, and how if someone playing music loudly is annoying for you, how much worse it is to listen everyone complain about said music. Over the course of the trip, Saiki begins to get anxious due to the crowds and his telepathy, and is relieved when several people get off. Unfortunately, he receives a precognition about the train stopping, and ends up saving a man from jumping in front of the train. Saiki winds up teleporting to the coffee shop. 
Chapters 176 & 177 “PSIolving the Biggest Riddle!”: Saiki shrinks himself to retrieve his mother’s wedding band that had fallen down a drain, and when he jumps down, he remarks that the sink had become essentially 80 meters tall due to his height. He lays down in his bed afterwards, deciding to take a nap while he returns to normal size. When he wakes up however, he is much taller than normal. Due to the fact his body keeps growing, to avoid destroying the house anymore, Saiki teleports away to an island to hide, but he realizes that he teleported to an island closer to land due to his height throwing off his teleport. He hides under the water to avoid being caught, but ends up having to teleport away to avoid being seen. He accidently ends up on land, and nearby is a tribe of people, who are speaking a strange language. Before they approach him, Saiki ducks into his shirt, remarking that he feels embarrassed and is at a loss. He ends up floating and crashes to the ground once he reaches a certain height. It eventually clicks and he returns home, normal size. He had realized that his growing and shrinking powers were the same, but growing happened slowly, and shrinking happened quickly, hence why he would return to normal size slowly. The cause of this issue? The off comment he made about the sink “Becoming 80 meters tall.”
Chapter 201 “A Miraculous InvenPSIon”: Saiki notices his dad using a tablet and asks him what it his, to which Kunihara explains. Once he remembers he has work, Kunihara runs off, but not before offering his old tablet to Saiki, saying he can use it to read books and buy things. A little while later, Saiki is amazed by the tablet. He remarks about the shopping sites he an use to buy not only physical copies of books on, but digital ones as well. He keeps thinking about how amazing the online shopping sites and recommendations are, meanwhile he performs basically the same exact thing to his mom, when she requests he go out and buy groceries, as he instantly apports them for her, and also added foil because he had a precognition about her running out. While searching for appliances, he stumbles on the coffee jelly maker he owns, and finds out it has shitty reviews, but everyone recommends a newer model. He looks for the cheapest price of it, and finds an ad claiming to sell it for 100 yen. However, he falls for the trick of a ridiculous shipping fee, and his father laughs and remarks how just like his mother, he got scammed. Angry, Saiki teleports to the factory and threatens them into giving him the model for 100 yen, claiming that he doesn’t have to pay the shipping fee if he picks it up himself.
Chapter 229 “No Need for Bath Salts! Taking a Dip in the PSIcret Hot Spring”: Saiki decides to take a visit to a secluded hot springs in the mountains to relax himself, but unfortunately two strangers decided to hike there at the very same time. He cannot just teleport or walk away, since he didn’t bring his clothes with him, having teleported there to begin with. To make them leave, he decides to heat the hot spring up, so that the two men get overheated and decic to leave. One of the men, however, decides to try and stay in the water that is slowly gaining heat, in order to outlast Saiki. The man eventually gets out and faints, and to avoid having to help them, Saiki feigns having fainted from the heat as well, causing the two men to leave on their own.
Chapter 243 ″Welcome to PSIberspace”: Saiki’s dad has a new VR headset, and while he has to leave for work he offers it to Saiki to play with. Saiki is enamored by the horror game his dad was playing, being that it’s able to surprise him. The jump scares, however, cause him to accidently use his telekinesis, which is actually blowing stuff up at his dad’s workplace, instead of his house. 
Chapter 245 “Trending on a Streaming PSIte”: Kaidou, Nendo, Kuboyasu, and Saiki are all hanging out, and Kaidou mentions he has a camera and wants to become a youtuber (Yotubo-er is what it’s called). At a café, the group suggests video ideas, such as Teruhashi. In order to prevent this plan, however, Saiki uses telekinesis to stab french fries into their eyes when Teruhashi ends up walking by the café. On the walk home, however, Saiki receives a premonition  about all the video ideas they suggested becoming popular, including one of him using his abilities on the french fries. He obtains the camera from Kaidou and deletes the footage, which had been recording due to the camera being on the entire time.
Chapter 255 “APSIsting In Mediating A Long-Term Marriage!”: Saiki and his parents go to visit his grandparent’s, only to learn the pair is fighting, and his grandmother would like a divorce. The start of the entire fight is revealed to be because Kumagoro left the toilet seat up, and Kumi explains how she’s had to put the seat down for 40 years. The reason she was so adamant to divorce as well was because Kuusuke had pushed her to it. Kumi gets ready to leave the house, especially after Kumagoro purposely leaves the lid up one last time. Saiki stops her and tells her to put down the lid one more time, only for the words ‘I’m Sorry’ to be written on it. The fight is resolved.
Chapter 264 “Please Go Watch the Live ActPSIon Movie!”: A manga Saiki reads is getting a live action movie, and he is particularly upset about it. His dad happens to be the editor for the manga, and takes him to the filming set to change his mind. (By the way, this is the best chapter for showcasing Kunihara’s shittiness as a father. He physically attacks his son several times. Missing, of course, but he still actively attacks him. Kunihara is a horrible person, let alone father.) Saiki views the set and is perturbed by the actor choices, specifically Makoto as the lead character. He is even more upset to learn that the movie features an original character (like a badly written wattpad fanfiction), and that the end of the movie even features the death of the main character, and Kunihara explains that it differs from the manga greatly. He explains to his son that the changes make the movie better, and Saiki ends up agreeing after he winds up viewing the actual live-action movie.
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prvtbugsbuggins · 3 years
Caboose and his ungodly amount of sisters.
A post for both my reference and for you all to enjoy.
The idea of Military Alphabet being used as names was inspired by Red Battalion, Blue Regiment by @tinfoil-jones. It's a great fic u guys plz.
More stuff under the cut.
Caboose and his sisters were all taken from a pool of war orphans during the great war. All of them had their homes glassed and barely escaped with their lives. The oldest at the time was little more than a small kid, so many of them don't remember having parents or a life before they were taken into the SPARTAN III program. For all they know, this was all normal to them.
Indiana was the oldest and was the one to remember what parental love was all about, so she was the one who kept an eye on everyone else and did her best to be sure that they had love while growing up. Their training was extremely harsh and she made sure it was as fair as it could be.
Here are the siblings, from oldest to youngest. Once they were old enough to leave the program, all of them chose their own names. Caboose was chosen as the last name, and all of them keep it as a sign of solidarity.
Name: Indiana ‘Indy’ Carnation Caboose
Rank: Lieutenant General
Armor Color: Dark brown and tan
Designation: INDIA
Description: Freckled pale skin with green eyes and red hair that she keeps short. Absolutely stacked. 9Ft tall even. Is missing a leg but has a cool cyborg one to replace it. Defacto ‘leader’ of the Spartan Siblings and tends to call the shots. Is high enough rank to make sure her siblings are treated well no matter where they end up.
Currently: Alive and still in active duty. Works mostly with Holly.
Name: Holiday ‘Holly’ Yuletide Caboose
Rank: Major General
Armor Color: Green and Red
Designation: HOTEL
Description: Tan skin with brown eyes and black hair that she keeps long. 8’11’’ tall. Is built more slender but can still break your neck. Is the one who usually keeps track of all the siblings and makes sure they are okay. Organizes the yearly get together.
Currently: Alive and still in active duty. Works mostly with Indiana.
Name: Winter Solstice Caboose
Rank: Chief Warrant Officer 5
Armor Color: White and Winter-mint Green
Designation: WHISKEY
Description: Pale skin with blue eyes and white-blonde hair that she keeps short. 7’9’’ tall. Is built more slender and is stupidly flexible, giving her a rep as an escape artist.
Currently: Alive and still in active duty. Works as a battlefield tactician and invents war-games for training purposes.
Name: Tango Rio Caboose
Rank: Second Lieutenant
Armor Color: Black and White
Designation: TANGO
Description: Tan skin with brown eyes and blonde hair that was kept short. Was more short and squat but absolutely stacked. 8 ft tall even. Used to bench press actual benches with people on it.
Currently: MIA. Was last seen on Reach.
Name: Vicky Ableton Caboose
Rank: First Lieutenant
Armor Color: Teal and Pink
Designation: VICTOR
Description: Pale skin with blue eyes and hair that’s always in a different color done in a ‘fluff hawk’ hairstyle. 8Ft tall even and built more slender. Is faster than the other siblings in terms of speed.
Currently: Alive and retired. Currently works as a DJ and plays for raves while making her own music.
Name: Sierra Nevada Caboose
Rank: Second Lieutenant
Armor Color: Tan and Gold
Designation: SIERRA
Description: Rust colored skin with black eyes and black hair kept long. 8’5’’ tall and was more focused on martial arts, so she was rather slender. Could one inch punch people across a room.
Currently: MIA. Was last seen on Reach.
Name: Charlie Beatrix Caboose
Rank: Sergeant Major
Armor Color: Green and Brown
Designation: CHARLIE
Description: Warm dark skin with brown eyes and black hair kept short. Built more chubby and squat at 8’6’’ tall. Can hug you to death though, so be careful. Used to be able to pick up cars so the wheels could get changed faster.
Currently: Alive and retired. Writes and illustrates children's books based off stories she told Caboose when he was little.
Name: Luna Moonbeam Caboose
Rank: Sergeant Major
Armor Color: Black and Blue
Designation: LIMA
Description: Pale skin with pale blue eyes and pale blonde hair kept long. Just pale, lol. 7’11’’ tall and built slender and trim. Is really good at psychology and has a knack for motivating people without them realizing it. Takes active interest in troop morale and writes papers on how to improve it.
Currently: Alive and in active duty. Works as a drill sergeant and her teams perform better because she gives them all lollipops when they do a good job.
Name: Juliet Romeo Caboose
Rank: First Lieutenant
Armor Color: Yellow and Green
Designation: JULIET
Description: Freckled pale skin with brown eyes and blonde hair kept long. Built like a muscular country farm-girl at 8’7’’ tall. Can pick up fully grown cattle and move them where they need to go.
Currently: Alive and retired. Works on a farm where she raises various livestock with her wife. Caboose gets to name all the baby animals born on said farm.
Name: Fox (Foxy) Trot Caboose
Rank: First Lieutenant
Armor Color: Orange and Black
Designation: FOXTROT
Description: Tan skin with blue eyes and red hair kept short. More wiry and slender than most other sisters and stuck more to stealth tactics than outright assault. 7’10’’ tall.
Currently: MIA. Last seen on Reach.
Name: Echo Echo Caboose
Rank: First Lieutenant
Armor Color: Dark Blue and light Blue
Designation: ECHO
Description: Dark skin with brown eyes and black hair kept short. Quite muscular and built at 8’6’’ tall. Usually specialized in hand to hand combat and liked to use knives and other bladed weapons.
Currently: MIA. Last seen scouting uncharted territory.
Name: Ollie Oxenfree Caboose
Rank: Major
Armor Color: Pink and White
Designation: OSCAR
Description: Pale skin with brown eyes and black hair, kept short. Is more slender and built more for stealth and misdirection type of combat. 8’4’’ tall and can pluck your heart out of your rib-cage if need be.
Currently: Alive and retired. Works as a therapist and specializes in PTSD traumas.
Name: November Showers Caboose
Rank: Lieutenant Colonel
Armor Color: Dark Red and Orange
Designation: NOVEMBER
Description: Tan skin with brown eyes and orange hair kept short. Is built like a bruiser at a good 8’10’’ tall and a body to put bodybuilders to shame. Likes to count how many teeth she can knock out of someone’s head with one punch.
Currently: MIA. Was last seen on Reach.
Name: Kiki Piña Colada Caboose
Rank: Major
Armor Color: Light Pink and Light Yellow
Designation: KILO
Description: The smallest sister at 7’8’’ tall and slender. Pale skin with blue eyes and pink/blonde hair kept long. Enjoys looking pretty but is scarily good at assassinations. Likes to use her unassuming looks against people. Has beaten up selfish lovers.
Currently: Alive and in active duty. Trains special forces troops.
Name: Bravo Blue Caboose
Rank: Lieutenant General
Armor Color: Blue and Black
Designation: BRAVO
Description: Pale skin with blue eyes and brown hair kept short in a buzz cut. Likes piercings and body mods. Has an unbelievable pain tolerance and likes to freak out her recruits using it. 8’10’’ tall and built like a linebacker. Sometimes will stand there and let people attack her and laugh at their attempts to hurt her. Will kill you if you make her siblings cry.
Currently: Alive and in active duty. Works on top secret things that are secret. It’s mostly boring stuff, like paperwork. She hates it.
Name: Quinn Sable Caboose
Rank: Captain
Armor Color: Grey and Purple
Designation: QUEBEC
Description: Tan skin with green eyes and brown hair kept short. Tends to dye tips of hair purple. Is covered in tattoos. Is very muscular and big at 8’7’’ tall and can pop someone’s head off their body like a grape. Makes a newsletter for all her siblings so they know what’s going on with each other.
Currently: Alive and in active duty. Trains forces in how to work together as a team and not die.
Name: Zelda Triforce Caboose
Rank: Captain
Armor Color: Dark green and Light Blue.
Designation: ZULU
Description: Dark skin with brown eyes and long dreads dyed in a wide range of colors. Built to be trim and slender. Could choke you out with her legs. Is 8ft tall even. Probably has ADHD and is very excitable.
Currently: Alive and retired. Currently makes VR video games and programs for a living.
Name: Michael Jaybird Caboose
Rank: Major
Armor Color: Blue (the best blue)
Designation: MIKE
Description: It’s Caboose, our boy. 7Ft tall even with brown hair, blue eyes, and is built like a brick house. Gives the softest hugs, though.
Currently: Alive and in a mix of active duty and ‘retired’. Pets dinosaurs and plays ‘games’ with his squad.
If possible they all try to meet up together at least once a year and they actively send letters to each other. They will call if close enough, but since everyone is doing something different, it's unlikely that two siblings would be on a planet together at the same time. All of them are extremely protective over each other, especially to Caboose since he is the baby. Despite some being retired, they still have and wear their armor because it's so ingrained in themselves. Eventually many more will decide to retire and pursue other interests once they figure out what they like.
Also all of them have a barcode tattooed on them somewhere. Not for evil purposes, but because it's easier to scan a code that can't be removed and make sure you aren't going to kill your Spartan by accidently giving them a medication they are allergic to.
Feel free to use if you like as well. I will be using this as a reference for my own works, lol.
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