#ask me and i'll tell you
aestheticallyamyyy · 11 months
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faetalnightmare · 1 month
Is it strange I want to try an ovipositor toy just to feel what it’s like to push the eggs out of me?
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dokkywokky · 3 months
Two emergency comm pieces for @aimandfire21 ! Respectively, they're Xin Yue, a servant, and Quan Ya, of the nobility!
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babey-lewis · 12 days
Me is itsy bitsy tiny :3 you tan ask me questuns abt agere while me small!!
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mop-ausnheadcanons · 5 months
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I’ll be honest, I don’t know where the quote is from but I know it’s from the game somewhere haha
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champagnexowishes · 1 year
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New layout😍 + my inbox is always open💕
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free-use-hole · 7 months
Where's the most embarrassing place you've cum
Ooh, I think it would have to be on the bathroom of my college's office before an exam, I accidentally moaned and I'm sure someone heard it 🙈
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thoughtlessly-me · 6 months
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This day I was rocking out to my chemical romance while completely having a breakdown. Love that for me. Depression isn’t a fun game to live with but I got to smile through it as no one checks in lol! 🖤
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aestheticallyamyyy · 9 months
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Figured I would come back with a bang 😈😈 who’s up and wants the uncensored???
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elmoghazy · 17 days
أحد ينتشلني من أفكاري🙍🏼‍♂
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dokkywokky · 6 months
Hi, all! I haven't posted in a while. Sorry. Currently, my household is tight on funds. $100-for-the-next-two-weeks tight. As a result, I will both be accepting any and all commissions, and reducing my sheet to its previous half-price state for any commissions during this period. If you want to buy art from me, now is the chance--and if you don't even want that and just want to help, I have a Ko-Fi at https://ko-fi.com/dokkywokky. Anything helps.
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ct-1999 · 1 year
the owl house symbiote au idea
this an idea that has be going off in my head for a while and i just wanted to write it out somewhere. 
the basic idea for this au is that Luz gets a venom symbiote attached to her. this of course affects the plot of the show going forward. it should be noted that this is not the venom symbiote itself but of the same species. I don’t have a full idea of how all of the episodes would play out but hears what I have so far.
 A lying witch and warden: she wound first come across the symbiote among other thing in the contraband of the conformitorium. Recognizing it as a sentient being and any more innocent people in a unjust situation decides to take it with her. the symbiote after years of being seen as nothing more than a tool gets attached to her and decides then and there that she would make a great host
Witches before wizards: not much to change here except the symbiote would still getting used to things and Luz believing it is just the more logical side of her talking
I was a teenage abomination: this is the episode were the symbiote reviles it self to Luz and it gains the name Oscura the Spanish word for dark.
The intruder: not much to say here except this where king and Eda meet oscura
Covention: the witch duel plays out a bit different. Luz use a verity of potions that she made herself in the first part of the duel and puts up a decent fight until Amity gets in a good hit and ends up dislocating one of Luz’s legs. this forces oscura to intervene reveling themselves to the pubic and wiping the floor with Amity.
this is all i have have for now. more will be coming soon. if you have any qestions about the au  just ask
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mop-ausnheadcanons · 1 year
Any terumob headcanons?? :D
Ahh I’m glad you asked :D Terumob is so special to me,
I have a few but it’s going to be so long haha(also, sorry for the dual use of Mob and Shigeo if it confuses ya)
1. Terumob loves physical touch, cuddles, pats, hugs, hand holding, etc. Teru is touch starved due the to the absence of his parents. Mob has been very closed off ever since he was young. Yes his family does give him affection, but he never seeks it out unless necessary, so he’s kinda deprived in physical affection too. Not to mention, his brother isn’t touchy either. Not his fault, but anyway, Mob enjoys hugging or being close to Teru in any sort of way possible. Shigeo loves the warmth of holding Teru’s hand. It grounds him
2. Teru falls asleep faster and better when Shigeo is close by him. Mob’s aura and his physical presence makes him feel extremely safe and at ease. It gives him so much comfort too. Teru is always alert 24/7 so when Shigeo is nearby, he feels like he doesn’t have to be extremely aware anymore, and that leads him to fall asleep near Shigeo a lot. Shigeo loves it because he knows it lets him know that Teru feels safe enough. Shigeo also uses his aura a little so that Teru doesn’t get any nightmares
3. Mob knows that Teru is very hard on himself, so he always tries to let him know that he’s enough. Teru has never had genuine verbal validation before, no one who knew the real him. So, this leads him to overwork himself usually. Mob sometimes takes it upon himself to be the intervention Teru needs and remind him that he’s okay and he’s needed.
4. Teru also knows that Mob worries about being good. Too much. Teru reminds Mob that sometimes although that they make mistakes, that doesn’t make them a horrible person. This one goes vice versa actually. They remind each other. And remind each other that they’ve changed inspire of their relapsing or mistakes. Even if there are moments where Teru becomes condescending, even if there are moments where Shigeo stutters and hides from his emotions.
5. Teru helps Mob express himself. We generally see him in his black and white uniform which makes people think he only wears black and white which is inaccurate lol. Shigeo is a very colourful person.
Anyway, despite loving colours and clothes, what he wears is all just hoodies and pants which is really plain. Teru has a more extravagant taste. Shigeo loves listening to Teru ramble on about style and fashion and going out of his comfort zone by wearing contrasting colours like pink and green, bright red and bright blue. Purple and orange. Not just in fashion either, but in what Mob wants to do and say. Like maybe figuring out what instrument he wants to play and express himself? Teru loves rock guitars but knows that Shigeo wouldn’t enjoy playing it, so he introduces Shigeo into other forms of music, like percussion, string instruments. Side note I like the idea that Shigeo likes the piano bc of Reigen. But anyways, I think he loves most of the but the one he likes one percent higher than the rest is the flute
I thought way too hard about this but anyway, if you want to ask more specifically you can ^^
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madame-fear · 1 year
thank you so much❤. So my idea is:
Y/N is a Wayne , meaning she is Bruce Wayne's little sister ( well not little but younger than him)She has always been fighting the Villains with her brother( umm, we could say she is a hero, having her own suit and nobody knows her real identity) . The most important thing is that her worst enemy that she fears is Scarecraw . In the past they two had a big fight causing Y/N to go to the hospital . Her back is full of bruises because of Scarecraw and the worst is that after their fight and after waking up to the hospital, she forgets many things of her life and one of them is forgetting Scarecraw. Bruce didn't dare to tell her about their fight or about him but he promised himself that he would take revenge. Well after years and Y/N is finally healed she starts her life again. She wanted again to fight with his brother and Bruce finally let her. Well one day Y/N meets dr Crane and finds him really brilliant. So there it goes... They start a secret relationship bc Y/N doesn't want Bruce to know thinking her young sister should not be in a relationship. Let's act like Bruce doesn't know who Jonathan really is and of course Y/N doesn't know about his identity as the Scarecraw. I also thought that maybe one day when Y/N was at his home she saw his mask and asked him about what was that. Then Jonathan just said that he made that mask and he called it Scarecraw. ( He of course didn't say that he was Scarecraw or anything) But things doesn't get well after Bruce told her that they had to be aware of a man named Scarecraw. At first Y/N thought that the names where just a coincidence but after they met she recognized the mask. Well Scarecraw didn't know that the girl with the suit was Y/N . So how will Scarecraw learn about Y/N's identity? One day that they were alone he noticed some bruises on her back that he had seen again in the past. Then both characters realized the had fallen for their worst enemies. ( *also wanna say that Scarecraw's fear gas doesn't work on Y/N because she already sees what she fears the most , Scarecraw himself. )
That's my idea of the story, I hope u like it and of course you don't have to write it if you are not interested or don't like it ❤❤
Hello my dear!! ❤ Yes ofc I absolutely loved the plot! So sorry this took half a year to answer 😅
I was originally going to respond to this ask by writing the first chapter of the fic, but I think I will first organise the title and chapters of the story, then I will tag you in the masterlist with all the chapters of the story, if that's alright with you <3
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mxdnightxm00ns · 9 months
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sleepyysweetheart · 1 year
Ask me publicly anything, and I'll answer truthfully. Whatever it is! It could be fun 👀🤷🏾‍♀️
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