#anyway there's still an hour's worth of father's day left so it counts
trensu · 1 year
It's Will that gives him the idea.
"we don't really celebrate father's day anymore," he had said awkwardly, "but I can't hang out anyway."
"why not?" Dustin demanded. He was gonna end up bored and alone because he didn't celebrate the holiday and everyone else had plans. he had been counting on Will to keep him company.
"I'm gonna get Jonathan a new record and I want to listen to it with him," he said.
"can't he get his own records? C'mon, we could go to the arcade or something."
"no, Dustin," his tone took on a stubborn edge that made Dustin pause. "He's my brother and I love him, and he's the only guy besides Bob who's ever even tried to look out for me. So I'm sorry but I'm gonna be busy on Sunday."
Dustin didn't argue after that but it did get him thinking which is why on Sunday morning he biked all the way over to Loch Nora and started banging on Steve's door.
"what do you want, Henderson?" Steve sighed the most dramatic put upon sigh Dustin had ever heard.
"you're not my dad--"
"wow you really are genius!"
"shut up, shut up, listen to me!"
"okay, geez, I'm listening."
"you're not my dad and I don't want you to be my dad. I don't even really want a dad! Lots of dads aren't even that great and my mom already has the single parent thing down. But you taught me how to do my hair and how to talk to girls - even though that advice sucked, I didn't need it to get Suzie at all - and you're gonna teach me how to drive--"
"woah, hey, no I never said I'd do that, wh--"
"--and you've saved my life but I think we're even because I've saved your life too."
"Henderson don't you have anything better to do than harass me in my own home?" Steve said. he was using that exasperated tone he got when he knew he wasn't keeping up with what was going on but didn't want to admit it.
"actually no I don't but I'm here for a reason," he reached into his backpack and took out the gift he clumsily wrapped with scraps of brown paper bags. He shoved it into Steve's hands. "You're basically the only adult male figure in my life. And I appreciate you."
Steve squinted at the gift and then at Dustin and at the gift again before he said fussily "is this a prank? If something gross explodes from this, I swear to god, I'll--"
"Just open it, Steve!"
"Fine, fine, keep your shirt on," Steve said and tore off the paper. He blinked and in a softer tone said, "Oh."
"I don't know if you even like making models but I know you love cars and this kit looked just like yours, so yeah."
Steve stared at the kit some more. Dustin started to fidget. It was always better to be honest with your feelings but maybe this was too much for Steve. Maybe Steve didn't like him as much as Dustin did. Steve was not as enlightened about these things as Dustin.
"I've never made a model before."
Dustin hunched his shoulders and tried not to feel stupid or hurt. He should have expected this. They weren't even related. This was probably too weird. He reached out to take the gift back.
"it's fine, I can return it, whatever."
Steve raised the kit out of Dustin's reach.
"Hey, this is mine," he said.
"you don't even like it!"
"I never said that! I'm just gonna need a dweeby little nerd to help me build it. You know anybody like that?" Steve asked, batting his eyes innocently.
"you're such a dick," Dustin grumbled, fighting back a grin.
"watch your language!"
"shut up, you're not my dad."
Steve laughed as Dustin shoved his way into the house. Hours later, after much shouting and ribbing and one incident of spilled paint, a small model of the beemer was left to dry while Steve forced Dustin to watch the baseball game on TV with him. It wasn't the worst thing ever, and after Steve mentioned the statistics involved, it got way more interesting ("of course you'd like the math part, you weirdo" "you don't understand the stats do you" "shut up and watch the game, Henderson"). When the paint was dry, Dustin followed Steve upstairs and watched him carefully and deliberately place the model between a couple of sports trophies.
"yeah, I guess it looks pretty cool," Steve said with exaggerated nonchalance. "Now beat it, kid. your mom's gonna freak if you're not home when she gets back from work."
"can you give me a ride?"
"ugh, fine."
Dustin grinned. This had been, hands down, the best father's day ever. From the look on Steve's face when he placed the model, Dustin was pretty sure he agreed.
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gurugirl · 11 months
A Good Boy | 2. No Panties?
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Summary: Harry goes to visit Y/n and his father for dinner. He tries to be on his best behavior in front of Leo but Y/n is the one that can't hold back.
Note: This is stepmon!reader x stepson!harry - proceed with caution and don't read if you don't like it. Read Part 1 first!
Word Count: 8,857
Warning: 18+ only, NSFW, smut, inappropriate & forbidden relationship, age gap, cheating, lying
A Good Boy Masterlist
think I interrupted your dad and yn having sex when I was leaving yesterday. so embarrassed :(
Harry sat in the library at the University and grinned to himself at the text from Leslie. He was scrambling to finish up his essay that was due later that day. He’d slacked off a bit on Sunday. But he felt that had been worth it. He’d already mostly had his paper done anyway. He just needed to format it and add his citations. Maybe an extra sentence or two and clean up his conclusion. But yeah. Worth it.
He felt like his face was still burning hot and he definitely had a hickey on his clavicle. His t-shirt covered the blue mark but he could still feel her lips on his skin and… well… he could also still smell her. Her perfume. Traces of sex. He hadn’t had time to shower before he left that morning. He’d gotten a little sidetracked when he had her sitting in his lap on the kitchen stool and they were coming together one last time before he had to go. It was as if they hadn’t been sharing their bodies with one another for the better part of the day on Sunday and into the wee hours. He loved that she enjoyed him so much. That she’d been able to come (massive ego boost). That she liked his cock (great big, huge ego boost). He really liked her voice when she was panting dirty words to him and the way she used her tongue to get him off and to paint saliva over the inked designs on his skin.
He swallowed hard as he clicked to save the document and sighed. He knew he was in trouble. Because she was his stepmom and he couldn’t really have her. Couldn’t pursue her and invite her to his dorm. Couldn’t visit her on a whim and beg her to do that thing she did with her-
“Harry,” his thoughts were interrupted when he heard Jay and looked up to see his friend, “Tried calling you yesterday, dude. We all went out to brunch. The one that you were supposed to come to. For your birthday? Remember?” Jay sat down across from him with his own laptop.
“Ahh shit. I forgot man. Sorry.” He did forget. He had been quite preoccupied with Y/n all day. And even if he had remembered he wouldn’t have peeled himself away from her to join his friends for an overpriced, subpar brunch to drink away their hangovers. He could do that on any Sunday. But the chance to have his stepmom in her bed all day with her smooth skin and her soft voice in his ear and her tits in his face… well that was not such a common Sunday activity.
“Got hung up with Leslie then?” Jay raised a brow and smirked before looking at his screen.
Harry scratched the back of his neck and blinked his eyes. He hadn’t thought of what he’d say about what happened. And he really wanted to brag that he’d finally had sex. Over and over again. But he couldn’t, “Uh… sort of. I just drank a lot. But… yeah. The hangover was brutal. Spent most of the day in bed.” At least that last part was true.
“You didn’t get laid? Leslie would’ve you know. And she’s a nice girl too. I know you’re looking for someone sweet. She’s into you, H,” Jay shook his head.
Harry decided to not entertain that line of thinking, “I am sorry, though, man. Just completely slipped my mind. Barely made it here this morning. It was a long day yesterday.”
.           .           .
Y/n threw her sheets into the wash and showered Harry’s scent off her body. Which was a shame because she liked the reminder of him. Her little secret. Not so little really, but quite massive in fact. The secret that is. Of course.
She hated that he needed to go. That he was such a good student and that he took his studies seriously. He had an essay to finish. But also, on the other side of that feeling, she was glad he’d gone when he did because it gave her time to freshen up and get her mind on straight before Leo got home.
Harry had been an absolute surprise to her. Hell, she was a surprise to herself. She’d never done anything so… forbidden. But god was it erotic and it felt so good. Better than good. She was fucked. Even then, she couldn’t wipe the smile off of her face as she sat on The Stool™ and picked at her eggs. Not two hours prior she was coming around him and giving him permission to come inside of her. In that very spot. She wiggled over the stool remembering how his fingers dug into her thighs as he held her steady and moaned into her mouth.
“Ms. Y/n?”
She jumped when she heard Linda’s voice from behind her. She’d nearly forgotten that the housekeeper came on Mondays, “Yes! Hi Linda.”
“I noticed your bed covers are gone. Would you like the satin or cotton?”
“Oh… The cotton is perfect. But with the silk pillowcases, please. Thank you.”
Yes. It was a very good thing that Harry had gone when he did. She couldn’t imagine having to deal with Linda catching them in the act. In the kitchen. On the very stool, she was sat upon.
When Leo came back he left his suitcase near the door and asked Linda to take care of it for him. Y/n greeted him with a hug, “How was it?”
“It was… fine. How was everything here yesterday? We’ll have that all cleaned up today?” He gestured with his chin toward the front door to indicate the yard that still had chairs and tables and lights and a dancefloor in place from the party.
“Yes. In about an hour, they’ll be arriving to pack up everything. And everything was fine here too yesterday.” She smiled.
Leo walked off, presumably to go to his bedroom and shower.
That was easy. Too easy, Y/n decided. She bit her lip and remembered how Harry promised her that no one would need to know. How easy it would be. He was right. Easy peasy.
It all felt like a dream to her as she stepped out into the yard and was reminded of that night. How excited she was but then how confused she felt when they kissed. And then the anger that coursed through her when Harry tried to make her jealous. That had worked. She had been jealous. She didn’t like to admit that but she was. Even with Leonardo, she didn’t care all that much about what he might have been doing last night. But with Harry… her stepson… she shook her head as she walked back inside and decided to do something, anything, to get her mind off him. Because she was already missing him. Missing his dimples and his voice. His pink lips and tattoos. The way his breath smelled like her and his curls that were wild after they showered and he let it air dry.
And she could still feel him too. An entire day of sex was exhausting in the best way. But her body knew where it had been and who it had been with. She still tingled with need despite how satisfied she felt.
Then her eyes roved the kitchen island and she spotted a ring. His ring. A simple thick white gold band. She suddenly had an idea.
.           .           .
It felt good to turn his fully completed essay in on time despite how rushed it had been last minute. But then that only reminded him of why it was last minute and he was left grinning as he walked back to his dorm.
He figured he was due for a shower as he took a piss after looking down over himself and catching her scent again. Remnants of her were matted into the bit of hair at the base of his prick. It was a pity to wash away her soft feminine perfume but it would have been weird if he didn’t bathe himself. Right?
Turning on his shower he heard his phone ding and he plucked it up quickly, his heart pounding heavily in his chest when he realized it was Y/n.
Left something here. Guess we’re gonna have to figure out a way to get it back to you.
Attached to the message was a photo of her pretty thumb dawning said something. His ring. But that wasn’t the intent of the photo he realized when he took the whole picture in. She was naked behind it. Blurred just enough as a background image but he could see the curve of her waist and her tits and the color of her flesh uninterrupted by any fabric. The details weren’t clear but he knew what it was.
So Harry smirked to himself and took a photo of his own bare finger, sans the ring, and used the focus to keep the details at the forefront clear but have the background with his naked frame blurred.
you’re right. feel naked without it. any suggestions on ways i can have it returned?
He sat his phone down and already his prick was thickening up. From a single fucking text with a photo of blurry flesh tones.
Licking his lips he waited for her to text back but after a minute he decided he could just wash off and rub one out in the meantime.
And perhaps it was all the sex he’d had the day prior, and even that very morning, but his quick shower where he was meant to just come in under two minutes took a little longer. He stroked and stroked and moaned (thank god he had no roommates) and his thighs shook as he was reminded of how Y/n had bent herself over and bared her ass to him just the night before.
“Let’s try it like this. Use your hips to just rail me. Fuck me like you want me to remember you for days, Harry.”
So he did. His thighs were burning as he steadied himself in a hasty rhythm and used his hands to squeeze her bottom and watched as he stuffed his cock into her repeatedly. She rubbed at her clit and cried out each time he bottomed out.
“Spank me. Really hard. Both sides.” Her words were panted as she turned her head to look over her shoulder at him. Her tits swayed at each of his heavy thrusts and he brought his palm down over her ass and she hissed with a grin, “Harder. I know you can do it better than that…. FUCK!”
He guffawed as his next strike caused her to shriek and she moaned and then melted into the mattress as he continued swatting her bare bottom, “God yes. Just like that. You are so good, Harry. Such a good boy.”
He placed his palm onto the linoleum shower as he came. His orgasm poured out of his tip in spurts as he groaned and spoke her name between breaths.
With the towel wrapped around his waist, he smiled when he noted two new texts from her after stepping out of the shower.
Tit for tat I see. I deserved that.
Leo’s leaving this weekend. Friday morning. Won’t be back til Monday night. Perhaps we can arrange something for you to come pick up your ring then?
Harry took a deep breath as he read over her words. He didn’t have classes on Fridays so he could potentially go there Thursday night. But then his dad would still be there. But of course, the sooner he could see her the better. Even if Leo was around.
How’s Thursday night? And I feel like it’s gonna take a few days for me to get over the loss of the ring so if you don’t mind me staying until Monday morning then I think that can work.
.           .           .
She hated deleting the texts. But it was necessary. It wasn’t as if Leo would ever go through her phone but still. He didn’t care if she had a sidepiece. He would, however, care that her sidepiece was his son. She was certain of that. Even though he hadn’t said specifically, don’t have sex with Harry, he didn’t need to. It was something that went without saying. A moral boundary. She knew better. But she wasn’t sure that she wanted to stop. No, she was sure she didn’t want to stop. Harry was… tender and fun and sexy. He was eager and vibrant. Confident without being egotistical.
There were more photos and suggestive messages over the following days. Until he finally arrived Thursday evening after his last class.
He’d called Leo and told him he was coming over for dinner that night and that he’d stay and leave the following day.
So that’s how Y/n found herself with her little apron floating across the kitchen making dinner for the three of them. She had a little music playing and felt the nerves bubbling out of her tummy. She couldn’t wait to see Harry again. Just to lay eyes on him. To hear his voice. There could be no funny business that night, but she had him for the entire weekend and it was like a dream. She felt like she was in high school again. Heart thumping in her chest, head spinning and swimming. She kept getting interrupted by her thoughts. Wooden spoon in hand, hovering over the bowl with her head in the clouds. Images of what they’d done together, what they would do together.
He seemed to really enjoy eating her out. And his enthusiasm for it was obvious on Sunday when they were curled up together on the couch watching a movie and he dragged her legs over his lap and then asked…
“Can I try again? Want to see if I can make you come.”
His fingers reached up underneath her shorts and slowly dragged along the seam of her panties with his eyes growing dark as he licked his lips, “Please?”
He’d been trying. The first time he hadn’t made her come because she stopped him to have him play with her tits while he was fingering her. The second time she nearly came. Was so close but he couldn’t quite get her to tip. She reassured him that was normal. Most guys couldn’t really make a woman come if they didn’t know her body well enough, “No one has ever made me come from only eating me out. Ever. Don’t feel bad about it, Harry.”
But he wanted to try again. Third time’s a charm and all. So she nodded and he quickly rid her of her shorts and panties and dug in. He did everything he learned she liked and went slowly and softly at first. Watching her intently and moaning into her pussy.
She’d long forgotten the movie they were watching in favor of enjoying the scene with Harry’s mouth and fingers trying to work her to her end.
“Please… I need you to come. What do you need? Tell me exactly what you want so I can be good. Want to be the best for you.”
She thought for a moment. Since she’d never come from cunnilingus she figured maybe it was because she’d never sat on anyone’s face before. Perhaps a change in position…
Harry lay flat on the couch as she straddled his face and put her palms on the cushioned arm as he pulled her down over him and got back to lapping and sucking.
That was good. That felt… really good. The more she settled into the position of having her thighs around his head as she sat over his mouth she began rolling her hips slowly and realized that also felt really good. His nose was perfectly big enough that she could use it on her clit every time she shifted her hips up, but then each time she tilted her pelvis down Harry’s lips and tongue would stimulate her clit. It was perfect. The right amount of soft licking and sucking along with that healthy friction she got from his nose.
When she felt that initial tingle, the spark of her orgasm snaking around to her center she was surprised and relieved. She was finally going to come. And she was glad it was Harry who was doing it.
But Harry was beyond glad. He loved the idea that he could be her first for something. When he felt her quivering and her gasps turned into soft moans and chants of his name as she yanked his hair and ground herself over him his eyes fluttered into the back of his head. She was coming on his face and it was all he ever wanted. He didn’t even know it was anything he’d been missing out on but to have a woman coming from oral sex, from the way he flicked his tongue and kissed her pussy made her lose it and that was the best thing that happened to him all day. Yes, he’d lost his virginity but this was a notch on the belt of experience. This earned him bragging rights.
She collapsed over him when she began to come down and he caught her by her hips before she fell off the edge of the couch, “C’mere. I wanna hold you.” He laughed as he pulled her into his arms before she toppled over the arm of the couch.
She realized how beyond fucked she really was in that moment. With his eyes on hers and his arms holding her to his chest and their hearts beating in synch. He was special to her. His genuine care had her filled with butterflies and confusion, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to resist him ever again.
She sighed as she shook that memory from her mind. Stay on track, Y/n.
Leo hadn’t made it back from his appointment that afternoon yet but it was LA and traffic was rotten at that time of day. She hoped Harry wasn’t too caught up on the 101.
When her phone chimed with the notice that someone had arrived at the gate she swallowed and tried to keep calm. It could be Harry. It could be Leo. She had her hands deep in soggy flour so she couldn’t check to see which but either way. Harry was going to be there.
She heard the door close and her heart rate picked up. SZA’s Snooze was playing and she grinned to herself at the irony and before she could call out to see who had come in she saw him enter the kitchen. It wasn’t unlike last week when he came in with his duffle bag and that sexy smirk. Except this time it held so many other layers.
“Leo’s not back yet. Had an appointment downtown. How was traffic?” Small talk. That’s how she’d start. Her nerves were on fire as he raised a brow and placed his bag on the floor and sauntered toward her.
She tried following him with her eyes as he walked behind her without a word. Her hands were still stuffed in the flour mixture as Harry pressed his chest to her back and put his arms onto the island on either side of her, “Like this song.”
His voice in her ear was sultry and she knew that drop in his tone. She gasped as he pressed his warm lips to her neck and then swayed her with his crotch glued to her bottom. She closed her eyes and let his proximity and his touch filter into her bones and her veins and her cells. His lips were soft as he moved up toward her cheek and she felt him smile, “Nobody do body like you…” he sang the words quietly and nosed at her cheekbone as he rocked them to the slow beat.
God, she hadn’t been with anyone that was just so naturally good at being sexy and dreamy like Harry. He was a dream. He might have been a virgin before but he was sensual and flirty and exciting in a way she’d never known. He might have not had all that much experience, but he was a natural lover. Thoughtful and romantic without even needing instructions.
“How long til he’s back?” He spoke his words against the corner of her lips as she turned her face toward him. Her lips were already parted and her eyes were closed.
“I don’t know. Traffic is bad. He said he’d be home at five but it’s already six.”
Harry’s hands found her waist as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her mouth. She swooned. She actually swooned, nearly falling and passing out in his arms like one of those Victorian women who wore their corsets too tight and any little excitement would have them fainting.
Harry laughed against her lips, “You okay?”
She nodded and looked at him as he craned his neck to see her eyes, “I need to wash my hands. I’ve got wet flour all over them.”
The grin on Harry’s face was devious as he looked from where her hands were stuffed into the flour and then back to her face. He wasn’t budging at all, “So pretty with this apron on. Didn’t think you could be any prettier but here we are.” His fingers moved down to her hips.
She was wearing a dress. A little short. She wanted to look cute. And her plan to not wear panties was suddenly dawning on her as she felt the tiniest bit of slip on her thighs. She grinned back at him, “Thank you, Harry. Always so polite.”
He nodded and stepped back an inch as he moved his hands from her hips down to her bare thighs, “I try. I do my best to please you, ma’am.” His smirk remained as his finger slowly pushed the hem of her skirt upward, “You don’t mind if I just take a peek?” He tilted his head as he looked at her, his fingers inching up slowly, “To tide me over til tomorrow? Missed you.”
Y/n bit her lip and felt her neck grow warm. He was about to see what she didn’t have on underneath but she nodded, “Okay. Go ahead.”
The fabric of her dress was pulled upward and the air of the kitchen was cool over her backside. Harry groaned as her supple bottom came into view, not a single shred of material to cover herself from him, “Fuck. No panties?”
Her chest rose and fell deeply. She could have him just quickly fuck her. Who knew when Leo would return? It would be risky-
Harry dropped to his knees, “Please… can I have a little taste. Just a…” he smushed his fingers into her bottom and kneaded her flesh apart to get a better glimpse, “Please?”
“God, Harry. Okay.” It was insane. Absolutely nonsensical for this to be happening but it was. His tongue roved her folds as he moaned and lapped at her from behind. Slick and warm with his fingers biting into her skin. But when he slid his fingers over her clit she gasped and leaned forward to allow him more and Harry dug his face into her deeper.
It was quite the scene. From the front of the kitchen, one would only see Y/n leaned over the counter with her apron and hands in the bowl of dough, her eyes closed and mouth dropped open as she panted his name. But just behind the island, hidden from view, there was her stepson, eating her out with her ass bared to him and his tongue plowing through her labia.
Suddenly they heard the door close and Harry quickly stood up and wiped his arm over his face as he backed away from his stepmom and turned to the sink to wash his hands.
His cock was so hard but luckily his dark jeans would hide what he had going on.
Y/n was still panting with dark eyes as Leo stepped into the kitchen, “My son!” He crossed the room and wrapped Harry in a quick hug before backing away.
That was a close call. Y/n tried regulating her breathing as she pulled her fingers out of the dough and smiled at Leo, “He just got here. You both have great timing! Dinner will be ready in about an hour.” She lifted her sticky fingers and moved to the sink to rinse her hands off as Harry said something to his dad about traffic and then excused himself to go up to his room for a bit. Her teeth dug into her lip as she looked down into the sink at her flour-covered fingers and imagined Harry taking care of himself in his bedroom as he thought of her. She didn’t miss the way his prick started to stiffen when he was pressed into her back as he kissed her neck.
It was crazy to Y/n how quickly she could shift from being blushy and hot to being composed and cool in front of Leo. Dinner was plated and the three of them sat outside in the garden overlooking the pool.
Leo picked out a nice cabernet for them to share and Harry sipped a glass of tequila. She tried not to pay too much attention to Harry’s hands as he ate and grasped his glass. Or his lips as she spoke. She glanced at his jaw a few times as he chewed his bites and she spoke about the tennis club and then they got onto the topic of the war in Ukraine.
As cold as Leonardo was, he was at least of sound mind when it came to politics. He was liberal and he was quite a forward thinker. He was fair in his opinions. At least.
Her second glass of wine had her ears warming up and she felt more relaxed. No one would have guessed she was a ball of nerves but she was. Harry being at the table with his soft green eyes finding hers every few minutes as they spoke felt especially weighty when Leo was there too.
But on the surface, everything appeared as normal.
“And how are your grades?” Leo asked his son.
Harry perked up and nodded, “Good. All A’s. Nearly missed turning in a complete essay on Monday after that party but got it in just in time and got a 90 on it. Felt pretty good.” He pulled his lips inward to hide the grin that threatened to make its appearance as he caught Y/n’s gaze on him. Their expressions were similar. A knowing look. A secret only they shared.
“Figured. You’re always an excellent student. Never have to worry about you mucking it up do I?” Leo boasted.
“He is a great student. I even offered for him to stay longer on Sunday to relax but he was so intent on getting his schoolwork done instead. It’s quite impressive.” She didn’t need to chime in. Her words were a lie. Though she did know he was a great student, and that was impressive.
Harry smiled down at his plate before letting his eyes wander up to Y/n’s, “Thank you, ma’am. I take pride in learning and being good at what I do.”
She clenched her jaw and stifled a small titter she nearly let out. His innuendo wasn’t missed by her, “It shows too,” she spoke wryly and then bit into her roasted cauliflower.
His nostrils flared as he mimicked her by biting into a forkful and chewing hastily.
When they’d finished up dinner, they all made their way to the heated pool after changing into their swimwear.
It was… a task. A task to not look at Harry’s lean muscles and tattoos. The soft part of his hips that gave way to the elastic of his yellow trunks. His strong thighs. She swallowed to moisten her throat at the sight of him with dimples as he laughed at something Leo said.
But she felt his eyes on her as she stepped into the pool. She pretended not to be bothered by knowing his eyes were scanning her in small increments. He couldn’t gawk at her in front of his father, but he could take subtle glances to feast on.
To Harry, though, he wasn’t getting enough. He wanted to paste his eyes onto her body and allow himself to splurge on her tummy and her back. He was already keyed up a bit at the idea of having his brains fucked out all weekend. He knew he could be patient. He had to be. Leo joked around with Harry about Leslie a bit. Even he thought his own son was getting girls left and right. He had no idea that Harry had been a virgin until only days prior.
“I’m glad you came over today so I could spend a little time with you. Haven’t done anything like this in a while. And your birthday party doesn’t count either.”
The sun started to go down, oranges and pinks covering the horizon toward the Pacific Ocean, as they listened to music over the blue tooth speakers, and the subject of conversation had started on sports. Y/n zoned out a little. It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy sports, but in comparison to Leo, she was nearly clueless. She watched the dusk take over what had been a bright blue sky only thirty minutes earlier and smiled to herself as Harry’s voice floated over the water toward her as he spoke to his father.
“I’m gonna run to the bathroom. Be right back!” Harry spoke as he pulled his wet body out of the pool, climbing up onto the patio, his body dripping with water as he padded his way toward the back of the house.
Leo placed his back toward the edge of the pool and rested against it, “What do you have planned this weekend? Going out tomorrow with the girls?”
“Oh… I might. I’m not sure. Actually, Cyndee wasn’t feeling well this morning so we’re just playing it by ear. Tennis club Saturday. Maybe just hang out here in the pool. Relax. Not much. Bet you’re gonna have a good time in the Hamptons.”
Just as Leo was about to respond his phone rang and he cursed under his breath as he pulled himself out of the pool, in much the same way Harry had only moments before. He wiped his hands on his towel before lifting his cell phone up to his ear and holding a finger out to Y/n as he walked toward the back of the house to take the call.
Looking out to the horizon, the pinks had turned purple and the sky grew darker. The music on the speakers was some sort of slow hip-hop song she wasn’t familiar with but she liked the beat. Easy and a little sexy. From her peripheral, she saw Harry walking toward the pool.
She turned her head and grinned, “That was fast.”
Harry wore a small frown and slid into the water right next to his stepmom, “Yeah. Just went to the pool house. And um…” he turned to look back toward the house and lowered his voice, “Is he cheating on you, Y/n?”
The breath in her lungs stilled at his question. She wasn’t sure how much Harry knew about her and his father’s situation but she knew she hadn’t told him everything. And she knew that it was unlikely he would be privy. It wouldn’t have been his business in any normal circumstance. But theirs was not a normal circumstance.
Shaking her head she let out the breath she was holding and looked at his kind eyes brushing her fingers in between his under the warm water, “Not really. We have an agreement… But we don’t discuss the details with each other. We are free to see other people. But don’t tell your dad I said anything.”
Harry’s frown remained as he shook his head, “Of course, I would never say anything. Are you… seeing other people too?”
“No. God no. Since I married Leo I haven’t been interested in seeing anyone else. Until you.”
The frown lines slowly disappeared as his soft lips curved up, “Yeah? Really? You’ve been free to be with anyone? But it’s just me?”
Harry’s hand grasped her thigh as he stood only inches from her in the pool. Definitely closer than appeared innocent.
Nodding her head and letting him pull at her leg she spoke in a murmur after looking over Harry’s shoulder to make sure they were in the clear, “Just you, baby. You’re all I want.”
His demeanor changed back into his bright and confident self at her words, “So if I ask you really nicely you’ll give me anything I want, right? S’what you said Sunday.”
Y/n breathed out a laugh and cocked her head, “Depends. Tell me what you want.”
Harry’s fingers moved up her thigh slowly as he spoke in a whisper, “Let me come to your room tonight.”
She raised her brows and scoffed, “Well that certainly wasn’t asking nicely was it? Sounded more like you telling me.”
He licked his lips and dropped his gaze to her mouth, “Please, ma’am,” the smirk on his face deepened his adorable dimples, “Can I come to your room tonight? After he’s asleep?” He motioned with his chin toward the back of the house indicating his father.
“And what do you think is going to happen if you are allowed to come to my room tonight?” She tried hiding her own grin but it was futile. Harry’s smile and the way his hand was pasted to the inside of her thigh, only a hand’s distance from the crotch of her bikini bottom was making her feel dizzy.
“Whatever you want ma’am. I’ll do anything. Even if it’s just to hold you.” His tongue swiped over his bottom lip and his eyes were hooded. He was turned on.
Letting her hand drift toward his swim shorts she grazed her fingers over his crotch and sucked in a small breath as she kept her eyes on his, “Poor thing. When was the last time you came Harry?”
A laugh puffed out of his nose as he continued speaking in a low whisper, “This morning.”
Looking at the house and back to Harry she cupped him in her hand and moaned lightly, “Oooh… I see. A horny thing aren’t you? What did you think about?” She slid her hand into the waistband of his trunks and wrapped her palm around his smooth shaft and watched as his lips parted and he closed his eyes to take it in.
“You. You’re all I think about, Y/n.”
“Me?” She spoke into his ear as he opened his eyes to look at her, “I’m so flattered. What do you imagine? Am I sucking you off in your fantasy? Are you fucking me? Tell me about it?”
She was surprised by the way he was looking at her. As if he were the dominant. The aggressor, yet she knew he’d bend immediately if she told him to. She loved his moxie. Loved how he oozed confidence despite the way he’d beg her and whimper for her.
His fingers found the edge of the fabric of her bikini at the lower part of her hip and poked a finger in, moving it down toward her inner thigh, “This morning I imagined I was eating you out. Came all over myself in my bed wishing you were sitting on my face smothering me with your pussy.”
She’d met her match. Harry was not shy to say dirty things. He was submissive to her but he was still very much able to keep her on her toes. She swallowed and nearly pulled him down so she could kiss him but she saw Leo return and quickly released Harry’s dick and leaned back into the edge of the pool to act as if they’d only been talking.
Both Y/n and Harry were a mess until it was bedtime. Harry was thankful his boner went down before he got out of the pool and Y/n was just glad that the wet between her legs was disguised by pool water.
“I’ve got to get up at like 5 am so I’m gonna go to bed. Harry stay up as late as you like bud,” he leaned in and kissed Y/n’s forehead as they all stood in the kitchen, “Probably won’t see you in the morning. I’ll call you later after I land.”
When Leo had gone upstairs and Y/n put away the clean dishes from the dishwasher Harry was seated at the island quietly.
“You gonna go to bed? Or are you not tired?” Y/n asked as she pulled out a stool to sit on.
Harry glanced down at the empty stool between them and back up to his stepmom, “Not particularly tired no. Was hoping you had an answer for me. About the question I politely asked you earlier.”
Sighing she put her elbows onto the marble and kept her gaze on Harry’s, “You know this can only work if we don’t get caught.”
He nodded, “We won’t. I’ll be quiet as a mouse.”
She smiled and sat up, “Do you smoke weed?”
Harry blinked his eyes at the sudden change of topic and nodded, “Yeah. Not like every day but often.”
She bit her lip and looked at the corner of the room. Contemplating whether she should or not. She should. She definitely should. And why not? It was just a little weed. And she needed to calm down. As composed as she appeared, she was vibrating with nerves and her body ached for him but she knew they couldn’t do anything tonight.
“Come with me.” She jumped down from the stool and Harry followed her upstairs to her room. She closed the door and locked it before crouching down in front of her dresser and opening up the bottom drawer, retrieving a box and lifting it upward, “My stash. If you ever need some and I’m not here, you’re welcome to it.” She spoke as she stood up and opened the lid.
“Wow. My stepmom’s a stoner. Had no idea.” Harry laughed quietly as he stood behind Y/n and looked over her shoulder down into the box.
“I’m not! I just like a puffy treat once in a while. Something to help me sleep and calm my anxiety.” She pulled out a joint and a lighter.
“You have anxiety?”
She shrugged as she walked across the room toward the large window that looked out to the backyard, “Kind of. Not diagnosed or anything but low level. I get anxious sometimes. This helps to make my mind chill a little.”
She sparked up the tip and inhaled as she unhooked the window lock and pushed the glass outward to open up before blowing the plume out into the night air.
Harry nodded at her words. He supposed it was the same for him. Low level. Normal levels he imagined. He took the joint she passed him and drew the cannabis into his lungs.
After a few lungfuls each Harry could feel the softening of his nerves and yet, it did nothing to calm how aroused he was around Y/n, “So does this mean you’re gonna let me stay in your bed with you tonight?”
She stamped out the joint and placed it on the windowsill before turning to look up at Harry. She was ready to jump his bones but she knew they had to be quiet. They could get to the juicy stuff tomorrow. Perhaps that evening would just be about being close and talking in whispers.
“Yeah. But no sex. It’s too loud. We have plenty of time for that all weekend,” her grin was adorable and Harry couldn’t help himself when he grasped her chin and kissed her lips.
It took her by surprise but she melted into him quickly as she wrapped her arms around him. Harry walked her backward to her bed and pulled her in with him before parting from the kiss, “Like I said. I’ll take anything you give me. No sex is fine with me.”
The problem with lying in a bed naked (Harry didn’t want to go and get his sweatpants from his bedroom and since he was naked he insisted that Y/n be naked with him and she easily obliged) with your brand new lover after having smoked a little weed is that it’s hard not to be horny. It’s hard to keep a ‘no sex’ rule when you still have so much to explore and the person you’d love to explore is lying right next to you without a shred of clothing covering anything.
Harry tried not to let his hands wander. He kept his palm over her hip, only letting his thumb travel over her skin softly as he spoke. And she kept her hand a safe distance from his cock, which was thick and hard, ready to be used.
“Well, when I graduated last year it was the same. All the professors really just wanted their students to get a good grade so they were always helpful and then would offer extra credit. You’ll be fine, Harry. You’re so smart.”
“Feels that way. Which is nice. I like having a little bit of a break.”
Y/n kept her eyes on his as he spoke and then they were quiet for a moment when Y/n was reminded of something, “What did you hear Leo saying that made you ask me if he was cheating?”
Harry didn’t stop his slow touches over her sides as he spoke, “I heard him say that he had to keep his voice down because his wife and his son were nearby. Then he said he couldn’t wait to see them either, but it sounded like he was speaking to a woman or like a lover. Not a friend.”
She nodded and squinted her eyes. She hadn’t known Leo to be sneaking away for calls to lovers. She always imagined that anyone he might have on the side would be a once or twice sort of thing. Someone who might not even have his number. But perhaps she was wrong.
But she wasn’t upset. She had Harry in her bed and his dark curls were messy with the way she ran her fingers through it earlier. She scraped her nails lightly over his pecs.
“Can I kiss you?” His voice barely came out above a whisper.
“Harry…” she looked into his eyes and then down between them and moaned softly, letting her hand travel down just a little, “If you kiss me it’s not gonna stop there. And you know it.”
The smirk on his lips edged upward on the right side of his mouth, “So you’re saying you can’t resist, is that right?”
She laughed and rolled her eyes, “No. I’m saying you can’t resist.”
Harry shook his head and rounded his eyes innocently, “Ma’am, with all due respect…” his nostrils flared as he spoke in jest, fingers digging into her hip, “I will do literally anything you tell me to. And if you say we’re not going to have sex, then I will resist. It’s you who makes all the decisions here. I’m simply following your lead. And all I’m asking for is a kiss.”
He had a point and she knew that was the truth. She wanted to fuck his brains out, that was the reality. And if his pillowy lips wrapped around hers and his tongue lapped at hers she’d be climbing over him and attaching herself to his cock.
Instead of answering she continued pushing her hand down his abs and toward his heavy cock, softly ghosting her fingers over his tip and he keened.
“Fuck…” Harry breathed out his words and he closed his eyes.
“I wish we could, Harry. But we can’t. It’s too risky.” She wanted to grasp him in her hand but she only brushed her fingers over him. Just to touch. Just a little.
His hand moved up from her hip and over her arm to her neck and then her face, “Fine with me. Love just being here with you. What would you do with me if we could right now?”
Y/n licked her lips and pushed her face into his touch as she scooted into him closer, “I’d have you creampie me and then I’d climb onto your face and make you eat your come out of my pussy until I orgasm.”
Harry’s mouth dropped open and the tiniest whine from the back of his throat sounded, “Fuck. I want that. Can we try that first thing in the morning?”
Nodding her head she felt his fingers drop to her jaw, gently rubbing his knuckles over her skin, “Definitely. Yeah.”
His face was so close to hers. She was throbbing already, clenching tight as her skin heated up under his gaze. He looked like he could devour her and it made her heart thrash in her chest.
“Yeah? Want me to fill you up? You like that, don’t you? Then I’ll let you smear it all over my face, clean you all up with my tongue and make you wish you were married to me. There’s no way I’d ever want anyone else if I had you.”
Y/n’s eyes went wide for a moment but she actually couldn’t be mad at that. If she wasn’t so far gone and horny out of her mind she might have scolded him for that but instead, she groaned softly and pulled him in for the kiss she’d been desperate for.
She hadn’t meant to. Not really. She was going to just lie with him and fall asleep and keep things quiet and tame. But she couldn’t stop it. She needed him. Needed him to soothe her ache and her heart.
Harry trembled as he pulled her in closer and opened his mouth for her, kissing her back wetly as his mouth was already watering. He was going to get what he wanted. He smiled into the kiss knowing where it was leading as she pulled him on top of her and she spread her legs, “Fuck me and come inside of me. If you make one peep we’re stopping.”
Harry breathed in and out slowly to ground himself as he lined his tip up to her sodden entrance. She was soaked. And puffy. Her clit was standing at attention because of how aroused she was. How aroused he made her.
He plunged into her and dropped his mouth wide as she closed her eyes and panted at the feel of him, “Yes…” she whispered.
Harry’s face was set in anguish as he rocked into her. His cock had been so hard and already leaked from the tip before she even kissed him. It was only going to be a matter of minutes before he was going to fill her up like she wanted.
Wet, sloppy sex sounded in the room and her mattress gave way to their weight at each of Harry’s thrusts. He was good to keep quiet but Y/n was struggling the most as she peeped the tiniest moans and then breathed his name softly as she felt him throbbing inside of her.
“Come inside of me, baby. Give me your come. Want it…”
Harry was quivering and his eyes rolled to the back of his head as his penis was sheathed in her tight pussy. It was warm and wet and his cock felt so good moving inside of her that he couldn’t hang on one moment longer. He clenched his teeth and his balls tightened as he fucked into her, his orgasm filling her to the brim. His ears rang as he came and his chest heated up from ecstasy.
Y/n watched in awe. Harry was good. He stayed quiet but even better was the way he felt when he was orgasming inside of her. His heavy cock pumped and throbbed and she felt every one of his ridges and shot of come that poured out from his tip. Perhaps it was the weed that made her so sensitive but it was an incredible feeling.
And Harry was blown away by having an orgasm inside of Y/n while he was a little high. He’d never trembled so hard in his life but he couldn’t stop shaking as he came and eventually calmed from his orgasm. He was shivering still as he held himself up over her with a grin. Proud that he’d managed to stay completely quiet.
“Good boy. Just like I told you. Now, you ready to use that mouth to clean me up? I need to come so bad, Harry.”
He nodded as his shaky limbs steadied himself, pulling out and then quickly grasping her ankles and lifting her legs upward to see it. To watch the bit of his creamy come drip from her pussy.
“S’pretty isn’t it?” She asked as she watched his face. He’d gotten lots of eyefuls of his creampies on Sunday. He nodded and then released her legs before plopping down on his back and scooting himself into position so she could climb on.
Before lowering her pussy to his mouth she watched as his come dripped over his lips and kept her hands at the headboard, “Eat it.”
Harry licked his lips and swallowed before opening his mouth again and looking up at her eyes. He just wanted her to sit on him so he could make her come.
The moment her cunt covered his lips she gasped when he pulled at her clit and his tongue lapped up her messy pussy. Swallowing his come mixed with her sticky arousal he moaned softly into her.
She grasped onto his hair as she gyrated over him, rubbing herself on his lips and over his nose, her pussy was on fire from need and desperation and the prickle of his facial hair.
“Fucking gonna make me come, baby. Oh my god, Harry…” she panted her words as quietly as she could while she used his face for her pleasure. Harry tried to keep his eyes open but she was riding his face roughly and it was almost impossible. He wanted to watch her tits bounce and the way her lips parted, wanted to watch her come as he ate her out. He forced his eyes open every few moments to see her riding his face as he held on to her thighs.
She began to spiral into a boiling-hot orgasm as her thighs nearly gave out from the exertion of her muscles. Looking down at where she was rubbing herself on him she was struck by his vibrant green eyes on hers as she began to come. The tight cord inside of her snapped and she gushed over his face. His nose was amazing. She kept bumping her clit into it and riding over the tip of it but being sure to give him air in between.
His face was shiny and pink and his eyes were droopy by the time she caught her breath. She shakily moved herself to lie over his body, pressing her chest into his and nuzzling into his neck. She was spent. He was spent.
Not only was it late, but they were both a little high from the joint they shared. Tired was an understatement.
She could have fallen asleep right over his chest like she was. Harry wrapped his arms around her and spoke quietly, “We should clean up. I’m all sticky and wet.”
Y/n groaned and smiled as she looked up at him. The handsome young man with her wet arousal smeared all over his face, “You’re right. Then we’ll go to sleep.”
The moment they were cleaned and snuggled under the covers with limbs intertwined Harry drifted off into a dreamless sleep. Y/n was sure that having Harry in her bed was the best part of their affair. His warm limbs loosened and his heartbeat slowed as he began to lightly snore with his mouth open. He was adorable. Not just adorable. He was striking and self-assured. He was smart and gentle. He was affectionate.
She hadn’t realized how much she missed affection. She’d been without it for so long that she thought the affection her friends gave her was quite enough. But now that she had a taste of Harry’s sunny smile and his tender heart she wasn’t sure she could go back to the once-per-week schedule of sex and then separate rooms after. The occasional hug and kiss. That just wouldn’t do anymore. Harry was forbidden but she was already hooked.
A/N: The next part will be their “quiet” weekend together 👀
3. Overheard
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coltermorning · 9 months
Of Love and Loss Ch. 1 (RDR2 Fanfic, Arthur Morgan x F!Reader, 18+)
Summary: You lose your parents while traveling to see your extended family. Through grief and regret, you have to find a way to put the pieces of yourself back together. A stranger comes along and helps you to live again.
Author’s Notes: This piece is written straight from the heart. That entails two things: it is going to be long, and it is going to be dark. With all the death and grief reader is managing, I want to be upfront that this may be a hard one for those going through the same thing to read. Just know it does turn happy eventually, and Arthur helps reader get to that place. As always, don’t read it if it starts to make you uncomfortable.
As an aside, reader does have a relative age—somewhere in her twenties—but I left everything else ambiguous. I had to do that to make the story work. Beyond that I hope you enjoy this one, as it truly is a reflection of the inner workings of my mind. May the healing power of Arthur Morgan save us all :,)
Tags: Arthur Morgan x reader, high honor Arthur Morgan, minor character death, loss of parents, blood and injury, grief/mourning, survivor guilt, strangers to lovers, slow burn, eventual smut, graphic depictions of violence
AO3 Link
Of Love and Loss
One: The Weight of New Burden
Word count: 5565
The night was dark, and your parents were dead. You sat before them, knelt as if in prayer. There was no praying now.
Flashes of earlier memory bit at you like the chilling air, but you didn’t allow them in. You didn’t allow their pain or their reality. There was a bridge, a cliff, the turn of your stomach as you fell. Then this. Then nothing.
Some animal made its sharp call in the night, but you couldn’t turn to listen. Your eyes were stuck staring. You couldn’t think of what kind of beast made that noise, no matter how many times your father had told you. Your father, nothing but a shell on the ground. Broken in the defeat of death, still warm from blood that had run so thick through his veins mere moments ago. Your blood.
You turned to your mother. She was a hard woman, made harder by the life the three of you had lived so far away and so deep in snow. Her hardness was no match for the rocky ground. For the weight of a wagon bearing all of your belongings crashing down on her. Part of her leg was still trapped beneath it, stuck out at a morbid angle.
You turned back to your father, laid their much more peacefully. He could be sleeping if you didn’t look too closely. He could be climbing into his shared bed in the early evening hours, claiming the morning was more worth his while. You could be climbing in beside him, too old to be doing it but clinging to him anyway, glad for his warmth in the house that somehow always let the cold in.
You moved and laid beside him now. Sleeping. All you wanted was to be sleeping beside him. To drift away with both of them, never to be without them again.
You tangled your gloved fingers in his already too stiff ones. You blamed it on the thick fabric and closed your eyes, imagining the rock sticking into your back to be one of the books in the bed your mother was always reading. Imagining the cold to be seeping in under the walls instead of all around you. Imagining you would all wake up in the morning before the sun rose, happy to live another day together.
The shock of things released like a breath, and you allowed yourself a few silent tears before drifting into darkness, letting the night overtake you too.
The echoing word woke you, but you didn’t open your eyes. Everything was wrong. You remembered the trip to Nebraska you were supposed to be taking, the unfamiliarity of where you were. You remembered the pain curling up your side and why you were sleeping on the ground instead of inside the wagon, all covered in blankets and curled between the wall and your mother.
You opened your eyes. It was morning. Far above you hung the bridge that forced a sob from your chest. On the bridge sat a man atop his horse, looking down at you. You shut your eyes again. Maybe he would think you dead too. Maybe he would kill you and this nightmare would finally end.
You could hardly find the will to listen to your surroundings, but you forced yourself to. It was easier than the thoughts that plagued you. You eventually picked up the tracking of a horse’s hooves against stone, riding not above you but from behind. Likely the man who had seen you all the way down here, no more than a smudge of the earth.
“Easy,” you heard, then the clinging sound of the horse’s bit as it obeyed its rider. Boots hit the earth so close by your eyes flinched, but you kept them closed.
The man approached, rocks crushing against each other beneath his boots, spurs clicking with every step. He spoke, low this time. “Jesus.”
He stopped a moment, likely taking in the view of the wreckage you didn’t want to think about. Then he approached again, heading for the wagon a few feet away. He could take it all, you didn’t care. All the provisions and the blankets, all your belongings and what little money your father brought along. The man could take the whole damn wagon and you wouldn’t so much as open an eye. Your parents were all you needed anyway. To die beside them.
The sound of pilfering hands echoed against the rocky walls of the cliff face. The man’s horse snorted behind you. It made you think of your horses. The horses you loved so much, pulling you through two states. You didn’t have to look last night to know they were dead. The older mare your father favored, the young stallion you had raised yourself. They were both gone. All of them, gone. All but you.
A dragging noise met your ears, something scraping against the ground. Then splitting wood, a grunt made in effort of breaking something. You couldn’t help your curiosity and opened your eyes to watch. You studied the man’s back as he broke the wagon apart to get inside of it. It had landed upside down, its back end crashed so flatly against the earth that there was no way to get to its hidden treasures below. Unless you broke it apart, more so than it already had been. Just as he was.
You watched and watched, let the man take a few select provisions without protest. He even lifted your father’s satchel, the one your mother had insisted he keep in the back of the wagon to avoid wanting eyes. And still, you laid there quietly, letting him do it. Where you were going, you wouldn’t need anything of the sort anyway.
You could hardly stand it, but when the man turned and faced your parents, you shut your eyes and stayed still. You let him pick over your mother’s body like a vulture, let him take everything he wanted. Your father was next, and he lifted him slightly so that his fingers were ripped from yours. You laid there limp. Ignored the dull thud of the body beside you when it met the ground again. Ignored the hands that met you, patted you down. Lifted you to search beneath your coat. Only, something must have been different about you. As soon as he moved you, the man froze. Then, slowly, he sat you up.
“You alive?”
How had he known? He shook you, and you let your limbs flail around like a doll. You did pray this time, that he would realize he had made a mistake, that he would think you already gone.
His gloved hand met your face and tapped against your cheek. “Hey,” he said. “You alive in there?” You weren’t. Hadn’t been for a while now.
You heard the sound of fabric against skin, then felt his bare fingers touching your neck. Looking for a pulse. It would give you away. You held your breath, but it would give you away. That damned little lifeline, ruining this good thing you had.
“Shit,” he muttered as his hand fell away. He knew. “You’re either gonna have to wake up, or I’m taking you with me.”
That should have done it, should have made you look at him at least. But he could be talking to a corpse for all he knew. You remained limp in his arms, refusing to do as he said. That is, until he tried to lift you.
You groaned in pain, the wound against your side pulling. He stopped.
“There you are. Wake up for me.”
You wouldn’t let him take you. Wouldn’t let him leave your parents behind.
He patted against your face again. “Come on. I know it hurts.” You knew what he was likely thinking, that falling from that height and surviving was damn near impossible. So you had to be hurt. You just hoped he didn’t notice whatever pain was burning against your rib cage. You didn’t want to be mended.
“Can you open your eyes for me?” Knowing he would try to take you if you didn’t, you let them open a fraction, seeing a blurred face and a bright white sky overtake your vision.
“There,” he said. “Stay with me.” You couldn’t keep them open. Couldn’t watch this. You just wanted to lay down again.
He took your arm and raised it to get a better hold on you. You knew what came next and pulled back. The movement swallowed your body in pain, making you groan again.
“Let me get you up, then you can rest, okay?”
He pulled on you again to lift you, and you finally managed a word. “No.” It was low and pitiful, and you immediately regretted it. You wanted your last words to be spoken to your parents, not this stranger.
“Come on,” he coaxed. “We got to get you up or you’ll die out here.” You shook your head almost imperceptibly, but he caught it. “Yeah we do. Let’s get you up.” He pulled you again, and you didn’t have the strength to fight him. All you could do was reach out, reach for your father’s hand. Grasp for his help one last time. You met those gloved, stiff fingers before the man could pull you up far enough and immediately knew how he had determined you were alive. Unlike you, your father was as stiff as a board. Cold and dead. Gone. That didn’t stop you from grabbing his hand, holding on tight with what little strength you had left.
The stranger tugged on you and met resistance, stopping and turning.
“I know,” he said lowly. “I know you don’t want to leave him.” You didn’t let go, letting tears fill your eyes at those words.
Caught by your gripping fingers, the man gave up trying to lift you and laid you back down. “Tell you what. I got some folk coming through here soon I was out scouting ahead for. How ‘bout we wait for their wagons so we can take the…take your family too?”
You couldn’t answer. You didn’t want to leave here and didn’t want them to either. You wanted to die here beside them.
When the man waited long enough to know you wouldn’t answer, he took it as compliance enough. “Okay then. You just rest. They’ll be here soon.”
A sob racked your frame. They would be—your parents. They had to be. They would come reach out their hands and lead you to eternity themselves. You couldn’t stand the thought of anything else.
You slowly rolled onto your good side and into your father, burrowing into his warm coat sleeve. It smelled like him. Woodsmoke and snow and horses. You wanted to be between him and your mother, but she was too far. Broken and bent wrong, too far gone for your delusional mind to believe you were laid in bed beside her. So you cradled your father, sobs shaking through you, warm tears spilling across your nose and hitting the ground.
After long enough that you hoped the man had gone away, you cracked your eyes open again. He was still there, watching the bridge above. Waiting. You wanted to tell him to leave. But like earlier, you couldn’t get the words out and didn’t want to. Each word not said to your parents felt wrong.
He turned and saw you looking at him. “Any minute,” he said. Like you were hoping for rescue. You shook your head and turned back to your father, the pain in your side beginning to throb.
You soon heard voices, a few shouted words. You caught one of them echoing down from above: bridge. Be careful, they were likely saying. Narrow bridge ahead. Too narrow for your own father to navigate, to keep a wheel from catching over the side.
The man beside you shouted, his voice so loud you startled. “Hey! Down here!”
“Arthur?” another man shouted back. “You okay down there?”
“I need some help,” he answered. “Send a wagon.”
You reached out and grabbed the man’s arm. He turned to you. You shook your head at him, trying to make him understand. You wouldn’t leave this place. Wouldn’t take your parents away.
“I can’t take all three of you,” he said. You shook your head with more urgency, but he only turned away, looking back up. “I ain’t leaving you here.”
You wanted to tell him, please do. But you couldn’t get the words out.
You tugged on his heavy coat, curling closer to your father when he looked at you again.
“No,” he said, enough of a demand in his voice for you to know he had made up his mind. “You’re coming with us. We’ll bury them proper.”
You felt a tear escape at that. Burying them…here was as proper as anywhere. More so. You didn’t want to take another step of this journey without them. You tugged on his sleeve again.
“Quit it,” he said, shaking your hand off. “I’m not leaving you.”
You gave up, turning back to your father, closing your eyes once more. You tried to let the life leak out of you. But even you knew you were too far from death, too rooted in living to get there. You imagined it instead, imagined what eternity with them would look like.
After a while, the creaking of wagon wheels met your ears. This was no place for a wagon. Not for one standing or one crashed aground.
“You okay, son?” came that same voice from before.
“Fine,” the man beside you answered, standing. “Girl here’s alive.”
Girl. Not woman, despite your age. You always got onto your mother for calling you that. But now it felt proper. Now it felt like daughter, like you belonged to the two laying beside you.
“Alive?” said a voice you hadn’t yet heard.
The man walked toward the others. “She’ll be all right, but her folks…” He walked farther away, dropping his voice. But you could still hear every damning word. “Folks are dead. She won’t leave them.”
“Won’t leave them?” one of them replied.
You wouldn’t look at them. Couldn’t. Their wagon and their passengers so whole, yours so broken.
“I told her we could take them, bury them proper. Ground’s too hard here.”
You knew just how hard the ground was. First hand. How it hadn’t killed you, you couldn’t figure.
One of the newcomers spoke. “We’d have to bring another wagon down, lighten the load a little.”
The load. Like your parents had become nothing but weight. You couldn’t stand it. You lifted your head, eyeing them. The wagon was closer than you thought, your vision still slightly blurry. Maybe you’d hit your head.
“Hello there,” said the one on the right, an older man. “No need to be afraid, we’re here to help you.”
No they weren’t. They were here to take you away.
You gathered your strength and moved, ignoring the pain in your side. It was so much harder to do now than it had been last night. Like the shock of the fall had worn off. You sat up on your knees, looking at the three men. Then, to prove a point, you made them watch as you crawled over your father and laid down right on top of him, never taking your eyes off of them. Speaking would be easier, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
“What’s that about?” the man on the left asked.
The one who had come down alone earlier, younger than the other two now that you could see them all, spoke. “She keeps doing that. Doesn’t want to leave.”
“She’ll die,” the other said. You nodded at him. Let him see, let them all see how desperately you wanted that.
“You have any other family?” the older man asked.
You thought of your father’s siblings in Nebraska, of their growing families. Of the reason you had been taking this trip in the first place. You couldn’t face them now, not without your parents.
You shook your head. Maybe it would get them to leave you alone. The older man turned to the others, and they all stared at each other in silent conversation. Finally, the younger man sighed, turning toward the wagon. “You two go back up then. I’ll get this done and let her do what she wants.” He pried a shovel off the wagon, turning and making for you.
“Ground’s too hard here,” the older man assured him.
“I’ll figure it out,” he answered. “Y’all go on, I’ll catch up.”
A small part of you was grateful to him. For helping you and doing as you asked, no matter how senseless.
When the others took the wagon away, leaving only you and the younger man, you looked up at him. He was staring at you, studying you like a wild animal. Maybe you weren’t so different from one.
His face softened some. “Where you want ‘em?”
Your chest caught. You hadn’t thought of it. You hadn’t thought this would be done so quickly, without any sort of ceremony, without all the recognition they deserved. Just you. Just a stranger that had robbed them less than an hour ago.
You would find the strength to do it for them. You wouldn’t leave them laying here like this. As much as you wanted to join them, it was becoming glaringly obvious you wouldn’t die alongside them. It was your duty to do this right, to be there for them when no one else would be.
Ignoring your pain, you backed off of your father and raised up onto your knees, looking to the trees leading up to the cliffside. The nearest was a lumbering pine, its roots reaching through the rocky shale effortlessly. Like it had been here longer than you’d been alive.
You pointed to the tree’s base, drawing the man’s attention. He dropped his head then sighed, picking up the shovel. Heading for it. You watched all the while. Watched him pick a spot and lift his shovel, bringing it down on ground so tough he hardly made a dent. He cursed. He lifted it higher and tried again. The ground didn’t budge any more the second time. He took to running his boot over the ground, checking for places the rock gave way to softer dirt. When he was satisfied, he lifted the shovel. This time, the ground gave.
He raised the shovel and moved to a spot a few feet away, trying again. The ground gave there too. He raised his head, looking over at you. “This’ll do. It’s gonna take me some time, breaking up all these roots.”
“Don’t kill the tree.”
You were as surprised to hear your voice as he was. You just couldn’t stand the tree dying too.
“She speaks,” he said, going back to his shoveling.
You watched him then, watched him a long time. So long that he began to sweat with the work, stopping to shed his huge fur-lined coat. He kept going. He got to the second grave. You debated who should go in which. As much as it pained you to think it, your mother needed to go on the left, your father on the right. Because that was how they had slept around you for over two decades.
You didn’t realize you were crying until a gust of wind shifted the air, making the wetness on your face turn cold. It was too much. You couldn’t do this.
Would the stranger bury you alive if you asked him to?
As soon as you had the thought, he turned to you. “Come look, see if I got this how you want it.”
You stood silently. Your side burned, but it wasn’t unbearable. Remarkably, almost unbelievably, you didn’t think you were hurt anywhere else. You just ached. Though that may not have been from pain.
You eyed your father at your feet then moved, walking toward the trees. Like a child learning to walk, a woman learning to navigate the world, all on her own.
You stepped up to the graves and looked down at them with the man. Roughly cut holes in the ground. A few of the roots from the tree had been preserved, sticking out of the sides. It made you want to smile, but smiling made you want to cry. Instead, you turned and went back for your father. If you didn’t do this now, you never would.
You thought of the pair of them living under this tree forever, the roots twining around them both until they were one. Part of the land and nothing more than memory. It was better than you could have done for them out here, all alone.
You reached your father and smoothed his coat out. Avoiding the pallid look of his skin, you noted his hat was gone. You searched the nearby ground for it.
“What is it?” the man asked, coming up behind you.
You motioned to your head and continued looking, rounding the wagon’s back end. You soon heard a board shift and looked over—he was pulling the hat out from under the wagon.
“This it?”
You nodded, going over to take it from him. He spoke before you could.
“We need to get your momma out from under there.”
Something about him using that word, calling her what you always called her…it crushed you. He didn’t even have to be told these were your parents. Because it was obvious. You had her hair. You had his nose. Your shoulders began to shake, and you were crying again, turning away so the man couldn’t see.
You felt his hand on your shoulder. “I’ll do it. You’re in no state to lift the wagon anyway. Just hold her for me, would you?”
You could hold her. Had wanted to, had been too afraid to touch her in such a fragile state. You nodded and let him lead the way.
Your mother was face down, the only part of her trapped under the wagon her leg. If you ignored that, she looked peaceful too. You were afraid to turn her over, just as you were afraid to move your father. You had a feeling whatever damage had been done was worse on their undersides.
The man set your father’s hat down and stepped up to the wagon side, preparing to lift it. You stepped up to your mother. You crouched and touched her back, the same cold lifelessness meeting your gloved hand as it had when you touched your father. You swallowed your sorrow and steeled yourself. You owed this to her.
With a grunt, the man lifted the wagon and attempted to push her leg out from under it. You couldn’t watch, knowing how wrong it would look, but you could help. You could hold her one last time. You wrapped your arms around your mother as you had so lovingly before and pulled.
“There,” the man said, letting the wagon back down with a crash of more broken wood. You couldn’t stand the sound—you were sobbing again.
“You take whatever time you need. I’ll carry ‘em over when you’re ready.”
You wordlessly thanked him for it. You had been dreading that, wanting to remember them as whole and nothing more. So this would be the last time you looked upon them. You would recall them sleeping, resting. Waiting for you.
You heard the man walk away as you let your mother go. Looking between her and her husband she loved so dearly. The only man to ever soften her.
His hat was resting beside him now, another small kindness from the stranger. You waited until he was far enough away not to overhear you before saying a word. Then you spoke, swearing it would be the last time you ever did so.
“I know why you wanted to take this trip.” You whispered it through a sob and were surprised to hear the words. Their reasons didn’t matter now. But it had mattered enough to you before to act coldly toward them. Now all you wanted was to tell them you understood. They had just been trying to show you love any way they knew how. You wanted to take back all that resentment, show them the love you felt in return. So you said it aloud. No matter that it would fall on unhearing ears.
“And I understand it now, and I forgive you for it…” You broke down, words impossible. How to sum up how deeply you cared for them in so little time? Your father always said it was actions that mattered, not words. Maybe that was all you could stomach anyway.
You bent down and kissed your mother on the side of her face, what little bit of it was showing. You moved and kissed your father on the forehead. You put his hat back on his head. They were too far apart for you to grab both of their hands. So you laid between them, facing the sky.
“Another morning,” you whispered, the cold air stinging your face. The words your father always woke with, repeating like a prayer. And your mother’s constant reply. “May it be as kind as you are.”
Your eyes welled with sadness, so you shut them. Back in the drafty room you had grown up in. Between your sleeping parents.
“I love you both.” You half heartedly wished death had been close by all along, waiting for you to say this to take you. But the pain in your side was too real. And the darkness behind your eyes wasn’t full enough. And your parents were on the wrong sides of the bed.
You laid there and cried for a long time. You weren’t sure how long, only that it didn’t feel right to get up and leave them now. To keep on living. It was unfair.
You heard the same animal from the night before make its loud call, the only thing to stir you. It was an elk. Strong and proud and always afraid. The three of you combined. But if you were the fearful one, when would you ever be allowed to rest?
You sat up, turning toward the sound. It was too far for the animal to be in view. But in that direction was the man from before, the one you had completely forgotten about. He was turned away, watching the sky. Waiting. You thought of his offer to go away from this place and felt that fear clutch you tightly. But what else would you do? Stubbornly stay here, neglect the very thing your parents had wanted for you? It was your refusal to take this trip all over again. You wished with such harsh regret that you had stood firm, made them stay home with you. Then they wouldn’t be lying broken on the ground, and you wouldn’t have to force yourself to do something you could never find the will to do in the first place. But your parents had wanted you to start your own life, one out of the snow and the hardship. Maybe this was the world’s cruel way of forcing you.
You sighed, shaking off your crippling sorrow and rising to your feet. You gave one last look at your parents. As much as you hated it, you would do it for them. Of course you would.
Within the hour, the man had brought them both to their final resting places and married the dirt with the ground it belonged to. He had asked if you wanted to do the honors, to speak over them, anything. You couldn’t even find the will to shake your head at him. You just watched from a distance, knowing you didn’t want to see them like this anyway.
When the deed was done and the man stepped away, wiping his brow with the effort, you turned and walked back to the wagon without a word. It was over. And you were still alive.
The man spoke. “Look, I know it ain’t my place but…you don’t need to be staying out here. There’s bears and wolves and all manner of animal that’ll eat you for the hell of it.”
He didn’t understand it and likely never would—what wanting to die looked like. But as much as you hated it, he was right. You wouldn’t meet your death here because of the same stubbornness your parents had tried so hard to correct.
You refused to respond and got to the wagon, prying through its broken boards and trying your best to ignore the sound. You wanted the keepsake you had been too weak to consider taking until now. You hadn’t truly thought you would find the strength to leave them, to need something like this. But the stranger of a man had come along like your parents’ very own dying wish, and you wouldn’t wrong them again.
You crawled on your belly underneath the wagon, the inside of it nearly unrecognizable—a tangle of ripped canvas and splintered wood. You dug through what the man had left behind after his search for anything valuable, knowing this wasn’t something he would have taken. You lifted a blanket and heard a familiar ruffle of pages as something small fell to the ground. Underneath the blanket lay the leather-clad book your father couldn’t bring himself to get rid of—a ledger. Though it hadn’t started out that way. You recalled growing up and learning your letters from your mother, sitting beside your father as she forced him to do the same. You picked up the ledger and looked through the first few pages, his terrible attempts at words. You knew without having to look further their spelling got better over time, though his handwriting never did. Then how his words turned to numbers, to how much hay and meat and skins he had sold or traded, how much the three of you needed to survive. It was obvious on the pages you had pored over time and again that words were not his specialty. The concern and care he showed his family was, written in determined number after number.
You closed the ledger and clutched it tightly to your chest. It was your father’s essence, your mother’s determination to teach him. You would hold onto it like your life depended on it.
You heard a knock on the wagon side and startled. The man was staring in at you. Maybe he was beginning to understand you better—he didn’t say a word. Didn’t try to convince you to come out. That alone had you feeling a little less uneasy. You were taught not to trust strangers, but this man had done more than most people you knew well would. The least you could do was show some semblance of thankfulness and let him take you somewhere safe enough to please him before you parted ways.
He moved out of the way as you shimmied out from under the wagon, outright ignoring your pain. It was a fickle thing to you now. It came and went, and you couldn’t give much care to it one way or the other. It just was. Just as the state of the wagon was. Just as the newly dug graves were, forever marring the ground now.
You clambered to your feet with ledger in hand and faced the man, unspeaking.
“You coming then?”
You hesitated, knowing how this would shape your life. To live or to die. To do as your parents wanted or to live the way they had—not long enough.
You met the stranger’s eye and nodded at him.
“All right then. Come on,” he said, as simply as if you had just agreed to a warm meal or night’s rest. Not your life. He motioned you to follow and made for his horse. “Name’s Arthur.”
You couldn’t bring yourself to answer. Your name circled through your head, one of the last things your parents had given you that was still yours to hold. He didn’t need to know it anyway.
He soon mounted his horse and helped you up. You settled onto the back of the beast, making it shift with the new weight. Unnecessary weight. An added burden. That’s all you were now. The only purpose you stood lay hundreds of miles away in either direction. So where to go and what to do if not lay underneath the dirt beside your parents? They would have been able to tell you. But that was the very thinking that had warranted this trip.
You gave one last look at the rough-cut graves now covered with earth, noting the tree, the rock face, the bridge you would not forget. You would be back someday. You would not let them lie here forever, unknown and uncared for.
When the newly named stranger spurred his horse forward, you were filled with every ounce of hurt, pain, regret. Determination. You would not let the two people that mattered most to you die thoughtlessly, in vain. You would meet them again with a story to tell. For them, you would live. Crushed beneath the weight of death, you would live.
Chapter two is here.
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legacygirlingreen · 1 year
Christmas with the Sallow Family: Chapter 4 || Sugarplum Fairy
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Authors Note:
I am back! I apologize for taking so long, school really heated up, but I graduate in about 10 days so I am finally getting free time back! Thank everyone who’s continued to support this story. I really hope this has been worth the wait, and soon should have more availability to work on future chapters! I haven’t had much time to edit, but I figured it better to post and edit later. Again, thank you all! Special thanks to @anto-pops for the advice on writing NSFW content, as this is my first attempt at it… So strap in folks because things are finally getting a tad serious.
Also, I usually go for historical accuracy, but couldn’t resist throwing in the Nutcracker during a fic set at Christmas. Historically it wouldn’t become a ballet till about a year later, but for the purposes here we can bend the rules a tad… Anyways, sending positive vibes to you all!
Warnings: NSFW content! (Finally). Minors do not interact! 18+.
Reminder: This work is part of a larger collection of work, see Masterlist (Pinned on Profile) for the rest of this fic!
Word count: 9,000 words
previous chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/legacygirlingreen/713708165693308928/christmas-with-the-sallow-family-chapter-3?source=share
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After an uneventful dinner in the Sallow home, the four young adults migrated out into the center of the hamlet with the rest of residents to partake in Christmas Eve festivities. Some of the older men played enchanted instruments to the tunes of upbeat folk songs, as children ran around playfully dancing to their song. Solomon who had opted to stand guard with some of the town’s men in case of another goblin attack, left them without the looming sense of awkwardness that had existed while they ate a few hours prior.
Sebastian had opted to change back out of his father’s jumper, as it was slowly getting colder, and he didn’t want to damper the mood with its presence. She still wore the same dress as before as they watched as Anne was playfully spinning with one of the young boys in their village. Ominis had laughed as the small boy, who had grown quite smitten with Anne as she remained behind in Feldcroft, politely asked her to dance with him. Shortly there after, Ominis himself was roped into showing the younger sister of the boy dancing with Anne how he was able to use his wand to move about despite his blindness, as the girl was also heavily vision impaired. Sebastian watched as his twin had to duck quite low to move her head under the small child’s arm as the boy attempted to spin her as he saw the adults of their hamlet do for the women. At the same time, Ominis was cautiously moving the small girl about in front of him with his wand pointed out in front of the both of them. It made him smile seeing his friend and his sister engaged so sweetly with smaller children who lived next door.
Without thought, he turned himself towards the girl next to him. She sat perched on one of the low stone walls surrounding the main circle of their village’s center. Sebastian found himself standing behind her, arms coming to rest on the sides of her, as she leaned back slightly onto his chest in her seated position. She turned her head to the left, noting how Ominis was entertaining the little girl by sharing how he navigated the world with a child who shared his condition.
“I never knew Ominis was so good with children” she said as she noted the way he helped lift the girl, who was nearing the end of her toddler years, and moved them both towards Anne and the young boy with the help of his wand. The little girl shrieked in laughter at how she, like Ominis, had a vague sense of the world around them with the help of the sentient wand.
“I do believe it may just be that child in particular” Sebastian sad with a chuckle before continuing “He usually finds kids off putting and overtly loud”.
“I guess I can understand where he is coming from… it is still sweet nonetheless.” She said, words trailing off in deep thought at the sight before them both. Anne and Ominis had rejoined with the young siblings, forming a small circle where they all were slowly spinning together.
Sebastian watched for a moment longer, before allowing his eyes to wander back to the girl. He couldn’t help but notice the way the moonlight cast lovely shadows on her face, or the way the firelight danced in her eyes. Hearing the melodic laughter of the children, yet his own eyes lost as they danced over her distracted form, he couldn’t stop his mind from wandering to a place they could both inhabit in the future. How he could home from work, crossing the threshold to greet her, before reaching down to observe whatever mischief some smaller version of them had created during his time away for the day.
“What are your thoughts on children?” She asked, breaking his train of thought before it could fully develop.
“In general or…?” He asked, aiming to figure out exactly what kind of answer she was desiring from him. He didn’t doubt for a second if she asked him, despite their age, he would give an honest answer. He simply wanted her to ask him without any reservations and on her own terms.
“Well I mean obviously in general, but also… having kids? Is that something you want some day?” She asked him, wavering for a moment before finding confidence to turn her body around to face him as she firmly planted her stare in his own.
“I like children. I enjoy the way their minds work, and how they are honest to a fault. I admit, I haven’t had much experience with them up close I am afraid. My parents only had Anne and I, as it was a traumatic delivery for my mother, so they decided one pair of rambunctious twins to be enough. Solomon has never even attempted to find a woman. We have no other family, so the extent of my experience has been back here during the summers with the few children in the hamlet.” He said, fingers playing with the strings of her corset unconsciously as his eyes wandered around the bustling hamlet to observe the youth spread about.
Sebastian remembered small moments where he had been asked to watch over the siblings dancing with his Twin over the past summer, and how while nerve wracking at times, he enjoyed getting the chance to entertain them. They never failed to make him laugh at their antics.
He looked back up into her pleading eyes, and he knew what she wanted to hear. “I definitely want children someday” he said confidently. Even before he had met her, he knew that at the very least he wanted to pass on his family’s namesake, as there was little chance Solomon would, and he was the only remaining Sallow who could. Although, with as much as he knew Ominis hated being a Gaunt, it wouldn’t surprise him if one day their friend took Anne’s name…
“You do?” She asked, seemingly shocked at how open he was on the topic, especially at his age. While the Twins were due for their 17th birthday shortly after Christmas, she was surprised he already had come to a conclusion on his future while still, in the eyes of the law, technically being considered a child himself. While in her muggle village he may be considered old enough to already have started that path in life, she had come to learn that in the Wizarding World, they were not quite as quick to marry off their sons and daughters…
“Of course” he said, smile beaming at her pleasant surprised expression. She briefly looked down at her lap before reaching forward to tug his jacket only slightly so he would come closer to her. He chuckled at her desire to pull him closer as he admitted he wanted children.
“Hey now, just because I desire children someday does not mean I want them now” he playfully retorted while wiggling is eyebrows at her action and he loved watching as she turned bright red at his teasing. She scoffed but didn’t push him away. She smoothed a hand over the trim of his lapel before straightening the simple “S” pin he adorned on the same side as his heart.
“What about you Missy? Do you see yourself having children?” He asked her, realizing she hadn’t commented on the matter. While her smile had told him that she most likely held the same ideas as him in the matter, he didn’t truly know.
She lifted her hand to cup Sebastian’s cheek as she carefully brushed a hand over the planes of his face. Her other hand migrated to his shoulder, fingers slowly tracing the soft hair at the back of his neck as his eyes slowly drifted shut at her soft contact. A small smile worked its way onto his face, as no matter how much she did it, he truly never got over how much he adored her gentle fingertips brushing along his skin and hair. However this was short lived, as she began speaking, his eyes snapped back open to watch her reply.
“I could see myself coming home to a little girl maybe… with a thousand freckles spilling across her cheeks and over the bridge of her nose” she said, softly tracing a path across the center of his face with her pointer finger before coming to frame his eyes as she continued “perhaps she would even have big doe eyes, full of the same mischief I see right here”. She softly traced the skin under his eyes as she gazed up at him. He felt a shudder run through him as she kept going.
“Or a young boy… with a big toothy grin” she said, fingers lightly brushing over his lips as he suddenly felt a weight drop in his stomach, but she didn’t stop there. The fingers in his hair continued as their movement went from unconscious to deliberate. “Maybe he’d have thick, unruly, brown hair that would need to be tied back while he played like his father…”
Sebastian couldn’t help but notice the way she seemed to remember what he had told her about himself as a child in the Undercroft that so long ago. The day he decided he would do anything to be able to show her his love. He loved how comfortable she felt confirming that he would in fact be the father of these idealistic children. Even more, he loved the thought of her desiring a possible daughter to have his dark eyes or a son having his thick Scottish hair.
He always had wondered what parts of his parents he inherited, as well as what one day he would pass on. While he wasn’t particularly fond of his skin’s blemishes from spending so much time in the sun, a small part of him was relieved to hear how much she seemed to adore the marks that covered his body.
If he focused hard enough, Sebastian could almost see the same image in his head. A little girl with similarly colored locks to her own, framing chubby cheeks filled with freckles. The shallow slope of his nose, but her soft smile paired with his dark eyes and her long eyelashes. He could almost cry thinking of how sweet such a child could look being perfectly comprised of both their features. He had always loved the name Estelle.
She paused for a moment, worried her words had frightened him, as he continued blinking rapidly with a far off look in his eye. He was shocked back to reality when her hand started slowly trailing off his face to return to her lap. Sebastian pushed it back up before she got very far, his fingers caressing her own as he took in a deep breath to steady himself.
“While I like your train of thought…” he started, slightly startled by how the lump in his throat made itself known as he began to speak, but he powered through as he stared in her eyes.
“I think that’s entirely too much of myself in children I one day hope, will take after their mother’s beauty”
“Yo-you want your children to…” she couldn’t find the words as she had a thousand thoughts running through her brain at his admission that one day, he wanted to share a home and children with her.
“To look as lovely as you, yes.” He said, noting the way she had a small tear leak out without realizing. Sebastian simply brushed it off her cheek without commenting on it. He understood how such words might draw such a reaction. He had felt such an odd stirring in himself at the conversation. All the sorrow he’d known for losing his parents mixed with the joy he felt knowing he was building something with this lovely girl.
“I disagree… I think their father to be quite handsome” she said, loving the way his dimples appeared at her comment.
“Then its settled. One day we will make beautiful children and people can argue which one of us contributed more to their good looks.” He responded making her laugh so hard she clutched his shoulder as he joined in her laughter.
“We should probably join in the festivities” she said, looking around to see if anyone was lingering too close to hear their conversation. He leaned in, as if he was going to tell her a secret.
“I would much rather stay here and talk about making babies with you…” he purred in her ear and she pushed him away slightly.
“Sebastian!” She exclaimed, noting the way her reaction only spurred him on further as he dipped his head back in laughter.
“I didn’t know you were such a prude” he said, drawing her to stand from her seated position on the wall. Sebastian carefully escorted her to where the hamlet were still dancing in the late hours of the evening in the grass. As he pulled her close, one hand resting on her waist, and the other holding her hand, he noticed the slight pout she had on her face.
“I am not a prude…” she mumbled as she allowed him to slowly start moving about in small circles while holding her.
“Could have fooled me” he responded, noticing the way her eyes quickly darted around to see if anyone around them was watching before she leaned closer, resting her head on his shoulder. She sighed before she tipped her chin towards his ear: “talking about your desire for future children, and discussing the act of making them are two very different conversations” she purred.
Sebastian’s hand on her waist tightened, holding her closer to his body. In fact, he was slowly beginning to feel the beat of her heart through the fabric of his undershirt, his own sweater, and jacket. Not to mention the layers she was wearing… He felt the need to pull her close despite the fact he was warming up along every inch of his body. He barely recognized that a very light snow was beginning to fall because how hot he suddenly found himself. The only reason he noticed was seeing the way small flakes began to get caught in her hair, and he imagined he looked similar.
“Could you see yourself entertaining…” he trailed off as he noticed Anne and Ominis standing a few feet away. Ominis was holding her hand as Anne was beaming at himself and the girl. He looked back down at the girl in his arms, “can we pick this conversation back up later?” he asked her. She nodded as they continued their simple dancing to the slow song of the band. Every so often Sebastian would lift her arm, twisting her gracefully, before returning her to their pose. He was by no means a wonderful dancer, but he seemed to understand a simple box step, and that’s all she needed. It however, warm her heart to be dancing again after so long. It wasn’t long however before the song came to an end.
Throughout the evening the pair had heard the almost continuous sound of instrumental music playing, so the sudden silence that permeated the air was mildly jarring. As she lifted her head to see if the band was retiring for the evening, she was surprised to meet Anne’s mischievous expression.
Ominis stood near the band, conversing with some of the men as Anne attempted to drag the girl from Sebastian’s arms. He let out a sigh as he tightened his arm around her a little confused why his twin was attempting to get the girls attention so intently.
“Anne is something wrong?” She asked, slightly concerned as to why the girl was attempting to remove her with the degree of effort she was aiming to use. Anne shook her head, finally successful in unraveling the couple.
Before Sebastian could question what was happening, Anne whisked her away and Ominis quickly came to drag Sebastian off in the opposite direction without a word. “Ominis, what the hell?” He asked annoyed as his friend simply shook his head no, a small smile stretched across his lips. Whatever Anne was planning must not be too terrible if Ominis was going along with it.
Sebastian found himself suddenly off to the side of the area everyone had been dancing, with the two young siblings from next door, as Ominis left them to join some of the adults of Feldcroft. Sebastian was extremely confused what they were doing, as many of them started talking amongst themselves and using their wands to start conjuring a small wooden platform on the ground. A proper dance space replaced the uneven ground. But why now?
It wasn’t long before he found an answer to all his questions in the form of Bernard Ndiaye coming forward. The members of the hamlet all stood to the side of the platform, allowing the shopkeeper to cross the small stage, to make an announcement.
“It appears that we had a dancer in our midst and didn’t even know it. After speaking with young Anne Sallow, this year’s newest addition has agreed to showcase a muggle tradition I hear is very popular this time of year.” Ndiaye spoke briefly before quickly standing to the side.
Sebastian recognized the sounds of Tchaikovsky, as his mother had adored the composers work. Every year around this time they would all make their way into the muggle portions of London just to watch the ballet for his mothers sake. Sebastian had almost forgotten about it, but Anne seemed to have remembered. It had been years since they had be able to watch a performance.
Looking around he was surprised to find Anne back at his side as she carefully wrapped her slender arm around his own, lightly squeezing his bicep. Sebastian looked to see if she had returned with his twin but was disappointed seeing she returned alone. Before he could question Anne as to where his love had wandered off to he immediately felt his knees almost give out.
In the corner of the small wooden platform there she stood. She must have used some sort of transfiguration charm to change her long green dress, as she now was a vision in soft lavender. Her delicate arms, exposed to the cool air, as only thin straps held up the bodice around her breasts and abdomen. At her waist soft lace and tule flared, just barely covering her most intimate areas. Sebastian couldn’t stop his wandering eyes from noticing how the thin tights she wore clung to her soft but muscular legs, especially given how much of them were displayed before him. Atop her head rested a small diadem, shining in the moonlight.
She had pulled her hair back into a small bun, leaving her nape exposed. Sebastian was struck so suddenly by how his mind l seemingly split into both thoughts of how downright ethereal she looked and how incredibly sexy she was. He was both smitten and feeling himself with growing arousals at how delicate yet strong she looked.
As the band softly played transitional music, she lifted her gaze to Anne, giving her a shy smile, before taking a deep breath. She refused to let her gaze wander to Sebastian, for fear she may loose her nerves if she saw his eyes on her. She nodded to the few men with instruments that they could begin and she closed her eyes, attempting to remember the steps she had all but memorized from her years partaking in the muggle study of ballet.
The opening notes of dance of the sugar plum fairy started and she was off. The playful melody of the Russian composer, although missing some of the instruments a full orchestra would have, filled the air. Almost as if riding a horse, the steps immediately came flooding back to her memory as she gracefully moved about the small stage on her toes, arms extended.
She tried her best to not think of how much the movements were causing her abdomen to ache with pain or her lugs burn. After mentioning to Anne in Hogsmeade that she had studied ballet for years, the girl had all but pleaded on her knees to see at least some part of The Nutcracker, as it was their mothers favorite. She conceded knowing it would lift the girls spirits, however she had not known the full extent to which she had been roped into until the girl had escorted her away from Sebastian.
Sebastian watched her earnestly as she moved about the space with the same grace she used when she dueled. He had been right in his assumption she did in fact know how to dance, as here she stood, body moving with such a lovely flow it replicated that of a stream. Her movements both soft and delicate, yet poised and full of strength. The way the stars and the falling snow framed her feminine form. The way the moonlight and firelight made the diadem and crystals on her bodice sparkle replicated that of a princess. Her soft smile at the confidence in her movements. It was the most beautiful sight he had ever laid eyes on.
He hadn’t even realized he was crying until he felt a small handkerchief being thrust into his hands. He didn’t even look down to see that Ominis’s outstretched hand had been holding his own pocket square, as he refused to tear his eyes away from her for even a second. The world could come crashing down around them and he still would not be able to look away from the delicate creature in front of him. He half wondered if she was part nymph or siren, as the way she moved her body enticed him in ways he ought not know to be possible.
It wasn’t long before the band began to quicken their pace, with her rapidly increasing her tempo as well. She began moving about in such fast twirls, constantly upon her toes, matching the musicality. She was like a flurry of snow, twisting her body with such speed and skill. As fast as the dance had started, they quickly drew their instruments to the close, as she stopped, drawing her arms into an outstretched pose to conclude the dance.
As the people of Feldcroft began to cheer for her, clapping loudly, she began searching the crowds for Sebastian. With all the townspeople and snow picking up its pace, it was difficult to see where he had gotten off to. As she drew herself into a soft bow she saw a single white rose land in front of her. She quickly drew it into her hand before slowly making her way off the wood floor.
She barely heard Bernard speaking to the hamlet as she made her way to the left side of the stage. The people around her parted, allowing a direct path towards Sebastian. As she got closer she saw the soft glistening of tears in his eyes and on his face.
Sebastian felt like he was watching an angel make its way from heaven, down to him as she took soft steps towards him. He was thankful his neighbors had respected them enough to separate, making her journey easier. He hadn’t even attempted to brush the tears from his eyes, proudly wearing them as she deserved to know what a lovely reaction her talent had brought out in him.
When she had finished, he had found himself transforming the handkerchief in his hands into a single rose, tossing it at her feet the same way that he’d seen muggles do in London. When he found her situated directly in front of him, beaming up into his eyes, he didn’t care who was around them. The young siblings next door, his own sister, the townspeople, hell even Solomon: they were all irrelevant to this beautiful angel. His beautiful angel.
She softly brushed the tears off his face as he smiled, a few more continuing to slip out. The girl laughed softly, not in jest, but in elation at how much love was pouring from his eyes.
Sebastian brought his hand up, to firmly hold hers against his face as he ground himself in the moment. A selfish part of him never wanted this wonderful day to end.
It wasn’t long before the chilling Scottish air made itself known again, as she shivered against him, given how much of her body was exposed. He quickly unwrapped her arms, sliding off his jacket, before gently laying it around her shoulders.
“You must be freezing, sorry I didn’t think of that” he whispered out. The town around them had resumed dancing, wandering off to let the young adults converse as they pleased.
She brushed off his comment, but pulled the jacket tighter around her body. She looked back up at him, eyes still shining with amazement. He took the rose that had been held in her hand, placing it behind her ear. His fingers trailed down her cheek and jaw before his hand plant itself against the side of her neck. Sebastian softly pulled her into his tall frame, as his other hand came to rest on her bent elbow. They continued to softly sway as he held her head close to his chest, and she let her arms stay wrapped around his waist.
“I don’t think I have ever been happier in my entire life” he softly hummed out. She tightened her grip on his lower back, softly inhaling his woody scent.
“Me either” she replied, unable to fill her senses with enough of Sebastian Sallow as they softly turned in the moonlight. She wanted more. She didn’t care that her legs were freezing or ballet slippers were terrible shoes to walk in. She simply wanted to bottle up this feeling and keep it close to her heart forever.
As another song started up they heard a throat being cleared not far from them. She lifted her head from its place over his heart as Sebastian noticed Solomon standing near by, his expression unreadable.
“It is getting late. I think it is time you all retire.” He spoke firmly, but didn’t comment on how they were dancing nor her costume.
Sebastian only nodded, before spinning her around to head back towards their tent. Anne and Ominis were already back inside when they arrived. Immediately upon entering Anne jumped the girl.
“Oh Merlin! That was so amazing! Thank you so much, it truly meant so much to be able to experience one of our old traditions. You are so talented.” Anne blabbered on as she continued a string of “you’re welcome” and “thank you” in response to all she kept saying.
Sebastian leaned against the support beam for the main room watching as the girl demonstrated some of the poses for Anne. She shrugged his jacket off inside the tents warmth, thanks to Ominis having started the fire. Once again he found himself staring at the lovely lines her legs were creating as she lifted her weight onto one foot, and moved her other leg to the height of her waist with ease. When she lifted her arms, the skirt also raised, giving him a very open view of her tight and bloomer clad rear. What he would give to always have her in such attire.
She turned around after demonstrating to Anne some of the basics she had come to know, and when she did she noted the down-right sinful look in Sebastian’s eyes. She moved to grab his coat off the cushions from when she had set it down, while Anne sat next to Ominis by the fire. When she approached him, she noticed a small plant extending down from the support beam, to rest just over his head. Mistletoe.
Sebastian looked up at the small plant he was conjuring with the wand at his side. He knew the tradition would make her laugh, and when she caught sight of it she grew slightly pink knowing what he wanted from her.
The boy drew her close, pulling her under the small white bulbs with him. The devilish grin upon his face making her grow even warmer. He pulled the jacket from her hands, letting it fall to the floor with no regard for how it crumpled, before wrapping his other arm around her waist.
“Your opinions on mistletoe m’lady?” He asked, staring intently into her eyes.
“I suppose it is a fun tradition, although if you wanted a kiss, you need not ask”
Sebastian needed no further encouragement, pulling her waist directly into contact with his. Her eyes grew wide at realizing his manhood was pressing into her clothed center, but as his lips made contact with hers, they fluttered shut. His other hand planted on the small of her back, and both of hers finding place on his shoulders. He playfully lowered her weight, as he dipped her forward while continued kissing her. She sighed into his mouth as when he lowered them both, his weight pressed into her most sensitive area even more than it had when he pulled her against his body.
Sebastian returned her to her feet reluctantly, pulling his mouth from hers to give a small kiss to her cheek before nuzzling his nose to the side of her face.
“Have I succeeded in sweeping you off your feet darling?” He teased and she shivered as his long eyelashes tickled her cheek. She nodded, holding him close, breathing in his scent.
“You two are appalling.” Anne said while standing, breaking up their moment as she reaching a hand out for Ominis. The pair migrated towards the boys side of the tent together.
“Where do you two think you’re going?” Sebastian asked, playfully taunting his sister.
“To sleep” she said, continuing to pull the blushing blond with her.
“Mhm… and I am the appalling one” he responded sarcastically as she rolled her eyes, sliding into the privacy of the other room. Ominis gave a shy wave before following her.
“You know if it were anyone other than Ominis I’d ring their neck” he playfully chuckled watching his best friends shy allowance of his twins rule breaking.
She scoffed “Please, as if you are much better in that arena Mr. Sallow” as she poked a finger into his chest playfully.
Sebastian stiffened at her words, grabbing her hand as he pulled her backwards into the privacy of the other room. As soon as the curtain gave way he cast a simple silencing charm, throwing his wand to the side.
He lowered his mouth to her ear, lightly nipping it. “Say that again” he all but growled against her skin.
“Say what again?” She asked playfully as his hands found their way under the many layers of tule, fingers splayed across her lower cheeks.
“You know what” he said, feeling his self control starting to waiver as the events of the last few days were building. Their stolen kisses, almost watching her die, sharing a sensual bath, waking up next to her, her body on display during the dance and their conversations on a future. It all felt too much, as if he’d wake up and it all had been a dream. Sebastian needed the chance to prove he was worthy of their lofty expectations for the future, that he was worthy of her love and adoration. That he could be the man she deserved. Someone who could take care of her, provide for her, protect her and give her the life she deserved.
“Only if you answer me this” she said, trailing off as he caressed her skin through the tights. He mumbled out what she assumed was “sure” against her neck as he continued to kiss and suck lightly on the delicate skin exposed but her bun.
They were playing with fire and she knew it. She just hoped that when it was all said and done neither of them wound up burned.
“Would you like to resume our conversation from earlier now that we are alone?” She tried to keep her voice as sultry as possible but finding it difficult with the wonderful way he mapped out the skin of her neck and shoulders with his lips while his fingers traced her lower regions.
“While I would love to have that conversation, I don’t particularly feel like talking right now, do you…” he huskily whispered into her neck making her shudder.
She shook her head at his words as he carefully walked the both of them backwards towards the bed. When her legs made contact with the edge of the mattress, he gently helped her sit at the edge before lowering himself to the floor in front of her.
She raised a tentative eyebrow at him as he sat on his knees in front of her. In his mind, she looked downright ethereal, still in the beaded costume, head covered in jewels.
Sebastian carefully brought his chin to rest just above her knee, looking up at her through his eyelashes as she curled a hand into his hair.
Lowering his hands, he slowly began to unravel her ballet slippers off each foot, carefully tracing his finger up her leg as he did so. She felt a deep warmth spread about her at his soft traces, as the tights were not thick.
He placed soft kisses on the skin of her thigh as he whispered against her skin. “My Angel… goddess divine…” she heard against her legs as she continued to pour his love into her.
Sebastian looked up into her eyes again as he tried to find an ounce of his slipping self control. Her fingers still wound in his tresses and her soft gaze upon him as he laid more gentle kisses upon her skin. “Aphrodite herself” he said with a groan.
Let me worship you.
She was caught off guard at his words but he continued to plead with her. Sebastian shook her hand from his hair, rising as much as he could while still on his knees for her. He held her hand close to his heart, eyes imploring hers as his body softly shook in anticipation. Sebastian hoped she could feel the way his heart beat against her fingers. The way it beat for her.
Let me show you all the praise you deserve, my goddess. Please I beg you.
She couldn’t help but feel herself giving in, as seeing him beg on his knees for her was something she never thought possible. What happened to the proud Slytherin boy she met her first day Hogwarts who taunted her in class? He had wound his way into her very soul, loosing the arrogance that plagued him, now ready to be whatever she needed, as she graciously returned the same sentiments. She softly nodded, bringing his face up as she tipped his chin forward to meet his lips in a soft kiss.
Every moment they spent alone plagued with teasing and playful comments built into a strong sense of longing, only being held back by external rules of propriety. As he moved his mouth against hers that first time, cracks began to form. Now in the privacy on Christmas Eve, That’s when the damn finally broke.
Sebastian carefully pulled himself from the floor, helping her rise gently to her feet as he softly turned her around. His fingers lightly brushed against her corsets strings while his lips continued to softly press kisses and sweet words of praise along her shoulders.
My beautiful angel…
Most beautiful part of this world…
His movements were careful as he slowly unraveled the soft lace from her skin. As it became loose he slowly allowed the material to fall to the floor. She remained unclothed from the waist up, only bloomers and tights covering her lower half.
She turned to face him in the dim light, seeing the adoration in his chocolate eyes as she slowly slid her hands under his sweater, pulling it up his torso. Sebastian allowed her to carefully slip it off his body before she did the same for his undershirt. When his chest finally was exposed again she couldn’t help but lightly whimper at seeing his soft flesh, and he quickly pulled her back into his towering frame.
His left hand held the juncture between her jaw and neck, fingers softly tracing the skin he found there. Sebastian carefully lifted her face up to his own as her trembling fingers wound there way into his hair once again. With her pressed into him, he could feel her hardened nipples against the planes of chest, loving the way their skin to skin contact created a fire in his stomach.
His other hand slipped lower, find purchase along her waistband, toying with it as he kissed her gently. As he did so, her fingers continued weaving in and out of his hair, and it wasn’t long before he ran a testing swipe along her bottom lip with his tongue. Sebastian couldn’t help but groan when she opened for him, letting their kisses to deepen as their tongues carefully danced together. It wasn’t long before she was pulling away, feeling breathless at their actions.
Taking the opportunity of their pause in kisses, he gripped the band of her remaining clothing, and slowly lowered himself to the floor as he slid the material from her body, undergarments coming with it. He did so carefully, afraid she would snap to her senses and stop him. Sebastian was surprised when her bloomers touched the floor, and he found himself once again on his knees, this time directly in front of her naked form. His found himself carefully helping her step out of the clothes, tossing them into the unknown as he caressed her calf as he once again lifted his gaze.
When the cool air exposed her womanhood she quickly sought to cover herself not just from the cold but his gaze, as his eyes were only a few inches away from her most sensitive area.
She should have ran, should have stopped his advances, but truly there was no reservation within her that he did not already own every fiber of her being. He had her from the moment she met his mischievous gaze, beside the fireplace that day seemingly so long ago. They were destined to remain with one another, a very conviction they both seemed to understand. These physical acts were merely a way at demonstrating their devotion to one another. Damn the rules, they both broke every rules around them always. What’s one more in the name of such a love?
He carefully laid his cheek along her stomach, her hands preventing him from closing the gap between his face and her womanhood. As he gazed up at her, eyes darker than she thought imaginable, she couldn’t pinpoint exactly what he planned to do. He seemed to be allowing her to guide him to whatever boundary she desired. And while she was enticed seeing him still at her feet in such a manor, she was taking her time to become comfortable giving herself to him.
Being so close to her heat, Sebastian could smell her arousal, and it was slowly feeding his own. From the moment he’d spoken with her that evening along the wall, about a future together, he had maintained a slight strain in his briefs. When she had danced before him, that feeling grew more intense. Now having her looking down upon her, unclothed, still wearing that semi-ridiculous crown he felt the intensity of his own erection threatening to burst out. He wanted to see her, feel her, and even though it was vulgar he wanted to taste her.
Sebastian allowed her to take her time. He simply laid his head against her, continuing to breathe her in as she grew comfortable with the image of him half nude on his knees in front of her. His fingers wound around to her backside, slowly tracing patterns on her soft curves. If she was paying attention she would have realized those patterns weren’t aimless, as he traced the word “mine” into the skin of her ass.
Eventually she unwound one hand from guarding her sacredness. She carefully brought her fingers into his hair, hoping to calm the storm raging inside. He groaned against her, as her nails scraped along his scalp. Sebastian continued looking into her eyes, and without even having to say the words he felt their soft exchange through their expressions.
“Please allow me to make you feel good” his eyes plead
“I trust you” hers responded as she let go, allowing him to finally see her up close.
He nearly lost his composure seeing such forbidden fruit right before his eyes. Ever so carefully he moved a hand to lightly trace the skin of her inner thigh. Her breath caught in her throat as he continued the slow torture of quiet gasps and soft touches.
Dragging his gaze back up to her, he carefully whispered out, “so beautiful” with a choked sob before he placed his lips on her.
Her hips bucked involuntarily at the feeling of his warm mouth against her lower curls. Slowly sliding her legs apart, he shifted between them to lick a testing stripe along her slit. As he did so, her slick arousal coated his tongue and he found himself moaning into her womanhood at the taste.
While he initially was gentle, after one small sip, he dived into her, lapping as if he was a man wandering the desert. She felt herself slowly trembling at the ministrations of his tongue on her sex, legs going weak. If his strong arms weren’t holding her upright she surely would’ve fallen over.
He continued to use his mouth on her in any way possible. He licked along her entrance and tasted every drop she provided for him. When his tongue finally found her pearl he brought his lips around it, lightly sucking on her clitorus as she cried out, hands tightening into his hair, pulling his face closer to her heat.
At her involuntary reaction he groaned around her, the vibrations becoming too much for her to bear. She looked down at him one last time before falling over an edge she didn’t even know she was standing upon. As she did so, her legs buckled and he did his best to keep her upright as his tongue continued to prod her entrance through her orgasm. Her unintentional aggression towards him , paired with the sounds she made, was enough to send him barreling after her. His cock twitched inside his trousers as he coated his underwear with his own seed. When she finally came down he softly lowered her onto the bed, dropping his head to her lap as he pulled back.
When she stopped seeing the stars she looked down at him. With red cheeks and her arousal coating his mouth and chin he looked absolutely divine. He smiled at her, carefully dragging a finger around to collect her own wetness from her now swollen opening before placing it in his mouth. Licking the remains from his lips, he sighed.
“You taste heavenly” he told her as she carefully brushed a weary hand through his curls.
She blushed at his words, feeling the need to cover herself, but she restrained realizing if he was willing to do such an act there’s no reason to cover now.
“I may require guidance to return the favor” she said shyly, gesturing in the darkness towards him. Sebastian laughed against her skin enjoying the way her fingers lovingly toyed with his hair. Of all the ways he had felt her deft fingers in his locks, this moment was now his favorite.
“That won’t be necessary love” he said with a chuckle, turning his face to kiss her other wrist.
“Of course it is… I understand that there’s a give and a take to these matters…” she tried to explain but he shook his head, before slowly standing.
Ever so carefully he lifted her wrist to place a delicate hand over the wet spot on his trousers. Her face went from confusion to recognition as she felt his cum through the material. Oh.
“But… how..?” She asked, realizing she hadn’t even touched him directly. Sebastian shrugged before he leaned in closer to her.
“I really enjoyed making you feel good I suppose” he spoke as he looked into her eyes. For a brief second he swore he could see hearts in them as she sighed.
Carefully she lifted a hand to cup his cheek before she responded “you beautiful, selfless, man”
He let out a soft chuckle at her kind words, his nose carefully caressing her own lovingly as he nuzzled her soft skin. Sebastian gave her a gentle peck before pulling the both of them down to lay down on the bed. She found herself smiling at the unique lingering taste of her on his lips as he kissed her slowly.
After a few moments basking in the afterglow together, he rose to his elbow to gaze down at her. He carefully brushed a hand over the few strands of hair escaping her slowly slipping bun before sliding off the bed. He knew if he was to sleep in the same bed as her, he should have the decency to change his briefs since sleeping in the nude may be too much of a line to cross now.
Carefully he slipped out of their half of the tent, making his way over to where his belongings were on the other side. As he approached the room he knew contained his sister and his oldest friend he worried about barging in unannounced, but also felt awkward about raising his voice in case they were asleep.
When he found himself directly in front of the flap he was met with the relieving sound of their hushed whispers. Unable to prevent himself from ease dropping he listened to their quiet voices for a moment.
“I can’t believe he transformed my good pocket square into a flower” Ominis chuckled softly and Sebastian remembered that he had in fact ruined his friends possession.
“I will make sure he replaces it, I promise” he heard his sister respond with a sigh.
There was a beat of silence and Sebastian found himself almost taking that as a good opportunity to announce himself but he stopped at Ominis’s voice.
“Was Sebastian really weeping during the ballet?” He asked, no malice in his tone, merely curiousity.
“I wouldn’t call it weeping… more like tears of joy perhaps… like being moved to such extremes in the face of something beautiful. Like how a man may cry at the birth of his child.” Anne explained, and Sebastian found himself thankful his sister attempted to explain what she observed in a way that would exonerate him of being weak.
“That is surprising. I never imagined Sebastian of all people to feel such adoration for another… not that I see him as incapable of those feelings, its just…” Ominis trailed off unsure how to explain his thoughts on the matter, worried he would say something to upset Anne on the status of her Twin’s love affair.
“I think I understand what you mean… the intensity to which it is apparent they feel for each other is shocking I suppose. It reminds me of our parents in a way” Anne replied taking his hand into her own, fingers carefully tracing the callouses on his palm from constantly holding his wand to guide him.
Sebastian felt himself surprised knowing his twin saw the same love his parents held for each other in his own feelings towards the new 5th year. It made him feel as if they’d be proud of him.
“Do you think they will… move forward with things in the near future?” Ominis asked cautiously.
“Perhaps” Anne replied, pondering what Ominis was asking. They had both heard his confession the day outside with Solomon, and had witness their share of moments where even the blind boy could practically see the love rolling off the pair.
“I selfish part of me hopes they do” Anne spoke softly into her lap as Ominis raised a questioning brow at her, confused why she wanted her brother to move forward with such adult acts like engagements and marriage.
Sebastian also found himself leaning closer, curious. Anne felt her eyes blur a bit as she carefully swallowed a small lump in her throat before continuing.
“I don’t know how much time I have left… I want to…” she stopped for a moment to collect herself before she kept going. “I need to know Sebs is going to be happy. That he will have someone there for him when I am gone.”
“Don’t say that Annabel-“ Ominis found himself using her full name, not liking her train of thought. He didn’t like acknowledging her curse, same as the rest of their party, but knowing he may only have limited time with her was a painful reminder.
“I believe in their ability. I know if anyone can find a cure it is the two of them. But if they cannot… I just want the chance to see them both devote their lives to one another.” Anne said in a hushed tone. Sebastian felt a weight in his heart, having not realized that his sisters condition could lead to a place in which a vacancy existed during his important life moments.
Sebastian couldn’t stop himself from pushing back the flap of the tent, eyes glassed with tears as he startled the pair. Anne sat up, wand ready as she recognized her twin’s face in the darkness.
Sebastian rushed forward, forgetting the reason he was in there to begin with, forgetting the love of his life was waiting for him. Ignoring Ominis sitting to the right of them. As he brought Anne into his chest he heard her soft cries as she wound her arms around them. They had tried their best to ignore the direness of her illness for so long, to acknowledge it now felt frightening.
When she quickly recovered he found himself softly whispering into her hair “I promise you will be there to see that.” At his words she looked up at him, slightly grimly. For a moment she thought he was referring to his never ending search to find a cure.
“Sebs… I am not sure there is a cur-“ she began but he cut her off.
“I am not talking about finding a cure Anne.” He spoke defiantly.
Anne realized that he was confirming he would make sure to wed if she became worse off.
“You don’t have to… I don’t expect you to rush into a commitment like that on my behalf.” She worried that she may push the pair together faster at her declining health.
“Anne… I would marry her tomorrow if I could figure out the logistics. But I would do so in a heartbeat to make sure you can be there.” He said and she found herself nodding. Sebastian let his sister go, navigating towards his bag he brought back from school.
He was worried that she would begin to worry at his absence, and didn’t want his sister realizing there was still a mess in his trousers…
“It’s Christmas. Let’s just try to focus on being together, and we can figure out the rest tomorrow, a’right?” He asked, collecting some clothes, before lingering by the entrance.
Anne nodded, returning to Ominis’s side. Sebastian watched as his friend cautiously lifted a hand to place it on his sisters. He smiled, realizing they too were operating on possible limited time.
“Take care of her Ominis.” He said, giving his friend the permission the Gaunt boy had been struggling to ask for since he grew attached to the girl.
Sebastian didn’t need to hear the boys reply, so he merely stepped back and snuffed out the fire in the main room.
When he returned, he found his love laying on her side, curled up along the foot of the bed. Shrugging his pants and briefs off he carefully used a wet cloth to wash himself before sliding on fresh underclothes. Bringing the same cloth, he carefully turned her over enough to help wash away the mess on her womanhood.
As he did so, she carefully cracked an eye open. She slid her legs open more as he continued to clean her to the best of his ability before dropping the cloth to the floor. She sleepily leaned up as he undid the pins holding the diadem to her head, carefully placing it on the floor, before helping her to let down her hair.
As it tumbled free, covering her shoulders and breasts he sighed. He was always surprised how she continued to look more and more beautiful in his eyes.
Sebastian helped lift her sleepy arms up enough to work the sleep shirt he brought onto her form. He figured that she’d be comfortable in his clothes, as his size would turn a simple shirt into a dress on her small body. As he slid it over her, she smiled, feeling enveloped in his earthy smell.
Ever so carefully he helped her slide under the covers, so she would easily be able to slip back into her slumber. Joining her, he brought an arm up to pull her against his body. When she snuggled backwards into him he smiled, thinking about his conversation with Anne. That night he found sleep difficult as he pondered the logistics of addressing the topic.
As he finally drifted off to sleep, he decided his best course of action to be a lengthy conversation with Solomon, and for once he wasn’t concerned about the outcome…
To be continued…
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shadowsingerofnight · 2 years
Hello everyone! This is part one of a Feysand fic I’ve been working on. I haven’t yet decided how many parts it will be, but definitely at least another one. I hope you’ll enjoy!
Word count: 3.5k
Warnings: mention of child abuse
Feysand AU
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Feyre had had a rather shitty week- and more shitty days were likely to come. Her limbs felt like they were made of lead, such was the effort of walking the distance from the entrance of her building to the elevators across the hall.
Screw her New Year’s resolutions. She could avoid the stairs just this once.
Mr. Carver offered her a subdued smile when she passed his desk, the ones you give with pity in your eyes. She had seen so many of those in the last three days that bile rose to her throat. But she sketched one herself, minus the pity. She liked Mr. Carver, even if he was on the meaner side of polite. Feyre really enjoyed his banter with Nesta every time her sister came by. He was also like a hundred years old and often talked in riddles. Like when she had come home from a horrible date and he had said, “You should start wearing purple instead, it would suit you better.” Purple did bring out her grey-blue eyes, but it still didn’t make sense.
He didn’t say anything this time and Feyre was grateful for it.
She called down the elevator and while waiting she took out her phone. Text messages offering condolences were still coming in, even if they had begun thinning out. She didn’t want any of them. She hadn’t known her father, he meant nothing to her beyond being the man who had abandoned her when she was a child. Nesta and Elain were older, so they remembered him more clearly; the only memory Feyre had of him was not even worth repeating. All three Archeron sisters resented him for a lot of the same reasons, but each for some of their own too.
A letter had arrived to each of them, announcing that he was dead. They didn’t even know where he was nor did they care, anyway. But somehow, everybody in their family had found out and suddenly felt empathy for them. Such bullshit.
Among the other messages, she found one from Nesta that read, “Did Elain call you?” Then, just a few seconds later she had added, “I’m so tired of this shit.” Feyre sighed. Nesta was the bitterest about all of it. With reason, too. She was the eldest and had endured him the longest. Elain had always been his favorite for some reason. Feyre herself, he had always ignored- when he wasn’t yelling and throwing things or slaps, that is.
It was all trauma she had left behind, though. She had been in therapy since she could afford it. That was why all this thing just made her angry more than anything- that he had decided to hunt them in death too. Angry was an euphemism for what Nesta felt and Elain was just… apathetic. Which was why Nesta was so worried about her.
“No,” she wrote back, “but I think she’s still at the shop. I was going to take a shower and go check on her. Meet me there in an hour?”
The elevator finally dinged its arrival. She hurried in and pressed the button to her floor. She still felt like collapsing on the ground and sleeping for a week, but she pushed through the exhaustion and made it to her door. She fished her keychain from her bag but when she went to open the door, the key wouldn’t fit. She tried again and again but it wouldn’t budge. She shook the knob several times without any success. What was this, a tasteless prank? She had balanced on a thin line in order to maintain control over her emotions, but she felt everything rush to the surface. She pounded her fist on the door in a surge of rage and then let out a bitter laugh. She threw her back against it and just slid down until her butt touched the ground. She slapped a hand on her mouth to stifle her frustrated scream. She couldn’t wrap her head around it, why the door wouldn’t open, how that had happened and why now. Anger had been all she had felt for several days and she was sick of everything.
“Not to be rude, but why are you trying to break into my apartment?” The voice reminded her of the sea at night, deep but with a melody to it. She glanced up and, sure enough, a man was walking in her direction. He stopped three feet away. He was some kind of businessman, judging from his most evidently tailored, black suit. It cladded him so well, there was no mistaking the ridiculously powerful body underneath. She met his gaze.
“This is my apartment,” she stated. But if she was honest, it would explain a lot for it not to be. She still didn’t understand where her mistake had been, though.
His eyes sparked, like he had already seen the doubt in her own- eyes so blue, they very much looked purple. A stupid smirk spread across his face. “I promise you it is not.” He went on, “But, if you really wish to come in, it’s fine by me.” The suggestive tone sent a shiver down her spine but she just gave him a death stare she had seen Nesta use a million times. He bent his chin, chuckling, and a single strand of raven-black hair fell on his forehead. Damn it, he was handsome. With cheekbones and a jawline that could cut skin, he could have very well invented “handsome”.
“All I wish is to go home and sleep for a week,” she sighed. He inclined his head to the right, as a predator might do before attacking. “I do have a bed, you know.” But then, he must have seen something on her face, although she tried to hide the frustration, because his expression softened and he asked, “Can I help you get home? What floor do you live on?”
“This one, the third.”
He smiled. It was devastating, really. She might’ve had very filthy thoughts about him if she hadn’t been tired to the bone. “This is the fourth floor, darling.”
She had understood that by now, but she wouldn’t admit it. Feign aloofness to the bitter end was the plan, apparently.
She watched him from under lowered brows. “No, it’s not.”
His lips pressed into a thin line, like he was trying not to laugh at her stubbornness. The whole situation and this encounter were indeed quite comical. She weirdly felt like laughing as well, despite herself.
The silence stretched for a few moments while both of them struggled to maintain their composure, then he brought a hand to his chest and gasped dramatically. “Would you look at that, seems we are both wrong. This is actually the second floor.” He offered a hand to help her up and said, “Why don’t I get you to the elevator so you can go home and finally sleep?”
Feyre remained baffled for a bit, surprised he wasn’t actually calling her out on her bullshit.
She took his hand, if only to avoid more awkwardness. Sure, she would go with that.
It was warm and his grip was firm, though she could feel callouses that didn’t quite fit with the businessman image he had. His brow creased for a split second, like he was pondering something, but then he let go and they started walking together. He moved with a grace it was really unfair for someone that size to have. She glanced at him from the corner of her eye, but he caught her rather quickly.
When they arrived at the elevator doors, both purposely ignoring all the signs that indeed identified this as the fourth floor, he called it up. She asked, “What about you, aren’t you coming up?” The corners of his mouth clearly wanted to turn up, but he kept an otherwise serious face. “Nope, I usually take the stairs.”
She sighed. “Yeah, usually I do as well.” She surprised herself when she added, “It was one of my New Year’s resolutions, actually.” She didn’t know why she wanted to tell a stranger about her stupid resolutions.
He chuckled. “Isn’t it like the fifteenth? It took you two weeks to break it?”
“Cut me some slack, I’ve had a rough couple of days.”
“Would you like to tell me about it over dinner? Perhaps tomorrow?”
She took her time. Did she? Besides the fact that he was the most beautiful man she had ever seen, did she want to share her life with this stranger right now? She felt at ease with him, almost comfortable for some reason. But him not being a creep wasn’t saying much, if she was honest. Was it wise to let someone in now? She decided it wasn’t, but she would anyway- if only to have a distraction from it all.
The elevator dinged. Feyre got in, turned around and replied, “I’d like that. The dinner part, not sharing my sad life with you.”
He snorted. “You know, sometimes talking to strangers is easier.”
“Is that what we are?”
“I don’t even know your name, so I’d say yes.”
The doors closed, but not before she could say, “I’ll tell you tomorrow,” and glimpse a small smile grace his sensuous lips.
When Feyre left her apartment the next day, religiously taking the stairs but not for any other reason beyond her personal accomplishments, she was mildly mad at herself. She had made a great exit, sure. She felt it had been worthy of some movie or book scene and not real life, but she hadn’t asked for his name or his number. She could always go knock on his door, which she was familiar with at this point- but could she really? That would seem desperate.
As in answer to her intrusive thoughts, Mr. Carver called her name when she reached the hall. “Miss Archeron!” He sounded a little too excited, which piqued her interest and worried her a bit as well. “Someone left a message for you this morning.” Oh. She hoped she knew who it had been, but didn’t want to offer the busybody any more gossip so she feigned ignorance. “They did?” She furrowed her brows for good measure.
“Yes, it was the handsome man that lives on the fourth,” he explained, handing her a folded piece of paper. She opened it. It was just a phone number with a winking emoji next to it.
She asked, “What’s his name?”
“I don’t know his name.” His tone was way too innocent to be genuine. Apparently both could play this game.
“Oh, that’s a shame. I can’t contact him if I don’t even know his name, can I?” She sighed dramatically. He eyed her suspiciously, torn between taking the risk or breaking the promise he had likely made. She crumpled the paper in her hand, just to add to the act.
“Okay,” Mr. Carver sighed. “But don’t tell him it was me. His name is Rhysand, that’s all you’re going to get.” And true to his word, he lifted his chin to indicate he was done talking. She chuckled and saved the number on her phone. On her way to search for spaces to rent, she sent him a text. Just so he would have her number too. “Hello, Rhysand. I got your message.”
His reply arrived after a few seconds, like he had been waiting. “Who is this? There’s no signature.” She smiled to herself.
“I guess it’s only fair. My name is Feyre.”
“Feyre. That’s a beautiful name.” Then he added, “I can’t believe you corrupted poor Mr Carver so easily.”
“I’m guessing you just moved into the building. You’ll get used to his antics, don’t worry.”
He replied, “Yeah, I’m starting to catch up already.” A few seconds later, “So, about dinner.” Feyre smiled again. “Should I pick you up or do you want to meet there? I made a reservation at Suriel’s.”
She thought about it. After hunting for a new hall for her art gallery- since her application for the River Hall had been refused by the mayor himself, she had to meet with her sisters. They had decided it yesterday over the phone. Feyre and Nesta had gone to their sister’s shop to check on her, but Elain was already at home. They had found Lucien, her husband, who had assured them she was more or less fine and just needed rest. They knew he wouldn’t lie if she wasn’t actually well, so they had decided to just meet today.
Elain and Lucien had a nice gardening shop on the left bank of the Sidra. Elain had always loved flowers and gardening, but when Nesta had suggested she open a flower shop she had vehemently refused. She didn’t like killing plants, she loved keeping them alive- so she had decided to sell the tools and teach others how to do that. She had found great success, because she was good at what she did but also because she was the most pleasant person in the world. Feyre often thought she had gotten all of the pleasantness, because Nesta had none and herself just a tiny drop.
Elain also kept plants and flowers in vases in her shop, which she planted herself, and encouraged all of Velaris to buy them that way, instead of bouquets.
Lucien was just happy Elain was happy. But he also had somewhat of a green thumb. It seemed that if he had planted the seed, the sunlight always hit it just the right amount and just the right way- even if he had no experience whatsoever. They often teased him about it, but he always said it was because he had been made for Elain. Feyre didn’t disagree.
Lucien had actually been the one who had presented her project for the River Hall to the mayor- who he apparently knew from some business they had done together in regard to the Vanserra family’s company.
Her mind kept drifting back to that refusal and she suddenly felt the need to kick that man’s ass. He hadn’t provided any explanation as to why he had denied her application. She guessed he didn’t need to, but it still stung. His electoral campaign had veered on improving the lives of orphaned children in Velaris, but apparently Feyre’s program wasn’t good enough for him. She sighed.
She wrote back to Rhysand, “I’ll meet you there. I have something to do nearby, anyway.”
The restaurant was really close to Elain’s Gardening, where she would meet her sisters.
So she went about her day, but along with the constant thought of her missed opportunity, another one sprung to life- one of purple eyes and sensuous lips.
“So you really didn’t find anything?” Nesta asked.
“No”, Feyre groaned. “Everything is either too small to fit so many children or so big that I can’t afford it.”
She sighed so loudly, Elain came out of her trance and furrowed her brows. “Didn’t the mayor approve your application?”
Nesta and Feyre glanced at each other with worry in their eyes. Elain seemed to live on another planet since the letter. Lucien was the only one capable of taking her out sometimes, but other than that she was always aloof.
“No, I told you he denied it,” Feyre said. She resisted the urge to enunciate every word. But they couldn’t go on like this. Nesta was apparently on the same page because she demanded, “What’s wrong, Elain?” Blunt as ever.
Elain just looked even more confused. “What do you mean? I could’ve sworn Lucien told me he accepted it.”
“You know what I mean. Father doesn’t deserve your sorrow.”
“I know he doesn’t!” She sounded affronted, as if insinuating that she grieved for him was an insult. Feyre looked at Nesta with her brows high. She just shrugged.
“He doesn’t deserve it, but it’s okay if you feel it, Elain,” Feyre stated. She took Elain’s hands in her own. “Your feelings are valid, no matter what happened.”
Her sister let out a long, shaky breath. “It’s not that. I don’t feel sorrow. It’s just…” They gave her time to sort through her thoughts- and feelings, most likely.
“I don’t… hate him,” she whispered. “I don’t feel anything towards him. At all. It’s scary.” Her lower lip hobbled and tears were clearly gathering in her eyes. “And what’s worse, I feel guilty.” She closed them. The silence was absolute in the shop. Lucien was out delivering orders and it was nearly closing time so there were no clients in. Elain seemed to be searching for strength and coming out empty.
“I can’t stand to feel nothing when I know what he did to you two. And how you feel about it.”
Nesta’s breath caught. “You’ve been suffering so much for that?” She walked to Elain and took her in her arms. She extended her right one for Feyre to join. When they were all huddled together, Feyre said, “We’re happy you’re not hurting because of him, honey. You’re not responsible for our feelings when it comes to him, just your own.” Her sweet, caring sister. Elain was too good for this world. Both her sisters were. “Besides, it’s all going to fade rather quickly. I don’t care enough to keep it up.” She inclined her head in Nesta’s direction, who mumbled, “I will get there.”
They all laughed and she could see light coming back to Elain, even though she still looked a bit sick. But if there was something else that bothered her, she would tell them eventually.
The bell above the door warned them of clients coming in. Feyre decided to take a moment to go and put on some make-up since she wouldn’t have time to go home before her date.
A date. She had sworn off men for a long while after Tamlin. He had been an abusive piece of shit and she hadn’t had the courage to risk it again for some time. She wondered how Rhysand had managed to shatter that need of security with a few words. If she had eye-bags to cover up, it was especially because of him. Yes, she hadn’t slept well in a few days. But last night, when she had her hand between her thighs, it had been with his smirk in mind. She had imagined his hands touching her, his voice caressing her skin and the release it had brought was a powerful one. She had forgotten about the art gallery for a moment. About everything that worried her. And she couldn’t fathom how a stranger could do that within a day from meeting him.
And now, when she had the certainty Elain would be alright, when her mind was clearer, the thought of this evening with him made her stomach clench. Something she hadn’t felt in ages.
When she got out of the bathroom, she could hear Elain talking to someone. She couldn’t hear Nesta, so she assumed she had left. But when she got closer, she recognised the stranger’s voice. How could she not? She had thought about it since that first time she had heard it. Like the sea at night.
Rhysand was gesturing to Elain, talking about some floral arrangement. He seemed passionate about it, like it was important to him. He was asking for blue flowers.
When Feyre neared the counter, both of them turned to her and a rather awkward silence fell over the room. Rhysand looked confused, like he couldn’t understand why she’d be here. Then he seemed to connect who she actually was and a warm smile bloomed on his handsome face. “Hello, Feyre.” Her name. On his lips. It did things to her. She felt so ridiculous, like a teenager smitten with her first ever crush.
She smiled back. “Hey, Rhysand.”
Elain, who had started typing on her computer again, whipped her head to Feyre. She seemed surprised and a little on edge. Rhysand, on the other hand, looked worried. His eyes were wide, like something had occurred to him and he didn’t like it. It was all too weird.
“You know Rhys?”
“I do.” It sounded more like a question but she really couldn’t grasp what was going on. Her brows flew to her hairline. “Do you?”
Elain’s forehead creased with confusion. “Of course I do. He is Lucien’s friend, remember?”
“That’s quite the coincidence, but I don’t remember you telling me your husband was friends with my neighbour.”
Her sister’s eyes were the ones going wide this time. “He’s your neighbour?”
This whole thing was absurd. Feyre glanced at Rhysand who was staring at the floor as if he was guilty of something. He looked like he wished it would swallow him. It didn’t.
“Okay,” she said. “Someone wants to explain what the hell is going on?” she demanded.
“Feyre,” Elain said softly. “He is the mayor of Velaris.”
37 notes · View notes
India Lima Yankee - Chapter 37
Pairing: Rooster x Female OC
Word Count: 3016
Warnings: Allusions to sex, some swearing
Summary: Juliette Kazansky discovers Maverick is back in town for a special training detachment, but she's more than a little blindsided when Rooster arrives too. Having not spoken to him for almost ten years after their less than amicable break-up, Juliette can only imagine how the next few weeks are going to play out when she remains head over heels in love with him while he wants nothing to do with Juliette other than to forget her.
Or so she thinks.
Notes: Chapters in italics are flashbacks. Also I know I used See You Again in another chapter but I couldn't resist using it for this one too.
Chapter Songs: Radioactive Heroes
Chapters: Chp 1 Chp 2 Chp 3 Chp 4 Chp 5 Chp 6 Chp 7 Chp 8 Chp 9 Chp 10 Chp 11 Chp 12 Chp 13 Chp 14 Chp 15 Chp 16 Chp 17 Chp 18 Chp 19 Chp 20 Chp 21 Chp 22 Chp 23 Chp 24 Chp 25 Chp 26 Chp 27 Chp 28 Chp 29 Chp 30 Chp 31 Chp 32 Chp 33 Chp 34 Chp 35 Chp 36 Chp 37
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For a while, she had slept. The rocking of the boat, the mental exhaustion from the rollercoaster of emotions she'd endured throughout the day, and the physical fatigue from the passionate rounds of reunion sex had knocked her out cold. She'd initially felt bad about making Rooster endure an hour of not being able to touch her at dinner, but Lord have mercy, was it worth it afterward. 
Juliette turned her head to admire the man beside her. Dim moonlight danced across his tan skin and illuminated his brown eyes. Juliette frowned, propping herself up onto her elbow. "What's on your mind, Lieutenant?"
Rooster rolled onto his side to face her. "Can I ask you something?"
"Normally, I'd say yes, but I feel like this is going down a dangerous path."
"No, no, it's nothing- I mean, whatever you say, I'm not going to get mad."
"That's not helping."
"How'd you find out Maverick pulled my papers?"
The question took Juliette by surprise. Of all things she expected him to ask her, that hadn't even made the list. "What brought this up?"
"I realized I never asked you. I was just curious."
Juliette glanced down at Carole's ring, a habit she'd swiftly formed whenever she became nervous. "I heard voices in Dad's office, and curiosity got the better of me. I eavesdropped on him and discovered it was Mav. Once I realized what they were talking about, I left. I sat on the porch swing, replaying the conversation over and over in my head, wondering if there was any way I could've misconstrued it, but there wasn't. I knew what I heard. The decision to keep it a secret from you... I hated myself, Rooster."
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"No, it's- it's okay. Because I would've hated myself for telling you, too. On the one hand, if I didn't tell you, I was crushing your dreams. On the other, if I did, I would ruin the relationship with the man you considered a father and probably hurt my own relationship with him. I mean, you found out anyway and ended things with Maverick, but either way, I would've hated myself for the decision."
Rooster gingerly lifted her chin with his finger, forcing Juliette to look at him. "It was an impossible decision. We were all going to get hurt somehow, no matter what you chose. I don't know what I would've done had I been in your shoes."
"Probably would've gotten in a fight," Juliette joked lightly, thinking back to her boyfriend's tendencies back then and desperate to get rid of the melancholy mood. Still, interest piqued, she couldn't resist asking, "Are you thinking about reaching out to Maverick?"
"I know having you in my life and as my future wife that he will be a constant presence. I guess with the knowledge he might die on this mission, I'm-"
"Yeah. I know it's not good for me." He chuckled softly, brushing a piece of her hair behind her ear. "I'm considering trying to reconcile with him, but I can't help but think there's something he's not telling me, and I want him to tell me the truth. All of it. Was there anything you overheard in the conversation that might explain it?"
"I don't know. I left so quickly that I barely heard a thing," Juliette confessed, bracing her head on her hand. She thought back to that dreadful day, hoping to come up with some idea to help Rooster, especially if it meant speeding up the process of him forgiving Maverick. Then, something struck her. "I barely heard the end of the sentence, but it sounded like Mav wasn't acting on his own, like someone asked him to pull your papers. I can't be positive, of course. I mean, this was almost twenty years ago, but I remember coming into the conversation and hearing him say, 'asked me.' I didn't think anything of it back then, but now..."
Rooster's face fell into his handsome, brooding expression. Had they been talking about almost anything else, Juliette might've kissed him, but now wasn't the time. She let him mull over her words, patiently waiting for him to speak. Juliette thought about what she said herself, thinking who would ask Maverick to pull his papers, and it took a few minutes before her stomach dropped at the conclusion she came to. Judging by the look on Rooster's face, he arrived at the same one.
"Mom..." he breathed, his features contorting in pain. "Do you think-"
"It's possible?" Juliette lay her head on the pillow, thinking back to all the conversations she'd had with Carole, both before and after she started dating Rooster. There'd been so many, but Jules remembered a few that supported Bradley's suspicion. Choosing her words carefully, she said, "I know your mom was petrified to lose you like she did your dad. She brought it up to me a lot, especially once you announced you wanted to join the Navy."
"Why wouldn't Maverick tell me that, though? Why would he bear the full weight of the blame when he didn't act wholly on his own?"
Juliette reached out and cupped his face, running her thumb up and down his cheekbone. She hesitated to speak her mind but found herself doing so anyway. "You were so hateful to the person who pulled your papers long before you figured out it was Maverick. He knew you'd never forgive him, so if your mom did ask him to pull them, maybe he didn't tell you so you wouldn't resent her in any way."
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"She's my mom. I could never-"
"Bradley, Mav was a father to you. You even called him Dad for the longest time. Maybe you wouldn't resent her since she was your blood, but I doubt Maverick would've wanted to risk that. The only way you'll find out is if you ask him." Juliette propped herself up again. "Can I ask you something?"
"Of course."
"How'd you find out that I knew Mav pulled your papers? Only he, my parents, and I knew about that."
"Your neighbor at the time, Jessie, she crossed paths with me when I was on my way to my truck. I don't even know how it got brought up in our conversation, but she said something along the lines of how she overheard you on the phone with some guy named 'Mav,' and that you were talking about me, said you were talking about my papers. I put two and two together and lost my head. You... you know what happened after that."
"Wouldn't surprise me if she told you on purpose," Juliette remarked, smiling slightly. "I swear she always had a thing for you."
"Uh, funny story, actually. I did end up dating her for a while a couple of years later."
"What?!" Juliette demanded, her voice going up an octave. "That little bitch! No wonder she stopped talking to me out of the blue."
"She was the girlfriend who discovered the box you sent me stashed in my closet because I couldn't bring myself to open it."
"This might be petty of me, but I'm glad I'm the reason you two broke up. Only fair, considering she's the reason we did."
Rooster laughed, leaning forward and kissing her. "Jessie had nothing on you. Oh, that reminds me..." Rooster stretched across her with his full weight, causing her to groan. Cheekily, he said, "Hey, people are going to get the wrong idea if you keep making noises like that."
"You weren't worried about that earlier," Juliette pointed out.
"I had much different things on my brain."
"You were also thinking with an entirely different brain."
"Very true." Rooster pushed himself off of her and sat up. Juliette joined him, watching as he draped a familiar locket around her neck. "You gave this to me to have a part of you with me while I was on deployment, but now that you're here, I want you to have it back."
Juliette grazed her thumb over the elevated anchor before flipping the locket open. She stared at the photos on the inside. She and Rooster looked so young in the picture, it was almost comical. On the other side were her dad and Maverick, beaming at the camera. Her heart lurched when she realized, not for the first time this week, that in the next few days, the three men residing in her locket might be nothing but ghosts of her past. If Maverick and Rooster both died on this mission...
"Hey-" Bradley gingerly grabbed her chin, forcing Juliette to look at him- "don't go down that road. It's not here yet."
"Two more days..."
"Exactly. Worry when the time comes and no sooner." Rooster leaned over and kissed her. "I think you need a distraction."
Juliette grinned knowingly. "Oh? What exactly did you have in mind, Lieutenant?"
He pushed her back onto the pillows. "I think you know."
Juliette stood on the flight deck with the other pilots, waiting for sunrise. With the upcoming mission, the deck had undergone a quick maintenance and cleaning, but it allowed the soldiers to be up top without fear of being run over by a jet. 
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Today was the day, and eager anticipation electrified the air around them. Well, for everyone but Juliette. She couldn't take her hand off the locket, fiddling with it to curve her anxiety. Halo took notice of it, asking, "Hey, Jules, where'd you get the necklace? It's pretty."
"Thank you!" Juliette bit back a grin. "An old acquaintance gave it to me a long time ago." 
"What's on the back of it?"
"An inscription: India Lima Yankee. It's how we used to say 'I love you' without others questioning how we meant it. We were super close friends, but everyone thought we were together every time we said 'I love you' to each other, so we started saying 'India Lima Yankee' instead. Of course, the two of us ended up dating, so it took on a new level of its original meaning."
"Are you still dating them?" Harvard queried, his eyes darting over to Rooster. Juliette's heart leaped into her throat. Did they suspect it? Or were they wondering if Rooster had a thing for her? Either way, they'd be correct, but she certainly didn't want them to know the first one.
"No, I'm not." It wasn't a lie, technically. She wasn't dating Rooster anymore. They were engaged. 
Omaha nodded at Bradley. "So, you're not dating Bradshaw here?"
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck...
"What on earth would give you that idea?" Juliette countered, faking bewilderment. Maybe she could convince them otherwise. Of course, Bradley would have to put his eyes back in his head...
"You're telling us you're not dating?" Coyote demanded incredulously. "You two are always together, and don't get me started on how you've been spending nights in her stateroom, Rooster!"
"No, we're not. Bradley and I have been friends for what?" Juliette turned to her fiancé, hoping her crinkled brow would convey curiosity rather than guilt at having their relationship discovered.
"Thirty years?" he suggested, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Something like that. Pretty much before we can remember, and I mean that literally. We haven't seen each other in almost ten years, so we've had a ton of catching up to do."
"So, who's the diamond ring from then?"
"Coyote, if you're insinuating what I think you are, I'm pretty sure it should be on my left ring finger, not my right one. Still, for your information, Sherlock, it belonged to someone very dear to me that passed away."
"Speaking of Sherlock and someone who knows things-" Hangman interrupted, sidling up next to Juliette- "do you know who Mav is sending up?"
"You find out in five minutes, and you're asking me now?" Juliette quirked an eyebrow at the handsome aviator.
"I'm antsy. I mean, I already know I'm going up, but I'd like to hear it confirmed."
"For your information, I don't know. I made sure Maverick didn't tell me his choices."
Hangman frowned, disappointed. "What? Why not?"
"Because of the exact question you just asked me. I knew you would hound me if you thought I had an answer."
"Do you have your suspicions?" Fanboy prodded, peering around Hangman.
"Yeah, but I'm not sharing them right now. I'll tell you if I was right afterward, though. If any of you get shot down, though, I will find you, and I will kill you myself, understood?"
"Aye, aye, Captain," Hangman replied impishly, saluting her. The others followed suit. 
"We should head down," Bob announced, checking his watch. The pilots shuffled off. Rooster slung his arm around Juliette's shoulders. To their friends, who now knew how far back the two went, it would appear, hopefully, as an affectionate, amiable gesture. In reality, it was Rooster attempting to comfort Juliette when he recognized her stressed-out signals, namely her locket-fiddling. 
When the group arrived at the main hangar, Juliette opted to stand in the back. Well, she tried. Maverick called out her name, motioning for her to stand up front with him, Cyclone, and Warlock. He asked quietly, "You ready?"
"Yeah. Are you?"
"For the mission? Yes. For who I'm about to send up? No."
Juliette didn't need for Maverick to say the name for her to comprehend who he spoke of. Still, noticing the doubt behind his eyes, she told him, "I'll support whatever decision you make because I know you'll make the right one for the mission."
Squeezing his shoulder, she took place a few feet to his right. Juliette crossed her arms over her chest to hide her shaking hands. Meanwhile, the pilots lined up in rows. Once they were ready, Maverick spoke. 
"It's been an honor flying with you," he said, looking each pilot in the eye. "Each one of you represents the best of the best. This is a very specific mission. My choice is a reflection of that and nothing more."
"Choose your two Foxtrot teams," Cyclone ordered.
With no uncertainty, Maverick replied, "Payback and Fanboy. Phoenix and Bob."
Juliette bit back a proud smile. She'd guessed the two teams right. Evidently, despite Phoenix's confidence that she'd be sent up, she appeared surprised by the words coming out of Maverick's mouth, if not a little nervous too.
"And your wingman?" Cyclone asked.
Now, Maverick hesitated. He turned his head ever so slightly, catching Juliette's gaze, the silent question in his eyes. She subtly nodded: Send him.
"Rooster," Maverick said, garnering Bradley's confused attention. Juliette let out a breath she didn't know she'd been holding. Her boyfriend locked eyes with her, and she offered him a weak smile, but Jules couldn't keep her hand off her locket.
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"The rest of you will stand by on the carrier for any reserve role that's required," Warlock informed. "Dismissed."
The pilots dispersed to shake the chosen ones' hands and wish them luck. Juliette stayed put next to Maverick, mainly because her shoes suddenly felt like they'd been filled with cement. Logically, sending Rooster was the right decision. He'd had one of the best track records of all the pilots and came closest to succeeding in the trial runs out of all of them. Emotionally, however, it might've been the most difficult decision she'd ever made.
Think with your head, not your heart, Juliette. She chastised herself, clenching her jaw in an attempt to steel herself. He's got this. He's going to come back.
"Jules," Maverick's voice brought her out of her thoughts. "You okay, Princess?"
"Yeah, I'm good. You made the right call."
"Then why do you look so nervous?"
Juliette glanced over Maverick's shoulder at her fiancé. "Because I know that expression. He's starting to overthink."
Maverick turned around, studying Bradley's reaction himself. Worry flickered across his face. "We'll make sure he doesn't. He won't listen to me, but he'll listen to you."
"With this? I think it might be better coming from you. If he thinks you believe in him-"
"Doesn't me sending him up show that?"
"Not if he thinks you're sending him up as an apology."
Maverick grimaced. "I can't win with this, can I?"
"He's close to reaching out, Mav. I'll see if I can push him to do it without stressing him out further."
"I appreciate it, Jules, but don't risk your relationship with him on my behalf."
"Don't worry about us, Mav. Trust me, we're fine. You should go suit up. You have the briefing shortly."
Maverick nodded but didn't move. He waited until the hangar emptied, then pulled Juliette into a hug. "If I don't make it back-"
"Don't say that," she said sharply. "If you can survive getting blasted out of the sky going Mach 10, you can survive this."
"No. I lost one dad, Maverick. I'm not losing a second, and I will raise absolute hell to get you back if you get shot down. I'll track you down myself if I have to."
The corners of his lips tugged upward. "I think I might be more afraid of what you'll do to me than the enemy."
"You should be," Juliette declared indignantly, even though it was a far cry from the truth. She shoved her fists into her pockets, nails digging painfully into her palms. "Go suit up. The sooner you get this over with, the sooner you and Bradley can come home."
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He hugged her one last time, and then Juliette watched Maverick walk off, her heart synchronizing with his footsteps, adding to the echo in the massive hangar. At least, that's what it sounded like to her with how loudly the blood pounded in her ears. Juliette stood alone, waiting for the pilots and admirals to come back for the briefing. She'd been so confident in her pilots that they could succeed in this, especially having Maverick up there with them, but now, having seen Bradley's expression, the furrowed brow that clearly indicated his deep thinking, and Mav's words from mere moments ago, the cold sensation of doubt crept into her mind.
Someone's not coming back from this.
Tags: @lgg5989 @shanimallina87 @polikszena @summ3rlotus @souslesyeuxde @gleasonmalfoy @icemansgirl1999 @supernaturaldawning @thedarkinmansfield @lyannaforpresident @lapilark @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth @simpofthecentury @shadeops21 @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @double-j @picklejuicesposts @bradshawsandbridgetons @majdoline @jakexfmc @catsandgeekyandnerd
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
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a/n: Here it is, guys! The first chapter of OT&ON! I hope you like the story as much as I do. Without further talking... Let's take off and take flight to Cairo! :)
Warnings for this Chapter: quite the toxic relationship, maybe a bit angst, mentions of cheating
OT&ON Masterlist
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Chapter One - Welcome to Cairo
"Darling, you're finally ready now? We need to leave! Otherwise, we'll miss our flight - and I can't miss it! You know that I have a strict time plan in Cairo!" I heard the voice of my husband echoing across the hallway. I sighed, zipped the zipper of my suitcase shut. "Coming!" A four-week vacation awaited me. Summer, sun, a new culture, different food, people and places, a five-star hotel – and gosh I hated it already. Okay… To be honest, I actually hated everything about my life. My family, which stabbed me literally in the back - especially my father, by forcing me to marry a man, which I didn't even love. 'It will be the best for our families and the business. You and Phil will make a great couple,' he had said. I had not even the chance to complain. My father was strict and what he said counted. Sometimes I wished for my mum to still live... She would've never let that happen, but since she died ten years ago, everything changed. Father changed. He became colder, bitter. And I was the first person, who got to feel that side of him at first hand. And now? Now my life was made of living in a fancy villa on Mallorca, spending the whole day with doing luxury things and accompanying my husband to 'meetings' all around the world. That may sound dreamlike - and it was in a kind of way, but... I wasn't happy. Phil wasn't the right man. What is all the money worth, when your heart longed for real, true love? Right. Nothing. I just wanted to be... normal again and not 'the wife of Phil Arison'…
Again, a heavy sigh left my lips. But that was impossible. I had my responsibilities and duties towards Phil as his wife and as much as it hurt me, I needed to follow them. Besides, if I would decide to get divorced, my father would be the first in line to kill me. As often as I toyed with that thought, it was just wishful thinking. I was trapped inside that life. In that life I didn't want to live, but had no other chance than to do so. Little did I know, that the fateful vacation in Cairo would change everything...
I grabbed my suitcase and bag and made my way down our private elevator, towards the big yard. Phil was already there, leaned in his black suit against the black Range Rover, tapping impatiently his foot. "Finally... Come on, Riley!" With quick steps I was at the car. "Yes, sorry, I couldn't find my bikini," I lied, giving him a half fake smile. I didn't want to tell him, that I got lost in my daydreams again. He wouldn't appreciate that. By now I knew this man... Phil didn't care about the thoughts running through my head or the troubles which made my heart heavy or the demons which hunted me down sometimes. I was married and yet on my own. Alone. Therefore, that our relationship was anyway build on lies, didn't matter one more or less. Daniel - our personal chauffeur and right-hand man stowed away my luggage in the trunk of the car, then opened the door for me to sit in. "Mrs. Arison." I gave him a friendly smile, "Thanks." and sat in the car, beside Phil. "We have to be at least in eight hours at the Nefertiti Hotel in Cairo. Maryse will await me there - and I want to be well rested, before it's time to get to business." Maryse. One of his 'secretaries'. Or how I like to call them: Personal bitches. I had to suppress a bitter laugh. I knew it. I knew that he had other women beside me. I knew that he had several affairs behind my back. I was simply not enough for him. That was a thing I had accepted a long time ago. He thought I didn't know... But I did. Of course, Phil tried to hide it, but it was quite easy for me to count one and one together. How often he was hours and hours away, sometimes the whole night on so called 'meetings'. Or how he smelled like not exactly decent women perfume, when he crawled in bed to me late at night. Or the lipstick smudges he tried to cover up with the collar of his shirts. At first it really hurt me, after I found out, but meanwhile was it almost actually a blessing... Because that meant that I didn't have to sleep with him so often. Nevertheless, didn't change it the fact, that my husband cheated on me. A thing we swore to never do in marriage. But well... Promises can be broken... Even a marriage promise. "I'm sure we can make it to be on time in the hotel," I answered, giving him another fake smile. Daniel took us to the airport, on which our private jet already waited. We quickly got inside the plane, heading off towards Egypt.
We landed exactly seven hours later in Cairo. The sun hung already low, on the verge of sinking, as my feet touched Egyptian ground. The first thing I noticed was the temperature. Damn, it was hot... Way hotter than in Mallorca...                                                                                                            I never was in Cairo before, therefore I was quite excited about it, looked around and tried to soak in my surroundings - even if it was almost dark. "Riley, come. Our car waits," Phil said, arms slinging around my middle to pull me closer. "You can explore Cairo tomorrow, darling." I nodded, smiled again at him. Phil reciprocated my smile and pressed a kiss on my cheek, before taking my hand and pulling me after him. A taxi brought us straight through the city to the famous, five-star Nefertiti Hotel. It was super big and expensive looking. Yes, I was in a few cities already with Phil and also in a lot of hotels - but none of them was so splendid and luxurious like this one. Together, we entered the hotel, went through the big open glass door. My eyes went wide in awe and my brain tried to process what my eyes saw. The lobby was big. Really big. Decorated with big white columns, obviously made out of marble or so. Just like the floor. White and black stone slabs formed the floor. In the middle of this huge lobby stood a fountain, surrounded by little plants and lanterns. Everything was a bit Arabic breathed on and you could literally smell the Egyptian flair. It was simply amazing. I was beyond stunned. Maybe, just maybe this vacation wouldn't be that bad at all...
While I was still looking around and drinking in this amazing location, Phil walked already towards the reception desk to get us checked in. I didn't even recognize that. Well, not until he approached me again. "Riley, darling, you coming?" I spun quickly on my heels, facing him. "Um, yes, sure, in a minute. I'd like to look a bit further around." His expression told me, that he wasn't that pleased with my answer. "Fine, but I want that beautiful ass of yours in five minutes in my bed, yes?" I swallowed, but nodded. "Yes, sure." He gave me a nod. "The Concierge brought your stuff already up to the room as well." Then he left. "Alright, thanks," I mumbled, but he was already out of sight.
Call me stupid, but I was so fascinated by that lobby, I didn't know where to look or go first. "Can I help you, Madam?" I almost jumped out of my skin, when I heard another voice speaking up behind me. I turned around, facing whoever had addressed me - and looked straight into the face of a man in a neat dark blue, almost black suit, white shirt and gold-ish tie. His short blonde curls with hues of brown were styled to perfection and the man's sharp cheekbones and cheeks were covered with a slight stubble. He had a friendly, warm smile on his lips and his shining, bright blue eyes looked at me. They were as bright as the ocean and so deep, that I was shortly afraid I would lose myself in them. "Excuse me, please, I didn't mean to startle you, Miss..." It took me a moment to get myself out of my thoughts. "Arison." I cleared my throat. "Mrs. Arison." His polite smile widened. "Mrs. Arison. My name is Pine. I am the Night Manager here." The Night Manager? I gave him a friendly smile as well. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Pine." Mr. Pine gave me a polite nod. "Can I help you somehow, Madam?" "Oh, um, not really. I just wanted to look around a bit." "I could show you around, if you like." What a friendly and courteous man he was... "Yes, I'd like that-" My gaze drifted coincidentally to the big clock, hanging over the reception desk - and I froze. The five minutes Phil gave me, were over."B-But I think I should go to my room now. It got quite late a-and after the flight I should rest a bit." "Of course, Mrs. Arison. Maybe tomorrow?" "Maybe, yes." "Shall I escort you to your room?" Speaking of that... Oh no... I didn't even know where my room was. Stupid, Riley… Very stupid. So, I agreed. "Yes, thank you, Mr. Pine." He escorted me to my room in silence, stopped in front of the 'Hatshepsut Suite'. "There we are." I gave him another small smile. "Thank you." "Anytime, Mrs. Arison. Good night." Mr. Pine made a slight bow, "Good night." then left. I looked after him with a smile until he vanished around the corner. What a gentleman... I opened the door to the suite, stepped in and shut the door again behind me. That smile I had on my lips, got quickly swept away again. "Five minutes... I said five minutes!" I flinched at my husband's words. "I-I know... I'm sorry I-" "Shut up and get on the bed. I'm starving..." Phil interrupted me, coldly. His eyes practically undressing me and the look on his face left no chance for discussions. You are his wife, I reminded myself. You have your duties. So, I did what he asked me to.
At the start of mine and Phil's 'relationship', I tried to convince myself, that we were going to make indeed a great couple. Trying to convince me, that I could actually fall for him... Pretended to fall for him. Lied to myself that I have fallen for him. I didn't, of course. At least not hard. This all had nothing to do with love. It was business. We both knew it. For Phil was this all a great deal in contrast to me. He had even more money now, could buy whatever he desired, was a respected business man, the company boomed and he got me - the icing of the cake. A woman he could show off and especially use as his personal amusement toy. And what did I get from that 'deal'? A life full of unhappiness and coercion. A life without a perspective on a happy end. On love. On a own life. Come on... A bit dreaming was allowed, wasn't it? My gaze drifted to my right. Phil laid on his side with his back towards me. The lamps of our nightstand illuminated the room, drowned it in a soft orange. I sighed. I needed a bit... space - and therefore, that Phil was deep asleep, I stood up and got dressed again, before sneaking quietly out of our room. The hotel was completely quiet. No single guest or stuff could be seen. Well, no wonder... It was meanwhile almost midnight. Actually, I just wanted to walk around a bit, to sort my thoughts, but somehow my feet let me down to the impressive lobby again.
a/n: Let me know, if you want to be tagged in this story! :)
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t3kandson · 1 year
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Word count; 4,105
Pairing; Reader X Park Junhee
Characters; Park Junhee, Lee Donghun, Kang Yuchan. Mentions Kim Sehyoon & Kim Byeongkwan
Warning; Angst, Age Gap Relationships, Manipulation, Game playing, Reader’s a brat (sorry lol ), Slight work SA & Cheating in backstory, Oral (Receiving), Fingering, Marking, Public sex, Dogging.
Notes; Happy Anniversary ❤️
Requested by Anonymous person.
"My Story’s is purely fictional and none of the happening events are even remotely true for the real characters. This is purely a work of fiction."
You was always a rebel, whenever something you wanted was denied you craved it more. The latest album from your favourite boy band, which your father denied your request to purchase was one example. You had used your fathers credit card to purchase it on your phone. It ended with you enduring the lengthy lecture and extra chores as punishment. Had you wanted the Damn album, no you hadn’t, it was free on iTunes. But your father made it more appealing denying it to you. The same with an event at college when you was younger, your father banning you due to the late finishing. Phone turned off you pretended he didn’t exist as you snuck in taking a seat right next to your family friends son, Kang Haru. You knew he would inform your father, he indeed had when you left the venue to find not just Haru’s Father Yuchan, but your father’s arms folded against the car. He had grounded you for a whole month but you didn’t care it was worth it.
It wasn’t that you didn’t love your father, you adored him. But he was always too soft on you and you knew it. He treated you like a Princess, but Punishment was something he was weak with and you enjoyed rebelling by pushing those boundaries. Even if your mother and him argued often at the weakened consequences.
You had settled down after your studies, but you wasn’t afraid to still be rebellious. Despite knowing your father was paranoid about you out late at night. Even as a 21 year old you rarely came home till early hours, sometimes not at all.
It was this behaviour that led you be warned off another of your father’s friend’s children. “Donghun, she’s a bad influence on Kyungmi, I really don’t want her encouraging her on one of her nights,” you heard Junhee scoff in the kitchen from your room. “She just likes to have a good time,” you heard your father make excuses rustling in the cupboard. “Good time, you seen the clothes she wears. Donghun just because you won’t reign your daughter in doesn’t mean I won’t protect mine,” Junhee growled as your fists clenched. “They are adults we can’t keep them on reigns,” Your father said sounding wearily making excuses for you. For the first time you felt a flood of guilt attack. Your antics was hurting the very person you loved the most. You walked away from the slightly raised discussion downstairs to your room. Maybe it was time to grow up and make yourself someone your dad was proud of. But first you needed revenge, you needed to put Park Junhee in his place.
That’s what you did the next day, meeting with Kyungmi for coffee. She was only a year younger then you. Her and Haru was meeting you at the local coffee shop right next to Junhee’s family shop. You arrived parking your car where he could easily view you. The shortish skirt and low crop top that revealed plenty of your cleavage was what you hoped set his blood pressure spiking. Kyungmi noticing you through the window of the shop, made herself your way with pleasant excitement as you hugged her with real happiness. Because despite the revenge of your fathers friend you was actually fond of her. Your eyes found Junhee’s bulging from the counter of his shop as you waved and smiled his way with extra over the top excitement. Junhee waved with his face slightly showing the annoyance you knew he was holding in. “Does your dad know your coming out with us?” You asked her as she shook her head making your enjoyment so much more. “Oh your not a baby anyway, plus I’ll look after you,” you said tucking your arm into hers. You took one last wave at her father before walking out of sight of the window.
Like you had guessed the minute you disappeared from his sight, he messaged his daughter as you both and Haru sat down. Her face falling sorrowful as she read through them. “Dad said I have to help him sit with Nan tonight,” she said looking sad. “Hey I have an idea, leave it with me,” you said smiling standing as she looked confused. “I have a way with words trust me,” you said as you left her with Haru while you made your way next door.
Junhee’s face was a picture when he saw you stood their instead of his daughter. “Hi Uncle Junhee,” you said innocently as he tried to contain his annoyance. “Hi Y/N,” he said trying to keep his voice steady. “Where is Kyungmi?” He asked as you smiled widely. “She’s really sad uncle,” you said pouting as you made your way over to his side of the counter. “You see her and Haru was planning to have a good evening. I promised Uncle Chan I would look after them both,” you said leaning back on the counter smiling internally as his eyes raked over your rack. His lips fell agape, you knew how to play him. How to torture him under your control was going to be interesting. “You see now they can’t go it’s ruined their time together,” you smiled as Junhee raised an eyebrow your way. “They’re dating?” He scoffed as you chuckled standing up straight. “Oh no Uncle, their just friends but Haru is a great comfort when her new boss is giving her such a hard time,” you added bridging the gap between you both. “She’s having problems at work?” Junhee said worried as you plastered a fake sadness on your face. “Oh I’m so sorry I’m such an awful friend, I shouldn’t have told you that. Please don’t tell her I told you,” you fake pleaded as his jaw tensed, this time his anger no longly directed at you. “I need details,” he snapped that had you scared a little. He really did have a temper hiding beneath the smiles. But it meant he was putty in your hand. “I don’t know if I’m happy passing her personal details on this,” you said looking to the floor. “Y/N that’s my daughter, I need to know, I need to sort this out,” Junhee growled closing the gap even more between you. “I can take you to him, I know where he lives. But he keeps making luring comments,” you said suddenly feeling guilty at breaking Kyungmi’s trust in you just to get one up over her father. “Car now,” Junhee growled as he snapped up the keys as you obeyed watching him lock up.
You text Kyungmi and Haru to go without you saying that you was going to look after her grandmother, to excuse while you was about to drive off with her father. “She’s suppose to be with her Nan,” Junhee said annoyed when you informed him. “So how you going to explain this?” you said pointing your fingers between each other. He breathed heavily before breathing out knowing you had a point. “Just tell me where to drive,” Junhee said resting his head against the car. You typed Kyungmi’s employers home into his sat nav that you had tracked earlier. Pulling up to the house you pressed your hand on Junhee to settle him when he was spotted leaving his home. “Hold back, if you go in charging then your end in prison,” you said as he raised his eyebrow. “It’ll be worth it that’s my daughter,” he snarled as you chuckled. “I know where he’s going and it’s somewhere that you can use to fuck him up. A way that doesn’t fall back on you or your daughter,” you said reassuringly. He looked at Mr Yoon as he kissed his wife at the door. “He’s married,” Junhee gasped between shock and annoyance. “That’s how we plan to fuck him up, by his marriage and reputation,” you smile as he looked at you confused. “We’re just follow his car,” you said opening the window as you took a cigarette to light. “Do you have to do that,” Junhee scorns you as you blink innocently. “What, hey I’m not your daughter.” You scoff his way as he rolls his eyes grabbing the cigarette and tossing it from his own window. “No your one of my oldest friends daughter,” he snaps with annoyance. “Dad already knows I smoke,” you pout taking another out as he grabs the whole packet in your hand tossing it out the window. “I don’t care, your dad’s a soft touch,” Junhee insults as you widened your eye in his view. “You know I’m now an adult right,” you snap back at him. “You could fool me,” Junhee said sarcastically as you smaller your eyes his way. He was really infuriating and you try to remember a time where he was care free growing up. It was your Uncles friends Byeongkwan and Chan who had been more carefree and fun. Byeongkwan was your mentor at being a rebel. Sehyoon was the more calm collective and attempting to reason with you through your troubling years. However, Junhee was always looking down his nose at you. Your mind was snapped back to the situation when you suddenly saw Mr Yoon leave the family home. Junhee quick on the tail as silence formed in the car once more.
Like you knew, it pulled down the country lanes as Junhee looked confused as he followed. Pulling up you can see cars in all sorts of directions embedded round the trees. “You have to park similar,” you instructed as he looked at you full of confusion. “He’s here to be part of the dogging community and if you don’t park people will get suspicious. Then you won’t be able to get your evidence,” you scoff as you saw the colour drain out his face. He silently obeyed as you kept your eyes daggers on the car in the now distance. “Turn the lights off,” you groan as he switches the headlights off. “Why? and what the hell is going on?” Junhee voice filled the dark car. “He comes here to indulge in his sexual pleasures. You just need to snap some photos and then you can get him fired, or black mail him to leave Kyungmi alone,” you said as he groaned. “But more importantly how the hell do you know about this place,” Junhee growled which you found sweet that he was attempting to scold you. “Well as your telling people I’m a bad influence why are you acting surprised how I could know,” you bit with a little venom. “I should tell your father about this,” Junhee threatened as you laughed his way. “Uncle, how you going to explain how you took his precious daughter dogging?” you sniggered amused as he stumbled with a inaudible reply.
“Where are you going?” he whispered worried when you opened the door. “To get your evidence,” you said back looking at the outline of his body. “Don’t be ridiculous get back in the car, I’ll go,” Junhee attempted to demand as you ignored him. “For fuck sake if you was my daughter I would,” Junhee paused after reaching you from his side of the car. “I wouldn’t finish that statement not in a place like this,” you whispered his way that caused him to be quiet. You trampled quietly towards the car when a light shone on you both. Without thinking you spun Junhee around pushing him towards the nearby tree. Your lips hurriedly pressing against his frozen stiff ones as you heard him slightly whimper. “Do you mind,” you spat back towards the male who was looking at you with excited beaded eyes, his hands fondling himself. “Your not invited find someone else,” you growled in his direction as he muttered before leaving you be. “What the fuck was that?” Junhee said twisting you so your back was against the tree you pinned him against moments earlier. “Trying not to get us caught,” you said as the moon light shone in his face. “By kissing me,” he grumbled. “Did you kiss me back Mr fridgit? no you didn’t so no harm done,” you said rolling your eyes his way. “Come on before he does his five minute deed and disappears,” you say shoving him away from you. “You your staying with me,” Junhee said tugging you back by gripping your hand. “You know I’m 21 not 2,” you bitch as you trail behind him. “You sure, I’m beginning to doubt that,” Junhee threw behind you. Pulling you down as you both crouched you both gasped at the view in sight. Mr Yoon was balls deep in the woman in the car heavily invested in his throws. “Take a picture then or you here for the show,” you scoffed towards him as he gasped looking overwhelmed. “I’ll do it shall I,” you gasped grabbing your phone as you walked closely to film the deed. When you had got what you felt you needed you backed away once more. Junhee’s eyes was still glued on Mr Yoon drilling the screaming woman beneath him. “And you say I’m a bad influence,” you frown snapping his attention. He looks at you with disgust on his face from being caught as he follows you in silence back to the car.
The second your both seated and strapped he screeches away, pure silence as he gathers his thoughts. “When we get back your to stay away from Kyungmi,” Junhee says finally as you chuckle. “Says who?” You settle back amused in the chair at him thinking he has some sort of upper hand. “Her father,” Junhee says pulling the car into a side of the road to switch the light on to see you. “Oh the one that took his friends daughter dogging,” you smiled smirking as his eyes widened. “If I’m the bad influence then what are you? Unless your telling me I manipulated you here?” You smile as he looks infuriated. “Looks like it’s a good day for your daughter, her father is going to help her work environment and her father is going to let her live her life without control,” you smirk knowing you have him right where you want him. “Or I should just come clean,” Junhee dares as you chuckle almost wickedly. Grabbing your phone you press the call on your fathers number. Hearing the phone connect you pass it to Junhee. The voice of his friend calling your name out has him frozen in fear as you smile in return. “Hi Dad, sorry Uncle Junhee was distracting me,” you smiled almost amused at Junhee’s expression. “Darling where are you?” Your dad asks sounding confused. “Oh Uncle Junhee’s bringing me home from looking after Kyungmi’s Nan’s,” you smile as Junhee jaw tenses. “You with Uncle Junhee?” Your father quiz’s. “Yes, he’s just bringing me back, well after food I’m so starving,” you chuckle down the phone as Junhee starts the car once more. “Ok darling see you when you get home,” he says sounding reassured your in his friend’s company. “Bye dad,” you said hanging up to smile at his friend. “So me and Kyungmi is going out tomorrow right,” you smirk knowing he can’t deny you now. The power feels thrilling, you knew in that second you was going to have fun.
That is just what you did, from bribing car rides home from nights drinking with his daughter. To even making comments when he visited your father. But what more was the way he blushed when ever you implied the short lived kiss you shared. Even if you could call it a kiss at that. Your clothes being extra tight each time you knew you would be in each others company. The way his dick hardened told you he was struggling to be around you which made it more amusing to tease him. The mixture of tension between you both becoming more electrifying between you both.
You had dialled your phone out to ring him when Kyungmi got herself paralyticly drunk. You knew he would curse you but he was her father at the end of the day. His face was angry the second his eyes found you both. “Sorry,” you said smiling feeling a little guilty, it hadn’t been your intention to get her drunk. But she had been sinking them furiously, something clearly on her mind that you wasn’t privy too. “Let’s get her home and then I’ll deal with you,” he growls as you roll your eyes his way.
You sit patiently as he drags his daughter to the house leaving you in silence, while he clearly settles her. Returning to the car, the absent of noise continues till he places his music on. He seems super pissed, the music is clearly set to keep you from talking. You suddenly notice he takes a different road, one leading you away from your home as you look at him startled. He smiles amused at finally having the upper hand on you as he takes you to an area you’ve never gone before. “Where we going?” You question above the music as he smiles your way. You panic not being in control a little, how has he managed to get the upper hand. You need to pull it together, you won’t let him win, you can’t.
He pulls up to a derelict building as he switches the music off to the silence. “Stop stropping, I’ve brought us here so we can talk,” he said getting out the car as you followed. He walked at speed away as you somehow found yourself following like a lap dog. “Right this shit stops right now!” He snapped suddenly turning to you anger written on his face. “What does?” You question despite knowing he had finally snapped. “Everything, getting my daughter in trouble, getting her drunk and this,” he points down to your revealing outfit that makes you chuckle. “Firstly I’ve never once got Kyungmi in trouble, remember me who helped you get her evidence to get rid of her boss,” you growled. “And manipulated me into this situation we have now,” he scoffed as you didn’t deny his accusation. “Secondly I never brought a single drink I’ve spent all evening trying to stop her to calm her down. Their is clearly something on her mind,” you said looking at him worried as his face softened. “And lastly what is this you disapprove of, it’s not for you unless theirs something you want to tell me about,” you scoff arms folded. “Maybe you wanted me to kiss you that night after all,” you smirked as he almost choked in shock at those words. “Or maybe you do like these clothes because they make you feel something you don’t like,” you added taking a step closer to him. “Maybe you hate the jealousy burning through you at people seeing me like this,” you said gloating as he seemed to lose the ability to speak. “You really think your all that don’t you!” Junhee manages to spit out. You laugh noticing his failure to deny the accusation you threw at him, but then you had worked him out already. “No, i know I’m all that,” you smirk confidently that has his close his eyes before opening them looking exhausted. “One day your going to find someone who will bite you back harder,” Junhee said sounding like he had given up. “Be careful what you wish for you might get jealous that they bite what you want,” you said getting in his face.
It was like you finally had pushed him as he snapped, his lips crashing with Yours as he walks you backwards in to the nearby building. Lips, tongue and teeth clashing in a frenzy as he let go of all the tension and guilt of wanting his friends daughter. He rolls himself into you, you can feel his bulge digging in as your thighs tighten. You have to admit the thoughts of fucking him had plagued your mind like crazy recently. Now you was finally close to the edge at getting what you wanted you was excited. Pressing his weight into you thrilled you but nothing more then when you heard him unzip himself. Hands rushing to greet his shaft it wrapped around the now revealed member. Though you couldn’t see it due to your lips still working with his, you could feel the veins throbbing beneath your palm. Pumping him he moans in your mouth as his fingers find the elastic band of your pants. Hands dipping in needing the flesh of your cunt. At the impact of his fingers you moan in his mouth alongside his as you feel him smile into your kisses. Bending to press kisses alongside you cleavage he bites In to your skin as you hiss. His fingers plunge into your cunt, fingers curved it finds the soft spot. Your whines no longly muffled by his lips fill the air. You realise he had every intention of fucking you tonight. Bringing you out here so you wouldn’t get caught. Walls clamping around his fingers you beg for his cock as he smirks against your skin. His fingers pick up a pace and you know he’s enjoying finally having control of you. “You don’t get to control me no more, not in this way, your now mine to do with as I please,” he whispers before his lips fall to your neck. His fingers merging as he sticks it in your mouth to suck on your own juices. “I’m yours now am I?” You question panting as your core throbs. “Shhh,” he says pressing his finger to your lips. Lifting your skirt he hitched one of your legs round his waist. Wasting no time he sinks himself deep in you as you cry in to the night. “Your my naughty girl,” he growls as he starts fucking you against the wall. Junhee’s face deeply locked in yours as you see sweat start to form. His cock feels delicious fucking you deep within. You can feel the veins throbbing against your wall as the tip rubs against your G-spot. Speeding he chases his high as your left a whimpering mess. Wall clamping around him each time his teeth dig in to your skin. It’s not long before you cum on his cock convulsing around him that he pulls out. Pushing you to your knees roughly that your sure it’s bleeding from the harsh impact with the floor. He shoves his cock deep in your mouth thrusting his last remaining sloppy movements as he spills his cum deep down your throat. Groaning as he climaxes before looking down at you with guilt in his eyes.
The journey home was filled in awkward silence as the guilt sped through you both. But you was surprised when your father met him from the car. “What the hell?” He screeched at you as you looked at Junhee in horror at being somehow aware. Despite a mess Junhee looked confident for once smiling at his friend as he grabbed you by your arms. “Sorry, thanks for getting her out this mess once more,” he apologised to his friend. “It’s ok but I think if I hadn’t been there she would have been eaten alive,” he said with faked concern, a slight smirk hidden underneath. “When will you ever learn,” your father scolded you as he dragged you inside the house furious as ever. The marks on your skin being the final line to him losing his final resolve. “You know what you can get your things and go,” he scolds you as you look at him eyes widened as you stood in the hallway to your house. “You’ve embarrassed me for the last time,” he snapped as he looked at you in disgust. “You can get your things and go in the morning,” he barked stomping to his room.
You looked out the window of the living room. Junhee’s smiled waving at you through the car window. He looked so pleased with the end result thinking he finally had put you in your place. You hadn’t seen him message anyone on the way home. Which meant he must have messaged him when he dropped Kyungmi off. Everything was planned, he didn’t fuck you because he needed it, he fucked you for the need to control you. Well there was no way Park Junhee was going to fuck his friends daughter and think he owed the higher ground. Time to get that control back, the war was on.
Sequel Forbidden but Hidden.
Full Masterlist
A.C.E's Masterlist
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maroonghoul · 7 months
Terror Time 2023: Days 29 thru 31
Let me wrap this up.
Shaun of the Dead I feel like there's nothing left for me to add to this. Everyone and their mother have already analyzed every frame of this movie already. Edgar Wright's style of direction practically invites it, given how much it works to keep your attention.
Zombie movies do hit a bit different after these past few years, especially this one, given how the characters are so quick to think it'll all "blow over". Shaun at least tried to do things properly, even though he both overestimated what he thought counts as safe enough and was severely let down by certain members of his party (David moreso then Ed. Like, Ed actually came off a bit less of an ass this time watching). And now he and Liz live in a world that in a world trying hard to be post-infection while in denial of how much it's still in the shadow of it.
Yeah, this movie definitely holds up after Covid.
Cobweb *Spoilers* This movie started like a bit more down to earth People Under The Stairs, but it's third act veered straight into Malignant and Barbarian territory. I went in this one as cold as possible, but I still guess where it was sorta heading.
It's a bit interesting we're still getting the "deformed baby grows up to be horror villain" cliche. I'm at the point where I'm less confused over how A led to B (it was abandonment and growing up feral that did it this time), so much as when was the last time period where something like this was an actual concern? Early 20th century? I need the history of this trope now for some reason.
I guess the moral is, cycles of abuse make both the abuser and abused into horrible people. Sometimes, better flight then fight.
Bride of Frankenstein Gotta end with a classic. Also, another movie that's been analyzed to death. This one closer to the novel in some parts (Blind Hermit, Monster wanting a mate, learning to speak, then commit suicide at the end), but it's still very different. (Pretorious. He was worth it.). Hell it's practically a mirror image of the first movie; starting at the windmill with the final act being about making another monster. ("It's like poetry. It rhymes!")
Frankenstein's practically a supporting character in this now. He regressed in his character arc a bit then he was forced to retread his old ways until he can escaped. Seemed to be a way to excuse him after what he did in the first movie. I don't buy it. What happened to his father and Victor?
How long did the Creature even lived, if we assumed he died at the end of this? A week? A whole week and only one eight hour period was actually pleasant. Heartbreakingly so.
And of course, the ending plays like a what if scenario compared to how it played in the book. But I can buy it as something Mary Shelley would approve of. On one hand, maybe they shouldn't have put too much effort into the Bride as compared to her would-be groom. Give her some lessons, she could almost pass. It's a shame we never got one of the classic films do more with the Bride. Yeah, the loneliness is the point of the monster. But his characterization sorta went down as these films went on anyway. Hell, in the final movie, he was practically a diabolus ex machina. It's just sad that this character's lack of agency (except in one instinctual moment) is the only significant thing about her. That said, it's telling when the Creature realized he was kinda following in his father's footsteps (forcing his will on a being he was responsible for and getting backlash), he chose to end it all rather then double down. In a way, that makes him the most human of the Universal monsters. Though I might have to revisit the Wolf Man to confirm that.
Even so, these two films are still a good example of a lousy adaptation in detail, but not at all in spirit. They retain the point Shelley was trying to make; most men prefer seeking glory over responsibility, even though most times the latter follows the former. The masses really don't like what they don't understand, real or otherwise and most won't stop after they started.
Also, the importance of child support and safety nets.
Hope you had a Happy Halloween, everybody!
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fkinavocado · 3 years
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In which you’ve got textbook daddy issues and when your tool of a younger brother brings a sweet doe eyed girlfriend home for Thanksgiving and you end up offering her a ride home, you meet just the man to fix them.
Trigger warning: mentions of nonconsensual sex (not between main characters), mentions of recreational drug use, substance abuse
Daddy issues- Masterlist, Author’s Note & Warnings
Chapter 2 / alternatively, read on wattpad
Chapter 3 (Word count: 6K)
Owning a car had proven to be quite useful. Your mother had somehow convinced your father to loan you the money for a second hand car when you’d moved out, but you knew it was just so that he could control this aspect of your life. Having a car meant not being able to skip any holidays or family events, especially one that you’d not technically paid for. Because after this Christmas, when you’d be finally paying off your loan, you’d not be visiting for a long, looong time.
You’d told yourself you’d stop going home after uni, but you couldn’t get yourself to do it until you got a job, saved up enough to be able to pay your father back, so that he’d not have anything to guilt trip you with.
So this was it. Finally, you’d saved up enough to pay your third and final instalment. You were giddy just thinking about it. Maybe you’d even move to another state. The world was your oyster now. As it was, you only lived 2 hours away from your hometown, and that was a little too close for your liking. No, you needed to be far away, as to not be able to “make it in time” for any other future family stuff. You were ready to cut all ties.
You contemplated this as you were driving to the airport, your brother was flying in from uni for Christmas holidays and you were the one designated to go collect him as it was “on your way home, anyway”. Of course he got to go study at a better university, in a better state, doing something he actually enjoyed, while you’d been forced to pick something “realistic”, as your parents had insisted. He could chase after his dreams, but not you. Typical.
Just 3 more days. That’s it. Literally 3 more days, and then you could pretend like all of this had been just a fever dream. Your father had never beaten you growing up, you’d never seen your mother black and blue, you’d never been made to feel like you weren’t worth a dime and everything was going to heal perfectly, no scars left to show for it. Which was utter bullshit of course, and you knew it, but you liked to pretend that running from your problems was actually going to solve them. Because at this point, there was little less you hadn’t tried.
Your therapist was great, all of the ones you’d gone through had been in fact. But you just couldn’t let this go, the trauma was there, ever present, like an eerie lingering feeling that you couldn’t quite shake off. You’d tried the conventional methods-therapy, medication, self care, yoga, meditation, kickboxing... you name it; and then you’d tried the more unorthodox approaches that people desperate enough resort to in order to escape the reality of their lives and get out of their own heads even if just for a few hours at a time- your typical recreational drugs (nothing too crazy), meaningless casual sex, heavy drinking (typically alone at night while watching endless reruns of The Office), and maybe you’d begun abusively using sleeping pills at one point (never mixing with alcohol though), but you’d caught yourself right before it would’ve most likely begun to be a real problem. You were on the mend now though, you hadn’t done any of that in a long while actually. You were even trying to give up smoking, a vice you’d had since you were 16 and that your parents still didn’t know about. Mostly due to their own ignorance, you hadn’t even tried hard enough to hide it.
You’d even given up therapy, but that was because you were desperate enough to finish paying your dad off to afford it.
So, you were particularly on edge these days. And understandably so. You hadn’t smoked in close to 2 weeks, which was your new record, and you were certain this would prove extra difficult while at home, but still, you were determined not to let it deter you. You wanted to do better. You hadn’t drank either, not since Thanksgiving. Especially after what that cursed bourbon had led to. Ugh. You didn’t want to think about that. Especially since it correlated to another one of your issues.
You hadn’t slept with anyone in 8 months, and it was beginning to be a problem. You’d stopped doing casual hookups and one night stands ever since one date that had taken a turn for the worse. He hadn’t forced himself on you, not exactly, but you’d told him to stop at one particular point and then... he just didn’t. Your therapist insisted that this was a matter you should’ve discussed more, but you kept telling yourself it was not such a big deal. Then she pointed out how you’d not wanted to be intimate with anyone ever since, avoided going out altogether, and deep down you knew she was right. But the implications of what she was hinting at were too heavy to process fully just then. So you shoved it to the back of your mind and just chose to pretend like it never happened. You shrugged it off, just like he did when you brought it up with him afterwards. He’d told you that he “knew you could take it” and that he was just “pushing your limits, helping you expand your sexual horizons”. Just thinking about it made your blood boil.
No sir, that was borderline rape.
You frowned, switching on the radio. You really didn’t need that realization to hit you in the middle of a traffic jam on the way to the airport. You flipped through the stations with shaky fingers, you needed a distraction but nothing good was on air, you really didn’t need to hear the weather forecast on 5 different stations just then. Finally you found some decent music and turned the volume up, trying to drown your own thoughts.
It wasn’t rape. You’d consented to it, you’d wanted to have sex with him. He just got carried away.
But you asked him to stop. And he didn’t.
But you didn’t really push him off of you or anything. You just stood there, waited for it to be over. And it’s not like he hurt you or anything.
But you weren’t enjoying it and you wanted him to stop.
But what did you expect? Hooking up with all these men, having one night stands one after the other? Men are jerks, some more than others, something like that was statistically bound to happen since men already can’t take no for an answer. You just increased your chances of having it happen to you by being so promiscuous.
You groaned, hitting your steering wheel, honking the horn by accident. At least that managed to snap you out of your internal turmoil over that damned night. It happened. Get over it. Stop beating yourself up about it. No use crying over spilled milk.
You didn’t quite remember how you made it the rest of the trip to the airport. Your mind kind of went blank, and you probably must’ve driven there on autopilot, which was absolutely concerning and made you realize that maybe you really weren’t doing all that well. You would’ve killed for a cigarette.
You parked the car and made your way to the arrivals, you’d somehow made it in time, despite the traffic jam. Why you had to go greet him at the gate was beyond you, your brother was a big boy, surely he could manage carrying his own trolley to the darn parking lot.
As you sat there waiting, you fidgeted with a strand of hair, you’d noticed your nervous tics get worse each passing day, but you told yourself it was just withdrawal messing with you. Your nail polish was almost entirely chipped off, you’d picked at your mascara the whole way there in the car, and you’d bitten your lips to the point where you could taste blood. The cold outside didn’t help them heal in the slightest, the moment they chapped you’d just nibble at them again.
You checked your phone and wondered what was the hold up. You went to check the arrivals board and of course, of course, his flight had been delayed. You sighed exasperatedly, he wouldn’t be getting there for another 40 minutes, and at this point you felt like curling up into a ball in the middle of the airport and crying. It was the last straw. You could actually feel your eyes begin to water when you heard a familiar voice mumble beside you.
“Oh for fuck’s sake…”
You squeezed your eyes shut, hoping upon hope you were mistaken, but you recognized that voice way quicker than you should’ve. You opened just one eye to peek to your right and sure enough, there stood Harry grimacing at the arrivals board. You wanted to turn your head immediately, since you were certain he hadn’t noticed you, but you just couldn’t look away. You watched his eyes move, reading the board, that frown line deepening, his hands resting on his hips, those rings. Just as you were about to finally force yourself to peel your eyes away from him, his eyes glanced in your direction, almost as if he’d sensed someone was staring.
You stared at each other for a long moment. You didn’t know what to do. You thought you’d never run into him again. Which was kind of stupid on your part, considering that your brother and his daughter were still dating, and that they were both flying in from uni. You should’ve definitely anticipated this, but somehow you’d tricked your brain into thinking you’d never have to see him again after what had felt like a hit and run at his house for Thanksgiving.
As your mind raced, thinking of a way in which you could somehow explain the whole reason why you’d left like that, you saw a lazy smile grow on his face and you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding.
He took a step closer and the more he looked at you the more his smile faded and morphed into a worried expression “Hey. What’s the matter? Have you been crying?”. He was genuinely concerned, his voice grave with worry but gentle at the same time.
You swiped your fingers across your cheeks, checking for any traces of dampness. Crap, you were sure you looked a right mess “No…” you lied.
He frowned, nodding. He clearly wasn’t buying it but didn’t want to push you “Wanna go grab a cup of coffee while we wait for those two lovebirds?”
You looked at him, confused. You’d not expected him to say that. “Sure... “
“All right, good. C’mon”
You kept a step behind him and he looked over his shoulder, gesturing for you to walk ahead “I don’t know where we’re headed” you explained
“I don’t either” he shrugged “Not exactly my first choice, these airport cafés. We’ll just pick one, I’m sure they’re all equally terrible”
You nodded in agreement. The hustle and bustle of the airport thankfully acted as a buffer while you made your way to the café. You knew it was just a matter of time until you had to sit across from him and had to address the elephant in the room.
You ordered an iced coffee and Harry frowned at your choice before placing in his own order, black coffee. And if that didn’t rub the age gap between you in your face, you didn’t know what did.
“Don’t tell me. You’re that black coffee drinker that judges anyone that has the audacity of having it with sugar”
Harry raised his eyebrows “No, I was just surprised you’d be wanting something with ice in the middle of winter”
You side eyed him “Oh, no. It’s worse than I thought” Harry tilted his head to the side waiting for you to go on “You’re that person that never has ice cream unless it’s hot outside, aren’t you?”
He grinned “There’s a word for those people, you know”
“Yeah. “Normal””
You scoffed “On the contrary. The word you’re looking for is “delusional””
He squinted his eyes at you, a smirk on his face as he leaned in to your side, his elbow rested over the counter waiting for your order “You know what I think? I think you were denied ice cream during winters as a child and now you’re just rebelling against that”
You frowned, opened your mouth but the retort you were dying to give him never came out.
He raised his eyebrows and batted his eyelashes. Yeah, he was loving this.
Your coffees were ready, so you each grabbed your own and sat at one of the small round tables.
You grimaced watching him drink that scalding hot liquid that tasted like boiled old socks “How can you drink that?” you shivered, the very memory of that taste made your skin crawl “You know what?” it was your time to lean in across the table and squint your eyes at him “I bet you were denied tasting coffee as a kid and you convinced yourself you were gonna drink it the way grownups do when you finally got to”
“So you admit this is the proper way to drink coffee”
“That’s not at all what I’m saying”
“You kinda are, though” he chuckled “But no. I genuinely like it black”
“Your taste buds must be nonexistent”
“I seem to recall you enjoying my cooking. You know, the stuff that I cooked with these talented fingers?” he wiggled his fingers at you and you slapped your forehead in embarrassment immediately. He chuckled at your reaction and went on “I happened to taste all of it while cooking with this talented tongue”
“Oh my God” you groaned and sinked into your chair, feeling yourself blush profusely
��Hey, all that praise went to my head. I’m pretty narcissistic like that”
You decided this was as good a moment as any, and looking at him from beneath your lashes you cleared your throat “Uhm, listen. I know it was awfully rude of me to leave the way I did that morning, after you were kind enough to have me over for dinner and what not. But I’m sure you know by now why I bolted, and I know it was childish of me, but I honestly couldn’t handle facing you after forgetting my darn underwear in your bathroom like that. It was so embarrassing” you covered your face, wishing the ground would open up and swallow you whole “I can’t believe I just forgot them in there! I washed them in the shower and then they weren’t completely dry to wear and I meant to grab them on my way out, but then Emily asked if I wanted any leftovers for breakfast and one thing led to another and then when you went to take a shower it dawned on me that I’d just left them there and ughhh” you were talking a mile a minute but you just couldn’t get yourself to shut up. Yeah, he got it. You forgot them there. Enough already.
But really, you were trying to play it off as though you’d ran away out of sheer embarrassment over having forgotten your panties in his bathroom, when in reality you’d ran because you thought he’d definitely see it as some perverted thing you’d done to try and grab his attention after all that weird exchange the previous night. The one where you’d grabbed his forearm for a little too long than necessary after having unwillingly implied sharing his bed and he pulled away as if electrocuted.
Yeah. Good times.
He looked at you this whole time, his expression unreadable. You expected him to laugh it off, reassure you in some way, but he just sat there looking at you. He eventually said “I have seen lingerie before though, you know”
“Oh. I know” He raised an eyebrow at that and you swore you’d have poured all the ice in your beverage on top of yourself and have it immediately melt off, that’s how badly you were burning up with embarrassment “I just mean… oh, fuck it” you mumbled, pushing your drink to the side. You’d slurped all the coffee and was left with just water from the melting ice cubes anyways.
He chuckled, shaking his head slowly at your reaction and even bit his lower lip which sent you spiraling. This man was so confusing. One moment he pulls away like you might have rabies and the next it’s almost like he’s… flirting? But you knew rationally that he was just trying to put you at ease with what was clearly an uncomfortable situation for you.
“So, no hard feelings?”
He chuckled deep in his chest at that, looking away and you furrowed your brows- what was so funny now? He glanced back at you and you felt like squirming under his gaze, the smirk on his face was doing things to you, and you were wondering when this feeling was going to wear off, when was he not going to turn you into a rambling mess, and most importantly when were you going to stop crossing your legs in an unconscious search for some kind of friction.
“Sure” he eventually said but he looked at you as though he was searching for something on your face.
“Great” you glanced at your phone “Let’s head back, they should be landing any minute now”
Neither of you talked on your way back to the arrivals gate, but thankfully you saw people were already coming out. Finally, you saw Emily who quickly spotted her father and waved enthusiastically at him, and you smiled seeing her so genuinely happy, but then quickly knitted your brows in confusion. Where was your brother?
You were pretty sure Emily hadn’t even seen you there, she just sprinted into her father’s arms and as you watched their embrace from the side, you couldn’t help but have your heart sink a little.
Your father had never, not once taken you into his arms like that, let alone held you and not let go as if he hadn’t seen you in ages. The tears were threatening to spill again, so you just looked away, giving them a bit of privacy.
“How was your flight?” you could hear him mumble against the top of her head
“Boring. I think I fell asleep at one point, I’m kinda in a cranky mood now”
“Uh-oh” Harry chuckled, “Hey, but where’s your boyfriend?”
“Oh, he decided not to come. Said he’d only just visited his folks for Thanksgiving, so” she shrugged as she pulled away
“He what?”
Emily turned abruptly at that “Oh, Y/N, didn’t see you there!” she gave you a confused look
Harry gave you in turn a concerned look and you just stared at them for a moment before explaining “What do you mean he decided not to come? This is a joke, right?”
Emily glanced at her father then back at you “Sorry… I’m guessing you’re here to collect him? He didn’t tell you he cancelled his flight?”
You inhaled sharply, turning away from them “I’m sorry” you managed, looking over your shoulder “I'm just gonna… Merry Christmas!”
You rushed towards the exit, forcing yourself not to run. You needed to make it to your car first before you could unleash the waterworks. This was all just too overwhelming.
Here you were at 25, still forced to visit home for every damn holiday but your spoiled brat of a brother gets to skip his first Christmas after moving out? The fuck!? And then nobody in your family even bothered to tell you he wasn’t coming anymore?!
The moment you stepped outside you sprinted towards the parking lot. You stopped for a second to compose yourself, trying to remember where you’d parked, and then sprinted to the car. You hugged the steering wheel, letting go of all the pent up frustration that was clutching your heart in a vise grip. Tears just flowed, your whole body shaking, but you couldn’t even catch a breath. Fuck it. Fuck it all to hell. You recognized that this was not just about your stupid family, this was stemming from your realization from earlier on your way to the airport, and you just never felt more alone in the world.
A gentle rasp to the driver’s window startled you, and you pulled yourself upright to look to your left just to see… Harry? Who was looking at you from the other side of the window, a stern concerned look on his face.
You used the back of your sleeves to wipe at your face as you lowered the window, you couldn’t care less at the moment about what you looked like, not even to him.
“Yeah?” you almost didn’t recognize your own voice.
He bent his knees to be eye level with you “Y/N… what happened, love? Are you all right? What’s happening? Talk to me” his voice was gentle yet reassuring. It was comforting and genuinely sounded like he gave a fuck, not that he was just curious as to why you’d ran off like the lunatic that you were. He was visibly panting as well, having chased after you, but even so his presence was calming and just enveloped you in a blanket of protectiveness. You couldn’t explain it. It just did.
You shook your head “I know I must seem mad. I promise I’m not trying to be dramatic. It’s not just my brother skipping Christmas and my family not even bothering to tell me…” you inhaled profusely, trying to steady your breathing. Your tears were still silently rolling down your cheeks as you just dropped your gaze to your hands in your lap and felt your chin tremble “I’m alright. Really. Sorry. You didn’t have to… check up on me. I’m fine”
“You’re not fine” he said, his voice still quiet but with an edge to it. He was visibly upset seeing you like this. “Let me move your car, the airport’s parking lot is gonna fine you if you leave it here, and I’ll drive you home. I’m not letting you drive like this”
“No, no. Really. That won’t be necessary. Besides…” you bit your lip, taking the decision right there and then “I’m not going home”
“You’re not? Well, where are you staying? I’ll drive you there, doesn’t matter. C’mon” he opened the door and held out his hand for you “C'mon love, let’s get you in the passenger’s seat”
“No, wait. I mean… I don’t know”
Harry asked as gently as possible “What do you mean?”
You slowly looked up at him “I just mean… I don’t know where I’m going. I’ll try and book a hotel, don’t think I can drive back today. But it’s the holidays so I might have to… Really, I’m fine. I’ll calm down. I just… need a minute”
Harry inhaled sharply and after a moment of deliberation he reached for your hand and pulled you out, gently but confidently “You can think about it later, let’s get you out of here for now, hm?”
You let him walk you around the car to the passenger’s seat almost as if in a trance. He even closed the door making sure he didn’t push it shut too harshly.
He then got inside, started the engine and silently drove you out of the parking lot and into a good spot where your car would be safe. As he opened the trunk and got your luggage out you got out of the car as well.
“Ready?” he smiled at you
“Harry…” you sighed “You’re too kind. But I’m a big girl. I’ll be fine. I’ll just go grab a cup of coffee somewhere and search for some airbnbs or something”
“I know you are... This is not me saying you can’t handle it, it’s me saying you shouldn’t have to. Fuck. It’s Christmas Eve, Y/N” he sighed audibly through his nose “You shouldn’t be carrying a trolley around town trying to find lodgings on Christmas Eve. And you shouldn’t be crying in the first place… It’s not my place, I’m not trying to impose. And if you’re not comfortable, let me know. But I’d really feel a whole lot better if you came home with us, don’t spend Christmas alone in an airbnb or driving. Nobody deserves that... Certainly not a sweet girl like you, hm?” he gave you a lopsided smile and your heart was fit to burst. Nobody, literally nobody had ever been this kind to you. How could you say no to that?
“I couldn’t possibly impose, Harry…”
He rolled his eyes “Again with the imposing!” he chuckled exasperatedly “We’ve been over this! I offered. When I say something, I mean it, Y/N. I’m not just being courteous”
“Yeah, but, what about Emily? She didn't sign up for this. She was going to spend Christmas Eve with her father, not have her boyfriend’s loser sister butt in”
“You don’t know Emily, she’d never think that. Besides, I’m sure she’s beginning to see your brother in a different light already”
You groaned “Ah man, he’s gonna kill me. I keep painting him in such a bad light for you”
“You’re doing no such thing. He’s the one doing it all by himself. But forget about him. Or your family. It’s making you sad. C’mon” he walked off, pulling the trolley behind him and you reluctantly followed him back towards the parking lot
You felt really weird seeing Emily look at the two of you approaching the car, a confused look on her face. She lowered her window as you got closer “Y/N! Are you all right? What happened?”
“She’s fine” Harry said, cheerily, trying to signal his daughter not to insist on the matter. “Y/N is gonna spend some time with us, is that all right?”
“Great. Now let’s get this show on the road”
Harry had decorated.
The whole house was littered in Christmas ornaments, the tree was beautiful, and your heart just ached. This was what Christmas was to most people. You’d never really had that. But you didn’t allow yourself to think about that, not when you’d still not had a window of opportunity to cry your eyes out yet. Because as much as you genuinely appreciated Harry doing this, you kinda really wanted to be alone just then.
Thankfully, it was getting late, and you hoped upon hope that Harry would offer up his bedroom again. Because the sofa wasn’t going to be private enough for your sobfest.
“Who’s hungry?”
You were readying yourself to make up an excuse, you really weren’t in the mood for anything to eat, when Emily beat you to it “Actually, dad, I promised the gang I’ll be going caroling with them this evening. We’re thinking of surprising our highschool teachers, especially Mr. Brook. Oh my God, he’s gonna flip!” she squealed “I wonder if they remember us”
“Of course they remember you, sweetums, they only just got you out of their hair” Harry sighed, a smile in his voice “But this is news to me, you never mentioned this over the phone. What about… our movie tradition?”
“Maybe Y/N wants to watch with you?” she turned to look at you expectantly. You were watching this debate almost hazily. You were dead beat.
“I doubt it, look at her. She’s tired. Besides, it’s our tradition” he pouted playfully and you felt bad just then for intruding into their little bubble like that. But darn if seeing him act all cute like that wasn’t adorable.
“I am. I literally cannot wait to crash on your sofa”
“We’re not having this debate again, either” he warned, giving you a look. Ok, sir! You just nodded. The bed it was. Sweet.
“We’ll watch it tomorrow. C’mon. Don’t be upset with me” she pouted back “I won’t have a good time if I know you’re wallowing at home like this”
He chuckled, waving her off “I won’t be, I’m just messing with ya. It’s just my kid is growing up and doesn’t want to do what we’ve always done for Christmas Eve anymore. It’s always been our thing. I’m allowed a moment, aren’t I?”
Your ears had heard him loud and clear, telling his daughter he was just messing with her, but you didn’t miss the twinkle in his eyes, and crap, you might have to cry for that as well tonight. It was so bittersweet. He really loved her so much.
You doubted your father had ever loved you. Much less get emotional over something like that. You’d never shared any special father-daughter moments. Hell, you hadn’t made it home tonight, and nobody had called to see if you were ok.
“Aww!” Emily hugged her father and gave him a peck on his dimpled cheek “Thanks, dad! I’ll try not to be too late. Don’t wait up”
He scoffed “As if! Be back by 11���
“What? Dad! I’m in uni now, how come I still get a curfew?”
“What’s that got to do with anything?”
Emily scoffed “Maybe I should’ve stayed back with Derek, so I could stay out as late as I wanted” she quickly glanced at you and muttered “Sorry”
“Hey” Harry’s tone changed a bit “It’s not up for debate, Ems. Eleven.”
The girl sighed but still half smiled at him “All right, fine” she then went into her room to change quickly and left just as quick. Meanwhile you were fidgeting, sitting on the edge of the sofa. You desperately needed Harry to give you the ok so that you could go crash into that magic bed of his. Only this time, you were planning on a different way to blow off some steam.
Harry carried your trolley into the master bedroom and you followed, desperate to finally change out of those clothes and plop into bed. After he set your luggage on the floor next to the bed, he slowly turned towards you and placed his hands on his hips. “So, uhm. I know I said it was my Christmas Eve tradition with Emily, but I’m kinda worried I am, in fact, gonna wallow if I don’t see Home Alone on cable television this year” he pulled on his earlobe ever so slightly “I know you’re probably exhausted…”
You rolled your eyes playfully at him and smiled “I’ll watch Home Alone with you, Harry. You big ol’ softie”
“I’ll have you know manly men watch Christmas movies” he furrowed his brows, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips
“Case in point. I’ll just take a shower if it’s alright, first. I can’t wait to get out of these clothes”
Harry blinked at you, as if taken aback for a moment and then cleared his throat, smiled and left you to it. It didn’t register to you until later in the shower how that had sounded. What was it about this man that made everything turn into sexual innuendo around him?
You made sure not to leave any undergarments in his shower, changed into sweats and a t-shirt you’d packed in lieu of pajamas that you hoped he wouldn’t mind.
As you made your way into the living room area, you were met with the coziest visual ever. Harry was sat on the couch, his Pink Floyd t-shirt making a guest appearance once more, he was wearing different sweats though and he was barefoot again, his feet propped onto the coffee table. The whole living room was bathed in the Christmas lights coming from the tree that sat right next to the TV console. He’d even hung fairy lights all over, candles were lit, hot cocoa was waiting on the coffee table and he’d even topped the mugs with tiny marshmallows “Don’t tell Emily about the marshmallows though” he smiled watching you take in what he’d done with the place “I don’t really let her have any in the evenings since they’re too sugary, but I figured you could use a little boost of energy”
“Harry, this is so great. I might actually make it through the whole thing. But if I pass out just nudge me and I’ll go to bed, please don’t let me drool and snore with Home Alone in the background, ok? I couldn’t handle that happen today as well”
You plopped on the other end of the sofa and he looked over at you “Wanna talk about today?” he asked softly, taking you by surprise
“Uh… not really” you said, reaching for your mug. You had to scoot a bit closer in doing so
“Did you text your parents telling them where you were?”
You scoffed “They never even bothered calling to tell me not to stop at the airport to pick up my brother that they knew, I’m sure, wasn’t coming. Had they not known, they’d have called only to ask about him. But they didn’t”
Harry furrowed his brows “That’s… terrible, Y/N. Truly. C’mon. Forget I said anything. It’s about to start, get cozy” he grabbed a blanket and handed it to you and you felt like you were the main character to a Hallmark movie. This was all just heartachingly perfect.
“Oh wow. You really weren’t kidding about watching this on cable television, were you?”
He shrugged, “Streaming it is just not the same, y’know?”
“Oh, oh!” you clapped, the opening credits were rolling “It’s starting!”
Harry side eyed you “Oh ok, you big ol’ softie”
You couldn’t help but stick your tongue out at him for imitating you “Oh, shush”
“I like to make commentary on the side, is that gonna be a problem?” he gave you a mock serious expression and you cackled
“Of course you do. Hey. Your house, your rules”
“Damn right” he smirked and your eyes lingered a bit longer, taking in how his eyes crinkled in delight as he watched the beginning of the movie unfold.
“Shhh. It’s all right”
“No, stop! Please!...”
“Hey. Hey, Y/N! Wake up, love, come on. That’s it. Hey. It’s all right, you’re all right. You were having a bad dream”
“What?...” you squinted, your eyes adjusting to the light coming from the TV and the Christmas tree next to it “Wait. Did I fall asleep? You should’ve woken me up…” you grunted, rubbing at your eyes.
“You were just sleeping so peacefully… Until you weren’t. Are you ok?”
“What? Oh.” flashes of your nightmare rolled before your eyes and you squeezed them shut, willing them away. “Yeah. Yeah I’m fine”
“You’re not fine” he said, softly, barely audible over the sound of Kevin’s antics. He’d turned the volume down, as it were.
“No, I’m ok. Just a nightmare… I’m just gonna…” you gestured towards the master bedroom
“Yeah, of course. I’m here if you need me, ok?”
You winced as he said that, your back already turned to him on your way to bed “Thanks. Good night, Harry” you glanced back at him, and you took him in for a last time before rounding the corner, taking note of his disheveled curls especially. Darnit, he was so hot it hurt. “Thank you… for everything”
“Don’t mention it” he smiled “G’night, Y/N”
You groaned finally getting in bed. You’d forgotten just how incredibly perfect this bed was. You glanced at your phone, it was half past ten so Emily hadn’t come home yet. But you were low on battery.
You really didn’t want a repeat of the last time you’d woken up there and hadn’t known what time or year it was, for that matter, after that good night sleep. You glanced toward your trolley, it was on the other side of the bed. You even stretched your arm towards it, dramatically. Fuck, you really didn’t feel like getting out of bed to go rummaging through your luggage for your charger.
You glanced over to the nightstand. Maybe Harry had one in there, somewhere. Surely he wouldn’t mind you borrowing it.
Maybe he would mind you snooping around in his stuff to find it, but that was a different story.
You pulled the drawer to the nightstand and your eyes landed on something a little too familiar to be sitting on top of Harry’s things like that.
Your eyes widened as your fingers gingerly picked up none other than your very own panties, looking at them in disbelief.
Chapter 4
A/N: soooooo. that happened 👀
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Habits - Part 1
(A/N) oh hey, it’s the comeback (cumback?) fic i didn’t intend to be the comeback fic. i really did want to update stuff and post this other yelena fic i have that’s actually cute and has a real plot to it but instead i read Come Back To Me by reminiscingtonight and it was just so goshdarn good that it got me to write this garbage instead! her fic is extremely good and it has 3 parts to it!!! hotdamn!!! i read it at work and it made me happy. anyway, hi! i had to cut this into two parts! expect inconsistency! i’m back to a 6-7 day work schedule with the holidays but i do have something kinda planned for december! ok enough rambling! let’s do this!
Rating: E (literal p0rn without much plot) 18+ Only!
Warnings: fuckboy!yelena (lowkey tho lmfao); protectiveAF!natasha; hella smut; ye olde ‘best friend’s sibling’ trope; nat and yelena are only 2 years apart in this bc it makes me feel better abt age gaps and ill be honest math is not my strongsuit; yelena basically fucks ur brains out idk what else to say; oh, also, reader’s parents r shitty and manipulative; mentions of past abuse, but super brief; really the parents dont pay too much of a role in this half
Pairing: Yelena Belova x Fem!Reader; Natasha x Fem!Best Friend!Reader; Natasha x Wanda Maximoff (i love redheads)
Chapter Word Count: 7.2k
Total Word Count: 30.1k
Synopsis: It’s been a few years since you last saw your childhood best friend, Natasha, and her little sister, Yelena. Transferring colleges leads to you needing a roommate, and that roommate just so happens to be Natasha. Not much has changed between you, you’re still thick as thieves. Her sister, however, is a completely different story.
| Part Two | Part Three | Part Four |
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 Russian Translations: Malyshka - babygirl; Milaya - darling; Dorogoy - sweetheart |
You’ve known Natasha Romanoff for, practically, your entire lives. Your friendship was sealed the day she pushed Jason Grey off of the swingset for calling you ugly in the first grade. You were basically inseparable after that. 
Yelena is adopted when you and Natasha are nine, and she is seven. Melina and Alexei had adopted Natasha before leaving Russia, and were apparently keen on adopting the little toddler young Natasha couldn’t stand to leave behind. It took a few years for the paperwork to go through, and the payoff, it seemed, was worth it. The second they’re reunited, Yelena and Natasha are sisters without a doubt. It may not have been by blood, but that didn’t matter.
Of course, Yelena is also adopted into your friendship with the redhead soon after. Yelena was curious while she adjusted to her new life, always inquisitive and asking questions. Eventually, her curiosity turned into complete headstrong foolishness. Sneaking home lizards and the like. 
You didn’t mind, though. 
In all honesty, you preferred their house to your own.
Your dad was a very busy person, and your mom wasn’t the best company. She was a perfectionist, through and through, and often expected the same from you. The pressure was really put on you when you started middle school. You needed the best grades, the highest place in whatever after school activities you chose. It was grating, exhausting, and their fights that rode late into the night never helped things.
Still, Yelena and Natasha were your distraction from it all. The more pleasant side of life, the side you couldn’t stand leaving.
Until, of course, you had to.
You’re fifteen when it happens, the threat of it. The word felt so ugly and obscene at the time. Divorce. You spent hours in Natasha’s room crying, both sisters helplessly holding you until you ran out of tears. 
That Christmas, your mother actually left until February. That was when your father really began to spiral. He lost his job. He started drinking. He started yelling at you. Started hitting you. You could have told someone - you should have. You only told Natasha and Yelena, though, forcing them to swear to never tell a soul. It was stupid of you, really.
You’re weeks away from sixteen when the shoe finally drops.
He hits your mom. She grabs you, and you’re driving out of town before you can even process it. The image of Natasha and Yelena following your mother’s car has, naturally, haunted you every waking moment since it happened. Your mom was always very anti-social-anything. No cellphones, no email, nothing. Contact with your best friends was hopeless. Gut-wrenchingly hopeless.
You’re grown-up, now. At least, on paper. The rest of high school was spent all the way in New York City, and you didn’t make many friends. You dated a few people here and there, but mostly you focused on your schoolwork the way your mother demanded you to. It became a saving grace, the idea of getting somewhere far away from her.
You don’t get far for long, though. Your first two years are spent at a college you can go to from home. You hate every second of it, and it takes a long while to convince her to let you transfer to another school where you won’t have to be watched like a hawk.
That leads you, at last, to Temple University. Philadelphia. Sure, it’s just a few hours’ drive away but that distance is fucking gold to you. You had originally searched for a roommate through a variety of social medias, looking for friends of friends you could possibly bunk up with - and that, miraculously, lead you back to Natasha.
The reunion is the happiest you’ve felt in so long, you cry. You spend hours catching up among the unpacked boxes, when Yelena is brought up.
“She’s coming a week after me. I transferred from Ohio State, and she’ll be a freshman. God, she’s gonna be thrilled to see you. She spent, like, months crying over you when you left.” 
You snort. “What, and you didn’t?”
“How could I when she was inconsolable?” Natasha scoffs. “It did suck, though. We missed you. I missed you.” She squeezes your hand tightly. “And now we can finally get drunk together like we planned for your sweet sixteen.”
“I didn’t get a drop of alcohol until I got to college,” you gripe. “Mom became like, the grade demon of my worst nightmares.”
“Your dad still lives there. Why didn’t you visit?”
“Yeah, joint custody didn’t last long.” You cringe. “He, uh, got one supervised visit with me in New York and sort of strangled me.”
“Dude, what the fuck?”
“It’s chill, now,” you lean back against the sofa, the only piece of furniture in your living room that’s accessible. “I mean, it’s whatever. He’s a deadbeat, anyways.”
And for the next handful of days, you and Natasha become as close as you had been before you left. Some bonds just transcend years like that, and you’re glad it was this way for you and Natasha.
The week before school leads to Natasha wanting to throw a party to celebrate. You aren’t surprised she’s already made friends here - she’s always been the more social type - but she seems very giddy when she explains her reasoning.
“Does this have to do with that Sokovian chick?” You ask when Natasha finishes cleaning the place for the millionth time since she’d woken up this morning. (Which, by the way, was six o’clock, because Natasha is fucking insane.) “Wendy?”
She glares at you from over her shoulder. “Wanda,” she corrects. “And, no.” 
You laugh at the flush on her cheeks. “So if she shows up to the party I should tell her it’s invite-only?”
“No! Don’t be an asshole!” Natasha whines, throwing the paper towel she’d been using to wipe the bookshelf. It’s not even dirty, but you smack it away with a squeal. “And, by the way, there’s another surprise guest coming, but it’s a secret.”
“Ooh, my favorite actress wrapped in a nice little bow for me?” You ask with a dramatic fluttering of your eyelashes.
“Don’t be gross.” Natasha scolds. “You’re worse than Yelena.”
“Little innocent Yelena?” You cackle, knowing full-well the blonde had been nothing short of troublesome and clever when you left. 
“I have it on good authority that she was being a fuckboy when I moved away.” Natasha tuts. “She was just waiting ‘til I left before she started fooling around with people. Typical.”
“Could it be that anyone interested in her was terrified of her big sister roasting them alive?” You inquire teasingly, tapping your chin as if you were truly considering what other options there could be.
“Very funny.” Natasha rolls her eyes. “I wouldn’t ‘roast them alive’. They’d scream too much, I’d get caught immediately.”
The seriousness in her tone makes you laugh. “Yeah, I wouldn’t be caught dead or alive looking at your sister like that.”
She sticks her tongue out in response, quite childishly. You really, really missed her.
- - - - -
Okay, fine, surprise surprise, the girl with the strict mother is a lightweight. So what. 
You aren’t hammered, you’re more aware of yourself than that. You’re two drinks in, though, so you’re chattier than usual and a bit too bold. Natasha says you’re a riot when you’re drunk, so that’s something, at least.
You’d just disengaged yourself from a conversation with a guy named Steve - who was strangely old-fashioned but incredibly sweet - to get a drink when you slam into a body. Off-balanced from the rush of blood to your head, you’re lucky that the person steadies you with strong arms before you can fall flat on your face.
You look up at your savior and immediately lose all ability to speak and think and breathe. She’s got blonde hair and gorgeous green eyes, the smirk on her face smug as she watches the way you take in her muscular body. She’s damn hot, a ripped band t-shirt underneath a red flannel, cuffed jeans and combat boots - this is a woman who also likes women, which happens to be one of your favorite type of women.
“Don’t tell me you’re already wasted,” the Russian accent surprises you less than the husky richness of her voice. Oh fuck. She’s really hot. You should say something cool, probably.
“No, she’s just a fucking lightweight,” Natasha’s voice is a saving grace. You look at her with a desperate, silent plea. “(Y/N), meet our secret special guest: Yelena.”
Holy shit.
“Y-Yelena?” You stammer, stiff as a statue as the blonde hasn’t moved her hands from your waist yet. 
“Long time no see,” she grins.
You step away from her, hoping to clear your head a little. “Y-you, uh, you grew up.” She’s taller than you by a few inches, now. 
She chuckles. “I have,” she confirms, the amusement in her tone telling you that she hasn’t forgotten the way you’d eyed her like a piece of meat moments before.
Natasha looks between you for a moment, an unreadable expression on her face, before she jumps and looks down at her phone. “Wanda’s almost here. I’m gonna go meet her outside. Keep this one out of trouble,” she points at Yelena, who pouts at the accusation of being troublesome.
You make a whipping sound when Natasha walks away, joining Yelena in gut-twisting laughter when Natasha flips you off.
And then you’re alone.
With Yelena.
Out of things to talk about.
“D-d’you wanna drink?” It comes out rushed and awkward, because now that Yelena is looking at you again you feel extremely nervous. 
“Sure,” the blonde is smirking again. You’re starting to dread that smirk.
You lead her to the kitchen, fighting hard to keep your mind from going anywhere but the blonde behind you. What the fuck was WRONG with you? This was Yelena. Little Yelena, who Natasha had just said she’d kill people for and you have absolutely zero doubts in your mind that Natasha Romanoff could get away with murder.
You and Natasha had been reunited for little more than a month and you were thinking of her sister in ways you absolutely, totally, should not. 
It’s not until you’re in the kitchen that you remember it’s a closed off room, unique to the apartment complex, effectively trapping you with Yelena, without any other partygoers.
“S-so, what’s your poison?” You ask, turning to the several bottles of liquor you and Natasha acquired for the party.
“I think I’ve already found it,” she’s way closer than you’d expected. She leans against the counter barely a foot away; close enough to be in your space, but not so close that you’re brushing skin. It’s still too close, you think. 
“Nat made sure we had that- that, uh, jet fuel you Russians call vodka.” You reach for the bottle with slightly shaking hands, amazed at how much she’s affected you by just being near you. You feel like a stupid, horny teenager and she literally only touched you once to keep you from falling over.
“I’m not talking about vodka.” Yelena steps forward and you suck in a sharp breath. She’s way too close now. “You know, I always had a bit of a thing for you, growing up.” She says it so casually, you actually don’t process the words at first. “When you left, it was my first real heartbreak.”
“Yelena-” you start, but she keeps talking:
“And just when I thought you were gone forever, Natasha tells me you’re her new roommate.” She licks her lips, and your stupid eyes can’t help tracing the motion. Her smirk widens. “I knew I couldn’t pass up the chance.”
“The chance to- to what, exactly?” You squeak, eyeing the door behind her. Is anyone going to come in here and save you? Do you want them to?
Yelena raises an eyebrow, cocking her head to the side. She’s leaning closer. You find yourself quite frozen, unable perhaps unwilling to move from your spot. “I saw the way you looked at me. You want this just as much as I do.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You lie. You’ve never been a good liar.
Yelena laughs. “Ha! You’re still a terrible liar.”
“And you’re a brat.” You mutter, and then she’s got you pinned to the counter, the edge digging uncomfortably into your back. Both of her palms rest on either side of you. You’re trapped. You’re definitely going to die here.
“Oh, am I?” She teases, amused as she leans in close enough for her breath to ghost your lips. “What does that make you, then?”
“Natasha’s best friend.” You put your hands on her shoulders, pushing lightly to keep the distance between you and hopefully encourage some more. “Who does not want to die a horrible, bloody death for having Natasha finding her pinned against a counter by her little sister.”
Yelena hums, a thoughtful sort of sound that’s very low in her throat. “Who cares about what Natasha thinks? I don’t.”
“You should.” You sound suddenly hoarse as Yelena’s eyes flicker down to your lips.
The front door opens. You push Yelena harder than you’d intended, but she doesn’t budge much. Holy fuck she’s strong. She moves aside though, chuckling lowly as you put a respectable distance between you.
Natasha bursts into the kitchen, Wanda Maximoff in tow while the pair giggle scandalously. Your best friend pauses, looking at you and then Yelena, apparently picking up on the tension that still remains.
“Oh, is this your girlfriend?” Yelena asks, successfully erasing whatever the fuck that was.
You’re in trouble.
You’re in deep, deep fucking trouble.
- - - - -
The next morning, you stumble into the kitchen sleepily. Wanda spent the night in Natasha’s room, but luckily you were out like a light the second you laid down. Yelena took up the couch with two of your four blankets - why Natasha couldn’t spare her own sister some blankets, you’re too frightened to ask - and the mass of blonde hair splayed over the armrest tells you she’s still sound asleep.
You breathe out a sigh of relief once you’ve made a cup of coffee, and it turns soft moan of appreciation when you take your first sip.
“Morning,” a voice startles you, making hot liquid spill over your fingers. You wince, setting the mug down as you turn to face the intruder. Your words get caught in your throat when your eyes find Yelena. Yelena who, apparently, slept in a sports bra and Natasha’s old sweatpants last night.
When your eyes move back to Yelena’s face, she’s wearing that stupid cocky smirk again.
“You know, for someone who denies eye-fucking me, you seem to do it an awful lot.” Yelena sneers. Your cheeks warm considerably. You take your mug and move to the kitchen table, too cowardly to duck out of the conversation and too afraid of her bringing it to the living room where Natasha most certainly could hear it.
“I’m not eye-fucking anybody,” you huff.
“That must be why you’re the color of a tomato.”
“Fuck you.”
“Oh,” her smirk widens, “is that an offer?”
You scoff. “Holy shit, you really are impossible.”
“Maybe you should just admit the truth to yourself.” She begins making her own cup of coffee. You’re relieved to not have those piercing eyes on you anymore, but you don’t let down your guard. 
“And what truth is that?” You ask, hoping to sound casual.
“You’re just as into me as I’m into you.” She answers simply, throwing a look over her shoulder. “It’s alright, I don’t mind waiting. I’ve waited this long.”
You grit your teeth. “Jesus, Lena.”
“I’m just being honest.” She joins you at the table, looking calm as ever even though you’re practically having a meltdown internally. “I’ve wanted you since I could want anyone like that.”
“You really shouldn’t say shit like that.”
“If you’re gonna use the best friend excuse again, it’s a shit one.” Yelena rolls her eyes, sipping her coffee. You cross your arms defiantly, earning an amused grin from the blonde. “If anything, she should be happy. She already likes you.”
“That will change the second I touch you.”
“So you do want to touch me?”
You bite your tongue. How the fuck does she keep coming at you so fast like this? You haven’t even finished your first damn cup of coffee. It’s too early for this.
“Oh! Sorry!” A familiar voice pulls your attention to the doorway. Wanda is standing there in one of Natasha’s shirts and a pair of pajama pants. There are hickeys all over her neck, her hair clearly messed up from a long night. “I didn’t hear you guys. Kitchen’s practically sound-proof.” She chuckles awkwardly, eyeing the coffee pot. “Is- is that fresh?”
“Yep, help yourself.” You nod and she quickly makes two cups of coffee. You and Yelena share a meaningful look, united in your opportunity to tease Natasha later.
“So, Yelena,” Wanda begins, cutting the silence. “Natasha said you got a scholarship here for lacrosse. That’s cool.”
“Yeah,” Yelena leans back in her seat, grinning. “Been at it since freshman year of high school. My grades were fine, but this was the only offer that was a full-ride.”
Wanda hums, eyeing the door with a soft expression. “That’s nice. I’ll see you guys later, yeah?”
When she leaves, you’re once again emerged in that strangely charged atmosphere that seems to gravitate between you and Yelena.
“I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not stick around to hear Natasha and Wanda go for round two.” She says, wrinkling her nose.
“Dunno, the kitchen is pretty soundproof apparently. This could be our only safe space for a few hours.” You say it flippantly, meaning it entirely as a joke, but suddenly Yelena looks like the cat who caught the canary.
“And what do you suggest we do to pass the time?” She asks.
“You’re right, a day out sounds great,” you stand so quickly the chair almost falls over. Yelena is cackling at you, but you ignore her. “Get dressed, jerk, we’re going into the city.”
- - - - -
“Ooh, this is cool,” Yelena eyes the vest with a hungry expression. 
You snort. “What, are you enlisting?”
She rolls her eyes. “Do you not see all of those pockets? I could fit so many things in there, you wouldn’t even know.”
You’ve been out with Yelena for the better part of three hours, and in that time you’ve come to realize how much you’d missed her. Not that you weren’t aware of it before, but it feels like the world was somewhat dull without her presence. Her sarcasm, her cleverness, her mischievous grin. 
She’s too endearing for your own good. 
And beautiful, too. You think that’s the worst part. You often just find yourself looking at her, in awe of how she looks and speaks and acts. Still so confident in herself and everything she does, in the most mundane situations. Right now, as she pulls on the vest to look at herself in the mirror, she looks lovelier than ever. 
Oh no, you think distantly. This was not a good idea! 
“What do you think?” She asks, giving herself a long once over before turning to look at you. “I look good, right?”
You smile, unable to resist it. “You look very cool.”
“I knew it!” She hisses under her breath, turning back to the mirror. She really is cute. She catches your gaze through the reflection, winking when your eyes meet. You blush, deciding the floor is very interesting and a thousand times cooler than anything else in the store.
“Damn, it’s thirty-six dollars,” Yelena sighs. 
“I’ll buy it for you,” you offer without thinking about it.
Yelena throws her arms around your neck and for a horrifying moment you brace yourself for her lips to meet yours. Instead, she hugs you, and you have to force yourself to relax again.
“You’re so sweet, thank you,” she gushes.
You’re in deep shit, you just know it.
Natasha calls you around two to ask where you and Yelena were. By this point, you’d made your way to a little cafe, where you ended up talking about what happened in your years of separation. Yelena is relentlessly flirty, apparently keen on proving to you that you’re attracted to her and you certainly aren’t making a good case for yourself what with all the blushing and, admittedly, occasional flirtatious comment.
When you tell her where you are, Natasha says she and Wanda will join you.
“Aw, and I was enjoying our date,” Yelena pouts when you tell her the news.
“This was a date?” You ask with an amused snort.
“Of course it was. You bought me this nice vest and breakfast, and you also just bought me coffee.” Yelena rolls her eyes, as if it were obvious.
“Do me a favor and don’t ever call this a date in front of Natasha. I like my blood inside of my body.” You warn.
“So you agree, then?” Yelena brightens. “This is a date?”
“I’m just repeating what you said,” she bats her eyelashes innocently.
You sigh, rolling your eyes and pointedly not responding. She seems to take this as a victory, since she’s still in a happy mood by the time Natasha and Wanda join you.
“Cool vest,” Wanda compliments, sitting beside Yelena while Natasha takes the seat beside you. 
“Thanks,” Yelena grins, “(Y/N) bought it for me.”
“What, did she ‘forget’ to bring her wallet?” Natasha scoffs, earning a pout from her sister.
“It’s a few belated birthday presents,” you excuse, heart warming just a little more when Yelena’s eyes meet yours again. Her lips are ever so slightly curved upwards, an almost unnoticeable smile.
You spend another hour or two at the cafe before Yelena complains about having to stay at a dorm her first year. 
“Moving in with you guys would be so much easier,” she sighs. 
“We only have two bedrooms.” Natasha snorts. “I’m not sharing my bed with you, you’re a violent sleeper.”
“Am not!” Yelena gasps, clutching her chest. “That is a baseless accusation.”
“You literally punched me in the face once.” Natasha scowls.
You burst out with laughter. You were actually there for that one. You were all still pretty young, so you managed to squeeze into a small tent in Natasha’s backyard. Yelena practically begged to be between you, but Natasha was right: she’s a violent sleeper. She kicked a lot, but she was always facing away from you, so it was always Natasha who got kicked. When Natasha tried to turn Yelena over to face you because you were laughing at Natasha, the blonde woke up and suckerpunched Natasha with such impressive accuracy you couldn’t stop laughing.
“Keep laughing, (Y/N),” Natasha warns, “and I’ll start thinking you two are up to something.”
You have to fight the very sudden rise of panic in your chest. What the hell are you worried for? You aren’t up to anything! This wasn’t even a date!
“You’ve caught us,” Yelena recovers, casting you a sly smirk. “We’re conspiring against you.”
“I fucking knew it.” Natasha throws a balled up napkin at her sister.
- - - - -
It’s the last Saturday before school starts. Since the party on Wednesday, Natasha and Wanda have been entirely consumed with one another and Yelena has decided that tormenting you is her favorite pastime. When she drops by unannounced, she makes it a point to tease you and flirt with you when Natasha isn’t watching or listening.
Even worse, when you go to sleep, you keep dreaming about her. Yelena has become a permanent fixture in the back of your mind, always a second-thought. You hate yourself for it. You should be thinking of Natasha first, and how goddamn betrayed she’d feel if you went off and slept with her baby sister.
You’ve decided tonight is going to be a good night to get absolutely wasted. 
It’s not going well.
You’re on drink two and you’ve moved to the dancefloor at the behest of Natasha. She’s introducing you to someone whose name you don’t quite catch. She’s hot, sure, but you’re too confused and stressed to really listen. 
The more Yelena hung out with you, the more you were starting to question what it was, exactly, you were feeling about her. She’s Natasha’s sister, yes, and you’ve known her for years. Practically grew up with her. Her friendship was always a valued one, even if she was younger, but suddenly all of that is fogged up by this… great, big something she’s implanted in your brain. 
You want to scream. Or cry. Or forget yourself.
Yes, that last option is too appealing right now.
It’s easy for a while. You let the woman - Carol - dance with you provocatively, her hands gripping your waist in a way that, typically, you’d definitely enjoy. Even when you can feel her hard muscles moving against you, you can’t quite stay in the moment long enough. You keep picturing Yelena behind you, arms around you, hands moving from your waist to your sides. It feels good - you’re definitely turned on - but it’s not what you want and that’s all the more frustrating.
Carol, swaying her hips flush against yours, leans down until her lips brush against your ear. “Wanna come back to mine?”
You should. You should definitely go back to Carol’s.
But you can’t.
“I’m actually feeling a little, uh, lightheaded,” you separate from her, trying not to wince at the kicked puppydog expression on her face. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine,” she recovers quickly, smiling. “Need a ride to your place?”
You shake your head, swallowing your agitation. “I’m fine. I could use the fresh air. Thank you, though.”
“Can I at least get your number?”
Because you feel guilty, and because you can feel Natasha eyeing you questioningly from a few feet away, you give Carol your number before slipping through the dancing bodies. Natasha catches you by the wrist before you go, raising an eyebrow in a silent question.
“Just nervous about school,” you lie smoothly. “I’ll see you at home?”
“I’m going to Wanda’s after, actually,” Natasha smiles fondly at the woman still rolling her hips in time with the music. “But I’ll see you at some point tomorrow?”
You nod, giving a polite wave to Wanda before finally escaping the club.
The night is blissfully cool on your overheated skin. You can’t believe how worked up you’d actually been. Maybe you should go back and take Carol up on her offer-
No, that wouldn’t be right. Carol is definitely into you, and she seems really sweet. You shouldn’t just fuck her because you can’t stop thinking about wanting to fuck your best friend’s sister.
You don’t think you’ve actually finished that thought before.
God, I’m a horrible friend. You think bitterly, beginning the short walk back to your apartment.
Your mind isn’t any clearer by the time you get home, but you become very sober when you realize the lights are all on and the TV is making noise from the living room. Grabbing the baseball bat you keep by the door, you creep towards the living room on high alert.
“Do you really think a serial killer wouldn’t remove the only weapon you have by the front door while breaking in?” A familiar voice makes you go rigid. Of course. Of course that’s exactly how your night would go. Perfect. Fucking perf- “Are you just gonna stand there like an idiot or are you going to put the stupid bat down?”
You blush, setting the bat aside while muttering several expletives under your breath. Sure enough, Yelena has made herself perfectly at home on the couch. 
“It’s a Saturday night, don’t you have a life? How did you even get in?” You ask, crossing your arms and leaning against the doorway that leads from the front hall to the living room, the edge of the kitchen door tempting you to just hide until Yelena leaves.
“Well, I heard Natasha and Wanda were going out, so I figured you’d be home alone.” She shrugs. “And Nat gave me a key.” She dangles the object with a grin.
“What, you thought I wouldn’t go out to a club with them?” You shake your head with a scoff. “I’m not a total shut-in.”
“You totally are, but whatever.” She snorts, scooting over and patting the spot next to her. You eye her with blatant suspicion and she laughs. “What?”
“Nothing,” you mutter, reluctantly sitting beside her with a decent amount of cushion space between you. She’s watching some classic movie no doubt from Natasha’s collection that she keeps hidden in her room.
Your phone vibrates in your pocket. You pull it out, withering further into the guilty haze you’d left the club in.
Hey, it’s Carol :) If you change your mind, don’t hesitate to ask ;)
“Who’s that?” Yelena asks, peering at your phone.
You shove it back into your pocket with a scowl. “Nobody important.”
“Bullshit. You know you’re not a good liar.”
You glare at her, but it does nothing. She holds your gaze evenly, almost patiently. It makes you even angrier at her, at yourself, at the way your stupid body won’t fucking listen to reason. “Just a girl I met at the club tonight. She’s a little… eager to see me again.”
There’s a brief look of hurt on Yelena’s face, but it’s so brief you almost don't notice it. “Oh? What’s her name?”
You shrug. “Maybe.”
She scoffs. “You can do better.”
“Yelena,” you begin warningly, disliking the abrupt change in atmosphere. 
“What? I’m being honest.”
“She seems… nice.”
“Just ‘nice’?”
“We didn’t exactly talk much.”
“Oh, so you were-”
“I wasn’t doing anything because I couldn’t stop thinking about you, actually.” You snap, unable to control yourself. You want to sound angry, but really you just sound tired. “Fucking Christ, Yelena. I can’t get you out of my head.”
Her expression brightens considerably at this. She moves closer, and you’re once again snared by those damn green eyes and that dumb cocky smirk that you’ve come to associate with Yelena. “Really?”
“We really, really shouldn’t do this.” You state, hoping you sound stronger than you actually feel.
“And why’s that?” She tilts her head, amused. “Because of my sister? She should give you her blessing. Who else would be better for me than someone she already approves of?”
You don’t like how reasonable she sounds when she’s breathing the same air as you, her eyes searching yours. 
“She’s going to kill me if-”
There’s something magical about the word ‘if’. Maybe dancing with Carol had you more worked up than you’d thought. You wish you could blame it on the alcohol but with Yelena so close you’re achingly sober. Maybe there are no excuses for what happens next. 
Yelena’s lips find yours with absolute raw lust. Part of you hoped that just doing this, just kissing her, will satiate the longing for her that plagues your mind. (The rest of you knows better than to be stupid enough to believe that.)
Like with everything she does, Yelena kisses like she has something to prove. Maybe she does. You don’t care because it’s making your mind go completely blank and your body is buzzing with a million galaxies being born under her attention. You drink her in like a woman starved, drowning in her scent and her taste and the feeling of her hands curling into your hair and pulling you closer, closer, closer.
She’s on top of you, you aren’t sure how it happened. Her lips and her teeth and tongue are on your neck, finding places that pull quiet sounds from the back of your throat. You can feel her smirking against your skin, god- 
You are a horrible, horrible best friend.
(Why is it getting harder to care?)
You shove aside the guilt. You want this. You need this. 
“I’ve thought about how you’d feel like this for so long,” Yelena breathes against you. You’re positive she’s just left a wicked hickey. It makes you bite back a moan. “How you’d sound,” she continues, fingers dancing along the edges of your shirt, earning a quiet whimper. You let her pull it off of you, and she’s already unbuttoning your jeans. “How you’d taste,” she purrs, kissing down to your collarbone. She moves between your breasts, placing deliberate, wet, hot kisses wherever she pleases, more often than not leaving a dark red mark behind. When she eases your jeans off of your legs, she kisses your thighs and you’re so fucking desperate your hips twitch involuntarily.
Yelena laughs throatily, tossing aside the clothes with such smug pleasure it makes your teeth itch. “So sensitive,” she notes, almost carelessly tracing the edge of your bra. “Or are you just that desperate for me to fuck you?”
“God, Yelena,” you rasp. This is very much not the rambunctious freshman that ran after your mom’s shitty old sedan. Time has turned Yelena into the perfect weapon against you. Go figure. 
Where the fuck did your bra go?
Your fingers curl tightly in her hair when lips wrap around one of your nipples. Finding it harder to keep your noises at bay, a small whimper escapes you when teeth graze against the sensitive skin. Yelena hums against you, eyes flickering up to meet yours. She switches to your other breast, one of her hands slipping between your legs to rub against you through your panties. 
Her smirk is wider than ever when she pulls away from your breast. “Fucking soaked, just as I thought.”
“Shut up,” you huff.
In an instant, she has your hands pinned above your head. You stare up at her, dumbfounded. “How the hell did you get so strong?” You ask, unable to resist doing so.
She bites her lip, fighting a smile. “You should mind your manners. For being so rude, I’m going to make you beg for it.”
You gape at her. “What? You’re the one who said you wanted to- that you’ve been wanting to-”
“Yes,” she hums, leaning down so that she can place more marks on your neck. How the hell you’ll hide those monsters in the morning, you’ve got no idea. “But I like taking my time. You, however,” she snaps the waistband of your panties against your skin, earning a hiss of pain and pleasure. “You don’t seem like you’ll last very long.”
Yelena brings a lot out in you, apparently. You’ve never really considered yourself ‘bratty’ or anything before. But the idea of doing exactly what Yelena doesn’t want you to do is so goddamn tempting. Maybe because you know she’s going to make it very much worth it in the end. Yelena has always been one to keep promises.
Your answer takes her by surprise, certainly, but she recovers quickly. She looks delighted, even, when she leans back just enough to look you in the eye.
“No?” She repeats slowly. “You sure about that, malyshka?”
You nod, mouth incredibly dry.
Yelena growls under her breath, returning to her assault on your neck while her free hand starts to massage your already sensitive breasts. You suck in a sharp breath, decidedly holding back any noises you want to make. Yelena catches on fast to your ploy by the time she pushes a knee between your thighs to put just enough pressure against your core to make your body feel like it’s on fire.
“Oh, don’t hold back, milaya. I want to hear those pretty little noises you make,” Yelena croons, rolling her hips so that a delicious friction temporarily relieves the growing agony between your legs. You hiss out a curse, hands straining uselessly against the one Yelena uses to keep you firmly in place. “Aw, you want more?”
“I want you in less clothes,” you huff impatiently. 
“You haven’t earned that yet.” Yelena tuts, her free hand now dipping beneath your panties. She finds the pool of wetness waiting for her there and hums lowly. A keening sound that doesn’t resemble any sort of sound you’ve ever made before escapes you, unbidden. “All you have to do is ask nicely, malyshka,” she drawls, “and I’ll make you feel so good.”
With another roll of her hips, Yelena has your resolve reduced to ashes.
“Please,” you whine. “Please, Yelena.”
“Please what?” 
You try not to roll your eyes. “Please fuck me. I need you to fuck me, I want you to make me-” you’re cut off by a long, deep moan that escapes you very unexpectedly when Yelena’s fingers plunge into you without warning. A new look of victory crosses Yelena’s face, lips quirking up into a grin as she watches you with rapt attention, taking note of what makes you break your internal vow of silence.
When she adds a thumb to your clit, you’re incoherently begging for more.
“More?” Yelena taunts. “Greedy thing, aren’t you?”
“Please, please, more,” you rasp. Pathetic. 
“Mm, I love hearing you ask so nicely,” Yelena praises. You’re trembling beneath her touch, now. “Beg me again. One more time malyshka.”
“Please, Yelena,” you meet her eyes desperately. “Please, I need more.”
“Okay, alright,” Yelena hums her low laugh into your skin, lowering herself until she’s between your legs. “You can have more, dorogoy. You can have everything you want if you keep being good for me.” You’ll do anything she fucking asks if she keeps-
With your hands freed, nothing stops you from grasping at Yelena’s t-shirt while a long, wonton moan rips itself from your throat. Yelena is eating you out like she was born to do it. It’s amazing how quickly she’s learned to make you fall apart - or maybe you’ve really just been anticipating this enough to make it feel that way - but it isn’t long before you’re reduced to mindless, senseless noises that could be full sentences but you aren’t sure.
Yelena hums when one of your hands grips her hair, hips trying hard to move against her. She uses the hand not currently pounding into you to hold your hips down, not allowing them to budge even an inch as she drives you closer and closer to the edge. When her fingers curl and press against a spot inside of you that makes you see stars, your orgasm hits you without warning.
The blonde is relentless. She doesn’t slow down, just focuses harder on fucking you deep, deep, deep until another climax ripples through you. She waits until you’re a sweating, trembling mess before finally slowing down enough for you to catch your breath.
Yelena places several kisses along your body while she returns to your lips, and this kiss is different from the others. Softer, less rushed. You dare even say it’s passionate. You return the kiss lazily, body limp between aftershocks of pleasure while Yelena slowly withdraws her fingers.
She only pulls back from the kiss to pop her fingers in her mouth, sucking on them obscenely before kissing you again and letting you taste yourself on her tongue. Fuck. Your hands move to her waist, pulling her flush against you. 
This time when she pulls away, Yelena is smiling. Not the smug, cocky smile that you’d been expecting. It’s a real one, a bright one that reminds you sharply of the little girl you grew up with. If you had any doubts before that she’s wanted this for a long time, they’re gone in an instant when you see the joy in her eyes.
Instead of letting the guilt take hold, you press a soft kiss to her lips and smile lazily at her. “I want to make you feel good, too.”
Her eyes search your face, like she can’t really believe that you’re requesting this, but she nods and starts working on her vest - the vest you’d bought for her, you realize with a shocking amount of satisfaction - and shirt. 
With every inch of skin newly exposed, you run your fingers along it or skim kisses in spots that make Yelena inhale sharply. She’s not as vocal as you are, but her hums of encouragement are damn hot so you’re not complaining. She seems very content to be on top of you, apparently, and that’s just fine. Once her pants and panties are off, you reach down between her legs while placing kisses along her neck and shoulder.
You both let out quiet moans when you find the wetness waiting for you there. You wish you could feel more smug about it, but honestly you’re just eager to make her feel something for the way she’s worked you up this week.
You make small, teasing circles against her clit, feeling her hips move in time with the motions. Your kisses move to her jaw, and when her mouth meets yours you slip your fingers inside of Yelena and swallow the resulting groan.
She rides your fingers with reckless abandon. She keeps placing purposeful kisses to your neck, your shoulder, your jaw, collarbone - Yelena is intent on making sure you don’t forget the occasion. When you add a third finger and curl your hand so that she can rub her clit against the heel of your palm, Yelena bites down hard. Without even being touched, you suddenly find yourself dangerously close to having another orgasm; a broken, strangled whine slipping free.
Yelena moans, her breath hot on your ear. She moves until her thigh is pressing against you again, her hips rolling freely against the fingers inside of her. It causes just enough friction to make you clumsy in your thrusts, brain and body fighting for control.
“Come with me,” Yelena murmurs, and just like that, you’re both teetering over the edge together. Your body has officially turned into a twitching, useless mass of limbs. Your breath lingers with Yelena’s as she quakes with aftershocks of her own climax, and when you’re able to breathe again she connects your lips.
It’s lazy, it’s messy. Your hands rest on Yelena’s waist now, the blonde’s body resting on top of yours while her arms rest on either side of you. You’re incredibly tired - and a little bit thirsty, but you’re way too comfortable to move right now. Yelena is warm, and it feels nice having her this close. 
When she ends the kiss, she places another quick peck to your lips before resting her forehead against yours. You already feel guilty, but there’s just too much coziness in the afterglow of this moment. Yelena’s eyes are searching yours for something, her smile tender.
“I really have wanted this. For a while.” She says quietly.
“I know.” You move one hand up to tuck her hair behind her ear. 
“I missed you.” She leans into your touch, never breaking your gaze.
“I know,” you repeat, kissing her gently. “I missed you, too.”
Guilt be damned, Yelena’s smile is worth it.
~ part 2 ~
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ahundredtimesover · 3 years
Inevitable (02) | JJK
Pairing: Jungkook x (f.) Reader (ft. ot6)
Genre/Tags: exes au, parents au, baseball player!JK; angst, fluff, smut (18+)
Series Warnings: foul language, alcohol consumption, minor character death, explicit sexual content in future chapters (oral, unprotected sex but be safe please!)
Chapter Word count: 7.2k
Summary: You convinced Jungkook to break up years ago so he could pursue his lifelong baseball dream. Now he’s back home, staring at you, and the little boy next to you who looks unmistakably like him.
A/N: So appreciative of your love for this story! I’m quite nervous with this one because I had to make changes last minute so I hope you still enjoy it. Also, you can message me if you want to be part of the taglist (or if I missed tagging you)!
Series Masterlist || Previous || Next
“Thank you again, Mr. Jeon. Quite frankly, this still feels surreal but we’re so glad you’re back.”
Jungkook bows at the man, one of the executives of the Doosan Bears, one he’d just had a meeting with, which followed an interview with a sports writer. 
For the past week, Jungkook’s days have been filled with meeting and talking to many people, forcing smiles and making conversations that quite frankly tire him but he welcomes this, knowing that any beat of silence will just force his mind to settle on you. And his pain. And his anger.
The man stops him in the hallway to point at a frame of the elder Jeon holding up the team’s 1999 championship trophy. 
“Hopefully you’ll have one, too, and we’ll place it right next to this,” he says, a statement that Jungkook’s been hearing in a variety of forms the past few days of interviews and appearances. 
It’s different this time because his father had achieved so many things back here, a national hero if people wanted to stretch it. Here, Jungkook has to live up to expectations, which many people believe he’ll exceed. His father, a good player and an even better leader, had been loved by many in the sports world, and it’s an honor they get to watch Jungkook play in the flesh, reminiscent of the man that many adored.
In the US, they didn’t know his father, so Jungkook was able to pave his own path there, make a name for himself guided only by the thought and dream of his hero, and not living in his shadow. It’s a dream they shared and one he’d achieved. 
But for the first time, it doesn’t comfort Jungkook. For the first time, it angers him. It’s that dream that took you away from him, that took Jungwon away from him. It’s this dream that essentially broke his heart in ways he never imagined. 
Everyone is quiet as they absorb everything that Jungkook has said. Since that day at your apartment, he’d been radio silent when it came to his friends, but he’s here at Jin’s loft now, with Jimin whom he’s still cold towards, and Yoongi and Hoseok who complete the group, as they’re Jin’s and Namjoon’s friends from college who’d gotten close to the young ones, too.
They’re glad they finally have the time to just be together after a crazy week. Ironically, it’s a somber event. This isn’t how they imagined welcoming the young one home. 
They’re incomplete though. By nature of the concern at hand, Taehyung isn’t around; he’d left the group chat anyway so he wouldn’t have known that Jungkook messaged - finally, after a week of bombarding everyone with messages about you only to stop after he stormed out of your apartment. Namjoon is also not here, still not checking their group chat.
“Wow, I can’t believe ___ was pregnant all that time and had been able to keep the kid from us for years,” Hoseok finally speaks up, shock still evident in his voice. He’d been the one most vocal in stating what everyone else was thinking, the rest opting to just shut up and leave the talking to Jungkook, who’s now allowed himself to once again feel all the emotions in the presence of his friends.
They know that very little things get to him - whether they’re external stressors, outside pressure, naysayers, envious people, or school, he’d always been able to manage them. 
He rarely gets angry, too, and doesn’t really let negative feelings fester, so Jungkook with a piercing gaze, pursed lips, flared nostrils, and clenched fists, as he is right now, is an unfamiliar sight to them.
And it’s all because of you.
Jungkook never took the very few relationships he had before you seriously; he’d been too focused on the sport ever since he was a kid. 
But you captured him immediately and since that day at the field when he’d thrown a baseball and almost hit Taehyung on the arm and you’d shouted at Jungkook relentlessly for being a careless jerk, he knew that he’d want to shut you up with kisses just so you could get mad at him again. 
He’d been a cheeky sophomore then, enjoying the bit of popularity he was gaining in Seoul for being an immediate standout of their university’s baseball team - the Pride of Busan, he’d been called - and he hadn’t expected this beautiful woman to almost knock him out for almost hitting her friend, even if Taehyung had been adamant that the hit was several centimeters off.
“I have better aim than that,” Jungkook had told you smugly, and his heart fluttered at the gagging face you made. 
He wasn’t usually that bold but he felt it was worth it, especially if it was to see you scowl then try to hide a smile after. It took a few days until you’d given him more than 5 minutes of your time, then another few weeks before you finally agreed to a date, and then just two months to convince you that he was definitely worthy to be something more. 
You both knew you’d fallen in love with each other even before either of you said it, the words always catching in your throats whenever you tried, but then he finally did, and he was over the moon when you’d said it back and he’d never been happier. 
Even when you walked out that door and out of his life that December evening, he’d held onto you, your lingering presence enough for you to still be his anchor, his love, his guiding light. 
He never thought that at one point, he’d beg for that to not be you. Just the thought of you sends him into a spiral, not of heartbreak or despair like before, he reckons that was even better; but of the feeling of resentment and betrayal. 
Everyone’s chatter faints into background noise for a while, with Jungkook’s friends saying maybe you’d come back to Seoul only recently, hearing from Namjoon that you stayed in Daejeon with your cousin to work at a tech company. It had been a mystery how none of them caught up sooner, having only seen you twice a year at most and not knowing anything else.
“Ask Jimin,” Jungkook chimes in bitterly. “He was in on it anyway.”
The three older men turn to the man in question, Jimin meeting their curious gazes with a guilty look, knowing at some point Jungkook would grill him.
“Remember that woman I dated two years ago, the teacher?” He sighs. 
Everyone nods.
“I surprised her one time at the daycare center where she was working. That’s how I bumped into ___. It was pretty obvious at first glance that Jungwon is Kook’s kid. I mean,” Jimin smiles, thinking about the little boy who’s taken his heart as well, reminding him of the best parts of Jungkook that's laid dormant for years. “Wide eyes, shy smile, puffy cheeks and soft features. It was unmistakable.”
Jimin remembers that day well, how flustered you’d been, arriving at the daycare an hour late and profusely apologizing to the staff. He’d stopped you then, his shocked face enough to let you know what he was thinking as you held the boy in your arms. It didn’t take long for you to tell him the truth, begging him not to tell his best friend. 
“He’s finally playing in the major league, Jimin. There are too many good things going on for him there. I mean he— he’s happy. It won’t do good for me to tell him now,” you’d told him. 
Jimin could’ve pressed more, should’ve gone to the root of your decision to hide it in the first place, or maybe even convinced you to tell Jungkook the truth, but you looked too stressed, a permanent fixture on your face, he thought, and he didn’t want to push it. 
So he left it at that, knowing as well that between the pressure to do well and the rumors going around, this type of news would be a big hit to Jungkook. Ultimately, Jimin didn’t think it was his place to meddle; the most he could do was support you any way he could. 
“How is he, the kid?” Jin questions, knowing his cousin would want to know but is too stubborn and angry to ask.
“The sweetest,” Jimin beams. “He’s pretty shy but becomes playful once he’s warmed up to you. He’s smart, just like ___, and is so caring, he's very affectionate and even talks to insects and—“ he pauses, as Yoongi nudges his knee and motions for him to stop.
Jungkook is still, jaws clenched again at the thought that these are things he doesn’t know and for obvious reasons. Thinking about how Taehyung and Jimin have done so much more for and with his own kid hurts him. 
He loves his friends, knows he should be thankful that they’d been there for you and Jungwon but he can’t shake off the frustration, the jealousy. He wonders if any other man had the privilege of getting to know his son that way, of getting close to him. 
He wonders, too, if any other man had gotten close to you. That’s a pang in his chest he doesn’t want to dwell on.
“Look, I’m really sorry, Kook. But a lot of things were happening with you then, too and I didn’t want to just drop that news to you. It would have been too much and—“
“You too?” Jungkook huffs. “I fucking hate it when people think they can just decide on such things about my life without me having a say. Wouldn't that piss you off if it happened to you?” 
He’s met with silence. 
It’s what gets him, really, the fact that people he trusted couldn’t afford him the decency of letting him decide, of trusting him that whatever happens, he was gonna figure it out. 
“Wanna know what I think?” Yoongi speaks up.
“No,” Jungkook responds.
“That was hypothetical,” Yoongi says and shifts in his seat. “We all know ___. She’s very self-assured, sometimes to a fault, but she’s not rash, she’s not selfish. She might have decided on her own but it doesn’t mean she didn’t consider you.”
“She still should’ve talked to me about it. It was too big of a decision to not include me in it,” Jungkook retorts.
“But she was right, wasn’t she? You would have stayed. She knows you too well that you would’ve given up everything.”
“Why does everyone make it sound so bad? Of course I would’ve. That’s my son! I’m not the kind of person who would turn his back on that responsibility,” Jungkook bites back.
“It isn’t bad, but that’s precisely the point. Did you ask yourself why she thought it was worth it? Why she believed that the better option was to not be truthful for as long as you got to live out your dream? For as long as you got to reap the benefits of what you’ve worked so hard for?” Yoongi posits.
Jungkook stills, lips starting to quiver as he processes his friend’s questions.
“Baseball has always been your whole world, Jungkook. She shared you with it. It was all you talked about - the dream, what it meant to you, the connection with your father, the joy you’d feel when playing and hearing the cheers… We knew that, she knew that,” Yoongi continues. 
“Your dream made you, Kook. It was all you knew, and she never complained. She loved you the same. And even with all your anger towards her right now, you know she wouldn’t try to take that dream away from you. Even if it means hurting both of you in the process.”
“But she meant so much to me, too. I would’ve done anything for her, and I thought she knew that,” Jungkook whimpers. He’d never once doubted what he felt for you and he always thought it was enough.
“Yeah, but do you think that was her first thought when she found out she was pregnant? That you’d give up your dream for her without any consequences down the line? She knew you would’ve stayed because you’re the kind of person to do that, but she also knew what that would mean, what that would do to you, and what that would do to them.” 
Yoongi, ever the wise one of the group, makes everyone think. 
The silence is deafening, but Jungkook doesn’t miss the way the guys have taken to slight nods and furrowed brows.
“Baseball was too important to you. She probably believed you’d lose more if you didn’t take the opportunity then. Not being there for her and your son was something she maybe thought you could always make up for,” Yoongi states. 
Of your brother’s friends, Yoongi had always been the one you were closest to, spent the most nights at parties with, talking and agreeing on things. This is probably why he gets it, gets why you felt like you had to do what you did.
“Kook, don’t think she never planned on telling you. She never meant to keep it a secret forever,” Jimin says, recalling your claims that you just needed the right time to eventually tell Jungkook. “Maybe that’s why you’re even more frustrated; maybe you think she never wanted to involve you. Of course she does. You were her whole world and—“
“Baseball was mine,” Jungkook finishes, resigning to the idea that that's what you always thought, and you weren’t wrong. “She thinks I’d resent them down the road if I stayed and gave up on my dream.”
“I love you, Kook, but that fear is valid,” Jin says. “I’m not saying I agree with her decision but I think I get where she’s coming from.”
“But hey, you have all the right to be angry,” Hoseok says, disrupting the silence that’s enveloped everyone again. “Just don’t be so consumed by it, okay? You’re back, you have more of a reason to stay, so just think of where you need to go from here. You have all of us, you and ___ and Jungwon have all of us.”
Jungkook wipes off the tears that have silently fallen down his cheeks, the most he’s cried in front of his friends in years. It had been a change on his end after the break up - the walls he put up, the control he had over his emotions, the once soft heart hardening in places to make sure he wouldn’t hurt as much again. He hates to admit that it had all been because of you.
Jin’s phone rings and cuts through the silence that’s tainted with short sniffles.
“Namjoon saw the chat, wonders if he could come,” Jin asks.
“No need, I’m gonna leave soon,” Jungkook responds.
Jin relays the message to Namjoon who sends his own, then finishes the call.
“He said he wants to check up on you, too. You should meet up with him, I think it’d be good. It’s Namjoon, Kook. He loves his sister to death but you know he’ll be objective about it, too. Think about it, okay?”
Jungkook nods then lets some time pass before he leaves. 
He thinks about it that night until the wee hours of the morning. For the first time, he thinks about what you felt the moment you found out, about what you were feeling and thinking that led you to decide to break up, and if you really planned on making him believe that you didn’t think it’d work out to cover up the truth.
Everything the guys said tonight rings in his head. What made you think this was the better option? What made you think he’d lose more if he gave up on the dream instead of being in your and Jungwon’s life? Why did you think his dream was more important than his life with you? Why did you think he’d resent you down the road? 
It’s not lost on him that his dream seemed to trump everything else. It would always go back to that, it would always be about that, how even during that life-changing moment of you finding out you were carrying his child, what you considered was him and baseball. 
He recalls the days leading up to the break up, how your conversations had been about his move, but never about the two of you. He chalked it up to thinking it was a given, that of course you’d stay together. He never realized that it wasn’t actually clear to you; it had been a given to him but not to you.
Jungkook doesn’t remember fights about lack of time because of training, or him not being in the mood after a bad game. Everything you’ve ever been to him was patient, understanding, and accepting of the sport he’d dedicated his whole life to, like it was a given, like it was the most important thing, like it was the third party in your relationship. And you never complained.
He loved you for that and more, for the fighter that you were, for the strong and goal-oriented woman that you were, for the thoughtful and warm-hearted person you’ve always been. He loved you so much. He’d fallen so hard that he willingly gave you his heart and let you do whatever you wanted with it, as long you had it. Because of that, you hurt him so terribly, he didn’t know how he could recover.
He thinks now that maybe it was on him, too. Maybe he didn’t tell you enough just how much you meant to him. Maybe he could’ve done more, appreciated you more, or at least let you know that you were just as much a part of his plan the way baseball was.
Maybe then you would’ve trusted him that you two would work it out, that it would be okay if he had to let go of his dream to be the partner that you needed, to be the father you needed him to be for your child.
But maybe you both didn’t know any better, he also thinks. You were so young, maybe it was too much to ask you to trust him, maybe you were also right not to. He’d definitely grown up the past years, and maybe he wouldn’t have if you didn’t break his heart the way you did.
He thinks about how you’d been the past years, too, how you took care of Jungwon on your own, how hard it must’ve been for you. But any more and he knows he’ll break down, and he doesn’t trust himself doing that alone. 
He sighs at all the thoughts in his head and his mixed emotions. But his friends are right. He’s home now - he has all the resources, the time - what matters is what happens next. 
He wants to understand better, and to know what you went through but he can’t bring himself to ask you. He knows you’ll brush off the sacrifices, the struggles; you never wanted to make others see your vulnerability, know of your weakest moments. So he decides to ask someone else. It’s 4AM but he doesn’t care.
[To: Namjoon]: Can we meet up? Jin’s bar at 7pm. See you.
“Uncle Tete, I choose this one!” Jungwon excitedly says, pointing at a toy submarine on the shelf. Taehyung is quick to retrieve the item then puts it in the cart. 
“Okay, what else does this muffin want?” 
“Tae, I said one thing,” you sigh. “Also, can you make sure that toy doesn’t have removable parts so he doesn’t attract kind strangers to help him?”
Your best friend rolls his eyes but Jimin chuckles next to you. “___, that broken airplane brought you to Jungkook. Plus, Jungwon wandered away; imagine if some other stranger found him,” he says.
“Shut up, I’m traumatized. That wasn’t the best way to let Jungkook know. Plus, I was so flustered that I lied and said I was babysitting,” you groan to yourself. You always knew how to carry yourself but it was really only Jungkook who ever made you feel nervous. 
“I made it seem like I really meant to lie and you know that’s not true. I just didn’t know he was gonna be back. And you didn’t tell me,” you glare at Jimin.
“You think I didn’t give him shit for not telling me?” He replies. “Only Jin knew. Even I didn’t think he’d actually sign with the Bears. Everything was so fast. Before I knew it, he was already boarding a plane back home.”
“Well, he did say he didn’t wanna bug you since you’ve been so busy with your show,” Tae says from the shelf next to you. “Jungwon wants this puppy towel, by the way. Can I buy it for him?”
“Tae, I said just one thing. Stop spoiling him. We’re supposed to buy his school supplies,” you whine.
“Right, his father’s gonna hate me even more,” he mumbles. 
“Okay, muffin. Mama said just one thing. Let’s go look at crayons now,” Tae tells Jungwon who smiles back at him and agrees.
“How’s rehearsal by the way?” You ask Jimin.
“Good. Just a few more weeks and we’re ready to go,” he says, excited over the Swan Lake show that his company is putting on. You’re excited, too, certain he’s going to do well. Being a professional ballerina is so much work but he’s always exceeded expectations. You know it can get stressful so maybe that’s why Jungkook didn’t bother informing him earlier. 
“You’re watching, okay? The first show and the last, it’s when everyone is watching, too,” he says. 
“You don’t have to ask, Jimin. Of course, I’ll be there. Sucks that Jungwon won’t get to see his uncle perform though.”
“Okay, just making sure, since Jungkook is here and all.”
“You should ask him, then. He’s the one who detests me,” you sigh.
“He doesn’t detest you, ___. He’s just angry, and with reason.” 
You don’t miss the stern tone of his voice. You always felt the disappointment that Jimin felt towards you with what happened, even stayed away for a while after the breakup. Moving back to your parents’ home had been a good escape, seeing as how you didn’t know how to face your friends after everything. 
It wasn’t until 2 years ago when Jimin bumped into you at the daycare that you two got to talking again. You know he decided to stick around for Jungwon, but it always worried you that he’d eventually tell Jungkook but he never did, which you were thankful for.
“I never said it wasn’t justified. I mean, after last week, I hope he stays angry at me, you know? And for a long time. I deserve that.”
“Hey, don’t talk that way.”
“You think I’m wrong? That I don’t deserve his anger?”
Jimin sighs. The department store really isn’t the best place for this but he proceeds anyway. 
“It’s not that. I mean, it’s one thing to hurt him by suddenly breaking up with. And I won’t lie to you, ___, you broke him. That night, I found him curled in a ball by the door, unmoving, kind of like how I used to find him when we were younger… after his dad died.”
You release a long breath, not even wanting to imagine a balled-up Jungkook, sobbing. You heard him that night, how he begged for you to please don’t go. You walked away from the closed door then, as any moment longer would’ve just made you take it back.
“But it’s also another thing to lie about his son,” Jimin continues. 
“You know I had to do it; he wouldn’t have agreed to break up if I didn’t make him believe that I didn’t want him anymore. And I had to keep Jungwon from him because I couldn’t let him stay. I mean, Jungkook and I just couldn’t be together, it wasn’t that easy.“
“Weren’t there other options?” Jimin wonders. “Maybe like, I don’t know, going with him?”
He’d heard Jungkook mention in passing before about possibly asking you to go with him but he doesn’t know if his best friend ever got to ask. 
No one really knows what happened that night; Jungkook never said anything more than it’s over. No explanations, no follow-ups. Three days later, he talked to the school administration and requested for an early completion of his requirements so he could leave for the US as soon as possible.
“It never really entered my mind… I mean, I got pregnant after the deal was finalized and that was not an option at all,” you explain. “It would’ve been too hard, too scary. I mean, we were still so young and to be in a foreign place, by ourselves, with a child? And we were just together for 2 years, that would’ve been a huge step and—“
“Did you doubt what he felt?”
“What do you mean?”
“You talk as if you didn’t think you were ready as a couple for that step. You two loved each other so much. He loved you so, so much, ___. Doesn’t matter how hard things would’ve been, he would’ve done everything he could to make sure you two would make it, he would’ve done whatever he needed to make you happy.”
“It’s not that simple, Jimin. He needed support there, needed someone to help him and make things easier, not someone - more like two people - to take care of and what would have I done for him? What would have I offered?”
“That wouldn’t have mattered though, right? He always wanted to make you happy, being with you would’ve been enough, I mean, he loved you that much.”
Jimin is met with silence, and it hits him what Yoongi was pointing out the night before, and it crushes him. Maybe if you knew just how much you mattered to Jungkook, maybe you would’ve trusted him, maybe you would’ve trusted the both of you.
You let out a deep sigh instead. You never doubted Jungkook’s love for you; you just knew there were other more important things, things he‘s dedicated much more time on, unlike you. 
You shake the thoughts away. You know that dwelling on the what if’s won’t help your mind and your heart, especially now.
You and Jimin settle on watching Taehyung help Jungwon decide on which crayons and colored clay to choose for art class, smiling at the little boy who’s been nothing but the sweetest angel. 
Your smile fades away though, at the thought of how it must be for him too, meeting all these men who always introduce themselves as his uncle, never his father. 
Jungwon had asked you only twice - one time when he asked if he was made of magic because there was this older kid in the playground who said that her mommy and daddy made her but Jungwon didn’t have a daddy; the other time was more straightforward, just where is Papa. 
That kind of pain is truly unmatched, you think, and you settle for telling the little kid that his Papa is somewhere doing good things but that Papa loves him even if he isn’t around. No promises, no false hope. You made the choice and your kid shouldn’t suffer too much for it - you know Jungkook would love him no matter what. 
“How has Jungkook been, by the way? And I want the truth, Jimin,” you ask as you save your sad thoughts for another day. 
Since you reconnected two years ago, you never really talked about Jungkook and Jimin had always made sure to only bring him up when you asked. Which was never. 
Everything is now out in the open though so you think there’s no harm in asking.
“Like I said, you broke him,” he sighs. “He hasn’t really been the same. We were all so worried, that’s why Jin made sure to go with him when he left; it’s why I made sure to visit him twice a year. He just became different, you know? Like a light was put out.”
You let this process for a bit. It had been the same with you, only you had a child to remind you of Jungkook. It had been hard to get over him - you didn’t break up with him because you didn’t love him anymore, anyway; it was the opposite, in fact. 
But you had to try to at least move on because at the back of your mind, you knew that things weren’t going to be the same after that. You knew Jungkook would never abandon your son, would never not love him; you are altogether a different story. 
“He was doing pretty well though, wasn’t he?” You shift the discussion.
You recall having watched games for the first few years. He’d been signed to the affiliate team of the LA Dodgers and was playing in Oklahoma City. He was an immediate standout and was chosen by the major league team to play in the roster the year after. It was almost meteoric, considering that he was a foreigner and thus, largely unheard of, but he was in tip-top shape, eye-hand coordination impressive, batting skills a dream especially as a rookie, and ran like Flash that it was a nickname the locals used to call him. 
“Oh, he was great. Even the man who scouted him didn’t think he would be that great. But that’s expected, I guess, if you spend every waking hour in the gym or in the batting cage, if you follow a strict and intense schedule even during the off-season, and if you have no distractions like friends or girlfriends,” Jimin explains, pointing out all the sacrifices behind the success.
“But Maia—”
“Was probably the first friend he made outside of his team. You’d expect her to be his girlfriend too, right?”
You pause at this. You knew that at some point, Jungkook would move on from you; you did make him believe you didn’t want to be with him anymore, anyway. Yet, it was still a bitter pill to swallow when you found out about his relationship. She was a model-actress, so her presence in the games would often cause a buzz. 
“He just changed in a way. There were all these walls up, even from us. You took a very big piece of him, ___. I’m surprised he even got to recover. I was afraid he wasn’t gonna be able to move on from you.”
There’s a pang in your chest at the seeming finality of Jimin’s words. Of course Jungkook would move on from you, of course at one point he’d realize that things would be better without you. You just didn’t think it would hurt like this.
“That’s good for him, then.”
“Have you?”
“Yes, of course,” you say. You hope he doesn’t miss the uncertainty in your voice, that he doesn’t detect the lie.
Jungkook enters the venue and heads straight to the bar where Namjoon is already waiting. 
“Scotch, please,” Jungkook calls to the bartender, earning him a remark from the older man about how even his alcoholic preference has upgraded.
“It’s smoother,” Jungkook says, fixing himself on the barstool. 
There’s an air of silence between the two men that is almost uncomfortable. 
It had never been like this. Namjoon is a protective brother but given that Jin is one of his good friends who’d vouched for the young man, it had been easy for Namjoon to go soft on Jungkook. He saw how much Jungkook cared for you, made you happy, and as your brother, he’ll always be grateful for that.
“How are you?” The older man asks, sipping on his Martini.
“Great. Just found out my ex-girlfriend was pregnant with our son whom I didn’t know existed until a week ago. You?”
“Not great. My parents have been calling me, asking how ___ is and how you are and if things are okay. Don’t exactly know how to break the news that things aren’t actually fine.”
“They must hate me, huh?”
“Nope. You know our parents always stayed out of our relationships. They always liked you, though. But is that what you really wanna know?”
Jungkook exhales, trying to calm himself. He had time to think things through, but facing the emotions had been difficult.
“I just wanna try to understand. I want so badly to justify what she did so I could stop being so angry. I just want to stop feeling… this,” he says, clutching his chest, lips quivering. “It hurts so bad, I just don’t want to feel this anymore.”
Namjoon weakens at the sight of Jungkook like this, desperate to feel something else other than pain, other than anger. He’d heard from Jin how it was so hard for the young man to accept losing you, and then all this? It’s a lot for one person to handle.
“She was so selfish, leaving me like that, thinking I would be okay on my own. And then I finally accepted what happened only to find out that we have a child all this time? Please, please make me understand,” he begs, eyes glassy now.
“Look,” Namjoon says, turning to Jungkook, who, even with his build, has never looked so small. 
“I won’t defend her and say that I think she made the right decision. It’s just that she made the best decision she could make at that moment. She knew what was at stake and she felt that choice was the better one,” he explains, similar to what Yoongi had posited. 
This is your brother who always had a good read of you and it’s the closest to your thoughts that Jungkook could get.
“She tried to comfort herself everyday by justifying what she did - that you did well, made it to the major league a year later. You did what you set out to do. And I’m sorry to bring this up but when your mother got sick, wasn’t it that you had enough to pay for it all? No debts, no added stress for her? Life was good for you and your mother. It wasn’t the best, but what if you had stayed?” He asks, the question ringing in his head. 
How would things be if Jungkook stayed?
“Again, I’m not saying she was right, I’m just saying that things happened the way they did and she made a choice. Any other decision would’ve had other consequences and she made the one she could stand by, that she could live with. I mean, it was all she could do.”
Jungkook thinks about this, how he’d felt comforted, too that he was able to pay for all his mother’s medical bills when it got too much. But life wasn’t good; it was excruciating being away from you, thinking all that time that you really didn’t believe in the both of you, convinced that it wasn’t going to work out. 
All he had was the love and joy he got from baseball; it had been enough for him that time. Of course, with what he knows now, it’s different. 
Jungkook goes back to what Namjoon asked, about what he really wanted to know. 
“Did… did she have a hard time?” Eyes pleading. “Tell me, please.”
Namjoon sighs at this, not knowing how to answer. “It wasn’t easy.”
“Don’t simplify it. I need… I need to know. I need to not feel this. I need to not be angry,” he says, voice strained.
“She won’t want your pity, Jungkook, you know her.”
“Please, Namjoon. You know she’ll never tell me. But I need to know.”
The older man lets out a deep breath, knowing that you indeed wouldn’t tell Jungkook any of this. 
“She stayed with my parents in Ilsan after graduation. She was four months along then but was adamant about earning on her own so she took several jobs online. There was a lot of stress but that’s normal, I guess,” Namjoon narrates. “My parents, Taehyung, and our neighbor all took turns staying with her because she’s so stubborn, you know? Wouldn’t tell you if something’s wrong.”
Jungkook knows that all too well, that you really are like that.
“Knowing that, though, my parents had her checked every week. That’s how they determined fetal distress,” Namjoon slows down, tone more somber now. “It was early detection so they were able to perform a c-section right away.” 
Jungkook turns to him, fear and worry etched on the younger man’s face. “She… she had surgery?”
“Yeah. It was pretty tough and Jungwon had to be monitored for any disabilities or delays. But yeah, he managed, she managed,” Namjoon recounts. The events are so far away but it’s like the worry and the relief still feel so real.
“The kid’s strong, Jungkook. He has a soft and sweet soul like you but he's definitely a fighter like his mother. Perfect mix, if I should say so myself,” the older man smiles, trying to turn the conversation to a lighter one. 
He means it though, how Jungwon personifies the best parts of you and Jungkook. 
“But they were okay after?”
“Somewhat. She was required to rest for several weeks so those two bonded like crazy,” Namjoon giggles. “Good thing that Jungwon was a quiet one, barely cried, didn’t give ___ too much of a hard time. It just… took time away from her earning, you know? So once she was capable, she took this job at a marketing firm that was way too hectic but paid well and it just… It was hard.”
“How hard?”
“Hard. Jungkook, she was a single parent. A stubborn and proud one at that. Worked over 12 hours a day, took online jobs during the weekend, took Jungwon to daycare everyday, taught him to do everything, made sure he got to play and all…” Namjoon narrates.
“It’s why my mom visited her every month for those first 2 years, why Ara and I would babysit often, why Taehyung set up a place for Jungwon at his apartment on days when ___ had an event until early morning. She only ever asked help if it was about Jungwon, never if it was about her,” Namjoon sighs, recalling how painful it had been for him as your brother to watch you do it all, never taking a break, never asking for help.
“Stubborn and proud, like you said,” Jungkook states.
“Yeah and well, she made a choice, Jungkook. She made a choice to leave you, to have this child on her own, and she made sure to give him everything while being the best parent she could be, taking on both roles for him and she never complained, not once. She just kept going, you know? Never made Jungwon feel any less or that he was a mistake or that he wasn’t loved enough. She made a decision and she stood by it. I’ll always admire her for that,” Namjoon states, holding his own emotions back.
Jungkook lets this all sink in, suddenly wishing that he was there for you, that you didn’t have to go through all that by yourself, that even with friends and family, he’s hoping you didn’t feel so alone. 
He knows how you are, knows you’ll exhaust yourself before you even ask for help. That’s how he knew you truly loved him, when you would tell him you’re tired, or that you need help, whether it was something as simple as fixing your broken light bulb or using his charms to get the administration office to agree on this event proposal you had. Being open to him let him know you trusted him. Until you didn’t.
You never minded asking him, and Jungkook knows that if he’d been around, you wouldn’t have minded him helping you, making it easier for you. And it crushes him that he’d wanted to be everything you needed him to be for you and for your child but you didn’t even give him a chance.
He lets out a deep breath, the anger slowly dissipating and being replaced with longing, with a kind of sadness that he now doesn’t know how to deal with. 
Namjoon picks up on this and pats him on the shoulder. “Look, I know that you’re still upset and you have the right to be. Just don’t be blinded by that. You’re home. You have a son that I’m sure you want to get to know. Four years is a lot but it’s also just 4 years. Don’t waste any more time that was already taken away from you.”
“Okay,” Jungkook says softly, knowing that it’s still going to take a lot of getting used to.
“So, what do you wanna do now?”
“Maybe meet up with her? I mean, I was yelling at her the last time we saw each other and I just want to ask to see our son.”
“Of course, Kook. I’m sure she’d want that, too.”
You’re sitting on one of the benches at the park the next day, watching Jungwon play with Namjoon and his wife, Ara, from afar. Even from here, you can make out the doe eyes of your son and his smile that reaches his eyes. 
He likes the cold, just like you, and he’s been running about with his toy airplane and submarine, which he almost threw in the fountain. You’re smiling fondly, thinking of how the universe had been kind enough to bless you with the sweetest little angel that it could create.
You feel a figure settle next you, not too far away. Namjoon had told you late last night that Jungkook wanted to meet you, perhaps to ask for a workable schedule to spend time with Jungwon.
“Hey,” he says. You shiver, and you know it’s not because of the weather.
“I never got to tell you but I’m so, so sorry, Jungkook,” you say, turning to him, your eyes taking in the sight of him properly for the first time. “There’s so much I need to apologize for and I know it’s gonna take a long time for you to forgive me.” 
You’re unable to rein in your feelings again, but after that first conversation with him and then the one you had with Jimin yesterday, you can’t help the guilt that you’ve been trying to temper bubble to the surface - for hurting him, for not trusting him, for not giving him a choice.
“There’s no point dwelling on what happened. It’s done. I’m here. I have time. And I’d like to spend it with Jungwon as much as possible,” he responds. 
He doesn’t look at you; he just keeps his eyes out on the little boy still running about. His little boy, his son. And he can’t wait to finally hold him, get to know him, fall in love with him.
“Of course, but we need to take it slow. He’s a shy kid and it’ll take a while. Let’s follow his pace, okay?”
“Sure. We can grab lunch on Saturday, then?”
You can’t help the hope that bubbles in your chest. “That sounds good, Jungkook.”
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blu-joons · 3 years
Our Little Girl ~ Jeon Jungkook
Pairing: Expecting Dad!Jungkook x Reader
Warnings: Slightly descriptive pregnancy, labour and birth
Word Count: 5.3k
Summary: Your little girl has been what the two of you have dreamt of for so long, finally the time has come to welcome her into the world with Jungkook by your side.
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“You know, for a man that’s about to raise a daughter for the next eighteen years at least, you’re looking rather cocky.”
Jungkook could only smile from the other side of the room as a grimace danced upon your face at the feeling of another contraction hitting you. You’d lost count of the hours you’d been almost doubled over in bed some time ago, barely able to keep your eyes open at the excruciating pain that you found yourself in. With each passing breath, the gaps of relief that came between contractions became smaller and smaller, almost unbearable.
You’d watched plenty of documentaries before your pregnancy to know what to expect, and yet as you found yourself staring forwards at the figure of your husband, keeping his distance from your growing temper, none of what you saw on the television seemed to play out before you. Under watery eyes, you could just make out the time on the clock hanging just above Jungkook’s head, 3:15am.  You scoffed at the sight, doubting even in yourself how much longer you could go through such an ordeal. Despite the several months you’d had to lead up to this moment, not a single part of it could truly prepare you for what was to come.
As another struck against the pit of your stomach, Jungkook raced back across to your side, resting his hands over your reddened ones that gripped tightly onto the rails beside your bed. Murmurs of encouragement came from him, words you’d listened to him repeat for countless hours, and still each time they somehow managed to make your heart a little bit happier. As he counted you through the breaths to see you through, his free hand brushed over your hair, ignoring the beads of sweat that had formed in your hairline as best as he possibly could, focusing on the task at hand and being the best possible husband instead.
“You’re doing so incredibly well,” he whispered as he noticed that the pain was beginning to subside once again, offering you the best possibly smile he could muster, hiding his own feelings of exhaustion that were beginning to come through. Your head nodded, tilting slightly to the left, biting down on your bottom lip until you were sure that the contraction had subsided. A small wriggle from your little one let you know they were done for the time being, waiting patiently, or impatiently, to make their grand entrance.
“You’re getting close now,” your midwife called out, stood in the doorway, keeping an eye on the corridor as she had done for most of the evening, and night. “I must admit, I’ve not seen many women get through labour as well as you have for quite some time Y/N.”
“I’m not really left with much of an alternative to get through it right now,” you sighed, throwing your body back against the bed, allowing the sweat ridden sheets to wrap around you. The end never seemed to quite be in sight, no matter how many times her cheery voice suggested otherwise. In fact, if Jisoo wasn’t quite such a sweetheart, you’d have probably given her what for a long time ago with all of her reassurances.
“She’s a strong girl, I always told you that,” Jungkook whispered from the side of you, grinning proudly across at the elder woman. “So strong I think I might end up having to take up one of your beds soon with a couple of broken knuckles, are women supposed to squeeze this hard when they’re in labour?”
Jisoo’s head nodded, having told you about her four kids several times throughout the night, she had experience on both sides. She’d seen it all, broken hands, broken noses, but best of all, hundreds of humans enter the world.  
“Y/N you do what you want, ignore your husband,” she teased.
Once again, your head could only manage a nod, too consumed by the everchanging feelings that were going on around your bump to truly pay much attention to what was being said around you. The beep of the heart monitor, murmurs of passers-by, shrieks of other women in the ward all seemed to amalgamate into one at this point.
“I don’t think we’ll have to wait around much longer for baby to arrive,” she advised the two of you, “but things are only going to get worse, are you sure that I can’t get you anything?”
“No,” you muttered, despite a concerned Jungkook looking down at your tired figure, “I said that I was going to try and do this naturally, and until I can’t take it anymore, that’s what I’m going to do.”
“No one would think any less of you if you wanted an epidural,” Jungkook reminded you, moving his hand back across to rest over your now much calmer one. “Or maybe gas if you’re not feeling a needle? We saw it on that programme, remember?”
“We spent an hour laughing at a woman too high to even push,” you scolded, shaking your head at the memory. It had tickled you at the time, but the more you thought about not being able to remember your baby’s birth like she had, the more off-putting it became.
“It’s all here just in case,” Jisoo spoke up anyway, pointing across to a small table that was at the back of the delivery room, “too many women change their minds last minute and then we have to leap into action with it all.”
“I bet you might end up having another case like that, she’s a stubborn one,” Jungkook joked.
“Excuse me, I’ll have you- “
You were cut off by another pain stabbing against your side, hurling your body forwards, instantly gripping tighter onto Jungkook’s hand, causing him to yelp. He sat further up in his seat, throwing his free arm around your back, tracing circles against the exposed bit of skin your hospital gown showed off. Your body didn’t have much time to react, snapping your eyes around to look at Jungkook, searching for any bit of help he could offer. Instead, he could only stare helplessly back at you, there was nothing that he could do to truly take away your pain, nothing that would make the experience better for you in that moment, instead all he could promise was to be the best possible father and husband once your little girl eventually decided to come into the world.
As the pain fell aside once again, you leant across to rest against Jungkook’s shoulder, soaking his grey tee, not that he minded, pressing a kiss against the top of your head.
“So strong,” he whispered against your skin, as he had done tens, if not hundreds of times since your water broke in the very early hours of the previous day.
“I feel so weak,” you hummed in response to him, loosening your grip against his hand once again, holding onto only his index finger, admiring the tattoos that he wore so proudly. “I always thought I was strong Kook, but even this might be too much for me.”
His head shook instantly at your words, searching across to Jisoo for a small piece of reassurance that could remind you how good of a job you were doing in delivering your miracle.
“Soon,” her voice called out, although it wasn’t much, it was a small bit of hope that you could hold onto that your ordeal would be done soon. You adored Jungkook, but the calls of the professional who had taken such good care of you made you feel a lot better in an instant.
“Soon,” Jungkook reiterated, tightening the hold that he had around your waist, inviting you to relax into his side as opposed to the bed that you’d been on for hours. “This will all be worth it; you just have to remember that through the hard times.”
Another hum came from you, tracing aimlessly against his calloused skin. “I wish it was as easy for me to believe that as it is for you to say it right now.”
“Y/N,” he whispered, kissing against your forehead once again, “please don’t start giving up on any of this right now.”
“I’m just tired,” you whined, fighting the urge to give your eyes even a second to close out of fear of what might happen if you did. “Every part of me is so tired right now.”
“I get it,” Jungkook assured you, refusing to let you go through the fight alone, “I can’t even begin to imagine how hard this is for you right now my love.”
“Are you sure it’s too late for us to swap positions?” You joked, trying to remove the negativity that ran through your mind, “I think you’d love to be in labour secretly.”
“You know I would if I could, in a heartbeat,” he sniggered, raising his free hand up innocently, “it’s just such a shame that you’re the one that’s got to go through this. Trust me though, it’s not easy being a spectator, seeing you in so much pain is breaking my heart, I can only watch in awe of what an incredible woman you are.”
“You’ve got a good one there, Y/N,” Jisoo called out as she busied herself in the room, paperwork in hand, unable to stop herself tuning into your conversation. “You’d be surprised how many husbands sit back and relax during a time like this.”
“See, you’ve got a good one,” Jungkook continued to joke, tapping lightly against your arm, “can I get that in writing to remind her of this when this is all over?”
“I can change my mind,” Jisoo responded, drawing a light giggle out of you as the two of them continued to exchange innocent threats for a few minutes, until you chose to interrupt.
The mood of the room instantly turned sombre as a loud groan came from you, leaning forwards once again, breathing under the command of your husband. Whilst Jisoo continued to notice how much quicker your contractions came, Jungkook was solely focused on you, counting each time, resting his hands where you needed them, offering his shoulder back for you to rest on as soon as the contraction finished once again.
“I think I’ve decided something,” you whispered across to Jungkook once you’d caught your breath, “we are definitely only having the one child.”
“But I thought we agreed on an army,” he smirked, earning himself a slap against the bicep from you, although with your strength, the strike was pretty weak, even by your own high standards. Still, Jungkook grabbed at his arm, gasping at the sudden strength that had come over you. “Jisoo will tell you, I bet loads of women say that, but once they remember how sexy their husbands are, a quick trip to the bedroom, and suddenly baby number two comes along.”
“Have you ever met a man who makes sex sound so unappealing?” You asked Jisoo before she even had the time to respond to Jungkook’s comment. “It’s rather confident of you to assume that you’re that sexy anyway.”
Rather than answer either of you, Jisoo made her way across to you, asking Jungkook to give the two of you a bit of space as she checked how far dilated you were. You’d counted down almost every single centimetre, as if your little girl enjoyed teasing you before she was even a part of your world. Each time you hoped for the magic number, but each time Jisoo had muttered something else. You’d almost lost onto your last stretch of hope, that was until you looked across, noticing a wry smile etched across her face.
Before she even said the words, you knew exactly what the smile meant. As if your contractions hadn’t made things obvious enough, the expression on her face was the final touch you needed to know that at last that end was somewhat in sight. Once she called Jungkook back across to your side, his eyes locked with yours, the corners of his mouth turning up into a smile, extending his arm out for your hand to intertwine with his. The relief was clear on your face, and in your hold, your body was in turmoil, but now it seemed as if you could finally begin to settle.
You were all too aware that there was a long road ahead of you, but just the thought of pushing appealed to your body and every part of you that was crying out for a rest.
“Ten centimetres,” Jungkook whispered beside you, “I bet that feels pretty good.”
“It feels pretty good,” you smirked, keeping your eyes on him as he sat back down in the chair at your bedside. “I had no idea the body could stretch as big as this, it’s surreal.”
Although he hadn’t taken too close of a look at everything that was going on at the foot of your bed, Jungkook had done enough research to know just how your body was changing. From the very first sign of a bump, Jungkook had waited impatiently for the moment that he finally got to see your little girl come into the world, the final change that would complete what the two of you had dreamt of for so many months.
“I love you,” his voice then whispered, just as your eyes looked away from his and down to your bump, “and our baby, I love our baby too.”
“I love you too,” you smiled, quickly looking back at him, “our little one is the luckiest girl in the world to have you.”
What came over the next few minutes felt like a blur to you, several instructions were sent your way, your body reshuffled with your legs propped up, pillows placed behind your back, and a towel dabbed against your head, but one thing remained, the hold of Jungkook’s hand tightly against yours, refusing to leave your side as the first few pushes began.
“This is ridiculous,” you huffed, just after the first few. You’d hoped for some sort of immediate impact, but your baby made no sign of movement instead. If you hadn’t spent hours laid in the hospital bed, you would have given up there and then, but there was one man that was never going to let you do that.
“Patience,” was all that Jungkook had to say, desperate to try and calm you down as he noticed how flustered you became. His hands pressed against your red cheeks before wiping underneath your watery eyes, failing to withhold the pressures that were placed before you.
Whilst labour was never something you expected to be a walk in the park, you could never have prepared yourself for the overwhelming feelings of pain that you’d end up enduring throughout your labour.
“If I push one more time, my body is going to cave,” you admitted, leaning against the cold metal of the rail against the bed. Jungkook’s head instantly shook, moving his arm around you to pick you back up, holding your back against the palm of his large hand.
“You’re far too strong to give up now,” he smiled, standing up from his chair to press a kiss against the side of your head, “there’s still pain relief if you want it, no one is going to think any less of you if that’s what you choose to do,” he reminded you once again, but still your head shook, you’d had plans for how your labour was going to go, and a natural birth was always top of your list of things that you wanted to see through. “Just hold my hand, and don’t break any of my bones and I promise that we’ll get through this together.”
Your eyes rolled at his warning, pinching especially hard against his hand to keep him on his toes, and make sure that he kept his mouth shut too.
“I’m only messing with you,” he whimpered, shaking at your hand for you to loosen your grip around him. “Just try and keep positive babe, we’ve jumped over too many hurdles over the past day to give up now. This one might just be a little bit bigger, but I know more than anything else in the world that you’re going to get over it.”
Your eyelids slowly fluttered shut, letting go of a shaky breath in the hope that it would keep you so composed. Rather than focus on the pain that came from your bump, your mind focused on the traces that Jungkook ran along the back of your hand, just like you’d done against his only a couple of hours ago.
“I just want to hold her and be done with this,” you continued to vent, opening your eyes back up, flinching slightly at the bright lights that came from all four corners of the room you’d somehow ended up calling home.
“I mean it when I say not much longer this time,” Jisoo smiled from the foot of the bed, perched on a stool, keeping a close eye on proceedings. “It’s natural to feel like you want to throw in the towel, there’s often a bit of a wait between dilation and pushing, not feeling anything can sometimes feel worse than the pain of a contraction.”
“You’re spot on,” you responded, forcing the smallest of smiles to your face, hearing a gentle giggle come from Jungkook. “At least the pain let me know that she was definitely moving.”
As if on cue, your baby began to make her presence known again, with Jungkook rising to his feet once again when he noticed how quickly you shot forwards. His arm reached out across your chest to stop you moving too far forwards, just as Jisoo had advised.
Something about this contraction just felt different for you though, as if your little girl was giving you a sign that she really was on her way. Although you couldn’t feel her drop, the pain certainly did. The smile on your face instantly captured Jungkook’s attention, unsure if he should worry, or be pleased to see a sign of happiness in your expression.
“I can feel her,” you whispered across to him before he even had the chance to ask, “it’s like she’s letting me know she’s on her way Kook.”
“That’s a good thing, right?” He anxiously queried, looking across to Jisoo who’s head nodded. “She really is on her way, our little girl.”
“Our little girl,” you repeated, feeling his hands press to either side of your face, just managing to press the softest of kisses against your puckered lips before another contraction hit. His left arm instantly moved around your waist as his right hand held onto yours, it had become second nature for Jungkook now to step each time that your body called out for him, a murmur of his name was all that he needed to know exactly what you wanted from him, and as another contraction passed, he was relieved when he could sit back down again.
As soon as it passed, both you and Jungkook stared across to Jisoo, desperate for any sort of update she had on how things were going.
“Just keep doing what you’re doing,” she assured you, “plenty of pushes coming up Y/N.”
“Hey,” a deep voice whispered beside you, brushing his thumb back across the pad of your hand, drawing your eyes across to him with the sound of your voice. “It’s going to be alright, we’ve talked about all of this, the two of us are here, and very soon our little girl will be here soon, remember why you’re doing this Y/N.”
“Pushing feels so real,” you slightly chuckled, feeling the beat of your heart quicken in your chest, “are you sure it’s really time to push?”
“Absolutely,” a cheery Jisoo smiled from the foot of the bed, repositioning your legs slightly so that you were a little more stretched out. “When the next contraction comes, I want you to take a big deep breath, and then lots of little pushes, let your body guide you rather than you guide your body. Listen to my voice, and most of all, listen to Jungkook too, he sounds like he has all the right things to say to you.”
“That’s exactly how we got into this position,” you sighed, shooting a glare in his direction.
“Unfortunately, it’s exactly how you’re going to get out of this position too,” Jisoo grinned, shaking her head as Jungkook leaned forwards to try and give her a high five. “Just support your wife,” she smiled, “I’ve spent less then a day with this guy and I’m struggling to see how you’ve managed to put up with him for so many years.”
“Don’t make me regret it,” you called out, just as another contraction came. The mutters of ‘push,’ that came from both of the people beside you instantly set your body in motion, clutching tightly onto the rail, and Jungkook’s hand as you tried to push down as best as you could, grimacing at the pain.
By the time the contraction had passed, you could feel how quickly your bottom lip was beginning to swell, pouting across at Jungkook, who was unable to hide his surprise when he noticed how red your lip was.
“Still beautiful,” he complimented, leaning forwards once again to press a kiss against the reddened skin, “and so strong too. Who knew I managed to marry such a strong woman?” He questioned, receiving no answer from either of you. It came as little surprise to him, instead he grabbed the towel that was beside him and dabbed it gently over your forehead, and your lip too, trying to make the swelling as minimal as possible before you bit down again.
As another contraction soon came around, you couldn’t quite get your head around at how surreal it was suddenly all becoming. You’d sat with your little girl nested in your tummy for two days short of nine months, and now you could slowly feel her making her way down to enter the world. All of the fears and the doubts that you’d had about labour had been torn apart, your dreams had been blown so far out of proportion, no part of what you were doing felt real anymore. But for the two of you, it felt like the best, and worst, experience in the world, the pain had been hard, but slowly it was beginning to feel as if it was worth it for you both.
When the next contraction came around, the sound of Jisoo’s voice stopped you from biting down on your bottom lip, feeling her hand move a little further up your leg, carefully pushing your legs a little further apart, surprising even you by how flexible you suddenly were.
“I can feel something,” you nervously whispered, looking across to Jungkook who was trying to get the best look he could at what was going on from beside you.
“No need to worry,” Jisoo instantly replied to you, “but I can definitely see the first signs of your little girl.”
“Really?” You chuckled, feeling Jungkook’s head turn to look back across at you. His eyes looked at you for permission, as your head slowly nodded, encouraging him to stand up from his seat and walk across, peering over your leg to where the first sightings of your little one’s head could be seen. A quiet gasp came from Jungkook, squeezing gently against your hand, feeling his eyes watering at the sight before him.
“She already looks beautiful,” he whispered up to you, “I can’t believe she’s all ours Y/N.”
“I wish I could see,” you chuckled, trying your hardest to look past your bump, but failing with ease. You couldn’t help but laugh, remembering all the times you’d failed to see your feet, or bend down to change your shoes, only now, at the most important time, your bump had stopped you from getting your first glimpse of your little girl. A small part of you couldn’t help but be slightly envious that Jungkook had such a clear view from beside you of everything that was going on.
However, as soon as your next contraction hit, Jungkook’s attentions were turned straight back to you, sitting back down in a heartbeat as more encouraging whispers came from him. He’d never told you how proud and how in love he was with you than he had done today, but he also knew he could never love you more than the moment you brought his child into the world.
The late nights, early mornings, and everything that came in between during your pregnancy had been hard on you both, but everything that you needed from Jungkook, he did with a smile. He could never appreciate enough how incredible your body was to carry his little girl, to nurture her so perfectly and give her such good health. There was simply never going to be enough that he could do to repay you for everything that you’d given him over the last nine months, and for the rest of his life too.
“Y/N, keep pushing!” Jisoo’s voice called out, snapping you out of the small daydream that you found yourself in. By the sound of her voice, you knew that something significant was happening, with adrenaline the only thing keeping you going, you did as she said, pushing as hard as you could, paying close attention to the sound of Jungkook’s voice, the only thing that had kept you going through out.
“She’s coming,” he whispered, flickering his eyes between you and your baby, noticing how quickly she seemed to be arriving. Your head nodded, repeating his words over and over again in your head, the only boost of motivation that you needed to dig in to somewhere you didn’t know you had, using up every last ounce of energy that you possibly could.
“Kook,” you whimpered, as you felt the contraction begin to collapse again.
“Just one more,” Jisoo then called out.
“You can do it,” he urged, leaning closer in towards you.
Although your head shook, your body still pushed, and soon the cries of your little girl could be heard ringing throughout the room, as tears fell from both yours and Jungkook’s eyes, feeling his hand slip out of yours so that you could collapse down against the bed.
“I love you, you’re incredible,” he chimed, giving you a moment before leaning over you, brushing the hair out of your face, coupled with a lingering kiss against your forehead, ignoring the droplets of tears that fell from his cheeks against your own. “She’s here Y/N.”
In just a matter of moments, Jungkook moves away from your side, replaced with your little girl settling against your bare chest, with Jisoo dabbing away at her to remove the markings of blood, stretching out of her limbs and making sure to clear out her airways.
As your eyes looked down at her for the very first time, your breath was taken by what was before you. “Wow,” was all you could whisper as you studied every fine detail of the bundle you held tightly against your chest. “Look at you,” you soon added, sniffling back the tears that fell.
Jungkook’s hand reached across, wiping underneath your eyes, perching himself on the end of his bed. He used the tip of his thumb to trace over the top of her head, feeling along her arms, staring in awe of how tiny each digit of her hand was. Neither of you could look away from her, all expectation you had had been succeeded, unable to comprehend what you had just endured.
“Our little girl,” Jungkook whispered, leaving a kiss against the top of your head with his words. It had been the saying you’d had for her since the moment you found out it was a girl that you were expecting, and yet somehow neither of you could correlate that the little girl you’d wished for was finally in front of you both.
“Congratulations,” Jisoo spoke after a few moments, scribbling down on some papers attached to her clipboard. “I’ll give you both a second to adjust, you’re new parents after all.”
“We’re parents,” Jungkook muttered in a moment of disbelief, continuing to stare wide-eyed at your daughter, silently reiterating the promises he’d made to her most nights when he laid beside your bump, trying to help you get to sleep. Although she was still attached to you for a moment through the umbilical cord, his body was itching to get his first hold of his little girl, feel the body and the heart he was going to protect for the rest of his life. “Thank you,” he whispered across to you once he finally looked away from her, “it’s never going to be enough, but thank you for being so strong, and for being the best wife, and mum in the world.”
“How can you say that when I’ve only been a mum for five minutes?” You teased, bringing a smile to Jungkook’s face. His eyes rolled at the chuckle that followed your question, knowing if it wasn’t for your little one, he’d be attacking your side in an instant.
“I just know, call it instinct,” he assured you, “and I’m going to make sure that this little girl knows what a special mummy she’s got to. I’ll never let her take you for granted, just like I never will, ever again. I’m in your debt forever, nothing can make up for all of this.”
“You know, we can’t call her our little girl forever,” you hummed, noticing how quickly Jungkook’s eyes lit up at the mention of her name. Several had been exchanged between the two of you, and yet one always seemed to stand out to you both, almost as if it was just meant to be, her name was her destiny.
“Is it still the one that you want?” Jungkook asked, making sure you didn’t have any doubts.
“Just looking at her, she suits it,” you hummed, taking any excuse that you could to get a glance of your daughter. “Don’t you think, it’s perfect for her?”
Jungkook’s head nodded, leaning across your body to press a gentle kiss to the top of her head, treating her as if she was the most delicate thing in the world. As her name fell from his lips for the very first time, Jungkook knew you were right, it was perfect for her, and the perfect name to complete your family too.
“Can you believe we have her forever?” You asked him, brushing your thumb over the top of her head, “we don’t ever have to give this one back, or keep her only for a night. We never have to let her go, she’s ours, always.”
“I don’t think I’ll ever believe that I’ve been so blessed with the two of you,” he giggled in his confession, “every day, my little girl, and my incredible wife, I will love you.”
“She’ll have you wrapped around her finger in no time, I bet,” you laughed, “if she’s anything like you, we might as well enjoy the peace and quiet for now, because she’ll be causing trouble in no time.”
“I hope she takes after you,” Jungkook acknowledged, staring back at you, “everyone will fall in love with her, just like I did with you.”
“Do you still love me after I almost broke your hand?” You teased, staring across at his still slightly reddened hand.
“Y/N, I have never loved you more than I do right now, and I’ll love you more and more every day. You’ve given me the greatest gift, love just isn’t enough.”
“We love you too,” you smiled across to him, feeling his lips peck against yours.
“I’ll never tire of hearing that.”
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 3 years
Supernova (Chapter 7)
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Pairing: Dick Grayson as Robin x Reader
Warnings: None! Lmao finally
Word Count: 3.9K
Summary: As the daughter of Wonder Woman, you always knew you were destined for something more than the life of a mortal. It seemed like your wish for a life of adventure came true but whether in the form of a blessing or curse, you didn’t know. All you know is that you were the sole witness for a chain of murders that would begin. It’s up to you to find out who was the murderer before it’s too late……
A/N: It's a sweet chapter ya'll. I promise.
Supernova Masterlist
“You’re sweaty.” Robin murmured when you rested your forehead against the nape of his neck. You both were exhausted after training and you were a shower away from passing out in your bed but you both still needed a few minutes to catch your breath, leaning on each other for support. Even though he was complaining about you sweating, he didn’t seem to do anything to get away from you, even going so far as to wrap an arm around your shoulder.
You felt him swallowing the gulps of water against your skin before scoffing and wiping your skin with a towel, “As if you’re any better, my eyes are stinging from your sweat.”
Then you both dissolved back to silence, quietly enjoying each other’s company as the night slowly bled into day.
“Do you ever wonder what smoking feels like?” You asked and Robin laughed, making you whine when he began shaking, moving your body in tandem with his because of it. Even though you pinched his side to get him to stop laughing, it was useless since it made him laugh even harder, slugging you off his shoulder as your back hit the training mat.
“It wasn’t even that funny.”
“It was random."
“I was just thinking about it. I can hardly breathe when someone else is smoking beside me. I wonder how it feels actually inhaling the stuff.” You wondered, now getting comfortable on your back and he lay down beside you, “I guess some people enjoy it.”
It was silent again and you yawned, waiting for your body to cool off. The unfortunate thing about living at Happy Harbor was that the weather was unusually hot during the summer, so hot that even the water ended up getting to a scorching temperature. If you went for a shower straight after training, you’d be slowly boiled to perfection.
But the more you waited, the sleepier you got.
Robin spared you a glance as you yawned once again, stifling his own. The training had been taking a toll on him, since he would come to the cave right after patrol instead of sleep at the Manor. Partly because he liked seeing you improve in combat and get better each day and partly because he just liked seeing you.
If he caught you on a good day, you were fun to be around, cheerful and funny. Your energies mixed together well, fitting together like two puzzle pieces but he never lingered on that thought for long. For now, Robin just wanted to be supportive and a good friend. He’d seen firsthand how much you could change when things hurt you and he never wanted to push you towards that again.
His mind drifted back to the day in the interrogation room, the way you didn’t have any remorse for Thelma when she cried and screamed in front of you. It was so unlike you and for a few brief moments he wondered if he ever knew you at all.
He looked at you again, noticing the way you were smiling at nothing, the sheen of sweat on your face and neck before rethinking. He knew you; he was sure of that. And he liked you for it too.
“What are you thinking about?”
“Just that prom is next week at school. Before Valerie I would’ve pleaded to go but I don’t think I’d want to return to school after this.” You said thoughtfully, suddenly thinking about what you would do if you made out of all this alive.
“Maybe you should transfer to my school.” He said absentmindedly. It wasn’t really a suggestion that he thought you’d accept but he actually liked the thought of you going to his school.
You sent him a teasing smile, “Oh? Boy Wonder actually goes to school? Not some advanced intelligence nerd program?”
He laughed at this, “You’re one to talk.”
It was silent for the next couple moments once again while you both rested comfortably. This was the thing he appreciated the most about your relationship; when it was silent, he wasn’t scrambling to find some conversation piece to fill the silence. He wasn’t unaccustomed to awkward silence but it never felt awkward when he was with you. It was just silence.
He could stay beside you and just stay silent and that was enough. He liked that.
“What color are your eyes?” You asked again, curious.
“Like I’d tell you.” He sighed, sounding way too comfortable for his own good. You kicked him lighter than you were intending to.
“They’re brown, aren’t they?”
“Why brown?”
“Because I feel like any other color would give you an unfair advantage.”
He settled in further, wanting the training mats to suddenly feel like his mattress back home, “Well I’m no swim team captain but.”
The sweat was making the mats stick to your skin and you felt it aggressively peel from your skin when you turned on your side to face him. Now you were made painfully aware about the cold sweat pooling below you and realized you were in desperate need for a shower.
You rubbed his arm gently, wishing him a good night even though you knew that the sun was up. Robin returned the gesture with a smile, telling you to get a good night’s sleep. As he watched your receding back, a thought came to his mind and he stopped you in your tracks.
“Here’s a thought, why don’t we do something on prom night? Have our own little thing right here? We could watch a movie or something.” He proposed and your brows furrowed, “Don’t you have prom too?”
He did. Which was planned and decorated with the money his father had generously donated. But Dick didn’t feel an ounce of remorse for missing it. He also knew it was the only night that the others wouldn’t be home, all at their own prom. As long as he would get to have a fun night with you.
“Yeah, but I wasn’t planning on going anyway.” Alfred had already pressed his suit and had a special corsage ordered. He was going with Barbara, as friends, but cancelling on her seemed like a small feat in the moment.
“Are you sure?” “Definitely.”
You smiled slightly, nodding before waving goodbye and continuing on your way to the showers. When he heard the door shut, Dick realized just what he had gotten himself to and flopped back onto the mats, ‘What did I just do?’
He’d have to cancel the limo without his dad or Alfred finding out. He’d have to cancel the reservations at the restaurant. For goodness’ sake, he’d have to take a rain check on Barbara. Still, Dick wasn’t able to wipe the smile off his face.
You were oddly looking forward to hanging out with Robin tonight. Everyone had already left for their own proms, Zatanna was in a dress that she had borrowed from you. Even though you knew that the prom dress you had been planning to wear would’ve been the best for her school theme, you had a weirdly hard time parting from it, considering it was just a piece of clothing.
All three girls spent a couple hours primping with you, trying their best to include you in some of the fun. You even managed to rope Artemis into getting glammed up. She protested a lot at first but once she got in the chair it was like you had tamed a jungle cat. They had time to style your hair as well and you barely had any idea what was happening while Doja Cat played and you had a sheet mask on. After getting that off, you felt like a new born baby.
You sent all three of them off after taking a ton of pictures and they told you to have a great night too, smiling like they knew something you didn’t.
Now that the cave was completely empty, even Aqualad had left that morning to pay a visit to Atlantis, you were left alone with Robin and were excited about it. You weren’t going to do anything special anyway, other than watching a movie and stuffing your face with food but you were still happy to spend some time with him when you both weren’t sweating like pigs.
Even the thought of sitting beside him on the couch while a movie played had a skip in your step.
Just as you saw the doors to the main hall and a familiar head of hair, you picked up the pace until you stopped walking all together, shocked.
Because there stood Robin waiting by the door with a shy smile on his face. Dressed in a suit and tie.
You chocked out a laugh, not quite sure why it felt like the wind was knocked out of you before walking up to him, gently pulling his fingers away from the tie he was fidgeting with and straightening it out, “A little over-dressed for a movie, don’t you think?”
“Change of plans, we’re going to have our own prom night, right here.”
You giggled, reclipping the tie clip before straightening out the corsage in his breast pocket. You spared a glance up, meeting his eyes and you realized just how close the both of you had gotten. If he didn’t have the sunglasses on, you would’ve been able to see your reflection in his—probably— brown eyes.
You cleared your throat, stepping away from him not before smoothing your hands down the lapels, smiling at just how handsome he looked.
“Wish you would’ve told me. I would’ve matched what I’m wearing to your tie.” You teased.
“Actually, you can.” You raised a brow at this and the red began crawling up his neck, “I asked your mom to drop your dress off. It’s in your room.”
The uncomfortable conversation with Wonder Woman about why he wanted the particular dress that her daughter of the same age was planning to wear to prom was completely worth it when he watched your eyes light up like the sun before throwing your arms around his neck, “Oh my god! I love you!”
The dress fit you like a glove, even though the last time you wore tried it on it had been a teeny bit snug. All those hours training with Robin probably made it fit a little better even though you didn’t look any different. You stood in front of the mirror and couldn’t stop twirling; the dress was just so beautiful and you were over the moon that you got to wear it.
When you met Robin by the door, it felt a little too good to be true, the way he smiled at you just as your eyes met and then held out his arm for you to take. Your heart was sure to stop beating tonight at the rate it was thumping in your chest. You could barely hear him over the sound of it, filled with too much adrenaline and excitement. You could’ve gone for a 100-mile run with the amount of energy you suddenly had.
“You look pretty.”
You grinned and curtsied in an old-fashioned way, tipping an imaginary hat, “Why, thank you. You look pretty dapper yourself.”
He laughed, “Dapper?”
“It’s a word, look it up, tweetie bird.”
“And now all the magic’s dead.”
“Oh? Because I was expecting you to pull out a bouquet from your sleeve there.”
“Actually—” He smiled, pulling out a matching corsage from his suit pocket and holding it out to you, “I went all out.”
He helped you fasten it around your wrist when you struggled to do it with one hand and your breath got caught in your throat. It was awkward, to say the least, the energy between the both of you. In fact, there was so much tension that you felt like you could choke on it. Even though your first response to any kind of distress was to hide underneath the blankets in your bedroom, you still stayed by his side.
“So, what are we waiting for? What movie are we watching?”
It seemed like he finally remembered why he was standing outside the hall in the first place and smiled shyly, a blush faintly painting his cheeks. It felt like he was stalling the more you thought about it, lingering at the door for way too long as if something would explode or jump at you if he put his hand on the handle.
He opened the door and you gasped, “You need to stop saying ‘Actually’ because every time you do, I get a heart attack.”
How he managed to get all this done in a day was beyond you. The table was filled with snacks and drinks that you knew was meant to be left over for Wally to finish. The TV had a blanket fort in front of it, looking so cozy that you suddenly wanted to take a nap. The holo-computer was projecting something similar to a carnival game, with a couple targets levitating mid-air, labelled with different points.
Your heart fluttered when you realized that Robin had gone through all this just to make sure you’d have a fun night and suddenly your eyes felt alarmingly wet.
“You’re not gonna cry, are you?” Came his incredulous response and you gave him the weakest punch you could possibly muster because you knew any harder could give your date a hairline fracture, “Excuse me. It’s a perfectly healthy emotional response.”
“Yeah, but you cry a lot, have you realized?” He teased, pulling you toward the holo-computer, giving you a simulator stun gun and then picking one up for himself.
“You don’t cry at all, Mr. Roboto,” You cocked the gun and pointed at him playfully, “But no matter, you’ll be crying once I beat you to dust.”
His signature laugh was the next thing you heard and you blushed, embarrassed that you liked it more than you cared to admit, “Let’s just see about that.”
“And then she goes—Word for word, I’m not even kidding—” You told, picking up a tennis ball and using it to imitate an apple before pretending to take a bite out of it, “Young lady, eating is simply not allowed on school premises. *crunch* These rules obviously apply to everyone. *crunch* No one is above the rules. *crunch*”
Robin was laughing at your horrible British accent and the way you tried so hard to sound all hoity-toity, had Alfred been here he would’ve been appalled. To be quite honest, you weren’t even sure if the lady was British or not, but it seemed fitting and the way Robin was laughing made you embarrassing yourself a teensy bit worth it.
“Not to mention she’s spewing apple chunks all over me. I can never unsee that image.” You shuddered, shaking your head and his laughs dulled down to chuckles.
“That’s not that bad. Once, our health class teacher was covering contraceptives and such. And he stands in front of the entire class and, with absolutely no hesitation, asks ‘So boys and girls, what are your favorite condom brands?’” You burst into laughter at that hiding your face in your hands as tears began blurring your vision.
“Oh, my goodness, I can’t breathe, stop talking!” You interrupted his story, clutching your stomach and flopping on your back from laughing so hard. He laughed, watching you writhe on the floor, unable to stop the choked chortles that were leaving your lips. Your stomach felt like you had just done an ab workout.
The movie that was playing had long gotten over, the credits frozen on the screen as you both continued to talk, recounting all the hilarious stories you could remember as music played in the background, “Alright, so it’s an all-girls program and all of the girls are chattering about and have their own little groups in the auditorium. And my principal goes, ‘Why are you all standing so close? You all are straight girls, are you not?’”
“Not as bad as a girl volunteering to sing during a school assembly before serenading me in front of the entire school. Even though we’ve never actually talked.” He blushed, remembering just how embarrassing the situation was. You threw your head back, missing the moment Robin took to admire you.
“You little Casanova. Are you really complaining about being a heartthrob?” You teased, nudging him playfully and he rolled his eyes though it was hidden by his glasses.
Eventually the stories and laughter begin to die down as your ears tune into the music playing in the background. Just as a fun, rap song that you weren’t paying attention to but were sure had something to do with sex ended, you heard the familiar tune flow through the speakers and smiled as the singers’ voices filled your ears.
“Ahh, I love this song.” You smiled, listening to the first verse. It was a pretty love song that always got you singing when you heard it playing in the car. It was the song you listened to on repeat when you read a romance book to give you the right feels. Closing your eyes, you recalled the last book you read to the music, smiling as the feeling of giddiness began to flow through you.
“Care to join me for a dance?”
When you opened your eyes, Robin was holding a hand out for you, a gentle and reassuring smile on his face and you didn’t hesitate before taking his hand. If he had asked at the start of the night, you probably would’ve blushed and felt nervous just by holding his hand but after spending a couple hours together, you were finally in tune with each other.
You didn’t mind resting your hands on his shoulders as his floated around your waist before you began swaying to the rhythm. You had spent the whole day together, more or less in the same way; resting against each other while watching the movie, holding his hand when he attempted to throw a ball with your lacrosse stick and failing before you stepped behind him to show him how it was done and finally feeding each other food as you attempted to play the guess different foods while blindfolded.
You giggled at the way Robin squirmed when the petals of your corsage tickled his neck, still swaying out of beat to the song but it didn’t really matter, you were just trying hard not to trip over the slight train of the dress or on his feet.
“It’s occurring to me that I haven’t actually thanked you for all of this.” You began, eyes darting around the place as you took in just how much he had done for you today and your heart swelled in your chest, smiling softly without even realizing it. His fingers tightened their grip on your waist slightly and the light blush crawling on his cheeks was the only indication that he was feeling slightly embarrassed.
You looked him back in the eye, well at your reflection in his sunglasses, “I’m really touched, Rob. No one’s ever done anything like this for me and I really don’t know what to say to make you understand just how much this means to me. Thank you.”
Thank you didn’t even begin to express how much you felt for him at this point, dancing with you in bare feet across the hall. A night you had been dreading for a while, a night you thought would be spent all alone was made one of the best ones since you opened your eyes on the planet just because of him. You couldn’t tell him how grateful you were for that.
He felt embarrassed that you were putting him on the spot this way. You had said so much and a simple ‘You’re welcome’ didn’t seem right to say. It felt awkward and distant and off-putting, how would you continue the conversation after he so rudely shut you down without any other way to continue?
His hands were slightly sweating against your dress and if you noticed the increase of warmth from his palms, you didn’t say anything. So, he said the only thing he could to sort of fill the silence, “It was nothing, really. You really don’t have to thank me; I didn’t do much. Besides, I hardly think any of this could compare to your real pro—”
He was cut of by your hands slowly sliding to delicately cup his cheeks before slanting your lips over his in your first kiss. He inhaled sharply against your lips, fingertips digging into your waist. The kiss itself wasn’t much, just a silky brush of your lips against his without any pressure before you pulled back and gave him an endearing smile, “Thank you.”
He returned it, pulling you a teensy bit closer so he could hold you against him but still far enough so you couldn’t feel his heartbeat thrumming against his ribcage.
Not even twenty minutes after the two of you had parted with whispered goodnights, you climbed up the stairs to Robin’s nest, with your makeup freshly washed off and dressed in comfy pajamas. You saw the tip of Robin’s head peek out from the beanbag and smiled. Your heart was slowly sinking to your stomach with the thought of talking to him.
He turned around, seemingly surprised to see you which he never seemed before. Usually, he could hear you from a mile away. The tie around his neck was loosened, the top button undone and his suit jacket lay wrinkled beside him, though he was still wearing his glasses.
Nonetheless, he gave you a gentle smile, scooting over a little so you could plop beside him on the beanbag, “Missed me already?”
“Yeah.” The honesty in your voice caught him off-guard and he found himself blushing and avoiding your eyes as he waited for you to speak again and tell him why you came up here. Of course, his heart leaped at the thought that you were up here just to see him, even though you spent the whole night together.
“Listen about earlier,” He turned his head to you but this time it was you who wouldn’t look at him, playing with your fingers in your lap, “About the kiss; I’m sorry.”
He could hardly hear anything other than his heartbeat when he heard the tone in your voice and he knew that something bad was going to come. Were you going to tell him that it was a mistake and that you regret it? He wouldn’t hold it against you but his heart tore at even the thought.
“I shouldn’t have done it without asking for permission first, I’m sorry. I was just reliving it and I realized that I never actually asked if I could, you know? It’s just I really like you and got caught up in nerves and emotions and all—” Somehow you managed to catch yourself rambling and stopped, taking a deep breath, “Anyway, if it made you uncomfortable, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry.”
You glanced back up at him with a shy smile, “Are you gonna say something or, do you want me to leave….”
If it was possible, you looked even more beautiful barefaced and hair pulled back from your face than you did in the most beautiful dress he had ever seen you in before.
“Could I kiss you? Please?”
Your breath got caught in your throat and you found yourself leaning in before you could even think of saying anything.
Who were you to say no?
Forever Taglist:
DC Taglist:
Supernova Taglist:
222 notes · View notes
(Y/n) and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week: Thursday (Part 2)
Monday     Tuesday     Wednesday     Thursday (Part 1)     Friday     Saturday     Sunday
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: panic attacks, swearing, puking, concussions, mentions of injuries/bullying, homophobia
Word count: 5,138
After school, you were sitting on the couch as you furiously typed on your keyboard at an extremely fast pace. You were on a roll with these essays, they were probably going to be finished by the time you had to go back to the school to get on the bus with the team. You figured that you could even finish Annie’s essay and get started on Sammy’s US history presentation on the sociopolitical climate of the United States in the mid twentieth century to today. However, instead of covering a variety of topics like the rubric requested you to do, you were only going to talk about the significant events that happened to the LGBT+ community starting with Stonewall and going to Obergefell v. Hodges. You were also going to go in depth about how even if there are more opportunities available and more laws set in place to protect for LGBT+ people in the present then there were in past, members of the LGBT+ community still suffer heavy discrimination in the workplace and in the public. With receipts of course, the assignment required a minimum of three pictures per slide, and the group chat was a perfect source.
After that was done, you would email Sammy’s teacher (you had her last year for US history and you knew that she had a son in the grade below you currently transitioning from female to male) that you were the one that did her project and send screenshots of Sammy calling you slurs. Luckily for you, you had receipts of her being transphobic in the past that you could also send. Everything was effortlessly falling into place for you today. 
As you were typing, the front door swung open and two overly excited fifth graders ran into the house and up the stairs. A tired Schlatt followed them. “I will never know how the hell Phil keeps up with them.” 
“I dunno, maybe because he’s already raised three kids before.”
You watched as your uncle jumped and whipped his head over towards you, his hand clutching his chest. He lightly glared at you, “christ kid don’t do that, you nearly gave me a heart attack.”
You smirked at him before turning back to your laptop to continue typing the essay. You were almost done with the conclusion paragraph on Annie’s essay and you wanted to get to Sammy’s presentation as fast as possible. As you were typing, you felt a warm air fan across your neck and your uncle’s voice right next to your ear, “whatcha typin?”
You lept off the couch and almost fell into the coffee table before steadying yourself and deadpanning at Schlatt. “I was typing an essay before you interrupted me.”
He snorted, “it looked like you were on a roll, just thought I’d see what my beloved niece was writing. Can I read it?” 
Your eyes lit up as an excited grin split your cheeks, “yeah, but lemme catch you up real quick. Adrian, Sammy, and Annie got mad at me a few days ago and wanted me to do some homework for them as a sort of payment. But after they pulled that little stunt in the lunchroom yesterday, they decided to be little bitches to me and call me slurs. So naturally, I decided to change the essay prompt into an in depth analysis about discrimination LGBT people face from their peers on the daily. My english teacher’s really against homophobia and the project’s worth twenty five percent of our overall grade, so it’s perfect.”
While you were rambling on and on about your detailed plot for revenge, Schlatt couldn’t help but be proud of the person you’d become. A major part of him was impressed that you came up with a detailed plan so quickly, that meant that his cunning nature was rubbing off on you and that made him ecstatic. Sure you mentioning not being straight was new to him, but he was prepared to accept you for whatever you identified as. He didn’t care how people identified, he just cared if they were good people. And his niece was one of the best kids he knew. He’d let your slip up slide for now until you felt comfortable enough to properly come out to him. 
“That an amazing plan, fuckin brilliant. Though, you could do more.”
That piqued your interest, “I’m listening.”
“Do you have any blackmail?”
Your eyes glinted with sudden understanding, “why yes I do, uncle dearest. I just so happen to have thousands of texts from them talking shit about each other and basically the entire school. And them being incredibly racist. They would be destroyed if that came out.” 
“Two things. One, never call me that again. Two, perfect. Keep it as leverage if they try to do something. You don’t pull out all the good cards in the first round, you wait for the right moment to strike so you can win. You need to constantly defend yourself against other players and anticipate their every move. If you leak everything right now, you won’t have anything to use against them if they have something up their sleeve you didn’t know about. Patience is key in things like this.”
You absorbed every single word that came out of his mouth like it was the holy gospel. Although he was your uncle and you loved him with all your heart, but he was a sly bastard when he wanted to be. He knew his way around fighting and manipulating people just right, so you were incredibly happy that you were on his good side and he absolutely adored you. Though questionable and morally gray, he was giving you advice because he cared about you and you’d be an idiot to not heed his advice. 
“That’s genius, Uncle Schlatt. What would I do without you?”
“You’d get along just fine without me, you would’ve gotten there eventually. You’re smart. I’m just givin you a little push in the right direction.”
“I honestly would’ve never thought about waiting, I was so dead set on getting revenge that I would’ve just leaked everything all at once. I want them to feel how I felt when they were around me. I-” you paused. Would this make you the same as them? You’d be screwing up all their grades, Adrian’s job, and Sammy’s athletic career. You came to the chilling realization that you’d be the same as them. You’d be as manipulative as they were. “...Uncle Schlatt, would that make me the same as them?”
“Fuck no! You’re always gonna be better than them no matter what. When they’re at their best, you’re always gonna be a whole lot better than them. They deserve what’s happening to them, it sounds like they put you through so much shit the past few years. I actually think you could do a whole lot worse to them if you’re willing to put more work in, but it’s your plan and if you think that what you’re doing is too much,” he darkly chuckled, “you wouldn’t like my idea.”
“You’re right, they deserve everything I have planned for them. God, I don’t know what I was thinking, ‘would that make me the same as them,’” you mocked what you said earlier, “what a load of shit. Anyways, thanks Uncle Schlatt. I’m gonna get back to writing this. They’re due tomorrow and I wanna finish as much as I can before I have to go.”
“Alright, whaddya want for dinner? Phil’s gonna be like thirty minutes late from work so I’m cookin tonight.”
Oh no. No, no, no, no. That man can barley cook boxed mac n cheese, let alone anything else. He’d burn down the house if you left him alone in the kitchen with the stove. “On second thought, why don’t I help you with dinner? We can make some chicken alfredo.”
“Awe, you’d rather hang out with me than finish your homework? Ya really do love me. C’mon let’s start.”
The process of making dinner was… interesting. Multiple times, Schlatt almost spilled boiling water on himself and he even managed to burn the pasta while it was in the water. How he even managed to do that you’d never find out, you had your back turned cutting up vegetables and herbs at the time. That was when you subtly started to take over in the kitchen, giving him smaller tasks while you handled everything else. You felt bad for Tubbo, his father can’t cook for shit. 
By time you finished, about an hour passed and Philza had come home and changed out of his work clothes. The two adults sat at the table discussing something that you didn’t pay attention to while your brothers and cousin were in the living room waiting for you to finish dinner. Finally, you set the table and it was time to eat. 
Because you couldn’t have many fatty foods before any matches or practices, you had made a separate plate for yourself that only had plain pasta, chicken, and broccoli. You were surprised with how well it turned out, you were following an iffy recipe you found on the first link Google brought up. 
After dinner, you went upstairs to put your uniform on and pack a little bag full of things you might need: a small blanket, some snacks, a water bottle, and a portable charger. Oh, and fuzzy socks and a pair of crocs. You could never go wrong with fuzzy socks and crocs. Feeling a vibration in your pocket, you pulled out your phone.
Hales : )
(Y/n), I’m omw to your house
Gonna give you a ride to the school
Hales you don’t have to give me a ride, I can drive
Hales : )
Don’t care
Omw, be there in like 7 mins
You swiped out of yours and her conversation and opened up the family group chat
I don’t need a ride to the school, Haley’s giving me one
She’s gonna give me a ride home too
Alright, thank her for me
Tell her I said good luck too!
Uncle Schlatty Patty
Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do
(Y/n), do everything he wouldn’t do
Uncle Schlatty Patty
Fuck you I’m a good influence
You’re really not
Technology Sword
Uncle Schlatty Patty
Fuck all of you 
You heard Haley’s car pull into the driveway and dashed out of your room with your bag. Just as you put your hand on the doorknob, a hand stopped you.
You grumbled as you reached past Philza to grab your coat. After you slipped it on, you were pulled into a hug. “You’re gonna do great out there. I know you’re gonna win this, we’ll be watching in the stands.”
“Damn right she’s gonna do good, she’s my niece after all.”
Schlatt pulled you away from your father’s hug and tried to ruffle your hair before you swatted away his hand, “don’t. You have no idea how long it took me to get a perfect ponytail. I have an ungodly amount of hairspray and bobby pins in my hair right now.”
“Fine. You’re gonna kick their asses tonight.”
Tommy and Tubbo pushed past Schlatt and both tackled you into a hug making you stumble slightly back. 
“Kick their asses good (y/n)!” Tommy cheered, making you crack up before one stern glance from Philza completely stopped you. “Tommy, don’t say that. (Y/n), not funny.”
“Alright, Haley’s waiting for me. I gotta go, love you guys!” As you turned to walk through the door, you could hear your family following you and shouting “good luck”. You felt heat creep up on your cheeks as Haley rolled down her window and wove at your family with the biggest grin on her face. 
“Thank you! We’re gonna take home the gold for sure!”
You hopped in her car as she rolled up the window and chuckled. “I love your family, they’re always so full of energy. It’s refreshing to see compared to how boring my family is.”
You glanced at your entire family gathered on the front porch. Tommy and Tubbo were practically vibrating with excitement, Wilbur and Techno calmly smiled and wove at you, Philza was grinning widely at you as you saw his mouth forming words that you couldn’t hear or read, and Schlatt was grinning cheekily at you. You raised your hand to wave at them as they vanished from view when Haley pulled out of your driveway. You smiled softly, “I love em too.”
The car ride was relatively quick with the same soft indie pop music floating from the speakers and an easy going conversation with Haley about the match tonight. You both thought that you could beat the other team if everyone focused 100% and played exactly like you guys did in practices. If everyone did that, you would be unstoppable. 
Luckily for you and Haley, you were the first ones in line to board the bus so you two got the back seat with Zara and Jazzy sitting across from you guys. The hour long bus ride passed quickly and lively with you four passing around your phone and playing some mad libs, you were sure that by the end of the last game you four were laughing and crying. Sometime in the middle of the trip, you noticed that Haley would start to lean on your shoulder and continuously glance at you as she laughed. You desperately wanted to believe that it was because she liked you, but she was straight and she was your best friend. She was probably trying to make sure you were having a good time. 
When the team had gotten to the opposing school and left the locker room to stretch in the gym, you could hear your family start to scream your and Haley’s names from the front row next to you, Tommy and Tubbo being the loudest amongst them with Philza trying to get them to quiet down so you could focus. You felt your cheeks heat up as you smiled at them and Haley wove enthusiastically back at them. Zara was laughing at you two. Stretching went by in a flash and before you knew it, you were on the court facing the opposing team. 
The first match was won by the opposing team by five points. The second match stretched on and on until it was won by your team narrowly by two points. The team was going to have to shape up in the third match if you guys wanted a chance at winning, the opposing team was good. Before the third match started, Coach Williams called for a time out so you guys could talk about strategy. Before Haley could go back onto the court, you pulled her aside.
“Hales, we need to do what we practiced. The other team won’t be expecting it at all, I’ve been setting you up this entire game. They’re never going to expect you setting me up for a spike.”
“When are we going to do it though? We need a better plan.”
“I’m sure the opportunity will come and both of us will recognize it. We just can’t do it too early in the game though, that’ll ruin their surprise.”
“(Y/n), I hope you know what you’re doing.”
“When do I not Hales? We gotta get gold this year.”
The third round went by with both teams constantly swapping places until you both were tied fifteen to fifteen. You saw the ball flying towards Haley, giving her the perfect opportunity to set you up for a spike.  “HALEY NOW!” 
You watched as her face hardened in determination as she pretended like she was going to spike it by jumping high in the air and stretching her arms back, making the opposing front row players all gather in front of her. Much to their surprise, she launched it towards you as you leaped up and went for the kill. The stinging of the ball hit by your wrist and the smack sound the ball made when it slammed onto the open gym floor was something you’d never forget as the crowd around you went wild over the unexpected play. You could hear the high pitched screaming of Tommy and Tubbo over everybody else. Glancing at them over your shoulder, you saw them jumping up and down on the gym floor and looking at you with awe filled eyes and gaping mouths. The rest of your family looked at you with similar expressions, their cheers echoing in your mind. Winking at them, you turned back to your team and went straight to Haley. Clapping a hand on her shoulder, you pulled her into a quick hug, yelling over the raving of the crowd. “HALEY WE NAILED THAT!” 
“You have such little faith in your setter! You wound me Hales.”
“Well, I would have more faith in you if you weren’t chaotic on the court, sweetheart.”
You felt yourself surge in happiness at the nickname, but you couldn’t afford to focus too much on it. Your team only needed one more point to win best in the state and go to nationals. It would be the first time in your team’s history if you reached national level, and you’d be damned if you were the one to screw it up for them. 
The last rotation went on for a while, each team fighting tooth and nail for the state championship title with clashing determination. You tried your best to block every hit and try to set Haley up for a spike, and you were successful for the most part, only missing a few blocks. You saw the setter adjacent to you set the spiker up for a spike and jumped up in time to try to block it, your arms stretched upwards and your palms out. Only, the ball didn’t hit your hands. It collided painfully with your nose, ricocheted off your face with a thwack and sailed over to the other side of the court. Your head whipped back as your body followed suit and flew backwards onto the floor. Without giving you any time to react, your head bounced back and cracked against the polished hardwood floor of the gym. Everything went black. 
You faintly heard someone calling someone’s name over the continuous ringing noise. Was it your name? It felt right, so it had to be your name. You peeled your eyes open to see a blurry figure hovering over you. It was swirled with tans, browns, and backs. After a while of the figure repeating your name, it slowly became more recognizable, albeit appearing twice in your vision. It took you a while to figure out who this was before your muddled brain recognized Haley.
“Hales! There’s two o’ya. Twice as beautiful babe…” You slurred out as you attempted to smile at her.
“Oh thank god, PLEASE WE NEED A DOCTOR SHE HIT HER HEAD!” Her usually angelic voice gritted against your brain like sandpaper making you cringe as pain exploded in your head.
“God babe you’re so loud, why’s so bright? I-wha's goin on?” You blearily tried to move your head to look around only to be stopped by a pair of large hands on each side of your head gently holding it in place. You moved your laggy eyes around to look at the figure. He was a blonde man with blue eyes and a hint of stubble on his chin. His eyebrows were knitted together and he looked… he looked… your brain worked to figure out why he looked how he looked. Who was he?
“Please don’t move hun.” His muffled voice was baritone. You squinted at him trying to figure out who this man was.
“Who th f-fuck… why?”
“I’m your dad hun. Do-do you not recognize me?” You made a noise in the back of your throat as your stuffy brain finally put a name to the face.
“Dad- wha’s goin on? I’on feel so good…”
“Shh, I know, I know. Just stop moving and talking. Everything’s fine. I’m here. You’re okay.”
“Mmk… Dad, where are we? I’ont know- you’re so quiet.”
“Stop moving so much. You’re on the floor in a gym. You just won your team the state championship. Now stop talking please.”
Huh. So that’s why everybody seemed to appear from above you. You strained your eyes to look around you, but you could only see your dad’s face hovering above you. “Shit I- who’s aroun’ me? Where’s Hales?”
“I’m right here sweetheart. I got the doctor, Mr. Minecraft.”
Your dad’s face moved away from your vision so fast that it made your head spin and your stomach twist. Another face appeared above you that you once again didn’t recognize.
“I’m Doctor Martin, can you tell me your first and last name?”
“Uh, (y/n) Minecraft?”
“Good, what month are we in right now?”
“Close, it’s late October. Can you tell me who this,” he pointed to your dad, “is?”
“S’my dad Phillip.”
“That’s your dad Philza.”
The questioning stopped as he suddenly shined a blinding light into your sensitive eyes. You hissed as you tried to move your head away from the offending light only to be held in place by your dad’s hands. Your head spun as you moved too quickly and a wave of nausea hit you, making you groan and move your arm to cover your eyes. Your hand was stopped by something warm and soft wrapping around it and holding it tightly. Everything was so overwhelmingly and painfully bright and loud. You wanted to make it stop. 
“Mr. Minecraft, your daughter appears to have a concussion. I don’t have the tools on hand to determine the severity of it, but it’s worrying that her pupils are asymmetrical, she’s delirious, and has slight memory loss. I understand you live about an hour away from here, and it’s alright for you to take her to a hospital closer to your house. Make sure you keep her alert.”
Your delirious mind only registered about half of what came out of the doctor’s mouth. You mumbled gibberish as you once again opened your eyes to look around. You were only briefly able to crane your neck to the left. Several figures large and small were standing behind your dad. Your family, your mind supplemented. Slowly, your mind was starting to recognize your surroundings even if there was currently double of everything and everything was blurry.
“I’m going to help you stand up. Do ya think you can do that?”
“Yeah Dad.” You lifted your upper body off from the ground with a gentle hand on your back helping you sit up. Fighting the wave of nausea that slapped you in the face, you reached up to rub at your eyes. A hand once again stopped you. You peeked your eyelids open and lightly glared at whomever stopped you. “Hales you’re lucky you’re so cute I woulda slapped you. I like holdin but you’re bein annoying. Stop.” You attempted to make your voice sound firm, but the words that came out of your mouth were slightly slurred.
She was silent as she helped her dad haul you to your feet. Once on your feet, you saw the room spin and felt yourself start to sway slightly. An arm wrapped itself around your shoulders and pulled you close to them so that your weight was supported. They were a little taller than you were making it easy to lean on them. 
“...Can you walk?” A deep, monotone voice rumbled the chest of the person you were leaning against. 
“Mhm. ‘M not weak.” Though your limbs felt like they were made of molasses, you placed one foot in front of the other slowly. The person moved alongside you, “you’re doing so good, keep going.” That sparked familiarity in you as you stopped in your tracks and tried to look up at the person you were leaning against making the person tighten their arm around your shoulders when you almost fell over.
“Yeah, it’s Technoblade. Just focus on walking. You’re almost out of the gym.”
When you realized that you were out of the gym, you sighed in relief. It was so much quieter and darker. Though it was still relatively bright, it was better than the gym. 
“When we get her to the car we can give her some sunglasses or something if it’s still too bright for her.”
“Focus on walking.”
You huffed in irritation, “don’ tell me what to do bitch.”
You felt Techno’s body jolt slightly as he chuckled, making your head throb at the sudden movement. “Just walk.”
When you walked outside, you shivered as you felt the cool air nip at your exposed skin. Right, you were in your volleyball uniform. “I’ll go pull the car around, you guys stay with her.” 
You saw a tall brunet start to walk away from you. Uncle Splat? Uncle Schmat? Whatever his name was, you were sure he was your uncle. You tried to snuggle closer to Techno, craving warmth but never being satisfied. Where was your uncle? 
After a while, you saw a car moving towards you and blinding light pointed right at you making you cringe away and groan. Techno started to slowly walk towards the car. “C’mon (y/n), you’re almost there. When you’re in the car you can relax.”
“Tommy, Tubbo, and Techno, you’re in the back row. Schlatt can drive and Wil, you’re taking the passenger seat. I’ll stay with her in the middle row so she can have some room to lay down.” Tommy and Tubbo were with you? Why weren’t they talking, they usually were very vocal.
“Tom, Tubbs didja like the game?”
They didn’t say anything as they climbed into the car. Did they not hear you? 
“They’re just… tired (y/n).” Your dad’s voice reassured you as he took Techno’s place holding you up. 
“I wanna nap. ‘M so tired.”
“You can’t sleep yet. We gotta get you to a doctor first.”
“Mm. Makes sense.”
“Let’s get you in the car hun.”
As he helped you climb into the car, you felt an overwhelming wave of nausea wash over you making you lose your balance and almost faceplant into the cloth seats. You felt yourself being gently, yet urgently taken out of the car and led to grass as you felt your esophagus shorten. Something burning made its way up your throat and spewed into the grass. You felt someone rubbing your back as you puked up your dinner. 
When you were done, you reached up with a shaking hand to wipe your mouth. “You feelin better? Think you can get back into the car or do you need to sit down for a bit?”
After some difficulty, you were successfully in the middle row of the car laying down with your head on Philza’s lap. Soon enough, your shoes were taken off and a blanket was draped over you. 
“(Y/n), what do you remember?”
You scrunched up your face as you squinted at Philza’s face. “I remember playing volleyball with Hales. She’s so pretty, she’s straight though. I remember the other team hitting the ball, me jumping, then nothin. Wha’ happened?”
You watched as Philza winced, “well, you got everything right so far. You got hit in the face with the ball so you fell and hit your head on the floor. You were passed out for a minute before you woke up. It was a pretty nasty fall, we’re going to the hospital now. How’re ya feelin?”
“Head hurts, ‘m seein two of everything, an I can’t think.”
“Do you know what a concussion is?” You nodded in his lap slightly, “you probably have one.”
After a while of talking, you were slowly starting to come to your senses and your speech was clearing up, but your head was still too stuffy to think about what you were saying before you said it. You didn’t have a filter.
“Do you wanna tell us about your week so far? Do you remember most of it?”
“Mhm, it was shit. On Monday I had a panic attack and Adrian, Sammy, and Annie were being bitches to me all day. They fucked up my back. On Tuesday, they got mad at me for ditching them and they had me do their homework, had another panic attack, and Haley told me that someone took pictures of our boobs ‘n stuff and they were gonna leak it to the school if Haley didn’t stop hanging out with me. Haley and I almost kissed, but she’s straight. Pulled an all nighter and Wednesday I accidentally came out to Tech and Wil and had another panic attack. Annie, Adrian, and Sammy took more pictures of me through my window, Annie outed me to the entire school and slapped me. Another panic attack, skipped the last two classes and felt like shit the entire practice. Today Adrian and Sammy told me to kill myself and I had another panic attack. ’S about it.”
As you were going through your week, the hand that was previously gently stroking your hair had frozen as the car was enveloped in a tense silence. Luckily, Tommy and Tubbo were passed out in the back seat so they didn’t hear how bad your week was. Everyone awake knew that you had a few bad days this week, but they didn’t know the full extent of it. You watched as Philza’s expression had turned downright murderous, but you didn’t really care. You were busy talking about your week.
For the rest of the car ride, Philza asked you simple questions like what your favorite color was, your favorite animal, basically your favorite everything. Eventually, the car pulled into the hospital parking lot and Philza helped you get out of the car. “Schlatt, can you take the boys home so they can get some rest? I’ll stay with her.” 
“Yeah, I’m on it. Don’t cause too much trouble (y/n), we all know you can raise hell.” He watched you for a reaction, but when you didn’t react, he coughed. “Well, I’ll see ya later kid. Good luck.”
The car drove off leaving you and Philza at the front of the emergency room building. “It’s gonna be a long night (y/n).”
“I gotta finish Annie’s essay and Sammy’s presentation though.”
“No you don’t, I’ll email your teachers.”
You two checked in with the front desk before moving to sit on the uncomfortable chairs. It was going to be a long night. You were so tired.
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ericspinkhair · 3 years
unexpectedly becoming a sugar baby
pairing: ceo!sunwoo x fem!reader
word count: 3.4k
synopsis: reader is desperate for money so she has sex with her boss
warnings: lots of oral and fingering, use of vibrator in public , office sex, sex for money
a/n: wrote this yesterday instead of studying for my final. the exam went well tho :) also please send in requests!!!
masterlist + requests
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to say you were desperate would be an understatement. today you had received an eviction notice that stated that you had exactly 30 days to either pay back all the money you owed your landlord or leave your apartment.
due to your mother's illness you had to pay for all her medical bills. your father hadn't been in the picture for a long time so you alone were responsible for your mother's health. you couldn't just let her die. but because of all these costs you hadn't been able to pay your rent and now you were on the verge of homelessness.
never in a lifetime did you imagine that you would be begging someone for help. you felt so helpless that you honestly didn't really care how you got the money.
you decided to ask your boss for a raise and were prepared to work your ass off in order to get it.
mr. kim's office was on the fourth floor of the company, one you barely had ever been to. normal employees were usually only to be found on the lower floors so taking the elevator up felt wrong.
you were determined, however, to not let your pride get in the way. the money was more important than how you felt.
you knocked on the door twice. as if to make you feel even more nervous, it seemed like mr. kim waited extra long to respond.
when you entered he was sitting behind his desk. he didn't even look up at you so you just stood there awkwardly, unsure what to do.
'why don't you just sit?' he finally asked annoyed and closed his laptop.
you quickly took a seat and tried to put up a professional front.
'what can I do for you, um…' 'y/n,' you helped him out. 'right, y/n. what can I do for you?' he asked.
'I would like to ask for a raise, sir. you see, I am usually the first employee to enter the building and also most of the time the last one to leave. I do my work reliably and deliver solid results. my coworkers are pleased with me and we also get along well. I think I contribute a lot to this company and wanted to ask whether it would be possible to raise my pay.' you really tried to not make it seem like you had simply memorized all of this and forced yourself to speak slowly but firmly while looking him in the eyes.
mr. kim didn't respond at first but opened his laptop.
'to my understanding you have been working here for a very long time already. your pay is already the highest it can get. there is no way for me to raise it because there is no room for improvement.' he sighed and waited for your reaction.
you started sweating. this wasn't going as planned. you hadn't known that you were already receiving the highest pay. you were barely able to afford food with your current money.
'please, sir. I will do anything you ask of me. I don't care how many extra hours I'd have to work. I can do it. I promise. please give me a chance,' you begged him.
he was intrigued by you. why were you so desperate for the money?
'first, why don't you tell me why you are so keen on a raise?'
was your boss even allowed to ask you such personal questions? you answered anyway.
'my mother has cancer. I am the only person paying for her medical expenses and the treatments are all very expensive. I am about to get evicted because I cannot pay my rent.'
he seemed to be deep in thought. his gaze on you was intense.
your heart skipped a beat when he placed his hand on yours.
'y/n, I'm extremely sorry that you have to deal with all of this. I wouldn't want anyone to have to experience the same thing. believe me when I tell you that I want to help you. you know what? come back tomorrow. I have an idea how I might be able to help but I need to think about it further. would that be alright for you?'
it felt like a huge weight was lifted off your shoulders. you didn't care about what you had to do. you stood up, bowed deeply and thanked him over and over.
he let out a deep chuckle. you were cute.
the next day you came back again in the afternoon. this time he answered the door quicker and his attention was focused on you from the start. the energy felt much different than the day before. he seemed excited and was smiling at you. this had to mean good news, right? he shook your hand and pressed firmly while looking you deep in the eyes.
'y/n, I came up with an idea to help you. but it is less conventional and it depends on how much you are willing to do.'
'mr. kim, I will do anything,' you assured him. the smirk he flashed you threw you off guard.
'okay then. first, I'd prefer it if you called me sunwoo as we'll be seeing more of each other if you were to agree.'
this lowkey felt like crossing some boundaries but you wanted to please him.
you nodded eagerly. 'okay, sunwoo it is.'
'so my idea is that there are certain things you can do to earn money. I will pay for everything with my own savings and you will receive it in cash. we will start off easy and over time I'll add new tasks. of course, you have the freedom to choose whether you want to do them or not. that is completely up to you.'
the look of confusion on your face must have told him you didn't fully understand.
'it's hard to explain. I'd rather you figure it out by trying it. since today is friday, the task I'll give you is for monday. I would like to choose an outfit for you. I'll send it to your apartment and you have to wear exactly what is inside the box. if you were to do this I'd give you $20 cash.'
that was a weird request. why would he want to decide what you were wearing? did he not like your outfit? did you look disgusting?
'let me get this straight. you pick an outfit for me and if I decide to wear it I get money?' you ask him to see if you had understood correctly.
'exactly. that doesn't seem so bad, right?' you shook your head. it was whatever.
'that's great. you'll receive your outfit and I can't wait to see you in it on monday.' you didn't know if you were imagining it but it seemed like he was eyeing your body. h god, he definitely didn't like what you were wearing.
$20 wasn't much but still more than nothing. and apparently the other tasks would be worth more. guess you had to start somewhere. with the money you could at least afford something to eat.
you say goodbye and continued with work until it was time to leave.
you waited anxiously all weekend for the clothes. sunday you decided to go for a walk and when you opened your door you almost tripped over a package.
on monday morning you tried on the outfit sunwoo had picked out for you.
the white blouse was a bit see through and a bit too tight around the boob area but looked neat otherwise. the black skirt hugged your curves perfectly and made you look quite sexy in your opinion. he even picked out a bra, underwear, stockings and high heels for you. the note he had left clearly stated to wear exactly and only what was in the box. so you did.
you usually wore something more simple and loose but you didn't feel too uncomfortable in this look.
when you entered his office his eyes lit up.
'I'm glad you wore this. it looks very good on you.'
you were sure you blushed a bit at his words. you weren't really used to receiving compliments from men.
'I like it too,' you admit. sunwoo smiled contentedly.
'so would you like to do the same tomorrow? I'll send you another outfit,' he asked you.
this one wasn't bad at all so you agreed. he handed you $20. when you stood up and walked out the door he couldn't stop admiring the way your butt looked in the skirt. tomorrow was going to be even better.
the blouse was almost the same one. however, this time the skirt was a lot shorter. it ended at the middle of your thighs. but that wasn't even the weirdest thing. this time he had forgotten to send you panties.
you felt very unsure what to do. the note clearly stated to only wear what was in the box.
you sighed and pulled down the skirt as much as you could. this would have to do. as long as you were just sitting, everything would be fine.
you went about your day and some time in the afternoon you were called into sunwoo's office.
you were wondering whether or not to tell him about the missing underwear but decided to keep your mouth closed. panties didn't seem to be a topic to talk about with your boss.
'today, I want to offer you an additional task. you will receive your $20 dollars for sure and you can make another 30 by cleaning my office. what do you think?' he proposed to you.
that would be $50 in total. you needed all the money you could get.
'of course. just tell me what to clean and I will be happy to help.'
everything was going according to sunwoo's plan. he was excited and told you you could start by dusting the shelves.
your eagerness was cute and he watched you out of the corner of his eyes.
some of the shelves were higher up so you had to stretch to be able to reach them. when you did your skirt rolled up higher and he was able to see the just the outline of your butt cheeks. he unconsciously licked his lips.
for the rest of the week you continued these two tasks. but you noticed that the underwear kept on missing and the skirts also progressively became shorter.
this was a struggle when you were cleaning and organizing his office. you were aware of your skirt rolling up and you were hoping that sunwoo wouldn't notice.
of course he did. that had been his intention all along. when you bent down he could sometimes get a glance at your pretty pussy. he couldn't help but get hard at the sight of this and palmed his bulge through his pants.
in one week you had received $220. you would have been more happy if you hadn't gotten another bill from the hospital asking you for another $1200. the health care system was simply fucked up. whatever the next tasks were, you had to do them.
on monday you were cleaning his office again. you wanted to pick up some files but you struggled reaching them from the highest shelf. you felt your skirt roll up again.
'wait. I'll help you,' sunwoo announced and walked over.
you gasped as you felt something hard poke your thigh as he stood behind you to reach for the files. when he took a step back you saw the clear outlines of his hardened cock.
unable to hide your surprise, sunwoo laughed.
'this is all your doing.' so he did notice your skirt roll up. wait. had he given you these clothes with this in mind?
'do you want to touch it?' he asked.
you just blinked at him. what? were you perhaps still dreaming? it was possible that you were having a wet dream about your boss. sunwoo was very handsome and you had to be blind not to notice.
'if you help me get rid of it, I'll promise you $100.' he knew you were thinking hard. you couldn't keep your eyes off his bulge, clearly not sure what to think of this.
this was against all the work protocols but you would kid yourself if you said that you didn't want to. not only was he very attractive but you'd do a lot for a mere $100.
you reached for his belt. sunwoo smirked; he had won.
you pulled his pants down and were immediately greeted with his veiny cock.
'you aren't the only one not wearing any underwear, my dear y/n.'
so that had been intentional. interesting. you realized you must have been very naive to have believed that he had simply forgotten to put panties in the boxes.
you started by rubbing the tip softly with your thumb. it was pretty and pink and already leakined pre-cum.
you felt strangely good about having this kind of effect on someone. with a few pumps his dick was completely hard.
sunwoo propped his hands on the desk behind him and leaned back in bliss.
deep moans were escaping his beautifully luscious lips while you were pleasuring him with your hands.
you decided to put your left hand you use as well by massaging his balls.
'fuck! when did you learn to do this so well?' sunwoo groaned.
during high school you had had a lot of sex. it made you feel good and you enjoyed it. now your experience turned out to be lifesaving to you. well, he'd probably pay you even if you weren't as mind blowing.
'hmm, practice,' you simply state.
'if this is already so good I wonder what your mouth can do, baby girl.' being called that aroused you way more than expected. this was so exciting.
'I'll give you another $100 if you suck me off.'
before sunwoo knew it you had already wrapped your lips around his cock. you skillfully bobbed your head up and down. when you looked up at him with big eyes he swore he was about to explode.
with most of the dick in your mouth your other hand was continuing to knead his balls.
he was coming close quickly and grabbed your hair so you would stay still.
he proceeded to fuck your mouth harshly. you felt spit running down the sides of your lips and tears escaping your eyes as he buried his cock deep in your mouth. you tried to relax in order to deep-throat him properly.
he came hard and emptied his load in your mouth. to prove a point, you swallowed it and then opened up to show him.
panting hard he said: 'fuck you're just amazing!'
you looked absolutely delicious with your face full of cum. he had a good feeling you were the right person to do this with.
you licked off some of the white liquid from your lips and smirked at him.
this was definitely not what you had expected what you would be doing but you weren't one to complain.
sunwoo quickly disappeared to search for some paper towels to clean your face. his employees couldn't see you like this.
after your face was clean again he handed you $250. 'you deserve it.' 'thanks.'
he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and leaned closer. 'maybe we can do more tomorrow.' ooh, sounds exciting.
'then I'll look forward to seeing you.' with a wink you left.
you wondered how much money you would get for some sexy time with your boss.
the next morning, you couldn't fully button up the blouse he had sent you. the top buttons had to be left open and a lot of cleavage was visible. this horndog!
this time you actually received some underwear but only for a special reason. you found a pink mini vibrator in the box as well.
so you were walking around with a vibrating stick up your pussy. you didn't want to come in front of your co-workers so you turned it off whenever you got too close and waited to calm down.
'did you have fun today?' was the first thing sunwoo said to you.
you laughed ironically. 'I had so much fun pretending I wasn't being masturbating in front of everyone…'
he made you turn around and lifted up your skirt. the outline of the vibrator was visible and he could see your panties shaking.
with one quick move he pulled your underwear down and took the vibrator to turn it off. it came out with a wet plop and juices were running down your thighs.
sunwoo surprised you by sucking on the wet vibrator.
'sit on the desk,' he commanded you.
you did as you were told and sunwoo spread your legs wide apart.
he inserted his index and middle finger which slipped in with ease. your pussy made wet noises as he pushed them in and out of you.
finally having privacy you allowed yourself to make sounds. he made intense eye contact while fingering you, loving the way your face was scrunched up in pleasure.
you wrapped your arms around his neck and started kissing him. his tongue easily won the fight over dominance and started exploring your mouth.
you two were basically just sucking each others faces off until he broke off the kiss and lowered his body. he attached his mouth to your clit and started sucking. you pulled at his hair in pleasure and had a hard time controlling your breathing. damn, he was skilled at this as well.
when he felt you clenching around his fingers he withdrew them and you let out a disappointed noise of protest.
'don't worry. you'll have more soon.', he laughed at you. he quickly took off his pants and pulled you off the desk. he turned you around so your ass was facing him.
he started rubbing his thick cock between your ass cheeks and coated it in your juices. every time he got into contact with your tense pussy a shudder overcame your body.
he lifted your leg and placed your foot on the table. the angle from when he thrusted into you from behind was just perfect.
sunwoo attached his lips onto your neck and started leaving hickeys there. at the same time he was kneading your breast through your shirt.
he had barely ever felt such a perfect pussy around his cock. the way you took him in seemed too good to be true.
while his dick was still inside you, he lifted you up and placed you on all fours on the floor.
he grabbed your hips so tightly that he left red marks on them. at this point, he was just uncontrollably slamming into you while you were losing your mind. you were screaming his name loudly, glad that you knew no one could hear you.
as you could feel both of you getting close, he pulled your upper body up to his chest and wrapped one hand around your neck.
the pressure he applied was just enough for you to see stars but not enough for it to be unpleasant.
the lack of oxygen stimulated your senses even more and while repeatedly screaming out sunwoo's name you finally came hard on his dick.
with a few more thrusts, sunwoo's hips started stuttering as well and he shot his load into you. while riding out your highs he was just fucking his cum right back into you.
when he finally pulled out, a pool of his semen started dripping out of you. you suddenly felt so empty. his thick cock had filled you up so good that you were already missing it.
while you were still catching your breath on the floor, sunwoo had gone to get paper towels.
when he came back, however, he seemed hectic.
'I'm so sorry. there has been an emergency and I need to leave right now. I'll leave these here as well as the money.' he placed everything on the desk and walked back to the door.
he turned around one last time. 'I hope we can do this again.' he smiled at you.
you later saw that he had left you $750.
kind of becoming a sugar baby had never been your plan but you didn't mind it. if only the circumstances had been better.
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