#and korrasami is so cute and they’re actually happy together
so I’m not super familiar with lok discourse but on my first (and a half) watches I started notice some similarities and I kind of wonder if anyone else feels the same way
Is it just me of does it seem like the writers really tried to do something with MaKorra? And is it just me or does it feel like they were trying really hard to take a lot of “inspiration” from Zutara...except they also had a complete lack of understanding for the characters and why people actually like them together ??
And personally Korasami is ADORABLE(and also my preferred ship) but also didn’t seem like from a writers (specifically bryke) stand point that it was the relationship they were super behind & wanted to be endgame...I FEEL like they wanted MaKorra to be endgame
Evidence: (to clarify I don’t actually like MaKorra, like I said it feels like Bryke saw Zutara and they wanted to do something to ‘appease’ fans w/o actually giving any depth or clearly written character arc to anyone) (a lot of these are very surface level and I wouldn’t usually consider them actual parallels, but all together it gives me the vibe that it was on purpose...like they took attributes from Zutara and tried I make a ship almost to say ‘you didn’t actually like Zutara you just liked this awkward dynamic’)
Design: Okay so obviously, the characters look pretty similar in design, which at first isn’t something that stood out to me (it’s a cartoon, not a lot of characters have extreme looks) but there’s more to consider
Fire bender/ water bender dynamic (again, not a huge deal, I mean how many people are in each nation?)
Asami: when Asami was first introduced I believe it was in that “meet cute” with Mako, and I’d like to point out that are some (minor) similarities with her design and Mai, dark, red tones, shiny black hair
Personalities: Mako seems like a VERY poor attempt to replicate Zuko’s personality, they took a bunch of surface level attributes (gruffness, affection for his family member whos seen often in watch kingdom colors 😗, general stand-off-ish-ness around most people) and combined it with a similar character design
Korra: her personality isn’t super close to Katara, which, yay!, but they do have enough similarities to say oh well that can’t be what they tried to do (because it feels like bryke saw another strong woman and said ‘oh let’s do that thing everyone liked last time)
Parallels in plot/moments
So lok has some messy writing sometimes and it’s been a while since I first watched the show, but every time I watch the final mech-suit battle where Korra and Kuvira are fighting and Mako and Bolin are in the spirit vine area, I’m struck by how much it feels like a Agni Kai rip off (not the whole thing, just the final lightning part) and you know what, I’m selling to bet that before the team decided on Korrasami, that scene would have had Korra in it because I would NOT put it past Bryke to take Korra away from the main fight to have a cheesy romantic moment
There’s definitely more throughout the series but I really could not get over the rip-off Zuko having a dramatic lightning scene in one of the final episodes of the series, and if it had a Katara stand in, you could ABSOLUTELY NOT convince me that it was in no way related to Zutara
So Mako and Korra feel like a bad attempt to prove either that Zutara wasn’t that good/they could do it to or like a bad attempt to make Zutara fans happy (hey you couldn’t have a relationship with three seasons of emotional build up and two characters who had a deep emotional connection...how about a relationship that LOOKS like it but without any of the emotional depth?)
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firelxdykatara · 3 years
gods, ok, apparently i’m not done.
atla fandom? we need to have a chat.
(....ok that made me sound pretentious as fuck. and maybe i am, but this needs to be said, cause i’m getting....real, real tired of a Certain Corner of this fandom and as a result, this is gonna be a discourse-heavy post so feel free to scroll past if that’s not your bag. as always, my salt posts all carry the catch-all #salt for ts tag, which you’re free to blacklist/filter at your leisure. i’m Very Annoyed at the moment, which will probably come through in the following post, so just. yknow. be prepared for that. or ignore it, that’s perfectly valid too.)
under a cut bc i do care for my followers and their sanity i swear lmao
there’s a real serious issue in this fandom with not understanding what queer terminology actually means or implies, especially when applied to a fictional narrative.
i’m specifically talking about ‘coding’, here. (if i were in a more meme-y mood, i might have said ‘the atla fandom found out about the term “gay-coding” and haven’t shut up since’.)
to the people who say ‘zuko is gay-coded’, i have this to say: you keep using that word. i do not think it means what you think it means. because he isn’t. i’m sorry, but he’s not! and the fact that this is such a prevalent claim in this fandom is distressing, bc it says to me that none of y’all know what gay-coding is or when and how to apply it! please, i’m begging you, go and look up these terms and what they mean and when they should be used before actually trying to plug them into your critical analysis, because when you misuse them and then call other people delusional for disagreeing with you it casts a pall over the entire fandom and is, i think, the root of some of the worst toxicity this fandom has to offer.
and the thing is, there are cases where gay-coding would apply--for instance, a couple series that are famous for queerbaiting their audience by coding their main characters as being attracted to one another (sometimes even despite their openly stated sexualities) come to mind, but those shows bare no similarities at all to atla and how zuko was written and portrayed! (and it would be funny, if it weren’t so obnoxious and infuriatingly wide-spread throughout the fandom, because the only queer couple we actually seen on-screen in either show wasn’t even queer-coded in any respect, and they’re canonically bi! [yes, i’m shading korrasami, or more accurately i’m shading bryke for refusing to give ka the build-up and development they deserved].)
this absolutely isn’t to say that headcanoning zuko as gay is a bad thing or invalid in any respect. (although the tendency for zukka shippers to do this specifically to keep zuko away from katara and/or invalidate his canon relationship/attraction to girls is more than a little eyebrow raising. especially since sokka is usually allowed to be bi, bc fans have no problem letting sukka stay in the background bc it’s no real threat, while jetko shippers are happy to have both boys be bi. [possibly bc katara is less a threat to jetko bc jetkotara is every bit as valid as any single ship between the three, but zukka can’t exactly let katara join in, and if the potential exists for zuko to be attracted to her then canon giving them the far deeper emotional bond becomes a threat to zukka’s existence? idk for sure--you be the judge.]) i prefer to hc zuko as bi (and always have, long before the atla renaissance), bc i don’t think zuko being attracted to boys is outside the realm of possibility, and it isn’t a threat to my ship since zuko&katara had a deep and emotional bond in canon that is very easy to develop further into something that becomes explicitly romantic--but the headcanon itself isn’t really the problem (although what it’s often in service to can be).
it’s the strange insistence that this is the only way to read his character, bc he was coded that way and so anyone who doesn’t see it must be too straight to understand--and i really shouldn’t have to say why and how that is so incredibly fucking insulting. (the ‘hetero lenses’ comment wasn’t cute when it came from bryke six years ago, and the same sentiment being repackaged and delivered by zukka shippers ain’t cute now.)
calling zuko gay-coded not only demonstrates ignorance as to what the term actually means, and how to usefully apply it in critical analysis, but also validates the frankly bullshit insertion of institutionalized homophobia in the world of atla where it was neither needed, nor wanted, nor ever hinted at in canon. as a queer woman i’m still infuriated by one fucking comic panel shoving institutionalized and systemic homophobia into a world where it was entirely unnecessary (and doing this in the first installment of the franchise showcasing a queer relationship??? making korra and asami worried about ‘coming out’ when they could have just gone on to have cute adventures together and tell people ‘hey we’re dating’ and have everyone else be ‘that’s awesome =DDD’ [because it is, in fact, possible to just have a world without homophobia i promise!!!!!] double yikes, i’m still pissed at bryke about it), and i doubly hate that ‘zuko is gay coded’ has become so widespread that ‘ozai hates him bc he’s gay’ has become a staple in that part of the fandom.
not only does making zuko gay and implying (or outright stating) that ozai hated and abused him because of it completely undermine zuko’s character arc by making his abuse about his sexuality rather than ozai’s toxic pride and anger at seeing himself reflected in his ‘weak’ son, but it comes very close to outright stating that abuse and trauma are inherently gay experiences, and they aren’t!!! they really aren’t, i promise!!!
abuse and trauma narratives exist outside of ‘my dad hates me because i’m gay’. and, quite frankly, there are MORE THAN ENOUGH queer trauma narratives out in the world. we do not need to start trying to retroactively make them canon in a series where they didn’t exist! if you’re gay and see yourself in zuko and project your own experiences on him, that’s understandable and valid. that does not make zuko gay-coded. and honestly, the insistence that he is makes very little sense to me, because you’re essentially trying to give the show credit for work you put into interpreting the characters! why would you want to do that? why not own your own headcanons and take credit for them, rather than insisting they are canon and everyone else is wrong for not seeing them??? like, i’ve said before that i’ve always headcanoned zuko (and katara) as bi, and even support it with my interpretations of evidence from the show, but the difference between ‘i think zuko is bi’ and ‘zuko is definitely gay-coded’ is that i know that bi zuko is my interpretation of canon, and that it is work i’m putting into the show that wasn’t actually intended by the creators/writers, no matter how much sexual tension i read into the jetko swordfight.
and like, zuko’s character arc doesn’t actually parallel a queer one all that well to begin with. it’s easy enough to do the work and twist it sideways just enough to make the general points fit, but the fact is, zuko’s arc is not one of self-discovery. it’s not one of coming to understand something fundamental about himself that he can’t change, that he was hated for, and coming out to his father in a dramatic confrontation where he shows that he understands himself and doesn’t need his father’s acceptance to be fulfilled.
zuko’s arc is actually one of trauma and healing. and those can (and often are--like i said, there are more than enough queer trauma narratives in the world, atla really doesn’t need to be one of them) be part of queer narratives, for sure! but they aren’t uniquely queer. and zuko’s confrontation with ozai during the eclipse doesn’t read like a ‘coming out’ at all. (yes, i’ve seen that post. yes, i rolled my eyes and moved on, bc unlike some people, i’m capable of not clowning on correctly tagged posts i disagree with.) zuko is specifically confronting ozai over his abuse, because his arc wasn’t about discovering anything fundamental about himself (and therefore realizing that ozai was hating him for something he couldn’t change)--it was about realizing that he was not at fault for the way his father treated him. it was also about realizing that the fire nation was broken and corrupt at its core, and that his father was an aspect of that he needed to break away from so that he could help the world begin to heal.
he says it himself:
Zuko: No, I've learned everything! And I've had to learn it on my own! Growing up, we were taught that the Fire Nation was the greatest civilization in history. And somehow, the War was our way of sharing our greatness with the rest of the world. What an amazing lie that was. The people of the world are terrified by the Fire Nation. They don't see our greatness. They hate us! And we deserve it! We've created an era of fear in the world. And if we don't want the world to destroy itself, we need to replace it with an era of peace and kindness.
making this about zuko being gay and rejecting ozai’s homophobia, rather than zuko learning fundamental truths about the world and about his home and about how there was something deeply wrong with his nation that needed to be fixed in order for the world to heal (and, no, ‘homophobia’ is not the answer to ‘what is wrong with the fire nation’, i’m still fucking pissed at bryke about that), misses the entire point of his character arc. this is the culmination of zuko realizing that he should never have had to earn his father’s love, because that should have been unconditional from the start. this is zuko realizing that he was not at fault for his father’s abuse--that speaking out of turn in a war meeting in no way justified fighting a duel with a child.
is that first realization (that a parent’s love should be unconditional, and if it isn’t, then that is the parent’s fault and not the child’s) something that queer kids in homophobic households/families can relate to? of course it is. but it’s also something that every other abused kid, straight kids and even queer kids who were abused for other reasons before they even knew they were anything other than cishet, can relate to as well. in that respect, it is not a uniquely queer experience, nor is it a uniquely queer story, and zuko not being attracted to girls (which is what a lot of it seems to boil down to, at the end of the day--cutting down zuko’s potential ships so that only zukka and a few far more niche ships are left standing) is not necessary to his character arc. nor does it particularly make sense.
(and before anyone brings up his date with jin--a) he enjoyed it when she kissed him, and b) he was a traumatized, abused child going out on a first date. of course he was fucking awkward. have you ever met a teenage boy????)
anyway, uh, that was a lot of words, so have a tl;dr: zuko is not gay-coded. there is nothing uniquely gay (or even uniquely queer) about his character arc or characterization, and he was certainly not coded gay in an attempt to sneak a queer character past the censors. if anyone involved with atla was gonna try that, it would’ve been in lok, and as established, they didn’t even manage to queer-code the actual queer relationship before the last few minutes of the final episode. headcanoning zuko as gay is absolutely fine (though if it’s only done to keep him away from female characters he may otherwise be attracted to, that smells more like misogyny than anything else), but insisting that this reading is the only one that makes sense, and anyone who doesn’t agree must be straight (hello, queer woman here making this insanely long thinkpiece) is very much not.
ship what you like, but stop trying to invalidate other ships and other interpretations of characters just to make your ship seem more plausible. it’s really not a good look.
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alwaysinstoryland · 2 years
2021 creator self-love extravaganza
thanks for the tag @passionfruitbowls! i love this one! it’s nice to look back at things i’ve made the last year
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favourite works (fics, art, edits, etc.) you’ve created this year and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world in 2021. If you don’t have 5 published works, that’s fine! Include ideas/drafts/whatever you like that you’ve worked on/thought about, and talk a little about them instead! Remember, this is all about self-love and positive enthusiasm, so fuck the rules if you need to. Have fun, and tag as many fellow creators as you like so they can share the love! <3
Starry sky Ladynoir
This list is in no particular order, but this drawing is probably my most favourite thing I created last year. I love it so much! I just think the colours are so so pretty and it makes me really happy to look at. Picking colours that look cohesive and nice together is something I sometimes struggle with so I’m really pleased with this one. Plus, it’s just really cute!
Marichat in flower field
This one!!! I’m so proud of how this one turned out, honestly. I looove how the grass and the flowers look and I kinda want to lay down in that field for a while. The whole background of this was a bit of an experiment and I wasn’t really sure how it was going to turn out but I think it turned out so pretty and bright and I love it! I’m also very proud of myself for actually sticking with it and finishing it bc I had to restart almost the entire background when my computer decided to crash just as I hit save so that wasn’t much fun lol
This Knit Happens
Writing was really hard last year so this was the only fic I was able to finish but I’m really proud of it! It makes me smile like mad to reread it so that’s a good sign. I think it’s just really fun and cute and I love it! My favourite part of it is the fact that Adrien really just wanted to make his good friend Marinette a nice present. That makes me really soft hehe
Korrasami day
2021 was the year I finally started branching out of my comfort zone of drawing solely lovesquare and started drawing things for other fandoms as well. This one in particular I really like how it turned out! I had tried drawing Korra previously but for some reason just could not figure out how to draw her hair but then for this one it suddenly clicked and I was so so excited I could finally draw her hair lol. And I think the piece turned out so pretty! The colours are so lovely and I really love these two so this one makes me really happy
Ladrien in hoodies
I don’t have a whole lot to say about this one, I just like it! The colours are pretty, they’re cute, the background turned out better than I thought it would!
Tagging? I’m not sure who’s done this or not so if you see this and you’ve made stuff last year, you’re tagged!
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spookyboogie3 · 4 years
The trope Last Minute Hookup shouldn’t be used for LGBTQ+ relationships.
I DO NOT hate any of these pairings. A good many of them could have been handled differently by the creators, writers, and networks. But this isnt me hating the relationships or characters or shows. Just going off about how they shouldnt have been tacked on at the end of their respective series. 
As of writing this all of these shows have ended their original runs. Except for Supernatural which is on its last few episodes. And Supergirl, which announced its coming to end with season 6.
LGBTQ characters and relationships aren’t as common in the media as straight-cis characters and relationships. Sure things are improving but a lot of networks and writers still don’t fully understand why representation is important why they can’t keep using the same throwaway tropes they’ve been using for the straight-cis relationships.
You could name any piece of media and find and name one character that isn’t LGBTQ+, but you can’t do this with LGBTQ+ characters. We haven’t gotten to the point where they are as common as non-LGBTQ characters.
I have a whole paper I wrote on why asexual representation is important to have in the media and the same logic applies to any part of the LGBTQ+ or anything that falls under minority.
Back to the topic on hand. The trope of “Last Minute Hookup.”
Its exactly what it sounds like. Characters get to together at the very end of the story. These characters could have a on and off again relationship, lots of ship teasing, the classic “Will They or Wont They?” trope. What makes it different for non-LGBT characters in relationships to do this, we know what these relationships look like. Not to say the that both Non and LGBT relationship cant have similar struggles, however members of the LGBTQ+ community know how hard it is to feel like your identity and self matters and is normal.
I know that the whole “will they, wont they” thing is done for drama and networks and showrunners think if they give the fans what they want that they’ll start losing viewers and they have nothing to look forward to. Which is true to some degree. But most of this comes from the writers not knowing how to fucking write relationships.
Let’s just focus on whats it like to be in a non-straight relationship.
Heres an example: you have an action series, with 2 male leads and halfway through the show, they get together. Cool. Now you have a Battle Couple.
By making LGBTQ relationships happen at the end of a series that’s already had plenty of other non-LGBTQ relationships happen before it, it makes it look like the people in charge don’t care for it or were afraid of backlash. But it’s the end of the series so its not like they can get the show cancelled or anything. (The only people who are going to lash out at LGBT couple or characters are homophobic people, we don’t want them around any way so just make stuff super gay, so they’ll leave)
This is especially a problem when the writer and network have spent the whole series queerbaiting the audience with these characters.
 Side note for anyone is doesn’t actually know what queerbaiting is:
It’s a marketing technique used in entertainment, which the writer or creators hint at but then don’t actually depict sex-same romance or LGBTQ representation. They do this to attract (bait) the LGBT/queer or straight ally audience into the show with the suggestion of representation but at the same time avoiding this as not alienate other audience members *cough* (homophobes) *cough*
Definition is from Wikipedia, not a reliable source says my highschool teachers and college professors but fuck em
The Legend of Korra is a great example of Last-Minute Hookup. Korra and Asami had VERY little ship teasing, and that was in the last 2 books/seasons. Any thing that was perceived as romantic came from the fans wearing shipping goggles. So to a lot of people just casually watching, yes this looked like it came out of nowhere. Nickelodeon had some serious balls to say how brave they were for putting 2 girls into a romantic relationship.
Theres a few problems with this.
A. It never actually aired on TV (to my knowledge). The last 2 seasons of Korra were put on Nicks website.
B. The confirmation that this Korrasami was canon had to come from the creators on twitter because of how unclear it was.
C. The show did the bare minimum when it came to hooking them up in the series. They walk off holding hands (very cute btw). They didn’t even get a kiss. Aang and Katara had a Last Minute Hookup at the end of ATLA after 3 seasons of ship tease and THEY GOT A KISS. Hell the original end of LoK*, has Korra and Mako kissing. *(the first season, they didn’t know they were getting more seasons at the time, no matter what you hear the writers say, they’re full of shit)
D. Anything continuation of Korra has come in the form of comics, which her and Asami are in a fairly well written relationship. Yes, they do kiss. Yes it would’ve been great to see this stuff happen in series.
A show that handles this a little bit better is Adventure Time. Not by much though. It implied several times that Princess Bubblegum and Marceline have history together and its shown more and more in its last few seasons that there is some ship tease happening. However its not until the finale where they kiss, and they are shown in the last minute of the show cuddling together in Marcy’s house. HBO has picked up Adventure Time and has a miniseries called Adventure Time: Distant Lands, where Bubblegum and Marceline’s past relationship is shown.  
I had brought up in my original post about being upset with networks making LGBTQ+ relationships canon in the last season/episode. I originally had Catradora tagged. While Catra and Adora have history together, they did not become official couple until the end of the series.
Yes, I was wrong about the network making things canon in the last episode as they’ve always had ship tease with each other, and it probably was the writers’ intent to put them together by the end. They do technically fall under the Last-Minute Hookup, however.
I wanna talk about Once Upon a Time really quick. Fans of the show were hoping and wishing for an LGBTQ couple for the show as a lot of characters, especially Regina and Emma, have alot Ho Yay moments. The showrunners weren’t going to put those two together, for whatever reasons they may have for that (im indifferent on all the shipping going on with this show). The showrunners thought to put two characters together, and hoo boy did it not make people happy. The characters they put together are Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and Ruby the red riding hood, which would be fine if they had properly been developed.
The entire episode they did this in was a mess. They stopped the current arc during the season 5 episode ‘Ruby Slippers,’ to go over the characters that haven’t been seen in years, Dorothy was introduced and last seen in season 3, and Ruby was introduced in season 1 and was last seen in season 5 before ‘Ruby Slippers’. The characters get together in the same episode the meet in and are never seen again. The characters barely interacted, barely got along, and showed little to no ship tease or interest in each other and BOOM they are in love and together aaaaaannnnndd they’re gone. Other than having One Million Moms, a Christian fundamentalist organization, protest against the show and want it taken off the air (yes this really happened). The fans weren’t please with this development of the characters either.  
(also Mulan was right there and already knew Ruby from a previous episode, and Mulan already is established to like girls as shown by her being in love with Aurora. Don’t know why the writers didn’t just put these 2 together but whatever I guess)
So they tried again in season 7 with MadArcher. The characters of Alice, a version of Alice in Wonderland from another realm (its complicated) and Robin, the daughter of Robin Hood and the Wicked Witch (it’s also complicated). And the writers did a lot better here. Both characters were allowed to have time together and have a history together too and it was done over the whole season. Not just one episode.
Now even though the writers decided to do something different with the last season and it could be detached from the previous 6 seasons, MadArcher is not really a Last Minute Hookup per say but still falls under my thing about it being the last season so who gives a fuck if One Million Moms gets mad us and tries to get us cancelled again.
 I would like to say I have never watched a single episode of Supernatural in my life. I may one day. But as of right now my knowledge of it is coming primary from what ive seen on tumblr. You know a great source for doing research and looking for reliable information among the piles of shitposting.
From what I know from fans, the writers of Supernatural have been queer baiting for years. I mean it’s the CW, I’m not that surprised. What also wouldn’t surprise me, that by the end of the series Castiel is back and he and Dean actually start and relationship or strongly hint at starting one. I actually fear for the writer lives if they threw out a confession scene after years of queerbaiting and potential ship tease (debatable) and they don’t put them together. Fans are going to be angrier than they probably ever have been with this show and the showrunners and writers really would be known for queer baiting.
From what I know about how previous shows have done and if anyone that has ever worked on this show wants to continue living, Castiel will be back from Super Hell (is that what yall are calling it?) and he will get together with Dean. And they will fall under the Last-Minute Hookup trope and my networks make LGBTQ relationships canon last season.
 One last show I want to talk about is Supergirl, which in has been recently announced that the 6th season will be the last. The show started on CBS but moved to the CW after the end of season 1. So more CW bullshit. There is no confirmation about whether the CW or any of the Supergirl writers are planning to do this, its all speculation. Supergirl is more LGBTQ friendly than some other shows on the Network. One of the main characters came out a few years ago and had a girlfriend a season and has had plenty of hookups with other ladies around the Arrowverse. They even introduced a trans-woman superhero in the form of Dreamer.
Let’s talk SuperCorp. Lena Luthor was introduced in the 2nd season and has been a major character in Kara’s life ever since her introduction. Even if she isn’t involved in the plot, Kara always goes to her to talk and check in on her and worry about her. They are best friends. Since the 2 have met, there has been plenty of Les Yay going on. The writers seem to be aware of the fans wanting SuperCorp to be canon and they keep throwing in moments like Kara and Lena struggling together or Kara carrying Lena bridal style.
Why I bring this up after the announcement of Supergirl’s final season to start next year. We may get SuperCorp. Kara has a relationship with William in the show and not a single person likes this relationship. The writers may scrap it and get put Kara and Lena together for the final season. This is a big maybe though. The Supergirl writers and crew get called out a lot for queerbaiting.
   Let me know if you guys have any other examples of last season/last episode LGBTQ+ hookup.
And please let me know if you see any mistakes. This was all done in one sitting so I may have some things wrong.
Also check out the video by @aretheygayvideos on this topic too.
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katarasbending · 4 years
For the character ask thing-a-bob, what about Aang and Asami? :)
yay! I finally got aang! I can’t believe he’s the last one from the gaang to make it into this ask game!
favorite thing about them: he’s an angel? seriously, he’s just absurdly adorable and kind. aang is such an interesting protagonist because he’s uber optimistic and caring, and even in an actual war, he actively seeks out to spread light and hope and forgive absolutely everyone.
least favorite thing about them: nothing. I have a really hard time critiquing aang. I know he is a flawed character, but none of those flaws really amount to a “least favorite thing” for me!
favorite line: “anyone’s capable of great good and great evil. everyone, even the fire lord and the fire nation, have to be treated like they’re worth giving a chance.” I really enjoy avatar taking a stand and exploring grey areas of morality. a lot of shows keep things very black-and-white, but real life is a lot more of a middle-ground.
brOTP: aang and sokka!!! I saw a gifset of their relationship once and I just loved it because yes, they are best buddies and it’s so sweet.
OTP: hear me out, but... kataang. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I know my bio says zutara die-hard, and I am, truthfully, but I have a huge soft spot for kataang! they just make my heart happy.
nOTP: I don’t get the aang/zuko pairing? I don’t really know that it’s a “notp” but I definitely don’t ship it.
random headcanon: aang can cook really well. there is zero proof of this in canon, but I just have a good feeling about it. he can make some mean vegetarian dishes!
unpopular opinion: I don’t actually think that this opinion is unpopular, but I don’t like the way aang was written as a dad in legend of korra canon. just taking tenzin places while leaving kya and bumi and katara behind every time? I don’t buy it.
song i associate with them: I don’t know! I think maybe “count on me” by bruno mars? 
favorite picture of them:
Tumblr media
the flower crown, it’s just too much. look at him! he’s so cute!
and normally this is where these posts would end, BUT ASAMI IS MY FAVE IN LEGEND OF KORRA. so this is gonna be a super long one because I want to talk about her, too!
favorite thing about them: I love non-benders! I love seeing non-benders do amazing things with their bender friends! non-benders holding their own in battles! it’s amazing! also, I love that she’s very much a girly-girl who still fights, and fights well.
least favorite thing about them: this is not on her in particular, but I remember reading somewhere once that asami is not drawn very expressively, and I kind of agree with that. it would’ve been cool to see her make the goofy, cartoon-y faces that everyone else makes!
favorite line: “it’s all right. people usually assume that I’m daddy’s helpless little girl, but I can handle myself.” objectively, I’ve seen legend of korra just once all the way through and it was like, four years ago, so I can’t really remember any super specific quotes! but I do like this one.
brOTP: asami and bolin! they have such a weird dynamic, I love it!
OTP: I mean, come on, y’all. it’s gotta be korrasami.
nOTP: there isn’t one that I really know of? the last airbender and legend of korra fandoms are, in general, pretty separate, so I haven’t seen any ships for asami that I don’t like!
random headcanon: asami and uncle iroh would really get along, I just know it.
unpopular opinion: I didn’t dislike her and mako together! 
song i associate with them: “pretty” by ingrid michaelson. yep, 10/10.
favorite picture of them:
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oh my goodness she is so cute
send me a character!
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bisexual-ashe · 4 years
001 - Maybe North/Chloe if you want because I'm interested to hear your thoughts on the gurls owoidjfsoifj (Also because North deserves some love)
oooo yes!!! i love these girls so this should be fun hehehehe thanks for sending it in anon!!!
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you: north/chloe (idk if they have a ship name chlonorth? would that be it?)
when I started shipping it if I did: tbh north x chloe isn’t really i ship i think about all that much. BUT it is one i happen to like, and when i see the rare pic, or fanfic of them, i enjoy the fuck outta it cos they’re just cute together sklfjsd so uhh, prolly when i saw content of em together for the first time!!
my thoughts: cute ship!!! also POWER ship tbh. like. north is a fuckin’ bamf, and chloe is a fuckin’ graceful queen. kinda gives me korrasami vibes in a way?? with the whole absolute badass of a tomboy, and then her QUEEN elegant badass of a lover sldskf good ship!!
What makes me happy about them: they both deserve happiness! and i think they’d be v happy with one another!! plus north is an absolute babe who deserves so much love and kindness and i think chloe would be such a sweetheart of a girlfriend who would treat her the fuck right!
What makes me sad about them: very underrated ship :(( north and chloe don’t get enough love in general, but less love as a pairing :((( let them be happy girls together!
things done in fanfic that annoys me: not enough of them!! >:(
things I look for in fanfic: actual fanfics with em in! that revolves around THEM and doesn’t have em as just like. a background pairing lsdjfsdkl
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: as i mentioned, i ship connorth! and i think north would work really well with concon ahaha i also like chloe900! which tbh is kinda an odd ship, but all my rk900 ocs are gentlemen, and i like to think one of them would love her uwu
My happily ever after for them: honestly? just being together and chloe helping north overcome and cope with her trauma in a healthy way whilst giving her that unconditional sweet sweet lovin is just >>>>>>>
who is the big spoon/little spoon: i’d think they’d switch a lot tbh!! north strikes me as more of a big spoon lean BUT i also think she really needs that comfort and security at times, and would eventually give in and let chloe spoon her uwu i feel chloe would be happy either way lmao, she strikes me as someone pretty chill about those sorts of things haha
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: judging people. i mean what?
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sophiainspace · 5 years
Fic Recs for Fanfic Writers’ Appreciation Day
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Here are some of my favourite fics of the year, in no particular order. Go and read these absolute gems, and everything by these writers. <3
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Risks Worth Taking by @sproutwings (one-shot, pre-OT3) - I loved the simplicity of this one. All three of them are never in the same room. It’s all anticipation and UST and *sigh*.
Essential Precautions by @barrylen (multi-chapter, complete) - the one with Nora getting Len and her parents together. THE CUTEST.
Crossing Lines by @heyheyohsorry (one-shot) - older fic that I only just found, and I have no idea how it took me this long. What a fascinating twist - and it’ll break your heart. <3
But Needs Must as the Devil Drives by @coldtomyflash (WIP) is deliciously dark. I think it’s on hiatus - but I recommend anyway.
Boilersuit Blue by @kleptoandpyro (one-shot) - from slightly more than a year ago but worth revisiting. Gorgeous. Expect to cry.
Tonight I’m Gonna Party Like It’s 1989 (In Denmark) by @bold-sartorial-statement (one-shot). While I adore all the ‘got married young’ nonsense fic about coldwave, I love something that tries to make that work with actual history. A coldwave classic.
Gloves by @beware-the-ravenstag (one-shot, Mick Rory, allusions to past coldwave) - 200 words of tiny perfection after which you will cry.
Until Death Do Us Part by @blueelvewithwings​ (one-shot) - I’d recommend a dozen of Aurelia’s fics if I had space! I love her fluffier ones - this is not one of those, but it is great coldwave. Dark, sad, horrifying, I love it.
Spiced to Perfection by @hiverforesteevee​ (one-shot, NSFW) - small and perfectly formed. <3
gold, when you find me by @latebarryallen (multi-chapter, complete) - the coffee shop AU with Iris writing a comic strip about ‘the Streak’ that I never knew I needed, till @zariadriannatomaz recced. Hilarious, adorable.
everything by @zariadriannatomaz​ (one-shot, NSFW) - it’s SO rare that I read smut that I enjoy, especially m/f, and this was gorgeous.
I’m Yours by Ms_C_Marie (one-shot) - beautiful recovery/getting together/learning to make space for each other fic.
you can lean on my arm as you break my heart by korrasamis (one-shot) - a chillingly sad Iris-centric meditation on Iris/Barry. Will break your heart.
Captain Canary
Let Us Be Lovers (We’ll Marry Our Fortunes Together) by @dragongoddess13 (multi-chapter, complete) - the loveliest feels-y road trip AU. <3
Possessive Charms series by Ninhursag (mutli-chapter, complete) - this author writes some great darkfic. Some good people have some very bad ideas, and come back from it stronger.
i just wanna have fun and (get rowdy) by @joanthangroff (multi-chapter, complete, mix of gen & various ships) - I started reading because it looked like a cute ‘everybody’s queer’ groupchat fic. I binged for 3 days... it was exactly that, but MUCH deeper and better than I expected. <3
Snippets from the Waverider by @terrayoung continues to be the tinyfic collection you MUST read (WIP, gen & various Legends ships). The snippet I just quoted in a review was Zari and Jax: “Sarcasm is not an emotion.” “I know, for you it’s a way of life.” “No, it’s more like a hobby I’m really dedicated to.”
Shades of Blue by @areyouscarletcold (one-shot, QPR goldenvibe) - the most delicious angst and friendship and mutual support.
Remember What You’re Staring At Is Me by @tarrinatopaz​ (one-shot, Earth-X Leo Snart & Earth-1 Lisa Snart) - sad and sweet and haunting.
Family Pride by Kitkatt0430 (one-shot, mostly gen, background westallen) - lovely coming out story.
Of Pancakes and Butterflies by @incendiaglacies​ (one-shot in a series, Gideon & Jax Jackson & Martina Jackson) - gorgeous reflection on friendship and recovering from grief, and it’s adorable.
Other Ships
To Those Who Love (Only When They’re Bleeding) by Lady_Vibeke (one-shot, rogue canary) - LV’s writing is subtle and poetic and I love it.
in her eyes (and all that other mushy crap) by themuslimbarbie (one-shot, Sara Lance/Zari Tomaz) - beautiful and sad and real.
I Say It’s Up To Fate by @stillthewordgirl (one-shot, Leonard Snart/Sara Lance/John Constantine) - you have to love that ‘brand new OT3’ feeling, and this hit me in all those feels. I love Jael’s subtle writing, here and in all her fic.
cold nights and the Sunday mornings by @joanthangroff (one-shot, hartmon) - gorgeous disability fic with Deaf Hartley - two fingers up to the CW’s ableism.
Livelong Night by @wonderingtheblue (one-shot, olivarry) - an older fic that I read in the past 12 months, and oh just so beautiful and subtle and sad. <3
catharsis by @zariadriannatomaz (one-shot, Nyssa Al Ghul/E2 Dinah Laurel Lance) - beautiful writing. Mina writes THE BEST lauryssa (any Earth versions), which I didn’t ship until she dragged me into it & I’m glad she did!
Five times Rip knew that Time hadn’t completely forsaken him by @kleptoandpyro (one-shot, Rip Hunter/Leonard Snart) - klep should write more - I savour every damn word they write. Perfection.
amare daemonium by @madprinceofdenmark (one-shot, coldatom) - a very surprising and interestingly conceived demon!Ray AU.
A Is For Aftercare by @blueelvewithwings (one-shot, coldflash, NSFW) - if you like kink fic, everything Aurelia writes is amazing, but this is the sweetest.
Rules to Break by @greensphynx-thecloset (olivarry, NSFW) - another perfect kink fic, written for me, and oh god *shivers*... perfect.
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after the battle, it’s time we go home by verboseDescription (gen Doom Patrol - Vic Stone & Team Doom Patrol) - a fic in which Vic actually gets to deal with his trauma. Found family feels. <3
No Equivalent Substitute by Penlex (The Adventure Zone - Balance Arc) - this whole series is heartbreakingly beautiful, but this one ripped my heart out and then fed me thirty garlic clove chicken. Sob.
Passing Radon Canyon by cher (Alice Isn’t Dead, Welcome To Night Vale) - a lil crossover fic written for me for Yuletide. Deeply creepy.
Screen Time by SilentSilhouette (gen Doom Patrol) - Moments in Doom Manor. Unexpectedly deep. Hits the tone of the show perfectly.
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My favourite of my own fics this year was Stealing Time (coldwestallen). I’m having way too much fun writing cwa recently.
Also it’s a year to the day since I started Mending Wall (QPR coldwave), so if you haven’t read that (it’s complete), go catch up!
This year I started my 50th Arrowverse fic, ‘Saving Time’ (coldwestallen). 
HAPPY FANFIC WRITERS’ DAY TO EVERYONE whether or not I recced your fic... I ran out of time but could have recced a dozen more! <3
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bloodraven55 · 5 years
Do you have some korrasami headcanons? Or bumbleby ones? Or catradora ones? THE HOLY TRINITY
Oof, okay. So I guess I have a couple for Korrasami.
I really like the idea of them training together. Like, their fighting styles are very different obviously since Korra can bend and Asami can’t but also they’re both based on martial arts so I feel like they could learn a lot from each other. To be honest, I don’t really know since the only type of fighting I have any expertise in is fencing because I did it for two years but I just want them to spar, okay? 😄
And the other one that comes to mind is that since as the Avatar and the CEO of Future Industries they’re literally the world’s biggest power couple I love the idea of them doing more casual coupley things together too. Like, they probably have a scheduled date night every week where they go out to dinner (also because I kind of feel like they’re both disasters when it comes to cooking), and sometimes they go and see new movers that come out, and it’s all just very down to earth and normal and a huge contrast to the chaos of saving the world and running a giant company.
I’m pretty sure I’ve already said several Bumbleby ones on this blog but, let’s be real, I am always happy to talk more about the Bees so here’s some more. Yang absolutely checked out a whole bunch of the books Blake had when they were at Beacon, because she wanted to get to know the things that Blake liked to give them more stuff to talk about.
And also because she finds it incredibly endearing how much Blake loves reading. You can pry Yang sitting there with the softest, most lovestruck smile as she listens to Blake gush about all the novels she’s read from my cold dead hands.
I also really like the idea of Blake just slowly stealing various t-shirts and hoodies and stuff from Yang because they’re warm and comfortable and they smell like her. The image of Blake snuggled up in a yellow hoodie that’s far too big for her is just so cute to me. And Yang probably tries to steal some of Blake’s clothes in return but she gives up because they’re all too small for her 😂
As for Catradora, to be totally honest with where their relationship is in the show at the moment my biggest headcanon is just them actually getting to be happy after kicking Hordak and Shadow Weaver’s asses together. But that’s just my wishful thinking (for now anyway) 😅
All of my random little headcanons about them are also really angsty because canon for them is just pain, so I’m sorry for that lmao. But mostly I just imagine it being difficult for both of them to adjust to the other not being there anymore. Like, they were each such a constant presence in the other’s life for so long that I can see Adora still half-expecting Catra to be curled up at the foot of her bed when she wakes up sometimes, or Catra turning round to tell Adora about the latest mess that Kyle made, and then they just remember.
And given we now know that Adora knows Catra’s favourite number, I can’t help wondering what other little details about each other they still remember too. That’s not really a head canon but it just gives me so many feelings because it shows how well they know each other even with everything that’s happened between them and that hurts a lot.
Anyway, that got sort of very angsty at the end there but thank you very much for the ask!
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flying-elliska · 5 years
What are the important bisexual characters that you said helped you? I am having a hard time finding good bi representation in which they aren’t considered promiscuous or unstable
Hiya anon ! What a quality question, thank you ! Here’s another mini essay about bi rep lmao.  If there are some that I forgot please tell me ! And to everyone, tell me about the bi characters who made an impact on your life, I’d love to know !!!!
Okay so.
-  When I answered the anon and talked about the characters that helped me come to terms with my sexuality, I talked about two in particular. Jack Harkness from Torchwood is depicted as very promiscuous, and somewhat instable. He still meant a lot to me because a) him sleeping around was never that much of a problem, it was because he was from the future, where things were different, which I thought was refreshing and b) his instability was because of the weight of being an immortal hero. Also fanon!Dean Winchester from SPN, as an older, more macho, emotionally witholding, badass dude written as bi meant a lot to me, but he doesn’t really avoid that stereotype either. But at least they were heroes.  However, I can understand wanting bi characters that actually don’t fit that stereotype, because bi people irl aren’t all like that, even if there is nothing wrong per se about sleeping with a lot of different people, or having mental issues to struggle with. And that was a while ago and now we have more and more cool characters ! Such as :
- Rosa Diaz from Brooklyn Nine-Nine. One of the best portrayals of bisexuality on TV imho. She didn’t start out as bi, she was this tough, cool, scary but with a heart of gold cop who had a lot of other plotlines before. But then, since they saw that a lot of wlw got this vibe from her, were really into her, and the actress came out as bi herself, they decided to use this. So it was super organic, and the way they introduced the subject was true to Rosa herself ; she’s a super private person, she doesn’t like anybody knowing about her life (it’s actually a running joke and Rosa Diaz has been implied to not even be her real name). But then she is dating a woman, and struggles with her parents not understanding and her coworkers find out, help her and support her. Her gay captain is there for her in his typical stoic but hilarious way. They organize game night with her when her parents won’t anymore. We see her crushing on women and dating, but it is treated exactly as the other character’s love life, they never make a big deal out of it. She isn’t the token queer character. She says outright she is bisexual and there is a specific point about her mom not understanding it’s not a phase and thinking she’ll end up with a man anyway, which #relatable. The focus is on the team as found family. Also right now she’s dating a butch woman, which is awesome since they are so underrepresented on TV and I hope we see more of her. That show really is my comfort show, it’s still bloodly hilarious and it really transcends the format to say some really deep woke stuff too, but never in a way that feels on the nose. Everyone should watch it tbh. 
- Korrasami ! Oh my god, I was so blown away when they got together. They’re two characters from the animated series Legend of Korra, they start out as rivals in love who have feelings for the same guy, but as they have to fight baddies together, they become bestest of friends, and both fall out of love with the guy. Then in season 3 and 4, their relationship becomes central to the show, as Asami stands by Korra through some really tough shit. Also, they’re both ultra badass and fight really well together. A lot of fans started reading their chemistry as romantic, but we’d never thought they’d actually go there. But the show ends with them walking into the ‘sunset’ (well, the spirit lands) together, holding hands. Now, it was never completely explicit on the show BUT they were dealing with a lot of censure from the networks and you have to be willingly obtuse not to read it as romantic. And after that the creators drew them on dates, and there is a comic series in which they are shown kissing, talking about their feelings, introducing each other to their families, etc. It made me feel so validated when it happened, and I just adore the whole ‘love triangle ditches the middle one and fall in gay love with each other’ trope. (is it a trope yet ? it should be.) It’s still a kids show at its core, but it has amazing depth and deals with some very deep shit. Korra starts off as a bit annoying but she has a really cool development, she’s a girl character we need more of - brave, dynamic but also brash and reckless and action driven in ways that are almost always exclusively shown for boys. And Asami is a more typical girly girl but she’s also a brilliant engineer and has a spine of steel and she’s also very slyly funny. They’re amazing. And the comics are super cute. 
- Now there are a lot of characters who are bi/pan that I love, and are good characters in themselves, but their arcs do intersect in some ways with promiscuity and mental instability. I’m thinking about Even from Skam and all his remake variants, Magnus Bane from Shadowhunters, several characters from Black Sails, Sarah Lance and Constantine from Legends of Tomorrow, Eleanor Shellstrop from the Good Place, Bo from Lost Girl, Ilana from Broad City, Joe McMillan from Halt and Catch Fire, God/Chuck from Supernatural (lmaooooo), several characters on Penny Dreadful, or in a totally different category, Vilanelle from Killing Eve or Hannibal from the series (who are hella bad guys but it’s never linked to their sexuality, and are also incredibly compelling to watch.)
 And even though these characters taken individually, I would argue, are good rep because they’re complex and layered and interesting and never one-dimensional (and watching them feels incredibly empowering at times)....it’s still a trend. I feel like when writing a character that is attracted to multiple genders, there is always this sort of...tangle of tropes that writers default to, unconsciously. Some negative and some positive. It used to be this trope of bis being villainous, instable, jealous, flaky, immature, perverted, manipulative, cheaters, amoral, greey, etc...and then it evolved into something of a reclaiming and subverting this trope. So now you feel like the Bi Character kind of has to be badass, glamorous, seductive, often superpowered or extraordinary in other ways.. And they also for multiple reasons (they’re immortal, they’re sensitive artist souls, they’re from the future, they’re psycho, they’re exccentric comic relief, they’re daring adventurers and pioneers) don’t care about social norms which allows them to sleep and fall in love with whomever. And so they tend to have those super busy romantic/sexual histories and very troubled backstories. In the past it was a bad thing, now it’s often presented as this positive, enlightened or at least fun and badass thing. They’re heroic, with big hearts, a tremendous lust for life and a cool rebellious attitude. They’re complex, dramatic, tortured. Which can be super cool, too. 
But it would be nice to have more ‘normal’ bi characters. I mean, boring bisexuals need to see themselves represented too ! Our sexualities don’t give us super powers. At the same time, it is true that bisexual ppl have higher rates of mental illness, which deserves to be explored, but it would be nice if it was actually articulated and not just part of this trope.  But still. We need rep, I think, that is more grounded and varied. So I think that’s also why I read a lot of fanfic. (I was really into the idea of bi Steve Rogers for a long time, partly also because he’s both very mentally resilient, kinda boring in a good way, and very unexperienced in terms of sex/romance, which is pretty much the opposite of the trope)
- I think books, and YA in general, are a good place to find these ‘normal bis’ characters. I’m thinking in particular of Leah from Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli (from the same book series that gave us the ‘Love, Simon’ movie) which is a super sweet coming of age/romance story about a super normal teenager who just happens to be also into girls (esp her best friend) and is loud and funny and very lovable and has zero doubts about being bi. You also have Adam Parrish from the Raven Cycle, another one of my forever faves ; he has an abusive family so PTSD from that but it never feels tropey, and it’s completely detached from his sexuality. He has magic powers, too. But his character feels completely opposite to the trope. He’s hardworking, somewhat withholding, prickly (and sometimes awkward), ambitious, determined, down to earth, and has a beautiful love story with another boy. And also Jane, from Jane Unlimited by Kristin Cashore, also really cool ; she’s a nerdy, smart girl who is actually inspired by Jane Eyre who has cool adventures in a weird house where we can follow her on different paths depending on the choices she makes, several of which are love stories. And finally the main character from The Seven Husbands from Evelyn Hugo, kinda fits the trope yeahhh since she’s a super glam actress who well, has seven husbands but it’s a pretty clever deconstruction since it turns out (slight spoilers) that Evelyn is actually through most of her life faithful in heart to the same person and the rest is mostly out of necessity, and her story feels very real and raw and down to earth. 
- I don’t go there yet but I really want to check out Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and Schitt’s Creek which I have read have very good bi rep. And I want to catch up on Orphan Black (Cosima and Delphine both don’t have exact labels but they’re multi-gender attracted and they’re this cool couple of scientists in a relationship that gets a happy ending). I will never forgive what they did to Lexa so I stopped watching but I do think that Clarke Griffin from The 100 is very good bi rep. Alexia from Skam France, meanwhile, is a bit of a boundary case for me because, even though she’s presented as the ‘weird one’ from the group, very colorful and liberated and exccentric, she’s still a very normal teen who’s happy and comfortable in her own skin, which is awesome. 
- Disclaimer, I included characters in here that are also pan/omnisexual or don’t have a label but are attracted to several genders, for the purpose of this discussion i don’t think the difference is all that relevant at least to me (i mostly identify as bi for the sake of simplicity but tbh i could also fit under pan so i feel represented by all those characters). But I understand the importance of characters that state their identities more clearly and with pride. 
- So in conclusion : there is nothing wrong with having a sexually active life or struggling mentally (even tho that one is not fun). And I do love all my badass casanova time travelling super powered bis. 
But we need more bi characters that don’t fit that trope. We need bi characters in children’s shows, or that don’t have more than one relationship, or that don’t have a relationship at all, to break the tendency to always show bisexual ppl as overly sexual. We need bi characters in committed relationships to break this idea that bi characters are bound to cheat or can’t be satisified with only one person. We need bi characters that are mentally stable and successful and happy, to show that it’s possible. We need bi characters that are boring, bookish, nerdy, ordinary, clumsy, not particularly seductive, socially awkward, rule-sticklers, etc...to show that bi people are not all party animals, or doing it for attention, or to be wild, rebellious and socially progressive. It’s just a sexuality, it doesn’t say anything about your personality. Even though there are some correlations with MI or being bi might bring you in contact with more progressive ideas and to see life a bit differently, there is nothing automatic about it. 
- In conclusion, reading testimonies from real people also helped me a lot. It’s a very dated but I got the book “ Bi Any Other Name: Bisexual People Speak Out “ when I was struggling with my own sexuality and it helped a lot, to read that even back then (1991) you had all sorts of regular ppl claiming to be bi and that it was not a phase or a fad or whatever. 
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ladyrijus · 5 years
What does makeup mean to you? Do you wear any?Who are your favourite lgbt+ ships?If you’re out, how did your parents/guardians/friends react?Who was the first person you told, how did they react?How did you discover your sexuality, tell your story?What do you identify as and what are your pronouns? 
What does makeup mean to you? Do you wear any?
I actually don’t wear makeup and don’t really care for it at all BUT I still think it’s great for other people who want to wear it; if it makes them feel beautiful and confident about themselves then who am I to object? But for me personally I feel fine with my bare face ~
Who are your favorite lgbt+ ships?
Hmmm I can’t really think of any in real life, but in shows there have been a few! For example Legend of Korra, I’ve always loved Korra x Asami (ship name: Korrasami I’m crying it fits so well) and Mako x Prince Wu (ship name: wuko and tbh it kind of sounds like the noises that darth vader makes but it’s okay) for korrasami they just look out for each other, care for each other, aND THEY SENT LETTERS TO EACH OTHER AND NO ONE ELSE OKAY IM SOFTwuko on the other hand pfft wu was ANNOYING but mako helped him grow up and the two working together?? top notch stuff
If you’re out, how did your parents/guardians/friends react?
Hahahaha I’m not really out to my parents yet… *sigh*
You see they’re fine with most parts of the LGBT community, except for them it’s more like LGT, they don’t like bi or pan people or the idea of polyamory bcuz they think it’s immoral to like more than one gender and one person and that people who are bi or pan just don’t have discipline… yikes
Wait till they find out about me 😂
My friends on the other hand, I’ve told a handful, and it was funny cuz I have two bi friends and a pan friend and we were all coming out and freaking out like crazy
we just kind of found each other (the saying of LGBT travelling in packs is true, sometimes we don’t even know it)
Who was the first person you told, how did they react?
The first person I told was a teacher. And I told her because I panicked. I think I accidentally blurted out ‘I love you’ to a girl classmate of mine and I just ran out the door crying. After class my teacher asked what’s wrong and I just kind of broke. It was a very emotional coming out, and I think I may have startled her at first, but she gave me a hug afterwards and told me that there was nothing wrong with me like I thought there was.
How did you discover your sexuality, tell your story?
I discovered my sexuality in the time span of age 8 to 13. In the beginning all my crushes were girls! In my defense, at elementary all the moms were hell bent on making their girls look as cute as they possibly could so I had no way of NOT looking at them.If I had known about the LGBT+ community then I probably would have identified as lesbian. 
I used to have a diary, and I would write about my girl crushes, except I switched their names and pronouns so that it looked like a guy’s. Either way my parents looked through my diary and told me crushes in general were immature and bad 😂
But then as I grew I found boys attractive too and I was like “…wait what?” and I was so confused. All I’ve ever read and seen in movies where the girl and boy always were so happy together and I instantly realized that I wasn’t ‘normal’. 
So when I got into middle school I played around on the internet and saw a word that described me: bisexual.
And I thought “Wow I like boys and girls! That’s actually a thing! I’m not an alien or smth!”
But then I turned 13, and that’s when many LGBT+ stuff was happening that blew me out of my mind. A classmate came out as nonbinary and another out as transgender. I was surprised, like you could do that? And I found it so cool!
Nonbinary friend turns out to be super cute and I may or may not have accidentally confessed to them –
And guess what? Boom like a phoenix I’ve been born anew but this time as pansexual!
So yeah that’s my long af story from transitioning between sexualities and I’m sorry if it bored you oops
What do you identify as and what are your pronouns?
As of now I identify as a girl and my pronouns are she/her. But I’ll admit that I’ve wanted to be androgynous before and I hope that when I’m independent maybe I could try it out? I like a lot of masculine things (my parents say I should act more like a lady bleh) and I would love to find a style that incorporates both femininity and masculinity ~
Thank you so much I had so much answering this ask!!
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ourimpavidheroine · 6 years
Tell us, impavid, how you feel about klance?
Okay! That came out of nowhere, didn’t it? 😮
So usually I keep to TLOK (and a little ATLA) on this blog but you know, I can answer it. I can even include TLOK references! But I’ll put it under a cut, just in case my regular followers don’t want to read me rambling on about Voltron. (And for next time, please send it to my sideblog? Thanks!)
The very short answer is I do not ship it, not as it stands right now. The reason why is under the cut!
First of all, let me say right here and now that I do not care if anyone else ships Klance. As in, I am way too old to get worked up about shipping wars over anything, so if you do ship Klance then more power to you and may your Voltron dreams of your sweet, sweet OTP come true! We’ve got no fight with each other, friend. Ship away!
Now that I got that out of the way...why don’t I ship Klance?
So here’s the thing. There’s the whole trope of Opposites Attract, right? And Keith and Lance are surely that; the only thing that is similar about them is that they are both pilots who at one time attended the Garrison and who are off fighting the bad dudes in Outer Space. I think fans, for the most part, agree that these two guys have literally nothing in common with each other and that personality-wise they are not at all compatible. 
But what about all that arguing? All the glares! All the tension! That equals sexual tension, right? 
Eh...maybe. Sometimes. Sometimes, people are opposites and something about that triggers sexual tension. Sometimes people are opposites and they annoy the living shit out of each other, with no sexual element present whatsoever. I mean, haven’t you ever met someone completely different from you who you just want to flush down a toilet and not in a sexy way? That happens too. In fact, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that it’s usually what happens when you meet someone you think is a jerk and fight with them all the time. You don’t actually end up banging. You just end up avoiding them.
When writers - whatever the medium, books or comics or TV shows or whatever - want to show sexual attraction between characters, they need to build it in a believable way. The default way - and, dare I say, the lazy way - is to do that by setting up the whole Opposites Attract trope. You’ve got two people who are completely different, who hate each other, fight with each other, and then fuck-fight their way into a happy ever after.
The thing about that trope, however, is that 9 times out of 10 it’s bad writing. It’s the most common trope out there in terms of building a relationship, and it almost always ends up being piss poor, lazy writing.
It doesn’t have to be! A great example of that is Jake and Amy on Brooklyn Nine Nine. They start out disliking each other - they could not be more opposite in the beginning of the series - but as time goes on, they start to discover little things that they actually share in common. Through time and common experiences they find that as a couple they really do work; the way they are opposite works better together than when they are apart. It’s really great writing!
But I think well written Opposites Attract is the exception, not the norm. It’s such a common and lazy thing to do that most writers don’t bother to actually make it believable. They just set up the trope and let it do all the work for them. So what’s happened, over the years, is that people have gotten so used to that trope that they just automatically go there. Two characters hate each other? OPPOSITES ATTRACT, THEY’RE GONNA DO THE DIRTY BOP!
Because of this writers, at this point, don’t even have to try! It’s just the default! And as I said, 9 times out of 10, they don’t even bother to try. It’s really frustrating, or at least for me.
It is also, dare I say, the reason why so many people were blindsided by Korrasami. For sure, some of it was homophobia; some of it was due to the whole patriarchal idea that the hero deserves the girl as a prize no matter what (and in this case, Mako was mistaken as the hero). But a lot of it was because Korra and Asami never hated each other! They never fought! They never had so-called sexual tension! They were two young women who were able to get past the whole we had a mutual boyfriend thing to become friends, and out of that friendship blossomed a real relationship. And contrary to what a lot of viewers - especially younger viewers, who have been raised on that lazyass Opposites Attract trope - thought, it was actually a really lovely piece of writing. It was subtle and real and sweet and caring; all the things that good writing should have. But fuck knows that a huge chunk of people watching never saw it, and I partly blame that damn Opposites Attract trope for that. 
Opposites can also attract without having manufactured tension added in. Look at Wu and Mako. Opposites, right? And not in a sexy way. Wu is clearly attracted to Mako (and if Bryke never meant it that way then they needed to have a little chat with their writers and animators as well as their voice actor) and while Mako doesn’t return it we do see something happen between the two of them, which is that they both bring out really good things in each other. Mako is the only person who is able to actually tell Wu off, which is a damn good thing for Wu. Wu listens to Mako! Not only listens, but takes what he says to heart. And Wu is the only person in that show who does not piss Mako off on a regular basis. Sure, Mako gets irritated with him, but he never actually gets angry. He actually listens to Wu; he pays attention to him and he tries to help him. 
A very telling scene between Mako and Wu is the whole teaching Wu to fight scene. Not all of the exposition; that was what it was, budget cuts, etc. I’m talking about Mako actually trying to teach Wu how to defend himself. What’s the big deal, right? Mako always does stuff like that! Except...he doesn’t. Ever. He never does that. Mako never does anything that does not, in some way, help himself. Even in the moments where he is helping Korra or Asami or even his brother, he does those things because there’s something in it for him as well. Mako grew up on the streets. He ran numbers for a triad. He is not necessarily a nice guy; he is also not necessarily a trustworthy guy, at least not in the beginning. (Lots of people come down hard on Lin for tossing his ass in jail when Varrick set him up but I don’t; he was a fucking Triad member! How does she know if she can trust this kid or not?) But he shows Wu how to defend himself because he wants what is best for WU; he wants him to be safe and self-reliant, just in case. He’s not just throwing out an opinion or standing there trying to look heroic. He gives a shit about this kid and he wants to help him and so he is going to actually teach him how to defend himself and it’s not, for the first time in the entire show, about Mako. He’s grown! He’s matured. He’s changed, and Wu was the one who got him there. And that, my friends, is why I ship Mako and Wu. The two of them grew into better people together.
So that begs the question: Have Lance and Keith grown into better people together?
Not at this point, no. They have not, not at all. In fact, the complete opposite. They have grown into better people, yes, but they did it apart from each other. So apart, in fact, that they were on opposite ends of the galaxy from each other.
At this point, the two characters have shown zero canonical romantic interest in each other. Keith hasn’t been romantically interested in anyone at all; Lance has flirted his way through space but has always had a thing for Allura. They are not friends. They have had a few moments where they’ve made at least some kind of connection, but it’s always been more of a “there are only seven people on this space castle and we all have to deal with each other at some point” kind of a thing as opposed to a “hey I really like you and I am actively seeking out your friendship” kind of thing. That’s not to say those moments weren’t there; it is to say, however, that those moments were not something that either one of them tried to actively make happen. They just sort of did. 
It’s not about Keith being like that with everyone, either. Keith CLEARLY has a very deep and meaningful relationship with Shiro. He also, in the two years they spend together, clearly builds a deep and meaningful relationship with his mother. He is capable; he does have good relationships with people. Just not with Lance, not really.
And Lance? We see him have good relationships as well. He’s good friends with both Hunk and Pidge and has a whole mentor thing going on with Coran that I happen to love. We also see him starting to build up a relationship with Allura; a real relationship, not just a woooooo hot mama! kind of thing.
There is a moment, a very telling moment, when Allura is trying to get the Blue Lion to recognize her as a pilot. She knows it is Lance’s Lion; therefore, she tries all of her best smarmy, flirty lines on it. She wheedles, she flatters, she tries sex appeal; none of it works. What does work is her breaking down and begging the Lion to help her. Her vulnerability is what Blue responds to; and in that moment, Allura understands something very deep and very personal about Lance. That moment, right there, is when things start to change for her with regards to him. Oh, he’s still Lance! She still rolls her eyes at him and he still flirts with her, just like before. But she knows now. She knows that Lance is vulnerable under all of that cheesy bluster.
And Lance? He thinks he just has a crush on Allura. Why not? She’s a pretty girl, a princess! Cute girls are what he does! Her brushing him off and rolling her eyes at him is what he expects from her, it’s all part of the flirting game for him. I don’t think he takes it that seriously. That is, until Lotor shows up and he watches how Allura responds to him and suddenly, he gets it. He even talks about this. He thought it was just a silly crush, but it isn’t. Lance, for the first time in his life, probably, has actually fallen in love with someone, and it isn’t at ALL what he expected it to be. It hurts, and it makes him even more vulnerable, and he is not ready for it, not at all.
So the question is...where is that moment between Lance and Keith? That moment where they suddenly realize something deep about the other one, where their feelings start to change and grow? There isn’t one. And that’s not an accident. That’s not to say that there’s can’t be; I don’t know what’s in store for Season Seven, and maybe the writers will go that direction. More power to them if they do! I’m all for same-sex representation, hello! But at this point, they haven’t.
What I do think the writers have done is an excellent, subtle job of setting up Lance and Allura for us. Two opposite people who are slowly but surely coming to understand that perhaps they aren’t as opposite as they thought they were. Two people who are starting to see the real people inside of each other, who are growing together, instead of apart. Allura is hurt by Lotor’s betrayal and what does Lance do? Does he take advantage of that to insinuate himself into her weak spot? To try and look like the hero that she will love? No. He’s matured past that. Instead, he tries to comfort her for her own sake, tries to make her feel better instead of worrying about how he can get something out of it. That’s a huge amount of growth on his part, something that has come out of his real and true feelings for her as Allura, not just some hot chick he wants to make out with. And Allura - the same Allura who never shows a single ounce of vulnerability to anyone! - lets Lance see that she’s crushed, and she trusts him not to make it worse for her by being a smirky asshole. And he does not let her down. He cares for her and he supports her.
Yeah, I ship it. Will it happen? Don’t know! Ask me after Season Seven.
And what about Keith? Well, for one thing, he’s lived two years in what was only about a month or so for the rest of them. That’s a hefty chunk of living. He did it by being completely self-sufficient with his mother (and Rover); there’s some life experience there that has changed him for good, and as I said before, none of that involved Lance. He was already supposed to be a year or so older than Lance and Hunk and is now in his twenties due to his time skip. He’s also missed out on so much of the bonding the team has done; he is a lone wolf (just like Rover) and he’s so fucking internal, that kid. Now he’s back with them; how will they relate? I think we’ll see, in Season Seven, that he and Shiro are going to bond over their isolating experiences (two year time skip on space whale with Mom, soul trapped in Black Lion while clone partied in your place, you know how it goes). And let’s be honest here; Keith isn’t a dick. He cares about the other Paladins, and he’s not going to let them just die or anything. But Shiro is the one he really cares about, which has been made very clear canonically. And now that he’s in his twenties? Now that he’s two years older and Shiro was frozen in time for awhile? I’m not sure that the writers are going to go there - probably not - but I tell you what, if I were going to be writing any Voltron fanfic I’d be writing Sheith post-Season Six, that’s for damn sure.
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sayleeofkanto · 6 years
Pride Month Day 26
((Hey so while the rest of the oneshots for the month are about the Keyleeverse, this one’s different. For Questioning day, I wrote about me. This one’s behind a cut because it’s hella personal, hella long and has trigger warnings for internalized homophobia, external homophobia, a brief whizzby mention of suicidal ideation and some mental illness stuff))
You love hockey day, not so much for the sport itself but for being part of the team. None of your bullies are on the team, and girls who generally ignore you actually notice you, treat you like one of them. It’s almost like having friends.
The changing room is hell, though.
Focus on the wall and changing your own clothes, don’t look around, especially don’t look at her, even though your ears are attuned to every word she says and in class you can’t stop staring at her beautiful hair and her amazing skin that’s darker than all the other peely-wally Scots around here and never gets any spots and her super pretty smile--Don’t look!
What are you, some kinda creepy lesbo? Gross.
You’re not. You’re Team Jacob, right? Can’t be some gross lesbo if you like Taylor Lautner’s abs and arms (pecs are a bit weird though).
You can’t stop wanting to look at her.
Don’t look.
The Doctor going to World War II is so cool. You’re clutching a pillow to hide behind in case the creepy kid in the gas mask comes back, but you’re rapt as you watch the Doctor and Rose reunite and meet Jack and they have such easy camraderie and--
JACK: There it is. Hey, they've got Algy on duty. It must be important. DOCTOR: We've got to get past him. ROSE: Are the words “distract the guard” heading in my general direction? JACK: I don't think that'd be such a good idea. ROSE: Don't worry, I can handle it. JACK: I've got to know Algy quite well since I've been in town. Trust me, you're not his type. I'll distract him. Don't wait up. DOCTOR: Relax, he's a fifty first century guy. He's just a bit more flexible when it comes to dancing. ROSE: How flexible? DOCTOR: Well, by his time, you lot have spread out across half the galaxy. ROSE: Meaning? DOCTOR: So many species, so little time. ROSE: What, that's what we do when we get out there? That's our mission? We seek new life, and, and... DOCTOR: Dance.
Jack likes men too? Likes both?
That’s allowed?
The Doctor seems to think it’s fine. Says it’s normal in the future, even.
It’s okay to like both.
“John Barrowman’s gay, you know,” your mum says. “It was obvious he was a great actor as soon as he came out, because he’d been kissing women onstage and looking like he liked it!”
Have your parents ever talked about gay people before? It’s a surprise to hear. But they seem to be okay with it.
Wait, SesshoMaru’s a man?
He’s your first ever anime crush a short while after. You keep having to explain to people who see the printouts you stick to your jotters that he’s a man.
You find the Esmeralda figurine while cleaning out your cupboard. You’ve never seen The Hunchback of Notre Dame in full, because it always terrified you too much, but you’ve always loved Esmeralda. For a long time, you carried this figurine with you everywhere you went, this cheap little plastic thing of her in that red dress from the scene where she dances.
You put it on your desk. It’s still really pretty.
You see the movie in full for the first time when you’re nineteen and--was she POLEDANCING?!
Kurama’s a man too?!
All of your anime crushes are very beautiful, feminine-looking men. This probably doesn’t mean anything.
One of your online friends sends you a slashfic she really likes. You’re shocked to see that it’s rated K. But slash is all M-rated, stuff you have to lie to FFnet about your age to read with flaming cheeks and frantic looks over your shoulder in case your parents came home early, until you lose your nerve and skim past the dirtiest bits. How can this be slash?
It’s about Shinichi and Kaito, lots of little oneshots, some only a couple hundred words long. They hold hands and eat ice cream and watch movies and kiss, sometimes, and that’s it. They’re so cute and funny and sweet and…
Not dirty. Just like a normal relationship.
You’ve never imagined your wedding day. One of these days you’ll do everybody a favour and kill yourself, so it’s not like you’ll live long enough to see it.
You suck up sweet, fluffy M/M fics like oxygen. You’ve never seen an F/F fic.
No, Mum, I don’t have a boyfriend, I was walking with A. You know A. He’s… he’s gay.
Of course you already knew that.
No, I don’t have a boyfriend.
You don’t really want a boyfriend. Dating sounds stressful. You’re happy enough with your friends, now that you have some, you tight-knit band of Weird Kids who hide in the library all lunchtime and make plans to go see the next Harry Potter movie together or spend the weekend at somebody’s house watching movies and playing Mario Kart until 5am while eating too much pizza and drinking smuggled vodka in fizzy drinks. If you mix vodka and Irn Bru, you definitely won’t get a hangover, honest.
You’re too scared to ask a girl out. She’d think you’re gross.
Over the next decade, every single one of the weird kids will turn out to be gay, bi, or trans [i]and[/i] gay. Birds of a feather boa, K says with a laugh at age 24.
All the outfit options for female sims are just plain better. And the hair options. The faces are better, too. You have a whole neighbourhood that’s just ladies, who married ladies, because you can do that in the sims, and adopted girls, because then you don’t need any guys around.
You find this save data while transferring computers and, on a nostalgic whim, re-installing Sims 2 at age 21. You are stunned that you ever convinced yourself that this was a heterosexual way to play a video game.
P!nk’s been your favourite musician since you were 13. Amusingly, it was Conversations With My 13-Year-Old Self that made you realize how much she speaks to you. Now, after years of loving her music, her acrobatic performances, you’re going to see her live.
You keep staring at women in the crowd. Women wearing denim jackets, and button-up shirts with the sleeves rolled up, and short hair. “Look at all these dykes,” your cousin, who drove you here, scoffs.
You think they look great.
You want to travel before you go to university, so you cut your hair off and donate it to charity to raise money. You haven’t had it short since you were born, and you lose two and a half feet. You can’t stop running your hands over the back of it, spiking up the newly-short strands.
You love it.
While you’re in India, your parents phone and ask if A can stay in your room. His grandparents kept telling him to kill himself so he left home instead. You have them give the phone to him and ask him to take good care of your books and tell him that he’s okay, he’s a good person, he’s a good friend, there’s nothing wrong with being gay.
There’s nothing wrong with being gay.
Have you ever said that aloud before?
Monstrous Regiment is one of the books you brought with you. You lose count of how often you reread it. It isn’t explicitly stated, but Tonker and Lofty are definitely in love.
It makes you happy, to see women who love women on the Discworld. You start another reread.
There’s an anime society at your new university. The captain’s got a gross amount of lolicon anime on his hard drive and doesn’t like letting anybody else pick what to watch, so mostly you and a couple of other girls (women, you’re at university, you can legally drink now, you’re women now, right?) end up mocking whatever creepy shit he puts up together, complaining about the unrealistic proportions of the anime women.
“Any more than a handful’s a waste,” the nursing student scoffs. She’s a lesbian. She’s also Irish, and very much not out to her family.
You like her secretly, and keep it that way.
The Pride parade goes right past your new job, and on your lunch break, too. You watch them go by, all the flags, all the colours, everybody so happy and brave and defiant and proud.
There’s a wankstain with a megaphone in front of Parliament, yelling about how they’re all going to Hell for having sex outside of marriage.
“LET US GET MARRIED, THEN!” the crowd yells, and keeps dancing.
Your mother’s side of the family don’t like this uncle much. You join them wholeheartedly when he starts talking about conversion therapy, how kids who “think” they’re gay are “sick”, and need “help”--
He has to be hustled out to his car and told to go home early because you can’t stop shouting at him to shut the fuck up, there’s nothing wrong with those kids, how fucking dare he advocate their torture, there’s nothing wrong with being gay, being gay is beautiful--
You’ve never said that before, but you feel it wholeheartedly.
You work Saturdays and Sundays, so you can never go to Pride. You make yourself a bracelet in purple, pink and blue, the bi colours, and never take it off. It makes you feel a little braver, even if most people who see it won’t think the colours mean anything.
Your brother’s in America so the two of you set up a video call to watch the Legend of Korra finale together, and it’s amazing, mindblowing animation, incredible story, and you crack some jokes about how Asami and Korra have been for the past couple seasons. It’s a cartoon, so obviously they’d never actually be allowed to hook up, but it’s fun to imagine. The queerbaiting gets a little tiring, maybe. You’ve just learned what queerbaiting is. It’s why Dean and Cas will never kiss onscreen even though they SHOULD.
Then Asami and Korra talk and man, this keeps getting gayer. And gayer. And
They hold hands, and look into each other’s eyes, and it’s the final shot of the show, an undeniable mirror of the finale shot of The Last Airbender right before Aang and Katara kiss, and Asami and Korra don’t kiss, but Bryan Konietzko’s online right nowstressing that KORRASAMI IS REAL and they would’ve kissed if the network had let them
And then your phone’s ringing because you’re crying so hard that you dropped your laptop and didn’t notice and your brother’s worried, and you can’t stop crying, you’re so happy.
You’re so happy.
“They’re for real lesbians. They actually SAY they’re in love!”
You immediately put on the first episode of Steven Universe.
You run into your chiropractor at Pride with her wife. They’re wearing rainbow flags and wedding rings and big smiles. She’s been looking after your fucked-up feet since you were eight and you never knew. Of course, she’s under no obligation to tell her patients about her personal life, but.
You could’ve known all along that this was what a lesbian looked like, this kind, funny, successful, professional woman.
Holy shit, there are female romance options in this game that you can romance while female.
Why are they all so much more attractive than the male options?
Your group is doing Huis Clos for your end of year performance and you’re Ines. You don’t normally like makeup but you love doing up your hair and eyes and red lipstick and silk blouse and striding onstage in heels to mock Joseph and Estelle for refusing to admit that they’re in Hell and deserve to be, to talk proudly about how you murdered your cousin and seduced his wife, to try to seduce Estelle and laugh when she can’t kill you
By third year you’re joking that your acting resume is going to be all men and lesbians.
Yes, this is the third time I’ve watched The Devil Wears Prada this week. I have essays to work on, and it’s a comfort watch, y’know?
I dunno. Meryl Streep’s really good in it. I mean, Miranda’s an awful person, but she’s so powerful that you end up liking her anyway, y’know? She’s mesmerising.
Who the hell cancelled Agent Carter? Supernatural has a thousand seasons and not one single scene of Hayley Atwell in a gorgeous retro suit beating the teeth out of somebody with the nearest thing she can grab.
You most definitely have a type
No, being bisexual does not mean that you’re gay and scared to admit it.
You have this conversation a lot.
People keep telling you to get a Japanese boyfriend to teach you. There must be better reasons to have a boyfriend. Do you even want a boyfriend, really?
Why the fuck did nobody ever tip you off that Batman has an amazing lesbian cousin and where the fuck is her movie where she gets to make out with Anne Hathaway?!
Your friend is mocking her boyfriend having a gay panic over her asking him if he agrees that Idris Elba is attractive. Finding Idris Elba attractive doesn’t mean you’re gay, she scoffs, it just means you have eyes. You agree, laughing.
You don’t have to be attracted to men to see when they’re attractive.
Sure, Chris Pine is very pretty, especially when he’s naked. But Gal Gadot throwing an armoured car with her hands? That damn near physically knocks you out of your seat. You transcended your body around the time Wonder Woman went over the top but from the first moments in Themyscira your whole body’s been tingling and your higher brain functions have been DOWN. You’re shaking so hard when you come out of the cinema that you can barely use your railcard, and you can’t sleep until 5am, too busy crying from exhilaration and screaming about the movie to your brother.
Is that what attraction is always supposed to feel like? Something you’ve never felt for a woman in an impractical costume being cut up by the camera, or for any man, anywhere, ever, doing or wearing anything at all?
Tessa Thompson also tears apart armoured vehicles with her hands, and Cate Blanchett has this way of sweeping back her hair into a horned helmet, and who the fuck decided women over 30 aren’t sexy?!
You almost miss Chris Hemsworth’s shirtless scene entirely. It’s nice enough. You forget it entirely when Valkyrie gets behind that gun.
If you tell people you’re a lesbian now, they’re gonna think all bi women are just closeted lesbians.
But you remember how terrified you were that you were gay. And, a decade and a half later, you think: so what?
What if I was?
What if I am?
There is literally a neon rainbow sign over your boarding house, advertising the neon company next door. That is LITERALLY a sign, right there.
You think it, inside your head, trying the thought on for size.
I’m a lesbian.
You never knew you were suffocating until you took your first breath of air.
You have your first ever wedding fantasy at 25, and start crying in public over how beautiful your hypothetical bride looks in her dress.
Are you butch? Do you have to be butch to want to wear a waistcoat and kilt to your own wedding? This is a whole new avenue of exploration but also you so want your own kilt.
You tell your parents over video chat. They’re as supportive as you always knew they would be, but disappointed you don’t have a girlfriend.
You’ve gotta stay stealth if you want to keep your job. You’re in Japan, after all, and it’s been warned to new recruits to the company that the Japanese upper management are all very old-fashioned. If you lose your job, you could lose your visa. This is not presently actionable intel, just good to have.
But you don’t feel gross, or afraid. Just frustrated that you can’t scream it from the rooftops.
Your brother sends you some pictures of Gal Gadot in a suit for the two of you to thirst over together. He’s the best.
You actually sing Heaven Is A Place On Earth at karaoke and then your new coworker asks if you have a boyfriend.
Your manager is so damn pretty, but she’s Japanese. But she’s so damn pretty, and nice.
Don’t look.
Not because it’s gross. Because you want to keep your job.
Somebody describes Meryl Streep’s performance in The Devil Wears Prada as seductive and ah-ha. Of course. A powerful and influential businesswoman who has Anne Hathaway and Emily Blunt in nice outfits trailing her everywhere she goes. She goes to a ball halfway through the film with two beautiful young women on her arms. Lesbian power fantasy or WHAT?
You watch it again, and notice for the first time that after Andie’s makeover, when she turns to leave the office, Miranda checks out her ass.
You want to go back to your twelve-year-old self and give her Alex Danvers, and Kate Kane, and Tonker and Lofty, and Ruby and Sapphire, and Kate McKinnon, and J the chiropractor and her wife, and tell her: this is you.
You’re okay. You always were.
Oh, you are definitely buying one of those rainbow shirts at Disneyland.
There’s nothing wrong with you.
Your feet are still pretty fucked up, and so are your knees now, after all that sitting seiza, and your eyes have always been spitting distance from legally blind, and you still have that gut problem, and you’re 25 and still get acne, and your brain’s pretty messed up on anxiety and depression
But that’s all bits. There’s nothing wrong with you.
You are gay, in every sense of the word.
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girlonthelasttrain · 6 years
1-4, 26
40 questions for shippers
1. Talk about the first ship you ever had.
I’m pretty sure it was Ron/Hermione (I was 10 when I first read the first two HP books). I still think it’s not a bad ship? I was def happy when it became canon, and I never understood Hermione/Harry. It was obvious to me that they liked each other, and even if they bickered a lot it was clear they cared for each other. Oh, and this was probably the reason why I started looking for fanfiction on the internet as soon as I realized that it was a thing people did (that, and Final Fantasy fic).
2. Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life.
That’s… kind of a difficult question lmao mostly because I have a really bad memory
but let’s see… one of them is certainly korrasami. It was amazing to see their relationship develop and become canon. I love both Korra and Asami and it was the best conclusion of both their character arcs. I kind of drifted away from the fandom but that doesn’t mean I don’t think about them often
I can’t believe I’m saying this but a ship that was important to me during my teens was Yuna/Tidus from Final Fantasy X… I don’t even know why. Ok maybe I related to Tidus’ huge crush on Yuna and his dedication to protecting her and I projected onto him a lot (actually he was a v relatable protagonist?? For all that he doesn’t even really exist). And that’s even before FFX-2 came out… It was a really tragic pairing. I don’t ship it anymore but it’s making me realize that I always had these melodramatic feelings about doomed pairings Why Am I Like This
I had a sort of anime phase in my late teens-early twenties and there’s a lot of femslash ships (I guess yuri would be an appropriate term in this case) that were important to me during that time. The only that resisted the passage of time is probably Haruka/Michiru from Sailor Moon; I can’t claim to understand that ship as deeply as some writers in the fandom do (they’re both VERY complex characters) but episodes 110-111 of Sailor Moon are forever burned into my brain
3. What’s your current OTP?
the unsurprising answer is KIRADAX (as in, Kira Nerys/Jadzia Dax from Star Trek: DS9)
love these two aliens who were definitely in love and nothing bad happened to them!
actually it’s one of the most tragic ships I’ve ever had and I’m… constantly sad about them… Like one minute you’re thinking about cute domestic stuff and the next you remember canon and you cry :( it’s heartwrenching and great at the same time. me @ myself: why did you get attached to this ship it’s bad for your health and emotional wellbeing
4. What’s your current NOTP?
Probably Julian Bashir/Ezri Dax (also from Star Trek: DS9). I hate it and I hate that it’s canon!! They both talked themselves into it for an absurd amount of bad reasons and they both deserve better tbh. I love every single post that describe that relationship falling apart. There are lot of Trek ships I don’t like but this one takes the cake, I’m wary of reading the DS9 relaunch novels because I know I’ll have to suffer through them being together
26. Have you noticed a pattern in your shipping? Is there a romantic dynamic you’re more drawn to?
I have two dynamics that I especially like:
friends who are basically drift-compatible discover that they have feelings for each other
people who bicker often but deep down care about each other (bonus points if one is a grumpy stick-in-the-mud and the other is the little shit who trolls them).
There are other dynamics/tropes that can get my attention (I talked recently about the ‘lovers from another lifetime get reunited in next reincarnation’ – it’s soulmate-adjacent so it has to be done well for me to like it, ie it’s not a given that they will get back together and feelings must be complicated to sort out); but the two above are the most important I can think of and they encompass most of my ships, past and present
(kiradax is mostly the first one but there’s also a sprinkle of the second – you can see why I like it so much)
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hayleysayshay · 6 years
Some Turf Wars: Part 2 thoughts
Ok so this is all immediate opinion and I read a pretty bad scan because I’’m currently broke but here is my general thoughts; both positive and negative:
- Lots of cute character moments! I especially love Kora and Asami is soft looks at each other, the date set-up and Asami being thirsty for Korra hell yes.
- Bolin and Mako and being cops together warms my heart yes boys on the beat go delve into your past and stuff.
- Zhu-Li running for president is pretty fun. Again, character moments.
- Wayyyyyy too much going on, I think a lot of the plot points seema little rushed because they’re cramming in what feels like to me a whole season worth of plot  into one three-part comic. So like, the korrasami moments are what I see being talked about the most because they’re the most digestable part, whereas the actual plot is just a bit unispired. I don’t really think there is actualy really development going on here, its exploring Korra and Asami’s in the most unipspired way (they’’re together now, and the plot is happening despite this).. Like, my favourite moment in hte series so far was part 1 sheere the two characters just intereaacted in the spirit world and confirmed their romance.
- Why was homophobia introduced into this universe when it reallly doesn’t seem to be affecting the plot or characters or anything? Like, part 1 made a  point of showing that the characters could be homophobic, but no-one is homophobic yet and everyone seems to be fine with it apart from Mako, and I can just visualise the part in part 3 where Mako sincerely tells Asami and Korra he is happy for their relationship and gets over his awkwardness in like a page  and I willl wonder what the point of this was. You could argue that the homophobia is just worldbuilding and fleshing out the world, but I still feel if they made a point of talking about it, then it should actually intersect with the main plot. I have changed my opinion on what the world would be like since I read part 1 and I’m not convinced the avatar world would be that homphobic, but it snow, but it also isn’t, because the series doesn’t actually want to look nto homophobia, so why was it introduced. 
- However, this is the bridge chapter being the beginning and the last part, and it feels like it. The end can be the emotional highpoint of any series, so my opinion on this series is still open to change and I might still find some of the plot actually emotionally compelling..
- The art is very pretty. Sometimes the backgrounds are uninteresting and panels and movements look a little off but overall its very pretty, especially Korra and Asami’s soft looks.
- Why is Asami’s lip colour so dark in this series?
Overall, I enjoyed Turf Wars Part 2 and I’m happy to spend any more canon time with these characters, but I think the dense plot means that we don’t have much of a chance to linger on any actual romantic development between Korra and Asami. LIke, 5 or 6/10. 
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muggle-writes · 4 years
Dear Creator (PurimGifts 2020)
Hello designated gift giver. This year, @copperscales​​ and I have signed up as a unit for gift giving and receiving. Robin and I have been great friends ever since we bonded over our shared taste in media over 15 years ago, and we continue to have very similar tastes, so whatever gift you make from our requested fandoms is very very likely to be a perfect gift for us both.
The only thing we have different tastes in is jewish content: Muggle is jewish and loves it all. Robin isn’t jewish, and has some knowledge, and is interested in jewish content, but may need more explanation of traditions for things as “obscure” as even sukkot. If you can, with plot-relevant jewish content, try to include an audience-stand-in goyische character to hear an explanation or overview.
Our DNWs: No rape/noncon/dubcon. No misogynistic or queerphobic slurs. (minimal misogyny/queerphobia in general please) If relationships are unhealthy, let the characters admit it, at least in the privacy of their own minds (ie don’t glorify it as “good romance”). Minimize gratuitous violence, and if it must happen, focus more on character reactions than descriptions of gore. No Undertale genocide run.
Anyway, it’s always fun to have some slightly more specific prompts to work from. Here’s some ideas of things we’d enjoy for each of the requested fandoms. (below the cut because Long)
Queer rep, in any form, in any fandom is great. Especially aro and ace rep, since we’re both within those categories, but cute romance is also generally acceptable, especially femslash. Or characters being explicitly bi, or trans girls living their lives with minimal bigotry, or healthy polyamory (especially if it’s a web of pairwise relationships rather than poly-fi like an OT6)... (trans boys probably won’t qualify unless they’re jewish, but we’d be happy to see them too) Really just all queer rep is good.
Outsider perspectives are another thing we both love (characters that don’t know everything the canon protagonists know drawing close-but-not-quite conclusions is excellent comedy potential)
Harry Potter content is always a winner, especially if you explore characters like Hermione, Luna, or Ginny. Show us their friendships, with each other, or with other girls, or Ginny’s relationship with her brothers. Luna/Ginny is an adorable ship too. (Prefer original series fic over Fantastic Beasts or Cursed Child fic). JKR is a terf, but Hogwarts is trans-affirming. Queer rep is especially good in this fandom.
Animorphs: the series that started our friendship <3. We would love to see queer content depicting the original six animorphs (do Tobias or Marco have a crush on Jake, for example? Pan Rachel? Is one of them trans? We’d love to see it). AUs in which Tom gets free, or Marco’s mom gets free sooner, are also good. Alternately, we’d love to see explorations of alien culture. Since the Berensons are jewish, Muggle would love to see Jake thinking Tom’s name during Mi Sheberach (on the rare occasions they actually go to services), knowing he can’t say it aloud. If you can slip that into a fic with some of our shared interests, Muggle would be thrilled.
For Dragonriders of Pern, we primarily love the setting. Canon characters are fine, but OCs are also great. Some ideas: Sorka’s children trying to live up to her legacy. The generation that sees the fading use of old tech and the rise of traditional artisans. Muggle is considering writing a fic about a trans girl impressing gold as a gender affirming experience, but if you also write something in that vein, we’ll be thrilled: two cakes are better than one. Or include jewish characters and an exploration of how the traditions have adapted to a new planet: are the holidays aligned with the seasons the same way they are on earth or are they trying to maintain an earth-centric historic hebrew calendar? if it’s adapted for the new planet, which moon is full for Sukkot and other mid-month holidays? Also we just love worldbuilding in general. Please ignore Anne’s weird restrictions on which dragons impress which human based on sexuality. There could totally be a lesbian queenrider, ace dragonriders at all, a straight male greenrider.... (and dragons mating with each other just means their riders are the horniest people in the room not that their riders automatically pair up with each other, please and thank you.)
Undertale: anything goes but please depict neutral/pacifist runs. Alphys/Undyne as a ship (or their friendship pre-canon) is always a good option. Jewish Frisk and/or Chara is wonderful too.
AtLA: We’d love to see Katara without a focus on Aang. Perhaps a focus on Katara’s relationship with her mother? Other good characters are Toph (fave) and Mai and Ty Lee
LoK: Korrasami is such a cute pairing
Belgariad/Mallorean and prequels: Polgara, especially fluff depicting her relationship with her mother (Poledra) or her sister (Beldaran)
MCU: Jewish Bucky and/or Steve. (Steve as a golem?) We prefer fic in the style of 2012 MCU fandom (in which Age of Ultron and Civil War hadn’t happened yet, and the team just lives together in Avengers Tower and goes on wacky day-saving adventures, but feel free to include newer characters because canon compliant isn’t something we care about). Shuri being a wonderful little sister, and a badass person in general is also great content.
ItSV: show us the history between May and Liv. Or Rio being maternal towards the new Spider Man even if she doesn’t know exactly why (alternately, Rio recognizing him immediately because she recognizes the way he carries himself, and the way he talks when he’s trying to sound older than he is. She calls it a mother’s instincts). Or, since the Peters are all jewish (at least Peter B but presumably all of them) and there’s no reason the Davis-Morales family can’t also be jewish, give us post reveal holiday celebrations with Miles’ family and RIPeter’s Aunt May.
Good Omens: Depictions of the ineffable husbands as jewish. Genderfluid or femme-presenting Crowley. Jewish Newt Pulsifer. Agnes Nutter doing things besides writing her books, especially other modern anachronistic things as well as jogging for exercise.
WTNV: We would love to see Cecil introducing Carlos to jewish holidays, and general canon-typical weirdness. Feel free to include things from the books but we have no particular familiarity with them.
Star Wars: Original Trilogy era Leia (pre, mid, or post canon are all good). Or write something Shmi Skywalker-centric. Or Jewish Organa-Solo family content
Lilo and Stitch: Sisterly fluff is very good in this fandom too (and all fandoms with sisters). Feel free to bring in other Experiments from the tv series.
Old Kingdom: Sabriel & Lirael mentorship?  Worldbuilding is also great for this series. Feel free to explore the history of the Old Kingdom. What did the border look like before the Wall was built? What sorts of nasty creatures explored near or across the border at the time. What was the final straw that led to the Wall being built?
Firefly/Serenity: Give us content of the girls. Examples: Inara & Kaylee friendship or mentorship, Kaylee & River friendship, any of them on their own. Optionally also jewish. What does shabbat look like in space? Maybe show us one of the rare things that River struggles with.
Again, these are all just suggestions (besides the DNWs). We’re looking forward to seeing what you create! Thanks in advance!
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thelegendofkuzon · 5 years
The Legend of Kuzon Chapter 8
Chapter 8: Zhu Li for President!
(Disclaimer! I own nothing of Korra or Kirby!)
We were finishing up a new song Kuzon wrote.
"Awesome!" Kuzon said, "We keep this up and it'll be polished in no time."
Anana was noodling on her bass.
"Let me guess, you came up with this song after visiting the Spirit World on your date with Korra."
"No! ….Yes."
"Speaking of Korra, I heard she was trying to smooth things over with the spirits," Kanji added, "How's that coming along."
"So far so good actually. Looks like Raiko is starting to get on her side."
"Well, looks like my uncle could use a bit more convincing."
"Screw that guy."
"Ditto," Anana added, "What's his deal with benders anyway?"
"He won't say," I said.
Kuzon looked at his watch. "Well, I'm meeting Korra for another date."
"Have fun," Anana and I said in unison.
Kuzon left while we were packing up.
"Looks like Kuzon finally found himself someone special."
"Yeah she's a lot better than her ex, Alliya."
I fake gaged to that name.
"No doubt about it, she is a total C-word."
"You're one to talk Kanji, your girlfriend can be a total dyke sometimes."
"Hey just because she happens to work at a Lesbian Club doesn't make her one herself," Kanji retorted, "And besides, even if she was, at least she isn't addicted to the korrasami fanfic I write that portrays Opal as a booby loving bisexual."
I turned to him, "Dude leave him outta this. Its not his fault he gets easily turned on by that kinda stuff."
Anana intervened. "Will you two stop the boyfriend/girlfriend bash fest?!"
We both calmed down.
"Look, Kanji's girlfriend is cool because she allows us to use her place for rehearsals."
Kanji smiled.
"And if it wasn't for your boyfriend Saria, we never would've earned that opportunity to perform at Kwong's Cusine, and earn $500 a musician no less, so just leave the people that make you happy out of it. They're both cool in my book."
Kuzon was walking with Korra around Republic City.
"You actually did that?" Korra asked.
"That I did," Kuzon said, and boy was he mad."
The two of them laughed.
Kuzon got lost in the sight of his girlfriend's beautiful blue eyes.
"Kuzon what are you staring at?"
"Sorry Kory, its just…. Out of all the girls I've seen in my life, you have the most beautiful eyes."
Korra blushed from her pet name and the compliment.
The two of them saw Raiko and Uncle Wenyan speaking with people about housing.
"The hell?"
The two of them went to see what was going on.
"Kuzon what a surprise," Raiko said, "How may I…."
"I'll handle this," Uncle Wenyan, "It seems this boy doesn't understand how busy you are."
He was about to speak when Korra tapped some metal on his mouth.
"You zip it. Now!"
"Its come to my attention that some of the ideas that Zhu Li and Asami made are being stolen."
Kuzon was pointing to the sign that said "Raiko Residences."
"I thought I told Wenyan not to go forward with this."
"Wait, you mean you wanted to give Asami and Zhu Li credit?" Korra asked.
"Don't act so surprised Korra, I knew it was their idea this whole time."
"So it was you who called off the united forces at the spirit."
Uncle Kenyan pulled the metal off him.
"Behold the woman responsible for this whole mess! And also responsible for the debris that fell from the Father Eagle during the attack on Republic City!"
"Whoa, that is not what happened," Kuzon said intervening, "See what happened was…"
"And where was the avatar when we had an attack by this menace, Takuga? On Vacation!"
The people were starting to turn on her.
"Hold it!" Kuzon said, "Korra may have caused a bit of collateral damage, but at least she's willing to make things right by rebuilding your houses, and helping Asami with her plans."
Uncle Wenyan glared "This doesn't concern you young man. Benders are the source of all the hell that broke loose in the city and should be banished!"
President Raiko came between my uncle and Kuzon.
"Ban benders from this city?" He asked, "With all due respect I strongly disagree."
"Mr. President, remember the election coming. You must keep the people on your side."
"We've had it with you constantly trying to turn the tables on bending kind and leaving us stuck with this guy as our president," Kuzon said before turning to President Raiko, "No offense."
"None taken."
"So I say, let the people decide who THEY want for president!"
The people started to cheer.
"But who would run against him?" Asami asked walking by, "I would nominate you but you're a bit too young."
"Plus politics bore me."
He then came up with an idea.
"Zhu Li!"
Zhu Li turned to them.
"If you could put up with your husband I don't see how you couldn't pull this off!"
"Kuzon's right," said Korra agreeing with him, "Its a great idea."
Zhu Li thought of the idea.
"I never thought of it like that."
"You seem like a worthy leader as you are compassionate to the needs of others."
"And plus I think it would be good for Korra to have someone as a president she could see eye to eye with," President Raiko said.
"I'll consider it, but in the meantime I should get back to work."
Uncle Wenyan glared at Kuzon.
"First and final warning; Stay out of my way."
He walked away.
"You actually think Zhu Li could win," I said startling Kuzon.
"Yea, I actually do."
"Well I hope she wins. Somebody needs to put Uncle Wenyan in his place and show him who's boss."
"I'm just worried the people will start to turn on me again like the did earlier," said Korra, "You should see the spirit portal. It looks like a wasteland."
Kuzon took her hands.
"There's gonna be hardships like this all over, but as long as we stick together, we can accomplish anything."
Korra smiled then remembered something.
"I found this back at the fountain."
"My sketch book," Kuzon said, "I knew I left it somewhere."
"I also looked at some sketches."
Kuzon blushed.
"I uh…."
"You're a really talented artist."
"I… really?"
I was grinning.
Korra skimmed through some of the sketches she liked.
"This one is my favorite."
It was a picture of Korra in a suit of blue colors.
"The cleavage is a cute touch actually."
Kuzon blushed.
Korra got close to him and smiled seductively, "You know, if you're a good boy, then maybe I'll model it for you, or wear it to any fancy party we go to."
Korra was playing with his gold hair and kissed his nose.
"Um…. I'm gonna go put this in my bag."
He then pulled me aside, "You say a word about this, and you'll wake up the next morning with half your hair shaved off."
He walked away.
"I…. Honestly didn't hear anything after 'you're a really good artist'."
Most of the days of the Knights of Cydonia were patrol, but that didn't stop us from doing what we could.
And of course Kuzon and Korra were getting some quality time together.
Meanwhile Asami met with a member of the Creeping Crystals who offered assistance to take on Tokuga and she said she would give it some thougut.
I didn't know why but I felt like they could be trusted.
A few days later they also came to me on an idea to get the spirit portals back from my uncle's control.
"They want us to what?!" Asked Anana.
"It seems like our best option," I said, "Traveling to the southern water tribe to get to that portal could be a strategy to keep the portals on our side."
Kuzon thought for a moment.
"I think Saria might be on to something. A good counterattack on Tokuga to give him a taste of his own medicine!"
"Exactly. I know trusting the creeping crystals seems risky, but its our best shot."
"I'm all for it," Asami said.
"Poyo-poyo." Kirby said.
"That's right Kirby, and if Tokuga plans to take this portal, the police can wait there to arrest him."
"Wait, you can understand that thing?" Kanji asked.
"That thing can understand you too so watch it."
"Cydney do you think you can keep Wenyan busy while we take a boat?" Kanji asked.
"We'd be honored to assist our friends in taking back their turf," Cydney said.
"Hold it!" Said someone.
It was President Raiko.
"Fuck," I said.
"I know all about your plan and there's no way I'm allowing you kids to take any of our boats to the Southern Water Tribe."
He gave us keys to his private boat.
"You should travel in style. Tokuga won't take you superheroes seriously traveling in some old boat."
"Wait, you know that we're….."
"The knights of Cydonia," Raiko answered, "I'll never forget that symbol. Your father was a great hero."
Kuzon smiled.
"Good luck."
We and Korra went on the boat and started to travel to the next spirit portal to pull off our plan of attack.
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