#becoming a nexus of peace
loveerran · 2 years
I went to a Community of Christ congregation this past weekend. The lessons have been sticking with me. I particularly enjoyed the one about how we should not just pray for peace, we should become peace.
What would happen if we all became people who radiate peace into the lives of others?
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lord-squiggletits · 8 months
I must admit I'm getting this horrible image in my head of Tarn as that type of creepy guy who donates way too much money to a streamer and then absolutely loses it when he hears they're not single.
That's probably accurate lol. Although unlike (seemingly) most people in this fandom, I blame Megatron more for turning Tarn into that kind of obsessed freak than I do Tarn for being a freak. I mean, my view is basically "you reap what you sow/the monster you created turned around and bit you" so I don't really have sympathy for Megatron with regards to Tarn showing up and ruining his life lol. I actually really like the DJD coming in MTMTE as basically the living embodiment of karma and Megatron's comeuppance about not being able to run away from/ignore his past.
Like blah blah "no matter how sad your backstory is you're still responsible for your own actions" but also Megatron is literally 100% the reason Tarn is Like That, and Megatron also used parasocial manipulation, propaganda, and his grandiose personality to manipulate the Decepticons into worshipping/following him without question. So like. It's fiction, I don't have to be all "well they're all problematic" I can just be like "lol, lmao even" and point and laugh as Megatron gets fucked up by Tarn and the DJD because he can't talk his way out of this problem.
#squiggle answers#i'm not mad at you or thinking you're saying anything#i'm just very fond of dying of the light and i enjoy megatron suffering#i love how dying of the light is like megatron's personal torment nexus of getting trapped by his bad decisions#but also getting other people dragged down with him by accident#and then he's so fucking pathetic that he can't even compromise his 'pacifism' to save those people he dragged down#and then he lashes out in anger and becomes violent and hateful again and slaughters the whole DJD#i love that shit. love when megatron is fucked up and dysfunctional#i'm not saying i wanted him to become WORSE and like die a horrible fate per se#i'm just saying that i disagree with most of the fandom when they're like aww let this old man rest and tarn should fuck off he's a loser#i'm like nah. put megatron in the blender. don't let him just suddenly decide to be a pacifist and then that's it. make him fuck up#ough sorry it's just. i like megatron getting better but i also like him staying bad lol#like i want him to get redeemed but i also still want him to be fucked up and full of anger and hatred. if that makes sense#but yeah. not to be a tarn defender or anything but like#sometimes the fandom seems like it listened too much to the part where megatron was like#'i was happy i was at peace and you ruined everything'#meanwhile i'm sitting there like: yeah they ruined it. and so what. it's your fault. you don't get to be peaceful and happy#when you still have mistakes that you need to address and do something about instead of running away#muah. muah. muah. love dying of the light#i wanted to rip megatron apart from being so pathetic but i was also like. awww sad old man#mostly i wanted to rip him apart tho lol
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wretchedelights · 5 months
A Spoiler-Free Guide to Dodging Marazhai's Romance Bugs
This info is based on the state of the game as of Hotfix 1.0.89. A lot of this will hopefully become irrelevant as Owlcat puts out more patches.
EDIT 10/01/2024 // 8PM ET - clarify companion quest info, correct info about post-recruitment scene, and add missing known bug info about doin the dirty for the first time
EDIT 11/01/2024 // 2PM ET - further changes to info about post-recruitment scene
I've seen a lot of people struggling to successfully romance Marazhai in Owlcat's Rogue Trader CRPG, due to Owlcat continuing their time-honored tradition of launching their games with an obscene amount of bugs.
After a lot of troubleshooting, I was able to successfully finish a sub!Marazhai romance with the "good" romance ending, and I ended up having a pretty good grasp on how the whole thing works. So I thought I'd share what I've learned to save others the trouble. This info should be good for both sub!Marazhai and dom!Marazhai.
If you don't have it already, Toybox is highly recommended. You can get it on Nexus Mods. It will help you make sure things are progressing as expected, and fix some things if they get messed up. However, it's not necessary at this point if you're careful, the only thing you need it for is to fix some flags to get some really minor extra dialog.
If you choose to use toybox, you can see the tree + flags for the dialog you're currently in by clicking the "Dialog & NPCs" tab. You can also make flags show up directly in the dialog boxes in game with the "Preview" settings in the main tab. "Dialog Results" will show changes to flags + etudes that will happen if you choose a given dialog option. "Dialog Conditions" will show the conditions required for a dialog options to show. I kept both checked for my whole playthrough for peace of mind.
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There are some toybox flags + etudes that are important to Marazhai's romance. (flags are just values like true/false/a number, etudes are... properties set based on flags I guess? idk exactly). You can browse etudes in a tree structure in the "etudes" tab. If you need to change the value of a flag, do that in the "Search 'n Pick" tab.
Etude - Romances >> Marazhai should be flagged as "Active". If it says "Completed", something has gone wrong.
Etude - Romances >> Marazhai >> Counters >> Domination and Romances >> Marazhai >> Counters >> Submission. These determine Marazhai's attitude. If "Domination" is "Active", you get dom!Marazhai, if "Submission" is "Active", you get sub!Marazhai. You have to stick to one or the other, or Marz will be unhappy with you.
Flag - Ascention. This flag needs to be, I believe, minimum 4 by the time you get his final romance scene in Act 5 to get the "good" romance ending. It's pretty easy to get Ascention points as long as you play along with Marazhai, respect his uh... culture, and stick to your dom/sub role.
Etudes - Companions >> Marazhai >> Marazhai_States >> Domination and Companions >> Marazhai >> Marazhai_States >> Submission. You can safely ignore these, they don't actually affect the romance as far as I can tell :)
Regarding Marazhai's Companion Quest
Doing the sub!Marazhai route will lock you out of a certain outcome for Marazhai's companion quest. I don't think this is a bug, because narratively, it makes a lot of sense that this happens. However, the outcome you get locked out of could be considered the "ideal" outcome (though I also think this is debatable, and I was happy with my outcome/ending for my sub! Marazhai). You can get a good romance ending regardless of the outcome of this quest.
The flag related to Marazhai's personal quest is called TempestCounter, and you need it at 5+ for the "ideal" outcome. All TempestCounter points are based on whether Marazhai's dom or sub etude is active, outside of the points you get from the errand mentioned below. dom!Marazhai adds points, sub!Marazhai removes points. Which is why sub!Marazhai locks you out of an outcome.
Act 3 - Post Recruitment Scene
There are two versions of Marzipan's post-recruitment scene. The "Normal" version currently has a bug with dom/sub points, but you can work around it.
Normal - this is what most people see. There is an opportunity to get a dom or sub point in this dialog, but it's bugged so they're flipped. If you want your RT to be dom, pick the sub-y dialog option, and if you want your RT to be sub, pick the dom-y option.
Dogmatic party members starting drama - There's some confusion about what exactly triggers this. My recommendation to get this version of the scene: make sure you recruit Ulfar before you recruit Marazhai, and if you have Argenta and/or Heinrix with you for the Act 3 location, make sure you put them back in your party ASAP (they will get temporarily removed from it), so that they're with you for the event where you recruit Marazhai. To be safe, bring one of Argenta and/or Heinrix with you for Act 3. This dialog also has an opportunity for a dom or sub point, and is not currently bugged. ALSO it unlocks an errand that will lead to a little bit of extra dialog, and potential TempestCounter points.
Act 3 - Marazhai's Possessions
You'll get an act 3 companion quest for Marazhai where he asks you to help find some stuff he has stashed away. Eventually, you find a specific item he's very excited about. Make sure you let him keep this item. There's also an opportunity to get a dom or sub point here, but the flags are flipped again. So like last time, if you want your RT to be dom, pick the sub-y dialog, and if you want to be sub, pick the dom-y dialog.
Congratulations, this is the last flipped dom/sub flag situation you need to worry about! (at least, I'm not aware of any others)
***Also MILD SPOILER WARNING due to flag name***
I guess this is really only a spoiler if you're familiar with 40k lore but... anyways... This scene should probably start etude MarTookAgonizer, and should also probably start either PlayerTriedAgonizer or PlayerTriedAgonizerOnMar (depending on what you did). Start the appriate etudes manually for some fun little bits of bonus dialog later :)
Act 4 - First Void Jump With Marz
In act 4, during you first void jump with Marazhai, he'll cause... problems. You'll ultimately have 3 ways to deal with this:
Let him do whatever tf he wants. Sets Companions >> Marazhai >> Marazhai_States >> Domination to active. Currently bugged, prevents completing the quest associated with this event and prevents romance progression.
Compromise? Sets Companions >> Marazhai >> Marazhai_States >> Sybarite to active. Confirmed to work for both dom!Marazhai and sub!Marazhai romance paths
Lock him up. Sets Companions >> Marazhai >> Marazhai_States >> submission to active. Immediately breaks the romance. Used to work with romance, but according to patch notes was causing Big Bugs so it just ends the romance now. It should get restored in a future patch, but for now, DO NOT PICK THIS.
Act 4 - Sleeping with Marz the First Time
There is a known bug where after you sleep with Marazhai for the first time after going for a "walk", you get dom!Marazhai flavoured dialog no matter what. The sub!Marazhai flavoured dialog for this doesn't even seem to be in the game. So... nothing you can do about it, but it won't break your romance. It will just seem a bit off if you've been doing the sub!Marazhai route.
Side Content - Equipping Super Cursed Item
This doesn't affect the actual romance in any way, but it's a bug you can experience if you have an active romance with Marazhai. There's a side planet where you can loot a SUPER cursed item, that warns you that you won't be able to take if off if you equip it. If you try to equip it anyway with romanced Marazhai in the party, you'll get a special interaction with him over it. Unfortunately, it's bugged, and as a result the item will be stuck on your character but with providing any benefits, so it effectively just removes one of your equipment slots, which is super annoying. Do recommend saving and then trying to equip the item just to see the scene though :)
Companion Quest Journal Bugs
You may notice Marazhai's optional Act 3 errand and his Act 4 companion quest not getting removed from the quest log. Don't stress it - if you've done what's required by them, you're good. The quest/errand is done, the journal entry is just stuck because it's bugged.
Aaaand that's pretty much it! There used to be a few other bugs affecting Marazhai's romance but they've since been patched. Now it's mostly a few issues early on, and then smooth sailing once you get past those.
General, non-bug-related tips for succesfful romance:
Don't be a coward, Marazhai respects wholeheartedly embracing Drukhari culture and will break things off if you don't
Stick to your established dom or sub role
Play along with Marazhai's shenanigans
Keep in mind that you really can't be a good person while completing this romance path
If you have any questions or need clarification on anything don't be afraid to ask! I'll do my best to help.
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moroneur · 1 month
okok, hear me out on this rottmnt leo x reader au idea guys i swear:
Rottmnt separated au where Leo (named Kappa) was raised as the next battle nexus champion n owner (in case anything happens to big mama) by big mama and he had to fight (literally and figuratively) for familial affection and peace his whole life. Then theres Reader who was abandoned by her parents the moment they found out about her ability to see into the future via dreams (which isnt as straightforward as it sounds- her visions span across multiple alternate timelines and they vary in time making it hard to understand and navigate), so they gave their small child to big mama (human version) and lil yn is forced to become a servant bc her powers are ultimately useless.
small yn is basically forced by the other employees to serve Leo bc none of em wanted to. Yn is scared and shy at first but then they kinda become friends (She even names him Leonardo bc its a very characteristic throughout her dreams and she thought it suit him) eventhough he has to hide it in public and pretend he doesnt gaf about the human because the other yokai would make fun of him and call him weak n pick on them. They basically grow up side by side, developing extreme loyalty to each other.
He's prissy and picky and an arrogant brat and hes possessive and caring and would protect yn with his entire being. He had to fight Big Mama for her to stay and not get kicked on the streets, making Big Mama send Leo on field missions as a punishment, making him take Yn with him, purposefully making her dead weight, but he always came out on top.
throughout the years Yn became very introverted and showed her true self only to leo bc that was her one and only safe place. They go on outings in the hidden city and run from the bellboys tryna catch them when BM finds out they snuck out.
The other turtles are all scattered.
Donatello is with Draxum, YN and Leo being the only ones that even call him Donatello. (Drax calls him Purple bc he's horrendous with names). He used to be a full on turtle mutant but because of Draxum training him until he was drained n tired asf there was a lab accident, making him half cyborg. His shell is now replaced with a deadly metal 'shell', one of his eyes is artificial, and eventhough he's trained in multiple weapons, he prefers using technology and working on war weapons making Big Mama and Draxum collaborate. Whenever there's a meeting both BM and Draxum would take their sons with them as 'theyre the succesors and should be there for future reference' though Leo thinks Big Mama wants to have a good image and show Draxum off by dangling something that she took from him right in his face. Well, if Leo's going, that automatically means YN is coming with him; he wont let her out of her periphery, wont make snatching his pet away from him easy for Big Mama. They basically met at those meetings, though they usually sent the younger ones elsewhere while the adults spoke of veery important things. Donatello absolutely hated YN at first bc she was human so him n leo almost fought, but YN, being a little familiar with Donnie from her dreams, started asking Donatello questions to appease him, making Donnie tolerate her (theyre working on extending that tolerance to all of humanity). Leo and Donnie's and Yn's relationship is on thin ice, but it is getting better- they visit don when theyre in the hidden city and help him with gathering materials from the overworld bc Purple wasnt allowed lol Loser. (they snuck him out and showed him the wonders of human tech though, once or twice.) Leo got his mystic weapon from Baron Draxum as a gift (eventhough he actually didnt want to give it. Donnie convinced him to do so because Drax had a fight with Big Mama and 'giving a gift to her son would show your utmost apologies and mend your business partnership') a way to get back into good graces w Big Mama and Draxum. Just business.
Raph (or Beast) is with the Foot Clan. He was raised very lovingly (bc they were prepping him for the shredder armor), and reveres shredder as his god bc while his parents may have 'loved' him, he was at the end of the day, just a tool to help shredder's revival (everyone in the clan thought so about themselves, they were veery cult like). Leo only knows of them bc he spotted them breaking into a mall while he was 'shopping' gifts for YN :3. he found them hilarious so he watched on as they struggled to fit Beast through multiple doors in the mall. The guy was huge, bigger than he was supposed to be. wtf were they feeding him?? Leo ofc records it and shows it to YN and she can deduce the future from her dreams and the way things r going irl and goes like oh shit this is bad lol we're fucked if someone doesnt do anything abt this and leos like will it hurt you? yn: yes. yes leo it will. leo: oh okay dw then yn ill steal it from them hehe. so he trolls the foot clan whenever he can just for funsies (Leo is also slightly insane n arrogant, so being a little shit comes naturally to him). Whilst he was stalking the top execs he comes across a binding ritual for two or more people. He watched and listened as it was explained thru a book. He stole the ritual book and read through it himself, coming up with an idea himself.
He brings the book to YN and tells her he wants to souldbond with her. (their relationship is like: i belong to leo and only leo but we're not dating n vice versa... like kiss alr smh.) A soulbond is an irreversible binding contract between two people, which allows them to communicate their intent just by their thoughts and solidifying their involvement with each other. It can only be broken if one of them dies. Yn agrees and they make the soulbond without any regrets. No one knows about it but Donnie, whose eye had strong mystic receptors iy already. He saw the chains binding the 2 together and gagged the moment he found out what it meant LMAO.
Raphs fighting style are his body and tail only. hes a brute through and through, his older sister is Cass.
Mikey is with Splinter, who felt so guilty of being unable to save mikeys brothers he unintentionally started neglecting Mikey and developed depression. Mikey bless his soul has been doing his best to keep it together and bring his bros together. He doesnt succeed at it very much and only represses his emotions until he cant anymore, and when that happens lets say the city had a few buildings to fix. Mikey stole the Kusari fundo from Draxum, and its his main weapon.
April, who has Mayhem as her pet, is trying to become a journalist, so she's always at the fights, writing stuff down and then publishing them. Her main way of staying safe is Mayhem's portals lol. She's been saved multiple times by Yn begging leo to give her mercy lol. None of the turtles rlly interact w her.
YN is very shy and closed off. She can be very calculative and manipulative if dhe wants to, making her the perfect s/o for leo, who can analyse a situation and come up on top with the best outcome, as well as pull any information out of anyone, violently or not. He needs constant praise. Leo has a short fuse, and Yn is his perfect match, always calming the situation down before it could make leo explode; she knows all his triggers and tells and weaknesses, as does he for her since they yknow, grew up together.
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zuppizup · 1 month
Fuel the Pyre: Chapter 9
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Summary: For almost a decade now, life has been peaceful for the royal family of Katolis. All out war is becoming a distant memory as efforts to unite the continent continue. Open borders let more than friends in, however, and whispers of dangers lurking in the shadows are growing louder and more insistent.
Callum, Rayla and their adopted daughter Tio have bee trying to ignore the growing unease as best they can, but when the threat comes banging at their door, they can no longer turn a blind eye.
Pairing: Rayla/Callum
Rating: Mature
AO3 Link: Fuel the Pyre
The sun was beginning to rise as Callum finally spotted a suitable clearing to rest. He had hoped to make it to the Nexus in one flight, but the winds were against him, and he couldn’t focus enough to change them. Alighting on the forest floor, he banished his wings, rolling is stiff shoulders for a moment before he began to undo the ties of Tio’s wrap. His hands shook and he told himself it was from the effort of flying.
“Dada?” Tio asked, having been unnaturally quiet the entire time. She normally enjoyed flying, the Skywing in her, he assumed, but there hadn’t been a giggle or even a murmur from her the entire time. He had felt her wake not long into their flight, but she hadn’t spoken. Not once.
“Yes, sweetheart?” His voice cracked as he pulled the last of the wrap away, slumping to the forest floor as he held her tight against his chest. He felt weak. Empty. He’d tried to control the winds, to get them to the Nexus as quickly as possible, but his mind raced with thoughts of Rayla. Alone, abandoned in the castle.
“Where’s Mama?” Tio looked up at him, her dark eyes wide and terrified.
Read More On AO3 – Fuel the Pyre: Chapter 9
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yanyanderes · 1 year
yandere rottmnt villains idea (aiming for platonic, but you can view this as romantic)
so you know how the hidden city restaurants like hueso’s pizza place? imagine (y/n) runs one, but it’s a bar and it’s in the slums of the town.
(y/n)’s the boss and bartender who’s seen some stuff, can easily deescalate bar fights, can suplex someone twice their weight and size, is constantly surrounded by yokai like thugs and criminals, but doesn’t really care and has long gotten used to it.
it’s been forever since i’ve watched the episode with the mud dogs in it, but i can imagine them hanging around the place just because of (y/n). they become regulars and are pretty much the bouncers of the place. all (y/n) has to do is snap to get their attention, then point at the rascals causing a ruckus and the mud dogs will take care of them.
maybe one day the turtles decide to take another vacation to the hidden city and draxum gets chased by the cops again, and ends up in this bar. it’s filled with all sorts of gangs, and they’re all staring at him as he walks in, when (y/n) welcomes him. they see he’s new around here, and say that they don’t really care about what kind of crime he’s committed as long as he doesn’t cause too much trouble at the bar.
they let him vent his frustration and offer him mystic drinks on the house, and he grows to enjoy their company. he comes back more and more often, and sometimes even brings (y/n) lunch.
but no matter what, he refuses to let the turtles or splinter find out about (y/n). he finally has somewhere peaceful to himself with someone who doesn’t mind him voicing his frustrations, he does not want them barging in and ruining their alone time. similar to the mud dogs where he’ll take care of anyone giving (y/n) trouble.
big mama’s a unique one. maybe she comes to the rougher side of town in search of someone truly ruthless for her battle nexus, finds (y/n) in their tacky bar, and is immediately intrigued. what an adorable little yokai in such a brutal part of town.
she admires their work, and the drinks they brew are absolutely splendid, so she offers them work at her hotel. should they refuse, she’ll only be more entranced. passing up on an opportunity as great as this one? yokai would kill to have that position, you know!
aren’t they the most intriguing little thing?
she comes by more often and never lets the topic of (y/n) working for her die. unlike he mud dogs or draxum, big mama will do the exact opposite; she’ll send more ruffians to trash the bar, because, “oh dear, what a mess this place is! there is certainly no possible way you could work in these conditions! worry not, perhaps you could work for me instead? big mama will always welcome you with open arms!”
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saltymongoose · 1 year
Okay, I'm very curious. You don't have to write oneshots or headcanons for this, I just wanna know what you think about it. How do you think the Player would act with the other factions of Nevada that aren't the main cast? Vampires, Vindevice, N51, MERC, Nexus Core, Asylum Patients, Tuffs, ect? I'm so invested in how the Player would react to other factions and how they would interact with the Player.
Okay buckle up y'all cause this is def gonna be a long one, and I'm also splitting this up into two parts cause omg there are so many lol.
[This part includes: Vampires, Tuffs, VendeVice, the Asylum Patients, and PrivSec] [Part 2]
Beginning with the Vampires, it is likely that the Player would be very fascinated with them. There's little explanation surrounding their existence, save for the fact that they are undead and have some mechanical augmentations (their mouths and claws). Furthermore, their singular appearance in the Arena Mode story-line doesn't allow for much of an explanation of how their gang works either. Both of these could generate a lot of curiosity on the Player's part, which might lead them to try and get friendly with the less feral members, if possible. (Which will lead to some issues with the boys because the Vampires are dangerous. And also their jealousy, but that's a given.)
As for the Vamps themselves, their interactions with the Player would be colored by their hunger, more often than not. The Status Quo keeps all information about you wrapped up tight within their own organization, but that hasn't stopped them from hearing some inklings about this strange figure regardless. They don't know anything about the Player until you choose to reveal these details to them (or unless they interrogate someone about it with less-than-peaceful methods), so for now I can see them wondering mainly about what you taste like.
Grunts have specific pheromones and their blood can have different tastes depending on who they bite - and you seem like you'd be a very interesting flavor to experience. Or to go even further, a few of them are even curious about what would happen if you become like them. They can turn the dead with their bites, but what would your changes be when subject to their abilities? Would you be tempted to join them? These questions only become more common in their minds if you do decide to go out of your way to get closer to them. However, then they'll also be thinking about what music you like, if you're interested in the more alternative subcultures like the ones they're in, or how you'd look dressed in their style.
Overall, they're mostly bloodthirsty and feral (literally), but there is some potential for friendships among them if you can come across them when they're more chilled out. (Although, they do find themselves liking this weird warmth they feel around you when you're really close. Wonder what that's about.)
The Tuffs are the same in the department of really knowing little about the Player, but they're far more approachable at the same time. If money's involved, they'll get along with you just great, but if you want something deeper than that, you'll have to probe their interests to get a good handle on who they are. For you, this means showing an interest in their motorcycles and their way of carrying themselves, which admittedly goes a long way because most people only come to them if they need someone beaten up (or worse).
I get the feeling that the Tuffs can be rather soft once you break through their rough exterior, and seeing your genuine interest in them is more than enough to do that. They don't really care about how different you look compared to grunts, if you get really close with them, you'll be considered part of their gang. (They might even gift you one of their fancy jackets too, which is sweet.) There's also something weirdly comforting about being in your presence, but they aren't quite sure what exactly it is. It does wonders to make them more at ease around you though.
The VendeVice are an interesting case amongst the more unimportant groups in Nevada. They're more powerful, wealthy, and influential than the Tuffs and Vampires, and their close working relationship with the SQ during the Arena Mode means that they've almost certainly heard about the Player before. (It's not like those contacts between them wouldn't accidentally let anything slip at some point, despite 2BDamned's best efforts.)
The VendeVice function as a mob, which means that they'd have probably tried to find out more about the Player in order to protect their own operations. This new figure is another piece on the board that they have to consider, and if the SQ apparently believes they're a big deal, they have to get in good with them for their own sake.
The Player themselves is probably cautious around them because, y'know, mafia. At this point in time, it'd be impossible not to know just how dangerous mob organizations can be, so every interaction with the VendeVice is one done with practiced politeness. Similarly, this group has an underlying reason to reciprocate the Player's courtesy, but they will also go above and beyond to make you feel welcome in Nevada Central. If you end up becoming closer to the pinstripe-clad members somehow (most likely through being so close with Doc to begin with - an ally of theirs), expect VIP treatment at their clubs and venues, and the best selection of wine at their restaurants, free of charge. It's a relationship built on mutual caution, at least in the beginning.
The Asylum Patients evoke a lot of sympathy from the Player for obvious reasons, so they'll treat them very kindly. Taking them out of their uncomfortable strait jackets, treating their wounds, and just talking to them like they're actually living beings instead of "captives". It won't erase the abuse that was once done to the poor grunts, but at least they would know that someone cares for them.
I think that the Patients would definitely have an affinity for the Player as well, no doubt because of their kindness, but also because of who they are. Perhaps Nevada's response to the Player will make it so the Patients' own "voices" and delusions they hear prompt them to get closer for whatever reason, or maybe it's just their own mental state convincing them of the Player's trustworthiness, but they grow quite fond of them very quickly. Then there's also the fact that being around them lessens their aches and fills them with a comfortable warmth. They feel at home for once, when they're around the Player. So really, the relationship between them would be one of the better ones when it comes to Nevada's miscellaneous groups.
Finally, we'll end this section with PrivSec. The Private Security group has less of a reason to be aware of the Player than most, considering they're not within the same circles. They're a crime-fighting organization that might swipe a few goods from their benefactors every now and then, and their coming across the SQ's agents was more of a chance occurrence. (It's their job to hold down the law in Nevada Central, so of course they'd be there if a bank was robbed.)
The Player's first impression will probably be to stay out of their view, but they aren't worth worrying about as much as other groups. In fact, it's rather unlikely that they'll be coming across each other much to begin with, since Doc's very hellbent on keeping the Player away from most other organizations. Unless it's a matter of one of the firms PrivSec deals with, it's none of their concern.
From this, you'd assume they have no interest in the Player either, but you might be surprised. Rumors circulate quickly, so they have heard things about some new being that's assisting the SQ. And while there is some curiosity amongst PrivSec's members about what's happening, they don't have enough information to form anything conclusive. Unless the Player is involved in something relating directly to them, they probably won't get any concrete answers, so all that remains is their questions about it.
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lamamasjamas · 7 months
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Nexus /ˈneksəs/ n 1 a connection or series of connections linking two or more things. 2 a connected group or series. 3 the central and most important point or place.
Chapter 2 Summary: You give up.
Part 1 here!
A/n: He looks so big, beefy, and large in this gif, hence why I used it mwehehe... I was too depression yesterday to post but here I am, pow pow pow. Boom. Din and reader are so cute, awww. Black hole, aaaah!
Warnings for the series: Dead Dove Do Not Eat!!!, getting lost in the unknown regions, Death, Gore, cosmic horror, very heavy topics, smut, angst, fluff, dark themes. This is a dark fic; you have been warned!
He was getting more frustrated as time progressed and you still couldn’t find your way. As the five hour mark passed you felt your hope dwindle. You glanced at the clock and it read 23:40. At least that was still functioning. It was getting late and you could feel your eyes drooping slowly. Your knees were up to your chin, arms around your calves and staying locked over each other for the past few hours.  
Staring at the viewport was stinging your eyes, all of the soft red and pale gray matter scattered outside and floating was imprinted in your eyelids. Closing them, you could hear the thuds each time Din failed to evade the debris, now becoming more frequent and louder on par with his fatigue.  
Your limbs burned as you unfolded from your position. You stood and placed your hand on his shoulder, he jumped slightly. His head ticked in your direction before facing forward again. 
“We should rest.”
You hunched over, head now closer to him as you spoke softly. He ignored you, maneuvering the ship in the direction you both agreed you thought was the one you came from.  
“Din.” You shove his shoulder lightly, “Din come on-” He slammed his fists against the panel, jolting you and making you straighten your back.  
“I need- we need to at least find a signal.” He sounded desperate. He's clenching his fists; his gloves creasing deeply and so frequently you could faintly hear the crinkling as he scrunched and released his hands. 
“I got us into this mess… I just…”  
You sigh with him. The sound of his voice through the modulator was rough, it shook and cracked. He hadn’t taken off his helmet, no matter how crooked it was. He hadn’t even made a move to touch it. 
“It’s not your fault-” 
“It is!” He waves his hands in front of him exasperatedly, chest heaving in panic, anger . 
“I should have listened. I should have paid attention-”
You grab his hands, for a moment tugging at them to stop his movements, “It is not your fault! Keep your head!”  
You’ve never been one to raise your voice, you sigh. You were on the verge of wanting to break, you were frightened, you didn’t feel like yourself. 
“Look, we'll go to sleep for a few hours and clear our heads. Let’s turn the systems off until then, t-to not waste any fuel.”  
He didn’t like the way your voice trembled; you were scared. He could see your eyes glisten despite your blank look as you stared off into space. You tug him up to stand and move towards the door to the cockpit, grip now on his forearm, as if the space in front of you was going to crawl into the cockpit with you both, suffocating your breath. 
His hand lands on top of yours. He knew what you were thinking of, a nightmare, as if it was a memory. A nightmare you had explained to him when he prodded you to tell. It was months ago, when Grogu had been taken. You had woken up sweaty, the fabric of the tunic stuck to your chest stickily. 
You were shaking, crying and denying yourself of his touch. It felt so real, he was so cold and you were both floating endlessly, hands flailing and getting cut with the glass of the viewport that had just shattered mid flight. 
Your skin still prickled with the bite of the frost, the crystallization of your blood as you attempted to reach for the baby or Din. The second your hands met, his arm having reached out to you, your mind finally fell somewhat at peace. Then his body crackled, skin bursting and the fabric of his flight suit ripping along with the flesh that was frozen and almost fused together with it. 
You saw him shatter, break apart and float around you. And yet you were alive, unable to move as you groaned and sobbed with your mouth still frozen shut and your throat threatening to snap in half as the vibrations of your cries reverberated inside your head. 
You couldn’t bear the thought of feeling his cold, dead hand in yours, so you didn’t want to touch him for a few minutes, fearing that somehow and in some way your dream might come true. 
He holds your hand tightly, still warm, still strong and he nods, wordlessly switches off the lights and engine. The decrescendo of the engine made your heart race.  It wasn’t normal to completely shut down everything, it was instinctual to worry. 
The only thing that was running was the oxygen recycling unit.  
The silence was all consuming. You didn’t realize the hum of the engine made traveling through the middle of space more manageable. It made the ship feel alive. Now it was just a husk. 
You both laid down on the bunk. Your back to his front. You grasp his hand in yours and hold it tightly against your stomach. He feels you shake, your muscles aching to move or shut down completely in a reaction akin to fight or flight. 
“We’ve been through worse.” You shiver at your own words and wince. It sounded like a question rather than a statement. He doesn’t respond either way. Instead, he curls up against you and rests his head on the back of your neck.  
He didn’t sleep, you didn’t either.
A few hours later you were both in the cockpit, using the same method as before, trying to find anything that would indicate that you were going in the right direction. So far, every rock you’ve passed has looked the same, and every time you think you’ve made progress it turns out you were back to where you started. Fuel was only going to last a few days now.  
And power would only last a few weeks thereafter. 
It was then decided that you would get in further, past the asteroid belt, in order to find a planet, a habitable planet. If you ran out of fuel before you could, so be it. You would take shifts, letting someone rest while the other mindlessly piloted.  
That plan failed, you kept on seeing him slump against the chair only to wake up sporadically. You practically dragged him to sleep with you in the bunk. You promised him that the ship would only be shut down for a moment, that you'll make progress later. 
He collapsed into darkness the second your hands clasped together, a shawl pressed up to your necks, in a need for comfort. 
You both woke up in panic, alarms were blaring and the ship was spiraling. Half asleep you both rushed towards the cockpit, tripping over yourselves and slamming against multiple flying objects. 
In the dark you feel something crash into your side. It knocked the wind out of you and you felt as if you couldn’t breath for a second from the sheer pain. 
Everything was spinning so much that you were starting to stick to the wall. Lifting your head from the side made you just turn the other direction as if someone was pushing your skull back down again. A tight ring of pressure was developing across your head. You couldn’t help but shout out in frustration as you barely skimmed the ladder with the tips of your fingers.  
Din hears your groans of frustration, he grits his teeth on his own. His muscles strain when he lifts himself up onto the handles of the ladder, objects swipe at his back and he hopes you weren’t close enough to get burned. 
The room lit up as Din lifted up the ladder using the force of the thrusters strapped to his back. You had to squint from the light as it stung your eyes and further increased the developing aching ring wound temple to temple. 
You could hear him collapse inside the pit, making it to the pilot seat with a garbled yell, his body straining from the pressure urging him to fall to a sturdy surface like the pilot’s seat.  His arm straightens and pushes as he takes hold of the steer. The lights and engines started back on. He was able to stabilize the ship slightly, stopping the rotations abruptly.  
You fall, your knees giving from underneath you. Your ears ring, vision still blurry with spins of the room. You call out his name and the muffled sound of your own voice echoing in the hull makes you uncomfortable. He didn’t respond back. 
As you got up to the pit, legs still feeling limp and mind still in a daze you were met with darkness, the ships facing an endless pit of nothingness, a black hole. The ship groaned as it was being pulled into two directions. From the sides the thrusters flickered on and off. Metal shrieked, as if it were screaming in pain. 
Din was flicking buttons and levers and you couldn’t figure out what he was doing from the speed at which he moved. It was mesmerizing, despite his panicked voice, calling your name, urging you to help pull a lever.  
He ultimately had to do it himself, your feet stuck to the floor and keeping you from moving.  
You were starting to go into shock, the only thing you could hear were the repetitive beeps from the upper right console and what seemed like a roaring in your ears. 
You could feel your heart beat loudly, the pit in your stomach on the verge of exploding. You wanted to scream, out of frustration, anger, fear.  No sounds came out and you could only stare at the infinite darkness in front you.  
You only ever really see black holes in holos, and they gain attention every time someone’s spacecraft is reported missing from going too far into restricted zones.  No one dared go near one. No one really knew what happened when something went through. 
The most popular theory was that the intensity of the gravity in and around it would rip anything that enters its center into bits. Another less popular theory, if one is lucky or unlucky, said black holes could create a wormhole. Those who have traveled through have never come back to either confirm or deny such theories. 
You were reminded of school, the memories of when the empire was still around and you were granted a scholarship to the Royal Imperial Academy . It was prestigious, and you just wanted to be able to survive and secure a future. Despite everything, the school helped in giving you an upper hand, you knew more than most did. Knowledge is valuable in your line of work, it was valuable to the Empire. You trained as a medic but you had to learn about most things, even astronomy. 
You didn’t know if knowing the possibilities of your outcome made you more fearful than not knowing anything at all. You turn to Din, you hoped he knew less than you.  You had a feeling he didn’t. 
He grunts in frustration, the ship wasn’t advancing and was even being pulled forward. It was going against the most powerful energy in the universe, you knew it was going to lose, eventually. You stand next to his seat reaching for him. His hands strain against the steer, pulling back, as if he could push against the force outside; as if it were an enemy. 
You shook your head lightly, he sighed, hands falling to his lap, shoulders slumping. He also seemed to have given up, having slumped against his chair and staring into death itself, listening to the way panels of the ship were detaching, how the thrusters were starting to spittle and give up in pitiful coughs of fire and fuel. 
The cockpit lights were suddenly shut down, the only things running were the engine and the oxygen filters. The back of your eyes prick, your nose twitches and it burns, almost urging you to let go from your stubbornness in keeping your tears in. 
For a moment you both watched outside the viewport, it was too dark, the light was being trapped inside the black hole. He takes off his gloves, slowly pulling pieces of his armor off, ultimately lifting his helm to the pitch black dark.  
He finds your hand easily, so warm that he could sense it hovering over his bare shoulder. 
The only light visible was the steady flicker of an alarm, the bug.  You could see the hopelessness on his face, the defeat. With each flicker he could see your tight lipped smile grow, it looked forced, sad and weak. With each lurch of the ship you feel yourself squeeze his hand tighter. Like an echo, he squeezes back.  
You could hear the screams and moans coming from outside, like an infinite inward gasp. It was mangled and you winced when they all shouted in synchrony. It sounded like an animal. You imagined this was what an ash-rabbit felt like, struggling in the gaping mouth of a predator, waiting until it finally finished the deed and snapped their neck with its sharp jowls in mercy. 
As you lay in the bunk holding each other you think of all the memories you have made together. In a final act of whatever it is that you and Din were, you whispered your love, your dreams, and your hopes until your words slurred and your bodies shut down. 
Ending everything in thoughts of each other and the life that could have been. 
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screwz · 9 months
she armor...
she armored on...
on my core...
til I...
Armored Core: For Answer is a 2008 vehicular combat game developed by FromSoftware and published by Ubisoft for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It is the 13th installment in the mecha-based Armored Core series, the game is the direct sequel to Armored Core 4.
Armored Core: For Answer
North American Xbox 360 cover art
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JP: FromSoftware
Director(s)Hidetaka MiyazakiProducer(s)Toshifumi NabeshimaComposer(s)Kota HoshinoSeriesArmored CorePlatform(s)PlayStation 3, Xbox 360Release
JP: March 19, 2008
NA: September 16, 2008
AU: November 27, 2008
EU: November 28, 2008
Genre(s)Vehicular combatMode(s)Single-player, multiplayer
AC customization has been changed from the previous Armored Core title, with a new interface and many new parts not found in Armored Core 4. Online mode returns with a new co-operative mode alongside the player versus mode. Gameplay enhancements included a power increase for both Quick Boost and Over Boost, as well as an auxiliary high-speed booster, which is known as the Vanguard Over Booster (VOB). Another new feature in the game is the Assault Armor attack that becomes available by equipping certain Over boost parts. This attack uses up all available Primal Armor (PA) that the AC has and generates a huge blast consisting of Kojima particles (highly reactive particles) that destroys or damages all objects surrounding the AC. However, this also leaves the AC vulnerable because not only will the AC lose its PA, it will also not regenerate for a few seconds. Laser blades are deadlier because of the revamped laser blade attack. Once the blade has acquired a lock-on, the AC will instantly rush to the target, traveling a great distance to use the laser blade. All parts carried over from the previous game have had their parameters altered, much like the transition between previous series installments Silent Line and Nexus. The on-screen HUD can now be changed to any of 20 colors. There are now 442 FRS tuning points available to unlock, which is an increase from the 300 (PS3) and 337 (Xbox 360) FRS points available in AC4. Maps are much larger and more detailed including environmental damage such as collapsing buildings. The game is also the second in the series (after Last Raven) to feature multiple endings, with three different possible plot branches available depending on your actions and decisions in the game.
Five years have passed since the LYNX War. Earth is now governed by the League of Ruling Companies, an international council composed of the corporations that survived the war, which ostensibly seeks to preserve global peace and corporate prosperity. Since much of the world's surface was polluted to inhospitable levels by hazardous Kojima Particles dispersed during the LYNX War, the League built perpetually-airborne habitats known as Cradles, which are dependent on ground-based power plants called Arteria that generate even more Kojima Particles as waste. Over half of the human population now lives in the Cradles, while the surface is a battlefield where corporate armies and mercenaries wage the interminable Economic War.
During the League's rise to power, it relied on the capabilities of LYNX, the pilots of the combat mechs known as NEXTs, and then abandoned the LYNX on the surface in favor of utilizing Arms Forts, mobile super weapons that could bring tremendous amounts of firepower to bear. While most LYNX are forced to eke out a living as mercenaries for Collared, a League-controlled intermediary organization, a handful of LYNX discovered the corporations' dark secrets and formed a resistance group called ORCA to overthrow the League.
The player takes on the role of a LYNX working for Collared who eventually becomes a pivotal figure in the escalating conflict between the League and ORCA. Three ending routes can be unlocked sequentially over three playthroughs. In the first ending, the player is tasked by the League with stopping ORCA from seizing the Arteria; the player succeeds, ensuring the Cradles stay aloft, but Kojima Particle radiation remains an unsolvable problem and will one day rise to the Cradles' altitude. In the second ending, the player helps ORCA take control of the Arteria; as a result, the Cradles lose power and make an emergency descent to the surface, causing many civilians to die from Kojima Particle exposure. However, the energy from the Arteria is redirected to destroy an array of autonomous weaponized satellites that had been preventing all attempts to leave Earth, and with the satellites gone, it becomes possible for humanity to travel to space and build its civilization anew on other planets.
Once the player has experienced the first two endings, the third ending route becomes available. A psychotic ORCA-affiliated LYNX with the callsign "Old King" reaches out to the player and asks for their help in destroying Cradle 03, a fleet of five Cradle airships with 100 million inhabitants between them. After the player and Old King carry out this unprecedented atrocity, Collared deploys a team of its best LYNX to hunt them down. Old King dies in the battle, but the player emerges victorious and goes on to destroy all of the other Cradles, becoming the single most prolific killer in history.
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This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. (September 2008)
Aggregate scoreAggregatorScorePS3Xbox 360Metacritic62/100[15]64/100[16]Review scoresPublicationScorePS3Xbox 3601Up.comC−[1]C−[1]Destructoid3/10[2]N/AEdgeN/A7/10[3]Famitsu29/40[4]30/40[5][6]Game Informer6.25/10[7]6.25/10[7]GameSpot7/10[8]7/10[8]GameZone7.9/10[9]7/10[10]IGN7.8/10[11]8/10[12]PlayStation Official Magazine – UK5/10[13]N/AOfficial Xbox Magazine (US)N/A5.5/10[14]
Armored Core: For Answer received "mixed or average" reviews on both platforms according to the review aggregator website Metacritic.[15][16] One of the most consistent complaints among reviewers seemed to be the lack of any sort of online community. Kevin Van Ord of GameSpot stated in his review that there were "fewer than a dozen [players on] Xbox Live" when he tried to playtest the game, and that similar attempts to find a game on PlayStation Network yielded "just a single opponent".[8] In Japan, Famitsu gave it a score of 29 out of 40 for the PlayStation 3 version,[4] and one nine and three sevens for the Xbox 360 version,[6] while Famitsu Xbox 360 gave the latter console version 31 out of 40.[5]
^ Jump up to:a b Quintero, Cesar (September 26, 2008). "Armored Core: For Answer Review". 1UP.com. Ziff Davis. Archived from the original on June 15, 2016. Retrieved December 14, 2018.
^ Nicholson, Brad (October 21, 2008). "Destructoid review: Armored Core: For Answer (PS3)". Destructoid. Enthusiast Gaming. Archived from the original on November 13, 2018. Retrieved December 14, 2018.
^ Edge staff (January 2009). "Armored Core: For Answer (X360)". Edge. No. 197. Future plc. p. 94.
^ Jump up to:a b "アーマード・コア フォーアンサー [PS3]". Famitsu (in Japanese). Enterbrain. Archived from the original on August 20, 2016. Retrieved December 14, 2018.
^ Jump up to:a b "アーマード・コア フォーアンサー [Xbox 360]". Famitsu (in Japanese). Enterbrain. Archived from the original on November 14, 2015. Retrieved December 14, 2018.
^ Jump up to:a b Ihtsham, Usman (March 26, 2008). "Famitsu For The Week". WhatIfGaming. Retrieved December 14, 2018.
^ Jump up to:a b Reiner, Andrew (December 2008). "Armored Core: For Answer: This mech's broken. Eject! Eject!". Game Informer. No. 188. GameStop. p. 110. Retrieved December 14, 2018.
^ Jump up to:a b c VanOrd, Kevin (October 1, 2008). "Armored Core: For Answer Review". GameSpot. CBS Interactive. Archived from the original on November 13, 2018. Retrieved December 14, 2018.
^ Bedigian, Louis (September 29, 2008). "Armored Core for Answer - PS3 - Review". GameZone. Archived from the original on October 2, 2008. Retrieved December 14, 2018.
^ Folkers, Brandon (September 29, 2008). "Armored Core for Answer - 360 - Review". GameZone. Archived from the original on October 3, 2008. Retrieved December 14, 2018.
^ Clements, Ryan (September 22, 2008). "Armored Core for Answer Review (PS3)". IGN. Ziff Davis. Archived from the original on November 13, 2018. Retrieved December 14, 2018.
^ Clements, Ryan (September 22, 2008). "Armored Core for Answer Review (X360)". IGN. Ziff Davis. Archived from the original on October 2, 2008. Retrieved December 14, 2018.
^ "Armored Core: For Answer". PlayStation Official Magazine – UK. Future plc. January 2009. p. 103.
^ "Armored Core: For Answer". Official Xbox Magazine. Future US. December 2008. p. 87.
^ Jump up to:a b "Armored Core: For Answer for PlayStation 3 Reviews". Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Archived from the original on November 28, 2018. Retrieved December 14, 2018.
^ Jump up to:a b "Armored Core: For Answer for Xbox 360 Reviews". Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Archived from the original on January 6, 2019. Retrieved December 14, 2018.
External linksEdit
Official website (Japanese)
Armored Core: For Answer at MobyGames
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arieso226 · 1 year
How Climate Change is threatening Culture's Worldwide
Mass relocations are a thing that is set to happen thanks to climate change. And as more natural disasters happen that circuits the need for climate change education, more doomsday scenarios appear instead of healthy solutions to help save the planet--with the water rising from melting ice caps, it is destroying island and southern communities, and producing record number droughts in different sides of the planet. Why then does the media frame climate change as something inevitable, and how does that produce apathy, not just in regular people, but in these companies as well?
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NO. 2
The research about climate change is all about education; informing the public about counter-options to reduce carbon levels in the air. I know this could benefit one person, if not the whole group, and that is what’s important. So how do we define apathy toward climate change? Well, the definition of apathy first is a lack of feeling or emotion towards something. It is based on a variety of subjects, like race, sex, education, age, food, culture, groups of people, etc. How does apathy relate to other negative concepts like indifference, and how are those emotions dangerous?  ‘’How does apathy come to exist? Through ignorance of a toxic and uncoordinated action. Framing is used as an institution and illustrates how it shapes media framing in a toxic event. Even in systems who are supposed to help the average person, are people seen to have a ‘tendency to behave in accordance with what they see as being in their own interests.’’
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NO. 3
From “Climate Change and Planned Relocation in Oceania.” Sicherheit Und Frieden (S+F) / Security and Peace, vol. 34, no. 1, 2016, pp. 60–65: ‘‘The sinking islands have become a symbol of the consequences of manmade global warming. The foreshadowing of climate change-related environments and social developments that will affect other parts of the world sooner rather than later. In the current academic and political discourse, migration figures prominently among the social effects of climate change, and climate change-induced migration-conflict nexus, and research and findings have become ever more complex and sophisticated, trying disentangle the ‘long and uncertain casual chains from climate change to social consequences like conflict.’’
NO. 4
In conclusion, the Guna Yala tribe will not be the last island community to relocate because of the rising sea level, thanks to climate change. In fact, billions of people are going to be fleeing, and forced to relocate because of the threatening climate, and the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change understands (UNFCCC). From Climate Change and Planned Relocation: HOW CLIMATE RESETTLEMENT CAN WORK FOR COMMUNITIES. Danish Institute for International Studies, 2017: Entire cultures and societies will have to cope with the ‘‘ability to foster broader resilience-oriented solutions driven by the livelihood needs and strategies of the communities in question. When relocation is found to be necessary, [like in the Guna Yala tribe’s case], it should be approached as an expansion of existing livelihood strategies and mobility patterns, not an end to them.’’
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ganymedesclock · 2 years
I think there's a tricky place we can fall into with discourse about prejudice where the pattern goes,
"sometimes people will be angry! Demanding minorities to be sanitized and peaceful and pleasant to groups that have hurt them and in the face of behaviors that continue to hurt them is unfair!"
Which is a good thought!
But then it becomes, "it is always ethical to bully people who are More Privileged Than You!"
At which point there are three problems,
Problem one is that bully mentalities are not good, not in a moral sense as much as a practical one. Even incidents we do celebrate, like that one time a neonazi spokesperson got punched, we don't celebrate because it's a bullying action. It was a targeted act of deplatforming. That guy wasn't embarrassed because we wanted to snap his underwear and send him home crying. The punch was a means to take the platform away from a dangerous person who was using it to spread hate speech. The goal is to stop the harm. The goal is to stop the harm.
The goal is not to be a bully, because being a bully feels good and fun and cathartic and the more you encourage that impulse the more you will actively want to find people to bully, because it feels good, and being left alone with your feelings doesn't feel so good. So the categories broaden. As a means to vent anger it fails, because it makes you angrier, because you want to be angrier, because if you have more justifications there are more people to hurt. An endless buffet of people to hurt! You're better than ALL of them! (Not good for you, not good for praxis, not good to be around)
Problem two is that every human being on the planet is complicated and Privilege is a thing we can identify much more easily in vague abstract than we can in practice. Trying to split hairs and divide everything down to the finest degree to rule who outranks who on the great objective scale of privilege, creates a model where people are incentivized to strip themselves down to victim status for credibility. And most of the categories are extremely broad and affect people to very different degrees. Is my disability "disabled enough" for people? Or because I don't have physical disabilities and I'm not nonverbal, should I shut up forever, regardless of what I'm saying? Are strangers on the internet entitled to my medical history?
At that point it's basically just repeating ableism- you're only credible if you're suffering SO much you can't live without help and then we should all pity you and see you as such a victim. And that's just one example. There's a lot of ways this can go wrong.
Problem three- and the thing that inspired me to make this post- is that if you establish a narrative where the closer to a cis, white, straight, perisex, allosexual, able-bodied, english-speaking christian man in America someone is, the worse a person they inherently are, which gives ownership to all these qualities to the worst people.
I feel like I often see jokes or discussions of characters where male characters are ascribed 'stupidity' as a trait when the thing that the audience is clearly actually reacting to is that he's. nice. trustworthy. patient. And I feel like that's kind of unfair, isn't it? Are we implying any sufficiently smart man would hurt and maltreat others? That the best thing he can be is stupid? As a transmasc person myself, I don't really like the idea that if I reached a point in my transition where people saw me as a man more than anything else, they'd be afraid of me and have to decide if they think I'm too stupid to hurt them.
Men don't inherently suck, cis-heteronormativity creates a shitty box to put men in and this experience hurts them. If the hypothetical Perfectly Normative Man I listed above is the winner of the 'game' that prejudice creates (again, in America, not necessarily in every country) he wins a really bad prize. The primary nexus of misogyny, of racism, homophobia, transphobia, acephobia, ableism, prejudice against intersex people and non-christian religions and secular beliefs are directed off him, but he is made a soldier for these causes because he is never that far off the crosshairs. A cis straight man is often culturally socialized to be terrified of queerness because there is always the warning he could fail to measure up, and become rejected like those Others. Virtually always, in some way, he is already Other himself, even if he hits all the 'correct' categories he may not hit them in a way that power approves of.
This is a system that perpetuates itself through suffering, and the worst possible men, cis people, straight people, so on and so forth do not deserve to be given the right and privilege to speak for the category.
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holdontohopelove · 7 months
I think my biggest issue with the whole thing is that while the Season 2 finale is exceptional, it's only exceptional in the context of Season 2.
Let me explain.
I saw on X last night that people were raving about the finale, calling it the best Marvel work in years, the "Andor" of the MCU. And it was a blockbuster finale especially compared to some of the other studio projects lately.
HOWEVER, it's a good end for Season 2, if it was an anthology. Or if you came into Season 2 without much knowledge of or emotional investment in Season 1. Because Season 2 and Season 1 barely seem like the same show.
The new characters. The time splitting and the multiverse and the overall weirdness of the whole thing. Sylvie basically being a side character. Mobius and Loki being the dynamic duo of the season (Not bashing, just observing). The extra time spent on Timely and Renslayer and Ms. Minutes. Whatever was left hanging in Season 1 stayed hanging in Season 2 as Season 2 went in a totally different direction with totally different vibes. Quite literally, it felt like different branched timelines of the same fucking series.
So with that being said, the finale went perfectly with Season 2. It was, in some ways, exactly what was supposed to happen if you only look at Season 2. Loki saves his friends. Loki completes his "villain to hero" arc. Loki becomes the true god he was always capable of being.
But if you try to connect Season 1 to Season 2, the finale falls short immensely. Because no matter what or how you ship, very little of what went on makes sense in the context of the Sylvie and Loki connection. Yes, he sacrifices his life as it was and could have been for her free will and for her to live her life. Yes, he loves her too much to kill her. But everything else that Season 1 laid down - the nexus event, the "you go, I go", their magic being stronger together, Loki's obvious temptation at the two of them together on the timeline - Season 2 never picks any of it up. With the possible exception of Loki making the final choice so that Sylvie can be "okay" (and this is NOT said, just an inference on my part), none of it really connects.
Yes, he's a hero. Yes, he sacrifices himself for his friends. Yes, he loved Sylvie too much to kill her. Yes, the TVA is revamped and ready for Kang. Yes, Sylvie and Mobius get to live life with free will. But where, where was any of the resolution needed from Season 1? Like so many other people have said, even if EVERYTHING ELSE stayed the same, having Sylvie and Loki have a deeper moment when time was frozen, or a more meaningful goodbye, or ANYTHING that addressed the connection from Season 1 would have bridged the seasons. And truthfully, I think the strongest bridge between the seasons would have been if Sylvie chose in that moment of her own free will to stay with him. How do you spent one season building up these two characters as being so deeply connected and then basically have them never address that connection in the next season?
Separately, each season is amazing. But to try to put them together as one cohesive, satisfying series doesn't work at all.
Is it just me here? (No hate, please, I come in peace).
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
This is an idea I've had for a long time but can you do a scenario with Hank and a Darling who knew each other before Hank became a mass murderer? Basically Darling was Hank's only friend and they were very close, Hank already felt an obsession love for Darling but he didn't have the opportunity to confess until there was the boombox accident and after years of the event they meet again, it could be interesting
That sounds like a good idea! I'll try and see what I got >:) Mute! Hank because I love that version- Mixes main series and Project Nexus so sorry Hank's appearance is not consistent like the series.
Before Your Madness...
Yandere! Hank J. Wimbleton Scenario
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Violence, Murder, Abduction, Swearing, Attempted forced kiss, Stalking, Hank's oddly soft in this when with you, Forced/Dubious relationship (Implied Darling puts up with it because they still care for him)
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When you knew Hank you always saw him as a... temperate man. He didn't seem to like other grunts. Hank was always silent... keeping to himself.
Unless you happened to be around. That was the only time Hank tolerated another grunt. You were his only friend, which made him not lonely.
Hank wasn't sure why he liked you. Maybe it was because your nature balanced his brewing violent one? He wasn't sure and didn't care.
While other grunts strayed away from him in the Nevada streets... you shuffled alongside him. Hank appreciated you even if he never said it. Others could sense the dark potential within him...
You either couldn't or also didn't care.
Hank may not have been one to talk yet he could listen. He listened to you for every chat you two had. You frequented the park where the boombox incident occurred much later, Hank followed you there every day.
You could say you two were friends. You considered Hank a best friend, your mute grunt companion. He was the one you could always count on for comfort in trying times.
Hank, despite only showing affection through following and body language... cared for you deeply. Romance wasn't entirely dead within him and he tried to show his care towards you. You'd often hold hands, or he'd pull you to lean on him.
His obsession foreshadowed what was to come. Months afer it all started the world fell into madness. Hank's story had begun ever since that boombox incident began. Everything unraveled from there...
In his eyes he wanted to pull you in and keep you to himself.
You soon become lost in the middle of it.
He's a killing machine and good at it.
What's Hank doing now? Being Nevada's most wanted. The darkness that stirred within him has now manifested into killer instinct. Hank has changed from when you knew him.
The newly corrupted land hasn't affected just him. It's affected many. You happened to be included.
You fought enough to survive. You've seen enough of this world that you can barely remember more peaceful times. You took jobs to survive.
It was also the name of a wanted criminal.
You worked with the Sheriff at one point in time... making him a contact you could call upon in your time of need (or his-). The moment you heard the name 'Hank' spill from his lips you had ran to his aid. Hank was a familiar name...
You both meeting the Sheriff may have been fate. You weren't entirely on the side of the coward but having any ally was a good thing. When you saw Hank... memories flooded into your mind. When he looked at you... you could only assume the same for him.
Hank slowly lowers his sword from the Sheriff, only to turn to you. You mouth the word 'Hank' with your mouth, backing up. There was no way Nevada's most wanted...
Was the same friend you met before the world plunged to madness.
As usual, Hank says nothing. He stalks closer to you in clothing as dark as shadow. When he's in front of you there's an unnerving silence.
The Sheriff took the time to flee. It was just you and the killing machine. You hear his breathing from his mask....
Large hands push you to the wall, slamming onto the concrete beside your head. Like a predator trapping prey his build hides you from anyone's view.
You only see your disturbed reflection in his goggles. His breath is still heavy and you can't figure out what's running through his mind. You are in no position to fight him.
You stay still when he moves his hands to your face, cupping you in his hands. You swear he'll break your neck... his touch strange against your skin. Hank's... lost in thought.
It's then Hank suddenly wraps his arms around your torso. You're pulled into his chest as he puts his head on yours. You know you should kill him... he's killed so many in this place.
But you've heard he just comes back...
You also still think of him back in a time where the world wasn't shit.
This touch of his wasn't... repulsive. In a way it was a comfort in a world as cold as this. You just wish it wasn't so tight.
You say the name in an unsure tone. Were you trying to be friendly? It was hard as you still harbored fear towards the mass murderer.
Either way hearing his name caused Hank to pull back. His hands are on your shoulders, goggles staring at you in an unreadable gaze. Did he miss you?
"... you remember me? Even now?"
He slowly nods his head.
"Hank... wow, you have quite the reputation."
He shrugs, moving his hands to yours.
"I wasn't expecting you to still be... gentle? Even now I can't believe we were friends..."
You're pulled closer at that statement, arm around your waist as his other hand rests on your cheek. The moment his thumb rolls over your lips you realize he's telling you something. You're not his friend...
You're more.
"Hank... hell of a time to tell me-"
He pulls his mask down slightly, revealing a metal jaw and butchered scars. You widen your eyes and flinch away when he leans closer.
"Woah, slow down...."
You move your hands to his face and hold him still. Hank pauses, only staring at you.
Hank doesn't move. You see behind him one of the Sheriff's goons sneak up behind Hank. Jebus, you believed was the name he went by at times. In an act of respect, you slip Hank's mask back on.
"Give it time. We've only just met up again. I can't just... kiss you like that."
"Look behind you, big guy."
Hank knew what you meant and spun around. You took the time to slip away.
That was when you had met up with Hank again... at the same time you nearly got a taste of the obsession he held towards you.
Ever since then your life never went back to "normal". No... after being so close to Hank you had felt he never truly left you. Probably because... he didn't.
To obtain you.
After that Sheriff hunt of his he kept an eye on you. Everywhere you went, combat boots followed. Grunts were cut or shot down, blood covered his black clothing... Hank had a new goal.
You usually never saw him, but you sensed him. Hank was always there. Part of you found it comforting... yet you kept reminding yourself this Hank wasn't the Hank from before.
It would never be like before in your mind.
You had wondered when it would all come to a head. When he would finally show himself to you and get things over with. He clearly wanted something.
You had an answer when you set up camp to rest. It was just you and the dark red sky. You cuddled up on your cobbled together bed and rest.
It was then Hank swooped in. He stands over your resting body in bed, staring with curiosity and yearning. It's then he can't wait any longer....
Hank steals you from your camp and carries you off to somewhere he feels you'll be better cared for.
When you wake up from your slumber... it's to metal walls and Hank's gaze. His hand strokes your cheek lovingly and soft. A behavior not fitting of his new persona....
You try to sit up, Hank only pushes you back. Along with his bloodlust... his adoration for you grew in the madness. He isn't sure how to express it... but he knows he doesn't want you to leave.
"Why am I here, Hank?"
It's a foolish question, he gives no response. He only continues to keep a hand on your cheek.
"You were stalking me... you kidnapped me-"
He pauses his affection momentarily to nod. He was always... blunt.
He traces a heart on your chest, an action you'd think was cute if he had done it years ago....
"Hank... I get you still care for me-"
He traces a bigger heart.
"... love me... but you can't just take me like this. We can't... do this."
Hank stares at you. He then shakes his head and lays beside you on the bed he put together for you. (most likely with help from someone?)
You say nothing more. You doubted you could get into his head. You try to remain calm when Hank pulls your back into his chest, arms around you tightly like restraints.
You have little energy to fight him. In a way... you still trust him. Maybe he is still that friend you cared for long ago? Just... twisted, like everything else in this world.
Even now... you are Hank's closest partner since the beginning.
Many would die brutally before he ever let you go again.
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drakkonyan · 5 months
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AAAALRT so here they are the main fellas, under the cut more bout em and their full body desings (I made these close ups for spotify playlists)
Ok so, basically they all are from different dimentions (there are 3 total and a nexus between them making it somewhat of a 4rth one), there is a shitton of context but for now just them world building later. Main thing, the all share trauma over being raised/altered/created to be used as weapons and mommy/daddy issues, because i say so
Fritz: (He/him)So he is a fire elemental, anxious guy who tries to keep the peace whithing the group, he is dating Rao. He is from Desager.
Mawla: (She/her)Mutant cat, she was part of under the table goverment experiments as a kid and never fully recovered, she needs her mask to see and breathe. She is kinda silent and due that, fritz has a hard time knowing how to deal with her (he gets trapped in awkard silences and doesnt know what to do). She is from Ulef'an.
Rao: (He/it)Robotguy, he is somewhat of a sily guy who relies in logic and stuff, but sometimes has a hard time in conversation and miscalculating words. He revealed against its land army, which led him to almost die, have to escape and recontruct its body with old parts, he is also really rule-centric. It is from K-2073B (Kados-Otheb).
Kazz: (She/her but woudnt really mind on what you call her as long as it is respectfully) Chaotic and short tempered opossum, mainly due to trauma. She hides in alcohol and loneliness to distract from her past. Other than that, she is actually well intended, but doesnt know how to manage stress in a healty way. Due to her personality she jus doesnt like Rao, and its mutual (they just sometimes beef but will chill down for Fritz and maybe even Mawla). She is from The intersections.
And full body desings
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Also wanted to clarify, yeh Rao is a way for me to talk bout autism and otherkin(??) and neurogenders and all that stuff, ik robots is sometimes used as an intult to autistic folks, but I am not trying to make it offensive and just using it as an outlet to talk about how I've always felt i just wasnt "human" compared to others, just a ME interpretation on MY experiences, I really dont want this to ever become part of a harmful stereotype or anything like that.
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zuppizup · 25 days
Fuel the Pyre: Chapter 10
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Summary: For almost a decade now, life has been peaceful for the royal family of Katolis. All out war is becoming a distant memory as efforts to unite the continent continue. Open borders let more than friends in, however, and whispers of dangers lurking in the shadows are growing louder and more insistent.
Callum, Rayla and their adopted daughter Tio have bee trying to ignore the growing unease as best they can, but when the threat comes banging at their door, they can no longer turn a blind eye.
Pairing: Rayla/Callum
Rating: Mature
AO3 Link: Fuel the Pyre
Callum breathed a sigh of relief as the Nexus came into view, buildings and settlements becoming clear, then people. He alighted in a clearing, paying no attention to the startled Moonshadow elves who saw him land.
“Where’s Lujanne?” He grabbed the closest elf by the upper arm, not caring for their startled gasp. It wasn’t Lujanne he was looking for, but Rayla’s parents were new to this place and may not be well known. Lujanne would likely know where they were though.
He turned, sighing a little when he recognised Ethari and Lain hurrying towards him.
“We have to leave.” He rushed to meet them, untying Tio’s wrap as he did so.
Read More On AO3 – Fuel the Pyre: Chapter 10
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catcake24 · 6 months
So I have this transformers au. I’ve been working on it for awhile but not really planning on doing much with it lol. So here it is. I like to call it my “Oops all Ocs au”, or “Quintesson Occupation AU”
So here’s the basics: This universe takes place wayyyyy back during the time quintessons took over Cybertron and was using it as a factory. The Cybertronians themselves don’t even realize they can think and feel, because the quintessons basically install their own viruses which suppress emotional and critical thought.
However, these viruses don’t work super well anyways. It’s hard to keep a living being from seeing its own living nature, so instead they also have manufactured a narrative that “you are all unthinking machines”. So many Cybertronians who manage to break out of the virus think they are defective machines, and are scared of stepping out of line and being scrapped.
This is where our main character comes in - M-572-456. Or M for short. He’s a warframe, and slowly regains his consciousness alongside his brother F-572-456 (or F for short). At first, they both think they are the only ones - defective machines who have gained free thought. M is smart though, and slowly realizes that he and his brother aren’t alone in their consciousness. There are defectives everywhere, in every level of manufacturing and products. Eventually, he and F join a small group of defectives who meet when the Quintessons are asleep.
Things are good enough for awhile, with this group gaining more members slowly and they start an escape plan. When they do manage to escape however, it quickly becomes clear how much bigger this is than just their small group when they meet a nice bot named A-3.
A-3 is an archivist, data management for the “factory”, and has uncovered something drastic. He found out on his own after gaining his own consciousness that the Quintessons aren’t their masters or creators, they’re invaders. This planet existed before them and it’s likely bots like them did as well, but Quintessons took over the planet and destroyed almost all of their history and only saved the old blueprints medics made of their bodies. M doesn’t quite believe it, but the evidence that A-3 has is staggering, and believes that at least the quintessons are aware that they have a habit of developing free thought and have been violently trying to suppress it.
M eventually decides this can’t stand anymore, thinking of all his friends and brothers in the facility he just fled from. How they all deserve freedom like he now has. So, he rallies all the bots he can into a group to fight for all their freedoms (something A-3 was struggling to do) and chooses a name for himself. Megatronus, the freedom fighter.
Now, taking a step back, I’m gonna explain the larger timeline quickly:
- Megatronus isn’t a prime in this AU, but a well known historical figure. He’s the one who helped unite their people together, which is why Megatron named himself after this figure.
- The primes themselves are a title rather than a demigod like in some continuities, and Optimus is the 13th prime so far. The order these primes are: Prima, Primos, Prime Nova, Solus Prime, Nexus Prime, Guardian Prime, Megatronic Prime, Alchemist Prime, Onyx Prime, Micronus Prime, Zeta Prime, Sentinel Prime, Optimus Prime. Each one inherited the matrix at some point, and after Optimus would be Rodimus.
- Megatronic takes the place of the “fallen” prime instead of Megatronus, and is known as the fallen because he betrayed the Autobots for the Decepticons leading to a military dictatorship which Alchemist Prime was apart of and eventually was the one to end it.
- the whole theme of this AU is that the Cybertronian race has been in a cycle of war and peace since the quintessons were expelled from their planet, that every time they find peace again it becomes corrupt and the other side rises up again. The Decepticons and Autobots have been at war ever since they first expelled the quintessons, but it stops and starts again over and over.
- the Most recent war, the one we all know of between Megatron and Optimus Prime, has only been going on for a thousand years. But for millions of years before that, their race has been divided.
- A-3 mentioned above is obviously young Alpha Trion, and he’s old as dirt in this au. No one else matches his age, and he’s only been around for so long due to tenacity, medical assistance, and divine intervention. He’s the one to find the Matrix of Leadership after Megatronus’ death, and becomes the guardian of it with a special connection to Primus.
- Primus in this AU isn’t literally a god, but more like an elder being which is close to a god. His body was found while he was dead/sleeping, and the Quintessons used it to create their factory after eliminating all the beings living on it. This made Primus mad, but he couldn’t do much about it after he woke up. He created several artifacts in his core, where the Auintessons couldn’t get them: among them was Vector Sigma. This supercomputer is important because it can program life and consciousness, something no other computer can do. So Primus sent pulses out from Vector Sigma for centuries, which is how so many Cybertronians were able to gain consciousness despite the Quintessons best efforts.
Back to the story, Megatronus founds his group the Warcons who lead the resistance with all those who can fight. A-3 handles more covert missions, which the Domestibots handle. These two groups were always apart of the Cybertronian resistance, but would eventually become the Autobots and Decepticons.
They would find ways around the virus the Quintessons used, and fight for their planet over a gruelling three thousand years. However, Megatronus never gave up hope that they could be free and his hope was infectious. After his death, the resistance continued with his closest friends leading the charge. A-3 would travel down into the planet, looking for secret tunnels they could use, but would return with the matrix.
One of Megatronus’ friends was an ambitious but also kinda crazy guy, a former gladiator for the entertainment of the Quintessons. A-3 would approach him with the Matrix, and told him that it was an artifact which would give them great power but also be a great burden. It would keep his memories and part of his being alive forever, and pass on whatever wisdom he had to the next bearer. This way, they might be able to win against the Quintessons.
He took it without a second thought, and became the first Prime - Prima.
From here, the story gets more blurry in my mind. Basically the matrix gives Prima a direct line of contact to Primus, which he tells everyone who will listen and is how the matrix becomes the basis for religion on Cybertron. A-3, now Alpha Trion, makes more excursions down and brings back more artifacts as well - among them the Sword of the Protector.
After Prima’s death, Primos would choose a Warcon to lead their resistance alongside his Domestibots, as the divide between them as been growing bigger and bigger over time. He became the first Lord High Protector of Cybertron, and finally these two would finally expel the Quintessons from their planet.
After this, they make sure to have Alpha Trion write all the history of this war down for future generations. The pair spend the rest of their lives trying to bring the newly named Destrons and Protectobots back together as a people, and would somewhat succeed, but all would unravel after their deaths.
Megatronus never knew, that when he and A-3 would divide their forces it would become a chasm which would rip their people apart for millions of years.
This was a lot of the bigger ideas and plot I had for this AU, but I might make more posts about things like the primes, the lord high protectors, and more miscellaneous stuff. This is a BIG au, but I don’t have much to use it for aside from planning fanfics lol.
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