#and they better have a Damn Good Reason for this complete 180 on his character and morals
lorillee · 11 months
gamers when they miss phoenix wright in the missing phoenix wright game
this game has yet to give me a single reason to accept this man as the phoenix wright i spent the past three games running around with 😭😭😭
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diamondcitydarlin · 8 months
i think probably the worst part of the whole thing is that I just don't really care anymore, the investment I had at the end of season 1 just straight up no longer exists. no, it's not just bc a blorbo got killed off (and there's a lot of reasons to be angry about that), it's mainly bc most of the characters at this point feel like hollow shells of who they were a season ago, including the stede x ed pairing as a whole (which I really just don't care about anymore at all, sorry). and no it's not bc 'Izzy got all the development and there was no time for anyone else' like of course there was time for everyone else, provided that they hadn't opened the season on all those characters making 180 character changes with no real explanation, provided they hadn't overloaded the damn season with nonsense that goes nowhere. JimxOlu was my OTP after StedexEd in season one, both of them were some of my faves, and not only did neither of them even really resemble who they were in s1, their relationship which was of such great importance in the former just suddenly...is something else now. Not people in love, but 'friends who have fucked once lol' and are wingmen for each other now because...??? Oh but Jim's dating Archie who...*checks notes* was in a Snake Cult? I think? That's about all we get on her, apart from the fact that she likes making out with Jim I guess. And I guess Zheng can't just be a powerful woman character that exists in this narrative without a romance of her own, so let's just toss her together with Olu and never explore or explain that with any kind of depth. Jim has neither trust issues anymore nor do they have ANY interest or investment in their revenge scheme or the Siete Gallos (REMEMBER THAT PLOTLINE?? REMEMBER?? APPARENTLY THE WRITERS DON'T) they're just kind of goofy all the time now for no reason. Olu's leadership arc? His being a confidant to Stede? Where the fuck did any of that go? Are they all a polycule or are they all just separate couple friends? IDK WHO CARES THIS IS HOW IT IS NOW I GUESS. Like, why am I supposed to care about any of that? It doesn't even feel like the characters I watched before.
And StedexEd. Jfc there's so much to say that other people have said better but the constant bringing up of conflicts, breakups, and then immediately resolving those issues with heartfelt reunions/kissing as if that's supposed to be sufficient got really old for me after awhile. The lack of explaining how their 'whim-prone' romance to this point was bad, the lack of explaining how they reconcile their different goals was also bad, but oh they can just go RUN AN INN NOW! Yay happily ever after! ????? "Ed, you've got family" which he immediately leaves to go try another life path he's probably going to suck at and hate WOW so romance. Like either figure it out or break up for good, it just makes them an obnoxious toxic couple who never seem to communicate or bother to try but are supposed to be the one we love the most and are rooting for. And that sucks, because I loved them once! GARBAGE!
There's only so much blame one can put on external factors for this. I worked in production once, I edited scripts and was a go-between for notes and writers, and this is the exact kind of thing I would've felt compelled to point out; we only have x amount of time and x amount of episodes to properly tell these stories, we know this, so maybe lets be realistic about what we can fit in here and do justice and what we can't. Maybe let's not just throw every fucking thing we think of at the wall to see what sticks while completely ignoring/retconning character traits and stories we set up in season 1. But nah, that's what happened!
Like, what is there to watch for at this point if s3 gets greenlit? I fail to find anything that I'd care about seeing continued, even the peripheral characters like Frenchie and Wee John and Roach, whom I also loved before and still do but barely did anything, so I guess I can tune in to watch them do more of nothing? Idk man it sucks when it's not just 'wow that was bad I hope next season is better' but instead 'wow that was so boring and incohesive I have no more interest or emotional investment in this to continue'
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jemmo · 5 months
rambles on that last twilight ending
my thoughts on the last twilight ending are so??? im gonna need to sit on this one for a while, bc i loved this show so whole-heartedly that i don’t want to write it off bc of a ‘bad ending’, but it also means it’s hard to reconcile that the ending was… well, i don’t think it was bad. i think it deserves more thought than that, but i don’t think it did what it wanted to, nor did it keep with what the shows message was, or should have been. and we can say it’s as simple as day shouldn’t have got his sight back, but I don’t think that was the only thing. if he stayed blind, the ending still wouldn’t have hit right for me. none of it hit right from the end of ep 11 bc it’s like I could feel the intent of the writing, but it’s not what the writing actually was. and if it was given maybe 3ish more episodes and all these characters were given more time, i think an ending like this could’ve worked. but again, it all comes down to that damn ep 11 curse that I thought p’aof was better than, bc you can’t squeeze everything that needed to be reconciled after this breakup and everything they wanted to do into one ep, not with this show.
i didn’t hate the idea of a breakup. if you’re going with the narrative of mohk having a fear of being away from day bc of his trauma and so on then fine, that works. and so it works that they had to be away from each other to grow in that way, but I do think it was unkind to mohk to send him away on that note. some understanding, and day wanting him to go for his own good would’ve felt kinder, and even if they were his real intentions, they didn’t communicate that either. it just felt like day had no empathy for him. and yes he was probably hurting too feeling like no one was trusting him, but whatever, it could’ve been done better. and if they wanted to play on anything else, then hey there was that whole bit with the car and day thinking mohk was looking after him just for the money, why not use that and the fact the opportunities mohk got in his career were connections bc he was with day. day could’ve been like well that was the whole point, you don’t work for me forever, you can do whatever you want now, or even just played more on him feeling like he’s holding mohk back. idk, i just mean if this breakup was going to turn out to be 3 years, no contact at all, which it did, it should’ve felt bigger than a 5 second argument.
anyway, then the finale comes and again, if they’d given more reason for a breakup, i would’ve understand more why day keeps on denying mohk a second chance, which i already don’t like the phrasing of bc it makes out like he did something wrong and needs to earn a second chance which he doesn’t. the whole thing would’ve been more understandable if this was day realizing that they both grew and found happiness in what they’re doing and he didn’t want to ruin that when the breakup meant it could happen. or they could’ve completely 180-ed and shown that one of them wasn’t happy, or both, idk mohk had no one in the states and was incredibly hurt and lonely, day was struggling after losing mohk like he did and reinforcing the idea that he couldn’t be independent made him retreat again. just anything would’ve given more strength behind a need to push away, and would have made it more satisfying when love overcomes it all blah blah blah.
and as much as i liked the airport scene and the fact day did go after him, do you know what would’ve been more impactful? day, knowing his full ability, and going against his mom who still worries for his safety or going bc of his mom seeing that he’s not truly happy, bc both could’ve worked given different writing, getting on a plane by himself and going after mohk, seeing him be able to traverse it all. for once we watch day by himself and unlike at the start of the show, we’re not constantly scared he’s gonna get hurt, bc he’s confident and able now and we can just watch him go after mohk and be excited about it, like the end to any other romance story. and it would’ve meant mohk got this moment where, after looking after day so much and getting broken up with bc he cared too much, he gets to see day caring for him that much too.
and the sight thing. yes, with the time they had they shouldn’t have done it, it should’ve been that they manage to find their own happiness despite it all, then the whole show would’ve been about day accepting his situation and standing up for his own ability and his own right to independence and happiness, and it would’ve meant mohk could overcome his fear of loss and guilt over his sister and learn that he isn’t to blame for anything, bc now day can make his own decisions and is ok on his own. now if there was more time, i could’ve seen it working, but only with stronger writing. I would’ve loved to have seen a conversation over day getting his sight back, maybe him not wanting it bc he’s accepted the way he is much like how some deaf people don’t want implants, and the opposing argument of how not all people in his place can have the possibility of seeing again. we could’ve seen fear in the opposite direction now that he’s used to his life, and that damn first scene of part 4, we could’ve seen him then wanting to go out into the world and look after people like him, just like mohk did for him, bc mohk made him see the importance of having someone there for you that cares for you and sees you as a person, as normal, not as your disability. and funnily enough, do you know what made me cry at the end of it? then showing the pictures that were taken when day was blind. that’s the kind of thing i wanted to see, and wished i did if they had more time. day getting his sight back but still showing how connected he is to who he was at that time and while not being thankful for it happening, being thankful for the way he’s grown, and loving the person he sees in those pictures. to go from someone who hid himself and his blindness to someone who shares his story and helps and advocates vocally for those like him, despite not being blind anymore. that way you still get to give day his sight back as your happily ever after but manage to retain the message.
so yeah. they missed the ball. but i also want to remove this idea that an ending ruins a whole show. at the end of the day, it’s one ep, and when a show has done so much good in all its other eps, at least in my eyes, that’s the stuff I’d rather talk about and remember.
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luxsombra · 2 years
all these little things
Relationship: TodoBaku
Tags: Established relationship, Character Study, Fluff, Characters are Pro Heroes
“Ugh. Bakugou is such an ass.” Tokage said, collapsing down on the couch in the agency common area. She didn’t work at Endeavor Agency, but she was currently part of a joint mission, leading her to spending a fair deal of time in the office anyway. “Honestly, Todoroki-kun. I don’t know how you like him.”
Todoroki thought about that for a moment. It’s true, Bakugou was harsh, abrasive. Loud. Rude. Aggressive. All seemingly negative traits. But somehow the blonde made them strengths. Todoroki himself wasn’t the sweetest or friendliest out there, people just tended to overlook it because he was quiet about it. Bakugou’s brand of jackassery was harder to ignore.
But even the supposed jackassery was a result of improper observation. Bakugou was ten times the man Todoroki could ever be. Bakugou was a million times nicer, and more observant. More sacrificial and more caring. He just went about it in ways that were hard to understand.
Bakugou was the type to hear you mention your favorite flavor of Boba tea once and order it for you every time without you needing to ask. In the same situation, Todoroki would have been oblivious to the knowledge and forgotten all about your preferences. There were a few exceptions to this, Bakugou being one of them. Shouto knew exactly what the blonde wanted from the Ramen shop next door, how he preferred his coffee (double shot, one cream, no sugar), and what flavor of ice cream he wanted if he was allowing himself to indulge (strawberry). Midoriya and Momo were probably the only other people Todoroki could remember the preferences of if asked.
Bakugou was a unique brand of self-sacrificial, where he’d put his neck out for anyone, hero-related or not, because he knew he was stronger than the opponent and could take anything thrown at him. Most heroes were self-sacrificing in a martyr way. A “better me than them” way. Bakugou was self-sacrificial in a “you won’t be getting either of us” way. It was something that inspired Todoroki to act in multiple scenarios, aiming to be the same despite continuing falling short on the self confidence front.
Todoroki also knew Bakugou’s harsh words were hard to understand unless you damn near had a doctorate in Bakugou-nese. The blonde might say “get out of my way, extras.” But what he usually meant was “you can count on me. I’ve got this.” People always misunderstood his harsh words. This one Todoroki could understand though, because for a while he didn’t get it either. In fact, the only reason he ever figured it out was thanks to Midoriya, who had long since become fluent in the language and seemed to get some sort of entertainment out of poking the bear to further provoke him in his own native tongue. Todoroki had spent hours of his life watching the two of them egg each other on and it never got less entertaining. He may have even picked up a few tricks from Midoriya to poke the bear himself.
Bakugou appeared to be rash and impatient, running head first into fights without thinking first. But that wasn’t true at all. Honestly, that was more a testament to just how fast the blonde was. While most people were a few steps behind still formulating plans, Bakugou already had several strategies in mind and a back up plan or two to boot. He rushes in confident in his ability to win and his opponents don’t stand a chance without time to plan a counterattack.
But these were all things anyone could see if they looked a little closer. What they didn’t see was the nights Bakugou would stay up for hours, crying or panicked about a less ideal outcome or being outmatched in a fight. They didn’t see the way his confidence did a complete 180 outside of battle, as the blonde compared himself to anyone and everyone else. Especially Todoroki. Todoroki knew he was pretty damn good, but as mentioned before, he also acknowledged his own shortcomings. Todoroki was selfish and rash, rude and often underestimated opponents and teammates alike. He was working on all that, of course, but if anyone were to ask him, right now he’d say Bakugou was a far better hero and definitely en route to reach number one before him. Bakugou didn’t agree. Bakugou would see only Todoroki’s successes and deem himself a failure. Well, in a way. He also saw Todoroki’s failures and offered assistance to improve on future attempts, but for some reason the blonde forgot about those instances when feeling particularly inferior to his partner. Todoroki sure as hell wasn’t giving up, nor was he content to simply accept losing to the blonde, but he couldn’t delude himself into thinking they were on the same level. Todoroki had some serious improving to do if he wanted to win.
Bakugou was kind. Caring. Affectionate. Not so much in the physical sense, naturally. But Todoroki saw it in the way he’d walk slower if guiding the young or elderly somewhere. He saw it in the way he intently listened to the discussions of their peers while pretending not to be involved in the conversation. He saw it in the way Bakugou would chuck a water bottle at his friends’ faces after an intense fight. He witnessed it when their schedules conflicted, and Bakugou would be as quiet as possible to avoid waking Todoroki, oblivious to the fact that Todoroki’s own trauma made it impossible to sleep if he so much as felt the sheets shift. (That, at least, had gotten a little better since he’d started seeing the explosive blonde. He got a comfort out of knowing anyone who dared to fuck with them in their bed would be dying in a very painful manner). Bakugou could be in the midst of an intense battle, focused on his opponent and protecting civilians at the same time and still manage to shoot off an explosion to stop larger debris from hitting Todoroki off guard. And the blonde’s sixth sense for diet seemed to always just know if Todoroki had opted for junk food instead of a proper meal.
So, yeah. Maybe Bakugou was an ass if you only looked from 15 feet away. But one of the shortcomings Todoroki failed to address earlier was his unwillingness to share. Quite frankly, he didn’t care how misconstrued the others’ perception of Bakugou was. It meant Todoroki got to keep all the more intimate knowledge to himself.
“I don’t like him,” he finally responded, not looking up from the book he was reading. “I love him.”
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telestoapologist · 1 year
🔥 Calus opinions. Now.
Emperor Calus? Stupid idiot motherfucking god damn fool fanfic writing meat beating rat old bastard shithead idiot avatar of the whore biggest clown in the circus died of mediocrity motherfucking Emperor Calus.
I talk a lot of flack for very good reasons, but honestly? He’s an awesome villain. He’s a man who loves and feels with every inch of his being but for the worst fucking reasons and lets it all show in ALSO the worst reasons and he’s never apologetic for it once because to him he is 100% in the right and everyone else around him Just Doesn’t Get It.
His desires are an insatiable entity that have helped transform him into a genuinely horrible person. A gluttony for both opulence and punishment. A massive, needy thing. Like imho he’s never really been a great guy, definitely had some good ideas and some thoughts were in the right place, but it fell so hard and fast because of the kind of person that he is, and never once has he stopped to consider why he’s part of the problem.
Calus is a father and a patriarch, but you know what he reminds me of? The creepy guy in his 20s or 30s that you’re on OKAY terms with who’s always fawning over you, giving you a reason to let him overstep boundaries, and when your guard is down, he takes advantage. And when you strike him or call him out for it, he does a 180 and tries to gain your sympathy or favor again. Sorry means nothing to him (unless you’re the Witness, but only because they’ve shown a GREAT deal of power that they have over him that he didn’t originally plan on and it terrifies him because he knows he can’t match that).
It’s possible that at one point he WAS a good (or better) person a very long time ago. To me it does seem like there are times where he genuinely suffers from depression and delusions, and was never able to get the right help for it. I don’t think the Uluran ever really practiced proper therapy? They strike me as the kind of people who a lot of our parents and grandparents were, where you don’t really acknowledge the emotional pain and turmoil you feel at the behest of others, or just generally. Inflicting physical pain is often a good thing, and just completely normalized in general. I can see how that would be a contributing factor to his mental issues. The separation of his daughter, the one thing he held genuine love and joy for, separated herself from him (for VERY good reasons), didn’t help as well I’m sure.
Those aren’t what make him a bad guy though, honestly. It’s like, how he’s been shaped as a person. We see a lot of characters on our side who have suffered the same issues, or very similar, but none are power-hungry, manipulative, and malevolently selfish and sadistic like he is. There were really cool attacks that they had planned for him in Lightfall, but tbh he deserved to die a mediocre, anti-climactic death.
He had an awesome run in the game, he was fun and awful, and I’m glad he’s gone.
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 315: I Didn’t Expect This to Blow Up
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi was all “guess which plot that you thought was dead is actually not dead and is making a comeback!” and we were all “EVIL HPSC??” and he was all “girl you know it,” and that’s the story of how we got a sexy Lady Nagant flashback with lots of guns and murder. Flashback!Lady was all “gotta murder peeps to preserve the people’s trust,” but then a little while later she was like “actually wait that makes no sense,” and so she shot her evil boss and they sent her to jail. Back in the present, Deku was all “okay fair, the hero system might in fact be a little fucked up, but hear me out... have you considered not helping AFO take over the world so he can murder like a bazillion more innocent people??” The chapter ended with the not-all-there Overhaul finally revealing himself to Deku, and I honestly have no idea where this is gonna go.
Today on BnHA: In what is unfortunately the single worst plan ever concocted by anyone in BnHA, Nagant is all “I’m going to try and get this Deku kid to panic and freeze up by putting someone in mortal danger.” Deku is all, “[doesn’t panic and freeze up at the sight of someone in mortal danger].” Nagant is all “omg no way.” Deku, who is now all of a sudden being so OP that even I have to acknowledge that it’s OP lol, is all “[smashes Nagant’s gun arm to bits]”, which sucks but is also really cool, and which also apparently makes Nagant decide that she actually likes this kid after all. Deku is all “NAGANT I REALLY LIKE YOU AND THINK YOU’RE GREAT SO PLEASE JOIN UP WITH ME AND STOP BEING EVIL.” Nagant is all “aw shucks (✿ •͈ᴗ•͈) well okay then” and everyone is all “( ・◡・) ✰ ( ˆᴗˆ ) ( ᵘ ᵕ ᵘ ⁎)” and then Nagant FUCKING EXPLODES LIKE AN EGG IN THE MICROWAVE AND FALLS TO HER DEATH!!!! except not really because Hawks saves her??? In conclusion, (a) THE FUCK, and (b) AFO TURN ON YOUR LOCATION I JUST WANT TO TALK.
so I have to tell you guys something, which is that barely ten minutes after I made that “please don’t send me spoilers” post the other day, someone replied to the comments in a stunning fit of “tell me that you’re twelve without actually telling me you’re twelve” energy and posted what seemed to be the copy-pasted spoiler summary from reddit or twitter or whatever lol. so here is my good news/bad news rundown of all that
good news: I have very well-conditioned ABORT!! reflexes and have trained myself to immediately look away from the screen (usually in dramatic fashion) as soon as I realize that whatever I’m reading is a spoiler
bad news: unfortunately as I was subsequently deleting said comments, I accidentally read the very last one
good news??: said spoiler was so unbelievably, absurdly over-the-top that I’m almost positive this person was just trolling. like, there’s just no way lmao
bad news: but in the unlikely event that it is true I will absolutely lose my shit I swear to god
(ETA: “NAGANT DIES.” that was the spoiler I read lol. like, literally all I read from the person’s comments was “My Hero Academia Chapter 315 Title: “Beautiful Words.” Chapter starts with...” and then I noped out of there, and then of all the comments to read as I was deleting, it had to be that one lol. I seriously was just like “SURE, JAN.” all “just how gullible do you think I am” sob. but I was wrong. a troll, but an honest troll they remain.
but anyways like I’m pretty sure Nagant isn’t even actually dead lol, so in the end this whole little adventure doesn’t even have a point to it, but for me it was a journey!)
anyway, so there are apparently two versions of the chapter today?? no idea what the difference is, but I’m going to go with the Bean version, because it’s the one at the top and I don’t feel like making decisions today
huh, so Overhaul is actually more coherent than Horikoshi was letting on
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look at him having a whole back and forth conversation with her. side note, how is he still this jacked when he’s been sitting in a cell doing absolutely nothing for the past six months
anyway so he says he’ll go with her on one condition. I wonder what that condition could possibly be. do you think it could be the thing he literally hasn’t shut up about ever since he reappeared lol
yep! and damn -- maybe this guy will surprise me after all
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still would be nice if you also felt a bit sorry for the little girl you tortured and traumatized, but this is something at least. maybe Deku will yell at him for that other stuff lol
(ETA: also can’t help but wonder if he wants to make amends because he put him in a coma, or because his plan was a failure and ended up destroying the family. just hoping you’ve finally had that “hurting other people is bad” epiphany dude.)
anyways so now Nagant’s arm is transforming again, and this particular transformation happens to be the only truly unsexy thing that Nagant has done thus far so I’m just gonna skip right on ahead lol
aaaaand we’re back to the delirious ranting
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buddy. just. read the fucking room, guy
wow she really is aiming at Overhaul, then. those theories were spot-on
damn she’s really out here all “it really fucks with kids’ heads when you kill people right in front of them and make them blame themselves” like yo
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I’m picturing her saying all this in a very loud stage-whispery tone while making very significant eye contact with Deku lol
uh oh but wait
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um. okay. who’s gonna tell her. Nagant I might have some bad news for you about the kid you’re trying to capture here. specifically about the way he tends to do the opposite of what you’re thinking that he’s about to do
holy shit
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so it’s basically just “tap x repeatedly to charge up your attack” lol
and okay, so that’s cool and all, but is anyone else wincing at the thought of what that must be like on his knees. oh to be young
anyway, but so to the surprise of basically no one, Deku did not, in fact, freeze. I am very sorry, Nagant. he’s just like this
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someone wanna tell me how getting yoloed in the fucking ribs by this fucking slingshot kid moving at literal sniper bullet speed is in any way even remotely better than getting hit by the bullet itself lol
(ETA: this is 10x funnier now that we know the bullet wasn’t even gonna hit him lmao.)
anyway so now Nagant is having an extended “!?!?!?” reaction about how Deku just moved with no hesitation, and I’m starting to get an inkling of fear that the rest of this fight isn’t going to go very well for her and maybe that’s what all the “hoo boy” is about
oh my god Deku are you about to Gomu Gomu no Rocket yourself at her you insane little man
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now Three is popping up again and he’s all “I see you’ve learned your lesson and are now only using three quirks at once instead of five” like with all this effusive praise about how great and badass Deku is and sob, okay, yeah. this chapter is basically one of those machines that shoots tennis balls at people, except instead of tennis balls it shoots hot piping discourse
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lol oh my god it’s literally two opposing reactions at once wtf. do I love this or hate this. like just for once can Horikoshi actually let a badass lady character win their fucking fight without getting their arm ripped off, BUT ALSO fucking look at that absurdly cool “SMASH” onomatopoeia though. it looks like it’s about to float right off the page holy shit that’s some seriously good art
anyway so is this really the end?? do I need to break out my ಠ_ಠ faces
lmao okay yeah I can definitely see how this would piss a lot of people off
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he basically one-shotted her and she’s all “damn this kid is so amazing that I’m about to do a complete 180 turn on all of my previous angst” lmao. Horikoshi is really shounening it up today
on the plus side though, maybe this means there’s still a chance for her to join up with him after all? unless that spoiler was true lmao, then all hell is gonna break loose
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OH MY GOD AND HE SAYS THE BULLET WOULDN’T HAVE DONE MORE THAN GRAZE OVERHAUL ANYWAY, wow, I’m actually more relieved by that than I would have expected. I mean I would have forgiven her either way, but it means that there was still more hero in her than she was letting on
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lol but I mean, it’s also like, “oh so today they get to have brain cells”, thank you so much lol. sometimes it’s really hard to tell which times we’re supposed to question these character decisions that seem dumb, and which times we’re just supposed to full on embrace them and switch off our critical thinking
but okay, so in this case it really was Nagant going easy on him on purpose, and not just her fucking up for no good reason even though she used to do this for a living and was the best in the game. and I know in this case it’s probably just Horikoshi giving us some consolation headpats to soften the blow of her losing so abruptly, but you know what, shit. I’ll take it
also you guys the light is coming back into Deku’s eyes again for just a moment here and I’m having feels about it?? the way it still comes back when he’s reaching out to save someone, and following his own hero path instead of the much darker and lonelier Christopher Nolan path that’s been laid out for him instead that he never wanted?? it’s both reassuring and also very sad
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p.s. I am now absolutely scared shitless that that spoiler was actually true sob. swear to god, I will throw this manga into a fucking volcano. but we’re almost at the end of the chapter and this seems just WAY TOO GOOD to be true fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck f
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fuck, lol, I don’t wanna do it. I don’t wanna scroll down what have I ever done to deserve this oh my god
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can someone please give AFO a really good, sharpish kick in the balls. just really let him have it. I’m so tired, what the fuck
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bro. I was literally going through my Excel folders to find the spreadsheet about female characters in BnHA that I made back when Midnight died. was gearing myself up for a wholeass rant. and honestly I might just let all of that continue simmering on low to keep it warm just in case lol, because to tell you the truth I have absolutely no idea what’s happening right now
my girl straight up does not have a face. she used to have a face. people usually need those, idk. like, even if she’s alive, her gorgeous eyebrows are definitely not making it out of this and I’m gonna throw a funeral just for them
how the fuck did AFO just blow her up?? how did he know what was going on?? and if he had a quirk that could explode people at will, why is this the first we’re hearing of it?? you’d think that might have come in handy at Kamino or Jakku, like what
(ETA: present!me, who’s had more than three hours of sleep and can now actually remember facts about the series, would like to remind past!me that AFO gave Nagant a quirk, and so this is probably just more Vestige shenanigans now on his part. that’s also probably why Air Walk suddenly stopped working out of nowhere. still doesn’t explain why he doesn’t go around blowing people up more often though but maybe he thinks it’s gauche.)
Hawks just straight up out of nowhere. just Mirioed his way straight into the chapter just in time to be too late sob. here I was looking forward to seeing your face when Deku showed up with his new best friend. can’t believe Horikoshi deprived us of that moment
on the plus side, WELCOME BACK, HAWKS’S FEATHERS. I have no doubt that in this chapter of Deku being an almighty threequirk-mastering god, and Nagant losing anticlimactically only to be immediately blown up because girl characters in BnHA can only be cool for one fight and one fight only, there are still some people who are focusing solely on the “how dare Hawks get his wings back when he is a MURDERER this is an outrage what about CONSEQUENCES” discourse, and to hell with all the other discourses lmao
anyway, so yeah. wow. and now it’s just occurring to me that maybe the real reason why Overhaul is there is so he can get a head start on that amend-making by actually doing a good thing for once in his life, and using his quirk to heal Nagant. assuming he can still do that
and so now Horikoshi has got me out here actually rooting for Overhaul. you know what, on that note I think I’m just gonna go ahead and call it a day sob
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todoscript · 4 years
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character: todoroki shouto.
warnings: suggestive language. a woman tries coming onto your man.
author’s note: was vibing with this with my girls the other night but might as well put the vibes on here too because we know that once shouto’s in love with you, he won’t ever betray that love
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todoroki shouto
to cut to the chase, the very moment he realizes other women—whether they be heroes, news reporters, office workers, fans, etc.—start flirting with him his dick just goes limp.
soft, flaccid, not even the wind can get that thing to move
these ladies could go through the most tasteless ways, vying for his attention, like revealing clothing or unnecessary touching. still, he always gives them the bare minimum interaction, not so much as sparing a glance in their direction when he knows they’re just desperate to get in his pants.
he’s incredibly blunt and cold, and definitely isn’t shy about shoving them off when they get way too close, it’s pretty damn intimidating.
after all, we know how rude he can be when his patience gets tested.
they can go all they want at wasting his time, trying so desperately to garner his favor but as soon as you walk into the room, that’s a whole other story.
to those that only know him professionally, it’s staggering how quickly he softens up and goes starry-eyed for you.
a complete 180. like is this really the same man that nearly freezes nasty villains to death?
you can practically feel the devotion and adoration lighting in his eyes, all directed toward you. it’s only a matter of time before those ladies all give up.
they end up walking out of his agency with loud contempt in their heels at their utter humiliation.
- - - - -
Her nefarious attempts at wooing Shouto so far have all been fruitless, the wispy, exaggerated tone of her voice sounding like static every time it abandons her puckered lips. Grainy, annoying white noise. Shouto grimaces when he hears it, catching onto the game she’s trying to play.
His guest—a sidekick coming in place of her boss—circles the desk in his office, where the two were reviewing a plan devised to thwart a troublesome gang of villains. For any inessential reason, she’s checking her nails and tucking away stray strands of hair as if preparing herself for an interview—making herself presentable. Her hums threaten the silence, and he has a foreboding that these plans they’re going over are in a distant corner of her mind.
Now, Shouto more than realizes he’s an exceptionally desired man. He’s had his fair share of interviews and newspaper headlines depicting him as “the hot yet cool pro dominating the hero scene”. It didn’t take long for him to acknowledge the slew of admirers that came with his reputation and good looks. Some of which he’s had the displeasure of dealing with quite often nowadays.
Shouto sighs quietly. There comes a time when these “fans” come onto him too strongly that it becomes a hassle. Especially when they cross boundaries he has so critically established.
“C’mon, Shouto,” she muses freely, and the white and red-haired hero begins regretting the fact he took his own name as his hero alias. “Going over these plans is so boring, don’t you think? Why don’t we blow this joint and say… go out for lunch together, hmm?” She hits her shot again. There’s suggestion hidden in her faux naïveté, her act inflated by her fluttering eyelashes as Shouto turns to her.
Crossing his arms, his lips set into a frown. “You’re here for work, not to hang around and act like we’re friends,” he says firmly, piling bricks and binding them together with mortar to implant a wall he prays will drive off her desperation so he can finish this meeting quickly. The sidekick, however, seems determined to tear down these barriers as if the pro has issued an unspoken challenge. Her lips smothered in gloss upturn into a smirk.
“Aw, you’re no fun,” she teases, hoisting herself onto the table next to the array of papers sprawled in front of him. She makes a point at crossing her legs, hoping he hooks onto the bait of her enticing display. To her dismay, Shouto doesn’t even blink, finding the material written on the papers more interesting.
Eyes widening, she questions the hero’s tenacity in disbelief. Her confidence stumbles amidst his lack of interest. She bites the inside of her cheek, pouting. Time for drastic measures.
Shimmying closer to Shouto, she leans forward, giving her voice a better path to intrude his ears with light whispers. “Don’t tell me you’ve been grumpy as if late because you haven’t had anyone to sleep with…” she taunts suggestively, glinting at how the hero’s muscles flex at her statement and assumes she’s finally pushed his buttons.
Oh yeah, she’s pushed some buttons alright. Little does she realize they’re all the wrong ones.
Diving brazenly into a torrent, the sidekick lifts a hand toward Shouto’s arm. “Y’know, I would gladly help you fix that if you let me—” Her words are thrown off, brought to an abrupt halt by him gripping her wrist.
The sudden tense, chilly air has the sidekick shivering at both the coldness and apprehension at what is in store for her.
“I’m sure you know by now that I’m taken,” Shouto emphasizes his words with a steely look in his mismatched eyes that nudge in the direction of your photo framed on his desk, your joyful yet spiritless expression unknowingly witnessing this woman’s acts on your man. She gulps, aware it is her own fault for choosing to ignore your picture and still have the audacity to try and have her ways with him. How despicable. Now she has to face the consequences.
Shouto cruelly shoves her hand from his grasp, his expression so sharp it almost pierces like daggers.
“So I’d appreciate it if you stopped trying to pursue a man that obviously has no interest in you before I tell your boss that their sleazy sidekick can’t stay in line and perform her duties.”
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hey-haven · 2 years
Shenhe is the character Ei should have been
With the release of the new event, Genshin Impact introduced us to a new playable character by the name of Shenhe. She’s shown to be rather reserved, mysterious, and has literally been labeled as homicidal. And yet she’s probably one of the most interesting new characters we had in a long while.
Rest of the post will contain spoilers to Shenhe’s story and the event as a whole.
So Shenhe’s story is very similar to Ganyu in the sense that the former wants to belong somewhere but feels like an outcast no matter where she is. Only difference is that Shenhe specifically wants to belong in human society. We learn that she’s simply a human who grew up with the aptepti after her father tried to sacrifice her to monsters. Reason why he did that was both because he wanted to bring back his dead wife and like a sacrifice was in order blah blah. But also it was because Shenhe has been prophesied to bring harm to everyone around her due to her homicidal tendencies that I mentioned before.
Spoiler alert, she didn’t die. No, instead Cloud Retainer found her, took Shenhe in and raised her.
The general point here is that Shenhe is a person riddled with trauma and generally isn’t exactly a “good” person. I mean I’d argue that having homicidal tendencies makes you at least a tiny bit suspicious but ya know it’s not like not murdering someone is a bare minimum or whatever.
Point is her journey with the traveler is to learn to use the strength and power she has for good and to be able to fit in with the people of Liyue.
I remember seeing some people in TikTok grow worried that, like Ei, Shenhe would go from the badass, homicidal Girlboss into a perfect, for lack of a better term, waifu. And honestly I was worried too considering the sudden switch they did with Ei’s character. But thank fucking Christ, that was not the case.
Yes, Shenhe still learns and grows and tries to be better a person. That’s how a character arc goes after all. However literally the last scene of the event is a small joke about Shenhe literally threatening to kill someone and Paimon going “Oop, she still got a long way to go.” And I’m fully aware that was merely thrown in to be funny, but I’m honestly glad that did.
Joke or not, they do still acknowledge that Shenhe’s journey is far from over. She still has a lot to learn and grow and the adventure she had with the traveler was only the beginning. And regardless her personality doesn’t do a complete 180.
With Ei, she’s introduced as this terrifying, borderline dictator who literally starved her people and took away their very ambitions all for the sake of “eternity”. Even though what she basically wanted was to put her people at a permanent stasis and not grow or develop. It’s stupid, and honestly I think the mistake was making a goddess for something as nuanced and complex as the concept of eternity without having the actual skills to write the character as complex and nuanced as the very thing she represents.
And like yeah they acknowledge with her character quest that permanent stasis is literally impossible and that a society will develop regardless blah blah blah. That’s not the problem. The problem is that the writers tried sooooo damn hard to make Ei redeemable that they take the terrifying leader that she was and reduced her down to some sweet loving dork who can’t cook.
And no matter how many excuses they tried to throw like how the terrible actions was literally just her puppet and not Ei herself (which only makes it worse because then it just paints Ei as super neglectful of her own people), or how it was really the Fatui behind the Vision Hunt Degree (again, only adds to Ei negligence), it doesn’t erase the pain she put her people through under HER leadership.
But no, just have her Fox girlfriend walk in and talk her out of her bedroom and everything is suddenly fine and Ei is actually cute and perfect and sweet and, ya know she still killed Kazuha’s friend. We’re not going to acknowledge that either? No? Alright fine.
My point here is that I am not upset at the fact that Inazuma gets a happy ending, and I’m aware that they also acknowledge that the nation is still working to undo all the trouble and literal oppression it went through but I’m not talking about Inazuma itself, I’m talking about Ei as a character.
They should have kept Ei as cold and scary and ignorant while acknowledging that she will grow and learn eventually. Just not now. And also please for the love of god make her face the consequences of her actions. Shenhe doesn’t have to cause she didn’t really do anything wrong while on her quest, but Ei literally fucked over her people! No, the trauma she experienced in her past doesn’t count nor does her being traumatized excuse her of her actions!
Overall Shenhe is great, Ei actually sucks, and it seems like the writers are only good at their job when they’re not writing for Inazuma.
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pridewhatpride · 3 years
do you have any gx rivalshipping hcs!! im super curious on your take of them :]
When I saw this ask my immediate reaction was thinking: "Yes, I have an excuse to talk about gx rivalshipping, YES."
So yeah. I love this ship a lot, like a whole damn lot and it's a little hard to explain why, especially when gx has so many open possibilities for romances involving Judai. By which I mean two, really, and Manjoume is not one of them (sadly for me). I am referring to Yubel and Johan, by the way, I refuse to acknowledge Asuka as a love interest.
I'll start off with a bit of fluff headcanons?
Manjoume thinks Winged Kuriboh is really cute and that its friendly and fluffy appearance screams Judai, in a way. But he will never admit it because of what that might imply for him and the Ojamas.
Manjoume is fueled by caffeine and monster, he only really starts to recognise how nice it can be to have a meal because of how much Judai enjoys his food. He tries to sit at the table with him with dumb excuses.
Judai feels a bit guilty for how his actions impacted Manjoume's life, but Manjoume generally tells him that it's fine, it's better this way, that he's never this happy, that the only reason why Judai should maybe feel bad about it is because of his tendency to get overly invested in other people's problems and getting hurt in the process. Judai responds with bear hugs.
Manjoume brags about Judai a lot, actually. "Oh you think that's cool? One time Judai managed to do a backflip, you loser." "Slifer reds suck, but they do have redeeming qualities, by which I mean one of them is actually good."
Judai likes to indulge himself in the thought that he's Manjoume's most trusted, that he's the only one who could ever be allowed to have that many incriminating pictures of him. Because Judai just loves taking candid pictures of Manjoume. He thinks he looks and and cool in every situation, so yeah. A part of him does it because he has an inexplicable fear of forgetting people and the way they look, but he just can't say why that is.
They hang out in silence a lot, but once they start talking they just never stop. You'll find them on the beach at 3 am with a smiling Manjoume listening to Judai go on about how crazy it is that you can fry food in so many different ways and how he once caught a butterfly as a kid and named it Kujaku.
They share their music a lot, so Manjoume's tastes switch from just emo to fast paced rap and the weirdly happy sounding songs about very morbid things Judai listens to (plus emo). Judai starts to enjoy a bit of angry screaming into microphones thanks to Jun. Do they sing along like idiots as they share earphones? Yes. Is Manjoume mesmerised by Judai's singing voice? Also yes.
Judai loves hiking and sometimes invites Manjoume, but because he's a lot weaker and has less stamina, they take it slow. Manjoume keeps cursing himself for being slow and dead weight, but Judai is just happy to have a companion. Admittedly, going slower makes the walks better as he has the time to enjoy the scenery properly. He never teases Jun about his lack of physical training.
Now... I wanted to talk about my general view on the ship, plus headcanons I guess, but this is going to be EVEN LONGER (you are getting more than you asked for, your fault for enabling me, really). For the sake of the sanity of mobile users, I'm adding a cut so nobody has to unwillingly scroll through endless text.
On to the the juice, then. My thoughts on the ship. Manjoume and Judai are, of course, the rivals of the series and, if my thoughts on rivalry weren't clear enough, I am one of those people. It's just really romantic to me. What is very interesting about the two of them specifically is that they are polar opposites in the way the reason why they play, throughout the whole series. Hell, their views end up getting reversed completely: Manjoume goes from "if I don't win I'm gonna have a breakdown breakdown" to "losing is ok, as long as I enjoy the game and am true to myself", while Judai does the 180 from "I really just love playing cards with my friends, who cares about the outcome, it's fun" to "I have card game related trauma, nobody speak to me, games are only an excuse to assert a sort of power scale and honestly fuck that".
Manjoume is sort of the only person in the 'friend group' (he's never actually part of it, sadly, literally only Judai and Fubuki like him) to not idolise Judai, not explicitly. He clearly has an admiration for Judai from the beginning, but he is adamant on expressing it as hatred towards for being better than him. A part of me feels that a lot of his superior act is meant to try and fool himself and Jaden into thinking that he's a worthy rival, because I know for a fact that Manjoume doesn't believe that. He wants it to be true, yes.
What I am trying to get at is that Judai is probably a little confused by the fact that Manjoume doesn't drool all over him like the rest of the school does, but it soon becomes a crutch. Judai is under a lot of pressure because he is the hero who will save everyone and people like to remind him of how much they count on him. Manjoume is in it for Judai. He wants to be acknowledged by him, he wants his recognition and his attention, but he never asks for help or expects Judai to fix his problems for him. Judai is probably thankful for that.
Manjoume is also really scared of being left behind and cast aside as soon as he stops being useful and that's exactly what the writers do to him!!! hooray!, but Judai keeps insisting that he's not a bad guy, that he's fun to be around, that he's competent. Manjoume doesn't really believe all that that much, but Jaden keeps playing him despite his repeated losses and to Jun that's the equivalent of someone kissing his tears away. Manjoume only learns to accept his losses and shortcomings because Judai did it for him first.
So basically Manjoume is the only one who fully sees Judai as a person, while Judai is the only one who is really willing to look past his pretentious facade. I fully believe that Judai was relieved to learn that Manjoume was not just a perfect boy with perfect manners, by the way. They both just love to learn about every imperfection that the other has and silently thinking that they just add to the beauty of the other's character. Will they tease eachother about it? Fuck yes. Do they feel awful when the other tries to fix something about themselves because they pointed it out? Also fuck yes.
They are in a dumb competition against themselves to be better in order to earn the right to be friends with eachother, but because they are fucking dumb they never actually communicate (until they do), so for a long time it's endless pining that is definitely not gay because admittedly Judai just doesn't think that dating is a thing, while Manjoume is straight™, really straight. He has never liked a boy in his life, he's so very fucking straight, I swear.
So Manjoume is a bisexual disaster (and in my headcanon he prefers boys, actually, the Asuka incident is the biggest example of denial™ ever. He prefers Fubuki, fight me over this). The problem is that he never really considered he might be crushing on Judai, but at the same time admitting to maybe liking boys too means that there was more to wanting to stay at DA, to hanging out with Judai's crew despite their mutual dislike, to his continuous playful headlocks and ear pulling. To add onto that, there is probably a certain amount of guilt over having betrayed that bond with Judai by trying to throw away his cards and everything. Judai, on the other hand... is confused at how bothered he is by the public declarations of love, because Manjoume is his rival and rivals are supposed to focus on eachother, not on some girl, no matter how good said girl is at card games.
So maybe they are a bit gay for eachother. And maybe they just want excuses to be together as much as possible. And it's really just the vibe of highschool romance between two people who don't want to admit to caring for one another on a deeper level, but are also weirdly possessive of eachother for no apparent reason. And I think I'll stop here with my gay retelling, but really if you look at the two of them you do see that they do a lot for eachother's characters. It's kind of beautiful, really. They are the two socially inept characters who find comfort in someone being just like them and understanding them as they change and grow up.
I have a lot to say about how that changes once the transfer students come in, but I think I've bored everyone for long enough- as in nobody will read this lol. That's ok. I thank you again for the ask and for allowing me to gush about this ship that is so close to my heart. If anyone ever wants to talk about them, just. Do. Break into my house at night and I still won't mind, I just want to talk about them.
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9worldstales · 3 years
MCU “Thor”: Who’s to blame for Thor’s banishment?
So I’ve seen around people blaming Loki for Thor’s banishment and…
… I can’t help but wonder if they realize that, by saying so they aren’t just pinning the blame on the wrong person but they’re doing a HUGE, GIANT SIZE disservice to Thor.
But let's list sources used for this first.
Movies: “Thor” (2011), “Thor – The Dark World” (2013)
Comics: None mentioned
Direct-to-video animated film: None mentioned
Motion comics: None mentioned
Books: None mentioned
Novels: “Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase One: Thor” by Alex Irvine (2015)
Webs: None mentioned
Others: “Thor” old movie script, Interview “Director Kenneth Branagh and Kevin Feige Interview THOR”, interview “EXCLUSIVE: Screenwriter Don Payne Talks Thor!”, Interview “SDCC 2010: Chris Hemsworth Interview THOR”, Video “Thor (2011) Chris Hemsworth Kill Count”
Although “Thor” is meant to be an origin story for both Thor and Loki…
Kevin Feige: The movie, very much, is an origin of Loki, almost as much as it is an origin of Thor. We had to ride that balance. There were drafts where Thor took over too much, and there were certainly drafts where Loki became too prominent, and I think we found a nice balance that is clearly the origin of both of those characters. [Director Kenneth Branagh and Kevin Feige Interview THOR]
…the focus was mostly on Thor and his journey to learn humility.
I mean, this is not MY interpretation of the story, it’s basically what everyone involved in the production says the story is about. Thor is unworthy, the banishment is just, from it he learns humility and becomes worthy again.
Don Payne: Whereas we’ve got an extra-dimensional being once worshipped as a god by the ancient Norse who’s banished to earth and stripped of his powers to learn humility, all set amidst the Shakespearean intrigue of a dysfunctional royal family. You just have to find the things that make Thor timeless and relatable as a character. It certainly helps that he’s charismatic and likeable, albeit flawed. He’s banished for good reason, but I think people will want to go on the journey with him and root for him to find redemption — particularly with Chris Hemsworth’s performance. [EXCLUSIVE: Screenwriter Don Payne Talks Thor!]
Kenneth Branagh: That story arc of the flawed hero who must earn the right to be king is in our piece, but what’s key is the stakes. There, it’s Europe and England, and here, it’s the universe. When that family has problems, everybody else is affected. If Thor throws a fit and is yelling at his father and is banished, suddenly the worlds are unstable. [Director Kenneth Branagh and Kevin Feige Interview THOR]
Chris Hemsworth: At the beginning of this film, he’s certainly a brash, cocky warrior who’s about to inherit the keys to the kingdom, and his father thinks that he’s not ready. It’s the journey of him learning some humility through the film. I think he’s one of those people who has his heart in the right place. He’s doing what he’s doing for his family and to protect the kingdom, and he thinks it’s the right way to do it. It just happens to be a very aggressive way of doing it, which probably isn’t the right way. It’s about tempering that raw emotion that he drives off most of the time, into the right direction. [SDCC 2010: Chris Hemsworth Interview THOR]
And in fact Thor makes a 180° turn from how he started.
The boy then man who insisted he wanted first to kill all the Jotun then give them a lesson is the one who sacrifices his chance to meet Jane again to save them.
Young Thor: When I’m king, I’ll hunt the monsters down and slay them all! Just as you did, Father.
Thor: March into Jotunheim as you once did. Teach them a lesson. Break their spirits so they’ll never dare try to cross our borders again.
Thor: You can’t kill an entire race!
The man who said his father was an old man and a fool, becomes the one who says there will never be a wiser king than Odin.
Thor: And you are an old man and a fool!
Thor: There will never be a wiser king than you. Or a better father. I have much to learn. I know that now. Someday, perhaps, I shall make you proud.
The man who returning from Jotunheim was too busy to care for how Fandral got hurt so that it was Odin who had to say to get him to the healing room, is the one who, once back to Midgard, first worry about having his friends getting Heimdall on the healing room and then about what he’ll do with his brother.
Odin: You cannot even protect your friends! How can you hope to protect a kingdom? Get him to the healing room! Now!
Thor: Get him to the healing room! Leave my brother to me.
The man who thought his father’s lessons were wrong, then admits his father was right.
Thor: While you wait and be patient, the Nine Realms laugh at us. The old ways are done. You’d stand giving speeches while Asgard falls.
Thor: Neither did I. My father was trying to teach me something, but I was too stupid to see it.
The man who first was told by Loki going to Jotunheim was madness and did it anyway then tells Loki how destroying Jotunheim is madness.
Loki: Thor, it’s madness.
Thor: Loki, this is madness.
The man who would start a fight just because he was called ‘princess’ versus the man who kept on refusing to start a fight with Loki even after the other hit him four times and only does so when Loki threatens Jane.
And then there are the comparisons that got lost because some scenes got cut. For start an even better comparison, in which another man calls Thor "Princess" and Thor this time refuses to fight.
Jotun: Run back home, little princess. [Thor stops in his tracks. Loki goes white. He knows what's coming.] Loki: Damn. [In one quick move, Thor pulls Mjolnir, swings it, and KNOCKS the Jotun clear across the plaza. The Asgardians reluctantly draw their weapons, gather into a circle around Thor. Volstagg looks around at the angry Jotuns approaching them.]
Drunk townie: You were in the diner with that hot girl. [Thor doesn't like where this is going.] Drunk townie: I wouldn't mind her doing a little research on me. [He laughs. Thor is annoyed.] Thor: I have no quarrel with you. But she's a lady. You should be more respectful. Drunk townie: And you should shut the hell up, princess. [Selvig looks to Thor, concerned that he's going to lose it. But, to his surprise, Thor remains unaffected by the Townie's baiting.] Thor: I will not fight him. Drunk townie: Then it'll be easy to kick your ass.
Or like the deleted one in which Frigga said that Thor believed to be ready… when in the end Thor will realize he’s not.
Odin: Do you think he’s ready? Frigga: He thinks he is. He has his father’s confidence.
Thor: There will never be a wiser king than you. Or a better father. I have much to learn. I know that now. Someday, perhaps, I shall make you proud.
You might remember Thor smashing a cup because he wanted another drink… well there’s a deleted scene in which, just before the Warriors Three and Sif reach Midgard, he brings a cup to Izzy in payback for the one he broke.
Thor: This drink, I like it. Darcy: I know. It’s great, right? [Thor hurls the empty mug at the ground, SHATTERING it.] Thor: (CALLS OUT) Another! [ISABELA ALVAREZ (60), the diner’s proprietor, glares at Thor from behind the counter.] Jane: Sorry, Izzy. Little accident. What was that? [He doesn’t understand. The other patrons stare at him.] Thor: It was delicious. I want another. Jane: Well, you could have just said so. Thor: I just did. Jane: No, I mean, ask nicely. Thor: I meant no disrespect. Jane: All right. Well, no more smashing. Deal? Thor: You have my word. Jane: Good.
As the group finishes breakfast, Thor looks at the mug in his hand, gets an idea. Thor: [About a cup] May I have this? Darcy: Sure. Thor: Thank you. Please, excuse me. [Thor leaves. In front of her diner, Isabela prepares to open for the day. Isabela sweeps the front porch. She looks up to see Thor approaching. She eyes him suspiciously. He offers her a MUG.] Excuse me, Isabela. Isabela: Oh my gosh. Thor: To replace the one I broke. Please, forgive me for my behavior. Isabela: Okay, thank you. Thor: if I may, I’d like to come back here for more of yours splendid "coffee". Isabela: Any time.
And then you might remember how Fandral was hurt in Jotunheim and it was Loki and Volstagg who helped him, while in a deleted scene we’ve Selvig being hurt and Thor helping him.
And so on and on and on.
Thor started one way, this caused his banishment and the banishment changed him.
If we go and say Thor didn’t deserve to be banished, that it was all Loki’s ploy, we ignore how Thor before was an unworthy person and after he became a worthy person. We turn Thor into a person who’s ALWAYS worthy, regardless of him acting one way or its exact opposite but for some reason was misjudged and punished unfairly and never really had to change because he was perfect as he was.
We turn Odin into a fool who punished a worthy son for crimes he didn’t do and then took the punishment back not because Thor changed, but because he realized he made a mess.
The idea Thor’s banishment is Loki’s fault is against the authors’ intentions, damages Thor by stripping him of his growth and, ultimately, it’s totally false, so trying to pin the blame on Loki so as to make him look bad is simply wrong.
Although Loki did some things that triggered Thor’s reactions, Thor wasn’t completely and utterly brainwashed. It was Thor’s decisions who ended up bringing those consequences and Loki had no idea Odin would go as far as banishing Thor.
In a deleted bit Loki says Odin normally ALWAYS forgive Thor.
Fandral: Well, if he doesn’t show up soon, he shouldn’t bother. Odin looks like he’s ready to feed him to his ravens. Loki: I wouldn’t worry. Father will forgive him. He always does.
From Thor’s reaction to his banishment it’s clear it’s the first time he got such a punishment and that he assumed all he had to do to be forgiven is to retrieve Mjolnir.
The novelization is not shy to say that:
Odin had always favoured Thor because Thor was a warrior, just like him… [“Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase One: Thor”]
The Warriors Three and Lady Sif clearly follow Thor because they don’t think it’ll end up in Thor being banished for disobeying Odin’s orders even though they know he shouldn’t have done it.
This proves it was the first time Odin reacted as such to Thor’s disobedience.
But let’s dig more into the story.
Loki yes, caused the coronation to be delayed by having three Frost Giants sneak into the vault and attempt to steal the Casket.
His purpose was:
Loki: That was just a bit of fun, really. To ruin my brother’s big day. And to protect the realm from his idiotic rule for a while longer.
Loki has no reasons to lie to Laufey about this. The ‘a while longer’ clearly imply he didn’t expect it was permanent. If he had said ‘to have him banished forever’, it would have affected Laufey just the same, he wouldn’t have judged him worse.
Thor’s reaction to the invasion is entirely Thor’s.
Thor: The Jotuns must pay for what they’ve done! Odin: They have paid, with their lives. The Destroyer did its work, the Casket is safe, and all is well. Thor: All is Well? They broke into the weapons vault! If the Frost Giants had stolen even one of these relics... Odin: They didn’t. Thor: Well, I want to know why! Odin: I have a truce with Laufey, King of the Jotuns. Thor: He just broke your truce! They know you are vulnerable! Odin: What action would you take? Thor: March into Jotunheim as you once did. Teach them a lesson. Break their spirits so they’ll never dare try to cross our borders again. Odin: You’re thinking only as a warrior. Thor: This was an act of war! Odin: It was the act of but a few, doomed to fail. Thor: Look how far they got! Odin: We will find the breach in our defenses and it will be sealed. Thor: As King of Asgard.... Odin: But you’re not king! Not yet.
Loki doesn’t even talk here. Thor, despite Odin thinking the opposite, insists they should just attack Jotunheim until Odin reminds him he’s no king.
This is relevant because if the coronation has concluded and the Jotuns had found on their own the way to get into the Vault, Thor would have waged war against them. This is what he wants to do and discussing things with Odin doesn’t change his mind, Odin merely forces him to shut up with his ‘I’m the king’ card.
Originally he would leave slamming the door behind himself, a sign he was still upset. We don’t see this, but we see him he’s still upset enough he turns a table upside down.
Then he has a discussion with Loki.
Thor: It’s unwise to be in my company right now, Brother. This was to be my day of triumph. Loki: It’ll come. In time. Thor: What’s this? Loki: If it’s any consolation, I think you’re right. About the Frost Giants, about Laufey, about everything. If they found a way to penetrate Asgard’s defenses once, who’s to say they won’t try again? Next time with an army. Thor: Exactly. Loki: There’s nothing you can do without defying Father. No, no, no. I know that look. Thor: That’s the only way to ensure the safety of our borders. Loki: Thor, it’s madness.
It’s true, if Loki had revealed he had been who orchestrated the break of the Frost Giants instead than telling him he also thought they were a threat, Thor might have calmed down. But this is not excuse enough for how Thor disobeyed Odin’s order, and only proves Thor wasn’t fit to be king right there because he insisted on going to Jotunheim even though Loki also reminded him this means defying Odin.
This is a serious matter but the key of it is that Thor wanted doing it before and still wants to do it now. He just can’t control his own wish to fight the Jotuns even if his father told him no. He’s not thinking. He’s not a common warrior, he’s the man who’s meant to be king.
If it takes him so little to wage war, then he’s unworthy of being king.
And does Loki really want for him to go to Jotunheim?
Not in the slightest, he knows it’s madness, in fact, believing Thor can’t be stopped, he tries to have him tattled out to his father.
Fandral: Well, at least he’s only banished, not dead. Which is what we’d all be if that guard hadn’t told Odin where we’d gone. Volstagg: How did the guard even know? Loki: I told him. Fandral: What? Loki: I told him to go to Odin after we’d left. He should be flogged for taking so long. We should never have reached Jotunheim. Volstagg: You told the guard? Loki: I saved our lives. And Thor’s. I had no idea Father would banish him for what he did.
In a deleted scene we see that as the group is about to ride toward the Bifrost Loki leaves them for a moment to talk with a guard. He’s not lying when he says he warned the guard.
The novelization digs a lot in how Loki didn’t want them to reach Jotunheim and in how Odin KNEW Thor would just do something, so it’s entirely possible Thor would have acted even if Loki had disagreed with him or had told him nothing.
“Why did he always seem to get into trouble because of his older brother? Wasn’t he supposed to be the wiser one? Odin has expressly forbidden that they enter Jotunheim. Yet it wasn’t the first time Thor had done something reckless. And it wouldn’t be the first time Loki was powerless to stop him.” [“Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase One: Thor”]
Loki had made a decision. True, he could not dictate his brother’s actions, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t continue to make plans of his own. As the others checked and double-checked that they had everything they would need for the journey to Jotunheim, Loki slipped away. When Loki rejoined the others, they were on their way to the Observatory. Hogun gave him a curious glance, but he ignored it. What he had done was none of their business. [“Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase One: Thor”]
They were on their way to Jotunheim. And what would happen once they got there was not in the hands of fate, but in the hands of his impulsive brother and his warrior friends. Loki would not be able to manipulate events there. He had to trust that the arrangements he had made would be enough for them all to survive. [“Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase One: Thor”]
Odin spent an uneasy night and felt no better in the morning. He had not seen Thor since their argument in the Vault. There had been shouting in the banquet hall as Thor told his friends what had happened, but Odin had heard nothing since. Frigga had tried to reassure him that Thor’s temper would ease and this would blow over, but Odin knew better. His son felt himself to be king already, whether the ceremony had been completed or not. He would take action. It was his nature. Odin hoped only that the action would not cause more problems than it solved. Just then, a guard rushed to him, and Odin’s misgivings were proved correct. Thor had taken his friends and journeyed into Jotunheim. Odin felt a deep well of fury rise up within him. Thor has deliberately disobeyed his orders. So, too, had Heimdall, who should not have let anyone pass on the Bisfrost – especially not a war party going to Jotunheim. “Tell the barn master to have Sleipnir and my battle gear to be readied immediately,” he ordered the guard. [“Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase One: Thor”]
Once in Jotunheim Laufey notices Thor wants to be there to wage war. He even warns him that if he keeps this up he would unleash something terrible… and it’s not Thor but Loki who accepts Laufey’s offer for them to leave, Thor doesn’t accept it even if they’re outnumbered and risk being all killed because, as Laufey said, he craved for battle.
Laufey: Your father is a murderer and a thief! And why have you come here? To make peace? You long for battle. You crave it. You’re nothing but a boy trying to prove himself a man. Thor: Well, this "boy" has grown tired of your mockery. Loki: Thor, stop and think. Look around you, we’re outnumbered. Thor: Know your place, Brother. Laufey: You know not what your actions would unleash. I do. Go now, while I still allow it. Loki: We will accept your most gracious offer. Come on, Brother.
Ultimately, even if Laufey and Loki had almost persuaded Thor to leave, all it takes is a small provocation and Thor starts attacking Frost Giants.
Jotun: Run back home, little princess. [Thor stops in his tracks. Loki goes white. He knows what’s coming.] Loki: Damn. [In one quick move, Thor pulls Mjolnir, swings it, and KNOCKS the Jotun clear across the plaza. The Asgardians reluctantly draw their weapons, gather into a circle around Thor.]
Loki is clearly not happy with his brother’s actions, he didn’t want this. It’s Thor who decided to do this anyway and, during the battle, we see that Thor is in a great spirit as he destroys a Frost Giant after another for a total of 145 Frost Giants (you can see the dead count in the Youtube video “Thor (2011) Chris Hemsworth Kill Count”).
Through the battle first Sif and then Loki TWICE will urge Thor to leave, they’re outnumbered they’ll end up getting killed if they remain there and it gets no better when Fandral gets wounded.
When Odin shows up Thor is all for continuing the battle.
Thor: Father! We’ll finish them together!
This is not Loki dictating his moves. This is all Thor and ultimately it’s Thor who argues with his father once they’re back, which is the last straw for Odin.
If Thor had kept quiet or had acted sorry Odin might have still forgiven him. He does not.
Thor: Why did you bring us back? Odin: Do you realize what you’ve done? What you’ve started? Thor: I was protecting my home. Odin: You cannot even protect your friends! How can you hope to protect a kingdom? Get him to the healing room! Now! Thor: There won’t be a kingdom to protect if you’re afraid to act. The Jotuns must learn to fear me, just as they once feared you. Odin: That’s pride and vanity talking, not leadership. You’ve forgotten everything I taught you about a warrior’s patience. Thor: While you wait and be patient, the Nine Realms laugh at us. The old ways are done. You’d stand giving speeches while Asgard falls. Odin: You are a vain, greedy, cruel boy! Thor: And you are an old man and a fool! Odin: Yes. I was a fool to think you were ready.
This is no Loki needling Thor, this is all Thor, this discussing matching the one he had in the Vault with Odin previously.
And, credits when it’s due, at this point Loki tried to interject.
Loki: FATHER-- [Odin turns with a growl and gives Loki a look which stops him in his tracks.]
Only at this point Thor will be banished and while yes, the way Loki chose to interrupt the coronation clearly had upset Thor and his words didn’t manage to calm him down, it’s also clear that not only Loki didn’t want for them to go to Jotunheim and almost get killed but that it’s Thor’s reaction to the situation that causes his banishment and that situation could have happened regardless of Loki having a hand in it or not.
Invasions happens.
The difference between “Thor” and “Thor: The Dark World” in which another invasion takes place, is that although Thor is always trying to disobey to his father in both movies, in the first he did it because he wanted to go at war with the Jotuns, in the second he did it because he hoped to spare Asgard from a war.
In the deleted scene for “Thor: The Dark World” even Odin acknowledges Thor was right.
Odin: I thought you’d been blinded by passion but in truth you were the only one who could see and you... did what needed to be done
His motive for disobeying his father in “Thor: The Dark World” is the exact opposite than it was in “Thor”, but if he’d been the old Thor he would have had no qualms to drag all Asgard into a war.
So yes, Loki set up the situation, but if Thor ended up being banished it was solely for his own reaction to the situation, a situation that could have happened in other circumstances.
Would Loki coming clear with Odin lift Thor’s banishment?
No, of course not, because none of Loki’s actions are what moves Odin to decide for Thor’s banishment. What pushes him to decide for such a punishment are Thor’s reactions to the situation. If Loki had confessed the most this could cause was for him too to also be banished.
And, to Thor’s credits, he grew in his banishment and became a better person. This is important, it doesn’t deserve to be underscored.
Also, as said before, Loki couldn’t predict the punishment would have been banishment and he didn’t control Odin either.
Not only Loki actually tried to stop Odin, but even Frigga in a deleted scene begged Odin to reconsider and he refused.
So yes, Thor’s banishment ultimately turned out to be convenient for Loki, but he didn’t deliberately orchestrated it, he didn’t plan that far.
So really, let’s just Thor have his moment of personal growth in which he becomes a better person in his own movie, let Odin have his own agency in deciding if to punish his sons or not and just accept the whole trip to Jotunheim wasn’t something Loki wanted nor Thor’s banishment something he could predict.
In short simply accept the story as its authors wanted it to be.
I get not everyone might be aware of interviews and deleted scenes but really, I would say the movie made the whole thing obvious enough to be understood just by watching it.
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miyalove · 4 years
Um... Hi. 👉👈 I saw that your requests were open. Could you write a mutual pining, friends to lovers scenario with Kunimi x fem!reader during high school? Where he casually confesses to her like it's no big deal and this catches the reader off guard? Thanks! (You can also change this as you see fit. I mostly just want a cute Kunimi x fem!reader scenario. lol)
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—pairing: kunimi x fem!reader
—warnings: none just fluff!!, unedited*
—synopsis: 1.3k | public settings really isn’t his thing, but for you anything goes, he supposes.
—a/n: thank you for requesting, hun ✨ idk if i was rlly on the dot with his character but i tried my best!! i hope you enjoy :) + request are still open
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despite being a close friends to kunimi, he will always be a puzzle to figure out.
he doesn’t like loud characters, yet you’ve witnessed many instances where he’d get a little too cheery with the 3rd years.
often times he opts to cheating off of your homework, but he gets flying colors when it comes to test. 
he’s lazy and skips practices as much as he can, but when he does decide to come, you can see all the effort he puts into the sport. it’s a complete 180 from the lazy, careless kunimi you’re used to.
and by far, the most baffling off all, kunimi isn’t one for attention. he hates large crowds and how close strangers stand next to him. there’s no room to move, and no clean air to breath.
if he had the choice of staying in his room for the rest of his life or making awkward eye contact with strangers from across the floor, the former sounds like a dream come true. 
to say the least, your beloved best friend is an introvert that enjoys the bliss of sweet silence more than anything.
and yet the most confusing thing is, here he was in the one place he loathes the most and for what? he sighs, stealing a slight glance to his side. there you are babbling about something, what exactly? he doesn’t know. 
but he does know that the shirt your wearing makes your eyes pop and how your smile looks extra bright today. will he ever admit that he’s here purely because he likes spending time with you no matter what you end up doing? no, of course not but he’s here for you and that’s all that matters.
“woah, akira! let’s try this one next!” you’re practically bouncing off the wall as you point at a game far in the distance, one that the taller boy cannot see. he tries to follow your finger but alas, the crowd is too thick. 
the sudden sound of space invaders blasting right next to him makes him flinch. how annoying, he thinks. there’s a scowl resting on his face, an expression he only makes when he’s deeply bothered by something as he eyes the kid that just slammed down the start button.
there’s just too many people here. he could be in his bed right now, sleeping at least and yet he’s here at an arcade that smells like moldy pizza and sweat. it’s then he reminds himself of your presence. too busy sinking into his own bitter thoughts, he had completely forgotten that he was here on a “date”.
ha a “date”, he finds himself rolling his eyes against his will, i wish.
he shakes his head, trying to fight off the hot feeling in his cheeks. his round eyes scan the crowd looking for one person in particular. it shouldn’t be this hard to find the girl he’s been crushing on since middle school but for some reason, you’re nowhere to be seen.
this is his cue to stare moving. he doesn’t make an effort to call your name out, simply just maneuvering between nooks of the crowd and looking around. by now, his face is back to normal. no longer is there a scowl etched into his lips.
instead, he wears is usual monotone expression but you know better. behind that stale look lies an emotion that is only reserved for you; concern. you can proudly say that you broke his hard shell after many, many years of kissing up to him in middle school. 
at first, he was annoyed but your persistence worked out and now the two of you are practically glued by the hip. a friendship in which kunimi doesn’t feel pressured to entertain you and you don’t feel like you’re wasting his energy. it was a win-win.
“where is this damn girl,” he mumbles to himself. worried eyes now looking a little more frantic than usual. he fingers at the loose threads on his sweatshirt, a nervous habit you pointed out to him. he can’t help it really, how he feels. 
you’re his anchor especially when it comes to public settings like this. he can feel himself caving in with every second that passes, he just wishes you’ll be in the next corner he sees.
and like an angel coming to save him in the mist of chaos, “akira!” he swiftly turns to follow your velvety call. you’re not too far behind him, once he sees your smiling figure, the tension in his shoulders ease.
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you were lost without any doubt. your heart sputtered in your chest at the thought of kunimi looking for you. you know he can hold his own, but you felt bad for suddenly ditching him. 
this was your idea to begin with, going to an arcade together. so the deep gutting feeling in your chest makes sense. anxiously, you call out to him.
“akira, where are you?” a few heads turn your way as you shout but honestly, you don’t care. you’d gladly make a fool of yourself if it meant finding him.
rounding a corner, you give it one more go, “akira!” a familiar dark brown mop of hair turns, and the feeling in your chest weighs heavier. your eyes are meet with kunimi’s dark ones from across the room. you notice his tense stance even with the distance between the two of you, it makes you feel worse. 
as he makes his way towards you, his lean figure glides through the crowd but his eyes never waiver from yours. the intensity is felt from across the room and you don’t know why but you can’t break your stare even if your try. 
“don’t run off like that,” there’s a harshness to his words and you can’t help but pout. he furrows his brow when he doesn’t get a response, “hello? earth to (y/n)?”
“sorry, akira. i didn’t mean to run off like that,” you play with your fingers not daring to look up. you’re blushing, he could probably see the pink stain on your cheeks from miles away. he notices your sudden avoidance and can’t help the feeling he gets in his chest.
cute, he thinks. 
“just don’t do it next time,” he lectures. and he can’t believe how bold he’s being right now. 
“next time? why are you making this sound like a date?” and just like that, you’re back to usual. he would be lying if he said he didn’t like how energetic and teasing you were. on anyone else, he’d hate it, but with you... it just works. maybe it’s because you know when you’re overdoing it... or maybe it’s simply because it’s just you.
he’s not thinking when the next words came out of his mouth, “cause maybe it is.” 
despite the echoing noise of pac man in the corner and the overwhelming boom of the crowd, all he hears is your silence. he’s staring directly at you, not bothering to look away because if he was going to get rejected, at least he can say that he had enough courage to at least confess.
you don’t know what to say. a million thoughts all come flying through your head, what does he mean date? like a date-date? or like a friend date? what if he’s just messing around with you? what if—
“i can practically hear the gears turning in your head, (y/n),” you look up at him, there’s a shake in his voice that you takes you by surprise. “if you don’t like me, just let it out. don’t leave me in the dark like that.” 
he speaks so nonchalantly, as if he didn’t just confess his feelings for you. as if rejection didn’t mean messing up years and years of friendship. he waves off your silence allowing the rhythmic music from a near by game to take over the tension.
you tune out the noise. mostly just staring at his round face, then his arms that despite being covered you just know look good, and then his slender hands. your eyes widen, he’s picking at the threads of his hoodie... a timid smile grows on your face, he’s nervous. 
and just like that you know what you have to say.
“i like you too.”
silence. now you know how he felt just seconds prior. for a split second, his eyes grow wide but as fast as the shock comes, it gone nearly just as quick. he still isn’t saying anything though.
“and i wouldn’t mind a ‘next time’ either,” feeling bold, you grab at his slender fingers. feeling the callousness from volleyball practice, you smile up at him. he can’t help but tighten his grip on your smaller hand.
the weight of his feelings finally getting released is euphoric and though it is rare, he smiles at your smaller figure. nothing too big, but you don’t mind. you know akira better than anyone else. behind that small smile, lies another emotion only reserved for you; adoration.
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nickysescapism · 3 years
here my thought on Fate real quick:
Things that did not piss me off:
Bloom being extra spicy really mega ultra special² (by now I’m not even surprised anymore)
the short time we spent with Marco
That one good-looking specialist girl that got killed off pretty quickly (you will be missed)
Terra’s dad
Bloom being the only one with an american accent (because british accents are supperior and also it shows that Bloom does not “fit in”)
Sam aka another white boy (but my feelings towards him were neutral so yeah)
Things that did piss me off:
the blatant whitewashing
unnecessary pop culture references (we get it you watched HP and make IG stories)
pls stop butchering the four houses like that if you can’t get your facts straight
the constant fatphobia
Riven’s obvious biphobia and everyone just accepting it
the 'blond mean girl' trope because what would we do without it
the victim (Dane) falling for the bully (Riven) for no apparent reason
“I hAvE A cOuSin NaMeD FlOrA”
the only black woc being the “mom of the group” because we haven’t seen this stereotype for a hot sec
the boring and repetitive sequences of the specialists training with wooden sticks like children in elementary school
“We DoN’t HaVe WiNgS aNymOrE”
Bloom being super selfish and everyone risking their lives for her constantly because they all love her anyway
the line “you full-creeped on my insta last night and I haven’t told anyone” exists non ironically (Riverdale called they want their awful-cringy-lines back)
fetishizing bi people (because bi’s can only ewist on Netflix if they are doing threesomes because that’s what being bi is all about apparently)
using the word mansplaining in the first episode TWICE in the span of a few minutes and not even using it right
the only healthy relationship (Musa and Sam) is so freaking boring that one had to make up a non existing drama to make it less boring
the unburned slaughtering like 10 specialist who are pros and do this job for years but two first-year fairies were able to get away without a scratch
the non existing friendship between the winx's and therefore it makes no sense that they still keep hanging out with each other
the erasure of our queen tecna!!
all the good specialist were erased too (like Timmy and Brandon)
the outfits making them look like grown ass moms and not like teenagers
the cast looking like they are more likely to be in college than in high school
Beatrix (besides everything she isn’t even a good villain, she is the worst secret “villain” i’ve ever seen like she is like a freaking elefant in mouse town)
and now Alfea basically is Hogwarts 2.0 but a cheaper version of it
changing Musa's powers because we need element powers for some freaking reason and not even doing anything with her powers for like 90% of the show
everything looking so dark and greasy and boring and basically not like Magix or anything magical at all
Stella (she is basically Diaspro but so much worse)
the lowkey abusive relationship between the adoptive parents (mom) and Bloom just to never mention it again
Aisha having no backstory and telling EVERYONE constantly that she swims but we never get scenes of her outside of her "parenting Bloom" sidequests
Terra saying that she misses Stella because she insulted her and was mean to her, because fat girls need this constant body shaming amiright?
they really tried making Stella bullying Terra ���their thing✨
Aisha struggling with her powers is suddenly not important anymore when it’s inconvenient
the girls hate each other for like 80% of the show and suddenly they have a deep bonding
Musa being useless and stating the obvious and only being there for obvious exposition
"You are sad, aren’t you?"
“Yes, how do you know that? Is it because I’m crying my eyes out right now?”
“No, dummy. I’m a mind fairy. I can feel what you feel.”
the whole changeling plot
erasing the Trix and compromizing them into one character, but then give Beatrix two side kicks so they are basically a group of three again ???
they made it even more straight than the OG
the Sky/Stella/Bloom love triangle because we needed that one
the adults being stupid af
Vanessa apparently almost dying in the fire and having third degree burns but only at places that can be covered by clothes easily (and also they do not look like third dagree burns at all)
Bloom ready to kill her “parents” because they took away her door
“BuTt StUfF” another great literal masterpiece from our all-time favorite Riv
Stella is not only not part of the group for like 75% of the time, the others also don’t like her at all and therefore you don’t care about her problems at all
the teachers being unecessary mean to their students like “oh you just learned to control your powers, well damn you still suck hope you get better soon lol that looks so bad try harder”
Aisha being the only one who has no love interest
^same as Terra who is pining after a dude that doesn’t like her that way
Bloom always playing the victim and always acting like no one suffers as much as she does
using pop music that doesn’t fit the tone of the scene at all (and also ruining one of my fav songs)
Alfea basically turning into every garbage teenage high school Netflix ever had
Everyone acting as if Beatrix is super smart and a good spy even tho she sucks at it without end (why would you try to get as much attention as possible?? and kill your accomplice???)
no other planets but realms and still here everyone knows that California is part of America because americans aren’t full of themselves at all. Just replace California and America with anything else. :)
“You aren’t from Solaria, are you? Where are you from?”
“I’m from California Fer Island.”
“Uh...is that..part of...?”
“America Everix, obviously????”
they tried desperately to be woke by throwing stuff around like “don’t be sexist” and “don’t come at me with this feminist bs” like good job...to the white old dudes who completely missed the entire point of feminism and sexism - performantive feminism if you will - always SAYING the most basic feminist (women can be strong too) stuff but not DOING it
fire is somehow effective against BURNED creatures (e.g. throwing water filled balloons at a mermaids)
all telling and no showing (expositions + no flashbacks = BORING)
Sky being so obessed with Bloom that he doesn’t care that she drugged him at one point
Dane’s character doing a 180 out of nowhere for plot convenience
Stella being a threat to other students but no one seems to care
the good ol’ the bad guys aren’t really bad but in the end turns out they are and the good guys were the good guys all along plot twist that we have seen a million times on netflix alone
Sky not having trust issues after Bloom spiked the water bottle and just accepting that she felt the need to drug him
Sky having daddy issues and that being treated as his main character trait
using phones all the time but when it’s important suddenly no one got a phone with them
beatrix drags a random “bad  boy” into her evil plan because that was ever a good thing to do but kills her only partner that already had the trust of FaRa
Sky still persuing Bloom even tho he knows that Stella could blind Bloom because she can’t control her powers and even threatens to do so - again no one saw a problem with that??
Bloom being one of the worst liars out there but Aisha is like “wow, you are a great liar” like no bitch you literally had to help her five seconds ago
Stella blinding her best friend being one of the most underwhelming plots I have ever seen (I mean how can a show fuck it up so bad that a literal girl blinding her best friend doesn’t interest me?)
no one can have an interesting storyline because there is the slight chance that they could outshine the real star (bloom)
^therefore most sideplots are super shallow or just boring
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starofvelaris · 3 years
These are my initial reactions to ACOSF. These likely will evolve and change as I continue to read discourse and reread the book, but wanted to document how I’m feeling having freshly finished! Feel free to drop me some asks, I’d love to chat more on these topics!!
Nesta and Cassian’s relationship being purely physical at first: So many people predicted this and it makes so much sense for their characterizations, so I was glad to see it take that path. I wanted to slap both their faces so many times like, “NOW CUDDLE AND SMOOCH AND SAY I LOVE YOU, YOU FOOLS” but it made for a very good payoff when they eventually did have the romantic, emotional moment together on the Winter Solstice, and then later when Nesta accepted the mating bond
Cassian being an awkward, fumbling courtier: It was nice seeing one of these characters obviously fail at something. We are shown how Nesta’s mother raised her to be clever and calculating in social settings, and I loved how by the end, each of them had picked up skills of the other (Cassian learning to be a better courtier and Nesta learning the art of battle)
Nesta’s runs down the stairs as a metaphor for her fight against her addictions and struggles was *chef’s kiss*
The House being sentient: I thought at first it would end up being Rhysand the whole time which would lead to some kind of reconciliation of their relationship, but really loved that it ended up being Nesta’s own power that gave the House its heart
The unexpected but wholly welcome additions of Emerie and Gwyn: It makes perfect sense for Nesta to carve out her own friendships apart from the Inner Circle. And I loved all three of them together so much! The friendship bracelets like are you kidding me omg 
Feysand Baby: I did not expect to get so emotionally distraught by the fraught birthing scene but I legit had to put the book down to avoid a panic attack when Feyre almost died. As annoying as Feysand has been the last 2 books I still just…love and care deeply for their love so much and could not stand seeing them in pain. In a way I liked that they had that whole conflict going on in the background (and by conflict I mean the threat of Feyre and Nyx dying in childbirth) because everything going perfectly is boring and I know that’s dark given we’re talking about a baby but...we needed a bit of spice back in their story!
The Smut Scenes: This book was FILTHY AF and some of the erotic scenes were superfluous and bit cringe at times but damn, I’m not gonna be the one to complain I’ll take what is giveth to me
The Blood Rite: I had a strong sense that Nesta would end up participating in the Blood Rite before this book came out, but I never could reconcile how it would make sense for her to do so. I loved the way she ended up being trapped into it, because any other way would have felt cliche tbh
The KELPIE SCENE was one of the most terrifying scenes I’ve ever read and I loved it and hated it for that reason. WOW was I spooked.
Eris: I am relieved that Eris did not have a complete 180 on his character or a “surprise he’s actually the good guy!!” moment. There is a clear path to redemption for him still, but it was made clear that he has done terrible things and has work to do to be able to atone for that
Mor, my Bisexual Queen: I really wish we got even a CRUMB more of what is going on with Mor, but I am confident the reason she was relatively absent was because she will be getting her own spinoff book eventually
The inevitable question of Elain’s love life: I am, once again, incredibly conflicted over Elain x Lucien x Azriel ( x Gwyn ??? x Vassa ???) WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THEMMMMMM
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itskyleeyo · 3 years
hadestown brain dump (songs)
ok so it may have been more than a few days, but what're you gonna do about it?
so i wanted to do another brain dump, and i wanted to listen to hadestown, so i'm doing a song by song brain dump as i go along. this means that my thoughts are going to be even more stream-of-consciousness style (if that's even possible.) also i'm talking specifically about the original broadway cast recording bc i haven't listened to any other version. (also this was completed across multiple months so it is even more chaotic lmao).
also i highly recommend that you listen to the musical and/or pull up the lyrics as you go along! enjoy!
road to hell. the way andre brings in the chorus is flawless please. also the way that hermes is both a narrator and a character in the story he's narrating? beautiful. "the king of the mine." he sounds so nice here for some reason. also love his self-introduction "maybe it will turn out this time" no it won't but thank you for trying. also breaking the fourth wall to acknowledge the chorus and crew is so nice, here comes reeve ;) mans sounds like an angel. you can hear amber's voice stick out of the chorus and i literally love it so much. i'd die for amber gray but we'll get to that later.
any way the wind blows. the fates literally sound so perfect together. Eva's intro throws me off every time, she sounds so pretty. dear god the harmonies with the fates hit so different. can this cast please narrate my life? there's the wind comparisons ;D the "ooos" are so good. "and it ain't because i'm kind" idk i just like how andre sounds here. oh and the funny behind "so i took him underneath my wing" because hermes has wings on his helmet and shoes.
come home with me. orpheus is so oblivious but i love it. also eurydice is literally such a mood. the wordplay with "come again". the "oh, he's crazy" is my favorite part of the whole song. also eva's voice acting is so good.
wedding song. the way she says "lover"? my ass cannot handle this. eva sounds so smug in the beginning of this song and i love it. "sing the song ;)" eurydice is so fantastic. the chorus of "la" is so pretty. eva joining in during the end is just. so perfect.
epic i. hell yeah introduce the king and queen (both literally and figuratively). reeve's falsetto <3 the way orpheus looks to hermes for approval throughout the musical. hermes narrating over orpheus singing.
livin' it up on top. HELL YES THE QUEEN HAS ARRIVED. i love amber gray so much. the gravel and the rasp. please step on me. also i love the idea of persephone being the wine aunt, especially because media usually portrays her as soft and breakable. the way she says "haaard". the way the music gets more upbeat and energetic when hermes says "the world came back to liiife!" the instrumental/dance? break is so good. please kill me with that trumpet good sir. the leadup to when amber starts singing again. orpheus really knows how to give a speech. "i will ;)" amber please step on me i am not joking.
all i've ever known (intro). thank you for the intro king. the music is so pretty. the way it picks up with the piano part <3
all i've ever known. eva sounds so pretty dear god. yay more wind references! the wordplay with "hold". and also the references to hot and cold throughout the musical. "i don't wanna ever have to let you go." lol ironic because she ends up going with hades. "i knew you before we met, and i don't even know you yet." the fucking wordplay. like holy shit. the "love at first sight" feelings. this line gets me every damn time. the wordplay from 2:10 - 2:38 is so fucking incredible. i lose it every time istg. the instrumental portion is so pretty. the wind! "we'll always be like this" i fucking love irony so much. its so underrated and adds so many layers to the story.
way down hadestown. amber gray. that's it. "you either get to hell or to hadestown, ain't no difference anymore". i fucking love this line so much. not really sure why but the delivery is perfect. also the whole thing with it being a train? i love that so much. all the allusions and comparisons they can make are fantastic. more amber gray appreciation. and ofc. the fates. more fantastic instrumental breaks. "and you better forget about your wishing well." this line is so good but so sad because its literally persephone saying that "hey, fair warning, life is shit down there" and i feel bad for her. like the way she's super sassy and shit, but just stops singing when hades gets there, you can tell that she's definitely not ok. speaking of hades, holy shit patrick page. sounds so fucking fantastic. thank you for existing good sir. eva with the breathtaking single lines. and eva's voice standing out when she sings "ground".
a gathering storm. the constant references to weather and nature throughout the whole musical. eurydice with the common sense. the wind again! "did you hear me, orpheus?" he did not, in fact, hear her.
epic ii. the different names for hades in each epic make me so happy. hades thoughts: "i think my wife might not come back cause i'm super controlling. whatever shall i do? oh, i know! be even more controlling!" lmao dumbass motherfucker. that might not work out so well. i fucking love the transition into "chant" so much.
chant. this is one of my favorite songs from the musical. the wordplay within the entire song is so fucking fantastic. hades singing about desire and then orpheus singing the "song of love" was definitely done on purpose and i'm living for it. every single one of eva's lines make me emotional. ma'am why are you good at everything?? the band! more weather references! patrick page singing "lover" hits different. orpheus singing about hades and persephone being blind and deaf. lmao irony because he's not paying attention to anything around him. the wind! weather! "the song of love" is what brought orpheus and eurydice together, but orpheus' devotion to finishing it is what drives eurydice to hades. "did you think i'd be impressed" i was right ;) it didn't work out so well.
hey, little songbird. the strings <3 patrick page is a god (lol i'm so funny). how does he manage to make manipulation sound so good? bird references! the vocal contrast! eva's voice has this kind of "innocence" to it. especially compared to patrick. not sure if that's on purpose or not, but i love it. also the low note kills me every time. the octave jumps between patrick and eva's voices is just. ugh. and also eva's entire second verse is so fucking good. the emotion she portrays in her voice is so spectacular. seriously hades with the manipulation is so interesting and its so good. (manipulation is not a good thing i just mean that its done so well in the show. do not manipulate people!)
when the chips are down (intro). "your ticket ;)" yes pls sir i'll take a ticket cause life sucks ass.
when the chips are down. i fucking love the fates dear god. gambling references! eva has literally one line and still owns my heart. the band! "shoot to kill" sounds so good like i love it so much pls. also this fucking line "cast your eyes to heaven, you get a knife in the back" is so good. i'm gonna have to get into quite a few lines throughout the musical in a different brain dump because i have so much thought.
gone, i'm gone. darling eurydice. its not your fault that you're starving stop apologizing. "talk of sin" lol she do be going to hell. that's funny. the harmonies.
wait for me (intro). the piano. heremes trying to change the subject hurts my heart. and orpheus' reaction is so sad please. "no.." just rip my fucking heart out, why don't you?
wait for me. the transition. andre coming in clutch with the narration. reeve sounds wonderful, as always. the fucking fates. just kill me already. they literally sound so good. the strings' build up between the "la"s. the chorus. the buildup at the end.
why we build the wall. the total 180 in the vibes. call and response has a special pace in my heart. mr page killing it again. god, hades is such a piece of shit and its perfect. he really is a master manipulator. fuck capitalism. the chorus sounds so good. i want to platonically smooch all of them. jesus fucking christ burn capitalism to the ground. the end is amazing. also the not-so-subtle references to slavery/forced labor.
why we build the wall (outro). i'd die for andre. "anybody want a drink?" yes ma'am. yes please. (don't drink, kids) i love you so much.
our lady of the underground. its so jazzy! jesus fucking christ. oh my fucking god. i would literally sell my soul for amber gray. what did we ever do to deserve her? god the raspiness fucking kills me. also love that she breaks the fourth wall to acknowledge the band. when she comes back in after the instrumental break? consider me dead. "what the boss don't know, the boss won't mind" she sounds so good here. also i love that she straight up doesn't give a fuck about hades here.
way down hadestown (reprise). hell yeah i love reprises. the fates. andre. the chorus. i love them all. i'm such a whore for reoccurring lyrics. the strings! fuck capitalism! eva's emotions are just so fucking good. "you've already forgot?" holy shit. this shit hurted. the "ahh ooh"s are so good.
flowers. the intro <3. eva sounds so pretty. the fucking symbolism in this song is incredible. i'm gonna get into this in another brain dump bc it's a very sensitive topic. the fact that she can't actually fully remember orpheus makes me so sad. so pretty <3
come home with me (reprise). hell yeah another reprise. the way the music is much more upbeat when orpheus shows up. their excitement! eva's vocal emotions are literally so fantastic pls.
papers (intro). "young mannn" kill me patrick. train references! hell yeah persephone. the way andre gets louder when he says "raised up his voice." eva <3. reeve just always sounds so pretty. ohmygod the laugh. kill me good sir. mans straight up admits to owning people and is like "it's cool tho cause they signed a piece of paper. def not taking advantage of people that are literally starving or anything. it's fine." fuck you hades. go step on a fucking lego. orpheus is so sad :(
papers (instrumental). yes. sounds so good. i'm imagining an epic chase scene. the transition into nothing changes <3
nothing changes. respectfully? the fates could kill me any day and i'd thank them. the weather reference! that "anyhow" is so fucking good istg.
if it's true. another one of my favorites. pop off intro. the broken "is this how the world is?" sadly, yes. "but everybody knows that walls have ears." is literally such a powerful line to me for some reason. it does a great job of bringing in the chorus. and by calling the workers "walls" it shows that hades views them as "less than." they aren't even referred to as people. "what's the use of his backbone if he never stands upright." oh my god. because they literally cannot stand upright. anais mitchell is literally a fucking genius. fuck the 1%. gambling references! the chorus backing him is just so pretty. the way orpheus looks to the chorus for advice and support. "we're standing." ugh its so good.
how long. oh my fucking god. amber fucking gray. (that's it, that's the post). the way she sounds resigned/disappointed when she says "i've had enough" makes me so sad. there are no words to describe how i feel about 0:25 - 0:41. like their relationship is strained, and super mega fucked up, but it's obvious that they still care about one another. the emotion in their voices throughout this song is fantastic. the play on light and dark. also more bird references! how they view themselves/their self importance. hades is a most importantly king. persephone is most importantly a wife. it really show that hades views power as more important than anything else. "nothing comes of the songs people sing." holy fucking shit. cause their song is the "song of love," but they can barely stand each other and their relationship has fallen apart. persephone commenting on his love of power over his love of her. amber's voice during "the earth must die" is so nice and for what? god i love her. they sound so nice together <3
chant (reprise). another favorite hehe. the strings! it's all just so pretty. when the piano comes in i die a little. the self realization coming from the chorus when they're like "oh shit, this is wrong. i don't deserve to be treated like this." is so fucking fantastic. the "young mannn" again! hades really be like "manipulate her! make her depend on you financially! i've been ding this a while kid! i know how to successfully control women!" reeve sounds so pretty pls. the way that eurydice has basically become part of the chorus (since she's just another worker now). more self realization! the different ways that hades and orpheus view the "song of love." "sing before i kill you so i can use it to manipulate my wife and make her feel like shit." patrick's voice tho.
epic iii. reeve coming in with that falsetto like nobody's business. orpheus really about to bite you in the ass with your own damn song. amber gray <3. the "ooo"s in the background. the way the music picks up when reeve gets to the "la"s. it's just so fucking good. that falsetto again. orpheus really looked at the king of hell, a literal god, and said "i want to ruin him psychologically" and it fucking worked. which is some of my favorite irony because hades wouldn't have shit if it weren't for that fact that he's a good manipulator and takes advantage of the needy. that last line <3
epic iii (instrumental). i have no words for how fucking beautiful this is. i so desperately want an extended version. like for real love this so much. if i get married, i want this to be the song for the first dance.
promises. eurydice is so proud of him for finishing. the way that eurydice realized that she cares about him more that material objects. wind and weather references! "if we can do it so can they!" she sounds so excited. :( "hand-in-hand" lol nope. not them refencing wedding song, anyway the wind blows, and then giving their "i do"s. absolutely heart wrenching.
word to the wise. the fates. pls step on me ladies. the lyrics throughout this are so fucking good. lol hades being damned. cause he's the king of hell. honestly its solid advice tho. humans are really fucking stupid.
his kiss, the riot. give us them adjectives king. " how dare people want rights! >:(" hades is really trying to make himself the good guy rn. the music! 2:15 - 3:03 is so good pls. the lyrics are just so spectacular.
wait for me (reprise) (intro). hello again andre! hermes literally says "he's trying to psych you out and manipulate you. he wants you to doubt everything" and orpheus says "are you sure tho?" and then procedes to doubt everything. the way the music changes is <3. the song transition.
wait for me (reprise). my absolute fucking favorite song in this musical. the first fucking lyric is so good. it really sets an expectation for the song and i am not disappointed. lyrics that talk about how fucked up any single person's brain is are so fucking cool to me. god i love this song. how soft the first set of "wait for me"s are. the support/pressure from the chorus. the entire exchange between hades and persephone. the way amber's voice sticks out of the chorus. the fates coming in clutch again. train references! more brain talk! amber gray please end me. eva sounds so pretty. and the final note is so good!
doubt comes in. the long intro that builds up suspense. the first time that orpheus's "la"s aren't echoed by the chorus/music. wind! weather! the fates sound so pretty like always. reeve genuinely sounds so scared. the way the music picks up and the chorus joins in when eurydice starts singing. the music is so unsettling and i love it. god i love his voice. 3:44 - 3:57 always hits so different. you realize just how much she means to him. how it all goes to shit when the music reaches the climax. the fact that the music clashes on purpose. the sadness in their voices.
road to hell (reprise). it all comes full circle. god andre sounds so sad. the way you come to really hear the lyrics because there's no upbeat music to distract you this time, "its a tragedy" lol because the actual written story is a tragedy. "i learned that from a friend of mine" poor orpheus :(. the way the chorus slowly joins in and the music slowly picks up. the "can you feel it" is literally so fucking powerful. fuck yes amber. fuck it up queen. amber and eva sound so nice together. the "its a love song, its a sad song" is so sad. the final lyric is just. ugh.
we raise our cups. yes pls amber. this song is so pretty. good night queen.
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Please break out your detailed, extensive, itemized list of every single thing you hate about S3 of hoa
*cracks knuckles* don’t say i didn’t warn you
let’s start with some positives
Things I liked about S3
Patricia and Eddie ❤️
like I am a peddie bitch and they are the literal only reason I bothered to watch literally any snippets of S3 at all
Eddie being a fucking simp 💖
The Patricia and Jerome fake date makes me cackle literally every time, so put that in the plus column
KT’s cool I guess, she could’ve been an awesome add-on if you hadn’t like ripped everything else apart
Things I HATED about S3 - LITERALLY everything else
here’s the main problem that threw off literally everything: no Nina???? then LITERALLY what is the point. she was the fucking driving force. nothing felt right without her
and then doing that made you break up Nina and Fabian which???? why?????? the entire first 2 seasons were spent showing that they cared about each other most in the world you can’t just drop it like it never happened and didn’t matter
and then, subsequently, you had no idea what to do with Fabian all season. god I love him but he lost something, you did nothing with him; the guy who was the number 2 billed character in seasons 1 and 2 just felt like an afterthought. he just became an information bank which :(
you sent away Amber?? why would you do that??
I didn’t like Patricia and Eddie breaking up. Like damn @ HOA writers is it that hard to write people in an actual lasting relationship? you tend to focus on the chase and not the relationship. watching people navigate a loving and committed relationship is compelling, too. P&E are better as a kickass pair and should never have broken up
my extremely hot take: Eddie didn’t need to have powers. he didn’t need to be the osiris or whatever the fuck. listen I LOVE Eddie dearly but tbh I didn’t like a single thing about that whole thing. 1) the idea of him being Nina's “protector” just felt icky and wrong to me. 2) I loved the idea of Eddie being normal and having all these great qualities anyway. like just being a regular guy but STILL being as adventurous and protective and wanting to be a hero? beautiful. he didn’t need all this. he didn’t need to be “special.” it felt forced??? having Eddie do all the same things and having those same traits but without the powers or whatever just would have been absolutely beautiful to me
I have conflicting feelings about Eddie being sibuna leader. Maybe if they had built up to it then it would have made more sense, but it just felt really sudden and abrupt and a little forced. he’s not a BAD leader (dumb, but not bad) but god the vibes were just off
really this problem just stems from the you-abruptly-tossed-Nina-to-the-curb problem, god everything just felt WRONG without her, and idk how to forgive them or any of the subsequent decisions they made bc of it
idk how I feel about alfie/willow. the jury’s out on that one
the main mystery/sibuna plot was questionable at best. the whole sinners thing had its moments but overall, meh
FABIAN/MARA????? WTF?????? doesn’t make one lick of sense. nope. get it out of my sight. they could’ve been cool friends but if you wanted that then maybe you should have started it a season and a half earlier
don’t fucking talk to me about how much they absolutely DESTROYED Jerome’s character. Jerome is my absolute favorite character and I am absolutely DISTRAUGHT about what they did to him in S3. like all that development that happened? especially during season 2? GONE. oh, you wanted him to grow and change and develop and be a better person? nah, we’re gonna hit the reset button on that. wtf happened.
why the FUCK would you do that to Jerome/Mara. if I had my way, he absolutely NEVER would have cheated on her. with his season 2 development, him cheating wouldn’t have made any sense, but you erased all of that I guess. and maybe they don’t last but it certainly doesn’t go like THAT. like?? why did you write that?? he spent an ENTIRE TWO SEASONS falling for Mara and opening up to Mara as the person he trusted with intimate, sensitive parts of his life. he developed and grew to be a better person because of that relationship. EVERYTHING through the whole first two seasons was building up to them being together, them trusting each other and being each other’s person and I just don’t understand why you would do that. they made them do a complete 180 from their S2 personalities and nothing that happened made sense and I’m really upset about it
Jerome wasn’t involved in the mystery hardly at all?? like is it really a house of anubis season without Jerome being tangentially involved with the mystery on the other end, his storyline eventually merging with sibuna’s? he felt useless suddenly, and it made me extremely upset. Jerome is a really intriguing and dynamic character who does so many interesting things, and S3 reduced him to a cheating storyline. even if he’s not IN sibuna (which he SHOULD have been, but that’s a different rant), he should be involved in the sibuna plot!!!! i’m extremely upset about everything they did with Jerome
I hated the ENTIRE Mara/Joy/Willow/Jerome storyline. HATED it. The majority of the season was just “getting revenge on Jerome” and I just. hated it. every single part of it. you could have had so many better things for them to do. every time i’m rewatching I skip past every second of this storyline it’s boring, cringey, gross, and takes up far too much time.
I hate literally everything about Jerome/Joy it doesn’t make sense they don’t vibe; I can probably count the number of times they interacted before S3 on one hand; you literally could not pay me to watch footage of them get rid of it burn it with fire
Another hot take: KT and Joy should’ve been lesbians. specifically lesbians with each other, but definitely lesbians on their own. I get that nickelodeon probably wasn’t “allowed” to do that but. they should’ve been
KT didn’t need to drive a wedge between Patricia and Eddie, they could’ve all been friends with no problems. this DEFINITELY would not have been a problem if they’d let KT be a lesbian
there were MANY friendships that needed to be built upon. namely: Eddie/Fabian, Alfie/Fabian, Eddie/Jerome, Patricia/Alfie/Jerome as a trio, Patricia/KT, needed more Patricia/Mara
strengthen the Patricia/Joy and Alfie/Jerome bonds
man I just want everyone to be friends??? I love friendship
reiterating the things I hated most: they should NOT have broken up Patricia and Eddie, they should NOT have put KT between them, and they tbh should NOT have insinuated anything romantic there at all. TIRED of that shit. just let them be in love all season is that so hard
Fabian deserved better
burn the Fabian/Mara and Jerome/Joy pairings with fucking fire
should not have sent away Nina and Amber everything just felt wrong
there are SO many better choices they could have made. like....so many. @ HOA writers hire me to re-write the season
in conclusion: Patricia and Eddie being in love was the literal only good part of S3. fin.
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okay so i just finished season 8, i can see why people didn’t like it but personally i really did. i feel like the thing people are mad about the most is that dany became a tyrant? watching the series knowing everyone’s endings allowed me to see things that most people probably wouldn’t catch on to. one thing is that arya’s end shot mimics the shot of her sailing to braavos at the end of season 4(i think it was season 4). also that danny’s speech to the dothraki, at the end, and her speeches to the unsullied,,, when paired with her actions(and with what tyrion said about how she kills evil men and we cheer her on i admit i did this too, but those cheers allow her to believe that she is always right and that makes her dangerous) it reminds me a lot of speeches dictators used. “you’re freeing the world” “we’re doing a great good” idk,, i like dany but i get annoyed when people say the signs weren’t there from the start, when they absolutely were. i do think that she could have been great, but people put to much faith in her which made her set extremely high expectations for herself and how people would treat her. and that ultimately led to her downfall. in short, i liked season 8. i like jon going north at the end, i like arya going off to explore, i really like sansa being queen, bran being king is eh but i like it overall. brienne writing jaime into the book of the kingsguard did made me cry, but i like that pod got knighted and i think brienne would have done something like that. even though he broke her heart.
My biggest issue with Season 8 is clear in my head, but difficult to describe with words. 
Everyone seems to have at least one major plot point that hated to the point of feeling like it ruined the show. Jaime going back to Cersei, Arya killing the Night King, the Clegane Bowl, Sansa’s betrayal, the “R + L = J” storyline not amounting to much/the overall path of Jon’s character. And of course, Dany’s conclusion is a big one for most people. I don’t really have anything like that. (Okay that’s a lie, mine is the Grand Council scene. Fuck that scene in fifty different ways.) I suppose what makes Season 8 the “worst” season for a lot of people is that things just feel different. The writing feels different, the characters feel different, the storylines...it all feels just a bit “off.” I’m not even saying that it’s bad-different, but it isn’t good-different either. In hindsight, the fact that the writers were rushing through GOT to get to Star Wars...yeah, I can believe that. 
But there’s a lot to like about Season 8 as well. Several things are carried over directly from Season 7 (which I’ll admit, is my favorite season) in particular, the first three episodes of S8 almost feel like the missing final three episodes of S7. I personally have no issue with Arya killing the Night King. While I did love the echoing of her boarding that ship like she did at the end of S4, and it totally feels like something she would do....I dunno, the line “A girl is Arya Stark from Winterfell. And I’m going home.” just really stuck with me, and I kinda thought she was over all that and just wanted to be with her family. I also have no issue with Sansa becoming Queen in The North. Like, what else was going to happen? Of course she would take up the mantle. Even if she wasn’t ready, who else was left? That said, she was ready and she damn well proved it in the final seasons. Sansa stood up for her people time and again. That was like, the entire reason for her conflict with Dany apart from overprotective sister instincts activating.
But, speaking of Dany...this is something that I always hesitate to talk about, but suffice it to say that I agree with you 100%. Of all the things in Season 8 that bothered me, I kinda saw this coming. Sure, I wish to hell and back that they hadn’t gone this direction, but it’s not even close to being as big a turnaround as Jaime had. I think a lot of fans identify with Dany and have latched onto her for that reason, and she’s a fantastic character to latch onto. But I’d be lying if I said that the signs weren’t there. She always did whatever the hell she wanted, and got away with it by the authority of “I have dragons.” This wasn’t just in the later seasons either. Remember the time she threatened to violate guest right because “My dragons made no such promise?” Tyrion’s speech to Jon in S8E6 was totally him being a loudspeaker for the writers, trying to convince the audience that this made sense...but it’s not like anything he said wasn’t true. As a Jon/Dany shipper, as someone who was rooting for either, or both of them, to wind up on the Iron Throne, as someone who unironically loved Dany’s character...yeah, it broke me. But it could have been worse. Some Dany stans hate Jon for killing her but seriously...at that point, what the hell was he supposed to do? She threatened Winterfell, and his sisters. Plus, y’know, she had murdered most of the population of King’s Landing. She had to be stopped, and Jon was the only one who stood a chance of getting close enough. He clearly hated having to do it, and he got a life sentence for it. So can’t we leave the poor guy alone? He’s suffered enough...
Jaime’s ending...is just depressing, and Brienne did not deserve that. I don’t hate Jaime for it, nor do I feel like it completely reversed all of the growth in his character. But it did yank his storyline in a total 180, and that can absolutely be utilized to tragic effect. The fact is, Jaime didn’t revert to being the asshole he was in Season 1. He simply resigned himself to the inevitability that he would always be that person. That because he still loved someone as wicked as Cersei, and had committed such crimes for her, that he would always be that person and there was no escaping it. The idea of becoming a better person was simply not something he would ever be allowed. This, my good friend, is 100% a symptom of abuse. Jaime and Cersei’s relationship is toxic as hell, not because of the whole twin thing, but because she is an abuser who brings out the worst in him. If Jaime had to die, I wish it had gone a different way. I can respect the full circle, but this is just so not the ending I wanted for him. And hell, seeing him cradle Cersei in his arms, seeing her sob about how she doesn’t want their baby to die...damn it, the character who’s death I was most expecting to cheer at, and I can’t even properly enjoy it. But it was a beautiful death scene, I’ll give them that, and seeing Tyrion’s reaction to finding the golden hand? Kill me now. 
The less that is said about the talking computer pretending to be Bran, the better. I won’t go into my spiel about why this enrages me because we’d be here forever, but I’ll just say that it actually made my knuckles whiten when they had the nerve to play House Stark’s theme over his coronation. Why? Why would they do that? It’s not like a Stark is being crowned King. Because, by his own admission, that entity sitting in the chair is not Brandon Stark anymore. He is the Three-Eyed Raven. Bran is effectively dead, and it low-key drives me crazy that everyone, including his family, just carry on as if that wasn’t the case. But I’ll leave it there. “King Bran” was a terrible idea, but I won’t go into the myriad of reasons why. 
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