#because they’re just ‘the guys who save the world so we all can keep living’
shuutingstar · 26 days
what if someone made a sitcom with Camp Half Blood and the whole premise is literally just showing the backgrounds characters while the main characters go save the world or smth.
[camera pans on Drew’s face]
Drew: [looking at her nails indifferently] yeah someone let all the pagasai out of their stables and it’s a chore to fix.
[explosions in the background]
Drew: [unfazed] I’m not saying that I’m helping, by the way. I’ve broken a nail and I’m still in pain.
[Percy is seen battling a cyclops while Annabeth slashes at its feet with her dagger before running off frame]
Drew: I know you must be wondering why I don’t just go to the infirmary, but they’ve been full ever since the stampede — and Connor promised he’d steal me some cute bandaids with pictures on them so I decided to wait it out.
[screams and more explosions and property damage]
Drew: [rolls her eyes] but now Connor’s busy doing something else so I have to wait even longer. maybe I should just go to the infirmary… [walks away from camera]
[camera zooms in on the carnage near the stables where the seven can be seen herding the frightened winged horses back to their stables, while a beat-up cyclops lay unconscious with only its feet in frame]
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alphajocklover · 26 days
hey there. My name is Derek. Im your average, slightly overweight gay guy from Chicago. I work as a pretty decent graphic designer downtown. And honestly, my life has gotten boring. I’ve been with the same guy for far too long. And I sometimes wish I could be one of those loud, obnoxious straight dudes you see at bars. You know the ones I’m talking about. Total jerks who make rude and crude comments to women. Muscles so big. Obnoxious loud clothing. Yeah. Is it weird that I want to be the most hated straight douchebag in the world? Haha it’d be so different
Hey Derek! I’m glad you reached out. You’re asking a question a lot of gay men have asked throughout history: Is it weird that you want to be a straight, buff, misogynist douchebag? Are you a freak because a part of you wants to be the kind of guy you’ve always hated? You’ve always believed in being proud of your sexuality, in treating everyone, especially women, with respect, in common decency, equality, and respect. Usually you’d find those straight, cocky jerks as obnoxious as anyone else. But just like a lot of men (and sometimes women), both in and outside of the LGBTQ community, there are times where, even though you know you shouldn’t, you wish you were one of those guys. It’s hard to say why people get this strange desire. It could be that you’re jealous of their bodies, how they’re so muscular, beefy, and powerful. It could be that you admire their confidence, the way they cockily smirk like they rule the world. It could be that you long to be like them because, despite their flaws, they’re the manly men that society has always told men we should all be.
Or it could be that you know, deep down, that they’re what you were meant to be. That they’re what you could have been, should have been, and would have been… if you hadn’t been turned gay.
Before we continue I wanna make a few things clear. Being gay isn’t a choice, you can’t cure gayness with dumbass abusive therapy, gay people do not turn other people gay, and homosexuality is a perfectly natural thing that some people just are. But… not all people. There are some people in this world, like you Derek, who have been turned gay. You were supposed to be straight. In fact you were supposed to be a straight, beefy, misogynistic, douchebag. But someone changed you, derailed your fate so that you’d be different. They saw you, didn’t approve, and so they went back in time and changed you. It’s not just you either. There are thousands of supposedly gay men who are really straight douchebags who got turned.
The group of people responsible for these changes are mysterious and covered in shadow. Those who know of them call them the SAD, the Society Against Douchebags. Not much is known about them, just that they come from the far future and use a strange machine to go back in time and change the lives of certain straight douchebags through manipulation and futuristic technology. The reason you were always so unathletic and heavy? You had nano machines working against you, keeping on the weight and taking down your endurance. The reason you could never seem to say the right thing and always embarrassed yourself around cool guys? They’d use those same machines to make you feel awkward and uncomfortable so you’d say the wrong thing. The reason you’re gay? They altered your brain chemistry.
But I know someone who can help you turn back.
A group like the SAD, one that so recklessly changes the timeline, doesn’t go unnoticed forever. Eventually another group formed, one that fought back against them. They call themselves the Douchebag Revolution. They’re exactly what they sound like. Straight, buff douchebags who either didn’t get targeted for one reason or another or were saved from their false lives and wanna take down the people who tried to destroy them. They go around, liberating guys like your from their fake fag lives, fighting the SAD and living that douchebag lifestyle.
Personally I try to keep out of their whole time war thing. I don't think what the SAD does is good, but time travel is so fucking complicated I’d like to avoid anyone who uses it all together. Plus the Douchebag Revolution is pretty homophobic, so they wouldn’t accept an actual gay guy like me in their ranks. But I do have a few contacts in the Douchebag Revolution who tolerate me. I could get you in touch. They have a way to reverse what the SAD did to you. A serum. It’ll make you exactly what you always should have been: a straight, beefy, asshole. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to take it. You can stay this way, always wondering who you would have been. But I don’t think that’s what you want. I can see it in your eyes. You know what you are.
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You’re a douchebag. Welcome to the Revolution.
Don’t worry about your boyfriend. Either he’s an agent of the SAD or he’s a fellow turned Douchebag. Either way your new friends will help you take care of it.
**another G2S story. I know they’re controversial but they’re so much fun. Definitely going to revisit the douchebag Revolution idea sometime.**
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wrecked-writer · 1 year
Wild Sorcerer Merlin Au pt 1
Uther finds out about Merlin’s magic and he is to be executed
This is set around s2 or 3 so before evil Morgana
The gang ( Morgana, Gwen and Arthur) help Merlin escape but Merthur have a huge argument
“ I can’t believe you’ve lie to me all this time!” “I didn’t want to I just-!” “I don’t wanna hear it!”
In the end Merlin leaves with a bitter and sad relationship with Arthur
Arthur is inconsolable, his best friend and the man he loved trusted the most in the world lied to him! He is bitter and angry and so so sad.
The knights of the round table still come to be but Merlin’s role could never be replaced
Uther dies estranged from his children and Arthur takes the throne
Morgana’s dreams get so bad that she runs away to a Druid camp and is never seen from again
Years go by and not a single day has Arthur not thought of Merlin, even after his failed attempts at courting Gwen (she was always better off with Lancelot anyway)
One day while hunting they encounter a really bad and corrupted magic animal
They are losing the battle and as all hope is lost a magic burst comes in and saves them all
They’re injured and confused and scared but alive
A Druid finds them and after Arthur swears their safety, leads them to their camp where they are healed
Arthur watches the camp in wonder and is talked to by a Druid elder
She’s an ancient thing, skin so wrinkled with experience he can’t help but feel like a child in her presence
She is kind and patient
She talks to him of mundane things and he forgets for that moment that she is a Druid, someone raised with magic.
She hands him soup and warms it with magic. He wonders at that because never has he seen magic used for mundane and simple things
That prompts the knights to ask about that magic burst that saved their lives
“Was that magic you guys?”
The druids sit in a long silence before the old Druid lady comes up to them
“It must have been dear Emrys” “Emrys? Whose that?” “Oh my dears, who do you think has been protecting Camelot all these years?”
The druids then explain how Emrys has been protecting Camelot from several years now. They mention a few that they know of (the priestess Morgause being stopped several times) and talk of the many protection spells and wards that surround Camelot.
Arthur is confused and kinda terrified. Why would this Emrys protect Camelot, protect them, when they could be killed for even simple warming spells? What do they gain? Who are they?
The druids speak of Emrys’ power and how it keeps growing everyday.
“He visits sometimes, sometimes to set wards for us, sometimes to learn whatever spells we know, sometimes just for company. He’s a lonely boy, that one. The weight of the world on his shoulders and a horribly kind heart. You are fortunate to have him on your side.”
After dinner they rest and Arthur can’t help but think of Merlin and how he would react. He decides to finally lift the ban on magic.
They get back to Camelot and Arthur begins drafting the laws on magic use before lifting the ban
A few months go by and in that time Arthur notices the little sparks of magic protecting Camelot. He tries to make the laws as quick but as well as he could. He went to the Druids for help on what could be done to make more accurate laws on magic
He asks them on where to find Emrys, to thank him and ask for his help. And perhaps to add him to the court because someone whose been protecting Camelot so fiercely in spite of the dangers should be part of the council.
The Druids can only shake their heads sadly “He can only be found when he wants to be.” and leave it at that
Later Morgana comes back after about Arthur working to lift the band. Their reunion is bitter at first but when Morgana explains why she left they come an understanding with one another
She works together with him [and the roundtable] to lift the ban. When they ask her about Emrys she gives them a funny look.
“You don’t know?” “No, Morgan, we don’t. The Druids only say we’ll find him when he wants to be found”
She scoffs unbelievably “That blasted fool!” And storms out
No one sees her for almost a week before she comes barging back in the council room, dragging a cloaked figure by their cloth( who is clearly trying to remove her grip)
Arthur was angry with worry and demanded to know where she went.
“Where the bloody hell have you been!?” “First of all watch your tone when speaking to me. Second of all, i went ahead and got Emrys since you lot are too incompetent to do so” “…….THATS EMRYS!?”
They argue and bicker some more while Emrys struggles against Morgana’s grip, a misstep here leads to the cloak coming off
Arthur looks and practically swallows his tongue at who he sees.
It’s Merlin
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cocogum · 3 months
Let’s TALK about episodes 9 and 10 people… (part 1)
If you thought episodes 7 and 8 had so much to talk about (cuz I sure did), then episodes 9 and 10 destroyed my mind.
I am so tired.
We begin with a small recap of what happened last episode and it’s honestly very nice and heartwarming of Ankama to remind us that Yugo will get his ass handed to him in a few minutes.
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The level of disrespect these thirsty hoes have for him is immeasurable. Even if Yugo’s not a kid, the fact that the necromes didn’t hesitate to tie him up like that and sacrifice him like a lamb is jaw-dropping. It really makes you understand that they don’t give a shit if you’re an actual kid, they will hang you up like a roast beef for dinner.
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Bro’s asking as if he just got here.
Also, how do you think that fall must’ve felt like? Cuz when Toross yeets him, Yugo takes a massive fall only to get his body slammed into the pavement when he gets tied up.
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He gets to fall even faster because of the stasis ropes pulling him down too.
You can even hear the loud slam when he hits it. That must’ve hurt like a bitch.
Btw I love how even after all that, Adamaï and Amalia still don’t trust Qilby even when he saved them from the necrome world.
Adamaï thinks he was an idiot for not using the eliatrope Dofus and…he’s right? Cuz my guy…ur scared of ruining things if you use the dofus but what are you gonna ruin in a place WHERE THERE’S NO WAKFU????
Sometimes I can’t tell whether or not that guy’s okay in his head. Like is he blind or something? You can clearly tell that the necrome world is completely deserted and has no actual life, Amalia even CONFIRMS IT for you, Toross is literally using his dofus in his world of nothing, AND it’s also literally known as the gods’ garbage bin.
No wonder you get slapped around so much, you’re stupider than Yugo!!
I never in my life thought that I’d eventually get to see Qilby booping Amalia’s nose.
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And I don’t know if I should like it or if I should fear it.
Man literally booped her as if she was a kid. But then again, he IS a millennial years old so it would explain why he’d treat her like a fetus.
In a way, he really CAN see her as a kid who doesn’t know what the hell she’s talking about.
But like-
I never imagined this happening???? Not even in a trillion chances 😀😀
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I get that Amalia annoyed him when she said he STILL couldn’t be trusted but what do you mean by “artificial”??? I’m still confused about that.
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You can’t tell me this scene ain’t gay 😭😭
The way she grabbed her was so sudden, it made my heart jump!! And Amalia just goes with it like a damsel in distress being protected by her knight 🥰🥰 My noramalia senses detected that shit from a mile away, you ain’t getting away!!!
That torture scene tho should’ve taken longer ngl. But Okoo being the kid that they are decided “hell nah”. It’s still a shame really but at least we got what we needed.
Also, lemme just say something about this torture scene real quick.
Not only does Yugo get sucked the living out of him, but he just got BODY SLAMMED FROM AT LEAST 290 FEET on LITERAL PAVEMENT so now his back is completely obliterated, he keeps CONVULSING, TWITCHING, and GETS HIS BONES BREAKING TO GROW LONGER ONES-
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He’s feeling all that WHILE getting sucked to death. My god. I wanted to see more of that.
The only reason why he didn’t turn out ballistic was cuz Oropo was keeping him busy in his head. He literally told him that he’ll make him fight just to not think about it.
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And even though Oropo does hate him (but calmed down a bit once he reunited with Yugo), he told him that even he doesn’t deserve all of this. Can you imagine the one who caused so many calamities and was ready to kill the gods because he hates you telling you that even you don’t deserve this?? It just shows how kinky this Toross guy is.
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twst-rose-prisms · 2 months
Twst boys and their respective Vocaloid songs
Part 2 of this post!
Characters: All NRC students Warning: Some of these songs contain angsty/dark themes or imply self-harm, however it's nothing too much as that's the nature of Vocaloid songs in general and I recommend you checking them out if you guys can!
Part 1 | Part 2
🕌 Scarabia 🕌
Kalim: Tondemo-Wonderz
This song is full of fun, excitement and upbeat, colorful beats that make you want to smile and dance along, just like the ball of sunshine Kalim he is! The song talks about embracing the unknown and excitement the world offers to us while also having fun, encouraging us to have faith in the wondrous possibilities, while also embracing the failure and mistakes with laughter and positivity. I’d say it’s a perfect song for Kalim, from the vibe to the lyrics!
“Even in this sort of era, We still believe in "wonders," no, no, no? Know! The adult's sharp, money-making memories Make us worry too much! I'm gonna go cross-eyed!” "Why?!" "Do it like this!!" I love everything! That's fine, isn’t it? In this plot to make everyone laugh I can call them rival monsters, right?! We live in a wild, awesome world.” “I reckon it's fine to have troubles you can't do a thing about! I make a pose like I'm gonna save everyone. How about this smile, it's not gonna crumble at all! Even if I fall 100 times, I'm like a phoenix. I won't get upset! Wan wan, too quick, three four! Everybody, showtime!” “Come on professor! This exam is so tough! Agh! Alright, done? Is it final? If I don't get 0 points, it's OK! Let's rain a shower of arrows on those true and false questions! Right and wrong answers are important memories." "There are days when I fail too. You still deny "wonders", no, no, no? Know! Before I'm taken to pieces, listen, wait! This slanted society is too on edge. Charge in, leap in, one more time! Are you ready?!”
Jamil: Ghost City Tokyo
Like a ghost who is almost invisible to other’s eyes, Jamil used to do the same too, he always makes sure everything he does is at an average level so nobody will notice him. That’s why I picked this song for him, also because of the lyrics - he’s used to losing, to not be able to shine and stand out for the sake of others, and it’s not something he dreamt of at all. Also I think the city here can be interpreted as Scarabia too, because he still wants to be here despite everything that happened in Book 4.
“The lights of the brilliant shining city Shine down on me in stark contrast They mix with the neon colours changing and escaping from the spaces between those buildings" "I trade my time and this world And sink into the night” “It’s fine, someday it will all be fine How many days I’ve thought so, that have piled up on each other But even today, the me who fades into the Tokyo scenery all alone Seems like a ghost” “Even as I grow used to losing These important feelings that I haven't lost - When I held them close to myself, my tears fell suddenly Because I think I still want to Keep living in this city”
👑 Pomefiore 👑
Vil: Cinema
This song is pretty self-explanatory with the lyrics, it’s like someone views their life as a movie, their story is like an unchanged script, yet they’re being satisfied with everything - they want to be the leading star, the protagonist of the movie. Being someone who always has to play the villain role, I picked this song for Vil because it just fits him so much with his backstory and his goal as a whole!
“A delusion of dawn Invaluable escapades and A misunderstood hero play-pretend Traffic's already jammed up now- Oh well, nothing I can do about that anyway” “No, it can't be this, not this. This is a bad fit for me I'm not suited for it- Should I quit it now, or— But that's not right, right! I wonder, when will I get to be The leading star of this show?” “We're not here yet, yet. This can't be the end, so If you're not suited for the role Then just rewrite the script! Look, for the most part, I'm sure it'll always just be me The leading star will only be me!” “The future I wanted to change has come. Whatever you like, however you like it, This is it. I made it here, all the way from the bottom. Just like a movie, this is my story.”
Epel: Telecaster B-boy
A song talking about the struggle of growing up, trying to find one’s place in this vast world, the singer desires to be loved and appreciated but always gets misunderstood and underappreciated and also frustrated with society,  just like Epel himself. He hates being the stereotype, cliche thing. If you know his story and goal then this song is very fitting for him! Also the funky, youthful but somewhat fast beat and lyrics fit him very well too!
“The more I grow up DeDeDe The less I fit in, a vacant temple. The girl the life philosopher spoke to Turns into a bird … With just lip service PaPaPa I'll tie up my raggedy shoes … The boy whom a believer in digitization cursed Turns into wind …” “No matter how you look at it DeDeDe It's a stereo bias, sadistic The girl who sang like she was stung by a bee Turns into a flower... Even if you cover your ears PaPaPa Those guys' voices become loud The boy who got these words stabbed in his chest Turns back…” “In this world where I can't Even breathe for a bit Declaring a goodbye to reality Won't you just forgive us? We, the weak ones Let's meet up again somewhere”
Rook: Liar Dance
Rook is a bit hard to find, but in my opinion this is the best song for him. It talks about a couple who both hide and lie to each other. But it also means that the singer’s POV is them knowing they’re a liar, a criminal just like other people. Rook himself is not an exception, he also lies and hides many things away even to his friends or someone like Vil. Also I think the lyrics fit him really well, with constant mention of love and lies many times throughout.
''Stolen? Just whatever do you mean?'' Feigning ignorance today as well Having made a vow, to you and you alone Declaring this loveless love of mine in front of you" "Stolen? Just whatever do you mean?" Committing myself to this performance, set lines and all Those memories we've desperately created and clung to, they blend together and feelings between us intensify” “Dance away liar This love has swelled up like a balloon let's turn it into a lie with the prick of a needle On the count of "I-love-you" “Dance away, liar It's too late to apologize We're already partners in this crime called "love" Who cares if there's no going back?”
💀 Ignihyde 💀
Idia: All I Need are Things I Like
While there could be many other songs that fit Idia, I decided to pick this one because of the lyrics and overall meaning. The song talks about indulging solely into one’s interests and favorite thing everyday, almost every time without paying much attention to reality much at all. Even though the singer sounds happy and satisfied, they also sound lonely, deprived of energy and strength and also longing for actual companionship instead of coping up to the things that they like. It sounds like Idia himself after what happened to him and also his backstory!
"I don’t like weekdays, I like the weekend I don’t like work, I like going back to sleep It’s impossible to live on slacking like this My consciousness recedes" "I don’t like vegetables, I like hamburgers I don’t like barley tea, I like juice Don’t be sweet on me, but I like sweet tasting things My lifetime’s first page" "Only looking at things I like gradually my eyesight gets worse Only being filled with things I like gradually my mind gets duller" "I don’t like living things, I like machines I don’t like the real world, I like the virtual Your tastes were always biased deteriorating and ceasing to think" "Surrounded by the things I like I’ve become unforgiving to the things I don’t like Living only with the things I like I'm resented by someone, somewhere"
Ortho: Near
This song is gentle, yet emotional and bittersweet, its meaning also fits Ortho and Idia + their relationship a lot if you take it into their backstory context too. At first, Ortho is just a robot that only acts according to how he was programmed but gradually, he starts acting outside his intended programming and learns his own sentience and emotions - just like the robot girl as the song progresses. Overall, I think this fits him a lot!
“Hey, Near. If I don't make fun of someone And if I won't be able to forgive myself How do you feel about This horrible person?" "Hey, Near. Watching other's strides Stepping out without a purpose How do you feel about this Dull person? Hey Near” “Hey, Near. I think living every day with a smile Is something natural How do you feel about This arrogant person?" "Things that do not take any form and cannot be predicted Will interfere with the calculation process" Even so" "Ah, I'll still continue to believe And ask you who doesn't have a heart Because your hand was So much warmer than mine”
🐉 Diasomnia 🐉
Malleus: Hare wo Matsu
I feel like this song fits Malleus the most with how the lyrics constantly talk about one’s loneliness and about past’s memories. For Malleus, his biggest fear perhaps is his dearest, most cherished people leave his life, like Lilia - his guardian that raises him up ever since he’s still a little lizard or maybe even MC - his ever first friend that treats him so dearly despite his status or his fearful magic power unlike others who is afraid of him. Even the beat is also beautiful but sad, full of longing for your loved one when they leave - just like Malleus himself.
"I'm not getting tired of this morning, One that I've waited for. Very faintly, I'm laughing while appearing to be sorrowful, And wishing to completely forget you." "Because there's no end to this curse Of sleeplessness and the painful past. I'm singing a song in the morning glow, If only I could completely forget, it would end." "There's just one thing I can't yield, And still, without knowing the reason, I live, even now..." "Since I don't have a dream I want to protect, These are days with no answer, But that isn't kindness, isn't it?" "Look, since absolutely nothing hurts, It's alright," I say. Someday, when you'll be gone, ah~ Will I be living alone?”
Lilia: Kanade Tomosu Sora 
I feel like this song fits Lilia the most in terms of the vibe, the lyrics that matched well with his backstory. This song, while sad, full of longing and reminiscent from the past yet it’s like a glimmer of hope somewhere in the deep, dark sea of sad memories. Lilia was the same too despite how we see him acting outwardly. He gives love to others, but he also needs love and hope. He went through events that could crush him easily and yet, he still stayed strong - for a whole 200+ years, for the sake of others. (I recommend checking out the 25ji, Night Code de version too!)
“Every time I trace back my memories, I feel as if I’m going to be crushed, yet Since I have no place to take refuge,  I just keep questioning myself over and over. Ah…” “There are too many things in my way,  It’s as if there are only things I can’t see Is it alright if I try touching it a little? I want to say it. Even though it might surely be impossible, I want to somehow. Hey, more; hey, more; I want to see more” “So I can turn the images I’ve found of your world still unknown to me Into song" "Blaming myself all this time,  I simply live and breathe but only just barely I’ve always shut it away in a cage I’m not asking for a plain, simple story. I simply wish to hear your voice” “It still hurts. Words keep tightening the cord round my neck, but... These eyes of mine I closed so gently as well, still hurt a little, but… I want to say it. Even though now, I still don’t know when it’ll be but someday for sure. Hey, more; hey, more; I want to see more”
Silver: Ice Drop
I think this song fits Silver a lot mostly because of the lyrics, and the deep sea could symbolize the dreams that he dives into in Book 7. Although it’s upbeat, the lyrics are full of longing and reminiscing of the past and also his father, but eventually move on and “grow up” from it.  Not to mention, you could even take it as a SilverMC song if you think about that aspect! But even if it's not in a romantic sense, it's still a song talking about how much the past affects us and how we long for our loved one even if it's just a memory, that's why to me this song is really for Silver!
“Even the memories of the past are merely a thousand-year tale I take a deep breath as I fall into the deep sea” “Uh- that voice of yours drenches my whole heart Tangled up and captivated by each other, we sing our unchanging love once more You, not letting go of your hands become a rule of mine It's a heart that will melt away the rusted last page That one and only magic will turn this world around” “I’ll be waiting. Inside my dream, I reach out my hand” “Uh- On this planet, I fell in love without sleeping I longed for you and hesitated what to do, but from now on, I'll grow up You, If it’s with you, I’ll dive in without hesitation”
Sebek: Kashika
Sebek was the hardest to find for me in the entire list mainly because while he has his own character, he doesn’t have too much depth but I tried my best and I think this song fits him the most! This song is powerful, full of willpower and hope towards tomorrow despite the hard, tough times. The song encourages us to keep living, even in the most uncertain moments, you need to cherish each moment of your life as well your living heartbeat, which represents the tenacity and perseverance of life. I feel like the energy as well the meaning of the song fits Sebek a lot overall for his character - with the desire to rise, stand up and protect he always have.
“When my quivering voice breathed life into a song, It was then I realized, That was the first time my breath could be seen. They say that in the end, the value of music is subjective– Well then, I'll sing as I please, I'll show you the message I want to convey. I won't despair over Or be afraid of my mistakes. They say to "live the right way," But I want to fight against that. My whole life has consisted of "it's my fault." Even if I'm treated like a fool, I'll be hurt and I'll hurt others, I'll live, causing both kindness and injury. The present I see is everything to me, So I don't want to cling onto ideals of the past or the future. Beat, beat, o heart of mine! It might be unsteady, but even so, this is my pulse.”
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silverskye13 · 2 years
Do people know how hard it is to survive the apocalypse? No really, do they? Because Joel really, really rather thinks they don't.
"The Mezalian King is dead guys," he says to nothing in particular. The universe. The sky. Everything. "Get over it."
It was the apocalypse. The world ended, and also his heart was broken, and he lost everything. The Mezalian King, that is. He lost all that. Joel didn’t.
Do people know how hard it is to survive that, though? All the empires fell, everyone died, the end. That's how the apocalypse works. The oceans dried. The fields burned. People escaped, or they didn't. It was the end of the world.
Do people realize?
It's hard to survive the end of the world. It takes a lot of effort. You’re starting from nothing. Less than nothing, really. The sky falls on your head and you dig your way out of it just to realize, wait, everything’s gone? A lot more people die in the aftermath than the explosion. A meteor falling only strikes a single town. The shock wave shakes the earth for a few miles out of it. But that’s not all the damage it does, is it? What happens to everyone who relied on that town for trade goods? You can’t gather food, idiot, the one city that wove good baskets and made good tools is gone! That river you fished in has been so diverted by the mudslide from the shock wave, it doesn’t even give you water anymore.
(This is a metaphor. The end of the world wasn’t a meteor. It was two friends finally admitting they were friends. The effect was the same, though, in the end. Now there are no friends, because everyone is dead. Or gone. Or wish they were. Anyway, back to the metaphor.)
All the water is gone. Now you’re walking ten, twenty, thirty miles to find some in the low places of the world. What happens to all the people who can’t walk, climb, delve? What happens to all the people that can? Surrounded by monsters, and other desperate people willing to do anything to save their own, and you’re not their own anymore. What happens to the King, looking out at his shore, wondering how he’s going to provide for an entire blooming desert when water has decided because of some stupid prophesy it doesn’t exist anymore? He tries his best to rule, but he has nothing. You can’t give someone gold to heal a wound. There’s no apples to guild, all the trees are dead. Terracotta does a great job of getting in your eyes, your mouth, your blood, and stinging everything when it’s crushed to powder. All those alliances you made to fill the gaps your country couldn’t, well, they’re gone. Even the clothes off your back can only go so far.
It takes a lot to survive the end of the world. You rally your people. You inspire them with your stubborn grit, your insistence the world isn’t ending because you’re here! Obviously if we were all going to die, we’d be dead. Plot armor. He’s the Mezalian King. He doesn’t die, and if he does, he comes back. He comes back again and again. Don’t worry I don’t need food, I can, in fact, starve. I don’t need water. I can thirst. I don’t need medicine. I don’t need anything. Give it to someone else. Please, please, give it to someone else.
Can’t you see I’m fine? Take care of your bloomin’ self for goodness sake!
That’s... probably what the Mezalian King said. Joel wouldn’t know. He’s not him.
Anyway it doesn’t matter. The Mezalian King is dead. His heart was broken. His kingdom was in ruins. The world ended. He begged his people to stand together, to care for each other, to walk and keep walking. They fled their burning world to other Empires in similar shambles. They walked. They kept walking. They talked about their King who couldn’t die. How could he? if he died, they wouldn’t be a kingdom anymore. They wouldn’t be a people. So he’s alive. He’s walking with them. He’s insisting they keep moving. Fetch water. Make food. Build shelter. Live. Survive. Thrive.
He’s not a King anymore. He’s an idea. The King is wrathful. If you don’t pull your weight, he will haunt you. The King is sacrificial. We have plenty because he refuses to eat. The King’s heart is broken, so his people aren’t. The Mezalian King is dead. But he’s still here. They build statues of what he looked like, and those fall to dust. They build houses in colors as close to terracotta as they can. Those fall to dust as well. They don’t call themselves Mezalian anymore, but they remember him. It’s been years. Decades. Centuries. Eons. The world is unrecognizable. It’s gods, however, are.
"The Mezalian King is dead guys," Joel, a god of sky and thunder, says to nothing in particular. The universe. The sky. Everything. "Get over it."
It takes a lot to survive the end of the world.
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jeannereames · 4 days
Hero Alexander vs. The Real Alexander
Moving to the second half of a recent question:
And if I'm not wrong, you mention at one place that you don't "heroize" Alexander. That's interesting, since he's often worshiped as a mythical hero. Why did you move away from that?
As a writer (and a reader), I’ve always been intrigued by the challenge of humanizing the “inhuman” (which can also include the ridiculously talented).
When I fell in love with Tolkien as a girl, I wanted to know what it would be like to be an elf, to have magic, to live that long, etcetera. Maybe that’s also why I always preferred Marvel superheroes over DC. Their hallmark was to make the fantastic (mutants, etc.) more human.
Now, I love me some traditional mythopoetic fantasy, but I’m no good at producing it myself. What is mythopoetic style? Peter Beagle, Patricia McKillip, Nancy Springer, C.J. Cherryh’s sidhe novels, my friend Meredith Ann Pierce … and of course Tolkien himself, where magic is real and magical creatures are…well, magical. Inhuman. Elves … not hobbits. Like a fairy tale…a myth (hence “mythopoetic”).
Anyway, I love reading that, but can’t write it to save my soul. When I write epic/historical fantasy (and I do see SFF as my home genre), it’s closer to anthro SF than to any mythopoetic style. My current MIP (monster-in-progress) is a 6-book series set on a secondary world where two branches of humanity survived, one of which, the Aphê, have super-convenient prehensile tails. 😊 The character journey for one of the protags across the first three novels is to recognize the Aphê as human and fallible rather than as a “noble savage” wise people. (Yes, questions of “What does it mean to be ‘civilized’?” are among the series themes.)
When it comes to historical fiction, I take the same tack. Alexander is interesting to me because he was a real person who accomplished extraordinary things.* What might he have been like in real life?
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Making him too perfect—good at everything, no/few mistakes (just misunderstood), always honorable, etc., bores me. That’s the Alexander of his own marketing campaign. (laugh) It was adopted and refined by some later historians such as Arrian, and Plutarch in his rhetorical pieces (less in the Life but still there). That’s why I’m not a huge fan of Renault’s Alexander, and generally prefer her other Greek novels. Manfredi and (sorta) Pressfield do the same. Tarr and Graham also keep him deliberately at a distance to allow him to remain heroized, but it bothers me less because he’s at a distance. (Btw, I do not dislike Renault's ATG novels; they're just not among my favorites, either on Alexander, or of hers.)
Yet I’m not a fan of the other approach, either: to “humanize” him by taking him down a notch—making him NOT all that, just lucky (Lucian, and Nick Nicastro). Or by upending the heroic narrative altogether and turning him into a megalomaniacal “wicked tyrant” ala Pompeius Trogus/Justin or Seneca (and Chris Cameron).
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I want something (and someone) more relatable, even while letting him remain truly astonishing. To humanize the “inhuman.” I realize that’s a challenge as, the moment we do humanize him, it removes him from the realm of the hero, which in turn makes it harder to allow him to be “all that.” For some, any fault is “too much”—the proverbial clay feet—because they’re desperate to have an idol, a hero…not a person. So the haters come out when, for instance, Simone Biles pulled out of the Olympics for mental health and the Twisties. How dare she!
I’m interested in the person. Even if Alexander wanted to be Herakles Take II, he wasn’t inhuman (divine). He was just a guy, and for me, the fact he was “just a guy,” yet still accomplished all those extraordinary things, is the most remarkable part.
I’ll conclude with what I wrote at the end of the author’s note in the back of Dancing with the Lion: Rise (also available on the website):
In the end, whatever approach one takes to Alexander, whatever theories one subscribes to, more or less hostile to the conqueror, we are left with the man himself in all his complexity and contradiction. The phenomenon called “Alexander the Great” has evoked vastly different interpretations from his era to ours. It’s tempting to seek internal consistency for his behavior, or to force it when it can’t be found. Yet no one is consistent. Even more, history itself is distorted by those recording it in order to serve their unique political narratives, whether then or now. Conflicting politics create competing narratives, and histories of Alexander were (and are) especially prone to such distortions. That, in turn, brings us back to where we began: history (like historical fiction) is about who we are now, and what it’s possible for us to become. So Alexander was neither demon nor god, whatever he wanted to believe about himself. He was a man, capable of cruelty and sympathy, brilliance and blindness, paranoia and an open-handed generosity. As remarkable as he was, he was human. And that's what makes him interesting.
* That some of these extraordinary things would be—and should be—reviled by modern standards is part of the uncomfortable contradiction, and legacy, of the ancient world. This is something I also try to depict in the novel. So there is never a “simple win” in a battle. There’s something ugly shown in or as a result of every single one. On purpose. Battle is, and should be, deeply disturbing.
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auckie · 3 months
To everyone calling the stupid trapdoor cute. The larger ones are so intimidating and intense. I’m not really afraid of many animals, save bears. We feed lividus and wandering spiders and giant ass centipedes, we don’t carry very venomous scorpions anymore, but we used to, and may again soon! Which I’m really looking forward to. Keeping medically significant species isn’t something I’m personally into, but I can appreciate how interesting it is just to see these creatures live in a captive setting.
Regardless. Feeding the armored trap doors is so fucking scary. They play dead, if they’re not in their burrow, and they’re these huge black things with what looks like plate armoring on their abdomen, which is odd for a spider this size, and they have huuuge chelicera and fangs, they’re HEAVY. They’re actually hard. Tarantulas are all soft and fuzzy and a bit squishy if you manage to somehow touch their abdomens. Delicate beasts. The trapdoors are literally fucking dungeon monsters, and since they came through the mail, when rehousing them, we had to regularly check that they were okay! So you see this big stupid beast in a death curl and think oh shit it died! And you gently poke it with a paint brush, or blow on it, or squirt it with some mist thinking ‘let’s see what happened’ or ‘maybe it’s dehydrated from the trip’. NO! Zero to sixty in a millisecond and you have to shut the lid to its enclosure without trapping one of its legs, watch it do fifty somersaults and physically shake the container while you wait for it to chill the fuck out. So then you come to anticipate this during feeding, and ideally they make their stupid little burrows what with the tripwires. It’s cute and cool yeah whatever. But since we’re trying to ‘feed expeditiously’ as my boss always puts it, and they’re huge and might take multiple roaches, you gotta lift the door sometimes. If you’re lucky, the roach runs in because it’s stupid and dark hole. If you’re not, even expecting the monster to emerge, it still scares the absolute shit out of you. I sweat every time I deal with them. Tena and pokies and even the Thai funnel webs who have a very dangerous bite and are also just as fast (but so much more relaxed) don’t faze me, I mean sure the centipedes sometimes escape and make everyone stand up alarmed or the wandering spiders make all the dudes talk about the whole permanent erection thing, but these guys have the element of looking like a toy Halloween decoration and moving as fast as an old world T. They’re so cool. But so scary. And I don’t even think their bite is *that* bad compared to some of the hot shit we carry. But I don’t care! but the little one I filmed was very cute and stupid I will give them that. I don’t think I could own one tho. They can’t climb smooth surfaces but that wont stop them from doing 28 backflips if you walk past their tank and I just don’t really feel like associating myself with something that does that, that isn’t at least fuzzy and funny and pink toed. Or even the sand spiders we got. They’re pretty dangerous. But they’re so goofy. Speaking of which I will post a video of one here to make up for a paragraph of text
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sparkbugs · 7 months
Thinking bout Chip Jrwi
This has spiraled from ramblings to character analysis to whatever it has turned into. I rewatched episodes too JUST to make sure I had the right information and plot points in mind cause I want to make sure I’m not making a fool of myself in front of all of Jrwiblr.. ANYWAYS! This is a lengthy read. Total words being 1318 under the cut. Yeah, I’d say the hyperfixation is hyperfixating for sure. Chip Jrwi you are my blorbo atm and you mean everything to me <3
Do you guys think that before they went to the Black Sea, before they left Canella, before they left the town of Zero that Chip looked at his crew, his friends, and his family and wondered if he should stop? Yeah, he lost his old family years ago, and he wanted to do everything in his power to bring them back, to do something about it that his 9-year-old self couldn’t. But do you ever stop and think that maybe he’s realized that he has a family now, a new one and that he’s afraid to lose it to the Black Sea as well? But they’ve come so far now, they found Drey and Finn, hell Finn had been with them the entire time!! They’ve come so far now, and they’re expecting him to want to keep going, to find Arlin, and maybe even some of the other crew they lost as well. I think about it a lot, maybe too much at this point.
Back in the Feywild when Chip could’ve reached out to anyone, he could’ve talked with Arlin again, but he didn’t. He didn’t because he saw something in his nightmares in Liquidis while being cured of his curse. He saw Arlin, covered and surrounded by this black ichor, and he talked to him again. He saw Arlin, the man who took him in when he had nowhere to go, and he had looked at him with so much rage and hatred.. and he had attacked Chip. This would honestly terrify me if I were in Chip’s place. The person who showed me all the care in the world suddenly turned and attacked me? And saying that this has happened before? In a nightmare situation that felt so real, Chip knew it was real… I’d be terrified to find him if he thinks I’m gonna kill him, he’d be fighting for his life too, I’m sure. The Black Sea has affected Arlin too, I don’t think they’ll be able to convince him that they aren’t going to kill him unless somehow Drey and Finn can get through to him, but it seems highly unlikely. 
I think if Chip feels this way at all, maybe not like all I’ve written exactly, I think he feels immensely guilty. He doesn’t want Arlin to be trapped in the hole in the sea, but he’s also immensely terrified as to what he’s going to find once he gets to him. He doesn’t want the person he’s looked up to for so long, the person he’s risked his and his friends' lives for, to hate him. But I also feel that somewhere in his heart (or lack of one), Chip doesn’t blame Arlin for hating him, cause he’s starting to hate himself for getting his new family dragged down into this hole in the sea as well.
Yes, they all chose to come with him to the Black Sea, but if anything happens to them, Chip will forever blame himself for it. Hell, he lost his heart and he has no one other than himself to blame. Jay almost lost her leg (did she? They haven’t made it clear if she did) and I feel that Chip blames himself for that too. Yes, they helped save everyone on the island, but Gods is Chip scared he’s going to lose his family again. Being on this ocean reminds him of when he was just a scared little kid, but now he can do something about it. He’s trying but he’s still so fucking scared. 
Speaking of his heart- he’s trying to hold onto himself. He’s an undead now, and by meta the mechanics of it are roughhhhh. I rambled a bit on another post about one of my characters named Amani, an opal Tiefling whom Chip is starting to remind me of- not exactly but they both have had their hearts taken!! Doing the checks to see if he loses a part of himself terrifies me each and every time and I know there’s going to be more, we can only hope the dice are in Bizly’s favor as we do not know when Chip will be able to get his heart back. It could be months from now, years maybe. I dread the session they head back to Zero and Chip is still undead. I dread Chip reuniting with Ollie. I don’t think Chip wants Ollie to see him that way, he can hide it with the bandana as much as he wants, but the stench of rotten flesh will give it away. Ollie told him to come back alive! Chip wasn’t able to keep that promise. It kills me to think that Chip dies at 19. Yeah he wasn’t a kid, but he was still so young- yeah he might come back once getting his heart but how much of his humanity will he have lost? How much life experience would he have gained in this undead state? He hasn’t even had the time to grieve the loss of himself with everything that's been going on, and I am really hoping with the next episode of Riptide we get to see some of his thoughts on being undead. Yes, he’s made jokes about it! But I feel he still hasn’t fully processed it all and once he finally does it's going to be PAINFUL. 
He’s grown so much from this journey with Jay and Gillion, he was using them at the start, to get back his family. I mean I could be wrong here, but it certainly feels like it at the start of everything anyway. Along the way though, he started opening up a bit and he realized that while sailing and learning about the whereabouts of his family he’s lost, he’s made a new family. And it’s become precious to him. It shows how he has grown during the fights he had with Gillion, the first fight they had dealing with Chip lying and pranking him, wounding Gill’s pride. They resolved it after communicating and getting to know each other better. The second fight was initiated by Chip himself because he knew he was in the wrong and that he had hurt his friend by keeping the fact that Edyn was working with the Navy a secret. He remembered how much lying had hurt Gill, and as much as he didn’t want to tell him at the time, he wanted to protect Gillion from the truth of his sister potentially doing something dangerous behind his and his friends' backs. There hadn’t been much time in between Gillion escaping the pearl and the time that he found out about Edyn, and Chip had tried not to think about it but those damned bracelets (WHICH I WISH THEY WOULD USE MORE?? WHERE DID THEY GO-) outed him on those thoughts. He stayed up ALL NIGHT just to build the arena, just to show Gillion he was sorry and that he needed to fix it, he wanted to fix things between them both. He goes on and on about how Gillion’s actions helped him change for the better, about how he cares about him, and that he never meant to hurt him. Of course, this ends in them battling again, them starting the fight and Jay ending it like the girlboss she is, but this battle was never out of malice or anger, it is light-hearted and fun, and it shows that they’ve all grown stronger together. 
I love Chip Jrwi, I am so happy that he got a second third chance at a family- He deserves it and the world. I totally will be coming back to this at some point but this is all I have to say for now! Feel free to reply/reblog to this with ur thoughts, or even send me an ask bout it cause I would love to continue talking about this boy!
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0zzysaurus · 14 days
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Okay so here’s our schedule fellas. Let me walk you through it in beginner talk.
Fun and important adventure below :]]
NFL is broken into two organisations — The AFC and the NFC. They are then broken down into four regional divisions — each division has four teams. Teams from both the AFC and NFC will play each other throughout the season, but we also have divisional games, where you play the other teams within your division.
Bengals are in AFC North — AFC North consists of, the Cincinnati Bengals, the Cleveland Browns, the Baltimore Ravens, and the Shittsburgh Steelers. We play each of our divisional rivals twice in order to make a ranking within the division, which — on top of overall ranking — determines placement in the play-offs (which not every team gets into, as the season comes to a close, teams with lowest wins are eliminated.)
We always tend to struggle divisionally, so it’s good to have a preliminary look at the non-divisional teams we’ll play, be they other AFC teams or NFC teams. Some of the teams we have this season (i.e. Carolina Panthers, Denver Broncos, Tennessee Titans, etc.) are DOG ASS TEAMS ‼️‼️‼️ We should be able to cinch easy wins from those teams — but never say that out loud, because the Bengals have a habit of ‘bungling’ things up.
On the other hand, we also have some absolutely cracked teams in our schedule (i.e. Philly Eagles, Dallas Cowboys, and regrettably, the Kansas City Chiefs). These will be hard teams to beat, especially the Chiefs, because they’re the NFL’s baby pretty princess special boo boo ga ga team who can do no wrong. The game is scripted in their favour I swear to God. BUT it’s been done. We’ve been known to give those skanks a thrashing.
See, the Bengals are a bipolar team if ever there was one. We either wipe the floor with ‘em, or get absolutely barebacked and humiliated on live television for several weeks straight. We always start bad with even records but tend to climb up the winning ladder the closer to the end we get. Joe Burrow — our Quarterback — also has this cute little habit of getting season-ending injuries every fucking season. He also got a big pay check last year so he’s been playing like total ass. Jake Browning is our second Quarterback and he did an ace job last year for it being his first professional season. Evan McPhearson is our kicker and he’s my favourite. I want him.
If u would like to be a Bengal Freak like me, here are three tenants to follow to keep the spirit of the game alive in your soul:
1. KEEP THAT WHO DEY KITTY IN YOUR HEART !! (Who Dey is both our mascot and our signature chant) When you got the Who Dey on a Game Dey? You can conquer the world. First tenant — Be glad that we’re here.
2. Never say you think we’re going to win a game. It attaches some evil Pharaoh’s curse onto that week of football and we will lose. Even if it’s Q3 and the game only has 15 minutes of playtime left and we are up by multiple TD’s, do not say that we have it in the bag. Do not say we are gonna thrash their hides. Second tenant — If the Bengals can Bungle it, assume that they will.
3. We have enemies. But we also have friends. But more importantly we have enemies. The Chiefs — despite not being a division rival — are a team we are sworn against. Fuck those guys, we all hate ‘em no matter what team you support. Remember them as the key villain of the sport, and revel in their downfall whenever you can, just know that it never lasts long. Division teams are sworn to hatred — the Ravens, Browns, and Steelers all suck — but especially the Steelers. Remember to save all your hatred for those towel-wiping shit squealing Steelers. On the brighter side, the Buffalo Bills are our friends. We have done good things for each other over the past half-a-decade. We’ve got each other into play-offs via score manipulation, we’ve respected one another through very serious injuries, and we send each other food when our teams win. You will see Bengals fans touting them as our friends forever. We love the Bills Mafia. We are in a romantic relationship with the Bills Mafia. The Dolphins, Lions, and 49ers are also our chums! Third Tenant — Root for our rivals, and kill our enemies.
This has been Joey’s introductory guide to being a Bengals Buddy in 2024 — watch out for August when my entire account turns orange ^^ who dey!! 🐯🏈
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steve0discusses · 1 year
Ep 45 Part 2: I, Again, Did Not Expect Ryou
The revolving door of characters wandering into this boss arena continues, and this time it’s Pharaoh who is trying to catch up to the plot with the dead woman on the ground, the giant tablet to the side, and Seto who is cackling to himself in a corner.
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And Seto does a big ol laugh and it’s been a while since we got a villainous laugh out of Seto. Been a LONG TIME. Probably felt great for this voice actor to go back to his roots.
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(read more under the cut)
It’s been a while I’ve been doing this blog, right? And I take it slow, especially right now with chronic fatigue stuff, but MAN I really thought we’d be dueling SETO. Not Aknadin in a Seto Bean! That’s a different guy!
Yugioh! That’s a completely different guy!
And there’s time for the big showdown between Pharaoh and Seto to actually happen. But trying to write it so we no longer develop this rivalry between Seto and Pharaoh feels like...they had to do that because Seto became a friend maybe kind of unintentionally.
It still works, they haven’t lied to us, I just...I have mixed feelings about it.
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Mimicking Blue Eyes in Season 1 and Season Zero, this dragon will not work for you if you are not Seto Kaiba. Or Yugi. She’ll sometimes allow Yugi to play her in his deck. But definately not Seto Imposters. And like that, Aknadin is dead by his own hubris.
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Hubris be killing a lot of billionaires lately, amiright? Yugioh just leaning into my love of killing billionaire gentry with hubris.
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This romantic moment somewhat ruined by the animation team refusing to draw fingers and always keeping everyone’s hands clenched like they’re gonna furiously poop.
Yami watches as Seto recreates the vision that Kaiba had seen several years prior on the blimp. And Yami I’m sure felt entirely 3rd wheel. But he’s used that. He lives in Yugi’s bean. He probably thinks 3rd wheel is normal and how everyone feels all the time.
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Seto decides he’s had enough of watching behind a pillar, and now that everyone is dead and sobbing he should go out and harass Yugi. Youknow, at this funeral. The funeral of his beloved from like a previous life or whatever. Seto is kind over it and for once he is the one that needs a ride home.
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And he’s like “hey so...I noticed that guy looks like me”
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And then, when you think “well I guess Seto joins the party?” they just start screaming at eachother, within earshot of Seto, within earshot of the dead dragon card, within the earshot of like the entire world.
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Remember that no one can actually see Seto but Pharaoh, which makes it even more funny.
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Bakura segue’s us back to Yugi and his cursed friends, where he’s trying his best to explain the logic of cursing your classmates with dark magic so you can go on playdates.
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The idea that you go through all the trouble to curse people into liking you, but the puzzle itself is made of dark magic, so it finds the most terrifying people to make your friend, is funny to me although it is completely my headcanon.
Anyway, get ready for the still my computer caught for this next one.
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(it’s “surprise” but eh I don’t feel like fixing it at this point.)
It DOES look like Tristan is doing a weird cross punch, he’s actually tossing both of them and his hands over extended to the other side, which is a thing we do in animation, we go past the point you intend to go so it looks more fluid--but it does make the tweens funny.
The floor gives way and creates scales made out of the eyes.
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Will Yugi leap from his scale and send his friends to purple doom, or will he find Pharaoh’s name and save the world?
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which like, wouldn’t be a good episode of Yugioh unless multiple people were asking to die, and Joey nailed it in the most Brooklyn way this Japanese boy knows how.
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And so Bakura was like “never mind.” which I guess was an option in the footnotes that only he could read.
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Not shown is a hard to cap animation where Yugi leapt from his edge of the scales and just clung to Joey’s waist and Joey was like “gotta hang on to your friends, right Yuge?” And Yugi was like “Does that mean you forgive me already? Or are you being sarcastic right now?”
Inside of the room is this.
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I LOVE the outline tool in photoshop. Good stuff. I LOVE it. and so does this animation team. Outlined the HELL out of those birds.
They leave the name zone room, with no idea at all how to say Pharaoh’s name. Where, they ran straight into Tristan and decided enough was enough, it’s time to have a chat. Because no, they haven’t figured it out.
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You may be asking “so where did Tristan go?”
He’s probably not fine. But um. No idea where Tristan went.
Also, guess who we haven’t seen in like 20 episodes since Seto stepped over his prone body on the steps?
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Ryou! Little Ryou is back!
This guy who we...thought was a good guy? Anyway he’s off to literally kill Yugi, just like he’s want to do.
Straight up...I can’t fully predict Ryou, mostly because we rarely ever see the kid, but damn, he sure did wake up just ready to do a murder today, didn’t he?
And yes, this does mean that Ryou was pretending to be Bakura pretending to be Tristan, just so we the audience could get a fun triple reveal in this episode.
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For some damn reason Ryou brought a duel disk to ancient Egypt. So we WILL get actual proper cards. And by proper cards, I mean Yugioh TV show cards, which line up not at all with the actual card game. Can’t wait to spell FINAL and then die.
Anyway, here’s the link to read these in chrono order.
We are quickly running out of people in this season to kill, but we still got a few of Pharoah’s ancient friends left, and as for who dies next episode? My bet is on...Isis. Sorry Isis, I know you got a cool hat and you’re the token girl but, she’s super dead next right?
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huskynotwolf · 5 months
When I first met a Watcher — Scar
From my Fanfic Watchers and Hunters on Quotev
The world is weird. 
Like, for example, the day me and Martyn found a Watcher. 
We were, as usual, patrolling around to see if there is anything wrong. Martyn was complaining about it being boring, but Xisuma told him he had to otherwise, so he couldn’t argue with that. Impulse said he had other jobs, so he didn’t join us.
I mumbled as I went down to weaponry to get myself crossbows because I thought it would come in handy. I found Scott enchanting shields and tridents in a corner, with Cleo next to him, holding an axe. “Hey come on, don’t stare,” Martyn mumbled, grabbed a bow and a stack of arrows and started up the stairs. Cleo gave me a brief wave before walking away to another chest. 
We were walking through the forest, with Martyn murdering any chicken we came about. “Look, I don’t know the point of hunting Watchers. They’re not really messing with us, right?” He grumbled. I elbowed him hard in the ribs and grunted. “You never know when they attack. They hit hard.” I touched the long scars on my face. It was from a hawkling Watcher a bit back ago, when I got attacked by it and then my buddies had to save me. I kept my distance ever since, but I won’t hesitate to kill if I got attacked. 
There was a rustle of leaves up front, and Martin stopped torturing a nearby rabbit. “What’s that?” He perked up, walking closer to me. I pulled out my crossbow, just in case, when a swishing sound followed by the hiss of a creeper came behind up. I jumped and tried to pull Martyn away, when a multicolour blur shot past me, slammed into the creeper and knocked it into a tree. It screeched, then vanished in a puff of smoke. 
“Whew! That was close. Careful next time, travellers. Creepers are nasty in my forest.” He said, waving a hand and sweeping leaves off his red shirt. He had brown beady eyes and a pair of jeans, but sprouting behind him was a pair of giant, red-yellow-green parrot wings sprouting behind him. He had bird talons instead of legs as well. 
There is a Watcher right in front of us. 
“Ahhh!” Martyn screamed and lashed out his sword. The Watcher yelped and leapt up a tree, claws scraping against the branch. “Woah woah woah woah woah… I save your lives and now you wanna kill me? Wow, should’ve just left you there.” The Watcher mumbled. Martyn held his sword high. “Gimme a reason not to kill you right now.” He growled, poison seeping in every word. “Eh, I know you won’t. Anyway, be grateful. Now get out of my forest.” He flicked his hand in a ‘shoo’ motion. 
I raised my voice. “Wait, Martin, stop.” I pushed his sword downwards. “Sorry. You have a name?” I turned towards the mystery guy that apparently owns this forest. “What’s yours?” He replied, playing with a stick. “Scar. That’s Martyn. We’re Hunters.” I said, trying to keep my excitement. I’ve never managed to talk to a Watcher for more than thirty seconds! Most of the time they’re trying to kill me!
”Grian,” he mused. “I’d better be off. Just in case someone tries to find my base and steal all of my stuff.” He flapped his wings. Martyn stared at his wings in awe as he stretched them. “Bye!” Grian laughed and launched off the branch, sending leaves and sticks showering down onto the floor. 
“Well, should we tell Xisuma?” Martyn asked, shaking his head. “Nah. Tryin’ keep that secret.” I mumbled. He shook me. “Dude! How can you be so calm about that?!” I only held up a finger. “He seems harmless.” He slapped my hand. “Hey! You know what happened to your face? No one wants that again.” He growled. “You’re the one who said nothing will happen.” I pointed out. He scratched his head then looked down. “Yeah whatever.”
”Let’s get back to base.”
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magnorious · 1 year
Percy Jackson and Why the Best Villains are Right
Spoilers for Percy Jackson and the Olympians books 1-5!
Disney isn’t known for fantastic twist villains, and with the upcoming PJO show on Disney+, it’s high time we show some appreciation for a fantastic twist villain, before Disney (potentially) ruins him.
For those who haven’t read the books in a while, Luke Castellan is a son of Hermes, the god of many things whose cabin at Camp Half-Blood also takes in all the demigods who haven’t been claimed by their godly parent, and who might never be. At first, Luke seems like a great guy, nothing seems off about him until the twist and all these little seeds you didn’t see earlier start to sprout.
Spoilers for the entire first series: Luke is seventeen in TLT. He spends the next four books a full-blown villain raising monster armies and turning other demigods to the side of Kronos, a titan who wants to rise and destroy the gods. Percy and the other good guys don’t understand why Luke and these other demigods would join forces with the dark side. They’re going to have to fight their friends, help murder their parents, and probably help destroy the world.
The easy way out would be just to paint these kids like Rowling did with Slytherin and make them all delinquent bastards. Riordan didn’t do that. As the books go on there’s an undercurrent, sometimes blatantly obvious, of godly neglect. The gods go around sleeping with mortals on a whim to have demigods around to do their bidding, leading often to tragically short lives, violent deaths, and scarred mortal parents. The number of unclaimed kids in the Hermes cabin keeps rising and while Protagonist Percy’s dad Poseidon is pretty decent, he’s not exactly deadbeat father of the year.
If anyone’s godly dad of the year it’s Hades but that’s not important right now. So the books progress and we get all these little nuggets of doubt sprouting against the gods. Kids that get sent on quests and don’t come back, gods who take an eye for an eye literally, who very much only see these kids as tools and a means to an end.
Luke, meanwhile, ends up allowing himself to become the host body for Kronos’ spirit. This desperate seventeen year old looking for guidance where he has none, joins the *bad crowd* for recognition and acceptance and praise, because he’s spent his life bitter and unloved by all-powerful gods who don’t understand or care that they’re still supposed to be parents to their kids.
All five books have been leading up to this climactic Great Prophecy that goes as follows:
“A halfblood of the eldest gods shall reach sixteen against all odds And see the world in endless sleep the hero’s soul, cursed blade shall reap A single choice shall end his days Olympus to preserve or raze.”
Naturally Percy and the audience assume that the prophecy obviously means that Percy’s going to get his soul reaped by a cursed blade to decide the fate of olympus.
But that’s not what happens.
The prophecy is actually talking about two different people. The first half is unmistakably Percy, he’s the only halfblood of the eldest gods eligible. But the second half, the owner of the “hero’s soul” is actually Luke. We just don’t realize that until the page where Luke stabs himself with the knife he gave to Annabeth, cursed because he betrayed his promise to her and destroyed their friendship.
Luke dies a hero, stabbing himself and killing Kronos’ host body before Kronos can attain full power and become unstoppable. He dies a hero because he was never the villain. Yes we’re responsible for our own actions and actions have consequences but Luke did die to right his wrongs.
All he wants, as he’s dying in front of Percy, is for Percy to make sure that every unclaimed and unloved kid in his cabin and beyond is shown the respect they deserve. It’s all he’s wanted the entire series and has just been groomed and manipulated by an equally abusive entity to satisfy their own ends.
So in the end, when Olympus is saved and Percy’s staring down the barrel of a wish for literally anything, immortality and godhood included, he says no. He says Kronos happened because of them. Luke happened because of them. They were neglectful parents, so their unloved kids came to resent them enough to not care if the world got destroyed if it meant justice was served.
Luke, in the end, was right. So the gods agree to do better (whether they actually do kinda gets sidetracked by the plot of books six through ten but that’s not the point here).
Children’s media, and adult media, should really take a page out of the Percy Jackson books on how to write a villain. It would not have been the same beloved story it is today had Luke just become irredeemably pure evil and Kronos been more than a phantom voice for 90% of the story. If the gods were awesome attentive parents and Luke came along whining about not getting even more attention, he’d be seen as a selfish, entitled brat.
But he’s not. This story does what a thousand other YA and children’s books do and that’s make world-saving heroes out of children. But these books are in the minority by recognizing how tragic it is to force twelve, thirteen, fourteen year olds into fighting for their lives and dying for a god who can’t be bothered to remember who they are. It’s based on Greek mythology. It wouldn’t be faithful to the source material without a fat dose of tragedy.
Yeah, it’s cool to be a special demigod with water powers and flight and necromancy, but no one wants to be a Hermes kid for a very tragic reason.
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Yin and Yang: Book 1.16
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Balance is a key aspect in the world, so why shouldn’t the Avatar have an opposite?
In a world where Raava and Vaatu merge with humans, the Avatar and the Daimon try to keep the peace between the four nations.
Aang and Hua are the current incarnations, but wake up 100 years in the future.
How will these two learn all four elements in one year and defeat the Fire Lord?
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Book 1.16: The Deserter 
After two weeks I can finally update T.T
I’m so happy I finished this chapter, it gave me so much trouble.
It helped that I worked on My Hero Academia FF Kill La Hero, so give it a look.
Also, I want to announce something: I have finally decided to say fuck it.
People today say we can’t write smut or similar things for FICTIONAL characters even if they are underage.
Do these people not know how teenagers are?
Most of them are horny all the time and when they can have sex they will do it!
They won’t stop watching porn and having sex with each other because we aren’t anymore writing about Fictional Character A having sex with Fictional Character B.
Also, writing should be free!
We should write what we want, it’s not my task to monitor kids and teens.
I put the warning on and if they still can read it, then blame the parents not us authors!
It’s their mission to protect the innocent of their children.
Even if they talk in school about sex.
I can still remember what we talked about in my teens.
And it wasn’t My Little Pony or grades. XD
Sex is something normal and natural and not something to be ashamed of.
And more I don’t say.
If you disagree feel free to block me and search for other fanfics.
You think like that, I think it this way.
Let’s respect each other's opinions.
I’m telling you this because we will experience together with Aang and Hua the first steps in physical love. I don’t think I will let them have sex right now, but dear god I want them French kissing without people coming for my ass.
Also, Zutara is to hot to not have sex when they are a couple ;D
Anyway, we are still a long way away from these things I just wanted to give you a heads-up. ^^
Now on with the story!
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Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. 
Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. 
Only the Avatar and Daimon, masters of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed them most, they vanished. 
A hundred years passed, and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar and Daimon, an airbender named Aang and an earthbender named Hua. 
And although his airbending and her earthbending skills are great they have a lot to learn before they’re ready to save anyone. 
But I believe Aang and Hua can save the world.
It was nearly sunset when Team Avatar reached a little roadside kiosk.
Getting curious they walked up to it.
“This should give us a good idea of what's around here.”, mussed Katara reading the posters.
Sokka flips a small pouch to find it empty aside from a few crumbs.
“See if you can find a menu, I'm starving!”, groaned the water tribe teen.
“I bet we'll find something to eat here, the Fire Day's Festival.”, said Aang, before he read aloud. “Fire Nation cultural exhibits, jugglers, benders, magicians ...This would be a great place for Hua and me to study some real firebenders.”
The Daimon, who had Jaiyi in her arms, raised an eyebrow. “What? Are you saying my firebending lessons are not enough?”
“Hua, we learned the scroll up and down.”, reminds her Aang. “Now we are making it up on the go and I don’t think we are making great progress.”
Hua raises a finger, like she wants to argue, then frowns and signs.
Aang had a point.
They knew the firebending scroll by now without even looking at it.
They needed to learn new moves.
“You are right. It would be good to go to this festival.”
“You guys might wanna rethink that. Look at this.”, called Sokka from the other side of the kiosk.
All joined him to see what was wrong.
The answer was simple.
“Hey, posters of me, Hua and Blue!”, grinnend Aang.
The posters looked good!
“Wanted posters! This is bad.”, corrected him Soka.
Each of the three who had a poster removed it from the kiosk. Blue just grumbled it, Hua studied the painting of herself, while Aang read his poster.
“I think we better keep moving.”, declares Katara.
“The scroll helped us, this could be Hua and mine only chance to watch a master's up close.”, begged Aang.
Hua nodded.
“I’m with him. We will never master firebending only with the scroll.”
Katara frowned, but she had to admit, the youngest had a good point.
“I guess we could go check it out.”
This made Aang and Hua smile, while Sokka and Blue stared at Katara.
Did they hear right?!
“What? You wanna walk into a Fire Nation town where they're all fired up with their ... you know, fire?”, questioned Sokka.
Blue wrote his thoughts.
>>I’m with Sokka. This just screams trouble for us.<<
Sokka narrowed his eyes at him but then signed: “Can’t believe I’m with Mask-Dude on the same side…but this doesn’t mean I will stop keeping watch over you mister?!”
All just deadpannend at Sokka.
His paranoia of Blue was getting old.
Secretly Zuko was happy how only Sokka mistrusted him still. It was one obstacle less in his quest to capture Aang and Hua.
“We'll wear disguises and if it looks like trouble, we'll leave.”, proposed Katara to the two sceptics.
“Yeah! Because we always leave before we get into trouble.”, sasses Sokka back.
However, since the two oldest boys were outvoted, they had no choice but to go with the others to the festival.
Sokka to protect them, while Zuko hoped a chance would turn up to snatch Hua and Aang.
At nightfall, they had nearly reached the town where the festival was held.
They stopped on a hill and Aang told their animal friends to hide. Momo and Jaiyi dived into a bush and Appa hid behind the little bush.
It was adorable!
Then it was time to disguise themselves...
Blue just put the hood of his robe even deeper over his masked face. Hua, Sokka and Katara put on their black cloaks while Aang pulls his orange shawl over his head with a smile, making him look ridiculous.
“It's like you're a whole different person …”, retorted Sokka sarcastically, while Hua and Katara giggled.
Blue just shook his head.
“Let's go.”, said Aang cheerfully.
After a few minutes they enter the bustling town.
People with masks were everywhere, children played and they nearly got run over by a costume dragon.
“I think we need some new disguises.”, told Katara studying the people with the masks.
“Where are we gonna get masks like that?”, wondered Sokka.
It seemed like the universe was good to them tonight since they heard a man calling: “Get your genuine Fire Festival masks here!”
“That was surprisingly easy.”
Blue keeps his mask since they sold Blue Spirit masks too, so hopefully, no one would conclude he was the real Blue Spirit, while the other picked out their mask.
Hua chose a white with red markings kitsune mask, Katara chose a lady with makeup, Sokka a blue smiling mask with petals around the rim, and Aang chose a red mask with a frown on it. 
After looking at them Katara removes Sokka's mask, revealing him to be frowning, and Aang's mask, revealing him to be the one smiling. 
She places Sokka's original mask over Aang's face and Aang's over Sokka.
You could feel Sokka frown even more.
They walked around for a bit looking at the attractions. Sokka nearly burned himself with this food called Fire Flakes.
Not even he was hungry enough to eat them full.
They watched a little puppet show with Firelord Ozai who burned down an earthbender and decided to move along.
Too macabre for them.
Then Aang sees a big crowd and leads his friends there, Sokka murmurs that it was probably an execution.
Zuko heard him.
And it didn’t make him feel good.
The other where the whole time on edge at the Fire Festival, while he remembers happier times, going with his mom and uncle and Lu Ten to them and enjoying them.
How Sokka said that the main attraction of the festival had to be an execution…was this how the other nations saw the Fire Nation?
That when they celebrate, they like to execute people?
What he learned with his tutors so long ago was how the Fire Nation wanted to spread their technological advance over the primitive nations, but this?
It made him question things again.
He was never more thankful as the show turned out to be a magician who needed a volunteer for his next trick, picking Katara. Aang thought she was in danger and airbenden the fire away, which turned into confetti and lost his mask.
As a distraction, Aang made a silly dance, while Hua and Sokka freed Katara from her seat, as people recognised Aang as the Avatar.
Then a wild chase took place and a man in a hood helped them to flee with explosions.
Aang called for Appa with his whistle and they flow away from the festival.
The Avatar praises their new ally for his quick thinking with the explosion and setting off the fireworks, while Sokka impressed tells him how the man knows his explosives.
That’s when the man turns around and they see he is a Fire Nation Soldier!
The man corrected them.
He was once and his name was Chey.
The group lands to make camp.
When the campfire burns, Chey begins to speak.
“I serve a man.”, he says. “More than a man really, he's a myth, but he's real, a living legend, Jeong Jeong the Deserter. He was a Fire Nation general, or wait, was he an admiral?”
“He was very highly ranked, we get it.”, stops him Sokka unamused.
“Yeah! Way up there! But he couldn't take the madness any more. He's the first person ever to leave the army - and live. I'm the second, but you don't get to be a legend for that. That's okay though. Jeong Jeong's a firebending genius. Some say he's mad - but he's not! He's enlightened.”
Did Aang and Hua hear right?!
“You mean there's a firebender out here who's not with the Fire Lord?”, they chorused together, Aang even stood excited up. “We've gotta go see him! He can train Hua and me!”
“We're not gonna go find some crazy firebender!”, makes Sokka clear.
Even normally Firbender where a pain in the butt, however a crazy ex-general/admiral living in the woods, just screamed trouble!
Annoyed Chey comes to his master's aid. “He's not crazy! He's a genius! And he's the perfect person to train the Avatar and Daimon! That's why I followed you into the festival.”
Now the annoyed Sokka makes clear how he was thankful for the help, however, they would leave for the North Pole in the morning.
Now Hua and Aang protested together.
“Sokka, this could be our only chance to meet a firebending master who would be willing to teach us!”
“It can't hurt just to talk to him.”, agreed Katara with the two youngest.
“That's what you said about going to the festival! Why doesn't anyone ever listen to me?”
“Is this again about your instincts?”, mumbled Hua, yet Katara and Aang heard her and giggled.
As Sokka turns to pout, he almost runs right into a spear. 
In a flash, they are surrounded by men wearing straw hats, light armour, tribal make-up, and wielding spears.
The Spirits hated him, Zuko was sure.
Not only was going to the Fire Nation Festival a disaster, no, but now he was in one of the huts of deserters and traitors of his country!
If his father ever found out he was near the infamous Jeong Jeong the Deserter, he could forget his throne and say hi to a nice little cell on the Boiling Rock!
Maybe Uncle Iroh was right and his plan did have flaws.
No, he couldn’t think like that!
As long as he keeps his “Blue” theatre-going, no one would ever need to know how he captures the Avatar and Daimon.
Still…when he was a boy, Zuko remembered how Uncle Iroh talked about Jeong Jeong, calling him a military genius and a dear friend.
Could someone, whose uncle so appreciated, really be a bad guy?
The part of him, that was formed through propaganda, said yes, but his emotional side, who trusted his Uncle said no.
So…does it mean the Fire Nation, his father, was in the wrong? It was like someone threw a bucket of cold icy water on him.
How could Zuko think such traitorous thoughts?!
He was his father's and his nation's loyal servant!
That’s why he did this spiel of being friends with Aang and Hua to capture them for his nation.
For his honour and to eliminate their biggest treat!
Still…he looked at the people who slept beside him.
Katara was nearly snuggled on his side, which was not good for his racing teenage hormones.  He was still a teenager and she was a beautiful girl, who was too trusting of him!
Sokka slept behind him to not make any funny business happen.
Like Zuko would do anything to Katara.
Sweet and fierce Katara, who naturally took him in in their group and acted with him like they were old friends.
She didn’t deserve the heartbreak he would cause her when he took Aang and Hua away.
Zuko had seen and felt how Katara saw the two youngest as her own.
But he wouldn’t have a choice.
He never has a choice.
Then there were Aang and Hua.
Hua slept on Aang's chest, gripping his robes, while Aang embraced the smaller girl.
They looked like two puzzle pieces.
A perfect fit.
Just none of these two wanted to look reality in the face.
Behind his mask Zuko signed.
He was already a way to invest with everyone, even with Sokka when they squabbled over random things, it would only hurt when he betrayed- when he had to fulfil his mission.
More than normal he wished for his Uncle's advice, okay, Uncle Iroh would sprout some weird proverb nonsense, but then he would help Zuko figure it out.
Another sign left his lips.
He should try to sleep.
Thinking this all over and over wouldn’t change a thing.
He NEEDED his honour, his place as the crown prince back.
He wouldn’t leave the Fire Nation in the perfectly manicured hands of his cruel sister!
Azula cared for power, not for people.
It’s then that Chey enters their little hut.
So much for sleeping.
Careful, with Hua still in his arms, Aang sits up.
“What happened? Can we see Jeong Jeong now?”, he whispered, while Hua cutely snuggled up closer to him and Aang stroked her black hair.
Yeah, these two were already a couple and didn’t even notice.
How did Katara said to Zuko? Aang and Hua were two lovable idiots in the mysterious ways of love.
He had to agree.
Meanwhile, Chey made a face.
“The thing is…he only wants to speak to the Daimon since her next element is Fire. He doesn’t want to talk to you at all. After talking with the Daimon he wants you all to leave immediately.”
“Finally!”, shouted Sokka, which woke now everyone up.  “Let's hit the road.”
“Why won't he see me?”, wonders Aang, while Katara and Hua yawn and rub the sleep from their eyes.
“He says you're not ready. Says you haven't mastered waterbending and earthbending yet.”, Chey explains.
“Wait, how does he know that?”
“He saw the way you walked into camp. He could tell.”
“I'm going in, anyway!”
“Wait Aang!”, stops him Hua. “I should probably talk first with Master Jeong Jeong. He did ask for me. Maybe I can sway him to teach you too.”
Katara nodded. “I’m with Hua. Let her talk with him first.”
After a second to reflect on it, Aang agreed.
That’s when Chey let the metaphorical bomb explode.
“He wants to talk to the Blue Spirit too.”
All eyes zero’ed on Zuko, while he started sweating.
What did the infamous deserter want from him?
Maybe his rigid body told Chey what he was thinking since the man said to him: “I dunno, why he wants to talk with you. Maybe because you are fighting against the Fire Nation too?”
“Or because he IS Fire Nation.”, whisper-shouted Sokka.
For that, Katara hit with her elbow the side of his stomach.
Ignoring Sokka’s paranoia Hua stood up and waved to Zuko.
“Come on, Blue let’s talk to Master Jeong Jeong.”
Did he have a choice in this matter?
Not if he didn’t want to blow his cover.
So he followed Hua to Jeong-Jeong's hut.
They squabbled a bit about who should go in first before it was decided Zuko should go in first.
Jeong Jeong surely wanted to talk longer to Hua as she was the Daimon, than he who was a vigilante.
Yeah, Zuko had a bad feeling.
The feeling got worse when he stepped into the hut and saw Jeong Jeong already turned in his direction, fixing him with a knowing look.
Nervous Zuko bowed before him.
He wondered what Jeong Jeong wanted from him.
Yawing Hua was sitting beside Master Jeong Jeong's hut.
He and Blue were talking quite long.
What did a Firebending master need to tell their friend, which took so much time?
If she wasn’t so sleepy, she would thought about it more, but Hua wanted just to fall back in Aang's arms and sleep till midday.
She was really tired, okay?
That’s when Blue stepped out of the hut. Her friend stared down on the floor, seeming pensive.
“Hey Blue.”, she greeted him, standing up. “Is anything alright?”
Even if his mask didn’t show his eyes, Hua felt them formally on her.
Something desperate and sad was in them.
He just patted her head and walked in the direction of the forest.
Did he need time to think?
Hopeful he would return soon.
With a sign, Hua stepped into Jeong Jeong's hut.
She could smell the soft fragrance of jasmine as she bowed before the master.
“Master Jeong Jeong it is an honour to meet you.”, she greeted him.
“Raise, girl.”
So she did as she was told.
Jeong Jeong had wild white hair, a scar going down one of his eyes and wore simple black clothes.
He was currently making tea.
That’s why she smelled jasmine.
“Take a seat.”
She kneeled in perfect seiza before him. Jeong Jeong handed her a cup of tea.
“Drink. It’s a brand a friend of mine likes quite much, it will help you to stay awake.”
Hua thanked him with a bow and tasted the tea.
Mmh, what a filigree and delicious taste.
Jeong Jeong's friend knows his tea.
“You wanted to speak with me, Master?”
“Indeed, girl. I know you aren’t an earthbending master yet.”
How did he know?
“But you are getting closer. Your next element is fire.”
She nodded.
“I’m currently training in it with a scroll, but there isn’t anymore for me.”
“I see.”, hummed Jeong Jeong, sipping his own tea. “You need a master.”
“Are you offering yourself, it would be a great help and honour, Master.”
“This would mean, you have to leave your friends and your Avatar.”, he told her simply. “He needs to learn water and has to go to the North Pole, if you wanna learn fire you have to stay here with me before you rejoin him to learn earth.”
It was like a slap in the face!
Leaving….Leaving Aang, Katara and Sokka?
Staying here all alone?!
“I had a feeling.”, declared Jeong Jeong with wise eyes. “You and the Avatar were brought together too soon and started to learn together 100 years ago, I’m correct?”
Not trusting her voice Hua nodded, before she croaked out. “I lived in the Southern Air Temple a few months before Sozin’s Comet came. With me was an Earth Sage, Master De, who trained me in earthbending, while Aang should have perfected his airbending. Since then we have always been together.”
“What fools.”, grumble the master. “I can understand letting you meet so soon and tell your destinies because the war was on the horizon, but starting the bond between you was foolish! An Avatar and Daimon pair normally meets once at 16 then four times a year, when each season begins, till they have mastered their respective elements. Then the bond should take root and lead to love or companionship. But this mess…only complicated things. You can’t anymore be without each other.”
This made Hua bite her lips nervous.
Should she ask?
She needed to ask.
“Will you teach Aang then with me?”
 “No!”, he said loud and clear. Even the flames of the candles rose up. “He needs to learn water and earth first! But I recognize I can’t keep you from your Avatar.”
Jeong Jeong handed her a little chest, which she hadn’t noted before.
“Here are some Firebending scrolls. More advanced than the one you have surely. Learn with this, till you and the Avatar come to learn fire from me. But before master earth and water. This is the best solution for the mess the monks and Earth Sages did 100 years ago.”
The Daimon thanked Jeong Jeong with a bow, hugging the chest to herself.
“Go in peace, young Daimon.”
“You too, master.”
Hua knew when she was dismissed, so she went to their hut for the night.
How should she explain to Aang that Jeong Jeong didn’t want to teach him?
In the end, Hua's worry was for nothing.
Somehow Aang convinced Jeong-Jeong to teach them both.
So the next morning, while Sokka fishes, Katara practices her waterbending and Blue still hasn’t returned, the Avatar and Daimon stand bandy-legged, on flat stones in the river.
Jeong Jeong stands a foot or two away on the bank in front of his cottage.
“Widen your stance. Wider! Bend your knees. Now, concentrate.”, tells them, Jeong Jeong. “Good, good!”
“Wait! What do we do now?”, wonders Aang, while Hua sends him a look that screams don’t speak!
“Silence! Talking is not concentrating! Look at your friend, is she talking? Even that oaf knows to concentrate on what he's doing!”
From Sokka comes an offended Hey.
“But what are we concentrating on?”, asks Aang again and Hua makes an aport-the-mission sign.
“Feel the heat of the sun. It is the greatest source of fire. Yet, it is completely balanced with nature!”, explains Jeong Jeong.
Hua nods, takes a deep breath and closes her eyes.
She tries to feel the warmth, only concentrating on that, but, of course, Aang has to interrupt again: “So when do I get to make some fire?”
“Aang, you make ME lose my concretion!”, shouts Hua together with Jeong Jeong.
Their teacher leaves them and Aang feels embarrassed. Even more when he hears Sokka and Katara giggle behind him.
He blushes.
Hua just signs and follows Jeong Jeong's instructions.
She wants to become a better firebender, if she has to start at the beginning she will.
A while later, Jeong Jeong returns and leads them high up on a mountain.
Aang can’t keep himself from asking if they can make fire now, only for their teacher to say he brought them there to breathe.
The Avatar was in disbelief, but he followed Jeong Jeong's instructions.
Then he leaves the two alone again.
It takes Aang exactly five minutes before he whispers: “Hua, hey Hua!”
The spoken to girl just continued breathing, trying to ignore Aang.
She wants to fulfil this exercise to Jeong Jeong pleasing.
Sadly Aang calls her again a few times.
Hua loses her nerves when he pokes her.
“What Aang?!”, she shouts. “What is so important?!”
“Come on, you have to think this is wasting our time. We already can do firebending moves.”, Aang whines.
“Aang, I think we should listen to our teacher. Jeong Jeong knows more about this then we both together. Look, he already corrected our stance. We were all wrong.”
The boy huffs a little.
But it was so boring!
It was more fun learning firebending with Hua and the scroll.
“You know what, I’m going to talk to Jeong Jeong.”, declared Aang.
“Aang that’s a bad idea, just do the exercise.”
However, her other half was already on the way to their master.
Hua couldn’t help herself to huff.
Aang, the airhead, wanted to have fun, then really learn the elements.
Did he think the war was a joke?
Well, she at least would listen to Jeong Jeong.
She didn’t know how much time passed, it was like she had fallen into a trance when she heard someone come for her.
Silence was around them.
Curious she opened one eye.
It was Blue!
“Hey, Blue, were where you? We have been worried.”, she tells him.
Blue only stares at her.
A bit nervous Hua opens fully her eyes.
“I’m currently meditating, feeling the sun, you know for firebending.”
Still nothing from her friend.
A bad feeling took its place in Hua's stomach.
Then Blue finally moved, coming towards her.
After Katara healed Aang's burn, they finally noted their missing friends.
“Where are Hua and Blue?”, wondered Katara.
She had a bad feeling in her stomach.
“She is probably still where Jeong Jeong left her. I know where.”, said Aang calmly.
Jaiyi yipped it at him in a way that said let’s hurry and pick up my girl.
So Aang flows Appa in the direction of the mountain.
What they found there surprised them.
It looked like a battlefield, with burn marks on the ground, yet strangely Blue and Hua were sitting there together, talking with each other.
The girl even seemed to have cried.
“Hey Hua, Mask-Dude!”, called Sokka for their attention. “Need a lift?”
“Hey guys, that would be nice.”, sniffled Hua and Blue patted her shoulder.
They helped them on Appa and Katara fussed over Hua.
“What’s wrong Hua? Did you hurt yourself?”
“No, no…Blue and I talked.”
“He can talk.”, sassed Sokka in between.
All ignored him.
“Blue wants to give you something Katara.”, told Hua.
Now all were curious.
Blue took something out of his pocket and gave it to Katara.
“It’s my mother's necklace!”, shouted Katara happy. She thought she would never see it again. “Blue where did you find it?!”
“I found it on the prison ship you started a riot with the earthbenders.”, talked Blue for the first time to them.
His voice may have been a bit muffled from his mask, but the other three know this voice well enough.
Sokka got his boomerang ready.
“I know it!”, he shouted. 
Slowly Blue took his mask off...and they looked at Prince Zuko's calm and somewhat defeated face!
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Muhahahaha I hope you like the cliffhanger!
I wonder what will now happen? :D
Let me hear your theories!
I hope the next chapter won’t take this long, but if it does please be patient with me and motivate me with comments so I keep on writing :D
Till next time <3
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too-much-yike · 2 years
why analogical is canon
hello this is a list i made of why logan and virgil are boyfriends. btw they aren’t in any sort of order so.. sorry if i keep going back to certain episodes lol. also first post let’s go
feel free to add in the comments i suppose
* virgil doesn’t get too upset when roman insults him, but when logan calls him a defeatist, he is upset in the next ep too
* in the puppet video, virgil says “but when you lo- CARE for someone, not much hurts more than their scorn” tldr; virgil loves logan and that’s why he got upset at him calling virgil a defeatist
* literally the whole episode of my negative thinking is logan trying to comfort virgil without making it seem like he’s pitying him and he makes that clear at the end
* logan immediately notices when virgil is upset in the first part of moving on despite not usually knowing when things are upsetting the other sides, BUT WHEN IT COMES TO VIRGIL-
* during the intrusive thoughts episode, virgil says “i sound the alarm whenever princey say we talk to a cute guy” LOGAN LITERALLY SMILES AT HIM
* when logan almost says virgil was being paranoid, it looks like virgil internalized that immediately and logan realizes what he did and tries to be nicer afterwards in the ep.
* there’s a reason why they stand so close to eachother. they’re holding hands through the staircase railing 🤨
* both of them constantly making sure eachother are comfortable with doing things that the others want to do. like when virgil is about to share his name, logan goes “oh that’s okay. no pressure. if you don’t want to” and when the other sides tell logan to become a puppet, virgil says “only if you want to”
* virgil is extremely relieved after pt. 2 of moving on when logan comes back and logan assures him by saying that he won’t ever really leave
* end of pt. 1 of moving on, logan realizes he’s wrong about going to pattons room only because virgil gets upset. before and after this episode, he hates to admit he’s wrong EXCEPT when virgil feels upset
* when roman shushes logan in the originality ep, he looks over at virgil to “communicate” with someone who agrees with him and vigil gives him an understanding eyeroll
* in the cartoon episode when virgil appears, he doesn’t get to finish what he’s saying because roman and thomas interrupt him, so logan asks “what we’re you saying” so virgil can make his point
* at the end of the cartoon vid, logan gives reasons as to why living in the real world can be just as fascinating as living in a cartoon to comfort virgil and his worries of never living as happy of a life as a cartoon character would
* at the end of fitting in, virgil’s outfit change is the only one he “compliments” by saying “that design” to him and none of the others
* in the valentine’s day episode, logan is about to talk about blood diamonds after virgil says that the diamond industry is unethical, likely about to go off on a tangent that both him and virgil are interested in (not rlly proof they’re canon but i’d like to believe this is how they started being yk.. a thing)
* logan takes what virgil says literally all the time bc he believes that virgil is the only one that can be taken seriously out of the rest of the sides
* sorry but logan totally wanted to do the rap in the originality video to impress virgil, and he did
* logan remarks in pt 2 of accepting anxiety, that “it’s better for a society to be anxious than complacent” and “it’s the vigilant people who work the hardest to save the world” to let virgil know that he’s needed
* when logan has to explain his insult to the rest of the sides, instead of laughing at him or judging him, virgil instead explains that jokes or insults aren’t very meaningful when they have to be explained
* in the my negative thinking vid, virgil is trying so hard to piss logan off to distance himself from logan after growing closer with him before logan called him a defeatist. despite this, logan assures virgil that he doesn’t hate him
* logan calling virgil “undeniably adorable” after transforming and saying that virgil being like a kitten is a “pleasant comparison” and virgil getting embarrassed after logan says them
* in accepting anxiety pt 1, logan says that “he contributes more than what you credit him. plus he too can represent more than just anxiety even though that is a significant part of who he is”
* in accepting anxiety pt 2, logan gets angry with roman when he insults anxiety, saying “one would think that the creative side would be able to come up with a nicer way to talk to others” immediately defending virgil after losing him
* comforting virgil in accepting anxiety pt 2 by saying “too much of anything can be counterproductive,” making sure that virgil knows that he isn’t the only one that can make that mistake
* in the fitting in ep, logan says “if this is necessary to help virgil feel better about himself, then i support it” need i say more?
* later in fitting in, virgil says “well, sorry to ruin that for you” and logan responds with “you didn’t ruin anything” in the softest fucking voice
* also in fitting in, logan says, “hufflepuffs are known to be honest and you certainly keep things 100” which is probably why he takes everything virgil says literally
* “if anyone else here was going to be a ravenclaw, i would think it would be you” it’s hard for logan to admit that he’s wrong or isn’t just so much smarter than the others, but saying virgil would be on about the same level of intelligence as him just to make virgil fit in with them is just..
* later, when virgil says that he is a “problem identifier, not a problem solver” logan looks so disappointed seeing virgil not want to be/ doesn’t feel like he should be in the same house as him. logan definitely wanted to share a dorm w him in his imaginary hp au
* “wonderful. i hope that you feel a little more a part of this group, virgil” sobs
* logan making virgil laugh during the 12 days of christmas song, saying “6 crimes against the english language” to make virgil feel better after roman sings “7 sleights at virgil”
* when logan sings “5 crofters jams,” he definitely wanted to just impress virgil
* when they all sing “and an emo who’s now our best friend” logan gives him the softest look you could ever give someone hello
* logan thinks of giving virgil a gift card for audiobooks so that he can calm himself down when he’s feeling extra anxious meaning he genuinely thought of what virgil wanted/ needed
* when virgil says in can lying be good, “i knew something smelled fishy here” and logan take that literally, instead of getting frustrated at logan for taking him seriously again, virgil explains what he means.
* when logan is about to rant about how the concepts of good and bad ar meaningless, he doesn’t realize that doing that wouldn’t be helping anyone feel better, so virgil says “not a good time logan” to help him
* after logan says “as they say in the theater, fracture a femur,” virgil says “i hate both of those equally” but like definitely in joking/ affectionate way. u cannot tell me virgil spent time w logan that night helping him w internet slang
* in the my negative thinking ep, logan says that he “finally feels a sense of peace in this household… it finally feels like we are at a point of higher, sophisticated, thinking” after ONLY interacting w virgil an no one else, meaning he thinks virgil is intellectually superior to the rest of the sides like him
* logan also picks up whatever virgil says in their debate and definitely said that to roman to make virgil feel better and laugh
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casanovawrites · 11 months
while we’re trying not to die, we still need to live.
dress code is creative black tie. 
in this world, you kill or you die. or you die and you kill.
people like us, we will never save enough lives to make up for the ones that we take.
i've always wanted to kill someone with my knitting needle.
when i'm with you, i feel like i am home.
you can save people’s lives, but you cannot save them from life.
i said i was fine, didn’t i?
i need a life away from death. we should all just let ourselves be a little boring again.
i stabbed him, and now he’s dead.
ew. don’t touch the dead body.
i don't know. just be hot.
my whole life has been defined by this crap. death, walking around blood.
being alone in life is making you a little weird.
from now on, we fuck everything up together.
i couldn’t be with someone who didn’t make me feel electric.
you were always mean when you got scared, you know that?
i know when you look at me, you don’t see someone you should be afraid of. but you’re wrong.
have you been practicing? or did you just suddenly get super human reflexes?
everyone lies a little. i lie.
women who knock rarely make history.
i get night terrors. i usually don’t remember them.
too nice a night to spend it dying slow, don’t you think?
i hope you find whatever it is you need.
don’t tell me i would be safer with someone else, because the truth is, i would just be more scared.
you’re with the bad guys. 
i don't want my life to be all about the worst parts of it. i have more to offer than that.
i think what you’re feeling right now is what it’s like right before you do something brave.
i am the bad guy, because i did a bad guy thing.
there aren’t going to be any good or bad guys, it’s either going to be dead or alive. i want to be alive, don’t you?
stay alive with me.
pushing things away never really worked for me.
escaping to your dreams is easier than living with your memories.
you’re so hot when you talk shit like that.
they were just assholes killed by other assholes.
it doesn’t matter how shitty they are. it still fucks you up when they’re gone.
i can’t just say i’m sorry. i feel like i have to do something.
i’m completely, totally panicking.
don’t choke. again.
every revolution begins with a spark.
i was in love. like out of my mind in love. what was i supposed to do?
we took a look, and what i saw was crazy.
people like me need people like you to save our asses. i need you.
you’re too smart to need anyone. it’s the smart ones who always survive.
i keep feeling like these pieces are missing. like there are holes in my memory.
no one doubts you.
i used to live around here.
blame yourself, fine. but that doesn’t mean you have to let it follow you around.
you took a risk. we took a risk, but it was the right thing to do.
i believe in you.
i don’t think i could ever get over you.
whenever i talk to you, i’m just happy. 
you haven’t changed.
i like beginnings. sunsets are like the end.
some things last forever. like a zombie.
DNA doesn’t make a family. love does. 
standing in front of you right now, it’s torture not being able to kiss you.
we need a plan. 
i know what it’s like. the numbness, the paranoia. sometimes i look at the world around me and it’s like all the light has just gone out of it.
this is a mixtape for the enemy?
now i get you forever.
you don’t grow. you rot.
what if the truth is that we’re all fucked in the head because of what happened to us?
who died? no seriously, who is this guy?
it’s not like i woke up today and thought i’d stab him to death.
i don’t want to be loved like this.
it’s just like riding a gross, really fucked up bike.
i can’t keep starting over because clearly it is not working.
it’s time we get our own shot at happiness.
you trust me to decide the rest of your life?
you have a sense of direction.
you don’t have to keep creating these tragic love stories.
you raised me from the dead. 
wait, you have a crush on me?
i’m so done with trying to be more. this is it. it should be enough.
maybe we can die alone together. 
if this is you broken, stay broken. 
i feel like i can’t say anything right to you at this point.
i mean, you already know i’m bad at lying.
paying attention to things, it’s how we show love.
you’re like a book, but still in the shrink-wrap. 
secrets are poison.
you can come from anywhere and still have a sad story.
sometimes miracles also have miseries.
shouldn’t you be taking it easy?
the woods don't give a shit.
everyone i have cared for has either died or left me.
are you so scared of failing you won’t even try?
you’re the best with the knife. clearly.
i lost everything, but i’m still trying.
do whatever you want to do. i’m done caring about you.
compassion don’t make me soft.
sometimes it’s important to say what you need to say face to face, so that the person can see that you really mean it.
you have the prettiest smile i’ve ever seen. your whole face just lights up.
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