aschenink · 6 years
7-7-7 Tag :)
I was tagged by the lovely @oheoo, thanks hon! <3
Rules: Go to page 7 of your WIP, share 7 sentences, then pass along to 7 people!
From Eosophobia...
A smile blossoms across her face, dark freckles leaning in conspiratorially. “You’ll be needing better company than that sniper,” Nadege insists.  “Men like him are always more than they seem, and there ain’t no telling if it’ll be good or bad for ya in the end.”
“Bad for my purse in either case,” Jackal sighs, and startles--lightning rod jerking snapping burning down his spine--at the gushing giggles that burst out of her.  He takes a long drink from the stained glass in his hands, watching as she steadies herself with a deep breath, before leaning closer.  “I can’t keep you safe.”
“I can take care of myself, kiddo.  It’s the would that oughta be afraid of me.” 
I can’t count, don’t worry about it.
Tagging (feel free to ignore): @thewingwriter @joyjots @cofffeeshopp @ashtrieswriting @elliot-orion @briannadeberry @homesteadhorner and, of course, anyone else who would like to join in! 
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Calling all YA Dystopian Readers!
Do you like novels/movies like ‘Minority Report’? Do you like funny and sweet main characters? 
Then read on to beta read for my YA (very loose) Dystopian standalone, The Island. The full synopsis can be found here, but it’s essentially about a guy who is sentenced to an Island of murderers and has to fend for himself. There’s romance, government conspiracies, and a couple of twists. The POV is 1st person, past tense. This is the 3rd draft so plot wise, I’ve done everything I think is necessary to tell the story effectively but to confirm that, I need your help :)
I’m in! What’s the plan?
What I’m looking for: I don’t have a beta limit, just looking for people invested in the genre and story premise. I’d like feedback on the flow of the story, thoughts on the main and supporting characters, if the general plot of the story works, and if it truly reads like a dystopian. 
Length: 88k words, the chapters range from 1k-4k. It just depends on the content, but again, the prose isn’t complex so it should read faster as long as you’re interested in the plot.
Intended reading rate: I have two options for betas: I can send you the full manuscript. You are expected to set your own pace and return it to me by the deadline. The second option is that I will send you a section of (About 9-14) chapters at a time. Some sections will be due in two weeks, others there’s 5 weeks. The actual dates are in the application.
If I’m interested, what do I do? Fill out my beta application and turn it in December 11th (Next wed) at midnight central time. I will select betas and inform those who are approved by Saturday the 14th 5 pm, central time.
There’s a lot more information in the application so if you’re even slightly interested, please check it out. I will have a basic set of questions that I’ll ask to be answered every couple of chapters, but I’ll be eager to hear your own thoughts as you read, too. This is my first beta round ever/the first time anyone else (apart from me) has ever seen this draft, so I’m excited but also trying to navigate this as well. I’ll be understanding about deadlines; I’ve even accounted for a grace week (to catch up just incase ye old life pops up) but I do ask that I’m given that same grace if I ever make a misstep. 
If approved to beta read, the entire process is scheduled to take 3 months. Manuscript/sections will be sent out 12/15/2019 and the full beta process should end 2/16/2020 or 9 weeks and a day. This process is entirely dependent on the beta-if you want to read the manuscript in two weeks and turn it back in, you’re done. If you decide the story isn’t for you, you can back out. You can ask for sections early, whatever works for you. I’m very thankful that you are volunteering time and am willing to work around YOU. 
Application Link: Here!
If you can’t beta but would like to share this post to help spread the word, that’d be much appreciated. Tagging some people who could possibly reblog (please? I’m sorry for name dropping, my anxiety hates this. Hehe) or have shown interest in the manuscript: @igotablankpage @maxgraybooks @an-author-in-progress @loopyhoopywrites @authorannesophie @christinawritesfiction @byjillianmaria @coffeeandcalligraphy @lefoxwriting @ashtrieswriting @ofvisitorsthefairest @nicholewrites @oliviagordonwrites @gnomer-denois @atelierwriting @eyes-of-golden-light @priyaele
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bittermagic · 5 years
Rules of the Game: answer these questions and tag 10 blogs you’d like to know better. i was tagged by @crimsonperiod so thank you :)
nickname(s): i don't really have a standard nickname but my friend calls me tofu and people at work call me zeni and xena. also the zodiac killer recently aha 
zodiac: aquarius
height: like 5′3? i'm short
time: 8:08am
Favorite Band/Artist: this is a hard one for me... i will always love bastille and dodie and lorde 
Song Stuck in my Head: crush by tessa violet
Last Movie I saw: captain marvel
Last Thing I googled: damascus goats
Other Blogs: i don't have any at the moment 
Do I get asks?: i can, but haven't had any yet
Why this Username?: my current wip is called the bitter children, which is the name given to the magic users in that world- therefore bitter magic
Following: 442 people 
Average Amount of Sleep: at the moment around 8 hours but it’s currently school holidays so when it’s not probably 7
Lucky Number: i don't have one :(
What am I Wearing: oversized pyjamas at the moment
Dream Job: probably a scientist working on treatment and prevention of diseases (and making it accessible)
Dream Trips: south african safari or tokyo, japan
Favorite Food: this very specific pan fried lemon sea bass with rice from harry ramsdens
Instruments I play: I learnt guitar for 4 or so years but i stopped 
Eye Color: brown and green and grey
Hair Color: brown
Aesthetic: pastels and white backgrounds, yellow as well
Languages I speak: english and learning french
Most Iconic Song: at the moment secret for the mad by dodie because it means a lot to me
Random Fact: i have two dogs!! they are English bulldogs called nelson and lola
tagging: @dancingwithwind @casium @ashtrieswriting @pixel-is-writing @amongwriters @nagsulat @mybookisbad @elliewritesstories @ouranox @rowofthorns
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WIP. Intro Stone Scale | WindBreaker BK 1
Tumblr media
Windbreaker is a high fantasy book series about a dragon racing competition. Set in a futuristic time, technology is advanced and the world is ruled by a hierarchy of kings and lords.
Talon Pinlo and his life-long friend, Ojin Kramer, enter windbreaker to discover the mystery behind his missing father, who disappeared whilst taking care of business regarding the competition. However, he soon discovers he's only scratched the surface and there's a deeper story behind it all.
Currently being written. The proplogue is posted on both Tapas and Wattpad. Words I have right now, are a little over 9,000.
Fantasy and Science Fiction
The girl faded away and was replaced by the image of what was happening outside of the arena. The building loomed over the central city of Pyroura. The oval shape stood out, with cratored windows imbedded into the walls. Elite hover pods flew around the outside of the Nosioum Colosseum. Like Lady Emberlyn and the Elite man by the entrance, the pods were decorated in maroon red, the Noble family crest on the left side of each pod showing that security was provided by the Lord. Brelome loomed farther out, the biggest city on the continent.
The screen turned back to focusing on what was happening inside, more people were in the stands. The camera turned to a secluded section above the audience, nestled between them and the commentator platform. The two high chairs were empty, a metal carved table in between, with two crystal glasses. The camera continued to change scenes, and all the while Talon watched with a close eye, searching for anything or anyone that could catch his eye.
“You won't see her unless you make the final five.” The familiar voice from before, from the conversation he tuned out of, spoke up from behind him, seeming to know exactly who or what it was that he was looking for. Talon already knew that he wouldn't find what he wanted. The person he was looking for was important, and the Entrance Exams of WindBreaker wasn't something that a woman like her would go to, but he figured he wouldn't risk the chance of losing out on information.
“I know.” Talon turned around, glanced behind Ojin to see if the guy who had made a ruccus from before was still close, but he wasn't. His friend migrated to a small group of girls, he ran his hand through his blonde hair with a smile as they giggled at whatever he said. He turned his dark eyes back to Ojin, “Maybe I was looking nervously into the crowd.”
Tag list (to be added or removed, let me know)
@aidenjaxwrites @ill-write-when-im-dead @vieliwrites @ashtrieswriting @caswellwrites @desperatlytryingtowriteabook @kiramartinauthor @love-crazedwriter
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ashmitrano · 6 years
Last Line Tag
I was tagged by @submergedmind <3
You guys know the rules... Write out the last line you wrote of your WIP and then tag as many people as there are words in the line. (Or just a bunch of people. It’s a game, guys. No pressure.)
My ACTUAL last line has too many spoilers so instead I’ll leave you with this one:
His smile turned sour as he realized I had something to say. “That’s not what this is about, is it?” he asked.
I’d love to see @goddessofnothingatall @pigeonbooks @anhathaway @ashtrieswriting @2krisp @nashbranson @justayoungwriter-gamer-romantic @itskassidywrites @scriptuurient @sauwrites @annemontrosie @paper-shield-and-wooden-sword @etjwrites and @seeingteacupsindragons do this!
If you don’t want to be tagged in any of these again just let me know <3
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hazelnutgf · 5 years
bold your preferences and tag 10 friends
i was tagged by: @trajeudies ily !! 💞
coffee or tea
early bird or night owl
chocolate or vanilla
spring or fall
silver or gold
pop or alternative
freckles or dimples
snakes or sharks
mountains or field
thunderstorm or lightning
egyptian or greek mythology
ivory or scarlet
flute or lyre
opal or diamond
butterflies or honeybees
macaroons or eclairs
typewritten or handwritten
secret garden or secret library
rooftop or balcony
spicy or mild
opera or ballet
london or paris
vincent van gogh or claude monet
denim or leather
potions or spells
ocean or desert
mermaids or sirens
masquerade ball or cocktail party
i tag @kinda-gay-ish/im-a-fairytale @cloudieclaudie @rajndrop @20bi-teen @ashtrieswriting and whoever else wants to !!
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worldbuildng · 6 years
Last line tag
tagged by @carrotgirl-weeb​! Galen and Rishi are at the tail-end of a a night out.
Three hours and four rounds later saw the pair sitting on the stoop of a rotted, water-stained building, a stack of cards splayed between them in various nonsensical piles, which Galen picked from whenever it seemed Rishi had been waiting a while.
“You just picked from that pile,” Rishi said.
“Oops.” Galen reached for another.
Rishi sat upright. “You can’t take cards from—Galen. Do you know the rules of this game?”
“Nope,” Galen replied. “How was I doing?”
“Terribly.” Rishi sighed and leaned back on the steps, cards thankfully forgotten for the moment. Galen sent a quick prayer upwards before tossing his hand down.
tagging @writingmyassoff, @ashtrieswriting, @will-o-the-wisps-writing
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britishconfetti · 6 years
Last Line Tag
Yo, yo, yo! It’s another tag game!
I was tagged by the wonderful @awolfthatwrites and @falling--in--place
The rules of this one: use the last line of writing that you’ve done and tag as many people as words.
“Freja was a bit concerned by that part, to be fair. Now, not only were the guards on the lookout for her, but everybody else was too.”
Literally is the vaguest piece of writing to ever exist.
I’m tagging some people from the spreadsheet as well as the normal peeps I tag just to mix things up a little (and cause 27 is a big number). But don’t feel pressured to do this cause I know this tag has been buzzing around and you’ve probably all done it anyway.
@writer-on-time @classyrogue @bymeganwithmeraki @aurinus @authordai @everywriterneedsfanart @gettingitwrite @itslmdee @katywritesbooks @pixel-letters @i-breathe-underwater @mentallytiredgoat @madmooninc @possibledreamswriting @quillwritten @reeseweston @smol-kuman @taz-writes @thelorelord @amerraka @loosecat56 @we-honeygirls @whollyart @writingburrito @theclichestories @ashtrieswriting @lovelylorene
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aschenink · 6 years
10 Questions Tag :)
I was tagged by the lovely @doctor-q, thanks hon! <3
1: What’s your preferred written genre?  Probably fantasy?  I really enjoy the process of world-building, and since I grew up reading mostly fantasy it’s all the genre that I’m most familiar with.  But considering the WIPs I’ve had over the years (1 adventure, 1 scifi, 2 contemporary thrillers, 2 fantasy) the only actual consistency in genre I have is that they all have romantic subplots at some point.  I don’t consider myself a romance writer, but the facts say I’m just in denial 😂
2: What’s your preferred reading genre?  Okay, this one is a definite vote for fantasy.  My parents are both bookworms and, as a general rule, fantasy is their preferred genre too--which explains why I read and reread Tolkien (LotR) and Feist (Riftwar Saga) a lot while growing up.  I love everything about fantasy, there’s nothing that’s off the table.  A lot of old fantasy has escapist elements which appeals to me, but I also love the cultural elements--basing systems off certain cultures or mythologies, or reading about completely new/fictitious cultures.
3: What’s a trope that absolutely speaks to your heart?  Pyrrhic victories!  Not a trope that I consume a lot of, but one I absolutely love creating.  Considering I play a lot with black and gray morality in my writing, it’s unfortunately the case that the costs usually end up being higher than the reward.  I also love character deaths, which contribute to pyrrhic victories too. 
4: Is Science Fiction also Fantasy? Discuss.  So, for me, this is like... squares and rectangles.  All SciFi is Fantasy, but not all Fantasy is SciFi.  In my opinion, fantasy really just means “a story set in a fictitious world”.  SciFi, no matter how probable it can be at times, is set in a fictitious world.  Even near-future or contemporary SciFi still involves changing an element from reality that makes the setting fictitious.  But not all Fantasy is SciFi, because SciFi to me means “a story set in a fictitious world that focuses on or highlights elements of which science is a core component”.  Sure, all fantasy stories will have scientific components--I’ve yet to find a story that doesn’t play by some rule of physics/chemistry/etc--but most of the time, if you’re reading a fantasy novel about dragons, the novel doesn’t go on about the anatomical structure or biological functions of the dragons, right?  The scientific component is technically there, but completely ignored.  A SciFi story is a fantasy novel that would/does go into those components.  That’s just my two cents idk
5: What’s the synopsis of your WIP? Ahh, I’m just going to include super short mini-synopses of my two big WIPs...
For Alight in Ashes... 
In a society constantly uprooted by revolution, humans have been designated as the inferior species and are beset by disease, slavery, and genocidal Hunts.  Cassandra, a petty thief, is determined to prove that humans are capable of fighting back, regardless of the cost.
For Eosophobia...
Rumors of a cure for the engineered supervirus Dawn have begun to circle the forested region of Cascadia, dragging out the remnants of human civilization from hiding–and also their mutated cousins, Biotics.  With competing groups desperate to get their hands on any possible cure the Columbia Gorge transforms into a battleground waiting to explode. 
6: If you could speed date any literary character who would it be?  Mara.  Oh my god.  I would marry her.  I haven’t read The Empire Trilogy in years, which is my loss, because it’s fantastic and I have such a crush on the protagonist/MC, Mara.  She’s such a powerful character, and I love how ambitious and resourceful and reckless she is, in a way.  
7: If you were a literary character who would you be?  Haha, okay, I’m totally Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy.  Not the “super rich” part, which is unfortunate, but the arrogant, prideful, honest part?  The best-known-for-my-poorly-worded-and-soul-crushing-love-confessions part?  That’s me. 
8: What’s a big theme you notice in your writing? Moral subjectivity!  I love bringing it up in my writing and reflecting it in my characters.  I just have fun with making readers root for someone who goes against standard morality--rooting for villains, or dark anti-heroes, etc. It’s my goal to write characters that are so likeable or powerful that my readers will root for them, no matter how the odds look or what actions “need” to be taken. 
9: What is a theme you hate seeing in writing?  I hate “love conquers all”, which is somewhat ironic considering I’m a self-described romantic.  But I’m a strong believer that love only works if you’re willing to put in the necessary work that a relationship requires.  I’m tired of love being portrayed as “if it’s meant to be, it will be”.  It’s not inherently a bad theme, but one that’s vastly overused.
10: What was your opinion of your last high school Literature teacher?  I... honestly don’t even remember his name.  He was a nice and reasonable guy as a person, and was pretty laid back for the most part.  But he felt out of touch with his students--I don’t remember ever being invested in his class (to be fair, high school was all easy As for me (that’s not bragging, I went to a really shitty high school where they were just trying to pass as many of us as they could because graduation rates were atrocious. haha and then i dropped out but whatever)).
My Questions for Ya’ll
1. Do you have any writing habits or rituals?
2. If you had to be one of your characters for a day, who would you choose to be?
3. Character death, yay or nay? 
4. Which tropes, if you’re aware of any, are in your WIP?
5. Favorite hero from any book/movie/etc.? 
6. Favorite villain from any book/movie/etc.?
7. What’s your favorite part of the writing process? 
8. If you were locked in a room with your OCs, how would you fare? 
9. What scene in your WIP are you most excited about?  Why?
10. If you had to use a different title for your WIP than the one you’re currently using, what would it be?  If it doesn’t have a title, choose an alternative name for your MC. 
Tagging (feel free to ignore): @oheoo @madmooninc @ashtrieswriting @toboldlywrite @relevy @theguildedtypewriter @dragonscanbeplantstoo and of course, anyone else who would to join in!
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lycorismajora · 6 years
How to know you’re in a ___ novel
Thanks to @kindofwriter for the tag, once again!
• You're gay
• You're sad. Like, really sad.
• You, and everything around you, are described with flowery imagery.
• Your love interest is the exact opposite of you
• Alternatively, your love interest is afraid of you
• Everything has a significant meaning in its name
• Victorian flower language all over
Tags, feel free to ignore if you want:
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adorhauer · 6 years
7 -7 -7 Game
Thank you @indecentpause for tagging me!
The rules are as follows: Go to page 7 of your WIP, go to the seventh line, share seven sentences, and tag 7 more writer-bloggers to continue the challenge.
🍂 🍁 🍂 🍁 🍂 🍁 🍂 🍁 🍂 🍁 🍂 🍁 🍂 🍁 🍂 🍁 🍂 🍁 🍂 🍁 🍂 
“Every witch knows how to read their spell. I can’t say she liked what she read- but read it she did, and she stayed bent over for so long that her neck and back started to ache. Then all at once a sharp tap tap tap came from the window, and the witch jumped.
At first she wondered if the person saw her, feeling a little embarrassed. But then that person started talking, and Rosmira’s embarrassment turned to irritation.
“Rosmira,” said a voice. It wasn’t at all pleasant, and sounded like the distant relatives who always barked out orders to others.”
🍂 🍁 🍂 🍁 🍂 🍁 🍂 🍁 🍂 🍁 🍂 🍁 🍂 🍁 🍂 🍁 🍂 🍁 🍂 🍁 🍂
A middle grade excerpt just seems so out-of-place with all the YA/NA authors on here, but I’ll stick with what I’ve got.
If you’ve done this before, feel free to pass!
@faetalfantasy, @ashtrieswriting, @delphiiwrites, @fragrant-stars, @lefttowritee, @pinkapow, @writer-on-time, @verazelinski, @bcbybee, @roselinproductions, @scripturient-manipulator, @scribble-dee-vee, @yourbitchystudentwriter, @time-to-write-and-suffer, @imawriterhelp, and @hklunethewriter
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brynwrites · 6 years
A Fortnight of Questions. #3
Rules: Answer this question (and any previous questions you wish), and then tag as many or as few people are you feel like, between zero and infinity.
Previous questions: #1, #2
How does your main character feel about their family and/or the concept of family? What impact has their family had on them? (Include found family if appropriate ^^)
Ashalle's parents died when she was young. She didn't see them often, so her attachment was minimal, but the much more recent death of the young woman she counted as her sister is still a gaping wound she can't face. She believes very strongly in family and protecting the people you love, but tends to throw away her own life in the process.
Dlan's family are abusive shitheads and she sacrificed a lot to get away from them. She feels she owes a great deal to her aunt though, who helped her escape, and she was once very close to her older sibling, Cynne, before Cynne drifted into the same power trap the rest of her family clings to. She's never had a truly positive deep relationship before and subconsciously pushes them away.
Tagging: Everyone I’ve previously tagged + everyone who’s done an earlier question + @tavarillasgalen @queercrazywriter @h-brook-writes @dreamsofbooksandmonsters @ashtrieswriting @tcstu
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gigilberry · 6 years
Ask Meme!
Tagged by @themerrywriter (thank you lots ^3^)
Rules: Answer these questions and tag twenty blogs you like to get to know better.
Nickname: I have one that my sister and my younger cousins call me, but it’s embarrassing. -////-”  My writing pseudonym is Celyn Perdeli, so you can call me Celyn or Cely, if you want.
Zodiac: Taurus (I dunno if it matches my personality tho)
Height: 5′2″ (I am tiny)
Time: 18:08
Favourite Band/Artist: It’s a tossup between Sleeping At Last and Twenty One Pilots
Song Stuck in my head: “Bom Diggy Diggy” by Jasmin Walia and somebody else
(earlier it was “Mast Magan” from the Bollywood movie 2 States but then a girl in the room next to mine turned on the radio and now at least 5 girls are singing along to this (*cough* shouting *cough* *cough*) and the sound of it is leaking into my room h a l p)
Last movie I saw: Incredibles 2
Last thing I googled: flower boots
Other Blogs: Technically this is supposed to be a sideblog but I, uh .... kinda abandoned my other blog that I’d made a year or two ago and which was supposed to be my main? I just got bored with it and now I’m too lazy to delete it. I have more fun with this blog anyway so.
Do I get asks?: Almost never (my blog has less than 50 followers and it’s more ignored than the Terms & Conditions lol)
Why did I choose this username?: This is me dragging myself. Like, if I’m on the computer actually writing any of my WIPs then I have this part of me that’s probably going:
*gasps* *holds hand over heart and looking fake shocked* “Is she writing? She’s actually writing? Like, sitting down to write?? My, my, my, what a shock, truly astounding! Why, somebody better call the press because we’re witnessing a miracle.”
Following: 138 (and counting)
Average amount of sleep: Between 6 to 8 hours (my ideal would be 7 hours and 15 minutes exactly)
Lucky Number: I like both 5 and 7, but I’ll go with 5
What I’m wearing: Greenish blue cotton shirt, purple sleeping pants with huge printed flowers all over it, and an old, bright green hoodie that i bought at least 2 sizes too big on purpose
Dream Job: Researcher whose research is helping people/animals/the environment and who works from home and doesn’t have to talk to anyone or go anywhere
Dream Trip: Istanbul (I wanna pet all the kitties. That’s it. That’s the only reason.)
Favourite Food: Crusty, sourdough bread with tomato soup
Play any instruments?: I used to play a little bit of violin, and even less keyboard (I grew bored too easily I’m sorry).
Eye Colour: A deep, dark, warm brown
Hair Colour: Plain black
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: a dream jar, a green hoodie, equations on a board (because I’m an engineering student), lots of pencils, a cat making a funny face, rebellious art, some kind of greenery, something from my culture (Hindu), something bright
Okay, you know what? I can no longer resist the temptation, I’m gonna make this aesthetic board.
Here it is.
Languages you speak: English somehow ended up being my first language (don’t ask me how). I can speak both Kannada and Spanish relatively well, I am in the middle of learning Hindi and Indian sign language, and I know just a little bit of Hebrew and Japanese each and am slowly, slowly learning more.
Most Iconic Song: Little Wonders by Rob Thomas, The Sky and the Dawn and the Sun by Celtic Woman, or Saturn by Sleeping At Last (I love too many songs, I can’t choose)
Random Fact: I can do origami and my favorite one is an origami heart box (search for “origami heart box robin” on youtube).
I don’t know who’ll want to do this, so I’ll just go with as many blogs as I can think of who currently follow me. If you want to participate then you’re more than welcome to and if you can’t or don’t want to then that’s okay!
Tagging: @deademisexual  @nrstebbins  @rehnwriter  @dolores-hazy  @allore  @sophisticated-narwhal  @agremlinatemybowtie  @majesticmoustache95  @escapalization  @morganhazelwood  @git-writing-good  @adorhauer  @riverlinden  @sapphicsucculent  @kiaradimari  @little-inspo  @blueinkblot  @temporarysentences  @writingisshithard  @chaotic-little-bitch  @captainpenguin-fly  @ashtrieswriting  
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zekethegm · 6 years
First Character Dialog
Rules: Post the first section of dialogue your character ever speaks, then tag people.
Tagged by @raiswanson, I am looking forward to seeing how this goes.
Captain Steddik-  “What’s out there Dirgen?” 
Dirgen(Not a major character but Cap mentioned him by name now so I gotta)-  “Steamship. Merchant of some kind, I’d wager; the national flag is smaller than the personal one. Colours aren’t looking familiar to me, though.”
Cross-  “No, sir.”
Molly Decker-  “You called, Captain?”
Tolrec-  “Correct.”
Camellia-  “Things either went very well or very bad for you to walk right past me.”
Chittik-  “Six of our own dead, ten wounded enough to be out of combat. Forty-three of theirs; all dead. Few more in the water.”
I enjoyed this.
Tags @sincerestaffect @typeaadventures @creativityflows @ashtrieswriting @alittle-writer @bethwrotethis @booksaremymeth @cog-writes @hypnocutiegypsy @ivettaviolet @ittakesapenfullofink @pigeonbooks @positivevibes-and-rollingtides @reining-in-the-fire-writing @ravenpuffwriter
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britishconfetti · 6 years
5 Questions Tag
I was so very kindly tagged by @converginglives to do this
Rules: answer any 5 questions, then tag other fellow writers to see their answers
1. If you have a WIP, approximately when did you first start working on it?
2. How did the idea for your WIP come to you?
3. Do you want to take writing as a career or something ‘on the side’?
4. Do you prefer to read series or standalone novels (and which was the last one you read)?
5. If you are a POC, are you afraid of facing racism or people having biased opinions about your book just because you are a POC?
6. How long have you had a writeblr?
7. If you have a WIP, can you explain the world that it is set in?
8. Coffee or tea?
9. Do you have a pre-writing ritual?
10. Do you write in a book or just type on a laptop/computer?
1) I started working on my WIP on the 1st November last year for NaNo, though I’d been planning and drafting it for half of October and the ideas had been floating around my head for a few months
2) I was painting a chair for our house out in the garden. It was beautiful and sunny, and I started thinking about a woman who has ten different children all around the world, and their children going on a hunt for their grandmother after her death. 
Of course, next to none of this stayed and the idea I’ve come up with is so far from this that most people would never really see the resemblance. But this was what got me going, and the moment the idea first emerged.
4) I love a good series. I want to fall in love with worlds and characters and plots and relationships, slow deep love that will stay with me for years and keeps me tearing through the sequels like some sort of rabid animal. Currently, I’m midway through the ASOIAF series, just starting ADWD.
8) Tea, my dudes. Tea.
10) I applaud anybody who has the hand strength and general ability to handwrite stuff. I tell myself that it would be amazing to write away from technology, living in the ‘real world’ and all that. But I need my backspace.
I’m tagging @ashtrieswriting @katywritesbooks @eeva-writes @i-breathe-underwater and @toboldlywrite (but none of you guys feel pressured) as well as anybody else who wants to get involved! 
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aschenink · 6 years
OC Word Tag :)
I was tagged by the lovely @gettingitwrite, thanks hon! <3
I’m doing this for the main cast of Eosophobia since that’s what I’ve been working on the past couple of days. 
Jackal: Truculent (aggressively defiant; quick to argue)
Nadege:  Heartsome (giving cheer or spirit)
Viktor: Languor (a pleasant feeling of inertia; “the oppressive stillness of the air”)
Oswald: Infinite (limitless; unending)
Onyx: Anoesis (a state of pure emotion)
Magenta: Extirpate (to root out or destroy completely)
Tagging (feel free to ignore): @cog-writes @oheoo @ashtrieswriting and, of course, anyone else who would like to join in! 
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