#and s2 of mob!!! very fun so far :) <3
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orifu · 5 months
i should like. make a list of all my controversial opinions. just to ward people off. have a few
assorted stuff:
webp is a very good file format, actually
minecraft's chat reporting is a brilliant system for protecting players (including against hate speech!) that cannot be broken or exploited (otherwise it wouldve been patched by now)
no chat reports is developed by an antisemite and its upsetting seeing so many youtubers adopt it
minecraft's new eula is better than the old one
the minecraft community in general is awful to be around. they are so entitled for their free updates and will just spam in the social media of employees (like. actual people. who have lives outside of the mc code) to have some stupid feature
the minecraft mob votes are cool, actually, and saying "add all 3" is stupid as hell
bedrock isn't filled with ads or filled with game breaking bugs or whatever. ive played both versions and bedrock has improved a lot since i first played it in 2019 and its only getting better
minecraft's new updates are so much better than 10 years ago when yes, they would release several major updates per year, but they also sucked.
mcyt content and its creators:
antvenom and fit are annoying as hell
ijevin cares about crypto/ai so he is annoying by default to me.
ccs like grian and etho should stop using ncr. NOW! they did
dsmp fell off after the pogtopia arc. except for the prison arc, the rest was kinda boring. especially wilburs all big revival only for him to do absolutely nothing for forever. the ending also sucked and it isnt surprising theres no s2
stop trying to make smps. they always fail within 6 months
believing the "dream did X to a minor" allegations are twitterbrained as hell. dont trust some burner account with garbage/no evidence
most people who hate dream will make fun of him for being fat and stuff and its disturbing. i would not side with the "haha fat" crowd. that's garbage behaviour
(sigh) fandom:
huntlow fandom is way too big. really speaks to how fandom will just drop the gays for the straight couple (yes i know theyre technically not straight. i dont care)
"proship" and "antiship" dont mean anything when both sides constantly end up redefining the other. dont ship weird crap like incest or pedo or invalidating sexuality and like. thats fine i dont care.
good representation is a useless pursuit. someone's transmisogynistic caricature is someone else's perfect rep. we dont need perfect gays. they can be just people.
tumblr and other social media:
196 users are so annoying stop reposting art or garbage memes and go back to reddit already.
no, tumblr staff isnt deeply transphobic and keeps flagging trans women's posts and blogs. a couple examples isnt a trend. most blogs/posts get flagged for posting porn without a community label
people on this website care far too much about transmisogyny to the point where transphobia is gatekept to "tma people" only. the bigots care more about the fact that trans people arent "normal" than what's actually in your pants
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shuttershocky · 3 years
Alright if you're still having trouble with the Under Tides EX stages, I've got some tips for you!
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First off, fuck these guys. Reapers are the single biggest threat of this event. The nerve damage they inflict per second around them is insanely fast (too fast for the bell to heal off!) And their defensive stats are huge, with 25k HP, 800 DEF, and a jawdropping 75 RES. The only things on your side are that they need to be woken up with damage first, they're not very heavy, and they damage themselves while they're awake.
For very obvious reasons, dealing with these enemies from long range is preferred. Ash is the standout here, as her S2's flashbang keeps them stunned in place while she bursts them down with her R4C. Nourished Reapers have significantly more HP though, so you will need to back Ash up by keeping the stun going with the likes of W, Texas, or Projekt Red (any ranged stun will do)
Fun fact, Reapers still lose HP while sleeping, making Kafka their biggest counter. Wake them up from range, immediately put them back to sleep with Kafka, keep Kafka blocking them after her skill finishes until she's inevitably stunned from nerve damage, then retreat her. You would have burned off a ton of their health. Sora can put enemies to sleep from range too, but it's a little wonky to try with the level layouts. Great backup plan though!
Since they're relative lightweights (they have a weight of 2), you can simply pull or push Reapers around to keep them from getting in range of your operators while buying time for their self-damage to kill them. Just be sure your shifting force is set to Moderate or better!
Special shoutout goes to Robin, whose traps can bind or push Reapers around and force them to waste a lot of precious time. Using Robin to deal with them can be a little micromanagement intensive, but seriously use Robin if you have her raised she makes life hell for them.
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Crawlers are the second biggest threat of this event. They don't attack by themselves, but the AOE arts damage and nerve damage they put out from losing HP can destroy entire groups of operators if you deal too much burst damage too quickly. They do however, stop pumping out Arts and Nerve damage when they reach very low health (roughly around 15% HP left? Im eyeballing this), in which case they can be disposed of safely.
If you want to burst these guys, do it from a 3 tile or longer range. Snipers like Exusiai and Ash do the trick, but a special shoutout goes to the dualstrike guard Tachanka. At E2, Tachanka's attack range is just far enough that he can hit them while being one tile out of range of their AOE damage, while his S2 is strong enough to nuke a Crawler to death from nearly full health (and fast enough to kill them before they cross said tile). Other ranged guards like Thorns, Lappland, and Silverash can't burst their HP fast enough before the Crawlers get in range, so have Gravel ready to block them.
While she can't block the damage and stun from taking too much Nerve damage, Nightingale can block the AOE arts damage they emit. Use her if you got her, she's a lifesaver.
Let's not beat around the bush. You WILL take too much Nerve damage and get stunned. It's just going to happen. Halving the stun time with status resistance will go a long way towards making life easier for you when up against multiple crawlers. I recommend Whisperain, due to hee long range and S2's increased attack speed.
Crawlers by themselves are easy, Crawlers backed up by a swarm of other enemies inflicting Nerve damage and attempting to rush your defenses become extremely dangerous. I really recommend using fast redeploys to try to stall Crawlers and seperate them from the other mobs so you can deal with them later.
Untargetable operators won't eat the AOE arts damage. I have no idea if this means Firewatch, April, and Heavyrain's camoflauge gives you free reign to beat these guys up (someone test that for me?) But I HAVE tested it with Ch'en and Ch'en S3 can go apeshit on Crawlers without taking any damage. This also means Guard Amiya S2 can do it too (though Amiya can only do it once).
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The First to Talk is also the Least To Worry About among the three major enemy types in Under Tides. Once you realize they're just a very high HP mook with poor defensive stats and an annoying stun attack, you can bait him hard with Gravel and beat his face in through any method of your choice.
TFTT is unable to be silenced, probably because they're the first seaborn to learn human speech and shushing them would be rude. Stuns and sleep work just fine on them though, so if you're planning in CCing TFFT, you know who to pick.
TFTT 's biggest danger is stunning your frontline with their ability while becoming invincible to all attacks and status effects, letting other mooks bypass your defenses. With a low cooldown of only 10 seconds, they will spam this rather often. The solution is to simply drop Gravel on this fucker. They can't resist wasting their stun on Gravel, leaving your other operators free to clean up the trash mobs and wait for TFFT to finish channeling before beating them up.
TFFT has only 20 RES, meaning any Arts damage that happens to whiff in their direction will have them screaming witchcraft. If you really just don't want to deal with this guy, nuke 'em.
And now tips for the stages
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Fuck this stage. Fuck this so hard. This was the second hardest time I had in the event.
Leave two regenerating Operators to block the portals on the left and right side. It'll alleviate the pressure your midlane faces and slow down the inevitable multi-Crawler assault that happens at the end of the stage, while being far enough from affecting your ranged Operators. I really liked using Vulcan here with her S1. She doesnt do enough damage to nuke the Crawler and die, but her very high ATK means she can take out the mooks that come into the lane in a respectable amount of time.
Ranged guards. Ranged damage. Shooting wins in this stage. Use Tachanka (you got him for free!) Use Thorns or Lappland or Silverash or mines/traps, just do what it takes to whittle Crawlers down before they murder your entire frontline.
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Remember how I said Reapers are relative lightweights? Use a puller with Moderately strong pull strength aimed directly over the red gate where the Reapers spawn from. You'll spawncamp them and have a good time.
To meme on TFFT, place Weedy with S3 equipped on the bottom right corner of the stage facing left, towards the hole. When TFFT spawns, place Weedy's cannon directly in front of her, also facing left towards the hole. Hose TFFT down, not even their 4 weight levels can save them from the double push Weedy has.
The left gate becomes a nightmare as an ungodly swarm of creatures and at least one Reaper spawns to attempt to overwhelm your defenses. You have many options here, but my advice is to block as few enemies as possible, as getting stunned just once will lose the whole map. Use Ethan and Manticore to chomp through the waves without taking Nerve damage, AOE casters with CC at the bottom left to try to crowd control the very big crowd (Dusk and Mostima preferrable, but Skyfire works too if the enemies are significantly slowed) or supporters like Suzuran or Earthspirit with AOE slows. Saria's S3 works too!
The one Reaper that spawns in the left is your biggest challenge, but if you use my Kafka / sleep tip you can deal with him easy. If you dont have access to sleep, bring out the big DPS.
See that little spot in the left between the top lane and middle lane? Perfect place to put a ranged guard. Thorns is perfect as always, but don't underestimate how easy Silverash can deal with the horde + Reaper with a properly timed schwing schwing
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Fuck. Just. Just fuck.
Drop a fast redeploy in the middle to deal with the robot if you want to get the medal, since you can't ring the bell more than once.
You can still get the medal by activating the bell once and then never turning it off. Immediately take control of the right side of the map and make use of the bell before you kill the robot.
Tachanka left side facing up in that long corridor to nuke opponents coming down you will thank me later.
Right side is... Oof. Get your strongest sniper and face left, overlooking the spot enemies will walk out of. Have a medic covering them. Have a ranged guard facing the same way. You will need to kill the Crawlers before they get in range. Good luck.
If two Reapers reach you at the same time, you will take so much Nerve damage you'll die before you can react. Either wake them up one at a time, or wake up two at a time and throw ALL the CC at them. DO NOT WAKE UP ALL 4 AT ONCE THINKING YOU CAN USE SURTR TO SPAWNCAMP.
Robin is amazing in this stage.
TFFT will attack the left side. Unfortunately for them, you parked a big gun there. A big gun that outranges their stun ability.
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Kill the robot as it leaves the gate, don't let it reach the bell if you want your medal.
This stage is Crawler heaven. No point on the map is safe from them. Instead, you will need to distribute your own damage output so you survive the Arts and not get blown up immediately. Since you're not using the bell, you WILL get stunned, so have those fast redeploys and status resistance ready.
TFFT is at their most dangerous on this stage since they take portal and attack so close to your gate, while also spawning three speedy sea critters to try to run into your gate while your defensive line is stunned. Additionally, Crawlers spawn from the same gate and take the same portal, discouraging you from using powerful DPS options there. Do not play this sick game. Use nuker operators like Ch'en, but do not activate their skills on the Crawlers. Wait for TFFT to spawn, bait their stun with Gravel, and then destroy them ASAP.
The challenge version lets you use the bell, opening a few options.
I really really like Vulcan on the challenge version of this stage defending the top lane with S1. She's the rarest operator in the game along with Indra so I don't recommend this as a real tip, but if you want a way to stall Crawlers she's actually pretty decent.
Just be grateful it's not EX-6.
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katyatalks · 4 years
MP100 “Characters & Such Official Guidebook” - Interviews ENG Translation
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The Characters & Such Official Guidebook was released mid-April 2019 as a guide for all things related to MP100 season 1 & 2. The guidebook also includes interviews with the voice actors of the main five characters (Mob, Reigen, Dimple, Ritsu, Teru), followed by interviews with Director Tachikawa, Series Coordinator Seko, Character Designer Kameda & finally with ONE himself.
Contains a bunch of interesting trivia and conversations (eg. Tachikawa and Kameda looked at fan art before they began the anime, an alternative past for Reigen was once considered, plenty of references to S3 & broccoli arc.) This is a pretty long read, so please enjoy!
Original thread on Twitter here. TN = Translator’s Note "Bold denotes a direct quote of a question,” & “italics denotes a direct quote of an answer.” I’m a little bit inconsistent with where I decide to give full question and answers rather than summaries here...
On being asked how he approached voicing Mob during the audition, he says that he went for something flat as Mob doesn’t really inspire “main character” vibes in him.
He takes it as a compliment when he is told that he’s like Mob as a person.
Initially he didn’t think too much of himself in the role as Mob but after being told by co-stars just how well his voice and performance suit the character, he began to believe it too.
On being asked what’s so charming about Mob, Itou says his honesty, and that he doesn’t take a negative viewpoint. Brings up that when Mob is against a foe, rather than “are you my enemy?” he’ll ask “what are you doing here?”.
Itou’s favourite character is Teru, as he thinks the way Teru behaves with his powers originally is the most realistic in terms of standard human nature.
He says the same thing applies to Shou & Touichirou.
The fact that Mob is different is his strength; the fact that he doesn’t think of his powers as anything special. He gives credit to Reigen for Mob thinking this way about his powers.
“At first, Mob-kun suffered because of his powers. But then he meets shishou, who tells him that his powers are just one part of him - this is linked to why Mob-kun is so charming now.”
Mob considers “you shouldn’t use your powers against people” a given fact.
Itou originally found it difficult to know how far he should go adding emotion to Mob’s voice.
Since MP100 is the first show Itou has been a regular & leading part for, he wanted to be the first person in the recording booth for episode 1, and as a result ended up arriving 45 minutes early.
Asked about his favourite scenes from S1 & S2, he mentions the scene that’s stayed with him is when Mob first appears in S1E1.
Has a few scenes he mentions as favourites; he loves the whole Teru vs Mob fight, but especially when Teru is shouting while using his powers as he recalls the passion Matsuoka [Teru] had when recording it.
He mentions when Mob saves Ritsu in S1E8, also mentions that’s something they covered in the stage play, and that it makes him emotional thinking about it.
Says he loves the scene when Mob shouts “Shishou!” as Reigen is ‘killed’ by Sakurai in S1E11.
Mentions S2E1 as well. “Mob-kun doesn’t express his emotions much, but he does then. Showing his powers to another while crying. I remember being glad when I first read the script for episode 1 as it’s a scene I wanted to do. I think of it as the moment Mob-kun starts to change.”
When asked about the stage play, says he thinks the Mob he portrays in the stage play is slightly different to the one he portrays in the anime.
Asks the fans to please continue to watch over MP100 and Mob’s growth, and it would be good if we could all continue to support MP100 as much as we can, from a stage play angle as well.
Sakurai says if he were to have powers he’d probably use them to commit wrongdoings with.
Asked on his impressions of Reigen, says he sees Reigen as an “unbalanced person”, but thought he was mysterious in season 1.
Thought of Reigen as a fraud and not a good person in S1, but with S2 we see his uchizura (private, more ‘real’ self) and real emotions, so his feelings re: Reigen changed from S1 to S2. “It was hard to know who he was, back in season 1.”
“So you felt pretty strongly that he was simply a fraud?” Sakurai; “Well, he lies to people, but at the same time he does actually put some work in (laughs). Clients go home feeling refreshed, so he definitely gives a good massage.”
Calls Reigen eloquent, and that the things that he says are sound. Calls him a good speaker. Brings up his speech to the “claw guys” (likely referencing S1E12). “He can be irresponsible, but he’s got a mysterious intelligence.”
Says that from the middle to the end of S2 there would be as many as 20-30 people in the studio.
Asked about his favourite episodes S1+S2 inclusive, says S2E1 and that the transition from the end of S1 to S2 is smooth with it. “A really fantastic episode”, “you can also see signs of Mob’s growth.”
“On that note, when Reigen hears that Mob got a girlfriend...” Sakurai; “It’s a shock (laughs). His mind goes blank. ‘There’s no way Mob managed to get a girlfriend,’ is what’s running through his mind. He doesn’t celebrate it. Actually, it’s an upsetting thing for him - since Mob would be all over her, Reigen’s business would end up in trouble (laughs).”
Sakurai describes the “Shishou and Deshi” relationship that Mob & Reigen originally have as something that’s quite fabricated and disregards a lot of truths.
“Reigen was an adult floating in limbo for some time, and starts a business in a calculating move. And it starts going well once he meets Mob in their chance encounter.”
“The nickname ‘Mob’ signifies him as a boy without a presence, and yet it’s from that point that Mob starts to grow, and something like a desire for recognition sprouts within him.” [TN: This appears to be implying that Reigen began the ‘Mob’ nickname.]
Sakurai considers Reigen arc 1) a story in which Mob's popularity skyrockets 2) a story in which we see a more raw side of Reigen and start to like him more.
On being asked if there’s any part of Reigen that he sees in himself, starts off with saying that he tends to give out advice to those younger than him (he’s in his 40s and implies he can’t compare himself to someone who’s young in their 20s). Then after knowing what’s running through Reigen’s head in S2; “I suppose we do overlap in one way or another.”
Sakurai says he was very much one of the “mob” (a nobody) in his 10s.
Finally, asked to give a message to fans; “I’d like to do a Season 3, so please continue to love Mob Psycho 100.”
Asked about his thoughts on MP100, Ootsuka says that the art style of the manga caught his eye - he thought it was fun that the anime doesn’t lose the style of the manga while making it more stylish.
Finds in modern manga, the trend is an ordinary kid will get powers by some chance & the adventure starts from there, but found it interesting that in MP100 Mob has had powers since he was tiny & the adventure begins after he comes crying to Reigen with “I don’t know what to do”.
Also enjoys how Mob isn’t exactly the “main character” type. Thinks that it’s a breath of fresh air in the shounen manga genre.
On being asked about Dimple’s charm, Ootsuka; “He’s bad, but you can’t hate him.”
Says that Dimple is ugly but that’s fun, since most of the time mascot characters are cute.
When asked what was running through his mind when preparing for the role of Dimple, he says “dishonesty, slyness.” Acting as if he’s smarter than people but he actually isn’t.
“Speaking of dishonest/sly adults, I feel Reigen is a different type.” Ootsuka; “I’d say Reigen is more dishonest/sly than Dimple... nah, actually they’re about the same. (Laughs)”
When asked if there was anything he finds difficult about playing Dimple, he says that with other acting jobs he finds it hard to play a character where he can’t connect, but “there’s a similar kind of guy to Dimple that lives inside me. So I just go, ‘oi, come out’ (laughs)”.
Says he thinks we all have a bit of Dimple in us.
Ootsuka is also the narrator in MP100. Said that originally he felt there was a difference in the way he played Dimple & the narrator, but that difference kind of became smaller.
He was told to no longer put on a voice that sounds similar to the person Dimple is possessing for season 2, which disappointed him as he wanted to put on a Mob-like voice for when Dimple possesses Mob in S2E4.
Discussion of how director didn’t like Hoshino’s [Serizawa] original takes as they were too silly. [TN: this is mentioned again by Inoue [Suzuki] and Hoshino [Serizawa] in this interview.]
He recalls bursting into laughter over Iwasaki Hiroshi’s performance as Ishiguro in S1E12.
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“Reigen becomes able to see Dimple as well in the last bit of Season 1, so he gains another conversation partner.” Ootsuka; “Reigen and Dimple, they both view the other as unnecessary (laughs). So the back-and-forth they have with that in mind is pretty fun.”
Asked about his favourite scenes or episodes, he says the end of S1E3. Dimple’s “Great morning, isn’t it, partner?” line really stuck with him.
Compares Dimple to a dog by Mob’s side.
“Dimple has the kind of face that you just might want to slap (laughs).” Ootsuka; “Well, that’s why I was careful to not give him a too audacious manner of speaking.” Says the interesting thing about his line of work is really having to think about how to say lines.
Also voiced Dimple for the live action adaptation [TN: AKA Netflix ver]. Says it was fun but found it a massive shame that he wasn’t able to bounce lines off of anyone.
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“I really didn’t do much in middle school. I was just a chuunibyou (laughs).”
When asked to give a message to MP100 fans, “You guys wanna see more, right? There’s still more to adapt, isn’t there ;) (laughs). So, we can make a sequel to S2 a reality if everyone works together. A ‘if you speak up, then your dreams might come true!’ vibe (laughs).”
He makes a sneaky reference to Broccoli Arc and wanting to see it animated.
On being asked his initial thoughts on MP100, Irino states he originally thought it was a lighthearted jokey manga based on the art style and the way the story was introduced, so he was surprised as the story progressed.
States that Ritsu is a relatable character with the issues that he faces (eg wanting something that’s out of reach so hiding your want).
Asked about anything that was difficult to perform as Ritsu, he states his two-sided nature; his general honour-student self and the other side of him.
Says that when Ritsu enters into his darker side, rather than playing some kind of bad guy Ritsu is simply more frank with how he expresses himself. “He lets the emotions in his heart be heard one by one.”
Irino is asked if he personally admires Mob, to which he replies that he’s jealous of the fact that Mob is so unbeatable.
He says Ritsu must also have the experience of looking at Mob and thinking something like, “Compared to him, I’m just...”
States he himself, Ritsu, and just about anyone has likely yearned to become something overwhelming, but we don’t believe in our ability to achieve that.
Following this, interviewer comments that Mob carries feelings of unease in his heart even though he’s so unbeatable. Irino comments that something fun for him with MP100 is that Mob doesn’t really realise how unbeatable he is.
Something that Ritsu admires about his brother is that he doesn’t show off the fact that he’s unbeatable.
“Even with powers, there’s plenty of things you can’t do.” Irino; “Such as not being able to confess to the girl you like (laughs).”
“Seems like even if he abused his powers he’d still be able to turn heads.” Irino; “Because he’s charming - that’s something good about him. That’s why everyone loves him, and why he gives off main-character-of-a-shounen-manga vibes.”
Asked about his favourite scenes/episodes from seasons 1 & 2, Irino says around when Ritsu's powers are awakened in season 1. He found it interesting to watch how his heart becomes disturbed.
"He finally obtained the thing he'd been longing for, but everything around him that was once so calm gets thrown into disarray."
He also liked it when Ritsu stands atop the telephone pole in S1E7.
Speaking in terms of Power Rangers & character colour association, ever since he was a kid Irino has admired characters that are more blue or black rather than red.
Interviewer comments that Ritsu holds the ‘blue’ role in MP100.
After Mob & Ritsu reconcile, Irino states that he feels Ritsu has come to understand his brother more.
“How should I put it; Ritsu is overprotective, or there’s a side to him that’s too fussy over his big brother...” Irino; “but that kind of brotherly love is pleasant to see.”
“In Season 2, Ritsu and Shou go through a joint struggle.” Irino; “Shou’s father has tremendous powers, and he has one fear with that; he doesn’t know when his father will go on a rampage. Their circumstances are similar, in that sense.”
“Truth is, in parts MP100 is quite like your typical shounen manga.” Irino replies that there’s a bunch of great lines in the manga, and importance hidden within casual words.
Following this response he’s asked if there’s certain line(s) from MP100 that have stuck with him, to which Irino replies quite a few of Reigen’s. “During the last part of season 1 when he marches into Claw’s hideout, you get to hear a lot of his thoughts. It’s hard to tell if he’s being truthful with the things he says or if he’s lying, and on top of that he says quite a few important things. That unbalance is interesting.”
“The broadcast of season 2 has already come to an end...” Irino replies that he’d like the MP100 anime to continue and adapt the manga to the very end.
“I’m sure all the fans feel the same way.” Irino; “Everyone worked together as one to create the MP100 anime. For it to continue, we need your support; so please continue to give that to us.”
Asked his initial thoughts on MP100, Matsuoka says it was that it’s a piece that you can easily empathise with; regardless of if you’re in primary school, middle school, high school, an adult, an old man or woman...
Matsuoka thinks of the anime as something you watch and go, “I’ll try my best tomorrow, too.”
Matsuoka voices both Teru and Tokugawa in MP100. He was first offered the voice of Teru, and then it was decided he’d also voice Tokugawa.
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It’s brought up that Tokugawa appears earlier in the show than Teru. “They’re two very different people, so in that sense performing both roles was easy. If they’d been similar characters I think there would be some confusion.”
Regarding Tokugawa, Matsuoka describes him as being quite firmly in the “student council” role with how strict and resolute his character is, in a way that Matsuoka himself very much isn’t.
Describes him as a cool-headed person, but given the way he interacts with Kamuro and is able to persuade him, says he has a hot-headed element to him as well. Matsuoka uses this as an example of how MP100 shows us the multifacetedness of human nature.
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Regarding his other character, Teru; describes him as the personification of ‘chuunibyou’. “I think of him as the embodiment of the answer to the question, ‘if you had powers, what would you do?’”
One line he still remembers from S1 is Teru’s “Muscle training? Studying? That’s for ordinary people!” Matsuoka says that there’s a part of him that agreed with that line, and he says that if he were to get powers he’d likely be as conceited as Teru was.
States that Mob’s “From my perspective you’re just ordinary” line also stuck with him.
“From S1E5?” Matsuoka; “Yes - and then Teru replies, 'shut up!', and strangles Mob.” He says that he was really able to project his own emotions during this part and mix them with Teru’s own.
“People can’t change so easily” - Matsuoka says the things that Teru was saying to Mob, he was also saying to himself, like looking in a mirror. Uses this as an example of Teru’s own multifaceted nature.
Matsuoka says that the original Teru we see (who the interviewer describes as having a "poisonous nature" & putting on airs) is simply playing the role of what he considers to be an 'ideal' person, but then that comes away and we're left with the real Teru.
Interviewer makes a joke that Teru gets his personality trimmed along with his hair.
Is asked about Mob & Teru's rivalry, and says "No way, no way - there's no way they're /actually/ rivals." Says the power difference between Mob and Teru is way too big for that to actually be the case - "compared to Mob, Teru is ordinary."
Calls MP100 a work from which you realise "Everyone is a hero, and everyone is ordinary".
Asked on his opinion on MP100 season 2; says that there's more moments that get to you emotionally than season 1. Brings up S2E8 as an example (when Mob's house burns). "Say if that was actually Mob's family who burned in there... I think he'd destroy the world."
Asked about his favourite scenes from season 1 & 2, he says (as previously mentioned) the part where Mob says “From my perspective you’re just ordinary”. He also likes when Teru says to Onigawara, "it must be sad to be ordinary."
He likes the whole of S1E4, and calls Dimple a "famous-saying-production-machine".
Continuing on the topic of Dimple, interviewer says that Dimple is an ally, but teeters between good and evil. Matsuoka; “Setting aside his actions for a moment - the things that he says are essentially evil (laughs). He tries to tempt Mob and the other characters.”
He is asked if he has anything to say to fans of MP100. Matsuoka; “Season 2 is over, and now you’re holding this Character Guidebook in your hands. The fact that we’ve reached this point is thanks to the support of you all, the fans.” [...] “Season 2 brings an end to the grand fight between Shou and his father, but as those of you who’ve read the manga know, Mob Psycho 100 doesn’t end there. The giant broccoli is yet to come (laughs). I personally would like to do the whole of Broccoli Arc. As for when we can do that, I don’t know - I don’t even know if it’ll be possible to do it - but I’d like to believe that we’ll do it. I think that if you all believe in it too, then it’ll become reality.”
On being asked why he decided to work on MP100, Tachikawa; “Naturally, it was because of how charming the characters are.” There’s a lot of main characters who hold immense power, but Mob doesn’t want those powers, which is rare - this is why he finds Mob charming.
He compares and contrasts to Reigen - “[He] has no powers, but puts on a bold front and deceives people… well, that’s a misleading way to put it (laughs).” He thinks Mob and Reigen’s combo is amusing as a result.
He’s asked about MP100s character design, to which he describes Kameda drawing up a whole bunch of ideas. There’d be designs that were similar to ONE’s, and designs that made Mob a bit more handsome, “since at the time, if you looked at Mob Psycho 100 fan art on the internet, there were plenty of depictions of Mob being all sparkly and good-looking.”
“But looking at that, Kameda-kun and I decided we both wanted to go for something more akin to ONE-san’s art. When we showed ONE-san the rough sketches of the more handsome designs, he said ‘they’re attractive - I'm good with that’, but Kameda-kun and I replied ‘no, no - ONE-san, your art leaves more of an impression than this, so let’s go for something more like what you draw.’”
Tachikawa wanted to include the more ‘catchy’ kinds of stories in the anime. He brings up that Mob and Reigen dressing in women’s clothing and infiltrating the school happens in Volume 7 of the manga, but they decided to bring that to S1E2.
Asked about convos that happened with ONE regarding scenarios in the anime - Tachikawa mentions how in S1E11, there’s a segment where a younger Mob and Ritsu are lost in a forest. “I expressed to ONE-san that I’d like to witness why Mob respects Ritsu, to which he gave this idea.”
“In the manga, what Reigen did before he began S&S isn’t shown to us, but we get an implication of his past based on a line he says to do with businesses. I said the following to ONE-san; ‘An insurance salesman, or water marketing?’, to which ONE-san replied ‘water marketing.’”
Also mentions that Tsubomi coming to S&S in S2E8 wasn't something they adapted from the manga, but something ONE specifically created for the anime because Tachikawa expressed he wanted to see that kind of scenario, and then ONE added it as an omake to the manga. [TN: This is mentioned again here.]
He thinks he would have had the choice to handle both the screenplay and the series coordination but decided to ask Seko to handle Series Co-ordination instead.
He is in charge of the screenplay for S2E6-7 (Reigen arc). It was decided that Tachikawa would be in charge of storyboards for S2E7 before it was decided he’d handle the screenplay.
“Do you feel you have an emotional attachment to Reigen?” Tachikawa; “Yes, I do (laughs).” Calls him a character surrounded by mystery back in S1, and other than his courage and the occasional line that would resonate with Mob there’s a lot about him that’s unclear. “But with S2E6-7, we step into his uchizura (more private, “real” self). It’s interesting to see who a character appears to be on the outside, and their uchizura.”
Tachikawa finds stories in which someone falls to their lowest point and then recovers charming - thus, Tachikawa was charmed by S2E6-7 which depict Reigen’s fall and his subsequent recovery. Says that Ritsu and Teru also go through something similar (fall and recovery).
He loves when you can feel the humanity of characters. Says that when you show character development the charm of that character increases, and so does the popularity of the whole work. “I suppose it’s not just me who likes that, it’s all the fans, too”.
Makes a point of mentioning that all the characters have reached a turning point by the end of season 2, apart from Dimple.
Asked on his opinion of Mob, he says he relates to him and he was the type of kid in school to be in a position removed from everyone else. “He’s a character I really like, though I’m told by others that I’m ‘Reigen-ish’ (laughs).”
“I think there’s a few ways you could take ‘Reigen-ish’...” Tachikawa; “To put it another way, ‘shady’. Kameda-kun made that clear to me (laughs). As if I’m feigning friendliness.”
Tachikawa handled the rough layout of the illustration cover (Kameda finalised it). “It’s something I could imagine happening that wasn’t shown to us during S2E8. I thought to myself, it would be nice to show Dimple, Reigen and Ritsu working together for Mob’s sake. A theme of season 1 and 2 is Mob’s growth, so I thought the marathon episode would fit as a cover for this guidebook. As a result of his growth, he’s got people gathered around him…”
“I think Reigen would’ve run with them on the first day they trained together, but then he’d start using the bike instead. Since his muscles hurt (laughs).”
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Asked to give a message to fans, he says that all the support from fans gave them a lot of energy throughout the production of seasons 1 & 2. Tells the fans to enjoy the OVA.
SEKO HIROSHI [Series Co-ordinator]
Asked on his thoughts of the MP100 manga, Seko; “it’s a work in which the characters are all charming. This is a misleading way to phrase it, but they’re a hopeless bunch; yet, the way ONE-san deals with them is very warm.”
“They’re not just characters, they’re much like us - nothing but human.”
Asked about how he wanted to deal with coordinating the series; “At the time of season 1 discussions, the most recent volume was around 9. I’d read up to that point and thought that if the anime is covering 12 episodes, then we should reach up to the fight with Claw’s seventh division in volume 6. My thought process from there was, ‘in what way can we make it so season 1 ends there?’, and with that I began.”
Asked if there was anything he fussed over, “making sure to not tar what makes the manga so charming. For example, when Mob reaches 100% for the first time in S1E3, that’s a highlight of the story, and I wanted to keep it that way.”
Reason for the movement of the high school infiltration from Vol 7 of the manga to S1E2 was to help build up to Mob’s 100% in S1E3.
The “student council” part of the manga spans S1E6-7 of the anime. The decision to condense it was due to the anime having only 12 episodes.
Reigen & Mob’s initial meeting being portrayed in S1 is brought up; “In a screenplay meeting with Tachikawa-san, we discussed depicting their initial meeting from Mob’s point of view, whereas in the manga it’s from Reigen’s. It comes up a little later in the manga but we thought it would be good to show their meeting in S1. And, if we ever got the chance to make a S2, we’d have the scene again much like it appears in the manga from Reigen’s perspective. So they wouldn’t be entirely the same scene.”
To being asked if there were any requests from ONE regarding the screenplay of the anime, Seko; “We had a discussion in which he said that while the final part of S1 has a serious atmosphere due to the fight, he didn’t want it to end that way. For that reason I proposed that we could end S1 with the tsuchinoko segment. I think ONE-san is uncomfortable when there’s nothing but seriousness.”
Seko says he had a feeling that they’d get a season 2. Much like season 1, he finished off season 2 in such that way as to give off the impression that there’s more to come.
“Did you struggle figuring out how to start S2E1?” Seko; “Regarding that, I’d already decided that if we were to make a S2 we’d start it off with Wriggle Wriggle.”
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A deliberate choice was made to start off S2, and finish S2, with the broccoli (Mob receives the broccoli seeds at the start; broccoli becomes the giant broccoli at the end).
The interviewer describes an important part of S2 as being “hold your emotions dear to you”.
Seko; “Wriggle Wriggle is a pretty silly story, so I thought having a pleasant story after that would keep the balance. I think that balance between silly and serious is representative of what Mob Psycho 100 is.”
“Season 2 has one more episode than season 1, making it a total of 13 episodes. Could you tell us why?” Seko; “The original plan was 12 episodes. Had we kept to that, the scene in which Mob’s house burns would come at the end of part A of episode 8. But Warner Bros. producer Matsuda-san said, ‘I’d like that to come at the end of the episode.’ However, doing that would mean we’d have to give the battle with Claw that follows that a squeeze... so Matsuda-san said, ‘let’s go for 13 episodes then.’” [TN: This is mentioned again here.]
“Are there any scenes from S1 & S2 that you feel an emotional attachment to?” Seko says when Reigen is invincible in S1E12. “The scene in which he scolds the 7th division embodies what Mob Psycho 100 is all about.”
Says that in typical shounen manga the situation would be resolved with a fight but MP100 isn’t like that. “The things that Reigen says are completely justified, realistically. The things an evil organisation does are a crime; the clothes that they wear are weird... (Laughs)”
“Speaking of Reigen, a phrase of his that leaves an impression in S1E11 is, ‘When things get tough, it’s okay to run away!’” Seko; “In conventional shounen manga, there’s the belief that the protagonist shouldn’t run away, but with ‘it’s okay’, ONE-san’s personality shines through. Reigen is truly an intelligent person. The things he does are questionable, yet he has common sense that comes out at strange times.”
“You can’t sum up his character in a single word.” Seko; “I think he’s a respectable person, but he also cons people (laughs).” He enjoys the back and forth Reigen has with clients, and his stinginess and the way he edits ghost photos. “He’s both eloquent and skilled, which is unbearable (laughs). Despite that, he doesn’t rip people off with what he charges. You get the idea that he’s got some sense of ethics, which is calming.”
“He’s simply a difficult character to understand.” Seko; “Honestly, at first I couldn’t understand him at all. It was difficult to think of things that he might say when creating scenes that weren’t in the original manga. But when it became clear to me that he has morals, it all fell into place. I’ve forgotten when exactly this happened - it was at some point near the start or middle of season 1 - but I came to understand the kind of person Reigen is.”
Speaking about Mob, “He’s introverted, quiet and bad at socialising, but he has this immense power inside him... when you hear that, some other works will probably spring to mind, but when you read MP100 you realise this is different. Mob is Mob[.]”
“It’s interesting to see a character as powerful as he is work very hard at training his muscles.” Seko; “And his incentive for that is that he wants to be popular (laughs).”
Seko was in charge of the next episode previews (which Reigen would announce in a meta-ish way). He says that he ran out of ideas of what to end them with by season 2 so they start repeating a little.
Asked to give a message to fans, he says thank you for watching S2 and look forward to the OVA.
KAMEDA YOSHIMICHI [Character Designer]
Asked his thoughts on the MP100 manga, Kameda says he didn’t have much of a clue what direction the story would take upon finishing the second volume. “After Claw gets introduced the story takes on an action-like atmosphere so I thought it would carry on that way, but then the story starts digging deep into uchizuras. I was surprised at that. That’s a true-to-life middle school boy being depicted.”
Kameda says that he took on working on the MP100 anime after reaching the part of mob psycho that explores uchizuras. “The way I felt was, ‘I want us to make a season 2, so we can definitely animate this part. I’m doing season 1 for this purpose.’ (Laughs)”
“What were your first thoughts with the character design?” Kameda; “In the manga there aren’t really any illustrations that are coloured. Even the front covers of the volumes aren’t too expressive with how they use colour. The way lines are drawn is dependent on colour, so the first decision to be made was on that subject, while checking my choices with ONE-san. In the manga, Reigen’s tie is black. But in the anime Mob is painted all black, so I thought it’d be a bit too heavy to leave his tie that way. Reigen was the only one with a coloured illustration in which his hair is painted yellow, so based on that I tried creating a whole bunch of tie patterns - purple, green, blue, pink, etc. ONE-san wanted to go for a blue tie, but I thought that was too salary man-ish, and didn’t give off fraud vibes. The final decision was made based on a colour necktie that the average person wouldn’t buy - it would be pink, wouldn’t it.”
Asked if there was anything difficult after colours, he describes having difficulty trying to figure out how to convert ONE’s style to the screen. “It would’ve been interesting to leave his art as it was for the anime, but it seemed like it would’ve been very difficult to do so.”
Describes ONE’s talent as being the way he applies shadow, calling it very real.
Interviewer follows on this by asking anything else that marks ONE’s art as ONE’s, to which Kameda replies the shape of ears, and describes his struggle trying to replicate the way ONE draws them.
Kameda would correct the ears drawn by the other animators to try and match ONE’s style. Leading on from this the interviewer mentions hearing that Kameda would touch up any cuts that caught his eye. Kameda; “Around 10 cuts an episode.”
Calls Mezato a favourite character of his, to the extent that he volunteered to do the part that she appears in S2E13 (and did so).
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Says that S1E5 was the only episode in S1 he didn’t touch, which Fujisawa Kenichi was animation director of. “The character design in that episode is a little different but I thought that episode would be better off with Fujisawa-san’s style.”
Kameda proposed the scene that happens at the start of S1S1 (Mob fighting the “evil apparitions”) by saying he wanted a depiction of a middle school boy fighting with his powers as our start, but he actually proposed it in anticipation of the kind of action we’d see in S2E5. [TN: I think it’s been a rumour for a while that the start scene is from Mogami arc and this sorta confirms that the line of thought there is correct]
The first episode in S2 that they started drawing production work for was S2E5.
When Kameda watched S2E5 what he was most surprised by was Part A of the episode (ie. Mob’s day to day life), rather than the action scenes. “The layout is good, as are the use of bugs as an expression device[.]”
Kameda speaks of S2E7 as a part of Mob Psycho 100 so important to him that if it didn’t exist he wouldn’t have chosen to work on MP100.
He fussed over the press conference and Reigen’s expression(s) when he talks to Mob by the river at the end of the episode.
Interviewer mentions that we don’t see Reigen’s face in the manga when Mob calls him a good person, so seeing it in the anime leaves an impression. Kameda; “we struggled with that cut, but we struggled with Reigen’s expression when he’s walking alongside the river more so. Originally his expression was hidden as he approached, but when the camera pulled in close you could see his face.”
We end up seeing his face the whole way through. Kameda calls Aoyama Hiroyuki (who animated the whole end segment) a “super(hero) animator”.
Kameda makes an edit to Reigen’s expression upon being told by Mob that he’s a good person, with respect to the expression Reigen pulls in the final volume, “when [he] lays bare his real emotions to Mob.” [TN: This appears to be implying Reigen was originally drawn with tears in his eyes that were removed to make sure that the scene in which Reigen finally cries maintains its impact.]
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“The performance by Reigen’s VA, Sakurai-san, was amazing... and I loved Mob’s ‘By the way, Shishou. Happy birthday.’ Itou-kun’s way of speaking is so gentle... I can’t quite express the feeling properly, but hearing him say those words, I was brought close to tears.”
Kameda is asked if there’s anything that proved a lot of work, to which he says, “Hmm... there’s a lot of characters in MP100, aren’t there. (Laughs)”.
Describes that he designed ~90 characters for S1. “I thought I’d get to relax a little for S2, but in the end I ended up having to design around 90 more. (Laughs)”
“Some of the main character designs that were established in S1 changed a little for S2, didn’t they.” Kameda; “Ritsu changed a little with S2. In S1 he had a bit of antagonism toward Mob, so I had the hair that frames his face be a little longer to try and hide those emotions.”
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“A character’s state of mind is something that can be expressed through their hair.” Says that Ritsu’s hair gets a refresh in the final part of S1 when he’s talking to Kamuro in the park, to represent that the “demon plaguing him is gone”.
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He’s asked if there are any characters in the huge cast of MP100 that are memorable for him. He mentions Tarou and Hanako as two characters that were fun to draw as they set the trend for the other “guest characters” in the show.
Also says he likes Mitsuura as a character with high energy who was fun to pose, though he’s unpopular with the animators due to the patterns on his clothes being a pain.
“I’ve mentioned this here and there before, but I really love Shinra Banshoumaru. The reason why I was the animation director for S2E2 is because it’s his entry episode (laughs).”
“Why did you want to draw Shinra Banshoumaru so much?” Kameda; “Because he’s chubby!! The swell of his cheeks, his tummy, his large butt... I’m obsessed (laughs). I was so charmed, thinking, ‘I want to make him even bigger and move him around!’”
He’d do things like add extra belly sways to the storyboards. “I didn’t intend to go as far as I did, but I think I went overboard in a lot of ways (laughs).”
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Asked to give a message to fans, Kameda; “I’m happy that you all continue to involve yourselves with Mob Psycho 100. Since we’ve come this far, I want to finish off animating what remains of the MP100 manga. A television season 3 - no, wait, perhaps even a film...? Please be sure to continue to support Mob Psycho 100.”
[TN: this marks the fourth mention of a MP100 film I’ve seen from Kameda, and also marks him as the only member of production staff interviewed in this book to explicitly state anything to do with season 3.]
ONE [Original Author]
He is asked how Mob Psycho 100 came to be. ONE; “I love psychic powers as a theme, so I thought to myself, in what way can I make the most of that theme? How can I add colour to it? Through that thought process, I incorporated puberty, stress, ‘being used’, complexes, unrequited love, ‘shishou’, lies, the dual nature that exists in many things, and so on… then, the protagonist; a passive, introverted person, but someone who is able to become the eye of a hurricane, someone who through the influence of their relationships changes, grows… it was with that foundation that I began developing the plot, and through that process I solidified the setting; this protagonist would have their heart burdened by a buildup of stress and the shift of their feelings, and after passing a certain boundary they’d explode, and their powers would run wild… I thought it would be nice if the manga was a little strange, with the buildup until the boundary crossover being shown to the reader via a numerical percentage value. Ideas for titles included things like, ‘Mob Psycho’, ‘Psycho Helmet’, and ‘Mob Psycho 100%’.”
He is asked to recall how he felt when the MP100 anime was confirmed. ONE; “I was delighted. A lot has happened in relation to Mob Psycho 100, but for me the anime has been the thing to make me the most happy.”
He is asked what he hoped for with the anime, to which he replies the happiness of the fans, and for MP100 to bring a smile to the faces of the staff working on the anime.
What he looked forward to was the way the voice actors and animators would approach the characters, and how they’d flesh out the MP100 world as a result.
“What kinds of conversations did you have with director Tachikawa?” ONE says he doesn’t really remember their initial conversation(s) but he knows that he told Tachikawa that he has the freedom to be as creative as he wants. “I didn’t want to be a nuisance.”
He recalls being told by series coordinator Seko that he may need to shift around a few of the chapters to make the story in the anime flow a little easier.
Asked his thoughts on Kameda’s character designs, ONE; “Amazing. I’d resigned myself to the fact that the characters would get an overhaul for the anime and become more handsome, but Mob has remained Mob, Reigen has remained Reigen. Their anime designs are charming. I was moved.”
He says he holds several pages of character designs drafts that Kameda drew up dear to him, and mentions that the Body Improvement Clubs designs were perfect from the get go.
ONE says that he feels blessed with the amazing voice actors giving depth to the characters, describing how when they’re given voices it feels like they’re alive, and regrets that he didn’t go to recording sessions more.
“How did you feel when season 2 was announced?” ONE: “Season 1 was amazing, so I expected there’d be a season 2.” Describes Tachikawa and Kameda’s hard work, to which he responded with his own. “It was around the time that I was ending the manga, so I buckled down to finish it.”
He looked forward to seeing how the anime would deal with adapting the more “drama” feel of season 2, with human emotions being explored.
He describes his process with writing problems and their solutions in MP100. “Mob & Reigen each have their own way of dealing with a problem, so I’d say, ‘this is how this problem would generally be dealt with’, and from there I’d explore different ways of solving that problem.”
“I let the characters start thinking for themselves - that kind of delusion awoke within me. Like, ‘Hey, Reigen, I’m going to sleep, so think it over for me.’ With that, it became easier to plan.”
He is asked his thoughts and feelings on the anime; he states he doesn’t really watch anime but was reminded of how interesting it can be, and the power of anime as simple entertainment. “I was able to recognise anew just how amazing the production team is. [...] I felt so grateful that they chose to work on Mob Psycho 100, devoting their precious time to really putting their all into the production work. It’s how I’ve felt with every episode. Right now I’ve watched up until the end of S2E5, but I’m already running out of tissues.”
He is asked anything that’s left an impression on him during the broadcast of MP100; “The amount of correspondence I’d receive from overseas Mob Psycho fans increased with the anime broadcast.” Says that it’s amazing that even with a translation foreign fans are able to laugh at the same things, be moved by the same things, etc.
Finally, he is asked to give a message to the fans who purchased the guidebook. ONE; “Thank you for always supporting Mob Psycho 100. The way I see the situation regarding Mob Psycho 100 as a work is as something that overlaps with Mob’s own development. Mob Psycho’s value as a piece of entertainment greatly increased with the powerful aid of the anime, and with everyone who offered a hand, gave their opinions and support, and reached out. I’d always thought to myself, ‘I want to create a manga that’s able to influence those who read it in some way, if only even a little,’ but as it turns out it’s Mob Psycho 100 that has become what it is now thanks to all of you. I’ve still got my eye on what Mob Psycho 100 will become in the future. Nothing would make me more happy than for all of you to continue enjoying Mob Psycho 100.“
Thank you for reading!
Posted on twitter here.
ONE & Director Tachikawa’s comments on the main five are here.
373 notes · View notes
crasherfly · 4 years
What I’m Up To
Taking a brief pause from my fantasy screenplay to talk a bit about what I’m playing/reading/listening to these days.
Cities: Skylines- Still working on my shithole city in all its glory. San Cruz has expanded to over 100k residents and in the past week I’ve built a level 3 park, extensive monorail system, and even extensive helicopter pickup lines. It’s still a terrible place to live, but it’s also fun to grapple with the challenges of a desert map. 
Yakuza 0- I’m gonna post this take here, since we’re not on twitter and I’m safe from the mobs- Yakuza 0 is the experience everyone promised me Witcher 3 would be. Thrilling combat, a fascinating game world, and lovely, meaningful side quests. If this sounds like I’m digging at Witcher 3, I promise I’m not. I personally didn’t enjoy that game. But obviously, many, many people did and would disagree with my critiques. That’s totally fine! I’m just saying I’m enjoying Yakuza 0 for merits similar to what I’ve heard in connection with the Witcher franchise- and I could also see people having similar gripes, too! I’ve been on a well documented single player drought over the past couple months. Yakuza 0 finally broke me out of that, and it’s been a thrill. Getting out of the COD grind cycle has been a joy. This is a lovely experience that rewards curiosity by sparking yet more curiosity. I can’t wait to see how it continues to open up. Expect my Twitter account to go on about this for a while.
Mario 64- I have 8 stars! I’m told I have like, 113 more to go, a number which makes me groan.  So far, Mario 64 has felt like an obligation that is occasionally fun. It’s very dated, but it has the DNA that would go on to make later games like Odyssey an absolute joy.  Games like these feel more like an exercise in filling in my gamer history gaps than they do labors of love. Like most retro games, I have a hard time getting into Mario 64 for longer than 20 minutes at a time. So this will likely be a long-running project.
Star Wars: Squadrons- I probably should have known better, but I picked this game up ‘cuz the reviews were decent and the price felt right. Good news is that in the couple of hours I’ve spent with it, the gameplay is mostly solid and the graphics are beautifully rendered. It feels like both Rogue Squadron AND X-Wing, which is a hell of an accomplishment. Bad news is several of the missions appear to be badly broken, requiring numerous restarts. The game is generous with checkpoints, so it’s not a huge deal, but it is annoying. Hopefully they patch that stuff. I also haven’t tried multiplayer yet. None of my friends have bit on picking this up, so I’m not sure when or if it will happen. Assuming I can power through the hammy story, I’ll at least finish the campaign sometime down the line, even if I can’t be bothered to care how any of this fits into the larger world of Star Wars.
Warzone- Still doing that Season 6 thing! Subways have been mostly a disappointment for me so far, and the new marksman rifle has made the current meta a veritable hell for anyone with underdeveloped quick scoping skills, but I still get a couple matches in every day.
God of High School- To say God of High School moves fast is an understatement. True to form, it sprinted its way through the finale. It’s got some lovely sequences, and I can’t wait to get my hands on the OST, but beyond a couple of choice battles, it didn’t leave a strong impression on me. I’m glad I saw it, but I’m not thirsting for a new season.
Dragon Ball- I switched over to the English dub of this show. I don’t usually do that, but I was struggling to keep my attention. I think in a way it helped? The English dub actors are far more cartoonish and silly, which really plays to the absurd animation and story turns. I’m on S1E13, and the first summoning of the dragon just happened. I won’t spoil except to say...this show has a deeply specific sense of humor, and I’m starting to dig it?
Fire Force- Season 2 is finally taking off for me. I’m on ep 14, and the focus has shifted over to the mysterious Joker. The battles have been compelling, as have been the mysteries placed by his storyline. I was struggling with feeling invested in S2 thus far, but the past few ep’s have reminded me of why I found this show special in the first place- when it gets serious and stays focused, it’s one of the tightest active shonen stories.
I’ve been on a bit of a manga break lately. Today I did take time with another chapter of Fruits Basket, which continues to be a lovely delight. I also recently received Master Edition copies of both Fairy Tail and Berserk. This week, my goal is to finish both Fruits Basket and my latest volumes of One Piece so I can dive into my new Master Editions.
I haven’t had much change in my music tastes lately. I’ve been listening to a lot of Kompany and other dubstep artists, mostly ‘cuz I find the deep bass and variety of sounds soothing to me while I’m writing and zoning out during sessions of Cities: Skylines. I also enjoy its tempo while I’m running. Anything that helps the time pass, really.
Tabletop Games
I played 6 hours of DND this weekend. It was mostly a free-form improv session where I let the players do basically anything they wanted to within the gameworld we established during The Lost Mines of Phandelver. It was very heavy on roleplay, without a single instance of combat. While I was personally exhausted after the session, the players expressed that they had a very good time. We’ll be looking to finish up what they started in a bonus session for October!
My WWF Discord group just finished 1999 King of the Ring. Mr. Ass won! One of our folks actually got her bracket right. I had predicted Kane winning, so I was obviously out of luck on that. In the last RAW, Stone Cold Steve Austin just won the Heavy Weight Title from the Undertaker in an unlikely win! We’ll see how long that stint lasts...
I tried streaming from my personal Twitch using a schedule last week!
It...had mixed results.
My Warzone streams were my most popular, which is funny, ‘cuz I’m not that good at Warzone. My least popular were my Dungeon of the Endless and Yakuza 0 streams, which is not a big surprise. Those games aren’t that fun to watch.
I wanted to do the schedule as a an attempt to see if I could get a small audience or find some new meaning in games I was working through by presenting them as content.
I found the answer to both was more or less “not really”.
And that’s okay!
I also learned streaming, even just for an hour a night, is hard work. We should all be kinder to our content creators and in awe of the friends we have who do it even when on one is watching. Content creation is so unforgiving. Maybe if I stuck with it longer I’d have found my niche, but honestly, I just enjoy games for the games, and turning them into content just isn’t my speed. 
I’ve been doing the whole SpriteClub thing per usual. I’m a paid subscriber now! And I even am on a greeting basis with some folks. That’s been really cool. We had debuts this weekend too, where creators submit new fighters. The system matches them with other fighters to determine ratings. It’s a lot of fun, and the event always has this festival atmosphere to it. 
I’ve also been watching a lot of streams from the gals over at hololive-EN. Specifically, I’ve been watching Gawr Gura, Amelia Watson and Mori Calliope. It’s become nightly viewing in my household. I’ll save the debate on V-Tubers for a different place, suffice to say I have enjoyed the games they’ve presented and the personalities they’ve developed, and I think the success they’ve found is well earned. There are some talented folks behind these projects, and I find the streams to be relaxing, enjoyable, and at hours I can actually tune in for.
Personal News
Lately, I’ve been feeling pretty down. This can be easily correlated with the shift in temperature, for sure. I know a lot of people really dig fall, and I used to be a SPOOKY SEASON guy myself, but as I get older, fall has shifted into this period of mourning as I recognize the shortening days and the coming winter, which has always played hell with my body.
I’ve been struggling with a number of phantom symptoms that seem to pop up this time of year- bad digestion, terrible sleep (likely resulting from mild apnea), fatigue and heart palpitations. In turn, my mental health has been seriously flagging. 
At the suggestion of my therapist, I’ve started up a new vitamin regimen including a multivitamin and magnesium. I’ve also focused on finding potassium enriched foods and have cut back significantly on my drinking and caffeine. So far, this has actually resulted in me gaining weight ‘cuz I’ve been indulging in a lot of sugar as a coping mechanism, but I’m working through getting back to a healthy place where I can both track my intake but also be content with where I’m at. Right now I’m doing my best to try and fight the urge to become a Nap Guy. 
Last week I took several naps, even on my off days, and I’ve had a hard time sustaining my energy throughout the day, so I’m doing a better job of getting the sleep my body asks for while also structuring my day with more purpose so I’m left with less time just lying around wondering what to do.
Last week I broke my personal best for a 5K, breaking 24 minutes. For today’s run, I plan to try and break my 7:30 time on my mile run to the gym. 
For weights, I’ve gotten into a rhythm of 3 times a week, with Mondays and Fridays focusing on my core exercises- presses and curls, with Wednesdays focusing on pulls that are centered on working out my back, as well as bodyweight exercises such as dips and pull ups. This variation has given my limbs more time to heal up, which is welcome. Now if only I could be kinder to my body AFTER the gym, I might see some actual progress!
Work continues to be what it is. I’m at 30 hours now, which continues to be a huge positive. I don’t think I could keep at it with 40 hours. Change is a constant, and they seem to find new ways to make our jobs more convoluted every day. I have a quarterly review coming up with my new supervisor, but I have a feeling it won’t be nearly so traumatic as the last one, as I’ve done a good job of straightening up and flying right.
As I get more distance from August, I’m starting to recognize it- the events of my workplace disasters, my unplanned vacation, my off the rails spending and drinking- for what it was- it was a breakdown. And I’m still recovering from it. I was deeply unwell, and I took on some trauma- some of it wasn’t stuff I was looking for, some of it was stuff I brought on myself. I’m working through it. I wish I could say things like therapy have made a huge difference, but frankly, most of the work comes from stuff like this, where I’m just writing and being transparent with myself. That’s where I find the most healing work happens.
I still have a lot of my social media muted. When I need news, it typically filters through into my Discord, or Yahoo dings my phone or I see it on my Facebook feed. It’s fair to say that lately it’s felt like everything just Happens So Much.
I feel for my friends who are directly impacted- by the election, by the supreme court, by...just, everything. It all makes my own personal journey and endeavors feel...deeply small. At the same time, I just don’t have the emotional capacity required to house this perpetual crowd of events or constantly process everything in real time. I’m not sure when, if ever, I will have that again. I struggle to read ANYTHING- even friendly sites like Defector or The Discourse, without feeling an immense downswing.
I don’t know what the answer is. I wish I could just gut up and stay constantly plugged in for the sake of pals who might need to openly hash this out or draw attention to their causes or needs, but based on the past few months, I’m not sure I can take care of myself, let alone others. As I often tell close friends, my priorities these days are this small and in this order- Stay Healthy, Stay Kind, Stay Employed, Stay Productive- anything that goes right beyond that feels like a bonus in 2020.
At any rate, thanks for reading the update, y’all!
I’ll try and post these more regularly. I just wanted to check in with everyone and let y’all know how everything is going these days. Stuff like this helps me keep honest, as lately I’ve had a hard time sussing out what my direction is these days. Stay safe and well, and hit me up with what you’re up to, when you find a moment!
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untapanimedraw · 4 years
Anime of the Decade 2016
Looking at some of the shows that aired this year, it really doesn’t feel all that long ago, yet it was actually 4(!) years ago! My Hero Academia aired this year! If nothing else, this decade has proven that time is relative. Lets get to it. 
KonoSuba - One of the best comedies of all time. Despite S2 being my preferred season, it nearly wasn’t a thing and definitely wouldn’t have been a thing if season 1 wasn’t as fantastic as it was. Definitely my AOTS. 
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Undefeated Bahamut Chronicle - I watched this. I think it was ok. I rated it a 7. I don’t think I could tell you what it was actually about. Maybe I need to rate it a bit lower. 
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Oshiete! Galko-chan - I’m a dude, I’m mostly straight-leaning, I have no idea why I like this show about girl problems so much. This show is about the general lives of a gyaru, a shy nerd, and a rich ditz who talk about all their girl problems. And yet I think about this show pretty regularly even now years after I saw it. It’s so charming and wholesome and natural feeling. A true slice-of-life. 
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My Hero Academia - For the amount of impact this show has had on anime culture as a whole, it feels strange to think that the first season only aired a little under 4 years ago. This first season had me hooked from go, and hasn’t let go yet. It’s my AOTS and a high contender for AOTY. 
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Re:Zero - This was one hell of a show, though I binged it pretty hard. I really only have impressions of this show rather than specific memories (I Love Emilia). I’m definitely going to have to rewatch it before the next season airs in the Spring 2020. Definitely worth watching. 
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And You Thought There is Never a Girl Online? - This is a super charming show about gaming and IRL coming together in an adorable romantic show. 
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Sakamoto desu ga? - This is a super unique comedy that’s almost all situational and ridiculous situations. Definitely in the top 10 comedies. 
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Bakuon!! - I love motorcycles. I rode for 3 years before my wreck and I’ll get back to it someday. This show is all about a group of girls coming to love motorcycles as well. Do you like motorcycles? Do you like cute girls? Have you always wanted the Stig to be a cute girl who rides a Kawasaki Super Sport? Then this is the show for you. 
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Shokugeki no Souma S2 - This is probably my favorite season. The first season did so much good, and this is where a lot of it pays off. Between the Autumn Elections and the Stagiere we get a lot of cooking, a lot of growth and learning, and a whole lot of fun. 
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Mob Psycho 100 - Calling it now, this is my AOTS and a strong contender for AOTY. The second season takes this show to a whole other level, but this season 1 set an extremely high bar to start with. 
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Tales of Zestria the X - Do you like the game? Do you like absolutely gorgeous art and animation? Then this is for you. I didn’t know this was based on a game and watched it anyway and I was actually very happy. It is quite gorgeous. 
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New Game! - Such an adorable slice-of-life show about Japanese game development. Almost definitely not realistic, but fully adorable and fun. 
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Haikyuu!! S3 - By far the best season of Haikyuu!! so far and definitely my AOTS. 
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Nanbaka - What a fun, wacky action comedy with just a bit of drama. The op and ed are both absolutely fantastic. This is definitely a show worth watching. 
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3-gatsu no Lion -  I have to agree with most people that S2 is the better of this show, but this season one is just so good that it is not to be ignored. 
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Keijo!!!!!!!! - Have you ever wanted to watch a sport that is a bunch of fit and sexy girls in swimsuits compete over islands to see who is last left standing, using only their boobs and butts? No? Well this show is exactly that, and it takes itself so seriously that you can’t help but (pun fully intended) love both it and their sincere struggle to win. 
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Ok, so this year it comes down to KonoSuba, HeroAca, Mob Psycho 100, and Haikyuu!! S3. This really just looks like 4 listings from someone’s All Time top 10 list and it really comes down to personal preference. For me, despite the fact that I love all the shows on this list, Haikyuu!! Season 3 is by far the best of its seasons and wins Anime of the Year. 
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saiangelo999 · 5 years
2019 T.V. show Tracker part 2
Part 1
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I am really enjoying this! Finished s1 and am on s2. I really enjoyed the show! I liked all the friendships that Retsuko develops throughout the season and how her relationship with her coworkers evolve. A really pleasant workplace anime.
Mob Psycho 100
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Originally planned to read it before watching the anime but... will probably binge it. 2020 Update - So I did end up reading 3 volumes before watching the anime. And then I just binged it. My thoughts are here.
He is Psychometric
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DNF - I really was intrigued by the premise initially as it was quite unique. I also did really enjoy the main cast and was especially interested in the brother’s backstory. However, there was just a point in the drama where all the intrigue that they built up just stopped to interest me. It definitely had to do with the tonal switch to more romantic between the main two characters. Maybe I’ll come back to it... But I am wary as a I heard that the ending was not well received.
The Last Empress
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It’s a HOT Mess. Would I recommend the show? No. 
Did I enjoy it? Yes, most of it. There was a point where I knew the plot had no meaning as it was so badly cast into the back-burner by the writers that I began to enjoy the show on how utterly ridiculous it was. Kind of like how people enjoy bad movies like The Room. Don’t watch it if you expect a good plot, consistent characterizations (or even a coherent plot).
So here’s the thing, the show had potential. It started out super dark and focused on politics, manipulation and featured the emperor who is a sociopath. The show had decent-ish pacing and it seemed promising as it was initially like watching a political thriller show. But after a few episodes, the core aspect of the show began to shift as it focused more and more on the main female character (The Empress) and as her part in the story became more prominent. It became very inconsistent (plot-wise and character-wise), became more of a rom-com and really undermined the tone set by the first part of the show. Lots of interesting characters were unceremoniously shoved into arbitrary boxes, character motivations went to shit. Whenever I thought the show couldn’t get any worse - it did. But, as I gave up on the actual plot, I just found it all to be very funny. I laughed at how the writers dug themselves into a deeper and deeper hole with the characterizations of what was once interesting characters... it felt like they fired the only writer that gave a fuck and replaced them with a bad fanfiction writer. Especially when they decided to create a sort of love triangle out of NOWHERE. Warning: even I couldn’t enjoy the cop-out ending episodes (last 4 or so) that they gave to this show.
It’s absolutely no wonder why I haven’t heard about this show before.
Stay Tuned! aka Channel wa sono mama!
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A Japanese mini-series based on a manga about a news station (HHTV) with how the news crew comedically deal with their new idiot hire. It was a really fun watch! Definitely recommend for people who want to watch something light! Loved it! :D
Such a good show! I already miss it!
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It’s definitely interesting. A very bingeable show as each episode ends on a cliff-hanger. Man, Bae Doona is doing well after Sense8. Also I can’t believe the prince was the same actor as the prince from Goong/Princess Hours. 
Avengers Social Club
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DNF - Will hopefully finish it off. 
I love the main female leads. They are each so adorable and I love their friendship with one another. Hee Soo and the step-son have a cute friendship which is lovely to see. I like that all the relationships are developing slowly. From the first episode this drama definitely had a different vibe than the typical kdrama as it was way more toned down in the melodrama aspect (in comparison) which was nice. I also like that the characters are far more grey and complex, and the writing team seems to be doing a great job so far. Excited to keep watching!
Psychopath Diary
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I am enjoying it so far. I LOVED episode four, and I am looking forward to it.  Yoon Shi Yoon is so adorable even when brainstorming his little murder plots. Hope that the show moves forward in a direction that keeps me interested. Fingers crossed.
Episode 14 though. Gave me high hopes for how they wrap the show up. Definitely the drama I enjoyed the most in 2019!
Update: So I finished the show! I really enjoyed the show overall and it was definitely one of the kdramas I was more invested in 2019. I really enjoyed the show overall, I did think that that being said I was not completely blind to the faults. But, I think that the strong writing (for the most part), the characters and their respective actors were more than enough to make the drama enjoyable even if it did have a couple of plot-holes or things that didn’t make sense in it. I am really glad there was no huge emphasis on a romantic aspect between Bokyung and Dongshik given the pacing and the way the story was unfolding. I am slightly disappointed with Bokyung’s role in the end of epi15/beginning of epi 16 because I did hope that she would be given a more integral part but... alas it is a kdrama afterall. I do think that it was great her role had a lot to offer and personally I thought she could have carried the show a bit more if she was given the chance.
TV Shows
The Good Doctor s3
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Trying to keep up with it as it airs. 
Schitts Creek s2 & s3
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Great casual viewing. So funny and love all the characters. I love John’s acceptance of Schitts Creek and Roland and Jocelyn during the anniversary dinner episode. So adorable! Also, I really love Ted the vet.
The Witcher
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Started it in 2019 and finished it in 2020. Really enjoyed it. It was totally disorienting and confusing because I came in expecting a linear timeline, but I got used to the format quickly. The cinematography is just gorgeous. Not sure how to feel about it but I guess its cool that all the characters are pretty morally grey (Yennifer, Geralt etc.). I’m looking forward to more. 
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cerastes · 5 years
Rest in pedazos, Triple Thief, I went as far as I could with you, but when every boss has 260K~ HP minimum and 300K~ HP average, it’s a bit too difficult to turn things into a reckless DPS Formula 1 race, as immensely fun as that has been. You will always remain as one of the most important memories archived under the mighty “Fuck The Meta” files.
My new strategy is “I Literally Cannot Die”, or “Perpetual Motion Machine”. The strategy, as attentive ace detectives among you lovely readers have no doubt realized by now, is based on being absolutely unable to die thanks to team synergy:
Ravi frontline with Atk/Crit sets and Sigurd Scythe: I intend to change this to a very Attack-optimized Lifedrain/Crit sets, but this makes do for now. Frontlining means she gets hit most of the time, which increases her Fighting Spirit and Combat Readiness, meaning stronger attacks and more turns all the while healing thanks to her natural Lifedrain on S1. Sigurd Scythe, for the uninitiated, grants Attack +25% and 35% Lifedrain on all attacks when the wielder is under 50% HP, meaning that even if something hits harder than what Ravi can self-sustain, as soon as she hits 50% HP, she becomes even stronger and drains more, shooting her HP up considerably, usually full healing or leaving her in 90% or so. Soul Burned S1 when under 50% is truly devastating. If need be, S3 can be used without much net loss of DPS as being the frontline means she’ll replenish the missing Fighting Spirit quickly on virtue of being hit. A perpetual motion machine.
Blood Blade Karin with Attack-optimized Lifedrain/Crit sets and Dust Devil: I changed Rhianna & Luciella for Dust Devil because BBK is very S1-centric, meaning Dust Devil suits her much better with its higher proc rate and ability to proc on Dual Attacks. Same ol’, otherwise. BBK provides an Attack% bonus to the party due to me giving in and feeding her regular Karin. As she’s not frontline anymore, her damage in general has gone down in the sense that she doesn’t get the power boost from Cursed Blade on virtue of not taking as much damage anymore, but that’s fine, as my focus has gone from explosive, instant firepower to dealing constant damage behind ten thousand layers of HP. If she gets hit, that’s fine, she’ll heal due to the immense Lifedrain from her set plus her native S1 Lifedrain. A very reliable Thief notably not affected by the usual frail nature of Thieves, while still being able to deliver big damage and benefit from the excellent Artifacts Thieves have access to.
Krau with full HP sets and Aurius: AURIUS BABEY. For the uninitiated, Aurius increases the whole party’s Defense by 10% and additionally makes it so 15% the damage received by any Hero to be redirected to the Aurius wielder instead. In other words, that’s a fat damage reduction just for existing. Notably, I’m having Krau subtank and not frontline tank because I need Ravi to get hit, with Krau helping me control and reduce this damage thanks to Aurius, all the while still offering all of what his excellent kit has for me: Provoke on S1, CR Down and party Defense Up on Skill 2 and the panic button nuke on S3. Due to his immense HP pool, he can hang in there for days while reducing and redirecting damage. Provoke is always useful when fighting mobs or adds, especially when you can land it when their charge is full to push it back a turn, perhaps the turn you need to kill them before they can fire it.
Lots with Speed/HP sets and Wondrous Potion Vial: Lots is an excellent PvE healer with a ton of presence. Wondrous Potion Vial covers something missing in Lots’ kit: Debuff clearing. With a high chance to cleanse every time his turn starts and his 166 Speed, he is an unrelenting Cleansing Machine. Initially, Rin was to use this spot, but I opted for Lots in the end after surprise rolling him in order to truly go ham on the immortal aspect of this composition. S1 has a 50% chance of inflicting Attack Down on the enemy, which, when coupled with Krau’s party Defense Up, well, I think that needs no further elaboration (reminder: buffs and debuffs are strong in Epic Seven). S2 is a single target heal that also gives them 80% (!?) Combat Readiness, effectively giving them a turn alongside the heal, and finally, S3 grants 3 turns of HP Regen to the whole party, 5 if Soul Burned, on a 4 turn cooldown, 3 turn cooldown if upgraded. In case that flew over your head, this guy can practically keep your party topped at all times with that absolutely ridiculous S3. And hey, remember what S2 does? Why, it gives you another turn! So if someone is in grave need of healing, he can pop that S2 on them to heal them for the S2 amount and then immediately again for the S3 as their turn kicks in and regen does its work. He can also S2 himself if need be in order to practically take another turn in a row, which can be useful if you need emergency Cleansing or are one turn away from your S3 cooldown. Synergies with the rest of the team:
Ravi: Makes her unkillable on virtue of his constant regen healing her as she heals herself with S1s, not to mention Sigurd Scythe. Can S2 her in a pinch to give her another turn for further healing or if there’s one or more mobs or adds with specials ready to go in order to use her S3 and stun them and CR down them.
Blood Blade Karin: Also makes her unkillable on virtue of constant regen and her own Lifedrain. Can S2 her in a pinch as well, but also if there’s a mob or add about to die so she can use her S3 to deliver AoE damage and get yet another turn thanks to the S3′s special “get another turn instantly if this kills an enemy” effect.
Krau: Keeps his HP topped so he can keep Aurius redirecting damage from the rest of the party. Ideally, if no one else needs it, Lots’ S2s go to Krau so he can take far more turns than his low Speed would usually allow for, allowing him to quickly reset cooldown on his S2 so he can keep the party Defense Up active as often as possible.
All of this in conjunction makes me absolutely unkillable, my range is absolute, and I am now God.
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kinetic-elaboration · 5 years
February 5: Thoughts on The 100 2x03 Reapercussions
I am very tired and I should sleep but instead I’m going to bring my The 100 rewatch project out of hiatus yet again with Episode 2x03: Reapercussions.
I miss Anya so much!!!!! This is mostly my Dichen Lachman obsession showing but also the way she gives Clarke that ‘yeah, whatever’ look when Clarke says she’ll get her out of the cage... your Grounder fave could never.
The show honestly peaked with S2 and after this it should have abandoned all attempts at edginess because nothing will ever be more Pure Nightmare Fuel than the Mount Weather Grounder Cages.
Clarke/Anya: the ship that almost was.
So when Clarke takes Anya out of the prison room, she opens a door that says “End Containment Area” and underneath that it says “U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Mount Weather Containment Protocol.” And people really thought JRoth made this up omg learn some history.
Considering how they left things (Anya literally trying to kill her and all her friends) it’s actually pretty impressively selfless and magnanimous on Clarke’s part to not just rescue her, but immediately and unthinkably rescue her. On the other hand, Anya feels some remorse for leaving her people whereas Clarke’s like ‘here are some clothes [even though those random bandages are holding up pretty well??], let’s get a move on!’ (I know she intended to come back for them and she was being smart and practical but from the pov of, say, Jasper or Monty, this is cold as hell of her.)
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: early S2 Clarke is Peak Clarke: smart, sly, practical, brave.
Byrne mentions Earth Skills teacher “Davis” as being part of the search team for Bell et. al. My question: how many Earth Skills teachers did they have lol?
I fucking love this crashed-ship aesthetic omg I forget how much I love it and then I see it again....
“On the Ark, you did anything you wanted, without a second thought about the consequences.” Like mother, like daughter.
I ALSO miss Jasper and Maya. I’m probably like the lone person out there who still remembers them fondly but they were basically perfect because they were sweet but with the potential for a lot of darkness as well, my favorite combination.
So actually fun fact, that isn’t how the art work would have been stored in Mount Weather. They had special containers for the paintings to protect them and like a special cart thing to transport them quickly from their old homes to the bunker I read a book.
No one ever characterizes him this way sufficiently imo but Monty is really quite uptight in a way. Like first: don’t cockblock him man. And second: just chilll. This is probably why he used to smoke weed.
“Trouble? It’s Clarke. Whatever she’s up to, I’m sure she can handle it.” I mean.... he’s not wrong.
Except for the part where she’s covered in dead bodies. But even then...
So I always felt like the main point of the Reapers was as kind of a zombie police force for Mount Weather: to keep the Grounders scared of the Mountain, so they won’t poke around in it too much. Though of course they also collect Grounders, which is helpful, since the Mountain Men can’t walk that far from their home base (and, as stated, they probably want to keep most of that area Grounder-free anyway). But it occurs to me now that a third use of the Reapers is like dead-body collectors? The Mountain dumps the dead bodies out the trap door, and the Reapers take them away and eat them. So gross and efficient all at once. Mount Weather’s motto basically.
Murphy and his creating-a-distraction stones are still one of the funniest jokes this show has ever pulled, though if it were a quicker reveal after “something like that” it would be funnier.
Never mind, Bellamy appearing out of the bush is true underrated comedy gold,
That said, I feel like everything outside of the Mount Weather and Clarke stories here is filler.
Love! That! Ship!
Major Byrne says that Kane is on the verge of losing control of the camp but... I dunno.... everyone seems to be working together pretty well? Maybe if they had diversified the cast a little, not in terms of yet more Grounders but, like, non-leaders of the Ark, that would be more clear????
Okay, well, admittedly, when the Grounder prisoner is brought in they do start a mini-mob, lol. Also one of the delinquent’s fathers is shot, it would be cool if we knew who he was?? ETA: and then he dies and Abby’s like “does he have any family?” lol he just said that his son was one of the 100 so like obviously he does??
The costuming people, like the set people, really are the geniuses of this show. I love Clarke and Anya’s outfits, and Clarke’s hair somehow being both grungy and beautiful like THAT’s the apocalypse style I wanna see.
Also they absolutely 100% would have gotten together in the S2-S3 hiatus if Anya hadn’t been killed off.
“You saved my life because you needed me” IS true but she also did it absolutely without hesitation, even knowing Anya really quite truly hates her, so this speaks either to some foolhardy bravery mixed in with her practical thoughts, or just straight compassion, or both. I guess that sort of is a Clarke thing. She can be a grudge holder (seriously don’t tell me she isn’t: Wells????) but her grudges are NEVER more important than hard-nosed practical problem-solving.
Time for some gratuitous torture. Honestly, I like Season 2, it’s probably my favorite season, but it has some MAJOR filler problems. Like when it’s good it’s THE BEST but then other times it just doesn’t know how to fill 40 minutes so it resorts to pointless diversions (like Bellamy rappelling down the side of a mountain to save a character who is literally never seen again? for some reason?) or just straight out ugly violence for screaming’s sake (Raven’s surgery, Raven’s Grounder torture, Abby’s shocklashing, etc.) Like honestly I can’t even watch this. I’m just gonna browse tumblr until it’s done.
The Arkers really like the concept of “confessing” don’t they?
Like okay I’m not done WHAT IS THE POINT of this? It all but kills the whole Kabby vibe (I still lowkey ship them but sometimes I think...why?), it’s truly painful to watch, and it has no plot purpose AT ALL not even world-building because, lol, we know the writers don’t care to flesh out Camp Jaha in any real way.
Murphy is taking such sad glee out of instigating Finn’s madness/violence. The Luci of The 100 for sure.
This Bellamy story line is boring though I’m sorry. Some of these scenes (the Clarke or Mount Weather ones) I could watch a million times but this is like... kay, I know what happens already. So.
“There are some lines you can’t uncross.” I mean I think this show has actually shown that’s pretty untrue since people get over almost everything pretty fast. There’s always another horrific thing to do and/or experience!
Yeah my bitterness is seeping in.
Anyway when you come into an interrogation knowing what the “right” answer is, you’ll never learn anything, take note, stupid teenager boys + U.S. law enforcement.
Like honestly this Grounder is 500000x smarter than they are. He saves himself and rains gunfire and destruction upon his enemies. (Well, saves himself for a few minutes--but at least he got to cause harm to those he hates!)
“You thought I was the crazy one, huh?” Was Murphy ever crazy, though, or was he just coldly vengeful?
Speaking of coldly vengeful, Byrne could have been a potentially interesting character? Maybe? I’m not really into the type but as I said I want more Arkers wherever I can find them. And Kane needs real opposition. I have sympathy for him to a degree, but I also think he ultimately weakens rather than strengthens himself.
I love when Monty calls bullshit on stuff. “I can’t see Clarke? Try and fucking stop me, bitches.”
Jasper has such a big heart. Truly the emotional core of this friendship.
I like how Kane speaks as if his “diplomatic mission” of adults is so vastly different than Bellamy and Finn just going off on their own I mean, Byrne is little better than Finn? They’re both easily frustrated and fond of torture? It’s just that Byrne understands a chain of command--barely--that’s literally it.
How does it make literally any sense at all to shocklash a person one hour and make her the Chancellor the next? Like you’ve just encouraged the populace to think of her as nothing special, not above the embarrassing public application of extreme pain--but yes by all means expect them to fall into line behind her leadership. I mean I guess this sort of works if she was already somehow beloved (I guess I’m supposed to just believe that?) and now more sympathy has been generated for her--but such sympathy would seem to come at the expense of Kane. It would seem to be the opposite of what he, or really Byrne, was going for with that disgusting display. But whatever memory is a fiction I guess.
And they have this swelling-music romantic eye-fuck goodbye like??? He was just beating you!! JUST NOW!
What I’m getting out of Murphy advocating for killing the Grounder: first, he has a clear, cold, practicality not unlike Clarke, and two, he still thinks of the delinquents as his friends--how sweet. Two days ago he was killing them, holding them hostage, and stealing their ammo before a huge battle but still. Bygones.
This is not a great ep. for Bellamy leadership lol.
Finn executes a man, while wearing Clarke’s watch, in the place they had sex. Seems...symbolic?? IDK it’s late lol.
I miss Nyko a lot but also now that I’ve seen (part of) Slasher I’m not entirely sure I can ever see Ty Olsson in the same light.
Wouldn’t it be funny if they were literal brothers? Because I always assumed this was metaphorical but...was it? WAS IT?
Weird note to end on, I know. If patterns hold, it’ll be another 2-3 months before I do this again but I’ll try to be a little more on the ball about it.
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flowisk · 6 years
1,2, multiples of 5, 27
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get? In BNHA? bakudeku. i don’t think it makes sense as a popular ship in the -manner- it is portrayed. I like it in a certain way! it’s just…. it’s one of those things where it’s like ‘you guys arent responsible enough to have this’umm…. im guessing this is more focused on popular pairings. hm. Shigadabi is like that for me too, on both ends. And Endmight. Todo/Inasa. There’s a few ships in BNHA that make me feel this way tbqh. Highest quotient of feeling confused by shipsThe fact kiibo’s biggest ship is kiibo/ouma. ouma is like. Really Mean to kiibo. not in a playful way either. I don’t even like. understand the fun part of that dynamic.Claptrap/Glad0s, because even in the Poker Night where it’s portrayed it makes the characters miserable. For me, it’s not fun unless it makes those two happier because they’re already both kind of miserable in their canons. Plus it was more like an uncomfortable joke in Poker Night anyway.Honestly? Not anything against it even, but I don’t get the popularity of Zoro/Sanji. Like, why it’s so big dynamic wise. I just dont get the vibe.Frisk/Sans, aside from the (obvious) issues I have with it, I just don’t understand the popularity. I think it might come from treating Frisk as a self insert? But the vibe of the game is not very romantic in that regard.2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?For me this is a bit hard, because the line between romantic and bromantic doesn’t seem to be a big one. It’s a bit hard for me to parse, realistically. I feel romantic as a label encompasses many different types of relationships… and even in relationships I -prefer- as platonic, I can often support some romantic art too.But anyway, Frisk/Sans. This one is for obvious reasons. A lot of Frisk ships are like that, tbqh. Kirishima + Mina, Todo + MomoTho I use a ship tag for them, Mob + Tsubomi tbqh.Tavros + Gamzee… lol. Team Charge tooAlso I can accept a onesided Flowey/Asriel > Pap, but if it’s returned it’s weird for me bc I see Flowey as so young.Also even tho I ship them as an ot3, for me with Ko + Hinata + Nanami, its more like Hinata is romantically involved w both and Nanami and Ko are like… QPPsKurapika and Pairo actually? I don’t object to past crushes or w.e, but I interpret them as strictly just friends.5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?Johnrose. Realistically, somewhat Spacetime.4chan, Todomomo.I’m trying to cling to it bc as a dynamic i dug it but the amedot fans are fuckin mean sometimes.Cliche, but zuko/katara. I don’t mind those three as an ot3 but most zutara fans are mean to aang so I just…. have a distaste for it now. Aang’s my boy10. Most disliked arc? Why?The final two chapters of DR1 were not very fun for me because everyone I cared about died.Digimon S2′s enjoyability did not necessarily come from it being very good. I like it but plot holes.I really really did not enjoy the School Trip Arc in BNHA outside of the fact that like… Kouta exists15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?3 on SU:1. Amethyst was more in the wrong than people are willing to admit in ‘Too Far’.2. I think that SU is a good show even if it has occasional issues.3. Pearl is a good character2 on Digimon S2:1. I hated Daisuke from Digimon S2 for a long time and only recently do I not feel pure hatred when I look at him.2. Ken’s arc, while satisfying on an emotional level bc of his redemption, is not well written1 on Haikyuu:1. They should’ve let Oikawa at least beat Ushijima instead of giving that match to Karasuno to make them more ‘awesome’1 on BNHA1. Horikoshi has to have some of the teachers learn how to properly mediate Bakugou and Deku, or stop forcing them to work together. I’m tired of Deku performing all the emotional labour in that relationship, and trying to get Bakugou to work with him only to be physically assaulted. again. and again. Also everyone in that manga acts like it’s Deku’s equal responsibility to force Bakugou to work with him when Bkg has only ever been mean to Deku… he ends up doing 90% of the work…20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?Haha that’s a hard thing to qualify - in BNHA, I think tododeku. I think it’s the most pure thing I earnestly ship. Kenhina for haikyuu I guess, it’s one of the few relationships in that series built on mutual adoration. Saikiibo.Alphyne and Connverse are like that too actually I think. Very emotionally encouraging relationships.25. How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?I would have ended Walking Dead much much much much much much sooner.I wish Digimon Tamers hadn’t ended so abruptly, and Impmon got more time with his tamers.27. Least shippable character? Shigaraki’s really hard to ship because of the people around him and his current emotional position.Papyrus and Luffy can be in QPPs for me but I don’t actually ship them with anyone. Same with how I feel about Katniss. You could say that’s true of a lot of aro characters, but there’s some aro characters who I feel would be interested in trying relationships regardless. I feel for characters like Papyrus and Luffy we see them basically say…. they’re not interested in that kind of thing
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serenagaywaterford · 5 years
1) "Is violent mob revenge the answer? (I honestly can’t make that determination.) Is violence sometimes the answer? Is war the only answer with totalitarian regimes?" Those are the kind of questions I had in mind actually. Obviously, I wouldn't expect any answers (bc those are up to the audience, not the series), but it would be interesting if they went there. Of course, these questions would fly over some people's heads (like you said), bc honestly? Said people approach THT like it's a
2) Disney-esque (/superhero) series (nothing wrong with them), where the totally good guys get to punch and kill the totally evil guys in the end, uwu. (If I'm being too much of a dick, just tell me and I'll tone it down a notch, lol.) Anyway, mob mentality aside, history proves that such regimes fall and rise the same way they have been created. Aka "Those who arrive with blood, fall with blood." Doesn't mean that we have to like it. I've mentioned before that I detest violence and I especially
3) believe that it has NO place in politics. I've been called naive for this, so there's that. Weirdly enough, I'm also the kind of person who thinks that equating ALL forms of violence is quite dangerous given that: i) threats/regimes like Gilead are inherently genocidal in their ambitions, ii) the scale of violence is not always the same, iii) every country (democratic or not) has its army and police and most people consider this kind of (controlled) violence perfectly valid, iv) there's
4) self-defense. Where I'm going with this? If a pro-Gilead person is threatened by an anti-Gilead one, the former has a choice: they can ask for a democratic trial (bc it's too late to apologize). Most likely, civilized/democratic people will listen to reason. (Well, unless we're talking about mobs... THEN, things get quite disturbing.) But if a person belongs to a group/minority targeted by Gilead, there's nothing they can do that will make pro-Gilead people happy... except die or get raped
5) for life. Anyway, I really could go on and on about this subject, but I think I'll stop here, bc it's quite complex. /// I was thinking about what you said concerning Fred and Serena's pre-Gilead relationship, and you know what? You're right. Their relationship would have fallen apart at some point, Gilead notwithstanding or not. Fred is two-faced and he sure af played us in S1. (Ngl, I used to think he was the lesser of the two evils.) But one doesn't become such an antipathetic monster at
6) a flip of the dime. The nasty parts were always there, but he concealed/controlled them. Maybe bc said parts wouldn't exactly make him endearing to others? Anyhow, your interpretation makes him quite the interesting antagonist/villain, so I'm rolling with it, lol.
OMG. I think I’m in love with you?  PLEASE NEVER STOP BEING YOU. I don’t think you’re being a dick at all. I love it. Cos sometimes we just gotta call the BS like we see it?
“Of course, these questions would fly over some people's heads (like you said), bc honestly? Said people approach THT like it's a Disney-esque (/superhero) series (nothing wrong with them), where the totally good guys get to punch and kill the totally evil guys in the end, uwu.”
This is such a huge point. Cos I think there’s a very common trend of THT attempting to approach issues from various angles and try to show the complexity of it but then it going WHOOSH over so many viewers’ heads. Which never makes sense to me cos like, what’s the point in watching THT if you’re not considering it on multiple levels and trying to explore the issues? I don’t wanna point the blame in the general directions of particular shippers but I can’t help it, perhaps cos they’re just the most vocal in fandom, but it seems that the Disney-eqsque superhero tale is what they want, complete with EPIC HETERO ROMANCE!!! throughout. I’d say at least 50% of the responses are about Mr. Nicky (It goes up to 75-80% if we are actually shown his face). (And their concern is focused on the male romantic lead... YAWN.)
I would absolutely love THT to take the path of questioning mob mentality and the cycle of violence/victimization, etc. But it may be too much for even Hulu to want to tackle considering how black and white viewers seem to think. They are trying so HARD to present characters as shades of grey (Serena, being the main example. But June, Emily, Luke, Nick, etc. also) but instead of placing them along a spectrum it’s either DIE EVIL SCUM! or AMAZING CINNAMON ROLL CAN DO NO WRONG! I think the only one they complain about is June cos she’s not AS perfect as they’d like her to be. She makes some dumbass fucking decisions for sure. Sometimes I like that about her, especially how pre-Gilead June was not a super great person. She was just sorta... normal. (Other times I’m like, “JUNE YOU IDIOT WTF?!” lol but that’s fun too I guess.) If I made a scale myself, I’d probably put June fairly close to the centre, rather than on the far “good” end.
I always wondered this:
If June hadn’t been deemed a “fallen woman” and thus been allowed to stay as an Econowife, with Luke and Hannah, would she have done anything? Would she be as inspired to rebel and resist as she is? I’m not trying to shit on June at all, but I feel like it’s a question I’m curious about. A lot of people say they would be big heroes, but when really faced with the reality of living a sort of shitty life or risking that for an uncertain thing/death, most just choose to go along with it and hope it ends (especially hope that SOMEBODY else takes the risk to end it). Even good people. What do you think? 
(Aside: June being called a fallen woman is SUCH bullshit. She wasn’t cheating on anybody! LUKE was unfaithful, not her! Which is why I thought perhaps they missed a chance to address race. It could have influence on what Gilead deems “holy” marriages, and those they see as “sinful”. And a (even subtly) racist fascist state, would deffo see mixed marriage as a terrible thing. “Let’s get the fertile white woman knocked up with some white babies; no more of this mixed race babies!” Again, as we talked about before, it would limit Hannah’s storyline ofc, but I guess it wouldn’t HAVE to. She could be in a “lesser” household, instead of the rich fancy one she is.)
Sorry, those were some unplanned side rants!
I love how you described all the politics of that. It really is a fascinating thing to consider, especially how to deal with Gilead, both on an international scale, and just on smaller scales. War? Seems inevitable honestly. And clearly, Gilead is STILL fighting wars all over the continent. I honestly... you’re so right. It’s very complex and I’m not sure how detailed THT will go with that. They seem to be keeping things quite... superficial. They reference things every so often but there’s nothing solid to latch onto. It often reminds me of the Underpants Gnomes from South Park. 
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phase 1: blow up congress
phase 2: ???
phase 3: establish fully-functional military fascist handmaid regime over entire continental US.
....so how to bring down Gilead then??? 
phase 1: burn down 3 house + angry handmaid steal babby back then let babby go to canada!!
phase 2: ???
phase 3: overthrow massive fascist military regime!!!!
So, we’ll see how they do it. I doubt we’re really going to get a lot of details about how everything works and maybe it’s just better that way cos it seems like the more they try to explain how Gilead stays working, it makes even less sense. And also, as much as this stuff is interesting, I really don’t wanna watch THT turn into like Zero Dark Thirty or some shit. It’s strongest when focused on the women’s experiences specifically.
“Fred is two-faced and he sure af played us in S1. (Ngl, I used to think he was the lesser of the two evils.)“
Same! It wasn’t until S2 that I started going “hmm” about Fred. I thought he wasn’t as evil as her. And when you go back and watch S1 knowing what he’s done in S2, tehre are hints and I got a weird vibe. Like... I dunno. I was randomly just rewatching that 2x11 scene where Fred and Serena are at the house and Fred is just so.... Yikes. His motives are so clear. And I tried to find examples of Fred’s humanity. I do believe we get glimpses of Serena’s, and she has capacity for kindness--in very specific circumstances but I couldn’t find a single scene of Fred where he does anything selfless, or without expecting some sort of gross sexual favour/ego stroke in return, or even kind. It’s all for his own gratification. And I am 1000% convinced he has some sort of pregnancy fetish. It doesn’t seem like he gives a shit about the actual baby, esp once its born. He’s more interested in June’s bodily changes (not the actual baby) when she’s pregnant, and her lactation afterwards. And I may not know much about the world of fetishes but I do know that’s not exactly a rare one for men. 
I think an argument against me would be the car convo about creating the Ceremony cos Fred kind of just went along with it and was on the fence. But then I think... it’s not that he was against it at all. He just didn’t think women would like it. It was never, “Nah, mate, that’s a step too far.” It was more like, “Cool idea, bros. But let’s rebrand it okay?” I mean, in the flashbacks, he did seem very proud of her, enamored, like you said. But part of me just can’t shake that, okay fair play that he probably did honestly love/respect her in some ways, but he also saw it as, “Yes, this plan is going just the way I want it!” I don’t feel like power corrupts THAT much, that quickly that he’d go from perfect husband and lovingly gazing at his amazing wife to demeaning, repeatedly cheating on her, and beating the living shit out of her (and raping her) in a few years. Then again, extreme situations can make people change quite abruptly. Who knows.
I dunno. Maybe I just hate him and dont’ wanna give him any credit for being a human being in any way whatsoever lol. 
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neondancingunicorns · 5 years
winter 2019 watchlist
winter season is looking really great so far! i think i like this season better than how i liked the whole 2018. and now that i've watched all the first (and second to some) episodes of the shows i'm interested in, here is my final watchlist:
1. yakusoku no neverland- it's finally here! i've been waiting for the adaptation ever since i've first read the manga a year ago. they really nailed the atmosphere, the characters, the soundtrack and the VA (especially for mama and emma). def the best first episode of the season.
2. mob psycho 100 s2- more wholesome fun supernatural shenanigans. also, that OP is a banger.
3. kaguya sama wants to be confessed to- been hearing a lot of great things from manga readers and this didn't disappoint. it's a battle of wits- tsundere edition. i'm very excited to watch what these dumb, overdramatic dorks will do next.
4. dorororo- this scratch my itch for dark action anime. really great set-up in the first episode and the action is well done too.
5. fukigen na mononokean tsuzuki- it’s back! i missed this chill, comfy show. i heard from manga readers that things will amp up this season so i’m looking forward to that. side note: fuzzy is the cutest thing in the world. 
6. boogiepop wa warawanai- first two episode was really confusing and weirdly paced, but it has a good and intriguing story. looking forward to see where this goes. 
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fairlyoddfandomblog · 7 years
So everyone is calling Voltron fatphobic for the way they handled Hunk's development in s2 but I think that's a bit of a stretch. See, as someone who has struggled with weight my whole life and who is a foreigner I have a different take on the subject. Most countries outside the US and even outside the West, food is nothing to be ashamed of and that's primarily because it's a cultural thing. Food means family and good times and well we feast even in bad times. Corporate culture in America has created fast food and with it a terrible image of food shaming and food-lover shaming...but in most parts of the world outside of the West, a McDonald's restaurant is a fancy, sit-in restaurant that may be 3 stories tall with actual wait staff. So now we've established the importance of food to culture outside the US, sometimes so much so it's literally part of people's cultural identity. It's a part of growing up is passing down family recipies for generations and cooking gigantic meals and blending all the right stuff together, because food brings substance but also family, the things we need the most. So I always took Hunk's love for food as a cultural thing, as a Hunk loves food thing, not as a "Hunk loves food because he's fat" thing. Because Hunk was never shown as just the useless fat guy, and I don't think his love for food was shown in poor taste (no pun intended). I think he just appreciates food and it's one of the gateways to other cultures and other people and honestly I think that will be very useful in the future especially in voltron where there are so many different alien species. And one last thing. If they were trying to be fatphobic then Hunk wouldn't have any use outside of eating food all the time, he would be annoying and kind of useless and basically like every Zach Galafinakas character ever. But he's NOT like that at all. He's a wonderful engineer-an incredible asset to the team, very compassionate and probably the least annoying paladin...(Shiro constantly disappearing is very annoying tbh lol). And honestly, I think calling voltron fatphobic for showing a fat guy liking food is inherently fatphobic itself because again it's not like that's all he is, it's just a part of him. Fat people can like food, it's okay, erase the stigma, sure if it's all they are it's done in poor taste, but there's nothing wrong with a fat person liking food?? If you think of Voltron as a magical girl show and each paladin having their own thing, Hunk-he's the nice girl who likes to cook for her friends but also is a badass engineer who believes in justice, Pidge-the smart sassy one who's obvs rebellious, Lance-okay totally the fashion designer who's like a total pageant queen and has a flair for the dramatic, Keith-the main girl who has so many issues making her hella relatable oh and did we mention she's a long lost princess from another world? (I mean this is a magical girl show after all), Shiro-the main girls nice dorito man steed...or more like second in command but brings all the girls together (Shiro is sailor V). Basically, I think we have to stop looking at things in U.S. Centric ways and appreciate the diversity of the show, and that includes diversity of body types. It's okay to be fat and it's okay to like food and it's okay to be both of those. But is anyone making fun of Hunk for either of those things? No one other than the fandom as far as I can see. It's okay to critique the show, as all great works should be! But if someone has a differing opinion from you, you don't get to say they're wrong and send an angry mob at them. And that's what I keep seeing with this whole Hunk thing and the amount of people that say showing Hunk eat food is just a poke at him being fat is actually a fatphobic thing to say, so please stop saying that but acting like you're doing the fandom a service...because... Tdlr; it is okay to be fat and like food and be proud. It's okay.
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drink-n-watch · 5 years
  Genre : Action, comedy, supernatural, urban fantasy, science fiction.
Episodes: 13
Studio: Bones
  You know what’s tricky? Navigating that confusing time between childhood and adulthood. Especially if you grew up as a bit of a loner. Feeling outcast and different all the time. And that type of isolation can cut deep. Loneliness can get to you and turn you into someone you don’t want to be. Luckily for Mob, he’s always had a loving family by his side. And master Reigen has always supported him best he can. And now, without even realizing it, Mob is surrounded by friends. But what would have happened if he wasn’t? What would a powerful psychic like that turn out to be without others to keep him grounded?
The first season of Mob Psycho came as a long-delayed delightful surprise to me. I had been putting off the series for reasons that are obscure even to me, and when I finally got around to watching the first season a month or so ago, I wanted to kick myself for waiting so long. Mob Psycho made me happy. Eager to learn from my mistakes I watched a few palette cleanser shows and dove right into the second season. Let’s see if I’m kicking myself again.
  is the suspense killing you?
  Production-wise, there isn’t much change between the two seasons. Mostly because it was a really solid production, to begin with. I was slightly more taken with Itou, Setsuo voice acting this season but only because a few scenes allowed him to tap into this calm and melancholy tone that he does very well. Mob Psycho has always been a visually distinctive show and the aesthetic is once again rigidly upheld. If you didn’t like the look of the show before, you still won’t. If like me you really liked it, well you can figure out the rest.
All of this said there were two notable improvements in my opinion. One is expanded colour palettes. There are dusk and early morning scenes that bathe everything onscreen in a wash of colours. Environments get plunged in sudden ominous darkness as superpowered character shine. It really gave a lot of dimension to the series and made Mob Psycho 100 II look lush compared to its predecessor.
The second visible improvement was the animation. Not that it was bad in season 1, to the contrary , but there is a whole lot more this time around and it’s awesome. The action is exaggerated and quick-paced with insane ragdoll physics and skewed perspectives that are frankly just plain fun to watch. I found myself completely engrossed in fight scenes no matter how obviously unrealistic they were, unable to turn away and biting at my thumbnail.
  I’m telling you, it looks great!
  Sadly I have a feeling that if you don’t like the art style, no matter how much praise I heap on the animation, it won’t sway you. So let’s talk story!
I recently wrote a post on 100 Word Anime discussing the pitfalls of comparing one anime to another so let me do it again right now… Mob Psycho season 2 reminded me of Natsume’s Book of Friends.
Some of you may know that I compared Mob Psycho 100 to Neon Genesis Evangelion. The first season did in fact bring that show to mind for me. This second season, however, has matured and tweaked its themes and no longer brought to mind the classic series for me. Now you may think I’m just using another excuse to mention Natsume yet again, I don’t blame you. I do that. But there is a reason. When I say Mob Psycho II reminds me of Natsume I mean specifically season 3.
The second season of Mob Psycho is a wild ride. The action is geared way up and the stakes have been raised considerably. Yet for all the heart-pounding adventures what I took away from the season was just how much Mob and the show itself had grown. I actually wrote it in my notes after the first episode and couldn’t help but grin like a Cheshire when the characters on screen started to echo that exact thought throughout the season. It’s great when you can feel like part of the team.
  well…most of the time
  The second thing I wrote is just how beautiful Mob’s personal evolution was. The young boy isolated and bound by anxiety and fear had come out of his shell. Without even realizing it, he suddenly finds himself surrounded by friends and for the first time even something akin to peers. And because he finally has that support system available to him, he can finally find the strength to confront his own power. He actually starts using it to help others in mundane situations instead of only having it as a last resort. His emotional gauge actually gets filled by positive feelings just as often as negative ones if not more so. He no longer sees himself merely as a burden to others and therefore he no longer is.
I wrote all these notes down happily then went over them. When that early feeling of deja vu hit me. As I leafed through my past notebooks I realized that I had written almost word for word the exact same thing for the third season of Natsume. Clearly, I need to get a bit more varied in my note-taking but it also shows that I know what I like. And make no mistake I loved this second season of Mob Psycho.
Reigen is my favourite character in the series. I generally love tricksters but beyond that, I think that one of the main reasons Mob didn’t fall apart in his younger years was because he always had Reigen by his side. I doubt I’m the only one with a soft spot for the 2-part midseason mini-arc that developed Reigen and Mob’s relationship specifically.
  these are some great episodes
  I always thought that Reigen genuinely cares about the boy beyond what use he could make of him. Fact is, Reigen is scripted to ooze shifty sleeve but when push comes to shove he’s actually an extremely capable guy. Ok, not as a psychic obviously but as a con artist, definitely. More often than not his advice is pretty good, he has impressive observations skills and is a wonderful huge of character and he is protective and caring of Mob. He trusts and believes in the boy even when the boy does not believe in himself.
But it’s the flashback that got to me. The fact that Reigen had grown bored with his psychic gig and was considering moving on. With his social skills, he could easily have found some other way to make a decent living. But a young boy clearly in need of someone walks into his office and he just couldn’t turn him away. Sure, if he could make a buck in the process, all the better, but that wasn’t the main motivation. And he’s still like that. When someone is truly in need of help, he doesn’t turn them away, ever.
Combine this with a Mob that has become self-assured enough to think for himself and even say no! A young man that has gained the maturity to accept his mentor’s limits and failings and still appreciate him. And you have a tremendous character arc in two short episodes. Not only did they develop both characters without resorting to exposition dumps but they also did so without sanitizing or retconing either. I said this a lot in the first season review, but Mob Psycho is a smart show. And it continues to be so.
Mob’s been through a lot this season
This season also brought some conflict that was way more nuanced. In the last episodes, we even see Mob gleefully revel in his powers and the destruction they wrought. He immediately stops himself and is filled with guilt but there’s something else going on. There’s a great attention given to Mob’s expressions. By default, he’s a bit of a blank canvass, largely expressionless. This season, as he’s opening up more his feelings are starting to show on his face. Small shy smiles, tiny barely there scowls… But when he goes to 100% then it’s the complete opposite. He is deliberately drawn to be terrifying, almost demonic. Dishevelled unnatural hair, impossibly intense eyes, an uncontrollable aura escaping from him. But in that one moment, that minute that he let himself enjoy his power, he looked….great. I mean he looked like a healthy happy young man. The spiked hair flowing lazily about him like a pretty anime boy, no visible aura at all, a relaxed smile reaching all the way to joyful eyes.
In another anime, I would have called this an odd design choice but not in Mob Psycho. For two seasons this show has been very precise with its imagery and particularly with Mob’ expressions. This was thought out and selected for a reason. The visual language of the anime is telling a completely different story from the script. It’s subtly showing us a boy that has been at war with his own nature for his whole life and the one moment of release came as a huge relief. A boy that could still go down a dark path. This is a moral ambiguity the first season stayed very far away from and a noted shift in narrative vision. One I am excited for.
I feel you Ritsu, it was quite a moment
I want to see more of Mob Psycho 100 and I hope I can do so soon!
Favourite character: still Reigen
What this anime taught me: Sequels are fantastic
Come, we’ll get drunk, quote movies and talk about how awesome we are
Suggested drink: Brown Sugar Manhattan
Every time Mob’s in street clothes – take a sip
Every time the show turns into a video game – take a sip
Every time we see a tomato – get a snack
Every time we see the super awesome Body Improvement club – Cheers!
Every time anyone is pantless – gasp
Every time Reigen seem kind of cool – put the drink down
Every time Mob gets a call – take a sip
Every time we see Mezato-san – take a sip
Every time other psychics are watching tv – take a sip
Every time Ritsu doesn’t get along with Reigen – take a sip
Every time you’re surprised by how touching this show is – check if season 3 has been announced
I love Bones’ visuals. They really speak to me. So once again I uploaded a whole bunch of screencaps to Pinterest and Imgur.
      Mob Psycho 100 s2 – Growing Up Genre : Action, comedy, supernatural, urban fantasy, science fiction. Episodes: 13 Studio: Bones You know what's tricky?
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saiangelo999 · 4 years
2020 T.V Show Tracker
T.V. Shows
The Witcher 
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Started 2019 finished 2020. Click here for my thoughts.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
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Completed - I really enjoyed the episode with Pimento, that episode was just hilarious. I think that was one of my favourite episodes this season.
Self Made
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It was very a enjoyable mini-series. Sarah's story is so fascinating and inspirational precisely because of how many hardships she had to deal with throughout her life. I enjoyed the show and learning more about Madam CJ Walker.
Interior Design Masters
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This was a really fun show. I didn’t agree with everything that the judges said, but I definitely had fun watching the contestants renovate commercial and residential places. My favourite episode was when they worked on the stores (not restaurants). I really loved those transformations.
The Big Flower Fight
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It was such a fun show! I really enjoyed watching how the contestants used plants to create beautiful and interesting topiaries/sculptures. I loved most of the contestants and was always looking forward to their take on each challenge!
Space Force
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It was a fun show! Enjoyed watching it with my sister.  :)
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Re-visiting this show from the one or two episodes I watched back when I was in grade 12 and one of my teachers was promoting this show because her friend was an extra in it. But, I really am intrigued by the concept, the way the show is filmed is just so gorgeous for such a gory show and the plot is very fascinating. Anytime Hannibal feeds anyone I get a bit antsy. But Will Graham is just such an interesting character. I have high expectations of the show!
Update: Finished s1 and LOVED it! As I was binging s2 I started to get nightmares and also the plot started to move forward at a snail’s pace (imo) so I will put this show on hold for now.
The Umbrella Academy s2
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So I really enjoyed this season of Umbrella Academy because I got to see more of Five kicking ass as a teenager, the character growth of BOTH Diego and Luther, seeing the entire family getting closer to Vanya and the general action sequences of the show. I enjoyed the new characters as well - Lila and The Swedes. I admit my memory of season 1 of this show is somewhat vague, but I found that the ending of the season (its climax to be precise in episode 10) to be somewhat lackluster considering the build-up. 
I really enjoyed was seeing Klaus, Allison and Vanya deal with their respective subplots and that scene in the barbershop with the three of them bonding really was a highlight of the season. Also when (spoiler alert) Ben finally ‘died’ and went to the afterlife that scene was so well executed and emotional and has got to be one of my favorite moments of the season. It was nice to see him helping Vanya out.
The Haunting of Bly Manor
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I loved this show! I grew to love these characters so much! I loved Hannah and Owen’s relationship so much.
The Haunting of Hill House
So, I read the book first and wanted to see what the hype was all about. I really enjoyed the little easter eggs to the book in the show, and that ONE SCENE with the ‘Bent-Neck lady’ gave me a nightmare... It was good, definitely an interesting take on the story.
The Disastrous Life of Saiki: Reawakened
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I love how the show constantly shows us that Saiki will tolerate anyone for the sweet sweet coffee jelly. I need more of this show!! Please give me more episodes @Netflix.
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I love it. I understand the hype now. I really enjoy how they show the lives of all the people in the show, the ‘extras’ on the team, the opponents and give us a glimpse into their lives and their stories. I finished season two and am looking forward to more! It’s honestly so hard to be rooting for just one person in this show and I love that.  Finished 2 seasons so far. Will get back into it eventually. I’m honestly jealous that I can’t play volleyball rn.
Mob Psycho 100
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This will probably take me a while to finish as I am planning to read it before watching it. It’s so so lovable. I love Mob and I would do anything to protect him. Also I really like Regen’s protectiveness and genuineness towards Shigeo. It’s just a great manga/anime. Finished season one. It is so addicting! I love Mob and Reigen so much! <3
Update: finished season two. Man watching this show makes my heart grow 5 x as big every time I watch it! It’s just so endearing, fun, comedic. I love how season two really just show’s Shigeo’s growth throughout the season. His speech to Shirazawa at the last episode and how it came full circle - loved it! I also was surprised by the red headed son (Ryu?) in the best way. I hope we see more of him in the next season. Can’t wait for more!
Fruits Basket season 2
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Can’t wait for more crying. 🙃 I am really looking forward to seeing Yuki’s character development and his relationship with Machi and Kakeru developing. Also looking forward to seeing Momiji growing and more moments between Kyo and Tohru.
Update: Love seeing Yuki’s arc in the anime format. Seeing him reach out to his brother, Hatsuharu and the student council peeps and grow is so rewarding to watch. Looking forward to more and more Kyorhu. One wish is that, I wish with this season we could see Momiiji change physically a bit more but I’m holding onto hope for that near the end of the season. 
March Comes in like a Lion/ 3-gatsu no Lion
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It’s not my usual type of anime to watch as it is so slice-of-life, but in a weird way it really reminds me of My Roommate is a Cat except after I watch it I want to play chess or learn shogi. Of course, Rei has depression and a lot of issues he needs to work with, but the sisters are just so sweet and the moments that they show up to take care of him are so heartwarming. I love his self-proclaimed ‘best’ friend and rival - Nikaidou. I just really love how he’s drawn, his personality and when he shows up in the show it definitely perks me up. I really enjoy seeing him develop as a character and as a person. I am somewhat sympathetic to the plight of his foster sister but where I am in the show (finished s1) I absolutely loathe her. I really like seeing  how many people are around Rei and watching him tackle life and grow. Looking forward to watching s2!
The animation is very interesting. One thing that I am not sure if it is deliberate or not is how the characters’ facial expressions (mostly the way the mouth is in close-ups) are drawn to me seems very ambiguous to me - I can’t quite understand what emotion is being conveyed.
Update: Started s2 and man the bullying storyline with Hina is so sad.
Teasing Master Takagi-san
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DNF. Just started it randomly. It’s very cute.
The Great Pretender
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I started it cuz it was short and seemed like fun. It has darker undertones than I expected going into it. On the Singapore storyline.
This was very short and binge-able. I liked it, it’s fun for what it is.
Never Twice
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So idk if I’ll actually keep up with this as it is a guilty pleasure atm. I just started it because I liked some of the tropes that the show had (found family, sweet male lead, baby being doted on etc.). I am enjoying the gifs of the show. The plot is very... boring and I do recognize that for the most part the female characters don’t have much intrinsic motivation or identity outside male characters... 
05.2020 Update: DNF. 
Crash Landing on You
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I am really enjoying it so far. I really like that both the female leads are just very powerful and interesting on their own. Really like how the found family trope is being used. The romance is cute (a bit much at times imo). I still can’t get over how Captain Ri heard her suicide tape and just went ‘oh we are fated to be together’. That was... an interesting interpretation of the tape...
Also the whole thing with her being in N. Korea is hilarious and really the drama asks the viewer to really suspend disbelief to enjoy the show but  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Update: Completed. Enjoyed it overall. Wasn’t the best drama I’ve ever seen but REALLY loved the female leads in the show. Seo Dan and her family are just SO adorable. Can’t believe Gu Suengjoon was killed just as his relationship with Dan became so cute. One qualm is that this show does the whole near death thing WAY too many times with the main couple for my taste. 
365: Repeat the Year
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Interesting premise and it has Nam Jihyun who I love. Looking forward to more and hoping it will keep my attention. I can’t believe that by episode 10 that the serial killer was revealed. I mean, I’m still invested in the show but that definitely caught me off-guard.
Finished it! I am really glad that they reduced the total amount of episodes because I felt that the ending was well done - not too rushed, not too out there (for the show). It was a very good ending for the show! I recommend it to anyone interested in a sci-fi/thriller. Overall, it was a fun time! Very engaging and would appeal to anyone interested in thrillers. I do have ONE gripe about the show which is a spoiler but it did not prevent me from enjoying the show. 
Love with Flaws/ People with Flaws
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Finished! I started it cuz of a random compilation I saw on Youtube with the show and the gifs of it here and there and it’s decent overall. I would say that out of the many kdramas I’ve seen in this genre, it does stand slightly apart from the rest because of how each character is portrayed. I feel like there were no overt archetypes for the characters and I especially liked how they portrayed characters relationships. I liked how the siblings’ relationships were portrayed, and I really ended up loving the female lead’s eldest brother. He’s just so sweet and kind and I love how he does his best to take care of their entire family. It was definitely sad to see at points knowing that Cha In Ha committed suicide, but his character in the show was just so well done and important! Also his boyfriend is literally so pure I love him. As usual Seulgi just makes me go  😍😍.   
Nobody Knows 2020
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It’s really good - very dark and bizarre. The shady foundation’s motivations are a mystery to me, but that hotel owner is a very interesting character. I will get back to it when I can handle more pain.
Update few months later: The twists and the turns though. Wow. I love all the children and how (so far) they are all portrayed as victims of circumstance. They are so sweet and I appreciate how Eun Ho, Dong Ryong and Min Sung’s relationships progress throughout the show. I’m also enjoying the character development of Sun Woo (the teacher/heir to the foundation). It’s also nice to see Cha Young-Jin begin to slowly open up. I’m enjoying the show a lot so far and am very intrigued by Baek Sang Ho’s group.
Final update: FINISHED it! Really loved this drama a lot. I love how all the characters are written so lovingly with so much depth to them. I liked the way the plot unraveled, I liked how all the relationships developed in the story, I loved the way forgiveness and morality were discussed. It was a really good drama and I am missing it already!
Chicago Typewriter
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A re-watch. Man I love this drama. The three leads and their relationship is just adorable. 
I hope that in Shin Yul’s world/afterlife or whatever they can be happy together. <3 
Oh My Baby
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I started this out because I was extremely bored and saw a few gifs of the show. It seems promising. Don’t have super high expectations of the show tbh. I do like the main couple though! They are adorable, nervously awaiting how it will conclude.
Update: Skipped a couple of episodes (4?) and went to the end. It ended up alright, very open ending and somewhat realistic. I’m glad the main characters were able to put their relationship above their disappointment in being infertile.
Strangers from Hell/ Hell is Other People
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I really enjoyed it!! - If I were to recommend it to anyone I would recommend they go into it as blind as possible to enjoy it to the fullest.
So... I had no clue that this show was ONLY 10 episodes long, so imagine my surprise as the events that have been put to play begin to climax, I checked and was surprised that it wasn’t a 16 episode drama. Anyways, this drama had superb writing, directing, acting and fight scene choreography. Everything came together to really make this show have such a dark, creepy atmosphere that intensified as the episodes went on. I loved how the show portrayed how Yoon Joon Yoo/O’s mentality was tested to the breaking point. Tbh I thought he was slow in the beginning of the show (episode 1-2), but turned out that he did far better than his counterparts. I think that one thing that was a shame was they didn’t really show the strength of his relationship w his girlfriend too much before, and had they had more screen time as a couple I would have been even more invested in the story. 
Mystic Pop-up Bar
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Loved it! This was a really enjoyable show. The pacing was good, the story was interesting and I liked watching the characters relationships develop. It was heartwarming and a fun watch! I enjoyed the focus on various people’s stories showcasing all sorts of relationships. 
It’s Okay Not to be Okay/ Psycho But It’s Okay
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Put it on hold for now - watched up until episode 10-12ish.
Flower of Evil
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The best kdrama of 2020 so far? Possibly.  Love how it mixes being a thriller with the marital relationship aspect. One potential con is that it seems that the mystery aspect of the show for now seems fairly obvious but how the situations will be handled keeps me on the edge of my seat!! Also I totally did not expect such a strong marriage to be shown in a thriller drama! Also the way that Cha Ji Won is written is just chef’s kiss. I love how complex she is, how intelligent, kind, caring and so so good at putting things together. I love Hyun So’s family and I hope it ends with them staying together.
Update: Finished it! Not sure how I feel about the very last episode... but I can say I’m glad that Do Hae Su got some crumbs in terms of character development by the end. So glad she didn’t end up with Moo Jin and started a new life abroad. The amnesia plot was unnecessary imo, I would have rather seen more cute scenes of them together than angst in the last episode. But, it was interesting to see how the trial was revealed, and the Baek’s got way better than they deserved which is unfortunately realistic.
Lie after Lie
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Plot sounded way more interesting in the synopsis vs the execution. Mediocre plot which I thought was easy to see through.
Eighteen Again
sort of dnf? I made it to epi 14 or so and just finished it in my head and through gifs. It had so much potential which I think it squandered... but there were some genuinely heart warming scenes from the show which I really enjoyed. (Siwoo and his dad bonding, all the scenes showing the mc as the nicest dude).
I don’t want to be friends with you
I really enjoyed the show. I liked how it portrayed the mother-daughter relationship, the differences in how they were raised and how Li Jing Bu was able to get the love she so craved through her dream?/journey. I liked how the romance was handled, how she gained such meaningful relationships during the show and how important it was to her that her mom was happy.
The Good Detective (2020)
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I really enjoyed this show! It was really cool to see a show that critiques the corrupt systems they have in place and the unexpected consequences that it can have on people. I liked how it touched on themes of guilt, remorse, forgiveness and resilience. Also, it was interesting to see a guy who has all the money in the world choose to be a workaholic detective.
Part 2
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