#and original fiction snippets
I was going to make a poll to ask if I should resume WIP Wednesdays despite whatever I’m working on, and then answered my own damn question. Because I’m an adult and this is a multi-fandom blog and I’m writing things that make me happy and I want to share with my followers so... it’s that simple, right?
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Could you write a snippet about a sunshine civilian x terrifying villain?? The civilian doesn’t like “change” the villain but the villain does have a soft spot for them
"Would you like me to get involved?" the villain asked.
The civilian paused, halfway in the middle of doing the dishes. They started again smoothly enough - mind racing through their options.
Involved in what? Oh so innocent. An insult to them both.
How did you find out? Obvious. The villain made it their business to be aware of everything going in their general sphere.
Of course I don't want that. Of course I do.
"You're asking?" the civilian said, finally. "I didn't think your possessive streak would allow you to sit out on my battles."
"You enjoy your independence. I prefer not to upset you further."
The villain stalked across the room, taking a dish from the civilian's hand and beginning the work of drying it. It still caught the civilian off guard; to see them do such mundane things. A dark conqueror did not exchange his throne for a pair of sunny yellow marigolds.
Except, with them.
The civilian exhaled a slow breath.
"There's a limit, of course." The villain's voice was too casual. "If they'd laid hands on you..."
"I don't think any of your followers would be that stupid."
The villain didn't say anything to that, simply taking the next plate. The civilian didn't say anything either for the next few dishes, because dishes were annoying but easy and the villain's world was fascinating but hard.
"I can fight my own battles," the civilian said. "It's not a big deal."
"I know you can. And that's not the point."
The civilian huffed, finally daring a glance at their lover. The villain's gaze was an inferno. Dangerous. Teeming with violence. A carefully controlled fury. The civilian couldn't possibly look away from it.
The villain reached to turn off the hot water tap without breaking eye contact, head tilting a fraction. They raised an eyebrow.
"If you got involved," the civilian said. "They'd never dare so much as insinuate shit about me again. They'd be so polite."
"They'd get on their knees whenever you walked into a room." The villain's voice dropped instantly away from casual to velvet. "They'd ask permission before so much as looking at you. Would you like that?"
"No." Yes. Sometimes.
There was no judgment on the villain's face.
"It's not an impulse I want to indulge," the civilian amended.
"Mm, pity. I'd like seeing everyone on their knees for you. They'd grovel. Beg me for mercy and then beg you, when they realised I was not the one in a position to grant them forgiveness for their sins."
The civilian shivered.
The villain smiled. Their eyes lit up.
"Don't tempt me." The civilian elbowed them, gently, splashing soap suds everywhere. Then they pressed a kiss to the villain's shoulder. Their mouth only felt a little dry. "It would be terrible for my ego. I'd be insufferable. The power would go straight to my head."
The villain laughed and the civilian could finally look away, grinning ruefully to themselves as they shook their head. They turned the water back on and then did some more of the dishes, chest feeling a little lighter than before despite themselves.
"Thank you," the civilian said. "For asking."
"Do you know how you want to deal with the situation?"
"Honestly, I was just going to ignore it. I can handle people making snide comments."
"Boundary setting and discipline is important."
"This is why everyone is scared of you."
"This is also why no one would dare try and bait me in a conversation."
The civilian scrunched up their nose in acknowledgement of the point, glancing at the villain again. "Well, I don't want to sic you on them. As funny as their expressions would be, I'd feel really bad about it in the morning. And I don't want -" The civilian stopped.
"You don't want them to think you'll coming running to my coattails whenever the other kids on the playground are mean to you?"
"...not how I would have said it, but yeah," the civilian muttered, cheeks flushed.
The villain immediately leaned down to press a kiss to the warmed skin, seeming utterly unable to help themselves. The civilian could feel the villain's grin against their skin.
The villain would be delighted if the civilian did that, at least in part. It was the closest they could get to playing the protector, the anti hero.
"For what it's worth," the villain said, against their ear. "I don't care what they think about you."
"Lions rarely care about the inner workings of ants, it's true."
It was the villain's turn to huff. They switched the water off again, wrapping an arm around the civilian and bodily moving them away from the sink. Their lips dipped to kiss the civilian's neck. "Not an ant."
"Obviously, I'm the cutest ant around. No one's disputing that."
"You're my favourite thing," the villain said. They found the civilian's mouth and kissed that too, before straightening. When they looked down the inferno was still there (always there) but back down to its normal level of simmering. "My absolute darling."
"Yeah, yeah."
"So if you change your mind about your enemies screaming, sobbing for your absolution..."
The civilian rolled their eyes, and felt a smile tugging their lips even if they probably should have been horrified. They leaned in to kiss the villain in turn.
"I know who to call."
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VH - Locked & out
“I’m sure,” simpered Villain to the chained Vampire Hero between two bodyguards, “that you’d love to know what happened to the last Hero who went against me.”
“Well, now that you mention it -”
“You’re here to rescue them, aren’t you ? You’ve nicely played the part of the naive newcomer, but I know who you are, vampire. I’m sorry to say that you’ve been betrayed. The other Hero was very cooperative.”
“I’m sure you’ve realized that you can’t hypnotize my guards. They all have charms around their necks.”
“I noticed.”
“You’re trapped for good.”
“All right.”
“I’m sure you’d love to meet the one who betrayed you.”
“I do.”
“Perfect. You will be in the same prison.”
Without further commentary, the henchmen threw Vampire Hero in a small cell. Another person was already there, curled up in a corner. They were not in a good state. Even the blood stains around them looked unappealing. The smell was bland, characteristic of a lack of nutriments.
“Can you talk ?” asked Vampire Hero after a moment.
“It’s all my fault”, whispered the other.
Vampire Hero scratched his head and looked around, a little embarrassed. His job was dealing with villains. He was good at that. He only had to hold back a little. Dealing with Not-Evil People was another matter altogether. He was making progress – he had pinned to his fridge the Geneva Convention to be sure not to forget it during his job, it seemed like a good starting point – but still, he wasn’t the best person to deal with this situation. He was vaguely aware that threats or mocking wouldn’t do much good, so he awkwardly shrugged, his hands in the pockets of his tattered jeans. The other hero ignored him. Their eyes were glued on the ground, the iris wide.
“I tried. I tried not to crack. But – they broke me. They really, really broke me. And I – if they told you I’ve betrayed you, it’s true. I’ve told them everything they wanted to know.”
“Well yeah. Torture is torture and you only have one body. Seems logical to me.”
“You don’t understand. They know who you are.”
“I’m in a cell, buddy. I understand fine.”
Hero burst in tears.
“I’m a failure. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. You can – you can do whatever you want to me. I’ll understand.”
Once again, the vampire was at a loss. He knew of a hundred ways to make things worse and one of them was the silent treatment, but he didn’t want to do it. He’d read somewhere that physical contact could help, but Hero was covered with undressed wounds.
So he booped them on the nose.
“Chill. You look like you’ve been scorched alive and you can still lament about your situation. You’re fine. You’ve succeeded the most important thing. Crucial, really.”
“What ?”
“You’re still breathing. Keep doing that. I don’t have to, so I’ll get us out of here. All right ?”
“You’re not angry with me?”
“I don’t see why. ”
He crouched to examine the bars of the cell:
“And the sooner the better, I don’t want to be late for tonight.”
“What’s happening tonight ?”
Vampire Hero grinned from pointed teeth to pointed teeth, grabbing a bar that broke under the pressure of his fingers:
“ I am a creature of decadence and debauch. Every night, I have a meeting with a pure maiden, a cunning damsel, a fierce lady and a cruel temptress in my room.”
“All of them ? You must have a big bed.”
“All of them what ? I’m talking about my wife. I love my wife.”
“Oh, the evil one!”
Hero stopped themself, horrified by the words that just had come out from their mouth. You do not insult your colleague's spouse – especially if said colleague is currently ripping off metal bars from your own cell and is known for his dubious ethics. That is rude and unwise. The vampire stopped himself and glanced at them.
“I’m so sorry”, they squeaked. “I’ve been tortured and I’m confused and -”
Vampire Hero shrugged:
“No offense taken, mate. She was evil all right, and so was I. We were both a little cringe during our first centuries, like the youth say these days. To be fair, she was really sexy.”
“I’m - I’m sure of it.”
“And now she’s really sexy while dozing off while we watch TV. She’s really sexy when she drinks blood from a plastic bag. She’s really sexy all the time, really. Everything she does is delightful.”
He neglectfully threw a bar behind his back.
“Couldn’t you just destroy the lock ?” shyly asked Hero.
“No, I like doing it that way. It’s like bubble wrap.”
Vampire Hero joyfully kicked another bar that creaked and bent under his knee.
“You know what,” he said, “She’s feeling a little down because she can’t rip off heads as much as before. You should hear her complaining ! “I barely have strength to decapitate a human in a single stroke anymore !” and such. But what do I care ? She’d stay amazing even if she was too weak to pull the guts out of someone, but I keep telling her that and she still doesn’t believe it.”
“That’s really nice” assured Hero, whose smile was very strained. “I’m glad for you.”
The vampire stopped again – although maybe it was because half the bars had been taken off.
“Oh”, he said.
“What ? Have I said something wrong ? I’m sorry ! I didn’t -”
“No, it’s just – I don’t think a human has ever said that to me. I was... surprised.”
He held his hand out:
“Time to go. Thanks for the new experience, I guess.”
This time, Hero’s smile was a lot more genuine. They took the offered arm and painfully stood up:
“You’re very welcome.”
Vampire Hero is now a recurring character. His job is to troll current villains. Check the Vampire Hero Masterlist or Tag for more snippets with him.
You can meet his wife here.
Back to Hero x Villain Masterlist
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ink-flavored · 1 month
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Pride & Justice: Corner Store Rejection
warnings: making-out, semi-public displays of horny, transphobia Banner art by @auroblaze P&J Taglist (Check out my Google form to get added): @elegant-paper-collection @auroblaze @zeenimf @vacantgodling @foxys-fantasy-tales @stesierra @noblebs @thelaughingstag
It was their standard shoplifting procedure.
Pride shouldered the door of the convenience store open, ancient hinges squeaking in protest. The cashier near the wall glanced at him briefly, but offered nothing by way of greeting. He didn’t blame her—the lukewarm air would have made anyone indifferent. Besides, he wasn’t here for pleasantries.
Turning down a random aisle, Pride walked up and down between the rows of packaged and canned human foods to keep up the illusion of a shopper. In reality, he scanned for other customers, cameras, and strained for any sin he could exploit.
They chose the right time to hit this place—as Pride glanced around, he was the only one in the store. He idled to the back near the fridges and pulled out his phone.
nobody else in here, he told Ollie. no cams. cashier bored as hell, should be an easy one.
k, she replied. Business as usual.
Pride opened a random fridge and grabbed the first drink his hand brushed. He still hadn’t picked up a sin from the cashier, which would make this a little tricky. There was always the chance she could be goaded into one, but there was no guarantee. Only one way he could find out.
Decoy purchase in hand, Pride swung back to the front of the store. On his way there, the entrance squealed again, with Ollie, Sofía, and Dante entering soon after. They didn’t acknowledge him, and Pride kept his beeline for the cashier, treating them like normal human strangers. But still no sin. He grabbed a bag of chips to stall for time. Nothing.
He was ready to call his mission futile until the very last second before he stepped up to the counter. A faint tingle wormed its way onto his tongue, the subtle flavor of roses and red wine heralding lust. Weird, but whatever. He could work with that.
“Hey,” he said, stacking his drink on the counter.
“Hi,” the cashier said. She took his drink first, swiping it across the scanner.
“Slow day…” Pride glanced quickly at the nametag pinned to her shirt. “Trinity?”
An unhappy smile twisted her lip. “It definitely isn’t a fast one.”
“I believe it.” He put his elbows on the counter, leaning in. “I don’t think anyone would blame you if you took a nice, long break.”
Smoke poured out of his horns, now perched at the top of his hairline. His tail swished back and forth above the floor. Trinity stopped and stared, eyes mimicking his scarlet glow.
“Take a break?” she repeated.
“Take a long break,” he corrected. “It’s what you deserve.”
“Like I don’t know it.”
“Exactly. You don’t want to stand here all day, do you? In fact, I bet you… want some more satisfying things.”
The tingle of lust bloomed, flooding his mouth. Trinity scratched the counter with chipped nails, gazing across the store at a door marked Employees Only.
“If you’re thinking what I’m thinking,” Pride urged, “you should disappear for a while.”
“It’ll be fast,” she agreed, but it was almost a question. She glanced at him, and he gladly stepped up to answer.
“Why bother? After all, the only thing that matters”—he leaned forward on his palms, close enough to see himself reflected in her eyes—“is whatever you want.”
Without any further prompting, Trinity abandoned the counter. Pride released his influence and plopped back down on his heels, satisfied with a job well done. Another sin for the counter, and Ollie and the rest would be able to grab whatever they wanted. Being the distraction was the best.
But when Trinity circled the counter, she didn’t go across the store like he expected. She came up to him.
“Hey,” she said, smiling coyly. “I just decided I’m on break, and you should come with me.”
“Me?” he asked.
“Yes, you.” Trinity took his hand, lacing their fingers together. “Do you see any other cute guys around here?”
His eyebrows may as well have shot all the way to Heaven. Little did she know, Pride knew exactly what she was proposing, and had quite a hard time believing it. He’d never once considered humans for sex—they were all weird animals, not worth thinking about. But now that this one wanted him, a Rube Goldberg machine of decision making fired off in his mind.
Sure, Trinity was a human, but she wanted to have sex with him. She wanted it enough to sin. Pride couldn’t remember the last time he’d slept with someone this excited. And he had convinced her to do it in the first place, so it would only be fair.
“Sure,” Pride agreed, returning her grip on his hand. “Let’s go.”
Eagerly, she dragged him off toward the marked door. He was only too happy to follow, head held high in pre-mature satisfaction. On the way, they passed his friends crouched at a low shelf. Trinity paid them no mind, but Pride caught Dante’s baffled eye. They mouthed What? as he passed. Pride could only grin and shrug in response before Trinity hauled him out of view. They stopped at the Employees Only door a second later, and she fumbled for a key on her lanyard.
“Hope nobody hears us,” she muttered, a thrill in her voice.
Pride snuck his arms around her waist, mouth pressed against her ear. “I hope they do.”
She turned the door handle with one hand and dragged him by the collar of his shirt with the other. By the time Pride pulled the door closed, she had her arms around his neck, and practically pounced on him for a kiss. He returned it was as much fervor as he could muster through his shock—were all humans like this? Because if they were, he’d have to adjust a few plans for his stay on Earth.
The door turned out to lead to a room not much bigger than a closet, stuffed with cluttered shelves and things crowding the floor. In the dark, Trinity kicked some aside until there was room to shuffle. Pride took the opportunity to push her against the nearest empty wall and give what he was getting.
All that sin-talking must have worked wonders because Trinity flooded his mouth with lust. Knowing it was for him made Pride groan, pressing the kiss deeper. She accepted it with a high, eager noise, mouth dropping open to invite him inside. Surprised again at her openness, Pride tasted the inside of her mouth, drawing his tongue across hers. Her hips jerked and Pride his own forward to pin her, and had to laugh when she whined.
“You really want it, huh?” he teased, bending down to nip her jaw.
“Yeah,” she breathed. “But, uh—” She pushed at his shoulder until he separated. “Do you have a condom on you? I don’t think I have one.”
“I don’t need one.”
She raised her brows. “Yes, you absolutely do.”
Pride rolled his eyes a little. “No,” he reiterated, and popped his fly open. He took her hand and stuck it down his pants until it rested against his crotch. No bulge, but her fingers were long enough to press against the folds of his cunt through his trunks. “I really don’t.”
Her lust disappeared. Like it had never been there, Pride couldn’t taste a single fleeting thought. Once again baffled, he didn’t notice Trinity slipping her hand free of his.
“I changed my mind actually,” she said, voice clipped.
“What do you mean?” Pride asked.
“I mean, I don’t want this anymore, so.” She flicked her wrists, trying to shoo him away.
“I don’t owe you an explanation. Just—leave.”
Pride took a step back, eyes narrowed, but didn’t leave. “You’re the one who dragged me back here, I feel like you do owe me an explanation actually.”
She huffed, and suddenly what Pride tasted was a cold snap of wrath. “Leave me the fuck alone, or I’m calling the cops.”
“For what?”
She didn’t answer, but dug her phone out of her pocket to menace him with it. Pride threw up his hands and marched out of the closet. He didn’t bother closing it behind him, yanking his fly back together as he stomped across the store. On the way past the check-out, he swiped his decoy purchases off the counter and out the door.
Out on the street, Ollie, Sofía, and Dante were standing around waiting, their theft apparently successful. Pride didn’t bother explaining before stalking down the street toward the train.
“Whoa, hey,” Dante called, jogging to catch up. “That was fast.”
“Did something happen?” Ollie asked, also catching up, with Sofía on her arm.
“Nothing happened,” Pride spat, face twisted up sourly. He didn’t know why he was so pissed. He hadn’t cared about fucking that human, or any human, until she brought it up.
“Why not?”
“I don’t fucking know! Apparently not having a dick is a dealbreaker.” All three of them made noises of disgust at that.
“Then she wasn’t worth it anyway,” Sofía declared.
“Too fucking true,” Dante agreed.
“I hate those people,” Ollie said, and put an arm around his shoulder. “Listen, I can hook you up with some people who are into pretty much anything if you want.”
Pride waved her off. “It’s not a big deal, I’m fine.”
There was a beat of awkward silence, filled in by the cars rushing down the street. “On the bright side,” Dante said, “we got a lot of stuff.”
A conversation began about the ease of their haul, but Pride tuned them out, stewing in his frustration. They all commiserated with him, agreed how ridiculous it was, but none of them were surprised. Ollie confirmed there were more people like Trinity out there. People who would want him one minute, and hate him the next. Were humans like this? The thought stung more than he expected.
More so because he was having fun, at least for a little while. It might have turned his idea of humanity around. There was a human who was willing to fuck him without even knowing his name, and he wanted to fuck her too—a human! He would have laughed at the idea mere hours ago.
The idea rolled over and over in his mind. If there was at least one human who wanted him, surely there had to be others. Surely some of them wouldn’t have ridiculous, unspoken caveats like Trinity. And what would it be like, to be with someone who wanted him? To be with a human, who had no idea what they were getting into bed with?
Pride nudged Ollie with his elbow. “Hey,”
“So those people who are into ‘anything’… how much of ‘anything’ are we talking?”
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girlfromthecrypt · 4 months
We keep on chatting as we make our way outside to grab the bag of charcoal from Basil’s truck. The unfinished dock is wobbling on the now twilit lake. The wind has picked up, carrying the sound of rustling leaves and placid waves. Some early-riser frogs are croaking in the bulrushes. 
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(This is just a little sneak peek of Chapter 2. I wrote this bit of atmosphere earlier and I liked it, so I figured I'd show it to you lovely people!)
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unforgivenn · 19 hours
hii y'all. Soo this idea has been in my mind for like so fucking long aaanddd I can't just let it be. >.<
So basically when people turn a certain age depending on their social status they're classified either as humans or livestock. The system is pretty fucked up. Those labelled as livestock lose all their human rights because, apparently, they don't deserve them.
Parents disown their kids not able to fully believe that they'd just been rearing livestock this whole time. It's heartbreaking for their children to hear this. They're still the same person!! Their life can't change just because of a single document!!
These people or if you can even call them that anymore, are classified into many different categories like workers, pets and experimental subjects by going through a test. Or if they deem out too useless, they're turned to meat. (haha yes, I'm being serious T_T)
People with high social status live in luxury, while those at the bottom suffer terribly. Since these people are no longer considered human, it doesn't matter what happens to them. They can be tortured, raped, or killed, and no one would care. They still have feelings, but in this society, that doesn't matter at all. It's a world where the rich have all the power.
Should I turn this into a story? ^^
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the-broken-pen · 1 year
“Hey,” the hero panted. “At least I’ll make a pretty dead body?”
The villain hissed at them beneath their breath.
“I don’t want this. You know that, right?”
The hero stilled. The chanting of the crowd grew louder.
“I know.”
The villain looked down over the edge of the stage, eyes cold and calculating as ever.
Their eyes caught on something.
When they turned to the hero, they smiled.
“Hold your breath.”
The square erupted in smoke, and everything was lost to the blur of unconsciousness.
“You’re an idiot.”
The hero blinked, half asleep.
The villain made a low noise of irritation, and behind them, someone laughed.
“I told you not to breathe.”
The hero half smiled, vision blurry.
“Next time, say something sooner.”
“God, why did I save you—“
The hero shifted to laugh, and felt bandages wrapping around their wrists. They frowned, pulling it up to their face.
The villain watched them, carefully.
The villain nodded.
“You were bleeding.”
“I don’t remember—“
“Suppressants affect the ability to feel pain. A mercy, if you were to be executed, but a curse if you get wounded.”
The hero made to unwrap one, see the damage, and the villains cool fingers closed around their wrist.
“Stop it.”
“You didn’t tell me they were reckless,” the same laughing voice as before said, and the hero snapped their gaze to them.
They grinned.
“Hello, there.”
The hero’s power sputtered to life, as if pushing past the final dregs of the suppressors, and slammed out into the room, exploring every nook and cranny. It slid along the skin of the newcomer, testing, as if figuring out what power they held.
A moment later, the hero gagged, retching.
The villain simply watched them, unconcerned, hand still on their wrist, but the newcomer frowned.
“Are you—“
“I hate fire wielders,” the hero gasped, covering their mouth. “You taste like smoke and feel like suffocation.”
The newcomer stilled, and their power told them with no shortage of glee that their name was Alex, and it the hero wanted the flames wreathed within their skin, they could have them.
Alex glanced to the villain. “How did they…”
The villain examined the hero’s hand, before pressing a nail into their skin.
The hero’s power practically purred, sliding back into their skin. When the villain smiled, it was feral.
“Their power is a loathsome little thing. Just too far on this side of sentient. A curious thief and magic rolled into one.”
The hero made to yank their hand away, and their power protested.
The hero left their wrist in the villains grasp.
Alex’s eyebrows pinched. “So why aren’t you affecting them?”
The villain’s smile, if anything, grew sharper.
“Could be the gas, from when we saved their life,” With their free hand, the tipped the hero’s chin up to examine their eyes. “Or, could be that they like me, and their power likes me too.”
The hero flushed.
“It does not—“
The villain swiped a finger on their forearm, and the hero’s power glowed at the contact.
They didn’t even realize they’d copied the villain’s powers until they tasted the stardust and wind that came with telepathy and teleportation.
Right. Suppressors.
If the hero hadn’t been so hopped up on suppressors earlier, teleportation would have gotten them out much easier than gas. From the look on the villain’s face, they knew that too.
People had learned the hard way not to teleport those who have been suppressed. Magic didn’t like it.
The villain snorted.
“You’re an asshole,” the hero bit out, and their power curled around their newfound toy like a baby dragon, hoarding it in their chest. Alex’s thoughts were unimaginably load.
“God, how can you be around anyone, ever?”
The villain cocked their head. It wasn’t the first time the hero had asked that question.
Behind them, Alex left. Blessedly, it got quiet.
“Practice,” the villain admitted. “A lot of it.”
The hero wanted to shove the telepathy out of them, but their power simply held on tighter.
“It won’t let go.”
“Mm. Quite the noxious creature.”
“I’m the one living with it.”
The villain hummed, hand tracing along the edges of the bandages.
“I would never have let you die.”
The hero simply thought, I know.
The villain smiled.
I love you, the villain’s eyes bore into them, thought flung across the void between their brain and the hero’s.
The hero took their hand. The villain let them. “I know.”
In their chest, their power finally, finally settled, as if it had been waiting for this all along.
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coonhoundcat · 8 months
Confidential | Hero x Villain Snippet
|| Oi-- quick note, while this does not contain anything explicitly sexual or any SA, it is about struggling with complex feelings after a (fully consensual) encounter, and things are vaguely implied. I don't think anything in here is terribly likely to cause anyone any issues, but if you want to steer clear of the topic entirely, I want to give you that option up front. Cheers. ||
They flinched away at the thought.
"Do you feel like it was forced on you?" The counselor leaned in over their own glasses, regarding them- well, not unkindly, but a bit too directly.
"No- no," Villain brought a hand to their forehead, letting their fingers sink into their hair. Their other hand flapped about for a moment more, not quite sure what else to do. "It was consensual, I just-"
Villain groaned, dragging the hand down their flushed cheek. "It's not their fault. It's not." Villain glared forcefully at the counselor, teeth barred-- before having to look away. "…. They'd feel terrible about it, I think, if they knew."
"Everything we talk about here is confidential, Villain-- unless it involves-"
"Hurting myself or others. Yes, obviously." They waved a hand dismissively, walking purposely away to stare at the far shelves. Shakily, they placed a hand on the wood.
"Thank you," they swallowed. Their throat hurt.
The image flashed back across their mind, the close, heavy breath-- the stubbly smile-- no, smirk, expectant-- "Kiss me?"-- hesitant, but Villain couldn't just say no-- they made it quick. It wasn't painless.
Shuddering, Villain pushed themselves away from the mahogany. The shelf was full of kitschy junk and photos of bees, anyway.
They still didn't look at the counselor. "I wanted it." They caught their own wrist in their other hand, wringing it tightly before letting go again-- gesturing widely. The motion didn't feel big enough. "At- at the time. I told them before, that I didn't- that I wasn't-" their breath stuttered, "-but then I wanted, and they were so excited-"
Villain whirled around, beginning to pace the length of the room. Too much energy-- they felt too still-- their arms waved, frantically gesticulating as the- the feelings got stuck somewhere in their throat; or perhaps their chest. That rather hurt too, now. Ached.
"Did you feel like you couldn't revoke your consent, after you'd agreed?"
The conspicuously soft question hit more or less like a punch in the stomach. "Mmmmmmmmnnnn." Villain stopped back in front of the offending shelf, reaching out to straighten a small figurine of a bumble(?) bee. Thinking better of it, they moved it back. "…. No? No." They glared at the engraved wings. "H- They would have stopped. If I'd-" they bit back a groan, rubbing a rough circle into the space below their eye. "You're not listening. I wanted it. I was fine with- with-" they waved their hand again, throat closing.
In the silence, they rotated the bee figurine to face the wall. Villain turned their back to it. The counselor, apparently, was still looking at them far too kindly. Villain stared over their shoulder at the framed (and subsequently blacked-out) diploma. It looked like someone'd used white-out directly on the glass. Not concerning at all.
"It's… it was… the expectations, that came after." Villain offered quietly, hands folding behind their back. "And…. and the remembering." And boy, were they remembering now.
The pressure on their chest, legs straddled around the bigger body, a too-clumsy hand on their thigh-- Villain writhed a little on their feet, a flush creeping up from the neck-- the timid question, permission; Villain's teeth pressing too-cautiously into the meat Hero's shoulder- Villain laughed.
Frantically bringing a fist to their mouth, the villain doubled-over, forcing the sharp, unexpected sound into a rough cough; cheeks burning. "I- ah, AHEM- uh-" They didn't dare check the counselor's expression.
GOD, this is what their mind kept going to? Every fucking time, and it- well-- Villain forced down another bark of laughter--it wasn't funny--A wry smile broke across Villain's face quite without their permission.
"It wasn't even good, you know. For either of us-- I think."
Apparently their mouth was doing all sorts of things without their permission. Ah, well.
They didn't know what to make of the answering silence. So they continued.
"It fucking sucked."
They weren't sure if they were trembling with laughter, or their body had finally decided to just stop functioning, but the whole thing was rather ludicrous. It was probably time someone just took Villain out back and shot them, honestly. Maybe Hero would do the honors.
Shakily, the villain straightened-- unable to keep the wild, pained grin from stretching across their face. Finally meeting the counselor's eye, they shrugged-- almost apologetic. They shouldn't have to see all this. But Villain didn't really have anything left to lose, and they'd come this far. Might as well make it someone else's problem, too.
"….. I keep wanting to do it again."
Their own voice sounded too non-chalant to be real, and their chest ached. Villain smiled forcefully. "Tell anyone that, and I'll kill you."
The counselor raised an eyebrow, still watching Villain with That Expression. It was always That Expression.
Villain writhed in their own skin.
"…. Confidential?" It shouldn't sound that raspy. Or that pathetic, for that matter-
Villain hated the sudden feeling of relief that washed over them. Their arms--still shaking-- folded themselves across their chest. "It better be." That, at least, sounded authoritative enough.
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space-writes · 3 months
find the word
tagged by @bardic-tales, thank you! (im gonna do this on my writing blog, thespacelizard is my main) my words are sorrow, light, fear. Since one of the words is sorrow, i simply have to go back into Renegade Prince for this.
no-pressure tagging @talesfromaurea @kaylinalexanderbooks @sam-glade and @jmhwritesstuff with the words return, allow, flee and away
(it’s a character name, so that’s what this is, which kinda feels like cheating, but also i do love him very much so…)
Arcanist Rivaanlehnim was, therefore, thoroughly awake when Sorrow and his trio of Vetusak K'zinla climbed in through the window of his fourth-floor study in the middle of the night. He did not look up from the crystals spread out on his desk at their arrival. “Someone should teach you how doors work, Prince Sorrow,” he said, flipping a stronger magnifying lens down over one eye. “I had very little desire to be transformed into a toad this evening,” Sorrow said. At his left shoulder, Excellence was scanning the room, taking note of the additions Rivaanlehnim had made to his protections since last they’d visited. “Skellin, actually,” the arcanist said. “Much like the one your lieutenant has for some reason tucked into her shirt. Are you aware they’re venomous?”
Her feet were light again on the stairs as she hurried back down. She needn’t have worried – there was so much noise from back room and taproom alike that no-one would have heard her if she’d danced a jig down the banister and sounded a fanfare to finish.
(three guesses who’s saying this line)
“You need not fear. Our little ghost is the most mercenary man I have ever met – so long as his purse is full of my coin, his murderous intent will be turned elsewhere than you.”
Valloroth taglist: @cherrybombfangirlwrites @memento-morri-writes @foxboyclit @lawful-evil-novelist @at-thezenith @morganwriteblr @fayeiswriting @serenanymph @sam-glade (ask to be +/-)
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memento-morri-writes · 4 months
high fantasy wip snippet: the collector of souls
this is a little bit from the prologue for High Fantasy WIP! It's our introduction to our Narrator, as well as his mistress, the Lady of Ravens.
“Ah, [Name], you’ve returned. Tell me, what souls do you bring?” Her voice is cold and sharp, like a stiletto made of ice. It pierces my mind, and I speak up quickly. “My lady, I have brought you the souls of three thousand soldiers, freshly killed in battle.” I open my mouth wide, and the souls rush out of my mouth. I’ve never quite gotten used to the feeling. Their desperation always tickles my throat.  They stream forth in a torrent of energy. The Lady holds out her hand, and they all surge towards it, eager, hopeful. As they gather in her palm, she lifts her hand up to her face, examining the souls carefully. After a moment she makes a swift gesture with her fingers, and the souls vanish, pulled into whatever eternity awaits them. I pause, waiting to see her reaction. She looks down at me, eyes narrowing. “And?” I shift from one foot to the other, squirming under her icy gaze. “My lady, I have the soul of a warmonger. The architect for this conflict. He has killed thousands, and feels no remorse.” I open my mouth again and this time the soul that comes out does so slowly. It drags slowly up my throat, leaving a bitter residue on my tongue. I spit it at the Lady’s feet, almost gagging on the taste. Monsters always taste terrible, especially the human ones.  The Lady reaches down, picking up the foul soul between two thin white fingers, each tipped with long, pointed black nails. The soul squirms in her grip, thrashing back and forth. The most wicked are always the most reluctant to face death. She examines the soul, unperturbed by its increasingly desperate attempts to escape. She frowns, reading something in the soul that I cannot, then smiles. She tosses the soul up in the air, and it swells briefly, surging forwards towards freedom. But then it is pulled back, sucked down towards the Lady’s open mouth. A blink of an eye, and its gone. She closes her eyes, a look of contentment on her face. I shudder against my will. The Lady only eats the most vile souls, those who have done such wrong that they are not allowed an afterlife, not even one of punishment.
High Fantasy WIP Taglist: @andromedaexists
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bamber344 · 6 days
why is it so hard to write about a character simply walking across a room, but when i have to write about a character vividly dreaming about being burned alive in gruesome detail, it all comes naturally?
snippet of just that scene below the cut if you wanna read it btw >:)
CW for exactly what it says on the tin. vivid, probably inaccurate description of POV character burning alive, ect ect.
She charged forward and leapt onto the man, wrapping her arm around his neck in a tight, well-practised chokehold, aiming to cut off the blood flow to his brain. The heat from the flame coming off of him was already agonising, but her efforts distracted him from the remaining civilians, giving them a chance to run. Charred bodies laid smoking all around them; Addison wasn’t going to give him the opportunity to make any more.
He reached up and grabbed the arm around his neck. Superheated fire spilled from his hands and caught on Addison’s arm hair, setting the whole limb alight. The pain was indescribable, and only got worse as he poured more and more energy into it, but she held fast. Only a few more seconds, and he would pass out. A shrill, torn scream rang in her ears. Blackness pooled at the edges of her vision. The disgustingly appetising smell of her own cooking flesh filled her nostrils. Addison held fast.
Miraculously, the pain in her arm was dimming. The numbness spread from her hand, up her forearm and past her elbow, taking any sensation with it. He was beginning to stumble, to buckle under her weight. She was going to win!
Then her arm went limp against her will. It took a second to process what had happened as she fell backwards, no longer being held against the man’s back. He turned around, and she saw his face for the first time. She saw his sharp-toothed snarl, tusks jutting out of his lower lip. She saw his long, curled horns, growing from a forest of wavy black hair like terrible trees. She saw those sulphuric yellow eyes, glaring down at her and searing themselves in her soul forever.
He stepped on her wrist. She couldn’t even feel it. Then he shot fire at her upper arm, where the earlier burns hadn’t quite sunk their teeth in. She certainly felt that. Flame licked up her shoulder and neck, catching her hair alight. It spread down her side via her clothes, heading dangerously close to her vitals.
It was when the side of her face began to melt that she was supposed to pass out from the pain. That was when Ellie was supposed to take over and blind her attacker. Instead, he continued to slowly move his never-ending wave of fire up her arm and onto her torso proper, and she remained all too aware. The flames engulfed her entirely. Her skin charred and cracked, subcutaneous fat liquifying and seeping out of her. Her eyeballs popped, leaking fluid down her bubbling cheeks like morbid tears. Her muscles softened and turned tender, sloughing off of her bones like she was a slow-cooked lamb shank, and-
Addison woke up.
concrit is welcome!
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"I'm not stupid."
"Excuse me?"
The protagonist's jaw tightened. "You think I'm stupid for trying to be a hero," they said. "Stupid for believing that people can be good. Stupid for choosing to be kind."
The villain didn't say anything, staring at them from the opposite side of the cage they were both stuck in.
"I'm not stupid," the protagonist said. "I know what the world can be like. I know what people can be like. I'm not some naive little buttercup who's never had anything bad happen to them."
"I think we wouldn't be in this mess if you hadn't been so quick to give people a chance."
"That sounds a little like victim blaming."
"That sounds a little like 'use your common sense next time," the villain snapped.
Above them, the gladiator ring howled as the first warm up match ended. The crowds were thunderous. Soon the guards would come for the two of them.
The villain squeezed their eyes shut.
"I don't think you're stupid." The villain spoke through gritted teeth. "Occasionally, I even think you're optimistic. Idealistic."
"Most of the time I just think you're wrong," the villain said. "People suck. You're going to bleed for it."
"Well, I'm not going to lose up there."
"Flattered that you care so much what I think though."
"I don't care."
"It just annoys me when people think that."
The villain opened their eyes again, studying the protagonist once more.
"You've never seen me annoyed before," the protagonist said lightly. "Have you?"
"...Are you planning to do something stupid?"
"Are you planning to do something brave? Because, you know. They will hurt you if you don't fight me. This isn't the place for kindness. It's certainly not the place for optimism."
"See, you say you don't think I'm stupid, but you've got a tone like you do."
"I've got a tone like 'they want a show' and 'I don't want to die because you refuse to give them one.'"
"Oh, right. Because they're totally not going to try and make us kill each other later, when they've finished making money of us."
"That seems like a later problem."
"Going along with this won't save us."
"It won't save you. It will do wonders for me."
"Because you're not good," the protagonist met their gaze. "You're not kind."
"See," the villain smiled tightly. "Not stupid."
The door opened and the guards entered to drag them out.
"Just go along it," the villain said. "Don't make me hurt you too bad."
"That's sweet. Thank you."
They were wrenched apart to different sides of arena.
One hour later, they both stood outside, the gladiator ring a smoking wreck behind them.
"You knew they'd take us in," the villain said. "That they'd make us fight each other."
"I hoped they wouldn't. They could have been kind."
"You knew."
The protagonist handed the villain a blood-smeared water-bottle, sweet as anything.
"Well, yeah," the protagonist said. "I'm not stupid."
They should have been kind.
(The villain never wanted to see the protagonist annoyed again.)
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TTD - Dastardly Hug
Being a hero had its inconveniences. You could be called for help at any hour, you could be harassed by any angry civilian because you didn’t do a good enough job, or of course you could be hit and killed by some villain on the loose.
However, what worried Hero at the moment was the paperwork. It was the dreaded time of the month when they had to log in the agency website and describe every one of their good deeds to be paid. It had taken a bunch of tries to finally access their account, and now they were wondering if bringing a dog back to its family counted as “security” (the dog was certainly safer inside the house) or as “improving the well-being of citizens” (a category that could embrace all kinds of actions, to helping an old lady to cross the street from stopping the apocalypse – who designed these things ?).
Behind their back, the door creaked in an ominous way (they really needed to lubricate the hinges). For a brief instant they fervently hoped that it was only a gust of wind, but the light of the room suddenly went off. They sighed and saved their progress while their roommate solemnly declared:
“I am darkness. I am the creeping blackness that cannot be killed by any light.”
“Sure, but I’m certain you still will be in fifteen minutes. Can you come back then ? I’m doing paperwork.”
“You wish to surrender to the horrors of bureaucracy rather than mine?”
“I don’t wish it, but we kinda need the money, you know. What did you want ?”
“Why, tis but a common reminder to surrender in my presence that should strike fear and reverence in your heart. Every activity of yours should pale into insignificance.”
“Can you be more precise ?”
“I’ve come for intimidation and invasion of your personal space.”
Hero looked at the screen of their computer. It had been already two hours since they began. Oh, fuck it.
“Yeah, okay.”
They patted their knee and extended one arm. For a moment, they couldn’t see anything, then they felt the weight of a person on their lap and a head on their shoulder. It was impossible to see the shape of the silhouette huddled up them, only a vague black cloud, but it wasn’t a problem. They were getting used to it by now. They closed their arms gently until their fingers met a back, that they rubbed.
“You have so many knots.”
“It’s because I’m very twisted.”
“Maybe you should straighten your back more.”
Former Villain shrugged and didn’t answer. They both stayed like that for a while, silent and quiet.
“Hero ?”
“Yes ?”
“You wouldn’t hurt me, would you ?”
Hero’s hand froze on their roommate’s back.
“Why would I do that ?”
“Just checking.”
“Of course I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want to hurt anyone.”
Still no answer. Fingers clutched at their shirt, almost desperately. Hero knew by now that asking if their roommate was okay was a lost cause. They never answered in a straight manner. So, after clearing their throat, they awkwardly said:
“Uh, if you let me suffer into the hands of the bureaucracy for a little while, you could beat me to video games if you want to. Or we can watch a movie together. But, uh, in a really evil way ?”
“In a really evil way ?”
“I don’t know, I try to make it sound appealing to you.”
“You’re terrible at it. Nevertheless, I will graciously accept your request.”
“How kind.”
After a moment, Former Villain slid from their lap and went out. Hero didn’t turn back to their paperwork immediately. The truth was that despite Villain being their roommate, they didn’t know much about them. Who needed to pretend that wanting a hug was very evil, and what kind of past did they have ?
Check the These Two Dorks Masterlist or Tag for more snippets with this Hero and Villain. This is how they met and now they’re roommates.
Or back to Hero x Villain Masterlist.
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kingsdespair-if · 4 months
Boooooo 👻
I'm here 😈 I'm curious as to what it would be like to go on a Valentine's date with Amisha and Secret 💜 (poly route pls ✊😍)
Hello, kitty. 👻💜
You are quite persistent, aren't you?
I've already said no to poly for Secret. But since you're my favorite, I'll make an exception and give you this little treat.
As per request, Secret here will be the female variant.
Let's see.
It's early in the morning, and you're returning from your morning shower. As you dry your hair with a towel, you feel water droplets trickling down your neck. With your hand on the doorknob of your room, you pause before turning it as you hear a noise coming from inside. It's a conversation. No, it's a fight. Clearly, those two can never get along, and their early morning arguments have become a part of the routine.
You chuckle to yourself when you hear it.
"What are you doing? I already told you not to touch me!" Amisha barks.
"I didn't touch you because I wanted to. You stepped on my tail, so I had to push you away from me," Secret bites back.
"What kind of stupid creature even has a tail?"
"That's rich coming from the brute who literally turns into a tiger… WITH A TAIL!"
"Oh, you piece of…"
Okay, time to interfere. You turn the doorknob and enter. As soon as they see you, Amisha drops the candleholder she was about to throw at Secret, and Secret blows out the fireball she had just conjured.
"Good morning, ladies. I see we're all excited to spend Valentine's together, huh?" you ask, giving them both a knowing smirk.
Secret moves closer to Amisha, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as she growls in response to the physical contact.
"Oh, yes! Me and the kitty here were just talking about how much we enjoy each other's company, right?"
Amisha huffs and unfolds herself from Secret's embrace, walking towards you and grabbing both of your hands with her warm ones.
"Never mind the dumb half-lizard. I'm just happy you're here, and even more so to know that you set aside the whole day for me," Amisha says to you, her affection evident in her words and glowing orange eyes.
"Yes, for you. And for Secret too. You're both my girlfriends. And you both look wonderful today. Now, why don't you two take a break from your rivalry, just for today?" you reply, brushing a stray strand of hair away from her face and giving her a sweet kiss on the temple.
"Ugh, fine. I promise," Amisha says, raising her hand.
"Secret?" you ask, narrowing your eyes at her.
"Yes, my destiny?" she replies mischievously, blinking rapidly with her hands under her chin.
"Will you behave today?"
"I don't know what you're talking about. I always behave."
You shake your head, pointing at the black pillow that was set on fire a few weeks ago during one of the morning fights.
"Alright, ladies. Let's go. We have a wonderful day ahead of us," you offer your hands to both of them. Amisha grabs your left hand, and you hold out your right hand for Secret.
"I… I can't hold your hand like this. I might hurt you…" Secret looks at her own left arm, covered in scales, with big dark claws coming out where her nails should be.
You smile at her, grabbing her scaled hand and intertwining your fingers.
"No, you won't. Come on."
The three of you head out the door and manage to squeeze in all the activities you had planned for the day.
Amisha had organized a walk in the woods, a picnic, and some time to relax and watch the clear blue sky and peaceful white clouds.
Secret found some wild strawberries, and Amisha cooked a delicious sandwich with boar meat, wild herbs, and fresh bread from the kitchens.
You all took a refreshing dive into the waterfall and enjoyed the sunset from the top of a mountain, spending a lot of time stargazing.
The tent you brought turned out to be too small for three people to sleep in, but it didn't matter since you hadn't planned on sleeping that night.
The whole forest became the witness of your love for both Amisha and Secret.
𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢 𝚅𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚎'𝚜 !💜
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ddoubleblindd · 1 year
Everyone's a Catgirl! Ch. 1: The Bench
It all happened so fast. “You Died” didn’t flash before my eyes. There wasn’t a guardian angel or that “light at the end of the tunnel.” I didn’t even get the memory reel that everyone talks about.
Just a giant vastness of nothing.
When my consciousness returned, it didn’t come with a body. Well, it kind of did, but not the corporeal flesh-golem I’m used to. It was more like an outline, hinting at where the edges of my skin should be. I thought I’d lost all five senses before I found myself standing in a room, staring at the hinted shapes of other people.
Dead people?
There were a lot of ways I’d imagined the afterlife, and this definitely wasn’t one of them. I was in the lobby of an enormous building flooded with stringent white light. Rooms lined the hallways to my left and right, extending further than I could see. Each section was closed off by glass panels, allowing curious onlookers to peer into what looked like courtrooms. Stern-faced judges in black robes sat at the head of every room while other souls—at least, that’s what I assumed they were—stood at the defendant’s table. The whole setting had a dream-like quality that I couldn’t seem to shake, but something told me that this was very, very real.
“Am I in hell?” I wondered aloud, happy to hear my own voice emit from a source that I was sure had lost its lungs.
“I dunno, man. I just got here.” Another form next to me shrugged. “But this sure is my idea of hell.”
I wanted to panic, or run, or do anything but stand there and stare into what was sure to be my final judgment. This was all too fast and too damn soon—I’d just barely turned twenty. I couldn’t be dead yet.
“Matthew Kelmer?” a kind voice called over the crowd. I looked up to see a young woman who couldn’t have been much older than me but contained a more solid-looking body. Her blonde hair fell in waves just past her curved hips, and she wore a sharp black jacket with a tight skirt and brightly colored scarf. Made me think of a sexy flight attendant.
“That’s me,” I said, stepping past the other souls.
Her smile was brilliant and unnervingly comforting. But what else was I going to take comfort in? “Come with me, please.”
“Hey! What’s the deal? He just got here!” a man in the back shouted.
“This way, please,” she repeated, ignoring the outcry.
There was an annoyed grumbling from the heckler. I squared my shoulders and fell into step behind the stranger.
“Where am I?” I asked once we were far enough away from the crowd.
“Surely you’ve heard of purgatory?” she asked.
“Well, yeah.” I realized that being called back so quickly probably wasn’t the best thing to happen in purgatory. “Wait, did I stamp a one-way ticket to hell or something?”
“No, silly. Quite the opposite. Here, please.” She stopped in front of a large metal door and held it open for me. It was one of the only rooms not sectioned off by glass.
I stepped inside and waited. “Who are you?”
“My name is Leiana. I’m one of the managers of purgatory.”
“Your world refers to them as goddesses, I believe.”
I wanted to pinch myself and wake up. But there was nothing to pinch. “Um. Okay.”
“You see, Matthew—”
I bristled. “Just Matt is fine.”
A corner of her smile twitched downward, but her cheerful demeanor remained. “Your heroic death has earned you another chance. A new life in a different world.” She circled an oak desk and took a seat.
My what? In a what? A dozen questions assaulted me. “Valiant death?”
A virtual display appeared above her desk with a few presses of her fingers. A movie in stunning high definition began to play, and I watched in silence. It was me at the gym I’d been standing in not an hour before.
I was lying on the bench, preparing to do a bench press without a spotter. Who the hell needed a spotter? It didn’t look that hard. I’d never done one before, but I knew the other girls in the gym loved to watch guys compete against each other with the weights. And there was a girl there I had my eye on.
“You battled against this metal beast with such courage!” Leiana exclaimed.
The dots began to connect. Oh, Jesus Christ. In the video, it was clear that I hadn’t secured the weights well. Briana, the girl I’d been hoping to catch the attention of, had noticed. She’d jogged over to the bench just as I lifted the bar. Her lips were moving, and she was waving her arms, but I’d had my headphones in and didn’t hear her.
“See how you struggled!” Leiana clasped her hands and swooned. “You protected her with all your might.”
Yeah, I struggled, alright. As I pushed harder on the bar, my face turned beet-red, and the veins in my throat pulsed against my skin. I’d racked up almost three hundred pounds—nearly twice my weight.
The bar tilted in my unsure grip, and my arms buckled. As my shoulders gave out, the bar hurtled toward me past the catches on either side and crushed my windpipe. I must have died instantly. Briana sunk to her knees and plucked out my earbuds, shouting words I couldn’t make out.
“And as all tragic romances end, true love’s kiss,” Leiana crooned.
Briana had tried to give me CPR. I wanted to crawl under Leiana’s desk. I hadn’t even stayed alive long enough to feel her lips on mine, goddammit. The screen went dark.
“I could not let your judgment pass without offering another chance.” Leiana sighed. “These are the stories that go down in history.”
God, I hope not. I had no idea what to say. “So, another chance?”
“Yes. As a manager, you see, I can grant second chances to special cases such as yours. There are hundreds of other worlds that could use your strength and valor, with a few stipulations, of course.”
“Such as?”
Leiana giggled. “It depends on the world! Every world has its own set of rules.” She replayed the video from the beginning. “Goodness, I believe I could watch this for eternity.”
And now I’m in hell. “Can we talk about the other worlds?”
“Oh! Yes, of course. Let’s see what we have available.” She closed the window and opened a new one—something akin to a spreadsheet program. Names and languages I’d never seen nor heard of scrolled by at a blazing speed. Her smile wavered. “Hmm.”
“What?” I was beginning to wonder if I’d rather risk it with the judge. I hadn’t done anything too terrible in life to deserve eternal damnation, right?
“Well, you see, I only have three worlds available at the moment.”
“Out of that whole list?” I couldn’t hide my surprise.
“There are many specifications, requirements, overrides, and a lot of paperwork that goes into such a feat. But we’ll make the best of it, Matthew, I promise you!”
“Matt,” I corrected flatly.
“Of course, Matt!” The giant list condensed down to three names, all composed of symbols I didn’t recognize. She selected the first title, and a screen filled with bar graphs and pie charts overlayed the spreadsheet. “So, our first potential world has a moderate difficulty rating, a balanced monster score, and vast opportunity for growth!”
“Difficulty rating? Monster scores?” I probably couldn’t feel dizzy, but I took a seat in the chair across from Leiana’s desk anyway. “Like a video game?”
“Yes! Very much like the video games of your world. You must complete tasks and earn yourself a place in their society by honing your attributes and gaining Skills.”
“Are you saying I have to level up?”
“Something like that.”
“Are all worlds like this?”
“No. However, the three available are.”
Okay, maybe this wouldn’t be too bad. I’d played enough games to have a handle on that sort of system. “What are the rules of this one?” I gestured to the graphs.
“You must begin life anew as a dungeon.”
I paused. “A what?”
“A dungeon. It’s very popular, from what I understand.”
I pictured dark, scummy caves filled with bats and spiders and bears. I imagined smelling like stale water and mold. “Who the hell would want to be a dungeon?”
“Well, many before you have chosen this option, but we can move on,” Leiana mumbled, seeming distraught. She quickly regained her composure and pulled up the second set of charts. “Our second world begins in the Kingdom of Rhodes. The difficulty rating is low, the monsters are on the gentler side, and magic powers the realm.”
Boring. I’d played every JRPG on the planet. The last thing I wanted to do was live in a tropey, easy fantasy land. “Next.”
“You don’t wish to hear the rules?”
“No. Next?”
Leiana sighed and pulled up the third name. The graphs for this one looked more intense compared to the other two. She chewed her bottom lip and glanced at me before looking back at the hologram.
“What?” My interest piqued.
“Well, the difficulty rating is quite extreme, and the monster score is on the higher end of what I’m familiar with. And, well—” she trailed.
This sounded interesting. “Well, what?”
“Everyone’s a catgirl.”
If I still had a heart, it would have stopped. “Wait. It’s a world full of catgirls?”
“Like girls with cat ears and tails?”
Leiana narrowed her eyes. “Yes.”
“Do I have to be a dungeon?” There had to be some stupid catch. This was way too good to be true.
“I do not believe so.”
“Do I have to be a catgirl?”
She opened another document and glanced through the illegible script. “No. Per their stipulations, you would arrive just as you were before you passed. But your attributes and profile would be entirely reset. Matt, I don’t—”
“I’m going there.” I leaped from the chair. My head swirled with pictures of beautiful, petite girls with adorable kitty ears and bells. “Send me there.”
Leiana drummed her fingers along the top of her desk as she stared up at me. “Are you sure?”
“Absolutely.” Catgirls wearing maid outfits, in silk lingerie, in bathing suits. It was like the ultimate dream come true.
She paused. “The difficulties will be immense. We cannot change this decision once you’ve made it.”
“I understand.” What part of “Send me” didn’t she get?
She frowned. “You are certain, then?”
“I’m more than certain.” How many times was she going to ask me? I didn’t care how hard it was or how awful the grind could be. It was a whole damn world of catgirls. I wanted nothing more. “Send me.”
“As you wish.” She stood and signed off on the bottom of the stipulations sheet. “Your necessary tools will be given to you after you arrive. Please check your inventory.”
“Wait? How do I do that?” In a video game, my inventory was accessed by a button. How did someone pick through a physical inventory? Would I get a suitcase or something?
She ignored my question and made a series of hand signals. A warm glow surrounded her fingers, and her final gesture pointed toward me. “For your valor, Matthew Kelmer. Be reborn!”
For the second time that day, the world went dark.
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theprissythumbelina · 5 months
Mortal Sparks
Maius 5th, 4593 AP: Diary of Alyss Enberdale
People are bad at describing things. My aunt fought in the first war, and she told me it was like being an ant on a running track. Sometimes you wander around doing ant things, and sometimes a trampling horde of foreign creatures run atop and leave you untrampled by chance as your fellows are smashed.
I fought in the second war, and it wasn't much like anything. It was like nothing. It was war and war is only like itself. It's surviving, and then at some point, you realize to survive you’ve ended someone’s life and you don’t even feel bad about it. And you feel bad for not feeling bad. And then everyone tells you you’re acting strange, but they’re the ones that took normal people and exploded things in their face and made them kill people whose faces they never see and they tell you you’re acting strange. 
They called it combat fatigue like I drank too much disgusting coffee and didn’t sleep right at 9:30 that night and acted grumpy the next day. I don’t have a better word. I like my aunt's word better. Shell shock. Not professional enough for the military, but it's better for me. 
My CO recommended me for leave after the incident. That’s what they call it in the military, an incident. You can’t describe it. I told my aunt that and she told me you can, if you give it time. They gave me a few months. A few months to see if I was dangerous or useful and when I was neither they threw me away. I can describe how I feel. I feel like gum. Old gum. The war was a mouth that chewed and chewed and chewed until all my flavor leeched away, then it spat me on the sidewalk. I’m on the sidewalk to this day. I’m a spot on the sidewalk.
Chapter One
Here, at the end of summer, roses and wildflowers bloomed one last time before autumn’s cold. Nicolette crouched among them on the side of the road, rooting for the husks of cicadas that had already mated and died. She had figured out long ago that clients didn’t appreciate knowing the true origins of their patience tea, though that didn’t stop housewives and schoolteachers from buying it in cans that they pretended to their husbands were coffee. 
Her apron pockets full, she stood and began to make her way back through town, past the over-decorated municipal hall, through Main Street with faded advertisements for meats, butter, and milk. At 7:40 on a Sunday, the whole town was empty, the entire populace segregated away in one of the two churches. 
Most respectable citizens sat in the Imperial Cesarian Church, a stately building of thick walls and plaster statues. They called the congregation of the newer Alastrian Church ‘rabble’ and ‘uncultured’, while the Alastrians called the Cesarians ‘esoteric’ and ‘unwelcoming’. The Cesarians were quite sure the Alastrians didn’t even know what esoteric meant, but it was a moot point trying to teach those who did not want to learn. 
Nicolette was fairly sure she did know what esoteric meant, and that the Alastrians were using it correctly, but as neither group took any notice of her beyond buying her charms and teas, she kept her thoughts to herself, and simply nodded when members of either church attempted to impart their wisdom in her earshot. No one cared what she had to say anyway. 
The last two story building marked the edge of town proper, with the pavement petering to a stop a few feet further. Still, the chipper, clean one story homes continued. Nicolette, as was her habit, paused here, her toes right at the end of black pavement. Daisy’s home sat clean and peach-colored three houses down. Her father should have returned from his business trip last night, smelling like bus and cigarette smoke. Maybe he hugged her with his briefcase in his hand. Maybe he went right to bed. Maybe Daisy had stayed up for him later than usual, worrying with a cup of tea in her hand. It wouldn’t have been Nicolette’s tea, Daisy always said it made her sleepy. It would have been raspberry, maybe, or chamomile. 
But Nicolette wasn’t welcome there anymore, father or no father, and so she turned to the right and made her way through the alley between the last store building and the first house. This road wasn’t even gravel, but dirt. A small crevasse made by spring rainwater meandered its way from one side of the road to the other, forcing Nicolette to hop across it twice before it escaped into the house’s fenced yard. She walked past the houses on the other side as well, slightly more dilapidated than the first, and through an empty lot of gravel to the backside of her own house. Houses on this row, those that were inhabited, tended toward small and grey-brown. Most didn’t have a large padlock around the low front gate. Nicolette didn’t bother unlocking it, but stepped up over a cinderblock and slid down the other side, holding her skirt taught. The yard grass had turned brown months ago. The only living thing in the yard besides Nicolette herself was half of a heritage rosebush. It had been her mother’s, and Nicolette did her best to keep it alive. 
Her door was locked as well, this one a shiny, new lock. Nicolette lifted the key from around her neck and twisted it into the hole. Her mother had never had to lock the door. People knew better than to come over uninvited. But this lock was to keep the inside from coming out. 
Inside, Nicolette faced the wall, listening to the thump, drag, thump. 
“Hi, Mama.” She said softly. She turned, and faced her mother’s clouded eyes. 
End snippet
This is the first snippet I've posted in a long while, and I would especially appreciate feedback! The chapter heading section is a part of one of the MC's diary, written in first person, and the actual chapter is third person from the other MC's perspective. This is meant to introduce both at the same time, and as the book continues, the reader will get insight into Alyss' past while the plot continues in the main chapter with Nicolette in the present. Thoughts, likes, dislikes and others appreciated!
Tagging for eyes, I don't do this often so please excuse the intrusion! @thetruearchmagos @sam-glade (thank you for your advice by the way) @thewriteflame @autumnalwalker (I'm counting this as a WIP extract) @pheita @chauceryfairytales @dyrewrites @thewriteflame @teacupsandstarlight @theathenverse @sergeantnarwhalwrites @winterandwords @hessdalen-globe @writeblrsupport @jacqueswriteblrlibrary
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