#as you can see. i have now caught up to 2.1
evercelle · 2 months
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bust... or maybe i'll take it all!
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st4rrth0ughts · 3 months
Ok I know I said I’m taking a break but I’m going to just dump this idea and expand on it soon, warnings below
Reader is aven’s bodyguard, mentions of dead body, death, a bit of a word vomit, and a sfw brainrot (I know, shocking, Im writing on the train anyways) probably ooc aven? Prodding at the hsr 2.1 leaks (if ykyk), I’m not in my computer so no more yellow text T-T
Aventurine peeking into your dreams through that phone in the Penacony dreamscape, only to see you, his precious bodyguard, always so stoic and unemotional, breathing hard, in the ‘real’ dreamscape, desperately yelling his name.
but the feelings of happiness, the feeling that he was important to someone, goes away the moment he sees you mortified, staring at his dead body. He wants to just jump into the dream, hold you and tell you it’s alright, seeing the look of panic, desperation and pure agony in your eyes makes his heart shatter. He would never make you cry, and he certainly wouldn’t want to in your own dream, where it’s supposed to be relaxing.
nothing much he can do about it when he stares at the dream playing out in shock, when your begging, begging for him to wake up, praying to the Amber Lord himself that this dammed nightmare would end soon, and that you would see him alive and well again. 
Aventurine has never known how to receive from anyone. All his life, it was him giving, since childhood to his current age as Senior Manager of the IPC. The fact you, on a daily basis, already sacrifice so much for him, your time, freedom, even your own safety, bearing cuts, wounds while Aventurine remains perfectly unharmed was a foreign concept he still struggles to comprehend.
the fact that in a dream state, where your supposed to be happy, thinking about something else, no, even in your dream, it revolves around him. As much as he wanted to be smug and shit and be proud he was the main priority in your life, seeing you quietly sob as you hold the dead body of his doesn’t sit right with him. Never in 700 years. (See what I did there)
the dream ends, and the caller cuts off the call before he can even say anything. He walks aimlessly through Penacony, the dream replaying in his mind.
You crying. You holding him close. Of course, close contact wasn’t exactly unheard of between you two, you always did keep a eye on him, mostly during gambling sessions because of jealous competittors, he can’t count the number of times you pounced on someone for trying to attack him, but to be still cannot wrap his head around the fact that he was so important to you that he was quite literally on your mind even unconscious.
He hears footsteps, and your just right behind him. He always questions and teases you about how fast you can clear up your appearance after it gets disheveled, but he doesn’t say anything as he stares at your slightly trembling hands.
“Apologies for being late, sir. I was caught up in the dreamscape.”
Stop apologising, he wants to yell. You just had one of the most horrific nightmares in your life and your apologising for being late?! He grabs you and pulls you close. Sometimes he wishes he was taller so he could bury you in his chest and whisper sweet nothings in your ear, but feeling your chest in his face isn’t that bad either.
“I’m staying here. I won’t leave you, never did and never will.”
You run your hands through his hair. It’s not just the nightmare, it was the fact you were trying to find him, and overheard his plan to be a sacrifice to reveal The Family’s secrets to the universe. But you can’t tell him that for now, he’ll be sure to make changes so that you can’t interfere and be a self sacrificing idiot (as he puts it). 
So you simply nod, thank the Amber Lord that you have those sunglasses that hide your bloodshot eyes as you let yourself be consumed by his lie of forever.
“Likewise, sir.”
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verycharismaticdragon · 10 months
Okay, so I went a lil overboard with a reply to LBH criticism over at @controversial-blorbo-bracket, and I figure 4.5K words that probably should be put under a community label are a bit too much for a reblog, so I'm posting it separately.
CW for general discussion of sex, and for rape mention (assumption of rape is discussed and rebutted).
You know what, I was going to reply to this the usual way, you know, 'oh look at that, another person with surface level reading who hates binghe!' because fr every single binghe disliker has the same talking points - which, you know, individually were long discussed (and disproved) by ppl in fandom - but then I was suddenly hit with a spoon beam so now I'm writing a long-ass answer.
Starting with the most glaring, this sentence:
Their dynamic ended up coming off more as SQQ tolerating this unmanageable man-baby and letting him fuck (and hurt him in the process, and then cry about that, more than SQQ himself did) him just to get him to shut the fuck up sometimes, like giving a toddler a biscuit to appease them.
has clued me in to the largest thing anon has missed. Remember how I said "surface-level reading"? Let me explain. There are great many avenues for analyzing a book, especially one as crunchy on a meta-level as svsss (you'll see what I mean by that later).
But the most basic thing - the LVL1 if you will - is asking yourself the following questions: (1) whose POV is the book written from? (2) is that POV omniscient or limited? (2.1) are there cases where the POV character doesn't know something we, the reader, have inferred? (3) if it's limited, how reliable is their narration? (3.1) are there cases of their actions not aligning with their narration? (3.2) are there reasons for them to lie to themselves and/or the reader?
For SVSSS, the answers are: (1) mostly Shen Qingqiu's POV; (2) limited; (2.1) e.g. he doesn't know what's going on in Luo Binghe's head (we'll get back to this more in-depth later), most notably not realizing Luo Binghe is in love with him for good 2/3rds of the book; (3) unreliable; (3.1) think him insisting he is fine when he's clearly grieving post-Abyss - which we can see both from other characters' reactions, and from stray thoughts that he himself has and then dismisses (eng.edition chapter 4: "No! Bah! Shen Qingqiu mentally slapped himself. Who are you calling a grieving widow?! Whose husband died?! That's not something you should just say--you're really getting worse by the day.") (3.2) off the top of my head: the trauma SQQ is going through, with his two coping mechanisms being 'not thinking about it' and 'making light of the situation'; internalized toxic masculinity - as in, the idea that it's shameful for a man to have emotions; internalized homophobia - as in, being unable to examine his attraction to men (evident from very early on, actually) without having a knee-jerk 'it's wrong!' reaction.
To sum it up: Shen Qingqiu's POV is limited and his narration is unreliable. What does this tell us? That we should take what he says in the narrative voice with the grain (or like, a spoonful) of salt, and that it's worth to close-read him. Don't just believe him when he says something; look for evidence!
Going back to anon's words, saying that SQQ appears to just 'tolerate' Luo Binghe tells me that you have not caught SQQ's lies at all.
(cont. under cut)
SQQ is, pardon my language, fucking obsessed with Luo Binghe - just in a different way than Luo Binghe is with him. He is constantly thinking about Luo Binghe even when the latter is not around! (Contrast it to how he thinks about his family from his og world like, 3 times over the course of the book, despite loving them.) And when LBH is around, SQQ can't go a page without mentioning how incredibly beautiful he is! (And then blames it on Luo Binghe being a protagonist, like, of course the protagonist is the most beautiful person in the world, that's natural!.. We later get the POV of a literal author of the world, btw, and he says he wrote LBH as a conventionally beautiful prettyboy type, and his own ideal man is completely different. Which is how we know that SQQ going on about LBH's radiant showstopping obvious-to-anyone beauty is really only his own opinion that he's trying to sell to us as a universal truth.)
And, speaking of LBH's crimes anon mentions (I will not be calling them 'warcrimes', sorry, none of the very few less-than-moral things he does can be classified as that) - you may notice that, for both actual things LBH did and for things SQQ attributed to him mistakenly, those never changed the way SQQ feels about Binghe. He thinks LBH killed his kinda-friend and still jumps in to sacrifice himself to save LBH's life. He sees the guy LBH mutilated, and is disturbed by that... but still continues to protect LBH. Gives him a lil forehead kiss like 20 minutes later.
Oh, and let's not forget the scene where SQQ is punished with a hyper-realistic dream of original LBH tearing off his limbs, and his reaction to that is "I need to see my Binghe asap immediately like rn, I need my cute version of Binghe to feel better about this."
This all is to point out that SQQ continuously fails to be normal about LBH. That's a feature! That's what makes their relationship fun! "Clearly you are perfect for each other pls dont involve anyone else in whatever the fuck is wrong with you" kinda situation.
But you must look through the cover of SQQ's misdirections for it - like again, trauma! toxic masculinity! internalized homophobia! It's difficult for him to admit his feelings even in his head, but he is getting better about that. In Mei vs Ge extra, SQQ admits he wanted LBH to push a little more about them sharing a bed and that he would have agreed. And is kinda put out that LBH simply accepted his refusal. Then in Deep Dream extra, SQQ is literally the one to jump LBH. And in Wedding extra, he almost manages to look directly at the fact that he's very happy that LBH is proposing to him! So yeah, he is getting better at admitting it too. But honestly, his feelings about LBH were always really intense. In different ways over the course of the novel, but he adored LBH from before he transmigrated, and that adoration never lessened, despite everything that happened between them. You just gotta look at his actions and not his 24/7 mental stand-up routine.
All right, next, in the same paragraph the previous thing came from, I'll abridge and highlight for relevancy:
Their dynamic ended up coming off more as SQQ tolerating this unmanageable man-baby and letting him fuck [...] him just to get him to shut the fuck up sometimes, like giving a toddler a biscuit to appease them. And it came off very gross, especially in the epilogue, when Luo Binghe was blatantly manipulative about that, pushing and cornering Shen Qingqiu into doing more than he already was, and using his tears to his advantage, in a way that was clearly in the text not unintentional.
...Listen, for someone claiming to hate how one-dimensional LBH ended up, I'm seeing a distinct lack of effort at actually understanding the character. Luo Binghe's teary act (in the moments when it is an act, because there are also many moments when his tears are genuine, we'll get to that later) is, first and foremost, for Shen Qingqiu's benefit.
Shen Qingqiu admits it himself that he finds it easier to be "frank" with Luo Binghe who is "willing to cling to his legs and throw a tantrum to seek comfort" (Return to Childhood extra). It's the internalized toxic masculinity and homophobia thing again. It's actually pretty interesting how he rewires his brain from its knee-jerk reaction of "homosexuality wrong" by mentally comparing Luo Binghe to a girl - like calling him Bing-mei, thinking he's acting "like a lovesick maiden", etc. God I want to study this man like a bug. Anyway, yeah, the point is that LBH acting cute and whiny helps SQQ be more comfortable with giving affection to a man, something that he struggles with because of his personal issues.
And Luo Binghe, while not aware of the exact nature of SQQ's issues (having grown up in a world where homophobia doesn't seem to exist), does understand this - that Shen Qingqiu’s thin face and pride make it difficult for him to show emotions. And it's not something LBH intrinsically knows either; he has to figure it out (not without help, everybody say thank you papa Airplane), confirm it for himself (the "But other than hearing Shizun crying..." - "Who was crying?" - "Other than hearing someone crying, [...]" scene comes to mind), and then accept it as truth (which he doesn't seem to fully do until at least the Maigu Ridge, and Shen Qingqiu outright saying "I do it for you and only you!" - if not even later.) It takes him time to learn how to work with this knowledge too...
And, to be brutally honest, how blatant and over the top he gets with the act is entirely due to how SQQ keeps rewarding the behavior.
Now... you might consider this a conjecture, given how we only get the tiniest glimpses into Luo Binghe's mind - in the rare moments the author shifts out of the primary POV. But fortunately, one of those moments can be used to prove that Luo Binghe is not, in fact, "pushing and cornering" Shen Qingqiu into doing things Shen Qingqiu doesn't want to do.
The moment I'm talking about is in the Mei vs Ge extra: Shen Qingqiu, having agreed to "do some exploring together", sees LBH's giant 🐓, goes "absolutely not" out loud, and attempts to give him a handjob instead — which also doesn't go too well. Bringing us to (LBH's POV emphasized):
No matter how calm Shen Qingqiu kept himself, he couldn’t stop his expression from twisting. Luo Binghe had secretly been paying attention to his face the entire time. At this moment, he carefully said, “Then, Shizun, how about… you do it?”
LBH is attentively watching SQQ's reactions to figure out what he's thinking and feeling. The moment Binghe comes to the conclusion that SQQ is uncomfortable with bottoming, he offers to let him top. Notice how he doesn't start crying or whining to get his way, when it's something that might be a genuine hard line for SQQ?
And it's actually the same in the Regret of Chunshan extra: when SQQ shot LBH's idea down, LBH "looked a bit disappointed, but didn't push the issue". Yes, later SQQ will say LBH was "putting on a pitiful act"; but if you read the scene carefully, LBH did not do anything but look a bit disappointed - and SQQ just walked himself into feeling bad about refusing completely on his own.
Now, when does Luo Binghe use crocodile tears then? Well, the answer seems to be: when it's about small things. Like wanting to do it face to face (after they've already agreed on both sex in general and on who will top), or begging SQQ to call him 'husband' (after they have gotten married). Ultimately inconsequential things, and, likely, things that he suspects SQQ is avoiding only because of embarrassment and not anything more serious.
So, to sum up this section: Luo Binghe's crybaby act is for Shen Qingqiu's peace of mind first and foremost, and Luo Binghe does not actually use it to coerce Shen Qingqiu into anything he wouldn't be willing to do. LBH is not responsible for the fact that Shen Qingqiu has no bottom line when it comes to him and can't handle seeing him even minorly disappointed, let's be real.
Okay, last thing from that paragraph (yes there's another thing):
and letting him fuck (and hurt him in the process, and then cry about that, more than SQQ himself did)
See, with the way anon describes it here, I can't even tell which scene this references, but luckily I have a rebuttal for both options.
Like, is this about the Maigu Ridge? Aka the scene where LBH is not in his right mind (literally hallucinating, among other things) - and then comes back to consciousness to see that he, by all appearances, had brutally raped the person he loves with all his heart? No fucking wonder he starts crying?!.. And to clarify, he did not rape SQQ, because SQQ had given informed consent here. If anything, there was nobody in that scene less consenting than Luo Binghe himself.
Or is this about the scene in Mei vs Ge. Which is like. Entirely on SQQ, who decided to keep quiet instead of telling LBH that it hurts. Like, whatever that was about! It's only, oh, one of the major themes of the novel that hiding your feelings and struggles is bad, and will hurt not only you but people who care about you.
...Btw, if someone not in fandom is reading this with increased befuddlement for why those two are having so much painful sex. Well, aside from the scene where LBH is tripping balls because of a cursed sword, and the situation is forced by the literal will of the narrative (more on this later), our couple are two adult virgins with no sex-ed, and one of them is in possession of (canonically) the biggest dick in the world. Given those factors, it would be weirder if they were able to have flawless sex right away. (And it's a meta-commentary, something we'll also get to later.)
Speaking of the cursed sword, it's somewhat amazing that anon says all this
Why did they make him become this? I understand what he went through, I'm not asking about cause and effect, I'm saying the effect could have been so much better and more realistically (in my opinion and from my personal experience with trauma) written. I'm not saying he couldn't be burnt or bitter or jaded, nor that he couldn't be clingy or overly emotional or manipulative, I just think it could have been done better, and I HATE what his character became for the second half (realistically, most) of the story.
and completely fails to mention that between LBH's return from the Abyss and the end of the main story, LBH's actions are severely affected by a cursed sword that amps up his emotions with the express purpose of destroying his mind. Seems somewhat relevant to why his behavior isn't written as a realistic trauma response? And instead as a trauma response amped up to eleven and set on fire? And that's without even getting into LBH giving himself supernatural brain damage as a form of self-harm. Which uh. doesnt simply map onto any irl concept really.
Continuing from this, I think it's time for me to expand on one of the points from earlier: about how Shen Qingqiu doesn't know what's going on in Luo Binghe's head for most of the novel. It will be tied to this particular bit of criticism on anon's part:
I feel like the author utterly assassinated his character in the 2nd half of the novel (ever since he came back from the abyss) and turned him into a one dimensional caricature of himself, and I HATED IT.
What I want to suggest here is tied, once again, to how Shen Qingqiu’s POV is limited and unreliable. So, a new batch of questions: (4) is our understanding of other characters' actions affected by the limited POV? (5) is there a particular reason for the author to keep other characters' motivations opaque to the POV character? (6) can anything be gleaned by reconstructing other characters' perspectives?
The answer to (4) is a yes so resounding the POV character himself admits it: "First, he'd thought Luo Binghe was unbelievably cruel and evil, then he'd thought Luo Binghe was unspeakably strong and bright." (ch.21) Shen Qingqiu has the very same problem as anon does: he sees Luo Binghe as one-dimensional, making assumptions about how he's supposed to act - instead of trying to understand what's there.
Which leads us neatly into the answer to (5): people making assumptions about what's best for the other person instead of asking them what they need, and hurting them as a result, is also a major theme, present in many relationships throughout the novel! And that's only half of the answer.
The other half will require us to go a little meta. You see, BingQiu's relationship, among other things, are meant to echo the relationship between the reader and the character. The reader loves the character, but they are also the reason for their suffering - as for the story to go on, the character must continuously face more and more difficult obstacles. Shen Qingqiu both loving Luo Binghe and causing him unspeakable amount of trauma is meant to mirror that. Shen Qingqiu's expectations for how Luo Binghe should act, and attempts to fit him into one or the other archetype, are also, yknow, reader behavior.
And... are we not also readers? Are we not expecting Luo Binghe to act a certain way (for example, when I first read the novel, I fully expected him to keep being a classic ML: to swallow all his grievances and keep being unquestioningly and ardently devoted to MC. Which, once articulated, is such an unfair expectation!), and feel it's "character assassination" - to borrow anon's words - when he does not adhere to the role he's supposed to inhabit, based on our idea of his personality and place in the story?
So: is there a reason the author seems to deliberately make Luo Binghe hard to understand, irrational, or one-note, to both Shen Qingqiu and us? Making it harder to sympathize with him? For example, can it be commentary on oversimplifying complex characters to just their role, or just one aspect of their personality...
As for the answer to (6), I ultimately want to leave it for you to try it out and decide. I'm literally the person who wrote a 90k character study fic to try and figure out the minutiae of Luo Binghe's post-Abyss mental state, so my answer is I think obvious. He has a lot going on!
Which kind of brings me to another of anon's gripes:
And actually that made me really sad because I wanted to enjoy it so much, because I LOVED the beginning, and I love Shen Qingqiu, but the evolution of Luo Binghe and the refusal to let him KEEP evolving inescapably ruined the story for me. He was insufferable, and I kept hoping he would grow and get better, but he just never did.
Look, I simply cannot agree that Luo Binghe did not grow and get better; it just largely happens at the very end of the main story and in the extras. I know anon has missed that, since they missed the more obvious things like Shen Qingqiu being obsessed with Binghe right back and Binghe using the pathetic act to help Shen Qingqiu feel more at ease, so I'll get to that in a bit. But first, I want to make sure we are on the same page about everything before that.
The part of Luo Binghe's arc between the Abyss and the Maigu Ridge is a downward spiral. He's going through the corruption arc, just as the original version of him did; the narrative demands it.
And it's not like 'the narrative' is a nebulous force here; there are literal actors of its will in the story, the System and Xin Mo sword. Like, in particular, the Maigu Ridge sex scene is a perfect example of how those two actors push Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu. The System literally withholds a key item that can help Luo Binghe regain his conscious mind until Shen Qingqiu has sex with him - you know, until the demands of the narrative of a romance story are fulfilled. And Xin Mo literally corrodes Luo Binghe's mind so that he acts like the original version from PIDW, because the truth is, SVSSS Luo Binghe would rather die than actually force himself on Shen Qingqiu. (Binghe's first reaction to seeing what he'd done is to ask "Why didn't you kill me?" and like. understandable. im crying also)
Oh, right, I promised to explain how bad sex is meta, this is a good spot for that. You see, it's a commentary on the 'flawless first time' trope, and also 'sex is a cure' trope. The author posits that two virgins having sex would naturally be awkward and not magically good. And that having sex in a highly stressful situation where one of the parties is not in control of their faculties would naturally be really fucking bad, and also not magically good.
But back to narrative demands. The point is, Luo Binghe simply cannot get better until "the story" ends. He can't heal while the world around him is literally deadset on dragging him down to become a bloodthirsty, sex-obsessed tyrant. The only thing that saves him is Shen Qingqiu managing to get them into the happily ever after zone by the skin of his teeth. There's a reason the main story of the book ends with: "The story circulating through the world might already have ended. But the story between you and me has only just began". 'The story circulating through the world' is the narrative the characters were trapped in; only once it has ended can Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe be allowed to go free, to actually live their lives and be happy. (This novel is very meta, I'm telling you.)
All right, now, back to how Luo Binghe actually did grow and get better! We're almost to the end! I fear to see how long this post is, at this point!
Now, I could be pointing out specific details, like Luo Binghe letting SQQ be brought back to Cang Qiong because he thinks that's what SQQ would want - when his whole breakdown before was about how he couldn't keep SQQ with him. Or I could be reminding you of the second section of this post, and saying that Luo Binghe learning to bypass SQQ's embarrassment by playing cute is actually also character development, even if you didn't like it.
But I think we should go for the heart of the issue. You see, yet another prominent theme in SVSSS is toxic masculinity. It's baked into the setting, with the "original" book our MC transmigrated into being a heterostraight harem novel; it's something our MC struggles with, when his learned toxic behaviors screw over both himself and the person he loves; and - most important to our current topic - it's the chief source of tension within Luo Binghe's character.
Literally, there are even names for two polar axes of his personality in the story: Bing-ge (ge=big brother), coined by in-story fandom to describe original Luo Binghe of PIDW, and Bing-mei (mei=little sister), the nickname SQQ comes up with specifically for "lovesick maiden"-acting Binghe.
"Bing-ge" side, of course, represents toxic masculinity. Extremely obviously in OG!LBH's case, what with him being the protagonist of 'male wish fulfillment and misogyny: the novel', but if you think about it, SV!LBH also demonstrates toxic masc behaviors, starting post-Abyss and up to Maigu Ridge. Noticeably, exactly when he had Xin Mo fucking him up - Xin Mo in general is symbolic of the "original" narrative, pushing SV!LBH to replicate the OG's behavior. And also it's a sword. The symbol of toxic masc version of the narrative is. A sword. RIP Freud you would've loved Scum Villain.
But what does "Bing-mei" stand for, if we detangle it from SQQ's 5D chess with his own sexuality? We know Bing-mei cooks and cleans and gives waist massages. We also know Bing-mei shows affection freely, and isn't embarrassed to cry, and has a sensitive heart. A man who is caring instead of controlling, a man who is not afraid to be vulnerable and emotional... Bing-mei side is meant to represent the healthy / soft masculinity.
And Luo Binghe's arc is rooted in the struggle between healthy and toxic sides of masculinity. What I think is tripping up a lot of people is that he starts at the healthy place, in his "white lotus" days. He is caring, he is affectionate, he shows the full range of emotion.
Then, the world comes for him, and he falls (or, yknow, is pushed) into toxic patterns of behavior. He hides his vulnerability, the only show of emotion he allows himself are outbursts of anger, he tries to control the person he loves... and thus hurts people around him and himself. His breakdown at Maigu Ridge is about thinking he can never be good enough, no matter what he does - see, the very idea that there's some level of achievement that can make a person unequivocally lovable is a toxic masc mindset!..
But the thing is, him breaking down here - admitting that he can't "win", showing the messy, undesirable, emotional side of himself - demonstrating that he can't be the Bing-ge version - is what opens up a path for him to communicate with Shen Qingqiu. Giving him the genuine connection he needed, that Bing-ge could never have. And thus allowing him to destroy the toxic-masculinity-representing sword.
So, the evolution path the author charts out for Luo Binghe from there on is him growing into the healthy masculinity patterns. Starting with, again, putting caring about his partner above controlling him and letting SQQ be brought back to Cang Qiong. Which SQQ didn't actually want, but we've already covered that he's his own kind of freak(affectionate). And continuing to try to do better by SQQ and listen to him (eg the whole SQQ refusing to share a bed and LBH acceding so easily SQQ was left reeling, because he was planning to agree once LBH pushed). And learning that he can show emotion and be validated for it (see Return to Childhood extra with its "if you are unhappy, say so"). And accepting that he doesn't need to be perfect to be loved (the guy faceplanted trying to propose and still got his man...). And, hell - count 'doing his best to learn how to pleasure his partner in bed' with this as well!
So, once again, as a closing note: I simply can't agree that Luo Binghe doesn't grow and evolve. You just have to let go of your preconceived notions of what his character should be like, and learn to see, understand, and appreciate what's there. The same arc Shen Qingqiu, his most faithful reader, goes through.
For a book as meta as SVSSS, that's obviously no coincidence.
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hsr: 2.1 spoilers
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just to get it out of the way, i love that firefly is sam.
also what i’m about to share is a mix of interpretation and headcanon based on how i would write her. NOT INTENDED TO BE A THEORY OR A PROPER ANALYSIS OF CANON.
and i’m not going through all of samfire’s dialogue and lore for this because if i did that for every post expressing my thoughts i’d never post anything ever.
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i propose: “firefly” is sam’s dream.
imagine this: you are a killer. one with strength and perception far beyond any mortal being. when an enemy is caught by your senses, their life ends before they ever knew the fear of your presence. this is what you were made to be, and this is all that you are. you can’t even dream…but you can imagine.
what if you were instead, a mortal? one with lovely eyes the color of the night sky lit by a bustling city below. you’ve always looked to a starry sky fondly, and longingly. so incomprehensibly vast - each speck of light was a unique something, forming a great sea of possibilities, but all too far from your reach. what could be a better fit?
and what if instead of the one role you were made for, you had many roles? this young mortal is an actor! sure, actors read off a script as well, but each story woven by the script was different. each has its own destiny. you ponder what it’s like to be bound to multiple destinies, rather than just the one.
and you continue to ponder. each day this imaginary “you” becomes more and more realized. and now that you have finished imagining, you begin to wish: that between the checkpoints of fate, the brief moments of freedom will let you play as this “you”. but you know that’s all it is: play. you can never escape your true nature…right?
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UH. BASICALLY. i headcanon firefly as sam’s wishful persona manifested in the dream world.
that being said, that doesn’t make firefly any less real to me.
firefly herself even asserts that what one experiences in a dream is still true and valid, but when sam speaks, they seem resigned to what they believe is their “nature”, like they can only be the type of person firefly is in a fabricated world.
without the constraints of the waking world, sam can be a kind and lively young woman who can make friends on her own, and has a job - a purpose - where as a performer, obeying the scripts brings delight instead of blood. and it was such a wonderful experience that they didn’t want to wake up from it.
i don’t yet know how much sam fully validates their “firefly” self beyond the feelings being real, but the way they behave and describe themselves to acheron when they’re sam suggests that they don’t believe they can also truly be “firefly” at the same time.
also i’m mainly going off of the idea that firefly’s appearance can only be easily manifested in the dream world, and that sam’s “armor” is truly just their body, but i believe this headcanon still works even if it is armor, because it is more about the mentality.
of course there are some glaring constraints in reality that prevents them from being able to do certain things (at the moment), but the way sam views themselves also constrains them far more than they realize. if sam wishes to be firefly, then sam IS firefly. and once they realize that, they don’t have to strictly act and identify in the way they believe they should.
sam’s scripts have always been brief, and i wonder…is it just because sam is simple in their skills and approach to their work? or is it because between the inescapable events one calls destiny, between the tasks sam must fulfill, they can do or be whatever they choose?
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that was a very roundabout way to say that i think samfire is trans.
bonus thoughts:
omg after seeing the reveal, firefly feels more like an affectionate parody of the character we were meant to think she is. hc sam watched and read a lot of romcoms and was like…damn i wish that was me. i wish i was a cute girl with fluffy hair going on a date with the trailblazer, but alas i am but a 8 ft tall murder robot. GIRL YOU CAN BE BOTH.
i also like that this idea highlights a more positive side to dreaming, in contrast to the rest of the penacony story so far. yes, one can’t slumber forever, but is a rest - a respite - not needed from time to time? and just as reality can follow one into their dream, can dreams not also be with you when you wake?
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ssahotstuff · 2 years
Aaron Hotchner Playlist Collection 💕
Rag Doll by Aerosmith here
These stand-alone and are not part of a series! Reader’s Dad is Aaron’s bestie in this 🤪
Warnings: age gap, smut, Orval, fem receiving, kind of a breeding kink? 🙃 there’s talk of pregnancy throughout but reader is NOT pregnant. Small family feud but not really
Word count: 2.1 k but I’m double updating today
"Your dad's friend is hot," you not so subtle friend Alexis couldn't help but ogle over Aaron on her way out the door. He was seated at the couch, his hands on his knees, laying flat against his lap. It was true, he was really fucking hot, but you couldn't have your dad or Aaron hearing that she thought so.
"Always fun to have you around, Lex. See you later," she'd only stopped by because you were in town visiting for a week, and you hadn't seen her since you'd finished college. You were staying at your parents house for the remainder of the week, which meant being around Aaron nearly everyday. He was their neighbor, and your dad's best friend, making his way over for dinner most nights.
They'd just poured a glass of wine when you joined them, taking the empty seat next to your mother on the couch.
"She's always so sweet," your mother said politely, pouring you a glass of wine once you'd sat down. It was nice to be spending time with them, and you'd never complain about Aaron's presence.
"She's pregnant," you blurted, knowing your mother would find out eventually from Alexis's mother.
"Oh, how adorable. Grandchildren," she sighed, her eyes flickering to your stomach for a brief moment before your eyes narrowed at her, your dad sighing dramatically before exchanging a glance with Aaron.
"Here they go," your dad muttered before you drained your glass, your father coming to the rescue with a quick refill.
"Could you let me be a college graduate for more than two weeks before you start hounding me about babies? Do I look capable enough to reproduce on my own, mom? Because we're missing a key element here," your mother tossed her hands up in surrender, but she was nowhere near done.
"Maybe if you weren't so stubborn some nice man would whisk you away, but with that attitude, you'll have ten cats by the time Alexis pops out her third," your dad cleared his throat awkwardly and you shot him an apologetic look, mortified that she had to do this every time a baby was mentioned.
"My attitude is fine, mom. I just don't want to have the settling down discussion right now," your mother insisted on doing this every time you saw her, upset that you'd not brought anyone home for them to meet since high school prom.
"Honey," she started, looking to your father, "wouldn't some grandkids be nice?"
He huffed, taking a sip of his wine, and by the look on his face he wished it was something stronger. You caught Aaron's attention and mouthed an apology, but he was clearly entertained by the back and forth between you three.
"She's young. Give her time," was all he said, so you considered it a victory on your behalf because your mother dropped the topic and left it alone. You finished your wine before you excused yourself to the kitchen to find a snack. It wasn't long before another body joined you in the kitchen, in fact, you backed into him when you opened the fridge.
"I'm so sorry about my mom," he shook his head, holding the door open for you as you looked for a snack.
"No, I'm sorry. It's a lot of pressure on you, I'm sure," his eyes raked over you momentarily, his gaze fixed on your hips and waist.
"It is. But I'm only in town a few more days, so I try to just overlook it," you settled on a cup of jello, leaned against the corner snacking as Aaron took you in. He'd always been polite, but now the look in his eyes radiated something else entirely.
"Are you busy later?"
His question caught you off guard so you shook your head no, watching as he checked behind him to make sure only you were listening.
"You know where I am, maybe I can help relieve some of the stress they put on you," you were taken aback by how forward he was, but you were intrigued anyway, taking a slow step forward, swaying your hips slightly as you did so.
"You want to sneak around with your best friend's daughter? You're bad," but you were even worse, because the heat was already pooling between your thighs at the thought of having him for yourself.
"You're grown, you can make your own decisions. So come be bad with me," he left you standing in the kitchen, your jello cup half eaten in your hand. You weighed the pros and cons and decided the pros outweighed the bad drastically, so you excused yourself for the night and waited for Aaron to leave, hearing him linger downstairs for thirty more minutes after you went to your room. You took the opportunity to change, knowing what the night had in store for you, slipping on a black matching set under your dress that was already barely there; but you'd assumed that's what had gotten his attention in the first place.
You heard him tell your father goodnight and you crept out the window, trying hard not to flash any of your neighbors as you shimmied down the trellis and your feet hit the ground. It wasn't a long walk, so you met him at the front door where he was still waiting for you. He hadn't even gotten the key in the door yet.
"I knew you'd show up," he said smugly, giving you a once-over before he invited you inside. You barely stepped over the threshold when his strong hands gripped your shoulders and pulled you forward to connect with his lips, his hands roaming over the fabric of your dress.
"Make it worth my while," you shot back, bracing yourself as he put you against the wall. His knee separated your thighs as his hand trailed under your dress, pushing your panties to the side so he could feel you. You whimpered at his fingertips, tracing patterns over your clit as you wiggled against the wall and his mouth hovered over yours.
"Once I'm finished with you, you won't have the strength to walk back home," he promised, dropping to his knees in the floor, helping you to step out of your panties. He disappeared beneath your dress, the heat of his mouth inches away from your aching core. His tongue made contact with your center and you flattened against the wall, his face pressed into you.
"Dress off," he mumbled, so you brought it over your head and let it fall into the floor, watching with lust filled eyes as he devoured you.
"Bossy," you said, gazing down at him. You tossed one leg lazily over his shoulder and watched his whole demeanor change; he went from possessive to possessed, sucking and lapping at your clit in an erotic frenzy.
"Tastes so sweet," his fingers spread your glistening lips open so he could plant a gentle kiss on your clit that had you crumbling, panting his name as a cocky grin spread out across his face.
"We aren't done, not by a long shot," you helped when he stood up and brought you along with him, carrying you throughout the house like a rag doll. You saw it as your chance to cover him with kisses, his tongue lazily teasing your mouth as he took you to his bedroom. Your back hit the mattress and then he was stripping down, unbuttoning his shirt at a snails pace, letting his jeans and belt crumple into a pile on the floor. You groaned at the sight of him, his eyebrows shooting up curiously at the noise.
"Are all those pretty little sounds for me?" His dick was stiff through his boxers, but he quickly shed those too, pumping himself in his hand as he looked at you. To tease him further, you spread your legs, your dainty fingers settling on your clit as you peered your at him through your lashes.
"That's it baby, spread your legs so I can see that perfect pussy of yours," he was standing right in front of you, stroking himself as you played with your pussy for him, putting on a show. He was captivated by you, held in the trance of your fingers dancing across your flesh. His own fingers darted out to touch you, teasing your entrance before slipping inside of you. You let out a whimper and his head ducked down between your legs to capture your clit once more, fucking you with his fingers and tongue simultaneously.
His hand still moved slowly on his cock, precum leaking from the tip as he savored you, sucking your clit between his teeth. He let out an animalistic growl as you tightened around his fingers and shouted his name, panting for breath. He drug you to the edge of the bed, teasing your slit with his cock before slamming into you, his eyes rolling back in pleasure as he stilled his hips, letting his cock twitch inside of you before he moved a muscle.
"All this talk about babies makes me want to fill you up. Can I?" His filthy words urged you on as you nodded your head, watching him ease out of you before sinking back into you.
"Please, Aaron," you couldn't wait anymore, you needed to feel that welcomed stretch as your walls clenched around him.
"You're impatient; we should work on that," He pulled completely out of you, leaving you a whining, desperate mess on his bedsheets. He took his cock in his hand and teased you by stroking it close enough for you to see, but too far away to touch.
"I'll beg," you told him, his brow shooting up curiously at your statement.
"Go on, then. Beg me to fuck you; beg me to make you scream so loud that we wake up half the neighborhood," the mischievous gleam in his eye had you yearning for more of his cocky attitude, and normally you wouldn't have given in, but you couldn't resist him.
"Aaron, please. Can't you see how badly I need you?" Your thighs were soaked with your own arousal as your hips wiggled on the bed, impatiently waiting for him to slide back into you. He did so without any warning, your flesh slamming against his as he shut you up; other than your cries of pleasure, there wasn't a sound to be heard in his home. His fingertips pressed marks into your thighs from gripping them so tightly, marking you up so he could admire his work.
"What's the matter? Your pretty little mouth run out of things to say? Maybe we've finally fixed that attitude of yours," you could hear the sarcasm dripping from his words as he pushed your legs back, hitting all the best spots from a new angle. He had you folded up, your knees bent slightly as your back arched and you came, your nails digging into his forearms.
"That's it, baby. Let me hear you," the rapid thumping of his hips never ceased, even through your orgasm, he mercilessly pounded into you, his hand gripping your ass tightly.
"I'm going to fill you up, sweet girl. Cum deep inside of you," he grunted, his thrusts more urgent and needy as he reached his climax.
"Give it all to me, Aaron," you pleaded, his warmth spreading inside of you as he sputtered your name. He slowly slid his dick from you, watching in awe as his cum spilled out of you. You watched with wide eyes as he gathered it on the tip of his cock and slid it back inside of you.
"Consider this practice for all of those babies your mother wants you to have," he whispered, laying your legs down but being sure to keep them tucked together. You watched as he laid down next to you, his fingers running along your body tantalizingly slow.
"Here I am attached to you already, and you're leaving in a couple of days," he sighed, his nose brushing against your jaw bone. You leaned up to kiss him, knowing there'd never be anyone else to satisfy you the way that he had.
"I'm only an hour away," you reminded him, a smile ghosting his lips for a second.
"You'd come back just to see me?" He seemed doubtful, but you assured him you would, if he was sure that he wanted you to.
"I'm not in town often, but there's always time for you when I am," he told you, bringing the blanket over your legs to cover you up.
"Is that a promise?"
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miniscule-meow · 1 year
Isabell and the Lads CH2: The Healing Process (2.1)
Word Count: ~2.5k
Writing Masterpost Here
Last Part (Ch. 1 Pt. 8) | Next Part
Marcus brings Isabell out into the living room. He deposits her back down onto the coffee table, before immediately bustling out the front door.
“I’ll be back soon,” he says, waving a piece of paper in his hand. “Oh! Hey, Zeke, remember to smile, bud. Bye!” Marcus calls over his shoulder as he rushes out of the apartment. Zeke simply raises an unamused eyebrow in Marcus’ direction as the door closes. He settles down onto the couch with a sigh.
“He can be a lot. I’m sorry,” he says, looking her over. Isabell tenses under the weight of his gaze. Her shoulders inch closer to her ears, and she presses herself against the candle behind her. She tries to maintain eye contact, but as soon as her eyes meet his she loses her nerve and looks back down to the coffee table. Upon seeing her response to him simply looking at her, Zeke questions if Marcus’ comment about him ‘remembering to smile’ has any merit to it after all. Would that really help? Zeke attempts to fix his face into a more pleasant expression. It has no immediate effects on Isabell’s disposition.
“It-it’s alright. I- I’m, uh, I think I’m… I’m getting used to it.” She says quietly, the human before her shifts his massive form forward. Immediately, she flinches back, clenching her jaw and squeezing her hands into fists at her sides. She fully expects his massive fingers to come in and crowd around her. If it were Marcus in front of her, she has no doubt that that is exactly what he would do. But this is Zeke, he simply shifts so that he is sitting on the floor, his back leaning against the couch.
“Sorry,” he says, his eyes scanning over her once more, he definitely noticed her cringing away from him, but if he’s hurt by this, it’s impossible to tell as his expression gives nothing away. “I thought it would be easier for you if I was more on your level,” he explains, his voice is gentle.
“Thank you,” She manages. It is nicer, not having to crane her neck back so far just to see his face, though she does still have to look up at him. And now, he’s quite a bit closer to her than he was before. When she looks down through the glass coffee table instead of seeing the beige carpet below, now she sees his unfathomably long legs extending beneath her. She looks back to Zeke, the part of him that’s in front of her. He’s resting his arms on the couch behind him. She sees the lines of black on his arms more clearly now. There’s more than she originally thought, spreading across both of his arms. Lines of black forming pictures. She sees the one she noticed earlier. Whatever it is, it’s wrapping itself around his arm, it looks like a sketch, or brushstrokes perhaps. “What’s um, What’s on your arm?” She asks him, figuring it’s a good way to break the silence between them.
“My tattoos?” He glances over to the arm she’s pointing to. “It’s abstract, but this one’s a snake.” Zeke holds his arm up and twists it slowly for her to see.
“Tattoos…” She echoes, “Is that like… a birth mark or…?” She stands, mindful of the dull thrum of pain in her leg. She’s careful to not put too much weight on it as she dares to step closer to Zeke.
“No, no I got this a couple years ago.”
“You’ve had that for years? It… It doesn’t wash off?” She furrows her brow, trying to understand. The sound of his laughter in response surprises her. She looks up to see amusement sparking through his typically neutral expression.
“No, it doesn’t–” Zeke chuckles, “I’m sorry,” he says, composing himself, “I’m not laughing at you. You just caught me off guard. Ah, no, it’s not going to wash off. It’s a tattoo, so it’s there forever.” He rests his arm on the coffee table and when she doesn’t respond he continues to explain. “Basically, you go to a shop, and an artist puts ink in your skin with needles.”
“Oh,” her eyes widen, “Did it hurt?” She finds herself inching even closer to the human, looking over the art winding around his forearm.
“I mean, it felt like being stabbed with a needle a bunch of times,” he says it so matter-of-factly. “This one didn’t hurt too bad, no. It depends where you get it. Some placements are—” he trails off when he feels her tiny hand touch him. She traces the lines on his forearm with her little fingertips. He practically holds his breath, not wanting to move and scare her away. When she pulls her hand back she looks at her fingers, as if inspecting them to see if any ink rubbed off on her. The small action pulls another small smile to his lips.
She looks up at him, they lock eyes for a moment, and the spell is broken. She suddenly remembers herself and she jolts back, holding her hand close to her chest.
“Sorry!” She says, taking another uneven step away from him. She faulters on her injured leg, but she manages to catch herself. Isabell looks down at her hands again, this time in disbelief. She just touched a human, willingly, all on her own. She wasn’t grabbed, he didn’t offer a hand to her, she just went up and touched him.  
“Careful with your leg,” Zeke warns gently as she stumbles. “You’re alright. I don’t mind,” he says in an attempt to reassure her. “I take it you’ve never seen a tattoo before?”
“No,” she shakes her head, still fidgeting nervously with her hands, “never.”
“Well, I’m honored to be your first then,” he says, flashing her a small smile, the ghost of his amusement still flashing in his eyes.
It was nice hearing Zeke laugh. Especially because he is typically so measured, it made her feel special when she broke through his stoicism.
Isabell settles back down, getting off of her leg, and she watches as he continues to twist his arm, showing her each of his tattoos. He has the snake curling down his forearm to his right wrist, then he has a gallery of small tattoos collectively forming a half sleeve on his other arm.
“I have a couple others, but it would be a little harder to show you those right now," he says, resting his arms back down on the couch behind him.
She nods, “That’s really cool.” Zeke gives a small shrug in response, and the conversation grinds to a halt there. Neither of them are used to being the one that needs to carry a conversation. Zeke has Marcus who always seems to be chatting about something, and Isabell has been on her own for quite a while now.
“So, where did Marcus go?” Isabell asks to fill the silence.
“He’s going to the store to pick up some stuff that might make your stay here more… tolerable.”
“Like borrowing?” Maybe the humans aren’t so different after all, if they have to leave to collect supplies like she does. “Oh, is-is it dangerous?” She asks, her eyes widening as she considers for the first time that humans might not be the biggest creature out there. “Are-are there things out there that-that are… that are bigger than you?” She has been outside before; she’s never seen any creature that are bigger than a human. Though, she supposes if there was anything larger than a human, they probably wouldn’t be interested in a borrower- that is if they would even be able to see her.
“No, no,” his voice breaks her out of her thoughts as she begins to spiral into panic. “I mean, there are animals that are bigger than humans, like elephants and horses and stuff like that. But nothing like- like from you to me, there isn’t anything like from me to… to a giant person. Or at least, I guess up until yesterday I didn’t think there were tiny people either. So, I guess there could be giants? I’ve just never seen any, and most people would say that they don’t exist.” That’s a relief. Even if there are giants somewhere out there, they aren’t common. Her shoulders relax a bit, Zeke continues, “But no, it’s not dangerous. He’ll just drive to the store and buy the stuff. Then he’ll come back, that’s all. You don’t have to worry.”
“I… I’m sorry I guess I don’t really understand what um… drive? And also… what is ‘the store’?” She fidgets nervously, not wanting to upset him by not understanding, but she really has no idea what he’s talking about here.
“Oh! Okay um. So driving is- you drive a car. Right? It’s a vehicle. It helps you get places faster?” She shakes her head, still not really understanding. She doesn’t have anything to compare this to. “Well, you said you crossed a street to get here, right?”
“You probably saw some cars then. They’re big, with wheels, probably moving very fast. Yeah? You drive a car down the street. Here, let me just—” Zeke pulls his phone out of his pocket and shows her a quick video of a car driving. “Like that. Okay?”
“Yeah. Okay,” Isabell nods slowly. “And then, what’s ‘the store’?” She asks.
“So, a store is a business where you can go and buy stuff. There are different types of stores that have different things, right? For example, the grocery store has a bunch of food. So, all the food we get here, we buy from a store. You can get furniture, and clothes, craft supplies, pretty much anything.”
“And you… you don’t have to be careful about getting caught or anything?”
“No?” Now it’s Zeke’s turn to look confused, his brow furrows slightly, and he looks at her, waiting for her to explain.
“Well because, with borrowing you have to… you have to make sure the humans don’t see you. And you can only take things that wouldn’t be missed. If you take too much, the humans get suspicious. Then, they put out traps and stuff.”
“Oh, no it’s nothing like that. At a store, you can buy as much as you want to.” He shows her a picture of the produce section at a grocery store. Her jaw drops.
“They just… they just pile the food like that?”
“Yeah.” Zeke nods.
“And you can… have as much as you want?” She looks at him incredulously.
“Well, not really. You have to buy it,” Zeke pauses, but continues when it becomes apparent that Isabell has no concept of what the word ‘buy’ really means. “Let’s see… things cost money, and people get money by working at a job. So, you work, you get paid, then you can take the money to the store. As long as what you want doesn’t cost more than what you have, you can buy it.”
“So… like a trade.”
“Exactly!” Zeke nods, “Yeah, so different things are more or less valuable than other things. The things that are more valuable cost more, so you have to spend more money to get them.”
“Wow. So… Marcus drove to the store, and he’s going to buy stuff… for me?” Isabell’s brow furrows as she pieces these concepts together.
“Yeah, you got it," he confirms.
“What is Marcus’ job?”
“He’s got a job on campus in the writing lab, he helps students write and edit papers. He also works in the student office with the English department at our school. Oh," he pauses, "School?” he asks, checking in with her to see if she knows what a school is. She looks at him blankly, so he goes ahead and explains, “Marcus and I, we are in college. So, we pay people to teach us in a specific area of study. Marcus is studying something in writing, I’m not sure what his degree is called. I’m studying Business Management, but I also have a tailoring apprenticeship with a local shop. I sew and do alterations to clothing.”
She’s just learned so much about humans, it makes her head spin. She's seen so little of this world. She knew that, but just this conversation with Ezekiel has really pulled back the curtain on the expanse of what she doesn’t know. School, jobs, money, stores, driving. There is so much more out there than simply borrowing and not being seen.
Typically, she tries not to think too much about the human world. Now she can’t help but wonder, what kind of things she would do if she actually fit in this world? What hobbies could she have? What kind of job would she want? What would she go to school for? Would she get any tattoos?
“Sorry, that’s probably information overload,” Zeke apologizes.
“No, no it’s fine. I’m just… I’m just trying to wrap my head around it,” she says with a sigh, “I guess the world is a lot bigger than I thought it was.” She furrows her brow and to avoid looking at the massive human before her, she takes to simply looking down at the bandage on her leg. All at once she feels the scope of how small she is.
Maybe the threat of danger isn’t the only reason that borrowers should avoid humans. Maybe that rule was there also to protect her from the heartbreaking realization that no matter what, she won’t ever fit in this world.
“Are you alright?” He asks, interrupting her thoughts once more.
“Hm?” She looks back up at Zeke.
“Is your leg bothering you? I think you can have some medicine now, that should help you with the pain. Though, we should probably eat something first. How about this. I go make us some breakfast, then we get you some medicine. Would that be alright?”
“Oh, um. Y-yeah,” she responds, grateful that he’s taking the reigns on the conversation now.
“Do you want to come with me into the kitchen, or do you want to stay out here? I can put a movie on or something for you if you’d like.”
He’d leave her out here? The exit to the wall is just right there. Of course, she’d have to figure out how to get down from the table. She doesn’t have any gear with her and- actually. Right now, what’s the point?  These humans have already discovered her, and at the very least they make good conversation. If she goes back home, she’d have no one, and nothing waiting for her. Here, there. It wouldn’t matter either way. She’s never going to belong in this world, so it doesn’t really matter where she ends up. Right now, she just can’t be bothered.
“A-actually, can I come with you?” She surprises herself by asking him. Maybe he would be able to distract her from her spiraling existentialism.
“Yeah of course.” Zeke nods once, stoic as ever. Then, he glances at her, and flashes that same soft smile he gave her before. He rests his hand down in front of her, letting her climb on.
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b1adie · 2 months
can you share. some other theories u have. I want to study your brain like a bug i love your theories
Misha isnt invisible or a dream or whatever, people CAN see him, he’s 100% real, but everyone thinks he’s lame for tripping and falling all the time so they completely ignore him 24/7. The reason we could see him in 2.0 is because nobody had a chance to tell trailblazer yet that we’re supposed to be ignoring this loser. Aventurine discreetly caught them up to speed by 2.1 as you can see (or should i say CANT see. because misha is gone now) so we’ll never have to worry about that clumsy idiot again! 🤣
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So, I'm really enjoying my Hannibal obsession, but a big downside is that it makes it really hard to sleep. Tonight, I couldn't stop shaking, so instead of disturbing my partner, I got up and wrote down the story in my head.
Warnings: violence, mentions of death/murder, nudity, implied sex, extremely inappropriate psychiatrist-patient relationships
(PS. I am only on episode 2.1, so no spoilers past that point please and thank you)
They were close. Close enough for Hannibal to taste the trepidation on Will’s skin, to see the flutter of his pulse in his throat. To watch as he leaned even closer, head tilting to the side.
Their foreheads touched.
‘I’m not Alana Bloom, Will’, Hannibal said. His palm was resting on Will’s cheek, the hairs from Will’s beard prickling his skin.
‘I know who you are’, Will replied. He didn’t try to move closer, nor did he pull back.
‘And do you know who you are?’
A hair’s breadth closer, lips slightly parted. The tip of Will’s nose rested warm and soft against Hannibal’s cheek. He could smell him – his skin, his toothpaste, his excitement, shot through with fear. Hannibal swallowed, and chose his next words carefully.
‘Then why?’
‘Why?’ Will asked. One of his hands moved to cup Hannibal’s cheek too, and where he’d expected a tremor, there was steadiness. He listened to Will take a breath. ‘Why do I want to kissyou, if I don’t think you’re Dr Bloom?’
‘Because you’re very kissable.’
Hannibal drew back, a little flicker of annoyance sparking at the edge of his subconscious. He resented the conflation, even though he had invited it.
‘Don’t lie to me, Will’, he said, and when he tried to pull his head back further, Will’s fingers tightened, getting a grip on the hair at the base of his skull. ‘And don’t insult me.’
Another tightening of those fingers and Hannibal, intrigued, let himself be caught. He let Will rest their foreheads back together, slot their noses into place; let his mouth hover, millimetres away from Will’s. He could feel his beard again – this time not only in his palm, but against his lips.
Will was silent for so long that anyone with less knowledge of Will’s psychology might have thought the question ignored, forgotten. The room around them billowed silence, and Hannibal focused on the rhythm of Will’s breathing, and the ticking of his own watch.
‘It’s the only thing I can think to do’, Will said, eventually, and the desperation in his voice was so affecting that Hannibal allowed him a momentary lapse of control, let Will capture his top lip between his own. ‘The only possible way I can –’
‘Possess me? Consume me?’
Another moment, another taste – teeth and tongues and discordant, beautiful chaos, the tang of blood on his lips.
‘My psychiatrist believes I’m obsessed with you’, Hannibal said, drawing back, this time resisting Will’s efforts to keep him close. Will was breathing hard, and the fear which had coloured his scent before had vanished. His mouth was red, and his tongue darted out to taste the blood on his lower lip.
‘What does my psychiatrist think?’
‘I think you’re fascinated by me, certainly. You’re attracted to me despite knowing that you shouldn’t be. Some might say that constituted obsession.’
Will climbed fully into Hannibal’s chair now, crowding him, made bold by the previous successful experiments. And Hannibal had no reason to deny him, not when he could sink his teeth into him, taste him without extinguishing him. He could feel Will’s blood pounding, put his fingers up against the hollow of his throat and his tongue on his collarbone, and feel him arch and whine, just barely, the first flicker of a plead.
‘Tell me what you want’, he heard himself say. If Will had wanted to devour him piece by living piece, he would have agreed, lain unprotesting on his own examining couch, watching those two hands stain red.
Will was dazed, but he heard, processing the words as Hannibal bit down on the lobe of his ear.
‘I want you to show me’, he said. ‘How you’d do it.’
‘How I’d kill you?’
Will clambered off the chair and, panting, offered his hand. Hannibal took it, and stood.
‘You’re not the only one who gets curious’, Will murmured.
His eyes were bright and his hands were steady, unknotting Hannibal’s tie, assaulting the buttons on his waistcoat. He was being aggressive, but not enough to damage the garments. A familiar flare of excitement, tinged with something rarer, flashed through him. He pressed a hand against his trouser pocket, feeling for a handle.
‘You’re an interesting prospect’, Hannibal told him, backing him slowly towards the back wall of the office. Will’s hands stilled. ‘I don’t need to work to get close to you. That makes things considerably easier.’
Will’s back hit the wall, and Hannibal, heart thundering now, advanced until they were almost pressed together.
‘Strangulation is a particularly effective way of rendering a person unconscious’, he said, his left hand moving to press against Will’s windpipe – not hard enough, not really, but enough to make him gasp, to make a fresh flicker of fear kindle in his eyes.
‘And what about –’
‘I’ve already disarmed you’, Hannibal said, the gun from Will’s holster already in his hand, now dropped and kicked out of harm’s way. ‘You, unfortunately, cannot say the same.’
A flash of silver and Will’s right hand was pinned to the wall by the cuff of his shirtsleeve and the knife. Hannibal had his left securely contained in his own right hand, and he increased the pressure on Will’s throat, just a fraction. Will groaned, and that same thrill flared.
‘I assume in reality’, Will said, struggling to speak. ‘In reality that knife goes through my palm.’
‘And then?’
Hannibal released him.
‘You pass out. I carry you downstairs and take you home.’
‘I don’t keep good knives at the office.’
Will smiled weakly, and Hannibal let him reorient himself, stowed the folding knife back in his pocket, and straightened his waistcoat as best he could. The tie, it seemed, had been discarded over the back of the chair, and he was curious enough as to where this was going not to fetch it immediately.
‘Do you want to know the rest?’
Will nodded.
‘I’ll spare you the journey, but you wake up, undressed, tethered to my worktop.’
He watched Will finger the bottom edge of his shirt and, understanding without needing to be asked, took two steps back into his space and undid every button, eyes locked on Will’s, not moving his gaze to push both shirt and jacket to the floor, nor to turn his hands to the buttons of his trousers.
‘Hannibal, I –’
‘I know.’
He hoisted Will, completely nude, into his arms, and laid him out on his couch. He could see the rhythm of his heart faintly against his ribs, saw him shiver even as his skin flushed and eyes darkened.
He ran a single finger from throat to sternum, to navel, finally allowing himself to look, to feast upon Will Graham, to contemplate him as the work of art he should, rightfully, have become shortly after they met. He was far too alluring, far too dangerous, and now, far too beautiful. Hannibal swallowed.
‘I never settled on a final decision’, he said, allowing Will a moment of eye contact. ‘Perhaps that’s why you’re still alive.’
‘No it’s not.’
Hannibal smiled quietly, turning his gaze back to Will’s flesh.
‘Perhaps not. Dismemberment always appealed, although I’d have needed to take you somewhere more isolated for that. The neighbours, you know.’
Heartrate increasing again, he took one of Will’s hands in his own, and ran his lips and nose up from wrist to shoulder, following the veins.
‘Open heart surgery would have posed similar problems’, he said, and now he pressed his cheek to Will’s chest, kneeling beside the couch, Will’s fingers curling into his hair. ‘But I think my favourite option – the most poetic – was drowning.’
Will laughed – or rather, he huffed out a breath of air that Hannibal felt against his scalp, and he watched his stomach rise and fall with it.
‘Don’t tell me’, he said, and Hannibal shifted his head so that he could look into Will’s face as he formulated his assumption. ‘The blood of all my supposed victims?’
Hannibal blinked. Then, slowly, he climbed onto the couch, pinning Will in place, letting the feeling of an impending kill vibrate through him, even as the only resistance Will offered was to arch into his body and stare, defiant.
‘No’, he said. ‘Mine.’
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tu-sugar-mami · 1 year
The things that could have been (2.1/3)
You can read part 1 here
You can read part 2.2 here
Roughly 4k words, the whole thing is 8k but Tumblr crashes when I try to post it, so half and half it is.
Warnings: lots of fluff and also angst. This story will not have a happy ending, read at own risk
After your inevitable arrival to the Beneviento estate the day next of receiving the letter, you were instructed by Angie to wait while she and Don–Don attended some, in Angie's words, 'Very important secret stuff'.
Patience was a virtue only reserved for your craft; time and carefulness were required for precise measurements and strokes carved on the wood in order to make a unique piece. You had to give credit to yourself though, as you waited in the living room for a good part of an hour before the restlessness got the best of you. Being a sweet little curious person by nature, you couldn't help but to wander through the place. Your gaze raked over the many trinkets that littered the shelves; from tiny glass figurines to objects you had never seen before. Lots of them you hadn't really noticed in your first stay, or more like you hadn't paid enough attention to them while your mind was constantly tugged between fearing for your life and having a great time with the host.
Walking around, you noticed pictures scattered around the walls of that first floor. Most of them with the glass looking old and unattended as the dust buried the images. From what you could see, the photographs portrayed a small happy family, but what caught your attention was the fact that the face of one of the two girls that made act of presence in almost every frame was covered by what appeared to be black paint. It was strange, unsettling, almost as if the Lady didn't want the girl's face to be noticed but at the same time couldn't completely bring herself to get rid of the photos altogether.
You hadn't stopped to think that the Lady probably grew up there, and it made you wonder, how was it for her? You knew she had lived for quite a long time by now, but it was hard to remember that she had also been human once. For a second, your mind wandered to images of a little Lady Beneviento running through the gardens with the happiest of smiles and the bubbliest of laughs and your heart skipped a beat at the happy thought.
The rumors back at the village always spoke about the family that used to live in that very same estate many, many –humanly impossible– years ago. At least half of the villagers believed Lady Beneviento to be the oldest daughter of them, but as it always happens, stories tend to change with time, and these days there wasn't a single person alive from that time to properly tell the story.
Your gaze halted its roaming at the sight of a larger frame hanging on the stairs wall. Had that always been there? The reflection of the light against the protective glass blocked part of it from where you stood and so your feet, on their own will, found their way up the stairs in hopes of getting a closer look.
Angie was the one that gave away the muse’s identity. The large portrait perched on the wall was picturing no one other than the Lady Beneviento herself. You had seen how she treated her doll, there was no way she’d let anyone else but herself hold Angie. Since you met the pair, there hadn’t been a single time where they’d been apart from each other, and though at first it did make you feel uncomfortable, you quickly learned to accept it.
The sight was mesmerizing. Whoever the artist was, they had an impeccable stroke. The way they played with the lights made the image appear to be bathed in a warm light, and the Lady’s eyes –so lifelike– reflected it in a way that made your heart skip a few beats. Was this really the person you spent the last month and a half with? 
You couldn't help but to stare at the portrait for the longest time, forgetting any concerns and intrusive thoughts, instead letting yourself being consumed by the image in front of you. Taking in every small detail and drowning yourself in the beauty of the woman that had been kind enough to let you into her home, you couldn’t help but to let out a shaky breath of reverence. Even the strange feeling of being observed by the dolls that littered the room seemed to dissipate as in your mind, at that moment, only existed the image of the gorgeous woman. 
Little did you know, your actions didn’t go unnoticed. A certain Lady had her many watching eyes on you….
After Lady Beneviento finally returned with Angie skipping in tow behind her, a light blush painted your cheeks. The portrait on the wall looked old, and it was possible that the Lady had different looks nowdays, but still you were sure that her beauty couldn’t wither, no matter how many years passed by. 
As days passed by it didn’t take long for you to go back to your previous routine, going every morning to take notes on the new design, spending the day with Lady Beneviento, and returning to your cabin in the afternoon to work on the piece. 
If anyone in the village noticed your sudden cheerfulness, certainly they didn’t dare to mention it. You weren’t blind, of course you noticed the puzzled and sometimes dirty looks they sent your way, not to mention the whispers behind your back, but honestly you couldn’t bring yourself to care when every morning you were welcomed at the Beneviento estate by the most heavenly smell of fresh home–cooked meals with the Lady herself expecting you already at the table. 
Of course you weren’t complaining. The villagers could keep talking for all you cared, Lady Beneviento was nicer than most of them.
The next week, somewhere around 5 in the afternoon the two of you decided to spend some time in the porch, with your head was resting on her lap and her hand gently combing your hair as you read out loud for her.
You felt relaxed under her soothing touch, but were engrossed in the book enough to not fall asleep. When you felt the Lady’s fingers on your scalp stop, you lightly turned your head towards her, only for her to trace your jaw with her finger in a featherlike touch, and with the softest voice she urged you to call her Donna. You loved how her name sounded, and she loved even more the way you so sweetly said it every time.
When you were sure the Lady wouldn’t be bothered by it, her name became a very constant word in your daily vocabulary. You loved it, and you always uttered with the softest tint you could conjure. It was important and you would treat it as such. 
Donna couldn’t think of the last time she enjoyed hearing her name from someone else. For years the only ones that ever called her that were either Karl, Moreau, her nieces and on rare occasions Alcina. Mother Miranda liked to call them by their last names, which Donna supposed it was a subtle way to hold –even more– control over her children, but as far as she knew, the bird woman never bothered with kindness. But with you… with you it felt different. You cared, and it showed. Donna couldn’t get enough of her name rolling on your tongue. You were hesitant at first, but with enough encouragement you became confident, and she felt proud of herself for taking the decision to allow you to use her name.
It was a thunderstorm that brought you to Donna's bedroom in the wee hours of the night.
Having the Lady just at the other side of the hall did very little to calm your hammering heart, and hesitant as you were, the fear you felt over the roaring sound from the skies overcame in its entirety the embarrassment, (not that you weren't used to the savage weather changes back at the village, but the vastness and emptiness of the manor plus the ferocious roar of the agitated waterfall made you skittish) and with a final push you dared to frantically knock on Donna's door. 
Of course Donna wouldn't deny you; the rapid beating of her own heart at the thought of you feeling safe enough with her to seek comfort in her company gave away her excitement. As you found shelter in her bed, she could smell the scent of her favorite shampoo radiating from you lying next to her. Since Donna didn't tend to share her bed often, she didn't see the need to acquire anything bigger than a one meant for a single person, and never in her life was she more thankful for that decision when your bodies were mushed together, shoulder to shoulder, and she could feel your warmth against her.
Donna's mind was troubled that moment though, as she couldn't decide if it was correct to hold or not your hand, but as a new round of thunder made you shudder, the need to comfort the whimpering carpenter was too much, too powerful to ignore, and before she knew it, her hand was holding your own protectively.
As for you, you couldn’t remember when was the last time you had such a good rest. That night your dreams had been filled with sweet perfume and softness. What you didn’t expect though, was to wake up to the feeling of warm skin on your cheek and strong arms holding you close. Your lips were barely caressing Donna’s neck, and you would be lying if you said the way your legs were tangled with hers in such compromising position didn’t make the butterflies in your stomach fly in a hurry. You had to fight the urge to burrow further into Donna’s neck out of fear of removing her veil, deciding instead to settle for listening to the steady rhythm of her heart that slowly but surely lulled you to a light slumber once again.
If there was a way to describe heaven, you’d both silently agree that this was it.
Perhaps that’s why, sharing a bed whenever you had to stay the night became something that happened more often than not, regardless of the weather. Both of you tried to convince yourselves that it was for the best, a win–win if you will. Soon enough, without words, the left side of Donna’s bed was claimed as yours. It was so easy to slide into the claws of sleep when you had Donna’s body next to you; You were always too warm, she was always too cold. It was perfectly balanced. 
If the Lady was bothered by your snoring, you certainly never noticed, although it was impossible for Donna to not like it. After so long of sleeping in deafening silence, the sound of your soft snoring –so peaceful and tranquil– became a sort of lullaby, never failing in reminding her that, thankfully, she would never be alone again…
A crazy morning it was, when you accidentally saw the Lady’s face for the first time.
It had been a clear day, although rare as it was still the last days of winter, but the sun was shining and the breeze was calm. No wonder it took you both by surprise when, on your way to the greenhouse, a particularly harsh wind blew Donna’s veil off, and you were unprepared for what laid under it. The portrait on the stairs was so wrong…
…it didn’t do her any justice at all. 
Just as you had suspected, by the time the painting had been done, Donna had been a tad younger, for you could see her face had some features proper of someone in her early–thirties rather than her mid–twenties as the painting showed. If anything, she was even more gorgeous…
It took you all of your willpower to refrain from kissing her right there and then, but if you couldn’t do that, at least you wouldn’t keep your thoughts about her beauty to yourself. The way her dark eye glistened with unshed tears as you told her with the most delicate voice that she was gorgeous, it had no price.
Donna couldn’t remember when was the last time someone cupped her face so tenderly, and the sweet way you laid a gentle kiss on her forehead didn’t fail in calming her insecurities. Donna had never felt so loved before, even if she knew your love was platonic. Probably.
That very moment you swore yourself to never let a day pass when you didn’t remind her of how truly precious and gorgeous she was.
If anyone saw the things that happened inside the Beneviento estate, they would confidently assume that the couple living there was irrevocably in love with each other. Angie saw it herself, in the way you looked at Donna with lovey–dovey eyes like she was the most beautiful fae even with her messy bed–hair, pillow creases marked on her cheek and half squinted eye as she drank her –quite strong– morning coffee. She noticed how Donna started to hold your hand on your shared afternoons walks, always giving herself the time to gently stroke her thumb over your knuckles as you animatedly talked about whatever thing came to your mind at the moment. She witnessed with her own glass orbs the way your arms always circled Donna's waist as she cooked and laughed at your poor vegetable puns. Even something as simple as Donna locking her pinky finger with yours was enough for you to turn to her and look at her with so much devotion in your eyes. 
Of course Angie knew.
As the months passed by, even Alcina knew; Alcina who, with a tint of teasing mirth in her eyes and a smirk on her lips, had made a comment or two about the sudden appearance of new furniture pieces in the manor (knowledge courtesy of the three bugs that regularly visited their aunt) that Donna most definitely didn't need. 
Unbeknownst to you, you were the reason Donna and Alcina became closer. Perhaps the older woman finally felt compelled to participate in the sibling dynamic by finding something –or rather, someone– to tease her little sister about, and slowly but surely began to embrace the dollmaker in a way not even the many, many years of forced convivence could. It was hard since Donna was always secluded, and the countess was not a patient woman, but thanks to you Alcina could finally, after so long, accept Donna as part of her family, grow to love her as much the other two baby–men she called brothers (even if she first would be caught dead before admitting it out loud), and respect her for her worth. 
Still, could Lady Dimitrescu really blame Donna for her strategy? Commissioning new shelves, coffee tables, doors, benches and such were the only way Donna knew to make sure you kept coming back. Sure, she was quickly running out of space to place all of your work pieces, but it was hard to find a reason for you to stay with her without the excuse of needing new furniture.
Was it selfish? Perhaps, but once Donna sat down in your usual spot on the couch, on one of the rare afternoons you were absent, she thought about it and decided that she didn’t like the solitude anymore, not when all she could think about was to have you there with her, even if just for a moment. Donna found herself sighing quite often, after she realized she was in too deep already.
Perhaps the excuses were necessary, but at least Donna could get away by having you stay longer. It was time to ask you to move in at least for whatever time you needed to finish the pieces, after all, the path to the village was dangerous and it was tiring to travel back and forth every day, but to gather the courage needed to propose you such thing was… nearly impossible for her.
Luckily for Donna, she had Angie to give her some advice.
Following her beloved’s doll instructions, the Lady put the plan in motion by insisting that you stayed the week as to not have the unnecessary trips tire you, even going as far as to have arranged your own workshop in the manor, and who were you to decline such kind offer? Especially when every morning you were woken up by such an angel, and the afternoons were spent with the Lady watching you work.
Oh how you both loved to be around each other. You thanked every god that was willing to listen for having met Donna. Your Donna… the hours of the day were not enough for every plan you had, whether the Lady wanted to show you a secret path to a cave hidden behind the waterfall, or you just wanted to help her polish the wood of her beloved dolls, the day seemed to fizzle away as quickly as the flame of a match.
You still remember fondly that day of the picnic in a nearby clearing.
It was the first day of summer, and the sun was shining, the breeze was soft and it felt like a wonderful day for a picnic. 
Laughing and eating was nice, but it was even nicer to enjoy the warm sunrays on your face while lying under the canopy of a big tree. Somehow you had convinced Donna to let her hair down, and she loved how your fingers raked softly through her dark locks.
You’ve always been shy about it, but you had this habit of humming unconsciously when you were content or focused, and being so comfortable with Donna laying on top of you enjoying the softness of her hair made you happy enough to start singing a soft tune.
It caught Donna by surprise, but it was lovely to hear your soft voice lowly singing a tranquil melody, and the soft rumble of your chest against her ear made her almost cry with how lovely it felt. It made her wish that the moment never ended…
You had a nice voice, untrained but beautiful indeed, and Donna thought it was a shame she didn’t get to hear it more often.
Her sight became blurry as she attentively listened to your words and the pretty melody.
“Who are we to say,
Blue skies are made in heaven.”
She sighed contently at feeling of the tranquil rhythm of your breathing and the muffled purr coming from your chest as your voice was accompanied by the sound of rustling leaves and chirping birds. 
It was perfect, and not for the first time since she was with you, Donna felt at peace.
“Here in the dark the world is changing, 
and a new day’s begun.
When we rule the world”
The feeling of your fingers in her hair plus the soothing tune and the fresh breeze caressing her face were enough to bring Donna to a light slumber, and for the rest of that afternoon you both were happy to just enjoy each other’s company…
Despite the new accommodations in behalf of your semi–permanent stay at the Beneviento estate, neither of you –specially Donna– saw it necessary to change your bed sharing arrangement, and it was not only one, but many nights that you laid in your side of the bed, denied of any ounce of sleep and instead focusing on your sleeping companion. Her long lashes and soft chin made her seem angelical, and your fingers ached, almost burned, to trace the sharp curve of her jaw. It was stupid, you thought, to love someone so desperately and have them so close but unreachable at the same time. It was scary, you realized, to have unwillingly handed your heart out yet again no matter how many times you chastised yourself over breaking your promise. You tried again and again to smother the flame that burned within you until the last spark of love was extinct, but again and again Donna was there to remind you of the chokehold she had on you whether she was aware of it or not.
Donna´s hands were, for some weird reason, always cold, and if she was honest she couldn’t be sure when it became a habit of her to place them flat under your shirt in search of warmth. She couldn’t have possibly known, but your brain always had a hard time concealing the slumber when Donna’s long fingers began to aimlessly trace lines on your bare warm skin. Not that you were complaining, but having her fingers dance like that on your body more often than not left your ears burning with your mind thinking of those same skilled fingers wandering on your body with a different intent.
Your heart ached for Donna, but what was left of your rational mind tugged you the other way. Donna was indeed perfect, and many insecurities managed to arise within you, not to mention the reminder of your promise very present in the back of your mind… although… would it really be that bad if you let yourself love again? Every time you looked at Lady Beneviento, you felt scared of the things you felt, but at the same time you couldn’t help the somersaults you heart made while yelling ‘I want her, I want her!’
You weren’t sure how many days had passed, but by the time you finished the last commission (four fancy bed corner posts that you mentioned wanting as a joke but that suspiciously became Donna’s next request), you finally came to terms with your feelings towards the Lady.
You realized that forcing yourself to deny everything was useless. Opting for passing your sudden cheerfulness whenever you were close to Donna as just being happy to be away from the village became your reliable –although very measly– excuse. Soon enough you learned that it was more than a simple infatuation. You realized, despite of your own fears and insecurities, that you craved more, but at the same time that realization scared you.
Much to your relief, Donna was clueless about the whole tug of war between your brain and heart, and at the moment that was more than enough. Or so you believed.
In reality Donna wasn’t fairing any better.
Her hand intertwined with yours as you both enjoyed the slow sunset exploding in pink and orange hues was an anchor she never knew she needed. The lovely carpenter became an important part of Donna’s daily life, and no matter how hard she tried, she could not imagine her days without the spark of life you brought to hers.
Good god… the level of presence you had in her home left her speechless. Soon enough, you left your personal print on the décor, adding trinkets of your own to Donna’s always growing collection. A warm fluffy blanket (that you insisted on calling Blinky the blankey and the name somehow got stuck with Donna too) found home at the couch in the Lady´s projection room just in case there was an impromptu movie night. Even your clothes were always mixed with Donna’s own in her closet, and she wouldn’t admit it out of embarrassment but she liked to wear one of your sweaters when you were away, your scent lingering on the garment bringing her comfort in her lonely hours. 
(end of part 2.1)
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m0e-ru · 1 year
why do you use him/her he/she pronouns for mim in that post?? isnt mim strictly they/them???
yeah okay no. 1: sorry that post was literally unreadable no punctuation no context no shit no nothing no life. like literally how my discord message dumps look like I am SO sorry I really am. you can always ask though I talk about shit like it's an already known thing I'm sorry my dear okyakusan
no. 2.1: umm short answer: idc about pronouns really I've been juggling them the whole time. I'm balling 🤾🤾🤾 also I'm a writer and I like to be dramatic but that comes with the fact I make shit too vague and it doesn't make sense in the end but I like the drama. like telanovelas <-doesn't know what they're saying at this point
no. 2.2 and all the other sections under cut because I'll be a lot more talkative this time around while I uh. still have the energy though
I'll just put a really loose chart here for a second
Izy (my idea ,technically OC, of the whole Iznmi and Marie once was) - she/her Marie - she/her Mim - whatever (the situation calls for)
while publically and online I don't talk about my ideas in detail or like, something closer to a finished product, I do like to use pronouns dramatically trying to make use of the English langauge (<- thinks in 2-3 languages at a time). In this case, it'd be towards mim's different aspects. as a diety (she/her), human facade (he/him), or like uh Ame-no-Sagiri (it/its) and other stuff they do while possessing people probably.
imagine there being an omniscient narrator but likes to be dramatic and talking to an audience in the voice of a certain character and from that "perspective" (<- desperately trying to explain their bullshit writing style). If I write from a Teddie perspective then the narrative would use "sensei" for Souji and describe details curiously, or an Adachi perspective where the narrative would use "idiot" and sounds very annoyed and lazy, or Souji using "senpai" and is particular with descriptions and with things that catch his eye, or, very vaguely, mim trying to distinguish their roles and identities as god and as this human they're acting as.
but the narrator is also its own guy and decides to make analogies that could foreshadow something or make things sound interesting or sound embarrassing and cheesy and (gritting teeth, punching the fucking air)
onto a more personal take though, I guess I do leave the impression I use they/them for mim pretty firmly but not really strictly! I am a silly guy I don't really care it's not really firm at all lol
that, or you caught me while I was building this station from the ground up (2020 blog making) and pronoun usage was something really. violent eye twitching. to me. Sure I had some issues with it on a really personal level but it's fine now if that's what you're worried about. I get the feeling I do and if you came back after a while to see me messing around and letting she/he come out of my mouth without choking I'm sorry if that disturbed you. Just remembering I'm in a Community and this guy was a doll thing to be played around with and I can decide my corners and circles with blorbo. and also coming to terms with. myself (self projection revealing things about oneself WHO KNEW!!!!!!!) Or I could be completely mega wrong and I'm the only one in the world who had this experience oh well sorry
reiterating from my last letter (really long post, whichever that one was) "Mim" can be something so personal but at the same time I don't want to alienate people but make them feel comfortable with it instead. like a house name, like I am LITERALLY that friend who has nicknames for everybody and you just know who I'm referring to and you aren't obligated to use the same terms.
mim is like my guy. my boy best friend. my mom. my terrible aunt. my knows too much grandparent. my funny uncle. my cousin from a different city. my brother. my local cryptid freak thing
LIKE use whatever you want for mim, for Nami, for Izanami, whatever. I don't want you to force yourself to use mim because you think referring to them as anything else would make me turn into a hater. I am tottsly fine really its fun seeing what other people use. like a personality indicator. but if you do use mim genuinely then, well that makes me feel a bit soft.
if you want a closer look at my brain I'll try and plot it down /scratches head/
Mim is a general go-to, Mimi if I want to feel sentimental. Hell, I'll switch it up to Iznmi like calling your teacher sir Benny in class but having to say sir De Guzman to call him out from the faculty office (unless this analogy is a bit more specific, sorry, I meant when I'm vomiting ideas in message vs trying to plot it out for a proper discussion or talk to other people who don't know I use mim)
Iznmi is all contracted because of the Horrors but I ended up sticking with it, without the added Horrors, because it got easier to type and my keyboard already learned the word in its autofill, so. I also use it when I try to distance myself from blorbo vision and try to discuss more specifically and with proper details.
Izy is the oc she's her own thing. I got tired of using "izanami-no-mikoto" all the time i mean heres my nickname documentation
Izanami is when I'm referring outside of P4 like the creation myth or other Izanamis in different media (hifumi.........).
like a special code for myself especially when I'm trying to discuss all four in one sentence (IT GETS CRAZYYY) like "Izanami (p4) and Izanami (who marie was as a whole) and Izanami (creation myth) and Izanami (there was this really cool blazblue recolor I saw one time)" I WOULD'VE GONE INSANE !
okay back to pronouns um. having mim as a blorbo put me through very special horrors but at the same time a journey that taught me a lot. figuring myself out and what kind of trans swag I want. pronouns, presentation, etc etc all that junk. and I realized I do not really care? I can do what I want and so can mim and I'm happy for them and by extension happy for me. while I don't really care, I guess I don't like messing with the topic too much publically and I know of some people who have it close to their heart and do take identity and transness very seriously. I don't want to seem apathetic but also non accepting at the same time, it's just, augh, there are reasons I don't want to be popular and the fear of having a knife to my throat to have aggressive questions like this. you can do what you want! it's cool 👍 I don't want to take sides most of the time (unconfrontational, doesnt want to fight) but I'll have opinions when I have opinions (you know. the obvious). this is, auggg it's tiring to be people pleasing in general (it is 2am) THAT'S ENOUGH OF A PEROSNAL SPIEL GOODNJGHT ANON HPE YOU HAD A NICE FKRST TWO WEEKS OF THE NEW YEAR.
0 notes
sasspan · 2 years
postage stamps
summary: when moon leaves alola following the events of the us/um arc, sun decides to send her a letter.
wordcount: ~2.1 k
notes: originally written for volume 1 of the journey continues, a pokemon special charity zine, back in early 2021. beta’d by @petaldancing (thank you!)
Dear Miss Customer Package,
Alola! It’s me, Sun the Delivery Boy. It’s been a few weeks since you went back to Sinnoh, so I thought I would send you this letter to see how you were settling in.
How are you doing? Things are okay here in Alola. My delivery service is doing pretty well. Kiawe and those old Team Skull grunts are making sure I take a lot of breaks so I don’t get burned out. It feels strange to be working with others, but it’s nice, too. I like having people I can count on!
I’ve been stopping by Professor Burnett’s place a lot. I think she feels lonely, now that Lillie’s spending more time with Gladion and her old lady. She still makes extra food by habit sometimes, but don’t worry, it never goes to waste! Me and Kukui finish it up real fast.
When I stayed for dinner last week, we were watching some news show on TV, and guess who showed up on screen? You, Miss! You were standing next to some old guy and getting an award or something. Congratulations! Did it come with a cash prize?
Either way, I hope you’re doing okay. Lately I’ve been realizing…it’s kinda weird not having you around. I guess I didn’t realize how much I got used to having you nearby while we were in the Ultra World. I definitely miss all your medicines and stuff, cuz it was so convenient.
Write back soon!
Sun the Delivery Boy
P.S. I’ve never written a letter before, so I hope I marked the envelope right!
P.S.S. Geez, postage to Sinnoh is expensive. I picked the least pricey delivery option, so it might take a couple weeks for you to get this.
Dear Courier,
I have to admit, I was surprised to receive your letter. It was delivered by a very harried looking Wingull, and had some questionable stains on it. What kind of delivery service are you paying for?
But, I do appreciate your reaching out. I’m enjoying being back in Sinnoh; as you know, Alola’s tropical environment was not something I particularly liked. Thank you, also, for your (kind?) words about my award. I received it due to my successful treatment of the poisoned Piplup I told you about. I synthesized the antidote quite easily thanks to the adorable poison-type Pokémon I caught in Alola; my beautiful Alolan Grimer was especially helpful.
That “old guy” you mentioned is my mentor, the celebrated Professor Rowan. My work in his lab is progressing wonderfully too. I only wish my elder sister were here in Sandgem Town with me; she’s currently visiting Snowpoint City, in the north of Sinnoh. I’ve told her a bit about you; she says you remind her of her two best friends.
Thank you again for reaching out. Please pass on my well wishes to everyone in Alola.
P.S. Just so you know, “P.S” stands for “post-script”, so if you want to add a post-script to your post-script, you would abbreviate it as “P.P.S.”, for “post-post-script”.
P.P.S. Like this.
Dear Miss Customer Package,
Alola! Thanks for writing back. Your handwriting is real neat, which I guess I should’ve expected. Glad to hear your Pokémon are doing well; I thought your Decidueye might not like the cold so much, ‘cuz he’s a Grass-type, but I guess not, huh?
(I’m not surprised that you’re acing your work with the old guy. Amazing as usual, Miss!)
My Pokémon are doing pretty good too. Cent is actually listening to me a little more than usual! I think it’s good for him to still have a goal to work towards. I remember when we were in the Ultra Space, I felt so lost all the time, since I’d given up my goal at that point. Good thing you were there to make sure I kept moving forward, huh?
Today I had a delivery scheduled on Route 3. On the way back I stopped by Melemele Meadow. You didn’t get to visit it, did you? It’s one of the prettiest places in Alola, I think; it’s this big field full of yellow flowers where you can find all these cool Pokémon. When I was little I used to pick the flowers and use them to make leis that I could sell to people around the islands.
If you ever come back to visit us here, I’ll definitely take you there. I won’t even charge you for the ride, promise!
Sun the Delivery Boy
P.S. I’m putting a couple of flowers from Melemele Meadow into the envelope. I know they’ll probably be all dried up before they reach you, but I’m sure the color will still be nice!
P.P.S. Thanks!
Dear Courier,
Professor Kukui video-called me earlier this week to discuss Rotom’s pokedex, and mentioned that you’ve been stopping by to help out Soliera and the recon squad recently. If so, I owe you thanks; I’ve been in contact with them and know how overwhelmed with work they are right now.
I’ve heard similar things from Lillie and Olivia and even Gladion! Courier, you seem to be helping the whole of Alola nowadays. It’s impressive and very commendable, but please remember to rest every once in a while; collapsing from exhaustion won’t help anyone.
Though, I suppose I’m a bit of a hypocrite for saying that myself. Since I came back to Sinnoh, everything’s been a bit of a whirlwind, with research, publications, and conferences. It almost makes me miss the slow rhythm of Alola.
But, there are slow places here in Sinnoh as well. Your description of Melemele Meadow reminded me of a place nearby, Floaroma Town. The town of gently swaying blossoms. It’s well known for a certain flower called the Gracidea.
The Gracidea only blooms once every few years, and is much too big to fit in an envelope. But maybe, the next time it blooms, I can send you a few petals. Or maybe you could visit Sinnoh and I could show it to you myself.
Dear Miss Customer Package,
Sorry if my handwriting is a little hard to read. I fell off Taurus while doing a delivery and hurt my hand. Kiawe bandaged it up pretty good but it’s hard to hold a pen for too long!
Deliveries are getting busier nowadays. Now that Alola’s League system is up and running, there are more events than ever, which means more deliveries than ever! I’m glad for it, of course. It feels great to support the PokePelago in any way I can.
Sometimes I still wake up thinking that I gotta make enough money to buy the island back from Faba. It’s just for a moment, but then I remember the truth and it’s…well, not a good feeling. I know the work I did all that time wasn’t a waste or anything, but I feel like all my dreams maybe were; I would spend all this time trying to imagine what my Grandpa’s island would look like, and now I know those ideas are impossible. I don’t resent anybody. But it still hurts.
Speaking of hurt, ow! My hand is starting to ache again. I’ll sign off here.
Sun the Delivery Boy
P.S. Hau and Mallow are experimenting with some new malasada recipes. I’ll see if I can box some up and mail them to you; you’ve gotta try them!
Dear Courier,
Thank you for the malasadas. I shared them with my sister and her friends, and we thoroughly enjoyed them; one of my sister’s friends is quite talented at cooking, and he’s trying to recreate the recipe here.
I’m happy to hear that your work with PokéPelago is progressing well. I’m…sorry, about the loss of your grandfather’s island. I don’t know if I ever said that. I’m not the best when it comes to comfort. I’m a pharmacist, not a doctor! I don’t need to have a bedside manner.
But I’m still sorry. You worked hard for your dream and I know it was difficult to let go of it. But I also know that you have the ability to accomplish any task you set your mind to! I expect PokePelago will be established sooner rather than later.
If it makes you feel better: sometimes I dream I’m flying on Lunala again, drifting through Ultra Space surrounded by wind and stars. When I wake up, I realize I miss Lunala more than I expected to.
Keep an eye out for it, won’t you? During the night-time.
P.S. I was also unsurprised to learn that you’d hurt yourself, again. Courier, it’s not that I mind mixing medicines to heal you, but could you at least try to schedule your injuries in a way that makes it easier for me to gather the right ingredients each season? I’ve enclosed a jar of balm; it contains Sitrus Berry extract, which works best when fresh, but hopefully helps heal your hand at least a bit.
Apply a teaspoon to the affected area twice daily, then wrap with a bandage as usual.
* *
Dear Miss Customer Package,
Alola. Thanks for the balm; it healed up my hand super fast! I even lent a bit to Kukui, since he’s been getting all scuffed up lately.
I’m so glad you like the malasadas. Your sister and her friends sound like great people. You must be close to her, huh? I wonder what she’s like? A lot like you, I bet!
It must be nice to have siblings. I always wished I had some; I would’ve loved having somebody to play with or talk to when I was little.
Recently I realized I had spent more time with you this last year than I ever have with anybody else. Isn’t that crazy?
But maybe it’s not. Growing up in Alola, I didn’t really have…friends. I mean, the people here are really nice and all! But I was always working to save up money for the island, so I never had any time to spend with anyone else. (You know that saying, “time is money”? Well, I didn’t have either…)
Then you came along! And we were stuck in the Ultra Space for so long together. I know I wasn’t very good company back then, but I’m glad I wasn’t alone. Wasn’t that place weird? I’ll never forget those funky berries you found for us to eat. Or that area where gravity was all funny. Remember how each time I tried to take a step, I would float up into the air?
Miss, I never said “thank you”. I guess I took you for granted; but, the more time passes, the more I realize that the time we spent together was really important to me. So: thank you for looking after me in the Ultra Space; and thank you for always patching me up and never billing me for it; and thank you for sticking by me during everything that happened last year.
And thank you for responding to my letters! I don’t know if we’ll see each other again, but these letters are a nice way to stay in touch.
Your friend,
Sun the Delivery Boy
Dear Sun,
Alola. I’m sorry I didn’t reply to your last letter sooner. I was busy discussing certain arrangements with my sister and Professor Rowan; if everything works out, we might see each other again soon.
But the other reason I held off on responding so long is that your letter…it gave me a lot to think about. And I realized something too. I realized that we are more alike than I thought.
When I read what you wrote about growing up without friends, without being able to connect with others, without having time to be with someone whose company you liked; it was very familiar to me.
You’ve called me “amazing” for accomplishing so much, and I appreciate it, but…I understand, now, that I had to give up many things along the way. As a child, I spent so much time in the laboratory, the people I talked to most often weren’t my parents, they were my professors! I had my sister, of course, but she had her own journey to go on and her own friends to make. It was…lonely.
But then I came to Alola. And was thrown into the most bizarre, frustrating, unscientific set of circumstances I could imagine.
Yet…I made friends, too. Courier, sometimes you annoy me beyond belief, but…most of the time, I’m very glad I met you.
I’ll admit that when I first arrived in Alola, I didn’t particularly like it. But it grew on me. And…
I suppose you grew on me too.
Alola, Sun; I’m sure we’ll meet again.
Your friend,
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bucksfucks · 3 years
           amorosa // steve rogers
           chapter three: midnight
Tumblr media
    chapter one // chapter two // chapter three
                    chapter four // chapter five
               ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
                             main masterlist
summary || you wake up alone, a single note in the kitchen detailing where steve has gone. a few hours later you’re in his lavish office where he hands you a contract telling you to look over it before he takes you out to dinner. what you don’t realize is that dinner soon turns to something a little more risqué.
pairing || sugar daddy!steve x reader
word count || 2,908 words
warnings || financial struggles, sugar daddy dynamics, undefined age gap, public washroom sex, unprotected sex, heavy daddy kink, mocking, degradation, name calling, orgasm denial, blowjobs, praise kink, dirty talk — 18+ ONLY//MINORS DNI
      When you awoke the next morning you found yourself alone in your bed. The sheets were cold, though his side still smelt like Steve. You groaned as you stretched your arms above your head and your legs as far down as you could. 
     You were sore.
    Sore in the best possible way as butterflies flocked to your belly as you thought about how Steve was perfectly situated between your thighs or the way his cock filled you full. 
    You finally got the strength to get out of bed, legs slightly shaky as you grabbed your phone only to find it dead. It was plugged in and forgotten soon after as you started on a pot of coffee. 
    Your eyes caught sight of a note neatly placed on your small kitchen table, coming closer to inspect the neat writing over it. 
    Had to run to work, last night was everything and more. Give me a call when you see this. xx 
    Steve (678-136-7092)
    You smiled, as old-fashioned as a note might be, it made you feel warm inside as you impatiently waited for your phone to charge. It was only ten in the morning, you were sure he could wait just a little longer. 
    Your peace was soon disturbed by loud, incessant knocking at your front door that startled you, making you jump. You barely had time to set the piece of paper down before an envelope slipped under your door. 
    Grabbing it and quickly tearing it open you couldn't believe your eyes. 
    An eviction notice? 
    You groaned, rolling your eyes in disbelief as you shot daggers at your front door where your landlord was surely standing not even minutes ago. Still, you shook your head, tossing the notice onto your table before grabbing Steve's note and hoping your phone had enough juice to turn on. 
    Your day seemed to be turning up as it flashed on, a small victory as you quickly punched in Steve's number, turning speakerphone on as you tapped your foot waiting for him to pick up. 
    "Was startin' to think I scared you off after last night," Steve chuckled as he picked up the phone on the third ring. You playfully rolled your eyes, falling back against your bed. 
    "Scared me off? If anything you'll have trouble getting rid of me." You chid back as you heard Steve laugh followed by a click, probably an office door closing. 
    "Princess I won't be gettin' rid of you anytime soon." He said earnestly as you bit your lip trying to conceal your smile. You felt giddy, like a high schooler talking to their crush late on a Friday night. 
    "Do you think you can come down to my office this afternoon? I think we should discuss some rules." He said seriously, a twinge of professionalism coming through as your stomach flipped with nerves. 
    "Uhm yeah, sure, does one o'clock work?" You asked, sitting up to take a look at the time on the wall clock mounted right across from your bed. 
    "That's great, I'll send over a town car. See you soon, Princess." Steve said and you could hear the smirk in his voice as you stood up, feeling more confident in yourself. 
    "I'll see you later, Daddy." You nearly purred as he groaned lowly on the other end of the line, "oh I can't wait." And with that you were getting ready for your day. 
    Stark Towers was an impressive, daunting looking building as you stepped out of the town car Steve had sent over. The driver told you to just go to the front desk, tell them your name, and the rest would be taken care of. 
    You did just that, the petite woman behind the desk giving you a warm smile as she led you through a set of doors where you both got into a polished elevator. She hit the number 92 on the panel before you began your swift ascent. 
    The doors opened to white marble tiling, dark blue accents, and crystal clean statutes as she led you to a large set of where the name Steve Rogers, VP read in neat writing. She knocked twice before the doors were opened. 
    Steve had a hard look on his face that softened immediately as he caught sight of you. 
    "Thank you Belinda, can you prepare an all access card for her please?" He asked as she nodded her head, disappearing back into the elevator as Steve led you inside of his office. 
    He embraced you, wrapping his arms around your waist and placed a sweet kiss to your lips. 
    "I haven't stopped thinking of you," he mumbled, smiling as you played with the short hairs at the nape of his neck. He hummed, feeling the vibrations against your own chest as he leaned his forehead against yours. 
    "But as much as I'd love to take you right here, over my desk and in front of the windows, we have to set some rules." You couldn't help but whimper at his words, your arousal growing as he took a step away. 
    "Sit," it was a gentle command, and you did as you were told, taking a seat in one of the two plush chairs that were positioned right in front of his large oak desk. He leaned against the front of the desk, crossing his arms over his chest as he licked his bottom lip. 
    "I'm a man of business as you know, so," he grabbed something behind him, "there is a short contract." 
    You narrowed your eyes at the paper, extending your arm wordlessly as he gave it over to you. You skimmed over the first few paragraphs, noting how there were four pages total before you glanced at where he had already placed his signature. 
    "You signed already?" You asked, a little puzzled as he chuckled, "this is something I'm confident in." Steve shrugged, pushing himself off the desk and placing both of his hands on either side of your chair. 
    "Take your time, I don't need an answer right away." He says sweetly, his body towering over yours and the only thing you can think of is how much bigger he felt as he was on top of you last night. 
    You nodded your head slowly, swallowing thickly as he straightened his posture. He was so tall and broad and you had to stop thinking of him like that. At least for right now. 
    "I'll take a look at it tonight," you replied as he smiled, "good girl." 
    The praise sent another shiver down your spine as you watched him lick his bottom lip, he knew what he was doing to you, was this a test? 
    "Let's have dinner tomorrow, same time, different place? You can ask any questions you have pertaining to the contract, how's that sound?" You nodded your head again as Steve spoke. 
    "That sounds good." You told him with a smile as he extended his hand for you to take, he helped you up before his arms were around your waist again, lips against yours before his hands travelled down to your ass. 
    "Good girl, maybe this time you can skip the panties?" He purrs against your neck, his lips already nipping at your exposed collarbones as you feel him stiffen against your hip. You gasp, nodding your head, "o-okay." 
    "Okay who?" Steve eggs, "o-okay, Daddy," you whisper, biting your lip as he slowly rocks your hips against his. 
    You're just able to get your hand on the outline of his cock as his intercom buzzes, "Mr. Rogers, your one-thirty is here, should I send him in?" A woman's voice interrupts the two of you as Steve groans, rolling his eyes. 
    He hits a button on his desk harshly, "give me five minutes." 
    You reluctantly step away from him, taking in the bulge in his pants, wet lips, and slightly mused hair. 
    "I'm sorry Princess, Daddy's gotta work," he winked, readjusting himself as you gave him a small pout. He cooed at you, pressing a kiss to your forehead, "don't pout, if you're good maybe you'll get a surprise or two tonight." Steve promises as your eyes light up at his words.  
    "Now be a good girl, okay?" He says, giving your bum a pinch as he leads your out of his office, pressing the button on his elevator. 
    "Stop at the front desk on your way out and pick up your access key, okay? And text me when you get home, the car's out front for you." Steve says as you nod, clutching the contract tightly in your hands. 
    He presses a chaste kiss to your cheek before the elevator doors close leaving you alone to your thoughts. 
    You sat in your dimly illuminated kitchen, Netflix playing softly in the background as a cooling cup of tea was at your side. The contract was in front of you as you tapped your pen against it. 
    Clause 1.0: You will attend all events asked by Steve Rogers assuming he gives you enough time in advance. 
    That seemed fair, not like you were about to turn down anymore fancy dinners or a trip to the Alps. 
    Clause 2.0: In return, Steve Rogers will take care of and pay all bills. Any extra cash needed will be provided. 
    2.1: A credit card with a limit will be available at any time
    You stared at the words, it almost seemed too good to be true. You'd struggled with money nearly all your life and for Steve to just take all those troubles away? 
    Clause 3.0: This is a monogamous, exclusive relationship where no third party shall be involved unless each party involved agrees. 
    No problem there. 
    Clause 4.0: Transportation and housing will be provided through Steve Rogers. 
    As your eyes scanned through each clause you felt yourself getting antsy, wanting to see Steve again as you chewed on your lip. 
    You got to the final clause, skimming it over. 
    Clause 10.0: You are to refer to Steve Rogers as Daddy unless specified otherwise. 
    Your stomach flipped, thighs burning as you longed to feel the weight of his cock between your legs. You wanted to sign the damn thing right then and there, but you capped the pen, sliding the contract up the table before hopping into the shower. 
    Tomorrow would be interesting. 
    Steve had chosen an equally fancy restaurant, you expected nothing less as you walked through the glass doors, led to the table where Steve was waiting for you, phone to his ear as he caught sight of you. 
    You were wearing the only form fitting dress you owned, but it clung to you like a second skin and you could see his eyes darken as he cut whoever was on the phone by hanging up on them without a second thought. 
    "Christ, Princess," he groaned in your ear as he enveloped you, "you tryin' to give me a heart attack?" He smirked, taking your head and letting you spin around as you giggled. 
    "Only the best for you, Daddy." You purred, watching as his jaw clenched. You slid into the seat, Steve climbing in beside you in the booth before his hand was instinctively on your thigh. 
    Two menus are placed in front of you, the waiter pouring two glasses of water as you skim through the pages. 
    "I have something for you," you whisper, grabbing the folded contract out of your purse, handing it to Steve as he looks at you darkly. 
    He looks through it, noting the signature as he shoves it into his blazer pocket. 
    "It's all official now, Princess," he purrs, tilting your chin upwards with his index finger so you're looking up at him. You can feel the heat coming off of his body, the warmth of his finger under your chin causes you to shiver as his lips hover over yours, "meet me in the bathrooms in three minutes." 
    With that, Steve slipped out of the booth and gave you one last glance over his shoulder before disappearing from sight. Your heart was racing, nearly beating out of your chest as you tapped your fingers on the table before deciding fuck it and slinking away to the bathroom. 
    Steve was leaning against the wall, foot against the wall as he cocked his head to the side. 
    "There's my best girl," he said, extending his hand before pushing you both through the threshold of the toilets. 
    The door was locked seconds later, Steve whipping around to pin you against the sinks. 
    "Princess do you have any idea how hard it's been to keep my mind off of you? When I've had you writhing under me, my cock deep inside of you as I fucked you senseless?" His words were a low growl in your ear as you gasped. 
    "Daddy, fuck, I-I need you." You mewled, pouting and nearly begging him up you looked up at him through your lashes. 
    "Love hearin' you beg for my cock, Princess." He growls, hand snaking behind your neck as he kisses you roughly. It's teeth and tongue as he nips at your lower lip, tugging it before he's shoving his thick thigh between your legs. 
    You gasp at the contact, his hard flesh meeting your core as jolts of electricity run through you. You can barely keep your eyes open as his mouth is sucking right below your ear, his coarse beard tickling at your skin. 
    "Grind yourself over my thigh, Princess. Wanna watch as you ride it." He whispers darkly into your ear. You're shamelessly grinding yourself over his thigh as his hands go to palm your breasts through your dress. 
    It feels quick and dirty, but it's exactly what you need. 
    "Fuck, Daddy, want your cock." You whimper before he's stopping all movements to grab your chin and force you to look up at him. 
    "Oh is my dumb baby already so desperate for my cock, hmm? Then get on your knees and open that pretty mouth of yours." It's a simple command, your breath getting caught in your throat as you're pushed down onto the cool tiling of the bathroom floor. 
    You watch as he undoes his belt, bulge meeting your eyes before he's freeing his cock. 
    "Go on, Princess. Put that sweet mouth of yours to work," he purrs, running his thumb over your bottom lip as you wrap your hand around his base. 
    You pump him slowly, eyes watching him as he lets out a low groan, throwing his head back when you wrap your lips around his tip. 
    You can taste the salty pre-cum as you take him further, slowly relaxing your throat before hollowing your cheeks as you bob your head. 
    "Oh fuck—what a good little girl, look so pretty with Daddy's cock in your mouth Princess." He praises, your arousal growing as you feel your panties get wetter as you take him further. 
    Steve's gripping the edge of the counter as he lets his head fall forward. Your saliva coats his cock, your hands, and your chin as you moan around him. Steve's low grunts and groans fill the echoey bathroom before he's pulling his cock out of your mouth. 
    "Up. Now." And there's a sense of urgency in his voice that you've never heard before. 
    You do as you're told, Steve lifting you onto the counter and hiking your dress up, sneering when he finds you wearing panties. 
    "What did I tell you about panties, Princess?" It's a condescending tone as your head falls forward. He's pinching each cheek with his fingers as he makes you look up at him.
    "Good girls get rewards," he speaks, "but bad, bratty girls don't get to cum." He growls, ripping your panties off as you squeak. 
    He's plunging his cock into you seconds later, the action causing your body to jolt upwards. Steve is merciless in his thrusts as he keeps your body locked with his, your legs wrapped around his torso as he clamps his hand around your mouth to keep you quiet. 
    "My dumb little baby, couldn't even listen to simple instructions," he grunts, "God your pussy feels so good wrapped 'round me, Princess."
    You can feel the coil starting to form, the pressure building as your toes curl inside of your shoes and you want nothing more than to chant more, more, more. 
    "I know you wanna cum, baby, I can feel you squeezin' me," he whispers huskily, a dark smirk on his lips. 
    "If only you had listened to your Daddy," he almost snickers as he pulls out, fisting his cock until he's painting your thighs with his cum. It makes you shudder, watching him cum, feeling him cum, as he makes you watch. 
    He's breathing heavy, panting nearly as he drops his hand and kisses each cheek lightly before sealing his lips over yours. 
    "Let's get you all cleaned up, Sweetheart." Steve's tone has changed, now sweet and caring as he takes care of the mess he's made. You let, relishing in the gentle touches before he's helping you down from the sink and back onto your feet. 
    You pout when you meet his eyes again and he taps your nose, "don't give me that look, Princess." He warms playfully before you're making a hmph sound that makes him chuckle. 
    "How about I take you back to mine, we'll order in tonight, though what I want a taste of isn't exactly on anyone's menu."
tagging // @jennmurawski13​ | @nakedrogers​ | @vollzeitliebe​ | @kelbabyblue​ | @jevans2​ | @babyyhoneyydarling​ | @rogerslovesstark​  
any and all feedback is always appreciated! <3
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sleepdeprivedsloth · 3 years
The Beginning of Birthday Traditions
[MHA - Bakusquad]
summary: The Bakusquad has trouble coming up with a way to wake up Bakugou for a midnight birthday celebration that doesn’t result in them being buried six feet under. Mina then reveals a plan that would get the birthday boy to wake up with a smile on his face. (platonic Bakusquad tickle fic)
potential warnings: swearing, tickling
words: 2.1 k
a/n: how could i not write a lee blasty boy fic for his birthday ?? i absolutely  l o v e  the bakusquad they are literally so wholesome :,) anyways i hope you guys enjoy!
“It’s physically impossible to wake Bakugou up in the middle of the night and survive,” Kaminari tried reasoning with his friends. It was only a few minutes past midnight on April 20th, meaning that it was officially Bakugou’s birthday. The Bakusquad was currently gathered inside of Kirishima’s dorm discussing how they should go about celebrating the special occasion. Specifically, trying to figure out a way to wake up the birthday boy in the next dorm over that didn’t end with them getting sent to their graves.
“But we can’t just do nothing! The Dekusquad already threw a little midnight party on Tsu’s birthday,” Kirishima argued.
Sero gave a dejected sigh, “Yeah, you’re right. We can’t let them one-up us like that. I just wish there was a way to avoid him getting pissed at us for waking him. It honestly might ruin the whole birthday mood.”
Mina, who had chosen to stay silent and patiently listen to the hopeless discussion, decided that this moment was the perfect time to pull out and reveal her wild card to the rest of the group. With a small smirk and excited gleam in her eyes, she said, “Ahem, I may have some super exclusive, top-secret info that could allow us to wake up Blasty for his birthday and live to see the light of day.”
All heads immediately turned towards Mina, their gazes both intrigued and dangerously curious. Kirishima eagerly encouraged, “... go on..!”
Mina pulled out her phone and motioned for the boys to come closer. Without hesitation, they all crowded around the small device before Mina started playing a video.
The visual was extremely dark, but they could still make out the vague silhouettes of two boys. They seemed to be struggling against one another, the taller one fighting to get away from the shorter one’s strong hold around his sides. The audio was very faint, so the group had to strain their ears to hear what was happening.
“If we w-weren’t in the dorms right now I would not he-hesitate to blast your ass into nehext week,” a gruff voice threatened quietly.
Another voice gasped, and then spoke teasingly, “Did the Kacchan just giggle?” The shorter boy’s hands then traveled further up the taller one’s torso, going up to his ribs, and not even two seconds later, not-so-quiet laughter could be heard echoing throughout the dark room.
The camera recording suddenly turned towards the ground and started shaking around, showing Mina’s blurry, socked feet quickly pattering away, before the video abruptly ended.
The Bakusquad slowly brought their heads back up to face one another, the boys all sharing the same dumbfounded, gaping expression and Mina looking smug as hell.
Kaminari was the first to speak up, barely able to contain his newfound excitement. “No way. No. Freaking. Way.”
A mischievous smile formed on Sero’s face as he said, “This is just too good to be true.”
“I know right!!” Mina exclaimed, obviously very proud of capturing the personal and adorable Bakugou moment. “Who would’ve guessed that our resident boom boy is ticklish?!”
“Sooo.. we’re all thinking the same thing right?” Kirishima asked, looking over at each of his friends expectantly.
“Oh yeah, definitely,” Sero said, while Mina and Kaminari nodded in agreement.
“”So what are we waiting for?!” Kaminari declared while standing to his feet. “Let’s go give the birthday boy the wake-up call of a lifetime!”
After the rest of the Bakusquad got to their feet, they all excitedly rushed out of Kirishima’s dorm and into the hallway. Once outside of Bakugou’s dorm, Kirishima pulled out the spare key the blonde had given him that was supposed to be used strictly for emergencies, but he honestly thought that their mission could be considered a birthday crisis of some sort.
Kirishima unlocked the door and quietly pushed it open, just enough so that he could briefly peek inside to make sure that Bakugou was asleep. He then pushed the door wide open, allowing him and the others to sneak inside the pitch black room. They made sure to close the door behind them and leave the lights off, but the group could still see each other’s shining, playful grins.
The Bakusquad crept over to Bakugou’s bed and saw him sleeping peacefully and softly snoring. Perfect. Kirishima and Sero crouched down onto the ground near the foot of the bed and gently pushed the blanket out of the way to reveal Bakugou’s bare feet. Meanwhile, Kaminari and Mina quietly climbed onto the bed and settled themselves on either side of the sleeping boy.
From the floor, Kirishima motioned for them to start putting their plan into action. After a quick nod, Mina slipped one of her hands underneath Bakugou’s tank top and started lightly tracing her fingertips along his bare stomach. Not long after, his face scrunched up and his body slightly curled inwardly on itself, trying to escape the soft sensations.
Deciding to step it up a notch, Mina ran her fingers over his side, not too hard as to immediately wake him up, but just enough to get him sleepily squirming. Bakugou lazily brought an arm down across his torso, his unconscious mind telling him that it was just a bug.
Desperately wanting to get in on the action, Kaminari slithered his own hand underneath Bakugou’s top and slowly dragged his slightly wiggling fingers from the birthday boy’s stomach up to his ribs.
Bakugou twitched awake, sleepily whining a small, “Son of a-” before he opened an eye to see what had woken him up while Kaminari and Mina quickly retracted their hands. He had definitely not been expecting to see people sitting next to him on the bed in his dorm, causing his eyes to widen and his body to jolt out of shock. Once his sleep-filled mind had actually caught up to what he was seeing, Bakugou was able to recognize and identify the two smiling faces as Mina and Kaminari. He let out a small sigh of relief before relaxing his body and closing his eyes again, mumbling, “Pinky? Dunce? Th’ hell you two idiots doin’ in my bed ‘n the middle of th’ goddamn night?”
“Actually, there are four idiots. Kiri and I are here too!” Sero pointed out with a suspicious amount of energy and excitement, but Bakugou was so tired that he honestly couldn’t care less.
In fact, the blonde had already started falling back into the depths of sleep, only letting out a small, “Mhmm.. get out losers,” in response.
Kirishima dragged a singular finger down the length of one of Bakugou’s feet. “C’mon Bakubro, you gotta wake up!”
Bakugou’s breath hitched before he immediately pulled the attacked foot back underneath the protection of the blanket. “Don’t do tha’ shit. I- Jus’ let me sleep, guys.”
Kaminari butted in, bravely placing a hand on Bakugou’s shoulder to gently shake him awake, “But we need you awake! Do you even know what day it is?”
Bakugou shrugged Kaminari off and completely ignored his question, instead tiredly mumbling, “Make sure to lock th’ door on your way out.” A few moments of silence passed, and the birthday boy was on the cusp of falling back into a deep sleep, when he suddenly felt soft fluttering on both of his feet and down his sides. Fingers were lightly grazing over the balls of his feet, dipping into the arches, and circling the heel before going back up and starting all over again. Small squeezes were given spontaneously along the length of both sides of his torso, traveling from his waistline all the way to his lower ribs. 
He tried to pull away from the gentle touches, but found that all four of his limbs were being pinned to the bed. Shit. He was so screwed. Bakugou tightly squeezed his eyes and tried to keep his mouth clamped shut, but he couldn’t prevent the tired smile and sleepy giggles from inevitably escaping. Normally, he would be fighting like hell to keep his laughter under control, but he was freaking exhausted dammit! “Whahat the- shihihit! What do you dahahamn extras think you’re doHOHOING?!” Bakugou’s laughter unconsciously became more desperate and louder when Kaminari suddenly wiggled his fingers higher up on his ribcage.
Noticing the increased reaction, Mina started focusing her tickling on his higher ribs as well. “We’re tickling you! I thought that was pretty obvious.”
Bakugou tried to thrash his way out of his captors’ grasps, but he was heavily outnumbered and disadvantaged. Still, there was no harm in fruitlessly trying. “Leheheheave me alohohohone! I’m nahahahat even tihihihickli-AHAHahaha!”
“Hmm.. I don’t know, dude.” Sero playfully teased. He pulled back Bakugou’s toes with one hand, using the other to gently flutter his fingers on the sensitive space in between, rewarding him with more thrashing and a shriek that dissolved into uncontrollable laughter. “Seems like you’re pretty ticklish to me.”
“NOHOHOHO I’M NAHAHAHAHAT!! WHIHIHIHI-WHY ARE YOU ASSHOHOHOLES EVEN DOHOHOING THIHIHIHIHIS?? HAHAHAVE A DEAHAHATH WIHIHISH OR SOHOMETHIHING?!” Bakugou attempted to threaten his friends, but his bright smile, joy-filled laughs, and adorable blush covering his face counteracted the murderous words.
Kirishima was dragging his index finger along the padding of Bakugou’s toes, occasionally dipping down in between them and giving a little wiggle, causing the blonde to give out a little squeal each time. “Because it’s your birthday!”
“Yeah, we have to wake you up so that we can celebrate together!” Kaminari exclaimed. He moved both of his hands to grab at either side of Bakugou’s hips and repeatedly squeezed. With his head thrown back from the force of his hysterics, Bakugou bucked his waist left and right, trying to dislodge Kaminari’s fingers.
“YOHOHOHOU IDIOHOHOTS ARE GONNAHAHAHAHA REGREHEHEHE- AAAAAAAHHAHAHAHA!!” Bakugou started pulling at his arms desperately, bouts of laughter pouring freely out of his mouth, as Mina trailed her hands upwards until they wiggled against his highest ribs, only an inch or two away from his armpits. “NAHAHAHAHAHA! NO MOHOHOHOHORE, NOHOHOHOHO MOHOHOHOHORE!!”
With a villainous look in her eyes, Mina dug her fingers into the spot with more purpose and vigor, while Bakugou absolutely lost his mind to the sensations. “We’ll stop as soon as you promise that you’re gonna have tons of fun on your special day!”
Sero quickly half-jokingly added, “AND that you won’t kill us for waking you up.”
“Not enough, Bakubro. You gotta say that you promise!” Kirishima teased.
Kaminari leaned down next to Bakugou’s ear, brought his hands up to his bare armpits and started creating feather-like flutters while whispering, “Say that you pinky promise, birthday boy~”
Bakugou’s blush only deepened as he fell into silent hysterics for a few moments, tears of mirth gathering in the corners of his eyes. Seeing that Bakugou was being tickled beyond the point of responding, Kaminari mercifully stopped his fluttering, but kept his hands rested on Bakugou’s armpits and slowly drummed his fingers against the soft skin. Once able to verbally form sentences again, Bakugou pleaded, “Pihihihinky prohohomise! Ihihihi pihihihihinky prohohohohomise!!”
The Bakusquad all immediately ceased their tickle attacks and released their hold on Bakugou’s limbs. The blonde quickly tucked his arms and legs back underneath the blanket and curled in on himself, trying to catch his breath and slow the stream of leftover giggles pouring out of his mouth. “Dohoho nohot e-hehe-ever doho thahat agahain asshoholes.”
“No promises on that one, Blasty,” Mina declared while Sero and Kirishima got up from the floor and joined the others on top of the already-crowded bed.
“Oh yeah, we’re totally doing that again!” Kirishima excitedly commented. “We’ve seriously gotta make wake-up tickles a birthday tradition in the squad.”
Bakugou groaned fondly at their silliness, a soft smile still present on his lips. The others all shared a look with one another before exclaiming, “Happy birthday, Bakugou!!”
When the birthday boy looked up, he saw his friends all wearing the same stupidly huge smile on their faces and doing dramatic, and surprisingly synchronized, jazz hands that they must’ve practiced on together for hours. He let out a few chuckles, “Yeah yeah, whatever losers. So what are we gonna do for the next five hours before class starts?”
“Wanna go raid the kitchen for snacks and play Mario Kart?” Sero suggested.
“Obviously, just don’t throw a tantrum when I completely dominate all of your asses!” Bakugou quickly challenged.
“Tough words for someone who’s deathly ticklish…” Kaminari teased with a knowing smirk.
Bakugou buried his head into one of his pillows to hide the oncoming blush and nervous smile quickly spreading across his face. “... shut up..”
a/n: ahaha not me posting in the middle of class :D but i really hope that you all enjoyed reading this and thank you for taking the time to do so!! I’ll be posting my fandom list tomorrow because i love procrastinating on it lol have a great life guys!!
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Version 2.1 "Floating World Under the Moonlight" Update Details (Part I)
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Dear Travelers,
Below are the details of the Version 2.1 update "Floating World Under the Moonlight" and the update compensation.
〓Compensation Details〓
Maintenance Compensation: Primogems ×300 (60 Primogems for every hour the servers are down)
Issue Fix Compensation: Primogems ×300 (Please refer to the relevant compensation mail for more details)
Maintenance Compensation: Travelers who reach Adventure Rank 5 or above before 2021/09/01 06:00 (UTC+8).
Please claim before the end of Version 2.1.
Issue Fix Compensation: Travelers who reach Adventure Rank 5 and above before 2021/09/01 06:00 (UTC+8).
Please claim the compensation mail before 2021/09/04 06:00 (UTC+8).
Our developers will distribute compensation to Travelers via in-game mail within 5 hours after the update maintenance is finished. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim the attached compensation in time.
〓Update Schedule〓
Update maintenance begins 2021/09/01 06:00 (UTC+8) and is estimated to take 5 hours.
〓How to Update Game Client〓
PC: Close the game, open the Genshin Impact Launcher, and click Update.
iOS: Open the App Store and tap Update.
Android: Open the game and follow the directions on-screen.
PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®5: Highlight Genshin Impact from the Home Screen, press the "OPTIONS" button, and select "Check for Update."
Please do not hesitate to contact Customer Service if you encounter any issues installing the new version. We will do our very best to resolve the issue.
〓Update Details〓
I. New Inazuma Islands — Seirai Island and Watatsumi Island
◇ New Islands: After the Version 2.1 update, two new islands, Seirai Island and Watatsumi Island in the Inazuma region will be available.
◇ Unlock Criteria:
• Reach Adventure Rank 30 or above
• And complete the Archon Quest: "Chapter II: Act I - The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia"
▌New Domains
New Trounce Domain - Narukami Island: Tenshukaku
This is the dwelling of the Raiden Shogun, who rules over Inazuma.
It is also the perfect place for a "duel before the throne."
◇ Unlock Criteria: Reach Adventure Rank 35 or above and complete the Archon Quest "Chapter II: Act III - Omnipresence Over Mortals"
Located at Narukami Island.
Domain: Palace in a Pool
◇ They say that long ago, seawater had yet to fill this pool. The moonlight was brighter back then, and it filled the pool instead, flowing freely like quicksilver.
◇ Unlock Criteria: Reach Adventure Rank 38 or above and fulfill certain criteria.
◆ Challenge the Domain to obtain rewards such as Primogems and Electro Sigils.
Located at Watatsumi Island.
II. New System - Fishing
Recently, the Teyvat ecology has seen an increase in fish population, with many new fish species appearing in various waters. The grassroots Fishing Association has its hands full and had to put up a commission for help at the Adventurers' Guild...
Bring your fishing rod, choose the bait, find the spot, cast your rod, reel it in, and voila, a big catch!
The fish caught can not only be used to make dishes, but also can be exchanged for precious treasures at the Fishing Association. There's even a chance to catch vibrant ornamental fish to admire at your home!
What are you waiting for? Let's become anglers together!
◇ Unlock Criteria:
• Unlock the Serenitea Pot System
• Complete the quest "Exploding Population"
*To make it easier for Travelers to record the locations of Fishing Points, a pin for indicating Fishing Points has been added to the map. Travelers can place the pins as needed.
III. New Characters
5-Star Character "Plane of Euthymia" Raiden Shogun (Electro)
◇ Gnosis: Electro
◇ Weapon: Polearm
◇ Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, promised the people of Inazuma an unchanging eternity.
◆ The Raiden Shogun's Elemental Skill, Transcendence: Baleful Omen, will grant each nearby party member an Eye of Stormy Judgment that will perform coordinated attacks alongside them when party members deal DMG. Party members affected by Eye of Stormy Judgment will have their Elemental Burst DMG increased based on the Energy Cost of the Elemental Burst. When they use their Elemental Bursts, they will accrue Resolve for the Raiden Shogun's Chakra Desiderata.
"When the Raiden Shogun uses her Elemental Burst, Secret Art: Musou Shinsetsu, she will use up all the Resolve accrued by Chakra Desiderata and deal AoE Electro DMG using her Musou no Hitotachi, entering the Musou Isshin state. While in this state, the Raiden Shogun will wield her tachi in battle, with her attacks restoring Energy for her party members. In addition, her resistance to interruption is increased, and she is immune to Electro-Charged reaction DMG. The DMG dealt by Musou no Hitotachi and Musou Isshin's attacks will be based on the number of Chakra Desiderata's Resolve stacks consumed when this skill is used.
4-Star Character "Crowfeather Kaburaya" Kujou Sara (Electro)
◇ Vision: Electro
◇ Weapon: Bow
◇ A general of the Tenryou Commission. Bold, decisive, and skilled in battle.
◆ Kujou Sara's Elemental Skill, Tengu Stormcall allows her next fully-charged Aimed Shot to grant her Crowfeather Cover. The arrow fired will leave a Crowfeather behind that will trigger Tengu Juurai: Ambush, which deals AoE Electro DMG and also increases the ATK of nearby characters.
When she uses her Elemental Burst, Subjugation: Koukou Sendou, she will strike a target area with Tengu Juurai: Titanbreaker, dealing AoE Electro DMG and causing several consecutive Tengu Juurai: Stormcluster to spread out, dealing more instances of AoE Electro DMG. These Tengu Juurai can also increase the ATK of characters near the point of impact.
◆ During the event wish, Reign of Serenity, the event-exclusive 5-star character "Plane of Euthymia" Raiden Shogun (Electro) and 4-star character "Crowfeather Kaburaya" Kujou Sara (Electro) will get a huge drop-rate boost!
5-Star Character "Pearl of Wisdom" Sangonomiya Kokomi (Hydro)
◇ Vision: Hydro
◇ Weapon: Catalyst
◇ The Divine Priestess of Watatsumi Island. All of the island's affairs are at this young lady's fingertips.
◆ Sangonomiya Kokomi's Elemental Skill, Kurage's Oath summons a "Bake-Kurage" created from water. "Bake-Kurage" will restore HP for all nearby party members periodically, and deal Hydro DMG to nearby enemies.
When Sangonomiya Kokomi uses her Elemental Burst, Nereid's Ascension, she dons her Ceremonial Garment, which temporarily increases the DMG dealt by her Normal, Charged Attacks, and Elemental Skill. During "Ceremonial Garment," when Normal and Charged Attacks hit opponents, Kokomi will restore HP for all nearby party members. During her Elemental Burst, she is also able to walk on the water's surface.
*The event-exclusive 5-star character "Pearl of Wisdom" Sangonomiya Kokomi (Hydro) will be available in a future event wish.
5-Star Character "Savior From Another World" Aloy (Cryo)
◇ Vision: Cryo
◇ Weapon: Bow
Formerly an outcast, now a hunter of unparalleled skill. Ready to do the right thing at any time.
◆ Aloy's Elemental Skill, Frozen Wilds throws a Freeze Bomb in the targeted direction and triggers an explosion. After the explosion, the Freeze Bomb scatters into multiple Chillwater Bomblets that explode on contact with opponents immediately or after a short delay. When a Freeze Bomb or Chillwater Bomblet hits an opponent, the opponent's ATK is decreased and Aloy receives the Coil effect, increasing her ATK. When there is a certain number of Coil stacks, Aloy's Normal Attack DMG will convert to Cryo DMG.
Her Elemental Burst, Prophecies of Dawn, sees her throw a Power Cell filled with Cryo in the targeted direction, which she then detonates with an arrow, dealing AoE Cryo DMG.
How to Obtain "Savior From Another World" Aloy (Cryo)
All Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 20 or above will be able to obtain the event-exclusive 5-star character "Savior From Another World" Aloy (Cryo) directly through in-game mail.
This event will be divided into two phases:
▌Phase I
After the Version 2.1 Update – Before the Version 2.2 Update Maintenance (2021/10/13 05:59 (UTC+8))
During the event, all Travelers who log into Genshin Impact on PlayStation®4 or PlayStation®5 will be able to obtain "Savior From Another World" Aloy (Cryo) directly through in-game mail.
▌Phase II
After the Version 2.2 Update – Before the Version 2.3 Update Maintenance (2021/11/24 05:59 (UTC+8))
During the event, Travelers who log into Genshin Impact on any available platform, and who have yet to obtain the character during Phase I will be able to obtain Aloy directly through in-game mail.
"PlayStation", "PS5", "PS4", "DualSense", "DUALSHOCK" are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.
IV. New Equipment
▌New Weapons
Engulfing Lightning (5-Star Polearm)
◇ A naginata used to "cut grass." Any army that stands before this weapon will probably be likewise cut down...
◆ ATK increased by the portion of Energy Recharge over the base 100%. Gain Energy Recharge for 12s after using an Elemental Burst.
◆ During the event wish, Epitome Invocation, the event-exclusive 5-star weapon Engulfing Lightning (Polearm) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
Everlasting Moonglow (5-Star Catalyst)
◇ A string of lovely jasper from the deep sea. It shines with a pure radiance like that of the moon, and just as ever-distant.
◆ Healing Bonus is increased. Normal ATK DMG is increased by a certain percentage of the Max HP of the character equipping this weapon. For 12s after using an Elemental Burst, Normal Attacks that hit opponents will restore Energy. Energy can be restored this way once every 0.1s.
The event-exclusive 5-star weapon Everlasting Moonglow (Catalyst) will be available in a future event wish.
Luxurious Sea-Lord (4-Star Claymore)
◇ The great king of the ocean. Having been air-dried, it makes for a fine weapon as well as emergency sustenance.
◆ Increases Elemental Burst DMG. When Elemental Burst hits opponents, there is a 100% chance of summoning a huge onrush of tuna that deals AoE ATK DMG. This effect can occur once every 15s.
◆ During the "Moonlight Merriment" event, you can obtain the event-exclusive weapon Luxurious Sea-Lord (Claymore) as well as its refinement materials once you achieve a certain progress level through exploring specified regions.
"The Catch" (4-Star Polearm)
◇ In the distant past, this was the beloved spear of a famed Inazuman bandit.
◆ Increases the DMG and CRIT Rate caused by Elemental Burst.
◆ You can exchange for "The Catch" (Polearm) and its refinement materials at the Inazuma Fishing Association.
V. New Event
"Hyakunin Ikki" Event: A team-switching combat challenge awaits
During the event, take part in the free-for-all fighting tournament "Hyakunin Ikki" and show off your elegant combat skills by defeating opponents in tag teams of two characters. By reaching the target scores, Travelers can obtain rewards such as the event-exclusive namecard style "Celebration: Ikki," Primogems, and more.
▌Event Duration
2021/09/02 10:00 – 2021/09/13 03:59
Reach Adventure Rank 30 or above
And complete the Archon Quest "Ritou Escape Plan"
"Passage of Clouds and Stars" Daily Login Event
During the event, log in on 7 days in total to receive Intertwined Fate ×10 and other rewards!
▌Event Duration
2021/09/28 04:00 until the end of Version 2.1
Reach Adventure Rank 5 or above
▌Event Details
Requirements Rewards
Logins: 1 day Intertwined Fate ×1
Logins: 2 days Mora ×80,000
Logins: 3 days Intertwined Fate ×2
Logins: 4 days Mystic Enhancement Ore ×18
Logins: 5 days Intertwined Fate ×2
Logins: 6 days Hero's Wit ×8
Logins: 7 days Intertwined Fate ×5
"Moonlight Merriment" Event: Take part and exchange for the event-exclusive claymore Luxurious Sea-Lord
The event "Moonlight Merriment" will also be available. During the event, Travelers can complete quests in Moonchase Tales or take part in Moonlight Seeker and Trail of Delicacies challenges to obtain rewards such as the event-exclusive claymore, Luxurious Sea-Lord as well as its refinement materials, Crown of Insight, Primogems, recipes, and more.
VI. New Main Story
1. New Archon Quest
Archon Quest "Chapter II: Act III - Omnipresence Over Mortals"
◇ The Tri-Commission, Resistance, Vision Hunt Decree, "Musou no Hitotachi"... The Traveler has been caught up in the middle of Inazuma's conflict.
Where will the Raiden Shogun's desire for "Eternity" take her people, and how much will it cost them...
◆ After the Version 2.1 update, the Archon Quest "Chapter II: Act III - Omnipresence Over Mortals" will be permanently available.
◆ Unlock Criteria:
• Reach Adventure Rank 30 or above
• Complete the Archon Quest: "Chapter II: Act II - Stillness, the Sublimation of Shadow"
2. New Story Quests
Raiden Shogun's Story Quest "Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act I - Reflections of Mortality"
◆ Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter Quest Start Time:
Permanently available after the Version 2.1 update
◆ Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter Quest Unlock Criteria:
• Reach Adventure Rank 40 or above
• Complete the Archon Quest "Chapter II: Act III - Omnipresence Over Mortals"
Sangonomiya Kokomi's Story Quest: "Dracaena Somnolenta Chapter: Act I - Warriors' Dreams Like Spring Grass Renewing"
◆ Dracaena Somnolenta Chapter Quest Start Time:
Permanently available after 2021/09/21 18:00
◆ Dracaena Somnolenta Chapter Quest Unlock Criteria:
• Reach Adventure Rank 40 or above
• Complete the Archon Quest "Chapter II: Act III - Omnipresence Over Mortals"
• Complete the Story Quest: "Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act I - Reflections of Mortality"
3. New World Quests
◆ New World Quests: "The Moon-Bathed Deep," "Divine Plant of the Depths," "Solitary Sea-Beast," "Seirai Stormchasers," "Relics of Seirai," "Reminiscence of Seirai," "Neko Is a Cat," "Storytelling Method," "Fertilizer... Salesperson?" "The Narukami Trail," and more.
VII. New Monsters
◇ Signora, the Eighth of the Fatui Harbingers.
She possesses the power to manipulate ice and destroy everything in her path. However, unlike many other Fatui who use Delusions to exercise their power, her Delusion is an instrument to suppress the eternal flames that burn within her...
As the battle progresses, the temperature of the battlefield and her attacks will vary between heating and scorching. Being flexible with adapting to temperature changes is the key to defeating her.
Located at Narukami Island.
Hydro Hypostasis
◇ Elemental creature which protects itself with a cubical shell that is elementally inert.
When HP is low, it splits into three crystalline "water droplets" that will move towards its core. Destroy these water droplets in time to prevent the revival of the Hydro Hypostasis.
Located at Watatsumi Island.
Thunder Manifestation
◇ An elemental life form created as the avatar of thunderous indignation.
It uses lightning attacks and its Strike Probes to lock on to its foes. If a locked-on target is present, the Thunder Manifestation will enter an enraged state and prioritize the annihilation of that target.
◆ Complete the World Quest "Seirai Stormchasers" to challenge the Thunder Manifestation.
Located at Seirai Island.
◇ High elemental concentrations have resulted in the creation of this floating creature.
When it takes a single grievous hit, it will build Fury. When a Specter hits maximum Fury, it will expand, becoming larger and stronger, and it will explode violently when defeated.
[Part 2 coming shortly.]
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hwangsies · 3 years
[10:56 pm]
lee minho x female reader (smut)
warnings: mentions of alcohol, piv, choking, magic wand (vibrator) play, fratboy!minho i guess lmaoo, dom!minho, slight degradation, praise, a little daddy kink (idk it just happend ufbiskhbi), slight dumbification, overstimulation, multiple orgasm
wc: 2.1 k
enjoy <3
You feel the buzz of the gin tonic you had ten minutes ago slowly make its way to your head.
The loud bass is pounding in your chest as you sway your hips to the music in the crowd that had formed itself in the middle of your boyfriends spacious frat house living room.
Wondering where the hell that boyfriend of yours was, you take out your phone to check if he sent you any messages, your body still moving.
As if on cue, a muscular torso presses itself into your back and a strong thigh wedges between your legs.
You gasped softly and clutch onto your phone.
“there you are” plump lips press against the shell of your ear, the whispers that are escaping them send shivers down your spine as a big grin etches across your face.
“I’ve been looking for you” your boyfriend continues, swiping your hair to one side of your neck, his signature grin detectable in his voice.
“I got here like 10 minutes ago” you lean your head back against his broad shoulder as his hands tighten around your waist.
Your lashes flutter and a shaky moan leaves your lips when his open lips press against your jugular.
“missed you” his wandering lips mumble, your hand reaching up into his brown locks as he grinds his hips into yours from behind.
“fuck- you did, huh?” you giggle shakily when you feel him get hard right above your ass.
Minho sucks the soft skin under your ear in between his lips and you feel his fingers digging into your hips; when you tighten your fist in his hair in response and roll your ass against his crotch he lets out a low growl.
The vibrations against your neck make you giggle and you feel your panties getting damper.
Releasing your skin with a soft pop, he twirls you around and steadies you with a strong grip on your waist.
“fuck” he mumbles before a smug grin tuggs at his lips and he leans down to roughly connect yours with his.
His tongue invades your mouth hurriedly as you cling onto his shoulders and deepen the kiss even more.
He had been away with felix and hyunjin to attend a dance competition on the other side of seoul and you didn’t get to see him for two weeks, until now.
One of his hands find its place underneath your jaw as he pulls you closer to him, you can feel how needy he is for you and it drives you crazy.
His groans are being swallowed by the intense kiss you’re sharing as your one hand moves down to clutch his shirt for dear life and the other one cards through his hair.
The adrenaline that minho triggers inside of you, rushes through your veins as your tongues roll against each others.
Once more, he kisses the corner of your mouth before travelling down your neck, his grip on the back of your neck holding your head angled back.
You moan when he starts sucking a bruise into your skin and lightly grazes his teeth over it, you’re loud enough for him to hear through the blasting music but not for anyone else.
He chuckles lowly at your heightened sensitivity, which comes with the heat of his body against yours, the alcohol and probably the fact of him not touching you in two weeks.
“seems like you missed me more” he quips and nips at the soft skin on the base of your neck.
“shut up, lets go upstairs” you manage to breathe out before his lips are on yours again.
“mm-okay” he grins against your lips, teeth clinking together and breathing heavily before he presses a last peck to your kiss swollen lips.
He grabs your smaller hand in his and leads you through the crowd before walking up the stairs to his bedroom.
Opening the door to his bedroom, he lets you walk in before closing the door behind himself.
“I have a surprise for you” he grins.
“oh no” you chuckle “why am I scared” he rolls his eyes playfully before walking around his bed and patting his sheets, signalling you to sit down.
SO, you sit down and look up at him.
“okay, close your eyes and hold out your hands” he grins when your frown.
“c’mon babyyy”
“ugh alright” you give in, holding out your hands and closing your eyes.
“okay” he mutters before gently placing something heavy and long into your hands.
“open them” minho suddenly says, startling you just a little.
You blink a few times before your eyes fall onto the big massage wand with a just as big bulbous head in your hands.
“wha” your eyes flicker in between it and your boyfriend “is this…?”
He snickers and lowers himself onto his bed as well, leaning into you and kissing your lips.
“I wanna use it on you” he whispers, cocking his brows up when you just stare back at him.
“okay” you blush furiously, never before used something of this size nor seen in real life.
“would you want that?” he asks, gently caressing your waist.
“yea- I just don’t know if I trust this thing” you huff, at which minho places a kiss to your cheek before moving to your ear.
“do you trust me?” he pulls back to look at your face, taking the large toy out of your hand and placing it next to himself.
“of course” you smile before he presses his lips to yours again, making you lay back down as he hovers over you.
He is quick to tug your jeans off your legs once your lift your hips for him, his fingers finding their place rubbing over your thinly clothed core.
Your head drops back onto the sheets as he circles your clit “minho” you moan, grabbing his face to connect your lips again.
“fuck” you moan when he flattens his hand over your core.
“can I use it on you?” he whispers into the skin below your ear.
“yes” you exhale without second thought, your boyfriend grins and reaches back for the wand.
Resting the big round head on your thigh, he flips the switch to the lowest setting.
Already pretty strong vibrations tickling the skin of your inner thigh as he moves the head up and down your skin.
You moan when he gets closer to the apex of your thighs but he moves away again, teasing you.
“please don’t tease” you pout earning yourself a smooch on your lips.
“just because you asked so nicely” he grins, gently lowering the vibrating wand onto your clit.
Your thighs jump at the first contact, head getting thrown back as a startled gasp leaves your lips followed by a drawn out moan.
“oh my g- fuck!” you cry out, grabbing onto your boyfriend who’s by your side, holding your legs apart.
“tell me how it feels babygirl” he sneers.
“so good oh fuck!” your eyes scrunch together when you quickly feel your high approaching, the vibrations hitting every sensitive spot you can think of.
“m’ gonna cum” you whine, clawing at his shirt.
“already?” he chuckles at which you nod desperately, locking eyes with him.
“cum, baby, let go” he groans when he sees your eyes roll back and your toes curl in pleasure.
You cry out when your orgasm hits you, shockwaves rushing through your body as minho gently rubs the wand up and down your core.
You flinch when the vibrations hit your clit again “ahh-shit” you groan.
“I know you can cum again, doll” he mumbles, gently circling the big wand now.
“fuck” you cry out “fuck fuck”
“that’s it, good girl” he kisses your temple when your thighs start shaking.
“yes-yes” you chant feeling your next high bubble up in the pit of your stomach.
“cum for me baby” he mutters, too caught up in how ethereal you look.
Head thrown back, sweat clinging to your neck, thighs shaking and your pretty lips with the pretty sounds they make.
The knot in your abdomen snaps and you cum again, trembling with the power your of high.
“you did so good babydoll” he kisses you after turning off the wand and lying it to the side.
You connect your lips and kiss him hard, his hand soothingly rubbing over your lower stomach.
“you gonna fuck me now?” you look up at him with doe eyes and he feels his cock twitch in his jeans.
“of course baby” he grins “be good and take off everything yea?” he eyes you pulling your shirt over your head before unclasping your bra as he stands up from his bed, ridding himself of his clothes as well.
“how do you want me?” you ask when he crawls above you again, palming one of your breasts.
“hmm” he thinks out loud, lowering his mouth onto your nipple, gently suckling it when you thread your fingers through his hair lovingly.
“on all fours baby” he mumbles when locking eyes, he doesn’t miss the excitement in your gaze, grinning “sound good?”
You nod “yes”
He moves so you have enough room to turn around, resting on your forearms and knees and sticking out your ass.
“so perfect” he mumbles, smoothing his hands down your back and leaving goosebumps in their wake.
“please” you wiggle your butt “please fuck me daddy” you whine, knowing full well what that name does to your boyfriend.
“fuck” is all you hear before you feel a smack land on your right butt cheek and his thick tip sliding through your soaked folds before pushing inside slowly.
Once he’s sure you’ve adjusted, his pace his ruthless.
His dancer hips not missing one beat as he snaps them against yours, leaning forward to press your whole torso against the mattress and holding your neck from behind.
Your cries are muffled but he feels how tightly you clench around him when he passes that one spot inside of you.
“you like it when daddy fucks you like this, yea?” he grits through his teeth, you can barely hear him over the sound of his balls smacking against your clit and your ass against his hips, not to mention your own heartbeat and moans.
Suddenly all friction stops and he bottoms out fully, leaving you clenching around nothing as a disgruntled whine leaves your lips.
Before you can look behind yourself, you get flipped onto your back.
The sight of your boyfriend almost knocks the air out of your lungs; his jaw is clenched, hair damp and sticking to his forehead, his chest and abs are glistening with sweat.
“cant even answer my question, hm?” he grunts, resting on his shins and lifting your hips before pushing inside of you again.
“no” you pout, hands scratching at his neck.
“no?” he huffs as he picks up his pace again “to drunk off my cock baby? is that it?”
Your eyes roll back when he spreads your legs and thrusts into your further “fuck” you whimper.
“huh?” he repeats, grabbing onto your jaw and making you open your eyes and hold his gaze.
“yes, yes” you cry out “love your cock”
Minho releases your jaw in favour for the abandoned wand next to him, flipping the switch again and pressing it to your clit.
He hisses at how tight you get all over sudden.
“fuck!” you yell at the intensity, pulling at the sheets.
“fuck, you’re so pretty when you’re cockhungry like this babygirl” he rambles.
“I love you “ you moan “love your cock- love you” you arch your neck when his other hand wraps around your neck.
“I love you baby” he groans, trying to hold off his own high but the way your walls suck him in and hold him hostage is almost too much.
“love how you get when I fuck you dumb” you lock eyes at his words, a cry tearing from your throat when he presses the wand harder against your clit and squeezes your neck.
“love it when you fuck- ah- fuck me dumb” you breathe, teetering on the edge of no return once again.
“yea?” minhos jaw cleches and his rhythm falters slighty, hinting that he’s close himself “you like being daddys dumb little baby girl?”
“yes- oh fuck yes” his words send you tumbling over the edge, you dig your nails into his forearm as you shake and cry out for him.
White pleasure blooms behind your lids when you feel minho twitch inside of you and release with a shudder and a drawn out moan.
He flops down next to you, switching off the wand before gently dropping it onto the ground.
“you good, love?” he looks over at you, flushed cheeks and a blissful smile on your lips.
“so good” your limbs still tingle when you turn to him.
“lets take a shower yea?” he kisses your browbone.
“alright” you sigh “in two minutes okay?” you suggest, snuggling into his chest and feeling your eyes droop, his warmth lulling you to sleep.
“yea” he holds you, his eyes closing as well “two minutes”
a/n: its 3 am so i just know there are tons of grammatical errors and typos in there but hey here u go, ty for being so patient with me lol i hope you like this.
i was inspired by owen gray ngl (if you dont know who that is, go on inkognito mode and google him...thank me later skijisbejshdudbdobzf)
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deepseavibez · 3 years
Drowning Too Deep_2.1 || KNJ || JHS
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Drowning Too Deep [Namjoon x Hoseok x Reader]
Part 1 || Part 2 || 2.1 || 2.2 || Part 3
Genre - Established!Boyfriend(s) au; Poly;
Summary - Alone at home, nothing but thoughts, pent up emotions, roaming fingers and a wild imagination... that is... until your boyfriends catch you in the act.
Word Count - 1.6k
🎶 - Anyone - Justin Bieber
It had to be her, it just had to - Namjoon
Choices were a part of everyone's life - - she was definitely one he could never turn back from, one he didn't want to turn back from.
It wasn't easy for Hobi, or any of them for that matter, but they had all grown up together; Hobi knew and felt and observed and listened. Joon took action, implemented and took charge. Cues, after years of being together with people were unspoken. Sharing dorms and cramped spaces, privacy non-existent, problems solved as a family in family meetings. Yeah… it took time. 
Joon had had his fair share of bad days with Taehyung. Namjoon was too serious when they first met each other - - the random thoughts and eccentric actions, 'the world would go on anyway' energy, it took Joon some time to realize that Taehyung cared, just differently. 
Over time Namjoon exercised looking at both the heads and tails of a situation, stopping to smell the roses, using the rose-coloured glasses and Taehyung grew to understand why there was a need to be serious in certain circumstances, that not everyone deserved a smile, that the black and white existed on either side of the grey.
Most importantly, he was Joons maknae. Every hyung had a maknae; Jimin and Hobi were roomies, Jungkook had Jin and Taehyung was Joons. It couldn't necessarily be called a responsibility, but Joon wanted Tae happy, stress free, in control, able to think level-headed and be strong. 
Joon had to learn how Taehyung worked. How he liked his food. His distaste of coffee. His eye for fashion and style. In return he trusted Joon with lyrics, with ideas, with his vocal range. And somehow, they just...were. Just were. As themselves. As each other. It worked. They had made it work.
But with mistakes, misunderstandings and arguments, and time. Y/n had barely been here a year, and yet… 
'I don't think you're wrong, Tae.'
Joons ears perked up at the statement. He had a clear view of them as they all faced the wall length mirror.
Y/n sat side by side on the floor against the wall of the dance studio right next to Taehyung, who currently had his head hung low, legs stretched out in front of him. 
Tae's argument with Jungkook the day before had been weighing on everyone's minds.
Jungkook had left for vocal practice immediately after the group dance practice and Jimin was caught in between the both of them.
Jungkook isolated, he needed silence, he needed to be ready to talk first. Taehyung needed to talk, to drive his point home, to be himself. Jimin needed to clear his head. He loved too hard, knew both of them weren't wrong, but it was tricky to handle a situation where what you said could break someone's heart if it spoke for either of them. 
Joon himself tried, earlier on, yesterday, last night even, to diffuse the situation but to no avail. He had found Taehyung in Jimins bed that morning. Jin reported Jungkooks door locked, when it was generally closed or slightly ajar. They weren't on talking terms, avoiding each other at the dorm, staying as far away as possible for the group schedule. It was obvious they had decided to keep their distance until further notice. 
Y/n was passing by when she noticed them; Tae, Jin, Hobi and Joon were the only ones in the studio. 
They needed the extra practice, and Tae was only scheduled for vocals late this afternoon so he hung back. They could see how deflated he was. She saw it as soon as she stepped in, asking for him to check out the twitter trend affiliated to him going on by ARMY's before looking up from her phone and reading the room.
Intrigue, general interest not even the least piqued, even she could put two and two together, after all, everyone had heard of argument that transpired in the studio the day before.
Greeting them softly with a nod, she walked straight toward the sulking puddle of grey sweats, shirt and beanie.
She bent down at first, whispering a few words, pointing to her phone, and when he shrugged in nonchalance, a mumble that sounded like he would 'check it out later,' uncaring of her suit, she sat down, her heels kicked off and placed on the side, socked feet stretched out next to him. 
She had gotten used to them over the last year. She knew who she had skinship privileges with. Jimin liked hugs, Jungkook liked clinging on the odd day, and Taehyung liked her overall. He said she had a specific minty scent that curled around him and Joon knew the perfume firsthand, having seeing the bottle on her dresser so many times.
She hadn't visited the night before, texted Hobi and Joon that their family came first, she shouldn't be a part of it quite just yet.
It seemed a couple hours had changed her mind considering what she did next.
'Listen,' she stared ahead at the mirror as she spoke.
'I haven't been here very long and I have no right to say anything about this. But Tae,' Y/n looked at him, placing her hand over his to have him look up at her. 'You know you're not just anyone to him.'
Hobi helped Joon with a particularly subtle hip movement that would make a step easier to manoeuvre, Jin next to him nailing it in three tries. They pretended to be preoccupied, uncaring that the music wasn't even turned on. 
Offering up a soft smile, she continued, 'The people that coax us out of our shell, the people that reassure us, the ones that grab onto our hands when we get off balance, the ones we find home with, sometimes it's hard to accept that we rely on them as much as we do.'
'I won't leave him alone, Y/n. I would nev-.'
'I know you won't. And deep down he knows it too. But you are all growing up Tae. You know more people and have grown into so many new things about yourselves.'
Y/n could hear the desperation in Tae's protest, his eyes filled with hurt at the very idea of ever leaving Jungkook to do life alone.
'I mean look at his tattoos, look at your hair, and you all want to do more side projects.'
Ofcourse, Taehyung had never meant to sound insensitive about pursuing acting jobs, and he didn't mean to say that their group, their lifstyle, was something they should just put behind them.
Lowering her head to meet his eye, she brought him out of his mini spiral and continued.
'This is the only family he's ever known Tae, he knows everyone won't live together someday, he knows he wants to do things that are different, that are on his own, he knows he can't have both worlds always, but knowing doesn't mean it hurts less. Acceptance doesn't mean being ready to move on, and he, himself needs to come to the realization that he can come back to you when he's done, his brothers...his hyung.'
With her soft touch and her words, recognition slowly sunk in. 
'Like I said, you aren't wrong,' she closed one eye, measuring a shirt distance with her thumb and forefinger in front of it, 'but your mind, and how it works, sees things a bit further ahead than Jungkook right now. So, you can either go to him, and talk to him, about the pressure, and the pace and the after, even if it's not what he wants to hear, or you can just give him time and let him come to you.' 
Y/n clasped his hand in hers, letting it fall in her lap as she whispered her next words, 'We don't stay far from our homes for very long, he will come back to you,' 
Joon found Hobi in the mirror, he had his chin up in pride, a smile akin to Joon's own, and Jin turned toward them at the same moment, blinking slowly as he nodded his head once. 
It did something to Joon to have the sign given, so silently, so freely, because Jin was their hyung, the eldest, nothing would go on without his consent. There were no serious dislikes about Y/n but this, this moment, it was a yes, it was an approval, it was a statement - - your choice is not wrong. 
When Joon turned back to her, seeing Taehyung's face light up at the tweets on her phone screen, seeing her smile at him, genuinely happy on a sweaty dance practice floor, next to a brother they would protect always, Joon's head immediately filled with maybees. 
Because maybe it was that she took over without meaning to when they were busy or when they couldn't get anywhere with the situation. 
Maybe it was her words. Maybe it was that she took the time to make the people important to them understand.
Others might see it as butting in, an emotionally off kilter person would feel like she was meddling in business that was not hers. She could have gotten fired, had they just said the word.
But Y/n sat there, disregarding her own busy day, to make sure Tae understood that he was the bigger brother even if by only a year. 
She did it all without looking at Hobi or Jin or Joon, she didn't need them to be there, to see or to show off, she did it because she was that type of a person. 
And maybe, just maybe the blanket on Joon's heart, an emotion full of warmth, spread in earnest because when she spoke of homes and shells and coaxing, the emotion behind it said one thing only to him - - Hobi and Joon…they were her home.
Part 1 || Part 2 || 2.1 || 2.2 || Part 3
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