#baby blue and sunshine coded
plushyluke · 2 years
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heart eyes hemmo & irwie
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missroki · 4 months
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OFFICE CRUSH┊when choso kamo’s pretty coworker asks him out, he doesn’t ask questions. it’s no surprise that the quiet IT guy isn’t exactly gifted in the art of romance, but you seem more than capable of showing him the ropes.
content: black coded!female reader x choso, office au, 90s rom-com adjacent, alcohol, flirting (!!!), choso being awkward, car sex, reader has braids, terms used are baby and good girl, no obvious power dynamics, vaginal fingering, unprotected sex (pull out method), purposefully lowercase. word count: 3.5k
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“are you busy tonight?”
a sudden pause in the typing of keys, pale hands hovering over a manilla colored keyboard. choso stops coding as if it would have helped him hear you better.
you ask your coworker out on a late wednesday afternoon, rocking back and forth on your heels with your hands clasped behind your back. your eyes are bright and determined in a way that tells him you mean what you say… but, for a minute, choso can’t do anything more than stare.
he’d only seen you in passing in the office, the click of your black pumps recognized easily in the sea of heavy loafers and dress shoes. despite your choice in footwear, you were often moving.
never has the man seen you sitting from his place in the IT department. you were always walking, or more accurately strutting down the halls, looking straight down with a handful of files and notebooks; always busy.
there’s a slight shift in your face (as if you’re going to repeat what you said) but choso interjects. he heard you clearly enough the first time, he was just a man with social skills that left much to be desired.
he answers you, cursing the shake in his voice. "n-no… i don’t think so but... why?" maybe you had a virus on your computer? or perhaps you were in need of fresh eyes on your interim report? choso thinks that maybe you need a spare thumb drive or the key to the electronics closet. he thinks you are here for a favor, something transactional that will explain the soft, polite smile on your lips.
he is proven wrong when you move closer into his space and rest your bottom against his desk, clasped hands now resting on your lap. he tries his best to not stare at your stocking-clad thighs. he wonders how warm they would feel under his hands.
“well,” you start, “since you aren’t busy, we can go out for a drink, right?”
choso feels his nose twitch, watching as your gaze follows the birthmark on his nose. he realizes that you are waiting for a response and clears his throat.
“my brother might need me… he gets home from school pretty early nowadays.”
you smile and tilt your head. "yuuji, right? pink hair, high school student? big ball of sunshine?”
he blinks once, then twice. okay. “that would be him… how did you know that?”
you shift your hips to face him better, palm on the desk as you lean over to point at the lone personal item he has.
it’s a picture of choso and his brother, old and slightly blue at the edges from water damage. “he showed up once because he left his house key at home. you went down and brought him yours.”
admittedly, choso barely remembers this interaction. he curses his stomach for warming at the fact that you do. “oh.”
despite his lackluster response, your smile doesn’t waver, acrylic nails tapping against the surface that he works on everyday. it’s those gentle clicks that make his eyes shift downwards to where the sound is coming from, distracting him.
a holiday on his calendar mousepad is covered by your pink and red fingernails.
“you’re… interesting,” you offer as explanation, “and i want to spend time with you. is that alright?”
you’re beautiful, he thinks. beautiful in a way that he doesn’t see often; pretty brown skin and soft-looking braided hair. he wonders how long it takes you to twist the strands in such an intricate way. he wonders if it would be weird for him to ask.
choso hesitates, but eventually nods. “…i’m sure yuuji won’t miss me too much.” he concludes, the smallest of lop-sided grins on his face. “it’ll only be for a little while, right?”
you sit up and choso feels as if he can breathe again without your intoxicating scent so close to him. you dramatically cross a finger over your heart. 
“you’ll be home by ten. scout’s honor.”
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choso is certain now of three things:
one, he likes strawberry daiquiris. two, he really likes drinking them with you. and three, you were most definitely not a girl scout.
he knows this because it is already eleven thirty pm and you have sneakily convinced him to stay longer than intended. after a few rounds you became alarmingly convincing.
even with choso’s clumsy coin fumbling and the obvious red flush of his face, your companion is positive that he is not drunk. you smile as your cloudy mind focuses on the pretty arch of his cupid's bow and the deep set of his tired eyes.
with warming alcohol in his system, choso finds himself loosening up more and more. his gaze wanders without fear of you noticing.
it doesn’t change the fact that you do.
his suit jacket is draped on your lap to cover your legs, your pink blouse curving along your chest so firmly that it’s hard to look away.
suddenly, you lean in to sip his drink (which confuses him since you have your own) and choso has to try his best to refrain from staring at your breasts as they press against the bar table. as the night has progressed you’ve gotten more bold, more touchy. he likes it. he likes you and the small hint of lipstick that stains his pink straw now.
you sit back up and wipe away the condensation from the hand that was holding the glass steady.
“is this a birthmark?” you ask with glassy eyes, a cold thumb moving up to caress the deep purple line on his nose bridge. choso is just drunk enough that his heart flutters and he doesn’t pass out on the spot.
“yes, i was born with it.” he pauses, thinking that you want him to elaborate. “yuuji used to joke and say they must have used a permanent marker to tell me apart from the other babies.”
you laugh and it’s a small thing but… choso can’t help but to grace you with a lazy smile. “it’s nice. makes you look more unique.” your thumb moves up to his dark circles, pressing gently into the skin. he feels warmth pool in his belly. the alcohol, he thinks. “i’m going to assume these are more man made?”
he nods, heart beating fast against his chest. your hand is gentle and your eyes are kind. choso wonders if you have always been so sweet, if the heavy burdens of adult life haven’t quite hit you in the same way they have him. is that weird? he won’t say that out loud. “yeah, i don’t get much sleep.”
“i’m definitely not helping with that.” you frown a little and choso thinks of every possible way he could make you smile again. “that’s no good. who’ll help yaga out when he falls for another pop up porn ad?”
he laughs at that, feels it deep in his stomach. you’re funny, choso thinks. you’re pretty. your lips look soft and he wants to kiss you.
“i think you’re more than capable–“
“hey, is that–? kamo-chan!”
a shrill voice comes from across the bar, onlookers (that are suspiciously all couples tonight) glancing over to get a glance at whoever was making a fuss. to choso’s horror, he sees a familiar head of long blue hair, a large smile that barely fits the face of the person wearing it.
behind him is a small group of people wearing the usual business casual with an assortment of red and pink items like… heart shaped headbands? he can tell by the way they stumble over that this is perhaps the second or third bar of the night.
“all these years of me trying to get you to come out and you only do it when she asks you to?” mahito pouts, an arm moving to rest around your shoulders. if you’re annoyed by his interruption, you don’t make it known. you smile easily and return his side hug.
choso wonders now if physical affection is something you give out freely. maybe he’d interpreted your earlier touches wrong, as something less than innocent.
he feels a blush rising to his cheeks and hopes you assume it is just the booze.
“maybe i’m just more convincing,” you tease, “i wanted to spend some time with one of our most valuable team members. working with a bum like you can really mess with my productivity.”
mahito gasps dramatically. “wow! i guess there must be love in the air then!” there’s a small sea of laughter that follows. choso begins to once again realize that it is not you two alone anymore, that your entire department has somehow managed to force their way into the imaginary bubble you’d built around each other.
someone suggests you all move to a booth and he feels his social battery deplete within seconds.
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another hour passes before choso finally realizes that he is way in over his head. mahito has managed to simultaneously steal all of your attention and even some of choso’s as well.
he’s funnier than him, he thinks. even with his weird scarred skin and bony frame you seem to enjoy his company and the child-like way he downs shots of tequila as if they’re water. he licks salt from various places and you chuckle and smile affectionately, like he’s a puppy.
is that what you were into? guys who could talk to you for hours about nothing at all? choso doesn’t think he could ever be that man. he was awkward and somewhat insecure. you were well liked and that meant you’d be hard to keep entertained. it’s a role he isn’t sure he can fill for you.
everyone is laughing, including you. something about the department that choso would have no knowledge of.
trying his best to avoid knocking shoulders with anyone, the man removes himself from the suffocating booth, back aching from the way he had to twist at all times to fit in the space.
choso thinks he’s always been like that. taking up space; having to make himself smaller in order to fit where he didn’t belong to begin with.
his hands reach for his pockets, glancing down to make sure he didn’t leave his wallet. when he lifts his head, he finds that your eyes are on now him.
your face tells him that you’re a bit alarmed at his leaving but he doesn’t wait for you to announce it to everyone before he’s moving quickly to the back door.
the hinges creak loudly, the threshold slightly damp as he shuffles out. it’s raining, he realizes. a drizzle that quickly dampens his dark hair.
the flickering streetlight illuminates his old car, the path straight ahead as he makes his way across the barely lit alleyway. his mind is clearer than it was in the suffocating bar atmosphere, but it is still muffled by anxious thoughts.
it’s because of this that he doesn’t hear the click of high heels against wet pavement.
“choso!” you call out, a small huff in your voice as you abruptly stop behind him. he blinks hard to rid his eyes of water, turns around to find you holding something, his jacket. oh. “you’re leaving without saying goodbye?”
you look upset, concerned even. choso quickly takes his jacket from you so that he can use it to cover your head — not really thinking when he does it. you give him a curious look.
“your hair,” he explains, “it’ll get... wet out here.”
you roll your eyes playfully, walking closer until you are almost chest to chest. “i don’t care about that right now.” you hum, eyes trying desperately to meet his. he turns his head and you boldly grip his chin. your fingertips are so warm. “did i do something wrong? are you upset with me?”
he reaches a hand out to gently hold your wrist, thumb against your pulse point. “not upset, just thought you might want to end the night with people you know… i’m not good with groups.”
you think this over for a moment and nod. “yeah i… i should have guessed that, actually. you were probably overwhelmed. i’m sorry.”
“you don’t have to be…” he murmurs. “i just needed to get away and i didn’t want to ruin anyone’s night.”
you let go of his chin, both hands coming up to push his now soaked hair away from his face, the strands curl around his ears where your hands rest. without realizing, his touch has settled on your waist. you don’t seem to mind.
“i like you." you admit, brazenly. “i have for a while now.”
"i’m sorry." he responds instinctively, not really processing your confession at first. you really laugh at that and it makes his mind go numb for a moment. “i mean… i like you, too. a lot, actually.”
you smile and it’s so blindingly beautiful. how did he go without knowing you for so long? “i hoped so… i saw the way you were watching me earlier. i thought you were gonna kiss me a couple of times.”
something in his mind twitches, directly in the space next to mischief and only a step away from desire.
“did you want me to?”
you eyes widen just a fraction. now it is your turn to be flustered. choso finds himself relishing in that just a little. “…what?”
maybe a… lottle.
“did you… want me to kiss you?” his thumbs rubs gentle circles on your blouse covered tummy, the motion soothing and weirdly familiar. like the smell of a perfume that hits you with unknown nostalgia, the hint of someone from your past.
you lean in slightly, nose gently nudging his. “i still do.” you whisper, “would that be okay?”
your breathes mingle, barely an inch separating the two of you. choso finds himself laughing at the cheesiness of it all. 
you aren’t his first kiss, but he imagines that kissing in the rain will still be rom-com worthy.
“more than okay.” he murmurs.
his lips press to yours.
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choso is certain now of three things:
one, he likes kissing you. two, he really likes kissing you. and three, your mouth is the best thing he has ever felt.
the backseat of his compact suv is just enough for you both to fit, your legs on either side of his hips as your hands explore his body. your tongue has managed to touch every inch of choso’s neck and chest, blushing red spots appearing on his soft pale skin.
your left hand traces over the mark on his ribs, large and expansive. he has to hold in a moan when you run your fingertips against it. “you’re so sensitive,” you hum, “are you nervous?”
he starts to unbutton your blouse, let’s his thumbs find your still covered nipples. he grazes his nail against the fabric, isolating the movement as you let out a soft gasp. “not nervous,” he responds. “i just really want you. you’re… gorgeous.”
you try to hide how much this affects you but choso can see it in the way your eyes soften at his praise. “thank you.” you breathe out, helping him by unclasping your bra and letting it fall to the ground with your already discarded stockings.
it barely hits the floor mat before choso’s mouth latches onto your chest, tongue swirling as his lips suck on the perky brown bud. your nails immediately tangle into his damp hair and your hips begin to grind on their own.
a hand reaches down between your legs and you whimper as your panties are forced to the side. “can i touch you?” he asks, lips trailing from one of your breasts to the other. “wanna make you feel good, need to get you ready for me.”
you nod with a giggle. “oh, yeah? you that big down there kamo-san?”
he is dead serious when he replies. “yes.”
choso’s fingers are long and your cunt lets him in with very little resistance. he’s glad to know his kisses made you melt for him so easily, a surge of confidence emerging. your thighs shift as you grind against his hand, the other against your back as your braids weave throughout his fingers. he’s careful not to tug, just feeling the smoothness of them against his skin.
“is this okay?” he asks, leaning in to press soft kisses to your neck.
you nod, relishing in the feeling of his surprisingly fit body beneath your hands. you would have never expected him to be so… strong and firm. you imagine him sweaty and panting, lifting weights over his head as you watch from the corner. your patience grows thin at the thought. you want him. now.
“choso,” you whimper, your plea immediately making him halt his movements. 
“are you okay? what’s wro-“ you silence him with your lips and lift your thighs so that his soaked fingers ease from your heat. your hand moves to tug down his slacks, the belt already unbuckled as you caress the obvious swell of his cock. his breath hitches as he goes to grip your waist. “s-shit, i see. you want me to– okay, i’ll give it to you.”
he allows you to pull out his cock and you gasp as it throbs and twitches against his stomach. it’s… huge. long and thick with a deeply flushed tip.
you stare at it so intently that your lover feels self conscious. “is it… okay?” he asks, watching your expression with curiosity.
you glance up at him and sense his worry, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. “you’re perfect, choso. don’t worry. i’m just… surprised.”
he rubs your back tenderly, hoping to ease your concern. “i’ll go slow. i promise.”
when you ease down on him, choso has to fight the burning urge to immediately shoot his load. you’re just so tight and warm that it makes him dizzy. it’s only when you take him to the base that he holds you still. “i’ll let you get used to it first. then we can keep going. just stay still and i’ll—“
suddenly, you lift and slam back down on top of him. your movement is so sharp that choso chokes on his words, the fluttering of your pussy making him clench his abs to fight away his release.
he can barely think before your body is bouncing on top of him, your forehead pressing against his. you read his mind, seemingly. “don’t think,” you gasp out, “j-just fuck me, choso.” 
“i – oh fuck – i don’t want to hurt you.”
“you won’t, baby. i promise i can take it.” you move his hands from your waist to your ass, prompting him to squeeze at the soft flesh. “i can take it.”
his desire to treat you gently is not as strong as the pleasure he’s feeling, and soon choso is thrusting faster up into your cunt, gripping your ass to move you up and down.
“oh!” you cry out, perky breasts bouncing in his face with each hurried thrusts.
“shit.” he grits out, jaw clenched as he uses your pretty body. “take it,” choso whines, “fuckin’ take it.”
your pussy clenches at his words, panting and moaning against his mouth as your orgasm builds. “i-i think i’m gonna cum. c-choso i–“
one of his hands cup the back of your neck, his eyes not leaving yours as you spasm and twitch on his lap.
“it’s okay. let go for me. i’ve got you, baby.”
you cum with a sharp gasp, unable to look away with his strong hand keeping you in place. “good girl,” he murmurs, “such a good girl… let me fuck you through it.”
your body slumps against his, but choso doesn’t stop his movements. his cock plunges in and out of your hole, stretching you out as your cum drips down to his heavy balls. he wants to cum in you, to fill you up with his load until it drips between your legs… but he knows he has to save it for another time.
his orgasm hits him like a tidal wave; sudden and breath taking as he spills his load between you two, coating both of your stomachs in a sticky layer of white.
you whimper as it quickly cools, giggling at the face choso makes when you grab his shirt to clean you both up. he looks like a cat, disgruntled and pouting. you shrug. “it’s your cum.”
he couldn’t argue with that.
it’s weirdly comfortable, the time after your encounter where you both tug on your clothes, minus choso’s christened white button up.
you tell him he looks better without it, fingertips grazing his abdomen teasingly. he has half the mind to take you again, but there would be more time to get to explore your body.
maybe if he played his cards right you’d let him taste you.
choso imagines that the always empty electronics closet will be a perfect location.
“hey,” you whisper, hand pushing his dark hair behind his ear.
choso lets out a hum, twisting his neck so that his lips press tenderly to your wrist “yeah?”
you smirk. “happy valentine’s day.”
… oh.
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note: hello, this is an old fic of mine that i’ve re-written and given a new v-day flair. thanks for reading and happy (early) love day.
MISSROKI. all original work. do not plagiarize, translate, or repost. this includes feeding my work to ai apps and sites.
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⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ Normal Teenage Things
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contents: leo valdez x daughter of poseidon! reader warnings: bad writing (jk...hopefully🥲), language, allusions to sexual themes but nothing too bad in my personal opinion?? author's note: hihi, soooo i've never done this before but i've got ~180 pages of one shots just collecting dust in my docs, so i figured i'd put them out into the world and see what happens !! feel the need to note, i'm dyslexic and also would rather die than proofread so i can promise you that there will be spelling errors but oh well. i'm actually super excited to see how this goes and i guess this means my requests are open?? Mind you, i'm still a new baby to all of this so be kind, pls and thank you!! anyways, enjoy 😌🫶
there was a loud and constant rapping of fists against the poseidon cabin door. it awoke both of the siblings, who were quick to dive under their covers and hope the person would just go away. there was a pause in the knocking before it started again, more insistent and louder. y/n huffed, shooting out from under her blankets, quickly adjusting leo’s shirt to ensure that it covered all of the parts it was supposed to. it was a shirt that had been a stupid gag gift from percy, which read ‘i heart my hot boyfriend.’ the moment leo pulled it out of the wrapping, y/n knew it would become her new sleep shirt. and leo was more than happy to oblige, only getting it back every few weeks when y/n shoved it into his chest, claiming he needed to make it smell like him again.
“the world better be ending,” percy called to y/n and the person at the front door.
“i second that,” y/n told percy before whipping the door open and glaring at will, who still had his hand raised to knock again.
“what? what could you possibly want?” y/n huffed, holding the door open with a raised brow.
“you’ve got a license, right?” questioned will and y/n’s eye twitched. percy started manically laughing in the background, trying to dig further into his bed
“you better be joking,” y/n managed to get out, staring the sunshine boy down.
“look, travis got shot in his foot by an arrow while training and we’ve got to get deliveries out, the infirmary is in desperate need of more bandaids, a few of the little kids birthdays are coming up-”
“okay, okay, breathe, dude. let me get dressed and a little brekky, then i'll take care of it,” cut in y/n, waving the boy off with a small sigh. there goes her plans of spending the day with leo.
“yes! thank you, y/n, truely,” will cheered, smiling brightly.
“yeah, yeah, sing my praises when i get back,” y/n told him before they waved their goodbyes, the daughter of poseidon marching back into the cabin. she glanced over, noticing percy was asleep again before chucking a pillow at him, causing the boy to shoot up and look around in a sleepy haze.
“if i gotta be up, so do you.” “you suck on, like, a major level.”
y/n quickly changed into a pair of carpenter jeans that leo always complimented, murmuring things about her ass into her ear. she then tugged on a navy blue tank top with a ditsy white floral pattern. she swiped her purse and sunglasses off her bedside table before making her way to the dining pavilion, quickly grabbing a breakfast bar and snapping it in half, tossing one half into the fire with a comforting sizzle. she took a bite out of her half before feeling arms wrap around her waist, the girl squealing with a laugh as she felt familiar curls settle against her neck.
“you’re out of dress code, mi amor. gonna have to punish you for that,” he muttered against her collarbone, y/n huffing out a laugh before pushing him off her, looking over her shoulder with a wide smile.
“i’ve got my reasons! travis got hurt, so i’ve got delivery duty today,” y/n informed him, noting the small pout that settled over his lips. she quickly cupped his face, pressing a quick kiss to his lips, “i’m sorry, lee, i know we were supposed to hang out today.”
“who says we can't?” leo prompted, smirking, as y/n could practically hear the cogs in his brain beginning to turn. she squinted at him before he quickly grabbed hold of her wrist and dragged her off and towards chiron, who looked up at the pair with a raised brow.
“hey, i’ve just come to get the keys for the delivery truck? travis shot his foot earlier so he can’t drive,” y/n stated, glancing at leo out of the corner of her eye, but figured he’s got his part of this operation covered. chiron nodded, passing the keys and a list off to y/n before turning to leo with a suspicious look.
“oh! you’ve got delivery duty, y/n? perfect! the forge is, like, depleted. we are in desperate need of probably three yards of sheet metal- ah, no, make that six. oh, we also need fourth of an inch bolts, not a third of an inch like last time. definitely need more screws, those fancy gold ones, nyssa’s picky,” leo started to list, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes as y/n was desperately trying to follow, knowing what he was playing at, but not necessarily needing to act like she was confused. she was definitely confused.
“you should probably start writing this down,” leo added with a wink, watching y/n’s face fall as she started patting her pockets for a pen she knew she wouldn’t need.
“how- how about you go with her, leo? make sure she gets the correct stuff?” chiron offers, having seen the girl’s panic. leo smiled widely, his plan working just like all his other plans.
“yeah, that’d be best, wouldn’t it?”
“now, no funny business, you two. this is a lot of trust i’m putting in you. if you’re not back by 4 pm, don’t come back at all,” chiron threatened, though they both knew they were empty. leo faked a solute while y/n pulled him away, saying her thanks as she went. she dragged leo all the way to cabin 9, following him into his room as he tugged his camp half-blood shirt off. y/n practically drooled at the sight, a blush quickly settling over her as she tried to avert her eyes and pretend like she hadn't been staring. leo shot a smirk over his shoulder as he picked up another shirt, one of the few normal shirts he had, and tugged it on.
“sorry, babe, shows over,” he told her, watching the blush spread with a smirk.
“whatever. you’d cream your pants if i even thought about lifting my shirt up,” y/n huffed back, shoving his shoulder as she spun around and began making her way out of the cabin.
“correct! you know what your bras do to me.” “don’t talk about my bras.” “you know, i thought they’d be made out of seashells the first time.” “no! leo, baby, why would i-” “i don’t know! daughter of poseidon and all, figured it was, like, in the handbook or something,” leo argued as y/n wheezed a laugh, leaning against him for support. he rolled his eyes at her amusement at him, wrapping his arm around her waist as they made their way to the truck. y/n went to open the driver side door but leo quickly shut it again, looking at her like she was crazy.
“leo, i know you like to open my doors and all-” “if you think you’re driving, you’ve lost your mind,” leo told her, rolling his eyes at her as he swiped the keys from her hand.
“i need to tell will to start harassing one of the many other people who have licenses at this camp,” y/n huffed as she clambered into the passenger seat.
“hmm, maybe, but this is the price you pay for being head camp counselor,” leo mused, giving the girl a cheeky smile. y/n groaned, lulling her head back against her seat as she buckled in.
“ugh, stop reminding me i have responsibilities.” “alright, alright. i’ll make it up to you,” leo started, causing y/n to squint at him in suspicion. “how so?” “iced coffees on travis?” he offered, holding up the son of herme’s credit card. y/n’s eyes instantly gained back the glimmer that he loved so much, making the pickpocketing so worth it.
“all is forgiven, my love!” she cheered, leaning across the middle console and tangling her arms around him with repeated kisses to his face. leo laughed, leaning into the affection without a second thought. y/n pulled back before pressing a kiss to his lips, more solid then the ones before. leo leaned even further, chasing after her lips when she pulled away.
then she reached into the glovebox, producing the one phone that chiron allowed near camp. the hephestus cabin tweaked it the best they could, making it nearly monster proof and demigod safe. it worked well enough for deliveries, gps being needed and all. plus, travis and connor managed to get spotify on it, disguising it as some puzzle app that chiron paid no mind to. y/n had to fork over twenty bucks just to be allowed to use it, as she wasn’t willing to drive around without music and the idiots put a password on it. y/n typed in the password - trav&conrule11 - pulling up her playlist as leo started to drive. she then pulled up the gps, checking to see the first place for deliveries and typing in the address of the small diner a few miles away. they liked the strawberries from camp best, feeling like they were supporting a small business when it was anything but. y/n listed the directions out for leo, knowing he’d just tune the robotic voice of the gps out. his fingers drummed across the wheel, his other hand playing with the rings on y/n’s hand, his thumb twisting the promise ring he’d given to her a few months ago, which caused his lips to twitch upward. eventually, they pulled up to the diner, y/n hopping out and moving towards the restaurant, the owner cheering as she greeted the girl, who she knew very well, leo trailing behind.
“y/n!! it’s good to see you, honey! they keep sending those rambunctious boys, we’ve been missing our girl,” the woman, mrs. ferrara, greeted, pulling the girl closer by her cheeks and kissing both of them. she was a short and stubby italian woman, but she held a kindness in her eyes that made her popular with the camp half-blood kids. she loved all of them, most itching for a chance at delivery duty to see the woman who’s become like a grandmother to a lot of them.
“you love those boys,” y/n mused as she passed her the clipboard, which needed a signature. she threw a glance over her shoulder at leo, smiling brightly at him which he returned tenfold.
“yes, but you’re my favorite,” mrs. ferrara replied with a wink, easily signing her name like usual.
“hey!” leo argued, crossing his arms with a frown. mrs. ferrara laughed as she walked around the counter, patting his cheek as she went past.
“much love to you, dear, but my y/n holds a special place in my heart,” the woman continued propping the door open so leo and y/n could easily bring the boxes of strawberries in. well, leo. because the moment y/n went to grab a box, he smacked her hands away and shot her a glare. she rolled her eyes with a huff, going off to hang out with mrs. ferrara who was more than happy to indulge the girl. they left soon after, though not without more kisses to both of their cheeks and breakfast sandwiches shoved into their hands.
“mmm, perks of delivery duty,” leo all but moaned, munching happily on his sandwich, which y/n plucked from his hands so he could turn the truck. “one of the few,” hummed y/n in response, finishing off hers and throwing the tinfoil into her purse to toss out later. she returned leo’s to his outstretched hand as she crossed out mrs. ferrara’s diner on her list, following down to the next stop.
“ugh, we’ve got to go to that stupid stuck up office,” y/n groaned, leaning her head back against the headrest, her lips set in a deep frown. leo looked at her for far too long before returning his gaze to the road, one of his hands leaving the wheel and smoothing over her jean clad knee. “it’ll be quick and i can talk to mr. stuck-up,” leo replied, earning a snort from y/n, a smile slowly growing on her lips before she shot across the middle console, her lips pressing against his cheek.
“my knight in shining armor,” she murmured again his cheek and a blush rose to his ears. “hm, no. don’t like how i looked in the armor at camp,” he smirked back, feeling y/n’s laugh bubble out of her.
after a few directions from y/n, they pulled up outside a bland looking building, the gray brick walls hiding one of those artsy-fartsy office buildings for some small newspaper. they liked to keep a ‘chill work environment,’ the place being filled with ping-pong tables and snacks, which included strawberries from camp. it would probably be fun, if the manager wasn’t so dreadful. y/n basically hid behind leo the whole time, glancing at her watch like they were in a rush while the guy ranted about immigration or whatever racist thing he had to say in that moment. leo’s eye twitched every now and then, but he kept a tight smile on his lips before swiping back the clipboard and slamming the boxes of strawberries down on some pool table. the two scrambled out of there, repeatedly pressing the button for the lobby in the elevator. they practically ran all the way back to the truck, snorts of laughter falling out of their lips as they jumped in.
they did a few more uneventful deliveries before finally reaching the little drive-thru coffee shop, y/n practically buzzing in her seat. typically, people with adhd tend to avoid coffee since it has the opposite effect on them. y/n, with her adhd being slightly less than standard, was an avid coffee drinker. leo couldn’t handle it, he’d be asleep at the wheel in seconds. he tended to stick to sweet tea or lemonade, occasionally an energy drink. the tea reminded him of sticky texas heat, which always brought a soft smile to his lips. leo easily ordered for the two of them, knowing y/n’s order better than his own. he proudly presented the coffee to the girl, who squealed as she took it into her hands.
“thank you, my sweet boy,” she cheered, her lips wrapping around the straw. leo laughed as he pulled away, waving kindly to the worker as he got back on the road.
“anything for you.” “don’t get sappy on me, valdez. gonna make me fall in love or something.”
their next stop was home depot. leo wasn’t completely lying to chiron when he said the forge was depleted, it was actually getting pretty empty in there. y/n took a long sip from her coffee before leaving it in the car and jumping out, going around the car and taking leo’s outstretched hand, wrapping her arms around his one. leo then pulled her closer to his side, pressing a kiss to her head before walking into the store. he knew his way around, almost like it was ingrained in his mind, and y/n liked to imagine that all children of hephaestus were just born with a map of home depot in their head. leo started grabbing things as he went before looking down at his full arms with a sigh, looking over at y/n. “could you-” “i told you we should have grabbed one at the start!” y/n huffed at him, rolling her eyes with a smile.
“i didn’t think we needed this much stuff,” leo called after her as she went to get the cart, the girl waving him off over her shoulder. he stood there inspecting the screws while he waited. leo frowned as he leaned closer to inspect a type of screw, muttering under his breath. after about twenty minutes, he was starting to get worried about y/n before she finally came back into the aisle with a cart. “lee! i had to walk across the whole store and i got lost, like, twice. you cannot leave me in here or i’m never getting out,” y/n laughed as she walked towards him. leo's eyes seemed to get caught on something, his attention being held elsewhere.
“leo? you good?” y/n asked, her brows furrowing at the lack of his joking response. “huh? yeah, yeah, no, i’m good. i’m…i’m great, yeah,” leo replied, finally pulling his eyes away from where the man had been and turning back to y/n, a smile stretching over his lips as he dumped the contents of his arms into the cart.
“you wanna do something fun?” he asked, looking at her out of the corner of his eye in the way he knew she loved. y/n nodded instantly, leo always brought a fun side out of her that no one else did. he shoved the stuff to one side of the cart, pressing his foot against the wheel to keep the cart still, before turning to y/n and holding one of his hands out. y/n took them, still not completely sure what was going on before leo moved his other hand to her hip and helped her into the cart. giggles instantly left y/n’s lips as she sat down in the cart, her leg’s spilling over the side. leo laughed with her, pressing a kiss to her lips before pulling the cart behind him. y/n proudly took stock and organized the cart, always knowing what they had and what they needed.
“hey, no, come on!” a voice shouted, y/n and leo’s head turning from the leather dye in front of them to the angry worker marching towards them.
“you two!” he called again, pointing at leo and y/n. “us?” leo asked, his brows furrowing as he pointed into his own chest. “yeah, you. come on, twelve and under are allowed in the carts. you’re, like, twenty,” the worker huffed, crossing his arms and tapping his feet. “ouch,” y/n muttered, shooting a glare at the man as leo helped her out, his hands firmly against her waist, “do i really look twenty, lee?” “nah,” leo mused, shooting a look at the man. “thank you. have a good evening folks, but if i catch you doing it again, i’ll ban you,” he stated, pointing at the two before marching off. y/n leaned up to leo, who leaned down to her. “do you think he gets more money if he tells a certain number of people off in a day or does he just take his minimum wage job too seriously?” she whispered and leo laughed. “definitely the latter. a fun person does not walk like that,” replied leo, causing y/n to giggle into his side.
finally, y/n managed to drag leo out of the store, though not before paying an arm and a leg. y/n refused to look at the cost, turning away with every beep of the scanner. leo rolled his eyes at her, seeing as neither of them had to foot the bill, but it rather came out of the camp expenses card. they lugged their copious amounts of metal and whatnots that y/n didn’t see the need for, shoving it into the back of the truck where the strawberries had been. y/n then bounced into her seat, rubbing her hands together in excitement as she looked over at leo, who got into his seat with a strange look to the girl beside him.
“off to target, my fine chariot!” she cheered, pointing off into some direction with a laugh. leo shook his head at her, laughing at the pure stupidity.
“yes, m’lady!” he called back in response, getting more joy out of the giggles than he ever thought possible.
y/n led the charge at target, leo basically being dragged behind the girl, his hand firmly shoved into her back pocket, something about not losing her. she rolled her eyes at him but walked slowly enough for him to keep up with her. she stockpiled chocolates, stuffed animals, and little gifts into leo’s arms. each collection was specified to the child, y/n always determined to go above and beyond for the younger kids. she then grabbed a bag of peanut m&m’s and salt and vinegar chips, winking at leo so he’d know those were her special treat to them. they left the store, leo proudly carrying the bags without even giving y/n a chance to grab them.
the drive back to camp was relatively uneventful, y/n just letting the music play as she started signing cards for the kids, leaving specific and heartfelt messages for them. then she’d pass them around camp, letting others leave notes until the paper was overflowing with love and birthday wishes. leo focused, to the best of his ability, on driving though it was all in vain. he’d glance over at y/n, the girl being perfectly framed by the vibrant pink and orange hues of the sun setting and just get lost in it; the sight of her, the heavy feeling of love in his chest, the way she’d wrinkle her nose at him when she caught him staring. he’d return his eyes to the road, a smile gracing his lips as he knew he must’ve done something right with his life, y/n being with him proof enough.
author's note cont. : ahhh! I'm actually so proud of this anyways- if you hate it, ya'll i need you to lie to me because i cannot handle not being perfect actually. anyways, i will admit this was kinda thrown together but i'm still happy with it. wish all of you who made it this far the best of days!!
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
My audhd brain won't stop telling me to do a full breakdown of the parallels between Percy and Hobie so i will.Alright,let's do this one last time!
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Troubled but good kids
Afro-dominican New York/Jamaican-English(NY and England are where punk first started)
Anarchists,proffessional instigators,always helping out around communities(it's implied Percy participated in Rachel's protests and charities with her)and looking out for the little guy
So they're actual punks instead of just EdgyTM douchebags because they wanna do the right thing no matter what
No masking game autistics
Trans femmes who come across as masc only to normies
Chillaxed and super kind and love cute shit and people but also have major street credit,a huge edge and strong as fuck backbones and the reason they're so kind is that their childhood was beyond brutal so as they grew up they decided to be the positive older figure in younger people's lives they didn't take to have to the point they turned into Team Dad's
The EXACT same sense of humor
Alt music lovers
Expressions are always either super intimidating or meme worthy goofy
Pet supernatural dog(Spidermutt and Mrs O'Leary)
Widely regarded as the coolest ever in-universe and correctly so but they're huge dorks when you get down to it but that only makes them even cooler-They were this cool the whole time
6'something with guitarist hands and described as so attractive it's shocking
Go by a nickname instead of their full name and have a common black surname
Oldest and most experienced heroes in their main casts
Hobie's dad is a deadbeat who left him as a baby to do supernatural shit
'I'm not a role model' 'I hate the a.m,i hate the p.m,i hate labels' 'I don't believe in consistency' / 'Was i a troubled kid?Yeah,you could say that' 'I AM impertenent' 'The sea does not like to be restrained'
'Calling yourself a hero makes you self-mythologizing'Hello???????????
Gwen is the Hazel to Hobie's Percy.She's a younger trans girl with a ghost motif who's a pastel ray of sunshine and runs her mouth as much as they do and has a dead mom,an abusive corrupted figure dad and their own impressive experiences in heroism before meeting them
Nico is another teen Ghostkid who Percy gifted a Ramones shirt and gave shelter to multiple times when he was homeless because Hades/Pluto is as much of a fucking cunt as George Stacy is.Nico is also a Miles kinnie because he's an optimistic softboy who's nerdy,a fast food lover and a lot stronger than he gives himself credit for and Percy is the big brother mentor to him the fandom thinks Hobie is to Miles(Nah fr Hobie and Miles are ambigious but Percy's canonically a grown ass man and Nico's Miles' age,P*rcicos pack it up and get over that your ship only works for transfem Percy proof)
Karl=Jason(the cooler St*ve R*gers,the actual voice of reason on the team but just as unhinged as the rest of them,very nice guy vibes and Hobie's righthand),Riri=Annabeth(Black girl genius who takes no shit but is still written as a person instead of a stereotype)and Mattea=Clarisse(red-coded,rowdy tomboy and war paint)
Mayday and Margo are basically just Estelle and Rachel,Jessica makes a pretty convincing Sally and Miguel reminds me of Poseidon but especially when he's interacting with Hobie
Sarcastic troublemaker smiles i've always found endearing(Rip to Annabeth but i'm different)(Also for Hobie i mean this platonically)
Immaculate rizz that's mostly unintentional but reaches critical levels when on purpose
Cocky asf and self-loathing at the same time
That one scene of Hobie leaving Gwen a Watch with the 'In case it don't work out' note with a lil doodle of him on it after getting her dad's ass/Percy sending the Olympians Medusa's head in a box after slaying her with a note saying 'Best wishes' to spite them
Goofy ahh who are nonetheless taken seriously cause Watch Out
They even both have terrible singing voices
And technically not the same thing but Hobie's also pink-coded so they're cotton candy colors and with Percy's white streak they can be the trans flag too!!
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obaex · 9 months
a little dirty - jj maybank
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summary: you find that watching jj work can be very... distracting
words: 800
warnings: fluff, a lil' (very?) suggestive
a/n: just a little something short and sweet! inspired by tuxedo by clare dunne, which is so jj coded i needed to write something for it.
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Oh, my man He got them real strong hands And after workin’ all day out in that hot sunshine He comes walkin’ in always lookin' so fine Oh, my heart Lights up like shooting stars He’s like a knight in shining armor with them blue jeans on Dirty white tee and my baby don't need no tuxedo
It was hot.
You were no stranger to the heat of the late summer that rolled off the marsh in waves, but the storm that had blown through the night before left Kildare feeling even more humid than usual, the air heavy like wet blanket. Plus, it had knocked the power out, leaving you without electricity and without air conditioning.
You felt the heat cling to your skin as sweat gathered at the base of your neck and you padded through the house, trying to tidy up and get chores done, reveling in the infrequent breeze that snuck through the open windows.
You could hear JJ in the backyard trying to clear the debris from the storm, including a large tree that had come down and just missed the back porch. You wandered over to check on him, leaning against the doorframe of the open screen door. He was carrying limbs and branches two times his size over his shoulder, hoisting them up and dragging them to the back corner of your property. Even from your vantage point you could see the way the muscles in his arms rippled with the effort.
He was breathing heavily as he made his way back, his chest straining against the fitted white t-shirt he had on that was now doppled with sweat, and streaked with dirt. He lifted the bottom corner of his tee to wipe the sweat off of his face, giving you a tantalizing peek at his toned stomach that lay beneath, his abs glistening with sweat, glinting in the strong sun. Your eyes trailed lower to the clear v-line that trailed into the jeans and boxers that hung low on his hips and you swallowed, a blush finding your cheeks at just how good he looked, even when he was dripping with sweat and covered in dirt.
He dropped his shirt and lifted his head to see you gazing at him. He held a hand over his eyes to see you better, his signature smirk breaking clear across his face as he started to make his way over to you. “Like what you see, pretty girl?” he asked.
Your cheeks blushed a deeper shade of crimson and you bit your bottom lip, breaking his intense gaze to glance at your feet, self-conscious that he had caught you staring.
“Mm’maybe I do” you replied coyly as his wide gait closed the distance between you and he hopped up the porch steps, stopping on the step just below you, leaving you eye level.
Your eyes traced his face, the way his tan skin glistened with sweat and his ocean blue eyes twinkled at you as you reached out to wipe a smudge of dirt off his cheek. At this close distance you could smell his sweat, a salty scent that was distinctly him mixed with the sweet smell of the wood he had been hauling. Maybe it shouldn't be, but to you, it was intoxicating. He was close enough that you could feel the heat coming off of his body and all of yours tingled in response as your heart hammered in your chest and your eyes fell to his lips.
“Do you maybe wanna come inside and not cool off with me?” you hinted, inching even closer to him and his perfect pink lips.
He ducked his head and ran his fingers through his damp hair.
“I would love nothing more, princess, but I’m soaked and I smell, you don’t want—”
“—You have no idea what I want, JJ Maybank” you said, interrupting him as you looped two of your fingers into his beltloops and pulled him flush to you, silencing him by pressing your lips to his.
Your sweaty skin against his suctioned you to each other and the second your lips met, his hands came to cup either side of your face. You could feel his calloused palms on your soft cheeks, could feel the dirt coming off of them and you couldn’t care less as his tongue glided over yours and you hummed in response. His lips were salty with sweat and he was already pressing you backwards into the house, guiding your body with his own towards your bedroom.
His hands left your face and he grabbed the back of your thighs without ever breaking his kiss; your legs wrapped around his waist, bringing you even closer to him as he continued to walk you through your house.
“Not afraid to get a little dirty?” he mumbled in a smile against your lips.
“Not even a little” you replied as he tossed you on the bed.
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taglist: @ietss, @gillybear17, @palmwinemami, @sweetestdesire, @voidcameron, @one-sweet-gubler, @m-indkiller
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applesooyoung · 2 years
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NSFW! SUB!TXT WEARING SKIRTS Genre: Smuff (Smut + Fluff hehe) A/N: Afab!reader | a quickie reaction hehe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Warnings: mommy kink to ease my stupid ass, crossdressing, mentions of pegging/thigh riding/fingering, pet names (I'll color code them cuz why not)
. . .
— Yeonjun A confident baby! He's pretty wearing it and he knows it. "Am I pretty, mommy?? Tell Junnie he's pretty, mommy" he'd twirl to show you how beautiful he looks "Yes baby, you do look pretty" he just loves to dress up for you and only for you,, he's ready to wear anything you want him to wear just to make you happy. And omg pls let him wear a skirt while he rides your thigh- it'll be the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.
— Soobin The literal opposite of yeonjun; he's so shy and you love how he looks so flustered half of the time. Just like jun, he just wants to look good and dress up for his mommy but the only difference is he's not as confident as his hyung so he feels vulnerable and needs assurance half of the time. "Such a pretty bunny for mommy, Bin" then coaxing his fluffy hair before clipping some bunny ears on him,, he'd be a blushing mess.
— Beomgyu Ok hear me out, hear me out !! Gyu would be so cocky and proud at first but once you use your intimidating mental game,, he'd lose that cocky facade and would ultimately give you control over him. He'd go from "I look scrumptious don't I, Y/n?" to "Can your puppy cum now, mommy? I promise I'll be your good boy from now on. Mrtgiojtrgijrttbr my ideal fit for him is a cute short plaid pink skirt with some thigh highs (and also wolf cut gyu? wearing this) before pegging your not-so-good-boy.
— Taehyun "Hyun, can you like dress up for mommy?" you said as you draw circles in his chest "noo" taehyun whines "pleaasee? I'd let you taste me if you do" that is basically how your conversation goes whenever you want him to dress up prettily for you because honestly, he doesn't really care what he looks while you fuck him all he cares is about how he makes you feel good and that is enough. But him dressing up for you is rarer than an occurrence of a blue moon so this one time is very special to you seeing him wearing it for you. "Do I look ok now...?" yes you do baby, yes you do. He'd look even better while you finger his tight hole.
— Huening Kai Hyuka honestly radiates major golden retriever energy and it shows; he's basically a ray of sunshine so when he heard that you want him to wear a skirt, he'd beam the shiniest smile in the world and his cheeks would be redder than the sun. "Look at me mama, it's the one you bought me, doesn't it look pretty?" "Of course angel, you look like mommy's bestest prince" tbh out of all the members, I think he's the most confident one to wear anything for you, such a good boy.
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charlewiss · 2 years
writing masterlist
one-word november prompts!
a november challenge where i try to write a little something based off a word! (29/30)
color code
blue for one shots
red for instagram au's
orange for blurbs
he couldn't sleep and you woke up from a nightmare.
he has had a crush on you for the longest time. what happens when someone challenges him to do something about it?
private (but not secret)
mick and you soft launch your relationship on instagram.
champ (footballer!mick x supporter!gf)
mick wins the bundesliga with his team.
cramps (request)
mick comes home and finds you struggling with cramps.
check yes, juliet
you two have just started dating during the 2022-2023 break. he has to leave soon to start the season, but couldn't find a way to tell you how little time you two had left. what happens when time runs out for him? how could he fix it now?
soft mick (request)
just some fluff friday for you <33
coffee shop
cute barista!charles not knowing how to approach you.
third wheeling
pierre, charles and you are best friends. but maybe it was something more between you two.
two plus one (part 2 of third wheeling)
charles and you are sending mixed signals on the internet, pierre fixes it for you.
your camera roll if he was your boyfriend
pretty self explanatory but how your camera roll would look like if charles was your bf <33.
birthday posts (request)
what would you post on instagram if he was your boyfriend and it was his birthday (+, you only talk in spanish to mess with him)
soft side (grumpy!bf x sunshine!gf)
everything seems to be going wrong for him. somehow, you make it better.
dirty halloween (request)
halloween related instagram au!
third wheeling
pierre, charles and you are best friends. but maybe it was something more between two of you.
two plus one (part 2 of third wheeling)
pierre outs your relationship to the internet.
you're a part of mclaren's media team, but you post more dan pics ('cause you're secretly in love with him)
baby fever
you have baby fever after seeing your boyfriend with kids.
lucky charm
you come for the first time at a race weekend outside of you home race in australia.
muse (musician!dan)
dan's a drummer for an australian band. you're a soloist artist.
loved by you
forbidden love 'cause you're his friend's sister (or there's another reason underneath?)
maybe more
you and arthur seem to be closer than friends.
truth or dare (driver!reader)
what happens when he accidentally admits something during a truth or dare video that you were filming for the youtube channel?
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Code Blue Ch. 38- Devils
Summary: Lee and Jo are a united front once again and stronger than ever. Lee's a bundle of nerves as he faces the music. A new hospital CEO is introduced, to Britt's dismay. Jo gets a comforting visitor who's news get her all fired up. A long awaited decision has arrived. Jo is floored at the ghastly sight of someone. Sinister words are headed. Someone lurks. The cat's outta the bag. Josie runs into her past. Lee is confronted. A hospital dispute occurs with a threat. Someone unexpected has Lee's back.
*Warnings* language, angst, smut, mild violence, grief
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
Chapter characters: Lee, Josie, Britt, Elizabeth, David, Cyrus, Orlando, Gerry, Mr. Carpenter
Salem, Massachusetts
March 13, 2023
You and Lee had spent the past five glorious days together, intentionally and happily isolated at his farm, away from all of the outside influences so you both could solely focus on each other, for it was much needed after the eight days of hell without one another. Your phones had been shut off, leaving only his landline open for emergencies and only those that needed to know were told where you were which was Orlando and Britt. Of course you called your mom and told her you'd be away on a vacation so she didn't call on the national guard, that being a pun regarding Gerry, but you didn't tell here where in case she let it slip to Megan, and Britt promised to check in on her daily.
During your blissful time together, you and Lee had spent time at the park down the road where you and he once spent a wonderful night there under the stars, swinging and sleeping on the merry-go-round like before and he finally took you hiking around the 42 acres of forestry like he had promised to do. He wasn't kidding when he said one could get lost out there.
You spent a few nights in the boat house, watching Lee work his pottery magic, rebuilding the sculpture of you that you broke and also making your own magic together upon the unbalanced work table.
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Today was Monday, the day Orlando went back to being a doctor and also the day Lee would find out if he had a future as a doctor. Throughout the night, Lee had tossed and turned a lot because of it, otherwise you both had slept soundly with no bad dreams now that you had the comfort of each other's arms.
The alarm sounded at 8 am. You reached over and shut it off as Lee groaned, wrapping his arm over your stomach to pull your backside up against him. You smiled immensely at his morning wood pressing into the small of your back as his warm breath trickled into your ear.
"Good morning sunshine."
"Mmmm mornin baby. You feel ok? You didn't sleep well at all."
"I feel extremely good...if you haven't noticed." he whispered playfully as he began to kiss your neck.
Giggling, you bent your arm up around his head and turned your face to kiss him, then gave him an obvious invitation as you brought your knee forward and gently stroked the tip of his seeping cock.
"Oohhh girl, the things you do to me."
Lee clasped the base of his solid girth as you helped him guide it to your slick entrance.
"Fuuuuck..." he moaned as he slid into you, filling you up with one long push.
The squeaking of the bed filled the room as he rocked against your ass while simultaneously teasing your aching bud in circles with his middle finger and nipping your shoulder with his teeth. This was one position you could honestly say you had never done before and it was driving your core insane, until he did something else that sent it spinning.
Lee placed his hand under your knee to turn you over, legs spread with your back partially upon his chest as he held your thigh up and continued to slowly slide in and out of you. Fuck, his deep moans and grinding motion every time he filled you were going to make you come unhinged at any moment.
His fingers accelerated, torturing your clit in the most pleasureful way, bringing you to the edge. Your gasping and body shaking release brought him along with you as you arched back against his body and mewled.
Lee began to rapidly thrust and heavily pant as he gripped your stomach firmly, holding you in place as his warm seed shot through you in vigorous pulses.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....ah...ah...ah ohhh fuuckkk...shit Jo...baby damn. God I love you."
Lee let you slide down off of him and then you quickly turned over with a glowing smile.
"I love you more." you told him as you caressed his cheek.
Lee gazed into your eyes for a moment as you laid face to face with him and then his expression became serious.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Yeah baby?" you whispered.
"Did you come back for Jacob or for me?"
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"Lee...baby what?? Why on earth would you ask something like that?"
"I...I don't know...I guess...it's just...well, once you knew that you were his aunt...is...is that why you came back?"
Your hand snuggly bonded with his to show him he was safe with you as you then provided the words he needed to hear....to believe.
"Baaaaby...how could you ever think that?? Is...is that what you have been thinking about this past week? The moments I noticed you lost in thought at random times? Believe me, I did notice that. Lee, I came to you an hour before I even knew. Reading your beautiful letter that morning, it showed me how ridiculous I was being about Ethan and when you texted me, asking me to meet you, I came running. I wanted to fix things. Did my kiss not prove that? I loved you before I even new about Jacob, I...just didn't know it yet. I literally moved heaven and earth to find you when I left the hospital. Sure, finding your bracelet was a huge help in keeping me from looking like some stalker, but with or without it, I was still determined to find you again. Lee...I came here for YOU. I will ALWAYS come for you and I am so sorry baby, that I ever left you the selfish way I did, or even at all. I swear my soul was inside out without you for those short but extremely long eight days and I don't ever want to feel that way again. I would have came back even if I hadn't learned all that I did. I...I can't stay away from you. Don't you know that by now? You...are my weakness Lee Grinner Pace and the love of my life. There isn't and never was anyone for me but you. I...I am beautiful with you. Do you really still doubt me...us?"
"I'm so sorry. Of course I don't sweetheart. I don't know why I let these thoughts even enter my mind. Old habits die hard I suppose. I should never have asked you that. Everything you just said...I know it's all true. I know you love me. How could you not after all I have put you through and you're still here?"
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"Don't apologize for needing reassurance Lee..."
"But I shouldn't need it. Not from you. Now you though, you had every reason to need it from me because I gave you every reason to doubt my love. Do you...still doubt it? I mean, now that you know the entire truth about Ethan? I...I've noticed things too Jo...I feel like something is still weighing on your mind. Tell me what it is baby. Please."
"It...has nothing to do with Ethan. I swear it. You put all those doubts and fears to rest in every way possible. They're gone. I promise. It's..."
You paused and sighed, closing your eyes.
"Hey...it's me. You can tell me anything. My girl, what's wrong?"
"It's that damn dream. Lee, I can't help it. I feel like something really bad is going to happen. It felt like some omen or something and I know, I know...you don't really believe in all..."
"Jo...babe...I see my dead son..."
"Yeah...ok there's that. I'm sorry, I'm ruining this awesome morning and that's why I haven't said anything before this because we have had the most incredible week together, making up for lost time that I caused and..."
"That..I...caused Jo. It's going to be alright baby. I am not going to leave your side and we will stand against Ethan and everything else together...ok? I will never let anyone hurt you. I put my life on it."
You threw the pillow over your head and muffled a scream into it.
"Don't say that Lee!!! Take it back!"
Lee chuckled and tugged the pillow from your death grip.
"Look at me right now. Nothing...is going to happen to me. I am not going anywhere. I am not going to leave you. I prom..."
"No! Don't say it. Don't make promises you can't keep. I KNOW you would never go away of your own will Lee...ok...this is why I didn't say anything and I don't want to talk about it anymore." you huffed and yanked the pillow back.
"My god you're so fucking adorable when you're mad." he said in such a deep sexy voice, then tickled you. As you burst into laughter and squeals, the aroma of coffee crept into the room from Lee's pot he had on a timer.
"FUCK!" he shouted and bounced off the bed as if the house was on fire. "It's 9 o'clock!"
"Oh my god....ok...go...go shower!"
"I have to be there at 10 and the drive is at least 30 minutes and..." he rambled as he cranked the water on and whipped the shower door shut.
"Lee, it's ok! You laid out your clothes last night. We will make it on...." you began to say and then heard a bellowing F bomb as the cold water hit him. Giggling as you shook your head, you hopped up and jumped in the guest shower, long enough to wash your body but not your hair, then started dressing in a god awful skirt and heels since you would be at Lee's side. Fifteen seconds of brushing your teeth, hair up in a messy bun and you were good to go.
Lee on the other hand was now a complete wreck as he dressed in a panic stupor. You knew the problem wasn't so much of being late or what the outcome would be, it was having to face that girl's parents. By the time you both left, Lee was looking like a five year old who dressed himself, suit coat wadded up in his arms, tie hanging loose around his neck and shirt untucked. With a coffee in his hand, you drove so he could try to relax, which didn't happen in the slightest and he was silent the entire ride.
Upon arrival at ten til ten, you saw Orlando's car and parked beside it. You also saw the big red emergency letters that you saw in your dream which sent an immediate shiver down your spine.
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Lee froze for a moment as you turned the car off. You undid his seatbelt for him and then took his hand.
"Hey...I am right here with you."
Lee squeezed your hand, offering you a small closed lip smile and then got out. You clung to Lee's arm all the way there, praying that your ankles didn't turn in on you as you internally cursed the dreadful toe smashing heels. You temporarily took them off to make the haul quickly up the two flights of stairs, then slipped them back on just in time to see Elizabitch standing in the vending area.
This was so not what Lee needed right now, for you were afraid that in his state of mind, he would tear into her and accidentally let it slip about knowing Jason was Jacob's father. To say that he desperately wanted to was quite obvious when she just smirked at him and walked away, which you then had to tug him in the other direction as he damn near broke his neck glaring her down with flaring nostrils while watching her leave.
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"Fucking cu..."
"Lee! Come on!" you strongly whispered and finally got him to move.
You both finally entered the lobby of the conference room where Britt was impatiently waiting. Needless to say, she was less than thrilled to see Lee's sloppy appearance.
"Glad to see you could make it with literally minutes to spare. Did you just roll out of bed from a night of binge drinking??"
"Hey! Lay off of him Britt! I will help him get straightened up. We didn't have time alright??" you snapped in defense of your highly agitated boyfriend.
"I am only trying to help here because you show up here looking like this and it's only going to scream to Mr. Carpenter of the entire reason we're here. You're a mess Lee. This does not help your case."
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"Ok Britt...point noted. You can go now. I'll help him as I said and then we'll be in."
"Ummm no, Josie. You can't go in with him. Lee's a big boy and needs to prove that. You'll just have to wait out here or you could go to the cafeteria. I just saw Dr. Bloom there on my way up. I know he's a bit anxious about this as well so maybe you could keep each other company. This will probably be about an hour. I'm going in now. Get cleaned up."
Britt left and now Lee was a jittery mess knowing you couldn't be at his side and he wasn't thinking clearly, so much so that he tried to follow Britt inside, but you quickly stopped him.
"Hey, no no no, you need to let me fix you up."
You tried helping him with his tie, but he quickly took over, turning it into a twisted mess because he couldn't concentrate and hold still. It was like trying to dress a child for school. You then handed him some mints that you saw on the desk in hopes that the coolness would help him breathe.
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"Fuck...Jo...this damn tie...it's choking me...I..I can't..."
"It's ok, it's ok. Just tuck your shirt in and breathe and let me try again. I won't make it tight."
"No..Jo...I go it, I got it...just let me do it."
His breaths were becoming heavy and he seemed a bit disoriented which worried you that he was going to have another panic attack.
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"Lee...baby...look at me, look at me." you said, taking his face in your hands as his glistening eyes met yours. "I need you to breathe. Can you do that for me? Just look in my eyes and...breathe. I am not going anywhere. I will wait right here on this couch. The only thing that will separate us is that door and when you come out, my face will be the first thing you see. I love you. I love you soooo much and no matter what happens here today, nothing will ever change that and we'll deal with it all together ok? You can do this baby."
You softly kissed him and stroked his straggled hair into place as he let out a deep sigh through his nose.
"You're the only thing that keeps me sane, I swear to god. I love you too Jo March, more than you could ever know. Ok....you're right. I can do this."
He kissed your forehead and trickled the back of his fingers down your cheek.
"Forever." he whispered and then he went inside.
The very second the door closed, all was silent and you were all alone and then came the uncontrollable tears that you had held back to be strong for him.
You sat down, silently sobbing and pulled your phone out to text Landy, letting him know you were there and that Lee had just went in. He replied telling you that he was praying for Lee and that he would come up but his break was almost over and told you to come find him when Lee was finished.
Lee sat down beside Britt but kept his head down, for he could feel Mr. Carpenter's eyes upon him. Strangely the mother was not present which Lee had noticed at a glance when he first walked in. Also attending were the other staff that assisted Lee the day of Henrietta's operation, including Nurse Amy, Lee and Jo's friend, who cared for her and opposite of them were members of the board. There was also a man that Lee did not recognize sitting at the head of the table. He was a heavier build also dressed in a suit and tie, appearing to be at least twenty to thirty years older than Lee and had long silver hair pulled back in a pony tail. The man spoke quietly with the others for a few minutes, looking over some paperwork and in that time frame, Lee must have eaten every single piece of mint that you gave him as he focused on the image of your face and breathing.
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Finally, Britt stood up and began with the introduction and welcoming of the cologne ridden stranger....and her tone caught Lee's attention, for it was forced with a hint of sarcasm.
"Before this meeting commences, I would like to introduce to everyone here our new CEO. Some of you have already had the...pleasure of meeting him this morning, but for those of you that have not, please welcome Mr. Cyrus Renault."
After pacing the room for ten minutes, you found yourself snooping by the door in hopes to hear something but there wasn't a single peep of voices. You couldn't even see light coming out from under the door. Eventually, you sat down with a hard sigh, propping your elbows on your knees and burying your face in your hands....also trying to breathe.
Suddenly, you felt someone sit down beside you and instantly recognized the cologne. Cool Water by Davidoff. How fitting since the one wearing it was none other than your briefly estranged guy bff, Dave.
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"Hey you." he softly said with a concerned look in his baby blues that perfectly matched his scrubs.
You slid your hands down just enough to reveal your tear soaked eyes and stared at him in shock, noticing his dark wavy locks had grown longer, which triggered you into sobbing again at the very missed sight of him.
"Heyyy, hey hey." Dave sweetly said and scooted over to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
"What...are you doing here?' you mumbled through your hands. Although you had known the dashing doctor Dave for five years, you still felt uncomfortable crying in front of him.
"I knew about the meeting and I figured you would be here. I just wanted to come check on you."
You swiftly rubbed your tears away and moved back from him, letting him clearly know you were not happy.
"Well, that's nice of you since I haven't seen or heard from you since the day of Orlando's surgery, you know, also the day you took off on me when I told you about Lee and me? You haven't even responded to my texts."
David's eyes fell in shame and then he tried to explain his ghosting actions.
"I'm sorry. I really am. I guess I...I just thought that with all you had going on, you needed space and I..I didn't want to interfere in your new life. I've just been trying to move on is all."
"What, so now we can't be friends anymore because I'm with someone??"
"Friends...yeah." he quietly said, this time his head falling too as he felt the heartbreak all over again in that simple word...friends.
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"Look, Josie...I didn't come here to further complicate your life. I...just know what Lee is going through. I've lost patients and I've been blamed. One in particular and similar because she was young like this girl, nineteen. Except it was a common surgery and she suffered a pulmonary embolism. The parents, they wanted someone to blame. That's what grief does to people. So, I just wanted to offer my support and....I missed you and wanted to see you. That's all. You were always around and now...you're not. But as long as you're happy...then I'm happy. Are you...happy?"
Your eyes studied the pain in his expression that he was failing miserably at trying to conceal, and so you lightened up on him.
"I...yes. I am. I'm...just so worried for Lee."
"Well, for what it's worth. I don't think he's responsible for that girl's death. Many here don't. Everyone loves him and supports him. He's a brilliant doctor and surgeon who has just been dealing with things no one should ever have to deal with."
His words made you smile and you took his hand.
"You really are amazing, you know that? And I...I miss you so much. Please don't disappear from my life. I still need you David. I will always need you. Promise me you won't go away."
Dave forced a smile and squeezed your hand.
"I know I've been a shitty selfish friend lately and I truly am sorry. Of course I won't go away Josie. Not unless you tell me to. I'm...I'm just trying to move on myself as I said."
"Apology accepted. So...by move on...have you met someone?"
His hand released yours and his eyes broke contact as he slightly stiffened up.
"Well...I went out with someone, just once and..."
"Ohhh? Do tell! You know you have to tell me now. Spill it Davey. Who is she? Do I know her? Do you like her?"
He chuckled. "I...reeeally don't think you want or need to hear this right now....and I should have known better than to say anything.
"Uh yes I do. You're hiding something. Don't forget who you're talking to here. I know you. Who is it? What's the big deal?"
He sighed and seemed very nervous.
"Dave!....you're kinda scaring me here. Out with it."
"Yeah ok umm..." he said and stood up, almost as if he were steering clear of your reaction. "It's...it's kind of....Nurse...Webber...."
In that moment, you truly hoped that door was a s soundproof as it seemed to be.
"You're dating Lee's psycho ex!!!!" you reeled as you flung to your feet. "Have you lost your damn mind???"
"Woah, hey, calm down Jos..."
"Don't tell me to calm down! I mean, you OBVIOUSLY know about the shit she's done or you wouldn't be telling me to calm down or so damn afraid to tell me who it was! Jesus, does your sister know???"
"Ok, Josie stop. It was one date. I'm just getting to know her. I kind of like her ok? She don't seem anything like what people say and no, Britt don't know..."
"Oh my fucking god...I can't believe my ears right now. What is there to get to know when you KNOW all there IS to know?? I can line up people for you if you'd like to tell you that it would be the biggest mistake of your life to ever get involved with her! I think you know this because why haven't you told Britt?? Because you know Britt despises her! And I am willing to bet that Elizabitch is just using you to aggravate me and Britt both. It's how she rolls Dave!"
"What...so she can't actually like me for me?"
"NO!! She's a cheating whore and she's capable of doing very bad things and I don't want to see you be one of her casualties. People get hurt when she's involved. Just ask Lee. Ask Jason!!"
You had to think quickly to recover from the mistake of blurting that out in your bout of anger.
"I..I meant...if...he were here...but he's not, but Britt will tell you. My landlord will even tell you cause he was married to her. key word...WAS. Dave...damn it...please listen to me. I care about you so much and I just feel that you're vulnerable right now and she preys on that shit. Lee....he thinks she is responsible for his son's death although he can't prove it and I believe it too or I would never have told you. But you need to understand. She's trouble with a capital ass T. I want you to be happy, I do, just not with her because you won't be happy! She'll hurt you and so help me god if she does...."
Just then, surprisingly, the conference door opened after only thirty minutes of collaboration. You gasped and spun around, fearing they all heard your raging rant but instead...Lee came out as Britt and others followed, all leaving except Britt....and Lee's face, you couldn't yet read.
You froze, your eyes locked in his as you gulped and then noticed an angered man storm out which you then gathered to be Mr. Carpenter. Once he was gone, Lee finally spoke as a smile formed on his face.
"Dr. Pace is officially back baby. I'm innocent."
Your hands flew to your face, leaving only your gaping eyes revealed and then you found yourself jumping into his arms and being spun around as he laughed and almost cried while kissing your head through your hair over and over. As he put you down, Dave was no longer in your sight. He had left.
"Oh my god baby, I am so happy for you! I knew it, deep down somehow that you would be found unaccountable. Now, you can finally breathe."
"Congratulations Lee." Britt then said, seemingly remorseful for being so hard on him earlier.
"Yes, congratulations Dr. pace." a voice sounded from behind you both that had your jaw dropping as you turned to see who it was.
"Oh my, well isn't this a treat?" Cyrus continued when he saw you with your arm clung to Lee's. "Jo...March is it? We meet again."
"You...you know him?" Lee asked as Britt's eyes widened with the same question.
"Not formally." Cyrus answered for you. "We met briefly outside my son's apartment. Let me properly introduce myself. Once again, I am Cyrus Renault, Craig's father as I'm sure you now know and the new CEO of Salem hospital."
Your eyes darted to Britt in utter confusion, considering you knew he had just been released from prison and Jason believed him responsible for the hit put on him. Surely Britt must know that, you thought.
"You all...look stunned?" he added when no one spoke. "Is there a...problem?"
That's when Britt's good old non-filtered mouth chose to reply.
"I think all who work here are stunned after your time served in prison for polluting Salem with your drug shipments and trying to kill Jason Morgan."
You couldn't believe she just said that to her apparent new boss, although you understood it because you felt the same exact way and now you had to later explain this to Lee because you had honestly forgot about this creep.
Cyrus began to laugh, quite hard for a moment before he made a not so subtle threat to your girl bff.
"Although I admire your honesty, I would advise you to temper your attitude...and accusations if you value your position here as Chief of Staff Dr. Westbourne, among...other things."
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By this point, Lee's eyes were wild with wonder and bewilderment as he remained silent, listening to this scene play out.
"And from what I understand, Mr. Morgan, or March should I say? is in fact dead, victim of an explosion, correct? While I, in fact, was wrongfully incarcerated, so it is utterly impossible for me to have had any involvement in his untimely demise. You know, Miss March, I figured out who you were after I left that day. Jason is, sorry correction, was, your brother. I offer you my condolences. Such a young soul to meet such a terrible fate."
You suddenly felt nauseous and lightheaded in your anger as you grabbed onto Lee.
"Hey, you ok?" he asked as he quickly put his arm around your waist to steady you.
"Ahhh, so I take it the two of you are an...item?" Cyrus went on without a single care over his lying and insensitive words.
"I'm sorry, we really should be going. Lee, Orlando is waiting for us." you said with a look Lee understood very well.
"Yeah of course. Britt, let me know my schedule when you have it ready. And umm...it was...nice to meet you Mr. Renault." Lee said with hesitation.
"Oh the pleasure was all mine. Welcome back Dr. Pace. I am sure we will be seeing a lot more of each other. You both take care now."
A shiver ran all through your body at his double entendre of words and you couldn't get out of there fast enough.
"Josie!" Britt loudly called out, then calmed her tone. "I...we will talk soon ok?"
You saw the fear in her eyes and you knew she saw yours.
"Yes. Soon."
As soon as you and Lee rounded the corner, you took your heels off and ran for the bathroom.
"Jo! babe..." Lee called and ran after you, following you right into the women's restroom without a care, which luckily, it appeared empty.
You leaned on the sink, beginning to hyperventilate as Lee rubbed your back.
"Jo, sweetheart, what's going on?"
You filled your palm with water and quickly drank it, then ripped your hair down and ran your wet hands through it.
"Lee....it...it's him. Cy...Cyrus...he's...I forgot to....he's the one....he tried to kill Jason. He...he had....someone else do it while he was in prison....Jason...Jason said he is certain that the Zacchara's...Johnny, the guy you met at the rink...Jason told me...that he and Ethan were hired to do it."
"You told me about Jason saying it was Johnny and Ethan and possibly even Liz, but how do you know it was this guy? Who the hell is he??"
"Well, as you heard, he's...he's Craig's dad...but other than that, I don't know much more about him. I didn't stick around long enough to ask Jason or Craig, but obviously, he's mob and I do know he's Sonny's number one enemy. Jesus Lee...I...I am so sorry I ever drug you into my mess of a life. This all...could put you in danger and god, my dream...."
"Hey, don't do that. Come here."
Lee pulled you close and lightly rocked you.
"You couldn't have known things would ever come to this. You had no idea Jason was even alive until now Jo...."
"Lee...you, Orlando, Britt, even Dave...you all have to work around him and that psycho bitch. I don't like this! I saw Dave earlier...he told me he went on some date with her! I need to talk to Britt later. It's quite obvious she knows who Cyrus really is and she needs to know about her brother so she can talk some damn sense into him."
"What about Jason though? Are you going to tell her he's alive? Or do you think she possibly already knows? Maybe he told her since he loves her?"
"No...he wouldn't do that, risk her life. He didn't even mean for me to find out. I can't tell her. Only you can know."
"Alright. Let's get out of here and go see Landy ok? And then, maybe we can go try and celebrate? I mean, only about my innocence and reinstatement. I will still always feel so terribly awful for that girl's death and what that family is going through."
"I know baby. But yeah, that sounds good. Lee?"
"Yeah my girl?" he asked as you both went out into the hall with him sweetly carrying your shoes.
"I love you, truly... madly...and so deeply."
"Mmmm...right back at ya babe." he replied with a grin as you stood on your tippy toes and kissed him.
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After you both left, the bathroom door slowly opened from the inside and out walked Elizabeth into the hall with the look of a cat who swallowed the canary. She had heard everything as she hid in the stall with her feet up and now knew that Jason....was in fact alive.
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You and Lee met up with Amy at the nurse's station who informed you that Orlando was just around the corner, already having trouble on his first day back with Nurse Theresa who once again was complaining over his illegible writing.
"I swear she's ruthless. Hey babe, catch up with Amy for a bit and I'll go save him." Lee said as he grinned. "Be right back. Love you."
"Ok." you laughed. "Love you!"
"Awwwww. You guuuuys are so cute! And it's good to see Lee looking so happy. I'm so glad things worked out for him. We were all pulling for him."
"Thanks Ames. But not all were." you snarled as you locked eyes with Elizabeth who was trotting down the stairs serving you a look of gloat. Why was beyond you and it's pissed you off nonetheless.
"Oh that bitch..."
"Oh no you don't!" Amy said, grabbing your hand as you tried to go after her. "Leave the bottom dweller where she belongs. This is a happy day for you and Lee. Don't let her ruin it. Karma will get her. It always does."
"Ugh." you huffed. "You're right. AS always."
"Of course I am. Hey, now that you're here...I thought I would tell you that...Gerry is here."
"What? Why?? Is he following me again???"
"This time I can actually say no. Jo...it's Victor. He had a heart attack last night. Gerry has been here since they brought him in."
"Oh my god...do they think he will recover?"
"Well....you could probably ask him that yourself." she said as she glanced behind you at Gerry walking over to the vending machine.
You're ex-fiance was the last person you wanted to see at that time, or ever really, but you felt bad. His father meant a lot to him and actually to you as well considering he was Bo's father too and almost your father-in-law once upon a time. Not to mention he was special to your mother. You wondered if she knew, that maybe Gerry called her. She always liked the Scottish detective regardless of all that happened, most likely because he was Victor's son and it was one of the reasons she still had issues with Megan for destroying your relationship, although to you, he did that all on his own.
As you approached Gerry, he was cussing out the machine and shaking it.
"Hey....Ger..." you quietly said, trying not to startle him, but it didn't work.
"Jesus shit!" he panted as he spun around, then smiled in embarrassment when he saw it was you.
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"Didn't I teach you not to sneak up a man with a gun?" he joked. although his icy blues, also matching his shirt, held fear and sadness.
"I uh...I heard about Victor. I'm so sorry Ger...how's he doing?"
"Not good. Stable but still critical I guess. He's up in ICU. I came down here to find a machine that actually worked but as you can see...it's a piece of shit."
He turned and gave it another ferocious shake and then groaned as he vigorously rubbed his face.
"Here...let me try. Which one were you getting? The Payday candy bar like usual?"
He stared at you for a moment, seemingly shocked that you still remembered that, or anything about him at all.
"Jesus Ger, what happened to your eye?" you asked about the small bruise below it as you pushed the number selection. Down the candy bar dropped.
"Oh you know, a day in a cop's life. How the hell did you do that?"
"It's called pushing the right number and not the one beside it that has an empty spot."
"Oh..." he flatly said, now even more humiliated. "Thanks."
"Gerry...are you ok?"
"Yep, never better. How bout you? Why are you here?"
"Lee...he had a meeting. So, where's your brother? Are you here alone?"
"Brady will be in tonight. He was out of town. So yeah, it's just me for now. I called mum so she would know."
"How is Margaret? Gosh, it's still so weird that she has the same name as my mom."
"You always thought that was a sign." he chuckled. "Sorry..um, yeah, she's doing alright. Bullheaded as ever. I had to talk her out of flying here just to be with me. I don't really like her to fly all the way from Scotland by herself. She asked about you."
"Well...tell her I said hello. I umm, better not keep you from Victor and Lee will be back shortly so..."
"Yeah...yeah, of course. Go on. It was um, nice...to see you again. You look....happy."
"I...I am...happy. It was...nice to see you too. Gerry, if...if you need anything, it's ok to ask me. I'll do whatever I can for you and Vic, otherwise...maybe keep me updated? I'd appreciate that. I'm sure my mom will want to know."
"Yeah, I um, didn't know if I should call her or not. But thank you, I'll keep your offer in mind and I will let you know if anything changes. Oh and hey...thanks for the candy bar." He said as he gave it a small toss in his hand."
"Not a problem......bye...Gerry."
"Yeah....bye." he softly said and sighed as he watched you walk away.
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Lee was with Amy when you returned and he had been watching you and Gerry.
"Hey....everything alright Jo?" he asked as he glanced at Gerry pouring a cup of coffee.
"I hope so. His dad is in the hospital."
"Yeah...Amy filled me in. Jo, sweetheart...it's ok if you want to go and see Victor. He's Bo's dad too and I know you're mom cared for him deeply. And Gerry looks like he could use some company."
"His brother Brady is coming in later tonight. Lee, I'm not leaving you right now, not after you've waited so long for this day and got the news you wanted and deserved. Gerry...he's not....my responsibility anymore."
"I know baby. It doesn't mean you don't still care and there's nothing wrong with that. I mean, I know what he's feeling, because of my mom and all and I too was alone. Gordon was nowhere to be seen and dad was sick. You don't have to go. I just wanted you to know...it's ok if you did. I would completely understand."
You walked up to Lee and kissed him deeply. "God I love you. You have so much compassion for others, even after the way Gerry treated you. You're a good man Lee and you were meant to help people."
"Yeah well...Gerry...he was just jealous. I understand that too."
"You, my guy, are so amazing but....I am...not..leaving you. Now, where's Landy??"
"Oh, he'll be here in a few. He had to check one last patient."
"Speaking of the good doctor, there he is!" you loudly laughed to see Orlando strutting down the hall, all doctored back up in blue scrubs like Dave's and hand's in his white coat pockets with a stethoscope loosely hanging around his neck. And of course, Lee had to be silly and put a musical vibe to his walk.
"Orlando Banando! Well you can tell by the way I walk my walk, I'm a woman's man, no time to talk....Ahhh Ahhh Ahhh Ahhh staying alive staying alive! Staying aliiiiiiiiive!!" he sang in his best Bee Gee voice, which was pretty damn good, and did the pointed finger dance thing like John Travolta did.
Orlando lowered his head with a grin as he kept up his cool cat strut and you were just enamored at the sight of him.
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"Oh my gosh, you cut your hair! It looks so good!" you raved and gave him a hug. "How's your first day back?"
"Well I certainly didn't miss having my handwriting picked the fuck apart but otherwise, it's good to be back. Thanks Jo...about the hair but...I hate it. I look twelve."
Lee busted up laughing and gave Orlando a fast head scrub, messing the short and straight do all up.
"I'd say more like Llyod on Dumb and Dumber."
"Ahhh hell naw!!" Orlando chortled and playfully attacked him, pulling his head down and giving him the good old high school noogie.
You couldn't have been happier in that moment to see the two being bff's again and to see them both so happy...at least you hoped Landy was, for you knew he was a master of disguise when it came to his depression. The happiness was short lived though as you were all interrupted by a very disturbed Mr. Carpenter.
"Well would you look at that? Celebrating and all going on with your lives as if it didn't stop for my daughter. Big win for you today eh Dr. Pace?? Not a care in the world now while my wife and I suffer because that bastard killed my little girl!"
You ran to Lee's side as Orlando stepped right up to block the grieving man's path to him.
"Mr. Carpenter, Mr. Carpenter! No one here is celebrating your loss. I know you are grieving and you're angry and you want someone to blame, but Dr. Pace was found innocent and I believe it in my heart that he is. He is a great doctor and he never would have out your daughter or any patient at risk."
"Of course you're going to defend him! He's your colleague and your best friend. Do you think I didn't do my homework on Dr. perfect here, which turns out he's NOT so perfect at all."
"Don't blame Dr. Pace sir. He had a room full of staff who attest that he was exemplary in every way throughout the procedure."
"Do you hear yourself??? As if they would rat him out. You all are thick like thieves here. My daughter asked repeatably to see you on the night she died and where were you? Off in the E.R. where you do not work, trying to help a fucking mobster who was a s good as dead already and then you went off to tend to his sweet little sister for a measly panic attack when my daughter was recovering from brain surgery that you poorly performed because you were probably high as a damn kite! You left her alone to protect a mobster and his family!!!"
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"Exemplary??? I don't think so. I know ALL about you. Did you all seriously think I was just going lie down and ignore this little cult of cover ups here??? Knowledge is power and you may have gotten away with it, but I know what you did!"
"Jo...go wait in the waiting room..." Lee sternly whispered to you, not taking his eyes off of the disturbed man.
"No! I'm not leaving you here with him..."
"Hey...is everything alright here sir???" Gerry asked as he swiftly appeared and stood beside Orlando and face to face with Mr. Carpenter.
"Who the hell are you??"
"Well now, that depends on you." he snarked as he pulled out his badge. "Detective Butler. Salem PD. Now, do we have a problem here? You're in the middle of a hospital and you're making a scene. I couldn't help but overhear and I am very sorry for your loss, but this is not the way to handle things. I'm going to have to ask you to leave and if you insist on continuing, I will be forced to arrest you."
"You're fucking kidding me right? He killed my daughter and you threaten to arrest me?? "
He leaned on the nurse's station and seemingly became more angry and distressed.
"Henrietta is gone! Because of you!" he growled as he pointed directly at Lee.
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"Alright...Mr. Carpenter is it? I'm not going to ask at this point. I'm telling you to leave." Gerry firmly ordered.
"Amy...clear the people out of the area." Britt said as she came running up with Dave.
Amy quickly did so, guiding the five viewers in the lobby out and then things went from bad to worse in a matter of seconds.
"And you! Dr. Westbourne. I now all about you too! You were there that night. You could have tended to your lover slash assassin and someone else could have taken care of his little sister here...but no...Dr. Pace couldn't resist trying to land another piece of ass and it looks like you succeeded. Can't say as I blame you too much though on that part alone...she is one fine piece of candy. What do ya say sunshine, you, me, let's get out of here and I'll show you a real coc...."
It happened before you even knew what was happening. Lee's fist connected with Mr. Carpenters face and then he plowed him onto the ground.
"Lee!!! Stop!!!" you screamed as the two scuffled to their feet, still locked together until Orlando and Gerry took over....Gerry grabbing Lee because he was bigger and left Mr. Carpenter to Orlando as Dave moved you and his sister to a safe spot.
Mr. Carpenter had a bloodied nose and a bruised eye, which one came from Lee's sucker punch, you did not know as you stood petrified inside Britt's arms with Dave guarding you both.
Lee panted heavily as he fumed with pursed lips and a red face, struggling to free himself from Gerry's death grip of his arms being locked behind his back.
"Arrest him!! I want him arrested now!!"
What happened this time, blew your fucking mind.
"Arrest him for what?" Gerry asked as he released Lee and gave him a look to shut up and be good.
"What the hell do you mean for what??? He attacked me! You all saw it!"
"I didn't see anything. Did you see anything, Dr. Bloom?" Gerry replied.
Orlando's eyes were wide and confused. "Umm...uh...no. Nope. Nothing." he answered when he finally caught on what Gerry was doing.
"How bout you, Dr. Westbourne, Dr. Conrad or you Josie?"
"N...no." Britt answered and gaped down at you as Dave gave an eye lowered no.
"Nope. Not a thing." you abruptly responded and intensely gazed at Lee.
"Well... they're the only ones here besides myself Mr. Carpenter and no one saw any attack. I think you should be on your way now."
"You're a disgrace to the police department. You're no different than a common criminal. I'll have that shiny badge you abuse. Between cops and criminals, I'm not going to stand for it. My daughter will have justice. I'm going to get it for her. I'm going to get it for her mother, I'm going to get it for me...if it's the last thing I do."
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Mr. Carpenter glared at Lee then stormed out, followed by Dave to make sure he left as you immediately ran onto Lee's arms.
"I'm sorry Jo, I'm sorry...I..."
"I think you two should probably head out." Gerry interrupted. "I'll follow you to your car in case he's lurking around."
"Gerry....th..thank you. I..I don't know what to say." you softly told him.
"You don't need to say anything." he said, giving you a quick touch of his hand on your cheek. "Honestly, I would have done the same thing with him saying what he said. He went too far."
"Yeah but...he's gonna cause trouble for you now when you had nothing to do with any of this."
"Nahhh. I'm not worried about guys like him. I've encountered far worse. Lee, you alright man?"
"Not a scratch. So, what she said. Thank you. I kind of lost my mind for a minute."
"Between you and me, if you hadn't done it, I would have. I know what it's like to see red. No thanks needed. I was just stopping you from digging yourself in deeper because it's what he wanted. If he gives you any more trouble, get a hold of me. Come on. I'll walk you guys out."
"Lando...I'll call you later man." Lee told his bff and hugged him. "Thanks for helping."
"Britt...talk soon ok? Tell Dave to text me later. Bye Landy."
You gave both of them a hug as well and then resumed your place under Lee's wing and left with Gerry in tow.
Lee drive this time with you close against him as you saw Gerry standing at the hospital entrance watching you both like a hawk until you were out of sight.
"You ok?" Lee asked as he kissed the top of your head that was snuggled in his armpit.
"I will be once we are home."
"Home huh? I love that you call it that."
"You smiled and closed your eyes. "Because you are home to me."
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Galaxy Destoryer ; a WIP (Re)Intro
(New and Improved!)
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Genre and Setting
high sci-fi, space cowboys, outerspace millions of miles away from earth, about 50 years after the earth overheated and became uninhabitable, humans have integrated into the rest of the galaxy/universe for the most part, the repurposed battle cruiser- the FU-BS.
Third person limited, multiple characters
Status and Length
Drafting, less than 1k ; 3 books or a duology, we'll see
Tropes and Themes
Found family but they're a bunch of criminals and fugitives, cyberpunk, found family but they're all dumbasses, androids and cyborgs, space pirates and bounty hunters, spaceships and laser guns, The Mandalorian and Guardians of the Galaxy vibes, a little to no romance, humans are space orcs, a bunch of criminals accidentally adopt a baby, accidental and reluctant heroes, the "we fucking hate each other but a paycheck is a paycheck" to found family pipeline, main characters avoiding the main plot like the plague ; questioning and exploring morality, choosing between two evils, forgiveness and finding people you can trust, a little touch of space politics but it's mostly background noise, the dangers and harm of capitalism in the background but the characters avoid the main plot so it's background noise as well
Warnings and Rating
sci-fi typical violence, some mental health issues and trauma, possible torture and blood, angst galore ; Teen and Up
Main Characters
Corie (she/her)
The bounty hunter cyborg who just wants some peace and quiet, really good pilot
AroAce, mostly Earthling with brown skin and curly blue hair
lost eye, arm and leg due to bounty hunting business
1000% done with this shit and just wants to be left alone
Knox (he/him)
the self proclaimed team leader (no one listens to him), and former PIE mercenary
The token straight that's on thin ice, full Dlakoonian with purple skin and pointed ears
the oldest crewmate and surrogate tired uncle/chaperone who did no ask to supervise these kids and a baby
NOVA (she/her)
the grumpy android with faulty wiring and wanted smuggler
Bisexual, epileptic (due to faulty wiring), silvery chrome skin with blue lights in the cracks between plates
easily pissed off and fite you
Astra (she/her)
the thief and lovable rogue flying by the seat of her pants who is reckless and cocky and smug af, resident comedic relief
Lesbian, full Earthling and black with very short curly hair, plus sized
rivals with NOVA, they are constantly butting heads just kiss already
Pandora (he/she)
the former PIE scientist who has done questionable projects and now sells his work to the highest bidder
Cis Female, Part time Wheelchair user, autistic and adhd (medium masking), tourettic, full Earthling with brown skin and hair, Muslim (coded?) and wears a hijab
scientist and talented bio chemist, sunshine personality
Aries (xey/xem)
the engineer and mechanic, private contractor and former Black Hole
Agender, half Earthling with brown skin and half Alltinian with pointy ears, social anxiety
Really bad at opening up and being vulnerable and communicating xer needs
Hades (he/him)
the baby, a literal infant, adopted by a bunch of criminals
full Froshether with blue skin and horns
telekinesis powers
mischievous little shit
P.I.E. - Peace Intergalactic Expansion. the micromanaging intergalactic republic government. they used to be better, but in the last couple of decades they were slowly taken over by their "all life and everything must be perfect and pristine" science division.
Black Holes - space pirates that are the extreme opposite of PIE. they claim to be the resistance and rebellion against PIE, but they're not much better in the long run, hurting whoever they need to without remorse to get what they want.
A bunch of criminals are hired for a job by PIE, the Peace Intergalactic Expansion of the galaxy. The job is top secret, and all they know is that PIE wants them to retrive some kind of weapon- but if they do follow through, their records will be clean and they'll get a thick paycheck. The rag tag team thrown together for this one job hate each other, but they figure a paycheck is a paycheck and decide to tolerate it for this one job.
But as they continue on their job, the crew starts to think something is off. The Black Holes offer them something huge to bring them the weapon instead, and no one even knows what this weapon actually is. Meanwhile PIE is breathing down their necks, reminding them constantly what will happen if they fail or try to betray the huge organization.
Then they find the weapon, and it seems that maybe no one should have the weapon. And that weapon isn't really a weapon at all.
Extra Stuff
Specifics on Corie's cyborg parts: her right eye, right arm from the elbow down, and her left leg from the knee down are prothstetics. She lost her leg to a job that went sideways, and her eye and arm to pirates attempting to exact their revenge on her.
^^^ The arm does have a laser gun attachment and her eye does have a little interface with aiming and targeting
NOVA's model was originally going to be a new line of military androids for PIE, but Nova- the first prototype of her line- failed all her diagnostic tests and they had her scrapped and abandoned the project
The ship they use and fly around in is an old military battle cruiser- called the Fifty-five Utility Battle Starcruiser, or the FU-BS. (I'm think i'm hilarious)
Hades's powers are mainly telekenisis, but he will straight up catch on fire or freeze everything within five feet of him if he's angry and throws a big enough tantrum
Astra and Nova have a rivals to lovers romance that's mainly in the background and for comedy purposes
Pandora and Aries have a kind of cute and fluffy friends-to-lovers romance happening in the background too
Dlakoonians and Alltinians are two alien specis in my worldbuilding that I'm currently working on developing
I took a ton of inspiration for this WIP from the Mandalorian and Guardians of the Galaxy. PIE is based on the Xandarians in GotG and The Black Holes are based on the Ravagers. The plot is inspired by the first two seasons of the Mandalorian (with my own fun additions and twists of course!)
Knox used to be named Lannie but that name was too close to a character from another WIP so I changed it
Memes for your viewing pleasure:
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GD Taglist: @fiercely-raging-writer @aesa @thatprolificauthor @writeouswriter @rose-bookblood (send me a message to be +/- from the taglist <;3)
General Taglist: @enchanted-lightning-aes @thatprolificauthor @wip-nook @writeblrsupport @outpost51 @dustylovelyrun (send me a message to be +/- from the taglist <;3)
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plushyluke · 2 years
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it’s the little nudge 🥹🥹
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bisexualboysbroadcast · 11 months
okay, are you ready? here’s my be mine superstar melt:
1. I am unbearably obsessed with the personality “swop” that happened between these two actors. going from fiat our little sunshine brat in dsn to Ashi our regal serious actor in bms and Leo our serious big boy protector in dsn to actual puppy sunshine baby punn in bsm -> getting a swop like that shows me their range as actors but also just different sides to their acting personalities and how well they know each other which is pure magic in romance
2. I’m OBSESSED with the way they met. like yes punn is madly in love with ashi as a fan boy (the little poster kiss really ruined my life), but to have an accidental bump in meet-cute and then (as far as it looks like the plot is heading) to end up working together is a delightful start to their story (cause it alludes to plot directions like “oh fuck I’m in love with you what am I supposed to do with these feelings??” , and “secret relationship eras (my beloved)” and “how can you date him you’re just a student intern and he’s a superstar” and “but I love him. I love him.”. can you tell I’m ready for this?)
3. the sets for this show seem to be out of this world. not just in relation to the period drama ashi (and co) are acting in but also the cafe where punn met his friends, the bar where doctor and superstar met (HAH!), punn’s mom’s cafe, dad’s art studio. all of it is so good. and from what I can see they really seem to be using the lighting and set structure to show personalities which is incredible in and of itself. (e.g. if you notice the lighting and set is pretty light/airy/flowing when punn is the central focus (that shower scene speaks for itself); but quite dark/wood/sort of solid when ashi is the focus)
4. the costumes, oh good god, the costumes! firstly just how beautiful the period drama stuff is ! ashi’s white cloak? and title’s full princely (guard?) suit? IMMACULATE. but also their casual clothes. ashi being so neat, tidy, and elegant always. versus punn who is soft and comfy (that lil grey cardigan did so much for my heart). as far as I can see (and probably because there’s been so many costume changes as a result of ashi’s job), there hasn’t been any colour coding between him and punn (yet?). so not much to say on the blue boy/red boy (/other colour variations) connotations. they may just play this out in style more than colour which is always less obvious but satisfying all the same, but I guess that’s just a waiting game.
5. so so happy with all the touching we’ve had. and I don’t just mean punn and his delusional body pillow cuddling (although that’s so relatable). but also between doctor and superstar (I really need to get to their names lmao) -> their entire scene was iron melting! the thumb swipe across the bottom lip, the finger brushing against the hand, the dancing (holy fuck), and then naturally the sex. SO GOOD. but also yes punn and his little prayer to his ashi poster, punn and his brother pai fighting (ah sibling love), even the touching between the three superstar friends. I like that the intimacy of touching is already being shown in a full range of ways. parents to children, sibling to sibling, friend to friend, love interests, lust. EATING SO GOOD!
anyway, now that I’ve talked y’all’s ears off, I am so happy to have a Monday night (more like Tuesday morning) watch for the next few weeks and I’m beyond excited for wherever this one will take us !!
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degreeofdisorder · 10 months
red white & royal blue (2023) live reaction
immediately grabbing a glass of champagne lmao
alex is literally the dumbest idiot in the planet lmfao
oh he's DRUNK drunk oh my fucking god
IN YOUR CASE ITS RATHER INEVITABLE I'm losing my whole ass mind dksjfkdjf
not sunshine of my heart
no one in their right mind would give you a gun
oh my fucking god
they're so fucking FUNNY
our first clip now here we are
alex is such an asshole I'm dying
god that is a PERFECT casting
"white, blonde and british" is a god tier of a line idc
did alex just look at henry's lips WHORE
such a vast mental and emotional space in your head
holy fucking SHIT
oh my fucking god that was SO GOOD
can you just YEAH just make yourself at home kid
fuck me nora is so hot lmao
oh that was supposed to be nora wtf that's why it was so poignant
in terms of coping I'm not coping
fuck nora is the love of MY LIFE
ew fuck off
oh my GOD he needs to shut up
okay I'm gonna die
they're so fucking HOT
god those eyelashes are fuckin exquisite
oh okay that was obscene
there's TWO things I've been dying to ask you
it's my life - doesn't mean you have to accept it lol
henry what the FUCK
oh I can't breathe
oh okay I see it
oh shit okayb
oh that's so
my god
I'm having lots of feelings
alex my fucking god
also henry is so quick to just cut right down to the chase I can't
ellen I will kill you
the cgi is so bad lajdkdjfkfjfkfjfkfkf
love the romcom vibes
oh my god they're fucking precious as hell
ellen's face of realization sjfldjfldjflf
oh that's
alexander what's with that face are you in love or what
oh oscar no
y'all ARE a stupid idea
oh my god alex
oh my god
I'm gonna fucking kill myself
I'm gonna rip my tits off
beatrice love of my LIFE
oh he's going OFF
alex my love
oh I'm gonna kill myself
lmao I'm sobbing lmao
I'm genuinely sobbing
god I'm shaking I'm sobbing so hard
I had to pause bc i got a headache from sobbing
I'm going to cry more lol
I'm going to dehydrate
yeah I'm going to fucking dehydrate
go win and election
yeah I'm dehydrating lmao
god what is this marley and me I can't stop crying
oh my god I'm killing that fucking piece of shit
oh my god his address
I'm going to fucking kill myself
fuck me henry is so beautiful and so brave
they're fucking gorgeous and so married and so amazing
OG godb
please do fly to the Maldives
this was such a miscast bc i can never look at stephen fry and not be absolutely smitten
oh fuck you stephen fry
oh my fucking god they're so married
oh I'm gonkacry
oh my god
my god I'm in tears
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livealittleoc-cb · 9 months
Running From The Past
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Jooheon was smiling big as he walked into his apartment there were boxes under his arm snuggly, which were little gifts from his parents. He had a big smile on his face as he walked in, he was sure most of the kids were out and Min should be there. “Min.~ I’m back. Parents gave us some stuff to use for the wedding!~” Min peeked out from the doorframe giving Jooheon a small bunny smile as he saw him.
“Hey Sunshine.~” He walked up to the taller male who was placing the boxes down on the dining table, and gave him a soft peck to the cheek. Joo smiled happily cupping his face and pressing small kisses to his lips while Minho chuckled softly at his fiancé’s affections. “What did they give us?”
“Photo albums.” Jooheon laughed as he pulled them out, placing the different decorative books from the box and placing the now empty box on the floor. Each album seemed to have a color code along with the ages on the fronts of them. They went from youngest to new born to current time. Joo held up a dark blue photo album that had little stars, plants, a sun and a little cat on the cover and a picture of Joo kissing Minho’s cheek. Minho took the album and looked at it with a small smile. “This one is for us. My parents started it so there’s pictures in it, they said we could do a little wall with our baby pictures and then current pictures and well I thought it was a cute idea so…ta da!” Jooheon let out another big happy laugh as he motioned to the albums. Minho looked through the couple of pictures inside realizing their pictures from the couple of times they have hung out with Joo’s parents along with when he first met the older’s parents. He couldn’t fight the smile that spread on his face at the pictures and Jooheon’s excited tone, he melted inwardly and rubbed at his nose a little.
Jooheon sounded so happy about getting married to him and it made him feel things he never thought he would feel.
“Are you done with what you were doing?” Minho’s train of thought was broken by his boyfriend’s voice. He nodded, going to the kitchen to make sure everything was off, and nothing was on the stove before coming back and sitting down.
“Yeah, I’m done we can look at through them for a while.” Minho smiled as he picked up an album that said ‘0 – 3’ on the front cover with a picture of a little chubby baby Jooheon and it was a nice bright golden yellow with a little crescent moon on the corner. “Awe, you were so chubby as a baby.” Jooheon froze a little at the wording but played it off with a laugh and nodded with a smile. Minho noticed he pushed away a specific album that had a ’20 – 23’ on it and unlike all the other ones it was light grey and didn’t have any cute stickers or engravements on the cover. “What’s wrong with this album?” He asked curiously as he furrowed his brows.
Jooheon chewed on his bottom lip as he tried avoiding the conversation all together but sighed as he didn’t know how to and instead gave in. “I…Minho…I haven’t told you everything about me. I was hoping I could skim over it and never mention it ever, but you deserve to know.” He flipped open 3 albums showing, one of them being the grey album. He looked at the pictures one showing him as a young kid, in his more late teens and the last looked a lot like current Jooheon. He pointed to his kid self, he was wearing a school uniform and had eyeliner or eye shadow that seemed to be rubbed and smudged around his eyes. He was less chubby around the face, but you could tell he was still slightly on the heavier side. “This was me in Year 10…” He started off as a he tried to piece together he thoughts.
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dhampiravidi · 6 months
(ignore this) spotify wrapped '23
just me using this post to type my Spotify Wrapped so I don't have to keep going back to that page 😅 I like the stats but also I have ask memes riding on this--
if you feel like using a song title as a prompt, go ahead!
Top Genres:
Alt Metal
Modern Rock
Pop Punk
Top Song: "bloody mary (lady gaga) - sped up version" by sped up viral; played 203 times
Top Artist: Bring Me the Horizon (in the top 0.1% of fans); played 5550 minutes (no surprise there)
Other Top Artists(?)
Bring Me the Horizon (peak listening month: September)
Fall Out Boy (peak listening month: August)
30 Seconds to Mars (peak listening month: August)
Måneskin (peak listening month: September)
Dua Lipa (peak listening month: September)
Total Min: 42, 427
Then I temporarily switched to SoundCloud for a better deal, hehe
Top Songs, 1-100
bloody mary (lady gaga) - sped up version by sped up viral
Heartbreak Feels So Good - Fall Out Boy
AmEN! (ft. Lil Uzi Vert & Daryl Palumbo) - BMTH
Love Again - Dua Lipa
Let's Get the Party Started - Tom Morello, BMTH
Stuck - 30STM
Grown Man - Marshmello, Polo G, Southside
BABY SAID - Måneskin
No Love in LA - Palaye Royale
Just Pretend - Bad Omens
Black Hole - We Came As Romans, Caleb Shomo
What You Need - BMTH
Shakira Bizzarap Music Sessions, Vol. 53 - Shakira, Bizarrap
All Around Me - Envied by Angels
Start the Fire - Jamie Bower
Bad Habits (ft. BMTH) - Ed Sheeran
Woman - Doja Cat
Bones - Imagine Dragons
maybe (ft. BMTH) - Machine Gun Kelly
Heat Waves - Glass Animals
Enemy (from "Arcane") - Imagine Dragons, JID
Warrior - Atreyu, Travis Barker
Strangers - BMTH
Unholy (ft. Kim Petras) - Sam Smith
Running Up the Hill - Our Last Night
The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie - RHCP
One Day the Only Butterflies...(ft. Amy Lee) - BMTH
Beggin' - Måneskin
God's Menu - Stray Kids
I Ain't Worried - OneRepublic
Happy Song - BMTH
Records - Weezer
Paralysed - Jamie Bower
Transylvania - McFly
I Wish - Skee-Lo
Pump It - Black Eyed Peas
Parasite Eve - BMTH
Say So - Doja Cat
The Worst in Me - Bad Omens
Blackbird - Alter Bridge
Teardrops - BMTH
Drowning - Atreyu
fleabag - YUNGBLUD
Shockwave - Marshmello
Shadow Moses - BMTH
Alejandro - Lady Gaga
You're Going Down - Sick Puppies
DiE4u - BMTH
Teeth - 5SOS
Best Things in Life Aren't Free - The Unlikely Candidates
Fancy - Iggy Azalea, Charli XCX
IDGAF - Dua Lipa
Sunshine - OneRepublic
Ghost - Badflower
Animal I Have Become - 3 Days Grace
Contemptress - MIW, Maria Brink
Monsters (ft. Demi Lovato & Blackbear) - All Time Low
Wonder Woman Main Theme - Tina Guo
maybe (ft. BMTH) acoustic version - Machine Gun Kelly
Levitating - Dua Lipa
Pain - Jimmy Eat World
Die Young - Ke$ha
Angel - Theory of a Deadman
Lost - Linkin Park
Come as You Are - Nirvana
Dark Passenger - MIW
Betty (Get Money) - Yung Gravy
La Tortura (ft. Alejandro Sanz) - Shakira
I'm Good (Blue) - David Guetta, Bebe Rexha
Renegades - X Ambassadors
Judas - Lady Gaga
Hips Don't Lie (ft. Wyclef Jean) - Shakira
Save Me - Remy Zero
The World I Used to Know - We Came As Romans
Two Against One (ft. Jack White) - Danger Mouse, Daniele Luppi
Here We Go Again - Pixie Lott
Astronaut in the Ocean - Our Last Night
Tribute - Tenacious D
Follow Me - BMTH
Lose Control (ft. Ciara & Fatman Scoop) - Missy Elliot
Dani California - RHCP
House of the Rising Sun - Five Finger Death Punch
In the End - BVB
Cake by the Ocean - DNCE
Last Resort - Papa Roach
Attack - 30STM
Watermelon Sugar - Harry Styles
High Enough - K.Flay
Behind Blue Eyes - Limp Bizkit
Kings and Queens - 30STM
Been Away Too Long - Soundgarden
Lived a Lie - You Me at Six
Los Angeles - Sugarcult
Sundial - Wolfmother
Broken Generation - Of Mice & Men
Round & Round - Selena Gomez & The Scene
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delaina · 1 year
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meet delaina bailey — aged thirty two, cis woman, she / hers pronouns. event planner & coordinator in fairford, washington. residing downtown. single. portrayed by jennifer lawrence. penned by willow.
full name / nickname: delaina ashlyn bailey ( most commonly used nickname is laina )
age / date of birth: thirty-two, born on june 27, 1991
zodiac sign: cancer sun, capricorn moon, cancer rising
gender: cis woman ( she/her/hers )
place of birth: oceanside, california
current residence: downtown fairford
sexual / romantic orientations: homosexual homoromantic
occupation: event planner & coordinator
goals / desires: learning to hold her tongue when she needs to, finding the closure that she needs in order to continue on her pursuit of happiness, settling down with a life partner, mending her approach on relationships, find people who she is genuinely compatible with then actually put in the work necessary to keep them in her life, making others happy and leaving a lasting impression through her actions, to feel comfortable in her body whenever she feels too big or small for a room she enters.
fears: inadequacy, abandonment, commitment to a certain degree, the finality of death, losing the people she cares about suddenly and unexpectedly, disapproval from the people she loves.
hobbies: going on walks with bunny downtown, being intentional in her relationships to show them that She Cares, finding the best buffalo wings and beer combination in town, color coding anything she can, throwing a good ol' fashioned party be it thoroughly planned or on a whim, collecting makeup that she never wears, karaoke bars, brushing up on her bartending skills, smoking, drinking, reading. 
likes: being outdoors in the sunshine, furniture shopping, a well-made drink, getting her hands dirty ( figuratively and literally ), kissing, meeting new people, homemade mac and cheese, spending time with the people she loves, netflix reruns with wayne, one night stands, key lime pie, swimming in the ocean, david bowie, the movie wall-e, sex, starting arguments just because She Can, the color blue, her favorite pair of converse, diet coke in a glass bottle, driving around with no real destination in mind, night swims, a glass of red wine, brand new highlighters, being busy and feeling needed. 
dislikes: people not using their turn signals, the scent of gasoline, people cracking their fingers / knuckles, the texture of wool, confrontations that ultimately lead to a stalemate, the feeling of getting a spray tan, forgetting things, disloyalty, being late, accidentally burning something in the toaster and the way the smell clings in the air for what feels like an eternity.
hogwarts house: gryffindor.
parents: christopher bailey and marissa bailey neé seaford
sibling(s): two older brothers, aged 34-43.
pet(s): an australian shepherd named bunny.
my black sheep baby who is estranged from her family and just wants to create her own lil' found family with how big her heart is :’)
i play workaholic muses, what can i say? except delaina is in a whole other galaxy compared to stevie — she loves what she does and can't imagine doing anything else but girlie is always on the hairpin trigger of an actual nervous breakdown. she's had to go out and get tragus piercings / picked up smoking cigarettes to deal with the migraines and stress that she absolutely brings upon herself.
has a stick and poke tattoo ( among other professional ones ) of a tiny smiley face on her ribcage that she gave herself when she was sixteen.
delaina has a diagnosed learning disability in math, and it has always been a sore spot for her. school was never really her thing, and any time she was in a math class, it was like entering her own personal circle of hell? it gave her such a complex and deep insecurity that almost bore her need to compensate with such a brash personality; to this day, she will not go anywhere without her phone because the calculator app is her crutch for everything.
out and proud lesbian — is Wildly Commitment-phobic. also a lil' bit of a player? and by little, i mean lot. she can charm the pants off of anyone but doesn't like feelings. they're gross. 
she gives jenna marbles vibes. idk how else to explain it.
has definitely started one too many family arguments just because she can — i envision that she’s not really on the Best of terms with her parents and even though there’s love there, they’ve disagreed too many times and aren’t some close family unit. growing up, her brothers were everything to her, and they still hold a special place in her heart. if she ever got married, they'd be at her wedding and walk her down the aisle.
if you show her something on pinterest, she will attempt it. may not be up to par or even close to what she set out to make, but dammit, she'll try.  
joined marching band in middle school mostly as a joke. played the triangle.
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surrowndedbylights · 1 year
Louis Tomlinson tag, All Of Those Voices, AOTV streaming, twitter Louis, sunshine, proud of Louis, solo Louis, Louis and rainbows, AFHF, 28 official programme, RS UK awards
FITFWT North America, FITFWT Europe, FITFWT Asia, FITFWT Red Rocks, jailgate, megamix, 505 cover, my show
Harry Styles tag, solo Harry, Harry with men, satellite mv, daylight mv, Love On Tour, HSLOT ending, dork Harry
Larry Stylinson tag, baby boyfriends, fonding, queer coding, Larry coding, stunts, blue and green, Larry on tour, husbands, AIMH tweet, Umbro shirt
One Direction, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, supportive 1d, Narry, Nouis, Zouis, Ziam, OTRA tour
Other tags (mostly 1D posts):
memes, my posts, masterposts, deep stuff, crying in an uncool way, Oli Wright, fandom dynamics, song analysis, then and now
Non-1D tags:
queer, writing, mutuals, relatable, heartstopper, RWRB
My fics:
A Song Only For The Brave (10k, only ao3)
God, I'm missing you and you addictive heart (drabble, tumblr and ao3)
I'm Always Free To Run Home (No Matter How Far I've Gone) (WIP, only ao3)
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