galaxyhanart · 2 months
I know it was a while ago when you presented it but now I have Cabinet Man AU rotating in my head I am infected thank you for your genius
YEAAAAAAA don't worry i'm rotating it in my skull constantly too hgkdjfshgkjfhjgkh thank you so much!!!!
i'm very much still working on it, specifically i have the timeline mostly laid out and am currently working on a fic based on the au!! it's not published yet i'm kinda struggling with the beginning section but i have so many blurbs and parts written ehehe
i'm always accepting asks and stuff about the au both here and on my ninjago sideblog @spinjitsuburst ! i love the au a lot :D
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sastrasa · 3 months
Yang setia bakal kalah sama yang selalu ada. Tapi, yang selalu ada bakal kalah sama yang disuka.
- Sastrasa
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littlefolklores · 3 months
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It was 5 years with you 3 years of denying 2 years without you 10 months of admitting That I really have feelings for you.
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ssssra · 6 months
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🅴 Along with, how much i fucking love you.
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putting something or someone "on the backburner" means to temporarily set it aside or give it less priority
it's raining in the downtown and rain in this city never seems to be the kind that invites swirling dance or carefree smiles. it's more of a havoc-wreaking downpour that turns the streets into a mess. the pitter-patter of raindrops echoed through the air, mingling with the sounds of honking horns and hurried footsteps. puddles eagerly await to trap unsuspecting feet, and the roads have become slippery battlegrounds where vehicles wage a silent war against anyone who dares to cross their path.
it's chaos, i sighed.
the clock strikes five. i'm supposed to go home. but as i sit by the window, gazing out at the orchestra of chaos and disorder, the thought of 'going home quickly so i can wash my laundry' no longer appeals to me. outside the window, drops collide with the concrete, creating a mosaic of shimmering reflections. rain kissed street is never my favorite. it's wet, it's slippery, dirty and annoying.
the poets wrote a lot of magnificent poems about rain. they speak of rain as a conduit of messages to lost lovers, a catalyst for cathartic tears, a companion to sorrow and grief. and a lot of others spectacular stuffs. but in the real world, rain is moisture condensed from the atmosphere that falls visibly in separate drops. humans tend to romanticize anything and perceive things differently from what they truly are. it tickles me the way we talk about rain and sun and moon and the universe and other ordinary objects. in fact, those things aren't magical, they are matter consist of atoms just like everything else.
as i contemplate this, my phone interrupts my thoughts with a ringing tone--- it's him.
"hey how have you been?" his voice traveled through my earphone.
"i'm doing okay!" --- i have a lot of questions spinning in my head, actually. a simple 'how are you' sounds too bland and 'i've been missing you' sounds like i was desperate. i don't like both.
"how's the new job treating you?" at least it sounded better, for me. it seemed like a safer option, a way to show my interest without exposing the depths of my longing.
a spark of enthusiasm dancing within his voice, "it's been quite an adventure!" from his speaking tone, i can picture a boy with bright grin and cheerful smile. a sheer of exhaustion will clearly prettify his face. and i know he'll still look wonderful and magnificent, like the spring and sun kissed cherry blossom, like all dear things combined.
"that sounds great." --- i'm grateful for you.
"i'm actually at the cafe tucked away in the basement at your office. are you busy? should we meet and, you know catch up?"
i smiled-- as if he could see me at my seat peering out at the world outside, where the downpour still orchestrates its chaotic symphony. the passion in his voice was undeniable, and i couldn't help but feel a bittersweet pang within my chest. once upon a time, i was the first person he turned to in his moments of vulnerability. now, in his newfound happiness, our roles have shifted somehow.
"sure." i replied, exhaling a long breath. "it's been a long time."
i made my way down the stairs, anticipation mingling with a hint of nostalgia. as i entered the cafe, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped me. and there he sat, a familiar face in a sea of strangers, a soft ray in the middle of cloudy evening. his eyes lighting up as he spotted me.
he greeted me with a warm hello, his voice carrying a tinge of excitement. "hey there! it's so good to see you," he said, a genuine smile playing on his lips.
i returned the smile, my heart embracing the familiar rhythm of our conversation. "likewise! how's everything been going for you?" i asked, genuinely curious about the details of his new life.
his eyes brightened "it's been quite the journey," he replied, his voice filled with a mixture of pride and exhaustion.
he proceeded to recount tales of challenges faced and triumphs achieved, painting a vivid picture of his new professional landscape. i mustered a smile and listened intently, savoring each word like a delicate sip of the finest wine.
to be honest, we didn't talk much after he got his new job in a different city. holidays was the only time we could sit side by side; remnants of our old familiarity. but now, we cant spend our holidays together anymore. he's busy doing whatever and i am drowning in piles of work. i called him at times: when it was sunday and the weather was nice, when it was a drizzling morning and i want to remind him to eat his breakfast, when the day was as cozy as his presence in my life. but of course he rarely replied. the only times he called me were when there was a hurricane in his city, when it was 3am and he couldn't sleep, when the omelet was too salty and he couldn't bring himself to eat breakfast. while he reminds me of all short of enchanting things, spring, and early autumn, perhaps i remind him of winter and vulnerabilities, of abandoned castles and 3am spooky stories.
i know it all along that i am never his first place. he was never consistent in his presence, yet i was always there for him. i was there when he was ugly and disoriented, when he celebrated his birthday with stale store-bought cake, but i made the best wish for him anyway, i still gently caressed his fragile cheeks no matter how rough it had become. i accept the role of being the one he turns to when he needs someone, even though i know deep down that i can never truly be what he was looking for.
as i keep listening to him very attentively, i acknowledge the genuine joy radiating within himself.
he looks like he belongs.
he looks complete.
without me.
i should be happy about that. but a person can have everpresent feelings. even though i am happy for him, seeing him from this short distance made me realize how much i tried to fill the hole he left behind.
"it sounds fantastic!" i smiled enthusiastically. "i'm grateful things are going well for you."
being close to him like this show me how well he is doing, surrounded by a world that welcome him with open arms. it bring a mix of emotions knowing that i remain on the sideline, that i can't be the one to bring him happiness.
but well, who am i anyway.
"how about you?"
"yes, it's only me talking about myself, i though you'll throw up because how boring it is."
"no! it's not. i'm happy hearing all of that, really!"
he chuckled, a warm and genuine sound that filled the air between us. "okay then, how about you? how have you been?"
"well," i began, my voice slightly wavering. "unlike you, my life is a repetitive continuation, from work to home, 8 to 5, it's predictable and boring, i guess?"
"boring? but what about the monsteras and anthuriums? have they been well?"
"they're doing better than i am." a soft smile tugged at the corners of my lips. "they're healthy and happily unemployed."
he let out a small laugh. "i wish i was them. stand tall and proud, and happily unemployed."
"actually," amidst the flow of conversation, he paused, "you know," he began again, his voice laced with sincerity, "i would be honored if you could help me prepare my upcoming birthday party. it wouldn't be the same without you."
"birthday party?"
there he goes again. he and his inconsistencies. he and his unreliable words. he and his intermittent presence.
birthday preparation? after weeks of not exchanging words, of feeling like we had finally become strangers; his sudden gesture of including me in his celebration felt both surprising, and expected. it seems like i have grown accustomed with the uncertainties that come with his existence in my life. he becomes a familiar pattern, a repetitive storyline.
he always has a way of leaving me in the dust, knowing i will always come running whenever he calls. he is the master of leaving breadcrumbs, of giving me just enough to keep me hooked, but never enough to truly hold onto. i know that i will never be the one he yearns for when the sun kiss the horizon, or the one he craves to share his future dreams with. i am a gap, a placeholder in between his grand adventures. i could've chose different path, i could've walked away but i made a conscious decision not to, for the allure of being the one he turned to for advice, the one he sought solace with, is too captivating to resist.
and finally,
with a gentle smile, i mustered the courage to respond, "i would be honored to celebrate your birthday with you. it would mean a lot to me."
as our eyes met, i could sense a flicker of something familiar, his satisfied gaze. he knows he can count on me, regardless of the situation or how much time had passed.
so, i welcome him.
i let him in.
once again.
you'd think i'd be a fast learner, but guess i won't ever mind crisping up on your backburner.
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gakyuri · 4 months
''and I know that it's sad that I settle for the backburner'' part hurts because you know that you deserve better but you like them so much you don't know how to stop. you badly want them to the point that you're willing to settle for whatever he would give you because a fraction of him was better than nothing at all.
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sleep-deprived-brass · 4 months
Words to live by: "Act like a genius mastermind tactition, and then in the next breath act like you have two braincells competing for third place" - Soundsmith TF2
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songlyricseveryday · 2 years
maybe you'll finally choose me after you've had more time.
NIKI, Backburner
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goldennika · 1 year
Maybe I'm just not better than this, I haven't tried
Maybe life's less romantic when I don't wanna die
You'd think I'd be a fast learner
But guess I won't ever mind crisping up on your backburner
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uncolorize · 8 months
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Niki Zefanya - Backburner
"Maybe I'm just not better than this, I haven't tried".
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augustinesfall · 1 year
august x backburner
Taylor Swift x NIKI : song crossovers 01
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Both Augustine from "august" and the Narrator from "Backburner" being the second lead to a star-crossed lovers' love story.
Augustine is in love with James, who never thought of her during the summer they were together. And the Narrator from "Backburner" who despite being in the back burner, someone who's always a second thought to "You", can't seem to forget this person.
"so much for summer love and saying "us" 'cause you weren't mine to lose."
"wanting was enough, for me, it was enough to live for the hope of it all."
"august sipped away like a bottle of wine 'cause you were never mine."
"'cause maybe you'll finally choose me after you've had more time."
"but guess i won't ever mind crisping up on your backburner."
"and I know that it's sad that I settle for the backburner."
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500days-of-autumn · 2 years
28th of august ‘22
I was browsing over one of my favorite artists’ newly released album and I stumbled upon this. It has been a week and I am still as obsessed as ever with her song ‘Backburner’.
To be honest, I never really knew about the word backburner until I encountered it in her album. I searched it on Google, and it said:
“If something is on the back burner, it is temporarily not being dealt with or considered, especially because it is not urgent or important: We've all had to put our plans on the back burner for a while.”
I couldn’t imagine being on someone’s backburner, or their second (or maybe even third) choice, or being put to last because you’re not the priority. But actually, it’s not being someone’s least priority that made the song devastating to me.
For me, it’s how we still feel joy and settle for the less despite them treating us like that.
I can't lie, it feels nice that you're calling
You sound sad and alone, and you're stalling
And for once, I don't care about what you want
As long as we keep talking (as long as we're talking)
If the old version of myself learned about this song then, I know she would bawl her eyes out for a night. And then, after that night, I know she would still choose to go back to someone.
Actually, if someone were to read this, especially when they knew me before, they would think that I’m being too cheesy about a moment in my life that happened 5 years ago. I don’t know, I feel that people won’t actually get where you’re coming from because they didn’t experience it themselves. I couldn’t (and wouldn’t) blame them though. It’s my choice and my experience to begin with.
It's pathetic, but at least you are, too
I don't know what to do
I don't like anyone except sometimes you
Oh how I love to be self-aware (that we’re pathetic.) Yet, despite knowing, we still make ugly decisions, right? Is this in our nature as humans or what.
After everything you put me through
I somehow still believe in you
Just why are we settling for less… really.
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Someone Great (2019)
I watched Someone Great for the third time 3 days ago. I was crying at 2 AM as Jenny read her letter-slash-monologue directed to her boyfriend of nine years.
Nine years.
Imagine knowing someone head-to-toe to the point that you’re able to recognize their side burns, the length of their legs, or their nape. Created memories with them that every street and sidewalk you’ll pass by has a corresponding moment of you and them together. Nine years was a lot for two people.
I was reminded of Backburner as I was watching Someone Great. The odd thing about it is that they’re not actually related to each other at all. Jenny was not on Nate’s backburner, neither is Nate was on Jenny’s. They were always each other’s priority. Again, for nine years.
But I guess what makes this heartbreaking is that despite picking each other and being their own first choices in those years, they still aren’t made to be together.
Now the question is: Would you choose to be someone’s then-priority or to be on their backburner?
Maybe I'm just not better than this, I haven't tried
'Cause maybe you'll finally choose me after you've had more time
I thought I was a fast learner
But guess I won't ever mind, guess I won't ever mind
The common thing about the two is we are all being faced with possible choices, right? But honestly, what’s the better choice between the two—or better yet, what’s the less devastating decision?
Maybe I blame my mother bleeding into my stride
Maybe it was my father and his wandering eyes
(It's their fault that) I'll always be in your corner
'Cause I don't feel alive 'til I'm burnin' on your backburner
Niki’s Backburner also mentioned something related to her (although I don’t want to assume) parents’ relationship. For me, it posed how her settling for the bare minimum is related to how her mother did. And yes, this is why some people stay with someone who gives them the least amount of effort; because even if we are not the priority, this is, by far, the most amount of love we have ever gotten. It reminded me of a quote from a movie that I love:
We accept the love we think we deserve.
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Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)
The song ends with the word backburner being repeatedly said. Like it’s haunting us… backburner, backburner.
I hope one day we’ll all realize how we all deserve the better things in life. Even if we think we don’t deserve it, but honestly, we do.
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lo-vena · 4 months
This sounds cliche and a bit overused but it's nothing but the truth.
If he wanted to, he would.
People are not stupid. Sure, sometimes they are lost and do stupid things but they know. They know that they did something stupid. They know that they are lost.
So if you're questioning someone's intentions and feelings for you, bravely ask them once to be clear and if their answers were foggy and going in all directions at once, then leave them be.
Sometimes, people don't know what they want, but they know what they don't want.
And if people treat you as someone in the middle of what they want or don't want, then leave. Spare yourself. Save yourself from that.
Because people may think they want just because you do not fit into the description of what they don't want— but it doesn't mean that you fit on to what they want.
So, if he wanted to, he would. If he wanted you, it would naturally show. And this applies to everyone.
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tokkibbang00 · 4 months
Are we gonna get a Backburner 2?
Hii!! Yep!! I've been writing it these days but I haven't finished it yet :)
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pengshii · 5 months
Guess I won't ever mind crisping up on your backburner
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cigar1209 · 1 year
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Maybe I'm just not better than this, I haven't tried
Maybe life's less romantic when I don't wanna die
You'd think I'd be a fast learner
But guess I won't ever mind crisping up on your backburner
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